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A67024 A collection of private devotions, fitted for every day of the week by Thomas Wooley. Wooley, Thomas. 1670 (1670) Wing W3525A; ESTC R38761 42,629 168

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Sighs of them that mourn attend to the Prayers which we pour out before thee in our distresse and tribulation and clemently hear them that whatever the malice of Man or subtilty of Satan can work against us may by the wisdom of thy Piety be dasht and brought to nothing so as being hurt by no Adversities but delivered from all Affliction and sorrow we may joyfully yield thanks to thee in thy Church Forgive O Lord our sins and bestow on us thy mercy look down upon our low and sad condition pity our many miserys and break asunder the bonds that lie heavy on us and in all our necessities graciously hear thy Suppliants through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who with thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth one God world without end Amen Lord have mercy upon us Christ have mercy on us Lord have mercy upon us Lord Jesu hear our Prayers Lord Jesus receive our Petitions Our Father c. ALmighty God the Fountain of all Wisdom who knowest our necessities before we ask and our ignorance in asking we beseech thee to have Compassion upon our Infirmities and those things which for our unworthinesse we dare not and for our blindnesse we cannot ask vouchsafe to give us for the Worthiness of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Love of God and the felloship of the Holy Ghost be with us all evermore Amen I Shall not undertake to trouble you with the particular Opinions concerning the keeping of this day holy since some are of one Opinion and some of another and many Learned Treatises being thereupon already written to which when you shall by the good pleasure of God attain to a more mature judgment I shall refer you but rather advise you to sollow the Order of holy Church therein and withal to assure you of my own Experience and observations of that day which have been that when ever I have been so unhappy either by the perswasions of others or my own evil Inclinations to undertake or meddle with any Affairs of the World upon that day any more than of necessity they have alwayes had a very ill Successe and a most unhappy Conclusion therefore since it is the Command of God and holy Church that this day should be kept holy I would advise you not to be singular in neglecting your duty upon that holy day which the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who is the great God of all the holy Saints and Angels in Heaven who keep a holy and perpetual Sabboth grant you may perform with all holy devotions and pious works Amen DEVOTIONS for Friday FRiday being the Day of the Week upon which our blessed Lord and Saviour by most cruel hands was Crucified for the Redemption of the whole World hath by the Christian Church in all times been observed as a day of Fasting yet some Countrys have herein made some difference As first not to fast upon Friday within the twelve dayes of Christmas and Easter week Secondly others not to fast upon any Friday that happeneth to fall upon any holy-day observed by the Command of the Church Thirdly others not to fast upon any Friday between Easter and Ascension from that saying of our Saviour Mat. 9. 15. Can the Children of the Bride Chamber mourn as long as the Bridegroom is with them But you may use your discretion herein having a special regard to the Order of your holy Mother the Church of England who commands all Fridays in the year to be observed as Fasts except Christmasse-day when it shall happen to fall upon a Friday Fasting dayes ought to be dayes of Repentance and abstinence from sin as well as from meat and drink And being dayes of Repentance you shall do well that day to recite the seven Penitential Psalms which are these the 6. the 32. the 38. the 51. the 102. the 130. and the 143. dividing them in your Devotions as you shall be hereby directed First when you prepare your self for your duty of Fasting standing before the place where you intend your devotion which may be so early as this Office may be ended by you before the Church Morning Service begin and say The sixth Psalm 1. O Lord rebuke me not in thine indignation neither chasten me in thy displeasure 2. Have mercy upon me O Lord for I am weak O Lord heal me for my bones are vexed 3. My Soul is also sore troubled but Lord how long wilt thou punish me 4. Turn thee O Lord and deliver my Soul O save me for thy mercies sake 5. For in death no man remembreth thee and who will give thee thanks in the Pit 6. I am weary of my groning every night wash I my Bed and water my Couch with my tears 7. My be●uty is gone for very trouble and worn away because of all mine enemies 8. Away from me all ye that work vanity for the Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping 9. The Lord hath heard my petition the Lord will receive my Prayer 10. All mine enemies shall be confounded and sore vexed they shall be turned back and put to shame suddenly Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. The 32. Psalm 1. BLessed is he whose unrighteousnesse is forgiven and whose sin is covered 2. Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth no sin and in whose Spirit their is no guile 3. For while I held my tongue my bones consumed away through my daily complaining 4. For thy hand is heavy upon me day and night and my moisture is like the drought in Summer 5. I will knowledge my sin unto thee and mine unrighteousnesse have I not hid 6. I said I will confesse my sins unto the Lord and so thou forgavest the wickednesse of my sin 7. For this shall every one that is godly make his Prayer unto thee in a time when thou mayst be found but in the great water-floods they shall not come nigh him 8. Thou art a place to hide me in thou shalt preserve me from trouble thou shalt compasse me about with songs of deliverance 9. I will inform thee and teach thee in the way wherein thou shalt go and I will guid thee with mine eye 10. Be ye not like to Horse and Mule which have no understanding whose mouths must be holden with bit and bridle lest they fall upon thee 11. Great plagues remain for the ungodly but who so putteth his trust in the Lord mercy embraceth him on every side 12. Be glad O ye Righteous and rejoyce in the Lord and be joyful all ye that are true of heart Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. Then say By the sign of the holy Crosse O Lord deliver me Then kneeling devoutly upon your knees say In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Blessed be the holy and undivided Trinity now
and where miserable Man has committed the trespass the Son of God layes down his own life to satisfie the debt Whither has thy humility descended What has thy fervent love enforced thee to do How far has thy mercy extended it self To what a point is thy compassion come I have done wickedly and thou art punished I have commited a grievous fault and it is laid to thy charge I am the offender and thou art put to the torture I was puffed up with pride and thou art made of no reputation I was disobedient and thou sufferedst the punishment of my rebellion I have pampered my self with delicacies and thou wert often afflicted with hunger and thirst my inordinate affections have made me to do things unlawful thy perfect Charity has brought thee to suffer an ignominious death I presumed to do what I was forbidden and thou submittedst thy self to rebukes even for thy good works I delight in liberty and pleasure and thou art fastened to the Cross with intollerable grief I live at ease and thy hands and feet are pierced with Nails I tast the pleasant apple and thou the bitter gall Eve laugheth and rejoyceth with me blessed Mary laments and sorrows with thee Behold O King of Glory what mine iniquity is and what thy mercy how excessive my wickednesse and how infinite thy goodness O my King and my God what may I possibly offer thee in acknowledgment of thy Bounty mans heart is not able to think much less can his poverty furnish a worthy Oblation for so great benefits I beseech thee therefore for thy mercies sake cause me from henceforth to renounce all the enticements of the World and for love of thee not to fear any adversities by it but despise even Death it self and having perpetually in remembrance the blessednesse of Heaven make no account either of the pleasure or afflictions of this transitory life Let nothing please me but that which is acceptable to thee nor any thing offend me but that which is disagreeable to thy Will let all things besides thee seem tedious to me and may I never be wearied in seeking after thee let no joy delight me that is without thee and let me rejoyce in all afflictions I suffer for thee may the remembrance of thee be my consolation and turn my tears into nourishment whilst I seek thy Righteousness let the Law of thy mouth be more precious to me than thousands of gold and silver let it be my chief delight to obey thee and greatest grief to displease thee I humbly beseech thee my onely hope that thou wilt be propitious to me and pardon all my iniquities open my ears to hear what thou Commandest and suffer not my heart to decline from thee nor through words of wickednesse to seek excuse for my sins but alwayes to keep my self in the paths of thy Commandments that at my death I may be found in the true way to thy Felicity who livest and reignest for ever and ever Amen LOrd have mercy on us Christ have mercy on us Lord have mercy on us Jesu receive our Prayers Lord Jesu grant our Petitions O God the Father Creator of the World have mercy on us O God the Son Redeemer of Mankind have mercy on us O God the Holy Ghost Perfecter of the Elect have mercy on us O Sacred Trinity three Persons and one God have mercy on us Jesu eternal Son of the living God have mercy on us Jesu most blessed Son of the Virgin Mary have mercy on us Jesu God and Man in two Natures one divine Person have mercy on us Jesu the increated Wisdom of the Father by whom all things were made and by the Word of whose Power they are sustained have mercy on us Jesu who for us sinners descendedst from thy Throne of Glory and tookest upon thee the form of a Servant choosing a poor Stable for the place of thy Birth have mercy on us Jesu who in thy holy Circumcision receivedst that blessed Name and after wast declared for the Worlds Redeemer by the Tribute and adoration of Kings have mercy on us Iesu who in the tender age of a new born Child was forc't to save thy life by flying into Aegypt have mercy on us Iesu who becamest subject to thy Parents so much inferiour in dignity to thee and disdainedst not to serve them in their humble life have mercy on us Iesu who after a long concealment of thy self didst publish to the world thy admirable manner of life travelling on foot in poverty hunger and thirst and begging as an alms even a Cup of cold Water have mercy on us Iesu who healedst every where the diseased both in Soul and Body and weariedst thy self to relieve our Infirmities passing the day in Works of Mercy and watching whole Nights in Prayer often retiring alone and Fasting many dayes together to teach us the way and practise of Contemplation have mercy on us Iesu who for our encouragement vouchsafedst to be tempted in the Desart where having there subdued the Enemy of Mankind thy Victory was celebrated by the adoration of Angels have mercy on us Iesu whose sacred Life was a continual course of suffering evil for us and doing good to us opening by thy Doctrine an easie way to Heaven and soliciting by thy Miracles our acceptance of Salvation have mercy on us Iesu who for our Example didst wash thy Disciples feet and for our Comfort didst Institute thy blessed Sacraments have mercy on us Iesu who prostrate with thy face upon the Earth prayedst thrice to thy Father for deliverance and in the fervour of thine Agony swettedst drops of Blood till thou wert relieved by an Angel have mercy on us Iesu who wast betrayed by one of thine own Disciples and forsaken by all the rest who forbadst the resistance of Publick Authority and restoredst to thine Enemy the Ear he had lost in assaulting thee have mercy on us Iesu who for our Redemption deliveredst thy self to the violence of thine Enemies freely suffering them to bind thy hands which even for them had wrought so many Miracles and to spit on thy Face which the Angels behold with joy and adoration have mercy on us Iesu who for us enduredst their malitious impiety to blindfold thy eyes and strike thee on the Cheeks to accuse thee falsly and condemn thee unjustly to compare Barrabas to thee and prefer him before thee have mercy on us Iesu who for us enduredst their barbarous insolence to strip thee of thy Clothes and mock thee with a purple Vestment to wound thy Head with a Crown of Thornes and all thy Body with cruel Scourgings have mercy on us Iesu who for us enduredst their insatiable fury to load thee with a heavy Cross and shamefully Crucifie thee between two Thieves to affront thy thirst with Vinegar and Gall and blaspheme thy meekness with bitter reproaches all which thy incomparable patience chearfully received and offered to thy Father even for thy Persecutors have mercy on us Iesu who having Conquered the power of Darkness releasedst thy Servants from their long Captivity and overcoming Death didst raise thy crucified Body to a glorious Life have mercy on us Iesu who by thy Triumphant Ascension openedst the Kingdom of Heaven to all Believers and Seated at the Right hand of thy Father vouchsafedst to become our eternal Mediator have mercy on us Iesu who in thy tender Providence didst send miraculously the Holy Ghost to lead thy Church into all truth and comfort thy Servants in all their tribulations have mercy on us Iesu who at the great and general Day shalt judge severely every one according to his works rewarding thy Servants with Eternal Life and Condemning Sinners to everlasting Death have mercy on us Be merciful O Iesu and pardon our sins Be merciful O Iesu and hear our Prayers O Soveraign Lord and blessed Saviour of the World who by the sole motive of thy Mercy humblest thy self to Death for our Redemption and Ascendedst to thy Father for the full accomplishment of our peace graciously apply to our Souls the infinite merits of thy sacred Passion and with thy precious Blood cleanse us from all our sins nail them to thy Cross and bury them in thy Grave that they may dye in us and we live in thee the life of Grace here and be united to thee in thy Kingdom of Glory hereafter where with the Father and the Holy Ghost thou livest and raignest one God world without end Amen The 121. Psalm I Will lift up mine eyes unto the Hills from whence cometh my help my help cometh even from the Lord who hath made Heaven and Earth He will not suffer thy foot to be moved and he that helpeth thee will not sleep Behold he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep The Lord himself is thy keeper and the Lord is thy defence upon thy right hand So that the Sun shall not burn thee by day neither the Moon by night The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil yea it is even he that shall keep thy Soul The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth for ever more Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen FINIS
Behold a Virgine Matthew 1. 2● This Iesus Which is taken up int● Acts. ● ●● A Collection of Private Devotion Composed by Thomas Wolley fo● the vse of his Child ●● A COLLECTION Of Private Devotions Fi●●ed for Every Day in the Week By THOMAS WOOLLEY LONDON Printed for Hen. Twyford and Timothy Twyford middle-Temple 1670. To the most Vertuous Lady Dame Anne Howe Wife of the Right Worshipful Sr. Richard Grobham Howe Kt. now High Sheriff of the County of Wilts one of the Kings Majesties Deputy Lieutenants and Justices of the Peace of that County Madam THe necessitous Melancholly hours that I have sustained in this place have been the Authour of the Collecting this small Method of Devotions which I intended only for the private use of my Self and poor Children but being instigated by some Reverend Persons to commit the same to publick view I humbly beg leave of your Ladyship to let some lustre be added to it by setting your worthy Name to the Frontispiece thereof being very confident that so Illustrious a Person as your Self being named at the beginning of this small Tract will give great encouragement to all that shall see it to believe that certainly there is something more in it than in truth it is had it come from the most Learned and Pious Prelate especially when your Ladyship is considered to be the Daughter of so Reverend Learned and Pious a Prelate as the Reverend Father in God John late L. B. of London deceased and Sister of that most Reverend Learned and Pious Prelate Henry now L. Bishop of Chichester besides your most worthy pious and vertuous Relations who when you meet together are under that Ecce of the Kingly Prophet Behold how for good and joyful a thing it is Brethren to dwell together in unity c. for truly Madam a worthy Gent who told me he had once the happinesse to see your Ladyship and great part of your own Relations together which was as pleasant to him as the Dew of the sweetest Morning and could not resemble you better to any thing more than to the true Family of ●ov● Madam I have seen very much my self and know what a great blessing God Almighty sent that worthy Family where your Ladyship now is when you came amongst them in your most pious and discreetest Government in all your Domestick affairs besides your learned and great Reading Madam I do once more humbly beg your Ladyships pardon for this great presumption and in doing that Madam you will add a great favour of Charity to him who hath been a very large sharer of your Ladyships Munificence and shall ever pray for your honour and happiness and the honour and happiness of that Family where you are now and continue Most vertuous Madam the meanest of your Ladyships most obliged and obedient Servants THOMAS WOLLEY Castle at Glocester the Feast day of the Annutiation of our Blessed Lady St. Mary the Virgin 1669. PRIVATE DEVOTIONS Collected and Composed in this ensuing Method By THOMAS WOLLEY Gent. For my two Sons Iohn and Thomas Wolley now at School at the Free-School in Cyrencester in the County of Glocester under the Care of their most Indulgent Worthy and Learned Master Mr. Nathaniel Gwinn And to my other 〈…〉 〈◊〉 Edward 〈…〉 and 〈…〉 when it shall please God they shall attain to the age of understanding My dear Children WHen I consider the great Calamities and horrid Accidents that have lately befallen me and in me also upon your dear Mother and your selves I cannot but with great sorrow look back and consider the Cause of all Evil which is Sin and by those reflections upon my self consider the great grace and mercy of God who by the Afflictions of this present life which in comparison of Eternity is but a moment doth many times bring those nearer unto him that by a great and 〈◊〉 Prosperity may ●● the more estranged ●●om him and those good things that lead to Life eternal I must truly confess that my heart was set upon your dear Mother and your Selves in whom and whose Company I took I cannot say too much but a very great delight which God thought fit to deprive me of ●y suffering me to be committed to this Prison the meditation whereof doth make me consider the words of the Prophet in the 39. Psal and 11. verse When thou with Rebukes dost correct man for Iniquity thou makest his beauty to consume away like a Moth And now God rebuking and correcting me for sin doth deprive me of my beauty which is the thing I most delighted in which was the society of you my dear Children but when that great God of all Mercies and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ the Prince of Peace in his due time shall be pleased to make a Reconciliation between me and those who have taken displeasure against me and that I may enjoy my former Liberty and your Societies I hope we shall make use of that great blessing to the glory and praise of his most holy Name And since I cannot be so happy to enjoy you nor you me at present yet let our Prayers meet at the Throne of Grace although our Bodies meet not here on Earth And that they may so do I have by the gracious assistance of Almighty God Composed into Order some private Devotions for you not but that I know there are many excellent Methods of Devotions composed by many holy learned and pious men already in Print which I might have sent you at an easier rate than to have taken this trouble upon my self Yet I considered your dutiful Obedience at all times towards me and did believe that something of my own would make a deeper impression into your hearts however I hope I shall offend none herein for that I have not attempted any new thing of my own but Collecting out of the Church Liturgy with other pious Devotions into this Order And truly it was upon the occasion of your dear Mother her coming hither unto me upon Thursday last and discoursing with me concerning your selves in relation to the supplying you with some necessaries that I fear you stand in need of which my present Condition will not admit me to furnish you with so fully as my heart is inclinable to do I therefore bethought my self of supplying you with this little Manual of Devotions that although I cannot so fully accommodate you with the things of this life yet I may by this little means direct you into the paths of Eternity which truly followed will bring you to life everlasting And now let me charge you by all the dutiful obligations that are due from you to me that you carefully consider these Meditations and effectually put them in practise And let your Prayers for me not be wanting as mine never were nor I hope never shall be for you Thus committing you to the Fatherly care and preservation of the great God and Father of Heaven and Earth that he
Farth I humbly adore thy Sacred Majesty and with all the forces of my Soul exalt and praise thy holy Name for the infinite blessings thou hast so freely bestowed on me for electing me in thy Love and Creating me after thine own Image for Redeeming me by thy Son and Sanctifying me with thy holy Spirit for preserving me in all the chances and encounters of this Life and raising up my thoughts to the hope of a better And particularly for thy gracious protection from the dangers of this night and bringing me safely to the beginning of this day Continue O Lord thy mercy to me and as thou hast awakened my Body from sleep so raise my Soul from sin that I may walk soberly and chastly as in the day in all holy obedience before thy face Deliver me O merciful God from the evils of this day and guid my feet in the wayes of peace Strengthen my Resolution to embrace with gladnesse the opportunities of good and carefully avoid all occasions of sin especially those which I by experience do most endanger my Soul with And when through frailty I forget thee do thou in mercy remember that as I often fall by the evil inclinations of my nature I may alwaies rise again by the good assistance of thy grace make me diligent in the duties of my Condition and not too solicitous for the success of my Affairs but in all the miscarriages and crosses of this world absolutely submit to thy divine pleasure and wholly rely on thy merciful providence Let thy Blessings be upon my Actions and thy grace direct my intentions that the whole Course of my life and principal design of my heart may alwaies tend to the advancement of thy glory the good of others and the eternal salvation of my own Soul through Jesus Christ our Lord and onely Saviour who with thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth one God world without end Amen I Adore and glorifie thee O blessed Trinity God Omnipotent Father Son and Holy Ghost I offer my self to thy divine Majesty humbly beseeching thee to take from me and from all thy faithful what ever displeaseth thee and give us that which is grateful in thy sight grant that we may here do what thou commandest and hereafter receive what thou promisest To thee O Lord I commend my Soul and Body my Father and Mother my Brethren and Sisters my Kinsfolks and Benefactors my Friends and Familiars and all those for whom I am any wayes bound to offer up my Prayers To thee I commend the holy Catholick Church Grant O Lord all may know thee all may honour and reverence thee all may love thee and be loved by thee those that erre reduce and bring into the way destroy Heresies Convert all to the true Faith who as yet do not know thee grant us O Lord thy grace and conserve us in thy peace May thy holy Will be done and not ours comfort all those that lead their lives in Sorrow Misery or Temptations and mercifully relieve their Afflictions whether Spiritual or Corporal Lastly I commend all universally to thy holy Protection that thou wouldest vouchsafe unto them forgivenesse of all their sins and life everlasting INto the hands of thy unspeakable mercy O Lord I commend my Soul and Body my Sences my Words my Thoughts and all my Actions with all the necessities of my Body and Soul my going forth and coming in my Faith and Conversation and the course and end of my Life the day and hour of my Death my rest and Resurrection with thy Saints and Elect for ever Amen O Lord hear our Prayers And let our Supplications come unto thee Lord have mercy upon us Christ have mercy upon us Lord have mercy upon us OUr Father which art in Heaven Hallowed be thy Name Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespasse against us And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil For thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory for ever and ever Amen ACcept O most gracious God for thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ his sake this Office of my Service and if by thy grace I have performed any thing according to my duty in thy Clemency regard it and what I have done with negligence mercifully pardon who livest and reignest one God in perfect Trinity world without end Amen THe Imperial Majesty of God bless me the Regal Divinity protect me the everlasting Deity keep me the glorious Unity comfort me the Incomprehensible Trinity defend me the Inestimable Goodnesse direct me the Power of the Father govern me the Wisdom of the Son quicken me the Vertue of the Holy Ghost illuminate me and defend me from all mine enemies visible and invisible and be with me and preserve me this day and for evermore This being performed arise from off thy knees with reverence making an humble bow with your body and saying Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen At your going forth of the House where you did lodge the night before say privately to your self Shew me O Lord thy wayes and teach me thy paths direct my steps according to thy Word that no Injustice rule over me by the guiding of thy holy Angels make perfect my goings in thy paths that my steps be not moved from the wayes of thy Righteousnesse Devout MEDITATIONS At the time of your going to Bed WHen you have entred your Chamber and your thoughts are retired from your worldly Affairs repair to some convenient place and with great reverence bow your Body and say the thirteenth Psalm HOw long wilt thou forget me O Lord for ever how long wilt thou hide thy face from me How long shall I seek counsel in my Soul and be so vexed in my heart How long shall mine enemies triumph over me Consider and hear me O Lord my God lighten mine eyes that I sleep not in death Lest mine enemy say I have prevailed against him For if I be cast down they that trouble me will rejoyce at it But my trust is in thy mercy and my heart is joyful in thy Salvation I will sing unto the Lord because he hath dealt so lovingly with me yea I will praise the Name of the Lord most Highest Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen Blessed be the holy and undivided Trinity now and for ever O Lord shew thy mercy upon us And grant us thy Salvation Our Father c. ALmighty God give us grace that we may cast away the works of darknesse and put upon us the Armour of light now in the time of this mortal life in which thy Son Jesus
Christ came to visit us in great humility that in the last Day when he shall come again in his glorious Majesty to judge both the quick and the dead we may rise to the life immortal through him who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost now and ever Amen ALmighty and everlasting God which art alwayes more ready to hear than we to pray and art wont to give more than either we desire or deserve Pour down upon us the abundance of thy mercy forgiving us those things whereof our Conscience is afraid and giving unto us that that our Prayer dare not presume to ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. ALmighty and merciful God of thy bountiful goodnesse keep us from all things that may hurt us that we being ready both in body and soul may with free hearts accomplish those things that thou wouldst have done through Jesus Christ our Lord. O Eternal God Almighty Father of Men and Angels by whose mercy care and Providence I have been preserved blessed comforted and assisted I humbly beg of thee to pardon the sins and follies of this day the weaknesse of my service the strength of my passion the rashnesse of my words and the vanity and evil of my actions O just and dear God how long shall I confesse my sins and pray against them and yet fall under them O let it be so no more let me never return to the follies of which I am ashamed which bring Sorrow and Death and thy displeasure worse than death give me a command over my evil Inclinations and a perfect hatred of sin and a love to thee above all the desires of this world be pleased to bless and preserve me this night from all sin and all violence of Chance and the malice of the Spirits of darknesse watch over me in my sleep or wake and whether I sleep or awake let me be thy Servant be thou first and last in all my thoughts and the guid and continual assistance of all my actions preserve my Body pardon the sins of my Soul sanctifie my Spirit let me alwayes live holy justly and soberly and when I die receive my Soul into thy hands O holy and ever blessed Jesus that I may lye in thy Bosom and long for thy coming and hear thy blessed sentence at dooms-day and live in thy Kingdom singing praises to God for ever and ever Amen Save me Lord waking and keep me sleeping that I may watch with Christ and rest in peace Amen Preserve me as the Apple of thine Eye and protect me under the shadow of thy wings Vouchsafe O Lord to keep me this night without sin Have mercy on me O Lord have have mercy on me Thy mercy be upon me O Lord. As I have put my trust in thee O Lord hear my Prayer And let my Supplication come unto thee VIsit we beseech thee O Lord this Habitation this Countrey and Township wherein I live and repel far from it and them all the snares of the wicked Enemy of Mankind and let thy holy Angels dwell therein to preserve us in peace and thy Blessing be upon us and all that we have and all that belongs unto us both now and for ever through our Lord Jesus Christ Amen God the Father bless me Iesus Christ defend and keep me the vertue of the Holy Ghost illuminate and Sanctifie me this night and for ever Amen Concluding Into thy hands O Lord I commend my Spirit Lord Iesu receive my Soul When you are in your Bed and cannot sleep exercise your self in some Spiritual Meditation If thou chance to awake in the dead of the night forthwith imagine thy self present amidst the Quires of Saints and Angels and with sudden Acclamation cry out with them reciting that Himn which they incessantly sing both day and night saying Sanctus Sanctus Sanctus c. Holy holy holy Lord God of Sabboth Heaven and Earth are full of the Majesty of thy glory Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen WHen I had ended these Devotions for the Morning and Evening for your private use I thought to have proceeded no further but when I considered the difference holy Church makes of Dayes some for holy Feasts and others for holy Fasts I thought it convenient to set you out some other Devotions for the great weekly Feast of the Church being the Lords day upon which he did rise from the Grave and that weekly Fast of the Church being Friday upon which he was Crucified besides the Publique I mean those appointed by the Church for those days and your other private Devotions For as those dayes are great in the esteem of the Church so they bring a greater duty with them DEVOTIONS For Sunday Mornings before the Church Prayers begin The fifth Psalm 1. POnder my words O Lord consider my Meditation 2. O hearken thou unto the voice of my calling my King and my God for unto thee will I make my Prayer 3. My voice shalt thou hear betimes O Lord early in the Morning will I direct my Prayer unto thee and will look up 4. For thou art the God that hast no pleasure in wickednesse neither shall any evil dwell with thee 5. Such as be foolish shall not stand in thy sight for thou hatest all them that work vanity 6. Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing the Lord will abhor both the blood-thirsty and deceitfull man 7. But as for me I will come into thine House even upon the multitude of thy mercy and in thy fear will I worship towards thy holy Temple 8. Lead me O Lord in thy righteousnesse because of mine Enemies make thy way plain before my face 9. For there is no faithfulnesse in his mouth their inward parts are very wickedness 10. Their throat is an open Sepulchre they flatter with their tongue 11. Destroy thou them O God let them perish through their own imaginations cast them out in the multitude of their ungodliness for they have rebelled against thee 12. And let all them that put their trust in thee rejoyce they shall ever be giving of thanks because thou defendest them they that love thy Name shall be joyful in thee 13. For thou Lord wilt give thy Blessing unto the righteous and with thy favourable kindness wilt thou defend him as with a shield Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. Then humbly kneeling upon your knees say In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Amen Blessed be the holy and undivided Trinity now and for ever Amen Our Father c. Lord have mercy upon us Christ have mercy upon us Lord have mercy upon us Jesu receive our Prayers Lord Jesu grant our Petitions BLessed Lord who hast caused all holy Scripture to be written for our learning grant that we may in such wise hear them read
thy Church O Lord deliver us In the first motions to sin and the renewed assaults of any temptation in the time of our tryal when thou seeemest to withdraw from us thy Grace in health and prosperity in sicknesse and adversity in the hour of Death and in the day of Judgment O Lord deliver us Deliver us O Lord and in all our Necessities when we call on thee in the Name of thy beloved Son and for the Merits of our onely Saviour Jesus Christ who sits at thy right hand to make Intercession for us sinners We beseeh thee hear us That it would please thee to govern and defend thy Catholick Church to blesse and preserve all Ecclesiastical Persons in unity of truth and holinesse of life We beseech thee hear us That it would please thee to endue all Christian Princes and Magistrates with the Spirit of Justice Piety and Wisdom and all Subjects with a true reverence of their Superiours and chearful obedience to their just Commands that all the World may live in the beauty of Order and the blessings of Peace We beseech thee hear us That it would please thee to reduce into the union of thy Church all those whom Malice Passion or Interest have divided from thy Faith And with a more particular tendernesse to Compassionate all simple and Unlearned People who by mis-instruction are seduced into Error and by unhappy Education settled in a prejudice against thy Truth VVe beseech thee hear us That it would please thee to convert all Jews Turks and Infidells to thy holy Faith and all dissolute Christians to a vertuous life That none of those whom thou hast made may perish but all the Nations of the Earth adore thee here and be happy with thee hereafter VVe beseech thee hear us That it would please thee to have compassion on the Miseries of humane life and especially on the Afflictions of such as suffer for a good Conscience Let thy pitty lighten their burdens and thy grace strengthen their weaknesse that every sad dejected Soul may praise thee either for releasement from their pressures or enablement to bear their crosses VVe beseech thee hear us That it would please thee to enlarge our hearts with true Charity one towards another to Feed the Hungry and Cloth the Naked to visit the Sick and Comfort the distressed to forgive our Enemies and pray for our Persecutors and in all occasions to do good to every one according to our Capacities VVe beseech thee hear us That it would please thee to open thy full hand and mercifully bestow on us the necessaries of this life with grace so to use all thy temporal Blessings that we rest not in the Convenience or Pleasure derived from any Creature but apply them as Instruments to cultivate our minds and prepare us for thee and thy eternal joys VVe beseech thee hear us That thou wouldst vouchasafe us the grace to know thee that we may fear and hope in thee as absolute Master of Punishment and Reward that we may serve and worship thee as Soveraign Lord of Life and Death that we may love and praise thee as a most Indulgent Father and bountiful Benefactor VVe beseech thee hear us That thou wouldst vouchsafe us the grace to know our Selves that remembring we are but dust and ashes subject to a thousand infirmities temptations and miseries we may humble our proud thoughts and sincerely acknowledge our own unworthinesse yet being created after thy Image and capable of eternal happiness we may aspire to Heaven and value our Souls above all the transitory enjoyments of the earth VVe beseech thee hear us That thou wouldst vouchsafe us the grace frequently to examine and clearly to see the state of our Consciences humbly to confess and earnestly to repent us of our sins carefully to avoid all occasions of relapse and diligently practise those Vertues which most avail to the Cure of our Infirmities We beseech thee hear us That thou wouldst vouchsafe us the grace to keep a strict watch over our Senses lest they solicite our hearts to sin to remember continually thy presence with us wheresoever we are especially in the offering up our Prayers with a reverend gesture of our Bodies and devout attention of our Minds We beseech thee hear us That thou wouldst vouchsafe us the grace to attend with diligence the employment of our Callings yet every day to set apart some time for thee and our Souls to live in peace and Charity with all the world freely forgiving their injuries to us and readily satisfying our trespasses against them VVe beseech thee hear us That thou wouldst vouchsafe us the grace to remember alwaies the end of our Creation and the vanity of this world the shortnesse of our lives and the incertainty of our deaths the misery of such as die in their sins and the unspeakable joyes of those who with their last breath give up their Souls into the hands of thy Angels We beseech thee hear us That thou wouldst vouchsafe us the grace to live and dy in the Faith and Communion of thy Catholick Church to enjoy the benefit of thy holy Sacraments and participate in the Prayers and good works of all thy Servants throughout the world We beseech thee hear us That thou wouldst vouchsafe us the grace in the last hour of our lives willingly to render our Bodies to the Earth from whence they came and joyfully return our Souls to thee that gave them that in the blissful vision of thy Glory we may for ever adore thy Majesty and in the happy Company of thy Saints and Angels for ever sing praises to thy Name We beseech thee to hear us Son of God We beseech thee hear us O Lamb of God that takest away the sins of the world Spare us O Lord. O Lamb of God that takest away the sins of the world Hear us O Lord. O Lamb of God that takest away the sins of the world Have mercy on us O Lord hear our prayers And let our Supplications come to thee MOst gracious God the Fountain of all Mercy and Blessing who desirest not the death of a Sinner nor despisest the tears of the penitent favourably receive this free Confession of our sins and efficaciously move our hearts to a true Contrition for all our offerces that being pardoned the evils we are presumed to do we may be delivered from the evils we deserve to suffer and obtaining of thy Bounty the Graces petitioned in our Prayers we may bestow the short remainder of our dayes in a more perfect denial of our own corrupt Inclinations and more constant tendance to thy glorious Promises through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who with thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth one God world without end Amen The Blessing of God Almighty Father Son and Holy Ghost descend upon us and remain in our hearts for ever Amen A Prayer in Tribulation O God who despisest not the tears of the Contrite nor contemnest the
evil deliver us O Iesu From all sin deliver us O Iesu From everlasting death deliver us O Iesu By the mistery of thy holy Incarnation and humble Nativity deliver us O Iesu By the sanctity of thy heavenly Doctrine and miraculous Life deliver us O Iesu By the Merits of thy bitter Passion and All-reviving death deliver us O Iesu By the joyes of thy victorious Resurrection and triumphant Ascension deliver us O Iesu By the glory of thy eternal Kingdom and Incomprehensible Majesty deliver us O Iesu We Sinners beseech thee hear us That it would please thee to protect and govern thy holy Church which thou hast purchased with thy precious Blood We beseech thee hear us That looking continually on thy admirable Life we may faithfully endeavour to follow thy steps We beseech thee hear us That denying all vicious and inordinate Inclinations we may live soberly justly and piously We beseech thee hear us That through thy love the World may be crucified to us and we to the world We beseech thee hear us That whatever we ask in thy holy Name we may receive through thy infinite Merits We beseech thee hear us Son of God we beseech thee hear us Lamb of God that takest away the sins of the world Spare us O Iesu Lamb of God that takest away the sins of the world hear us O Iesu Lamb of God that takest away the sins of the world have mercy on us Lord have mercy on us Christ have mercy on us Lord have mercy on us Our Father c. EVery day will we repeat thy Perfections O glorious Iesu that every day we may grow in our esteem of thee Every day we will attentively reckon over thy Mercies that every day we may still increase in thy love All that we have and are we received from thy Grace Alleluia All we desire and hope we expect in thy Glory Alleluia O Lord hear our Prayers And let our Supplication● come to thee ALmighty God and most merciful Saviour the Light of this VVorld and glory of the next vouchsafe we beseech thee to illuminate our understandings and inflame our wills and sanctifie all the faculties of our Souls that whilest with our lips we recite these Prayers we may inwardly with our hearts adore thy Person and admire thy goodnesse and conform our lives to thy holy example till at length by frequent meditation of the Blisse thou hast prepared for us hereafter we break off our affections from all irregular adherence to this world and place them entirely on the enjoyment of thee who with the Father and the Holy Ghost livest and reignest one God world without end Amen GLory honour and praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ may all the world adore thee blessed be thy holy Name who for us sinners vouchsafedst to be born of an humble Virgin and blessed be thine infinite goodnesse who diedst on the Crosse for our Redemption O Jesu Son of God and Saviour of Mankind have mercy on us and so dispose our lives here by thy grace that we may hereafter rejoyce with thee for ever in thy glory Amen ASsist us mercifully O Lord in these our Supplications and Prayers and dispose the way of thy Servants towards the attainment of everlasting Salvation that among all the Changes and Chances of this mortal life they may ever be defended by thy most gracious and ready help through Iesus Christ our Lo●d Amen The Blessing of God Almighty Father Son and Holy Ghost descend upon us and dwell in our hearts for ever Amen And then devou●ly rising up and say The 38. Psalm 1. PUt me not to rebuke O Lord in thine anger neither chasten me in thy heavy displeasure 2 For thine arrows stick fast in me and thy hand presseth me sore 3. There is no health in my flesh because of thy displeasure neither is there any rest in my bones by reason of my sin 4. For my wickednesses are gone over mine head and are like a sore burthen too heavy for me to bear 5. My wounds stink and are corrupt through my foolishness 6. I am brought into so great trouble and misery that I go mourning all the day long 7. For my loins are filled with a sore Disease and there is no whole part in my body 8. I am feeble and sore smitten I have roared for the very disquietness of my heart 9. Lord thou knowest all my desire and my groning is not hid from thee 10. My heart panteth my streng●h hath failed me and the sight of mine eyes is gone from me 11. My Lovers and my Neighbours did stand looking upon my trouble and my Kinsmen stood afar off 12. They also that sought after my life laid snares for me and they that went about to do me evil talked of wickedness and imagined deceit all the day long 13. As for me I was like a deaf man and heard not and as one that is dumb which doth not open his mouth 14. I became even as a man that heareth not and in whose mouth are no reproofs 15. For in thee O Lord have I put my trust thou shalt answer for me O Lord my God 16 I have required that they even mine enemies should not triumph over me for when my foot slipt they rejoyced greatly against me 17. And I truly am set in the plague and my heaviness is ever in my sight 18. For I will confess my wickedness and be sorry for my sin 19. But mine enemies live and are mighty and they that hate me wrongfully are many in number 20. They also that reward evil for good are against me because I followed the thing that good is 21. Forsake me not O Lord my God be not thou far from me 22. Hast thee to help me O Lord God of my Salvation Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. The 51. Psalm 1. HAve mercy upon me O God after thy great goodnesse according to the multitude of thy mercies do away mine offences 2. Wash me throughly from my wickedness and cleanse me from my sin 3. For I knowledge my faults and my sin is ever before me 4. Against thee only have I sinned and done this evil in thy sight that thou mightest be justified in thy saying and clear when thou art judged 5. Behold I was shapen in wickedness and in sin hath my Mother Conceived me 6. But lo thou requirest truth in the inward parts and shalt make me to understand wisdom secretly 7. Thou shalt purge me with Hysop and I shall be clean thou shalt wash me and I shall be whiter than Snow 8. Thou shalt make me hear of joy and gladness that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoyce 9. Turn thy face from my sins and put out all my misdeeds 10. Make me a clean heart O God and renew a right Spirit within me 11. Cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy Holy Spirit from me 12. O give me the Comfort
of thy help again and stablish me with thy free Spirit 13. Then shall I teach thy wayes unto the wicked and Sinners shall be converted unto thee 14. Deliver me from Blood guiltiness O God thou that art the God of my health and my tongue shall sing of thy righteousnesse 15. Thou shalt open my lips O Lord and my mouth shall shew thy praise 16. For thou desirest no Sacrifice else would I give it thee but thou delightest not in burnt offerings 17. The Sacrifice of God is a troubled Spirit a broken and contrite heart O God shalt thou not despise 18. O be favourable and gracious unto Sion build thou the walls of Hierusalem 19. Then shalt thou be pleased with the Sacrifices of Righteousness with the burnt offerings and oblations then shall they offer young Bullocks upon thine Altar Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. About two of the Clock in the Afternoon upon every Friday repair to the place of your Devotions and standing up say The 102. Psalm 1. HEar my Prayer O Lord and let my crying come unto thee 2. Hide not thy face from me in the time of my trouble incline thine ears unto me when I call O hear me and that right soon 3. For my dayes are consumed away like smoke and my bones are burnt up as it were a Firebrand 4. My heart is smitten down and withered like grasse so that I forget to eat my bread 5. For the voice of my groning my bones will scarce cleave to my flesh 6. I am become like a Pelican in the Wilderness and like an Owl that is in the desart 7. I have watched and am even as it were a Sparrow that sitteth alone upon the house top 8. Mine enemies revile me all the day long and they that are mad upon me are sworn together against me 9. For I have eaten Ashes as it were Bread and mingled my drink with weeping 10. And that because of thine Indignation and wrath for thou hast taken me up and cast me down 11. My dayes are gone like a shadow and I am withered like grass 12. But thou O Lord shalt endure for ever and thy remembrance throughtout all generations 13. Thou shalt arise and have mercy upon Sion for it is time that thou have mercy upon her yea the time is come 14. And why thy Servants think upon her stones and it pittieth them to see her in the Dust 15. The Heathen shall fear thy Name O Lord and all the Kings of the Earth thy Majesty 16. When the Lord shall build up Sion and when his glory shall appear 17. When he turneth him unto the Prayer of the poor destitute and despiseth not their desire 18. This shall be Written for those that come after and the People which shall be born shall praise the Lord. 19. For he hath looked down from his Sanctuary out of the Heaven did the Lord behold the Earth 20. That he might hear the mournings of such as be in Captivity and deliver the Children appointed unto death 21. That they may declare the Name of the Lord in Sion and his his Worship at Jerusalem 22. When the People are gathered together and the Kingdoms also to serve the Lord. 23. He brought down my strength in my journey and shortned my days 24. But I said O my God take me not away in the midst of my age as for thy years they endure throughout all generations 25. Thou Lord in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the Earth and the Heavens are the work of thy hands 26. They shall perish but thou shalt indure they all shall wax old as doth a garment 27. And as a Vesture thou shalt change them and they shall be changed but thou art the same and thy years shall not fail 28. The Children of thy Servants shall continue and their seed shall stand fast in thy sight Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. The 130. Psalm 1. OUt of the deep have I called unto thee O Lord Lord hear my voice 2. O let thine ears consider well the voyce of my complaint 3. If thou Lord wilt be extream to mark what is done amiss O Lord who may abide it 4. For there is mercy with thee therefore shalt thou be feared 5. I look for the Lord my Soul doth wait for him in his Word is my trust 6. My Soul fleeth unto the Lord before the morning watch I say before the morning watch 7. O Israel trust in the Lord for with the Lord there is Mercy and with him is plenteous Redemption 8. And he shall redeem Israel from all his sins Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. Then devoutly kneeling upon your knees say Lord have mercy upon us Christ have mercy upon us Lord have mercy upon us O Lord hear our Prayers And let our Cry come unto thee Our Father c. O Most mighty God and merciful Father who hast Compassion upon all men and hatest nothing that thou hast made who wouldest not the death of a Sinner but that he should rather turn from his sin and be saved Mercifully forgive us our trespasses receive and comfort us who are grieved and wearied with the burthen of our sins Thy property is alwayes to have Mercy to thee onely it appertaineth to forgive sins Spare us therefore good Lord spare thy People whom thou hast redeemed Enter not into judgment with thy Servants who are vile earth and miserable Sinners but so turn thine Anger from us who meekly acknowledge our vilenesse and truely repent us of our faults and so make hast to help us in this world that we may ever live with thee in the world to come through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen The Collect for the Sunday next before Easter day ALmighty and everlasting God who of thy tender love towards Mankind hast sent thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ to take upon him our flesh and to suffer Death upon the Cross that all Mankind should follow the example of his great humility mercifully grant that we may both follow the example of his Patience and also be made partakers of his Resurrection through the same Jesus Christ our Lord Amen The Collect for Easter even GRant O Lord that as we are baptized into the Death of thy blessed Son our Saviour Jesus Christ so by continual mortifying our corrupt affections we may be buried with him and that through the Grave and gate of Death we may pass to our joyful Resurrection for his Merits who dyed and was buryed and rose again for us thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord Amen O Most sweet Lord and my Redeemer Jesus Christ who by thy heavenly Father was sent down into this world and willingly of thine own accord sufferedst most cruel and bitter Pains on the Crosse and carried it on thy blessed Shoulders that thy Patience might be to us Salvation and
it wander not our Office is more determined by words but we then actually think of God when our Spirits onely speak Mental prayer when our Spirits wander is like to a Watch standing still because the spring is down wind it up again and it goes on regularly but in Vocal prayer if the words run on and the Spirit wanders the Clock strikes false the hand points not to the right hour because something is in disorder and the striking is nothing but noise in Mental prayer we confess Gods Omniscience in Vocal prayer we call the Angels to witness in the first our Spirits rejoyce in God in the second the Angels rejoyce in us Mental prayer is the best Remedy against lightnesse and indifferency of Affections but Vocal prayer is the aptest Instrument of Communion that is more Angelical but yet fittest for the state of separation and glory this is but humane but it is apter for our present Constitution they have their distinct proprieties and may be used according to their several accidents occasions or dispositions You must often call to mind and examin your self of all your actions especially after much businesse speeches c. You must live as though you had nothing and yet possesse all things and remember that meat drink and cloth are a Christians riches Yield your selves wholly to God and though you have nothing to requite him with but your self yet he gives all that gives himself the Apostles left their Ship and their Nets the poor Widdow gave onely her two Mites to the poor mans Box and her Oblation was preferred before those of the richest persons he easily dispenseth all things that alwayes thinks he must die You must never go to Bed disquieted or troubled in mind but be at peace with God and Man as much as in you lyeth and daily use Jaculatory Prayers thereby to prevent the deceipts of the Devil Take special care in your reading of the Psalms of David for in them you will find much comfort towards your Service of God and praising his holy Name Since singing of Praises giving of Thanks and offering Oblations to the Throne of Grace is very acceptable unto Almighty God and since I have before Composed an Office for your use when you shall be so unhappy to fall into any Calamity Affliction or trouble I have thought fit that when it shall please God you shall be delivered out of any Calamity c. to provide for you a short Office of Devotions whereby you may give God thanks by praising him for your deliverance as followeth As you are standing say The Te Deum Laudamus WE praise thee O God we knowledge thee to be the Lord. All the Earth doth worship thee the Father everlasting To thee all Angels cry aloud the Heavens and all the Powers therein To thee Cherubin and Seraphin continually do cry Holy holy holy Lord God of Sabboth Heaven and earth are full of the Majesty of thy glory The glorious Company of the Apostles praise thee The goodly Fellowship of the Prophets praise thee The noble Army of Martyrs praise thee The holy Church throughout all the world doth knowledge thee The Father of an infinite Majesty Thine honourable true and onely Son Also the Holy Ghost the Comforter Thou art the King of glory O Christ Thou art the everlasting Son of the Father When thou tookest upon thee to deliver man thou didst not abhor the Virgins Womb. When thou hadst overcome the sharpnesse of death thou didst open the Kingdom of Heaven to all Believers Thou fittest at the right hand of God in the glory of the Father We believe that thou shalt come to be our Judge We therefore pray thee help thy Servants whom thou hast redeemed with thy precious Blood Make them to be numbred with thy Saints in glory everlasting O Lord save thy People and blesse thine Heritage Govern them and lift them up for ever Day by day we magnifie thee And we worship thy Name ever world without end Vouchsafe O Lord to keep us this day without sin O Lord have mercy upon us have mercy upon us O Lord let thy mercy lighten upon us as our trust is in thee O Lord in thee have I trusted let me never be confounded Then kneeling upon your knees devoutly say IN the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost Amen Lord have mercy upon us Christ have mercy upon us Lord have mercy upon us Iesu hear our Prayers Iesu receive our Petitions Our Father c. The Collect for the 3. Sunday after the Epiphany ALmighty and everlasting God mercifully look upon our Infirmities and in all our dangers and necessities stretch forth thy right hand to help and defend us through Christ our Lord. The Collect for the 24. Sunday after Trinity LOrd we beseech thee assoil thy People from their offences that through thy bountiful goodnesse we may be delivered from the bonds of all those sins which by our frailty we have committed Grant this heavenly Father for Jesus Christs sake our Lord. The Collect for the 18. Sunday after Trinity LOrd we beseech thee grant thy People grace to avoid the infections of the Devil and with pure heart and mind to follow thee the only God through Jesus Christ our Lord. O Almighty God Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Maker of all things Judge of all men I acknowledge and bewail my manifold sins and wickednesses which I have from time to time most grievously committed by thought word and deed against thy divine Majesty provoking most justly thy Wrath and Indignation against me I do earnestly repent and am heartily sorry for these my misdoings the remembrance of them is grievous unto me the burden of them is intolerable have mercy upon me have mercy upon me most merciful Father for thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ his sake forgive me all that is past and grant that I may ever hereafter serve and please thee in newnesse of life to the honour and glory of thy Name through Jesus Christ Amen WIth all the faculties of my Soul I blesse and praise thy Name O my Lord Jesu Christ who vouchsafedst to creat me of nothing to thy Image and Similitude to Redeem me with thy precious Blood to associate me by holy Baptisme among thy Children of Adoption and to feed me with the most blessed Sacrament of thy Body To thee I render humblest thanks for expecting me from my Infancy to this time that through thy great patience I may come to amendment of my life I praise thee I glorifie thee who hast often delivered me from many tribulatiors distresses calamities and miseries and especially that thou hast kept me from eternal punishment I praise thee and glorifie thee that thou hast bestowed on me so many common Blessings equal with others and so many particular benefits which others have wanted and whereof I have not deserved the least I beseech thy unspeakable goodness my Lord God that thou wilt so perfect
these thy gifts in me as to expel out of my heart whatever displeaseth thee and deliver me from all iniquities troubles and evils in which I am encumbred Dispose all my thoughts words and deeds agreeable to thy Will Preserve me in all Conditions both of Adversity and Prosperity and bring me at last to the happy and most desired joyes of thy sight who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost one God world without end Amen O My Soveraign Lord Jesu Son of Almighty God and of the most pure and glorious Virgin Mary who sufferedst that bitter Death for me and all Mankind and didst rise again the third day I beseech thee Lord have mercy on me a Sinner yet thy Creature And for thy Passions sake preserve me from all perils of Body and Soul especially those that may turn to thy Displeasure With all my heart I thank thee most gracious Lord for the great mercies thou hast shewed me in the imminent dangers to which I have been exposed and as thy grace has alwayes kept me from the hour of my birth to this day so Lord I beseech thee that thy mercy may continue my safety And for my great offence ingratitude and all my sinful life humbly I ask thy pardon And since I cannot lead such a life as becomes thy Servant I meekly prostrate my self and say God be merciful to me a Sinner I blesse thee most gracious God for all the benefits thou hast so largely bestowed on me rendring all honour and praise to thy holy Name who livest and reignest one God world without end Amen LEt Heaven and Earth joyn together with joy and the Quires of Angels with the voices of Men to sing eternal praises to God in Trinity and Unity for the mercies received in the admirable work of our Redemption Amen WE thank thee O Lord God merciful Father for vouchsafing to send thy only begotten Son Jesus Christ to dye for us sinners the most shameful Death of the Cros● that he might offer himself to thee a most pure holy and acceptable Sacrifice for our offences and thereby purge our wicked Consciences from all spots of uncleannesse By this thy exceeding great love unto us and by these most bitter torments of thy Son our Saviour we humbly beseech thee impart to us continually the fruits of his Redemption and make us daily dye to the World and be crucified to the lusts and desires of the Flesh and to live to thee onely all our life that in the end we may rejoyce everlastingly in thy Kingdom where with thy eternal Son and the Holy Ghost thou livest and reignest one God for ever and ever Amen THe Soul of Christ sanctifie me the Body of Christ save me the water of the Side of Christ wash me O good Jesu hear me within thy wounds hide me suffer me not to be separated from thee from the malignant enemy defend me and bid me come to thee that with thy Saints I may praise thee for all eternity Amen Lord have mercy upon us Christ have mercy upon us Lord have mercy upon us O Lord hear us O Christ hear us Our Father c. Lord hear our Prayers And let our cry come unto thee THe grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost be with us all evermore The 56. Psalm 1. BE merciful unto me O God for Man goeth about to devour me he is daily fighting and troubling me 2. Mine enemies are daily in hand to swallow me up for they be many that fight against me O thou most Highest 3. Nevertheless though I am sometime afraid yet put I my trust in thee 4. I will praise God because of his Word I have put my trust in God and will not fear what flesh can do unto me 5. They daily mistake my words all that they imagine is to do me evil 6. They hold altogether and keep themselves close and mark my steps when they lay wait for my Soul 7. Shall they escape for their wickednesse thou O God in thy displeasure shalt cast them down 8 Thou tellest my flittings put my tears into thy bottle are not these things noted in thy Book 9. Whensoever I call upon thee then shall my enemies be put to flight this I know for God is on my side 10. In Gods wo●d will I rejoyce in the Lords Word will I comfort me 11. Yea in God have I put my trust I will not be afraid what man can do unto me 12. Unto thee O God will I pay my vows unto thee will I give thanks 13. For thou hast delivered my Soul from death and my feet from falling that I may walk before God in the light of the living Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen Devotions for every FRIDAY in LENT More especially for GOOD-FRIDAY Psalm 120. WHen I was in trouble I called upon the Lord and he heard me Deliver my Soul O Lord from lying lips and from a deceitful tongue What Reward shall be given or done unto thee thou false tongue even mighty and sharp Arrows with hot burning Coals Wo is me that I am constrained to dwell with Meseck and to have my habitation among the tents of Kedar My Soul hath long dwelt among them that are enemies to peace I labour for peace but when I speak unto them thereof they make them ready to Battel Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen Lord have mercy upon us Christ have mercy upon us Lord have mercy upon us OUr Father which art in Heaven Hallowed be thy Name Thy Kingdom come Thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespasse against us And lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evil For thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory for ever and ever Amen WHat hast thou done sweet Jesus that thou shouldest have this Judgement What hast thou done that thou shouldest be thus straightly dealt with What is thy offence What is thy guilt What the cause of thy death What the occasion of thy Condemnation I truly am cause of thy trouble my fault hath made thee been slain my wicked life has brought thee to this death vengeance is taken of thee for my crimes Thou art thus tormented for me and I the occasion of all thy smart O mervellous order of Judgment O strange and mysterious proceeding the Wicked sinneth and the Just is punished the Guilty offends and the Innocent is chastised the Sinner transgresseth and the Godly is condemned that which the Bad has deserved the Good suffers what the Servant has done amiss the Master undertake to recompense
would be pleased to Command his holy Angels to take charge of you and to preserve you both in Body and Soul from all evil visible and invisible I rest Your most affectionate and Loving Father T. W. From the Prison at the Castle in Glocester 9 Novembris 1668. For my Worthy Friend Mr. Nathaniel Gwinn Master of the Free-School at Cyrencester these humbly present Most worthy Sir IT is said That if it had not been for Aristotle Alexander had not been Alexander although the Simile may not well hold yet truly what my poor Children have attained unto They and my Self must be very ungrateful if we do not acknowledge it to come from you And therefore Sir I do with all the Offerings of a free heart in all humility return you my humble and hearty thanks for your unheard of Civilities to my poor Sons hoping that your Indulgence to them will not be forgotten when ever it shall please God they may be Capacitated to return those thanks that are due for Obligations of so large a magnitude I must now beg you to contract another trouble upon your self viz. That you would he pleased to peruse the following Meditations and as you shall approve of them ●o give encouragement unto those ●hey are designed for to use them Thus beseeching your Prayers to ●he God of all Recompences for me a poor Prisoner in this Goal I remain Reverend Sir Your most obliged and faithful Servant T. W. From the Castle in Glocester 9 die Novembris 1668. Devout MEDITATIONS For the Morning for every Day in the Week When you awake in the Morning say O Saviour of the World who by thy Crosse and precious Blood hast redeemed us save us and help us we humbly beseech thee O Lord. And afterwards before you stir out of your Bed because the first thoughts ought to be offered to Almighty God say O Lord open thou our lips And our mouth shall shew forth thy praise O Lord deal not with us after our sins Neither reward us after our iniquities Lord have mercy upon us Christ have mercy upon us Lord have mercy upon us OUr Father which art in Heaven hallowed be thy Name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespasse against us And lead us not into temptation but deliver u● from evil For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory for ever and ever Amen GLory be to God on high An● in Earth peace good will to wards Men. We praise thee we bles● thee we worship thee we glorif●● thee we give thanks to thee for thy great Glory O Lord God heavenly King God the Father Almighty O Lord the only begotten Son Jesu Christ O Lord God Lamb of God Son of the Father that takest away the Sins of the World have mercy upon us thou that takest away the sins of the world have mercy upon us thou that takest away the sins of the world receive our Prayers thou that sittest at the right hand of God the Father have mercy upon us For thou only art Holy thou onely art the Lord thou onely O Christ with the Holy Ghost art most high in the glory of God the Father Amen And when you arise out of your Bed make a reverent bow with your body and say Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen When you are putting on your Apparel let your thoughts be truly towards God and of his most bountiful goodness towards you at all times and say O Sweet Jesu that the shame of my sinful Soul may not be seen cloath it with the robes of thy Justice and cover it with the Ornaments of all manner of grace and vertues Amen And before you stir out of your Chamber prepare your thoughts for Prayer repairing to some convenient place of the Room and with great reverence bow your body and say the eighth Psalm following O Lord our Governour how excellent is thy Name in all the world thou that hast set thy glory above the Heavens Out of the mouth of very Babes and Sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies that thou mightest still the Enemy and the Avenger For I will consider the Heavens even the works of thy Fingers the Moon and the Stars which thou hast ordained What is Man that thou art mindful of him and the Son of Man that thou visitest him Thou madest him lower than the Angels to crown him with glory and worship Thou makest him to have dominion of the works of thy hands and thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet all Sheep and Oxen yea and the Beasts of the field The Fouls of the Air and Fishes of the Sea and whatsoever walketh through the paths of the Seas O Lord our Governour how excellent is thy Name in all the world Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen Then kneeling down upon your knees with your heart and hands lift up to Almighty God say In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Amen Blessed be the holy and undivided Trinity now and for ever Amen O Lord save the King And mercifully hear us when we call upon thee OUr Father which art in heaven Hallowed be thy Name Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespasse against us And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil For thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory for ever and ever Amen O Everlasting God who hast ordained and constituted the services of Angels and Men in a wonderful order mercifully grant that as thy holy Angels alway do thee service in Heaven so by thy appointment they may succour and defend us on Earth through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen ALmighty and everlasting God who hatest nothing that thou hast made and dost forgive the sins of all them that are penitent Create and make in us new and Contrite hearts that we worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchednesse may obtain of thee the God of all Mercy perfect remission and forgiveness through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen ALmighty God who seest that we have no power of our selves to help our selves keep us both outwardly in our bodies and inwardly in our souls that we may be defended from all adversities which may happen to the body and from all evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the soul through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen O Almighty God whose dwelling is in the highest Heavens and yet vouchsafest to regard the lowest Creature upon
mark learn and inwardly digest them that by patience and comfort of thy holy Word we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life which thou hast given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ Amen O Lord Jesu Christ who at thy first Coming didst send thy Messenger to prepare thy Way before thee grant that the Ministers and Stewards of thy Mysteries may likewise so prepare and make ready thy way by turning the hearts of the disobedience to the wisdom of the just that at thy second coming to judge the world we may be found an acceptable People in thy sight who livest and reignest with the Father and the holy Spirit ever one God world with out end Amen PRevent us O Lord in all our doings with thy most gracious favour and further us with thy continual help that in all our works begun continued and ended in thee we may glorifie thy holy Name and finally by thy mercy obtain everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen O God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ God of Patriarks and Prophets God of Apostles and Martyrs God of Virgins and of all Believers I beseech thee have mercy on us thou who didst send thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ to redeem us thy Son born of the Virgin Mary by the operation of the Holy Ghost by the Annunciation of the Angel deliver us from eternal death I beseech thee O Lord have compassion on thy Servant judge me not according to my works for I have been disobedient to thy Commandments but thou who lovest Repentance have mercy on me who before thy face make confession of all my sins and for the love of thy holy Name wipe away all my offences Make me to abide in thy holy Catholick Church with an undefiled Faith and pure Heart with a firm devotion and continual love of thee and perseverance in good works to my lives end Deliver me from the eternal pains and everlasting torments which thou hast prepared for the wicked Grant this for our good and blessed Saviours sake by whom and in whom be ascribed to thee all Honour Power and Glory for ever and ever Amen O Almighty and most merciful Father we most humbly beseech thee that we may keep this Day according to the commandment of thee and thy holy Church Give me O Lord true contrition of all the sins I have committed against thee and my neighbour by thought word or deed or by omission of good works which I ought to have done And I most humbly beseech thee most sweet Jesus not to consider the multitude of my sins but remember thy infinite mercy grant me grace to spend this week following without offending thee and for thy death and Passion sake give to all sinners knowledge and grace to be penitent in this world and particularly we intreat thee have mercy on all those for whom thy holy Church commands we should this day pray that with her we may be made partakers of the infinite merits of thy sacred Passion Amen The Litany O God the Father Creator of the world Have mercy on us O God the Son Redeemer of Mankind Have mercy on us O God the Holy Ghost Perfecter of the Elect. Have mercy on us O Sacred Trinity three Persons and one God Have mercy on us Behold we were Conceived in sin and in Iniquity our Mothers brought us forth Have mercy on us As we have grown in years we have multiplied the number of our offences and every day thy goodness adds to our lives our wickednesse increases the heap of our transgressions Have mercy on us The Law of our body makes War against the Law of our mind and brings us into subjection to Sin that the good which we would we do not and the evil which we would not that we do have mercy on us We have sinned in the vain thought and unlawful desires of our hearts in the idle talk and perverse words of our mouths in the wicked works and fruitlesse course of our lives have mercy on us We have sinned against thee by our Ingratitude for thy Blessings and impatience of thy Chastisements by preferring our selves and the satisfaction of our own inordinate desires before Thee and the observance of thy holy Comandments have mercy on us We have sinned against others in not doing to them as we would they should do to us and against our own Souls in pursuing more eagerly the things of this life than those that belong to our eternal felicity have mercy on us We have sinned in delaying our Repentance and breaking the solemn promises of amending our lives in exposing our selves to the danger of temptation and often omitting the opportunities of thy Service and even our best endeavours are full of imperfections have mercy on us We have sinned in not profiting with the talents of Grace and Nature which thy bounty has committed to our improvment but idly spent that precious time and unthankfully neglected those gracious means which thy goodnesse allows us for the work of our Salvation have mercy on us Have mercy on us most merciful Father and according to the multitude of thy tender Compassions pardon the multitude of our grievous offences Remember what our substance is that we are but as the grass of the field or a vapour that passeth away and returns not again Remember what thou art Infinitely glorious in thy Self and Infinitely good to the least of thy Creatures Remember thy gracious Promises in Jesus Christ and for the Merits of his sacred Passion from all our sins O Lord deliver us From the Evils of this present world from War Pestilence and Famine from all disastrous mischances in our Bodies Minds or Estates from suddain Death and all other thy heavy Judgments O Lord deliver us From the Evils of the world to come from the dreadful Sentence of condemnation and the chains of everlasting darkness from the Worm that dies not and the Fire that shall never be quenched O Lord deliver us From the evil of Sin which is the onely cause of all Misery from the temptations to which by nature or custom we are most exposed from ignorance of thy Will and neglect to perform what we know to be our duty O Lord deliver us From Pride Covetousnesse and Luxury from Envy Gluttony and Anger from a slothful Coldnesse in what concerns our Salvation and from those enormous sins that cry to Heaven for Vengeance O Lord deliver us From Slander rash Judgment and Flattery from self-love vain-glory and hypocrisie from stubbornness and irreverence towards those that are above us from disdain and oppression of such as are below us from the great guilt of inducing other to sin and from the unhappinesse of being perverted by them our selves O Lord deliver us From Error Schism and Heresie from denying thee before men for worldly respects from new and factious interpretation of thy Word and from proudly preferring our private Conceits before the Judgment of