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A85811 The book of oaths, and the severall forms thereof, both antient and modern. Faithfully collected out of sundry authentike books and records, not heretofore extant, compiled in one volume. Very useful for all persons whatsoever, especially those that undertake any office of magistracie or publique imployment in the Common-wealth. Whereunto is added a perfect table. Garnet, Richard, S.J., attributed name. 1649 (1649) Wing G264; Thomason E1129_1; ESTC R202149 108,262 410

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all and every such person or persons within your Parish either knowne commonly reported or vehemently suspected to have committed any Misdemeanour Fault Default Crime Sinne or Offence mentioned or specified within any the Articles in this Booke comprised or in the same omitted which comming to your knowledge are by Ecclesiasticall Authoritie to be reformed So helpe you God in Christ Jesus The Protestation I● B. Doe in the presence of Almightie God Promise Vow and Protest to maintain and defend as farre as lawfully I may with my life power and estate the true Reform'd Protestant Religion expressed in the Doctrine of the Church of England against all Popery and Popish Innovations within this Realme contrary to the same Doctrine and according to the dutie of my Allegiance his Majesties Royall Person Honour and Estate as also the Power and Ptiviledges of Parliament the lawful Rights and Liberties of the Sub●ect and every person that maketh this Protestation in whatsoever he shall do in the lawfull pursuance of the same And to my power and a far as lawfully I may I will oppose and by all good wayes means endea●our to bring to condigne punishment all such as shall either by Force Practice Councells Plots Conspiracies or otherwise doe any thing to the contrary of any thing in this present Protestation contained And further That I shall in all just and honourable wayes endeavour to preserve the Union and Peace betweene the three Kingdomes of England Sco●land and Ireland and neither for hope feare nor other respect shall relinquish this Promise Vow and Protestation The Vow and Covenant appointted by the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament to be taken by every man in the Cities of London Westminster the Suburbs and Liberties thereof and throughout the whole Kingdome IA. B. In humilitie and reverence of the Divine Ma●esty declare my heartie sorrow for my own sins and the sins of this Nation which have deserved the calamities judgments that now lye upon it And my true intention is by Gods grace to endeavour the amendment of my owne wayes And that I do abhor and detest the said wicked and treacherous Design lately discovered And that I never gave nor will give my assent to the execution therof but wil according to my power Vocation oppose resist the same and all other of the like nature And in case any other like Designe shall hereafter come to my knowledge I will make such timely discoverie as I shall conceive may best conduce to the preventing thereof And whereas I do in my conscience believe That the Forces raysed by the Two Houses of Parliament are raysed and continued for their just Defence and for the Defence of the true Protestant Religion and Liberties of the Subject against the Forces raised by the King I doe here in the presence of Almightie God Declare Vow and Covenant That I will according to my power and Vocation assist the Forces raysed and continued by both Houses of Parliament against the Forces raysed by the King without their consent and will likewise assist all other persons that shall take this Oath in what they shall doe in pursuance thereof and will not directly or indirectly adhere unto nor shal willingly assist the Forces raysed by the King without the consent of both Houses of Parliament And this Vow and Covenant I make in the presence of Almightie God the Search of all hearts with a true intention to perform the same as I shall answer at the great Day when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed 1. T That we shall sincerely really and constantly through the grace of God endeavour in our severall places and callings the prefervation of the Reformed Religion in the Church of S●o●und in Doctrine Worship Discipline Government against our common Enemies the Reformation of Religion in the Kingdomes of Engl●nd and Ireland in Doctrine Worship Discipline Government according to the Word of God the Example of the best Reformed Churches And shall endeavour to bring the Churches of God in the Three Kingdoms to the nearest Con●unction and Uniformity in Religion Confession of Faith Forme of Church-government D●rectory for Worship and Catechizing That we and our Posterity after us may as Brethren live in faith and love and the Lord may delight to dwel in the midst of us 2. That we shall in like manner without respect of persons endeavor the extirpation of Poperie Prelacie that is Church-Government by Arch-Bishops Bishops their Chancellors and Commissaries Deans Deans Chapters Archdeacons and all other Ecclesiastical Officers depending on that Hierachy Superstition Heresie Schism Prophanesse and what soever shal be found to be contrarie to sound Doctrine and the power of godlinesse lest we partake in other mens sins thereby be in danger to receive of their plagues and that the Lord may be one and his Name one in the Three Kingdoms 3. We shall with the same sinceritie realitie and constancy in our several Vocations endeav●r with our Estates and Lives mutually to preserve the Rights and Priviledges of the Parliament and the Liberties of the Kingdoms and to preserve and defend the Kings Majesties Person and ●uthoritie in the preservation defence of the true Religion and Liberties of the Kingdoms that the world may beare witnesse with our consciences of our loyaltie and that we have no thoughts or intentions to diminish his Majesties just power and greatnesse 4. We shall also with all faithfulnesse endeavor the discovery of all such as have bin or shal be Incendiaries Malignants or evill Instruments by hindring the Reformation of Religion dividing the King from his people or one of the Kingdoms from another or making any Faction or P●rties amongst the people contrarie to this League and Covenant that they maybe brought to publike Tryall and re●eive condign punishment as the degree of their Offences shall require or deserve o● the Supreme Judicatories of both Kingdoms respectively or others having power from them for that effect shall judge convenient V. And whereas the happinesse of a blessed Peace between these Kingdoms denied in former times to our Progenitors is by the good providence of God granted unto us and hath beene lately concluded and setled by both Parliaments we shall each one of us according to our place and interest endeavor that they may remain conjoyed in a firm Peace and Union to all Posteritie And that Justice may be done upon the wifull Opposers thereof in manner expressed in the present Articles 6. We shall also according to our places and callings in this Common Cause of Religion Libertie and Peace of the Kingdoms assist and defend all those that enter into this League and Covenant in the maintaining and pursuing thereof and shall not suffer our selves directly or indirectly by whatsoever combination perswasion or terror to be divided and withdrawne from this blessed Union Conjunction whether to make defection to the contrary part or give our selves to a detestable indifferency or neutrality in this Cause which so much concerneth the glory of God the good of the Kingdoms and Honor of the King but shall all the dayes of our lives zealously and constantly continue therein against all opposition and promote the same according to our power against all Lets and Impediments whatsoever what we are not able our selves to suppresse or overcome we shall reveal make known that it may be timely prevented or removed all which we shal do as in the fight of God And because these Kingdoms are guiltie of many sins provocations against God and his Son Jesus Christ as is too manifest by our present distresses and dangers the fruits thereof We professe and declare before God and the world our unfeigned desire to be humbled for our own sins and for the sins of these Kingdoms especially that we have not as we ought valued the inestimable benefit of the Gospel that we have not laboured for the puritie and power thereof and that we have not endeavoured to receive Christ in our hearts nor to walke worthy of him in our lives which are the causes of other sins and transgressions so much abounding amongst us And our true unfeigned purpose desire indeavor for our selves and all others under our power charge both in publike and in private in all duties we owe to God and man to amend our lives and each one to go before another in the example of a reall Reformation that the Lord may turn away his wrath and heavie indignation establish these Churches and Kingdoms in truth peace And this Covenant we make in the presence of Almighty God the serarcher of all hearts with a true intention to performe the same as we shall answer at that great day when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed most humbly beseeching the Lord to strengthen us by his holy Spirit for this end to blesse our desires proceedings with success as may be deliverance safetie to his people encouragement to other Christian Churches groningunder or in danger of the yoke of Antichristian tyranny to joyn in the same or like Association Covenant to the glorie of God the enlargement of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and the Peace and Tranquility of Christian Kingdoms Common wealths FINIS
be moved treated and debated in any Councell faithfully and truly declare your minde and opinion according to your heart and conscience in no wise forbearing so to do for any manner respect of favour meed dread displeasure or corruption You shall faithfully and uprightly to the best of your power cause Justice to be duly and indifferently ministred to the Queenes Majesties Subjects that shall have cause to sue for the same according to the equitie and the Order of the Law Finally You shall be vigilant diligent and circumspect in all your doings and proceedings touching the Queenes Majesty and all her Affaires All which points and Articles before expressed with all other Articles signed with the Queenes Majesties owne hand and delivered to me the Lord President of her Highnesse Councell established in those parts you shall faithfully observe keep and fulfill to the uttermost of your power wit will and cunning So help you God and the Contents of this Book The Oath that a G●ntleman Vsher doth give to any that is sworne the Kings Servant in the time of H. 8. FIrst you shall sweare upon the holy Evangelists That you faith and truth shall beare unto our most gracious and most dread Soveraigne Lord and unto his Issue Kings of England Ye shall be here sworn in and unto the roome of a Gentleman Usher or c. whereunto at this present time by the Kings Highnesse Commandment you are admitted and received you shall from henceforth truly and diligently attend and wait Ye shall not know or conceale any thing prejudiciall compassed attempted or imagined against our said most gracious and most dread Soveraigne Lord the King or his Issue or any of them but you shall incontinently upon the said knowledge discover the same unto my Lord great Chamberlaine or else to Master Vice-Chamberlaine and in their absence to one of the Ushers of the Kings Chamber Ye shall not discover any secrets or other things that may touch the Kings most Honourable Councell or to the Honour of his Chamber Ye shall be obedient unto the Lord Great Chamberlaine Mr. Vice-Chamberlaine and unto the Ushers of the said Chamber and to their Commandments fully and keep to the uttermost of your power Ye shall eschew all manner of Ryots Rowtes unlawfull Assemblies and making of Bands Quarrels Debates Strifes Controversies either within the Kings Chamber or without and ye shall forbid and let the same to the uttermost of your power And yee shall let the said Officers or one of them have knowledge thereof without any further delay Ye shall not weare neither Liverie Cognizance nor Badge of no mans be retained of no man but onely to the Kings Majestie nor ye shall not retaine contrary to the Statute Ye shall not depart out of the Kings Court without License had and obtained of my Lord Great Chamberlaine or else of Master Vice-Chamberlaine or his Deputy in his absence All the which Premisses and every of them with all and singular other Commandements whatsoever they are or shall happen to bee given you in charge on the behalfe of our most Gracious and most Excellent Majestie by my Lord Great Chamberlaine Master Vice-Chamberlaine or any of the said Ushers Ye shall on your behalfe observe performe fulfill and keepe to the uttermost of your power So helpe you God and all his Saints and by the Holy Contents of this Booke The Oath Ministred to the Kings Servants as well Knights and Esquires for the Body as others in the time of Henry 8. YE shall be from henceforth during your life naturall faithfull and true and faith shal beare and faithfully and truly ye shall serve the King our Soveraigne Lord H. 8. by the grace of God King of England and France and Lord of Ireland and in earth Supreame Head of the Church of England and to his Heires of his Bodie begotten against all men that may live or die of what Estate Degree or Condition soever they be Yee shall nothing do or at tempt that in any manner of wise may be hurtfull or prejudiciall to our said Soveraigne Lord or to his Heires And if it shall happen at any time hereafter any thing to come to your knowledge that in any manner of waies be hurtfull or prejudiciall to our said Soveraigne Lord or to his Heires or that may touch the surety or honour of their persons yee shall not onely let it to the best of your power but also in all hast possible shall shew it to our Soveraigne Lord or to some of his Councell attending upon his Person so that the same may come to the knowledge of his Grace Also ye shall not be nor stand confederate nor Banded nor Band your selfe or yet be retained in any cause or matter to or with or towards any manner of person of what estate condition or degree soever he be of privily or openly neither by Promise Signe Indenture Fee nor by any other manner of wise whatsoever it be otherwise then the Law will suffer or permit you You shall also diligently serve the Kings Grace in the roome of N. N. and not depart from the Court where his Grace for the time shall be unlesse yee be licenced so to doe by his Grace or by his Lord Chamberlaine or in his absence by his Vice Chamberlaine and to be obedient in that they shall command you to doe within the Kings House or elsewhere touching the Kings service in that appertaineth to the roome of N. N. well and truly keepe and observe on your behalfe So helpe you God and all his Saints and by this Booke The Oath ministred in Parliament to the Duke of Bedford and other Lords Spirituall and Temporall for the according of all Controversies between the Duke of Glocester and the Bishop of Winchester Chancellor of England in the fourth yeare of H. 6. THat my Lord of Bedford and my said Lords Spirituall and Temporall and each of them shall as farre forth as her cunning and discretion sufficiently truly justly and indifferently counsell and advise the King and also proceed and acquit himselfe in all the said matters and quarrels withouten that they or any of them shall privily or appert make or shew himselfe or be party or parcell therein nought being or eschewing so to doe for affection love meed doubt or dread of any person or persons and that they shall in all waies keepe secret all that shall be conveyed by way of counsell in the matters and quarrels abovesaid in the foresaid Parliament withouten that they or any of them shall by word writing or in any wise open it or discover it to any of the said parties or to any other person that is not of the said Councell but if he have especiall commandement thereto of the King or of my said Lord of Bedford and that each of them shall with all his might and power by him and by his strength and assist by way of Councell or else unto the King to my said Lord
Ecclesiis sibi Commissis Respondet Rer. Animo Liberti devoto promitvobis pardn● quia vnicuique de vobis Ecclesiis vobis Comissis Canovicum Privelegium debitam legem atque justitiam servabo defensionem quantum potuero adiuvante Domino exhibeo sicut Rex insuo Regno vnicuique Episcopo Ecclesiis sibi Comissis per rectum defendere debet This being done the King cometh to the Altar and laying his right hand on the Bible saith these words These things which I have before promised I shall observe and keepe So God me helpe and by the contnts of this Booke The Oath which all Piopsh Bishops sweare unto the Pope unde decretalls Lib. 1. Tit. 14. Ca. 4. I. D. Bishop will be faithfull from this day forward unto St. Peter and to the holy Church of Roome and to my Lord Bomface the Pope and to his Successors ellected Cannonically and I will be an helpe to keepe and defend against all people the Popedome or Papall Soveraignty and the rules of the holy Fathers So God me helpe and the holy Gospell The Oath of the Treasurer of the Kings Houshould in the time of H. 8. as it is entered in the Blacke Booke of the Houshold YEE will sweare By that Booke to be after your power and cunning and good worshipfull and true Officer to the King our Soveraigne Lord whose high estate is here present and diligent service to doe him as Treasurer of his honorable Houshold and be knowing and consenting to any thing that might be against him in his bodie naturall or of his goods Temporall but that you let it after your power or else to give hastie knowledge thereof to himselfe or to such about him that will doe him wit or to let it or amend it And also such good as ye shall receive of the King by the Treasurer of England or other Offices for the Estate and conservation of his Royall Houshold and for the expences of it you shall truly charge your selfe therewith and true Accompt yeeld into the Exchequer full and whole by every two yeares end at the furthest and no concealement make also to behave you truly and honestie in making of all your payments with favorable demeaning cherishing love betweene the King and people and that such payments be made and used continually as the greene Cloth in the Counting-house of Houshold also that yee take oftentimes views and such over sight of all manner of victuall and stuff comprised within your charge and parcell in every Office so that the utterance of it be guided to the Kings most worship and profit and that in all your Sessions and Judgements in the Counting house upon any matter cause or thing to say and give your doome truly after good conscience right reason and all the rules of this Court will require betweene the King and party or any other party or parties cherishing the good Officers punishing the evill doer not by affect on or love only nor in anger or evill will but returne truth to every partie as nigh as you can Item ye shall neither aske nor consent to any allowance but as shall be rightfull and due to be done and that you demeane you in charging or discharging of the expences of Houshold alwaies to the Kings Houshold worship and profit and in your owne person to be example to other in the Court All such parcell of purveyance as shall be brought into the Counting-house of your time be truly purveyed and parcelled by Indentures betwixt such Officers and you by good examinations and searches in the Countries as truly ye can charge all the purveyors and that it be duly opposed in the Counting-house monthly for the King And also that he search the good old rule worshipfull and profitable of this Court used before time and them to keepe uphold and better if you can As God helpe you and by that Booke The Oath of the Comptroller of the Kings Houshold as it is recorded in the Blacke Booke of the Houshold YEE will sweare By that Booke to doe unto the King our Soveraigne Lord good and true service and diligent after your power and cunning as Comptroller of his honourable Houshold and not to know or consent to any thing that may be hurting to his Highnesse Estate or to his bodie or goods but that ye shall that after your power or else warne them in hastie time that may let it also to comptroll the receipts and all issues of the Treasurers Office of Houshold and that to record in paine Accompt into the Kings Exchequer of the old forme of the Compting house Also truly and justly to helpe to make the prizes of all manner of Stuffe Victuall and other purveyance for this Houshold and that you see and know it to be good and wholesome Victualls in every thing for the King and his Houshold and for the Kings worship Also that it be like worth to the Silver that the King must pay therefore or better by your wisedome and discretion and also such Victualls of meat and drinke be dampned and annulled so that it be not expended within the houshold and to shew comin such matters as the greene Cloth before the Steward and Treasurer that it may be understood not done for malice and then to counsell upon whom to cast the losses of such mispurveying Also ye to be consciently assenting in and to all due allowance to be made or giving in the Counting house betwixt the King and his people to apply your businesses upon the good guiding and overfight of all such manner of charges and expences within this Court and without also belonging to this houshold also in our parties to make due search and enquire of and upon the conditions of purveyance and of thier purveyance inward and outward and of all the demeaning of the Officers of the Court that there rise no slander by their deedes unto this famous Court and that you see that the Officers under you for the King put them in their diligence to take often the views of the Offices that the allowance of the Expences passe not their charges of receipts ye also to make Accompt of all the Treasurer of Houshold charge and discharge for all receipts purveyances and expences and no concealements make thereof but truly to ingrosse it and to put into the Kings Exchequer and in your Office to attend and preserve the Kings Worship and profit as nigh as you can devise and ye to search keep and uphold the good said Worshipfull and profitable Rules and Statutes used before time in this Court and them to increase and that this demeaning be example to all other under you in this Court of good governance And also that ye or your under Clearke or both be at the Cowperage of Flesh and at the departing of Fish at the service of the Kings Chamber and Hall and to know the very duties of Liveries daily in Houshold and to see with the
they shall not be found contrary to our Religion Catholique Greatnesse and Majestie Royall nor to the Stat●tes and Ordinances of our two Orders of the blessed Holie Ghost and of Saint Mich●el In witnesse whereof wee have Signed this present with our owne Hand and caused the same to be sealed with our Privie Seale at Paris the last day of February Anno 1585. Henry Prilart The Oath of a Knight of the Garter at his first admission as it was used in the time of King P. and Queene Mary YOu being chosen to be one of the Honourable Companions of the most Honourable Order of the Garter shall promise and by those holy Evange ifts by you manifestly touched sweare truly and faithfully to observe and keepe all the Statutes of the said Order and every Article in the same contained for so much as to you pertaines and belongs And further That you shall help to defend and maintanine so much as in you lieth the Rights and Liberties of the Colledge of our blessed Ladie and Saint George the Martyr wherein the Honourable Order of the Ga●ter shall be founded The Oath ministred to them of the Kings Chamber by the Lord Chamberlaine in the time of King H. 8. Ia. B. sweare by the holy Evangelist That I faith and truth shall beare unto our Soveraigne Lord Henry 8 King of England and of France and Lord of Ireland and unto the Quene our Soveraigne Ladie his wife and to their issue and in and upon the Office of C. D. I shall duly and truly await and attend unto which at this time I am admitted and received I shall not know any Treason or thing prejudiciall compassed attempted or imagined against our Soveraigne Lord or Soveraigne Ladie or their Issue or any of them but I shall incontinent upon the said knowledge discover it unto our Lord Chamberlaine or unto his Deputie if he have any or in their absence to one of their Ushers in the said Chamber I shall not discover any secrets or things that may happen to come to mine eares that shall touch the Kings Councell or the honour of his Chamber And I shall be obedient unto my said Lord Chamberlaine and unto his said Deputie if he have any and unto the said Ushers and their Commandments diligently faithfully observe and keepe to my power I shall eschiew all manner of Riots making of Bandies Quarrels or Debate either within the said Chamber or without but I shall forbid and let all such inconveniences as far forth as I may And also let the said Officers or one of them have knowledge thereof Also I shall not depart out of the Kings Court without License appointed and had of my said Lord Chamberlaine or of his Deputie if he have any Which Premisses and every of them with all other Commandments to be given on the behalfe of our said Soveraigne Lord by my said Lord Chamberlaine or his said Deputie if he have any or any of the said Ushers I shall faithfully observe obey and keep to the uttermost of my power So help me God and his Saints The Oath ministred to the Clerke of the Councell to Prince Henry Sonne to King James YOu shall sweare That well and truly you shall serve the High and Mighty Prince ●enry Prince of Wales Duke of Cornwall and Earle of Chester in the Office and Clerks of his Councell and matters committed to you or treated of by his Councell to be kept secret you shall faithfully keep And you shall not know nor understand nor suffer any thing tending to the hurt or dis●heriting of his Highnesse be decreased by any meanes so far forth as ye may lett it and if ye may not let it ye shall make it clearely and expresly known to his Highnesse And that ye shall do and procure and purchase his Highnesse profit in all that ye reasonably may As God you help Perused and examined by Mr. Stevens the Princes Attorney The Oath to be ministred to any of King James his Servants in ordinary or extraordinary YOu shall sweare Faithfully and truly to serve our Soveraigne Lord the King James of Great Bri●taine France and Ireland his Heires and Successore You shall serve him in the roome and place of N. N. in ordinary You shall know nothing that shall be prejudiciall to his Person his State his Crowne or Dignitie but you shall with all diligence make it knowne to the Lord Chamberlaine Vice-Chamberlaine or some other of his Majesties mest Honourable Privie Councell You shall be obedient to the Lord Chamberlaine Vice-Chamberlaine and Gentlemen-Ushers in all matters tending to his Majesties service So helpe you God and Jesus Christ The Oath ordained to be miniflred to Princesse Maries Councell when her houshold was established in the 17. yeare of King H. 8. YOu shall be true and faithfull unto the King our Soveraigne Lord King Henry 8 and unto his Heires and Successors Kings of England And ye shall be faithfull and true unto my Ladie Princesse Grace And ye shall according to your wit discretion knowledge and experience give unto her true and faithfull counsell in all things as shall be demanded of you by way of good advice and counsell Ye shall also keepe secret and conserve her said counsell without disclosing of the same to any person except he be of the same Councell And if the matter touch any of the said Councell ye shall not disclose the same unto him Ye shall not also promote nor further any matter in her said Councell for any Meed Reward Favour Affection or Displeasure And in case you shall perceive any thing to be done or attempted contrary to her Honour Estate Degree or Suretie ye shall to the uttermost of your power withstand and let the same And generally You shal do all manner of things that unto a good true and faithfull Councellor shall appertaine So help you God and the holy Contents of this Book The Oath ministred to the Treasurers of Warre for the Receipt and Issues of the three Subsidies and three Fifteens granted by Act of Parliament in the 21. yeare of King James YOu shall sweare That you being appointed one of the Treasurers for the receiving of the three Subsidies and three Fifteenes and Tenths granted by the Temporaltie Shall not issue any part of those Monies which shall be paid unto your hands or unto the hands of any other by your appointment or consent without the speciall Warrants of those Persons which are by his Majesty appointed to be of his Councell for the Warres and in this Act nominated or of five of them at the least whereof two of them to be such as are of His Majesties Privie Councell under their Hands The Oath ministred to the Councell of Warre for the true imploying of the three Subsidies and three Fifteens granted by Act of Parliament in the 21. yeare of King James YOu shall sweare That you being one of the Councell of Warre chosen by His Majesty and nominated in
of England France and Ireland and to her Heires and Successors You shall be no Thiefe nor Thiefs Feir but if you know of any you shall do the Queenes Majesties Justices to weet of them as soone as you can and you shall live by such good and true occupation as God lent you uprightly and truly so farre as God will give you grace So helpe you God and by the Contents of this Booke The Oath that is to he given to any Jury before Evidence given in against a prisoner at the Barre YOu shall true Deliverance make betweene our Soveraigne Lord the King and the Prisoner at the Barre as you shal have in charge according to your Evidence as neere as God shall give you grace So helpe you God and by the Contents of this Booke The Oath given to a Baylisse or Serjeant that attendeth on any Jury or Inquest at an Assize YOu shall well and truly keep this Inquest from meat and drinke fire and candle you shall not suffer any man to speake with them neither shall you your selfe speak with them more than to aske them If they be agreed untill such time as they be agreed So helpe you God and by the Contents of this Booke The Oath for Evidence upon the Arraignement of the Prisoner at the Barre THe Evidence that you shall give to this Inquest against the Prisoner at the Barre shall be the truth and the whole truth and nothing but the truth as neere as God shall give you grace So help you God and by the Contents of this Booke The Oath to be given by any jury by whom a Nisi prius is to be tried YOu shall truly try this Suit of Nisi prius betweene party and party according to the Evidence as shall be given you in Court as neere as God shall give you grace So help you God and by the Contents of this Booke The Oath to be given to such as are to give Evidence betweene a party and party at an Nisi prius THe Evidence that you shall give to this Inquest concerning the matter in variance shall be the truth and the whole truth and nothing but the truth so neere as God shall give you grace So helpe you God and by the Contents of this Booke The same Oath that your foreman hath sworne you of your part shall well and truly keepe So help you God and by the Contents of this Booke The Oath of the great Inquest YE shall truly enquire and due presentment make of all such things as you are charged withall on the Queenes behalfe the Queenes Councell your owne and your fellowes you shall well and truly keepe And in al other things the truth present So help you God and by the Contents of this Booke The Oath of those that give Evidence upon Bils of indictment THe Evidence that you shall give to the Inquest upon this Bill shall be the truth and the whole truth and nothing but the truth And you shall not let so to do for malice hatred or evill will nor for meed dread favour or affection So helpe you God and the holy Contents of this Booke The Oath of such as are to be bayled upon suspition for Felony or Murder J A. B. shall from henceforth during all my life be true Liegeman and true faith beare unto our Soveraigne Ladie Elizabeth and to her Heires and Successors Kings and Queenes of this Realme and shall commit no Murder Treason or Misprision of Treason nor consent or agree to any such Offence nor shall know any perill or damage to his Grace or to the Realme or other Dominions aforesaid but shall reveale and disclose it with all speed unto such as have the Lawes in Government nor shall commit any Felony or Murder or be accessary to any such Offence or Offences but shall live a good and an obedient Subject during my life So helpe me God and the Contents of this Booke The Oath of the Approver banished HOc Audis due Coronator quod Ego A A. sum Latronius equi vel Alterius Rei vel Homicidia unius per homines vel Plurimorum fel. Dom. Regis H. quia multa Mula Latricinia Perpetram in hac Terra abjura Regnum H. Regis Anglia deheo me festinare versus portum de c. quem dedisse mihi quod non debeo devertere ab altu via et si faciam volo quod sivi captus sicut latro fel. Dom. Regis ut quod apud c. queram diligentur Transitum meum non expectabo ibi visi fluxum et refluxum maris unum si transitus haberi poterit visi Tanto Spatio abire potero iho quolibet die in mare usque ad genua tentane transire visi hoc potero infra 40. dios continues mittum me iterum in ecelesium sicut latero fel. Dom. Regis sic me Deus adjuvet secundum judicium The Oath which Philip Duke of Burgoyne tooke acknowledging and promising to obey King H. 5. as the right Inheritor of the Kingdom of France After Charles the first Kings Death I Philip Duke of Eurgoyne For me and my Heires sweare and make Oath upon these holy Evangelists to Henry of England and Heire Apparant and Regent of France by the Soveraigne Lord King Charles that meekly and faithfully shall obey the same King Henry in all things that appertaine to the King of France as to the Commonweale of the same Realme immediately after the death of the said King Charles our Soveraigne Lord we shall be true and faithfull Leiges to the said King Henry his Heires and Successors and furthermore we shall not be of Councell nor give our consent to no things that may be to the prejudice of the same King H. his Heires and Successors wherein they may suffer any derogation or detriment of their bodies of their Members Possessions or Honours And if we know of any conspiracie against him his Heires or Successors in all the hast to us possible either by our Letters or else by our Trustie Messengers to declare That they may the better provide to eschew the perills thereof When the Dukes Oath was thus finished as many as were present there both of the Kings Councell and also of the Parliaments Bishops Lords Knights and Commons made the same Oath to the King and 23 and 24. dayes of the same moneth of May 14. the Chancellor of France and many other Lords Bishops Prelats and Noblemen of the Realme gave the like Oath to King H The Oath of the Chancellor of England YEE shall swear● That well All the Oathes marked with this mark were Copied out of an old Roll in Parchment remaining in the Office of the Petty Bagg in January 1625. and truly yee shall serve our Soveraigne Lord the King and his People in the Office of Chancellor ye shall do Right to all manner of People Poore and Rich after the Lawes and usuages of this Realme and truly
power and withstand them and assist unto the King and my said Lord of Bedford in keeping of the Kings Peace and redressing of all such matter of proceeding by way of Feet and Force The Oath Which the Duke of York and Buckingham the two Arch-Bishops 11. Bishops 6. Earles two Viscounts 18. Abbots 2. Priours 17. Barons tooke in Parliament unto H. 6. in Anno 33. Nov. 25. for their Alleagiance unto the said King I Promise unto your Highnesse by the Faith and truth that I owe to God and you that I shall true and faithfully keepe the Leigeman that I owe unto you most Soveraigne Lord and to put me in my devoire to doe all that may be to the welfare honour and safeguard of your most noble Person and Royall Estate Preeminence and Prerogative and I shall at no time will or consent to that that might in any wise sound to the hurt or prejudice of your said most noble person Dignity Crown or Estate And over that I shall with all my power resist and withstand all them that will in any wise presume to attempt the contrarie So God me helpe and his Saints The Oath which the Duke of York tooke for his Alleagiance to King Hen. the 6. At the High Alter in St. Pauls Church London in presence of the said King which is entered in the Parliament Roll. Anno 38. H. 6. Nov. 9. I Richard Duke of Yorke confesse and know That I am and ought to be humble Subject and Leigeman unto you my Soveraigne Lord the King H. 6. And ought therefore to beare you faith and truth as to my Soveraigne and Leige Lord and so shall doe all the daies unto my lives end and shall not at any time will nor at any thing be attempted or done against your most Royall Person But whensoever I shall have knowledge of any such things imagined or purposed I shall with all the speed and diligence possible to me to make that your Highnesse shall have knowledge thereof and ever do all that shall be possible to come to the withstanding thereof to the uttermost of my life I shall not in no wise any thing take upon me against your Royall obeysance that is due thereto nor suffer any other man to doe as farre forth as it shall lye in my power to let it And also I shall come at your Commandment whensoever I shall be called by the same in all humble and obedient wise But if I be letted by sicknesse or impotency of my person or by such other causes as shall be thought reasonable to you my Soveraigne Lord I shall never hereafter take upon me to gather any Routs or make any Assembly of your people without your Commandment or Licence or my lawfull defence In the interpretation of which my lawfull defence and declaration thereof I shall report me at all time unto your Highnesse and if the case require unto my Peeres nor any thing attempt by way of faith against any of your Subjects of what Estate Degree or Condition they be but whensoever I shall be or when I shall feele my selfe wronged or grieved I shall sue humbly for remedy unto your Highnesse as an humble and true Subject ought to have him to his Soveraigne Lord All these things abovesaid I permit truly to observe and keepe by the holy Evangelists contained in this Booke that I lay my hand upon and by the holy Crosse that I here touch and by the blessed Sacrament of our Lords body that I shall now with his mercy receive and over this I agree me and will that if I at any time hereafter as with the grace of our Lord I never shall any thing attempt by way of fact or otherwise against your Royall Estate or obeysance that ought thereto or any thing I take upon me otherwise then is above expressed I from that time forth be unable to all manner of worship Estate or dignity be it such as I now occupie or any other that might grow unto me in any wise And this that I have promitted and sworne proceedeth of my owne desire and free volunt and by no constraint or cohertion In witnesse of all the which things above written I Richard Duke of Yorke above written Subscribe me with my owne Hand and Seale this with my owne Seale c. The Oath which was taken in the Parliament at Coventry unto King Henry 6. Anno 38. Nov. 26. by the two Arch-Bishops sixteen Bishops five Earles two Viscounts three Dukes in the absence of the Duke of Yorke fourteene Abbots two Pryors and seven Barons J A. B. knowledge you most High and Mighty and most Christian Prince King Henry 6. to be my most redoubted Soveraigne Lord and right-wise by Succession borne to Reigne upon me and all your Liege People Whereupon I voluntarily without cohertion promit and oblige me by the faith and truth that I owe unto God and by the faith truth and Leigiance that I owe unto you my most redoubted Soveraign Lord That I shall be without any variance true faithfull humble and obeysant Subject and Liegeman unto you my most redoubted Soveraigne Lord and that I shall be unto my lives end at all times and places readie and attending at your calling in my most heartie wise and manner as any true Liegeman oweth to be unto his Soveraigne Lord putting me in my true undelayed endeavour to do all that that may be unto the weale and suretie of your most Royall Person of your most Noble Estate and the verie conservation and assurance and continuance of Your most High Authoritie Preeminence and Prerogative To the weale suretie and preserving of the Person of the most Noble and Benigne Princesse Margaret the Queene my Soveraigne Ladie and of her most High and Noble Estate she being your Wife And also to the weale suretie and Honour of the Person of the right High and Mightie Prince Edward my right redoubted Lord the Prince your first begotten Sonne and of the Right High and Noble Estate of the same and faithfully truly and obeysantly in my most humble wise and manner honour serve obey and beare mine Allegiance unto you my most redoubted Soveraigne Lord during your life which God the Father of mercy for my most singular recomfort preserve long in prosperitie to endure and if God of his infinite Power take you from this Transitorie life me bearing life in this world That then I shall take and accept my said redoubted Lord the Prince Edward your said first borne Sonne for my Soveraigne Lord and beare my true Faith and Leigiance unto him as my naturall borne Soveraigne Lord and after him unto his Succession of his bodie lawfully begotten and in default of his Succession which God defend unto any other Succession of your Bodie lawfully comming And that I shall never at any time for any manner of occasion colour affinitie or cause consent give aide assistance or favour or agree to any thing that I may understand or know
by any meanes that may be prejudiciall or contrary to the premisses or any of them But that I shall as soone as I may have knowledge put me in my undelayed devovre in most heartie and effectuous wise and manner without colour or faintnesse with my bodie goods might power counsell and advertisements to resist withstand and subdue all them that would in any wise presume to do contrary to the premisses or any of them So God me help and those holie Evangelists In witnesse whereof I set to these Presents my Seale and my Signe Manuell The Oath of the Lieutenant of the Tower of London YOu shall sweare That you shall well and truly serve the Kings Majestie in the Lieutenancie of the Tower of London and the same Tower yee shall faithfully and safely keepe to the behalfe of his Majestie his Heires and lawfull Successors And the profit of the Kings Majestie ye shall do and advance in all things that you as Lieutenant of the Tower belongeth And the Rights and Priviledges of the Towre that to the same lawfully appertaine you shall keepe and preserve You shall heare nothing that may be hurtfull to the Tower or prejudiciall to his Majestie but that with all convenient speed you shall disclose it to some of his Majesties Privie Councell In these and all other things that to a Lieutenant of the Tower belongeth to do well and faithfully you shall according to your best power and knowledge performe fulfill and keepe So help you God c. The Oath ministred to certaine persons for the renouncing of their profession of Lollardisme in Rich. 2. his time vide Claus Anno Rich. 2. Nov. 18. Dorso MEmorandum quod primo die Decembris Anno Regni Regis Rich. 2. Post Conquestum 19 Willus Divet Nichus Taylor Nichus Poncher Will Staynor de Nottingham in Canc. prim Regis Personaliter Constit Sacram. divisim prestiteriut sub eo qui sequitur Tenore I William Deonet before you worshipful Fader Lord Arch-Bishop of Yorke and your Clergie with my free will and full advised sweare to God and all his Saints upon the holy Gospell That for this day forthward I shall worship Images with praying and offering unto them in the worship of Saints that they be made offer And also I shall never despise Pilgrimage ne States of holy Church in no degree And also I shall be Buxim to the Lawes of holie Church and to yhorne as my Arch-Bishop and to my other Ordinaries and Curates and keepe your Lawes upon my power and maintaine them And also I shall never more maintaine ne teachen ne defend a Errour Conclusions ne teachings of the Lollards ne swich Conclusions and Teachings that men clepite Lollards Doctrine ne shall her Bookes ne swich Bookes ne hem or any suspect or defamed of Lollardie receive or company withall wittingly or defend in your matters And if I know any swich and also I shall excite and stirre all tho to good Doctrine that I have hindered with my Doctrine up my power And also I shall stand to your Declaration which is Heresie or Errour and do thereafter and also with Pennance yhe wooke for that I have done for maintaining of this false Doctrine inmyns me I shall fulfill it and I submit me thereto up my power And also I shall make no other glosse of this mine Oath but as the words stand And if it be so that I come againe or do againe this or any part thereof I yeeld me here comptable as an Heretick and to be punished by the Law as an Heretick and to forfeit all my Goods to the Kings will withouten any other processe of Law And thereto I require the Notarie to make of all this the which is my will and instrument against me The Oath of Fidelity by the Priour of St. Johns of Ierusalem in Dorso Claus Anno 14. Edw. 4. Nov. 5. I shall be faithfull and true and faith and truth shall beare to the King our Soveraigne and to his Heires Kings of England of Life and Limbe and of Earthly worship for to Live and Die against all people and diligently I shall be attendant unto the Kings needes and businesses after my wit and power and to him and to his Commandments in that that to me attaineth and belongeth I shall be obeysant As God me helpe and his Saints A Copie of Oath of the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury and the rest of the Kings Councell sworne for performance of the Articles Matrimonial treated and had betweene the High and mighty Prince Charles Prince of Wales and the highnesse of the Infanta of Spaine and their commissaries on both Parties the 20 Iuly 1625. I George Archbishop of Canterbury doe sweare that I will Justifie and faithfully observe so much as in me lyeth all and each of the Articles which are contained in the Treaty of Matrimony betweene the most Excellent Prince Charles Prince of Wales and the most Excellent Lady the Lady Mary Infanta of Spaine And I doe also sweare That I will neither Execute nor cause to be Executed any Law made against any Romane Cotholique or exact any paine imposed thereby neither by my selse nor any inferior Ministers serving under me but in all things appertaining unto me I will faithfully observe the orders of the Kings Majestie in this behalfe made and provided The Oath which King Chaarles tooke at the time of his Coronaion AFter the Sermon was done the Archbishop of Cauteebury came to the King and with a low voyce inquires of his Majesty saying SIR will you grant and keepe and by your Oath confirme to the people of England their Lawes and Customes to them granted by the Kings of England your lawfull and religious predecessors and namly the lawes Customes and Franchizes granted to the Clergie and to the People by the King Saint Edward your predecessor according and comformable to the Lawes of God and profession of the Gospell established in this Kingdome and agreeing to the prerogatives of the Kings thereof and to the ancient Customes of this Realme Respons I grant and promise to keepe Sir will you keepe peace and agreement entierly according to your power both to God the holy Church the Clergie and the People Respons I will keepe it Sir will you to your power cause Law Justice and mercie in discretion and truth to be executed in all your Judgements Respons I will Sir will you grant to hold and keepe the Lawes and rightfull Customes which the Communalty of your Kingdome have and to defend and uphold them to the Honour of God so much as in you lyeth Respons I grant and promise so to doe Legatur Admonitio sequens ab uno Episcopo coram omnibus Clars voce sic dicendo Domine Rex a vohis perdonaci petimus vnicuique de nobis Ecclesiis omnis commssis Canonicum Privilegium debitam legem atque justitiam conservetis defentiones exhibiatis sicut Rex in suo Regno debet vnicuique Episcopo
Poer 〈◊〉 Respons Jeo les graunte promitte The Oath taken by Charles the first King of great Britaine at his Coronation AFter the Sermon done the Metropolitan commeth to the King and doth w●th a low voyce enquire of his Majestie saying Sir Will you grant and keep and by your Oath confirme to the People of England the Laws and Customes to them granted by the Kings of England your Lawfull and Religious Predecessors And namely The Lawes Customes and Franchizes granted to the Clergie and to the People by the glorious King Saint Edward your Predecessor according and conformable to the Lawes of God and Profession of the Gospell Established in this Kingdome and Agreeing to the Prerogatives of the Kings thereof and to the Antient Customes of this Relame Respons I grant and Promise to keepe them Sir Will you keepe Peace and Agreement entirely according to your Power both to God the Holy Church the Clergie and the People Respons I will keepe it Sir Will you to your Power cause Law Justice and Mercie in discretion and Truth to bee Executed in all your Judgements Respons I will Sir Will you grant to hold and keep the Laws and Rightfull Customes which the Commonaltie of the Kingdome have And to defend and uphold them to the honour of God so much as in you lyeth Respons I grant and promise so to doe Legatur Admonitio sequens ab uno Episcopo Coram Omnibus Clara voce sic dicendo Domine Rex a vobis Pardonari Petimus unicuique de nobis Eccliis nobis commissis Cannonicum Privilegium debitam Legem atque Justitiam conservetis defensionem exhibiatis sicut Rex in suo Regno d●bet unicuique Episcopo Eccliis sibi commissis Responder Kex Anime L●benti devoto promitto vobis Pardono Quia unacuique de uobis Ecclesiis vobis Commissis Canonicum Privilegium debitam Legem atque justitiam servabo defensionem quantum potuero adjuvante Domino exhibeo sicut Rex in suo Regno unicuique Episcopo Ecclesiis sibi Comissis per rectum defendere debet This being done the King cometh to the Altar and laying his right hand on the Bible saith These things which I have before promised I shall observe and keepe So God me help and by the Contents of this Booke The Oath taken by such as are convicted for stealing the Kings Venison and therefore ordered to abjure the Land MAster Crowner heare you this That I have offended our Soveraigne Lord the King in his Venison for which cause I abjure the Realme of England and hereafter I shall never return into it againe without the leave of our Soveraigne Lord the King So God me helpe and those holy Saints The Oath of a Ranger of the Forrest YOu shall truly execute the Office of a Ranger in the Panralles of W. upon the Borders of the Kings Forrest of Waltham you shall rechuse and with your hand drive back againe the wilde Beasts of the Forrest as often as they shall range out of the said Forrest into your Panralles you shall truly present all unlawfull hunting and hunters of wilde Beasts of Venire and Chase as well within the Pancallees as within the Forrest And those and all other Offences you shall present at the Kings next Court of Attachments or Swanmothe which shall first happen So God you helpe The Oath of a Verderor of the Forrest YOu shall truly serve our Soveraigne Lord the King in the Office of a Verderor in the Forrest of W. you shall to the uttermost of your power and knowledge do for the profit of the King so far as it doth appertaine unto you to do You shall preserve and maintaine the ancient Right and Franchizes of the Crowne you shall not conceale from his Majestie any Right of Priviledges nor any Offence either in Vert or Venison nor any other thing You shall not withdraw nor abridge any defaults but shall endeavour your selfe you shall give knowledge thereof unto the King or unto his Justice of the Forrest Ye shall deale indifferently with all the Kings Liege People You shall execute the Lawes of the Forrest and do equall Right and Justice as well unto the poore as unto the rich that appertaineth unto your Office You shall not oppresse any person by colour thereof for any Reward Favour or Malice All these things you shall to the uttermost of your power observe and keep So help you God The Oath of the Regarder of the Forrest YOu shall truly serve our Soveraigne Lord the King in the Office of a Regarder of the Forrest of Waltham you shall make the Regard of the same Forrest in such manner as the same hath been accustomed to be made You shall range throughout the whole Forrest and through every Bayliwick of the same as the Forresters there shall leade you to view the same Forrest and if the Forresters will not or do not know how to leade you to make the regard or range of the Forrest or that they will conceale from you any thing that is forfeited to the King you your selves shall not let for any thing but you shal see the same forfeiture and cause the same to be enrolled in your Roll You shall enquire of all wasts purprostures and asserts of the Forrest and also of concealemente of any offence or trespasse in the Forrest either in Vert or Venison by any Officers of the same Forrest And all these things you shall to the uttermost of your power do So helpe you God The Oath of a Forrester of the Forrest YOu shall truly execute the Office of a Forrester or Keeper of the Kings wilde Beasts in the Walke called P. within this Forrest of W. You shall be of good behaviour your selfe towards his Majesties wilde Beasts and the vert of the same Forrest You shall not conceale the offence of any other person either in Vert or Venison that shal be done within your Charge but as well the same offence as also all Attachments and Swanmothe other you shall present at the Kings next Court of Attachments or Swanmothe which shall first happen to be holden for the 〈◊〉 Forrest And you shall to the uttermost of your power maintaine and keep the Assizes of the Forrest and in all things the Kings Right defend concerning the same so long as you shall bee Keeper there So help you God c. The Oath of the Inhabitants of the Forrest being of the age of twelve yeares as the same hath been accustomed and used in antient time YOu shall true Liegeman be unto the Kings Majestie You shall no hurt do unto his Beasts of his Forrest nor unto any thing that doth belong thereto the offences of other you shall not conceale but to the uttermost of your power you shall them reveale unto the Officers of the Forrest or to them that may see the same redrest All these things you shall see done So help you God and Holidome The Oath of
be the onely Supreame Head in earth of the Church of England and that to his cunning wit and uttermost of his power without guile fraud or other undue meane He shall observe keep maintain and defend the whole effect and contents of all and singular Acts and Statutes made and to be made within this Realme in derogation execution and extinguishment of the Bishop of Rome and his authoritie and all other Acts and Statutes made and to be made in Reformation and coroboration of the Kings Power of Supreame Head in earth of the Church of England And this he shall doe against all manner of persons of what estate dignitie degree or condition they be and in no wise doe or attempt nor to his power suffer to be done or attempted directly or indirectly any thing or things privily or appartly to the let hindrance dammage or derogation thereof or of any part thereof by any manner of meanes or of any manner of pretence And in case any Oath be made or hath been made to him by any manner of person or persons in maintenance defence or favour of the Bishop of Rome or his authoritie jurisdiction or power yea repute the same as vaine and adnihillate So help him God and all Saints and the holy Evangelists The Oath of a Commissioner for Sewers as in the Statute Anno 23. H. 8 YEE shall sweare That you to your cunning wit and power shall truly indifferently execute the Authoritie given by this Commission of Sewers without any favour affection corruption dread or malice to be borne to any manner of person or persons and as the case shall require yee shall consent and endeavour your selfe for your part to the best of your knowledge and power to the making of such wholesome just equall and didifferent Lawes and Ordinances as shall be made and devised by the most discreet and indifferent number of your fellowes being in Commission with you for the due redresse reformation and amendment of all and everie such things as are contained specified in the said Commission And the same Lawes and Ordinances to your cunning wit and power cause to be put in due execution without favour meed dread malice or affection So God you helpe and all Saints The Oath of an Vnder-Sheriff Bayliffe of Franchies Deputies and Clerke of every Sheriffe and Vnder-Sheriff Statute Anno 27. of Queene Eliz. Ca. 12. I. A. B. Shall not use or exercise the Office of Under-Sheriffe corruptly during the time that I shall remaine there neither shall or will accept rejoyce or take by any colour meanes or device whatsoever or consent to the taking of any manner of fee or reward of any manner of person or persons for the inpannelling or returning of any Inquest Jurie or Tales in any Court of Record for the Queene or betweene partie and partie above two shillings or the value thereof or such Fees as are allowed and appointed for the same by the Lawes and Statutes of this Realme but will according to my power truly and indifferently with convenient speed impannell all Jurours and returne all such Writ or Writs touching the same as shall appartain to be done by my dutie or Office during the time that I shall remaine in the said Office So helpe me God and by the contents of this Book It is Ordained That every Under-Sheriff Bayliffe of Franchizes Deputie and Clerke of every Sheriffe Under-Sheriff and every other person and persons which shall have Authoritie or take upon him to impannell or returne any Inquest Jurie or Tales or entermedle with execution of Processe in any Court of Record untill he or they have taken the Oath of Supreamacie as it is Ordained in the first yeare of Queene Elizabeth Together with the Oath abovesaid The Oath given to the Kings Councell and Judges of his Court of Requests as it is entred in an old Book of Presidents remaining among the Records of that Court Anno 27. H. 6. Fo. 56. YOu shall be faithfull true Councellour to our Soveraigne Lord Henry by the grace of God King of England and of France and Lord of Ireland the 7 and to his Councell be diligently attendant and due and diligent attendance he shall give to the same and in every matter touching our said Soveraigne Lord his honourable suretie or profit that shall come to your knowledge or that shall be communed or treated in his Councell Yee shall to the best of your wisedome give plaine and true Councell not letting so to do for meed dread favour or affection of any person of what degree or condition soever he be the Kings Councell as long as it is Ordained to be Councell yee shall conceale and keepe secret without disclosing it to any person though he be of the same Councell if it touch him and that he may not be made privie there And if there shall come any thing to your knowledge that may be hurtfull prejudiciall or dishonourable to our said Soveraign Lord Yee shall let it to the best of your power and as soone as yee goodly may shew it to our said Soveraigne Lord or such of his Councell as yee shall think will shew it to him All which premisses and every of them yee shall well and truly keep and observe So help you God and all Saints and by his holy Evangelists by you bodily touched The Oath which was given by Henry Garnet the Jesuit to Catesby Piercy Christopher Wright and Thomas Winter and the rest of the Conspirators in the Powder Treason Anno 1605. for secresie as perseverance and constancie in the execution of their Plots YOu shall sweare By the blessed Trinitie and by the Sacrament you now purpose to receive never to disclose directly nor indirectly by word or circumstance the matter that shall be proposed to you to keep Secret nor desist from execution thereof untill the rest shall give you leave The Oath concerning the Office of a Constable in the Countrey Vide Dalton Title Warrants YOu shall sweare That you shall well truly serve our Soveraigne Lord the King in the Office of a Constable You shall see and cause his Majesties Peace to be well truly kept and preserved according to your power You shall Arrest all such persons as in your sight or presence shall ride or go Armed offensively or shall commit or make any Riot Affray or other breach of his Majesties Peace You shall doe your best endeavour upon complaint to you made to apprehend all Fellons Baretors and Rioters or persons Riotous assembled and if any such Offenders shal make resistance with force you shall leave hue and cry and shall pursue them untill they be taken You shall doe your best endeavour that the Watch in your Towne be duly kept and that hue and cryes be duly pursued according to the Statute of Winchester And that the Statutes made for the Punishment of Rogues and Vagabonds and Night walkers and such idle persons comming within your Bounds and