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A75800 The spirituall use of an orchard, or garden of fruit-trees. Set forth in divers similitudes betweene naturall and spirituall fruit-trees, in their natures, and ordering, according to Scripture and experience. The second impression; with the addition of many similitudes. By Ra: Austen, author of the first part. By Ra: Austen, author of the first part. Austen, Ralph, d. 1676. 1657 (1657) Wing A4236; Thomason E915_8; ESTC R208885 172,355 230

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afterwards gloried in this in that he was imployed about this worke of being instrumentall in this great plantation which now God was about having newly begun it of implanting or ingrafting the Gentiles into Christ the true Vine and Olive tree In as much as I am the Apostle of the Gentiles I magnifie mine office Rom. 11.13 He rejoyced greatly to foresee by faith such a huge and vast Orchard consisting of many millions of goodly fruit-trees that were to be planted in it which would bring forth abundance of good fruits to the husbandman so did Peter also and many with him rejoyce at it Acts 10.45 They were astonished because that on the Gentiles also was powred out the gift of the Holy Ghost and Acts 11.18 They glorified God saying then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life They saw this wonderfull great plantation begun and cut out of the wast and barren Wildernesse of the Gentiles and they rejoyced in it and helped to carry it on Paul planted a large peece of ground and God watered it and gave the increase for he tells us Rom. 15.19 from Jerusalem round about unto Illyricum he fully preached the Gospell of Christ he through the power of the word and spirit made wild trees barren unfruit-full trees to be engrafted fruitfull trees The Gospell containing the unsearchable riches of Christ which he preached among the Gentiles became in ingrafted word in their hearts and sprang and grew up and brought forth fruit as he tels us Col. 1.6 The Gospell which is come unto you as it is in all the world and bringeth forth fruits as it doth also in you since the day ye heard of it Now here were great and glorious beginnings and proceedings for many yeares together in the Apostles and Primitive times but afterwards the worke went on more slowly when Antichrist was revealed he that did let being taken out of the way that is the Emperour who had his seate in Rome being removed to Germany when the Pope and the whole Hierachy of Rome had gotten head and strength and credit in the world then they greatly hindred the worke though it hath beene carried on ever since yet much more slowly than at the beginning After a time there arose many and great enemies against the Church and every where persecuted the Saints The Beast out of the bottomlesse Pit the red Dragon the Beast with seven heads and ten hornes The Beast with two hornes like the Lamb the Whore of Babylon the Beast with the false Prophet c. these enemies of the Church hindred as much as in them lay the propagation of the Gospell As formerly enemies hindred the building of the Materiall Temple so have they ever since hindred the building of the spirituall Temple or according to the Similitude the great Plantation of the husbandman It is a very great Orchard there is much work to be done in it and about it and many and powerfull enemies are against it therefore the husbandman is long about it It is so large that it reacheth to the ends of the earth over every kindred and Tongue and People and Nation Rev. 5.9 And as it is large so there is much worke and but little help Matth. 9.37 The harvest truly is great and the Laborers but few There is herein a ground of exceeding great gladnesse and rejoycing Vse 1 seeing that God the great and skilfull husbandman hath undertaken this worke of Planting so large an Orchard or Garden for himselfe over all Nations though there have beene but slow proceedings in the worke for a long time yet the proceedings have beene sure God his people have been at worke ever since they began it unto this day and we have Prophesies Promises that it shall go on unto perfection yea and more speedily too in these latter daies than in former times Esay 60.3 4 5 c. Lift up thine eyes round about and see all they gather themselves together they come to thee the abundance of the sea or Nations shall be converted unto thee the forces of the gentiles shall come to thee They shall flie as doves to their windowes vers 8. Yea here is a ground of rejoycing indeede when we consider the exceeding largnesse of this Orchard which shall take in not only the wildernesse of the Gentiles but also his old decayed forsaken Orchard the Nation of the Jewes the husbandman will joyne them to it and Graffe them these decayed broken withered Branches in againe and their comming in shall be as life from the dead Rom. 11.15 it shall be a mighty advantage to the whole Church in all parts here will be a wonderfull beautifull large Orchard let us cast our eyes above as well as below and looke upon that part now already transplanted into heaven as well as that upon Earth and withall consider it with its increase that it is daily growing larger and larger Zach. 2.11 Many Nations shall be joyned to the Lord in that day what day even when the Lord shall inherit Judah his portion in the holy Land and shall chuse Jerusalem againe Here is a Prophesy of the comming in both of the Jewes and Gentiles about one time which will greatly inlarge the Church and is aground of great rejoycing to all the people of God Vse 2 Seeing God is a long time in calling of the Gentiles this should stirre up the people of God in this Nation and other Nations who are called unto continuall praises unto him for that he hath done the worke already for us many other parts of the world are yet in darknesse they are yet as the wildernesse wild trees and unmanured not yet within the compasse of this pleasant Orchard we might have beene in their case Vse 3 Thirdly Seeing the worke is great and God hath beene a long time about it and is yet going on let all that can helpe forward the worke God is able to do all works which he wills by his owne immediate hand but he is pleased to use Instruments therein The great husbandman hath subhusbandmen underworkmen in his great Plantation All his people are required to put to their hand for the enlargement of the kingdome of Christ by their Prayers exhortations reproffes instructions admonitions Examples c. according to the gifts But this is no liberty for any people under the pretence of new revelations from God and a light within to go about reaching things contrary to his word and reveled will and to condemne all Churches and Congregations persons things though never so holy that are not of their way and cast into their mould Talents they have received Especially now in this generation seeing God by his providentiall dispensations cals aloud for it having given his people ● freedome and liberty in all places and great encouragements in the worke of the Lord which in former ages they have not had It is the duty not only of Pastors and Officers of particular congregations
and Corruptions also of other Natures brake forth from time to time which were a sting to all other Miseries that befell him and which were being improved and strongly set on by Sathan against him grounds and foundations of the most fearfull apprehensions that came into his minde The enemy pleading it against him and that from many grounds of * Such as these Heb. 6.4 It is impossible for these who were once enlightned c. and 2 Pet. 2.20 The later end is worse with them then the beginning Scripture misapplyed that no child of God did ever fall into the like and labouring to perswade him that no one guilty of the like should possibly ever recover out of such a state This was a long and tedious winter in which seldome any sunne or starrs appeared to him and then but dimly and soone clouded againe the soule was for the most part filled with stormes and tempests sad apprehensions of many present evils and feares of more and greater to come upon him The particular passages of which Condition might be related at large were it convenient But the Lord hath said he will not contend for ever neither will he be alwaies wrath lest the spirit faile before him He correcteth in measure At length the sun of righteousnesse began to arise with healing in his wings and to cast some beames of light into his darke soule which increased more and more unto the perfect day As he fell by degrees so by little and little after a time in the use of meanes he was raised up againe and restored to former comforts with great and many additions and advantages The Lord put a new song into his Mouth even praises and thanksgivings unto his God Let the father of mercies and the God of all Comforts be for ever praised for he comforteth those that are cast downe when they cry unto him in their troubles he delivereth them out of their distresse he bringeth them out of darknesse and out of the shaddow of death and breaketh their bonds asunder O that men would therefore praise the Lord for his goodnesse and declare the wonders that he doth for the Children of men Now therefore Seeing that a winter of desertion may come Let Vse 1 us wisely prepare against it by giving all diligence to make our Calling and Election sure 2 Pet. 1.10 To lay up Treasures in heaven Now in the time of plenty to store up against a time of of famine to gather now in Summer against a spending time in Winter Now to gather Evidences and sure grounds of the unchangeable love of God towards us to make sure of our interest in Christ that so we may be able to fight and conquer and to stand in the evill day and having done all to stand Eph. 6.13 This also may comfort all those that are in this case who find Vse 2 that the Sunne is withdrawne and gone a far off Let them in the use of all good meanes wait and tarry the Lords leasure he will certainly come in his time Esay 50.10 Whoso walketh in darknesse and hath no light let him trust in the name of the Lord and stay himselfe upon his God for the Sunne will againe shine forth and refresh such a soule and though comfort and deliverance tarry yet wait for it it will surely come it will not tarry Hab. 2.3 The word and promises and the Experiences of performance to others are sure grounds of hope Esa 54.7 for a small moment have I forsaken thee but with great mercies will I gather thee in a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment but with everlasting kindnesse will I have mercy on thee saith the Lord thy Redeemer The time is at hand when it shall be said to these weather beaten fruit-trees the winter is past the raine is over and gone the Fig-tree putteth forth her greene figgs the Vines with the tender Grape give a good smell Cant. 2.11 13. Then shall they Bud and blossome and bring forth abundance of Fruits pleasant to the husbandman And shall say unto him Let my beloved come into his Garden and eat his pleasant fruits Cant. 4.15 They shall dayly bring forth the fruits of Praise Love and obedience which he will like and accept of The seventh Observation in Nature FRuit-trees that bring forth the fairest and most beautifull blossomes Leaves and shootes they usually bring forth the fewest and least fruits because where Nature is intent and vigorously pressing to doe one worke spending its strength there it is at the same time weak about other workes but distinct and severall works of Nature in moderate and remisse degrees are all promoted at the same time This is another Similitude c whence we learne that Proposition shadowed Generally those persons who are excessive and most curious about the Formes of duties have least of the power of godlinesse There are some who wanting sincerity lay out their thoughts and endeavours about the outside of duties they will be as forward it may be as any about the externall parts of worship who have nothing of the truth of Grace in them Much formality little or no sincerity The Pharises were excessively carefull about the outside of Gods worship Mat. In Preaching Praying fasting giving Almes c. their care was mainly to make cleane the outside to carry things fairly to the world that they might have the praise of men broad Phylacteries long Prayers exactnesse in tithing Mynt Annis Cummin Strictnesse in observing the Sabbath and outward Ceremonies but where was sincerity all this while they had the forme but wanted the power of godlinesse These were but Leaves buds or blossomes but no Fruits they were not profitable to them as to Eternall advantages Mat. 5.20 Except your righteousnesse exceed the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharises ye shall in no case enter into the kingdome of heaven So it was among us of late yeares bowing at the Name of Iesus and Communion Table Surplesse Common-Prayer c these and such like were pressed with all eagernesse and strictnesse The body of Religion was large and monstrous but without a scule or if any it was Leane and feeble These kind of persons are like the Indian Fig-tree that Pliny speakes of which had Leaves as broad as Targets but fruits no bigger then a Beane Let every one take heed of this and not suffer their spirits and Vse 1 endeavours to runne out and be spent about things of lesser moment and neglect the greater This is a foule fault among us at this day some men stand more about the formes of worship than about the power of it they looke so much after the way manner and circumstances that they almost loose the substance things which are but as husks or shels to the Kernels or as Leaves in respect of fruits Some others labour more for Gifts then for graces for humane Learning than for holinesse All these are guilty of the
I have called and ye refused I have stretched out my hand and no man regarded c. I also will laugh at your calamity and will mock when your feare cometh 3 Consid Difficulty and bitternesse of Repentance if delayed 3. The longer the worke of conversion and ingrafting into Christ is delayed the more difficult the worke will be it is more easie in youth then it will be afterwards While the Twiggs and sprouts of corruption are but young and slender they are more easily cut off bowed downe or kept under then they can be when they are growne old hard and strong Who can bend an old strong tree how hard is it to roote up a tree of many yeares growth and that in a great and firme Rock Such are the sprouts of corruption in the root or rock of corrupt nature The oftener sinnes are repeated the deeper impressions they make in the conscience although small in themselves Gutta cavat lapidem non vi●sed saepe-cadendo Light and small drops of water falling often make an impression even in a stone What then will many great crimson and scarlet sinnes doe Many youthfull sinnes of a high nature break the bones in repentance 4 Consid Shame of coming in so late 4. Though it be not a shame to come to God in old age yet it s a shame for a man that he came no sooner Is it not a shame for a Souldier to runne from his Commander and fight against him all his youthfull time while he hath strength and abilities and to come in old age when he is lame and decrepite and offer his service Is it not a shame for a man to give his strength and marrow to the Devill and offer the dry bones to God What a shame is it for a man to begin to learne his Letters and to spell at spectacle yeares To offer the blind the lame and the sick in sacrifice will it be accepted Mal. 1.8 Offer it now unto thy Governour will he be pleased with thee or accept thy person saith the Lord of Hosts 5. Such as hearken unto Gods call early 5 Consider Clearer evidences of the love of God and in the spring of their yeares have usually most honour from God and clearer manifestations of his love than others such who give God their spring time their Virgin yeares they usually know more of the minde of God and of the Love of God than others Samuel was called of a Child 1 Sam. 3. and gave God his spring time and God manifested himselfe evidently to him he had many and cleare manifestations of the love of God The Prophet Jeremy Ch. 1.6 was called and sanctified from the womb and God revealed clearly his love to him and care of him he became a great Prophet and intimately acquainted with God God wrought upon the spirit of Joseph and ingrafted him while he was but a young twigg when he was but seaventeene yeares old he brought forth good fruit for he could not endure the the ill doings of his brethren but told his father of it Gen. 37.2 And we know what a darling Joseph was not only to his earthly father but also to his heavenly father who honoured him more then all his brethren and revealed many great secrets unto him He had not only tasts and draughts of the love of God but rather streames and rivers of it flowed in upon him all his life time Obadiah a man recorded in Scripture for one fearing God and that from his youth he was a choice and singular man in his daies he feared the Lord greatly 1 King 18.12 And the love of God towards him was seene in his love to God and his people in a time of great danger in preserving and feeding of them for none can shew forth cleare evidences of the love of God but those who are greatly belov'd of God The Prophet Daniel was a Young man when he began to feare God Dan. 1. and God shewed him manifold cleare evidences of his love God gave him knowledge and skill in all Learning and wisdome and in all visions and dreames vers 17. He had cleare revealations of the love of God in his Prayers and Praises to God immediately by his spirit and mediately by an Angell who was sent to tell him that his prayers were heard and that he was a man greatly beloved The holy Prophet David of a young Twig was ingrafted into Christ and he made God his trust from his youth Ps 71.5 Being taught of God from his youth vers 17. and thereby made a man after Gods own heart And whoever had sweeter communion with God and consequently clearer evidences of his Love then he expresseth in his Psalmes How great a Prophet was Iohn the Baptist who was filled with the Holy Ghost and sanctified from the womb a greater Prophet was never borne than he Luk. 1.15 Iohn the beloved Disciple began to follow Christ Early in his youth and Christ revealed secrets to him more immediately than to the rest of the Disciples He leaned on his breast and lay in his bosome he attained to a full assurance of the love of God which is the Consideration I here hold forth it is frequent in his Epistles We know we are of God 1 Joh. 4.13 14. 5 19 20. 1 Joh. 3.14 24. We know we are in him we know we are translated from death to life c. We know we know we know many such passages of assurance he mentions If Christians desire to enter into Heaven while they are on earth this is the way even to get into Christ early as soone as may be So we see such as are Ingrafted into Christ while they are young the love of God is more clearely and evidently discovered to them and secrets from God are revealed to them usually more than to others 6 Considerat Greater measures of grace and glory And lastly Such as are Ingrafted into Christ early in the spring of their yeares Such commonly attaine large growths and measures of grace if they live long and enjoy meanes and helps suitable A small measure of grace though but as much as a graine of Mustard seede If a man begin with it betime and husband it well according to the Counsell and wisdome of the spirit will improve and grow in many yeares to a large measure their Brook will become a River and their River will become a Sea Every Act of grace adds something to the habit so that the habits of grace are mightily confirmed by their frequent operations Such when they come to be old Disciples strong men in Christ fathers they have strong consolation full assurance Their graces increase from strength to strength from glory to glory by the spirit of the Lord. 2 Cor. 3.18 And the more their Afflictions abound the more are their graces encreased being improved by the spirit of God and consequently the greater glory is laid up for them in the life to come 2 Cor. 4.17
grow there being ready for transplanting because such hinder many other small young plants which might be brought into the Nursery to be ingrafted and prepared if the great ones were transplanted So ought it to be in Vniversities For unlesse the ancient Students having had a convenient time to fit themselves for publique imployments doe remove many hopefull young plants will be kept out which otherwise if brought under the discipline of godly Governours and ingrafted will in due season bring forth much good fruit Thirdly If Fruit-trees after they are prepared in the Nursery for fruit-bearing be removed and transplanted abroad into severall Countries many may partake of their fruits they will be profitable from yeare to yeare which cannot be if they be kept still in the Nursery So if Vniversity men having obtained Gifts and Graces goe forth and exercise their Talents in the Church of God many may have profit and advantage by them who otherwise cannot Besides these Reasons the word requires that able and usefull men should goe forth into the Church of God Luk. 10.1 2. Our Saviour as a Master or governour of a great Society having disciplined and taught his Disciples and made them fit for the Ministrie he sent out Threescore and ten of them at one time having sent Twelve not long before Luk. 9.2 And because the harvest is great and there is need of Labourers we ought to pray the Lord of the Harvest that he would send forth more Luk. 10.2 But such as are fit yet unwilling to goe may be asked sharply by way of reproofe why stand ye here all the day idle Mat. 20.6 Many stand idle in the Market place while they might and ought to goe and labour in the Lords Vineyard Having a Talent or more they must one day be called to an account what use they have made thereof and if they have not well imployed them nor gained by them they will make but a sad reckoning Mat. 25.19 the Lord commeth and will reckon with them Vse 1 The Inference hence is in every mans eye that such whom it concernes doe consider what their duty is in this regard and accordingly apply themselves It is my humble advice with all love Let not any now as too many in former times having gotten Fellowships in Colledges account them as t were their free-hold for life having accommodations to set up their rest and say its good being here what can I expect better if I goe forth as though selfe were all a man should ayme at If any man be offended and object why should I meddle thus far I answer I am within the bounds of my Orchard and the subject at first proposed Not only to treat of Ordering Materiall Fruit-trees but also to make a spirituall use of them where I judge the Similitude apt and pregnant I am a friend and no adversary in speaking the truth in Love The Husbandman having purged his Nursery and planted therein many choice plants ingrafted into the true Vine he expects better fruits there than former ages have afforded And it may be spoken to the honour of the Husbandman and of the Reformation hitherto carried on by him that there are pleasant and wholsome fruits brought forth by many Trees of righteousnesse of his planting Oh that it might be said Esay 61.3 Jer. 2.21 Ho. 10.1 there are no Wild Vines among them bringing forth sower and bitter Grapes or empty Vines which bring forth fruit unto themselves That the adversaries of the truth might not have occasion to charge any especially such as have the name of godly persons with Pride high carriages earthly mindednesse and such like grosse corruptions which are the fowlest Blots that can light upon Professors and bring most dishonour to God to his Gospell and to themselves If men in these places have sincere and right ends in their eye and pursue them accordingly even the interest of our Lord Jesus Christ in the increase of his kingdome As they may thereby bring much honour to God happinesse to themselves edification to his Church So also the same is the right and ready way to establish and perpetuate Universities Therefore take my counsell and not mine but the Apostles 2 Tim. 1.6 stirre up the gift that is in thee and againe 1 Tim. 4.4 Neglect not the gift that is in thee Such as have Talents whereby they may profit the Church of God ought to employ them for that purpose according as God hath fitted them It is true indeed Some able men in Vniversities as godly Tutors in every Colledge besides Governours may be as profitable to the Church of God there as if they went forth but this reacheth not the generality of men in such places Therefore the exhortation may be seasonably carried on I know the best men had need of stirring up to their duties And that this may willingly be imbraced Consider what neede there is of faithfull able and painfull Teachers abroad in every Country The Harvest truly is great and such labourers are but few Multitudes Multitudes of people lye in the gall of bitternesse and bond of iniquity and would it not be a glorious worke to be instrumentall in turning them from darknesse to light and from the power of Sathan unto God yea and the worke also will make such Instruments glorious Dan. 12.3 They that be wise shall shine as the brightnesse of the firmament and they that turne many to righteousnesse as the starrs for ever and ever I shall say no more verbum sat sapientibus there are a world of Encouragements to this worke rewards and wages are in it besides infinite Treasures laid up for them to all Eternity Use 2 Secondly such as are Governours in Vniversities ought to take speciall care that men goe forth who are fitted for publique imployments and not to leave it to their wills and pleasures for although some are carried out by the spirit and spirituall Principles to spend and be spent in the work of the Lord yet some others even good men give way to selfish carnall Principles and neglect it Therefore Governours ought herein to follow Christs Example and to * by making Orders and Rules in the severall societies for that end and not to walke in this great respect by statutes made in darke corrupt times Is it likely such should be meete Rules for these Gospell times these times of light and Reformation send them forth to preach Christ It be asked whither shall they goe it Answered to preach the Gospell to every creature to all mankind wheresoever it is wanting For if they are Ministers of the Gospell a necessity lyes upon them to preach it 1 Cor. 9.16 yea woe unto them if they preach not the Gospell whether they have a setled maintenance or no If they be faithfull herein then Christ whose worke it is will certainely see they have all necessaries ministred unto them As the earth is the Lords and the fulnesse thereof so all hearts
Garden the Church Joh 5.17 My father worketh hitherto and I worke And though he can doe all his works with a word of his Mouth yet he is pleased to make use of many Instruments in carrying them on Now God doth very much approve of Zealous and active instruments in the works he sets them about their zeale being guided with wisdome and Judgment Jehu because he was Zealous and active for God in destroying Ahabs house God established him 2 Kings 10.30 and his posterity in the Throne unto the fourth generation But Saul an eminent Instrument and set up by God himselfe yet neglecting to doe the Lords work throughly which was in his power to doe God said him aside in displeasure and set up David a zealous and active Instrument in his stead to carry on the works he had to doe And Eli though a good man and an eminent Instrument in the hand of God yet when he grew dull wanted edg viz zeale to suppresse the wickednesse of his sonnes and to honour God in his Office God was exceedingly displeased with him and threw him aside in respect of making use of him any longer and chose another in his stead 1 Sam. 3. But how well was God pleased with Phinehas a man of spirit and zeale for God God himselfe stands up for him and commends him Phinehas and his sonnes were established in the Priests Office Numb 25.13 He shal have it and his seed after him even the Covenant of an everlasting Priesthood because he was zealous for his God God cannot abide indifferency and luke-warmnesse in matters concerning his honour and the interest of his sonne which he himselfe is jealous for a dull flat indifferent spirit in these things is loathsome to God he cannot beare it Rev. 3.16 Because thou art luke-warm and neither hot nor cold I will spew thee out of my mouth Men that act not for God they act against him Luk. 11.23 He that is not with me is against me Use Seeing this is so It is the safety and wisdome of all men in any place of Power higher or subordinate to lay out themselves with zeale for God to be diligent and active Instruments in the designes of God acting according to the directions and leadings of his Word and Providences The advantages will be not only the honour of God in the inlargement and establishment of the kingdome of Christ but also the honour and establishment of such Instruments God will still delight to imploy them in his great works Numb 25.13 The nineteenth Observation in Nature THe Husbandman in Autumn and Winter is Pruning of his trees and boughs and branches are scattered up and downe all the parts of the Orchard He is then digging up the earth and baring the Roots of trees transplanting some and setting others in their roomes and doing many other works which make the Garden lye rough and unhandsomely But all these works tend to the greater beauty pleasure profit in the garden afterwards in the spring and sommer This Similitude shadowes out unto us this Proposition which is cleared by Scripture That the Commotions troubles Proposition shadowed and confusions in the Church of God will end in the settlement peace and glory of it God hath a great work to doe in the world and is now about it even in our daies He hath said he will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land That he will shake all nations and the desire of all Nations shall come Hag. 2.6.7 When were the Heavens and the Earth and the Sea so shaken as they have been of late yeares who knowes not of the overturnings and great alterations that have been among us both in Church and State It is God that changeth the times and the seasons it is he that putteth downe one and setteth up another and all these things are but in order unto the glory of his Church Yea he will still shake and overturne the Nations untill he hath established and setled his sonne Christ Lord and King over all the Earth This is his great designe now in hand Thus saith the Lord God remove the Diadem and take off the Crowne this shall not be the same exalt him that is low and abase him that is high Ezek. 21.26 I will overturne overturne overturne it and it shall be no more untill he come whose right it is I will give it him Christ alone hath right to raigne and God hath promis'd him the Heathen for his inheritance and the uttermost parts of the Earth for his possession Psal 2.8 And such as oppose him and stand out in rebellion against him though they be Kings and Monarch's and say we will not have this man to raigne over us he will break such with a rod of Iron and dash them in peeces like a Potters vessell Psal 2.9 Christ now meets with opposition in coming to enter upon his kingdome and thence are all the stirres commotions and confusions among us but he will at length prevaile and the government shall be upon his shoulders and of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end the zeale of the Lord of hosts will performe this Esay 9.7 His Kingdome shall at length be established upon the tops of the Mountaines and be exalted above the hills Mica 4.1 And after he hath rebuked the strong nations of the earth and brought them into subjection Then they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their speares into Pruning hooks and shall learne war no more but they shall sit every man under his Vine and under his Fig-tree and none shall make them afraid for the mouth of the Lord of hosts hath spoken it Mica 4.3 4. and againe Esay 32.18 My people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation and in sure dwellings and in quiet resting places Let all take notice of the great designe that God hath in hand Vse 1 in the enlargement of the kingdome of his sonne and establishing him in it and beware they be not found fighters against God And though men contrive and bend their strength against God yet will he carry on his work and they shall be broken Esay 8.9 Associate your selves O ye people and ye shall be broken in pieces Gird your selves and ye shall be broken in pieces Vse 2 This truth is full of Consolations to the Church of God which hath been long oppressed and kept under by the enemies thereof For surely the time of deliverance is neere As by the budding and blossoming of the Fig-tree and all other Trees we know that the Sommer is neere so the terrible shaking of the Nations declare that the redemption of Gods people drawes neere these being the last daies The day of the Churches deliverance from under the power of Antichrist hath dawned Esay 60.1 Arise and shine for the light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee Whereas thou hast been forsaken and hated so that
calls and sends for that purpose Now Christ was fitted by this anointing Esay 61.1 The spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tydings c. and Esay 42.1 Behold my servant c. I have put my spirit upon him And when Christ sent forth his disciples to preach the Gospell how did he prepare them for it even by the same anointing Joh. 20.21 22. As my father sent me so send I you and he breathed on them and said receive ye the holy Ghost Thus also the Ministers of the Gospell that succeede him they have the same anointing which fits them with gifts and graces for this worke what ever humane learning they have more or lesse this anointing teacheth them and makes them learned in the great mystery of godlinesse Jesus Christ the wisdome of the father in whom all fulnesse dwells and the spirit of Christ dwells in them hereby they are made able Ministers of the new Testament Not of the Letter but of the spirit 2 Cor. 36. Carnall men though never so learned know not what they say they have the letter of the word but the spirituall sence is vailed and hid from them through the darknesse of their minds they have no insight nor Experience in what they say But every scribe that is instructed unto the kingdome of heaven is like unto a man that is an houshoulder which bringeth forth out of his Treasure things new and old Mat. 13.52 True Ministers of the Gospell are Embassadors for Christ 1 Cor. 4.20 they are also stewards of the Mysteries of God 1 Cor. 4.1 and it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful vers 2. May it not thence be concluded that unregenerate persons who cannot be faithfull are unfit to be stewards neither are entrusted by God in this great work● From what hath beene said will it not follow That those are Vse 1 no true Ministers of the Gospell who are ignorant of and inexperienced in the great worke and mystery of Regeneration who have not the worke of Grace upon their owne hearts They are Theeves and Robbers who enter not in by the dore which is Christ but climbe up some other way Joh. 10.1 These come to get the fleece and care not if the flock be scattered and torne by the wolves how can they teach others who were never taught themselves is he fit to lead others who is blind Now the Naturall man seeth not perceiveth not spirituall things neither can he because they are spiritually discerned 1 Cor. 2.14 If any shall Object That Judas was an unregenerate person and yet sent to preach Object with the rest of the Apostles It is answered That is an Extraordinary Example and foretold many generations before Answ Now Extraordinary Examples are not to be pleaded in ordinary Cases it was of absolute necessity that such a one should be that the scriptures might be fulfilled Object Secondly If it be said Though men have not the spirit of God though they have not grace yet having Learning good gifts and Parts they may doe good therewith in the Church of God It is answered Although it be granted that carnall men in the Ministry having good Gifts Answ and endowments may doe some good thereby does this prove they are therefore fit for the Ministry or that they are sent of God God of his infinite wisdome and grace ordereth and over-ruleth all things for good to his owne people even the very sinnes of men and Devills But further Though some good may be done by carnall Ministers it cannot be denyed but they do much more hurt then good by their carnall Interpretations and Mis-applications of the scriptures and bad Examples Not having the spirit not being Learned in the Mysteries of godlinesse nor being taught by wisdome from above they pervert the scriptures to their owne and others destruction 2 Pet. 3.16 they cannot see the things of God 1 Cor. 2.14 so that they deceive the soules of the poore carnall people and lead them blindfold to hell when the blind lead the blind both fall into the ditch into the bottomlesse Pit so that as our Saviour bid his disciples and the multitude to take heede of the Leaven or doctrine of the Pharisees who were fooles and blind as to the spirituall understanding of the scriptures so also should we take heede of false interpretations of the scriptures by carnall men in our daies Doth not God reprove and expostulate with such for their hold undertaking in this kind Psal 50.16 What hast thou to doe to Preach my Lawes or that thou shouldest take my word in thy mouth seeing thou hatest to be reformed See also Jer. 14.14 and Jer. 23.20 This informes us That surely the time is at hand and is not the Vse 2 day dawned already when the Gospell Ministry shall be purged the drosse carnall Ministers shall be cast out and the pure mettle preserved according as was Prophesied Mal. 3.1 2 3. when the Messenger of the Covenant Jesus Christ shall come and Raigne gloriously in the Nations hee will be as a Refiners fire and shall fit as a Refiner and purifier of silver hee shall purifie the sonnes of Levi vers 3. ignorant scandalous persons who make the sacrifices of the Lord to be abhorred as Elies sonnes the Name of God and his Gospell to be blasphemed and true Ministers despised and reproached these shall be cast out as unsavory salt and a true Ministry set up and encouraged Is not this the worke of this day Let them therefore who are imployed therein take heede of doing the worke of the Lord negligently but imploy and improve their Talent of Authority faithfully and diligently for their Masters interest And let all the people of God be earnest with God to carry on the worke himselfe with his owne hand by his owne spirit otherwise Instruments may labour to no purpose in this or any other worke And that God would more and more purifie his owne people even those who are most pure for in them there is much drosse yet unpurged out Though I take this to be the most proper and genuine meaning of this place yet not with exclusion of the other This points out unto us who are the true Ministers of the Gospell Vse 3 even all who have received the anointing of the spirit are taught of God as the truth is in Jesus that are called and sent of God and approved by his Church and people to that Office and worke These are the true Ministers of the Gospell of Christ these can speake of the things they have heard and seene 1 Joh. 1.3 they have skill and experience in the things whereof they speake they have the tongue of the Learned though some it may be not much humane learning and know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary because they have a fountaine of light and truth and wisdome within them he dwells in them in whom
the word of God See Observ in Nature 8. 22. The foure and fortieth Observation in Nature IN a Fruit-tree the Bigg and great Boughes are but a few in Number in respect of the small Boughes there are multitudes of little small Boughes branches and Twiggs upon a Tree for one great Bough Proposition shadowed This shadowes out unto us That The great persons in the world who are in Christ are but few in number in respect of the meaner sort Wee see by too much experience That the rich and great ones of the world for the most part refuse Christ Their licencious lives their walking according to the flesh sufficiently testify that such who so walke are in a Carnall state but those that follow Christ as his Disciples are generally of the meaner sort of persons The Apostle is expresse in this 1 Cor. 1.26 27. Ye see your calling Brethren how that not many wise men after the flesh not many Mighty not many Noble are called But Jam. 2.5 God hath chosen the poore of this world rich in faith and heires of the Kingdome which he hath promised to them that love him Joh. 7.48 Have any of the Rulers or Pharisees beleeved on him But the Poore receive the Gospell This calls aloud to all great persons to try and examine themselves Vse 1 whether they be in the faith Lest they be of the number of those who have their portion in this life There is no reason any one should envy or desire the condition Vse 2 of Carnall eminent persons That sparke or blaze of seeming glory may quickly be extinguished in everlasting darknesse The five and fortieth Observation in Nature THe Branches and Boughes of fruit-trees are tossed and shaken by the winds yet there is no danger of their falling while the Roote remaines firme in the Earth Hence we learne That Although believers are shaken by the winds of Temptations yet they cannot be overturned because they are fixed upon Christ Proposition shadowed We have no promise that we shall be free from Temptations tossings and shakings in this life but rather are foretold of them Joh. 16.33 In the world yee shall have tribulations but he of good cheare I have overcome the world But we have a sure promise that no Temptation shall be too hard for us 1 Cor. 10.13 The house built upon the Rocke shall stand against all the floods windes and stormes of Temptations Matth. 7.24 The faithfulnesse 1 Pet. 1.5 and all the Attributes of God are ingaged for our safety and deliverance 1 Cor. 10.13 God is faithfull who will not suffer you to be tempted above your strength but will give an issue to every Temptation that yee may beare it Job David Heman and many others we read were much shaken with windes and stormes of Temptations but yet they were all the while safe they were not overturned because they were fixed upon Christ they were Rooted in him So all the people of God are as Mount Sion which cannot be removed but abideth fast for ever Ps 125.1 Vse This is a ground of great Consolation to believers in their greatest Troubles Though they passe through the waters they shall not be drowned though they walke through the fire they shall not be burnt Esay 43.2 Though they as Branches of a tree are shaken and tossed this way and that way yet they shall not be overturned because they grow upon the Roote and their stock or Roote is stedfast and immoveable The six and fortieth Observation in Nature IRregular Buds or shoots of fruit-trees are easily rubbed or broken off at their first putting forth but if let alone they will grow great and strong soe that then it will be far wore difficult to cut or break them off The Proposition shadowed hereby is That Proposition shadowed Sinfull thoughts and motions in the soule are most easily supprest at their first rising If we give way to the motions of Corruption within us they will grow gather strengrh be much more hard to master bring downe than at their first stirrings Solomon upon this Accompt adviseth to be aware and to leave off Contention in the beginning so soone as it begins to appeare Prov. 17.14 The Children of Mysticall Babilon must be dasht in peeces soe soone as they are borne If a Poole of water begin to break the Bank its wisdome to stop the breach suddenly els it quickly growes wider and more hard to be done Diseases are more easily cured at first then when they have got strength so spirituall diseases Vse It s a great point of spirituall wisdome to watch over the heart to suppresse risings of Lusts and Corruptions quickly And therefore let us take and observe Solomons advice Prov. 4.23 to keepe the heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life The seven and fortieth Observation in Nature FRom one fruit tree are sometime● taken Grafts for many trees which being ingrafted upon severall stocks multitudes of other Trees are thereby propagated and increased which also beare store of good fruits Proposition shadowed That The Instructions of one godly person Proposition shadowed sometimes are effectuall by the spirit to the implanting of many into Christ As one sinner destroyeth much good Prov. 9.18 so often one good man is the Instrument and meanes of much good God makes use of him for the conversion of many unto God He turnes many to righteousnesse Dan 12.3 Many Grafts of good Motion counsels and Instructions are sometimes taken from one good man which take hold and grow in the minds of many others as long as they live Grafts taken from that excellent fruit-tree the Apostle Peter were effectuall to the ingrafting of many into Christ Acts 2.37.41 The same day there were added unto them about 3000 soules And againe Acts 4.4 Many of them which heard the word believed and the number of the men were about 5000. Their Counsels and Instructions were ingrafted into their Minds as the Apostle speaks James 1.21 Receive with meeknesse the Ingrafted word The word takes hold and rooting in the heart as a Graft in the stock which growes there and brings forth fruit Col. 1.6 The Gospell is come unto you and bringeth forth fruit Good Mysticall fruit-trees holy men afford many good Grafts Pr. 15.4 a wholsome Tongue is a tree of life which affords many good Grafts whereby many other fruit-trees are increased of the same kind Trees of righteousnesse of the Lords planting Es 61.3 which beare store of good fruits to the husbandman Vse 1 This should ingage us to shew love and reverence to holy men not only for that they beare the Image of God upon their spirits and bring forth good fruits But also for that they are the meanes of so much good to others Who by their Prayers Preaching Printing Instructions Government and good examples are instruments and meanes of bringing many soules to God of Ingrafting and multiplying fruit-trees in Gods inclosed
divers temptations Iames 1.2 Vse 2 Let these things teach us to admire the wisdome care and goodnesse of God towards us who makes the hardest things the worst things that befall his people to worke together for their good The seven and fiftieth Observation in Nature THe Husbandman makes use of ordinary and common Tooles and Instruments about his chiefest works in his Garden his knives lawes spades and other instruments are not of Gold silver or costly mettles neither are they carved or framed by any great Art but they are plaine ordinary Instruments which he makes use of to Engraft his fruit-trees and to doe his chiefest workes about them This shadowes out unto us That God for the most part useth meane and ordinary men and meanes Proposition shadowed for effecting of the greatest works in the world VVhat greater works do we reade of than the deliverance of Israel out Egypt by signes and wonders t heir passage through the Red sea and the barren wilderesse over Jordan and their conquering great nations and settlement in Canaan Now God did not use some great Monarch as his Instrument but Moses who was cald from keeping sheepe and made Instrumentall in many of these great works and having done much then Joshua Moses his servant he must doe the rest Gedeon he was but of a poore family and least in his Fathers house Judg. 6.15 being following a meane Imployment threshing corne when God cald him to make him generall of an Army to worke a great deliverance for his people which also was done by weake meanes 300 men Chap. 7.7 Elisha was taken from the Plow to be a great Prophet 1 King 19.19 David was following the sheep when God called him to be King over his people and passed by Eliah31 his brother a more likely person And also made use of this small and meane Instrument by a poore slender meanes to destroy Goliah a great Giant and consequently a great army of the Philistins 1 Sam. 16.17 Amos a heardsman was called to be a Prophet Chapt. 1.1 Shepheards were made use of to reveale the most joyfull newes that ever was made knowen to the world the birth of our Saviour Luk. 2. The Apostles and many of the disciples of Christ were meane persons and cald from low imployments to follow the greatest worke in the world to preach the Gospell They were not the learned Rabbies not Eloquent Oratours nor the disputers of this world as the Apostle speaks 1 Cor. 1. but men of low Conditions these were called to preach the Gospell for the conversion of soules Not with the inticing speech of mans wisdome but in demonstration of the spirit and of power 1 Cor. 2.4 Not with wisdome of words lest the crosse of Christ should be made of none effect 1 Cor. 1.17 God is pleased to effect this and other his greatest works in the world by meane Instruments and meanes that his owne power may be the more seene in them for if the greatest and most likely Instruments in the judgment of men were imployed in the greatest works they would take all or most of the honour to themselves and others would give it them So God should loose his honour Yea God hath destroyed and will destroy the wisdome of this world by those persons and things that the word accompts foolish 1 Cor. 1.27 God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and God hath chosen the weake things of the world to confound the mighty things vers 28. And vile things of the world and things which are despised hath God chosen and things which are not to bring to nought things that are As God hath done so he will do still great works in the world by meane and low Instruments and meanes he hath great and mighty works to bring to passe in the Nations in bringing them into subjection to our Lord Christ He will destroy Antichrist even all that oppose him he will levell the Mountaines and enlarg the kingdome of his deare sonne and set up his Throne and put the scepter into his hand to rule the people who have beene disobedient he will build his holy City Jerusalem and make it a praise in the Earth And now How will God doe these great things what Instruments will he use will he use altogether Golden instruments carved and pollished by art the most eminent men of highest Place esteeme in the world Surely no But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the things that are mighty c. 1 Cor. 1.27 That is persons and things which carnall wise men in their Iudgment accompt weake and foolish although in the Judgment of God they are otherwise esteemed for the weaknesse and foolishnesse of God and of his people as men count weaknesse and foolishnesse are stronger and wiser than the strength and wisdome of the world vers 25. A worme shall thresh the mountaines and beate them small as Chaffe Esay 41.14.15 Surely a worme must be in the hand of some mighty one to be enabled to doe such great things Hath not God already done great things in our daies even before our eyes by Instruments and meanes time was very unlikely and of small accompt with the carnall world have not weake Instruments and meanes beene like the Cloud that Eliah's servant saw rise out of the sea at first no bigger then a mans hand but afterwards it covered the whole heavens Have not Princes Lords and the mightiest men both in Church and state yea whole Nations have they not been subdued by a handfull of men whom their adversaries slighted as Goliah did David saying in themselves and one to another we shall presently swallow them up Do not all the Trees of the field know that the Lord hath brought downe the high tree and exalted the low Tree hath dryed up the greene tree and made the dry tree to flourish Ezek. 17.24 Many Instances were it convenient might be brought of men and meanes whose beginnings were but weake and small whereby God hath brought to passe great and mighty works Beware of despising meane Instruments Vse and weake meanes which God for the most part makes use of for bringing to passe great things Despise not the day of small things Ezek. 4.10 for God will build Ierusalem not by might nor by power but by his spirit Meane and low Instruments shall be stirred up by his spirit and shall do his great works in the world And these Instruments shall be sure to have the men of the world with their wisdome to slight and despise them as Sanballat and Tobia did the Jewes Nehe. 4.1 2 3. what do these feeble Jewes c Even that which they build if a fox goe up he shall even breake downe their stone wall And one reason is besides the disagreement of flesh and spirit because the wisdome and strength and glory of the people of God is vailed under a low and meane Condition in the world
it is like Apples of gold in pictures of silver Prov. 25.11 The husbandman lookes and calls for fruits in their season Mar. 12.2 At the season he sent a servant that he might receive of the fruits of the vineyard So Mat 21.41 We ought in private meetings to consider what discourse is most seasonable what questions exhortations reproofs are most sutable and seasonable and accordingly apply our selves our spirits at some seasons are farre more apt to receive impressions than at other times Now therefore we should be seasonable in publique and private duties but some take little heed to this when the subjects they hold forth in Sermons suite neither with persons nor things to which they ought to apply their doctrine if they will speake seasonably but are like snow in harvest or singing songs to an heavy heart Many things materially good for want of due circumstances and seasonablenesse in performance are of little worth Those doctrines in publique and discourses and duties in private which are not only agreeable to the word in generall but also concurre with and carry on Gods maine designes in the generation we live in such fruits are seasonable fruits otherwise though good in themselves they are not seasonable Also when the word is so divided as to give to every one his portion and application is made to particular and different cases and Conditions of persons then these fruits are seasonably brought forth The eightie first Observation in Nature FRuit-trees yeild forth their fruits as well to the wicked as the godly The unholy and profane do yearly eat and drinke of their fruits and have profits and advantages by them as well as the most holy This shadowes out unto us Proposition shadowed That The godly are profitable not only one to another but the wicked also faire the better for them They that feare God have great and precious promises made to them concerning the good things of this life as well as of the life to come which God performeth to them as he sees is best for them of which outward good things the wicked who grow amongst them as Tares amongst the Wheate are partakers Also being partakers of the divine nature and having the spirit of their heavenly father dwelling in them they imitate God in some measure who doth good to the just and unjust and lets his raine fall and sun shine upon the wicked and the good Matth. 5 25. They do good to all according to the command Gal. 6.10 and that of Matth. 5.44 Love your enemies blesse them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you Wicked men share both of privative and positive blessings among the godly Even Sodome was spared for a time while righteous Lot was among them How many fared the better for Josephs sake David was kind to churlish Nabal in keeping his Cattle from spoile while he remained by them Laban was blessed in outward things for Jacobs sake Gen. 30.27 Potiphar and his house Pharaoh and all Egypt fared the better for Joseph Gen. 39.5 and 41. c. Also they reprove exhort and admonish the ungodly as well as the godly they give and lend and doe good not only to them that will do good and lend● and give to them but also to their enemies if their enemy hunger they will feede him if he thirst they will give him drinke Vse 1 Hence we may take notice of the noble and excellent nature of Gods people in that they do good to all to those who do hurt to them the ungodly are not so the righteous is more excellent than his carnall neighbour Prov. 12.26 and Prov. 17.27 He is of an excellent spirit Herein he holds forth some resemblance of the Nature of God his father who does good to the just and unjust Vse 2 We may also hence take occasion to observe the basenesse and unworthinesse of the spirits of ungodly persons who hate the righteous notwithstanding all their love they returne evill for Good Psal 109.4 for my love they are mine adversaries This is the highest aggravation of mans sin against God to sin against love against mercy and kindnesse God calls Heaven and Earth to wonder at it Esay 1.2 Here O Heavens and give eare O Earth c. I have nourished and brought up children and they have rebelled against me so in a proportion is the sin aggravated in respect of men it is the highest ingratitude to returne hate for love evill for good The eightie second Observation in Nature SOme fruit-trees are slow in bearings fruits many yeares passe ere they beare any considerable quantity of fruits but notwithstanding the husbandman does not presently cut them downe but prunes them diggs about them waters and orders them from yeare to yeare and waits for their fruits This shadowes out unto us this Proposition That When men are slow in the duties of obedience God is patient towards them Proposition shadowed and in the use of all meanes waits for their fruitfulnesse God is the great Husbandman of his Vineyard the Church and having many fruit-trees in it he prunes orders and gives them convenient culture from yeare to yeare by his word spirit Ministers Providences favours frownes Chastisements and all meanes and lookes every one should be fruit-full under all his dispensations And yet so it is that many are unfruitfull or beare but few and small fruits though God expect much they returne but little now notwithstanding God of his infinite patience tarries and waites upon them for their fruits Many yeares did the Lord waite for the fruits of Repentance from the old world 1 Pet. 3.20 The long suffering of God waited in the daies of Noah And Esay 30 18. The Lord will wait that he may be gratious He Plants and waters and prunes and dresses his fruit-trees and then waits for their fruits in their seasons Luke 13.7 These three yeares I come seeking fruit on this fig-tree God cuts not downe fruit-trees suddenly for their unfruitfulnesse but sends his word and spirit and causeth the dewes and raine of Heaven to fall upon them in manifold mercies and Providences and then waits for and expects fruits God is as the Apostle saith 2 Pet. 3.9 Long suffering to us ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance This should make us observe and admire the abundant kindnesse Vse 1 and love of God towards us that God who is infinite in power wisdome justice and absolute of himselfe having no neede at all of his Creatures and in a moment able to bring to nought whatsoever shall oppose him shall yet wait upon his Creatures as if he had some need of them or expected some advantage by them whereas it is for our profit and advantage he is indulgent towards his Children bearing with them Ps 103. when they beare some good fruits he purgeth and pruneth them that they may bring forth
of God is for all 1 Pet. 5.7 Cast all your care upon him for he careth for you And againe speaking of his Vineyard the Church Esay 27.3 I the Lord do keepe it I will water it every moment lest any hurt it I will keepe it night and day Now God careth for one as well as the another because all cost a like price the pretious blood of Christ and all are Members of his sonne a man cares for and cherisheth all his Members so Christ Vse 1 This is a ground of great Consolation to all the people of God though meane in the world though sick in body of low esteeme poore in estate though weake in Gifts and graces yet be not discouraged at all these for being within the wall or pale of the Church the orchard or Vineyard of God he preserveth them the same skilfull and carefull hand that pruneth watereth and ordereth the strongest and greatest trees does the same really to the least Yea his care is especially to his weake plants because they are most liable to hurt and danger Secondly such as differ from their brethren in being more eminent Vse 2 in Naturall morall or spirituall endowments if they have many Talents let such often consider who made them to differ and beware of despising or neglecting the lower Saints and beare with the infirmities of the weake Rom. 15.1 and be ready to distribute willing to communicate in temporals and spirituals as good stewards of the manifold gifts and graces of God 1 Pet. 4.10 and be therein like unto their heavenly Father in caring for the lowest and meanest The ninetie first Observation in Nature THe husbandman frequently walks among his fruit-trees and viewes and considers them he takes notice how it is with particulars If any of them be weake and diseased and thrive not as others he considers the cause and sets himselfe to the cure As it is with them he applyes himselfe accordingly towards them This shadowes out unto us That True and faithfull Ministers of the Gospell do diligently looke into the state of their people and deale with them accordingly Proposition shadowed Ministers of the Gospell are imployed by God about his husbandry which is his Church and people 1 Cor. 3.9 ye are Gods husbandry And the Apostle saies we are laborers together with God in this worke Now carefull husbandmen are still looking into the state of their worke how it is in this and that and the other particular that so they may diligently apply themselves so doe faithfull Ministers towards their people They are also Shepheards and it is the duty of Shepheards to watch over their flocks and to consider and diligently to observe how it is with particular sheepe and to apply themselves accordingly so do true and faithfull Ministers according to that in Prov. 27.23 Be diligent to know the state of thy flockes and looke well to thy heards God gives a very strict charge to Ministers of the Gospell Acts 20.28 Take heede unto your selves and to all the flock over the which the holy Ghost hath made you Overseers c. To take heed to the flock and to Oversee it implyes a speciall care to looke into and to examine and consider the state and condition of particulars as well as to have an eye over them in the generall So the Apostle useth the same word thrice in one Chapter Heb. 13.7 them that have the Oversight of you and vers 17. them that have the Oversight of you and againe vers 24. them that have the Oversight of you Though another translation hath it them that have the rule over you but his seemes to carry in it that Lordly power and dominion which Christ will not allow any of his Ministers over his people he hath not set them as Lords over Gods heritage 1 Pet. 5.3 But Overseers and Examples to the flocke which is also agreeable to the words of the holy Ghost in Acts 20.28 the holy ghost hath made them Overseers which carries in it more of care and labour than of authority and rule according to that of the Apostle 2 Cor. 4.5 Our selves your servants for Jesus sake This is also further confirmed by the same word which the Apostle Peter useth 1 Pet. 5.2 Feede the flocke of God which is among you taking the Oversight thereof Now certainely this word so often used carries more in it than only to Preach the Gospell And this is also more confirmed by the Example of the Apostle Paul fully set forth in many places who did not only preach and write to the Churches but also did often enquire and send to know their state yea he went himselfe to particular Churches and families and Persons to whom he had preached to see and consider and know how it was with them 1 Thes 3.5 I could no longer forbeare I sent to know your faith c. And when he heard they stood fast in the faith it was matter of great consolation to him and of many thanksgivings unto God on their behalfe vers 9. and Col. 4.8 he sent Tychicus to know their state So also he sent Timothy for the same purpose Phil. 2.19 That I also may be of good comfort when I know your state He calls upon Barnabas to goe with him to visit poore soules Acts 15.36 Let us go againe and visit our brethren in every Citty where we have preached the word of the Lord and see how they doe Yea Paul earnestly prayed for opportunities to performe this duty he longed to see and conferre with the Saints to whom he had preached Rom. 1.9 10 11. Rom. 15.23 24 without ceasing I make mention alwaies in my Prayers making request to come unto you for I long to see you c. Now the Reasons why Ministers of the Gospell ought not only to preach the Gospell but also to consider See Mr Baxsters exhortations unto this duty discorse of true happiness p. 320. 321. and Mr Fener also to same purpose and enquire into the spirituall states and conditions of their People First That so they may be instructed more perfectly in the deepe Mysteries of the kingdome of God they may hereby come to be acquainted with the various methods waies and workings of the spirit of God in the hearts of his people the wiles depthes of Sathan with the nature of grace and corruption Ministers should study men as they study books although they may come to know the generall Nature of these things from the Scriptures Books their owne particular experiences yet unlesse they take in this also to converse frequently with others and looke into their states they can never be so able to deale with soules as they should be Many content themselves with some few particular Cases and Instances mentioned in scripture concerning Job David Human and some others and scarce looke further measuring all others most commonly by these as not being indeed acquainted with the various and different dealings of God
do the least kindnesse to any of his people in vaine but much more when they act with zeale for God in the highest greatest duties he that herein soweth plentifully his labours and diligence shall reape plentifully 2 Cor. 9.6 Seeing this is so then let us labour to find out and understand Vse 2 the designes of God in our generation that so we may joine with him and helpe to carry on the Lords worke thereby great advantages will arise unto us when through ignorance or neglect thereof or opposition thereto we may suffer losse of what else we might have in the enjoyment of God or be otherwise corrected by him Of this see Mr Tillinghast Generation worke p. 45. 46. Now therefore what are the Designes of God in this our generation for understanding whereof we must compare prophesies and promises with the visible dispensations of providence in the age we live in and observe how the actings of God in the world sute or answere to what he hath foretold or promised should come to passe also inquire observe what the most humble holy selfedenying Saints have upon their Spirits how they stand affected for God reveales his secrets to the humble not to the proud though his own people And also by frequent and much conversing with God in walking with him this is best knowne such as have close Communion and fellowship with the father and with the sonne in the spirit shall certainly know much more of his mind of his waies and designes than others of his people who through some unmortified corruptions walke at a distance from him But to touch breifly what we have grounds to believe is Gods great designe which he is now carrying on more especially in this generation it is the enlargment of the Kingdome of his sonne Jesus Christ the setting up Christ as King over the Nations more gloriously than ever heretofore according to many promises Esay 2.11 The Lord alone shall be exalted in that day and Chap. 24.23 Zach. 14.9 The Lord shall be King over all the Earth c. Now in order hereunto many other prophesies and promises must be fulfilled as those concerning the propagation of the Gospell and a great increase of the Gentile Saints together with the comming in of the Jewes Esay 60 3 4 5. c. The abundance of the Nations shall be converted unto thee the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee and many other places Also union and onenesse of spirit among the people of God to serve him with one consent Zeph. 3.9 pulling downe of high and lofty things Esay 2.11 12. c. The haughtinesse of men shall be bowed downe and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day Establishment of Justice Esay 60.18 I will make thine Officers peace and thine Exactours righteousnesse 5. Pouring out of greater measures of the spirit Joel 2.28 whereby will be more and clearer discoveries of Gospell truths Esay 30.26 The light of the Moone shall be as the light of the sunne and the light of the sunne seven-fold So that the exaltation of Christ and the enlargment of his Church and Kingdome being Gods great designe in this age it concernes every one of his people to labour together with God in this glorious worke such as are sincerely and zealously active herein shall find speciall distinguishing love from God Now every one of Gods people will be ready to thinke and say they are for this designe it is their daily prayer that the Kingdome of Christ may be increased but notwithstanding certaine it is that many even of Gods owne people afford God but little or no helpe herein but rather hinder and oppose the worke really and indeed through the darknesse of their Iudgments about it though in some respects they thinke they advance it for such as give no encouragement to persons and things waies and meanes little and low in their eyes which yet God hath chosen whereby to carry on his designes but rather despise them distast and speake against them such may be said to hinder the worke for he that opposeth the meanes opposeth also the End And this indeede is done through the prevailing of selfe love and worldly interests which dimme their sight such have not yet learned that great Gospell lesson of denying all for Christ they have but a small measure of the spirit that Moses Iohn Baptist and Paul had who could be content to lay downe their owne esteeme Numb 11.29 Joh. 3.30 Phil. and interests at the feete of Christ and be willing to decrease so that Christ might increase by any waies or meanes that he shall chuse persons and things which are neglected and despised not only by carnall men but also by the carnall part of spirituall men But such shall have fewer manifestations of the love of God than others of his people that concurre with him they shall not see nor know so much of the mind of God nor find their hearts so refreshed and enlarged in communion with God nor find so much esteeme and love from his people as those that close with God in his great designes The ninetie third Observation in Nature WHen the husbandman intends to plant a very large Orchard out of rough unmanured grounds like a wildernesse full of bushes and wild trees where never was any before when he resolves and sets on such a huge and vast Plantation such a great worke is not presently effected but by length of time perhaps he may be many yeares about it This shadowes out unto us this Proposition That God is a long time in calling the Gentiles Proposition shadowed and implanting them into Christ according to his purpose and promises All the people of the world are either Jewes or Gentiles under these two all Nations are comprehended As we see Rom. 3.9 19. We have proved both Jewes Gentiles that they are all under sin v. 19. That all the world may become guilty before God Formerly the Jewes only were the people of God the Gentiles were strangers to God and without God in the world wholly overspread with Idolatrie as we see Rom. 1. But in due time this Wildernesse was made the Garden of the Lord. God the great husbandman of his Orchard the Church began to plant the vast wast grounds the wildernesse of the Idolatrous Nations the Gentiles above sixteene hundred yeares agoe and is still about it and will at length finish it and performe all his purpose and pleasures towards them The time when he began this great plantation was in our Saviours daies who gave light to the Gentiles that sate in darknesse but especially after his Resurrection and Ascension he set his husbandmen the Apostles and Disciples on worke Matth. 28.19 Goe teach all Nations and Mark. 13.10 the Gospell must be published among all Nations The Lord told Ananias that Paul was a chosen Vessell unto him to beare his name before the Gentiles Act. 9.15 And Paul himselfe