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A08206 The plea of the innocent wherein is auerred; that the ministers & people falslie termed puritanes, are iniuriouslie slaundered for enemies or troublers of the state. Published for the common good of the Church and common wealth of this realme of England as a countermure against all sycophantising papsts, statising priestes, neutralising atheistes, and satanising scorners of all godlinesse, trueth and honestie. Written: by Iosias Nichols, a faithfull minister of the Ghospell of Christ: and an humble seruant, of the English Church. Nichols, Josias, 1555?-1639. 1602 (1602) STC 18541; ESTC S101326 105,186 267

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manie times hath she bene ●●rced to make lawes and statutes to curbe bridle them How many times hath she bene forced to sende soldiers and money to preuent them How manie times hath her Nauie and shippes bene drawne out into the seas to meet them How continuallie almost hath shee bene vexed with Irish insurrections and rebellions How many times hath she bene constrained against her owne most gentle and mercifull disposition for treason and rebellion to cut of rotten members with the iust reuenging swearde Yea how often haue wee bene driuen to watch and ward either to resiste domesticall rebels or to waite for forren inuaders So that to declare a most viperous spitefull and vngratious generation and an hereticall and apostaticall malice there can bee nothing added And heere both she and all her louing and Christian subiectes haue verie great matter of reioycing and praysing God For if euer God from heauen God sheweth his Ioue from heauen in the defēce of our Queene testified his loue to a●●● Prince or caused his Angells to watch gard them if euer there were Princ● made glorious for deliuerance hono●rable for constancie in truth famo●● for continuall prosperous successe 〈◊〉 the great admiration of all men and wonderfull happie quietnes and ioy of Gods people if euer God sought against wicked rebels mischieuous traitors bloodie vsurpers and vniust inuaders to defend the innocent iust and vpright in his cause then surelie may wee boldly and ioyfullie both say and sing that God hath openlie and in the sight of all the worlde done all these thinges for his annointed hand-maide Elizabeth our Queene So that she may with the Psalmist confes vnto the Lord They haue often times afflicted me from my youth but they could not preuaile against me Psal 129. ●● 124. praysed be the Lord which hath not giuen vs as a praye vnto their teeth Our helpe is in the name of the Lord who hath made both heauen earth So let all thine enemies perish O Lord but vpon thy seruant Elizabeth and vpon her throne be peace for euer more and let her and all that loue thy name bee as the Sunne when he riseth in his might and say all way The Lorde be praised But as for the Ministers and people desiring reformation in some thinges they alwaies carefully following the word of God and delighting in the reading preaching and meditation of holy Scripture haue all their ioy comfort in that faith religion which her most Christian Maiestie professeth setteth forth defendeth And hauing libertie of conscience freedom to worshipe God aright protection in well doing with health wealth peace and pleasure of bodie and soule they feele the pleasant sweete and comfortable milke with a most ioyfull refreshing of a tender noursemother vnder the shadow of her most faithfull and constant proceedinges in the Ghospell If euer there were loue betweene Prince and people it is betweene vs. For what Christian subiect can not loue a Christian Ruler What godly childe cannot loue a godly mother What afflicted soule can not loue a sweet and faithfull comforter And what man being in miserie loueth not him that hath deliuered him Shee is our most Christian Prince she is our godlie mother she is our sweete and faithfull comforter our deliuerer and vnder God our assured defence against all our enemies Her ioye is our life her lawe our safetie her safetye our castell her swearde our shielde her peace our wealth her death which God forbid our miserie Therefore we haue counted our selues happie to doe any seruice to her Mai. either in our goods or in our persons or in spending our liues Wee haue willinglye gone in her seruice into Fraunce into the Low Countries and Irelande and into the furthest Seas We haue written disputed aduentured our liues in diuers places to testifie our vnfained loue faithful obediēce vnto her And what is there that we could not goe vnder if occasion be offered to doe her any seruice vvhich godly Christians ought to doe to their dread Soueraigne If at anye time the traiterous papists aduance themselues dare presume to attempt their most wicked vngodly desire wishing it shal by Gods grace very wel appeare that her M. hath many thousand Protestants sufficiently able thorow Gods helpe to beate them downe to tame them Our ministri● hath brought foorth many good subiects Witnes Anno. 88. whome it hath pleased God by our ministerie to bring vnto the knowledge of the trueth And this I am the bolder to affirme because I saw in our countrie in Anno 88. such bands of honest men so many so well furnished so chearfull to fight for her M. and their Countrie so resolute valiant so forwarde and vnfearfull that it reioyced mine heart to thinke how fruitfull our ministerie had bene in these her goldē dayes how happie honourable her M. is who hath by her godlie Christian gouernement breade brought forth nourished broght vp so many so worthye so godly Gentill-men and Yeomen that of meere conscience and loue so willinglie and resolutely could and woulde fight for her safetie preseruation So that if the Papistes would regarde no more but naturall reason though they did forget the mightie hand of God which hath continuallie fought for vs they would quiet themselues be thankful for her Maiesties great clemencie and patience toward them not once dare to broach such treacherous deuises seing they are not able to stand before the mightie forces resolute bands of her Maiesties most louing faithfull subiects true vndoubted Christians which reioyce in her present gouernemēt desire that it may more and more be perfected after Gods worde and prosper to Gods glory Alace then how should we feare in whose heartes is fixed and grounded such perfect loue We can not feare her whome we loue perfect lie that casteth out all feare We appeale vnto the god of heuen who seeth all secretes and commend our doings sayings writtings to the conscience of all good honest wise harted christians that if there be a false heart in any of vs and not a faithfull loue and reuerence to her Maieste from the verie bottome of our soule that euery such man or woman should be made an ensample and a reproach a byeword for the terror of all wicked hipocrits vnthankful miscreāts But wee are not able to giue sufficient thanks to our good God who hath hetherto so mercifullie watched ouer vs that hee hath not suffered anie such wretchednesse to sease vpon vs or to preuaile ouer vs to the dishonoure of his Ghospell or iust discredit of our ministrie and godly cause His name bee glorified for euer Amen Cap. 9. Wherein is plainly shewed 1. That it is most profitable to the present state and gouernement and greatlye for her Maiesties safetie to heare the petitions of the godly Ministers and to tolerate them in their ministrie
schollers of the Cathari Nouatus Papistes are in deed Puritanes Pelagius and of the Ebionites Donatistes and of all such like Puritane heretickes maye iustlie very fitlie be called Puritanes For they hold that in their regenerate men after Baptisme Concil Trid. less 6. ses 5 there is nothing that maye bee saide to haue the reason of sinne and that they are able to fulfill all the commaundements of God and they affirme that they haue an inherent righteousnesse which they keepe as a pure and immaculate robe to the obtayning of saluation and that they are righteous iustified deserue saluation by their workes that they haue among them deuout and holye men whome they call religious Moncks Test Rhem vpon Luc. 10. Friers Nunnes Iesuits Seminaries Ven. 42. and 2 cor 2. vers 10. and ca. 8. vers 14. Wil. Allen of pardons cap. 11. and 1● vvho in their religious order liue as they say a Seraphicall and angelicall life being virgins voide of all seculare affayres as pure and chaste votaries in contemplation seruing God day night are able to merit not only for them selues but also for others and of the superaboundancie of their vvorkes of Supererogation they maye communicate to others and the Pope maye by indulgence applie their merites for the reliefe of others out of purgatorie and such like These vndoubtedlie may are properlie to be called Puritanes because they indeed arrogate vnto them selues puritie and holines and despise all others vvhich the true children of God though thus belyed slaundered dare not in any case to doe but contrarilie they crie out vvith the Psalmist vnto God Enter not into iudgement Psal 143 2. Luc. 18.13 And vvith the Publicane Haue mercie vppon mee a sinner 3 But the cause originall and order whereby these reproachful termes vvere giuen to good Christians Howe the name of putitanes came vp in England I finde to bee this In the beginning of her Maiesties most happie raigne whome I humblie pray our God to prolong as long as Sun and Moone endure the Ghospell being published and Preachers ordained to teach the people Manie people vvithin a vvhile feeling some taste of the heauenlye comfort began to delight in hearing of Sermons singing of Psalmes in reading and godlie talke of holye Scriptures vvhich they vvere taught And therevvithal did somwhat refrain prophane and vnprofitable customes and sometime they admonished their neighbours if they did sweare pray them to goe with them to the Sermon The greater sort of the people beeing olde barrels vvhich coulde holde no newe vvine addicted partlie to Poperie partlie to licentiousnesse hauing many of them no other God but their bellie vvoulde deride and scoffe at them and called them holye brethren and holye sisterne saying Hee is one of the pure and vnspotted brethren Godlie excercise scorned by the wicked Diuers Ministers also entring vpō that waightie charge when they beeing learned came to the practise of the communion booke founde them selues troubled in some things some certaine ceremonies were a scruple vnto thē And as it is saide in the preface of the saide booke it was not thought fit at the first to take away all those things which seemed to be superstitious but to take the middle waye to abandon some and to retaine some So by this occasion the Papistes other people not well affected to religion and godlines after a while began to find holes in the Ministers coates Papistes and Atheists pick quarrels with good men and deuised diuers wayes of molestation troubled them not a little They open their cause to the reuerend Bishopes of those times and found great kindnes at their hands at the first they were a good and comfortable shadow vnto them for a season But about the tenth year of her Maiesties raigne the Papists as men which began to shake of the feare wherewith the mightie God protecting blessing her Maiesties most godlie and Christian proceedings had strocken them the Papistes I say began to come foorth of their dennes and as it is well knowne to the state practised diuers treacherous attemptes but amōg other they preferred such greeuous accusations againste the godlie and faithfull Ministers that then and from thence forth they were left naked a great storme fell vpon them and so it continued now and then sharper some time their was a calme men breathed returned to the Lords worke About anno 1571. Subscription came foorth first Anno 1571. as I take it Subscription was first enforced vpon the ministrie for which cause in that time certaine men wrote and admonition to the parlament opening diuers things worthie reformatiō Wherupon arose greate volumes of prouing and defending which are famouslie knowne to all men that vnderstand of these cause But how flesh and blood did in these writings ouer-sway the Christian moderation and mildnes which brethren shuld haue ben verie careful of in contending for trueth by the hote pursuite of either side I reioyce not to rehearse and I am sorie as ofte as I thinke vppon the lamentable effectes hurte of the Church in those times How be it our mercifull God whose vnchaungeable loue doeth swallow vp manye of our infirmities and follies graunted vnto vs in the midst of these fierie contentions a goodlie space of quietnesse about the time that the reuerend father Maister Grindall was Archbishoppe of Canturburie In which time in al the south partes of Englande there was greate concorde among the Ministers and they ioyned in great loue and ioy one with another in the Lords worke So that in the space of 4. or 5. yeares as I remember there were infinit soules brought to the knowledge of Christ the people reioysed for the consolation seing beholding how greatly they were bound to praise God for her Maiesties most christian gouernement vnder whose moste godly proceedings they had sucked and tasted the sweet and vndeceaueble milke of Gods trueth euen the holye faith of Gods elect the doctrine of saluation It was a goldē time full of godly fruit great honour to the Ghospell greate loue and kinde fellowship among all the Ministers preaching the faith the people vnited in the true feare of God and cheerefull reuerence to her Maiestie But this life not affoording constant prosperitie to heauenly loue and growth of godlines After the said Archbishops decease there came foorth a newe and fresh assault of subscription vniuersallie imposed Anno Dom. 1584. the wofull year of subscription and againe enforced vppon all the Ministers in three articles First of the Queenes Maiesties Soueraigne authoritie ouer all persons c. Seconde that the booke of common prayer and of or dayninge Bishoppes Priestes and Deacons containe in it nothing contrarie to the woorde of God c. Thirde to allowe and approue all the articles of religion agreed vpon by the Archbishops and Bishops c. 1562. and to beleeue all
opinions or trouble some errors or vaine superstitions or with corrupt wicked life brought publiklie any great offence to the Church of God and which might not come without prophaning the Lords supper did put back such from the communion and reiected them and did not admitte them againe till they had with publike penaunce satisfied the Church And these words he doeth grounde vpon the same Scriptures which wee alleadge placing them in his margine And that yee may perceiue that his iudgement was directlie as ours is he saieth a little after thus But when by the iudgement of the Elders and of the Pastour both the punishment of him that sinned and the exāple of other is satisfied thē he that had ben excommunicate was wont to be receiued againe to the communion of the Church And that there were such Elders Pag. 638. the reuerend Father answering the admonition in his replie to M. Carthwright doth seeme to confesse saying I know that in the primitiue Church they had in euery Church certaine Seniors to whome the gouernement of the congregation was committed but that was before there was anie Christian Magistrate c. Of the Presbyterie of the preaching ministrie thus speaketh that worthie writer defender of the English Church M. D. Fulke Defence of English trans Cap. ●5 Pag. ●00 But it is out of doubt that to an office none was chosen or admitted by the Apostle the rest of the Presbyterie of Ephesus but such as had sufficient giftes to answer that office And Mr. D. Suttlife although he denie Elders calling thē Aldermen yet against the Chauncellers Commissaries and officiales being lay men to administer excommunication is verie earnest saying Nothing can be more vnreasonable Eccles disciplin Cap. 4 sect 7. then to giue the power of the ministrie of the worde into the hands of those that are no Ministers and to make them iudges whose lipes preserue no knowledge to giue them power to shut all out of the Church that call none into the Church Anno. 1591. Cap. Cane comisc offie c. And I can not iudge but that it is the conscience of this matter that causeth the Bishops in their Canons to reserue the sentence of excommunication to the Bishop onlie to bee renounced by him or some Minister A confut of W. Allen power of Popish Priest Cap. 9 Pag. 29 Of the Lordship of Ministers the same Maister D. Fulke to my vnderstanding speaketh as we doe where he saieth It is a ministerie and not a Lordship that we must exercise not as a temporall Princes who althogh they may bee saide after a sorte to serue the common wealth yet they are so seruantes as they are also Lords But the Ministers in the Church in the spirituall gouernement are seruants and not Lords as Saint Peter testifieth c. And the equall power of euerie Minister with the Bishop in the administration of the Keies of discipline he hath these plaine words For the Keies of the Kingdome of heauen whatsoeuer they are The second part of the treatise of Popes pard Cap. 3. Pag. 381. be committed to the whole Church and not to one person onlie as Cyprian August Chrys Ierom and all the ancient Doctors agreeablie to the Scriptures doe confesse And God hath made all the Pastors of the Church stewards of his houshold and dispensers of his misteries And if euerie Pastor ouer his charge bee a steward a dispēser of Gods mysteries as you seeme to graunt why hath hee not authoritie to release the penance by him selfe enioyned or the punishment due for sinne remitted as wel as the Bishop or the Pope why hath bee not the Keye of iurisdiction ouer his parish in as ample maner as the Bishop hath ouer his Dioces or the Pope ouer all men Seeing the Keyes are not giuen to one but to the vnitie as the auncient Fathers teach Why shoulde the Bishop the Pope haue two Keyes and they but one resolue vs these matters out of holy Scripture and you shall come somwhat neere to your purpose of pardons The third demaund Agreeing hereunto in the booke of orders the priest is made to promise That hee will giue faithful diligence alwaies so to minister the doctrine Sacraments the discipline of Christ as the Lord hath commanded Of which matter also the reuerend Father Maister Doctor Bilson affirmeth constantly The true difference beetweene Christian subiects c. Part 2 Pag 233. That the title and authoritie of Archbishop and Patriarks was not erected by Christ but by consent of Bishoppes And out of Hierom he addeth That Bishoppes be greater then Ministers and Elders rather by custome then by anie trueth of the Lords appointment that they ought to gouerne the Church in common So the reuerend Bishop Maister Iewell alledgeth diuers Fathers with Saint Paule to that verie purpose Defence of Apol part 2 Pag 198 Of ciuill authoritie in Bishoppes saieth the saide reuerend Father Maister D. Bilson The soldiers of Christ must not entangell themselues with secular affaires The true difference beetween Christian subiects Part. 2. Pag. 253. much lesse make themselues Lords and Iudges of earthly matters which office properlie belongeth to the sweard and must bee sustained of all those which beare the sweard And that it is a sinne to tolerate the vn-preaching ministrie heare the same Doctor Fulke Experience sheweth that he which is void of giftes Defence of trans Cap. 15 pag. 401. before he was ordered Priest is as verie an asse and dogbolt as he was before for any increase of grace or gratious gifts although he haue authoritie committed to him if he be ordained in the Church though vnworthy and with great sinne both of him that ordaineth of him that is ordained Therefore saieth Maister Calfill Ans to the treat of the crosse in the preface I lament that there are not as many good Preachers as parishes I am sory that some to vnskilfull be preferred Of non-residēce our English Canons speake thus Absentia Pasteris à dominico grege c. The absence of the Pastour from the Lords flock that carelesse negligence which we se in many Anno 1571. Cap. resid Pastoris and the leauing of the ministerie is a thing both in it selfe dishonest and hatefull to the people and pernicious to the Church of God And therefore in the ordination hee taketh authoritie to preach to this congregation of pluralities aduowsons election of people saith good Maister Fox speakeing of the time of 830 years after christ Act. mon. print 1576. pag. 5. Likewise advowsons and pluralities of benefices were things then as much vnknowne as nowe they are pernicious to the Church takeing away all true elections from the flock of Christ And it were no hard matter out of him to shew all the points we holde partlie to bee his iudgement in the traced steppes of the primitiue Church
same For seeing the chiefest cause of their trouble and reproach is their carefull and zealous following of Gods holie vvorde and their tender conscience in offending of God hovv strange and contrarie to reason shoulde it bee that they coulde but thinke anye one euill thought against the holie ordinance of God and the higher powers ordained of him to vvhome they ought to submitte themselues for conscience sake And when the blind man vvho can not see a farre of if he haue anie the leaste discretion muste needes perceaue that in the peace and prosperitie of her Maiestie and of this Realme euerie way consisteth their peace their ioy and happienes Hovv farre shoulde they bee vvithout all grace and feare of God how contrarie to them selues enemies to their ovvne apparant good if they shoulde be enemies to the present state of her Maiesties most Christian and godlie gouernement 2 And here I thank God I can speak boldlie and with the cheerefull testimonie of a good conscience euen in the sight of God For God knovveth and vve humblie acknowledge vvith thanksgiuing to his holye and diuine Maiestie that our gracious Ladie and deare Soueraigne Elizabeth in the tyme of her sister the late Queene Marie Queene Elizabeth persecuted for the Ghospell suffered endured great trobles and reproach and endeuouring to preserue a good conscience and to keepe her selfe a chaste pure Virgine vnto the Lorde Iesus Christ her blessed Sauiour shee was in greate daunger And this not so much in regarde of her owne person as much more as that she was the onelie hope vnder God which all honest good Christians had by whose prayers it pleased his heauenlie goodnes in cōpassion to his poore distressed Church to preserue her sacred person in his due tyme to set her at libertie and to raise her vp to establish her Kingdome to be an hauen of rest and an heauen of ioye to the deare children of God who euerie daye were in a great affliction counted as sheepe readie for the slaughter And this all the world knoweth to be so that god hath made his name glorious by her deliuerance He hath chosen his seruant Elizabeth and taken her out of the iawes of the Lyons made her a ioyfull blessed noursemother to seed the people of his Church and to foster his inheritance By her wee enioy our country our liues our wiues our children our goods our peace prosperitie by her we are garded against enemies a broad inuasions cruell warre and against all domesticall iniuries and wronges at home which euill and vngodly men would bring vpon vs. We sit quietlie euerie man vnder his vine ioyfully reape the fruites of a plentifull land vnder the happie and assured protection of her most blessed gouernement Merueilous great blessings by her Maiesties raigne By her we are deliuered out of the spirituall thraldome and bondage of that proud Prelate of Rome from all Antichristian slauerie of ignorance superstition idolatrie and our shoulders are eased from that moste grieuous burden and importable By her we haue the holie foode of our soules the life of our life the sacred word of God By her we enioy the pleasures of Gods house and enter into his tabernacles with ioye beholding the beautie of God and the glorie of hi● power By her our minds and our bodies are made secure our mouthe are filled with laughter we cheerfullie sing the new songe of all Gods Saintes Halelu-Iah Saluation and glorie and honour and power to the Lord our God God euen our God the mightie and holie one hath loued her and in the loue honour wherewithall he hath made her name renoumed amongst the mightie nations of the earth hee hath made his greate loue and rich mercie to vs his poore people to bee knowne and admired He hath established her throne in righteousnes made her mountaine most strong against all her our enemies So that she hath bene nowe these 40 and 3 yeares an hiding place for the wind and a refuge for the tempest as riuers of waters in a drie land as the shadow of a great rock in a wearie land The remembrance of her is our comfort her ioy health and honour our glorie her faithfulnes and constancie in religion and godlines our exceeding treasure In one word she is the light of eies the breath of our nostrels the very marrow of our bones and the assured pledge of our reioysing For who knoweth not but that as by her most Christian and godlie raigne we enioye that which is more of price vnto vs then all that we haue yea then our owne liues So when so euer God shal take her from vs vnto his heauenlie glorious kingdome which we pray may not bee till she hath had that fulnes of daies which may make her Crowne perfect in the world to come and the ioy of Christs Church firme stable in this world who shall then lament weep waile and who shall haue cause to greeue sigh and mourne their mother their nourse and faithfull comforter but euen all those Ministers and Christian people who nowe desire that those honourable and holie workes which God hath begun brought to a great perfection by her ministrie might by her also be made absolute entire and fullie compleat Therefore we are so farre from thinking the leaste euill vnto her sacred person that we pray hartely and wish vnfainedly Confounded be all they which desire her hurt and God euen the mightie God strike thorow the loynes of al them that rise vp against her binde thou vp ô mercifull God her soule in the bundell of life with the Lord our God cast out the soule of all her enemies as out of he midle of a slinge and let all faithfull subiects say Amen 3 Next vnto vnder her most royall Maiestie The Lords of counsell greatly to be respected we think vpon the Lords of her Maiesties most honorable coūsell Heere we haue also great matter to moue vs vnto all ioyfull thankfulnes First that they haue wiselie and Christianlie managed the generall state sway of the common wealth principallie for their carefull prudent watch ouer her Maiesties most sacred person in all these most deuilish treacheries and wicked designements of all traiterous Papistes and Popish Seminarie Priestes Iesuites and desperate murdering wretches in all the hidden plottes shameles villenies deuised contriued by our mortall enemies abroad and by all factious Espaniolized and Italianized heads at home That God hath bene with them and prospered them in all their godly counsell foresight Secondly we can not but praise God that their honorable table is and alwaies hath bene a place of refuge a seate of great iustice equitie clemencie to all men howsoeuer otherwise wrongfullie oppressed And tha● vvhich we most of all reioyce of vv● blesse our Lord Christ for their constant perseuering in
him selfe to be rather heaped vp to make a terrible shevv then indeede for any substance of trueth in them But these obiections I will make speciall choise of vvhich are of moste waight sounding out very loud against vs the alarum of schismatickes troublers of the Church enemies to the staie rebels traitors vvorse then Papists And these I find to be of two sorts either they are of thinges vvithout vs vvherein vve haue not had any intelligence or medling or else they are directlye ayming at our doings and the cause vve suffer for The first slander touching strangers 3. In the first they carry vs into Geneua Fraunce the Low countries Scotland and make vs to bee French-men Hollanders and Scottes that what so euer in the actions of the Protestantes or their vvritings may seeme to carry coulour of any disloyalty to their seuerall Princes or Magistrates all that is dravvn● vvith cartropes laid open our shoulders This stratageme you shall find in Quaerimonia eccle in the booke of Scotising and Genevatising and in these late statising counterfeit Seminarian and Iesuatising Priests which I ioyne together because the two first being vvithout their Fathers name prosecute their cause like as these latter For as the one pretending pursuite against Iesuites laboureth by the name of Puritanes to cutt the throate of all Protestantes so the other doe dravv in all Protestants vnder the name of Puritanes pretending to proue the Ministers falsly called Puritanes daungerous to the state by that wherewith they accuse other men of other countries and so bring a reproach vpon all Protestant Churches But surelie in my iudgemēt they speak as much against the state of the present gouernement as almost possible may be And therefore in this argument we haue cause to reioyce that they ioyn vs to all the Protestants godly learned Diuines of this age Our best writters defend the protestantes of other cuntries whome our reuerend Fathers writers for the maintenance of this our English Church do defend and maintaine against all maner of Popish writers and Antichristian heretikes as well men which know the bookes set forth since her Maiesties most happie raigne must needs vnderstand whereof something I will touch And first let vs heare M. Calfill who saieth Because the prouidence and mercie of our God Ans to the trear of the crosse in the preface hath frustrate their hope in their opinion to long they haue thought it best to make open warre against God and all honestie to send for their friends sommon their diet in the Low Countries Thence haue proceeded the Popish practises the smokie stirres that were blowen in Scotlande the fierie factions inflamed in Fraunce the Popish treason condemned in England the Popish conspiracie attempted in Ireland c. And the reuerend Father M. D. Bilson doth particularlie defend M. Calum Difference betweene true Christ subjection-part 3. pag. 502. 510. 511. M. Beza and the Nobles of Fraunce to haue wrought done nothinge against the ciuill Magistrates lawfull authoritie There is a speciall treatise of M. D. Fulk against the rayling declamation of Peter Frarine wherin Beza Caluin and Geneua are cleared of all wicked and disloyall actions and the Protestants of Fraunce in all their warre by the Kings edictes and many other reasons out of their true stories So for the low Countries you shall find that the States as well Papists as Protestants * In●r and 2● booke of A. E. Meteranus Hist Belgic stood for their priuiledges as well as for religion And the Guises of Fraunce the principall troublers as wel of Scotland as of Fraunce that with such pretence of religion as they did entitle their Neece the Queene of Scottes with those royall dignities and armes of England and Ireland which were are proper to our gracious Soueraign Queene Elizabeth this they did as Buchanan sayeth as soone as Queene Marie was dead Re. Scot. lib. 16. Therefore I can not tell what men should meane by wrapping within our cause al other Protestant Churches vnto whome her Maiestie vnto her immortal fame hath bene a verie great stay and as it were a nours-mother but that they haue some hidden stratageme that in the cōmon slander of Puritanes either they might make ciuill warre betweene all reformed churches or else prepare a way for the Popish superstition Queene Elizabeth a nurs to strangers to her immortall fams by the dishonour and ouerthrowe of her Maiesties sacred person primacie and gouernement and of all Protestantes Estates throughout Christendome At the least they bring her Maiesties name in question and after a sort challenge all her Princelie and Christian enterprises in regard whereof all the Christian Churches of Europe as namelie Geneua Fraunce The Low Countries and Scotlande doe and ought to acknowledge themselues debtours to her highnes and for which al ages to come shall finde them selues bound to praise God and to remember her name as a most precious thing and a most singular gifte of the Highest Lord for the comfort of his elect people And that I may speak as M. Beza is forced with great ioy to confes She hath so well and faithfully purged the true worship of God In his preface before the new Testament with his large notes from the most filthie pollutions of Antichristianisme in England She hath made such peace in Scotland and so happily succoured the afflicted both there and in Fraunce and God hath so blessed her therein by her example the noble Princes o● Germanie that we may iustly say that God hath aduanced her aboue all the Kings of this our age so that the verie Angels out of heauē doe seeme to giue their assent of her most noble Kinglye deeds for the protection of the Churches of Iesus Christ And verilye they doe her Maiestie great wrong to impute all these things vnto vs who a●as were neuer able to doe the smallest action which to her eternall praise she hath most wisely most iustly most equallie with a most constant and royal magnanimitie performed as Buchanan Meteranus other histories of our time doe most truly and deseruedly report her renowm in this respect will neuer be forgotten as long as the worlde doth stande The Priestes libellers do cunningly traduce the reuerend Fathers Seauenth Gen. quod l. Artic. 3. But there is another thing which grieueth mee not a little that these bookes seeme to insinuate that some of our reuerend Fathers should bee in some sort fauorers and abettoures of their most malitious imputations of all Protestant Churches godly writers As namely this wicked William Watson ●n his moste treacherous and childish quodlibets rehearseth the names of some of them as if they were fit persons ●o be sued vnto by Priests and Iesuites to obtaine fauor God forbid that these ●euerend Fathers should giue them the ●east shew of cause to thinke or say so wickedly of them as though
trespasse in the excommunicate thing when this was doone secretlie by one man called Achan Ioshua 7. and if for that one mans fault the wrath of God was iustly kindled against all Israell so that they could not stande before their enemies Howe much more may we thinke The sinne of one man may defile the whole land that the sinnes of our land haue caused the Lords wrath against vs when we see so many of our worthie Fathers godlie Ministers to be greatly smitten by this ciuill diuision When Iob lost his goodes by diuers meanes his oxen taken by the Sabeans Iob. 1. his sheepe burnt by fier from heauen his camells caried away by the Chaldeans his sonns and daughters slaine by the falling of an house he cast his eyes vpon God saying The Lord giueth and the Lord taketh So if we could haue seen the hand of God and that thereby we had bene humbled I verilie think that this grieuous soare had not runne so long nor encreased so much as it hath Sometime the counsell of the Lord by such a thing is to trie the people Deut 13. whether they loue God with all their harts Ezech. 14. sometime when the people set vp idols in their hartes God sendeth them false Prophets to deceaue them and sometyme there must bee heresies in the Church 1. Cor. 11.19 The true causes of our Church troubles that they which be approued may be knowne Therefore there is a further thing to bee looked into then either the persons or the things which hath happened in our Church Who knoweth not how much blood of Gods Saintes was spilte in former ages and how many houses were guilty of blood And when did this land seriouslie and sincerelie humble it selfe and by open repentance make reconciliation for the same Nay rather how many thousandes repined at the happie raigne of her Maiestie for the casting out of the idolatrous and superstitious worshipp of God and for the establishing of the true seruice of his holy name and the libertie of the preaching of the Ghospell And who were they that picked quarrelles against the godlye learned Ministers and caused this diuision but the ignorant and malicious Papist Atheist and Libertines Therefore it is the iust iudgement of God that as we doe but slightlie regard the sinnes of our fore-fathers and contend mightelie for idolatrie and wickednes and light being offered wee loue darknesse more then light so God shoulde giue vs ouer to our owne foolishnes by withholding his blessing and peace among his Ministers For the wicked Papistes and vngodly sinners are glad and take pleasure in the troubles and reproaches of the ministrie Therefore in them is fulfilled that which is written As they regarded not to knowe God so God gaue them ouer too a reprobate minde Rom. 1 2● And may it not be iustlie said that because we haue not bene more zealous in Gods cause but haue made Mariages with Papistes and Atheistes and done manye other thinges after the course of this worlde shewing a verie cold loue vnto the Ghospell the Papistes and Atheistes haue bene made by this meanes a snare vnto vs a whip vnto our sides and thornes vnto our eies And I assuredly beleeue that had it not bene the wonderfull goodnesse and mercie of God to his poore afflicted Saintes his loue to his elect and that hee woulde make his annointed hande-maide Elizabeth our Queene a most gra●ious instrument of his saluation glorie in the midst of his church and glorifie him selfe in and by her in the eies of all nations we had felt more grieuous and palpable darknesse and cruell bitternes then wee haue done we had not now come halfe so farre in the knowledge and practise of his most blessed Ghospell idolatrie and superstition shoulde not haue bene so well purged out of this lande nor the pure doctrine of Christ soo rightlye taught Therefore we must thinke that our sinnes and vnthankfulnesse is the cause of our wantes and Gods righteous iudgementes haue brought these things to passe Euen as it came of the Lord 1. King 12. that Rehoboam followed the coūsell of the yong men that for the sinnes of the people idolatrie in Salomons daies the kingdome might be diuided Giue me heere a spirituall eie and behold with me Looke vpon the Bishops with a spirituall eie sorrow vvith me that the Lord our God for our sinnes shuld so hold the eies of the reuerend fathers on the one side that although in their iudgement they were perswaded that the thinges they vrged their brethren vnto were but verie trifles and there●ore not worthie that any one Parish shoulde bee so greatlye punished for them as to leese their faithfull learned and painfull Pastour yet did not onlie enforce the ceremonies vpon them but also not considering the difference of good mens iudgements about such things pressed vpon them to subscribe and for not yeelding to their mindes suspended depriued and imprisoned their learned and godly brethren and in the meane time preferred the triflyng ceremonies beefore the waightie worke of preaching So that as Maister Calfill sayeth Auns to the treatis of ●he crosse artic 5. The people of God be sometime oppressed with traditions and ceremonies and for outward solemnities the inwarde true seruice of God is neglected Let the spirituall eie iudge I say whether it was not a merueilous iudgement of God that they coulde not see all this this while any one thing amisse no not so much as the vnlearned ministrie or non-residencie but defende all and maintaine all to the vtmost And although they had euerie Parliament complaintes of all the Realme humble supplications diuers times made vnto them by their brethren and so many yeares experience of the inconueniencie if not of the vnlawfulnesse of these things that neither the peace of the Church nor the pittie of the congregations nor the loue of so many learned and godlye brethren coulde moue them but that euen nowe fortie three yeare they holde out not reforming any one point On the other side let the spirituall man iudge Looke vpon the Ministers with a spirituall eie what a iudgement of God it was vppon the godlie Ministers that they so fearcelie with so hard and bitter termes in their first admonitions and in manie phrases of their apologeticall writtings did incense and moue vnto wrath the reuerend Fathers that they esteemed them as wayward froward and peeuish persones ioynt enimies of the Church with Papistes and that when that most wicked and blasphemous libeller Martin did most scornfullie abuse manye worthie persons and thrust in him selfe by an vngodlie insinuation that there was no publike instrument on our side so farre as euer I could heare to shew our dislike but that both sides did wink and suffer most filthie and lewd calumniations and slaunders O how were our eies blinded that we saw not howe vncomelie these thinges were for vs and