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A02360 A yong mans inquisition, or triall VVhereby all young men (as of all ages) may know how to redresse and direct their waies, according to Gods word, and if they bee in the way of life to saluation, or in the way of death, to condemnation. Together with a godly and most comfortable meditation and praier ioyned thereunto. By William Guilde. Guild, William, 1586-1657. 1608 (1608) STC 12494; ESTC S103544 93,895 285

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them lost a kingdom to the which he was called by the wicked and furious hote counsellers of our lusts and affections in our youth let vs not also loose the glorious kingdome of heauen to the which wee are likewise called by Gods word Neither as the yong mans loue to his riches made him to forsake Christ let the vncleane loue or desire to follow our youthly pleasures or to fulfill our filthy lusts and affections draw vs from following Iesus Christ our Sauiour and these godly examples and patterns of youth which in his word wee haue here set before our eyes but with yong Samuel when the Lord calleth vs in his Church to heare and do his word let vs so oft answere Lord here am I thy seruant to doe thy godly will speake for thy seruant heareth while the spring and seed time is of our tender yeeres let vs so sowe as wee would reape and so bud as wee would ripen our youth is the day to doe our works in the night of age commeth wherein wee cannot worke in that time wee shall say onely I might haue bin learned I might haue bin so or so if I had vsed my time aright but winter is come before I thought on seed-time and Times bald backe-side is turned to mee but the heary forehead which I might haue caught holde by is already past therefore the wise man saith Remember now thy Creator in the dayes of thy youth whiles the euill dayes come not nor the yeeres approach wherein thou shalt say I haue no pleasure in them whiles the sunne is not darke nor the light nor the moone nor the starres nor the cloudes returne after rayne when the keepers of the house shall tremble and the strong men shal ●ow themselues the grinders shall cease because they are few and they waxe darke that looke out by the windowes c. describing so metaphorically the infirmities of old age They who stept in first when the Angel came downe and troubled the waters of the poole Bethesda were cured of their disease so if we would be cured of our soules disease and leprosie of sinne wee must striue to step in first before others in our youth without lingring to be washed with the blood of Christ and liue a pure vnspotted life Ioseph before the time of famine came laid vp aboundance of corne prouidently for the same so before the leane and crinkled yeeres of age come we must prouidently in the Sommer of youth with the Bee and Ant gather and lay vp food for our soules filling the store-houses of our heart full with the knowledge and true feare of God to be our comfort and ease in that time that here in the world to come we may bee accounted among the number and of the sort of those forenamed who dedicated their youth and first fruites thereof to God their heauenly Father and now do enioy the ioyful recōpence of their labours with Iesus Christ in the presence of the Lambe for euer to remaine The answere that is made vnto this question is this In taking heed thereto according to thy word that is by these meanes a yong man may redresse his wayes and course of life if according to the rule and prescript of thy holy worde O Lord hee take heed thereto diligently and straitly marking examining and iudging the same and rectifying all his waies and actions by the direct line and rule of thy commandements This answere is made by way of prayer or confessiō to God or as it were by resolution frō God In taking heed thereto according to thy word thereby shewing and teaching all men that to know will or doe aright as God hath commanded according to his word is not of our strength neither can flesh and blood reueale it vnto vs but our heauenly Father it is the gracious worke of his glorious Spirit who as the knowledge of Gods will proceedeth of his speciall Illumination so the acting and doing of the same in an holy and vpright life is of his speciall grace and powerfull operation also who giueth thee knowledge will and power to doe the same Velle perficer● by enlightning our vnderstanding reforming our wicked will and conforming the same vnto the holy and perfect wil of God and with his cōmand to rise from the sleepe and death of sinne to a new and sanctified life giuing vs a power and flowing light and life from himselfe to doe so as when Christ our Sauiour said Talitha cumi or Lazarus arise c. and at that last day when it shall be said Rise dead folke come to iudgement and so in all Gods word when hee commandeth to repent beleeue bring forth good fruit or so we must not thereby thinke because God commandeth so therefore that we haue knowledge or free-will to doe or not doe so but with the command there floweth a concomitating power and vertue from Gods spirit to the hearts of the faithfull predestinate for saluation to doe this command as a further induration to harden the hearts of the sonnes of reprobation in their stiffe-necked disobedience to Gods will euen as at the words of Christ the fig-tree withered free wil then and strength of our selues to know and doe euill wee haue for it is according to our nature for by nature wee are the children of wrath and all the imaginations of our heart are onely euill continually from our very infancie and it is the worke of our flesh for the flesh coueteth against the spirit but to know will or to do well we haue no power at all but it is Gods sanctifying Spirit who giueth both and it is aboue nature yea it is the worke of the Spirit against nature Therefore let vs not trust to our owne knowledge or wisedom for it is darkenesse foolishnesse nor thinke of our owne will or strength that we can doe or truely desire or know that which is good being so peruerse and wicked but with the Prophet after his example acknowledg al our knowledge of his will or of the right way to saluation to proceed onely from the illumination of his good spirit and that the will or strength to doe and performe the same is onely his owne free worke in mercie also and let vs by earnest prayers as in all ages so chiefly in our youth implore his holy helpe to teach vs according to his word how to walke in his wayes and to take heed to our owne in greatest difficulties consult with him who is true light and wisedome and in whom is no changing in greatest tentations by continuall prayer let vs flie to him that with his all-sufficient grace he may euer assist vs when Sathan would not only buffet but kill deuoure our soules with the poyson of sinne and our owne lusts and in all things let him be our onely refuge resolution and comfort continually In taking heed thereto c. this action of taking heed to our wayes in the answere
will which is in heauen Many will say vnto me in that day Lord Lord haue we not by thy name prophesied and by thy name cast out diuells and by thy name done many great workes And then will I professe to them I neuer knew you depart from mee yee that worke iniquitie Whosoeuer then heareth my words and doth the same is like the wise man that buildeth his house vpon a rocke c. Seeing God soweth the seede of his word in our hearts hee looketh for a ripe haruest of good works if he hath planted vs as vines in his vine● yard or oliue branches in the stock Christ he looketh that in him wee should bring forth sweete grapes and shew that wee liue in him by bringing forth good and pleasant fruit in him Gal. 5. 25. If we liue in the spirit let vs walke also in the spirit Wee must not like that barren and vnprofitable fig-tree Luk. 13. 7. delay to giue fruite to our Maister from yeare to yeare lest we be cut down and throwne ouer the hedge for euer in his fierce wrath but in our youth and tender age we must bud and bring forth sweete pleasant fruits such as he expecteth Christ Iesus abolished the curse of the Law by his comming but hee came not to take away the Law it selfe and the Prophets but to fulfill them As hee therefore perfitly obeyed Gods Lawe so that there was no sinne at all found in him so must his members here on earth striue in some measure to obey Gods Lawe and to come to that perfection that is here permitted by Gods Spirit to the elect to attaine vnto and that there be no sin found raigning in them For there is none no not one man in this world but sinne is found in him neither was there euer any other waies except Iesus Christ God and man but wee must striue and endeuour by the powerfull operation of Gods sanctifying Spirit assisting vs euery one of vs that if sinne abide in vs and the law of sin bee in our flesh yet that it beare not dominion or ouer-rule ouer vs but that in the spirit wee may haue the law of righteousnesse subiugating and weakening the other daily more and more till at the last by grace both soule and body bee captiuated vnto Christs obedience and take on his yoake that both likewise hereafter may bee in and with Christ victorious and triumphant in glory Amongst Pastours Whosoeuer shall obserue and teach Gods Commandements their reward shall be great they shall be called great in the kingdome of heauen so amongst the hearers and flocke Blessed are they that heare the word of God and keepe it The true Pastour maketh his voice sound like Arons bells before his flocke And the sheepe heare his voyce and hee calleth his owne sheepe by name and leadeth them out And when hee hath sent forth his owne sheepe hee goeth before them and the sheepe follow him for they know his voyce Where to see the necessity of good works doing of Gods word therin we may consider the dutie both of the true Pastours of Christ and of the true sheepe of Christ with both their markes whereby so they may bee easily knowne the one not to bee Woolues in Lambs skins theeues robbers and hirelings the other not to bee sheepe of another Pastour or pasture True Pastours here then must goe before their sheepe first by an incorrupt doctrine or voyce and secondly by the footesteps of an incorrupt conuersation and life Concerning the first Christs charge to Peter is Louest thou me t●en feede my flocke So that Pastours loue to Christ is approued before God to their owne conscience and before men by feeding only his flocke the woe of the contrary whereof is set downe plainely Ezek. 24. 2. Wo ●ee to the shepheards of Israel that feede themselues should not the sheepheards feed the flockes Also 2. Tim. 4. 1. Pauls charge to Timothie I charge thee therefore before God and before the Lord Iesus Christ which shall iudge the quicke and the dead at his appearing and in his kingdome Preac● the word be instant in season and out of season improue rebuke exhort with all long suffering doctrine So here is Christs charge and the Apostle of Christs charge the one to Peter the other to Timothy and so to all Ministers that they should make their flockes heare their voice and sound the same before them For as Iohn was a voice in the wildernesse to prepare the way of the Lord at his first comming in humilitie so they must bee now voices crying in the desart of this world to prepare the way against the Lords second comming in glorie by Repent bringing low euerie high vnhumbled hill and by Beleeue exalting and comforting againe euery low valley and humbled soule in Gods presence so they must loose and binde open and shut set life and death before euery one and W●e bee to them if they preach not the Gospell or therein loue their owne glory and praise of men more then the glory of God seeing the King hath sent them out to call all men to his banquet to eate of the fat calfe God hath made them Angells to cry before that last day Rise dead folke in sinne prepare to come to Iudgement cast off the corruption of the lustes of the flesh put on renouation of the spirit be sanctified in body and soule that in both hereafter you may be also glorified they haue concredit to them the trumpet of Gods voice at whose sound the high and proud walles of the Iericho of euery mans heart must fall and therefore must compasse them blow the trumpets diligently and often They are sent that they should preach the Gospell to the poore heale the ●roken hearted preach deliuerance to the captiues and recouering of sight to the blind that they should set at libertie them that are bruised and that they should preach the acceptable yeare of the Lord. This then is the voyce that they should vtter and this is the voyce the true sheepe should follow and know Concerning the second marke of true Pastours to wit their going also before their flocke in good example and holy life according to their owne voyce doing the same Christs charge likewise to his Apostles is Matt. 5. 16. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good workes and glorifie your Father which is in heauen The neglect and transgression whereof hee sheweth in the Scribes and Pharisies whose righteousnesse except theirs exceeded hee telleth his Disciples they should neuer enter in the kingdome of heauen Matt. 23. 2. in these wordes saying The Scrbes and Pharisies sit in Moses seate and therefore whatsoeuer they bid you obserue that obserue and do● but after their workes doe not for they say and doe not as alas too many such in these our daies doe The Apostlte Paul also Rom. 2. 21. to this effect saith
Thou therefore that teachest another teachest thou not thy selfe thou that preachest a man should not steale doest thou steale Thou that saiest a man should not commit adultery doest thou commit adulterie thou that abhorrest idols committest thou sacriledge And therefore in his charge to Timothy he saith But thou O man of God flee from these thinges meaning pride auarice c. and follow after righteousnesse godlines faith loue patience and meekenes c. Which many men preaching onely to others may and hath become notwithstāding reprobates thēselues but the Apostle hauing in his own life first practised his own doctrine to others and like a Cocke wakened and raised himselfe first by his voyce sheweth the like dutie to all other Pastours in a holy li●e to goe before their sheepe when he saith Be ye followers of mee and in another place adding as I am of Christ. For as Aaron had vpon his breast Vrim Thumim that is knowledge and holinesse so must euery true Minister haue the same in his breast and heart the one to preach well and goe before in voyce the other to liue well and goe before in good example For I will be sanctified saith God in them that beare mee And if they that should be the light of their flocke be darknes how great is that darknes For as Am●rose in Psalm 119. saith Vita bona sine doctrina ●abet gratiam sed doctrina sine vita integritatē non ●abet And as Christ sheweth if that seruāt that knoweth not his Masters will and doeth not the same shall bee beaten with fewe stripes what shall be to him who knoweth not his Masters will and yet in some measure doeth the same But he that knoweth it yea teacheth others to know it and persuadeth himselfe that hee is a guide to the blind a light of them that are in darkenes an instructer of them that lacke discretion a teacher of the vnlearned c. and yet doth not the same himself but wilfully runnes into the pit truely hee is worthie and shall be beaten with many grieuous stripes one day Lorde graunt many in this age may preuent them Iudas preached Christ yet sold him through couetousnesse and was a child of perdition Balam said All what the Lord shall command that will I speake yet was a false couetous Prophet and likewise perished Yea the Diuell himselfe could crie out that hee knew he was that Iesus the sonne of God and so gaue publike testimonie of Christ yet he persecuted him and now is condemned Many in that last day with their true preaching shall plead miracles also yet because they wrought iniquitie they shall heare that fearefull Away from mee I know you not Therefore let all true Pastors goe before the flocke in good and godly example also in life doctrine so shining as bright lampes and starres in Christs right hand or familie saying and doing according to the counsell of the same Ambrose ibid. Nec vita sit sine doctrina nec doctrina sine vita sed vna adstipuletu● alteri and this is the second marke whereby true Pastors are knowne by Matth. 7. 17. For by their f●u●tes saith Christ you shall know them for as from Vrim or knowledge must proceed the ringing of the bels of Gods word before the people to heare so from Thumim or holines must proceed the pomegranates pleasant sauory fruits of good works to be seene and imitated of Gods people that as they are followers of Christ so they may be followers of them againe as the Apostle saith of himselfe The Lorde of the haruest increase the number of such painefull godly labourers who may not onely bee diligent in preaching but beeing zealous of good works also may shine in a good life before the flocke concredit to their charge and by these two markes bee knowne so to bee true Pastours in his owne time remoue these rauening woolues clothed in lambes skinnes who vsurpe like lords ouer the Lords inheritance seeking to feede themselues and not the flocke no waies considering that if Labans sheepe were kept by Iacob so carefully in the frost of the night without sleepe and in the burning heate of the day that much more the sheepe of Iesus Christ bought by his owne heart-blood should bee with a carefull eye ouer-seene and fed tithing the mint cumming seed but omitting weightier matters stealing killing and deuouring Christs flocke beating out their fellow seruants their separation with hypocrites is at hand the Lord graunt they may speedily preuent it The two like markes of Christs true Sh●●pe and Sheepefolde are First they heare and know their Pastors voyce and Secondly as hee goeth before them in an holy life so they follow him then as hee is not dumbe to speake so they are not deafe to heare they heare then his voyce they know it and will not follow the voyce of a stranger so that God giueth them knowledge and discretion not ignorance to bee a mother of their deuotion no● fearefull simplicitie to be led euery where if the scriptures be hid they are not to them but to those that perish they search the Scriptures their chiefe Pastors voice which testifieth of himselfe they trie the spirits if they bee of God or no and if an Angell from heauen should lay any other foundation except that which is layd Iesus Christ the Lambe or should teach any other doctrine then that which the holy Apostles haue taught they should hold him accursed they are as liuely stones in Sion builded onely vpon the foundation and doctrine of the holy Apostles they doe follow precisely and onely the voyce and written word of Iesus Christ their chiefe Pastor and Shepheard of their soules which soundeth daily in the middest of his Church and family accounting all other voyces to bee of theeues hirelings and dissembling woolues they are in Christ who is the light of the world and in whom is no darknes and according to the Apostles commaund they striue to grow in grace● and in the knowledge of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ so true sheepe must heare the Pastors voyce receiuing the seed that is sowen they must know his voyce discerning if it be good seed or no wheate or popel that is sowed And thirdly which is the second marke also of the true sheepe they must bring forth good fruite thereby according to the measure of Gods grace in them The Pastor soundeth his voyce and they heare and know it and he goeth before them and this must be their following of him by hearing commeth their faith so by their faith and from the same as the fruit and effect if it bee liuely and true proceedeth and must proceed this imitation of good workes they must follow their Pastor as he is a follower of Christ but if hee bee not according to Christs counsell and command what he biddeth obserue that obserue and doe but after his workes doe not if hee say
let it be negligently woe be to thē for they preach not the Gospell they feede themselues and not the flocke It is sufficient for them to haue a Lambes skinne the name of a christian although they neuer felt the power of Christ to bee called Bishop or Pastour albeit they neuer ouer-see nor can ouer-see not their flocke but the flockes the sheepe neuer heard nor knew their pastoral voice but their thundering tyrannical iurisdiction they call not nor can they call their owne sheep by name because they haue not any particular flock they leade them not out to pasture neither can their sheep follow thē because they goe not before except it be by wicked example and giuing offence they come not in at the doore by Christ and his ordinarie lawfull calling but climbes vp another way by man●pleasing briberie simonie honors to theeue and to rob kil and destroy like that wicked steward drinking eating and glutting thēselues with worldly honours and riches and with the blood of the sheepe but beating out of Christs sheepfold and house their painefull fellow seruants that seeketh the life and feeding of the sheepe onely they will neither enter themselues nor suffer others to enter they will neither come nor bring to Christ neither will they suffer others many soules perish in their default and great shal be their condemnation who doe so in the worlde to come they haue the sheep-hooke in their hand but neuer applies it to bring them into Christs sheepfold they haue the forme of clouen tongues vpon their heads but not the clouen tongue of Gods Spirit in their heads or hearts to diuide the word aright distribute the same vnto Gods people The world with the riches glory thereof which Sathan offered to Christ is sufficient to make them fall downe and worship him the world the kingdome thereof soundeth sweetly in their eares because they are in loue one with another and their condemnation is all one but the word of God It is written the voyce of the kingdome of heauen is as displeasant vnto them as the same It is written was to Sathan Sell all and follow me was a hard saying to the rich yonug man they beeing of the world to bee selected from the world is as bitter a saying to them yea more bitter to the worldly thē that potion which the world gaue to Christ on the Crosse vineger and gall mixed together Flint from flint may be sooner pulled asunder the hardest Adamant or Diamond diuided then to diuide and diuorce them from their sweet Dalilah the world and to doe that Gods word shall neuer get place by them These are the causes that that bright Candle is put vnder a bushell by them that that glorious Citie is placed in a low valley that that precious ●ewell is hid vnder the earth lest it be found and had onely in estimation to be hid in mens hearts for if so bee that the stronger man enter the vsurper shall be bound cast out straight if light come darkenesse shal depart as the morning cloudes are driuen before the Sun set vp Gods Kingdome and Lawes and put downe their kingdome and lawes God and Belial cannot be together the aduancement of the Throne of Iesus Christ the Lambe is the detruding of these goates out of their throne the divulgating of his word is the falsifying of theirs therefore they striue to prolong the night as long as they may that the bright day-starre arise not that Light that shineth in darkenesse to discouer them and their workes The cause also why many men chiefly yong men esteeme not nor take such delight in Gods word as they should and care not much albeit it were hid that they neuer heard it much is because mans nature chiefly in youth affecteth libertie of the flesh which it being the word of the Spirit fighteth against and restraineth It is the limits of that narrow way which leadeth to life and therefore will not suffer libertie to wander astray in the wide wilde fields of sinne to death it is the knife that openeth the soare and will haue strictnesse first that ease may follow after when we sinne neuer so little it will like a good master checke vs like a louing father reproue vs and like a wise counseller admonish vs which checking reproofe or admonishing yea for great offences youth can scarse abide Iesus Christ commanded the young man in the Gospell that he should leaue all and follow him if hee would haue eternall life Iesus Christ now commandeth also in his word all yong men that they leaue all their pleasures lustes of youth and vanities and follow his strict and holy life if they would haue eternall life Knowing that all tbat are baptized into Iesus Christ are baptized in his death and like as hee was raysed vp from the dead by the glory of the Father so wee also should walke in newnesse of life His word commandeth vs to flie from the luste of youth and follow after righteousnesse faith loue and peace the yonger to submit themselues vnto their elders and euery one to another to decke themselues inwardly with lowlinesse of minde without fornication adulterie drunkennes whoredome c. knowing that they who doe so shall neuer inherite the kingdome of heauen Eschewing all filthinesse for God hath not called vs vnto vncleannesse but vnto holinesse all foolish talking neither mocking or ieasting which are things vncomely and giuing no place vnto the diuel putting away all bitternesse and anger with euill speaking and all maliciousnesse being courteous one to another and tender hearted forgiuing one another as God for Christs sake forgaue vs and iu all things being followers of God as deare children glorifying him in body and in spirit for they are Gods Which commandements of Gods word are hard and vnpleasant vnto youth except it be seconded with grace Therefore all young men should desire this assisting and renewing grace of God Redeeming the time for the dayes are euill And that considering the season that it is now time that we should arise frrom sleepe for now is our saluation neerer then we beleeued it the night is past and the day is at hand let vs therefore cast away the workes of darkesnesse and let vs put on the armour of light So that we walke honestly as in the day not in gluttony and drunkennesse neither in chambering and wantonnesse nor in strife and eni●ying but put on the Lord Iesus Christ and take no thought for the flesh to fulfill the lust of it and 〈…〉 as he who despiseth these things despiseth not man but God So if any man purge himselfe from thes●● hee shall bee a vessell vnto honour sanctified meete for the Lord prepared vnto euery good worke Amen 1. Sa. 17. 49. 1. Sam. 18. 9. Ps. 119 161. Psal. 119. 157 Verse ●8 27. 35. 36. 37. 133. 134. 41 Re● 19. 〈…〉 Ver. 25. 50. 39. Verse 24. Verse 105. Ver. 11 28 Ha. l● lu ja Leuit. 12. Vers. 18. 27. 37. 133. Vers. 25. 28. 81. 120. Vers. 157. 161. 93. Vers. 24. Vers. 10. Vers. 11. Vers. 13. Vers. 14● Vers. 15. Vers. 16. Gen. 6. 5. 1. Cor. 11. 28. The 1. Vse The 2. vse 2. Tim. 4. 7. Lam. 3. 27. Gen. 3. Mat. 8. 29. Eccles 11. 9. Gen. 22. 3 2. Co● 6 2. G●n 1. 14. 1. Thes. 5. 22. Vers. 103. Mat. 22. 21. Prou. 23. 26. Matur● Luke 2. 46. Properè Psal. 119. 32. I●h 21 25. Rectè Constanter Reu. 2. 10. Prou. 8. 2. Tim. 3. 15. Luke ● 80. The 3. Vse Gen. 18. 17. 19. Gen. 22. 7. 8. Gen. 24. 36. Gen. 17. 7. 2. King 2. Prou 13. 24. Prou. 29. 17. Prou. 22. 6. 1. King 23. 6. Psal. 51. ● Ephes. 2. 3. Gen. 27 46. Gen. 28. 6 7 8. 1. Sam. 2. 23. Iohn 8. 39. 44. Luke 18. 17. Reu. 2. 2. Tim. 2. 19. 2. Tim. 2. 22. 3. We are limitted 4. We take no burdens 1. We desire not our way to be long 6. Our way dangerous Matt. 23. 26. Gen. 4. Vse Vse Exod. 31. 3. Prou. 6. 11. Iob. 32. 7. 1. Tim. 1. 5. 1. Tim. 4 8. Prou. 14. 26. Tit. 2. 12 13. Phil 3. Phil. 4. ● Matth. 6. Mat. 5. 19. Luke 11 28. Ihon 10. Iohn 12. Isa. 61. 2. Mat. 5. 20. Rom. 2. 19. Io. 8. 12. Pet. 3. 18. Mark 13. 1. Pet. 1. 15. Phil. 1. 27. Iere. 23. 29. Ier. 23. 2● Psal. 119. 14. 24. 40. 72. 93. 97. 103. 2. King 24. Reu. 2. Rom. 6. 3. 4 2. Tim 2. 22. 1. Pet. 5. 5. Eph. 5. 3 4. 1. Thess. 4. 7. Eph. 5. 16. Rom. 13. 11. 1. Thes. 4 7. 2. Tim. 3. 21.
A YONG MANS INQVISITION OR TRIALL Whereby all young men as of all ages may know how to redresse and direct their waies according to Gods word and if they bee in the way of life to saluation or in the way of death to condemnation Together with a godly and most comfortable Meditation and Praier ioyned thereunto GALAT. 5. 25. If we liue in the spirit let vs also walke in the spirit By William Guilde AT LONDON Printed by R. Raworth for Iohn Bache and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head Pallace 1608. To the most worthy and zealous of Gods trueth the Senate and Citie of Aberdene together with the painefull and faithfull Pastours of the same all grace and peace from aboue constancie in the puritie of the trueth ioy of Gods spirit here and eternall ioy glorie and happinesse with the same spirit in the world to come Amen HIpponicus the Sonne of Hippias a citizen of Athens hauing decreed and appointed to erect and dedicate a certaine Image vnto his natiue soile as a testimony and manifestation of his ardent loue dutifull affection and gratitude towardes the same was counselled and importunately perswaded by his friends and kinsfolks who did heare of his immutable determination thereunto to giue out the same to be framed made by Polycletus an excellēt grauer of Images in those times but he greatly disassenting from their opinion and reiecting their importunate perswasions answered them that in doing so he should exhibit to the eyes of Athens an image or representation rather of the excellent Art of Polycletus the Image maker then according to his intention the image manifestation of his owne loue regard and affection that likewise it might bee that Athens so should rather respect the one then perceiue so well or regard the other and therefore hee had decreed to manifest his own affection or heart by his owne hand perswading himselfe that the whole to wit the manifestation howsoeuer as his loue manifested proceeding both from himselfe would bee more acceptable to his Athenians then the exact arte of expert Polycletus and that not hauing great occasion to fixe their eyes onely vpon the exquisite worke of the image or representation to say who wrought it they would onely behold the ardent affection represented of him who dedicated the same So likewise with Hipponicus after long and earnest wishing of an occasion whereby I might in some sort also manifest and testifie my dutifull affection regard remembrance and gratitude which I owe to the Athens of my birth education as a small riuer returning to his Ocean I haue decreed to erect and dedicate vnto the same as an image and plainer manifestation of my loue being a young man my selfe this image and representation of a godly and Christian young man trying his waies and by earnest inquiring in consolatiō with God shewing whereby or how to redresse the same to wit in taking heede thereto according to Gods word vnto the which examplar I wish that euery yong man may as he should cōforme himselfe being inuaded or neuer so little stung with the poisonable serpentine lusts of youth whereof this wildernesse is so ful he may vnto this image erected in Gods word lift vp his eyes thereby therein beholding his dutie and the safetie of his soule which with Hipponicus I perswade my selfe likewise that it shall be so in loue accepted of my natiue Athens and Athenians as in loue and a testimonie of my loue I dedicate the same vnto them In the framing whereof albeit the exact arte of Polycletus be wanting and is not to bee expected yet with him without any suspecting of the contrarie I doe assure and perswade my selfe that the loue of the Dedicatour with his intention to manifest testifie hereby the same will bee more respected and weighed in the ballance of reciprocall loue which couereth many infirmities then the Image thereof dedicated or manner of testification howsoeuer In the which assurance and perswasion I doe rest repose secure satisfie my selfe desiring withall and earnestly wishing that the almightie God of Israel who neither slumbereth nor sleepeth may euer bee the watch-man and wall of the Citie with the s●nne of his loue and sincere trueth of his Sonne that hee may euer shine in and vpon it that the Candlesticke thereof may neuer bee remoued nor the Chariots and Horsemen thereof taken away but his blessings may bee vpon his people externally internally eternally Amen William Guilde TO THE THREE Right worshipfull Brethren Sir Iohn Sheffeeld Knight Master Edward and Master William Sheffeeld sonnes to the truely noble and right honourable the Lord Sheffeeld Lord President of Yorke and one of his Maiesties most honourable order of the Garter all encrease of true vertue honour and happinesse here and eternall felicitie with Christ for euer hereafter IT is said of Apelles a most cunning Painter that after he had painted and appointed any peece of worke to be exhibited to a publike view in any open place vsed to lurke priuily behinde the same himselfe to heare the diuers and dissonant opinions censures which the pass●rs by vsed and did pronounce of his picture and willing to satisfie their curious captious natures withall vsed to excuse himselfe by vnder writing so Apelles faciebat not fecit If Apelles therefore in his age sole and most expert in his arte vsed neuer to expone any picture to publike view without shrowding himselfe as it were both with his bo●●d and this forenamed excuse from the captious tongues of the multitude verily the vse of patronage in these our daies wherein so many of carping Zoilus taxing Momus liueth is not onely customable but also altogether necessarie who verifieth the Prouerbe Quot capita tot sentētiae quā varia ora tam varia Iudicia and are busie to be pulling out the mote out of their neighbors eies not cōsulting with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Nosce te ipsum to take the beame first o●t of their owne Therfore it is right Worshipfull Trinarie that leauing the Viper to the file hos ardeliones 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 yet this time I haue presumed to shrowd and couer this little Treatise vnder the sheild of your beneuolence and fauour offering and dedicating these small and vnworthy labours of a young man concerning a young mans direction in his life according to Gods word with the hands and heart of all humility dutie and affection to you the yong branches and happy of-spring of so noble a stocke whose roote so to fasten establish in the land wherein hee liueth with honour and in the land of the liuing for euer that the worme of his enemies may neuer preuaile to make any of the least of his branches to wither or decay but they may euer spread and more and more flourish in all godlinesse honour blessednesse I pray almighty God to the glory of his name his Churches comfort and the
Midianites fight against his enemies so by Gods owne word and the holy messenger of his spirit euery yong man is commanded in the strength of his youth to rise against fight and subdue his owne corrupt affections which are enemies to God and his own saluation so that in our youth we must begin and serue God amend and redresse our waies according to his word not excluding but in euery age wee haue neede and must doe so and the rather seeing a maiori ad minus if Gods word serue to redresse a yong mans way who burneth in his lusts and affections much more serueth it to redresse a man in ripe age his affections being thē more cooled but chiefly in youth we haue most neede by Gods word to cleanse and redresse our waies for sundry reasons First because our nature then which contraries grace is strongest and so wee are more apt and readie to bee led away by our lustes and to bee drawne in the chaine of our affections by Sathan into a farre countrie of sinne from our owne fathers house with that prodigall sonne to abuse and riotously to consume Gods liberall giftes and manifolde graces bestowed vppon vs in pouertie nakednesse and famine of all goodnesse feeding our filthy vncleane lustes of the flesh and greedily feeding and eating with them Therefore in most dangerous estate wee must take the best and straitest heede when our enemie is within walls then most strongly and couragiously must hee bee resisted when wee finde our nature most inclining to obey sinne then must wee striue and wrestle with GOD in most earnest prayers and hold him fast vntill hee giue vs his blessing and the strength of his Spirite to striue also and preuaile with sinne that our nature by his grace may bee reformed our will made conformable and inclining to his and that in soule and bodie wee may bow in obeying his Commaundements Secondly our youth is the beginning of our pilgrimage and in it we must enter in either at the broad way which leadeth vnto euerlasting destruction or at the narrow way which leadeth vnto euerlasting ioy and saluation The true way is Iesus Christ and his righteousnes I am the way the veritie and life who as he is the way so he is the end of the way eternall saluation as he is God so he leadeth vnto God and to the kingdome of God his father and is the ease and rest of all that commeth loaden or wearie vnto him Therefore in thy youth and entring in thy pilgrimage see thou enter in this way and if thou wouldst finde this way to walke therein desire God to opē thy eies that thou mayst see this narrow way Search the Scriptures saith the way it selfe for they are that testifie of me When thou hast found him in his word and known him by his word as the sheepe doth the true sheep-heard apply him then by a liuely faith to thy soule and take hold of the way and hauing found knowne applied and taken hold of him then apply thy whole course of life in thought word and deede vnto this way euer walking therin Be you holy as I am holy saith he Learne of me for I am humble and meeke Moses was commanded to pull off his shooes because the ground hee did stand vpon was holy If thou stand t●●n vpon that holy ground ground-stone Iesus Christ walke in that sacred pure way thou must seperate and cast from thee all filthinesse of sinne and corruption If thou wouldst walke with that vnspotted Lambe thou must walke clothed with that white long robe of sanctitie righteousnesse purchased and washed in his blood beleeue Christ Iesus in thy heart confesse Christ Iesus with thy mouth and shew Christ Iesus and him image in thy life and conuersation so hast thou enterd so doost thou walke so shalt thou attaine to the end of this true and ioyfull way All other waies are by-waies the leader and ladder Sathan a manslaier a lyer from the beginning and the end of al such is Gods fierce wrath and eternall perdition hee leadeth thee from the true Citie of Ierusalem in his deceitfull by-waies to rob thee of the good gifts of God bestowed vpon thee and to kill body soule and cast it into vtter darkenesse like a wise Vlisses harken not to this Syren who would allure and draw thee so to no sweete harmony but to destroy the ship of the body and precious loading of thy soule for which christ shed his precious blood vpō the rocks of eternal destruction to be his pray Auoide this Scylla and Carybdis and hold constantly forward in the true way Christ enter and perseuere in it in thy youth when thou art aged thou shalt bee at the end thereof that thou maiest see with the holy Apostle when the time of thy departing is at hand I haue sought a good fight and haue finished my course I haue kept the faith for henceforth is laid vp for mee the crowne of righteousnesse which the Lord the righteous Iudge shall giue mee at that day and not vnto me onely but vnto a●l them that loue his appearing Lorde grant that euery one of vs may in our youth enter in this course constantly continue therein t●ll our ●●ues end and at our last dissolution we may haue this sure and comfortable perswasion Thirdly we should serue God in our youth chiefly obeying his wil and abstaining from sinne because our youth is as the fat most pleasant vnto God not sinning in it when we may sinne and therefore let vs sacrifice the same vnto him not offering vp the fat morning sacrifice of our youth to Molech the diuell and our sinfull corrupt affections and thinking that the God of Israel wil accept of our leane and lame colde euening sacrifice of weake olde age and so bee serued with the worst after his enemie Sathan In our youth wee must not runne with the diuell and in age thinke to returne vnto God neuer forsaking our lusts nor ceasing to fulfill them in our youth till then in age they forsake vs with the strength to accomplish them whē we are strongest wee are weake enough to follow Christ much more vnable when wee are weakest Therefore as Dauid killed Goliah in his youth so let vs seeke to slay that manslayer Sathan in resisting him and kill that Goliah of sin and our corrupt affections which hee vseth as weapons against vs putting off all fleshly armour and arming body and soule with the strength of Gods Spirit putting our trust and sure confidence in Iesus Christ who as by former experience he did ouercome his tentations in his owne person and in the persons of all the Saints his elect members so likewise of his constant loue vnfallible trueth and vnfaileable strength hee will assist and persist with vs vntill wee haue likewise troden him vnder foote As Dauid being young did pull out a Lambe out of the mouth of the Lyon and the Beare so
he grew in yeares so he waxed strong in spirit So likewise euery yong man must striue to do to consecrate himselfe from the wombe to the graue in the seruice of God and to deserue that good commendation of Timothy from his childhood to know the holy Scriptures which may teach instruct him in righteousnesse as a Master which may improoue and correct his faults as a Father and make him a man of God absolute perfite vnto all good works The third lesson and obseruation is to fathers of youth as the first was to youth it selfe and it is that as young men in their youth must learne and practise godlinesse in redressing of their waies according to Gods word so the fathers of all youth must beginne to teach the same vnto them and go before their children in good example of life while they are tender and as new vessells fit to receiue and be seasoned with piety Gods commaundement in his word concerning this dutie of parents is Deutronomie 4. 9. But take heede to thy selfe and keepe thy soule diligently that thou forget not the thinges which thine eyes haue seene and that they depart not out of thine heart all the daies of thy life but teach them thy sonnes and thy sonnes sonnes Againe Deutronomie 6. 7. where hee saith And thou shalt re●earse them continually vnto thy children and shalt talke of them when tho●●●riestin thine house and as thou walkest by the way and when thou liest downe and when thourisest vp Moreouer Deutronomie 32. 46. in Moses last exhortation to Israel Then hee saide vnto them Set your hearts vnto all the wordes which I testifie against you this day that you may command them vnto your children that they may obserue and doe all the words of this Law Likewise the Apostle Ephes. 6. 4. And yee fathers prouoke not your children to wrath but bring them vp in instruction information of the Lord. So Psal. 78. 5. How he established a testimony in Iacob and ordained a law in Israel which hee commanded our fathers that they should teach their children Also the practise of all the godly hath euer been so according to this cōmandemēt of God Adam taught his sonnes to sacrifice and offer to the Lord. The three Angels that came to Abraham they reuealed vnto him the destru●tion of Sodome because the Lord did know that he would teach this his iudgement for sinne to the posteritie after him And the Lord said shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I doe For I know him that he will command his sonnes and his houshold after him that they keepe the way of the Lord to doe righteousnesse and iudgement that the Lord may bring vpon Abraham that he hath spoken vnto him Isaac being a young childe yet was well instructed in the typicall seruice of God and things pertaining vnto the sacrifice of the old Law when he asked his father Behold the fire and the wood but where is the lambe for the ●urnt offering And he answered My sonne God will prouide him a lambe c. His exercise also when hee was a young man by his fathers instruction and example was And Isaac went out to pray in the field toward the euening c. So Ioshua in his last commandement exhortation to Israel saith vnto them And if it seeme euill vnto you to serue the Lord choose you this day whom you will serue c. but I and my house will serue the Lord. With sundry such examples in the Scripture where we may see the practise and care of all the godly to haue beene euer in instructing bringing vp their children in the knowledge and feare of God which all godly Christian parents in this age must follow likewise for if God hath established his couenant betweene vs and our seed after vs to be our God for euer how carefull should wee then be that our seede and children may be instructed in the true and perfect knowledge thereof that as hee is their God so they may bee his people as hee is their father so they may proue his children by dutifull loue and obedience to his commandements It is said that Alexander had children borne and brought vp in military discipline and exercise from their infancie in his Campes which made him so victorious and prosperous in battell euen so let all parents bring vp their children from their infancie and cradle in the knowledge and exercise of the Christian warfare of this life in all godlinesse vertue that they may proue couragious and good souldiers vnder their victorious King and Captaine Iesus Christ. And seeing youth is as tabula rasa a new vessell a young tree or Oliue plant as Dauid calleth them like soft waxe to receiue any print inconstant and wauering and most inclining by their owne nature to sinne and vaine pleasure which euen godly Iob suspected in his children albeit well and godly brought vp when he went to sacrifice for them daily fearing it might haue beene that his sonnes in their banquetting had sinned and blasphemed God in their hearts Therefore let all fathers as God hath giuen them children of his grace so with Hannah Samuels mother dedicate and giue them againe vnto the Lord and his seruice in bringing them vp carefully in the feare and reuerence of his holy name season their tender hearts in their youth with the liquor of godlinesse and the true knowledge of the blood of Iesus Christ which must be their life print them with the glorious image of Christ which is true pietie that as he was the resemblance of his father so they may here represent him also in purenes sanctitie of life while they are as yong tender twigges and Oliue branches bow them that way as you would haue them stand when they are growen and olde which is to the obedience of Iesus Christ in whom they must beare fruite and receiue fatnesse write and ingraue the knowledge of his will commaundements in their hearts and mindes that with all their hearts soules and mindes they may honour and serue GOD in all feare and loue a band to holde out all ●inne and so place and set them in the right way see that they constantly continue and perseuere therein and ioyne seuere and strait animaduersion for repressing of their vices as also of cherishing of Gods good graces in them that so they may bee liuely stones in Sion to the glory of God the comfort of his parents and their owne soules saluation So parents making them dutifull to God their heauenly Father he will make them dutifull also and reuerent to them againe otherwise with Elias sonnes they will be a griefe to their hearts and the meanes to bring their gray haires in sorrow to the graue and with Absolon prooue vnkinde and vnnaturall children for being Dauids darling he proued Dauids traitour and the reason is set downe thus 1. Kings 1. 6. And his father would not
God on high and setting foorth the mercy of Iesus Christ their Redeemer and as their children shall bee a ioy to their heart in that present so also their God and the God of their children shall send a blessing vpon them as Genes 18. 17. vpon Abraham with whom they shal be worthily called Fathers of the faithfull God shall auert from them that shame sorrow that proceedeth to parents from their childrens liberty whereof the wise man speaketh Pro. 17. 21. 29. 15. and commandeth the contrary Giue not the waters any passage no not a little and the diuturnitie of the good of such education shall be euer vpon them and their children when after them they shal proue good fathers of faithful and godly children also and at last receiue both a crowne of glory in life eternall with God our heauenly father and Christ his sonne our Sauiour And so for the dutie and admonition of parents let this obseruation suffice to teach their children being yong how to redresse their wayes The matter concerning which the question is propounded is a yong mans way that is his course of life which must be redressed And it is a Metaphore taken from pilgrimage or iourneying wherein a man if hee would come to the right end of his iourney must keepe the true and right way without declining eyther to the left or to the right hand that he aberre not nor goe astray so that our life here beeing a pilgrimage as old Iacob confessed to Pharaoh and the Apostle 1. Pet. 2. 11. exhorteth saying Dearely beloued I exhort you as strangers and pilgrim●s abstaine from fleshly lusts which fight against the soule wherein wee haue many by-wayes which leadeth to the wrong end to wit destruction but one onely true way which leadeth to the right ende to wit Saluation which is Christ Iesus and a young man beeing the pilgrime beginning or hauing newly begun his way hee must diligently take heed and trie in what way hee insisteth and whether he treadeth the right or the wrong path and seeing in a yong mans way Sathan the leader and way to perdition on the one side is busiest to cast before him many lets and hinderances of the affections and alluring lusts of the flesh with the pleasures of youth thereby to hinder his course or draw him backe from the right way as the Syrens would Vlisses and to precipitate him headlong from the high rockes of sinne and despaire in the fearefull and deepe gulfe of vtter destruction and on the other side of all ages Youth hauing newly begun and vnacquainted with these terrifying lets being easiest by nature to be drawn away and perswaded to the inticing sweet pleasures of the flesh the world and of sinne and so in most perill to yeeld therefore a yong man must the more earnestly enquire and desire of God the way it selfe the leader and ende thereof that of his grace he would so direct and confirme him in his pathes and giue him grace and strength whereby to redresse his owne wayes and ouercome all the impediments of Sathan that insisting therin he may euer constantly persist and continue vntill hee come to the ioyfull and happy end thereof where is true rest from all labours glory infinite for a perpetuall reward The reason why a yong man in his youth and first steps of his walking should examine and redresse his wayes is this we know by experience in a iourney that the farther wee are gone from the right path which leadeth to such a place it is the harder and laborious eyther by comming backe againe to find the right high way which we foolishly lost or to come neere the place which wee wish to bee at and thererefore that it is best at the beginning of our iourney to enquire and bee instructed what way to keepe by them who know and haue tread the fame before vs and by their directions in walking forward to trie and examine our selues if we hold likewise in the right way or no or if not in time to returne while wee are not farre off So in the iourney of this life we haue a place which we aime at to wit Heauen we haue but one true way to it which is Iesus Christ and his righteousnesse out youth is the beginning or first step of our iourney therefore in it wee must know and be instructed what way to keepe and how to walke therein by the example of Iesus Christ and the faithfull who know and haue tread the same before vs and by the directions and touchstone of Gods word we must euer bee trying and examining our selues if we hold in the right way or no and if not in time shortly to returne while we are not farre gone astray in age not running in the by-waies of iniquitie in a strange countrie farre from our fathers house while wee are yong and in feeble age thinking wee can returne and find the right way againe to walke therein let no man presume so that in the day of his youth while he is able he may runne halfe way with the diuell to hell and in the night of his age when he is vnable that hee may returne easily from Sathans hold and the slymie pits of sin to walke the whole way with Christ to heauen The second reason why a yong man thus in the first steppes of his way must so take heed thereto and redresse the same is because the time of the walking in the way of this life is so short and vncertaine and therefore that wee should not trust thereto for wee see some die in the bud of infancie some in the flower of youth some in the ripenesse of mid-age and strength and some in the fall of weake rotten old age The sunne of the life of some goeth too shortly as in the winter day and of others it maketh longer delay as in the summer Our life is compared to a shaddow and we know at mid-day when the Sunne is verticall and in his greatest strength to vs the shaddow vseth to be least so oftentimes when we are in the greatest strength and vigour of youth the shaddow of our vnconstant short life is least and when wee thinke vpon many yeeres to come as the rich Glutton did commonly the sentence of vnexpected death commeth warneth to remoue Therefore in youth and euery age yea euery day and houre thereof wee haue need to suspect the vncertaine and short way of life and therein carefully and strictly examine and trie if our wayes and walkings bee in the way of the Lorde the ende whereof is eternall saluation and if not to day while wee heare his voyce and the acceptable time offereth it selfe to redresse cleanse our paths and walkings and conforming them vnto his For as all riuers and springs that come from the sea returne againe so all men that are made of the dust of the earth shall thither also returne but of the time who can say this
which leadeth to saluation presse hardly to thrust in at that narrow gate lay off and cast away far from thee all the impediments of sinne and the intising vanities and pleasures of youth and let thy onely care be with thee first to see thy Sauiour the way is narrow that leadeth to him delay not then till it be full but striue to be foremost the way is narrow that leadeth to life therefore not soone found in the beginning thē of thy life timely begin and search carefully and narrowly for it the true way is narrow and straight therefore thy steppes therein when thou hast found it must be strait and narrow thou must make a couenant with thy eye that it behold no vanitie thou must shut the gates of thy eares that thou heare no vaine prophane or idle speeches offensiue to God thou must not harken to them but let the sound of Gods word and healthfull admonitions be pleasant only vnto thy hearing thou must haue a watch-man before thy lips and Gods feare a bar vnto thy heart tongue that thou vtter nothing but may be to Gods glorie thy owne comfort and the edification of those that doe heare thee abstaining from swearing cursing lying backebiting slandering iudgeing idle or corrupt speaking and from all things that hath but the appearance of euill thou must exercise thy handes to doe good only thy feet to prosecute the same thy will must be made cōformable to thy Sauiours thy vnderstanding to perceiue and apprehend vertue and Gods mercy towards thee thy memorie to thinke vpon his iudgements to thine amendement vpon his mercy to thy comfort and his manifolde blessings and vndeserued benefites for encrease of thankfulnesse in thee Thy whole body and all the members thereof which is a member of Iesus Christ must no wise be made a member of Sathan by sinne or polluted to bee the member of an harlot thy soule and heart with all the powers and faculties thereof must be the temple and tabernacle of Gods sanctifying and holy spirit not a lodge for that vncleane spirit of sinne and his fellowes of thy filthy lusts and carnall affections in body and soule thou must walke so warily and narrowly in feare and trembling working out thy saluation The way is narrow feare then neuer so little to depart from the paths of the Lord this straight passage and path to saluation is soone lost by negligence but not so easily found out againe without great diligence care not for the scornefull and diuelish slander of the world to bee called precise but daily more and more labour so to be indeede striue to liue a pure and vnspotted life without an hypocriticall and externall shew onely thereof It is saide in a diuelish prouerbe A young Saint an olde diuell but endeuour thou being young to be a Saint of God and to dedicate thy youth to him and his seruice onely walking in this strict and narrow path the same God who hath giuen thee beginning shall also giue thee constancie and a ioyfull end that thou maiest liue an old Saint also as well as young on earth and in heauen he shal glorifie thee a blessed Saint for euer with himselfe It is saide and that most truely Temporis praeteriti bene impensi suauis est memoria The memorie of time by-past which was well bestowed is sweete and ioyfull to the minde of man And let any young man consider with himselfe if God bring him to age what greater ioy and comfort hee can haue then to remember that hee hath borne the yoake in his youth as the Prophet saith that hee entred and walked then in the narrow straight way and now is come to the easie passage and out-going thereof to receiue that promised reward of eternall ioyes and euerlasting life where hee seeth others who then entred a contrarie course giuing loose liberty to their flesh fulfilling their lusts and neuer caring to redresse their waies in their olde age to bee punished with pouertie punished with infamie and disgrace ouercome with sicknesse humbled greatly despised expelled out of all good companie a patterne of all miserie in great straightnesse the end of the way and compelled with the prodigall Sonne after they haue spent all abused Gods gifts to liue in a lamentable estate and to flie from Citie to City from Countrey to countrey wrestling if they may to come out of their straightnes but falling from pit to pit from Scylla to Charybdis And except God their father giue them a minde at last to returne to him aright and halfe way run and meete them that is to be feared they bee cast into an euerlasting straightnes of eternall death and condemnation which by their walking in that broad way of carnall libertie they iustly haue promerited What ioy I say shall this be to an aged man to remember his happy estate he is in And this wofull condition hee hath by Gods grace escaped when for age hee cannot so well eate his meate this remembrance that hee remembred his Creatour in the daies of his youth and redressed his waies according to his word shall be a continuall banquet vnto him this peace of a good conscience and ioy of an vpright heart shal be a staffe to vphold his soule when hee beholdeth the greene field and pleasant fruites and flowers of his well spent youth greater solace shall bee to his minde then the pleasure of the finest decked garden of the world could bee to the eye his soule shall flow with comfort and his heart pant and leape with ioy an infinite treasure shall he possesse see continually which shall neuer make him carefull or the feare of the losing thereof put sleepe from his eyes but from death to life it shall passe with him and leaue a perpetuall fame thereof in the world when he shall die in the Lord his works shall follow him Let euery yong man then spend and bestow his youth so in walking in this narrowe way and straight passage circumspectly precisely and as purely as hee can redressing his waies according to Gods word that in the haruest of old age he may pull and eate of the fruit of his youth and find refreshment after wearinesse rest after labour victorie after the battel easinesse after straightnesse and infinit eternall ioy after momentaneall mourning and teares for a season assuring himselfe that his fasting from sinne in youth shall be a feasting of comfort in age his sowing in teares shall bee a reaping of ioy And Christ the way the truth and the life who hath promised the reward is faithfull willing and sufficient to performe hee saith To him that ouercommeth will I giue to eate of the tree of life which is in the midst of the Paradise of God He that ouercommeth shall not bee hurt of the second death to him that ouercommeth will I giue of the Manna that is hid and I will giue him a white stone and in the stone a new
must passe and ouercome many temptations of Sathan the flesh likewise walke in the strait and narrow way of holinesse sanctification before thou come to the easie and spacious end of thy way to the full possession of that heauenly kingdome and eternall glorification through Christ Iesus thou must bee in labours before thou rest from labours thou must liue in the Lord before thou canst die in the Lord thou must liue the life of the righteous if thou wouldest wish to die the death of the righteous and thy last end to bee like theirs All the holy Patriarks Prophets Saints and Martyrs of God haue trode this narrow way before they obtayned the recompence of their reward vnto which they had respect if therefore thou haue any respect vnto the same and by hope looke for that which they fully now possesse follow and insist in their footsteps if thou wouldest tryumph and glory with them thou must also couragiously fight with them against the diuell and thine owne corrupt affection● and concupiscence of the flesh which fayne would haue libertie and draw thee in that broad way of destruction but assure thy selfe in thy youth and in the way thereof that the greater liberty of thy flesh and affections here maketh the most strait incarceration and feareful plunging of soule and body in endlesse and easelesse torments of hell hereafter which thou mayest plainely behold and learne by the example of Diues Lazarus whereof the one in the broad way had his pleasures in this life but not a drop of water to coole his tongue after death the strait ende of his way the other had his miseries here without necessaries scarce for the flesh but after death which opened the large end of his way he was carried into Abrahams bosome in eternall ioyes for euer to remaine in their life Lazarus was compelled to beg from Diues crumbes of his bread at their death Diues was compelled to beg from Lazarus a drop of cold water there did straitnesse follow after ease and ease after straitnesse in their seuerall wayes Albeit the rich man in the Gospell walking in the broad way did bid his soule Eate drinke and take it ease for it had much laid vp for many yeeres yet God from heauen had decreed that the strait end of his way shold be neerer then he thought they should fetch his soule frō him that same night Albeit Nebuchad-nezzar walking in the broad way also in the pride of his heart said Is not this great Babel that I haue built for the house of my kingdome by the might of my power and for the honour of my Maiestie glorying so in the flesh yet he was cast into a great and wonderfull straitnesse while the word was in his mouth and driuen from men as a beast to eate the grasse of the fields Albeit Bel●hazzar likewise walking in the same large way in the exaltation of his heart against God proclaimed a banquet sitting with his Princes wiues and concubines pampring giuing all pleasure to the flesh drinking wine in the vessels consecrated onely to Gods seruice which were brought out of Ierusalem not glorifying GOD but praysing his Idols of gold siluer and stone yet the end of his way was this the Hand declared on the wall that hee was weighed and found too light his kingdome was ended and giuen to others and that same night he was slayne presently so when he was highest vpon the top of his reioycing hill most suddenly he did fall lowest in the valley of mourning and pit of teares by lamentable destruction the vnexpected strait end of his broad former way The Sodomites knew little how neere fire and brimstone was neere them the primitiue world how neere them was the Deluge and all such that walke in this way of libertie of the flesh how neere subuersion of soule and bodie is at hand Therefore let vs walke in the right way if wee would sitte at Christs right hand let vs be sanctified here if we would be glorified hereafter let vs walke in the true path if we would attaine to the true end thereof and subdue the slesh with the affections thereof to the spirit and yoake of Christs obedience if in body and spirit for euer wee would raigne with him Let vs redresse our owne wayes and let euery one that calleth on the name of the Lord depart from iniquitie as the Apostle commandeth Timothie and in his person all yong men Flie from the lusts of youth follow after righteousnesse faith loue and peace with them that call on the name of the Lord for if any man purge himselfe from these hee shall bee a vessell vnto honour sanctified and meet for the Lord prepared vnto euery good worke Seeing also our course of life here is compared to a Way which wee must redresse according to Gods word therefore let vs walke in this life as in a way warily and working out our saluation in feare and trembling Considering with ourselues 1. First as in a way or iourney no rest is to be expected that is permanent vntill wee come to the end thereof so neither must wee looke for any permanent citie or solide rest in the way or course of this life vntill we come to Iesus Christ being dissolued to be with him who is the true end and rest of the true and narrow way the temple of that spirituall Ierusalem and Citie of all perfect light and ioy For the estate of his Church here is as the Boat wherein vpon the sea hee was with his Disciples euer tossed vp and downe in continuall labour so that except hee were our stay our rest and refuge wee should surely perish Our life here is a Warfare our enemie is euer pursuing as a raging Lyon seeking to deuoure vs therefore wee must be in continual defence of the life of our soules by his strength being armed who gaue his life for our soules vntill vnder his defence hauing fought a good fight and finished our course we be victorious and tryumph with him hauing receyued that immortall and incorruptible crowne of glory which is layd vp for vs and for all them that loue the comming of the Lord Iesus in glorie to glorifie vs with himselfe 2. Secondly in a way we euer goe forward and one step followeth another sicut vnda impelli tur vnda as one waue is enforced by another so also in the way of this our life wee poast to our end and our dayes passe more swiftly then a weauers shittle our life is as a flower that now springeth vp and with a blast fadeth as a water bubble now vp and now downe with an aire of wind as a smoake seene and gone presently as the fat of Lambes which suddenly is dropped away so that whether wee sleepe or wake whether we eate or drinke whether we go or sit still as in a ship wee are caried speedily with full sailes thorow the sea of this