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A42522 A brief explanation of several mysteries of the Holy Mass, and of the actions of the priest celebrating Very necessary for all Roman Catholics for the better understanding thereof. Together with certain reflections upon the Apostles Creed, touching the blessed Sacrament. And also, divers meditations and prayers both before, and after communion. By T. G. heretofore fellow of New-Colledge in Oxon, deceas'd. Gawen, Thomas, ca. 1610-1684. 1686 (1686) Wing G395AA; ESTC R220315 43,939 198

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Messias coming together with the Joy of Men and Angels immediatly upon It. This being the Hymne Sung at His Nativity Very properly therefore is This Angelical Hymne of Joy omitted upon days of Sadness and Penitence such as are days of Commemorations of the Dead and Ordinary Feria's which in going before Sunday the day of the Resurrection sitly shaddow out to us the Time of this Life to be a Time of Repentance and preparing our selves for that Great Lords-day at the General Resurrection And so this Hymn of Glory is Sung still on every Lords-day and the days of the Blessed Virgin and the other Saints now Regnant in the Glory of Christ their Lord. DEVOTION I Humbly Thank Thee my God! That thou hast been pleas'd to give Me my Being Now after thy Incarnation and Nativity Vnder the New-Law and In Thy Holy Church Thus separating me from so many Infidels so many Hereticks and Schismaticks as be without and if I be not Treacherous to my self from so many False Christians that Live even in the midst of It as if they had as little Faith as those I beseech Thee that As the Reflection upon this Transcendent Good is deservedly the Cause of so Great Joy and Jubilation common to All the Angels in Heaven and on Earth to All Men of good Will so It may ever Affect my Soul more sensible and more piercingly then All the Pleasures or then All the Pains that can befall It in this World Make me count it my chiefest Felicity to be One in the Number ber of those Men of Peace and Good-Will that the Angels Saluted and gave the Joy to at Thy Nativity Give me that Peace which the World cannot give and That Good Will which alone gives me back again to Thee There 's no good Good Will but in a True Love of Thee O give me That Dominus Vobiscum HEre the Priest turning about to the People and Blessing Them seems to Communicate to them the Benedictions of Christ Jesus now born in the Flesh for this very purpose to Bless Mankind And therefore his Blessing in particular is That God may continue amongst Vs Exprest in those very words which unfold That Name which the Scripture gives to Christ in order to his Incarnation that is Emanuel as much as to say A God with Vs But before he pronounceth This Blessing He Kisses the Altar as It were taking It in his Mouth first from Jesus Christ himself in whose stead stands the Altar as from whom being an in-exhaustible Spring open'd by God for our refreshment All manner of Blessings Favours and Graces are deriv'd upon Us. DEVOTION VOuchsaefe me the Grace to lead in this Blessed Time of the New-Law and in the Communion of thy Holy Church where thou art still Present with Vs after a special manner such a Life as may render me capable of all thy Blessings that thou mayst still Turn thy Face towards Me and lift up the Light of Thy Countenance upon Me to succour Me and to impart unto Me every day more and more of that Rich Treasure which thou hast provided for Me. V upon the Priest's turning back again and Praying Oratio HAving breath'd forth this Benediction over the People He turns him to Jesus Christ again 1. to the Altar to present to Him some Prayers as the time requires one or more for Confirmation of That Blessing and humbly to testifie his Dependance on him as not being any thing but his Instrument nor able to confer on others the least good but only by way of Humble Petition to his Divine Majesty DEVOTION ENable me to Pray without Ceasing as thy Scriptures Command me since in this Life thou bestowest Nothing upon Us for our good but by being Petition'd first Let me then still be putting up Requests unto Thee often Re-inforcing the Old and Multiplying as Thy Priest at the Altar does New upon every important occasion At the Reading the Epistle NExt is read The Epistle taken sometimes out of the New Testament Sometimes out of the Old This puts me in mind of that Notice which was all along given To the Jews of the Coming of their Messias first by the Prophets fore-told and then exhibited to them by St. John and the Apostles And for this reason I think 't is read on that Corner of the Altar which is on the Priest's Right-hand because the Jews were a Nation chiefly Belov'd of God and at first his chosen People to whom he entrusted his Oracles DEVOTION I Do not a little Wonder at Thy Constant and Vntyr'd Love to the Jews who were the Only People whom Thy Prophets were sent to Save to whom Thou thy Self cam'st and Preached'st the Gospel And though not the Only yet the First to whom Thy Apostles declar'd Thy Resurrection Thy Resurrection A point of such moment that to Represent It the more Lively The Priest who sustains the Person of Thee Risen throughout the Whole Mass even in the Act of Sacrificing and Oblation Celebrates all Standing O my God Permit not Me to Slight Thy Holy Word or to Undervalue its Preachers who come to Vs in Thy Name and on thy Errand As that Stiff-necked Hard-hearted and Rebellious People have rejected the Addresses of the Prophets and Apostles Thy Servants nay of Thy Son Christ Jesus himself Let not thy Holy Commands be a New Occasion and Aggravation of Sin to Me as to Them It was but Improve them to Me into True Gospel and Words of Salvation by Inspiriting me to do That which Thy Law injoyneth and not suffering my Sinful Inclinations to Quench this Spirit and Evacuate Thy Grace Gradual and Alleluja or Tractus Immediately after the Epistle read succeeds the Gradual with either Alleluja or the Tractus IF with the Alleluja I apprehend that thereby Priest and People joyn in Acclamations of Praise and Thanks to God as It were in lieu and Supplement for the Jews Ingratitude Infidelity and great neglect of the Gospel as if therefore by way of Reparation we would shew our selves the more zealous and by certain Degrees of Versicles and Benedictions raise our selves to be more Attentive to what they slighted Or if in the place of Alleluja a Tractus be annex'd which being a Mournful Ditty therefore appointed for days of Penitence and Sorrow and to be read more Gravely and drawn out more leasurely and Sadly We are admonish'd thereby to compose our selves to ask Pardon of God for Those Sins which we also no less than the Jews have committed in our Great Neglect of the Gospel and to look on our selves as partakers of their Guilt and to be Penitent for It. DEVOTION LEt Thy Goodness prevent me from such Jewish Ingratitude and more Now I have received from thee so many more and Greater Favours than They. As particularly The Light of the Gospel the Grace of Baptism and then a greater Portion of Thy Holy Spirit Confirming Me and Even Thine Own Body and Blood for Nourishment Be It the Business to
it may conduce toward the Expiation of All my Sins known and unknown and what other Obliquities are hourly occasion'd by my frail and Infirm Nature And since I cannot be totally exempt from These unless by death which is the only sure-End of all Offending Grant that to Cancel their account as fast as It grows upon me I may offer up and Consecrate to Thee sincerely All the short Remainder of this Life and then pass so much the more Joyfully into the next as where I shall be secur'd from discontenting Thee any longer Of the Mixture of Water and Wine THis puts me in mind of the Union of the Divinty and Humanity in the Person of Jesus Christ and then of the Unity of all the Faithful well denoted by Water a Symbol of Weakness which Jesus Christ well typify'd by Wine an Emblem of strength And as the Priest Offer'd up The Bread before so now he makes 1. Oblation of the Wine and Water and in Them again of the People to God The Suscipiamur 2. And lastly Oblation Generalis ● He makes the First General Oblation of All Bread Wine Himself and People altogether jointly with Humility and Contrition into the Hands of God and thereby Sanctifies and Prepares the whole matter of this Sacrifice DEVOTION O Strengthen my Weakness represented by this Water with a new Force and Virtue of Thy Spirit which is the Muste or New Wine of the Law of Grace Make me depend on Nothing nor cleave to any Thing but Thee since Thou alone art the Power of God and Vigorous Life of the Soul in whose Absence the strongest Activity in Man is but miserable Infirmity And as now The Priest presents to Thee the Chalice thereby to Sanctifie It before He proceed to Its Consecration so help Me O Lord to Offer up my Self to Thee Fortified and Heighten'd by Thy Blessing and Grace by which I may be Encourag'd and Enflam'd and so make my self every time more and more capable to be Offer'd up in Sacrifice to Thee and even to Die for Thee Which is really the Greatest Favour that thou canst do any Mau during His Abode here Washing of the Priest's Hands THis meaneth Repentance for the daily Pollutions we incurr by our Frailty For there 's no approaching This Holy Sacrifice without renouncing and quitting as much as is possible such Impurities by a sincere Grief for and loathing of them though but Sins of Infirmity Hence It is that the Priest Washeth only the Tops of his Fingers To signifie that when one comes to Offer this Sacrifice 't is no time then to set about Repentance for Mortal Sins such one should have been freed and purg'd from before but all that is to be done is only to Wash off yet by unfeigned Grief and true Compunction those lesser Impurities and Defilements which in the course of this Life and by Conversation with things of this World we cannot avoid but that they will be sticking at least to the Outward parts as it were of our Souls and to the Works of our Hands But those that willingly neglect to Purify themselves from these though never so small Imperfections are unworthy of this Sacrament saith St. Denis as on the contrary The greatest Sins and Abominations that be cannot render those unworthy of approaching to It who have dis-engag'd their Wills from them and truly detest them in their Hearts DEVOTION SVffer not O my God the Pollutions of this World so to Defile My Hands that is My Actions as that they should contract any store of Filth from It but since 't is impossible to Converse here in this Earthly Habitation cleanly without All Sullying Grant that at most The Spots may but arrive to the outmost and lesser parts of Them as It were to the very Tops of the Fingers only A Petition suggested to me by the Priests Washing His. First Possess my Heart intirely and at all times and then let my Actions regard Thee too as their Principal Object and if secondarily in their Out-sides and parts farthest off They touch the fouling Earth Let me never cease Washing them with Tears of True Repentance and in the Water and Grace of Thy Holy Spirit till They be again Purify'd Especially as often as I come before Thee to partake of the Communion of Thy Blessed Body and to assist at That most Holy Sacrifice to which it would become Vs to approach in the greatest Purity Man in this Life can be capable of Because It is a darker Vision of God and some Representation of our Imployment in Heaven whither no Unclean Thing can Enter Vpon the Suscipe Sancta Trinitas The Kissing the Alar and Orate Fratres and the Secreta Suscipe Sancta Trinitas THe Priest having put himself into This Purity of Body and Mind with most profound Humility makes a Second General Oblation of all Oblation Generalis 2 1. Directing it to the proper Object of Worship The Holy and Blessed Trinity And 2. Applying it to the right End Of Commemoration of the Passion Resurrection and Ascention of Jesus Christ Of Honour to all the Glorify'd Saints in the Church Triumphant and of Salvation to all yet in the Militant by their Intercession implor'd 3. Kisses the Altar Orate Fratres THe Priest having already implor'd the Intercession of the Glorious Saints above for the things specify'd and particularly for that Acceptance of This Oblation and Sacrifice Now turns himself to the People desiring them to Joyn their Prayers to the same End DEVOTION DErive into me O Lord That Grace which the Priest Receives upon the Kissing of the Altar that stands in stead of Thee that assisted by It I may bear a part in That Common Prayer which He now Exhorts all the Faithful to joyn in with Him To Supplicate Thee favourably to Receive The Sacrifice He is here going to Offer unto Thee in the Behalf of the whole Church And do it the rather for the Honour of those Great Mysteries and Those Holy Saints which he hath just now made particular Commemoration of on purpose to teach us the Value of this Extraordinary Act of Grace by the Greatness of the Means imploy'd to obtain It. Agitate now in the Strictest Closet of my Soul by the means of this other Prayer which the Church calls Secret and produce therein the proper Effects of those good Thoughts which Thou hast been pleas'd to form in Me to Prepare me the better for this Sacrifice The Preface SO call'd because 't is the Entry to the Canon of the Mass and the last Immediate Preparation-general to the Sacrifice For here the Priest endeavours to prepare the People by putting them in mind 1. Of raising up their Heart in Devotion to God and taking It off from all Thoughts or Inclinations to any thing here below That they begin this Sacrifice of Offering up Christ to His Father by first Offering up their own Hearts which must be still the Anti-Sacrifice to all others or else they
those two Sublime Points of Our Faith the Trinity and the Incarnation are Insisted on to shew that Our Eternal Happiness shall consist in the Clear Vision of That which here we have humbly acknowledg'd and embrac'd though but in the obscure and Imperfect Light of Faith and that We shall Live Eternally By Contemplation of the Essence and Trinity of the Persons in the God-head as Thou Thy self livest in it by Comprehension Remove O Lord out of my mind any other Thought and out of my Heart all other Delight or Pleasure Let me now in Time take full Contentment in This Object which and no other must make me Happy in Eternity NOw by what hath been Intimated throughout this short Reflection of my Thoughts it may be inferr'd perhaps not Impertinently what was said in the beginning That the Whole Mass is a Re-view and Commemoration of the being Driven out of Paradice for the Sin of Adam and of Our Return again into Paradice By the Blood and Grace of Jesus Christ Certain Reflections upon the CREED thereby to prepare the Heart the better for being more Confirm'd in another Article of the Catholick Faith touching the Holy Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ PREFACE I Believe O My Saviour and my God! When I consider that this Heavenly Manna thy most Holy Body so miraculously contriv'd to be our Nourishment as we pass through the Desart of this World is affirmed to be truly and Substantially present upon the Altar immediately after the Words of Consecration I am struck with wonder and amazement and have not a word left me to say but this which is a plain confession of my ignorance and all that those Israelites could reply upon the first view of that other Manna * Man hu Man hu What 's this What 's this Lord have pity on me My best natural understanding my Judgement as rational and humane all my Senses set themselves in opposition to it and frame a thousand objections to the contrary to deterr me away say they How can it possibly be that Christ should give us his very Flesh to eat This is the hardest saying of all never to be conceiv'd never to be Believ'd But it is by thy Grace O my God that these Seducers in my own Bosom have not yet prevailed upon me I have done still as those two great Servants of thine Councel'd me St. Ambrose and St. Austin I have fled presently to my Creed and opposed to all their contradictions that Symbol that short Lesson which thy Apostles took care to teach thy servants heretofore In the first place I Arm my self with that as with a sure Cart of thy protection with It I close and shut up my Heart as with a Signet that none of all these suggestions can find the way in and like a well-stor'd Quiver it hath afforded me a thousand and a thousand good Shafts by which I am enabled to keep them off and ruin them all What say I if all other Arguments were nothing doth not this one word alone that stands in the very Front of my Creed I Believe suffice to defeat the forces of all such Rebellious Thoughts and make them fall backward I Believe 'T is the word that was given me at my first entrance and Enrolment in this sacred Militia and was pronounc'd by me then at my Baptism by the mouth of those who there undertook for me and I must still make it good I am therefore not one that pretends to be an understander of the Mysteries of my Salvation not a Disputer not one of the Intelligent but my Profession is to be one of the Faithful a Believer And therefore by how much hard and incomprehensible this Sacrament is made appear to me by so much the more is it likely to be one of the Articles I am to believe and so rendred by its proposal more venerably credible For Faith There comes to its true Lustre and is seated as it were on its Throne where the Understanding is most humbled by Obscurities ARTICLE I. In God the Father Almighty maker of Heaven and Earth c. God is God in all his works God but his Deity appears to us most in his Greatest And because this Sacrament is confess'd to be one of them if not the very Greatest of all what surer Testimony can it bring with it to make me believe it to be so the work of the Almighty than its being wonderful and un-intelligible Are there not Three distinct Persons Father Son and Holy Spirit in one and the same single Essence A compleat Trinity in a most simple Vnity That Faith which hath swallowed and digested this transcendent difficulty how comes it now to stick and make scruple of Believing One and the same Body to be in divers places at once God defend me from the temper of those Rebellious Children The Father that came to question his Omnipotent Arm and say can he prepare a Table for us in the Wilderness And could all their projecting thoughts ever have pitcht upon such a way as that of Manna Well whatever part of this Paschal Lamb I cannot Chew by my Reason I will cast it into as it were the Fire of the unlimited power of this Father Almighty whom I believe to be Almighty These little Clouds of Difficulties that so intercept and put this Sacrament out of the sight of our Natural Eye how easily do they vanish in the clear Sun-shine of Gods Omnipotency What so hard that this Fire consumes not The bare Word God hath had such Virtue Maker of Heaven c. as to give a Being to such things as were not at all How much more is it able to give a different Being to what already is and how and in as many places as he pleaseth He hath made that which was Not at all any where to be Some-where why can he not as well make That which is but Some where to be every where And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord. Whilst I am assured O my Saviour His Son that thy Father so loved the World as to give Thee his only Son to be its Feeder and Physician What wonder is it say I within my self if this Son of equal Love and Bounty with his Father do further give himself to be its very Food and Physick too thereby to make himself more intrinsecally a Saviour and King Our Lord. and Lord over All and through All. Which was conceived of the Holy Ghost Born of the Virgin Mary So wert thou Conceiv'd O my God in the Womb of a Virgin without any use of Man And why then do we look for Natural Conditions and Properties in That Body Conceiv'd which was made at first not according to the Order of Nature and Born of a Virgin Since thy Body took up no place then when it came forth thro' the un-open'd and Virginal Womb of thy Mother for otherwise Born it had forced the