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A87514 The whole faith of man: being the Gospel declared in plainness, as it is in Jesus, and the way thereof of old confirmed by divers signs, wonders, miracles, and gifts of the holy ghost. In thirty six heads, setting out mans way & work, from the day of his conversion to the day of his dissolution, and what therein is both to be believed and practised. / By Will. Jeffery, who hath for years been a poor labourer in Christs vineyard. Jeffery, William, 1616-1693. 1659 (1659) Wing J524; Thomason E1804_1; ESTC R209929 87,834 192

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Rev. 17.16 But the Antichrist is taken alive when the Lord cometh and punished with everlasting deflruction from the presence of the Lord in a lake of fire 2. Thes 1.9 and Rev. 19.20 And so to draw to a conclusion I do desire all men to take heed to the Scriptures of the Prophets and Apostles for they are able to make men wise unto Salvation and if men speak not according to the Law and Testament it is because they have no light in them Isa 8.20 O give heed to the most sure word of the Prophets as unto a light shining in a dark place until the day of Christ dawn and the day Star arise in your hearts noting diligently all things that are spoken of that must come to pass for when the signs concerning Christs coming are come to pass the day of Christs personal appearing will dawn Secondly is there such a spirit of delusion among men wherein is a mystery of iniquity Then let all take heed that they seek the Lord while he may be found and to kiss the Son lest he be angry and ye perish in the way O do not neglect to read and search the Scriptures and walk up in that you do know be not deceived God will not be mocked what a man soweth that he shall reap for he that soweth to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting Gal. 6.7 8. Thirdly is it so that God doth and will give up men to a Spirit of delusion that they should believe a lye that they all might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness Then he exhorted from hence to forsake all unrighteous wayes in conversation and all whorish inventions of men in point of Worship for if Moses Law be abolished which was given to him by the Lord let no man think that he shall be excused if he worship according to mens inventions Fourthly let all the Saints consider and lay to heart what hath been spoken and search the Scriptures that they may be informed what is to come to pass and so according to Christs exhortation in Luke 21.36 Watch ye therefore and pray alwayes that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the son of man Moreover when the Lord thus overthrows Antichrist and his Armies and the Kings of the earth as it hath been shewed before and more plentiously appeareth in Scripture When the whirle wind of the Lord goeth forth with fury a cutting whirle-wind it shall remain with pain upon the head of the wicked the fearce anger of the Lord shall not return until he have performed the intents of his heart At the same time saith the Lord will I be the God of all the families of Israel and they shall be my people For God hath loved them with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness he will draw them Jer. 30.23 24. Chap. 31.1 2 3. And it shall come to pass in that day that the great Trumpet shall be blown and they shall come that are ready to perish in the land of Assyria and the out-casts in the land of Egypt and shall worship the Lord in the holy mount at Jernsalem Is 27.13 So when the Enemies shall come in like a flood great enemies being gathered by the beast the Antichrist according to Rev. 16.13 14. being m●● according to Joel 3.9 10 11 12 13 14. the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him then even then the redeemer shall come to Sion and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob saith the Lord Isa 59.19 20. compared with Rom. 11 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32. Then at that day the Lord himself which was dead and arose again and is alive for evermore Rev. 1.18 shall descend from Heaven with a shout with the voyce of the Archangel and with the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first 1 Thes 4.14 15 16. compared with Isa 27.13 and so as Zach. saith The Lord my God shall come and all the Saints with thee and his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives which is before Jerusalem Chap. 14.4 5. then the Lord Jesus Christ the Lord of Hosts and Lord of Lords and King of Kings shall raign personally upon the earth in mount Sion and in Jerusalem and before his antients the house of Israel gloriously Isa 24.23 Rev. 17.14 Chap. 19.13 14 15 16. And for the further proof and clearing up of this truth That the Lord Christ shall raign personally on the earth more then a thousand years and all the Saints with him from Adam to his coming which dyed in the faith and are found in the faith at his coming are to raign with him upon earth First consider and mark well what the Scripture saith in the letter of it for the proof of the same the Prophet Jer. saith Behold the dayes come saith the Lord that I will raise unto David a righteous branch and a King shall raign and prosper and execute Judgment and justice in the earth In his dayes Judah shall be saved and Israel shall dwell safely and this is his name the Lord our Righteousness Chap. 23.5 6. Ask of me and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession Psal 2.8 In his dayes shall the righteous flowrish and abundance of peace shall be so long as the Moon endureth He shall have dominion also from Sea to Sea and from the river unto the end of the earth Yea all Kings shall fall down before him all nations shall serve him Pfal 72.7 8 9 10 11. verse 17. His name shall endure for ever his name shall be continued as long as the Sun and men shall be blessed in him All nations shall call him blessed and the Lord shall be King over all the earth in that day shall there be one Lord and his name one Zach. 14.9 Dan. 7.27 And the Kingdome and dominion and the greatness of the Kingdome under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most high whose Kingdome is an everlasting Kingdome and all nations or dominions shall serve and obey him and Rev. 5.9 10. saith Thou hast made us unto our God Kings Priests we shall raign on the earth Chap. 11.15 And the seventh Angel sounded and there were great voyces in heaven saying the Kingdomes of this world are become the Kingdomes of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall raign for ever and ever Rev. 20. sheweth at large That the Saints shall raign with Christ a thousand years which cannot be understood but to be on the earth So then the letter of the Scripture speaks much that the Lord Christ shall descend from heaven 1 Thes 4.16 Acts. 1.11 and his feet shall stand upon mount
seed of Abraham are cast out and so not admitted as members of the new Testament or Church of Christ meerly as such upon which account John the Baptist put back the Pharisees from his Baptisme as not fit members for the Church of Christ upon their plea of having Abraham to their Father Mat. 3.9 how lame weak frothy carnall and confused a thing is it to receive little children into the Church by Baptisme upon the plea that they are the seed of Believers What! all the fleshly seed of Abraham the father of the faithful cast out and yet labour to receive in the fleshly seed of Abrahams children be ashamed hereof O ye Priests for the Lord will not hold them guiltless that makes void his Commandements by their own traditions But more to this elsewhere Mat. 15.6 Now to return The sum of all is as the Apostle saith the Bond-woman and her son that is to say the first Covenant and its children is cast out ever since the death and resurrection of Christ so henceforth know we no man after the flesh 2 Cor. 5.16 because the son of the Bond-woman Ishmael after the flesh shall not be heir with Isaac the son of the free-woman that is to say with the children of the New Covenant or new Testament wherefore it remaineth in the next place to consider what the new Covenant is and who are the children thereof since they only are heirs according to promise The New Covenant or New Testament is in the strictest sence that which is written in the 31 of Jer. 33 34. vers and Heb. 8.10 11 12. And in the largest sence the Gospel the glad-tydings way and ordinances thereof as 't is written in the books of the new Testament whereof Paul was a Minister 2 Cor. 3.6 Mat. 26.28 Heb. 9.16 17 18. Now the Children of the New Covenant are penitent believing obedient men and women such as are born again not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God John 1.13 New creatures and these are the children of Abraham after the spirit and heirs according to promise John 8.39 Gal. 4.29 2 Cor. 5.17 And with them considered such God makes or enters into Covenant giving them his spirit and so puts his Laws in their minds and writes them in their hearts and so he is a God unto them and they only are his people Heb. 8.10 And so they need not teach every man his neighbour and every man his brother saying know the Lord for all shall know him from the least to the greatest of them verse 11. But mistake not though all the children of the New Covenant need not to teach one another so as to know the Lord yet they ought to build up one another in the knowledge of the Lord Jude 20. having received gifts from the Lord they are to teach one another to grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord exhorting one another and so much the more as they see the day of Christ approaching so by using of their gifts they come to be established and go on to perfection Heb. 5.12 14. and 10.25 1 Cor. 12. Eph. 4.8 11 12. Moreover the Lord will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their iniquities will he remember no more so that they may have free accesse to him through Christ he being sacrificed for them so that there is no need of a sacrifice as there was under the old Testament for then there was a continual sacrificing and so a remembrance of sin every year and so the comers thereunto could not be made perfect for it was not possible that the blood of Buls and Goats should take away sins Heb. 10.1 2 3 4. But Christ being come by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified so he takes away the first Covenant that he might establish the Second that the children of the second Covenant might stand before God and die not having a new and living way which he hath consecrated or made through the offering of the Body of Jesus Christ once for all and so they come before the Lord with boldness yea enter into the holiest by the Blood of Jesus and having an High Preist over the house of God draw neer with a true heart in full assurance of faith having their hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and their body washed in pure water Heb 10.9 10 19 20 21 22. So then the children of the New Covenant have free accesse to God worshipping of him in spirit and in truth acceptably without any sacrifice as after the Law or old Administration that being abolished and done away 2 Cor. 3.11 13. so sin is not remembred and so they shall be eternally saved if they hold fast the profession of their faith without wavering to the end but if they sin wilfully there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins but a Certaine fearfull looking for of judgement and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries he that despised Moses Law died without mercy under two or three witnesses of how much sorer punishment suppose yee shall he be thought worthy who hath troden under foot the son of God and hath counted the Blood of the Covenant wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing and hath done despight unto the Spirit of grace verse 23 26 27 28. Furthermore the Ministers of the new Testament are not by a fleshly line as the Preists of the old Testament were the sons of Aaron born by Generation Exod. 29.9 Numb 16.40 But they are made Ministers of the new Covenant meerly by gifts given from God as appeareth Eph. 4 8 11. where the Apostle sheweth that the Lord Jesus ascended up on high and gave gifts to men he gave some Apostles and some Prophets and some Evangelists some Pastors and Teachers for the gathering together of the Saints for the Work of the Ministry for the edification of the body of Christ till we all meet together in the unity of the faith and knowledge of the son of God unto a perfect man and unto the measure of the age of the fulness of Christ vers 12 13. So then it is cleer from hence that all the Ministers or Preachers of the new Testament are to preach or teach by gifts given from God for they have gifts given for the work of the Ministry and that in all ages till Christ comes for all the saints cannot meet together in the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man not untill Christ his coming therefore the whole work of the Ministry is to be performed by men gifted of God in all ages and not by men of a fleshly generation line or by any humane learned Arts for that is contrary to the new Covenant for all her children are taught of the Lord. And this will further appear because as the Apostle sheweth the world by wisdome knew not God 1 Cor. 1.21
Nor if all the humane arts in the world did not teach the knowledge of God it followeth that all humane Arts cannot inable a man to preach or declare the Gospel the unsearchable riches that is in Christ and so Paul though learned ignorantly persecutes the Church of Christ but by grace given him he was made able to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ Eph. 3.7 8. Again Jesus rejoyced in Spirit and gives thanks to his Father that he had hid the things of the Gospel or new Covenant from the wise and prudent or learned and revealed them to Babes Luke 10.21 And Paul saith The things of God knoweth no man but the spirit of God 1 Cor. 2.11 And the Prophet Isaiah saith That the vision of all is become as a book that is sealed So that the learned and unlearned cannot read it Isa 29.11 12. From all which it plaineth appeareth that all Ministers of the new Covenant are made able for the work of the Ministery through the spirit grace and gift of God for the spiritual man judgeth all things even the deep things of God 1 Cor. 2.10 15. And so God hath not chosen the mighty men or things of the world which are highly esteemed among men but chuseth the poor foolish weak base despised things things that are not to bring to nought things that are That no flesh should glory in his presence 1 Cor. 1.27 28. Luk. 16.15 So then mark well and see the vast disproportion between the Old Covenant and the New the Old was of works do and live long so they doing it Justification would have been of dept Rom. 4.4 but the New is Believe and live eternally So Justification is by faith that it might be by grace Rom. 4.16 The Old Covenant is litteral and killeth because all have broken it but the new Covenant is spiritual and giveth life in Christ through beleeving 2 Cor. 3.6 the Old was written in Tables of Stone the New writeth the law of God in the heart the sons and daughters of the Old Covenant were Abrahams seed after the flesh the sons and daughters of the new Covenant are the seed of Abraham after the spirit new borne new creatures God according to the Old Covenant did know and chuse the family of Abraham after the flesh above all the families of the earth Amos 3.1 2. Psal 147.19 20. but now according to the new Covenant he knoweth no man after the flesh 2 Cor. 5 16. but every man of any Nation that feareth God and worketh righteousness is accepted with him Act. 10.35 whether he be Jew or Gentile The children of the old Covenant being after the flesh by generation there was need to teach them to know the Lord but the Children of the new Covenant need not to be taught to know the Lord for they all know the Lord from the least to the greatest of them as it hath been shewed The old Covenant or law though just holy and good yet weak through the flesh having no strength to Justifie the Children thereof God finding fault with them because they had broken the Covenant there was a place found for the new Covenant established upon better promises so through Jesus the High Priest and Mediatour of it the Children thereof are Justified see Rom. 8.2 3 4. Heb. 8.6 7 8. The Sacrifices of the old covenant were carnal fleshly the bloud of Buls and Goats and so could not make the comers thereunto perfect so there was a Remembrance of sin every year but the sacrifice of the new Covenant is the Lord from Heaven the man Christ his Blood being the blood of the new Covenant being shed for remission of sins Math. 26.28 and so perfects for ever them that are sanctified which are the children of the new Covenant so that their sin is remembred no more as it hath been shewed before Heb. 10.12 14. the High Priest of the old Covenant was after the order of Aaron by generation after a fleshly line and so many were made Priests because they were not suffered to continue by the reason of death but Jesus the High Priest of the new Covenant is after the order of Melchizedec comes not to it by a fleshly line after the order of Aaron as the Preists of the Law did as touching his Office of the Preist-hood he is without father or mother without kindred and hath neither beginning of dayes nor end of life but remaineth a Prieft for ever after the order of Melchizedec So he is able also perfectly to save them that come to God by him as the children of the new Covenant do seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them Heb. 7.3 6 11 13 14 16 21 24 25. The Children of the old Covenant had blessings and promises after this manner That the Lord would set them on high above all the Nations of the earth blessed in the city and in the field blessed in the fruit of the body flocks of sheep and heards of cattel and deliverance from their enemies and long life in the land of Canaan withall the riches thereof Deut. 28. The blessings of the new Covenant are after this manner deliverence from the evil of temptation 1 Cor. 10.13 Led into all truth so as they experience that comfort peace and joy that their names are written in the book of life witnessed by the holy spirit all things working together for good no condemnation for they walk not after the flesh but after the spirit the promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come even eternal life so as to reign in glory So then all may see that they that go about to be justified by the Law Written upon tables of stone or the Law of sacrifices are fallen from grace for if righteousness be by the Law then Christ died in vain Gal. 2.21 and 5.4 But Christ died not in vain but God is just and the Justifier of him only that beleeveth in Jesus having that faith that worketh by love Rom. 3.26 for such only are the sons and daughters of the New Covenant Also hence it clearly appeareth how the Church of Rome is Mystery Babylon the great the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth she became so by bringing in a generational fleshly seed where Abrahams seed after the flesh is cast out so she goes a whoring in bringing in a false carnal seed instead of a true spiritual seed she bringeth in children into her Church by baptizing them as she calleth it and so the matter of her Church is meerly carnal and her ministry by humane learning and not by gifts given from Christ and yet talks of spiritual matter confounding the Old Covenant with the New and making the commandments of God of none effect by her many inventions and so national Churches that sprinkle their infants bring in a false fleshly seed and are her daughters and so she is truly said to be Mystery Babylon or Confusion the mother
he that is left in Sion and he that remaineth in Jerusalem shall be called holy even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Sion shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of Judgment and by the spirit of burning Isai 4.2 3 4. Then shall health be restored unto Israel and their wounds healed saith the Lord because they called thee an out-cast saying this is Sion whom no man seeketh after Thus saith the Lord behold I will bring again the captivity of Jacobs tents and have mercy on his dwelling place and the City shall be builded upon her own heap and the palace shall remain after the manner thereof And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voyce of them that make merry and I will multiply them and they shall not be few I will also glorifie them and they shall not be small Jer. 30.17 18 19. Again at this time will the Lord make them one Nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel and one King shall be a King to them all and they shall be no more two Nations neither shall they be devided into two kingdoms any more at all Neither shall they defile themselves any more with their Idols nor with their detestable things nor with any of their transgressions but I will save them out of all their dwelling places wherein they have sinned and will cleanse them so shall they be my people and I will be their God Ezekiel 37.22 23. Again Wait yea upon me saith the Lord untill the day that I rise up to gather the Nations that I may Assemble the kingdoms to pour upon them mine Indignation even all my fierce anger for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousie For then will I turn to the people a pure Language that they may all call upon the name of the Lord to serve him with one consent At this time I will bring you again even in this time that I gather you for I will make you a name and a praise among all people of the earth when I turn back your captivity before your eyes saith the Lord Zeph. 3.8 9 10. Again Look upon Zion the City of our solemnities thine eye shall see Jerusalem a quiet habitation a Tabernacle that shall not be taken down not one of the stakes thereof shall ever be removed neither shall any of the cords be broken And the Inhabitants shall not say I am sick the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven there iniquity Isa 33.20 24. Again Hear the word of the Lord O ye Nations and declare it in the Isles afare of and say he that scattered Israel will gather him and keep him as a sheepheard doth his stock For the Lord hath redeemed Jacob and ransomed him from the hand of him that was stronger then he Therefore they shall come and sing in the hight of Zion and shall flow together to the goodness of the Lord for Wheat and for Wine and for Oyle and for the young of the flock and of the heard and their souls shall be as a watered Garden and they shall not sorrow any more at all Jer. 31.10 11 12. Yea in that day shall that song be sung by the house of Israel that is in the 12. of Isai Yea they shall cry out and shout for joy for great is the holy one of Israel in the midst of them verse the 6. Zeph. 3.15 They shall not see evil any more then that in the 35. of Isai shall be made good and that in Isai 60. and many other places which speak very clearly to these things search and see for Paul would not have us Ignorant of this mystery Rom. 11.25 Moreover be not mistaken though it be so that the fulness of the Gentiles under this dispensation shall come in before Christ come in person and many shall be given up to blindness and be destroyed at his appearing as it hath been shewed before yet them that are left of the Nations shall fall in with the people of Israel and say Come let us go up to the mountains of the Lord to the house of the God of Jacob and he will teach us of his wayes and we will walk in his pathes For out of Sion shall go forth the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem Isai 2.2 3. Micah 4.1 2 3. Yea many people and strong Nations shall come to seek the Lord of hosts in Jerusalem and to pray before the Lord Thus saith the Lord of hosts in those dayes it shall come to pass that ten men shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew saying we will go with you for we have heard that God is with you Zach. 8.22 23. yea Zach. saith that when the Lord cometh and all the Saints with him even then the Lord shall be King over all the earth in that day shall there be one Lord and his name one and then it shall come to pass that every one that is left of all the Nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King the Lord of hosts and to keep the feast of Tabernacles Chap. 14.9 14. and this as I understand was signified under the Law when the males came up to Jerusalem to keep there feast so the Nations shall come up from one new Moon to another and from year to year to worship before the Lord Isai 66.23 for then the Gentiles shall be Converted to the house of Israel Isai 60.5 For the house of Israel that are brought back and are called when Christ come shall then be chief among the Nations according to this Scripture Isai 19.24 25. In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria even a blessing in the midst of the land whom the Lord of Host shall bless saying blessed be Egypt my people and Assyria the work of my hands Israel mine Inheritance so in that day the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the Sea Isa 11.9 So in that day when Christ raigns gloriously on the earth there will be first all them that dyed in the faith are found in the faith at his coming made immortal and shall raign with Christ over the whole earth Dan. 7.27 injoying perfection in knowledge and purity 1 Cor. 13.10 11 12. Ephes 5.27 and be made free from all manner of imperfections yea as David saith They shall be abundantly satisfied with the Fatness of thy house and thou shalt make them drink of the River of thy pleasures Psal 36.8 So they shall be compleatly happy injoying fulness of joy for ever and ever Secondly the house of Israel that is called when Christ appeareth as hath been shewed shall be under them and governed and judged by them Obad. 21. Mat. 19.28 Luke 22.28 29 30.
Thirdly The nations that know the Lord shall be inferiour to the house of Israel serving them in that day Isa 60.12 14. Fourthly That there will be some of the nations in that day that will not come to worship the King the Lord of hosts and upon them shall come great judgments Zach. 14.17 18. Jer. 31.30 Isa 65.20 So there will be in the kingdome of Christ at least some of the time that he raigns on the earth before he delivers up the Kingdome to the father four sorts of people but the Saints that come with Christ shall raign most gloriously over them all So then things being so le ts look back to what hath been said concerning Christ coming to raign namely that the Saints must be in a troubled persecuted afflicted estate until Christ comes and the neerer his coming the more persecution and tribulations Luke 18.7 8. This serves to inform the fifth Monarchy men that the Saints shall not have dominion of the earth neither shall the fifth Monarchy be until Christ comes for the fourth Monarchy or Beast in his Heads and horns raigns until Christ comes and presecutes the Saints Dan. 7.25 26. as hath been shewed Secondly if there will be warr and rumors of warrs and overturning of powers until Christ comes that should teach the Saints not to deceive themselves so as to conclude they shall enjoy long rest and peace here on earth before Christ comes and so to seek great things for themselves I say with the Prophet Jer. Seek them not for that the Lord hath built he will break down and that which he hath planted will he pluck up Chap. 45.4 5. For the nations must drink Jeremies cup them that are wicked to the sword saith the Lord Chap. 25. from the 15. to the 34. Thirdly This should teach us to buy the truth and not to sell it and so to seek the Kingdom of God and his righteousness in the first place and to give all diligence to make our calling and election sure redeeming the time that we be not found among those foolish Virgins that let their lamps go out but of those wise that stand with their Loyns girded about with truth and their lights burning as men that wait for their Lord when he shall return to the wedding Mat. 25. Luke 12.35 36 37. Furthermore take notice of some signes that go before Christs coming First observe that the Gospel being preached as it is now and shall be more fully hereafter and many falling away from the truth and the spirit of Antichrist appearing this is a sign of Christs coming 2 Thes 2.3.1 John 2.18 Secondly If we see and hear of warrs and rumors of warrs and false Prophets and false Christs appearing and many run to and fro and knowledge increase and the great Whore of Babylon fallen these things coming to pass are evident signs that the time of Christs coming is neer Mat. 24.5 11. Dan. 12.4 Rev. 14.6 7 8. Thirdly When we shall see false Prophets and false Christs saying loe hear is Christ or loe there working miracles and the Antichrist or man of sin arising or appearing then may we certainly conclude the coming of Christ to be at hand yea if we see the Whore of Babylon fallen and the man of sin arising we may certainly conclude that before that generation shall go down to dust the Lord will appear Mat. 24.23 24.2 Thes 2.9 Rev. 14.9 Luk. 21.32 Fourthly When there shall be famins and pestalence and earth-quakes in divers places and the Jewes return into their own land and the Antichrist or man of sin plant his tabernacle in the holy mount Dan. 11.45 Mat. 24.7 Fifthly When the Man of Sin and the false Prophet shall set up an Image and give the mark of the beast and cause fire to come down from heaven in the sight of men Rev. 13.13 14 15 16. and the sixth vial poured out and that false ministry of the beast go forth and gather the nations to the battel of the great day according to Chap. 16.12 13 14. Joel 3.9 10 11. and the Sun and Moon darkned and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity the Sea and waves roaring in an extraordinary manner Isa 13.10 Ioel 3.15 Luke 21.25 26 When these changes begin to come to pass especially the four last then let us lift up our heads with joy for our redemption draweth nigh verse 28. And when the last appeareth know that the Kingdome of God is neer even at the very doors Mat. 24 33. Now from all these things let every one be perswaded to walk up in all the commandments and Ordinances of the Lord improving all grace so as to serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear yea let all the children of God work out their salvation with fear and trembling O let us give heed to the word of the Prophets as a light that shineth in a dark place until the day of Christ dawn and the day Star arise in our hearts that is until Christ who is the bright morning Star he by his spirit we giving heed to the word of the Prophet will cause us to understand the secrets of the Lord yea the signs of his coming as men that walk in the night know the day is neer when they see the day Star arising so the Lord will give us the morning Star that we may know in an excellent measure the time of his coming 2 Pet. ● 19 Rev. 22 16. Chap. 2 28 Psal 25 14. But let no man be deceived so as to account of the coming or receiving of the spirit in the most excellent manner to be the coming of Christ for the Corinths came behind in no gifts yet waited for the coming of the Lord Jesus 1 Cor 1.7 And the Apostle John sheweth that there are but three sorts of Christians the little ones young men and old men in Christ and old ought to wait and did wait for the coming of Christ 1 Iohn 2 28 Chap. 3 2. and then they and we shall be like him Phil. 3 31 O let all these things be laid to heart and let all the children of God receive council of the Lord Jesus so as to watch and pray alwayes that we may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before him acceptably Luke 21.36 FINIS
THE WHOLE FAITH OF MAN Being the Gospel declared in plainness as it is in JESUS and the way thereof of old confirmed by divers Signs Wonders Miracles and Gifts of the holy Ghost In thirty six Heads setting out Mans way work from the day of his Conversion to the day of his Dissolution and what therein is both to be believed and practised The Second Edition much Enlarged By WILL. JEFFERY who hath for years been a poor Labourer in Christs Vineyard So likewise ye when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you say We are unprofitable servants we have done that which was our duty to do Luke 17.10 London Printed by G. Dawson for Francis Smith in Flying-Horse Court in Fleet-street near Chancery lane end and Stephen Dagnal of Alisbury 1659. TO The Christian READER Loving Reader THis work presented to thy view read I pray with diligence and care imploying thy whole understanding to observe what 〈◊〉 written herein whether it be according to the Scriptures of truth and finding it so lay it up in thy heart and bring it forth in Conversation and in Worship and that thou mayest so do mark well the Scriptures that are brought for the proof of that which is said and for the right understanding of the Scriptures note these five things First who it is that speaketh Secondly the ground or cause of the Word spoken Thirdly what is spoken Fourthly the time when Fifthly to whom it speaketh And labour to understand Prophecies whether they be fulfilled or no and mistake not so as to think that Parables or Comparisons in Scripture prove nothing for they do excellently prove things if rightly understood for the Parable of the unjust Iudge and the Widdow Luk. 18. v. 1. proveth that men ought alwayes to pray and not to faint and that in Rev. 16.15 which saith that Christ will come as a thiefe proveth that Christ will come suddenly and that day of the Lord shall come upon ungodly men unawares yea as a snare shall it take them 2 Thes 5.23 but it doth not prove that Christ will come unrighteously as a thief for that connot be So Parables and Comparisons in the Scriptures prove excellently the things for which they are brought but beware of using them beyond their line and also note that a Commandment or Precept only gives ground to duty for where no Law is there is no transgression mistake not for the manner of the performance of the duty is not alwayes in all things laid down in the Commandment so the primitive examples of the People of God for the manner of the performance of duty is very safe and where there is no example of the People of God in the Scriptures for the manner as aforesaid take heed that the duty be done decently and in order 1 Cor. 14.40 James 5.14 But stand in awe in the fear of God and beware that you add not to the Commandment nor diminish therefrom in the performance of duty for he that shall presume to speak a word in the name of the Lord which he hath not commanded him shall die Deut. 18.20 Pro. 30.6 Revel 22.18 19. Mind also that according to the Law and the Prophets and New Testament are to hear Christ in all things yea to give more heed to Christ then Israel was to Moses Heb. 2.1 2. Chap. 12.25 and to labour to understand what the first Testament is and who were the children hereof and what is the new Testament and who are the children thereof and let no man that believeth and is added to the Church according to the Scripture content himself in a child like state but labour with all diligence to come to mans stature being strong in Christ 1 Epistle of John 2.13 14. For in these last dayes will come in all deceiveableness of unrighteousness and so many will fall away the age groweth ripe many run to and fro and knowledge is increased therefore labour to understand the Mysteries of the Scripture walk up purely in all that thou knowest for they shall be revealed and fulfilled in these latter dayes yea whosoever thou art observe more what is declared it being truth then the manner of the declaring it be not offended at the plainness or poverty of the man that speaketh he speaking as the Oracles of God For God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise I have studied brevity for many reasons therefore heed well what is spoken and so have thy heart open for truth but closed up against all errour and try all spirits by the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament For if they speak not According to the Law and Testamony it is because there is no light in them Isai 8.20 And so read this Book with a single eye for it very highly concerns thy eternal life for for this end was it written that men might know the good old way of the Gospel and walk therein and so find rest for their souls and that God might have all the Glory and this is the sincere desire of him that is ready to serve thee with all his might in he strength of the Lord in the work of his Generation William Ieffery A TABLE OF The principal Matters spoken to or handled in this Book 1. THe Gospel what it is Page 1 2. That the Gospel is to be preached to all Men. Page 2 3. That Christ dyed for all Men. Page 4 4. That God through Christs death in the ministration of the Gospel sets all men in a way to come to the knowledge of the truth and be eternally saved Page 6 5. How Men in all ages were set in that way Page 9 6. What Adams sin brought upon all the sans of Men. Page 13 7. How Christ redeemed all Men from the first death and all the guilt or punishment of Adams sin Page 18 8. That all Infants dying in Infancie shall be saved Page 17 9. The great cause of condemnation and what it is Page 21 10. How Men are given up to blinded eyes and hardned hearts and wherefore Page 30 11. How Gods Decree takes hold of Men to condemnation Page 27 12. Gods Decree concerning Election to salvation Page 32 13. Why none but Beleevers are chosen to salvation and yet foreseen faith not the cause Page 33 14. The first Testament what it is in the strictest sence and what it is in the largest and who were the children thereof and how is it cast out and its children and the difference between the Law of Faith and the Law of Works and a word of the abolishing of the seventh day Sabbath Page 35 15. What the second Testament in the strictest fence and what in the largest and who are the children thereof and who the Ministers thereof and the vast disproportion between the first Testament and the Second Page 42 16. What Repentance is and what Faith is and the nature thereof Page 52 17. That Bilievers onely are the
Subjects of Baptisme not Infants Page 54 18. That Prayer and Laying on of Hands upon all Believers after Baptisme is a Prinsiple of the Doctrine of Christ Page 60 19. The Resurrection of the Bodies of just and unjust proved and the Christ that died and rose again and ascended into heaven shall come again in person Page 64 20. What the eternal judgment is and when it is Page 70 21. What the Church of Christ is and who are to be received into the Church of Christ and who not and the bounds of Communion and that we are to give more heed to Christ then Israel was to Moses Page 75 22. That there are Preachers Administrators of Ordinances in this our age and shall be untill Christ comes and who they be Page 86 23. The manner and right receiving of the Lords Supper that Saints ought to practice it untill Christ come Page 91 24. What Officers belongs to the Church of Christ and how they are to be chosen and what there Work is Page 95 25. The Maintenance of the Ministers of the Gospel what it is and that it is not by Tythes Page 99 26. Some things spoken concerning the Washing the Saints feet also that of Anointing with Oyl in the name of the Lord and Prayer with Fasting Page 102 27. The way to deal with them that sin against God and one another and to cast them out of the Church Page 103 28. That the power lieth in the Church to judge Offenders Page 108 29. That Magistrates are to be obeyed in all civil things and are supreame but they have no more power in the Church then Members Page 109 30. That all the way of the Gospel is a way of love and free grace Page 112 31. That men may fall from grace and that the grace of perseverance is of God and salvation eternal life is the meer gift of God Page 113 32. That the whole House of Israel after the flesh shall be called to believe and be a glorious people and the time when Page 120 33. What the Whore of Babylon is and who are her Daughters and that the Antichrist or Man of Sin is not the Whore of Babylon shewed in seven particulars Page 126 34. That Christ shall Raign Personally on the earth most gloriously Page 161 35. That untill Christ come to Raign the Saints shall be in a troubled persecuted Estate and that there shall be warr unto that day and a word to the Fift Monarchy Men. Page 164 36. Some of the Signs of Christs coming Page 174 Reader THou wilt find only some literal Faults which were not worth the while to make an Errata of therefore thou art desired in a friendly way to correct such Trivials with thy Pen. THE GOSPEL Declared in plainness as it is in JESUS And the way thereof of Old confirmed by divers Signs Wonders Miracles and Gifts of the Holy Spirit IN the first place mind what the word Gospel is or doth hold forth unto us and you shall find that it signifieth good or glad-tydings as appeareth Isai 52.7 compared with Rom. 10.15 Luke 2.10 11. Now what is contained in this good-tydings is this according to the Scriptures that God was in Christ reconciling the World unto himself not imputing their Trespasses unto them 2 Cor. 5.19 and that Christ dyed for our sins and was buried and rose again the Third day 1 Cor. 15.1 2 3 4. and that in Christ Jesus there is Remission of sins Luke 24.47 or forgiveness of sins Acts 13.38 and everlasting Life 46. this is the Gospel And this Gospel is to be preached to every Creature by the Commandement of the Lord Mark 16.15 that is to say to every Man and Woman that have ears to hear so as to understand not to Infants for the Lord speaks not unto though of them Deut. 11.2 for they know neither good or evill Deut. 1.39 which is agreeable to the testimony of the Angel of the Almighty which brought good-tydings of great joy unto all people Luke 2.10 Furthermore this Gospel was preached unto all yea unto them that received it not and that in all Ages Gen. 3.15 1 Pet. 3.19 20. 2 Pet. 2.5 Heb. 4.2 3 17. Acts 2.5 Coll. 1.23 for Paul saith it was necessary that the Word of God should be Preached unto them that rejected it yet there was no less in that word than everlasting life which they put from them Acts 13.46 in much envy contradicting and blaspheming and raising persecution against the Apostles so that at length they shook off the dust of their feet against them ver 51. And you know that Christ saith It shall be more toller able for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgement then for such a people So then the Gospel was preached to them that never received it as well as to them that did receive it therefore unto all Again the Parables and comparisons in the Scriptures proves that this good Tydings of eternall life as 't is in Jesus is to be preached unto all as it appeareth Mat. 13. in the parable of the sower for there you may see it is declared unto all sorts of men as the seed is sown in all sorts of ground likewise in Mat. 22. the ●arable bids all even them also that would not nor did not come the bad as well as the good for to come to the marraige Also the comparison of the brazen Serpent sheweth as that was lifted up for all that all that were stung might look on it andlive Num. 21.8 9. So is the Son of man the Lord Jesus lifted up for all that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life John 3.14 15. Again this is the condemnation of the world namely the not receiving the light that is in Jesus held forth in the Gospel John 12.46 John 3.19 And how shall they receive it so as to beleive it without a preacher Rom. 10.14 Therefore it is to be preached unto all Again Christ will judge all men according to the Gospel Rom. 2.16 Acts 17.31 and he that heareth and beleiveth according to the Gospel shall be saved and he that will not believe shall be damned as John witnesseth that they that refuse to hear the word so as to receive it shall be condemned at the last day by that word which they heard and rejected John 12.47.48 wherefore Christ judging all men at the last day by the word of the Gospel and that according to righteousness it followeth plainly that the Gospel must be preached unto all men Well then seeing the Gospel is to be preached unto all or this good tydings of peace which is as hath been shewed that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses unto them and offereth everlasting life unto all in and through the death of his Son it will follow that Christ died for all men so as to seek to serve all men Luke 19.10 Mat. 18.11 yea to set
of harlots so she going a whoring after her own inventions she hath made all Nations drunk with the wine of the wrath of herfornication Rev. 2.5 and so according to that in Isa 24.5 The earth is defiled under the inhabitants thereof because they have transgressed the lawes changed the ordinance broken the everlasting covenant and therefore she shall be destroyed Rev. 17.16 And the curse of the Lord God Almighty will devour the earth Isa 24.6 19 20. wrath shall come upon the Gentile nations to the uttermost as it did upon the Jewes yea the Lord will make a full end of the Gentile nations Jer. 30.11 O that men would lay these things to heart and hear and obey the Lord according to the Gospel walking up orderly according to the new Testament in all things in sincerity of heart that they might escape the things that shall come to passe and to stand in Judgement before the Son of man Luke 21.36 And that ye may be sons and daughters of God according to the New Testament in order and so stand before the Lord with acceptance observe well that the first Principle of the doctrine of Christ is Repentance from dead works Heb. 6.1 For the Gospel is to be preached to all as it hath been shewed before that men may repent of all their dead works now repentance is a change of the mind from all that which is evill to all that which is good it hath in it a hearty sorrow for sin and a confession of sin and therefore John the Baptist preaching Repentance they came confessing their sins Math. 3. Repentance is such a thing as changes the man from an evil conversation to that which is very good and also from all false whorish wayes of Worship to the pure Worship of God it hath in it these seven things As first it bringeth forth a continual care as not to commit evil nor to omit good yea a readiness to every good work secondly clearing the matter of fact if it be in wrong done to any man by a wise just restitution if able Luke 19.8 and by doing so no more what ever sin it be confessing it to God with brokenness of heart turning from it Thirdly an inward indignation against all sin Fourthly the sear of God which teacheth a man to depart siom evil and to have a singular respect to all the Commandements of the Lord so as to do them Fiftly a vehement hungring thirsting desire after Righteousness Sixtly a zealous continuing in every good work Seventhly a holy revenge in bringing the body under subjection by fasting esteeming the Commandements of the Lord more then necessary food 2 Cor. 7.11 And so it is repentance or a change of the whole Man from dead works for the wages of sin is death Furthermore that men may do works acceptably in the sight of God the next Principle or teaching of Christ unseparably joyned with Repentance is Faith towards God and that is to beleeve that God is and that he is a rewarder of them that dilligently seek him and that Christ died for our sins and that he was buryed and that he rose again the third day according to the Scriptures and that the blood of Christ is the Blood of the New Testament Shed for the remission of sins and that there is everlasting life and a most glorious Kingdome for all them that beleeve and walk according to the Gospel or New Testament and so Faith is the substance or ground of things which are hoped for and the evidence of things not seen Heb. 11.1 6.1 Cor. 15.1 2 3 4.1 John 2.4 6. yea this faith is of a purifying nature for every one that hath this hope purifyeth himself as Chirst is pure Chap. 3.3 Acts 15.9 The next Principle of the Doctrine of Christ is the Doctrine of Baptismes it is said to be Baptismes because there is a Baptisme of afflictions in a comparative sence in the which Chirstians are dipped into so as the waves goes over them yet are raised out of it by the Lord it is not every affliction but some great affliction and yet this is common to Christians Mat. 20.22 23. Luke 12.50 Psal 42.7 John 16.33 There is also Baptisme or Dipping in Water which is the one Baptisme in a litterall sence which all Believers ought to practice I say it is Dipping in Water because the word in the Greek holds forth a washing by dipping and not sprinkling for it cannot be shewed in the Lexicons as the learned confesse and John Baptised in the River of Jordan Mark 1.5 and Christ when he was Baptized came up out of the water of the river of Jordan Mat. 3.13.16 and Philip and the Eunuch went down both into the water and he baptized him in the water Acts 8.38 39. Baptisme in Water holdeth forth in a likeness a buriall with Christ Rom. 6.3 4. All which declareth that Baptisme is Dipping the whole person in Water and this learned Perkins freely conffesseth in his Golden Chaine Furthermore penitent Men and Women are the only Subjects of Baptisme and not Infants That such as professe faith as aforesaid are to be Baptized and not Infants will appeare because the Lord commands his servants to Go teach all Nations Baptizing them that learn the Gospel so as to believe the same but Infants cannot learn the Gospel by teaching for they know neither good nor evil Deut. 1.39 Therefore it is not lawful to Baptize them That Christ commands such to be Baptized as believe through teaching or preaching is evident from Mat. 28.19 in these words Go and teach all Nations Baptizing them c. That is Them of the Nations that believe for they might not Baptize unbelieving Jewes nor heathens therefore Mark saith being the same with that of Matthew That Christ commands the Gospel to be preached to every creature and He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved so then the Gospel is to be preached to all for this end that all may believe but all do not but they that hear so as to believe the Gospel are to be Baptized and no other are in the Commission or Commandenent of Christ for baptisme it is plain so then they that Baptize Infants do that which they have no Law of Christ for nay it is against the Law of Christ because they cannot beleeve through preaching and so they have not faith for there is but one faith and that comes by hearing Ephes 4.5 Rom. 10.14.17 Object But some say That Infants are apart of the Nations and Nations are to be baptized therefore Infants Answ So are unbeleeving Jewes and Heathens part of the Nations yet are not to be Baptized and so it is plain that Nations are not to be Baptized as such but beleeving men and women as hath been shewed before therefore not Infants Object But some men say That Infants do beleeve from that Scripture Mat. 18. in these words But whosoever shall offend one of these little ones which beleeve in
practised by the Apostles and they are these Laying on of Hands to recover the Sick and upon Officers and upon persons Baptized Now it cannot be the Laying on Hands upon the Sick for men might be sick and recovered through Laying on of Hands and sick again and so recovered again and again and so some men might be under this Laying on of Hands many times but this in Heb. the 6. must not be practised above once for it is said Not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works of Faith towards God of the Doctrine of Baptismes and Laying on of Hands Furthermore it cannot be that Laying on of Hands on Officers for it is said that they that had laid this Laying on of Hauds spoken off Heb. 6. had need to be taught the first Principles of the Word of God but Officers could not be so ignorant therefore it was not upon Officers Moreover the same that are exhorted to go on to perfection had laid this Laying on of Hands as you may see if you read diligently the 1 and 2 verses Now all are exhorted to go on to perfection therefore all the Church of the Hebrewes were under this Laying on of Hands so then it cannot be that upon the Sick nor that upon Officers for men may go on to perfection and never be under that Laying on of Hands for the Sick nor yet that upon Officers Therefore this Laying on of Hands spoken of Heb. 6. is that only which followeth Baptisme and to this agreeth the order of words vers 2. neither can it be thought on good grounds that the holy spirit should rank any other Laying on of hands with these Principles which are the beginning of a Christian man so then it followeth that Prayer with Laying on of Hands upon every Baptized person is a Principle of the Doctrine or beginning word of Christ as hath been shewed before Object But the end of Laying on of hands was that the spirit might be given so as that some extraordinary gifts might follow as there did Acts 19. but we see none now therefore not to be practised Ans By the same reason we may refuse Baptisme for the Apostles promises the gift of the spirit to every penitent believing baptized person Acts 2.38 39. which then did fall down miraculously but we see it not so now Therefore no Baptisme Again Mark saith that these signes shall follow them that believe the Gospel in the name of the Lord Jesus they should cast out devils shall speak with new tongues c. Mark 16.16 17 18. But we see no man do any such thing now Therefore by the same ground you may say no man believeth and then no salvation Again the Apostle saith God hath set in the Church miracle-workers 1 Cor. 12.28 By the same rule no miracles no Church but mistake not the Gospel the Ordinances thereof and the whole way thereof was at the first confirmed by signs and wonders and divers miracles and gifts of the holy Ghost Heb. 2.4 and all Believers are to walk up according to the Gospel and all the Ordinances and the whole way thereof untill Christ come 2 Tim. 2.2 2 Pet. 3.2 Rev. 2.25 To conclude this point the Spirit of the Lord is promised so as to be given to all penitent belieeving baptized persons Acts 2.38 Gal. 3.14 and the way and order of the Gospel is to seek it by Prayer and Laying on of Hands Acts 8.15 17. Chap. 19.6 2 Tim. 1.6 The next Principle of the Doctrine of Christ is the Resurriction of the dead which is this to believe that Christs very body that was crucified did rise from the dead the third day according to the Scriptures John 20. and that our bodies shall also rise again from the grave when Christ cometh in person again according to that in 1 Thes 4.16 17. The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel with the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remains shall be caught up together with them in the cloud to meet the Lord in the aire and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Now it is very plain that the very body of Christ which was crucified and buried did rise again he and not a spirit like that body did appear First Because he commandeth his Disciples to handle him and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as I have and so he shewed them his hands and his feet Luke 24 39.40 and so he shewed Thomas the place of the nailes bidding him put his hand into his side all making it appeare that it was the very body that was nailed to the Crosse and peirced with a spear that did rise again Secondly Because he did eat and drink with his Disciples after he arose from the dead Acts 10.40 41. and was shewed openly several times not only to the eleven Apostles but to five hundred brethren at once 1 Cor. 15.6 So then seeing Christs body is risen from the dead so shall all mens bodies the just and unjust also shall be raised from the grave at the last day Acts 24.25 First I say that the bodies of the righteous shall rise from the grave according to that in the 26 of Isa 19. Thy dead men shall live together with my dead body shall they arise awake and sing yee that dwell in the dust for thy dew is as the dew of hearbs and the earth shall cast out the dead yea if the righteous in Christ have hope in this life only they were of all men most miserable 1 Cor. 15.19 Because of persecution and temptation and trialls according to John 16.33 Christ tells the righteous that in him they shall have peace but in the world they shall have tribulation Therefore they shall rise again to receive a reward Heb. 11.26 or else it were better for them to eat and drink for to morrow they shall die yea it cannot stand with the righteousness of God that his should suffer affliction and persecution alwaies here on their bodies for the testifying of truth and their bodies never to rise to be freed from misery Secondly because the Apostle saith 1 Cor. 15. It is sown a natural body it is raised a spiritual body and so he saith That corruptible must put on incorruption so I reason That is it the same body that died that shall be raised only it shall be changed into a spiritual body for there is a natural body and there is a spiritual body as the Apostle sheweth but it is that Same that is natural that shall be made spiritual at the Resurrection Therefore note what the Apostle saith I pray and that is this It is sown a natural body It is raised a spiritual body so it is that every seed according to the comparison that the Apostle makes of the seed hath his own body and so the comparison of the seed doth
shall not be mentioned so as to condemnation but shall be blotted out at that good day that day of refreshing Act. 3.19 So that through Christ which is the substance of the Scape-goat the Saints sins shall be seperated from them and so they shall be presented before the father without spot or wriukle or any such thing holy and without blame Eph. 5.27 and so Paul saith to the Saints at Rome That every one of us shall give account of himself to God Rom. 14.12 and so the discovery of their good and bad works they being brought to judgment will exceedingly set out the love goodness mercy and compassion of the Lord God in forgiving the debt or payment for Christs sake his faithfulness justice and righteousness in making good his promise in rewarding them according to their works for he will not forget their work and labour of love This Doctrine doth teach the children of God to walk very circumspectly redeeming the time applying their hearts to wisdome cleansing themselves from all filthyness of flesh and spirit prefecting holyness in the fear of God and to abound in love one towards another and towards all men adding to faith vertue and to vertue knowledge and to knowledge temperance and to temperance patience and to patience godliness to godliness brotherly kindness and to brotherly kindness Charity or love For that faith which worketh by love is availeable to Justification Gal. 5.6 and the duties done in love only will avail in the day of judgment 1 Cor. 13. Therefore let us have respect to all the Commandements of the Lord for in keeping of them in love there is great reward yea let us cloath our selves with righteousness as with a garment reaching after that which is before following hard towards the marke for the price of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus giving up themselves to watch and pray that so they may stand compleat in all the will of God So then they that die in the Lord or are found in him at his coming shall receive eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord for the gift of God is eternal life Rom. 6.23 and also eternal death will be the portion of them that obey not the Gospel Mat. 26.46 2 Thes 1.8 9. yea they that are not found written in the book of life shall be cast into the lake of fire Rev. 20.15 and this is the eternal judgment for it is unrevokable and this shall be when Christ cometh in his own person and not before that very person that was peirced with a spear yea that very person that dyed and rose again from the dead the third day which the Apostles did see and handle yea he was seen of five hundred brethren at once and many if not all did see him aseend into Heaven Act. 1.11 Zach. 12.10 Luk 24.39 40. Jo. 20.27 and so the Apostle Paul possitively asserts from the word of the Lord that the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout and with a voyce of the Archangel and with the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first yea if you read from the 13 verse of that Chapter to the end you will see that the same Jesus that died and rose again from the dead shall descend from Heaven and all the Saints shall be raised and they that be alive at his coming shall be changed and shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the ayre and so shall be ever with the Lord and so shall be made perfect altogether Heb. 11.40 Object But it is said by some that it is not the person that shall be judged and cast into torments or hell but sin or the lust of the flesh and the tempter which is Satan and therefore they bring that in Revel 20. Death and hell is cast into the lake of fire not men say they but sin Answ It is unjust men as they do consist of soul body and spirit that shall be judged and cast into the lake of fire and there shall be tormented for ever and ever for their sin 1. Because soul body and spirit may be blamed at the coming of Christ 1 Thes 5.23 and they that are then blamed and set at the left hand of Christ as goats are cursed and delivered over to everlasting torments Math. 25.41 45 46. 2. Because the fearful and unbeleeving and whoremongers and Idolaters and murtherers sorcerers and all that loveth or maketh a lie shall have their part in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone Rev. 21.8 and Ch. 22.15 it is not the sin or the lie but the sinner and the liar so it is the man that lusteth and so committeth sin and repenteth not he shall be punished for ever for that is the second death and so death is cast into the lake of fire for the second death or everlasting punishment for sin is to be in the lake of fire Rev. 20.14 And for hell the grave and hell in the Scripture is taken for all one as it appeareth ver 13. So the earth shall be in the lake of fire or a great part of it when God causeth the elements to run together again 2 Pet. 3.10 and the Divel which is the tempter shall be cast into the lake of fire where the beast and false prophet or man of sin shall be in torments for evermore Revel 14.11 and 20.10 These Principles or foundations Peices or Pillars upon which wisdome builds her house Prov. 9.1 are the Doctrine or commandement of Christ and are laid down upon Jesus Christ the cheife Corner stone Ephes 2.20 Heb. 6.2 And there is no man or woman that can be judged or lookt upon as a Christian in order according to the Scriptures nor to be received into communion with the Church except he beleeve and practise this Doctrine mistake me not there may be some that walk up to their light and neglect not to know more that may be precious in the sight of God but we are to look to the order of the new Testament and to walk accordingly doing all things decently and in order 1 Cor. 14.40 Therefore no man ought to be received into communion in a Church state but those that do own and practise all the Principles of the Doctrine of Christ as aforesaid And that this ought to be so first consider that all that began to be Christians owned all this beginning Doctrine of Christ Heb. 6.1 and therefore they are called the first Principles of the Word of God and milk for Babes Heb. 5.12 13. or the word of the beginning of Christ and so the beginning of a Christian man and the three thousand which gladly received the word were baptised Act. 2.41 42. that is dipped in water and continued in the Apostles Doctrine which is the Doctrine of Christ Secondly As they under the Law of Sacrifices were to walk up in all the Law which did hold out Christ to come in the flesh doing all the commandements
cannot continue in his word and so no Disciples nor friends and so being not found in the old way no rest for their soules but the Lord God would have all men obey him and have respect to all his Commandments and the Lord Jesus is the Author of eternal salvation to all them that obey him Heb. 5.9 Therefore he gives them that do believe power to walk up in all his Ordinances Thirdly They that do repent believe are ready to do all that the Lord commands by his Son who speaks in these last times to all men and so hearing the voice of Christ are his sheep Act 10.33 John 10. from the 4. to the 17. so have Christ which is the substance in whom all the promises are yea and amen 2 Cor. 1.20 therefore the adminstration of Ordinances and all is theirs 1 Cor. 3.22 as aforesaid Fourthly John the dipper did no miracle yet all that he spake was true John 10 41. and therefore the Pharisees and Lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves being not baptised of him so it is plain that it was a very great evil in any to refuse his Baptisme though he wrought no miracle so even so they that preach the truth according to the word are not to be rejected but received though they work no miracle for the Scriptures speaking to us is as much if not more as if a voyce from heaven spoke to us as it appears if you mind what Peter saith 2 Pet. 1.18 19. which sheweth that they heard a voyce from heaven declaring Jesus to be the Son of God and yet that we have a more sure word of the Prophets to the which we shall do well if we take heed yea we are to mind and keep the commandments of the Apostles of the Lord and Saviour even unto the last dayes when there shall be mockers which will walk after their lusts and say where is the promise of his coming and so forth Chap 3.2 3 4. From all which it is clear and plain that the Prophets and Apostles speaking in the Scriptures the commandments of the Lord are to be abeyed as if a voyce from heaven spoke to us and if we do not we sin very greivously though their be no miracles for the Apostles writing the commandments of the Lord it gives us sufficient authority for to administer Ordinances as aforesaid Fifthly Moses Law being written they that returned from the captivity of Babylon walked up in it though there was no miracle Ezra 2.63 Chap. 3.4 Neh. 8.14 No not any Preist that stood up with Vrim and Thummim neither had they extraordinary Prophets for they had not Haggai nor Zechariah when they began to build the Temple as it appeareth in the 4 of Ezra compared with the 5. ver 1 2. and Hag. 1.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. Zech. 1.1 So then the law written by Moses gave full authority he being but a servant Muth more Thrists Law being written he being a Son and heire of all things we being heirs with him as we walk up after the new Covenant the everlasting Gospel Rom. 8.17 Gal. 4.30 Rev. 14.6 Sixtly Beleevers in Christ holding out the Doctrine of Christ have all power to preach and to administer Ordinances yea they only are sent of Christ for John saith 2 Epistle 9.10 That he that bringeth not the Doctrine of Christ ought not be received into the house as a teacher sent of God and that he that abideth not in the Doctrine of Christ hath not God and so he directech the elect Lady and her Children how they shall know who are sent of God and they were such as did bring the Doctrine of Christ and that they which did not or do not bring the Doctrine of Christ are not sent of God so then it is not miracles alone that doth prove men to be sent of God but the Doctrine they bring proves it it is not miracles proves it for Antichrist shall work miracles 2 Thes 2.9 Rev. 13.13 14. Chap. 16.14 So then it followeth that they which bring the Doctrine of Christ are sent by Christ so as to preach and to administer the Ordinances of Christ whether they work Miracles or no they preaching the truth their Doctrine is to be received for the Samaritans beleeved when the woman of Samaria declared Christ to them Jo. 4.39 and Jesus upbraided his Disciples for their unbeleif when they beleeved not them that declared him risen from the dead Mark 16.14 And Paul rejoyceth that Christ was preached though out of envy Phil. 1.15 18. And the Scriptures are written that men might beleeve Jo. 20.31 So men beleeving as it is written they speak 2 Cor. 4.13 For no man lighteth a candle and putteth it under a bushel but on a candlestick so turning men to righteousness they shall shine as the starrs for ever and ever Dan. 12.3 If any should say the Scriptures are not the word of the Lord J say that I need not to bring arguments to prove it to be the word of the Lord for the Prophesies that foretel things to come therein God will bring to pass so as men may be convinced of the truth of it So having shewed you the matter of a Church and what a Church or congregation of Christ is as namely such as walk up in the Doctrine or Commandments of Christ in singleness of heart in fellowship in breaking of bread in prayers Act. 2.41 42. And that none ought to have communion in breaking of Bread but such as own every Principle in the Doctrine of Christ Now the next Ordinance of Christ is Breaking of Bread Now the manner of Breaking Bread is first to take Bread and to bless it in the name of the Lord and then to break it and also the Wine in the next place and bless it also and then the Congregation are to divide it among them eating and drinking of it moderately as a Supper at even or about the even having communion together discerning the Lords body for the time we are not to bind it down to an hour but it is to answer as unto a supper 1 Cor. 11.23 24 25 26. Secondly We are to bless the Wine before we eat the Bread in my understanding because the Bread being blessed distinct apart from the Cup before we eate up the Bread sets out Christs Body broken and his Blood shed before our eyes in the sign but if we eat up the Bread before we bless the Cup then we eat up the Body of Christ in the sign before we have the Cup or Blood in the sign for it is not the Cup of the new Testament untill it is blessed for it is sanctified by the word of God and set apart by Prayer yea if we eat up the Bread before we blesse the Cup we divide Christ in our feeding upon the Bread before we have the Cup therefore we ought to blesse the Bread and break it and then blesse the Cup and then
to beget familiarity and love one with another it being done decently and in order Also as James saith Is any among you afflicted let him pray is any merry let him sing is any sick among you let him call for the Elders of the Church and let them pray for him and anoint him with oyl in the name of the Lord and the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall raise him up and if he have committed sin it shall be forgiven him Acknowledge your faults one to another and pray one for another that ye may be healed for the prayer of a righteous man availeth much if it be fervent James 5.13 14 15 16 17 18. Mar. 6.13 You may see there is faith required in the actors in this Ordinance and agreement and then the Lord will make good his promise for he is faithful and cannot deny himself Also Prayer with Fasting is a duty for the whole Church Isa 58. Luk. 5.33 35. Act. 14.23 especially for every Saint in private entering into the Closet or some secret place that he be not seen of men Mat. 6.5 6 16 17 18. Let every child of God be often in this duty 2 Cor. 6.5 he will profit very much thereby they that neglect this duty will not stand or very hardly stand in these last times the Lord put all his people upon this duty that we may be able through grace to stand before the Son of Man Luk. 21.36 Also the way to deal with Members of the Church if they sin against God is as followeth First if it be a private trespass he that trespasseth is to be told of it as in Mat. 18.15 And if he repent he is to be forgiven Luk. 17.3 for we ought to be like our heavenly Father and if he hear not he that is trespassed against is to call 〈◊〉 with him one or two more as in Mat. 〈◊〉 16. But if he hear not then tell it to the Church and if he hear the Church she is also to forgive him 2 Cor. 2.7 but if he refuse to hear the Church let him be unto the Church as a Heathen man and a Publican Also note he that sinneth privately is speedily to be brought to the Church the next Church meeting after he hath sinned if possible First because we are not to suffer sin upon our brother but plainly to rebuke him Levit. 19.17 Secondly because he may not pray that doth not confess his sin and be reconciled to his Brother for if he bring his gift to the Altar Christ and remember that his brother hath ought against him let him not offer it but first be reconciled to his Brother Math. 5.23 24. Heb. 13.10 Further I say he must be brought to the Church the next meeting for else the Church will have communion with him that lieth in his sin and he will be in fault that brings him not orderly to the Church Also they that sin openly are to be rebuked before all that others also may fear 1 Tim. 5.20 And so Paul blamed Peter before all men Gal. 2.11 14. And he that is admonished by the Church and doth not hear the Church is to be delivered to Satan and so to withdraw from him yea not to have so much company as to eat common food and so the Apostle exhorts and commandeth the Corinthians to deliver the Fornicator that had his Fathers wife And if any man that is called a Brother be a Fornicator or Covetous or Idolater or Railer or a Drunkard or an Extortioner with such a one eat not 1 Cor. 5.3 10 11. And so he commands the Thessalonians in the name of the Lord Jesus to withdraw from every brother that walketh disorderly and not after the instructions which they received of him and if any man obey not their sayings that they should note him by letter and have no Company with him that he may be ashamed yet count him not as an enemy but admonish him as a Brother 2 Thes 3.6 14 15. So it is plain that they that sin and will not hear the Church when they are brought before them so as to confesse their sin and turn from it yea to make restitution if they be able if they hear not the Church is to deliver to Satan or to withdraw from him or them and then to admonish him two or three times solemnly and in the fear of God not counting him as an enemy but admonishing him as a brother with all long suffering and if he then neglect to hear the Church she is to reject him and to let him be as a Heathen man and a Publican and a man being so rejected or so cut off I do not see how he can repent yea I am very much perswaded that he will never repent I say the Church must admonish two or three times before she do reject or cut off because she ought to be like her heavenly father merciful as he is meriful and long suffering Again he that is an Heretick ought to have the first and second admonition before he is rejected therefore all other ought to have two or three admonitions before any are rejected or cut off Titus 3.10 Also I say that the man that is under dealing being three times wisely and seriously admonished by the Church and rejected I do not see how he can repent First because whatsoever the Church binds on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever they loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven now a man being once alive through believing and then through sin become as a heathen and a Publican or as a dead man and so bound how can he live again except a man twice dead may live again Jude 12. Secondly No man cutteth a naturall member from a natural body except it be rotten and so endanger the whole body even so also in the spirituall body the Church is to cut off them that will endanger the whole body so as to carry them to hell Mat. 18.8 9. So a member of a natural body being cut off cannot be set on again so when a Church hath rejected or cut off a member how can it be received in again Thirdly If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ let him be Anathema Maranatha had in execration yea excommunicate to death 1 Cor. 16.22 or as some translation reads it that the meaning of the word may be this let him be accurssed even to the coming of the Lord that is to say to his deaths day even for ever now he that loves not the Lord is he that keepeth not his commandments or his sayings John 14.15 23. and he that sinneth and will not hear the Church being so often admonished as the Lord hath appointed in his word doth not keep the saying of Christ and so loves not the Lord therefore is to be rejected or excommunicated unto death till the Lord come so according to that in Prov. 29.1 he that being often reproved hardneth his neck
love given by the God of love so all the way of Christ is a way of love his word is the Doctrine of love So let all the Saints conclude with the Spouse his mouth is most sweet yea he is altogether lovely Cant. 5.16 And so this way of love which is the good old way of the Gospel was of old at first confirmed by signs and wonders and with divers miracles and gifts of the holy Ghost according to his own will Heb. 2.4 Therefore let every man in the fear of God walk therein and they shall find rest for their Souls Jer. 6.16 Yea let every member of the Church of Christ put on the whole Armour of God having their loynes girt about with truth and their feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace and praying alwayes with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit and watching thereunto with all perseverance Eph. 5.13 14.15 16 17 18. O that every one would lay it to heart and with fear and trembling work out their Salvation for in these last dayes will be perrilous times 2 Tim. 3.1 and many that have tasted of the good word of God and been enlightned so as to beleeve the truth will fall away from grace yea from the true faith so as that eternal death will be their portion yea some have fallen from the faith therefore it is no new thing First the warnings in Scripture proves this exhorting men to take heed that they do not fall away from the grace of God Heb. 12.15 and these warnings and exhortations are given to such as have received the truth so as to believe as it appeareth Heb. 2.1 1 Cor 10. from 6. to 12. Heb. 3.12 reads it thus Take heed Brethren least at any time there be in any of you an evil heart and unfaithful to depart away from the living God Heb. 4.1 2 Pet. 1.5 Chap. 3.1 2 3. Jude 3. Rev. 3.2 3. All these are warnings given in Scripture and very many more might be brought which exhort men to take heed that they do not depart from the truth which would be in vain 2 Cor. 6.1 if men could not fall away therefore they may 1 Thes 3.5 Secondly Threatnings if any do fall away prove this Rev. 2.21 22 23. Hebr. 10.26 reads it thus If we sin willingly after that we have received the knowledge of the truth there remaineth no more Sacrifice for sin and chap. 6.4 5 6. is very full to this purpose 2 Pet. 2.20 21. For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ they are again intangled therein and overcome the latter end is worse with them then the beginning for it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness then after they have known it to turn fom the holy commandment delivered unto them Rev. 3.3 Ezek. 18.26 you may read also which plainly proves this point Thirdly This appears by examples in Scriptrue of some that did fall away from the truth yea from the true faith as Judas Matth. 26.25 Acts 1.17 18. and Demas 2 Tim. 4.10 and Balaam who spake excellent things by the help of the Spirit of God as the other Prophets of the Lord Numb 24. Jude 11 12. and some making shipwrack of faith and a good conscience 1 Tim. 1.19 and Hymeneus and Phyletus who concerning the truth have erred saying the resurrection is past already and overthrow the faith of some 2 Tim. 2.17 18. Fourthly The Scripture speaking prophetically faith expresly That in the latter times some shall depart from the Faith 1 Tim. 4.1 and 2 Tim 4.3 4. and 2 Thes 2.10 2 Pet. 2.1 Jud. 14 15 16. All these Scriptures do foretell of some yea many in the latter times shall fall away so as to depart from the faith and give heed to Doctrines of Devils and shall privily bring in damnable heresies even denying the Lord that bought them and many more places might be brought for this purpose Fifthly The Metaphors and Proverbs in Scripture proves this also as Prov. 26.11 Mat. 5.13 Mark 9.49 50. and Mat. 12.43 44. and 2 Pet. 2.20 21. that in Peter sheweth that they which have been freed of their vomit and have been washed yet turned as a Dog to it again as a Dog to the vomit again and the Sow to the wallowing in the mire Sixthly if this were not so no man could sin against the Spirit nor none could be Reprobates for the sin against the Spirit is a sin of knowledge and against the conscience they do that which they are convinced they ought not to do as it appeareth Mark 3.22 to 31. compared with John 7.20 28. And also no man can be a Reprobate except he have known the truth or sinned willingly against that he knoweth as it appears Rom. 1.28 2 Cor. 13.5 2 Tim. 3.8 Object But it is but a seeming faith they fall from as the Scripture saith Luk. 8.18 That shall be taken from him which he seemeth to have Answ That if it be but a seeming faith then they do well in falling from it but Paul saith to Timothy 1 Tim. 1.19 That some did make Shipwrack of Faith and a good conscience and he exhorteth Timothy to abide in that faith which others have made Shipwrack of And for that in Luke 8. the sence of it is that they that do enjoy the light or talent that is given them so as to hear the truth and seem to make a good use of it but do it not I say God will take away that Talent or light because he seemes to improve it but doth it not that this is so it will appear if you compare Luk. 8.16 17 18. with Mat. 13.12 and Chap. 25. from vers 24. to 30. Object But Paul saith that he is perswaded That neither Death nor Life nor Angels nor things present nor things to come nor any things could separate him from the love of God also he demands Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect for God Justifieth Rom. 8. Answ Paul as he is a believer is parswaded that nothing shall be able to separate him from the love of God which is in Christ and so are all true believers perswaded but if they depart from the faith nay if they do not go on adding to their faith vertue and knowledge c. as it is 2 Pet. 1.5 6 7. they lose that perswasion as Paul acknowledgeth that he himself might become a cast-away if he kept not his body under subjection 1 Cor. 9.29 It is true none can lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect for God doth and will justifie but there is no man or woman Elected but in and through beleeving 2 Thes 2.13 as it hath been shewed and will appear if you mind the Scriptures for the Apostle tells the Ephesians that they were Elected yet the Lord Jesus saith to them Rev. 25. that if they do not
their first works he would remove their candlestick and John exhorts the Elect Lady and her children to look to themselves that they lose not those things they have gained but that they receive a full reward 2 John 8. And so he that continues in the faith to the end he shall be saved for the just shall live by faith Heb. 10.38 But if any draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him Object But it is impossible to deceive the very Elect therefore men cannot fall from the true faith Mat. 24.24 Answ Christ speaks of such as make their calling and election sure by adding to their faith vertue and to vertue knowledge and to knowledge temperance and to temperance patience c. abounding in the bringing forth of fruit giving all diligence to continue therein according to 2 Pet. 1.5 6 7 8 9 10 11. they that do so shall never fall for the Lord God will give grace and deliver them from the evil of temptation making a way to escape that they may be able to bear it and so there is no condemnation to them that walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit and so none can lay any thing to those that so through Grace persevere to the end God justifieth them who can condemn them yea an entrance shall be ministred unto them abundantly into the everlasting Kingdome of our Lord Psal 84.11 1 Cor. 10.13 Rom. 8. But Further observe that such as have believed the Truth and do run well are called The elect of God 1 John 1.8 and are written for Heaven in the Book of Life which is the New Testament if they go on adding as aforesaid but if they turn again to folly and so turn from the holy Commandement and so come to be dead yea twice dead their names are blotted out of the Book of Life Gal. 5.7 Exod. 32.33 Rev. 3.5 chap. 22.19 and this will be fulfilled upon many in these last dayes for Christ saith That false Christs and false Prophets shall arise and deceive many Matth. 24.5 11. Now if they were not in the way to life they could not be deceived for they cannot be deceived and led out of the way which were never in it so then this is the way of the new Covenant they that through grace walk up after it are written for life and them that do not abide in the truth of it are written for death for the Lord will be with men while they be with him but if they forsake him he will forsake them 2 Chron. 15.2 John 15.2 10. So men are elected in Christ through believing the truth but they that depart from the faith depart from their election and choice for God hath chosen the godly man for himself not persons simply but godly persons and decreed to save them that so make use of his Grace so as to hold fast their confidence to the end Hebr. 3.6 and no other Object But the gifts and calling of God are without repentance Rom. 11.29 Answ It is true For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life John 3.16 And while we were yet sinners Christ died for us Rom. 5.8 So that God gave his Son freely for the world and so he cals men freely to believe that Christ died for them and gives time and space to all to hear and repent and this he doth whether men believe and repent or no so it is Christs death that makes the peace with God but it is made out by Faith Rom. 4.16 And so eternal life is the gift of God through Jesus Christ our Lord for in and through Christs death comes forth the glad tydings of Peace and so by him are all things 1 Cor. 8.6 for in him we live and move and have our being and by Christs death we are saved alive and are made able to believe so that justification is not of works but meerly of grace yet understand that Scripture in Rom. 11.29 speaks of the house of Israel how that the Lord God hath decreed to call the Jews and the whole House of Israel and make them one Nation and a glorious People and of this he will not repent But for the clearing up of this understand that when the fulness of the Gentiles is come in then the Deliverer shall come to Sion and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob Isai 59.20 Rom. 11.26 Christ the Redeemer shall come and gather the out-cast of Israel and the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth Isai 11.12 And make the two Nations of Israel one Nation neither shall they be divided into two Kingdomes any more at all Ezek. 37.22 And perform the good thing to Israel even the new Covenant according to that in Jer. 31. Behold the dayes come saith the Lord that I will make a new Covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah not according to the Covenant that I made with their Fathers when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the Land of Egypt which my Covenant they brake although I was an Husband unto them saith the Lord But this shall be the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those dayes saith the Lord I will put my Law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts and will be their God and they shall be my people and they shall not teach every man his neighbor and every man his brother saying know the Lord for all shall know me from the least of them to the greatest of them saith the Lord for I will forgive their iniquity and I will remember their sin no more And so a Nation even all them that remain of Israel shall be born at once and so all Israel shall be saved Isai 66.8 9 10. Rom. 11.26 27 28 29 30 31 32. Object But if any should say That these Scriptures were made good unto Israel when they returned from the Captivity of Babylon Answ That cannot be because both the Houses of Israel returned not at that time and so could not be made one Nation but when these Promises are made good the two Nations are made one and shall abide so forever and shall be moved no more at all out of their own Land Jer. 31.40 Consider well the 37. of Ezekiel especially from the 16. verse to the end Also it cannot be that these Scriptures can be fulfilled in the conversion of the Gentiles they being so made Jews for these Promises are made to the House of Israel and the House of Judah and the converted Gentiles are not called the House of Israel and the House of Judah in no place of Scripture Thirdly These things that are here promised to Israel and Judah cannot be made good to the Gentiles because the fulness of the Gentiles is to be come in when these things shall be made good to Israel Rom. 11.25
There the Apostle sheweth that he would not have us ignorant of this Mystery least we should be wise in our own conceits that blindnesse in part is happened to Israel until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in and so all Israel shall be saved as it is written Fourthly These Scriptures in the 11 of Isa 11. to the end and chap. 59.20 21. chap. 66.8 9 10. and Jer. 31. and Ezek. 37. and the Covenant in this place spoken of doth belong to the house of Israel and the house of Judah and that will plainly appear if you note well those Scriptures mentioned for Paul sheweth us in the 11. of the Romans All Israel shall be saved as it is written There shall come out of Sion the Delieverer and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob for this is my Covenant unto them when I shall take away their sins So the Apostle speaking of the 59 of Isai the .20 applying it only to the house of Israel and that the Covenant of the Lord is to them so as to take away their sins yea it is plain that he speaks of the house of Israel after the flesh because he saith as concerning the Gospel they are Enemies for your sakes but as touching the Election they are beloved for the fathers sake so you may see as concerning the Gospel they are Enemies but as touching the Election they are beloved for the Fathers sakes that is for Abraham Isaac and Jacob sakes for the Lords Covenant is with them and so they are chosen yea he speaks of them which should come of them which then were concluded in unbelief ver 32. which was the Jewes therefore he speaks not of the Converted Gentiles but of the house of Israel according to the flesh for the gifts and callings of God are without repentance vers 33. So I say the Lord God hath determined to call Israel and of this he will never repent Again this doth further appear that God will call again Israel after the flesh and teach them according to the new Covenant so they shall know him and worship him in spirit and in truth for Zechariah saith Thus saith the Lord of Hosts it shall yet come to pass that there shall come people and the Inhabitants of many Cityes and the Inhabitants of one City shall go to another saying let us go speedly to pray before the Lord and to seek the Lord of Hosts I will go also Yea many People and strong Nations shall come to seek the Lord of Hosts in Jerusalem and to pray before the Lord Thus saith the Lord of Hosts in those dayes it shall come to pass that ten men shall take hold out of all Languages of the Nations even shall take hold of the the skirt of him that is a Jew saying we will go with you for we have heard that God is with you Zech. 8.20 21 22 23. And Micah faith in the last days it shall come to pass that the mountaine of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains and it shall be exalted above the hills and people shall flow unto it And many Nations shall come and say come and let us go up to the mountaine of the Lord and to the house of the God of Jacob and he will teach us of his wayes and we will walk in his paths for the Law shall go forth of Sion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem Chap. 4.1 2. But now men say that these Scriptures were fulfilled when Judah retured from Babylon for the Jewes after their return from Babylon never enjoyed such things unto this day search and see and these Scriptures say that they shall be fulfilled in the last dayes and the Scriptures do not call them the last dayes that were before Christ came in the flesh therefore not fulfilled but before the house of Israel shall be called so as to believe the Gospel as it hath been shewed the Gospel of the king dome must be preached in all the world for a witness unto all Nations Mat. 24.14 according to Revel 14.6 And I saw another Angel flie in the middest of Heaven having the everlasting Gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth and to every Nation and kindred and tongue and people And this must be a little before and in the time of the fall of the Whore of Babylon and the rising of the man of sin the Antichrist as appeareth in vers the 8 9. And to this agreeth Mark 13.10 The Gospel must first be preached among all Nations compared with Mat. 24.14 and then the end shall be So the Gospel a little before the end shall be preached in the pure way thereof to all Nations so the fulness of the Gentiles shall come in But it doth and will so come to pass that now in this last of the last dayes the Gospel that is and shall be preached in the pure way thereof and the Whore of Babylon falling that the spirit of Antichrist doth and will more and more appear and the Antichrist the Man of Sin will come forth whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signes and lying wonders 2. Thes 2. for the Antichrist or Man of Sin is not the Whore of Babylon and for the right understanding of this truth mark well these seven Particulars 1. First Who is this great Whore of Babylon and where her chief seat hath been and is 2. Secondly Her fall and the means how and by whom 3. Thirdly What is the spirit of Antichrist and who hath that spirit 4. Fourthly That the Antichrist will be a single person 5. Fifthly The manner of his rising and when 6. Sixthly Some of the great things he will doe 7. Lastly His fall when and by whom Of these things in order But first I freely confess That many honest men fearing God in those latter times have been mistaken in saying that the Romish Whore of Babylon is the Antichrist that the Scripture speaks of but men may see in this latter part of the last time with a diligent and serious search of the Scriptures through grace that the great Whore of Babylon is not the Antichrist And it being so that God having shewed it me through the Scriptures I being not accounted of in the world knowing that God doth great things by them that are not esteemed among men that no flesh should glory c. And considering that this which I do in this work may be seasonable and for much profit to the People of God and for the praise and glory of God I shall shew in brief that the Whore is not the Antichrist And for the clearing up of this truth First you may see who this great Whore of Babylon is by noting her chief seat where it is and that is at Rome for John saith Rev. 17. That the great Whore of Babylon which sitteth upon many Waters is that City which reigneth over the Kings of the earth
of a furnace and the Sun and the air will be darkned by reason of the smoak of the Pit Rev. 11.7 Chap. 9.1 2. and neer the end of his raign when the sixt Vial is poured or pouring out then shall come three unclean spirits like frogs out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the Beast and out of the mouth of the false Prophet for they are the spirits of Devils working miracles which go forth unto the Kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them to the battel of that great day of God Almighty and he gathered them together to a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon Rev. 16.12 13 14 16. which is into the Land of Canaan according to Joel 3.9 10 11 12 13 14. Multitudes multtudes in the valley of decision and so I come to the seventh particular which is The fall of the Beast or Man of Sin and when and by whom Now Paul saith that the Lord will consume him with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy him with the brightness of his coming 2 Thes 2.8 So when the enemy shall come in as a flood the spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him Isa 59.19 and so when the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with ten thousand of his Saints to execute Judgment upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds and of their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him Jude 15. Then the Sun and the Moon shall be be darkened and the Stars shall withdraw their shining the Lord also shall roar out of Sion and utter his voyce from Jerusalem and the heavens and the earth shall Shake but the Lord will be the hope of his people and the strength of the Children of Israel Joel 3.15 16. And in that day will the Lord make Jerusalem a burthensome stone for all People all that burthen themselves with it shall be cut in peices though all the people of the Earth be gathered against it Zech. 12.1 2 3 4. Then the Lora Jesus that Died and Rose again himself shall descend from Heaven with a shont and with the voyce of the Arch-angel and with the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first Then we which are alive and remaine shall be caught up together with them in the Cloudes to meet the Lord in the ayre and so shall we ever be with the Lord 1 Thes 4.14 15 16 17. And so as Zechary hath it The Lord my God shall come and all the saints with him Chap. 14.5 And then the ten horns which received power as Kings in one hour with the Beast the Man of Sin These have one mind and shall give their Power and Strength unto the Beast These shall make war with the Lamb and the Lamb shall overcome them For he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings and they that are with him are called and chosen and faithful and so according to Rev. 19. The Lord Jesus the King of Kings and Lord of Lords with his Armies which were in Heaven following him upon white Horses cloathed in fine Linnen white and clean descends from heaven against the Beast the Man of sin And the Kings of the earth and their Armies gathered together to make warr against him that sate on the Horse the Man Christ and against his Armies and the Beast was taken and with him the false Prophet that wrought miracles before him with which he deceived them that had received the marke of the Beast and them that worshiped his image These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sate upon the Horse Which sword proceeded out of his mouth and all fowls were filled with their flesh So the Beast the Antichrist the Man of Sin and the false Prophet which did work miracles before him shall be taken alive and cast into a lake of fire burning with brimstone and so Tophet is ordained of old yea for the King it is prepared he hath made it deep and large the pile thereof is fire and much wood the breath of the Lord like a stream of brimstone doth kindle it Isai 30.33 And so as men are threatned in Rev. 14.9 10. That if they worship the Beast or his image and receive his mark in their foreheads or in their hands The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation and he shall be tormented with sire and brimstone in the presence of the holy Angels and in the presence of the Lamb So it shall come to pass when the Lord Jesus shall appear and therefore take the 11 verse And the smoak of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever and they have no rest day nor night who worship the Beast and his image and whosoever receiveth the marke of his name For this purpose read Isai 14.18.19 and Chap. 66.24 Ezek. 38.22 23. Thus the Lord will magnifie himself and sanctifie himself and he will be known in the eyes of many Nations and they shall know that he is the Lord And then in that day shall his servants say This is the Lord we have waited for Him we will be Glad in his Salvation Isai 25.9 So then we may see that the Whore is not the Antichrist that the Scripture speaks of for the Whore is set out in Scripture thus as a Woman a false Church as a Queen The Mother of Harlots and ahominations of the earth The Antichrist is set out thus A Man of Sin The man that did shake kingdomes The Son of the Morning The Son of Perdition Secondly the sixth Head of the Roman Beast carrieth the Harlot but the Antichrist the Man of Sin is the eighth and last Beast as hath been shewed Thirdly The Whore confesseth Christ to be come in the flesh and hath a shew and a remembrance of his Ordinances though she have changed the subject and manner but the Antichrist denies Christ come into the flesh and his Ordinances that declare him come in the flesh as it hath been shewed Fourthly The Woman the Harlot and her members that do worship according to her Traditions and inventions have space given them to repent and many do repent but they that do worship the Beast the Antichrist or receive his mark in their right hand or in their fore-head they cannot repent they must drink of the wrath of God c. as it is Rev. 14.9 10. and in Chap. 16.11 They repented not of their deeds note that the first vial is poured out upon the earth and the men that had the mark of the Beast and worshipped his Image are plagued therefore none of the vials are poured out until the Antichrist raigneth vers 1 2. Fifthly The ten Horns hate the Whore and destroy her and make her desolate
Olives which is before Jerusalem Zach. 14.4 and that he shall raign on the earth with his Saints And that it may not appear a strange thing observe well how the Scriptures were taken in the letter that spake of Christ to come in the flesh and his sufferings as A virgin shall conceive and bear a son Isa 7.14 Christ the King of Jerusalem and Lord of Lords and King of Kings riding upon an Ass and upon a coult the foal of an Ass Zach. 9.9 Mat. 21.5 of their giving him vineger to drink Psal 69.21 Mat. 27.48 again the selling of Christ the Lord of life and glory for thirty pieces of silver Zach. 11.12.13 Mat. 27.9 Much more might be said to shew that strange things were fore-told by the Prophesies in the Scripture concerning the coming of Christ in the flesh and his suffering and rising from the dead plainly declared in the letter yea men hardly believed them until they were fulfilled So then the Scriptures speaking plainly also of the Lord Christ descending from heaven to the earth and to raign on the earth with his Saints as it hath been shewed before why should it be thought to be uncredible Again there is a stream of Scriptures that declareth that the Saints shall suffer persecution and be in tribulation until the coming of Christ John 16.33 2 Tim. 3.12 Luke 14.2 27. Acts. 14.22 Yea the neerer the coming of Christ the greater trouble to the Saints 2 Tim. 3.1 2 13 Dan. 7.25 Luke 18.7 8. Rev. 7.14 Also the Scriptures declare plentiously that the Saints shall raign on the earth and flourish exceedingly and that a long time Psal 72.7 Isai 65.21 22 23. Daniel 7.27 Psal 149. Mat. 5.5 Rev. 2.26 27. Chap. 5.10 Chap. 11.15 Now observe it well how can this stand or consist that the Saints must from Christ coming in the flesh to his coming to Judgment suffer persecution and tribulation and yet must have a long time to raign and flourish seeing reigning over the earth and flourishing is inconsistant for men cannot be at one time in a persecuted troubled afflicted condition and in a raigning flourishing state therefore I say that Christ must reign on the earth and appoint his people a kingdome Luke 22.29 30. and so they shall reign with him on the earth Again there is a stream of Scriptures that declareth that there should be warrs and rumors of warrs in the last dayes Mat. 24.6 7. Mark 13.7 8. Dan. 2.40 Chap. 8. Chap. 11. Rev. 13. Chap. 17. Yea the fourth Monarchy which is the Roman power which did begin to raign before Christ came in the flesh and hath raigned in the sixth Head and will raign in the seventh and eighth which is of the seventh of that Roman power untill Christ come as hath been shewed before hath all a long brought in warrs and doth and will to the coming of Christ for the Scriptures shew that this fourth power will break in peeces and subdue all and stamp the residue with the feet of it Dan. 2.40 Chap. 7.7 So there hath been no long peace but devision and warrs and is and will be more and more untill the coming of Christ Dan. 2.42 43. Chap. 7.24 25. Joel 3.9 10. Exek 38. Chap. 39. Revel 16.14 Chap. 19.17 18 19. So then by the Scripture it appeareth from the coming of Christ in the flesh to the coming of Christ from heaven to judge the quick and the dead there hath and will be warr and to this Histories agree also that there hath not been no long peace in the world since the Jewes captivity in Babylon but very much warr But the Scripture sheweth plentiously also that there shall be a long peace in the whole world Psal 72.7 8. in his dayes shall the righteous flourish and abundance of peace so long as the Moon endureth Zach. 9.10 Isai 14.7 The whole world is at rest and is quiet they break forth into singing Mich. 4.3 4. And he shall judge among many people and rebuke strong Nations after off and they shall beat there swords into plow-shares and their spears into pruning hooks Nation shall not lift up a sword against Nation neither shall they learne Warr any More But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig-tree and none shall make them afraid for the mouth of the Lord of hosts hath spoken it Isa 2.4 So then there hath been and will be warr untill Christ comes yet there must be a long time of peace and this peace never was nor cannot be untill Christ comes as the Scriptures of truth witnesse and then if the earth be utterly destroyed as some say then that peace cannot be But I say with the Prophet that that peace must be and it cannot be untill Christ comes therefore Christ will raign with all his Saints on the earth personally and then he will make warr to cease unto the ends of the earth he breaketh the bow and cutteth the spear asunder he burneth the Chariot in the fire saying Be still and know that Lam God I will be exalted among the heathen I will be exalted in the earth Psal 46.9 10. Again the whole house of Israel after the flesh shall be called as it hath been shewed before which cannot be untill the fulness of the Gentiles be come in and the appearing of Christ and this will appear evidently if you well observe what Isa saith 59.20 21. compared with Rom. 11.25 26 27. for the Apostle sheweth when the fulness of the Gentiles is come in then the deliverer shall come to Sion and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob For this is my Covenant unto them when I shall take away there sins And that you may see the Apostle speaks of the whole house of Israel that remains on the earth when the fulness of the Gentiles is come in note well the 25. verse and so to the 33. And also what hath been said before concerning this thing So then the whole house of Israel shall be called to a glorious state here on earth when the fulness of the Gentiles is come in and then the deliverer the Lord Jesus Christ shall come to Sion then shall they look upon him whom they have pierced and they shall mourn for him as one mourneth for his onely Son Zach. 12.10 So then from all this and much more might be said it clearlly followeth that the Lord shall reign personaly on the earth and so the Lord God shall give him the Throne of his Father David and he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever and of his kingdome there shall be no end Luke 1.33.33 Now in the next place take notice further of some of the excellent things that the Lord will do in that day for the house of Israel In that day shall the branch of the Lord be beautiful and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel And it shall come to pass that