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A77022 The churches glory, or, The becoming ornament being a seasonable word, tending to the provoking, encouraging, and perfecting of holiness in believers ... : whereunto is added, A glasse for the unconverted ... as also, several articles of faith briefly laid down for the further establishment and confirming of the faithful / by Josias Bonham, sen. of Byfield in Northamptonshire. Bonham, Josias. 1674 (1674) Wing B3592; ESTC R42680 146,195 373

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Gall and Bitterness to his Soul and become his miserable Comforters to the greater horrour of his Conscience and the furtherance of his condemnation See Rom. 2.9 When tribulation and anguish shall be upon the Soul then will the poor Soul bewail his former Folly and careless Negligence in slighting the Means of Grace and the precious Price put into his hand and he had not a heart to improve it Prov. 17.16 and all those things whereon his heart was fixed shall be dissolved according as it is written But the Day of the Lord will come as a Thief in the night in the which the Heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the Elements shall melt with fervent heat and the Earth also and the works that are therein shall be burnt up Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought we to be in all holy Conversation and Godliness 2 Pet. 3.10 11. Fourthly let us consider this Ornament of Holiness in respect of the Duration of it Holiness is an everlasting Ornament unto the people of God it becometh Gods House for ever It is the Wisdom of the Children of this world That when they want any Commodity as Apparel or otherwise they will endeavour to obtain it with these three considerations in their eye first where they may buy at the best hand or cheapest rate secondly which Commodities are likely to be of longest continuance thirdly which are most beautiful and fashionable Now let us cast our eye upon this Ornament of Holiness of which there is so much necessity that without it no man shall see the Lord and we may behold it tendred unto us at a very cheap rate as on our part for although Gold and Silver will not purchase it yet God doth freely give it in the use of the means that he hath ordained to effect it Let us then improve the means and God hath promised a Blessing It will indeed cost us the parting with our rotten rags of the Old man but what are they in comparison to the Ornaments of the New man which after God is created in Righteousness and true Holiness it may be it will cost us the parting with our former Companions in worldly vanities and not only our gross sins but our own Righteousness which is of the Law Phil. 3. It may be it will cost us the parting with a good Name among men and with our Goods Liberty and Life which are things near and dear unto us but if we part with all these for Holiness we shall be abundantly gainers by the hand for what are corrupt Lusts and carnal Vanities in comparison of the Gifts and Graces and spiritual enjoyments of Christ and what is the Fellowship of carnal Friends and vain Companions unto the Communion of God in Jesus Christ and the Fellowship of the Saints and what are the Sufferings of Gods people though in Name Person and Estate in comparison of that exceeding and eternal weight of Glory promised unto a holy life Holiness doth far surpass all valuations that can be laid in opposition to it wherefore let us lay out for Holiness it is a rich bargain at the highest Rate Secondly Holiness is an Ornament exceeding durable in respect of its Use and Service the more it is made use of the more excellent it is Holiness is every way serviceable to the Creature it helps the Creature to glorifie God in obedience to his Commands as to find acceptance with him it helps towards peace of Conscience and Comfort in a dying hour it helps towards a sanctified use of all the Creatures with comfort in the enjoyments of them it helps a Soul to the sight of God and that blessed enjoyment of Communion with him in Glory Yea it is serviceable upon all accounts at all times in in all places in all companies in all conditions provided the Creature cast it not off as a Garment out of fashion esteem but put it on and gird it to him and be always found in it and it will be so serviceable to him that as abovesaid the more it is made use of the more excellent it is For Thirdly Holiness is never out of fashion and esteem with God and good men it is that which God in Christ designed from Eternity to accomplish in his people and Holiness shall be the Ornament of the people of God unto Eternity when all these outward things shall be dissolved holiness shall remain in its primitive beauty Holiness accompanieth and beautifies a Soul not only in this life but also in the life to come as saith the Text Holiness becometh thine House O Lord for ever O let us be exhorted and moved therefore by all these forementioned considerations to run the Race set before us to press after the Mark for the Price of the high Calling of God in Christ Jesus Phil. 3.14 to follow Peace with all men and Holiness without which no man shall see the Lord Heb. 12.14 CHAP. V. Containing some Directions how to pu● on the Ornament of Holiness I Shall now apply my self to the enquiring Soul which happily may propound this question You exhort us to Holiness and to press after it because i● is excellent and of great necessity bu● what course may we take that we may so press after Holiness as to obtain it In answer hereunto I shall lay before you these ensuing Considerations by way of Direction First I shall propound to your consideration the center where Holiness togethe● with the means for the obtaining thereof is placed Secondly the way in which a man must walk and the manner how he must press on to the Center where Holiness is centered so as to obtain the same First as Holiness in its perfection resideth in God the Father so Holiness together with the means for the effecting the same in the Children of Men is of the Father centered in God the Son Jesus Christ both God and man and by the holy Spirit proceeding from the Father and the Son in its powerful influences and operations upon the inward man is wrought and effected in them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be Saints through the exercise of Faith in Christ Now for the clearing up of these things to our understanding let us consider some Scripture-Testimonies The Apostle Paul speaking of Jesus Christ hath these Expressions For it pleased the Father that in him should all Fulness dwell Coll. 1.19 And in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily Col. 2.9 Saint John saith And the Word was made Flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his Glory the Glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of Grace and Truth Joh. 1.14 in whom are hid all the Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledg Col. 2.3 and of his Fulness have all we received and Grace for Grace Joh. 1.16 So that in Christ is centered both Holiness and the means to produce Holiness in the Sons and
Persecution arise against them Christians are required to pray for the civil Magistrate for Kings and all that are in Authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all Godliness and honesty for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour The Office of Magistracy is an Ordinance of God appointed to execute Justice against evil doers but for the praises and protection of them that do well the Office is weighty and of great concernment and requires not only humain Wisdom and Counsel but divine also to the well management thereof therefore it is of concernment that God be sought unto both by the Magistrate and also by the Subjects on the Magistrates behalf for divine assistance in Wisdom Understanding and Faithfulness of heart for the well management of the civil Laws according to the Will of God and the glory of his Name and the Subjects priviledges Wherefore as Gospel-injunction doth require the duty take heed of omitting the same lest it become a sin defiling and staining the Ornament of Holiness in your attainments thereof Also consider that this duty of Prayer is extended as the duty of every Christian not only for themselves but also for one another and for Enemies and Persecutors Therefore take heed omit not the duty lest it become sin unto us of a deep pollution Continue in Prayer and watch thereunto with thanksgiving Col. 4.2 Note Here is a further duty to be joyned with Prayer for Christians to be active in and that is Thanks-giving All our enjoyments are said to be sanctified to us by the Word of God and Prayer and are to be received with thanks-giving He that offereth praise glorifieth me saith the Lord Praises and thanks-giving to God is a Heavenly exercise a work requirable here in the Kingdom of grace and more perfectly performed in the Kingdom of glory by Saints and Angels in their glorified state God that hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus is worthy of all praise and thanksgiving to the glory of his Name from him we receive all our spiritual and temporal enjoyments and unto him belongeth praise and thanksgiving to the glory of his Name Every mercy enjoyed calls for a return of praise to the Lord from whom it doth proceed Therefore let us be careful here take heed of omitting this great duty lest we be found deep in sin and our Ornaments of Holiness be defiled Ten Leapers were cleansed by Christ but where are the nine only one returned to praise the Lord. Take heed therefore watch and pray that you may be sensible of God's mercies afforded and not forgetful of your returns I cannot here stand to number up the mercies afforded to us they are great and large yet here is one among the many I would say somthing to It is not long since a strong rough East wind did blow upon us for several years it may be the Lord had a good end in it as to sift us to prove and try the reality of our hearts towards him in our undertakings to blow away the Chaff but to preserve the Wheat so that although tryed yet the Lord in measure did debate with it so that although under the left hand of affliction yet upholden by a right hand of mercy So that as the Apostle saith We were troubled on every side yet not distressed Persecuted but not forsaken cast down but not destroyed Herein are we to behold God's hand with much thankfulness and to take heed that we forget not his Providences under which rough dispensation we may remember that we did set several days apart to seek the Lord by Fasting Prayer laying our condition cause before him And for as much as it hath pleased the Lord suddenly to turn back the rough stormy wind and to bring a calmy Southern serene refreshing gale upon us in such a way as was unexpected by us although our hope in him was for a deliverance in his time and which way should seem good unto himself for the glory of his name and indeed as the Lord is admirable in all his works and ways so in this that by the same hand he did chastise us by the same hand he should deliver us as if the Lord was minded to seal the truth of those words of Solomon unto us that the Kings heart is in the hand of the Lord as the rivers of water he turneth it whither soever he will Prov. 21.1 O who hath known the mind of the Lord or who hath been his Counseller did we think such a thing or did our Prosecutors expect it may not we herein say with the Psalmist When the Lord turned again the Captivity of Zion we were like them that dream Rather question whether it was a real thing or a fained then readily to believe it But for-as-much as it hath pleased God thus admirably to answer our poor Petitions put up unto him in the name of Jesus Christ beyond our deservings or expectations let us in these ensuing particulars be very cautious and take heed and beware First That we do not omit the attribution of this our deliverances to the Lord to the glory of his Name as the original Author thereof and to the King as an instrument in his hand lest the omission hereof become sin unto us and a stain unto our holy Atchievments but rather with Ezra say Blessed be the Lord that hath put such a thing as this in the Kings heart Secondly That we be very cautious and take great heed and beware of omitting our duty in a return of praises sutable to the benefits we receive by the Lords answering us in our requests unto him O let it not be said of us as once of Hezekiah But he rendered not again according to the Benefit done unto him 2 Chro. 32.25 And of Israel that when he slew them Then they sought him and enquired early after God and they remembred that God was their Rock and the high God their Redeemer Psal 78.34 35. but they soon forgot his works they waited not for his Counsel Psal 106.13 But rather so apply and improve his benefits herein as to make them the greater obligation to us to love the Lord to trust in him and to wait upon him in his holy appointments as long as we live as saith the Psalmist I love the Lord because he hath heard my voyce and my supplication because he hath enclined his ear unto me therefore will I call upon him as long as I live Psal 116.1 2. Thirdly Let us be very cautious and take heed unto our selves and beware that by Carnal security we abuse not our liberty and priviledge of prosperity by acts of vanity and neglect of our duties in true Christianity and so make our priviledge of liberty and prosperity to become of greater damage to us than ten or twelve years of Persecution hath ever yet done for as much as we shall sin under the greater Mercies and so
must expect the greater Judgments from the Lord There is in a day of Prosperity more danger of a peoples growing into Carnal Security and forgetting of their God than in a day of affliction if we take not heed as the Lord said to Israel of old When ye shall come into the good Land and have Houses builded and Vineyards and Olives planted and your Cattel multiplyed and ye have eaten and are full then beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God in not keeping his Commandements and Judgments and Statutes which I Command thee this day that then thou forget not the Lord thy God that brought thee out of the Land of Egypt out of the House of Bondage Deut. 6.12 Whence note that God's People that have had great experiences of God are in times of peace and plenty very apt to forget the Lord and to turn aside from a due observation of his ways and thereby defile themselves with the sins of ingratitude and great disobedience under eminent mercies highly provoking the Lord would we be a holy people unto the Lord Let Israels and others sins and punishments for the same make us timely to beware lest we stain our chiefest Ornaments thereby and watch and pray against such ingratitude the neglect whereof may cause God to neglect us of those supplyes of grace necessary to uphold us and in all our approaches to the Lord we are also to take heed and be careful that our end be right that we might glorify God in our act of Prayer and our end of asking any thing of God may be for our better glorifying of his Name the end many times crowns the action as the words of Saint James doth imply Ye have not because ye ask not and ye ask and have not because ye ask amiss that ye may consume it upon your Lusts Jam. 4.2 3. Wherefore would we have God to supply and support us let us not omit our duty in seeking to him would we have him answer us in our seeking to him then let us take heed that we omit not a right end in what we seek unto him for The omission of one thing more I would present to mind that we take heed of lest it should become sin unto us and that is of omitting the ministring of our temporal things unto such as perform the Office of ministring unto us in spiritual things especially if it be by the Minister required for as much as the Lord hath so required and ordained that they that Preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel The Apostle Paul would have the Churches know their duty in this point and the Ministers power to require it although he voluntarily would rather work with his hands then to be chargable to the Churches But as for me as I have not been chargable hitherto in that nature for what hath by me been done upon that account so do I not desire to make the Gospel chargable to any except the greater necessity yet as Paul would so would I have Christians know their concernment in this point as well as other points of Christianity and to take heed lest Omission here do not become a sin of deep pollution since it is doubtless the requirement of God see 1 Cor. cap. 9. Gal. 6.6 And let the Minister on the other hand take heed and beware that he make not temporal means and honour the chiefest end and master-wheel of his motion in the work of the Ministry and it become a pollution of the Ornaments of holiness unto him Also take heed and beware of omitting actions of charity towards the poor and it become our sin For as much saith Christ as ye have not done it to one of the least of these my Brethren ye have not done it unto me go ye therefore into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels but he that giveth to the Poor lendeth to the Lord and he will repay it Blessed is the man that considereth the Poor the Lord will deliver him in the time of trouble And so I shall conclude this Use by way of Caution with those words of Deut. 4.9 Only take heed to thy self and keep thy Soul diligently lest thou forget the things that thine eyes have seen and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life but teach them thy Sons and thy Sons Sons CHAP. XI Containing a Use of Encouragement unto Believers to Press after the attainment of Holiness and to Persevere therein THe first consideration I shall propound for Encouragement in the prosecution of this design for an Estate of Holiness is the warrantableness of the design it is highly approved of God insomuch that God doth command the prosecution of this design Be ye holy for I the Lord your God am holy Persons prosecuting this design for holiness in God's way out of which there is no attainment they do hereby answer God's Will and a good Conscience the which is a good encouragement in the prosecution of a design a good issue and success thereof may be expected But Secondly A second ground of encouragement in the prosecution of this design may arise upon the consideration of the promise of assistance in the management of this design for holiness made to the prosecutors of the said design A man having a design for his advancement in this world either for the obtaining some great Estate of Land or place of Honour and Dignity and having the word of a King for his assistance by his Countenance his Court and Counsel his Laws and Authority for the accomplishment thereof how doth this raise up and enlarge the heart of this man with encouragement in the prosecution of his design and confirm his hope of attaining his end therein How much more may the Christian-Soul be raised up with confidence and his heart enlarged with incouragements in his design for holiness and hope of attaining unto the perfection thereof Considering he hath not only the command but also the promise of him who is the King of Kings the Omnipotent Immortal and Omni-present Majesty of Heaven and Earth with all his Heavenly Court and Counsel Laws and holy Appointments to protect and assist us in the management of this great design for our attainments unto holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. O what an assistance is this for a poor Soul to have the whole Court of Heaven to assist him in his design and management thereof where God the Father by his holy appointment doth ordain his holy Word and Counsel therein to inform us his holy Spirit to enable us his holy Angels to encamp about us to minister security to us in the said design and his holy Son Jesus Christ to Crown us with the perfection of Holiness in himself considering also that he is faithful that hath promised who also will do it O what great encouragement is this that the Lord hath laid before us What rich grace is this that God doth
to inform us by his Spirit to enable us his Angels to secure us and by his Son to Crown our weak performances with his own perfections to his gracious acceptation He hath made us accepted in the beloved Eph. 1.6 Thus having briefly presented three general grounds comprehending many particulars for encouragement to the Christian soul that in love and loyalty to the Lord entereth a design for holy attainments As first The warrantableness of the design God manifesting his approbation of it by his command thereunto Seconddly God's promise of assistance Thirdly His faithfulness in performing of his Promise I shall only present a fourth ground of encouragement which is as followeth A fourth ground of encouragement in this design is The sure reward that is annexed by promise unto those souls that in the way of God do manage a design for the attainment of a holy state unto such souls there is a sure reward as saith the Spirit of God by Solomon The Wicked worketh a deceitful work but to him that soweth Righteousness is a sure reward Prov. 11.18 This Reward is sometimes in Scripture called the Reward of Inheritance as in Col. 3.24 Whatsoever ye do do it heartily as to the Lord and not to men knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the Reward of Inheritance for ye serve the Lord Christ also this Inheritance is said to be an Eternal Inheritance Heb. 9.15 and an Inheritance incorruptible 1 Pet. 1.4 Sometimes it is called a Kingdom as in Matth. 25.34 and in Luk. 12.32 Fear not little Flock it is your Fathers good pleasure to give you the Kingdom a Kingdom that cannot be moved Heb. 12.28 Sometimes in Scripture this Inheritance or Kingdom is called Eternal Life as in Joh. 10.28 My Sheep hear my Voyce and they follow me and I give unto them Eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand See further Matth. 25.46 Rom. 6.23 Quest But where is this Inheritance or Kingdom saith the enquiring soul that I may behold it Answ The Apostle Peter tells us It is reserved in the Heavens for you that are kept by the power of God through faith unto Salvation 1 Pet. 1.4 5. Note it s by the power of God that ye are kept thereunto the power of God in the operation of his Word and efficacy of his Spirit working in and by the Word therefore love the Word delight therein hold it fast it s the power of God unto Salvation unto every one that believeth Rom. 1.16 Note also it s through faith therefore look well to your faith make not shiprack of faith but keep up faith in its due exercise for ye are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation The Servants of God of old did behold the promised Inheritance by faith to their great comfort and encouragement as saith the Authour to the Hebrews chap. 11. These all dyed in faith not having received the Promises but having seen them afar off and were perswaded of them and embraced them and confessed that they were Strangers and Pilgrims on the Earth Moses by faith beheld this recompence of reward and in respect thereunto he chose rather to suffer afflictions with the people of God then to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season for he had respect to the Recompence of Reward Quest But when will it be that this promised Inheritance and Reward shall be possessed by the Believer pressing after holiness many have been in the expectation of such a thing indeed but since the Fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the Creation 2 Pet. 3.4 Answ The Apostle Peter affirmeth That the Lord is not slack as some men count slackness but is long suffering to us● ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to Repentance 2 Pet. 3.9 It may be that God hath some people yet to Convert and to add unto his Church that his coming is prolonged But the day of the Lord will come as a Thief in the Night in the which the Heavens shall pass away with a great noyse and the Elements shall melt with fervent heat the Earth also and the works that are therein shall be burnt up Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy Conversation and Godliness Nevertheless we according to his promise look for new Heavens and a new Earth wherein dwelleth Righteousness It is enough for us that we have the word of promise made out and confirmed to us by the Eternal and Infinite God to exercise our faith and hope upon and it is our duty to wait upon him in faith and patience for the performance of the same unto us in his time It is his own free gift not our deserts and that he will at last accomplish it to any soul it is infinite mercy to be admired The spirit of God hath signified unto us that it will be performed at the second coming of Christ personally as in Col. 3.4 When Christ who is our life shall appear then shall we also appear with him in Glory whereunto agreeth the words of Paul to the Thessalonians chap. 4.16 17 18. which words are these For the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout with the voyce of the Arch-angel and with the Trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the Clouds to meet the Lord in the Ayr and so shall we ever be with the Lord wherefore comfort one another with these words and in chap. 5. Comfort your selves together and edifie one another even as also ye do vers 11. Whence Note by the way that it is the duty of Christians and the property of souls espoused to Christ so to apply and improve the promise of Christ's second personal coming as to make it a ground of comfort and encouragement one to another of edification in and the observation of all his holy appointments perseveringly Our Saviour Jesus Christ a little before his sufferings being conversant with his Disciples and fore-seeing the sorrow and trouble that would attend them after his departure he for their better support encouragement and comfort under the same leaveth them this Cordial to feed upon Let not your hearts be troubled saith he ye believe in God believe also in me in my Fathers House are many Mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you to my self that where I am ye may be also Joh. 14.1 2 3. The Lord hath furnished the holy Scriptures with plenty of provision of this nature as if his faithful Servants were likely to have great need of encouragements support and comfort after his departure by reason of the many
moved It is an Eternal Everlasting Inheritance founded upon the Basis of Eternal love even the infinite love of the Eternal God and confirmed unto the Heirs thereof by the Eternal decree of the incorruptible unchangable God upholden maintained by the Omnipotency Omnisciency Omnipresence Immortality Incomprehensibility of the same Eternal Infinite and Everlasting God Everlasting in his love to those Souls in possession of this Inheritance Everlasting in his peace which passeth all understanding Everlasting in his glorious presence that filleth all in all And there shall be no Night there and they need no Candle neither light of the Sun for the Lord God giveth them light and they shall raign for ever and ever Rev. 22.5 Therefore we receiving a Kingdom which cannot be moved let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and Godly fear Heb. 12.28 For as much as the Kingdom is Unmovable and Everlasting so also is the joy and consolation of the Inhabitants thereof an Everlasting Joy and Consolation which neither Men nor Devils can deprive the soul of Death cannot do it there shall be no more death no more sorrow no more pain no more hailing into Captivity nor complaining in the Streets by reason of Oppression but all Violence shall be done away and Everlasting Joy Peace Comfort and Consolation shall be as a Crown upon the heads and hearts of these Inhabitants God shall be all in these souls and these souls shall be all in God by a Union of qualifications Divine and the sweet enjoyments of his glorious benefits the height the length breadth depth whereof eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive Too narrow is the capacity of mortal man to comprehend and the tongue of Men and Angels to express the Latitude thereof Wherefore gird up the loyns of your minds be sober and hope to the end for the Grace that is to be brought unto you at the Revelation of Jesus Christ as obedient Children not fashioning your selves according to the former lusts in your Ignorance but as he that hath called you is holy so be ye holy in all manner of Conversation because it is written be ye holy for I am holy 1 Pet. 1.13 14 15 16. But sixthly A sixth priviledge appertaining to the Heirs of this Kingdom to be by them enjoyed at Christ's personal appearing at his second coming may be considered herein for to consist that he that is their Head and Husband with whom there is a unity of Affection and Covenant-Contract and is the Recorder for his Espoused Souls that puts their tears in his Bottel and Records their sufferings in his book of Remembrance and by whom and for what even for their love to him and loyalty to his Supremacy in the observation of his Laws and for rejecting the contrary This is a great ground of consolation that he that is their Recorder their Head and Husband is the only potentate King of Kings and Judge of all the World who will bring his Records with him and make his personal appearance in the glory of his Majesty and seat of Justice attended with his glorious Angels and glorified Saints to Judge the World in Righteousness who will not respect persons in Judgment nor pervert Judgment for gifts nor reward but in Righteousness will he Judge the cause of the Poor and with Equity will he plead for the Meek of the Earth who will then plead the cause of his people with a witness against those that in this time of their Pilgrimage have oppressed and persecuted them A poor man being oppressed by one that is too potent for him and being not able to relieve himself he maketh his address unto the King laying open his cause before him resolving to wait with patience for his relief at length the King ariseth and taketh this poor mans cause into his hand and pleadeth it with his Adversary and rights him in his wrongs and avengeth him of his Oppressor O how doth this administer comfort to this poor man O how doth this oblige and endear the affections of this Poor man unto his Prince and fill his heart with joy and gladness and thanksgiving for such a benefit and shall not God avenge his own Elect which cry day and night unto him though he bear long with them they having committed their cause unto Him and cast their burthen upon him yea saith our Saviour I tell you he will avenge them speedily O what Consolation doth this bring unto oppressed Souls in the cause of God and especially when the Lord shall plead their cause with their Adversaries what praises will it bring forth unto his Name I heard saith Saint John a great voyce of much people in Heaven saying Alleluja Salvation and Glory and Honour and Power unto the Lord our God for he hath Judged the great Whore which did corrupt the Earth with her Fornications True and Righteous are his Judgments for he hath avenged the blood of his Servants at her hand and again they said Alleluja and her smoak-rose up for ever and ever in her was found the blood of Prophets and of Saints and all that were slain upon the Earth Rev. 2 3. Note the Heavenly Host rejoyceth when God pleadeth the cause of his people with their Adversaries Rev 19.5 And a Voyce came out of the Throne saying praise our God all ye his Servants and ye that fear him both small and great Babylon rejoyced in the day of Sions troubles and helped forwards her Afflictions and Sion must rejoyce in the Lords hand of Justice upon Babylon in the day of her Desolation Wherefore all ye that in this day of your Pilgrimage are in God's way pressing after holy Attainments in order to the adorning of your souls for further Communion with your holy God your Head and Husband although many troubles may attend you and many difficulties oppositions and temptations compass you about Yet cast not away your Confidence which hath great Recompence of Reward Heb. 10.35 But raise up your hearts and labour to strengthen your Confidence in the Lord by a serious Meditation and Application of the Testimonies and Promises of God contained in his Word unto all long-suffering and patience For yet a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry Heb. 10.37 For as sure as he was once offered to bear the sins of many so surely to them that look for him will he appear a second time without Sin unto Salvation Heb. 9.28 And then assuredly will the Lord own a people that now in this day of Grace press after Holy Attainments in the way of God for his People peculiarly as Taught by him Redeemed by him Sanctified by him and Justified by him the effects of the Fathers Election in himself and the fruits of the Travels of his Soul in the sufferings of himself his Beloved Espoused to himself his Inheritance
Purchased with his own blood unto himself and his Fellow-heirs to possess Eternal Glory with himself unto whom every wrong done he taketh as done unto himself Act. 9.4 5. and Recordeth it every Tear by them shed through their Oppression he bottleth up for a Witness against the Oppressor in the day of his Vengeance Psal 56.8 when he maketh Inquisition for blood he remembreth them then will he not only take account of actions done against his people but also of the omission of that good they might have done unto them and should have ministered to them in the day of their distress In as much as ye have not done it to one of the least of these ye have done it unto me Matth. 25. See this Omission is rewarded with go ye Cursed with what reward then will the Act of Oppression be rewarded the Lord hath spoken he will also bring to pass the Lord will perform and none shall hinder his proceedings Nevertheless when the Son of Man cometh shall he find Faith on the Earth Luk. 18.8 True Faith in Christ works by Love to Christ a stability in the way of Christ the which by the words of Christ is likely to be very rare and scarce to be found among the Sons and Daughters of men in the latter days immediatly before his coming unto which the Apostles in their holy writings do bear their Testimonies Therefore when ye shall see but little true Faith on Earth as it were but here and there a man or a few that are stedfast in the Profession of Christ as the truth is in Jesus according to the primitive Institution and Law of Love but great instability in ways of worships turning and twisting soon this way and soon that way and but few performing obedience as to the Lord by the rule of God's Word and when ye shall see the Iniquity of prophaneness in actions and erronious opinions to abound Mat. 24.11 12 23 24. and the love of many to wax cold and actions of Charity to be almost grown out of use scarce here and there a man acting in the principle of true love to Christ in obedience to him neither towards God in his worship nor the Neighbour in civil Curtesies but almost all carryed on by a self-ended principle of self-love in their actions 2 Tim. 3.1 2 3 4 5. all which are evidences of want of true faith then lift up your heads for your Redemption draweth nigh then behold the Judge standing at the door as it were ready to plead your Cause and to revenge your wrongs and to give you a full and free Possession of his glorious Kingdom He that shall come will come and will not tarry even so come Lord Jesus Now the Just shall live by Faith but if any man draw back my Soul shall have no pleasure in him saith the Lord Heb. ●0 37 38. 1 Pet. 4.19 Wherefore as the Apostle Peter teacheth Let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their Souls to him in well doing as unto a faithful Creator for we have not an high Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our Infirmities but was in all points tempted even as we are yet without sin Heb. 4.15 for in that he himself hath suffered being tempted he is able to succor them that are tempted Heb. 2.18 Let us therefore come boldly unto the Throne of Grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need Heb. 4.16 O let every one of us in this our present Pilgrimage endeavour to have the word of Christ dwelling richly in our hearts and Heavens glory in our eye and let us run with patience the holy Race for holy Attainments considering that holiness is an Ornament ever becoming the people of God to be found therein is a matter of great concernment First Because therein God's people do most resemble the Image of God their Heavenly Father and Christ their Redeemer Secondly Because thereunto they were Elected in Christ from Eternity Thirdly Because thereunto they are called with an holy calling Fourthly Because thereunto they are enjoyned by special Command Fifthly Because holiness is a beautiful Ornament well becoming a Christian and Christianity Sixthly Because God's people are a people to whom precious promises appertain Seaventhly Because holiness is an excellent Ornament is respect of its duration the more made use of and improved the more comely and perfect it is Eighthly Because there is a great necessity of it for without holiness no man shall see the Lord. Ninethly Because there is a sure Attainment of a holy state in pressing after it in the way of God Tenthly Because thereunto is anexed a sure reward of an Eternal Inheritance Eleventhly Because holiness puts a Soul in a capacity to see the Lord and to enjoy Union and Communion with him in a state of glory to its Eternal Consolation Twelfth Because negligence and carelesness in improving the means appointed of God for holy Attainments puts a Soul in a capacity of possessing God's great displeasure under his Eternal wrath Wherefore dearly Beloved having an holy God that requires holiness in us and holy Services to be performed by us in the way of his own holy appointments to the glory of his Name and he having made out unto us such great and precious Promises in the same Let us cleanse our selves from all filthiness of the Flesh and Spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God always considering that holiness is an Ornament well becoming the House of God his people for ever to be found therein is a matter of great concernment and so with that Exhortation 1 Sam. 12 24. I shall conclude Only fear the Lord and serve him in Truth with all your heart for consider how great things the Lord hath done for you A GLASS FOR THE UNREGENERATE TO BEHOLD Their Heart-Conceptions OR A brief discourse tending to the Discovery and Removal of some grand Obstructions to Spiritual Health and Heavens Attainments with some Directions and Motives necessary thereunto By JOSIAS BONHAM of Byfield in Northamptonshier And Judah said the strength of the Bearers of Burthens is decayed and there is much Rubbish so that we are not able to build the Wall Neh. 4.10 Printed in the Year 1674. A Glass for the Unregenerate to behold their Heart-Conceptions WHen Honest-hearted Nehemiah had tidings of the decays and breaches made upon Jerusalem that the Walls were broken down and the Gates burnt with fire and the Inhabitants Captivated by their Enemy he so lays it to heart as to become sencible of Jerusalems condition and in the sence thereof he mourns with tears he fasts from food he humbles himself and intercedes with God by Prayer on Jerusalems behalf Yea the sadness of his Countenance did demonstrate the sorrow of his Heart to over-weigh all the honours profits and pleasures that he did possess in King Artaxerxes Court Yea so did he prise Jerusalem and
the edification and comfort of Gods people according to the measure of the gift given And to this Saint Peter witnesseth 1 Pet. 4.10 11. As every man hath received the gift even so minister the same one to another as good Stewards of the manifold graces of God If any man speak let him speak as the Oracles of God if any man minister let him do it as of the ability that God giveth that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ to whom be praise and cominion for ever and ever Amen The like mind also was in Paul who exhorteth the Corinthians to covet earnestly the best gifts follow after Charity saith he and desire spiritual gifts but rather that ye may Prophesie Because he that Prophesies speaketh unto men to Edification and Exhortation and Comfort 1 Cor. 14.3 So likewise Moses when his Servant would have had him forbid Eldad and Medad of Prophesying in the Camp he answered him thus Envyest thou for my sake would to God all the Lords people were Prophets and the Lord would put his Spirit upon them And although there be now no Prophesying by extraordinary Revelation but only that which is ordinarily wrought in the soul through the operative power of the spirit in the exercise of the mind and meditations in the word of God yet the day of small things is not to be despised for God will accomplish his work not by might nor by power but by his own spirit and although these ensuing considerations be not adorned with variety of tongues nor such eloquence as humane Wisdom teatheth yet now in love they are tendered to thy consideration If they bear an harmonious sound to the wisdom of God and thou receive any Edification or Comfort thereby let God have the glory and me thy prayers for my further growth and increase in the grace of God and of Jesus Christ our Lord to whom I desire to be an obedient Subject and faithful Servant although unworthy of so high a calling and remain thine in all Christian Office Josias Bonham And now my Friend art thou for Heaven design'd And to the way of Holiness inclin'd Lend me thine eye thine ear thy heart and hand These lines with me to read and understand Would we an holy state and glory win Le ts search our hearts and there the work begin By application of Gods word thereto Preventing evils that from thence ensue The heart is naturally Corruptions seat Whence flows great sins that do us often cheat Obstructions great from thence doth often rise Like filthy Rubbish in our way it lyes The which in wisdom must removed be If we an holy state and Heaven would see Therefore with diligence let 's fall to work To search what Vermin in our hearts do lurk Unanimous let 's be go hand in hand Corruptions Laws and Power to withstand That we from slavery may be set free To serve the Lord in holy Sanctity Thine in the Lord J. B. AN EPISTLE TO THE READER Of this Ensuing Treatise IT is mans misery since the Fall having lost his God and therewith his Happiness that he knows not the way to return to Happiness again Indeed every man in the world aims to make himself happy but is at a loss where or in what to place his happiness not considering the first make of mans noble Soul which was like God which can never be happy or content without something Infinite and Eternal Hence it is that man placeth happiness in Goods not in Goodness crying Who will shew us any Good any good serves turn though but a shew of good in the mean time the one thing needful is neglected they see no need of this one thing needful he is concerned with trifles and trifles with his great concernment And as he is to seek where or in what to place his happiness to the way by which happiness is to be obtained forgetting that irrevokable decree of the Almighty viz. That without Holiness no man shall see the Lord. This way of Holiness thou hast here discovered in this Book now this tho● mayst assure thy self that of all those things disputable this is without al● dispute on all hands that holiness is th● great thing designed by God hi● threatnings are that we should be Holy his promises are that we should efect Holiness all his Afflictions ●●●t we should be partakers of his Holi●●ss Christ prays that we should be Holy ●●d pleads that we should be Holy the ●●d of all Preaching and of all the Or●●●ances is that we should be Holy ●ver did any perish but for want of ●●liness God glorys in this that he is Holy God He is glorious in Holi●●ss Christ is the Holy Child Jesus ●s a Holy Saviour he had his Name ●●sus that he might save us from our 〈◊〉 Wouldest thou go in that way to●●rds Heaven as not to miss as many ●ost Christians and foolish Virgins ●●ve done why Holiness is this way ●●e wayfaring man though a Fool ●ll not err therein Esa 35.8 Let me therefore intreat thee who●●er thou art that may be the Reader of ●t Book to consider the great thing ●●igned herein viz. which is to shew ●●t what is the only becomeing Orna●●et viz Holiness as for all other ●●raments they may perish but this becomes thee for ever Possibly ● may say if I be Holy I must ●● with many frowns from an unw●● world matter it not there 's ● in Gods love than the worlds ha●● frowns and smiles from the world not long one smile from Christ ● dying Bed will make amends for Therefore fear not what will becom● thee study what becomes thee as Wise man once said Yet I kno● shall be well with them that fear G●● but it shall not be well with the Wic●●● Therefore I beseech you consider near you walk on the brink of Eter●●● what provision is made for the world Vessels of glory are afore pared for glory and be sure of that though you may own your se● and others may own you yet God never own you if you be not 〈◊〉 Now art thou one that saist as the ●●●ciple once to Christ Rabbi w●● dwellest thou and he answ●●● Come and see So say I wo●●● thou know the Excellency the Ne●●● Beauty the Glory of Holiness come ●●d see read this Treatise pray that 〈◊〉 eyes may be anointed with eye-●●ve and that he which is Truth may ●●d thee into all Truth who is sancti●●tion that he would sanctifie thee ●o shed his precious blood to wash us ●t we might be Holy who before the ●●●ndation of the world hath chosen us ●●t we should be Holy and that he ●●ld bless all means leading thereto ●●t his blessing may go along with the ●●ours of that his Servant the Au●●ur of this Eook is the unfained de●●● of him who is an unworthy Servant Jesus Christ and thy Friend Jo. Norcott TO THE READER IN Commendation of this Book Reader TWo things are chiefly treated of
much in Answer to the second Question The third particular we have to consider by way of Explication is the Furniture or comly Ornaments of this House and these are here comprehended under the term Holiness Holiness becometh thine House O Lord Holiness is an Ornament which doth adorn and beautifie both the inside and outside of a Christian or Christian Society it is curiously wrought in the inward man by the In-dwellings of Gods holy Word and Spirit in the influences and operations thereof and it branches forth it self in those visible actions and practices that are agreeable to Gods Will. This Ornament comprehendeth within its circumference the great work of Transformation somtimes called Renovation or new Creation according to the Apostles exhortation And be not conformed to this World but be ye Transformed by the Renewing of your minde that ye may prove what is that good that acceptable and perfect Will of God Rom. 12.2 And saith the same Apostle Eph. 4.23 24. Be ye Renewed in the Spirit of your minde and that ye put on the New Man which after God is Created in Righteousness and true Holiness When the minde is transformed from Carnality to stand in the things of God it may then be said to be Holy The will also may be said to be Holy when it is transformed from that stubbornness and Rebelliousness which by corrupted Nature it standeth in against the will of God and is become submissive and obedient to the will of God so as freely to observe it in all his Commands and freely to submit unto his Will in all his dispensations saying The Will of the Lord be done So likewise the affections when they are transformed from Earthly objects to Heavenly objects when the Meditations Desires Love and Delights are all seated in God and in the things of God this may be accounted holiness in the inward man holiness in the outward man doth arise from this inward work as from the root and brancheth forth it self in word and action as that holy man David saith of himself That his mouth should shew forth the praise of God Psal 34.1 and his tongue should talk of his Righteousness all the day Psal 71.24 It was the Prayer of Paul that holy Servant of God in the behalf of the believing Romans That with one mind and one mouth they might glorifie God even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Rom. 15.6 The minde and the mouth should go together in those things where the glory of God and the edification of the Church is concerned yea all the members of the body as David saith I thought on my ways and turned my feet unto thy Testimony I made hast and delayed not to keep thy Commandements Psal 119.59 It is not enough for a man only to withdraw his affections from Carnal objects but he must have also his eye fixed upon the Lord and his Truth with the Professors thereof as David saith Psal 101.6 Mine eyes shall be upon the Faithful of the Land that they may dwell with me Neither is it enough for a man to have his hand shut from doing any action of violence or oppression but he must have it open also in doing works of Mercy and Charity to undo the heavy burdens and to let the Oppressed go free Esa 58.6 to be ready to Distribute and willing to Communicate to such as are in Want Tim. 6.18 So that when all the faculties of the inward man and members of the outward man act in their places according to the will of God by vertue of his sanctifying and quickening Spirit that gives motion thereunto When a man is set free from sin and become the Servant of God he hath his fruit unto holiness and the end will be Everlasting Life Rom. 6.22 So that holiness is the perfection of purity in Nature Word and Works the which perfection is only found in God but in reference to man holiness consisteth in pardon of sin and in transformation of Nature by the renewing of the mind from corrupted Nature to a renewed or new-begotten Nature which is wrought by the operations of the holy-Spirit in such thoughts words and actions as arise from that original And thus much by way of Explication concerning the term Holiness The fourth particular concerns the duration of this Ornament which is expressed in the Text by the term Ever Holiness becometh thine House O Lord for Ever The term Ever doth here signifie Time without limitation or end and so it is taken somtimes in Scripture We have the Lords Kingly Office in respect of the duration of it set forth by this term Ever The Lord sitteth King for Ever Psal 29.10 So the Apostle Paul setting forth to the Thessalonians the second coming of Christ and the happy Estate of the Faithful at that day when the dead in Christ shall rise first Then we saith he which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the aire and so shall we ever be with the Lord wherefore comfort one another with these words Thes 4. whence I apprehend the the term Ever to signifie Time without limitation or end which is also called Eternity or Life Eternal Math. 25.46 And so having considered the words by way of Explication I shall proceed to the Doctrine and Application CHAP. II. The Doctrine Propounded and Confirmed THe point of Doctrine or Observation which doth offer it self to our Christian consideration from the words thus explicated is briefly this The Doctrine Holiness is an Ornament ever becoming the people of God Or thus It ever becometh Gods people to be an Holy people This Doctrine is confirmed by such Scriptures as do shew the Grounds and Reasons why it ever becometh Gods people to be an holy people And the first ground I shall present to consideration is this The first Reason grounded on Col. 3.9 10. because they do therein most resemble God their Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ their Elder Brother Paul to the Colossians gives this Exhortation Lye not one to another seeing that ye have put off the Old man with his deeds and have put on the New man which is renewed in knowledg after the Image of Him that Created him The same Apostle in his Epistle to the Ephesians gives the like Exhortation Put off saith he Ephe. 4.22 23 24. concerning the former Conversation the Old man which is corrupt according to the deceitful Lusts and be renewed in the Spirit of your minde and that ye put on the New man which after God is Created in Righteousness and true Holiness In which words we may note First That the Lord calls for a renewed mind and not only the mind but also the whole man Secondly The way in which this work of Renovation is wrought and that is through a true and sanctified knowledge of God Put on the New man which is renewed in Knowledge Thirdly Here is the likeness or Image into which the
exhortation by vertue of the same command But as he which hath called you is holy so be ye holy in all manner of Conversation because it is written be ye holy for I am holy 1 Pet. 1.15 16. So that God's people are to be an holy people because they are enjoyned thereunto by special command And this is the fourth Reason A fifth Ground and Reason why it ever becometh God's people to be an holy people The fifth Reason is grounded on Psal 29.1 2. may be taken from the consideration of the beautifulness of holiness It doth beautifie and adorn the Christian and the Christian-profession or the profession of Christianity It is of great excellency to the advancement of God's glory to the promoting of the Gospel and to make Christian performances in the way thereof delightful in the sight of God and therefore the spirit of God by the Psalmist hath this exhortation unto the Sons and Daughters of men Give unto the Lord O ye mighty give unto the Lord the glory and strength give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness Psal 96. The sixth Reason is grounded on 2 Cor. 7.1 A sixth Ground and Reason why it ever becometh God's people to be an holy people is because they are a people unto whom God hath made exceeding great and precious promises 2 Pet. 1.4 The Apostle Paul to the Corinthians makeing a recital of many excellent promises which God hath made to his people as to dwell in them and walk in them to be a God unto them and to accept them as a people unto himself repeats an exhortation laid down by the Prophet Isaiah Esa 52.12 2 Cor. 6.17 18. to come out to be separate and not to touch the unclean thing and I will receive you and will be a Father unto you and ye shall be my Sons and Daughters saith the Lord Almighty As if the Lord should say my Divine power and providence shall be over them for their protection my Spirit of Wisdom and Counsel shall be in them by its influences and operations to instruct them in the way of Life My mercy shall be exercised in remission of their sins The experiences of my Love shall replenish their hearts with consolation and support in time of trouble My Righteousness shall plead their cause and right their wrongs against all their Oppressors As a Father will I take care of them in this their present Pilgrimage and interest them in an Heavenly and Everlasting Inheritance that it may be well with them for ever Upon these and the like considerations the Apostle groundeth this Exhortation Having these promises dearly beloved let us cleanse our selves from all filthiness of Flesh and Spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God 2 Cor. 7.1 So that God's people are a people unto whom God hath freely given exceeding great and precious Promises therefore it becometh them to be an Holy people And so I shall proceed to some Considerations by way of Application only make a brief recital of the six particulars laid down for the proof of the point namely It ever becometh God's people to be an Holy people and to be found therein is matter of great concernment First Because they do therein most resemble God their Heavenly Father Secondly Because they are thereunto Elected in Christ from Eternity 3dly Because they are thereunto called with an Holy means or calling Fourthly Because God hath enjoyned holiness upon his people by special Command Fifthly Because holiness is a beautifying Ornament unto a Christian and Christianity Sixthly Because they are a people unto whom God hath made exceeding grea●● and precious promises CHAP. III. Containing some Considerations by way of Application The first Vse of Information THe foregoing Considerations may be of use unto us in several particulars by way of information First To inform our Judgments wherein the beauty and comliness of a Christian doth consist that is to say not in fleshly beauty nor the adornings of gay Apparel but in Holiness God delighteth in the likeness of himself where he seeth his own Image in a person or people that 's the soul he delighteth to honour with the Communications of his choycest favours The Lord hath set apart him that is godly for himself Psal 4.3 Secondly We are hereby informed into the original or first moving cause of holiness in a people with the means and promises thereunto appertaining and that is God's electing Love in Christ Jesus as the Apostle teacheth But God who is Rich in Mercy for his great Love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in sins hath quickened us together with Christ by Grace ye are saved Eph. 2.4 and herein is Love not that we loved God but that He loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins 1 John 4.10 So that Jesus Christ with all the means of holiness and promises thereunto appertaining are the effects of the Fathers Love see Deut. 7.6 7 8. Thirdly The third Vse of Information We are hereby informed into the knowledge of the will of God concerning holiness in his people It is certainly the will of God that his people should be an holy people seeing he hath chosen and called them thereunto as the effects of his Love towards them For this is the will of God even your Sanctifica●ion that ye should abstain from Fornicati●n that every one of you should know how to possess his Vessel in Sanctification and Honour 1 Thes 4.3 4 7. for God hath not called us to Vncleanness but unto Holiness So that it is the will of God that his people should be a● holy people Fourthly It may inform us of our Duty in answer to God's command God's command implyeth his peoples duty in obedience to the command by a careful improvement of the means which he hath ordained to accomplish that end The Lord said to the Israelites of old Sanctifie your selves and be ye holy for I am the Lord which sanctifie you Levit. 20.7 8. As if he should say I am the Lord which se● you apart for my self and sanctifie the means whereby you may be an holy people therefore sanctifie your selves by a careful and diligent walking in the use of that means that you may be an holy people unto me So likewise the Apostle to the Romans saith If ye through the Spirit do mortifie the Deeds of the body ye shall live Rom. 8.13 Also to the Philipians he gives this Exhortation Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling for it is God that worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure Phil. 2.12 13. All which Scriptures do shew that God is the chief Author of the means and th● mover to the means yet there is something enjoyned on the Creatures part in obedience to the command wherein the Creature by the direction and assistance of the means ought to be
which was in Christ Jesus c. See here is a Unity of Qualifications required between Christ and his People the same Mind the same affectionate Love the same bowels of Compassion and Mercies the same Humility the same Patience in the Quality though we cannot reach the Quantity To this purpose is that Divine Exhortation Coloss 3.12 Put on therefore as the Elect of God holy and beloved bowels of Mercies Kindness humbleness of Mind long-suffering forbearing one another and forgiving one another even as Christ forgave you so also do ye and above all things put on Charity which is the Bond of Perfectness as if he had said And above all things put on a real Love unto the Lord and unto one another for the Lords sake and let all your Actions flow from that Original and be therewith compounded This is my Commandment saith Christ to his Disciples that ye love one another as I have loved you Joh. 15.12 O see Christ and Christians Oneness in the matter of Qualifications according to what Christians do or ought to press after in order to the Attainment of Holiness Those Souls that would attain to Holiness must put on Christ in his Offices also in his Qualifications Thirdly as it is the great concernment of Souls to put on Christ in his Qualifications and Offices in order to Holiness so also in example of walking sutable to those Qualifications It is not enough to receive Grace and to have the Qualifications of Grace wrought in us but there must be a bringing forth the Fruits thereof by a visible motion and action in all those ways wherein the Glory of God and the Benefit of his People is concerned after the example of Christ according to our measure received Jesus Christ in the days of his Humiliation was active to administer Grace unto poor Sinners for their Conversion Edification and Salvation according to what he had received of the Father so Divine Counsel doth require every man as he hath received the Gift so to administer the same one to another as good Stewards of the manifold Graces of God 1 Pet. 4.10 Edifie one another as also ye do 1 Thess 5.11 building up your selves on your most holy Faith Jude 20. exhort one another Heb. 3.13 admonish one another Col. 3.16 forewarn and reprove in the case of Sin These are some of the footsteps of Christ that he had his motion and walking in these are some of the footsteps of the Flock of Christ wherein they are by Divine appointment to follow Christ in and he that saith he abideth in Christ ought so to walk even as he walked 1 Joh. 2.6 It was commendable in the believing Romans that they so improved the Word of Christ to an increase of Grace and Knowledg to an ability to admonish one another Rom. 15.14 The Thessalonians were under Commendations for their edifying and comforting one another in things of God while the Hebrews lay under Reproof in that they for the time that they had received the Gospel ought to have been Teachers of others they were become such as had need to be taught again the first Principles of the Oracles of God Heb. 5.12 The Corinthians were commended for keeping the Ordinances to them delivered but at the same time reproved for not observing of them in manner and form according to the order of the first Institution or Delivery therefore he that saith he abideth in Christ ought so to walk even as he walked To this agreeth those words of Paul to the Corinthians Be ye Followers of me even as I also am of Christ 1 Cor. 11.1 even so not otherwise Christ must be the Pattern for Matter Manner and Form Christ walked in the observation of all the Laws and Ordinances in Matter Manner and Form wherein his Fathers Will his Worship and Service was concerned he that saith he abideth in him ought so to walk even as he walked Should I by the way give one instance of Christs Observation in that holy Ordinance of Divine Institution unto a holy Use and End that in these days is by most people laid aside and by many violently opposed and abused calling it a low carnal empty thing a Shadow without a Substance and a Shell without a Kernel and the like or worse and the Observers of it had in gteat reproach the which Ordinance is that Baptism where a Gospel-Minister is the Administrator and the Subject a Believer demonstrating Faith in Christ and much Water the Matter and both going down into the Water the Administrator dipping or overwhelming the Subject in the Water in the Name of the Father Son and holy Ghost the Manner and Form This Baptism as low as some would lay it is from Heaven appointed by God the Father as a Branch of his Mind and VVill. To this Ordinance of Baptism in VVater did Christ the Son of God and Head of his Church submit unto in obedience to his Fathers VVill as an act of Righteousness thereby confirming it as the VVill of God and an act of Righteousness unto his People for to observe and do in obedience to the will of God the which Ordinance Christ hath ratified and confirmed unto his Church and every Soul exercising Faith in him by his Authority and Command as a standing Ordinance to be observed in its place and to its Ends Uses for and during the time of the Gospel-Administration the which is like to be until time shall be no longer Revel 10.6 or the great and terrible day of the Lord come in which the Lord will judg all men and those living under the Dispensation of the Gospel according to their embracing or rejecting of his Counsel contained in the Gospel as it is written The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels in flaming Fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ who shall be punished with everlasting Destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the Glory of his Power 2 Thessalon 1.7 8. Therefore seeing the afore-recited Baptism was by God the Father instituted as a Branch of his VVill and an Act of Righteousness for Believers to observe and do and Christ his Son hath confirmed it unto us by his personal Act therein and also by his word of Command and Counsel thereunto He that saith he abideth in Christ ought so to walk so to observe the same it being by Divine Authority made one of the footsteps of the Flock of God But here is one thing liable to the Inquisition of the enquiring Soul unto which I would say something before I pass this particular Quest What is the End and Vse of Baptism Ans Baptism is an Appointment of God to stand as a visible sign or token of his Covenant of Grace made in Christ for the Remission of Sins and Acceptation of Persons that through a supernatural Illumination do see themselves siinners loft by sin
not only command us to be holy because he is holy but attends upon us with all holy means appertaining to the attainment of an holy state that we in a good improvement of the means according to his Counsel against Sin and Satan and our own Corruptions for the attainment of a holy life we might both Plow in hope and Sow in the hope of Reaping a sure and certain Estate of holiness in its perfection to the great joy and consolation of the Soul in the sweet enjoyments of Communion with the Lord But Thirdly As we may be encouraged in this design by the warrantableness of it God highly approving of it and secondly from the promise of God to assist us in the management of the design So thirdly we may be much encouraged upon the consideration of the faithfulness of him that hath promised assistance to us Know therefore saith Moses that the Lord thy God is God the Faithful God which keepeth Covenant and Mercy with them that love him and keep his Commandements to a thousand Generations Deut. 7.9 This is an excellent encourageing argument and attribute of God to strengthen the courage and confidence of a Christian in his design for the perfecting holiness in the fear of God if a Christian in the management of this design do meet with temptations and oppositions by the Lusts of the flesh the Devil or Wicked men here is a special ground of courage and confidence God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that ye may be able to bear it 1 Cor. 10.13 Should a Christian in his management of this designe be possessed with some fear or jealousie of its own Imperfections and Weaknesses that by reason of the same it shall not attaine unto an estate of Holiness to stand acceptable without blame in the sight of God Here in this Case-consider that God is faithful who hath Called you unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord 1 Cor. 1.8 9. who will also confirme you unto the End that ye may be blameless in the Day of our Lord Jesus Christ Wherefore thou Christian Soul pressing after the attainment of Holiness consider Gods faithfulness as a remedy against any fears doubts or jealousies that may arise upon the sight or sense of thy own weakness and imperfections hath God also called thee unto the fellowship of his Son to walk with him in his holy Laws and Council contained in his Word striving against Sin for to attain unto an Holy state God hath also called thee unto the fellowship of his Son in the participation of his Righteousness and true Holiness in which Robes he will accept thee as unblameable in his sight Faithful is he that calleth you who also will do it 1 Thes 5.24 Therefore press after Holiness but against the defilements of sin depending on Christ for perfection therein who Crowns Saints endeavours and adds to their store his own perfect purity to acceptance evermore Thou hast a few names saith the Lord to the Church of Sardis That have not defiled their Garments It seemeth these few persons did carefully endeavour in the use of the means to keep up and nourish the life and power of Godliness in them so as not to allow themselves in that deadness and sloathfulness that others were found in nor in those false doctrins and opinions that were on foot among others neither in those loose and lacivious practices and abominations of the times but their hearts being real to the Lord and their careful endeavours was to keep themselves undefiled from the sins of the times So the Lord Jesus Christ doth record them here according to their careful endeavours and integrity of their hearts although they might have failings and imperfections without which there is no man on this side the grave yet they being not allowed but endeavoured against the Lord seems to take not any notice thereof nor layeth any thing to their charge on that account for as much as such souls thus consciencious of sin do in the sence of their own imperfections the more humble themselves before the Lord admiring his mercy and judge themselves unworthy of the same Well but what of these few They saith the Lord shall walk with me in white for they are worthy Note here for encouragement in this design for holy attainments two things especially laid down in promise to such First Union with Christ in his white robes of Innocency Righteousness and Holiness in the perfection thereof Christ will cover the failings and imperfections of such souls with his own perfections Secondly Here is Communion with Christ Christ accepts them in Communion with himself They shall walk with me in white Christ puts his perfections upon them as aforesaid and makes them meet-Companions for himself They shall walk with me O what rich grace is this what an encouragement is here to press after such attainments when Christ hath engaged himself to make up our wants with his own fulness our imperfections with his own perfections and thereby make us meet for fellowship with himself They shall walk with me in white for they are worthy Note Here Christ seems to attribute a worthiness in them of these priviledges although in all that they have done is but their duty and not deserving at the hand of Christ so great priviledges but such is the gracious goodness of the Lord that he will not let the gift of a cup of cold water Math. 10.42 that is given to one of his Disciples for his sake go unrewarded how much more respects will he freely show towards those that for his sake in love to him do improve his Counsel unto a denial of themselves in all ungodliness and worldly Tit. 2.11 12. Lusts and Vanities to walk with Christ in his Counsel confessing his Name and professing his truth in opposition to Sin the World and the Devil to the management of this design of perfecting holiness in the fear of God to the glory of his Name Yea so doth Christ respect such souls that he confirms his former words with a second Confirmation He that overcometh the same shall be Cloathed with white Rayment and I will not blot his name out of the book of Life but I will confess his name before my Father and before his Angels Rev. 3.5 O what great encouragements hath the Lord laid before us if we are upon the management of this design for holiness in the way of Christ's Counsel He will Cloath us with his own Robes and keep our names clear in the book of Life and confess our names and bear his Testimony for us before his Father and before his Angels as he also testifyeth Math. 10.32 O behold the faithfulness of God that as he hath commanded us to be holy so hath he graciously promised his assistance to us in our endeavours by his Divine Counsel in his Word
14 15 16. Gal. 6. 6 It is of divine requirement and the Christian Churches duty to communicate unto the maintenance of their Minister in Office of their temporal concernments that ministereth to them in spirituals for so hath the Lord ordained that they that preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel yet may a Pauls spirit make his ministry without charge for the Gospel-sake without sin if he can subsist without the Churches maintenance Nineteenth It is the duty of Christians from the example of the primitive Apostolical Churches to set apart Act. 20.7 observe and solemnize the first day of the week peculiarly to assemble together to worship the Father to honour the Son 1 Cor. 16.2 and to edifie one another in that holy order and divine rule of truth made known unto us by the Son through the demonstrations of his Spirit in the Gospel without adding or diminishing Humane inventions cast aside For Christ in 's Word hath them denyed Twentieth That prayer with thanksgiving unto the Father in the name of the Son by the assistance of the spirit and reading preaching and hearing with due attention the doctrine of Gods word and the due administration of the Ordinances of Baptisme and of bread and wine in that order and to those ends which answer Christs Institution Pattern or Example as they are the essence and substantials of divine worship so are they with actions of mercy and charity the proper work of a Sabbath or a day set apart to the Lord and are to be continued in practice by the Church until the second appearing of Christ personally Twenty-first Mat. 28.19 Mark 16.15 16. That the Baptizing of Believers in the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost is a Divine Ordinance appointed as a visible token of Gods Covenant made in Christ unto Believers apprehended only by an eye of faith through a supernatural illumination and is to be administred unto subjects upon their confession of Faith in Christ wherein Christ not only gives a Believer visible admittance into communion with his Church as a Member but also engageth to the Believer walking in faith and obedience to him a performance of all the priviledges and benefits promised to his Church in him as he is King Priest and Prophet thereunto And also the Believer by Baptisme visibly testifieth to God Gal. 2.27 the Church and the World that he taketh Christ as his King Priest and Prophet and thereby engageth with Christ to walk with him through his assistance in his holy order of government and rule of truth made known in his word to be his will in opposition to Sin the World and the Devil All persons have a right to the hearing of the Word Preacht and are to be admitted by vertue of Christs Commission thereunto whether Jews or Gentiles Heathens or Pagans or whatsoever but only Believers to Baptisme upon confession of Faith Act. 8.37 Twenty-second The Ordinance of Bread and Wine instituted by Christ Luk. 22.12 20. is to be observed by his Church consisting of Baptized Believers until his second coming as a representation of the body and blood of Christ broken and shed for the remission of Sins and of the Union-Believers in him thereby 1 Cor. 11.24 25 26 as also a representation of that communion and fellowship Believers shall hereafter enjoy by vertue thereof the which Ordinance through a right application by faith proveth useful for the preservation and confirmation of the Faith Hope Joy and comfort of Believers acting in the said Ordinance in obedience to Christ their King Twenty-third Lev. 19.17 It is the order of Christ and the duty of Christians to reprove sin in their fellow-members upon the visible appearance of it and to give in warnings and admonitions for reformation as they tender the glory of God Rom. 15.14 the honour of Christ their own duty and the promotion of truths interest the life of holiness and the present and future good of the said fellow-member found in transgression Heb. 3.3 Twenty-fourth Psal 141.5 It is the will of Christ and the duty of Christians being justly reproved for sin that they take it patiently and apply it penitently and improve it reformingly with respect unto the aforesaid ends the glory of God the honour of Christ their own duty Prov. 15.10 truths interest the life of holiness and the present and future good of their own souls Twenty-fifth Mat. 18.16 17. It is a divine order given forth by Christ as a Statute-Law unto his Church that in cases of difference arising between Church-members and the said difference cannot be composed by the parties in difference or by one or two more that then the judgment and determination of the Church should stand for a composer of the same and the parties in difference to be satisfied there-with as they respect the glory of God the dignity of Christ the credit of the Church and their union in the bond of peace Twenty-sixth It is the order of Christ and the duty of his Church in obedience to him as their supream Head and King to put in execution the Ordinance of Excommunication against such Members that obstinately persist in wicked practices 1 Cor. 5. or destructive erronious opinions 1 Cor. 16.22 after private and publick reproofs admonitions and exhortations given by the Church according to the rule of Christs order with a respect unto the dignity of Christ and their duty to Christ the purity of the Church and the reformation of the person found in transgression Twenty-seaventh As a Church-Member is by the order of Christ Mat. 18.18 and the Authority thereof given to his Church justly excommunicated from communion with his Church in the holy Ordinance of divine representations so assuredly in the purpose and determinations of God he shall be excluded from the communion of Saints in glory and be numbred among the Transgressors except timely Repentance Twenty-eighth These persons that enter themselves visible Church-Members by Baptisme and walk in Church-communion in the use of all the external parts of divine worship Mat. 13.41 and under the dews of Gods free grace in Christ in the doctrin of the Gospel and have not Gods glory and the mortificacation of their sins Rom 8.13 the subduing of their corrupt Lusts and the sanctifying of their hearts with the qualifications of grace to be their principal ends and in order to those ends do not strive carefully to apply and faithfully to improve the aforesaid means thereunto such persons are like to be as the man without the Wedding-garment and his portion like to be their lot for carnal ends an outside profession only establisheth in a man but the hope of the Hypocrite but right ends often crowns the action with good success although the action have many imperfections Twenty-nineth Those persons that in love to their corrupt Lusts and the world in the pride pleasures and profits thereof
New man is renewed and that is after the Image of Him that Created him after God or the likeness of God Fourthly Here is the particulars wherein this Image or Resemblance of the New Creature unto the Creator doth consist and that is in Righteousness and true Holiness Agreeable hereunto are the words of the Apostle to the Corinthians 2 Cor. 3.18 But we all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord are changed into the same Image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord So that Holiness doth most resemble the Image of God and of our Lord Jesus Christ therefore it ever becometh the Lords people to be an holy people The second Reason grounded on Ephe. 1.4 A second Ground and Reason why it ever becometh Gods people to be an holy people is because God hath chosen them thereunto in Christ before the foundation of the world as the Apostle teacheth the Ephesians According saith he as he hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in Love In this Scripture we may note these three particulars First God's choyce of his people Secondly Upon what account this choyce is made and that is not our works foreseen but Christ's merits he hath chosen us in him Thirdly To what end this choyce is made and that is that we should be holy and without blame before him in Love But if it be asked how hath God chosen his people in his Son unto holiness before the foundation of the world I Answer God did from Eternity see the lost condition of his people through their transgression of his Law and their defaceing his Image of holiness in which he did at first Create them He also did foresee and in himself purpose and decree a satisfaction to his Justice in and by Jesus Christ his obedience to his just Law which man had transgressed and by his suffering death for sin in the same humane nature that had sinned that thereby a perfect Righteousness and Justification might be wrought for man-kinde that all those who through grace and the operations of the holy Spirit are in time brought over to believe in Jesus Christ should be justified from all things from which they could not be justified by the Law Act. 13. and sanctified to the obedience of Christ and to acceptance with the Father through him And so God beholding his people from Eternity in that Righteousness that Christ by his perfect obedience to the Law should in time obtain and in that satisfaction which he should make to divine Justice by his sufferings on the Cross God also beholding his people in that work of Regeneration and Sanctification which in time Christ by his Spirit should work and effect in them did accept and choose them in this means to be a people to the praise and glory of his grace in relation whereunto are these words of the Apostle to the Ephesians For we are his Workmanship saith he Created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them Eph. 2.10 So that Gods people ought ever to be an holy people because they are chosen thereunto from Eternity And this is the second Reason The third Reas n grounded on 1 Thes 4 7. 2 Tim 1.9 A third Ground and Reason why it ever becometh God's people to be an holy people is because they are called thereunto with an holy calling as the Apostle to the Thessalonians saith God hath not called us unto Vncleanness but unto Holiness The Apostle also writing to Timothy speaking in the words before of God Who saith he hath saved us and called us with an holy Calling not according to our Works but according to his own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began In these words we have the Lords act of saving his people set forth unto us in two particulars First he Saved us Secondly he Called us whereby the term Saved I do apprehend that free and full Redemption from Sin and the Wrath of God due to man for sin which Jesus Christ the unspotted Lamb of God hath by his perfect and unsinning obedience wrought for Man-kind Rom. 3.24 25. Ephes 1.5 6 7 8. for which obedience sake the Father doth give to his people a free and full Remission of their sins with everlasting Salvation And by the term Called I understand the operating power of Christ's Spirit bringing persons into the way of Salvation and investing them with the holy Calling whereby they may receive the priviledges of the Gospel that is Adoption Sanctification and Justification as John 1.12 1 Cor. 6.11 which the Spirit of Christ doth work either immediatly as in the Apostles or more ordinarily in the Ministry of the Word plainly and purely set forth to the understanding to the producing Faith Regeneration and Sanctification whereby the Creature is called forth to walk with God in that way whereunto it hath pleased the Father to annex the promise of salvation according to those words of the Apostle to the Thessalonians 2 Thes 2.13 But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you Brethren beloved of the Lord because God hath from the Beginning chosen you to Salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the Truth Believers therefore are the persons that are saved and called not according to their works but according to the purpose and grace of God given in Christ Jesus before the world began so that mans works are no ways meritorious of Salvation nor any original ground of Gods love to man but Justification Sanctification and Glorification together with all the means appertaining thereunto are God's free gift to man upon the account of Jesus Christ to the end that man in a diligent improvement of the same might bring forth the fruit of holiness to the praise glory of his name God hath called his people unto holiness with an holy calling therefore it becometh them always to be an holy people sutable to their Call And this is the third Reason The forth Reason grounded on Levit. 20.7 8. A fourth Ground and Reason why it ever becometh God's people to be an holy people is because God hath enjoyned holiness upon his people by special command The Lord said to the Children of Israel to whom he had given his Laws Statutes and Ordinances Sanctifie your selves therefore and be ye holy for I am the Lord your God and ye shall keep my Statutes and do them I am the Lord which sanctified you As if he should have said I am the Lord your God which have chosen you unto my self to be an holy people and to that end I have sanctified unto you the means of holiness therefore sanctifie your selves through a careful and diligent improvement of the means that you may be holy So the Apostle Peter gives the like
their Spirits for Comfort and Encouragement in times of Sorrow and Affliction and as a piece of Divine Counsel useful upon all occasions Verily verily I say unto you whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my Name he will give it you hitherto ye have asked nothing in my Name ask and you shall receive that your joy may be full these things have I spoke unto you in proverbs the time cometh when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs but I shall shew you plainly of the Father at that day ye shall ask in my Name and I say not unto you that I will pray the Father for you for the Father himself loveth you because ye have loved me and have believed that I came out from God Joh. 16.23 24 25 26 27. If Christ enjoyn his People must obey But their Priv'ledg is he helps ' em in their way I cannot well pass these Words without observing some of the particulars therein contained first the thing enjoyned and that is Prayer secondly the Person enjoyning that is Jesus Christ thirdly the Persons enjoyned which are Disciples or persons learned and taught by Christ fourthly the Person to whom the Disciples are directed to present their Petitions and that is God the Father fifthly the means or way of Acceptation that is they are to pray unto the Father in Christs Name Whatsoever ye ask the Father in my Name saith Christ he will give it you There are three Specialties included in word Three Specialties in Christs Name the which being observed in our approaches to the Father are very prevailing for our Acceptance with him Name which we are to observe in order to the right performance of the Duty of Prayer The first is Christs Authority or Command as when a poor Soul in the sense of its Wants and Weakness shall approach unto God upon this or the like account The first is Christs authority saying Father I thy poor unworthy creature being made in some measure sensible of my own Wants and Imperfections and of thy Fulness and All-sufficiency do humbly appear in thy presence being directed to Thee the Fountain of all Supplies by the special Command of thine only Son in whom thou art well pleased in whom thou hast made many gratious Promises to thy People have respect I pray thee as thou hast to thy Son so also to thy poor Creature that exerciseth Faith in the Promises and in the Commands of thy Son True Faith applies both Promise and Command whom thou hast ordained to be King of Saints and by whose Authority I now approach thy presence and for whose sake I pray thee grant fupplies of Grace and spiritual Assistance according to thy Divine Wisdom and good Pleasure to the further enabling thy poor Creature to glorifie thy Name in this my present Pilgrimage that my Soul may be supported in the many straights and troubles that this World affords and so confirmed in the assurance of everlasting Peace and Consolation with thy Son and with thy Saints in eternal Bliss and Happiness Thus when a poor Soul through the Exercise of Faith in the Commands of Christ is drawn forth conscientiously to act in obedience thereunto ●t is doubtless an argument greatly pre●ailing with the Father for Obedience ●o the Son is agreeable to the Fathers Will and hath many precious Promises ●nnexed thereunto A second Specialty or prevailing Argu●ent included in Christs Name doth arise ●om the Influence and Operations of the Word and Spirit of Christ upon the Crea●●res Affections whereby the Love and ●esire of the Soul is bent toward the en●yment of Spiritual things with holy ●●ngings thirstings and pantings after ●od and for further participations of ●s Grace making its address unto God these or the like words saying Fa●●er I thy poor unworthy Creature unto ●●om thy Son Jesus Christ hath appear'd 〈◊〉 the Divine Illuminations and Operati●●s of his Spirit in and through thy Word ●ereby I am in some measure made sensible of my own Wants and of tha● Fulness All-sufficiency that is in thee 〈◊〉 supply the same do humbly approa●● thy presence upon the account of th● Son Jesus Christ being directed to the for Supplies by him whom thou hast ordained not only King of Saints but also th● Prophet of thy People to teach them Obedience to thy Will Behold O Lord the chief Cause as Ground of my coming to thee even t●● Son thine only Son he it is that quicke●● me and raiseth up my Affections towar● thee by the powerful Influences and Operations of his holy Spirit whereby th● Riches of thy Grace is in a measure 〈◊〉 my Soul discover'd my hope of acceptatio● with thee much reviv'd my love unto th● somewhat enflamed and the desires of 〈◊〉 Soul after more enjoyments of thy speci●● Grace and Favour much enlarged ther●fore O Righteous Father I pray the● behold me in thy Son as being enlightne● moved and quickened to come unto the by him it is his work upon my heart s●pernatural and divine even the Effect his Prophetical Office whereby I t●● poor Creature am made sensible of 〈◊〉 own Wants and Necessities and where● I behold a Fulness for Supply in thy bl●ed Self and whereby my Soul is drawn forth towards thee with earnest desires after more Communications of thy Grace and Favour And now Dear Father I pray thee behold the Work of thy Son upon my Soul yea thine own Work in and through him and satisfie those longing Desires wrought in me by vertue thereof with assurance of Acceptance with thee and of the Communication of the Gifts and Graces of thy holy Spirit to the replenishing of my Soul with spiritual injoyments and to the further enabling me to walk before thee in the ways of Holiness to the Glory of thy Name and to the everlasting Consolation of my Soul through Jesus Christ to whom with thee and thy holy Spirit be ascribed all the Honour Praise and Glory both now and for ever Amen Thus when the poor Soul can make its approach to the Father of Mercies experiencing the Work of Divine Grace by Jesus Christ enlightening and quickening to holy Duties so that the Creature can truly plead that Jesus Christ executing his Prophetical Office upon the inward Man is the Ground and Cause of its approaches to the Father This doubtless is an Argument greatly prevailing with him for Acceptation and for an Answer of Peace from him seeing the original Ground and moving Principle is his own work of free Grace upon the Creature wrought by his own Son through the operative Power of his holy Word and Spirit to the Praise and Glory of his Name It was the main Argument of the Prophet Isaiah When the Lord doth work the Love and Desire of a Soul unto himself it is a sign that be intends to that Soul a farther Benefit wherewith he moved God and strengthened his own Confidence in him Lord saith he thou wilt ordain Peace
The time cometh meaning the time of his Exaltation that I shall shew you plainly of the Father That Soul that would obtain a true and saving knowledg of God the Father must take Jesus Christ for his Counsellor And lest there should be any scruple or doubt arise that they should not perform the Duty aright or not so perfect without Imperfections as to be heard of the Father and answered by him he annexeth this Promise also unto the rest for their Encouragement in the Duty in that day saith he meaning his Exaltation ye shall ask the Father in my Name and I say to you that I will pray the Father for you Joh. 16.25 26. O excellent Priviledg Christ the Saints advocate an excellent priviledg wouldst thou pertake of the priviledg be active in the duty to that Soul for whom the perfection of Wisdom Knowledg and Fidelity is exercised to plead its cause Christ the Wisdom of God and the Power of God is become an High-priest for ever to intercede with the Father in the behalf of those Souls that come unto the Father with a dependency by Faith upon his Intercession for their Acceptation with the Father wherefore as saith the Holy Ghost having an High-priest over the House of God let us draw near in full assurance of Faith having our Hearts sprinkled from an evil Conscience and our Bodies washed with pure Water let us hold fast the Profession of our Faith without wavering for he is faithful that promised Heb. 10.21 22 23. O! did we really consider this High-priest Jesus Christ as in his Humiliation so also in his Exaltation executing his Priestly Office upon our account that we might experimentally partake of the benefits and Priviledges thereof how would it engage our Love to him our Delight in the enjoyments of him and our utmost Endeavours to answer his End in all his undertakings for us which is that we should be holy and without blame before him in love Ephesians CHAP. VI. Containing a Word of Advice to consider Christ in his Kingly Office and by Faith to embrace him in the same in order to our better Attainment unto Holiness SIxthly would we attain unto Holiness be found in the Ornaments thereof then we are concerned to exercise our eies of Understanding and Faith upon the Dignity and Authority of the Lord Jesus Christ beholding and considering of him and submitting to him in his Kingly Office wherein the Father hath exalted him unto his own right hand of Power and Throne of Majesty on high to sway the Scepter of Rule and Government in Righteousness by his righteous Laws Statutes and Ordinances Heb. 1.8 and to execute Justice and Judgment accordingly against all opposers The Prophet Isaiah speaking of Jesus Christ saith of him he shall not judg after the sight of his eyes neither reprove after the hearing of his ears but with Righteousness shall he judg the Poor and reprove with Equity for the meek of the Earth Isa 11.3 4 5. The Father loveth the Son and hath given all things into his hand or into his Power and Jurisdiction Joh. 3.35 Paul to the Ephesians saith that He meaning the Father hath put all things under his feet and gave him to be head over all things to the Church which is his Body Eph. 1.22 Christ a King by the Fathers Ordination whose Laws and Subjects are his Kingdom By Headship is signified Supremacy Soveraignty or his Kingly Office and Authority to give forth Laws Statutes and Ordinances with Order of Rule and Government with Power to command Obedience thereunto with Power to defend his Subjects in the proper Rights and Priviledges of his Kingdom to plead their Cause to revenge their Wrongs and to crown them his Subjects with an immortal recompence of heavenly Glory all the oppositions of the Devil wicked men notwithstanding as the Lord by his Spirit in his Word hath of old declared saying Yet have I set my King upon my holy Hill of Sion Psal 2. The word Yet is a Relative to what is in the foregoing Verses related as if the Lord should say Although the Kings of the Earth and Rulers yea though Herod and Pontius Pilate the chief Priests and Elders the Scribes and Pharisees yea all the rude multitude of the people consult together set themselves against the Lord and against his anointed saying Let us break their Bands and cast their Cords from us yet for all whatever they can do I have exalted him set him at my right Hand of Power and Majesty Act. 5.31 far above all Principalities and Powers and Might and Dominion and every Name that is named not only in this world but also in that which is to come hath put all things under his Feet Eph. 1.20 21 22. that is to say all persons of what Rank and Quality soever by what Names Titles or Dignities soever distinguished together with all earthly Dominions Rules and Governments whatsoever to be at his disposing or deposing according to his own Will and Pleasure all shall be brought in subjection unto him either by active Obedience to his Laws and righteous Government or passively to submit unto the Execution of his Justice as it is written At the Name of Jesus every Knee shall bow Phil. 2.9 10 11. the which bowing of every Knee doth intend Subjection to his Laws as aforesaid or Submission to his Justice unto one of which all the whole Creation of Men and Angels shall be forced to submit unto Such a Construction the Apostle Paul seemeth to put upon the words Rom. 14.11 But why dost thou judg thy Brother or why dost thou set at naught thy Brother we shall all stand before the Judgment-Seat of Christ his ground and reason is because it is written As I live saith the Lord every Knee shall bow to me and every Tongue shall confess to God the which Expressions the Apo●●le asserteth to prove the certainty of Christs sitting on the Seat of Judgment and that all persons in particular none excepted shall be forced to app ar before him to give an account how they in this life have acted in order to the Supremacy of Christ and to receive the Sentence of Absolution into Glory or the just and righteous but dreadful Sentence of Condemnation into everlasting Perdition as the Apostle Paul by the Spirit of God doth testifie that will render to every Soul of Man that doth evil Indignation and W●ath But Glory Honour and Peace Immortality and eternal Life to every Soul of Man that worketh good to the Jew first and also to the Gentile for God is no respecter of persons Rom. 2.9 10 11. every man shall give an account of himself unto God Rom. 14.12 Surely it will then be in vain for ungodly and wicked men be they of what Degree Rank or Quality soever to call to the Rocks and Mountains to fall upon them and hide them from the Face of him that sitteth on the Throne
and from the Wrath of the Lamb Rom. 6.15 16. for nothing in that day shall be found to be a shelter vers 17. but an Interest in Christ by Faith which in this day of Grace bringeth forth the fruits of Obedience to the Supremacy of Christ We usually say a man forewarn'd of a danger is fore-arm'd he will seek to secure himself in time and take him for a Friend that gives him the warning O! how many friendly warnings hath the Lord by his Spirit in his Word given unto poor sinful mortal man of the great and eminent dangers approaching as the fruits and effects of Sin O what friendly Counsel and advice hath he laid before us for security did we improve the same accordingly as if his very bowels yerned towards us for our eternal preservation O how are his Warnings and Counsels made out in his Word to all sorts of men of what Degree Rank or Quality soever high and low rich and poor free and bond as if he was no Respecter of persons in his Warnings Advice and Counsels as he is no Respecter of persons in Judgment The Lord having made known by his Spirit in his Servants the certainty of his accomplishing his Decree and fore-Determinations in exalting his Son Jesus Christ into the Throne of Kingship and Seat of Justice The Lords Advice to Majest a es gives this Counsel and Advice unto Kings and other inferiour Magistrates saying Be wise now therefore O ye Kings be instructed ye Judges of the Earth serve the Lord with Fear and Trembling kiss the Son lest he be angry and ye perish from the way while his Wrath is kindled but a little Blessed are are all they that put their trust in him Psal 2.10 11 12. As if he should have said O ye Kings and Judges of the Earth in whose hands the Sword or Power of Magistracy is entrusted herein doth the principle part of your Wisdom consist let the Salutations of your Love and chief Respects be manifested towards Christ Jesus the Son of God whom the Father hath exalted into the Throne of Government Seat of Justice King of Kings and Lord of Lords Let the Salutations of your Love and chiefest Respects be manifested towards him The Wisdom of the majestrate chiefly consists in making Christ chief in his Counsel in his Laws and Government for thereunto is the Blessing promised by embracing his Counsel for your Counsel his Laws for your Laws his Government for your Government his Subjects that desire to obey him in his Laws and righteous Government the people of your chiefest protection and objects of your Praise that you may be as nursing Fathers unto them but a terror to those that do evil as it is written Isai 49.23 Rom. 13.3 The Lord hath signed this with the Promise of his Blessing as before expressed The Spirit of God by the Apostle Paul asserting the Soveraignty of Christ into which God the Father hath exalted him Phil. 2.9 10 11. doth lay down this Exhortation vers 12. as drawn from the aforesaid consideration of his Soveraignty Phil. 1.12 Wherefore my Beloved as ye have always obeyed not only in my presence but much more in my absence work out you own Salvation with fear and trembling As if he had said wherefore as ye have hitherto subjected your selves to the Soveraignty o● Jesus Christ by Obedience to his Laws and Form of Government so that no● only in my presence but also in my absence you have been growing and increasing in the same so let your careful endeavours be in a holy awful reverential fear spirit of Humility to be still growing increasing with all perseverance in the Faith and Practice of all the Will of God in as much as true Faith in Christ doth demonstrate and shew forth it self by the fruits of sincere Obedience to Christ and perseverence therein hath the promise of Salvation thereunto annexed as Christ himself did intimate unto those Jews that believed on him Joh. 8.31 If ye continue in my Word then are ye my Disciples indeed and ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free O did we with David set the Lord Jesus Christ always before us Psal 16.8 having an Eye of Faith fixed on him as in his Priestly Office so also in his Kingly Office executed in his giving forth Laws Statutes Ordinances and Order of Government with Rules of Observation and Commands and Examples for our better Obedience thereunto see Genes 49.10 Isai 9.6 did we behold him and seriously consider him the anointed and appointed King and Lawgiver by the Father ordained Head over all things to his Church in the great concerns of Gods Worship and our Salvation the alone exalted King of Sion and Judg of the World with a due consideration Isai 33.22 Psal 2.2 Act. 5.31 32. Jam. 4.12 doubtless we might thereby the more be induced and the better behold the great concernment that lieth upon us to quicken our motion in the use of the means appointed by God the Father for our better attainment unto Holiness without which no man shall see the Lord to his eternal Consolation The Man Christ Jesus Judg of the World by the Fathers Ordination whereof his Resurrection is a sure testimony the which inviteth all persons to live to Christ in his way of Holiness that their Account may be comfortable in that day for God hath appointed a day in which he will judg the World in Righteousness by that Man whom he hath ordained whereof he hath given assurance unto all men in that he hath raised him from the dead Act. 17.31 CHAP. VII Wherein is contained some considerations concerning the Propheticall Office of Christ necessary to our better attainment of a Degree in the Ornament of Holiness OF all Wisdom demonstrated in or among the Sons and Daughters of Men the Divine Wisdom of God in Christ is the most excellent and wonderful most to be admired and desired Christ the Wisdom of God and the Power of God 1 Cor. 1.24 in whom are hid all the Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledg Col. 2.3 in comparison whereof all the Wisdom of this world is but Foolishness in Gods esteem 1 Cor. 1.20 Of all cases that we are concerned to seek for Counsel in the Case of our Souls for the Salvation thereof is our great concernment and of all Counsellors for Advice in this case we are most concerned to advise with Christ and seek to him for Counsel herein Lord saith Peter to whom else should we go thou hast the Words of Eternal Life Joh. 6.68 neither is there Salvation in any other Act. 4.12 It was commendable Prudence in Mary that she was careful in this case of great concernment she sits at Jesus's Feet to hear his Words and makes all other Concernments for to give place hereto Luk. 10.39 40 41 42. And what was the reason think ye that Mary was taken up in so high esteem with the Words
thou art concerned to behold by an eye of Faith and seriously to consider him with due consideration as in his Humiliation so also in his Exaltation in the Execution of his Offices as in his Priestly and Kingly Offices so also in his Prophetical Office consider his Wisdom his Love and Faithfulness made out to poor Sinners in the Execution of his Offices consider his Ability and Sincerity herein his Wisdom is infinite it 's the Wisdom of God his Counsel is holy Counsel 't is heavenly Counsel the VVords of eternal Life his Love is great Love pure Love 't is such a Love that drew him forth to deny himself unto Death for Sinners consider him in his Ability he is Almighty All-sufficient full of Grace and Truth able to save to the uttermost them that come unto God by him consider him in his Sincerity he is sincere and real-hearted in his words and actions in all his Undertakings and Dispensations unto poor Sinners that look unto him and advise with him for Counsel in their concerns for Holiness and Heavens Attainments Man's Rejection of his Counsel is his Sorrow he wept over Jerusalem Mans Embracing of him is his Joy there is Joy in Heaven over one Sinner that repenteth that turneth to the Lord to walk with him in his holy ways he is real-hearted and sincere in his Word and Actions therefore wouldst attain to Holiness that comely Ornament look unto Jesus behold him in his Offices as thy Prophet to teach thee by his Counsels the King to govern thee by his Laws and thy Priest to make an Atonement for thee by his Sacrifice His Sacrifice is holy his Laws are holy Laws every Ordinance of Christ is holy his Word and Counsel therein is holy yea all his ways are ways of Holiness and all persons walking in the same with a due observation are by the Holy Ghost owned for a holy People holy and beloved O wouldst thou look unto Jesus so as to make him the Object in thine Eye and the Subiect of thy Meditations doubtless it would be a means to direct thee in the way to holy Attainments and quicken thy motion thereunto The Prophet David hath laid us down an example of his own Practice of this nature I saith David have set the Lord always before me Psal 16.8 as if he had said I have beheld the Lord through Grace an Object of great Excellency to my Soul therefore have I chosen him to be the only Object upon whom I desire always to exercise the Eyes of my Understanding and Faith with Considerations and Meditations of his VVord his Laws Statutes Testimonies his Counsels loving Kindness and Faithfulness in the same as he further expresseth Psal 119. I have chosen the way of truth thy Judgments have I laid before me I have stuck unto thy Testimonies O Lord put me not to shame vers 30 31. I have rejoyced in the way of thy Testimonies as much as in all Riches I will meditate on thy precepts and have respect unto thy ways I will delight my self in thy Statutes I will not forget thy Word vers 14 15 16. thy Testimonies also are my delight and my Counsellers vers 24. Thus did David set the Lord always before him and behold the Priviledges David reaped hereby unto himself He is at my right Hand saith David I shall not be moved Psal 16.8 Two general Priviledges is here noted in which is comprehended many particulars First here is the Lords presence with David in his aforesaid Exercise Secondly here is Davids Stability of Faith Hope Assurance and Confidence of attaining to the full enjoyment of the Lord in the state of Glory through the presence of the Lord with him Thou wilt shew me the path of Life in thy presence is fulness of joy and pleasures for evermore Psal 16.11 the sense and sight hereof fills Davids heart with joy Therefore my heart is glad saith David and my Glory rejoyceth my Flesh also shall rest in hope vers 9. So Psal 34.5 They looked to him and were enlightened and their Faces were not ashamed that is they were not failed of their Expectations Wherefore wouldst thou attain to Holiness and Heavens Happiness look unto Jesus advise with his Counsel in his Teachings in his Word exercise thine eyes of thy Understanding and Faith thereupon it is thy great concernment in order to thy Attainments in the Ornament Holiness yea so look unto him as to consider him as aforesaid Consideration and Meditation are of great use in the way of Holiness Samuel speaking a word of Exhortation unto Israel to fear the Lord and serve him with all their heart the more to engage them and make his Exhortation prevailing with them he puts them upon the act of Consideration upon the great things that God had done for them For consider saith he what great things God hath done for you 1 Sam. 12.24 as if a due consideration of Gods Mercies were of great concernment to produce an awful Reverence of God in the heart of a people and of great use to beget motion in his Service And doubtless did we exercise our considerations seriously upon the Lord Jesus Christ in his Offices consider how great things the Lord hath done and doth do for us thereby did we consider Gods End therein with the use and Benefits thereof unto poor fallen enslaved sinful man through believing it would through the Blessing of God prove to be of an engaging nature to engage us to press after the Attainment of Holiness and of a directing nature to direct us in the way also of an incouraging nature to incourage against all difficulties lying in the way and of a quickening nature to quicken our motion towards the perfecting of Holiness in the Fear of God Israels Ingratitude in not exercising their Considerations upon the gratious Dealings of God towards them but upon their carnal Vanities It was the great complaint of the Lord against Israel even their want of Consideration Isa 1.3 The Oxe knoweth his Owner and the Ass his Masters Crib but Israel doth not know my people doth not consider So in chapt 5.12 the Lord by the Prophet complaineth saying The Harp and the Viol the Tabret and the Pipe and Wine are in their Feasts but they regard not the work of the Lord neither consider the Operation of his hands And may it not be the great complaint of the Lord against the men of this Generation as to the generality of them that although the Lord is the owner of them not only by Creation but also by Purchase and Price paid and although the Lord hath created Man with that noble Faculty of Rationality above others of his Creatures to the end they might be considerate of his Word and works of Divine concernment to the glory of his Name and although he hath furnished the Masters Crib even Jesus Christ and his Word with the excellent Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledg Gifts and Graces for
agreeth those words of St. Paul Col. 3.10 The new Man is renewed in Knowledge after the Image of him that Created him in Righteousness and true Holiness Eph. 4.24 Whence note also by the way that in and through a true Knowledge of God in Christ are the Mortifications of the Old Man of Sin and the qualifications of Grace wrought in a Soul O what 's the Reason that there is so little Renewedness in the qualifications and Conversations of many people in our days and so much abusing of the Sacred Name of God by Swearing and Cursing and many prophane speeches as also the abuse of the Creatures by Drunkenness and the like excess Also the many vain carnal loose licentious practices acted and observed with delight therein Is it not the want of this Knowledge of God in Christ Is not Ignorance the Mother of such Prophaneness and Impieties and what 's the Reason that God's dear Children are many times hated and reproached reviled and villified Yea saith Christ the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think they do God Service Christ gives us this Reason All these things will they do unto you because they have not known the Father nor me Joh. 16.3 O consider all ye that content your selves in an Estate of Ignorance and solace your selves in Carnal and Worldly Vanities and are careless and negligent in applying and improving the means of Knowledge to the end you might glorifie God and thereby be enabled to answer the end of God in your Creation his end in giving his Son to die for your Redemption and his spiritual Word Counsel and Advice therein for your Sanctification that thereby in a good improvement of the same you might be made meet to glorifie his Name and to enjoy his glory O consider the loss and damage that you hereby sustain by slighting or carelesly neglecting such precious means granted forth unto such gracious ends for a little Carnal Vanity Consider how you will answer it in the day of account when for all these things God shall bring thee to Judgment O! how do many Parents in this case not only prejudice their own Souls but also the Souls of their Children and those within their jurisdiction whereas it is the requirement of God that Parents should lay up the words of God in their hearts and teach them to their Children that they might know the Lord and set their hope in God they not only neglect this great concernment but also by their own viscious lives evil example rather teach them the Vices of Swearing Cursing Drunkenness and much Prophaneness to God's dishonour and their own ruine both of Body and Soul not considering that God will require it of them and bring them to Judgment for the same O how many Parents although not so vicious and prophane yet are so earnest in their pursuit after this worldly interest to gain for themselves and enrich their Children with great Portions of this earthly Treasure as wholly to give up themselves thereunto not minding those Treasures that are Divine and of a more greater concernment to the gaining an interest in Christ either for their selves or Children by instructing of them thereunto until death seise upon them and summon them to the Grave and then perhaps send for a Minister to pray for them the which I do not condemn because I know God is merciful yet I know that God is also just and will bring Souls to Judgment and then whither God will accept this last Sacrifice for the whole I shall leave to the only wise God to determine But know and consider that it is the undoubted Will and Requirement of God that Parents should Treasure up the word of God in their hearts by Consideration Meditation and Application believingly and diligently endeavour to plant the same word of God in the hearts of their Children as they come to be capable of the teachings of it to the end that they might know the Lord and reverence his Holy Name observe his Will and place their hope in him To this purpose see and consider Deut. 6.6 7 8. Deut. 11.18 19 20. Deut. 4.9 10. Psal 78.5 6 7. to these Testimonies of the Will of God do those words of the Apostle Paul bear witness Eph. 6.4 Solomon saith by Humility and the Fear of the Lord are Riches and Honour and Life Would we have our Children truly Rich and Honourable and live Everlastingly so then lay up the Word of Grace in our own hearts treasure it up there Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all Wisdom Col. 3.16 Secondly Let your diligent endeavours be to answer God's Will in making forth the same unto your Children to their Edification to the planting of that Immortal Seed of the Word in their hearts that they may set their hope in God and fear before him and humbly walk with him in the way of his Commandements Train up a Child in the way that he should go and when he is Old he will not depart from it Pro. 22.6 Objection If God hath Elected me or my Children unto Salvation he will one time or other bring us to an Estate of Salvation But if God hath not Elected us thereto all my labour in that kind will be to little purpose for if there be a particular Election of persons as there seemeth to be then what I do in that case is but needless or to strive against the stream Answer That there is an Election is certain and that God hath placed this Election in his Son Christ is as certain see Eph. 1.4 and that persons do partake of and witness this Election in themselves as they imbrace Christ believingly and conform to him in holy Sanctity is also true See 1 Thes 1.3 4. 2 Thes 2.13 And therefore so much the rather should you give diligence to make your Calling and Election sure by a growth and increase of Grace unto an attainment of the qualifications of grace wrought in you according to the qualifications of Jesus Christ and as the Apostle teacheth Giving all diligence saith he add to your Faith Vertue and to Vertue Knowledge and to Knowledge Temperance and to Temperance Patience and to Patience Godliness and to Godliness Brotherly-kindness and to Brotherly-kindness Charity 2 Pet. 1.5 6 7. And as there is an Election in Christ unto Salvation through believing in Christ and conforming to him in the way of Holiness attainable through a careful applying and improving the means thereunto appointed so also is there a Reprobation determined and decreed of God from Eternity unto those persons that in love to their Lusts and carnal and worldly Vanities do obstinately persist in opposing or carlesly neglecting do slight the means afforded so as not to imbrace it in the love thereof and carefully improve it to the glory of the Lord that like as they reject God's Counsel and his Love and Mercy in the same to satisfie their Lusts in worldly and sinful Vanities so
thereof by an imbracement adhearingly Every word of God is pure saith Agur He is a Sheild unto them that put their trust in him Prov. 30.5 Every word of God is pure his Testimonies his Commands his Promises his Invitations Exhortations Admonitions and Reproofs yea all his whole Counsel is pure flowing from a pure God given out to pure ends to bring defiled Sinners to a state of purity every word of God is pure in it self and pure in the esteem of every true Child of God the sanctified heart I esteem all thy precepts in all things to be right saith David Psal 119.128 Wisdom is justified by her Children saith Christ Math. 11.19 Poor Publicans justify God Luk. 7.29 by esteeming and embraceing of his Counsel but have any of the Rulers or of the Pharises believed on him Joh. 7.48 The Pharises and Lawyers rejected the Counsel of God against themselves See Luk. 14.16 to the 24. Luke 7.30 They would not justify God by esteeming and embraceing of his Counsel as held forth by his Authority although God witnessed to the same by his mighty hand The Poor the Lame and Maimed come in at the invitation and partake of the benefits while the worldly interested persons slight the invitation and the loving kindness of the Inviter for their worldly interest sake to the procuring to themselves the displeasure of the Inviter the Lord and to their loss of a participation of the benefits And so by observing lying Vanities Jonah 2.8 they forsake their own mercy that they happily might have had upon their imbraceing and improving what they were invited to Wherefore A Word to the inordinate and open Prophane consider all ye that act the Prodigals part in Ryoting and Drunkenness and other prophane and vicious Vanities to the wasting of your precious time and opportunities your temporal Estates and Wits and all in the service of sin to the impoverishing of your poor souls and the souls of your Children for want of Education in the knowledge of God unto the Condemnation of your own souls and the souls of your Children by your evil Example as much as in you lyeth O consider that by reason hereof not only your Children but also your Wives and other Relations yea the whole land of your Nativity is forced into mourning and especially when God shall visit for these things as saith the Lord by his Servants the Prophets see one Testimony among many Hos 4. where it is said that the Lord had a controversy with the Inhabitants of the Land the cause seemeth two-fold first They lay aside truth and the knowledge of God by the same and acts of mercy which the knowledge of God and truth leadeth to as things out of request and estimation with them Secondly as effects ensuing and demonstrations thereof they fall into those great and gross abominations of Swearing Lying Killing Stealing and committing Adultery and all excess even unto blood and therefore shall the Land mourn c. O that every such Soul would consider and act the Prodigals part in his return and that timely while the Fathers armes of mercy are open to embrace them O saith the Lord that there were such an heart in them that they would fear me and keep my Commandements always that it might be well with them and with their Children for ever Deut. 5.29 Thus saith the Lord thy Redeemer the holy one of Israel I am the Lord thy God that teacheth thee to profit that leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go O that thou hadst hearkened to my Commandements then had thy peace been as a River and thy Righteousness as the Waves of the Sea Isa 48.17 18. Note Gods desire is that Sinners should return and live to him Note Those that hearken to God's Commands so as to walk therein are those that live to God and are blessed of him Blessed are all they that do his Commandements that they may have right to the Tree of life and may enter in thorow the Gates into the City for without are Dogs and Sorcerers and Whoremongers and Murtherers and Idolaters and whosoever loveth and maketh a lye Rev. 22.14 15. I but what Estate shall these without possess and where the same Authour tells us chap. 21.8 But the Fearful and Vnbelieving and the Abominable and Murtherers and Woremongers and Sorcerers and Idolaters and all Lyars shall have their part in the Lake which burneth with Fire and Brimstone which is the second death Rev. 21.8 I Jesus have sent mine Angel to testify these things unto the Churches I am the root and the off-spring of David the bright and morning Star Rev. 22.16 Secondly A word to the industrious Worldling O consider ye in whose hearts the world hath full possession that cannot spare one corner to give entertainment to the word of God by way of meditation and contemplation thereupon although God requires the whole heart unto himself Consider ye that are in an immoderate pursuit after this earthly treasure Take heed saith our Saviour Christ and beware of Covetousness for a mans life consisteth not in the abundance of the things that he possesseth Here me-thinks I should hear some say that as to matter of Covetousness I think I am clear for although I am industrious in my pursuit after the things of this world yet I have not taken any thing from any man but what I pay for neither do I wrong any man but pay every man his own and therefore I think I am not guilty of Covetousness But then the question is whether we can say as much in the case between our selves and God and between us and our Souls and between us and our Relations and first Let us consider a little as in the matters of God have we not in our earnest pursuit after our worldly interest spent the most part of that time that God hath required for his Service upon our worldly interest have not our minds and affections been exercised upon our worldly and carnal interests when they should be exercised by meditations and contemplations with love and delight in God his word and works and celebrating praises unto his name do we not by our earnest pursuit after this worlds interest make our bodies and spirits so dull drowsy and unfit for God's Service that if we appear but one hour in a week therein we spend the most part thereof in sleep Do we not by our earnest pursuit after this worlds interest deprive our Children of that Soul-Education that is due unto them from us by God's requirement Do we not by our earnest pursuit after this worlds interest with-hold more then is meet from the Poor and Needy as in acts of Mercy Charity Pitty and Compassion by Gods commanded And if so is it not Coveteousness yea is it not Covetousness which is Idolatry when that our time our strength meditations considerations our wills and affections are so dedicated to the world whereby God wants that Honour and
concerning Christ and his building of his Gospel-Church under the denomination of his Zerubabel not by might nor by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord Zach. 4.6 7. Hereunto agreeth those words of the Apostle Paul 2 Cor. 10.4 The Weapons of our warfare are not Carnal but mighty through God to the casting down of strong holds casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth it self against the knowledge of God and bringing into Captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ the which weapons he doth further explain Ephes 6.14 Stand therefore having your loyns girt about with Truth and the breast-plate of Righteousness and your feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace taking the shield of Faith and the helmet of Salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit and watching thereunto with all perseverance These and the like weapons are the weapons of the holy Catholick Church that believeth aright and is universal in the truth by which they manage their contention with those that are without and those that withstand that meanes are to be left out of the Church in the world during the pleasure of the Almighty and to be judged by that means they have rejected and condemned with the world in the day that God shall judge the world by Jesus Christ But secondly The text saith there are certain men crept in unawares ungodly men c. It seemeth that there were some in those times that by pretending Faith in Christ were admitted into Church-membership which afterwards discovered themselves by an ungodly lacivious life These it seemeth had no right unto Church-membership although a right to the hearing of the Word by vertue of Christ's Commission yet not unto Church-membership they crept in unawars that is their counterfeit Faith was not discerned until afterwards that it appeared by error in opinion or practice But how must the Church contend for the Faith with these persons and carry on the management thereof First In a respective love to their persons tendering the good of their souls but with a hatred of their sin and in love to their souls to reprove and admonish them laying before them that part of Gods Law against which the crime is acted that thereby they may the better be convinced and reforme and so by the sword of the spirit the word of God to deal with them if possible unto a Reformation But in case no Reformation doth appear then to proceed in the severity of Justice against them by Excommunication according to Christ's rule and order and thereby cast them out of the Church into the world again as not to have any further priviledge in the Church then what the Lord affords the world which is admittance to hear the Word for their Conversion But what is the end of this severity There are divers ends as first To signify God's severity against sin and obstinate sinners that as they are justly for sin cast out of Communion with his Church and the gracious priviledges thereunto afforded here on Earth So assuredly without timely Repentance unto a Reformation such persons are by God's determination and shall be by the sentence of the just Judge of all the world See Math. 18.18 excluded from Communion with the Church triumphant and all her glorious priviledges in her glorified state Secondly To the end that the Sinner may consider and see his sin be humbled for it 1 Tim. 1.20 and ashamed of it and repent unto a reformation that the soul may be saved in the day of the Lord see 1 Cor. 5. Thirdly To the end the Church may preserve her own purity and holy-state from being defiled with those sins which if suffered may get into other members and corrupt them and it becometh a sin unto the Church in her neglect of duty see the Church of Corinth chap. 5. the Church of Pergamus and the Church of Thyatira Rev. 2. all under reproof here upon the neglect of this duty Neither is the Church in general nor the Officers thereof in particular to make Edicts of their own devising and enjoyn them as parts of God's worship and to be observed which are not Apostolically confirmed as to be the will of God nor to Excommunicate any person for not observing the same without defiling their holy state with the guilt of sin for saith Christ unto those persons that stood steadfast in the Apostolical Observations and received not the contrary I will put upon you saith Christ none other burthen but that which ye have already hold fast till I come Rev. 2.24 25. Whence note by the way First That it is the will of Christ that his people should observe that way of Church-constitution Doctrin order of Worship and discipline which was Apostolically confirmed without diminishing ought therefrom until the second coming of Christ Secondly That it is not the will of Christ that any Innovasions or Additions to that order of Worship should be brought in or imposed upon the Consciences of his people but that the Innovators Observers shall bear their sin and in retaining the Observations of the said Innovations do thereby cease from being Catholick or a people universal in the Truth But in case Innovations are brought into the Church and maintained by the power of the Church and imposed upon the Members and some of the Members cannot in Conscience bear them what way may they take to secure themselves from the guilt of sin that attends the Church in the Observations of such Innovations and not sin against God Answer first By contending against them by the rule of truth that if by any means the Church may be convinced of their Evil and if this will not prevail then to answer the call of God and his Counsel therein which is To come forth from among them and be separate and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you saith the Lord 2 Cor. 6.17 Depart ye depart ye go ye out from thence touch no unclean thing go ye out of the midest of her be ye clean ye that bear the Vessels of the Lord Isa 52.11 Come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sins and that ye receive not of her Plagues Rev. 18.4 The which call of God I do presume was justifiable in Luther and Calvin and other Protestants who for the abominable Innovations of the Roman Church did dissent and separate from her which although she was once a true Church of the Gospel-Constitution and Order as the Apostle Paul in his Epistle giveth Testimony of them calling them Beloved of God and giveth thanks to God that their Faith was spoken of through-out the whole world as in chap. 1.7 8. And I my self saith Paul also am perswaded of you my Brethren that ye also are full of goodness filled with all knowledge able also to admonish one another chap. 15. 14.
Yet notwithstanding in process of time she hath much corrupted her self by her own Edicts and Innovations contrary to the rule of Truth as to become a Mistery a Babel of Confusion rather than the Catholick Church of Jesus Christ And whereas she doth contend with her dissenters by the temporal Sword by Fire and Fagot and Imprisonment and the like she seemeth to sit on the scarlet-coloured Beast making her self drunk with the blood of Saints as it is written Rev. 18. The which way of contending Jesus Christ hath not allowed to his Church in all the dispensation of the Gospel that Tares although Tares should be plucked up out of the world lest they pluck up Wheat also And if in case the Protestant Churches that have cast off the Supremacy of the Romish Church and shall yet retain some of her Innovations and Ceremonial Circumstances or bring in and impose other of their own which are not warranted by Gospel-testimony to be agreeable to the will of God to the satisfying of tender Consciences and shall exercise the like power to force the said Impositions upon the Conscience in the matters of God's Worship then if any persons shall in Love and Loyalty to the Lord hearken to the call of God and come forth and separate to the end they may set their feet in the holy ways of God and worship him in his holy appointments exposing themselves to the bearing of the Cross for Jesus sake then let the said Protestant Churches blame themselves and not those that separate from them unto the aforesaid end for Christ's Sheep will hearken for the voyce of Christ to warrant their undertakings in the matters of their God they must worship him in spirit and in truth for the Father seeketh such to worship him wherefore worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness according to the pattern in the Mount or that which is Apostolically set forth unto us wherefore according to the exhortation given by the Apostle Peter Let us every one lay aside all Malice Guile Hypocrisies Envyings and Evil speakings and as new-born Babes desire the Milk of the Mothers breast and feed thereon for its natural nourishment So let every one of us desire the sincere Milk of God's Word so as to feed thereon for our spiritual nourishment and growth in the knowledge of Christ and qualifications of grace till we have Christ formed in us as the Apostle saith Gal. 4.19 And we conformed to his Image in Righteousness and true Holiness according to the sore-Predestination or Appointment of God Rom. 8.29 That when he shall come as a Bridegroom to receive his Spouse unto himself and to settle her in his Heavenly Mansions which he is now preparing for her we being found in those Wedding Robes may be accepted of him and received by him into Communion with him to the participation of his choycest Loves in that inheritance which sadeth not away and in the mean time let us as the Holy Ghost saith follow after those things that make for peace and things whereby one may Edify another and as the Apostle saith Let all your things be done in Charity 1 Cor. 16.14 For although saith the Apostle I speak with the tongues of Men and Angels and have all the gifts of Prophecy understand all Mysteries and all Knowledge and all Faith to remove Mountains give all my Goods to feed the Poor and my Body to be burned and have not Charity it profits me nothing Cor. 13.1 2 3. Knowledge and gifts not sanctified with the qualifications of the graces of Christ puffeth up saith the Apostle 1 Cor. 8.1 But Charity edifieth Love worketh no ill to his Neighbor therefore Love is the fulfilling of the Law Rom. 13.10 Surely if this grace of Love in Jesus Christ was so rooted and grounded in our hearts as to become the qualification in us and principle from whence our words and actions both towards God and men did proceed how would peace and unity adorn our habitations and holiness shew forth it self to the praise and glory of God the Father how would our knowledge gifts and all enjoyments be sanctified to us in the use thereof and Envy Strife and Contention dissolve and fly away But I must hasten to another Use that my Doctrin leads me to and that is a Use by way of caution unto the Saints or those that have attained unto a good degree in the Ornament of Holiness CHAP. X. Containing a Use by way of Caution unto the Saints or those that have attained unto a good degree in the Ornament of Holiness IT is a common thing among most people that when they have cast off their old Garments and put on new that are comely and fashionable credible and profitable to be very careful and cautious and take great heed of them lest they should be defaced with spots and stains of pollution and it is Wisdom so to do and a point of prudence and if the Children of this world are so wise in their Generation for the preserving of their temporal concerns how much more are the Children of God concerned to exercise much wisdom and prudence in being very cautious with great heed and care that their credible fashionable and comely Ornament of Holiness be preserved from the stains and pollutions of sin All sin is of a defiling nature and doth much stain and pollute the Soul together with its Ornaments of Holiness and Sanctity whereunto it hath attained and especially when they are committed against Knowledge and Grace received as the Apostle saith to the Galathians chap. 4.8 How be it then when ye knew not God ye did service to them that were no Gods but now after ye have known God or rather are known of God how turn ye again c. As if he had said But now after God hath so known you as to communicate unto you of his free grace in his Son and the Truth as it is in him to the comfort of your Souls how turn ye again c. Signifying that sins against Knowledge and Grace are of a deep defilement and very hard to be washed out requiring not only the hot water or tears of true Penitency but also a measure of infinite mercy to clear the stains thereof O how was poor David fain to struggle at the Throne of Grace with tears and fears again and again for Infinite Mercy to come into his help to wash out those crimson stains and until mercy came in all that he could do would not clear the stains thereof still the complaint was My Sin is ever before me When sin doth stand before the Actors face The cry thereof is Judgment with disgrace If Mercy come not in the stain to clear How greatly is the Soul possest with fear That for its sin it should condemned be And bear the Wrath that 's due Eternally When Peter's sin was set before his face how did the sight and sence thereof cause him bitterly to weep and wash his stain
with the Laver of brinish tears and lamenting sorrow yet had not infinite Mercy come in to his help how had he been foyled under the same wherefore admire God's Mercy but presume not upon the same for any allowance to sin for he hath said Rom. 9.15 I will have mercy upon whom I will have mercy Esau found no place of Repentance although he sought it carefully with tears Heb. 12. Therefore of Sin in time beware If you 'd prevent an after care But Secondly All ye that have begun in the spirit and set your faces Sion-wards O be very cautious and take great heed and be very watchful against sin because as it is of a defiling nature so is it also of a depriving nature Sin in God's people many times deprives them of many comfortable enjoyments which otherwise they might happily enjoy Sin depriveth Angels of their Heaven Man of his Paradice Israel of his Canaan and many a poor soul of the manifestation of God's favour both in temporal and spiritual enjoyments as is evidenced by the word of the Lord in many Testimonies whereof let us consider one testimony Jer. 2.2 Thus saith the Lord concerning Israel I remember thee the kindness of thy Youth the love of thine Espousals when thou wentest after me in the Wilderness in a Land that was not sown Israel was Holiness to the Lord and the first-fruits of his increase all that devour him shall offend evil shall come upon them saith the Lord. In which words the Lord puts them in mind of their former kindness and love unto him and their walking with him in that their former state then Israel was holiness unto the Lord and yet in the next verses the Lord is taking up this complaint against them What Iniquity have your Fathers found in me that they are gone far from me and have walked after Vanity and become vain and in chap. 5. he saith Your sins have with-holden good things from you From which words we may note four particulars First That God's people are very apt to decline from their first degree of holiness obtained in their first Illuminations and Experiences of God They were holiness to the Lord in their first Espousals but now become vain and gone from God the Church of Ephesus was eminent for God but now fallen from her first love Rev. 2. Secondly Note that the people of God are usually most holy and walk most close with God when they have but little of these outward things to depend upon When thou wentest after me in the Wilderness in a Land that was not sown then Israel was Holiness to the Lord. Thirdly Note that the more close God's people keep to him in the way of Holiness the sooner shall their Adversaries in their enterprises be defeated All that devour him shall offend evil shall come upon them saith the Lord. Fourthly Note that God's people declining the way of Holiness deprive themselves of comforts very great and not their Enemies but themselves do oft thereby defeat Hos 8.3 Israel hath cast off the thing that is good the Enemy shall pursue him But Thirdly by way of Caution As God's people are greatly concerned to take heed and be very cautious of medling with sin because it is of a defiling nature and also of a depriving nature so is it also of a destroying nature Sin suffered in the Creature and not washed out by true Repentance and rich Mercy as aforesaid and especially when entertained with delight O how will it not only stain our Ornaments of Grace and Holiness but also eat up and destroy by degrees like the Moth in the Garment and the Worm in the Nut the very life marrow and quintescence of Christianity or power of Godliness even that love zeal reality and sincerity of heart with all those gifts and spiritual endowments and enjoyments formerly attained until there be nothing left but an out-side form of Godliness if that so that the Creature becometh as to spiritual performances and acts of grace in the life and power thereof but like unto a man whose soul is departing or departed little left but an out-side Carkass and if a little yet but weak in motion as the Holy Ghost doth seem to testify concerning the Estate of the Church of Sardis Rev. 3.1 2. I know thy works saith the Lord Thou hast a name that thou livest but art dead be watchful and strengthen the things that remain and are ready to dye Whence observe here was only a name that is to say an out-side form or shew of Godliness but as for the power of Godliness the very marrow and quintescence of Christianity that was as it were even at the last gasp in a dead or a dying condition and this seemeth to be the state of most in that Church excepting a few names saith the Lord that have not defiled their Garments from whence we are given to understand that the main ground and reason that the life and power of Godliness were thus destroyed in them was their want of watchfulness against sin but suffering it to grow and increase in them either by omision of duties required or committing sins forbidden or both they being allowed and continued without a true Repentance to a Reformation To this doth the Estate of the Churches of Ephesus and Laodicea witness as also many other presidents in holy Scripture the which to run over so large a field my present time and occasions will not permit wherefore let us be very cautious how we meddle with it but watch against it take heed and be ware of it and the occasions thereof whether they be sins of Omission or Commission all sins are of a destructive nature and especially sins against Knowledge and Grace received being allowed and approved of or winked and connived at How plentifully doth the Scripture set forth the destructive nature of sin and particularly those Grandees Infidelity Hypocrisy Heresy Drunkenness and Gluttony prophane Swearing and Blasphemy Whoredom and Adultery Coveteousness and Idolatry Pride Presumption and Oppression and the like The which sins are with many other not only destructive to soul and body gifts and graces but also unto Families and Church-fellowships Cityes and Countrys Kings and Kingdoms as the Scriptures do plentifully evince as saith the Lord by Samuel chap. 12.25 But if ye shall still do wickedly ye shall be consumed both you and your King in which words are intimated as to Israel so to us that if a people do live in such a wicked vicious life as highly to provoke God's Justice against them that then God would consume them with such Judgments as they nor their King should be able to withstand Whence note by the way that men of a wicked vicious Conversation thereby endeavour ruine to their King Nation concerned therefore is the Kings Authority for to suppress such wickedness and grand impiety Secondly Note by the way that men in whom is civil honesty and Godly sincerity are the best Subjects
troubles and oppositions the world would raise against them in their faithful obedience unto him so that as the reward of Inheritance is sure and certain to the faithful so the more full accomplishment thereof will at the second coming and glorious appearing of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ be performed But of the day and hour knoweth no man saith our Saviour no not the Angels in Heaven but the Father only Matth. 24.36 But as a Thief in the Night will it come suddenly upon all that dwell upon the Earth the which doth invite every soul to a diligent watchfulness in the way of God and a patient waiting in the expectation thereof Matth. 24.42 The Husband-man saith Saint James waiteth with long patience for the precious fruits of the Earth until he receive the former and latter Rain Be ye also Patient stablish your hearts for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh Jam. 5.7 Cast not away therefore your cenfidence which hath great recompence of reward for ye had need of Patience that after ye have done the will of God ye might receive the promise for he that shall come will come and will not tarry now the Just shall live by Faith c. Heb. 10.35 36 37. Saint John saith he saw under the Alter the Souls of them that were slain for the Word of God and the Testimony that they held crying how long Lord wilt thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the Earth and white Robes were given to every one of them and it was said unto them that they should rest for a little season until their fellow Servants also and their Brethren that should be killed as they were should be fulfilled Rev. 6.9 10. It may be the Lord hath some of his Servants yet to suffer for his sake that his comeing is yet prolonged And white Robes were given them and it was said that they must rest for a little season c. whence Note first That Innocent blood cryeth for the hastening of Christ's coming to judge and revenge its cause against its Persecutors and the Lord will assuredly in due time answer the cryes thereof Secondly Note That Christ's Perfection with the Reward of Salvation being sealed and assured to a Soul by the influences and opperations of the spirit of Christ as a pledge of the Fathers love and special favour should be unto every such soul of an inducing nature to move and draw forth the soul to exercise faith and patience to wait upon the Lord with a dependency upon him to plead its cause and to revenge its wrongs and to perform the accomplishment of all his promises in his own time he that believeth maketh not hast he waiteth God's time as the best time Wherefore considering that the management of a design for holy attainments is attended with such encouragements as God's Approbation and Command and his promise of assistance in the way of attainment and his crowning our endeavours with perfection in his Son and with a Reward of an Eternal Inheritance to be fully possessed by the holy people the Saints of the most high God at the second coming of Christ personally bringing his reward with him therefore Beloved Building up your selves on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost keep your selves in the love of God looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto Eternal Life Jude v. 20. CHAP. XII Containing a Use of Comfort and Consolation unto those persons that are industrious in the management of a design for holy attainments in the way of God's Counsel CHristian Friends having related something in the former Chapter concerning a Reward of Inheritance or Kingdom to be possessed by the holy people at the second comeing of Jesus Christ personally as a matter or ground of encouragement unto Holiness so for a ground of Consolation I would put into consideration something of the priviledges the heirs of this Inheritance shall possess in the possession thereof But I must confess that my capacity is too narrow to comprehend and tongues of Men and Angels too short to declare the excellencies of those priviledges in the latitude thereof But when we shall come to experience the priviledges of that Inheritance by a full possession thereof in the glorious presence of the Majesty of the Eternal Deity in the Heavenly Mansions we may with admiration say as the Queen of Sheba concerning Solomons Wisdom and Magnificence that the one half had not been declared to us And as the Queen of Sheba was by the report she had heard drawn forth to make an experiment of Solomons Magnificence by putting her self upon a Journey to his Court So hoping that some souls may be provoked to put forth it self upon a journey towards the Heavenly Court in the paths of Holiness upon the report of the excellent priviledges thereof to an experiencing of the Magnificence of the same although not the one half be declared Consider with me these few particulars as privilegdes appertaining to the heirs of the aforesaid Inheritance or Kingdom to be experienced by a perfect possession at the second coming of Christ personally The first general priviledge including many particulars we shall consider to consist in that excellent and glorious change of the body which at that day shall be effected in the Resurrection thereof with a uniting of body and spirit in which glorious change the body will be Immortal no more subject unto death a spiritual body no more subject to hunher thurst cold sickness nor any putrifaction whatsoever an Incorruptible body no more subject to sin temptations sorrow fears tears nor terrors neither from the apprehensions of any oppression by man nor any displeasure of Almighty God but a glorious body altogether capable of beholding the glorious Essence beautifical presence of the glorious Majesty of the Lord which excelleth the beholding with a mortal eye for evidences hereunto see 1 Cor. 15. Rev. 7.16 Rev. 21.4 Our Conversation is in Heaven saith the Apostle from whence we look for the Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ who shall change our vile bodies that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious Body according to the working whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself Phil. 3.20 21. We know saith Saint John that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is 1 Joh. 3.2 Now we see through a glass darkly but then face to face now we know in part but then shall we know as we are known 1 Cor 13.12 He that hath this hope purifieth himself even as he is pure O thou that art in the management of a design for Holy Attainments here is a ground of comfort encouragement and consolation to thy soul although men may kill this vile body and cut thee off in the way they cannot deprive thee of thy end thou shalt be raised again a glorious body like unto him who is able to subdue all things unto
blood to justifie us his precious word to direct us his precious promises to comfort us and many precious calls for to invite us with precious arguments to perswade us and precious cords of love in all to draw poor Sinners to himself and now a precious door of hope is opened to us but so it will not always be thy present time is a precious time the present means of the Gospel is a precious means given for precious ends as to reduce poor Sinners to their primitive state in Righteousness and true Holiness in true peace and happiness with God in glory in order thereunto we in time shall find that time 's best spended that 's spent in that kind Then let not this thy precious time be spent I' th Horseleach-Daughters their Broods content But by improvement of the precious means Endeavour thou thy heart of them to cleanse By often drinking of those livings springs That flows from him who is the King of Kings 'T is water of life with love compounded sure 'T will heal thy wounds and thy distempers cure But thy work is great thy time is but small Time's best improved in time of Gods call FOR When our time is over and opportunities cease We may lye in sorrow hopeless of release See then that ye walk circumspectly not as Fools but as Wise redeeming the time because the days are evil Motive the Nineth A nineth Motive to move us to improve the said means against the aforesaid distempers may be the consideration of that loss we shall sustain unto our selves if our hearts be not cured of the said distempers as the loss of our Union and Communion with God the Father and Christ and the Spirit and the Holy Angels and Saints in the Kingdom of glory with all the felicities thereof to all Eternity O what a sad loss will it be unto us how shall we befool our selves for yealding our selves and services unto the supremacy of these Task-masters these insatiable greedy worms always crying give give When we shall see Abraham Isaac and Jacob and all those that have been faithful to Christs supremacy accepted into the Kingdom and we our selves thrust out with that dreadful Sentence Go ye Cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels where the Worm never dyeth and the fire is never quenched O sad Estate with sorrows intollerable and miseries endless Motive the Tenth or a Use of encouragement To go oft to the aforesaid springs and by an act of Faith improve the means thereof to the destroying of these lusts of Corruption out of our hearts is the consideration that they are not only our Enemies but they are also Gods Enemies as much as in them lyeth opposing him in the effecting of his eternal purpose and determined Counsel in bringing man to glorifie his name and to enjoy his glory and they are Antichristian against Christ and his supremacy and against the holy Spirit in its work of Illumination and Sanctification And therefore God gives special commands unto us to improve the Means and Counsel that he affords us in order to the destruction of them all and not to suffer one of them to live in our hearts unsubdued Therefore God in giving to us both Means and Counsel thereunto doth call upon us for to mortifie your inordinate affections crucifie the world deny self put off the old man with his deeds cleanse your selves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God circumcising the fore-skin of your hearts the Lord lays many special injunctions upon us wherefore we may not let one live for they are Gods Enemies The Amalakites being Enemies to God God giveth command to King Saul utterly to destroy them old and young sparing none But Saul in sparing Agag the King lost both Gods favour and his Kingdom for his disobedience therein God hath given us the Commands and Testimonies of his Mind and Will that we should destroy these Amalakitish Lusts his Enemies and subdue them out of our hearts and not to let one of them to live and he hath given us means thereunto And may he not nay will he not deal as severely with us if we willingly spare any although never so dear unto us the dangerous consequence thereof considered David by suffering one Lust to live in his heart to Vriahs Wife it brought him to the guilt of Murder and Adultery to the great dishonour of God and the wounding of his soul with the sence of sin and Gods displeasure for the same to the loss of his strength of assurance and weakening his evidences of Salvation the which caused him to drink many a bitter cup of affliction with many a deep sigh and sob and sad complaint with tears and fears of being cut off in the want of his assurance which made him cry out in the bitterness of his soul in the sence of his loss O spare me that I may recover strength before I go hence and be no more Psal 39.13 One Dalilah having gained the heart of strong Sampson through her continual crying Give Give did soon surprise him and bring down his strength so as not to be able to resist his Enemies So one Lust suffered alive in the heart through its continual crying give give may soon surprise us and weaken our strength of faith and hope and comfortable evidences and assurances in Gods favour so as we may become weak as another man as not to be able to resist the assaults of many other Lusts in the temptations thereof Every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own Lusts and enticed Jam. 1.14 Motive the Eleaventh Or A Use of encouragement to move us to a diligent use and improvement of the said means to the cleansing of our hearts of these greedy worms may be the consideration of that choyce and requirement that God hath made of the heart God requireth the heart as a Treasury to himself to be for himself as his Treasury or Store-house to lay in the Divine Treasures of his holy word his graces and gifts of grace and divine qualifications for his own pleasure and delight and for to enable his Creature to bring forth fruits to the praise and glory of his name and to edifie and comfort others as faith the Lord These words which I Command thee this day shall be in thy heart and thou shalt teach them thy Children and talk of them in thy house Deut. 6.6 And saith the Lord Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your hearts and in your souls c. Deut. 11.18 The heart is a Treasury for Gods Love Rom. 5.5 and for the peace of God Col. 3.15 and for the spirit of Christ Gal. 4.6 Yea all the Laws of God and graces and gifts of grace comprehended in the new Evangelical Covenant in Christ God the Father hath chosen the heart to wright them in and as his Treasury to place them there Jer. 31.33
esteem with the Lord. But happily some soul may question in it self if not of some other saying what is Charity that is of such concernment I Answer briefly That Charity is a real affectionate love to the Lord and all actions by the Creature performed in this principle of love to the Lord may be deemed actions of Charity or Charitable actions as when the Creature is drawn forth to do that which is the manifest will of the Lord by the powerful influence of real affectionate love unto the Lord then the Creatures end and aime and drift and scope in all its actions will be honour praise and glory to the Lord the object of its love Yea by this principle of love to the Lord the Creature is drawn forth with endeavours to vindicate promote and with high esteem prefer the name of the Lord the interest of his truth and people for the Lords sake above all other things But why is this love to the Lord called Charity and those actions arising from thence acts of Charity and not that love in the Creature that is fixed upon other objects here below as self and the world which you have so much condemned in this your former discourse This love to the Lord may be called Charity First From the purity of its original from whence it doth arise which is the pure eternal free and undeserved love of God in Christ the which by its influence and operation upon the heart doth work up the Creatures affections into its own nature to love the Lord and all his interest for his sake and to demonstrate this love unto the Lord as occasions do offer themselves and ability doth afford and so Saint John lays the original cause of mans love to God to be Gods love first made out to man We love him saith John because he loved us first Secondly It may be called Charity upon the consideration of the purity of the object upon whom it fixeth its respects Thirdly It may be called Charity to distinguish the excellency of this love from and above all love fixed upon other objects Fourthly It may be called Charity in consideration of the purity and excellency of the natural properties of it which it worketh in those hearts where it doth reside as saith the Apostle Charity suffereth long and is kind Charity envieth not Charity vaunteth not it self it is not puffed up doth not behave it self unseemly seeketh not her own is not easily provoked thinketh no evil rejoyceth not in Iniquity but rejoyceth in the Truth beareth all things believeth all things hopeth all things endureth all things Fifthly There is no love but is failable except this of Charity and Charity never faileth and therefore Charity Sixthly There is no love hath a reward like this of Charity for Charity hath an eternal reward in Glory annext unto it So that when the Creatures actions do flow from this inward principle of real love to the Lord and therewith compounded they become actions of Charity and of high acceptation with the Lord But when this ingredience is wanting neither person nor performance is approved of the Lord as faith the Lord by the Prophet Zachariah unto Israel of old When ye fasted and mourned in the fifth and seaventh moneth even those seaventy years did ye at all fast unto me even unto me and when ye did eat and when ye did drink did not ye eat for your selves and drink for your selves And what 's the reason that their meat-offerings drink-offerings their fastings and mournings their solemn meetings and religious services found not acceptance with the Lord Surely their hearts were destitute of Charity there wanted this compound of a real love to the Lord and a real desire to promote the interest of his truth in the power and purity of it to the glory of his Name and to be an example to others thereunto But contrarily all their performances were rather dedicated to carnal self and worldly interests with whom the Horseleach Daughters their corrupt affections were joyned in affinity and therefore all was nothing in the Lords esteem Many shall come to me saith Christ in that day saying Lord Lord open unto us have we not Prophesied in thy Name and in thy Name cast out Devils and in thy Name done many wondrous works Then will I profess unto them I know them not Depart from me ye workers of Iniquity Mat. 7.22 23. Wherefore consider When as self-ends and wordly interests become Our wheele of motion in Religion Our reward from God then is like to be Rejection from his presence in Eternity Motive the Fourteenth or a Use of Encouragement We may be further moved and encouraged to a careful use and improvement of the aforesaid means against the Horse-leach and her Daughters and their Brood for the destroying of those heart-worms by the recommendation and experimental testimonies of the faithful in all ages commending to us this means the streams of free grace in Christ Jesus flowing from the fountain of the Eternal Love of the Father the Lord Jesus Christ in the days of his Pilgrimage here upon the Earth did thereby preserve his heart from Corruption by drinking of these waters of this fountain as it is written of him Psal 110. ver 7. He shall drink of the Brook in the way therefore shall he lift up his Head The streams of Gods free grace flowing from the fountain of his Eternal Love is that Aqua-vitae water of Life that hath a powerful vertue in it to do the work if rightly applyed David having tasted a cup or two thereof is drawn forth into admiration of it with these expressions How excellent is thy loving kindness to God! Therefore the Children of men put their trust in the shadow of thy wings They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of thy House and thou shalt make them drink of the river of thy pleasures for with thee is the fountain of life in thy light we shall see light Psal 36.7 8 9. The Fathers of old saith the Apostle Paul did all drink of the same spiritual drink for they drank of that Rock that followed them and that Rock was Christ 1 Cor. 10.4 Sweet are those streams of living waters sure That 's sweetened with Love divine and pure That streams to us in Christ the rock of age 'T is life eternal that this love presages Hereby Abraham Isaac and Jacob and all the faithful cleansed their hearts of self and the world and kept up their affections to God so as to make the will of God their ground of action and the glory of God their end in the same to the denial of self and the world in the lusts and vanities thereof choosing rather to suffer affliction then to disobey the will of God or to infringe his glory It is said of Moses that he refused to be called the Son of Pharoahs Daughter and denyed himself of all the Honours Treasures and Pleasures of Pharoahs Court choosing rather
and conforming to him and herein God is just and the justifier of them that believe on Jesus Fifthly Believing and conforming to Christ is the product of the spirit The which power of believing and act of conforming was by the Father fore-appointed from Eternity to be produced by or the product of the spirit which through its operation upon the heart or inward man should enable the Sons and Daughters of men at least Some of them to believe on his Son and conform to him and thereby be made meet to glorifie God and enjoy his glory therefore is this believing and conforming in Scripture called a New Birth and the sanctification of the Spirit because wrought by the spirit somtimes extraordinarily by inspiration or more ordinarily in and by the Word and Ministry thereof The works of sanctification or New Birth by the Spirit enlightening the understanding quickening the apprehension informing the judgment rectifying the will renewing the mind regulating the affections and perswading the heart to take Christ to trust in Christ to relye upon Christ to obey Christ and to suffer for Christ It qualifies the heart with love to God and joy in God and zeal for God with patience to wait upon God with humility in its walking with God with sincerity in the worship of God sobriety in life temperancy in the use of the Creatures with kindness to the Brethren and a peaceable disposition and charitableness towards all men together with an hatred and loathing of sin but a love to and delight in all the ways of Righteousness Sixthly The Lord Jesus Christ in his working out the Redemption of man in order to the decrees and fore-appointments of the Father did take upon him the humane Nature by a Conception in the Womb of a Virgin through the over-shaddowing of the Holy Ghost as saith the Scriptures And in the Womb of the Virgin Mary was he nourished for the time and after the manner of Women and became both God and Man that the same nature that had sinned being assisted with the Divine might make restitution unto justification of life and so God be just and the justifier of them that believe on Jesus Seaventhly He taketh upon him the Execution of three offices imposed upon him by the Father as King Priest and Prophet And in the Execution thereof he doth accomplish and compleat the Redemption of man-kind unto justification of life according to the eternal purpose and fore-appointment of the Father Eighthly He invadeth the Kingdom of darkness and encountered the Prince thereof the Divel that captivated man-kind and brought them under his dominion and by his two-edged sword the word of God he obtained Victory and spoyled the Principalities and Powers of the dominion thereof Ninethly Effects of Christs obedience to the Law He answered the Law by a perfect obedience thereunto whereby he brought in perfect Righteousness unto life whereby he became the end of the Law for Righteousness to Believers as they stand by faith in him and whereby believers are wholly freed from the Accusations Curse and Condemnation of the Law Tenthly The effects of Christs Priestly Office He answereth divine justice in his sufferings upon the Cross for mans transgression to a full satisfaction whereby Believers through saith in Christ are wholly acquitted as from the accusations of the Law so from the Executions of Divine Justice and brought into an estate of peace reconciliation and acceptance with the Father Eleaventhly He obtaineth a Conquest over Death and the Grave Christs Victories are the Saints Triumph but the Wickeds Woe those great Captivaters of man-kind by the power of his Resurrection whereby Death and the Grave are become subject to him to deliver up their Captives at his command which is a Priviledge to the Faithful but a Woe to the Ungodly Twelfthly He Ascended to the right hand of power into the glory of the Father Christ the Saints Prophet in his exaltation where he further executeth the aforesaid Offices as a Prophet he openeth the sealed book the misteries of the Kingdom and the great salvation that the Father from Eternity hath placed in him for all that by faith subject to him instructing and teaching the knowledge thereof Thirteenth Christs Priesthood a priviledg to his Saints for ever Christ further executeth his Priestly Office also now in the days of his exaltation by presenting the performances of his Subjects unto the Father in the golden censor of his own Merits making intercession for them unto the Fathers gracious acceptation and to the encouragement comfort and consolation of his Servants walking in his holy order of government contained in the Gospel Fourteenth Christ is in execution of his Kingly Office whose Laws Subjects are his Kingdom As Christ did invade the Kingdom of darkness and overcame the Principalities and Powers thereof that held fallen man in Captivity thereby Se he as a King is now in the execution of his Kingly Office in these days of his exaltation as is demonstrated not only by his ordination but also first in his giving forth his Laws Ordinances and Righteous order of Government with commands of obedience thereunto Secondly By defending and upholding his said Laws and Government against all opposers Thirdly By his sending and gifting his Embassadors with propositions of Pardon Peace Reconciliation and Protection unto the Sons and Daughters of men upon their receiving of him and conforming to him his Supremacy Crown and Dignity by subjection to his Laws and Government accordingly that man might become Servants to him in subjection to his Laws and be brought into the glorious liberty of the Sons of God and Heirs of Glory according to the Fathers fore-determination from Eternity Fifteenth It is the order and design of Christ in the dispensation of the Gospel to gather Believers into Congregational Assemblies otherwise called Churches for the better accomplishing the fore-determined decrees and purposes of the Father that is that man might the better glorifie God and be edified and made meet for glory Sixteenth It is the way and order of Christ that Believers actively constitute imbody or congregate themselves into Church Assemblies by a personal confession of Faith and Baptisme answering the institution and order of Christ their supreme Head and King Seaventeenth It is the order of Christ and the liberty and priviledge of Christian Congregation so gathered so constituted as aforesaid to elect their Church-Officers men approved for gifts and qualifications sutable to the rule of truth as near as they can and to ordain them into Office by a solemn ordination of fasting prayer and laying on of hands of the Eldership for the better promoting of the interest of divine worship and that order of government that Christ hath left unto his Church upon Gospel-record and for converting of the unconverted and perfecting of the Saints in the Knowledge Faith and Obedience of Christ their King Eighteenth 1 Cor. 9.11 12 13
do carelesly slight the means of grace and live in the neglect thereof and those that obstinately oppose the dignity of Christ in his Laws and Government and subjects in the same and those that wilfully resist the motions and operations of the spirit of grace and work of sanctification until death without Repentance are doubtless of that number that God from Eternity hath through their corruptions ordained or predestinated unto eternal Condemnation Thirtyeth The Office of Magistracy is an Ordinance of God Rom. 13. wherein God doth impower and appoint him to be an Executioner of his civil Laws of justice to the terrour of all vicious prophane and wicked persons that will not be bridled and kept within the bounds of civility Titus 3.1 by the power of Gods word nor light of nature and also to countenance maintain and protect all civil persons within his jurisdiction in their just rights and priviledges And also not only to observe Christs institutions and order of government and worship without adding too or diminishing from the truth as it is in Jesus with respect to the dignity of Christ as the only Law-giver sole Head and Governour of his Church but also to promote and propagate the interest of Christ and his People in the true worship and order of Gospel-government as a nursing Father to countenance preserve and protect by his power those that endeavour to walk peaceable in the same And herein he is the Minister of God to thee for good Rom. 13.4 5. But if thou do that which is evil be afraid for he beareth not the sword in vain for he is the Minister of God a Revenger to execute Wrath upon him that doth evil Wherefore ye must needs be subject not only for Wrath but also for Conscience-sake And hence the Apostle exhorteth that prayers and supplications be made for all men for Kings and all that are in Authority that we may lead a peaceable life in all Godliness and Honesty for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour But if the Magistrate contrarily lay injunctions and impositions upon the Conscience of his Subjects in the point of divine worship which the Voyce of Christ in the Gospel doth not own either in matter or manner of performance so that it become inconsistent to the dignity of Christ and the peace of a tender Conscience then may a soul lawfully with the Apostles Christians of old chuse rather to suffer the penalty then to obey actively the command say with Peter and John whether it be right to obey God or man judge ye Act. 4.19 Thirty-one Comprehending many Christs visible appearance in his Kingly power The said Lord Jesus Christ shall once more appear personally in his Kingly power glory Mat. 16.27 Luk. 21.27 Mat. 24.30 2 Pet. 3.10 11. wherein the Father hath exalted him the which power he shall then put in execution The general desolution to the dissolving of this world all the Principalities and Powers thereof The Resurrection The Communion of Saints in Immortality attend Christ on the Throne with the Angels unto which power the graves shall be subject Joh. 5.28 29. 1 Thes 4.16 17. Jud. 14. Mat. 24.31 1 Thes 4.14 to deliver up their dead according to his will the Saints in the first place with those his Saints then alive all of them will he gather into one Assembly or Body in Communion with himself in their Immortal state 1 Cor. 15.53 Mat. 19.28 1 Cor. 6.2 3. Joh. 5.27 Mat. 25.31 32 41 46. Rom. 2.8 9. Rev. 20.13 14. Rev. 21.8 2 Tim. 4.8 1 Pet. 5.4 1 Cor. 15.24 who with the Holy Angels The seat of Justice shall accompany him on the Throne of Majesty and Seat of Justice beholding giving their assent and consent unto the just proceedings of Christ the Righteous Judg in the execution of his Justice The Condemnation of the Ungodly against all the ungodly both Men and Angels who shall then be cast into eternal flames of the fiery Indignation and Wrath of the Almighty as a just reward of their ungodly deeds But his Saints The Saints Crown of Righteousness shall be in the white Robes of his own Innocency and Crown of Righteousness present and deliver up unto the Father The Kingdom of Saints presented to the Father and accepted to glory as the effects of the Fathers Election in the Son and as the fruits of the faithful labours of the Son unto the Fathers great and gracious acceptation of them unto his Kingdom in the state of glory from Eternity The Saints triumph in glory purposed appointed and promised unto them through faith and sanctification there to dwell as Kings triumphing in glory over all their Enemies The Saints sacrifice in their glorified state fears sufferings and sorrows and as Priests offering up their sacrifices and songs of deliverance unto him that sitteth on the Throne and unto the Lamb eternally A Letter to my Beloved Children Josias Bonham Thomas John Samuel and Elizabeth Bonham Beloved Children ALthough in the last end of my Book reminded yet in much respect are you upon my heart retained in the tender bowels of true Fatherly affection wishing unto you not only the blessing of me your Father after the flesh but more especially the blessing of him who is the Father of spirits unto your establishment in his grace mercy peace and unity in the truth as it is in Jesus unto all perseverance through the knowledge of God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. Where as the influence of Gods word upon my heart written Deut. 6.5 6 7. chap. 11.18 19. and Eph. 6.4 hath heretofore drawn me forth to consult with the mind of God in his Testimonies Commands and Promises contained in holy Scripture for my better ability to perform my duty in answer to such a divine requirement and having in a measure improved my attainments thereunto in my House and Family among you for your edification that you may set your hope in God And having found the Blessing of God in some good measure attending the same to your growth in civility and piety unto my greater comfort to the praise of God be it spoken and to the encouragement of others in such concernments Now considering that most of you are gone from me and that Mortality 〈◊〉 approaching near unto me and considering the danger of these latter days by the abounding of Iniquity both in errours of Opinions and vicious practices Therefore to the end you might be preserved from the evils of the times and the principles that have been communicated to you be preserved in you to an increase and growth in holy and Heavenly attainments I would bequeath unto you as the best Legacy that I can bestow upon you even this little Book containing some few gleanings which through grace I have gathered out of the Vintage of God and for your sakes in part
composed to the end that these lines within contained may be your Companions to consult with as you have opportunities thereunto and to remind you of your great concernments and be some direction to you in the way of Holy and Heavenly attainments when I have put off this my Tabernacle and am Deceased from you Wherefore let me remind you with the words of David to Solomon his Son Know ye the God of your Father and serve him with a perfect heart and a willing mind for the Lord searcheth all hearts and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts If you seek him he will be found of you but if ye forsake him he will cast you off for ever 1 Chron. 28.9 Take this promise also along in your Considerations which saith Then shall ye know if ye follow on to know the Lord his going forth is prepared as the Morning he shall come unto us as the Rain as the former and latter Rain upon the Earth Hos 6.3 As the going forth of the Morning light expelleth the darkness of the Night away and increaseth more and more unto the perfect day so will the Lord with the light of the Son of Righteousness the beams of his special favours in Christ break forth upon your souls to refresh nourish comfort and rejoyce your souls and cause you to grow up unto a state of perfection in Jesus Christ as the fruits of the Earth by the former and latter Rain For the Eyes of the Lord run too and fro throughout the whole Earth to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose hearts are perfect towards him 2 Chron. 16.9 The Lord is good a strong hold in the day of trouble and he knoweth them that trust in him Nahum 1.7 Wherefore eye the Lord in his providences and wait upon him in his dispensations praise him for all his Benefits trust in him at all times in all conditions and confide in him for the performance of all his promises in Christ unto you always remembring that he is faithful that hath promised One Text more I would mind you of which saith thus And the Lord was with Jehoshaphat because he walked in the first ways of his Father David 2 Cor. 17.3.4 and sought not unto Baalim but sought to the Lord God of his Father and walked in his Commandements and not after the doings of Israel And now my dear Children my desire is that you would make my failings your warnings and what you have heard and seen in me of good make that examplary for your imitation and the God of peace be with you and make you perfect in every good work to do his will working in you that which is well-pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ to whom be glory for ever and ever Amen So I commit you to the Lord and to the word of his grace which is able to build you up and to give you an Inheritance among them that are sanctified hoping in Heavenly glory You to see enjoying of each other in felicity Your loving Father Josias Bonham A word to my Book and I have done BEhold I send thee forth to th'Church and World Not knowing in whose hands thou may'st be hurld As well as Friends thou maist meet with Foes That will thy Plainness and thy Truth oppose Some may perhaps thee friendly entertain Whilst other-some behold thee with disdain But whether it be so or whether not Thou may'st expect it as thy adverss Lot For this be sure thou must expect to pass Through good and bad report for why alass Who so Gods Errand tells must bare his Cross Deny himself to his external loss