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A51256 Instruction to the living, from the consideration of the future state of the dead, or, The doctrine of the resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment by Christ as evidenced in the testimony of Christ, as the sum of it was delivered at the funerall of Mrs. Elizabeth Harrison, in Boston, Jan. 1657/8 / by Tho. Moore Junior. Moore, Thomas, Junior. 1659 (1659) Wing M2603; ESTC R3375 92,440 70

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according to the severall degrees of their indignities and evill works of this nature For we know him that hath said vengeance belongs to me and I will repay And againe the Lord shall judge his people in that judgement of eternall damnation he will remember and recompense on the heads of evill doers all the injuries reproaches hard speeches and unlawfull deeds which ungodly sinners have spoken and done against them for his name-sake as Math. 25. 43-46 Yea every idle word and rebellious practise with every secret thing as it hath been commited against the light and power of his grace bringing salvation and moving to repentance shall then be remembred and put on their account together with the many opportunities of mercy put into their hands with seasonable warnings and the manifold patience and long suffering of God towards them And how and for what lying vanities all have been willfully and wickedly rejected by them and their hearts more fully set in them to do evill And none of their former righteousnesse or good workes that they have done shall ever be remembred for them But in the sin which they have done and finished they shall be for ever separated into that fire of the wrath of God that shall never be quenched where their worme dyeth not and their fire is not quenched It will be a most fearfull thing to fall into the hands of the liveing God under that judgement for he that made them will have no mercy on them he that formed them will shew them no favour repentance shall be hid from his eyes yea who knoweth the power of his anger of that wrath to come it shall be according to his greatnesse and terriblenesse and answerable to the infinitenesse of his grace towards sinners now that he might be feared yea answerable to the exceeding riches and glory of the hope of his called Heb. 10. 26-31 Math. 12. 36 18. 34. Eccles 12. 14. Rom. 2. 16 14. 9-12 Ezek. 33. 13 Iude 14. 15. Yea that which will be a great felicity to the one and misery to the other in which also the righteous judgement of God shall wonderfull be manifest is this The righteous shall in all this see their desire on their enemies yea he shall rejoyce when he seeth the vengeance and the snfoake of their torment ascending up for ever and for ever and that they have no rest day nor night Psal 112. 8. 58. 10 11 Revel 14. 10. 11. with ch 19 2. 3. For they shall then have no more pitty or bowels of mercy and compassion towards these as sometimes they had while the compassions of God was towards them now to have pitty or compassion towards them would be a misery seeing there is no more in God towards them and so no hope for them but this shall be part of their glory and song Righteous art thou oh Lord that hast judged thus Likewise also the wicked shall see their horn exalted with honour and shall be greived and gnash his toeth in the perfect remembrance of the many fair oportunities he hath rejected once and many a time graciously put in his hand for escapeing that place of torment and for being made meete to partake of the inheritance with the Saints in light Psal 112. 10. Let all be of this use to us 1. To instruct us not to mourn immoderately as those that have no hope concerning them that are asleep for if we beleive that Jesus dyed and rose even so them also which sleepe in Jesus God shall bring with him 1 Thesse 4. 13. 14. c. 2. To encourage to patient continuance in well doing and to be stedfast and unmoveable therein allways abounding in the work of the Lord knowing that ou● labour shall not be in vain in the Lord. In due season we shall reap if we ●aint not Ro. 2. 6. 7. 1 Cor. 15. 58. Gal. 6. 9. 3. To exhort all to eschew evill depart from it in the light and power of Gods grace leading to repentance and doe good while they have oportunity and it is in power of their hand to doe Be not only hearers of the word of God but doers of it in what it is working in you both to will and to doe of good pleasure let us not deceive our own soules For what a man soweth that shall he also reap he that soweth to his flesh shall of it reap corruption but he that soweth to the spirit shall of it reap life everlasting for the son man shall come in the glory of his Father and with his holy Angels and then shall reward every man according to his works then it will appear an unvalluable losse if a man shall gain the whole world and loose his soule Psal 34 14. 37. 27. Iam. 1. 19-25 Gall. 6. 7 8. 4. To admonish evill doers to awake to righteousnesse to stand in aw and not to sin against him who is yet waiting to be gracious for he is a God of judgement If sin be once finished it brings forth death in an utter separation to the wrath to come and to him belongs vengeance and he will repay Nor will there be any oportunity in the grave or after for escaping that righteous judgment on them that know not God nor obey his Gospell Wherefore the holy Ghost saith to day while it s called to day if ye will hear his voyce harden not your hearts for behold the great day of the Lord is coming that shall burn as an Oven and all the proud and evill doers shall be as stubble They shall then be made to heare to their everlasting woe and horror The same voyce that now they rejected when it might have been to their everlasting comfort For the houre is comeing in which all that are in the graves shall hear the voyce of the son of man and shall come forth they that have done good to the resurrection of life and they that have done evill to the resurrection of damnation FINIS
second appearing and the glorious manifestation and bringing downe of the Kingdome then And should not see it namely not in this day or time nor till they shall be gathered together with all that sleep in Jesus as appeares in the following part of that chapter Daniel shall then stand up in his lot yea frequently all that time of his appearing and Kingdome is called the day of the Lord the great and notable day as 2 Pet. 3. Malla 4. 5. one day being with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand yeares as one day The son of man his day the day in which the son of man shall be revealed Luk. 17. 24 30. The day of Christ Phil. 2. 16. And so here the hour or time of the son of man that is yet wholly to come In which shall be the most wonderfull and glorious putting forth of his mighty voyce And therefore as well as for other Reasons is that whole time of his appearing and of his Kingdome or glorious reigne on the earth called one time one day one hour though it may be as long or longer then this time of the ministeriall preaching of peace by Jesus Christ And that is may be so may be signified by its being called by the same name An hour yea that is the hour coming in which there shall be no such occasion for cutting short the time as there is and will be in this present hour I say if it should be never so long yet all of it is therefore called one hour one time one day of the Son of man Because as in this present hour of his ministeriall preaching peace There is no change of ministration or dispensation in which God doth or will speak and reveale himselfe to us As before there was Hebr. 1. 1 2. That his speaking to us by his owne Son is the last as we have shewed before even so in that hour that is coming there shall be no change or alteration of the state of things as they shall be renewed and set by him nor any more changes or overturnings of the Government or administration of it as now there is Till he whose right it is come and take it Psal 96. 10 c. with Isa 66. 22. Ezek. 21. 27. with Psal 75. 82. His seed shall endure for ever His Throne shall be as the Sun it shall be established for ever as the Moon Psal 89. 36 37. His Kingdome is an everlasting dominion which shall not pass away to another but be possessed by him who will deliver it to his Father when he hath destroyed all enemies and by his Saints with him for ever Dan. 7. 14 18 26 27. Revel 22. 5. Yea therefore also is it called the Day of Christ the great Day of the Lord because in it he shall see all the fruit of the travell of his soul in this day both in them that are saved and in them that perish he shall then see his seed that were now made willing in the day of his grace and powerfull Gospell and enjoy them with him in the full enjoyment of his infinite glory the fruit of his sufferings And he and they shall see their desire then on their Enemies that have wickedly persisted in their stubornesse all the day of his grace towards them In their everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and by his righteous judgment and the power of his mighty voyce that now would have saved them In which judgment he shall be glorified and the righteous shall rejoyce for ever As also appeares in the next consideration 3 That that time of the appearing and Kingdome of Jesus Christ is the time of the dead that they shall be raised and judged And that he should give rewards to his servants c. And should destroy them which destroy the Earth see for this Revel 11. 15 17 18. Likewise our Saviour plainly affirmeth that the son of man shall come in the glory of his Father and with his holy Angels And then shall he reward every man according to his works Math. 16. 27. yea the Apostle expresseth our position distinctly in so many words The Lord Jesus Christ shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and at his Kingdome which distinct mention of the time leades us to the next consideration in the text viz. 3 The intimation this text gives us of the order of the Resurrection of the dead and eternall judgment by Christ That those that have done good in this World shall be first raised and brought forth to the enjoyment of their glory and glorious rewards Before those that have done evill in this World shall be raised and brought forth to their everlasting punishment is intimated in the order observed by our Saviour in this declaration of it mentioning first the resurrection unto life of those that have done good and after that the resurrection unto damnation of those that have done evill yea the like order is observed wherever it is distinctly spoken of by the holy Ghost in the Scripture as in Dan. 12. 2. Many that sleep in the dust of the Earth shall awake where by many we may understand all of them according to our Saviours assertion in this text And then coming to the distinct mention of the severall sorts he observes the same order with our Saviour here Some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt So Paul Act. 24. 15. In his acknowledgement of the resurrection of the dead mentions first the resurrection of the just and then of the unjust Yet this we grant that the order of expressions doth not alwayes signifie an order of time in the coming forth of the things expressed or a distance of time between the coming forth of them But where the same order is alwayes observed by the holy Ghost speaking of the same things it is the more significant For this we finde that when he speakes of severall or distinct things in which he would not have us apprehend such an order of time in the coming forth of them or distance of time between them as might be intimated in the order of expressions he doth not then alwayes observe the same order in the expressions of them As for instance when he saith except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdome of God yet that we may not apprehend any such thing intimated in the order of expressions there or in the distinct manner of mentioning The water and the spirit as a double or two fold birth 1 Of Water 2 Of the spirit or a severall and divided coming forth of those principles for effecting the new birth first of the water by it selfe secondly of the spirit by it selfe Therefore the holy Ghost doth not alwayes observe the same order when speaking of the same things Yea our Saviour changeth that order in his explication of that Doctrine and therein of those principles of Regeneration
is in this World so are they but when Christ who is their life shall appear then shall they also appear with him in glory Yea at the time of the naturall and bodily death The difference between them is wider and so fixed or firmely made that it can never more be altered The righteous hath hope in his death yea from thenceforth more then ever blessed for they rest from their labours their spirits with the Lord which is far better then to be in the flesh or body as in this its corruptible state yea their dead body sleepes in union with Jesus by reason of which it shall arise and come with him they are now wholly out of the reach of the enimies they have no more that they can doe and their works follow them But on the other hand the wicked is driven away in his wickednesse the hope of the hipocrite shall then perish Then and from thence they are shut up in prison to the judgement of the great day Yea from thence forth for ever shut out driven forth into outer darknesse where shall be weeping wailing and gnashing of teeth Pro. 14 32. Job 8. 13. 27. 8 1 Pet. 3. 19. 20. 2 Pet. 2. 9. Math. 22. 13. Yea from that time between these two there is a great gulfe fixed that he that would passe from the one to the other cannot Luk. 16. 26. But yet this difference is not visible nor otherwise to be seene but by faith Therefore here we walke by faith and not by sight But there shall be a visible and man●fest difference made and infinitly great between him that feareth God and him that feareth him not between the sheep and the Goats in that day Mall 3 16. 17. 18. Mat. 25. 31. c. The one shall come forth to the resurrection of life the other to the resu●rection of damnation First they that have done good to the resurrection of life 1. In the resurrection they shall come forth in a glorious state of life capable of enjoying and possessing in soule and body reunited that eternall life that is now in Christ with God These bodies that are now vile and mortall shall then put on immortality and be fashioned into the likenesse of his glorious body we waite for the adoption that is the redemption of the the body Phil. 3. 21. Rom. 8. 23. 2. They shall then come forth unto the full enjoyment and possession of that eternall life that is in the face and presence of God in the light of his countenance and glorious fellowship with him for they shall see him as he is and be glorified together with him and so be ever with the Lord in the glorious enjoyment of his joy and glory which eye hath no seen besides thee oh God nor hath it entred into the heart of man to perceive or comprehend how great and glorious things are contained in that hope and promise of eternall life which God hath laid up and reserved in heaven for them They shall then and from thence for ever fully and gloriously possesse all the glorious reward end and fruit of his sufferings and sacrifice for them yea as the fruit of that there shall then be a particular and everlasting remembrance of all their service of him and suffering for his name in their generation yea all the fruits of faith and love that have been brought forth by them shall then be remembred and recompensed at the resurrection of the just Isa 61. 3-6 7. 1 Cor. 15. 58. 2 Cor. 4. 10-17 Luk. 14. 14. Math. 25. 33-40 And none of their former iniquities transgressions or sins shall be retained or remembred against them for ever nor any of the fruit of them any more sustained or tasted by them Psal 130. 8. Isa 25. 8. Revel 7. 14-17 21. 4. 5. Then they shall be compleatly enriched and beautified with the perfection of that knowledge of him Peace and joy in him conformity to him and fellowship with him which now they enjoy through faith but in some first fruits or earnest of the spirit Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection on such the second death hath no power but they shall be Priests and Kings unto God and shall raigne with Christ on the earth 1000 yeares yea they shall be ever with the Lord partakeing off and possessing his glory Revel 20. 6. and 5. 10. 1 Joh. 3. 1 2. 1 Thess 4. 14-17 Secondly after that first resurrection and yet in that great day of the Lord in the time of that administration of his kingdome on the earth as is shewed before They that have done evil shall come forth to the resurrection of damnation Even of eternall damnation 1. In their resurrection they shall come forth not in such a quallity or state of mortalliy as they were now in from Adam But made alive from that death And so from the power of it and of the grave in such a state or quallity as they can never more cease to be and to retaine a sencible being from that time and for ever in the lake of fire where their worme dyeth not and their fire is not quenched Their raised bodies yea the being of soule and body in that state of the resurrection shall be such as no torments whatsoever no not the everlasting burnings that shall be kindled by the breath of the Lord shall ever put an end to the being of either or cause a separation between them as the first death did though far lesse terrible and grievous then this they being then in that weake and mortall state as from Adam And under the ordinance of that death But now in this state in which they shall come forth in the resurrection there shal be no darkness nor shadow of death in which the workers of iniquiry may hide themselves death and hell or the grave when they are raised out of it shall be cast into the lake of fire with them this is the second death Job 34. 22. Hose 13. 14. 1 Cor. 15. 22. 26. Revel 20. 14. 2. And so they shall come forth to the resurrection of Damnation even to receive by the righteous judgement of him that dyed for them as it shall be fully evidenced according to the Gospell to his glory in their condemnation that dreadfull sentence in the full and eternall execution of it depart from me yee workers of iniquity goe yee cursed into everlasting punishment even into everlasting fire prepared for the devill and his Angells Math. 25. 31. 32 41 46. Mark 3. 29. 9. 43 46. They shall be for ever utterly separated from his face and presence and without any mixture of mercy suffer in soule and body for ever the utmost vengeance and torment that is the proper wages of and belongs to him to repay for their treading under foote the son of God counting an unholy thing the bloud of the covenant wherewith they were sanctified and offering despite unto the spirit of grace
unto him even to the man Christ Jesus He is the Mediator between God and men who gave himselfe a ransome for all to be testified in due time And this that all men should honour the Son even as they honour the Father that they should acknowledge his right of Lordship by purchase and redemption and by the Fathers gift to be as large and full as is the Fathers right of Lordship by Creation and absolute propriety in And liberty to dispose of them as his Creatures for the Father hath committed all judgment to him as the Son of Man whence also his ability and fitnesse to judge is the same with the Fathers for the Father hath now actually glorified him in mans nature with his own selfe the glory he had with him before the World was haveing finished the works the Father gave him to doe on Earth which were also so accepted as finished with the Father from the beginning of the World He hath put his spirit on him to bring forth judgment to the Gentiles so that he stands in the strength of the Lord and in the Majesty of the name of the Lord his God Joh. 11. 4 5. Math. 28. 18. Isa 42. 1 6. with ch 11. 1 2. Mich. 5. 4. That Men in honouring him might honour the Father in him and that in hearing his word and through and according to it believing on the Father that sent him and whosoever so doth the Father through that word and according to it justifies them and makes them partakers of eternall life and the rest he holds under condemnation by and according to the same word doctrine law and rule of the Son of Man so bearing witnesse of him yea that men might honour him The glory the Father hath given him is such as in which he is infinitely strengthened fitted and appointed to call all the ends of the Earth as Isa 55. 4 5. 45. 22. Psal 50. 1. Math. 28. 18 19 20. Mark 16. 15 Luk. 24. 47. Act. 3. 22 26. And that in the name and power of God his Father in such wise as to make the dead to hear to open the blinde eyes and awaken those dead in sins or make his word so powerfull to the awakening them that they might in hearing hear even in the light and power of his voyce in the Gospell as that is by any meanes of his appointment witnessed preached to them and that they that in hearing doe heare may be quickned and made alive by it For as the Father hath life in himselfe so he hath given to the Son to have life in himselfe and hath given him authority to execute judgment also both here and hereafter because he is the Son of Man 3 In the verses under consideration he compleates the discovery of the excellency of his person and works and his singular one-nesse with the Father in declar●ng those greater and more glorious works which the Father will after shew and bring forth by him in the generall Resurrection and judgment And with this also corrects their sinfull marvelling at what he had before declared Marvel not at this for the hour is coming in the which all that are in the Graves shall hear his voyce and shall come forth c. The end and scope of our Saviour then in the text appeares to be to discover the excellency of his person and works as he is God-man the word made flesh the son of God the son of man and therein to teach and lead into the understanding and usefulnesse of things to come even of the resurrection of the dead and of eternal judgment by Jesus Christ he is Lord of all And ended this is the prime end and scope of all Scriptures to bear witnesse of Christ Joh. 5. 39 as the Son of God the Saviour of the world the Lord by purchase and so the Judge also of quick and dead 1 Joh. 4. 14. Act. 10. 36 42. yea this is the way of the holy Ghost in them to teach all things and lead into all truth and so to shew even things to come in the demonstration of him or by glorifying him and that in taking of his things and shewing them Therein he commends and displayes the compassionate love mercifull kindnesse and pitty of God to sinners Joh. 3. 16 17. Rom. 5. 5 6 7 8. his faithfulnesse and readinesse in giving all things with him Rom. 8. 32. And to accept all comers into delightfull love and favour without upb ayding or respect of persons 2 Cor. 5. 17. with verses 14 15. Act. 10. 34 35 43. As also his unspeakable terror against scorners that will break forth afterward if while it is to day they receive not the love of the truth to save them 2 Cor. 5. 11. 14 15. Hebr. 10. 29. Yea there he shewes mans sinfulnesse vilenesse and deadnesse in shewing him in whom his help is 2 Cor. 5. 14. And so the unprofitablenesse of all his works and therewith also the greatnesse of the evill of unbeliefe and unthankfulnesse of loving and chusing darknesse when light comes Joh. 16. 8 9 10. yea thereby he leades into all truth and so shewes things to come vers 13 14. The word of the beginning of Christ being the Doctrinall foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith towards God and of the Doctrine of Baptismes and of laying on of hands and of the resurrection of the dead and eternall judgement Hebr. 6. 1 2. Called therefore the great things of his Law the vision of all Hose 8. 12. Isa 29. 11. with ch 28. 12 16. The key of knowledge Luk. 11. 42. 52. That by an exercise of faith in him according thereto we might reape the profit and use of all Scriptures 2 Tim. 3. 15. The way in which our Saviour proceeds in pursuance of the forementioned scope and end in these verses is 1 By warning or admonishing them against sinfull marvelling such as is the proper fruit and issue of unbeliefe and an impediment to faith for there is a marvelling that 's good and commendable such as is of faith an esteeming reverencing and so admiring the unsearchable depth and excellency of the truth wisdome and goodnesse of the things believed and perceived as passing all understanding and knowledge such as that Rom. 11. 31. with Eph. 3 18 19. Phil. 4. 7. Psal 40. 5. and 71. 15 17. But that marvelling that 's not of faith but an impediment to it such as in which a man lookes upon the things set before him in thy testimony of God concerning Christ as strange absurd and incredible because he cannot comprehend it by reason such as that in Nicodemus how can this thing be Joh. 3. 9. like that Joh. 12. 34. with Hosea 8. 12. and Isa 29. 9 12. Against this our Saviour admonisheth them marvell not at this namely that which he had already declared of the present power of the voyce of the son of God by reason of the glory which the Father had given him
in mans nature 2. By asserting to them and instructing them into the generall resurrection of the dead both just and unjust by the same voyce of the Son of Man and his rendering to every man according to his works then And this as an antidote against their sinfull marvelling Whence in generall we may note this instruction signified to us that the Doctrines of the Resurrection of the dead and of eternall judgment by the voyce of the Son of Man are very fit and powerfull to strengthen faith in Christ And so in God for all that he hath said or promised against all the corrupt reasonings of the carnall mind or of the wisdome of the flesh they are mighty weapons through God to the pulling down of strong holds casting down Imaginations and every thing that exalts it selfe against the knowledge of Christ and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ 2 Cor. 10. 4 5. Hence it is that the tasting of the powers of the World to come Hebr. 6. 5. is so placed as answering to the Doctrine of the Resurrection of the dead and of eternall judgment vers 2. signifying that those doctrines of the World to come are very powerfull to the correcting and silenceing carnall disputings and sinfull marvellings and so proved or tasted in the prevalency of them on the spirits of such as believingly consider them as 2 Cor. 4. 14 16 17 18 and 5. 1 10. Whence this apprehension of God as one that quickeneth the dead and calleth those things that be not as though they were yea he makes them to be in his so calling them as he commanded light to shine out of darknesse This is mentioned as that which strengthened Abraham against hope to believe in hope Rom. 4. 17. Yea that God raiseth the dead as the truth of that is evidenced in his having raised up Christ our Lord as the surety in man's nature from the dead In which he hath delivered us from so great a death and given assurance unto all men that he will raise them from the dead and judge them by that man whom he hath so ordained And also as it s manifested by and through Christ in his quickening all things and dayly delivering and saveing in deaths and from the evill of them as the Saviour of all men especially of them that believe This is declared as that which did strengthen the faith and hope of the Apostles and Believers in greatest tribulations and deaths and against all unlikelyhoods and impediments 2 Cor. 1. 9 10. 1 Tim. 4. 10. and 6. 13 For 1. Herein his infinite power for doing whatsoever he pleaseth is lively presented in the evidence and demonstration of the spirit that is in that Doctrine as contained and held forth in the testimony of Christ hence Abraham retaining such an apprehension of him as forementioned was fully perswaded that whatever he had promised he was able to performe And therefore when he was tryed offered up his onely begotten Son accounting that God was able to raise him up even from the dead from whence also he received him in a Figure Rom. 4. 20 21. Hebr. 11. 17 19. This great power of God in Christ as evidenced in his raising the dead would being believingly minded powerfully silence those sinfull marvellings in which men are vainly disputing against his words and unwisely inquiring concerning his works As how can it be that the works of Creation and providence should be witnesses of Gods goodnesse that is in and through Christ and so leading to repentance This consideration I say would correct and silence them that it is God that raiseth the dead and quickeneth all things and will bring all men out of their Graves to his judgment seat by Christ he it is that hath spoken it and of his own work to shew and manifest it in such wise Therefore our Saviour here propounds this Doctrine to correct their sinfull marvelling at that declaration of the present power of and in his voyce in the severall preachings of it in which it is by him sent forth to men vers 25. The hour is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the voyce of the son of God and they that hear shall live Marvell not at this says he for the hour is coming in the which all that are in the Graves shall hear his voyce and shall come forth c. And if it should not be thought a thing incredible that God should raise the dead and that by the man Christ and by the voyce and power of his word why should it be thought incredible that the same word as now witnessed and preached to men by any meanes of his appointment should be so powerfull as to open the blind eyes and make the dead to hear that in hearing they might hear and live why say some men this cannot be without power or free-will in man as of him to such hearing seeing the same voyce shall raise the dead bodies out of their Graves 2 In this Doctrine also is the discovery of a reward then to be rendered by him that is now preached to them and that according to every mans work after the Gospel rule of judgment And this Discovery being also with the evidence and demonstration of the spirit that accompanyes that whole Doctrine of Christ and especially in the plain and faithfull ministration of it puts an admonition upon mens spirits not to dally with him and with their own soules now while it is to day to beware of murmuring among themselves and lifting up Imaginations in opposition to the light and power of his testimonies to give more earnest heed to his words while they have opportunity that are able to beget and strengthen faith As perceiving in this Discovery of things to come that it is eternall life and eternall death that is set before them And the present opportunity is only theirs for chusing the one through the grace of God bringing salvation and for avoyding and fleeing from the other Therefore our Saviour uses this as a powerfull motive to warn men not to murmur among themselves now not only that no man can come to him except the Father which had sent him to draw them do draw him But also that whether they now come to him in his gracious drawings or no they shall come to him he will raise them up at the last day and bring them before his judgment seat Joh. 6. 43 44. with vers 36 37 39. And then those that now were incensed against him and would not come to him for life shall bow before him and acknowledge him Lord to the glory of God and justify him in their own everlasting destruction These and the like considerations in this Doctrine made it so powerfull on the spirits of the Apostles as we reade 2 Cor. 5. 9 10 11. 2 Tim. 4. 1 8. We may also here learn by our Saviours example how to answer correct and silence such sinfull marvellings in
had sent divers servants before last of all he sent the Son himself Math. 21. 37. 2 We come next to enquire what is that hour or time immediately succeeding or coming next after that time of the ministeriall preaching of Jesus Christ forementioned After the finishing of which there shall be no more meanes used nor time afforded to the World that now is nor shall there ever be any more need of such gifts or such exercise of them as is now appointed for the work of the ministry by the Saints in this time of their imperfection though the matter of the voyce preached shall then be the matter of their song and gloriously commemorated by them among all the Nations in the World to come The hour or time then coming after and immediately succeeding that hour or time mentioned in vers 25. Cannot be in any time or ages of the World that now is nor untill the second personall appearing of Jesus Christ from Heaven For till then this time forementioned lasts And is therefore called the last time or age of the World that now is as we have already shewed The time therefore under consideration must needs be the time of the World to come which immediately followes at the heeles of this and upon that second and glorious appearance of the mighty God our Saviour as 2 Pet. 3. So that it is the World to come of which we speak and of which our Saviour speakes in this 28 verse The hour is coming in the which all that are in the Graves shall hear his voyce and shall come forth some to the Resurrection of life and others to the Resurrection of damnation It is the time of his glorious personall appearing from Heaven upon earth to put an end to the World that now is And create new Heaven and new earth and restore the whole Creation And the time of his glorious Kingdom on the earth in the World to come in which all things shall be visibly and gloriously subdued to him 2 Tim. 4. 1. After which time shall be no more Now then that there shall be such a time after the ministeriall preaching of peace by Jesus Christ hath been continued its time for a witnesse to all Nations such a time I say as in which the Son of man shall personally appear from Heaven on the Earth in that glory he now possesseth for us in Heaven in that body in which he bore our sins to the Tree And shall then put an end to the World that now is and make new Heavens and new Earth and take to him his great power and reigne on the Earth till all his enemies be subdued And that all that whole time of his appearing and Kingdom is called one time or day of the son of man the great day of Christ the hour or time that is coming and not yet come And that that time or day of his appearing and Kingdom is the time of the dead that they shall be raised and judged See a little of the Scriptures Testimony to each of these 1 That there shall be such a time after the ministeriall preaching of peace by Jesus Christ as aforesaid see Peters Testimony Act. 3. 19 20 21. of the times of refreshing which saith he shall come from the presence of the Lord when he shall send us Jesus Christ who before saith he was presence unto you namely before that time of Gods sending him again viz. in this present hour or time that now is after the finishing of which God shall send us the same Jesus whom they crucified in the glory which he now possesseth for us whom the Heaven must receive till the Restitution of all things which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy Prophets since the World began To which agrees the testimony of the Angels this same Jesus which is taken up from you into Heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him goe into Heaven Act. 1. 11. As he appeared once in the last Ages of the World in that one body which the Father prepared for him in our nature to put away sin by the sacrifice of himselfe and so was once offered to beare the sins of many So he shall appear the second time in the same body but without sin or any imputation or fruites of it upon him even in the glory he now possesseth for us to the utmost salvation of those that now look for him Hebr. 9. 26 28. Those that have their conversation in Heaven do look for the Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ from Heaven as Phil. 3. 20. Coll. 3. 4. Tit. 2. 13. And though others scoffe at the promise of his coming yet that day of the Lord will come to them as a Theife in the night In the which the Heavens shall pasle away with a great noise and the Elements shall melt with servent heate the Earth also and the works therein shall be burnt up And so it shall be as the dayes of Noah and of Lot to the dissolving all these things and putting an end to this corruptible state of the World Luk. 17. 25 30. Neverthelesse we according to his promise look for new Heavens and a new Earth in which dwelleth righteousnesse 2 Pet. 3. 4 14. yea in that his coming he shall still sit on the right hand of power Math. 26. 64. and reigne on the earth ministring judgment to the people in righteousnesse Psal 9. 7 8. 96. 13. 2 Tim. 2. 12. Rev. 5. 10. 20. 4 6. And then when he takes to him his great power and reignes as Rev. 11. 17. all things shall be visibly and gloriously subject to him for he shall put down all rule power and authority and reigne till all his enemies be put under his feet and then deliver up the Kingdom to the Father and God shall be all in all when time shall be no more 1 Cor. 15. 23 28. with Hebr. 2. 5 8. 2 That all that whole time of his glorious personall appearing and Kingdome is together and by it selfe as distinguished from the first day of the son of man In which he once personally appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himselfe and hath abollished death And in which also he personally began and mediately continues a gracious and spirituall ministration bringing life and immortallity to light through the Gospell I say as distinguished from that whole day or time of the son of man All this time of his glorious appearing and Kingdome is called one of the dayes of the son of man Luk. 17. 22. Where after he hath told the Pharisees that the Kingdome of God cometh not with observation ourward shew of glory or worldly pomp as they expected But that the Kingdome of God was now amongst them brought to them in the ministration and preaching of it by him he then further tells his Disciples that they should desire to see one of the dayes of the son of man namely that of his
so believing on him for it is said to wait through the spirit for all the hope of righteousnesse by faith Gall. 5. 5. He believes on him that justifyeth the ungodly His faith is counted for righteousnesse Rom. 4. 5. And in the latter end of that Chapter he thus expresseth it It shall be imputed to us for righteousnesse if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead who was delivered for our and was raised again for our Justification In both compared it appears not only that Gods justifying the ungodly in every sence in which he doth it is in and through the Resurrection of Christ from the dead for our Justification who was delivered for our offences which is signified in that one is put for another his raising Christ from the dead in the close of the Chapter supplyes the Room of his justification the ungodly in the fifth verse As shewing the ground of it and how he doth it righteously as Rom. 3. 24 25 26. I say not only this appeares but also in both this further is signified that Gods justifying the ungodly in and through the Resurrection of Christ from the dead who was delivered for our offences and raised again for our justification This is the Root the ground and foundation of this faith of the opperation of God which is counted to men for righteousnesse This is that from whence the heart is begotten moved and strengthened to its satisfaction and rest in him dependance and waiting on him for righteousnesse and so seeking righteousnesse and strength in the Lord even this known and believed in the light and strength of Gods testimony That he justifyeth the ungodly having raised Christ from the dead So then there must needs be in this faith which is counted to men for righteousnesse 1 A believing God as Rom. 4. 3. A believing the testimony or record he hath given of his Son 1 Joh. 5. 9 12. viz. That God hath raised him from the dead Rom. 4. 24 25. 10. 9. And so the revelation he hath given of himselfe in his Son that he justifyeth the ungodly 2 A resting in him believing or depending on him from that perswasion and in the light and power of it for righteousnesse And so much is distinctly expressed in the explication of the doing good spoken of in this Text vers 24. He that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation c. with reference to which he saith in this Text. They that have done good shall come forth to the resurrection of Life For our better and more usefull understanding of this saith or believing which is unto righteousnesse we shall first and chiefly apply our selves to some consideration of the word or Doctrine of faith in which the ground and foundation of faith is declared and which being with the heart believed is unto righteousnesse and then more briefly speak to the saith or believing in both the branches The hearing his word or believing God in his Word or Testimony And the believing on him through and according to it 1 The Word or Doctrine of faith which being with the heart believed according to the manifestations of it given us is unto righteousnesse is expressed in the verses before the Text to be the word or voyce of the Son of Man even of the only begotten Son of God in Mans nature The word record or testimony of or concerning him and of the Father in him As that is already given forth in these last dayes by him and is true to be heard and believed by every man The preaching of peace by Jesus Christ he is Lord of all It is first and directly a record or testimony concerning Christ and yet it is also and in the same a testimony or revelation of the Father in and through Christ And so sometimes the record or testimony as it is more directly of Christ or concerning him is delivered as the sum of that whole word or Doctrine to be heard and believed with the heart as Rom. 10. 9. That God hath raised up Christ from the dead and so Rom. 4. 24 25. where he addes who was delivered for our offences and raised again for our justification The revelation of the Fathers name being in this testimony And sometimes also that revelation of the Fathers name and glory that is given forth in Christ according to this Testimony of him is given as a summary Declaration of the whole Testimony to be so heard and believed it being the sum and result of the whole as 1 Joh. 1. 5. This then is the message even the sum of that ministration of the word of Life which they had received to declare unto others mentioned in the former verses That God is light and in him is no darknesse at all So in that Rom. 4. 5. That God justifyeth the ungodly is given us as an abridgment of the whole word of faith It being the summing up conclusion or result of the whole testimony of God concerning Christ And in the verses before the Text both are wonderfully compact together The testimony of God concerning Christ and the manifestation or revelation of God in Christ as it should after more explicatively be brought forth And that both First in the fundamentall part of it The Father judgeth no man but hath committed all judgment to the Son that all men should honour the Son even as they honour the Father c. And secondly In the superstructure or consequentiall part of it He that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation like that in both parts 1 Joh. 5. 10 11 12 13. We shall speak to it in our explication first and chiefly as it is the Testimony or record of God concerning Christ Jesus the Lord comprized in this that God hath raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead who was delivered for our offences and was raised again for our justification This being given us as the sum and abridgment of the whole word or voyce of Christ or Testimony of God concerning him whence who so in hearing heareth shall live Rom. 4. 24 25. with ch 1. 1 4. 2 Tim. 2. 8. 1 Cor. 15. 11-15 Rom. 10. 9. This abridgment of it being also most suitable to the Text and occasion in this testimony of Christ delivered as the sum of the word of faith and doctrinall ground of it Is 1 An acknowledgment and profession of Jesus to be the Lord carryed in the face of it And 2. A testification that God hath raised him up from the dead as expressed both in Rom. 4. 24 25. and in ch 10. 9. 1 An acknowledgment and profession of Jesus to be the Lord even that Jesus of Nazareth of the seed of David after the flesh That he is the only begotten Son of God that was in the beginning with the Father and of the Father the same
of their sins and eternall life Joh. 3. ●7 Luk. 9. 56. 1 Tim. 2. 4 5 6. with Psal 68. 18 19 20. Isa 42 18 19 21. Joh. 6. 40. The Resurrection of Christ then being the Resurrection of him who was delivered for our offences must needs be in an answerable sence for our justification 1. Such it is as in which he for us or in our stead is justifyed and acquit of all the sins imputed to him And so the whole nature all mankind are in him justified freely by the grace of God through the redemption that is in Jesus from all sins after the first consideration in which they have already sinned and with which they are polluted as considered without and before the gift and grace by it as aforesaid Rom. 3. 23 24. So as the Father judgeth no man but hath committed all judgment to the Son Joh. 5. 22. As the offence of one was unto all to condemnation So the righteousnesse of one perfected in his Resurrection from the dead is unto all to justification of life that they might live to him that dyed for them and rose again Rom. 5. 18. 2 Cor. 5. 14 15. Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the Law Under which otherwise we must all have been banished from God for ever Gall. 3. 13. with 2 Sam. 14. 14. So that though we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God And sin be in us and death upon us as a naturall heritage while in these bodies and the ordinance of God remaines still firm concerning the whole kind That we must all needs once dye yet no man shall perish for ever in that death nor according to that rule or judgment for as in Adam all dye so in Christ shall all be made alive and appear before his judgment Seat where this shall be the only condemning sin that when light came they loved darknesse refused to be healed He having suffered the judgment of this World and being lift up from the Earth will draw all men to him yea so is the guilt of this naturall uncleannesse removed from before God that no man is thereby or therefore necessarily kept out from God The wrath thereby procured being suffered by him is taken away in his Resurrection An effectuall dore of repentance opened and the grace of God by him bringing salvation and leading to repentance in due time He having by himselfe purged namely the Heavens themselves and so taken away from before the Father the guilt off our sins even all the sins and trespasses of the World in which we were dead and heyres of wrath by nature and which were imputed to him without the purging of which from before the Throne of God he could not have been accepted and set down there for us having by himselfe purged them away he is now set down on the right hand of God That repentance and remission of sins might be preached in his name that the goodnesse of God by him might lead men to repentance And all comers by him might be made accepted in him Hebr. 1. 3. with ch 9. 23. Luk. 24. 46 47. All our sins after that first consideration are covered and his wrath so procured taken away that we shall not perish in it nor be kept out from God by it as also is hinted tipically Psal 85. 2 3. 2. His resurrection is for our justification from the sins of the second or following consideration so as that by and through him while it s yet to day we might be justified saved and washed from them in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the spirit of our God He is therein and thereby impowred in the name of the Father to justifie the ungodly And hath received gifts in the man not only for men as sinners in Adam and from him and for their helpfullnesse as so considered but for the rebellious also that the Lord God might dwell amongst them His resurrection and exaltation in our nature and in that body in which he was so delivered for our offences as aforesaid is so for our justification from those sinnes that are yet imputed to us and retained in Heaven against us or any of us while we continue in them even from such as deserve and bring us under the sentence of the wrath to come That repentance and remission of sins is still preached in his name to such as yet treasured up in him for them And forbearance granted during the time of his preaching who in all this is a testimony in due time to them having given himselfe a ransome for them And being in the vertue thereof the Mediator between God and them And is so giving repentance and remission of sins to them even to them that yet receive it not that they might receive it in the opportunity of it and in the light and power of his givings And so his resurrection in all this fruit of it is for their justification that yet while it is to day their eyes might be opened and they turned from darknesse to light and from the power of Satan to God that they might receive forgivenesse of sins and inheritance among them that are sanctified by faith in Christ which also in his resurrection and exaltation he is impowred and appointed in the name of the Father so to give unto them that through his grace believe as to make them partakers of it through the same name Act. 10. 40 43. See this branch of the Doctrine of Christ and of his Resurrection being for our justification from such sins and in such wise as is mentioned in this last consideration which evidently includes and takes for granted the truth of the former See I say this branch distinctly and expresly spoken too and delivered as the sum of the word of faith for the encouragement and admonition of such rebellious sinners yet to repent and look to him and hope in his mercy Act. 5. 30 31. God having raised up Jesus whom they flew had exalted him with his right hand for to give repentance to Israell to rebellious Israell that had seen and hated and against much light and many convincements and warnings had crucified the Lord of Glory yet to give repentance to Israell And the forgivenesse of sins as also ch 2. 22 39. 3. 14 19. 26. Likewise ch 13. 37-39 40. Because God had raised him from the dead and he saw no corruption Be it known unto you therefore saith the holy Ghost That through this man is preached unto you even you his crucifiers the forgivenesse of sins And by him all that believe are justified from all things from which they could not be justified by the Law of Moses even from such sins as that Law provided no tipicall Justification from whence he admonisheth to beware of despiseing such abundant grace least their condemnation be aggravated thereby like that Psal 68. 18-21 So other Scriptures set him forth to be Jesus Christ the righteous And as
necessity of ceasing from a mans own works that he may attain righteousnesse yea that this cessation is in and with that believing that is imputed for righteousnesse The working here mentioned and the believing on him that justifies the ungodly cannot stand together There is then in this believing with the heart which is unto righteousness A ceasing from a mans own works an entring into rest as Hebr. 4. which also answers to that instruction in the verses before the Text shewing the hearing his word and believing on him that sent him to be such as in which the Son is honoured and so the Father in him who is not truly honoured or gloryed in without this ceasing from our own works in which is a relinquishing all glorying in the flesh and not suffering it to glory or lift up it self in his presence Phil. 3. 3-10 1 Cor. 1. 29-31 with Jer. 9. 23 24. 1. The hearing his word Joh. 5. 24. The believing God Rom. 4. 3. in his testimony or record that he hath already given of his Son as 1 Joh. 5. 9-12 This is the first and fundamentall act in this faith of the opperation of God where this is with the heart and unfeined there is equally the other act or acts in it produced by the power of the word of truth so believed Therefore this alone is given as a description of that whole faith of the opperation of God wherwith a man believes to righteousnesse Rom. 10. 9 10. with ch 4. 3. Such it is as in which a man being enlightened and made to hear by the preventing grace of God in which the voyce of the Son of God in the witnesses of Gods goodnesse that is in and through him or in the preaching of peace by him comes to him even to his spirit by Gods spirit in and through the meanes vouchsated opening the eyes and eares of his mind with which grace God in and by Christ prevents every man in due time and alwayes before he require any hearing or receiving of them Such I say as in which a man in that enlightening and perswasion that is in that evidence and demonstration of the spirit in which his testimony that he hath already given comes to them Falls down before it gives glory to it as to the word of the Lord ceasing from his own thoughts words and works on Gods holy day even in the day of Gods power or powerfull word coming to him he is in that evidence and demonstration of the spirit in it perswaded of the truth goodnesse and faithfullnesse of it in it selfe and in all it saith and embraceth it esteemes loves receiveth and reverenceth it as the word of God and not of man As a good word a faithfull saying worthy to be received with all acceptation as the truth which teacheth all things and of which is no lye And accordingly rejoyeeth in it as having found all riches and that which answers all needs and is worthy to be submitted too and that all reproved by it should be parted with for it and so with meeknesse receives the ingrafted word that is able to save the soul without inward wrath murmurings or disputeings against it Ceasing from the workings of their own thoughts reasonings or Imaginations and so from consulting with the Doctrines and traditions of men that life up themselves against the knowledge of God suffering them to fall before it as the weapons thereof are mighty through God to cast them down they let God be true and themselves and every man lyars Neither seeking to measure or comprehend this light or word of truth brought to them by the darknesse of their reason or Imagination or by Philosophy and vain deceite after the traditions of men But perceiving in this light every man to be brutish in his knowledge as Jer. 10. 14 23. with Prov. 30. 2 3 4. They fall down in the sence and acknowledgment of their inabillity by any wisedome or strength of man to receive and comprehend what is discovered and brought to them That so they may be made wise in the evidence and demonstration of the spirit that brings it attending to receive all their demonstrations of truth and light and power to receive and embrace them in and from Gods testimony in a silent adhearing to it as fooles in themselves And so in believing the truth goodnesse and faithfullnesse of the word in its own sayings though they be never so short in understanding what is contained and plainly expressed in it yet believeing they waite for all further wisedome understanding and strength seeking it in the Lord and not in man or the things of man that no flesh may glory in his presence Likewise in this receiving his word with the heart there is a ceasing from the workings of the carnall mind in its inclinations affections and lusts which are set upon the riches of this World the praise of men the pleasures of this life or some exaltation or lifting up himselfe in some selfe sufficiency and that not only before men but before God or in his presence A ceasing from these 1. In their lifting up themselves in direct opposi●ion to the testimony or word of truth And to hinder the receiving and acknowledgment of it 2. In their seeking to get seeret service and satisfaction to themselves in mens receiving and closeing with it Either of which wayes the flesh with its affections and lusts will hinder mens hearty and unfeined receiving the word of truth the Gospell of their salvation if they suffer it not to be crucified and themselves to be brought of from it in the light and power of that word Therefore those that are Christs are said to have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts Implying that they could never have so received and retained his word in their heart as to draw and unite them to Christ if they had still lived in the flesh or suffered that to live and rule in their spirit or minded the things of it and made provision for it for they that are in the flesh cannot please God Some by working in the wisedome and Imaginations of the flesh seeking and professing to be wise consulting with Philosophy and vain deceite their own thoughts and the traditions of men and so by murmuring among themselves close the eyes and eares of their mind against the truth when opened by it break his bands by which he is drawing them in his Doctrine And so keep out the light of his knowledge and themselves from acknowledging or understanding the truth of his sayings Joh. 6. 41 42 43 44. 12. 34 35 Rom. 2. 21 22 23. 1 Cor. 1. 21 22 23. 1 Tim. 6. 20 21. Others when convinced of truth yet still seeking after wisedome in themselves to find out and comprehend the truth of Gods sayings by their Imaginations or by the same wisedome and reason of man with which before they did or others yet do oppose it And to build their faith
outword works and services after the oldnesse of the letter which yet happily he will attribute to Gods grace in Christ and say with the Pharisee God I thank thee c. But that they are not the productions of that grace believed nor have they their dependance on that for them is evident from the former consideration which shewes that they have no beliefe or perswasion of that or of the truth of it to them But what depends on and alwayes springs up from such frames and quallifications towards God and men first found in them or if they have some other ground together with them as some particular promise or assurance that they are children of God yet usually these are one main ground of their application of those and however these are of the ground of their perswasion of any grace or good will in God towards them as to eternall life and therefore not the fruites of it or begotten by it but of the wisedome and strength of the flesh The other the true Believer of Gods Testimony being in the light of that Testimony of Gods glorious grace in Christ to sinners therein made sensible of his own weaknesse and the emptinesse of all other wayes of attaining righteousnesse as also of the great obligations to love from Gods first loving us and sending his Son the propitiation for our sins that we might live through him In which likewise he is instructed into and perswaded of the certainty of the way of attaining righteousnesse even to have the righteousnesse of the Law fullfilled in him that it is by minding the things of and walking in the light and power of the spirit that is in that testimony he hath already given of Christ and of Gods glory in him and not in the flesh Rom. 8. 3 4 5 c. He therefore goes out of himself and from his own thoughts reasonings and works to mind and consider the things of the spirit that he hath testified of Gods grace in Christ there seeking and expecting in the standing still to behold that grace and through the light and power of its instructions to love to have his heart begotten and purified to unfeigned love of God of men of brethren such as in which is the fullfilling of the Law And so for mortifying the deeds of the body They waite through the spirit for the hope of Gods righteousnesse by faith as for example To subdue the riseings of envy revenge mallice or bitternesse They consult not with flesh and bloud nor expect help from humane prudentiall considerations nor seek to mortify it in any wisedome or strength of theirs exercised in the consideration or observance of their duty But running out of themselves and from all other reasonings and works they run into his name to consider and remember his graciousnesse in forbearing and so giving them for Christs sake and how they have heard and tasted of it in and throug● the word of the truth of the Gospell and what instruction that affords to the purpose There seeking and expecting help Eph. 4. 31 32. 5. 1 2. 1 Pet. 2. 1 -3. So likewise for subduing the riseings of uncleannesse They sensible of their own weaknesse to get victory run out of themselves and from consulting with flesh and bloud unto this name of God in Christ trusting in and staying upon it expecting strength against the lust in the believing consideration of his right to the body by purchase yea by double purchase the excellency of the p●ice wherewith he hath redeemed them both of the Father and from under the curse of the Law and of themselves and from the World and their vain conversation to be his and at his dispose his present care of the body in his mediation for it and gracious providence and eye over it for the good of the whole man his righteous judgment according to the Gospell before which ye must all appear to receive in the body the things done in it whether they be good or bad so for subduing the inclinations to convetousnesse pride or any manner of uncleannesse see 1 Cor. 6. 13 14 15 19 20. with 1 Pet. 1. 13 18 19. 2 Cor. 5 9 10 14 15 19 20. with ch 6. 1 2 17 18 7 1. This is the doing good mentioned in the Text. The hearing the word or voyce of Christ and through and according to it believing on him that sent him and hath raised him from the dead and given him glory that our faith and hope might be in God And such are reckoned doers of good doers of truth 1. Because they herein cease from their own works and do the work of God even that work which he through the power of his truth is doing in them for it is God that workes in them through the discovery of his works and his salvation in Christ for them Both the will and the deed of all this faith in all the acts and fruites of it whence 't is called faith of the opperation of God who hath raised Christ from the dead Coll. 2. 12. 1 Pet. 1. 20. Joh. 6. 29. And they are said to be saved by grace through faith and that not of themselves it is the gift of God Eph. 2. He that doth good is of God Joh. 3. 11. And yet this also is counted to them for righteousnesse reckoned to them as their doing good because though all is of God yet he worketh in them both to will and to doe of good pleasure of him they are made willing and strong in the day of his power to doe what the goodnesse and truth of God is doing in them without murmuring and disputeings to cease from their own Imaginations and works that they may rejoyce in his works and seek righteousnesse and strength in the Lord by faith in him they come to him as to a living stone even in the vertue and force of his drawings allureing and strengthening them through the tasts of his graciousnesse And yet therein they are truly reckoned and indeed made comers they in the light and power of his drawings standing still from their own thoughts and works are made volluntary consenters and doe owne and close with him and as lively stones that are quickened by him to choose him for their foundation are built upon him 1 Pet. 2. 3 4 5. 2. Because herein they do that in the light and strength of the Lord which is in it selfe good righteous and just In acknowledging the emptinesse and lyingnesse of their own Imaginations and of every thought that exalteth it selfe against the obedience of Christ And God to be true in all his sayings as in that glorious testimony he hath given of Christ and by him so in all its discoveries and reproofes of instruction Themselves sinners and voyd of righteousnesse yea without strength And him righteous and faithfull according to that standing witnesse and glorious revelation of himselfe in his Son And his everlasting righteousnesse brought in in and by Christ
only perfect and worthy to be sought after and submitted too They honour the Son and so the Father in him they ascribe righteousnesse to their Maker as more largely we have shewed in our lamentation over the dead in Christ published on the death of Henry Rixe 3. Because they herein do that which is good and profitable as to the attaining righteousnesse And so is confirmed to be good in the good fruit of it all works of darknesse are unfruitfull the workers of them reap no profit or good fruit of them Eph. 5. 11. Rom. 6 21. Job 33. 27. Hence they are called dead works which have not profited those that have been occupyed in them Hebr 9. 14. 13. 9. But the work of righteousnesse shall be peace and the fruit of righteousnesse quietnesse and assurance for ever Isa 32. 17. Yea it is so now in a first fruites of the spirit The God of hope filles with all joy and peace in this believing that they may abound in hope through the power of the holy Ghost Rom. 15. 13. This faith is so counted to them for righteousnesse that they are therein made partakers in a first fruites of the spirit of what they believe on him for even the fruit of his righteousnesse with which faith closeth in the forgivenesse of their sins acceptance of their persons into favour and fellowship with God dayly washing sanctifying justifying and changing into his Image in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the spirit of our God Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsell of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornfull But his delight is in the Law or Doctrine of the Lord and therein doth meditate or exercise himselfe day and night And so through and according to that Doctrine trusteth in the Lord and whose hope the Lord is He shall be as a Tree planted by the waters and that spreadeth forth her rootes by the River and shall not see when heat comes but be always fragrant and fruitfull The ungodly not so c. see and compare Psal 1. with Jer. 17. 7 8. He that abideth in him sinneth not misseth not his mark failes not of the end of his faith the saving of his soul attaines righteousnesse 1 Joh. 3. 6 1 Pet. 1. 8 9. Rom. 9. 30-32 1. In that they are made accepted with God in the beloved even in and according to that perfect righteousnesse that he hath compleated for them on which their parts and mindes are stayed In him they are compleat it being the office of the righteous one so to present them in himselfe so that as he is righteous and faithfull in his office And the Father righteous in his promise and covenant confirmed in him so he that doth righteousnesse believes in him for righteousnesse in which also he doth that which the righteousnesse of God discovered in Christ works in him both to will and to doe is righteous yea his righteousnesse that is imputed to him by him that imputes righteousnesse without works even the righteousnesse of God not of man made theirs through faith in Jesus and in which through saith in it he is accepted It is perfect and answerable to the holinesse of God such as in which his truth is fulfilled his justice satisfied so that they are made the righteousnesse of God in him that was made sin for them And in an answerable sence viz. by imputation as well as also by making them partakers of the fruit and blessednesse of it as he was made a curse for them of which more in the next considerations For as being accepted in Christ their iniquities are pardoned in Heaven not remembred or retained there against them So 2. They are made partakers of that forgivenesse of their sins in their mindes and consciences through his name and in the opening of it filling them with joy and peace in believing that also they may abound in the hope of his righteousnesse for further washing and saving to the utmost and perfecting what concernes them By him all that believe are justified from all things from which they could not be justified by the Law of Moses This blessednesse comes upon them in believing through his name Act. 10. 43. 13. 39 Rom. 8. 2 3. 3. 25 26. 4. tot Gal. 3. 9-14 Heb. 9. 14. 10. 22. The Law of the spirit of life in Christ even the Gospell of Christ declaring his righteousnesse in suffering and redeeming us from the curse of the Law is the power of God to save them that believe making them free from the Law of sin and death and quickening them to a new and living hope by the resurrection of Christ from the dead that truth believed in the opening of it makes free from sin from the guilt accusation and bondage that they may serve him without fear in righteousnesse and holinesse all the dayes of their life Yea 3. They are also created in Christ in the light and power of his grace believed and believed in unto good works which God hath before ordained that they believers should walk in them And so also as well as in the sence forementioned he that abideth in him sinneth not that is he doth not commit sin he saith not he hath no sin but he doth it not he is kept from committing or serving it There is sin in them still dwelling and more stirring and warring in the members then formerly But he that abideth in him is dayly strengthened through his name against it that he doth not consent to or serve it or let it reigne in his mortall body and so he that is bo●n of God or that is led of the spirit of God which alwayes leedes or carryes out of a mans selfe into Christ for satisfaction righteousnesse and strength he doth not commit or serve sin nor can he for the seed of God the word of truth abides in him And wheresoever that is suffered to dwell in the heart it will preserve and deliver from every evill work The power of God which is in it to that purpose being greater then the power of sin and Satan Therefore sayes David thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee If therefore sin prevaile over any of us so as we are thereby brought into bondage it must needs be acknowledged we are not then or therein born of God not led of the spirit of God not carryed out or brought forth of our selves into Christ for teaching and strength but leaning to our own understanding and retaining in our heart some Worldly principle or inclination and secretly consulting with that minding the things of it walking in the flesh and not in the spirit we reape corruption For that grace of God that brings salvation to all men Teacheth us that denying ungodlinesse and Worldly lusts we sh●uld live soberly righteously and godly in this present World looking for the blessed hope
c. And saith in Christ will have its works in a man and bring forth its fruites by him and be further perfected therein if suffered And if not suffered but stifled and hindered or resisted in its works it will dye faith is dead being alone whence the Apostle John sai●h If any man see his B●other stand in need and shut up the bowels of his compassion how dwels the love of God in him signifying plainly that if the love of Christ were suffered to dwell in us as it would and should be suffered it would not only strengthen to will but also carry forth to and in the acts of mercy and good fruites on sight of the Brothers need it moves the bowels of compassion and strengthens to shew them forth And if not suffered to work out it will not lodge or abide where so discourteously entertained If any man love the World the love of the Father is not in him If we walk in the light as he is in the light then have we fellowship one with another And the bloud of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all unrighteousnesse dayly giveth us the victory pardon peace and healing is met with through this faith of the opperation of God If therefore any say he have fellowship with the light and yet he walks in darknesse and confusion without peace joy and hope in the Lord and under the bondage of Satan holding under guilt and pollution of sin he lyes and doth not the truth That which they say they believe and have fellowship with may be true the true light the true grace of God in Christ and that which if believed and fellowship had with it would work But then their profession of hearty believing retaining and having fellowship with it is false He that committeth sin is of the Devill He that doth evill hath not seen God nor known him he hath not kept his word in his heart or retained in his veiw the sight and knowledge of God as manifested in Christ And in this the children of God are manifest and the children of the Devill He that doth not righteousnesse is not of God neither he that loveth not his Brother The righteousnesse of God in this fruit of it even to the working the works of God in and by them is attained through faith in Christ Jesus 2. We come next to consider When is the time or opportunity for the doing good here mentioned The Text speakes of it in the time past as with relation to the time of the resurrection and judgment It s before that and then finished They that have done good that is in the former time or hour in which the dead was made to hear the voyce of the Son of God in the Gospell shall then come forth in the first resurrection to the resurrection of life The opportunity then for doing good is to every man in the time of the preaching of peace by Jesus Christ unto them even while he is by his spirit preaching to their spirits in any meanes whatever while his grace is bringing salvation to them 1 Tim 2 6. Tit. 2. 11. 2 Cor. 6. 1 2. 1 Pet. 3. 19. which time expires to every man at death at furthest it may sooner But while God is by any meanes calling and waiting to be gracious it is not so Whence the Apostle exhorts not to receive the grace of God in vain And presseth it with this motive in the place forecited For he saith in a time accepted I have heard thee in a day of salvation I have helped thee which is the saying of the Father unto Christ Isa 49. 8. So that while Christ is making intercession for m●n for the Father heareth him alwayes And so as the fruit of that he stand in the name and strength of his Fathe● a testimony to them by his Servants sent or other meanes of calling used It is yet due time an accepted 〈◊〉 a day of salvation for and to those persons even to such as have hitherto received it in vain or after they have tasted that the Lord is gracious and proved the saving efficacy of his word have tur●ed back in their hearts from him to embrace this present World and so destroyed themseles yet while it is to day there is help in him Isa 50. Hose 13 9. Yea plenteous redemption even the forgivenesse of their sins that he may yet be feared and hoped in by them Psal 13● 1 Joh. 2. 1 2. To him that is joyned to all the living there is hope And whosoever acknowledging their backslidings and transgressions as discovered and reproved in the light of his testimony looks to him again in Christ in the light and power of those gracious recallings wherewith he follows backsliders while it is to day He will graciously accept without upbraiding and love them freely and pardon and heal them through his name Hose 14. 1. 4 5 c. Mich. 7. 18 19. 1 Joh. 1. 9. Rom. 11. 23. Jer. 3. 1-12 But when once any man is blotted out of the number or Book of the living which is in the naturall death at farthest to them that till then have persisted or then are found out of Christ in willfull ignorance disobedience and rejection of him and Gods grace in him Then all opportunity is past for ever being written with the righteous Psal 69. 28. Wherefore the holy Ghost saith To day if ye will hear his voyce harden not your hearts c. 3. The last thing propounded to be considered in this point is When in a Scripture sence any are said to have done good And that we shall not finde to be till they have finished their course dyed in the faith Then they rest from their labours even these their labours in the Lord which were not in vain And their works follow them so the like phrase Hebr. 10. 36. Is used in the same sence with this in the text the having done the will of God for their having finished it in all that service and suffering here appointed them Yee have need of patience namely in all your doing the will of God in the remaining time of your waiting and warfare That after you have done the wil of God fought the good fight kept the faith and finished your course in it ye may receive the promises In a like sence is that 2 Cor. 5. 10. Every one shall receive the things done or finished in his body According to that he hath done whether it be good or bad They that are found in Christ abideing in him as they have received him are said to be doing good running the race set before them and truly called doers of good doers of the truth while yet in the race or warfare Joh. 3. 11. Jam. 1. 12 25. Joh 3. 21. But not said to have done it in a full and proper sence till they have finished their course and doe rest from their labours And from that time their particular persons are absolutely sealed