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A87593 Hosannah to the Son of David: or A testimony to the Lord's Christ. Offering it self, indifferently, to all persons; though more especially intended for the people, who pass under the name of Quakers. Wherein not so much the detecting of their persons, as the reclaiming the tender-hearted among them from the error of their way, is modestly endevoured, by a sober and moderate discourse, touching the Light and law in every man; referring to what is held forth by them in their several books and papers, herein examined and discussed. By a lover of truth and peace Jackson, John, fl. 1651-1657. 1657 (1657) Wing J78; Thomason E927_5; ESTC R202615 156,564 177

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according to the small measure thereof received hath had its improvement in the comparing of such things as came to my hands from time to time endeavouring if by any means I might attain to the knowledge of the principle But as the Persons were divers and their Books and Papers very many so I found it very hard and difficult to gather up what was scattered here and there to make out any entire Peece though some competent progress was made in that endeavour with a mind very much freed from prejudice and among other things I met with these passages Christ hath enlightned every one that comes into the world thou that lovest that light which Christ hath enlightned thee withall thou brings thy works to the light that thy deeds may be proved c. The Light will not let thee take Gods name in vaine it will draw thee out of the worships of the World and keep thee in the fear of God The first step of peace is to stand still in the Light which discovers things contrary to it for power and strength to stand against that nature which the light discovers here grace growes here 's God alone glorified The light which hath enlightened every one that comes into the world ther 's every one of your Condemnation that hates it and every one of your teachers that loves it waiting in it will guide you to God it will shew you the way which is Christ to the Father Fox way to the Kingdome p. 1. c. Thou that art guided by the Lamb the light in thy Conscience Despise not the day of small things but mind the counsel of the Lord Jesus the little light which shines in thy darke heart is the powerfull word of Faith which was in the Beginning by which all things were created this light is the word of Faith the Apostles exhorted to take heed unto Rom. 10.6 7 8. the unction of the holy one given of the Father whereby we need not to teach one another but as the anointing teacheth us which is truth and no lie which is the sure word of prophecy whereunto ye do well to take heed 2 Pet. 1.19 Deusb Mans Return p. 12. 27 28. It opens all the Scriptures and leads man out of the fall up to God this is the true light and leads to life eternal Farnw Rant Discov p. 13. The light is but one in him that loves it and in him that hates it The light which Christ Jesus hath enlightened every one withall is made manifest and convinceth of all ungodliness and worldly lusts That which may be known of God is revealed in man Fr. Houg Common Salv. p. 5. 7 8. Oh thou blind Pharisee a Childe of God needs no repentance p. 11. The Scripture is not the Saints rule Fiery Darts p. 19. Come down all ye high-minded Pharisees and lay away all your Profession throw downe all your old building and lay a new foundation Hearken to that in your Consciences which checks you when you do amisse and troubles you in Conscience when you have been drunk or have done some evil act Be willing to be guided by that and that will lead you to repentance It will be a Teacher to thee teaching and directing thee in righteousness purity holiness c. Parnell tryall of faith p. 5. 6. 7. Loving the light it will guide you to God from all men that you need never look at man more Farnw Discov p. 12. Being obedient to the light within it will lead you to purity to holiness to uprightness that light obeying it is your salvation disobeying that light is your Condemnation Briefe Discov p. 4. To the al-seeing Eye that light in your Consciences I direct you The wise mans eye is in his head which eye is the light in your Consciences being guided by it it will lead you to Christ who is your Head Letters p. 3. 5. Hearken to the light in your Consciences that is your Teacher if you do not obey it will be your eternal Condemnation Hearken to it and your soul shall live A true Discovery I.C. p. 17. 18. By all which as also by much more which is to be found in many of their Books under variety of Expressions it 's to be observed That a great part nay the main Foundation of this their great building is the Light wherewith every one that cometh into the world is enlightened and this is held forth under these two branches viz. 1. What it is in every one 2. What it does in every one It is That in the Conscience which checks you when you have been drunk or have done some evil act It is The powerful Word of Faith by which all things were created and which Paul exhorts to take heed unto Rom. 10.6 7.8 It is the sure Word of prophecy vvhereunto you do vvell to take heed 2 Pet. 1.19 It doth convince a person of all ungodliness It directs in righteousness purity and holiness It vvill guide you to God from all men that you need never look at man more If you do not obey it it will be your eternal Condemnation hearken to it and your soul shall live That light obeying it is your Salvation disobeying it is your Condemnation It opens all Scriptures and leads man out of the fall up to God These things among many other are naturally included in the Sentences before repeated which being examined and compared with what the Scriptures testifie touching them it will evidently appear that although the Enemy hath made to himselfe a strong hold yet the Father of lights hath discovered him and his Covering is found too short and too narrow to hide him and Wisdom's children will acknowledge it when the veil is pluckt off and the disguise discovered and detected It may not be unmeet for the more clear and faire discussion as also for the better satisfaction of some to lay downe something positively touching this matter according to the two branches aforementioned rather than to treat them oppositely by way of Controversie at least in this place reserving the examination of them and their proofs if any there be till afterwards if God peradventure may please to give unto any Repentance to the acknowledging of the Truth 2 Tim. 2.25 26. and that they may be recovered c. THE Spirit of the Lord doth testifie by the Apostle 1 John 1.5 that God is light Who being altogether in himselfe the fountain-light covering himself therewith as with a garment and dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto So none may be said to be light but God that is to say Originally so But in subordination to him there are many derivative lights lighted up by him being his Off-spring and so is he the Father of lights 1. The Lord Jesus Christ considered as he is the anointed Saviour the Son in subordination to the Father as he sustains the office of a Mediator the Man Christ Jesus as such he is a derivative light
manifest But in the fulness of time the fountains of the great deep were broken up and the windowes of heaven were open and the treasure of wisdome and Counsel which had comparatively been hidden from ages and generations not positively so for every Age had its proper measure in proportion to the dispensation under which it was yet in comparison of what was further made out by the appearing of the grace of God giving testimony of his great love to the world in sending his own Son Rom. 8.3 To dye for sinners Rom. 5.8 Yea while they were yet sinners and at enmity with him then to reconcile them to God Rom. 5.10 Then I say and at this time for the Word to be made flesh and Tabernacle among the sons of men and cause his glory to be beheld as the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth without controversie this was the great Mystery of Godliness God manifested in the flesh c. He had been hid in God long before but now was made manifest bringing immortality and life to light by the Gospel preparing a way into the Holyest of all which way was not yet open but shut up under veiles and shadowy darkness whilst the first Tabernacle was yet standing and this God hath done upon terms not of the first covenant that is to say of works called the old Covenant but upon the terms of the second Covenant or Law of faith bringing in everlasting Righteousness upon the account of that better hope by which we draw nigh to God Heb. 7.19 Thus as that first Covenant or law of works which was witnessed sufficiently in mans heart so far as to justifie God and render man inexcusable for transgressing it yet through the bountiful goodness of God was afterward engraven on Tables of stone and so became a written and legible Law the keeping of the Oracles whereof was committed eminently to Abrahams posterity yet so as that the sound thereof went forth among the Gentiles far and near who also might be admitted upon the terms thereof into the family of the then Israel of God and many taking hold of that Covenant of God were admitted to whom there was but one Law as well to the stranger as to him who was born in the house Exod. 12.48.49 In like manner this new Covenant which God made with miserable fallen affrighted run-away hidden Adam touching the seed of the woman which should break the head of the serpent as in the promise Gen. 3.15 this in process of time comes to be drawn from under the veil and so immortality and life comes to light through the gospel Which notwithstanding it were so sufficiently manifested from the time it was first promised as that the heirs of Salvation did see through these veils and beheld him that was invisible and all others might have seen and many did see that which left them without excuse for with whom was he angry but with those who had not faith Heb. 3.11 18 19. as with those to whom the Gospel was preached but did not profit them not being mixt with faith Heb. 4.2 Yet out of the super-abundant goodness and riches of grace Eph. 2.7 commending his love to poor sinners God makes this new impression thereof in such large and capital letters as that it may be read and seen of all men to whom the tidings thereof comes making publication of this joyful message by the Acclamation of that heavenly Host who praising God said Glory to God in the Highest on earth peace good will toward men Luke 2.13.14 bringing good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people the sum of which was There is born this day in the City of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord Luke 2.10.11 or the Lords Christ v. 26. a light to lighten the Gentiles and the glory of his people Israel v. 32. Which voyce of this heavenly Host was not like that on mount Sinai wherein the mount was altogether on a smoke like the smoke of a furnace where the whole Mount quaked greatly and the people which were in the Camp trembled Exo. 19.16 18. but contrarywise it was here Peace on Earth good will towards Men and glad-tidings of great joy to all people These were the blessed openings of the Fathers bosome bringing life unto light Revealing the Counsels of his heart which had been kept secret from the beginning of the world but was now made manifest for the obedience of faith among all nations according to the tennor of that Scripture John 3.16 17. God so loved the world that he gave his onely begotten Son that whosoever beleeveth on him should not perish but have everlasting life Now is the first promise unbowel'd and declaration is now made who is the seed of the woman and what is the Law of faith and also who are the proper subjects thereof Every one to whom the sound thereof comes is under the obligation thereof but they only which do beleeve in Christ shall not perish but have everlasting life and these also are reckoned for the seed This then is the tennor and tendency of the Law of faith That whosoever beleeveth on Jesus Christ shall not perish but have everlasting life and this not occultly but openly declared Together with this new Edition of the Law of faith the Subjects thereof are likewise declared to be such as are to be renewed to be new made to be born again and to have a light implanted in them suitable to this Law as they had a light implanted in them suitable to that of works That like as the former light sprang up with them in the natural birth Man had his candle from the beginning of his Creation to see his Creator and a Law sprang up with him to serve his Maker that is to love him with all his heart with all his soul c. So now in this new Creation is he in like manner to be endued with a light suitable to his birth he must be born of the Spirit or from above and therewith to be enlightned to have this Law written in and on his heart this is a branch of the new Covenant I will write my lawes in their hearts c. This is that which was pointed at all along thoroughout the old dispensation in all the types and sacrifices they looked unto Jesus the Mediatour of this new Covenant whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his Righteousness for the remission of sins that are past through the forbearance of God That he might be just and the justifier of him that beleeveth in Jesus Rom. 3.25 26. and by this law of faith to exclude boasting The Law of works speaking on this wise do and live or the man that doeth these things shall live in them sets man upon doing for life or that he may live and while man is doing he is apt to be boasting as he Luk. 18.11 I am
spirit of a man or candle of the Lord is propounded and discussed I do likewise finde in the same first of John 14. vers that That word was made flesh and tabernacled among them and they beheld his glory the glory as of the onely begotten of the Father according to that Testimony Phil. 2.6 7 8. who being in the form of God thought it no robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a Servant and was made in the likeness of men being found in fashion as a man agreeable to that Psal 40.7 Heb. 10.5 7. A body hast thou prepared me then said I lo I come In the volume of the book it is written of me to do thy will O God by which will we are sanctified c. In like manner according to the tenour of these Scriptures the word before spoken of John 1.1 was made flesh John 1.14 and thenceforth was called Christ the Lord Luk. 2.11 or the Lords Christ Luk. 2.26 As is witnessed in the Song of Simeon to whom it was revealed by the holy Spirit that he should not see death untill he had seen the Lords Christ who taking up the holy Child Jesus or the word made flesh into his armes he blessed God and said Lord now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace according to thy word for mine eyes have seen thy Salvation which thou hast prepared before all people a Light to lighten the Gentiles and the Glory of thy people Israel Luk. 2.26 27 28 29 30 31 32. Thus the word God who was the enlivener enlightener of the world the maker and sustainer thereof gave being both of light and life to the natural man and so enlightned every man that comes into the world setting up a light in him a candle light i. e. the spirit of a man common to all men as men But the word made flesh becoming the Messiah which is by interpretation the Christ Joh. 1.41 opened the Mystery of Godliness manifesting God in the flesh according to that in 1 Tim. 3.16 Without controversie great is the mystery of Godliness God manifested in the flesh c. To which agrees that 1 Joh. 1.2 For the life was manifested and we have seen it and bear witness and shew unto you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested unto us The word I say thus in fullness of time becoming flesh became therewith the Lords Christ or the Lords anointed or the holy child Jesus Act. 4.26 27. The anointed Saviour and hereby brought life and immortality to light through the Godspel 2 Tim. 1.9 10. manifested by his appearing Tit. 2.11 3.4 according to purpose Eph. 1.9 and promise Tit. 1.2 from the foundation of the world accordingly beleeved on expected by al the cloud of vvitnesses from Abel forward to this day from the time the promise vvas given Gen 3.15 In this sense and as thus considered Christ is said to be come a light into the World John 12.46 I am come a light into the world to what end Is it to enlighten every man that cometh into the world Nay but that whosoever beleeveth on him should not abide in darkness agreeing with that in John the third and 19. Light is come into the world and this light is the Son of God whom the Father hath sent that whosoever beleeveth in him should not perish but have everlasting life and thus is he the light of the world John 8.12 As one whom the Father hath sent John 7.29 and sealed John 6.17 and anointed Luk. 4.18 to be the Covenant to the people and light to the Gentiles according to the prophecy going before of him Isa 42.1 6 7. 61.1 2 3. Whereby he brought in another life another light into the world diverse from that which was given to the world or set up in every man that comes into the world according to the Terms of the Covenant whereof himself is Mediator Heb. 8.6 and being made perfect he became the Author of eternal Salvation unto all them that obey him Heb. 5.9 Remembring only this that as there is a life common to al men that come into the world who nevertheless cannot therewith inherit the Kingdome of God till renewed so there is a light common to all men and women that come into the world which cannot discern the things of the Spirit of God til renewed as their life is for the life and the light have one Original 7. Obj. Art thou so foolishly blind as not to see thy own Babel confusion in what thou hast said Is not Christ and the word one How then dost thou in thy beastly Nature the head of the Serpent reigning in thee by dividing distinguishing confound the truth Answ O that there were given to these people an ear to hear and an heart to consider the things that differ Let him that reads understand though I be nothing yea worse then so I passe not for mans day my judgement is with the Lord in this matter Only it will not be amiss to give a brief account why I have thus distinguished or rather taken notice of the distinction wh ch the Scripture gives of God the word by whom all things were made who though he were the fountain of life and light to all living though he were clothed with light as with a garment yet the light wherein he dwelt was unapproachable 1 Tim. 6.16 whom the Apostle testifieth no man hath seen nor can see yea though he were in the world and the world was made by him yet the world knew him not but to the world he was invisible though he made it and gave it subsistence and being as is witnessed Acts 17.28 In him we live and moove and have our being even our creaturely being as such yet was he invisible to us while such notwithstanding and though some of the invisible things of God might be discerned by the visible things of the creation viz. his eternall power and God-head yet he the Creator and maker thereof could not be discovered by that little light in man which was common to every man untill the word was promised to be made flesh Gen. 3.15 in the seed of the woman who was break to the Serpents head And this is borne witnesse unto by our Lord Jesus Christ himselfe John 1.18 No man hath seen God at any time As they who came to see whether Christ were risen John 20.3 They saw the napkin which had been about his head and the linnen cloathes wrapped together sufficient to demonstrate at least that he whom they sought was not there if not also to testify that he was risen but him that had layn there and was risen this those things cold not discover this was reserved to his owne appearance vers 15 16.19 20. So though upon the account of the common enlightning which every man and woman which cometh into the world receives
the light or law in every man is not that Spirit of truth mentioned John 16.7 nor doth that light or law in every man reprove any man of not beleiving in Jesus Christ It remaines to consider of a further clause in the Objection which saith touching this light viz. Object That this light is from the fountaine of lights it is the light of life John 16.25 26 27 28. John 12.35 36. Answ 1. Although the Lamp or Candle of the Lord in every man proceeds from God as from the father and fountaine of lights Yet that the light in every man is the light of life is not a Scripture Phrase to say no more thereof 2. These Scriptures brought to prove it viz. John 16.25 26 27 28. John 12.35 36. speak not the thing viz. the light of life much lesse doe they say that the light in every man is that light of life and this will appeare to any one that examines the Scriptures which are quoted which is conviction enough to the meeke and tender and more need not to be said thereunto but to desire such to consider how it is written The next passage I am to consider of touching the light viz. what it doth in every man I finde thus exprest viz. Loving the light it will guide you to God from all wen that you need never looke at man more Ri. Farnworth Discover faith Reply The light which is in every man by which the deeds done in the body are discovered and manifested for the light makes manifest And the Law in every man which gives sentence upon those deeds done as good or evill for by it comes the knowledge of sin I say this light and law should be by any person loved and obeyed yet were it not able to guide to God from all men so as that we need never look at man more For this were to ascribe falsehood and to put a lye upon the holy Spirit of truth which testifieth Gal. 3.21 If there had been a Law given which could have given life verily righteousnesse should have been by the Law And Gal. 2.21 If righteousnesse come by the Law then Christ is dead in vaine So that there doth need a looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of faith Heb. 12.2 Yea even the Man Christ Jesus * * 1 Tim 2.5 who endured the Crosse despising the shame and is set downe at the right hand of the Throne of God loveing the light that is in man will not doe it obeying the Law will not nor cannot leade up to God without looking unto him whom God hath anointed and appointed to be Salvation to the ends of the earth besides whom there is no Saviour who saith Look unto me and be you saved all yee ends of the earth * * Esay 45.21 22. Neither is their salvation in any other For there is no other name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved Acts 4.12 And other foundation can no man lay then what is laid which is Christ Jesus * * 1 Cor. 3.11 Christ himselfe and he alone is the true and only foundation besides which no man may lay any other by what name soever he call it whether light or law or what ever other name may be given to it it 's a name divers from that name which God hath anoynted to be the salvation of the ends of the earth by receiving of whom through faith by believing in his name we are priviledged with the dignity of Son-ship and declared to be born of God John 1.12 13. As many as received HIM to them he gave power i. e. right or priviledge to be made the sons of God even to them that BELIEVE in his name who are born not of the will of man BVT of God There is some what further to be added in answer to this passage or sentence but I referre it to that which followes where there will be occasion to treat againe upon the same matter though the expressions of words may be somewhat varied That which followes to be considered in this passage Being obedient to the light within it will bring you to purity to holinesse to uprightnesse there is your Teacher present with you That light obeying it is your salvation disobeying that light is your condemnation Minde your Teacher within minde the light within Jer. 31 34. Esay 54.13 John 6 46. John 1.2.27 * * A briefe discovery of Antichrist Reply It is a most certain truth that there is in every man a Lamp or Torch or Candle of the Lord which is a great light within him together with which there is a Law which is holy just and good whose tendency is to direct the Creature to purity to holinesse and to uprightnesse and in that sence is his Teacher within him according to the divine truth of that Scripture The Law was our School-master unto or untill Christ Gal. 3.24 which is true of the Law written either on the heart or on tables or in a book all which are Scripture expressions I say this light and Law which is in every man hath a tendency to direct toward purety and uprightnesse but hath no power to assist it gives not the Creature the least abillity to perform the thing it requires Gal. 3.21 If there had been a Law given which could have given life but what the Law could not doe Rom. 8.3 Neverthelesse it exerciseth the parts of a Teacher or Tutor in giveing rules and precepts in pointing out to a Person his duty and reviving and calling to account the things done passing a righteous and just sentence according to the terms and tenour of the Covenant of works viz. The man that doth them shall live in them Rom. 10.5 Cursed be every one that contonueth not in every thing which is written in the Law to doe them Gala. 3.10 But as it doth not give strength to the performance of what it requires so it hath received no anointing to relieve the Creature against the sentence of the curse incurr'd upon the transgression which it selfe pronounceth but wounds him and leaves him without pouring in either oyle or wine according to what is testified Rom. 4.15 Because the Law worketh wrath So that although a person by the light and law within him may see his worke before him what is to be done and while he obeyes the command is under that sentence which saith The man that doth them shall live in them And he hath peace while he continueth in his obedience But if at any time he doe amisse in any thing where is his Peace then The Law is faithfull it is impartiall it doth not speak Peace to the transgressor Nay the Law worketh wrath it pronounceth sentence Cursed be every one which continueth not in every thing And this sentence is absolute without limitation Here 's no covering or terms of recovery no roome for repentance under the leading and teaching of this School-master but scourging and lashing and wounding without healing haveing no
submit to him for life and salvation by which they receive the witnesse in themselves that they are adopted Sons 1. Joh. 5.10 the spirit it self bearing them witness that they are born of God Rom. 8.16 and are the seed whom the Lord hath blessed Esay 61.9 So that Christ is not at a distance not a farre off from such as truely beleeve but is nigh them dwelling in their hearts by faith Eph. 3.17 and by his Spirit Rom. 8.11 and is in them the hope of glory Col. 1.27 whereby they being renewed in the spirit of their minde Ephes 4.23 and being married to this their other husband henceforth they bring forth fruit to God not according to oldnesse of letlet but according to newnesse of spirit Rom. 7.4 6. not taking advantage of the grace of God to dispence with themselves in poynt of obedience toward God but reckoning themselves under deeper obligation that as grace hath abounded toward them so might their obedience towards him that hath manifested that grace unto them as hee who sayd What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits I will take the Cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord Psal 116.12 What were those benefits The Lord hath heard the voyce of my supplication thou hast delivered my soule from death my eyes from teares and my feete from falling I will walke before the Lord in the land of the living Psal 116.1 I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving and will call upon the name of the Lord as long as I live Psal 116.17 She loved much because much was forgiven her Luk. 7.47 The life of the New Creature of the renewed man or man in Christ in whom Christ lives by his spirit and dwels by faith is no idle unfruitfull life but as a branch in the Vine and as a part of Gods husbandry he is purged and pruned and caused to bring forth fruit filled with fruits of righteousnesse which are by Jesus Christ unto the praise and glory of God Phil. 1.11 Not living to himelfe It is his meate and drinke to doe the will of his Father He now comes to beare witnesse to the truth of that Scripture which saith In keeping thy Commandements there is great reward Though formerly his soule went forth after the knowledge of Christ sometimes the Excellency of him as he was discovered and revealed in the Scriptures sometimes the necessitie of him as being the way to the Father and the only Name besides which there is no other given among men whereby they can be saved Under which dispensation and in the exercise whereof it was not so much Christ that was the ultimate object of the soules enquiry as it was the Creatures preservation from wrath to come It was not so much for Christ himselfe as for the Creatures owne selfe that the soule was so earnest and ardent in its pursuite after vision and manifestation yet it knew it not nor could it have beleeved that it had been so with it But Judgement breaking forth into victory remooving the Spirit of Feare and giving in stead thereof the Spirit of love and of a sound minde 2 Timothy 1.7 The Grace which was given in Christ Jesus was made manifest and by him brought to light and in his light was the new Creature caused to see light and by it to discerne where it had stucke all this while and how it had mistooke its way and sought its selfe in all its seeking under pretence of following on to know the Lord whom to know is life eternall Then the fire burned and the love was kindled towards him who had shed abroad his love in the heart by the Holy Spirit setting it in an holy flame towards himselfe and his service Henceforth hee became as one made up of strong desires and breakings of heart after doing the will of God Oh that hee were then baptized into the will of him whose he is and whom hee would serve according to the tenour of those Scriptures I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service And be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your minde that ye may prove what is that good that acceptable and perfect will of God Rom. 12.1 2. 2 Cor. 7.1 1 Pet. 1.14 15 16. As being bought with a price would glorifie God in body and Spirit which are Gods Not now as formerly obeying for life or that he might live but from life or because he is made to live or because he doth live by the power of Christ living in him Gal. 2.20 his whole life is a Thank-offering a sacrifice of praise the end henceforth of all he is and all he does is this that he may live to him who dyed for him and rose again to him who hath loved him and washed him from his sins in his blood Rev. 1.5 to him who hath said to him when he was in his bloods live not expecting a covering of sin that he may live in sin nor the righteousness of another that himselfe may live in unrighteousness but that he might live to God and serve him without feare in righteousness and holiness of truth Luk. 1.74 75. But as really as he doth beleeve that Christ is made of God to him righteousness 1 Cor. 1.30 so verily expecteth he to be made the righteousness of God in him 2 Cor. 5.21 that the righteousness of the Law which could not be fulfilled by him through the weaknes of the flesh might be fulfilled in him by the power of the spirit of life Rom. 8.3 2 4. wherein he is made able and wiling to wait for the hope of righteousness by faith Gal. 5 5 18. expecting to be led and made willing to follow the guidance of the spirit even the spirit of truth by which he lives and moves and exists in Christ who is by his spirit in him the hope of glory Col. 1.27 Object Thou hast heaped up together many of the Saints words whose condition thou never learned of God Tell plainly whether the Christ thou tells of be within or without Answ How farre my soule is made one with what I beare witness unto is knowne unto him from whom nothing is hid to whom I apply for a further measure of the spirit of wisdome and revelation in the knowledge of him whom to know is eternal life remembring what is witnessed Rom. 15.4 being unmooved by the Judgement or censure of mans day and in relation to the objection have spoken in plainness already That the Lord Jesus Christ to whom in this poore stammering way I bear witness is considered both as being without and within the soule Respecting his person or bodily presence his glorious or glorified body so he is considered as being without not within the soule according to the testimony of those Scriptures before-named Joh. 17.24 Father I
will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me 1. Tim. 3.16 Beleeved on in the world received up into glory And he shall send Jesus Christ which before was preached unto you whom the heaven must receive untill the times of restitution of all things Acts 3.20 21. For our conversation is in heaven from whence also we look for the Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ who shall change our vile body or body of vileness that it may be fashioned like his glorious body Phil. 3.20 21. according as John also testifies 1 Joh. 3.2 3. But we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is Thus then in relation to his bodily presence he is considered as without us as is testified 1 Pet. 3.22 Heb. 1.3 Col. 3.1 Act. 7.56 But in relation to his spiritual presence so he filleth all things Ephes 4.10 and in respect thereof it may be sayd Whither shall I go from thy spirit or whither shall I flee from thy presence Psal 139.7 8 9 10 11 12. and though the influence of his supporting and susteining presence extendeth to all things upholding them by the word of his power Heb. 1.3 though they see it not Col. 1.17 Yet his special Resience and presdence is with such as being joined to the Lord are become one spirit and are his house his Temple where he abides as one at home and that for ever as is testified 1 Cor. 6.17 19 20. He that is joined to the Lord is one spirit What know you not that your body is the temple of the holy spirit in you which ye have of God and ye are not your own for you are bought with a price therfore glorifie God in your body and in your spirit which are God's Nor is this union of Spirit or spiritual union this residence or Temple presence as the state of a wayfaring man which tarries but for a night for this is the word of promise Joh. 14.16 17. I will pray the Father and he shall or will give you another Comforter that he may abide with you for ever even the Spirit of truth Ye know him he dwelleth with you and shall be in you Now the Lord is that Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty 2 Cor. 3.17 The fear of Casting out is removed and gone and the soul put into a capacity of serving the Lord without fear in holiness and righteousness before him all the dayes of its life Such persons being joyned to the Lord and become one Spirit with him Beholding with open face or with the face unveil'd which veil is done away in Christ the glory of the Lord are changed into the same Image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord and of such persons such Temples such spiritual houses may it be said as anciently it was said of the typical place of Gods residence and abode 2 Chr. 7.16 I have chosen and sanctified this house Mine eyes and my heart shall be there perpetually Psal 132.14 This is my rest for ever here will I dwell for I have desired it I will make the Horn of David to bud which was is and shall be accomplish'd in the Lord Jesus whom God hath raised up as an horn of salvation in the house of his servant David Luk. 1.69 By whom he hath begun to repair the breaches and build again the tabernacle of David which was fallen down and will build again the ruines thereof and will set it up that the residue of men may seek after the Lord and all the Gentiles upon whom my name is called or as many as the Lord our God shall call Act. 2.39 saith the Lord that doth all these things Act. 15.16 17. Then shall the body be compleated and every joynt supplyed the Saints perfected and gathered into one in the unity of faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ Who as he is the head of the body Ephes 4.16 5.23 in whom the universal body or Church of the first born become a perfect man being fitly joyned together in due order of membership to the compleating thereof So is he the foundation or chief corner stone of the building in whom every living stone is framed together built together an holy Temple in the Lord an habitation of God through the spirit Thus is the Lord Jesus Christ in Spirit both Author and finisher of faith in every one that beleeves As considered the object of faith so is he held forth in the Word as one who himself in his own body hath done whatsoever was necessary to bring us to God and this he did for us and without us Phil. 2.7 8. 1 Pet. 2.21 24. As considered the Author and Finisher of faith in bringing us to God so he performeth all in us by his Spirit from the very first step of conviction laying himself as a foundation in the judgement and will to the very top stone of the building and that he might be all in all It remains to consider some certain passages expressed in a Letter written by a friend of this conscience and perswasion the particulars whereof follow viz. Dear Friend I Truly own in thee a breathing after the Lord and unsatisfiedness till thou hast found him whom to know is life eternal but the mistake is about the way to attain Now the way for lost man to return to have Communion and fellowship with the pure and holy God is by Christ who saith I am the way But where to find this Christ or way here lyeth not only the difference but also for the want of the knowledge of this and walking in it is the true cause of mans misery and thou thy selfe art not ignorant of the several forms that cry Loe here and loe there yet the way is but one Search the Scriptures and see if Christ be not only the way but also Christ near and while we consider Christ at a distance is it any more than those that are of the world which say Depart from us we desire not the knowledge of thy wayes To this will that other Scripture agree When they knew God they glorified him not as God these had such a knowledge of God that they might thereby have glorified him as God which not doing they were given up to vile affections Now to know him that is the gift of God if ever we will we must know him as God holds him forth Christ saith of himself that he is the dore Can any one enter to God otherwayes than by Christ He also saith he is the light Can any one come to God but he must receive the light Also there are measures of this light The first measure or degree of light is that which discovers sin and iniquity and
though with all possible brevity Reply That the Gospel is the power of God to salvation may not be denyed Rom. 1.16 for it is so to every one that beleeveth and let him be accursed that preacheth any other gospel than that which is so Gal. 1.9 But where the gospel which is the power of God to salvation is preached if it be not mixt with faith in them which hear it it is not the power of God to salvation to such according to the testimony of that Scripture Heb. 4.2 For unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them but the word preached did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that heard So that the gospel is not the power of God to salvation to any but to such as beleeve it and by faith receive the glad tidings and message thereof and become obedient thereunto Rom. 1.17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written The just shal live by faith The gospel which in it self is the power of God to salvation so named already may be prerched not only in word but also in power and in the holy spirit as twice to the Thessalonians 1 Thes 1.5 in demonstration of the spirit and power as to the Corinthians 1 Cor. 2.4 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it may be powerfully ratified and confirmed by signs and wonders and mighty deeds yet not powerfull to salvation except received by faith in them that hear it Such a gospel was it to the Thessalonians 1 Thes 1.5 It was brought to them in mighty power and received by them in much assurance as the very word of God to which they yeilded the obedience of faith 1 Thes 2.13 14. As the Romans also did Chap. 15.18 19. Wheresoever the Gospel is preached in Evidence and demonstration of the spirit and received by faith in them that hear it it is the arm and power of God to salvation to such and doth powerfully incline them to yeild obedience in word and deed to whatsoever is therein revealed unto them He that receives the light and is obedient to it receivs the gift of God and shall receive the power the light rejected no power received Reply It hath been said before by this friend to whom I now reply That Christ is the light and That Christ is the gift of God To which may be added that which is testified 1 Cor. 1.18 That Christ is the power of God as it is expressed by the Apostle Now let it be considered what is spoken by the friend in this parcel of words above recited and whether it amount not to a repetition and Tautology of words He that receives the light and is obedient to it receives Christ for Christ is the light receives the gift of God that is Christ for Christ is the gift of God and shall receive the power that is Christ for Christ is the power of God and such as receive Christ and obey him reject not the light nor can be without the power forasmuch as he whom they have received and obeyed is both the light and the power and the gift and is no more than if it had been thus express'd He that receives Christ obeys him receives Christ and shall receive Christ Christ rejected no Christ received Your heart shall fail and your eyes wax dim that look for another way or another Gospel than that which redeems out of sin Reply It hath been said before that Christ is the way Let their heart fail and their eyes wax dim that expect salvation by any other way than by him who is the Way the Truth and the Life Forasmuch as there is no other name given under heaven whereby we can be saved and that Gospel which tenders salvation by Christ to sinners without redemption from sin let it indeed be Anathema from the Lord. For it is witnessed of the true and only Lord Jesus that his name should be called Jesus that is Saviour for that he should redeem his people from their sins Mat. 1.21 and save them to the utmost that come unto God by him everliving to make intercession for them Heb. 7.25 even for them who by him do beleeve in God purifying their souls in obeying the truth through the spirit being born again c. 1 Pet. 1.21 22 23. Which testimony is born up in the hearts of the children of the regeneration who are made the sons of God by faith in Christ Jesus having received the adoption of sons they cry unto him in spirit incessantly night and day that this redemption from the body of sin and death may be compleated in them saying how long Lord holy and true fighting the good fight of faith keeping up the watch and warre of the Lord as knowing that the God of peace will shortly tread Sathan under their feet I say their feet as really within them as he hath troden him under his own feet for them without them And further knowing that they shall assuredly reap in due time if they faint not this being their victory even their faith by which with patience they possess their soul being confident of this one thing that he is faithful who hath called them who will also do it and having begun a good work in them will also perfect it perform or finish it untill the day of Christ having this hope they purify themselves in the power of him who of God is made to them righteousness and sanctification as well as wisdome and redemption The name of Christ is pleasant in the outward sound in as much as thereby men think to have their sins taken away but the Gospel is the power of God that redeems out of sin Reply Who ever names the name of Christ is to depart from iniquity and he who naming the name of Christ how pleasant soever he count that name yet if such an one depart not from iniquity but rowl his sinne under his tongue as a sweet morsel and bless himself in his heart saying I shall have peace though I walk in the Imagination or stubborness of my heart to adde drunkenness to thirst the Lord will not spare him but the anger of the Lord and his jealousie will smoak against that man there 's no such use of the name of Christ as to make it a Cloak for sin for the wrath of God is revealed against all unrighteousness in men Whatsoever and in whomsoever it be and he that regards iniquity in his heart hath a root of gall and wormwood that will eat out all the pleasantness that may seem to be in the name of Christ in the outward sound Deut. 29.18 19 20. Yet for asmuch as there may be some snare and temptation lie upon some souls touching those words before minded and repeated viz. the Gospel is the power of God that redeems out of sin Whence some persons do conclude that they are redeemed out of sin and that the body of sin is destroyed in
this in sundry places Those which have seen the mighty works of God as a Creator upon themselves or others I say the mighty works of God as a Creator these are said to glorifie God in owning and acknowledging him to be the Author thereof confessing him to be the only God or the God of Gods so did that proud King Nebuchadnezzar Dan. 3.28 29. Blessed be the God of c. Because there is no other God that can deliver after this sort Dan. 4.2 3. I thought it good to shew the signes and wonders which the high God hath shewed toward me how great are his signes and how mighty are his wonders vers 34. And I blessed the most high and I praised and honoured him that liveth for ever Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extoll and honour the King of heaven all whose works are truth and his wayes judgement and those that walk in pride he is able to abase Thus he glorified God as the most high God Dan. 5.21 ascribing to him the glory due to his name so may and so ought every naturall man to own God as his Creator and to ascribe to him glory and honour The contrary whereof appears in his son Belshazzar Dan. 5.22 And thou his Son hast not humbled thy heart though thou knewest all this and the God in whose hand thy breath is hast thou not glorified whence it is evident that the father did but the Son did not glorifie God i.e. ascribe unto him the greatnesse of his power soveraignty and dominion and extoll and praise him according thereunto as the most High the only God of Gods as they in Rev. 11.13 in that terrible and dreadfull Earthquake who being affrighted gave glory i.e. ascribed glory to the God of heaven In like manner did the Centurion glorifye God in giving testimony to our Lord Jesus at the time of his death Luk. 23.47 when he saw what was done he glorified God saying Certainly this was a righteous man Luk. 7.15 16. and there came a great fear on all and they glorified God saying That a great Prophet is risen up among us So that when in that passage it is said Because when they knew God they glorified him not as God and the inference thereupon viz. those had such a knowledg of God that they might thereby have glorified him as God It is to be remembred what that Such Knowledg was Now what that kind of knowledge of God was which they had is declared that is Such as whereby they saw his eternal power and Godhead and could distinguish between him and any Created being they were not to be instructed that a bird or a beast or a creeping thing or the Image of a man was not the true and living God the Author and fountain of all created beings for they knew full well the contrary they had sufficient demonstration to the contrary both without them and within them Neverthelesse they being so stupidly brutish as contrary to their light and knowledge to bid defiance to the most high God and to cast off the knowledge of him and to erect contrary to truth and reason such beastly and brutish gods which are lies and no gods viz. Birds and beasts and creeping things as they did Rom. 1.23 The righteous Lord as a just recompence of reward gave them up to all uncleanesse blindnesse bruitishnesse a dreadfull reward of so horrible a sinne vers 24.26.28 A fearfull example to all such who having attained to any measure of the knowledge of God though but as a Creator and yet doe not glorifie him as such by ascribing unto him the honour due to his name according to those words of truth 1 Cor. 16.23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30. Jer. 10.7 Rev. 15.4 Who would not fear THEE O King of Nations and glorifie thy name sing unto the Lord all the earth shew forth from day to day his salvation declare his glory among the heathen for great is the Lord ye kinreds of the people give unto the Lord glory and strength the glory due to his Name But for any to know the true God and that there is no other gods but he nor any to be feared served but he and yet to bid defiance to him and that measure of knowledge which they have of him and imbrace other gods whether birds or beasts or creeping things yea though it should be a man or the Son of a man the Image of a man it is an aggravation of sin and 't will be so in the judgement and 't were better such had never known this knowledg but had been made birds or beasts or creeping things or had never seen the light for the untimely birth is more happy than such Whoso is wise and will observe those things even they shall understand the loving kindnesse of the Lord Psal 107. last verse To the Soule-ly Sensual or Natural Man Whether Civil or Profane SOlomon applying his heart to know to search and to seek out wisdome and to know the wickedness of folly even of foolishness and madness Eccles 9.3 centers all in the heart of the Sons of men from whence proceeds evil thoughts Adulteries Fornications Murders Thefts Covetousness Wickedness Deceit Lasciviousness an evil Eye Blasphemy Pride Foolishness all these evil things come from within and defile the man as he that is the truth it self testifies Mar. 7.21 22. But in the beginning it was not so and this testimony the Holy spirit gives by the mouth of him that made this diligent search Ecclesiast 7. ult Lo this ●nly have I found that God made man upright but they have sought out many Inventions As all the Inventions which defile the man proceed from within the man as above so all those defiling Inventions were sought out and fetch'd in by the man whose destruction is of himself for in the beginning God saw every thing that he had made and behold it was very good and Man was made in his own Image In the Image of God created he him Gen. 1.27 God made man upright Nevertheless Man in honour abideth not he is like the beasts that perish His bow abode not in strength he sought out many Inventions Tumbles down from his excellency and is driven out among beasts and made to eat grass as the Ox or husks with the Swine Till the time appointed of the most High be determined and mans understanding be caused to return and the splendor honour and brightness of his kingdome be restored and excellent Majesty added to him by being new created in Christ Jesus and renewed in the spirit of his mind in righteousness and holiness of truth being born again by the spirit or from above without which change passing upon him no man can see or enter into the kingdome of God Nor is this the Condition of some men only but it is the lot and portion of all the Generations of mankind all having sinned and come short of the Glory of God there being none that doth
works in thee that thou canst not give up nor give over though thou knowest not whether ever thou shalt recover thy sight of him againe to see him as thou hast seen him the goings of thy God and King in his Sanctuary Now the remembrance of the kindnesse of thy youth and the love of thine espousalls and thy free and willing following of the Lord through the wildernesse in hard and difficult and untroden pathes when the day of his power was upon thee while thou meditatest on these things thy heart meditates terror forasmuch as thou discernest that as thou hast in great measure forsaken the Lord and gone backward so hath he also withdrawn himselfe in very great measure and caused thy Sun not to stand still nor to goe backwards many degrees as a testimony and signe of his presence with thee as of old with Joshuah and Hezekiah but to goe down while was yet day withdrawing the testimony of his presence the light of his countenance That whereas thou wert wont to speake before him and unto him as a friend speaks with his friend to be visited and supped with to be caused to sit under his shaddow with great delight and to be refreshed with the tasts of his loves but and now not finding it so as heretofore this is thy gall and thy wormwood and to consider thou hast procured this to thy self this is the gravell in thy teeth the arrow in thy reines and the Iron that enters into thy soule though thy nights and dayes be filled with terror and anguish under these considerations yet still thou art secretly drawn after the Lord for the return of the light of his countenance through a secret perswasion that as its of his mercy that thou art not consumed so certainly it is the love of God which is at work upon thy heart and which thus constraines thee to seeke after him and which will not suffer thee to give him any rest till he make thy soule which as Jerusalem is now as a plowed field a joy and a praise through the lifting up the light of his countenance by restoring the years which the Locust the Catterpiller and the Kanker-worm hath eaten The sence of thy guiltinesse cannot drive thee from God but thou inclinest toward him and cleavest unto him and wouldst faine lye under his feete laying thy mouth in the dust if so be there may be a reviving certainly concluding the seed is yet alive which his holy hand as the blessed seeds-man hath sown that the Covenant he hath made with thee is a Covenant of salt it 's fixt as to him though thou hast started aside like a broken bow yet as to him it is ordered in all things and sure and that he will cause thee to revive as the Corn after a sore Winter sometimes such workings of heart as these have been upon thee and thou hast had a little reviving But when the thoughts of thine unkindnesse have been renewed together with the silence of God to thy teares and cryes Then are thy sorrowes repeated which have raised up in thee an holy Indignation and revenge against thy selfe that ever thou shouldest be so unkinde so unfaithfull and so treacherous as thou hast been to him who hath been so deare to thee In these workings and counter-workings that have been upon thee the most holy blessed and tender God and Father hath preserved the vitall and radicall principle intire thou hast not been suffered to give up all and to say all was hitherto nothing and so give the lye to all the former workings of God toward thee But wast still kept upon and close to the foundation thou remembredst and often saidst thou hadst an husband and he was still thine though withdrawne through thy unfaithfulnesse and unstedfastnesse thy Father thy Former and Maker was thy husband thou remembred'st his visits and thy vowes and those vowes were upon thee thou hadst been treacherous in not keeping stedfast yet thou durstest not add to all the rest this viz. to renounce the Covenant nor the witnesse thou hadst born thereunto Thus thy root was preserved and thou hadst a little strength and wert helped with a little help in this great hour of thy temptation when many quit their help and their hope to seeke for another foundation then that which had been laid yet the most high kept thee from turning after the flocks of thy Companions And though this were to thee as an hour of sore travaile wherein thy hands were upon thy loins and palenesse in thy cheeks and thou wert a wonder to many when none but the most high God who susteyned thee was acquainted with thy griefe and anguish yet the fire did not burn thee nor the waters which came into thy soule were not suffered to overflow thee because his arme was under thee and susteyned thee keeping up in thee the acknowledgement of the interest wherein thou stood'st related to him as to a Father an husband though thou wert made and kept sensible of being a rebellious child and treacherous wife yet now thou wert a soul-sick fainting languishing and almost dying both wife and child and cryed'st out often Oh that one would give thee of the waters of Bethlem to drink no waters like those to thee if thou mightest have but a look from thy father but a line from thy husband for thou assuredly knewest thou hadst both a Father and a Husband thus thy rellative interest being preserved in this storm of temptation wherein thy Father and Husband heard thee and saw thee and secretly susteyned thee though thou wert not aware thereof and there was a doore of hope further opened to thee by the presentation of those passages of the holy Scripture which discover the bowells of God in his restoring and healing which when it was given thee to consider thou foundest the Lord had manifested great tendernesse to such as had dealt very unkindly with him and thou hadst many hints thereof darted into thy soule encourageing thee to waite and expect the discovery of the light of his countenance which thou so earnestly and uncessantly Soughtest And besides That it was said unto thee refraine thy voice from weeping and thine eyes from teares for there is hope in thine end by which word a doore of hope was opened unto thee which gave thee incouragement not to wax weary nor faint in thy minde Thou hadst this further testimony from the Lord at a certain time made forth with clearnesse and set upon thine heart I will not contend for ever neither will I be alwayes wroth for the spirit would faile before me and the soules which I have made For the iniquity of his coveteousnesse I was wroth and smote him I hid me and was wroth I have seen his wayes and will heale him I will restore comforts to him and to his mourners Now thou cam'st to consider where thou began'st to turn thy back upon thy God and to goe out from his presence and
HOSANNAH to the Son of DAVID OR A TESTIMONY to the LORD' 's CHRIST Offering it self indifferently to all persons though more especially intended for the People who pass under the Name of QUAKERS Wherein not so much the detecting of their persons as the reclaiming the tender-hearted among them from the Error of their way is modestly endevoured by a sober and moderate Discourse Touching the Light and Law in every man referring to what is held forth by them in their several Books and Papers herein Examined and Discussed By a LOVER of TRUTH and PEACE Am I become your enemy because I tell you the truth The Leaders of this people cause them to erre and they that are led of them are swallowed up And they went in their simplicity of some have compassion making a difference If God peradventure may give them repentance to the acknowledging the truth and that they may recover themselves out of the snare What knowest thou ô man whether Out of the mouths of Babes thou hast ordained strength LONDON Printed by William Godbid 1657. To the Impartial and Vnprejudic'd Reader IT is recorded in the Holy Scriptures That many waters cannot Quench Love neither can the Floods drown it for love is strong as death which truth is experimented in him that bears this witness by whom it hath been said as in another Case I will keep my mouth with a muzzle or bridle I was dumb with silence I held my peace I have said Let days speak and let multitude of years shew wisdome as for me I am of few dayes and therefore feared to appear in this matter saying within my self I cannot speak for I am a Child Nevertheless while I was musing the fire burned and my heart was hot within me boyling or bubling up and at length brake forth into this ensuing Tract touching Zions King wherein my stammering tongue was unmuzzled and I was made to say Thou art fairer than the Children of men Grace is poured into thy lips Thy Throne O God is for ever and ever the Scepter of thy kingdome is a right Scepter and to share with the Children who cry'd Hosannah to the Son of David Though there may be as there hath been Mat. 21.15 some that may be displeased thereat yet a love to Sions King and to the Children of that kingdome however distinguish'd in form or appearance hath drawn it forth The subject discovers its nature by its name or Title if discouragements of any sort could have stifled it thou hadst not been troubled with the reading thereof it hath been as fire raked up in the Embers of a private breast two years and upwards while it at length is come forth as an untimely birth or as that which is born out of due time labouring under the burthen of being both Vnnecessary and Vnseasonable Th' one because it hath been done already by other and better hands th' other because the persons with whom it chiefly treats are now come to a settlement in their perswasions and it is now unseasonable to treat them who are already resolved Touching the first of these I have to say though some others have been in this work as the Harvest-man reaping the ears with his arm coming forth in the strength of their might with the arm of a man to help the Lord against the mighty Yet gleaning grapes may be left as the shaking of an olive tree two or three berries in the top of the uppermost bough four or five in the outmost fruitful branches the gleanings of Ephraim may well be admitted to follow the vintage of Abiezer the Babes and Sucklings bear a part in the Chorus and out of their mouths hath God ordained strength were it not evident and clear that the foolish things of this world the weak things the base and despised things were the things chosen of God to make forth his appearance in and by and wherein he oft times glorifies himself it might and doubtless would have caused these papers to have disappeared which now are prostrate at his foot to speak life or death unto at his pleasure As touching the seasonableness of the discourse this also is submitted to him it 's most certain that in some respects it doth seem to be brought forth unseasonably Yet in season and out of season have their respective blessing from him in whose hands are all issues and that which in mans accompt may seem most unseasonable may not so be accompted of by him who judgeth of things as they are indeed not as in appearance only and this may be yea I verily beleeve it is the fittest season in sundry respects However or whatever the issue be 't is enough that it 's witnessed to be the effect of an heart affected with the honour and glory of God and a sincere desire of the good and welfare of my Countrymen however named or distinguished for many of whom in tender bowels I am distressed though unknown to them by name if God peradventure may give them to see that which he would have them see I have great reason to beleeve that there are many persons dear and precious to the Lord whose spirits are fallen asleep on the Dalilah's lap of this worlds entising pleasures and preferments whom the most high and blessed father of spirits will awaken in his holy season and will shew them that they are fallen from their first love and that it is not with them as yesterday and heretofore but that while their tables are full even to excess that yet leaness is entered into their soul and this will be demonstrable enough unto them when they compare the present with the by-past times which when they shall see Oh! what a smiting will it procure as when a dart strikes thorough the liver and the soul is made to mourn in secret and to bleed inwardly for its backsliding and departure from the living Lord who knows what a whisper from the Lord may do whilest this poor despicable peece is in thy hand and is anointed by the Lord to be thy remembrancer Nor have I this perswasion only touching some of those now last named but for those also or some among them who have quit their former profession which they have made before many witnesses and are moved away from the hope of the Gospel to the embracing of some other thing in stead thereof my purpose is not to argue the thing here but do earnestly intreat of you to peruse the discourse thoroughout let not the adversary the Accuser disswade you therefrom under any pretence whatsoever but patiently and soberly read and consider as you would that either I or any other should do touching any thing of like nature that hath or may proceed from any of you neither say 't is too tedious nor that 't is Babel nor give it any other term of reproach till you have weighed with due consideration the things proposed and then I am very well assured 't will stand in the judgement
not as other men are c. The Law of faith speaks on this manner Awake thou that sleepest stand up from the dead and Christ shall give thee light Eph. 5.14 You hath he quickned who were dead in trespasses and sins Eph. 2.1 6. He is made to live that he may do and he is made to know that he is not sufficient as of himself to do any thing John 15.5 but all his sufficiency is of God 2 Cor. 3.5 who worketh in him both to will and to do of his own good pleasure Phi. 2.13 here is no room for boasting nor any colour for any such thing it is utterly taken away by the law of faith Rom. 3.27 which empties the Creature of all self-sufficiency and leaves it at the foot of him that quickned it that gave it life to enable it to perform every action of life not as if the Law of faith were destitute of works or the subjects thereof totally exempted therefrom Nay but notwithstanding the saved ones are to ascribe the honour of their Salvation to the free and rich grace of God as being meer gift in opposition to works to cut off all occasion of boasting Nevertheless it s testified that such are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God hath before ordained that they should walk in them Eph. 2.7 8 9 10. So then the bringing of Immortality and life to light through the Gospel opens the Mystery thereof and discovers in plain Characters that which had lyen hid in former ages the sum of all which is this viz. That it is not in him that wills nor in him which runs but in God that sheweth mercy Rom. 9.15 16. according to that in Heb. 8.12 for I will be merciful c. This is the well-head spring or fountain of the Law of faith from whence flowes all those blessed streames of good will toward man this laid the foundation of mans recovery and restauration and this layes the top stone thereof whereunto all the saved of the Lord must cry grace grace for his mercy endureth for ever This is the Beginning or first letter of his Name as it was described to Moses Exod. 34.6 7. Merciful and gratious long-suffering and keeping mercy for thousands forgiving iniquity transgressions and sins The Elect-tryed-pretious-corner-stone of this Building is the Lord Jesus laid for a Foundation a living stone and such as he is such are they which are built upon him lively or living stones built up a Spiritual house an holy Priesthood to offer up Spiritual Sacrifice acceptable to God by Jesus Christ 1 Pet. 2.4 5 6 7. and other foundation can no man lay than that is layd which is Jesus Christ. 1 Cor. 3.11 It is this which gives boldness in the day of Judgment because as he is so are they that are his in this world 1 John 4.17 and this is the honour of all his Saints or Sanctified ones it is the lot of all the General Assembly of the first Borne whose names are written in Heaven Heb. 12. not only of the Saints which were in Corinth no nor thoroughout all Achaia Ephesus and all Asia but all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord both theirs and ours Of this living Stone the Lord Jesus and of these lively stones viz. they which beleeve on him doth the new building or spiritual house consist he is not ashamed to call them Brethren forasmuch as he which sanctifieth and they which are sanctified are all of one Heb. 2.11 Nay not onely Brethren but they are so of him as Children of the Father He the everlasting Father Isa 9.6 and they the Children of that father Heb. 2.13 Behold I and the Children that thou hast given me He the Root and they the Off-spring he the head they the Members they are so of him that they have no subsistance without him which as it is true of all mankinde in general yea and of all things that have being that he bears up the pillars thereof even he who is the Brightness of his Fathers glory and the express Character of his Hypostasis or substance he bears up or upholdeth all things with the word of his power Heb. 1.4 who is before all things and by him all things consist Col. 1.17 I say though all things own themselves to him for that Existence which they have as upheld by him and consisting in him he being the Saviour of all men and of all things according to that in Psalm 36.6 Thou savest Man and Beast I rather use the word Savest or wilt Save than Preservest though the latter be used by the Translators because I finde themselves have so rendred the same word elsewhere viz. Esa 45.17 Israel shall be saved with an everlasting Salvation as also in the 118. Psa 25. verse Save now where the words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 are rendred by the Septuagint 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which Prophecy hath an especial reference and relation to Christ as may appear by the particular application thereof to him by the Children crying in the Temple and saying 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hosanna Matth. 21.15 16. and Christs defence thereof against those that were displeased thereat avouching in their defence that Prophecie of David Psal 8.2 Out of the mouth of Babes c. And to this agreeth that of the Apostle mentioned formerly viz. The Saviour of all men c. Yet it is most eminently and in a most especial manner true of those who beleeve 1 Tim. 4.10 Even those of his own house stock and kindred those which are of the houshold of faith That of the Author to the Hebrews is very emphatical where speaking of Christ it 's said He tooke on him the seed of Abraham It is not said the seed of Adam For though that be true that Christ is the second Adam and took on him the nature of Man as such yet it is not terminated there but his alliance stock and kindred by way of eminency were Abram's seed rather than Adam's seed these were his Brethren and his Children Heb. 2.11 13 16 17. Therefore to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed even to all who are of the faith of Abraham Rom. 4.16 He took on Abraham's seed which was more than if he had taken on Adam's seed Not as though the Word of God had taken none effect For as all were not Israel which were of Israel neither because they were the seed of Abraham according to the flesh were they all children but the children of the promise were counted for the seed Though the whole race and linage of Abraham's family arrived at great dignity and were wonderfully differenced from the rest of the Nations by externall Covenant Oracles and Ordinances Yet the seed was hid among them the children of promise were scarce discernable yet they were those which were reckoned upon to whom the promise of the everlasting rest was made for they which
pretend to it can make it evident and give demonstration thereof as the Apostles and primitive Christians could as is to be demonstrated by many instances in the Scripture by signes and wonders and mighty deeds Answ The Dispensation of the Spirit may be considered in a twofold respect viz. In relation to its Inward Operation or Outward Manifestation Sometimes it is expressed under the similitude of wind or air invisible and unseen and so it is in the work of Regeneration and Renovation John 3.3 Tit. 3.5 And this was personally effected and personally evidenced Rom. 8.16 Rev. 2.17 Sometimes under the similitude of Cloven tongues and fire and visible demonstrations ratifying and confirming the word of Faith according to Mar. 16.20 By tongues prophecies miracles or by signes wonders and mighty deeds and these were Apostolical 2 Cor. 12.12 God bearing witness to the ministration of those first Messengers with signes and wonders and divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit according to his owne will Heb. 2.4 thereby confirming their word Mar. 16.20 convincing the opposers and stopping the mouths of the gainsayers Act. 4.16 This variety of the Spirits operation as thus distinguished into the Internal and External dispensation thereof as it may be clearly evidenced from the Scriptures so may it be of great use to strengthen the weak hands and confirm the feeble knees of such as are made weak and turned out of the way upon the account of this objection or the like The Scriptures do witness that many have been born of the Spirit i. e. have been true beleevers have had their eyes and hearts opened and have been turned to the Lord and yet many of these though they bear witness of the internal and invisible operation of the Spirit as being born from above Joh. 3.3 yet have been destitute of the demonstration of the Spirit in respect of its outward and visible manifestation in Signes and Miracles c. Those twelve Disciples at Ephesus mentioned Act. 19. were Beleevers and were so called vers 2. where the Apostle propounds this Question Have ye received the holy Spirit since ye beleeved Whereby it is evident that he spake of the outward manifestation of the Spirit which they had not so much as heard of and which they afterwards did receive vers 6. when upon the laying on of his hands they received the holy Spirit and spake with tongues and prophesied whence it appears evidently that they were Beleevers i. e. were born of the Spirit for faith is a fruit of the Spirit Gal. 5.22 whereof Christ i. e. the Spirit is both the Author and Finisher Heb. 12.2 not onely in himself as the object but in the Beleever as the subject giving them to beleeve on him Phil. 1.29 And if the faith of these twelve Disciples be questioned what kind of faith it was it will be resolved by the Apostle in his Letter of Confirmation directed to them Ephes 1.13 where he saith In whom ye also trusted after ye heard the word of truth the Gospel of your salvation in whom also after that ye beleeved you were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise Whence it appears plainly that those Ephesians Act. 19. were reall and true Beleevers and did partake of the inward operation of the holy Spirit viz. faith though they had not as yet heard of the outward manifestation thereof in visible gifts A like instance there is of those Grecians of Antioch who upon the Evangelizing of the scattered Disciples a great number beleeving turned to the Lord Act. 11.21 who yet had no visible demonstration of the Spirit but an invisible operation onely So it was with them of Samaria who beleeved upon the Evangelizing of Philip while as yet they were destitute of the visible manifestation of the Spirit Act. 8.12 compared with vers 15 16. At Iconium multitudes both of Jews and Greeks beleeved Act. 14.1 at the speaking and preaching of Paul and Barnabas At Berea also upon the hearing of Paul and Silas together with searching the Scriptures daily many beleeved Act. 17.10 11 12. At Corinth likewise upon Paul's preaching many of the Corinthians hearing beleeved c. At Philippi the Lord opened the heart of Lydia attending to the things spoken by Paul Act. 16.14 These with many more examples there are testifying to and bearing witness of this truth that many persons have beleeved been converted and turned to the Lord i. e. have been born of God Joh. 1.12 13. 1 Joh. 5.1 regenerated or born again or from above or of the Spirit Joh. 3.3 5 6 8. who nevertheless have evidenced no other power or presence of the holy Spirit than what was invisible in and upon their owne hearts but gave no outward visible manifestation thereof by Signes and Miracles at least not until afterwards Whence it follows that notwithstanding the dispensations in the times of the Apostles and primitive Saints and Churches were very eminent for visible and outward manifestations of the Spirit in wonders signes and miracles with gifts of tongues and prophecies yet this was not universal in operation for many were turned to the Lord Act. 11.21 and unto them it was given to beleeve Phil. 1.29 and taken into a state of sonship Joh. 1.12 13. were also regenerated and born from above or of the Spirit Joh. 3.3 8. Some of them not knowing Act. 19.2 Others of them not yet receiving or witnessing any outward appearance or manifestation of the Spirit but onely that inward operation of the Spirit opening and enclining their hearts to embrace the word of faith and to receive the Lord Jesus as tendered therein according to Rom. 10.8 9 10 11. And as some who had the inward operation had not the outward manifestation so some to whom the outward or visible power of the Spirit was communicated were not intrusted with the inward and sanctifying operations thereof as appears Mat. 7.22 23. where it is witnessed that Christ shall say to the workers of miracles Depart c. I know you not and to Judas Iscariot was given power among the rest to cast out devils and work miracles Matth. 10.4 8. to shew the Spirit is not limited but as the wind blowing where it listeth distributing to several persons severally even as he pleaseth 1 Cor. 12.11 in diversity of gifts administrations and operations For as to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdome to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit to another the gifts of healing to another working of miracles c. So it is said to another faith by the same Spirit 1 Cor. 12.9 Which operation of the Spirit is diverse from the former gifts enumerated both before it and after it for although there is required to the working of Miracles a faith suitable thereunto as appears by our Saviours testimony Matt. 17.20 Luk. 17.6 Matt. 21.21 and by the Apostles 1 Cor. 14.2 Yet this Faith is a distinct gift diverse from that whose manifestation was external
in healing miracles and tongues c. and the one might then be where the other was not as hath been proved already In like manner also such is the Dispensation of the holy Spirit at this day as the wind bloweth where it listeth forming the new-birth which is after and according to God by faith in Christ Jesus becoming a Spirit of regeneration and illumination Eph. 1.17 18. Tit. 3.5 opening the blind eyes not only to see Christ as he is held forth in the word but to be beleeved on accepted and received as the Author of eternal salvation to them that obey him Heb. 5.9 but also by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the holy Spirit purging the conscience from dead works Heb. 9.14 giving boldness and access to the throne of grace through the faith of him who is thus become a quickening spirit and principle of life a new and living way to all that receive him and manifest that faith by obedience true and unfained Heb. 10.19 20 21 22. This may be thus evidenced by divine testimony viz. 1. That as the wind bloweth where it listeth so is the birth of the Spirit in those which are regenerate is proved John 3.3 6 8. 2. That they which beleeve in the Lord Jesus are thus dignified and privileged with the estate of sonship as being born of God and from above is witnessed Joh. 1.12 13. Gal. 3.26 3. That this is effected by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the holy Spirit that being justified by his grace we might be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life is likewise born witness unto by the Apostle Titus 3.4 5 6 7. 4. That this was not the work of the spirit in any one particular age only viz. in the Apostles dayes or primitive times as they are called and distinguished by some but as it is said of Christ he is the same yesterday to day and for ever Heb. 13.8 so is it said He is the Author and finisher of faith not only of theirs Heb. 12.2 though the word Ours being inserted in the English reading may seem to carry it that way but he was the Author and finisher of theirs also who are catalogued and Chronicled in the 11. of Heb. who began as low as Abel and so upwards and not of theirs only who thus beleeved receiving the word of promise or rather Christ in the promise from the first giving forth thereof in Gen. 3.15 mixing the Gospel with faith Heb. 4.2 nor of those who in the times of more clear manifestation thereof did know and beleeve Joh. 17.6 7 8. But of their faith also who from thence forth should beleeve on Christ through their word Joh. 17.20 and therefore in the place mentioned Heb. 12.2 Christ is not said to be the Author finisher that is the beginner and ender of our faith nor of your faith nor of their faith but of faith in relation to all times and persons according to the tenour and testimony of that word of truth Act. 13.38 39. By him all that beleeve are justified from all things c. not only the Jew but the Gentile also even all that are a farre off as many as the Lord our God shall call hence the Apostles testify that they had received the same spirit of faith with those who had gone before 2 Cor. 4.13 And as the faith of all true beleevers from Righteous Abel thoroughout the whole cloud of witnesses and thence forward owns it self to Christ as the Author and the Finisher thereof as was said before So likewise it is as necessarily applyed to the spirit whose gift it is and by whom it is wrought 1 Cor. 12.11 among which operations of the spirit Faith is one reckoned among yet diverse from that of miracles And it is called the fruit of the spirit among many other inward qualifications of the renewed and regenerate Man Gal. 5.22 5. To this agree those other testimonies of the holy Scripture wherein the holy spirit is promised not for this or that particular age much less this or that particular person or persons onely but to all the seed not reckoned according to the flesh but according to the faith of beleeving Abraham Rom. 9.8 2.28 29. Gal. 3.7 8 9 14. Gal. 4.27 28. But to speak more particularly The Scriptures bear witness to Christ Jesus that he is the true seed promised in whom all the Nations of the earth should be blessed according to that so often mentioned place Gen. 3.15 as also Gen. 22.28 expounded by the Apostle in Gal. 3.8 of Christ himself as the seed promised a Covenant to the people So is he also the seed to whom the promise is made as appears by the same Testimony Gal. 3.16 Not to seeds as of many but as of one and to thy seed which is Christ who was the seed which was to come to whom the promise was made vers 19. thus is Christ originally both Root and Offspring It is with Christ that the Covenant is made originally Isa 53.10 11. and in him with those that are his to whom he is given for a Covenant as appears Esay 42.1 6 7. Behold my servant whom I uphold mine Elect in whom my soul delighteth I have put my spirit upon him and he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles I the Lord have called thee in righteousness and wil hold thy hand and will keep thee and give thee for a Covenant to the peoples for a light of the Gentiles to open the blind eyes c. In this Covenant it is promised that he should have the spirit put upon him Isa 42.1 which also was fulfilled in Luk. 4.18 And as the spirit was by Covenant to be put upon him so was it also to be put upon them which were his as doth appear in the fifty ninth of Esay 21. As for me this is my Covenant with them saith Jehovah my spirit which is upon thee and my words which I have put in thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seed nor out of the mouth of thy seeds seed saith Jehovah from hence forth and for ever Where it is Evident that the gift of the spirit is a Covenant-promise as to Christ in whom all the promises are Yea and Amen so to them which are Christs to him and to his seed and seeds seed according to Joh. 17.20 Not only they which did beleeve but those who through their word should beleeve were the subjects of Christs prayer in the Application and Mediation of the Covenant This is promised also in Ezek. 36.27 And I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my Statutes c. which promise is not limited to Israel or to Abrahams seed according to the letter or Circumcision but to Abrahams seed according to faith If ye be Christs then are you Abrahams seed and heirs according to promise Gal. 3.8 9 29. and as is
before proved The same is likewise confirmed Joh. 14.16 And I will pray the Father and he shall give you another Comforter even the spirit of Truth but lest it should be said as in the Objection this promise was made to that Age of the Apostles only it is added that he may abide with you for ever Obj. But were the Apostles at that time without that spirit altogether Answ It is answered in the 17. verse But ye know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you the spirit shall be the same but the measures enlarged the same spirit of faith but not the same measure Object What shall the spirit do when it is given in that larger measure Answ It is resolved partly in the 26. verse He shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you And partly Joh. 16.13 He will guide you into all truth and he will shew you all things to come Obj. This is that dispensation of the spirit which is mentioned in Joh. 7.38 39. and for which the Apostles were commanded to waite at Jerusalem Luk. 24.49 and which the Apostles did receive Act. 2.4 according to the prophecy Joel 2.28 A. It is not to be denyed as before that one branch of the dispensation of the spirit is to open it self in such discoveries as those but the whole thereof and the all of that dispensation is not limited or confined to the external and outward and miraculous manifestation thereof only as in the Apostles dayes At which time not to every person individually was it so communicated as hath been proved before unto which you are referred and they which did receive the dispensation of the spirit at large both in its inward operation and outward manifestation yet did receive but the first fruits thereof Rom. 8.23 From the whole of what hath been spoken in answer to this main objection this briefly is the summe 1. That notwithstanding the dispensation of the spirit in the times called primitive viz. in the dayes of the Apostles and primitive Christians was with great evidence and outward manifestation accompanied with signs and wonders and mighty deeds yet it was so but in some persons not in all beleevers as by the instances before cited may appear for there were some beleevers that did not know of such a thing as the spirit Act. 19.2 2. That as some Beleevers were ignorant of outward manifestation thereof so there were others who having the outward were destitute of the inward Mat. 7.22 23. 10.4 8. 3. The gift of the spirit is a Covenant gift first promised to Christ and in him to them that are his that is Christs to him and to his seed throughout their generations seeds seed Isa 59.21 4. It was promised by Christ to his Apostles to be in them for ever Joh. 14.16 17. not so to remain in their individual persons for ever but in their successors and not in them only as such that is Apostles but also in all such as should thenceforth beleeve thorough their word Joh. 17.20 5. It was prophesied to be poured upon all flesh Joel 2.28 and applyed to all that were a farre off even as many as the Lord our God shall call Act. 2.39 6. The Apostle declareth of himself and the beleeving Romans who although they had received the Spirit of Adoption whereby they cryed Abba Father and he at least had also received the outward visible manifestation of the Spirit yet saith of himself and them They had received the first fruits of the spirit intimating that there was yet a further manifestation thereof reserved to them which were to come after according to the tenor of that Scripture Heb. 11.40 That they without us might not be made perfect Hence therefore it may be argued that though it hath pleased the Lord for the misuse or abuse of his holy spirit or for other most holy ends known unto himself to withdraw from the children of men for a season the manifestation thereof in that which is outward in gifts of tongues prophecies healings c. Suffering Arts so called by Man to prevail instead thereof till the faith of his people prevail through cryes and tears to bring back the Anointed and with him the Anointing For the prophesy of Joel is as yet but in part fulfilled and the direction of our Lord remains firm to this day Luk. 11. from the 5. verse to the 14. touching the incessant importunate prayer for the holy spirit concluding thus vers 14. If ye then which are evil know how to give good things to your children how much more shall the Heavenly Father give the holy spirit to them which ask him And surely were but the Lords people awakened to consider the necessity of the return of that spirit which hath been for so long a time withdrawn and to be importunate with the Lord and give him no rest but with all humble and holy boldness continue in prayer and not faint according to that in Luk. 18.1 who knowes how soon the most high might turn the Captivity of his people as the Rivers of the South as to this particular and meet his mourning praying Servants where David met the men of Judah who came to conduct him over Jordan even at Gilgal viz. the place of the rowling away of reproach Ioshuah 5.9 and make it a time as that was a place of rowling away of reproach from his people forever Nevertheless though in respect of its visible manifestation there be a great hiding and withdrawing yet according as was promised Joh. 14.18 Our Lord hath not left his children Comfortless nor Orphans But hath left them a Comforter as promised Continuing to them the invisible Operations of his holy spirit enabling them thereby to cry Abba Father who in that respect is called the spirit of Adoption Rom. 8.15 Gal. 4.6 Because ye are Sons God hath sent forth the spirit of his Son into your hearts crying Abba Father becoming in them a sanctifying spirit 1 Cor. 6.11 a spirit of sanctification 2 Thes 2.13 1 Pet. 1.2 witnessing to their spirits their estate of Sonship Rom. 8.16 Causing them to Read that new-Name written on the white stone which no Man knows but he which hath it So that all though they cannot assure another by infallible evidence so as to leave them without doubt touching their estate yet to themselves the spirit of God by which they are regenerated doth evidence its own operation according to that testimony 1 Joh. 5.10 He that beleeveth hath the witness in himself and by filling them with fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ unto the praise and glory of God leading them in paths of righteousness keeping their feet that they stumble not upon the dark mountains sanctifying them throughout as well in body as in soul and spirit enabling them to mortify the deeds of the flesh and to cleanse themselves from all filthiness of flesh
and spirit mourning longing pressing after this and resisting and opposing judging and condemning whatsoever is contrary thereunto This is a measure of evidence even to the stander by at least so farre as is necessary and will amount to the fulfilling of that rule viz. Let your light so shine before men that they seeing your good workes may glorifie your father which is in Heaven And this may be and in many persons is witnessed though other external discoveries by Miracles be not produced Having in the foregoing part of this discourse treated of that light which the most high and holy God the eternall fountain and Father of lights hath formed in every man viz. the spirit of a man Zech. 12.1 Or candle of the Lord Prov. 20.27 And therein holding forth in some smal measure that which is witnessed in the holy Scriptures of truth touching the nature and property thereof under these two general heads viz. 1. What it is 2. What it does in every man The impartiall and serious consideration whereof afford's matter of conviction to the opposite principle and might be of use to such a purpose though there were not a word further added thereabout Nevertheless in order to the satisfaction of some that are tender who may not be free to trace the discourse throughout or may not so clearly discern the scope thereof by what hath hitherto been spoken I shal endevour to treat them I mean the people that pass under the name of Quakers upon their own ground discoursing with them upon such principles as are laid down in the Papers and Bookes of the men of their confederacy persons of no smal esteem among them certain hints whereof have been given at the beginning and others may occasionally be added In prosecution whereof to the intent it may be performed with the more clearness to the meanest capacity I shal proceed in the Method above mentioned enquiring what is by them held forth touching the nature of the light wherewith every man and woman that comes into the world is enlightned viz. 1. What it is 2. What it doth in ever man and I shall also examine the Testimony by them produced for proof thereof Touching the former of these two particulars viz. what that light is it is affirmed That the little light which shines in the dark heart is 1. The powerful word of faith which was in the beginning by which all things were created 2. That it is the word of Faith the Apostle exhorted to take heed unto Rom. 10.6 7 8. 3. That it is the unction of the holy one given of the Father whereby we need not to teach one another but as the anointing teacheth us 4. That it is the sure word of Prophecy whereunto ye do wel to take heed 2 Pet. 1.19 Dewsborr Mans return Pag. 27 28. Christ hath enlightned every one that comes into the World Fox way to the Kingdome Page 1. Waiting in the light which Christ hath enlightned you withall 5. That 's Scripture within you pag. 8. These five Heads or Propositions thus laid down relate to the first Article and are to be considered how far they hold proportion with the writings of Truth and are born witness unto thereby to the umpirage whereof I find the Authors of these assertions do referre themselves The Scriptures we own c. Howgills fiery darts Page 19. We direct to search the Scripture whether our doctrine be not true Page 22. I challenge all the City of London to prove that we speak or declare any thing but what the Scriptures bear witness to the same Page 28. Let him that can try us by the Scripture Here therefore we joyn issue and answerable to the evidence which the Lord shall give by his Spirit in the holy Scriptures so let it be According to the tenor of that divine Testimony Esai 8.20 To the Law and to the Testimony if they speak not according to this word it is because they have no morning light in them First To the first of those five Prepositions I Reply 1. Reply 1. That although it be said that the little light which shines in the dark heart is the powerfull word of faith which was in the beginning by which all things were created Yet this is but said without any Scripture produced giving witness thereto and therefore may not be admitted to the credit of a divine Truth having no other evidence than an humane Testimony briefly It is not proved therefore not beleeved 1. Obj. Did not God create all things by the word of his power or powerful word Answ I read in the holy Scriptures of truth that God created the Heavens and the Earth and all the hosts of them Gen. 1.1 2.1 and that he did this by his word Psal 118.5 He commanded and they were created but I no where read that they were created by the powerful word of faith as is affirmed in the proposition beforenamed 2. Object Is not Christ the word and did not he create all things Answ 1. Christ is called the word of God Rev. 19.13 but not the word of faith 2. Christ is called the word God Joh. 1.1 by whom all things were made vers 3. and without whom was nothing made that was made i. e. created Col. 1.16 But he is not called the powerful word of faith much lesse may it be said that the little light which shines in the dark heart is the powerful word of faith or it by which all things were made or created nor may be so called by warrant from the Scripture without some clearer proof 3. Object Is not Christ the light which lightneth every one that cometh into the world Joh. 1.9 And is it not he by whom al things were created and made A measure of whose light shineth in the dark heart of every one A. Besides that there is a departing from the Terms in the Proposition as may by the impartial and unprejudiced Reader be observed For if the little light which shines in the dark heart be that by which God created all things that that light is the word of God or the word God Joh. 1.1.3 or Christ the light as is intimated in the Object 't was by him not without him that al things were made Then this Objection should be thus put in plainness and truth Is not Christ the light in every man that cometh into the world c. And to this agree those so often quoted sentences of Scripture Christ in you the hope of Glory Know you not that Christ is in you The Kingdome of Heaven is within you Which Scriptures are applyed by those Objectors to every man by a distinction and a meaning viz the light of Christ and a measure of Christ and the little light which shines in the dark heart and sundry other meanings of this kind I shall endeavour to make it appear that this Objection is not founded upon the Scripture which is brought to prove it by
sensuall having not the Spirit therefore not the manifestation thereof for there can be no manifestation where the thing it selfe is not But the Spirit himselfe dividing to every man severally as he please gives forth his manifestation to every man for the profit and benefit of others for to that end were those manifestations set in the Church and given to severall Persons of the Church for the use and benefit of the whole and so is this Scripture to be understood i. e the manifestation of the Spirit to whatsoever it be and to whomsover it is given it is given them for edification and profit of others The Spirit it selfe may be given to a Person for himselfe to bear witnesse with him to be his evidence or Testimony in things partaining to himselfe Rom. 8.16.26 and in 1 Cor. 2.12 Now we have received the Spirit which is of God that we might know the things which are freely given to us of God But when God is pleased to give to any Person the manifestation of his Spirit in a word of Wisedome a word of Knowledge in gifts of healing or workes of miracles tongues or Prophesies these and such as these are given for to profit others withall rather then the Persons themselves to whom they are distributed and so it is witnessed in the place before named which discovers the end of the Spirits manifestation viz. to profit withall The Fourth branch of what is asserted touching the little light which shines in the dark heart is next to be considered Fourthly I finde that it is affirmed touching the little light which shines in the dark heart That it is the sure word of Prophesie whereunto ye do well to take heed 2 Pet. 1.19 Reply To make tryall of the truth of what is affirmed it is necessary to examine the Scripture to see whether it intermeddle in this matter which it is brought to bear witnesse unto viz. the little light which shines in the dark heart of every man whether that be the sure word of Prophesie here mentioned the Scripture words are these We have also a sure word of Prophesie whereunto ye doe well that ye take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place untill the day dawn and the day starr arise in your hearts Knowing this First that no Prophesie of the Scripture is of any private Interpretation For the Prophesie came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they were mooved by the holy Spirit In this portion of Scripture it may apparrantly be discerned that the Apostle doth not say of the little light which shines in the dark heart that it 's the sure word of Prophesie For there is no such word in this Text as the little light shineing in the darke heart and therefore so to affirme and to bring this Scripture for proofe is to wrong the Scripture except it can be made forth that it ought to be so understood and that that is the true and proper meaning thereof which neverthelesse would fall under reproofe as centring in a meaning a thing by them so branded with reproach of which mention hath been made before But as it s not exprest in the words of the Apostle so it will be found not to be meant or intended as spoken of the little light shining in mans darke heart a being the sure word of Prophesie in this place mentioned for it 's evident the Apostle speaks of the word of Prophesie contained in the Scriptures as himselfe explaines himselfe as may appear by considering the words and the scope thereof For the Apostle Peter knowing that hee must shortly put of his Tabernacle as our Lord Jesus Christ had shewed him vers 14. endeavors the establishment of the scattered Saints in the doctrine of the power and comeing of our Lord Jesus Christ 15.16 and this he doth by two Arguments One drawne from the testimony of himselfe and others who were eye witnesses of his Majesty when he received from God the Father honour and glory when there came a voice to him from the excellent glory which voice they heard when they were with him on the holy Mount Matth. 17. the 8. first verses to which John might referre John 1.14 The other argument to establish and confirme them in the present truth i. e. the power and comeing of our Lord Jesus was drawne from the Testimony of the Prophets in the holy Scriptures and therefore adds vers 19.20 21. 19. We have also a more sure word of Prophesie whereunto you doe well that ye take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place untill the day dawne and the day-starr arise in your hearts 20. Knowing this first that no Prophesie of the Scripture is of any private interpretation 21. For the Prophesie came not in old time by the will of man So that it is evident that the more sure word of Prophesie which he exhorts them to take heed unto is the prophesie of the Scripture or Scriptures of the Prophets which agree with and confirm this thing which he was an eye and ear witness of and had declared unto them viz. the power and comeing of our Lord Jesus to which agrees that which is testified In 1 Pet. 10 11 12. and more particularly that of Paul who confirmed his doctrine By the like Testimony Acts 26.22.23 witnessing both to small and great saying none other things then those which the Prophets and Moses did say should come From whence it plainly appears that as the Apostle would confirme them in the truth of what he had testified touching the power and comeing of our Lord Jesus by telling them what he and others had both heard and seen when they were with him on the holy mount where they were eye-witnesses of his Majesty and heard the voice which gave testimony from heaven touching him Yet for further confirmation of them in this truth he referrs them to the concurrent testimony of the Prophets and to that more sure word of Prophesie contained in the holy Scriptures with this connexion Also we have also a more sure word of Prophesie besides my Testimony ye have the testimony of the Prophets in the words of their prophesie which he modestly proposeth as of more weight to them then his report might be unto them from what he had either heard or seen And therefore adds not only we have a sure word of Prophesie but a more sure word of Prophesie and strengthens that saying by what followes viz. Knowing that no Prophesie of the Scripture is of any private interpretation for the Prophesie came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the holy Spirit which Testimony being founded upon the Scriptures he might in relation to their beliefe thereof call it a more sure word as to them And if it be but remembred that he being an Apostle of the circumcision Gal. 2.7 8 as James also
was among whom the Prophesies of the Scriptures were of great esteem as appears by our Lord himselfe who so reports of them and sends them thither for Testimony of him John 5.39 To which Paul also appeales Acts 26.22 As Peter in like manner doth after the effusion of the holy Spirit In the 2. of the Acts 30. Acts 3.20 to 25. Acts 10.43 Considering him I say as an Apostle of the circumcision and these scattered strangers to whom he writes to be such who are called by James the twelve Tribes scattered abroad among whom the writings of the Prophets had been so greatly esteemed it was more to the believing Jewes who were in the dispertion to finde it written in the Scriptures of the Prophets beside what Peter the Apostle both heard and saw then if they had only received it upon his Evidence and Testimony Therefore it is an additionall and concurrent Testimony Also a more sure word of the Prophets As if he had said ye have not only my word though I have told you both what we have heard and were eye witnesses of But we have Also the Testimony of the Prophets whose word of Prophesie is by inspiration of God for holy men of God spake as they were moved by the holy Spirit thus ye have for witnesse both theirs and ours I might Further add That the word of Prophesie whereunto the Apostle saith that they doe well to take heed as unto a light shining or as unto the shining of a light in a dark or squalid or filthy place 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is a metaphoricall speech As if he should say you shall doe well to attend to the more sure word of Prophesie as you would doe to the light of a Lamp or Torch in a darke and filthy place so doe to the word of Prophesie till the day dawne and the * day starr arise in your hearts till the day break and the shadowes fly away but if this may not be admitted to be the scope of the Apostle but that still it is insisted upon that the little light which shines in the dark heart of every man is the more sure word of Prophesie whereunto they doe well to take heed I would yet say a few words more in this case occasioned from those two terms in the Text i. e. More and Vntill * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 More is a word of comparison and must referre to some positive tearm to which it hath relation i. e. More sure then what What answers to this Question It must be sought in something going before it some other word of Testimony there is besides this in comparison of which this is a more sure word not the onely word where any person or thing is more excellent then another there is of necessity some other besides it selfe which hath its excellency also in the degree If therefore the light shineing in the dark heart of every man be a more sure word of Prophesie or witnesse then there is some other word of witnesse beside this little light which must supply the place to this comparison and so this light is not the onely word or witnesse but a more sure word in comparison of some other word beside it touching the other expression i. e. Vntill I have to say 2 The little light of which so often mention hath been made called the powerfull word of faith which was in the beginning by which all things were made called also the unction of the holy one the manifestation of the spirit given to every one the Kingdome of Christ in every one the Grace of God which hath appeared to all the eye of the Lord which runs too and froe in the earth with many more such like Epethites which are ascribed to it I say if the little light which shines in the darke heart of every man be all this or any of this which hath been spoken of it what is it lesse then the day starr it selfe or what can be more ascribed to him who is the bright morning starr himselfe then is ascribed to it which neverthelesse this Scripture intimates must have the precedency and this must give way to that which is to come when the day dawnes and the day starr it selfe appears or ariseth in the heart For this is to be given heed unto or attended unto Vntill he come whose right it is Vntill the day dawne and the day starr arise Vntill Which forme of speech viz. Vntill denotes in Scripture Phrase a cessation of the former at the ariseing and appearance of the latter Doe this till I come Mich 5 3. Micah 7.3.10 Matth. 2.13 Flee into Aegypt and be thou there untill I bring thee word which was done vers 19 20 21. When that which is perfect is come that which is in part shall be done away whether Prophesies they shall cease c. 1 Cor. Let this little light be what it will be it is some such thing as is of use Vntill the day starr arise it hath its anointing with limitation it is but Vntill then let this be considered and applied by any Person in sobriety and tendernesse and let them say whether it doth not necessarily carry the truth and scope of this place to the Prophesies of the Scriptures which went before of Christ of whom it is said by the mouth of his Apostle Peter Acts 10.43 To him give all the Prophets witnesse and particularly it is affirmed touching the Lord Jesus his power and comeing Acts 3.20 21. And he shall send Jesus Christ which before was preach unto you Whom the heaven must receive Vntill the times of restitution of all things which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy Prophets since the world began for Moses truly said vers 22. Yea and all the Prophets from Samuel and those that follow after as many as have spoken have likewise fore-told of those dayes These words of the holy Prophets have been that which the holy Fathers the Believers in all ages have given attendance to or given heed unto as unto a light shineing in a dark place untill the day dawne and the day starr did arise according as is witnessed in the degree thereof so farr as to the accomplishing of that part of the performance of the words of the Prophets John 1.41 where Andrew saith to Simon we have found the Messiah which is by interpretation Christ and Phillip to Nathaniall vers 45. we have found him of whom Moses in the Law and the Prophets did write Jesus of Nazareth visiting his people with salvation as he spake by the mouth of his holy Prophets which have been since the world began Luk. 1.71 Becomeing a day spring or Sun riseing upon them vers 78. after their long night or shadowy dispensation which neverthelesse was bespangled with variety of Prophesies all tending to this day starr or Sun-riseing to which they did well to take heed as unto a light shineing in a dark place Vntill he come
balme nor healing medicine in it but pure wrath and pure Justice powred forth in a curse against the transgressor by a just and righteous Law of equity May I not say then yea I doe say it with earning bowels of compassion Tell me ye that desire to be under the Law I mean the light and Law set up in every man doe ye not heare the Law for it is written that Abraham had two Sons the one by a bond maid the other by a free woman I desire the Scripture might be read in its owne words Gal. 4. from the 21. vers to the end of that Chapter and the Allegory thereof given heed unto as holding forth the 2 Covenants under the Persons of Agar and Sarah vers 24. and the 2 seeds under the persons of Ishmael and Isaac who both had but one father Abraham from whose loines they both descended though not so the one as the other for the former was born after the flesh The other was born after the Spirit The first born of these 2. though the son of the bond woman yet had Abraham to his father as truly and really as Isaac had Abrahams prayer touching Ishmael the interpretation of whose name is God shall hear was heard and Ishmael was blessed and made fruitfull and exceedingly multipled begot twelve Princes and became a great nation Gen. 17.20 Gen. 25.12 16. But notwithstanding all his greatnesse and glory and priviledge of being Abrahams Son yet his glory was no glory in comparison of that which excelled as appears Gen. 17.19 21. For it is said But my Covenant will I establish with Isaac I will establish my Covenat with him for an everlasting Covenant and with his seed after him the Son of the bondwoman for all his parentage priviledge and greatnesse though he say we have Abraham to our Father and we are a great people yet out of the house he must goe Cast out the bond woman and her Son * * Gen. 21.10 though it be never so grievious to part with this goodly birth the first-born of our strength yet it must be done the Son of the bond-woman must not abide in the house though he be Abrahams seed as it was witnessed Gen. 21.10 11 12 13. whom God will make a nation because he is his seed However out of the House he must be cast For the servant abideth not in the house for ever but the Sonne abideth ever Joh. 8.35 36. If the Sonne therefore shall make you free then are yee free indeed Agar the first Covenant and Ishmael the seed of Abraham by the first Covenant must be put away as faulty they may not abide in the House no though the first and first-borne For it is written The elder shall serve the younger and he that caught his brother by the heele must have the dominion The application hereof is plaine Neverthelesse for the sakes of some there may be a gathering up the summe of what hath been spoken touching this matter and it is this That although there be a light and law in every man which proceedeth from the Eternall God the Father and Fountaine of lights and spirits which hath the power and dominion over every man while he is under age as a Schoole-master or Tutor to the Edicts precepts and principles whereof he is obliged to yeild obedience under the penalty of Curse and Eternall separation from God which is the Condition of the first Covenant Yet this is not the abiding estate which God hath appoynted to perfect the Heires of salvation but rather in order to the bringing in that better hope viz. the promise by faith of Jesus Christ That it might be given to them that beleeve Gal. 3.22 And after that faith is come they are no longer under a Schoole-master but admitted to the Adoption of sonnes and thenceforth no more servants but sons not now under the Spirit of bondage and feare of being cast out of the house as a servant or sonne of the bondwoman who is not to abide in the house for ever but now as one whom the sonne having made free is free indeed and shall abide for ever Joh. 8.35 Gal. 3.25 Gal. 4.5 Rom. 8.15 The light and law of the naturall man of which every one is partaker and by which they which are obedient thereunto bring forth fruits as unto a first Husband which are legitimate and lawfull and of which wee are apt to say Oh that Ishmael might live in thy sight Neverthelesse this Husband must dye and so must his off-spring too though they seeme never so goodly nor never so glorious whether they be mournings prayings teares fastings humblings abstinencies righteousnesses loving and obeying the light and law which is in every man These must all dye and the glory of them become as the grasse of the feild when the glory of the Lord is revealed bringing in everlasting righteousnesse by the blood of the everlasting Covenant when the Lord shall pronounce against the goodlinesse of all flesh and when the Spirit of the Lord shall blow upon it cause it to wither declaring all flesh to be grasse and all the goodlinesse thereof as the flower of the feild which shall wither and fade away and its beauty shall be blasted Isa 40.4 5 6 7.8 And the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day To him then shall every knee bow and every tongue sweare surely shall one say or surely shall he say of mee In the Lord is all righteousnesse and strength even to him shall men come and all that are incensed against him shall be ashamed In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified and shall glory Isa 45.24 25. Thus shall glorying in the flesh and all boasting be cut off Rom. 3.27 to fulfill that word of the Lord Jer. 9.23 Let not the wise man glory in his wisdome nor the mighty man glory in his might nor the rich man glory in his riches but let him that glorieth glory in this that he understandeth and knoweth mee that I am Jehovah which exerciseth loving kindnesse Which passage of the Prophet Jeremiah is made to Center in Christ who of God is made to his wisdome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption That no flesh should glory in his presence But as it is written Hee that glorieth let him glory in the Lord 1 Cor. 1.29 30 31. This poore and base and contemptible hang'd and crucified Jesus which to the Greekes was foolishnesse and to the Jewes a stumbling blocke but to the Called to them which beleeve both Jewes and Greeks Hee is Christ the power of God and the wisdome of God 1 Cor. 1.18 to 31. This is that other husband to whom the beleeving are married by whom they bring forth fruit to God not in oldnesse of letter but in newnesse of Spirit Rom. 7.4.6 These are they who notwithstanding all their obedience to the law of the first husband wherein they were fruitfull and had whereof to glory as unto and under
within him and he become new born John 3.3 till Christ be formed in him Gal. 4.19 and he created a new in Christ Jesus 2 Cor. 5.17 being begotten of his owne good will by the word of truth James 1.18 and so born again of the incorruptible seed by the word of God which liveth and abideth for ever 1 Peter 1.23 24 25. I say till a man be thus new born and new created in Christ Jesus and Christ be formed in him till the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath set him free from the law of sin and death he cannot see the Kingdome of God nor by the light and law under the former consideration of which every man is partaker be led up to God out of the fall unto eternall life The Scripture beares Testimony of Paul That in the heat of his zeale he made havoke of the Church Acts 8.3 Chap. 9.1 Chap 22 4 5.19 20. and being exceedingly mad against the Saints shut up many of them in Prison punished them and compelled them to blaspheme and gave voice against them when they were put to death Acts 26.10 11. yet he was in all this zealous toward God instructed according to the perfect manner of the law Acts 22.3 and touching the righteousnesse thereof was blamelesse Phil. 3.6 and thought with himselfe that he ought to doe many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth Acts 26.9 he was kicking against the pricks and persecutig the Lord Jesus vers 14 15. And knew it not 1 Timothy 1.13 For although he were a Blasphemer a Persecuter and injurious yet obtained he mercy because hee did it ignorantly in unbeliefe Hence it appears that Paul did obey the light that was in him and did prosecute with zealethe dictates thereof and was therein zealon toward God according to that which is said John 16.2 The time cometh that whosoever killeth you will thinke that he doth God service or as they of whom Paul bears record Ro. 10 2. That had a zeal of God but not according to Knowledge Either the light in Paul was not sufficient to lead him out of the fall up to God and to eternall life or else he did disobey and did not follow the light which did lead him That he did not disobey but follow the light which was in him it is evident for then his sin had been against knowledge whereas it is said he did it ignorantly 1 Tim. 1.13 his conscience did not reprove him for the things he did for thus he witnesseth Acts 2.3.1 That he had lived in all good conscience before God untill that day and in the exercise thereof was without blame in himselfe and as touching the law blamelesse before others yet was he neverthelesse a persecuter of the Lord Jesus in his Saints and did not know it which discovers plainly the light in him was either not sufficient to discover to him the error of his way or at least did suspend its act of enlightning him in the knowledge thereof it check'd him not it convinced him not otherwise his sin had not been a sin of ignorance which is want of light but a sin against light and knowledge and consequently against conscience whereas on the contrary he thought he ought to doe many things against Jesus of Nazareth not knowing him to be the Lord and he did what he did in his persecuting and blaspheming without light and his conscience being silent toward him in all this according to that saying of our Lord Luke 23.34 Father forgive them for they know not what they doe For it is to be remembred that there are sins of ignorance as well as sins against light and knowledge the former are not without their guilt and punishment though the latter greatly aggravates both one and the other as is witnessed in those two Servants Luke 12.47 48. nor was it without the singular wisdome and mercy of God who appointed sacrifices to be offered for sins of ignorance Leviticus 4.2.13 27 28. errors in the judgement as well as in the will the head and the heart both sick must be purged Levit. 5.15 17 18 19. Levit. 4.2 13 27 28. But to sin against light and knowledge to be reproved and checked and convinced by the light and yet not to reclaime but to goe forward in the evill is not only transgression and sin but it is sin aggravated it is opposed to sins of ignorance and is called sinning presumptuously or sinning with an high hand and despising the word of the Lord such as so sinned were to bear their iniquity they were to be cut off Numb 15.27 28 30 31. Deutro 29.19 20 21. And to these kinds of sinning hath David relation when he prayes Psal 19.12 13. Who can understand his errors cleanse thou me from secret faults keep back thy Servant also from presumpteous sins and let them not have dominion over me then shall I be upright and innocent from the great transgression To this agrees that saying of the Apostle 1 Cor. 4.3 4. Yea I judge not mine own selfe for I know nothing by my selfe yet am I not hereby justified but he that judgeth me is the Lord. So that hence it will appeare that a person may sin through a want of light or knowledge and such may be great sins viz. Blasphemy Persecution in an high mannner against God and his Saints such as of which Paul was guilty and yet the person committing them by reason of his want of light to detect and discover them may be without conscience of sin as in himself and he in this his estate not sin against light Nay he may doe this in the prosecution of his light such as it is According to those words of our Lord Matth. 36.23 If the light in thee be darknesse c. Luke 11.35 Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darknesse They shall thinke they doe God service haveing a zeale of God but not according to knowledge The light that is in them discovers not unto them that they are in an evill course all this while nor are they convicted of disobedience to the light for then their zeale could not be a zeale of God nor they think they were doing God service and have a quiet conscience therein nor selfe accuseing nor selfe condemning therefore the objection doth not hold good in the terms thereof that the light loved and obeyed will lead up to God the father and to eternall life forasmuch as persons may goe on in a course of sin and therein proceed desperately against the Lord and his anointed ones and yet not know it not have light to discover it nor reprove them for it much lesse to lead them up to God out of the fall and to eternall life And where the light and law in any person discovers to him his sin and makes him know his transgression yet is it not able to lead such a person out of the fall up to God
the father and to eternall life for it roles him in garments full of blood it tumbles the transgressor into his grave and roles a stone upon him and seales the stone so farre is it from leading up to God from the fall that it drives the soule from God and keepes him in the fall till the Lord who is the quickning or live-making Spirit say to him while he is in his blood live by opening to him a doore of hope in this valley of Achor Besides what is said in this instance of Paul and that it appeares plainly that the light in him did not discover to him his transgression and lead him out of the fall up to God and unto eternall life notwithstanding hee professeth himselfe to have had a zeale toward God in what he did and that he did not sin against his light in what he did but thought he ought to doe as he was doing while he was opposing and kicking against the Lord. So may it be further discovered touching the light in every man that as it leads not out of the fall up to God and unto eternall life those that love it and obey it as in this instance last mentioned So neither doth it lead into all truth such as love it and obey it as may be discovered in severall instances and examples viz. Who can Impeach that man of Aethiopia the Eunuch of not loving or not obeying the light in him in whom neverthelesse it appeares to be insufficient to open to him the meaning of the Scripture of the Prophet wherein he was reading but understood not of whom the Prophet spake for being asked whether he understood what he was reading he doth not say yea But answereth How can I except some man guide me and discovers plainly he did not understand what he read by the question he propounds when he saith Of whom speaketh the Prophet this of himselfe or of some other man Nor is it sufficient to say the light reveales all truth to them that love and obey it though not all at once but by degrees to them which know little and doe love and obey it they shall know more and so it might have been with this Eunuch the light in him was sufficient to have opened to him this Scripture and all others though Philip had never instructed him This were to Impeach the wisdome of the most high and holy God as if hee had needlesly and causelesly appoynted Philip by the Spirit to goe neare and joyne himselfe to the Eunuchs Chariot And it were to impute folly unto Philip who when in obedience to the Command of the Spirit he was come to the Chariot of the Eunuch did not bid him minde the light within him and informe him of the sufficiency thereof to instruct him and teach him and that he had not need of any man to teach him if he would but love and obey the light which was in him that was sufficient to direct him into all truth and particularly into the understanding of that Scripture of the Prophet Esay which he was then reading but understood not Nay had hee not a faire opportunitie of reprooving him and of calling him an Ignorant man for saying How can I except some man guide mee Might he not have had just occasion to have bid him turne his eyes inward and minde the light within his guide and teacher was within hee had Scripture within But there is not a word of all this proceeds from him but contrariwise as hee by the Command of the Spirit was bid to arise and goe toward the South and particularly was directed to the Eunuchs Chariot to which hee accordingly applyed himselfe so being come thither without any reproofe to the Eunuch or acquainting him with the sufficiency of his teacher the light within him Hee opened his mouth and began at the same Scripture and preacht to him Jesus and accepted from him this Confession I beleeve that Jesus Christ is the Sonne of God Acts 8.26 to 39. A further example there is in the person and case of Cornelius of whom it cannot be said but that hee was in the meeknesse loving and obeying the light and prosecuting the dictates thereof in all simplicity improoveing his measure and talent even to acceptation with God for that hee was one that feared God and wrought righteousnesse as Peter testifies of him Implicitly Acts 10.34 35. And the Spirit of God beares him witnesse that Hee was a devout man and one that feared God with all his house and gave much almes to the people and prayed to God alway or incessantly Was hee one that walked not up to his light loving and obeying it The Lord by his holy Angel doth acquit him of this Charge testifying unto him in these words Cornelius Thy prayers and thine almes are come up for a memoriall before God Nor doth the Lord by his Angel encourage him to goe on in his way hearkening to the light in him and to abide therein loving and obeying it nor doth he call him into silence and command him to cease prayer and to waite in silence expecting his teaching from within but expressely directs him to send for Simon Peter that he might tell him what he ought to doe who accordingly so doth and Peter being come unto him at the speciall instance and direction of the Lord manifesting his pleasure to him in the vision and having received an account from Cornelius his owne mouth of his being sent for who having called together his kinsmen and neare friends said Wee are all heere present before God to heare all things that are Commanded thee of God Then Peter opened his mouth and preached unto them Jesus of Nazareth whom God anoynted with the holy Spirit and power who went about doing good being hee to whom all the Prophets give witnesse that through his Name whosoever beleeveth in him shall receive remission of sinnes And while Peter yet spake or while he was speaking those words the Holy Spirit fell on all them which heard the word and they spake with tongues and magnified God This was not a silent meeting for Peter opened his mouth and spake nor was it a fruitlesse and empty meeting notwithstanding there were words spoken for the Lord bore witnesse thereunto by the gift of the holy Spirit yea though a Christ without them were preached unto them as appeares by Peters Sermon who stileth him Jesus of Nazareth whom God anoynted with the Holy Spirit and power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the Devill for God was with him even hee whom they slew and hanged on a tree whom God raised up the third day and shewed him openly I say a Christ without them is by the Apostle Peter preached unto them and their faith in him as such is borne witnesse unto by the holy Spirit which is given unto them whence it may without Injury to the truth be offered to the serious and sober minded to Consider
whether the most High and Holy Lord who doth nothing in vaine would have directed Cornelius to send for Simon Peter to tell him what he ought to doe if the light within had been sufficient to have done it Or that the Lord would have done so much to have Convinced the Apostle of his duty in going to Cornelius when he was sent for if Cornelius had a sufficient instructer already within him to inform and instruct him to lead him up to the light of life or would Peter have Concealed this from his Messengers when they came to him if it had been so Or being come would hee not have shewed him how needlesse a thing it was for him to have sent so farre having a teacher within him sufficient to have instructed him Or at least would hee not have told him that although hee in obedience to the Command of God had sent for him and it was well that hee had obeyed the Lord in so doing Yet now being come Hee must be faithfull and preach to him the everlasting Gospel and must tell him hee was come to direct him to his teacher within him to the light within him which lets him see the evill of his wayes loving it it would be his salvation hating it it would be his eternall Condemnation Whereas this blessed Apostle the Messenger and Minister of the Lord hee preaches to him the Lord Jesus living and dying dead and risen whom the most High and holy God had anoynted to be a Prince and a Saviour and that through his name whosoever beleeveth in him should receive remission of sinnes which Doctrine was Confirmed by the effusion of the holy Spirit which plainely Evidences that it was no Idle nor fruitlesse Doctrine and may have its use to the Conviction of those who are contrary minded in relation to the all and alone sufficiency of the teacher within viz. the light in every man and woman which comes into the world and the onlinesse of that Doctrine of a Christ within whereas the Spirit it selfe is pleased to set his seale of Evidence to the preaching of a Christ without and to confirme the witnesse which was given of him upō the persons of those who received it the whole 10th Chapter of the Acts Conteines this instance as also the second of the Acts from 22. to the end thereof gives the like testimony to the same doctrine of the Lord Jesus as he was Jesus of Nazareth So that it doth Evidently appeare from what hath been hitherto spoken that the light in every man though it be loved and obeyed yet it is not sufficient to discover the mystery of all truth and this appeares from the supply which the Lord hath graciously made to those who have been most faithfull improovers thereof without reproaching or upbraiding them for their not abiding therein or giving them command to abide there to turne in and not to looke out after any other teacher but hath contrariwise provided teachers and sent them such notwithstanding their light within Besides what hath been spoken it may yet further appeare That man cannot thereby be led out of the fall up to God and attaine thereby eternall salvation First For that the law and light pronounceth an Irreversable sentence upon the person that is in the Fall or in the transgression Cursed be every one that continueth not in every thing Secondly If man by loving and obeying the light and law that is in him might attaine salvation then would not all boasting be cut off from the creature contrary to the designe of God Rom. 3.26 27. 1 Cor. 1.29 30 31. Thirdly The great End of God in magnifying the Riches of grace by the blood of Christ would be frustrate and made voyd and of none effect and Christ have dyed in vaine Gal. 2.21 Rom. 3.24 25. Fourthly The preaching of the Gospel by the Apostles and Messengers thereof were an unnecessary and superfluous thing for to what end or purpose should Christ be preached as dead and risen and ascended to be beleeved on for life if the light and law in every man being loved and obeyed could lead up to God and to eternall life Act. 26 16.18 Act. 10.39 42 43. Fifthly The Apostle expressely declares That the law could not effect this thing Rom. 8.3 For what the law could not doe in that it was weak through the flesh God sent his own Son and Gal. 3.21 If there had been a law given which could have given life verily righteousnesse should have been by the Law and Gal. 2.21 If righteousnesse be by the Law then Christ dyed in vaine But Christ dyed not in vaine nor was hee preached in vaine to have both dyed and rose againe according to the Scriptures 1 Cor. 15.2 3 4. nor is that faith vaine which so receiveth and so beleeveth That such might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith Gal. 3.14 And through the Spirit waite for the hope of righteousnesse by faith Gal. 5.5 From whence proceeds that true walking in the Spirit by such as live in the Spirit Gal. 5.18 25. That following of the Spirit by such as are led by the Spirit Rom. 8.4.14 And this is that which God hath anoynted to lead up to him out of the fall and to eternall life according to that testimony 1 Pet. 1.18 19 20 21. Forasmuch as yee were not redeemed with corruptible things but with the precious bloud of Christ who was fore-ordained before the foundation of the world but was manifested in these last times for you who by him doe beleeve in God that raised him from the dead that your faith and hope might be in God Through whom is preached the forgivenesse of sinnes and by him all that beleeve are Justified from all things from which they could not be Justified by the Law of Moses no nor by any workes of righteousnesse which they could performe Tit. 3.5 Eph 2.8 9 10. Salvation is not ascribed to man's loving and obeying the light that is in him but unto a submitting unto the righteousnesse of God viz. Christ Jesus who is the end of the Law for righteousnesse to every one that beleeveth Rom. 10.3 4. Who of God is made unto such Wisdome Righteousnesse Sanctification and Redemption 1 Cor 1.30 Object Thou hast plainly discovered that the Christ in whom thou beleevest is a Christ without thee at a distance and afarre off and the Righteousnesse which thou tells off is the Righteousnesse of another by which thou expectest salvation though thou in the meane time art unrighteous and so thou seekest a Covering but not by the Spirit of the Lord thy Covering is too narrow and thy bed is too short For it is witnessed That Christ is in you except yee be Reprobates and the kingdome of heaven is within and Christ in you the hope of glory and as touching righteousnesse it is said the Righteousnesse of the Law is fulfilled in us which walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit therefore
them they are come unto mount Sion to the Citty of the living God to the heavenly Jerusalem to the spirits of just men made perfect hence proceeds that frame of spirit of judging others with severity austereness who dare not so say of themselves but through the spirit wait for the hope of righteousness contrary to the spirit of meekness and lowliness of mind wherewith each should account and esteem others better than themselves according to the rule of Christ given by the Apostle often repeated Ephes 4.2 Col. 3.12 which requireth a shewing all meekness to all men Tit. 3.2 Jam. 3.13 to the end as our Lord Jesus himself left example who quenched not the smoaking flax Mat. 12.18 19 20. who said Learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart Mat. 11.29 Others on the other hand judging themselves because they cannot so say of themselves that they are not redeemed out of sin but go mourning and bowed down and are in fear continually because of the fury of the oppressor the evil they would not that they do and the good they would that they do not and are crying out in bitterness as Ruben for Joseph Alas for the Lad is not and I whither shall I go or as she If it be so why am I thus There might be some good use made of a seasonable word to each of these if it might please the Lord to direct therein Are there some redeemed out of sin and come to the spirits of just men made perfect and is it so indeed with them What means then the bleating of the sheep and the lowing of the oxen which are heard in such I mean such as say they have attained but in measure I am not free to instance in personal or perticular discoveries But this wotd in measure declares plainly that such are not at home they are not in the City they are at most but travailers towards it they have certain Miles yet to travail before they arrive Who ever saith he knows in part declares plainly he is short of perfection 1 Cor. 13.10 12. and who ever saith he knows perfectly he knows not how imperfect his knowledg is Therefore to the first sort I would say why boastest thou O vain man of that which is not who so boasteth of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain Or if thou dost not pretend to have attained and to be arrived at end of thy journey and to be perfect as the heavenly father is perfect Why dost thou judg thy Brother and why dost thou set at nought thy Brother who is in his way as well as thou we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ Rom. 14.10 who then art thou that judgest another mans servant contradicting that rule of Christ Jam. 4.11 12. Mat. 7. the five first verses Iudge not that ye be not judged c. Take with thee therefore these two Cautions viz. 1. Boast not against thy Brother neither glory in a false gift for thou art not perfect while thou knowest but in part and hast attained but in measure 2. Despise not the day of smal things in another while as yet thou thy self art not perfect but remember that command of Christ Learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart Mat. 11.29 shewing all meekness to all men Tit. 3.2 break not the bruised reed Remember the parable which our Lord Jesus spake unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despised others Luk. 18.9 To the Second Sort. To those who are bowed down in their spirit for fear of the fury of the oppressor of whom it 's said in truth and sincerity of heart the evil that I would not do that I do the good I would do I do not whose soul goes forth in them for deliverance from the body of sin death by Jesus Christ according to the Gospel the power thereof to such it may be said notwithstanding they may be judged and despised by the former yet the foundation of God is sealed who will bring forth judgment into victory and perfect the work which himself hath begun in them having laid the foundation will lay the topstone also to the praise of the glory of his grace for faithful is he who hath promised who will also do it according to the tenour of those words Ezek. 17. last And all the Trees of the field shall know that I the Lord have brought down the High tree have exalted the Low tree have dryed up the green tree and have made the dry tree to flowrish I the Lord have spoken it and have done it Thou thy self art not ignorant of the many forms which cry Lo here and lo there yet the way is but one Reply I am not unacquainted that there are indeed many forms which do pretend to that one way That only way the Lord Jesus Among which the present form now under debate between us is one touching which I have met with these passages viz. Sinck down into the eternal love and thou wilt see me and the rest that we are in unity of that one spirit Rich. Farn. discovery of faith p. 4. Though ten thousand times ten thousand yet they are but one in the body one faith one seed one baptizing one Supper one Covenant one God and Father all one heart and one soul serving God in one way worshipping him in spirit and with one mouth glorifying his great and glorious name Who are of this seed are of Abraham Rich. Farn. Rant discov pag. 17. The contrary to which the most High and holy Lord hath been pleased to suffer to discover it self most eminently in the Schism which hath been made in the body of this so much adored admired profession which I cannot but take notice of being so opportunely led into it by this Appeal which is made to me touching my not being ignorant of many forms to all which the Lord hath suffered the addition of this one more and that also increased into more than one by dividing the heads thereof which many dear to the Lord in holy fear and trembling say touching this matter What hath God wrought While they consider that the unity so much gloried in being as the band or girdle which bound up the bundle and was made an Eminent Character of the verity of the persons their Doctrine and practice by which it was exalted magnified in opposition to other peoples of whom it was said that they were in division and confusion but themselves were in unity of one heart and of one way as in the passages last recited out of Rich. Farnworth beside many others which might be named For the most high and holy Lord in his great wisdome to permit that this band or girdle should be rent in sunder without hand no man contributing toward the doing thereof but themselves this is not a smal thing in the eyes of the impartial and sober minded
the branches to be broken Jer. 11.16 because it is not testified of them according to that word Hos 14.8 from me is thy fruit found It 's necessary to consider the foundation whereon we are built there 's no other foundation but the Rock nor no Rock but the Lord Jesus Christ and him laid as a foundation whereon the building must stand that will abide the storm and tempest There are two Common Roots of Mankind The First Adam the Second Adam two Creations two Covenants There must be a breaking off that there may be a grafting in a dying to the spirit that there may be a quickning or live-making by the second Adam not a garnishing the old tomb neither with feathers nor Garlands no nor garments neither but old things must pass away and all things become new not a new name only but a New nature also For except a man be born again he shall never see the kingdome of God much may the natural man do and yet but a Child of the first birth To the latter of these to such as bid defiance to c. To the latter of these to such as bid defiance to the most High God who say to the Almighty depart from us we will not the knowledge of thy wayes Even to these wisedome uttereth her voice in the streets she cryeth in the chiefe place of concourse How long ye scorners will ye delight in scorning and fooles hate knowledg turn ye at my reproof To day while its called to day harden not your hearts but seek the Lord while he may be found for there is a destruction determined from the Lord upon all the proud and profane ones for he will dash them one against another even the Fathers and the Sons together and will neither pity nor spare nor have mercy but destroy Hear ye therefore and give ear be not proud for the Lord hath spoken give glory to the Lord God before he cause darknesse and before your feet stumble upon the dark mountains and while ye look for light he turn it into the shadow of death and make it grosse darkness humble your selves and sit down for your Principalities shall come down even the crown of your glory and although you wipe your mouths and say you have done no wickedness yet the pride rebellion of Haman and Nebuchadnezzar the profaneness of Esau the gluttony drunkenness of Dives and Belshazzar as the iniquity of your heels will compass you about and what will you do in the end thereof when the watcher the Holy one shall say unto you as to him in the vision Hew down the Tree cut off his branches shake off his leaves and scatter his fruit let the beasts get away from under it and the fowls from his branches and let his portion be with the beasts in the grasse of the earth And though you may slight and contemn this as being a sound of words yet when your eyes shall see the fingers upon the plaister of the wall and shall read the writing which you cannot but see and read for the most High hath placed his candle upon a candlestick and not under a bushell and this writing is upon the wall over against the candlestick that thou maist see and shalt not chose but see eye to eye the light that 's in thee reflects upon the law written in thee that law written on the plaisterd wall or table of thy heart returns a reciprocal reflexion Then will thy countenance change and thy thoughts be troubled the joynts of thy loins be unloosed and thy knees smite against each other but if the vision be so terrible what wil the interpretation and the application thereof be unto thee when thou shalt be numbred and weighed found too light the glory of thy Kingdom finished divided from thee Then O thou fool whose shal these things be O therefore that thou wert wise and wouldest consider thy latter end and honour and extoll the most High God whose eternal power and Godhead is manifested in thee and shewne unto thee whose works are truth and his waies judgment and those which walk in pride he is able to abase To the Religious man upon the Terms of the first Covenant Thou art perswaded that thou art passed from death to life by all the Arguments whereby a person may be perswaded thereof Thou art convinced that as absolutely as it 's appointed for man once to dye so certainly necessary it is for a person to be born again of water and of the spirit if ever he expect to see the Kingdome of God and that thou art so born it 's to thee out of doubt being possest with these perswasions or such as these viz. That thou hast had the spirit of bondage to fear and haste abode under that dispensation for a season and this hath been the hour of thy travail through which thou hast been brought forth and hast been made partaker of the new birth the holy spirit testifying as much unto thee by giving thee ability to cry Abba father By this thou knowest thou hast past from death to life because thou lovest the brethren Thou art poor in spirit Thou dost hunger and thirst after righteousness Thou art weary and heavy laden Thou art persecuted for righteousness sake Thou dost mourn Therefore all the conditions of these promises shall be surely made good to thee whatever becomes of others whom thou pitiest and over whom thou mournest to think of their conditions And is it so indeed Art thou O man or woman at rest under all this if so what means those doubts and fears that so often arise within thee and whispers these things to thee What if my mourning should not be mourning aright my poverty of spirit not of a right kind my love to the Brethren but partial and feigned to some not to others scarce to any in a full proportion at least not to all without partiality is not this friend dearer to thee than that couldest thou not dye sooner for this friend than for that if at all for any oh how is thy wine mixt with water and thy silver with dross thy seemingly unfeigned love with respect of persons Sayest thou not sometimes in secret to thy soul O! if I were sure my hungring and thirsting were indeed after righteousness for righteousness sake and that I were indeed heavy laden according to truth then I were sure of satisfaction and were sure of ease but while these are the private reasonings of thy soul and yet thou wouldest seem and appear to be past from death to life death's in the window death 's in the pot thou yet needest the Physician for thou art sick though thou knowest it not But admit thou art able to deduce arguments of life from the actions of a living man Forasmuch as he that worketh righteousnes is righteous and such art thou and the course of thy life doth evidence this to thine own and all mens view walking
shake it out thy soul was afflicted distressed in its season the iron pierced and grieved thee sore the wounds which the archers had given thee were not throughly healed notwithstanding all thy medicines plaisters and thus thou remainedst till the time the word of Jehovah came the word of the Lord tryed thee as the Goldsmith tries metal in the fire 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 conflavit purgavit Esay 1.25 Was not thy soul then put upon it to make diligent search to see upon what foundation thou hadst been building all this while Did not this word or some such like as an arrow from the Almighty enter into thy soul other foundation can no man lay then that is laid which is Jesus Christ or this neither is there salvation in any other for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved or the like wast thou not as one in the fire under examination and tryall Did not thine heart throb within thee and was not the voyce of the Spirit in this word applying it with power to thy soule evidencing and demonstrating to thee that thou wert as yet unacquainted with the Lord Jesus as being the foundation of thy rest and peace that name that only name besides which there is none other given among men for salvation this name thou wert a stranger unto and never hadst any knowledg of this begot strange work in thy soul great were thy strivings and struglings to maintaine thy former building But this error in the foundation put thee to a great stand thou consultd'st thy friends with whom thou hadest mourned and fasted and prayed thou calledst up thy former experiences thy tendernesse of conscience which rendred thee exemplary to thine observers thy reformations vowes covenants resolutions strict performances both publique and private and concludest these could not grow in natures garden therefore sure it was some great temptation which had seized upon thee to make thee to question thy former evidence and to empaire thy former goodly structure and to rase the foundation thereof thus thou wouldest have healed the breach which the Spirit of God had begun to make in thee by the reasoning of thine own spirit drawne from thien own former experiences and the suffrage of thy friends and companions But this work of conviction being from the Lord and put into the hand of his owne spirit to effect he mightily and irresistibly convinced thee of unbeliefe and as the words of the men of Judah were said in another case to be fiercer then the words of the men of Israel so was the voice of the Spirit of God more powerfull in convincing reproving and silencing all the arguments of thine owne Spirit testifiing plainly that whatsoever thou had'st done hitherto not being founded upon Christ Jesus nor done as an obedience of faith thou wert but laying another foundation besides Christ which no man can or ought to lay that thou wert not building upon Christ the Foundation Gold Silver precious stones c. But thou wert laying these or something like these for a Foundation instead of Christ mean while he that the Father hath anointed to be the Corner stone elect and precious his name thou knewest not nor wert acquainted with either the necessity or the excellency of him whom to know is eternall life But thou contrarywise wert building a Towre to reach up to heaven to mount up by a Ladder of thine owne makeing the one end whereof though it were upon the earth and had it's footing in natures excellencies improved by education and other qualifications yet it would and should reach to the highest attainment and besides it there needed no other to give thee full fruition of thy soules desires Thy both foundation was laid in selfe that was the rise thereof and the top stone was selfe that was the end thereof selfe was at ends of the worke and this was discovered to thee by this convinceing spirit who caused thee to see where thou wert and the evill of what thou wert doing That thy very righteousnesse which to thee appeared so and which was commended of others for such was not the righteousnesse of faith but at the best a righteousnesse of works upon the beauty whereof the Spirit of the Lord did blow and the flower thereof past away faded and whithered as the grasse or flower of the feild fadeth and falleth off The glory of the Lord revealing it selfe in power through that word I will make waste Mountaines and hills and dry up all their hearbs and I will make the Rivers Islands and I will dry up the pooles and I will bring the blinde by a way that they knew not I will leade them in paths that they have not known I will make darknesse light before them and crooked things streight these things will I doe unto them and not forsake them Heare ye deafe and looke ye blinde that ye may see Thus wast thou convinced of thine error thine ignorance blindnesse and unbeliefe thy mountaines were laid waste and thy pooles dryed up and thou received'st the sentence of one deafe and blinde notwithstanding all thy former excellency which as a flower was now blown upon by the breath of the Lord and thy building discovered to have been begun in sand and not on the rocke the Lord Jesus of whose name and nature thou wert yet ignorant Neverthelesse the Lord who leaveth not himselfe without witnesse in the soules of his not only began his good worke in mercy truth and faithfulnesse convinceing thee of sin even in thy holy things viz. of unbeliefe which wrought no small stir in thee to see thy building which had been the fruit of many years wherein thou had'st with no small cost and travaile been exercised to see it all tumbled down in a moment and laid levell with the ground and not a stone left upon a stone but a new foundation discovered by thee not hitherto known nor understood where nor what it was And not only so but putting under his left hand he susteyned thee and kept thee from sinking under this conviction by opening a crevis of light discovering the righteousnesse of God in opposition to thine owne unrighteousnesse and to thy former seeming righteousnesse wherein thou seemest to have made such progresse nor was this a bare discovery that such a thing there was but what it was and how attainable viz. by faith in Jesus Christ who is made of God to the beleever wisedome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption thus he convinced thee not only of sin but also of righteousnesse discovering and revealing the fountaine thereof Nor was this all but the same spirit led thee on to further measures of knowledge in order to the attainment thereof not suffering thee to be satisfied with the knowledge thereof at a distance but raised up in the strong desires and earnest longings to be possest thereof and to be made one therewith partly to quench the fiery sting and
of thy visitation forasmuch as in all thy out-goings thou still kept'st on the form of Godliness though all thy former zeale and quicknesse life and power in thy profession were reduced to a bare empty forme at most especially thy secret and personall comunion how ever with others thou assembled'st wept'st and covered'st the Altar with teares yet when thou wert alone thou either durst not make bold with God as formerly or cared'st not for so doing thy promotions and preferments thy Silver and thy Gold thine honours and possessions some one or more if these make such a ratling noise in thy soul that thou can'st not listen nor lend an eare to these silent gailes and heavenly whispers of the divine breathings of the Spirit of truth which thou once pretended'st to be instructed guided and led by Oh consider this you that forget God least he teare you in peices and there be none to deliver To the awakened and sensible back-slider I have this word Why cryest thou for thine affliction thy wound is incureable for the multitude of thine iniquity thy sins were increased and now the most high hath visited them upon thee Hast thou not heard that the everlasting God fainteth not neither is weary and that because he changeth not therefore the sons of Jacob are not consumed nor that the foundation of God standeth sure haveing this seale the Lord knowes who are his I know these words of truth are with thee but what influence have they upon thee thou art sensible of thy backslidings and thou art cut to the very heart and pained beyond expression and that which wounds thee is thy unkindnesse to thy Lord and husband to whom thou art betrothed and espoused yet canst not behold him who to reprove and correct thy backesliding hath withdrawne his presence from thee which once was deare to thee and however thou hast been in a deep sleep in a farre Country among the hoggs and swine of the earth feeding with them and wallowing in the mire with them during which time thou wast unsensible of thy losse yet being alarm'd from on high with that voice What meanest thou O sleeper arise now thy heart is troubled and the thoughts of thy fathers house comes to thy remembrance and now thou would'st faine return to thy first husband But Oh the many feares and doubts which are created in thy troubled spirit thy sorrowes are multiplyed because thy transgression is aggravated Now thou findest what that word means It had been better never to have known the way of righteousnesse then after the knowledge thereof to turn from the holy Commandement like a dog to his vomit or a washed sow to her wallowing in the mire thou canst now say what hath pride profited me mine honours my promotions my preferments my Silver and my Gold my musicks and dancings what can these availe me in this houre of my sorrow the God of this world hath by these bewitched and poison'd mee under the specious pretence of liberty and freedome and glorying God in and by these till a dart is struck through my liver and now woe unto me woe unto me I will take up a lamentation and say look away from me I will weep bitterly labour not to comfort me for it is a day of trouble and of treading down and of perplexity by the Lord God of Hosts In this state of perplexity and hour of visitation thou findest an emptinesse in all those imaginary delights wherewith thou hast contented thy selfe these cannot satisfie nor quiet thy restlesse minde Nay they are so far from doing it that they are as so many pricks in thine eyes and thorns in thy sides thou art wearied in the beholding them and that word is come upon thee in part and in measure already that thou art ready to cast thy Gods of Silver and Gold to the moles and to the batts wishing a thousand times in secret that thy heart had never been let loose to goe out after these and if parting from them would give thee peace and recover thy communion with God thou would'st let all goe but thou knowest if thou shouldest give all thy goods to the poore and thy body to be burned this would be too short and too narrow to procure communion with God therefore by prayer and Supplication thou applyest unto God as at other times but thou perceivest him not to answer neither by dream nor by vision but is as one who hath hid himselfe from thee in displeasure Hath hedged thee about and made thy chain heavy when thou cryest and shoutest he shuts out thy prayer he hath covered himselfe with a cloud that thy prayer should not passe through and hath caused the Arrow of his quiver to enter into thy reines filled thee with bitternesse and made thee drunk with wormwood testifiing against thee that all this is come upon thee because thou hast been unsteadfast with him in Covenant forsaken thy first love and embraced other lovers other contents and delights thy heart hath been divided between God and some creaturely excellency with which thou hast been enamoured and by which thou hast been beguiled and deluded And now thine eyes begin a little to be opened and thou beginnest to say where am I what have I done But like a silly bird thou art snared and taken thy Dalilahs in whose lap thou hast been sleeping have cut of thy locks and betrayed thee into the hands of him that hunts for the precious life Neverthelesse though thou art ashamed as a Theife when he is found yet thou art not left to say there 's no hope no or the case is desperate nor I have loved strangers and after them will I goe But thou findest a secret power bearing up thy Spirit and causeing thee to looke towards the Lord and to seeke his face thou canst not give it over but must come unto him though the iniquity of thy heeles doe compasse thee about and thou art full of secret feares least thy locks should never grow againe nor thy former strength return to thee againe When thou remembredst God thou art troubled yet that which most troubles thee is thy own unkindnesse and ungratefulnesse toward him whose love and goodnesse hath been so wonderfull toward thee thou remembred'st what he hath been to thee and done for thee in the times of thy greatest sorrowes streights tryalls and temptations which thou wert under and from which none but the eternall arm could rescue or deliver thee and now thou callest to minde what vowes what promises what resolutions thou then madest to live to him who had given life to thee but compareing things together thou art confounded and ashamed in thy selfe and yet art strangely and secretly born up thou knowest not how still to looke toward God against whom thou hast sinned notwithstanding thy sensiblenesse of thy departings from him The foundation of God standing sure and being sealed the Lord having once known thee and owned thee for his Oh how it
wherein thou provoked'st him to smite thee with blindnesse and to hide himselfe from thee and to leave thee to thine owne hearts ●usts to feed and lye down amongst the beasts of the earth till time and times had passed over thee But he remembring his Covenant hath visited thee putting in his finger at the hole of the doore hath reproved thee for thy back-slidings hath shewed thee wherein thou hast back-slidden how it came about that thou forsookest thy first love and wherein it was hath justified his dealing toward thee in smiteing thee Perhaps with sicknesse as he hath done with some at least by hideing his face by withdrawing the light of his countenance from thee under which conviction he hath not left thee as one without hope but hath given argument to faith to plead out the promise of pardon and healing and restoring so that now the vaile and curtaine began a little to be drawn open and thou recovered'st a little more light to look into that within the vaile and a little more strength to approach to the mercy-seat and in this posture thou hast been for a season exerciseing faith according to that measure of abillity that is given thee in the promise of grace for healing restoring which thou expectest to be fulfilled in the Lords season according to that good word wherein he hath caused thee to hope And although the fig-tree doe not yet blossome nor there be no fruit in the Vine yet thou beleevest the vision is but for an appointed time and that it will speake and not lye nor tarry beyond the appointed season but that judgement will break forth into victory and that the Evnuch shall no more say I am a dry tree but shall have a name given unto him better then of Sons and Daughters and that the glory of the latter house will be greater then the glory of the former and this Covenant renewed will be a band of love stronger then death Under such Considerations as these that little spark of Divine fire which is kindled in thee is glowing and warming and brooding in thee causeing thee to increase with the increase of God throwing down the strong holds of Sathan which he had errected in thee unthroneing of him not only whipping out the buyers and sellers but overthrowing the tables of the money-changers and makeing thee again a meet Temple for thy Lord and Father casting out the den of Theives the nest of Robbers the brood and spawn of that filth which hath been forming it selfe in thee and by which thou hast been acted by setting thee against thy selfe in a soule-abhorrency and detestation and selfe-loathing with holy indignation that ever thou shouldest be so treacherous so vie and so unworthy Now thou art in some competent degree and measure able to say to thy former delights and contents which stole away thy heart and robbed thee of thy pretious comunion with thy God as they of whom the Prophet speaks Esay 30.22 Thou canst say unto these get ye hence Ashur shall not save us we will not ride upon horses nor say any more to lying vanityes they are thy Gods but this den of Theeves being turned out the Temple begins to be purged and to become againe an house of prayer thine ear is bored and thou art caused to heare instruction the whispers of God in thy soule are a little returned and thou art caused to bear the voice behinde thee and to distinguish in some measure between it and the voice of the stranger The skales also are made to fall from thine eyes and thou art caused to see and to understand where thou art and where thou hast been what thou art and hast been doing that thou hast been among the Tombes and Graves and painted Sepulchres and art a liveing monument raised from thence to declare the mighty power of God in thy recovery and restoration which in part thou canst already witnesse at which thou wondrest yet art not therewith satisfied because that little of which thou hast begun to tast hath so inlarged thine appetite that thou hungrest and thirstest more and longest more for what 's behinde for what 's yet further to be enjoyed then thou didst at any time heretofore Thy Spirituall sences are enlarged and more exercised to discerne relish and distinguish then formerly in thy best estate hitherto That which was excellent to thee then is of small account to thee now nay thou forgettest it leavest it behinde thee pressing forward toward the marke of the price of the high-calling in Christ for whom thou art now content to be any thing to suffer any thing in the power of him who gives thee to be to doe and to suffer for him It 's now made evident to thee and by the eye of faith thou discernest that thy first love was but selfe love and began and ended in selfe and art able now to demonstrate it to thine owne heart and unto others by arguments undenyable such as formerly thou couldest not beare the hearing of much lesse believe Forasmuch As when thou hadst the discovery of Christ as the Lords anointed Saviour made forth unto thee either in the beauty and excellency which is in him or in the necessity which thou stood'st in of him for Salvation for setting thee free from wrath to come It is evident that thy selfe was the ultimate end of thy soules aime in submitting to him and closeing with him which though thou sawest not then yet now thou discernest For then possibly thou mightest say within thy selfe as some have said that they have apprehended such excellency in Jesus Christ that it alone hath drawn their hearts to long for him and desire him to esteem him as the cheifest of ten thousands and for whom they could be content to suffer the losse of all things yet thou who so saidst knewest not the deceit of thy heart herein as it is now made manifest for had'st thou indeed sought him for himselfe and not for thy own selfe how could it be possible but thou shouldest have prized him at as high a rate in the possession as thou didst while thou wert in the pursuite while thou wert mourning after the Lord and begging that he would make forth the discovery of him selfe unto thee renewing of thee in the spirit of thy minde and makeing thee a meet Temple for himselfe that he would dwell in thee and walk in thee sup with thee and make his abode with thee when thou wert arived at some measure of perswasion that this thy longed for and so much prized beloved was thine and thou wert his haveing through faith received the witnesse in thy selfe and hadst peace with God through Jesus Christ by whom haveing received the attonement thou had'st accesse through faith unto the Throne of Grace with bouldnesse for helpe in times of need Yet in processe of time perhaps but a short time too thou hast neglected him whom thy soule profest such love unto and accounted