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A55118 A little view of this old vvorld in two books ... a work fitted to the press five years agone, and now published, by Tho. Palmer. Palmer, Thomas, b. ca. 1620. 1659 (1659) Wing P253; ESTC R17862 95,299 212

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I was for some time unresolved of a Subject to write upon but seeking to the Lord in Prayer God set the sence of the old Dragons and the Whore of Babylons long-continued Tyranny over the Saints much upon my soul and I judged it was now a time seasonable and a Work necessary afresh to take a view of this old World under Monarchical Tyranny in States and under mystical Babylons usurpations over the Church of Christ. In the time of the Jewish Church-state and for some time after the New-Testament-church-state was begun Daniels four parted terrible Image and his four monstrous Beasts had all their answerable times and terms that with Christs Incarnation Johns Serpent or Dragon with seven Heads and ten Horns the Heathen Roman Empire was entered the stage of this World and acted like himself But as this Beast grew weak and fell in power the great Whore Mystery Babylon took her opportunity to get up and rides that Scarlet-coloured Beast to this day Since the Pope or Papacy hath ridden the Dragon or earthly Monarchy the Whore hath made great use of the Kings of the Earth to exercise her bloudy cruelty upon the Saints that have owned and sought those priviledges where-with the Lord Jesus Christ hath made them free What the Dragons and the Whores time and Tyranny hath been is not unknown to many Saints and light will break forth more and more to the perfect day Large and vast are those Volumes which have been written upon these four great Empires of the World and the Papacy of Rome but these for the greatest part have been written in strange Tongues and are in the studies of great Scholars to little Spiritual use When Nebuchadnezzar had taken Jerusalem and setled the Empire of Babylon in himself his desires were to know what after should come to passe in the latter daies His mind being thus busied he had a Vision of a great and terrible Image whose head was of Gold his brest and arms of Silver his belly and his thighes of Brasse his leggs of Iron his feet part of Iron and part of Clay a stone cut out without hands smote the Image upon his feet and brake them to peeces that no place was found for them and the stone that smote the Image became a great Mountain and filled the whole earth This Vision was revealed from the Lord to Daniel and by Daniel to King Nebuchadnezzar wherein is presented the future state of the world from that time to the Kingdom of Christ or Kingdom of the Stone and end of this old World From that time the world was to bee under the successive government of four Kingdoms of which Babylon was the first And in the days of these Kings shall the God of Heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed but it shall break in pieces and consume all these Kingdoms and it shall stand for ever The Lords revealing this dream and the interpretation of it to Nebuchadnezzar caused that Heathen King to give glory to God as God of gods and greatly honoured Daniel as honoured of the Lord to reveal the secret I may hence infer it s now a work becoming the Lords people to be inquiring after light in this Prophecie and be saying to the Lords Watch-men as those of Sier Watch-man what of the night watch-man what of the night that is how much of the time of these four Kingdoms are run out or what remains yet to be fulfilled of them when the fifth Kingdom is to begin and the watch-men may answer The morning cometh also the night that is the morning for Saints and the night for sinners It was a mercy that the Lord should have this Prophecie as a ground for faith and prayer to his people but God hath abundantly fore-told the suffering state of his Church under these four Kingdoms hath by his Prophets and Apostles which are now so plain that Saints doe run and ●ead them God Omniscient fore-seeing the need saints would have of support under so long ●●me of sufferings gives a further discovery of these four Kingdoms to the Prophet Daniel in the first year of Belshazzer King of Babylon In this Vision these ●●ur Kings or Kingdoms are represented ●nder four monstrous Beasts and these ●●eat Beasts which are four are inter●●eted of four Kings which should arise ●●t of the earth and for a support to the ●●rds people the Angel also further adds ●●at the Saints of the most High shall ●●ke the Kingdom and possess the Kingdom for ever even for ever and ever The Babylonian Monarchy the Median and Persian Monarchy and the Grecian Monarchy are three of these four Kingdoms expresly sonamed by and to Daniel And the fourth Beast which was dreadful and terrible and strong exceedingly can be no other than the Empire of Rome Time hath now interpreted who the fourth Beast is but Daniels fourth Beast and the Apostle Johns Dragon ar● one and the same and generally understood to represent the Roman Monarchy Earth and Sea Corruption and Confusion was the original of these Kingdoms and I may as truly say Pride and Contention are the support of earthly Kings and Crowns For the sake of Saints I have gathered this Compendium of these four Kingdoms of Babylon Media and Persia Greece and Rome out of large an● vast Volumes to give light into Daniel Visions and Johns Revelations They that with serious thoughts shall read these few pages and run down the line of Monarchy in the several Beasts reigns do no● need Spiritual light to discover what implacable enmity hath at all times run the veins of Kings against King Jesu● and his Saints The Popes and Prelacy had the same original with earthly Monarchy and no less an enemy to the intrest of Christ and his Saints the Papacy is a Beast arising out of the earth as well as Monarchy yet hath Horns like a Lamb but speaks as a Dragon This Whore hath not only drunk but hath been drunken with the bloud of Saints and the Martyrs of Jesus as well as Monarchy and the time is now near that the Saints shall have commission from the Lord Jesus Christ King of Kings and Lord of Lords not only to give Babylon bloud to drink but to reward her double according to her works in the Cup which she hath filled fill to her double I say this time is near in the whole and in part begun in England I say again and again this is my faith That the hour of Gods Judgements is come to turn the waters of his indignation upon his Churches enemies Beleevers have the Word Covenant and Oath of the erernal God for all this they have the ingagement of the faithful Almighty God that cannot Iye and why should we not expect it Surely the work is upon the wheel that turns fast and nothing but Voyces and Thunders and Earth-quakes nothing but shakings
day and this was the reason because they had forsaken the Lord God of their fathers Sin un-mans men and renders Champions slaves Here was a woful slaughter yet Israel took also captive 200000. women with their sons and daughters and much spoil and brought them to Samaria But Obed a Prophet of the Lord in Samaria went out to meet the Army of Israel and said Behold because the Lord God of your fathers was wroth with Judah he hath delivered them into your hands and ye have slain them in a rage that reacheth up to heaven And now you purpose to keep them bond-men and bond-women to you But are there not with you even with you sins against the Lord your God Now hear me therefore deliver them again for the fierce wrath of God is upon you Wonderful O wonderful wisdom and bowels of God! that the sin of his people should bring them to the sword and slavery and yet this misery the sin of those that are the Lords executioners Sin divides and raiseth war amongst brethren yet the Lords fierce wrath is upon those brethren who execute Gods wrath upon their sinful brethren because they have sinned against God themselves But in these straits King Ahaz sent to the King of Assyria to help him for to all the rest the Edomites had again smitten Judah and carryed away captives The Philistines also invaded the Cities of the low Countries and took away many Towns and Villages and dwelt in them for the Lord brought Judah low because of Ahaz King of Israel Kings seldom sin alone And dreadful are the sins of great men when the sin of the chief Magistrate may bring National judgements The more effectually to engage the King of Assyria Ahaz took a part of the Treasure out of the house of the Lord and out of the house of the King and of the Princes which I finde not done before and gave it to Tilgath-Pilneser King of Assyria But he helped him not Certainly the strength of man cannot deliver the Nation that God will break down But in the time of this distress the King did trespass yet more against the Lord and above others the Holy Ghost hath left this black brand upon him This is that King Ahaz And the reasons follow he sacrificed unto the gods of Damascus which smote him saying Because the gods of the Kings of Assyria helped them therefore will I sacrifice to them that they may help me But the text saith They were the ruine of him and of all Israel 2. Reason for that Ahaz gathered together the Vessels of the house of God and cut in pieces the vessels of the house of God and shut up the doors of the house of the Lord and made him Altars in every corner of Jerusalem and in every several City of Judah he made High places to burn Incense to the gods and provoked the Lord to anger When Ahaz had thus run out 16. years in these abominations he died and they buried him in the City but not in the Sepulchres of the Kings about Ann. mun 3216. In the third year of Hoshea King of Israel Hezekiah son of Ahaz King of Judah began to reign he was 25. years old when he came to the Crown and did that which was right in the sight of the Lord according to all that David did Hezekiah excelled all the Kings from David that went before him and after was none like to him In the first year of his reign in the first moneth he began to reform and opened the doors of the Lords house and restored Religion he removed the High places brake down the Images and took away the Brazen Serpent set up by Moses to which the people burnt Incense and reformed thorowly yet in the 14. year of Hezekiah Sennacherib King of Assyria came with a mighty Army against all the fenced Cities of Judah and took them Then Hezekiah sent an humble submissive message to the King of Assyria desiring of him to draw ●way his Army and he would pay him what he would lay upon him Sennacherib appointed Hezekiah to give him 300. Talents of Silver and 30. Talents of Gold Whether Hezekiah was able to raise the same is not certain but he did what he could Hezekiah took all the silver that was found in the Lords house and in the Kings Treasury At that time also Hezekiah cut off the gold from the doors of the Temple and from the pillars and gave it to the King of Assyria But as pride hath no bowels and a covetous heart knows no pity Sennacherib is unsatisfied with all the Treasure Hezekiah could scrape up though he pilled and defaced the house of God for it and therefore sent an insolent Army up against Jerusalem This put all Jerusalem into a terrible fear and now they have none to slee to but the Lord Hezekiah sent away Messengers presently with his sad complaints to the Prophet Isaiah to pray to the Lord for them And Isaiah comforts them with a sweet and seasonable answer from the Lord that the Lord will send a blast upon Rabshakeh and he should hear a rumour and return to his own Land and there he should fall by the sword in his own Land So Rabshakeh returned from Jerusalem for he heard that Sennacherib was gone from Lachish and Rabshakeh found him warring against Libnah After this Sennacherib brought his Army into Judah a second time and then sent Messengers with a Letter to Hezekiah stopped full of pride blasphemy When Hezekiah had received the Letter he went into the Lords house and in prayer spread it before the Lord and begged his help and the Lord promised him that the King of Assyria should not lay siege or shoot an Arrow into Jerusalem but he would defend it and save it And that very night the Lord sent an Angel who smore in the Assyrians Camp 185000. So Sennacherib departed and went to Niniveh In these daies Hezekiah fell sick and neer to death But upon his prayer the Lord restored him and added 15. years more to his daies Upon Hezekiahs recovery the King of Babylon sent a present unto him which he accepted and to gratifie the Messengers Hezekiah shewed them the house of his precious things the house of his Armor and his Treasures c. But the Prophet Isaiah sadly reproved his pride and vain-glory that he who had such abundant experience of an allsufficient God in the Creatures nothingness should have his heart going out to his wealth and works And therefore the Prophet foretold Hezekiah of the woful Captivity which should come from Babylon Herein Hezekiah fell sadly but God left him to see what was in his heart and this lesson we have all to learn That the best of Saints stand not longer then the Lord sustains and keeps
but eight months and dyed Anno 607. Boniface the fourth succeeded and governed six years Anno 613. Deus-dedit came next to the Sea and governed three years Anno 616. Boniface the fifth now took his turn these times were troublesome and these Popes found much opposition but to all the rest they did greatly corrupt the Worship of God and in a little time they brought in Prayers for the dead Invocation of Saints the Liturgy in a strange Language and abundance of Jewish and Heathenish Ceremonies This Pope continued five years Anno 621. Honorius the first came next to the Papal Dignity but though the name and title of universal Bishop was given to the Sea of Rome yet Papal Jurisdiction was much resisted by the Bishops Honorius hoping to subject the Bishops sided with Adelwaldus fifth King of the Lumbards who raised an Army against them but the Bishops had the better in that Battel and Honorius carried not his design at that time To give a demonstration that infallibility was not yet tied to Peters Chair Pope Honorius fell into the Heresie of the Monothelites and denied two Natures and two Wills in Christ. For this Heresie hee was condemned in the fourth Council of Toledo by 289 Bishops Also in this Council it was decreed That the Book of the Revelation should bee read in time of Masse that all men might the better know and arm themselves against Antichrist who gave life to the Beast the Roman Empire This Pope was said to rule 13 years anno 634. Severinus the first came next to rule as yet the Pope was under the jurisdiction of the Emperour and every Pope confirmed by the Exarch for the Emperour lying at Ravenna Upon the election of Severinus the Exarch made him stay a year and half for confirmation and hee lived but half a year more and dyed anno 636. Boniface the sixth succeeded Severinus and ruled two years anno 638. Theodore the first had the Papal seat he strongly pursued the claim of Jurisdiction over the Bishops but was stoutly denied it yet Victor Bishop of Carthage gave him this Title stuffed with Blasphemy To the most blessed Lord and our Honourable Holy Brother Pope Theodore c. Theodore had the Sea five years and dyed anno 643. Martin the first followed Theodore he was a great undertaker and thought to carry great things but assuming too much upon the Bishops of the East the Emperour Constans gave a check to his ambition who caused him to bee brought Prisoner to Constantinople where he dyed in banishment when he had kept Peters Chair eight years anno 651. Eugenius succeeded Martin but in his time divers Councils were held without his privity and hee could not help it He governed two years and dyed anno 653. Vitalion had the Government and not inferiour to any of his Predecessors for a high mind John Bishop of Lampeon being condemned by a Synod under Paul Arch-bishop of Candia John appealed to the Bishop of Rome who retracted the sentence of the Synod and absolved him but John was still kept out of his Sea At this time also the Arch-bishop of Ravenna under the Popes nose rejected the Supremacy of Rome But the Pope being repulsed in all the Countries about him purposed to seek honour in places further remote It is said about this time Austine the Monk was sent into England but instead of spreading the Gospel and converting souls they here broached their Popish Fopperies the Latine Service Organs Altars Tapers c. were brought into England The Popes Agents also stirred ignorantly devout Princes to inforce their Subjects to use and practise this way of seigned Worship and the better to advance the main design as the Agents found ambitious men thirsting for preheminence above their brethren these were taken into favour and honoured with preferment But the issue was by these means to bring in the Pope and transferre Causes to Rome Vitalion bare rule 15 years and dyed anno 668. Adeodate followed Vitalion the Arch-Bishop of Ravenna coming to that Sea refused to bee Consecrated by the Pope of Rome and for that offence Adeodate Excommunicated the Archbishop and the Arch-bishop paid him in his own coyn and excommunicated the Pope of Rome and this was all the Pope yet got This Pope kept the Sea five years anno 675. Domnus came next to the Pontifical Throne he continued to fight the Papal Combate for desired Supremany and what by power and what by policy he at last subjected the Arch-bishop of Ravenna to Peters Chair Anno 680 Domnus rejoyced in this addition and lived two years after it anno 682. Agatho next took Peters pretended Chair and being lift up in Domnus his uniting Ravenna to the Roman Sea hee openly pronounced That all Decrees made by the Sea-Apostolick ought to be received as if they had proceeded from St. Peters own mouth But the pride of the Prelate staid not here but writing to the Bishops he stiled himself Head of all the Churches and in a Letter to the Emperour he blushed not to say That unto that day the Church of Rome had never been stained with any Error neither would be by vertue of that promise made heretofore by our Saviour to Peter Agatho kept his happy place but two years anno 684. Leo the second held the Apostolick Sea but ten months Benedict the second followed Leo in his time he obtained of the Emperour That hee who should bee elected Pope by the Clergie People and Souldiers should have all the power at Rome and not seek to the Emperour for confirmation This was no small step to lift up the Dignity and Tyranny of the Roman Sea into the Imperial Throne but Benedict lived not out the year John the fifth was chosen according to the new establishment but dyed quickly anno 687. Upon the death of John there fell a division about the election the Clergie chose Peter the Army chose Theodore the contention was great and neither Party would yeeld but at last they all pitched upon Conon a third person and he was made Pope yet lived but eleven months anno 688. While Conon was yet sick Paschal an Arch-Deacon made a Party for him and promised large monies for Voyces but at the Election there were many stood for Theodore and some for Paschal The division was great and so lasted for two months and to prevent bloud and mischief they took Sergius a poor Priest out of the throng and made him Pope When Sergius was lift up to this high Dignity hee had nów the spirit of a Pope so that when the Emperour Justinian sent to him the Books of the general Councils to subscribe to them Sergius denied it Hereupon the Emperour was justly displeased and sent to apprehend him but Sergius so plaid his Game
the death of Saul and then David was onely Crowned King of Judah at Hebron by a small party of Israel the greater number following Ishbosheth the son of Saul who was made King of Israel by Abner Captain of Sauls Host and now they fell to war and bloud-shed In this war Davids party got the better but a little after Ishbosheth reproving Abner for lying with one of his fathers Concubines Abner was displeased and thereupon sought to betray Ishbosheth Kingdom to David and had audience with David about it But Joab Captain of Davids Host returning from pursuit of the enemy and hearing that Abner had been at Davids Court and was newly departed Joab sent for him back and being returned Joab took Abner aside as if he would speak privately to him and secretly stabbed him to the heart in revenge upon Abner for killing Asahel Joabs brother The death of Abrer did greatly astonish those that followed Ishbosheth and as his Kingdom was declining Baanah and Rechab two false brethren finding an opportunity secretly murdered Ishbosheth cut off his head and carryed it to David These wretches hoped now to have been greatly advanced by David for this bloudy cruelty but good David troubled at their sin gave them the just reward of traytors yet upon the death of Ishbosheth at the end of 7. years all Israel came into David and the whole Kingdom was setled in him There is no question but David was a very godly and precious man neither will I afresh rake amongst his many and great sins over which he deeply mourned and which free grace pardoned yet this may be observed that his sin brought much misery upon all Israel and because of bloud the Lord denied him the honour to build his House neither do we finde since David that great Warriers have done much in Church-reformation David was 30. years old when he was Crowned King of Judah He reigned over them 7. years and six moneths and over all Israel 33. years In all 40 years and six moneths and left Solomon his son upon his Throne About Anno mundi 2929. Solomon succeeded his father David In the fourth year of his reign was the foundation of the House of the Lord laid in the moneth Zif or And in the 11. year in moneth Bul or October which is the eighth moneth was the house finished so was he seven years in building it About Ann. mund 2940. Solomon walked long with the Lord and the Lord made him glorious in the world yet in his old age which should have been most fruitful in holiness his wives turned his heart after other gods and his heart was not perfect with the Lord. This sin of Solomon a sin against so many and high engagements of love and obedience greatly provoked the Lord to alter his purposes concerning him and his house upon which God threatned certainly to rend the Kingdom from him and to give it to his servant Yet this sad sentence was sweetly mixt with mercy That the Lord would not do it in his daies for Davids sake Nor rend away all the Kingdom but leave one Tribe to his son for his fathers sake and Jerusalem sake whom he had chosen But to all the rest Solomon was a great oppressor of his brethren as will appear more anon and reigned over all Israel 40. years about An. mund 2969. Upon the death of Solomon all Israel came to Shechem to Crown Rehoboam son of Solomon Against which time they called Jeroboam home who fled for his life from Solomon into Egypt And being returned Jeroboam was speaker for the Congregations of Israel who required ease of Rehoboam from that grievous yoke put upon them by Solomon his father before they would establish him in the Throne Rehoboam desired time to give them answer to which they willingly granted In the interim Rehoboam consulted with his fathers old Counsellours and they advised him to consent to the people But this not well suiting to Rehoboams humour he also called his young Courtiers who Counselled him to keep his Prerogative and keep them under Rehoboam upon the next meeting returns this full answer My little finger shall be thicker then my fathers loynes c. Though here appeared a visible just cause that Israel should provide for their own safety against oppression yet assuredly it was of the Lord to make good that same word he had threatned against Solomon and therefore Israel refusing to submit to Rehoboam only the Tribe of Judah set him up King of Judah the rest set up Jeroboam King of Israel of which in its place But this was occasion of a sad breach in the bowels of Israel and there was War between Rehoboam and Jeroboam all their daies and to the rest this was a woful consequent that fell out upon that unnatural strife about a King while brethren were letting out the bloud of brethren and one weakened by another they gave occasion to the common enemy to accomplish his design upon them all for Shishake King of Egypt came against Jerasalem and made a great spoil upon the Lords house and the Kings house and took away rich prizes of golden shields made by Solomon which never again were made good But above all Judah provoked the Lord by Idolatry and they suffered Sodomites in the land and did commit the same abominations that the Heathen did that the Lord cast out before them Yet Rehoboam reigned 17. years in Jerusalem and slept with his fathers About Anno mund 2986. And to the rest the Lord hath set this black brand upon this King That he did evil because he prepared not his heart to seek the Lord. In the 18. year of Jeroboam Abijam or Abijah began to reign over Judah he walked in all the sins of Rehoboam his father yet for Davids sake the Lord gave him a lamp in Jerusalem and set up his son after him in the Throne But Abijah reigned only 3. years 2989. In the 20. year of Jeroboam King of Israel Asa son of Abijah was set up over Judah the Holy Ghost hath left this glory upon his name still that he did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord and expresseth this as a great mark of the uprightness of his heart to God that he spared not his Queen-Mother who was an Idolater but put her down from being Queen and burnt her grove The bloudy War between the house of Judah and Israel was not yet ended but lasted between Asa and Baasha the third King of Israel all their daies and Asa reigned 41. years about Anno mund 3020. But yet the high places were not removed Vers. 14. Jehoshaphat the son of Asa began to
reign over Judah in the fourth year of Ahab King of Israel he walked in all the waies of Asa his father and took out of the land those Sodomites that remained in his fathers daies In his time he made peace with Israel by matching his son with Ahabs daughter and by that neer affinity to that wicked King joyned with him to fight his battles which sin of his was deeply threatend and soundly reproved from the Lord. This good man had great infirmities yet did more in reforming his people then any King after Solomon to his time and reigned 25. years about Ann. mund 3045. Nevertheless the High places were not taken away Jehoram succeeded his father Jehoshaphat in the Kingdom but not in his piety when he was settled in the Throne he murdered his six brethren the sons of his father and divers Princes This was a woful beginning and yet the holy Pen-man gives this account of him that he walked in the waies of the Kings of Israel like as did the house of Ahab for he had the daughter of Ahab to wife Marriage with Idolatrous wives hath been the ruine of many men and Nations And to all the rest of this wickedness Jehoram set up Idols and compelled Judah to worship them I shall omit some things but I may not pass the miseries God brought upon his people and this vild person as the just reward of his sin yet less then he deserved though eternity may pay for all In his time the Edomites revolted and set up a King amongst themselves at the same time also Libnah revolted because Jehoram had forsaken the Lord. But Jehorams sad doom was sent to him in writing from the Prophet Elijah possibly it might be in this extraordinary way either to give the full certainty of the sad judgements determined against him or rather to prevent some bloudy design of of this wicked King against the Prophet for the discharge of his duty But soon after the Lord stirred up the Philistines and Arabians who came to judah and carryed away all the substance that was Jound in the Kings house and his sons and his wives so that Jehoahaz the yongest son was saved And after all this the Lord smote Jehoram with an incurable disease in his bowels of which he languished for the space of two years and in the end his bowels fell out and so died but Judah buried him not in the Sepulchres of their Kings Thus he lived wickedly dyed miserably and was buried shamefully when he had reigned or rather raged 8. years About Ann. mun 3053. In the 12. year of Joram King of Israel the inhabitants of Jerusalem made Azariah the youngest son of Jehoram who was lest alive King of Judah This is the general account the Holy Ghost gives of him That he walked in the waies of the house of Ahab for his mother Athaliah the daughter of Omri King of Israel was his Counsellor to do wickedly In 2 King 8. 26. it's said Azariah was 22. years old when he began to reign but 2 Chron. 22. 2. it 's said he was 42. years old when he began to reign This deserves further thoughts to reconcile yet in both places it is said he reigned but one year Azariah had but a short reign and the Holy Ghost adds this as a further reason which is worth observing he did evil in the sight of the Lord like the house of Ahab for they were his Counsellors to his distruction About Anno mund 3054. Ahaziah going to visit Joram King of Israel son of his grand-father Ahab when Jehu came to execute judgement upon Ahabs house he found Ahaziah King of Judah hid in Samaria and put him to death with the rest this news being brought to Athaliah his mother she set up her self Queen of Judah and at first she murthered the seed Royal of her own son to sit quietly in the Throne Yet to make good his word to David the Lord preserved Joash who was secretly stole away from amongst the Kings children by Jehosheba Ahaziahs sister and hid five years with his Nurse in the house of the Lord. Jehosheba was wife to Jehoiada the Priest by whose Counsel and help Joash was saved alive In the seventh year Jehoiada made Joash known to the Captaines of the Army and taking an Oath of them Guards were appointed the Kings son was brought forth and Crowned at which there was great rejoycing when Athaliah heard the great noise in the Temple she came forth to know the matter But seeing the King stand by the Pillar according to the usual manner of the Kings of Judah at their Coronation she rent her cloaths and cryed Treason Treason But Jehoiada commanded to lay hold on her and to have her out of the range of the Temple and to kill her which they did when she had reigned 7. years about Anno 3061. Joash or Jehoash was seven years old when he began to reign which was the seventh year of Jehu so soon as Joash was Crowned King Jehoiada caused a Covenant to be made between the King and the people and between the King people and the Lord and presently all the people went into the house of Baal and they destroyed it thoroughly Joash reigned well while Jehoiada lived yet the High places were not taken away but after the death of Jehoiada the Princes of Judah had full recourse to the King and by their flatteries the King was drawn to Idolatry that both the King and his Courtiers left off to worship God in the Temple and served Groves and Idols The Lord in mercy sent Prophets to reprove their sin and bring them back again but they would not harken to these then the Lord sent Zachariah the son of Jehoiada the Priest who dealt plainly both with the King and people he told them Because yea have forsaken the Lord the Lord also hath forsaken you and that was the reason they could not prosper This home preaching they could not digest and by the command of the King the good man was stoned to death in the Court of the Lords house though he was an extraordinary Prophet sent by God and the son of Jehoiada It 's a known truth Tyranny can know no relations when they are not any thing yet Zachariah left his bloud at their doors and appealing to the righteous God and Judge of all the earth who upon his death said The Lord look upon it and require it And the Lord did so For about the end of the year the Syrians came to Jerusalem with a small company and the Lord delivered a very great Host into their hand because they had forsaken the Lord God thus God executed his judgement against
Joash At this time Hazael King of Syria destroyed all those wicked Princes from among the people and to pacifie him Joash King of Judah took all the holy things dedicated by Jehoshaphat Jehoram and Ahazia his father with all the gold found in the Treasury of the Temple and in the Kings house and sent them to Hazael and he carryed them to Damascus this was a just and dreadful misery that the Kings sin especially brought upon the Jewes But the Lords hand stayed not there For Joash himself was afflicted with great diseases and for the bloud of the sons of Jehoiada the Priest his own servants conspired against him and kill'd him in his bed And after they buried him but not in the Sepulchres of the Kings This I would leave to consideration That none can stand long when they leave the Lord and the Lord forsakes them but a shameful end shall follow a wicked life this King reigned 40. years about Ann. mun 3100. In the second year of Joash son of Jehoahaz King of Israel Amaziah son of Joash King of Judah was set up King at his first coming to the Crown he did some good things in hypocrisie as his father did but when he was settled in the Kingdom he put to death those servants that killed his father After this Amaziah raised an Army of three hundred thousand choise men to make War with the Edomites yet thinking himself too weak he hired also 100 thousand mighty men of valour out of Israel But by a Prophet the King was admonished not to joyn with that Army of Israel because God was not with those Idolatrous wicked people upon which Amaziah dismist them but in much discontent they returned and taking the time they fell upon many Cities of Judah as they went flew 3000. of them and took much spoil Amaziah prospered in this battel and smote 10000. men and 10000. men which they took prisoners they carryed to the top of a steep Rock and threw them down that they were broken in pieces Amongst the spoil of the Edomites Amaziah took their gods and set them up to be his gods and burnt Incense to them Good Lord what folly will not wise and great men commit when God leaves them Amaziah was exceedingly lift up in this Victory and now he thinks to revenge the wrong done to him by the Army of Israel and therefore he sent a Challenge to Joash King of Israel The King of Israel was unwilling to meet Amaziah and disswaded him from it But Amaziah would not be so satisfied therefore Joash King of Israel went to Bethshemesh in the land of Judah and gave battel to Amaziah In this battel Judah was worsted and Amaziah taken prisoner The King of Israel now having the field he marched his Army to Jerusalem brake down the Wall took all the gold silver and vessels in the Lords house with the Treasures of the Kings house He also took Hostages for subjection and so lest Amaziah in Jerusalem This was in the 14. year of Amaziahs reign but Amaziah after this sell from the Lord the people conspired against him in Jerusalem upon which he sled to Lachish yet they sent after him and flew him there when he had reigned 29 years about Anno mundi 3129. After the Death of Amaziah Judah was without a King 13. years which this appears In the 15 year of Amaziah the son of Joash King of Judah Jeroboam son of Joash King of Israel began to reign And in the 27. year of Jeroboam King of Israel began Azariah son of Amaziah King of Judah to reign Now from the 15. of Amaziah to the 29. is 14. years to Jeroboams reign so that to the 27. of Jeroboam there must needs be an interval of 13. years to the Crowning of Amaziah about An. mun 3142. The People of Judah took Azariah son of Amaziah and made him King in his fathers stead At 16. years old Azariah was Crowned King of Judah in the 27. year of Jeroboam King of Israel Azariah or Uzziah did well in all the former part of his reign He was a man of War built divers Forts in Jerusalem and both built and took in several Cities he also did much in reformation of Religion and so long as he sought the Lord God made him to prosper But when he was strong his heart was lifted up in him to his destruction For he transgressed against the Lord his God by going into the Temple and usurping the Priests Office to burn incense upon the Altar Azariah the Priest with 80. Priests of the Lord went in after the King and withstood him and said It pertaineth not to thee Uzziah to burn Incense to the Lord but to the Priests the sons of Aaron that are consecrated for it Go out of the Sanctuary for thou hast transgressed neither shall it be for thy Honour Then was the King wroth with the Priests and presently the Leprosie rose upon his forehead and the Priests discerning of it they thrust him out from thence and he himself also hasted to go out because the Lord had smitten him After the King dwelt in a house several from others and was a Leper until the day of his death and Jotham his son was over the Kings house judging the people of the land● Uzziah or Azariah reigned 52. years about An. mund 3194. In the second year of Pekah King of Israel Jotham began to reign over Judah Jotham did according to all that his father Uzziah did before him but yet the High places were not taken away and the people did corruptly In his time he built the high Gate of the house of the Lord and built Cities and Forts Jotham became mighty because he prepared his waies before the Lord his God he was 25. years old when he began to reign and reigned 16. years about An. 3200. In the 17. year of Pekah King of Isreal Ahaz the son of Uzziah King of Judah began to reign He was 20. years old when he began to reign but he did wickedly and walked in the ways of the Kings of Israel and made his son to pass through the fire according to the abomination of the Heathen he made Moulten Images for Baalim and burnt Incense in the high places then Rezin King of Syria and Pekah son of Remaliah King of Israel joyned their forces and came up and laid siege to Jerusalem at this time the King of Syria recovered the City Elah which was taken from his Kingdom by Azariah King of Judah and between Rezin and Pekah they almost destroyed the Kingdom of Judah for the Lord delivered them into their enemies hands The King of Syria smote the Army of Ahaz and carryed away a great multitude of them to Damascus And Pekah slew in Judah 120000. valiant men in one
hath been fulfill'd in it and upon it that there is little to be accomplished I shall wholly pass over the State of Rome under all these former Governments and onely speak to the Imperial When the Romans had ended their War in France Civil War arose amongst themselves between Julius Caesar and En. Pompey his kinsman Pompey and Caesar were both Roman Generals and had great interest in the people But Pompey laying his design to get into sole power would have Caesar put out of his Consulship unlesse he would disband his Army Caesar could not think himself safe to dismiss his Souldiers yet did offer that he would do it if Pompey would do the like Yet this equal motion not being accepted Caesar presently speeded to his Army in France marched into Italy and there possessed himself of divers strong Holds This news being brought to Pompey he rallied his Army and gave Battel to Caesar. But in this Fight Pompey's Army was routed and Pompey himself fled into Egypt But where Pompey looked for requital of former kindness his low estate was now despised and Ptolomy King of Egypt fearing uprores in his Country by harbouring Pompey he caused Pompey to be treacherously slain and so Caesar came to sole power In the 5. year of this Civil War Julius Caesar returned to Rome and now enemies being vanquished abroad and the people pacisied at home Julius Caesar had the honour of Dictator but having the power of the sword he assumed Supreme Authority to himself chose Senators of his own party and conferred honours and Offices of the Weale-publike upon whom he pleased By this usurpation Caesar was lost much in the affections of the people in general and hated by divers So that conspiracies were made against him and at last he was murdered in the Senate the 15. of March the 5. moneth after he came to Rome by those he had shewn great kindness to The Roman Monarchy here took beginning and from hence I intend to trace the Emperours so long as the Roman Empire lasted and give a view to the world what beastly Monsters most of them were according to the Visions of them to Daniel After the death of Julius Caesar Octavius Augustus Caesars sisters son drew the Souldiers after him and pretended to put himself into Arms for the Wealepu like At this time the Government of Triumviri were established and the Rule given to Augustus and two of his friends But the greedy ambition of sole Authority ingendred strife amongst the three Governours M. Lepidus was soon deposed for conspiring against Augustus And not long after Augustus made War upon Antonius who had married the sister of Augustus for putting her away and marrying the Queen of Egypt In this War Augustus overcame and made Antonius and Cleopatra his new wife to kill themselves And thus Augustus came to the Empire of Rome Historians say Our Saviour Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin in the 42. year of the reign of Augustus That Christ was born in the reign of Augustus the Scripture assures us but to finde out the particular year of his reign we must consult Chronologers John Sleidan saith It was the 29. year of Augustus c. Yet these may be thus reconciled accounting 13. years of Augustus his reign as Triumviri and 29. in sole Government as Emperour the birth of Christ falls in the 42. year of Augustus after which he reigned 14. years and in all 56. and died Anno Christ. 15. After Augustus Tiberius his son in law took the Empire At first he seemed hard to be perswaded to accept the Crown and for some time did nothing of moment without the Senate But when he was well setled in the Throne he did what he pleased In the 15. year of Tiberius Jesus Christ was Baptized and entered upon his publike Ministry and suffered death in the 18. or beginning of the 19. of the reign of Tiberius Cytreus upon the 21. of Mat. hath it thus Our Saviour Christ Jesus when he had lived here on earth 33. years and something more suffered death for the Salvation of mankinde the 25. day of March in the 18. year of the reign of Tiberius In his reign also Steven was stoned John Baptist beheaded and Paul called In all Tiberius reigned 22. years and odd moneths An. Christ. 37. Caius Caligula now took the Imperial Scepter This Emperour abounded in cruelty Idolatty and pride forgetting he was but dust he claimed to himself the honour of God causing the people to pray to him and dedicated the Lords holy Temple in Jerusalem never before so defiled to new Caius as a famous God In the time of Caius Pilate who past Sentence of death upon Christ fell into a tormenting disease and to end his misery kill'd himself Also Herod that beheaded John was put down and banished Caius himself was also slain by his own Guard when he had reigned 3. years and 10 moneths An. 42. Claudius Uncle to Caius came next to the Throne He was a great Warrior and reduced many Countries to obedience to the Roman Scepter amongst others this Nation of England and married his daughter to Arviragus the King and in memory of that great solemnity he built Kaerlow now Glocester An. 44. When Claudius had borne the Crown 13. years 8. moneths and 20. daies he died An. 56. Nero took the next turn He past the former part of his reign quietly But after he was setled he fell into abominable wickedness his malice carried him beyond the bounds of humanity that he tormented to death his own mother his brethren and his wife Nero to all other evils raised the first persecution against the Christians In this persecution Peter and Paul the Apostles suffered Martyrdom and by this means the Gospel was much spread at which time it 's said The Gospel was brought into England by Joseph of Arimathea Upon the cruelty of Nero divers Countries rebelled and great troubles were raised in the Roman State but to prevent a deserved death by the sentence of the Senate Nero became his own executioner when he had reigned 13. years and 8. daies An. 69. The Empire at the death of Nero was in great disorder and the Sword bare the greatest sway By this means Galba was set upon the Throne yet he kept it but 7. moneths and 7. daies but was beheaded Otho succeeded Galba yet he continued his honour but for 3. moneths and he was slain Vitellius took the next turn who was Emperour but 8. moneths and he was dispatched Vespatian being now General of the Roman Armies sent against the Jewes the Army proclaimed Vespatian Emperour of Rome Hereupon the Emperour left the Government of the Army to his son Titus and himself returned to Rome At this time the Lord fulfilled the word of Prophesie in a great measure upon
Henry the 8. and was crowned at 9. years of age In the 2. year of his reign he did so much towards reformation that the Church-service was turned into English In the Kings Minority the Duke of Somerset was made Lieutenant Protector but not long after was committed to the Tower and after was beheaded at Tower-hill King Edward about 16. years of age fell sick and died when he had reigned 6. years 5. months and odd daies An. 1554. After the death of Edward Lady Jane wife to the Lord Clifford fourth son to the Duke of Northumberland was proclaimed Queen as given to her by Edward the 6. But Lady Mary eldest daughter to King Henry had the grater party and so came to the Crown She soon restored the Pope Cardinal c. to his former Supremacy over England and dashed the reformation begun and appointed the Church-service again in Latine To make sure Queen Mary beheaded the Lady Jano Clifford the Duke of Suffolk the Lord Clifford and others to take them off from laying claim to the Crown Yet she did not sit quiet in the Throne But to compleat her sin she drunk deep of the bloud of the Saints and sent many multitudes to heaven in fiery chariots The Queen married Philip Prince of Spain Yet the Lord shut up her womb that she had no child and cut her off when she had raged over the Saints in this Nation 5. years 4. months and odd daies Anno 1559. Elizabeth sister to Queen Mary now came to the Crown she again rejected the Pope and did something towards Reformation of Religion She had great honour in the hearts of the people and was a terror to forain Nations and reigned 45. years An. 1604. After Queen Elizabeth James King of Scots descended from Margaret daughter to Henry the 7. came to the Crown of England He was a man of much learning and writ divers Books But his practice answered not his light and professions How he passed over the death of his son Prince Henry was observed by many and how the Lord reached him at last many have said more then I will write King James sawyed the Scepter of England Scotland and Ireland 22. years 3. days An. 1626. Charles succeeded his father James Contrary to the counsel once given by King James to Heary his son Charles did marry with Henerietta Maria of France a Papist and gave her the liberty of her Religion by Articles of Marriage By her interest Popery was advanced through corrupt Bishops and the true worship of God was little known in England what the life of Charles was is yet fresh in the memory of most alive at this day He set all the three Nations on a fire that yet is not quenched nor is like to be In England Ireland and Scotland the sword hath spilt the bloud of many thousands and as he was worthy the Lord gave him bloud to drink who was beheaded at White-hall West minster January 30. An. 1649. when he had born the Crown 24 years 10. months and 7. days Thus as in a Map I have represented some remarkable passages in the rise and succession of Kings from Saul to our present Age. If this little be laid up in the minds of men by this taste you may judge much of all their Lives and Reigns that is vailed under the Curtain To my best skill I have only run down sacred and prophane History and have taken the relations of others and written their Stories But if so much wickedness came to light what was done in the dark that is open to the all-seeing eye of Heaven Surely a woful sad burden have this sort of men I may well say Monsters been to all People and Nations where-ever they were And that the Dragon the Beast and all their limbs shall be utterly destroyed by Jesus Christ who is King of Kings I question not I am perswaded the work is now upon the wheel and as Jesus Christ is imbraced here will appear more and more to clear up to the Saints another way of governing his people then yet we see There is nothing hinders but our unworthiness But if I may discover what I see yet afar off I conceive the Governours call'd and set up by Jesus Christ shall be like Jesus Christ himself humble self-denying Saints such as shall set up a publike and not a self-interest Such as shall ease burdens and not oppress Such as shall deliver the poor and not seed upon them Such as shall guide the people by the rule of Gods sacred word and not make lust and self-will their law and force it by a long Sword For certain if the Lord did not leave wise-men to themselves they could not but easily reade their own ruine by multiplied examples in all times God is the same yesterday to day and for ever And in the same way that God did manifest his righteousness and justice under the sacred Scriptures the same hath been the Lords providences and dispensations in the world ever since the Scriptures were written and as the Apostle expresseth it These things were written for our examples upon whom the ends of the world are come I may say sin was the rise of Monarchy sin hath been the strength of Monarchy and Monarchy hath been the punishment of sin ever since it was Therefore when the sin of Kings grew high the Lord stirred up some to punish pull down these Kings by the shedding of much bloud and exhausting of treasure But when such had got into the Kings State they did the same that the King did before them when their sin again was full the Lord raised up others to destroy them and their Families And this is the track of times But when Jesus Christ is truly received there shall be an end of this proud oppressing sort of men the Saints shall rule then judgement and righteousness shall run down like mighty streams Now for the accomplishment of these blessed promises wait and pray till Christ say It 's done AN EPITOMY OF PAPACY THat there was a Gospel Church in the City of Rome in the times of the Apostles is clear by Divine authority And that this Church of Christ had ordinary Church Officers Bishops and Deacons I think there is no question But the better to discover the Roman Antichrist two things have been in debate amongst the godly 1 Whether the first Bishops of the Churches of Christ had and did exercise by power given from Jesus Christ a Lordly and Soveraign Jurisdiction over the Saints in their particular Churches 2 Whether the power of one Bishop or Pastor by the institution of Jesus Christ did extend to divers Churches The judgements of many learned men are published to the World upon these needful questions yet I desire to assert my thoughts in this place First That ordinary Church Officers