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A73477 The prophete Isaye, translated into englysshe, by George Ioye; Bible. O.T. Isaiah. English. Joye. Joye, George, d. 1553. 1531 (1531) STC 2777; ESTC S111732 89,011 240

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be grete destructiō in the londe but yet shall there be lefte a tythe in it to returne a gene so that their pasture shal be restored and as their okes and lyne trees caste of their frutes even so shal that holy seade shoteforth frutefully emonge them The seventh Chapiter THen was it so that in the raigne of Ahaz y e sonne of Iotham the sonne of Ozias kinge of Iuda Rezin the kinge of Aram and Phecca the sonne of Romelie kinge of Israel ascended to Ierusalem to laye sege agenste it whiche at that tyme they myght not wynne then tolde they the house of Dauid that the Syryons wer confederde with Ephraim which tydynges made Ahaz with the house of Dauid to trēble lyke trees in the wode smyten with wynde wherfo r the lorde sayde vnto Isaye Haue done and get the forthe with thy sonne Iasus whiche is lefte the and mete Ahazat y e heade of the over pole in the waye towerde the suffers felde and saye vnto hym Se y t thou be still feare not let not thy harte melte at these two tayles with theyr smokynge fyerbrandes that is to saye at the furye of Rezin kynge of the Syrions and of the sonne of Romelye because the Syrions Ephraim and Romelis sonne haue thus myscheuously counselde and conspyred agenste the saynge We will go vp into Iuda and scourge them and translate them vnto vs and we shal sette the sonne of Tabal to be kinge ouer them For even thus sayth the lorde This thinge shall not ryse nor come to passe but Damascus shal be y ● head of Syria Rezin shal be y e head of Damascꝰ aftyr .65 yeares Ephraī karyed awaye shal no more be y e people although now Samarya be head of Ephraim ād y e sonne of Romelye y e heade of Samaria If ye beleve not yowe are but gone to And besydis thys the Lorde commaunded hym to saye thꝰ also vnto Ahaz Aske the some token of y e Lorde thy God whether it be frome y e deapest benethe or frome the hyghest above And Ahaz answerde I wil not aske nether will I tempte the Lorde Wherfore he sayde Heare then ye house of Dauid is it not enough for yowe to veye men but ye must wearye my god to The lorde therfore his owne selfe shall geve yow a tokē Beholde a mayde shal be with chylde and bringeforth a sonne and she shall call his name Immanuel Boter and honey shal he eate vntil he can eschewe yuel and chose good notwithstandynge before this childe be thꝰ waxen thy londe shal be desolated for y ● which thou arte so a frayde of their two kinges ye the lorde shal bringe both vpon the and vpon thy people and vpon thy fathers house siche dayes as haue not ben sene frome the departinge of Ephraym from Iuda that is to saye he shal bringe vpon yowe the kynge of the Assyrions For the tyme shal come that the lorde shal whystle for a flye whiche dwelleth beyende the flowde of Egypte for bees which ar in the lande of the Assyrions which shal come all hole togither and besege the even with yn thy drye dykes at the kaves with in the rockes in every wode at euery stertinge hole ye in that tyme the Lorde shall shaue the with a raser he shal hyer a raser beyende the flowde Euphrates even the kynge of the Assyryons and he shal shave of the heares of thy heade fete and even thy verye berde shall he wype of then shal the tyme come that a man shal lyue with a kowe ād tway e●es and for the plentye of mylke eate boter for yet shal every on lefte in the myddes of the lande eate boter and honey and yet in those dayes a vyne yarde of a thousand vynes bought for more then a thousand penys shal be turned into bryers and thornes For the kinge of the Assyrions shal not come hither armed so thicke withe bowe and arows as the bryers and thornes shall stande over al this region Also euery frutefull hill which was wonte to be delved and ploughed then shal not a man come to them for feare of thornes bryers but shal serue to put yn heardes ād beastes to graze yn The aight Chapiter ANd then sayde the Lorde agene to me take the a grete rolle ād wryte yn it withe a pen lyke a man Maherschalal haschbaz which ys to saye haste the to robbe spede the to spoyle Then I toke me certayne faithfull witneses vry the preste Zachary the sonne of Barachy and came vnto a prophetise which had now cōceyued and brought forth a sonne the Lorde spake vnto me Geve hym this name hastye robber gredy spoyler for before thys chylde can call Dadye Māmye he shal bare away the riches of Damasce and the proye of Samarye yn y ● sight of the kynge of Assyrye And agene the Lorde spake vnto me these wordes For asmych as this people abhorreth the waters of Siloah that flowe so still and hathe rather plesure in thys kynge Rezin and in the sonne of Romely Lo the lorde therfore shal let the grete myghtye flowdis breke in vpon them that is to saye the kinge of the Assyrions withe all his power whiche shal aryse every where a bove their ryuers and run over all their bankes dryuynge into Iuda redowndyng and swellyngevp even to theyr throtes And the tyme shal come that the spreadinge a brode of their winges shal kover the breadeth of thy lande O Immanuel Get ye togither ye people into counsel and all ye of the fartheste partes of the lande caste yower heades togither haste ye togither to take counsell and yet shall all togither be yn vayne Conclude ye vpon eny thynge and yet shall it not come to passe excepte Immanuel Thus then sayd the Lorde vnto me takynge me by the hande lyke a guyde nourteringe me that I shulde not go in the waye of this people saynge Breke not yower myndes aboute eny confederation with other for eny helpe for althoughe this people speaketh of nothinge but of coniurations and confederations yet let them not fraye yow but sanctifie yowe the Lorde of powers hī feare hym dreade ye for it is he that is y ● very holymakynge and the stomblynge stone also even a rocke to fal at snare and net to ether of y ● houses that is to saye to Israel and to them that dwell aboute Ierusalem and many shall stomble at hym they shall fall they shal be broken they shal be trapt and taken Nowe sayth the Lorde rollvp thys testemony and sealevp the lawe withe my disciples Nowe shal I loke for the lorde faith Isaye whiche hath hyd his face frome the house of Iacob and I shal truste yn hym both I me selfe and y e seruantes whom the Lorde hath geven me to be a miracle and woundre yn Israel for the lorde of powers plesure that dwelleth yn the mounte Zion And when men shall saye to
that then euery one of them shal saye thus Chap. xij I Thanke the Lorde for thow wast wrathe with me but thy countenaunce nowe changed thou arte mercyfull and counfortest me Lo God is my savioure I shal truste in hym ād shall not feare For the Lorde god is my strength and prayse It is he that wil be my refuge ye shal drawe waters with grete ioye owte of the welles of ow r saviow r and shal saye in those dayes Let vs geve thankes to the Lorde let vs spreade his name Let vs publeshe his plesures to the people and let vs neuer forget that right highe is his name exalted Let vs synge vnto the lorde for he hath done highe thinges that they shulde be knowne thorowe all the erthe Lawghe and be glad frome thy very harte thou that dwelleste in Zion for right grete is thy prynce which maketh holye Israel Chap. xiij THe heuy destruction of Babylō whiche Isaye the sonne of Amoz sawe before Lyftevp a token to the hill a bove krye to them beken yow r handes to thez that the prynces might cōvaye theirselues into withyn the gates For I saith the Lorde shal commaunde my apoynted messagers and cal my mightyons that delight in my maiestye to fyneshe my wrathe And methought then that Iharde a noyse frome the mountaynes lyke the noyse of miche people swellinge and clusteringe togither evē a noyse of men musteringe as thoughe the realmes of the gētyles had bē gatherde altogither hauinge the lorde of powers for their capytain ād as thoughe thei had come frome farre regions euen frome the extreme partes of the worlde ye as thoughe bothe the Lorde himselfe his ministers and vessels of his indignaciō shulde haue come to destroye y ● wholl worlde Howle ye therfore for ful nyghe is the daye of the lorde which shal come vpon vs lyke a destroyer frome the moste myghtyeste then shal euery mānes hāde haue the palsaye and their hartes shal faynte thei shal be astonned holden with anguyshe and dazynges in their heades thei shal haue panges lyk women trauelinge of childe euery man shal be a frayde of other ād their chekes shal glowe for shame for beholde y e daye of the lorde shall be presente ful of fyarcenes Indignacion wrathe anger vntyl their lande be brought into a wyldernes and synne be castoute of it for the starres the planets of heuen shalnot geve their lighte The sonne shal be quenched in his vprysing y e mone shal with drawe hyr lighte I shal saith y e lorde loke vpon the malice of the worlde shal punyshe the synnes of the vngodly I shal abate the pryde of the prowde ād the wanten lustes of tyrants shal I bringe downe I shal make that a man shal be then more preciouse then y e pureste golde ye that but a vyle man shal be bet r then a wedge of gold of Ophyr Wherfore I shal so sinyte heven that the erthe shal shake frome hyr place these plages I saye shal fall vpon Babylon at the Indignacion of the lorde of powers and that in the daye of his fyarce wrathe then shal a man be as fearful as a chased doo and as a flocke of shepe whom noman can bringe to gither one countreman shal flee to a nother for helpe and euery man to his owne lande ād he that shal be fownde alone shal be steked and he that abydeth in the raye shal be smyt downe their chylderne shal be throne agenste y e grownde before their faces their houses shal be robbed and their wyues defyled For lo I shal stere vp the Medes vpon them which shal set nothing by syluer but a lytel by golde of whom y e bowes of the yonge men shal be brokē thei shal haue lytel petye of wemen with chylde and lesse shame to kyll their chylderne And Babylon the heade of al kingdomes the beuteful flower of the Chaldes shal be destroyde even as the lorde destroyde Sodome ād Gomor it shal neuer be inhabited nether eny man shall dwell in it frome age to age The Arabes shal nomore pitche bothes there nether the herdemen shall thith r bringe their flocke but wylde beastes shal lye there ād their houses shal be ful of owles there shal inhabit Struthions there shal scyppe these wodouses there shall krye these nyght ravens one agenste a nother in the houses of Babylon and dragons shal there playe in the palaces Chapiter .xiiij. ANd the tyme of his cominge is nowe at hande his daye shall not be longe differred But yet agene the lorde wil be mercyful to Iacob and shal yet chose Israel and bringe them agene vnto their owne lande and straūgers shal be cowpled with them and Ioyned to the house of Iacob Thei shal take this straunge nacion leade them to their places and the house of Israel shall holde them for seruantes and handemaydes in the lordes lande holde them in captiuite vnder whose gyrdel thei their selfe where before shal commaunde thez which before were their masters And then when y e lorde shal geve the reste frome thy laboures and tremblinge and frome thy grevouse seruitute by which thou were thꝰ holden vnder thou shalte take vp this lamētable songe agenste y e kinge of Babylō sayng howe is this extorsener brought to reste with his golden tayes ād trybutes The lorde verely hath broke the staffe of the vngodly even the septre of these lordely rulers which when he is angry smyteth the people with a plage vncurable when he is chafed he tameth these Gentyles persu●th them still so that nowe al ower lande is at reste and singeth for Ioye ye the very fyrtrees and the Cedres of Libani reioyse vpō thy fall sainge Aftyr that thou were layed a sleape noman clymed vp to kut vs downe helle trembled at thy cominge Gyauntes and al prynces of the erthe came forthe to mete the all kinges of the gentyles rose vp frome theire trones all these in course magnifyed the saynge Arte thou not wounded as well as we made lyke vs but thy pryde was plucked downe to hell with thy vayne folyshnes Mottes shal be strewed vnder the wormes shal be thy koverled Howe felle ye frome heuen lucifer ye fayer sonne of the morninge ar ye nowe fallen so wretchedly to the erthe which were wonte to be Emperow r over the gentyles ye and that even when thou thus thoughtest in thy harte I shal ascende into heven and shal exalte my seate aboue the starres of heven and sitte in the congregacion hill at the northe syde I wyl ascende hygher then the clowdes ād be equale with the moste hyghest But nowe arte thou plucked downe to helle vnto the moste deapest plage of the erthe thei that se the come now nerer and dare tote y e in the face thinkinge thus vpon the Is not this the stoute man that made the erthe a frayde that shoke the kingdoms to gith r made the
shal come that the lorde shall vyset Leuiathan that inuincible serpent with his harde grete stronge swerde even Leviathan that subtel serpente and shal slaye this dragone of the sea Then shall men heare this songe vpon the amiable vyneyarde of Hemer one answeringe a nother I the Lorde defende and water hyr in dwe tyme. I kepe hyr daye nighte leste eny man inuade hyr I am withe oute all wrathe who then maye so move me to be so grete an enymye to hyr that my promyse neglecte I wolde set hyr a fyer all at once with thornes bryers Or who maye holde bak my strength to pacefye me and to reconcyle me vnto hyr if I wolde not But Iacob brought owte of Captiuite vnloked for shal be roted agene Israel shal budde and floureshe so that the holl worlde shal be repleyneshed with their frutes For shall not the lorde smyte his smyters agene even as he was smyten or shal he not slaye as he was slayne what mesure so ever mengeue the same shall they receyve agene He bloweth forth his vehemēt skorchinge wynde Wherfore the iniquite of Iacob is pourged on this maner and by this meanes he taketh awaye all their synful seade as when he turnethe all the stones of their alters into powlder when their images worshiped in wodes and solitary tēples be layed downe when their stronge cytes are destroyde when their goodlye fayer cytes are lefte desolate lyke a wyldernes for bullocks to fede theryn to lye ād brose on the bouwes when their corne is brentvp and the wemen which in their cominge forthe garneshed their cytes are defyeled fore thys people is with owte vnderstandinge Wherfore their maker wilnot pyte them ād their potter shal haue no fansye to them In these dayes the lorde shal smyte downe all the frutes frome the fyerce flowde Euphrates vnto Nilus the flowde of Egypte and ye chylderne of Israel one by one shal be gatherd togither in to one place And then shall there blowvp a meruelouse grete trompet thei that had perysshed in Assyria and bene outlawes in Egipte shal come forth to worshipe the Lorde in the holye hyll which is in Ierusalem Chap. xxviij WO be to the proude crowne of dronken Cphraim and to the fallinge flower of hyr gloriouse beutie which is set in the toppe over the moste plentuoust vale wo be to the dronkherds Beholde the stronge power of the lorde comethe lyke an hay le storme dryuynge downe stronge holdes and lyke a grete shower of rayne dryuinge vpon euery parte of therthe even withe mennis fete shall the prowde crowne of dronken Ephraim be troden downe ād it shall happen to the fadinge flower of hyr g●oriouse beutye which yet standeth on the toppe ouer the moste plentuouse vale even as it happeneth vnto the hastye frute rype before y ● harueste which as sone as on espieth it he is redye to devower it before his hande canne reche it Aftyr this the lorde of powers shal be a Ioyefull crowne and a beutifull garlande to the residwe of his people and shal be the spyrit bothe of iugement to y ● iuges and the spirit of strength to thez that shal dryve his enemis from the gates But yet euen these also erre witheoute knowlege by the reason of wyne are with oute their wittes for theyr welthy dronkenes ye their preestes and prophetes also erre oute of the waye for dronken welthynes For they laden with wyne and drowned with luste erre in preachinge ād offende in iuginge fo● all their tables are so fylled with vometes and fylthynes that no parte shal be lefte vnfylled Which of them I praye you shal be then able to īstructe eny man or to teache the right disciplyne to eny of these chylderne newely weaned plucked frō y ● teate Or what els maye they teache then clowtinge constitution to constitution throyng one cōmaundement vpon a noth r inhibicion vpō inhibicion a lytel here a lytel whyles there Wherfo r lorde shal speake vnto this people confusely in a straunge tōge vnto whō he sayde sometyme This shal quyet thy consciens this refressheth y ● weary afflicte soule It is this I tel the that shal bringe thy harte into a blessed peace reste but they wolde not heare wherfo r y ● lorde shal speake to thē saynge Byd cōmaunde agene forbyd and forbyd agene a lytel here and a lytel whyles there that they mought go backwarde fall and be alto broken ye y ● they mought fall into their snares and be taken Wherfore heare the worde of the lorde Oye olde wylye skorners whiche playe the Lordes ouer my people which is in Ierusalē for thꝰ thīke ye we ar at a bargaine with deth at a poīte with hel that when eny gret myscheffe or plage cometh it shal not touche vs for dissemblīg hypocrysye shal be our refugye with lyes we shal be defended Wh r fo r even thus telleth you y e lorde god saynge Beholde I shal laye a stone yn ziō a touche stone a kornerd stone a preciouse stone to stablesshe y e foundacion so y t whoso ev r beleueth cleueth to this stone shal not lightly slyde for his equite eavenes shal I trye by plomet ād squyer his rightwysnes shal be pōderd as in a payer of balāces But an haple storme shal take awaye your refuge which ye stablessed your defence painted with kraftye lyes swellinge waters shal bare away yo r bargē made with deth shal be brokē your apointmēt also made with hell shalnot stāde for when this swellinge destrucciō shal aryse come vpon yow it shal swelowe yow in karye you a waye sodenlye For when it shal beginne erly in the morning it shal enduw r but the same daye and nyghte ād there shal be siche a feare that it alone shal breke euen the hartes of thē that do but heare of this Then shal beddes be so narowe that noman maye haue his reste and the koueringes so skante y ● noman maye be wrapped in them for the lorde shal stepeforth as he dyde in the mounte of Perazim and shal roffle angerly as he dyd in the vale of Gibeon to worke his owne worke he taketh a meruelouse strange wayes to brīge his owne worke to passe ful straunge woūdreful are his dedes Nowe therfore dispyse not this warninge lesteyow r captiuyte be the more grevouse For I haue harde of the lorde god of powers that there shal come a soden ende and destruccion vpon al the erthe Lysten therfore and heare my voyce geue hede and beleue my wordes Is not the tylman alwayes busye in duwe tyme to ploughe to opene and to kutforth his lande to sowe it dothe he not a non as he hath made it eaven and playne sowe his fetches or sprynkel his Coomyn and aftyr warde sowe it orderly now with wh●te and then with barley and so forth withe other corne acordinge to the strength
saye forsake this waye go frome that waye and at laste take from vs even him that maketh holy Israel Wherfore thus saith he that maketh holy Israel For as myche as ye haue thus abhorred my worde trustinge in fraude and violence cleuynge there vnto this same yower wykednes shal be yow r breke fall even lyke a relinge high holowe walle which cometh downe al at once yere eny man beware ye yow r destruction shal be lyke the breakinge of an erthen pitsherde whose fall and breakynge noman shal pyte no althoughe it be so smal broken that there be not fownde therof so miche as wolde fetche a cole of fyer or take vp a litel water from the pitte for even thus hath the lorde god which sanctifiyth Israel promysed saynge In sittinge styll quyetlye shall ye be saued for in sylence ād hope standeth yow r strength but as for yow ye neuer receiued it but rather sayd naye not so but we wylget vs to horskacke and so estape but thynke ye so to flee and to escape ye wyl answer the swyfter that ow r horse be the soner shall we be oute of daunger And I tell yowe agene that the faster ye flee the swyftlyer shal yower persuers folowe vpon yow so that a thousande of yow shal fle at y e feare of one man or of fyde at the moste vntyl ye be lefte as thynne as stande the trees in y ● hyll toppes lefte for mastes of shippe ye shal stand as naked in sighte as a marke in a molle hyll Not withestandinge yet in the meane tyme the Lorde abyddeth with longe sufferinge to haue mercye vpon yowe and suspendeth his counsell to then tente he wolde be bountuously mercy ful to yow for the lorde god is ful rightwyse And blessed are all men that wayte on hym If ye thus do O people of Zion and cytesens of Ierusalem ye shulde neuer wepe for suerly he wolde haue mercy on yowe ye as sone as he harde the voyce of yower kryige he wolde helpe yowe It is the Lorde verely that geueth yowe the brede of affliccion and the water of heuynes But yet will not yower master abhorre yow longe if ye loked vp withe yower eyes reuerently vnto yower teacher and yower ears heare the wordes of hym warnīge and tellinge yowe saynge This is the waye this waye see that ye go whether he se yowe swaruīge ether on the right hande or on the left hande If ye heare yow r master I tell yow and wyl despyse the curiouse sylveringe of yower ka ruen Images and thro a waye the costuouse gyldinge of them euen as ye wolde abhorre clothes polluted withe menstrwe and byd them walke straungers Then shall he geue rayne to yo wer sede whiche ye shall committe vnto the grounde and it shall bringe forth fode from the erthe and there shal be plentye and grete aboundaunce And then shall yower heardes fede vpon yower brode medewes yower drafte oxen and muses shall eate fatte prouendoure wen●w●d with the fanne Also diuerse ryuers of waters shal flow downe frome euery highe mountayne and highe hylle But aftyr grete slaughter and ruyne of towers y ● mone shal be as bryghte as the sonne the light of the sonne shal be seuen tymes bryghter then it is and so grete as is the lighte of .vij. dayes altogither ye especially in that tyme when the Lorde shal bynde togither the breke of his people and shall heale the gappe of their wounde For beholde the maiestye of y e lorde shal come from a farre his face shal brenne so bryght that none maye abyde it his lippes shal be ful of indignacion ād his tonge lyke a devoweringe fyer his breath shal be lyke a swelling flowde arysinge vp to the throte to take a waye the haithen which are geuen to vanyte and to take a waye the brydel of erroure beinge yet in the chaves of the people but yow shall syngeas men in y ● vygils of holyfestes and be glad in harte lyke them that go by the trompet blowers goinge forthe to the hyl of the lorde even the rocke of Israel Also the lorde shal put forthe the gloriouse power of his voyce shal shewe forth his threteninge arme with a grymme countenaunce and with the flame of deuoweringe fyer ye ād that with an erthe quake and a grete hayle storme Then shal the Assyrions be a frayde at the voyce of the lorde which shal smyte thē with a rodde and the rodde that the Lorde shal bende agenst them shal go thorow euery foundacion Which rodde he shall laye vpon them with tympanes harpes and batayle to ouercome thē For even frome the beginninge huth he prepared the fyer of affliccion ye and that for the very kinges which fyer hath he made both depe and brode runninge violently as in A grete heape of wode whose violence the blaste of the lorde setteth a fyer lyke y e floteringe noyse of brym stone Chap .xxxj. WO be to thez that godowne in to Egypte for helpe whiche truste in their horse and put their confidence in their chariets because they ar so many and in their horse men because theire strengthe is myghtye but vnto hym y t maketh holy Israel they haue no respecte and the lorde never seke they when he of his infinyte wysedome bringeth affliccion vpon men and yet his worde maketh he not voyde he ryseth agenst the famylye of the wyked ād agenst the helpe of eveldoers The Egipciōs verely ar men and not goddes and their horse ar flesshlye and not of y e spirit Wherfore when the lorde shal stretche forth his hande both the helper and he that loketh for helpe shal fall ād shal be altogither destroyed For thꝰ hath the lorde spoken to me Even as a lyon or y e lyōs whelpe roreth over hyr proye nowe taken fearing nothīge at the noyse of al y ● herdmenkrying at hym no not once abasshed at their oute shryte so shall the lorde of hostes come downe to defende fyght for the mounte Zion ād for hir fytel hyll The lorde of powers shal defende Ierusalem lyke a byrde flotteringe aboute hyr neste kepinge delyvering awaytinge and sauynge hyr Come vp agene O ye chylderne of Israel as farre as ye haue gone downe forsakyng yow r god for the tyme shal come y t every man shal caste a waye their syluer images golden Idols which yow r vngraciouse handes haue made into yow r synne Assur shal be smitendowne with swerde but not with y e swerde of man y e swerde shal devower hym but not y e swerde of man and he shal fle frō y e slaughter his hoste takē he shal overrunne his owne castel for feare his capitayns shal abhorre be ashamed of their owne baners badges These thīges hath y e lorde spoken whose laūpe is fedde in Zion and his fyer is nouresshed in Ierusalem Chapiter .xxxij. BEholde a kynge shal raigne aftyr the rule of rightwysnes and his chefe
¶ The title of this boke ¶ The vilsonor Prophecy of Isaye the sonne of Amoz which he prophecyed vpon Iuda Hierusalem in the dayes of Ozias Iothā Ahaz Ezechias Kinges of Iuda ¶ The firste Chapiter HEare heaven ād listen erthe for it is the Lorde that speaketh Childerne haue I noureshte vp and promoted ād they haue despyghtfully rebelled agēste me The vnreasonable oxe knoweth his owener the very asse his masters stall but Israel is vnsensible my people is with oute vnderstandynge Oh synful nacion a nacion laden with wikednes a myschevous generacion pestelent children The very Lorde haue thei forlakē euen hym that chose made holy Israel haue thei prouoked to anger are fled backwarde withe what plage more shall I then smyte you sith the more ye ar correkt y ● worse ye are All your heads ake euery harte is ful syk from toppe to toe is ther not an hole place in all your bodye All are woundes runninge sores ful of botches blaynes which noman maye clense or bynd plaster to nor yet sowple with eny oyntement your regiō is desolate your cites are brent vp with fyer your lande before your eyes a strāge natiō devowerth It is wasted lyk as with a cruel hoste And y ● daughter of Zion is lefte a lone lyk an hovelin a vyne yarde lyke a skoulke lodge in tyme of warre and lyke a beseged cyte And excepte y e lorde of powers had saued vs a fewe reamnauntes we had bē lyke So dome and Gomorre Heare therfore the worde of the Lorde ye prynces of Sodome And thou people of Gomorre take hede to the lawe of owre God sayinge thus what haue I to do with yower so manyfolde and so ofte offeringes and sacrifices I abhorre yower brente wethers I am ful of the kidnese of yower fatte beastes the bloude of oxen of lābes and gotes thei yrke me Whē ye come to se my face who requyreth these of ferīges at your handes Is this y ● waie to trede my temple Offere no more I praye yowe your giftes thus in vayne this incēse is abhominacion to me your festes of the newe mone your Sabbath dayes and solempne festes I maye not a waye withe for ful wyked are yower ydle congregacions yower kalendes and feries my harte hatethe yower fastes are all in vayne I am wery of these thinges and it yrketh me to se them when ye shal stretch forth your handes I wil hyde myne eyes from yowe And pray ye never so miche yet shal I not heare yowe for your handes are bathed in bloude wasshe ye be cleane put a waye your yuel thoughtes croked counsells oute of my sighte ceasse to do hurte studye for equyte seke iustice delyuer the oppressed avenge y ● poore fatherlesse defende y s cause of the wedowe Come hither I praye ye and let me be proued saithe the Lorde when yower synnes were as redde as skarlet were thei not made as whyte as snowe And when thei were as redde as purple were thei not made as whyte as woll If ye wil heare and be ruled shal ye not take your plesure even of the best frutes of the londe But if ye wil be steffe necked thinke ye not to be devowerde with swerde Suerly God hath so promysed with his owne mouthe But howe is it thus come to passe that this cite whiche sometyme was faithful ful of equite in the whiche iustice was excercysed hath thus changed hir face lyke an harlet and is nowe become a murtherer of hir owne innocēt citesens Thi syluer is turned into drosse Thy wyne is marred withe water Thy rulers arbetrayers and bakslyders frome God even felowes vnto theves All they love giftes and are sentence sellers they restore not his righte to the fatherlesse and the wedewes cause comethe neuer at thē Wherfore thꝰ saith the lorde god of powers and the myghty forth leader of Israel Ahlasse I muste neades ease my mynde and be auenged vpon my aduersares I shal suerly sette my hande vpon the I shal seeth oute thy drosse and trye oute thy pureste and I shal take awaye all thy leade Aftyr this shal I restore the thy iuges ād senatours as they were before And then shalte thow be called the cite of rightwysnes and the faithful towne Thus shal Ziō nowe redemed frome captiuite be accustomed with equite and excercised in rightwisnes when the vngodly transgressours and bakslyders frome the Lorde shal be alto broken and vtterly peresshe And excepte ye be ashamed of your stockes and Idolls in wodes and hilles in whiche ye delighted and leve your groves and gardens which ye chose for yowe ye shal be lyke okes whose leaves fal a waye and lyke a garden with oute water For the glysteringe glorye of these images shal be turned into stubble and the makers of them into sparkes of fyer and bothe of them shal be brente togither noman quenchinge them The seconde Chapit the title prefixed THe worde whiche was shewed vnto Isaye y e sonne of Amoz vppon Iuda and Ierusalem Thus shal it be in the laste dayes The hill of the house of the Lorde shal be so prepared and setvp that it shal apere aboue al the toppes of wother hilles And then shal there flowe vnto it all Gentyls and infinite folke shal goforth sayinge one to a nother come let vs ascende vnto the hyll of the lorde to the house of the god of Iacob that he mought teache vs his wayes ād that we moughte walke in his pathes For oute of Zion the lawe shal goforth and the worde of the lorde frome Ierusalem that he mought be a iuge emonge the Gentyls and rule therwith that infinite multitude And then a none shal thei cause their swerdes to be smyten into matoks and coultres and their speares into sythes and sykels For the one nacion shal no more lifte vp swtrde agenste the other nether shal they enymore excercyse them selfe into batayle And nowe speake I vnto the o house of Iacob Come neare I praye yowe that we moughte walke togither in the light of the Lorde But wherfore do I bidde the o thow vnhappye house of Iacob seinge y t thou with thy people ar now fledbacke frō y e Lorde for ye are far worse then yower elders both in soth saīgs aftyr y e maner of y e palestyns in calkynge of mennes birthes ye passe evē y e very haithē for as sone as your lande abounded in goolde syluer ye knewe non ende of your tresure as sone as it was replenesshed with horsemē chariets a none was it ful of Idolls ymages evē y e workes of your owne hādes which ye made with your owne fingers ye ye worshipte thē But doiste thou o mā faldowne befo r these Idols worshipest thē ye y t so supersticiously so steffly y t no thīge may plucke y e frome them Gete the hence quikly go hyde the in the
e coostes of y e nacions and haue spoyled their princes ād I lyke a gyaunte haue plucked downe men sittinge a lofte and the hostes of y e innumerable people with theyr substaunce are al brought into my handes as egges into a neste for I haue gatherd to me euery region of the erthe even as scatred egges are gatherd togither into one place and there is not one in the meane tyme that dare move his winge y t dare open his mouthe or once chatter agenste me But I praye yowe dothe y ● axe glorye agenste hym that vsethe it to cutte therwith Or doth y e sawe magnyfye it selfe agenste the drawer there of this were as lyke as though the rodde shulde lyftvp hyr selfe agenste hyr bearer and the staffe exalte it selfe agenste the smyter as though it we r no tree Wherfore the Lorde God of powers shal sende penurye into hys plentuousnes ād fyer shal krepe in vnder his pow r and waste it and the lyghte of Israel shal be his fyer and Israels sanctuarye shal be his flame which shal kyndel and devower his bryers and thornes all one a daye Also the beutye of his wodes and hilles shal be vtterly consumed and in conclusion he hymselfe shal be lyke a chased vagabonde and the reaste of his trees lefte in his wodes shal stande so thynne that a chylde maye tel and write them And then the reamnaunte of Israel and thei that shal be saued pertayninge to the house of Iacob shal no more cleave to hym as their smyter but by faithe they shall truste to the Lorde that maketh holy Israel there shal but a fewe I saye returne evē but the reamnaunte of Iacob I tel yowe shal be turned to the myghtye god For althoughe O Israel thy people be lyke the sandes of the sea yet but a fewe of them shal be turned to hym For y ● sentence of hym that is ryche in ryghtwysmakinge muste neades stande wherfore dowtlesse the lorde god of powers shal do this assuerde thinge even in the myddes of all the worlde For thus speaketh the Lorde god of powers be not a frayde of Assur my people which dwellest in Zion for with a rodde verely shal he smyte the and shal lyftvp his weapen agenste the lyke as somtyme dyd the Egiptions but aftyr a lytel space ye in lesse then a lytel space the mesure of my indignacion and wrathe for their synnes shal be fulfilled saith the Lorde for then the Lorde of powers shal sterevppe a scourge agenste them as he dyd once agenste the Madianytes at the rocke of Oreb and as he lyftedvp his rodde vpon the sea and shal smyte thē as he smyt the Egypcions Then shal his burden be taken frome thy shulders ād his yoke from thy necke and hys yoke shal rotte for fatte But this Assur verely shal come yn firste vnto Aiath ād from thense shal he conne into Migron In Machmas shall he nowmber hys hoste there shal he go ouer the foorde so turne to Gabaam then shal Rama be a frayde and Gabaa which is called Saules Gabaa shall flee The neaynge of their horses shal sownde over al y ● dawghter of Gallim which shal be harde vnto Lais and to lowe Anathot but whyles Madmena be a frayde se that ye citesens of Gebim pluckevp your hartes for this one daye shal he yet taryein Noba and from thence shal he turne his hoste towerd the mounte y ● daughter of Zion and to the hyl of Hierusalem But yet beholde for the Lorde god of powers shall cut of this gloriouse renowne with grete feare he shal cut downe the talle men and they that are a lofte shall come full lowe the thorney places of the wodes shal he smyte downe with axes and the grete hyghe Ceder trees shal haue a fall Theleuenth Chapiter But at laste shal the Gryffe comeforth of the stocke of Iesse and the floury shinge budde shal springe forth of his rote which shal be endued withe the spirit of the Lorde even withe the spirit of wysdome and of vnderstandinge with the spyrit of counsel and strength the spyrit of knowledge and feare of the Lorde and shall make hym accepte or of swete savoure in y ● feare of the Lorde for he shal not Iuge aftyr the face nor reprove aftyr the fame brought vnto his ears but shal avenge the poore with right wisnes reason for the lowe oppressed of the erthe with equyte The erthe shal he smyte with the rodde of his mouthe and wythe the very breath of his lippes shall he slaye the vngodly man for rightwisnes shal be the gyrdele of his loynes trowthe and faithfulnes shal gyrde aboute hys sydes that the wolfe myght dwel and acorde with the lombe the leoparde lye downe with the gote and lykewyse the hey fore with the lyon and that euery wylde beaste moughte agre with the tame and become so meke that a lytel chylde myght rule them the kowe and the female beare shal fede togither in one hearde and shall nourysh vp their yonge togith r in one place the lyon shal eate chaffe with the oxe here y e yonge babe shal playe vpon the Serpents denne and aftyr that it be weaned it shal put his hande into the neste of y e venoumse kockatrice Noman shal hurte or destroye other thorowt al my holy hyll for y e lande shall swymme in y e knowledge of the lordis worshipe as it were a sea flowinge ouer all and then shall it come to passe that the gentils shal seke this roote of Iesse which standeth vp for a signe emonge the folke For his quyet habitacion shal be right glouriouse And then the Lorde shall put to his hande agene to chalenge and to possesse the reamnaunte of his people whome he reserued salfe frome the Assyrions frome the Egiptions frome the harde Arabens frome the yindes frome the Elamytes frome the Chaldes frome the Antiochens and frome the eylands of the sea then shal he geve a signe to the Gentyls and shal gather to gither the scaterde men of Israel bringe togither also the dispersed of Iuda frome the fower quarters of the erthe Ephraim shal be eased of hir hateful aduersares and the enymes of Iuda shal be clene wyped a waye Nether shall Ephraim enuye or hate Iuda nor Iuda shall inuade Ephraim but their shal flee bothe togither vpon the shulders of the Palestynes towerde the weste returninge both togither to robbe the chylderne of the Easte the Idumes and y e Moabites shal be at their becke ād the sonnes of Ammon shal obaye them ād the Lorde shall stoppe the tonge of the sea of Egipte and shal shake his hande over this flovde with a vehement wynde smytinge hyr seven mouthes so that men maye go over hyr drye shod and the waye shallye wyde open for the reamnaunte of his people which were saued frome the Assyrions even as it laye open for Israell when they came vp frome Egypte so
of y ● soyle And to do these thinges duely in ordre do not his god teache ād dyrecte hym for he thressheth not his fetehes with a wayne nor turneth the carte whele vpon his Coomyn But the fetches he thressheth with a flayle and his Coomyn he beateth forth withe a staffe and even so lykwyse he gryndeth his whete into brede Which he coulde never do with thresshinge it For nether the violence of the turninge of the carte whele nor yet the tredinge of the beast●sfete maye grynde it into meale And this thinge is shewed hym of the Lorde of powers which is the moste meruelste counseler and the gretest magnifyer of equyte Chap. xxix WO be vnto y ● Ariel Ariel a cyte sometyme subdued of Dauid Take yet a fewe yeares respite set some festes yet passe ouer awhyle then suerly shal I besege Ariel Then shal she be so heauye ād so kareful that she maye welbe called Ariel I shall cōpase the rownd a boute with tentes and castells and shitte the yn withe towers and dryue vp bolwerkes agenste the. And thow shalt be so lowe brought that thow shalt speake even oute of y ● grownde and as of one buryed in the duste thy voyce shal be harde For thy voice shal be lyke a sprite speakinge oute of therth so fayntly shalt thow grone oute of the grownde For the multitude of thy enymes shal be lyke the motes in y ● sonne beames ād the cruel multitude of them shalcome vpon the lyke duste reased vp and karyed sodenly in the twinklinge of an eye Then shalt thow be visited of the lorde of powers with thondre erthe quakes ād fearful crackes with whyrlwīdes stormey tempestes with the flame of a devoweringe fyer But nowe al this multitude of the gentyles beinge aboute to bringe forth their armye agēste Ariel all this hoste the compassinge aboute hyr ād hir besegers al appere abyet to be but a dreame of an hongrye man dreaminge to haue eaten which nowe waking is ful hongrye hauinge his bely emptye and lyke a thirstye man dreaminge that he drinketh a non as he is a wake he is ful faynte drye whose desyer yet birneth for drynke Thus I saye appereth the multitude of al these gentyls as yet to be lyke which shal fight agenste the mounte Zion But then shal ye be amased astoned gapynge and beholdinge al these thinges ye shal be dronken but not with wyne ye shal rele but not for dronkenes for the lorde shal power forth vpon you the spryte of a depe slomber ād shal shit vp yower eyes that is to saye he shal kouer yow r prophetes and cheffe seinge men And al prophecyes shal be vnto yowe even as the wordes of a clasped boke and sealed vp which if thou offerest vnto a wel lettred man saynge I praye yow read this boke he shal saye I cannot read it for it is sealed vp Also if it be geuen to an vnlerned man saynge I praye the read this boke he shal answere the. I am not lettrede Wherfore thus saith the lorde Because that this people draweth nighe me withe their mouthes ād with their lippes speak mich worship by me their hartes beinge farre fro me and because the feare that they owe vnto me they geue it me aftyr the doctryne and the commaundements of men therfore beholde I my selfe shall do to this people a thinge to be merueled and woundred at a bo ve mesure that is to saye I shal destroye the wysdome of their wysemen and the vnderstandinge of their men of moste actiuite shal haue a fall Wo be to them that so depely drowne their selues in their own policye that they thynke to hyde their thoughtes and counsells frome the lorde Which hyde their enforcements ād studes in derkenes saynge presumptuously Who sethe vs or who knoweth vs which yower presumpcion is as thoughe y ● potters claye shulde devyse with in it selfe or that y ● worke shulde saye to hyr master Make me not and as thoghe y ● potte shulde reporte vpon hyrpotter that he vnderstandeth not See ye not now therfore to be euen at hande that Libanus shal be turned into Charmelum and Charmelus shal be rekened amonge y ● wodes Even then shal the deffe vnderstande the wordes of the boke and the eyes of the blynde the derke clowde taken a waye shal receyue lyghte And y ● oppressed shal celebrate a glad daye to y ● lorde the nedyons shal reioyse in hym that maketh holye Israel For these violente tyrauntes shal be consumed and these wylye mockinge hypocrytes shall perish And these that are so bente vpon myschefe to leade men into sinne for the noonce goinge a bought to supplante y ● reprover that sitteth in iugement thorow lyes lead the rightwyse into a contrarye pathe shal be kutof Wherfore thus saith the lorde the saviow r of Abraham vnto the house of Iacob Let not Iacob now be ashamed neth r chāge his chere when he seithe even them also whom my handes haue made to be emonge his chylderne to sanctifye my name ye to sanctifye hym that maketh holy Iacob to worshipe y ● god of Israel Which gētyls lately erred but now haue they the spyrit of vnderstanding which before were barbarouse ād fyerce but nowe ar they tamed and learned the lawe Chap. xxx Fyghe vpon these vnnatural chylderne goīg oute of kynde saith the lorde which dare make a counsel with oute my counsel and weaue a web nothinge aftyr my mynde to heape synne vpon synne For they goforth to descende into Egypte and asked not my mouthe trustinge to Pharaos strength and in the shadewe os the Egypcions but Pharaos helpe shal be turned into yower confusion and the confidence y t ye haue in the protection of y ● Egyptiōs shal turne ye to ignominye yow r princes were in Zoana yower Ambassiatours came to Hanesam But yet shall ye be all ashamed of y ● people that maye not helpe yowe for they shal nether brynge yow helpe nor ayed but shal bringe yowe into confusion and opprobrye yower beastes wente laden by the sowth waye ye thorow a region ful of perel and feare be cause of lyons and lyonesses kocketryces and swyfte fleyng dragons laye there yower mules were laden vpon their shulders with yower tresure Camels bore vpon their bunchedbackes yow r ryche presentes to people vnalbe to helpe yowe For ful vayne and vnprofytable shal be the Egypcions helpe wherfore I kryed vpon yow on this maner let yow r prowde audacite ceasse And nowe therfore go wryte this thinge in their owne tables ād recorde it in a boke to endwer into a perpetual testimonye to their posterite For this people is stowrdie they ar false chylderne chylderne that loue not to heare the lawe of the Lorde Whiche dare saye to the prophetes kare ye not for vs and also to the seinge men tell not vs of thinges to come but preach vs pleasaunte thinges loke vs oute deceytes
turne y e derkenes in to lyght befo r thē y e kroked into an eaven waye These thinges shal I do for thē neth r will I forsake thez let them therfo r be turned backwarde be confounded with shame that truste in karuen images that saye to these caste Idols you ar our goddes Heare o ye deffe lyfte vp your eyes o blinde for who is blinder then my ●uante or so deffe as ar my messagers whom I sente vnto thē Who I saye ar so blinde as the people of the lorde rulers of thē They ar as ye wolde saye vnto one thou vnderstandest myche but thou obseruest nothing or as one shulde heare ād beleue it not full prone redye verely is y e lorde to forgeue for his rightwysnes sake to magnifye his worshipe his lawe to make it excellent cleare but this people is for lorne troden vnder fote Wherfore al theyr yongemen shal come to y e rope be thruste into depe presons They shal go into proyes noman shal be mynded to restore thē Which of you so taketh these thinges to beware by thez warned her aftyr Who delyuereth Iacob to be troden downe and Israel into a proye but the lorde But we verely are they y t committe these fautes agenst hī we ar they y t wyl not go ī his wayes nor obaye his lawes Wherfo r he power the y e wrathe of his hevye indignaciō vpon vs grevous batayls which assayle vs on every syde but yet we wil not repente and amende these stronge batayls vexe vs with burninge but yet we regarde hym not The .xliii. Chap. ALso thus speaketh the lorde which hath created the O Iacob and fasshioned y e o Israel feare thou not for I shal redeme y e I haue chalenged y e for my nown selfe gevē y e thy name y t thou shuldest be myne so y t when thow passedste thorowe y e waters I wolde be with y e when thou wentest thorow the floud esthei ouerwhelmed the not whē thou wentst thorowe fyer it burned the not neth r yet the flame skortched y e for I am y e lorde thy god he y t maketh holy Israel evē thy sauiour I redemed y e oute of Egypte the Ethiopes Sabeōs I destroyed to save y e because thou waste so preciouse in my eyes ād I setted so myche by y e loued y ● so interely I spent awaye what so euer naciō or people they we r for thy plesu r sauegarde to th entēt thou shuldst not feare but y t I wolde be of thy syde frō y e easte shal I bringe hith r thy seade gath r y ● frō y e weste I shal saye to y e northe geve forthe my people to y e sowthe let thez not to come to me ye yet farthermo r I shal brīge forth my sonnes frō farre lādes my daughters frō y e coostes of y e worlde y t is to saye euery man mamed aftyr me for hī haue I created fashioned ād made for myglorye bringe me forth people as wel y e blīde as thē y t can se as wel y e deffe as they y t heare let al naciōs gētyls iuwes be gatherd togith r brought in to one Which of al these goddes coulde tel vs these thinges haue shewed vs thē to come let thē brīg forth their witnesses go quyte for they y t shal heare thē shal reporte y t at iuste is trwe Evē I me selfe saithe y e lorde take you to witnesses whiche are my chosen because your owne cōscienses teache yowe evē y ● very selfe thinge cōstrayneth y e trowthe to be ascribed vnto me so y ● ye nowe vnderstāde clearly y t I am he which haue neth r peare befo r me nor eny matche aftyr me y t I am evē y e lorde alone y t be sydes me the r is no saviour I warne I saue I teache because ye shulde receyue no noth r. ye I appele vnto your own cōscienses to be my witneses saith y e lorde y e I am god y ● I am he y t is frō y e beginninge of y e tyme neth r is the r eny y t maye take eny thinge fro my hande or vn make y t at I make or do Thus therfore saith y ● lorde your redemer y e maker holy of Israel For your punyshment shal I send vnto Babylon shal cal to thez al their pow r that is to saye y e pow r of y t Chaldes whose glorye standeth in practizinge of warre I am I saye y e lorde your holy mak r y e maker kinge of Israel Farthermore thus sayde the lorde which layed forth y ● waye thorowe y e sea y ● pathe thorow grete waters bringīg forth chariets horsemen hostes with gret pow r to laye thē so a sleape al to gith r y t thei shuld no more ryse ye to quenche thē oute lyke y e snyffe of a candel Because ye ar evel rememberers of old thinges haue no vnderstanding of thinges paste beholde therfo r I shal make a newe thīge which shal flowresshe forth evyn by by wyl ye know it I tolde yowe it befo r nowe shal I tel it you agene I shal lay forthe awaye in y ● deserte in y e flowdes In y e wyldernes wylde beastes shal honour me dragons struthions shal knowledge me I shal geue waters in y e desertes flowdes in the wyldernes to geue drīke to my chosen people even to this people which I haue fashyoned fore my selfe to declare my prayse for as for thou Iacob thow woldest not cal vpō me thou disdaynedst me o Israel for thou offredst not to me beastes into brent sacrifices neth r honouredst me w t thy oblacions thou boughtste me no preciouse fragraunte spice w t thy moneye neth r w t thy fatte sacrifices dydst thou embrue me althoughe I dyd not requyre siche sacrifices of y ● neth r wolde I charge y e w t incense fume But thou madeste me thy ●uāte to bare thy synnes thrustedste medowne ladē w t thy iniquites when it is I only y t do away thy vngodlynesses for my nown selfes sake thi sinnes do I forget put me ī remēbrāce let vs reason togith r shewe me y t thīg wherby thou trustest to be forgeuen iustifyed as for y e fyrst man thy fath r is firste formest a synner thy intercessours betwene y e me haue synned agenst me wherfo r evē y e moste holyest rulers haue I slayne evē iacob dyd I kyl israel dyd I betake into blasphemye The .xliiij. Cha. NOw therfo r heare o iacob my ●uāte israel my chosen for thꝰ spake y e lorde which hath made fashioned y e hath ben thy helpe evē frō thy mothers wōbe let it not greue y
handes withe yow into an euerlastinge conuenaunte to geue yowe these assuerd mercyes promysed vnto Dauid Beholde I shall geue hym to testifye of me to the people to be prynce and goyde vnto the Gentyles Beholde thow shalt call an vnknowen nacion vnto the and the Gentyles vnto whome thowe were vnknowne shal haste thē to y ● ād that euen for the lordes sake thy god ād the maker holye of Israel whiche hath set the in thy hyghe honow r. Seke ye y ● lorde whyles he wolde be founde cal vpon hym whyles he is nighe let y e vngodly forsake his owne wayes euery wyked man his owne imaginaciōs and thoughtes ād returne to the lorde for he wyl haue mercye on him let him I saye turne vnto ow r god for he is redye bente to forgeue for euen thus saith the lorde yower counsells ād thoughtes at not lyke my counsels thoughtes yower wayes ar not lyke my wayes but as farre as the heauēs ar aboue the erthe even so farre excede my wayes yow r wayes my thoughtes yow rs for lyke as the rayne or snowe descendeth frō heauen turneth not thither agene but moysteth the erthe maketh it to budde to bringe forth frute that it shulde geue corne to the sower fode to eate even so my worde which goithe out of my mouth shall not returne to me voyde but shaldo whatsoeuer I wyl shal prosper in those thinges for which I sente it for yow shal lyue in gladnes shal leade yow r lyfe in peace Mountayns and hylles shal leape ād singe for ioye withe yowe ād al the trees of the feldes shall clappe their handes for the bushe shall there ryse a fyrtre for the thorne a pyne tre Al this shall make for the glorye of the Lorde and shal be a token y t it shal euermore abyde The .lvj. Chap. THus sayed y ● lorde Se y t ye obserue equyte do rightwisnes fo r my sauīge helth hasteth him to-come vnto yowe my ritghtwisnes spedeth him to be declared Blessed is the man that shal do this thīge the sonne of man y t maye receyue this thinge evē him I meane that kepe the y t Sabbat daye defyelleth it not that is to saye that holdeth his handes dothe no euel Here let not the straungers which shall clea●e to the Lorde saye on this maner Ah lasse for sorowe the lorde seperatethe me frome his people Nether let y ● Gelded man saye lo I am a drye stocke for thus hathe the lorde fyrste of al promysed the Gelded men as lōge as they kepe my Sabbat dayes that is to saye haue these thīges in moste pryce to chose to obserue thez which it pleaseth me to cōmaunde wyl holde faste my conuenaunte I shal geue vnto thē in my house witheyn my walles both a better parte a better name then oother of my nowne sonnes or daughters I shal geue thē I tell yowe siche a name that it shal neuer fayle Secondaryly he promysethe to the chylderne of the straungers whiche desyer to be ioyned vnto the lorde that they shal serue hym and kysshe the name of the lorde and that they shal be his seruauntes that is to saye al those which take hede that they pollute not my name that is to saye holde faste my cōuenaunt For these men shal I bringe vnto my holy hyll and shal cheare thē in my house of prayer their brēte sacryfyces with rheir o th r oblaciōs shal be accepte vnto me vpon my alter For my house shal be an house of prayers to all nacions For thꝰ sayde y e lorde god which gathereth to gither y ● dispersed people of Israel yet shall I gather vnto thē siche as pertayne to their cōgregaciō euē al y ● beastes of y t felde al the wylde beastes of their wodes shal come to them to eate hym vp Notwithstandinge yet al their byshopes are blynde they aral without knowledge ye they ar aldōme dogges maye not barke they lye lōge sleapīge dreamīge delightīge in vayne ydle plesures they ar dogges ye y t the moste vnshamefaced never satisfyed These herdemen vnderstāde nothinge but euery one of thē foloweth his owne counsells and thoughtes every one foloweth his owne couetuouse harte with al his might sayng thus come I shall brīge y t to y t wyne let vs drīke drōken as largely shal we drīke to morowe as to daye ye more largely But ī y e meane tyme the innocēte is iuged to dethe and noman consydereth it in his harte y e moste beste men ar conueyde out of the waye and noman so loketh vpon this y ● he wyl saye beholde the synful maketh a waye y ● rightwyse y t he hymselfe might lyue at his plesure in reste y t he myght be suer in his bedde ād wal●e aftyr his owne luste The .lvij. Chap. COme hither therfor ye childerne of wytches borne betwene y e whoremonger harlete whom do ye thus scorne ād take yower plesure of Vppon whom do ye mowe withe yower mouthes bleare oute yower tōges at Ar not yowe conceyued in adulterye ād euen y t lyinge desayghtful ysswe takīg yow r lybidinouse plesure at the okes ād vnder euery brode shadewed tre destroynge chylderne in valeys ād vnder the rockes of stone In highe places of stone buylded by ryuer sydes is thy porciō wherfore y ● flowdes shal be thy lot for thou haste powerd forth thy lyquet sacryfices vnto thē haste the r offerd thy oblaciōs shal I suffer these abominaciōs In highe mountayns thou madest thy beddes thether thou ascēdedst to offere thy sacryfices behynde y ● gates postes thou leftedst a remēbrāce of y ● when thou madest naked thy selfe as wel to me as to a nother Thow wentst madest thy bedde wyder when thou hewedste pluckedst certayne of y t goddis of y t gentyls vnto y ● thou wentest into y e beddes of them where so euer thou syest thē And thou anoyntedst thy selfe w t swete oyn temētes wasshedst y ● with dyuerse swete wat rs wentedst strayte vnto kīgis when thou sentedst thy messagers into farre countres thorowe whiche thinge thou fellest vnto hell Thou labouredst in y ● multitude of thy nowne wayes ād neuer thīkedste it is sufficiēt Thou beleuedst to haue gotē y ● thy lyuing thorowe thy nowne laboure ād pollicye so y t thow shuldst neuer neded to haue kared or to haue asked it of me but whom oughtedst thou to dreade fear aftyr that thow haste broken promyse withe me Thou regardedst not me thow calledst not me into thy mynde Thinkest thou y t I will holde my peace as I haue done hitherto so y t thow nedest not be a frayd of me No verely but I shal rather disclose thy rightwisnes thy workes and declare howe lytel they shal profite the Let thē delyuer y t at thy nede
taryed for lighte lo what derkenes is the r we waited for y e morninge but lo we walke ī y e derke mydde nighte we go gropīg by y e walles lyke blīde mē we grope as thoughe ow r eyes we r putoute we stōble at none dayes as thoughe we wādred ī y e derke morninge lyke olde mē halfe dede stōblīge at thei r graues we grone lyke beares morne cōtinually lyke douves we loke for eq ite but she appereth no whe r we tarye for helthe but it is very farre frō vs that because ow r wikednes is so encresed befo r y e y t we are so synful for our transgressions we denye not our synnes we knowledge that is to saye we are synners we ar false lyers agenst y e lorde we haue forsaken our god and turned our backes to hym we haue blasphemed hym folowed strange goddes we haue conceyued euel in our hartes occupyed our myndes aboute false wordes deades Wherfore equite hath forsaken vs and rightwisnes standeth al a farre moornynge● for trwthe is fallen downe yn the streutes equyte ys locked vp ye truthe is cruelly handled he y t forsaketh euel is torne in peses these thinges when the lorde saw he was not cōtent y t there was no equite he saw y t ther was non y t wolde make intercession it beruwed hym he turned hī selfe vnto his owne power cleued to his rightwisnes a non he dyd vpon him selfe rightwysnes as a cote of mayle put helthe vpō his hed in stede of anhelmet he dyd vpon hī vengeaunce for his vesture ād kouerd hym selfe with indignacion lyk as with a cloke ther was siche hatrede as is w●nt to be betwene two enimes reuenging ether other this armed he hī selfe to rewarde y e cruel tyraunts wherfore they shal feare y e name of y e lorde frō y ● weste his maiestye frō y e easte for he shal cū lyke a violent floude which the lorde hath steredvp with a wynde but vnto Zion thē which beinge of y e seade of Iacob repente thē selfe turne frō their wikednes he shal cū a redem r saith y ● lorde For I me selfe saith y ● lorde shal make this conuenaunte promyse with thē y t is to saye My sprite w t whō I shal instructe y ● my wordis which I shal put into thy mouthe shall not fal frō thy mouth neth r frō the mouthes of thi childerne nor frō y e mouth of their childers chylderne here after into everlasting saith the lorde The .lx. Chap ARyse therfore haste y ● for thy lighte is come y e maiestye of y t lorde shal shyne vpon y e beholde for whiles the derke cloudes kov r therthe y e people y e lorde shal shyne ouer the his gloriouse maiestye shal apere with the. Then shall the gentils comeforth vnto thy lighte ād the kynges shal walke vnto the brightnes y t springethforth with the lyfte vp thy eyes roundaboute the beholde al these ar gath rde togith r come to the evē frō farre countres sonnes shal come to y e daughters shal flee vnto the on every syde then shalt thou perceyue be in prosperite thy harte shal reioyse be opened wyde even when the grete multitude of the sea shal be conuerted vnto y e y t is when the infinite noumber of the gētyls shal come vnto the aboundance of camels shall cover the Dromedares of Madian Epha shal cloye y e al y e Sabens shal come bringinge golde incense geuinge prayse to the lorde al the wylde beastes of Cedar shal come togith r to the y ● wethers of Nebaioth shal do y eseruice thei shal be offerde at y t altar which I haue chosen at y e house of my maiestye whiche I haue magnified lo who ar these y t come fleīg like cloudis doves to their wyndous also y e eylands shal be gatherd to me the shippes of the sea shal come togither to karye their childerne to the from farre countres with their golde syluer to y e honour of y e lorde thy god y ● maketh holye Israel magnifyethe y e Also straunge chylderne shal buylde thy walles ād their kinges shal ministre to the for when I was angrye I smyt y e when it pleaseth me I wyll haue mercy on y e. Thy gates shal stand open daye night they shal neu r be shyt y t y e multitude of y e gentyls myght cū to the their kinges be brought yn for bothe y e gētils y e people or kingdoms y e wyl not serue the shal peresshe be smyten downe with swerde even y e ryches of Libani shal be brought vnto y e as hyr Cypresse trees pyne trees Cedres al togither a lyke shal garneshe the place of my sanctuarye for I shal make y e place of my fete right honourable they y t sometyme scourged y e shal cū nowe hombly lowely to y e they y ● spake evell vpon the shal faldowne at thi fete cal the the cyte of y e lorde even y e holye Ziō of Israel Farthermore where as thow wast forsaken so odyouse y t noman wolde go thorowe y e nowe shal I make y ● clear goodlye for ev r right glad thorout al ages Thou shalt souke y e mylke of the gentyls be nouresshed at the brestes of kynges ād knowe y t I am the lorde thy sauioure y e stronge avenger of Israel for thy brasse I shal geue the golde for yerne syluer for wode brasse for stone yerne I shal geue y e peace to be thi rulers rightwysnes shal be thy lawiers The r shalneth r roberye nor extorsion be hardof eny more in thy costes nether destruccion nor losse with in thi region thi walles shal be called helthe thi gates named prayse The sonne shal no more be thy seruante to ministre to the lyghte be daye nether y e mone be nighte but y e lorde shal be thi continual lighte thi god shal be thi clearnes thi sonne shal nomore go downe nor thi mone enymore be hyd for y e lorde shal be thy perpetual lighte thy moorninge dayes shal haue an ende ād be matched with gladnes al thi people shal be innocent iuste possesse y e lande for ev r thei shal be y e flow r of my plantīges my nowne handye worke in whom I wyl glorye y e leste shal encrese into a thousande y e laste shal growe into a right stronge nacion I the lorde shal spede this thinge in hyr tyme. The .lxi. Chap. The spirit of the lorde god is with me for y e lorde hath anoīted me hath sente me to preache to y e meke afflicte in harte to bīdevp to
heale the woundes of y e broken in harte to sheweforth delyueraunce to thez y t ar in captiuite to opene y e presone to thē y t arī bondes to publesshe y e tyme of grace remission apointed of y e lorde y e tyme wheryn our god wylbe auenged of his aduersares to counforte al y t moorne to geue thez y t sorowe in Ziō fayernes for asshes glad ointement for their sorowing y e ioyful garment of thankis geuīge for their heuye mynde y t they might be called excellent in rightwisnes ād a budde newe spronge oute to magnifye y e lorde y t they mought restore places desolate occupye olde forlaten houses buylde agene destroyed cytes wylde groundes of lōge tyme paste y t y e aliauntes mought stāde feade your flockis straungers be your tylmen vyneplanters y t you might be called y t prestes of y e lorde y t men mought cal yow y e ministers of our god y ● you mought eate the substāce of the gētils take your plesurs of their aboundaunce for your grete confusion ignomynye thei shal reioyse to haue lyke ꝑte with you to deuyde the riche heretage in their lande y t thei myght haue gladnes for a longe ceason for I am y e lorde y e loueth equite hate roberye ye althoughe a man wolde brene it offere it vp to me also I shal make y t their workis shal be done of trw faith I shal sin ite a ꝑperual bargē w t thē their yssue shal be knowne of the gētils their posterite in the myddis of y e people all y t se thē shal know y ● thei ar y ● blessed sede of y e lorde wh rfo r I ioy excedīgly ī y e lorde soule leapeth for ioye in my God for he clothe me with the garmentes of the sauinge helth shal kouer me with y e mātel of innocencye I shal be lyke a brydegrome comely arayede lyke y e bride rychely apparelde in hyr ornamentes for lyke as ther the bringeth forth hir settes y e gardē hir seades even so shal y e lorde god make rightwysnes godly worshipe spring forth before al nacions The .lxij. Chapiter WHerfor for Ziōs sake I shal not reste for Ierusalems plesure I shal not ceasse vntil hir rightwisnes be comforth shewed lyke y e shyning lighte hir sauinge helthe brenneth like a laumpe For y e gentyls shal se thy rightwysnes al kinges shal beholde thy glorye and shal call y e be a newe name which y e mouthe of y e lorde shal declare thou shalt be lyke a beutiful crowne in y e hande of y e lorde as a kynges dyademe yn y e hande of thi god thou shalt nomore be called y e forsaken neth r shal thy lande be called enymore y e desolated But thou shaltbe called Hephziba that is to saye my beste beloued ād thy lande shal be called Beula that is to saye my wedded wyfe For the lorde is anambred on the ād thy lande shal be maryed to hym thy very housbonde as y e yongman marieth to him a mayden s● shal thy chylderne be maryed vnto the lorde as y e brydegrome is ioyouse ouer the bryde even so shal thy god be ioyouse vpon the. Vpon thy walles O Ierusalez shal I set watche men whiche shalnot ceasse daye nor nighte preachinge the lorde Farthermore euen yow y t are of the comen people shalnot ceasse in noman r wyse vntyl Ierusalē be repayerde tyl she be made the moste prayse worthye in al the erthe The lorde hath sworne by his righthande by the strength of his arme that he wyl nomore geue thy whete īto meate for thy enymes ne th r thy swete wyne for the which thow haste sore swette into drīke for straunge chylderne but they y t gathe r it shal eate it also geue thankes to the lorde and they y t gath r it togith r shal drīke it also in y e porches of my sanctuarye Stande abacke get ye a syde which stāde ī y e gates geue rome o prople prepare y e waye take awaye al ftōblīge stones setvp a signe for y e people for beholde the lorde telleth forth these good tydīges vnto y e vttermoste partes of the erthe Saye ye daughters vnto Zion beholde thy Sauiowr is come Beholde he hath brought withe hym his riches and his noble actes go before hym they y ● shal be redemed of the Lorde shal be called the holye people and euen thow shalt be called the gretely haunted populose cyte ād thou shalt nomore be called the forsaken The .lxiij. Chap. THen shal it be sayd who is this y t cometh frō Edom his clothes thus dyed with y e red of Bozra who is this y t goth so myghtely so cōely in his cote armoure I am he I tel you that warnethe speaketh rightwysnes am ryche to saue wherfo r then ar thy garments so red and thy clothes so wette as thoughe thou haddest troden in y e wyne presse The wyne presse I tel yow haue I troden al alone ād of al the people was there not one with me I trode I trode downe my enymes in my feruēt wrathe so y t they haue thꝰ sprinkled my clothes with their bloude haue thus spotted al my garmentes For y e daye of vengeaunce which I had conceyued in my harte and y e yeare wheryn I wold redeme is tōe I loked rounde aboute but there was not one helper I was destitute al hope but the r was not one that wolde sustayne me and then cleued I to my nowne arme and feruoure which helpte me and then I trode downe the people in my wrathe and bathed them so in my furye that theyr bloude ranne downe vpon the erthe The mercyes of y e lorde I shal remenbre geue hym thākes for all thīges which he hath geue vs y ● is to saye for the īnumerable goodnes done to the house of Israel whiche of his mercye and goodnes hath geuē it thē for he said verely these men shal be my people and these shal be y e chylderne which shal not go out of kynde For he was their Sauiour and brought it so passe that in al their tribulucion he wolde not suffer them to bescourged but wolde delyuer thē by his angel whō he sente thez And because he loued and pytyed thez he redemed he defended ād bore thē vp frome the beginnīge of y e tyme but althogh they so rebelled chafed his holy mynde that he wolde be turned into their enemye fight agēst thē yet he remembred the tyme paste he remembred even Moses his people how that he led thē oute frome the sea lyke as the shepherde leadeth his flocke ād how he gaue thē his holy goste he remembred howe he led Moses by his gloryouse arme takinge
〈◊〉 people there shal not be harde in hireny wepīge or kryinge neth r shal there be aftyr this eth r infant or olde mn y t haue not their ful dayes but y ● yōge mā at an C. years shaldye y e transgressour of an C. years shal be dāned they shall buylde houses īhabit thē thei shal plāte vynes eate of their frutes thei shal not edifie for a noth r to dwel in it neth r plante for a noth r to eate it but y e lyfe of my people y e workes of their hāds shal be as fresshe as y e tre of lyfe my chosen shal se many years shal not labour in vayne nor bring forth their frute w t trouble for thei ar y e blessed sead of y e lorde their yssue shal abyde w t thē y e tyme shal cū y t I wil answer thē befor thei cal on me I wil hear thē whyle thei ar yet but in cōceyuing their peticiō y e wolfe y e lābe shal fede togith r y e lyō shal eate haye w t y e oxe but y e erthe shal be meate for y e ●pēt ther shal be nomo r trouble nor plage in al my holy hil saith y ● lorde c. 66 THus saith y e lorde heauen is my seate y e erthe is my fote stole where then shal this house stōde which ye 〈◊〉 buylde me whe r is this place wherin Ishal rest whē my hādis made al these thing is thei ar rekened emonge y e thingis which ar made saithe y e lorde but to whō shal I loke euē to y e hōble in spirit which trēbleth at my speach for he y t slayeth an oxe slayeth a mā he y t slayeth a shepe hāgeth a dogge he y t offereth to me anvtwarde offerīg pleaseth me as wel as to offer me swynes bloude he y t īcēse me doth evē a lyke thīg as to pray se blesse an idole but these mē haue chosen these thīgis their myndes haue delighted ī these wayes abhominaciōs wh r for Ishal euē lykwise chose oute their skorners those thīgis y t thei feared I shal brīge on their neckis because y ● whē I called nomā wolde answ r whē I spake nomā wolde hear but they dyd euel ī my presens chosed those thinges which I reproue Hear y e worde of y e lord ye y e trēble fear at his speache your broth rn which hate abhorre you because ye cal on my name saye let y e lorde magnifye hī selfe y t we mought se your gladnes but siche mē shal be cōfūded ye euē now begīneth y e voyce of y e lorde as cōcernīg y e destrucciō of y e cyte tēple takīg vēgeāce rewarding his enemes to be harde like y e lamētatiō of a womā grete w t chylde before hir pāges labours cū whē she is brīgīgforth a mā childe who hath harde siche thīgis or who hath sene siche thīgis do y e erthe brīgforth al on a day or ar al folke borne at once as Ziō cōceyueth brīgethforth hir childern do I destroye or do I not rath r begette do I not begette do I not make barē saith god beg lad w t Ierusalē singe w t hir for ioye al hir louers reioyse w t hyr euen frō your hartes al hir moorners for ye shal souke be satisfyed at hir teatis of cōsolaciō ye shal souke be rep leneshed●xith hir gloriouse plētuousnes for thꝰ spake y e lorde Lo I shal lede forth peace to hyr lyke af loude y e pow r of y e gētils shal I ledeforth lyke a gret rysing wat r ye shal souke th r for be borne in hir bosome dāsedvpō hir knees for I shal cōfort you euē in Ierusalē shal you receyue cōsolaciō as of a moth r cōforting hyr sonne whē ye se this your hartis shal ioye ād your bones shal floureshe lyke a grene plāt y e lordes ●uāt shal prayse his pow r his enymes shal he threaten For lo y e lorde shal cū in fyer his chariets lyke a whirlewinde w t grete fury to avēge in his wrath he shal cū in y e flame of fyer for w t fyer w t his swerde shall he iuge eu ry flessh his welbe loued slayne for his sake shal be ēcresed but they y ● vowed to make theyr selfe cleane in groues thei y ● eat opēly emōge thē selfe hoggis flessh my se sich o th r abhominable vnclennes shal be takē awaye altogith r saith y e lorde for I shal cū to gath r togith r bothe ev ry naciō tōge th●ir studyes workis thei shal cū semy maiestye Also I shal geue thē a tokē sende some of my chosen to y e gētyls as to y ● Cylicks Lybes Lydees which ar noble archers I shal sende to Italye Grece to y e fardest eylāds w ch yet h●rd not my preaching nor saw my glory they shal preach my glorye emōge the gētils brīging al your broth rn frō y e multitude of y e gētils to be an oblaciō to y e lorde thei shal brīge thē on horse in wagēs chariets on mules ī cartes to Ierusalē my holy hyl saith y e lorde no noth r wyse thē y e chyldern of Israel we r wont to bring their oblaciōs into y e house of y e lorde in clene vessels out of thē shal I take some preestes leuytes saith y e lorde for as this newe heauē erth w ch I shal make shal abyde in my presens saith y e lorde even so shal your seade your name abyde also th r shal be ꝑpetual festes of y e newe mones ꝑpetual sabbath days euery flessh shal cū to worshipe befo r me saith y e lord thei shal goforth to beholde y e kariōs of y e synners agenst me for y e worme of thē shal nev r dye their fyer shal nev r be quēched theish albe lothed of every flessh The ende of y e prophecye of Isaye ¶ Printed in Straszburg by Balthassat Beckenth in the year of our lorde 1531. the .x. daye of Maye 4. Re. 15 Iud. vij ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞
Isaye in the .lxj. chap. redde saynge The spirit of god is with me for the lorde hathe anoynted me and sente me to preache his gospel to the poore afflicte troubled in mynde to byndup the woundis of thē y t ar wounded cōtrite ī harte to shewforth delyueraunce to men in captiuite to open y e preson to men in holde to publesshe the tyme of grace decreed of the lorde cetera And when he had redde he shitte the boke and restored it to y ● ministre of the Synagoge And nowe at the laste the worlde corrupte with the same Idolatrye ād lyke abhominaciō as it was in Isayes tyme at Christes comynge vhom therfore ther muste nedes abyde lyke destruccion captiuite if we be not captyue al redye God of his infinite goodnes hathe restored vs his prophete Isaye speakinge playne englysshe which haue ben locked vp longe in latyne so y t the laye mā I dare saye vnderstode hym not nor yet parauenture many that repute thez selfe learned Nowe maye we reade him for the moste parte gatherīge grete frute with oute eny grete glose so y t we bringe withe vs a pure harte purged from all carnall affects askynge vnderstandinge of god by whose spirit it was al spoken so that we knowlege oure vngodlynes our Idolatrye false worshipe with our lippes our hartes beinge farre frō god which hitherto haue rendred feare worship to him aftyr the doctryne and cōmaundemēts of men Isaye .xxix eth r syde y ● goodnes of god hath euer set godlynes erudiciō not this erudicion which is sone puftvp w t y ● hastye wynde of vaine glorie but y t which is īflāmed w t y e soft oyle of charite y t y e godlye lerned might mo r clearly se pearse thorowe y e vayne vysare of hypocrysy Fore wher cā suꝑsticiō byd hir selfe but godlynes wil finde hir out how cānot paīted eloquēce bolde babling but fear godlye erudicion ¶ Wherfore when it was so y t in Isayes tyme vyce raigned so sore but yet thorow y ● fauoure of hypocrysy it was taught for vertue curiouse fables walked in y t stede of goddis worde the lorde steredvp this heavenly witte whō he had made before to fighte agenste this wylye effeminate monstre with al hir longe tayle thinking it conuenient for y t state of y e worlde to brīgforth so wel apoynted a prophete agenste so delycate an enymye which prophete shulonot only fight w t strength but also with prudence polycye y t y ● spirit shuldnot wante his aparel y t because yn those dayes men studyed to painte their speache to coloure their wordes Wh r fo r his counsel which cannot be deceaued toke effect this prophete camforth a man right godly prudēt cōstāt vehement learned ientle wel nourtred of a singler witte which so stretched forthe al y e powers of his giftes agenst this visard hypocrysy effeminate skorner for y e poore chirches profite y e his godlynes w t erudicion his prudence with humanite his constancy with vrbanite his rebukinge with vehemence al togith r myght fight in their place ād tyme so y t if thou woldst esteme al the giftes of a prophete with pure iugement sette Isaye alone to whose faithful office of preaching prophecying god ioyned so excellēt erudicion grace gaue hym vnto vs vnto vs I saye not only to the people of Iuda Let vs therfore with thankes heare reade this godly Prophete diligently in whom we shal fynde the heavenly cleare solutions of al q̄stions pertayning to christen religion here shal roying his people Israel wēte drye shode thorou y e sea his enimes drowned we ar ledde suerly thorou y ● perellouse ieoperdes of this ī●et troublouse worlde so ful of persecution wheryn our Pharao this Leuiathā this Dragō playeth mocketh taketh his plesu r for a tyme Isaye .xxvij. but he is nowe in drownīge synking downe to y e botome lyke leade kylled w t y e breathe of goddis mouthe y t is to saye with his almyghty worde for now is y ● daye cū of y ● which Isaye thei r speaketh y ● y ● lorde shal viset this inuīcible serpēt Leuiathā w t his harde great mighty swerde y t is to saye w t his eu rlastinge worde which so mercifully nowe offred vs we do not only receaue but violētly resiste it w t swerde fyet wat r w t oth r īnumerable ītolerable tormētīges ignomynes Let vs know lege this greuouse offence cōmitted agēst god agēst his worde y ● professours therof we ar al synners wāte y e prayse as saith Paule Rom. iij y t shuldbe geuē of vs to gad y t is to saye we wāte y t faith whe rbi he wolde be glorifyed then praysle glorifye we God when we beleue y t christe is geuen vs to dye for our right wis makīge as testifyeth paule Roma iiij of Abraham which made stronge in faith gaue this prayse honour to god assuerd ād persuaded that he y t promised hym was able to performe it cet In this sentence is Isaye hole whom to heare faithfully to reade frely diligētly to vnderstande truly graunte vs our mercyful fath r which wolde al his electe to be saued come to the knowlege of y e trutheby his spirit of truthe Amen ¶ Burne nomore goddis worde but mē de it where it is not truly translated ¶ A note for the clearer vnderstandinge of the Prophete ¶ ye muste holde diligently in mynde y ● storye of these .iiij. kinges in whose dayes Isaye prophecyed which storye beginneth at the .xv. Chapiter of the fowerth boke of the kinges where Azarias called here Ozias beganne to raygne ād so forthe to y e raigne of Iosias rede also in the seconde boke of Paralipoin frome the .xxvj. to the .xxxviij. chap. ¶ The diuision of this boke accordinge to these .iiij. kinges what was prophecyed in eche of their dayes Vnder Ozias Isaye prophecied from y ● beginnīge of his boke vnto the .vj. chap Vnd r Iothā he sawe y ● visiō of y e .vj. cap. Vnd r Ahaz he prophecied frō the ende of y ● sixte vnto the ende of the .xiiij. cap. Vnder Ezechias he spake frōe the .xiiij. vnto the .xl. chapiter The reste vnto the ende of the boke we haue no certayntye wheth r he spake it vnd r Ezechias or in Manasses dayes his successou r But this is certayne that from the .xl. cap. vnto the .xlix. he prophecieth y ● storye of kinge Cyrus ād the deliueraunce out of y ● captiuite of Babylon from the .xlix. vnto y e bokis ende he prophecieth clearly with out eny figure of Christe of his chirche notwithstondinge yet vnd r y e for sayde kīges he mixte his sayīges w t many clea r prophecyingis of Christe and his kingdome
rockes of stone runne into the chynnes of the erthe frome the sight of the fearful iuge and frome the brightnes of his maiestye whiche casttehdowne the highe lokes of the proude men and layethe the stowte ful lowe which shal be alone aboue al exalted so mightely in the daye of vēgeaūce takīge For that daye of the lorde of powers shal take vengeaunce vpon al pryde stowtenes vpon al elacion oppression It shal reache vnto the highe Ceders of Libani and vnto the steffe okes of Basan it shal mete with al the highe mountayns and hylles and shal come by all the hyghe towers ād vnto every wall of defence it shal stretche vnto all the shippes of the sea vnto what so eueris goodly and plesaunte to be holde shal thrustedowne the proude countenaunce of man shal laye ful lowe his highe lokes For the lorde alone shal haue the victorye in that daye And the Idoles shal be vtterly destroyed Men shal krepe into dēnes of stone into the chynnes of the erthe from the face of the fearfuliuge frome the brightnes of his maiestye when he shal prepare him to come sinyte the erthe Then then shal mā castawaye his goolden goddes images of syluer which he had made hym to worshipe thē then shal he caste thē to molles backes that he myght the more spedely runne into these kaues of stone to hyde hym selfe in the rockes frome the face of the fearfuliuge and frome the glorye of his maiestye when he shal prepare him selfe to come smyte the erthe Cap. iij YE canne wel beware avoyde an haastye malencoly man whiche dothe all thīge in a gareshe furye Se then ye take here goode hede for it is y e lorde god of pow rs that is nowe angrye wil take a waye frome Ierusalē Iuda all substance ād strength almaner of sustenaunce both of meate drīke capytayne and souldier iuge Prophete the sage wyse senato r pety capytaynes and men in authorite lawyers and learned masters of workes ād oratours And I shal set babes saith y e lorde to be your princes and wylye effeminate skorners shal be your rulers And the people shal do wronge and violence one to a noth r even neghboure agenste neghboure the boye shal countroff the sage and the knave the noble Every mā shal set holde on his brother which is of his fathers famylye saying thou haste a good cote thow shalte be ower capytayne for thow maiste abyde this hevye bronte then shall he a non swere and saye I cannot remedie it for in my nowne house is ther nether meate nor moneye make not me then y e head of the people for Ierusalem shal fall and Iuda shal go to wrake for both their speach studye ād thoughtes all are agenste the lorde to prouoke the countenaunce of his maiestye to anger The hevye changing of their chere bewrieth and betrayeth them ye thei declare their owne synne lyke the Sodomytes neth r can thei cloke it wo be to their lyves for grevouse punyshmēt shal be their rewarde by which punishment they now thus taught at the laste shal saye Blessed ar the rightwyse for they shall eate the frutes of their studye But contrarywise wo be to the vngodly ād wykedman which shal be rewarded accordīge to the workes of his owne handes O my people ful gredye tyrauntes ād craftye brybers are thy rulers and weake wemen have the in subiection O my people thy leaders are deceyvers and leade the oute of y e waye thei trede oute the steapes of thy fete The lorde is comeforth to reason the matter he is redye to be iuge for the people for the lorde shal come to trye it by iugement withe the elders and rulers of his people sayinge ye haue brentevp my vyne yarde the spoyle of the poore is in your house wherfore stāpe ye thꝰ downe my people togith r grynde ye thꝰ togith r y e faces of the poore Euen thus shal the god of pow rs reproue these mē saying because the proude daughters of Zion go with so forth stretched neckes withe so false wynkinge eyes and with so wanten light behaviour therfore shal the lorde clippe the crownes of the daughters of Zion and so make bare their beutye in that daye and the lorde shal take from them the beuteful glory of their aparel their chaynes ād stomachers their partelettes their armelets and burlettes their costelye broydred clothes both gowne and kyrtel pomaunders muske balles and earinges ringes and frōtellettes set with goolde perle their chāges with their frockes their kerchews pinnes their glasses lawndes fillettes hearbendes And for their swete savours thei shal haue stynke for their costiouse girdles they shal go loose for their heare broyderd with goolde thei shal be balde and for their softe stomachers thei shal were sacke hayer fore their fayernes thei shal be sonne brēte yower housbondes even the moste strongest of thē shal be smyten downe withe swerde in batayle Their gates shal expresse their moorninge hevynes these kareful wemen shal sit vpon the grownde desolate and then shal seven we men set holde vpō one man sayinge what so euer meate ād substaunce we haue we bringe it here all togither to the in commune so that thou wilt let vs be thy wyves called aftyr thy name to take a waye oure obprobry and calamite The fowerth Chapiter AFter this shal there aryse that Ioyful floureshīg budde of the Lorde and this noble goodly frute of the erthe shal springe vnto those Israelites which shal escape ād be saued the reamnaunte that shal be lefte salfe in Zion and Ierusalem shal be called sayntes even all those in Ierusalem which are writen emōge the lyuinge men And then when the lorde hathe washed awaye the filthenes of the daughters of Zion with the blaste of his hotte vengeaunce hath pourged Ierusalem frome bloude the lorde shal create a clowde smoke be daye be nighte the brightnes of flaming fyer over every buyldinge of the hill of Ziō and over every congregacion rowndaboute it for it shal be defended withe all his gloriouse mighty power that it shulde be in tyme to come a tabernacle ād a shadewinge place be daye frome heate and also a refugye and shelter to hyde vs frō tēpestes rayne The fyfte Chapiter ANd nowe therfore wil I singe vnto my welbeloued frende a songe vppon his vyne yarde My welbeloued made hym a vyne yarde in a plesaunte and a plentuouse soyle whiche he closed rownde a boute withe a stone wall and he planted it withe the moste nobleste vyne In the middes of it he set vp a tower and made the r yn a wynepresse lokinge that it shulde make grapes it yilded thornes wherfo r nowe O ye citesens of Ierusalē al y ● ar of y e fonde of Iuda I reporte me vnto yowe decerne yowe betwene me and
my vyne yarde what thinge more coulde I haue done to my vyne yarde which I did not to it And wherfor then I lokinge y t it shulde haue yilded me grapes hath it brought me forth thornes Suerly I shal shewe you therfo r what I wil do to my vyne yarde I shal go breke vp hir fense y t she maye be robbed destroyed I shal thro downe hyr wall y t she maye be troden downe with mennis fete I shal leve hyr desolate al a lone noman to cut hyr nor yet to digge hyr She shal be overgrowne with bryers thornes I shal forbyd y ● clowdes to geve hyr eny rayne But yet y e vyne yarde of y e lorde of hostes is the house of Israel y e mē of Iuda ar his goodly plētuous plantes which when he loked for iugemēt lo al wasful of iniquite whē he loked for equite lo al was iniurye cōplayntes wo be to yow y t ioyne house to house ād laye felde to felde vntyl there be no more rome lefte for yowe as thoghe ye wolde haue y e worlde all a lone But y e lorde of pow rs roundeth me ī myn eare saying If these grete and fayer houses be not lefte a lone nomā dwelling in them ye a vyne yarde of .v. akres shal yilde but a fyrkyn of wyne of zo bushells of sede skāt shal aryse thre wo be to the haunters of dronkenes which ryse erly to drinke cōtinuinge in it tyl nighte beīg hot with wyne in whose bankets there are harpes and futes taberet pype washed with wyne but in the meane tyme the very worke of the lorde thei beholde not nether consyder thei what his hādes haue made Be cause therfore that my people hath no knowledge thei ar sone brought into captiuite their nobles are made thynne with honger and the proude multitude peresheth for thirste And for this cause the helles haue opened their vnsaciable throtes and their mouthes gape be yende mesure that thither mought descende pryde pompe riches and al that are addicte to these vices Thus is man plucked downe the stowte stoupeth and highe lokes are abated but the Lorde of powers and the holy god is exalted and stableshed into a gloriouse exēple of equite and rightwisnes that the poore lābes might be fed of the thinge apoynted thez and the stourdy strayīge rammes mought go graze vppon the baren deserte Wo be vnto these vayne skorners which drawe vnto them selfe wykednes as ye wolde saye with a lyne ād pluk synne also to them even with carte ropes in whose mouthes are al wayes the se sayinges let hym worke on faste that we might once se it let the mynde of Israels holy maker come to passe ād be once presente that we myght once knowe it Wo be vnto them that saye that thing to be evel which thei knowe to be good and that to be good which they knowe to be evel which reken derknes to be light and the lighte to be derknes that at is bitter they saye is swete ād swete to be bitter Wo be to thez that at wyse in their owne eyes and haue vnderstandinge in their owne iugemente Wo be vnto these grete drinkers of wyne and to men hardye to receyue dronkenes which absolue y e wiked for giftes and condempne the iuste for his rightwisnes wherfore lyke as y e tonge of the fyer licketh yn the stubble and as the flame consumethe the strawe even so their rote putrifyed the flow r of them shal vaynesshe a waye lyke duste which contempne the lawe of the lorde of powers and despyse the worde of hym that maketh holye Israel wherfore y e wrathe of the lorde is kyndled agenste his people and he hath turned his hande to smyte them that these hilles mought tremble and theire karcases mought lye stinkinge lyke dongehills in the highe wayes And yet after al this shal he nothinge abate his wrathe but shal yet farther stretche forth his hande shal geve a token to the straunge nacion a farreof whistelinge thē frome the fartheste partes of the erthe lo thei shal come a none that swyftlye There is not one wearye or faynte emonge them not one of them drowsye or sleapye their girdles a boute their raynes thei do not once slak nor yet vnlose the latchets of their shoes their arows are sharpe and their bowes redye bente their horse howves shode as sharpe as flyntes and the wheles of their charyets turninge lyke a whirlewinde This nacion roreth lyke a lyon and grenneth lyke the lyons whelpes they shal grenne and snatche vp their proye nether shal there be one that maye escape nor yet eny that maye delyuer them Thei shal grenne vpon the people of Israel at y t tyme like a fyerce sea Then if we beholde the erthe lo all shal be derkenes and no refugye If we beholde the starres lo they shal be derkened into ower hevynes with oute hope Ch. vi THe yeare in the whiche Dzias the kynge dyed I see the Lorde sittinge in an highe seate all aboue and the trayne of his robe filled y ● temple And the Seraphims apered above ouer him and eche of them had siye winges with two of their wīges thei kouerde their faces with two thei kouerde their fete and withe the tother two they flewe and they kryed to eche other sayinge Holy holy holy is y e lorde of powers all the erthe be fulfylled with his gloriouse maiestye ye and the postes with their windowes were moued at the voyce of these angels kryinge y e same house was ful of smoke then sayde I Ah lasse for I was a stonned in asmych as I me selfe beynge a man hauynge polluted lippes and conuersaunte withe people hauinge also polluted lippes yet not withstandinge had sene with my eyes a kinge even the lorde of powers Then one of the Seraphims flwe vnto me bringinge a quicke cole taken srome the alter with a payer of tonges and he touched my lippes saynge these wordes beholde as sone as this cole hath touched thi lippes thy in iquitie is gone and thy sinne is purged Farthermore I harde the voice of the lorde takinge aduysmente on this maner whome shal I sende Or who shal go on ower message And then answerde I lo here at your plesure to sende me And he sayde Go thy wayes and saye vnto this people ye shal heare verely and yet shal ye not vnderstonde and ye shal see playnly but yet shal ye not knowe Make grosse and fatte the hartes of this people make thicke their eares and kover their eyes leste thei see with their eyes or heare with their eares or vnderstande with their hartes ād so be conuerted and saued And here I begane to speake for them sayinge howe longe my lorde vntil the cytes sayde he be destitute their dwellers not a man lefte in the houses and the grownde be layed voyde For ful farre shal the lorde baneshe the men and there shal
nomore be a cyte but throne downe into an heape of stones The cites of Aroer shal be turned into pasture layers for flockes of shepe ād other heardes so that noman shal fraye them a waie Ephraim shal nomore be strōge defensed Damascus shal be nomore a kingdome Also the glorye of the lefte cytes of Syrie shal be lyke the glorye of the chylderne of Israel saith the lorde of powers then shal the glorye of Iacob be ful thynne and the well lykinge of theire fatte bodyes shal be full leane For they shal be lyke a gatherer of corne yet stādinge after the sykle which reapeth down the handfulles withe his Arme but when he gathereth or thrusteth them togither even in the valye of Rephaim yet he levethe som what for the gleaners they shal be lyke one beatingeof olyve beryes which yet leveth two or thre beryes in the toppe and not passinge fower or fyve in all the other bouwes saithe y e lorde god of Israel Then shal man returne vnto his maker and his eyes shall loke vnto hym that maketh holye Israel and shall not loke vnto Altars the worke of theyr handes neth r shal he beholde those thinges whiche his owne fyngers made nether wordes nor ymages Then shal the stronge cytes be lefte desolate as were the ploughes harows sometyme of the chananites for feare of the chylderne of Israel Because thou hast forgoten god thy saviower and not remembred thy stronge rocke therfore hast thou planted the so fayer settes and sowne the so straunge seades When thou plantedste them thou waste riche and in thy flowers and beleuedste to haue had fulerlye frutes of thy seade But when the tyme shall come to gather and to possesse them thou shalt reape right plentuouse afflicciō and sorowe Wo be to this confuse clustre and monstrose multitude of so prowde people swellinge lyke the sea whiche haithen hoste ryseth vp lyke a fearce water But let this heady folke be they never so many neuer so vnrulye and lawles swell yet as sone as the Lorde blameth them and sette agenste them thei shall flee full farre a waye and shal be wynnowed of the wynde lyke the duste of y e drye mountayne and lyke a whirlewynde at the comynge of a storme For lo lyke as at the eveninge thei were mervelouse terrible so before the morninge shal thei begone This is the very ende of them that scourge vs this is the rewarde of them that robbe vs of ower goodes Chap. x viij WO be to the lande whose shippes are so swyfte which lande lyeth one thys syde of the flowde of Ethiopye which sendeth ambassiatours by the sea and that in shippes of reedes and bulrushes put vpon the waters saynge Go yower wayes ye messagers vnto a y e pyssed ād ragged nacion people more fearfull then owers and farre vnlyke a vyle nacion litel set bye whose lande the floudes devyde But o ye all that dwel vpon the erthe and inhabit the rownde worlde take hede and loke when ye se the signe lyfted vp to yowe in the hylles and when ye heare the trompetes blowne vp to bataile For thus sayd the Lorde to me I laye downe to reste consyderynge withe my selfe yn my house in the myddaye when it was full warme lyke as a genste a shower of rayne as it is wonte to be in haruest ceason but yet before the corne be redye to reape and the clusters of grapes be perfitly rype and the r was one which kutdowne the clusters with a kutting knyfe and he kut a waye even the branches also and toke them a waye the resydwe were lefte as well fore the fowles of the mountayns as for the beastes of the felde that y e fowles myght lye there all the somer ād the beastes of the feldes all wynter And then shall the r be offred the Lorde of powers a gyfte of y e pild ragged nacion and dredfull people farre above vs a vyle nacion ād troden vnd r fote Whole landes y e flowdes deuyde vnto the lorde of powers I saye these gentyles shal be offerd at the place consecrated vnto his name even at y e mounte Zion Chap. xix THe heuye afflicion which y e lorde shewed to Isaye vppon Egypte Beholde the lorde shal come rydinge vpon a swyfte clowde into Egypte at whose cominge the Idols of Egypte shal sheake ād the harte of Egypte shal faynte in hyr owne bodye For I shal set the Egipcions saith the lorde one agenste a nother so that euery man shal fyght with other even brother agenste brother cyte agenste cyte kyngdome agenste kyngdome and the breath of Egypte shal be broken in hyr belye and I shal scater hyr counsel when she shal go aboute to aske it of hir Idols wytches soth sayers and diuyners I shal betake Egypte into the handes of cruel lordes and a violente kinge shal rule thē saith the lorde god of powers The waters of the sea shal synke awaye and Nilus shal be dryedup their flowdes shal be dronke vp and their dykes and brooks shal be ful shalowe and fayle reed and rushes shal be wytherdvp the medewes ād all the feldes a boute Nilꝰ which wer wonte to wexe grene at the openinge of hyr lippes shal be dryed vp and of no valwe The fyshers shal morne ād al that were wonte to laye hokes bende nettes at their waters shal lamente the spynners and makers of lynyne the sylke wemen with y e weavers therof shal be begerde and cōfunded At that made pondes ād stwes shal breke vp their bankes Also the counsells of the folesshe princes of Zoan the wyse counsel of Pharao shal be turned al into felyshnes Howe dare ye then be so bolde to saye vnto Pharao I am come of a wyse stocke ād I am of an auncyāt noble bloude where nowe where I praye the are thy wyse men let them tell the nowe I praye the what y e lorde entendeth and hath thought to do with Egipte The folyshe prīces of Zoan and the prowde princes of Mempheos begylde Egipte with their noble hyghe stocke The lorde shall mingle the sprite of erroure emonge thez that then shulde seduce Egipte in all thinges even as the dronken and vomytinge man is brought oute of the waye Egipte shal want counsel to convaye hyr causes she shal not knowe where she shal beginne nor where she shal make an ende whether it be vpon y e lande or sea Then shall Egipte be lyke wemen fearfull and astōned at y e lyftinge vp of the hāde of the lorde of powers which he shall lyftup agenst hyr Also te lande of Iuda shal be a thondreclappe to Egipte so that who so euer mynde hyr to Egipte she shal a non be sinayde with feare at y e counsel of the lorde of powers whiche he hath decreede agenste hyr Then shall there be .v. cytes in the lande of Egipte which shal speake the Chananytes tonge and shal be sworne vnto y e lorde of powers
of the which one is called Heliopolis Also then shal there be an altar for y e lorde in the myddes of Egipte entytlede to the lorde to be into a signe and testymonye for the lorde of powers in y e lande of Egipte y t when thei krye vnto him for feare of their oppressours he mought sende them a saviowr and a guyde which mought delyuer them The lorde shal knowe the Egypcions ād agene the Egipcions shal knowe the Lorde then shal thei worship him with sacryfices gyftes They shal vowe vnto the lorde and performe it Thus shal the lorde smyte the Egypcions and heale them agene thus shal they be conuerted to the lorde and thus shal he be merciful vnto them and shal heale thē Then shal the waye be comenly hawnted frome Egypte to Assyria and the Assyrions shal come to the Egypcions and Thegypcions agene to them thei shall both worshippe one God Then shal Israel with Egipte Assyria make all thre one blessed trinite in the myddes of the erthe which trinite the lorde of powers shal blesse saynge Blessed be Egipte my people blessed be the Assirions y e worke of my handes ād blessed be Israel my inheretaunce Chap. xx IN the yeare that Thartan came to Azotum sente of Sargon kynge of the Assyrions and had wonne by bataile and taken Azotum y e lorde spoke vnto Isaye the sonne of Amoz thus saynge Go and draw of thy sacke frome thy loynes and lose thy shoes frome thy fete which so doynge wente naked and bare fote And the lorde sayd y e nakednes and barefote goinge of my seruante Isaye is a token ād a fore shewinge of a woundrefull thinge that shall fall vpon Egypte Ethiope aftyr thre dayes for so shall the kynge of Assyrye dryve the captyues of Egypte and the baneshed of Ethiope both yonge and olde shall he dryue awaye naked and barfote and shal vnkouer the arses of thegipcions beinge ashamed of the Ethiops and Ehethiops of thegypcions and then shall the dwellers of this eylonde saye is this ower hope vnto whom we fled for helpe to be delyuerde frome the kinge of Assyrye howe shal we escape The .xxi. Chapiter THe grevouse affliccion of y e wylde sea There is an hevye vision shewed me lyke as when a storme brought frome the southe comethe owte frome the deserte that terrible lande Babylon shal be beseged rownde aboute and shal be vtterlye destroyde Come vp Elam besege it Mede all theyr syghes shal I swage At these wordes my raynes were a stoned and panges came vpon me lyke the pāges of a woman travelinge of chylde When I harde this I fell downe when I se it I was amased My harte trembled and panted I shoke for feare because this thīge was derke to me al my wittes wer a stonned For even this noyse was harde also let the table be layed sodenly and the watche wel apoynted eate drynke aryse capytaynes and take ye to bukler ād shylde Then thꝰ sayd the lorde to me Go ād set vp a spye that shal tel what he se which when he hadde diligently loked rownde aboute he espyed a cowple of men cominge rydinge togither one of an asse and tother of a Camel and this spye kryed lyke a lyon O my master I haue stande here besely watchinge all daye ād haue kepte my stadinge diligently al this nighe to And lo there are come a cowple of the which one hath brought this message and sayd Babylon is fallen Babylon is fallen in very dede and all the karued graven Images of their Goddis ar braste agenste the grounde these are the tydinges o my felawes in worke and offyce whiche I haue harde of the Lorde of powers to shewe vnto yowe The heuye affliccion of Dume Me thought I harde a noyse of one kringe frome Seir saynge watche man what haste thou espyed this mighte watche man what haste thou espyed this nighte which me thought answerde The daye is come and the night shall come agene and if ye be so desyerouse to knowe come agene then ād aske The hevye affliccion layed vpon the Arabens ye shall lodge all nyght in the wode in the waye to Dedamin but o ye cytesēs of Theme bringeforth water for the thyrstye and mete ye the men in slyght withe vytel for thei shal flee frome the face of yerne even frome the edge of the naked swerde frome the presens of the bente bowe ād frome the edge of the sette felde cominge vpon them for thus hath the lorde spoken vnto me Aftyr this yeare al the power of Cedar shall haue an ende even lyke the goinge forth of the seruyce of an hyerde man his yeares nowe serued oute and the reamnaunte of the Archers of Cedar shal be thruste into a ful narowe straighte For it is the Lorde God of Israel that hath spoken it Chap .xxij. THe hevye affliccion of the vale of the vision What ayeldeth yowe thus al togither to clyme vp vpon yow r house toppes O cyte ful of woundringe and running togither on heapes whiche sometyme hast ben so welthy a towne ye are yet a lyue and yet areye but as slayne men with swerde in bataile for al your capytayns ar fled on horsebacke oute of boweshote ye al thy princes are slipte a waye and fledde ful farre frome the. When I harde these thinges I sayde Go yowrr wayes frome that I myght wepe bitterlye nether be yow aboute to conforte me as concerninge the destruccion of my people For this is the daye of tribulacion downtredinge and confuse perplexite of y ● vale of the vysion the lorde god of powers so throing downe hyr walles that the noyse rebowndeth agenste the mountayns And I sawe y ● Elamytes takinge to them their quyvers and the horse men with their Charietes bēdinge their selves to fyghte ād Cir made bare their shyldes Thy chosen valeys were filled with chariets and the horse men assayled boldely the gates Then the beutiful deckinge of Iuda was taken a waye and the house of ordinaunce made with the tymber of lybani was layed wyde open then shall ye se thorow chynnes into euery korner of the cyte of Dauid yt shal be so sore shaken ād rente and ye shall gather to gither the waters of the lower pole ye shall also tell the houses of Ierusalem and breke them downe to defende the walles and ye shal be compelled to make a dyke betwene the two walles withe the waters of the olde pole hauinge no consyderacion of the firste makinge there of nor yet of y ● porpose of hyr first maker Farther more in those dayes the Lorde god of hostes shall cal yow to wepinge and moorninge to tearing of yower heare of yower heades and to wearinge of sacke whyles lo some men laughe and make mery slaing oxen and shepe eating flesshe and drinkinge wyne saynge let vs eate and drynke for we shall dye to morowe whiche thinge when it came to y ● eares of the
songes sunge thorowte all the erthe into the prayse of the rightwouse And I me selfe saye Oh my barennes oh my penurye ah lasse for sorowe all the worlde is ful of vngodly synners ye and that of siche synners which synne even of a set porpose so boldelye Wherfo r feare and drede pitte and snare gape fore the O dweller vpon y e erthe so that he that wolde fle to avoyde the fearfull voyce muste fall into the pitte and if he krepeth oute of the pitte he shal be taken in the snare For the wyndowes of heaven shal be opened and the foundacions of the erthe shal be shaken togither The erthe shall geue a meruelouse cracke the erthe shal be sore broken the erthe shal be violently shaken in sondre y e erthe shall stacker lyke a dronken man and be borne ouer lyke a tente For hyr synne shal lye full hevye vpon hyr and she shall fall never aftyr to aryse And then this thing shal come the lorde shall vyset the prowde sprytes of the ayer that are above and the kinges of the erthe that inhabit the erthe and these shal be gatherde togither as men in bandes to be caste into doungens and shit vp in presons and be punysshed for ever Even the mone shal be then ashamed the sonne shal be confounded when y e lorde of powers shall raigne in the mounte Zion in Hierusalem accōpaned with so gloriouse a sage multitude Ch. xxv LOrde thou arte my God I shall extoll the and magnifie thy name for thou doist thinges to be merueld at accordinge to thy auncyaunte counsells both faste and faithful For thou turnest grete cytes into heapes of erthe stronge defensed townes into ruyne and the houses of the vngodly thou pluckeste oute of cytes neuer to be restored wherfore even the rude people muste nedes glorifye the and the cytes of the cruel gentyles muste feare the. For thou arte the weake mannis strength and the poore mannis myght when he is in destresse thou arte a refugye in tempestes a shadwe in heate and where the hastye violence of tyraūtes breke yn lyke a whyrlewynde there thou settest yn thy selfe agenste them lyke a stronge wall Thou arte to them lyke y e drowght in the deserte It is thou that swagest the swellinge boldenes of y e vngodly thou puttest awaye the heate withe the shadwe of a clowde and cuttest awaye the violent lyke a vyne twygge Farthermore y e lorde of hostes shal feste al y e people in this hyl he shal make thē a plentuouse a delicate feste of y e moste fattest ful of marye with y e moste beste eldest wyne he shal take awaye y e veyle in thys hyll even y e veyle y ● hāgeth before y e face of al y e people y e koverīge which koverth y e face of al y e gentils deth shal he vtterly devower y e lorde god shal wype awaye y e teares frō everi mānes face y e opprobrye of his people thorowt al y e worlde shal he take away for it is y e lorde y t spake it Also men shal saye in this daye Beholde this is ow r god we haue trusted in hym he hath saued vs this is the lorde in whom we-beleued let vs nowe reioyse and beglad in his sauinge helthe for it was his hande that favourde this hill But Moab shal be alto broken of hym as small as chaffe to be caste into the donghill fore he shall stretche forthe his handes agenste hym even lyke a swymmer when he swymmethe and he shall thruste downe hys pryde by the vertwe of his power he shal make his highe walles of defence to rele and laye them ful lowe vpon the grownde and smyte them to powlder Chap. xxvj And then shal this songe be sunge in the lande of Iuda We haue a stronge cyte a saviour is hyr walles and hyrbolwerke Opene ye hyr gates that the rightwous folke and the lovers of faithfulnes moughte enteryn Thow whiche arte bothe Master ād workman shal frame togither peace even y e very peace I tell yow for in the men truste Truste in y e lorde for euer for he bendeth downe the stately cytesen the prowde cyte he castethe to the grownde in processe bringeth it into duste to be troden vnder y e fete even of y ● poore nedyons Thou lorde ponderste the pathe of the ryghtwyse whether it be iuste and whether his waye be eaven wherfo r we meruelat y e pathes of thy iugements for in thy name at the rememberaunce of the mannis soule is fedde I desyer y e be nyght with al my harte and with all my mynde and spirit with yn me I haste me to the for a non as thy Iugements were publesshed in the worlde the inhabitours therof lerned rightwysnes but the vngodly when he had once goten mercye he lerned not ryghtwysnes but as sone as he is correkte he synnethe the more and feareth not the maiestye of y e Lorde Lorde thei wilnot see thy hyghe power but the tyme shall come that they shall see it and be confounded whē thou shalt devower them by the indignacion of the people and by the fyer of thy enymes But emōge vs Lorde thou shalt set peace for it is thou y t workest and fyneshest all thinges in vs bothe ower thoughtes and ower deades O Lorde ower god althoughe straunge Lordes contrarye to the haue ben rulers over vs yet not with standinge we remember the only and beare thy name ī ower myndes The cruell Tyrauntes whiche are nowe dede lyue not nether ar they rekened in the resurreccion of the faithfull For thou haste so visited and destroyed them that all their memorial shulde pereshe But contrary wyse thy folke Lorde thou haste encresed thou haste encresed thy people glorified and magnified them thorowte all the coostes of the erthe Lorde in their tribulacion they seke the Affliccion and sorowful complayninge are to them thy nourteringe but in the meane tyme as a woman grete withe chylde when hyr tyme is come trauelleth and kryeth for anguyshe and payne euen so are we Lorde in thy sighte we conceyue we trauel and in a maner we bringeforth helth thorowe the spyrit leste therthe shouldbe destroyed and the dwellers ther yn shulde peresshe But thy dede men lyue and ower deare beloued are in the resurreccion Thei are awake and right glad which lye in the duste For thou waterest them with the dewe of light and lyfe but the habitacion of the violente is fallen awaye Go yower waye therfore my people into yower secrete closets ād shit the dore aftyr yowe abyde and suffre even but a momente tyl the wrathe bepassed over For lo the lorde shall comeforth of his place to vyset the wykednes of thinhabitours of the erthe which erthe shall disclosse whose bloude so ever she hath dronke and shal hyde no lenger hyr slayne persons Cha .xxvij. THe tyme
in it let y e worlde heare and al thinge that springeth oute of it for the lorde is angrye with all nacions and his wrathe is so kyndled agenste the power of them that he wyll curse them and be take thē to dethe so that theire karions shal be throne awaye to lye and stynke and the mountaynes shal be whasshed with their bloude fore even the beutifull power of the heavens shal be consumed and shal be layed wyde opene lyke a boke vnder the skye so that all their beuteful aparel shall fall downe lyke leaves frome the vyne and frome the fygge tre For even in the heauens wil I bathe my swerde and from thense shal it descende straight to Idumea and to the people whom I haue apoynted to my vengeaunce Then shal the swerde of the Lorde be bathed in blowde and in the fatte and blowde of lābes and gotes and shal be noynted with the fatte of the wethers kydneys for the Lorde shal slaye a grete sacrifice in Bozra and in the lande of Edom whe re the vnicornes and stowerdye bulles the whiche is to saye the mightye men of power shal be smytendowne and the erthe shal be wasshed with theyr bloude and y ● grounde shal be dounged with their fatte kydnes ye the daye of goddis vengeaunce and the yeare where in thy stowerdenes shal be rewarded shal come vpon the O Zion and thy brokes shal be turned into pitche and thy grounde into brymstone with whiche thy soyle shal be so sore brente that nether daye nor night maye it be quenched but it shal smoke ever It shal be drye frome age to age and noman shal passe over it for evermore but oestroges ibices ouls ravens shal inhabit it for the lorde shal meate it forth with the lyne of destruccion and waye it withe the waighte of wastynge and then if thow callest hykinges they shall no where apere fore even all hyr princes shal be broughte to naught then shal hyr palaces bringeforthe bryers and thornes nettels and sowthystels shall growe where hyr walles and castells stode and thus shal they be dennes fore dragons and palace● for struthyons there shall sprytes lyk● monstrose bestes apere to eche other āl the roughe wodouses shal call there for eche other also there shal come these lamyes to take their reste Erchyns shal there make their nestes lye they shal make them dennes and nouryshevp their whelpes thyther shal Gryphes be gatherd every on to his mate Serche ye the scripture of the lorde and reade it for there is not one of these thinges that shal fayle there is not one worde but shal be fulfylled all a lyke fore what he commaundeth with his mouthe they are finesshed by his spirit loke to whom he dealeth his heretage and deuydeth it withe his owne hande or meate it owte with a lyne that muste nedes abyde faste for ever so that they muste dwell in it frome age to age Chap. xxxv THe desertes and wyldernes shal be glad y ● drye lande also shal reioyse and flouresshe lyke a lyle It shal flouresshe righte plesantly it shal laughe and reioyse more and more and be beutyfull to beholde For the beutye of Libanus shal be geven hyr the come lynes of Charmelus and Sarone also shall she haue the Gentyles shall knowledge the glorye of the lorde and y ● magestye of ower God Be therfore counforted ye syke handes and be steffe ye faynte knees speake vnto the faynte harted saynge be bolde and stronge and feare not Beholde yower God shall come to avenge yowe and to rewarde yowe ye he shal come to saue yowe And then shal the eyes of the blynde be illumined and the eares of the deffe shal be opened Then shal the lame leape lyke an harte and the domme tonge shall speake prayse Fountayns and springes shal breke forth in the deserte and swete ryuers in the drye lande so that the drye lande shal have hyr pondes ād the thirstye erthe hyr quycke springes In the same dennes where the dragons laye shal growe swete flowers and grene rushes There shall lye bypathes and the kinges highe waye whiche shal be called even the holy waye A polluted man shall not passe thorowe it for the Lorde hym selfe shall go withe them thorowe the same waye that fooles go not oute of it here shal be no lyō nor eny other nyouse beste shall come vp to this waye or befownde yn it but ryght suer shall the passage be also they that shal be redemed of the Lorde shal be turned and come vnto Zion with prayse shal haue euerlastinge Ioye gladnes solace shal acompany them but hevynes and sorowe shal be fled awaye The .xxxvi. Chapiter IT came to passe that in the .viiij. yeare of kinge Ezekias Senherib Kinge of the Assyrions wolde come vp to conquere and to take al the noble and stronge cytes of Iuda Wherfore this Assyrius sente Rabsacen frome Lachis to Ierusalem vnto Ezekias withe a grete hoste which Rabsace when he had layed his hoste at the sluse of y ● ouer pole in the waye to the fullers felde there cameforth vnto hym Eliakim the sone of Helkie president of the towne house Sobna the scrybe and Ioas the secreterye sonne vnto A saphe vnto whome Rabsace spake thus Go yower wayes I praye yow and tel Ezekias howe that the grete kinge of Assprye hathe spoken these same wordes what is this thy confidence to which thou stekest so faste Arte thow so folyssh hardye to thinke to haue counsel and power to wage batayle other in whome nowe at laste trustest thow so myche that thow darest rebel agenste me I shal tel the thou trustest to the ayed ād vpholdinge of this broken reede that is to an Egypcion to the which reede whoso ever leaneth he pearseth his hande and boreth it thorowe Fore even siche on is Pharao kinge of Egypte to al that truste vpon hym but if thou wylt saye we truste in the lorde ower God a suer truste in dede to truste in hym whose highe places and alters Ezekias hathe taken awaye commaundinge Iuda and Ierusalem to worshipe befor this alter Be it in case I praye the that I shulde geve the now notwithstandinge thy bargayn made withe my Lorde the kinge of Assyrye two thousand horses art thou able yet of thy selfe to mā them And howe is it then that seinge thou arte not able to abyde the violence and power even but of one of the leste princes of my Lorde yet not withstandinge wylte thou truste to the horse men and chariets of the egypcions Thinkest thou that I of my nowne heade am come vp hither to destroye this lande It was my Lorde that commaunded me saynge Go thy wayes vp to that lande ād destroye it Then spake Eliakim Sobna and Ioas vnto Rabsacen speake vnto vs thy seruaunts I praye the in the Syre tonge for we vnderstande that languege and speke not to vs in the Iwes languege leste the people nowe
beinge at the walles heare Whome Rabsices answerde Why thinke ye that my Lorde sente me only to yow and to your Lorde to saye this message and not rather to these kareful miserable men that sitte vpon the walls that they shulde not be constrayned to eate theire owne dyrte and to drynke their owne pisse with yow Rabsace therfore proceded stefly in his oracion kryinge with a lowde voyce in the Iuwes tonge saing heare what the grete king the Kinge of the Assyrions commaundeth Thus cōmaundeth the kinge take hede leste kinge Ezekias deceyue yowe for it lieth not in his power to defende yowe Nether let hym persuade yow to truste in his lorde affirminge that y ● Lorde with oute doute wyl delyuer you and that this cyte shal not be delyuerde into the handes of the kinge of Assyrye se that ye obaye not Ezekie for thus promyseth yow the kynge of Assyrie If ye wyll beare me so myche favoure as to forsake hym and turne to me every man shal enioye styll his owne vyneyarde his fygge trees and euery man shal drinke the waters of his owne pytte vntyl I shal come and leade yow vll to a lande as good as is this yowers even a lande wheryn is plentye bothe o whete and wyne ye a lande al redy sowne withe al maner corne and planted with y e beste vynes Take good hede y t Ezekias deceyve yowe not saynge the Lorde shal delyver yow For haue therever yet eny of the goddis of the gentiles delyuerd their lande frome the pow r of the kinge of the Assyrians Where is nowe the God of Hemath ād Arphad Whe r is the god of Sepharuaim And who I praye yowe delyuerde Samaria fro my power Whiche on emonge all the goddes of these kingdomes hath delyverde their region from my power so that ye maye truste to the lorde to delyver Ierusalem from my hande At these wordes the kinges legates we r so put to sylence that they had not a worde to answere Then returned Eliakim the presydent of y e towne house sonne of Helkie Sobna the scrybe and Ioas Secreterye the sonne of Asaph vnto Ezekias their clothes alto cutte and tolde hī the oracion of Rabsacen The .xxxvij. Chapiter THen kinge Ezekias hearing this cut his clothes and he clothed with sacke wente into the temple of the Lorde and in the meane tyme he sente Eliakim the president of y e towne Sobnam the scribe and the seniours of the preestes clothed with sacke vnto Isaye the prophete sonne of Amos whiche sayed vnto hym Thus commaundeth vs Ezekias to saye vnto the. The daye of tribulacion the daye of affliccion and blasphemye is nowe come even lyke as thoughe the tyme of delyueraunce of chylde were presente and strengthe to put it forth shulde fayle the mother Verely the Lorde thy god hath harde the wordes of Rabsace whome his Lorde the Kinge of Assyrye hathe sente to blaspheme and to revyse the lyuinge god with certayne wordes which the lorde thy god hath harde wherfore thou muste geve the to pray r for y ● reamnaunte which ar yet left a lyue Then Isaye answerd y e seruāts of kīge Ezekie thꝰsente comen on this maner Thus shall ye tell yower lorde Thus saith the lorde Feare thou not for these wordes which thou hast harde in y ● which the seruants of the kinge of Assyrye haue thus revyled and blasphemed me for lo I shall sende vpon him but a blaste of wynde whose noyse as sone as he heareth he shal returne into his owne lande where I shall cause him to be slayne with swerde Nowe was Rabsaces returned and fownde the kinge of Assyrye making warre agenst Lobnam for he had knowledge that he was remoued from Lachis and it was reported also of Tharhaca kinge of the Ethiops y t he shuldbe nowe cōe to make warre with him which message when the kinge of Assyrye harde anon he sente other ābassiatours to Ezekias with this commaundement Thus shal ye tell Ezekias kinge of Iuda Take hede thy god deceyue the not in whom thou trusteste promysinge the that Ierusalē shal not be delyuerd into the hands of the kinge of the Assyryons For thou hast harde what great actes the kinge of Assyry hath done to al kingdomes in subuertinge them ād darest thou haue yet eny hope to escape Did the goddis of y ● Gentyles delyuer them whom my predicessours haue cōquered Coulde thei delyuer Gozan Haran Rezeph and the Chyldern of Eden whiche holde of Thalassar where is the kinge of Hamath kinge of Arphad kinge of Sepharuaim Hene and Aue Then toke kinge Ezekias the Pystel of the handes of the Ambassiatours when he had red it he wente vp into the house of the lorde and opened it before the lorde makīge his prayer on thys maner O lorde of powers the God of Israel which dwellest at the Cherubyms thou arte y e God which is the only god even the god of al the kingdoms of the erthe for it is thou that haste made bothe heauen ād erthe Bowe downe thy eare lorde and lysten opene thy eyes ād beholde Consyder al the wordes of Senherib which hath sente hither a blasphemous message wheryn he curseth and blasphemeth the lyuinge god Verely lorde I knowe this to be trwe that the kinges of Assyrye haue conquered all tye kingdoms and regions of the other nacions that they casted their goddes into the fyer for these were no goddis but the workes of mennis handes made of tre and stone wherfore they haue destroyed them worthely But nowe lorde ow r god nowe saue vs frome the handes of Senherib that nowe al the kingdoms of the erthe might knowe that thou art the lorde a lone When the thinge was at this poynte Isaye the sonne of Amos sente ād tolde Ezekias these wordes Thus hath the Lorde God of Israel spoken vnto these thinges which thou in thy prayer askedste of me as concerninge the kinge of the Assyryōs Thꝰ answerth the lorde agenst him O virgyn and daughter of Zion the kinge of Assyrye hathe despysed ād scorned the he shoke his head aftyr the o daughter of Ierusalē but thow proude kynge whō revilest thou whom curseste and blasphemeste thou Agenste whom krowest thou or lyftest vp thy stately loke verely euen agenst him that sanctifieth Israel For thy seruants sente hither thou reuyledst the lorde and hast taken so stoughtly vpon thy selfe this thinge sayng I shal kouer the moste highest mountayns ād sydes of Libani with the multitude of my horse men and chariets I shal cutdowne hir highe Ceder trees hir beste fyr trees I shal entre thorowe both hir highe mountayns and also hyr wodes ād fayer feldes And where I fynde waters I shal drye them al vp with the fete of my hoste Speakest thow not now euen thus to kinge Ezekias saīge hast thou not harde what actes and by what power I haue done them in tyme paste and what I am abonte to do now also that
is to wete that I am aboute to subuerte thy cytes be they neuerso stronge and to bringe thez into heapes of stones ād into ruyne whose inhabitours shal quake for feare lyke handlesse men beinge confounded for they shal be lyke the grasse of the felde which nowe is grene and a nō is it thek for houses ye which often tymes is withred before it be rype But I know I knowe saith y ● lorde thy conuersacion I knowe thy settinge forth and thy returninge ye I knowe thy furyouse rebellinge agenst me For this therfore thy hasty conspyrison agenste me and for thy pryde which al I wel knowe I shal put a brydle vpon thy nose and shal set a snaffle vpon thy lyppes where with I shal plucke y ● backe agene by the same waye thou camste But o Ezekias this token shal I geue y ● this yeare shalt thou eate siche as ye haue in store the nexte yeare shal ye eate siche as shal growe of their selfe with oute tillinge or sowinge but the thirde yeare ye shall both sowe ād reape for ye shal plante vynes and eate their frutes And then thei shal come agene togither which escaped beinge of the house of Iuda and their rotes sente downe into the erthe they shal yilde forthe their fruteful highe For oute of Ierusalē shal cōe the reamnaunt that are lefte and thei that ar saued shall come from the mounte Zion These thinges shall the zele of the lorde of hostes thus bringe to passe wherfore thus promyseth the lorde as touchinge kynge Assyrye That in no maner of wyse shall he enter into this cyte no not so myche as an arowc shal he shote hither there shal no shylde or buckler be bente vp agenste hyr Nether shal they dygvp eny bulwerke agenste hyr but the same waye that he came shal he retourne For vnto this cyte shal he not come sayd the lorde for Ishal fyghte for this cyte and shal defende it saith the lorde ād shal saue it for my nowne sake and for my seruante Dauides sake Then wente forth the angel of the lorde and smyt .v. thousande an hōdred and .iiij. score in the tentes of the Assyrions and when the people of Ierusalem rose erly in the mornīge lo they laye aldede wherfore Senherib kinge o● Assyrie departed ād wente his waye frō thence and abode at Niniue And after this it chaunced on a tyme y t as he worshiped his god in the house of Nisroch Adramesech ād Sarezer his sonnes smit of his head with a swerde and fled into the lande of Ararat And aftyr this Esarhadon his sonne raigned for hym The .xxxviij. Chapiter NOt lōge before these thīges were in doinge Ezekias was sore syke and lykely to haue dyed and then came there vnto him Isaye y ● prophete the sonne of Amoz sayd vnto him Thus sayth the lorde Set an ordyr in thy house for thou shalt dyeād not lyue Then Ezekias turned his face to the walle and made his prayer to y ● lorde saynge Remembyr lorde I beseche the how I haue walked before the intrwe faithe with ꝑfit harte doinge thy plesures And thus saynge Ezekias wepte sore Then spake the lorde to Isaye on this maner Go thy wayes and tell Ezekias Thꝰ sayth the lorde the god of thy father Dauid I haue harde thy prayer I haue sene thy teares wherfore lo I adde yet vnto thy lyfe .xv. yeares also I shal delyuer the and this cyte which I defende frome the handes of the kinge of the Assyrions And this token shal be geuen y ● of the lorde that he will performe his promyse Beholde I shall bringe backe the shadue of the dyall which shadne is now descended withe the sonne arysinge in Ahazdy all and shall turne it vp agene .x. howers then turned backe the sonne the same .x. degrees ascending agene by the which the shadue had descended before The thākesgeuinge which Ezekias kīge of Iuda write aftyr he had bene sycke was nowe rekouerd frome his sore I had wente y t I shulde haue gone to my graue in my beste dayes when I moste desyerde the resydue of my age I sayd with my selfe I shal no more apere before y e lorde god in this lyfe I shal nomore be cōuersante with the mortal men but shal be with y e banesshed cytesens My dayes are foldenvp and taken awaye fro me lyke an herdemannis tente My lyfe is kutof lyke y ● weauers webbe whylys I prouyded to lyue he kut me of He made an ende of me on a daye I trusted at the leste to haue lyued vnto the morowe but he alto broke my bones lyke a lyon and made an ende of me on a daye Then chattred I lyke a swalowe and murmured lyke a Crayne I moorned lyke a dove lyftīge vp my eyes vnto y ● highe god saynge Lorde I am sore handled delyuer me vpon thy worde What myght I thīke or what might I saye that he wolde do this miche for me That I mought yet ꝑuse al my dayes ye although it be to my bytter payne For I knowe verely lorde y t this lyfe is saulsed with galle and that my lyfe is subiecte to all bitter myserye I knowe that thou makest me heuye of sleape wakenest me agene But lo yet shal I thīke that thou doste me grete plesure if thou grauntest me these kareful bitternesses Here thou stayest my lyfe that it ꝑesshed not whiles thou castedste al my synnes behynde thy backe For nether men layed in their graues prayse the nor yet y ● deade loaue the nor they that descende into their graues abyde for thy faithfulnes But it is the lyuīge man it is the lyuinge I saye that prayseth the euen as I do nowe this daye For the fathers laye forth thy faithfulnes vnto theire chylderne Sane vs lorde and we shal synge ower psalmes all the dayes of ower lyfe in the house of the lorde Then commaunded Isaye sayng take the plaster and laye it vpon his botche ād he shal amende And then sayed Ezekias Oh what a meruelouse thinge is this that I shal yet ascēde into the house of the lorde The .xxxix Chapiter AT the same tyme Merodach Baladan y ● sonne of Baladan kinge of Babylon sente letters ād presents vnto Ezekias For he had harde how that he was sycke amēded And Ezekias was glad of thē and shewed thē his tresure houses of his syluer and golde of his riche spyces ād his fyned oyles ād his preciouse oyntments he shewed thē al the houses of his plate and what soeuer tresure he had There was nothinge that Ezekie had other in his house or thorowte al his realme but he shewed it thē And then came Isaye y ● prophete vnto kīge Ezekias sayng to him What saye these men or frō whense ar they comē vnto y ● Ezekias answerde him sayng they arcomon vnto me frō a farre lande euen frō Babylon And Isaye sayd what haue they sene in thy house Ezekias
answerde al y t I haue in my house haue they sene I haue shewed them also all my tresure Then sayd Isaye to Ezekias heare the worde of y ● lorde of powers Beholde y ● dayes shal come that what so euer is in thy house whatsoeuer thy fathers haue gathred layed vp in store vnto this daye it shal be takē awaye karyed to Babylō neth r shal therbe eny thīg left saith y ● lorde ye certaīe of thy chylderne which shal go forth of the ād whom thow shalt begete shal be taken awaye also shal be come gelded men in the kynge of Babylons courte And then sayd Ezekias vnto Isaye The lorde turne it to good that thou hast nowe expressed but in my dayes sayd he I beseche y ● lorde that al thinges mought be quyet suer Here begineth of kynge Cyrus Cha. xl BE of good chere be of good chere my people say the yower god Se that ye counforte y e hartes of Ierusalem tel them of their reste and delyueraunce from captiuite tel thē howe their synnes shal be forgeuen aftyr that thei haue receyued their ful chastisinge of the lordes hāde for al their synnes Wherfore there kryeth a voyce saynge Prepare ye the waye for the lorde in the deserte and make the pathes playne for yower god in the wyldernes let euery vale be exalted ād euery mountayne and hyllbe layed lowe let kroked wayes be made straight rowghe wayes smothe For the gloriouse maiestye of the lorde shal appere which euery mā shal see for the lorde hath promysed it Farthermore the same voyce commaunded sayng krye thou And I asked hī what shal I krye which answerde That euery man is but grasse ād all their gloriouse beutye is lyke a flower of the felde Grasse as sone as it is wythred y ● flower falleth a waye And euen so the people is but grasse aftyr that the spirit of the Lorde hath blowne vpon them notwithstandinge this grasse be witherd and the flower faded yet abydeth the worde of ower god for euer yet this voyce commaunded agene ●aynge Go vp into the highe hill O Zion which preachest vs good tydīges Lyftvp thy voyce as lowde as thow mayste O Ierusalē whiche preachest the gospel Lyftvp thy voyce Isaye be not a frayed and tell the cytes of Iuda saynge Beholde it is yower god beholde the lorde almighty shal come with grete might shal rule by his owne power Beholde he beinge cleare noble both in counsell ād in his actes shal bringe forth his ryches withe greate triumphe He shall feade his flocke lyke an herdman he shall gather his lamb●● into his armes and bare thē in his besome But the ewes grete with lābe shal he wel noureshe Who hath concluded the waters in his fist spanned the heauens with his hande or hath holden vp the waight of the wholl erthe vpon his thre fingers Who wayeth y e mountayns in a payer of balaunces pondreth the hilles in a payer of scoles Who hath enformed the mynde of y e lorde or who hath bene of his counsel to teache hym or of whō hath he fetched his counsel to be taught the waye of iugement to instructe hym of eny knowledge or to declare hym the waye of vnderstandinge Beholde al naciōs in comparison to hym ar but a drope of a bucket or a batemēt of a balaunce The eylandes ar but motes in y ● sonne beame All the trees of Libanꝰ are not sufficiēt to make him a fyer nether al the beastes theryn ar enoughe for his brente sacrifyces al nacions compared to hym are as ye welde saye but nothinge ād but a tryful Vnto whom then wyl ye lykē God or aftyr what fasshion will ye paynte or karue hym Canne eny goldsmyth set forth his Image or cāne he with al his goold and thinne syluer plate caste him into eny forme that maye represente him Shal a keruer for eny mānis plesure that foly shly delyghteth to beholde his Image and haue not wherwithe to make it of gold or syluer chose oute a tree īputrible to setforthe his Image that cānot moue oute of his owne place are ye so blynde that ye se not these thīges Maye ye not heare wer not these vngodlinesses declared yow euen frō y ● begynninge Were ye not moneshed of these thinges at the laynge of the foundaciō of the erthe Sitte he not of whom we now speake vpon the ronnde worlde lyke as vpon a balle and are not we that inhabit it as lytel locustes Stretchethe he not forth the heauens lyke a cortayne and lyke a tente that is faste pitched to be inhabytede Doth he not bringe princes to nothīge the iuges of the erthe to duste so that they be neuer more plāted nor sowē agene nor yet their stocke roted in the erthe For a non as he hath blowne vpon them they ar wythred awaye and gathred vp lyke the stubble with a whyrlewynde But to what thynge I praye yowe wyll yow lyken me or aftyr what fasshion shal I be made saith the holyon lyfte vp yower eyes into the skye above consyder who made these thinges which ledeth forth their a raye or apparel into so grete a nowmber of whom he calleth euery one by his name For by y ● reason of his infinite pow r strength ād mighte ther is not one of thesehyd frome him Wherfore then shuld Iacob thinke and Israel saye My wayes are hyd frome the lorde my iugemēt scapeth my god for is it possible for the to be ignorant or not to haue harde that God is euerlastinge The lorde y t made the worlde laboureth not nether is he wearye nether is it possible his wy sedome to be serched oute But he geueth strength to the wearye and hī y t faynteth he restoreth right wel Chyldern ar weary almoste brethlesse ād yonge men vtterly falldowne but to them that wayte vpon the Lorde strengthe is encresed and oute of thez shal growforth egles wynges so y t whiles they runne they shall not faynte whyles they walke they shal not be wearye Ch. xl LEt the eylandes lysten vnto me and let the people take good harte vnto thē let thē come before me pleate their cause let vscall eche oth r to iugemēt wo stereth vp y t rightuouson frō y e easte calling hī forth to subdue to hym y e gentyles to holde downe kinges to dinge thē downe to the grounde with his swerde to scater thē a brode lyke stubble with his bowe so y t in folowing vpon thē he maye passe thorowe with oute perel nether be cōpelled to slippe a syde into eny bypathe wohathe wroughte made ordined y ● generaciōs frō y ● begīnīg Even I y ● Lorde which am both before the firste and aftyr the laste Beholde ye ey landes wonder ye angles of the erthe come and see whiche of yowe haue louingly byd yower neghboure and brother to dyner
exhorted hym The golde smyth helde with the metal caster y ● smyter with the gretest hamer with hym y t wrought with the lighter saynge This image shal be wel wroghte faste nayled that it be not moued But thou arte Israel my seruant and Iacob my chosen even the seade of Abraham whom I lone It was I that broughte the frome the coostes of the erthe called the from the farre regions therof saynge to the. Thow shalte be my seruaunte I haue chosen the nether shal I at eny tyme refuse the Se that thou fearest not for I shal be withe the nether loke thou aboute for eny other for I am thy god which shal conforte the I shal helpe the I shal holde the faste with this same my faithful righte hande Beholde as many as prouoke the to anger shall be confunded shamed thy aduersares shal come to naught peresshe so that he that shall seke for them shal no where fynde them Thy enymes whiche dare move bataile agenste the shal be destroyed For I the lorde thy God shal holde faste thy righthande whiche also nowe saye vnto the feare not for it is I that shal helpe the be not a frayde my lytel seruaunte Iacob feare not poore despysed Israel for I shal helpe the saith the lorde I that maketh holy Israel shal auenge the ye I shal trendel the lyke a wayne lyke a neweshode carte to thresshe downe mountayns to bete them into poulder the lytelhylls shalt thoudryue into duste thou shalt wenowe them dryue them awaye lyke the wynde seater thē abrode lyke a whyrle wynde whyles thou thy selfe shalt reioyse gretly in the lorde ād shalt prayse hym y t makethe holy Israel When the poore afflicte desyerth water fynde it not their tong is drye for thyrste then do I y ● lorde geue it thē I y ● god of Israel forsake thē not I bringeforthe flowdes into thehyghe hylles also quyk springes in the myddes of the feldes I turne the drye deserte into a ponde of wut r the thirstye erthe I wat r with moyst vaynes I plante the wylde waste grounde with Cedre trees b●xe pyne and olyue trees y e drye lāde with fyr elme plane trees These thīges I tell you do I y t men might vnderstande knowwe y t al togith r myght cōsyder depely expende y t y e hande of y e lorde hath done these thinges that he that maketh holy Israel hath created these thinges Stande to your cause therfo r saith y ● lorde bringe in your strength saith y e kinge of Iacob ye let even those goddes comeyn shewe you thinges that haue somtyme chaunsed be done of olde antiquite Let thē I saye declare you thinges to come or expounde you thinges present that we might y e bet r know thē holde thē in mynde I wil speake even to your owne selfes tel vs thinges aftyr this to come we shal know that you ar goddes Do goode or yet evel that we mought al se tel it forth Beholde year of nothinge your makīge is of nothing abhominacion hath chosen yow I verely shal stervp one frō the northe which shal come frō the easte which shal cal vpon my name he shal come to y ● prīces lyke a potter to his claye shal trede thez downe as the potter stampethe his claye Who tolde these thinges before that we mought haue knowne knowledged hym to be that rightuouson but there was non that sayed these thinges before or tolde thē neth r haue there eny man harde the wordes of thez Beholde fyrst shal I geue Zion Ierusalem to be euangelistes and preachers but as I remembyr there was not on of these that coulde se these before to geue you warninge of these thinges for when I asked thez they answerd not on worde Here maye ye se what men these ar al syche are the deades of men even synne naughtynes wynde ād vayne lyes whiche they blowe togither Ch. xiij BEholde therfore this is my seruante for yowe vnto whō I shall cleaue lo this is my chosen for whose sake alone I am pleased I shal enryche him with my spirit he shall bringeforth all thinges into iugement duwe ordre emonge the gentyles He shal not be clamouse contēciouse nor proude nether shal his voyce be harde yn the market place Akrased reede he shal not all to breke nether the smokinge snyphe shal he oute quenche In verye faith fulnes shal he ministre y e lawe he shal not be ouersene nether be headye in mynistringe iustice on the erthe Also y ● eylandis of the gentlys shal receyue his lawe for vnto hym thus speaketh the lorde god which made y e heauens stretched thē so wyde spred the worlde with hyr encrese geuinge breth vnto y ● people y t inhabit it lyfe to those thinges y t ar in it I the Lorde haue called y e even for y t rightwysnes sake led y ● hither euen by thy hande wherfore I shal preserue y ● geue y e for an erneste to y ● people to be y ● lighte for the gentyls to open y ● eyes of the blinde to lede men in bondes y t sit in derkenes oute of custodye presone I I tel yow am he whose name is y ● LORDE which geue not my glorye to eny other creature nether yet my prayse vnto keruen images seinge y t al thinges spoken of before ar come ād these newe thinges haue I tolde yowe before they came Singe ye therfore to y ● Lorde a newe dyte let his prayse rebounde vnto y ● farthest coosies of the erthe prayse hym ye y t sayle on y ● sea what so ev r is in it prayse hym ye eylandis al y t inhabit thez the deserte with hyr cytes the townes also with y e dwellers in Cedar mought lyftvp their voyces Let thē reioise y t inhabit y ● highe rockes from y ● toppes of y e mountaynes let thez clappe their handes for ioye let thez geue y ● for deasmightenes let them declare his worship emonge y e gentils For the lorde shal comforth like a valyaunt waryer shal krye like a capitayne stāding befo r his araie ex horting animatīg their hartes to batayle putting forth his voyce stretchinge forth al his strēgthes pow r agenste his enymes Because I haue hither to helde my peace shal I be styl suffereu r naye verely but I shal krye rather lyke a woman traueling of chylde I shal destroye devow r sodenly I shal subuerte mountayns hilles shal dry vp all their frute I shal turn their ryuers into drye lande their pondes shal I dry vp I shal lede the blynde into a waye that thei yet knowe not ād directe thez into a pathe of whiche they ar ignorant I shal
thinges are naught that it is I that am the Lorde no nother I fashione the light create derkenes I make peace bringe forthe trouble It is I the lorde that dothe al these thīges Heauen shal geue downe dewe frō a bone ād the clowdes shal rayne downe rightwylnes y ● ertheshalbe opened bringeforth the sauyower Ryghtwysnes also shal bud forth with hym Euen I the lorde shal create this thinge Wo be to him that disputeth with his mak r even the potsherde with y e potter shal the claye saye to the potter what thīge makest thou or thy worke ●ueth to no vse Wo be to him that sayth to the father wherfor wilt thou gete chylderne to the mother wherfor wilt thou bring forthe frute Thꝰ saith y e lorde that maketh holy Israel his maker also Aske me thinges to come vpon my chylderne byd me tell yow of the workes of my hādes I made therthe created man ther vpon I stretched the heauens with my handes al hyr myghty hoste or beutyful aperel are at my cōmaundemēt I shal stervp this kyng Cyrꝰ with rightwysnes al his wayes shal I directe He shal edyfe my cyte let lose my captiuite that persuaded nether by money nor mede saith the lorde of powers Farthermore thus said y e lorde the marchantes of Egipte of Ethiope the tributaryes of Sabe shall cōe to the shal be thyne they shal folowe the they shalgo in gyves of their fete they shal knefe before the make theyr supplicaciō prayer vnto the for verely god is with the besydes whō there is no god howe profounde howe depely hyd arte thou o god evē the god sauiow r of Israel let thē beshamed cōfounded go their wayes togith r with ignomynye al theys worshipers of Idols but Israel shal be saued in the lorde w t a ꝑpetual helth Thei shalnot be shamed ne noted w t ignomynye for evermo r for thꝰ sayd the lorde that created heauens evē god that fashioned therthe he made prepared it I haue not made it in vayne but to be inhabited I am the lorde besydes whō their is none Neth r haue I spoken in hyd places nor in eny derke korner of the erthe Neth r in vayne sayd I to the sead of Iacob seke me For I am y e lorde speakinge that at iuste is and shewing that at right is let them be gatherd to gither ād come let the tother nacion escaped that is to saye the gentyles come also vnto me What vnderstandinge haue they that fyft vp an image of tree ād so praye to a god that cannot saue them Let them come to me I saye and let them agree in one ād tel me who hath shewed them these thinges before or who expownded thez firste Did not I the Lorde besydes whom there is no god It is I that am the rightwyse god and sauiow r besydes whom ther is non Beturned therfore to me al the costes of the erthe and ye shal be saued for I am god ther is no noth r. I swere be my selfe that rightwysnes shalgoforth of my mouthe my worde returneth not ī vayne but euery knee shal be bowed vnto me euery tōge shal swere saye In y e lorde standeth my rightwysnes ād strength vnto hym shall men come but they shal be confounded as many as speake agenst him And al the sead of Israel shal be iustifyed and haue their plesure in the lorde Bel shal be broken downe Nebo shal haue a fall with whose heauy images y e poore beastes shal be laden weryed with their grevous wayght these beastes with other bearets of these stockes shal faldowne vnd r theyr burdens for they maye not cast them of and thus shal they be karyed into captyuite The .xlvi. Chap. HEare me Iacobs famylye al the reamnaunte escaped of the house of Israel whom I toke euen from theyr mothers wombe haue borne thē from their byrthe● ye shal bare thē vnto their olde age in their bederethye for sythe I haue made thē I shal also beare thē helpe thē delyuer them To whō I praye yow wyl yowe laye me lyken me or compare me Whō am I lyke wyl yow then vayne lyers go and waye yow r golde or syluer oute of yow r purse at a payer of seoles hyer yow a caster of metall to make ye a God therof for men to faldowne before it so to worship it which notwithstandinge yet muste be layed on mennis shulders be borne ād se in his place to stande faste cānot mo● se frome his place farther more let men krye vnto it yet maye it not answere neth r delyuer them from their anguysshe trouble Consyder this ād loke vpon yow r selues o brekers of goddes cōmaundemētes turne to a better mynde cal to mynde olde thinges done from y e creaciō of the worlde that ye maye se that I am god that there is no moth r god neth r eny thīge lyke me which frō the begīnīge shewe the laste thinges ād even frō the creacion tell you thīges which ar not yet done My counsel standeth at a worde so do I accōplesshe all my plesures I cal a swyfte byrde frome the easte and what so euer I wysdo from a farre it shal be done at a belt for as sone as I se it it is done Heare me ye proude mē in harte and farre frome the rightwysnnes I shal bringe nighe my rightwisnes nether shal it be absent and my helthe shal not tarye I shal geue a sauinge helthe to Zion and my beutyful glorye to Israel The .xlvij. Chapiter BVt thou shalt godowne sit in y ● duste O virgen the daughter of Babylō thou shalt sit on y e grounde not in thy kinges sete o daughe r of the Chaldes thow shalt nomore be called tendre and dylicate Thou shalt go take the querne sweape griude out the flower of the corne Thou shalt caste of thy preciouse tyre bonettes thy shulders shal be naked and bare legged shalt thou wade thorowe y ● brokes thou shalt not haue one bratte on thy narse men shal se thy secretes to thy grete shame For I wyl take vengeaunce ād wilnot be entreded These thīges hathe ow r redemer spokē whose name is y ● for de of pow rs the maker holye of Israel Sit downe daughter of Chaldye ādbe styll go thy wayes into some derke place for thou shalt nomore be called y e ladye of realmes I was verely so angrye with my people y ● I scourged my heretage betoke thē into thy power thou haddest no pyte on thē but oppressedst ev● their sage men with thy hevye yoke aboue mesure thīkīge thus I shal be a ladye for euer but thow consyderdste not these thīges in thy harte nether remēbredst thīges to cōe wherfore heare now these thinges O Delicate ladye which sittest so
suer ād thus thinkest with thy selfe I am ladye a lone and besydes me is there none I shall not sit lyke a wedue moornīge nor yet be destitute my chylderne But yet shal these two thinges that is to saye to syt housband lesse chylderlesse fall sodenly vpon the bothe on a daye they shal fall I saye on y e to fynishe thi sorowe both for so grete multitude of thy inchauntīge sothe sayers and also for the strength of thy so many helpers For thou trustedst in thy nowne couetuou se wylynes saynge No man seeth me Thy nowne wysdome knowledge deceyued the for thus presumedste thou in thy harte saynge I am ladye a lone besydes me ther is nō Sorowful afflicciō therfore shalcōe vpō y e frōe whē se it shal sprīg thou shal't not knowe mi●able calamite vnable to be a voyded shal fal vpon the. There shal cōe vpon the vnwares a soden subuersiō and then I praye the flee to thy helpers to thy ench auntīge soth sayers of whō thou haste grete plentye whom also thou hast set myche by haue had thē in grete reputaciō even frōe thy kradle stāde vnto these I saye loke wheter parauēture thou maiste be holpen conforted of thē for thou hast occupied thy selfe weared thy selfe hitherto in their manyfolde counsells let these heauengasers starrestarers I praye y e comeforth helpe y ● tel the frō whēce these newes ar to cōe fall vpon y e. Beholde they shal be lyke stubble whiche aftyr it be set a fyer noman maye helpe it which stubble neth r is it profytable to make coles to warme y e nor yet to make a fyer to abyde by Sychons I tel the shal these men be whō thou haste somyche set by occupyed wearyed thy selfe with even frome thy yougthe for euery one of these aftyr his professiō shal deceyue y e in y e meane ceason ther shal not be one lefte y e maye saue y e. Chap. xlviij HEare these thīgeeye house of Iacob whose toname is called Israel which also ar cōe of y e same stocke y e Iuda came of which also swere by y e name of the Lorde testifye affirme geue thākes al by y e god of Israel ye althoughe ye do it not of faith aid rightwysnes which arenamed aftyr the cytesens of y e holy cyte which truste vnto the god of Israel y e forde of powers Haue I not don ethese thīges oute of hāde ar they not nows fulfilled which I tolde you of euē frō y e begīnīg when they wēt oute of my mouthe I expounded thē to yow Notwithstādīg I know ful wel y ● thou art harde how srefnecked vnshāfaced thou arte yet haue I tolde declared to y e frōe the begīnīge thinges before they were done leste I tel the thou shuldest saye My idole tolde me these or my karuē or caste images cōmaunded these thīges Cōsyder beholde al these whether yow haue prophecyed thē and whether it was not I that tolde yow before certayne newes secretes which thou knewest not of And now I haue created some a newe of y e which nether from y e beginnīge nor yet nowe before the daye of their creacion haue ye harde because ye shulde not tel them Lo it was I y ● knewe thē before farthermore I tolde yow of some thīges which nether haue ye harde nor knowne before nor neuer befor wer opened vnto thy eares For I knewe that thou shuldest be a breker of my commaundemētes for euen frome thy mothers wombe hast thou be called a transgerssour notwithstondinge yet for my names sake I differred my wrathe for my nowne glorye I defended y e y t thou shouldst not perysshe For so it is I that pourged the not for thy money but at thi moste nede I chose y e. For my nowne sake I tel y e haue I done this for I geue not my glorye to eny wother leste thou shuldst in eny wyse be prophaned caste fro me heare me Iacob israel whom I haue called I am he that hath his beinge of hym selfe I am the lyrste and I am the faste My handes haue layed y ● foundacions of the erthe and my rigthande hath set faste the heauens when I called them anon they stode still Be ye all therfore gatherd togither and heare whiche of these goddes hath tolde you these thinges which the lorde hath done by the kinge of Babylon and Chalde by whom he dothe his plesure and vseth them to execute his power It is Ialone that tolde you these thinges before I only shal call brīge him for t make prosperouse his iourneye Come I saye vnto me heare this thīge haue I euer yet spokē eny thīge obscurely frō y ● creaciō of y ● worlde which am presēt euē ī y e same article whē al thīg was made For this cause therfore y ● lorde god his spirit sente me thꝰ speaketh y e lorde thy redem r y e maker holy of Israel it is I y ● am y e lorde thy god teachīg y ● y ● shal profite y e directīge y ● in y ● waye wherī thou shalt go And if thou obssueste my precepts thy peace rest shal swīme lyke a floude thy rightwisnes shal aryse lyke y ● waues of the sea Thy sead shal be lyke y e sandes the frute of thy bodie lyke hir grauel stones Thi name shal not be cut of nor yet banesshed from my syghte ye shal goforthe of Babylō ye shal slipawaye frō y ● Chaldeys w t a ioyeful voyce which thīge shal be tolde shewed preached vnto y e vttermoste coostes of y e erthe it shal be sayed The lorde hath redemed his seruāte Iacob so y ● they thirsted not when they wēte thorow y e drye wildernesse for he drewe thē wat r out of y e stone he claue y e grete rocke the r flowed out wat rs but to y ● vngodly saith y e lorde the r is no reste ne peace Of Messias which is christe Cha. xliv HEa r me eylādis ye people al a farre take hede y e lorde hath called me fro my byrthe and fromy mothers wōbe he publesshed my name he hath made me a mouthe lyke a sharpe swerde he hathe koverde defended me with the shadue ofhis hande ād hidde me as a chosen shafte in his quyuer he sayd to me verely Israel yet art thou my ●uāt in whō I wyl be gloriously deelared I answerde I shal laboure ī vayn spende my strength w t oute frute notwithstanding yet shal I offe r my cause vnto y e lorde my diligent labour to my god Wherfo r y e lorde spake which fashioned me his ●uāte fro my mothers wōbe to bringe Iacob agene vnto hī ye althoughe y e tyme shulde come y t he wil not be gathred to hym
in whose eyes I am gret which is my god my strēgth and he sayed It is no grete thīge for y e to be my ●uante to stervp y ● trybes of Iacob to restore y e destrucciō of Israel excepte I make y ● also y e lyghte of y e gētyls to be y ● sauinge helth sente fro me to y e vttermoste coostes of therthe Thꝰ spake y ● lorde y ● redemer mak r holy of Israel vpō Christe contēned despysed of y e gētyls ●uante to al y ● bare rule Kynges prīces shal se ryse vp to worshipe for y ● lordes sake for he is faithful for his sake y t maketh holy Israel which hath chosen y ● o Messias agene thꝰ spake y e Lorde in the tyme apoynted shal I come be present withe the in the article of thy helth I shal helpe y ● saue y e and I shal geue the into an erneste of y e promyse tomy people to restore therthe y ● thou myghtste chalenge agene y e dispersed he retages saye to thē in bondes go your wayes oute to thē y ● ar in derknes comeforth into y e lighte y e they mought feade by y ● woye sydes take their plesures in al theyr plentuo●se pastures thei shal not honger nor thirste y ● heate of y ● sonne shal not smyte thē for theyr goyde shal tender kepe thez ientely shal geue them drinke at the vaynes of waters I shal make all my hylles playne and redy wayes my pathes shal apere troden for euery man Beholde for there shall come some frome a farre some from the northe from the sea ād some frome the sowthe Beglad heavens reioyse erthe clap your handes hylles for ioye for the lorde shal conforte his people haue mercy on hys poore afflicte But here parauenture Zion wyll saye The lorde hath forsaken me the lorde hath forgoten me Shal the woman forgete hyr yonge chylde borne of hyr owne bodye but if she forgete hyr chylde yet shal I neuer forgete the for so I haue printed the in these my handes thy walles shal neuer fal fro my mynd they y t casted the downe shal come as faste to buylde the agene thei y t destroyde the shal haue continual course recourse vnto the lyft vp thy eyes loke aboute see al these gentyls shal be gathred togither come to the as verely as I lyue sayth the lorde shalt thou be or ned arayed with thē as w t a riche ornament aparel even lyke a bryde decked in hyr cleane costely araye for thy lande which lyeth desolate wasted loste shal euen by by be to lytel to cōtayne thinhabitours theryn they y t wold devow r y ● shal be far baneshed then shal thy childern born ī thi barenes speak to y ● sayng this place is to narowe let me haue a place to sit ī thꝰ shalt thou thinke who hath begotē me these childern sith I am baren ād a banesshed diuorsed wedue who hath nouresshed brought me vp these chyldern beholde I am sole forsaken of whēce then ar these Thꝰ therfo r answereth y e lorde god behold I shal stretch forth myhād to y e gētils to y t populose naciō shal I lyftvp my signe they shal brīge sonnes to the in their bosoms daughters vpō their shulderne shal they brīge y ● theyr kinges shal fede y ● their quenes shal be thi nourses they their faces bowed downe to therthe shal reuerence y ● licke of y ● duste frō thy fete thou shalt knowe y ● I am y ● lorde in whom who so ev r trusts they ar not confounded Who maye take y ● proye frō y ● strōge or y e captyue frō y e mighty but because y e lorde hath so spokē it bothe y e captyue shal be takē frō y e myghtye y e proye frō y e strōge for I wil defende thy cause agēst thi aduersarye saue thy chyldern thy enemes shal I fede w t theyr own flessh w t their owne bloude shal thei be drōkē like as w t swete wyne by y ● which vēgeaunce every flessh shal se y t I am y e lorde thy saviour thy myghty redemer o Iacob Cap. l. Thus saith y e lorde Whe r is this testimonial of y e diuorse of your moth r which I sent hyr or who is my creditour to whō I solde you beholde for evē for your own iniquites ar ye solde for brekīg of mycōmādements is your moth r diuorsed put awaye wherfo r wolde nomā receyue me when I came nor yet answe r when I called was my hāde so cutof shortened y t it might not delyuer you or was my pow r so my neshed y t it was not able to redeme you which by a worde only dry vp y e sea turne y e floudes into drye lāde so y t their fysshes be corrupte for want of wat r perisshe for thyrste it is I y t clothe y e heauens in a blacke moorning clowde kou r thē w t sak the lorde god hathe geuē me a lerned tonge to know how when I shoulde speake w t the weake afflticte erly in the morninge he twitched me by y e eare wakened me as my masters were wont to do to make me lysten take hede it was y ● lorde god y t opened myne eare how then coulde I not but obaye or how coulde I auoyde or slyppe bak Wherfore I offere my backe to the smyters my chekes to the twitchers my face I turne not away frō rebukes spetel for y ● lorde god bringeth me helpe wherfo r I shal not be confounded but I set my face agenste them as harde as a flynte for I knowe wel y t I shal not be shamed for I haue my defend r by me to delyuer me who then maye stryue agenste me Let vs go stande togither before a iuge if eny mā wil contende with me in iugemente let hym come hither Beholde the lorde god hathe taken vp my cause to defende it who then shal condempne me lo al these thy Idols ād goddes shal be worne oute lyke a garment wormes shal eate thez Who so ev r he be then emonge you y ● fear y e lorde let hym heare y e voyce of his seruāte who ho euer walketh in derkenes y e light shyneth not vpon hym let him truste in y e name of the lorde cleaue to his god Beholde al you haue kindled a fyer ād evē your selues gyrtaboute w t y e flame walke in y e myddes of your own fyer which ye haue kindled but this one thinge is brought to passe be my hād for you y t ye shal sleape with sorowe Chap. li HEare me ye y t folowe rightwisnes sekinge y e lorde
cōsyder y e stone oute of whō ye ar hewen y e pitte oute of whō ye ar digged drawne Cōsid r. I saye Abrahā your father Sara your moth r how y e I called hī one alone blessed hī made him riche encresed his substance cōsid r how the lorde hath counforted Zion in al hir poore state turnīg hir deserte into a paradise hirdrie barē grounde in to the lordes gardē ioye gladnes shal dwel in hir the r shal be thankes geving w t the voice of men praisinge Wherfo r loke to me my folke ād geue eare to me my people for the lawe shal goforthe of me I shal publesshe my iugements to lighten the gentils the time is nighe y ● my rightwisnes and my sauinge helth shal goforth to gouerne the people thorow my power The eylands shal waite on me trusting to my strength lyfte vp your eyes to heavē beholde the erthe vnder you for heavē shal be dispersed lyke smoke the erthe shal be broken lyke a garment thinhabitours shall peresshe in lyke maner but my sauinge helthe shal enduer for euer my mercy wherwith I make men rightwyse shal neuer fayle heare me ye y t loue rightwysnes namely thou o my people which holdest my lawe in thy harte be not a frayed of mennes reuylīges fear not theyr rebukes for mottes shal eate thē as clothes ād wol but my rightwysnes shal enduer everlastīg my helth shal abyde from age to age be thou steredvp do vpō y ● strength even the arme of the lorde be steredvp as in tymes paste thorowte al ages Art thou not euen he y t smytdown y ● proud Rahab woundedst the dragō of Egypte Art thou not the very same y ● dryedste vp y ● gret depe sea madest the depe botome of it so playne that thou gauest fre passage thorowe it vnto the delyuerde men so that thei set at lybertye thorow y e lorde mought returne come agene to Ziō with ioye there to haue gladnes for a longe tyme that they moughte there haue ioye and mirthe al sorowe and hevynes set a parte And yet answerde the lorde it is I I saye that conforte yow at all tymes and who art thou then that wylt feare and worshipe a mortall man redy to fal and wither awaye lyke grasse wyle thou forgete the lorde which hath made y ● which hath stretched abrode the heauens and hath layed the foundacions of y ● erthe For this cause thou oughtst to feare at al tymes the anger of hym displesed which is bente to destroye but thow wylt saye where is his wrathe it hasteth it cometh swyftly to apere he shal not ons fal by y e waye wherby he maye be hyndred to destroye nether shall his sustinance fayle hī I am y e lorde thi god which now make playne y e sea a non I let it swel aboue mesure am called y e lorde of powers I shal put my wordes into thy mouth shal caste vp my hande befo r y ● for thy defence y t thow maiste plante heauens set therthe y t it may be sayd to Zion Thou art my people Stertout of thy sleape stertoute of thy slepe springevp Ierusalem which haste dronke of y e lordes hande the cuppe of his indignacion which haste dronke soukedoute even the very dregges al his cuppe of slomber neth r is there one emōge al thy chyldern whom thou hast noureshed vp y t wil take the by y e hande to leade sustayne y e. These two plages ar fallen vpon y e but who therfore is sorye for y e these also ar come vpon y ● as pestelence honger ād swerde but who is thy counforter Thy chylderne fylled with the wrath of the lorde indignacion of thy God lye troden vnder fote at thenteringe into every streat lyke a rayne deare taken hyr fete bounde togither with a corde wherfo r heare this one thinge I praye y e thou wretched dronken Ierusalez althoughe it be not with wyne Thus sayth thy master the lorde thy god y e auenger of his people Beholde I shal take frome thy hande y e cuppe of slomber with y e dregges of y e cuppe of my indignacion so y e thou drynkeste nomore here aftyr therof I shal put it in to y e handes of thē y ● scourge y t which haue sayed to thy soule lye downe on y ● grounde y t we mought go vpō your backes y t you might be vnto vs as y e pavement of y ● streates to go vpon Cap. lij ARyse Aryse vp Zion do vpō the thy strength do vpon y e thi beutyful robes Ierusalem which art y e cyte of y e holye god for the vncircuncised polluted shal nomore come into the shake of y e duste frō the Aryse Ierusalem sit vp lose thy necke oute of y e bondes o captyue daughter of Zion for thus saith the Lorde ye are solde frely wherfore ye shal be redemed also w tout syluer for thus saith y e lorde god somtyme my people went downe in to Egipte ther to be straungers y e Assyriōs also dyd thē gret violence wrōg and that with oute eny cause and nowe what profite ariseth therof vnto me saith the lorde that my people are thꝰ ledawaye with oute a cause and their lordes and masters constrayned thē to krye oute wayle yet is my name blasphemed cōtinually saith the lorde wherfore to th entent y t my people might know my name I my selfe shal speake yn these dayes saynge Beholde I my selfe am come Oh how happye fayer shal the fete be of y ● messagers sente by the authorite of god to preache this peaceable delyueraunce to tel vs these good tydinges to preache vs the very sauinge helthe saynge vnto Ziō thi god mought raigne and lyve when thi overseers lyftvp this voyce they shal also with their voyce shewe yow hī with prayse for they shal se clearly w t their eyes whē y e lorde shal cū agene to Ziō Thei shal saye O desolated Ierusalē be thou glad and reioyse for the lorde shal conforte his people shal redeme Ierusalē y e lorde shal dovp his sleve stretchforth his bare holy arme ī y e sight of al naciōs al the coostes of ther the shal se y e sauiour sente frō our god thei shal byd yow go your wayes cleane gete you oute frō hense touche no polluted thinge goforth frō emōge thē se y t ye be cleane y ● bare y e vessels iwels of y e lorde but go not forth as it we r to muster neth r w t to grete haste as men y t fled for the lorde shall go befo r you y e god of Israel shal gather your cōpany togither Cap. liij BEholde my ●uāt shal brīge this mater to passe
wysely wherfore he shal be exalted extolled set in right hyghe honour for lykwyse as many shal woundre vpon hī to se his face so deformed hīselfe so shamefully entretede lyke noman favourlesse beutelesse evē so shal the r many gentyls loke vp vnto hī w t prayer kīges shal holde their mouthes for they vnto whō no mēciō was made of hī shal se hī they which nev r harde of him shal moste vnd rstāde regarde hī But who is he y t beleueth our preachinge or vnto whō is y e arme of y e lorde shewed he shal growe verely before y e lorde lyke a yonge groue lyke a rote in a hotte grounde he shal haue nether beutye nor fauoure when we shal beholde him he shal be out of shappe fauour so y ● we shall not desyer hym he shal be despysed leste set bye of al men a man hauinge experience fealinge bothe ow r sorowes sykenesses we shal I saye repute hym so vyle lothely y t we shal hyde our faces at him When this notwithstandinge yet is evē he y ● muste beare our sykenesses and sorowes but we shaliuge hī to be thus castdowne smyten with some plage of god ye when he is wounded even of our transgressions thus smyten for our vngodlynes for y e punyshment for our correccion shal be layed vpon hym by his strypes hurte we shal be healed Al we are strayed a waye lyke shepe euery man folowinge his owne waye but y ● lorde layeth al our wykednesses vpon hī to pardone vs. It is he y t shal abyde y ● anguyshe be scourged ād yet shal he not on s opene his mouth he shal be led lyke a lambe to be offred vp shal be as styl as a shepe vnd r hyr clyppers handes shal not ons opene his lippes he shal be taken away put to dethe his cause not examined aftyr trwe iugement as a man frenlesse kynles yet who maye noumbyr his kynrede even then when he shal be thought clene to be kut oute of this worlde whiche plage shal fal vpō hī for y e transgressiō of his owne people farthermore he shal be thought to dye emōg y ● vngodly be lyfted vp on y e crosse betwene theves althoughe he nev r dyd hurte nor yet eny desaight founde in his wordes but the lorde had decreed hī to be thus brokē with infirmite y t he offred for our synnes mought se his longe lyued posterite ād this decree of y e lorde shal prospere in his hāde w t y e perel of his owne lyfe he shal fynde ryches by this means my right ●uāt shal iustifye many mē for he hī selfe shal bea r away their sinnes wh r fo r I shal diuide to hī y ● proye bothe of y e many men also of y e strōge violente because he shal let his lyfe to dethe be reputed emonge the mysdoers which not withstandinge yet shal he take awaye y e synnes of many and make intercession for the transgressours Chap. liiij REioyse therfore euē frō thy very hart with prayse thou baren which temeste not beglad singe clappe thy handes for ioye thou whiche bareste no more chyldern for y e diuorsed forsaken woman shal haue mo chyldern then y ● maryed wyfe saith y e lorde Dilate the place of thy tentes and let the cortayns of thi tabernacles be stretched wyde Se thou spare not to draweforth at length thy meate lynes steke thē down faste w t stakes for thou shalt be encresed w t chylderne on every syde thi seade shal haue possession emōg y e naciōs īhabit desolate cytes fear not for thou shalt not beshamed be not astōned forthou shalt not be cōfūded thou shalt forget y e shamefacenes of thi yougth nev rmo r remēb r y ● opprobry of thi wedewhed for thi maker shal be thy lorde housbonde even he whose name is y e lorde of powers he that maketh holy Israel even y e god of al the erthe shal be called thy kynsman thy redemer for y e lorde shal cal y e as a diuorsed woman as one sore troubled in mynde he wil cal the to him as a yonge wyfe y e had broke promyse with hir housbonde saith thy god I forsoke y ● for a litel tyme but I called the to me agene with myche mercye I hyd my face frōe y e for alytel space whyles I was angrye but I will take y ● into my armes agene with an euerla stīge mercye saith y e lorde thy redemer for this thīge shal be to me as were y e wat rs of Nohe for lyke wyse as I swore neuermore to brīge agene y e waters of Nohe vpon y e erthe evē so haue I sworne to be not angrye with the agene neth r yet to chyde with y e for y e mountaīs shal soner forsake theyr places the hylles shal soner falldowne then other my mercye shall forsake y ● or the promyse of my peace shal fayle y saith thy mercyful lorde Beholde my litel poore afflicte forsakē I shal make thy walles of preciouse carbōcles shall laye thy foundacions with Saphyrs thy windows gates shal I make of cleare Christal al thy vttermoste buyldinges shal I sette with riche stones And besydes all this al thy chylderne shal be taughte of the lorde I shal endue thē with ryche peace Thou shalt be buylded al of ritghtwysnes be oute of all daunger of violence wherof thou shalt not nede to feare no plage shal cōe a nyghe y e. Beholde a noth r naciō which were straūg rs to me shal come dwel with the the aleauntes shal be ioyned with the lo it is I that make this smythe which first kyndleth y e colles with his blowynge then makethe these peaceable weapēs accordīge to his kraft Also it is I that create y ● destroyer to subuerte to destroye also but al y e weapens made agēst y ● shalnot prospere euery tōge that shall aryse speke agēst y ● in iugemēt thou shalt ouercome ād condēne Siche shal be the heretage of y ● lordes ●uātes this innocēcy● ād favour shal be geuen them of me saith the lorde The .lv. Chap. Oye al therfor which ar a thirste come to the waters Also yowe that wante syluer go ād bye y t ye mought eate go yower wayes bye wyne mylke with oute money ād pryce wherfore do yow laye oute yow r moneye for y t fode that fedeth not spende yow r labo raboute y t thīg that satisfyeth yow not And wherfore rath r lystē yow not vnto me that yow r soules mought eate of y ● beste take theyr fill vpon the moste fatteste dylicates Gyue eare to me cōe to me take hede to me yower soules shal be refresshed for I wyl smite
with whō thou art confedred but y ● wynde shal first take a waye al these thy helpers ād vanite shal plucke thē in sondre but they y t truste in me shal possesse y ● lande ād shal inherit my holy hyll wherfore thꝰ saith he Make waye geue rome take awaye al obstacles stomblyng stockes in y e waye which leadeth vnto my people For thꝰ speaketh he that dwelleth ī y e moste hyghest place for euer whose name is holye I inhabit bothe y ● moste hyghest ād holyest place I dwel also with the cōtrite homble sprited to refresshe y ● myndes of men deiected ād to heale y ● broken hartes For I am not wrath nor chyde not alwayes but I blowe ouer a non my haterede yet do I breath in breathe I am wrathe I smyte I abhorre haue indignaciō at a man geuen all to his owne lustes ād especially when he gothe fro my lawes ād foloweth y e studyes counsells or thoughtes of his owne harte But agene I beholde his wayes I heale hym I brīge hym into y e waye agene I restore him vnto thē whō he maye conforte to them also which desyerde him I create frendlye conuersacion louīge cōmunicatiō one with a nother I make peace suernes bothe with thē y t dwel farre with these y t dwel nighe saith y t Lorde healer of his But the vngodly are lyke the wode sea called Euripus which canne neuer reste hyr waters contynually troubled with slyme stynkinge mudde ād euen so haue the vngodly never rest nor peace saith my God The .lviij. Chap. THou therfore whosoeuer thow arte beinge a verye trwe preacher se y t thou kryest with opene mouthe beware thou ceassest not lyftvp thy voyce lyke a trompet ād tel my people their synnes tel the house of Iacob theyr offences For they apere to seke me beselye by their disputaciōs ād wold be sene te knowe my wayes as folke y t wolde be sene to work rightwisnes not to forsake the plesures of their god They moue me questiōs weth r my iugemēts ar iuste in rightwy smakinge ar ful besye to contende ād dispute with god saynge Wherfore do we faste when thou lokeste not vpon vs we chasten our selues yet thou wiltnot knowe it Beholde saith the lorde agene to them when ye faste yet abyde yow r owne wyl ād lustes styl withe yowe for yower faste notwithstandinge yet do yow constrayne and vexe yow r detters lo yow faste to thentēte yow might applye yow r sutes stryffes ād to smyte orto entrete yow r condemned detters more cruelly ye faste not nowe a dayes to please god y t your voyce might be harde of him aboue Thinke yow that I loue thys maner of fastīg wherby men at prescripte ād certayne dayes chastene their selues goinge with thei r heades writhen downe lyke an hoke strewed with asshes clothed with sacke wilt thow say y t this maner of faste and that vpon this or that apoynted daye is more accepte to y ● lorde but rath r euen contrarye wyse This maner of fastīge do I alowe love forgeue thy detters wrapped in shrewd bargoyns vnlose their violente obligacions set them at lybertye whom thou castedst in to presone for dette and breke of frome them al maner of bondes yokes D●uyde oute thy meate drynke to y e hongrye thyrstye and the poore way faeringe straunger leade thou hōe into thy house when thou seest● y e naked clothe hym turne not thy face frō thy nowne flesshe Then shal thy light brekeforthe as fresshe as y e mornīge thy helthe shal spryngforth right sone Then shal these dedesbe cleare testimones of thy rightwysnes y e gloriouse maiestye of y e lorde shal embrase the Then shalt thou cal vpon him y e lorde shal hea r y ● thou shalt krye he shal answere lo here at thy hande If thou nowe puttest of thy burdēs holdest thy fingers ceasseste to speake vngodly if thou offerest thy selfe to y e hōgrye refresshest y e poo r afflicte soul then shal thy lighte sprīgeforth in derkenese thy derkenes shal be lyke y e mydday ye y e lorde shal directe y e alwayes he shall satisfye y e desyers of thy mynde confirme y e in goodnes Also thou shalt be lyk a freshe watred garden and as y e ryuers whose vaynes neuer ceasse runnīge Places of longe tyme not īhabited thou shalt occupye dwel vpō and shalt stervp their foundaciōs for y e generaciōs to cum And then shalt thou be called y e repayerer of brokē places y e mend r of y e waye of y ● Sabbat daye If thou refraynest thy fote frō y e Sabbat daye y t is to saye if thou doiste not thy nowne plesure wyl in my holye daye then shalt thou becalled vnto y e ioyful holye gloriouse reste of y e lorde If thou honourst him I saye so y t thou nethe r doist thy nowne wayes nor sekest thy nowne wyl nor speakest thy nowne wordes then shalt thou delight ī y ● lorde which shal karye y t vp aboue y e highest places of therthe ād shal nouresshe y ● vp ī y e heretage of thy fath r Iacob for so haue y e lorde promysed with his owne mouthe The .lix. Chap BEholde y e lordes hande is not so cut of y t he may no mo r saue neth r his eares so dulled y t he may not heare but it is you r inites y t make this grete diuisiō betwene you your god ād your synnes make hym to hyde his face frō you to th ētēt he wolde not hea r. For your hādes ar polluted w t bloude you r fyngers embrwed w t synne your lyppes speke lyes your tōge paīteth mischefe Nomā calleth yn rightwisnes for his aduocate in the lawe nomā iugeth faithfully but euery man leaneth to vanyte adlyes studieth phātasyes cōceyueth laboriouse busynes brīgeth forth myschefe they sit hatchīge y ● kocatryces egges weauīge y ● spyd rs webbe he y t eateth of theyr egges shal dye but if he trede thē vnd r his fete y eserpēt shal yet brekeforth of thei r webbe thei r is made no clothe so y t w t thei r owne workes they maye not kou r thē●elf for they ar myscheuous evē workis of robery stelth shalt thou fynde ī their hādes their fete runne to do mischef swyftely they haste thē to shede īnocēt bloude theyr studye thoughtis ar abhoīnable destrucciō deth drawe they w t thē wheresoeu r they becōe but y e waye of peace they knowe not the r is no eq ite ī their processe they haue so depraued their pathes y t euery mā y t passeth thorou thē shal knowe no peace wherfo r fulfarre is eq ite exyled frō vs ād rightwisnes wil not cōe nighe vs we loked
him by the right hāde diuidīge the waters before thē to get him selfe a name for euer he remembred how he led thē thorow the depthe thorow the deserte lyke as by an euen ād playne waye that thei stombled not for the spirit of the lorde directed them lyke the beastes y t go in the felde So leddest thou thy people O god to gete the a gloriouse name Lokeforth therfore frōe heauen frō the holy habitacion of thy maiestye beholde howe is it thus cū to passe that thy zele thy strēgthe thy plentuouse intere petye ād soste mercye ar so hardened agenste me Thow arte owr father Abraham knoweth not vs neth r Israel knoweth vs but it is thou lorde that art owr father ād redem r thy name is of euer Wherfore lorde haste thou led vs frōe thy wayes haste thou hardened owr hartes y t we shulde not feare the brīge vs agene into thy fauou r for thy promyses sakes made to thy seruants which ar of the trybs of thy heretage It was not longe that thy holy people enioyed thy sanctuarie for our enymes destroyed and spoylde it and as for vs we haue bene thy people euen frō the begīnīge of y e worlde but as for thē they knewe the not for their god neth r were thy called aftyr thy name The .lxiiij. Chapi I Wolde thow woldest cleve insondre heauē and come downe that the hylles mought melte awaye at thy presens even as agenst an hotte fyer ād that the violent tyrāts mought be set a fyer as is water inflammedde with fyer that thy name mought be knowne vnto thy enymes ād these haithen mought tremble at thy presens Descende I saye with thy woundreful vnwonte workes vnloked fore that these hilles mought consume in thy syghte For from al tymes paste there was noman that wolde heare or take hede nether beholde with his eyes these thinges which thou haste done for men waytinge for the but thow a lone O god thou helpest hym that boldely foloweth rightwysnes ād socourste them that depende on the to go in thy wayes But lo thow arte nowe angrye because we are synners and continue stil in ower synnes and there is not one salfe for we are all lyke an vnclene thinge and all ower rightwisnesses are lyke clothes polluted withe menstrwe all we fall lyke leaves for ower iniquites take vs awaye lyke y e wynde there is nō that wil cal vpon thy name or endeuer hym selfe to holde the wherfore thou hydest thy face frome vs and scourgest vs for ower wykednes Nowe therfore when it is so that thow art ower father and we ar but claye thou arte vnto vs as a potter and all we ar the workes of thy hande Be not so sore angrye Lorde I beseche the nether remember owr iniquites alwayes but rath r I praye the consyder al vs to be thy people Boholde the cytes of thy holy lande are turned into a wyldernes Ziō is forsaken ye and even Ierusalem is a deserte ow r holy temple which was ower beutyful flower whereyn owr fathers praysed the is brentvp and all ower plesaunte places are turned into wyldernesses Wylt thou not Lorde aftyr all these thinges be entreted and bowed with prayer wilt thou be styl scourge vs so grevouslye The .lxv. Chap. MEn shal seke me whiche now seke me not they shall fynde me y ● nowe seke me not vnto whome I shal saye anon lo lo I am here at yow r hāde thus shal it be sayde vpon these gentyles which yet cal not on my name for I haue stretched forthe my handes al this tyme paste vnto a nacion that beleued not whiche goithe not the right waye y e is to saye lyueth not aftyr my mynde and plesures which also neu r ceasseth to exasperat to anger me euē to my face offeringe their offeringes in groves wodes brēnīge their incense vpō alters made of stone they sit prayīge at tombes shrynes sleapīge al y e night in chyrches ful of images they eate hogges flesshe vncleane potage is in their ●●●hes they saye if thou cōest nighe thē touch me not lest I make y ● vnclene these mē shal smoke at my wrathe be set a fy r to brene for eu r. Beholde these thīges ar decreed in my presens y ● I shulde not forgete thē but geue you you r rewarde wh r fo r I shal laye yo r wykednes y e wikednes also of your fath rs ī your own bosoms sayth y e lorde which brēte their sacrifices vpō mūtaīs blasphemed me in y e hilles wh r for I shal meate oute their iniq ●tes agē turn thē into their own bosoms thꝰ saith y e lorde as mē wil say to hī y e happeneth on an holy vyne pluk no grapis of this for it is holy evē so shal I do for my ●uāts sakes because I wolde not destroye thē al but I shal brīgforth a sede out of Iacob thinheretour of my hyl oute of Iuda y ● is to saye my chosen shal possesse it my ministers shal dwel ther sarone shal be fylled w t flockis heardes y e vale of Achor shal be layers for herdes of my people y t seke me but you haue betrayed y e lorde forgotē my holy hyl you garnesshed an alt r for y e goddes of Fortune consecrated your offerīg to y e god of tresu r I shal therfor kepe you ī sto r as tresu r for y e swerde y e you mought al be smitdown w t it because y t whē I called you ye wolde not answer whē I spake ye wolde not hear but ye dyd evel ī my sight chosed those thigis which I hated Wh r for thꝰ speketh y e lorde Lo my ●uāts shal eat when ye shal be ful hōgrye beholde my ●uāts shal drink whē ye shal be ful thirsty beholde my ●uāts shal be glad whē ye shal be ashamed Lo my ●uāts shal reioyse singe evē for y e very helth of their hartis but you shalkrye oute for y e very sorow of your hartes for anguysh of mynde ye shal houle as hoūdis your name shal not be swornby emōg my chosen for y e lorde shal slaye you cal his ●uāts by a noth r name He y t shal be praysed in y e erthe let hī be praysed in y e true god he y t shal swer in y e erthe let hī swer by y e true lord for olde enymytes shal be forgotē takē away saith he out of my sight for lo I shal make newe heauēs a newe erthe their shal be no mētion of y e olde neth r shal thei enymo r ascēde to mēnis hartis but these mē shal reioyse enioye these y e I shal make for ev r for lo I shal make Ierusalez right glad even frō hyr very harte whose people shal be ioyful w t whō I my selfe shal be glad merye with
The Prophete Isaye translated into englysshe by George Ioye My shepe heare my voyce saith Christe Ioan. x Euery man that is of y e truthe hearethe my voyce Ioā xviij Despyse not the doctrine ād warninge of the Prophete of God ¶ A Prologe into y e Prophete Isaye THis is the boke of y e sainges actes of y e prophete Isaye chefist of al prophets as cōcerninge y e office of ouerseinge preaching diligent watchinge ouer the congregra●●● of god● which office is nolesse pere●ouse t●e● 〈◊〉 boriouse This is Isaye so ofte in theuangelists mouthes so familiare w t Ioan baptist Paule of fich autorite with Christ y t he toke this boke opened it red y e. Iwes a lesson therof in their synagoge at Nazareth Luc. iiij This boke declarethe howe faithfully Isaye watched wayted on his flok w t what constancy he warned how sharpely he corrected rebuked at laste conforted the zagene This prophete was in lyke troublouse tyme synful worlde as we ar now when destrucciō captiuite was at hande men wer fled bakwarde frō y e true worshype of god to y e worshippinge of stockes stones puttinge al their confidence in vtwarde work is holynes inuented of their owne braines when al was done with pow r tyranye with oute equite trwe iugement ād good ordre Wherby we may wel see y ● merciful goodnes of god which in so troublouse and synfula state steredvp as he dothe nowe so excellent a witte and so feruent a sprite● prophete ¶ When men ar geuen to synne luste then sette thei al their myndes to disgoyse their selfe so to playe the hypocrites y t what so eu r they do it shal be so kraftely handled so coloured so paynted y t it maye apere well rightuously ye godlely done be it neuer so cruel neu r so vngodly ād this their hypocrisy when they entende to staye it moste with suꝑsticion eloquence as with two stronge pyllers I will not set audacite betwene thē for y t same hypocrisy is y e moste vnshamefaced boldenes then thorow suꝑsticion fayne they godlynes by eloquēce erudiciō knowlege But agenste this krafty effeminate mockinge monstre as Isaye paynteth hir thus stayed on and not aftyr his owne doctryne preceptes puttinge our vayne confidence in our workes leauinge his cōmaundements vndone Also in readinge this heauēly Prophete we muste consyder y ● we are the spiritual Israel Iuda of the sede of Abraham by faith vnto whom the lawe is geuē ād promyses ar made that god wil be our god allalone sufficient if we be perfite walke in his wayes Geness xvij Not withstandinge yet ar we aftyr y ● flesshe the verye gentyles whō god of his mercy hath called into the place of the Iwes to benamed his people We muste also remember in readīge this boke that Isaye preacheth to vs not to the carnall Israel only It is we that nowe labour in lyke idolatrye ād synne let vs therfore take his warninges ād terrible threateninges vnto ourselues there is now the same god y ● same Christe yesterdaye to daye the same to contynue for euer Hebre .xiij. the same holygoste the same saviour that thorowe the same faith the same mercy iustice iugemēt abydinge vs the carnall Israel before oth r nacions was cutte oute of Abraham but we by y ● spirit of election throw faith ar cutoute of the stone y t is christe Isay .li. Israel descended into Egipte there oppressed in harde seruitute we descende into our owne wayes oppressed with synne for the which we are vnder the daunger of hell dethe Israel had their passe ouer in the rememberaunce of their delyuerance out of Egipt we haue owr lambe christe offred for vs into a perpetuall memoriall of owr delyueraunce frome synne hell deth Israel for their vnbelefe was forsaken blynded assayled of the Madianites Amalekts of y ● Assyriōs of y ● Antiochens Rhomans which brente their temple destroyd their lande led thē into captiuite we for our vnbelefe are not withe out our spirituall Sennacherib Nabuchodonosor Antioche our Rhomās cōtinually fightīge agēst Christ vs leadīg vs into captiuite vnd r thei r traditiōs burnīge y ● very tēple of god dest-roying eu ry ouerseer or preach r plentuously fynd al maner of ryches y t maye make for the edifyinge of Christes flocke take awaye siche a bishop from Mosesbokis as Isaye is thexample y t he lefte vs to folowe in expoundinge the lawe the prophetes interprete y e lawe the newe testamēt expoundeth thē bothe thow shittest vp the lawe and puttest it owte of mynde ¶ Owte of Isayes schole it pleased god to sende these two lights that is to saye Ioan baptiste and Paule hym to y ● blinde phary sayes to their blinde disciples the Iwes this to illumyn the gentyls sittinge yet in derkenes Ioan baptiste with oute doute preached many a sermone to many men before thei flocked forth so faste to hym to be baptized cōfessinge their synnes but oute of what prophets schole he was sente the theme and argument of his sermons the roughe rebukinge ād sharpe threatening so frely so boldely with oute feare of man of what estate so ever he was playnely declareth Sayde he not frely to the pharisayes and Saduceys Mat. iij. For all they were in so grete opinion and autorite with the people for their vtwarde holynes sayde he not openly to these hypocrytes O ye edders whelpes who shal shewe you the waye to auoyde the vengeance to come And with Paule was there no Prophete so familiare so ready to proue and to confirme his sayinges as was Isaye as it aperethe in his pistels sermons especially in his pistle to the Romans Where yn the nienthe and tenthe Chapit When he came vnto the callinge of the Gentyles into the place of the Iwes nowe fallen awaye ād reiected whiche callinge of the Gentyles and fall of the Iwes Isaye sawe ād prophecyed here moste clearly how thicke I praye yow alledged he Isaye be name brīgīge ī his ful sentences hol testimones garneshinge his pistle w t thez as y ● starres ornowerne y ● firmamēt so y t it maye be thought he wat rd not his gardēs of eny oth r prophets ryuers so plentuously so ofte as he dyd of Isayes swete floudes runninge in them so puerly so plentuously and so swetely But what nedeth me to remember the seruants when y ● Master of all broughtyn no prophets testimones so sone as he dyd his prophet Isays the sonne of Amoz As when he came to Nazareth whe r he was broughtup aftyr the custome entred into their Synagoge on the Sabbath daye and rosup to reade his lesson there was delyuerde him the boke of Isaye the prophete as ye maye se Luce. iiij which he opened and fyndinge this place of