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A02855 The first part of the life and raigne of King Henrie the IIII. Extending to the end of the first yeare of his raigne. Written by I.H.; Historie of the life and raigne of Henry the Fourth Hayward, John, Sir, 1564?-1627. 1599 (1599) STC 12995; ESTC S103908 104,716 160

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These three Earles were the chiefest strength to the side but the Duke bare the most stroke because he was most bolde and his greatnesse almost obscured the names of the rest On the other side the king thinking separate dealing the onely way to weaken a confederacy endeuoured to preuent the lordes in ioyning of their forces and to that end he sent a strength of men with charge either to set vpon the earle of Arundell where he did lie or to intercept him in his passage towardes the Duke But the Earle had traueiled all the night before their comming and so happily escaped to Haringey parke where he found the Duke and the other Earles with a sufficient company as well to make attempt as to stand vpon resistance When the king heard hereof he was disturbed and distracted in minde being now in choise either to relent or to resist whereof he much disdained the one and distrusted the other His followers also were diuided in counsell some fretting at the disgrace and some fainting at the daunger The Archbishop of York perswaded the king that occasion was now offered to shew himselfe a King indeed if he would muster a royall armie and by maine might beat downe the boldnesse of this presumption NIHIL DICTV FACILIVS sayd another This is more readily deuised thē done the army against vs is mighty and the commanders are great men both for courage and skill and greatly fauoured of the common people whereby that which is accompted so ready pay may chaunce to prooue a desperate debt Therefore it were better with some yeelding to enter into conditions of quiet then by standing vpon high points of honour to hazard the issue of a battaile wherein the King cannot winne without his weakning not loose without daunger of his vndoing There was then in presence a certaine olde Knight called Sir Hugh Linne a good Souldier but a very mad-cap one that liued chiefely vpon the liberalitie of noble men by vaine iestes affecting the grace of a pleasant conceite of him the King demaunded in mirth what he thought best to be done Sir Hugh swore swownes and snayles let vs set vpon them and kill euery man and mothers childe and so we shall make riddaunce of the best friendes you haue in the Realme this giddie answere more weighed with the King then if it had beene spoken in graue and sober sport and thus it often happeneth that wisedome is the more sweetly swallowed when it is tempored with folly and earnest is the lesse offensiue if it bee deliuered in iest In the end the deuise of raysing armes was laide aside not as displeasing being so agreable to former proceedings but as despayring to preuaile thereby and the Archbishop of Canterburie with the Bishop of Ely being Lord Chaunceller were sent vnto the Lordes to vnderstand the cause of their assemblie answere was made that it was for the safetie of themselues the honour of the King and the ouerthrow of them which sought the ouerthrow of both At the last it was concluded by mediation of the Bishops that the Lordes should come before the King at Westminster vpon promise of his protection and there haue audience concerning their griefes the Bishop of Ely also making priuat faith that he would discouer any danger that he could discrie a little before the time they should come the Bishoppe of Ely sent word of an awaite that was purposed to be layed for them at a place called the Mewes neere London aduising thē either to make stay or to come prepared but rather to make stay least further prouocation might make reconcilement more hard hereupon they came not at the time appointed and the King maruailing at their failance enquired the cause of the Bishop of Ely who aunswered that the Lords found want of true meaning that they neither did nor durst repose assuraunce in the Kings word which they saw to bee vsed as a meanes to entrape them the King made the matter verie strange vnto him affirming with an oath that hee was free from deceite both in consent and knowledge and in a great rage he commaunded the Sherifes of London to goe to the place and slay all those whome they found there in a waite Whether this was but a countenance of his or whether he was not priuie to the practise it is not assuredly knowne and in deede the matter was not false but the place mistaken for Sir Thomas Triuet and Sir Nicholas Brambre had assembled many armed men at Westminster with direction to assault the Lordes at their best aduantage but perceiuing their deceite to be discouered they dissolued the companie and sent them secretely away to London Then the Lordes vpon new faith for their securitie came to the King at Westminster and yet in faith they brought securitie with them such troupes of men as in a place where they were so entirely fauoured was able to defend them in any suddaine tumult or daunger the King vpon their comming entred into Westminster Hall apparelled in his royall robes and when he was placed in his seate and had composed himselfe to maiestie and state the Bishop of Ely Lord Chaunceller made a long Oration to the Lordes in the Kings name Wherein he declared the heinousnesse of their offence the greatnesse of their perill how easie a matter it had beene for the King to haue leuied a power sufficient to distroy them and yet for the generall spare of his subiectes bloud and in particular fauour to the Duke and other Lords he made choyse to encounter and ouercome them rather by friendship then by force and therefore was willing not only to pardon their ryote but also to heare their griefes and in a peaceable and quiet manner to redresse them The Lordes alleaged for causes of their taking armes first the necessitie of their owne defence secondly the loue both of the King and of the Realme whose fame and fortune did dayly decline by meanes of certaine traytors who liued onely by the dishonours of the one and decayes of the other those whom they challenged for traytors were Robert Veere Duke of Ireland Alexander Neuill Archbishop of Yorke Michaell Delapoole Earle of Suffolke Robert Trisiliane Lord chiefe Iustice Sir Nichol●s Brambre and certaine others somewhat secreter but nothing better and to iustifie this appeale they threw downe their gloues and offered themselues to the triall by combate The king replied that often times the causes of actions being good yet if the meanes want moderation and iudgement the euents proue pernicious and therefore though these complaints were true yet were these courses not tollerable which did beare an open face of rebellion and by licentiousnesse of the multitude might soone haue sorted to such an end for it is more easie to raise the people then to rule them whose furie once stirred will commonly be discharged some wayes But sayd he since we haue broken this broile we will not by combatting giue occasion of a new but at
the next parliament which he appointed should begin the third day of February then next ensuing as well you as they shall be present and iustice indifferently done vnto all In the meane time he tooke all parties into his protection that none should endanger or endammage another desiring the Lordes to beare in minde that as princes must not rule without limitation so subiectes must vse a meane in their libertie Then he caused the duke and the Earles which all this time kneeled before him to arise and went with them into his priuate Chamber where they talked a while and drunke familiarly together afterwards with a most friendly farwell he licenced them to depart They of the contrarie faction were not present at this meeting and if they had it was thought that the presence of the King should little haue protected them This act of the King was diuers waies taken some iudged him fearefull others moderate rather in sparing the bloud of his subiectes The Lordes were verie ioyfull of his good-will and fauour which as by base or bad meanes they would not seeke so being well gotten they did highly esteeme Yet they thought it the safest course not to seperate themselues suspecting the mutabilitie of the King and the malice of their enemies of whome they knewe neither where they were nor what they did entend and being men of great wealth and great power and greatly bent to hurtfull practises they were feared not without a cause for the Duke of Ireland either by setting on or sufferance of the King was all this time mustering of Souldiours out of Cheshire and Wales where hee gathered an armie both for number and goodnesse of men sufficient if another had beene generall to haue maintained the side When the Lordes were aduertised hereof they deuided themselues beset all the waies by which the Duke should passe to London determining to encounter him before he did increase his power and countenance his actions with the puissance or name of the King At the last he was met by the Earle of Derby at a place called Babbelake neere to Burforde and there the Earle put his men in array resoluing with great boldnesse to hazard the battaile his Souldiers also were ful of courage and hart disliking nothing more then delay as a loosing of time and a hinderance to the victorie but the Duke being a man not fit for action yet mutinous and more apt to stirre strife then able to stint it vpon newes of an enemie would presently haue fled There was then in the armie as a principall Commaunder one Sir Thomas Molineux Constable of Cheshire a man of great wealth and of good proofe in seruice vpon whose leading all that countrie did depend he perswaded the Duke that this was but a part of the forces that were against them and led onely by the Earle of Derby a man of no speciall name at that time among the Lordes and if they could not beare through that resistance it was but in vaine to attempt any great atchiuement by armes Hereupon the Duke stayed his steps but his faint spirits were mooued by this speech rather to desire victory then to hope it his souldiers also were dul silent sad and such as were readier to interpret then execute the captaines commandement So they ioyned battell but scarse ten ounces of bloud was lost on both sides before the duke of Ireland set spurres to his horse and forsooke the field His souldiers seeing this threw away their vnfortunate weapons more for indignation then for feare ruffling their rancks and yeelding to the Earle the honour of the field Sir Thomas Molineux in flying away was forced to take a Riuer which was neere and as he was comming foorth againe a certaine Knight whose name was Sir Thomas Mortimer pulled off his helmet and stabbed him into the braines with his dagger The rest submitted themselues to the discretion of the victorours making them lords ouer their life and death but their yeelding was no sooner offered then it was accepted the Earle presently commaunding that none should be harmed but those that did make resistance or beare armour the Souldiours also being willing to shew fauour towardes their countreymen as ledde into this action partly vpon simplicitie partly to accompany these which came vpon feare Then the Gentlemen were still reteined in the Earles company the common souldiers were dispoiled of their armour onely and so returned againe to their peaceable businesse at home And this was the first acte whereby reputation did rise to the side and the greatnes began whereunto the Earle afterwards attained The Duke of Ireland at the beginning of his flight was desirous to haue passed the riuer which ranne by and comming to a bridge he found the same broken from thence he posted to another bridge which he found guarded with Archers At the last his fearefulnesse being feared away as nothing maketh men more desperate vpon a doubtfull danger then feare of that which is certaine he aduentured to take the streame in the midst wherof he forsooke his horse and swam to the other side and so by benefit of the night escaped and fled into Scotland and shortly afterpassed the seas into Flanders and from thence traueiled into France where the continuall gall of his griefe soone brought his loathed life to an end His horse was taken with his brest-plate his helmet and his gauntlets whereupon it was generally supposed that he was drowned and as in great vncerteineties it often happeneth some affirmed that they sawe his death which men either glad to heare or not curious to search did easily beleeue whether this were thus contriued of purpose or fell so out by chance it was a great meanes of his escape by staying the pursute after him which otherwise had bene made His coach also was taken and certaine of the Kings letters found wherein he desired the Duke to come to London with all the power and speede hee could make and he would be ready to die in his defence so vnskilfull was he in matters of gouernment that to pleasure a few he regarded not the discontentment of all the rest The Earle of Suffolke vpon this accident shaued his beard and in base and disguised attire fled to Calice and either for feare or for shame neuer after returned into England he was a cruell spoiler and a carelesse spender in war contemptible in peace in supportable an enemie to all cousaile of others and in his owne conceite obstinatly contentious of a good wit and ready speach both which hee abused to the cunning commending of himselfe and crafty deprauing of others he was lesse loued but better heard of the King then the Duke of Ireland the more hurtful man the more hateful the Duke beeing charged with no great fault but onely the Kings excessiue fauour in their course of good and bad fortune both of them were famous alike Also the Archbishop of Yorke Iustice Trisiliane and
Holland his brothers Sonne Duke of Surrey Edward Duke of Aumerle Iohn Montacute Earle of Salisbury Hugh Spencer Earle of Glocester Iohn Bishoppe of Caerliele Sir Thomas Biunt and Magdalen one of King Richards Chappell who in all poyntes both of feature and fauour so neerely resembled King Richard that the Lordes dissembled afterwardes that hee was King Richard indeed These and some others were highly feasted by the Abbot and after dinner they withdrewe themselues into a secret Chamber to counsaile heere the Duke of Exceter who was moste hotly bent eyther to restore or to reuenge the cause of his deposed brother declared vnto the rest the alleageance that they had sworne vnto King Richard the honours and 〈◊〉 whereunto they were by him aduaunced that therefore they were bounde both in conscience by the one and in kindnesse by the other to take his part against all men that king Henry contrary to both had dispoyled him of his royall dignity and vniustly possessed himselfe thereof whilest they stood looking on and shewed neyther the obedience of subiectes nor loue of friendes as though they were men who knewe to doe any thing better then to defend and if neede were to dye for theyr lawfull Prince and louing patron that king Henrie by violent inuading or fraudulent insinuating himelse into the kingdome of his naturall and leige Prince was but a tyrant and vsurper and such a one as it was lawfull for any man by any meanes to throw downe without respect whether he were a good man or euill for it is lawfull for no man vpon pretence and shewe of goodnesse to draw soueraignty vnto himselfe that the lawes and examples of best gouerned common wealthes did not onely permit this action but highly honoured it with statues and garlandes and tytles of nobility and also rewarded it with all the wealth of the suppressed tyrant that this enterprize would be very profitable and almost necessarie to the common wealth by extinguishing those warres which the Scots menaced the Frenchmen prepared and the Welshmen had already begun vpon this occasion and quarrell that he did not distrust but it might be accomplished by open armes but he thought it more sure for them and for the common wealth more safe to put first in proofe some secret policie and to that purpose he deuised that a solemne Iustes should be challenged to be kept at Oxforde in Christmasse holydayes betweene him and twentie on his part and the Earle of Salisburie and twentie on his part to which king Henrie should be inuited and when he was most intentiue in regarding their militarie disport he should sodainlie be surprized by men which without suspition might at that time be assembled both for number and preparation sufficient for the exployt and thereby King Richard presently bee restored both to his liberty and to his state This deuise was no sooner vttered then allowed and applauded of the rest of the confederates and so resoluing vpon the enterprize they tooke an oath vpon the Euangelistes the one to be true and secret to the other euen to the houre and point of death the Lords also made an Indenture sextipartite wherein they bound themselues to doe their best assay for the death of the one king and deliuerance of the other this they sealed and subscribed and deliuered to euery Lord a counter pane of the same and further they concluded what forces should be gathered by whome howe they should be ordred and placed and to whose trust the execution should be committed When all thinges were thus contriued and theyr hungry ambitious mindes were well filled with the vaine winds of hope and desire the Duke of Exceter came to the king at Windsore and desired him for the loue that he bare to the noble feares of Cheualry that he would vouchsafe to honour with his presence the martiall exercise that was appointed betweene him and the Earle of Salisbury and to be the iudge of theyr performances if any controuersie should arise The king supposing that to be intended indeed which was pretended in shew easily yeelded to his request The Duke supposing his purpose now halfe performed departed to his house and so did the other confederates where they busily bestirred themselues in raysing men and preparing horse and armour for the accomplishment of thys acte When the Dutchesse of Exceter king Henries Sister perceiued the drift of the deuise and saw that the Duke was vppon his iourney alas good Lady howe was shee distracted in minde with a sharpe conflicte of her conceiptes one waye she was mooued with nature towardes her brother another waye shee was more strongly stirred with loue towards her Lord and husband and both wayes shee was deuided in dutie And what sayd shee is this loue then against nature or about it shall I bee vndutifull to my Prince or is no dutie comparable to the dutie of a wife heigh ho in what perplexities wretched woman am I plunged to see my two deerest friends in this case of extremitie that it is doubtfull which but certainlie one must be ruined by the other Heerewith such a shower of teares streamed downe her cheekes that it drowned her speech and stopped the passage of further complaint which when the Duke espyed hee stepped vnto her and seazing softlie vppon her hand vsed these wordes What Besse is it kindnesse to me or kindred to your brother that thus hath set your eyes on floate Content your selfe woman for whatsoeuer the euent shall be it cannot bee euill to you nor worse to me then now it is For if my purpose preuaile and my brother bee restored againe to his crowne both of vs shall be sure neuer to decline if it bee preuented and your brother continue still in his estate no harme shall be doone vnto you and I shall be then sure of that distruction which I doe now continually dread the feare whereof in expecting is a greater torment then the paine in suffering When hee had thus saide hee kissed her and so leauing her to the torture of a thousand thornie thoughts he tooke his iorney towards Oxforde with a great company both of Archers and Horsemen There he sound all the rest of his complices well armed and banded except onely the Duke of Aumerle The King also hearing that both the Challengers and defendants were in a readinesse determined the daye following to ride to Oxforde according to his promise and appointment Now the confederates much maruailed at the stay of the Duke of Aumerle some onely blamed his slacknesse others began to suspect it euery man coniectured as he was diuersly affected betweene confidence and feare and in this confusion of opinions they sent vnto him in poste to knowe the certaine truth Before the messenger came to the Duke hee was departed from Westminster towards Oxford not the direct way but went first to see his Father the Duke of York and carried with him his counterpane of the Indenture of confederacy As they sate at dinner the
to relent they decreased euery daye more and more both in power and in hope King Henrie the next morning after hee was come to the Tower sent to the Maior of the Citie to put Souldiours in armes for his resistance who presentlye presented vnto him three thousand Archers and three thousand bill men besides those that were appointed for defence of the Citie The King spent vpon him many good speeches and liberally loaded him with promises and thanks and soone after he issued out of London with twentie thousand tall men and came to Hounslowe Heath abiding there and as it were da●ing his enemyes to ioyne issue in the field contemning theyr disorderlye multitude as a vayne terrour of names without forces But the confederates eyther for feare of the Kings power or for distrust of theyr owne or else lingring perhappes after some succour out of Fraunce refused the encounter and doubtfull it is whether they shewed greater courage in setting vp the danger or cowardise in declining it when it was presented vnto them So they departed from Colebrooke to Sunnings a place neere Redding where Queene Isabell King Richardes wife did then abyde to whom vppon the plaine trueth before declared fame had falslye descanted that King Richard was escaped out of prison and did lye at Pomfret with a hundred thousand armed men and that King Henrie for feare of him was fledde with his children and friendes to the Tower of London All which was as lightlye beleeued as it was vainlye toulde wherevppon shee defaced King Henries armes and plucked away his cognisance from those his seruants that attended vppon her and hauing in some sorte satisfied her womannish anger with this harmelesse spight she and the Lordes departed together first to Wallingforde and from thence to Abington stirring the people by the waye to take armour and to rise in ayde of king Richard who was saide they and is and should be their Prince At the last they came to Chichester and there the Lordes tooke theyr lodgings the Duke of Surrey and the Earle of Salisburie in one Inne the Duke of Exceter and the Earle of Gloucester in another and all the hoast encamped in the fields But the Bayliffe of the towne suspecting all this countenance to be but the vaine flashe of a false fire did in the night with about foure score Archers beset and set vpon the house where the Duke of Surrey and the Earle of Salisburie laye who were men but of weake resistance by nature but being put vpon necessitie shewed great manhood and persistance in defending themselues against the townsmen The Duke of Exceter and the Earle of Gloucester being in another Inne were not able by force to rescue their associates wherevpon a certaine Priest of their companye set diuers houses in the towne on fire supposing thereby to diuert the townsmen from theyr assault to the sauing of their houses and of their goods but this fire greatly inflamed their furie and made them more obstinate in their attempt crying out that they would neuer labour to rescue their losses but to reuenge them and that with the bloud of the Lordes those flames should be quenched Then there arose confused clamours and noyses all the towne being in an vproare and in armes shooting fiercelie and running vpon the Lords with a rashe and desperate rage not caring to loose many wherof they had many to spare When the Earle of Exceter and they that were with him perceiued the force of the assaylants daungerouslie to encrease and that it was impossible for a few to susteine the furie of so many so obstinately bent they fledde out of the backe side towards the campe intending to bring the whole army to the rescue but the soldiers hauing heard a tumu●● and seeing fire within the towne supposed that the King was entred with all his puisance whereupon being strooke with a sodaine and false feare and wanting a commaunder of courage to confirme them they ran away and dispearsed themselues without measure and so whilest euery man endeuoured to saue himselfe all were brought to theyr confusion Thus the Duke of Surrey and the Earle of Salisbury the Lords Gentlemen which were in their company were left to defend themselues against the townsemen as they coulde who manfully maintained the fight with great bloudshed of theyr enemies from midnight vntill three of the clocke the next day in the after noone at the last being inferiour both in number and fortune the Duke and the Earle were wounded to death and taken and the same euening theyr heades were stricken off and sent to London there were also taken Sir Bennet Shelley Sir B●●nard Brokas Sir Thomas Blunt and 28. other Lordes Knights and Gentlemen who were sent to Oxford where the King then lay and there were put to execution The Duke of Exceter when he found the army dispersed and fled fled likewise with Sir Iohn Shelley into Essex lamenting the certaine destruction which his rashnesse had procured to himselfe and to his friends but moste especially to King Richard if not as a party yet as a cause of this vnhappy tumult many times he did attempt to haue escaped by sea into Fraunce but he was alwayes driuen backe by distresse of weather and so wandring and lurking in secret places hee was at the last attached as hee sat at supper in a certaine friendes house and led to Plashy and there shortly after beheaded so that a man might probably con●ecture that the death of the Duke of Glocester was then brought in reckoning who by his counsell and contryuance chiefly in the same place had been apprehended An excellent example for all those which measure their actions eyther by their pleasure or by their power that reuenge of iniurious dealing although it be prolonged yet doth neuer faile but commeth surely although perhappes slowly This duke was a man of high parentage of a franke minde and wealth answerable thereunto openly praise● worthy but his secret actions were hardly spoken of he was of consent to all his brothers vices and of counsaile to many yet somewhat the more close and vigilant man and not so much partaker of his prosperity as violently carried with the current of his misery The Earle of Gloucester fled towardes Wales but was forelayed and taken and beheaded at Bristow Magdalen● the counterfeite of King Richard flying into Scotland was apprehended and brought to the Tower and afterward hanged and quartred with W. Ferby another of King Richards Chapleines Diuerse other Lordes and Knights and Gentlemen and a great number of meane and base persons were in other places put to death insomuch as the King though otherwise of a very temperate and intreatible nature seemed to shew too hard and haughty dealing in reuenging his owne iniury or rather maintaining the iniury he had done the heads of the chiefe conspiratours were pitched vpon poles and set ouer London Bridge in all other partes of the realme a spectacle both lamentable and
to the noble Prince Henrie the seuenth Henrie Plantagenet Earle of Derby was likwise by his mother Bla●ch extracted from the bloud of Kngs being discended from Edmund the second sonne of King Henrie the third by which line the D●chie of Lancaster did ●●cre●e vnto his house Hee was a man of meane stature well proportioned and formally compact of good strength and agilitie of body skilfull in armes and of a ready dispatch ioyntly shewing himselfe both earnest and aduised in all his actions Hee was quicke and present in conceite forward in attempt couragious in execution and most times fortunate in euent There was no great place of imployment and charge which hee would not rather affect for glorie then refuse either for peril or for paines and in seruice hee often prooued himselfe not onely a skilfull commaunder by giuing directions but also a good Souldier in vsing his weapon aduenturing further in person sometimes then policie would permit his expences were liberall and honourable yet not exceeding the measure of his receiptes he was verie courteous and familiar respectiuely towards all men whereby hee procured great reputation and regarde especially with those of the meaner sort for high humilities take such deepe roote in the mindes of the multitude that they are more strongly drawne by vnprofitable curtesies then by 〈◊〉 benefits In all the changes of his estate he was almost one and the same man in aduersitie neuer daunted in prosperitie neuer secure reteining still his maiestie in the one and his mildnes in the other neither did the continuance of his Raigne bring him to a proude port and stately esteeming of himselfe but in his latter yeares he remained so gentle faire in cariage that therby chiefely hee did weare out the hatred that was borne him for the death of King Richard He could not lightly be drawne into any cause was stiffe constant in a good Yet more easie to be either corrupted or abused by flattering speeches then to be terrified by threats To some men he seemed too greedie of glorie making small difference of the meanes whereby he attained it and indeede this humour in noble minds is most hardly ouer-ruled and oftentimes it draweth euen the 〈…〉 But before I proceede any further in describing either the qualities or actes of this Earle I must write something of the Raigne of King Richard the second his cosin germaine so farre forth as the follies of the one were either ca●fer or furtherances of the fortunes of the other Richard sonne to Edward Prince of Wales a little before deceased was after the death of King Edward the thirde Crowned King ouer this Realme of England in the eleuenth yeare of his age at which yeares the minde of man is like to the po●●teis earth apt to bee wrought into any fashion and which way so euer it hardneth by custome it will sooner breake then bend from the same Now the gouernaunce of the King at the first was comitted to certaine Bishops Earles 〈◊〉 and Iustices But either vppon 〈…〉 the King or negligence to discharge their dutie 〈…〉 was more ready with pleasant 〈◊〉 to delight 〈◊〉 then with profitable counsaile to doe him good for smooth and pleasing speaches neede small endeauour and alwaies findeth fauour whereas to aduise that which is meete is a point of some paines and many times● thanklesse office Herr● vpon two daungerous euils did 〈…〉 In and priuate respects did passe vnder publike 〈◊〉 In the thirde yeare of his Raigne it was thought meete that this charge should be committed to one man to auoide thereby the vnnecessarie wast of the treasure of the Realme by allowing yearely stipend vnto many So by the whole consent of the nobilitie and commons assembled together in Parliament this office was deputed to Lord Thomas Beauchampe Earle of Warwicke and a competent pension was assigned him out of the Kings Eschequer for his paines But the King being now plunged in pleasure did i●●●deratly bend himselfe to the fauouring and aduansing of certaine persons which were both reproueable in life and generally abhorred in all the Realme and this was the cause of two great inconueniences for many yong noble-men and braue Courtiers hauing a nimble eye to the 〈…〉 and dislikes of the King gave ouer themselues to a dissolute and dishonestlise which findeth some followers when it findeth deth no furtherancers much more when it doth flourish and thriue the King also by fauouring these was himselfe little fauoured and loued of many for it is oftentimes a daungerous to a Prince to haue euil and odious adherents as to bee euill and odious himselfe The names of these men were Alexander Ne●ill Archbishop of Yorke Robert Ve●●● Earle of Oxford Michael 〈◊〉 afterwards Earle of Suffolke Robert Tri●iliane Lord chiefe Iustice Nicholas Brambre Alderman of London and certaine others of no eminencie either by birth or desert but obsequious and pliable to the Kings youthfull humour These were highly in credit with the King these were alwaies next vnto him both in companie and counsell by these he ordered his priuate actions by these he managed his affaires of state he spared neither the dignitie nor death of any man whose auctho●●ie and life withstoode their preferment In so much as in the fifth yeare of his Raigne he remooued Sir Richard Seroop● from being Lord Chauncellor of England to which office he was by aucthoritie of Parliament appointed because hee refused to set the great Seale to the graunt of certaine lands which had wantonly passed from the King alleaging for his denial the great debts of the King and small demerites of the parties vpon whome the King might cast away and confirme but spend in good order he could not aduertising him also to haue respect that ryote did not deceiue him vnder the tearme and shewe of liberalitie and that gifts well ordered procure not so much loue as placed without descretion they stirre 〈◊〉 This Chancellor was a man of notable integrit● and diligence in his office not scornfully turning away from the ragged coat of a poore suppliant or pale face of a fickely feeble 〈…〉 holding vp their simple soiled billes of complaint not yet smothering 〈…〉 with partiall 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 mighty but being alike to all he was 〈◊〉 disliked of 〈…〉 In the eight yeere of this 〈◊〉 the destruction of the duke of Lancaster was extended likewise vpon the like dislike the plot was layed by Iustice 〈◊〉 offences were deuised appello●s appointed and pe●res named ●e should haue bene put vnder 〈◊〉 and foorthwith ●●●●igned condemned and executed But the duke vpon 〈◊〉 intelligence of these continuances fled to his castle at Pomfret and there made preparation for his defence against the king So this matter began to grow to a head of diuision which the common people at that time very busily desired and sought but the kings mother trauelling 〈◊〉 betweene the king and the duke notwithstanding shee was both 〈…〉 〈◊〉 them both to are con●●lement
time it is that the encrease were stayed oftentimes such ouer-ruling of Princes haue proceeded to their ouerthrowing and such cutting them short hath turned to cutting them off their mindes are suspicious their power daungerous and therefore the opportunitie must bee preuented The Kings owne weaknesse made him apprehensiue and framed his mind to a vaine and needlesse feare but chiefely he was moued at the remoouing of his Chauncellour and Treasorer out of their offices and of the Duke of Ireland out of the Realme supposing it a restraint to his princely power that he might not absolutly and in things giue or forgiue as his pleasure serued When these pr●●ie incensers perceiued the Kings humour once sharpned they so played him with plau●ible perswasions that although he was naturally of no cruell disposition as wanting courage yet they drew him to many violent and ●●direct courses partly vpon negligence to search out the truth partly vpon delight to bee flattered and smothly vsed neither did they long deferre their deuises and first it was appointed that the Duke of Gloucester and certaine others of that part should be inuited to a supper within London there suddainely surprised and made away Sir Nicholas Brambre who the yere before had beene Mayor of London and in whome abundance of wealth supplyed the want of honest qualities was a busie agent in this butcherly businesse but Richard Extone the Mayor of the Cittie that yeare discouered the practise by whome the Duke was warned both to auoide the present perill and afterwards to be warie of the like The yeare next following Richared Earle of Arundel and Thomas Mowbraye Earle of Notingham had the conduct of a Nauie committed to their charge in this viage they tooke aboue a hundred sayle of the enemies ships fraughted with Wines and well appointed for fight they also relieued and fortified Brest and tooke two fortes which the Frenchmen had raised against it The Earles so behaued themselues in this seruice that they grew to a verie great estimation both for curtesie among their Souldiers and for courage against their enemies their actions were the more famous by reason of the infortunate insufficiencie of other Cōmanders by whose either rashnesse or cowardise many good Souldiers were dayly defeated and euery yeare made notorious by one losse or other Yet notwithstanding all their good labour and lucke they were at there turne entertained by the King with great straungnes both of countenance and speech Who was so vnable to dissemble his dispight that he could hardly deferre it vntill the heate of the honour and loue which they had wonne were somewhat abated So much are men more inclinable to reuenge displeasure then rewarde desert for it is troublesome to bee gratefull and many times chargeable but reuenge is pleasant and preferred before gaine About the same time Robert Duke of Ireland forsooke the companie of his lawfull wife whose mother Lady Isabel was daughter to King Edward the third and in steede of her he tooke vnto him a base Bohemian a Tauerners daughter The King little regarded this indignitie done vnto his cosin and in so great confusion of the state let it passe vnreprooued as ouershadowed with greater vices but the Duke of Gloucester her vncle tooke it in high disdaine as iniurious to the royall bloud and did attend vpon occasion to worke reuenge this was not secrete from the Duke of Irelande who likewise bent al his deuises to bring the Duke of Gloucester to his ouerthrow The Duke of Gloucester did prosecute this enmitie openly and manlike the Duke of Ireland closely and therefore the more daungerously The Duke of Gloucester was greater in bloud the Duke of Ireland in fauour he being Vncle to the King this bearing himselfe as the Kings fellow The Duke of Gloucester pretended for the state the Duke of Ireland for the King and much priuate mallice did passe vnder these publike shewes but in opposition of such equall powers there is many times final difference in harme And now was Easter past the tearme affigned to Duke Robert Veere for his departure into Ireland and least his stay might breede some stirre within the Realme hee still busied himselfe in preparation for his iournie and at last although it were long made a solemne shew ofsetting forth The King went in great state to accompanie him to his shipping and the Earle of Suffolke with Iustice Trisiliane and the residue of that faction either for fauour followed or for feare durst not stay hehinde So they passed together into Wales and whether vpon leuitie the Kings mind changed or whether it was so contriued at the first to drawe themselues more seperate from the Lords there the Dukes iornie was at an ende Then they entred into counsell which way the Lords might best be suppressed many deuises were deepely debated all pleased without respect either of danger of disgrace but few stoode with likelyhoode of euent to their desires and therefore none was finally concluded After long time thus friuolously spent they left Wales and came to the Castle of Notingham where the King caused the high Shirifes of all the Shires in the Realme to be called before him and demaunded of them what strength they could make on his part against the Lordes if neede shoulde require their answere was that the common people did so fauour the Lords and were so well resolued of their loue loyaltie towards the King that it was not in their power to rayse any great power against them Then they were commaunded that no Knights nor burgesses should afterwards bee chosen to any Parliament but those whome it pleased the King to appoint whereto they said that it was a harde matter in those times of Iealousie and suspition to bereaue the people of their auncient libertie in choosing Knightes and Burgesses for the Parliament some few other matters being either vnreasonably required or obtained to small end the Sherifs were licensed to depart Then were assembled Robert Trisilian chiefe Iustice of the Kings Bench Rob●rt Belk●●pe chiefe Iustice of the Common Pleas Iohn Holte Roger Stilthorpe William Burgh Knights and Iustices also of the Common Pleas men learned in one rule chiefely without difference of truth of falshoode to please those in highest place entituling that wisedome which indeed was but basenesse and feeblenes of minde these were charged by the King vpon their faith and legrance to make true full answere to those questions following 1 First whether the Statute ordinance and commission made and set forth the last Parliament whereby was ment the commission aganst Michael Delapoole Duke of Suffolke did derogate from the royall prerogatiue of the King 2 Item they who procured the said Statute c. to bee made and set forth ●ow are they to be punished 3 Item how are they to be punished who prouoked the King to consent to the premises 4 Item what punishment haue they deserued who compelled the King to consent to the said statute
c. 5 Item how are they to be punished who resisted or letted the King in exercising his royall power by remitting any penalties or debts whatsoeu●r 6 Item when a Parliament is assembled and the affaires of the Realme and the cause of assembling the Parliament by the Kings commaundement declared and common● Articles limited by the King vpon which the Lordes and commons in the said Parliament should proceed if the Lords commons will proceed vpon other Articles and not vpon the Articles limitted by the King vntill the King hath first giuen answere to the Articles propounded by them notwithstanding that the contrarie were enioyned by the King whether in this case the King ought to ha●e the rule of the Parliament and so to order the fact that the Lordes and commons should first proceede vpon the Articles limitted by the King or that they should first haue answere of the King vpon the Articles propounded by them ●efore they proceede any further 7 Item whether may the King when he pleaseth dissolue the Parliament and commaunde the Lordes and commons to depart or no 8 Item since the King may a● his pleasure remoue any of his Officers and Iustices and punish them for their offences Whether may the Lordes and commons without the Kings will accuse his Officers and Iustices in Parliament for their offences yea or no 9 Item what punishment haue they deserued who 〈◊〉 in Parliament that the Statute whereby King Edward Carnaruane was deposed should be brought forth by view whereof the new Statute ordinance and commission aforesaid were framed 10 Item whether the iudgement giuen in the last Parliament holden at Westminster against Michael Delapoole Duke of Suffolke was erronious and reuocable yea or no These questions or rather quarrelles were drawne by Iohn Blake a Counceller at the Law by direction of Iustice Trisilian whilest the King made his stay in Wales to the which the Iustices afore-named some in discharge of their owne malice and some to satisfie the mindes of other made answere as followeth To the first that they did derogate from the prerogatiue of the King because they were against his will To the second and third that they are to be punished by death except it pleaseth the king to pardon them To the fourth and fifth that they are worthy to be punished as traitours To the sixth that whosoeuer resisteth the kings rule in that point deserueth to be punished as a traitour To the seuenth that the king may at his pleasure dissolue the Parliament and whosoeuer shall afterwards proceed against the kings minde as in a Parliament he is worthy to be punished as a traitour To the eighth that they can not and whosoeuer doeth the contrary he deserueth to be punished as a traitour To the ninth that aswell the motioner as also the bringer of the sayd statute to the Parliament are worthy to be punished as traitours To the tenth they answered that the said iudgement seemed to them erronious and reuocable in euery part In witnesse whereof the iustices aforesayd with Iohn Locktone the kings sergeant at law haue subscribed and set their seales to these present c. When these bloody sentences of death and treason were vnder generall large termes thus fastened vpon the lords the king supposed his attempts against them whether by violence or by couler of law sufficiently warranted but his power both wayes as it was terrible against weake resistance so against such mighty defendants it was of small force to effect that which he so much affected Yet he did not omit his best indeuour and first accounting the lordes as condemned persons he made diuision of their lands and goods among those that he fauououred Then he waged souldiers to be in a treadinesse for his assistance and sent the earle of Northumberland to arrest the earle of Arundell at his castle in Reygate where he then lay But the earle of Arundell either vpon aduertisement or suspition of the kings minde band●d himselfe so strong that when the earle of Northumberland came vnto him he dissembled his intent and left his purpose vnperformed Thus were these proceedings of the king as now in counsell so afterwards in euent not much vnlike that which the Fable telleth of a certaine hunter who first solde the skinne of the beare and then went about to take her but when he came within the forrest either by vnskilfulnesse or misaduenture he not onely missed his pray but fell himselfe into danger of the beast The duke of Gloucester hauing secret intelligence of the kings displeasure and of his drift sent the bishop of London to perswade the king to entertaine a more fauourable opinion of him making faith to the bishop with a solemne oath that he neuer entended any thing to the preiudice of the king either in person or state The Bishop not vnskilfull to ioyne profitable perswasion with honest declared to the king that his displeasure against the Lords was not groūded vpon iust desert but either vpon false suggestions of their enemies or erronious mistaking a● some of their actions how desirous they were of his grace and fauour how faithfull and forward they promised to persist in all dutifull seruice how honourable this agreement would be to the king how profitable to the realme and how daungerous to both these troubles might encrease The king seemed to giue good eare credit to the bishops speech but Michael Delapoole a turbulent man and against quiet counsell obstinately contentious standing then by the king soone stiffened his minde against all impression of friendship Heereupon contention did arise betweene the Bishop and the Earle and brake forth violently into heat of words The Earle applied to the Lordes those obiections wherewith great men are vsually charged sparing no spight of speech and vsing all arte to aggrauate matters against them The bishop replied that the Earle was thus fiercely bent not vpon his owne necessity nor loue to the king but onely to satisfie his bloody and ambitious humour wherein he was so immoderate that rather then the lords should not be destroyed he would ouerwhelme them with the ruines of the state for tumults might in deed be raised by men of little courage but must be maintained with the hazzard and ended with the losse of the most valiant that neither his counsell in this matter was to be followed being the principall firebrand of the disturbance not his complaints against any man to be any thing regarded being himselfe a condemned person and one that held both his life and honour at the pleasure of the king At these words the king was exceedingly wroth and charged the bishop with menacing threats to auoid his presence When the duke of Glocester had knowledge heereof he signified the daunger to the earles of Arundell Warwicke and Derbie aduising them to take armes and vnite themselues for their common defence for in so doubtfull and suspected peace open warre was the onely hope of safety
others of that faction ran euery man like connies to their couerte Yea the king betooke himselfe to the Tower of London and there made prouision for his winter aboade hauing all his courses now crossed first rashnesse in taking armes and afterwards by cowardise in maintaining them The Earle of Darby signified this successe to his associates by letters yet without any vaūting or enlarging tearms his speaches also were moderate rather exstenuating his fact then extolling it but by stopping his fame it much increased when men esteemed his high thoughtes by his lowely wordes and his conceite in great exploites by his contempt of this Then the Lords met and marched together towards London whether they came vpon S. Stephens day hauing almost forty thousand men in their armie first they shewed themselues in battaile array in the fieldes neare vnto the Tower within the viewe of the King afterwardes they tooke vp their lodging in the suburbes the Maior and aldermen of the citty came forth and gaue liberall allowance of victuall to the souldiers offering vnto the Lordes entertainment within the Citty but they did not accept it Now this discord seemed to draw to a dangerous distraction of the common-wealth the vanquished parte being ful of malice and the conquerors of presumption the one wanting power the other right to command and rule The Archbishop of Canterbury and certaine others of the neutrality fearing the sequele perswaded the king to come to a treaty with the lordes but he made shewe of very light regarde of all these dealings let them stay saide hee vntill they haue wearied themselues with maintaining this multitude and then I will talke further with them When the lordes vnderstood the drift of his deuise they beset the thames all other passages and protested that they woulde not departe vntill they had talked with him to his face The king hauing neyther strength to resist nor scope to scape consēted to a treaty and to that end desired the lordes to come to him into the Tower but they refused that place of meeting vpon feare of false measure vntill the king permitted them to search as diligently and come as strongly as they thought it meete So they came vnto the King well guarded and after a fewe colde kindnesses and strange salutations they laide before him his proceedings against them at Nottingham his letters which he sent to the duke of Ireland contrary to his worde for the raysing of armes against them his agreement with the French King for the yeelding vp of Callice and other strong holdes which he possessed in those parts with diuers other pointes of dishonourable dealing and negligent gouernment What should the King then haue said or done all these matters were so euident and so euill that there was no place left either for deniall or defence Therefore ingenuously first with silence and patience afterwardes with teares he confessed his errors And certainely the stiffe stomack of the lordes relented more to these luke warme drops then they would haue done to his cannon shot Then it was agreed that the next day the King shoulde meet with them at westminster and there treat further both of these and other necessarie affaires of the realme So the Duke and the rest of the lords departed except the earle of Darby who stayed supper with the king and all that time stayed him in his promised purpose but when hee was also gone some of the secrete counsailers or corrupters rather and abusers of the King whistled him in the eare that his going to Westminster was neither seemely nor safe and would cause not onely to his person present danger and contempt but also both abasement and abridgement to his authority afterwards The Kings minde was soone changed but the Lords being now stirred and feeling the Kings hand weake to gouerne the bridle became the more vehement and sent him worde that if hee did ieofaile with them and not come according to appointment they would chuse another King who shoulde haue his nobility in better regard This peremptorie message so terrified the King that he not onely went to Westminster but suffered the Lords to doe there euen what they woulde So they caused him much against his liking to remooue out of the courte Alexander Neuill Archbishop of Yorke Iohn Foorde Bishop of Durisme Frier Thomas Rushoke Bishop of Chichester the kings Confessor Likewise they remoued the Lord Souch the Lord Haringworth Lord Burnell Lord Beaumonte Sir Albred Vecre Sir Baldewine Bereford Sir Richard Alderburie Sir Iohn Worth Sir Thomas Clifford Sir Iohn Louell taking suerties for their appearāce at the next Parliament Also certaine Ladies were expelled the Court and put vnder suerties to wit the Lady Mowen the Lady Moling and the Lady Ponings which was the wife of Sir Iohn Woorth Furthermore they arested Simon Burlye William Elinghame Iohn Salisburie Thomas Triuet Iames Berneis Nicholas Dagworth and Nicholas Brambre Knights Richard Clifforde Iohn Lincolne and Richard Motford Clearkes Iohn Beauchampe the Kings Steward Nicholas Lake Deane of the Kings Chappell and Iohn Blake counceller at the Law all these were committed to diuers Prisons where they were forth-comming but not comming foorth vntill the Parliament next following After the feast of the Purification the Parliament began at London and yet the King vsed many meanes either to dash or deferre the same to which the Lordes came attended with the number and strength of a full armie vpon colour to represse any ryote that might happen to arise but in truth that by this terrour they might draw the whole manage of affaires vnto themselues This assembly continued vntill Whitsontide next following with verie great feare of some men and hope of others and expectation of all Herein was Iustice Trisiliane by counsaile of the Lordes against the Kings minde condemned to bee drawne and hanged which iudgement was presently executed vpon him the like sentence and execution passed vpon Sir Nicholas Brambre Sir Iohn Salisburie Sir Iames Barneis Iohn Beauchampe the Kings steward and Iohn Blake Esquire who had framed the Articles which were exhibited against the Lordes at Nottingham Also the Iustices who gaue their iudgement concerning those Articles Robert Belk●ape Iohn Holte Roger Fulthorpe and William Burghe were condemned to perpetuall exile and yet they did not interpose themselues but intermeddle by constraint Sir Simon Burlye was also beheaded who was keeper of Douer Castle and had conspired to deliuer the same vnto the Frenchmen hee was infinitely haughtie and proude equall to the meanest in virtue and wisedome but in brauerie and traine inferiour to no Duke Diuers other were either put to death or banished and some as it happeneth when the reyne of furie is at large without any great cause The Earle of Derby furthered no mans death but laboured verie instantly for the life and libertie of many in so much as hoat speeches did arise betweene the Duke of Gloucester and him whereby he purchased a fauourable opinion
among those of the contrarie part hauing caused the death of no man but onely in the fielde Then was an oath exacted of the King to stand to the gouernment of the Lordes and also an oath was taken of all the Subiects within the Realme to be true and faithfull vnto the King The king in taking this oath of the Lordes bewrayed his inward conceite by his open countenance looking pleasantly on those he fauoured and angerly on those whome hee hated by which vntimely discouery hee made them more heedefull and himselfe more hatefull which were occasions afterwarde both to preuente the reuenge which he much desired and to procure the mischiefs which hee little feared Lastly a subsidie was graunted and to the King comming as it were to a capitulation with the lordes hee to haue the name of a King and they the authority and maiesty the contention for that time ceased All this was done in the xj yeere of the kings reigne he being yet vnder age and in gouernement of others But the yeere following he beganne to take vpon him more liberty and rule and vpon extreame disdaine that both his pleasure and his power were by the Lords thus restrained he did euer after beare a hard minde against them And first he assembled them in the Councell chamber and there demanded of what yeeres they tooke him to be they answered that he was somewhat aboue one and twenty then sayd he I am of lawfull age to haue the regiment in mine owne hand and therefore you doe me wrong to holde me still vnder gouernement as though the condition of a king were harder then of a subiect This the Lords were neither willing to grant nor able to denie and therefore they either kept silence or spake little to the purpose Well sayd the king since I am no longer an Infant I heere renounce your rule and take vpon me such free administration of the Realme as the Kings thereof my predecessours heeretofore haue lawfully vsed Then presently he began his Phaetons flourish and commaunded the Bishop of Elie being L. Chancellour to resigne his seale which the king receiued and put vp and therewith departed out of the chamber but soone after he returned againe and deliuered the same to William Wickham bishop of Winchester constituting him L. Chancellour thereby Many other officers he likewise deposed and placed new in their roome partly to manifest his authority and partly to satisfie his displeasure Also he remooued the Duke of Gloucester the Earle of Warwicke and many others from his Priuy councell and tooke those in their places which more regarded the humour of the King but lesse his honour Soone after it was suggested to the King that the Duke of Gloucester was gathering of forces against him but vpon examination there was found not onely no trueth but no shew or colour of any such matter The Duke would not quietly haue disgested the raysing of these reportes but the King whether vpon a generall delight to be tickled in the eares with such tales or vpon particular desire to haue some quarell against the Duke charged him to silence In the 13. yeare of the Raigne of King Richard the Citizens of Genua desired his ayde against the Barbarians of Afrike who with dayly incursions infested and spoyled all the Sea coasts Ilands of Italy and Fraunce which fronted vppon thē The King sent a choyse companie of Souldiers ynder the cōduct of Henrie Earle of Derby who behaued himselfe in this charge with great integritie courage inciting his men the good by prayse the bad by example rather then reproofe as more ready to commend the vertues of the one then to vpbraide the vices of the other And first hee passed into Fraunce and there ioyned himselfe to certaine French forces appointed likewise for this seruice then with might and minds vnited they sayled together into Afrike At their arriuall the Barbarians were ready in armes to keepe them from landing but the Earle commaunded his Archers to breake through and make passage dispising the enemie whome he knew to be weake and vnskilfull in seruice and not to haue that aduantage in place which hee had in men the Frenchmen also sharply set in seconded the English and so whilest both companies contended the one to be accompted a helpe the other to seeme to neede no help the enemies were forced to flie and leaue the shoare vnto the Christians In this conflict three Dukes of the Barbarians and aboue three hundred Souldiers were slaine and in the flight fower Dukes were taken and a great yet vncertaine number of common people Then the Christians marched directly towards Tunis the head Cittie of that Countrie this they besieged in short time tooke chiefely by the prowes of the English souldiers who first scaled the Wals and reared thereon the Earles banner When they were entred the Towne the Englishmen bent their endeuour to the housing of their enemies and beating downe of such as made resistance but the Frenchmen straight waies turned to their lasciuious pleasures so that there was presented a spectacle both pitiful and shamelesse in one place butchering of men in another ryoting with women here streames of bloud heapes of slaughtered bodies hard by dissolute and licentious wantonnesses in some all the miseries of a cruell warre and the loosenesse of a secure peace Here were slaine and taken aboue fower thousand Barbarians the Kings brother also was slaine but the King himselfe fled into the Castle which was strongly scited and well fortified and furnished with men The Christians laide siege to this Castle the space of fiue weekes during which time they lost many of their men yet not by sword but by sickenesse the Barbarians also were distressed with want of victuall hauing but litle prouision and many vnprofitable mouthes to consume it herevpon they sent vnto the Christians to desire peace offering them a great summe of money to depart out of their countrie this the Christians accepted vpon condition that they might also freely carry with them all their pray and prisoners and that the Barbarians should from thenceforth surcease from making spoyle vpon any of the coastes of Italy or Fraunce Thus had this voyage a prosperous and speedie end the onely seruice as I suppose which the English and Frenchmen performed together without iotte of iarre And yet the Earle abused not the fortune of this successe to vaine vaunting or brauing in words but moderately im●arted to the rest the honour of the exployt so by valyan●y performing his charge and sparingly speaking thereof his glorie encreased without bit of enuie In the fifteenth and sixteenth yeres of the reigne of King Richard certaine causes of discontentment did grow betweene the King and the Londoners which set the fauour of the one and the faith of the other at great separation and distance One was for that the King would haue borrowed of them a thousand poundes which they feeling much
too weake for warre did many times preuaile by peace that now they had got into their handes many Townes and Holdes appertaining to the crowne of England they were willing to conclude a peace to exclude the King thereby from his possessions but whensoeuer occasion shoulde change for their aduantage they would be then as ready to start from the friendshippe as at that present they were to strike it that the French Kings daughter being but a child was very vnmeet for the marriage of King Richard as well for disparitie of age as for that the King had no issue by his first wife and was not like to haue any by this except perhappes in his olde and withered yeeres When the Duke saw that with these motiues he did nothing preuaile he suborned the Londoners to make petition to the King that se●●g there was peace with France he would release them of the Subsidie which they had graunted to him in regard of those war●es This suite was instantly followed and much perplexed the King vntill the Duke of Lancaster declare to the people that the King had beene at the charge and dispense of three hundred thousand poundes in his voyage into France for the procuring of this peace whereupon they were pacified and desisted from their demaund The yeere following Guido Earle of S. Pauls was sent into England by Charles King of Fraunce to visit and salute in his name King Richard and Queene Isabell his wife the French Kings daughter To this Earle the King did relate with what feruencie the Duke of Gloucester contended to make disturbance of the peace betweene England and France how because his minde was not therein followed hee mooued the people to seditious attempts bending himselfe wholly to maintaine discord and disqui●t rather in his owne countrey then not at all He further reported what stiffe strifes in formert●●es the Duke had stirred which howsoeuer they were done yet as they were declared they sounded very odious and hard When the Earle heard this he presently answered that the Duke was too daungerous a subiect to be permitted to liue that greatnesse was neuer safe if it grow excess●ue and bolde that the King must not affect the vaine commendation of clemency with his owne perill and that it touched him both in honour to reuenge the disgraces which he had receiued and in policy to preuent the daungers which he had cause to feare These words of sharpened the Kings displeasure that from thencefoorth he busied his braines in no one thing more then how to bring the Duke to his end Now he began to pry more narrowly into his demeanour to watch his words to obserue actions adn alwayes to interpret them to the woorst framing himselfe to many vaine and weedlesse feare● Often times he would complaine of him to the Duke of La●ster and the Duke of Yorke how fierce and violent he was in his speeches and crosse to him in all matters The Dukes would make answere that the Duke of Gloucester their brother was in deed more hoat and vehement then they did commend yet his fiercenesse was ioyned with faithfulnesse and his crosnesse proceeded from a care least the Common-wealth should decrease either in honour or in possessions and therefore the King had neither need to feare nor cause to disslike About that time the Dukes of Lancaster and of Yorke withdrewe themselues from the court to their priuate houses the duke of Gloucester also went to ly at Plashey neere Chelmessorde in Essex vpon aduantage of which seperation the King stoode distracted in minde betweene feare to differ and shame to auow the destruction of the Duke least he might happily bee disapointed by the one or dishonoured by the other Hereupon he entred into counsaile with Iohn Holland Earle of Huntington his halfe brother and Thomas Mowbray Earle of Notingham howe the Duke of Gloucester might be suppressed or oppressed rather the cruclty which was but wauering in the King yea wanting by nature was soone confirmed by euill aduise and being once inclined to bloud he did not faile either of example of●ewd action to followe or direction of cruell counsaile what to doe so the plotte was contriued and according thereto the King and the Earle of No●tingham rod● together into Essex as though it were to disporte themselues in hunting when they were in the middest of the Forrest the Earle made stay and the King passed forth with a smal and vnsuspicious company to the Duke lying at Plashey there he stayed dinner and then pretending occasion of present returne he desired the Duke to accompany him to London the faire entreatie of a Prince is a most forceable commaunde therefore the Duke supposing that onely to bee intended in deede which was pretended in shewe 〈◊〉 to horse-backe with the King taking such small attendance as vpon the sudden could be in a readinesse and appointing the rest to come after him to London So they rode together vsing much familiar talke by the way vntill they came neere the place of await then the King put his horse forwarde and the Duke comming behinde was suddenly intercepted and stayed crying aloud and calling to the King for his helpe the King continued his iourney as though he had not heard and the Duke was violently carried to the Thames and there shipped in a vessell layed for the purpose and from thence conueyed ouer to Calice When the King came to London he caused the Earle of Warwicke also to be arrested and sent to prison the same day that hee had inuited him to dinner and shewed good countenance and promised to be gracious Lord vnto him Vpon the like dissembled shewe the Earle of Arundell and his sonne and certaine others were arrested also and committed to prison in the Ile of Wight The common people vpon the apprehending of these three noble men whome they chiefely and almost onely fauoured were in a great confusion and tumult and there wanted but a head to drawe them to sedition euery man sorrowed murmured and threatned and daring no further stood waiting for one to leade them the way all being readie to followe that which any one was loath to beginne The Duke of Lancaster and of Yorke gathered a strong armie and came therewith to London where they were readily receiued by the citizens although the King had commaunded the contrarie but this seemed to be done rather for garde to themselues then regarde to any others The king all this time kept at a village called Helhame within foure miles of London hauing aboute him a great power of armed men which he had gathered out of Cheshire and Wales and to paci●●● the common people hee caused to be proclaimed that the Lordes were not apprehended vpon olde displeasures but for offences lately committed for which they should be appealed by order of law and receiue open triall in the Parliament next following the like message was sent to the Duke of Lancaster and the Duke of Yorke lying
at London to whome the King made faith for the safetie of their persons and indemnitie of their goods and that nothing should be attempted without their priuitie and aduise all this was as rashly belieued as it was craftely giuen out whereupon the Dukes dissembled their feares and dissolued their forces and remained in expectancie what would ensue A little before the feast of Saint Michael the Parliament began at London wherein Sir Iohn Bushie Sir William Bagot and Sir He●rie Greene were principall agents for the Kings purpose These were then in all the credite and authoritie with the King and his chiefest Schoole-masters both of crueltie and deceite they were proude arrogant and ambitious and vppon confidence of the Kings fauour professed enemies to men of auncient Nobilitie to the ende that being lately start vp they might become more famous by maintaining contention with great persons And first by their importunate trauaile all the Charters of pardon graunted by the King were in this Perliament annulled and reuoked Then the prelates did constitute Sir Henrie Percie their procurator and departed the house because they might not be present in iudgement of bloud Lastly the Earle of Arundell and the Earle of Warwicke were arraigned and for the same offences for which they had bene pardoned namely for encroaching to themselues royall power in iudging to death Simon Burlye Iohn Berneis and others without the Kings consent were condemned to be hanged drawne and quarter●d but the King so moderated the seueritie of this sentence that the Earle of Arundell was onely he headed and the Earle of Warwicke committed to perpetuall imprisonment in the Ile of Man The Duke of Gloucester was so greatly fauoured that it was thought a point both of policie and peace notto bring him to his open answere but to put him to death secreately so he was strangled vnder a fether bedde at Calice by the Earle of Notingham being then Earle Marshall which death howsoeuer he deserued yet dying as he did not called not heard he died as guiltlesse In this same Parliament Thomas Arundell Archbishop of Caunterburie was also accused for executing the commision against Michaell Delapoole Earle of Suffolke for which cause his temporalties were seazed his lands and goods forfeited as well in vse as in possession and himselfe was adiudged to exile charged to depart the realme within sixe weekes then next ensuing So hee went into Fraunce where afterwardes he became a principall meane of the reuolt which followed Also the Lord Cobham was exiled into the Ile of Gernsey and Sir Reinolde Cobham was condemned to death not for entring into any attempt against the King but because he was appointed by the Lords to be one of his gouernours and of his counsaile in the 11. yeare of his raigne Now the King falsely supposing that he was free from all daungers and that the humour against him was cleane purged and spent conceiued more secreate contentment then he would openly bewraye as more able to dissemble his ioy then conceale his feare being so blinded and bewitched with continuall custome of flatteries that hee perceiued not that the state of a Prince is neuer stablished by cruelty and crafce On the other side the common people were much dismayed hauing nowe lost those whome they accompted their onely helpes and their onely hopes both for their priuate affaires and for supporting the state and because these mishapes hapned vnto them for maintaining a cause of common dislike the peoples stomacke was stirred thereby to much hate and hearte-burning against the King And to make their deathes the more odious the Earle of Arundell was reputed a martyr and pilgrimages were dayly made to the place of his buriall the rumour also was current but without either authour or grounde that this his head was miraculously fastened againe to his body this whilest all men affirmed and no man knewe the King caused the corpes to bee taken vp and viewed ten daies after it was interred and finding the cause to be fabulous hee caused the ground to be paued where the Earle was layde and all mention of his buriall to be taken away forbidding publickly and such speaches of him afterwardes to bee vsed but this restrainte raysed the more and they who if it had beene lawefull woulde haue saide nothing beeing once forbidden coulde not forbeare to talke It was also constantly reported that the King was much disquieted in his dreames with the Earle who did often seeme to appeare vnto him in so terrible and truculent manner that breaking his fearefull sleepe he would curse the time that euer he knew him In the one and twenty yeare of the raigne of K. Richard Henry Earle of Darby was created Duke of Herforde at which time the King created foure other Dukes to wit Duke of Aumerle who was before Earle of Rutland Duke of Southrey who was before Earle of Kent Duke of Excester who was before Earle of Huntington and Duke of Norfolke who was before Earle of Notingham This degree of honour long time after the conquest of the No●mans whose chiefest rulers had no higher title was accompted too great for a subiect to beare the fourme of the common-wealth beeing framed by the victors farre from equallity of all and yet the King excepted without eminencie of any At the length King Edward the third created his eldest Sonne Edward Duke of Cornewale and made this honour hereditary conferring it vnto many since which time diuerse princes of this lande haue bene either put or kept or hazarded from their estate by men of that quallity and degree The King likewise created the Countesse of Norfolke Duchesse of Norfolke the Earle of Sommerset Marquesse of Sommerset the Lorde Spencer Earle of Gloucester the Lorde Neuill Earle of Westmerland the Lorde Scroupe Earle of Wiltshire and the Lord Thomas Darcy his steward Earle of Worcester Among these hee made diuision of a great parte of the landes of the Duke of Gloucester and of the Earles of Arundell and warwicke supposing by this double liberality of honour and possessions to haue purchased to himselfe most firme friendships but bought friendes for the most parte are seldome either satisfied or sure and like certaine Rauens in Arabia so long as they are ful doe yeeld a pleasant voyce but being empty doe make a horrible crie Now the Duke of Hereford raysed his desires together with his dignities and either vpon disdaine at the vndeserued fauour and aduancement of some persons about the King● or vpon dislike that the King was so dishonourably both abused and abased by them or else perhaps vppon desire to manifest his owne sufficiencie in matters of controwlement and direction being in familiar discourse with Thomas Mowbraye Duke of Norfolke he brake into complaint how the King regarded not the noble princes of his bloud and Peeres of the Realme and by extreamities vsed to some discouraged the rest from entermedling in any publique affaires how in steade of these hee was
deuised by his counsaile or done by his consent At this time the whole frame of the state was much shaken and matters of great weight and moment did hang by a very slender thred The King was plunged in pleasure and sloath after whose example others also as men doe commonly conforme their mindes according to the princes disposition gaue ouer themselues to dilicacie and ease whereby cowardise crepte in and shipwracke was made both of manhood and glorie The chiefest affaires of state had bene ordered for a long time according to priuate respects wherby the common-wealth lost both the fatte and the fauour and seemed not at seasons and by degrees but with a maine course and at once to ruinate and fall The north parts were many times canuased and by small yet often losses almost consumed by the Scots who had there taken many townes and castles and defaced all the countrey with slaughter and spoile Likewise the south partes were often-times wasted by the Frenchmen and in Fraunce many strong holds were lost It was also constantly affirmed that the King made agreement to deliuer vnto the King of Fraunce the possossion of Callice and of other townes which hee helde in those parts but the performance there of was resisted by the lords whether this were true or surmised probably as agreeable to the Kings loose gouernment I cannot certainely affirme As for Ireland which in the time of K. Edward the third was kept in order and awe by acquainting the people with religion and ciuility and drawing them to delight in the plenty and pleasures of well reclaymed countries whereby it yeelded to the kings coffers thirty thousand pounds euery yeare it was then suffered to runne into waste and the people by rudenesse became intractible so that the houlding thereof charged the King with the yearely dispence of thirty thousand markes Many succours had bene sent into these seuerall countries but scatteringly and dropping and neuer so many at once as to furnish the warres fully The King made some expeditions in his owne person with greate preparation and charge but beeing once out of credite whatsoeuer fell out well was attributed to others misfortunes were inputed onely to him If any thing were happily atchieued by some of the nobility it was by the Kings base hearted parasites to whom millitary vertue was altogether vnpleasant so extinuated or depraued or enuied that it was seldome rewarded so much as with countenance and thankes yea sometimes it procured suspicion and danger the King being informed by a cunning kinde of enemies commenders that to be a discreet and valiant commander in the fielde was a vertue peculiar to a Prince and that it was a perillous point to haue the name of a man of priuate estate famous for the same in euery mans mouth Hereupon fewe sought to rise by vertue and val●e the readier way was to please the pleasant humour of the Prince Likewise matters of peace were managed by●men of weakest sufficiency by whose counsell either ignorant or corrupt the destruction of the best harted nobility was many times attempted at the last wrought The profits and reuenues of the crowne were said to bee let to farme the King making himselfe landlord of this realme and challenged no great priuiledge by his reigne but onely a dissolute and vncontrouled life Great summes of mony were yearly rather exacted from the subiects then by them voluntarily graunted whereof no good did ensue but the maintenance of the Kings priuate delightes the aduancement of his hatefull fauorites To these he was somewhat aboue his power liberall for which cause he was faine to borrow begge and extort in other places but he purchased not so much loue by the one as hate by the other Besides the ordinary tearmes of tenthes and fiftenthes which were m●●ny times paid double in one yeare diuers newe imposition● were by him deuised put in vse sometimes exacting xii d. of euery person throughout the realme sometimes of euery religious man and woman vi s. viii d. and of euery secular priest asmuch and of euerie lay person maried or sole xii d. Vnder the fauourable tearme of beneuolence hee wiped away from the people such heapes of money as were litle answerable to that free and friendly name He borrowed in all places of the realme great summes of money vpon his priuy seales so that no man of worth could escape his loane but he seldome and to few returned payment againe This present yeare he sent certaine Bishops and other personages of honour to all the shires corporations within the realme to declare vnto the people the Kings heauie displeasure against them for that they had bin abetters and complices of the Duke of Gloucester and of the Earles of Arundell and Warwicke and that the King was minded to make a roade vppon them as common enemies excepte they would acknowledge their offence and submit themselues to his mercie and grace Hereupon all the men of worth in euery shire and Towne corporate made their acknowledgment submission in writing vnder their scales afterwardes were faine to graunt vnto the King such importable summes of money to purchase againe his fauour as the land being already greatly impouerished they were hardly able to endure Then were exacted of thē strange vnaccustomed oathes which were put likewise in writing vnder their seales They were also cōpelled to set their hands and scales to blancke chartes wherein the King might afterwardes cause to be written what he would so that all the wealth of the realme was in a manner at his deuotion and pleasure These and such like violences were far wide from the moderate gouernement of K. Henrie the second whoe maintaining great warres and obteyning a larger dominion then perteyned at any other time to this realme of England neuer demaunded subsidie of his subiectes and yet his treasure after his death was founde to be nine hundred thousand poundes besides his Iewels and his plate In this sort the King bearing a heauie hand vpon his subiects and they againe a heauie hart against him and being withall a Prince weake in action and not of valure sufficient to beare out his vices by might the people at length resolued to reuolt and rather to runne into the hazard of a ruinous rebellion then to endure safetie ioyned with slauerie so they attended occasion which shortly after was thus offered The King receiued letters of aduertisement out of Ireland which being priueledged from other venimous beasts hath alwaies beene pestered with traytors how the Barbarous Irish had cut in pieces his garrison and slaine Roger Mortimer Earle of Marsh who had beene declared heire apparent to the Crowne exercising all the crueltie in wasting of the country which wrath and rage of victorie could incite a Barbarous people to practise This losse being great in it selfe the hard affection of the people did much augmēt by report wherupon the King deliberated whether it were requisite that
Henry the third but they were not able yet were they able to depose King Edward the second and to constitute his young sonne Edward King in his steade these are not all and yet enough to cleare this action of rarenesse in other countries noueltie in our The difficulty indeede is somewhat because the excellencie is great but they that are affraide of euery bush shall neuer take the bird your selfe had once some triall hereof when without battaile without bloud or blowes you had the King at such a lift as he held his Crowne at your courtesie euen at that time when his grieuances were neither for greatnes nor continuance so intollerable as now they are growne and by reason of his tender yeres not out of al compasse both of excuse for the fault and of hope for an amendement And as concerning the lawfulnesse Nay said the Duke where necessity doth enforce it is superfluous to vse speach either of easinesse or of lawfulnesse necessitie will beate thorow brasen Walles and can be limited by no lawes I haue felt verie deeply my part in these calamities and I would you knew with what griefe I haue beheld your for what other reward haue I receiued of all my trauailes and seruices but the death of my vncle and dearest friends my owne banishment the imprisonmeut of my children and losse of my inheritance and what haue beene returned to you for your bloud so often shed in his vnfortunate warres but continuall tributes scourges gallowes and slauerie I haue made sufficient proofe both of pacience in my owne miseries and of pittie in your remedy them hither to I could not If now I can I will not refuse to sustain that part which yonr importunitie doth impose vpon me if we preuaile we shall recouer againe our libertie if wee loose our state shall be no worse thē now it is and since we must needs perish either deseruingly or without cause it is more honorable to put our selues vpon ●he aduenture eyther to winne our liues or to dye for deserte and although our liues were safe which in deede are not yet to abandon the state ane sleepe still in this slauerie were a poynt of negligence and sloath It remaineth then that we vse both secrecie and celeritie laying hold vpon the oportunitie which the Kings absence hath now presented vnto vs for in al enterprises which neuer are commended before they bee atchieued delayes are daungerous and more safe it is to be founde in action then in counsaile for they that deliberate onely to rebell haue rebelled already So the messengers departed into England to declare the Dukes acceptance and to make preparation against his arriuall both of armour and of subiection and desire to obey Presently after their departure the Duke signified to Charles king of Fraunce that he had a desire to goe into Brittaine ●o visite Iohn Duke of Brittaine his friend and kinsman The King suspecting no further fetch sent letters of commendation in his fauour to the Duke of Brittaine but if he had surmised any dangerous drift against King Richard who not long before had taken his daughter to wife in stead of letters of safe-conducte he would haue founde lettes to haue kept him safe from disturbing his sonne in lawes estate Assoone as the Duke was come into Brittaine he waged certaine souldiours and presently departed to Calice and so committed to sea for England giuing forth that the onely cause of his voyage was to recouer the Duchie of Lanchaster and the rest of his lawfull inheritance which the King wrongfully deteyned from him In his companie was Thomas Arundell the Archbishop of Canterburie and Thomas the sonne heire of Richard late earle of Arundell who was very yong and had a little before escaped out of prison and fled into France to the Duke The residue of his attendants were very few not exceeding the number of fifteen lances so that it is hard to esteeme whether it was greater maruaile either that he durst attempt or that he did preuaile with so smal a company but his chiefest cōfidence was in the fauour assistance of the people within the realme So he did beare with England yet not in a streight course but floated along the shoare making head sometimes to one coast and sometimes to another to discouer what forces were in a readines either to resist or to receiue him As he was in this sort houering on the seas L. Edmund duke of Yorke the kings vncle to whom the king had committed the custody of the Realme during the time of his absence called vnto him Edmūd Stafford bishop of Chichester L. Ghancellour W. Scroupe earle of Wiltshire L. Treasurour of the Realme also Sir Iohn Bushie Sir Henry Greene Sir William Bagot Sir Iohn Russell and certain others of the kings Priuy councell and entred into deliberation what was best to be done At the last it was concluded deceitfully by some vnskilfully by others and by all perniciously for the king to leaue the sea coasts and to leaue London the very walles castle of the Realme and to goe to S. Albons there to gather strength sufficient to encounter with the duke It is most certaine that the dukes side was not any wayes more furthered then by this dissembling and deceiuable dealing for open hostility and armes may openly and by armes be resisted but priuy practises as they are hardly espied so are they seldome auoided And thus by this meanes the duke landed about the feast of Saiud Martin without let or resistance at Rauenspur in Houldernesse as most writers affirme Presently after his ariual there resorted to him Lord Henrie Pearcie Earle of Northumberland and Lord Henry his son Earle of Westmerland Lorde Radulph Neuill Lorde Rose Lord Willoughby many other personages of honor whose company encreased reputation to the cause and was a great couutenance and strength to the Dukes further purposes And first they tooke of him an oath that hee should neither procure nor permit any bodily harme to be done vnto King Richard whereupon they bound themselues vpon their honours to prosecute all extremities against his mischieuous counsailers And this was one step further then that which the Duke pretended at the first when hee tooke shipping at Callice which was only the recouery of his inheritance but that was as yet not determined nor treated and of some perhaps not thought vpon which afterwardes it did ensue and so was that place easily insinuated into by degrees which with maine and direct violence would hardlier haue bin obtained Then the common people desperate vpon newe desires and without head head-long to matters of innouation flocked very fast to these noble men the better sort for loue to the common-wealth some vpon a wanton lenetie and vaine desire of change others in regard of their own● distressed and decayed estate who setting their chiefe hopes and deuises vppon a generall disturbance were then most safe when the common state was
some at this present and many hereafter will accompt my case lamentable either that I hane deserued this deiection if it be iust or if it be wrongfull that I could not auoide it Indeede I doe confesse that many times I haue shewed my selfe both lesse prouident and lesse painfull for the benefite of the common-wealth then I should or might or intended to doe hereafter and haue in many actions more respected the satisfying of my owne particular humour then either iustice to some priuate persons or the common good of al yet I did not at any time either omit dutie or cōmit grieuance vpon natural dulnesse or set malice but partly by abuse of corrupt councellers partly by errour of my youthfull iudgement And now the remembrance of these ouer-sights is so vnpleasant to no man as to my selfe and the rather because I haue no meanes left either to recompence the iniuries which I haue done or to testifie to the world my reformed affections which experience and stayednesse of yeares had already corrected would dayly haue framed to more perfection But whether all the imputations wherewith I am charged be true either in substance or in such qualitie as they are layd or whether being true they be so heinous as to inforce these extremities or whether any other Prince especially in the heate of youth and in the space of two and twentie yeares the time of my vnfortunate raigne doth not sometimes either for aduantage or vppon displeasure in as deepe maner grieue some particular subiect I will not now examine it helpeth not to vse defence neither booteth it to make complaint there is left no place for the one nor pitie for the other and therefore I referre it to the iudgement of God and your lesse distempered considerations I accuse no man I blame no fortune I complaine of nothing I haue no pleasure in such vaine and needlesse comforts and if I listed to haue stood vpon tearmes I know I haue great fauourers abroad and some friends I hope at home who would haue beene ready yea forward on my behalfe to set vp a bloudy and doubtfull warre but I esteeme not my dignitie at so high a price as the hazard of so great valure the spilling of so much English bloud and the spoile and waste of so flourishing a Realme as thereby might haue bene occasioned Therefore that the Common-wealth may rather rise by my fall then I stand by the ruine thereof I willingly yeeld to your desires and am heere come to dispossesse my selfe of all publike authority and title and to make it free and lawfull for you to create for your King Henric Duke of Lancaster my cousin germaine whom I know to be as worthie to take that place as I see you willing to giue it to him Then he read openly and distinctly the forme of his cession wherein he did declare that he had discharged his subiectes from their oathes of fealtie and homage and all other oathes whatsoeuer and of his owne will free motion did abdicate the title dignitie and aucthoritie of a King and rendred vp the possession of the Realme with the vse and title thereof and all the rights thereunto appertaining To this the King subscribed and was sworne and then hee deliuered with his owne hands the Crowne the Septer and the Robe to the Duke of Lancaster wishing vnto him more happinesse therewith then had euer happened vnto himselfe Then he did constiture the Archbishop of Yorke and the Bishop of Hereford his procurators to intimate and declare this his resignation to all the states of the realme which should be assembled together in Parliament Lastly he gaue all his riches and goods to the summe of thee hundred thousand pounds in coyne besides his Iewels plate for satisfaction of the iniuryes that hee had done desiring the Duke al the rest that were present seuerally by their names not altogether to forget that he had beene their King nor yet too much to thinke vpon the same but to retaine of him amoderate remembrance and in recompence of the ease that hee had done them by his voluntarie yeelding to permit him to liue safely in a priuate and obscure life with the sweetenesse wherof he was so possessed that frō theneforth he would preferre it before any preferment in the world All this was deliuered and done by the King with voyce and countenance so agreeable to his present beauinesse that there was no man to vnmindefull of humane instabilitie which was not in some measure moued thereat insomuch as a fewe secrete teares melted from the eyes of many that were present in whose mindes a confessed and obscure alteration alreadie g●nne to beginne So pro●e and inclinable are mento pitie miserie although they haue procured it and to enuie prosperitie euen that which they haue raysed Vpon Munday next following the Parlament began at Westminster and the Archbishop of Yorke and the Bishop of Hereford the Kings Atturneys for this purpose declared openly to the states there assembled the Kings voluntarie resignation and demaunded whether they would assent and agree therevnto the Barons of the realme by seuerall and particular consent the commons with one generall voyce did expreslye accept and admit the same Then it was thought meet that certaine defects and misdemeanures concerning matters of gouernment should be obiected against the King for which he should be adi●dged as vnworthy as he seemed vnwilling to reteine the kingdome To this purpose certaine articles were engrossed and openly read in which was conteyned how vnprofitable the King had bin to the realme how vniust and grieuous to the subiectes contrarie both to his honour and to his oath The chiefest of which articles are these that follow 1 FIrst that King Richard did wastefully spend the treasure of the realme and had giuen the possessions of the crowne to men vnworthy by reason whereof new charges were dayly laide on the neckes of the poore comminaltie 2 Item where diuers Lords as well spirituall as temporall were appointed by the high court of Parlament to commune and treate of matters concerning the state of the realme and the commonwealth of the same they being busied about the same commission he with others of his affinitie went about to impeache them of treason 3 Item that by force and menace he compelled the Iustices of the realme at Shrewsburie to condiscend to his opinion for the destruction of the said Lords Insomuch as he began to raise warre against Iohn Duke of Lancaster Thomas Earle of Arundell Richard Earle of Warwicke other Lords contrarie to his honor and promise 4 Item that he caused his vnckle the Duke of Gloucester to be arrested without lawe and sent him to Calice and there without iudgement murthered him and although the Earle of Arundell vpon his arraignement pleaded his charter of pardon he could not be heard but was in most vile and shamefull manner sodainly put to death 5 Item he assembled certaine
Lancashire and Cheshire men to the intent to make ware on the foresaid Lords and suffered them to robbe and spoile without correction or reproofe 6 Item that although the king flatteringly and with great dissimulation made proclamation throughout the realme that the Lords aforenamed were not attached for any crime of treason but onely for extortions and oppressions doone within the realme yet he laide to them in the Parlament rebellion and manifest treason 7 Item he hath compelled diuers of the said Lords seruants by menace to make great fines extreame paiments to their vtter vndooing and notwithstanding his pardon to to them graunted he made them fine a new 8 Item where diuers were appointed to common of the estate of the realme and the commonwealth of the same the king caused all the roules records to be kept frō them contrary to his promise made in parlament to his opē dishonor 9 Item ●e vncharitably commaunded that no man vpon paine of losse of life and goods should once entreate him for the returne of Henrie now duke of Lancaster 10 Item where the realme is houlden of God and not of the Pope or any other Prince the said King Richard after he had obteyned diuers acts of Parlament for his owne peculiar profit and pleasure then he procured Bulles and extreame censures from Rome to compell all men streitly to keepe the same contrary to the honour and auncient priuiledges of this realme 11 Item although the Duke of Lancaster had done his deuoyre against Thomas Duke of Northfolke in proofe of his quarrell yet the said king without reason or ground banished him the realme for ten yeares contrarie to all equitie 12 Item before the Dukes departure he vnder his broad Scale licenced him to make atturneys to prosecute and defend his causes the said king after his departure would suffer none atturney to appeare for him but did with his at his pleasure 13 Item the said king put out diuers Shiriffes lawfully elected and put in their roomes diuers others of his owne minions subuerting the lawe contrarie to his oath and honour 14 Item he borowed great summes of money and bound himselfe vnder his letters patents for the repayment of the same and yet not one peny paide 15 Item he taxed men at the will of him and his vnhappie counsaile and the same treasure spent in folly not paying poore men for their vittaile and viand 16 Item he said that the lawes of the realme were in his head and sometimes in his brest by reason of which phantasticall opinion he destroyed noble men and impouerished the poore commons 17 Item the parlament setting and enacting diuers notable statutes for the profit and aduancement of the commonwealth he by his priuie friends and solicitours caused to be enacted that no acte then enacted should be more preiudiciall to him then it was to his predecessours thorow which prouiso he did often as he list and not as the lawe ment 18 Item for to serue his purpose he would suffer the Shiriffes of the shires to remaine aboue one yeare or two in their office 19 Item at the summons of parlament when the Knights and Burgesses should be elect and the election had fully proceeded he put out diuers persons elected and put in others in their places to serue his will and appetite 20 Item he had priuie espials in euery shire to heare who had of him any communication and if he communed of his lafciuious liuing and outragious dooing he straightwayes was apprehended and made a grieuous fine 21 Item the spiritualtie alledged against him that he at his going into Ireland exacted many notable summes of money beside Plate and Iewels without lawe ot custome contrary to his oath taken at his coronation 22 Item when diuers Lordes and Iustices were sworne to say the trueth of diuers things to them committed in charge both for the honor of the realme and profit of the king the said king so menaced them with sore threatnings that no man would or durst say the right 23 Item that without the assent of the Nobilitie he caryed the Iewels and Place and treasure ouer the sea into Ireland to the great impouerishing of the realme and all the good recordes of the common wealth against his extortions he caused priuily to be embeaseled and caryed away 24 Item in all leagues and letters to be concluded and sent to the sea of Rome and other regions his writing was so subtill and darke that no other Prince durst once beleeue him nor yet his owne subiects 25 Item he most tyranouslie and vnprincely said that the liues and goods of all his subiects were in the Princes hands and at his disposition 26 Item that he contrarie to the great Charter of England caused diuers lustie men to appeale diuers olde men vpon matters determinable at the common law in the court Marciall because that in that court is no triall but onely by battaile whereby the sayd aged persons fearing the sequell of the matter submitted themselues to his mercie whom he fined and ransomed vnreasonably at his pleasure 27 Item he craftily deuised certaine priuie oathes contrarie to lawe and caused diuers of his subiects first to be sworne to obserue the same and after bound them in bands for surer keeping the same to the great vndooing of many honest men 28 Item where the Chancellour according to lawe would in no wise graunt a prohibition to a certaine person the king graunted it vnto the same person vnder his priuie ●eale with great threatnings if it should be disobeyed 29 Item he banished the Bishop of Canterburie without cause or iudgement and kept him in the Parlament Chamber with men of armes 30 Item the bishops goods he graunted to his successor vpon condition that he should maintaine all his statutes made at Shrewsburie Anno. 21. and the statutes made Anno 22. at Couentree 31 Item vppon the accusation of the Archbishop the king craftily perswaded the said Bishop to make no answer for he would be his warrant and aduised him not to come to the Parlament and so without answere he was condemned and exiled and his goods seazed Foure other Articles were laide which particularlie did concerne the said Archhishop by whose dooing chiefly the king was vtterlie vndone Then was demaunded of the Nobilitie and commons of the realme what they iudged both of the trueth and desert of these articles who all agreed that the crimes were notorious and that king Richard was worthie for the same to be deposed from his princely dignitie The noble men gaue their voyces part corrupted by fauour part awed by feare and the commons are commonly like a flocke of Cranes as one dooth flye all will follow Herevpon Commissioners were appointed by both the houses who pronounced sentence of deposition against king Richard in manner and forme as followeth In the name of God Amen VVe Iohn Bishop of S. Asses I. Abbote of Glastenburie Thom. Earle of Gloucester Thom. Lord
Berkley Thom. Erpinghame Thom. Graye Knights Will. Thirninge Iustice Commissioners for the matters hereafter specified by the Lords spirituall and temporall of the realme of England and the Commons of the said realme representing all the states of the saide Kingdome specially deputed sitting in seate of iudgement and considering the manifold periuries and cruelties and many other crimes and offerces by Richard late King of the saide realme committed and doone contrarie to good gouernement in the realmes and dominions aforesaide during the time of his reigne also considering the articles which were openly ●●●bibited and red before the said states which were so publicke notorious manifest and famous that they could nor can by no auoydance and shift be concealed also considering the confession of the saide King acknowledging and reputing and truly vpon his certaine knowledge iudging himselfe to haue been and to be altogether insufficient and vnskilfull for the rule and gouernment of the realmes and Dominions aforesaid and of any parts of them and not vnworthy to be deposed for the notorious demerites by the said Richard first acknowledged and afterward by his will and mandate before the said states published and to them opened and declared in the English tongue Vpon these and other matters which were done concerning the same busines before the said States and vs by the diligent place name and authority to vs in this part committed in aboundance and for a cautele we pronounce decree and declare the saide Richard to haue beene and to be vnprofitable and vnable and altogether insufficient and vnworthie for the rule and gouernement of the said realmes and of the dominions rights and parts of them and in regarde and respect of the premises worthily to be deposed from all kinglie dignitie and honour if any such dignitie and honour remaineth in him and for the like cautele wee doe depose him by our sentence definitiue in this writing inhibiting from hencefoorth expressely all and singular Lords Archbishops Bishops Prelates Dukes Marquesses and Earles Barons Knights Vassalles and all other persons whatsoeuer of the saide realmes and dominions and other places to the said realmes and dominions appertaining the subiects and liege people of the same and euery of them that from henceforth none obey or intend to obey the foresaid Richard as king or Lord of the realmes and dominions aforesaid Then the same Commissioners were by the consent and suffrages of both houses constituted procurators ioyntlye and seuerally for all the states of the realme to resigne and surrender vnto King Richard for them and all other homagers of the realme all the homages and fealties which were both due and doone vnto him as King and Soueraigne and also to declare vnto him al the premises concerning his deposition Now Henrie Duke of Lancaster that he might be reputed or reported at the least not to attaine the kingdom by intrusion and wrong was counsailed by his friends to pretend some lawfull challenge and claime therevnto and being in power it was no sooner aduised what was to bee doone but it was presently deuised how to doe it So a title was drawne from Edmund sonne to King Henrie the third whom they surnamed Crowch backe affirming that he was the eldest sonne of King Henrie and that for his deformitie he was put from his right of succession in the kingdome which was for that cause giuen to his yonger brother King Edward the third to this Edmund the Duke was next of bloud by his mother Blanche sole daughter and heyre to Henrie the first Duke of Lancaster and sonne to the saide Edmund This cunning conceit was perceiued of all men but seeming not to perceiue it was a point of friendship in some and of obedience in the rest therfore the kingdome of England being then thought vacant both by the resignation and also by the deposition of King Richard Duke Henrie arose from his seate and standing in the view of the Lords crossed himselfe on the forehead and on the brest and spake as followeth In the name of God Amen 〈◊〉 Henrie of Lancaster claime the realme of England ●●●●owne with all the appurtenances 〈…〉 of the bloud royall comming from that good Lord K. Henrie the third and through the right that God of this grace hath sent mee with the helpe of my kindred and of my friendes to recouer the same Which kingdome was in point to be vndoone for default of good gouernment and due iustice After these wordes it was demaunded in both houses of the Nobility of the commons which were assembled whether they did consent that the Duke should raigne Who all with one voyce acknowledged and accepted him for their King then the Archbishop of Canterbury tooke him by the hand and placed him in the throane of estate the Archbishoppe of Yorke assisting him and all the assemblie testifying their owne ioy and wishing his Then the Archbishop made an oration and tooke for his theame this place of Scripture See this is the man whom I spake to thee of this same shall raigne ouer my people 1. Reg. 9. 17. After all this he was proclaimed King of England and of Fraunce and Lord of Ireland and the common people which is voide of cares not searching into sequels but without difference of right or wrong inclinable to follow those that are mighty with shoutes and clamours gaue their applause not all vpon iudgement or faithfull meaning but most onely vpon a receiued custome to flatter the Prince whatsoeuer he be Yet least the heate of this humour should allay by delay it was foorthwith proclaimed in the great Hall that vpon the 13. day of September next ensuing the Coronation of the King should be celebrated at Westminster These matters being thus dispatched the King proclaimed arose from his seate and went to White Hall where he spent the rest of the day in royall feasting and all other complementes of ioy notwithstanding there appeared in him no token of statelynesse or pride nor any change in so great a change Vpon Wednesday next following the procurators before mentioned went to the presence of King Richard being within the Tower and declared vnto him the admission of his resignation and also the order and forme of his deposition and in the name of all the states of the realme did surrender the homage and fealty which had been due vnto him so that no man from thence foorth would beare to him faith and obedience as to their King The King answered that he nothing reguarded these titulare circumstances but contented himselfe with hope that his cousen would be gracious Lord and good friend vnto him So vpon the 13. day of October which was the day of the translation of Edward the Confessour the Duke was with all accustomed solemnities by the Archbishoppe of Canterbury sacred annointed and Crowned King at Westminster by the name of king Henry the fourth vpon the very same day wherein the yeere before he had been banished the Realme
qualitie in high degrees of office and seruice then proclamations were made that if any man had been oppressed by these Lords or by any officers vnder them he should prooue his complaint and receiue recompence It was made a question whether it was not meete that these noble men should be put to death the importunitie of the people and the perswasion of many great men drew that way but policie was against it and especially the opinion of clemencie which seemed needfull to the setling of a new risen state In this parlament also the Lorde Fitzwater appealed the sayd Duke of Aumerle sonne to the Duke of Yorke vpon points of high treason likewise the Lord Morley appealed Iohn Montacute Earle of Salisburie and moe then twentie other appeilants waged battaile but the king purposing to laye the foundation of his realme by fauour and not by force gaue pardon and restitution alike to all vppon sureties and band for their alleageance and in a sweet and moderate oration he admonished and as it were intreated the one part that ould griefes and grudges should not be renued but buried together with the memorie of former times wherein men were forced to doe many things against their mindes the other part he desired to be more regardfull of their actions afterward and for the time past rather to forget that euer they were in fault then to remember that they were pardoned No punishment was laide vppon any saue onely the Earle of Salisburie and the Lord Morley who had beene in especiall grace and fauour with King Richard these two were committed to prison but at the sute of their friends they were soone released the rest the King receiued freelye to fauour but most especially the Duke of Aumerle and the Duke of Excester Lord Gouernour of Calice The Duke of Aumerle was cousen germane to both the kings Iohn Holland Duke of Exce●●● was halfe brother to King Richard and brother in lawe to King Henrie whose sister the Lady Elizabeth he had taken to wise The greatest matter that was enforced against them was their loyaltie vnto King Richard a grieuous crime among rebels because they did not onlie stomacke and storme at his deiection but stirre also more then others and assaye to raise forces on his behalfe The Dukes bouldly confessed the accusation that they were indeed vnfortunately faithfull to King Richard but as those who once are false doe seldome afterwards prooue soundly firme so they that haue shewed themselues true to one prince may the better be trusted by any other The King did rather admit this as a defence then remit it as a fault affirming that such examples were not to be misliked of Princes so he entred with them into great termes of friendship and put them in place neerest his person endeauouring by courtesie and liberalitie to make them fast and faithful vnto him this fact was diuerslie enterpreted according to mens seueral dispositions some admiring the kings moderation others disliking and disallowing his confidence and indeed although these meanes haue to this purpose preuailed with some yet the common course may mooue vs commonly to coniecture that there is little assurance in reconciled enemies whose affections for the most part are like vnto Glasse which beeing once cracked can neuer bee made otherwise then crazed and vnsound Furthermore to qualifie all preiudice and hard opinion which other princes might chaunce to conceiue King Henrie dispatched Embassadours to diuers countries neere vnto him to make it knowne by what title and by what fauour and desire of all the people he atteyned the kingdome To the court of Rome hee sent Iohn 〈◊〉 Bishop of Hereford Sir Iohn Cheyney Knight and Iohn Cheyney Esquire into Fraunce hee sent Waker Shirlowe Bishop of Durham and Lord Thomas Pearcy Earle of Worcester into Spaine he sent Iohn Treuor Bishop of S. Assaph●● and 〈◊〉 William Parr● and into Almaine he sent the Bishop of Bangor and certaine other Most of these Princes as in a matter which little concerned eyther their honour or their harme seemed eyther not to regarde what was doone or easely to bee perswaded that all was doone well But Charles King of Fraunce was so distempe●ed at this dishonourable dealing with his sonne in lawe King Richard that by violence of his passion he fell into his oulde panges of phrensie and at the last by helpe of Phisicke returning to the sobrietie of his sences he purposed to make sharpe warre vpon that disloyall people as he termed them for this iniurie against their lawfull and harmlesse Prince Many noble men of Fraunce shewed themselues verye forwarde to enter into the seruice but especially the Earle of Saint Paule who had maryed King Richards halfe Sister So letters of defiance were sent into England and great preparation was made for the warre Likewise the newes of these nouelties much abashed the Aquitanes who were at that time vnder the English subiection and plunged their thoughts in great perplexities Some were greiued at the infamous blemish of the English nation who had disteyned their honour with the spot of such disloyall dealing others feared the spoyle of their goods and oppression of their liberties by the Frenchmen against whose violence they suspected that the realme of England beeing distracted into ciuill factions eyther would not attend or should not be able to beare them out but the Citizens of Burdeaux were chiefely anguished in respect of King Richard partlie fretting at his iniurie and partlie lamenting his infortunitie because he was borne and brought vppe within theyr Cittie And thus in the violence some of they● anger some of theyr griefe and some of their feare in this sort they did generally complaine O good God sayd they where is the world become saintes are turned to Serpents and Doues into diuels The English nation which hath been accompted fierce onely against theyr ●oes and alwayes faithfull to their friends are now become both fierce and faith lesse against their lawfull and louing Prince and haue most barbarouslie betrayed him Who would euer haue thought that Christians that ciuill people that any men would 〈◊〉 haue violated all religion all lawes and all honest and orderlie demeanure And although the heauens blush at the view and the ear●● sweat as the burthen of 〈…〉 and all man proclaime and exclaime open shame and confusion against them yet they neither feele the horrour nor shrinke at the shame nor feare the reuenge but stand vpon tearmes some of defence for the lawfulnesse of their dealing and some of excuse for the necessitie Well let them be able to blinde 〈◊〉 worlde and to resist 〈…〉 yet shall they neuer be able to escape 〈…〉 desire to be powred vpon them Alas good King Richard thy nature was too gentle and they gouernement too milde for so stiffe and stubborne a people what King wil euer repose any trust in such 〈…〉 them with lawes as theeues are with 〈◊〉 What 〈◊〉 hee 〈◊〉 can recouer theyr credite What time wyll
he would any more ioyne affinity with the English nation whose aliance had once so vnfortunately succeeded thē they entred into speech of a perpetuall peace but heereto the Frenchmen would not agree In the end it was concluded that Lady Isabell should be deliuered to King Charles her Father but without Dower because the marriage betweene King Richard and her was neuer consummate by reason wherof she was not dowable by the very treaty of the marriage Also the surcease of armes which foure yeeres before had beene made with King Richard for the terme of 30 yeeres was continued and confirmed for the time then vnexpyred Some authors affirme that a newe truce was taken but these also are at diffierence for some report that it was during the life of both the Kinges others that it was but for a short time which hath the more apparaunce of truth by reason of the open hostilitye which the yeere following did breake foorth betweene the two realmes Shortly after King Henrie sent the Lady Isabell vnder the conducte of Lorde Thomas Pearcy Earle of Worcester in royall estate to Calice she was accompanied with a great troupe of honourable personages both men and women and carried with her all the Iewelles and plate which shee brought into England with a great surple sage of rich giftes bestowed vpon her by the king at Calice she was receiued by the Earle of S. Paule Leiuetenant for the French king in Picardy and by him was conducted to king Charles her Father who afterwardes gaue her in marriage to Cbarles sonne to Lewes Duke of Orleance and so was eyther rest or respite of wars procured in Fraunce whilest neerer stirres might be brought to some stay For within the realme the fire and fury of the late sedition was scarcely quenched and quiet but that the common wealth should not cease to be torne by multiplying of diuisions one streight succeeding another the Welshmen vpon aduantage of the doubtfull and vnsetled estate of king Henrie resolued to breake and make a defection before eyther the king could ground his authority or the people frame themselues to a new obedience and hauing learned that common causes must be maintained by concord they sought by assemblyes to establish an association and to set vp theyr owne principality againe To this purpose they created for theyr Prince Owen Glendor an Esquire of Wales a factious person and apt to set vp diuision and strife and although hee was of no great state in birth yet was hee great and stately in stomacke of an aspiring spirit and in wit somewhat aboue the ordynarie of that vntrayned people boulde craftie actiue and as he listed to bend his minde mischieuous or industrious in equall degree in desires immoderate and rashlye aduenturous in his young yeeres hee was brought vp to the studye of the Common Lawe of the Realme at London and when he came to mans estate besides a naturall fiercenesse and hatred to the English name hee was particularlye incensed by a priuate suite for certayne landes in controuersie betweene the Lord Gray of Ruthen and him wherein his tytle was ouerthrowen and being a man by nature not of the myldest by this prouocation he was made sauadge and rough determining eyther to repayre or to reuenge his losse by setting the whole state on fire Also his expence and liberalitie had been too excessiue for a great man to endure which brought him to barenesse too base for a meane man to beare and therefore he must of necessitie doe and dare somewhat and more daunger there was in soft and quiet dealing then in hazarding rashlie Heerewith opportunitie was then likewise presented for troublesome times are most fit for great attempts and some likelyhood there was whilest the King and the Lordes were hard at variance that harme might easelie be wrought to them both Vpon these causes his desire was founded and vppon these troubles his hope But that his aspiring and ambitious humour might beare some shew of honest meaning he pretented to his countrymen the recouerie of theyr free estate the desire whereof was so naturally sweete that euen wilde Birdes will rather liue hardlye at large in the ayre then bee daintily dyeted by others in a Cage and opportunitie was at that time fitlie offered or else neuer to be expected to rid them of theyr thraldome falselie and coulourablie intituled a peace whilest the one Kings power was waining and the other not yet fullye wexen and eyther of them grew weake by wasting the other neither was there any difference which of them should preuayle sith the warre touched both alike insomuch as the ouerthrow would ruine the one and the victorie the other So hee exhorted them to take courage and armes and first to kill all the English within their territories for libertie and Lordes could not endure together then to resume their auncient customes and lawes whereby more then armes commonwealths are established and enlarged so should they bee a people vncorrupt without admi●tion of forreine manners or bloud and so should they forget seruitude and eyther liue at libertie or else perhaps bee Lordes ouer other Heerevppon many flocked vnto him the best for loue of libertie the basest of desire of bootie and spoile insomuch as in short time hee became commaunder of competent forces to stand openly in the fielde And being desirous to make some proofe of his prowesse hee sharply set vppon his ould aduersarie Reignold Lorde Grey of Ruthen whose possessions he wasted and spoyled slew many of his men and tooke himselfe prisoner yet gaue him faire and friendlie enterteinment and promised him releasment if he would take his daughter to wife This hee desired not so much for neede of his abilitie or ayde as supposing that the name and countenance of a Lorde would giue reputation to the house that was then but in rising But the Lorde Greye at the first did not so much refuse as scorne the offer affirming that he was no warde to haue his marriage obtruded vppon him Well sayde Owen Glendore although you bee not my warde yet are you in my warde and the suing of your liuerie will cost double the marriage money that elsewhere you shall procure The Lord Grey being not very riche to discharge his ransome and seeing no other meanes of his deliuerance at the last accepted the condition and tooke the damosell to wife notwithstanding his deceitfull Father in lawe trifled out the time of his enlargement vntyll hee dyed The Welshmen being confident vppon this successe began to breake into the borders of Hereford shire and to make spoyle and pray of the Countrey against whom Lord Edmund Mortimer Earle of Marche who for feare of King Henrie had withdrawne himselfe as hath been declared to Wiggmore Castle assembled all the Gentlemen of the Countrye and meeting with the Welshmen they ioyned together a sharpe and cruell conflict not in forme of a loose skirmish but standing still and maintaining their place they endeauoured with