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A86269 Nine select sermons preached upon special occasions in the Parish Church of St. Gregories by St. Pauls. By the late reverend John Hewytt D.D. Together with his publick prayers before and after sermon. Hewit, John, 1614-1658. 1658 (1658) Wing H1634A; ESTC R230655 107,595 276

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and keep us from presumptuous sins O let not them get the dominion over us but keep us innocent from the great offence O Lord our strength and our Redeemer And sanctifie unto us all thy methods and proceedings with us fitting us for all further tribulations and trials whatsoever thou in thy divine pleasure shalt be pleased to impose upon us give us patience and constancy and resolution and fortitude to undergoe it that though we walke through the valley of the shadow of death we may fear no ill knowing that thou O Lord art mercifully with us and that with thy rod as well as with thy staffe thou wilt support comfort us and that nothing shall be able to separate us from thy love which is in Jesus Christ our Lord. For whose sake we beseech thee be thou mercifull as to us so to all mankinde we are all O Lord the work of thy hands gratious God if it be thy will make us all the sheep of thy pasture thou hast made us all of one common mould Lord if it be to thy glory make us all partakers of one common Salvation but inspire continually thine universall Church with the Spirit of truth unity and concord and grant that all they that do confesse thy holy name may agree in the truth of thy holy word and live in unity and godly love Thou hast promised O Lord that the gates of hell shall not prevail against thy Church perform we beseech thee thy most gratious promises both to thy whole Church and to that part of it which thou hast planted and now afflicted in these sinfull Lands and Nations wherein we live Arise O Lord and have mercy upon our Sion it is time that thou have mercy upon her yea the time is come for thy servants think upon her stones and it pities them to see her in the dust Lord maintain thine own cause rescue the light of thy truth from all those clouds of errours and heresies which do so much obscure it and let the light thereof in a free profession break forth and shine again among us and that continually even as long as the Sun and Moon endureth To this end blesse us all and above us all blesse all those to whom thou hast given a right for to govern thy people Lord enable them with thy power as well as thou hast invested them with authority to govern the people committed to their charge in peace wealth and godlinesse And thou in whose hands are the hearts of all men and turnest them which way soever thou wilt turne the hearts of the disobedient that the streams of their obedience may run within its proper channell and all flow to the ocean of thy glory And blesse thy Church with Pastors after thine own heart that they may feed thy people with knowledge and understanding that they may teach thy way unto the wicked and convert sinners unto thee and in all things and above all things they may seek thy honor and glory And for the continuance of thy Gospel among us restore in thy good time to their severall places and callings and give grace O heavenly Father to all the reverend Fathers of the Church and other Orthodox Clergy that they may both by their life and Doctrine set forth thy true and lively word and rightly and duely administer thy holy Sacraments let thy blessing be upon the labours of all those whom thou hast commissioned to preach thy word as this day to thy people be with me the meanest and unworthiest of all thy servants O that thou wouldst work wonderfully in me for me and by me make me a happy instrument of much glory to thy name and of much good to thy Church and people And to all thy people every where give hearing ears understanding hearts conscientious souls and obedient lives especially to this Congregation here present that with meek hearts and due reverence they may hear and receive thy holy word truly serving thee in righteousnesse and true holinesse all the dayes of their lives And we beseech thee of thy goodnesse O Lord to comfort and succour all those that in this transitory life be in trouble sorrow need sicknesse or any other adversity these especially that are commended to our devotion we humbly recommend to thy Fatherly goodnesse those whom thou hast visited with thine hand upon the bed of sicknesse O Lord look down from heaven behold visit and relieve those thy sick servants look upon them with the eyes of thy mercy give them comfort and sure confidence in thee defend them from the danger of the enemy and keep them in perpetuall peace and safety through Jesus Christ our Lord. Hear us Almighty and most mercifull God and Saviour extend thy accustomed goodnesse to those thy servants who are grieved with sicknesses visit them O Lord as thou didst visit Peters wives mother and the Captains servant so visit and restore unto those sick persons their former healths if it be thy will or else give them grace so to take thy visitation here upon earth that after this painfull life ended they may dwell with thee in life everlasting And for those thy hand-maids that draw near to the time of their travel thou who art the presant help in the needful time of trouble stand by them and save them preserve them in the danger of Childe-bearing make them joyfull Mothers of gratious Children bring them to thy holy Baptism bring them up in thy holy and true Religion till thou finally bring them to thine everlasting kingdom And accept of the thankfull hearts of those thy servants whom thou hast delivered from the great pain and perill of childe-birth grant we beseech thee most mercifull Father that they through thy help may both faithfully live and walke in their vocations according to thy will in this life present and also may be partakers of everlasting glory in the life to come through Jesus Christ our Lord. And whoever else desire our prayers thou knowest all their names and all their several necessities whether at Sea or at Land in this Land or in others Lord we humbly recommend them all unto thee beseeching thee to visit them with thy salvation and according to the desire of their souls as it shall be for thy glory and their eternal good Lord grant them their hearts desire and all for Jesus Christ the righteous sake in whose blessed name and words we further call on thee as he himself hath taught and commanded and encouraged us in his holy Gospell saying Our Father c. SERM. I. PSAL. 130. v. 3. If thou Lord wilt be extreme to mark what is done amiss O Lord who may abide it I Will sing of Mercy and of Judgement saith the Kingly Prophet the two everlasting Armes O Lord by which thou upholdest and suppottest the beings of mortal Creatures the two everlasting wings by which the eternal majesty of Heaven covers immortal Spirits with unspeakable goodness which like the two
truth Introduction AN imprudent discourse attended with ambitious thoughts was the first occasion of Adams misery and the mercie of God in making the New Covenant is the principal cause of the Serpents ruine whose mischeivous head was early broke by the promised Seed the true Messiah whom the Patriarchs foresaw and the Prophets foretold The Patriarchs foresaw him Genesis 49.10 The Prophets foretold him under diverse representations Esay Esay 7.14 Jer. 23.5 Dan. 9.25 26. Zachary 6.12 Haggai 2.7 by the Emanuel Ieremy the Branch Daniel the Messiah Zachary By him that riseth on high Haggai The desire of all Nations That God should be Incarnate that sinners should be saved that a despicable man should save a World was thought so incredible that the Prophet Esay cryes out Who hath beleeved our report which was in time fulfilled But when the fulnesse of the time was come God sent forth his Son made of a woman c. Gal. 4.4 though the newes was true and proclaimed from Heaven by an Angel and that of great Joy for that on this day was born a Saviour Christ the Lord what was in the Prophets prophesied concerning his coming was by himself fulfilled in time what they pointed at he pointed out and by a Miracle shewed it to the Wise Men saying Where is he that is borne King of the Iewes for we have seen his Star in the East and we are come to worship him St. Matthew 2.2 Yet when he came to his own they received him not but rejected the counsels of God as they did that slew the Prophets who declared the coming of the just One for when he was come he was forced to be gone and flie for the safety of his life into a forraign Country to avoid the fury of that mighty Nimrod whose pretended worship was onely the dark vizour of an inhumane murder disguising his wicked purposes under the beautiful mask of a desired amity no wonder therefore that there are some amongst us that call themselves Christs when there are those that call themselves Christians that would and doe disown Christs Nativity and this old Simeon by inspiration calculated at his Nativity saying This child is set for a signe which shall be spoken against St. Luke 2.34 And wicked people make it good as if he had not been foretold by Prophets nor come into the world in the fulnesse of time at an appointed day and that for us men and for our Salvation Christ came down from Heaven and was incarnate in the womb of the blessed Virgin Mary it is a work that many would not believe saith God Hab. 1.5 which was fulfilled Acts 13.41 Behold ye despisers and wonder and perish for I work a work in your dayes a work which you shall not beleeve c. For so would they have hindred the Author and finisher of our Faith from working that which he had wrought and what God had set down should be done which w●… accordingly fulfilled that he should not be borne but to witnesse to the truth 〈◊〉 he himself saith so much of himself To this end was I borne and for this cause came I into the world that I should bear witnesse to the truth In which words you may remember I have formerly observed these three parts 1. An Action 1. The End 3. The Object 1. The Action Christs Incarnation He was borne he came into the world 2. The End and that pointed at and pointed out 1. Pointed at To this end and for this cause 2. Pointed out To bear witnesse 3. The Object was the truth To this end was I borne and for this cause came I into the world to bear witnesse to the truth And since the end is the first thing in the intention though last in execution I did begin with the end Pointed at and that was to this end and for this cause But I shall now proceed to the proper work of this day Christs Nativity I was born I came into the world and here at the first step of our discourse we are plunged into an unfathomed depth of mystery for this he that was here borne is the same he that calls himself I am that I am Exodus 3.14 That Socinian that saith he was not very God is a blasphemer I am that I am it is the Name of God whose Essence is from everlasting to everlasting and to be born notes his humanity and how this work was that he that is I am should be borne and close with the Deity tongue cannot expresse and heart cannot conceive we can conceive how nothing is but what is in and of our selves and not that neither but with much imperfection for the first of us that was so desirous of knowledge left us nothing but a penury of what we were and if we know not our selves we cannot possibly conceive how God was made man and at the same time remain incommunicable or how he being incommunicable did vouchsafe to partake of humane Nature yet thus was Christ both God and Man in the same person as man he had a mother that bare him and as God a Father that begat him but who can without admiration speak of such a Sonne or tell of such a generation that was like both yet like neither like neither for consider him as Man and so he hath no similitude of an ineffable Essence look upon him as God and so he bears no proportion with the Virgins Womb and yet like both as God like his Father as man like his mother God and yet the sonne of a woman Man and still the Image of his Father and that from Eternity being without beginning of dayes or end of time Gods Son and Motherlesse a Virgins Babe and Fatherlesse without a Father as borne of a Woman and without a Mother as begotten of God Thus was he God and motherlesse as begotten and not borne a man and Fatherlesse because borne and not begotten we must beleeve both beyond enquiry because more is possible with God then is conceiveable with man and divine Mysteries should perswade us to beleeve that they are undoubted truths though our reason cannot comprehend them for what we cannot understand by beleeving we must believe beyond understanding and of all the divine Mysteries this of our blessed Saviours Incarnation especially whose very mystery heightens Faith to no lesse then a Miracle and where a Miracle is wrought wonder must needs be created and both these two meet in this one act of Faith exercised about the hypostaticall union for beleeving we wonder and marvelling we beleeve and make our blessed Saviours Incarnation the object of both we beleeve what we marvell at and yet wonder at our Faith still doubling the Miracle by marvelling that we can at once both wonder and beleeve it is a wonder and yet this wonder is the object of our Faith for how can we doe lesse then marvell when we consider that on the Fathers side he should be God and no man
is but a lame consent yeilded by constraint for he that by a Tyrant is compelled with force of punishment to deny the Truth doth in a sort deny and not deny he denies it outwardly with his lips but his heart greives inwardly for the same because his conscience bears witness to the Truth but he that with a wicked life is given wholly to sin that he hath all his delights in it that man hath made himself perfect in evil 4. From the more full signification we do signifie more of wickedness to be in us by our works than by our words he sits at a farre greater denial of truth that denies it by a wicked life than he that denies it onely with his lips for fear of death though both these are great aggravations since in our lives words and works we are to bear witness to the Truth for to this end were we born and for this cause came we into the world c. Application Our Saviour bids Let your light so shine before men c. Saint Matthew 5.6 then we may hence learn that those that should light others to Heaven by their Doctrine must not darken their way by the evil example of an unholy life and not only must Ministers but people also let the light of holiness appear visible in their lives When God places a man a private Christian in the lower Orbe he puts him there to shine like a starre bright and clear in his own sphere Christians should shine and bear witness in their lives and be cautious how they walk because every sin puts a dimness upon the soul and darkness internal can expect no other but to go to darkness eternal and therefore St. Peter saith that our good works should make those that look on us as evil doers glorifie God in the day of visitation 1 Saint Peter 2.12 There be some that must believe in Christ throughout the world and witness his Truth to unbelievers by a holy life and why may it not belong to us but if on the contrary we be found to live as they live how shall they be brought to believe as we believe It was the saying of a Heathen If I did see the Christians lives better I should think their faith better than mine Religion and the Doctrines of Faith are often disgrac'd by wicked Professors 1 Tim. 1.6 7. the rebellion of a Christian that is a Servant though to an Heathen Master brings a scandal both upon God and on holy Religion Sure I am God and Religion is very much disgrac'd and the Gospel dishonoured and the Church of Christ abused by the wicked lives of those that are called the Sons of the Church Oh therefore that by holy lives judicious reading faithful hearing and constant studying and meditating in the wayes of God and the Truths of God we would make our selves able and ready to give an account of the hope that is in us that so both in our knowledge and practice we bearing witness to the Truth here on earth we may have the truth in our consciences to bear witness to our selves that we are the Sons of God that so he that ascended into Heaven to take possession of his own Glory may in time bring us thither who himself affirmed and after whose example we should walk that as he was born and came into the world to bear witness to the truth so we should also account of our selves that we were born and that we came into the world that we might bear witness to the truth that we came into the world this Christian world to witness to the truth as common Christians that we came into the world the Church of God as members thereof to justifie that faith by a holy life unto which our parents had baptized us still indeavouring to carry the same mind in us that was in Christ Jesus that as he did so we came into the world to bear witness to the truth for he justified himself before the judgement-seat of Pilate saying in the words of my Text To this end was I born and for this cause came I into the world that I should bear witness to the truth The end of the Sermons Dr. Hewit's publique Prayer after Sermon O HOLY HOLY HOLY Lord God of heaven and earth heaven and earth are full of the majesty of thy glory Glory be to thee O Lord glory be to thee glory be to thee glory be to thee for all those infinite favours which thou of thine infinite goodnesse hast voucsafed to us who are lesse then the least of all thy mercies for the fountain of all mercies Jesus Christ in whom thou hast loved us with an everlasting love before ever we or the world were made that thou hast created us after thine own Image and redeemed us by the bloud of Jesus Christ when we were utterly lost that thou hast called us with an holy calling and in some measure sanctified us by the graces of thy holy Spirit that thou hast spared us thus long and given us so long and so large a time of repentance when as thou mightest have cut us off in the midst of our transgressions whilst we were rebelling against thee Blessed be thy name O Lord for all thy mercies vouchsafed unto us thy mercies to allure us thy promises to wooe us thy patience and long-suffering towards us to lead us to repentance thy corrections to reclaime us thy judgements to affright and better us blessed by thy name for all opportunities of wel-doing for all hinderances of evill-doing for all the good purposes and resolutions thou hast put into our hands to draw our souls from the dregs of sin and ignorance into the glory of thy Saints for any assistance that thou hast given to any of us in any holy performance for the Communion of thy Saints the aide of their counsels the benefit of their Prayers the comfort of their conversations the protection of thy Holy Angels for all corporall spirituall temporall and eternall mercies mercies concerning this life and mercies concerning the life to come Blessed be thy name for thy mercies to us all the dayes of our lives thy mercies unto us this present day for the light thereof the greater light the light of thy truth to shine into our soules to guide our feet into the way of all truth For that portion of Scripture wherein thou hast been pleased to reveal thy self unto us at this time Lord though it be sowne in much weaknesse do thou raise it up in great power let it not be as water spilt upon the ground but let it be as seed sown in good ground that it may take deep root downward in our hearts by faith and bring forth much fruit upwards in our lives and conversations to the glory of thy holy name to the edification of thy Church and people and to the salvation of our souls in the day of Jesus Christ to whom with thy self and holy Spirit we desire to
NINE SELECT SERMONS Preached upon special occasions in the Parish Church of St. Gregories by St. Pauls By the late Reverend JOHN HEWYTT D. D. Together With his publick Prayers before and after SERMON LONDON Printed for Henry Eversden at the Greyhound in St. Pauls Church-yard and Tho. Rooks at the Holy Lamb at the East end of St. Pauls near the School TO The Right Honourable LADY THE Lady Mary Hewyt Relict of the late Reverend JOHN HEWYT D. D. Madam THe principal intent of our publishing these ensuing Sermons is no other then Edification and for the avoiding all suspition of being accounted spurious and illegitimate we have assumed the boldnesse to dedicate them to your Ladiship with a confident hope of your Honourable Protection and that whereas heretofore they have been beneficiall to his Auditory they may now prove no lesse successful to the intelligent Reader it being pity the Works of so Famous and Eminent a Divine should be raked up in the embers of Oblivion And though they have no other Originall then the Pen of a ready Writer yet such diligent care hath been imployed in emitting them to the World that we doubt not but you will conclude we have endeavoured the perpetuating the memory of your Pious Consort For here lurks no Snake under these Verdant Herbs nor Poysonous Serpent under these Fragrant Flowers in this inclosed Garden growes no Root of Schisme no slip of Error no fruit of Disobedience but within this pleasant Grove are such variety of refreshing contentments to be found as may delight your Ladiship amidst your more Solitary Cogitations and yet these are but parts of that Image which ere long we hope to erect and in a larger Volume We shall crave leave to as we doe at present subscribe our selves Madam Your Ladiships humbly devoted Servants H. E. T. R. THE EPISTLE TO THE READER Courteous Reader IT was not popular applause nor private interest that induced us to expose these ensuing Discourses to publick view but only an ardent desire to draw a Landskip of the reverend Authors abilities and though but in Transitu to give a dark representation of that glorious light which continually with unwearied beams did radiate the Souls of his faithful Auditory They are but the shadows of a faithful life therefore be not displeased to find them fall short of the living Voice such curious pieces cannot be drawn without the concurrence of sable lines so that if thou find them halt and only with a crooked finger to point at the Authors stile be not discouraged thereat nor with a prejudicate opinion deem this naked Babe illegitimate because destitute of a Patron for thou wilt find assuredly they are the true off-spring of that worthy Parent and want only the Fathers hand to lead them into and preserve them from a captious world Lay aside all partiall interests and we are bold to presume that thou canst not but with unspeakable profit give them perusal we are sensible of the many calumnies that will be cast upon our persons for this innocent work having already in part undergone the reproach of some malicious tongues who have indeavoured to render the Sermons abortive and our selves contemptible in the eyes of a deceived multitude nor are we able to divine what acceptance they will gain at the hands of any But we question not ingenious Reader whoever thou art but that thou wilt love the picture for the persons sake and wilt impute whatever defect shall be found therein to the want of the Authors pen and not the ignorant or willing mistake of the Perusers thereof for they are notes taken by the pen of a ready VVriter the swiftness of whose motion is able to overtake the most voluble tongue yet thou canst not but know that sometimes the smallest hair interposing it self will make a breach in the fullest sentence thereby interrupting the perfect sense therefore our care hath been extended to the utmost that no remarkable fault might appear obvious to the most critical Reader still indeavouring that those sacred truths which formerly have been beneficial to the intelligent Hearers when preached by the reverend Author may now prove advantageous to the eternal welfare of every Soul that shall peruse them which is the earnest desire of Reader Thy unfeigned Friends and Servants H. E. T. R. A Table of the Titles and Texts of the Sermons contained in this Book MErcy and Iudgement 2 Sermons Page 1. 28. Psal 130. v. 3. If thou Lord wilt be extreme c. A Nativity Sermon page 62. Saint Luke 2. v. 7. And she brought forth her first-born son c. A Funeral Sermon p. 81. 1 Cor. 15.19 If in this life onely we have hope in Christ Testis Fidelis or the faithful witness Five Sermons upon 18. St. Iohn v. 37. To this end was I born c. whereof 1. Upon St. Thomas day p. 106. whereof 1. Upon Christmas day p. 126. Three more upon the same Text on several occasions Dr. Hewit's publique Prayer before Sermon O thou that hearest Prayers unto thee shall all flesh come for our help standeth in thy name O Lord which hast made heaven and earth we beseech thee therefore let the words of my mouth and the meditations of all our hearts be now and evermore acceptable in thy sight O Lord our strength and our Redeemer O Most glorious and most powerfull Lord God whose dwelling is so far above the highest heavens that thou humblest thy self but to look upon the things that are in heaven and that are in earth thou art omnipotent and omnipresent dost whatsoever thou wilt both in heaven in earth in the sea and in all deep places thou art about our beds and about our paths thou spyest out all our wayes understandest all our thoughts long before we thought O Lord when we look up unto thee and consider thee to be a God of so pure eyes as that thou canst not behold iniquity without indignation and wrath and when we look within our selves and see that world of corruption that lyeth hidden in our breasts and those innumerable acts of transgressions that have stained both our persons and our lives we cannot but be confounded and ashamed before thy face and are not able to open our mouths for our sins witnesse against us and our iniquities are as sore burdens too heavy for us to bear they cry up to heaven for vengeance against us and it is of thy infinite patience and longsuffering towards us that thou hast not long since powred upon us the Vials of thy wrathfull indignation nor sentenced us to the pit of eternall destruction Lord who can tell how oft he offendeth The sinfulnesse of our natures the sins of our lives the sins of our souls and the sins of our bodies our secret and whispering sins our crying and open sins our idle and wanton sins our presumptuous and deliberate sins the sins we have committed to please our selves and the sins we have committed to
please others the sins we have committed in our own persons and the sins we have occasioned others to commit the sins we know and the sins we know not the sins that we have so long striven to hide from others knowledge that we have even now hid them from our own memories these O Lord are more in number then the sands upon the Sea shoar or the Stars of Heaven which cannot be numbred We have sinned against the light of Nature and against the light of Grace against thy Law and against thy Gospel against thy Promises and against thy Threats against thy Mercies and against thy Judgements against all vows and promises and resolutions of better obedience against the reproofs of thy word against the many motions of thy good Spirit in our souls against thy Fatherly admonitions against thy loving corrections against the many fearfull examples of thy Judgements against the infinite obligations of thy favours and against the checks of our own consciences These things have we done and because thou held thy tongue we have also thought wickedly that thou art altogether such an one as our selves or that either thou dost not see or dost approve or wilt not severely punish the crimes that we have so long doted on If thou Lord God shouldest be extream to mark what is done amisse Lord who is able to abide it but with thee there is mercy and with thee there is plenteous redemption and thou desirest not the death of him that dies but rather that be should turn from sin and be saved and seeing that without thee it is not possible for us of our selves to be able to please thee Lord turn us to thee and we shall be turned for thou art the Lord our God Draw us and we shall run after thee draw us by the cords of love and with the bands of loving kindnesse work powerfully upon our spirits by thy holy Spirit work contrition in our hearts and godly sorrow for all our sins even a sorrow to repentance and repentance to salvation never to be repented off Break these hard and stony hearts of ours by the hammer of thy word mollifie them by the oyle of thy grace smite these rocky hearts of ours by the rod of thy most gracious power that we may shed forth rivers of tears for all the sins we have committed Lord make us grieve because we cannot grieve and to weep because we cannot weep enough O that thou wouldest humble us more and more under the true sight and sense of all our ungodlinesse of all our wickednesse and of all our unworthynesse And O thou Father of mercies have mercy on us O Lamb of God that takest away the sins of the world have mercy upon us thou that takest away the sins of the world take away the world of our sins they are too heavie O Lord for us to bear thou only art able to bear them and thou didst bear all our sins upon thine own body upon the tree O thou that wast wounded for our sins and bruised for our transgressions we beseech thee let the chastisement of our peace be upon thee and do thou by thy stripes heal us Hide us most gracious Redeemer hide us from the wrath of God in the glorious skars of those meritorious wounds which thou didst suffer for us and by the vertue of them create peace in heaven for us by reconciling the Father to us And O thou that wast our Saviour on earth we beseech thee be thou our Advocate in heaven be thou our High-priest still offering up thy self a Victim to the Father for us and besprinkle us with thine own most pretious bloud that through that bloud of sprinkling our persons our services and the desires of our souls may be acceptable to the Father Be thou our King set up thy throne in our hearts dismantle and disgarison all the strong holds and fortifications of sin that sin may no longer have dominion over us but do thou rule and over-rule us enable us to do thy will write thy Commandements in our hearts and thy Statutes in our inward parts put thy fear into our souls that we may fear thee and love thee and diligently live after thy commands Be thou our Prophet leading us into all truth Oh do thou inform us and teach us the way wherein we should go and do thou guide us by thine eye be thou the voice behind us still directing us this is the way walk in it guide us by thy counsels here and hereafter receive us unto thy glory And O Holy Spirit the Comforter do thou help our infirmities and with thy unutterable groans make intercession for us And thou that workest both to will and the deed in us of thine own good pleasure put into our hearts good desires and let the continuall assistance of thy grace help us to bring the same to good effect plant in our souls the love of thy name graffe in our hearts true Religion nourish us with all goodnesse and of thy great mercy keep us in the same so long as we have to live make us to love that which thou commandest and to desire that which thou hast promised that among the sundry and manifold changes and chances of this mortall life our hearts may surely there be fixt where true joyes are to be found And thou that sheddest the pretious ointments of thy grace upon all thy faithfull people O do thou open the eyes of our souls that we may see thee who art invisible that beholding thy glorious but invisible presence in all our actions we may be so awfully affected towards thee that whether either the Devil shall tempt us or the world shall allure us or our own carnal lusts and sinfull affections shall incline us to commit any wickednesse thy Holy Spirit O Lord may in all things so direct rule and overrule our hearts and awaken our consciences to aske us How shall we dare to commit any wickednesse and sin against thee Gratious God keep us from sinning against thee though it were to gain the whole world for it will not profit us to gain the whole world and lose our own souls help us rather we pray thee to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling and to give all diligence to make our calling and election sure Help us to eschew and decline all the occasions all the opportunities that have betrayed us unto sin and to hate the very garments spotted with the flesh O Lord with what affliction soever thou shalt punish us do not punish us with spirituall judgements and desertions give us not over to our own hearts lusts to our own vile lewd and corrupt affections give us not over to hardnesse and impenitency of heart but make us sensible of the least sin and give us thy grace to think no sin little committed against thee our God but that we may be humbled for it and repent of it and reform it in our lives and conversations
to passe on in a way of sin casting all fear of danger behind us as if we were able to encounter devouring fire or dwell with everlasting burning especially when we consider but our own frame we cannot but know we are but dust and that which is our mould will soon decay and withal remembring our time is but short and the word redde rationem backt with a Thou fool may this night be given suddenly and then assuredly as the tree falls so it lies and in the same condition must we appear at Gods Tribunal Oh then with what circumspection should our actions be performed lest any evil or vicious habits should square themselves to joyn with us in our holiest Oblations because we pretend service to him whose power in a few words can write great Monarchs into trembling and can make a hair Adrian 4. or the kernel of a raisin as mortal as a Goliahs spear and can with ease blow down our bubling lives into nothing for the time is coming when not astuta verba but pura corda as Saint Bernard saith not fair words but honest hearts will prevail and commend us to him who judgeth all things for he will infatuate all fallacious wisdom and self-destroying wit For thou art the God that hast no pleasure in wickedness nor shall any evil dwell with thee saith holy David Psal 5.4 So that Holiness is now the onely path that leads weary and wandring souls to the Paradise of Celestial Blisse all other wayes being severely kept against us by the flaming sword of Gods irreconcileable anger and hatred against sin and sinners for no unholy thing shall enter much lesse remain in the Holy City all such shall be cast out Rev. 21.27 A good nature like a shallow brook may empty it self into the narrow river of Humane love but perfect Holiness and real Sanctity is only that noble stream which carries the soul to Heaven and loses it in the Ocean of infinite Blisse You may for a time sport your selves with the fire of lustful pleasures but ere you are aware the flame thereof will not onely sindge your gilded wings of ambitious desires which so long bore you up with the breath of popular applause but also consume your soul and body in endless woe and misery for when God shall come in flaming fire he will render vengeance to all that are ungodly not enduring longer to have the cry of our sins to come up before him and therefore holy David well considered this Meditation when he broke forth with the words of my Text If thou Lord will be extreme to mark what is done amiss O Lord who may abide it In which words we have already considered two general parts 1 An Antecedent 2 A consequent Or if you will here is 1 The Thesis 2 The Hypothesis In the first you have Gods extremity in punishing In the second you have mans misery in suffering for he saith If thou Lord be extreme to mark what is done amiss O Lord who may abide it From which sacred concession we have enedavoured to wind up the sum and substance of holy Davids intention into these four bottoms or doctrinal conclusions viz. 1 It is the corruption of mans nature to do amiss 2 God is not alwayes extreme to punish man when he hath done amiss 3 God can when he pleases be extreme in punishing man when he hath done amiss 4 If God be extreme in punishing man must needs be extreme in suffering Thus far our general division hath had its equal course and our progress in the dispatch of these truths hath but quitted the first and made entrance upon the second which together with the two latter acompanied with your patience shall at this time terminate my hours discourse And that I may with the more benefit to your understanding proceed therein I shall onely lead your memories back to the second conclusion namely Doct. 2 The mercy of God is such he will not alwaies be extreme to mark what 's done amiss Examples of Gods patience and long forbearance have no where such lively representations as in our selves whose unconsumed lives are nothing else but a series of continued mercy nor is there any rational account to be rendred for the same save onely that it is the good will of him that dwelleth in the bush whose glory is not to be given to another and that he will have mercy on whom he will have mercy c. Which he doth 1 For his name sake Exodus 34.6 2 For his natures sake which is alwaies prone to shew mercy 3 For his glories sake and that 1 In general 2 In particular 1 In general it is the constant language of holy Scripture as you have already heard 2 In particular he is not extreme for his Glory sake which is great in many respects I In respect of his judgements for they are his strange work and never had he felicity in executing the same but with an unwilling willingness is alwayes constrained to visit for the sins whether of nations cities or particular persons witness his sending the Gospel to the lost sheep of the house of Israel his low condescention to Abraham when he became Advocate for Sodom and his own tears over Ierusalems approching ruine yea and witness the repentings that were kindled in his bowels for revolting Ephraim but mercy is his delight because he waits to be gracious 2 Great in respect of time for the mercy of God endures for ever in Ps 136. As his power is unlimited so neither can bounds be set to his mercy sun and moon heaven and earth these all have their periods but the rich treasure of Gods mercy shall have no end I have seen an end of all perfection but thy commandement is exceeding broad saith holy David Ps 119.96 All the attributes of God like himself are from everlasting to everlasting 3 Great in extent of place for his mercy reaches unto the clouds Psal 36.6 7. Thy mercy O Lord is in the heavens and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds Thy righteousness is like the great mountains thy judgements are as a great deep Lord c. Gods extended grace makes its full appearance not onely in delivering from danger but in supplying our wants not onely in saving our bodies from temporal evils but in redeeming our souls from eternal damnation for with him is great deliverance 4 Great in extent of plenty for God is rich in mercy Eph. 2.4 But God saith the Apostle who is rich in mercy for the great love wherewith he loved us c. as if St. Paul had spoke his mind in larger phrases thus You are poor and needy you want blessings temporal and spiritual and know not whither to flee for succour and supply so that the narrowness of your hearts imagines Gods free hand is straitned but let no such scruple bear rule in your minds for with God is so great a treasure of grace as never can be exhausted
our wants are great yet in regard of spiritualls they are much greater we by our fall were cast out of the Paradise of Gods favour into the field of danger where was nothing to move compassion but pollution in our own blood but when we were so he passed by and said Live he washt us in the laver of regeneration and made us comely by his imputative righteousness and clothed us with sanctifying grace and shall we now play the harlot and bestow any thing upon another which belongs to him it is no other then dividing the living child with Christ he will have none of our divided hope or distrusting faith where grace is feeble the soul often hangs in suspence between hope fear for had it but once convinst the soul of the object he would not any longer trust to himself which breeds distraction which is but as a broken reed but he that trusts in me saith the Lord shal possess the land inherit my holy mountain Isa 57.13 so that now we have found the rock of salvation on whom we may build without fearing to be removed though the winds blow and the tempests rise we shall but slight and scorne all their foaming rage the hope of future good will out-ballance all the present misery this sustaining hope will either lessen the burthen of our miseries or add to our strength to bear them so that although all helps may seem gone no remedy but the ready miserable destruction of despairing though we cannot see when any good shall come Ier. 17.6 Yet all these evills laid in the ballance of the Sanctuary are too light to stand in competition with the hope in Christ nay every true hope is then most strong when most opposed every affliction is advantageous making their hope more quick the fire proves more intense when it s laboured to be extinguished by cold elements such is the nature of this grace of hope every affliction recovers her life and heat which before were raked in the ashes she gives wings to the souls flight every blustring wind helps her in soaring upward here we have her got to the hill from whence she expects salvation here we have her like Sampson carrying the gates of Gaza not onely helping a Christian to bear crosses with patience and resolution so as she can sing in prison but with the Angel to St. Peter it opens the gates of the city and makes all work together for good to them that love God so that the misery of a Christian is taken away by the hope which he hath in Christ which hope brings me to the fourth conclusion That a good Christian hath not onely hope in this life but in a better which hope is twofold 1. The lower in this life 2. The upper not in this life only For if in this life only we have hope in Christ we are of all men most miserable 1. A Christian hath hope in Christ in this life though Heaven be the chief place of hope yet earth is for the exercise of that hope in this life is the proper time of getting it as being necessary for the whole there it hopes for the manifestation of all the promises and here nature gives leave in the journey to prepare for the land of safety nor could a Christian bear up against the storms and billows that arise and molest him in his passage through this world but for the hope of coming home to that place in Heaven which is prepared for him and no other comfort in the danger of the way but in coming to our countrey where we shall be absent from the body but present with the Lord doth support them the Saints are Strangers and Pilgrims and have here no abiding city thus did the Patriarchs cheerefully cast of all earthly comforts for the obtaining of the holy rest and glorious promises which by faith they saw afar off and by hope enjoyed them this hope served them in the valley of teares to revive their strength or like the hony on Ionathans rod to open our eyes to behold our comfort in the object of true delights which is Christ Jesus our Lord for it is ordinary for every thing to desire its own content as the rule in nature teaches for the very plants will not be wanting to the creatures in things necessary to their being so it is the rule of the God of nature to be wanting to his creatures in any thing that tends to their well being witness the free Ordinary which the foules of the aire dayly feed on at Gods table if his goodness be extended to meaner creatures shal it be straightned to you or rather he that hath given you all things for this present will he be wanting to you for the things that pertain to a future life he hath given extraordinary deliverance in peril rescued you from the power of thousands by despicable hands it is true we cannot conclude the love of God from outward prosperity they are not essential to make up happiness but because of the promise of this life we may waite for the manifestation of his goodness in these outward things suppose God deny the lesser and give us the greater that he stop the springs below that the springs above may run the faster he makes them that are his children often to possess the sins of their youth and the wicked that are prepared for destruction to take the wall while the heart of the godly are sunk down what shal we say with holy David verily I have cleansed my heart in vain and washed my hands in innocency Ps 83.13 verse nothing less for the best of our hope survives the worst of our sufferings though when ye look on a Christian in the outside you may see him miserable but look upon him in the hope that he hath in Christ and you see him secure he is happy though that hope may be crost for here is the comfort that a good Christian hath hope in Christ not in this life onely and that in two things 1. The lesse proper place for the exercise of the act of Hope 2. The more principle Object of it 1. The lesse proper place for the exercise of the act of Hope for when the Soul departing from the Body shall come to her country and be possessed of the fruition of God which she panted after she in her self doth not hope because the things hoped for are present and because of the special union of the Soul with Christ yet still there is hope in Heaven for the full manifestation of the promises For the Souls under the Altar cry how long Lord holy and true c. Rev. 6.9 10. But that which the Souls in Heaven have simply and in regard of the happiness they enjoy is not hope for hope that is seen is not hope for there it is not faith but vision and not hope but fruition yet in some sense they wait for the accomplishment of all the Divine
promises for the difference lies in these respects following 1. That above it differs from that below in degrees of Excellency that here below is grounded on Faith which beholds the promises of God darkly but that above is grounded on a clear sight and a perfect vision 2. That hope below is attended with sighs and sadnesses that above without sorrow all sighing and sorrow being removed from their hearts whose tears are wiped away with the light of Gods Countenance 3. This below hath weaknesses and imperfections but that above is a confirmed hope thus our hope even to the day of Judgement shall not be abolished in Heaven in regard of Essence it remains but in regard of weaknesses it ceases For till Gods promises be accomplished there is yet hope in exercising that act that may bring us to the enjoyment of the highest manifestation of Divine Love 2. The more principall objects not in this life onely that is not onely for the things of this life but the things of a better life for though hope looking to God it refers to the things of this life for subsistance yet it chiefly respects the things of the other life the resurrection of the flesh c. other hopes may promise eternall but will but serve as figge leaves other hopes may bring to the fruition of what we hope for but cannot give satisfaction but such is the excellency of this hope as it will supply so much as faith can beleeve or hope desire so that as it would be desperateness to cast away this anchor so again madness to cast it off as needless the Saints which should be climbing Heaven it would be folly for them to ply this hope about this life when we may have it about a better to hope in this life onely is unchristian and lesse then Christianity will not give us the hope of an eternal life to follow Christ onely to get possession of outward comforts is but to starve our souls while we feed our bodies with the loaves of pretended Sanctity for he that will be Heir to Christs Kingdome must expect to be crown'd with thornes temporal felicity having no entailment upon his discipleship persecution being their portion and their sufferings part of their triumph So that each true Beleever must joyn in the Chorus with the song of Saint Paul pathetically exprest in the words of my Text If in this life onely we have hope in Christ we are of all men most miserable FINIS A SERMON ON St. THOMAS Day SERMON V. St. IOHN 18.37 To this end was I born and for this cause came I into the world that I should bear witnesse unto the truth c. Introduction ENvie and Malice the inseparable companions of a vicious heart are alwayes in unwearied motion untill they have found out some convenient means whereby to bring about their abominable ends and rather then be disappointed of unhallowed thoughts or wicked words they will not cease to speak evil of the way of truth yea by them those are accounted enemies that speak the truth thus wicked Ahab salutes the Prophet Elijah Have I found thee O my enemy 1 Kings 21.20 So that it seemes he accounted that holy person no lesse then his souls adversary for telling the truth so persecuted they the Prophets of old and the malice of men and devils have been so persecuting in all ages that the Church hath not found where to rest for the Saints wandred up and down afflicted and tormented yea they wandred about saith the Apostle in sheeps-skins and goats-skins c. of whom the world was not worthy Heb. 11.38 And in this the Disciple was not before or above his Lord for no better entertainment had Christ himself and he is pleased to say To this was I born for this cause came I into the world c. Which words have a double aspect and Ianus-like appear with a double face the one looking upon Christ the other upon Christians the one concerns our Saviour the other respects our selves For 1. If you respect the day so they look at Christ not onely as this is the Lords Day but as it is the Advent-Sunday instituted for the Advent or coming of Christ in the Flesh 2. It looks upon Christ as coming in his Ordinances and administrations to his people 3. It looks upon his coming in gracious visitations as on this day by his power coming to deliver the Church Militant from sinne and misery to be a Church triumphant in glory and thus my Text hath reference to the several comings of Christ But that 's not all the words not onely concern Christ but they have reference unto Christians also and that in a threefold respect for they eye all the errours and mislookings of the times 1. They look upon the grosse opinions of those that say the Scepter of Christ and the power of earthly Kings stand in opposition one to another and thereupon cry down all rule and all authority saying like the heathen Let us break their bands in sunder c. Psal 2.3 It is true Christ had the Title of a King yet neither that nor himself made any impeachment of Caesars Lawes and though he denied not himself to be a King yet he refused to dethrone Caesar for he saith expresly my Kingdome is not of this world So then you see he is not in opposition to the Kings of the earth he came not to take away earthly Kingdomes but to give an Heavenly Kingdome and therefore he saith Give to Caesar the things that are Caesars c. We must obey the temporal Lord for his sake who is the Heavenly Lord for they who yeild not obedience to temporal Kings for Christs sake who hath commanded it have as yet made no glorious entrance into the Kingdome of Heaven for love to Christ and submission to Caesar may and do dwell together in the same heart 2. The words look upon mens works as they are Christians who in defence of lawful Superiours with their swords in their hands had rather die fighting then betray their liberty by a cowardly resignation of their lives and fortunes and also as Christians they have learnt of Christ their Head to pay Tribute where lawfully it is demanded for if any might have rebelled and refused the same none more lawful and able then our Saviour who could at his pleasure command more then twelve legions of Angels to assist him and could command all the treasures of the earth as King and Lord thereof yet refused the glory of the one to pay lawful tribute and the innumerable force of the other that with silence he might answer Caesars Deputy for he came to bear witness of the truth and he will rather lose his life then his obedience 3. That none that would be thought a Christian might think himself unconcerned the words look upon all men but especially upon those that in pretended religious yet persecuting times are ready to betray the truth rather
guilty yet notwithstanding amidst the many divided tongues there are found some united hands to slay him Indeed the Atheists scoffe at this saying shall we begin our Religion at a Babe in the manger or believe in him whose poverty was so great that to pay tribute for his allegiance was fain to be obliged to a Fish for money whose penury necessitated him to beg for a living who was hungry and thirsty and sleepy and sorrowful yea so despicably mean and contemptible that his own kindred was ready to lay hands on him as one out of his wits and he complained for want of lodging esteeming himself more despicable than the foxes of the earth or the fowles in the air this was the esteem or very little better which the world had of him of whom they were altogether unworthy not considering why he so came for he came to be thus mean that we might become honourable therefore did he come to be killed by sinners that sinners might live in his death to die for them that they might die to sin and though they now crucifie afresh the Son of God by their iniquities yet a time will come when they will be glad of the saving virtue of one drop of that bloud which they now disgrace To apply this If the Son of God came in such humility as to humble himself to come into the world to die for us why should we disdain to do our friends good though never so mean even to the degree of a servant seeing that when the Son of God came to redeem us he did it in the form of a servant Again why should we think our selves too good to serve our brethren since Christ disdained not to wash his Disciples feet shewing himself in nothing so much as in humility And what doth this teach us but to lay a foundation for greater glory that we beginning in humility here may be raised to glory hereafter for he that is low shall be exalted and in his humility is a follower of him that came to the place of his reception in the lowest form which brings me to the third particular namely The place of his entertainment the World And it is taken two wayes 1. Either for the frame of this vast Globe 2. Or for the Inhabitants thereof But I understand it here for the fabrick of this vast earth which is too mean and altogether unworthy to entertain him nay it is not of capacity to do it for how should this great house hold his glorious Majesty when the Heaven of Heavens is not able to contain him It was humility for him to come into this world and yet he came to the world to shew his humility for the Word was made flesh St. John 1.14 and dwelt among us c. and he abhorred not the Virgins womb though a simple Lady I mean simple in respect of outward glory or worldly riches for so poor she was that at her Churching she was necessitated instead of a Lamb to offer a pair of young Pigeons and though he did seem to straiten himself at his conception because he had little room in the womb yet he was more straitened at his birth for there was no room for him in the Inne which shews the greatness of his love to us that our blessed Saviour will want room on earth rather than we shall want Mansions in heaven the blessed Virgin is driven to so great necessity that her chamber must be in the stable her bed no better than that of straw and the glorious Babe lodged in no other cradle but that of the manger Never was Glory in so homely a place before God at first brought forth man like a King and placed him in Paradise to rule over the Beasts but God is brought forth man in the place of beasts See then vile man who it is whom thou hast neglected in Heaven by sinning on earth the Lord of Men and Angels is now made the companion of Beasts because thou hast made thy self like the beasts that perish how canst thou not admire at the low condescention of thy Saviour that he should so come into the world and be born of such mean parents and in so base a place as is a stable and that which is worse to be laid in a manger also O the heighth and depth of the love of the Son of God! Who would not fall into admiration to see God in a manger God is in his holy Temple what shall he descend Yea we believe him when he said he would do so and now that he hath so done who can forbear loving of him view him in the manger and there you see him become food for beasts for men who are transformed by beastly lusts and yet he will be found in the Temple also that so he may gather both great and small he is meat for strong men yea and he will be milk to the little ones also and unless every one of us become as little ones St. Matt. 18.3 we shall in no wise enter into the Kingdome of Heaven he was born that he might have us born again he was wrapt in swadling-cloths to teach us that we should not despise men how mean soever in appearance and in a stable to shew his communicableness to all persons he was laid in a manger not for food to the beasts but for bread to men Indeed as he is God he gives fodder to the cattle of the earth and the fowles in the air for he feeds the young Ravens but it is only unto men that he gives himself as bread and in a mystery was he found in a stable to shew us that as men became beasts by their fall so he was found among the beasts that he might be food for all and that beastly man might find and tast the bread of life he will also become bread that so we may indeed eat his flesh and drink his bloud St. John 6.55 Therefore since Christ came in such elements hence learn Use That none but clean beasts must eat of such food and none but such truly can do it those that consider not what is really the body and bloud of Christ eat not bread and drink not wine 1 Cor. 11.29 but eat and drink their own condemnation but they that by a true and lively faith do eat and drink the body and bloud of Christ spiritually in the blessed Eucharist do truly fulfil the great end of his coming into the world for thus he came and was born that we might reap the benefit of his life and death and he came so meanely that his poverty might enrich us so lowly that his humility might strengthen us and though we disdainfully neglected the means of our salvation yet he took care of us before all time and manifested his love in coming to us in the fulness of time Ttherfore to wind up all Praise thou the Lord O my soul Ps 103.1 2 3 4 c.
and all that is within me praise his holy name Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgiveth all thy iniquities and healeth all thy infirmities which saveth thy life from destruction who crowneth thee with mercy and loving kindness who satisfieth thy mouth with good things so that thy youth is renewed like the Eagles for he will not deal with us after our sins nor reward us according to our iniquities Testis fidelis OR A faithfull Witness SERMON VII St. IOHN 18.37 To this end was I born and for this cause came I into the world that I should bear witnesse unto the truth Introduction THe words of my Text are like the eye of a well-drawn picture that still which way soever you go looks towards you for which way so ever you consider the words they still have reference to all the parts and circumstances of Christs coming in the flesh if you look upon his conception which coming was foretold by an Angel as witness thereof S. Luke 1.31 yet there it was but the preparation to that coming which is in my text viz. his Nativity which is not left without a witness neither in that St. Stephen one of the twelve who was to testifie of him is joyned next unto the birth-day of our Saviour he being the first that suffered for him and therefore called by the Holy Catholick Church St. Stephens day but that Protomartyr who here is a witness to that witness in my Text did witness what the great witness did both do and suffer but that this truth might be established by more then a single testimony our Mother the Church doth celebrate St. Iohns day in commemoration of that beloved Disciple whose faithful affection begot in him an Eagles eye wherewith to behold those glorious mysteries which none else of all the Disciples were able to reveal and that we might not be without occasions of stirring up our affections also God so loved the world that he gave his onely begotten Son and here is the onely begotten Son so loving that he gives himself for us and as his Disciples testified the truth of Christ living and dying so the innocent babes slain for his sake by cruel Herod did witness to the truth not by speaking but by dying but he who is the great witnes both by speaking dying did bear witness for us while himself was an infant antedating his cruel passion by a bloody circumcision instituted as a pledge of our interest in his covenant which was wonderfully effected by his own person when manifested in the world hence the Epiphany is famous for the wise men who first made discovery of this blessed babe by the guidance of an unusual light and here now is that star of Iacob which leads to the rising in his birth and by this was the King of the Jewes first found out that afterwards by his people was betrayed into the hands of enemies to be condemned as a malefactor and as an enemy to Caesar and that with the greatest formality of justice being brought before a President and arraigned for his life and yet notwithstanding their malice and cruelty he still asserted his innocencie though he knew he should die for it and therefore he saith To this end was I born and for this cause came I into the world that I should bear witness of the truth Look upon the words once more and they present you with the faithfulness and constancy of our blessed Saviours testimony even then when he was deserted by his most intimate friends and servants and at that time especially wherein as man he stood most in need of them being now had in examination before the Judgement-seat of Pilate wherein you have fulfilled that saying of his that he came to his own and his own received him not Nay he was so far from being received by them that he was forsaken by all despised of most and pitied by few and yet herein also he came to do his Fathers will by a willing death witnessing to that truth which some had foresworn and others denyed saying To this end was I born and for this cause came I into the world that I should bear witness to the truth In which words you may remember I have observed these parts 1. An action 2. An end 3. The object 1. The action he was born he came into the world 2. The end 1. pointed at 2. pointed out 1. Pointed at to this end and for this cause 2. Pointed out to bear witness 3. The object the truth And whereas the end in every action is first in intention though last in execution I did begin with the end the right end and that pointed at To this end and for this cause c. and I came to the second thing namely 2. The action which was Christs incarnation and his coming into the world To this end was I born and for this cause came I into the world and come now to the third thing the end of the action wherefore he came and why he was born and that is 3. The object the truth to bear witness And to bear witness to the truth and in this third part there are two things considerable 1. The end 2. The object The one in reference unto Christ the other unto Christians 1. In reference unto Christ as the primary intention of them and so the words concern our Saviour as he was a witness unto the truth in his own person 2. In the extent of them so they concern us for we also are to bear witness to the truth and as in the testimony of our Saviour so in ours there must concurre to demonstrate our fidelity 1. The end 2. The action 3. The object For we are in our particular station to bear witness to the truth as well as others for Christ in all the ages of the world hath still had some faithful servants to witness for him though they continually met with opposition For though under the Law witnesse was given unto him at divers times and in sundry manners c. yet not onely the vain errours of the Gentiles but also the careless perversness of the Iewes led multitudes of people into a disbelief of God himself and the truth of our blessed Saviours coming into the world insomuch that the Prophet Esay saith Who hath believed our report Esay 53.1 Yea the people changed the truths of God into lies and caused the way of truth to be evill spoken of endeavouring by all means if possible to banish truth out of the earth but notwithstanding all their malicious oppositions the truths of God were not left without record for there is not any one person in the Sacred Trinity but bears witnesse to the truth for there are three that bear record in Heaven The Father the Word and the holy Ghost and these three are one St. John 5.7 The Father promising the holy Ghost preparing and the Son assuming or taking what was