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A65932 A discourse of the Last Judgement, or, Short notes upon Mat. XXV. from Ver. 31 to the end of the chapter concerning the judgement to come, and our preparation to stand before the great judge of quick and dead : which are of sweetest comfort to the elect sheep and of most dreadful amazement and terrour to reprobate goats : and do concern all to think seriously upon, that they may look the judge in the face with comfort in the great day of his appearing / by Samuel Whiting ... Whiting, Samuel, 1597-1679. 1664 (1664) Wing W2023; ESTC R11466 149,790 176

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our selves appearing before the Judg in visible glory on his Throne How many do go up and down the world as if such a thing should never be How do men walk in the wayes of their heart and in the prejem sight of their eyes as if they had never heard ●r known that for all these things God will b●ing them into judgment Yea which of us have not need to learn this principle of the Oracles of God for this is one of the first and ma●n principles Heb. 6.1 2. viz. Eternal Iudgment Hence all manner of helps this way are but needfull and every help herein should be highly prized And it is observable that Divine Providence hath so disposed that two or three Treatises should be published among us looking this way Mr. Shepard on the Parable of the Virgins Mr. Wigglesworth's Poem And now this present Treatise as intimating that We in this wilderness where worldly cares and pleasures are apt to overcharge us have more then ordinary need of that warning to take heed of forgetting this great Day of our Lords second Coming and to Watch and Pray alwayes in preparation thereunto Christ himself when here on Earth saw meet to insist largely and particularly upon this Subject as in the Scripture handled in the ensuing Sermons and other places doth appear The Last Day is a word that was often in Christs own Mouth Iohn 6.39 40 54 c. And so those Holy men of God that have had most of the Spirit of Christ in them have been much in meditation upon and in calling others to mind this great Truth of the Judgment to come Paul scarce passeth any one Epistle without expresse mentioning somewhat of it see Rom. 2.5 and 14 10. 1 Cor. 4.3 5. 2 Cor. 5.10 Eph. 5.30 Philip. 16 10. and 2.16 and 3.20 21 Colos 3.4 1 Thes 3.13 and 4.16 17. 2 Thes 1.7 -10. 1 Tim. 6.14 15. 2 Tim. 4.1 8. Titus 2.13 Heb. 9.27 28. And the same may be said of the other Apostles See Iames 5.3 7 8 9 1 Pet. 1.7 and 4.5 and 5.4 2 Pet. 2.9 and 3.4 -12. 1 Iohn 3.2 and 4.17 Iude 6 14 15 24. Neither were it difficult to make out the like Observation concerning the Lords Choicest Servants in the Ordinary Ministry both Ancient and Moderne whose Mindes and Mouthes have been full of this Truth The Reverend Author of these ensueing Sermont according to the precious measure of the Grace and Spirit of Christ bestowed upon him being one that lives as much in another world as most that are alive in this hath here given us a t●ste of his holy Meditations upon this subject which will be very acceptable to the intell●gent and serious Reader The Notes are short and concise as being but the heads of what was prepared for preaching without the least thought of ever publishing any of them And the Authors present pai●full infirmity of body suffereth not any revisall or inlargement thereof But the Reader will find this advantage to have much in a little room and to le easily furnished with variety of matter worthy of meditation for want of which many times men read much and digest little Diekion in Epistbefore the second part of Expos of the Psalms It is a good saying of one that the Reading of many diverse heads without some interlaced meditations is like eating of Marrow without bread But he that shall take time to Pause upon what he reads especially where great Truths are but in a few words hinted at with intermixed meditations and ejaculations suitable to the ma●ter in hand shall find such Truths concisely delivered to be like marrow and fatness whereof a little goes far and does feed and nourish much And as the Lord giveth Variety of Gifts and wayes both in Preaching and Writing wherein the manifold Wisdome and Grace of God is not a little seen so they are all for profit and there is some singular excellency and use to be observed in each of them Neither will the Reader find this subject and the Truths pointed to in this Scripture any where so particularly and distinctly opened and applyed as in the following Sermons The Lord who hath guided and inclined the Heart of this holy and now aged Servant of his out of Love to Christ and to the Souls of men to permit the publishing of these his Labours Blesse them to the good of many that when he shall have put off this Tabernacle these things may be had in remembrance to help on others after him so to run the same race of Faith and Love as they may obtain the same prize and crown of Eternal glory at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his Saints In whom we are The Friends and Servants of all that love Him in sincerity John Wilson Senior Jonathan Mitchell A DISCOURSE OF THE LAST JUDGEMENT ON MATTH 25.31 to the end Verse 31. When the Son of man shall come in his glory and all the holy Angels with him then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory 32 And before him shall be gathered all Nations and he shall separate them one from another as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats 33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand but the goats on the left 34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the world 35 For I was an hungred and ye gave me meat I was thirsty and ye gave me drink I was a stranger and ye took me in 36 Naked and ye clothed me I was sick and ye visited me I was in prison and ye came unto me 37 Then shall the righteous answer him saying Lord when saw me thee an hungred and fed thee or thirsty and gave thee drink 38 When saw we thee a stranger and took thee in or maked and clothed thee 39 Or when saw we thee sick or in prison and came unto thee 40 And the King shall answer and say unto them Verily I say unto you In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren ye bare done it unto me 41 Then shall he also say unto them on the left hand Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels 42 For I was an hungred and ye gave me no meat I was thirsty and ye gave me no drink 43 I was a stranger and ye took me not in naked and ye 〈◊〉 me not sick and in prison and ye visited me not 44 Then shall they also answer him saying Lord when saw we thee an hungred or athirst or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister unto thee 45 Then shall be answer them saying Verily I say unto you In as much as ye did it not to one of the least of these ye did it not to me 46 And these shall go
becomes us to be little in our own eyes 1 Pet. 5.5 7. We see that our kindnesses done to Christ in his Members are very few for they are easily all forgotten 8. We see that forgetfulness of what we have done for Christ in his Members argues a truly gracious heart 9. We see that good works though they be forgotten of us lose not their nature for Christ before owns them 10. We see that Elect Saints will carry Humility to Heaven 11. We see that they are not for Works of Supererogation 12. We see that surely they do not hold that they are saved by their Works for they are as though forgotten and out of minde Ephes 2.8.9 Vse 2. for Humiliation 1. To those that now think too much and speak too much of their works they shall be all forgotten at that day 2. To those that are so sparing in their beneficence it must needs be forgotten it is so little Vse 3. for Exhortation 1. To this holy forgetfulness now of what we do this way Means hereof 1 Remember we our sins more and we shall be less proud in remembring what we have done Ezek 36.31 2 Look upon our failings in the Grounds Manner and End of our works and we shall see more spots then beauty in them 3 Look upon what Christ has done for us and all our doings will not come into minde 4 Look upon his Greatness and all our doings will be nothing to us but be forgotten 5 Compare the Reward and the Work together As he said of sufferings Rom. 8.18 2 Cor. 4.17 so here our works appear as nothing when set before the exceeding greatness of the Reward 6 Remember his manifold mercies 7 Remember what we did of old against him 8 Remember that all we can do is Debt and Duty 2. To be humble when we shew most mercy 3. To love Humility in others that are merciful 4. To abhorre that Popish Conceit of Merit 5. To detest all thoughts of Works of Supererogation 6. To love Christs appearing 2 Tim. 4 8. Vse 4. for Consolation 1. Against wicked mens charging us with neglect of Bounty and Mercy they do no more then we shall one day do against our selves 2. Against some pangs of vain-glory which we mourn for we shall be troubled with none of them at that day Ver. 37 38 39. Then shall the Righteous answer him c. Doct. XXII is this That the Elect Saints at the last day will wonder and admire that their Works that they have made so little reckoning of should be so owned and accepted by the Lord Jesus For so Interpreters make account that this question is made of them by way of wonder and admiration Reasons 1. From the Lord himself 2. From the Saints 3. From their Works From the Lord. 1. He needs not us nor any of our services and therefore we may then well wonder that he does so accept them Acts 17.24 25. 2. He is above all our services that which is spoken of one is true of all the rest Nehem. 9.5 and being so above them we may well wonder that he will accept of them 3. He was happy from all Eternity when there was neither Man nor Angel to serve him Prov. 8 30 31. and therefore they may well admire at this 4. He fills all in all Ephes 1.23 Joh. 1.16 and is it not then a wonder that he should own and accept any thing done by us 5. He gives us that whereof we have been bountiful 1 Chron. 29.14 16. 6. He puts it into our hearts to be merciful it is his own work and therefore that he reckons of it as ours and accepts it as coming from us we may well wonder at it 2. From the Saints 1. They are unsatisfied in what they do 2. They sin in their best actions Isa 64.6 3. They take no notice of them themselves Mat 6.3 and therefore may woll wonder that he should take notice of them and accept them 4. They see that they too often have wanted bands and hearts to give and therefore cannot but wonder that he should so accept of them 5. They miss their opportunities of Beneficence too often Gal 6.10 when they come off to works of Mercy with delay and difficulty 6. They want ability sometimes to shew mercy are poor and have little to give 7. They give very little Luke 21.1 2 3 4. 8. They do it not with such in larged hearts as the Lord calls for Isa 58 1● 3. From their Works of Mercy 1. They are nothing to what we might have done according to our ability 1 Tim. 6.18 2. They are nothing in comparison of the mercy be has 〈◊〉 to us 3. They are of no reckoning compared with the Reward 4. They are nothing to what others would have done if they had our opportunities 2 Cor. 8.1 ● 5. They are nothing to what we should have done 6. They are nothing to the mul●icude of our sins Vse 1. for Information ● We see what cause we have to wonder at the Lords acceptance of what we do here for him for at that day we shall wonder at his owning and accepting of the smallest kindnesses shewed to his Members 2. We see that holy admications here at the prace of Christ towards us is the beginning of those blessed admirings that we shall have at that day 3. We see that we shall furely be filled with admiration at the riches of his grace in pardening of our sins and reconciling us to himself for if we shall wonder at this here mentioned in the Text much more at that if at the less much more at the greater Mich 7.18 4. We see how admirable the joyes of beaven will be we shall be ravished in our spirits in the sense of them If this here mentioned be so admirable what will they be 5. We see that great will be the humility of the Elect Saints at that day for this holy admiration is a fruit of it 6. We see that the more humble we be in our holy admirings at the Lords mercies the more we come up to that perfection that is in another world 7. We see that the Saints make account that their best works are worthless things and deserve not to be accepted Psal 143.2 8. We see how damnable their condition is that trust to the merit of their works for Salvation Tit. 3.4 5 6 7. 2 Tim. 1.9 ● We see how free God● grace is in accepting us and our services Rom. 4 1 2. 10. We see that there are many wonders in the grace of God in accepting what we do for him Vse 2. for Humiliation 1. That we have so few of these holy admirings here 2. That we are apt to have too high thoughts of our works Alas it is a wonder of Gods grace that they should ever be accepted Vse 3. for Exhortation 1. To begin our wondring here for we shall wonder at that day 2. To abhor the thought of being justified or saved by
home upon them at that day Vse 1. for Information 1. We see a reason why unmerciful men are so unwilling to die and to think of the Day of Judgement they know that that sin of Unmercifulness will be charged home upon them at that day 2. We see a reason why they have no peace in their Consciences Isa 57.20 21. How can they when it shall go so ill with them at that day 3. We see how loathsome that sin should be to us and how fearful we should be to fall into it 4. We see what severity they must look for that take away meat from the hungry and drink from the thirsty 5. We see that unmerciful men shall not want Witnesses to ●ome in against them rather then so the hungry Bellies and thirsty Throats of the Saints shall bring in Evidence against them as Jam. 5.1 3. 6. We see what desperate adventures wicked men will make for the saving of a little meat and drink 7. We see that unmercifulness though it be not known to men yet it is to the Lord and he will one day reckon for it 8. We see the truth of that in Prov. 11.17 The merciful man doth good to his own soul but he that is cruel troubleth his own flesh 9. We see how exceedingly the Lord abhors a covetous unmerciful spirit Psal 10.3 10. We see how tenderly careful the Lord is of the Bodies and lives of his Saints that will charge it so home to them at that day that have not fed them 11. We see how terrible he will be to those that have been unmerciful to their Souls Ezek. 34. 12. We see a reason why Satan puts men upon it to be unmerciful he knows they shall pay dear for it Vse 2. for Terrour 1. To all those that give no meat to the hungry nor drink to the thirsty 2. To those that violently snatch it from them 3. To those that give not the food of their Souls to them 4. To those that hunt them and persecute them when they seek meat to relieve their Souls 5. To those that kill them John 16.1 2. Vse 3 for Exhortation 1. To fear to be of an unmerciful spirit to hungry and thirsty ones 2. To reprove it in others where we see it as we have any opportunity 3. To be often thinking of the Judgement to come especially when any such objects as hungry and thirsty ones are before us 4. To bless the Lord if he have kept us from this sin which will be charged so home another day 5. To detest their way that kill and murther the Saints 6. To mourn for them that are cruel to the Saints Souls Jerem. 23.1 2. 7. To tremble when the Lord threatens a Famine of Bread for our Souls Amos 8.11 12 13. 8. To be merciful Luke 6.36 and love mercy Micah 6.8 9. To break the Bread of Life to hungry ones 2 Tim. 4.1 2. John 21.15 16 17. 10. To justifie the Lord in taking vengeance upon cruel Rome Rev. 16.5 6. Vse 4. for Conselation 1. Against all the Cruelty of unmerciful ones see Psal 58.10 11. 2. Against all Romes Cruelty Rev. 18.24 it will be required one day 3. Against the Saints hungry bellies here they need not be too much troubled for they that have been unmerciful to them shall be charged with it at the last day Ver. 43. I was a stranger and ye took me not in The Second Branch of the XXXVI Doct. is this That unmercifulness to the Saints when Strangers in not g●veing lodging and entertainment to them shall be charged deeply upon the Wicked at the day of Judgement Reas 1. From the nature of this sin of non Entertainment 2. From the Saints that are in this condition 3. The Uses From the nature of this sin 1. It is want of Humanity such men do un-Man themselves forget that they are men now to be without Humanity so far to degenerate as to loss the nature of man must needs be deeply charged upon men at that day 2. It is want of natural affection which is an Heathenish sin Rom. 1.31 and that is very unbeseeming Christianity 3. It is a manifest breach of Rule 1 Pet. 4.9 Heb. 13.2 and how then should it be otherwise but that it should be charged home upon those that are guilty of it 4. It is that that they would be unwilling should be done to them and to do that to others that men would be loth should be done to themselves is to despise the Law and the Prophets and the Law of Christ himself Mat. 7.12 Jam. 2.8 5. It is great cruelty and argues much hard-heartedness Judg. 19.18 19. and will not the Lord be severe to such and reckon sore with cruel ones 6. It comes cross to the practise of holy men Abraham Lot that good old man Judg. 19.20 21. Lydia Act. 16.15 Job chap. 31 32. and many others 7. It is worse then Barbarism Act. 28.2 7 10. 8. It is that that is very provoking to the spirits of good men Luke 9.51 52 53 54. and though they were too hot which Christ rebukes them for yet the sin was great and very provoking although the sweet disposition of Christ would not then punish it 9. It is a confluence of many sins and the very sink that they come from and run into Pride Covetousness Carelesness Senslesness of others conditions Barrenness Uncharitableness Unbeleif and these the Lord abhors 10. It is the highest degree of ingratitude to Christ for his bounty in outward things bestowed upon them 2. From the Saints in this condition 1. They are very precious in the sight of the Lord Heb. 11.38 and not to entertain such must needs be that that will be deeply charged upon men at that day 2. They are in great danger of loss of health and life in such a condition and therefore not to be received then must needs provoke the Lord to lay his charge heavy upon such as have been this way guitty at that day 3. They are such as Christ has received to be of his houshold Ephes 2.19 and made of the houshold of Faith Gal. 6.10 and not to receive such to these mens houses must needs be very provoking 4. They are such as Christ will receive to himselfe into mansions of gl●ry John 14.2 3. 5. They are such as bring God the Father and Christ Jesus the Son and the holy Spirit with them 1 John 1.3 and not to entertain such is to shut out these blessed guests and who can be innocent that doth this Christ will surely charge it home and home upon them at that day 6. They have the Holy Angels their guardians with them Psal 34.7 Heb. 1.11 and not to entertain such company cannot be taken well at that day 7. They are heirs of the World and all things are theirs in Christ 1 Cor. 3.21 22 23. and therefore to deny them a little entertainment will be heavily charged at that day 8. They are the very
before the Lord Jesus at the Judgement day 4. That every knee may bow to him Rom. 14.11 that they that would not stoop and bow to his Scepter of Grace may bow and stoop and be broken under his Iron Rod the Rod of his Justice and Severity 5. That there may be an impartial dealing with every one of all sorts and conditions that none may have any cause to complain but every mouth may be stopped Rom. 3 19. for when all come before him and see that he is no respecter of persons that he respecteth not the persons of Princes nor regardeth the rich more then the poor Job 34.19 but all receive according to their deserts there can be no colour of just complaint against him but all must needs say It is just that is come upon them 6. That there may be no vain Pleas preferred by any why they may not be judged all Nations shall be gathered before him to let them all see the unreasonableness of such pleas and excuses There will be those that will plead as Mat. 7.22 Luke 13.26 but as Christ will reject them so the godly of all Nations being of his minde will look at them as frivolous pleas for they approve of what he sayes and so judge with him 1 Cor. 6.2 7. That the wicked may have all the shame and contempt that can be cast upon them when their lewdness is discovered to all the Nations of the World Dan. 12.2 Oh the confusion that will be upon all faces at that day Oh the shame that will then cover them that have lived and died in their sins at that day when all the Nations of the Earth shall know what they have been And surely they that have been so cunning to hide their sin God will shame them to purpose at that day 8. That the godly may have all the honour that can be put upon them All Nations shall be gathered before him that the godly of All Nations may know and hear of what the Saints in all Ages have done what holy thoughts they have had what gracious words they have spoken what blessed works they have done what Prayers Alms Fasts they have performed and all the good in any kinde at any time to any person in any condition that they have done When All Nations that have been in All Ages shall know this Oh what height of honour and renown shall the Saints have 9. That he may separate one sort from another But of that afterward in the Text. 10. That he may shew that in every nation c. Act. 10.35 1 Pet. 1.17 11. That he may deelare that in Isai 40.15 16 17. 12. That he may shew that he has some of all Nation● where his Word hath come Vse 1. for Information 1. We see the mighty Power of the Lord Jesus that all the Nations of the World that ever were or are or shall be cannot be able to resi●t but they must all will they nill they be gathered before him at the Judgement day Great is the power of one Nation in one Age but much greater the power of all Nations in one Age but all Nations in all Ages have farre greater power then the other But how great soever their power is they will not be able to put any of it forth at that day against the Lord Jesus but must be gathered all before him and come to Judgement 2. We see what powerful Spirits the Angels are and how they do excel in strength who are to be imployed in gathering all Nations before Jesus Christ at the last day Well might the Psalmist say Psal 103.20 We are not able to conceive how strong and powerful they be 3. We see what great incoura●ement we have in the performance of secret duties and services for they shall be made known one day and rewarded openly before all Nations Mat. 6.4 6 18. secret Alms secret Prayers secret Fasts that none have known of that no mortal eye hath seen shall be made known before all the Nations of the World at that day 4. We see what great cause we have to beware of Hypocrisie for it will come all out at that day before the whole World Luke 12.1 2. There are those that can feign themselves just men and can smoothly and demurely carry themselves as if they were truly godly and seem to be forward in the wayes of God and out-stripped others and yet have false and rotten hearts and they may think well of themselves and others may think well of them and yet be vile Hypocrites keeping some lusts that they will not leave But these shall be discovered before all the Nations of the World at that day Prov. 26 23-26 5 We see how happy the condition of the Saints will be at that day for all the World shall then know what they are Here they have been censured for Hypocrites and Dissemblers for loathsome and vile persons as Christ himself and John Baptist were Mat. 10.25 11.18 19. Job 19.12 and have gone for this and that and the other in the repute of men and hav● had many ●rievous Crimes laid to t●eir charge as Tertullian speaks of the C●ristians in his time but at that day when all Na●●ons shall be gat●ered before Christ then the whole World shall know what they are and what wrong they have undergone for Christ Jesus sake 6. We see that all the wickedness of the wicked shall then come out though never so cunningly contrived and secretly committed and u●derhand and under board brought about Murthers in the d●rk Adulteries and other Filthinesses in the dark all the Night-pranks that they durst not do in the day that they would have been afraid that the Sun should have looked upon these shall be known at that day when all Nations shall be brought before Jesus Christ Eccles 12.14 7. We see that all unrighteous and ungodly persons that have been ●●●meless in their wayes here shall be horribly asham●d and confounded at that day for th●n all Nations shall be gathered before him Who is able to conceive the shame that such shall then be filled with Oh the blushing that will be upon their faces when all Nations shall know what vile persons they have been Dan. 12.2 If Davids shame was great when God threatned to punish him openly and before the Sun ● Sam. 12.12 Oh what shame and dishonour will cover them whose wickedness shall be made known before God Angels and all the Nations of the World 8. We see that all the Nations are nothing to God Isa 40.17 Oh who would not then fear him Jer. 10.7 9. We see how vain a thing it is for a man to resist and fight against God when all Nations cannot do it Acts 5.39 10. We see the miserable case of those Nations that know not god at that day Jer. 10.25 Vse 2. for Terrour 1. To all those that rejected Christ and his words here and would none of him they must all be gathered before him
ruled neither by the Lawes of God nor men but break through all the f●nces that God and men have set them Hence they are called children of Belial 1 Sam 2.12 and children of the wicked one Mat 13.38 and of the Devil Iohn 8.44 and 1 Iohn 3.10 2. Goats are harmfull creatures and make great spoyl w●ere they come if they get into an orchard they will do much mischief and so in other places barking and pilling spoiling and killing all sorts of trees So are wicked men and reprobates harmefull creatures Prov 4.16 17. Psal 55.15 36.1 2 3 4.3 Goats will do a great deale of harme in a little time in one half hour they will do more harm sometimes then they are worth when they come into some places So it is with these men Prov. 1.16 Rom 3.15 Habak 1.8 4. Goats especially the great hee goats thrust with side and shoulder and push the weaker cattell with their hornes Ezek 34.21 He compares Tyrannical men to such creatures and indeed great men like the hee goats thrust with side and shoulder and push with their hornes against weaker ones oppress and vexe them Isai 3.14 15 Micah 2.1 2. 7.3 4. 5. Goats are wanton and libidinous So are these men 2 Pet 2.14 18. Iude verse 8. Ier 5.7 8 Hos 7.6 7. 6. Goats are climbing creatures sometimes will get up to the tops of houses and tops of rocks and mountaines So are these of a climbing aspiring nature of ambitious spirits Esther 3.1 2. 6.6 7 8 9. 2 Sam 15.4 Acts 12.21 22 23 2 Sam. 17.23 Acts 8.9 18 19 3 Iohn 9. 7. Goats are wandering creatures straying from one mountain to an other So these men Psal 95.10 Ezek 44.10 Rom 3 12. Ier 2 5. 8. Goats are unsavory and cast a stinking sent where they come So do these men they are unsavory in their communication unsavoury in their conversation 〈◊〉 1 Cor 15.32 33. Ephes 4.19 Iudges 19.22 there are some that are so unsavoury Isai 3.9 that they defile all the places where they come and cause Religion to stinke and the name of God to be evill spoken of Rom 2.24 1 Sam 2.17 9. Goats are more usefull when they are dead then when alive So evil men when dead make some the better for them then some that fear God are bettered in their estates by them Eccl. 2. ult then the poor sometimes have something by them for Provverbs 28.8 10. Goats will fight one with another so evill men will quarrell one with another Drunkards at their cups unclean persons will sight for their Mistresses proud persons will contend one with another for preheminence priority and for the wall and who should sit highest at feasts and in synagogues and the contention sometimes is so hot that it comes to loss of bloud 11. Goats commonly goe together and care not to be with the sheep So evill men care for no other company but such as are like themselves drunkards goe together Isai 5.12 13. Adulterers goe by troopes Jer. 5.7 Gen. 19.4 robbers goe by companies Hos 7.1 gamesters throng together 12. Goats commonly have one among them that is the chief that leades the rest so among evil men and at their several companyes there is commonly one leading man that the rest follow in a way of wickedness Antichrist is the leader of all his party 〈◊〉 Korah was the leader of all his rebellious company Numb 16.1 Demetrius the Silver-smith was the leader in that Tumult at Ephesus Acts 19. Alexander the Copper-smith was the leader in that opposition against Paul 2 Tim. 4.14 Vse 1. for Information 1. We see what dishonour evil men do put upon themselves by their sins in that they are compared to Goats which have so many evil properties as have been spoken of 2. We see the truth of that in 1 S●m 2.30 God himself styles them Goats they have put dishonour upon him and he will put dishonour upon them But of that more in the next Note 3. We see that men make themselves bruitish by their sins Sin does un-man those that are given to it 4. We see how loathsome and unsavoury evil men are in the nostrils of God in that he compares them to stinking Goats Hence God is said to abborre them Psal 10.4 and their services Isa 1.11 12 13 14. Hence their thoughts are said to be an abomination to him Prov. 15.26 and their sacrifices ver 8. and their way ver 9. 5. We see how earthly-minded such men be and how sensual for they follow the lusts of the flesh and the lusts of the eyes and the pride of life they have no serious thoughts of God or of Heaven but all for the satisfying of their sensual appetites and unclean desires and ambitious projects and the like They are Goats 1 Joh. 2.16 6. We see that they that are of a Goat-like spirit will be in a sad condition in the day of Judgement it is a black Brand of a Reprobate 7. We see what great difference the Lord puts between men and men as much as is between Sheep and Goats 8. We see that among evil men they are the worst that are leaders in a way of wickedness The leader causeth all the unruliness that is in the rest of the Goats 9. We see what a sad judgement it is to do much mischief in a little time against our selves or others it is a sign of a Reprobate and a Goat 10. We see that Reprobates may be known by others it is easie to know a Goat a man of such a spirit so continuing we may say is a Reprobate 11. We see that the more mischievous any be in the places where they live the more they discover themselves to be reprobate Goats for Goats are mischievous creatures 12. We see that it is a dreadful sign of Reprobation to be of an haughty and aspiring nature to climb high and to seek great things in the world Prov. 16.18 18.12 and may be a curb to all proud spirits that would fain be counted above the rest of their brethren that spirit will undo any man whoever he is Vse 2. for Terrour 1. To all wanton lascivious libidinous and unclean persons if God give them not Repentance they are in a state of Reprobation 1 Cor. 6.9 10. Eph. 5.5 2. To all those that thrust with side and shoulder and push with their horns those that are feebler then themselves that abuse their power to crush and afflict the poor and such as have no power to withstand them it is a dreadful sign of Reprobation 1 Thess 4.6 Zeph. 3.19 3. To all those that are unsavoury in their communication in their conversation that cast a stinking scent in all places where they come these are branded by the holy Ghost for Reprobates they are like stinking Goats 4. To all those that are unruly ones that will not be fenced in with any Pale of Gods Law or Mans but will break all bounds that are set
Christ will delight to honour at that day 4. We see that we need never repent that we have been servants unto Christ for we have served such a master as will surely honour us If he that waiteth on his Master come to honour Prov 27.18 much more they that wait upon such a master as he is 5. Wee see how contemptible the honour of the World should be we should trample upon it with disdai● rather then lose the hope of Christs honour at that day 6. We see that they that seeks Christs Honour more then their own shall be no loosers by it for he will honour them at that day 7. We see with what diligence and chearfulness we should goe about our Master service for he will Honour us at that day 8. We see how tender we should be of the name of Christ that no dishonour may come to him by our meanes for he will set us at his right hand with Honour Of the second Branch 1. We see how Just the Lord is and how equal his wayes are in putting dishonour upon them that have dishonoured him Ezek 18.25 2. We see the folly of those men that seek Honour from men and make it the chiefe thing that they desire after alas these little think of the dishonour that shall be put upon them at the day of Judgement 3. We see the mischiefe that is in Sin it puts the greatest dishonour upon those that are given to it 4. We see the wofull estate of such Isai 3 11. 5. We see that evill men shall find that that they can least bear at that day and that is dishonour 6. We see the trueth of that in Prov. 3.35 Vse 2. for Terrour 1. To all high Climbing ambitious spirits that covet to be above others 2. To those that doe all they can to dishonour Christ they shall have dishonour for dishonour Vse 3. for Exhortation 1. To Saints 1. To Honour Christ Jesus Psal 2.12 2. To rejoyce in hope of this honour Rom. 12.12 3. To long for the day when it shall be Apoc. 22.20 4. To beware we dishonour not our selves but possess our vessels in holiness honour 1 Thes 4.3 4. 5. To esteem highly of the reproach of Christ Heb 11.26 6. To do all that wee can for him 7. To suffer any thing for him 8. To stick constantly to him 2. To evil men 1. To tremble at the dishonour that shall then be put upon them 2. To give honour to the Lord by Repentance Faith Obedience 3. To despise worldly honours for Christ 4. To hearken to Christs voyce Prov. 1.22 23 24 25. 5. To think of this day often to prevent this evill 6. To desire of God that whatever they have been formerly they may not be found in that state Vse 4. for Consolation 1. Against the Worlds dishonour that is put upon us 2. Against the honour that wicked men have put upon them here 3. Against all our feares lest we should share in the dishonour at that day 4. Against Satanical whisperers of Goat-like behaviour in former times Verse 34. Then shall the King say to them on his right hand c. Doct. VIII That before the dreadfull Sentence of condemnation be pronounced against the Reprobate the elect Saints shall be absolved and acquitted He begins with them first Reasons 1. They are appointed to rise first 1 Thes 4.17 and that may be a pledg of their Sentence of absolution to be first passed upon them 2. They are to sit with Christ to judg the world and to judg Angels 1 Cor. 6.2 3. and therefore it is meet they should be first absolved acquited before the sentence of condemnation be passed upon the reprobate 3. The Lord will have them to be without fear at that day now if they should not be first in their sentence of absolution they could not chuse but be affraid at the dreadfull sentence of condemnation upon reprobates and therefore that the Judg may take away all fear from them at that day he first begins with them and acquits them 4. That day is the day of their Redemption Luke 21.28 and if it were not so that they were first acquitted it could not be so for they would be in captivity to trouble and trembling and then it could not be a day of redemption to them 5. That day is a day of refreshing to the Saints Acts 3.19 and that it may appear to be a day of refreshing to them they are first acquitted before the other are condemned 6. The day is called the day of Restitution Acts 3.21 wherin all that the Lord hath promised shall be restored to them all their peace all their comfort all their pilviledges all their honour shall be restored to them at that day and therefore they are first to have the sentence of absolution passed upon them 7. At that day they are to have dominion over the wicked Psal 49.14 this is part of their dominion that they shall have the sentence of absolution first passed upon them 8. That day is the day they love 2 Ti● 4.8 The day they look for Heb. 9.28 the day they wish pray for Cant. 8.14 Apo. 22.20 But soit would not be if Saints were not first to be absolved 9 That day is the day of clearing 1 Cor. 4.5 wherin hidden things are to be brought to light and the Saints are to have praise of God and when they come to be first absolved then this will be 10. That day is the day of Christ Phil. 1.6 and the day of God 2 Pet. 3.12 wherein the Wisedome of Christ and the Justice of Christ shall shine forth and all these will appear manifestly in passing the sentence of absolution first upon elect ones 11. That day is called the great day Iude verse 6. and that is one reason of it in that the Lord Jesus will then make his name so great in the admiring of his Saints 2 Thes 1.10 in the sentence of absolution that he first passeth upon them 12. That day is the day when he will reward his servants Apoc. 22.12 and that is one principall thing in the reward of his servants that he doth first cheer their hearts in absolving them before he come to pronounce the dreadfull sentence of condemnation against the wicked Vse 1. for Information 1. We see how tender the Lord Jesus will be of his Elect●ones at that day that he will take away all cause of feare from them he would have them without fear here when they have most cause to be affraid Lam. 3.57 Isai 41.10 but at that day he would not have them to have so much as a shaddow of fear upon them and therefore takes a sure course to prevent it by absolving and acquitting them before be pass the sentence of Condemnation upon the wicked 2. We see how desireable that day should be to all the Lords Elect Saints for it is the day wherein they shall be fully acquited and absolved
by the Judg of quick and dead well may they long and look for that blessed day 3. We see what love we should express to Jesus Christ how can we love him enough that will at that day so lovingly absolve and acquit us a Malefactour would for ever love that Judg that when he might have cōdemned him will notwithstanding graciously acquit him and that before he Condemn others So much more should we 1 Cor. 16.22 4. We see a reason why Christ shall be so glorified in his Saints at that day 2 Thes 1.10 there is good cause why it should be so for he will first begin with absolving them before he do any thing else at the day of Judgment 5. We see why he should be the first and chief with us the first in our desires and above all others in our esteem Psal 73.25 Cant. 5.10 for we shall be the first with him at that day he will first acquit us before he do any thing else at the great day 6. We see what great reason we have to justifie and clear him in all his dispensations of himselfe to us in all the afflictions troubles and all the evils that pass over our heads in this World Psal 51.4 Nehem. 9.33 for as he doth here acquit us in his word and by his spirit so at that day he will with his own blessed mouth pass the blessed sentence of absolution upon us and it shall be the first thing that he will then do 7 We see that what the Lord calls his Servants to he will then surely inable them to and remove that that might hinder them he calls his servants then to an honourable work to Judg the World to Judg Angells and that they may not be in the least surprized with fear and so hindred he takes that away and first passeth the sentence of absolution upon them before he condemn the wicked World 8. We see what tenderness we should use toward his Saints and people we should do what we can to take them off from all their feares such as are in temptation that are full of feares if we judg them such as Christ hath acquitted and will acquit at that day we should do as he doth do what we can to take them off from all their feares 1 Thes 5.14 Isai 35.3 4. 9. We see the Wisedome and Justice of Christ Jesus the Judg that he will have nothing to trouble his Saints with it is the wisdome and justice of an earthly Judg to incourage those that are innocent and acquit them So here 2 Tim. 4.8 10. We see what great honour the Lord will put upon his Elect Saints at that day in that he will acquit them and absolve them before his Father and the Holy Angels and the whole World it is an honour to a poor man that is brought before an earthly Judg to be acquitted before all the company that are present at the assize Oh what an honour then will the Lord Jesus put upon them that are his Elect at that day whom he will acquit before God Angels and Men when the whole World shall be convented before him Such honour have all his Saints if the Psalmist said so upon a less occasion Psal 149.9 much more may we say so upon this 11. We see what a mercy it is to be acquitted here in the assurance of the pardon of our Sins Psal 32.1 2. for it is a blessed pledg of our acquitting at that day 12. We see how cordially the Lord Jesus will absolve his Elect ones at that day for he it is that hath satisfied divine Justice and payd all their debts for them and therefore will heartily acquit them and with much cheerfulness pronounce the sentence of absolution upon them Vse 2. for Terrour to wicked men For this must needs add to their Horrour and Amazement that others are acquitted and themselves in a fearfull expectation of being Condemned So it would be Horrour to those who were to be Condemned in mans Court to see others acquitted first and so it will be here see Luk. 13.28 Vse 3. for Humiliation 1. That we are so full of censuring of this and that body how doest thou know but that thou censurest them that Christ Jesus will acquit at that day Jam. 3.1 2. That that day is no more longed for and desired after they that know they shall be acquitted having gotten the Kings pardon long for the day of Assize So should we Vse 4. for Exhortation 1. To make sure of the pardon of our Sins here that we may with comfort expect acquitting and absolution at that day for Blessed is he c Psal 31.1 2. 2. To make our calling and Election sure 2 Pet. 1.10 for they are Elect ones that shall be absolved and acquitted at that day 3. To sigh and groan earnestly in our desires after that blessed day Apoc. 22.20 Who would not desire to be acquitted and absolved by the Judge in the Judgment day 4. To thank Christ Jesus who hath procured our pardon and will then fully absolve us and acquit us Ephes 1.7 Mic. 7.18 5. To be the first in duty and service unto him who begins with us first in that day in absolving of us see for illustration 2 Sam. 19.11 12. we had not need be last in our duty to him who makes us first in that day 6. To honour the Lord Jesus by believing in him who will thus honour us at that day if 1 Pet. 2.17 then much more are we to honour him 7.10 wait patiently for his coming Jam. 5.7 8. 8. To Judge nothing before the time 1 Cor. 4.5 9. To be wea●ed from mens praises for what are these to this acquitting 2 Cor. 10.18 1 Thes 2.6 10 To rulers in the Common Wealth to acquit those that are innocent Deut. 25.1 Vse 5. for Consolation 1. Against all rash private censures and Judgments passed upon them w●ereby they are condemned of evill men Christ Jesus will absolve them at that day 1 Cor. 4.3 4. 2. ●gainst slanders more publiquely laid upon them as Mat. 11.18 19. Act. 28.22 3. Against the unjust and wrongfull sentences that are passed in Judgement seats on earth Eccl. 3.16 17. if they condemn now and Christ acquit then it 's no matter 4. Against all the accusations of Satan and all the false Charges that he hath brought in against them day or night Apoc. 12.10 if Christ acquit at that day who is he that shall Condemn Rom. 8.35 5. Against all the feares the Saints have in their own hearts at that acquitting day and ever after they shall be free from all their feares 6. Against mens light esteem of them they shall be honoured with the first and they only at that day Doct IX is this That the Lord Jesus in the day of Judgment will shew himselfe a King to his People The King shall say c For opening of which let me shew 1. Wherein he will shew himself a King 2. Why. 3. The
Jesus at the last and great day For opening of which let me shew 1. Wherein they are the Fathers Blessed ones 2. How they come to be his blessed ones 3. Why pronounced so 4. The Uses For the first Wherein hey are his blessed ones Answ 1. He Ble●●●th the● wi●h all Spiritual Blessings in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus Ephes 1.3 ● He Blesseth them with the Blessing of Peace Psal 29. ult peace External Psal 147.13 14 Peace Internal Rom 5.1 Peace Eternal Isai 57.2 3. He Bleseth the● with his Favour Psal 5.12 4. He blesseth them with deliverance from their Enemies Psal 3.8 Deut. 28.7 5. He Blesseth them with success in their callings Psal 1.3 6. He Blesseth them with fruitfulness in the season of it ibid it 's a season to have the Soule afflicted in a Fast they shall in that season bring forth that fruit it 's a season to rejoice in a feast day they shall bring forth that fruit in that season it 's a season to consider in the day of adversity Eccles 7.14 a season to pray in an afflicted condition Jam 5.13 it 's a season to sing Psalm● in an estate of Mirth and to be Joyful in prosperity they shall bring forth these fruits in their seasons 7. He Blesseth them in their Families in their yoak fellowes in their Children in their servants and sojourners Deut. 28.4 8. He Blesseth them with the great Blessing of Evernal Life 9. He Blesseth them in their outward Estate Deut. 28.4 5 8 11. 10 He blesseth them in all places where they come Deut. 28 3. 11. He blesseth them in all estates that they are brought into prosperity is blessed to them as to David and Solomon and divers others Abraham and Lot with many more Adversity is blessed to them as to Job and Heman and sundry more see Rom. 8.28 no wind blows but brings them in profit South-wind North-wind make their Spices flow Cant. 4.16 12. He blesseth them of what rank and state soever they be of and in all their relations high and low rich and poor Noble and Ignoble P●rents are related to Children and Children to Parents he blesseth both Gen. 17.7 Psal 15.13 14 15. Husbands to Wives and Wives to Husbands he blesseth both how many blessed couples do we meet with in Scripture Ministers to People and People to Ministers how many blessed societies have there been and are at this day 13. He blesseth them in their Spirits and Souls by being with their Spirits by speaking in them for it is the Spirit of their Father that speaks in them Mat. 10.20 by increasing his graces in them Psal 92.12.13 14. Rev 2.19 14. He blesseth them with his presence in his Ordinances Psal 84.4 Quest 2. How come they to be his blessed ones Answ 1. He hath chosen them Ephes 1.3 4. 2. He hath Adopted them Ephes 1.5 3. He hath effectually called them Rom 8.30 1 Pet. 3.9 4. He hath justified and pardoned them and therefore blessed them Psal 32.1 2. 5. He hath sent his Son to bless them Acts 3.26 6. Me hath given his Spirit to them Ephes 1.14 20 22. 7. He hath prepared a kingdom for them so the text 8. He hath made us meet for this estate Col. 1.12 Quest 3. Why shall they be pronounced such at that day Answ 1. For the glory of the Father Son and Spirit f●r these are glorified by this 2. For the honour of the elect for it will be their great honour to have this noble style put upon them at that day Vse 1. For Information 1. We see of what precious esteem the Saint should be to us for they are the Fathers bleded ones their names should be precious their soules precious their lives precious their deaths precious every way precious they should be for the Father highly priaeth them in making them his blessed ones 2. We see that we can never be thankfull enough to the blessed Father never bless him enough who thus blesseth us Coloss 1.12 Ephes 1.3 4. Neh. 9.5 3. We see that it is no matter though men curse us as long as we are the Fathers blessed ones Psal 109.28 David was never the worse for Shimess cur●ing 2 Sam. 16. being one that was blessed of the Father 4. We see what reason Governours have to bless those under them 1 King 8.55 Numb 6 23-27 Kuth 2.4 Gen. 28.1 3 4. 5. We see how denrable that day should be to u● wherein we shall be pronounced the ble●sed of the Father that will be a blessed d●y indeed Cant. 8. ult Apoc. 22.20 6. We see what great reason we have to bless the Lords people for they are the Fathers blessed ones we should bless them with our prayers bless them with our salutations bless them with our hearty desires for them every way bless them for the Father hath begun to us and led us the way in making them his blessed ones Rom. 12.14 1 Pet. 3.9 7. We see where is the original and rise of all our blessedness and whence it comes to us it is from the blessed Father he is the fountaine of it we should never have been blessed had it not been for this blessed Spring Acts 3.26 Iohn 3.16 8. We see that the Lords Saints shall be blessed for the Father hath blessed them if Isaac said Gen 27.33 much more is it true here 9. We see the vanity of those that hold that the Heathens were saved and are now blessed ones how can this be when they neither knew the Father nor the Son by whom they must bee blessed 10. We see what reason we have to bless those that curse us for ●e are called to inherit a blessing and are the Lords blessed ones Mat. 5.44 1 Pet. 3.9 11. We see how unlike they are to the blessed Father that curse those that he hath blessed see Psal 109.17 18 19. and we see the trueth of that Gen. 12.3 12. We see that all those afflictions that we meet with here should be nothing to us for in the midst of all we are the Fathers blessed ones Vse 2. For Terrour 1. To those that curse them Numb 23.8 2. To those that pray not for them nor bless them but do all the despite they can against them 2 Sam. 16. Mat. 5.44 3. To those that despise the Fathers blessing 4. To those that hate them for this blessing as Gen. 27.41 Vse 3. For Exhortation 1. To bless him that blesseth us Ephes 1.3 2. To delight in blessing them th●t are his blessed ones Psal 109.17 3. To honour the Lord Jesus that will honour us at that day and stile us his Fathers blessed ones Iohn 5.22 23. 4. To shew that we are the Fathers blessed ones by being a blessing in all places where we come Gen. 12.2 5. To bless our families 2 Sam. 6.20 6. To believe our selves and stirre up others in temptation to believe that they are the blessed of the Lord Psal 115.15 7. To detest the very thought of cursing him
sure 2 Pet. 1.10 11. 4. To let all go rather the● lose this Kingdome Lusts Honours Pleasures Wealth Life Heb. 11.35 5 To enjoy all here weanedly Psal 131.1 2. 1 Cor. 7 -9 30 6. To bless God for this great dignity 1 Pet. 1.3 4 7. To strive for it 1 Cor. 9.25 what strife is there for earthly Kingdomes many battels are fought for them 8 To have Gr●ce whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear Heb. 12.28 9. To be Conquerours Rev. 3.21 10. To beware we go not with the multitude for it is the little Flock that have the Kingdome Luke 12 3● 11. To continue patiently in well doing Rom. 2.7 12. To be rich in Faith Jam. 2.5 Vse 4. for consolation 1. Against Poverty in the world Jam. 2.5 〈◊〉 Against Persecutions from the world 2 Tim. 2.12 3. Against Satans wiles and snares he may disturb them in their peace but cannot take their Kingdome from them 4. Against mens low esteem of them and unworthy dealings with them they are esteemed and used as Peasants but they shall be Princes Positive Comforts 1. That all their enemies shall fall 2. That they shall ever enjoy peace 3. That they shall be made truly great 4. That they shall never be moved out of their estate Ver. 34. Inherit the Kingdome c. Doct. XIII That the Kingdome that the Saints shall enjoy in Heaven is estatea upon them as an Inheritance So 1 Pet. 1.3 4 Heb 9.15 Acts 20.32 26.18 Eph. 1.11 14 Coloss 1.12 3.24 For opening of which let me shew 1. In what respects it may be said to be an Inheritance 2. What manner of Inheritance it is 3. Why they have it by Inheritance 4. The Uses For the first It may be said to be an Inheritance 1. In regard of the pu●chase of it Eph. 1.14 Christ hath purchased it for us Inheritances are so netimes purchased so this 2. In regard of the gift of it Inheritances are made over by gift so this Acts 20.32 Coloss 3.24 3. In regard of the new birth that we are partakers of 1 Pet. 1.3 4. Inheritances are often by birth so this not by our first birth for that damns us but by the second 4. In regard of the honour and dignity of it Inheritances are honourable things that are estated upon men much more this no honour like to this 5. In regard of the nonalienation of it Inheritances are not alienated to strangers so this Inheritance is not alienated to others but is the propriety of the Saints Acts 20.32 26.18 6. In regard of the right of it to the first born Inheritances are the right of the first born so this Inheritance Heb. 12.23 7. In regard of the Conveyance of it an Inheritance is conveyed by the death of a father or friend so is this Inheritance conveyed to us by the death of Christ Heb. 9.15 16. 8. In regard of the reservation of it 1 Pet. 1.4 Inheritances are reserved for the right heirs so this Q. 2. What manner of Inheritance is it Ans 1. It is incorruptible 1 Pet. 1.4 2. It is undefiled ibid. 3. It f●des not away ibid. Heb. 9.15 4. It is a goodly Inheritance Psal 16.6 5. It is a large Inheritance He● 11.14 16. John 14.2 6. It is a costly Inheritance Heb. 9.15 16. 7. It is a glorious Inheritance Eph. 1 18. 8. It is a bountiful Inheritance Col 3.24 9. It is a joyful Inheritance Mat. 25.21 23. Q. 3. Why have they it by Inheritance Ans 1. They are joynt heirs with Christ Rom 8.17 2. It is prepared for them so the Text. 3. They are called to it 1 Pet 3.9 5.10 4. They have the promise of it Heb 9.15 5. They have the earnest of it Eph 1.14 6. They have the hope of it Col 1.5 7. They have a taste of it in the peace and joy that they have here in their souls Rom 5.1 2. 1 Pet. 1.8 8. The Lord Jesus their Head hath taken possession of it for them Heb 6.20 9. The writings are drawn the Seals put to the Witnesses are for the confirmation of it Heb 6.17 18. Eph 1.13 1 John 5.7 8 11. 10. They long for the day when they shall come to be possessed of it as other heirs do Cant 8. ult Rev 22.20 Vse 1. for Information 1. We see what a firm state the Saints shall enjoy in Heaven for its an inheritance for what is held by inheritance is most firm and sure and stable hold they shall never be removed from their blessed Tenure in Heaven 2. We see what a peaceable possession we shall there enjoy Inheritances of all other Tenures are enjoyed most peaceably they are most unquestionable tenures and therefore most peaceably possessed so this we shall never be disturbed when we come in Heaven 3. We see what desires we should have after the possession of that estate young heirs in minority long to be at a full●ge that they may possess their inheritances so should we that we may possess ours 4. We see in what esteem the Saints should be with us for they are great heirs and shall have a great inheritance another day Great heirs on earth are esteemed highly how much more should these Psal 16.3 5. We see what speedy endeavours we should use to get this inheritance other inheritances are too hastily gotten Pro. 20.21 but we cannot be too speedy in making sure of this inheritance 2 Pet. 1.10 11. 6. We see what a rich and glorious estate the Lord hath called his Saints unto in Heaven it is an inheritance Eph 1.17 18. 7. We see a reason of the great Attendance that the Saints have Heb 1.14 Psal 34.7 91.11 8. We see how weanedly we should enjoy what we have here for our inheritance is not yet come Heb 11.9 9. We see why husbands should instruct their wives 1 Pet 3.7 10. We see what little reason men have to be much taken with the greatness of any earthly inheritance 11. We see a reason of that joy in Heaven Luke 15.7 10. Vse 2. for Terrour 1. To those that sell away the hope of this inheritance for trifles as E●an did his birthright 2. To those that desperately out themselves of this inheritance by their gross sins 1 Cor 6.9 10. Eph 5.5 Gal 5.19 20 21. Vse 3. for Exhortation 1. To bear afflictions in our minority patiently for our inheritance will shortly come to us young heirs indure hardship in their minority so must we Gal 4.1 Heb 12.1 2. 2. To long to be at our full age to be po●sened of our inheritance so do other heirs and so should we 3. To make sure of this inheritance And for that end 1 Look to our Adoption Rom. 8.15 16 17. 2 Look to our Sanctification Acts 20 3● 26.18 3 Look to our Justification Tit 3 7. 4 Look to our interest in the Covenant Galat 3.18 5 Look to our Patience Heb 6.12 15. 6 Look we
a state 1 A royall spirit 1 Pet. 2.9 2. An humble Spirit Luk. 18.14 3. A believing spirit Ephes 2.8 4 An holy Spirit Heb. 12.14 1 John 3.3 9. To rejoice to think of meeting with such an old friend 10. To walk worthy of the Lord 1 Thes 2.11 12. Vse 4. for Consolation 1. Against being brought to nothing here Saints have nothing in comparison prepared for them in this world 2. Against troubles of yesterday that have come to us 3. Against our poor services we have it not for them Positive Comforts 1. That it is sure to them being of old prepared 2. That it is most freely given to them because prepared before they were 3. That it is a great inheritance 4. That it comes to us from greatest love Ver. 35 36. For I was an hungred c. Doct. XV. is this That none of the sins of the godly that they have committed and repented of shall be spoken of at the day of Judgement but that which they have done well here shall be spoken of and mentioned in that day All that is said to be then spoken of is concerning their good works but not a word of their sins For opening the first Branch let me shew 1. How it does appear that none of their sins shall be then spoken of 2. Why their sins shall not be then mentioned 3. The Uses And then we will afterward speak of the second Branch For the first It does appear that none of their sins that they have committed and repented of shall be at that day spoken of 1. In that they are washed from their sins in Christs blood Rev 1.5 1 Cor. 6.11 Joel 3.21 Psal 51.7 and being thus washed from them to what purpose should they then be spoken of 2. In that their sins are blotted out their Debts cancelled Isa 43.25 44.22 Psal 51.1 and Creditors do not reckon for such sums which are blotted out and do not so much as mention or speak of them 3. In that they are all covered Psal 32.1 85.2 Neh. 4.5 and if they be covered then sure they shall not be discovered or spoken of at that day 4. In that they are forgotten and not remembred Isa 43.25 Psal 25.7 79.8 Jer. 31.34 Heb. 8.12 10.17 And if so how should they then be spoken of 5. In that upon search they shall not be found Jer. 50.20 and things that cannot be found are not mentioned nor spoken of among men a so here 6. In that the Lord passeth them by makes them as if they had never been committed Mic. 7.18 and if he pass them by surely they shall never be spoken of at that day 7. In that all their sins shall be cast into the depths of the Sea Micah 7.19 and therefore shall never come up more Things cast into the bottom of the Sea never come up more so here 8. In that the Righteousness of Christ is imputed to them Rom. 4.6 7 8. Jer. 23.6 1 Cor. 1.30 2 Cor. 5.21 Cant. 4.7 Now if his Righteousness be imputed to us then our sins surely shall not be spoken of at that day 9. In that they are born and taken away by Christ and laid upon him John 1.29 1 Pet. 2.24 Isa 53.6 and if he has taken them away and born them then sure they shall not be mentioned against us at that day 10. In that th● body of sin is destroyed in us by virtue of our fellowship with Christ in his death Rom. 6.6 7. and our sins being killed and destroyed how should they be then spoken of or mentioned against us Q. 2. Why shall not their sins be then spoken of or mentioned Ans 1. From the Lord Jesus 2. From his Saints 3. From their Enemies 4. From the Day it self From the Lord Jesus 1. He hath promised John 5.24 that they shall not come into Condemnation and if so to what end shall their sins be mentioned at that day 2. He hath delivered them from the wrath to come 1 Thess 1.10 and that being so there 's no need that their sins should be mentioned 3 He saves to the utmost Hebr. 7.25 and therefore from sin and all the shame of it which the mention of their sin might bring upon them Other men shall rise to shame Dan 12 2. but not they 4. He hides their sins here 1 Kings 15. ● Heb. 11.11 31. Jam. 5.11 and if so much more will he do it at that day 5. He then comes to be glorified in his Saints and to be admired in all them that believe 2 Thess 1.10 but the mention of their sins would obscure that glory and therefore they shall not be at that day spoken of 6. He then will fully acquit them and absolve them as I said before and therefore will not then mention any of them 7. He will then present them faultless Jude ver 24. 2. From the Saints 1. They have blamed and shamed themselves for them here Ezra 9 6. Dan. 9.7 8. Jer. 3.25 and therefore he will not shame them at that day 2. They have not hid them here but discovered them and acknowledged them Psal 51.3 Jer. 14.7 Psal 32.9 and therefore no wonder if he hide them at that day 3. They have been burthened with them here Psal 38.4 Heb 12.1 and therefore ●he will not burthen them with the mention of them 4. They have loathed and abhorred themselves for them here Ezek. 36.31 Job 42.6 And will he then speak of them to make them an abhorring to Men and Angels he will not surely do it 5. They have fasted mourned and wept for them prayed against them withstood the motions that have been made to the commission of them bewailed them bitterly Judges 2.4 5 1 Sam. 7.6 Gal. 5.17 Rom. 7.23 24. and can we think that he will then speak of them or mention them to their dishonour 6. They have desired earnestly to be rid of them and have counted that day happy wherein they have ceased to sin and that has been the chiefest cause why they have desired to die that they might sin no more Phil. 1.23 2 Cor. 5.4 6 8. And can it be thought then that their sins shall be mentioned at that day that they desired so to be freed from it cannot be imagined 3. From their Enemies 1. They shall not have any occasion to reproach them or Religion 2. Nor to accuse them 3. Nor to traduce the Judge 4. Nor to cast Hypocrisie in their faces to shame them 5. Nor to grieve them for they shall not have any such thing bef●ll them at that day Jude ver 25. 6. Nor to rejoyce at the mention of them 7. Nor to think better of themselves by reason of them 4. From the Day it self 1. It is the day of the manifestation of the righteous judgement of God and being so how should their sins be then spoken of for it would not be just to shame the innocent as they be in Christ 2. It is the day of
65.13 Q. 2. Why is he so sensible of their want of Clothing Ans 1. From himself 2. From them From himself 1. He knows that we need them Mat. 6.32 2. He loves them and therefore cannot but be sensible of their wants this way Deut. 10.18 3. He is the Master of the house Mark 13.35 and the Master of the family is sensible of the families wants herein 4. He would have us to be sensible of our Brethrens wants Luke 3.11 5. He does moth-eat their garments that have not been sensible of the wants of his poor ones this way Jam. 5.2 6. He clothes the Lillies and therefore cannot but be sensible of our want in this kinde Matth. 6.28 29 30. 7. He clothes them with better garments Isa 61.10 2. From them 1. They are members of his Body of his Flesh and of his Bones Ephes 5.30 2. They are his Purchase Acts 20.28 3. They are honourable and excellent ones Psal 16.3 4. They are of his houshold Ephes 2. 5. They are Heirs of a Kingdome Jam. 2.5 6. They are such as he delighted in from Eternity Prov. 8.30 31. 7. They pray for these things Prov. 30 7 8. Mat. 6.11 Vse 1. for Information 1. We see how full of bowels the Lord Jesus is to his poor ones that counts himself naked in their Nakedness and is so sensible of their want of Clothing Surely his Companions in Heaven are great towards them 2. We see that surely he is sensible of our want of Spiritual Clothing and therefore gives it to us Jer. 23.6 1 Cor. 1.30 3. We see the marvellous humility of Christ that stoops so low as to have regard to our Clothing and to sympathize with us when we want it 4. We see what little reason we have to be over-careful about it for Christ is very sensible of our need of it Mat. 6. 5. We see that when any are stirred up to help us with any Clothing in our needs we are to take it as a token from Christ who is sensible of our want of Clothing 6. We see that when we are in Nakedness as some of the Lords Saints have been 1 Cor. 4.11 2 Cor. 11.27 we may be the more chearful under such a condition for Christ is very sensible of it 7. We see that when we put on any new garments we are to look at them as fruits of Christs sensibleness of our want of them 8. We see that want of Clothing may befall sometimes the dear Saints of Christ for else how should Christ so sympathize with them 9. We see what a blessed prerogative it is to be among the number of Christs Brethren and Members for when naked he is very sensible of it 10. We see that they that are cruel to the Saints and deal hardly with them in point of Clothing doe not care if Christ himself be naked Vse 2. for Humiliation 1. To those that are too little sensible of the Saints want of Clothing they have but little of the compassion of Christ in them 2. To those that let their Children go naked when they might be clothed Christ looks at himself as neglected Vse 3. for Exhortation 1. To be of a merciful disposition to poor ones and clothe the naked Job 31.19 20. 2. To sympathize with those that want better Clothing Christs Righteousness to cover their Spiritual Nakedness 3. To abhorre their cruelty that take away the poor's garments from them 4. To be thankful to Christ for our Clothing for it is out of his compassion to us that we have our Clothes to cover and warm us 5. To believe that we sh●all not want Clothing for Christ is sensible of our nakedness 6. To be clothed with Humility 1 Pet. 5.5 for we cannot get Clothing except Christ pity us 7. To be content with what covering we have as being a pledge of Christs sympathizing with and sensibleness of our want of it 1 Tim. 68. 8. To pray for those that are kinde to us this way 2 Tim. 1.16 17 18. Vse 4. for Consolation 1. That we shall not want such Clothing as the Lord sees good for us Psal 84.11 2. That we have a blessed one that suffers with us in our want of Clothing 3. That surely none of his shall be found spiritually naked at the great day for he that is sensible of our bodily nakedness will much more cover the nakedness of our Souls and provide Clothing for them We come now to speak of the fourth Brench of the XVII Doctrine That the Lord Jesus is very sensible of the Sicknesses of his Saints and people I was sick c. For opening of which let me shew 1. How it does appear that he is so sensible of their Sickness 2. Why. 3. The Uses For the first It does appear that He is sensible of their Sickness 1. In that when he was upon earth he was very ready to heal all manner of Diseases of his people and he has the same merciful Spirit now that he had then Mat. 8.16 2. In that he directs his people to the use of such means whereby they come to get healing by his blessing as Physical Herbs and Drugs and other Medicinal things prepared by the skill of the Physician Matth. 9.12 which though it be spoken in a Spiritual way yet is it taken from Physicians of the body 3. In that he is pleased sometimes to heal when the Physicians skill can do no good Mark 5 25-29 4. In that he stirs up his people to pray for their healing and grants their desires therein and this we have great experience of Psal 65.2 5. In that he commands that the Elders of the Church should be sent for in such a case with promise that their Brayer of Faith shall save the sick Jam. 5.14 15. 6. In that he is sometimes very speedy in working their cure Mark 5.29 John 4 50-53 7. In that he has respect to their own Cries and cur●s them Psal 107 17-20 Job 33 19-26 Isa 38.2 3 4 5. 8. In that he puts forth his power for their cure when there is little hope of cute ibid. 9. In that if the Sickness be any thing sharp he rebukes it Luke 4.39 10. In that he comes to them and visits them with his gracious presence and the Comforts of his Spirit to bear up their hearts in it 11. In that he sends his Servants to them to comfort them with assurance of recovery Isa 38.4 5. 12. In that sometimes he gives them a sign of their recovery Isa 38 7 8. Q. 2. Why is he so sensible of their Sickness Ans 1. From himself 2. From them From himself 1. From the fulfilling of that Prophecy Isa 53.4 with Mat. 8.16 17. 2. He knows what sicknesses are though himself was never sick 3. He knows our frame Psal 103.13 14. 4. He is very pitiful Jam. 5.11 5. He does not afflict willin ly Lam. 3.33 6. He has promised to have compassion Lam 3 31 32. 2. From them 1. They need
them Isa 64.6 3. To desire after that day that may fill us with these holy admirings Rev. 22.20 4. To humble our selves for all our failings in our services to him in his Saints for we shall humbly admire their acceptance at that day 1 Chron. 29.14 16. 5. To walk ●●●edly from all that we have done and not to rest in any of our duties for it will be a wonder to us one day that they should be owned and accepted 6. To wonder that we can no more wonder at the wonders of Gods grace towards us Vse 4. for Consolation 1. Against our shortness in our holy admirings here at the Lords accepting of our services we shall come off better at that day 2. Against the praises that vain glorious Hypocrites have for their works we shall have praise from God which we shall wonder at Ver. 40. And the King shall answer and say unto them Verily I say unto you inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my Brethren ye have done it unto me Doct. XXIII is this That the Elect Saints of Christ are counted and reckoned by him as his brethren Joh. 20.17 Heb. 2.11 12. For opening of which let me shew in what respects they are his Brethren 2. The Uses Quest In what respects are they said to be his Brethren Ans 1. In that he and they have one Father though as he is the second Person in the Trinity he is the essenti●● Son of the Father by Eternal Generation and they his Sons by Adoption and Grace John 1.14 18. 1 John 3.1 2. 2. In that they hear his Image as Brethren are like one another Rom. 8.29 They bear his Image here in Knowledge Holiness and Righteousness Coloss 3.10 Ephes 4.24 and shall bear it more perfectly hereafter 1 Cor 15.49 1 John 3.2 3. In that they are joynt-heirs with him Rom. 8.17 as Brethren inherit their Fathers Estate though the first-born has a double Portion 4. In that they and he are sufferers together Rom 8.17 2 Tim. 2.12 Coloss 1.24 as Brethren are often fellow-sufferers Rom. 8.29 5. In that he and they are fellows one to another Psal 45 7. as Brethren are fellows and companions together have fellowship one with another he has fellowship with them Cant. 5.1 and they with him 1 John 1.3 Rev. 3.20 6. In that he and they intirely love one another as Brethren do he loves them Gal. 2.20 Ephes 5.2 25. and they love him Psal 18.1 116.1 Ephes 6.24 1 John 4.19 7. In that he and they are firmly ●●ited so as nothing can separate them so are Brethren firmly linked and united and so are they Hos 2.19 20 2 Cor 11.2 Ephes 5.30 John 15.2 8. In that he and they please their Father John 8.29 1 John 3.22 so do Brethren 9. In that be and they are sensible of one anothers sufferings and comforts so the Text Acts 9.4 The head in the natural body suffers and rejoyceth with the members and the members with the head so in the mystical body 10. He and they partake of one anothers provisions and feasts as Brethren be invites us and we him Cant. 4.16 5.1 11. He and they never forsake one another as Brethren Heb. 13.5 Jor. 32.40 12. He has done many brotherly offices for them 1 Laid down his life for them 1 John 3.16 2 He intercedes for them Heb. 7.25 3 Prepares a place for them John 14.2 3. 4 He will not leave them comfortless John 14.18 5 Procures the Comforter for them John 14 16. and sends him John 15.26 6 Gives them a grant of all they ask John 14.13 14. Vse 1. for Information 1. We see what great honour the Lord Jesus will put upon his Saints at that day that he will own them as Brethren Great is the honour of being the Brethren of a King Oh what is it then to be the Brethren of this King 2. We see the great humility of the Lord Jesus that will stoop so low as to count and call 〈◊〉 his Brethren Earthly Kings make account that they condescend in calling the chief Peers of the Land their Cousins Oh but how does this King condescend in calling not onely the greatest but the meanest of his Subjects Brethren Psal 113.5 6.7 3. We see that surely he will never be wanting to us to do those brotherly offices for us now that we stand in need of for he cannot forget his Brethren 4. We see that though he seem to cast us off in time of temptation yet he will not do it long for he cannot withdraw his compassions from his Brethren Heb. 2.18 4.15 5. We see that though he make himself strange to them and speak roughly to them and deal harshly with them yet there will be a time when he will not be able to refrain himself any longer but will as Joseph did discover himself to be their Brother Gen. 45.1 6. We see that he cannot see them lack Psal 34.10 84.11 7. We see that we had need to beware of offending him for a Brother offended is hard to be won Prov. 18.19 and therefore serve him with fear and take heed of provoking him to anger Psal 2.11 12. 8. We see a reason of his kinde acceptance of what we do for him he is our Brother 9. We see that he will not suffer us to be overmuch wronged but will surely take our part against our enemies Luke 22.31 Mat. 10. 10. We see a reason why the Righteous is more excellent then his Neighbour Prov. 12.26 for such are Christs Brethren 11. We see that his heart is toward ●s 12. That he will never leave us nor forsake us Heb. 13.5 Vse 2. for Humiliation 1. That we have so little of His Spirit are so unlike to such a Brother 2. That we are so unbrotherly to him 3. That we are so apt to start from him Prov. 17.17 4. That we are so little troubled for our unkindness to him see Gen. 42.21 Vse 3. for Exhortation 1. To honour our elder Brother 2. To suffer with him Rom. 8.17 3. To trace his steps 1 John 2.6 as younger Brethren do 4. To do his Fathers will Mat. 12.50 5. To converse much with him Job 22.21 1 John 1.3 6. To open to him Psal 24.7 9. Rev. 3.20 See Gen 24.31 7. To love him constantly If brotherly love should continue between the Saints Heb. 13.1 then much more between Christ and us 8. To trust in him for though other Brothers are not to be trusted sometimes Jer. 9.4 Micah 7.5 6. yet we may safely trust him 9. To take his part against those that rise up against him Brethren take one anothers part 10. To get our elder Brothers garments on us See for illustration Gen. 27.15 so Jer. 23.6 11. To deny none that Ask for Jesus sake he is our Brother 12. To walk honourably as having him to our Brother Vse 4. for Consolation 1. Against afflictions and temptations we have a Brother
done some things materially good yet they have not done them well they have not been done from a principle of Faith and so could not be pleasing to God for without saith it is impossible to please him Heb. 11.6 2. They have not done thea● out of obedience to the Commandment of God but out of some other ground out of Opinion of Meriting by them as the Papists do or out of hope of deliverance the sooner out of Purgatory or from some other vain ground of their own not eying the Commandment at all whereas the Saints make that their ground Psal 119.4 5. 3. They have not aimed at the glory of God in what they have done as Philip 1.11 1 Cor 10.21 but sought their own glory Mat. 6 2 5 16. and how then should such works be ever spoken of at that day 4. They have done them from some common work of the Spirit upon them and not from ●●y special and saving work Mat. 7.21 2● 23. 5. They have done them in Hypocrisie 2 Tim 3.5 Mat 23.27 28. Isa 58.5 6. They have been workers of iniquity Mat. 7.23 Luke 13.27 even when they have done nost Isa 8.3 4. 7. They have not done them out of a principle of Love either to God or men Luke 11.42 Matth. 23.23 8. They have done them Boastingly and have been proud of what they have done Luke 18.11 12. 9. They have justified themselves in their doings when their hearts and works have been naught and the ninable in the sight of God Luke 16.15 and how then should these be mentioned at that day 10. They have had their Reward already they have been commended of vain men li●e themselves and that 's all they are like to have Matth. 6.2 5 16. 11. They have done them out of other mens Estates which they have robbed and crushed and oppressed and how should such works be accepted Isa 61.8 Prov. 15.8 13. They have not done them seasonably 1 John 3.17 13. They have done them with a wicked minde Prov. 21.27 1● They have done them deceitfully Jer. 8.10 15. They have done them for ●ustome and falshion sake not out of have to the thing done Mic●h 6.8 Vse ● for Information 1. We see that whatever praise evil men may have 〈◊〉 men they shall have none from God and then all their praise from men will be little worth ● Cor. 10.18 2. We see what vain and deceitful works wicked men set about for it will turn to no account to them at the last day Prov. 11.18 3. We see a reason of that phrase in Heb. 6.1 whatever men do before Repentance it is dead work dead in the end and issue as well as in the rise and beginning of it At the day of Christ it will come to nothing no mention shall be made of it 4. We see what little reason such men have to glory in what they do and to boast of this and that and the other good work that they have done for alas there will not be so much as a word spoken of any of their works at that day 5. We see what empty Pleas they will be at that day Mat. 7.22 23. Christ will not speak a word of them himself and when they would he will take them up shortly for it 6. We see what a marvellous difference God makes between his own Saints and others the Saints shall have all mentioned to their praise so the Text 1 Cor. 4.5 but there shall not be the least whisper of praise of any thing that wicked men have done 7. We see that works materially good in themselves that fail in the Ground Manner or End are not Good Works in Gods account they lose their Nature and Being for there will not be so much as any mention of them at that day What will become then of all the glorious Works of Papists and Hypocrites 8. We see that to be proud of such Works is to be proud of nothing for they are nothing and will come to nothing at that day and yet how many are there that glory in a thing of nought 9. We see the truth of that in Prov 25.27 for men to search their own glory is not glory 10. We see how miserably the hopes and expectations of wicked men will fail them Job 11.20 Prov. 11.7 11. We see what dishonour the Lord will put upon them at that day 12. We see that we are not to envy them Prov. 24.19 20. Vse 2. for Terrour 1. To all vain-glorious Boasters of their good works they will not be mentioned at that day 2. To all Hypocrites that trust to their works 3. To those that expect great matters as if they had been fruits of Faith Alas they will not prove so at that day Vse 3. for Exhortation 1. To make no reckoning of wicked mens works how glorious soever they seem to be for the Lord will make no account of them 2. To beware we trust not in our own Righteousness Ezek. 33.13 3. To take heed of Hypocrisie Mat. 23.27 28. 4. To aim at Gods Glory in all we do and not at our own glory 5. To abhorre Popery that teacheth Justification and Salvation to come by Works all their glistering works will not be so much as mentioned at that day 6. To beware of praising wicked men Prov. 28.4 7. To look well to our Faith and to those works that we do that they be done from a principle of Faith Heb. 11.8 17. 8. To be humble in all we do Luke 17.10 9. To contemn vile men and their doings Psal 15.4 10. To despise their gifts Dan. 5.17 Vse 4 for Consolation 1. Against all the wicked's glorying in their works the Saints have Christ to glory in who will stand them in stead when the wicked's Works will fail them 2. Against their outward greatness here they shall be of no account at that day 3 Against the Popish Scoffs at Imputative Righteousness they term it A Putative Righteousness it will stand in more stead then their Works We are now come to the Second Branch of the XXXIII Doct. That the evil that hath been found in wicked Men shall be mentioned against them in the day of Judgement The Text is full for it For opening of which let me shew 1. What evil shall be mentioned then 2. Why it shall be mentioned 3. The Uses Q. What evil is it that shall then be mentioned Answ 1. All open evil in acts done in the body 2 Cor. 5.10 Mat. 7.23 2 All open evil in speeches whether they be prophane against God or uncharitable against men or uncomely and unclean contrary to the rule of piety righteousness and sobriety T it 2.11 12. These shall all be mentioned at that day Jude ver 14 15. So all open Idle and unprofitable speeches Mat. 12.35 3. All open evils in neglect of their duties to God themselves or others so the Text all omissions of duties as well as comminions of sins 4. All secret evils Eccles
12.14 as secret evil thoughts of what kind soever they have been secret evil Speeches secret evil Actions secret Murders secret Adulteries and other uncleanness natural or unnatural secret Thefts secret prophanations of the Lords Name and Day secret underminings of the Ordinances secret combinings with those that would root out all Authority in Church and Common-Wealth Secret Conspiracies against the Saints as Isa 83 3-8 In a word all secret villanies of what nature or kind soever they be 5. All fained Holiness and Piety which Hypocrites content them selves with 2 Tim. 2.5 all dissembling love contrary to Rom. 12.9 all false and counterfeit shews in Profession Ordinances all Vizards and Phantasmes of Religion without truth All these shall be charged upon them Job 27.8 9. 6. All cunning contrivances to hide their sin All under-hand and under-board workings to appear other then men are see Prov. 30.18 19 20. Mat. 23.27 28. 7. All prophane counting evil good and good evil Isa 5.20 8. All Apostasies from the Truth and wayes of God 2 Pet. 2.20 21 22. 9. All Neutrality and Halting betwixt two Opinions 1 Kin. 18.21 10. All crooked dealings Psal 125.5 Q. 2. Why shall this evil be then mentioned Ans 1. For their everlasting dishonour and contempt Dan. 12.2 2. For the clearing of the Judge for he will judge the world in Righteousness Acts 17.31 3. For the terrour and amazement of wicked men 2 Cor. 5.10 11. 4. For the manifestation of the Lords Omniscience see John 21.17 Rev. 2.19 23. 5. For the manifestation of his Power and Wrath Rom. 9.22 6. For their full Conviction and that they and all the world may see that they have deserved all the punishment that is to be inflicted upon them Vse 1. for Information 1. We see what a vain thing it is for such men to hide their sins here for at that day they shall be d●scovered Prov. 28.17 Luke 12.2 2. We see how dreadful the thought of this day should be to them for then all their evil will come out Acts 24.25 3. VVe see what great cause we all have to Repent Acts 17.31 for if we do not we shall hear of our sins at that day 4. VVe see that the Lord Jesus knows all that we have thought spoken and done in secret for even the secret sins that evil men have committed shall be mentioned and spoken of in the great day Eccles 12.14 6. VVe see that the wicked are reserved to the Day of Judgement and they and their deeds shall be brought forth then Job 21.30 2 Pet 29. 7. VVe see a reason of the patience and long-suffering of the Lord towards the wicked and why he does not afflict them here there is more behinde for he will discover all their lewdness at that day Psal 50.21 8. VVe see what a mercy it is to the Saints to be rebuked and chastened of the Lord here for it is farre better then to be rebuked and punished at that day Rev. 3.19 1 Cor. 1● 31 9. VVe see how true that is in Rom. 2.1 2 3 4 5. 10. VVe see that Princes and Great Ones that none dare Reprove now for their sins shall not escape but shall have all laid open before them at that day Job 34 19-22.11 VVe see that neither Duties nor Priviledges will secure such men Mat. 7.22 23. Luke 13.26 27. 12. VVe see the great difference that shall then be put between the Saints and the wicked the former shall have onely their good works the latter onely their evil works mentioned at that day Vse 2. for Terrour 1. To all open rebellious ones how great soever Psal 2.1 2 3 4 5. 2. To all secret Conspirators against Christ his Wayes and Saints 3. To all that hide their sins and seek to justifie themselves as if they had done to evil Vse 3. for Exhortation 1. To beware of Hypocrisie Luke 12.1 2. 2. To take heed of secret sins they will all come out at that day Ephes 5.12 3 To the Saints to bear the wicked's scorns and contempts more patiently for these will be brought in against them at that day 4. To take heed of idle words Mat 12.35 5. To judge nothing before the time 1 Cor. 4.5 6. To keep the heart above all keeping Prov. 4.23 7. To beware we neither judge nor set at naught our Brethren Rom. 14.10 8. To beware we be not found wicked ones at that day for if we be all will come out 9. To take heed of fellowship with them Prov. 13.20 10. To beware of hypocritical justifying our selves here Luke 16.15 Vse 4. for Consolation 1. Against the Slanders and Calumnies that evil men now utter against the Saints they must be accountable for them Jude ver 14 15. 2. Against the secret practices of the wicked against the Saints and their cunning packings and plottings against them so as they know not who has hurt them they will be all brought to light one day Ver. 42 43. For I was an hungred and ye gave me no meat c. Doct. XXXIV is this That the Lord Jesus will charge upon the wicked their sins of Omission as well as their sins of Commission at the last and great day Their sins of Commission are spoken of in other Scriptures but in this their sins of Omission onely Reasons 1. Sins of Omision are transgressions of the Law as well as sins of Commission 1 John 3.4 and every transgression of the Law must be charged upon them Galat. 3.10 2. Sins of Omission are breaches of Gospel Rules also and disobedience to the Gospel will then be punished 2 Thess 1.8 9. 3. Sins of Omission are such as Christ reproves men for here Mat. 23 23. Luke 11.42 and therefore he will surely charge them upon them at that day 4. Sins of Omission are such as mens hearts will condemn them for as well as sins of Commission 1 John 3.20 5. Sins of Omission come cross to the love of God 1 Joh. 3.17 and what wonder then is it if the Lord Jesus charge them with those sins at that day 6. Sins of Omission do directly strike at Christ as we see in the Text and will not be charge home such sins at that day Prov. 8.36 7. Sins of Omission hurt others oftentimes as well as a mans selfe A man may commit a sin sometimes and hurt no man but himselfe by it but by a sin of Omission he may hort many others as for example there may be many that depend upon a man for his Almes and Charity which if he omit he robs them of their due Prov 3.27 So if a Magistrate should omit and forbear to do his duty and a Minister his many may come to be wrong'd thereby Eze. 34.3 4. Isai 1.23 8. Sins of Omission deserve death as well as sins of Commission Rom. 6.23 and therefore they shall be charged with them at that day 9. Sins of Omission are fruits of Adams Transgression as well as sins of Commission and that
sin of Adam imputed damns all Rom. 5.12 10. Sins of Omission bring a man into bondage to Satan as well as sins of Commission 2 Tim. 2.26 and therefore will be charged at that day 11. Sins of Omission argue a daring spirit against God and tempt God as well as sins of Commission Psal 78.19 22 41 42 56. 12. Sins of Omission cause the Name of God to be blasphemed as well as sins of Commission Rom. 2 21-24 13. Sins of Omission defile the Conscience as well as sins of Commission Tit. 1.15 16. 14. Sins of Omission if men be Professors argue that they are Hypocrites if they be frequent Mat. 7.3 4 5. And therefore it is no wonder if they be charged upon them Vse 1. for Information 1. We see what a dreadfull thing it is to be guilty of sins of Omission they will be charged upon them all whoever they be at the last day 2. We see that Civil Morall men are in a poor case and commonly dash at this rock and split themselves for they care not for omissions of duties so they keep themselves from gross pollutions Paul was better then any of them Phil. 3.6 3. Wee see what great need we all have to bewail our sins of Omission and to confess them before the Lord that they may be forgiven to us and so never charged upon us at that day 1 Job 1.9 4. We see the dangerous estate of all Hypocrites that either make no Conscience of performing duties required in the first Table or if they seem any thing to mind those fail shamefully in omiting duties of the second Table for all hypocrites fail in the one or in the other Their state is dangerous for sins of Omission will be sadly charged upon them at that day 5. We see what need we all had to beware we be not guilty of these Omissions in our severall places and relations as ever we desire that they may not be charged upon us at the great day 6. We see the greatness of these Sins of Omission in the Lords account how lightly soever men esteem of them 7. We see that they that make most Conscience of performing duties required and are least guilty of Omissions shall stand before the Judg with most comfort 8. We see that if Omissions will be so charged at that day oh where shall they appear that sin against the Holy-Ghost Heb. 6.4 5 6. 10.26 27 28 29. 9. We see how tender we should be of men of tender Consciences that dare not omit any thing that they know to be their duty 10. We see that surely God will punish men here for their Omissions if he charge them at that day Vse 2. for Terrour 1. To those that make nothing of Omissions so they keep themselves from gross sins alas Christ will charge their Omissions upon them 2. To those that despise and deride those that are conscientious this way it had been better for them if they had been as conscientious themselves Vse 3. for Exhortation 1. To beware we omit no duties that God calls for either respecting God our selves or other men 2. To pitty those that we know to be grosly guilty in omissions they are like to hear of it another day 3. To all of us to humble our selves for our omissions and charge our selves with them 1 Cor. 11.31 4. To all such to repent of these sins as well as others that they may not be charged at that day 5. To abhorr Hypocrisie for such as are Hypocrites make light of Omissions Mat. 23.23 6. To the Saints to admire the mercy of the Lord that he will not charge their Omissions upon them 7. To fear before him Psal 130.3 4. 8. To rejoice when any of ours are Conscientious concerning duties to be performed 9. To take heed of forsaking the publick Assemblies of the Saints therein we should omit a great duty Heb. 10.25 10. To do what we can to draw such men to repentance and acknowledgement of the Truth Ezek. 18.32 Vse 4. for Consolation 1. To those that make Conscience of doing things Commanded it will be well with them at that day 2. To those that mourn for their Omissions they will not be charged upon them at that day 3. To those that love Christs appearing 2 Tim. 4.8 for no wicked men can do it that are to have their sins charged upon them surely they that do it have their sins forgiven to them Ver. 42 43. for I was an hungred and ye gave me 〈◊〉 meat c. Doct. XXXV is this That neglect of Mercy to the Saints in their necessity will Condemn those that are guilty of it at the last day Jam. 2.13 Reasons 1. From Christ Jesus 2. From the Saints themselves 3. From the nature of this Sin From Christ 1. He is neglected in them so the Text. But if that more afterward if the Lord win 2. He commands mercy to be shewed to them Luk. 6.36 and therefore the neglect of it is high contempt and disobedience to his Commandment 3. He has threatned condemnation to such Jam. 2.13 4. He promiseth rewards to the Mercifull Mat. 5.7 Luk. 6.37 and therefore will punish the contrary 5. He was of a Mercifull spirit himselfe to such when on Earth Joh. 13.29 such therefore are unlike to him that neglect Mercy and therefore he will condemn them 6. He makes account that not to shew Mercy is to kill and that deserves Condemnation 2. From the Saints 1. They are owners of our Charity and Bounty and Mercy it 's their ●ue Prov. 3.27 and not to give them their due is a Condemning sin 3. They are great Heirs Jan. 2.5 and to neglect them must needs be a Condemning sin see for Illustration Judg. 8.18 19. 3. They are such as the Angels minister 10 Heb. 1.14 and not only in their life but after death Luk. 16.22 and to neglect 〈◊〉 as these great Courtiers minister to must needs be a condemning sin 4. They are our own flesh Isai 58.7 and to neglect Mercy to our own flesh Is gross 5. They are such as bless those that are Mercifull to them Job 31.20 2 Tim. 1.16 and to neglect Mercy to such must needs be a Condemning Sin 6. They are such as we should be forward to remember in a way of Mercy Gal. 2.10 3. From the Nature of this sin 1. Neglect of Mercy to the poor argues that the love of God dwells not in 〈◊〉 1 Joh. 3.17 2. Neglect of Mercy argues that we love not the Brethren for love will come off with any thing it is bountifull 1 Cor. 13.4 3. Neglect of Mercy is the neglect of Justice Prov. 3.27 4. Neglect of Mercy is the neglect of our own Salvation 1 Tim. 6.18 Luk. 16.2 5. Neglect of Mercy to the poor speeds a man to Hell Luk. 16.23 6. Neglect of Mercy is the very Character of a Reprobate Psal 109.16 Vse 1. for Information 1. We see what the sad condition of unmercifull ones will
be Condemnation is that that is to be their portion and that has all misery in it 2. We see that they that are of an unmercifull spirit though they be often cursed by men Prov. 11.26 yet there 's no need of it for they are to be Cursed and Condemned for it in the last and great day 3. We see what little cause the Saints have to envy them for what they have and what they do Psal 73.3 to 11.18 19 20. 4. we see a reason why unmercifull men are afraid of the day of Judgment they may well bee afraid of it for then they must have the sentence of Condemnation passed upon them Act. 24.25 5. We see if neglect of Mercy be so Damnable oh what will become of those that exercise greatest cruelty to the Saints by oppression Isai 3.15 these will be Condemned with a witness 6. We see what a vain thing it is for such men to be admired and extolled of flatterers what will this do them good when they shall be Condemned at that day 7. We see they are miserable men that have much of the World and doe little good with it for they will lose their Soules by this meanes Job 27.8 Mat. 16.26 8. We see that unmercifull men are more cruel to themselves then to those that they neglect to shew Mercy to for they procure their own Condemnation by it 9. We see that God payes them in their own Coin and gives them suitable punishment to their sin Rev. 16.5 6 7. 10. We see how hatefull to God it is to be of an unmercifull spirit Vse 2. for Terrour 1. To all that neglect to shew Mercy they shall have Judgement without Mercy 2. To those that are cruel by defrauding oppressing if they that give not to the poor shall be condemned what shall become of those that pluck from them and are as the Pharisees Mat. 23.25 Vse 3 for Exhortation To take heed of unmercifulness it is a Condemning sin Motives 1. It is an Heathenish sin Rom. 1.31 2. It is a Devilish sin 1 Joh. 3.10 3. It is a sin that casts reproach upon God Prov. 14.31 4. It is a sin that robs a man of his comfort Phil. 2.1 5. It is a sin that argues a graceless heart Psal 112.4 6. It is a sin that argues a fearless heart Psal 36.1 3. 7. It is a sin that will bring desolation Isai 47.6 9. 8. It is a sin that brings mischief upon a mans selfe Prov. 11.17 Meanes 1. Takeheed of a Worldly Spirit 2. Take heed of a sensuall Spirit Luk 16.19 21. 3. Take heed of an impletable Spirit Rom. 1.31 4. Take heed of an Hypocriticall Spirit Jam. 2. 5. Take heed of Idleness Ezek. 16.49 6. Take heed of Pride ibid. 7 Take heed of a Selfe loving Spirit 2 Tim. 3.2 3. 8. Take heed of a sensless and inconsiderate Spirit Psal 41.1 9. Take heed of a jolly Merry Voluptuous Intemperate Spirit Amos 6.5 6. 10. Take heed of an harsh churlish Spirit 1 Sam. 25.3 Vse 4. for Examination whether we be not unmerciful it concernes us to look to it because it is a condemning sin Quest How shall we know Answ 1. If we be secure and think not of Adversity Isa 47.6 7. 2. If we be given to Pleasures Ver. 8. 3. If we flatter our selves in our present condition Ibid. 4. If we look at our selves as the only goodly ones Ibid. 5. If we dream of outward felicity with perpetuity Ibid. 6. If we lay not to heart the end of unmercifulness Ver. 6 7. Ver. 42 43. For I was an hungred and ye gave me no meat c. Doct. XXXVI is this That Vnmercifulness to Christs Members when hungry and athirst when Strangers Naked Sick and in Prison shall be deeply charged upon wicked men at the last and great day I shall handle the several Branches asunder as I did before and first begin with Vnmercifulness to hungry and thirsty ones Reasons why this shall be so deeply charged upon them at that day 1. From the Nature of Hunger and Thirst 2. From the Saints whom they are unmerciful to in their hunger and thirst First From the Nature of Hunger and Thirst 1. Hunger and Thirst both are intolerable evils if come to the extremity of them they are of a killing nature Jeremiah was like to die with hunger Jer. 38 9. and Samson with thirst Judg. 15.18 and to be unmerciful to those that are in this case is murther in an high degree and therefore may well be charged home upon such at that day as are guilty of it 2. Hunger and thirst bring a long and lingring death along with them Lam. 4.9 and the longer and more lingring the death is the more painful and sore it is it is to die many deaths and therefore it is that Famine is not called an Arrow as the Pestilence is that kills quickly Psal 91.5 but it is called Arrows and Evil Arrows Ezek. 5.16 as if there were many deaths in it Now to inflict many deaths upon the Members of Christ and to let them die wounded with so many arrows that 's great unmercifulness indeed and therefore such may well have that sin charged home upon them at that day 3. Hunger and thirst in the extremity of them will make men and women unnatural to those they love most yea sometimes to themselves Deut. 28 53-57 2 Kings 6.28 29. Lam. 2.20 4.10 Ezek 5.10 Now to refuse to give meat to them that are hungry and drink to the thirsty is to put them upon unnatural courses if God were not more merciful to them and this sin must needs be charged upon them at that day 4. Hunger and thirst make men look pale and ghastly and so as to move men to pity Now to be unmerciful to such whose countenances bespeak pity and compassion that must needs be a sin that Christ will charge home at that day 5. Hunger and Thirst exhaust the very spirits as 1 Sam. 30.11 12. Now to refuse to give to those meat and drink who are almost expiring and breathing out their last is great cruelty 6. Hunger and thirst are warlike weapo●s Ezek. 5 16 weapons of Destruction Now if men may keep off such things from their Brethren and will not it is great unmercifulness and therefore will be heavily charged upon them at that day 2. From the Saints themselves 1. They would bless them with their Prayers if relieved 2 Tim. 1.16 2. They would procure the Lord to be their debtor Prov. 19.17 if succoured 3. They would bring a blessing upon their Posterity and Families 2 Tim. 1.16 17 18. 4. They would procure mercy for them at that day ibid. 5. They would receive them into everlasting habitations Luk. 16.9 6. They would bring in more to them in outwards then they take from them Prov. 11.24 25. 7. They would feast them with Spiritual dainties Now to be unmerciful to such in not giving them meat and drink must needs be charged
they think seriously of it for it will be charged home upon them at the last and great day 9. We see what need we had to look after those that are sick of sin and to tender convinced sinners as Christ does Mat. 9.12 13. 10. We see that if the non visitation of sick ones will be so deeply charged upon men at that day then surely cruelty to sick ones in other kinds much more Vse 2. for Terrour 1. To all careless ones that mind themselves only so themselves be in health care not how it goes with others are of Gallio ●s spirit Acts 18.17 2. To those that rejoyce at others Calamities Prov 24.17 3. To those that Kill and Murther them without pity as of late in Piemont If they that visit not sick Saints shall be judged where shall such appear Vse 3. for Exhortation 1. To tremble at any neglect herein it will cost men dear at that day 2. To repent of any such unmercifulnes in former times 3. To charge this neglect upon those that are guilty of it 4. To hope the best of those that make Conscience of visiting sick ones though they have their infirmities other wayes 5. To bless the Lord that he has made us in any measure tender this way and thereby given us hope that no such evil shall be charged upon us 6. To be thankful that others have been tender over us in our sickness and thereby have declared their love not only to us but to Christ himselfe 7. To stirre up our s●lves to the practice of the duty of visiting the sick And that we may be helped therein 1 Labour to get a soft heart Ezek 36.26 2 Remember that we may be sick our selves 3 Think much of the day of Judgement 4 Remember that Christ counts himselfe sick in his Members 5 Get a bountiful Spirit 6 Love the Saints 7 Fear the Almighty Job 6.14 8 Remember the good that may be done by the Prayer of Faith for the sick Jam. 5.15 Ver. 43. Sick and in Prison and ye visited me not We are now come to the last Branch or the XXXVI Doctrine and that is this That unmercifulness to Christs imprisoned ones shall be deeply charged upon the Wicked at the last and great Day Reasons 1. From the nature of this sin 2. From the Saints in this condition First From the Nature of this sin of not visiting Christs Prisoners 1. It is an high contempt of Christ himselfe for he sayes he is in Prison when they are and will not such a sin be charged home at that day 2. It is great hard-heartedness and cruelty For no men in the world need more pit●y then sometimes Prisoners do they endure great trials Heb. 11.36 Rev. 2.10 and this is a great plague Exod. 9 14. to be hard-hearted 3. It is inhumanity and such a sin whereby men put off humanity must needs be charged deeply upon them at that day 4. It is worse then Barbarism for even Barbarians have been kind to some of the Lords Prisoners as to Paul when he was a Prisoner Acts. ●8 2 10. 5. It is worse then Heathenism for some Heathens have been kinde to the Lords Prisoners as we see in Iosephs Ke●per Gen. 39.21 so Acts 28.2 16 31. 6 It is that by which men resemble the very Devil for he casts the Saints into Prison Rev. 2 1● and would have them there to have no mercy 7. It is altogether inconsistent with the love of God 1 Joh. 3.17 8. It is a Trangression of that Commandment that we have from God that He who loveth God love his Brother also 1 Ioh. 4.21 9. It is that that is detestable to God Angels and all good men for all these visit these Prisoners Gen. 39.21 Act. 12.6 7 8. 10. It is that that a man will loath himself for it ever he repent Acts 16.33 2. From the Saints in that condition 1. They are in a lonesome condition and therefore stand in need of visiting 2. They are under manifold temptations and others visits would help them in such a condition 3. They are sorrowful we read of the sighs of Prisoners Psal 79.11 and others visits would help to alleviate those lighs 4. They are dying men Psal 79.11 and not to visit dying men must needs be charged upon those that are guilty of it 5. They are meanly provided for in the Prison 1 Kin. 22.26 27. and not to visit them to minister something more comfortable for them for their Diet is sad and will be reckoned for 6. They have mean Lodging many times a little straw or it may be a Pair of Stocks Acts 16.24 7. They are sometimes pined and have no meat at all Jer 38.9 8. They are starved with cold as Mr. Latimer 9. They are tortured sometimes Heb. 11.35 10. They continue long in this condition Vse 1. for Information 1. We see that the Lords Prisoners are very dear to him in that he will charge unmercifull ones so deeply at that day for not visiting them in this their afflicted condition 2. We see that he will surely charge it home upon them that have without cause put them into Prison and have dealt cruelly with them there by Pining Starving Torturing of them 3. We see that surely the death of such Prisoners is very precious in his sight If the death of every Saint be precious Psal 116.15 then much more precious is the death of these Saints that are Sufferers for him 2 Tim. 4.6 16. He will charge the wicked's not visiting them upon them and therefore when they shed their Blood it shall be costly to them He will have a price for that Blood 4. We see that the Saints way be content to be put in Prison and to suffer the Cruelty that sometimes they there meet with for Christ takes notice of it and will deeply charge it upon unmerciful ones 5. We see that the closest Prisons cannot exclude Christ nor shut out his love from his Prisoners Rom. 8.38 39. 6. We see that if there be so much iniquity in a non visit of Christs Prisoners that it shall be so charged Oh what is there in the Slaughter of so many as have been slain for Jesus sake in all Ages 7. We see that the worst state of the People of the Lord even a Prison-condition is better then the best of hard hearted wicked men for these last must be accountable for their Neglects of poor Prisoners 8. We see that omissions of small kindnesses to men in misery though we think not of them as any great matter yet will be made so nothing of at that day 9. We see how dear such must pay for it that have been and are of the Romish Religion Rev. 18.24 10. We see that Prisoners for Jesus sake though not visited by some men yet have many a sweet visit from him for he will make up their defect Vse 2. for Terrour 1. To those that visit not 2. To those that vint them to
which is evil Rom 12. ● 2. To take heed of Unmercifulness for no Pleas will pass for that Iam 2.13 3. To Repent of former unmerciful dealings in our unregenerate estate for the Judge will take no Excuses for want of Mercy so did Zacheus Luke 19 8. 4. To beware of making Excuses here for Unmercifulness for they will not pass for currant at the great day 5. To Judges in Courts to imitate the great Judge and to hear no ●●eas for merciless ones 6. To us all to love Mercy Micah 6.8 for such may look the Judge in the face with comfort Iam. 2.13 7. To make sure work for our Souls for the Judge will not be put off with vain pretexts 8. To Pray alwayes that we may escape the Judgement that will surely pass upon the wicked Ver. 44. Lord when saw we thee an hungred or athirst c. Doct. XXXVIII is this That wicked men do not know how farre their Vnmercifulness to the Saints reacheth it reacheth to Christ himself but they know it not There is a greater guilt upon them then they are aware of Reasons 1. From themselves 2. From the Lord himself 3. From Satan From themselves 1. From that natural Stupidity and Blockishness that is in them 1 Cor. 2.14 Hence they are so often called Fools in Scripture and without understanding 2. From their Madness Luke 15.17 and men that are out of their wits know not what they do 3. From the Pleasure they have in this sin for that like a Bribe blinds their eyes that they cannot see into the mischief of it and how farre it reacheth 4. From their want of considering how near the Saints are to Christ for did they consider that they could not but know that their unmercifulness to them would reach to Christ himself 5. From the willing ignorance that is in them 2 Pet. 3.5 6. From the false Reasonings that they use to colour and cover their sin with as that they are Idle and to give to them would maintain them in their Idleness and they may want themselves and have others lye upon them 2. From the Lord Himself 1. He in Judgement shuts their eyes John 12.39 40. Isa 44.18 2. He is not bound to give them more understanding he is free to impart it where he will and to deny it to whom he will 3. He has reserved them for wrath 2 Pet 2.9 Iob 21.30 and in this way he lets them go to this sad journeys end 4. He has ordained them to destruction so the Text and so leaves them to go hoodwink'd to their Ruine 5. He came into the world for Judgement that some that see might be made blind Iohn 9.39 6. He reserves something to tell them at that day to their cost if they would not understand it here 3. From Satan 1. He blinds them 2 Cor. 4.3 4. 2. He keeps them in the dark knowing that that is the surest way to deceive them he is the grand deceiver Rev. 12.9 and this way deceiveth them 3. He hides the danger and the book and shews only the Bait. 4. He is a Murtherer and cruel Spirit Iohn 8.44 and therefore useth all wayes to draw men to cruelty and unmercifulness and that he may effect this hides the danger of this sin from them and keeps them from knowing how farre it reacheth Vse 1. for Information 1. We see the misery of unmerciful men they know not the greatness of the guilt that is upon them their sin reacheth further then they are aware of they think it is onely against men but Christ will tell them another thing at the great day 2. We see what a dangerous thing it is to be ignorant of the nature and extent of sin for it will be discovered in the full latitude of it at that day 3. We see that ignorance will be no sufficient Plea or Excuse for wicked men at the great day but will leave them altogether inexcusable before the great Judge 4. We see that unmercifulness shall never hide it self under any shadow but that that unmerciful men think to be a shelter to them shall wet them to the skin at that day for they know not the extent of it yet they shall know how far that sin went at that day 5. We see that those sins that men count little are great sins in the Lords account 6. We see how hateful the sin of unmercifulness should be to us that wicked men make so little reckoning of for there 's more in it then they are aware of 7. We see how miserable their state will be that know that unmercifulness reacheth Christ himself and yet go on in that way 8. We see the great patience of Christ towards unmerciful men that though their sin reach him yet does forbear them in this world 9. We see that mens condition being evil if they know it not is so much the worse to them 10. We see what a judgement of God it is to be blinde and not to see the extent of the danger of this sin 11. We see that the greatness of some mens sins is not discovered to them till the day of Judgement 12. We see that they that will not know their sins here shall know them to their cost at that day Vse 2. for Terrour 1. To ignorant Sots that think they are not so bad as they are 2 Thess 1.8 2. To Unmerciful ones though they know not the extent of their guilt yet their state is dreadful Vse 8. for Exhortation 1. To labour to know the worst that is in sin here for else the worst shall be told us in the lest and great day 2. To hearken to that counsel in Dan. 4.27 to break on our sins by Righteousness and our iniquities by shewing Mercy to the poor 3. To take them for our best friends that rip up our-sins most and shew us the greatness of our guilt and the extent and latitude of our sins for they will be told us that day 4. To abhorre unmercifulness for it will be set out in its colours at that day 5. To tremble to be ignorant of what we ought to know in knowing times 6 To get a considering heart that we may repent of our former unmercifulness Ezek. 18.28 Psal 119.59 7. To pity hard-hearted unmercifull men that know not the full latitude of this sin of theirs Luke 23.34 Acts 7.60 8. To bless the Lord if he has let any of us see the foulness of this sin and brought us out of it 1 Tim. 1.13 9. To glorifie God in behalf of others Gal. 1.23 24. 10. To love the Lord Jesus that has discovered the evil of this sin to us here Ver. 45. Then shall he answer them saying Verily I say unto you In as much as ye did it not to one of the least of these ye did it not to me Doct. XXXIX is this That the Lord Jesus at the last Day will fully stop the mouthes of Wicked men and have the last word after
which they shall speak no more This is plain here in the Text. Reasons 1. From Himself 2. From the Wicked 3. From the Sentence passed From Himself 1. From his Wisdome and Knowledge Col. 2.3 Jude 25. they are not able to grapple with him he will easily Non-plus and silence them that they shall not have a word to speak after him 2. From his Majesty and Glory his words will daunt them and confound the m● Look as the words of Kings have power going a long with them Eccles 8.4 so his words much more 3. From the Rightness and Integrity of his words Prov. 8.6 7 8. and right words are of great force How forcible are ●right words when men speak them Iob 6.25 much more his right words which he will speak at that day 4. From his Throne of Judgement that he sits upon Prov. 20.8 A King sitting on the Throne of Iudgement scattereth away all evil with his eyes so doth this King much more 5. From that in Prov. 16 10. A Divine Sentence saith Solomon is in the lips of the King his mouth transgresseth not in judgement And if so then surely this Kings mouth transgresseth not in Judgement and such a mouth speaking to them must needs stop all their mouthes 6. From the End of his Coming to Judgement which is a thorow Conviction of all ungodly men Iude ver 14 15. 7. From his power in his Ordinances Matth. 22.11 12. 2. From the Wicked 1. From the feebleness of their pleas weak Arguments and pleas are easily overturned and such will be theirs at that day So the Text. 2. From their Consciences which will be their Accusers and Witnesses against them and Condemn them for if their Consciences do all this sometimes here much more at that day 1 Iohn 3.20 Rom. 2.15 16. 3. From the guilt that is upon them for guilt will stop any mans mouth A guilty Malefactor has nothing to say for himself so here Rom. 3 19. 4. From the Terrour and fear that then will be upon them 2 Cor. 5.10 11. now fear will stop any mans mouth 5. From the shame that will then be upon them Dan. 12.2 and that will stop their mouthes 6. From the contempt that will be then upon them ibid. and when a mans person is contemned here he will have little list to speak 3. From the Sentence passed 1. It is Righteous Acts 17.31 2. It is Irrevocable and cannot be reversed much more Irreversible then that of the Persian Kings Esth 8.8 3. It is that that cannot be found fault with Rev. 22.12 4. It is fair and open before all that the Equity of it may be discerned so the Text. 5. It is unanswerable Iob 9.3 and backed with strong Reason Vse 1. for Information 1. VVe see how miserably wicked men will be foiled and worsted in all that they thought would stand them in stead at the great day Alas they shall not have a word to speak for themselves after the Lord has spoken to them as Job says Job 29.22 After my words they spake not again So much more will it be at that day 2. VVe see what great Confusion of face will be upon the wicked at that day in that they shall be Non plus'd and not be able to speak for themselves Men are confounded in their own spirits when in a Dispute they are baffled and mated and laid upon their backs and so Non plus'd that they have not a word to say Oh then what shame will this be 3. VVe see that the greatest among wicked men shall not be able to lift up their faces at that day as Job sayes of himself sitting in Judgement Iob 29.9 10. so much more will it be when Christ sits in Judgement 4. We see how vain a thing it is to devise Arguments to dispute against Christ at that day for he will be sure to have the last word and put to silence all that oppose him Isai 45.9 5. We see the bottomless depth of the Wisdom and Knowledge that is in Christ Jesus that will be able to foil the whole World at that day 6. We see what need we all had to take words to our selves in a way of Confession and Humiliation and Repentance Ho● 14.2 forotherwise we shall want words to speak for our selves at the great d●y 7. We see what an amazing day the day of Judgement will be to Reprobates in that their mout●es will then be stopped 8. We see how dreadful their condition will be that have opened their mouthes against Heaven and the God of Heaven for if others shall have their mouthes stopped that have only omitted some Duties and have not been so vile in Commissions Oh how will their mouthes be stopped that have opened them in Blasphemy and all manner of wickedness against the Lord 9. We see the greatness of the guilt of wicked men and ●ow it will stare them in the face at that day 10. We see that they that have been so forward to Argue with God and to reply against his Righteous Dispensations Rom 9.20 shall then have nothing to say again him or for themselves Vse 2. for Terrour 1 To all b●●d faced talkers against God and his Wayes and Saints 2. Against all the vain Pleas and Arguments that men think will bear them out in their Wickedness 3. Against the despisers of Christ and his Grace now Vse 3. for Exhortation 1. To open 1 Our hearts to receive him here that our mouthes may not be stopped at that day Psal 24.7 9. 2 To open our hands to his Members 3 To open our houses to them 4 To open the Prison doors and look in to them 5 To open our wardrobes to his naked ones 6 To open our bowels to his sick ones 7 To open our mouthes for the Dumb Prov. 31.8 8 To open Heaven doors by our Prayers 2. To beware of speaking a word against Christ here 3. To let Christs word take place here 4. To repent of our too bold speeches against him Iob 42 3-6 5. To speak all we can against our sins here 6. To beware of having a thought that our Words and pleas shall be heard then if we be wicked ● To inst●●y the Lord in all he sayes and does to us here Lam 1.18 for we shall do it then 8. To take heed of wickedness for it will stop their mouthes that are given to it at that Day Ver. 45. Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these c. Doct. XL. is this That Christ will in the Day of Judgement assure all such as have not shewn mercy to his Members in their Necessities that they have neglected and disregarded Him For opening of which let me shew 1. How it does appear that they have Neglected him in not shewing mercy to them 2. Why he accounts it so and will assure them that so it is 3. The Uses For the first It does appear from hence 1. In that they are one with
A DISCOURSE OF THE LAST JUDGEMENT OR Short Notes upon MAT. XXV from Ver. 31. to the end of the CHAPTER Concerning the Judgement to Come and our Preparation to stand before The Great Judge of Quick and Dead Which are of sweetest Comfort to the Elect Sheep and of most dreadful Amazement and Terrour to Reprobate Goats And do Concern All to think Seriously upon that they may look the Judge in the Face with Comfort in the Great Day of His APPEARING By SAMUEL WHITING Pastor of the Church of Christ at Lynne in N.E. Eccles 12.14 For God shall bring every work into judgement with every secret thing whether it be good or whether it be evil 2 Cor. 5.10 For we must all appear before the Judgement seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad Acts 24.25 And as he reasoned of Righteousness Temperance and Judgement to come Felix trembled CAMBRIDGE Printed by S. G. and M. J. 1664. TO THE CHRISTIAN READER THE Judgement to come as it is most Formidable and Dreadfull to the Wicked so it is most Sweet and Comfortable to those that are truely godly being the Day of their Redemption Luke 21.28 The Time of Refreshing Acts 3.19 and The time of Restitution ver 21. when all shall be Restored which God hath spoken of and when among other things all our Losses shall be f●lly Restored the loss of the Image of God by the Fall for 1 Co. 15.49 As we have born the image of the Earthly so we shall bear the image of the Heavenly Our lost Comforts also shall be Restored for we shall have everlasting Consolation 2 Thess 2.16 Our lost Fellowship with the Father Son and Spirit some small and little beginnings whereof we have here shall be Restored 1 John 3.2 R●v●lat 22.4 John 14.3 1 The●● 4.17 Now had the main Subject of the following Discourse a better Head and Heart to deal in and about it it might be very advantageous to draw men seriously to Repent according to that in Acts 17.30 31. and to quicken them up to watch and pray alwayes that they may be counted worthy to escape those things that are coming upon the wo●ld and to stand before the Son of M●n Luke 21.36 But what I have I offer to thy candid View and to thy serious Thoughts concerning this great Subject of The Last Judgement Some Hints there are and but Hints which may make a gracious heart chearfully to desire after that Day and elevate and sublimate his Spirit Heaven-ward Some other things indeed are terrible but to none but those that love their Sins and will not be perswaded to Confess them and forsake them To such I would speak as D●●el to Nebuchaanezza● Dan. 4.27 Let my counsel be acceptable to you and break off your sins by Righteousness Become new men let all old things p●ss away and all things become new Let Jesus Christ be yours Get a sure Portion and Interest in him and if he that is to be your Judge be your Saviour this great Day and the great Transactions then will not be dreadful to you But if you will resolve upon it to keep your Sins and adventure the Los● of Soul and Body to all Eternity for your Lusts sake if the Worm that d●●s not and the Fire that is not quenched will not startle and awaken you if you can grapple with Everlasting Burnings and will be trying Mastery with the Omnipotent One if you provoke the Lord to anger and think to be stronger then he and will be Fighters against God and let Heaven and all the joyes and City-priviledges of it go for a thing of no●ght Then I have no more to say but this to you My Soul shall weep in secret places for you and this Little Book with what you have heard and known from other of the Lords Worthies shall Witness against you at the Last Day My hearts desire is knowing the Terrour of the Lord to perswade men and if this small Script may but by the Blessing of God be Effectual to fit any of my dear Countrey-men to look upon Jesus Christ with Comfort at that Day and that they and I may among the rest of the Sheep be set at his Right Hand and hear that blessed Sentence of Absolution pronounced upon us I have enough Then he that is in the Bosome of the Father will put us in his Bosome and reveal all his Bosome-Secrets and Bosome-Counsels and Bosome-Consolations and Bosome-Love and open all the Treasures that are with him to enrich us to all Eternity Then we shall fully Comprehend the Breadth and Length and Depth and Height and know the Love of Christ that passeth knowledge which the best of us do but in part comprehend and know here For when that which is perfect is come then that which is imperfect shall be done away Good Reader I have given thee a short account about the Publishing of these poor Labours of mine beseeching the Lord that his mighty Spirit may go along with them that good may be done by them and Souls won to him and that he may be glorified when he comes to be admired in his Saints and in them that Believe at that Day I have done after I have said one thing more If thou and I be made more Spiritual and Heavenly in our Looks and Longings and Breathings after Immortality by this Discourse and be any way better fitted to meet the Lord at that Day if our Desires be more quickened after the sweet Views of his Blessed Face whom we yet never saw but by an Eye of Faith if after a few tossings with Tempest in the Sea of this World we arrive at those fair Havens of Eternal Rest in a state of Glory to sing everlasting Hallelujahs and Praises to the God of our Mercy To Him that sitteth upon the Throne and to the Lamb for ever and ever Then we shall never repent neither thou that hast perused nor I that have Published these unpolished Lines but shall rejoyce that they have been brought to see the light Thine in the Lord Jesus Samuel Whiting TO THE READER IT was Paul's excellency that He looked not at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen The unseen things of the world to come are the only great things compared with which all that is in this world is but a trifle But such is the natural dulness of sinfull men and so much do we hang upon present sense that all sorts of means prove too little to realize to us these future unseen things and to get our Hearts ●ffected with them What Christ said to them may be said 〈◊〉 us 〈◊〉 Hereafter shall ye see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of Power and coming in the clouds of Heaven But because we do not see Him now because we do not now hear the last Trumpet sound nor feel
away into everlasting punishment but the righteous into life eternall IN these words we have a lively description of Christs coming to the Last Judgement Wherein we have 1. The Preparation 2. The Sentence The former is set forth 1. In the Glory of Christ the Judge 2. In his Retinue 3. In his Magnincence He shall sit upon his glorious Throne 4. By his Power All Nations shall be gathered before him 5. By his Separation between the Elect and Reprobate 6. By his Disposing of both sorts the Elect to his right hand the Reprobate to his left In the Sentence we have 1. What he pronounceth to the Elect 2. To the Reprobate In the Sentence pronounced upon the Elect we have 1. A description of them they are his Fathers blessed ones 2. His sweet admittance of them into his fellowship 3. His possessing them of their Inheritance which Inheritance is set forth by the preparation of it of old 4. The Reason he is pleased to yield of all this grace of his towards them taken from his own work upon them in shewing mercy to his Members and Brethren which he reckons as done to himself 5. Their modest question to him as if they could not own any thing that they had done to him 6. His gracious answer to them and testification of his acceptance of what they had done for him in the least of his Brethren to Ver. 41. In the Sentence pronounced against the Reprobates we have 1. A description of them they are cursed ones 2. His Abdication of them from his Presence Depart from me wherein the punishment of loss is set fo●th 3. The punish●ent of Sense inflicted upon them h●●d out under the notion of Fire And 4. The deration and continuance of that punishment it is Everlasting fire 5. The preparation of it 6. The woful Companions they must have in the fire the Devil and his Anacls 7. The Reason of all th●s taken from their un nercifulness to Christ in his Brethren and Members 8. Their bold denial ●f his Ch●rge of Unmercifulness in the question they put When saw we thee c. 9. Christs full answer to them whereby he stops their mouthes that they shall not have a word to say against him 10. The issue and result of all both towards the Reprobate and towards the Elect The Reprobate go into everlasting punishment and the Righteous into life eternal Doct. I. From the Preparation That there will ●e a time when the Lord Je●us sha●● co●e in his Glory his holy Angels attenaing on him 2 The●s ●7 For opening of which let me shew 1. Wherein his Glory will then appear 2. What his holy ●ngels are to do at that day 3. Why he will come in such Glory 4. The Uses For the first He will come and manifest himself 〈◊〉 In the Glory of his Power then he will shew what a powerfull One he is in raising up all that are in their graves and in conventing them before him Joh. 5.28 29. 2 Cor. ● 10. 2. He will come and manifest himself in the Glory of his Grace and Mercy towards his Elect ones in receiving them to himself Joh 14.3 1 Thess 4.17 3 He will come and manifest himself in the Glory of his Justice to both Elect and Reprobat● 2 Thess 1.6 7 8 9. 4. He will come and manifest himself in the Glory of his Faithfulness in making good to the full all his Promises to them for then there will be a full accomplishment of them all Heb. 10.23 1 Thess 5.24 5. He will come and manifest himself i● the Glory of his Kingdome for then he will shew himself a glo●i● us King both in subduing his and his peoples Enemies and in treading upon the necks of them as also in gathering all his Subjects about him and bringing them to the bent of his blessed will 1 Cor 15.25 26 27. Mat. 6.10 6. He will come and manifest himself in the Glory of his Humane Nature hypostatically united to the Deity Philip. 3.21 1 J●h 3.2 Time was when he was abased in our flesh Philip 2.6 7 8. when he was a disallowed Christ 1 Let. 2.4 Acts 1.11 Isa 53.2 3. but then he will come in his Glory and though it were veiled upon earth yet he will then shew forth the Glory that his Flesh and Humane Nature is invested wit● 7 He will come and manifest himself in the Glory of his Deity Rom. 14.10 11. His Deity was much veiled and the glo●● of it in the dayes of his flesh though oftentimes it did shew forth it self in the Wonders that he wrought as J●h 2.11 11.4 40. but when he comes the Glory of his Deity will then be fully manifested Apoc. 1.7 8. He will come in the Glory of his Retinue so the Text. 2 Thess 1.7 Jude ver 14 15. Dan. 7.10 As other Kings have their Noble Courtiers about them and their glorious Retinue with them so the Lord Jesus at his coming shall have an innumerable company of Angels which will be a great glory to him 9. He will come in his Glory by the glory that believing Saints shall put upon him 2 Thess 1.10 when he shall say Behold I and the children which God hath given me Hebr. 2.13 As it will be a pleasant sight to the Father to behold so it will be a great Glory to Christ 10. He will come in the Glory of his Father Mark 8. ult Matth. 16.27 which what that is see Diodates Exposition Q. 2. What are his holy Angels to do at that day Answ 1. To wait and attend upon him as Nobles upon their Prince Dan. 7.10 2. To gather his Elect together Mat. 24.31 3. To gather the Reprobates out of his Kingdome and to cast them into a furnace of fire Mat. 13.41 42. 4. To take up those of the Saints that remain alive upon earth at the Lords Coming 1 Thess 4.17 5. To sever the wicked scorn the just Mat. 13.49 6. To be the Lords Reapers Mat. 13.39 in the Harvest-day and to gather his Wheat into his Garner Matth. 3.12 13.30 Q. 3. Why will he come in all this Glory Answ 1. From his deep Abasement when he was upon earth Philip. 2.5 6 7 8 9 10 11. 2. From the Glory wherewith he glorified his Father upon earth Job 17.4 ● 3. From the Fathers committing all Judgement to the Son Joh. 5.22 23. 4. From the Oath of God for this Rom. 14.11 He has sworn this 5. From the Comfort of the Saints 1 Thess 4.17 18. Joh. 14.1 2 3. 6. From the Amazement and Terrour of the wicked which shall fee his glory but yet be abdicated from it 2 Thess 1.9 This must needs be terrour and torment to them Vse 1. for Information 1. We see that the Lord Jesus though on earth he was deeply abased when time was yet will one day shew himself otherwise then once he was and appear in his Glory We must not look for him as a Sufferer but as a
Conquerour not as one Humbled but 〈◊〉 one Exalted with Glory Jam. 2.1 2 Cor. 5.16 2. We see that it matters not for worldly glory whether we have it or have it not so we have a share in this glorious One that will one day come in his Glory 3 We see how good it is to be a Servant to him who is such a glorious One and that we should use all means that we may be entertained in his Service Men labour to get into their service who are honourable ones and have any outward glory upon them how much more should we get into the Service of such a glorious One Psal 116.16 4. We see the misery of those that forsake Christ and his Service and backslide from his Wayes and that holy Profession that they have sometimes made these forsake him that they would gladly be entertained by another day Matth. 7.21 22 23.5 We see that we can never put glory enough upon the Lord Jesus for he is a glorious One in himself and will one day come in his Glory Men use to put glory upon Kings and Princes and glorious ones in the world Oh! but what Glory then should we put on Christ that glorious One Psal 2.12 6. We see how desireable his Coming should be to the Saints for he will come in his Glory Apoc. 22.17 20. When he was to come to be humbled for us he was much desired after Hag. 2.7 Mal. 3.1 Oh how much more is he to be desired after when he is to come in his Glory 7. We see that surely all his Redeemed ones shall partake of his Glory Coloss 3.4 Joh. 17.24 ● We see that he will be glorified in the Salvation of the Righteous and in the Damnation of the Wicked for he will come in his Glory Prov. 16.4 9. We see what great reason we have to esteem highly of the Reproaches of Christ in his Members as Moses did Heb. 11.26 10. We see what great cause we have to endure the Cross and despise the Shame we meet with as Christ did Heb. 12.2 3. for he will come in his Glory and put glory upon us after all our shame And in that the holy Angels shall be his Retinue we see 1. That the Angels delight in our holiness for they are holy 2. That the more holy we be the more we resemble the blessed Angels 3. That Holiness becomes those places where Angels are Psal 93.5 4. That Christs Attendants are holy ones 5. That neither Christ nor his Angels can endure nor will endure any polluted person or thing now or at that day 6. That Christ Jesus is a great Master that has so many Angels to attend upon him 7. That unclean persons will be abashed and ashamed above others at that day 8. We see that the Judges Great Ass●e at the last day shall be with great state 9. We see what cause we have not to be ashamed of Christ and of his wor●● here Mark 8 ult Vse 2. for Terrour 1. To all those that have blasphe●ed him and rej●cted him as Jews and Turks and other I●●idels in these d●yes 2. To those that neglec● that great alva●ion Heb 2.3 3. To those that have put reproach upon him Psal 69 20. 4. To those that have not glori●ed him when he comes in his Glory he will be glori●ed in their destruction Vse 3 for Humiliation 1. That we have put any dishono●r upon this glorious One any way 2. That we have so few breathings after ●is Coming 3. That Afflictions are so grievous to us Luke 24.26 4. That we are so ●oth to die to partake of his Glory 5. That we are so much delighted with earthly things 6. That we have so few thought● of this glorious One. Vse 4. for Exhortation 1. To fit our selves for the Coming of this glorious One. And for that end 1. Look that we be in a justified estate 2. Look to our Sanctification Heb. 12 14. 3. Be in continual expectation of him Heb. 9. ult 4. Watch and pray alwayes Luke 21.36 Mark 13.35 36 37. 5. Be we found well doing Mat. 24.44 45. 6. Make sure of Vessel-oyl as well as Lamp-oyl Mat. 25 4. 7. Improve we our Talents well Mat. 25.19 20 21 22 23. 8. Love his appearing 2 Tim. 4.8 9. Be children of the light 1 Thess 5.4 5. 10. Be of a merciful disposition Matth. 25.34 35 36. 2. To be diligent c. 2 Pet. 3.14 3. To suffer with and for Christ 2 Tim. 2.12 4. To rejoyce in hope to se● this glorious One Rom. 12.12 5. To get an interest in this glorious One Job 9.25 26 27. 6. To be weaned from worldly glory Psal 131.1 2. 7. To beware of dishonouring him 8. To exalt him all that may be and lift up his Name 9. To be vile in our own eyes in all our addresses to him 10. To admire with thankfulness that such a glorious one should ever look after us 11. To meditate much of his Glory Ro● 8.18 12. To be glorious Christians Fro● 4.18 Philip. 1.27 2.15 Vse 5. for Cons●lation 1. Against the dishonour pu● upon Christ and his Nembers 2. Against all the affi●●●ions what are they 2 Cor. ● 17 3. Against all the base and unworthy affronts that wicked men put upon him and his 4. Against the falling away of backsliders from him the Angels put glory upon him Doct. II. is this That the Son of God in his Humane Nature which he hath assumed to the Deity shall be the Judge of Quick and Dead The Son of man shall come in his Glory So Acts 17.31 Ro● 14.10 2 Cor. 5.10 2 Tim. 4.1 Reasons 1. From Gods Appointment Acts 17.31 and his Appointment must stand 2. From his raising him from the dead Ibid. 3. From his Obedience to his Father in his Suffering Philip. 6.7 8 9. 4. From the Fathers Authority that he hath committed to him Job 5.27 5. From the Oath of the Lord for this Rom. 14.10 11 12. 6. From the Covenant which the Father hath made with the Son Psal 110.1 7. From the Victory that he hath got over all his enemies Conquerours are Judges over them that they conquer and do dispose of them so Christ the great Conquerour of his enemies is to judge them and to dispose of them 1 Cor. 15.25 8. From the Comfort of his People for hereby they are incouraged much in that they have him who is their Saviour to be their Judge and therefore the day of Judgement is called the day of Refreshing to the Saints Act. 3.19 9. From the Terrour of those that have Crucified and flain him Apoc. 1.7 See also an image and representation of this Apoc. 6 15 16 17. 10. From his Kingly Office which shall then be fully manifested both towards his servants in rewarding them and towards his enemies in punishing them Vse 1. for Information 1. We see what great Honour ●●e Lord has invested our Nature with in not onely assuming it to be united to the
of them come together and have none but such as themselves are Oh what a wofull condition wil they then be in its unspeakable what their misery will be inconceiveable what the torment of their Soules will be when they all come together at the time that this separation shall be made between the Elect and them 6. For the glory of the Lords mercy and Justice in the discovery of those who are Elect and of those that are reprobate for as his mercy is Glorified on the Elect vessels of mercy Ephe. 1.6 so his Justice is Glorified on the vessels of wrath Pro 16.4 and both will be manifest in the day of this separation 7. For the manifestation of them 2 Tim. 2.19 for he had need know those that are his that makes such a separation 8. For the incouragement of the Lords people now in a way of well-doing for though at present there seem to be little difference in some respects between them and others Eccl. 9.2 yet then there will be a difference made Vse 1 For information 1. We see that wicked men shall not all wayes be an amiction to the Saints they shall not allwaies be thornes in their eyes and pricks in their sides by being in company with them for at the Judgment day they shall never be troubled with them more the Lord Jesus will make a perfect separation between one and the other they may trouble them here and fret and grieve their Spirits but when the separation is once made then they shall never afflict them more 2. We see how patient the Saints should be in all the tribulations that they suffer for Righteousness sake from evil men for there will be an end of them in the day of separation when neither they shall come to us nor we to them Jam. 5.7 8. 3. We see how just the Lord is in his dispensation of himselfe to evill men they could never abide to keep company with the Saints on Earth and at that d●y they shall be separated from them and never come at them more It was a trouble to them to be with them at any time and they were never well till they were out of their company and God is just in parting them asunder for ever from them 4. We see that though false-hearted and hypocritical Professors cannot alwayes be discovered here yet they cannot be hid then when the day comes wherein Christ will separate between the Elect and Reprobate Some are more gross and cannot be hid here 1 Tim. 5.24 25 but some are more close and they are left to be discovered at that day as Mat. 7.22 23. Luke 13.26 5. We see that separation from true Churches where the Ordinances are though some not so purely dispensed where many Saints are and where the Lord is blessing assisting and breathing in those Ordinances and Saints is certainly not of God if we can with freedome injoy them for if God be there Shall mortal man he more just then God shall a man be more pure then his Maker Job 4.17 The separation of Elect and Reprobate is reserved to the great day and who of us know who they be see Jude ver 19. 6. We see that though Hypocrites may get into Churches and may be thought as good as the best and who but they yet they shall not be able to get into the Church of the First born into the Congregation of the Righteous They as well as others must be separate from the Elect of Christ at that day 7. We see what need there is that we should separate our selves what we can from the courses and company of evil men that we know to be such Num. 16.26 2 Cor. 6.17 8. We see how tender we should be in censuring and judging others for they may be better then we think they are till the day of separation we cannot tell what they may be Matth. 7.1 Jam. 3.1 2. 1 Cor. 4.4 5. 9. We see that it is not safe in time of temptation to conclude against our selves or pass a rash sentence against our selves for we may be deceived It is Christ that must make the separation and not we Lam. 3.18 Psal 31.22 10. We see how dangerous it is to forsake the assemblies of the Saints and the company of Believers for if we do God may justly separate between us and them another day Heb 10.25 26. so Psal 122.1 26.8 9. 11. We see how blessed a thing it is to converse with Saints and to be delighted in their fellowship for they shall all be together at the separation day 12. We see that good men have no cause to envy evil men because outward things prosper to them themselves are sometimes in adversity for though the condition of evil men seem better for the present in the day of separation it will appear farre otherwise Psal ●7 1 2. 73.1 2 3 4 5 6 19 20. Jer. 12.1 2 3. Vse 2. for Terrour 1. To those that despise the Saints and will have none of their fellowship here they shall for ever be separated from them at the last and great day ● To those that separate themselves from Church-assemblies where the Saints are and Ordinances duely administred and held up in their Purity had rather be at home or in corners with some of their own faction and erring way Jude ver 19. such may well fear that they shall never come in company with the Saints at that day Vse 3. for Exhortation 1. To have no fellowship with the workers of iniquity Prov. 1.10 11 12 13 14 15. 4.14 15. Psal 1.1 for there must be a separation made between the Saints and these 2 Cor. 6.17 2. To long for the time when this separation shall be made for here evil men are a great burthen to all Societies and places where they are Apoc. 22.20 3. To submit to the will of God if we be cast upon such places where evil men be for the day of separation is hasting when we shall be never troubled with them more 4. To make sure that we be not of that number that shall be separated from the Elect Saints at that d●y 2 Pet. 1.10 5. To converse with good men and walk in their way Prov. 2.20 6. To us Ministers to separate between precious and vile Jer. 15.19 Ezek. 44.23 7. To make a difference between men and men in our discharge of our duty to them Jude v. 22 23. 8. To put a difference between them in our beneficence to their outward man Gal. 6.10 9. To think charitably of our brethren 1 Cor. 4.4 5. for we know not who they be that are to be separate 10. To take heed of Hypocrifie Luke 12.1 2. Vse 4. for Consolation 1. Against the disturbances that Saints meet with from the company of evil men they shall not alwayes be a trouble to them but be for ever delivered from them as Moses said Exod. 14.13 So here 2. Against that small difference that the Lord
seems to put between his own and others as Eccles 9.2 he will put a difference at that day 3. Against all the Slanders that are cast upon them it will be well enough known what they are when the separation day comes 4. Against the hypocritical censures of false ones against the righteous Jam. 3.1 Ver. 32. And he shall set the sheep on his right hand c. Doct. VI. is this That the Lord reckons of his Elect 〈◊〉 his sheep and of Reprobates as goats We will speak of the first Branch first That the Elect are sleep so they are often called Job 10 3 4 11 14 26 27. For opening of which let me shew 1. In what respects they may be said to be sheep 2. Why his sheep 3. The Uses For the first They may be said to be Sheep in sundry respects 1 In that they are marked out for so are other sheep marked and so are these Iohn 10.14 27. 2 Tim 2.19 2. Sheep are meek and milde Isay 53.7 dumb when before the shearers when in the Butchers hands So was the Shepherd and so are they Psal 44.21 2 Chron 24.21 22. 3. Sheep are serviceable to the owner with their milk and with their wool and with their increase So are the elect Saints Acts 13.36 Rom. 1.9 Acts 26.7 4. Sheep are easily ruled by the voyce and whistle of the shepherd So are the Lords elect ones easily ruled a word from his mouth rules them Iohn 10.27 5. Sheep of all other creatures are most simple and unable to defend themselves Mat 10.16 and most subject to be made a prey of So the Saints Heb 11.35 36 37. 6. Sheep are most acure and exact in knowing their shepherd so the elect Saints are very skilful in knowing Christ Iohn 10.14 7. Sheep have nothing in them but is of use their very dung is not excepted So all of the Saints is of use even that that is the worst of them their afflictions their Sinnes 8. Sheep when they are killed they are wholy for their Masters use so the Saints when killed are wholy for their Masters use and service then they are wholy for him though their bodies be unserviceable yet in their soules they are most serviceable Hebr. 12.23 9. Sheep keep together and feed together so doe the Saints love to be together Act. 2.44 Mal. 3.16 10. Sheep doe then most flock together in stormy times so doe the Saints they are most together at such times love one another best then Mal. 3.16.11 Sheep are very obnoxious to be devoured and spoiled by dogs and wolves so the Saints Mat 7.15 Act. 28.29 12. Sheep are subject to great scattering so the Elect to be scattered by persecution Act. 8.4 Jam. 1.1 1 Pet. 1.1 Q. 2. In what sence are they his sheep Ans 1. He hath bought and purchased them 1. Cor. 6. ult 2. He hath marked them out for himselfe 3. He leade● them Joh. 10. 4. He knowes them Joh. 10.14 5. He laid down his life for them Joh. 10.11 6. He rules them by his rod and staffe 7. He feeds them and causes them to lie down c. Psal 23.1 2. 8. He tenders them Isai 40.11 9 He preserves them in dangers Psal 23.4 10. He sets his dogs upon them Satan and his Instruments Vse 1. for Information 1. We see that the Lord will not let his Elect want pasture Psal 23.1 2. John 10.9 he will feed their soules with spirituall food Ezek. 34.14 2. We see a reason why they are so apt to wander and goe astray so doe other sheep and so doe they Psal 119. ult Isai 53.6 3. We see a reason why he will reduce them and gather them from their wanderings they are his sheep and he will reduce them from their erring paths Ezek. 34.12 4. We see why he gives such charge to his Ministers to feed them they are his sheep John 21.15 16 17. 2 Tim. 4.1 2. 1 Pet. 5.1 2. 5. We see that surely the Lord will safely fold them up in his church here and in the kingdome of glory hereafter Ezek 34. Hebr. 12.23 and that 's a good fold indeed 6. We see that he will surely gather the scattered of the Jewes together though they have been so long dispersed John 10.16 2 Cor 3.16 Hos 3. ult Rom. 11.25 26. 7. We see the mercy of the Lord towards us ●nd the freeness of his grace in that be hath passed by so many thousands of Men and Angels and hath made us the subjects of his Electing love made us his sheep when there are so many reprobate goats Ephes 1.3 4. 8. We see a reason of the patient suffering of the Saints in all ages 9. We see how precious the Saints should be to us they are his chosen flock and the sheep of his Pasture 10. We see the miserable condition of those that are cruel to the Saints and kill them they shall one day know whose sheep they were that they have been thus cruel to Vse 2 for Humiliation 1. That we do so little resemble sheep 2. That we are rather woolves then sheep one to another makeing a prey one of another 3. That we are so ignorant in not discerning sheep from goates goates frō sheep Vse 3. for Exhortation 1. To hear the voice of our bleised shepherd John 10.27 2. To follow him who goes before us and to be content to be led by him ibid. 3. To be of a meek and patient spirit in all our sufferings as becomes the sheep of Christ Hebr. 12.1 2 3. 4. To feed in our green p●stures and to thrive under the meanes God afford 2 Pet. 3.18 5. To be thankfull that he folds us in his Church here Psal 23. ult 6. To long to bee folded up in glory 7. To pity those that want means that are faint and scattered as sheep without a shepherd Mat. 9.36 8. To beware of woolves in sheeps clothing Mat. 7.15 sheep know one another 9. To converse together much especially in evill times Mal. 3.16 Act. 2.42 44. 10. To be harmeless as sheep are Phil. 2.15 Vse 4. for Consolation 1. That he will not see any of them lost John 6.29 10.28 2. That the Lord will be very tender over them Isai 40.11 3. He will save them from dogs and wolves and all that would prey upon them and devour them 4. That he will gather them together into one blessed fold the whole company of his Elect ones Having finished the first branch of the sixth Doctrine That the Lord reckons of the Elect as his Sheep It remaines that we come to the second part That the Reprebates are goats For the opening of which let me shew 1. In what respects they may be said to be goats 2. The Uses For the first They may be said to be goats in many respects 1. Goats are refractory and unruly creatures all that know them know this by them So are wicked men and reprobates of refractory and unruly spirits will not be
to them and leap over all hedges and fences that are made to restrain them this is a sign of Reprobation Jer. 5.5 6. Vse 3. for Examination Whether we have not the properties of Goats it concerns us to look to it for it will be sad to be found among the number of Goats at that day Q. How shall we know Ans Enough hath been spoken for discovery already but let me lay down two or three Properties more 1. If we be of the number of Goats we shall discover it by the wilde trips we shall take and by the wilde leaps we shall make for so do Goats they have many a wilde trip and leap so such are unsetled leap from place to place and keep not within their callings 2. We shall discover it by the wildness of our fancies for Goats have wilde fancies 3. By the dangers we run into for so do Goats run into dangerous places high Rocks c. 4. By the places we haunt for wilde Goats have their haunts in lonesome desolate places if we haunt bad places we had need fear that we are Goats Vse 4. for Exhortation To look to it that we be not found of this number at that day And for this end we are 1. To forsake the company of such for Goats will go together Prov. 13.20 1.10 11 c. 2. To beware of filthy and corrupt communication Eph 4.29 Col. 38. and conversation 2 Pet. 2.7 8. 3. Be of an humble spirit 1 Pet. 5.5 for Goats are high climbing creatures 4. Adorn we our Profession by a gracious Conversation take beed we make not Religion to be abhorred and to stink for our sakes 5. To keep within our Callings and not leap from one Calling to another 1 Cor. 7.20 6. To beware of an unruly spirit Jam. 4.7 1 Pet. 2.13 14. Ver. 33. And he shall set the sheep on his right hand c. Doct. VII is this That the Lord Jesus will honour his Elect and put dishonour upon Reprobates at the day of Judgement To be set on the right hand is a sign of honour as 1 Kings 2.19 and to be set on the l●ft hand a token of dishonour Reasons of the former Branch 1. They are they that have ●onoured him in this life and he will honour them not onely here but in another world 1 Sam. 2.30 2. They have sought for glory and honour by patient continuance in well doing they have sought it in a right way and they shall have it Rom. 2.7 3. They are vessels of mercy prepared for it Rom 9.23 2 Tim. 2.20 and therefore shall have honour and glory bestowed upon them 4. They are they that shall have dominion over the wicked Psal 49.14 and this honour is part of that dominion 5. They are the Brethren of Christ and so acknowledged by him in the Text and John 20.17 Heb. 2.11 12. and will not he honour his Brethren 6. They are the Children of Christ Heb. 2.13 and he will think no honour too great to bestow upon them at that day 7. They are the Members of Christ who is the Head of his Body 1 Cor. 12. Eph. 5.30 and he will surely put honour upon his Members 8. They are they that he hath bought with an honourable price 1 Cor. 6.20 Acts 20.28 1 Pet. 1.18 19 And therefore He will be sure to honour them 9. They are the first-fruits of his Creatures Jam. 1.18 and the first fruits are honourably received as a Present fit for Princes 10. They are fit for honour they are wise men Honour even in this world is not seemly for a fool Prov. 26.1 but wise men are fit for honour they know how to use it to prize it to praise God for it 11. They are styled Excellent and Honourable even in this life Psal 16.3 Prov. 12.26 and therefore no wonder if the Lord put honour upon them at that day 1 Pet. 2.9 Apoc 1.6 12. They are they that shall bear his Image 1 Cor. 15.49 1 Joh. 3.2 and therefore no wonder if he honour them and in testimony of it set them on his right hand Reasons of the latter Branch viz. Dishonour on Reprobats 1. They have dishonoured him and despised him in their life upon earth and he will dishonour and lightly esteem them at that day 1 Sam. 2.30 2. They have been unfaithful Stewards and unprofitable Servants and how should their Master do any other but put dishonour upon them would any Master upon earth honour such servants Luk. 16. 3. They are vessels of dishonour fitted for destruction 2 Tim. 2.20 Rom. 9.22 therefore no wonder if he put dishonour upon them 4. They have used his members and bretheren very dishonourably put all the disgrace and dishonour they could upon them Mat. 5.10.11 12. Joh. 16.33 15.20 Hebr. 11.35 36 37 38. and can the Lord do any other but dishonour them that have put such dishonour upon his precious ones 5. They have been ashamed of him and of his words Mar. 8. ult and if he be ashamed of them and refuse to honour them it is not to be marvelled at 6 They are loathsom●ones and as God brings shame and dishonour upon them here as it is in Prov. 13.5 so also at that day 7. They are an abomination to the Lord in their thoughts in their services in their wayes Prov. 15.8 9 26. and is it not meet then he should put dishonour upon them 8 They are fit for nothing else but dishonour honour is unseemly for such fools 9. They are a dishonour sometimes to all their kindred and friends a dishonour to their families to their neighbours to the places where they live and what is meet to be the reward of such but dishonour 10. They are the shame and dishonour of their Lords house Isai 22.18 and is not dishonour then fit to be their portion 11. They are they that dishonour themselves dishonour their bodies by uncleaness by fond attyre by long hair 1 Cor. 11. and is it not meet that such should be dishonoured at that day 12. They have been a dishonour to the Gospel to the religion they have professed they have cast dirt and dishonour upon Churches and if so what can they expect but dishonour at Christs hand at that day Vse 1. of the first Branch for Information 1. We see that the elect Saints need not be much troubled though they suffer some dishonour in this world for Christ will honour them at that day Acts 5.41 16.24 25. Heb. 12 2. 2. We see how faithfull the Lord is in his promise in that he will honour them that honour him Hebr 10.23 who would not trust such a faithfull one 3. We see the blessed condition of the Saints of Christ that He himselfe will put honour upon at that day Haman thought it a great part of his happiness that he was so honoured by the King and that he was in hope of more honour Esthur 6.5 6 But on how happy are they that
love to them Joh. 3.16 them to him Heb. 2.13 therefore no wonder if the Son be so willing to welcome and receive his Fathers gift 3. The Fathers pleasure is to give them the Kingdome Luke 12.32 and if the Father so honour them the Son will honour them with a blessed welcome into his sweet presence 4. The Father hath called them to the fellowship of his Son 1 Cor. 1.9 and therefore no wonder if the Son admit such into his fellowship at that day 5. The Father hath delight in the sight of the Lord Jesus and his children together Heb. 2.13 and therefore no wonder if he be so willing to bid them come to him 6. The Fathers will is that none of them should be lost John 6.39 and if so the Son cannot but gather them together to himself 2. From Christ himself 1. He hath promised that where he is they shall be also John 14.3 2. He hath prepared a place for them ibid. that they may be together 3. He prayed for this when he was on earth John 17.24 4. He loves them Deut. 33.3 Psal 146.8 Gal. 2 20. and they that love are never well but when they are together 5. He takes pleasure in his people Cant. 2.14 Psal 149.4 and if here much more at that day when all their rags are off when in their Robes 6. He shews himself and his Children as a pleasant sight for the Father to behold Heb. 2.13 and therefore cannot but at that day give them admittance into sweetest fellowship with him and say Come to them 3. From the Elect Saints themselves 1. They are Members of his Body of his Flesh and of his Bones Eph. 5.30 2. They are his Brethren so the Text and brotherly Communion he thinks is meet Brethren love to be together 3. They have had fellowship with him on earth 1 John 1.3 and are styled his fellows Psal 45.7 and will not he bid his fellows welcome at that day 4. They have been troubled for nothing more then his absence Lam. 1.16 5. They have desred his presence when they have wanted it Psal 42.1 2. 63.1 2. 84.1 2. Jerem. 14.8 9. 6. They have longed earnestly for the full fruition of him Cant. 8. ult Rev. 22.20 and have looked for him Phil. 3.20 Vse 1. for Information 1. We see the great love of the Lord Jesus that not onely causeth us to come to him here in a state of Grace but admits us and invites us to come to him in a state of Glory What love is there like to this love Eph 3.18 19. 2. We see the truth of that in John 6.37 Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out 3. We see what earnest denres we should have to have communion and fellowship with him here for he will admit us at that day into full communion and fellowship with him Job 22.21 1 John 13.4 We see that the enjoyment of fellowship with Christ at that day is the top of Glory and the Heaven of Heaven it self Christ said all and enough when he said Luke 23.43 To day shalt thou be with me and the Apotle in Philip. 1.23 1 Thess 4.17 18. 5. We see how earnestly we should sign and breather in our desires after that day to hear tha● joyful word Co●e Well may the Spirit and the Bride say Come Rev. 22.17 well may each faithful Soul say Come to him who will at that day say Come to them Rev. 22.20 6. We see how ready we should be to come at his call to come to him in a way of believing John 6.35 to come to him in a way of Repentance Isa 21.12 to come to him in a way of Obedience Rev. 3.20 Well may we come to him all these wayes who will speak that blessed word Co●e to us at that day 7. We see that we need not disdain to come after him and take up his Cross for this sweet word Come will be comfort enough after all our sufferings with him and for him 8. We see how joyfully we should call one upon another to come and assemble together into his House and Courts Isa 2.2 3. M●cah 4.1 2. Zech. 8.20 21 22. We may well come to meet him there that will at that day meet with us and say Come to us 9. We see what great encouragement we have to invite him to come to partake in our Services and Duties as Cant 4. ult This blessed Come of his at the last day should put us upon inviting him to come to what we provide for him his own precious fruits 10. We see that the very meanest and poorest and such as are most despicable in their own and others eyes shall be then owned and accepted of him and entertained into sweetest fellowship with him for he shall say Come to them at that day Vse 2. for Exhertation 1. To come before his presence with singing Psal 100.2 And let this Come put life and cheerfulness into all our Services in publick that are to be performed to him 2. To come together in our more private Services as they did of old Mal 3.16 3. To come often before him in secret Duties Mat●h 6. ● 6 16. Let this Come make us come and perform secret duties 4. To own him and his Cause and Saints that will then own us 15. To admire the Lords mercy to us that he should give us any hope of hearing such a joyful word who have deserved to be for ever abdicated from his presence 6. To love his appearing well may we do so ● Tim. 1.8 7. To give all diligence to make our calling and elect on sure 2 Pet. 1 10. for Elect ones shall never fall 8. To have no fellowship with the workers of iniquity for they are no meet company for those that Christ will say Come unto at that d●y 9 To bewail our long delayes in coming to him He hath said Turn ye turn ye c. Ezek. 33.11 and. When shall it once be Jerem. 13.27 but we have and him stay long 10. To pray earnestly that we may be in that number Luke 21.36 to stand before the Son of man Vse 3. for Consolation 1. Against the separation that others make from us If Christ will own us and say Come it 's no matter 2. Against mens separating us from their company Luke 6.22 3. Against Christs seeming derelictions here they may be the better born if at that day he say Come to us 4. Against Satans whisperings and false charges Positive Comforts 1. That we are happy if all go if Christ s●y Come to us at that day 2. That if we never come to any thing in this world it 's no matter if he say Come at that day 3. That they are blessed that have a portion in him for he will then say Come Ver. 34. Come ye blessed of my Father c. Doct. XI is this That the Elect Saints are the Fathers Blessed ones an● shall be pronounced such by the Lord
their rest 2 Thess 1.7 and that it could not be if their sins were mentioned it would be a day of dis-rest rather to them 3. It is the day of their exceeding joy Jude ver 25. and that could not be if their sins should be mentioned 4. It is the day of their Coronation 2 Tim. 4.8 and in such a day it were no way suitable to make mention of their sins 5. It is the day of their Redemption Luke 21.28 and it would rather be a day of their Captivity then Redemption should there be any mention of their sins 6. It is the day of the Consummation of the Marriage betwixt Christ and his Saints they are betrothed here Hos 2.19 20. 2 Cor. 11.2 But the day of the Solemnization of the Marriage is then then Christ takes us to house John 14.3 to himself 1 Thess 4.17 and the mentioning of their sins must needs be unsuitable to such a day Vse 1. for Information 1. We see how tender the Lord Jesus will be of the name of his Saints at the last and great day that he will not so much as mention any of their sins against them They have been tender of his Name here and he will be marvellous tender of theirs at that day and will not blemish them by charging any sin upon them Jude ver 24. Eph. 5.27 2. We see what great reason we have to justifie and clear him in all his righteous dispensations of himself to us in afflicting us for our sins here Neh. 9.33 Lam. 1.18 Psal 51.4 for he will clear us and not so much as mention any of our sins against us at that day 3. We see that they that are justified need not be afraid of the day of Judgement for there shall not be a word spoken at that day against them concerning any of the sins that they have committed against him 4. We see how loathsome and detestable every sin ought to be to us here and how we should accuse and arraign and judge our selves for them for they shall not be charged upon us then nor any of them be so much as mentioned against us 1 Cor. 11.31 32. 5. We see that we have no cause to censure or judge our Brethren for their failings for if they be Christs he will not so much as mention any of their sins against them at that day 1 Cor. 4.5 Jam. 3.1 6. We see how ready we should be to forgive offending Brethren when they repent Luke 17.3 4. for so does Christ and so will be do at that day and not charge them with any of them 7. We see that those sins that have been committed by any of the Saints in the time of their unregenerate estate are not to be spoken of or mentioned to their disgrace neither are they to be cast in their teeth nor they to be upbraided with them for not one of them shall be spoken of at that day Acts 9.33 14 15. 8. We see what mention we should make of the loving kindness of the Lord as for other mercies so for this Jude ver 24.25 Isa 63.7 9. We see that there 's no cause why we should be much troubled when we are twitted and upbraided by evil men for this and that evil that we have done and sometimes for that that we have never done Mat 10.11 12. for however men use us here Christ will use us better at that day not mentioning any of our sins against us 10. We see that Satans accusations shall never hurt us Rev. 12.10 for Christ will ●ot own or approve any of them for he will not so much as speak of any thing that they have done amiss at that day Vse 2. for Humiliation 1. To those that are too severe Judges of others failings they have too little of the Spirit of Christ Jesus and for ●t that they themselves are men Jam. 3.1 2. 2. To those that are too Inordinately afraid of the Judgement-day they are more afraid then hurt we should rather love and desire after it 2 Tim. 4.8 Rev. 22.20 3. To those that are hard to pass by injuries and indignities put upon them so does not Christ so will he not do at that day 4. To those that are so ready to rip up and speak too disgracefully of the faults of others here how would such do if Christ should take that course with them at the Judgement day Vse 3. for Exhortation 1. To honour the Lord Jesus and be very tender of his Name who will so tender our names at that day Psal 2.12 2. To be often thinking of this day and meditating of it with delight for no evil of ours shall then be mentioned 3 To make sure that we are of the number of those that Christ will speak nothing against at that day 1 Look to our Election 2 Pet. 1.10 2 To our Love 1 Thess 3.12 13. 1 John 4.17 3 To our Abiding in him 1 John 2.28 4 To a spotless and blameless carriage 2 Pet. 3.14 5 To our Holiness Heb 12.14 6 To our Uprightness Isa 57.2 Psa 49.14 7 To the improvement of our talents Mat. 25.22 23. 8 To our patient suffering of afflicti●n Rom. 8.17 ● Tim. 2.12 9 To our patient continuance in well-doing Rom. 2.7 10 To our holding fast that we have Rev. 3.11 4. To bear with quietness mens upbraidings and the shame they cast upon us Heb. 12.2 3. 5. To rejoyce in things falsly spoken against us Matth. 5.11 12. 6. To beware of shaming those here that Christ will not shame at that day 1 Sam. 20.34 7. To be grieved when any do ibid. 8. To shame our selves for our sins here Ezra 9.6 9. To speak boldly in the Cause of Christ Mat. 10.32 10. To fear to speak a word against Christ Mat. 12.32 11. To love the Lord Jesus 1 Cor. 16.22 12. To seek to please him in all things Tit. 2.9 Vse 4. for Consolation 1. Against the evil speeches and slanders of men Jude ver 14 15. 2. Against cruel mockings Heb. 11.36 3. Against rebukes in Judgement-seats 4. Against Satans accusations Rev. 12.10 5. Against hard censures of Brethren 6. Against false Witnesses in Courts of Justice Positive Comforts 1. That that day will be a clearing day 2. That they that sow in tears shall reap in joy Psal 126.5 3. That it shall be well with them Isa 3.10 4. That our blessed King is a merciful King 1 Kings 20.31 5. That the worst state of the righteous is better then the best of the wicked 6. That we may well bear Christs rebukes here The second Branch of the XV. Doctrine is now to be spoken of viz. That what the Saints have done well while they were on earth shall be spoken of and mentioned in the day of Judgement For opening of which let me shew 1. How it does appear that it shall be so 2. Why it shall be so 3. The Uses For the first How does it appear that what good they have done shall be
mentioned and spoken of at that day Ans 1. It does appear from hence in that every secret good thing shall come into judgement Eccles 12.14 1 Cor 4.5 2. In that every good thing shall be rewarded 2 Cor. 5.10 Mat 6.4 6.18 Rev. 22.12 3. In that every man that hath done any good though others have not known of it shall have due praise and commendation for it 2 Cor. 4.5 4. In that there shall be different degrees of Glory according to the different measures of good that men have done and therefore all must be mentioned and spoken of Rom. 2.6 Rev 22.12 5. In that good has been called evil in the world Isa 5.20 and therefore all that good that has been so traduced and evil spoken of shall be owned and spoken of at that day 6. In that the Saints here do vilifie and disesteem their best works Isa 64.6 Phil 3.8 9. and though indeed in themselves they be nothing worth as coming from us yet as they are in Christ so they are good and will be spoken of as such at that day 7. In that it is not so easily discerned whose works are good in regard that Hypocrites may go very far this way but that day will declare which is which which are good and which not 8. In that for every right work a man is envied of his neighbour here Eccles 4.4 9. In that in sundry good works done here it is not known who did them and this must not alwayes be concealed Q. 2. Why shall that that they have done well be them spoken of Ans 1. From God himself 2. From the Lord Jesus Christ 3. From the Saints themselves From God 1. He works them in us and for us Isa 26.12 2. He is glorified by them Mat. 5.16 Phil. 1.11 1 Pet. 2.12 3. He will reward them Rom. 2.6 7 10. and how should this be if they be not spoken of at that day 4. He has promised to honour them that honour him 1 Sam. 2.30 2. From the Lord Jesus 1. He commends them here Rev. 2.2 3 8 9. and therefore will do it much more hereafter 2. He knows their works and therefore knows how to speak of them at that day ibid. 3. He takes it well if it be but in the heart though it come not to outward act 1 Kings 8.18 19. Oh how well will he then take it when it is actually performed and speak of them at that day 4. He loves them dearly and where we love we use to speak much in commendation of what is done much more will Christ at that day Gal. 2.20 3. From the Saints themselves 1. They are his Members Brethren Fellows Friends Spouse c. and therefore no wonder that he will speak all the good of them that may be at that day 2. They have done what they have so done for his sake and out of love to him and therefore it is no wonder if he make mention of what they have done at that day 3. They have aimed at the glory of his Name in what they have done and no wonder then if he speak of what was done at that day John 15.8 4. They have done it out of obedience to the command of God and Christ and that he cannot but make mention of at that day 5. They are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works Eph. 2.10 6. They are his own blessed ones therefore he will speak good of them then Vse 1. for Information 1. We see that none of the Saints need to repent of any of the good they have done for though it may be they may be requited with evil here yet the good we have done shall be spoken of at that day 2. We see what great incouragement we have to beneficence in secret for though no eye see it nor any know of it yet it shall be known at that day Mat. 6.4 3. We see that a very little good done in sincerity goes a great way with Christ Jesus and is of high esteem with him how little is it that the best of us do what mites of service yet these shall be spoken of too Luke 21.1 2 3 4. how much more at that day 4. We see what a good Master we serve that will reward his servants thus 5. We s●e how lightly we should esteem the praises of men compared with this to have what we have done spoken of by Christ at that day 6. We see that Christ takes notice of all our doings for he will speak of them at that day 7. We see how humbly we should behave our selves and how meanly we should think of what we do Luke 17.10 8. We see what an honourable thing it is to be doing good for Christ will speak of it at that day 9. We see that the Lord takes us at the best for all our best works are defiled 10. We see it 's no matter of what mean account we be in the world it shall be otherwise at that day Vse 2. for Exhortation 1. To speak good of his Name whatever befall us here 1 Sam. 3.18 Joh 1.21 2. To be unwearied in well-doing Gal. 6.9 10. 3. To do all the good we can Eccles 11.1 2 3. 4. To love the Lord Jesus and obey him Psal 2.12 5. To speak of his glory Psal 29.9 6. To mention his loving kindness to us Isa 63.7 7 To think of all the good he has done for us before we were and since in Infancy childhood youth riper times and old age and never think we can speak enough of it to his praise 8. To esteem meanly of what we do in the best way for him 9. To judge our selves unworthy of the least of his mercies Genes 32.10 much more of this 10. To speak nothing of what we do in commendation of our selves 2 Cor. 10. ult Prov. 27.2 11. To be ready to speak for him and his Cause upon all occasions 12. To beware of speaking evil of Brethren specially when they do well Jam 4. ●1 Vse 3. for Consolation 1. Against men● misprisions of us and our works it 's no matter what they say now if Christ speak thus of them at that day 2. Against the blemishes and imperfections that cleave to what we best do Christ will take notice onely of that that is good in us at that day 3. Against all that little worth we see in our services Christ sees that that be thinks meet to speak of at that day 4. Against Satans fly blowing our works be doth what he can to corrupt them but Christ will accept and honour them and pick out what is good in them Ver. 35 36. For I was an hungred and ye gave me meat c. Doct. XVI is this That works of Mercy and Bounty will be highly accounted of and rewarded by Christ at the day of Judgement For opening of which let me shew 1. What these works of Mercy and Bounty be that shall be so highly accounted of and rewarded 2.
Why they shall be so accounted of and rewarded 3. The Uses For the first Those works of Mercy and Bounty must be 1. For their Rise Fruits of the Spirit which is the principal Efficient of them and Fruits of Faith the instrumental Efficient of them Gal. 5.22 6. 2. For the Person that works them he must be a righteous and good man Mat. 7.17 18. 12.34 35. otherwise all the seeming good wor●s that others do are but shining sins 3. For the Ground of them 1. They must be done with respect to the commandment of God for if that be not eyed and regarded that we do what we do out of obedience to the commandment of God all is nothing 2 Cor. 9.13 Heb. 13.16 2. Out of love to Christ in his Saints so the Text. 3. Out of love to the Saints 1 Cor. 13.3 4. Out of humility for our fruit is from him not from our selves Hos 14.8 John 15.5 5. With respect to the Pattern Luke 6.36 4. For the manner of Performance of them 1. They must be performed with readiness of minde 1 Tim. 6.17 18. 2. With a willing heart ibid. 3. With cheerfulness 2 Cor. 9.7 Rom. 12.8 4. With simplicity Rom. 12.8 5. With liberality 1 Tim. 6.17 18. Prov. 11.24 25. Isa 32.8 2 Cor. 8.1 2. Eccles 11.1 2 3. 6. With speed 1 John 3.17 Gal. 6.10 Prov. 3.27 28. 7. With unweariedness Gal. 6.9 8. With abundance of compassion Isa 58.11 9. With secrecy Mat 6.3 1. 5. For the End of them 1. They must be performed with an holy aim at the glory of God John 15.8 Mat. 5.16 Philip. 1.11 we must not aim at our own glory in them Mat. 6.1 2. 2. They must be performed with an eye to their good that we shew mercy to 1 Tim. 6.18 Luke 6.36 Tit 3.8 3. They must be done with an eye to the honour of the Gospel Tit. 3.14 4. They may be done with an eye to our own good 1 Tim. 6.17 18 19. Eccles 11.1 Luke 6.38 Q. 2. Why shall they be so highly accounted of and rewarded at that day Ans 1. From the Promise of Christ Mat. 6.4 2. From the Lords love that he beareth to such 2 Cor. 9 7. 3. From the delight he takes in such services Heb. 13.16 4. From the nature of them they are sacrifices ibid. 5. From the honour and glory he has by them 2 Cor. 9.11 12. 6. From the resemblance that such have to him Ps 119.68 Luk. 6.35 7. From the Saints nearness to him who are relieved so the Text. 8. From that in Mic. 6.8 to love mercy is good in Gods account Vse 1. for Information 1. We see that Popish works that were not qualified as we have spoken for Rise Person Grounds Manner Ends cannot be called Good Works not shall have any acceptance with God or reward from him at that day 2. We see what a great grace it is to be of a truly merciful and bountiful spirit for the time will be that the works that such perform shall be highly accounted of and rewarded at that day 3. We see that on the contrary unmerciful ones shall be of no account nor have any reward at that day Jam 2.13 4. We see what high account we should have of the works of mercy for Christ will have them in high account at the great day 5. We see what great reason we have to be forward in works of Mercy and Bounty for he will highly account of them and reward them at that day 6. We see why we should provoke one another to love and to good works Heb. 10 24. 7. We see what an high price the Lord sets upon Faith when as he accounts so highly of the fruits of it 2 Pet. 1.1 8. We see what an high account we should have of what Christ hath done for us in that Bountiful Charitable and Merciful work of his in giving his life for us we can never enough prize it and admire it 1 John 4.9 10. 9. We see the marvellous grace of the Lord Jesus that he will so highly account of any thing we do this way Alas we deserve that he should loath us and all we do 10. We see that if our works of mercy be so accounted of by him Oh what account should we set upon his Mercy in Spiritual Temporal and Eternal things Vse 2. for Humiliation 1. That we are so hardly drawn to come off with works of Bounty and Mercy to his poor ones 1 John 3.17 2. To those that consider not the loss of merciful men Isa 57.1 Vse 3. for Terrour 1. To those that are cruel to them 2. To those that are Hypocrites Jam. 2.14 c. Vse 4. for Exhortation 1. To be of a merciful spirit and to love mercy Luke 6.36 Micah 6.8 we shall not be losers by it 2. To encourage others in a way of mercy 3. To hope the best of merciful men though we cannot see so much in other things as we desire 4. To those that are merciful to long for that day for it will be then well with them 5. To grow up in works of mercy more and more 1 Thess 4.9 10. 6. To be unwearied in works of mercy Gal. 6.9 7. To be patterns of Bounty and Mercy Job 31 16-22 8. To admire the Lords mercy that he should so farre respect any thing that we do Vse 5. for Consolation 1. Against our many failings in our best works 2. Against the want of clear apprehensions of Gods love and favour Works of Mercy are fruits of Faith and will be highly prized at that day 3. Against others hard conceits of us look we to a spirit of Bounty and Mercy and if we be sincere therein Christ will own us Vers 35 36. For I was an hungred and ye gave me meat c. Doct. XVII is this That the Lord doth sympathize with and is sensible of the wants that his people undergo in Meat and Drink and Clothing and Lodging and of their Sicknesses and Imprisonments that they are cost into We will speak of them in order And first speak of His sensibleness of their want of Meat and Drink I was hungry I was thirsty For opening of which let me shew 1. How it does appear that he is sensible of their want of Meat and Drink 2. Why. 3. The Uses For the first It does appear that He is sensible of their want of Meat and Drink 1. In that he complains of his own hunger and thirst in theirs I was hungry c. as if he should say It was not so much they as I that have suffered want in them Look as he said Acts 9.4 so here 2. In that be takes it kindly as if it were done to himself when these wants of theirs are supplied so the Text which he could not do if he were not very sensible of these their wants 3. In that be takes it marvellous offensively when these wants are not supplied by those that know of them and
this way in entertaining and lodging his strangers as Abraham and Lot and the Shunamite in the O. Test and One siphorus and Gaius in the New 6. In that he takes the kindnes of lodging them as done to himself so the text 7. In that he takes it heinously when men do it not so the text 8. In that he makes it a property of a Church-Officer rightly qualified whether Bishop or Deacon or Widow 1 Tim. 3.2 Tit. 1.8 1 Tim. 3.8 5.9 10. 9. In that he saves their lives and sometimes their souls that entertain his servants Heb. 11.31 10. In that he recovers some from dangerous sicknesses that have bin kind entertainers of his servants Act. 28.7 8. 11. In that he promises a reward unto such Mat 10.41 12. In that he stirs up Barbarians to give them entertainment Acts 28.2 Quest 2. Why is he so sensible of their want of lodging and entertainment Answ 1. From himselfe 2. From them From Himselfe 1. He knowes the hearts of strangers that want lodging having been himself harbour less Mat. 8.20 2. He is acquainted with the weaknesses of their bodies and knowes they need it and therefore is sensible and puts himself in their condition 3. He came to save mens lives Luke 9.55 56. and therefore pities and suffers with them in a strangers condition 4. He is the Master of the house Mark 13.35 that gives us all entertainment 5. He is the head and therefore sympathizeth with his members 6. He dwells in his people Ephes 3.17 2. From them 1. They are his Sister and Spouse 2. They are the apple of his eye Zech. 2.8 3. They are his fellows Psal 15.7 4. They are his brethren so the text 5. They are his friends Luke 12.4 John 15.15 6. They are his peculiar ones Tit. 2.14 Vse 1. For Information 1. We see the great Humility of the Lord Jesus the Lord of Glory that is so sensible of his servants want of a nights lodging that he himselfe looks at himselfe in such a condition with them Oh how low doth he come down for our sakes 2. We see what tender affection he beares towards us that tounts himself a stranger and wanting entertainment when we are in that estate 3. We see that surely he will entertain us well in his house with spirituall dainties that is so sensible of our want of bodily refreshings for he will be much more sensible of our spirituall wants Cant. 5.1 4. We see what entertainment we should be willing to give to him into our hearts and to open to him Psal 24.7 9. Rev. 3 20. 5. We see how low we should be willing to stoop to the Lord Jesus in doing the meanest offices for him or any of his seeing such a mean thing as our want of a lodging or little entertainment doth so affect him 6. We see that when we sometimes want lodging or entertainment we do not bear all the burden of it our selves alone but Christ sympathizeth with us 7. We see that the eye of Christ is over us by night as well as by day for he is sensible of our want of a nights lodging 8. We see that Christ looks into all our houses and seeth what entertainment we give or give not to his people 9. We see that the Lord Jesus never slumbers nor sleeps Psa 121.4 but is mindfull of us that we may do both and is as if he wanted a lodging when we want 10. We see that a nights lodging and a little entertainment in any friends house should be of esteem with us for Christ sympathizeth with us in the want of it Vse 2. For Humiliation 1. That we have spirits too insensible of brethrens wants in this kind Iudg. 19.18 19. 2. That we are much more insensible of Christs standing at the door and knocking Rev. 3.20 Vse 3. For Exhortation 1. To be kind in entertaining strangers for Christ is sensible of their want of it Heb. 13.2 Job 31.32 Judg. 19.20 2. To be thankfull to the Lord his people when we as strangers are entertained by them as Elisha to the Shunamite 2 Kin. 4. 3. To be sensible of the mercy in our own houses and the provision the Lord makes for us there for if we were strangers and wanted them the Lord Jesus would be sensible of the want 4. To be sensible ashamed of our unkind denials of opening to Christ Cant. 5.2 3. 5. To mourn for grieving the Spirit of Christ and sending him sad away from us 6. To admire the mercy of the Lord that he will vouchsafe to look into our lodgings and see how it fares with us there 7. To entertain him with all our bearts Psal 101.2 8. To make provision for our lodging strangers Philem. v. 22. 9. To be sensible of their condition 2 Sam. 11.11 10. To be sensible of the case of persecuted ones Heb 11.38 they want comfortable lodging Vse 4. for Consolation 1. Sure then none of Christs shall perish John 10.28 for if he be sensible of their want of a nights lodging here sure he will never lodge them in Hell to all eternity 2. That sure he will lodge them well in his Fathers house when he has them with him John 14.2 3. 3. That he will Chamber them up there Isa 26.20 4. That he will lodge them in his house here Psal 23.6 according to their desire Psal 27.4 We come now to the third Branch of the XVII Note That Christ is very sensible of his peoples Nakedness and want of Clothing For opening of which let me shew 1. Wherein it does appear that he is so 2. Why. 3. The Uses For the first It does appear that He is sensible of their want of Clothing 1. In that he stirs up some to be so pitiful to them as to minister Clothes to them Job 31.19 20. 2 Chron. 28.15 2. In that he preserves their Clothes from waxing old when other helps fail Deut. 29.5 Neb. 9.21 3. In that he gives it in charge that they shall be clothed Isa 58.6 7. Jam. 2.15 16. 4. In that he enjoyns the rich not to keep a poor mans Pledge all night that he may sleep in his own raiment Deut. 24.12 13. 5. In that he commends them that have been pitiful to them Acts 9.39 6. In that he rewards them for their kindness to them in clothing of them Mat. 6.3 4. If he that gives a cup of cold water Mat. 10.42 then much more be that gives Clothing to a Disciple shall not lose his reward 7. In that he sends them in Clothes by wayes that they think not of 2 Kings 7.8 15. 8. In that he takes it kindly when they are clothed and offensively from them that do it not so the Text. 9. In that he would not have them too solicitous about clothing Mat. 6.31 which evidently shews that himself is sensible of their want of it 10. In that he provides means for our clothing by those flocks that he sends to us Psal
place yet may be born for the Lord is very sensible of our condition therein 2. We see a reason of the joy of Martyrs and holy Confessions in former and later times when in Prison Christ's ●ympathy with them has caused them so to rejoyce 3. We see how happy they be that are put in Prison for Christs sake for he is very sensible of it and suffers with them 4. We see that Christ will not have any of his Servants long in Prison for he counts himself in Prison with them Rev. 2.10 1 Pet 5.10 5. We see that they that are active to put any of the Lords Saints in Prison do commit Christ to Prison in his account and let them look to it how they will answer it 6. We see that when Prisons are opened and Saints delivered out of Prison Christ cannot but take it well 7. We see that they are of a merciful spirit that either are a means to keep the Saints from going to Prison or are a means to let them out they are of Christs spirit 8. We see that Prisoners of Jesus Christ are honourable ones for Christ reckons that himself is imprisoned in them 9. We see that the Spirits of the Saints that are imprisoned shall be born up that the Prisons noisomeness shall not be felt 10. We see that surely be pities them that are cast into the Fire Water to wilde Beasts that are Racked Stoned Sawn asunder Slain with the Sword and otherwise cruelly dealt with Heb. 11.37 38. Vse 2. for Terrour 1. To those that put the Saints in Prison without a cause they do it to Christ himself 2. To those that are put in Prison for evil-doing Christs compassions are not towards them Vse 3. for Humiliation 1. To those that have little pity to Prisoners for Christs sake they have too little of Christs Spirit in them 2. To those that might deliver them and forbear to do it Prov. 24.11 12. Vse 4. for Exhortations 1. To be of Christs spirit in co●●iserating Prisoners 1 Pet. 3.8 Heb. 13.3 2. To take heed we have not an hand in the Saints Imprisonment for well-doing 3. To bear Imprisonment chearfully if we be called to it for Christs sake 4. To bewail ●t if we have had an hand in their Imprisonment formerly Acts 22.19 20. 5 To admire with thankfulness the mercy of Christ in sympathizing thus with us 6. To glorifie him that has delivered us from the woful Prison of Hell 1 Pet. 3.19 Isa 42.7 7. To do Christs work in the Prison for he pities us there Philem. ver 10. 8 To loose them from their bonds as the Lord do●s Psal 146.7 Vse 5. for Consolation 1. 〈◊〉 Imprisonment and all the noisome evils of it 2. Against the Devils cruelty in it Rev. 2.10 Christ is merciful though he be cruel Positive Comports 1. That they are not alone that are 〈◊〉 up in Prison Christ is with them John 16.32 2. That we need not be moved at it Acts 20.23 24. 3. That the prison is better then a pallace without Christs presence Ver. 35 36. I was an hungred and ye gave me meat c Doct. XVIII is this That Christ takes the kindnesses done to his Saints when hungry thirsty strangers naked sick and in prison as done unto himselfe We will take the several Branches and handle them asunder as we did in the former Note And first speak of the kindness in giving them Meat and Drink For opening of which let me shew 1. How it does appear that Christ takes it as done to himself when they are relieved in their Hunger and Thirst 2. Why he takes it as done to himself 3. The Uses For the first It does appear that He takes it as done to himself 1. In that he gives it in charge to feed the hungry and to give drink to the thirsty Rom. 12 20. and if to an enemy this must be done much more to those that are the Saints of Christ 2. In that he promiseth to reward that that is so given Prov. 25.21 22. Mat. 10.42 Mark 9.41 3. In that he pronounceth such a man blessed Prov. 22.9 4. In that he esteems it as the Fast which he ha●● chosen without which other Fasts are not at all regarded Isa 58.7 5. In that he commends bounty to the Saints Luke 21.1 2 3 4. 2 Cor. 8.1 2. 6. In that he complains when the poor are neglected these wayes so the Text. 7. In that he blesseth the seed of such as are bountiful to them in this kinde Psal 37.26 8. In that he blesseth their est●tes Prov. 11.24 25. 9. In that he takes such away from the evil to come Isa 57.1 2. 10. In that their righteousness remaineth for ever Psal 112.3 11. In that he honoureth such Psal 112.9 12. In that he suffers neither them nor theirs at any time to want Psal 37.25 26. Q. 2. Why does he take it so kindly when his Saints are relieved in their hunger and thirst Ans 1. From himself 2. From them From himself 1. It was his manner though poor Luke 8.3 2 Cor. 8.9 to give to the poor John 13.29 and therefore he cannot but take it well when men are followers of him 2. He knows the state of such and the hearts of such having been hungry and thirsty himself and the worth of such refreshings 3. He knows that they have done it with an eye to the Commandment of Christ 4. He knows that they have aimed at the Glory of Christ in so doing 5. He loves his people and therefore must needs take it kindly when they being hungry and thirsty are relieved 6. 〈◊〉 knows that they have done it for his sake out of love to him and that makes him take it so kindly at their hands 2. From them 1. They are his Members Ephes 5.30 2. They are his Brethren so the Text. 3. They are his Redeemed ones 1 Pet 1.18 19. 4. They are his Jewels Mal. 3.17 5. They are his Spirits Temple 1 Cor. 6.19 3.16 6. They are his peculiar people Tit. 2.14 Vse 1. for Information 1. We see now kindly he will much more take it when we minister any Spiritual relief to those that want Spiritual food if he take it so kindly when bodily refreshing is ministred to them 2. We see what a small matter the Lord makes great reckoning of what 's a little Bread or a little Drink given to such yet how little soever it is the Lord makes great account of it 3. We see that surely he will recompence to the full all that is so given to them for he will be in no mans debt Rom. 11.35 4. We see that if he take a little Meat and Drink to hungry and thirsty ones so kindly oh how kindly will be take it from the Lords Ministers that have been Instruments to save many soules he will take this as an high act of Mercy indeed 1 Pet. 5.4 Dan. 12.3 5. We see what an high price we should set upon
unthankful when kindly entertained 11. VVe see how humble and lowly in heart the Lord Jesus is that looks at strangers lodgings 12. VVe see that love to Christ is seen in a little Vse 2. for Humiliation 1. That any stranger should want entertainment seeing Christ takes it so kindly 2. That there should be any of that spirit that will not acknowledge such kindnesses Vse 3. for Exhortation 1. To beware we forget not this duty Heb. 13.2 why should we 2. To beware we forget not to be thankful for all the sweet entertainment he gives us in his House and at his Table 3. To rejoyce in hope of better entertainment Rom. 5.2 4. To ●mi●te Christ herein 5. To open to him Psal 24.7 9. Revel 3.20 6. To love hospitality Titus 1.8 7. To take entertainments kindly as Christ does 2 Kings 4. 8. To be thankful to God for Christ Jesus in whom all our entertainments are sweetned to us 9. To do what we do in our entertainments out of Faith and Love and Obedience 10. To come off liberally 1 Tim. 6.17 18. seeing he takes a little so kindly Vse 4. for Consolation 1. That Christ looks at strangers when harbourless 2. That he will take it very kindly when our hearts are open to receive his words Luke 10.42 3. That he will give blessed entertainment himself that takes ours so kindly John 14.3 4. That we shall not be losers by kindnesses to strangers The third Branch we are to handle of the XVIII Doctrine is this That the Lord Jesus takes it very kindly when his naked ones are clothed For opening of which let me shew 1. How it does appear that he takes it so kindly 2. VVhy 3. The Uses For the first It does appear that He takes it kindly 1. In that he rewards them many wayes that do it 1 VVith long life as we see in Job Job 31.19 20. with 42.17 2 VVith honour Psal 12 9. so Job 29 7 8 9 10 21-25 3 VVith wealth and riches Job 42 10 11. All these also we may see in David who was kinde to the poor and naked 1 Chron. 29.28 4 VVith comfort in affliction Psal 112.4 Isa 58.7 8 10. 5 VVith speedy health ibids 6 VVith the presence of the Lord and his protection ibid. 7 With speedy answer to prayer Isa 58.9 8 With continual guidance from the Lord Isa 58.11 9 With satisfaction in drowth ibid. 10 With fatness of bones ibid. 11 With fruitfulness flourishing and delightfulness as a watered garden holds out 12 With continual supplies of moisture of Grace as a Spring of water whose waters fail not ibid. 13 With blessings upon posterity they shall be renowned Isa 58.12 2. In that he brings a good report upon them after they are dead Acts 9.39 3. In that he makes their death to be lamented Acts 9.39 4. In that he sometimes has raised some that have been thus charitable from death to life Acts 9.40 41. 5. In that the very loins of the poor bless them Job 31.20 6. In that the prayers of his poor naked ones are poured out for them 2 Tim 1.16 18. 7. In that many thanksgivings come hereby to God 2 Cor. 9.12 8. In that he makes such to be longed after 2 Cor. 9.14 9. In that he gives to such all-sufficiency alwayes in all things for abounding in every good work 2 Cor. 9.8 10. In that he giveth them to reap bountifully 2 Cor. 9.6 Q. 2. Why does he take it so kindly Ans 1. From himself 2. From his Saints From himself 1. He delights in mercy Micah 7.18 and therefore cannot but take this kindly 2. He is the preserver of men Job 7.20 and this is one way whereby they are preserved 3 He looks at it as an unspeakable gift 2 Cor. 9.15 and therefore cannot but take it kindly 4. He received such things himself when time was Luk. 8.3 5. He knows they cannot endure the cold without clothing ●sal 147.17 6. He careth for them 1 Pet. 5.7 and therefore takes it kindly when we thus provide for them 2. From the Saints that are naked 1. They cannot ask clothing and therefore if they be supplied with it Christ will take it kindly 2. They serve him with their outward man and their bodies are for him 1 Cor. 6.13 3. Their bodies are part of his Purchase he has bought them with his blood 1 Cor 6.20 and therefore must needs take it kindly when they are clothed 4. They are his D sciples and followers and he cannot but take it well when they are clothed 5. They are thankful for clothing both to him and men Psal 65.13 Job 31.20 6. They cannot comfortably be without clothing Vse 1. for Information 1. We see what care we should all have to make provision not onely for clothing for our selves and families but to supply their wants also that have them not And therefore to provide Sheep and encourage those that look to them if Christ take it so kindly and will own it at the last day then we cannot be too forward to make provision for them 2. VVe see what a merciful one the Lord Jesus is that takes care of his poor naked ones to relieve them and owns it as done to himself 3. VVe see that though all we have be his and he might command it all yet he is so loving that he will take a little kindly at our hands given to clothe his naked ones Psal 50. 4. VVe see that idle persons are most loathsome to Jesus Christ that clothe themselves with rags Prov. 23.21 for he would have all his naked ones clothed and takes it kindly from them that do it 5. VVe see how thankfully we should take it when he clothes us with the Robe of his Righteousness Isa 61.10 Jer. 23.6 6. VVe see how kindly he will much more take it when any of us are instruments to cover naked Souls and to apply Christs Righteousness to any such 7. VVe see how humble the Lord Jesus is that condescends to look after the naked's clothes 8. VVe see that Cloth workers are to be encouraged by us 9. VVe see that they are not of Christs spirit that can see the Saints go in rags 10. VVe see what a blessed thing it is to be the Saints of Christ for he takes that as done to himself that 's done to them Vse 2. for Humiliation 1. To those that have it by them and yet do it not 2. To those that throw that into holes and corners that would help to clothe Christs naked ones Vse 3. for Exhortation 1. To come off liberally to the poor this way and be of Jobs spirit Job 31.19.20 And that we may be enabled to it 1 Be diligent Prov 31.19 20. 2 Look how they go Job 31.19 1 John 3.17.18 the eye will affect the heart 3 Think not much even to make them garments Acts 9.39 4 Spend not too much upon our selves Luke 16.19 20. 5 Love mercy Micah 6.8 6 Follow that rule Luke 3.11
7 Study liberality Isa 32.8 8 Think much of the day of Judgement 9 Set our selves in their condition Mat. 7.12 10 Think of evil times Eccles 11.2 2. To those that are relieved to be thankful to God and man 3. To love the Lord Jesus that takes a little so kindly 4. To follow Christ and take it kindly when clothed 5. To husband our clothes well as a fruit of Christs kindness 6. To be glad of an opportunity to clothe the naked Vse 4. for Consolation 1. Against mens ingratitude Christ takes it kindly at our hands whatever they do 2 Against our own unbelieving hearts that are so apt to distrust his acceptance of what we do this way 3. Against Satans ●anders that we have done it out of base ends C●rist will speak of no such thing at that day onely look ●e to our hearts The fourth Branch of the XVIII Doctrine is this That the Lord Jesus takes it very kindly when his sick Saints are v●●ted by us and will own it at the last day as done to himself For opening of which let me shew 1 How it does appear that he takes the visiting of his si●k Saints to kindly 2. VVhy 3. The Uses For the first It does appear 1. In that he does not let the vints that evil nen give to his sick servants go without some reward 2 Kings 13.14 c. much less when one Saint visits another 〈◊〉 In that the Saints are ever better by such ●●●●s both they that visit and they also that are visited for commonly they pray together and speak gracious words together and so both are bettered Jam 5. and such vi●its Christ cannot but take very kindly 3. In that the sick come by such visits to be healed Jam 5.14 15. 4. In that by such visits the sins which the sick have committed come to be forgiven and to be a means of such an act of charity as that must needs be kindly taken by Christ Jesus 5. In that by such visits the temptations that sick ones are assaulted with come often to be removed and their hearts comforted 6. In that the Lord commonly orders it that they that have visited others shall be visited themselves 7. In that the sick bless those that come to visit them Gen. 48.1 2 8 9 10 15 16. 8. In that he makes it a pledge of blessedness Psal 41.1 2. 9. In that when such as have visited others come to be sick the Lord will graciously vi●●t such Psal 41.3 10. In that if it should be a sickness to death the living will lay it to heart Eccles 7.2 Q. 2. Why does the Lord take visits so kindly Ans 1. From himself 2. From his Saints From himself 1. He was willing to give such visits many times 2. He looks at it as an act of our kindness and he cannot but take our kindness kindly if he be kinde to the unthankful and to the evil Luke 6.35 much more will he be so to them that shew kindness to his people 3. He chargeth us to visit his sick ones Jam 5.14 15. 4. He pities sick ones Mat 8.16 17. and therefore cannot but take it kindly when we out of pity visit them 5. He knows all their pains groans sorrows conflicts combat● temptations therefore a v sit to them pleaseth him well 2. From the Saints 1. They need these visits for in ●ick times Satan is busie Unbelief is bu●●e Impatience is active and busie and therefore need help and the more their need is the more kindly he takes these visits for their help 2. They are the more indeared to those that visit them and Christ takes that well when love is more increased and continued Heb 13.1 1 Pet 4.8 3. They are most tender to the Lord then Heb 4.10 4. They are not able to do any thing for themselves cannot stir sometimes to help themselves 5. They cannot speak nor call for help Psal 77.4 6. They are alone and that is uncomfortable Eccles 4.10 Vse 1. for Information 1. We see how compassionate and full of bowels the Lord is to sick ones that takes it so kindly when they are vinted by us 2. We see what a little matter done out of Obedience and Faith pleaseth him a visit does it not onely those high acts Heb 11.8 17 18 25 26. and those ver 35 36 37 38. but such a small thing as a visit 3. We see how readily we should come off with this seeing it is so kindly taken 4. We see how kindly sick ones should take a visit for Christ does 5. We see how kindly we should take the Lords gracious visits to us in sending Christ to us Luke 1.78 6. We see how kindly we should take it at his hands when he visits us with his gracious Ordinances and Providences he bewails the contrary Luke 19 41-44 7. We see how kindly we should take it when he visits our hearts and families with his Presence and Grace and Spirit 8. We see that sickness may be the better born se●in● Christ has such regard to a visit given to sick ones 9. We see that we may not look at visitation of the sick as an arbitrary thing but as our duty being so highly set by 10. We see how desireable and acceptable his last visitation should be to us John 14.3 18. 6.22 11. We see that if we hazard or lay down our liv●s for the Brethren 1 John 3.16 Rom. 16.4 he will much more take it kindly Vse 2. for Hu iliation 1. That we are so hardly drawn to visit sick ones when it is so kindly taken by Christ himself 2 That such as are sick sometimes are not so sensibly affected with the Saints visiting of them Vse 3. for Exhortation 1. To those that are in health to visit them and pray for them Jam 5.14 15. 2. To those ●●at are sick to take it kindly when they are visited f●● Christ does 3. To both whole and sick to be thankful fo● Christs gracious visiting of us and ours with his Presence and blessing 4. To admire with thankfulness Gods goodness in sending Christ to us Luke 1.68 69. 5. To visit him often with our holy Addre●●es to him 1 Thess 5.17 6. To come off with highest acts of love to him seeing he so ●●indly takes such a small matter as a visit Vse 4. for Consolation 1. That the Lord tenders his sick ones seeing he is so delighted in a visit of them 2. That himself will surely visit them 3. That he will take ●●eater matters done to them kindly 4. That he would not have them left alone We are now come to the last Branch of the XVIII Note which is this That Christ Jesus takes it very kindly at our hands when we come unto his imprisoned ones For opening of which let me shew 1. How it does appear that he takes this so kindly 2. Why be does it 3. The Uses For the first It does appear that He takes it very kindly when
it makes us like to God Luke 6.36 and none can bear his image but justified ones 9. In that mercy argues the goodness of a mans condition Psal 37.23 26. and no man can be called a good man but he that is in a justified estate 10. In that Mercy is a pledge of Gods mercy to us in the forgiveness of our sins for we cannot be of a merciful spirit to others till his mercy ha● prevented us Q. 2. Why must it needs be so that they that are of a merciful spirit are in a justified estate Ans 1. Because it is a fruit or Faith by which alone we are justified Rom. 5.1 2. Because it is a fruit of that wisdome that cometh from above Jam 3.17 3. Because it is that that God is well pleased with Heb 13.16 Mic 6.8 4. Because it is that that is the stability of a Christian Isa 32.8 5. Because it is that that is a mans exaltation and honour Psal 112.9 A mans Justification is so Luke 18.14 6. Because it is that whereby when we die we enter into peace Isa 57.1 2. 7. Because it is that that Christ will own at the last day 8. Because it is that that evidenceth the truth of our Religion Jam. 1.27 Vse 1. for Information 1. We see that works of Sanctification are good evidences of our good estate before God if they evidence a justified estate they evidence a good estate 2. We see what great encouragement we have to be of a merc●ful spirit and to love mercy for if works of mercy be done from right grounds for right ends and in a right manner they argue that we are in a justified estate Mic. 6.8 3 We see how unwearied we should be in doing good and shewing mercy for there is not a better argument of our integrity and righteousness then that is Gal 6.9 4. We see what hope we may have of some of our forefathers that lived in time of Popery who were very boun●iful and merciful to the poor for though some did what they did thinking to merit by it as they were taught yet it is to be hoped that some were of a better spirit 5. We see that all they that do not bring forth fruits of mercy and good works whatever pretence they make or whatever they say of their Faith yet they are not justified in the sight of God Jam. 2. 6. We see how good the Lord is to those that the Lord is pleased to be●●ow a spirit of mercy upon he gives them in a comfortable pledge of their justified estate 7. We see who they be that Churches may safely ad●●it into their Fellowship if we see men and women of a merciful spirit we may without fear admit them for this ●rgues a justified est●te 8. We see who we should desire to make our ●osome friends and our intimate acquaintance merciful men 9. We see what an high price the Lord sets upon works of mercy in that he reckons of merciful men as righteous ones 10. We see how amiable and precious the Lords mercy should be to us seeing he prizeth our mercy so highly which is but a fruit of his Psal 36.7 Vse 2. for Humiliation 1. That there are so few merciful men Mic 7.1 2. Psal 12.1 2. That those that are are so little set by Vse 3. for Exhortation 1. To prize merciful men as ●●d d●es 2. To lay it to heart when such are taken away Is● 57.1 3. To joyn in fellowship with such 4. To love mercy Mic. 6.8 5. To bless the Lord when he makes us of a merciful spirit 6. To remember to shew mercy Heb. 13.16 7. To delight to see others merciful 8. To be afraid of an unmerciful spirit 9. To follow after mercy Prov. 21.21 10. To bear with frailties if this be found in Brethren Vse 4. for Consolation 1. Against the corrupt censures and ●ard thoughts of men a spirit of mercy argues integrity and righteousness 2. Against the unbelief of our own hearts unbelief may here stop its mouth 3. Against evil tidings such a man as is merciful need not be afraid of them Psal 112.7 Ver. 37 38 39. Then shall the Righteous answer him saying Lord when saw we ●●ee an ●ungred and fed thee 〈◊〉 c. Doct. XX. is this That the Elect Saints are so farre from putting any confidence in any thing they do for the Lord that they cannot own any thing that they have done at that day Reasons 1. From the Lord. 2. From themselves 3. From the duties they perform From the Lord. 1. From his Infiniteness which our ●inite works can no way reach unto Isa 40.15 16. and how the● can we put any confidence in what we do or how should we own any thing that we have done in reference to him 2. From his Perfection and Sufficiency in Himself we cannot adde any thing to him Job 22.2 3. 35.6 7 8. Psal 16 2 3. 3. From his Beneficence for whatever we do in the best way for him is from him 1 Chron. 29.14 16. Isa 26.12 1 Cor. 4.7 4. From the Purity of his Nature which 〈◊〉 not but abhor our best services as they come from us Habak 1.13 W●c to us if we should stand before him in our best works Isa 64.6 Titus 3.5 5. From his Soveraignty and Greatness Mal. 1.14 Psal 47.2 and what poor things are our duties for such a Prince as he 6. From his Command to us Luke 17.10 7. From his Justice which requires exact obedience 8. From his Omniscience 1 John 3.20 2. From the Saints themselves 1. They see no worth at all in what they have done 2. They desire pardon for their best works N●b●m 13.22 3. They see them all wofully defiled Isa 64.6 4. They pray that God would not enter into judgement with them for the best of them Psal 143.2 5. They see them at best imperfect 1 Cor. 13.9 10. 6. They see that their Alms though Sacrinces Heb. 13.16 yet need an Altar to sanctifie them Mat. 23.19 7. They acknowledge themselves unable to stand if God should mark their iniquities Psal 130.3 8. They acknowledge though they cannot accuse themselves yet they are not thereby justified 1 Cor. 4 4. 3. From the Duties they perform 1. They have their spots 2. They come hardly off M●t. 11.30 3. They are such things as we are apt to be weary of Galat. 6.9 4. They are so performed as that we have cause to be ashamed of them 5. They are at best but childish things 1 Cor. 13.11 6. They need covering and washing 7. They are onely acceptable to God through Jesus Christ 1 Pet. 2.5 8. They cannot save us Titus 3.5 Eph. 2.8 9. Vse 1. for Information 1. We see what little reason any have to glory or boast of any of their works of Bounty o● Mercy that they have done for at the last day the Saints will be so farre from this that they cannot tell how to own their best works 2. We
see what a folly it will be in Hypocrites to plead their Works at that day Mat. 7.22 23. for if the Saints put no confidence in their works that they have done how poorly will Hypocrites come off that plead theirs 3. We see how lowly in heart Christians will then be at that day here we have our pangs of Pride sometimes to overvalue what we do but then we shall have another spirit 4. We see how loathsome our sins should be to us if our best duties be of so little worth that we cannot tell how to own them at the last and great day Rom. 12.9 We should loath our selves for them Ezek 36.31 5. We see the vanity of many men that will brag of their works Prov. 20.6 6. We see how inconsistent it is with a gracious spirit to boast of any thing we do how good soever in it self the thing be 7. We see how contrary to the grain of Christianity that Popery is that affirms That Good Works merit Eternal Salvation at the last day the Saints will own no such thing nor any gracious Saint now 8. We see that confidence in any thing that we can do will never stand in the day of Christ 9. We see that if our best works will be undervalued then how should we undervalue all we do now Luke 17.10 10. We see that the Elect Saints will at that day ascribe all the glory to the Lord of what they have done and nothing to themselves Psal 115.1 Vse 2. for Humiliation 1. To those that tell others in a braving way of what they have done Mat. 6.1 2. 2. To those that are too vain and luxuriant in praising others Prov. 27.14 Vse 3. for Exhortation 1. To esteem little of our best works now for we shall so do at the last day if we be the Lords elect ones Lu. 17.10 2. To take heed that pride shep not in and mix it self with our works of mercy Mat. 6.1 3. To long after that day when we shall be of such an humble frame 4. To abhor the thought of having any confidence in our best works Job 9.20 21. 5. To confess that all our righteousness is as filthy rags Isa 64.6 6. To pray that God would not enter into judgement with us Psal 143.2 7. To trust only in the mercy of God through Christ Jesus notwithstanding all our Good Works that 's the safest by the confession of Beliarmine himself that great Champion for Good Works see also Gal. 2.15 16. Rom. 4.1 2. 8. To rejoyce in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh Phil. 3.3 Vse 4. for Consolation 1. To those that renounce their best works so as to put no confidence in them it is a pledge of their Election 2. To those that have low thoughts of all their works of mercy that they have done 3. To those that plead and argue against trusting to Works for merit Ver. 37 38 39. Then shall the Righteous answer him saying Lord when saw we thee an hungred and ●od thee c. Doct. XXI is this That the Elect Saints at the last day will make so little reckoning of what they have done for Christ in his Members that they do as it were forget what they have done in that kinde Reasons 1. From the Lord. 2. From themselves 8. From their Works of Bounty and Mercy From the Lord. 1. From his excellent Majesty which we can never do enough for and therefore that little that is done for him how can it come to minde it must needs be forgotten Isa 12.5 2. From his Mercy and Goodness he forgets their sins Isa 43.25 Jer. 31.34 makes them ●s if they had never been committed Micah 7.18 and is it any wonder that they should forget their best works done for him 3. From the exact Perfection of Obedience that his Justice calls for Gal 3.10 Now we being able to do nothing exactly how should it be but that all we do should be forgotten 4. From the Lords fulfilling all Righteousness for us and imputation of his Righteousness to us Rom. 4.6 7 8. And how then should any thing of ours be thought of Cant. 4.7 5. From his fore-ordaining us to walk in this way of good works Ephes 2.10 and therefore he has been more in them then we and how then should we remember them in reference to our selves 6. From his Acceptation of our will for the deed 2 Cor. 8.12 2. From the Saints 1. They are so taken up with thoughts of the Lords mercy to them that they cannot think of any mercy that they have shewn to him in his Members 2. They are then so taken up with the Dignity and Honour that is put upon them that what they have done upon earth is out of minde 3. They are so taken up with his Praises that what they have done cannot come into their hearts to be once thought upon 4. They are so hu●ble and little in their own eyes that what they have done seems nothing to them 5. They are co●e to mans estate and therefore forget what they did in their child ●ood 1 Cor. 13.11 6. They are now perfect Heb 12.23 and therefore forget their imperfect services 1 Cor. 13.10 3. From their works of Mercy 1. They are all his works and flow from him Hos 14.8 John 15.5 Phil. 1.11 and therefore they must needs forget them as in reference to themselves 2. They are little things in comparison of what we owe him 3. They are not worth remen bring having been so full of fillings 4. They are done so secretly that they are easily forgotten Matth. 6.1 4.5 They are done to so few and so seldome that they may well be forgotten 6. They have been done so sparingly that those poor pittances cannot once so much as come into their mindes Vse 1. for Information 1. We see that they are not the Elect ones of God that reckon up their good works as the Pharisee did in Luke 18.11 12. and that number their Devotions for at the last day the Elect a● though they had forgotten all will say Lord when did we feed thee c. a. We see how conscious we should be of our falling short of our duty to Christ in his Members now for the time will come when we shall think that we have done nothing for him 3. We see how little it is that the best of the Saints do for Christ here so little that they cannot think of any thing that they have done that way 4. We see that they that upbraid others with what they have done for them as they are unlike God Jam. 1.5 so they are not of the spirit that the Elect Saints will be of at the last day 5. We see that they that are most forgetful of what they have done for Christ in his Members they come nearest the perfection of the Saints at the last day 6. We see that when we have done all we can for Christ in his Members it well
me it 's no matter 2. Against our own thoughts of the littleness of what we have done if Christ own it all will be well 3. Against our defects in that we have not done it to so many Christ sayes If it be done to one it is done to me 4. Against our fears because not done to Ministers or others of great esteem Christ sayes If it be done to the least of these my Brethren it is done to me Ver 41. Then sha●● be say also unto them on the left hand Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels Doct. XXVI is this That wicked men and Reprobates shall be cast out of Christs Presence and be bid to Depart from him at the last day Matth. 7.23 Luke 13.27 2 Thess 1.9 Reasons 1. They have said to t●e Lord Depart from 〈◊〉 Job 21.14 15. and theref●r● 〈◊〉 say to them 〈…〉 me what wonder is it See Mal. 3.14 2. They are wor●●●●●f iniquity Mat. 7.23 Luke 13.27 and what ●ould 〈…〉 in his prefence they are n● for nothing but to be c●●t out 3. They are Cursed so the ●ext And what should t●●y do in the presence of that Blessed One 4. They have departed from his O●dinances Mal. 3.7 and what then c●n they ex●ect but that ●e should b●d them depart from him at that day 5. They have been 〈◊〉 to hi● in his Members and Brethren so the Text and h●ve troubled them 2 Thess 16 9. 6. They ●ave had no fellowi●● with 〈◊〉 in any of his holy Institutions here they have been at his House at his Word at his 〈◊〉 at private Meetings it may be have drawn near with their lips and eats and outward man but their hearts have been f●rre from him Isa 29.13 Jer. 12.2 and how can they expect any other but that he should put them ●arre from him at that day 7. They have turned their backs of him and of 〈◊〉 way●s Jer. 2.27 32 33. and if ●e turn them ou● of his ●●e●ence at that day what wo●der is it 8. They 〈◊〉 been rebellious to h●m and never well but ●●en t●●y were conspir●●g and plotting so●e 〈…〉 him and sindying so●e de●ign or ot●er agai●st H●● his Crown a●d 〈◊〉 g●ity and harching one rebellion or other ●gainst him Isa 30 9. Jer 4.17 5.23 Eze● 2.7 Deut. 9 7. and ●f this King ●urn such R●bels out or his 〈◊〉 it is ●o other then ●●ey might e●p●●t 9. The would not ●●ve ●im to rule over them Luke 19 27. and therefore ●f this King turn them out of ●is Pr●●ence what wonder is it 〈◊〉 T●ey have departed from is people J●●e ver 19. and have s●parated them from their company Luke 6 22. and 〈…〉 it any marvel that be bids them de●art at that day 1● T●ey have some of the● departed from the Pr●f● on ●f Rel●gion that they have m●de gone backward Zeph. 1.6 Heb. 10.38 39. and what can such ●●●k for but to ●ear hi● say De●art ●rom ●e 12. They have 〈◊〉 of them 〈…〉 ande to ●rooked wayes subtile wayes S●rpentin● way●s curious wayes wayes that they cannot ●et on of P●al 125.5 and if he turn them going what wo●der is it 13. They have turned away their 〈◊〉 from their Brethren and hid themselves from their own 〈◊〉 contrary ●o I●a 58.7 sent Widows away empty J●● 22.9 〈◊〉 T●●y have gone away from so much as a form of godliness have been openly ●a●e and scandalous so●e ●f them Isa 3 ● 15. They have departed from the truth of Christ 2 ●et 2.2 16. They have abhorred his holy dayes wherein if ●ver Communion is to be had with him Vse 1. for Information 1. We see how righteous the Lord Jesus is to the Reprobates and wicked men and how equal his wayes are they would none of him and he will none of them at that day they bid him Depart and he does the like to them 2. We see that evil men though they brave it and flourish it here yet will be in an evil case at that day for this departing from Christ has all evil in it Isa 3.11 But of that more hereafter 3. We see that the Lord Jesus regards them not nor any thing they do now in the best of their performances for if he did he would not say Depart from me at the last day Isa 1 10-15 Hos 5.6 4. We see that the Presence of the Lord Jesus is of greatest worth the Heaven of Heaven it self for it is the first and chief thing that wicked men are deprived of Luke 23.43 Phil. 1.23 5. We see how loathsome and detestable wicked men are to Christ in that he will not have them in his presence We use to say of those things we abhor that we would have them gone out of our presence and so those persons we loath Get you out of my company Oh how does Christ then abhorre all such to whom he will say Depart from me at that day Prov. 15.8 9 26. 6. We see what need we had to beware that we be not of that number 7. We see how dangerous it is to be of their company for they must all be turned out of Christs Presence Prov. 13.20 8. We see what great cause we have to make sure of our Union and Communion with Christ here 2 Pet 1.10 1 John 1.5 that we be not for ever cast out of his presence at that d●y 9. We see what great difference the Lord will put between his Elect and Reprobates the one sort shall be for ever with him the other for ever abdicated from his presence 10. We see what difference we should make between them for Christ will 11. We see what great dishonour he will put upon these at that day it 's a great dishonour and disgrace to be turned out of a Kings Presence Esth 7.8 2 Sam 14.24 Oh! but what is it to be turned out of Christs Presence 12. We see how severe Christ will be to the wi●ked Vse 2. for Terrour 1. To all openly profane ones that have despised his Ordinances wherein they should have had Communion with Christ here they shall be turned out of his Presence for ever 2 Thess 1.9 2. To all secret and close Hypocrites they are to have the like portion allotted to them Ma● ● 23 Vse 3. for Ex●●rt●●ion 1. To evill men 2. To the Saints To Evil men 1. To repent that if it be possi●le they may not have this disgrace put upon them 2. 〈…〉 sure portion in Christ and get admittance into his fe●●●wship here Prov. 1.22 23. 3. To cast off their ev●●●ompany 4. To tremble to think of this day while in their sins 5. To love the fellowship of Gods people 6. To weep for the misery that is to come upon them Jam. 5.1 2. 2. To the Saints 1. To beware of company with evil men as ever we would escape this evil 2. To be content to suffer any disgrace rather then to have this 3. To
pity evil men and be patient towards them they have evil enough coming upon them 4. Not to envy them their honour here Psal 73. 5. To make sure that we are none of these 6. To keep up fellowship with Christ here Vse 4. for Consolation 1. Against the Lordly Authority that the wicked have here 2. Against the trouble we suffer from them 3. Against the evil that we have by their being with us in our societies 4. Against their contempt of us Ver. 41. Depart from me ye cursed c. Doct. XXVII is this That it is the greatest misery of Reprobates and wicked persons that they shall be separated for ever from Christs Presence Christ begins with this as being the very top of all their misery and therefore in the other places as if this had all misery wrapt up in it it is alone spoken of Mat. 7.23 Luke 13.27 2 Thess 1.9 Reasons 1. Because by this Separation from his Presence they are for ever deprived of the favour of God and all hope of ever obtaining favour with him which must needs be the top of all misery for In his favour is life and his loving kindness is better then life Psal 30.5 63.3 and therefore what a death must it be to be deprived of that 2. Because this Separation from Christ is the loss of the greatest good in the world for he is our Summum Bonum our Chief Good our All in All C●loss 3.11 Cant. 5.10 Above all other Beloveds and to be deprived of him must needs be the top of all misery Hence not onely the best of the Schoolmen but the ablest of our Divines agree upon it That the Punishment of Loss is greater then that of Sense 3. Because this Separation from Christs Presence for ever deprives them of Happiness for our Happiness lies in our Communion with him 4. Because it deprives them of Conformity to him for that depends upon our being with him and viewing of his blessed face 1 〈◊〉 3.2 5. Because this Senaration from him deprives the● of all that Joy and Comfort that is with him Psal 16 ●● 2 Thess 2.16 6. Because it deprives them of all satisfaction that they should have in him Psal 17.15 they must needs be unsati●fied altogether in their condition 7. Bec●● u●● t●is Separ●●ion from C●rists Presence deprives the● of the blessed Company of all the Saints and Angels they shall never ●ee one Sai●t more and if so it must needs be the top of misery 8. Because it deprives them of ●ll his Glory which they might have been partakers of John 17.24 They that were so taken with worldly glory that they would have it any way shall be de●rived of all beavenly glory Psal 49.19 9. Because it deprives them of the revel●tion of all those Mysteries that here by reason of our childish condition we could not understand whi●h then will be unfolded 1 Cor. 13 9-12 10. Because i● deprives them of all p●●●bility of Praising God which is the Saints happiness on earth Psal 84.4 and will be much more in heaven 11. Because it deprives them of all the sweet smiles of his blessed face and of all the sweet e●braces that the Saints partake of in that Celestial Bride-Chamber and B●d of Love 12. Because it deprives them of all those City-Priviledges and Immunities which the Saints enjoy Heb. 11.16 which what they are no tongue can express nor heart conceive 13. Because it deprives them of all the Treasures Pleasures Honours Contentments of that Celestial Kingdome 14. Because it shuts them out of Paradise Luke 23.43 And if it was A●ams mifery to be shut out of an Earthly Paradise Genes 3.24 what a misery is it then to be excluded from the Heavenly 15. Because it deprives them of those rare views of Gods M●●e●●y which the Saints shall have in him 1 John 1.2 16. Because it deprives them of that Rest that remaineth to the people of God Heb 4.9 Vse 1. for Information 1. We see how woeful their condition is that the Lord casts off here as Hos 4.17 9.12 for it is a fore-runner of his eternal Separation of them from his Presence at the last and great day which is the top of all ●isery 2. We see what cause we all have to fear as Heb. 4.1.2 3. We see that the enjoyment of Christs Presence must needs be the greatest Happiness for it is the greatest misery to be●d prived of it Luke 23.43 4. We see what need we all had to get Christ with us and to keep him with us Cant 3.4 for it is the top of the damned's misery that they shall be separated from him for ever 5. We see a reason of the Saints mourning for his ●bsence from them Jer. 14.8 Lam. 1.16 Well may they do so for it is the worst part of the damned's misery to be eternally separated from him 6. We see that the ●unishment of Loss though men be not so sen●●ble of it now yet will sting ●●em most at that day 7. We see the ●iserable state of those that care not for fellowship with Christ here had rather have fellowship with their lusts and lewd company they slight that here the want w●ereof will be the top of all their misery at the last day 8 We see how good the Lord is to his Saints in ad●itting t●em to his blessed Presence here and hereafter for it is the very height of the damned's misery to be bid Depart from him 9. We see that the Punishment of Sense though it be intolerable Mark 9.44 46 48. yet or the two is farre more tolerable then the Punishment of Loss 10. We see how truly happy their condition is that enjoy Christs Presence to all eternity to whom he will say Come for it is the damned's greatest misery to be depr●ve● of his Presence 11. We see the folly of evil men t●●t wilf●lly run in such wayes as lead to such miser● Jer. 2.17 19. Rom. 3.16 12. We see how good it is to draw near to Christ here Psal 73.28 for it will be the wicked's greatest misery to be separated fro●●im Vse 2. for Terrour 1. To those that fly from the Lords Presence as Cain did Gen. 4.16 it will be the height of their misery at the last day 2. To those that ha●e those that have Communion with him he●e they will wish their Souls in their Souls state 3. To those that seek not after his favour here they s●all be deprived of it for ever Psal 10.4 73.27 Vse 3. for Exhortation 1. To seek the Lord and his face Psal 105.4 2. To bewail their case that have no followship with him they shall have none of it hereafter and that will be their greatest misery Luke 13.28 3. To fly their company that have no Communion with Christ here lest we share in their misery Ephes 5.11 4. To delight in those Ordinances most wherein we have most Communion with him as the Word Supper Prayer Meditation Conference 1
Cor. 11. Mal. 3.16 5. To Watch and Pray alwayes Luke 21.36 6. To take all opportunities here of getting into his Presence Prov. 8.34 35. 7. To save as many as we can from this misery 8. To open to Christ at his calls and knocks Cant. 5.2 Rev. 3.20 9. To evil men to break off their sins now Dan. 4.27 10. To be pers●aded 2 Car. 5.11 to love Christs fellowship Vse 4. for Consolation 1. Against wicked m●ens●louts and jeers at us for our fellowship with Christ here 2. Against the losses we are at it may cost us much many wayes our close walking with him but they that look at the damned's misery and the escape that they make out of it may well bear all this Ver. 41. Depart from me ye cursed c. Doct. XXVIII is this That wicked men are cursed and Christ will pronounce them cursed at the last day For opening of which let me shew 1. Wherein they are cursed 2. Whence it is that they are so cursed 3. The Uses For the first Wherein are they cursed Ans Both here and hereafter 1. Her● 1. They are cursed in their Souls and Spirits the curse of God is upon them Deut. 28.28 34 65. Mar● 11.14 2. They are cursed in their Names Prov. 10.7 Isa 65 15. 3. They are cursed in their Posterity Deut. 28.18 4. They are cursed in their outward Estate Deut. 28.17 18. Job 20.21 22. 5. They are cursed in all places where they come Deut. 28.16 6. They are cursed in their Bodies Deut. 28.21 22 27 35 59 60 61. 7. They are cursed in their Yoke-fellows Deut. 28.30 8. They are curs●d in their Callings nothing prospers there Psa 1.3 4. they sometimes take pains and get nothing or if they get any thing God casts it away Prov. 10.3 Eccles 5.14 9. They are cursed in their Habitation Acts 1.20 2. Hereafter 1. They are cursed with the Curse of Separation from the Saints Mat. 25.33 2. They are cursed with the Curse of Abdication from Christs Presence so the Text. 3. They are cursed with the Curse of Condemnation to unspeakable Punishment It is Fire and a Lake of Fire and Brimstone Rev. ●1 8 that they are sent into 4. They are cursed with the Curse of the fellowship of the Cursed Spirits of darkness 5. They are cursed with the Curse of the Continuance of this Punishment it is Everlasting Mark 9.44 46 48. 6. They are cursed with the Remedilesness of the Punishment Luke 16.24 26. 7. They are cursed with the Curse of Sorrow and Vexation Luke 13.28 8. They are cursed with the Curse of Helples●●●● in their condition Luke 16.24 25. Q. 2. Whence are they thus cursed Ans 1. From the Decree of Reprobation Jude ver 4. 1 Thess 5.9 Rom. 9.22 2 Pet. 2.14 2. From the Glory of Gods Justice Prov. 16.4 3. From the Rigour of the Law Gal. 3.10 4. From their Disobedience to the Gospel John 3.18 2 Thess 7.8 9. 5. From their Unfruitfulness and Barrenness under the frequent showers that they partake of Heb. 6.7 8. 6. From their Robbery of God Mal. 3.8 9. 7. From their Deceiving him in their Services in bringing him the worst when they should bring him the best Mal. 1.14 8. From their Unmercifulness to Christs afflicted ones so the Text Psal 109.16 9 From their love of Cursing Psal 109.17 18 19. Vse 1. for Information 1. We see what little reason we have to envy wicked men for any thing they have in this world for in the midst of all their enjoyments if they live and die such they are cursed men Psal 37.1 2. Prov. 24.19 20. 2. We see how dreadful their case will be at the last day when Christ that came to bless his people Acts 3.26 shall pronounce them Cursed 3. We see how loathsome their fellowship should be for they are cursed and shall be cursed by Christ at that day Except therefore we would be cursed with them we must abstain from their company Prov. 1 10-18 13.20 4. We see what need we had to make sure that we are the Lords Elect ones 2 Pet. 1.10 for all they that are not such are cursed and shall be such at the last day 5. We see what height and depth of dishonour the Lord will bring wicked men unto in that he will pronounce them Cursed at that day It will be dishonour to set them at his left hand and to cast them out of his Presence but to call them Cursed addes to their dishonour 6. We see the mischief of sin the Curse is the woful fruit of it Rom 6.21 23. 7. We see what great cause we have to fly from sin as ever we desire to avoid the Curse 8. We see the great love of the Lord Jesus that would himself become a Curse for us to save us from Death and Wrath and Curse and Condemnation Galat. 3.13 1 Thess 1.10 9. We see that we need not be much troubled at what we suffer for Christ as long as we live for the afflictions that we undergo here are nothing to that Curse that wicked men are cursed with to all eternity 2 Cor. 4.17 10. We see the misery of those that love Cursing Psal 109.17 18. Vse 2. for Terrour 1. To those that are unmerciful to Christs afflicted ones they shall be termed Cursed at that day 2. To all Disobedient ones to the Gospel 2 Thess 1.8 9. 3. To all Impenitent sinners Rom. 2.4 5. 4. To all Barren ones under the heavenly droppings of the Word Heb. 6.7 8. Vse 3. for Exhortation 1. To be afraid of the Curse of Christ at that day and provide against it And to that end 1 Get a sure Portion in Christ Acts 3.26 2 Be of a merciful Spirit so the Text. 3 Look well to our faith Gal. 39. 4 Be without guile Psal 32.2 2. To beware of medling with any accursed thing lest we become accursed by it 3. To beware of Friendship with such 4. To bless the Lord Jesus that hath Redeemed us from the Curse by being made a Curse for us Gal. 3.13 5. To wait for him from Heaven 1 Thess 1.10 6. To pity evil men for in the midst of all they partake of they are cursed Luke 16.25 7. To finde out all Acbans in our Church and Family-Societies Josh 7. 8. To devote such to Excommunication and the Curse as Christ would have cast out from us 1 Cor. 5. 9. To beware of Cursing for it argues a cursed estate Eccles 10.20 Rom. 1.2.14 Psal 109.17 10. To have the wicked in no account they are cursed Psal 15.4 Vse 4. for Consolation 1. Against the meanness of the Saints condition it will be worse with wicked men for they are cursed 2. Against the wickeds tyranny over them they would not change states with them 3. Against their wants and the wickeds amuence and abundance 4. Against the praises that are given to wicked men they are cursed with these Luke 6.26 Ver. 41. Depart from me ye
those fires of affliction that the Saints pass through Psal 66.11 12. 2. Against our dwelling with fiery men Psal 57.4 3. Against the fiery tongues of men Jam. 3.6 4. Against the fiery darts of Satan Ephes 6.16 if we escape Hell fire it 's no matter for all these Ver. 41. Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire c. Doct. XXX is this That the fiery Punishment assigned and allotted for the wicked is everlasting So Ver. 46. 2 Thess 1.9 Mat. 3.12 Mark 9 43-48 Reasons 1. From God 2. From wicked men 3. From the nature of Sin From God 1. He is an Infinite One and his Justice infinite and finite creatures cannot satisfie Infinite Justice which is offended and therefore what in their natures they cannot do must be made up in the everlasting punishment which they must undergo 2. He is true in all his Threatnings as well as in his Promises and therefore having threatned everlasting punishment to them he will bring it to pass and lay it upon them 2 Thess 1.9 3. He is a God of Severity and will not bate them a farthing of the debt they owe him and therefore because they cannot pay it they must be ever lastingly punished and lye by it to all eternity 4. He is a jealous God Deut. 4.24 and jealousie in man will not spare in the day of vengeance Prov 6.34 much less will his jealousie spare in the day of his vengeance but lay on punishment to all eternity 5. He is a God that will in no wise clear the guilty Exod. 34.7 and if they should not be punisted everlastingly he must sometimes needs clear them and that he will not do 6. He is a God that will repay the wicked to his face and a God to whom vengeance belongeth Deut. 32.35 Psal 94.1 Jer. 51.56 Rom. 12.19 and being such a Sin-revenging God he will revenge himself to the full upon them 2. From wicked men 1. They would sin everlastingly and not cease to provoke him if they should live for ever Jer. 6.7 and if so what wonder if they be everlastingly punished See Jer. 8.5 2. They have deserved this Rom. 6.23 and it is meet men should have their wages 3. They anger him every day Psal 7.11 and what wonder then if be panish them everlastingly 4. They are ordained and appointed to it Rom. 9.22 1 Thess 5.9 5. They will go in the way that leadeth to it Matth. 7.13 they will die Ezek. 18.31 6. They will not repent Jer. 8.6 they will not believe John 5.40 they will not obey Jer. 44.16 3. From the Nature of Sin 1. It is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The transgrestion of the Law 1 John 3.4 and that layes under a Curse Gal. 3.10 2. It is a Debt Mat. 6.12 and a debt if not satisfied in the nature of it leads to the Prison so this debt to this prison 1 Pet. 3.19 3. It is a wry step and that causeth a fall so this wry step this miserable fall 4. It is a work Mat. 7.23 and the reward of this work is this Rom. 6.23 Vse 1. for Information 1. We see the desperate adventures that sinners make that not onely run into the fire but into such a Fire as there is no getting out of to all eternity Woe to them for they have rewarded evil to themselves 2. We see how dreadful the condition of such is Fire is a dreadful thing to be cast into but to be in it alwayes and never to get out to be in it burning everlastingly what heart can think sufficiently of the dreadfulness of it 3. We see what great enemies ungodly men be to themselves they bring everlasting misery upon their Souls No such enemy as such a man is to himself 4. We see what need we had to make sure work for our Souls P●●●p 2.12 2 Pet. 1.10 for if we should mistake here it would be the saddest mistake in the world and plunge us into the greatest misery 5. We see the mischief of the first fin and what cause men have to bewail it for that brought in this everlasting punishment Gen. 2.17 6. We see what fools and mad-men the most be that for a momentany delight and pleasure will run into ever lasting fire Well may Solomon call them so often Fools for no folly like this 7. We see how intolerable the sufferings of the damned will be for who can abide ever lasting fire 8. We see the wretchedness of those men that are of their spirit and way that ye reade of Rom 1.32 Those take pleasure to be cast into everlasting fire themselves and to see others also cast into it 9. We see what a dreadful God we have to do with and how we ought to fear before him Dan. 9.4 10. We see the truth of that in Mat. 16.26 11. We see what need we have to make peace Isa 27.495 12. We see that it is no matter what Tyrants do to the bodies of Saints Luke 12.4 Vse 2. for Terrour 1. To all ungodly men who can bear everlasting punishment 2. To all Hypocrites that have made a shew onely 2 Tim 3.5 their punishment will be everlasting 3. To those that have delighted to draw others into sin they will have no delight in everlasting fire 4. To those that scoff at the Day of Judgement a Pet. 3.3 4. Vse 3. for Exhortation 1. To think seriously of the eternity of this punishment 2. To get an interest and part in Christ 1 Thess 1.10 3. To admire the mercy of the Lord that any of us escape for a Sentence of Death was passed upon us all for the first sin Gen. 2.17 and every one of our sins deserve it Rom. 6.23 4. To give no sleep to our eyes nor slumber to our eye●ids till we see a way of escape 5. To tremble to sin against him who can cast into such everlasting punishment Luke 12.5 6. To long for the time when we shall be out of all fear of this 7. To love the Lord everlastingly that saves us from this everlasting punishment 8. To pity those that go in the way that leads to this and help them out see Exod. 23.5 9. To make sure of the contrary 2 Pet. 1.10 11. 10. To be willing to bear afflictions of longest continuance here so we may escape this everlasting punishment 11. To abhorre evil Rom. 12.9 12. To abstain from all appearance of evil 1 Thess 5.22 Vse 4. for Consolation 1. Against the Saints troubles here there will be an end of them they are not everlasting 2. Against Satans temptations they shall not alwa●es be 3. Against the pains of the first death Ver. 41. Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels Doct. XXXI is this That the Devil and his Angets are to suffer the Punishment of everlasting fire 2 Pet. 2.4 Jude ver 6. Rev. 20.10 For opening of which let me 1. Give Demonstrations of it 2. The Reasons of it 3. The
Uses For the first The truth of it does appear 1. In that they are reserved in everlasting chains to the Judgement of the Great Day Jude ver 6. 2. In that they tremble to think of their punishment Jam. 2.19 3. In that they desire they may not be sent into the place of their torment Luke 8 31. 4. In that they carry Hell about with them in their Consciences Mark 5.7 8. 5. In that they are in expectation of it Mat. 8.29 6. In that the Lord when he pleaseth can shut them up in the bottomless Pit that they shall not do so much mischief as they would Rev. 20.1 2 3. 7. In that they bestir themselves so much the more by how much the time is shorter that they have to do mischief in Rev. 12.12 which shews that they make account of their punishment 8. In that they cannot endure to think of the Day of Judgement they could not endure to see Christ on earth Mat. 8.29 9. In that the Saints shall judge these wicked Angels 1 Cor. 6.3 10. In that they are cursed of the Lord Gen. 3.14 15. if the Instrument much more the Acter 11. In that they fall like Lightning Luke 10.18 which is a pledge of their destruction 12. In that they despair of any Remedy Heb. 2.16 Q. 2. Why is this to be their Punishment Ans 1. It is pr●pared for them so the Text Prow 16.4 2. They have sinned 2 Pet. 2.4 and God will not spare the greatest that sin 3. They are Reprobate Angels for there are Elect Angels 1 Tim. 5 21. and therefore others are Reprobate Angels and they being subjects of Reprobation no wonder if everlasting fire be their punishment 4. They never cease sinning 1 John 3.8 it has been their trade and way from the beginning ever since they fell to go on in a way of rebellion against the Lord. 5. They have been the greatest Martherers that ever were after they had destroyed themselves they destroyed all the Race of Mankinde save onely a few that the Lord Jesus hath rescued out of their hands Gen 3. Rom. 5.12 Joh. 8.44 6. They go up and down seeking whom they may devour 1 Pet. 5.8 7. They de●●e to have the Elect to sift them as wheat and to strike at their Faith Luke 22.31 8. They have done what they could against Christ Jesus himself when he was upon earth to tempt him to sin though they could not prevail Mat. 4 1-10 John 14.30 9. They are the ●reatest Lyars and Deceivers that are John 8.44 Rev. 12.9 10. They maliciously oppose God and Christ Jesus and blasphēme the Spirit and resist his Truth and Wayes and Saints and with all the spight they can draw others to do the like and never cease these wayes and what wonder then if overlasting fire be their portion 11. They have kindl●● all the fires of Lust and Contention in Families Churches and Common-wea●●hs and have led men into fiery Company and into damned Delusions and shot fiery Darts into mens Souls No marvel if everlasting fire be their punishment Object But how can fire hurt them being Spirits Answ 1. Hell fire will be of another Nature then the fire on earth Isa 30.33 2. God knoweth how to make it seiae on Spirits though we know not how 3. The Souls of men which are Spirits shall be tortured in that fire and why then not the Devils 4. The eternity of it addes to the torment of it Vse 1. for Information 1. We see what great reason we have to fear sia for if we were Angels God would not spare us if we sin against him but cast us down to Hell 2 Pet. 2.4 2. We see that the principal Ring-leaders in a way of fin shall be sure not to escape the Lords severest punishment these Apostate Angels began all the evil that ever has been committed and what their punishment i● we here see 3. We see that the greatest among the sons of men must not look to be favoured above others for the greatest of these Angels escapes not Isa 30.33 4. We see that they that follow others in a way of sin must look to share in punishment with them the Devil and his Angels go together See Numb 16. 5. We see what discontented and melancholly Spirits the Devils must needs be that know what their punishment must be 6. We see a reason of that in Jam. 4.7 God has made him of a yielding nature as a fruit of that first punishment Gen 3.15 7. We see what a great and dreadful God the Lord is Dan. 9.4 that casts Angels into everlasting fire 8. We see that the best of Creatures being corrupted prove the worst these Angels were made very good Gen. 1.31 but being corr●pted fall into this great misery 9. We see a reason of the perdition of Apostates Heb. 10.39 for it is so with Angels Jude ver 6. 10. We see that those Angels that stand stand by Grace 1 Tim. 5.21 11. We see what cause Elect men and Angels have to praise God Psal 103.20 21. 12. We see the mischief of sin it casts Angels into Hell Vse 2. for Terrour 1. To those that are the Children of the Devil John 8.44 1 John 3.12 2. To Jesuites that take up the Devils Trade of Lying and Murther and going up and down 1 Pet. 5.8 3. To those that are great persons that sin 4. To all Apostates whoever they be Vse 3. for Exhortation 1. To beware of falling 1 Cor. 10.12 2. To take heed of drawing others to sin and being drawn by them 3. To take heed of Pride 1 Tim. 3.6 4. To beware of bearkning to the Derils sungestion and tempt●tions for it is but to draw us with him into punis●ment 5. To bewail the first sin that had plunged ●s all into everlasting fire if God had not stept in to save some Eccles 7.29 6. To abhor the Devils wayes Rom. 12.9 as Lying Deceit Murther 7. To take the whole Armour of God Ephes 6.10 15 2 c. 8. To be● of the Lord that we may be kept 1 Pet. 1.5 9. To beware of trusting in Grace received for the Devils were once good Gen. 1.31 10. To take heed of being first in sin Micah 1.13 〈◊〉 Vse 4. for Gonsolation 1. Against Satans wiles and temptations he must dearly pay for them 2. Against the longest troubles that he brings upon us his will be longer Luke 13.16 3. Against the Lords long forsakings of his people Lam. 5.22 What are these to the punishment of Devils Ver. 41. Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels Doct. XXXII is this That the Devil and his Angels sha● he the wofull Compantons of wicked men in Hell fire They are to be ●●gether there to all Eternity Reasons 1. Wicked men are the Children of the Devil John 8.44 Mat. 13.38 1 John 3.12 and where should Children be but with their Father See Acts 13.10 2. They do his works
pillars and upholders of the places where they are Joh 22.30 to keep off Judgment and to procure mercy Gen. 19.22 Psal 106.23 30. Vse 1. for Information 1. We see with what great Indignation the Lord takes it at the hands of such men when they are so hard-hearted to strangers 2. We see how nearly it concernes us to look to it that we be not of such a Spirit 3. We see how unworthy such men be to have any Saint to come amongst them 4. We see how unmeet it is to receive such hard-hearted ones into favour or familiarity with us 5. We see how dreadful the day of Judgement will be to such men 6. We see how distastful it should be to us to see any such discourtesie used to the Saints when strangers for it is so distastful to Christ that he will one day charge it home upon them 7. We see that for a nights lodging and a little entertainment spared upon strangers wicked men are willing to abide the severity of the great Judges condemnation 8. We see that cruel men are cruel to themselves they may kill the bodies of strangers but by this they cast away themselves for ever 9. We see how deeply sensible the Lord is of the unkindness done to his Members 10. We see what Judgement waits for them that oppress strangers that misuse them that kill them pillage them c. if they that entertain them not shall be so severely judged where will these appear 11. We see that they will have a bad lodging themselves that do not lodge strangers they must lodge with Devils 12. VVe see what Coveteousness brings men to Vse 2. for Terrour 1. To all cruel ones to strangers in denying them entertainment see Jam. 2.13 2. To all those that grudge to do any Courtesie for them are hardly drawn to it 3. To all that deal worse with them oppress them pluck from them revile them do what evil they can against them Vse 3. for Exhortation 1. To Strangers to take patiently what they meet with in that condition for the Lord Jesus sees it and will one day require it 2. To be chearful in want of lodging and entertainment for it was not only his own case Luk. 9 51 52 53. but he will remember how they have been used and charge it sadly upon the wicked at the great day 3. To think of the entertainment that Christ gives them here in his house at his Table and of that he will give them in Glory and let that suffice 2. To us all 1. To abhorr this Spirit in our selves and others 2. To be thankful if the Lord give us open hearts and open doors to receive such 3. To fear and tremble at the least grudging in our spirits to receive such 4. To stand at our doors to observe weary and way faring ones and desire them to come in as Abraham did 5. To be of Lydia's spirit Acts 16.15 6. To make account that it is not only the Ministers duty to be given to Hospitality Tit. 1.8 but ours 1 Pet. 4.9 yea the poorest are not exempted 1 Kings 17.10 11 12. 7. To pity their case that are hard-hearted they are the worst Enemies to themselves Ver. 43. Naked and ye clothed me not The Third Branch of the XXXVI Doctrine is this That unmercifulness in not clothing Christs naked Members shall be deeply charged upon the Wicked at the last and great Day Reasons 1. From the Nature of this sin 2. From the Saints who are in this Condition 3. The Uses First From the Nature of this Sin 1. It is that that exposeth them to perishing Job 31.19 and thereby such are guilty of Murther and therefore it is no wonder if Christ will so deeply charge it upon wicked men at the last day 2. If it should not rise so high as Murther yet it exposeth them to suffer much by reason of cold which sometimes is so extream that it cannot be born Psal 147.17 and the extremity of cold causeth many sicknesses some of which are as painful and bitter as death it self see Job 24.7 2 Cor. 11.27 3. If neither of these should come yet it exposeth the Saints to uncomeliness for to be naked and destitute of clothing is very uncomely and the Lord would have us go comely looks at it as a sin in those that cause others to go naked Job 24.10 4. It is that that godly men reprove in those that they think are guilty of it Job 22.6 It 's true Eliphaz missed the mark when he charged Job with this but yet it holds out that he thought he was guilty and chargeth it home upon him Much more will Christ charge it deeply upon them that he knows to be guilty at that day 5. It is Inhumanity and God would have us as in other cases to shew our selves men Isa 46.8 6. It is contrary to the Rule of the Gospel Luke 3.11 7. It comes cross to the practice of the Saints 2 Chron. 28.15 Job 31.19 Acts 10.39 8. It breaks the Law of Love Rom. 13.10 9. It spoils the most Spiritual of all our Duties Isa 58.3 4 6 7. 10. It is an Abomination to the Lord Ezek. 18.13 and therefore no wonder if he charge it so home upon the wicked at that day 2. From the Saints 1. They are the Fathers Blessed ones so the Text. 2. They are Heirs of the Kingdome 3. They are such as Christ admits into his blessed Fellowship and sayes Come unto 4. They are his Purchased ones Acts 20.28 5. They are they that the Lord has given Himself his Christ and his Spirit unto Gen. 15.1 John 3.16 2 Cor. 1.22 6. They are his Excellent ones Psal 16.2 3. yea more excellent then others Prov. 12.26 7. They are the Delight of his Eyes and Heart Cam. 2.14 Psal 149.4 8. They are tenderly cared for by him Zech. 2.8 Isa 40.12 9. They are the very Glory of Christ 2 Cor. 8.23 10. They are Rich in their Poverty Rov 2.9 11. They are clothed with the best Robe and Garments Isa 61.10 12. They shall be clothed upon with Immortality ● Cor. 5.4 Now not to clothe these must needs be charged deeply upon wicked men at that day Vse 1. for Information 1. We see the sad case of those that having that by them that would help to Clothe the Naked which they make no use of yet do nothing that way Christ will reckon with them for it at that day 2. We see a re●son of the Judgement of God upon the very Garments of Cruel men Jam. 5.1.2 3. We see how unworthy they be of the Name of Christians that will not Clothe their own Families If wicked men shall be judged that Clothe not other naked Saints what shall become of them that will not Clothe their own 1 Tim. 5.8 4. We see what wretched men they be that are so farre from Clothing Christs naked ones that if they will have any Clothes from them they shall pay twice
to it John 14.6 7. He has promised it 1 Ioh. 2.28 8. He has witnessed to it among the other witnesses 1 Joh. 5.6 7 8 11. 9. He has sealed them to it 2 Cor. 1.22 Eph. 4.30 10. He keeps us by his power through Faith to it 1 Pet. 1.5 11. He cannot call back his word no more in a gracious way then in a threatning way Isa 31.2 12. He has taken possession of it for them Heb. 6.20 2. From the Sentence it selfe 1. It is a true Sentence and therefore must be put in execution for he is true Rev. 3.11 2. It is a gracious Sentence what grace like his in this Sentence 3. It is a Sentence from Counsel and his Counsel shall stand Isa 46.10 4. It is a Sentence according to his good pleasure and he will do all his will ibid. 5. It is a righteous Sentence and he will put that into execution 2 Tim. 4.8 6. It is a definitive Sentence and therefore must stand he will never pass other 7. It is a Sentence that tends to the glory of his Name and therefore will surely be put in execution 3. From the Saints 1. They are the Fathers blessed ones and therefore the Sentence must be put in execution they must go into Life Eternal 2. They have brought forth the fruits of Faith so the Text and they shall receive the fruit of their Faith 1 Pet. 1.9 3. They are Christs sheep and therefore must be all folded up in glory so the Text. 4. They love Christs appearing 2 Tim. 4.8 5. They shall never perish John 10.28 6. They shall never be plucked out of his or his Fathers hand John 10.28 29. 7. They have gone in the way that leads to life Mat. 7.13 14 8. They have fought a good fight finished their course and kept the Faith 2 Tim. 4.7 8. 9. They are called and justified and therefore shall be glorified Rom. 8.30 10. They have the earnest of it Ephes 1.14 Vse 1. for Information 1. We see what a good Master we serve who through his Grace and Mercy gives a great Reward for a little work How little is it that we do for him yet we see his Reward is great for he gives Eternal life through his Grace to us 2. We see that we need never repeat of what we have done for Christ in his Saints for Eternal life will more then make amends for it if we had done ten thousand times more then we have done 3. We see that when Christ once acquits us and counts us Righteous we need never doubt of partaking in life Eternal if we make the former sure the latter will be sure to us 4. We see what a blessed thing it is to have the Sentence of Absolution pronounced upon us for such as so have shall go into life Eternal 5. We see how desireable the day of Judgement should be to all the Saints for after the ending of it the Righteous shall go into life Eternal How should we long then for that day Rev. 22.20 and love his appearing 2 Tim. 4.8 6. We see what a marvellous difference the Lord makes between the Righteous and the Wicked in that these that are wicked go away into everlasting punishment but the Righteous into life Eternal 7. We see what thanks the Saints should give to the Lord here for the hope they have of this great Reward of Eternal life and what thanks they will give hereafter to him when they come to the possession of it They may well give thanks to him for ever for life Eternal what should they he thankful to him for if not for this 8. We see how unwearied we should be in serving him how we should think that we can never do enough for him that puts us into the state of eternal life Gal. 6.9 9. We see what sure work we should make for our Souls 2 Pet. 1.10 Phil. 2.12 for life Eternal is worth the having Heb. 4.1 10. We see what a sweet condition the Elect Saints shall enjoy in another world We make account that this life is sweet what then is life Eternal 11. We see how perpetual and durable the estate of the Saints shall be in Glory it shall never have an end for the Righteous shall go into life Eternal there will be no period put to their Happiness but when they have enjoyed it never so long many thousands of years their happy Condition shall so continue to all Eternity It is such a flourishing comfortable estate that it never fades 1 Pet. 1.4 Psal 16.11 12. We see the miserable condition of those that look after other things in the world and let go their hold of Eternal life Oh what a pitiful bargain do such make Matth. 16.26 Vse 2. for Terrour 1. To those that miss of the Reward of Eternal life they sustain the greatest loss in the world Had a man all things about him that his heart could desire here if he did not enjoy a healthful comfortable life withall what would those things do for him Oh but for men to lose this Life we speak of what an unparallell'd loss is it 2. To those that hate the People of God they will with themselves in their estate one day when they shall see them possessed of life eternal 3. To those that thought they ●ad hope of this Eternal life but their hope has failed them this will be the greatest of their misery when they shall see others hare in it and themselves thrust out Luke 13.23 Vse 3. for Examination Whether we are of the number of those that mal go into life Eternal It concerns us to examine this because if we be mistaken here we are undone for ever it is the greatest mistake in the world better to be deceived in any thing then in this Quest How shall we know that we are not mistaken but sha● certainly go into Life Eternal Ans 1. If we be of the number of Christs Sheep hear his voice and follow him John 10.27 28 Heb. 5.9 2. If we be unwearied in well doing and he constant to him Gal 6.9 Rev. 2.10 Rom. 2.7 3. If we seek the things that are above Coloss 3.1 2 4. 4. If we make sure of our Adoption Heb. 2.10 Rom 8.17 1 John 3.2 5. If we endeavour to puri●ie our selves according to the Pattern of Purity 1 John 3.3 6. If we be of a merciful Spirit to Christ in his Members so the Text. 7. If we walk uprightly Isa 57.2 Psal 37.37 8. If we look to our Union with Christ in Effectual Calling 2 Pet. 1.10 11. John 17.2 9. If we Watch and Pray alwayes Luke 21.36 10. If we look to our Vessel oyl as well as to our Lamp-oyl Mat. 25.11 11. If we improve our Talents well Mat. 25.21 22. 12. If we labour hard about it Heb. ● 11 Phil 2.12 2 Pet. 1.10 11. 13. If we l●y up for our selves a good Foundation by the fruits of our Faith 1 Tim. 6.17 18 19.
be victorions Rev 21.7 7 Look we get the earnest of it Eph 1.14 4. To endeavour to be meet for this estate Coloss 1.12 And for this end 1 Be in expectation of it Heb 11.20 2 Be thankful for it Col 1.12 3 Seek for it and defire after it Heb 11.13 14 15 16. 4 Improve it they are meet for an inheritance that can improve it Heb 12.28 Col 3.1 2 3 4 5. 1 John 3.2 3. 5 Let all go rather then Ios● it Heb 10.34 6 Seek it first Mat 6.33 7 Sufferfor it 1 Pet 5.10 2 Thess 1.4 ●5 8 Rejoyce in hope of ●t Rom 5.2 12.12 9 Take it by violence Mat 11.12 10 Wait patiently for it Hebr 10.36 37. 5. To prize it highly how do men prize their inheritances 6. To beware we part not with it see 1 Kings 21.3 7. To lose our lives rather then let it go ibid. 8. To estate our Children in this inheritance Prov 13.22 9. To be content though we have no earthly inheritance we are sure of that tha't 's better Heb 10.34 11.16 10. To rejoyce in Christ Jesus the procurer of it Phil 3.4 Vse 4. for Consolation 1. Against all earthly discouragements and wants 2. Against Satans accusations he shall not out us 3. Against our own suspitions 4. Against mens cavils 2. Positive Comforts 1. That we shall never be turned out of our inheritance 2. That enemies cannot strip us of it as I●am 5.1 2. 3. That within a little time we shall enjoy it Heb. 10.36 37. Verse 34. Inherit the Kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the world Doct. XIV That the Kingdome that the Saints shall inherit hath been prepared for them from all Eternity For so this phrase here used signifieth as we may see it in other places Ephes 1.4 2 Tim. 1.9 For opening of which let me shew 1. Wherein it was prepared for them 2. How 3. The Uses 1. It was prepared in the Counsel of God the three Glorious Persons consulted together from Eternity to make men happy and thought of this Kingdome that they should inherit Ephes 1.11 2. It was prepared in the Eternal Purpose of God Ephes 1.9 3.11 Rom. 8.28 2 Tim. 1.9 3. It was prepared in the Appointment of God 1 Thes 5.9 4. It was prepared in the eternal good pleasure of God Luke 12.32 Ephes 1.5 5. It was prepared in the wise Conclusion that the three Glorious Persons made in their consultation about them the result of which was this 6. It was prepared in the liberal and free donation of it Ephes 2.8 Rom. 6. ult Quest 2. How hath it been prepared thus of old for them Answ 1. He promised it to Christ of old Titus 1.2 2. He ordained Christ to be the procurer and purchaser of this inheritance of old 1 Pet. 1.20 Rev 13.8 3. He hath given it to us in Christ of old 2 Tim. 1.9 4. He hath loved us of old Ier. 31.3 and from that love hath prepared this inheritance for us Ephes 1.3 4. 5. He hath foreknown us of old Rom. 8.29 6. He hath ordained us of old to this blessed condition Acts 13.48 Vse 1. for Information 1. We see that this inheritance is not made over to us by any merit of ours for it was before we were yea before the World was and what could we deserve when we were not in being 2 Tim. 1.9 2. We see the unspeakable love of God towards us that prepared such a blessed condition for us before we had any being Oh the height depth ●and breadth and length of this love of his it passeth all our knowledg Ephes 3.18 19. well we may admire it and adore it but we cannot search it out that which is said of God himselfe is most true of his love Job 11.7 8 9. 3. We see that God ●a's been before hand with us in a preventing way of grace 1 Joh. 4.10 19. we did not begin with him in a way of love but he began with us else we had never known what love had meant● he gave us the first smile and the first kiss 4. We see what a bountifull and royall giver the Lord is that prepared such a royall inheritance for us as a Kingdome is no royalty like his as no unworthyness like ours so no bounty like his Ephes 2.4 5 6. 5. We see that all the Lords Saints shall certainly come to the possession of their inheritance and shall not be hindred or deprived of it for it was of old even from everlasting prepared for them Joh. 10.27 28 29. 6. We see how ever mindful we should be of such an old friend and that we should never forget or forsake him Thine own friend and thy fathers friend forget not Prov. 27.10 and if such an old friend may not be forsaken much less such an old friend as God is 7. We see what preparation we should make for him in our hearts that hath prepared such an inheritance for us Psal 24.7 8 9 10. Rev. 3.20 8. We see what great cause we have to be thankfull to him that hath made us meet for such an inheritance Col. 1.12 9. We see what reason we have to prepare for our Lords coming and to get all things ready all the graces of the Spirit all those Brace lets and Jewels and Ear-rings and golden Abilliments that may fit us for this Kingdome that is prepared for us Mat. 24.44 Luk. 12.35 36 37. 10. We see what preparation we should make to meet him at his house and especially at his Table 1 Cor. 11.28 if he prepare a Kingdom for us we may well prepare for his coming now 11. We see that Election is the foundation of our Salvation 12. We see the trueth of that in 2 Tim. 2.19 Vse 2. for Humiliation 1. That our desires are no more stirring after this prepared inheritance 2. That we have so few thoughts of Gods old love in preparing a Kingdom for us Vse 3. for Exhortation 1. To enjoy our earthly inheritances weanedly for we have another manner of inheritance prepared for us of old This concernes rich men 2. To do as much good as we can with what God gives us to inherit here that we may make sure of this prepared inheritance 1 Tim. 6.17 18 19. Luk. 16.9 3. To poor ones that have little to inherit here they have a Kingdome prepared for them of old to be their inheritance Jam. 2.5 4. To all Godly ones not to envy the Wicked their great matters here for they have a better inheritance prepared for them and coming in to them Psal 73.3.24 5. To ascribe all to Gods grace herein Eph. 2.5 8. 6. To prepare our hearts in every duty in Prayer Psal 10.17 in Preaching 2 Tim. 2.15 in hearing Act. 10.33 in conference Mal. ● 16 in meditation Gen. 24.63 in drawing neer to the Lords Table 2 Chro. 30.18 19. 7. To love the Lord that of old made such preparation for us 8. To prepare for such