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A45253 The first part of the young clerks guide, or, An exact collection of choice English presidents according to the best forms now used for all sorts of indentures, letters of atturney, releases, conditions &c. very useful and necessary for all but chiefly for those that intend to follow the atturney's practice / compiled by R.F. ... : and revised by an able practitioner. Hutton, Richard, Sir, 1561?-1639. 1649 (1649) Wing H3842A; ESTC R31658 215,119 372

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they do acknowledge the receipt and thereof and of every part and parcel thereof do hereby clearly and absolutely acquit exonerate and discharge the said I. W. his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns and every of them for ever by these presents They the said W. Lord M. Sir F. G. and E. W. at and by the speciall direction and appointment of the said E. Earl of B. and the Lady L. Countesse of B. Have demised granted Grant bargained and sold and by these presents do demise grant bargain and sell unto the said I. W. his Executors Administrators and Assigns all those Closes and Grounds hereafter particularly named scituate lying and being in the Hamlets Parish or Fields of Burley in the County of R. That is to say One Close of pasture and meadow ground commonly called or known by the name of New Cow Close containing by estimation 110 acres now in the tenure or occupation of R. I. Gentleman or his Assigns One other Close of pasture called c. containing by estimation 170 acres at least now in the tenure or occupation of William Dalby or of his Assigns Two Closes of pasture c. Together with all and singular the waies passages profits commodities advantages and appurtenances whatsoever to the said severall Closes and Grounds and every or any of them belonging or in any wise appertaining or with them or any of them now or heretofore usually occupied demised or enjoyed or accepted reputed taken or known for or as part or parcel of them or any of them And the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents and yearly profits whatsoever of all and singular the said Closes and premisses before mentioned and of every of them To have and to hold the said Closes Fields Grounds Hereditaments and all and singular other the premisses with their and every of their appurtenances before by these presents demised or mentioned to be hereby demised granted bargained or sold and every part and parcel thereof unto the said I.W. his Executors Administrators and Assigns from the c. day of c. next ensuing the date of these presents unto the full end and term of 99 years from thence next ensuing and fully to be compleat and ended Yeilding and paying therfore yearly unto the said W. Lord M. Sir F. G. and E. W. their Heirs or Assigns one Pepper Corn only at the c. if the same be demanded Provided alwaies and it is fully agreed between the said parties to these presents and every of them That if the said E. Earl of B. the Lady L. Countesse of B. W. Lord M. Sir F. G. and E.W. or any of them their of any of their Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns or any of them do and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said I. W. his Executors Administrators or Assigns the sum of c. in or upon the c. at or in the c. between the hours of c. That then this present demise grant bargain and sale shall be utterly voyd frustrate and of none effect any thing herein before contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding For payment of the money And that the said E. Earl of B. the Lady L. Countesse of B. W. Lord M. Sir F. G. and E. W. or some of them their or some of their Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns shall and will well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said I. W. his Executors Administrators or Assigns the said sum of c. in or upon the c. at or in the place aforesaid and between the hours of c. according to the true intent and meaning of these presents And further That the said Closes Grounds and other the premisses before in and by these presents mentioned to be demised granted bargained and sold now are and be and so during the whole term of c. hereby granted bargained and sold shall be remain and continue of the clear yearly value of c. over and above all charges and reprizes For the quiet enjoying of the premisses upon default And moreover if default be made in payment of the said sum of c. herein before in the said proviso mentioned or any part thereof at the day time and place before mentioned and limitted for the payment thereof That then the said I. W. his Executors Administrators and Assigns and every of them shall and may from time to time and at all times during the said term of c. peaceably and quietly have hold use occupy possesse and enjoy the said Grounds Lands Tenements Hereditaments and all other the premisses herein before mentioned to be demised granted bargained or sold with all and singular their and every of their appurtenances and every part thereof without the let suit trouble deniall disturbance expulsion or interruption of the said E. Earl of B. the Lady L. c. W. Lord M. Sir F. G. and E. W. and of all and every other person or persons whatsoever and discharged of and from all other bargains sales gifts grants leases statutes recognizances extents judgments and all charges estates titles troubles and incumbrances whatsoever had made committed suffered or done or to be had c. by the said E. Earl of B. the Lady L Countesse of c. W. Lord M. Sir F. G. and E. W. or any of them or by any other person or persons whatsoever And further For further assurance upon default that if default be made in payment of the said sum of c. or any part thereof at the day time and place aforesaid that then the said E. Earl of B. the Lady L. Countesse of B. W. Lord M. Sir F. G. and E. W. their Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns and all and every other person or persons lawfully having claiming or pretending to have or claim any manner of estate right title interest claim or demands whatsoever of in or to the said Closes Grounds Hereditaments and premisses or any part thereof shall and will make do suffer and execute or cause procure to be done made suffered and executed all and every such further lawfull and reasonable act and acts thing and things device and devises in the Law whatsoever for the further better and more perfect assurance surety sure making and conveying of the said Closes Grounds and premisses with th' appurtenances and every part thereof unto the said I. W. his Executors Administrators and Assigns during the said Term of ninety and nine years according to the intent and meaning of these presents as by the said I. W. his Executors or Assigns or by his or their Councel learned in the Law shall be reasonably devised or advised and required And the said W. Lord M. Sir F. G. and E. W. for themselves severally and not jointly nor one of them for each other their severall Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns and for every of them respectively do covenant
Namely of one hundred twenty and four Chaldron of Coles valued at one hundred and two pounds two shillings and nine pence forty thousand of Oaken Billets at c. Six Horses six Carts with their furniture Cole-sacks Lighters Planks Cole measures and new and old wheels about the yard valued at c. All which did amount in the whole to the summe of three hundred two pounds five shillings and nine pence and did commit unto him the said I. C. the use occupation and mannaging of the said stock of Wood and Coles and of the summe of one hundred ninety seven pounds fourteen shillings and three pence of lawfull money of England to be laid out in buying of wood and coles to make up the whole stock five hundred and two pounds to be used managed imployed and supplied from time to time by him the said I. C. at the said Wharfe for the terme of seven years then next ensuing if the said J. and I. should so long live upon such conditions covenants and agreements and in such sort as were mentioned expressed and contained in certain Articles of agreement indented bearing date the sixteenth day of August 1637. in the said thirteenth year of his said Majesties Reign made between the said I. G. of the one part and the said I. C. of the other part as in and by the said Articles at large it doth and may appear And whereas it is agreed that the Agreement in the said Articles shall cease and be determined and that the said I. C. shall have hold retain and keep the said stock of goods and money to his own use in consideration of the summe of c. of lawfull money of England agreed to be secured to be paid by the said I. C. to the said I. G. at certain daies agreed upon Now this Indenture therefore Witnesseth That the said I. G. for the consideration aforesaid Hath granted bargained sold assigned and set over and by these presents doth fully clearly and absolutely grant bargain sell assign and set over unto the said I. C. all the said stock of goods and money before mentioned formerly delivered into the hands of the said I. C. as aforesaid and doth also remise release and for ever quit claim unto the said I. C. all actions accompts claimes and demands whatsoever touching or concerning the same stock of goods and money or any part thereof To have and to hold the said stock of wood coles money and other things before mentioned and every of them unto the said I. C. his Executors Administrators and Assigns to his and their own proper use and behoof and as his and their own proper Goods and Chattels for ever And the said I. G. for himself his Executors and Administrators and for every of them doth covenant promise and grant to and with the said I. C. his Executors Administrators and Assigns and to and with every of them by these presents that he the said I.C. his Executors Administrators and Assigns shall and may from henceforth for ever peaceably and quietly have hold and enjoy the said stock of goods and money and the same and every part thereof to dispose and convert to his and their own proper use and behoof without the let suit trouble claim or disturbances of him the said I. G. his Executors Administrators or Assigns or any of them or of any other person or persons whatsoever claiming by from or under him them or any of them or by or under or by reason of his their or any of their act or acts right title interest means or procurement c. In witnesse c. An Assignment of a Lease of a Messuage divers plats of Grounds with Buttals and Boundals severall Covenants c. with an Exception c. THis Indenture made the c. day of c. Anno Domini 1632. and the eight year of the reign of our Soveraign Lord King Charls c. Between S. H. of c. Gentleman of the one part and F. L. of c. Esquire of the other part Whereas Sir John T. late of c. Knight and Baronet deceased and the late right honourable N. Lord Tufton and Earl of Thanet by the name of Sir T. N. Knight Son and Heir apparent of the said Sir John T. now also deceased by their Indenture bearing date the thirtieth day of May in the fifteenth year of the reign of our said Soveraign Lord King Charls over England c. for the consideration therein expressed did demise grant and to farm-let unto E. W. of c. his Executors and Assigns all that the Messuage or Tenement shed and plat of ground scituate lying and being in Chick-lane c. containing by estimation one hundred foot in length from the North to the South and in bredth forty one foot from the East to the West The Messuage or Tenement then in the tenure of I. W. lying on the East side thereof and the said Chick-lane on the North side thereof And the Messuage or Tenement then in the tenure of one R. S. on the West and South sides thereof And also their part of one Messuage or Tenement or shed and parcel of a Ground lying and being in Chick-lane aforesaid containing by estimation fourscore and twelve foot in length and in bredth eighteen foot the Messuage or Tenement then in the tenure or occupation of one A. B. on the West side thereof the said Chick-lane on the North side thereof and the Messuage or Tenement then in the tenure or occupation of one H. S. on the South side thereof and then or late before in the tenure or occupation of the said A.B. his Assignee or Assignees and all and singular the Messuages Tenements Houses Edifices Buildings Rooms Shops Cellers Sollers and voyd ground unto the said Messuages or Tenements shed and plats of ground before mentioned to be demised belonging or in any wise appertaining To have and to hold to the said Edmund Waight his Executors Administrators and Assigns from the Feast of th' Annunciation of the blessed Lady S. Mary the Virgin last past before the date hereof unto the full end and term of thirty and one years from thence next ensuing and fully to be compleat and ended Yeilding and paying therfore yearly during the said Term unto the said Sir I. T. yearly during his life and after his decease to the said right honourable N. Lord T. and Earl of Thanet his Heirs and Assigns the full sum of eight pounds of lawfull money of England at two of the most usuall Feasts or Terms in the year That is to say at the Feasts of S. Michael the Archangel and th' Annunciation of the blessed Lady the Virgin Mary by equall portions as by the same Indenture more plainly may appear And whereas by certain other Indentures bearing date the said thirtieth day of May made between the said Sir John T. and the said N. Lord T. and Earl of Thanet by the name of Sir N. T. Knight on the one
part and the said E. W. on the other part It is covenanted conditioned and agreed by and between all the said parties And the said E. W. for himself his Executors Administrators and Assigns did covenant promise and grant to and with the said Sir I.T. and the said N. Lord T. and Earl of T. their Heirs and Assigns by the said last mentioned Indenture That the said E. W. his Executors Administrators and Assigns should well and truly yearly during the said Term of one and twenty years pay or cause to be paid to the said Sir I. T. during his naturall life and after his decease to the said N. Lord T. and Earl of T. his Heirs and Assigns the full sum of twenty three pounds of lawfull money c. for and in the name of a fine or income for the said Lease at the two Feasts aforesaid by equall portions And whereas also the said Sir I. T. and the said N. Lord T. and Earl of T. by the name of Sir N. T. Knight have by their Indenture bearing date the said c. day of May for the consideration therein mentioned demised granted and to farm let unto I. W. of c. All that their Messuage or Tenement scituate lying and being in Chick-lane aforesaid late in the tenure or occupation of one Agnes W. or her Assignee or Assignees containing by estimation from the East to the West thirty foot in bredth and in length from the North to the South threescore foot the Tenement then in the occupation of the said I. W. lying on the East side thereof the Tenement then of Ralph F. Gentleman on the West side thereof the Tenement then in the tenure or occupation of the said Ralph F. on the South side thereof and also all that Tenement shed or piece of ground lying and being in Chick-lane aforesaid containing by estimation one hundred and twenty foot of Assize in length and twenty eight foot in bredth then or late before in the tenure or occupation of the said I. W. or his Assignee or Assigns The Tenement then in the tenure or occupation of one I.C. lying on the East side thereof and the Tenement then in the tenure of one I. W. on the West side thereof and the Tenement belonging to S. Martins Organs on the South side thereof And also one other little piece or parcel of ground scituate lying and being near Chick-lane aforesaid c. containing by estimation in length nineteen foot from the East to the West and in bredth from the North to the South sixteen foot late in the tenure or occupation of R.B. or of his Assignee or Assignees the Tenement then in the occupation of the said I. W. on the East side thereof and the Tenement then in the tenure of the said Ralph F. on the West side thereof the Tenement then in the tenure of R. S. and E.W. on the North side thereof and the Tenement then in the tenure of the said R.F. on the South side thereof and also all and singular Houses Edifices Buildings Stables and Back-sides Back-houses Shops Cellers Sollers c. unto the said Messuage and severall plats of ground before demised then belonging or appertaining or to or with the said demised premisses then held used occupied or enjoyed as part parcel or member of them or either of them To have and to hold all singular the said demised premisses with th' appurtenances to the said I.W. his Executors Administ and Assigns from the Feast of th' Annunciation of our blessed Lady the Virgin Mary then last past before the date of the said last recited Indenture unto the full end and term of thirty and one years from thence next ensuing and fully to be compleat and ended Yeilding and paying therfore yearly during the said Term unto the said Sir I. T. during his life and after his decease to the said right honourable N Lord T. and Earl of T. and his Heirs and Assigns the full sum of six pounds of lawfull money of England at the two Feasts aforesaid by even and equall portions And whereas by certain other Indentures bearing date the said thirtieth day of May made between the said Sir I. T. the said N. Lord T. Earl of T. of the one party and the said I.W. of the other part It is covenanted concluded condescended and agreed by and between all the said parties And the said I. W. for himself his Executors Administrators and Assigns did covenant promise and grant to and with the said Sir I. T. and the said N. Lord T. Earl of T. their Heirs and Assigns That the said I. W. his Executors Administrators and Assigns should well and truly yearly during the said Term of thirty and one years pay or cause to be paid to the said Sir John T. during his naturall life and after his decease to the said N. Lord T. Earl of T. his Heirs and Assigns the full sum of seventeen pounds of lawfull money of England for and in the name of a fine or income for the said Leases at the two Feasts aforesaid by even and equall portions as by the same severall Leases relation being unto them had more at large it doth and may appear Which said severall Leases Estates and Interests of the said E. W. and I. W. of in and to all and singular the aforesaid premisses in and by the aforesaid severall Indentures of Lease demised granted and contained as aforesaid were by mean conveyances and sufficient Assurances in the Law conveyed to John Witherings Esquire And the said I. W. by deed indented under his hand and seal bearing date the c. of c. 5 Car. hath conveyed his estate interest and term of years in the said premisses unto the said S. H. for during and untill all the residue of the time then to come and unexpired of the said severall Indentures of Lease granted be fully compleat and ended as by the same conveyances and assurances relation being thereunto had it doth and may appear Now this Indenture witnesseth That the said S. H. for and in consideration of the sum of three hundred and thirty pounds c. to him in hand at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents by the said F. H. well and truly paid whereof the said S. H. doth acknowledge the receipt and thereof and of every part and parcel thereof doth hereby for ever acquit and discharge the said F.H. his Executors and Assigns and every of them Hath granted bargained sold assigned and set over and by these presents doth fully clearly and absolutely grant bargain sell assign and set over unto the said F.H. and M. his Wife all and singular the said demised premisses above mentioned to be demised by the aforesaid Indentures or any of them demised letten or granted or mentioned meant or intended to be in and by the same demised letten or granted with their and every of their appurtenances And all the Messuages Houses Edifices and Buildings now
their Executors Administrators or Assignes or any of them and shall not release or discharge the said Recognizance Execution matter or thing thereupon to be had or any part thereof In witnesse c. A Generall Release KNow all men by these presents That I A. G. of c. Gentleman have remised released and for ever quit claimed and by these presents do for me my Executors and Administrators and every of us clearly and absolutely remise release and for ever quit claime unto G. H c. his Executors and Assignes all and all manner of Actions Suits Quarrels Debts Duties Bonds Bils Writings Obligatory Reckonings Accounts and Demands whatsoever which against the said G. C ever I have had now have or which I my Executors or Administrators or any of us at any time hereafter shall or may have for or by reason or meanes of any matter cause or thing whatsoever from the beginning of the world untill the day of the date of these presents Witnesse my hand and seal c. A Release from one that hath lost the Counterpart of his Lease TO all Christian people to whom this present writing shall come H. B. of c. sendeth greeting Whereas T. S. of c. in and by one Indenture of Lease bearing date the c. for the consideration therein expressed did demise grant betake and to farme-lett unto me the said H. B. my Executors administrators and Assignes reciting the Grant In which said Indenture of Lease there are divers covenants grants articles and agreements on the part and behalfe of the said T. S. his Executors Administrators and Assignes to be observed performed and kept as by the same Indenture of Lease among divers other thing and things therein contained more at large appeareth Now know yee that I the said H.B. for divers other good causes and c. have by these presents remised released and alwaies of and for me my Executors and Administrators for evermore quit claimed unto the said T. S. his Executors Adminstrators and Assignes all singular the Covenants Grants Articles Provisoes Conditions Clauses Sentences and Agreements whatsoever in the said Indenture of Lease mentioned or contained which on the part behalfe of the said T. S. his Executors Administ or Assignes are or ought to be observed performed and kept and also all and all manner of actions suits quarrels benefits commodities and advantages that shall or may happen to arise or grow by reason or meanes of them or by the breach or not performing of all and every the said Covenants Grants Articles clauses Agreements every or any of them and also I the said H B. have remised released surrendred assigned and set over and by these presents doe remise release surrender assigne and set over from me my Executors Administrators and Assignes unto the said T. S. his Executors Administrators and Assignes all the Estate Right Title Interest Terme of years Property Claime and Demand whatsoever which I the said H. B. now have or that I my Executors Administrators or assignes or any of us ought to have or claime of in and to all and singular other the premisses to me the said I. B. in and by the said Indenture of Lease demised as aforesaid and of in and to every or any part or parcell thereof In witnesse c. A Release of Fines and Forfeitures due to the King and to the Informer upon the Statute of Recusancie TO all people to whom this present writing shall come I. A. S. of c. send greeting Whereas I the said A. S. in or about the first day of c. did exhibite and prefer into the Kings Majesties Court of Common-Pleas at Westminster one Bill of Information touching and upon the Statute of Recusancy against F. M. of c. for the supposed Christening of a Child of the said F. contrary to the said Statute and the Lawes of this Realme as by the same information now depending and remaining in the same Court of Common-Pleas more at large appeareth Now know ye that I the said A. S. for and in consideration of a certaine sum of lawfull c. to me in hand paid by the said F. M. before the ensealing and delivery of these presents have remised released and quit Claimed and by vertue of one Indenture to me made and granted from the Right Honourable R. Lord Ewre and E. Lord Morley for the prosecution ending and compounding for of all matters concerning the said Statute do remise release and for ever quit claime unto the said F. M. his Executors and Administrators all and all manner of actions and causes of actions suits and troubles now or at any time heretofore by my meanes or procurement prosecuted and depending in His Majesties Court of Common-Pleas or elsewhere against the said F. M. touching the Statute before mentioned and all Fines Forfeitures penalties sum and sums of money and demands due and payable or which of right ought to be due and payable either to our Soveraigne Lord the Kings Majestie that now is His Heires or Successors by reason or meanes of the breach or non-performance of the said Statute or to me the said A. S. my Executors or Administrators by vertue of the Indenture aforesaid or of any Information in that behalfe exhibited or otherwise howsoever And I the said A. S. for me my Executors and Administrators by these presents doe covenant and grant to and with the said F. M. his Executors and Administrators That I the said A. S. my Executors and Administrators and every of us shall and will at all times hereafter for ever well and sufficiently maintaine uphold make good and defend this present release to the said F. M. his Executors and Assignes and every of them against all persons that shall or may at any time hereafter deny oppose or contradict the same and also save harmelesse the said F. M. his Executors and Administrators and every of them from all actions suits charges and troubles that may or shall arise be prosecuted or brought against the said partie by any other person or persons whatsoever concerning the premisses In witnesse c. A Resignation or Release from one used in trust of all the benefit he might claime by vertue of any Covenant in the Indenture TO al Christian people to whom this present writing shall come I. I. B. of c. send greeting Whereas by one Indenture bearing date the c. made between R. O. of c. on the one party and the said I. B. and I. H. of c. on the the other party he the said R. O. for himself his Heires Executors and Administrators and every of them did covenant and grant to and with me the said I. B. and the said J. H. our Executors and Assignes That he the said R. O. should and would within the space of c. next ensuing the date of the same Indenture Convey and assure or cause to be conveyed and assured to the said R.
O. and E. H. daughter to R. H of c. with whom the said R. O. was then to be espoused and to the Heires of their bodies lawfully begot ten Lands Tenements and Hereditaments of the full and clear yearly value of 1000. l. at the least as by the said Indenture and Covenants therein contained amongst divers other things more at large appeareth And for performance thereof according to the said Covenants the said R. O. by his Obligation dated c. became bound with sureties to us the said J. B. and I. H. in the sum of c. as by the same Bond may also appear In which said Indenture and Bond the name of me the said I. B. was only used in trust for the benefit and behoof of the said E. H. Now therfore know ye that I the said I. B. in the discharge of the trust in me reposed and at the request of the said E. H. have remised released surrendred resigned and set over and by these presents for me my Executors and Administrators do freely and absolutely remise release surrender resign and set over unto the said E. H. her Executors Assigns all the estate right title interest use trust benefit priviledge and demand whatsoever which I the said I. B. have or may have or claim of in or to any sum of money or other matter or thing whatsoever in the said Indenture Covenant and Bond contained mentioned and expressed or in any of them So as neither I the said J. B. my Executors or Administrators or any of us at any time hereafter shall or will ask claim challenge or demand any interest use benefit trust priviledge or other thing in any manner whatsoever by reason or means of the said Indenture or any Covenant therein specified or in or to the said Bond or any sum of money therein mentioned but thereof and therefrom and from all actions suits and demands which I my Executors or Assigns may have concerning the same shal be utterly secluded and for ever debarred by these presents In witnesse c. An Indenture for justifying of actions upon setting over of a Statute THis Indenture made the c. Between R. W. of c. on the one part and T. C. of c. on the other part Witnesseth That whereas I. H. of c. in and by one Statute of 800. l. now appertaining the said R. W. as Executor of the last Will and Testament of the said c. Now the said R. W. for divers good considerations him especially moving hath given granted assigned and set over and by these presents doth fully clearly and absolutely give grant assign and set over unto the said T. C. his Executors Administrators and Assigns as well the said Statute staple aforesaid as also all the debts of c. in the same Statute mentioned or contained to the only proper use and behoof of the said T.C. his Executors Administrators and Assigns for ever And further the said R. W. covenanteth c. That he the said R. W. his Heirs and Executors and the Administrators that hereafter shall happen to be of the Goods Chattels and Credits of him the said R. W. and every of them at all times and from time to time hereafter upon request shall maintain justifie and allow all and every such Action and Actions Writs Suits Bils Plaints Executions and Demands whatsoever as the said T. C. his Executors or Administrators shall commence pursue or make in the name or names of the said R. W. his Executors or Administrators that hereafter shall be of the Goods Chattels Credits and Debts of the said R. W. or in the name or names of any of them that it shall be lawfull to for the said T.C. his Executors Administrators and Assigns and every of them to take receive have hold and enjoy for ever to the only use of the said T. C. his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns all and every such sum and sums of money costs and damages satisfactions commodities profits and advantages whatsoever which shall be gotten recovered obtained or had by reason of any the actions writs bils plaints executions and demands aforesaid or by reason or means of any of them without any impediment deniall or contradiction of the said R. W. his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns that hereafter shall be of the Goods Chattels or Credits of the said R. W. or any of them In witnesse c. An Indenture between the Scavenger and the Raker for clensing the street THis Indenture made the c. between R.C. S. P. And T. R. Citizens of London Scavengers of and for the Parish of c. on the one party and E.D. c. on the other party Witnesseth That the said E. D. in consideration of the sum of c. to him to be paid in such form as hereafter in these presents is expressed Covenanteth promiseth and granteth for himself c. in manner and form following That is to say That he the said E. D. his Executors Administrators or Assigns shall and will at his and their own proper costs and charges clense and make clean or cause to be clensed and made clean in the said Parish of c. all the streets lanes alleys and other places whatsoever within the said Parish of c. as the same hath been heretofore used and accustomed to be clensed and made clean by any Carter or Raker in that behalf appointed from the Monday next after the Feast of Epiphany of our Lord God commonly called Twelfth day next ensuing the date hereof untill the Monday next after the Epiphany of our Lord God which shall be in the year of c. three times in every week weekly during the said term to wit on every Tuesday Thursday and Satturday And also at all other such times and daies as the Lord Major of the said City of London for the time being the Alderman of the Ward His Majesties Privy Councel or the Common Councel of the said City of London or any of them shall appoint or command the same and from thence shall carry away and convey all such Channel-dirt filth sea-cole ashes sweepings of houses and streets lanes alleys and other places of and within the said Parish of c. unto some convenient Bastall for the same to be provided by the said E. D. his Executors Administrators or Assigns at his or their proper costs and charges all Rubbish and Rushes as shall happen to be laid out of the Parish Church c. during the said term only excepted And further that he the said E. D. his Executors Administrators or Assigns shall and will from time to time and at all times during the said term clearly acquit exonerate and discharge and save and keep harmlesse the said c. and every of them respectively and their successors in the said office of Scavengers during the said term of c. and from all and all manner of costs charges imprisonments expences and damages
person and persons and for such estate and estates and in such sort manner and form as the said V. W. by any Deed or Deeds indented sealed delivered and executed in the presence of three or more credible witnesses by and with such consent and approbation shall declare limit or appoint And from and after such revocation in default of such declaration limittation and appointment then to the uses intents and purposes before by these presents limitted expressed and declared and to and for none other use intent or purpose whatsoever Any thing in these presents or in any former or other declaration of use or uses contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding In witnesse c. A Condition for payment of Rent Quarterly for Lands held from year to year at the pleasure of the Lessor THe Condition of this Obligation is such That whereas the above bounden T. H. hath and holdeth from year to year at the will and pleasure of the above named I. M. certain Closes and parcels of ground lying and being in the Parish of S. above written in the County of Berks parcel of the Lands belonging to the Tenement there called B. for and under the yearly rent of c. to be paid quarterly If therfore the said T. H. his Heirs Executors and Administrators or any of them do well and truly pay of cause to be paid unto the said I. M. or to his certain Atturney Executors or Assigns the said yearly rent of c. at the now dwelling house of the said I. M. in T. above written in manner and form as followeth That is to say upon the four and twentieth day of June next ensuing the date hereof c. upon the eight and twentieth day of September next also ensuing other c. upon the four and twentieth day of December next also ensuing other c. and upon the four and twentieth day of March which shall be in the year of our Lord God c. other c. and so forth quarterly and every quarter the one next and immediatly ensuing the other upon the like daies the sum of c. during all the time and term that the said T. H. and his Assigns shall so hold and enjoy the said Closes and Grounds at the will of the said I. M. And moreover do from time to time during all the said Term at his own costs and charges maintain and keep the same premisses in good sufficient Fences and Bounds and in the end of the said time do leave and yeild up the same well and sufficiently fenced and bounded without any Cavillation That then c. A Sale of the Moity of Rent reserved by Lease THis Indenture made the c. Between R. B. of c. Executor of the last Will and Testament of R. R. late of c. deceased and P. R. c. on the one part and A. G. c. on the other part Witnesseth That whereas the said P. R. being interessed and possessed by Lease dated c. made and granted unto him the said P. R. by and from one W. T. of c. of all that Messuage Tenement or Inn called or known by the name or sign of the Black Bell scituate in Fleet-street in the parish of Saint Dunstan c. And of all Cellers Sollers Rooms Barns Stables Hay-lofts Gate-houses liberties of passage Courts Yards Windows Lights Water-courses Racks Planks Mangers and all other the appurtenances whatsoever to the said Messuage or Tenement belonging or appertaining except as in the said Lease made to the said P. R. of the premisses is excepted did afterwards by his Indenture of Lease bearing date c. for the considerations therein expressed demise grant and to farm-let unto T.R. Citizen c. his Executors Administrators and Assigns all those Rooms Chambers Lodgings Cellers and Easments hereafter particularly mentioned being parcel of the said Messuage Tenement or Inn called c. and then in the tenure of the said P. R. or of his Assigns That is to say One Celler lying under the Shop then and yet in the occupation of the said T.R. or of his Assigns One Room or Chamber towards the street called The Crown being part over the said Shop and part over the said gate or way leading into the said Messuage Tenement or Inn called The Black Bell. One other little dark Room or Chamber called The Faggot Chamber lying backward behind part of the said Room or Chamber called the C. on the same flour with liberty to make and contrive convenient light or lights from the Yard of the said Messuage Tenement or Inn aforesaid to serve the said room called the F. Room and the same so made to enjoy during the said Lease One other Room Chamber or Lodging towards the street called The Angel directly over the said Chamber called the C. One other Chamber or Lodging commonly called The two Bed Chamber lying backwards behind part of the said Room or Chamber called the A. on the same flour And also one piece or parcel of the lower room then in the occupation of the said T. R. or of his Assigns to contain by estimation c. next behind the West end or side of the said Shop then in the occupation of the said T. R. towards the North for the making and contriving of a pair of Stairs to lead from the said Shop unto the said demised premisses and also from thence to make and contrive a convenient way or passage to lead into the Celler before mentioned Together with all Lights Waies Easments Commodities and appurtenances to the said premisses belonging or appertaining To have and to hold to the said T. R. his Executors Administrators or Assigns from the Feast of c. then next coming after the date of the said Lease last recited unto the end and term of c. from thence next ensuing and fully to be compleat and ended And for and under the yearly rent or reservation for the first two years and one quarter of the same term of one Pepper Corn And afterwards during the whole Term for and under the yearly rent of c. payable as in and by the said Indenture of Lease made to him the said T. R. amongst divers other Covenants Grants Articles and Agreements therein contained more fully and at large it doth and may appear Recitall And whereas afterwards the whole estate right title interest term of years property claim and demand of the said P. R. in and to the said premisses before mentioned or recited by good and sufficient conveyances in that behalf made came into the hands and possession of the said R. R. who died thereof lawfully possessed and by and after whose decease the said Indenture of Lease first mentioned term of years and premisses aforesaid was lawfully vested and setled in the said R. B. as Executor of the last Will and Testament of the said R. R. And whereas the said R. B. being of the premisses so possessed as aforesaid
by his Indenture or Deed indented bearing date c. for the considerations therein mentioned did grant bargain sell assign and set over unto I. C. c. his Executors Administrators and Assigns the Moity or one half part of the Messuage Tenement or Inn called The Black Bell aforesaid and the Moity of all and singular Shops Cellers Sollers Rooms Barns Stables Hay-lofts Gate-houses liberties of passage Courts Yards Windows Lights Water-courses Racks Planks Mangers and all other the appurtenances whatsoever to the said Messuage Tenement or Inn belonging or appertaining and the Moity of all Houses Edifices and Buildings then standing or being upon the premisses or any part thereof and the Moity of all and singular other the premisses whatsoever mentioned to be demised in and by the said Indenture of Lease first mentioned except as in the same Indenture is excepted To have and hold the said Moity of the said Messuage Tenement or Inn called the c. and of all other the premisses aforesaid except before excepted unto the said I. C. his Executors Administrators and Assigns from thenceforth during the residue then to come and unexpired of the whole term granted by the said Indenture of Lease first mentioned made to the said P. R. as aforesaid as in and by the last Indenture or Deed indented amongst other things also more at large it doth and may appear Now this Indenture witnesseth That the said R.B. and P.R. for and in consideration of the sum of c. to him the said P. R. by the direction and appointment of the said R. B. well and truly paid before th' ensealing and delivery of these presents by the said A. G. whereof they the said R. B. and P. R. do acknowledge themselves to be fully satisfied contented and paid and thereof and of every part and parcel thereof do clearly acquit and discharge the said A. G. his Executors and Administrators by these presents Have granted bargained sold assigned and set over and by these presents do clearly and absolutely grant bargain sell assign and set over unto the said A. G. his Executors Administrators and Assigns all that the Moity or half part of all and singular the said Rooms Chambers Lodgings Cellers Waies Lights Liberties Passages Commodities and appurtenances and of all other the premisses demised to the said T. R. by the said P. R. in and by the said Indenture of Lease before recited and of every part and parcel thereof together with the Moity or half part of the said yearly rent of c. reserved by the said Indenture of Lease and full liberty power and authority to receive and take the same from time at such Feasts and daies as the same shall grow due and payable by the said Lease during the whole term thereby granted To have and to hold the said Moity of all and singular the said Rooms Chambers Lodgings Rents and other the premisses with th' appurtenances before by these presents mentioned to be granted bargained sold assigned and set over and every part and parcel thereof with libertie power and authority to receive and take the said rent as aforesaid unto the said A. G. his Executors Administrators and Assigns from th' ensealing and delivery of these presents for and during all the rest and residue of the said term of c. years to him the said T. R. granted as aforesaid now to come and unexpired in such like large and ample manner to all intents and purposes as they the said R. B. and P. R. or either of them might should or in any wise ought to have take and enjoy the same And the said R. B. and P. R. for themselves and either of them their and either of their Executors Administrators and Assigns and for every of them do covenant promise and grant to and with c. That is to say That they the said R. B. and P.R. or one of them at the time of th' ensealing and delivery of these presents are and stand or one of them is and standeth so lawfully and absolutely possessed of the premisses as that they the said R. B. and P.R. or one of them now have or hath good right full power and lawfull authority hereby to grant bargain sell assign and set over the said Moity of the said severall Rooms Chambers Lodgings and other the premisses with th' appurtenances before by these presents mentioned to be granted bargained sold assigned and set over and every part and parcel thereof unto the said A. G. his Executors Administrators and Assigns in manner and form aforesaid And further that he the said A.G. his Executors Administrators Assigns and every of them shall from time to time and at all times hereafter during the rest and residue of the said term of c. years granted to the said T.R. as aforesaid peaceably and quietly have hold and enjoy the Moity of the said Rooms Chambers Lodgings and other the premisses with th' appurtenances before mentioned to be demised to the said T.R. by the Indenture of Lease above recited and every part therof the Moity of the said yearly rent of c. by the same Indenture reserved shall or may receive take and enjoy from time to time as the same shall grow due during the said Term without the let suit trouble disturbance interruption or eviction of them the said R. B. and P. R. or either of them their Executors Administrators and Assigns or any of them or of any other person or persons whatsoever lawfully claiming by from or under them or either or any of them or by from or under their or any of their means act title consent or procurement or by from or under the said R. R. deceased and also acquitted and discharged of and from all and all manner of former Grants Bargains Sales Leases Statutes Merchant and of the Staple Recognizance Judgments Executions Surrendors Forfeitures Re-entries and of and from all other Titles Troubles Charges and Incumbrances whatsoever had made committed or done by the said P. R. and R. B. and R. R. deceased or any of them or to be had made committed or done by the said P. R. and R. B. their Executors c. or any of them or by their or any of their means act title interest default consent or procurement In witnesse c. A Lease of Lands by way of Morgage in consideration of a sum of money THis Indenture made the c. Between the right honourable E. Earl of B. and the Lady L. his Wife Countesse of B. The right honourable the Lord M. Baron of R. in the County of c. Sir F. G. of c. and E. W. of c. on the one part And I.W. of c. on the other part Witnesseth Consideration That in consideration of the sum of c. to the said E. Earl of B. and the Lady L. Countesse of c. in hand paid by the said I. W before th' ensealing and delivery of these presents whereof
more or lesse and all Barns Stables Orchards Gardens buildings and other hereditaments to the same belonging or appertaining or with the said house or Tenement commonly used occupied or enjoyed or which are accepted reputed or taken to be part parcell or member of the same and now in the tenure or occupation of him the aforesaid G. C. his Assignee or Assignees with all Commons and Common of pasture whatsoever to the same belonging and also all those two Cottages or Tenements in T. aforesaid standing together adjoyning to the said Messuage or Tenement and one parcell of ground adjoyning to the said Cottages which said Cottages and parcell of ground last mentioned doe contain by estimation on that side towards the Kings high street twenty yards of ground or thereabouts and on that side towards the Garden now or late of the said G. C. thirteen yards of ground or thereabouts and now are in the severall tenures and occupations of M. I and F. L. and the Reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents and yearly profits whatsoever of all and singular the said premisses and every part and parcell thereof Together with all and singular Deeds Evidences and writings touching or concerning only the premisses or any part thereof To have and to hold the said Messuage or Tenement and the said three acres of Land and the said two cottages or Tenements and the said parcell of Land adjoyning to the said cottages and other the premisses with their appurtenances before by these presents bargained and sold or mentioned or intended to be hereby granted aliened bargained sold and confirmed and every part and parcell thereof unto the said H. H. and S. his Wife and to the heirs and Assigns of the said H. H. to the only proper use and behoof of the said H.H. and S. his wife and of the heirs and assigns of the said H. H. for ever And the said G. C. for himself c. that he the said G. C. for and notwithstanding any act done by him the said G. C. to the contrary at the time of the ensealing delivery of these presents is and standeth lawfully and rightfully seized in his demeasne as of seesimple in his own right to his own right use without any condition limitation or other use or trust to alter change or determine the same estate of in the said Messuages Lands Temements Cottages and premisses before mentioned to be hereby granted bargained and sold and of and in every part and parcell thereof and that he the said G. C. for and notwithstanding any act don by him to the contrary now hath and at the time of the first estate to be had and executed to the said H.H. and S. according to the intent and true meaning of these presents shall have full power just right and lawfull Authority to grant bargain and sell the same and every part and parcell thereof with the appurtenances unto the said H. H. and S. and the heirs and assigns of the said H. H. in manner and form as is before in these presents expressed And that the same Messuages or Tenements Lands Cottages and premisses and every part and parcell thereof with th' appurtenances shall from henceforth for ever remain and continue unto the said H. H. and S. his Wife and to the heirs and Assigns of the said H. H. freely and clearly acquitted exonerated and discharged of and from all and all manner of former bargaines sales gifts grants Dowers Joyntures Leases Rents charges Rents seck arrearages of Rents annuities uses intailes Statutes Merchant and of the Staple Judgements forfeitures Executions intrusions and incumbrances whatsoever and of and from all other charges titles troubles and incumbrances whatsoever had made committed or wittingly or willingly suffered or done by the said G. C. or by any other person or persons whatsoever lawfully claiming by from or under him the said G. C. or by his means assent privity or procurement the rents and services from henceforth to grow due to the chief Lord or Lords of the Fee or Fees of the premisses for and in respect of his or their Seignorie or Seignories only excepted and fore prized And further that he the said G. C. and his heirs and Assigns shall and will at all time and times hereafter within the space of five years next ensuing the date of these presents upon the reasonable request and at the cost and charges in the Law of the said H. H. and S. his wife or of the heirs and Assigns of the said H. H. make suffer doe knowledge and execute or cause to be made done knowledged suffered and executed all and every such further lawfull and reasonable act and acts thing and things device and devises conveyances and assurances in the Law whatsoever for the further more perfect and better assuring and sure making of the premisses before mentioned to be hereby bargained and sold and of every part and parcell thereof unto the said H. H. and S. his Wife and to the heirs and Assigns of the said H. H. for ever Be it by fine or fines feofement or feofements recovery or recoveries with single or double Voucher or Vouchers Deed or Deeds inrolled or not enrolled the enrolment of these presents Release confirmation with warranty of the said G. C. and his heirs only against him the said G. C. and his heirs or otherwise or without warranty or by all every or any of the said waies or means or by any other waies or meanes which by the said H. H. c. or his or their Councell learned in the Law shall be reasonably devised advised or required So as the same do not contain or extend unto any further warranty then against him the said G. C. his Executors or Assigns or against any further Act or Acts then as aforesaid And so as neither he nor they that make such further assurance be compelled or compellable to travell further then the Cities of London and Westminster for the doing making or executing of such further assurances and conveiances as aforesaid And lastly it is agreed by and between the said parties to these presents That all and every the said assurances and conveiances so as aforesaid hereafter to be had of the premisses shal be and shal be esteemed and taken to be to the only use of them the said H.H. and S. his wise and of the heirs and Assigns of the said H. H. for ever and to no other use intent or purpose whatsoever any thing in these presents contained to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding In Witnesse whereof c. A Joynture to the Wife made before Marriage THis Indenture made c. Between I. C. the younger of c. on the first part and I. C. the elder c. on the second part and R. W. of c. on the third part Witnesseth That the said I. C. the younger for and in consideration of a Marriage by Gods grace intended and shortly to be had