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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06509 The images of a verye Chrysten bysshop, and of a couterfayte bysshop Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.; Marshall, William, fl. 1535. 1536 (1536) STC 16983.5; ESTC S120764 81,924 308

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it BEcause good and gentle reader It maye to some certayne persones eyther corrupte with euyll affeccyons or therwyse lyghtely moued to vayne offence flaūdre seme that I am of ryght lytle charytie and that myne whole studye and endeuoyre soundeth to no purpose elles but onely to rayse trouble stryfe and sedycyons in the worlde as they of a set frowardnes / malycyously do calumpnyate theyr cōdempned cōscyence testyfyeng the contrarie for that that I in despyte of the deuyll for the zele that I beare to the truthe of goddes worde his moste blyssed name doo as they thynke somwhat to sharply rebuke the vyce of some that wolde be estemed the heddes of the churche all vnworthye to be the fete except they amende in tyme. Therfore as we entre into the playne felde of oure matyer we entende purge vs of suche vntrue accusacyons and to proue it ryght mete and conuenyent yea and therto necessarye and that by reasons and scrypturꝭ inuyncible so to behaue vs in our wordes and wrytyngꝭ towardes suche toppes and heddes of the people whiche wyll admytte no charytable admonycyon IN dede the bysshop of Rome hathe forbeden in his vnryghtuous and wycked lawe Canonycall The Canon faw that any man shulde sharpely rebuke the prelates or elles resyste theym / and vpon this goodly instytucion and ordynaunce he and his counterfayte bysshops the sones of hypocrysye from the moste hygh maiestye of god The offyce duetie of a p̄acher For the preacher is bounde vnto this vndre parell of dampnacyon that he shall sharpely sore rebuke wycked men and synners For god speketh hereof manyfest and open rebukyng in as moche as he hathe betaken vnto hym the offyce of preachyng his worde But I praye you why dothe god with so great vehemēcye requyre this thynge cōmaunde it and so straytely call vpon it without doubte because the preacher yf he doo holde his tonge dothe synne most greuously agaynst charyte in that he dothe este me at so small valure so great so precyous a treasure / that is to wyt the soule helth of his neygh boure to whome he ought neuer thelesse to succoure and releue in mete and drynke and clothynge and in farre smaller thynges we ought to be assured the we preache no thyng but goddes word The holy scrypture But yet he addeth this thynge expresly that the prophet shulde here the worde of goddes mouth leaste he myght elles preache his owne worde or elles any other worde of man Nowe we haue none other worde then the scryptures of god and therfore by these all wycked men are to be rebuked / neyther can it helpe them thoughe they wolde make this cauyllacyon and saye that this afore rehersed place of the scrypture dothe not speake of great estates and lordes but onelye of the poore and lowe cōmonaltie for in as moche as it dothe expresse no maner of person it is a playne and a necessarye conclusyon that this sayde place is to be vnderstanded also of greate estates For it speaketh generallye of wycked men / whether they be great or smalle and what maner ones soeuer they be ¶ The worde of god hathe noo respecte or regarde vnto one persone more then an other For it is aboue all persones and it apperteyneth egallye vnto all maner persones Ezechiel For euen Ezechyell hym selfe althoughe he was of lowe degree yet that notwithstandynge he was sente to preache vnto the whole people of Israell amonge whome were Prynces preestes and many great estates So lykewyse saythe Mycheas also in the. vi.chapytre HErken you sayth he what the lorde sayth / Aryse and strayne thy selfe in Iudgemente agaynst the mountaynes and let the hylles here thy voyce lette the mountaynes and the stronge foundamētes of the earthe here the iudgement of the lorde for the iudgemente of the lorde is with his people and Israell shall be iudged WHo are those moūtaynes Moūtaynes and the foundamentes the grounde warkes of the earthe vnto which he cōmaundeth hym to preache here he dothe gyue cōmaūdement and charge that the Iugement of god and the worde of the lorde shuld be shewed not to the people onely but to the heddes rulers amonge the people IN lyke maner all the resydue of the Prophettes The prophettes in those places where they are moste vehement and most bolde and free in rebukynge and do moste ryse vp with those tragycall affeccyons for the moste parte they doo touche and moste sharply reproue not the pore cōmynaltie nor the rascal sorte but the hygh toppes / that is to say kynges prynces the prestes those that were most cōnynge and moste noble a monge the people as theyr owne wrytynges do wytnesse and bea re recorde suffycyently thoughe I speake neuer a worde So also dyd the lorde saye vnto hieremy in the fyrste chapytre LO I haue put my wordes ī thy mouthe beholde I haue sette the to daye ouer nacyons kyngdomes / For I haue ordeyned and made the to daye to be as a fenced Cytie and a pyller of yron and a walle of brasse to the kynges of Iuda to the prynces and rulers of it / and to the preestes to all the people And they shall make warre agaynst the but they shall not preuayle agaynst the for I am with the sayth the lorde to delyuer the. NO we this hieremy as touchynge to his personage estate Hieremy was farre vndre kynges prynces prestꝭ / A man vtterlye contempte and abiecte / borne in a pore lytle Towne called Anathot Anathot and yet all this not withstandynge he was sent by god to preache the worde of the lorde and to be a comptroller ouer all men and agaynste all the hyghest estates and hed offycers rulers of the people Besydes this Chryste Chryste hym selfe as he is descrybed in the gospell was a verye cōtemptyble an abiecte a lowe personage in the syght of the worlde without any hyghe power or empyre and lordshyp at all Nowe I pray you whome dyd he muste pryncypally rebuke what other persones dyd he reproue then onely the chyefe prestes the scrybes and the pharyseys to be shorte who soeuer were great hygh in dygnytie auctorytie And in so doynge he wold be an example vnto all preachers that they shuld boldely without any fere rebuke the great hyghe hedes amonge the people when they do worke against god because both saluacyon perdycyon resteth moste in the hedes / why shulde we then folowe the folysshe furyous mad lawes of the bysshop of Rome agaynst the exāple of chryst of al the prophetꝭ Why I saye shulde we spare forbeare those great lordꝭ spūall wherto shulde it auayle to chyde and cebuke the cōmon people yf we do ouerhyppe and loke besydes the prynces rulers of the people For there coulde neuer so moche vyce and synne be plucked vp by pure syncere and fro teachyng and bolde preachynge
parysshe preestes bysshops of cyties are of egall power amōge them selues and as touchyng to the auctorytie of a bysshop that one is nothynge superyor to an other and that he hym selfe also is felowe preest with theym and hath nomore power and auctorytie in his owne cytie then haue the other or euery one of theym in theyr owne congregacion Lo peter maketh hym selfe egall not superyour to the bysshops / what I beseche you wyll those beastes allege here agaynst these thyngꝭ whiche do not cease not onely to be lordes and haue domynyon but also to exercyse moste cruell tyrannye vpon our soules our goodes / which also do neuer cease with excedynge madde braulynges and suytes to contende stryue amōge them selues about the dyfference degrees of power auctoryte And that I maye ones make ende Chryste hym selfe in the .xxii. chapytre of Luke saythe THe prynces of the paynymes are lordes ouer theym and they whiche haue power and auctorytie ouer theym are called be nefycyall and gracyous / but it shall not be so amonge you / but he that is eldest amonge you let hym be made as yongest HEreunto herken and gyue good attendaūce you pom pous lordly bysshops Lo all the hole Chrysten people requyre of you a reason cause of your domynacyon and lordshyp whiche you haue hytherto with so many tytles and also with so many tyrannous dedes taken vyolently vsurped chalenged vnto your selues / Lo I say the chrysten worlde requyreth a cause of this your doynge / for this you can not denye whiche is so open euydent afore the iyes of all men that your kyngedome is an outwarde and a worldlye kyngedome / yea and that more worldly then the kyngdome of any worldly prynce For you play the lordes openly bothe vpon the bodyes and also the myndes / and that not by the worde of god but by exteryour pompe / by exteryour and worldly tyrannye / as other prynces and rulers of the hethen people do / I saye go to therfore nowe and tell me Doe non sic howe those wordes of Chryst vos autem non sic / that is but so shall not you do / howe do they agree with that your kyngdome go to nowe because you shall not as you are verye slypper slyppe from me let vs enserche and ponder well the naturall strengthe and sygnyfycatyon of the wordes what is the meanyng of these wordes But you not so For here vndoubtedlye is rebuked your kyngdome and your condy cyon and state For this ought not to be suche a one as it is yf it were a Chrysten state ¶ Nowe lette it be what soeuer maner one you wyll yet for all that Chryste spekynge of the domynacyon of those worldly prynces sayth playnlye vnto you for you wyl seme to be bysshoppes But you shall not do so / tell me I saye do not bothe your eares ryng and glowe at these wordes of the soueraygne maiestie but you shal not so / why do you kepe scylence why are you dumbe Nowe let vs se what you begyn to answere with so many great bokes of decretalles vnto these wordes of one sillable vos autem nō sic But you not so I saye to you what can you say to this litle sentence of thre sillables vos nō sic you not so peraduenture as you are bolde to do and say all thynges / suche is the madnes of you you wyll begyn to make a cauyllacyon as though these wordes / vos non sic The papystꝭ wyl kepe the true significaciō of wordꝭ no lōger thē they lyste were as moch to say as ye shall do so for so ye be wonte to chaunge at your pleasures the sygnyfycacyon of wordes And shall teache that the Pope hath also more power and auctorytye then Chryst hym selfe But why do I thus rebuke those obstynate persones They are blynde and guydes of the blynde / I wyll here earnestly aduertyse the good gentyl reader that thou do leaue and forsake these men and euen lykewyse as yf thy deadely foo and enemye dyd come vnto the vndre the semblaunce and lykenes of a moch dearlye beloued brother thou woldest at the least wyse haue hym in suspectyō and woldest with great dylygence eschewe his company euen so now flee from those tourmentours of conscyences and haue theym in suspectyon whiche do come vndre the vysures and tytles of true bysshops and be none For Paule hathe shewed before that lykewyse as the deuyll doth transfygure hym selfe in to an Aungell of lyght euen so those his Apostles shulde take vpon theym the lykenes and the name of the mynysters of Iustyce and of the Apostles of Chryste / but by theyr fruytes that is to saye by theyr workes and theyr doctrynes we do knowe them For they do not preache nor suffre to be preached any other thynges then lucre / and the chestes and coffres of Indulgences and pardons ¶ The fyfte vertue of the Bulle of the bysshop of Rome I He Pope taketh vpō hym power and auctorytie to chaunge vowes For money vowcebe chaū ged in to other good workes and that not frelye and for nothynge but for money but yet alwayes the vowes are excepted of goynge to saynte Iames to Rome to Hyerusalem and also the vowe of chastytie Many thynges ben heretofore wryten concernynge vowes whiche be nothynge nedefull to be rehersed here agayne in this place But yf I do here demaunde of the Pope of Rome that blynde hedde A questy on concernynge vowes and begynne to call sore vpon hym for an answere what is the cause that he dare dispence with certeyne vowes onely and not with all vowes indyfferentlye I knowe well ynoughe he knowethe not what other answere to make then that of the thynges whiche are vowed some are greate as for example to lyue chaste and some agayne are smalle thynges and of no greate wayghte as for example to faste breade and water And therfore he maye chaunge the vowe of lytyll thynges but not lykewyse of great thynges / Lo howe starke blynde this people of vysures is and without eyther wyt or brayne whiche do esteme and iudge the wayght and value of vowes not accordyng to the vertue and strength of goddes cōmaundement but accordyng to workes But I pray the tell me is it not an othe aswell when thou swerest depely in a matier of thre halfepens as yf thou haddest sworne in a matyer of an hundred talentes Is not the Relygion and strength of the othe in all poyntes egall in bothe those thynges why then shulde it not be egally kepte bothe in lytle thynges and in great thynges Shuld it therfore be broken in a great sūme be cause it is an harder thynge to pay an hundred talentes then to pay thre halfepens This people therfore of vysures is pleynlye madde and in all poyntes starke furyous wood wherfore embrace thou this substancyall and fyr me and stable sentence ¶ Neuer make thou