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A58781 The model of the government of the province of East-New-Jersey in America and encouragements for such as designs to be concerned there : published for information of such as are desirous to be interested in that place. Scot, George, d. 1685. 1685 (1685) Wing S2036; ESTC R35166 110,424 282

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Our Lord one Thousand six hundreth seventie and eight Did devise the same and all his Estate therein amongst other things To the Right Honourable Edward Earl of Sandwich the Right Honourable John Earl of Bath The Right Honourable Thomas Lord Crew Barron Crew of Steane The Honourable Bernard Greenvile Esquire brother of the said Earl of Bath The Honourable Sir Robert Atkins Knight of the Bath and the Honourable Sir Edward Atkins Knight one of the Barrons of his Majesties Court of Exchequer and their Heirs in trust to sell the same for payment of his Debts and Legacie as in and by the said will relation being thereunto had may appear and shortlie after d●ed And whereas the said John Earl of Bath Thomas Lord Crew Bernad Greenvile Sir Robert Atkins and Sir Edward Atkins by Indentures of Lease bearing date the fifth and sixt dayes of March in the 32 year of his Majesties Reign Conveyed the said Premisses amongst other things to Thomas Cremer of the Parish of Sanct Andrews Holbern in the Countey of Midle sex Gentleman and Thomas Pecock of the same Gentleman As by the said Indentures Relation being thereunto had it may appear And whereas the said Earl of Sandwick by his Indentures bearing date the Twenty day of February last past Hath released all his Estate Interest and trust in the said Premisses To the said Earl of Bath Lord Crew Bernard Greenvile Sir Robert Atkins and Sir Edward Atkins and their Heirs As by the said Indenture relation being thereunto had may appear And whereas the said Earl of Bath Lord Crew Bernard Greenvile Sir Robert Atkins and Sir Edward Atkins by the Consent and directions of Dam Elizabeth Cartwright Relict and Executrix of the said sir George Cartwright and the said Thomas Cremer and Thomas Pecock by the consent and directions of the said Dam Elizabeth Cartwright Earl of Bath Lord Crew Bernard Greenvile sir Robert Atkins and Sir Edward Atkins Have by Indentures of Lease and Release bearing date the first and second dayes of February last past Granted and conveyed to the said William Penn Robert West Thomas Rudyard Samuell Groome Thomas Hart Richard Mew Thomas Wilcox of London Goldsmith Ambrose Rigg John Haywood Hugh Hartshorn Clement Plimisted and Thomas Cowper their Heirs and assignes all the said premisses called East-New-Jersey Together with all Isles Islands Rivers Mines Mineralls Woods Fishings Hawkings Huntings Foulling and all other Royalties Priviledges Franchess Forts Harbours Profits Commodities and Hereditaments whatsoever thereunto belonging As in And by the said Indentures relation being thereunto had may more at large appear And whereas the said William Penn Robert West c. Have since conveyed one Moyties of that said tract of Land called East-New-Jersey and of all other the Premisses to the said James Earl of Perth John Drummond Robert Barclay Robert Gordon Arent Sonmans Gavin Lowrie Edward Billings James Branie William Gibson Thomas Barker Robert Turner and Thomas warne who are hereby become tennents in common of the said Premisses called East-New-Jersey with the said William penn Robert West Thomas Rudyard Samuell Groome Thomas Hart Richard Mew Thomas Wilcox Ambrose Rigg John Hay Wood Hugh Harthorns Clement Plumsted and Thomas Cowper And whereas the said Thomas Wilcox hath since conveyed all his Share Estate and Interest in the said Premisses to the said David Barclay and his Heirs And whereas by the said severall recited Letters Patents made by his said Majestie unto his said Royall Highness as aforesaid several powers and Authority are and were Given granted unto his said Royall Highness his Heirs and Assignes to be execut by his said Royall Highness his Heirs or Assignes or by the Deputies Agents or Commissioners of his said Royall Highness his Heirs or Assignes which are necessarie as well for the Planting Peopleing and Improving of all and every the respective Lands Places and Territories thereby granted And for the Transporting thither from time to time such of his Majesties Subjects as should be willing to go or be Transporting into these parts or any of them As for the Defending Guarding and keeping of the same As also for the well governing of the same and of all such as are and shall be inhabiting in the same And for the making ordaining and executing of necessarie and convenient Laws and Constitutions in order to such Government and the Punishing and Pardoning Offences and Offenders as occasion shall require And to Nominat Make Ordain Constitut and Confirm And also to Revock Discharge Change and Alter all and Singular Governours Officers and Ministers which by his said Royall Highness his Heirs or Assignes shall be from time to time thought fit and needfull to be made ordained appointed or used in the saids parts or places or any of them And to do all other things needfull usefull and necessarie for the well Governing keeping Defending and preserving the said respective places and Territories and of every of them and all such as are or shall be Inhabiting there Now These Presents Witnesseth That for and in consideration of a competent sume of Lawfull English money unto his said Royall Highness in hand payed And for the better Extingushing all such claimes and Demands as his said Royall Highness or his Heirs may any wayes have of or in the Premisses aforesaid now called East-New-Jersey or any part of them And for the further and better settling and conveying Assuring and Confirming of the same and of every part thereof according to the purport and true meaning of these presents His said Royal Highness the said James Duke of York hath granted bargained sold released and confirmed And by these presents as far as in him lyeth Doth grant bargaine sell release and confirme unto the said James Earl of Perth John Drummond Robert Barclay c. their Airs or Assignes All that part share and portion and all these parts shars and portions of all that entire Tract of Land and all these entire premisses so granted by his said Royal Highness unto the said John Lord Barclay and Sir George Cartwright and their Airs as in by and upon the said partition was and were Vested in the said Sir George Cartwright and his Airs and then agreed to be called by the name of East-New-Jersey Together with all Islands Bays Rivers Waters Forts Mines Querries Royalties Franchises and Appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or in any wayes appertaining And all the Estates Rights Title Interest Reversion Remainder Claime or Demand whatsoever as well in Law as in Equitie of his said Royal Highness James Duke of York of in to or out of the same or any part or parcell of the same As also the free use of Bayes Rivers and Waters leading unto or lying between the said Premisses or any of them in the said parts of East-New-Jersey for Navigation free Trade Fishing or otherwayes To have and to hold unto the said Earl of Perth John Drummond Esquire c. their Airs and Assignes for ever To the only use and
THE MODEL OF THE GOVERNMENT Of the PROVINCE OF EAST-NEW-JERSEY IN AMERICA And Encouragements for such as Designs to be concerned there Published for Information of such as are desirous to be Interested in that place EDINBURGH Printed by John Reid And Sold be Alexander Ogston Stationer in the Parliament Closs Anno DOM. 1685. TO JAMES Earl of PERTH Lord DRVMMOND and STOBHALL c. Lord High Chancellour of SCOTLAND JOHN Viscount of Melfoord Lord Drummond of Gilston Secretar of State for the Kingdom of Scotland one of the Members of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councill in both Kingdoms GEORGE Viscount of Tarbet Lord Mccloud and Castle Haven Lord Clerk Register of Scotland and one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Council there My Noble Lords AS your Lordships concern in East-Jersey makes it appear to all intelligent persons that it is a Nationall interest to advance in generall the design of a Plantation hence to America so that in particular East-Jersey is the most proper place seeing your Lordships have chosen it among all the other parts of that continent to settle your interest there Yet my Lords there are to our shame a parcell of people who whether out of Ignorance or Malice I cannot well determine decry the design I believe they have a share of both and thereby weakens not a little the hands of a number of well meaning people who would gladly promot the same effectualy were they not imposed upon by the false rumours industriously spread abroad to stiffle any such inclinations I have been advised to consent to the publishing of the following sheets at first collected only for my own divertisement and more clear information in the affair As what may tend some what to prevent any foolish misrepresentation when by the perusall of the accompts from thence the least jealousie is removed of any cheat in the thing it self so advantagious a Character of the place coming from so many different hands I have had too many demonstrations of your Lordships favour to fear your displeasure upon accompt of my presuming to send the same abroad under your Patrociny yea I dare further adventure without the least apprehension of your dissatisfaction with me upon that head to mind your Lordships that as you have laid the foundation of this design as to any concern of this Countrey in that place so it is expected your Lordships will continue to encourage the same in process of time your Lordships may render your Names and Families as considerable in America as they are in Europ My Lords having resolved to dedicate my self Family and Fortune to the promoting of this design I should the more easily digest any frauns of Providence I have been trysted with were I so fortunat as to find the opportunity in Jersey of testifying my resentments of the favours I have received at your Lordships hands in Scotland by noticeing any of your Lordships concerns there and contributing what in me lyes to advance the same nothing shall be wanting in me to testifie how much I am My Noble Lords Your Lordships most humbly devoted Servant George Scot. Advertisement be the Printer to the Reader That whereas the Authors other pressing affairs hindered him from overseeing the Press as otherwayes he would there is not that correctness requisit in the following sheets it is hoped the Reader will upon this reason pardon the same and with his pen help what he finds amiss The pages 62 and 63 are misplaced and are to be read according to the number An Account of the Incouragement for promoting a Design of Planting in East-New-Jersey containing the Constitutions and Model of Government of that Province in a Letter from a Gentleman at Edinburgh concerned there to his Correspondent in the Countrey Sir PErceiving by your last Discourse that you not only appeared somewhat resolved to be your self concerned in promoting the present Design of carrying on a Plantation in America but to endeavour to engage several of your Friends in the same undertaking when you found any probability of its taking effect I find my self obliged for your more full Information 〈◊〉 let you know at more length the Reasons inducing me to be so much concerned in the promo●ing this Affair submitting very willingly the grounds prompting me hereto to your most narrow scrutiny whether in so doing I act Rationally or not Having at London in the year 1679 the opportunity of frequent converse with several Substantial and Judicious Gentlemen concerned in the American Plantations I had thereby the opportunity of understanding throughly the great advantage redounding to that City from Undertakings of this nature and rational grounds of Conjecture That their Commerce with that place of the World hath been one of the greatest Improvements of that Trade they have for many years enjoyed which hath rendered it now one of the most considerable Cities in Europe the Customes thereof which in Queen Elizabeths time were farmed at Fifty thousand pounds paying now in to the Exchequer near seven hundred thousand pounds yearly which great Improvement may be much attribute to their Trade with America brought now in a great manner to Perfection which at that time was but in its Infancy From that time I began to have strong inclinations to be more fully informed in that Affair and to be at all imaginable pains to notice the same verie concernedly and for my more full satisf●ction I judged i● requisit to trace the verie beginnings of all the English Plantations and their gradual progresses ere they arrived at that perfection they presently are at I could not rest satisfied with the first Methods I proposed to my self in Order to this of discoursing at large with such as had been in the several Plantations by putting such interrogators to them thereanent as I judged most proper for informing my self in all things relative to that knowledge I judged requisit for my own clear information and for being a foundation to a Design I then began to frame of being therein my self some way interested And tho I found one and the same accompt given me in Solution of the most material Questions I proposed Yea from several hands who were such whose knowledge in other things with the good Character they generally went under obliged me to notice their information as truth without the least jealousing the verity of the accompt they gave me yet for my more full satisfaction I proposed what I judged would contribute more clearly to my full understanding that affair to wit the perusal of all the Geographicall descriptions of these places in America inhabited by the English The first thing which offered to my view in this search was a question in it self both pleasant and material What way the continent of America came first to be inhabited after the Flood it being a World wholly unknown to the Europeans Asiaticks and Africans till the late discovery thereof by Americus Vesputius and Cristophorus Columbus since by all ci●cumstances it
Islands aforesaid or touching any Judgement or Sentence to be there made or given And further that it shall and may be Lawful to and for our said Dearest Brother His Heirs and Assignes by these Presents from time to time to Nominate Make Constitute Ordain and Confirm such Laws as aforesaid by such Name or Names Stile or Stiles as to him or them shall seem good And likewise to Revoke Discharge Change and Alter as well all and singular Governours Officers and Ministers which hereafter shall be by him or them thought fit and needful to be in or used within the aforesaid Islands and Parts And also to Make Ordain and Establish all manner of Laws Orders Directions Instructions Formes and Ceremonies of Government and Magistracy fit and necessar for and concerning the Government of Territories and Islands aforesaid So alwayes as the same be not contrary to the Laws and Statutes of this Our Realm of England but as near as may be conformable thereunto and the same at all times hereafter to put in Execution or Abrogate Revoke or Change not only within the Precincts of the said Territories or Islands but also upon the Seas in going and coming to and from the same as he or they in their good Discretion shall think fittest for the good of the Adventurers and Inhabitants AND We do further of Our special Grace certain Knowledge and meer Motion Grant Ordain and Declare that all such Governours Deputes Officers and Ministers as from time to time shall be Authorized and appointed in manner and form aforesaid shal and may have full power and Authority within the Territories aforesaid to use exercise Martial Law in cases of Rebellion Insurrections Mutiny inas large and ample a manner as our Leiutenents in our Countries within Our Realm of England have or ought to have by force of their Commissions of Leiutenency or any Law or Statute of this our Realm And We do further by these presents for us our Heirs and Successours grant unto Our Dearest Brother James Duke of York his Heirs and Assignes that it shall and may be Lawful to and for the said James Duke of York his Heirs and Assignes in his or their Discretions from time to time to admit such so many person or persons to Trade Traffique into within the Territories and Islands aforesaid to every and any part parcel thereof to have possess and enjoy any Lands and Hereditaments in the part and places aforesaid as they shall think fit according to the Laws Orders Constitutions and Ordinances by our said Brother his Heirs Deputies Commissioners and Assignes from time to time to be made and established by vertue of and according to the true intent and meaning of these presents and under such Conditions Reservations and Agreements as our said Dearest Brother his Heirs and Assignes shall set down Order Direct and appoint and not otherwise as aforesaid And We do further of Our special Grace certain Knowledge and meer motion for US Our Heirs and Successors Give and Grant unto Our said Dearest Brother his Heirs and Assignes by these presents that it shall and may be Lawful to and for him them or any of them at all and every time or times hereafter out of any of our Realms or Dominions whatsoever take load carry and transport in and unto their Voyages for and towards the Plantations of our Territories and Islands aforesaid all such and so many of our loving Subjects or any other Strangers being not prohibited or under restraint that will become our loving Subjects and live under our Allegiance and shall willingly accompany them in the said Voyages together with all such Cloathing Implements Furniture or any other things usually Transported and not Prohibited as shall be necessary for the Inhabitants of the said Islands and Territories and for the use and defence thereof and Mannaging and carrying on the Trade with the people there Yeelding and paying unto Us our Heirs and Successors the Customes and Duties thereof due and payable according to Laws and Customes of this our Realm And we do also for Us our Heirs and Successors grant unto our said Dearest Brother JAMEs Duke of York his Heirs and Assignes and to all and every such Governour or Governours or Deputies their Officers or Ministers as by ou● said Brother his Heirs or Assignes shall be appointed to have Power and Authority of Government and Command in and over the Inhabitants of the said Territories and Islands that they and every of them shall and may lawfully from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter For their several Defence and safty Encounter Repulse Expel and Resist by force of Armes as well by Sea as by Land and all wayes and means whatsoever all such person and persons as without the special Licence of our Dearest Brother his Heirs and Assignes shall attempt to Inhabit within the several Precincts and Limits of our said Territories and Islands and also all and every such person and Persons whatsoever as shall Enterprize and Attempt at any time hereafter the Distruction Invasion Detriment or Annoyance to the parts places or Islands aforesaid or any parts thereof And Lastly our will and pleasure is And We do hereby declare and grant that these out Letters Patents or the Inrollment thereof shall be good and effectual in the Law to all intents and purposes whatsoever notwithstanding the not well and true Receiting or mentioning of the premisses or any part thereof or the Limits or Bounds thereof or of any form or other Letters Patents or Grants whatsoever made or Granted of the premisses or of any part thereof or the Limits or bounds thereof or of any former or other Letters Patents or Grants whatsoever made or Granted of the Premisses or of any part thereof by US or any of Our Progenitors unto any Person or Persons whatsoever bodies Politique or Corporate any other Law or other restraint in certainty or imperfection whatsoever to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding Although express mention of the true yearly Value or certainty of the Premisses or any of them or of any other Gifts or Grants by Us or by any of our Progenitors heretofore made to the said James Duke of York in these presents is not made or any Statute Act Ordinance Provision Proclamation or Restriction heretofore had made enacted or provided or any other matter cause or thing whatsoever to the contrary in any wise notwithstading In witness whereof We caused these Letters to be made Patent Witness our self at Westminster the 29. day of June in the 16. Year of Our Reign The SCOTS Proprietors are the Earl of Perth Lord High Chancellour of SCOTLAND his Brother the Viscount of Metfoord Secretar of State for this Kingdom and the Viscount of Tarbit Lord Register Five hundred thousand Acres being seven parts of the 24. belongs to these three and some other Gentlemen This Province or Collony lyes betwixt 39. and 41. Degrees of
for food in their seasons But in the killing and destroying of Bears Wolves Foxes and other Vermine whose Skins and Furs they bring the English and sell them at less price then the value of the time that people must spend to take them Like as that this Collony may be founded in Justice and without any thing of Oppression as all that is already Planted is is truly Purchased from the Indians so there is a great deal more of the Province cleared by their consent and all is intended by paction with them to be obtained so that whoever Purchase or Plant under the Proprietors shal be fred of that incumbrance and if there were any hazard from the Indians as really there is none yet this Province could hardly be in any danger In respect that to the North upon the Main-Land from whence the hazard if any must come the Province of New-York comes betwixt it and them and 20. miles and more above upon Hudsons River there is a Fort called New-Albany There were Constitutions of Government made by the Lord Barkley and Sir George Cartwright in which such provision was made both for Liberty of Religion and Propertie that the Province hath been considerably Peopled and many resorted there from the Neighbouring Collonies so that the Planters are able already to Muster 500. well Armed Men. The Concessions and Agreement of the Lord Proprietors of the Province of New-Caesarea or New-Jersey to and with all and every the Adventurers and as such as shall settle or plant there granted by Lord John Barclay and Sir George Cartwright the then Lord Proprietors upon their sending thir people to Plant Anno 1664. IMprimis We do consent and agree that the Governour of the said Province hath power by the advice of his Council to depute one in his place and Authority in case of death or removeall to continue untill farther order unless we have Commissionated one before 2. Item That he hath likewise power to make choice of and take to him six Counsellors at least or twelve at most or any even number betwixt six and twelve with whose consent and advice or with at least three of the six or four of a greater number all being summonded he is to Govern according to the Limitations and Instructions following during Our Pleasure 3. Item That a Chief Secretary or Register which we have chosen or shall choice we faillieing that he shall choice shall keep exact entries in fair books of all publict affaires and to avoyd Decreets and Law Suitts shall record and enter all grants of Lands from the Lords to the Planters and Conveyances of Lands houses or from man to man as also all Leases for Land house or hous●s made or to be made by the Land-Lord to any tennant for more then one year which Conveyance or Lease shall be first acknowledged by the Granter or Leaser or proved by the each two witnesses to the Lease or Conveyance before the Governor or some cheif Judge of a Court for the time being who shall under his hand upon the back side of the said deed or Lease attest the acknowledgement or Proof as aforesaid which shal be a warrand for the Register to record the same which conveyance or Lease so recorded shall be good and effectuall in the Law notwithstanding any other conveyance Deed or Lease for the said Land house or houses or any part thereof although dated before the Conveyance Deed or Deed or Lease so recorded as aforesaid And the said Register shall do all other thing or things that we by our Instructions shall direct and the Governor Counsel and assemblie shall ordaine for the good and wellfaire of the said Province 4ly Item That the Suerveyour generall that we have chosen or shall choice such faillieing that the Governour shall choice shall have power by himself or deputie to Survey Lay out and bound all such Lands as shall be granted from the Lords to the Planters and all other Lands within the said Province which may concerne particular men as he shall be desired to doe And a particular thereof certified to the Register to be recorded as aforesaid Provided that if the said Register and Surveyer shall so mis-behave themselves as that the Governor and Counsellor Deputie Governour or Counsellor the Major part of them shall find it reasonable to Suspend their actings in their respective employments It shall be Lawful for them so to doe untill further order from us 5ly Item That the Governour Counsellors Assemblie Men Secretarie Surveyer and all other Officers of Town shal Swear or Subscribe in a book to be provided for that purpose That they will bear true allegiance to the King of England his Heirs and Successors And that they will be faithfull to the interest of the Lords Propietors of the said Province and their Heirs executors and Assignes and endeavor the peace and wellfair of the said Province and that they will truelie and faithfullie discharge their respective trusts in their respective officses and doe equall Justice unto all men according to their best skill and Judgement without corruption favour or affection And in the names of all that have Sworne to Subscribe to be entered in a book And whosoever shall Subscribe and not Sweare and shall violate his promise in that Subscription shall be lyable to that same punishment that the Persons are or may be that have Sworn and broken their Oaths 6ly Item That all persons that are or shall become Subjects to the King of England and Swear and Subscribe allegiance to the King and faithfulness to the Lords shal be admitted to plant and become a Free man in the said Province and enjoy the Freedomes and Immunities hereafter exprest untill some stop or contradiction be made by us the Lords or els the Governor Council and Assemblie which shall be in force untill the Lords see cause to the contrarie Provyded That such stopes shall not any wayes prejudice the right or continuance of any person that hath been received before such Stop or order come from the Lords or Generall Assemblie 7ly Item That no person as aforsaid within the said Province at any time shall be any wayes molested punished Disquyeted or called in question for any Difference in Opinion or Practise in matters of Religious Concernments who doe not actuallie disturb the Civil peace of the said Province But that all and every such person and persons may from time to time and at all time freelie and fullie have and enjoy his and their Judgement and Consciences in matters of Religion throughout all the said Province They behaving themselves peaceablie and quyetlie and not useing this Liberty to Licentiousnes to the civil injurie or outward disturbance of others Any Law Statute or Clause contained or to be contained Vsage or Custome of this Realm of England to the contrarie thereof in any wise notwithstanding 8ly Item That no pretence may be taken by us our Airs or Assignes for or by reason of our
right of Patronage and power of Advousone granted by his Ma●esties Letters patents unto his Royall Highness James Duke of York and by his said Royall Highness unto us thereby to infringe the Generall Clause of Libertie of Conscience aforementioned We doe hereby grant unto the Generall Assemblie of the said province power by Act to Constitute such and so many Ministers or Preachers as they shall think fit and to establish their Maintainance giving Libertie besides to any person or persons to keep and Maintain what Ministers or Preachers they please 9ly Item That the Inhabitants being Free men or chief Agents to others of the province aforesaid do as soon as this our Commission shall arryve by vertue of a Writ in our names by the Governor to be for the present untill our Seall comes Sealled and Signed make choice of twelve Deputes or Representatives from among themselves who being chosen are to joyne with the said Governor and Council for the making such Laws Ordinances and Constitutions as shal be necessarie for the pr●sent good and welfare of the said Province But so soon as Parishes Divisions Tribes and other Distinctions are made that then the Inhabitants or Free holders of the several and respective Parishes Tribes or Dominions and Restrictions aforesaid do by Our Write under Our Seal which we engage shall and be in due time issued annually meet on the first day of January and choise Free-holders for every respective Division Tribe or Parish to be the Deputies or Representatives of the same which body of Representatives or the major part of them shall with the Governour or Counsel aforesaid be the General Assemblie of the said Province the Governour or his Depute being present unles they shall wilfullie refuse In which case they may appoint themselves a President during the absence of the Governour or Depute Governour Which ASSEMBLIES are to have Power 1. To appoint their own time of meeting and to adjourne their Sessions from time to time to such times and places as they shall think convenient As also to as certaine the number of their Quorum Provided the said number be not less then the 36. part of the whole in whom or more shall be the full power of the General Assemblie viz. 2ly To Enact and make all such Laws Acts and Constitutions As shall be necessarie for the well Government of the said Province and them to repeall Provided That the same be consonant to Reason and as near as may be Convenientlie agreeable to the Laws and Customes of his Majesties Kingdom of England Prvided also that they be not against the Interest of us the Lords Proprietors our Airs and Assignes or any of these our Concessions Especially that they be not repugnant to the Article for Libertie of Conscience abovementioned which Laws c. so made shall receive Publication from the Governour and Councill but as the Laws of us and our General Assemblies and be in force for the space of one year and no more unless contradicted by the Lords Proprietors within which time they shall be presented to us our Heirs c. for our ratification And being confirmed by us they shall be in continual force till expyred by their own Limitation or by Act of Repeal in like manner to be passed as aforesaid and confirmed 3ly By Act as aforesaid to constitute all Courts together with the Limits Powers and Jurisdictions of the same and also the several Offices and number of the Officers belonging to each Court with their respective Salaries Fees and Perquisits their Appellations and Dignities with the Penalties that shall be due to them for the breach of their several and respective Duties and Trusts 4ly By Act as aforesaid to lay equal Taxes and Assesments equally to raise Moneys or Goods upon all Lands except us the Lords Proprietors before settling or Persons within the several precints hundreds Parishes Manours or whatsoever other Divisions shall hereafter be made and established in the said Province as oft as necessity shall require and in such manner as to them shall seem most equal and easie for the said Inhabitants in order to the better supporting of the publick Charge of the said Government and for the mutual Safety Defence and Security of the said Province 5ly By Act as aforesaid to erect within the said Province such and so many Manours with their necessary Courts Jurisdictions Freedoms and Priviledges as to them shall seem meet and convenient As also to divide the said Province into Hundreds Tribes Parishes or such other Divisions and Districtions as they shall think fit and the said Divisions to distinguish by what manner we shall Order or Direct And in default thereof by such names as they please As also within the said Province to creat and appoint such and so many Ports Harbours Creeks and other places for the convenient Loading and Vnloading of Goods and Merchandise out of Ships Boats and other Vessels and shall be expedient with such Jurisdictions Priviledges and Franchises to each Ports c. belonging as they shall judge most conducing to the general good of the said Plantation or Province 6ly By their enacting to be confirmed as aforesaid to Erect Raise and Build within the said province or any part thereof such and so many Forts Fortresses Castles Cities Corporations Burrows Towns Villages and other places of Strength and Defence and them or any of them to incorporate with such Charters and Priviledges as to them shall seem good and the Grant made unto us will permit And the same or any of them to fortifie and furnish with such provisions and proportions of Ordnance Powder Shot Armour and all other Weapons Ammunition and habiliments of War hoth Offensive and Defensive as shall be thought necessary and convenient for the Safety and Welfare of the said Province But they shall not at any time Demolish Dismantle or Disfurnish the same without the consent of the Governour and the Major part of the Councill of the said Province 7ly By Act as aforsaid to Constitute Train-bands and Companies with the number of Souldiers for the Safetie Strength and defence of the said Province and of the Forts Castles Cities To Suppresse all Munities and Rebellions to make war Offensive and Defensive with all Indian Strangers and Forrainers as they shall see cause And to pursue an enemie by Sea as well as by Land if need be ou● of the Limitts and Jurisdictions of the said Province with the particular cons nt of the Governour and under his conduct or of our Commanders in chief or whom he shall appoint 8ly By Act as aforesaid to give unto all Strangers as to them shall seem meet a Naturalization and all such Freedomes and Priviledges within the said Province as to his Majesties Subjects do of right belong they Swearing or Subseryving as afores●id said Stranger so Authorized and Priviledged shall be in all respects accounted in the said Province as the Kings naturall Subjects 9ly Item By an Act as
aforesaid to prescrive the quantities of Land which shall be from time to time allotted to every Head free or servant Male or Female and to make or ordain Rules for the casting of Lots for Lands and the laying out of the same provided That they do not in their prescriptions exceed the several proportions which are hereby granted by us to all persons arriving in the said Province or adventuring thither 10ly The General Assembly by Act as aforesaid shall make provision for the Maintain●nce and support of the Governour And for the defraying all necessary Charges of the Governm●nt As also the Constables of the sa●d Province shall collect the Lords Rents and shall pay the same to the Receiver that the Lords shall appoint to receive the same unless the said Gene●al Assembly shal prescrive some other way whereby the Lords may have their Rents duely collected without charge or trouble to them 11ly And Lastly To Enact Constitute and Ordain all such other Laws Acts and Constitutions as shall or may be necessarie for the good property and setlement of the said Province excepting what by these presents is excepted and conforming to the Limitations herein exprest The Governour with his Council before exprest is First To see that all Courts established by the Laws of the General Assembly and all Ministers and Officers Civil and Military do and execute their several Offices and duties respective according to the Laws in force and to punish them for swerving from the Laws or Acting contrary to their Trust as the nature of their Offence shall require Sccondly According to the constitutions of the General Assembly to nominate and commissionate the severall Judges Members and Officers of Courts whether Magistratical or Ministerial and all other civil Officers Coroners c. And their Commissions Powers and Authorities to revoke at pleasure provided That they appoint none but Free-holders in the Province aforesaid unless the General Assembly consent Thirdly According to the constitutions of the General Assembly to appoint Courts and Officers in cases Criminal And to impower them to inflict penalties upon Offenders against any of the Laws in force in the said Province as the saids Laws shal ordain whether by Fine or Imprisonment Banishment Corporal punishment or to the taking away of Member or of Life it self if there be cause for it Fourthly To place Officers and Souldiers for the safety strength and defence of the Forts Castles Cities c. according by the number appointed by the General Assembly to nominat place Commissionat all Military Officers under the dignity of the said Governour who is Commissionated by Vs over the several Trained Bands and Companies constituted by the General Assembly as Collonels Captains c. And their Commissiones to revoke at pleasure The Governour with the advice of his Counsel unless some present dangers will not permit them to Advise To Muster and Traine all the Forces within the said Province to prosecute War pursue an Enemy suppress all Rebellions and Mu●…inies as well by Sea as by Land and to exercise the whole Militia as fully as we by the Grant from his Royall Highness can impower him or them to do provided that they appoint not Militia Forces but what are Free-holders in the said Province unless the General Assembly shal consent Fifthly Where they see cause after Condemnation to reprive until the cause be presented with a copy of the whole Tryal proceedings and proofs to the Lords who will accordingly either pardon or command execution of the Sentence on the Offender who is in the m●an time to be kept in safe Custodie till the pleasure of the Lords be known Sixthly In case of Death ot other removal of the representative within the year to issue summonds by write to the respective division or divisions for which he or they were choosen Commanding the Free-holders of the same to choose others in their stead Seventhly To make warrands and to seall grants of Lands according to these our Concessions And the prescriptions by advice of the General Assembly in such forme as shall be at large sett down in our Instructions to the Governour in his Commission and which are hereafter exprest Eightly To Act and do all things that may conduce to the Safety peace and well Government of the said province as they shall see sit so that they be not contrare to the Laws of the said province For the better security of the Province of all the Inhabitants First They are not to impose nor suffer to be imposed any tax custome subsidie talladg assesmant or any other duty whatsoever upon any collour or pretence upon the said province and Inhabitants thereof other then what shall be imposed by the Authority and consent of the Generall assembly and then only in manner as aforesaid Secondly They are to take care that Land quietly held planted and possessed seven years after its being first duely surveyed by the Surveyor or General or his order shall not be subject to any review resurvey or alteration of bonds one what pretence soever by any of us or any Officer or Minister under us Thirdly They are to take care that no man if his cattle stray or range or graze on any ground within the said Province not actually appropriat or sett out to particular persons shall be lyable to pay an● trespase for the same to us our Heirs c. provided that custom of Commons be not thereby pretended to nor any person hindered from taking up and appropriating any Lands so grazed upon And that no person do purposely suffer his cattle to graze on such lands And that the planting of the said Province may be more speedily Promo●ed First Wee doe hereby grant unto all persons who have already adventured unto the said province of New Cesarea of New-Jersey or shall transport themselves or Servants before the 1. of January which shall be in the year of our Lord 1665. these following proportions viz. To every freeman that shall go with the first Governor from the poart where the Embarks or shall meet him at the rendezvous he appoints for the setlement of a plantation there Armed with a good musket bearing twelve bullets to the pound with ten pounds of powder and and twenty pounds of Bulletts with bandeliers and match convenient and with six months provision for his own person arriving there One hundreth and fifty Acres of Land English measure And for every able Man Servant that he shall carrie wi●h him armed and provyded as aforesaid and arryving there the like quantitie of 150. Acres of land English measure And who soever shall send servants at that time shall ha●e for every able man servant he or she shall s●nd so Armed and provided as aforesaid and arryving there the like quantity of 150. Acres And for every weaker servant or slave male or female exceeding the age of 14. years wh● h any one shall send or carrie arryving there 75 Acres of land And to every
Christian Servant exceeding the age aforesaid after the expiration of their time of service 75. Acres of Land for their own uses 2ly Item To every Master or Mistris that go before the first day of January which shall be in the years of our Lord 1665. One hundreth and twenty acres of Land and for every able man servant that he or she shall carrie or send Armed and pro●yded as aforesaid and arryving within the time aforesaid the like quantity of 120 Acres of and. And for every weaker Servant or slave male or female exceeding the age of 14. years arryving there 60 acres of Land and to every Christian servant to their own use and behoof 60 acres of Land 3ly Item To every Free-man or ree-woman that shall arryve in the said Province armed and provyded as a aforesaid within the second year from the first day of January 1665 to the first day o● January 1666. with an intention to pl●nt 90. acres of Land English measure and for every able man servant that ●he or she shall carrie or send armed and provided as aforesaid 90 acres of Land of like measure 4ly Item For every weaker servant or Slave aged as aforesaid that shall be so carried or sent thither within the second year aforesaid 45 acres of Land of like measure And to every Christian Servant that shall arrive th● second year 45 acres of Land of like measure after the expiration of his or their time or service for their own use and behoove 5ly Item To every freeman and free woman armed and provided as aforesaid That shall go and adventure with an intent to plant within the third year from January 1666 To January 1667 60 Acres of Land of like measure And for every able man-servant ●hat he or they shall carrie or send over within the said time Armed and provided as aforesaid the like quantity of 60. Acres of Land And for every weaker Servant or Slave aged as aforesaid that he or they shall carrie or send within the third year 30. Acres of Land and to every Christian Servant so carried or sent thirty 30. Acres of land of like measure after the expiration of his or their time of service All which land and all other that shall be possessed in the said Province are to be held on the said Terms and Conditions as is beforementioned and as hereafter in the following Paragraphs is more at large exprest Provided alwayes that the forementioned land and all other whatsoever that shall be taken up and so settled in the said Province shall afterwards from time to time for the space of 13. years from the date hereof be held upon the conditions aforesaid containing one able man servant or two such weaker servants as aforesaid on every 100 acres a Master or Mistress shall possesse besides what was granted for his or her own person In failȝie of which on notification to the p●es●nt occupant or his assignies there shall be 3 years given to such for their compleating the said number of persons or for their sale or other disposure of such part of their Lands as are not so peopled within which time of three years if any persone holding any Lands shall fail by himself his agents executors and assignies or some other way to provide such number of persons unless the General Assembly shall without respect of partie Judge it was impossible for the party so failing to keep or procure his or her number of servants to to be provided as aforesaid In such case we the Lords to have power of disposing of somuch of such lands as shal not be planted with its due number of persons as aforsaid to some other that will plant the same Provided alwayes that no persons arryving into the said province with purpose to settle they being Subjects or naturalized as aforesaid be denyed a grant of such proportions of Land as at the time of ther arryvall there are due to themselves or servants by concession from us as aforesaid But have full licence to take up and settle the same in such order and manner as is granted and prescribed All Lands notwithstanding the powers in the Assemblies aforesaid shall be taken up by warrand from the Governor and Confirmed by the Governor and Council under a Seal to be provided for that purpose in such order and method as shal be set down in this declaration and more at large in the Instructions to the Governor And that the Lands may be the more regularly laid out and all persons be better ascertained of their titles and possessions The Governor and Council and General Assembly if any be are to take care and direct that all Lands be divided by General Lots none less then Two thousand one hundreth acres no more then twenty one thousand acres in each Lot Excepting Cities Towns c. And near Lots of Township and that the same be divided into seven parts one seventh part by Lot to us our Heirs and Assignies The remander to persons as they shall come to plant is such proportions as is allowed 2ly Item That the Governour or whom he shall depute in case of Death or absence if some one be not before Commissionated by us as aforsaid doe give to every person to whom Land is due a warrant signed and sealed by himself and the Major part of his Council and directed to the Surveyor generall or his Deputie Commanding him to Lay out Limit and bound Acres of Land as his due proportion for such a person in such Alottment according to the warrand The Register having first recorded the same and attested the record upon the warrand The Surveyor Generall or his Deputie shall proceed and certifie to the Chief Secretary the name of the person for whom he hath Laid out Land By vertue of what Authority and the date of the Authority or warrand the number of Acres the bounds and on what point of the Compass the severall Limits thereof Lye which certificate the Register is likewayes to enter in a book to be prepared for that purpose with ane Alphabetical table referring to the book that so the certificat may be the easier found and then to fill the certificats and the same to keep Safelie The certificat being entered a warrand comprehending all the particulars of Land mentioned in the Certificat aforesaid is to be signed by him and his Council or the Major part of them as aforesaid they having seen the entrie and direction to the Register or Chief Secretarie for his preparing a grant of the Land to the partie to whom it was laid out which grant shall be in the form following viz. The Lords Proprietors of the Province of New-Cesarea or New-Jersey do hereby grant unto A B of the _____ in the Province aforesaid a Plantation Containing _____ Acres English Measure bounding as in the certificat To be holden to him or her his or her Airs and Assignes for ever Yeelding and paying yearly unto the saids Lords proprietors
not alterable by any Act of the great Council as other things by the voices of 2 thirds but only by an universal agreement so it is hoped that this hint will satisfie all sober and understanding people what Encouragement such a Government may give For Husband-men that hes a Stock able to transport themselves and Families with a few Servants and to have but a 100. pound Scots or a 100. Merks more to carry over in Commodities they shall have upon their arrivall 100 Acres of good ground measured out to them or above not exceeding 500. Acres And for their encouragement shall for the first 7. years pay nothing and then have what they please not under 100. nor exceeding 500. Acres confirmed to them and their heirs for ever paying half a Crown an Acre never to be raised upon them And for the Charge of the first year they may easily Calculate carrying over as much Oat-meal as will serve them Bread and the fraught will be inconsiderable and they will get flesh enough in the Countrey for killing without charge and will be able to clear more ground the first winter then will double serve their Families after the first harvest so that they will only have to buy with the Commodities they carry over with them Seed and Beasts The Charge of transportation is for every Man or Woman 5. lib. starling passage and intertainment for children under 10. years of age 50. shilling and Sucking children nothing 40. shillings for the tunn of goods and often under The Voyage is judged lesse Sea hazard then either to Holland or London and if there be any tollerable winds it is easily made in 6. weeks There went a ship last harvest to West Jersey from the Road of Aberden and they came to Delaware-River-mouth in 8. weeks though they had great Calmes and of betwixt 30. and 40. Passengers that went out of Aberdeen several women and children not above 4. of them had been at Sea before not one dyed nor was sick by the way For Ordinary servants who are willing to go over after 4. Years service from the time of there arryvall there during which time they shall be well entertained in meat and cloathing they shall have set out to each 25. Acres to them and theirs for ever paying 2. pence an Acre as much Corn as will sow an Acre and a Sute of now cloaths Now Considering that there is 5. pound Sterling payed for their Passage this is good termes and that after the terme of their Service is expired they will gain more in one year there then they can do in two at home towards the gaining of a Stock to their land and it may be easily conceived that they will be well treated by their Masters since it is their Interest to do so there more then here for that they would be Considerable Losers either by their Death or sicknesse being out so great an advance for them if by any hard-ship they shall be disabled to serve out their times All Sorts of Tradesmen may make a brave Livelyhood there such as Carpenters Ship-wrights Rope-makers Smiths Brick-makers Taylors Tanners Cowpers Mill-wrights Joyners Shooe-makers c. and any such like who are willing to go serve the four years not having to transport themselves shall in consideration of their Trade have after the expiring of their Service 30. Acres 2. pence the Acre as much Corn as well sow 2. Acres a cow and a Sow And for the incouragement of any such Trasdmen who are willing to go over and transport themselves they shall have the like quantitie of Land at the same rent and the Proprietors will oblidge themselves to find them work for a year after their arryval at as good Rates as they can have here untill they furnish themselves with some Stock to make better advantage upon the Place We will not encourage any to go there in expectation of Gold and Silver mines yea tho there were such in the Countrey we should not be curious nor industrous to seek them out being besides the Toyl and Labour but occasions envy and Emulation Nor yet is their Suggar or Indigo there or Cotton nor any store of Tobacco tho it grows there very well But We consider it not our interest to imploy much ground on it The Riches of this Countrey Consists in that which is most Substantial and necessar for the use of men to wit Plenty of Corn and Cattle and they have besides Vines and Fruits in abundance as before has been said so that who dwell here need not to be oblidged to any other Plantation for any thing necessar for Life and all other Plantations are beholden to them for necessaries without which their other Curiosities would little avail them This with the Province of New-York being the Granary or Store-house of the West-Indies without which Barbadoes and the Leewards Islands could not subsist Yea New-England is forced to come there every year for Corn this with the advantage of Fishery being considered will easily induce Sober and industrious People to prefer a Plantation here to most other places The Duke of Yorks grant of East-New-Jersey to the twenty four Proprietors THis Indenture made the fourteenth day of March in the five and thirtieth year of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord CHARLES the Second by the Grace of GOD of ●ngland Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith c. Anno Domini 1682. between His Royal Highness the most Illustrious Prince James Duke of York and Albany Earl of Ulster c. only Brother to our Soveraign Lord the King of the one part And the Right Honourable James Earl of Perth of the Kingdom of Scotland the right Honourable John Drummond of Lundin Scotland Esquire Robert Barclay of Urie in the Kingdom of Scotland Esquire on the other part c. Whereas our said Soveraign Lord the Kings Majestie in and by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of England bearing date the twelfth day of March in the sixteenth year of His said Majesties Reign did amongst several other things therein mentioned Give and Grant unto His Royal Highnes James Duke of York his Heirs and Assignies all that tract of land adjacent to New-England in the parts of America and lying and being to the Westward of Long-Island and Manhattas Island and bounded on the East part by the Main Sea and part by Hudsons River and extendeth Southward to the Main Ocean as far as Cape May at the mouth of Delawar Bay and to the Northward as far as the Northern-most branch of the said Bay or River of Delawar Which is one and fourtie Degrees and fourty Minuts of Latitude and crosing over thence in a straight line to Hudsons River in one and fourty Degrees of Latitude Which said tract of Land was then after to be called by the name of New-Cesaria or New-Jersey with all the Lands Islands Soylls Rivers Harbours Mynnes Minerals Quareries Woods Marishes Waters Lakes Fishings Hauckings Huntings and
That fancie of a Common Improvement will not take but whoever expects profi●e from their Interests here must Imp●ove them a part I have sold some of your Gloves a● 2 shil and 6 pen 3 shil 4 pen. a pair being what I c●uld gett for ●hem the money five and a half part less then Inglish and shal make an account thereof at meeting Pres●nt my service to all Friends I am Your very humble Servant Sic scribitur George Mackenzie A Double of a Letter from New-Perth da●ed the 1 of the seventh Moneth 1684. From Iohn Reid who was Gardner to the Lord Advocat to a Friend at Edinburgh SEing it hath pl●sead God to bring me and mine safe unto this part I took upon my self as oblidged to writ something according to my promise of this Countrey indeed I must sa● its a brave place but I have nor had time to take such observations as I w●uld being so ingadged to attend my other businesse Here is no ou●ward want especially of provisions and if people were industruos they might have cloaths also within themselves by the report ●f all it s the best of all ●he Neighbouring Collonies it is very wholesome pleasant and a fertill-land there are also some barren land viz. whit Sandy land full of Pin trees it lyes betwixt South-River and Barngate on Neverssink albiet there be also much good land in that precinct yet it s a good place for raising a stock of cattle providing they have large room to run in for cattle finds g●od food there in winter when none is in the best land and therefore do the inhabitants provide little hay in winter The soyl of the countrey is generally a red marle ear●h with a surface of blak mould nor doth it appear that realy it is to their eyes who cannot penetrat beyond the surface full fraughted with grass pleasant hearbs and flowers and in many places little or no wood but most places full of large timber as walnut especially oak there be some places here and there in the Woods they call swamps whick is low Ground amidst or betwixt rising ground full of bushes which holds water in winter tho most of them be dry in summer but these being cleared and some of them that needs being drained are the richest land here are great conveniencies of Bay Sounds Rivers Creeks Brooks and Springs all over the Province but one of the best things is the large quantities of brave Meadowes both falt and fresh which makes the people here able to supply their Neighbours as they doe throw the abundance of their cattle I know one Planter who hath a hundred of cattle not above three years setled and no wonder for some of the grasse is al 's high as my head Its pity to see so much good land as I have been over in this province lying wast and greater pity to see so much good and convenient land taken and not improven As soon as any of the land here comes to be cultivated it over-runs with small Claver-grass by the pasturage and dunging of cattle and so supplants the naturall grass and hearbs notwithstanding of their quick and strong growth Fruit trees also prosper well here Newark made about a thousand barrell of sider last year a barrell is 8 Scots gallons this is like that of Woodbridge who made 500 barrels of pork in one year before the law was made against the swins trespasses Here they sow most Indian corn and Wheat some Rye Barly Oats Indian corn the first year that they break up or plough the second they sow Whea● because the spontaneous grouth of the weeds is done away by howing the Indean corn as we do cabboge here is one planter makes accompt That he hath about three thousand bushels of wheat reapt this year I suppose he hath above a hundred acres of it but I doe not make these instances as so many precedents I know nothing wanting here except that good Tradsmen and good Husbandmen and Labourers are scarce a Labourer may have a bushell of Corn per day when he is a little acquainted with the work of the country but Tradsmen much more Smiths Carpenters Masons Weavers Taylors Shoemakers are very acceptable any who comes let them bring some cloaths and their proper tools with them as used in England and provide butter bisket wine and especially beer and ale for their Sea-voyage besides the ships allowance and they need not fear when they come here albiet they have no more yet they will be the better if they have something either in money or Scots linning and stuffs to buy a little provision at first to set them up a house and buy a cow or two and tho a man be rich I would not advise him ro bring many servants at least not to keep many at first untill he see about him and know what he is doing I Cannot tell what goods are best to bring David Barclay can tell better But he who brings money may expect 15. d. For the English shil some may bring a Little of the best Wheat for a change of seed and some barly and Oats for the same use also a Litle Scots field pise there being none such here bring also some great clower seed There are great store of Garding hearbs here I have not had time to inquire unto them all nether to send some of the many pleasant tho to me unknown plants of this Countrey to James Sutherland Physick Gardiner at Edinburgh but tell him I will not forget him when opportunities offers I had forgot to writ of Ambo or New-Perth therefore I add that it is one of the best places in America by the report of all Travellers for a town of trade for my part I never saw any so conveniently seated this with my love and my Wifs to all friends and acquaintances I Rest thy friend John Reid David Mudies Letter to his Wife New-Perth the 12. December 16●4 My heart I Hope this shall find you and your Children in Good-health and I wish in as much satisfaction as I and our Children are here far beyond my expectation and others my well-wishers who are with you my last to you was upon my arrival here dated the 8th of November and at that time I could give you but a small account of my Judgement anent it it would take a great deale of time to inform you of every thing as it truelie is But to be short I have travelled through a part of it and it is far larger than ever I heard it reported in Scotland I dare say above a third more ground and there is abundance of brave Rivers through ●t all ● better then ever I did see in any place brave Meadows al●●●st all the River sides and lands above the Mead●w ground abundance of Fresh water Brooks and Springs plenty of Fishes in all the Rivers in the Summer time and that very good Fishes such as they preserve for Victual in the W●nter and in
would poison themselves There is a Flee by the salt Marishes most troublesome in Summer but is not in the up-lands I am mightily well satisfied with my coming over neither do I think I could live again in Scotland In the Summer there is plenty of Fruits Peaches Walnuts Chesnuts Strawberries and another berry like Currans Vines as good as any where I and all who have come over have kept our health very well our food hath for the most part been Venison we got from the Indians which I like exceeding well The Indian Corn Indian Beans and Pease are pleasant Grains we have very good fishing present my service to all Friends and believe me to be ever Sir Your oblidged Servant James Johnstoun Sir I Nothing question but by the perusall of the above written Letters you are abundantly satisfied that East-Jersey as to all things necessar will accommodat our present design But if some Malevolent Persons who because they have not the courage nor resolut● to adventure upon such an undertaking themselves do cavill at the design in others may insinuat that the greatest part of these Letters being written by Gentlemen it may be presumed interest may oblidge them to represent things otherwise then they are to the advantage of the place This is easily answered that there are severall persons in this Town who have been upon the place who have perused all their Letters and declare they find nothing contained therein that they can contradict But as for a further proof thereof I have thought fit to conclude with a letter from a Masson sent over as a Servant by Captain Hamiltoun he being a plain Countrey-man it is not very probable he can have any design I had the Letters from his said Master as followeth A Letter from James Cockburn Masson Servitour in East-Jersey in America to Captain Hamiltoun at the Ship-tavern in Edinburgh dated the 12. of March 1685. to his Uncle James Broun Shoemaker in Kelso UNcle these few Lines do testifie that I am well and in good health blessed be GOD for it desiring to hear the like from you for I am very well in this land of America We lake neither wild nor tame to eat the most part of our drink is Rumm Cyder and Beer such as have these to sell drives a very good Trade I am working at my work daily in good weather and have very good incouragment among the old Planters if my Sister Katharin incline to come over she may have good service here and Francie also it is better to be bound some few years then come free except they have a good stock it is dear living here the first year or two The Indians are a harmless People and very kind to us they are not a harie People as was said to us in Scotland a Shoemaker would live very well here if he bring any store of Leather with him the Shoes are five or six shillings a pair there is nothing discourages us more then want of Ministers here but now they have agreed about their Stipends there is one to be placed in New-Perth Piscattaway Woodbridge and Elizabeth Town they have a mind to bring them from Scotland Uncle I hope you will let me know of your welfare and how the Town is repaired again and so I rest your Nephew untill death John Cockburn Another from the same hand to George Fae Masson in Kelso from New-Perth in America the 20. of March 1685. Cusin THese are to show you that I am in good health blessed be GOD for it wishing to hear the like from you We had a long Voyage but we came very well to our Harbour in this place of America within a stone-cast of my Masters Lott it is upon the very Harbour this Town is scituate betwixt two great Rivers the one called Rariton the other Hudsons It is a very pleasant Countrey and good for all Tradsmen You was angry with me for coming away but I repent nothing of it my self for I have abundance of Imployment I am at the building of a great stone house in New-Perth with another Scots-man They build most with Timber but are beginning to build with stone there is as good stone in this Countrey as in Scotland if they were at the pains to find it out there are not many of our Trade in this Province Any who hath a mind to come here will get good wages these who have a mind to come here will do far better then in Scotland I have no more desire to my Native-Countrey then I had never been in it they had better be bound some years with a good Master then come over frree for it is dear living at first here The Natives of this land are a harmless People they do wrong no to no man they are very kind to us tell my sister if she please to come over she may have good service here Remember me to all Friends and Comorads in Kelso and so I rest your Cusing while I live John Cockburn A Breif ADVERTISEMENT Concerning East-New-Jersey in AMERICA THat whereas it hath upon solid grounds been by very Judicious Men judged as well the advantage of the Nation in generall as of the particular Undertakers to have an Interest in some of the America Plantation and that in Order to the Promoting this Design There went in July last 1684. a Vessel from Leith with 160. Passengers or thereby another from Montross with 130. to East-New-Jersey in which two Vessels were some Gentlemen and Merchants of very good Repute the account of their safe Arrivall in eight weeks after their parting from Aberdeen and their several Opinions of that Countrey all agreeing anent the Fertility pleasantness and Wholesomness thereof as being stored with all things necessar for the comfortable Accommodation and Life of Man being compared with former Relations of that Countrey and both confirmed as Truth by several Gentlemen Merchants at present in Edinburgh who have been there The consideration of this as of the reasonable constitution of the Government the Model whereof hath been fully perused and found satisfactory hath ingaged many to pitch upon this Province of East-New-Jers●● as the most proper s●●t for a Collony of this Nation The same being a Climat agreeable to our Constitutions and a place fit for Trade and of great Security being as it were the Centre of the English Plantations and a place affording in plenty all desirable Accommodations And seeing the Approbation of these in Authority is absolutlie requisit for countenancing and encouraging such a Design without which it cannot be expected that any such Attempt can be made effectual Mr. George Scot of Pitlochie resolving to settle his Family in that place hath procured the following Pass By the Right Honourable Earl of Perth Lord High Chancellor of Scotland c. These are Permitting and allowing Mr. George Scot of Pitlochie with his Lady Children and Family and such other Persons as he shall ingage to pass from this Kingdom either