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lord_n day_n great_a holy_a 12,790 5 4.8317 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A67805 A short discourse of the truth and reasonableness of the religion delivered by Jesus Christ wherein the several arguments for Christianity are briefly handled ... : unto which is added A disquisition touching the Sibylls and Sibylline writings wherein the objections made by Opsopæus, Isaac Casaubon, David Blondel, and others are examined ... / by another hand. Yelverton, Henry, Sir, 1566-1629. 1662 (1662) Wing Y29; ESTC R31870 98,179 176

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personabat vocibus gaudiorum Deo gratias Deo laudes nemine tacente tunc atque inde clamantium Salutavi populum rursus eadem ferventiore voce clamabant Facto autem silentio Scripturarum divinarum sunt lect● solemnia Ubi qutem ventum est ad mei sermonis locum dixi pauca pro tempore pro illius jucunditate laetitiae Magis enim eos in opere divino quandam Dei eloquentiam non audire sed considerare permisi Nobiscum homo prandit diligenter nobis omnem suae ao maternae fraternaeque calamitatis indicavit Historiam Sequenti itaque die post Sermonem redditum narrationis ejus libellum in crastinum populo recitandum promisi Quod cùm in Dominico die Paschae tertio in gradibus exedrae in qua de superiori loquebar loco feci stare ambos fratres cùm eorum legeretur libellus Intuebatur populus universus sexus utriusque unum stantem sine deformi motu alteram membris omnibus contrementem Et qui ipsum non viderant quid in eo divinae misericordiae factum est in ejus sorore cernebant Videbant enim quid in eo gratulandum quid pro illa esset orandum Inter haec recitato eorum libello de conspectu populi abire eos praecepi de tota ipsa causa aliquantò diligentiùs coeperam disputare Cùm ecce me disputante voces aliae de memoria Martyris novae gratulatione audiuntur Conversi sunt eò qui me audiobant coeperuntque concurrere Illa enim de gradibus descenderat in quibus steterat ad sanctum Martyrem crare perrexerat Quae mox ut cancellos attigit collapsa similiter velut ad somnum sana surrexit Dum ergo requiremus quid factum fucrit unde ist● strepitus laetus extiterit ingressi sunt cum illa in Basilica ubi eramus adducentes cam sanam de Martyris loco Tum verò tantus ab utroque sexu admirationis clamor exorsus est ut vox continuata cum lachrymis non videretur posse finiri Perducta est ad cum locum ubi paulò ante ste●crat tremens Exultabant cam similem fratri factam cui doluerant remansisse dissimilem Et nondum fusas preces suas pro illa jam tamen praeviam voluntatem tam cito exauditam esse credebant Exultabant in Dei laudem voces sine verbis tanto sonitu quanto aures nostrae ferre vix possent Quid crat in cordibus exultantium nisi fides Christi pro qua Stephani sanguis est De Civit. Dei lib. 22. Cap. 8. In fine but so evident and renowned that I suppose there is no Inhabitant of Hippo who had not either seen or learnt this neither is any that could upon any reason forget it There were ten children whereof seven were men and three women of Caesaraea in Cappadocia amongst their Citizens not ignoble who by the curse of their mother newly deprived by the death of their Father who bitterly took some injury done her by them were inflicted from God with such a punishment that they did most dreadfully shake with the trembling of their joynts in which most sad condition no ways being able to endure the being seen by their Citizens it seemed good unto them to go every where about and they did wander almost throughout all the Roman world Of these two of them came to us a Brother and a Sister Paulus and Palladia known in many places by this defaming misery They came thither almost fifteen days before Easter and praying they every day frequented the Church and in it the Shrine of the most glorious Stephen that God would be appeased with them and restore them their former health and wheresoever they went they drew upon them the eyes of the whole City some because they had seen them in other places and knew the cause of that trembling others that they might tell it to as many as they could Easter comes and in the Lords day in the morning when even now there was a great multitude of people present and this youth praying and holding fast the Rails of that holy place where the Shrine was fell suddenly down and lay as one sleeping yet not trembling as be was wont when he slept Those that were present being amazed and some being afraid others grieving when therefore some would have raised him up they hindred saying the event was to be expected And he himself rose up and did not tremble because he was healed He stood up whole looking on those that looked on him Who therefore of the beholders could hold himself from praising God The Church every where was filled with the acclamations of shouters and givers of God thanks From thence they ran to me where I sate being now about to go on procession One after another they rush upon me the last relating to me that as new what another had before told me When I was rejoycing and by my self giving God thanks he himself comes in to me with many more he falls down at my knees stands up to my kiss We go forth to the people the Church was full and did eccho with the voice of Rejoycings and every where crying Thanks be to God Praise be to God none holding their peace I saluted the people and again they ecchoed the same things with a more servent voice Silence at length being made the accustomed Lessons of the Holy Scripture were read When therefore it was come to the place of my Sermon I spake a few words for the time and for the pleasantness of this joy for I thought fit they should rather consider a kind of divine eloquence in the holy work then hear it The man dined with us and exactly shewed us all the Story both of his Mothers and Brothers Calamity The following day after the Sermon was done I promised on the morrow that a Book of this Story should be read to the people When this thing was done in the third Lords day of Easter week upon the steps of the Chore in which I spake from a higher place I made both these brothers to stand whilst their Book was read The whole people of both sexes did see one standing without any deformed motion the other trembling in all her joynts and they which did not see what of Gods mercy was done in him might perceive it in his Sister They saw in him what was to be thanked for what for her was to be prayed for Amongst these things when their book was read I commanded them to go out of the sight of the people and began of the whole cause to dispute a little more diligently when behold whilst I was disputing othee new voyces of rejoycing were heard from the Memorial of the Martyr They turned about thither who heard me and began run For after she had gone down the steps where shee stood shee went forwards to pray at the holy Martyrs Shrine who presently as she had touched the Rails falling
Justin Martyr is the Ancientest I shall begin with him who proving Christ to be designed of God a Saviour hath these words Now you may learn this from those things which are done under your sight 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Apol. prima pag. 35. For many of our Christian men have cured and do even now cure many possessed with Devils throughout all the world and in this our City forcing and driving the Devils from the men they have hold on by adjuring these Devils by the Name of Jesus Christ who was crucified under Pontius Pilate who could not be recovered by all your Conjurers Inchanters and Witches In his Dialogue with Tryphon the Jew we have him assenting That Christ is the fittest person to be prayed to for the deliverance from being possess'd by unclean spirits because at the very force of his Name the Devils tremble 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Dial. cum Tryph. p. 191. and at this day being adjured by the Name of Jesus Christ who was crucified under Pontius Pilate who was Procurator of Judaea they obey A little after telling us what power of doing Miracles Christ gave to the Church he verifies by the power the Church then had 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ib. p. 235. And now saith he we that believe in Jesus Christ our Lord who was crucified under Pontius Pilate adjuring all Devils and unclean spirits have them obedient to us And a little after that I may name no more being angry with Tryphon the Jew for adulterating the prophesies as particularly that of a Virgin conceiving he shews him that our Saviour was to come in a mean manner and yet to do great things The first the Jews know for the second 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ib. p. 243. Now 't is easie to learn from those things which are done in your sight if you will for by the Name of Jesus Christ the son of God the first begotten of all creatures born of a Virgin and being man subject to sufferings and crucified under Pontius Pilate by your people who died rose from the dead and ascended into heaven every Devil being adjured is overcome and subdued All these places are in his Apologie or in his Disputation with the Jew where having to do on the one hand with a potent on the other hand with an impudent and perverse Antagonist 't is not probable to suppose he relates any matter of fact which was not true Iraeneus comes next and him we find urging against Simon and Carpocrates that all the tricks they did were not beneficial but prejudicial to men he proceeds against them negatively and then affirms this miraculous power to be in the Church in his time positively His words are these For they neither can give sight to the blind Nec enim caecit possunt donare visum neque surdis auditum neque omnes Daemones effugare praeter eos qui ab ipsis immittuntur si tamen hoc faciunt Neque debiles aut claudos aut Paralyticos curare vel alia quadam corporis parte vexatos quemadmodum saepe evenit fieri secundum corporalem infirmitatem vel earum quae à foris accidunt infirmitatem bonas valetudines restaurare Tantum absunt ab co ut mortuum excitent quemadmodum dominus excitavit Apostoli per Orationem in fraternitate saepissimè propter necessarium ea quae est in quoquo loco Ecclesia Universa postulante per jejunium supplicationem multam reversus est spiritus mortuo donatus est homo Orationibus Sanctorum ut ne-quidem credant hoc in totum posse fieri esse autem Resurrectionem à mortuis agnitionem ejus quae ab eis dicitur veritatis Iraeneus advers Haereses lib. 2. cap. 56. nor hearing to the deaf neither can they chase away all Devils unless they be those who are put in by themselves if truly they can do that Neither can they cure the weak or the lame or those that are afflicted in any other part of their body which according to bodily infirmity often happens or the infirmity of those which happen without can they restore good health to 'T is so far from them that they should raise the dead as our Lord raised and the Apostles by Prayer and in the Brotherhood often for some necessity the Universal Church which is in every place by fasting and much supplication begging it the spirit is returned to the dead and a man is given to the prayers of the Saints that they do not believe this wholly can be done for that there should be a Resurrection from the dead is the agnition of that truth which is spoken by them And in the next Chapter disputing against the Epicureans and Cynicks and their Miracles which saith he are meerly deceits like to those of Simon Magus yielding no profit to the persons for whom and in whom these works were done being rather Phantasmes then Miracles when our Saviours are evidently so His Resurrection the third day from the dead was firm seen by his Disciples and in their presence he was received into Heaven He thus proceeds But if they say the Lord did those by the appearance of these things Si autem Dominum per Phantasmata hujusmodi fecisse dicunt ad Prophetica reducentes eos ex ipsis demonstrabimus omnia sic Deo praedicta esse facta firmissimè ipsum solum esse filium Dei quapropter in illius nomine qui verè illius sunt Discipuli ab ipso accipientes gratiam perficiunt ad beneficia reliquorum hominum quemadmodum unusquisque accepit donum ab eo Alii onim Daemonas excludunt firmissimè verè ut etiam saepissimè credant ipsi qui emundati sunt à nequissimis spiritibus sint in Ecclesia Alii autem praescientias habent futurorum visiones lectiones Propheticas Alii autem laborantes aliqua infirmitate per manus Impositionem curant sanos restituunt Jam etiam quemadmodum diximus mortui resurrexcrunt perseveraverunt nobiscum annis multis Et quid autem Non est numerum dicere gratiarum qua● per universum mundum Ecclesia à Deo accipiens in nomine Christi Jesu crucifixi sub Pontio Pilato per singulos dies in opitulationem gentium perficit neque seducens aliquem neque pecuniam ei auferens Ibid. cap. 57. bringing them back to the Prophets we will demonstrate out of them that all these things were foretold by God and most truely done and that he only is the Son of God Wherefore in his name they who are truly his Disciples receiving Grace from him are enabled to benefit the rest of men even as every one hath received a gift from him For some cast out Devils most really and truly so that they who are cleansed from these unclean Spirits do often believe themselves and are in the Church Some have the knowledge of things to come Visions and