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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08452 The valiant actes and victorious battailes of the English nation: from the yeere of our Lord, one thousand three hundred twentie and seuen: being the first yeare of the raigne of the most mightie Prince Edvvard the third, to the yeere 1558. Also, of the peaceable and quiet state of England, vnder the blessed gouernement of the most excellent and vertuous Princesse Elizabeth: a compendious declaration written by C.O. And newly translated out of Latine verse into English meeter. By I.S.; Anglorum prælia, ab anno Domini. 1327. anno nimirùm primo inclytiss. principis Eduardi eius nominis tertii, usque ad annum Do. 1558. carmine summatim perstricta. English Ocland, Christopher, d. 1590?; Ocland, Christopher, d. 1590? Eirēnarchia. English. aut; Sharrock, John. 1585 (1585) STC 18777; ESTC S110231 101,841 114

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pes enter Sotland I eithe and Edenborowe ransacked The Scottes placed their ordinau●… full ag●… their g●… The Scottes forsake their Ordinaunce Preparation of wars against Fraunce The king of Fraunce his league with the Turke The Dukes of Northfolk●… and Suffolk●… the Earle of Arundeil Lord Paulet Lord Russell appointed chiefe in this warfar●… Sir Anthonie browne master of the horse Or Tita●… set that is or when the Sunne is set The discription of king Henry th●… 8. ●…ulcanus The descrip●…ion of the workeman ●…hip of kyng Henries har●…ish King Henry landeth at Callice Bullen besiged The English giue assault The gall●… resist The vse of the great gunne Iohn Dadley be●… chec●… the king that bee with his marriners might first scale the was Corona mur●… lis in old time he that first entred the Enemies fort wanne great honour and therefore crowned with a garland in the triumphe The oration of Iohn Dud●… ley to his m●… riners The King considering the daunger that Dudley with his men wear like to runne into commaundes them to desist Bullen rendred Iohn Dudley Lieuetenant of Bullen Preparation of the Frank against England The Frenchmen with a great nauy it uade the I le of wight ●…enry 8. af●…er 3●… yeares ●…yeth ●…dward the sixt begunne ●…o ●…aigne ●… 546. The Earle of 〈◊〉 created Duke of Sommerset Iohn Dudley made Earle of VVarwicke Expedition of souldiours into Scotland The Duke of Sommerset Ealre of VVarwicke and Lord Dacies assigned chiefe in this warfare Lord Grai●… captaine of the horsemen A light skirmage of the horsemen of both partes the day before the battaile VVhori it was neare sunne set The Farle Arreine gouernour of Scotland sen. deth an Herault vnto the the Duke of Somerset and the Harle of Huntley prouoketh him had to hand Huntley challenged The Duke of Somersets reply The aunswere of the Earle of VVarwick to the messenger The Earle of VVarwicke chalengeth Huntley to single cumbat The Engli●… army is set order The on set ●…uskelborow ●…lde The Scots send into Frauncc to intreate a league betweene the heires of Sc●… land and Fraunce Hymen God of wedl●…k To Dusson dale The Rebels ●…nclosed themselues with their cariages on euery side ●…o keep of the assaults of the Barle of war wickes horsemen The Harle of VVarwicke subdueth the rebels in Northsolke The Giants in old ti●…e rebelled against the Gods and would haue pulled ●…ubiter out of heauē The Earle of VVarwicke created Duk●… of Northumberland The death of king Edward King Edwards praise Mary beginneth to raign 1553. Queene Mary marrieth to king Phyllip S●…itium ●…ernum is 〈◊〉 the eight Calendes of Ianuary Christmas he meaneth Henry of Fraunce inuadeth Flaunders Preparation of warres against the Frenchmen Diuers nations in phillips 〈◊〉 Saint Quintinnes besieged Saint Quintines ●…ted Henry Dudley slayne Saint Quintinnes taken The Castell 〈◊〉 Houne taken ransackt The Admiral of England with too shipps sayleth into Fraunc●… and burneth Conque Sir VVilliam VVinter with many of the Queenes shipps taketh ●…gayne Alderne I le ●…ō he handes of ●…e Frenchmen The words of Sir VVilliam VVinter to his souldiours Sir VVillim VVinter meeting with the Frenche Captaine slaieth him valiantly The Frenchmen subdued C●…lice lost Thirlby Bishoppe of Elye Queene Mary dyeth Aegis the shield of Pallas The Censures of the Vniuersities of Italy and Fraunce against the Pope The toune Princes of Europe more or le●…se are ment to be as ten hornes vnto this beast Hymeneus or Hymen God of mariage A solempne pompe at the mariage of Henry and Anno. Anne great by King Henry Anne crowned which hapneth to none but to the heires of the kingdom Nestor li●…ed three hudred yeares The condui●… ran with wine at the coronation of Queene Anne VVhit●…hall Sainct Peters at VVestminster Thomas Duke of Northfolke made chiefe Steward of England ●…rle of Arundeil T●…ster Phoebe two sillables vsed for the Moone Elizabeth borne on tht seuenth day of December being the sabboth day Elizabeth baptised and confirmed in the true faith Her sureties were the Archbishop of Cannterbury the duthesse of Norfolke and the Lady M●…ques of Exeter Elisabeth po●…laimed heite vnto the Crowne by ●…n Herault The surties giue gifts of p●…e gold The Englis●… people by o●… vowe their loyaltie and obedience vnto Queen Elizabeth The toward nes of Elizabeth in her childhood Description of the spring tyme. ●…orpheus ●…od of drea●…es ●…he dreame 〈◊〉 Queene 〈◊〉 where●… she was ●…ed of 〈◊〉 death at 〈◊〉 and of ●…ny other ●…ble c●…es A foreshew ●…ng of the exterminating and io●… ting out of Idols Rest●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by k●…g ●…dward Acheron o●… of t●…e ●…ue 〈◊〉 uers of hell where 〈◊〉 are ●…mented Maries gou●… nement Anne declareth her dreame vnto a noble matrone Anne dyeth Annes prayse for almes giuing Henry marieth Queene Iane. Edward borne Prince Edward and Elizabeth skilfull in the Greeke and Latin tong Henry 8. dyeth Edward 6. crowned Hatfield Periphrasis sixe yeare for the Sunne once a yeare ouerg es the x●… signes so that be meaneth by ouertaking the signes vi times vi yeare Edward the. 6 dieth Queene Mary ruleth The Bishoppe of VVinchester Holie sort Ironia cuius contrarium ve●… est licolas Ba●…ns Lord priuy seale Thomas Brockley Lord chauncolour VVilliam Paulet Marques of VVin chester Lord Cicill high treasurer of England Ae lus God the windes Baron of Burghley The Earles o Arundell an Penbroke Stewardes o the Queenes house Clinton Lord Admirall Earle of Lin colne Villiam ho●…ard ●…he Earle of ●…ssex high ●…hamberlaine ●…f England ●…e also was ●…esetenant in ●…eland Robart Dudly Castor Pol●…ux hatched ●…fan agge by ●…eda whom ●…upiter rauish ●…ed in forme of 〈◊〉 swanne Master of the horse Achates companion of Aeneas in all his toiles trauailes Farle of Lecester Hospitall built by the Earle Lecester Earle of Huntington liefe tenaunt of Yorke Scoolefellow and plaimare with king Edward the 6 Earle of warwicke Earle of Bedford Iord Hunsdon liesecenant of Barwicke Queene Anne aunt to the Lord Hunsden Syr Henry Sidney Lord President of wales Thomas Pary The Duke of Northsolke Syr Thomas Smith Syr Frauncis Knolls Syr Frauncis Knolls in Q. Maries dayes fled into Germanie Syr Ambrose Caue Syr Christopher Hatton master of the Garde Sir Raph Sadler Syr Gwaltor Mildmay Syr Iames a Crostes Secretary VValsingha●… D. VVilson 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉
resplendent dight The solempne pompe doe much adorne and bewtifie the sight The troupe of Peeres insuing next a stately Wagon showes which palfraies white as driuen snow on bright bits champing drawes The Queene vnto the commons all in robes of purple fine with Diamondes and Emerauldes beset which glistering shine with countenaunce full of modestie adornd and seemely grace Who with a troupe of courtlike Dames which after her did trace Into the temple wendes with heart and hand to Ioue extolde Where in the midst of prayer time a pretious crowne of gold Her temples bright doth garnish braue the priest with solempne vowes Beseeching God with fruit to spring to blesse this late made spowes These sacred rites performed thus eche noble in his rome Returnes vnto a royall feast in order as he come Chiefe Steward then of England was the Northfolke Duke assignd The dignitie of Taster th Earle of Arundell did binde High Chaberlaine the Oxford Earle did decke as title new The remnant comne of royall race perform'd their office due In massie bolls of fined gold God Bacchus giftes were brought And plenteous store of cates was laid on tables curious wrought This solempne banquett time with certaine limites finisht quite When Phoebus neere the euening starre began with raies to smite The Ocean salt sea flouds and downe in deepes his front to hide Declining prone towardes the coastes of Libia Region wide The princely Court of Henry king with murmuring noyce resounds At the returning of the Queene such wondrous ioy abounds Nine times her glimmering light the lampe of Phoebe had renued And after the solemniz'd day the tenth mouth fast insued Don Titan had not yet the face of Virgo ouerpast Remaining in the aspect of that heauenly starre where placst Hermes as in his mansion house to be doth chiefe delight Great learning wandring Hermes doth foreshew and manners bright But chiefly he portendes a happy witt and iudgement quick But if that Ioue exalted be linkt in coniunction strick To Venus and with them in friendly aspect Sol be tied O goodly God which so the course of heauenly starres doest guide And force doest giue and take again as likes thy sacred hest The childe borne shall be fortunate with honour eke inuest Shall royall seepter hold and still in flowing wealth abound Rewardes bestowing still nor end of giuing shall be found With heauenly wit indued also adornde with counsaile sound Eche vertuous worke attempting bold in bruntes of Mars renownd God this doth bring to passe not Planetts which their course do take Within the Spheres celestiall for Planets courses make By powre of Ioue diuine without whose aid they nought preuayle Nor good effect can woorke God in them is which thouten faile Doth certaine houre of birth appoint to euery mortall wight As him shall please that Author was which formed them aright As other thinges so Planets were the worke of God almight The seuenth of December Ioue omnipotent to passe This doutlesse brought by course of yeares the day of Sabaoth was Wherein king Henryes noble spouse in childbirth trauaild sore As griefe augmentes so skilfull aged wife insisteth more About her charge sage matrons eke of worthy race applied Their industry to aid when labouring Princes gan to slide In fainting panges through burden ripe deliuering vnto light Howbeit vndoubted tokens were foreshewed of former might But after that into the world a childe of bewtious hue Was brought with members straight composde as softned waxe a true And perfit image fashioned beares the people wondring much The cunning workmans skilfull hand in forming to be such The aged Graundame cries amasde her handes to heauen vp throwne Ye people present praise the Lord Christ Iesus laud alone A Uirgin doth her mothers blisse her fathers ioy increase In time to come this Uirgine shall procure the Britaines peace This is the onely hope and solace of our English land The king his footesteppes fetching fast him hasteth out of hand The mother with her tender Impe to see and wordes doth speake Of comfort to his spowes stick and through fleshly frailenes weake Forthwith for baptisme of this babe the king his nobles bad For to prepare the Northfolke Duke chiefe rule and guidance had who in his hand a slender rod of Iuerie whitenesse bore All thinges prouided as the king commaunded had before The Duke them willing first the Barons went an easie pace In portlike guise then Earls then mightie Dukes did after trace The noble Duchesse in her armes the infant small did hold In swadling sheetes of lincloth soft her tender corps infold A pretious mantle brodered rich vpon the which did shine with golden gard adornd imbosde with stones of Iasper fine which eyes of the beholders dimmd with dazeling glauncing rayes Full many a noble Dame insues and trustie seruaunces stayes At euery becke to runne about the temple dores alwayes Amongest the stately Peeres the London Bishop present came with milke white sfole inuest'd as nunci●… age requir'd the same Faire fountaine streames were yo●…red in pretious fout of siluet h●…ght The Godfathers and Godmothers their promise freely plight'd That in the liuely corps of Christ Elizabeth vnited Should him receaue as head whose corps the holy church perfited And purged cleane from filthy drosse and superstition was The Archbishop of Caunterbury who did in honour passe The rest chiefe Primate of this land and Northfolke Duches bright with Exon Lady Marques then did vow to Ioue almight In her behalfe that she should loue his preceptes and his lore when vnto age mature in time she should attaine therefore Forthwith she was confirmde in faith of Christ our carefull guide When as a king at Armes with voyce vplifted loftie cried Long may the royall ofspring liue of her renowmed sire Elizabeth long may she liue and to all blisse aspire And to the Crowne her father dead let her succeede at heire The people all Amen exclaiming noyce to heauens did reare which by the aire reuer●…rate causde all the towne to ring The witnesses of happie daies abodementes good did bring Unto the infant seuerally rich giftes of fined gold By skilfull Art ingrau'de with shapes of Britaine Monarches old In which the Uirgine come to yeares triumphing did delight Three hugie chargers first did warlike Dudley lift in sight For from the sacred tembles borne the royall offringes were By princely state in solempne sort as custome did require The second gifts aloft redoubted Haward high extold Three mightie standing bolles Three massie cuppes of pretious gold Bestudded thick with stones and radiant gemmes from Indy brought Thou third Fittzwater wenst before thy brode brest lifting loft The fourth and last O Worcester thy Earle succeeded straight whose wearied armes of curious place ingrauen felt the waight And now the regall court was thrungd and full of people prest The Primates lookes bewraid their ioyes conceau'd in royall brest with all their noble Dames and Lordes and Barons of
furious rage doth roame and tortures vseth all Aboundant streames of Christian bloud most ruthfull moistes the land And goarie flouds alacke in pooles of hit reieeted stand Ay me and waile a day young childrens corpes fire brandes deuoures And difference none put twixt their sexe both men and weomen scoures For he gainst Ioue almightie is a foe outragious thought If anie man his enemie the Romish bishop cought Out of the word of God which takes away Christes honor due And falsely white that thing affirmes which is of duskish hue Yea so his heynous trecheries with gloses couered beene As at no time our graundsiers olde in elder age haue seene That both the sense of touching and of tast doe fading fayle If that ye take that priuiledge from bodies what auayle Can th' eare or twinckling eie vnto what vse shall fingers stand Aa haa in deepe Charibdis gulfe uplung'd the Britaine land For very grief doth grone and ginnes of safetie to dispaire Howbeit the ghost diuine of Ioue her pitying vnaware which with his bec●…e the heauens and seas and earthly regions shakes For the afflicted English state a gratefull plai●…er makes For from their hie vsurped seates proud potentates are drawne Downe headlong to the ground which reuerent worship to be showne Bad vnto Idols wrought in woode or forgd of moulten brasse The Prince with deepe perseuerance scelected of the best Of Britaine states a fewe which long vse had with wisedome frought And learning eke Parnassus Nimphes to deck their wits had brought By which proppes of eternall Fame vnder a mayden Queene Renowmed England through the world is bright blazed to beseene First of her Counsayle Bacon was a wise and prudent Knight Of polisht wit who Britaine lawes by iudgement scand aright Whose sweete and sugred eloquence in midst of Counsaile sage Hath such his endles Fame atchiu'de that though Fates headlong rage Him hath destroide he liues and after death his vertues blaze Lord Chauncelour he of England and the Brodeseales keeper was Whose honourable seat Sir Thomas Bromeley doth beseeme Thought worthie of that dignitie by censure of the Queene The prudent troupe of Senatours their suffrage yealding like UUhich lawes in equall ballance weyes and cancelling out doth strike UUhich ouer ponderous to him seemes that which is good and right May thereof spring and middle place possest may Vertue bright Next thy Lord Marques Winchester his worthie seat did take Renowmed whom the title high of Treasurer did make A man of wondrous grauitie whilst that he ran his race On earth but crookt through age at last to destinie he gaue place Before all these came forth blacke frowning Fortune spurning back UUhose faith in danger dire at hand from sincere heart extract The Prince had tried Lord Cicill and of all the Counsaile sage By Princesse verdict chiefe assignd now stroke with drowping age And worne in yeares with study leane and sickly on his feat For great affaires white hoary heares and crooked age to fleet Doe cause before their time which then scarse fortie yeares had rought Seldome to sleepe addict from slender diett seldome brought Still graue and modest found at no time giuen to dallying play UUhere that he talkt or musing sate it earnest was alway A fuutor of religion true of right he studious was In this our age thinges of great waight borne for to bring to passe UUhose loue towardes his natiue soile and faith towardes his Queene UUhose wisedome busied still about his countries causes seene Beyond Europa borders hath achiu'd him endles Fame Nor here he first to aid his Prince with learned counsell came For in king Edwardes noble Court he wondrous credite wanne And Counsellour to his leich to be in bloming youth began UUhen mongst the Britaine Peeres he hurlie hurlie tumultes wrought By prudent circumspection to quaile and bring to nought And whil'st some others furrowes deepe in gurtie channels cast Their hollow hulls tos'd and turmoild with Aeolls whurling blast And sometime downe with headlong fall the infernall pitts do see He both his honour and his seat and name preserueth free How wary in Queene Maryes dates he did himselfe behaue And sailes which hung aloft at Mast to windes relenting gaue Because it better is to yeeld to rough and mightie force Of raging floud then stand against and to resist his course which doth a deadly perill prest and certaine harme procure By iudgement plaine apparant doth expresse his wisedome sure That for sixe yeares amidst his foes vnhurt he vpright stoode Though persecuted with the hate of Cayphas wicked broode In euerie way in euery streete in London royall mart To all mens dew proceeding forth when as the greatest part In forreine nations bannisht straide him Ioue preseru'd at hand Forth honour of our noble Queene and profite of our land He externe Princes Legates heard attentiue whilest the hest They of their Lordes declarde and aunswere prompt againe express In counsell graue a Nestor which now noble Burghley hight Of woodes and auncient farmes and Castles strong adiacent pight which doth the common Treasurie of goods confiscate keepe He being full aduertised of waightie causes deepe It worth rehearsall is forthwith with what industrious care He doth disside the strife and right ascribes by iudgement rare Not aboue two daies space deferring it or three at most Unlesse of pointes so intricate the matter stand composde That without longer trackt of time it may not be vnfold which laud as chiefest veriest eke let this high Lordling hold The mightie Earle of Arundel is in this order tide The Penbrooke prudent Peere insuing ioyntly by his side Both Stewardes of the royall house of their renowmed guide The warlike Mauy of the Queene came Clinton to thy care whereof full thirtie yeares agoe thou hast tuition bare Nor to thy little honour it redoundes three Princes strong That thou hast seru'd thy selfe of bloud of auncient Peeres esprong Atchiuing many hard exploites a shipborde and on shore Lincolne this warlike Earle hath with title due vphore Next of the Princes Chamber was Lord Haward chiefe assignd A man to anger prone howbeit of gentle courteous minde Whose vncle title high of Duke and Nephew erst did binde Whome dead in like degree the Earle of Sussex did succeede A most redoubted Peere of courage haut and bold indeed Thy royall Parsons gardon strong and faithfull tride alwaies Elizabeth prest to attempt the brunt at all assayes In fearfull Mauors bickering iars through minde vnconquered haut Who oftentimes the saluage Rerne subdued hath in assaut Whom noble victorie did adorne in blouddy warres atchiu'de Yet from a righteous Iusticer he chiefest laud deriu'de UUhen Mary did her flickering sp'rite out breath the Britaine guide By chaunce at Hatfield with her troupe of Ladyes did abide Her noble parson with a true of yeomen garded strong Lord Dudley on a palfray sterce vp mounted swift along Doth thither post his colour
Iustice dayly tilde And statutes made and lawes consirmde the common state to ease But chiefly he imployde his care the Lord of Lordes to please Foure times the glittering Sunne ech signe in heauen wandred had The fift the when through Cancers armes he stealing gan to gad A chosen true of Martiall knightes king Edward hauing got Cntented battaile for to wage agaynst the busie Scot. The greatest part of all his Realme with wordes do more increase His Princely ire for that the Scottes had brake their league and peace Hereto a Caunte full of reproth against this noble land UUith an old grudge was ioynde since they on Stanhop were in band Moreouer at Northampton vy the kinges chief Casketts torne UUherein they left their bandes of league the seales tane of beforne These causes iust incenst the valiaunt English hartes to fight And cleane expelde all faintyng seare which might their myndes afright But yet by speaches fayre repent if that perchaunce they would And eke amend their traitrous myndes if that which Iustice should Atrribute due vnto the Crowne of England they would pay To winne the Scottes the courteous Prince first frendly did assay But they no white at all relent but more intende to bring Some meanes whereby to worke the death of Baliol their king UUhich spying out their treasons false all perilles to refrayne Attaines the English coast by stealth and so auoydes their trayne And setts abroch vnto the king what fraude they did pretend Ungratefull Scottes their soueraigne leyge to bring to fatall end And then requestes in himib●… sort his grace his case to ayde For thus permitted for to speake in dolefull sort he sayd He which made heauen and earth and men and beastes of brutish hinde In guidyng thinges most prouident assuredly did mynde That kinges of kinges should neede the helpe should their succour craue And he which had receaued most commoditie should haue A gratefull hart to beare for aye the giuers actes in my●…e And sure I thinke it Gods behes●… that some are here assignde Under some lucklesse Planet borne in some vnhappy houre UUhich in this world most griping grief and sorrow shall deuoure And to what end for that the Lord most perfit good and kinde In ample sort to good men giues good giftes with willing minde And will his like haue for to ayde men plunged in distresse But what auayles by circumstance my minde for to expresse Wherfore in brief vnto the cause it selfe I le me addresse Of late a kingdome I possest my fathers onely heire And did that stifueckt people well with rayne restricted beare I liu'de deuoyde of feare in pleasaunt peace and ●…de my lande UUhen sodainely a tumulte made of rebels false 〈◊〉 ●…de Me vnwares besiegeth round suspecting nought at all And hauing chosen captaines fit besets my pllace wall UUhat should I doe vnhappy wight such daungers prest at hand And at that pinch when not a frend was by my side to stand Helpe from the Gods with voyce submisse and lowly minde I crau'de God heard my plaint and in my hart this was forthwith ingrau'de To flie the watch by scaping through a window in the night From whence I here am come O king vnto thy land by flight And vnder this that nation vile their vile offence haue closde That I not in their Peers nor in their people trust reposde But to to much your grace esteemde and Britaines lou'de to neare My natiue country now I want my wife and children deare 〈◊〉 ●…oore and needy wretch here wander in a forraine land ●…thing but hope remaines a sorie comfort still at hand Unto distressed wightes which neuer sure their mindes forsakes Till gasping breath begonne my broken hart which somewhat makes For to reuiue and will in time more frendly Fortune bring Some pitie take I pray vpon my trauailes past O king But if you will vouchsafe to take the tu●…ele of my state While I am here tormented with the scourge of bitter fate And me into your fauour high by good lucke shall receaue You Ba●…ial shall his state ychangde of thousand thrals bereaue And eke your Fame throughout the world shall blased be therfore This is the summe of my request then this I aske no more He hauing ended his discourse forthwith to make reply King Edward him address of Britaine land the glory hye All thinges within this wauering world to fickle chaunce are thrall The turrettes 〈◊〉 huge in hight sustaine the greater fall He that is nothing mou'de at all with beggars state most base Nor yet is daunted with the lookes of frowning Fortunes face But with a minde vnmoued beares all losse no whit apalde He ought by right a prudent man and stout in deede be calde A vertue patience is which other witnes doth surmount Therfore this aduerse lucke despise and therof make no count For God himselfe hath limittes put vnto thy cares no dout Which at his pleasure he will end when times are turnde about Expect a while till ripe corne eares Autumnus heat shall bring And greene grasse by the blasing beames of Phoebe aloft shall spring That for the barbed courser braue the earth may prouend yeld Meane time against this nation false to fight fit for the field I armour strong will get and souldiours stout through all my land I will collect and what thinges els for warres in steede may stand The fautors shall be quite destroyed which that vile cau●…e sustaine And ouer that vnbrideled nation fierce I le make thee raigne If God shall graunt and set will in thy fathers seat againe Thus said the English puissant Prince the Court with murmour cract On euery side resounding shrill a foule and filthy fact Ech one cries for cankred nation proud their lawfull king Of royall-scepter to bereaue and worke his bale to bring Few dayes expired weare and stealing time not farre had start When doughtie knightes and souldiours braue the king from euery part Selected had and Captaines stout had chosen stoare at hand The troupes of horsemen set in ray and many a mightie band Of footemen floct in heapes before being all disposed the masse Of coyned gold for so great wars and siluer taken was Out of the chestes wherein all goodes confiscate hourded are And to be borne on carres was layd no dout most gratfull ware Forthwith the warlike Princes both the Britaine first in sight And after him the Scot before the towne that Barwicke hight UUith walles aloofe erected strong yfenct their tentes they place UUhich bordreth neare the 〈◊〉 fieldes where Twede doth run his race A fortresse Barwicke is with ample walles succincted round Cut out from craggie rocke and bulwarkt vp with baulkie bund That from the dreadfull dint of sword it can hit souldiours shield And will not to the bouncing blowes of warlike ingine yeld Fast vnto which conioynde of hollowed rockes 〈◊〉 lyes A turret mounted vp aloft vnto the Starrie 〈◊〉 And
at 〈◊〉 Let euery one forth girde the trembling speare with courage 〈◊〉 UUhy stay I now 〈◊〉 good euent I tookens feele n●…●…out UUherfore goe 〈◊〉 our ensignes spred and ●…ers in the 〈◊〉 UUith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 assault 〈◊〉 foes yplung●… in deepe 〈◊〉 Thus hauing sayd Prince Edward mightie Peere doth make 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 UUhen straight the English campe with clamour loude the skies doth 〈◊〉 Redoubling still amaine ours ours the virtorie is hye loue His haly sprite doth breath on vs and sendes he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Meane time the army large is 〈◊〉 strong 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 UUith bowes and arrowes good which swiftli●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 string The threefold mayled coate of proufe with squared head 〈◊〉 pearce And now with blast of sounding trompe the warning gin forth fierce UUith eger mindes the onset first the valiaunt Britaynes giues The shiuering shaftes doe dymme the ayre so thicke erh 〈◊〉 driues And as glommy shower with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The light with ●…sh 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which sodainely 〈◊〉 All trembling makes mens myndes and pleasa●… fieldes to 〈◊〉 compells Eth mortall wight and to returne for succour where he dwells None otherwise the shaftes thicke sh●…e ●…lose the ●…are day light UUhilst Britayne bold the bended bow doth pull with manly might The salt sweat 〈◊〉 through labring ha●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 UUhilst peaceing arrow through the ayre by force 〈◊〉 passage seekes Both armyes bustling meete and man to man 〈◊〉 in that 〈◊〉 Not so with gastly Cyclops strokes mount Aetna did resounde Nor Vulcan fiery God in dungeon deepe such noyce did make UUhilst that his monstrous mates by turnes the massie fledge did shake UUith twhick twhack thūpe thump boūcing fast as thūderinglike did roare UUith clattering classing loude of swourdes the trampled Barwicke shoare And all the mountayne Halindane Some take into their brayne The whurling shaft and strugling knocke the earth in deepe disdayne He fighting farre aloof is fiercely through the shoulders pusht He dyes on poynt of mawrish pike his thigh most greiflie crusht The most part yeld their faintyng breath destroyed with gastly wound Euen through the bulke their brest plates torne where natures skill hath Unto the trembling lunges the liuer full of liuely heat bound The battayle yet hanges doutfull none hath gotten vantage great But after the assault more hott and vehement gan to ware The noble Prince Plantagenet his foes with pursute backes The gorye bloud the flesh ygasht with drierie dint of swourde Spins through amayne as fluent floudes doe scoure the gurtie foorde Or as the blustring Southwind blacke the fieldes doth moyst with showres In winter season cold from duskie cloudes which forth he powres Who can declare the slaughters fell and labours of that day Who can with floudes of trickling teares the sorrowes iustly way Of slaughtered bodies who the number great and names can tell How many thousandes eke the swourde in Plutoes pitt made dwell What grones were heard what sobbing sighes euen from the hart rootes UUhilst out of dying corps the flying ghostes their passage sought brought O ruthfull shape of thinges with breathles bodies couered is The earth on plumpes which lye and honour of sepulture misse And as the greedy woulfe which rauine hunger forth imboldes UUhen be by shoouing long hath brust a way into the foldes The seelie sheepe by teares eke rauening hott bloud streames out suckes And halfe deuoured carkasses oerhippes and more downe pluckes UUhich are aliue proceeding fast with blouddy iawes to spoyle None otherwise the Brytaine sterne with trampling feete doth soyle His sloughtred foes and hott pursues the quicke in fight to foyle Downe dinging some with speares and poles to Lethe riuers brinkes UUho so dare once resist The Scott this seyng backwardes shrinkes And shiuering seekes to turne his backe and saue himselfe by flight Agayne the progenie of Brute strikes loftie skies with shright Still following fast in chase the starting foe to quell by might And floct in troupes as often as the aduerse enemies crue Starke mad in mynde begins agayne the battaile to renewe So oft vnto the conquerours might it waxing feeble bendes At length the glummy shadowye night the blouddy battaile endes Then sounding trumpet shrill retires the weried Britaines fast By Princes hest and from the field aloud Retrait doth blast The enemy quayled thus free vncontrolde reioyse at will The souldiour might and take of rest and quiet sleepe his fill It glads them for to thinke of bitter toyles and turmoiles past And then God Bacchus froothing boules and Ceres giftes they tast To animate their hartes no eye for pure toy winkes that night But shewing his exploites and hard aduentures in the fight Ech one vnto his mate of daungers past takes then delight Meane space for nothing can be found more swift then fleeting time The morne is come and Titan cleare begins aloft to clime And with his beames the fayre broode fieldes doth set wide ope in sight Then myndefull of the succour sent and power from God almight The godly Prince on bended knees commaundes his campe throughout That euery soule with reuerence and prayer most deuout Should serue the Lord and on his name high solempne prayse bestow The mightie God which for our sakes the enemy brought full low That in the starrie firmament thrise holy raignes for aye The Lord of Sabaoth eke which condigne honour beares away Most worthelie be celebrate and feared without end In ages all all nations eke let to his Godhead vend Of thundring Ioue the most redoubted might who can abide UUho can his force withstand which roaring floudes with beck doth guide And earth rough ragd with baulkes and ayrie region running round His glory great therfore with solemne tunes let Britaynes sound All victory comes from him and from hye heauen to men discendes These thinges thus done his tentes he leaues and course directly bendes Renowned Prince vnto the place wherein the field was fought And there he learnes of such as were tane captiue to him brought The names of those redoubted Peeres that there had gott their bale UUhich some resemblaunce had in face of former lookes though pale Through want of bloud they were that scarse you might their countnance But when vntoucht he did the race of warlike Brute espy try And lackt but onely thirtene wightes of all his mighty trayne Those which were hurt were shortly healde by medicines helpe agayne Ertolling both his armes aloft to glittering starrie skie He thus exclaimes amaine and to the Lord of hostes doth try O Lord thrise mightie in thy deedes how much doe I thee owe What fauour great vpon this realme of myne doest thou bestowe Meane time one of his Captaines had the whole brood field survued And Carkasses with clottes of dirt bedaubd which would haue rued Ones hart to haue beheld their mestiue lookes with teares imbrued And findes full xx thousand Scottes and fiue to be by flight Safe home returnde so that
spring That so the happie concorde of this late confirmed peace Might through a 〈◊〉 kinde of league establisht more increase The Lusita●…an Prince for so ther ●…ou they did agree The second daughter tooke to wife with solempne pompe and glee These matters thus performde by power of God th' almighty guide To antike seates agayne through Ocean vast they backward slide And he withall his traine are lau●…ed safe on Britayne shore Few dayes expirde the Princes leaue by suite obtainde before A bragging Scottish Earle hight Marley enters English coastes On frothing palfrey borne and challenge making boldly boastes To London comne within the listes to iust with pointed speare With whosoeuer durst contend the Prince was present there And thousands of the common sort in plumpes thick thrungo that tyde Lord Mo●…bray valiant Peere these Scottish bragges could not abide But goodly to behold in armour close his steede he takes And downe with force the Scot out of his saddle shogging shakes And horse with mighty push of steeled troncheon throwes to ground Wherewith the lookers on with shouts applauding loude resound He all astoynisht lyes two ribbes in sonder craced quite Whom set vpright his feeble feete could not support one white Wherfore from thence he was to lodging neare adioyning borne Where shortly through the grief augmented more distract and torne He yeldes his breath by force of armes so he which honour sought In armes doth honour lose and challengd combatt dearely bought Next Darel Scottish Peere Lord Courtney Britaine did prouoke And loftie lookt for prayse but of like Fortune felt the stroke In force inferiour far The third companion in the race U●… that he iustling ranne of valure small and listes did trace Fiue boystrous blowes downe driues and conquered Cocburne it did shame For to haue strous no glory got retourning whence he came But the contendours chief Lord Haubers mighty limbd and next Haut ●…macke Courtney stout whose venging right hand sore had vext And backe repeld the foriners which challengd Britaines bold Through foolish pride puft vp with condigne honour were extold Those torneys finisht thus and things at home set in a stay King Richard to the sauage Kernes imbarkt did take his way And them by warres res●…ting fierce with little bloudshed downe He brought the Britaine yoke to hold Then shortly from the crowne And pretious Princely diademe himselfe he did depose And Henry Duke of Lancaster to ●…old the scepter chose Now Henry fourth of that name king the Britayne state did guide UUhose stout and puissant valure then sufficiently was tried UUhen for his Ladies dower his father Spanyardes made to stoupe UUhen Sier and sonne and after them of men a warlike troupe From Callice sandes proceedyng forth did enter Gascoine soyle And foes by drierie dint of blade and reaking fiers did foyle The meekle vertue of the man and stocke so much renownd Throughout the world the Britaynes foes through feare put in a slou●…d He yet a very youth through these aduentures hard did passe That glory whole by due desart on him bestowed was Of ech exploit were it atchiu de at home or forraine coast Besides his flowing wealth this king himselfe might happy boast Through noble progenie to whom his vertuous Lady fayre Foure sonnes of wondrous towardnes had borne of which the heyre Of comely stature tall when manly yeares he neare had rought Full many a ventrous enterprise wich courage bold he wrought Of equall yeares and maners eke companions to him sought Yet nothyng he vniustly did nor straide from vertues line Belou'd of all within whose youthfull visage then did shine The very image of those deedes which comne to riper age He should absolue Now twise seuen yeares his Syer by counsell sage The Brittish a●…tient land had rulde with loue and laude of all Till waxing crooke through age him finall end of life did call Incroching fast and sicknes dire procurd his fatall fall Forthwith his fathers royall crowne the s●…eyre apparant takes To whom the Britayne Peers on bended knees their homage makes UUith sckipping harts for glad their countenaunce eke expressing ioyes But he among his mates somewhat addict to wanton toyes Before forthwith his father dead became both stayed and graue And from the Court his leude licentious panions old he draue More for such fawning hangbies he priscribde a penalcie If once they should appeare in place whereas the Court did lye Thus changde in all his actions he doth as a Prince besee●…de For counsaylours vsing such as sage and of great wit he deemde And seldome ceast from taking care what best might stand in steed For co●…on wealthes auayle much shepheard like which taking heede Unto his foldes long winters nightes with painefull watchinges wastes And whilst what was his right reuoluing deepe in thought he castes And what vnto his auncestours perceiude in elder age He calls to mynde ●…ow king of Galls incenst with furious rage Had sondry wayes indamaged and hurt the Britayne kinge UUherfore a counsaile straight be calls and causes good doth bringe UUhich might prouoke the valiant Brutes those wars to take in hand Unto which point agree all peers and primates of the land That backe againe by dreadfull wars the kinges right should be sought Forthwith for to requyre his owne away by Frenchmen rought The king doth legates send of polisht witt and councell rare Unto the king of Fraunce from him this message to declare The most renowned Britayne guide king Henry much doth muse UUhat this vniustice moneth you and rigour for to vse That you the plighted league haue torne UUhy others proper right Doe you with clasping clumbes by force out wrest and wrieth by might UUhat moues you thus despitefully against the English land Them absent cruelly to pill but when they be at hand If brandes of dreadfull Mars they stirre I needes must speake the troth Your cause is foundred still and forct your iustice yeeld though loth UUherfore to Britaines 〈◊〉 restore away vniustly tane Or dint of swourd and fierie force expect to breed your bane And that which we out of your handes may not by fayre meanes wring Unconquered Mars shall wrest Such hope doth feed our noble king That Ioue of heynous wickednesse be iust reuenger will UUho bids ●…s this to say and princelike threats this to fulfill Unlesse your minde to better chaungd you ware repent in time The chaunce of Mars is mutable not one way doth incline UUhen these wordes vttered had th'imbassadour from Henry sent Forthwith hot 〈◊〉 burning blacke the Frenchmans hartstringes rent The pallace vast which burly burly noyce consusde doth ring And disagreeing angers rage their mindes doth glowing sting The king all wroth at last did ope his mouth in great disdaine A labour hard to get but kingdomes got for to maintaine Is virtue great If he deserue high fame and worthy prayse UUhich through vnfriendly Mars perchaunce vniust doth goe
gad To testifie their dueties all the Citizens doe the same And to expresse their ioyes that he the Celtanes pride did tam●… The Clergy eke their sacred temples left doe solempne sing The streetes throughout deserued laud to the eternall king The common sort with noyse resounding brim do after trace Long prosperous health beseeching God to giue vnto his grace This solempne pompe the captiues all in order sett insue Unto the Victor Prince his Court where entertainement due By Henryes hest they shewed had In fleeting barke yhore Behold Sygismund taketh land vpon English shore UUhom courteously the Britaine Monarch hye a gratefull hoast His auncient frend receaues and welcome bids to Albion coast Now loftie horned stagges now sielie does they hunt in chase Now hawking likes them best and hollow winged gossehaukes race Whilst lesser sort of birdes for dread all shiuering he ●…fests When leysure seru'd and clogging cares expeld were from their brests The Emperour thus begins Most royall Prince through fame renownd UUhich blasted hath thine actes throughout the world with trōpetts sound Spare now the conquered Galls at length from blouddy w●…rs abstaine You goorie bloud haue drawne inough and foes-on heapes haue laine UUhy doe you tire your selfe and subiects weare with endlesse paine Your late atchiued 〈◊〉 in mynde will still remaine Let peace be rooted in your hart loue peace then which the Lord A greatet gift on mortall men at no time doth afforde King Charles doth entreat the same his Legate it doth pray Which present in your royall Court for that pretence doth stay All cause of strife remoue let loyall league of truce be plight King Henry shall of Frenchmen haue what lawfull is by right Behold how tender babes of Sters bereft do howlinges make And widowes mourning waile their husbande 's sent to Stigie lake Consider pondring deepe vnto the Lord how we are wrought Sigismund had king Henry neare by this persuasion brought To condiscend who deepe in thought now this now that way strayes Uncertaine what to doe to pittie rare addict alwayes And doutlesse the intreatie had preuailed of his frend Had not the French Embassadour intreating for to end Which earst the Emperour had proposde a post from Harflu comne Declaring how the Realme of Fraunce warres to renue begonne And how of Englishmen of late was made a slaughter dire ●…eare bankes of Seine All burning woode and furious standes in yre Prince Henry hearing thus the Britayne souldiours to be slayne Which few could not the mighty power of Celtane king sustaine And stopping straight the Legates mouth intreating still for peace He sayes reuengement shall insue wherfore your suite surcease The Emperour was ashamed that for that periurde nation bad He suppliant low with speaches fayre his frend intreated had UUho ready to depart with royall giftes in Princely guise Presented sacred league of truce with Britaine king contriues And country soyle through surging seas by prosperous gales attaines Forthwith resounding loude the brasen trōpe his hoarse voyce straines The egar youth thrunge thicke on flockes with hartes incensed mad And by commaundement from the Prince ech one in armour clad The hollow hull vp fills and through the rough seas scouring passe Till Normandie a fertile land of large corne fieldes and grasse On rockie shores put out receaues the warlike Britaine traine His souldi●…urs here refresht he Touche at first assaultes amaine The Frenchmen hard endeuoring fierce resist by dint of sword The blouddy onset beating backe but that small helpe could ford For conquerde they to Britaine victor stout to yeld were fayne And Britaine campe within their walls perforce eke entertaine From thence he mou'd his siege to Cane which he did not subdue But with great bloudshed on both partes But doutlesse vertue true Cannot be tamde In first assault he cleane their power did quell Howbeit the bickering then at Cane at no place was more fell He fauoured sacred temples all and sanctuaries eke he sparde UUhich when the trembling habitantes by fame broad bruted hard Admiring in their mortall foe such wondrous vertue rare And how he did preserue Ioues houses with religious care The Normand people doe commit themselues vnto his grace And to his campe with victualls in troupes did flocking trace Conueying basketts heaped full of bread to them apace Then he with conquering force Alencon did assaulting get Next Argenton fayre Constance doth without resistance set UUide ope her gates But Laudum and Falesia populous towne In vayne expecting natiue ayde at length were conquered downe And vnder the subiection brought of Britaine monarch weare Then Larcha bordering neare on bankes of Seine which hie doth reare Her rampier walls with turretts fenced strong next conquered was And many burrowes more beside whose vulgar names I passe Roan last of all remainde which costly warres and glittering gold UUhich fined siluer pretious plate abondantly doth hold The Normand Citie chief which by a hugie mountaine side Is situate neare chanells deepe where mighty Seine doth slide Here Rumor spread that Britaines army vast was neare at hand The husbandmen and such as neare did eair the bordring land Did hether bring their chiefest stuffe transportyng it in carres Persuaded that so strong a towne could not be wonne by warres The Britayne king with trenches deepe and rampier bulwarke bankes The towne inclosing round doth fierce besiege with warlike rankes Rockes rolling huge and loftie towers downe throwing an ingine vast A ramme of steele swelts strong yforgd by martiall skill was plast So that with crooked hornes he might the walls ransacking teare Agayne the Normans fierce from hie walls crest do battaile reare And rough rockes tumbling rolde wrest'd from far the trembling speare UUith hott assault and courage fierce on both sides it was fought Till Fleeboates armed strong the king into the riuer brought On euery side to stopp that through Seines gurtie streames no ayde Of men of armes or victuals should be by ships conuayde The towne besiegd to helpe Then Famine dire doth raunging stray Throughout the Citie large and want of foode doth much dismay The feebled souldiours poore wherfore of boyes a combrous flocke And sielie women weake out of their gates they thought to locke UUith point of threatning blade the English Captaines that denyde Howbeit our deathes vnto our land small safetie can procure If we resistaunce make all vnreueng'd we shall be slayne And troth we must confesse our goodes and substaunce will remaine To Henry king of Brutes both towne and gorgeous turretts gay If ought offended were tofore that pardon we thee pray And if no succour from our Prince be sent for our redresse UUithin eight dayes then entrance make and freely do possesse Hold and enioy our towne with luckie chaunce this let vs craue To spare our liues such mercy sure becomes it kinges to haue This vertue rare thine auncestours did earst renowned make UUhat here the Celtane to obtaine demaundes that
worke of high 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thou 〈◊〉 ●…ll 〈◊〉 the same Thy warlike n●… vnto thee 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 straight to battaile frame Thy selfe and dreadfull foes to come by ma●…y courage tame And through thy great exploites in warre deseru'de laud beare away Without delay the Arthets stout are sett in battaile ray Of which the greatest part in sondry winges deuided weare The martiall rankes which tronthesn pi●…es claspt in their hands did beare The ensigne of the king in armour thick did compasse round The Earle then which by the name of Suffolke was renownde The right wing did conduct the Warwicke Earle the left hand rout Both armde with souldiours old which twangd there bowes with courage A troupe of horsemen light the pik●…en rankes did firmely garde stout The reregarde such as browne bill●… date and 〈◊〉 keene did warde Like Giantes strong with hugie limbes and campe behinde did close Here was the Britaynes power this hinde of battaile ray they chose The army ordred thus the king demandes what time a day About the time in which our Priestes accustom'd are to pray The nobles aunswere make throughout the townes of Albion hie Be of good cheare ye Britaynes ●…ut the king doth straight reply For in this 〈◊〉 the sacred clarkes do pray for our successe Goe to my lads your valure so by great exploites expresse That like to your forefathers old this day you may depart Whose handes in fight not onely haue the Frenchmen made to start But manly lookes haue stoinde and forst to flie with broken hart All feare expell death dreadfull is to none of gentle kind If to be ouercomne by destinies lott we be assignde The last gasp of my vitall breath shall be blowne out this day For me as captiue to redeeme no man shall tribute pay Nor for my raunsome Brittish land shall any charge defray He sayd Like minde was to them all the army showting hie Redoubleth loude the noyce and promise plightes that all would die On paint of goarie blade if Fortune victory should denie Meane time towardes the Celtanes hoast began to wend away The army all and broad in sight their bankers to display Behold of dreadfull Mars the trompet gastly noyce out blue Prouokementes dire of blouddy slaughters fell then to insue The armies both bloudthirstie neare and neare their footestepps drue The share vprooting reares and brings to light in steede of stones Doe curse and banne with dolefull playnts those ciuill battailes fell In which an hundred thousand wights the blooddy blade did quell Todcastle eke through battaile strange a noble name doth gayne In which full thirtie thousand men in dolefull sort were slaine The last broyle of this ciuill war did Teuxburie contayne Which townes yet standing of those warres are testimonies good How then that flowing riuers ranue conuerted into blood So many dreadfull foughten fieldes the faction of two kings Did cause which mightie Ioue at last vnto conclusion brings Here Bosworth blooddy warres and others moe I will omit By which king Henry seuenth eternall fame which will not flit From age to age continned still in memorie attaynd UUho first but Earle of Richmond then king Edwards daughter gaynd In wedlocke linked fast and with her Britaine crowne possest That did the lawes require and English Primates chiefe request This God th' almightie guide as authour chiefe did bring to passe And thus at length the rage of ciuill hatred ended was He rayngd vnto his subiects all a noble prince most deare All externe enemies far and neare his puyssance great did feare He worshipt chiefly God and godlines and iustice lou'de And craftie wicked men he hating sharpely still reprou'de Full twentie yeeres and three belou'de of all he ware the crowne Of forrayne princes high esteemde and had in great renowne A king of iustice rare of prudence manners courage bolde who dying left the dyademe to Henry stout to holde His heyre with wondrous welth huge heapes of siluer pure and golde The ende of the first Booke HE from him tender yeares the workes of mighty Mars esteemd That other giftes most singular which well a Prince beseemd As well of body as of minde I do not here declare How puissant courteous eke how he his shoulders loftie bare Aboue the rest with comely face adornd and vertue rare The fourth time haruest yellowish waxt since first he ruld this soyle And hott Autumnus scorching flames the earth did chapping broile UUhen Henry valiant Britayne king did fearefull wars vp rere And cruell Frankes to blouddy campes of dreadfull Mars did stere The Romane bishop him incenst these warres to take in hand UUherfore the surging floudes he cuts and doth at Callice land The Citie filling full with thirtie thousand souldiours stout Foure noble Captaines onely tane out of the warlike rout Lord Talbot martiall Peere and eger Poynings fierce in fight Rice ap Thomas floure of Wales and Somerset a doughtie knight UUhich Henry had foresent to fragrant fieldes where Turwyn standes Turwyn a walled fortresse strong yfenest with warlike bandes In tune of pleasant spring as boystrous windes with whirling blastes On ground all sweeping sheere and slubble light and dust vp castes Or as the earth with croked teeth of sickle sharpe is shorne So downe the heardes of deare with th' English horsemen thick are borne They troupes of prisoners take and droues of beastes subdue by might The king insues and thirtie thousand men in harnish dight Of hard brasse beaten forgd in siege gainst Turwyn walls he pight Under the Britaine king the mightie Emperour serues for pay And blouddy Germaines fierce in bruntes of warre renownd alway Nothing to souldiours is disburst for hyer but fyned gold Of which ech tent throughout the campe such wondrous store did hold That money for to coine the king of siluer was constrainde Rewardes stout courage brought and hier in armes haut hartes maintaind The Celtane horsemen troupes with valiaunt Brutes do battaile make To rescue theirs but all in vayne they weaker armour take The palme of conquest wonne away the puissant Britayne beares The enemies all thrust through with sharpned pointes of thirling speares The walls with roring Cannon shot all groueling battred downe Doe easie passage giue and entraunce large into the towne And Frenchmen fild with shiuering dread Now Turwyn Britaines hold And conquered spoyles of ransackt towne the king decks manifold UUhose mighty puissance great in feates of Mars with flickring winges Swift sliding through the ayre Report to bordring Cities bringes In Tornay famous Citie strong when that these newes were told For very grief she grones and grauntes for tribute sommes of gold And gates wide open fetts permitting Britaines entrance bold UUithin her walls and subiect now vnto new Lordes becomne Extincting former lawes of Henry king takes new in romne Meane time kyng Iames which then of Scottes the regall mace did beare And to confirme the league till warres of Britaines ended
were UUith Frankes in hand the sacred hoast had tane not long beforne And on the holy Sacrament had most deuoutly sworne For to obserue the rouenantes then plighted to his frend Himselfe with flaming fire and sword against our bankes doth bend And sixtie thousand souldiours hard all armed training fast In absence of their Lord the Britaine borders wide doth wast The Surrey Earle of English bondes assignd lieftenant stright Of valiant Brutes an army chose and to augment his might He noble Peers of auncient race descended to him ioynes Scroupe Stanly Latymer of stomacke stout and sturdy loynes Lord Dacres present was and Clifford harnisht glistering gay Than Bulmer Butler than with Haward Admirall of the sea And Edmond to him mynd sprong of one line of Grandsiers old UUhich first assailde his foes couragious knight aduentring bold Both dight in brestplates black so made by salt seas springling drop The enemy planted was on Flodden mountaines crested topp And when approching fast the king perceau'd in battaile ray UUith banners broad displayde the Brutes toward him take their way Dismounted from his steede where glory vaine incenst him forth Or feruent angers rage which in such case is little worth He forefront of the battaile leades and straight assailes his foes On sturdy buckler bosse the Britaine bare the enemies blowes And venging gleine with goary bloud downe runnyng red imbrued Three long houres armyes both in doutfull bickering fierce pursued The Scott with two large greifley woundes the sharpe sword edge doth stay So doth he for his faithles part deserued penaunce pay Part sau'd themselues by flight the remnaunt downe to death are cast Renowned Henry thus of nations twaine returnes at last Chief conquerour to his natiue land where thus his foes destroyde Then after many yeares he rulde and quiet peace inioyde At length the Northarne borderers abusde were of the Scott But he Embassadours doth send the trespasse out to blott And to acquite himselfe which done the Legates home retire But after that on this side Britaine 's grudgd and Scottish Ire On that side is incenst for on their borders grewe a strife And secret murmuringes went how quarrels dayly waxed rife Betwixt the peoples twaine Scarse thrise dame Phoebes glittering flame Repayred had her blazing beames and circle round became When as a mightie power of Scots well arm'de with troncheon speares One part on foote the other hors'd on praunsing steedes vp reares Themselues and in Nouember when the high heauens rayne down powrd Irruption making fierce with sword and fire our borders scourd There is a Citie hight Carlile with strong walles fenced round Built in the Northpart of this land which without balke or bound In valley playne is set and faire broad campes doth bordring vue Out of this fortrest warlike towne the kinges lieuetenant drue And other partes adioyning neere which are in Cumberland Two thousand Britaines harnisht bright gainst all the Scottes to stand Which hautie hearted Wharton doth conduct in open fieldes And egar onset giues dishiuering speares and battering shieldes But Scottes a chilly feare theyr trembling hartes possessing stright Astonisht were at first assault and by Ioues power almight UUere conquerde battered downe all groueling on the duskie ground Some takes the bushy groues and dungeon caues with rough rockes bound Some swift to mountaynes toppes with tale okes froughted flying gate The king of Scottes himselfe which on a hill side lurking sate Afright with this euent and of his men the sloughter vast To passe a gurtie floud himselfe into the channell ●…ast The riuer through wilde winter showres then flowed aboue the brinkes Wherfore in midst of striuing streames he gulping waters sinkes Besides all those which flight preseru'd and were in skirmage slaiue A number captiue of the Peeres and commons did remayne UUhich wearied sore and sad that night Carlile did safe containe The common sort with iron beltes and shackles fettred fast UUhich for a mashy muck of coyne all raunsom'de at the last As conquerours and conquered betweene them could agree Doe haste them home to natiue soyle from bondage quited free But all the nobler sorte from race of auncient Peeres esprong From thence to London Tower with swift course were conueyed along UUhere they inclosed fast the first night were constrayned to stay All mourning pensiue wightes sweet liberties freedome tane away The next morne glomy shadowes dimme from hye heauens had depres'd UUhen godly Henry mindfull s●…ill of wretched wightes distres'd Commaundes the Captiues all adornde in robes as white as milke The kinges rich pretious giftes all curious wrought with finest silke Through midst of London vnto him gentlie to be co●…ayde Then of the hard vngratefull harts of Scottes but little sayde There olde accustomed fraud ingraft he reprehendeth much Yet all with wondrous le●…itie and pleasaunt countenance such As louing parentes vse to haue when they their children deare Sprong from their proper loyns correcting chide to put in feare The Captiues on the other side did render ample speech Both for themselues and countrie soyle and for their late dead leich And farther did in humble sort beseech his royall grace That he vnto their wordes would lend his listening eare a space King Henry grauntes deepe silence straight ech man from talk doth hold When thus the eldest of the troupe of captiues thus he told O Prince amongst all noble kinges of Europe most renownd UUhose mightie praise through weightie workes in warfare doth abound UUe conquered Scottes thee conquerour confesse with willing thought Nor shame it is to such as you vs subiect to be brought what shame i st for the Panther weake to 'th Lion grim to couch If sharper penance you appoint deseru'de I hit auouch Our vitall blisse our finall bane in your handes doth remaine Howbeit to such a prince renownd our death small prayse can gayne Nor to be slayne can profit bring vnto your souldiers stout Respect our sucking babes and dolefull spouses scriking out with teares the ruthfull funeralls bewayling of their Lordes As dead Offendours to forgiue it greater glorie fordes If they offend which hest obey of their annoynted king Then twentie hundred foes in field to dreadfull death to bring But now vnto our sute which pondring wey with iustice right Renowmed prince we entrance made thy coastes to wast by might And wasted haue the bordring hamsettes neere with fierie flame Haue not our men with coudigne death paide penance for the same Our king no longer vitall breath and aire supernall takes But lucklesse chance of lowring Mars and life despising hates Perchance the Destinies so required and God the eternall guide would haue it so vnto whose becke all thinges on earth are tyde That of his wondrous clemencie two kingdomes ioynt combinde Might be in friendly loue and both haue one concordant minde Discordant earst before and endlesse league of friendship knit This thing to bring to passe occasion now is offered
a shew did make Agaynst him therfore for to warre renowned Henry bent UUith suffrage of the primates chief and councels graund consent He armes of proofe prouides and souldiours customed long to warres And doughtie ladds of courage stout and prompt to bickering iorres And valiant guides of stomacke haut all such he bringeth out The nobles present weare and commons eke a hugie rout And first that Pee●…e whom Suffolke name and title hye assignde Up mounted on a trampling steed in Tyrian purple shinde UUith golden helmet deckt whose copped crest did streeming stare Then he to whom like title rich of sheepes woll Norfolke ●…are Exulting skipping came a Duke to wrothfull anger prest Howbeit of minde vnconquered nor by Mars to be supprest Then Arundell an Earle of youthfull yeares a strippling braue UUith Pawlet which did corne and needefull foode prouide and saue Lord Russell then which warlike troupes of burly ladds did trace UUhich Deuon fostred vp of white tinne mines a fertile place Walles sent a iolly route and Ireland eke a few did yeld UUhich neither dred the bright drawne sword nor blouddy foes in field In running springoldes light of hart and handes of valure tried The chosen Northarne crue on warlike Coursers fierce to ride In mayled shurtes of sturdy yron sweltes fine forged dight By swift course of their horse could equall striue with birdes in flight Anthony Browne whose comely corps if men you would behold In portrature none excelde nor in exploites of Mars more bold Most willingly the horsemen troupes by Princes hest did guide From all the coastes of Britayne came thicke thrunging far and wide A mighty power of Springoldes fresh and store of palfrays fierce The horne hoofe of the foming horse the trembling earth doth pearce And horsemen armde with sturdy launce do runne with frisking pace The campe thus ordred well in long rankes marcheth on a pace And aierie region vast with clamorous noyse discordant fills UUith armed troupes the hollow vales and loftie mounted hills As with falne flakes of snow or Titan set with dropps of due You might all scattered thick in complet harnish cluttering vue whose blasing brightnesse through the rayes of Phoebe so dimd the looke Of vewers all that Titans beames away the prospect tooke New rayment partie coloured made of woll by skilfull art The souldiours of ech Captaine did disseuering set apart Fine silken banners broad displayed before ech ●…and doth goe The skipping souldiours of his guide the Ensigne spread doth know Euen as the fragrant floures aboue the greene grasse loftie show In pleasaunt time of spring and with their coloures do delight If any man of fayre fresh fieldes shall walke to take the sight Such semblaunce hath out bands whilst oer the playne heathes thick they gad In silken iacketts fine with skirtes imbrodered curious clad Their glittering armour glimsing rayes like Sunne beames casting fro King Henry loftier by the head all boistrous stout doth goe A great and mighty Peere where you his strong armes do behold Or huge thighs sturdy pight which art had closd in pretious gold And eke his manly corps with mighty brestbont bolstred broad By no force to be tawde nor through with hard steele to be throad Him armour strong inclosde of finest mettall polisht wrought Such as by fierie puissant God yforgd you would haue thought Or by the monstrous Cyclops vast in smoldring Aetna caues The workman there sleepe clammering hills and liquid flouds ingraues Here shadowy darkesome woodes are set their shrubby salowes lowe Moreouer Themmes which with straight course into the sea doth goe And on that side whence Easterne windes with boistrous blastes do sweepe Were Seuerne grau'de and Trent two mighty floudes with chanells deepe Whose weried streames to th'greedy gulf of th' Ocean vast do passe On the vpper margent of the shining brestplate grauen was The shapes of mighty kinges and ginning of his auncient race Edward Plantagenet the fourth there had his royall place The liuely Image then and antike forme of Henry sixt Of mothers and of fathers side his grandsiers next were fixt Then Henry seuenth with loyall spouse adioynd in seates are stalde By name of royall Salomon most worthy to be calde For that he prudent was and godly eke which vertues twaine Unto a Princely Peer eternall fame deseru'd can gaine His sonne of yong and tender yeares the staring hellmethad Whom ruling here on earth dire death did enuie youthfull lad Two Princes virgines last by seuerall mothers brought to light Successours to the crowne so lawes and rites requirde by right Two royall chaires possest ingrau'd in crest of headpeece bright Where from his sturdy bow the king his flickering shaft did wrest All showting loude out cried that he therein exceld the best Or whither he with straining force did charge the shiuering speare He had agayne the prayse If valiant Hector liuing weare And now Achilles should assayle with gastly gleiue agayne Like force of thunderbole so he his sword with might did straine But to de short euen as their king the army all desires To be the like hye honours pricke their hautie stomackes siers Incensing more with courage great aduentures great to take The souldiour will be stout which vnder stout guide wars doth make Upon his armour honge a ves●…ure dect with pretious gemmes From vtmost Indies brought Emerauldes dazeling eyes with glemmes The Diamond shining Saphire eke and Iasper were infold His hangers guilt his sword hilts gold his buckler bosse of gold Or if that any thing then red gold were more pretious found And to be brief his gorgeous trappers gay and bitt linkes round Did cunning rare containe and cost which such a king beseemd The common sort thus richly dight him not a man esteemd But thought a God For God himselfe the heauenly monarch hie Will earthly Princes haue also in royall dignitie To be as Salomon in glittering ornamentes we know And now the sea which through the strait clifes rough with rage doth flow By blastes of prosperous westerne windes the Britaines ouer cast At Callice landing safe Refreshing toyles and labours past The king and all his warlike troupe their viandes gladlyer tast And now the dimme night weried corps all drouping layes to rest The greatest part do watch perplexing cares them so opprest Ech little stay or none to wights destrous seemes delay When Titan from the Easterne flouds with bright beames gan his way The dreadfull trompet soundeth shrill ech tooles in hand doth take And towardes coastes of Celtane kyng forthwith do iourney make Towardes the glistering beames of Titans flashing charriot bright There is an ample soyle amongst the Galls which Artoyse hight A frutefull plague for pasturing fieldes to feede the fleesie sheepe Abounding eke with loftie trees and bushie mountaines steepe There see we stand aloof with pompous houses Bulloine old On rough sea shore ybuilt with walls of hard rocke round infold In elder
ours to mightie Henries lore By poures celestialls sound decree That we to death be bore If thundring Ioue do thinke it good and Henry puissant Prince Command we must obey it were in vayne gainst pricke to wince Than how much nobler ist a high exploit with willing minde To vndertake then by constraint thereto to be assignde Us victors euerlasting fame and glory shall endure Howbeit but hard aduentures can true laude in deede procure And now attentiue marke I pray whereto this speach is made The king counsaile haue decreed that we shall first inuade And ransact enemies walls with ladders fierce assaulting clime This gratefull prouince after long request to me and mine Permitted was if euery one to take his chaunce be bent Than dout not but your Captaine I do promise good euent He whusted here with shoutes extold to starrs bring ladders calls Ech mariner starse Captaines threates can hold them from the walls With such desire of prayse and ardent loue of glory rought But godly Henry pondring much in minde him vnbethought Not so much waying warlike townes with rampier walls inclosde That with his men to certaine bale and drierie death reposde He would nor fortresd Cities rich nor kingdomes vast subdue UUherfore by strait edict from his pretence he Dudley drue Few dayes expired were when Bulloine of her owne accord All armour layd aside to Henry yeldes as lawfull Lord. The Frenchmen all themselues withdrue and gates wide open set UUith streaming murrtons glimmering bright adornd in Britaines let Sixe thousand Galls their antike seates all pensiue did forsake The walls with stately buildinges fayre and turretts Britaines take The warlike Castells strong with Captaines new yfenced were And certaine garrisons of men in stations settled there Lieutenant of the conquered towne the king that worthy Peere Assignd which of his mighty fleet did the protection beare Forthwith with primates garded swift he salt seas doth deuide And through the walloing wrastling waues to natiue land doth slide Lord Dudley his committed charge respectes with wondrous care Reuoluing much in thought in great foresight and all thinges bare And doth by secret pollicie the wielie Frankes preuent Sometime by fraude diminishing and weakning their entent Sometime in open fight prouoking them to bickering blowes Subduing Captiue some but more the goarie blade downe throwes No day past one in which no hard exploit he did atchiue UUhereby stout Dudleys name through th' world so wide swift Fame did And glory greater waxt renowned more in Celtane landes And higher he accepted was imbrast at Henryes handes driue Thrise golden Phoebe to her brothers lampe conioyned was When from the puissant Britaine guide a Legate forth did passe The Admirall to recall on weighty causes of this land The noble Order welcome him fast clasping hand in hand The Britaine springoldes fresh at his returne do shipp for glad Few monthes expirde swift fleeting Fame throughout this land did blab That Frenchmen had prepard of warlike shipps a nauy vast For to inuade the Britaine coastes and land with ruine wast Ech to defend prepares hye beacons built of fagotts light UUeare on the copped cliffes that kindled they giue warning might If on our shore the enemies fleet should steale in duskie night And landing downe with reaking flames our country hamletts cast Sols chariot bright with swift course had the head of Leo past UUhen Celtane nauy huge with boistrous blastes along are blowne The sea now shewd no sea if from a craggie steepe rocke one By chaunce vpon the floudes far vnderneath had cast his eyes Or like a shadowy groue or woode with okes which loftie rise It rather seemd to be or field with tall trees thicke ypight UUith salt sea waters compast round there lyes the I le of Wight where shearing Southwind glome with rough waues bounce the Britaine The enemies army vast in hollow hull is thither bore shore The grappling anker strong is cast out of the sterne before And with his whistle sounding hoarse a signe by master ginne And prudent with immortall prayse had Britaines haut contaynd Since he the mightie scepter of their happie kingdome bore UUhen that th' almightie Ioue by fatall sicknesse waring more Did warne him leaue this mortall life alak and waile a day How manie Brutes with blubbering teares their soft cheekes did beray How bitterly the Britaine states him-sick bewayling rued All England droupes bereft of ioy with trickling teares bedewd Phisition nought can vayle nor holsome herbes found in the field UUhich health accustomde wear tofore to mortall members yeeld No compound drugs could life prolong nor pleasaunt potions brought Alas to cure deaths drierie sting in vaine is phisicke sought Howbeit before his finall gasp because his tender heire Prince Edward yet was young he states assignde the rule to beare For a prescribed time of which Lord Dudley high renownd In royall tombe inclosde hys worthie corps did lay in ground With brinish teares Of funerall now sacred rightes right done By all the troupe of mightie Pieres on Edward prince his sonne In solempne pompe a pretious crowne of gold adorning round His temples faire was sett The Britaines all in duetie bound UUith one assent him lawfull king with reuerence great adore And heir legitimate to his sier The Earle of Hertford bore The title of Protector chiefe and by his nephewes grace The Duchie tooke of Somerset to him and ofsprong race His other vncle Seimer made Lord Admirall of his fleet But Dudley by the title he of Warwicke Earle dyd greet From whence his ancient progenie by long discent he drue The greatest mirrour of his stock and kindreds glorie true As euerie man in great reuenues floev with honor dewe So was he high extold and deckt with glorious title newe A wondrous troupe of royall Pieres the kinges court stately found And lookers on applauding loud with shoutes vp reard a sound All thinges haue limits true presirt Now pleasant pas●…imes past The counsaile causes of great waight reuoluing deepe did cast Of common weales affaires of ancient forts falne in decay They councell take aduisde of planting garrisons in a stay In certaine places weake and what auaild for common state But chiefly they respect'd the Scottish realme which bordering sate Eche in remembraunce had the plighted troth of Scottish Peeres which they had firmly vowd to bring to passe in former yeares Concerning linking fast their mayden prince in w●…dlocke bandes And wisht that so might be procurd the vnitie of two landes UUith euerlasting peace and endles truce thereon to spring wherfore when glittering Phoebe declinyng downe his beames did bring Into fayre Virgos fa●…e straight armed troupes of warriours sent They gree to Scottish soyle to be to know the Scotts intent Chief Captaines were assignd the Prince his eldest vncle deare And to him ioynt as mate the Warwicke Earle a puissant Peer Whom warlike glory hye of dreadfull Mars had made renownd And
hath flamde The lad the Phoenix might be calld the virgin Pallas namde Meane time with crooked age effeebled Henry yeldes the ghost whose death as hartes of Brutes it rent and mindes perplexing tost So doth his heyre apparant then with ioyes their brestes comfort Incensing them to solempne mirth and ioyes and pleasant sport Elizabeth reuenewes large takes by her fathers hest which her of yearely rentes beseeming her degree possest Of Princelike houses stately built and massie heapes of gold wherfore far from the royall Court in countrie she doth hold Herselfe alone accompanied with her most carefull guide A woman of great maiestie of noble bloud beside which alwayes in societie to this yong Impe was tide Admonishing with councell good and exhortations wise UUhat as conuenient she should brooke and what agayne despise Of twise seuen yeares the tender age she scarse had fully tract When that mature the virgin might for spousall rites exact when as behold with portlike trayne one vnkle to the king Himselfe vnto her Princely house in pompous sort did bring And doth the tender Lady bright with much ambition woe Forthwith through shame with blushing he we her eares did burning gloe ' Attending not what Hymen ment nor what this wooing Peere With earnest sute did pray Wherefore he parteth nothing neere But he insistes againe and vrgeth more his sute to winne Till from the princely Nimphe he had that finall answeare gin Declared by her gouernesse he labour lost in vayne More that it better were from his attemptes soone to abstayne That fixt it sute in royall brest of the high Lady bright Not to be linkt in wedlocke bandes to any Britaine wight Of Lordes estate forgetting not her father famous king And from what mightie auncestours she by discent did spring UUho would not here admire the noble courage of h●… minde Yet soft through tender yeares of roiall kinges the gentle kinde UUho would not wonder at her stomacke haue far from the lure Of Cupids how which offered bandes of wedlocke might procure Hereto accept wherefore she seelde out from her stately houres Proceedes or ruling Brother greetes or Londons pompous toures Doth ride to see lesse called forth on matters of great waight Unto the Prince his maiestie she then declming straight Th' almightie king of kinges doth pray for to preserue his grace Forthwith with swift course backe retiring to her dwelling place On pleasaunt hill erect which champion fieldes of Flora Queene Adiacent doth behold neere fountaines bright and riuers greene Beset with trembling Aspe and Beech and Okes of wondrous hight There Nightingales with chirping tunes melodious breede delight And whistling Throssell which frequentes the brierie shrubby thorne Hereunto studies such addict as chiefly might adorne The daughter of so geat a Prince with loue and laud of all UUere they estates of hye degree or meaner Fortunes thrall The royall Nimphe the sliding tract of her life doth contere UUhen sacred rites of funerall performde to Henry were UUhilell Phoebe thou with thy furious steedes whose nostrels sparkling Out blastes in heauenly pole sixt times the signes thou ouertakes flakes Sometimes she greeuous plaintes doth make of valiant Sire bereft Her selfe all left alone the ftckle worldes collusions left UUhich of the greatest part are wondered at and high extold In ciuill broiles and combrous toiles which doe themselues infold UUhereas from such vexations free they may at home remayne Sometime her spirits reuiues her brothers prosperous state againe Her future Destinie witting not procurde by powers deuine That she a regall port should beare and great in glory shine Amidst the troupes of Britaine Peeres though no●… she frequence hate In the seuenth yeare that royall Prince did yeeld to drierie Fate The vertuous Edward Britaines stay and comfort of their land The raynes of regall gouernment straight Mary takes in hund And popish trompery dregges establisht sets againe aloofe By Parliament confirming lawes new for the Popes behoofe Such as her famous brother had set downe extincted cleane Here straight a rablement of priestes with oile annointed gleene Throughout the land like Bacchanalles and fiers with red bloud feed If any godly were and Iesu lou'de he had for meed His bowels braild with scorching brandes and bones consumde to nought But some by warning sent from God for so beleue we ought And harkening to the powers deuine by fight their safegard sought Their natiue country Parentes deare and frendes forsaken quite UUhich chaunge succeeding Edwardes death a number did incite UUith heartes estraungd from Britaine soile to liue in forraine landes He fled in externe nations s●…rates he hating blouddy hands And rage of that massacring crue seekes meanes those euils to shunne UUhen here out out for shame a great com●…otion was begunne The deadliest rage and sharpest scourge that can on kingdomes fall Now these now those the quest attainted doth of treason call In prisons strong a wondrous rout of Brutus race were pent But manie more to glomy streames of Stigie lake were sent UUithin the mighty Tower as soone as Courtney Earle vp closde UUas to his certaine day of triall to descend reposde The glorious Prelate proud outragious wroth did fretting chaufe UUith troublous conscience vext subuersion dreading of thinges saufe UUhich were not to be feard Yea bitter Hatreds poysned sting Thee and thy state Elizabeth did in suspicion bring Of craced faith towardes the Crowne That thou deuoyd of cri●…e Hast liu'd whose brightnesse of the minde did so co●…uscant shine That Enuies eies with radiant beames it dazeled till this time At h swoln with ven●…bd malice fell the holy sort forgettes UUhich vile impatient crue with wrathfull anger furious frettes Till that the sielie lambe howbeit her keepers courteous were For God the wolues had driuen away ydrencht in deepe dispaire In prison close was kept all liberties freedome tane away That light affliction and this gentle penaunce did display The better knowledge of the Lord that so she might attaine UUisedome more deepe which trace of time to mortall men doth gaine Such like affliction mixt with griping cares thy graundsier olde To wondrous wisedome rare renowmed Henry seuenth extolde which of an other Salomon the noble name doth hold Euen as a date tree downe depres'd doth loftier lift her top And how much more with boistrous blastes Sir Aeol sturres to ●…op Her perching groth by so much more in hight she liftes her bowes So through backbiting viperous tongues the Lady nobler growes And whome pernitious Enuies peise downe keepes her Vertues light Through constant minde extolles to starrie region shining brigt Howbeit the vile masse mungring crue lamented at their hart That th' end expected had not tane their false and trecherous part Wherefore new guiles they do deferre vntill a time more fit And to themselues this kingdome vowe in hope if that it hit That in their secret trappes now laid the Britaine heire doe fall Mrane time their
white as winters snow tall pight His buttockes brode bespred his brest and backe most faire in sight As mightie Alexanders steede throughout the world renownd Bucephalus or courser fierce of Castor whom men sound Of Laedaes egge esprong this in all pointes resembling those So with his hoofes carreieing in the thinne aire swift he goes For of a stripling tought that arte by riders till this time He doth delight on loftie steedes all fierie fierce to clime UUhere when he came and license had to come vnto her sight On bended knees he prostrate falles and duetie doth aright Here Robert Dudley then of comely corpes and stature tall UUhome fresh and blooming youth commended goodly therewithall Assigned maister of the horse by her most royall grace Doth alwayes on her maiestie attend from place to place As often as she rides and like a true Achates kinde His mistres serues her person next insuing ioint behinde And takes for guerdon of his paynes and meede for vertue true An honourable name with large reuenewes thereto due with portlike houses faire and stately turretts huge in hight whome Leycester her Earle acknowledgeth and whom by right with honour one all Albion land doth worship and imbrace For he exalted vp aloft and set in royall place By lowly mind and courteous deedes hath wonne the Britaines heartes Pale Enuy and of mallice fell the sharpe and poysoned dartes The myndes uf many noble men with venome blacke bespott●… Howbeit this Peer is free from raging Enuies filing dropps He labreth all to helpe not damage on poore men to heape When that he can hath still redound vnto his glory great Most bountefull with stretched hand he allmes deuout doth giue Which aged and decrepit folkes erect'd for to reliue His hospitall at Warwicke shewes with annuall rentes thereto And Couentry can testifie where godly Preachers doe Continually the blessed word of hye Iehoue set downe To these annexed comes which Huntington with chief renowne Adornes and guidaunce great of Britaines Northarne borders large UUith Fame augmented high extolls wherof long time the charge UUith Counsaile rare much grauitie and faith vnspotted bore To him deserued prayse hath wonne and Princesse fauour more Increasd and natiue Countries peace and safetie made succeed He in his yong and tender yeares did auncient authors reed UUhich wisedome and Philosophie in Greeke or Latine tong Containde play mate to Edward Prince of auncient race esprong Of mighty kinges their bookes and grauer studies layd apart The Preachers word this Potentate hard with attentiue hart UUhose life with vertuous manners most coruscant glorious shind The Warwicke Earle renownd in armes of mighty Warwickes kind From noble stocke of Grandsiers old esprong of stomacke stout In skirmage grim despising death and glory seeking out More pretious then his life And Bedford Earle which Iustice seedes And godlynesse doth dayly sow religious in his deedes Professour true of Iesus Christ a fosserer of the sicke And needy soules in Counsaile both to Britaine Monarch sticke To these that mighty Lord renowmed Hunsden ioyntly ioynes whose noble aunt the gratious Queene deliuered from her loynes Espouso in Hymens sacred bandes to Henryes royall grace what should I all recite one yet remaynes who in this place Demeritts not with sinallest laud to be remembred here Of noble stocke of grandsiers old yet he himselfe a Peere Far more reno●… theri they Sir Henry Sidney prudent knight with the most noble order of the golden Garter dight whom Ireland thrise Embassadour holding the royall mace Hath seene and exceuting lawes set in his Ladies place Nor onely seene but felt yea feard and eke imbrac'd with loue That no man hath as true report and fame the same can proue That Region entred in with greater fauour of the same Gouernde in greater awe or with more wailyng from it came Nor onely externe Irish coastes his noble laud resound But Wales on part of Albion land which doth on Seuerne bound Seuerne a mighty floud which twixt the borders sliding flowes Her Presidentes most worthy prayse with trompe of Fame out blowes Under whose prudent gouernement she long hath florisht free From daunger that it doubtfull seemes where they more happy he Beyng there President exult or equall Iudge reioyse Long since renowmd Elizabeth Fraunce hard his sugred voyce Thy Legate being than of goodly stature comely sett Nor Pary shall I thee ydrencht in Lethe floudes forgett Which in extreme aduersitie a faithfull counsailour wast When Fortune had not yet the crowne vpon thy Lady cast And shewdst thy selfe a seruaunt true which safetie didst respect Of thy deare mistresse when thou didst those traitours guiles detect Into this sacred company the Duke of Northfolke chose Euen in the floure of all his time his vitall breath did lose Smith both with pregnant witt adornd commended eke beside With all the noble sciences whose councell hath bene tride Both iust and sound by destinies tane doth closd in Tombe abide Let here Syr Frauncis Knolls obtaine his seat amongst the rout A man of wondrous constancie religious graue a stout Defendour of the fayth who least he should destruction dire Behold and godly men consumde with scorching brands of fire The blouddy English Clergy then incenst with outrage fell He fled his natiue soyle in externe costes and those to dwell Amongst the Germaines rather there to read a lothsome life In mestiue grief and there to dye then painted Idols rife In sacred temples see Nor happy England had at all Him backe retournd beheld nor rich possessions home could call But that renownd Elizabeth her fathers regall crowne Most glorious did sustaine on whom her neace in duetie bownd Sir Frauncis loyall spouse attendant serud at euery 〈◊〉 The valiant courage of their mynde his auncestours did deck Aboue three hundred winters past and corps most goodly pight With dread not to be daunted when of yore that mighty knight Edward the third did blouddy warres agaynst the Celtanes reare Then doughtie Knolls most valiantly himselfe in armes did beare And did atchiue such hard exploites as may the myndes delight Of such as reed our Cronicles whose noble ofspring bright Yet florishing at this day shall make their nephewes yet to cente To florish more if mighty Ioue which sitts in highest rome The godlines and righteous minde of the aged Siet regard Next Ambrose Caue insues Then Hatton which the Princes gard Of yeoman call doth lead with chearefull hart to Studentes pore A liberall Moecenas none Religion fauouring more What should I tell the giftes ingraft within his vertuous mynde Or sharpnes of his witt if cause you vrge it out to finde In hearing of the Senate graue with what mellifluous phrase And dulcett voyce he speakes how louing he doth all imbrace And puissant men couragious doth affect and hurtes no wight Ralfe Sadler with his penne and Gwalter Mildmay scanning right The
Valloy●… The Bridge a Paris built b●… the English campe in tw●… dayes Phaeton th●… sonne of Ph●… bus by misgouernyng his fathers chariot●… had almost burn the whole world The Britaine proceeding●… to Callice pitch their tentes neare the forrest of Cr●…sse or Cr●…ssey Valoys Insu●… eth the English army with a grea●… boost King Edwardes exhortation t●… his souldiou●… before th●… battaile 〈◊〉 English battailes placed The first battaile was led by the Prince of VValles beyng but xviii yeares of age The king causeth his army to retire neare the woode to auoyde backe oss●… The French●… 〈◊〉 ●…king the 〈◊〉 to hau●… fled insues and assailes them The horses of the Frenchmen hurt with arrowes throw their riders and breake the rayes The noblest of the French army 〈◊〉 slayne The Duke of ●…orreine The Duke of Alanson or Dalanson The king and 〈◊〉 Eddward his sonne fight valiantly Thirtie thousand Prench men s●…yne Valois seeing such slaughter of his men flyeth The Britaine victor Mutabilis alea Martis The next da●… after the battaile the Frenchmen gathered them selues againe who by these thre●… Ba●…les of VVarwike Huntington and Northampton were clean●… subuerted distroyed Callice besieged Dauid king of Scottes 〈◊〉 instigation 〈◊〉 the French king inuad●… England Prince Edward and the ●…ench kyng oyne battaile ●…care 〈◊〉 King Iohn ●…aken There were ●…ken in this ●…attade at Poytiers ●…500 of the ●…iefest of all ●…aunce The two ●…inges Dauid of Scotland ●…nd Iohn of ●…aunce 〈◊〉 with ●…he rest of the ●…aptiues Edward the 〈◊〉 dyeth ●…efore the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 one ●…f the three ●…adies of 〈◊〉 whiche ●…tts the ●…ed of mans 〈◊〉 ●…ward the ●…ther dyeth ●…ichard the ●…cond began 〈◊〉 raigne ●…377 〈◊〉 Go●… desse of Battaile Iustes 〈◊〉 nyng at the Tilt between Englimen fo●…reyners Foure and twenty Britayne Pee●… prouoke as many as will come Southfield Most in 〈◊〉 ber ●…oth the Englishmen and ●…einers be●…aues them●…elues stoutly Iohn of Ga●… Duke of Lancaster desired aide of king Ri●…o inuado spaigne Gaunt The aunswee●… of king Ri. Spaigne inuaded by the Duke of Lancaster The Sp●…nvard ●…teth For peace Peace graunted Constāce the Dukes eldest daughter ma●…ed to the kyng of Spayne Anne the second daughter to the kyng of 〈◊〉 An insolent challenge of 〈◊〉 Sco●… 〈◊〉 the Englishmen The 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Torney Ireland sub●… by ky●…g Richard Henry the fourth began to raigne 1●…99 Henry 〈◊〉 fi●…t succedeth his father 1412. Henry banisheth from the Court all his leude cōpanions left they should corrupt him by their euill counsell Legates sent into Fraunce to require the king of Englandes right The Oration or speech of th●… English Legate The reply of the king of Fraunce Henry sayleth into Fraunce Seine a mightie ●…uer 〈◊〉 from a 〈◊〉 floweth by Roan ●…nd through a great part of Fraunce at length falleth in at Ca●… or K●…d Ca●… where are two strong townes Henry goeth agayne into Fraunce Henry offreth the Dolphin battaile which he refuseth Henry taken with a feuer The speach of Henry before his death Henry in his death bed committe●… his h●…yre H●…ry with hi●… wife Queen●… Catherine to his brothers and exho●…teth the●… to loue and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Henry the sixt his 〈◊〉 was crowned at Paris 1422. For the. Duke of yorke claimed the crown whose sonne and heire Edward Earle of ●…h afterward ' obtained it by name of Ed●…ward the fourth VVilliam cōquerour first Duke of Normandie At S. Albons was foght the first battaile betweene kyng Henry and the Duke of Yorke Blore heath field 2. The onse●… giuen valiand by the Asc●… Duke of B●…●…layne Some of 〈◊〉 nobles of Fraunce s●…yne 〈◊〉 God o●… 〈◊〉 ●…l these cit●…tances ex●…ressed in son ●…y places ●…ane no●…ing els but ●…e dyed as ●…ndyng to ●…utoes king●…es to 〈◊〉 the riuers 〈◊〉 c. The Citizens ●…f London ●…eaue home ●…e kyng ●…th great solempnitie ●…o in like ma●…er doe the 〈◊〉 ●…vgismunds ●…he Empe●…our cōmeth ●…o England ●…o treat a ●…ce be●…weene kyng 〈◊〉 and ●…he French ●…yng ●…he speach of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●…halfe of 〈◊〉 Frankes The Frenchmen viola●… their 〈◊〉 Sygismond 〈◊〉 Henry strike a league during their 〈◊〉 Sygismond departeth The kyng of England reneweth his warres in Fraunce Many townes in Normandie subdued Roane besieged Eight dayes truce ●…ded Englishmen goe to inhabite Harflu their owne country left Bridges 〈◊〉 Some Henry was aduertise 〈◊〉 a great 〈◊〉 of French●… approching Sol the sunne Henry a little before night calleth his Lordes to Counsaile as concernyng their daunger through the multitude of their enemies Thetis Goddesse of the sea vsed for the Sea A stratageme o●… sleight to intrapt the the enemy by fraude The English army set in order Henry rising out of his bed prayeth God to ayde him The Duke of Yorke beseecheth the king that he might lead the forefront of the batt●…e The kyng graunted the Duke of Yorke the con lucting of the forefront The Earle of Suffolke The Earle of VVarwicke The kyng of England exhorteth his souldiours to fight At Northa●…ton was foughten the third battaile where the kyng was taken prisoner in the field The fourth famous battaile was at VVakefield where the Queenes pow et slue the Duke of York with his sonne the Earle of Rutland and destroyed his hoast The fift battaile fought at S. Albons againe where in the Queene discomfited her enemies and deliuered her husband The battaile at Exam fought betweene Eddward the fourth and the Lord Mo●… tague lieuetenaunt of the North to recouer the crowne for kyng Henry the sixt The battailes at Banbury Barnet Todeastell and Teuxbury were fought in Edward the fourthes dayes Henry Earle of Richmond at Bosworth slue Richard the third beyng third brother of Edward the fourth and then maried the Lady Elizabeth daughter to kyng Edward and obtaineth the crowne he first ioyned the houses of Lancaster and Yorke beyng long tyme at variaunce ●…try 〈◊〉 509. A great expedition into Frantic●… ●…ir Rice ap Thomas Turwyn 〈◊〉 Maximilian the Emperour se●…ues kyng Henry for pay Turwyn wonne Tornay rendred payes the king ten thousand duckets for yearely rent VVhilst kinge Henry is busie in Fraunce Iames King of Scottes inuadeth England Lord Haward admirall and his brother in blacke harnish The Scott had pitcht then tents on flodden hill Iames king of Scots slain and all his armie discomfited A Scottish legate comes into England The Scots ●…reaking into ●…ngland ●…ore Carlile VVharton with two M. ●…uldiours ●…bdues the ●…cots and ●…uts them to ●…ght ●…ames King of ●…cots swim●…ing ouer a ●…uer as some ●…y was drow ●…ed The Chiefest 〈◊〉 Scotland ●…aken priso●…ers sent to ●…he Towre The clemen of King Hery The oration of the Scottish Captiu●… to King He●… rie King Henryes ●…cence The Scots set ●…t freedome and pardoned without any ●…aunsome on them The S●…ts d●… h●…t the Queene 〈◊〉 m●…ying h●… daughter to the Englishe Prince Edward 〈◊〉 of He●…forde and Iohn Dudley Lord admi●…all with a nauy of ship