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A38211 The life and reigne of our sovereign lord, King Charles the II in a compendious chronicle relating both to His Majesties person and affairs : with the chief transactions of state in the three kingdomes from his birth to this present / by a lover of his prince and countrey. Eglesfield, Francis. 1660 (1660) Wing E253A; ESTC R9075 94,664 357

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and their Army an accommodement of which is undertaken by Commissioners chosen on both sides But the Army judging it would be advantageous for their concernments to get the King into their hands sent Cornet Ioyce to Holmby with 500. Horse upon the fourth of Iune who took the King from thence by night without the privity and consent of the Parliament or the General himself as he profess'd in a Letter to them And now the damnable Mysterie of Iniquity begins to work they march up to S. Albans against the Parliaments order refuse to deliver the King's person to their Commissioners and mongst other insolencies impeach eleven members of the House of Commons The Speaker though he had the day before protested against such a dishonourable Act in the Abbey Church at Westminster flyes to the Army with several Members The City stick to the remaining part of the Parliament for the restoring of the King and declare against the Army Fairfax marches up to London which prepar'd to oppose him enters the City with 20000. Horse and Foot upon the 6. of August re-establishes the Members receives their thanks puts Tichbourn into the Tower of London as Lieutenant takes up his Head-Quarters at Kingston and places the King Hampton Court Within a few dayes after several members of the House are accused of Treason as Sir Iohn Maynard Denzil Hollis Sir William Waller Major General Massey c. Sir Iohn Gayer and four Aldermen Culham Bunce Langham and Adams are committed to the Tower and the Earles of Suffolk Lincoln Middlesex with the Lords Berkley Maynard Hunsdon and VVilloughby of Parham to the Black Rod. All the Works of the City are voted to be cast down upon pretence of bringing in the King but indeed according to the design of the Army sutably to whose pleasure they acted to disable it from resistance Propositions are sent to the King the same in effect with the former of Newcastle Agitators are set up by the Souldiers amongst themselves to carry on their Interests The Scots Commissioners send a Letter to the Speaker of the House of Commons for a personal Treaty between his Majesty and the Commissioners of both Nations But whil'st new Propositions are preparing the King being inform'd of designes against his Life escapes from Hampton-Court with intent to go to the Isle of Iersey where the Prince still lay At his coming to the sea-shoar he found himself disappointed of a ship and therefore goes with Col. Legg to Tedsworth to the Countess Dowager of Southampton's house and sends Sir Iohn Berkley and Mr. Ashburnham which three accompanied him in his escape to the Isle of Wight to L.G. Hammond of whom he had with no great reason entertain'd some hopes Hammond goes with them and fetches the King to Carisbrook Castle Hence he sends a Letter to the Parliament the Scots Commissioners granting all they could desire Whereupon new propositions are sent to him which the Scots protest against as too derogatory to his Honour and therefore they are refused Hereupon the incensed Commons vote no further Addresses to him which presently endears them to the Army again Affairs standing in this ill posture the Prince with the Duke of York who had escaped in woman's apparel from S. Iames's and landed at Dort in Holland by the help of Col. Bampfield sent over purposely on that design by the Queen Prince Rupert the Lords Hopton Wilmot VVilloughby Brainford Culpepper Ruthen Sir Henry Palmer c. in his own ships and those that had revolted in all twenty sail with 2000. men mov'd to and fro in the Downes and upon the southern Coast to lay hold of any opportunity that might present it self for the service of his Father sending forth several Commissions to that purpose to persons of honour and trust who might promote his affairs by land and to the Marq of Ormond the Lord Inchequin and Montgomery in Ireland to the Committee of States in Scotland and their Officers to the Lord Goring in Kent and the Lord Capel in Essex to Sir Thomas Glenham and Sir Marmaduke Langdale in the North to Col. Poyer Laughorn and Powel in Wales as also to Sir Edw. Hales Sir Charles Lucas the Duke of Buckingham the Earles of Holland and Peterborough Letters of correspondency passe mutually between him and the Scots his Father and the City whereof some are intercepted in which the City the Lord and some Commons are intimated ready to contribute all assistance possible For the better satisfaction of the World his Highnesse was pleased to publish a most gracious Declaration which consisted of the ensuing Particulars 1. For the establishment of Religion according to his Majesties agreement of the 26. of December last viz. That Presbytery should be continued for Three yeares and a free debate to be had between the Divines assembled at Westminster and twenty whom his Majesty should appoint about the settlement of Church Government for the future 3. For the performance of the said Agreement and pursuance of the concessions on the King's part which were That the Parliament should dispose of the Militia and have the choice of his privy Counsellors during his Reign c. That the Arrears of the Army be pay'd c. 3. For restoring the King to a personal Treaty 4. For the just Priviledges of Parliament 5. for an Act of Oblivion 6. For the Liberty of the Subject and the abolishing Excise Taxes and Free Quarter c. 7. For disbanding of all Armies and setling of Peace 8. For the defence of the Narrow Seas securing of Trade support of the Navy and Seamen c. This excellent Declaration was seconded with a Letter from his Highnesse to the House of Peers desiring 1. That a Personal Treaty be had in such place and manner as may consist with the King's Honour Safety and Freedome that the Treaty be not blemish'd with any appearance of a restraint 2. That Scotland be included 3. That in the mean time there be a cessation of Armes and an orderly moderate subsistence agreed on for Forces on Foot on both sides by land and sea to the Souldiers content and the Subjcts ease Hereupon within a short time severall attempts were made for the King's service April the 9. 1643. the London Apprentices made an insurrection but were supprest by Fairfax the next day Soon after Colonel Poyer and Major General Laughorn and Powel revolted and reduc'd South-wales to his Majesties service Sir Iohn Owen also got together a party but they were all routed and enforced to surrender the places they had seis'd and themselves prisoners In behalf of the two former the Prince under whose Commission they acted desired Generall Fairfax that they might have the terms and usage of souldiers of war as those had whom the fortune of war had made prisoners to his Highnesse But the General answer'd It was not in his power to act further the Parliament ordering their tryal he dar'd not interpose against their justice So that they were
issued out of London-Derry and beat off Sir Rob. Stuart and Col. Mervin that besieg'd it And immediately upon this successe Ol. Cromwell landed in Ireland with the Title of Lord Lieutenant and was follow'd by his Son-in-Law Ireton with about 40. ships The Royall Field Army being lost Cromwell falls upon the Garrisons the first place he attaqued was Droghedah or Tredagh which he soon took by storme and with a cruelty unknown since the first rise of Christianity put the Governour Sir Arthur Aston a noble Gentleman that had serv'd the late King in England and all Inhabitants of the Town of all ages and sexes to the Sword Thus was Providence pleas'd to suffer wickednesse to prosper This successe was follow'd with the losse of many considerable Townes and Castles in all parts of Ireland besides serverall Field-battels obtain'd over the Lords Inchequin Ardes and Clanduboys and Lieut. Gen. Farrell by the L. Broghill Sir Ch. Coot Col. Venables Zanchy Renolds and Hewson So that in lesse then the space of this year that Kingdome was wholly lost which in the beginning of it his Majestie lookt upon as so considerably his own that he was almost perswaded to have gone thither in person but waved upon mature advice and went to the Isle of Iersey where he was proclaimed by the Islanders immediately and the L. Iermin Earle of Yarmouth was made Governour and Sir Geo. Carteret his Deputy His retinue at his arrivall in this place amounted to about 300. persons A little before his departue from St. Germains the Duke of York came to him out of Holland was visited by the French King and the Cardinal of whom he humbly implored ayd in behalf of his Brother Mazarini answer'd civilly that he might assure himself of all favour and assistance from the King of France as soon as he had the power and opportunity to serve him In the mean time the Duke is persented with 100000. Crownes From Iersey his Majesty sends his Summons to Guernsey which was wholly the Parliament's saving Cornet Castle to submit to his obedience But it was to no effect It is reported by some his Majesty had some expectation from the Levellers who at that time had revolted from the rest of the Parliament's Army but whatever their designe was they were supprest both in the West and at Burford in Oxfordshire The English Plantations in the West-Indies at this time under the Lord Willoughby of Parham refus'd Obedience and Subjection to the Parliament who thereupon first interdicted them all Traffick Commerce and shortly after reduc'd them with a Fleet sent from England under the Command of Sir Geo. Ayscough The King at Iersey receiving intelligence of these unfortunate successes following one upon the neck of another his chief hopes and expectations lay now in Scotland He understood the severall Factions there and that the Covenanters who were most considerable both for Power and Number sought their own advantage by him and would cause much difficulty in his affairs there wherefore to balance them a little by the honest Royalists who were his and had been his Father's friends and whom the former endevour'd to keep under as also to bring them to more equitable Termes he gives Commission to the noble and valiant Lord Marquis of Montrosse to raise forces for him in Holland and other parts The Marquis in a short time sends some few forces into the Isle of Orkney and some few others landed in the North of Scotland under Sir Ia. Montgomery These the Committee of Estates resolve to oppose though rais'd for the King's service and notwithstanding after long debate and contest between the opposite factions the best of which were infinitely scrupulous at length resolve upon a Letter of Propositions to his Majesty and send it by Mr. Geo. Windram Laird of Libberton upon the 25. of Sept. 1649. Upon the 30. of that moneth he arriv'd at Iersey and presented his Majesty with these Propositions from the States of Scotland 1. That his Majesty would sign the solemn League and Covenant and pass an Act for all persons to take it throughout that Kingdome and ratifie all that had been done concerning the same 2. That he would ratifie divers Acts of Parliament of Scotland made by the two last Sessions viz. 1. For disclaiming D. Hamilton's last expedition 2. For receiving of the severall Acts made by the English for the Militia 3. For the Kings of Scotland to have no Negative voice in their Parliament 3. That his Maj●stie would recall the late Commissions given to Montrosse c. 4. That he would dismisse all Papists from about him and let none be of his Council but Protestants 5. That he would appoint some place about Holland for a Treaty with their Commissioners whither they intended to send severall Persons of Honour for that purpose and take care for his Entertainment during that time sutable to his Dignity 6. That he would give a speedy answer to their Desires After some time of debate upon these proposalls which were variously entertain'd some upon diffidence of the Scots fidelity disswading his Majesty from complying with them as the Lords Byron Cleveland Gerard c. others on the contrary as the Lords Piercy Wentworth Wilmot and Sir Geo. Carteret counselling him not to put that to the hazard of war which might be obtain'd by Treaty especially his strength being at that time so low if he should resolve onely upon force Letters came to his Majesty from the Queen urging that if the Scots Propositions seem'd at present too severe and unsupportable he might have opportunity hereafter when possess'd of that Kingdome to free himself in some measure from the Inconvenience of them Therefore she judg'd it best to close with them Montrosse also then in Holland writ to the King to the same purpose desiring his Majesty to hearken to the Scots Commissioners so as to admit of an Agreement with them which might settle his Majesty in that Kingdome with safety and Honour adding That as for himself he should be contented to be banished perpetually from his Native Country rather then be the least cause of prejudice to his Majestie 's affaires Thus this incomparable pattern of Loyaltie preferred the Interest of his Prince above all respects of his own But his Majestie was too generous to admit of his offer and therefore answered him That he had such assurance of his fidelity so high a sense of his services perform'd to his late Father and himself that he could not in Iustice or in Honour desert him and therefore desired him to urge him no further to it At length the advice to close with the Scots seem'd most safe and reasonable and proceeding from the greater number of suffrages it was resolv'd to follow it The next thing therefore to be deliberated of was what answer should be return'd to the Propositions which requiring some time Sir VVill. Flemming was dispatcht before hand to Edenb as Agent till it could be compleated
his friends from about him usurping the whole Government of all affairs both Ecclesiastical and Civil into their own hands and placing guards about his Person c. secretly escapes from St. Iohnston's in much discontent in order as some think to going beyond Sea accompanied onely with four Horsemen toward the North of Scotland where the Marquis of Huntkey the Earls of Athol and Seaforth Lords Ogleby and Newburgh with the Gourdons and the men of Athol were ready to appear for him with a considerable force The Committee of Estates at St. Iohnston's were much surpris'd and troubled at this departure of his Majesty especially for that they fear'd he was gone to Mai. Gen. Middleton and the Athol men who were purely for his interest disclaiming the Kirk's authority with that of Parliament and Estates for the appeasing of whom an Act of Indempnity was offer'd them which they contemning and falling upon and worsting Sir Iohn Browes Regiment Lieut. Gen. Lesley is commanded forth against them In the mean time while the Parliament and Committee of Estates are consulting and debating what course to take with the King some propounding That since he had deserted them they should look no more after him but leave him to his own wayes the more moderate judging it fit rather to testifie to his Majesty their sorrow for his departure and desire him graciously to return a different Faction of the Covenanters under the command of Straughan and Kerr in the West set forth a Remonstrance to the Committee of Estates taxing them of imprudence and temerity in hastning to conclude a Treaty with receiving entertaining the King before he had given any convincing evidence of a reall change after his commissioning Montrosse to invade Scotland judging his profession of the Cause the Covenant meerly counterfeit as appear'd by his favouring Scotch and English Malignants as they termed them And for these reasons they absolutely refus'd to submit to his power and authority Of this Faction bisides Kerr and Straughan were the Lord VVarreston lately a Member of our pretended Committee of Safety and Sir Iohn Chiesy An accommodation was endeavoured to be made between them and the Estates at St. Iohnston's but they stood off and declar'd against King and Lords on the one side and the Sectarian English Army on the other Thus was this poor Nation divided among themselves whilst at the same time a mercilesse forraign enemy was ravaging in the bowels of it However the Committee of Estates and Kirk several of whose great sticklers were become very inclinable to his Majestie resolve at length to dispatch Maj. Gen. Montgomery with a party of Horse after him humbly to intreat his return Montgomery upon inquiry understanding that his Majesty was at the L. Dedup's House in the North confines of Fife hastens thither and first surrounding the House enters and upon his knees acquaints the King what desires he brought from the Committee of Estate But he absolutely refus'd at first as not enduring the Subjection they had made him live in The news whereof brought to the Estates set the Kirk Party such as favou●'d the English Sectaries a gog again who hereupon were very violent for no more Addresses to be made to him whose motion began to have some influence upon the rest In the mean time his Majestie was urgently solicited by the Marq. of Huntly the Athol men that rose for him in the North to adhere solely to them undertaking to secure him against the Kirk and all others To which invitation he seem'd very prone to hearken so that the Breach betwixt him and the Covenanted Party who brought him in was near become irreconcilable But the consideration of the danger which might redound from the forraign Enemy by occasion of this division the concession of some propositions together with the importunity of Montgomery the industry of some attendants about him induc'd him to returne back with the Maj. Gen. to St. Iohnston's And it was judg'd requisite to unite all parties if possible against the common Enemy to which purpose Huntly and Middleton were treated with who refus'd to submit and marcht up within a mile of St. Iohnston's where they had like to have been engag'd by David Lesley But upon some concessions as to be admitted into places of Trust c. a Treaty was concluded One would have thought now the service against the Common Destroyer of their Country would have been unanimously carried on yet this reconciliation begat another fewd as if the zealots of this Nation had been infatuated purposely for their own ruin The Ministers of Sterling were so farre trom consenting to this Treaty that they past the Sentence of Excommunication upon Middleton in defiance of the Estates at St. Iohnston's and being summon'd thither to a general meeting to be held here consisting of King Lords Barons Burgesses and Assembly of Ministers to consult for the good safety of the King Kingdome and Kirk they refused and advised the Estates to be at a greater distance from the King his Council and rather to come to Sterling But at length with much adoe they were brought to go to St. Iohnston's Much time had been lost in these fatall differences and the publick safety was neglected whilest men minded the satisfaction of their own perverse and malicious humours It was now highly requisite to look about them therefore Middleton was imploy'd with a Commission and Instructions from his Majestie who well enough understood that the safety of himself and that Nation depended wholly on the unanimity of his Subjects to treat with some forces in the H●ghlands who still refused to submit The grand Assembly convene as the first evidences of concord divers Scotch Lords formerly in disfavour with the Kirk were received into the Army or the Parliament as Duke Hamilton the Lords Lauderdale Buchaim Leith Dedup Crawford and of the English Major General Massey was admitted to a command in the Army Col. Ker in the West of Scotland who had stood off from all parties hitherto at length so far comply'd with the Kirk-Grandees that he took Straughan prisoner who by Cromwel's inveglement inclin'd to side with the English a right Scot. But not long after Kerr was defeated and taken by Maj. Gen. Lambert a just reward consequence of his seditious discord About the beginning of October some Gentlemen and others in Norfolk took Armes against the Tyranny of the pretended Parliament declaring for the restitution of the Ancient Government of the Land by a King and the Lawes but the County Militia and some Forces from Lin suddenly dispersed them taking some whom afterwards by a solemn new way of murder first practis'd at VVestminster upon the late King and afterwards in most places of England upon his friends they put to death at Norwich A little before this they likewise executed at Tyburn one Mr. Benson for having been guilty of the same pretended Treason with Col. Eusebius Andrewes formerly
Dunbar which defeat occasion'd the losse of that Kingdome In the morning his Majesty held a Council of War upon the Top of the Colledge-Church Steeple the better to view in what manner the Enemy lay From whence perceiving the Enemie's new bridges and a kind of a skirmish at Powick bridge he forthwith commanded all to their Armes and march'd thither himself where he gave order for the making good of that passe and opposing that of the Enemy over Severne Soon after his return to the City the Enemy assaulted Powick bridge furiously which was valiantly defended by a Brigade of Horse and Foot under Maj. Gen. Rob. Montgomery and Col. George Keyth till the former being dangerously wounded and his Ammunition spent was forc'd to retire disorderly into Worcester and the latter was taken prisoner by the Enemie This place being won there was no time to deliberate longer Wherefore it was resolv'd to engage Cromwel forthwith who lay at Perry-wood within a mile of Worcester The onset was given with a great deal of fury by the Royallists insomuch that Cromwel's invincible Life-guard was unable to bear the shock and compell'd to give ground in some disorder their great Guns also were for some time in the power of the Royalists The Rebell Commanders had put the new rais'd County forces to bear the first brunt of the incounter of whom the Royalists made a horrible slaughter His Majesty himself lead up the Scots Foot in this battle and that with so much courage and gallantry that his inveterate enemy Cromwel could not but applaud his valour The Fight continued for the space of three or four houres very sharp and fierce during which his Majesty had his Horse twice shot under him and rallyed the Infantry himself untill by the successive supplyes of fresh forces they were in a manner all lost The Rebels had great advantage not onely in being more numerous but fighting both with Horse and Foot against his Majestie 's Foot onely for the Scotch Horse did not engage at all in this encounter which some impute to the treachery of David Lesley who in the mean time commanded a brave body of Horse to stand still and look on the ruine of their King and Fellow-subjects threatning the first man that stirr'd with death For the truth of which relation I dare not undertake but it is certain the Scotch Horse under Lesley were scarce any more then spectators of the battle nor is it incredible but that treachery might be practis'd by a Scot and money imploy'd by Cromwel for conquest as well as force The remainder of the forlorne Royall Army being put to flight were pursued into the Town by the Victors his Majesty was as one of the last in the field and could hardly be perswaded to out-live that day At Sudbury-gate through which the routed Royalists fled an Ammunition Waggon was overthrown lay crosse the passage so that his Majesty was enforc'd to alight and enter into the City on foot In the Fryers street he to k ● fresh Horse and perceiving many of his Foot throw down their Armes and decline fighting he rode up and down among them sometimes with his h●t in his hand intreating them to stand to their Armes and sell their lives as dear as they could But seeing his encouragements ineffectuall he said I had rather you would shoot me then keep me alive to see the sad consequences of this fatall day Neverthelesse the Earle of Cleveland Sir Iames Hamilton Col. VVilliam Carlis then Major to the Lord Talbot and some Officers rallyed what force they could which was unproportionable to that of the Assailants and gave a check to to the Enemy as they were entring in at Sudbury Gate and valiantly disputed that street with them Which action was very important to secure his Majesties flight In the mean time Fleetwood's men were on the o her side of the City masters of St Iohns and having wholly disperst all opposers fell to plunder Assoon as Cromwel had made his way into Sudbury-street whilest some of his Forces were furiously k●lling and slaying all that were in the streets he hasten'd with some Regiments to the Fort Royal commanded by Col. Drummond where he found courageous opposition and lost 300. Cheshire men but at length reducing it with twice the number of the defenders he put every man of them to the sword to the number of 1500. Then was there seen the saddest spectacle that humane imagination is capable to conceive the streets being all strew'd with carcasses and cover'd with blood houses broken open and pillag'd and the whole Town fill'd with the noise of the insolent Victors and the cryes of the poor inhabitants till having satiated their cruelties rapacious desires or rather tired themselves with barbarous executions and inhumanities they began to think of securing prisoners The slain were reckon'd about 4000. amongst whom was Duke Hamilton who being taken dyed so on after of his wounds a very Noble courageous loyall person worthy of immortal fame The Prisoners taken in the battle and the City were about 7000. in which number were the Earls of Carnwarth Rothes Kelly the Lord Synclare Sir Iohn Packington Maj. Gen. Montgomerry Maj. Gen. Piscotty Mr. Rich. F●nshaw his Majestie 's Secretary the General of the Ordnance the Adjutant General of th● Foot and the Marshal General besides several Colonels and others inferior Officers 158. Colours which together with those taken the year before at Du●bar were hung up in VVestminster Hall the King's Standard his Collar of Ss Coach and Horses with other things of great value How many of the Rebels fell in this fight we h●ve no ●r●ditable relation their own Pamphlets mention onely the losse of Quartermaster Gen. Mosely Capt Iones and about 200. common Souldiers and 300. wounded among whom was Charles Howard afterwards Captain of Cromwel's Life-guard another Captain This is the truest and most impartiall account I can meet with of this remarkable overthrow which was then lookt upon as the decision of the Cause between King and Commonwealth But it pleased God that in this great losse the Forturne of England was preserved whose bloud was the onely thing wanting to cement the foundations of the new Republick The manner of his Majesties escape was in a s●rict sense not miraculous yet as near a miracle as almost any thing that is barely possible by natural means Certainly he that shall deliberately consider the paucity of such of the Nobility as escaped the fury of the fight and diligence of the pursuers of all the Lords there onely the Duke of Buckingham the renowned Lord Wilmot getting undiscover'd beyond Sea the instruments of his Majestie 's preservation such whom indigence or fear might have induc'd to prefer reward or security before faithfulness to a Prince who in all humane probability was unlikely ever to requite them for their dangerous loyalty and the places where his Majesty was concealed in the midst of his enemies
and in such Counties as had rais'd most men against him in this unfortunate expedition He I say that shall consider no more but this will no doubt think himself oblig'd to adore the Divine Providence which never own'd the Royall Cause more apparently then in this Deliverance and which at the same fastned the yoak of slavery upon the necks of these Nations and by an extraordinary goodness preserv'd the Person from destruction by whom alone their lost Estate was possible to be restor'd Many are the relations of the manner of his Majestie 's escape and at this day almost as various and different in publisht Histories as the conjectures and rumours of people were immediately after it I shall endeavour to offer what the most credible authors and reports have deliver'd concerning this particular for obtaining the exact knowledge of which I have omitted no industry that might gratify the curiosity which possesses all the World touching so extraordinary a Providence It seems not yet convenient to a Noble Person instrumental in it to discover all the circumstances of it though she is pleas'd to put us in hopes of obtaining that favour from her after some short time In the mean while it is desired the Readers would receive at least with alike candour what we have taken pains to find out for their satisfaction as the relation of theirs who make truth the least of their care and promiscuously take up any slight reports upon trust But to returne to our purpose His Majesty having kept the field till all was lost and being pursu'd to the Town-G●tes while the victorious Enemies were disputing Sudbury-street in Worcester with the Earle of Cleveland Sir Iames Hamilton Col. William Carlis and some other resolute and couragious Royalists he marched out at St. Martin's Gate about six a clock in the evening with his main body of Horse which had not engag'd to any purpose but yet were in much confusion When he was come to Barbon's bridge about half a mile out of Worcester he made severall stands and mov'd the Lords and Officers with him that they might rally and try the fortune of another Fight But many of the Troupers being observ'd to throw off their Armes and shift for themselves there was no encouragement to proceed in that course Whereupon the chief and onely care was to preserve his Majestie 's Person from the hands of those blood-thirsty Sectaries who accounted it the interest of their Religion and new State to murder him To which purpose it was resolved to march for Scotland and one Walker formerly Scoutmaster to Col. Sands undertook to be the guide but being come as farre as Kniver-heath not far from Kederminster and day-light being gone the guide was at a losse which way to go Upon which his Majesty making a stand and being almost spent with his extraordinary action in the field and the wearisomness of his flight advis'd with some Lords whether he might march onely to take some few houres rest The Earle of Derby told his Majesty that in his flight from Wiggan to Worcester after he had been defeated by Lilburn he had met with a very faithfull person and great convenience of concealment at a place called Boscobel-house This House is seated in Shropshire but upon the consines of Staffordshire and lyes between Tong-Castle and Brewood it is a very obscure habitation though a fair building and standing in a very lovely grove was therefore so called from Bosco bello which in Italian signifies Fair-wood it belongs to one Mr. Fitz-Herbert though himself liv'd not in it at that time Thither his Majesty resolved to go being accompanied by the Duke of Buckingham the Earls of Derby and Lauderdail the Lords Talbot and VVilmot the Colonels Thomas Blague Edw. Roscarrock Mr. Marmaduke Darcy Rich. Lane VVill. Armorer since Knighted Hugh May Peter street and Charles Giffard who undertook to conduct them by the assistance of Francis Yates his servant and one very expert in the wayes of that Country Lieut. Gen. Lesley with his Scotch Horse in the close of the evening took the direct way Northward by Newport His Majesty and his Train upon deliberation marched through Sturbridge a considerable Town in Staffordshire but the better to prevent discovery order was given for all persons to speak onely the French Language Boscobel was the place intended but that the Company might not know so much his Majesty was conducted by Mr. Giffard to a House within half a mile of it called VVhiteladies which name it ha's retain'd ever since it was a Monastery of Cistertian Nuns who were habited in white Here they arriv'd about 3 a clock in the morning having rid 26. miles from VVorcester and being enter'd into the House which was kept onely by Servants a consultation was held how to escape the fury of the blood-thirsty Enemies the result of which was that all possible care should be taken for his Majesties concealment in that place till he could have a safe opportunity to waft over into France and that his Retinue of loyall Lords and Gentlemen should shift for themselves some other way In the mean time the Servant that kept Boscobel House called VVilliam Penderel was sent for and a brother of his nam'd Richard Penderel who liv'd near hand at Hobbal Grange Who being come and conjur'd to fidelity the next course taken was to disguise his Majestie 's Person This was done by blacking his face and hands cutting of his haire exchanging his Buffe Coat and gray breeches richly lac't for a Doc-skin doublet and green breeches of Richard Penderels His Majesty as he undress'd himself gave a Spanner string being a gold chain worth 300 l. to a servant of his then ready to depart His cloaths were buried under ground for a long time after And now it behov'd his loyall followers to forsake him which they did with sad hearts being more sensible of his Majestie 's hard fate then solicitous what destiny attended themselves only the L. Wilmot stay'd was convey'd by Io. Penderel to Mr. Whitgreaves Time it was for them to depart for within half an hour after some of Col. Ashenhurst's Troop who quarter'd at Cotsal 3. miles distant came to the House But before that Richard Penderel had conducted his Majesty out at a backdore into a wood belonging to Boscobel house called Spring Coppice in the borders of which William Humphrey and George 3. of Richard's brothers scouted about to bring intelligence The Lords and their company being about 40. Horse of which number his Majestie 's pad-nag was one and ridden by Mr. Lane one of the Bedchamber took the North road to Newport in hope to have overtaken or met General Lesl●y who was gone that way with the main body of Scotch Horse But they had not travell'd far before a party of the Parliamentarians who were in pursuit of the Lord Leviston Captain of his Majestie 's Life-guard overtook them The Lords resolutely fac'd about and stopt their speed some
Montrosse the Lord Lorne Sir Arthur Forbes and Sir Mungo Murrey having gather'd together several parties of Horse and Foot and making severall irruptions upon the English in the Low-lands whereby they much molested them in their new possessions sometimes taking considerable booty and sometimes being worsted and flying into the Mountains where the pursuers could not follow them And thus they continued in expectation of greater Levies and the arrivall of Lieut. Gen. Middleton with supplyes out of the Low-Countryes But in the mean time the English met with the most considerable party under the Earle of Glencarn and defeated them the Earle himself hardly escaping other like successe also befell severall other parties so that they could not unite into one Body as they intended At length Lieut. Gen. Middleton arrived out of Holland with the expected provisions of War and a Commission to be General and Monroe to be his Lieut. Gen. This disposing of Commands so incensed Glencarne who had been imploying his utmost interest in levying Forces which he now saw must be commanded by others that instead of conspiring together against the common Enemy these great Officers quarrell'd among themselves Glencarne was contented to be Lieut. Gen. but Monroe would not agree to it whereupon a single combate ensued between them in which the Earle having wounded and disarmed his Adversary deserted the service with about 500. Gentlemen and made composition with the Governour of Dunbarton to live peaceably at home The same course was also taken by others by degrees However Middleton stood out still with much resolution till at length being set upon a great disadvantage by Gen. Monck and Col. Morgan first in Arguyl and then at Loughary about the midst of Iuly he was wholly overthrown Nevertheless he continued in the High lands with some Foot for some time after till he saw most of the Nobility were either taken or made their submissions and then he retir'd back into Holland The Kirk of Scotland was likewise concern'd in the publick desolation being broken up by Col. Morgan and the petulant Ministry reduc'd to subjection As for Ireland it was by the English Armes brought to such a condition as there was no fear of disturbance for the future onely some few Tories that kept themselves in inaccessible places sometimes made irruptions to steal and plunder The Parliament also erected a High-Court of Iustice there of which Cook so infamous for being an instrument in the murder of his late Majesty was President By whose sentence a great number of the Natives and amongst them many of the ancient Irish Nobility were sentenced and executed for being found guilty of the bloody Massacre committed upon the Protestants in the beginning of the Rebellion and about 14000. were sold to the King of Spain and many transported into other foreign parts who had rendred themselves upon Proclamation the rest were all driven into the Province of Cormaught and there circumscribed to inhabit The other three Provinces Vlster Munster and Leimster were allotted to the English and all forfeited Lands divided among such Adventurers as had advanced money towards the management of the Irish affairs and the souldiers for satisfaction of their Arrears In the room of Deputy Ireton who had succeeded Cromwell in the chief Command of that Nation and died of the pestilence at Limerick Cromwell constituted Lieutenant General Fleetwood who was become his son in-law by the marriage of his eldest daughter Bridget Ireton's Widow His Majesty having for some moneths resided at the Spaw where he enjoy'd the company of his Royall Sister the Princesse of Orange and having recived 200000. Ryxdollers from the Emperour and the Imperiall Colledge who also enacted that no scandalous book publish'd against him should be bought or sold in Germany under pain of death departed from thence to Collen where he arriv'd with his Royall Sister on the sixt of October the great Guns being discharged at their entrance and the Deputies of the City going forth to meet them in solemn manner and conducting them to the Palace provided for them by the chief Magistrates On the 28. of the same moneth the said Magistrates exprest their affections to his Majesty by entertaining him and the Princesse with a sumptuous collation who also the next day upon invitation went to Dussel-dorp where the Duke of Newburgh treated them with all possible magnificence for some dayes After which the Princesse Royall took her journey towards Holland and his Majesty having accompanied her on the way as far as Bedinguen return'd to Collen At his Majestie 's departure out of France he was over-intreated by the Queen his Mother to permit the Duke of Glocester to stay with her at the Palace Royall but with condition that no attempt should be made upon him to pervert him from his Religion But shortly after by the instigation of the French Court and some English Catholicks about her the Queen was willing he should be solicited to turn Catholick and for that purpose permitted him to be carried to Pontoise where some bad Instruments taking advantage of Mr. Lovell his Tutor's absence at Paris set upon him with all motives they could invent both spirituall and temporall to incline him to the Popish Religion But the former kind of Arguments were refell'd by his Highns with greater reason resolution then could prob●bly have been expected from a person of his years and for the temptations of worldly advancement he rejected them with contempt and the danger of his Majestie 's displeasure urging withall the Queen's promise to the King before his departure in this very particular and complaining of this unworthy advantage taken against him in the absence of his Tutour who was fittest to judge of their proposals Wherefore he was removed to Paris to the House of Mr. Crofts from thence to Pontoise again the instruction of Mr. VValter Montagu Abbot of Nanteul and his former Tutor dismiss'd Of these attempts some cordial Protestants certifi'd his Majesty at Colen with all possible speed who resented them so highly that being ready to goe to dinner when the intelligence was brought him he would not think of eating till he had dispatcht Letters away to Paris In the mean time his Highnesse was restlessely importun'd with perswasions to return to the True Ancient Apostolical Roman Church to embrace the Religion wherein most of his Ancestours liv'd and di'd and most of the Christian world together with the King of France his Royal Mother and her Alliance profess'd which were also back't with the allurements of the greatest Church-Dignities and Revenues and the Honours which that whole Nation would be ready to pay his Highnesse c. All which he declin'd with very ingenious answers and shortly after a Gentleman went to his Highnesse with a Letter from his Majesty and was admitted to his presence but not being able to deliver the same privately he caus'd it to be deliver'd by another hand In that Letter his Majesty minded him of the
them comparing the old Tyrant to Moses and his Impe to Ioshua the Guides and conductors of Gods people out of Aegyptian thraldome The chosen Members assembled at VVestminster on Ian. 27. and so did the Other House Great debates were amongst them touching the recognition of the Government transacting with the Other House as Lords during which two Speakers successively dy'd till the young Protector being undermined by a Caball of Officers Fleetwood Desborough c. weakly yielded to the Dissolving of the Parliament on Friday April 22. shortly after which a Fast being solemniz'd the remainder of the Long Parliament who had been dissolved by Cromwel in April 20. 1653. were invited by Lambert to sit again which they did on the 7. of May excluding by violence such of their Fellow-members as they had before secluded in Decemb. 1648. though they were the greater number Richard was thereupon depriv'd of his Government so was his brother Harry in Ireland And now this old Iunto being advanc'd again and congratulated as other Governments had formerly been from Scotland Ireland and the Fleet begin to act like subtile Politicians And to the end the Army might be kept in obedience to them they made the Speaker of the House General cashir'd many Officers and caus'd new Commissions to be deliver'd by the Speaker in the House of Parliament to all the Commanders both of Land and Sea-Forces The affections of the people they did not much value so long as the Army would stand to them To gratifie whom they impos'd a whole years Tax at 35000. l. per mensem to be paid immediately After which about Iuly they pass'd an Act for settling the Militia of Counties in such hands as they pleased But Lambert and the other Officers who intended to have the whole guard of the Rump and aim'd at other designs not relishing this proceeding it was laid aside Nothing could have been more odious to the Nation then this re-establishment of the Rump-Parliament who taking these courses to secure the perpetuall continuance of their sitting and resolving never to encrease their number by admitting their fellow-members or new ones legally elected in their places awakened the spirits of most of the Gentry of the Nation to attempt something for their Countries liberty by restitution of the ancient Government A great inclination there was in most Counties to take up Armes and several Offers were made in divers places but none was so considerable as that in Cheshire Lancashire and the parts adjoyning under Sir George Booth Sir Thomas Middleton and other Gentlemen in those parts They declar'd for a full and free Parliament to be elected by the People Sir George Booth had taken Westchester and was reported to be very numerous Whereupon Lambert was sent out against him with an Army of six or seven thousand men and a train of Artillery moreover forces from all quarters were appointed to draw to him so that all meeting he had a very puissant Army The party under Sir George Booth had been in Armes a a good time before Lambert came against them in expectation that other Counties would have done the like but this hope failing upon Lambert's approach many of them withdrew from him The rest came to an encounter with Lambert at Northwich and were without much difficulty defeated The number of the slain was not many but the Prisoners were in great multitudes Sir George Booth himself was also within a few dayes after taken in a disguise in an Inne at Newport-Pagnel in Bedfordshire as he was coming up to London Persons of quality taken besides him were the Earle of Derby the Lord Kilmurrey Major General Ranulph Egerton Sir William Neile Sir Thomas Powel of Flintshire Col. Massey of Cheshire Major Peter Brook The Earle of Stamford and Sir Thomas Leventhorp were also imprison'd in other places with some hundreds of Gentlemen for designing to levy war against the Commonwealth The Rump overjoy'd with this successe presented Lambert with 1000. l. to buy him a jewel but he thought it more suitable to his designes to distribute it amongst his Army During these actions in England his Majesty privately withdrew from Bruxells together with the Duke of York it was imagin'd by many that they were come concealed into England in expectation of the event or at least lay upon the Sea-coasts ready to have transported some forces in a Fleet which rode upon the Coast of Flanders in case matters had succeeded prosperously But not long after the suppression of the Cheshire Insurrection they appeared again at Bruxells from whence his Majesty dispatcht an Embassadour to attend with certain Proposals at the Interview of Cardinal Mazarini for the French King and Don Lewis de Haro for the Spanish who met upon the confines to treat a Peace between the two Crowns and a Marriage between the King of France and the Infanta of Spain The Embassadour was entertain'd by the two grand Ministers with very high testimonies of honour and respect and promised to have his Master's Interest taken into consideration assoon as the concernments of their own would permit But in England the pretended Parliament fell eagerly to their old beloved Trade of Sequestration and determin'd to exercise the utmost of severity upon the actors in the late Insurrection And no doubt they they would have prosecuted their intentions had not Providence diverted their malice by a breach which fell out between them and the principal Officers of the Army Lambert whose ambition instigated to him to be so active in the late change of Government and so popular in the management of his late expedition together with other grand Officers thought the Parliament so oblig'd to them for restoring them to Power and preserving them in it that they conceiv'd none of their demands ought to be denyed Whereupon at their return to London a Petition was presented to the House by Desborough for a General The Iunto remembring how their former General had serv'd them not only denied this request but vacated the Commissions of Lambert Desborough and 7. others and voted the supreme command of the Army into the hands of seven Commissioners whereof two or three were Army-men the others Members of Parliament Lambert and his Companions were so incensed herewith that upon the 11. of Octob. Forces were drawn out on either side at VVestminster those for the Iunto commanded by Haselrig Morley and others those for the Army by Lambert himself Desborough Berry and other Colonels and had not the Council of State interpos'd they had charg'd one another Neverthelesse the Army-party prevail'd and turn'd the Rump out of doors Oct. 13. Which being done the great Officers being assembled in Council at Wallingford-house dispos'd of commands among themselves Fleetwood was made General Lambert Lieutenant General Desborough General of the Horse and that they might satisfy Gen. Monck too who govern'd Scotland they made him Major General of the Foot As for civil Affairs they erected a Committee of
told them with what regret he had executed their late Orders in relation to the Chaines Posts and Gates of the City which he fear'd would be so far from answering the expected end that it would rather encrease the discomposure of mens spirits in the Nations minding them also That the ground of his coming into England was not only to return them to their trust but also to vindicate the Liberties of the People c. He also complain'd That Lambert Vane and others impeached of Treason that had acted in the illegal and tyrannical Committee of Safety were yet suffer'd to continue in and about the City and some too in the House and in the Army c. That they were contriving to take away the maintenance of the Ministry That they were framing another Oath to impose upon the people and to that purpose had countenanced a bold and dangerous Petition from the Fanatick Party And lastly he desir'd That by the Fryday following they would issue out VVrits for filling up the House upon due and reasonable Qualifications and put a certain and speedy period to their sitting according to their frequent Declarations This Letter produc'd not greater regret in the Rump then it did joy to the City and whole Kingdome which was testifi'd at night by Bone-fires and ringing of Bells c. The time set for filling the House being expir'd and nothing done by the Rump in order thereunto the formerly secluded Members upon addresse to the General and engageing to him not to be against a single person were on Feb. 21. permitted to take their seats in the House after 11. years exclusion The House now augmented by above a 100. Members take care for settling the Nations and first they constituted General Monck Commander in chief of all the forces of England Scotland and Ireland Sir VVilliam VValler Lieutenant General Colonel Rossiter General of the Horse General Montague Admiral af Sea Then they appointed a New Council of State consisting of Gen. Monck the Lord Fairfax Mr. Annesley Sir VVilliam VValler Mr. Hollis Gen. Montagu and others to the number of 30. And with all speed they released severall Gentlemen imprison'd by the Rump and amongst others Sir Geo. Booth ordering also the City Gate to be repaired at the publick charge And lastly having made provision for settling the Militiaa of the Kingdome and calling a new Parliament to convene at Westminster April 25. they dissolved themselves by Act on Friday March 16. And thus ended that unhappy Long Parliment after almost 19. years from their first assembling having been interrupted for 5. years together by Cromwel and for ten weeks by Lambert His Majesty in the mean time remov'd from the Spanish Court at Brussels to Bruges in Flanders and resided there for a good space but being now in fair hopes of restitution to his Dominions departed from thence toward the latter end of March to Breda a handsome Town scituate in Brabant about 10. leagues from Antwerp and belonging to the Prince of Orange In this interval the Council of State prudently manag'd affairs proclaiming against all disturbers of the peace under whatsoever pretence and tendring an engagement for peaceable demeanour to be subscrib'd by such as they suspected of disturbance which Lambert refusing was committed to the Tower The General also purg'd his Army of Fanaticks both Officers Souldiers sent down two Colonels to displace Overton from the Garrison of Hull which he pretended to keep till the coming of Iesus Christ But about the midst of April a great disturbance had like to have hapned For Lambert having made an escape out of the Tower appear'd in armes about Northampton in the head of a party many cashier'd souldiers and fanaticks repairing to him But this danger was timely remov'd by Col. Rich. Ingoldsby who without fighting took Lambert with his own hand and sent him up to London prisoner together with a son of Hasilrig's Col. Cobbet and Major Creed They were brought by Coach through Hide Park on April 24. at which time 20000. Horse and Foot of City Regiments and Auxiliaries were training there The Parliament according to appointment assembled at VVestminster chose Sir Harbottle Grimstone Speaker the Nobility also taking their places in the upper-House by virtue of their Peerage choosing the Earle of Manchester Speaker Within a few dayes after their meeting the Lord Viscount Mordant and Sir Iohn Greenvile one of the Gentlemen of his Majestie 's Bed-chamber arrived at London with Letters from his Majesty dated at Breda April 4 14. One was to the House of Peers another to the House of Commons another to Gen. Monck and his Officers and another to the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Common Council of London These Letters were accompanied with a Declaration and delivered accordingly on May-day The two Houses received them with great joy and loyal affection so did his Excellency and the City from whom Sir Iohn Greenvile receiv'd 200 l. and 500 l. from the Parliament as a gratuity to buy him a Iewel The Letters were full of very gracious expressions and in the Declaration his Majesty offer'd I. A Free and General Pardon to be passed under the Great Seale to all persons whatsoever who within 40. dayes after the publication thereof shall sue it out Excepting such as should be excepted by the Parliament II. A liberty to tender consciences in matters of R●ligion so as the peace of the Kingdome be not disturb'd and to pass such an Act to that effect as the Parliament should think fit to offer III. The determination concerning Sales and Purchases to the Parliament IV. And lastly satisfaction of Arrears to the Officers and Souldiers of Gen. Monck 's Army and reception of them into his own service upon as good pay and conditions as they now enjoy Hereupon the House of Commons Vote his Majestie 's Letters and Declaration satisfactory and the Government to be in King Lords and Commons soon after which both Houses ordered a certain number of their Members to go to his Majesty with Letters and to invite him to his Kingdomes also 50000 l. was ordered to be immediately sent to him 10000 l. to the Duke of York and 5000 l. to the Duke of Glocester The City also deputed several worthy Members to wait upon his Majesty with a Letter and 10000 l. as a present Moreover Admiral Montague was commanded to attend him upon the coasts of Holland with a squadron of Ships But the General first of all dispatcht away his Brother Sir Thom. Clerges with a Letter to his Majesty wherein was enclos'd an Addresse of the Officers professing their Allegiance to his Majesty On Tuesday May 8. his Majesty was solemnly proclaimed in London and soon after in all Counties Cities and Borroughs of England and that with greater transports of joy then had ever been known upon the like or any other occasion In the mean time great numbers of persons of quality daily flocked over to Breda to his
THE LIFE and REIGNE OF Our SOVEREIGN LORD KING CHARLES the II In a compendious Chronicle relating both to his Majesties Person and Affairs With the chief Transactions of State in the Three Kingdomes from his Birth to this present By a Lover of his Prince and Countrey LONDON Printed by R. DANIEL for FRANCIS EGLESFIELD at the Marigold 〈◊〉 ●t Paul's Church-yard 1660. To the Happy Preserver of his Sacred Majesty the LADY JANE LANE MADAME THis smal Volume humbly Offered to your Hand contains part of the Life and Reigne of one of the Greatest Monarchs in the World The rest 't is hoped as it will be the imployment of a more elegant Pen so it will not be accomplisht till it afford a Chronicle of more years Prosperities in these Nations then this is of Miseries That I have presumed to dedicate it to your Ladiship if I incurre the censure of boldness I am confident every one will commend the fitnesse of my Choice Since nothing could be more proper then to intitle your Ladiship to the Relation of that Life which next under the Divine Providence you were chiefly instrumental to preserve To you Madame we owe all that can be ow'd from Christians Subjects or Men to any person upon Earth by whose dangerous but ever memorable Fidelity we are at length restor'd to whatever is dear to us in those three capacities and which is no small consideration to the liberty of publishing the impartiall truths as far as the best Relations afforded in this Book Nor is the present Age onely oblig'd to you but your glory shall live upon Record and your Name embalmea with praises be preserved in the memory of thankfull Posterity In all which respects I have thought it my duty both in testimony of my particular Loyalty Gratitude to present this Piece to your Ladiship as the Person that ha's the greatest right to it withall publickly to acknowledge my self MADAME Your Ladiships most devoted Servant and Eternal Honorer FR. EGLESFIELD A true and accurate Relation of the LIFE and REIGN Of our Soveraign Lord and KING CHARLES the II. KING Charles the first of that name having soon after his coming to the Crown married Henrietta Maria youngest daughter of Henry the fourth and sister of Lewis the thirteenth Kings of France was blessed with a Son on the twenty ninth day of May one thousand six hundred and thirty Upon whose birth as the King was going in solemn manner to the Church of S. Paul in London to present his gratefull devotions to God for his own and the Nations happinesse in receiving so eminent a Pledge of his favour there was observ'd a new Star appearing in the time of mid-day as if the Heavens seem'd by an extraordinary Production to aemulate the new splendor of the Earth The young Prince was baptised at S. Iames's on the twenty seventh of Iuly next ensuing by the hand of Dr. Laud then bishop of London Dr. Abbot Archbishop of Canterbury being rendred uncapable by an unhappy accident of shooting a man and received his Father's name Charles his Godfathers were his two Uncles Lewis the thirteenth King of France and Frederick King of Bohemia and Prince Elector Palatine of the Rhine whose absence occasioning them to depute their substitutes the late Duke Hamilton represented his Majesty of France and the Duke of Richmond the King of Bohemia His Godmother was Marta de Medicis Queen dowager of France represented by the Dutchesse of Richmond It deserves our notice that he was born the greatest Prince that ever these Nations knew never any before him having been born heir apparent to the Crowns of England Scotland France and Ireland which was intimated in the Silver coynes made at the solemnity of his Baptism on the reverse side whereof were the Armes of those four Kingdomes with this Motto Hactenus Anglorum nulli On the fourth day of November one thousand six hundred thirty one it pleased the Divine Providence to enlarge the Royal Family by the birth of a Daughter the Lady Mary who was afterwards viz. 2. May 1641. married to VVilliam of Nassau Prince of Orange by whom she hath a posthume Son named VVilliam a Princess whose perfections qualifi'd her for the bed of the greatest Potentate in Christendome had not the interest of Religion been more consider'd in her match then amplitude of Territory or Title By the blessing of Heaven upon the Royal bed the King became father to another Son the most illustrious and renouned Iames Duke of York upon the thirteenth of October in the year One thousand six hundred thirty three he was solemnly baptised on S. Iames's day next following and within a few dayes after created Duke of York Title born by his Father during the life of Prince Henry his elder brother This Prince hath though yet in his youth so signalized himself by his valour in the Armies of the Kings of Spain and France that I think this Age nor perhaps any of old cannot afford his parallel His Majesty likewise had another Son brought forth to him by his Royal Consort upon the twentieth day of Iuly 1640. who was Christned Henry and created Duke of Glocester And a Daughter at Excester during the Warres upon the sixteenth of Iune 1644. named after her Royal mother Henrietta Maria. This is the surviving Issue of our late Soveraign of blessed memory And having thus briefly given an account of the Parentage and Birth of these Illustrious Princes I shall proceed to represent the Life of Him who is particularly the Argument of this Relation CHARLES Prince of Wales now our Soveraign Lord King of Great Britain France and Ireland c. The care of his Infancy was committed to the right honourable the Countess of Dorset wife to the last Earle 'till after some yeares having out-grown female conduct the present Marquess of Newcastle was chosen by the King as a fit person to imbue his Youth with all the accomplishments requisite to greatnesse and the Reverend Dr. Duppa Lord Bishop of Chichester and now of Salisbury as one able to form his tender mind to true Religion and Virtue Every year of his Childhood afforded new promises and hopes and even in that age which usually has not the advantage of discretion either totally to subdue or at least to dissemble the motions of passions he express'd on all occasions an extraordinary goodnesse and sweetness of nature seeming to have been born with that equal temper of mind which few men render themselves capable of by the help of Philosophy and Religion Nor were his inclinations to Virtue more remarkable then those he had to excellent and sol●d Arts which the composednesse of his Genius render'd more acceptable to him then the levity of the most exquisite divertisements In the ninth year of his Age he hapned to break his arme and was very sickly falling first into a Feaver and shortly after into the Jaundies but by the favour of the divine providence he happily overcame
War returns his desire That his Highnesse would be pleased to disband his Army and he would conduct him with honour to the Parliament This seeming too hard a condition the Lord Capel by the princes command reply'd by Letter That his Highnesse did not believe that his overture of engaging himself in the mediation of a blessed Peace for this miserable Kingdome would have brought him an inhibition to quit his duty to his Royal Father by dividing his Interest from that of his Majesty whereby he should render himself unworthy and uncapable of the fruit of that peace he laboured for If his proposition might be consented to he hop'd God would so bless his sincere intentions and desires as to make him a blessed Instrument to preserve this Kingdome from dissolution But if that be rejected he should give the world no cause to believe that he would forfeit that honour which only can preserve him in a capacity of doing that service should with patience attend God's good pleasure untill his endeavours may be applyed with preservation of his Innocence This is all I have in command from his Highnesse Your Servant A. CAPEL Such were the honourable loyal and good intentions of this noble Prince and such was the insolence of the Victors and the fate of this Nation that no mediation could be acceptable that might prevent its approaching totall ruine so that this generous Letter receiv'd no other answer but silence Shortly after the Prince repairs to Oxford and there reconciles his Cousins the Princes Rupert and Maurice to his Father their Uncle From thence also he writes severall Letters to the Speaker of the House of Peers containing Propositions for reconciliation and peace which notwithstanding took no effect Therefore he departs into the West with intent to raise the forces of his Dukedome of Cornwall and the County of Devon for the relief of Exceter which was at that time besieged by Sir Thomas Fairfax In order to which he commits his own Army to the conduct of the Lord Hopton who soon after resolv'd to come upon the back of Fairfax and accordingly advanced to Torrington with 5000. Horse and 4000 Foot Fairfax hearing this leave his siege and marches towards Torrington The Battel began near the Town which was after a sharp encounter taken and the Lord Hopton himself shot in the thigh but escaped away to Stratton His Highnesse in the mean time was at Lanceston but understanding the Approach of Fairfax's Army he quitteth it leaving Colonel Basset behind him with 500. Foot and Horse who skirmished with the Parliamentarians and being soon worsted got off by the favour of the darknesse of the Night The Prince in the mean time goes to Pendennis where finding the pursuit so hot he imbarqued himself for the Isle of Scilly on the first of March 1646. accompanied by the Lords Goring and Culpeper and Sir Edward Hide Soon after his departure the Lord Hopton finding Fairfax's successes daily to increase and himself unable to do any service to check them with those broken Forces he had left desires a cessation but the General summons him to lay down Armes upon which ensued a Treaty at Tresilian Bridge Sir Thomas Fairfax quartering at Truro and the Lord Hopton further west ward between whom it was agreed upon the thirteenth of March That the Lord Hopton should disband his Army in the west and have fifty Horse of his own and fifty of General Fairfax's for his Convoy to Oxford That all strangers should have passes to go beyond Seas to carry with them what was their own without Horses Armes That all English Officers should go home to their respective habitations or if they plea's beyond Sea each Colonel to have his horse and two men to wait on him each Captain one man and horse the Troopers 20 s. a piece and to go whither they pleased Such was the Fate of the Royall Cause under the conduct of this Heroical Prince who wanted fortune rather then virtue to be happy Hitherto we have with all succinctnesse and verity represented the adventures and actions of his Highnesse from his infancy here in England He was now about sixteen years old the last six of which he had been a spectatour of his Father's calamities and the ruine of his native Countrey having been a sufferer in both assoon as he was become capable to distinguish between good and evil Most part of his tender age was spent in Armies amongst the tumults and noise of an unfortunate War and now he finds himself enforc'd to quit the Territory of England leaving the King his Father with the Duke of York and the two Palatine Princes Rupert and Maurice closely besieged in Oxford by the Parliaments Forces and most of the other Garrisons of the King 's ready to surrender to the power of their victorious Armies The sense of all which certainly had been insupportable by a spirit lesse couragious and firm against such heavy adversities then that of this young Heroe We must now follow him into the Island of Scilly where he had not been long but a solemn message is sent from the Parliament to invite him to come to them and to reside in such places as they thought convenient with such Attendants and Counsellors as should be by them appointed It being no part of my design to comment upon any passages of this History but only to represent things nakedly as they were done I shall forbear to make any conjectures what the intentions of the Parliament were in this invitation leaving the Readers to their own judgement Indeed the Prince had inducements enough to move him to accept of their offer his Father's condition in a manner desperate his own little better having no hopes left but those slender ones of foreign succour it might have seem'd the best and safest course to a young Prince to secure his succession at least to the Government to have gone to them upon honourable terms according to the example of Edward the 3. in the life-time of his father Edward the 2. But loyalty prevailed above all other considerations and therefore upon 24. of April he retur●s this prudent Answer That it became him not to doe any thing in a matter of that concernment without his Royall Father's privity advice and free consent and therefore before he could satisfie the Honourable House he desired that a passe might be granted for the Lord Capel to go to the King at Oxford to take his advice and hearken to his Royall pleasure and make some overtures to him in order to a peace Moreover he desired that the Reverend Arch-bishop of Armagh a person of transcendent learning great moderation and of an unspotted and inoffensive life might have liberty to come to him These proposals though extreme fair and reasonable were offer'd to deaf eares and took no effect In the mean time Fairfax having taken in the City of Exceter and the town of Barnstable upon Articles marches against Oxford
danger the Prince should make prize of their ships for that he had engaged to the States of the Low Countries to do no act prejudicial to Trade At last the debate was put off till the next day when the Speaker putting the House in mind of it again it was earnestly called upon by the younger Sir Iohn Evelin Scot VVeaver Hollond Boys and almost all the godly gang So the debate was resumed and VVeaver went very high to try the Temper of the House But the debate interminis That the Prince should be declared a R●bel a Traitor was soon laid by though violently press'd chiefly for these reasons 1. They had not the Originals of the Princes Letters and Declaration which the Common Council still kept but only Copies not so much as attested upon Oath by any authentick Clerk therefore no legall Proceedings could be upon them 2. It world argue no peaceable inclination in them the same day when they sent Messengers to invite the King his Father to a Treaty of Peace 3. It could not consist with the National Covenant 4. It is High Treason by the Stat. 25. Edw. 3. to endeavour the destruction of the Prince the King 's eldest Son but to declare him a Rebel and a Traytor was to endeavour to destroy him and therefore High Treason c. But what they could not do expresly they did implicitely by Voting all that should adhere to aid or assist the Prince Rebels and Traytors Hereby they put a tye upon the City not to redeem their ships by lending 20000. l. to the Prince and yet had a Pyrate taken them it had been lawfull to redeem them About this time also an Order passed the House of Commons for the Earl of VVarwick to fight the Prince at sea It was sent up to the Lords and passed that House too whereby it became an Ordinance yet some of the Lords entred a Protestation against it as the Earles of Lincoln Suffolk Lord North. The Prince continued still in the Downes with his Fleet in a good condition waiting for that supply of Land forces his Brother the Prince of Orange was very industriously raising for his service in Holland and in the interim was willing to do something for the relief of Deal Castle which was besieged by a party of Fairfax's Army left in Kent for that purpose In order to which he landed 500. men who at first charged handsomely but being overpowr'd by number were beaten several slain and taken and the rest got aboard again Failing of this attempt he was inclinable to hazard himself for the relief of Colchester which bravely held out against Fairfax's whole power but from this he was disswadeded as a businesse of too apparent danger Wherefore he continued expecting the event of Hamilton's expedition in the North who was sent into England by the Parliament of Scotland with an Army of 21000. upon the account of the Covenant viz. for a restitution of his Majesty with safety and honour and settlement of Presbyterie On the 15. day of Iuly the House of Commons without the Lords Vote the Scots that were come into England enemies and that they might covertly include the Prince the Question was put That all such English as had invited the Scots under Duke Hamilton to come in hostile manner into England should be declared Traitors and carried in the affirmative He that shall consider the House of Commons was still in a manner entire and consisted of the very same men that so often and by so many Votes Remonstrances Declarations Protestations Vowes and Oaths pretended the defence of the King's person and just authority settlement of these Nations in purity of Religion and preservation of the just Rights and Liberties of the Subject the very same things now petition'd for by several Counties declared for by the parties up in Kent Essex and Duke Hamilton in the North cannot but wonder they should vote them Traitors and endeavour their destruction with that of the Nations consequently who took up armes in the greatest sincerity possible for those honourable purposes themselves alledged to countenance their own against the King But the truth is the two Houses sate under a force ever since August 6. 1647. when Fairfax march't up with his Army in hostile manner against the City For from that time the lesser party of the House who together with some Officers of the Army had layd the blackest design that ever was hatcht by the instinct of the Devil siding with the Army over-aw'd all the Proceedings of Parliament and at the same time held the King and the major part of the House in suspence with unfaithfull Treaties and sent their forces against such as desir'd the same things they would be believ'd themselves intended The House of Lords too being strangely supine in not resenting the frequent sleighting and contempt of their Authority and not attempting any thing at all for the deliverance of their Soveraign the Vindication of their own Honour that of the Nation with it's rights priviledges and freedomes against the Usurpation of an Army and corrupt faction in that of the Commons An insolence which I am perswaded none of their great Ancestors we find in Histories under the same Titles but would have ventur'd both lives and fortunes to the utmost rather then have endured and certainly their posterity will wonder what they were doing all this while The Earle of Holland indeed though no Souldier yet dar'd well and out of a sense of Honour thought himself oblig'd to try his fortune in the Field if possible he might be an Instrument to avert the Destruction he saw threatned his Soveraign and the miseries of tyrannie impendent over this poor Nation by an armed power By commission from the Prince he assembles together about 500. Horse and Foot about Kingston heath Iuly 2. having with him the Duke of Buckingham and his Brother the L. Francis Villers and the Earle of Peterborough But he was soon routed by a stronger Party himself taken and afterwards put to death for his noble but unfortunate Attempt Such were the sinnes of this Nation and thus the good Providence of God was pleased to bring about the punishment of them by frustrating all meanes and courses taken to deliver it from the miseries of that threatned it For soon after viz. August 17. the great Army under Hamilton is defeated by Cromwell and Lambert at Preston in Lancashire and the Duke himself taken and afterwards beheaded by the English Parliament for this action This Defeat was followed by the surrender of Colchester which had indur'd a sharp starving Siege of three moneths upon hopes of relief from this Scottish Army Thus all the Princes Enterprises failing and his Fleet being in great need of provision he is forced to give over further Action and retires to the Hague in Holland to his Sister the Princesse of Orange in expectation and attendance upon Providence Shortly after many Counties of England soliciting the Parliament
sweetness and amitie then by the rigour of our Armes if their Obstinacy and the Injustice of their Demands should constrain us to recover it by force We therefore do hereby give you full Power to proceed vigorously in your Enterprises not doubting but all our Loyall Subjects of Scotland will join themselves with you and by that means all those who are otherwise dispos'd will submit themselves to reason in that Treaty which we we now accept or shall be forc'd thereto by Armes To this we permit you to publish these Presents to communicate them to such as you shall judge fit So we pray God to preserve you most dear Cousin The Laird of Liberton being arriv'd at Edenburgh where he was expected with much impatience and longing assoon as the Committeee of Estates and Assembly of the Kirk were met deliver'd his Majesties Message and Letters to them informing them also by word of Mouth how greatly inclinable he found him to an Agreement to their Desires As 1. That in reference to Ratifying all that the Parliament of Scotland did in their two last Sessions he was willing there should be pass'd a generall Act of Oblivion 2. That such as had serv'd under the Marquesse of Montross and Duke Ham●lion in his last Expedition should be uncapable of all publick Charge without conssent of Parliament 3. That he had design'd Breda in Holland for the place of a Solemn Treaty upon the 15. of March next ensuing in order to a perfect Accommodation between himself and his Subjects of Scotland His Majestie 's Letter to the Committee of Estates was in these termes For the Committee of Estates of Scotland CHARLES R. WE have received your Letters lately persented to us by Mr. VVindram Laired of Liberton we accept gratiously all the expressions of Affection Fidelity therein contained to wards us with your tender resentment of our present condition and the just indignation which you professe to have against the execrable murtherers of our Father And we believe that your intentions are full of Candor towards us as we are alwaies have been desirous to settle a clear and right Itelligence between us and our Subjects of our ancient Kingdome of Scotland which may be an assured foundation of their happiness and peace for the time to come and an effectuall means to root out all the seeds of animosity and divisions caused by these late Troubles and also to unite the hearts and affections of our Subjects to one another and of them all to us their King to lawfull Soveraigne To the end that by their obedience to our Royall and just authority we may be put into a condition to maintain them in Peace and Prosperity and to protect them in their Religion and Liberty as it appertains to us according to our Charge and Office of a King And as we have alwaies resolved to contribute whatever is to be done by us to obtain these good Effects and for the just satisfaction of all our Subjects in this Kingdom We have now thought fit upon the returne of Mr. Windram to command and desire you to send unto us Commissioners sufficiently Authorised To treat and agree with us both in Relation to the Interest and just satisfaction of our Subjects there as also concerning the Ayd Assistance which in all reason we may expect from them to bring and reduce the Murtherers of our late Most dear Father of happy memory to condigne punishment and to recover our just Rights in all our Kingdomes And we will that they attend us on the fifteenth day of the month of March at the Town of Breda where we intend to be in order thereunto And in confidence of a Treaty as also to make known to you and all the World that we sincerely desire to be agreed We have resolv'd to address these unto you under the Name Title of a Committee of Estates of our Kingdome of Scotland And will and expect that you use this grace no otherwise for any advantage to the prejudice of us or our Affairs beyond what we have given this Qualification and Title for namely Onely for the Treaty and in order to it Although we have considerations sufficient and very important to disswade and oblige us to doe nothing in this kind antecedently at this time Also we hope the confidence which we declare to have in your cleare and candid intentions towards us will furnish you with strong Arguments to forme in your selves a mutuall confidence in us which by the blessing of God Almighty by your just and prudent moderation and by that great desire that we have to oblige all our Subjects of that Kingdome and by the means of the Treaty which we attend and hope for may be a good foundation of a full and happy peace and and assured security to this Nation for the time to come Which we assure you is wished of us with P●ssion and we shall endevour by all means in our power to effect To the Committee of the Kirk likewise his Majesty writ a Le●●● much to the same purpose wh●e● assoon as they met was delivered to them Those to the Committee of Estate were first referred to a Subcommittee of nine Lords and Burgesses to present their Opinions thereupon to the Committee of Estates who were to receive their Reports and prepare the matter for the Parliament of Scotland shortly to be conven'd And moreover for the more expedition a Joint Committtee was chosen out of that of the Estates and that of the Kirk by common consent to consider to sending Commissioners and Propositions to the King Much was the debate and great the contestation in this Council the insolent Kirkmen rejecting all other accommodation but such as might render his Majestie in a condition wholly subservient to their pleasure framed higher Propositions then ever Those of the Estates were more moderate in comparison though high enough too and at length became more prevalent So Commissioners were jointly chosen to be sent to his Majesties The Earle of Cassils the Lord Lothian the Laird Burley and the Laird Libberton Sir Io. Smith and Mr. Ieoffries for the Estates and Mr. Broady Lawson and VVood in behalf of the Kirk These arrive at Breda before the King and therefore the next day they went to meet him at Berghe●●●op Zoom and came together to Breda 16. March 1640. Three dayes after they were conducted to audience by the Lord VVentworth Master of the Ceremonies in the Kings Coach The Earle of C●ssills made a short speech as from the Estates and Lawson for the Kirk after which they shew'd their Commissions and deliver'd the Propositions and Letters from the Estates and Kirk of Scotland The Propositions were these I. That all Excommunicate should be forbid the Court. II. That the King would by Solemn Oath and under his Hand and Seal declare his Allowance of the National Covenant of Scotland of the Solemn League Covenant of the three Nations III. That
should appoint As if it were unfit for his Majesty to be master of his own Purse while they were in expectation of his Arrival the Committee of Estates and Parliament consulted about forming of an Army for his service as they pretended and an Act was pass'd for training every fourth man capable to bear Armes throughout the Kingdom raising 16000. Foot and 6000. Horse in which the Earle of Leven was made General of the Foot Holborn Major General David Lesley Lieutenant General of the Horse and Montgomery Major General the supreme Command being reserv'd for his Majesty Who arriving at Edenburgh was entertain'd with many complements and congratulations and on the 15 of Iuly solemnly proclaimed King at the Crosse and should have been Crown'd in the ensuing moneth had not certain obstacles caus'd the deferring of that ceremony He had not been long there but the Estates and Parliament begin to busie themselves afresh about modelling his Retinue and clearing his Houshold of such Malignants as they term'd them as were in his Service excluding them also from all imployment both about his Person and in the Army As for himself he had a strong Guard continually about him to attend him and observe his motions The English pretended Parliament had all this while sufficient intelligence of the Scots proceedings with his Majesty in the Treaty of Breda together with their engagement to assist him in the recovery of his Rights in England and this by the perfidiousnesse treachery of some of the Fourth Faction I mention'd in the Parliament of Scotland And therefore by the sollicitation of these Traytors and partly out of policy to prevent an invasion by making one whereby the Enemies Country would become the Seat of the War they prepar'd an Army against Scotland and sent for Cromwel out of Ireland on whom they confer'd the Command of Capt. General of all their Forces in the room of the Lord Fairfax who gave up his Commission abhorring to be longer a servant to such horrid designes as they had formerly put him upon About this time one Ascham whom the Iunto had sent Agent into Spaine was assassinated at Madrid together with his Interpreter Senior Riba by a combination of six or seven men at Madrid who after the fact took Sanctuary Dorislaus another Agent of the Upstart Republick had the same fate also though more deservedly about a year before in Holland It hapned also during the Treaty was on foot between his Majesty and his Scottish Subjects that Prince Rupert's Fleet having for a long time been protected by the King of Portugal was utterly destroy'd upon that coast by Blake the English Admiral On the 28. of Iune Cromwel got all things in readiness for a War advanc'd towards Scotland in the head of 11000. Foot and 5000. Horse And approaching to the Borders sent the Scots a Declaration from the ptetended Parliament of England and another from himself to justifie these proceedings The Scots seem'd much surpris'd at this invasion without warning given and therefore send to expostulate the Cause of it in a paper to Haslerig then Governour of New-Castle in another to Cromwel and a third to the Iunto in which they urg'd the Solemn League and Covenant and the former Union between the two Nations But it was answer'd by a Declaration 1. That the Scots contrary to their agreement had once already invaded England under D. Hamilton and were now ready for a second invasion so that the English were advanc'd against them onely by way of prevention 2. That they had made a Peace with the Common Enemy promised him assistance to regain the other Kingdomes he pretended to 3. They had resolved to impose their form of Religion upon the English Nation These were the grounds the English alledg'd for their proceedings Accordingly Cromwel marches into Scotland taking all the Garrisons that lay in his way till he came to Muscleborough a place famous for a signall defeat given the Scots in the Reign of Edward the 6. there he is set upon by Maj. Gen. Montgomery and Col. Straughan but the assailants were put to the worst After which the two main Armies having for some time moved at a small distance one from another the Scots declined engaging till they got the English at a great disadvantage at Dunbar who by the difficulties of the place were so distress'd for provision that they began to think of an escape by Sea and would without doubt have taken that course had not the Scots confidence of Victory induc'd them to set upon them contrary to the great prudent maximes of War viz. To make a bridg for a flying Enemy not to drive an enemy Army to the utmost of despair The event of this engagement was that the Scots in stead of an assured Victory received a totall overthrow 3000. of them being slain in the field amongst whom was the Laird of Libberton Col. Lumsden about 8000. with Sir Iames Lumsden Lieut. Gen. of the Foot made prisoners 200. Colours part of those that were afterwards hung up in Westminster-Hall 15000. armes and 30. pieces of Ordnance taken The King in the mean time was withdrawn to St. Iohnston's being so sensible of the Scots unfaithfulnesse that he apprehended as much danger from them as from the Enemie Here he received the news of this losse which was followed with a greater that of the excellent Princesse his Sister Elizabeth who dyed on the eight of Sept. 1650. at Carisbook Castle in the Isle of VVight a Lady of incomparable goodness piety and who deserved to have been born in a better Age and in a lesse Barbarous Nation The execrable murther of her Royall Father hastned her death whither the same Villaines at the helme of the State contributed any thing towards it though reported I will not affirme Onely I know they were enemies enough to that family base enough to attempt as great a crime It is recorded by some that the decease of this Illustrious Princesse afflicted his Majesty more then the losse of the Army at Dunbar and perhaps he had reason since himself seem'd least concern'd in this the Forces having been raised and order'd wholly by the States and Kirk's command and for their interest About this time also dyed the renowned Prince of Orange to the great grief of the King leaving his Princesse great with her first child of which she was safely deliver'd four dayes after being a Son his Father's Successour About this time Col. Eusebius Andrewes having been found with a Commission from his Majesty was condemned by a High-Court of Justice and beheaded on Tower-Hill Immediately after this notable Victory Cromwel made himself master of Edinburgh and of Leith onely the Castle of Edinburgh held out for a good while after The King being unable to bear the imperiousness and hard impositions of the Estates and Kirk extorting a Declaration from him to condemn his own proceedings and those of his best affected party banishing
beheaded On Decemb. 24. Edenburgh Castle having endur'd a violent siege 3. Moneths surrender'd to Cromwel so did other strong Castles places as Nesbit Berthwick and Roswell c. so successfull were their Impious Armes by God's providence who was pleas'd to use them as a scourge for these sinfull Nations Preparations in the mean time were made for the Coronation of his Majesty for the celebrating of which the 1. of Ianuary had been long before design'd by the Estates The place was the Town of Scoon where 150. Kings of that Nation had formerly been Crown'd Thither therefore his Majesty with the Nobility Barons and Burgesses in their robes remove'd the whole Scotch Army standing all the way as a guard making a lane between those two places The solemnity was performed with as much Pompe and Ceremony as the present State of things would permit and with loud Acclamations Bonefires shooting of Guns c. His Majesty having first heard a Sermon preacht by Mr. Rob. Douglas sitting upon a Scaffold erected in the Church of Scoone took the ordinary Coronation Oath and subscribed the National Covenant with the solemn League and Covenant After which he ascended upon a Stage a little Higher then the former sate down in the Throne when the people being demanded four times by the King at Armes VVhether they were willing to accept of King CHARLES for their King becom● subject to his Commandments express'd their consent with loud Acclamations God save King CHARLES the Second This being done his Majesty was cloathed by the Lord Chamberlain with his Royall Robes the Crown was set upon his Head by the Marquiss of Argyle and the Scepter put into his hand the Sword was girt about him by the Earle Marshall and the Spurs put on by the Earle of Eglington Then the Nobility being called by the Herald one by one swore allegiance fealty to his Majesty touching the Crown upon his head with their right Hand in these Words By the Eternal Almighty God who liveth reigneth for ever I shall support thee to the uttermost The people also holding up their hands swore obedience to hi● M●●●sty according to the usuall Oath And to conclude ●ll an exhortatory Oration was made by Mr. Rob. Duglasse and a Prayer Which being done his Majesty and the Nobility departed out of the Church in the former Order and Pompe the Earle of Glencarn carrying the Sword before him The Ceremonies being thus ended his Majesty and the Nobility were intertain'd at a Stately and Magnificent Dinner which done they all return'd to St. Iohnston's in the same manner they came in his Majesties Guard consisting of the Sons of divers great Scotch Lords and other Members of Parliament the Captain whereof was the Lord of Lorne Son to Argile I have omitted the full relation of all the passages at his Majesties Inauguration because they have been already frequently publish'd and lest they should adde too much to the bulk of this volume This business being over it behoved his Majesty to provide for the defence of his Crown and Kingdome in order whereunto he set up his Standerd at Aberdeen to which a considerable number of men in a short time repaired of whom himself was General Duke Hamilton Lieut. General of the Army David Lesley Major General Middleton Lieut. Gen. of the Horse and Massey Commander in chief of all the English Forces The Parliament of Scotland which had adjourn'd during his Majestie 's Coronation reassembled about the beginning of March and much contest there was for several Lords of the Royal Party to be admitted to their Seats in the House which by reason of the opposition of the Kirk-assemblies at Sterling and Aberdeen could not be obtain'd till they had pass'd the Stool of Repentance which Duke Hamilton did with some kind of splendour having a Table plac'd before him covered with black Velvet with a Cushion of the same and making a great Feast that day In this Session a Committee was appointed to consider of the State of Affairs and examine obstructions by whom severall persons that were found to hold correspondence with the English Army had their Estates sequestred and some were try'd for their lives Arguile at the same time and other Covenanteer Lords repining at the admission of the Royall Lords into the Parliament Army as if they should thereby become overpower'd or utterly discarded And indeed to these two pernicious qualities Treachery and particular Ambition peculiar almost to that Nation his Majestie 's and that Kingdome 's ensuing misfortunes ought to be ascrib'd In the mean time his Majesty was very active in modelling his new Army whose Rendezvouse was at the East of Fife encouraging them many times with his presence and speech the English gaine two very strong Castles Hume and Trimptallon lying between Berwick and Edenburgh the former by Colonel Fenwick and the other by Colonel Monck But to prevent their further progresse his Majesty personally visited all the Garrisons of Fife and put them in a posture to hinder the English from landing on that side the Frith after which he went to the Assembly at Aberdeen to endeavour by his presence and authority to compose Dissentions And having taken this order at home he imploy'd the Earle of Dumferling Ambassadour into Holland Mr. Crofts into Russia besides others into other Nations to solicite for assistance Thus he acquitted himself as far as humane prudence could reach but abroad his Ambassadours receiv'd nothing but fruitlesse promises and empty complements amongst whom Sir Henry Hide Lieger at Constantinople had the worst fortune for I know not upon what contest between him and Sir Thomas Bendish that lay there in behalf of the New State Bendish got him into his hands and sent him over into England where as other Loyall Subjects had formerly been he was formally tryed before a parcel of Murderers in apretended High Court of Iustice condemned and beheaded near the Old Exchange in London on March 4. 1650. A person he was of great parts honesty and loyalty Of the same cup also and from the same hands tasted Captain Brown Bushel an expert Seaman who had lately done notable service for his Majesty by sea He was beheaded on Tower-hill on the 25. of April 1651. But to proceed No considerations could unite the dissenting Covenanted Scots The Clergy like fire brands were as eager to ruine their Countrey with their tongues as the Sectarian Army could be with the sword Guthry Cant Duram Galespy men of hot spirits inflaming inconsiderable discontents to high outrages as if a spirit of division had wholly possess'd them and so perverted their judgements that petty animosities were prosecuted with greater zeal then the publick Cause Malignants it seems had commands given them and grew potent this was the ground of contest Some covenanted Lords too either for that they were Kirk-ridden or blinded with envy and ambition began to be dissatisfi'd whereupon Louden was discharged from being
Copy of his Declaration in which he offer'd pardon to all that would return to their Allegiance enclosed in a gracious Letter to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London which by order of the Usurping Iunto at Westminster was on the 26. of Aug publickly burnt at the old Exchange by the Hangman And a day or two after at a Muster of 14000. men in Moorfields the insolent Speaker Lenthall repaired thither and caused a fellow with a Link to burne a Copy of his Majestie 's Declaration in the head of every Regiment On Saturday the 23. of Aug. his Majesty was there proclaimed King of Great Brittain France and Ireland by Mr. Thomas Lisens Mayor and Mr. Iames Bridges Sheriff of the City with the great acclamations and joy of the loyall Citizens And on the same day also his Majesty sent abroad a Declaration given at his City of Worcester for summoning all the neighbouring Nobility Gentry and others from sixteen years of age to sixty upon their Allegiance to appear in their persons with Horse and Armes at Pitchcroft on Tuesday following the 26. of Aug. where his Majesty would be present On which accordingly appear'd at the said Rendezvous these loyall persons following Francis Lord Talbot now Earle of Shrewsbury with about 60. Horse Mervin TouchetEsq Sir Iohn Packington Sir VValter Blunt Sir Ralph Clare Ralph Sheldon of BeolyEsq Iohn VVashburn of WitchingfordEsq with 40. Horse Tho. ActonEsq Rob. Blount of KentswickEsq Rob. W gmore of LuctonEsq Thomas Hornyold of Blackmore ParkEsq with 40. Horse Francis KnotsfordEsq and divers others The works of this City had for the most part been slighted a while before and therefore all endeavours were us'd to fortify it again About two or three dayes before the King's arrivall at VVorcester the Earl of Derby landed at VVeywater in Lancashire with 250. Foot and 60. Horse from his Isle of Man which leaving with the King he return'd into that County his interest in it got together a Body of 1500. with which he was hasting to Manchester to join with 500. more and would probably have increas'd his forces in a short time to a greater number But Col. Lilburn being order'd to prevent him with 3. Regiments and some Horse out of Cheshire was forc't to an engagement by the Earl out of a purpose to hinder him from joining with other forces which were sent against him The contest was sharp and doubtfull for an hour till at length the Earl's Forces were put to flight himself being wounded narrowly escap'd to Worcester severall persons of quality were slaine of his Party as the Lord VViddrington Sir Tho. Tilsley Col. Trollop Col. Galliard with some others of good note Among the taken were Maj. Gen. Sir VVill. Throckmorton Sir Timothy Fetherstonhaugh Col. Matthew Bointon Major Chester Col. Rich. Legg Col. Iohn Robinson Col. Ratclif Gerard besides other Officers some of which soon after dyed of their wounds 400. private Souldiers were taken with all the Armes and Ammunition the Earles George Garter and 3. Cloaks with Stars and about 60. slain The Earle of Derby Col. Roscarrock after this overthrow which was on the 25. of Aug. by the assistance of one Mr. Snead and one Mr. Elliot got to his Majesty at Worcester where neverthelesse his Majesty the Forces with him were resolute against all disasters the Fortifications were carried on with all possible diligence and the Mount at the South-East end of the Town strongly secured On the other side the Parliament by their new levies had encreased their Forces to a prodigious number which as their own writers record amounted to above 80000. About three dayes after the former Victory Cromwel marcht up before Worcester with 17000. Horse and Foot besides the parties under the Lord Grey of Groby Lambert and Harrison which in all made up above 30000. men The first encounter was at Vpton-Bridge 7. miles from Worcester which the Royalists had broken upon newes of their coming onely one Plank either through negligence or treachery was left of it over which Lambert pass'd some Redcoats who perceiving the Scots took the alarum fled into a Church Whereupon Maj. Gen. Massey gave a camisado to the Church but in the mean time Lambert having pass'd over a supply of Horse fell upon the back of the Royallists and overpowering them put them to a retreat which was performed by Maj. Gen. Massey with much gallantry who was in the rear sometimes marching off and sometimes fighting till he escaped to Worcester in which service he received a shot in the Arme and his Horse was slain under him After this the Enemies disposed themselves in the manner they conceiv'd most convenient to streighten the Town To which purpose Fleetwood having left a sufficient force to secure the passe at Vpton approacht nearer the City Cromwel gave order for two Bridges to be made the one of boats over Severne under Bun-hill a mile below the City and the other over Teame a lesser River that falls into Severn and this for the better conjunction of the Army On the 29. of Aug. Cromwel fac'd the City with a great body of Horse and Foot but drew off again and attempted nothing But on Saturday Aug. 30. It was resolv'd by his Majesty at a Council of Warre to beat up the Enemies Quarters that night with 1500. choise Horse and Foot commanded by Maj. Gen. Middleton and Sir William Keyth all of them wearing their shirts over their Armour for distinction the result was accordingly put in execution and might in all probability have prov'd importantly successfull had not the designe been most traiterously discover'd to the Enemy by one Guyes a Tailor in the City who was rewarded with a Halter for his treachery but the Westminster Iunto to shew how affectionately they regarded base and treacherous actions gave Guyes wife 200 l. down and 200 l. per annum during her life This sally was made with much gallantry and resolution but the Enemy having receiv'd intelligence of the design were in readiness to receive the Royalists and nevertheless were unable to bear the shock till bringing on successively fresh forces their number constrain'd the Assailants to retire In this Action Major Knox was slain and some few made prisoners In this condition was his Majesty at Worcester having about 10000. Scots and 2000. English with him and surrounded with a numerous Army of three to one in an ill-fortified City Which odds being consider'd I presume no rational man will account it a Miracle for the better cause and lesser number to be worstest by the greater The Hearts of the besieged were as couragious as those of their enemies and no doubtlesse burnd'ned with lesse guilt They were also animated by the example of his Majestie 's hero●cal resolution who determin'd not be behind any of his party in danger And now the fatall day appear'd the third of September on which the year before the Scots were so considerably overthrown at
of the pursuers being slain the rest put to flight Neverthelesse they had no long contentment in this good successe for a little beyond Newport some of Col. Lilburne's men met them in the Front and another party of Parliamentarians from Worcester fell in upon their Reare so that themselves and horses being extremely tir'd with the former dayes service and the long and hasty march of the night without the least refreshment or succour the Noble Earle of Derby and the Earle or Lauderdail with Mr. Giffard their guide and some others were taken prisoners The Earle of Derby was carried to Chester and there tryed by a Iunto of Officers and sentenced to be beheaded at Bolton in Lancashire The Earle of Lauderdail was carried to VVindsor-Castle and there kept prisoner for many yeares Mr. Giffard escap'd not long after from an Inne in Bunbury in Cheshire In this conflict the Duke of Buckingham with the Lord Leviston Col. Blague Mr. Darcy and Mr. May fled into a by road and got into Chessardine woods near Newport and there the Duke by the assistance of two honest Labourers put himself into a disguise and was by one Nath. Matthewes a Carpenter convey'd to the house of a loyall Gentleman Mr. Hawley at Bilstrop in Nottingamshire from whence he went to that Lady Villiers house at Brooksby in Leicestershire and at length after various difficulties got secure to London and pass'd into France The Lord Leviston and the other 3. Gentlemen having quitted their horses were conceal'd in little cottages by some loyall Country-men till they had means to escape beyond the Seas The Lord Talbot after the routing of the Noble Company hasted towards his Father's house at Longford near Newport where he was by providence preserv'd in an Out-house from being discover'd by some of the Enemies forces who had pursu'd him thither searcht the house four dayes together These were the severall fates of those noble persons that accompanied his Majesty in his flight let us now return to the place where we left his sacred person in the midst of Spring-Coppice near Boscobel house on Thursday morning Sept. 4. having a wood-bill in his hand and accompanied only with Richard Penderel three other of the brothers being vigilant to descry the approach of passengers It hapned to be a very rainy day so that the Trees afforded not sufficient shelter to keep his Majesty from the inconvenience of the wet nor was there any thing for him to sit on till Richard stept to a neighbours for a bla●●● which serv'd for both uses 〈◊〉 ●lso caus'd the wife of Francis Yates above mentioned to provide something for his Majesty to eat and bring it into the Wood. The fare was such as the place and time afforded A messe of milk and sugar some Eggs and a Dish of Butter His Majesty being something surpriz'd at the presence of the Woman that brought his Dinner said to her Good woman Can you be faithful to a distressed Cavalier To which she answer'd very heartily Yes Sir I will rather die then discover you which words gave his Majesty great satisfaction When night was come his Majesty went with these Corydons to Richard's house at Hobbal-Grange where their old mother was overjoy'd to see his Majesty in safety that her sons had the happinesse to be instrumental to it Further care was forthwith taken to disgui●e his Majesty and he took upon him the name of VVilliam Iones and pretended to be a Wood-cutter newly come thither to work and this to the end he might be unsuspected by the rest of the family The good mother prepar'd his Majesty a cleanly Fricasse of Bacon and Eggs part of which being eaten by him and the rest by the Rusticks his Majesty set forth with Richord Penderel on foot for VVales intending to goe that night to the house of an honest Gentleman of Richard's acquaintance at Madely in Shropshire 5. miles from VVhiteladies When they had gone about 2. miles an accident befell them wherewith they were in some fear For as they were passing Evelin Mill the Miller who had then in his custody some considerable Royallists hearing some persons passe by came out and demanded who is there To which no answer was given but his Majesty and his conducter immediately left the way and waded through a Brook which something asswag'd the galling of his feet and so they got free of the Miller who was on the other side no lesse fearfull of them As they pass'd through the Water his Majesty was in some danger of loosing his guide had he not been directed by the rusling of his Calve-skin breeches as he afterwards pleasantly observ'd it being an extreme dark night At mid-night they got to Mr. VVoolf's house and were by him heartily entertain'd But the frequent passing of the Enemies forces through that Town and consequently the likelyhood of their coming quarter at that house made this Gentleman apprehend it unsafe for his Majesty to lodge in it and therefore he secur'd him and his servant Richard in a hay-mow During their stay Mr. VVoolf had intelligence brought him by a trusty servant sent abroad to that end that all the bridges over Severne were kept by guards of the Enemies and all the passage-boats seised on Whereupon by his advice having spent all that day Fryday in the barne and being refresh'd at evening in the house where Mrs Woolf also made him a lotion for his hands with boyl'd Walnuttree-leaves he departed about 11. a clock at night for Boscobel house where he arriv'd about 3. on Saturday morning Col. Carlis whom we formerly mention'd with honour for susteining the brunt of the enemies in Sudbury street in Worcester till his Majesty got out of the Town was fled into these parts near which he was borne namely at Bromhall in Staffordshire within two miles of Boscobel and having lain in the wood for some time was come that morning to the said house to get some relief of his old Acquaintance William Penderel and by this meanes his Majesty and the Colonel met together there where congratulations being pass'd they were entertain'd with rustick fare as bread cheese and a Posset and care taken for refreshing his Majestie 's feet which were much surbated and galled with travell After which his Majesty and the Colonel conceiving the house lesse safe then the wood accordingly betook themselves thither and by the help of the Corydons climb'd into a large Oake the thickness of whose leaves sufficiently conceal'd them from being discern'd by any spectator from below Upon this Oak being accommodated with two pillowes some mean fare they continued all the day his Majesty leaning in the Colonel's lap and taking some slumbring rest of which he had had little or none the two preceeding nights and in the mean time some of the loyall hearted Country people hover'd near the place and others went abroad to get intelligence During his Ma estie's journey to Mr. Woolfs at Madely the
them There his Majesty hop'd to have gotten convenience of transportation into France but his expectations fail'd him for no Master of a Vessel durst undertake to waft over any single person unlesse he knew certainly beforehand what he were So that it being a Town of great resort his Majesty was enforc'd to depart from it Whither he went afterwards is not hitherto certainly known Nor ha's it pleas'd his Majesty or that Lady to discover to any Severall passages are written to have hapned indangering his discovery both at Bristol and elsewhere but the relators have not the least ground for any of them and have rather chosen to gratify vulgar readers with impertinent fictions then to confesse their ignorance of that which they did not and cannot yet know The loyall Lady in all her journeys with his Majesty comported her self with extraordinary prudence and fidelity expressing her observance as often as opportunity safely permitted it and at other times acting her part in the disguise with much caution and discretion A further relation of his Majestie 's progresse in England and the manner of his transportation into France assoon as it comes to our hands from the honorable person who besides his Majesty is now alone able to impart it shall be presented to the world In the mean time I am glad I can record that he took ship at Brighthempston in Sussex about the end of October 1651. and having by the Divine Providence escaped the greatest dangers imaginable in England and some too upon the Sea landed safely at Diep in Normandy where he stay'd not but went forthwith to Roan and from thence dispatch'd Letters to Paris to give notice of his arrival and in the interim was furnisht with accommodations befitting his quality by the Duke of Longueville Intelligence of his safe arrivall being brought to Paris the Duke of Orleance his Majestie 's noble and generous Uncle sent his own Coach for him which met him on the way as far as Magny and coming nearer the City he was met by a company of Nobles and Gentlemen and conducted to the Louvre Entertainment was there forthwith provided for him and the Queen his Mother and the Duke of Orleance visited him the same night The next day also the Duke of Orleance and Madamoiselle his daughter visited him together with the Dukes of Beaufort and Guise Marshal Turein and other of the great Peers and Nobles of France congratulating his happy deliverance Nor was it long before the King of France and the Queen Mother did the like expressing their regret for his Majestie 's disasters and the great interest they took in his safety Thus I have drawn into as narrow compasse as I could the particulars and circumstances of his Majestie 's preservation in each of which is remarkable his great patience and goodnesse and withall his exemplary fortitude in undergoing the greatest calamities that could befall a Prince on this side death I have perhaps made too long a story of it for this little Volume but it was for the Reader 's sake who I hope will be stirr'd up by it to praise the King of kings that deliver'd his Anointed from becoming a prey to those that thirsted after his bloud Certainly not only we but even the succeeding generations will have cause to blesse the Divine Providence for that in the midst of his judgements upon these Nations he was pleased to preserve so precious a mercy for them in store to the end that having been sufficiently chasten'd with the Scorpions of bloudy and tyrannical Governours for their sins against their natural pious and gracious Sovereign they might in due time be restor'd to the blessings which they had forfeited under the government of his excellent Son and his posterity to the end of the world In the pursuit after this fatal battle were taken besides the Earles of D●rby Lauderdale Cleaveland and his son the Lord Wentworth the Earle of Kenmore David L●●l●y Lieutenant General Middleton Major General Vandruske the Lord Spyne Sir VVilliam Fleming with many others of quality Of 3000. horse which fled 1000. were taken about Beudley in Staffordshire more in other places partly by souldiers and partly by rising parties of Countrey people who barberously knock'd many stragglers on the head in Yorkshire Cheshire Lancashire Shropshire and VVarwickshire Major General Massey having with many wounds upon him escaped out of the field and finding himself unable for flight yielded himself to the civility and mercy of the Countesse of Stamford to which he was induc'd upon the Account of former friendship he having been Major General under the Earle her husband in the Wars between his late Majesty and the Parliament How far this Ladie 's generosity extended I know not but her son the Lord Grey of Groby understanding it forthwith secured him as a Prisoner till his wounds were cured and then he was sent up to the Parliament and committed to the Tower from whence he escaped not long after by an ingenious wile and went into France to his Majestie The news of this victory caused great rejoycing amongst the pretended Parliament who now look't upon their new Commonwealth as founded to Eternity And to tell the World that they were the Favourites of Heaven and that God had owned their cause a day of solemn Thanksgiving was appoint'd throughout the whole Nation And indeed though there was nothing miraculous in the victory the Parliamentarians being six times the number of the Royallists yet it may be said to have been the Work of God and they the instruments of his wrath upon the people of this Land and the scourges of God as Attila that terrible destroyer of Christendome was once called Flagellum Dei The only Miracle was his Majestie 's deliverance in which the King of kings was pleased to remember mercy in judgement and give us cause to adore his Providence both in afflicting this Nation in this excellent Prince and suffering wicked Tyrants Murderers and Oppressours to prosper in the mean time preserving him in whom our hopes lay from the hands of his bloud-thirsty enemies And as if successe attended impious Armes the Garrisons of Scotland fell every day into the power of the English Sterling Castle was deliver'd to Colonel Monck while Cromwell was at VVorcester and in it great store of warlike Ammunition with many of the Royal Ensignes Old General Lesley Earle of Leven with several other Scotch Lords intending to have levied a party of men for his Majesty to have rais'd the siege of that strong and loyal Town Dundee were surprized by a party of English horse shortly after which the Town was taken by storme and the City of St. Andrews and Aberdeen with other Towns Castles and Forts surrendred upon summons On the 12. of September Cromwel entred triumphantly into London having sent the poor captive Scots thither before him and on the 16. he went to the Parliament-House and had a congratulatory Oration made to him by Lenthal the
disability to goe through with the enterprise and defray the charges of it and partly because he was at the same time dealt with underhand by the King of France to relinquish the Prince's party and offer'd by him such termes as they were not able to give him And as ill fortune would have it the manner of discovery of their agreemen● made the King of England be lookt upon as the Agent and procurer of it For the French King's Army under Turenne marching into Brie in view of the Lorrain Army the Duke of Beaufort was extreme desirous to encounter with them To which purpose he went into the field where he found King Charles and the Duke of York with the Duke of Lorrain who upon the approach of Beaufort presently withdrew And then this Duke urging him of Lorrain to fight found an extreme coldnesse in him to the business and presently after understood his conjunction with the Court-interest Whereupon the incensed Princes exclaimed against the perfidiousnesse of the Duke of Lorrain and against the English Princes as the causes of it Who though they made it sufficiently apparent that their transactions with the Duke of Lorrain were wholly about another affair yet the indignation of the Princes and people for this collusion so blinded their reasons that they would not be convinc'd of the innocency of the King and his Brother but bitterly inveigh'd against them and the Queen Mother whom they also were resolv'd to believe had been instrumental in the business so that they were induc'd to withdraw from the Louvre to St. Germains and the Queen to Chaliot Shortly after the Victory at Worcester the pretended Parliament as I said executed abundance of the Royall party and such as were suffer'd to live had their Estates confiscated and were kept severall yeares after in prison Their principall Acts pass'd the remainder of this year were I. An Act for the increase of shipping and encouragement of Navigation in which it was enacted 1. That no goods or commodities of the growth or manufacture of any places whatsoever should be brought hither but onely in English Ships and that from the very places of their growth and manufacture onely Also that no Fish or Oyle made of Fish or Whale-bone should be imported but onely such as should be caught in English Vessels nor any salted Fish exported in any other save English Bottomes c. This Act was apprehended by the Dutch as highly prejudiciall to the Trade which they had driven with extreme advantage above us during our intestine Wars and proved a great cause of the War that shortly follow'd between this State and the Vnited Provinces II. An Act to determine the Session of this Parliament on Nov. 3. 1654. Their dissolution was a point they did not love to think of but being urg'd by the Army and several Petitions for a new Representative after many debates and delayes they resolv'd to continue their sitting 3. yeares longer but they reckon'd without their Host and receiv'd a quietus about a year and half after from Cromwel III. An Act of Oblivion which was loaden with many heavy provisoes and exceptions IV. An Act for incorporating Scotland into one Commonwealth with England the Government of which they invested in these Commissioners Ol. St. Iohn Sir Henry Vane Maj. Gen. Lambert Maj. Gen. Deane Col. Fenwick Alderman Tichburne Major Salwey and Lieut. Gen. Monck As for Ireland the Government of it having been wholly referred to Cromwel he constituted his Son in Law Ireton to command in chief there w●th the Title of Lord Deputy In December 1651. arrived at Paris the Gentlewoman Mrs. Iane Lane who had been instrumental in his Majestie 's deliverance after the overthrow at Worcester of which fearing danger by the discovery of some unfaithful confidents she went on foot in disguise to Yarmouth and there took ship for France She was conducted into Paris with great honour his Majestie himself with the Queen his mother and the Dukes of York and Glocester going out to meet her upon the first sight his Majesty took her by the hand and saluted her with this obliging term VVelcome my Life The French Court also regarded her with much respect and honour together with her Brother Col. Lane who accompanied her thither About the Spring of the year 1652. broke out a furious War between the English the Dutch Common-wealths after Embassadors had been sent to no effect from either The first Act of Hostility was on the 19. of May 1652. After which many bloody Sea-fights pass'd between them both in the British Sea and the Streights with great losse of Ships and men on both sides but the Dutch were most commonly worstest During this sharp War his Majesty was as mindfull of his Interests using all endeavours for an accommodation between the King of France and the Princes as also between the Kings of France and Spain in the mean time also sending Embassadours to severall Potentates to desire assistance as the Lord Wilmot whom he had created Earle of Rochester to the Imperial Diet at Ratisbone the Lord Culpeper to the Hague and the Lord VVentworth to the King of Denmark But the Catholick Princes were the colder in gratifying his Majesty for that he shew'd no pronesse to embrace their Religion as the Emperor once expresly signified to him And indeed such was his Majestie 's constancy that no temptations of worldly advantages no resentment of adversity nor the sollicitations and arguments of severall grand Catholicks who endeavour'd to pervert him as Mr. Montagu Militiere and Salmonet could prevaile any thing upon him He propounded to the Dutch that if they would furnish him with a squadron of Ships he would set up his own Flags and command them in person Some of the Provinces were very inclinable to the motion but that of Holland which stood out against the admitting of the young Prince of Orange for Capt. Gen. was also backward to comply with his Majestie 's desires or undertake his interest then which act nothing could have been more honourable to them nor perhaps more beneficiall All that he could bring them to was that they granted liberty for his Ships to ride in their Ports with their Fl●gs up as King of Great Brittaine c. The King of Denmark professed willingnesse enough to gratify his Majesty but his affairs were then in a doubtfull Estate and depended much upon the successe of the Dutch with whom he had partly engaged On December 1652. the English Iunto resolved to be rid of his Majestie 's younger Brother the Duke of Glocester and referr'd it to the Council of State to consider with what accommodation and to what place to send him The Council that they might seem to do something handsomely ordered him to go into Holland gave him a Bill for 1000. l. to be paid to him upon his arrival but such was their honesty that they took care that he should never receive one penny of it However he was
the Horses From whence in expectation of greater Forces to join with them they marched towards Cornwall but they were overtaken by one Capt. Crook with a party of Sectarian Horse at Southmolton in Devonshire after four houres sharp conflict defeated Sir Ioseph VVagstaffe the chief of this loyall party escaped the three other most eminent Leaders Col. Iohn Penruddock Capt Hugh Groves and Capt. Iones were taken with 50. others Another rising was also in Yorkshire at Hexham Moore but of 4000. which should have met not above 200. appearing they were soon dispers'd by the Forces of Col. Lilburne Sir Henry Slingsby the chief taken and Sir Rich. Maleverer with much d fficulty escaping At the same time likewise another attempt was made to rise at Sherwood Forrest in Nottinghamshire but the Gentry that design'd it were supprest by Col. Hacker Nor were the Levellers lesse pleas'd with the Tyrannical Usurpation of Cromwel though their designes were not upon the account of loyalty For Maj. Gen Harrison Mr. Carew Rich. Courtney and Maj. Wildman were discover'd to have fram'd a Plot against him and secured These latter sort of Conspirators were in favour of the Sectaries and in consideration of former assistance in Rebellion and the murder of his late Majesty more gently proceeded with for Harrison was shortly after committed to Portland Castle Carew to St. Maur's in Cornwal and Courtney to Carisbrook Castle in VVight Island But on March 31. 1655. a Commission was issued forth for tryall of the Gentlemen in the West to Serjeant Thorp Glyn Steel And another for tryall of them in the North to Serjeant Newdigate Nicolas VVindham Hatton but of these persons Serjeant Newdigate and Thorp conscientiously refusing to try any man for treason upon Cromwel's Declaration as Law had writs of ease given them But the Protector wanted not instruments in the West to execute his bloody pleasure for at Salisbury Iohn Lisle one of his Princes Murderers sentenced Col. Penruddock and Capt. Grove to the block and at Exceter seven other persons to the Gallowes And now Cromwel resolv'd to rule onely by the sword seeing the people so hated his Tyranny to which purpose he constituted eleven of his Officers to preside over all the Counties of England with the Titles of Major Generals allotting four or five Counties as Provinces to each with sufficient authority not only in Military affairs but also in Civil and Ecclesiastical For the support of these Bashawes he made an Ordinance that all Cavaliers or Gentlemen of the late Kings party should notwithstanding the late Parliaments Act Oblivion their former compositions and their peaceable demeanor since pay the tenth part of their yearly revenue which was accordingly severely exacted by the Major Generals He also the better to provide against future Insurrections set up Auxiliaries in every County consisting of Horse and Foot which Were to be ready upon all occasions within an houres warning their pay was 8 l. per annum to a Horseman 3 l. to a Footman And finally that he might disenable all loyal persons from attempting any thing for their Countries Liberty he put forth an Ordinance to se●se all sorts of Armes found in the Houses of those he called Malignants Such were the courses he took to secure himself at home About the beginning of the year 1655. a great Fleet was sent against the King of Spain's Territories in America The designe was kept secret till it came to be executed upon the place nor did he declare war against that King till afterwards though the Marquesse of Leyda Governour of Dunkirk came over as Extraordinary Embassadour to know his intentions Many of such as had been imprisoned for the late insurrections had been barbarously sold to foreign plantation some that were left and several indigent people were by force sent in this service together with divers Regiments of old souldiers Venables commanding the Land-forces and Pe● being General at Sea But it pleased God to check the Tyrants insolence by a considerable losse in the very first enterprize which was undertaken so unjustly and against the faith of Nations though the propagation of Religion was pretended and other slight reasons for it an Army consisting of 9700. Foot besides a party of Horse by the Generals indiscretion was landed in the Island Hispaniola at a place ten leagues from the chief Town Sto. Domingo whereby being ready to perish miserably with thirst and the excessive heat of the Sands through which they marcht they were shamefully routed by no greater a party then 70. Spaniards and Negroes 1200. were kill'd in the conflict and the pursuit the rest escaped by flight An incredible thing had not the faintnesse and weaknesse of the English render'd it rather an execution then a fight The remainder of this overthrow having afterwards endur'd extreme hardship for want of provision even to the eating of their horses seis'd upon another Island called Iamaica which though a barren place wanteth not some considerable advantages But for the dishonour occasion'd to our Nation by this unfortunate expedition amends was in part made by General Blake who entring Porto Ferino at Tunis with his Fleet fir'd nine Turkish Ships in it notwithstanding the strong fortifications upon the shore and came off with the losse of onely 25. men Whilst affairs were thus strangely managed in England by the violent Protectour his Majesty resided at Colen entertaining himself with such studies as best became a Christian in his own and his Countries calamities such exercises as were befitting a Prince and such company as his affection made most pleasing to him namely that of his brother the Duke of Glocester and the Princesse Royal of Orange The Duke of York continued still in France having onely made a journey of no long stay to the French Leaguer before Pavia His Majesty to divert himself from the resentment of his unsuccesseful affairs made a progresse of state and pleasure from Colen to Frankfort-Fair being accompanied with the Duke and the Pnncesse attended on by the Lord Marquess of Ormond the Earle of Norwith the Lord Newburgh the Lady Stanhop and several other persons of Honour They went by Coach a little beyond Bonne the Arch-bishop of Colen's Electoral Seat where they enter'd into a Gondelo or Pleasure boat through every Princes Territories that they past the chief Officers of State were sent to complement them and the great Guns saluted them from all their Towns and Castles More especially the Prince Elector of Mentz sent his grand Marshall to invite them to his Court but his Majesty sent the Lord Newburgh back with the grand Marshall to return his acknowledgements to the Elector and to promise him to accept of his civility as he came back from Francfort His Majesty being arrived there had intelligence that Christina Queen of Sweden who had voluntarily resigned her Crown on Ian. 17. 1654. to her Cousin Carolus Gustavus and had for the most part since continued at B●uxels intended
to passe that way to Italy whereupon he sent one of his Lords to her to signify his desire to wait upon her Majestie at what place she should be pleased to nominate To which message she return'd thanks for the honour his Majesty intended her and appointed Coningstein a village near Francfurt in the Electorate of Mentz for the place of Interview His Majesty was accordingly received there by her with many expressions of respect and had private conference with her alone for almost an hour after which the Duke of Glocester was admitted to her presence alone and then the Prince Elector Palatine and his Brother Prince Rupert who came thither on purpose and the refst of the great Lords that attended the King The Elector Palatine invited his Majesty to his Court but his Majesty waved his civility and after many complements between these Princes his Majesty returned to Francfurt the Prince Elector and his Brother to Heidleberg and the Queen of Sweden proceeded without stay in her journey to Italy At his Majestie 's returning from Francfurt which was by water the Elector of Mentz having provided magnificent entertainment for his reception came inperson a great part of the way to meet him and conducted him to one of his Palaces where he treated him for four dayes in a most sumptuous and splendid manner after which himself accompanied him for some part of the way to Collen in which City four Burgomasters were appointed by the Magistrate to wait upon his Majesty and the Princes and to testify the satisfaction they took in their return thither And thus we see what respect his Majesty found in a forreign Country and in his lowest fortune the greatnesse of his vertues causing him to be every where extremely valued not for what he injoy'd but for what he truly deserv'd Shortly after the Princesse Royal took leave of his Majesty and the Duke of Glocester and departed for Holland In the mean time in England Cromwel's feares or his malice were restlesse for about Iune most of the Gentry in all parts of the Nation were clapt up by his Major Generals not would any securiry be taken for them but rhey were kept in Inns such like places with guards of Souldiers at an excessive charge and in convenience for many months together Among others the Lord Falkland Lord Willoughby of Parham and the Lord Newport were committed to the Tower upon suspition of Treason but it seems it was rather his own guilt that induc'd him to do thus then any reasonable cause which could he have found no question they had paid their lives for his security There having been this year a barbarous Massacre committed upon the Protestants of the Valleys of Piedmont by the Souldiers of Charles Emanuel Duke of Savoy the Protector testifi'd his resentment of it by appointing a solemn day of Humiliation to be observ'd and a large contribution to be gathered throughout the Nation for their relief The collections came to a vast sum but how well they were pay'd to those for whom they were pretended is not unknown to them that were employ'd about this affair into Savoy Also toward the latter end of this year Proposals were made to Cromwel by Manasseh Ben-Israel a Iew in behalf of the Iewish Nation for their free admission to trade and exercise of their Religion in England They had been excluded for the space of almost 400. hundred years yet Cremwel out of a sense of charity for their conversion and in consideration of 200000 l. was willing to listen to their reentertainment But the designe was so vehemently oppos'd by the Divines a●d Merchants that it took no effect In the beginning of the next year 1656. the King of Spain being sensible of Cromwel's perfidiousness solemnly proclaimed Warre against England Whereupon Cromwel enter'd into a strict league both Offensive and Defensive with the King of France who was then at Wars with the King of Spain both in Flanders Italy and Catalonia One of the chief Articles of the Confederacy was that his Majesty with the Dukes of York and Glocester and all his Relations and Adherents saving the Queen Mother should be excluded out of France In which it is to be wondred with what sense of honour that King could consent to so base and ignoble a proposall made by one that had murdered his Uncle and Usurped his Dominions and withall to banish such Princes as were so near of Blood to him and came to him for succour and relief But selt-interest not self-preservation for what could France fear from Cromwel when he was ingag'd with the King of Spain and jealous every day of the people he tyrannis'd over self-interest I say of not of the King of France at least of Cardinal Mazarine the Queen's creature prevail'd above all respects of honour justice and the sense of humane calamities The King wisely withdrew before and the Duke of Glocester not long after there remain'd onely the Duke of York who during his service in the French Army had acquir'd to himself a great renowne and a high command Neverthelesse he had some small time respited for his stay in which he was visited and honourably treated by Marshal Turenne who infinitely esteem'd and lov'd him for his extraordinary courage skill in Martial affairs others of the French Lords as also by the Duke of Modena who was then occasionally in that Kingdome And shortly after he took his leave of the King of France the Queen his Mother and the rest of the Court and departed into Flanders In the mean time the King of Spain partly out of a noble generosity and partly out of consideration that having engag'd in a Warre against Cromwel his Majestie 's interest might be of some advantage to him caused Don Iohn of Austria his Governour in the Low-Countries to invite his Majesty into his Territories which invitation was made by the Count of Fuensaldagne a great Commander and lately Governour of Milan His Majesty accepted of the offer and departed from Colen to Bruges in Flanders where he was received with great expressions of honour and respect Thither also the Duke of York went to his Majesty having taken Bruxels in his way and been extremely caress'd by Don Iohn and his Court who expressed much joy in having the most valiant Prince of his age in the world come to assist persona●ly in the war In England Cromwel being much necessitated for money and withall impatient to tarry longer for a confirmation by the people which although he could not obtain of the preceeding Parliament he hoped he might gain of another attempted once more to call a new Representative But remembring the carriage of some in the former he gave private intimation to certain persons in several Counties to obstruct if possible their Election again in the ensuing Session and writ Letters to some Sheriffs to the same purpose Neverthelesse though they were chosen after the new mode 10. in a County and 1. in
Majesty who stay'd not long there but removed to the Hague where himself and the English Gentry were splendidly entertain'd at the charge of the States who also presented him with gifts of great value From thence the Queen of Bohemia with the Princesse of Orange and the young Prince accompanied his Majesty and the two Dukes to the Sea-side where they were entertain'd in the Naseby with a magnificent collation and so his Majesty took leave of them and set sail for England At his landing at Dover he was met by the General who immediately kneel'd to kisse his Royal hand but his Majesty embraced him graciously and took him with his two Brothers into his Coach to Dover where after a Treatment by the Magistrates he rid to Canterbury where he was met by the Mayor and Citizens who presented him a golden Cup full of gold and the Ministers who presented him a Bible Having rested there on Sunday the next day he went to Cobham-House and on Tuesday May 29. being his Birth-day he came towards London attended by the Duke of Buckingham the Earles of Northhampton Norwich Shrewsbury Litchfield Cleaveland the Lord Mordant and Sir Iohn Robinson with their several Troops of the chiefest Nobles and gentry of the Kingdome and the General with ten Regiments of his best horse besides innumerable companies of people that flock'd from all the adjacent Counties On Blackheath near Greenwich he was met by Major Gener●l Brown with a gallant Company of young Citizens and others c. and at Southwark he was met by the Lord Mayor Aldermen 300. Citizens in Velvet Coats and Gold Chaines representing the several Companies and entertain'd with a Collation in a Tent erected on purpose and from thence about 5. a clock in the afternoon he rode into the City between his two Brothers the streets being on one side beset with the several Companies in their Gownes and on the other with Souldiers the windowes adorn'd with Tapistry and other hangings the Conduits running with Wine and the people testifying their joy with incessant shoutings and Acclamations Arriving at White-Hall the Speakers of both Houses congratulated his return in two solemn Speeches to which his Majesty answer'd that the People's acclamation together with his journey though gratefull to him as demonstrations of affection had so disordered him that he could not give such an answer as he desir'd But they should find him a sincere Defender of the Lawes and Liberties of the people and the Parliament should not be more ready to ask his consent to any thing fitting to be done then he would be to grant it After which he retir'd out of the Banquetting House to his Lodgings Thus we have trac'd out all the principal actions of this great King's Life in his Infancy Youth and Manhood to this present as well in his own Territories as beyond the Seas and withall given an account of the most considerable events here in England during the Oligarchy of the late long Parliament and the Tyranny of Ol. Cromwel In all which we have endeavour'd to give an impartiall Relation with as much brevity as the smalness of this Volume containing more strange occurrences then have hapned in some Ages would permit May the God of Heaven who of his infinite and undeserved mercy towards these poor Nations hath restor'd his Majesty to his Dominions long preserve his Sacred Person for the good both of Church and Commonwealth and multiply the years of his Reign in Honour and Prosperity Glory be to God on High and on Earth Peace and good Will towards Men. FINIS ERRATA Pag. 118. l. 11. read greater honour Pag. 273. l. 8. for at Salisbury read at Exeter Pag. 320. l. 24. read Commoners
the arrival of Monsieur Boreel their Embassadour to negotiate a League with France to promote the conclusion of it but they had so deeply tasted of the English valour in the Sea war were so impatiently desirous of peace and Trade that all he could gain of them in the end was a Letter of complemental civility And accordingly applications being made to the new pretended Protectour by two Dutch Embassadours the Lords Newport and Yongstall a Peace was concluded between the two States the Articles of which were proclaimed in London April 26. 1654. Nor were his Majestie 's solicitations for a Peace between France and Spain more successefull though he prosecuted it with his utmost ardour as judging it the most important expedient whereby he might obtain assistance from these two Potent Monarchs and other Princes also together with the Pope himself interpos'd for a Reconciliation For the politick reasons of Cardinal Mazarine who knew the peace of the Kingdome of France depended on his removal out of it induc'd him to venture the fortune of war rather then be sacrific'd though deservedly to the tranquillity of that Kingdome And having taken this resolution he judg'd it also his interest in the next place to make a sure friend of the new Protector of England who being an Usurper too he conceiv'd would be more willing to join interests To which purpose all considerations of Honour Generosity yea of affinity chariry set aside by the Cardinals means instructions were sent over to Monsieur de Bordeaux Neufville who had layen here a long time before but had done little by reason of the unsettledness of the Government to treat a League and Confederacy with the pretended Protector Whether the Cardinal had any particular malice towards the King of England as some affirme I cannot determine but this ha's been apparent in all his actions That he will not stick to promote his own ambitious interest by the ruine of that or any other whatsoever being a greater Politician then to stickle at such rules as the sense of Honour goodnesse or justice it self may lay in the way of his proceedings This his Majesty sufficiently understood and foresaw that by naturall consequence the Union of the English Mahomet and this Ecclesiastical Politician would produce his Exclusion out of France Wherefore he thought it more honourable to depart that Kingdome voluntarily then stay till he were dismiss'd by Articles and accordingly on the 1. Iuly 1654. took leave of the King and Queen of France and of his Royall Mother with the French Grandees from whom he receiv'd such dissembling language as that ceremonious Nation uses on all occasions He went first to Chatillon a House belonging to the Prince of Conde being accompanied with his Illustrious Brother the Duke of York and his Cousins the Princes Palatines Rupert and Edward having made some stay here his Royall Brother returned to Paris and from thence to the Army with the Title of Lieutenant General under Marshall de Turenne who then lay with his Forces besieging the Archduke and the Prince of Conde with a numerous Spanish Army in their Trenches before Arras Prince Rupert also here kist his Majestie 's Hand and departed to Heydelberg to his Brother's Court and from thence to that of the Emperour and prince Edward went to Bourbon From Chatillon about the latter end of the same moneth his Majesty went to Cambray and from thence passing through Liege to the Spaw In the mean time Cromwel playes the Tyrant in England at a high rate and on Feb. 18. he sent 11. persons of quality to the Tower for a conspiracy against his Highnesse's person but having no evidence against them besides his own guilty feares which suggested to him that most men wanted the power rather then the will to dispatch him out of his Usurped dignity they were soon after set at liberty The first Act of himself and Council was to repeal the engagement made by the Infamous Parliament against a Single Person which was done by an Ordinance Ian. 19. next the style of publick writings was alter'd from The Keepers c. to Oliver Lord Protector c. Then an Ordinance was pass'd by his Highness and Council declaring Offences of Treason which were made of three sorts 1. Attempting any thing against Cromwel and his Government 2. Corresponding with or promoting the right of his Majesty 3. Declaring that any Parliament was at present in being or had any continuance c. So we see it came about that owning of the Commonwealth interest as they call'd it was now as great an offence as malignancy Moreover to gratify Sectaries he made an Ordinance to eject scandalous Ministers by which many worthy Ministers were deprived of their livings in several Counties and to shew the more exquisite malice such ejected were not to be admitted ever after to any Ecclesiastical preferment nor to teach schole or officiate as Chaplains in the Houses of persons of quality He also set up an Inquisition for approbation of Ministers by whom ignorant Fanaticks were prefer'd before grave and learned Divines the Commission running in termes that they should have especiall regard to such as were indue'd with gifts and graces though they wanted humane learning Of these Inquisitors were Rob. Tichburne Hu. Peters Ph. Nye Th. Goodwin St. Marshal Pet. Sterry Syd Simpson and others of the like stamp And that he might according to the course of Tyrants establish his power in blood by deterring all that lov'd their Country from attempting its deliverance and removing some of those he judg'd loyall and valiant enough to do it upon the 20. of May a Plot was discover'd for which severall persons of quality were apprehended as Sir Gilbert Gerrard and Col. Iohn Gerrard Humphry Bagaley Secretary to the late Earle of Derby Sidney Fotherby Somerset FoxEsq rs Mr. Tuder an Apothecary and Mr. Vowel a Schoolmaster there were also committed to the Tower the Earle of Oxford Maj. Baily Col. Ashburnham and amongst others Sir Richard Willis For the Tryall of these Conspirators a High Court of Iustice was erected by an Ordinance of Cromwel's Iune 13 of which Iohn Lisle was President and Steel Tichburne Sir Will. Roberts and some twenty more right qualifi'd for any murder it pleas'd the Protector to put them upon Commissioners Of the Gentlemen committed onely three were tryed Iune 30. Mr. Gerard Mr. Vowel and Mr. Fox who were adjudged within the new-made Ordinance and guilty of Treason though by no Law of the Land Glyn Prideaux and Ellis like good Instruments of a Tyrant urging the Protectors will for Law Yet the latter of them was repriev'd and the two former suffer'd death with much resolution and courage Mr. Gerard being beheaded on Tower-Hill and Mr. Vowell hanged at Charing Crosse Iuly 10. Scotland was not yet so absolutely subdued but that there appear'd some still in Armes for his Majesty in the Highlands The Earles of Seaforth Athol Glencarne Kinoole the young Marquis of