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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A50088 The counsell and admonition of Henry Massingberd, Esq., to his children Massingberd, Henry. 1656 (1656) Wing M1044; ESTC R7677 141,779 251

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22.30 He shall deliver the Iland of the innocent and it is delivered by the purenesse of thy hand Rom. 12.1 That you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God which is your reasonable service 1 Cor. 6.9 Know ye not that your body is the Temple of the holy Ghost that is in you a Gen. ● 27 God created man in his own Image b Heb. 13.15 By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually that is the fruit of our lips Matth. 4.10 Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve Rom. 10.12 The same God over all is rich unto all that call upon him Psal 50.3 10. I will have no bullock out of thy house nor he-goat out of thy fold for every beast of the forrest is mine and the cattell upon a thousand hills Psal 109.22 For I am poor and needy and my heart is wounded within me Psal 22.22 I will declare thy Name unto my brethren and in the midst of the Congregation will I praise thee Ver. 25. My praises shall be of thee in the great Congregation I will pay my vowes before them that fear thee Psal 40.8 I delight to doe thy will O God yea thy Law is in my heart Matth. 6.10 Thy will be done O God in earth as it is in Heaven Heb. 10.7 I come to doe thy will O God Prov. 5.21 For the waies of man are before the eyes of the Lord and he pondereth all his goings And 15.3 The eyes of the Lord are in every place beholding the evil and the good Exod. 20.7 Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltlesse that taketh his Name in vaine Psal 139.20 Thy enemies O God take thy Name in vaine And 145.2 Every day will I praise thee and I will blesse thy Name for ever and ever And 99.3 Let them praise thy great and terrible Name for it is holy Levit. 22.2 Speak to Aaron and to his sonnes that they profane not my holy Name for I am the Lord. And Psal 111.9 Holy and reverent is his Name And Ezek. 39.25 I will be jealoas for my holy Name Eccl. 8.2 I know it shall be well with them that fear God that fear before him Jer. 10.23 O Lord I know that the way of man is not in himself it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps Prov. 29.25 The fear of man bringeth a snare but he that putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe And 30.5 God is a shield to them that put their trust in him Rom. 8.28 We know that all things work together for good to them that love God Matth. 10.19 30. Are not two Sprrrowes sold for a farthing and one of them shall not fall to the ground without your Father But the very hairs of your head are all numbred 2 Cor. 1.3 Blessed be God even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort Psal 23.4 Thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me Isa 66.13 As one whom his mother comforteth so will I comfort you and ye shall be comforted Isa 6.16 Thus saith the Lord Stand ye in the wayes and see and ask for the old pathes where is the good way and walk therein and you shall finde rest for your souls Rom. 8.10 And if Christ be in you the body is dead because of sinne but the spirit is life because of righteousnesse Psal 119.71 It is good for me that I was afflicted that I might learn thy statutes And 126.5 Them that sowe in tears shall reap in joy Jer. 22.13 I will turn their mourning into joy and will comfort them and make them rejoyce for their sorrow Lam. 3.25 It is good for a man that he bear the yoak in his youth 1 King 3.9 Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart that I may discern betwixt good and bad Psal 119.34 Give me understanding and I shall keep thy Law yea I shall observe it with my whole heart And v. 73. Give me understanding that I may learn thy Commandements Dan. 12.10 None of the wicked shall understand but the wise shall understand Gal. 5.17 For these two are contrary one to another Job 9.20 If I justifie my self my own mouth will condemn me if I say I am perfect it shall also prove me perverse Psal 37.27 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and he delighteth in his way And 50. 23. Who so offereth praise glorifieth God and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God Psal 119.67 71. Before I was afflicted I went astray but now have I learned thy word It 's good for me that I have been afflicted that I might learn thy statutes Psal 68.3 Let the righteous be glad let them rejoyce before God let them exceedingly rejoyce And Prov. 29.6 In the transgression of an evill man there is a snare but the righteous doth sing and rejoyce Psal 38.13 For I will declare my iniquity and be sorry for my sinne 2 Cor. 7.9 10. Now I rejoyce not that you were made sorry but that you sorrowed to repentance for ye were made sorry after a godly manner For godly sorrow worketh repentance unto salvation not to be repented of but worldly sorrow worketh death Jer. 10.24 O Lord correct me but with judgment not in thy anger lest thou bring me to nothing Psal 119.33 Teach me O Lord the way of thy statutes and I shall keep it to the end And 143. 8. Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk for I lift up my soul to thee Deut. 8.5 Thou shalt also consider in thy heart that as a man chastiseth his sonne so the Lord thy God chastiseth thee Psal 94.12 Blessed is the man whom thou chastenest O Lord and teachest him out of thy Law Heb. 12.6 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and scourgeth every sonne whom he receiveth Matth. 22.29 You erre not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God Joh. 5.39 Search the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternall life and they are they which testifie of me 2 Tim. 3.16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousnesse 1 Cor. 2.10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his holy Spirit for the Spirit searcheth all things yea the deep things of God Rom. 10.6 Say not in thy heart who shall ascend into heaven that is to bring Christ down from above who shall descend into the deep that is to bring Christ up from the dead but the Word is nigh thee the word of faith which we preach Matth. 7.15 Beware of false prophets Eph. 4.14 That we be no more children tossed to and fro by the sleight of men to every winde of Doctrine whereby they lie in wait to deceive
make him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord. And he shall not judg after the sight of the eyes neither reprove after the hearing of the ears but with righteousnesse shall he judge the po●r and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked Gen. 18.19 For I know him that he will command his children and his houshold after him and they shall keep the way of the Lord to doe justice and judgment Prov. 21.3 To doe justice and judgment is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice Ver. 1● It is joy to the just to doe judgment but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity Jer. 31.30 Every one shall die for his own iniquity every man that eateth the sower grapes his teeth shall be set on edge Isa 51.1 Thus saith the Lord Keep ye judgment and doe justice And 59.4 None calleth for justice nor any pleadeth for truth they trust in vanity and speak lies they conceive mischief and bring forth iniquity Ver. 8. The way of peace they know not and the●e is no judgment in their goings they have made them crooked pathes whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace Ver. 9. Therefore is judgment farre from us neither doth justice overtake us We wait for light but behold obscurity for brightness but we walk in darkness Ver. 14. And judgment is turned away backward and justice standeth afarre off for truth is fallen in the streets and equity cannot enter 1 Chron. 16.10 Let the heart of them that seek the Lord rejoyce Deut. 26.11 And thou shalt rejoyce in every good thing which the Lord thy God hath given unto thee Matth. 12.36 Every idle word that men shall speak they shall give an account thereof in the day of judgment Heb. 3.7 13 15. Wherefore as the holy Ghost saith to day if ye will hear his voice Exhort one another daily while it is called to day least any of you be hardned through the deceitfullness of sinne Joh. 9.4 I must work the work of him that sent me while it is called to day the night cometh when no man can work Jam. 4.14 Whereas you know not what will be tomorrow for that is your life it is even a vapour it appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away Psal 1.2 His delight is in the Law of the Lord and therein doth he meditate day and night And 119.24 Thy testimonies are my delight and my counsellors Josh 1.8 This book of the Law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night that thou mayest observe to doe according to all that is written therein for then shalt thou make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success Psal 109.4 I give my self unto prayer Prov. 15.8 The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord but the prayer of the upright is his delight Matth. 7.21 Not every one that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven but he that doth the will of my Father which is in Heaven Joh. 13.17 If ye know these things happy are ye if ye doe them Col. 3.5 Mortifie therefore your members which are upon the earth fornication uncleanness inordinate affection evill concupisence and covetousness which is idolatry Ver. 6. For the which things sake the wrath of God cometh upon the children of disobedience Prov. 2.6 7. For the Lord giveth wisdome out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding He layeth up sound wisdome for the righteous he is a buckler to them that walk uprightly And 3.21 My sonne let them not depart from thy house keep sound wisdome and discretion And 8.14 Counsell is mine and sound wisdome I am understanding and I have strength Hag. 1.5 Thus saith the Lord God Consider your wayes Ezra 10.16 And they sate down to examine the matter Joh. 7.14 Judg not according to the appearance but judge righteous judgment 2 Cor. 10.7 Doe you look on things according to outward appearance Prov. 29.20 Seest thou a man that is hasty of words there is more hope of a fool then of him Acts 19.36 Ye ought to doe nothing rashly Prov. 22.20 21. Have not I written unto thee excellent things in councell and knowledge that I might make thee know the certainty of the words of truth that thou mightest answer the words of truth to them that send unto thee THus by the mercy of God we have setled our Plantation in a good and fruitfull soyl in a very pleasant place and by his good hand in mercy guiding and protecting us we may many years receive the comfortable fruit thereof We must in this ninth Age of our life with sound judgment and justice settle and order our affairs so that every one may with equity and right receive his portion in due season to this end it is not too late according to this method to discourse of justice and sound judgment what it is and first of Justice in generall Justice is to give to every man that which appertains to him to a mans self first and afterwards to others so that it comprehends all the duty and offices of every particular party Does as thou wouldest or rather as thou oughtest to be done to carries a man very farre but not through or to the utmost of this duty before we can well know how to command others we must know how to command our selves how to defend our selves from our selves reason must command the appetite desire and will must all be obedient to it this is the first originall inward proper and most beautifull justice that may be Equity and right reason is true justice which handleth and ruleth the Law as need requireth the Laws and justice must be handled justly both in rewards and punishments Justice cannot be executed by the lump or in gross but must be drawn out into particular dispensations according to the occasion The two parts and hands of Justice are punishment and reward but as it is usually ministred it is commonly lame at least in one of them Charity begins at home so must justice by it we may examine our selves how and to what end we live and spend our dayes surely it must not be to passe our short and pretious time carelesly by chance and by adventure as the most doe who live not seriously and attentively as indeed our duty is but vainly heedlesly from day to day and as it falleth out they taste not possesse not enjoy not their lives but use them only to make use of other things by this means they abuse themselves and many good things through their misuse they doe all things as I may say in good earnest but to live they are serious in the least and in the main and principall they are negligent We may and ought to live seriously attentively and cheerfully for that our life
is a businesse of great weight and importance and we must give an exact account thereof take heed of deferring and putting off this justice to thy self resembling such as deferre buying till the market be over how foolish is it to begin to live when we must cease to live he that means to doe a great work in a short time had need to follow it very close least his time cease before his work be finished and he faulty because he took o more time or lost so much when indeed we need nothing more Life is short and the art of well living is long betimes then learn how to live to God and to thy self how to be least alone when no body is with thee And then be watchfull of vain delusions and temptations our great enemy the devill hath deceitfull baits both for lonelinesse and for company Contemplation meditation prayer and practise is the happy life let thy body be subject to thy spirit and let thy spirit be wholly subdued by the Spirit of the Lord so shall thy body be a fit instrument for vertue and a holy Temple for thy God Doe thou justice to thy self in getting and ordering riches love a competency entertain them well got into thy house not into thy heart and strive to use them as a just steward to thy masters use that their departure may be as honest as their entrance if they part without thy leave let them carry nothing but themselves from thee no part of thy content or comfort let not that be setled on them the right use of the creature is to walk worthy of thy Creatour Thus much of justice Now a word or two of sound Judgment what it is and it is the strict and wary triall and consideration of every thing to the utmost it is the examining of a matter to finde out the bottome of it what it may produce and where the way lyeth unto its period it is the free and ready acceptance of the truth where and whensoever it appears and shewes it self it is the weighing the reasons and counter-reasons on all parts the weight and merit in them thereby to work out the truth And it is contrary to that sleight and carelesse way of judging and passing by things upon the first sight and appearance as if we were able to see what was in the house before we entred in or what lay under the stone before we removed it this is that grievous folly which men truly call rashnesse and self conceitednesse and all wise men count it shallow empty and want of sound judgment for justice and right it self being unadvisedly performed and by chance without sound judgment and consideration of the matter may as to the Judg be false or at least undeserving praise and commendation therefore endeavour not only to doe good but to doe it knowingly willingly and wittingly and from a pure and right principle which sheweth sincere and upright wisdome and is worthy the righteous title of justice and sound judgment 2 Chron. 1.10 Give me now O Lord wisdome and knowledge that I may goe out and come in before this people Ver. 12. Wisdome and knowledge is granted to thee Job 28.28 Behold the feare of the Lord is wisdome and to depart from evill is understanding Psal 37.30 The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdome and his tongue talketh of judgement And 51. v. 6. Thou desirest truth in the inward parts and in the hidden part thou shalt make me know wisdome And 19. v. 12. Teach us to number our daies that we may apply our hearts to wisedome Jer. 4.22 They are wise to do evill Psal 50.23 To him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God Eccl. 10.10 Wisdome is profitable to direct Prov. 3.5 6. Trust to the Lord with all thy heart and lean not to thy own understanding in all thy waies acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths Verly Be not wise in thy own eyes feare the Lord and depart from evill 1 Cor. 1.20 Hath not God made foolish the wisdome of this world And 2.5 That your faith should not stand in the wisdome of men but in the power of God And 3.19 For the wisedome of this world is foolishnesse with God for it is writen he taketh the wise in his own craftiness 1 Cor. 2.6 Howbeit we speake wisdome amongst them that be perfect yet not the wisdom of this world nor of the Princes of this world that come to nought Ver. 7. But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery even the hidden wisdom which God or dained before the world unto our glory Eph. 1.17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledg of him 1 Cor. 12.8 For to one is given by the spirit the word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit Exod. 31.3 And I have filled him with the Spirit of God in wisdom and in understanding Prov. 10.23 It is a sport to a fool to doe mischief but a man of understanding hath wisdom Luk. 16.8 And the Lord commended the unjust steward because he had done wisely for the children of this world are in their generation wiser then the children of light Psal 101.2 I will behave my self wisely in a perfect way I will walk within thy house with a perfect heart Prov. 13.14 The Law of the wise is a fountain of life to depart from the snares of death Gen. 17.1 I am the almighty God walk before me and be thou perfect Deut. 18.13 Thou shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God Job 1.8 Hast thou considered my servant Job a perfect and an upright man one that feareth God and escheweth evill Prov. 11.5 The righteousness of the perfect shall direct his way but the wicked shall fall by his own wickedness Jer. 10.3 The customs of the wicked are vain Psal 51.5 Behold I was shapen in iniquity and in sinne did my mother conceive me Psal 143.8 Cause me to hear thy loving kindness in the morning for in thee doe I trust Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk for I lift up my soul unto thee Job 23.15 When I considered I was afraid Psal 50.22 Now consider this ye that forget God least I tear you in pieces and there be none to deliver Eccl. 5.1 Keep thy foot when thou goest into the house of God and be more ready to hear then to give the sacrifice of fools for they consider not that they doe evill Psal 51.2 3. Wash me throughly from my iniquities and cleanse me from my sinne for I acknowledg my iniquity and my sinne is ever before me Ver. 5. Behold I was shapen in iniquity and in sinne did my mother conceive me Jer. 3.13 Onely acknowledge thy iniquity that thou hast transgressed against the Lord thy God And Chap. 14. Ver. 20. We acknowledg O Lord our iniquities and the iniquities
infectinn save least sinnes doe cry and crying have Affectedness Affectednesse in carriage needs must gain esteem of shallow idlenesse and vain Sobernesse A sober carriage if apparell sute speak grounds of wisdome gain a good repute Creature Take heed the Creatures have not cause to cry at thy misusing them and cruelty Earth Possesse so much of Earth from more refrain then thou canst order to eternall gain Rest What helps not hinders what doth not assist is enemy to thy eternall rest The minde To write or speak more to affect the minde then guide the soul is folly unrefin'd Teaching If minde and soul be from a sacred word both joy'd and taught such teaching is from God Good and Evill Ill 's onely ill and good is onely good their consequences must be understood Gettings Is ought worth sinfull getting when we see our seeming comforts scarce last seventy Vain joy Be not too jocund when the Sunne doth shine for suddenly it 's noon and must decline Comfort In all transactions underneath the Sunne hence is true comfort that God's will done Good life While we walk worthy of our Makers praise our peace is sound in good or evill dayes Vpright Walking Who laden much with earth can walk upright with lesser load may surely walk more streight The Way Thrice happy want and grief and low degree you are the living way appointed me History By History learn how to act thy part and wisely know thy predecessors Art Nothing new What hath been is and what is may be done Wisdome saith Nothing 's new under the Sunne Practice To read the story and thereof to speake without the practick part shews judgment weak Nature Thy own corrupted nature's sure to blame then what suits most therewith is most the same Reason Our cursed sinnes doth reason so deface that ancient custome much usurpes her place Custome When without pains we leave accustom'd sinne Then Leper change thy spots and More thy skinne Friends unkinde If Friends prove foes and since it must be so be linkt no faster then thou maist let goe Friends death Death thou hast parted us but we shall meet beyond thy power each others blisse to greet Imployments Though worldly businesse us divide a farre yet in Gods service we united are Affronts Give no offence passe by affronts for why it's wisdoms counsell wise men passe them by Anger Anger is open to the greatest harme it armes thy foes and doth thy self disarm Law Doe right to all without Law or offence thy common Law let be good conscience Suites Sue not at Law untill thou 'st throughly tri'de to get but near thy right all wayes beside Judgment If thou be call'd thy judgment for to give remember God that judgeth right doth live Family He that a wife or family controuls ought last to feed their bodies first their souls Exact living From truest principles of filiall love are all the motions of the holy Dove Devotion In daily duties and devotion due be constant fervent and thy words but few Sabboth Make not the Sabboth shortest of the seaven but strictly keep it morning noon and even Publike Fasts or Feasts In publike duties publike fasts or feasts for publike presidents keep them at least Private Fasts When thou as is most fit set'st dayes apart to humble thee doe it with all thy heart Change In all the change that to this life is due change onely Adam old for Adam new Sacraments The blessed Sacraments ought for to move thy soul to tears of thanks in truest love Attending the Word By sacred preaching the true heavenly Word is offer'd us felt heard and understood Duty To all the creatures severall rights it 's fit to give their due as we will answer it Love to God Convert thy soul and see thou doe not move for hope or fear but serve in truest love Meditation Our duty to our God I 'le not relate Heavens joyes hells torments see thou meditate Prayer In prayer prostrate thy most humble spirit in true obedience that 's thy Saviours merit Sudden The sudden act and what is rashly done hath penitence for his companion Tumults Avoid all tumults for their usual spring is pride and envy and a height in sinne Company Take heed of company keep watchfull eyes there 's fewest friends the most are enemies Feare Fear not too much what may the body harme but love our God and trust his mighty arme Evill dayes For evill dayes when worldly friends afford nor peace nor comfort have it in the Lord. Good dayes Those dayes are good and onely good begins when we abound in love subdue our sinnes Beliefe Belief is that for which we ought to pray for sacred guidance in a holy way Reading the Scriptures In reading Scriptures least understanding erre craveth ' holy Ghost for thy interpreter Authors In humane authours so much multiplied the truth of all by holy Writ is tried God With filiall fear we must our souls prepare before we speak his Name for whom we are Souls In studying of souls know it 's not given to self to know it self within a prison Bodies Thy bodie 's mortall life 's but like a breath then walk prepared for a joyfull death Family Consider those allotted to thy charge thy bond 's more great their liberty more large Friends If thou hast found a friend beyond a brother blesse God therefore thou'lt hardly finde another Enemies Of all thy foes take heed of smiling jeast the hypocrite of all is deadliest Occasions In businesse and occasions that depend upon this life consider well the end Reward The innocent and humble minde regard with due respect consider and reward Punishment The childe the simple and the haughty minde are fit for punishments of severall kinde Writing Speak well but better write writings from farre Arts. The perfect use of Arts are helps to call back our pure nature lost in Adhm's fall Recreations Use recreations to refresh the minde and better it for use of every kinde Callings Callings are call'd of God that we therein may with us others to his Kingdome bring Removings In all removals amongst humane race thou' rt still as near to thy eternall place Slander If envy smite thee with his lying tongue works before words confute both old and young Troubles In all the troubles that our works doe merit our comfort is the Father Sonne and Spirit Advice In all my counsell the just summe is this crave wisdome of our God the gift is his The Resolve BUt centre me and fix my soul aright in true obedience to my Makers will Let me converted be as is most right in perfect service as true beauty will Then let his pleasure cast me to those snares of worldly torments minde and body both What ever work it be in peace or warres it 's his imployment triall of my troth It is my safest way the onely path of his blest pleasure onely leading right To my eternall blisse therein his wrath due for my sinnes is covered from my
Consider the portion and Talent of our blessed Saviour and his Apostles in this world and their happy content therewith True peace and comfort is from the treasure in Heaven not in earth Disposement of Estate in life or death Respect the righteous In disposing of thy Estate either in life or death it is good to consider that order in which almighty God hath placed the world unto thee and let nothing save the houshold of faith break that order which order is first thy Wife as next thy self or rather equall with thee then thy Children in their birth-rights then Kindred then thy Servants according to their merit if they have spent their youth and strength in thy faithfull service then Neighbours of thy sober faith and lastly all men that desire to live soberly righteously and honestly in this present world Use the Creature modestly soberly Put them not to any unusual painfull death without great necessity Take heed thou do not tyrannize or oppresse the Creature in the Liberty of use I mean the sensitive who indeed are fellowes with us and exceed us more in sense then is cleerly made out we doe them in reason Our Creatour is one our bodies and our senses are alike we say they sinne not thus farre they equall or exceed us onely our reason makes the difference though some dispute because some sensitives prepare against a storme which onely is the true effect of sense however I advise you to use them very soberly with great care and moderation especially in killing them in taking away their lives to preserve thine own take heed in destroying their bodies thou ruine not thy own soul doe not put them to any unusuall painfull death to please thy palate or gain more health and strength thereby to consume it on thy lusts but if there be any necessity in such using to gain strength or health out of thy true desire better and longer to work in thy masters vineyard as a just servant Liberty in necessity thou maist out of such a true intent in any sort use them yet take heed of the innocent and helplesse cries of the meanest Creature and pitying them let it move thee to true repentance Thy sinne perhaps the cause of their punishment for that thy ill deserving sinne may cause their undeserving punishment therefore blesse our good God in the use of the Creature but abuse it not Comfort from Scripture both in Life and in Death I. Comfort To have true joy in long Life from our hearty desires of serving our God in all our appointed pilgrimage HAB. 2.14 15 16 17 18. FOrasmuch then as the Children were partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part with them that he might destroy through death him that had the power of death that is the devill and that he might deliver all them which for fear of death were all their life time subject to bondage for he in no sort took the Angels but he took the seed of Abraham wherefore in all things it became him to be made like unto his brethren that he might be mercifull and a faithfull High priest in things concerning God that he might make reconciliation for the sinnes of the people for in that he suffered and was tempted he is able to succour those that are tempted 1 Cor. Chap. 15. 1 Thes Chap. 4. You shall finde admirable comfort by death and in death from the certainty of the resurrection and of our change therefore read them diligently Prov. 14.32 The wicked shall be cast away in his malice but the righteous hath hope in his death Eccl. 7.3 A good Name is better then a good oyntment and the day of death then the day that one is born Psal 116.15 Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints Isa 57.1 The righteous perish and no man considereth it in heart and mercifull men are taken away and no man understandeth that the righteous is taken away from the evill to come Psal 63.3 4. For thy loving kindnesse is better then life therefore my lips shall praise thee Psal 104.33 I will sing unto the Lord all my life I will praise my God while I live II. Comfort Secondly Take comfort for that all our conditions both inward and outward sinne excepted are from the appointment of God and his will is therein dore Numb 20.23 24 25 26 27 28. And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron in the mount of Hor near the coast of the Land of Edom saying Aaron shall be gathered to his people for he shall not enter into the Land which I have given unto the Children of Israel because ye disobeyed my Commandements at the waters of Meribah Take Aaron and Eleazar his sonne and bring them up into the Mount Hor. And cause Aaron to put off his garments and put them upon Eleazar his sonne for Aaron shall be gathered to his fathers and shall die there And Moses did as the Lord had commanded and they went up into the Mount Hor in the sight of all the Congregation And Moses put off Aarons cloathes and put them upon Eleazar his sonne so Aaron died there in the top of the Mount Chap. 33.38 Deut. 32.48 49 50. And the Lord spake unto Moses saying Go up into this mountain of Abrim unto the mount Nebo which is in the Land of Moab that is over against Jerico And behold the Land of Canaan which I give unto the Children of Israell for a possession and die in the mount which thou goest up into and thou shalt be gathered unto thy people as Aaron thy brother died in mount Hor and was gathered unto his people Job 23.14 For he will perform that which he had decreed of me and many such things are with him Prov. 16.9 33. The heart of man purposeth his way but the Lord doth direct his steps The Lot is cast into the lap but the whole disposition thereof is from the Lord. The will and the deed of holinesse is from the Lord therefore we must truly pray for the sacred guidance of the holy Spirit Paul plants and Apollo waters but it is God that gives the increase Selah Therefore O my God for thy Sonne my Saviours sake and as thou delightest to shew mercy to the saving of a poor sinner that would truly serve thee from his deserved death teach me thy precepts and lead me in the way of thy Commandements Turn me unto thee O Lord and so I shall be turned for thou art the Lord my God and I am thy servant though most unworthy of thy service I am thy unworthy prodigall sonne Lord make me return unto thee my blessed and mercifull Father in true and saving repentance Amen Jer. 15.2 3. Thus saith the Lord Such as are appointed to death unto death and such as are for the sword to the sword and such as are for the famine to the famine and such as are for the captivity to the captivity And
them that goe down into the pit Cause me to hear thy loving kindenesse in the morning for in thee doe I trust cause me to know the way wherein I should walk for I lift up my soul unto thee Deliver me O Lord from my enemies viz. from my sinnes I fly unto thee to hide me teach me to doe thy will for thou art my God thy Spirit is good lead me into the land of uprightnesse Quicken me O Lord for thy Names sake for thy righteousnesse sake bring my soul out of trouble And of thy mercy cut off my enemies viz my sinnes and destroy all them that afflict my soul for I am thy servant I will rejoyce to work in thy vineyard O my creatour and in the strength of thy mercies will attend thy call to rest as thy most obedient servant Amen V. Comfort Take comfort in a constant thirsting to be dissolved and to be with Christ as his servants are who be already dissolved if almighty God in Christ Jesus were so pleased Read Gerrards Meditations Though death as to us is bitter yet in from pag. 268 unto pag. 302. our trust on almighty God in Christ it is sweet For who keep●th his word shall never see death Joh. 8.51 The misery of a Christian dieth but not the Christian man we lose not our friends at their death but they goe before us to the place of our enjoyment of them in Christ Jesus for ever as we may well beleeve Luk. 2.29 Simeon saith Lord now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace And Phil. 1.23 The Apostle desires to be dissolved and to be with Christ which is best of all Rev. 7.9 The elect have robes in token of innocency and palms in their hands in token of victory therein are all tears wiped away from our eyes Ver. 17. And therein is no mourning nor grief nor any cry heard but rest from labour Chap. 21. v. 4. and 14.15 Our blessed Saviour shews the great benefit of being dissolved when his Disciples were sad at it he said Joh. 14.28 If ye loved me ye would rejoyce rather Phil. 1.21 Death is gain The Father judgeth no man but hath committed all judgement to his Sonne therefore rejoyce in thy true belief to goe to that judgement For Joh. 3.16 God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Sonne that who so beleeveth in him should not perish but have everlasting life Matth. 18.14 Neither is it the will of our Father that one of the little ones should perish Ver. 11. Our Saviour came to save that which was lost He takes away the sinnes of the world He died for the sinnes of the world He hath a gracious call for us as Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdome prepared for you He maketh intercession for us and hath blotted out the hand-writing which was against us Joh. 5.24 He that heareth his word and believeth on him that sent him hath life everlasting and shall not come into condemnation O my Saviour I beleeve yet help thou my unbelief and increase thou my faith Eph. 5.29 30. That I may truly and as I ought beleeve my self to be and be a member of thy body of thy flesh and of thy bones O my Saviour in the power of thy might and as thou diedst to save sinners make me holy is thou the Lord my God art holy The dayes of my pilgrimage are few and evill My conversation is in Heaven and I desire to see the goodnesse of the Lord in the land of the living When shall I appear before thy face O God As the Hart panteth after the fountain of water so doth my heart after thee O God At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore I shall be abundantly satisfied with the plentifullnesse of thy house and thou shalt give me to drink of the brook of thy pleasures for with thee is the fountain of life and in thy light shall we see light Thou O Lord art the portion of my inheritance and my exceeding great reward Thou shalt of thy free love to sinners shewed in Jesus Christ cover me with the garment of salvation and cloathe me with the white robe of righteousnesse where there is no hunger nor thirst nor scorching Sunne Of the fruit of the vine shall I drink in thy Kingdome for thy words are spirit and life therefore shall death be swallowed up in victory and thou O Saviour shalt for thy free merit in the blessed mercy of our eternall Father wipe away all tears from my eyes for ever for thou art my all-sufficient Lord God While we live we cannot hope to cease from sinne but when we die we hope to sinne no more which consideration doth administer great comfort in the remembrance and appearance of death to those that are truly weary of sinning against their God VI. The first Comfort in the pangs and passages of Death First Because the will of God is therein done in Jesus Christ which is certainly the best for us It is appointed to all men once to die and after that comes the judgment Heb. 9.27 2 Cor. 4.14 Knowing that he which hath raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise us up also by Jesus therefore we faint not but though our outward man perish yet the inward man is renewed daily Ver. 17. For our light afflictions which are but for a moment causeth unto us a farre more excellent and an eternall weight of glory while we look not on the things that are seen but on the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporall but the things which are not seen are eternall Read Gerrards Meditations p. 109. praying for a blessed departure out of this life and a blessed resurrection unto life ever lasting And Read the fift Chapter of the 2d Cor. in which is admirable comfort in the passages of death that we may be present with the Lord. Jam. 1.12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptations for when he is tried he shall receive the Crown of life which the Lord hath promised to them that love him Then present thy sould a true devotary unto our most gracious Father in Jesus Christ and say with David Psal 31.5 Into thy hands I commend my spirit for thou hast redeemed me O Lord God of truth Ps 71.23 My lips will rejoyce when I sing unto thee and my soul which thou hast delivered And rejoyce with Paul Gal. 3.13 saying Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the Law when he was made a curse for us for it is written Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree Then gathering thy spirit freeing thy soul of worldly thougths say in faith and true repentance in full assurance that our good God is all-sufficient and that his mercy endures for ever and that in Jesus thy Saviour he hath elected and adopted thee his sonne Come Lord Jesus my most dear Saviour come quickly Amen VII A second Comfort in the passages of Death Take
I thinke it meete as long as I am in this tabernacle to stir you up by putting you in remembrance Seeing I know that the time is at hand that I must lay down this my tabernacle I will endevour therefore that ye allso may be able to haue remembrance of these things after my departure Pet. The lord will perfect that which concerneth me Psal 138.8 THE COUNSELL AND ADMONITION OF HENRY MASSINGBERD Esq TO HIS CHILDREN PSAL. 111. 10. PROV 9.10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdome a good understanding have all they that doe thereafter PROV 4.7 Wisdome is a speciall thing therefore get wisdome and above all thy gettings get understanding TIT. 1.15 To the pure all things are pure but to the corrupt all things are corrupted There may be both good and evill produced from all earthly things for that Every pot hath two handles Char. of Wisd LONDON Printed by A.M. Anno Domini 1656. I haue not sate with vaine persons neither will I goe in with dissemblers Psal 26 4. Wee ought to aske and knocke and seeke and pray His constant guidance in his perfect way How vile a shape doth beare this bone When th'perewigg of flesh is gone Learne from this dryed bone and parched skull The body 's foule blest soules are beauty full THE Counsell and Admonition OF Henry Massingberd Esq TO HIS Children SCRIPTURES ROM 15.14 I Trust you will admonish one another in the fear of God 1 Thes 5.12 13. Love them that admonish you and be at peace among your selves 2 Thes 3.15 Count him not an enemy that offends but admonish him Jer. 42.19 Know certainly that I have admonished you this day Exod. 18.19 Hearken now unto my voice I will give thee counsell and God shall be with thee Job 21.16 The counsell of the wicked is far from me Psal 1.1 2. Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsell of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornfull but his delight is in the Law of the Lord and in his Law doth he meditate day and night Psal 16.7 I will blesse the Lord who hath given me counsell And 73.24 Thou shalt guide me with thy counsell and then receive me to glory Prov. 8.9 They are all plain to him that understandeth and right to them that finde knowledge Psal 31.15 My times are in thy hands O God Job 10.20 Are not my dayes few Job 14.1 Man is of few dayes Eccles 1.4 One generation goeth and another cometh Gen. 27. ● I know not the day of my death Eccl. 3.2 There is a time to be born and a time to die Eph. 6.1 Children obey your parents Phil. 4.17 I desire fruit that may a bound to your accompt Joh. 14.3 That where I am ye may be also 2 Sam. 122.3 I shall go to him he shall not return to me Eph. 4.5 6. One Lord one faith one baptisme one God and father of all who is above all and through all and in you all Math. 6.10 Thy kingdome come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven Job 14.14 All the dayes of my appointed time will I wait untill my change come Joh. 9.4 I must work the work of him that sent me to day the night cometh when no man can work Amos 4.12 Prepare to meet thy God O Israel Eccl. 11.3 Where the tree falleth there it lies Matth. 25.3 They that were foolish took their lampes and no oyl with them Heb. 3.7 8. Wherefore as the holy Ghost saith to day if ye will hear his voice harden not your hearts Mark 13.37 What I say unto you I say unto all Watch. Prov. 4.1 Hear ye children the instruction of a father and attend to know understanding Isa 38.19 The father to the children shall make known thy truth Prov. 22.6 Train up a childe in the way that he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it Gen. 18.19 For I know him that he will command his children and his houshold after him and they shall keep the way of the Lord to doe justice Psal 133. Prov. 1.7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisedom and instruction And ver 8. My sonne hear thou the instruction of thy father and despise not the law of thy mother Joh. 15.17 These things I command you that you love one another And 13.34 A new commandement I give unto you that ye love one another as I have loved you that ye also love one another 1 Joh. 4.24 He that loveth God loveth his brother also 1 Pet. 1.22 See that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently Acts 7.27 Ye are brethren why doe ye wrong one another Job 1.21 The Lord gave the Lord hath taken away blessed be the Name of the Lord. 1 Tim. 6.17 Trust not in uncertain riches Eccl. 5.13 There is a sore evil which I have seen under the Sunne namely riches kept for the owners thereof to their hurt Matth. 6.20 Lay up for your selves treasures in Heaven Rev. 8.13 Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. 1 Joh. 2.15 Love not the world nor the things of this world Phil. 3.15 As many as be perfect be thus minded James 1.27 Pure Religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this to visit the fatherles and the widow with some relief in their afflictions and to keep himself unspotted from this world Joh. 5.39 Search the Scriptures Matth. 22.19 You erre not knowing the Scriptures Psal 127.5 Except the Lord build the house they labour in vain that build it Heb. 11.6 He that comes to God must beleeve that he is and that he is the rewarder of them that diligently seck him Eccl 2.26 For God giveth to men that is good in his sight wisdome knowledge joy Psal 30.1 I will extoll thee O Lord for thou hast lifted me up And 68.4 Sing unto God sing praises to his Name extoll him that rideth upon the heavens Psal 39 5. Man at his best estate is altogether vanity 1 Sam. 2.7 The Lord bringeth low and lifteth up Psal 18.2 The Lord is my rock and my fortresse my deliverer my God my strength in whom I will trust Ver. 30. As for God his way is perfect the word of the Lord is tried he is a buckler to all those that trust in him Luk. 2.14 Glory to God on high on earth peace Joh. 14.23 But the hour is coming and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the father in spirit and truth Psal 34.18 The Lord is nigh to them that are of a broken heart and saveth those that be of a contrite spirit And 51.17 A broken and a contrite heart O God thou wilt not despise Mal. 3.3 Offer to God the sacrifice of righteousnesse Psal 116.17 I will offer unto God the sacrifice of thanksgiving and will call upon the Name of the Lord. Job 4.7 Who ever perished being innocent And
Mich. 6.8 He hath shewed thee O man what is good and what doth the Lord require of thee but to doe justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God Rom. 11.33 O the depth of the riches both of the wisdome and knowledge of God how unsearchable are his judgments and his waies past finding out Psal 4.5 Offer the sacrifice of righteousnesse and put your trust in the Lord. And 104. 33. I will sing unto the Lord so long as I live I will sing praise unto my God while I have any being Matth. 6.20 Lay up for your selves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt and where thieves doe not break through and steale for where your treasure is there will your heart be also Prov. 13.13 Who so despiseth the Word shall be destroyed but he that feareth the Commandement shall be rewarded 1 Pet. 3.16 Having a good conscience that whereas they speak evill of you as of evill doers they may be ashamed that falsly accuse your good conversation in Christ Isa 26.3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose minde is stayed on thee because be trusteth in thee 2 Chron. 25.2 And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord but not with a perfect heart Matth. 5.8 Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God 1 Tim. 1.5 Now the end of the Commandement is charity out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith unfeigned Psal 107.43 Who so is wise and will observe these things even they shall understand the loving kindnesse of the Lord. Deut. 4.9 Take heed to thy self and keep thy soul diligently and teach them thy sons and thy sons sonns Matth. 5.19 Whosoever shall doe and teach them shall be great in the kingdom of heaven Prov. 28.9 He that turneth away his ear from hearing the Law even his prayers shall be an abomination to the Lord. Rom. 10.17 Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God 1 Tim. 4.13 Give attendance to reading Psal 1.2 In his Law doth he meditate day and night Read the whole Psalm Psal 55.17 Evening morning and noon will I pray Luk. 6.38 Give and it shall be given to you again Eccl. 1.4 One generation passeth and another generation cometh 1 Thes 5.10 Who died for us that whether we wake or sleep we should live together with him 1 Cor. 1.20 Where is the wise where is the Scribe where is the disputer of this world Hath not God made foolish the wisdome of this world Ver. 27. God hath chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise and the weak things of this world to confound the things which are mighty Phil. 4.17 I desire fruit that may abound to your account Psal 103.15 As for man his dayes are as grasse as a flower of the field so he flourisheth Heb. 11.16 But now they desire a better country that is a heavenly wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God for he hath prepared for them a City Psal 90 1● So teach us to number our dayes O Lord that we may apply our hearts unto wisdome TEN ADMONITIONS Upon the Ten severall Ages of a Mans Life It being divided into ten Sevens in which is easily to be observed ten apparent changes in our Apprehensions and Desires PSAL. 90.10 The age of a man is threescore years and ten if strength continue till fourscore years yet is that strength but labour and sorrow it suddenly faileth and we are gone ALSO Generall Admonitions for the whole Life of Man ECCLES 12.12 By these my sonne be admonished ECCLES 4.13 Better is a poor and a wise childe then an old and foolish King who will no more be admonished HIS EPISTLE Children MY desire is to speak very plainely to you in a low and common stile that so the meanest capacity may receive and understand my meaning You are they that are very near me in my generation and for vicissitudes and perhaps multitudes of times although to speak properly not much time for our dayes be few and evill you are to passe and sojourn with me in my pilgrimage and as my journey drawes towards an end nearer the grave the undoubted portion of mortality so your journeys likewise become shorter and who knowes the hour of his dissolution for our times are in thy hands O God My accompt is great for you and my care is great of you especially for the good of your eternity and my commands are therefore great unto you that with your best abilities you assist me in it and heartily endeavour to further my good accompt of you in the day of triall let our great and diligent care be so to spend our time that we may live together in the true and perfect service of our good God for our eternity Let us take here comfort in those our friends who are gone or shall go out of this world before us praemissi non anussi who lived and died in the same faith and belief with us and whose lives as we may judge have answered their profession that we in the eternall mercy of the eternall Father in Christ Jesus shall upon our dissolution meet them again Rev c. 2. we being as they were constant in all good duties to the end and never part one from the other nor from the perfect service of our Creator for ever This may be in some part our hope and joy but our great rejoycing must alwaies be willingly and joyfully to submit to the will of God and to his pleasure for ever This is not to be the work of a day but of all the dayes of all our lives for a day soon passeth away and mortality is alwaies at hand therefore beware of unpreparednesse for if the tree fall ill so it lies upon this moment as it were dependeth eternity if then thou hast not oyl in thy lampe the door of mercy is for ever shut and who knows what a day may bring forth therefore seriously consider fill your holy lampes with the burning oyl of piety and watch And know in case any of you become a Parent that you owe unto your Children not only materiall subsistence for their bodies but much more to contribute spirituall things unto their better part their souls and be sure you principle them aright in the beginning of their daies so soon as they can doe or apprehend any thing let it be good and from the true principle of loving and obeying our good God even for his own sake which will conduct us to the right loving of our neighbour I humbly blesse our good God that hath endued all of you with capacities and naturall endowments in some measure capable of the best instructions and withall I humbly crave his powerfull spirit upon your wills to improve them and I trust your best compliances shall not be wanting Be sure you imbrace and hold fast true love one towards another and although you had
Matth. 7.13 Wide is the gate and broad the way that leads to destruction and many there be that goe in thereat Ver. 14. Strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that finde it Rom. 13.13 Let us walk honestly as in the day not in rioting and drunkennesse not in chambering and wantonnesse not in strife and envying Ver. 14. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof Rom. 6.22 But now being made free from sinne and become the servants of God ye have your fruit unto holinesse and the end everlasting life And 8.18 For I reckon that the moment any afflictions of this life are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us 1 Cor. 9.24 So runne that you may obtain Zach. 4.10 For who hath despised the day of small things Psal 89.47 Remember O Lord how short my time is Col. 4.5 Walk in wisdome redeeming the time Matth. 26.41 Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation 2 Chron. 29.11 My sonne be not now negligent Matth. 7.23 Depart from me ye that work iniquity Prov. 22.8 He that soweth iniquity shall reap vanity Psal 90.12 So teach us to number our dayes that we may apply our hearts to wisdome And 103.15 As for man his dayes are as grasse as a flower of the field so he flourisheth And 144. ver 4. Man is like to vanity his dayes are as a shadow that soon passeth away Heb. 3.7 To day if ye will hear his voice harden not your hearts Ver. 13. Exhort one another daily while it is called to day lest any of you be hardned through the deceitfullnesse of sinne Exod. 22.29 Thou shal not delay to offer the first of thy ripe fruits Psal 119.60 I made haste and delayed not to keep thy Commandements Job 11.23 14. If thou prepare thy heart and stretch out thy hands towards him if inquity be in thy hand put it farre away and let not wickednesse dwell in thy tabernacles Psal 119.137 140. Righteous art thou O Lord and upright are thy judgements thy Word is very pure therefore thy servant loveth it Psal 64.9 10. And all men shall fear and shall declare the works of God for they shall wisely consider of his doings The righteous shall be glad in the Lord and shall trust in him and all the upright in heart shall glory Jam. 4.14 Whereas you know not what shall be to morrow for what is your life it is even a vapour that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away Psal 89.48 What man is he that liveth and shall not see death shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the grave Prov. 14.32 The wicked is driven away in his wickedness but the righteous hath hope in his death INfancy the first Age is like passing through the red Sea in this is required patience this is our first footing into the wildernesse to which we passe through the bloudy sea of our distressed mother afflicting her with sorrow that first tells us of a land of rest And why should nature thus behave her self to seem ungratefull to her dearest nurce and Viper-like to kill and tear her damme it may be this because there is a dangerous wildernesse to passe through before we come to this Land of Promise and many by-wayes and broad pathes in it leading all to destruction and only one strait way and narrow path there is that leadeth to Canaan and hard it is and few there are that finde it and being once set down in this wandring desert if we misse this strait way and goe a deadly path woe is to us that ever we undertook it better had it been for us if we had not been born But as the losse is most sad so is the right ordering of our way and following this strait path most joyfull in the end for what are afflictions if through them we enter into the Kingdom of God of which the momentany afflictions of this life are not worthy and unlesse we undertake this journey unlesse we runne we cannot obtain we cannot have the prize the blisse This is the day of small things the beginning of dayes unto us the beginning of our pretious time so swift a steed that if he once passe we cannot bring him back therefore let us improve the time because the dayes are evill be very vigilant that it passe not in vain Some times there are which are taken from us some are stollen from us and others slip away from us but the shamefullest losse of time that may be is when it proceedeth from our own negligence We see a great part of time flitteth from all men very much from idle persons and the whole from those that love iniquity therefore ought we to put a great price upon time to esteeme of a day and to know that we dye daily for herein are we deceived because we suppose death to be far from us when the truth is death holds all our years in his possession therefore imbrace and lay hold on every houre So shalt thou be blessed in suspence for to morrow if thou fasten thy hands on to day whilest life is deferred it fleeteth therefore make good use of time while thou hast it for infinite are the waies that end it to thee It is a very evill thing to delay the performing of good duties in this life which is very short if thou wouldest fortifie provide against the pursuite of a powerfull enemy then more especially against the power of death it is more worthy to consummate life before death then to delay the living of a blessed life and death take us unprepared the greatest losse is the losse of time and the greatest grief when it is truly considered A good life consisteth not in the space but use of time whence it cometh to passe that he who hath lived longest hath often lived little or nothing As the heathen Philosopher wisely observed of one who neglected the improvement of his time Quod octoginta Annorum fuit septem tamen Annos tantum vixit accounting only that life which was spent with prudence and circumspection Consider when thou lyest down it may be thou shalt not rise when thou sleepest thou mayest not awake and when thou wakest thou mayst sleep no more Ut somnus mori is sic lectus imago sepulchri When thou goest forth thou maist not returne and when thou returnest thou maist goe forth no more there is not three fingers only betwixt the Mariner and death but in all places and at all times death and life are not farre asunder every where death shews not himself so nigh as nigh he is but live thou the life of the righteous and thou shalt surely die the death of the righteous which is the sure gain of eternall life in Jesus Christ our Lord. Train up a childe in the way he should go and
when he is old he will not depart from it Pro 22.6 As dayes increase soe must increase our will To doe what 's good and to auoide what 's ill Death is most certaine but the instant when Is most vncertaine to all mortall men Soe soone as one sand dropps the next doth follow Life's here to day and death takes place to morrow Psal 22.26 The meek shall eat and be satisfied And 25.9 The meek will he guide in judgment and the meek will he teach his way 1 Sam. 2.3 Talk no more so exceeding proudly let no arrogancy come out of thy mouth for the Lord is a God of knowledge and by him actions are weighed Prov. 3.13 Happy is he that findeth wisdome and that getteth understanding And Ver. 17. Her wayes are wayes of pleasantnesse and all her pathes peace Psal 50.14 Offer unto God thanksgiving and pay thy vowes unto the most high Deut. 6.2 That thou mightest fear the Lord thy God to keep all his statutes and his Commandemonts which I command thee thou and thy sonne and thy sonnes sonne all the dayes of thy life and that thy dayes may be prolonged Psal 34.11 Come ye children hearken to me I will teach you the fear of the Lord. Psal 111.10 The fear of the Lord is the begining of wisdom a good understanding have all they that doe thereafter and obey his Commandements Psal 119.6 Then shall I not be ashamed when I have respect unto all thy Commandements Joh. 5.39 Search the Scriptures diligently Psal 119.24 Thy testimonies are my delight and my councellors And 37.4 Delight thy self also in the Lord and he shall give thee the desire of thy heart Rom. 12.10 Be kindly affectioned one towards another with brotherly love Eccl. 1.4 One generation passeth and another cometh And 12.1 Remember now thy Creatour in the dayes of thy youth while the evill dayes come not nor the yeares draw nigh when thou shalt say I have no pleasure in them Jude v. 7. As Sodome and Gomorrah are set for our examples suffering the vengeance of eternall fire 1 Thes 5.22 Abstain from all appearance of evill Eccl. 9.3 There is an evill among all things that are done under the Sunne that there is one event to all yea also the hearts of the sonnes of men are full of evill and madnesse while they live and after that they goe down to the dead Eph. 6.11 13. Put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devill that ye may stand in the evill day Prov. 8.17 I love them that love me and those that seek me early shall finde me Psal 63.1 O God thou art my God early will I seek thee Gen. 8.21 The imagination of mans heart is evill from his youth Eph. 2.3 And were by nature the children of wrath Jude v. 20. But what they know naturally as bruit beasts in those things they corrupt themselves 2 Pet. 3.1 2. In both which I stir up your willing mindes by way of remembrance that ye may be mindfull of the words which were spoken before by the holy Prophets and of the Commandements of us the Apostles of the Lord our Saviour Rom. 2.21 Thou therefore that teachest another teachest not thou thy self thou that preachest a man should not steal doest thou steal Matth. 7.15 Beware of false prophets or teachers which come to you in sheeps cloathing but inwardly are ravening wolves THe second Age is termed Childhood a right wandring in the wildernesse in which meeknesse is required The first we discovered and commenced our time now it is requisite to speak something of Action which is the life of a man in his time of this I would by the help of God admonish in order according to the severall steps and degrees of capacity Such action as concerns this second Age is the beginning truly to rellish and entertain wholesome doctrine and admonition such as tend to our temporall but especially to our eternall welfare Now that we are entred into this wholesome Land and possed the danger of a seven-years journey in the troublesome pilgrimage of this mortality it is good that we apply our mindes how we may become serviceable to our mercifull Creator and imploy our appointed time in his Vineyard like faithfull servitors that when he comes or calls we may be ready to passe our account with joy and comfort and not with grief In this Age we are to proceed in those little foot-steps of learning which probably if not much neglected hath been laid out to us in the former Age. Foundations ought to be of the most lasting materials because if they fail the whole building is in danger and they are most hard and unusuall to be removed therefore let thy first learning be the best and that is thy duty to thy Maker which comprehendeth the generall performance of all duty Learn divine precepts especially the old and new Testament that may make thee wise to salvation and that will by Gods mercy bring on a delight in prayer in reading and hearing the Word of the Almighty Instruct a childe while he is young and he will remember it afterwards Never teach a childe that which is evill which he must either leave or be untaught ingraft brotherly love one in another ever rejoycing in one anothers welfare but especially in the good of your eternity Now thou must begin to take some notice of passages and accidents that doe may or have befallen thee or some near thee especially of the death and mortality of thy friend or acquaintance for often to think of death is a great means to be well prepared for it and taking notice of passages and casualty in others fits us for changes and alterations that must befall our selves About this time it is that corrupted youth begins to make excuse for faults but doe thou fly the faults and it is sufficient Strive to know good from evill then follow the good and be sure to avoid all appearances of evill he hardly recovers health that knowes not he is sick if we begin not our cure betime when shall we cast off those many plagues and sicknesses that begirt us A Christian must be an expert Spirituall Souldier and therefore must learn betime to put on his whole armour of salvation we must begin to reform and correct our mindes before they be confirmed in wickednesse and corruption corrupted nature proffers no man a good minde before an evill therefore is the minde to be enforced so shall the medicine prove sweet while it cureth Of other remedies there are certain pleasures after health Divinity is both wholesome and pleasing it is very necessary that Tutors and teachers of Children and all that company with them be religiously disposed gentle and peaceable example in this age especially prevailes much beyond precept that which is tender layeth hold on that which is near unto it growes with it and is fashioned to it Nurces and Masters are often imitated
you and abound they will make you that you shall neither be barren nor unfruitfull in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ Ver. 9. But he that lacketh these things is blinde 1 Joh. ● 15 Love not the world nor the things of the world if any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him Prov. 14.14 The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own wayes and a good man shall be satufied from himself Psal 34. from the 10th to the end The young Lyons doe lack and suffer hunger but they that fear the Lord shall not want any thing that is good Come my children hearken unto me I will teach you the fear of the Lord. What man is he that desirech life and loveth many dayes that he may see good Keep thy tongue from evill and thy lippes that they speake no gu●l Depart from evill and doe good seek peace and ensue it The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and his ears are open to their cry The face of the Lord is against them that doe evill to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth The righteous cry and the Lord heareth and delivereth them out of all their troubles The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivereth him out of them all He keepeth all his bones not one of them is broken Evill shall slay the wicked and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate The Lord redeemeth the souls of his servants and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate Prov. 14.15 16. The simple beleeveth every word but the prudent man looketh well to his goings A wise man feareth and departeth from evill but the fool rageth and is confident Eccl. 12.13 Fear God and keep his Commandements for this is the whole duty of man Ver. 14. For God shall bring every work into judgment with every secret thing whether it be good or whether it be evill NOw we have by the mercy of God obtained a fruitfull plantation in this promised Land let us plant in it good and wholesome fruit for men do not gather grapes of thorns nor figgs of thistles Here we may proceed in the sixth Age of our Life and third ascent of our Manhood under the notion of constant Action and hereby our duty is by all means to endeavour the good of all the heavens lead us to this by shining upon all without hopes of gain or requitall shewing thereby the duty of a good man to his neighbour to be constantly conversant in some good employment of the body minde or both is a very lively branch of true vertue which keeps a man unvanquished and is not subject to pleasures and hath its reward in it self Vertue doth alone bring forth solid joy and only enables a man to bear all the changes and chances of this life with comfort and doe you rightly consider all the branches that proceed from this root and you will finde that they are firmly united with linkes unseparable as all the branches of a tree have but one root to nourish them so all the Vertues have but one principall foundation which is the doing all things out of true obedience to the service and commands of almighty God therefore is true Vertue most highly to be aspired unto Wisdome is a true branch of it which makes a man rightly to understand the nature use and property of all things and counteth nothing evill but vice which it is alwaies sufficiently fortified against and cannot enter there Teach mee o lord the way of thy statutes and I shall keepe it vnto the end Psal 119.33 Take heede of wasting time for when it 's spent There 's noe redemption from the great Judgment Vaine wretched pride beholde within thy sight Is death or dayes falce pleasure or delight My dayly dying freinds that take theire flight At highest noone bid mee remember night where vertue and honesty dwelleth if injury be the sufferance of some evill and a wise man cannot suffer evill then there is no evill that appertains to a wise man every injury is a diminution of him to whom it is offered and no man may receive injury without some detriment either in good-Name body or goods but a wise man can loose nothing he hath all his goods inclosed with the enjoyment of true vertue as for other things he useth them as borrowed and what man is so much moved at the losse of what is not his own but if injury can attempt nothing which is proper to a wise man because the whole is conserved by his vertue it must follow that a wise man cannot be injured because he sets not his heart upon earthly things as if they were his own knowing that the possession of all those things that abound externally is slippery and un-assured plant then plentifully in the vineyard of Vertue and be thou a flourishing branch of this blessed root so thou shalt relieve others with thy pleasant fruits without diminishing of thy own store and plenty prosperity shall not puff thee up nor adversity deject thee true goods are never subject to moth rust and canker neither can thieves break through and steal them heavenly riches shall have a heavenly reward and earthly changes cannot approach their dwelling Wisdome will advise thee to be very carefull how thou dost ingage thy self either by word or action especially amongst a croud with a multitu●e in a warre a civill warre against a Prince a present power rather fly such a flame if any conveniency will permit avoid the fire while fury is fierce let it passe thee for violent things are seldome permanent I cannot shew you a certain way to avoid the dangers that time and chance may bring upon you or upon your country in your generations for outward things true vertue and inward treasure must secure you it must be wisdome that heavenly gift obtained by true and hearty prayer and humble obedience that must guide your feet in the way of peace that peace which the world the flesh the devill cannot deprive us of which the God of Heaven grant us all for his mercies sake Amen Into thy hands I commit my spirit thou hast redeemed it or lord God of truth Psal 31.5 If wee a blest Creatoure and a saviour haue Our duty is to worke and faith to craue Vnto my mother earth I am now gon Vntill the morning resurrection As quickly as the Sand falls to his place Soe sudden is the change of humane race Gen. 2.8 And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden and there he put the man whom he had formed Ver. 15. And the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to dresse it and to keep it Prov. 20.18 Every purpose is established by counsell and with good advice make warre And 24.6 For by wise
counsell thou shalt make thy warre and in multitude of Counsellors there is safety Deut. 4.39 Know therefore this day and consider it in thy heart that the Lord he is God in heaven above and upon the earth beneath there is none else And 32.29 O that that they were wise that they understood this that they would consider their latter ends Prov. 22.3 A prudent man foreseeth the evill and hideth himself but the simple passe on and are punished Acts 2.25 I foresaw the Lord alwayes before my face Job 37.14 Hearken unto this and consider the wondrous works of God Psal 8.3 4. When I considered the heavens the works of thy hands the Moon and Starres which thou hast ordained What is man that thou art mindfull of him and the sonne of man that thou visitest him Hag. 1.7 Thus saith the Lord Consider your wayes And 2.15 And now I pray you consider from this day upward from before a stone was laid upon a stone in the Temple of the Lord. 2 Tim. 2.7 Consider what I say and the Lord give you understanding in all things Eph. 4.26 Be angry but sinne not let not the Sunne goe down upon your wrath Psal 37.8 Cease from anger and for sake wrath fret not thy self in any wise to doe evill Prov. 19.11 The discretion of a man deferreth his anger and it is his glory to passe over a transgression Eccl. 7.9 Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry for anger resteth in the bosome of fools Col. 3.8 Put off all these anger wrath malice Ver. 10. Put on the new man which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him 1 Chron. 28.7 I will establish his kingdome for ever if he be constant to doe my Commandements Col. 3.2 Set your affections on things above and not on things below Eph. 6.10 Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might Ver. 11. Put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devill Ver. 12. For we wrestle not against flesh and bloud but against Principalities against Powers against the Rulers of the darknesse of this world against spirituall wickednesse in high places Psal 119.67 Before I was afflicted I went astray but now have I kept thy word Ver. 71. It is good for me that I was afflicted that I might learne thy statutes Job 5.17 Happy is the man whom God correcteth therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty Prov. 3.12 For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth even as a father the sonne in whom he delighteth Lam. 3.39 40 41. Wherefore doth a living man complaine a man for the punishment of his sinnes Let us search and try our wayes and turn again unto the Lord. Let us lift up our hearts with our hands unto God in the heavens Psal 141.3 Set a watch O Lord before my mouth keep the door of my lips Prov. 10.19 In the multitude of words there wanteth not sinne but he that refraineth his lips is wise Eccl. 5.3 A fools voice is known by the multitude of words Prov. 6.16 These six things doth the Lord hate Ver. 17. A proud look a lying tongue c. Psal 31.6 I have hated them that regard lying vanities Ver. 18. Let the lying lips be put to silence Prov. 13.5 A righteous man hateth lying 1 Tim. 4.7 Refuse profane and oldwives fables and exercise thy self rather unto godlinesse Psal 26.4 I have not sate with vain persons neither will I goe in with dissemblers Psal 119.113 I hate vain thoughts but thy Law doe I love Eph. 5.4 Neither filthinesse nor foolish talking nor jesting which are not convenient but rather giving of thanks Matth. 1● 16 Behold I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves be ye therefore wise as serpents but innocent as doves Eph. 4.29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth but that which is good to the use of edifying that it may minister grace unto the hearers 1 Co. 9.18 What is my reward then verily that when I preach the Gospel I may make the Gospel of Christ without charge that I abuse not my power in the Gospel Prov. 16.32 He that is slow to anger is better then the mighty and he that ruleth his spirit then he that taketh a City Isa 3.25 Thy men shall fall by the sword and thy mighty in warre Prov. 30.8 Remove farre from me vanity and lies give me neither poverty nor riches feed me with food convenient for me least I be full and deny thee and say who is the Lord or least I be poor and steale and take the name of my God in vain 2 Cor. 10.3 For though we walk in the flesh we doe not warre after the flesh Ver. 4. for the weapons of our warfare are not carnall but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds Ver. 5. Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth it self against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ Eccl. 10.10 Wisdome is profitable to direct And 7.19 Wisdome strengtheneth the wise more then ten mighty men that are in the City Psal 138.3 In that day when I cried thou answeredst me and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul Psal 119.33 Teach me O Lord the way of thy statutes and I shall keep it unto the end Ver. 34. Give me understanding and I shall keep thy Law yea I shall observe it with my whole heart Ver. 38. Stablish thy word unto thy servant who is devoted unto thy feare Now thou hast by Gods gracious assistance obtained a good plantation and planted it there must be a time of weeding nourishing and preserving it that so we may know the best way to improve our Talent in our heavenly Masters service In this time which is the seventh Age of a man is required fortitude gravity and sobriety a stayednesse and serious consideration of all our undertakings a wise take-heed and foresight into the event of a businesse Past and present things every man declares but solid wisdome only shewes the event of things to come which although it sometimes faile because the eternall God hath so decreed that man should not know what should be after him yet to us it is the Candle of the Lord and being rightly used it is a glimmering of the heavenly light and excelleth folly and unadvisednesse as light excelleth darknesse To what purpose doth he plant that doth not well preserve but suffers savage Bores to root and spoyl and who so vain as he that builds a house and doth not well repair and keep the same The very microcosme of our body teacheth us to have a fore sight into our affairs and dealings for we have two Ears to receive direction by and two Eyes to look before us whereas of other members we have but one where the use is more single I advise thee to determine of nothing in a passion if anger
be at all allowed it must be without sinne Be angry but sinne not and then surely it must be very short the Sunne must not goe down upon it Anger is a high degree of madnesse and therefore unfits a man wholly to act any businesse in it it is only good when with thy self for the committing of sinne from which there is some hopes of thy repentance with care for the future to avoid it Anger unfits a man either to defend himself or offend his enemy it doth disarm us as it were and lay us open to all attempts against us therefore have a speciall care to govern thy passions and keep thy self in a constant setled way in thy affections that so no chance or accident may attempt thee unprovided or unfortified with strong reason and wisdome to oppose and resist it passion sets a false glosse upon a businesse and maketh him seem guilty whom moderation and perfect reason would clearly excuse Murmur not neither be angry at any affliction in this life but blesse almighty God that it is no sharper unto thee considering the great deserts of thy infinite transgressions remember if thou make right use of it that it is a sign and mark of the love of God to thee and be thou truly penitent humble and thankfull for it for why should a sinfull man complaine of a man for the punishment of his sinnes but rather in all humble obedience love and thankfullnesse lift up thy heart with thy hands unto God in the heavens That thou mayest avoid the occasion of much anger and passion set a watch over thy lips and a strict restraint to thy tongue use not many words for that can hardly be without sinne especially take heed of cursing swearing blaspheming lying c. and love not to relate fabulous and vain jests for they are commonly as near a lye as complements to hypocrisie and dissimulation which is a gilded untruth to make it passe the better Two things it s said never wax old in a man which without a carefull watch draw the whole body into sinne that is the heart and the tongue the heart alwayes imagining new things and the tongue is swift to utter them especially whilst thou art young keep much silence for that will prevent much repentance imprison thy tongue or it will imprison thee set a restraint unto it for it may be an evill enemy to thee Some say a lyar is only good to reveale secrets unto for that no man that knowes him will beleeve his relation Some say he which knowes not how to dissemble knowes not how to live but dissembling then must be taken only for not speaking all the truth at all times which in some sense may be esteemed dissembling but I conceive a man may so dissemble without blame if he wisely order his discourse whatsoever thou sayest or doest perform it from a pure and right principle in true performance of filiall obedience so highly due unto our God and not out of any respect to man other then in promoting in thy neighbour all good and preventing in him any appearance of evill that by thy evill example thou be not accessory to thy neighbours sinne Now to speak a little of fortitude which is a rare vertue and produceth much worthy praise and commendation if rightly used but may be abused as other good vertues to much losse and dammage it s said of Prudence and Justice that they govern a man in company but Fortitude and Temperance govern a man in private and alone All accidents in this life may be comprehended under prosperity and adversity the former guideth in adversity the latter in prosperity and these two vertues may wholly be comprised and understood by this word Constancy which is a right and equall stayednesse of minde in all accidents and outward things whereby he is not puffed up in prosperity nor dejected in adversity Now Fortitude or Vertue in the generall and vulgar understanding of the words is exercised wholly in opposition and in subduing all things under it contemning all terrible things and if abused brings faire liberty into bondage Military valour is commonly much different from true fortitude we finde this valour in the ordinary sense common in beasts but true Fortitude is only to be found in Wisdome many attain Valour by use institution example or custome though they be of base and slavish mindes without any tincture of vertue or true fortitude which is farre from an inconsiderate temerity or bruitish stupidity for vertue cannot be without knowledge and true fortitude is a stayed minde grounded upon the duty honesty and justice of the enterprise which never ceaseth untill it overcome for that it is a quality of the minde not of the body not of the limbes but of true courage in the heart and will whereby it is truly sound for not the conflict but the cause sheweth valour in which much wisdome and discretion must be shewed in the execution and all lawfull meanes used to avoid an approaching danger true fortitude is both a director and a protector therefore most necessary to be obtained although it cost both pay and pains Fortior est qui se quam qui fortissima vincit Mania Psal 1.1 2 7. Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsell of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornfull but his delight is in the Law of the Lord and therein doth meditate day and night He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of waters that bringeth forth her fruit in season Jer. 17.7 Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord and whose hope the Lord is Ver. 8. He shall be as a tree planted by the waters that spreadeth out her roots by the rivers Psal 7.10 My defence is of God which saveth the upright in heart And 59.9 God is my defence And 16. I will sing of thy power yea I will sing aloud of thy mercies in the morning for thou hast been my defence and refuge in the day of my trouble Rev. 3.2 Be watchfull and strengthen the things which remain that are ready to die for I have not found thy works perfect before God Mark 13.33 Take yee heed watch and pray for ye know not when the time is Psal 51.12 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation and uphold me with thy free spirit And 143.10 Teach me to doe thy will for thou art my God thy spirit is good lead me into the land of uprightnesse Neh. 9.20 Thou gavest also thy good spirit to instruct them 1 Thes 5.19 Quench not the spirit 1 Joh. 4.1 2 3. Believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets are gone out into the world Hereby know ye the Spirit of God every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is
of our Fathers for we have sinned against thee 1 Cor. 2.11 For what man knoweth the things of a man save the spirit of a man which is in him 1 Sam. 7.3 And Samuel spake to all the house of Israel saying If you doe return unto the Lord with all your hearts then put away the strange god Ashteroth from among you and prepare your hearts to the Lord and serve him only 1 Cor. 28.7 I will establish his Kingdom if he be constant to doe my Commandements and my judgments as at this day Prov. 4.5 Get wisdom get understanding forget not neither decline from the words of my mouth Ver. 6. Forsake her not and she will preserve thee love her and she will keep thee Ver. 26. Ponder the pathes of thy feet and let all thy wayes be established Eccl. 5.13 There is a sore evill which I have seen under the Sunne namely riches kept by the owners thereof to their hurt And Chap. 8. Ver. 9. There is a time wherein one man ruleth over another to his own hurt 1 Tim. 6.9 They that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtfull lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition 1 Joh. 2.16 For all that is in the world the the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father but of the world Ver. 17. And the world passeth away and the lusts thereof but he that doth the will of God abideth for ever Isa 1.3 The Oxe knoweth his owner and the Asse his masters cribbe but Israel doth not know my people doth not consider Job 16.3 Shall vain words have an end Josh 1.8 This book of the Law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night that thou mayest observe to doe according to all that is written therein for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success Jer. 6.16 Thus saith the Lord Stand in the wayes and see and ask for the old pathes where is the good way and walk therein and you shall finde rest for your souls Lam. 3.40 Let us search and try our wayes and turn again unto the Lord. 2 Cor. 13.5 Examine your selves whether you be in the faith prove your own selves know you not your own selves how that Jesus Christ is in you except you be reprobates Mich. 7.19 He will turn again he will have mercy upon us he will subdue our iniquities and cast all our sinnes into the depth of the sea 2 Cor. 10.4 5. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnall but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds casting down imaginations and every high thing thot exalteth it self against the knowledge of God Matth. 7.7 Aske and it shall be given you seek and ye shall finde knock and it shall be opened unto you And 18. Ver. 14. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little childe the same is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven James 4.10 Humble your selves in the sight of the Lord and he shall lift you up Job 22.9 When men are cast down then thou shalt say there is lifting up and he shall save the humble person Deut. 30.15 19 20. See I have set before thee this day life and good death and evill I call Heaven and earth to record this day against you that I have set before you life and death blessing and cursing therefore choose life that both thou and thy seed may live that thou maist love the Lord thy God and that thou maist obey his voice and that thou maist cleave unto him for he is thy life Matth. 17.27 Notwithstanding least we should offend them goe thou to the sea and cast in a hook and take up the fish that first cometh up and when thou hast opened his mouth thou shalt finde a piece of money that take and give unto them for me and thee Phil. 1.27 Only let your conversation be is becomes the Gospell of Jesus Christ Amos 4.12 Prepare to meet thy God O Israell Psal 40.1 I waited patiently for the Lord and he inclined unto me and heard my cry Psal 106.13 They soon forgot his works they waited not for his counsell Isa 25.9 Loe this is our God we have waited for him we will be glad and rejoyce in his salvation Sam. 2.15.26 Behold here I am let him doe unto me what seemeth good unto him Psal 89.30 If his children forsake my Law and walke not in my judgements Ver. 31. If they breake my Statutes and keepe not my commandements Ver. 32. Then will I visit their transgressions with a rod and their iniquities with stripes Psal 74.19 O deliver not the soul of thy Turkle Dove unto the multitude of the wicked Exod. 23.2 Thou shalt not follow a multitude to doe evill Numb 11.4 And the mixed multitude fell a lusting Prov. 24.1 My sonne feare thou the Lord and the King and meddle not with them that are given to change Ver. 22. For their calamity shall rise suddenly and who knowes the ruine of them both Gen. 2.18 It is not good for man to be alone Matt. 4.4 Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wildernesse to be tempted of the Devill Joh. 6.14 And Jesus departed into a Mountaine himselfe alone And c. 8. v. 16. I am not alone but I and the Father that sent me And c. 16. v. 32. Ye shall leave me alone and yet I am not alone because the Father is with me Phil. 4.11 I have learned in what estate soever I am in therewith to be content Eccl. 6.9 Better is the sight of the eyes then the wandring of the desire 1 Tim. 6.9 But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtfull lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition Eccl. 7.3 Sorrow is better then laughter for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better 1 Tim. 1.8 The Law is good if a man use it lawfully Prov. 15.2 The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright but the mouth of the foolish poureth out foolishnesse Psal 50.23 To him that ordereth his coversation aright will I shew the salvation of God Psal 15.5 He that doth these things shall never be moved And 16.8 I have set the Lord alwaies before me because he is at my right hand I shall not be moved Psal 101.2 I will behave my selfe wisely in a perfect way And 119.98 Thou through thy Commandements hast made me wiser then my enimies Prov. 10.19 In the multitude of words there wanteth not sinne but he that refraineth his lips is wise And 26.12 Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit there is more hope of a foole then of him And 10.14 Wise men lay up knowledge but the mouth of the foolish is near destruction Psal 11 ●5 A good man sheweth favour and lendeth he will guide his affairs with
I will appoint over them four kindes saith the Lord The Sword to slay the Doggs to tear in pieces and the Fowles of the Heaven and the Beasts of the Earth to devour and to destroy 2 Sam. 17.14 For the Lord had determined or appointed to destroy the good counsell of A hithophell that he might bring evill upon Absolon 2 Chron. 33 8. Neither will I make the foot of Israell to remove any more out of the Land which I have appointed for your fathers so that they take heed and doe all that I have appointed them Job 7.3 Painfull nights have been appointed me And 14.5 Are not his dayes determined the number of his moneths are with thee thou hast appointed his bounds which he cannot passe Ver. 14. All the dayes of my appointed time will I wait untill my change come O preserve thou those that are appointed to die Micha 6.9 Hear the rodd and who hath appointed it Job 7.1 Is there not an appointed time to man upon earth and are not his dayes as the dayes of an hireling Dan. 8.19 And he said Behold I will shew thee what shall be in the last wrath for in the end of the time appointed it shall come Dan. 10.1 But the time appointed was long c. wherefore wait thou the pleasure and appointment of God patiently and rejoyce in all conditions to wait his will And Chap. 11. Ver. 27. And both those Kings hearts shall be to doe mischief and they shall talke of deceit at one table but it shall not availe for yet the end shall be at the time appointed at the time appointed he shall return for there is a time appointed Ver. 29 35. Acts 17.26 And hath made of one blood all man-kindeto dwell on all the face of the earth and hath assigned the times which were ordained before and the bounds of their habitation Job 16.22 For the years accompted come and I shall goe the way whence I shall not return 2 Sam. 7.12 And when thy dayes be fullfilled thou shalt sleep with thy fathers Deut 31.14 Then the Lord said to Moses Behold thy dayes are come that thou must die III. Comfort Take comfort from this that the will of God is the best for us and that we our selves know not what is the best for us and therefore we may well rejoyce that his will is done and not ours save onely when it suites with his in Christ which is surely best for us Numb 27.16 God is the Lord of the spirits of all flesh Deut. 8.3 Therefore he humbled thee and made thee hungry and fed thee with Man which thou knewest not neither did thy fathers know it that he might teach thee that man liveth not by bread onely but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live Eccl. 7.2 Who knowes what 's good for a man in this life in the number of the dayes of the life of his vanity seeing he maketh them as a shadow Jer. 42.6 Whether it be good or evill we will obey the voice of the Lord God to whom we send thee that it may be well with us when we obey the voice of the Lord our God Psal 39.5 Surely every man in his best estate is altogether vanity therefore let us say with joy as Matth. 6.10 Thy will be done O God in earth as it is in Heaven And with our blessed Saviour Mat. 26.42 O my Father if this cup may not passe from me but that I must drink it thy will be done Let us with David Psal 143.10 desire our God to teach us his will and then with him Psal 40.8 let us delight to doe it for our God is good and his mercy endures for ever Selah IV. Comfort Take comfort in Sicknesse because the will of God is there n done which is for the best for us and let it be the joy of our souls in all conditions that his will is done in Jesus Christ for ever Amen Psal 115.3 Our God is in Heaven he doth whatsoever he will Job 30.4 None knowes the secrets of God Who hath ascended up into Heaven and descended who hath gathered the winde in his fist who hath bound the waters in a garment who hath established all the ends of the world what is his Name or what is his sonnes Name if thou canst tell Phil. 4 1● Let us be carefull with St Paul to learn in whatsoever state or condition we are to be therewith content both to be full and to be hungry to abound and to want for we may doe all things through the help of God our Saviour Matth. 4.34 Let us truly say with our blessed Saviour My meat is to doe the will of him that sent me and finish his work Say with the Apostle Acts 21.14 The will of the Lord be done And as Eph. 4.7 Be not unwise but understand what the will of the Lord is and sing with melody in your hearts to the Lord. And say with Job Job 5.17 Blessed is the man whom God correcteth therefore refuse not thou the chastening of the Almighty Prov 3 1● For the Lord correcteth him whom he loveth even as the father doth the childe in whom he delighteth Onely thus pray in true love to thy God and Saviour and with an humble and a contrite heart Jer. 10.24 O Lord correct me but with judgement not in thine anger least thou bring me to nothing Then examine thy soul and be sure God will by his Spirit reveal to thee and will conclude of thee as he did to his people whom he had corrected Jer. 30.11 I am with thee to save thee though I utterly destroy all the nations where I have scattered thee yet will I not utterly destroy thee but I will correct thee by judgement and not utterly cut thee off And Jer. 46.28 Fear thou not O Jacob my servant saith the Lord for I am with thee and I will utterly destroy all the nations whether I have driven thee but I will not destroy thee but correct thee by judgement and not utterly cut thee off Therefore blesse our good God in and for all the conditions of thy pilgrimage and say with David Psal 143. Hear my prayer O Lord give ear to my supplication in thy faithfullnesse answer me and in thy righteousnesse and enter not into judgement with thy servant for in thy sight shall no man living be justified For the enemy viz. sinne and Satan hath persecuted my soul he hath smitten my life down to the ground He hath made me to dwell in darknesse as those that have been long dead therefore is my spirit overwhelmed within me and my heart within me is desolate I remember the dayes of old I meditate on all thy works I muse on the works of thy hands I stretch out my hands unto thee my soul thirsteth after thee as a thirsty land Selah Hear me speedily O Lord my spirit faileth hide not thy face from me least I be like to
hand of thy sonne 2 Tim. 3.1 This know in the last dayes shall come perillous times Ver. 2. For men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud cursed speakers disobedient to parents unthankfull unholy Vor. 3. Without naturall affection truce-breakers false accusers intemperate fierce despisers of them which are good Ver. 4. Traiterous heady high-minded lovers of pleasures more then lovers of God having a shew of godlinesse but denying the power thereof turn away therefore from such Nah. 1.7 Say thou with the Prophet Nahum The Lord is good and a strong hold in the day of trouble and he knoweth them that trust in him In thee O Lord doe I trust let me never be ashamed O my God Amen XVI An eleventh Comfort in Death Rejoyce Because it is the going to the place where our Saviour is according to the call and being of his servants Joh. 14.3 And though I goe to prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto my self that where I am there may ye be also Phil. 1.21 For Christ is to me both in life and death advantage Ver. 22. And whether to live in the flesh were profitable for me or what to choose I know not Ver. 23. For I am greatly in a straight on both sides desiring to be loosed and to be with Christ which is best of all Psal 50.5 Gather my Saints together unto me those that make a Covenant with me with sacrifice Isa 40.10 11. Behold the Lord God will come with power and his arm shall rule for him behold his reward is with him and his works before him he shall feed his flock like a shepheard he shall gather the Lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosome and shall guide them with young Matth. 3.12 He will gather the wheat into his garner Eccl. 12.7 And dust returns to the earth as it was and the spirit returns to God that gave it XVII A twelfth Comfort in Death Rejoyce in the Diseases pains pangs and troubles in thy minde or body because the way to Heaven is through many afflictions and it is the way our blessed Saviour went before us let us rejoyce then to follow him in it Luk. 6.46 Our blessed Saviour saith Why call ye me Master and doe not the things that I speak Psal 34.19 Great are the troubles of the righteous but the Lord delivereth him out of them all Rom. 8.35 Who shall separate us from the love of God in Christ Shall tribulation or anguish or persecution or famine or nakednesse or perill or sword 2 Tim. 3.12 All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecutions Isa 48.10 I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction saith the Lord And 1 Pet. 5.8 9. Be sober and watch for your adversary the Devill as a roaring Lyon walketh about seeking whom he may devour Whom resist steadfast in the faith knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren which are in the world Remember the love of our Saviour Jesus in his taking upon him our sinnes our flesh c. See his love to us his suffering for us from his cradle to his grave Read the Scriptures See some notes thereof in the title true love to God in this book Psal 119.49 Remember thy promise made to thy servant wherein thou hast caused me to trust it is my comfort in my trouble for thy promise hath quickned me Ver. 92. Except thy Law had been my delight I should have perished in my affliction I will never forget thy precepts for by them thou quicknest me I am thine save me for I have sought thy precepts Behold my affliction and deliver me for I have not forgotten thy Law Plead my cause and deliver me quicken me according to thy word XVIII A thirteenth Comfort in Death Rejoyce because it is our going to enjoy such as were our nearest friends in this life in unexpressible heavenly enjoyments according to our heavenly Fathers will in Jesus without any fear of losing them or those joyes for ever It is our being gathered to our Fathers and then surely to all our friends which are the servants of our Saviour Christ The joyes of Heaven are such as eye hath not seen nor ear heard nor can it enter into the heart of man to conceive for that the flesh cannot discern nor punctually understand the spirit Who knowes a man viz. the soul save the spirit c. The change in death is our being gathered to the place where our Saviour is that we may see his glory then certainly no joy or comfort can possibly be wanting neither can there be any fear of losing them any more he is the sure foundation of eternall comfort and a building set thereon cannot fail Hear what St John saith Joh. 8.51 Verily verily I say unto you if a man keep my word he shall never see death God is most gracious his mercy endures for ever he is onely good he accepts the will for the deed if we truly will to obey and love his word although we doe it not Rom. 7.20 It is not us but sinne that doth offend And certainly the authour and actor of sinne in us our old enemy that old and lying Serpent the devill shall in the justice of God to him and the loving mercies of God to us in Christ bear the burthen of our sinnes which deserve and shall have upon him eternall death A fourteenth Comfort in Death Rejoyce For that after a short time those friends left behinde us in this world shall be in Jesus gathered to us to our eternall communion and praise of our everlasting most dear and loving Father with them without offending or danger to offend his most blessed and sacred Majesty for ever Job 14.1 Man that is born of a woman is of short continuance and full of sorrow James ● 14 For what is your life it is even a vapour that appears for a little time and afterward vanisheth away Job 10.20 Are not our days few Chap. 14. ver 5. Are not his days determined the number of his moneths are with thee thou hast appointed his bounds which he cannot passe Psal 103.15 The dayes of a man are as grasse as a flower of the field so flourisheth he Man is like to vanity his dayes are like a shadow which vanisheth Rom. 6. ● For he that is dead is freed from sinne Ver. 11. Like wise also think ye that ye are dead to sinne but are alive to God in Jesus Christ our Lord. Rev. 15.2 3 4. And I saw as it were a glassie sea mingled with fire and them that had got victory of the beast and of his Image and of his mark and of the number of his name stand at the glassie sea having the harps of God and they sang the song of Moses the servant of God and the song of the Lamb saying Great and marvellous are thy works Lord God almighty just and true are thy wayes
thou King of Saints Who shall not fear thee O Lord and glorifie thy Name for thou only art holy and all Nations shall come and worship before thee for thy judgments are made manifest Psal 112.6 The righteous shall be had in everlasting remembrance A fifteenth Comfort in Death We may well rejoyce at Gods gracious messenger of Death because it is the wiping of all tears from our eyes and the finall end of all our troubles and sorrows the world the flesh the devill shall no more oppresse distract and hurt us with their distractions delusions and deceits Eccl. 4.1 So I turned and considered all the oppressions that are wrought under the Sunne and behold the tears of the oppressed and none comforteth them Ver. 2. Wherefore I praise the dead which now are dead above the living which are yet alive Hos 13.14 Hear what comfort our loving God gives us I will redeem them from the power of the grave I will deliver them from death O death I will be thy destruction repentance is bid from mine eyes A sixteenth Comfort in Death Rejoyce Because it is the imitating of our Saviours passion as farre as we are able that we may see his glory Matth. 10.38 He that taketh not his crosse and followeth after me is not worthy of me And Chap. 16. ver 24. If any man will follow me let him forsake himself and take up his crosse and follow me And somewhat more Luk 9.23 If any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his crosse daily and follow me And Chap. 14. ver 27. Whosoever beareth not his crosse and cometh after me cannot be my Disciple 2 Tim. 2.12 If we suffer we shall also raigne with him if we deny him he also will deny us Joh. 17.24 Father I will that they which thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world Matth. 10.24 The Disciple is not above his Master nor the servant above his Lord it is enough for the Disciple to be as his Master and the servant as his Lord. If they have called the Master of the house Belzebub how much more them of his houshold A seventeenth Comfort in Death It is our freedome from sinne death and hell and all our enemies The day of death saith Solomon is better then the day of birth therefore is that day a day of rejoycing to us St Paul desireth to be dissolved and to be with Christ and saith it is the best of all Rom. 6.7 He that is dead is freed from sinne Ver. 11. Likewise think ye also that ye are dead to sinne but are alive to God in Jesus Christ our Lord. An eighteenth Comfort in Death It is our taking possession of the fullnesse of rest in the communion of Saints in the love of the eternall God the Father Sonne and holy Ghost and therein peace for ever therefore rejoyce Lazarus is said to be presently carried into Abrahams bosome where most sure he had immediate possession in a high degree of eternall peace Gerrards Meditat. p. 25. Death is the beginning of a holy life Isa 57.1 2. The righteous perisheth and no man considereth it in heart and mercifull men are taken away and no man understandeth that the righteous is taken away from the evill to come Peace shall come they shall rest in their beds every one that walketh before him Matth. 11.28 29. Hear our gracious Saviour Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden and I will ease you Take my yoak on you and learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall finde rest unto your souls 2 Thes 1.7 And to you which are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus shall shew himself from Heaven with his mighty Angels And if then surely also from our severall changes till then Heb. 4.3 9. For we which have beleeved doe enter into rest There remains therefore a rest for the people of God for he that is entred into his rest hath also ceased from his own works as God did from his let us study to enter into that rest Job 3.12 13. Why did the knees prevent me and why did I such the breasts for so should I now have lyen and been quiet I should have slept then and have been at rest A nineteenth Comfort in Death Jesus Christ is in Death and Life to us gain and causeth death to be to us advantage the end of unexpressible evils the beginning of unexpressible and eternall joy Phil. 1.21 For Christ is to me both in life and death advantage All the miseries of Lazarus end in his death and his eternall joyes begin in Abrahams bosome Our Saviour Jesus entred by the gate of death into his glory and thereby hath prepared joyes 2 Cor. 2.9 such as eye hath not seen nor ear heard nor can it enter into the heart of man to conceive for them that love him Isa 35.10 Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion with praise and everlasting joyes shall be upon their heads they shall obtain joy and gladnesse and sorrow and mourning shall flee away A twentieth Comfort in Death Doubt not of the all-sufficient love of God to thee in his Sonne Jesus He that gave thee a body when thou hadst none can give thee a heavenly body so soon as thou art at liberty from this of earth and will most certainly dispose of thee in Jesus as of his servants which is the best for thee His power and his will is sufficient to give thee joyes beyond thy thoughts Have thou true faith and true belief that God is and that he is the rewarder of them that seek him Give him thy whole soul and spirit and humbly crave the assistance of the eternall God that he will for his Sonne Christ Jesus his sake fully and freely enable thee to give to the Sacred Trinity in Unity three Persons but one Almighty God Father Sonne and holy Ghost all honour glory and praise as his most obedient servant for ever And say with true faith and love O gracious Father Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven And in thy most free and gracious love to a poor sinner in Jesus Christ thy only Sonne my Saviour doe thou compell my unworthy and corrupted will to doe unto thy most Sacred Majesty true and perfect service Doe thou O blessed Father for thy free goodnesse sake convert me wholly into that service for thou art my only Lord God and I am thy servant so come Lord Jesus come quickly and receive my spirit Amen Amen Matth. 19.26 With God all things are possible Gen. 17.1 I am God all-sufficient walk before me and be thou perfect Chap. 15. ver 1. Fear not I am thy buckler and thy exceeding great reward Psal 50.7 Hear O my people and I will speake hear O Israell and I
will testifie unto thee for I am God even thy God Against Presumption and Despair at all times but especially upon the Death-bed Sathan that old and lying Serpents suggestion to Presumption COme now thou mayest eat drink sleep and be merry because thou hast lived according to Gods commands and now art going to thy masters rest whom thou hast truly and punctually served farre above the service of thousands that doubt not at all of their salvation the due reward of their godlinesse of living For thy Originall sinne which thy Father Adam committed thou didst it not therefore in justice God cannot charge thee with it and he will not visit the sinnes of the Fathers upon the children As for thy actuall sinnes of ignorance that cannot in justice be laid to thy charge which thou knewest not to be a sinne nor the time of its commission Thou hast lived so carefully to please thy God that few have been so strict in walking in his Laws thou maist professe to have kept all his Commandements from thy youth thou hast had no other God nor worshipped any graven Image and hast not delighted to take his Name in vain Thou hast constantly kept the Sabboth hast honoured thy Parents hast not murthered nor adulterized nor stollen nor borne false witnesse nor covered but hast been contented with thy portion therefore so long as life is in thee eat drink and be meery for certainly the Angels are charged to keep thy soul and body to eternall life as thy fellow servants of God for ever The Souls Answer Avoid thou old and lying Spirit truth cannot proceed out of thy mouth without defilement am not I from Adams loynes and can I then be clean Did not his sinne that thy envy brought him into corrupt his whole body and am not I as part of it proceeding from it Could I doe all that I am commanded of my God were I not still an unprofitable servant Doth not my least sinne in thought word or deed besides my originall corruption deserve punishment infinite as my God whom thereby I rebell against is infinite Can a clean thing proceed out of an unclean Instead of keeping have I not broken all the commands of my God times without number and in degrees infinite As thou wast a lyar to Adam the first man upon earth so thou art for ever and as it was then said The seed of the woman shall break thy head so shall it be for ever to my salvation in the free love and mercy death and passion merit and redemption of Jesus Christ my Lord. Sathan his motives to Despair I was deceived indeed and turning over another leaf in my black book there I finde a quite contrary character of thy life I see thou hast imitated and added to all Adams rebellions he disobeyed and broke one Commandement once and therefore had that terrible sentence pronounced against him by Gods own mouth to be cast from Paradice he and his posterity for ever But thou hast broken all Gods Commandements times without number and in degrees beyond expression infinite Thy life hath been nothing else but a constant breaking of them unlesse thou look for salvation from these breaches which is a way impossible thou hast no hope therefore satisfie thy self with what thou canst not help and cease to aske or seek or knock any more at Gods gate of mercy for it is fast shut against thee and sinners cannot enter in at it now thou and I must burn together in hell for ever from which there is no redemption for us I have recorded against thee in places infinite that thou hast made thee many Idoll gods in hearty seeking of vain earthly things and thou hast loved and worshipped them as Images of thy desired lusts The Name-of God thou hast repeated invain and no one Sabboth hast thou truly kept Thou hast not reverenced nor honoured thy Father and Mother but in thy thoughts at least hast them despis'd and murthered them or others Thou also hast adulteriz'd in heart and in thy faculties stollen thy neighbours goods Thou hast coveted and borne false witnesse too against thy neighbour Almighty God gave his Angels charge to keep his servants from wrongs and hurts but thou hast not served him therefore thou belongest only to me whom thou hast punctually served The Souls Answer O my Enemy thou sayest thou wert mistaken and so indeed thou wert and art and ever wilt be in seeking to snatch the servants of my God out of his hand for although my God suffer thee a while to walk the earth his pleasure is in a good time appointed to cast thy chains upon thee in a place prepared from which thou maist not move for ever I most humbly confesse and have so I trust confessed all my sinnes and more in number then what I can comprehend infinite such I acknowledge are my wounds my sore disease proceeding from thy hate and envious gulf Yet know I have a medicine I have a salve sufficient a Jordan stream to make me clean if not more clean then if I had not sinned and this my cleansing is more my certain life then was my standing clean if then I had not sinned so that thy envy now is my advantage thou knowest it well but lovest not to remember that my precious Antidote whereby I am secured from thy Aspish poison so closely carried under thy lying tongue it is that free redeeming love and bloud of that most valiant Sampson whose Name is Jesus Christ that quickly snapt in sunder thy treble corded lye of vain deceit he is my Captain that never lost nor will lose any of his souldiers without his word I move not at his command I le gladly meet thee with million of Juries of my sinnes before the judgment-seat of God and when thou hast proved me guilty as I doe confesse thou wilt soon appear the Serpent and principall authour of my great offence and I an accessary by thy deluding lies perswading and to thy uttermost power compelling me to doe the evill that I would not doe and hindring me from doing good therefore know that my Saviour Christ my Captain and my God will plead his death and then I live and thou shalt bear the due deservings of my sinnes for ever in eternall flames for they are thine therefore Sathan in humble reverence to my Saviour avoid get thee behind me my good God hath provided a place in Heaven with his servants for me that I may be even where he is and as his servant see his glory and this notwithstanding all my sinnes and ill deserts onely of his free love and mercy whereby he hath with his bloudy sufferings redeemed my soul from hell my just desert because he is good and his mercy endures for ever so come Lord Jesus come quickly even as thy will may be done with the Father and the holy Spirit three persons but one eternall God for ever Amen True Love 1. TO love our good God
though there were neither Hell of his justice nor Heaven of his mercy 2. True love will choose rather to serve our good God in Hell for ever if it could more fully and better do him perfect service in those flames then to be for ever in the highest joyes of Heaven these not to serve him as fully and as truly 3. To desire the eternall and whole conversion of thy soul and body for ever into the everlasting service of thy good Creatour in true love and to finde therein thy true peace is true love Love truly converted into the will of God is Heaven and those that are so converted may be said to be in Heaven upon earth for neither love nor Heaven can here be perfect but although they be still in their earthly tabernacles they have heavenly peace both of minde and conscience which cannot be quite taken from them although here must be no perfection whereby the whole will of almighty God without which either by appointment or permission nothing comes to passe is the true joy and content of their mindes wills and souls The love of our good Father is shown to us in his Sonne Jesus who as it were took satisfaction for our sinnes in his sufferings that his justice being satisfied in the sufferings death and passion of our Saviour Jesus we might have onely the mercy of our good Father to appear before which in his eternall love to us is sufficient for our Salvation when the justice of our good God could no other wayes be satisfied but by our damnation The great and unexpressible love prevailed with the sacred Deity for us when our Saviour Jesus could have been rescued from his sufferings for us with more then twelve legions of Angels and when he could have had as great honour if not greater in our condemnation then in our salvation Let our souls and bodies then with all their faculties be converted into the true love of our Saviour Jesus for ever For His 1. Coming down from his Fathers right-hand from his being God with his Father for ever 2. Poverty that thou mightest be rich 3. Not having whereon to lay his head 4. Wandrings and fastings and prayers for thee 5. Being betrayed 6. Being apprehended as a malefactor 7. Being fasly accused 8. Scarlet robe of derision 9. Crowne of Thornes 10. Being condemned 11. Nayling to the Crosse 12. Cruell thirst 13. Sweating bloud 14. Side stricken with a spear 15. Bleeding water and bloud at that wound 16. Sufferings from his cradle to his grave 17. Bitter passion causing him to cry My God my God why hast thou forsaken me 18. Lying in the grave 19. Resurrection 20. Now sitting at the right-hand of his Father and in him our Father in Heaven there asking the forgivenesse of all our sinnes of his Father who never denies him any thing Wherefore let us stand at the foot of the Crosse of this our Saviour weeping for sorrow that our sinnes caused his sufferings but for joy that through his infinite love shewed therein we are freed from sinne death and hell and have a place prepared in the power of his might where we shall see and partake of his blessed glory as his elected servants for ever Amen Thou needest not to fear death for thy Saviour hath destroyed the sting of death that is the Devill Read Heb. 2.14 15 16 17 18 verses there 's comfort enough in any condition the words are these Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him which had the power of death that is the Devill And deliver them who through fear of death were all their life time subject to bondage For verily he took not on him the nature of Angels but he took on him the seed of Abraham wherefore in all things it became him to be made like unto his brethren that he might be a mercifull and a faithfull High-Priest in things pertaining to God to make reconciliation for the sinnes of the people For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted he is able to succour them that are tempted See an admirable expression of the infinite love of God which may preserve us from despair and may give us true joy from our humble desires to serve him though we cannot desire much more perfectly serve him as we ought Isa 40.1 2. Comfort ye comfort ye my people will your God say speak comfortably to Jerusalem and say unto her that her warfare is accomplished that her iniquities are pardoned From hence is sweet and solid comfort in all conditions An humble Prayer O Lord remember thy mercies draw me unto the Sonne of thy love Psal 139.23 24. and lead me in the way of thy precepts Try me O God and know my heart prove me and know my thoughts and consider if there be any way of wickednesse in me and lead me in the way for ever 5.8 Lead me O Lord in thy righteousnesse because of my enemies 27.11 make thy way plain before my face Teach me thy way O Lord and lead me in a right path because of my enemies by enemies understand inward and outward of the soul and of the body but especially those inward enemies which are the ruin and destruction of both 31.3 For thou art my rock and my fortresse therefore for thy Name sake 43.3 direct and guide me Send thy light and thy truth let them lead me let them bring me unto thy holy mountains and unto thy tabernacles 143.10 Teach me to doe thy will for thou art my God let thy good Spirit lead me unto the land of righteousnesse Draw me O God and I will runne after thee Cant. 1.4 Psal 28.3 Job 7.16 Draw me not away with the wicked and with the workers of iniquity I shall not live alwaies O spare me then for my daies are but vanity I rejoice O Lord my God in thy love because thou art mercifull and wilt spare me as a man spareth his sonne that serveth him for thy mercy endures for ever Selah Thou art my good Father O my Creatour thou wilt not punish me nor impute to me my Originall sinnes which descended upon me from the wicked rebellion of my first parents even as my body is from them but the soul that sinneth and doth not look towards thee nor desire thy gracious gift of true repentance it shall die Yet art thou O my good Father wholly and only good and thy mercy endures for ever Selah Thou wilt not punish the presumptuous sinnes and vanities of my youth for thou art good and thy mercy endures for ever Selah Thou delightest not in the death of a sinner O God but wouldst that all should be converted from their evill waies and live Thou art my All-sufficient God of mercy whose will is all things both in Heaven and earth I trust in Jesus thy only Sonne my Saviour
perfectly to serve thee the God of our Fathers although we be not clensed according to the purification of the Sanctuary O Lord we beseech thee let thy loving kindnesse and thy mercie to poor miserable sinners in Jesus direct our hearts as the hearts of thy elected servants to pray unto thy sacred Majestie in spirit and truth and we humbly beseech thee let thy ears hearken to our praiers and the praiers of all thy servants who desire to fear thy Name Two things we most humbly beg of thee O our mercy denie us not them before we die Remove farre from us vanity and lies Give us neither poverty nor riches feed us with food convenient for us least we be full and denie thee and say Who is the Lord or least we be poor and steale and take the Name of our God in vaine so we will praise thee O Lord in the power of thy might saying Thou wast angry with us because of our mighty sinnes provoking thee but thy wrath is turned away and thou comfortest us Thou art our preserver and our refuge we will trust and will not feare for thou Lord God art our strength and long and our salvation O our good and blessed Lord and King in the power of thy mercie we will extoll thee and will blesse thy Name for ever and ever Praise ye the Lord O our soules we will praise the Lord during our lives as long as we have any being we will sing unto our God O our God blessed is the man unto whom thou imputest not iniquity O teach us thy statutes Teach us to pray unto thee in a time when thou maist be found Thou art our secret place thou preservest us from trouble thou compassest us about with joyfull deliverance because thy mercie endures for ever O instruct us and teach us the way that we should goe and guide us with thine eye least we be like the horse and mule which have no understanding O our loving God give us grace to trust in thee that thy mercie may compasse us and that we may rejoice in thy salvation and give thee praise with all the faculties both of our souls and bodies continually O cause us to trust truly in thee for so we shall not perish Give us grace and strength O Lord by the power of thy saving spirit in Jesu truly to humble our selves for the afflictions and sinnes of our enemies so in thy mercie shall our praiers return into our own bosomes but doe thou save and comfort them O Lord for thy goodnesse and let it be thy will O God that our tongue utter thy righteousnesse and thy praise every day We desire to doe thy will O our God yea thy Law is within our hearts deale with thy servants according to thy mercies and teach us thy statutes we are thy servants grant us therefore understanding that we may know thy testimonies we love thy Commandements above gold yea above fine gold therefore we esteem all thy precepts most just and hate all false waies Thy testimonies are wonderfull therefore doth my soul keep them The entrance into thy word sheweth light and giveth understanding to the simple Look upon us O Lord and be mercifull unto us as thou usest to doe unto them that love thy Name Direct our steps in thy Word and let none iniquity have dominion over us shew the light of thy countenance upon thy servants and teach us thy statutes Righteous art thou O Lord and just in thy judgments Trouble and anguish are come upon us yet are thy Commandements our delight The righteousnesse of thy testimonies is everlasting O grant us understanding and we shall live Hear our voice O Lord according to thy loving kindnesse O quicken us according to thy judgments Great are thy tender mercies O Lord quicken us according to thy free mercy and thy goodnesse Doubtlesse thou art our Father though Abraham be ignorant of us and Israell know us not yet thou O Lord art our Father and our Redeemer thy Name is for ever O give us thy saving spirit of life in Jesus from Heaven for we can receive nothing except it be given us from Heaven O Lord why hast thou made us to erre from thy waies and hardned our hearts from thy feare returne for thy servants sake and for our Saviour Jesus Christ his sake doe thou write our Names in the book of life with thy servants Let our complaints come before thee O Lord and give us understanding according to thy word Let our supplications come before thee O Lord and deliver us according to thy promise Our lipps shall speak thy praise O God when thou hast taught us thy statutes Our tongues shall treat of thy word for all thy Commandements are righteous Let thy hand help us for we have chosen thy precepts We have longed for thy salvation O Lord and thy Law is our delight Let our souls live and they shall praise thee and thy judgments shall help us We have gone astray like lost sheep seek thy servants for we doe not forget thy Commandements Our sinnes O Lord our sinnes they have taken hold of us that we cannot look up they are more in number then the hairs of our heads therefore our hearts have failed us Let it please thee O Lord to deliver us make haste O God to help us Our souls thirst for God even for the living God when shall we come and appear before the presence of God O God thou art our guide for ever have mercy upon us according to thy loving kindnesse according to the multitude of thy mercies doe away our offences Wash us throughly from our iniquities and cleanse us from our sinnes for we know our iniquities and our sinnes are ever before us Against thee against thee onely have we sinned and done evill in thy sight that thou mayest be just when thou speakest and pure when thou judgest behold we were born in iniquity and in sinne have our mothers conceived us Thou O Lord lovest truth in the heart therefore give us wisdome in our inward affections Purge us with hysop and we shall be clean wash us and we shall be whiter then snow make us to hear of joy and gladnesse that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoyce Hide thy face O Lord from our sinnes and put away all our iniquities Create in us clean hearts O Lord and renew right spirits within us O cast us not away from thy presence and take not thy holy spirit from us Open thou our lips O Lord and our mouthes shall shew forth thy praise Deliver us from bloud O God of our salvation and from the secret trapps of our deadly enemy Have mercy upon us O God have mercy upon us for our soul trusteth in thee and in the shadow of thy wings will we trust till the afflictions of our sinning against thee be overpast We will call upon the most high God even to the God that performeth his promise towards us We will
belief or Church to be perfect and infallible neither will I condemn a contrary humble serious and solemn belief to be wholly wicked and abominable but most humbly conceive that the best profession religion devotion and belief to be the most humble and carefull fearing of almighty God and working of righteousnesse which whosoever obediently endeavoureth shall be accepted in the mercy of the Almighty for although none of our works in a strict sense can be called the works of righteousnesse yet in some sort they may be reputed righteous though mixed with much sinne and imperfection as water muddy and mixt with earth is understood and reputed water Ephes 6. I dare not say my own belief is best Nor dare condemn as reprobate the rest All righteous wayes unto one gate doe leade Salvation free thus holy Wri● doth reade Who feareth God and worketh truth shall have A free acceptance from his gracious love Ephes 6 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 verses O Lord my God in th' power of thy love I le put on thy whole Armour of defence That in thy strength I may stand firme above the fierce assaults of Hells concupiscence For this I know I doe not enterprize against an enemy made of flesh and blood But against Powers Principalities and worldly Governours Princes of worldly good in darknesse spirituall wickednesse in the high-places fill'd with all excesse For that cause I will take a Cap a pee the whole approved Armour of my God That thence I may resist i' the evill day and having finisht stand against hells rod Lord I will stand with my loynes girt about with Verity in true obedience And I will have upon me paramount that righteous Brest-plate faithfull penitence and I will shooe my feet with preparation of Gospels peace assurance of Salvation And above all I 'le take the Shield of Faith which is sufficient for to quench the ire And to extinguish all those fiery darts whereby the wicked me to slay desire and I will take the Helmet of Salvation the Sword o' th Spirit Gods word from the Creation And I will alwaies with all manner prayers and supplications in truth in the spirit And I will watch against all false gain-sayers with perseverance till I life inherit from thee O Father who without degrees for every Childe hast a fit Legacy and all of us from thy most gracious care though single folke inheritours we are A Military Christian MY onely Lord of hoasts Lord Generall Unto my Captaine his all-conquering Sonne Hath given all power by whom I have a call To be his Souldier by Commission I have his promise that no Armes I l'e want But surely conquer if but valiant Then though I be most naked poor and weake I l'e from his magazine throughly be compleate Thou holy Spirit distributer of graces Fit me a Souldier for the highest places Give me my Helmet my Saviours first descent Give me my Beaver fixt in Virgins wombe Give me my Pendents which to John joy sent Give me my Gorget Salutation Give me that blessed birth my back and breast Give me my guard of reignes that manger rest Give me my Tasses those sweet swadling cloathes Give me my Curaces my Bethleem peace Give me my Knees and Ankle armes and those Give me my Spurros of speed in Egypts ease Give me my Gauntlet call'd a Nazaret Give me that Jordane Sword and I 'me compleate Yet being self-convicted vile and vaine I a blinde beggar humbly beg againe Mount me on Faiths true courage stately steed And give a tr●●le to my strugling wayes Give me the reignes of Graces at my need Give me a Saddle mounting me on baies Give me my Breast-plate and my Crooper strong And girt me to thy Saints in Union And give me Pistols that with fire and sword I may be ready to advance thy Word Thou being arm'd and being thus imploy'd Whilest any Judas dare himselfe discover Against my Captaine I 'le be overjoy'd Him to extinguish root and branch together My peace shall be my warre for to destroy The enemies of my God my King my joy Who before long shall all together meete In chainer appointed underneath his feete And then wee 'le march under our Captaines aide In glorious triumph Colours all displaide The vanity of Temporall things in respect of Eternall Desire to live no longer in this thy pilgrimage then thou canst doe Almighty God true faithfull and filiall service and let his testimonies be thy delight and counsellours Ps 119.24 We must through many afflictions enter into the Kingdome of God Let the wicked forsake his wayes Acts 14.22 and the unrighteous his own imaginations and returne unto the Lord and he will have mercy upon him and to our God for he is very ready to forgive Isa 55.7 8 9 10 11. For my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are my waies your waies saith the Lord For as the Heavens are higher then the earth so are my waies higher then your waies and my thoughts above your thoughts Surely as the raine comes down and the snow from Heaven and returneth not thither empty but watereth the earth and maketh it bring forth and bud that it may give seed to the sower and bread to him that eateth so shall my Word be that goeth out of my mouth it shall not return unto me void but it shall accomplish that which I will and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it therefore ye shall goe forth with joy and be led forth with peace Amen Temporall things are most vaine saving as they tend to the good of our Eternitie O My soul what 's thy body thy earthly house thy prison and what 's that slimie life that brittle fading shade that fashioneth thee a man Are not thy daies as a spanne and the end certaine the Goale set and every minute shortens thy appointed race Is not the will of the Eternall all things both in Heaven and earth and can his predestinated order change Serve the Lord thy God in his waies and pathes that he hath set thee for thy pilgrimage To what purpose is thy springing youth so strictly fettered with thy lettered chaines and what doth knowledge profit if grief be losse To what purpose are those endlesse toyles which sea and land makes way for to obtain the earth To what purpose doth the greedy wretch with broken sleep to fill his empty grave And to what purpose are the hidden mines and deepest pits sought for the secret Pearles And to what purpose is thy lawlesse sword that subdivides the earth unto thy babes And to what purpose are all elements call'd to circulize thy triple angler heart yet vacuums are found And to what purpose dost thou build thy house upon such sandy mountaines as the Earth those mouldring Tombes they hide but frothy mindes the soules contentments of the sacred Saints Seek for thy self a better resting place and be thou married to a meeter mate Long thou and
over man Pale death beateth alike upon poor mens cottages and the towers of Princes It pitieth not the poor nor spareth the rich It snatcheth away youth in the flower of their lives and spareth none All flesh is grasse and all the glory of it as the flower of the field Behold a grave and discern if thou canst the captive from the King the strong from the weak the faire from the deformed then be not proud Tell me where are those lovers of the world which were lately with us certainly nothing remains of them but ashes and wormes In all humility then my soul meditate often upon thy dissolution for he which humbleth himself shall be exalted A man when he is dead is changed and consumed and where is he Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord for so saith the spirit that they rest from their labours and their works follow them they neither hunger nor thirst c. Lazarus was carried of the Angels into Abrahams bosome that is he died in the Lord. Here we have no abiding City but we seek one to come Man that is born of a woman hath but a short time to live and full of sorrow he shooteth up as a flower and is cut down he flieth as a shadow and never continueth in the same condition I am a pilgrim and a stranger as all my fathers were The world passeth away and the lusts thereof Through many tribulations we must enter into the Kingdome of Heaven The just are oppressed that they may cry and crying may be heard I beseech you as pilgrims and strangers abstain from fleshly lusts which warre against the soul The present sufferings of this life are not worthy of the glory which shall be revealed in us Watch for you know not what hour your Lord will come Walk thou in wisdome and in right reason because a man in whatsoever he doth considereth the end and accordingly doth accommodate and dispose himself to the means that lead unto it Get wisdome therefore for it is more precious than gold The wisdome of the flesh is death but spirituall wisdome is life and peace It is appointed to all men once to die and after death comes the judgment The day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night Be thou watching if thou watch not I will come to thee as a thief and thou knowest not what houre I will come unto thee Man doth not know his end but as the Fishes are taken with a baite or hooke and the Birds are taken with netts and snares so is man taken in an evill time which is not known unto him Do not deferre to turn unto the Lord neither delay from day to day the reason is for suddenly his anger cometh and in his wrath he will destroy thee Blessed is that servant whom when the Lord cometh and knocketh he doth finde watching We die daily we chang daily and yet we do believe we are eternal Dust and ashes thou art and into them thou shalt returne If onely in this world we have hope we are of all men most miserable The Just shall shine as the Sunne in my Fathers Kingdome As Christ our Saviour rose from the dead so shall we also rise The Sonne of God came into this world that all which beleeve in him should not perish but have everlasting life I Would not have you ignorant concerning those which are at sleepe that you sorrow not as they which have no hope Better is the day of death then the day of birth I have praysed the dead above the living Death is the necessary guist of corrupted nature which is rather to be imbraced then avoided He which beleeveth in him which sent me hath eternall life and doth not come into Judgment But passeth from death to life When I am weake then I am strong Happy is the man that endureth temptations because that when he is tryed he shall receive the Crown of life which the Lord hath promised to them that love him Be ye mercifull as your Father which is in Heaven is mercifull be ye imitatours of God as dear Children A Christian ought not onely to beare the Name of Christ but the Similitude also of his manners For the Name of Christ is frustrate to him that onely doth imitate Christ in Name The mercilesse shall have justice without mercy Give to the poor and thou shalt have Treasure in Heaven He which hath mercy on the poor is blessed Blessed are the mercifull for they shall receive mercy Come ye blessed of my Father and enter into the Kingdome prepared for you from the creation of the world for I was hungry and ye gave me to eate c. In as much as you did it to one of these you did it to me From suddain and unprovided death good Lord deliver us He which liveth well cannot die ill nor he scarce die well that lives ill To you it is given not onely to beleeve in Christ but also to suffer for him I desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ Eye hath not seene nor eare heard neither can heart conceive the mercies prepared of God for them that love him What is there in this world can content the soul There is nothing the soul is content with nothing but God Our heart is unquiet untill it test in thee I shall be satisfied when thy glory doth appeare Almighty God made man that he might understand the chief good in understanding might love it in loving might possesse it and in possessing might enjoy it There is more joy in Heaven over one sinner that truly repenteth then over ninty nine just persons who need no repentance Jesus Chrst came into the world to save sinners His sins are forgiven him which are many because he loved much Now ye are no longer guests and strangers but ye are Citizens of the holy City and houshould of God Blessed is that servant whom the Lord when he cometh doth finde watching There is nothing hid which shall not be made known nor any thing secret which shall not be revealed Of that day no man knoweth no not the Angels of Heaven nor the Sonne of man So God judgeth thee as he findeth thee when he calleth Blessed is that servant whom the Lord when he cometh doth finde watching namely in a state of grace and not sleeping in his sins Prepare thy rightousnesse before judgement and before thou be sicke take Physick We love God because he first loved us The fear of God is the beginning of wisdome who feareth God doth good From the love of God we do receive the spirit of saving health As often as I consider the day of Judgment my whole body doth tremble whether I eat or drinke or whatsoever I do that terrible noise seemes alwaies to sound in my eares Arise ye dead and come to Judgment Enter not into judgment with thy servant O Lord for no flesh shall be justified in thy sight The just shall scarce be
eternity To incorruptible felicity And though our call doth nature oft prevent Yet when shee 's let alone she fairly deales And though she fixt to warmed life be sent To fit our death yet see how oft she steales To us her warnings as with dimmed sight And theumy eyes instead of bright and cleare To make us see our death for want of light And let us know there 's no long being here Again she warnes by some decay in Teeth Or by a haire that turnes to Lilly white Or by some shaking Palsie which all seeth Or feeble knees or paines by day or night Or hands benum'd or hearing almost lost Or smelling gone which should refresh the braine Or relishing in taste whose choicest gust Is to prepare her guests to entertaine Of all her warnings the true meaning is To let us know shee 'le shortly lead us home And leave us in our woe or in our blisse As we to her have good or evill done As earthly pilgrims while she did sojourne And form her self according to our will With us in houses underneath the Sunne Obediently performing good or ill Then cheer my soul and doe not fear to live Nor will to die but take unto thy guard Securest diligence which doth alwayes give Assurance of hope and due reward In power of the merit of our Jesus And love of God shew'd in his onely Sonne By which dear love he never failes to ease us When earthly joyes and earthly friends are gone Then are we freed to all Eternity From sinne and death and hell and surely then Into true love we shall converted be Unto our God which Heaven is Amen The Offring I Will offer to my onely Good an humble and a contrite heart and my joyfull submission unto his dispose and pleasure for ever I will offer unto his most blessed Majesty his own most gracious love to the works of his own hands I will also offer the blessed conception birth life passion and merit of his sacred Sonne my Saviour Jesus in whom I beleeve O my Eternall Good helpe my unbeliefe and for thy mercy sake give and rightly perfect in me true and saving knowledge and assurance in the infinite mercy of thee my onely Good shewed by thy gracious reconcilement unto me in and through Jesus Christ I will most humbly offer a most willing heart humbly begging of my Eternall Good the blessed guidance of his sacred Spirit to conform and leade my weake and timorous belief aright and to satisfie settle and confirm it in his truth I will also offer unto his gracious goodnesse my most humble and joyfull submissive obedience unto the direction and commands of his most gracious Spirit which I humbly crave may be so powerfull and strong in me that the influence and advantage which the world flesh and devill have against me by reason of my sinne and corruption may not in the least sort be able to move or draw me from yeelding and giving all willing and joyfull submission and obedience thereto but that I may perfectly as I am wholly the creature of my Creator be converted into his perfect will and service and therein rest in perfect joy and peace for ever and this for his onely mercy and goodnesse sake Amen Therefore thus Faine would I have a Royall Sacrifice Worth the presentment to my sacred Good Faine would I finde the Pearle of precious price That by my Saviour so was understood I trust it was with which I 'le here commence An humble soul fram'd of obedience For sure all earthly things are much too vaine Too much corrupted by the fall of man Too much rebellion doth this earth sustaine Too much oppression underneath the Sunne Too little worth they are my Good did make And give me these what need he then retake So is the will and deed to work aright His onely gift but in another sense For outward gifts are unto all alike But holy will and deed arise from hence From God's free love on souls by sacred Spirit As new-born babes prepared to inherit Wherefore my Sacrifice is onely this An humble heart a broken contrite soule Cause me to know it is my onely blisse My onely happinesse without controle To doe thy will make me fit instrument I 'me thine and not my own I 'me full content Belief I do believe that Almighty God is and that he is the rewarder of all them that diligently seeke him I do believe he hath incomprehensible mercy and justice towards all the works of his own hands I do believe that they shall come from all quarters of the world and sit down at his Eternall Table and receive of his infinite bounty I do believe that Almighty God is perfect goodnesse and mercy and justice it self and whoever feareth him and worketh righteousnesse shall be accepted of him I do believe he is the Creator and disposer of all things and this after a manner wholly incomprehensible to mortality I do believe his own beeing and proceeding is onely from himself and is to mortality likewise incomprehensible I do also believe the Apostles Creed concerning the sacred Trinity the Confession of Athanasius and the Confirmation thereof by the Reformed Church of England whereof the providence of my good Creator hath made me a member but in these I must espcially say Good Lord help my unbelief and guide and hold me by thy good and unresistible power in thy blessed service for ever Amen I do believe that with almighty God all things are possible and that his gracious mercy is above all his works And therefore Jesus Christ may be and I believe but Lord help and direct aright my unbelief that he is his onely begotten Sonne and yet conceived by the Holy Ghost and born of the Virgin Mary that he suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried and descended into hell and the third day rose again from the dead and ascended into Heaven and si●teth there on the right hand of God the Father almighty from whence he shall come to judge both the quick and the dead I do believe there is a selected number of Saints in this world which may be comprehended by the holy Catholick Church and that they shall have an eternall communion and fellowship together after this life and that they shall have all their sinnes freely forgiven them and also shall rise together in eternall life at the generall resurrection of which number I believe and trust my self with ot ers more to be for which free and incomprehensible grace I desire with all Saints to give everlasting praise and thanks and to doe everlasting most perfect service unto my good Creator forever Amen I doe also believe in the Holy Ghost and that this sacred Spirit is proceeding from the sacred Deity of the Father and the Sonne which being sent to command and take possession of our souls for the use as it were of the sacred God head we are thereby made fit workers and labourers
for the blessed vineyard of our Creator ready to every good and perfect work with unspeakable joy and gladnesse I do also believe the immortality of the soul as certainly as the mortality of the body and that as soon as it parts with the body by death it doth participate in a great measure of misery or mercy of joy or sorrow according to what it hath done in the body whether the deeds were good or evill I believe there shall be a restauration of bodies at the resurrection and degrees of perfect joy to all those that in their earthly tabernacles truly desired to be righteous and perfect misery to wilfull negligent and contemptuous sinners in which both soul and body shall be for ever partakers I do believe afflictions and corrections to be so necessary for us in this life that I scarce think any can be saved without them and also that much affliction in this life is or at least if well used may be a great means sign and token of salvation for that afflictions are the cords and scourges of the Almighty to draw and drive us on in the way of salvation they are his sweet and blessed surveyors to purge our souls from our bodies pollutions and make us of a fit alloy for his heavenly Treasure they which wound the flesh and sad the countenance make the heart the better And from the very being engaged under an affliction for life may be reaped sweet and joyfull comfort both in life and death Therefore thus Some see the root yet on it take a fall Like those that see the door yet push the wall And having fallen upon the rock they saw Receive more good then though they 'd scap'd the blow The Farewell ADieu fond world of vain delight the messenger of Love To me hath shew'd an inward sight of joyes that be above And me hath summon'd to appear before the mercy-seate Of him whose justice is most clear most eminent most great Whose love is fully shew'd to mee in pardoning my sinne And passing by the vanity that I have lived in Whose love hath also conquered both death and hell for me And from my soul hath vanquished fear of death's tyranny Who of free grace hath given me a willing wish to right And doth accept this willingnesse as perfect in his sight Farewell all you that truly love the God of my Creation Do not ye mourn as those that have no hope of their salvation We know the generations that before us have been Have had their alterations which we in part have seen We also trust that joyes increase after this life to those That truly will'd from sinne to cease and evill did oppose Then moderate your tears among true joyes and smilings sweet In full assurance that ere long we shall together meet Comfort your selves with words as these and of a certain know That by this change true peace and ease God's mercy doth bestow On those that keep his testament his Laws and Statutes just From principles of true intent in him that put their trust Sigh for your selves sigh not for me death unto me is best My serious thoughts convinced be that therein is my rest From fancies that oppresse the minde from lusts of flesh and blood From sins assaults of every kinde most hard to be withstood From warr's effects from tyranny from sword-like tongues that smite From torments sicknesse maladies and sorrowes infinite From doing ill I would not doe from not doing the good Which surely I should will to doe if that I understood The judgment that to both is due by Heavens fixt decree And that I could at all times shew what good and evill be From Sathans rage and cruelty taking advantage great Finding my imbecillity and opposition weak This happy way doth safely guide to neignbours and allies Who while with me they did reside did joy my heart and eyes I do believe I now shall know how God in every Land His saving mercy doth bestow on the works of his hand And I believe to be resolv'd of doubts that here below Distract the wisdome of the world where least we do not know Is more then all we can attaine though art and age unite Such misteries for to explaine passeth mans judgment quite What reason is' t that I should will a moment to my dayes Except I could avoiding ill spend it in perfect praise Of my Creatour wherefore I do clearly finde it best To cast my soul eternally upon my Saviours rest And also from a perfect thought to pray thy Kingdome come And as our Saviour further taught pray Lord thy will be done And as for you that longer live and sojourn here below Imbrace true peace avoid all crime so Heaven will bestow Such passages of providence upon your hearts most pure As shall even in this life commence joyes that shall aye endure A CATECHISME QUESTION WHat is the duty of a man to know and believe in this life A. That almighty God is and that he is the rewarder of all them that diligently seek him Q Who is the Creator and Maker of all things A. This Almighty God Q. What is Almighty God A. He is the onely and perfect Good and the wise disposer of all things for the best for them that love him Q. What comfort may we learn from that A. To be well content in all the accidents and conditions of our lives knowing that they are from his providence and appointment and therein for the best for us Q. How doe we know that there is a Creator A. Because no creature can create it self and every mans soul speaks it to him Q. What is good in man A. To fear almighty God and work righteousnesse Q. What is our duty towards almighty God A. To love honour and obey him and heartily to seek after his will to do it Q. What is our duty to all men A. To endeavour their good both in soul and body and to do right unto them Q. What is righteousnesse A. The doing right unto the creature out of a principle of obedience to the Creator Q. What is our duty to the Creator A. Humbly to extoll laud praise and serve him with a perfect heart Q. What is the duty of man to the creatures that be subjected to him A. Thankfully to use them without the least abuse Q. How shall we look at the good of a man A. At the good both of soul and body Q. What is chiefly good to a man A. That which is good to the soul Q. What is chiefly evill to a man A. That which is evill to the soul Q. How shall we know good from evil A. Good is suitable to the Word of almighty God and agreeth to certain foot-steps or shadowes remaining of uncorrupted nature in us and it is contrary and displeasing to our corrupted natures and desires Q. How is evil known A. By being contrary to the Word of almighty God by being much unnaturall and by the suiting
natures say That youth the aged should obey And doe them reverence But now fond youth condemns the wise And fools do wisdomes Laws despise By force and negligence The strongest hand doth call it right To cut down all with force might Their rage and will subdueth And if they call the evill good The truth must so be understood Or else their rage reneweth Eve What Husband then it seems the world Is topsie turvey tost and hurld And worst hath best subdued Adam Yes Wife it is decaid and old Truth and devotion 's very cold And soon will be renued Eve Renued or made new my Deare How shall I understand thee here Shall thee and I' gaine meete Shall we in ancient Paradice And in our blessed innocence Each other kindely greete Shall all the sinnes of us and ours Which truth and justice thus devours Be pardoned and forgiven Adam In part but how to tell none can It 's not the act of mortall man But the free gift of Heaven A Prayer O Eternall ever-living and all-sufficient Lord God who art the God of the spirits of all flesh to whom the grave is open from whom there is no covering for destruction I am thy poor wretched and unworthy servant and by reason of my sinne lesse then the least of all thy mercies unworthy so much as to think upon thee or to take thy blessed Name within my corrupted lips much more unworthy am I to have liberty to call upon thy sacred Majesty and to ask those things that I stand in need of with this gracious assurance that thou wilt give me those things that are best for me though I ask them not of thee and though I ask them so unworthily that thou maist justly refuse to give me them because I ask them of thee so unworthily so that I may with humble boldnesse pray Lord give me what is onely best for me though I ask it not and give me not what is evill for me though I ask it but thou art from everlasting to everlasting holy and just and good and thy mercies are above all thy works wherefore I come unto thee not in my own merits but in the merits of thy onely Sonne my onely Saviour Jesus Christ the righteous in whom I believe Lord help my unbelief humbly desiring thy sacred Majesty for his sake and for thy own goodnesse sake towards the works of thine own hands to pardon and passe by all my sinnes actuall and originall to blot them out of thy book of remembrance and to set them so behinde thy back that thou maist never call me to account for them either in this world to my shame or in the world to come to my utter condemnation Give me grace and strength to return unto thee O my God as the prodigall sonne to his father acknowledging my self unworthy to be called thy sonne or servant and give me I humbly pray wisdome which is about thy throne for all wisdome is from thy gracious gift that so I may rightly understand earthly things from heavenly things time from eternity and graciously give me the will and deed to lay up my treasure in Heaven and not on earth And I most humbly crave of thy sacred goodnesse the unresistible power of thy holy Spirit that thereby I may be built up and made perfect to every good work to the true and perfect serving of thee my good God and to the working righteousnesse as thy elected Saints by the powerfull and unresistible guidance of the holy Spirit doe and ought to doe both for and in their time and their eternity And O my good God because many are the controversies and disputes concerning thee thy word thy truth amongst poor mortality to the great destruction fear and trouble of thy poor willing and desiring servants Let thy sacred Spirit O my God speak the truth of thy will and of my duty to my conscience and then give me grace and strength to follow my conscience in the sacred way of thy holy Spirit that so I may keep a good conscience towards thee my God and towards men And I humbly pray that thy gracious Spirit may also reveale unto my soule what righteousnesse and what unrighteousnesse is what is truth and what is error what is the perfect duty of thy servant in all the passage of his pilgrimage under the Sunne and what is not the duty of thy servant to doe that so I may not onely perform unto thy sacred Majesty my present duty in thy blessed service but that I may doe it knowingly willingly and wittingly and that I may not only avoid all the appearances of evill but that I may doe it also knowingly willingly and wittingly as becomes the most faithfull and perfect servant of my Creator O give unto thy servant a discerning spirit inable him perfectly O my God to know good from evill and then give him grace and strength to doe the good and avoid the evill as becomes thy most blessed servants And give unto me thy servant O my good God a true principle of due obedient love in all my devotions and undertakings whatsoever towards thee my good God And for thy mercies sake teach me thy statutes and hide not thy precepts from me lead me in the way that I should goe and hold me in the living path of thy most joyfull servants Search my heart O God and try my wayes for there are wayes of iniquity in me and lead me in the way everlasting Let me have here in this life O my good God that and that only which may most perfect and fit me in soule and body for thy eternall and most sacred service Let the daily presidents of mortality O my good God move me to true repentance give me to know O my eternall Creator that I am no better then my parents but as they are returned with their bodies to the grave and their souls to thee the God that gave them so it must be with me Give me to know O Eternity that here is no abiding place here is no continuing dwelling give me grace and strength our good God to seek and finde one to come eternall in the Heavens Give thy servant O my gracious God true love to thee my God for thy own sake to my neighbour for thy Commandement sake and all for obedience sake unto thy blessed Majesty Give me to see O thou my only Good the blessed marks of thy sweet corrections both upon my body and soule in this life those glorious impressions by which thou sealest to thy self thy beloved children in whom thy soul delighteth O my most gracious God although I be most unworthy to be by thy good grace accounted such a childe such delight so beloved yet for thy own goodnesse sake let thy blessed seale of thy fatherly impression be upon me even what thou wilt for I assuredly know thou wilt with my most needfull saving Crosse give thy servant most needfull and saving strength to bear it