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A68635 The pastyme of people The cronycles of dyuers realmys and most specyally of the realme of Englond breuely co[m]pylyd [and] empryntyd in chepesyde at the sygne of the mearemayd next to pollys gate. Cum priuilegio. Rastell, John, d. 1536. 1530 (1530) STC 20724; ESTC S111873 150,895 127

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fitz Alwyn The fyrst Sheryffes Peter Duke Thomas Nele ¶ Also in the .x. yere of kynge Iohn̄ London brydge was begon to be edefyed of stone whiche before was of tymbre and the monastery of saynt Mary oueres was begon for to be buylded ¶ Also about the .xi. yere of kynge Iohans reyne the kyng was in great feare lest he shulde lose his realme and to be vtterly vndone hym selfe wherfore in his mynde he was sore anoyed and sent to the pope and sayd he wolde be reconsyled wherfore the pope sent Pandulfe agayne into Englande with these artycles that he shulde receyue Steuyn to his archebysshopryke restore to hym and to all other all profytes frutes belongynge to them that he had wrongfully taken and that he shulde yelde vnto the popes handes the tytle of his crowne to holde it of the pope To the whiche thynges the kynge graunted and resygned his crowne to Pandulfe and toke it agayne of hym to holde it of the pope and to pay yerely to the churche of Rome M. markes of syluer and after that receyued Steuyn suffred hym to inioy his Archebysshopryke restored all suche profytes as he had from hym and all other wrongfully taken Some wryters affyrme that for this foresayd payment the Peter pens be payde at this day ¶ Also about the .xiiii. yere of his reyne kynge Iohn̄ fell at a great discencyon with his lordes one cause of that varyance wos for that y t the kynge wolde nat holde y e lawes of saynt Edwarde but wolde holde no lawe but do all thīge at his owne wyll dyd disinheryte many men without assent of his lordes or of any other counsell And also wolde haue disinheryte the erle of Chester because he rebuked hym of his wyckednesse for that that he hylde his owne brothers wyfe lay by many other great lordes dobghters and spared no woman that hym lyked wherfore his lordꝭ toke the citye of London and bylde them there a certayne whyle But by meanes of the Archebysshoppe of Caunterbury and other prelates the kynge and his lordes met besyde Stanys at a place called Rumney mede and there agrement was made a charter made thereupon called Magna carta whiche charter anone after the kynge brake that newe varyance began betwene hym and his lordes agayne y t dyuers of the lordes sent vnto the kynge of Fraunce that he shulde sende his son Lewys hyther and they wolde rendre vnto hym the lande which Lewys therupon came into Englande and toke dyuers castels of the kynges by force and after came to London where the barons receyued hym and yelded to hym the Towre of London Kynge Iohn̄ beynge thus ouer set with this Lewys by the eyde of dyuers of his lordes sent vnto the pope shewynge theyr rebellynge whiche sent vnto hym a Legate called Swallo whiche in the popes name commaunded Lewys to returne into Fraunce and labored to haue a peace betwene them but his labour was in vayne wherfore the kyng forfere fled towarde Lyncolne but sone after at Neuwarke he dyed of the flyx the .xix. day of October the yere of Chryst M.CC.xvi. But some say that a monke poysoned hym at Swynestede and he is buryed at worcester Henricus .iij. ¶ Honore Gregory Celestyne ¶ Honore was nexte pope the yere of Chryst M·CC xvi he hylde the see .x. yere and more ¶ Gregory hylde the see nexte .xiiii. yere ¶ Celestyne hylde the see nexte .xviii. dayes ¶ Fredrycke Henry ¶ Fredrycke was nexte Emperour the yere of Chryst M.CC.xii. he dyd persecute the churche but at a counsell at Lyon he was deposed by the pope Innocent that .xxvii. yere after the electours were in varyance who shulde be Emperour he hylde the Empyre .xxxii. yere ¶ Henry was nexte Emperour he hylde the empyre .v. yere Henry the thyrde HEnry the thyrde of that name and eldyst sonne to kynge Iohn̄ was crowned kyng the .xxviii. day of Octobre the yere of Chryst M.CC.xvi. whan he was but .ix. yeres of age And after his coronacyon this Lewis cōtynued in his war which he had begon but dyuers of y e lordes toke ꝑte agaynst hym And also Swallo the Legate accursed this Lewys interdyted wales a cursyd Lewellyn prynce of wales and all that hylde ꝑte agayne this yonge kyng Henry And the erle of Chester and dyuers other lordes of the kynges parte went to Lyncolne and toke the towne and slewe many Frenche men beynge there forced this Lewys to take a peace whiche peace was thus concluded y t Lewys shulde go agayne into Fraunce and to haue a M. markes for his trauayle whiche he had and so deꝑted Also in the thyrde yere of this kynge began y e newe worke of the churche of westmyster ¶ About the .viii. yere of this kynges reyne the charter called Magna carta was cōfyrmed and dyuers artycles addyd therto howe the kynge shulde haue the warde and maryage of the lordes heyres beynge within age and the fyrst statute of Mortmayne than made and about that tyme the plees of the crowne were holden in the Towre of London And this kynge also graunted many lybertes to the citye of London Sone after this kynge Henry with a great hoost sayled into Normandye by the excytynge of a Frenche man named the erle of Marche where betwene the Frēche kyng Lewys and hym was fought a great battell but in the ende the Frenchemen had the victory toke .xxii. knyghtes and noble men prisoners .v. C. meane people y t kynge Henry for feare fled and turned backe to Burdeux but after a peace was made kynge henry returned into Englande About this tyme was a great yerthe quake in Englande and also in the .xxxi. yere of this kynge the kynge seasyd the franches of London into his handes for a iugemēt gyuen by one Piers Alyn the Mayre Aldermen agaynst a wedowe called Margarete Vyell which iugemēt as it was sayd was after foūde good wherfore the Citezyns inioyed agayne theyr lybertes About the .xxxv. yere of this kynge the order of the freres Augustynes began in Englande in a place in wales called wodhouse And about this tyme the kyng maryed Margarete his doughter to Alexāder the kyng of Scottes which Alexander dyd homage to y e kynge at yorke This kynge Henry ofte tymes for dyuers cōplayntes made agaynst y e Mayres offycers of London seasyd the lybertes of the citye into his owne handes set other offycers to rule the citye but euer they were restored agayne Also about this tyme Rycharde the kynges brother erle of Cornewall was electe kyng of Almayne kynge of Romayns whiche toke shyppynge went thyder there was crowned in y e citye of Aquisgranū About the .xli. yere of kyng Henryes rayne a greuous byll of complaynt of the cōmynalte of London was put agaynst the Mayre Aldermen and gouernours of the citye for wronges extorcyons done by them to the
had the victorye there was slayne y e duke of Somercet the erle of Northūberlande the lorde Clyfforde with many other honorable knyghtes and squyers and they toke the kynge prisoner cōueyed hym into London And there vpon there was called a parlyament at the whiche parlyament because the kynge was called a good Innocent vertuous man nat mete for y e warres The duke of yorke was made protectour the erle of Salysbury Chaunceler of Englande and the erle of warwyke captayne of Caleys And all suche persons as ruled before as the quene her counsell were clerely amoued concernynge the rule of the kynge and of the lande but this contynued but a whyle ¶ Also about this tyme a Mercers seruant in London smote an Italyon wherfore he was cōmytted to warde wherfore all the mercers seruantes gathered them to gether and compelled y e Mayre to delyuer hym And after a meanye of rascall and euyll disposed people brake certayne straungers houses and robbed and spoyled them But after this matter was inquered of and thre persons put to execucyon therfore ¶ Also in the .xxxiii. yere of kynge Henry the quene disdayned sore that the duke of yorke shulde bere the name of protectour whiche argued the kynge shulde nat be sufficyent to gouerne the realme whiche she thought to be a great dishonour to the kynge wherfore she gette the fauour of dyuers lordes and at a counsell at Grenewyche she caused the duke of yorke to be discharged of his protectourshyp and the erle of Salysbury of his Chauncellourshyp whiche was y e cause of a newe greatter warre But sone after that the quene suspected the citye of London to owe fauour to the duke of yorke caused the kynge to go into Couentre where the quene caused the duke of yorke the erle of Salysbury and the erle of warwyke to be sent for by Priuey seale but they had secret warnynge and escaped and the duke and the erle of Salysburye went into the Northe the erle of warwyke with his wyfe and with a great company went into Caleys toke possessyon of his offyce ¶ Also in the .xxxv. yere of kynge Henry there were .iiii. wonderfull fysshes taken at Eyrythe and .ii. of them were whalles and one was a swyrde fysshe the other was called Mors maryn whiche as dyuers men sayd was a Pronosticacyon of warre and troble ¶ Also in the same tyme was a great skyrmysshe betwene the lorde Egremonde and the sonnes of the erle of S●lysburye but at the ende the lorde Egremonde was taken after by iugement of the kynges counsell condempned to pay great sōmes of money to the erle of Salysburye for payment wherof he was cōmytted to Newgate whiche after brake the prison there toke out dyuers prisoners with hym ¶ Also in this same tyme the crafte of Printynge of bokes began in the citye of Almayne named Magonce whiche is nowe meruaylous●y increasyd whiche hathe ben cause of great lernynge and knowelege and hathe ben the cause of many thynges and great chaunges is lyke to be the cause of many straūge thynges here after to come And in this same yere the senesshall of Normandye with a great nauey entred the see and came to ●andewyche and there robbed and spoyled the towne and toke with hym many ryche prisoners ¶ Also in this yere Raynolde Pecoke bysshop of Chechester was at Lambeth abiured for an heretyke and his bokes brent and he kept in prison terme of his lyfe ¶ Also in the .xxxvi. yere of kynge Henry for to appeace the rancour betwene the quene and the lordes a day of metynge was appoynted by the kynge at London where aswell all the lordes that toke the quenes parte as the duke of yorke and the erle of Salysburye and other that toke theyr parte And also the erle of warwyke that than came fro Caleys euery one of them with a great company came and assembled where a dissymulynge concorde was taken betwene them And after that the kynge the quene and all the lordes vpon our Lady day the Annunciacyon went a precessyon in Poules and after that euery lorde departed at his pleasure ¶ Also sone after that certayne shyppes belongynge to the erle of warwyke mette with a flote of Spanyardes vpon the see where betwene them was a cruell fyght but the englysshemen had the victorye and toke .vi. of theyr shyppes and drowned and chased .xxvi. but nat without losse of men for they were moo than an C. englysshemen slayne and many wounded and hurte ¶ Also in the .xxxvi. yere of kynge Henry the kynge the quene and many lordes beynge at westmyster at counsell because y e one of the erle of warwykes seruantes had hurre one of the kynges seruantes escaped therfore the kynges housholde seruantes came out of the kechyn with spyttes and other wepyns wolde haue slayne the erle of warwyke as he came to haue taken his barge so that he escaped with great daunger and rowed to London wherfore the quene wolde haue had the erle a rested but sodaynly he departed from London and went to warwyke And after that he gate a cōmyssion and sayled vnto Caleys Than the quene malygned agaynst the erle of Salysburye and caused the lorde Audeley with a great companye to mete with the erle commynge towarde Lōdon to haue taken hym prisoner But the erle kepynge his wey with a great companye with hym mette with them at a place called Blore hethe where betwene them was a great byckerynge a sore fyght but the erle had the victorye And there the lorde Audeley was slayne and moche of his people and the erles .ii. sonnes sore wounded whiche shortely after as they were goynge whomewarde were taken prisoners by them of the quenes partye and sent vnto Chester whan this was knowen by the duke of yorke the other lordes they by one assent gathered a stronge hoost of Marche men and other and the erle of warwyke with a great companye came from Caleys and accōpanyed with the duke nyghe the towne of Lodlowe where they pyght a stronge felde the kynge with a great hoost came towarde them but one Andrewe Trolloppe whiche came with the erle of warwyke and many other af the Souldyers of Caleys departed from the dukes hoost and came to the kynge wherby the duke and his companye were sore abasshed wherfore they concluded to flee and to leaue the felde standynge as they had ben present and than the duke departed with his .ii. sonnes and went fyrst into wales and after into Irelande And the erles of Salysburye of Marche and of warwyke went into Deuynshyre there by the meanes of one Iohn̄ Denham a squyer gette a shyppe and sayled into Gernesey and after from thens vnto Caleys there ioyously were receyued at a posterne gate And whan the fyrst departure of these lordes was knowen to the kynge and other lordes of the other parte they sent about all the
coste of Englande to haue stopped them but it was to late And than incontynent the kynge dispoyled the towne of Lodlowe and the castell and toke the Duches of yorke And anone after the kynge made y e duke of Somercetꝭ son that was slayne captayne of Caleys wherfore he in all hast went ouer to haue taken Caleys but y e said other erles beynge there before kept hym out wherfore the yonge duke went and toke Guynes than dayly many great assautes were made betwene them of Caleys them of Guynes And many men resorted dayly and came out of Englande to Caleys to the socour of the lordes there and betause they lacked money they shyfted with the Staple of Caleys for .xviii. thousande pounde And after they sende ouer the sayd mayster Iohn̄ Denham with a great companye of shyppes to Sandewyche to wynne the kynges Nauey there lyenge whiche so spedde hym that he toke there the towne and toke the lorde Ryuers in his bedde and toke the lorde Skalys and toke as many shyppes of the kynges Nauey as he lyst and with them returned into Caleys but nat without the consent of many of the maryners whiche fauoured the erle of warwyke Sone after this the kynge called a parlyament at Couentrye where the sayd duke of yorke with all the other lordes were attaynted of treason and theyr landes and goodes seasyd to the kynges vse And prouisyon made y t no man shulde passe ouer the see vnto Caleys but that nat withstādyng comfort came to them of Caleys dayly out of Englande And at the last the sayd erle of Salysburye with the other lordes and with a great companye landed at Douer in Kent and so kept theyr weys towarde the kynge whiche lay than at Couentre gatherynge his people And so in conclusyon whan bothe the hoostes were gathered to a great nombre at the last they mette at Northampton where betwene them was fought a cruell battell where the erle of Salysburye his cōpanye had the victorye there was slayne the duke of Buckyngham the erle of Shroysburye the vycount of Beamount the lorde Egremount with many other knyghtes squyers and the kynge taken prisoner After whiche felde they brought the kynge with them into London there kepynge his estate and sent shortely worde to the duke of yorke into Irelande and immedyatly called a parlyament at westmyster to the whiche ꝑlyament the duke of yorke came and lodged hym selfe in the kynges palese where the kynge hym selfe was Than a great rumour sprange that kynge Henry shulde be deposed the duke of yorke made kynge And vpon this parlyament contynuynge the duke of yorke came boldely vpon a day in the parlyament chambre and there set hym downe in the kyngꝭ sete and there made his clayme vnto y e crowne wherby many of the lordes were dismayde for dyuers of the lordes aswell the dukes fryndes as other were in the mynde that kynge Henry shulde be kynge durynge his lyfe For the whiche many great counsels were kept in this whyle the quene with suche lordes as were of her parte were in the northe contrey and assembled great strength of people At the last it was concluded at this parlyament that kynge Henry shulde contynue and reyne as kynge durynge his lyfe naturall and after his dethe the duke of yorke and his heyres to be kynges yf kynge Henry were disposed to resygne his crowne that he shulde resygne it to the duke of yorke and his heyres w t dyuers other artycles ¶ And also that if kynge Henry durynge his lyfe went from this appoyntement or from any other artycle therin that than he shulde be deposed than the duke of yorke or his heyre to take the crowne and be kynge And there the duke of yorke was made agayne protectour and gouernour of the lande and was proclaymed heyre apparant to the crowne of Englande ¶ And also than it was there concluded that because the quene and Edwarde her sonne and the yonge duke of Somercet and the duke of Excester and other wolde nat co London That the duke of yorke and the erle of Salysbury with a great power shulde goo and fatche the quene and the other lordes And whan the quene with her lordes harde tell of theyr cōmynge they gathered to them a great strength of people and mette with them nere vnto a towne called wakefylde where betwene them was fought a cruell and a great mortall battell where the quene and her lordes had the victorye And there was slayne the sayd duke of yorke with his son the duke of Rutlande and syr Thomas Neuell son to the erle of Salysburye and dyuers other And the erle of Salysburye taken prisoner whiche w t many other prisoners were sent vnto Powmefret whiche erle was after there beheded and dyuers other and theyr heades sent vnto yorke ¶ Also in this tyme Edwarde the erle of marche eldyst son to y e duke of yorke beynge at Shroysburye herynge of the dethe of his father gathered some people there and went into wales to gether mo people to auenge his fathers dethe with whome the erles of Penbroke wylshyre met and gaue hym a sharpe skyrmysshe but the erle of marche had the victorye After that the quene with her lordes with a great cōpanye of Northermnen came towarde London as farre as saynt Albons In whiche meane tyme the duke of Norfolke and the erle of warwyke which were assygned to wayte vpon the kynge gathered vnto them a great strength mette with the quenes hoost at saynt Albons where betwene them was a stronge fyght where y e quenes parte had the victorye the duke of Norfolke the sayd erle were discomfyt and fayne to flee kynge Henry was there taken in the fylde and brought vnto the quene and dyuers that were taken prisoners as the lorde Boneuylle syr Thomas Tyrell were beheded And than dyuers Aldermen and cōmons of London went to the quene and made request that the Northernmen myght be turned whome for feare of robbynge of the citye ¶ Sone after this Edwarde the erle of marche and eldyst son to the duke of yorke and the erle of warwyke met to gether at Cotyswolde and had gathered a great people And than y e kynge and the quene with theyr hoost returned Northewarde and than the forsayd erle of marche with the erle of warwyke with dyuers other lordes of theyr partye came vnto London to whome resorted the more partye of all the gentylmen of the South and Eest parte of Englāde At theyr whiche fyrst cōmynge to London there was a great counsell called of lordes spirituall and temporall where after many argumentes and reasons made it was concluded that for asmoche as kynge Henry contrary to his honour and promyse had broken the artycles made at that parlyament and was departed Northwarde with the quene other lordes And also for so moche as he was thought vnable to gouerne the
doughter to Baldewyn the emperour was 〈◊〉 of Flaūders Richardus .j. ¶ Clement Celestyne ¶ Clement was nexte pope the yere of Chryst M.C.lxxxvii he hylde the see .iii. yere and more ¶ Celestyne was nexte pope he hylde the see .vii. yere Henry ¶ Henry sonne to Fredrycke was nexte Emperour the yere of Chryst M.C.lxxxix he hylde the Empyre .x. yere Rycharde the fyrst RIcharde the fyrst sonne of kynge Henry the seconde was crowned kynge of Englande the .iii. day of Septembre the yere of Chryst M.C.lxxxix This kynge ordayned in the citye of London two Baylyffes to be chosen yerely to gouerne the citye whose names were The fyrst baylyffes of London Henry Tornehyll Rycharde fitz ryuer ¶ Vpon the whiche day of his coronacyon because the Iewes presumed further than they ought the people fell vpon them and droue them to theyr houses robbed and spoyled them without pyte and brent some of theyr houses that the kyng sent strayte cōmaundement to cesse the ryot but because the nombre of the trespassours were so many they escaped vnpunysshed ¶ In the begynnynge of his reyne wyllyam kynge of Scottes came to Caunterbury and dyd homage to kynge Rycharde This Rycharde toke vpon hym to warre agaynst Chrystes enemyes made great preparacyon of money and therfore he gaue ouer Berwyke and Rokysborowe to the kyng of Scottes for .x. and solde to the bysshoppe of Durham his owne prouynce made many bysshoppes and ryche preestes to pay great sommes of money Also he had lycence of the pope to dispence with them that had takyn vpon them the crosse wherby he raysed moche money than commytted the rule of Englande to his chauncelour the bysshop of Ely than went into Normandye and mette with Philyppe kynge of Fraunce at Turon whiche had promysed the same voyage In whiche metynge they deuysed assurance for the contynuance of theyr iourney into y e holy lande that is to say that kynge Rycharde shulde passe by the see and kynge Philyppe by the lande and to mete agayne at Cycyll where they mette accordynge to theyr apoyntement where sone after a grudge began betwene the .ii. kynge for correctyon of theyr soudyours wherfore kynge Philyppe departed but kyng Rycharde entryd the lande of Cypres made so sharpe warre that he toke the kynge of Cypres prisoner and layde hym in bondes of syluer because he had promysed he shulde nat be put in bondes of yron After y t he sayled to Acon or Acres where kynge Philyppe with his hoost lay and beseged the citye whiche than ioyously receyued kynge Rycharde whiche bothe princes set vpon the citye of Acres and wanne it But sone after that a greater grudge began betwene those two prynces Some say the cause therof was for the partynge of the pryes gotten at the sayd citye of Acres and some say it was for that that kynge Rycharde denyed to kynge Philyppe halfe that whiche was gotten at y e citye of Cypres whiche kynge Philyppe claymed by comenant made betwene them at Turon And some say it was because that the erle of Champeyne departed from kynge Philyppe and forsoke to do hym pleasure whiche erle kynge Rycharde receyued And some say the cause of the varyaunce was for y e that kynge Rycharde beynge in Cycell maryed the syster of the eynge of Nauerne where he before had promysed to mary the syster of y e sayd kynge Philyppe But what so euer was the cause of the grudge trouthe it is that kynge Philyppe departed from Acres contynued his iourney tyll he came into Fraunce Sone after this it was shewed kynge Rycharde that the towne of Iapheth whiche was than in chrysten mennes handes was beseged by one Salandyne lykely to be wonne wherfore kynge Rycharde sayled thyther by water a nother hoost of Frenchemen and other whiche remayned there after the departynge of kynge Philyppe he sent them to Iaphethe by lande there by strength rescued the towne wanne dyuers other holdes there nyghe ¶ Philyppe ¶ Philyppe called philyppe Auguste was nexte kynge of Fraūce the yere of Chryst M.C.lxxx he wanne a great battell agaynst Otton the Emperour Ferrande erle of Flaūders Raynolde erle of Bulleyne and toke bothe those erles prisoners ¶ wyllyam ¶ wyllyam Dampeter maryed to Margaret syster to Iohanne before countes of Flaunders was nexte erle of Flaunders and lefte many chrysten knyghtes to kepe them slewe the Turkes which he had take prisoners by reason wherof kyng Rycharde was sore dredde fered of the Turkes In the whyle y t kynge Rycharde was thus occupyed in the holy lande the bysshhop of Ely y t had the gydynge of Englande dyd moche tyranye and extorcyon in Englande as in depriuynge of Bysshoppes Abbottes and kepynge theyr landes pollynge and oppressynge of lay people by dyuers meanes that at the last by strength the lordes put hym out of the lande This kynge Rycharde perceyued that the Chrysten people decresyd in the holy lande aswell by infyrmytes as lacke of vytell toke a truce for .iii. yere and returned whome warde and sent the quene his wyfe by the see he sayled with a small company into Histra and there landed where he was takyn prisoner by the duke of Ostreche and by hym put in prison and brought to Henry Emperour of Almayne whiche put hym in stronge prison and after Raunsomed hym at C.M. li. whiche duke of Ostryche was afwarde therfore accursed of the pope for y e wronge done to kynge Rycharde ¶ Also for the payment of this sayd Raunsome afterwarde the woll of all the whyte monkes and chanons in Englande was solde and rynges iewels of prelates and vessels and chalyces of all the churches thorowe the lande dyuers many shrynes scraped and spoyled of theyr golde and syluer Dyuers causes there were as wryters reher●e that the Emperour shulde owe grudge to kynge Rycharde one was because kynge Rycharde had promysed to the Emperour an ayde for the wynnynge of the kyngdome of Cicyle whiche the Emperour claymed as his inheritance whiche promyse kynge Rycharde as he sayd brake Another cause was for that y e kyng Rycharde toke from a knyght of the duke of Ostryche the dukes banner and trode it vnder his fete in dispyte of the duke and of the Emperour his lorde and therfore the duke and the Emperour were gladde to do kynge Rycharde displeasure ¶ It is sayd that a Lyon was put to kynge Rycharde beynge in prison to haue deuoured hym and when the Lyon was gapynge he put his Arme in his mouthe pulled the lyon by the harte so harde that he slewe the lyon And therfore some say he is called Rycharde Cure de lyon but some say he is called Cure delyon because of his boldenesse and hardy stomake Also Iohn̄ the kynges brother by excytynge of the Frenche kynge herynge that the kynge his brother was in prison in Almayne began to make warre within
many hurtes in Gascoyn and Guyan for the erle of Artoys skyrmysshed ofte tymes with the englysshemen and at the last toke syr Iohn̄ saynt Iohn̄ syr willyam Mortymer and dyuers other prisoners whiche were conueyed to Fraunce to dyuers prisons ¶ Also about this tyme the cy●ezens of London were restored to theyr lybertes whiche in some parte had ben kept from them by the space of .xii. yeres so that in stede of Mayres there were custodyes or gardayns whiche was because they mysordered the Iustyce of the citye But for this restorynge they payde .iii. M. markes ¶ In the .xxvi. yere kynge Edwarde went ouer into Flaunders to ayde Guy erle of Flaunders agaynst the Frenche kynge and the frenche kynge drewe towarde the kynge but by mediacyon of fryndes at y e last a peace was made betwene them all But in this whyle the Scottes herynge of the warre in Flaunders because theyr kynge was fled into Fraūce made them a newe kynge called walys and rose agayne and entred into Northumberlāde but the kynge sent his letters to the lordes of Englande whiche by his cōmaundement gathered a great power and went into Scotlande where betwene them was skyrmysshes and many englysshemen slayne for the Scottes kept theyr holdes wolde nat come to no playne fylde But the nexte yere after kyng Edwarde gathered a great power and went hym selfe into Scotlāde where the Scottes with a great hoost met him at a place called Fankyrke where betwene them was fought a cruell battell but in the ende the Englysshemen had the victorye and slewe of the Scottes to y e nombre of .xxxii. M. and but fewe of the Englysshemen But yet the nexte yere after the kynge layde sege to the castell of Estreuelyn where at the last the Scottes that were therin yelded the castell and sware them selfes to the kynges ●legeaunce and walys herynge therof fledde into the mareyses for his suerte for feare of the kynges hoost kept hym so longe tyme that all the cōmons of Scotlande presented them selfe to the kynge by great companyes put them into the kyngꝭ grace and the rulers offycers of cityes townes boroughes were sworne to kynge Edwarde Celestyne Bonyface ¶ Celestyne hylde the see nexte .vi. monethes ¶ Bonyface hylde the see nexte .viii. yere he caused Celestyne to resygne his company to hym by fraude and after lyued lyke a lyon and dyed lyke a dodge ¶ Sone after this kynge Edwarde returned into Englande where many complayntes were made to hym of his offycers as of Mayres Sheryffes baylyffes exchetours and dyuers other wherfore he ordayned his Iustyce to make inquisicyons therof whiche after was called Trolbaston where by forfeytours fynes the kynge recouered innumerable treasour agaynst suche offenders and fylled his cofers agayne Neuerthe●●●●● this kynge dyd great good within the realme of Englande for those offenders were well chastyced and were moche more meker and better and the pore cōmons lyued in moche more rest and peace ¶ Also about this tyme syr Edwarde the kynges eldest sonne by the wanton counsell of Piers Ganeston brake the bysshop of Chesters parke and ryottuously distroyed his game wherfore the kynge imprysoned his sonne and other that were with hym and after banysshed the sayde Piers out of Englande ¶ Also about the .xxxiii. yere of kynge Edwarde walys the Scotte was taken and brought to London drawne hanged quartred and anone after that the bysshoppe of saynt Andrewes Robert le Bruse syr Symon Frysell erle of Dumber syr Iohn̄ Cambres erle of Atlas and syr Iohn̄ Comyn with many other came to westmyster by theyr voluntarye wylles were sworne to be trewe to kynge Edwarde and to kepe Scotlande to his vse But sone after that Robert le Bruse contrarye to his othe gate a dispensacyon for his othe of pope Clement the .v. and toke vpon hym to be kynge of Scotlande slewe syr Iohn̄ Comyn and his brother that counselled hym to the contrarye And sone after kynge Edwarde came into Scotlande agayne with a stronge power and Robert le Bruse met hym with a great nombre at a playne nyghe saynt Iohans towne where there was fought a cruell battell but the Scottꝭ were discomfyt and .vii. thousande Scottes there slayne there were dyuers bysshoppes and abbottes taken dyuers other temporall lordes And Robert le Bruse fled vnto the kynge of Norwey and kynge Edwarde sent the bysshoppes and Abbottes that were taken in the fylde to the pope and sent the temperall lordes and other of the Scottes that were takyn vnto London where they were put to dethe ¶ Also in the .xxxv. yere of kyng Edwarde as he returned towarde Englāde he fell sycke wherfore he sware his lordes to be trewe to Edwarde his eldyst son And also charded his sayd son vpon his blessynge that he shulde neuer suffer Piers of Ganeston to returne into Englande sware his lordes to stycke to the same and the kynges son and they all graunted therto and in y e vii day of Iulii in the yere of Chryst M.CCC.vii he dyed and is buryed at westmyster Edwardus .ij. ¶ Benedicte ¶ Benedicte was nexte pope the yere of Chryst M.CCC.iii he hylde the see .ix. monethes Henry ¶ Henry was nexte Emperour the yere of Chryst M.CCC.viii he hylde the Empyre .vi. yere Edwarde the seconde EDwarde the seconde of that name and son to Edwarde the fyrst borne at Carnaruan was crowned kynge the .xxiiii. day of February the yere of Chryst M.CCC.vii after the countynge of Englande This kynge was fayre stronge of body but vnstydfast of condicyons for he refused the company of his lordes and wyse men and haunted the company of vyle persons and gaue hym to great drynkyng and lyghtly wolde discouer thynges of great counsell whiche turned hym after to great hurte and the realme to great vnquietnesse This kynge as sone as his father was buryed sent for Piers of Ganeston his olde compyre and aduaunced hym to great honour contrary to the promyse that he made to his father This kynge in the seconde yere of his reyne went ouer into Fraunce and maryed Isabell doughter to Philyppe le Belle kynge of Fraunce and after with her returned into Englande This kynge for the displeasure done before to hym by y e bysshop of Chester put the sayd bysshop in the Towre in strayte prison but the lordes whiche y e kynges father in his dethbede sware to be trewe to his son came to the kynge and spake so to the kynge that contrary to the kynges mynde this Piers was banysshed into Irelande but the kynge secretely comforted hym with great gyftes and made hym chefe ruler of the contrey but after that for the auoydynge of grudge betwene y e kynge and the lordes the sayd Piers was suffered to come into Englande agayne and had the rule of all the kynges iewels and spende wasted moche of the kynges treasure that shortely after by y e labour of the lordes he
Burgoyne came and gaue the kynge .xxx. M. ●i that he shulde do no hurt in that contrey wherfore he departed thens and went towarde Parys and his hoost lodged nyghe to Parys redy to gyue battell but y e bysshoppe of Beaux chauncellour of Normādye with other toke a day of truse to conclude a peace at whiche day at a place within a myle of Charters the duke of Lan●aster the erle of warwyke and Northampton appered for kynge Edwarde for Charles than eldyst son to kynge Iohn̄ whiche before was made Regent of Fraunce there appered the sayd bysshoppe of Beaux and dyuers other lordes whiche peace was thus concluded that kynge Edwarde shulde haue all the landes that he than had in Gascoyn and Guyan to hym and to his heyres without doynge for them any homage And that kynge Edwarde shulde gyue vp all his tytle y t he claymed to the crowne of Fraunce And also that the Frenche kynge shulde pay for his raunsome .iii. Millyons of Scutes whiche amount to .v. C.M. li. And also y t kynge Edwarde shulde nat alye hym with the F●emynges nor ayde them agaynst kynge Iohn̄ nor his heyres kynges of Fraunce ¶ After whiche treatye thus concluded kynge Edwarde returned into Englande and after kynge Edwarde and kynge Iohan at Caleys were bothe ●worne to mayntayne y e sayd artycles and than kynge Iohan was delyuered and went into Fraunce whiche was .iiii. yere after that he was taken and kynge Edwarde had Iohan duke of Amo● and mayne whiche was kynge Iohans sonne and Iohan duke of Aluerne and .viii. other erles delyuered hym for hostages he with them than returned into Englande ¶ Also after this a companye of dyuers nacyons called the companyons assembled them in the contrey of Champayn wherof y e captayns were englysshemen agaynst whome the Frenche king sent .iii. erles to subdewe them with a great power with them but the Frenchemen were discomfyt and one of the erles was slayne and .ii. of them taken prisoners and these companye cōtynued .iiii. yeres to the nombre of .lx. M. And in the same tyme a lyke company assembled in Italye whiche dyd moche hurt ¶ In the .xxxvii. yere of kynge Edwarde kyng Iohan of Fraunce came ouer agayne into Englande of his free wyll to sporte hym and had great chere But the nexte yere after he fell sycke at the Sauey and there dyed and then Charles his son was crowned kynge in Parys And in the same yere the kynge of Cypres and the kynge of Scottes came into Englande to speke with kynge Edwarde Also sone after this prince Edwarde sayled to Burdeux and receyued poscessyon of Guyan that his father had newely gyuen hym dyd homage therfore to his father And in y e same season there was a great battell in Brytteyn fought betwene Charles de Bloys syr Iohn̄ Momforde for the tytle of that dukedome but by y e ayde of Englysshemen syr Iohn̄ Momforde had the victory Charles was slayne sone after that Charles than beynge kynge of Fraunce toke an order that the dukedome of Bryttayen shulde remayne to syr Iohn̄ Momforde and his heyres foreuer ¶ Also about the .xl. yere of kynge Edwarde Piers kynge of Castell was expulsed by the ayde of the Frenchemen by Henry his bastarde brother But this Peter by the ayde of prince Edwarde fought with his brother Henry and put hym to flyght and slewe .v. M. of his men and restored Peter to dyuers cityes and holdes whiche he before had lost But after that his brother Henry entred into Castell agayne and in proces wan the contrey agayne and toke his brother Peter and beheded hym ¶ Also about the .xlii. yere of kynge Edwarde the erles of Armenake of Dalbret and of Perygot with dyuers other lordes of Guyan appelled prince Edwarde to Charles the Frenche kynge that prince Edwarde had broken y e peace made betwene the .ii. kinges kynge Edwarde and kynge Iohan and one great cause that they layde agaynst prince Edwarde was because he leueyed a fowage in Guyan agaynst y e myndes of the lordes where the contrey ought to be free where vpon kynge charles sent his letters to prince Edwarde cōmaundynge hym to appere at Parys to answere there wherwith prince Edwarde was nat content ado sayde he wolde nat appere before hym but with his basenet on his hede and .lx. men of warre and sayd he receyued his lande of his father the kynge of Englande and yf any mysorder were it ought to be determyned before his father in Englande whervpon newe debate and varyaunce began betwene these .ii. kynges that kynge Edwarde sent ouer the duke of Lancaster ● whiche landed at Caleys with a stronge power and went to Turney and Ayre and wasted the contrey and after went towarde Harflete in Normandye after from thens to the contrey of Poyteou and the Frenche kynge sent the duke of Burgoyne the duke of Barre into the sayd contreys with a great power whiche toke many holdes and dyd great displeasure to the englysshemen there ¶ Also about this tyme there was a great pestylence in Englande and after a great derthe that whete was worthe .xl. d. a busshell ¶ Also after that syr Robert Knolles with the lorde fitz water and lorde Grauntson and with a great company of Soudyers entred saynt Omers and so to Aras and so to Parys whan they sawe that the frenchemen wolde gyue them no battell they returned towarde Normādye and so to the erledome of Angeo But than varyance fell betwene syr Robert Knolles and the lorde Fitz water and lorde Grauntson wherfore syr Robert Knolles with the floure of the Archers went into Brytten and than the Frenche kynge sent the marshall of Fraūce with a great power agaynst the lorde Fitz water and lorde Grauntson and gaue vnto them a battell where the englysshemen were discomfyt the lorde Grauntson was there taken .iii. C. englysshemen slayne and the rest takyn prisoners and put to flyght ¶ Also in the .xlv. yere of kynge Edwarde the Frenche kynge contynued hys warre so sore in Guyan and many dyuers skyrmysshes were betwene the Frenchemen and the Englysshemen but most cōmenly alway the englysshemen were put to the wors and many holdes and townes were taken from them for the people of the contrey fauoured nat the englysshemen ▪ because of y e great Taskes that prince Edwarde had gathered there of them and the citye of Lymoge and other cityes rebelled agaynst prince Edwarde wherfore prince Edwarde perceyuynge all this and what for lacke of money what for syckenesse and maladyes that he had he departed into Englande leauynge behynde hym the duke of Lancaster and his brother the erle of Cambryge to rule Gascoyn but sone after that they came into Englande ¶ Also in the .xlvi. yere of kynge Edwarde the kynge sent the erle of Pembroke with a great companye to fortefye the towne of Rochell but he was met in
warwyke banysshed into the I le of man for euer and dyuers other persons cōmytted to perpetuall prison And in this same parlyament all the actes made in the parlyament before the .xi. yere of kynge Rycharde were adnulled and in the same yere Iohn̄ of Gaunt duke of Lancaster dyed ¶ Also in the .xxi. yere the people of the lande greatly murmured and grudged at the mysorder of the kynge for dyuers causes one was for that he had leuyed many exaccyons and charges of the people and wasted it gyuen it to lyght persons And also for because that the duke of Glocester was secretly murdred without proces of the lawe And also for that he wolde chose Sheryffes and other offycers at his owne wyll and pleasure without aduyse of any discrete coūsell Also another cause was that he wolde rebuke the Iudges yf they gaue any iugement contra●ye to his mynde wherfore they gaue many iugementes contrary to the order of the lawe And also that before his parlyament he wolde sende his letters to Sheryffes cityes and borowes commaundynge them to chose suche knyghtes of the shyre and suche citezyns and burgeses as he hym selfe wolde apoynt and name And also for that he cōmaunded the Sheriffes of his shyres and other offycers to cause the people to make certayne generall othes and to wrytte to seale certayne bondes and wrytynges for the performance of the same othes And also for y t he caused and compelled many men of great substaunce to seale certayne blanke charters and after put ī the sōmes and wrote in them certayne clauses to the vtter vndoynge of them that sealed them And also an other rumour ranne vpon the kynge y t he had set Englande to ferme to .iii. ꝑsons that was syr Iohn̄ Busshe syr Iohn̄ Bagot and syr Henry Grene. ¶ Also sone after the forsayd parlyament a great discorde fell betwene the duke of Northfolke whiche before was erle of Notyngham and Henry Bolingbrake sonne to Iohn̄ of Gaunt than duke of Herforde and the duke of Herforde accuse● the other that he had taken .iiii. M. markes of the kynges wherwith he shulde haue waged certayne Soudyers conuerted it to his owne vse vpon whiche tryall they shulde haue waged battell but at the last bothe these dukes were banysshed the lande And than the duke of Herforde sayled into Fraunce and there taryed and the duke of Northfolke went into Venyce and there dyed ¶ Also in the .xxii. yere of this kynge the kynge with a great armye sayled into Irelande and there conquered the lande and prospered marueylously and set the contrey in good order But than anone tythynges there came to the kynge that Henry Bolyngbroke duke of Herforde was landed in Englande at a place called Rauyns Sporre in the Northe contrey and proclaymed hym selfe duke of Lancaster and with that moche people resorted vnto hym wherfore the kyng in all hast came ouer into Englande with a small companye and l●fte moche of his ordynance behynde hym and came to the castell of Flynt and there rested hym to the intent to gather more strength But in the meane whyle the duke was cōmyn vnto Brystowe with a great companye and there toke syr willyam Scrope erle of wylshyre syr Iohan Busshy and syr Iohn̄ Grene whiche .iii. anone had theyr hedes smytten of syr Iohn̄ Bagot was taken there the same tyme but he escaped agayne and ●led into Irelande but after that he was taken agayne and brought vnto London and put into Newgate whan the kynge harde of the strength of the duke the kynge and all that euer were about hym feared sore wherfore one Thomas Percye erle of worcester stewarde of the kynges house contrary to his alegeaunce brake his whyte rodde openly in the kynges hall bad euery man shyfte for hymselfe wherby the kynges seruantes went away and there the kynge was lafte comfortles So that he was shortely after taken and brought to y e duke whiche in contynently brought hym to London and whan he was nyghe the citye he sent kynge Rycharde secretely to the Towre And dyuers wylde persons of the citye herynge therof assembled a great nombre to the intent to haue taken kynge Rycharde and to haue slayne hym or that he had cōmyn to the Towre for y e great cruelte that he before tyme had vsed to the citye But the Mayre and other discrete cōmyners herynge of theyr purpose gathered another companye and by good polecye but nat without great difficulte put those wylde felowes from theyr purpose Than anone after there was a parlyament called at westmyster where many of the artycles before rehersed were layde to the kynges charge that he had mysgouerned the realme and that he was nat worthy therfore to be the prince or gouernour of a realme whiche thynges he confessed hym selfe by his mouthe and renounced and resygned vp all his kyngly maieste all the tytle and ryght that he had to the crowne and further released to all lordes spirituall and temporall and to all other of euery degree all homage and fealte that euer they made or auowed to hym And than the kynge by the hole consent of all the lordes the cōmons in the sayd parlyament was deposed of his kyngly dignyte all they by one assent chase the sayd Henry duke of Harforde for the great manhode and wysdome that they sawe in hym aboue all other to be kynge of Englande And thus this kynge Rycharde was deposed the yere of Chryst M.CCC.xCix the last day of Septēbre And he was fyrst buryed at Langley but he lyeth nowe at westmyster Henricus .iiij. Innocent ¶ Innocent was nexte pope the yere of Chryst M. CCCC.iiii he hylde the see .ii. yere Robert ¶ Robert was nexte Emperour the yere of Chryst M. CCCC.i he hylde the empyre .x. yere Henry the .iiii. HEnry the .iiii. son to Iohan of Gaunt the thyrde son of Edwarde the .iii. was crowned kynge of Englāde the .xiii. day of October the yere of Chryst M. CCC.xC.ix and immedyatly after the sayd parlyament contynuynge all the actes made in the .xxi. yere of Rycharde the .ii. were adnulled And all the actes made in y e parlyament the .xi. yere of king Rycharde were agayne confyrmed ¶ Also in the fyrst yere of this kyng the duke of Awemarle came shewed the kynge than beynge at wyndesore that he and the duke of Surrey the duke of Excester and the erle of Salysburye and the erle of Glocester and other moo were accorded to make a mummynge on Twelfte day at nyght and that they purposed to sle the kyng wherfore the kynge sodaynly departed and came to London for socour and counsell wherfore these lordes when they knewe they were bewrayed they fledde shortely after they were taken all and beheded theyr hedes set vpon London brydge And in this whyle Rycharde late kyng was remoued from the castell of Ledys in Kent sent vnto Pomefret castell where sone after
captayne Iacke Cade drewe backe with his people and the kyng went to Grenewyche lefte parte of his hoost lyenge vpon blacke hethe and sent syr Vmfrey Stafforde and his brother with many other gentylmen with a great nombre of people to folowe them And than nyghe Senoke Iacke Cade with his people turned agayne and gaue them a great battell had the victorye where the sayd syr Vmfrey Sstafforde his brother were bothe slayne and moche other people of his parte the resydue fledde whan tydynges came to the kynge and his counsell of this harde tell that parte of his hoost wolde take parte with Iacke Cade the kynge remoued to Kynelworthe wherfore Iacke Cade with his people drewe nere to London and came in Sothwarke and after Entryd ouer the brydge into the citye and there made proclamacyon in the kynges name and that payne of dethe none of his people shulde take no vytell nor other thynge but they payde for it but Iacke Cade hym selfe was the fyrst that brake it Also this Iacke Cade toke the sayd lorde Say y t than was prisoner in the Towre and smote of his hede at the Standarde in Chepe wherby he gatte the fauour of the people of the citye and so contynued .iiii. or .v. dayes in the citye in the nyght lay in Sothwarke and in that whyle he put to dethe other persons whiche fauoured the lorde Say but at the last Iacke Cade hym selfe went vnto an Aldermans house called Philyppe Malpas and robbed and spoyled his house and after went to another mans house called Gyser and dyned in his house and after dynner robbed and spoyled his house of all that euer he had for whiche two robberyes the citezyns of London grudgyd meruaylous sore agaynst hym wherfore the Mayre the citezyns sent to the lorde Skalys one Mathewe Gough hauynge y e rule of the Towre prayenge them to haue theyr assystence to resyst the captayne which graūted to them theyr good myndes and helpe And the nexte day whan the captayne Iacke Cade and his people wolde haue come ouer the brydge the Mayre and citezyns with the sayd Mathewe Gough kept the brydge but the captayne the Kentysshemen set so fersly vpon them that they droue them backe to the drawe brydge where betwene them was a cruell fyght and many men of London drowned and slayne for this skyrmysshe contynued all nyght longe tyll the morowe at .ix. of the clocke and at the last the Kentysshemen brent the brydge And after this the Chaūcellour of Englande sent to the captayne a pardon generall for hym and all his meanye than they departed and went euery man to his owne And after that there were ꝓclamacyons made that who so euer coude take the sayd Iacke Cade a lyue or deed shulde haue M. markes for his labour whervpon one Alexander Eden a gentylman of kent toke hym in a gardayne in which takynge the sayd Iacke Cade was slayne And after that the kynge came into Kent and caused his Iustyces to sytte vpon this ryot where many of them aswell in Kent as in Sussex were therfore put to dethe And also in the same yere the cōmons in the west contrey arose and slewe the bysshoppe of Salysbury wherfore the kynge went thyther and punysshed those doers ¶ Also in the .xxix. yere there was a ꝑlyament at westmyster where the duke of Somercet that was lately come out of Normandy and had there lost the citye of Roan all that contrey was put vnder a rest for he and the quenes coūsell therfore were had in great hatered and the duke of yorke and other to hym alyed toke parte agayne the quene and her coūsell so that mortall warre therof insued ¶ Also in the .xxx. yere of this kynge Henry the kynge and the duke of Somercet with many other lordes went to the marched of wales and the duke of yorke assysted with dyuers lordes men of name gathered a great strengthe of people to the intent to refourme certayne nunryes and also to haue Iustyce vpon the duke of Somercet certayne lordes beynge about y e kynge and with his people came into a place in Kent called brenthethe and the kyng with a great hoost came into blacke hethe But by mediacyon of certayne bysshoppes lordes a poyntement was taken that the duke of Somercet shulde be cōmytted to warde there to answere certayne artycles that the duke of yorke wolde lay to his charge the whiche the kynge promysed to do whervpon the duke of yorke brake vp his fylde came to the kyngꝭ tent where contrary to the kinges promyse he sawe the duke of Somercet chefe about the kynge by his counsell the kynge commaunded the duke of yorke to ryde before hym into Lōdon holdynge him in maner as prisoner and shulde haue ben more strayter kept but y e tydynges came that Edwarde the duke of yorke his eldyst son erle of Marche was cōmynge with a great power of welchemen whiche feared so the kynge the quene and the other about the kynge that the duke of yorke was set at lyberte And about this tyme the towne of Hartlete in Normandye was wonne agayne by Frenchemen and the towne of Bayons gyuen vp by appoyntement Also about th●s tyme was the quene delyuered of a son called Edwarde ¶ Also about this tyme the citye of Constantynople with all the hole Empyre was wonne by y e Turkes to the great losse of Chrystendome and the increase of Macomyttes lawe ¶ Also in the .xxxiii. yere of this kynge one Iohan Norman Mayre of London went to westmyster by barge to take his othe whiche before that tyme were euer wont to ryde be lande for whiche the watermen made a songe to his great prayse whiche began rowe thy bote Norman ¶ Also in the .xxxii. yere of this kynge the kynge by the counsell of the quene and other cōtrarye to the kynges promyse put the sayd duke of Somercet at his lyberte and made hym captayne of Caleys and he ruled the kynge and all his realme as he lyst wherfore the great lordes of the realme and the cōmons were nat pleased for the cōmons had sustayned many greuous imposicyon and charges wherfore the duke of yorke beynge in the marches of wales called to hym the erles of warwyke and of Salysbury and many other knyghtes and gentylmen and with a great people came towarde London the kynge gathered a great hoost and came out of London to saynt Albons where bothe the hoostes came one hoost lyenge in one ende of the towne and the other in the other ende where in the begynnynge a meanes of a treatye or peace was cōmoned but in the tyme of the intreatye the erle of warwyke with his marche men entryd the towne and fought agaynste the kynges people so began the battell whiche contynued a longe season but in conclusyon the duke of yorke and the erle of warwyke and that parte
realme he was than by all theyr assentes deposed and discharged of all kyngly honour and dignyte And than by the auctoryte of the sayd counsell agrement of all the cōmons there present Edwarde erle of marche than the eldyst son of y e duke of yorke was elected and chosen for kynge of Englande After whiche admyssion the sayd Edwarde erle of Marche the .iiii. day of Marche the yere of Chryst M. CCCC.lx accompanyed with all the lordes and a great multytude of the cōmons was brought into westmyster there toke possessyon of the realme syttynge in the seate royall in the great hail of westmyster with his septer in his hande a questyon was axed of all the people yf they wolde admytte hym to cōtynue as kynge to the whiche with one voyce all the people cryed there ye And than there after the custome vsed he toke his othe and after that went into the abbey and there was receyued w t precessyon and conueyed vnto saynt Edwardes shryne and there offered as kynge and after that receyued homage fealte of all the lordes And vpon the morowe folowynge he was proclaymed in dyuers places of the citye of London Edwarde the .iiii. than kynge of Englande Sone after this this kynge Edwarde with his lordes and a great companye and bande of men toke his iourney Northwarde to subdue his enemyes met w t them at a place called Towton ix myles from yorke with whome he had than a cruell and mortall battell but kynge Edwarde had the victorye that in the fylde chase there were slayne aboue .xxx. M. men there was slayne the erle of Northumberlande the erle of westmyrlande the lorde Clyfforde the lorde Egremounde Andrewe Trollope and many other And in the same fylde was taken the erle of Deuonshyre the erle of wylkeshyre whiche erle of Deuonshyre was after at yorke beheded But kynge Henry and the quene the yonge duke of Somercet the lorde Rose other beynge than at yorke herynge of the losse of this fylde fled towarde Scotlande and vpon the morowe folowynge kynge Edwarde entered into yo●ke with his people and there hylde his estate And after that he 〈◊〉 the erle of w●rwyke in the Northe to see the guydynge therof and he hym selfe costed the contrey Southwarde and Eestwarde and so came towarde London Edwardus .iiij. Pius ¶ Pius was nexte pope the yere of Chryst M. CCCC.lviii he hylde the see .vi. yere Edwarde the .iiii. EDwarde the .iiii. son to Rycharde duke of yorke came to London and there was crowned kynge at westmyster the .viii. day of Iune the yere of Chryst M. CCCC.lx In the fyrst yere of his reyne the erle of Oxforde y e lorde Aubrey syr Thomas Todenham willyam Tyrell and Iohn̄ Mongumery were beheded at the Towre hyll Also in the same yere Margarete late quene of Englande came out of Fraunce into Scotlande and from thens into Englande with a strength of Frenchemen and Scottes wherfore kynge Edwarde went towarde them w t a stronge hoost and than the quene perceyuynge she was nat able to resyst kynge Edwardes power returned toke the see and so went agayne into Scotlande And after that the yonge duke of Somercet other that toke the quenes parte submytted them to the kynges grace ¶ Also in the .ii. yere of kyng Edwarde the duke of Somercet herynge y t Henry late kynge was cōmynge agayne into Englande forsoke kynge Edwardes parte returned vnto Henry late kynge whiche entered agayne and at a place called Exham in the Northe the lorde Iohn̄ Montegue hauynge the rule of the northe contrey with a great power to hym gathered met with thē and skyrmysshed with them and had the victorye where the sayd duke of Somercet the lorde Hungerforde the lorde Roose were taken prisoners whiche .iii. lordes were sone after put to dethe and beheded and dyuers other that were there taken were after put to dethe ¶ Also in the .iiii. yere of kinge Edwarde secretely in a mornyng at Grastcon nyghe to Stonystretforde the kynge maryed Elysabeth whiche was late before wyfe to syr Iohn̄ Gray knyght doughter to the lorde Ryuers where with the erle of warwyke was nat content but secretely in his mynde grudged there at Also in this yere Henry late kynge was taken in a woode in the northe contrey by one Cauntlowe and presented to kynge edwarde whiche sent him as prisoner to the Towre of London And anone after quene elysabeth was crowned at westmyster with a great solempnyte and sone after she was delyuered of her fyrst chylde called Elysabeth ¶ Also in the .vi. yere of this kyng the bastarde of Burgon chalenged the lorde Scalys for certayne feates of warre whiche were done in Smythfylde but the lorde Scalys had the victorye and honour ¶ Also in the .viii. yere of this kynge Margarete the kyngꝭ suster was sent ouer the see honorably maryed to Charles the duke of Burgon ¶ Also in the .ix. yere of kynge edwarde the erle of warwyke absented hym selfe from the kyng and confetered vnto hym the duke of Clarence the kynges brother whiche before had maryed y e erle of warwykes doughter whervpon the cōmons of Northumberlande began to rebelle and chase them a captayne called Robyn of Ryddysdale dyd many great feates but at the last this Robyn of Ryddysdale bare hym selfe so wysely that he all his companye were pardoned had no hurte but durynge that rumour and sterynge the Lyncolnshyre men toke the lorde Ryuers and syr Iohn̄ his son at the mewys at Charynge crosse and brought them to Northamton and there beheded them anone after proclamacyons were made in London y t the kynge had pardoned all those ryottours aswell for the dethe of the lorde Ryuers as for all other displeasures ¶ Lewys ¶ Lewys son of Charles was nexte frenche kynge the yere of Chryste M. CCCC.lxi he had great warre with Charles the duke of Burgon ¶ Charles ¶ Charles son to Philyppe was nexte duke of Burgon he had a doughter called Margarete whiche was maryed to Maximilyan that was electe emperour Paulus ¶ Paulus was nexte pope he hylde the see .vi. yere ¶ But sone after this a newe styrrynge began in Lyncolneshyre by meanes of the lorde welles for whome the kynge sent by feare meanes and as it was sayd promysed hym to come safe and goo safe but whe●her the kinge made to hym any suche promyse or nat yet he was shortely after beheded And also sone after this a concorde and vnyte was labored betwene kynge Edwarde and his brother the duke of Clarence and the erle of warwyke wherfore they met all at London at Baynardes castell where the duchesse of yorke theyr mother than lay But anone after y e erle of warwyke sodaynly departed to warwyke and there gathered a great strength And in this whyle syr Robert welles son to y e lorde welles before put to dethe assembled a great power purposynge to gyue kynge