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A18737 A generall rehearsall of warres, called Churchyardes choise wherein is fiue hundred seuerall seruices of land and sea as seiges, battailes, skirmiches, and encounters. A thousande gentle mennes names, of the beste sorte of warriours. A praise and true honour of soldiours. A proofe of perfite nobilitie. A triall and first erection of heraldes. A discourse of calamitie. And ioyned to the same some tragedies & epitaphes, as many as was necessarie for this firste booke. All which workes are dedicated to the hounourable sir Christopher Hatton knight, ... Written by Thomas Churchyard Gent. 1579. Churchyard, Thomas, 1520?-1604. 1579 (1579) STC 5235.2; ESTC S107881 144,193 246

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Capitaines minded not to giue ouer the matter for a bragge And determined couragiously to set vpon their enemies whiche in deede thei did and gaue so lustie a charge that thei ranne cleane through theim and slue at the least fower hundred of them puttyng the rest to flight and followyng the chace draue them into a woodd whiche beyng nere saued many of their liues Sir Peter Caroe saied muche of this victorie rested in Capitaine Malbies manhoode and conducte The Lorde Deputie sente Sir Peter Caroe for to take possession of a certaine Castell in whiche Castell was a cōpanie of stoute men And to the seruice was Capitaine Collyer Capitaine Furres and others sent Thei within shotte and slue our people whiche encreased the hatred and malice Muche businesse was aboute this Castell and at length it came to a parley and whiles the capitaines were at the parley the soldiours wer made drinke and a siluer boule sent thē to drinke in out of the Castell But the parley could not take vp the matter so thei called for their siluer boule again but a soldiour with one legge whose name was haltyng Dick hauyng the siluer boule in his hande made aunswere that he would keepe that till the reckenyng were made of the reste And the parley beyng doen thei put in the Conestable of the Castell at a grate and sodainly withall thei thrust in a great peece of Timber whiche kepte the grate open wherein the Soldiours entered and so wonne the Castell where after was a pitifull murther for man woman and child were put to the sworde And the soldiours found therein greate riches especially Tapestrie and Plate and muche good housholde stuffe It was not long after but the Lorde Deputie raised a greate power to go to the West against the rebelles whose leader was Iames Fitz Moris whiche was reported to bee of greate force And the Lorde deputie marchyng forwarde toward Clammell the newes was brought that Fitz Morris was so strong that the Lorde Deputie was to weake to deale withall So counsaill was giuē him to retire The lord Deputie seeyng the cowardies of some and hauyng good courage hym self called Capitaine Malbie and asked his aduise who aunswered if good guides could bryng my lorde through the plaine Countrey his fiue hundreth horse would marche in despite through all Irelande The Lorde Deputie thereon saied he neuer bare the George that daie that he gaue place to any rebelles and so the Deputie commaunded them to marche and his power came that night and lodged at a Castell of his enemies as the reporte wente There was a stoute Kerne seyng the Deputies campe commyng ranne out of the Castell and sett many houses a fire because the Lorde Deputies power should haue no succour thereof and be in so●● daunger by their approche To whiche Kern Ihon Malbie galloped apace and so dispatched hym which was a good peece of seruice The nexte daie the Castell was yelded so the lorde Deputie marched to the White Knightes Countrey and besieged a strong Castell of his and because thei did withstande the siege thei were all put vnto the sworde From thence he marched towarde a Castell in the Desmondes Countrey called Bally Marten where thei withstode the siege so it was battered And there was one called the Seneshall who founde meane in the night to steale awaie with all his companie and so thei tooke the bogge and escaped to Iames Fitz Morrice who made many wordes and threateninges but he performed no peece of those promises So after this the Lorde Deputie came vnto Corke and frō thence to Lymbrick takyng all the Castelles in his waie that he founde till he came to Gallawaye And after he returned towardes Dublin in whiche iourney his enemies did neuer shewe their faces Shortly after this Capitaine Malbie tooke in farme the countrey of Lakaell at the handes of the Erle of Kildare whiche Lakaell had lyen waiste three yeres before and after that came sir Thomas Smithes base sonne with his horsemen and footmen to a place called the Ardes nere neighbor to Capitaine Malbie who furnished maister Smithe with diuerse thynges and did bestowe on hym and his soldiours a good rounde sōme of money but maister Smithes fortune was not good and so at the length he was slaine as after you shall heare Now the noble and moste bountifull gentleman of Englande came ouer as Gouernour of Vlster I meane the Erle of Essex whose praises no manne in the worlde can ecclips Whiche Erle was accompanied with a goodly bande of horsemen and footemen he arriued at Karrickefargus And there came with hym the Lorde Ritche Maister Henrie Knowlles and his fower brethren maister Mighell Carie and maister Ihon Carie soonnes to the Lorde of Honsdon and maister William Norrice and maister Ihon Norrice twoo of the eldest soonnes of the Lorde Norrice whose courages and deedes did shewe their noble race as in deede the other gentlemen named before theim by their owne actes aparte did often tymes expresse their honourable birthe There was likewise one maister Blunt a valliaunt gentleman brother to the Lorde Mongie and sonderie others whose names I haue forgotten Within a prettie space after this noble Earles arriuall sir Bryan Mackefellin who was accounted then a rebell did sue to come in To whom the Earle gaue protection and yeldyng hym self simplie vnto the Queene the Earle not onely graunted hym a pardon but also gaue him greate giftes and vsed hym so courteously as he could not imagine how to be better entertained But Bryans follower beeyng wearie of well doyng and peraduenture by Bryans consent the soldiours horses could not bee in saffetie and the followers of Bryan fell to open thefte and priuie filchyng The Earle willed Bryan to giue correction to the malefectours who promised from tyme to tyme but no redresse could be had The Earle lettyng those offences passe and conceiued that he had not his people in suche obedience as was reason and so bore with little faultes in hope amendemente would followe but all this while the soldiours were robbed and as the poore menne them selues were caught alone thei were murthered For whiche outrage the Erle shaped a reuenge and so to crie quittaunce but Bryan hearyng thereof desired to come in and make his aunswere the Erle graunted that and so sir Bryan came and made his submission declaryng he could not rule his naughtie people and was sorie for their follies and foule factes committed So the Erle badde hym bryng them all into an Ilande called Mahair and offered Bryans menne an aide to bryng them that would refuse to come promisyng thei should be all well vsed and all former faultes shoud be forgotten Sir Bryan so departed and in fine wrought cunnyngly to deceiue the Erle and departe with all his Creett of Kye whiche amounted to twentie thousande into the wooddes or where he thought beste but my Lorde of Essex had good espiall on Bryan by meane of Capitaine Malbie notwithstandyng the sleightes of the enemies
the Earle made diuerse iourneis vppon hym As a iourney where a preye was to be wonne where maister Maunsfeelde a proper man was slaine at and maister Harry Knowles was fore hurte in who serued noblie that daie And a iourneye made to the Glyns to Freers Toune and to many other places emong the enemies but with this seruice and diligence the Englishe glentlemen were so weried that sondrie sought meanes to departe into Englande and so the Earle remained with the lesse force and could not put further the mater in practise then his power and Fortune would suffer and procure notwithstandyng he founde meanes to entrappe and take sir Bryan Mackefellyn whiche he sent to Deuelyn and caused to bee retourned againe At whose retourne to auoide further trouble sir Bryan was put to death on whiche execution runneth diuerse reportes the maner whereof I leaue to the worlde For my intente is but to shewe breefly how thynges were begonne and ended at that present tyme of seruice All this season remained with the Earle sir Nicholas Malbie and his brother Capitaine Barkley Capitaine Selbie Capitaine Bousar Capitaine Deeryng sir Peter Carewe sir Willyam Morgan and twoo of my Lorde of Hunsdons soonnes maister Harry Bronkar and others of good callyng courage and credite Sir Willyam Fuwillyams was Lorde Deputie then who tooke greate paines to reforme the badde disposition of disobediente people and often tymes was in Campe hym self to vse the sworde and minister iustice And at his goyng awaie came the honorable sir Harry Sidney in whose tyme was muche to be doen but especially against one Sarlaboyes a Skotte that kepte aboute the Ban and had ouerthrowne a nomber of talle soldiours saruyng at Karryckefargus emong the whiche companie was Capitaine Baker slaine So for the reuenge and redresse of these and suche like causes the Lorde Deputie made a power and marched frō Dradaffe to Dondalke and so to the Newewrie and from thence to Lakaell and so toward Bellfaste where in a woode a greate nomber of wilde Kerne vnder the leadyng of Brian Macke Farttie did attende vs and staied vs from takyng the aduauntage of the tide thei plied vs with suche shot and other their leaude demeanour But we charged on them and so draue them into their fastnesse Capitain Harryngton and his bande serued well that season I behelde the same and with small difficultie we put the enemies backe and passed the Riuer with some hazard for the floud was come in and we were faine to carrie our footemen behind vs a horseback and some we ledde by the handes whiche moyled and wette the poore soldiours extremely but the marche that wee had after to Karryckefargus brought the poore menne in good harte againe but their victualles waxed scante and we carried a longer season then was looked for by meane of the hollowe and false dealyng of the wilde Scottes of whom Sarlaboyes was Capitaine This Serlaboyes had in his Creete as thei call it thirtie thousande Kye and yet wee wanted bothe Beefe and Biskette The reason was the winde serued not to conueigh vs victualles from Strangfforde and other places appoincted to victuall the Campe. At the length Serlaboyes was faine and glad to sende vs some Kye and so we marched awaie but the seconde daie after the woodde Kernes spied their tyme and set vpon some of our carriages and tooke with theim bothe tronkes full of apparell and some plate but thei could not dooe to our power any hurte at all saue to a fewe that went without order and felte some scourge for their follie After this the Lorde Deputie roade to a place called Blackwater to whom came the Oneall and made his humble submission and so we helde on in iourneyng and marche still towardes the Weste and came firste to the Forttes in Affayleye where some offendours were hanged and then to Kylkennie the Lorde Deputie passed but before he came nere the Toune the noble Earle of Ormonde with a braue traine mette the Lorde Deputie and afterwardes feasted hym moste sumptuously and now to speake of this valliant Earle it shall beautifie my matter For his seruice charges and trauaill hath been suche that it deserueth memoriall for euer For alwaies and at all seasons he hath on his owne proper coste and charge been as readie and as forwarde to serue the Prince as any man that euer I haue heard spoken of noble or otherwise and this is moste to be commended in that noble Earle he neuer brake faithe in his daies but had suche regard to his honour that he would keepe touche with his mortall enemies and muche more with his freendes and where due obedience doeth leade hym I lacke but laisure to praise that noble man a right and so for this tyme I goe no further in his honourable commendations Now from Kylkennie the lorde Deputie went to Korke and so to Lymbricke where I sawe the Earle of Desmonde come in with greate humilitie and reuerence and many others of the Nobilitie of Irelande duetifully behaued them selues there So from that place the Lorde Deputie went to Gallawaie and retourned home through Connaught where now Sir Nicholas Malbie remaines as gouernor FOr that it shall not seeme in any sorte that either affection or report should lead my penne to the praise of one and leauing out the laude of an other which is a kind of curryng fauour with menne and a fauourer of good fortune I haue drawne and sett doune in good order the valliant seruices of diuerse capitaines that were at Newe Hauen who ought not to bee forgotten if I write not parshallie and voide of consideration Emong the whiche Capitaines I finde Capitaine Reade now in the Garrison of Barwicke a manne so worthie of memorie and garnished with knowledge and courage that he not onely merites to bee spoken of but likewise deserueth to be honoured in Marshall causes and exercises of warre And because sonderie reportes hath been bruted and blowen abroad otherwise then reason requireth of the kepyng and yeeldyng of Newe Hauen I mynde in breef and shorte maner to make a whole and sounde discription of the seruices there Whiche in myne opinion were bothe daungerous and manly and maie be called a noble exploite till Goddes visitation by terrible Plague and diseases had infected the toune and disouraged stoute soldiours For in callyng to mynde the sondrie hazardes and extremities thei were in consideryng a fewe in comparison in a straunge Countrey withstoode a greate nation and multitude of men well experimented I am moued to touche a little their vallue and to shutte in silence by this my true rehersall the bablyng speeches of those that haue barked or snarred at the well dooyng of their Countrey men Whose fame and laudation in our Forefathers daies hath ouermatched and farre surpassed the glorie of any our neighbors examine but their deedes and conquestes and you shall neede no further triall of the matter Now to make good myndes of vpright meanyng conceiue the trothe and in a
was gone backe again to Saragosa for the residue of the Armie And in the meane tyme the Turkes stoale awaie and retired towardes Constantinople when intelligence was sente vnto Dom Garsia beeyng in Cicill of the departure of the Turkes Armie he made greate speede to come to Malta leauyng the power he went for behinde hym and beyng arriued tooke order for the fortification of euery dismembred peece that beyng doen he tooke certaine soldiours into the Galleyes and sought to finde some of the skattered Turkes on the seas So passyng from Malta Eastward he came to an Ilande called Strumdario Ihon Andredoria mette with an Argosie and was so bolde as to borrowe suche victualles as the Argosie had for the better releeuyng of his Galleyes And after the Armie had refreshed them there ▪ thei passed to an Ilande called Sireygo ▪ where the Armie of the Turkes were vpon the one side of the Ilande so attendyng some good Fortune thei taried there seuen daies in whiche tyme freshe victualles waxed skante Then were thei driuen to retire towardes Cisill without dooyng any exploite and hauyng greate wante of victualles and sweete water the Spaniardes died out of all order And if God had not sent a shower of Raine by meane of a Thonder full many a stoute man had perished for want of freshe water whiche releeued bothe the Soldiour and the Galley slaue the shower of Raine was so sweete and comfortable In the meane tyme a brute was blowen in Cisill on the soddaine departyng of Dom Garsia from thence that the Turkes had wonne Malta by whiche reporte and ouerthrowe a noble man of Cisill thought to expulse the Spanyardes out of that coūtrey and so slue as many as he might laye handes on and whiles he was in his greatest glory and practisyng a generall reuolte The Galleyes arriued there that lacked victualles before wherein was sixe thousande soldiours and the Generall beyng at Messina hauyng intelligence of all this businesse caused the noble man to bee apprehended and with hym sixe of his confederates and settyng vp a Skaffolde and a paire of Gallowes caused the noble mannes hedde to bee smitten of and his sixe fellowes to be hanged before his face And after this execution a new Custome was raised for their Silkes in signe that this reuolte should neuer be forgotten The Armie dispersed and euery manne gon to his countrey a quarrell had like to haue growē betwene the capitain of the Kynges Galleyes and the Capitaine of the Galleyes of Naples in the goyng out of Messina for thei beganne to striue whiche of them ought to beare the Flagge of the Admirall Dom Garsia stated the matter and made thē bothe frendes and tooke a good order for that cause Then it was appoincted by Dom Garsia that the twoo brothers should enbarke with the Capitaine of the Kynges Galleyes but sir Edward Standley beyng at Messina was occasion vpon his request that the brothers might not keepe companie together for a space but thei mette merrie after at Naples where sir Ihon Smithe mette with them who dealt as courteously with them there as he did before in Cisill And thei remainyng in Naples fourteene daies thei enbarked theim selues with Dom Alueray de Basane for Spaine who was the Capitaine of the kynges Galleyes and passyng from thence all along the coaste of Italie came to Gene and remained fourteene daies there From Gene to Barsilonia in whiche voiage befell a greate storme but the daunger beyng passed thei landed and were forced for want of horses to trauaile through the kyngdome of Katellonia Aragon and so into Castile And then findyng the kyng at Madreell thei made at their leisure their repaire to the Count de Ferrey who presented them to the kyng He beeyng in his priuie Chamber alone with one of the Generals that was at Malta whiche commended the seruice of the twoo brethren so muche that the kyng made theim kisse his hande and so thei departed towardes their lodgyng where thei founde Secretarie Arras seruaunt readie to presente them from kyng Phillippe fiue hundred Dukettes Dom Garsias letters were deliuered the kyng of their seruice a little before and so with the kynges fauoure and bountifull reward thei reposed them selues a season And mindyng but to take their leaue thei came to the Courte againe where the kyng gaue theim gracious speeches and fiue hundred Duckettes more a liberalitie meete for suche a Prince and a rewarde that might haue pleased a right good subiecte as in deede the twoo brethren stoode so well contented withall that thei accounted all those Soldidiours happie that might serue suche a kyng And there withall the kyng gaue theim fiftie Duckettes a peece to bee paied euery Monethe so long as thei listed to serue hym In Naples the like entertainement the Emperour his father had giuen them before but thei seyng the great bountie and Princely dealyng of the kyng of Spaine and mindyng to haue more experience of the worlde thei tooke their leaue of his Maiestie and purposed to retourne towardes Englande So passyng to Bilboe thei found maister Man who was come to be a leeger in Spain and hauyng a barke to bryng them into Foye a hauen in Cornwaill thei tooke shippyng and in fiue daies came into Englande Beeyng come to the Courte of Englande the honourable sir Frances Knowlles was to passe into Irelande then maistes Nicholas Malbie made sute to goe ouer where he might be emploied And his master the noble Erle of Warwicke prefarred hym bothe by letter and commendation of his seruice So attended he on sir Frances Knowles till he came to sir Henrie Sidney then Lorde Deputie who vpon vewe of his letters and the regarde of his knowledge made hym Sargeant Maior in whiche roume he serued well and worthelie till vpon good consideration the Lorde Deputie placed hym at Karikfargus and gaue hym charge there of a hundred horsemen in whiche charge he so behaued hym self towardes the Prince and soldiours that he spente fiue hundreth pounde more then his entertainemente to the honouryng of his Countrey and enrichyng of his Soldiours Thus he did continue to his great charges a long while And at length came doune to Karrikefargus sir Willyam Fuwillyams as Lorde Iustice who liyng long in Campe with a nomber of Soldiours for the reformyng of matters out of frame he wanted victualles So sente for Capitaine Malbie and sought his aduise for the releeuyng of the whole power And maister Malbies opinion was to preye vppon the enemie and findyng thynges readie for that purpose Prepared to sette vppon a Kreete as thei were feedyng the enemies had intelligence thereof and draue thei Kine into a Bawne otherwise called a place of defence Capitaine Malbie seeyng their crafte shotte of the Hargabose emong the beastes thei that were so hurte ranne in a madnesse emong their fellowes and so draue out fiue hundreth good Kine in the daunger of the Soldiours and so thei were driuen to the Campe and the hongerie people
thereby founde sustentation Sir Henrie Sidney came out of Englande anon after this and landed at Karykefargus where remainyng but a few daies he marched towardes the Ban for to parley with Torlo Lenno who named hymself Oneall The Deputie beyng there made Proclamation for all suche as had any pledges for their behauiour willyng them to come in accordingly or els their pledges should suffer for their disobedience that lefte theim in pledge Emong all the residue Macke Ilaspete was one moste accounted of but he nothyng respectyng his pledges or els nothyng doubtyng the daunger thei were in staied and would not come vnto the Lorde Deputie the Lorde Deputie beyng no dallier in causes of duetie caused the pledges to be executed That beeyng dooen Macke Ilaspet sought to reuenge and came with fiue hundreth Scottes into the Countrey he was encountred with one Richard Hunt a Lieutenaunt of horsemen a verie valliaunt soldiour who vpon his first charge was slaine Then Capitaine Cheston beyng in the feeld marched toward the Scottes with a hundreth footemen and beeyng nere the Scottes there were certaine gentlemen as it seemed by their apparell that attempted the bande of foote menne and charged them but Cheston and his bande stoode verie faste and determined to fight it out In whiche stoute standyng to their businesse thei slewe on the firste charge giuen vnto them fourtie gentlemen whereof Macke Ilaspite was the beste for he had the leadyng of the reste that tyme Vppon whiche repulse the residue fell to flie so that thei were murthered and slaine like a sorte of Sheepe Now Bryan Mackefellyn standyng not farre of seemed neuer to come in till he sawe the ouerthrowe giuen whiche happened otherwise peraduenture then he hoped for but at the length he came faintly in and yet would not followe the chace beyng called a verie good subiect This broile enden Capitaine Chestons menne tooke the spoile of suche as was slaine and so retired It was not long after but there came a newe supplie to reuenge Macke Ilaspetts death whiche beyng entered the Countrey were encountered withall againe with Capitain Cheston who shewed suche vallue that in one skirmishe were slaine twoo hundred Scottes and in the same skirmish that valliaunt Soldiour Cheston by name was shot into the baule of the knee of whiche hurte he died whiche brought greate sorrowe to Karyckefargus Capitaine Nicholas Malbie beyng in the Englishe pale with his bande There was a iourney appointed by the lorde Deputie to be made vpon a certaine Rimer that belonged to Oneall at a place called the Kloher This draught was drawen by one Thomas Flemmynges a greate freende of capitaine Malbies And there was cheef appoincted for that iourney the Barron of Deluin maister Edward More and Capitaine Collyar Some businesse was emong the soldiours for the goyng of that iourney and some drewe backe and some misliked the long marche whiche must bee dooen in shorte tyme But the Barron of Deluyn and Capitain Malbie did determine to trie Fortune and appoincted the footemen a place of metyng and to retire vnto theim if occasion so serued But the horsemen rode on the spurre and entered the Countrey thei sought at a good hower and slue there a nomber of rebelles bringyng from thence a greate bootie to the nomber of xij thousande Kine and Mares and draue their prey to the Cloher Whiche was within twoo miles of Onealles house and thether came the foote bandes and so Camped all together that night Oneall whilest thei were there sente theim woorde thei should bee foughten withall ere thei went out of the Countrey to whiche threates thei gaue small eare and made lesse aunswere Shortely after Capitaine Malbie was to retourne to Karickefargus with his charge where he remained a small season there was an occasion giuen by the capitaine of Kyllowlto of his disorder and hauyng a conuenient tyme for the correction of the same and did it not Wherefore Capitaine Malbie called his soldiours together and entered Kyllowltoes Countrey and tooke a parte of his prey and marchyng through apace There went by Capitaine Malbie a woodd Kerne talkyng with hym the Kernes sworde drawen and passyng vnder a bowe in a straite the Kerne let driue at the Capitaine and hit hym on the hose whiche was so well stuffed with heare that the hurt was nothyng greate and so the Kerne sled into the woodde It was not three daies after but Capitaine Malbie and Capitaine Peers hauyng a Commission to sitte vpon made Proclamation that whatsoeuer he was of any degree and had made offence that would come in and aunswere to that should bee laied to his charge he should come saffe and goe saffe without any harme or daunger On whiche Proclamation the self same woodde Kerne came and presented hym self before the Commissioners whereat Capitaine Malbies harte sturred and a soldiour of his that gaue hym warnyng of this Kerne in the place saied openly Capitaine this is the traitour that stroke you stoupyng vnder a bowe The Kerne aunswered it was he in deede Then was he demaunded how durst he come thether that had dooen so traiterous an acte The Kerne aunswered againe because I heard that the Capitaine neuer brake his woorde I ventered to trie his fidelitie not caryng for myne owne life With that he was had into a house and made bothe drinke and eate and so was sent awaie whiche courtesie and trothe kepte in promesse made this Kerne euer after a true follower of Capitaine Malbie Capitaine Peers vpon some conceite or cause hated this Kerne and afterwardes arrested hym diuerse tymes which Kerne sent to maister Malbie to be his suretie who became bounde for him to paie fower and twentie Kine at a daie appoincted There was one made a complainte to the Lorde Deputie of Bryan Ballowe who sent for Bryan to aunswere the wrong he had dooen Well ꝙ Bryan I will goe keepe my promesse for I hope Capitaine Malbie will not see me suffer death whiche keeps my woorde The onely credite of a mannes life With that his wife and freendes tooke holde of his mantell to staye hym but he so struggled that he gatte from thē and came starke naked before the Lorde Deputie of whom Bryan Ballowe was cherished for his faithfulnesse In that tyme while Sir Harry Sidney was Deputie there befell a greate broile aboute Kylkennie to redresse the whiche businesse was sent sir Peter Carowe Capitaine Gilbart Capitaine Malbie and Capitaine Basnette who beyng in Kylkennie heard saie that a thousande Gallowglasses were in a plaine not farre from the toune so these Capitaines issued out of the gates whiche were kept shut for great occasion and came in the vewe of those Gallowglasses There fell a greate shower of Rain the same season and the Gallowglasses seyng the Englishemen but a fewe and thei beeyng many made a shewe of fight and puttyng of their broeges and shakyng their Axes gaue a greate shoute and a crie as their maner is when thei hope of victorie But the Englishe
were so fine that thei could not bee easely perceiued nor preuented because so many tales were brought and so many flatters tooke sir Bryans parte Yet alwaies the Erle did that whiche he thought for the beste and was lothe to seeke blood but vpon a greate occasion and yet in the ende true woorde was brought that Mackefellyn was stollen awaie by this meanes as I shall tell you Capitaine Malbie and his brother hearyng of this dispute and hauyng greate businesse to repaire vnto Lakaill tooke their iourney and as thei were ridyng thei espied a freende of theirs commyng galloppyng whose name was Marke Hoult Who brought newes of Bryans goyng awaie whiche messenger thei sent in all haste to the Erle and thei appointed a place where thei would meete the Earle But in the meane while thei hasted to staie Bryan and thei might or to holde hym plaie till the Earle came But that was in vaine for all the Creete had take a strength before the daie Yet the Earle marched apace and came within twoo miles of the enemie where he mette Capitaine Malbie but of necessitie the Earle retired to Carryckefargus for this matter could not be recouered Yet in a fewe daies after the Earle made a rode against Bryan and by meane of a Spaniell in the companie their entent was eskried and wantyng Kerne to enter the wood the Earle retired homeward againe The Earle sent for the Barron of Dongarren and maister Edwarde Moore and one Thomas Flemmyng but Bryan had gotten intelligence thereof and laye in waite for to entrappe theim The Barron came to Bellfaste and passed the Foorde and sent to Hollyngburne Abbey for maister Moore so passyng a softe pace towardes the Earle Bryans horsemen brake and so the Barron retired backe to the forde again where by chaunce maister Malbie was and gaue the Barron succours and caused theim to passe ouer the Foord for their better suertie But those horsemen that thei had sent for maister More did light in the lappes of their enemies in commyng backe againe yet some of theim were well horssed and so escaped to Hollyngburne Abbay and those that were nerest mischeef were slaine This hazarde beeyng paste Capitaine Malbie sente in poste to the Earle to come closely with as many horsemen and footemen as he might make and to come in the night followyng the Earle made speede and came as secretly as he might three howers before daie to the place appoincted where he laye in couerte till it was tyme to passe ouer the Foorde Now the Barron with maister Moore and their companie passed ouer and had not gone but a little ground but thei were sharpely set vpon and sent backe againe Bryans foote men were so nere them with that Capitain Malbie and his brother hastened to the skirmishe whiche grewe very hott and as thei were almoste ouer the water maister Richard Blunt commyng with them cried a charge a charge and so settyng his staffe againste his thigh he ranne emong the●m whiche were footemen whiche had quickely killed his horse and had hym doune laiyng loade vppon hym whiche was a wonder of the worlde he had not been slaine capitain Malbie and his brother with fiue or sixe more gaue a charge to rescue him and so put his enemies backe where at a man of the Barrons and an other called Thomas Flemmyng tooke hym vp and haled hym awaie At this skirmishe many of Bryans men were slaine and the Englishemen did retire ouer the water in tyme for the tide was commyng And the very same night the enemies came ouer the water and encamped them selues by the Englishe power And in the mornyng betymes thei prouoked the skirmishe bothe cunnyngly and manfully For at the firste beginnyng thei killed maister Willyam Norrises horse vnder hym who valliauntly behaued hymself and in lesse then an hower capitaine Malbies horse was striken doune and if Sir Willyam Morgan with greate courage and one maister Egerton had not dooen verie well Capitaine Malbie had been slaine for his horse laye vppon hym The noble Earle beholding this broile with his footemen came fliyng in and gaue a charge on the rebelles and put them to flight and did it in suche order that many of the enemies loste their liues thereby And after that charge thei retired into the wooddes where sondrie of them were ouerthrowne and those that escaped went to their Creete As tyme did passe and the Erle laie at Karrickefargus newes was brought that one Noall Macke Bryan Artho had deuised a draught for the killyng of Maister Thomas Smithe who was slaine by that deuise My Lorde of Essex was muche moued at that deede and Capitaine Malbie and his brother were marueilous sorie for the losse of suche a neighbour and good companion And swore to reuenge his death ere it should be long as thei did when occasion serued therefore In processe of tyme the twoo brethren desired leaue to repaire into Lakaell meanyng to practise a reuēge for maister Smithes death the Earle not knowyng their myndes gaue Ihon Malbie leaue to goe but kept the other Capitaine about his owne persone Maister Ihon Malbie commyng into Lakaell mustered all the menne he might make and hauyng a good power sufficiente as neede required practised with one called Donny Sallowe for the catcheyng of Neall Bryan Artho at some aduantage and promised at the least an hundred pounds for his labour that should drawe suche a drifte This Donny Sallowe as muche for the money as glad to please his freende went closely about this matter and brought suche certaine newes of Neall Bryan Arttoes haunt and order of life that it was an easie thyng either to compasse hym in some daunger or laye handes vppon his followers And by a good occasion maister Ihon Malbie with three score and fower horsemen and a fewe footemen he made suche a slaughter that fiue and thirtie of his beste men that followed Neall Bryan Artto were licked vp and slaine and a greate preye and bootie taken from hym and brought awaie he beeyng twoo hundreth footemen and fourtie horsemen in the feelde Emong those menne that was slaine was one Con Mackmeloeg who before caused maister Smithe to be eaten vp with Dogges after he had been boiled and this same Con Mackmeloeg beyng slaine was lefte emong wolues v. daies and was had into a house where his freendes howled and cried ouer his dedde bodie so long that by mischaunce a greate deale of pouder caught fire and sett the house in a flame the Dogges in the toune smellyng this ded bodie ranne in and tooke it out of the house and so tore it in peeces and fedde vppon his carraine fleshe openly Whiche was a thyng to bee muche marueiled at and thought to bee sent from God for a terrour to all tyrauntes hereafter Now here is to be noted that the Erle so long as he had power left no occasion to trouble Bryan Mackefellyn and to make hym knowe he had offended the Queenes highnesse and for that cause
maner marueile at the happe and manlinesse of our people I will firste and formoste declare vnto you a victorie gotten against the Count de Ringraue albeit it falles not in order of the whole discourse a man of greate honour and no little courage and conducte Who gouerned his Campe and regiment with as good pollicie and knowledge as any manne liuyng in his daies and place of seruice It fell out after the Frenche were knit in vnion and that bothe the Religions were bente against vs as in causes of dominion is alwaies to be looked for and so determinyng to laye siege to Newe Hauen with all the power thei could make Thei sent this noble Count Ryngraue to take a certaine village not farre from the Forte in whiche village did encampe the whole regiment of the Ryngraue when he had with some difficultie possessed it The Earle of Warwicke Lorde Lieutenaunt for the Queenes Maiestie beyng carefull of his charge and watchfull to preuente mischeef Sent out at Midnight Capitaine Reade and some other bandes to holde the enemie some plaie and bidde them the basse and so in skirmishe as the season and occasion would serue thei droue out a peece of the night receiuyng little harme and doyng all the hurte thei could deuise But my Lorde Lieutenaunt beholdyng the boldnesse of the Ryngraue and seyng how nere he sought to nestell hym self to Newe Hauen with suche a power as peraduenture might haue troubled the whole toune My Lorde issued and went to the Forte whiche stoode a good distaunce from the Hauen And after my Lorde had a while digested this businesse and had well foreseen what might followe if the enemie wer suffered like a strong hedded horse to take the bridell in his teeth my Lorde called Capitaine Reade before hym and tolde hym that the enemie must bee remoued For by Gods will ꝙ he as it is my Lordes earnest woorde if the Ryngraue lodge so nere my charge the one of vs bothe shall take little reste and so my Lorde concluded and fully determined that Capitaine Read should haue the leadyng of a thousande men and goe giue a charge on the enemie To whiche commaundement Capitaine Read willyngly obeyed wherevppon Capitaine Souche Capitaine Ward Capitaine Gam Capitaine Somersettes Lieutenaunte Capitaine Apleyarde Capitaine Parkinson Capitaine Anttwesill Capitaine Wilfforde and all their bandes were appoincted to followe Capitaine Reades order and direction in as duetifull maner as my Lorde hym self had had the leadyng of these bandes and officers Now it behoued Capitaine Reade to looke well aboute hym and to sette doune a course and order to keepe firmelie and aduisedlie because he had not to deale with men of small value nor people that before tyme had been ignoraunte of the seruice in the feelde Wherefore he sorted his soldiours and placed them in the moste assured and aptest maner for the accomplishyng of suche an enterprise deuided theim into that order that one might aunswere an other and the maine battaill should giue releef to the whole companie But here is to bee noted that the enemies were thought verie strong and to the nomber of fiue or sixe thousande soldiours Frenche and Almaines who looked for some encoūter and were in battaill closely sette and knitte together at the entrie of the village hauyng certaine louse shott without the toune and some horsemen withall redy to giue a charge and take what aduauntage might be gotten Fearyng little that our people would haue ventered on their battaill and doubtyng nothyng the victorie if so small a power as ours durst putte in hazarde the fight or offer to giue the repulse Well in this daungerous and doubtfull peece of seruice Capitaine Reade beeyng resolued to trie the vttermoste of Fortune and followe my Lordes will and pleasure who behelde all the exploite With as greate expedition as could be deuised he sette Capitaine Souche Capitaine Gam Capitaine Parkinson and Capitaine Warde menne of good seruice and readie to aduenture for renowme as a wyng on the lefte hande of his battaill to plie the enemie with shotte and in the battaill and as occasion required he placed Capitaine Apleyard Capitaine Anttwesill and Capitaine Wilford For to aunswere his hope with their manhood and diligence and doe that was conuenient in suche a hotte and couragious encounter Now Capitaine Souche and his companie made suche haste to the seruice this beeyng at sixe a clocke in the Mornyng and had trotted so faste towardes the enemies that thei were likelie to haue been out of breathe and in greate perill had thei not been succoured with the foresight and dexteritie of Capitaine Read. For he beholdyng the swiftenesse of the wing and the necessitie of the cause beganne sodainly to mende his wonted marche and helde a good pace and trotte towardes the village hauyng euer an eye and regarde to bryng on his people whiche was the battaill alwaies in good order and breath But this haste and bolde attempte was no soner offered but the enemie thought to preuent it and so with suche horsmenne as thei had at hande thei charged our footemen who were so strongly garded with Pikes that the horsemennes labour was loste and some of them slaine emong the Pikes thei were so well ioyned and clasped together By this tyme went of all the small shotte of the enemies battaill and as God would our menne were come so nere that thei were crept vnder the daunger of the hargaboze by meane of a smother and smoke that a greate while before the enemies shot and ours had made For Capitaine Read espiyng that aduauntage badd marche apace to come to the ioynyng so that through this occasion the enemies shott did little or no hurte at all At this instaunt were our people euen at the verie entrie of the village and a Frenche gentleman as seemed beholdyng Capitaine Read the cheef leader of our battaill marchyng before the reste leuied his peece at hym myndyng to haue shotte but by trauesyng of grounde Capitaine Reade staied the Frenche mannes hande who stepte straight waie behinde a little waule and at the enteryng into the Toune discharged his peecefull at the breast of Capitaine Reade the peece beeyng charged with twoo bullettes but albeeit it was so nere that the fire flewe in his face yet he was so well armed that the shotte but rente and broke his Armour and did hym no further hurte Wherevppon Capitaine Reade steppes to the Frencheman and so thrust hym through with a Halbert an other gentleman standyng nere this offered to bee taken prisoner but Capitaine Read myndyng to doe that he came for followed his enterprise and charged on the battaill of the enemie that stoode as stiffe as a waule till our men laied their Pikes lustely vppon theim and by verie fine force and pushe of the Picke put them backe and caused thē to wheele aboute In whiche conflicte sixe hundreth were slaine and nine score and three persones were taken and brought awaie The victorie was followed a small season with as
draue vs out of the feelde and gaue an attempte to winne the base Courte where wee attended their commyng and stroue with them so stoutly that in that struggle wee were ioyned and wrastled together as daungerously as any man liuyng maie imagine but in suche order that the Frenche were forced to retire a little and we were faine to recouer the Forte and yet the Frenche so valliauntly handled their busines that thei laye vnder the rampire of the Base courte and slue sondrie of our soldiours that could not in due season come in Emong the cheef Capitaine Manneryng had his deathes wounde and fell doune in the dike before the gate whose bodie we recouered with very little losse but he died within three daies after And the Frēche missyng that thei sought retired that presente night to their Campe where thei abode not tenne daies but a peace was concluded and we marched all towardes Barwicke Now here is to bee noted that in those daies wee had greate soldiours a liue and moste of theim at Barwicke as Capitaine Honte Capitaine Sanders Capitaine Tems Capitaine Pickman and verie many others of good experience and credite Now I muste leaue to your iudgementes and readyng of other bookes the warres of Scotlande and will shewe you of some seruices that happened in Irelande duryng the tyme that sir Anthonie Sellenger was Lorde deputie there who was a graue and fatherly wise gouernour and had muche a doe in that countrey to bryng thynges in good perfection and quietnesse For the Lordes of that soile were at that presence giuen to sondrie troublesome practises whom he reformed and set in very peaceable estate emong the rest was one Makarttie More whiche helde out a greate season but the Lorde Deputie goyng against hym with an armie made hym come in at Corke where vppon his humble submission I sawe hym beare the sworde before the Lorde Deputie Yet albeeit that in this and many other seruices sir Anthonie Sellenger at seuerall tymes deserued greate commendation he beeyng a knight of the Garter yet his fortune was so aduerse and contrarie that he was seldome at home in his Countrey out of trouble and daunger of displeasure and felte as many haue dooen that gouerned Irelande the self same plague that Scipio Affricane possessed for his praise the greef whereof brought sir Anthonie to his graue as the workes I could shewe of his one pennyng can testifie For this honourable knight had an excellent gifte to write in verse or prose and was of so tractable a nature and condition that moste men did honour hym as muche for his vertues as for his office and callyng But my matter depēdeth not onely in one mannes merites or praise wherefore I doe passe to other thynges that commeth to my mynde In Irelande at those daies was the noble Capitaine Randall Capitaine Masterson Capitaine Lippiarde Capitaine Thomas Smith Capitain Coolley and a nomber of other Capitaines that now are out of my remembraunce who for seruice and well doyng are nothing inferiour to many good Capitaines that I haue named before The honourable sir Iames A Crofttes was Lorde Deputie of Irelande and had taken the sworde at Corke of sir Anthonie Sellenger at this season when many greate thinges was to bee dooen And he had no small regarde to his charge and gouernement the seruices theim selues are sufficiente argumente of his no little labour and diligence and maie well enough declare that whiche I omit and for want of laisure doe not speake of Now the warres burste out betweene the French kyng and the Emperour on whose sides sondrie Englishe gentlemen serued for knowledge sake and reputation And on the French side did Capitaine Crayer Capitaine Twittie and their companie florishe and did many exploites as in an other place of my booke I haue reported And on the Emperours side was Capitaine Plonket Capitaine Matson and a greate nomber of verie valliaunt soldiours of our nation who sought nothyng but credite renowme and good report Sir Willyam Drewrie now Lorde Iustice of Irelande was then so gallauntly disposed that he did but daiely search where or how he might bestowe his tyme in seruice and so serued a long season to his greate commendation with the Emperour as heretofore I haue rehearsed And he was so enclined to Marshall affaires that when forraine warres were ended he sought entertainement at Gines and those partes whiche had warre with the Frenche for kyng Phillippes quarrell And he hauyng charge and a lustie bande of horsemen did many thynges that merites good likyng For at that tyme was muche adoe and a bande of horsemen verie well appoincted and full of gentlemen was sente from the lorde Warden an honourable and a worthie gentleman moste full of noblenesse the Lorde Cheinees father now liuyng In this bande and belongyng to that charge was sondrie of the Keises gentlemen of good seruice maister Crippes hauyng the leadyng of all that companie There was sente in like sorte from the Prince Maister Willyam Harbertes brother of sainct Gillians called maister George Harbertte with a bande of footemen and one Capitaine Borne whose Lieutenaunt I was at the siege of Gines These bandes a good season before Callice and Gines were taken ioynyng with other bandes of Callice did make diuerse iourneis into Bollinnoyes and sped verie well Sir William Dreurie at euery seruice deserued no little praise and one Capitaine Winnibancke an auncient soldiour was oftentymes so forward that he was ronne ones through the buttocke with a Launce Many gentlemen in those seruices did well and worthely And sondrie tymes the Lorde Wardeins bande was to be praised And at length a voyage was made by the consente and whole power of Callice and Gines to fetche a prey from Bolleyn gates Mounsire Snarppoule then beeyng gouernour of Bolleyn but we could not handle the matter so priuilie but the Frenche by espiall had gotten woorde thereof Notwithstandyng as Soldiours commonly goes forwarde with their deuise so we marched secretly all the whole night to come to our purposed enterprise and our footemen whereof sir Harry Palmer a man of greate experience had the leadyng He remained with the whole power of footemen nere the Blacke Neastes as a stale to annoye the enemie and succour for suche as were driuen in if any suche occasion came So the horse bandes brake into the Countrey and preased nere Bollayne where was a greate nomber of gallaunt soldiours to receiue them but our horsemen makyng small accounte of the matter beganne to prey the countrey and driue a bootie from the face of the enemies The Frenche horsemen takyng their aduauntage offered a skirmishe to detracte tyme till better oportunitie serued to giue a charge This couragious bickeryng grewe so hotte that the Frenche bandes beganne to showe and our menne must abide a shocke or retire hardely with some foile wherevppon the cheefest of our horsemen charged those of the Frenche that were nerest daunger by whiche attempt the Frenche staied a while but vpon
sufficient power to annoye that Toune and for other greate causes then mouyng his Maiestie prepared anone after a small Nauie to moleste his enemies makyng Admirall of that fleete the noble Lorde Lyle after Duke of Northumberlande and with hym was sent the Lorde Clinton now Erle of Lincolne sir George Caro sir Peter Caro sir Gawine Caro sir Robert Stafforde maister Clement Parstons maister Willyam Winter now knight maister Biston a valliant Capitaine with whom was maister Biston the Pensioner that now is a liue And all these gentlemen vnder the leadyng of the Lorde Lyle encountred the Galleis in moste braueste and warrlike sorte vppon the Seas and fought with them halfe a daie daungerously and in greate perill our Shippes hauyng a greate disaduauntage because the porte holes were not so lowe as reason required by whiche meane our Shippes might not come to dooe the harme that was intended Notwithstandyng the greate Ordinaunce plaied on the enemie all the while and our gentlemen behaued them selues as noblie as might bee deuised not in no little hazard nor without greate courage For this fight was so sore and daungerous that euery mannes vallue and stoutnesse might be seen There was no hole nor caue for the cowarde to hide his hedde in For the Cannon could fetche theim vp that would creepe in the Cooke roume and sette them a woorke that would sitte doune and doe little good The barres and chaines of Iron flewe about so thicke and the smoke and smother of the pouder was so greate that one might scarce see an other for fume flame and the furie of the shotte And to bee plaine because I haue seen the like I take it to bee the moste terrible and cruell fight that can bee named or expressed with penne For it is rather if it bee rightly painted out a helle then any other thyng it can bee compared vnto But how so euer it is or was at that present tyme our fleete abode the brunte thereof and tried it out to the vttermoste as the Frenche theim selues did afterward reporte and affirme And so bothe the sides beeyng wearied with roaryng of Cannons and murtheryng of menne were driuen at the length to leaue of and saile seuerall waies but the Frēche had the worste and were glad to departe to their losse and mischeef But in the necke of this the Frenche Nauie came gallauntly to Portchmouthe and in the vewe of Kyng Henry thei made a stoute showe and signe of some shrewde intent Againste the whiche Nauie went out sir George Caro in a noble vessell and with a greate nomber of valliaunt gentlemenne but by mischaunce and ouersight of some reachlesse persones the Shippe and all was caste awaie and drouned full before the vewe and face of Kyng Henry the eight And yet our other Shippes made out and sette so lustely vppon the Frenche fleete that thei made them retourne homeward to their small contentatiō so that little or nothyng was doen worthie the notyng a good tyme after An other seruice there was where maister Clementte Parston and Capitaine Wolffe was in Kyng Edwardes daies where thei had a Galley in chace and ouercame the same Galley For maister Parston brought it awaie and had in signe of that victorie a Iewell thereof made in maner like a Snake of golde In Queene Maries raigne the Lorde Admirall that now is with sir Willyam Woodhouse sir Thomas Cotton sir Willyam Winter maister Gonstone maister Holstocke maister Morley Sir Richard Brooke Capitaine Poole a knight of the Rodes as sir Richard Brooke was sir Richard Winkfeeld sir Robert Conestable that now is Maister Willyam Gorge and Maister George Biston bothe Pentioners went to the burnyng of Conkquette and did there a greate exploite and made muche spoile and hauocke in that countrey and retiryng to our Shippes tooke good order for the saffetie of our menne But the Almaines beyng greedie of gaine and ouercome with wine could not bee brought a Shipboarde in no due season and so through their owne follie and lewde behauioure thei were entrapped and ouerthrowne and yet was there as greate regarde for their preseruation as might bee but their reatchlesse maner was suche that no deuise could recouer them and so thei perished When our people did prospere and came awaie with honour and commoditie From Concquet there was appoincted seuen Sailes of Shippes to goe to my Lorde of Sussex then Lorde Deputie of Irelande The names of whiche Shippes followeth the Hue Willoughbie in whiche was sir Thomas Cotton Admirall for that seruice The Gearfaucon in whiche was maister Tornar of the Garde The Newbarke where was Southerwicke of Douer The Saker at the commaundement of M. Peter Killegrey The Barcke Caree vnder the charge of M. Gregorie Carie. The Ihon of Plimmouthe in the whiche was maister Richard Bingham And all these attended my Lorde of Sussex at Daukkith who noblie sett forwarde and bornte Kynteer Iames Mackono beeyng in the countrey and raized twoo of Mackonoes cheef Castles tooke diuers of thei Galleis and executed many of their mē My Lorde also burnt the I le of Butte the I le of Combra and the I le of Amilashe with diuers other places in that iourney And at this seruice was sir Willyam Fitz Willyams maister George Delues Capitaine Colliar maister Thomas Masterson Capitaine Warren Capitaine Peers sir George Stanley maister Edward Stāley who was there made knight And a nomber of other lustie gentlemen that presently I make no mention of Sir Willyam Winter did a greate peece of seruice with other Englishe gentlemen and Soldiours at a place called Alderneye For the Frenche to the nomber of mene hundred had taken that Ilande and were in the Castell in a marueilous triumphe But sir Willyam Winter hauyng but fower hundreth soldiours and Marriners whiche Marriners who so markes shall see greate worthinesse in landed in Alderneye with his small companie and handeled the Frenche so hardly that he draue them into the Castell and would not leaue theim till he had dispatched the Ilande of theim And so in his countreys honour retourned into Englande againe There was an other peece of seruice by Sea when Mounsire Determes loste a battaill by Grauelin and as I dooe remember maister Nicholas Gorge was at this seruice But be there who might it happened well on Mounsire Degmondes side that the shotte of our Shippes had any meane to annoy his enemies For euen as at Mosseborough feelde our Galleye did greate seruice that flancked a long the Scottes Campe and slue many stoute menne So our shippes at this battaill made suche waie emong the French that the Borgonions gatte good passege by that bargaine and went awaie with victorie In the raigne of our Soueraigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth there was sente the Hope the Lyon the Harte the Swallowe and the Phenix verie goodly Shippes to newe Hauen sir Willyam Woodhous beyng Admirall who fallyng sicke at Deepe wente home againe with maister Holstocke And then remained maister George Biston Admirall hauyng but three
called his olde Soldiours noble men and gaue them noble Priuileges and rewardes to cause the worlde that did followe to augmente their renowme and spread their fame to the highest heauens that haue been valliant on yearth and noble of mynde Whiche greate forsight of Alexander and other greate Princes to aduaunce Soldiours hath made menne more like Godses then yearthly creatures and dooen suche good to the worlde thereby that there is no worlde but will make of menne of warre and giue place to the goodnesse of those that striue by stoutnesse of harte and labour of bodie to enlarge the limites and boūdes of his countrey The effecte of this aboue expressed was drawen out of Spanishe and remaines emong Christians as a matter worthie notyng though Infidelles did obserue them Now though a man haue had charge and borne a nomber of offices yet the name of an old Soldiour beautifies his title But yet particularly I will goe through the offices as breefly as I maie and therein shewe who maie iustly be called gentlemen emong theim A Collonell a Capitaine and Ensigne bearer A Lieutenaunt a Corporall a Sergeante of the bande and an olde Soldiour though he neuer bare any office are all gentlemen grantyng and allowyng that none of the Officers were made for affection at home But had their beginnyng by seruice in the feelde and are knowen of good courage and conducte and well experimented in Marshall affaires The rest of other officers that haue noble roumes and places in the Campe needes no settyng out for all menne knowe suche officers as are chosen and made by the moste noble in any gouernement are not to be treated of for that euery Soldiour giues them their due honour and place You maie not looke for at my handes the originall and discourse of all gentlement albeeit I goe as farre as I dare in that behalfe For I loue not to meddle with thanklesse laboure and would bee lothe to roue beyonde my reache and knowledge in a matter that my betters as yet haue not dealt withall For a doubtfull attempte brynges a daungerous construction And with drawyng a strong Bowe a weake arme waxeth wearie He offereth hym self to the hazarde of many an euill tongue that puttes any penne to the paper in a talkatiue worlde whiche shootes priuie boltes at euery open Marke or plaine meanyng mynde And commonlie those that leaste good can dooe rather then beeidell will woorke moste harme with findyng of a faulte and forgyng an offence rather committed of ignoraunce then penned of a sett purpose When a companie of passengers commes to a foorde when the water is frosen all ouer if a bolde spirite to make the passage free breake awaie the Ise and so slippeth in the water his fellowes will but mocke hym and leaue hym ouer the shooes and yet the issue muste bee broken or passage is denied It were therefore conueniente that euery Iack scorner should make his owne waie or whē he would feede should cracke his owne Nutte If suche as aduenture a daunger bee daungerouslie dealte with bidde thee blunte hedded babler learne more cunnyng or fall in the hazarde With lookyng on a booke that pleased me well I haue lighted but a candell and now if any haue a torche that can giue greater light bryng it to the vewe and I will honour it with verses My blase is but a Bonfire to call out the neighbours but suche as come with garlandes shal bee welcomed with a thousande salutations and bee called to the familie of Fame Where all studious and painfull honest writers are regestered and remaine with immortall remembraunce So now beyng finished my opinion and woorke of the matters of warre sauyng a matter meete the notyng for Irishe affaires and gouernemente and Flaunders trouble there followes a sillie treatise of Callamitie whiche shortly seemes to proue that affliction makes men happie and prosperitie neither brynges forthe any good fruit nor is a readie meane to shewe a sounde tree or a man voide of corruption Thus gentle reader I adresse thee to my further labours and readyng of my discourses Finis And abstracte of the aucthoritie and entertainemente that was giuen and committed by the honourable sir Henry Sidney Knight Lorde Deputie of Irelande to sir Humfrey Gilbert knight duryng the tyme of his continuaunce and seruice in Munster in Irelande Written to showe how that seuere and straight handely of rebellious people reformes them sooner to obedience then any courteous dealyng because the stiffe necked must be made to stoupe with extremitie of Iustice and stoute behauiour THe saied Lorde Deputie by his Commission dated the xiij daie of September Anno do 1569. made hym Collonell of the men of warre in Munster and Gouernour of the same Prouince leauyng then in his companie and vnder his gouernement Capitaine Warde and Capitaine Shute either of theim hauyng vnder their leadynges twoo hundred Soldiours footemen and he hymself hauyng to his priuate bande a hundred horsemen clothed in Motley parte whereof serued with Harquebusses and parte with horsemennes staues Maister Iames Crues was at this seruice Sir Humfrey had aucthoritie of Marciall lawe generally cōmitted vnto hym aswell for the execution of any within the limittes of his Commission as for the annoyance of any offendour by fire and sworde or any other kinde of death accordyng to the quallitie of his or their offences as otherwise at his discretion And to ceasse vppon the Countrey for the victelyng of his companies With diuerse other articles sett doune in his Commission more largely then tofore had been committed to any other in that Prouince For his entertainemente as Collonell there he had sixe and twentie shillynges eight pence per diem allowed hym And for his horse bande as Capitaine thereof eight shillynges per diem The order and course of his gouernement FIrst wheresoeuer he came to doe her Maiestie seruice before he attempted any thyng he proferred her highnesse mercie to the Rebelles were thei within Holdes or in Campe sendyng to them messengers with offer of pardon bothe for bodie gooddes and landes if thei would presentely yeelde whiche if thei once refused although it were with neuer so milde an aunswere or that thei did but so muche as throwe a stone at the messenger were he but a horseboye he would neuer after by any meanes receiue theim to grace but would subdue theim by the sworde or he departed how dearly so euer he bought it whiche doen he caused euery creature of theim of all sortes and ages to passe by the sworde without remission Accoumptyng the Princes mercie so sacred a thyng as that it ought to bee taken when it is offered and not to be had when it is asked Whiche course of gouernemente grewe so well to bee knowen to all menne in the Countrey that at the length no Warde Castell Forte or Fastenesse would shutte their gates against him if he sent to sommon them by a horseboy ▪ For thei knewe his determination to be suche as that
was suche a scourge to the wicked and suche a comforte to the worthie Whose particular seruices if laisure presently serued me I would publishe to sir Ihon Parrets greate glorie and commendation Finis ¶ A Mirrhor for rebelles to looke into where the death of one Roorie Oge in Irelande whose life was alwaies without order doeth shewe that the reward of vice is euer open shame and a foule ende IN an other season of Irishe seruices and triall of suche as are doubted a practise was drawne by a stobburne and stoute Rebell called Roorie Oge For the betraiyng of Capitaine Harryngton and one maister Coesbie and albeeit Capitaine Harryngton had been in notable and dangerous seruice the space of tenne yeres before where many practises were to bee seen and auoided Yet this drifte of Roorie Oges was so cunnyngly handeled no former experience might preuente it So that Roorie Oge by this cautell and traiterous maner had his purpose brought to effect and did what he pleased with Capitaine Harryngton vsyng him cruellie with all maner of rude handlyng and entertainmente Faste locked to a poste euery night a greate season and at length the Englishe Capitaines beeyng moued with this crueltie found a deuise to beset the house where Roorie Oge haunted and the traitour seeyng hym self in daunger came in a rage to Capitaine Harryngton and gaue hym twelue greate woundes where he laye locked to a poste and so lefte hym for dedde the Englishe Soldiours hearyng capitaine Harryngton call for helpe were thrustyng into the house But Roorie Oge moste stoutly ran out emong them and by a desperate aduenture escaped through the thickest of the throng and did muche hurte after But at this presence the Capitaine was brought awaie all to bee mangeled and hurte and all those that were founde a liue in the house were slaine and putte to the sworde in so muche that the wife of Roorie Oge was in like sorte dispatched of her life For whiche acte many foule murthers other cruelties Roorie Oge committed But when that Capitaine Harryngton was healed he persecuted Roorie Oge so hardlie and so often that he putte hym diuers tymes in daunger to bee ouerthrowen Maister Parcker as I heard saie Lieutenant to Capitaine Furres with his valliaunt Soldiours recouered Capitaine Harryngtō out of the handes of his enemies And to bee shorte a meanes was founde after long seruices and daungerous attemptes that Roorie Oge hym self was entrapped and taken in a Nette and stale that he had made and laied for an other The maner wherof was that Roorie Oge beeyng desirous to betraie the Lorde of Vpprosserie did drawe a drifte by one that could finelie handle the matter that he hymself should seeme to fall in daunger and so be deliuered vnto my Lorde of Vpprosseries handes who notyng the deuice giuyng no farther credite to the tale then neede required armed his men priuilie in twoo companies and made as though he would followe the fellow that came to bryng about Roories drift and commyng where Roorie had lodged pursued the enterprise and seemed to followe the aduice of hym that came to practise And by chaunce and good fortune the twoo companies mentioned of before had enuironed Roorie Oge ere he was ware and thereby he was defeited and had the rewarde of iniquitie by the self same meanes that he was wont to serue others A notable iuste iudgemente of God and an example worthie the notyng Now after this and for many good causes and peeces of seruice Capitaine Harryngton was made Knight by the honourable Sir Henry Sidney then Lorde deputie of Irelande And when he gaue vp the Sworde Sir Willyam Drurie was the Iustice in whose tyme and especially in the beginnyng of his gouernemente was many thynges to bee dooen that might shewe a Marciall minde and expresse the worthinesse of a noble gouernour For then one sir Iames Fitz Morrice a greate practisien with the Pope and other Potentates entered Irelande with seuen Shippes bryngyng with hym bothe Soldioures and other people to disquiete a state Yea and had suche a nomber of perswasions for the troublyng of a Common weale that this Fitz Morrice drewe to his side a multitude of licencious and lawlesse people in so muche that the companie grewe so greate that sir Ihon of Desmonde a manne of good birthe and ill disposition ioyned hym self with that partie committyng an execrable murther before he beganne to reuolte and slue an Englishe gentleman that had long before been his freende and vsed the murther so hainously and againste all naturall kindnesse that euery mannes harte that thinkes thereon abhorres the remembraunce thereof For vnder a pretēce of amitie Sir Ihon of Desmonde gatte his frende in a trappe whiche freende had dooen hym greate seruice and pleasure and so sodainly steppes vnto hym and gaue hym a mortall blowe notwithstandyng the followers of sir Ihon were not willyng to goe aboute suche a murther But when Ihon of Desmond had begonne the broile the bloodshedde and Butcherie followed not onely on good Henry Dauelles but also on others as innocente as hym self of any suche slaughter and vnmercifull dealing Well these thinges and an infinite nomber of straunge matters sette a broche by Iames Fitz Morres might haue appalled the spirite of greater personages then I speake of Yet the honourable and Soldiourlike sir Willyā Drurie in moste assured hope of victorie made hedde vppon the enemies and prepared with the helpe of the Erle of Kildare and others very honourable and of good callyng loyall subiectes in Ireland to withstande the great force and furie of Fitz Morres Whiche at that season waxed so warme and extreame hotte that sondrie became colde in good will that were thought to bee feruent in the seruice of the Prince But the might and force of a rightfull quarrel and the readie diligence and forewardnesse of a good gouernour so plucked vp the hartes of those that began to droupe that one hundred of the Englishe side seemed a thousande and fiue thousande on the contrary parte proued nothyng in effect For the hartes of rebelles trembleth where the Princes power is presented and the wittes and purposes of sauage people goes a Wolle gatheryng when the ciuill Soldiour is certainly grounded in a manly determination As it seemed by all those that followed the Lorde Iustice and their noble successe of seruice dooeth argue euidentlie that trothe and couragious Soldiours of God are neuer forsaken and rebellious myndes are doubtfull of life destituted of grace and vncertaine of euery thyng thei goe about Fitz Morres in this maner as you haue heard landyng and fortisiyng for his moste suretie lefte no waie vnsought that might annoye and hinder the hope of the Englishemen and in many kindes of practises excelled and waxed strong as he thought And as diuers affirme he was stout valiant and of knowledge sufficiente to encomber a sounde and a whole Countrey But in fine it happened vppon some ouersight of Fitz Morres or sette purpose of God
that his cunnyng failed him his force was but ill and his fortune worse For in the middell of his traiterous triumphyng he tasted the right recompence of rebellion and was slain in the feeld his hedde brought into Corke Toune and his bodie and reputation buried in the graue of reproche and infamie The Lorde Iustice had by this tyme or in shorte tyme after receiued some succour and aide out of Englande And sir Ihon Parret as Admirall of fower of the Quenes Shippes maister Willyam Gorge maister Nicholas Gorge maister Gilbart Yorke Capitaine Peers Capitaine Awdley Capitaine Hinde accompaniyng hym as Capitaines appointed for that seruice Sir Willyam Morgan maister Pellam maister Bousser maister Broncker maister Willyam Norrice maister Crofttes maister Ihon Soutche and many other lustie Capitaines and Gentlemen of good regarde were in like sorte appoincted for the seruice of Irelande But what was dooen and the rehearsall thereof I committe to those that liueth to Regester and keepe in memorie mennes labours and seruices hereafter Whiche writers in giuyng life to matters that tyme maie weare out of mynde are not onely well occupied but likewise makes good Soldiours imitate and followe the noble footesteppes of those that wente before them by whiche meanes Goddes glorie is aduaunced and our Countries honoure is vpholden and worthely defended Finis ¶ A small rehersall of some speciall seruices in Flaunders of late part whereof were in the tyme of Don Ihons gouernment and the reste beyng doen in the present seruice of the Prince of Parma now gouernour of Flaunders THE remembraunce of a booke dedicated to the right honourable Sir Frances Walsyngham touchyng the troubles of Flanders moues me againe to putte penne to Paper in that dehalfe Breefly to beginne where I left whiche was a matter of Don Ihon and procede a little in the dooynges of the Prince of Parma presentely in action and place of greate matter exspected And because my moste desire is to aduaunce the Soldiours of Englande as well as to publishe the seruices of forraine countreys I omitte many thinges that straunge Nations haue been exercised withall And declare somwhat in the fauour of myne owne countreymen that serue and haue serued vnder the Prince of Orange and States of the Lowe Countrey meanyng not to meddell with matter of State that passeth my reache and capacitie but familiarely to treate of suche thynges as the common sorte of people doe carpe vpon and is sufferable to bee written of As muche to delite the reader that searcheth for noueltie as any other cause that moues me to this labor and rehearsall of seruice The houge and greate armies the long continuaunce of troubles the passages and and discourses of manyfolde miseries and the open Plague and disturbaunce of poore afflicted Flaunders I referre to the vnsearcheable wisedome of the Almightie and the graue iudgement of the worlde And hearyng the certaintie of some scirmouches and seruices of late I followe the trothe of newe matter that falles nexte into my memorie You haue heard and the worlde can witnesse that Don Ihon before his death being desirours of fame and victorie sought and practised all meanes possible to come to his purpose and knowyng where and in what order the states laye and what straites were kept by the pollecie of Mounsire de Bussie Generall of the Campe for the States He determined with a full resolute mynde manfullie to attempte some exploite that might amase the Prince of Orranges side and plucke vp the courages of his owne people that laye a longe season idelly from dooyng of any greate enterprise And so therevppon Don Ihon in a maner gaue to vnderstande as by the sequel was perceiued that he would visite the campe of the States or winne suche straites from them as should be muche to their discontent and his greate aduauntage In the yere of our Lorde 1578. the warres beyng then at the hottest betwixt the estates and the Kyng the estates hauyng a greate puissant armie in the feelde vnder the conduicte of the Graue of Busie The Kyng hauyng also an other vnder the leadyng of Don Ihon his base brother It happened the firste of August the enemie to visite the armie of the states who laye then intrenched in the feelde nere vnto a Toune called Reminant The Armie beeyng composed of diuers nations bothe horsemen and footemen there was one regimente of Englishe of twelue hundred vnder the leadyng of the Collonell Candishe and in his absence his Lieutenaunte Collonell Richard Bingham The saied Lieutenaunt and no other Generall officer of that Nation beeyng commaunded to the feelde by the Generall of the states led forthe the whole nomber of shotte that was vnder his charge viz. sixe hundred The leaders vnder hym of the regimente were Capitaine Laukynges Capitaine Fitz Willyams Capitaine Edwardes the Lieutenant Paddon the Lieutenante Dalton the Liutenante Chubbe well accompanied with diuers other worthie gentlemen and officers Beeyng thus appointed with direction to leaue in a sure garde vpon the nexte Mounte to the trenche and with the reste to make hedde to the enemie and to entertaine hym as he should see cause offered at sight of the eye keepyng euermore the streight on the right hande and Steward with the Scottes on the lefte hande hauyng now placed a sufficient garde vppon the Mounte and sent Capitaine Fitz Willyams farther forthe by a quarter of a mile to assure theim of an other grounde and strength of aduauntage He receiues commaūdemente againe from the Generall that he should leaue the Mount and drawe his forces to the Churche whiche stoode aboute an Englishe Mile from the Mounte and vppon the saied streight wherevpon he presently lefte the Mounte leauyng behinde Capitaine Fitz Willyam to garde the place of aduauntage where he firste lefte hym beeyng a place of greate importaunce And with the reste he maketh waie to the Bridge where he lefte the Lieutenaunte Paddon with Chubbe and their companies in garde of the place and to stande faste for a releef to those that he ledde more foreward to the Churche Beeyng now arriued at the Churche with Capitaine Liggins his Lieutenant Dalton And Capitaine Edwardes with a three hundred shotte he sendeth vp to the Steeple twoo of his Soldiours to discouer the enemie who presently shewed that thei might see the faire Hethe whiche was yet halfe an Englishe Mile further and vppon it the whole power of the enemie in battaillions bothe horsemen and footemen and further that thei marched in for bothe the streightes The Lieutenante not reposing to muche truste in the twoo priuate Soldiours leaped of from his horse and went vp the Steeple hym self where as soone as he had discouered the enemie and perceiued hym to make in for bothe the streigtes he presentely at his commyng doune commaunded Capitaine Liggins to stande fast with twoo hundred shotte at the Churche and takyng with hym the Lieutenaunt Dalton Edwardes Finche and Straubrige with diuers other gentlemen officers with twoo hundred shotte He maketh hedde
pleasure is The man I knewe and matter bothe And to be short be sure of this This is no toye but words of trothe FINIS A Letter sent from the noble Erle of Ormondes house at Kilkennie to the honourable sir Henry Sidney then Lorde Deputie and liyng at Rorke in Irelande IF witte by Arte could make my pen to flowe A flood of skill should aunswer that I wolde But lande lefte drie wher strems should largly grow Small water brook's must sillie springs vnfold A barraine grounde can yeeld no grain's of gold A sorie soile greate store of rubbishe beares What neede I thus to trouble tender eares With rude deuice and words more light then winde When sweeter fraies should vtter greef of minde Long was my wishe to waite on worthie wight Short was the staie where Fortunes balls rebound Some happ maie come whiells men remaine in sight But absence breeds in breast a curelesse wound And out of minde it brings a freend I knowe Thei finde the corne that reaps where other sowe Thei catche the cronies that waites at table round Thei hitte the marke that still can plie the bowe Where saile I now my shippe is sure on ground Maie rather loe I wander on the seas And trie the stream's and channells where I pleas But tossed Bark's are weather beaten oft And shaken sore with surges so a loft Thei can not come nor saffely drawe to road In quiet port and their discharge their load Yet haue I been at Anker nere the Baie And beaten of the shore in deepe despite Where meaner shippps with calme at pleasure laie And felt the frute of all my hopes delite I muse how drones and dastard dolts in deede Dare preace in place and put their betters backe Methink's a flowre should sone disgrace a weede And vice should blushe where vertue shewes no lacke Tushe men can now clapp on a face of Brasse And striue by lookes to winne the goale and all Yet when thei spie their iugglyng in a glasse Thei tourne their backes and so forsakes the ball Suche maskers leaude would daunce in nette vnseen And clime the cloudes where smilyng Gods doe sitte Yet all thinges are not as these wod●ockes ween Their blinde beleef runnes farre beyond their witte And leades their sence an ace or twoo a wrie What though we take a Parret for a Pye Some birdes must chatte to fill our eares with crye And we well pleas'd although thei tell a lye Sutche are the moodes and humors of our age Where some must walke accordyng to the tyme What then worlde knowes these birdes are not it cage Nor feares the snare ne falleth in the lyme A kinde of wormes there be that eates the Nutte And leaues the shell as bare as bare maie bee Some shooters seeke but how to hitte the butte And from the white thei wishe their shaftes should flee For if thei ment true shootyng should be seen Thei would not fall to roue on euery green Nor flatter so in hope to mende their game Well some are brought so farre paste worldly shame Thei little care what side doeth lose or winne Thei neither bette nor beare a peece of losse And in the ende thei proue not worthe a pinne For all their craft and creepyng to the crosse Let faunyng whelps and gropars of good will Packe with the reste and searche what happe will giue Some other corne is grinded at my mill Men maie not looke by flattrie still to liue A finer foode finds fancie for his toeth But maie a man be bolde in blont deuice To tell his minde and what blinde people doeth In weedyng thus my wittes were verie nice If now I would not bryng a boxe of spice To season that that wanted salte before When fire goes out yet stickes I haue in store To mende the flame though wood be dere of price But where the blase can warme no handes at all It wakes the witts and keepes the hedde from sleepe And makes hym smile that seeth through stonie wall Like linxe and hath a golden fleece to keepe Yea Argose eyes to gard his noble charge The care whereof bereau's the minde of reste And holdes hym in where others walke at large To waie this worlde in ballance of the breste A heauie weight the iudgement then doeth beare The merrie lookes forsakes the cheerfull face And sadd conceits doe creepe in thought I feare And sorrowe sowre supplies sweete pleasures place I see a change of countnance trust me now As though a masse of matter mou'd the minde And who so notes the sodaine bended browe By outward shewe an inward cause shall finde Of troubled sprite O leaue that of in tyme Those gripyng greefes and gnawyng wormes are nought Call for some sportes or read some triflyng ryme To take awaie the ground of greeuous thought In sutche extreemes fine Christmas games are good And Musicks sounde reuiues the drouzie braine A tale well told of merie Robbin Hood The wandryng harte it shall bryng home againe A Figge for those that stands like staines still And stares in face to feede thei knowe not what And wheeles about like horse that turns the Mill Yet gaine no more then prettie pusse our Cat. That seekes for Mouse when other game is gone The witlesse foole for Fishe maie catche a Frogge And wantyng fleshe maie bite vpon a bone So to the fire the lubber beares the logge Because his strength doeth passe his fellowes farre Now shoote I wrong I knowe not where I dribbe Except my bolte doe hitte some blasyng starre Tushe that 's a toye let Tomkin talke of Tibb And moue some mirthe to make the season short It breedes good blood and puffes vp Lenten cheekes When all is doen men lengthen life with sport Some feede on loue as Larkes doe liue with Leekes Some take suche thought thei sleepe vntill thei snort Some neuer wakes to doe their neighbours good Some can not spare their freends a good report Some wade bare legg'd to moile for mucke and mood Some shewe good will yet beare greate hate in brest Some make small signes and bidds you iudge the rest Some seem like ware that neuer melt with fire Some are as cold as Ice or frosen Snowe Some through the nose doe easely drawe a wire Some plaies the sheepe and proues a crabbed shroe Some lackes no legges yet knowes not where to goe Some walkes too farre their pace is out of rule Some comes to short of that we wishe to haue Some haue as mutche good maners as a Mule. Some fannes like whelpe that still the taile can waue In fine this some maie sommond be for nought Yet fill thei vp the some of basest thought More greater mindes there are of finer mold Whose hartes disdaine to stoupe to base delites Thei shine like pearle and glitter like the gold The noble Haukes that staines the dunghill Kites The worthie birdes that soers in loftie Skies The ioye of Gods and glorie greate of menne The whippe to fooles and
Duke Denamoures courteoussie asked hym if any thing were amisse in his armour in purpose to amende it yet the Duke was a greate freende to Petro Strose for Strose was his Lieutenaunt Ambrose Digbie aunswered that all was well and gaue the Duke and the gentlemen greate thankes for their courtesie and so gallowped to the other side at his pleasure Petro Strose in like sorte went backe againe to his owne cōpanie For capitain Tother was not so fortunate that daie as couragious for he ranne thre courses one after an other and could not breake and the Frenchman that ran against hym brake euery course his lance the reasons was why capitain Tother brake not alwaies at the couchyng of the Launce his horse flang out whiche moued the gētleman very muche and for whiche foule condition he gaue the horse immediately awaie The Portugall beyng brauely horsed vpon a baye courser had not worse happe then courage For he brake full in the face of the ●eue● it was thought that he that ranne against hym was the Barron of Burnasell who brake in like maner alwaies vpon the Portugall In the meane tyme there was diuerse bandes that had gotten a greate bootie and spoile in the Countrey whiche contented muche the Almaines who with their spoile and bootie were retired to the campe whereof intelligence beyng giuen to the Duke he caused a retraite to bee sounded and euery man marched forward to the Campe. But the Frenche waited on them and skirmished all the waie where good seruice was to bee seen on bothe sides so thei departed the one side to the Campe and the other side to Muttrell When thei were in the campe and the Duke in his Pauillion at supper there was greate commendation giuen to the Portugall for the beste dooer that daie he hearyng his owne praise replied and saied he should but flatter hymself to beleeue that reporte to be true since all men might see the Englishe gentleman ranne with the greatest Launce and brake moste fairest and especially because he ranne againste Petro Strose who was counted to be one of the valliauntest gentlemen of Fraunce so with this and suche like talke thei rose from the table When this Toune called newe Heddyng was finished there was lefte in the same a verie greate Garrison bothe of Burgonions and Almaines and then the Campe was dispersed and many soldiours cashed and put out of wages Wherevppon the twoo brothers thought to make their repaire into Englande to whiche place the Duke of Sauoye was goyng and so with hym thei came ouer and attended on hym three Monethes and came againe to the seruice of the Emperour where thei remained vntill an Armie was appointed to goe to Sainct Quintaines The noble Erle of Penbroke being Lorde lieutenaunt for that seruice ouer the Englishe Armie in whiche regiment M. Nocholas Malbie had charge of fiftie light horsemen The Armie liyng betwene Gynes and Arde the garrison of Arde beyng strong issued out and gaue our Campe Alarum and our Englishe menne vnacquainted with that kinde of noyes and order of warre were in a maner a mased some ronnyng one waie and some an other and one George Broughton hauyng the leadyng of fiftie horsemen went out of the Campe and was immediatly encountred with a bande of Frenchemen who charged so furiouslie that thei wanne the Gydon of George Broughtons bande and carried it awaie Nicholas Malbie commyng from the scoute with his bande and hearyng the Larum without the Campe made his repaire with certain of his companie where he mette with Broughton who said he had loste his Gydon vppon that newes maister Malbie caused all his companie to retourne and make haste to ouertake the Frenche whiche thei ouertooke at the tournepike and so sharpely dealt with them that the Gydon was recouered againe by maister Malbies owne hande who brought it hym self and deliuered it vnto George Broughton that gaue hym greate thankes therefore Maister Broughton caused the Lorde Lieutenaunte to promise maister Malbie a recompence for this bolde attempte and diuerse noble men commended the seruice vpon the report of suche as sawe it The next daie the Campe remoued to Samedeboyes and so toward Sainct Quintaines where kyng Phillip was besiegyng the toune with a mightie Armie whiche had ouerthrowen moste of the nobilitie of Fraunce that came to succour sainct Quintaines and the Englishe Campe beyng before the toune was appointed to set out certaine bandes for the goyng to the assault emong whiche was one Capitaine Vaughan who came to a freende of his and desired of all freendshipp and for old acquaintaunce sake to light of his horse and goe with hym to the saulte Now in good faithe saied Nicholas Malbie though horsemen neuer come to the breache with my freende I will either winne the Spurres or loose the Saddle and so a lighted and went with maister Vaughan hauyng firste procured licence of the Lorde lieutenaunt to the assault where the enemies were readie to defende their Toune and their liues yet as God would the enemies gaue place with muche a doe to those that valiauntly entered the breache And the firste that entered as diuerse did beholde was these twoo freendes whiche vpon their enterie ranne to saincte Quintaines Churche and gatte there sainct Quintaines hedde a riche iewell and were commyng awaie with this greate treasure but the Almaines had entered at the other breache and mette maister Malbie and Capitaine Vaughan and beeyng a strong companie together tooke awaie the gained bootie from them and put thē in hazarde of their liues so that thei were faine and glad to escape and leaue sainct Quintaines hedde behinde them Vaughan was hurte in the face and therefore desired to goe to the Campe to be cured And at this assault there wer many made riche though these twoo freendes had but euill Fortune and founde enemies where thei should haue had freendes The toune was spoiled and ransackte and the Admirall of Fraunce with many others were taken there and so kyng Phillip fortified it againe and lefte therein a greate Garrison and retired towardes the Burgonion Paile takyng certaine tounes and fortresses in his waie Not verie long after a peace was concluded and the Englishe Armie beeyng well paied and in Englande maister Nicholas Malbie went to the Irishe warres and kept capitaine Girtton companie not in paie but vppon pleasure The Erle of Sussex then Lorde Deputie and Capitaine Girtton hauyng somewhat to take with the Lorde Deputie desired maister Malbie to see that his charge and countrey should be well gouerned till his retourne and gaue M. Malbie power to doe what he pleased in that behalfe There was one in those partes named Mighell Patrick that was a tickell Subiecte and did many wronges to his neighbours and namely to Capitaine Girttons menne against whom maister Malbie went and had diuerse tymes the vpper hand of hym and put hym and his Kerne to flight In this season there was a Proclamation made by the Lorde Deputie that whosoeuer
iotte of honor from them that well had deserued Yea this Ryngraue was suche a noble warriour that after the battaill or skirmishe was ended or any peece of seruice was doen he would sende flaggons of wine to his enemies and in tyme of truce or breache of warre whiche he vsed often for honours sake he would make bankettes giue giftes shewe liberalitie and bee as courteous as a little child And in the feelde a verie Lion more like then a manne and yet a man of moste sober iudgement and knowledge The whole Campe of the Frenchemen came to a greate hille after the ouerthrowe that the Ryngraue had and fullie bent to besiege Newe Hauen thei made euery daie a newe approche to the toune in moste soldiourlike sorte and order and to holde them in some awe as our power might many skirmishes were made and good pollicie and courage was put in excersice and nothyng lefte vndoen that either tyme or place would permit But what should I further delate of thinges paste mannes helpe and pollice when Gods wrathe and visitation dooeth cutte of all argumentes and makes a quicke dispatche of the matter For the Plague was so sore in the Toune that many men in a rage did leape out of the windowes into the streate and suche a generall disease and dispairing sicknesse was spread throughout the whole companie of soldiours that no one stoode in certaintie of his own state or life Suche was the heate and furie of the fearefull Pestilence and greeuous botche a dauntyng malladie that takes awaie the vse of witte and courage of man. Well albeeit that this greate mortalitie and miserable state of life might haue vtterly ouerthrowen the valliaunte myndes of many good men yet our people stoode so stoutely to their defence that many exploites were taken in hande and thei forced the enemie to make an offer vnto theim of a noble composition whiche of necessitie muste bee taken all thynges considered for there was no succour to bee hoped for to come out of Englande And some that were sent thether as sir Thomas Finche and diuerse other gentlemen were caste awaie by the sea and presently drouned Then noble Capitaine Randall who can not haue to muche fame who after was slaine in Irelande was appoincted by the Lorde Lieutenaunt to tarrie behynde when the Toune was yeelded vp to see all conditions and capitulations performed whiche were but slackly handeled and looked vnto by the Frenche and yet in effecte our soldiours with as muche honour as men in their plight could haue came home and brought muche ordinaunce and goods with them But thei had so greate a plague still emong them that many here at their arriuall departed this worlde This was but a peece of the seruice that capitaine Read was at in his daies for his moste paines hath been taken aboute the warres of Scotlande and roades made into that Countrey where he hath borne hym self so well and that a long season that all those who knowes the same or can call the seruice to memorie giueth good reporte thereof and speaketh muche to the ad●●●ncement of his good name And seeyng that in 〈◊〉 praise and others my penne hath gone so farre I wil ● touche the seruices of sir Willyā Winter who bothe by lande and Sea hath often been emploied And in the rehearsall of some parte of his doynges I will as I maie make mention of sir Willyam Drewrie sir Humfrey Gilbart sir Willyam Morgane Capitain Barkley Capitaine Morgane Capitaine Chester Capitaine Bingham and sondrie that of late daies hath been in diuers places of daunger and good seruices But this is to bee looked for that the honourable sir Iames Croftes now Controller of the Queenes Maiesties houshold sir Ihon Walloppe sir Iames Wilfforde and sir Ihon Bellyngame bee not forgotten and that euery one of these as remembrance shall serue me be breefly spoken of For if at large I touched some of their noble exploites that laste I haue made mention of I should make a greate volume of the same and so seeme to write a Chronicle that meanes but to treate of a fewe passages for the passyng of the tyme and the pleasuryng of my freendes The seruices of sir Iames Croftes maie well bee vnderstoode if you loke into the siege of Bullein The warres of Scotlande and the troublesome affaires of Irelande where he was Lorde Deputie And who that looketh depely in the mannagyng of those matters shall iustely of hym self yeelde due honoure to the persone that hath taken these paines without the reporte of my penne or further publishyng of the same Sir Ihon Walloppe that long remained gouernour of Gines and the seruice of the good knight Bellyngame once lorde Deputie of Irelande are of no little moment For the one had suche a hurt by a counter boffe that he got at Laundersey that he carried it to his death albeit he liued long after and did many greate thynges and the other was giuen to suche valliauntnesse as his doynges doe declare that in a maner we can not imagine more worthinesse in twoo men nor rightly attribute vnto them the glorie thei deserue If neuer any seruice but the siege of Haddyngton were spoken of it were sufficient enough and a witnesse greate to shewe the greate mynde and manly courage of sir Iames Wilfforde For he beeyng there as generall helde out the force of Fraunce and power of Scotlande the Queene mother lookyng and liyng at the siege and the Toune was so battered and beaten that men on horsebacke might haue ridden ouer the breache Yet notwithstandyng besides a nomber of other greate causes to make men rander a Forte sir Iames Wilfforde kepte the enemies out and did so noblie euery waie neither scarcitie of victuall nor want of pouder could moue his inuincible mynde For the more was the miserie the greater grewe his harte and hope to haue good Fortune for the whiche assured fortitude and determinate purpose he purchased euerlastyng renowne And liues at this daie in as freshe memorie as he were seen presently before the eyes of the people In that season was a place called Donglasse at our deuotion where one maister Aston was placed and an other fort beyonde Fiffeside called Broghttie Cragge where sir Ihon Luttrell did serue verie valliauntely a longe tyme And at a Toune nere the same Forte called Dondie Sir Willyam Winter and others did a greate peece of seruice worthie the rehearsall But for that Broghttie Cragge was at the length loste for lacke of succour out of Englande I leaue out muche matter that otherwise I had written After the Siege of Haddyngton was raised and the Frenche had withdrawen their batterie and the old Erle of Shrewesburie was come with an armie and laie at a place called Abberladie The Earle of Linkcolne that now is beeyng Lorde Admirall landed a greate companie of soldiours at a Pile called sainct Minius where our Fortune was but frowarde and for that I was taken prisoner there and our
see the vttermoste of Fortune called me backe againe and fell to questions and argumentes with me suche as I liked not But other aunswere did I not make then before you haue heard wherewith he called for some meate and made me to sitte doune and after I had a little refreshed my self I demaunded to knowe his pleasure Who straight waies tolde me there was no helpe to be had but to become all captiues and prisoners to the French kyng Not so sir I aunswered and that should the nexte assault make triall thereof Then he went to talke with the noble men and there thei concluded that the soldiours should marche awaie with bagge and baggage and the capitaines and officers should remaine prisoners whiche I knewe would not bee liked and so desired to bee sente to my Lorde Graie But when I came into the Castell and the soldiours had gotten woorde that thei might marche awaie at their will Thei came to me and threatened me with greate wordes commaundyng to make dispatche and yeelde vp the Forte For saied thei since the matter is in talke and likelie to be brought to a good purpose thei would cutte my throte if I made not hastely an ende of the cace And thereon had thei made a greate hole in a walle and so thei thruste me out emong the Almaines who rudely handeled me But my Lorde Graie at my departure badde me tell the Duke that the Almaines were aboute to breake into the Castell and to sette the gate a fire and my Lorde saied he would shoote of his greate Ordinaunce emong theim if the lawe of Armes wer not better obserued But in the meane tyme at an other place was entered Mounsire de Tre maister of the Ordinaunce and the Lorde Graie that now is was sent into the Campe for the paune of Mounsire De Tre. But I was come to Mounsire Degwise before those thynges were finished and had tolde hym my message And he like a noble Prince and faithfull Capitaine roade to the gate causyng me to mounte behynde maister Harry Dudley where the Almaines were busily occupied aboute some naughtie practise and with a greate trontchon he strake diuers of the Almaines and others to make them retire and laiyng loade about hym he made suche waie that the gate was free And the capitulation was at laysure talked of but I was not suffred to enter no more into the Castell and so staied as a prisoner notwithstandyng looke what promesse Mounsire Degwise made it was so well kepte and obserued that our soldiours marched awaie with all their wealthe money or weapons And greate wealth was by them borne from Gines in so muche that diuers poore Soldiours were made thereby all their life daies after And this was to bee noted there was greate honour in the Duke of Gwise for the bandes that parted either sicke or sounde hurte or whole were honestly conueighed and truely dealte withall euen as long as thei were in any daunger albeit thei had greate sommes of money and Threasure with theim and the Generall his Capitaines and Officers were courteouslie vsed so long as we were in the Duke of Gwise his Campe. And to saie the truth I thinke our peace was not so dishonourable as some reporte For succour had wee no hope of The nexte assaulte had ouerthrowen vs The whole members of the Castell were cutte of from vs There remained but the bare bodie of the Castell in our custodie The enemies Cannons did beate vs from the breache on the in side The Castell was subiect to euery shotte bothe from the Keepe the Catte and Mary Bulwarke The Frēche possessed all the speciall places of our strength and comforte The beste and cheefest of our soldiours were slaine or laye maimed in moste miserable estate And we had loste eight hundreth men in these assaultes and seruices whiche did their duetie so well that the enemie confessed that thei had loste fower thousande before wee could bee brought to any parley and composition But some of our Officers by crafte and cunnyng escaped home out of the Frenche mennes handes came to the Court and made vp their bandes againe to the greate reproche of those that ment no suche matter and so by that subteltie and shift thei that escaped gatte a paye or some reward of the prince And those that abode out the bronte and hazarde of the bloodie broile were lefte in prison and the worlde thought by seyng so many come home we had loste but a fewe at the siege of Gynes Whiche is otherwise to be proued and affirmed for a trothe when true triall shal be made Callice was loste before I can not declare how but well I wotte Sir Anthonie Ager a stoute gentleman and a valliaunte knight there loste his life and one Capitaine Saule was terrible burnte with pouder in makyng a traine to destroye the enemie Now leauyng of these vncomfortable discourses I will shewe what gentlemen of ours after serued in sondrie soiles where many greate Princes were in daiely exercises of warre and many greate victories and exploites were to be seen and though I write not the iourneis in right order as one that writes a Chronicle maie dooe yet the matter I write of shal be so true that it shal be needlesse to shewe what season the causes were put in practise or make mention in due order of the date and tyme of suche noble enterprises for your common Chronicles can sufficiently satiffie you in those poinctes The seruices on the Sea I doe sette aparte by them selues and so here I proceede in some matter whiche toucheth a peece of the businesse of Flaunders and Fraūce where diuers of our gētlemen wer and beheld many great exploites Now is to be noted that M. Henry Champernowne of Deuonshire after his returne from the warres of Hungarie serued in the cause of the Protestantes of Fraūce of his own proper charges in the second Ciuile warres with xij gentlemen or more And in the thirde Ciuile warres after the battaile of Iarnag he serued with an hundred men of his owne proper costes Likewise accompanied and followed these gentlemenne Edward Barkley Phillip Budsed Gawine Champernowne Richard Kirkam Walter Rawley Carro Rawley Ranoldes Hugh Vdall Thomas Courtney Willyam Fonte Richard Keyes Willyam Walwyng Thomas Atkins and others whereof some retourned after the death of the olde Prince of Conde But maister Henry Champernowne as one desirous of renowme and greedie of glorie gotten by seruice remained till his death where liuely fame was to be wonne and serued so nobly and so gallantly as the whole Campe where he was in sounded of his valliantnesse and many of those gentlemen that he brought with hym augmented so muche his fame that to this daie his deedes and theirs are moste noblie spoken of greatly to the honour of all our Englishe Nation For his gentlemen or the moste parte of them loste their liues with their Capitaine muche is to be saied in this matter But I must
if thei once refused mercie beyng offered and yeelded not presently thei muste resolue theim selues to dye manne woman and childe if thei could not for euer withstande hym by meanes whereof these commodities ensued First this his resolute and irremoueable determination towardes them bredde suche an vniuersall feare and terrour as that thereby verie many yeelded without blowes bloodshed or losse either of their partes or his Also it gaue him suche expedition in his seruices as that thereby he recouered more Fortes in some one daie then by strong hande would haue been wonne in a yere respectyng the smalnesse of his companie And the gainyng of tyme was one of his cheefest cares bothe because he had no prouition of victailes for his people but pulled it as it were out of the enemies mouthe perforce And also for that he his companie beeyng so fewe in nomber not knowyng how to haue supplies could not beare with the losse of menne to the winnyng of euery pettie Forte He performed all his actions after suche an open knowē course and maner as that he would not graunte grace to an offendour at any maner of requeste contrary to his resolued course so as euery manne knewe whereto to truste He further tooke this order infringeble that when soeuer he made any ostyng or inrode into the enemies Countrey he killed manne woman and child and spoiled wasted and burned by the grounde all that he might leauyng nothyng of the enemies in saffetie whiche he could possiblie waste or consume And these were his reasons that perswaded hym thereto as I haue often heard hym saie Firste the men of warre could not bee maintained without their Churles and Calliackes or women who milked their Creates and prouided their victualles and other necessaries So that the killyng of theim by the sworde was the waie to kill the menne of warre by famine who by flight oftentymes saued them selues from the dinte of the sworde Also he helde it dishonourable for the Prince to practise with Rebelles to accepte her Maiesties mercie And therefore he did alwaies seeme to care leaste for the submission of them whom he cheefly desired to haue become true And yet by this course of gouernement it happened that their wiues and children whom thei dearly loued were Embassadours to bryng that to passe whiche he disdained to seme to desire or to bee willyng to accepte He neuer would parley with any Rebell nor thereto permitte vnder his charge saiyng alwaies that he thought his Dogges eares to good to heare the speeche of the greateste noble manne emongest them so long as he was a Rebell Also he neuer receiued any into protection but by their owne greate and long suites and that with promise firste made to performe these thinges followyng without whiche he neither did nor would by any intreatie bee brought to receiue them to grace Firste of what estate condition or degree soeuer he were at the firste commyng into his presence he muste fall doune on his knees before the saied Collonell and there knelyng confesse hymself a traitour and to haue deserued to bee hanged and so desire her Maiesties pardon after whiche sort there came vnto him the Erle of Glankar the white knight Mack Donawothe the Lorde of the greate Woode and diuers others Irishe Lordes whiche I omitte To whiche kinde of humilitie and submission he draue theim for this cause that thei might thereby wonder the more at her heighnesse greatnesse of whom he endeuoured in their hearynges to speake as muche honoure as he ought Although not so muche as her Maiestie deserued Declaryng vnto thē howe that he hym self was but a poore gentleman and that the fame his aucthoritie proceeded but as a sillie braunche of her highnesse gouernemente and that receiued from the handes of a meane subiect his place reserued Secondlie he should bee sworne to bee true and faithefull dueryng his life to her Maiestie and her successours and to all suche as should from henceforthe vnder her highnesse and her successours haue the care and charge of that Countrey And this he did to the ende that their consciences if thei had any might bee a clogge to theim if thei should infringe the same Thirdlie for performaunce of thinges before spoken of euery one should bee bounde in a Recognizaunce and that in as greate a somme as the saied Collonell should seme good whiche ordinarely amounted vnto so muche as verie nere counteruailed the value of their goodes and landes or at the least was muche more then thei were able to paie And this pollicie he had therein that it mighte lye alwaies in the Prince Deputie or other cheef officers thereby by coloure of Iustice to laye any of theim by the feete for forfaityng of their bandes whiche he knewe thei all would doe and so by that meanes preuented a mischeef before thei could commit any further acte of greate daunger The totall somme of the Recognizaunces taken by hym within his charge and certified vnder the handes of the Maiors and Touneclarkes of the Cities and Tounes within that Prouince amounted vnto 244182. l. 4. s̄ 5. d. q d. Lastely euery one should put suche pledges in hande for the keepyng and performyng of all the Articles aforesaied as the saied Collonell would demaunde whiche he did to preuent theim thereby that thei should not dare to offende For the choise of his pledges was on this sorte he tooke not onely those whom the cheefe Lorde loued beste But rather those whom his followers of greateste force helde derest either by blood or fosterage to the ende that thei should forsake their Lorde or persecute hym if he attempted any thyng to the iniuryng or indaungeryng of their dearest beloued All whiche pledges he left in hande within the Cities of Corke and Limbricke at his departyng from thence Farther he neuer tooke pledge if he were of yeres to speake but by his owne consent and that vpon this conditiō of all partes That if he for whom he laye should become a Rebell and should refuse to come to the saied Collonell or other cheefe officers when he should bee sent for that then the pledge shall dye for the offence of hym so disobaiyng that he laye for and the other when he might bee taken And in this matter none of them durste passe through his fingers for he alwaies obserued his orders and course of gouernemente irremoueably not makyng hymself subiecte to any perswasion Moreouer he helde this generall rule that what soeuer offendoure was taken he died or had his iuste punishmente without redemption Affirmyng hymself to bee of the opinion that the noble Capitaine Lamacus was of who saied Quod nonest bis in bello peccare And thei whiche formerly did moste hurte after thei were receiued to mercie he had in greatest estimation beyng perswaded that thei had moste value in thē to doe good seruice if thei would applie it well His maner was that the heddes of all those of what sort soeuer thei were whiche were killed
in the daie should bee cutte of from their bodies and brought to the place where he incamped at night and should there bee laied on the ground by eche side of the waie leadyng into his owne Tente so that none could come into his Tente for any cause but commonly he muste passe through a lane of heddes whiche he vsed ad terrorem the dedde feelyng nothyng the more paines thereby and yet did it bryng greate terrour to the people when thei sawe the heddes of their dedde fathers brothers children kinsfolke and freendes lye on the grounde before their faces as thei came to speake with the saied Collonell Whiche course of gouernemente maie by some bee thought to cruell in excuse whereof it is to bee aunswered That he did but then beginne that order with theim whiche thei had in effecte euer tofore vsed toward the Englishe And further he was out of doubte that the dedde felte no paines by cuttyng of their heddes accordyng to the example of Diogenes who beyng asked by his freendes what should be doen with hym when he died aunswered in this sorte Caste me on a dunghill ꝙ he where vnto his freendes replied saiyng The Dogges will then eate you his aunswere thereto was thus why then sette a staffe by me Wherevnto thei aunswered you shall not feele them to whom he again replied with these woordes what neede I then to care But certainly by this course of gouernemente although to some it maie seeme otherwise there was muche blood saued and greate peace ensued in haste For through the terrour whiche the people conceiued therby it made short warres For he reformed the whole Countrey of Munster and brought it into an vniuersall peace and subiection within six weekes leauyng at his commyng frō thence Iames Mack Morres as a woode Kerne accompanied onely at the moste not with aboue seuentene menne who at his first commyng thether commaunded many a thousande Whiche reformation and establishemente of the Countries peace there performed presently came from thence and so lefte his charge there with sufficiente pledge bonde and paune for the good behauioure of euery Lorde and Capitaine for theim selues and their followers refusyng no duetifull seruice euer since An abstracte of some of his perticular seruices EMongeste many others these perticulare seruices followyng he did in persone of whiche onely I haue thought good to make rehearsall of these fewe omittyng the reste Firste with 150. footemen he seruyng then a priuate capitaine vnder the leadyng of maister Edward Randolphe then his Collonell at Knockfargus he stoode firmely in the plaine feelde charged with fower thousande footemen and sixe hundred horsemen of Onyles companie and there killed and hurte of the enemie about twoo hundred hauyng of his companie in all not aboue thirtie hurte and slaine This seruice was doen for the rescuyng of Capitaine Wilforde and Capitaine Warde who although thei ventered them selues farther then reason would to cause certaine disordered Soldiours to retire stirred therevnto through the tender care of the Soldiours safeties Thei did so valiauntly behaue theim selues therein as that thei worthely deserued greate commendation The seconde seruice was doen by Kylkennie the third of Iulie a thousande fiue hundred sixtie and nine where he beyng accompanied with maister Henry Dauels a noble and valiant gentleman now slain by Ihon of Desmond and xij others went from sir Peter Carewe knight with pretrnce but to vewe the Rebelles And yet with that small nomber charged he them at the leaste fourtie score before all the rest of his companie the rebelles beeyng then in nomber aboute twelue hundred as it was reported and standyng then in battaill raye The saied sir Peter Carewe and one Appesley Lieutenaunt to the saied Collonell commyng nexte after hym accompanied with the horsebande of the saied Collonell and a certaine of maister Capitaine Wingefeeldes soldiours who were that daie in the vauntegard amountyng in the whole to the nomber of a hundreth and twentie horse Capitaine Malbe and Capitaine Bassenet followyng in the rereward either of them hauyng vnder their leadynges fiftie horsemen In this charge the saied Collonelles blacke Curtall horse whervpon he then serued was verie sore hurt vnder hym in eight places The thirde seruice was doen by Kylmallocke the xxiiij daie of September 1569. wherewith his owne horsebande he scirmouched with three thousande rebells at the least the Erle of Glanckar beyng then there emongest thē in persone with diuers other Lordes and Capitaines of countreis In this scirmouche all his companie were beaten from hym sauyng one Tadcastell a Soldiour of his owne bande who standyng with hym in defendyng of a Forde was in th ende slaine And he hym self beyng lefte alone and enforced to defende the same kepte it a greate while againste verie neere thirtie horsemen Iames Macke Morres R●wrey Macke Shee the cheef Capitaine of the Desmondes Galliglasses the Lorde of the greate Wood Pursell Suppell Edmonde Sites Dani with diuers other gentlemen emongst them Also in this scirmouche his blacke Curtall horse of whom I spake of before was hurte in diuers places of the bodie and was shotte through the necke with a Harcabushe And the saied Collonelles Targatte was stricken throughe with diuers dartes besides many blowes on his Armoure but in persone not hurte Whereat the Irishe wondered so muche thei made sondrie songes and Rimes of hym and his blacke Curtall horse imaginyng hym self to haue been an enchaunter that no man could hurte ridyng on a Deuill And here is to bee specially noted that in all the seruices before spoken of and at moste of suche other seruices as wer doen by the saied Collonell in Munster Capitaine Ward and maister Crues shewed them selues verie foreward and valiaunte And therefore in that respecte thei haue deserued commendation whiche in nowise is to bee forgotten The saied sir Henry Sidney Lorde Deputie inuested the saied Collonell with the title and honour of knighthoode for his good seruice on Neweyeres daie 1569 and so came he into England where he hath remained a while the moste parte in Courte Since that he serued the Prince of Orrange in the cause of Religion in Zelande and Flaunders where beyng geneall of twoo thousande Englishe he had for the entertainement of his owne persone in wages and other allowaunces verie neere tenne thousande Markes per Annum besides verie large allowaunces for all the Officers Capitaines and Soldiours vnder his regimente At an other time sir Ihon Parret beyng as lorde Iustice in a Prouince of Irelande behaued himself so nobly and vsed suche seuere Iustice that no one Lorde nor other vnder his charge durst any waie offende hym For he nether graunted pardō but vpō merueilous great cause nor would giue eare to a parley But alwaies proceded in suche a manly maner and stoute resolution of minde that he was bothe feared and beloued And so muche desired of good menne to tarry in the countrey that the badde sorte to this daie are aferd to heare his name rehearsed He
make sale of feathers in the winde And sell good cheape a drousie adell braine Yet Musicke not compares with merrie minde For that bryngs blood to eurie vitall vaine And heaues vp harte from dongeon of dispaire To be as blithe as birde in open aire If any glance of matter be in this Past merrie meane yet merrie muse it is That leades my penne I sweare by heauens blis Wherefore in mirthe I praie you take these lines My duetie maie excuse my boldnesse here I borrowd not my wordes of graue deuines Nor of fine wittes that holdes small dainties dere Thei came good cheape from merrie nourses papp Good chepe thei goe where muses fauour moste But dere thei are if writer finde mishapp Thereby and worlde account the labour loste God graunt the tyme be good when thei were sent And that eche worde be taken as I ment The best is sure and that is moste to praies Thei goe to one I honour all my daies FINIS The Epitaphe of the rare vertuous Prince and towardes Impe of grace Kyng Edward the sixte THe Lampe is out that lightned Englishe harts Whose liuely shoe and beautie shoen so bright And gaue suche ioye to all our inward smarts That well was hym that had thereon a sight Edward I meane whiche was our kyng by right The golden torche and candle matutine Did blase and burne within his Christalleyne But well awaie those lookes their life hath loste Full dimme and darcke Is now that sparke That whilome was the staie of Englandes boaste Now Death hath dried this pleasaunt princely plant And hent our happ an hye aboue the skyes Who knowes the losse but those that feele the want Wherefore the teares distilled from our eyes But since this babe hath made his sacrifies And yeelded vp his life and vitall breath What can ye blame but hastie cruell death Whiche pluckt the Rose before his leaues were spredde Yet shall his name Remaine with fame And florishe still although the flowre be dedde A face so fraught with fauour bloomyng still A cheere so chaste subduyng eche desire A hedde so ripe with grace and connyng skill A tong so deckt and cladd in trothes attire A harte so meeke and cleane deuoide of yre An eare so pure to heare the poore mannes cause A witte to iudge a zeale to make good lawes A hande so clere from blood looke well thereon Was seldome seene In Kyng ne Queene Helas the while our Lanterns light is gon His witte wanne praise as by his waies apperes His vertuous stepps wan fame emong the wice His tender youth did teache the aged yeres His sober life rebuked euery vice His woords and works did passe the pearle in price His gestures all if thei were grauen in gold A mirrour were to learne bothe yong and old Wherfore the vnfitte the yearth is for his graue His place of reast Is Abrams breast A worthie tombe for suche a Kyng to haue Finis The Epitaphe of the worthie Erle of Essex I Blushe to write in verse a matter of suche weight That makes the hearars shed some teares and moueth sorrowe streight In graue and statly stile this tale should sounded be Too base for suche greate cause I finde my slender muse and me My harte doeth bléede in breast my pen in hande doeth shake Mine inward sprits doe wepe for woe this sad discourse to make But though with heauie newes a while I fill your eares The fame I write of this great mā to ioy shall turne your tears Yea greate of birthe and minde and fewe so greate as he For daiely through desarts he grewe in greatnesse by degree A Caesars harte he boare that neuer shronke nor quaild A courage that against his foes in all attemptes preuaild A hedde that could conceiue as farre as cause was found A bodie apt for warlike broiles where bountie did abound Yea for his bountie greate a prince in very deede That made no more account of gold then of a rotten reede The noble giftes he gaue a worlde of worthies wan Was neuer seen in Britaine bred for bountie suche a man. An Erle and liuely Lorde as milde as is the Doue Whose courtuous speeche pleasant port did purchace peoples loue A freend to all good men as faste and true as steele That would not wagg with worlds abuse turn about like whéele A pearlesse subiect sure that Englandes honour sought And carde not with what losse of goods his countrey gaine was bought Full bent to Marciall feats a Mars in deede well tried Abroad in féeld where men are known and cowards easly spied The care of publique weale laie wakyng in his eyes A noble Soldiour framde by kinde in best and brauest gyes A house and houshold kept so frankly euery where That all the lookers on would saie some prince was placed there The Soldiours swarmd like Bées about his stately gate He was a Lanterne of this land and Mirrhour of the state In all thyngs that he did then what a losse had they That comes to sée his noble shrine and findes the sainct awey O fréends that honord hym and faithfull seruaunts bothe Come wéepe with me shew thereby some signe of your great trothe For I haue lost a fréend and for his sake I vowe To plant my penne vpon his tombe and rest from writyng now Till I his like maie finde whiche hardly shal be don O Essexe of renowmed fame thy race is nobly ron FINIS