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A49867 A fountain of gardens Vol. II. Being a continuation of the process of a life according to faith, of the divinely magical knowledge, and of the new creation. In mutual entertainments betwixt the essential wisdom, and the soul in her progress through paradise, to Mount Sion, and to the new Jerusalem. By J. Lead.; Fountain of gardens. Vol. 2. Lead, Jane, 1623-1704. 1697 (1697) Wing L783B; ESTC R212812 202,788 554

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Dispensation to come that shall answer to the Ierusalem above which is said to come down Here is a Mount Sion Church to be gathered out from among all Churches of Men by the preparing Ministry of an Elias Spirit who is to make ready against the Lord's return from that solemnized Wedding with the present triumphant Church Now what is meant by this Elias Spirit But such a Spirit as hath Power to transform and translate at pleasure This Elias is not an abstracted Ghost but is in Conjunction with a flaming Body of Light This was that which the Apostles eyed much in their Days and had the Revelation thereof but it was reserved for the latter Ages This pure abstracted ghostly Power did come upon them and did great things through their own Bodies but did not work to the height of a ghostly Body for then Mortality would have been over Cloathed with Celestiality Therefore it was reserved for a future Season This Apple is not yet fallen upon any one but is growing to the full golden Colour to give a full Body and Spirit to them For whosoever shall eat of this golden Apple shall be transmuted into a Body as of fine Gold And so who shall first partake hereof the Elias Spirit will soon operate to translate them from terrestial Things Then was this Question with me But who of all Flesh living now shall this great Elias personate Or ever come his Day to see Many various Visions and Prophesies and many Persons tending hereunto have been both in former and present times But oh dearest Lord when and how and upon whom shall this be accomplished seeing all so universally are slow of Heart to believe To know positively I dare not will lest I should grieve the holy Spirit remembring that Rebuke which Christ gave when his Disciples asked Whether he would at that time restore the Kingdom Who did not seem to be pleased that they did urge the thing so closely Which made me sober upon the like occasion though through the Vision and Revelation upon it I had some temptation to encroach upon that which is said to have the Mind of Iesus which had its Times and Seasons which waiting upon great things might be revealed And accordingly this Word in way of Answer sprang freely in me Go your way in that Measure and Portion of Spirit received and wait as Elias under the Iuniper Tree which signifies a Paradisical Preparation from which Tree all sweet Scents do flow as the holy Gusts thereupon do blow Which will send in that which will give a Rich and Pleasant smell to your God in order to somewhat else Oh who but those that are of an Elias Spirit that are weary and do make complaint of their mortal Terrestrial state and would know a Transmutation are fit for this which is here Prophesied of Then again this Word was spoken to me That the great Melchizedeck King who hath charge over the Houshold of Faith doth design before his own personal Manifestation in the World to depute and raise up some who shall be as the Seven principal Shepherds to go forth in the Power and Spirit of Elias to turn the Heart back again of the vagrant lost Prodigal Children to the Father of their eternal Spirits and thereby to reconcile the two different Principles That the Enochian state may be revived for a free walking with God by the Light of the one eternal Day to pass in and out not making reflect on upon this course material Body being supernaturally Cloathed upon with that which giveth holy Boldness to appear in that most pure Sphere Thus the Enoch and Elias Spirit are to arise upon some who will mutually together agree to break through this vile Principle though it be with Mountains rending and with Rocks breaking and Earth quakings All which make way for the dividing from that low terrestial state to incorporate with the very Body of God As to this query The Spirit hath only to say further thus Do not you put far away this Day through Fear and Unbelief but turn into the mystical Paradise and under the Iuniper Tree bemoan your disappeared Virgin Bodies which sweet unknown Solitude attend for its Restoration While you abide here the Angelical Powers shall minister spiritual Fare to strengthen you for what is further to be accomplished by you If you will hereunto fixedly wait then also given may be the deep magical Book in which Wisdoms Spirit will make you Skilful in the circling Planets appertaining to that invisible Element which governeth all belonging to the New Ierusalem with all its Inhabitants there Now then as any shall desire in Enoch's and Elias's Spirit to break away from this terrestial Globe let them faithfully Obey this deep Revelation ● with the Councel hereunto annexed April the 10th 1677. As I was in my Bed contemplating the unknown and invisible Orb of Glory longing for a Body with which I might have entrance thereinto While I was thus deeply mufing there first appeared to me a bright Cloud which gathered it self into a round Compass then it opened into various Colours wonderful Splendorous with numerous Stars which were only discernible as they did not so visibly appear because the brightness did overcloud them In the midst of this did suddainly break forth somewhat like the Figure of an Eye which did look terrible piercing through all with flaming Streams round it which were transcendently glorious Upon which I could not stedfastly look till I had closed my mortal Eyes which then for some space of time I did behold and then it vanished in the twink of an Eye then opening to see whether I could bear the glory of it it did retire out of sight with this Word What Flesh can live in this refining Element Then answered my Spirit True O Lord therefore the destruction of it I would see that I may come to live with thee in these New Heavens Why dearest Lord is this Crystalline Orb of Light let down only for view If we may not partake something of the Nature of it How is it that we have been so long lodged out of the sight of thee in this remote Principle if it must still be how can this vile Terrestial state be grateful to Spirits who did pre-exist in thee before all Worlds coming now to understand what is their true Eternal Dignity to live in such lucified Bodies free and unclogged of Corporeity After I had thus presented our deplorable Condition through the sight and sence of what was in the Idea of my Spirit I could not but move this Question to my Sovereign Creator Why such a pure Spirit generated out of the highest and super excellent Matter should unite with such course mean Corporal Forms acted by a mortal sensual rational Soul that governed it by the Starry Region To this deep Question the Spirit gave this Aaswer readily That the Immense Deity did hereby prepare high and worthy Ends in sowing pure Spirit into
building of great fortitude and strength it was compacted so within it self as nothing by many miles could come near to it All the scituation of it was green and pleasant but the ascent to it was so high as it seemed impossible for any to come up thereunto who had not the Wings of a Dove Neither could I discern any Road or Path-way thither After the representation hereof was passed away leaving much thoughtfulness in me I had for that present time this word given to me That this separated Building was called the City of strength Some three nights after as I was in a slumber this high Mountain appeared again and I saw two Persons beckoning out of that place to come up then I attempted to ascend or to walk up to them but found my Corporeity so weighty upon me as I could not by any means at that present make up thither which caused great anxiousness in me for my will was very earnest to make up to that desired place April the 23d 1677. A further Discourse upon this high Mountain Upon which I moved my Lord who was nigh in Spirit why such inviting Ideas should so attract both Heart and Eyes and yet no might or power to come up to that holy Mountain upon which this glorious City stood which would be strength and fortitude from all sufferings and evils which while below this Mountain we are ob●oxious to Upon which complaint the springing word thus said how is it that thy soul is hereat disquieted that thou canst not possess so immediately what is made known to thee in Vision and Prophecy The ground hereof is known to Wisdom who also will satisfie thee why this cannot yet be attainable First consider thy present Existency that it is in a very low degree inferior to the Angelical Sphear nay hardly meet for what might be enjoyed in the Paradisical Orb. That pure leavening Unction hath not gone through Body Soul and Spirit so as to change throughout into its own Nature which hath hindred you For nothing of corporeal matter could ever thither up ascend though the Will and Spirit put forth with great earnestness out thereunto But then again be it given ye to understand that this presentation doth signifie the reviving the remembrance of what hath been prophesied in foregoing Ages For Similitudes will go before to usher in the real thing The Preludiums of which have so long slept that some fresh warnings hereof will be given to them that wait for and believe in their day to see the Kingdom of God in its height of glory As this City is a true figure hereof which seems yet to be at a great distance from this low World as to its mighty height Which is a Confirmation to that old Prophecy the Mountain of the Lords house is established above all mo●ntains and thereto will be the flowing of Dove Spirits as to their own habitation From hence a sweet and fresh Manifestation by way of a renewed Prophecy did open from those words That it shall come to pass in the last days and which thus spake That the Lot of this fulfilling Prophecy might be witnessed by some in this Age. For which end this Transient Vision of the City was shewed for to quicken and revive the hopes of those who were Mourners to see themselves remote herefrom because of the wonderful distance and height in the situation thereof which caused such anxiousness through their own insufficiency to reach up thither as not seeing any possibility to come to God's Holy Palace where only was our hoped for freedom But while I was in this demur and fear a swift Messenger from this high and lofty Place did reach out his hand to me and suddainly this House which was so far off was now to me as nigh For I did see it pass by me as in a clear Glass-case as if it had run upon a Chariot Wheel so swift that I could only spy through the Glass a light transparent Glory Which left me in no little Concern because not taken in hereinto But that word was spoken presently for support Thou canst not follow now but shalt afterwards Then did the Comforter commune of these things further unto me revealing the mystery of this City as to its consistency It s Building is of a threefold quality as to the making out of its glorious Variety The first foundation-matter was all Saphire-like of such virtue and clarity as it extracts the Jasperstone and so consequently the the ghostly Ruby of which three this City is compacted And is exalted above all degrees of created beings that none can come to dwell here within this deified place till a high Chymical Virtue do proceed from each stone in this Building for a separated operation For these stones will attract only out of the Soul and Spirit what is their own Therefore expect no less then three baptizing fires to pass upon you before ye can be Inhabitants in this transparent City of Glass The Saphire which is the Fathers fiery Property operates in the Spirit of Salts searching quality to find out all corruptibility Then secondly Christ the Jasper-light sends out his warm fire Blood-stone both to purge cleanse and heal Then the third dispensive Power will let out such a flood of Oyl of his own high persumed Nature mingling all through the foregoing Celestial fires in a blessed light flame as will burn away the first gross Elemental Matter which hath prevented the Spirits ascent into this Mountain of the Lord's House But however draw you near to the foot of this City-mountain which while ye fit therein waiting this very Mountain may melt and before you bow And this City which is called everlasting Righteousness and Strength will through its pure constellative virtue exhale and draw you up into it self Where ye then ever will be with the Deity in Berill flaming Bodies and Spirits according to the ghostly Purity of might as those who are ready for this spiritual and suddain flight April the 26th 1677. As I was considering of the openings which I had of that Vision relating unto the Cherubim-birth which was hatched under the Hand of the Power This Query arose in me how the Spirit of this New Creature was sustained And which way it could draw in that food that constituted it to be of that strength and excellency of Body and Spirit that it could mount away as a Dove into an unknown Orb Ah my Lord what manner of Birth is this Shall such a Birth ever be known to have existency in this terrestial sphere Sure such a Birth is only meet to be Born where is a pure and unmixed Element which may not be in strife against it For verily it is hard and very difficult for such a Birth to be nursed and brought up to perfection where all things work cross rising up against it Because it is a strange Child that beareth not this worlds Image as for example in our Lord Jesus his
s●aled with Holy Spirit of Promise Though in that day soon upon Christs ascending the Spirit of working power was suddainly showred down upon some as in the Acts mention is made who had no foregoing work of sanctification upon them Upon which it made the Apostles themselves astonished that the Holy Ghost should be sent down upon the Gentiles also who did not believe in the Lord Jesus But that is now ceased The giving forth of the Holy Ghost in this day will first produce inward effects and be a Spirit of burning seasoning the Vessels within and inflaming it with the pure fire of Love and Joy And then being all divinely leavened there will be found all sufficiency to do the most wonderful things easily flowing forth from the substantial body which by degrees may work it self fixedly through the humane form in great splendor and glory So from hence we are taught how the Holy Ghost hath his first inspiring work upon us To make all clean pure and perfect within our Minds and Wills For we shall be Witnesses what he doth first in and for us before he will shew forth by us the Seal of his great Power to what lies without us Who by signal Working Powers and Gifts are to be convinced and brought over to the Faith which will work by that Love that will be shed abroad by the Holy Ghost Whos 's first enkindlings and stirrings ye are saith the Holy and True to cherish and wait upon till ye are leavened throughout with Righteousness Light Love and Joy Which will make way for the going out of Wisdoms Power and God's all sufficiency in a more marvelous manner then ever Blessed highly are they whose lot it shall be to come up to the Mount of God's Habitation through all these degrees This word take along with you for certainty that it is possible for the close wise persevering diligent Spirits to see this great and mighty salvation in the Lord Christ's Kingdom in and through the ghostly power working mightily April the 28th 1677. This Morning awaking about three of the Clock my Spirit after some divine ejaculations was inkindled through the Love-melting Powers of the Spirit of my Lord Jesus which did pass as a burning Lamp through all my Intellectuals finding there matter to feed upon answerable to its own light property whereby refreshing was found After this I slept till five a Clock or somewhat more as by me surmised Then I was awakened with the beholding one in the figure of a man in a blue clear firmament enclosed as in an oval frame Rainbow-like his Countenance was grave and majestical facing me with great majesty Upon the sight of whom I did feel within me a mighty rapture of joy So I making to get nearer to this Person thus plainly portraied then he did further withdraw for such was the ●ervour of my Spirit that I would have proceeded into the very Circle where he was Who seemed to be in the very fashion of a man from the Loyns upward but I saw no Legs or Feet but he fixed his Light Countenance still on me which was no way terrible but all reviving Now I was expecting somewhat to be spoken from him but the voice was uttered within me saying thus This is the Sign of your Lord from Heaven that Jesus whom you have desired to see Upon which words I attempted again to break through to him upon which this Representation did pass away that I could no longer gratifie my spiritual Eye with this blessed Personality After whose departure I was left sad for I would willingly have left my corporeal form to have entred into that Oval Cloud where I might have joined the Hand of my Spirit with his But then it was again further revealed to me that if this sight was so pleasing and grateful what would the coming in of the Fathers glory be which would be much more then what I now did see Then this word spake in me go on to believe and ye who look for me shall yet further see greater things then all this Some days after this Vision it was further manifested to me that this visible Figure of my Lord Jesus did signifie the formation of himself in our corporeity which would be much more advantagious then in beholding him in a distinct Personality as without us till we can come to say as he is so are we Till which there can be no fixed view for a constant retaining of his now glorified Person in our Eye Now it was given me to understand that the Reason I could not be admitted to enter into that Oval Light where he was presented was because said the Spirit thou art not come to the same perfect state and degree in which you did him see wanting yet your more high clear and elementary Body so that ye could not possibly make your pass unto him But only hereby your Jesus knoweth that these transient sights would have a pure magical power upon you for the begetting of the same likeness within you that was shewn outward For it was revealed to me that all representations that did not work to this effect would be little available as to the fruition of the blessed Object it self Then I was cautioned to be heedful in this respect and to watch how to receive all powerful impressions hereby all which was for the bringing on the heavenly Birth to every degree of perfection Then no strange nor unusual thing it shall be to see the very express glory of the Majesty when you are Christed and all clothed upon with him Then shall ye see That in your selves which to others is invisible Philip could not see the Father in Christ while he was looking outwardly for some wonderful appearance of God in visible Glory he did not consider how uncapable he was of that sight but Jesus invites him to see and know the Father in the pure simplified humanity God will to all first manifest himself here in that which can assume the Christ-like Life which is the only light and medium in which we can see God Christ would have directed Philip to have looked for this Vision of God in himself but he knew he was not clarified in his Mind and Spirit for that species his Eys were not anointed the Holy Ghost not being yet given to him Therefore Christ directed him to turn his Eye inward to see the influence of the Divine Power and Presence of the Father in and by Christ. Who gave him this rebuke Have I been so long with you and yet have you not seen the Power of the Deity acted forth in me The Disciples were but of dull sight and flow of belief so that it was not the conversation of Christ although all holy perfect and good in his Visible Figure That did give the transformation till he did convey his Spiritual Body into them they could not rightly know him nor yet the Father in him Then the Spirit ecchoed this through me O haste
and Prophecy were but as the Door-Posts and Threshold whereupon the Glory of the Lord doth often hereby break out as the Gate of Manifestation opens but it shuts and closes up as not to abide upon the Threshold of that which giveth entrance into the most Holy Place where the full and fixed residence of the Majesty of Glory is Which for duration upon any cannot be found till en●red beyond the Ministration of the Manifestation Door which doth make way here for it by raising the Mind of the Spirit through the Light For the true and real enjoyment of God's Pure Being Conjugally wherein all fulness of Joy Power and Peace may spring as from a Fountain openeth within as co-existing with that which is the matter for the Kingdom of Heaven that must bear rule over all that comes in by this fall To which end the light of Revelation is come to the door of the Threshold of the Lord's Tabernacle that thereby we might see our way to enter in by it Watching all opportunity for a through and clear pass into the fruitional Joy of the Lord. Patiently enduring till the Lord himself shall say Vp and Rise and follow me who as on an Eagle-Body will you my dear Ones mount and bear into my Father's inward Court. Where neither Care Fear nor Sorrow shall afflict you more Oh my Lord this is that perfect State that our Sighs and Groans have long gone up for Let full assurance be given for present support unto us who are looking for compleat Redemption Upon which this Word sprung Fear not that ye shall always stand as at the Entring Gate Iesus your Lord doth well know the Voice of his own Mates from whom he will not long separate himself Therefore believe and quietly wait in all pureness and meekness for he will come and will no longer tarry from his own lest their Spirits should be drunk up with Sorrow It was further said If ye be in Heaviness for me your Lord then may ye expect a return of Peace and Ioy successively in and through my Love abounding towards you THE CONCLUSION OF This SECOND VOLUME ALL these are the faithful and true Sayings wich are given in for a Stay and a Pledge of Love from God till the Morning STAR of Wisdom shall arise more fully in our Hearts to lead us up into the Fru●tion of all that has been here Prophesied of and Declared Which I excite all the Beloved Flocks that belong to the Great Kingly Sheherds Fold to Believe Hope and quietly Wait for as to the Fullfilling part of All that hath been in This Volume made known and revealed For it is now the Day of the SPIRIT which is beginning over the Earth to Spread Wherein the Empty and the Hungry who have long wandered upon the barren Mountains and been as in Famine shall be Satisfied and enter into those fat and full Pastures where the Lord himself shall be their Leader and Feeder That so we may in pure Love-unity together celebrate an Holy Feats to our High and Mighty IEHOVAH eating our Spiritual Morsels in Joy and Gladness and sending up our Offerings of Praise to him that was LOVE that is LOVE and that ever shall be the same Even so Amen POSTSCRIPT IT may possibly to some seem very Harsh what is found pag. 125. and 126. There is yet a Woman to be revealed out from the Heavens whereof Mary that brought forth Christ according to the Flesh was but a Type For it was neither Eve nor she to whom the Promise was made concerning the Birth which should bruise the Serpents Seven headed Power There must be another Genealogy found out from whence the Serpent treader must also come But it is very far from the Author's Intent as it may be plainly evidenc'd both from the Scope in this particular place and also from the whole Drift of her Writings to derogate hereby from the High Preeminence of Christ the Son of Mary above all Human Births whatever or from the Honour of that Holy Virgin whom all Generations of the World must call Blessed among Women But the Design of this Passage is no other than that of the Author of the Epistle to the Hebrews when he represents the Great and True Melchisedeck to be without Father without Mother without Descent Which cannot be understood any otherwise then of an earthly Father and Mother and an Earthly Descent it being immediately afterward added having neither beginning of Days nor End of Life The which Words can by no wise be applicable to his Outward Corporeal Birth from the Virgin Mary Wherefore the Apostle herein directs them to look for another Genealogy and higher Descent while he seems to take away for the present or rather to pass over the former So that he would not have them to fix their Eye upon his Temporal Generation in an Elementary Form which had both beginning of Days and end of Time but rather to look to the Generation which was before all Time from the Eternal Father through the Womb of the Morning from whence all Angelical and Human Spirits were afterwards produced being call'd Sons of the Morning that is of the Immortal Virgin Heavenly Principle or Matrix Which Celestial Nativity being overclouded in many of the Angels through their Tartarosis mention'd by St. Peter in seeking to sink themselves into their own Independent Will that so they might be as Elohim by Precipitating their Spiritual Forces from the Centre of the Divine Will and going forth from a proper Centre of their own and also in all the Human Race through the Birth of Eve entring into the Lust and Strife of the Elements deluded hereto by the Seven-Headed Serpent cannot possibly reappear till the Seven Heads Powers or Forms of the Serpent be entirely Bruised or Crushed This is to be done in each particular Soul which hath within it self as the Kingdom of Heaven so also the Kingdom of Hell as it were in miniature before there can be an Attainment of that Person to the Redemption of the Body which is the visible Adoption Recognition and Sealing of the Sons and Daughters of God And it is likewise to be done in the whole Church Universally by the Seed of Immortality flowing through the Glorious Humanity of IESVs Which Seed as it raised up his mortal Body cannot also but raise up in due time all his Members and cause the vanished Image once more to appear and the Lustre of their first Nativity from God to shine forth as without any Cloud Wherefore let the Reader remember this Caution not at all to look Outwards or to seek here or there after Particularities or Personalities which will nothing avail him to know and probably may do him great Hurt but to retire into the inward Depth of his own Heart that he may there come to know such a Birth from out of the Womb of the New Ierusalem Mother as is so much spoken of in these Writings and may be a Witness of the trampling down the Serpents Power and Polity Then would he not be Solicitous about whom should be first Honour'd by Christ with the Marks of his Refurrection but would endeavour to press forward to it by the only allowable Emulation of Humility Love and Faith That if possible he may arrive to the Right of the First-born Heirs of God in the Melchisedeckian Line And then also would he clearly see that nothing that is here said tends to the Lesseuing but to the Greatening rather and extending the Merit of IESVS the Son of God and of Mary the True Christ Blessed and Adored for ever to whom every Knee both in Heaven and in Earth and under the Earth shall bow and Confess him that is that was and that is to come FINIS Advertisement WHereas some Things have been Scandalously set forth and Printed under the Name of this Author to the Reproach of Truth and the Dishonour of that which is Holy it is thought fit for the putting a Stop to such Impostures and the Evil which might thence ensue to give a Catalogue of the Books which the Author hath hitherto Published THE Heavenly Cloud or the Ascension Ladder 4 to 1682. p. 40. The Revelations of Revelations an Essay towards the Unsealing Opening and Discovering of the Seven Seals the Seven Thunders and the New Ierusalem State 4 to 1683. p. 130. The Enochian walks with God found out by a Spiritual Traveller 4 to 1694. p. 38. The Laws of Paradise Given forth by Wisdom to a Translated Spirit 8 vo 1695. p. 69. The Wonders of God's Creation manifested in the Variety of Eight Worlds as they were made known Experimentally to the Author 8 vo 1695. p. 89. The Message to the Philadelphian Society whithersoever dispersed over the whole Earth together with a Call to the several gathered Churches 12 ves p. 108. 1696. The Tree of Faith or the Tree of Life springingup in the Paradise of God from which all the Wonders of the New Creation must proceed 12 ves p. 122. 1696. The Ark of Faith or a Supplement to the Tree of Faith for the Further Confirmation of the same Together with a Discovery of the New World p. 33. 1696. The Fountain of Gardens Watered by the by the Rivers of Divine Pleasure and springing up into a Paradise Vol. I. p. 169● A Revelation of the Everlasting Gospel-Message which shall never cease to be Preach'd till the Hour of Christs Eternal Judgment shall come Whereby will be proclaim'd the last Love Jubilee in order to the Restitution of the Whole Lasped Creation 8vo p. 39. 1697. The Fountain of Gardens Vol. II.
A FOUNTAIN OF Gardens Vol. II. Being a Continuation of the Process of a Life according to Faith of the Divinely Magical Knowledge and of the New Creation IN Mutual ENTERTAINMENTS BETWIXT The Essential Wisdom and the Soul in her Progress through Paradise to Mount Sion and to the New Ierusalem By I. LEAD Isa. LVIII 11. Thou shalt be like a Watered GARDEN and like a Spring of Water whose Waters fail not London Printed and Sold by the Booksellers of London and Westminster 1697. THE EDITOR TO THE READER IN this Second Volume of the Diary which is here Presented there are many Things very Considerable relating to the several Progresses of a Life of Faith with various Manuductions to this Mystick and Supersensual State recorded within the Space but of One Year wherein this Author was most plentifully Visited of God There are many Informations given concerning the Paradisiacal the Angelical and the Divine Life in the Gradual Augmentation and Operation of the Holy Seed of Faith within the Soul Many things concerning the Bank of Wisdom with her Laws of Merchandize which besides an Interiour do carry also with them an Exteriour Sense that will be made good to her Children many things respecting the Establishment of a Royal Order of the Melchizedeck Priesthood upon the Earth with the Return of Prophecy and Miracles in a more Extraordinary and Fixed Manner than ever hitherto They are all Great and Momentous Matters which are here deliver'd Concerning both the Church of Christ in general and each Member thereof in particular neither are they such as are at a distance but such as are near at hand and at the very Door they beginning already to be accomplished in some Persons in divers Countries even almost of all Ranks Constitutions and Manners of Living Whereof much could be said And if they be not only Great but also Uncommon and Strange though it cannot be expected that they should easily be Receiv'd yet it may that they should at least be admitted to a fair Hearing and candid Examination as to the Pretences which are made Whatever also the Method of Delivering them down may be and how liable soever to the Exceptions of the Eloquent and the Learned this will not be a Prejudicate strong enough to make the Wise and Prudent in Heart throw away a rich Treasure that may be put into their hands because of the many Coverings that may be put upon it And if the Matters be of the greatest Consequence though they be couched for the most part under certain Parables Similitudes and Visional Ideas it is not at all doubted but that Many will be found who may hereby be stirred up to dive into and comprehend what others will slight and despise as seeing nothing more in it than an Enthusiastick Jargon of Words But let the Thoughts of these be never so mean it is certain to me that Wisdom will be justified of her children and that her Children are Children indeed Children in the Eyes of the World in their own Eyes and in the Eyes of God No wonder then it is that the World despises them laughs at their weakness and with a sort of Disdain pities their Folly It has been so from the days of Christ and of his holy Apostles and it is no new thing for the Mystick Wisdom of God to be accounted Foolishness and those that are led by an higher Spirit than that of this World to be termed Mad or even possess'd with a Devil But if the World know them not a Greater than the World doth know them Hear then Oye Little Ones and rejoice Hear also O ve Despisers and mourn For a glorious Kingdom and a beautiful Crown even the Crown of Philadelphia is now set before you both Take heed that ye neglect not so great an Offer and deride not those who do Believe and consequently Accept it If so the Evil Day of Temptation that is to try the whole Earth will overtake you suddenly and then will ye be constrain'd to confess How are these whom we counted Mad numbred among the Children of God and how is their Lot fallen among the Redeemed out of the Earth who stand upon the Mount of Sion with Crowns and Palms in their Hands following the Lamb The Ascending Steps to which Mount you will find Here so described as could be by none but such as have went up by them in conformity with that process of the Regeneration and the Transformation which hath been expressed by the Ascension-Ladder sent down that was in the year 1681. set forth by the Author and in the Year 1694. Translated into High Dutch and soon after that into Low Dutch Wherein it is at large declared how the Actions and Passages of our Blessed Lord in the Way to Glorification are not only Representative and Imputative as to their Meritoriousness or Efficacy but are also Operative of the same in the Members of his Mystical Body Who must also pass through Death and the Resurrection before they can Ascend and be glorified with him in the Kingdom of Mount Sion or of the New Ierusalem Let us then as many as Love the Lord JESUS and his Appearance behold the Cloud now breaking wherein he will Descend into Us in like manner as he Ascended and having carry'd us through the Cross will lead us back into Paradise whence we came out by restoring again the bright and pure Image of God through his all-virtual Resurrection and from thence conduct us still higher and higher as we shall be herewith by him Adorned into those Superiour States of Glorification in the Heavens above Paradise where he sits as at the right Hand of the Father in the Fulness of Majesty and Glory From whence he will Personally also descend to Judge the World according to Righteousness and Truth or Equity when he shall have thus prepared a Body of Saints made like unto him in the midst of whom he may pitch his Glorious Tabernacle Out of which his Edicts will be sent as on the Wings of the Lightning to the utmost ends of the Earth by Flying Angels who have liv'd in Bodies of Mortality but shall have then receiv'd the Immortal Crown and the Incorruptible Name O Blessed yea thrice Blessed are all those who through that Faith which in these Sheets is Discrib'd are made partakers of this First Resurrection and of the high Immunities and Prerogatives of the First-born But who is sufficient for these things And it may now again be said Alas Who hath believed our Report We are accounted as Liars all the day long for they sake O God of Truth Alas who will believe that thou hast remembred thy Promises of Old which all thy Holy Prophets have repeated from thy Mouth O Lord most Holy O Lord most True Or that thou hast spoken unto us out of the Cloudy Pillar and communed with us in the Silence of our Hearts How hast thou made us to bear thy Reproach O God and to be in
Death shall not at all hurt you let not your Souls faint but direct your Prayers to the Holy Temple that so through great fervency from these nether Depths you may there into enter and from Death's Bands ye shall beloosed The Body of mortality as the Fish shall vomit you up when great IEHOVAH shall once the Word give forth These Openings are still for your Support February the 21st 1676 7. I saw a Vision thus presented to me I did see a green Cloath-Covering which was sown over a White Sheet which was let down and I was bid to unrip it which after a metaphorical manner was done I know not how And under it there were Creeping Creatures that were of a devouring Quality then under the Linnen there appeared a Lamb pure and white with sparkling Eyes as Flames of Fire Which thing considering it was thus opened unto me This was the Face of the Covering that the Word of Command came forth to have unripped and taken off By which the very inward ground might be discovered where the fatned Beasts did lurk under who by the Covering were bounded But now the shame of their Nakedness did appear so as they crept away and could no longer abide by reason of the Lamb's sparkling Eye which caused the Remove to be made saying to me Now give place who am come to scatter and destroy all of this evil quality from before my Face I can no longer bear this Covering upon me this partition Vail must be rolled away even that dark Body of Sin which hath been as a weight upon the Lamb of God Whose Eyes do pierce to find out every thing that hath made a breach that so the Heart of God should not be concealed from you into which you could never see so long as this thick dark Covering remained whereby hid hath been the very Original matter that hath brought in all the Woe and Sorrow For which purpose by way of this Similitude you may come hereby to understand the force of that great Love that moveth to lay all naked and bare that so through the medium of that light Eye which did lie under covert for a time ye might see the Image of that Sin-breeding Beast that could multiply into such encrease under the green Covering Whose Seat and breeding-place shall make discovery to the most innermost Ground unto thee that so thou mayst be at rest from the source of Sin 's working property Let us in the first place now make enquiry into the Originality of this Monster how he came to have a Being For in the beginning of the Paradisical Creation all was created by God comely good and perfect how came then this strange Essence to be brought in to dispoil and alter the whole Heavenly Course of things in this Paradisical Creation Now know that before this there was a Creation of Angelical Hosts as an immediate product from the everlasting Being Who delighted to generate Thrones Mights and Powers that so God through distinct Existencies of Celestial Spirits of that high Angelical Order might come to manifest his Attributes which before lay void and hid in an Eternal Stillness So as here was the Angelical World in pre-existency before the Paradisical The Superiour Heavens were furn●shed in the first Place with Dignities suited for God's own peculiar Habitation Of which Number there was a Spirit of high Elevation that did awaken in some of them who were Principalities in this Kingdom to exalt themselves equal or above the Lord their Maker For which cause being cast out from the most meek and holy Presence they consulted how to spoil and infect having great Envy against God's new Creation and formation of Man in and after the express Image of himself This blew up their Coals of Jealousie and fiery Indignation which as deadly Arrows were soon sent forth namely so soon as Adam came to have an existency He must be tried by this subtle Serpent And the first onset was whether they could by their Magical Art cast him into a deadly Sleep that so thereby his Impotency might be manifested stupifying his seven high graduated Faculties Who hereby before he was aware did loose his Virgin generating strength and whereas it was said That God cast him into that Sleep the meaning is God suffered it and permitted the probation to come upon him to see whether he could stand this first Insinuation which was by some secret Poyson that he had drunk in from the fallen Spirits who had somewhat already of their evil Seed cast in In that God said Seeing Man is already fallen from that primary force and strength that he cannot bring forth from that Virgin Female property Now it will not be good for him to be alone he shall have a Companion answerable to his present state which is already lower by many degrees then when the pure immortal Breath did enter in But had Adam with his Eve here staid and had not been brought in a further Premunire Mankind had not seen the Sin fatal Death of Mortality But the Serpent seeing his Invisible Sorcery had taken so good ●ffect he now is more bold to adventure upon the second Tryal suiting his Temptation more subtlely telling them they should be as Gods Which was an inducing Argument at which Sugar-Bait they presently nibled and did eat of it and in that very moment were turned into that mortal Beastly shape the Figure whereof you do to this Day wear But well had it been if this had been all the injury but oh the Serpently Seed was cast in there who at once sent in that Poyson that hath had its death operation ever since Thus you see the Originality from whence ye have derived your Earthly Life of Mortality which is so inherent that as a boiling Source it is maintained from this strange introduced Fire so as though you are in continual Labour to scum off the Filth thereof yet it still renews again So while the root of this corrupt Matter remains your toil fear and care will have no end Now what is it think ye must enter in so deep as to suck out the Serpent's deadly Sting that hath made all this disorder in Nature Many Medicines have been applied and some have been safe and undoubted of yet they have not reached the place of Sin 's Conception to destroy both the Serpently Seed with the first Earthly Eve which is the Mother of all Living in the Earthly Property Her Womb is fruitful still to b●i●g forth Viperous Thoughts and evil Earthly Motion from a flowing Source throughout all Generations Now you will say how and by what means shall this be remedied You cry the Power is not in us how can that come to be nullified that is so essentially in us The Boughs may while but tender Boughs be bent and when strong grown they may be cropt but the stock as a deep grounded Oak our Arm is too short to reach We cannot move it the very Earth will
and seek to be baptized by the Holy Ghost that ye may both know and be perfect in the Father and in the Son then may you see God in Christ apparently God in God sometimes in an immaculate Nature and sometimes in the essence of a Spirit out of Nature From hence learn to see your selves all fully in Christ as anointed by the Holy Spirit into him and then you will not make complaint for want of the visibility of his glorified Person When ye shall see your selves in him and know him in your selves as the express Image of the invisible God Then you cannot but walk in the constant sight of that which is all beautiful comely sweet and ravishing For then ye will never care to turn your Eyes nor set your Foot out of this pleasant Habitation when the Holy Ghost shall be ever in you the Tabernacle of God May the 1st 1677. The Original Language THIS Morning it was much impressed upon me that though all Watchfulness and pure Conversation are the product of a Spiritual Birth yet there must be something besides willed by him who is said to have received gifts to dispose of as a purchased possession for us He is ascended to the Fountain head where all diversity of Gifts are commandable that may be of great profit and use to his Mystical Body which thereby may come to the perfect Unity For it was given me to consider that our Lord Jesus though born into the humanity all immaculate yet was afterward signally anointed with the Holy Ghost before he went upon his Ministerial Function which gave him power to effect those great things in the World So that though he was born of the Holy Ghost yet there was a further Sealing Power contributed by the Father For when the Jews were offended that he made himself equal with God he confirmeth it by this evidence that the Father had shewed him all things that himself could do from which sight as a peculiar Gift he did work hitherto such works as did bear witness of the Supream Power of the God-head While my Intellectual Mind was exercised upon this Subject and withdrawing from my outward animal sense I did see in a paper figured out the forms of two Angelical Persons folding up a Vail or Covering which had been spread upon a Writing that was given me to read Which was plain and legible but I could not understand the Language it was said to be Seraphick This Writing which was so fair was turned into a Blank and then again appeared as in a manuscript which I was very solicitous to have read But it was revealed to me immediately that this was a high and peculiar gift that did belong only to that which was born out of the Lilly root Which mast be brought up where it must hear this Language spoken frequently till which no knowledge there is in the Divine Magia For Spirits who had these deep wonders to sh●w could not make any intelligent hereof till they had learned this Seraphick Language both to hear and speak withall and so I was left in the demur hereof Only this Writing I saw taken by the hand of a Person to whom I said give it me for it belongeth not to you which I presently gave to the view of another● that was present but neither of them could find out the Language of the Writing By which my Spirit did conclude that we must proceed to a further learning for to know what is in the heights and depths wherein all lawful and allowable secrets are couched to be understood Had not Moses been taken up to God forty days and in that holy separated Mount been all new organised he could never have understood God's speech unto him so as to comprehend and know how to make an interpretation and how to bring it down unto the people by translating it out of the Seraphick tongue into the formal speech of terrestrial organical Creatures So from hence it was given me further to see that there was a New Ministration which I had not looked into that was of great expediency May the 2d 1677. This next day being the second of May waiting upon the further opening of this Vision and making my application for our enrichment with this heavenly gift it appearing to be of great use and consequence I presently found my self environed with a body of Light with a noise as of rushing waters which were called the Seraphick sounds for I felt a mighty sweet influence from them Finding my Spirit sinking deeper into this heavenly center whereout did arise gusts of Air and Flames of Celestial Fire with springs of Water as a fountain of Joy and dust of Gold all sparkling and herewith mingling and this was a wonderful presentation All which I did as sensibly feel to strengthen to quicken and enliven the inward as I often naturally felt the influences of the outward Elements upon the outward Body to cause Dulness Pain Grief and Sorrow And further there was a Voice that did distinctly eccho in me that all these influencing Powers from the heavenly Body did come down to enrich and make fat the Soil and Magical Ground in which the unction Birth was rooted For this Pure and Aetherial Body which hath commixed it self into such a high Essentiality is designed to feed revive strengthen and rejoyce what is of its own Elementary Body Therefore it is meet for such in whom this New Birth is raised that they do often bring and lay it where the warm beamings of our Sun may overshadow it that is that the quint-essential power of all things may send forth its strong spiritual influences upon it so hereby it may grow mighty and and strong to relieve the depressed Life from the grosser Element which hath enkindled whatever is of torment trouble and strife Therefore cryed the Spirit whatever ye do let this be chiefly minded For your liberty and redeeming Power lieth in this fair Lilly springing from the feeding Life of this bright Elementary Body Which your Lord said he gave for the Life of the World for hereby it can only be renewed again May the 3d. 1677. This Morning being the third of May something more did open to me of the Vision That whereas ● saw a Vail folded up by the two who were in long Garments gir● about with Girdles which I omitted before to mention Who were figured out to be Angelical Messengers sent to draw away and to wind up the Covering that had overspread the Writing By this it was signified that there was one remove made in order to the understanding and knowing what was further therefrom to be revealed For already there was much of the Vail removed which hid the meaning of the Spirit in that visible Writing which alluded also to the Scriptures but was now upon the removing that so the true intent of the Spirit might come to be known And further it was moved in me why I could not read when the
their course to renew your strength through the mutual concurrence of your wills Which to me I your Lord do own you have given in Therefore my Spirit I am moving upon the Face of your inward Deep till the whole mystery of the Celestial Figure shall again be restored Therefore I am calling the Eye of your Minds inward that so ye may take knowledge how many steps you have gone up to this Throne and so be encouraged to pass forward You are arrived to the third measure which is the Spirit of Prophecy and Revelation here is a pleasant standing because you have prospects of the unknown Scenes of G●ory great advantage is from hence because you do live in the divine Idea's of what is contained in the invisible Sphear Yet far be it from thee to ●ake up rest here or like Moses for to die in journying to the Land where the New Ierusalem doth stand Yet four 〈◊〉 higher there are which have been seen in the Mount of Vision Who then now as high descended Spirits will in mighty Faith attempt them and renounce what ariseth of fear and doubt As Faith and Love are the Wheels that do hither bring so fearfulness and unbelief do the Wings of the Mind bind down Oh how flow of heart have you been to believe what of these Ministrations hath been so frequently prophesied by my Spirit Come forward on and put forth that little grain of Power which you have already in your selves and see what you can make hereof The more you act it forth the more it will encrease For as the Ministration of Immediate Revelation doth more clearly immerse you into the knowledge of what is unknown So the Mystery of the highest degree of Faith must necessarily therefrom begin to work and that in such a way as may be a sealing to what is revealed for manifestation For a let into invisible Species of things cannot but quicken up Faith and make it strong in God by which it may easily yea most naturally act and go forth in mir●culous Deeds for confirmation to others of what by a bare Testimony will not be believed in a residue of Spirit For this is also surely reserved which is the sixth step to Sions Glory But before this can be perfected in any one that do look Here for it they must be of a through grown experience in the Life of Revelation These Gifts will not come down by sudden rushing showers as it was in the Apostles times But henceforth they will be Consequents which will follow those who do gradually grow up from the very Birth-day of the Spirit into all the sublime perfections of Holiness as their constitution into a Christ-like Nature For it is the Root of that Heavenly Matter from whence Gifts of this kind do proceed and will in such pure and sanctified Vessels be inherent For they only stand in the Light Councel and Will of the Trinity ready to obey and execute his Will here on Earth as the Angels of the Presence who truly and faithfully do go forth in the Light Power and Force of the seven Spirits whose fortitude it is to secure from all the wrathful conspiracies which are in this evil World Iuly the 20th 1677. This day upon a foregoing Word which opened it self in me as we were met together to breath the Life to each other a superaddition thereof was given me The word was from that of Jesus crying in the great day of the Feast If any man thirst let him come unto me and drink then out of their Bellies shall flow Rivers of Living Waters speaking of the Spirit The Jews Feast being the Feast of Tabernacles was highly at that day solemnised from which the Lord did take an occasion to invite to another manner of Feast presenting himself as the principal Dish to feed upon and Well of Life to draw the Waters of Salvation from It was again revived to me in this word You are come to the festival day of the Spirit Set by it esteem it spare not to take your fill Tell me Oh ye that beloved are what from this Heavenly Table where all variety of Spirit is what is most relishable to your Heavenly Palate Had not I known you to have been in the vehement hunger and thirst after that Food which is all Spirit and Life you should never have drawn near to my Table For to others this kind of Fare has been little understood or tasted of and therefore not desired It is the pure Birth of the Spirit that can only live upon that which is Spirit as none can know the things of God but the Spirit so none can taste God but what is born of God What else did your Lord Jesus live upon during the time of his abiding in the humanity but the Essential Power of the Deity He still drew it in as the Invisible Bread of Life which he had to eat that the World knew not of Now said the Spirit unto me It will be to you according to what you believe or thirst for or after whether for the Milk or the strong Meat of the Spirit For this is called the Feast of the Spirit because it multiplies it self into Corn Wine Oyl Milk Hony Marrow and Fatness There is nothing that can be named for refreshing and strengthning which the Spirit of Jesus doth not afford to the strong in Faith Then again a further Information was given concerning the Ministration of Revelation that though this Mount of Divine Vision was not to be for ever the fixed Rest of such who are under such a dispensation which must be owned as a high and rich Prerogative Yet warning I had this day hereupon still to wait For the Spirit did expresly speak that we were come but to the shallows of that unmeasurable Deep our Feet did but yet stand upon the Golden-sea brim and that we must yet abide a while upou this Chrystalline Stone till launched into the deep ocean of all Manifestation and Knowledge of what is within the Vail Where all things of the Temple Glory are to be seen not as in Metaphors or Figures but in their own express Beings as the heavenly things themselves Then through the Oracle-ear this word did sound to me Ye have not yet known what it is to be wholly contracted into the Spirit that is as if you were without a Body of animal sense and changed into an unmixed Body of Spirit For thus it was with Iohn when he saw and talked with the Alpha and Omega Then the word of Jesus was made good to him as one of them who did not see death till he had seen the Son of Man in Majesty coming in the New Ierusalem Glory But this he could never have beheld if he had not been changed for the time being into a Spirit Which had so penetrated through his gross material Body as that he knew himself only in a Body of Light Therefore he called it the Lord's Day such a
shall be given you October the 25th 1677. Oh ye with whom is my charge this is no season to stop in the Way neglect not the Day in which the Mighty One in you may rise again upon whose Shoulder the Key of the Government is laid to open for you the Everlasting Gate October the 26th 1677. The first part of the Night I spent in recollecting and calling over this whole Weeks Transactions which I had little satisfaction in Because it was not upon such a Service as it was meet I should ever and always be found imploied in For whatever of the necessary concerns of this temporary Life did call me off from this Heavenly Calling it became as Gall and Wormwood and brought a heaviness upon me So that I made my ●pplication in the deep inward sense hereof that if possible no more such Earthly matters should croud in upon us Who had so much avowed our selves the Lords Servants only to be and therefore our Spirits could no otherwise be but troubled when hurried by that which was so great a Set-back to our Spiritual Profession that is in imitation to our Lord Jesus in his Holy Priesthood While I was considering the closeness of this Work I was cast into a Sleep and I was suddainly awaked by one that called and said If you do not take good heed and quicken your Pace a dark Mist from the Earth will rise upon you and then you will be prevented of entring into the Third degree where is no Eclipse Which Word I took hold off for it came very seasonably Some space of time after in the same Night I went in Spirit to One that also was herein concerned with me to give him a Spiritual caution and be moaned with him the loss of time And the same Person whose Figure was named to me appeared in a White Garment ●ullied with black dust so taking notice hereof it was advised to put it off and another to be put on But it was spoken in my hearing That will also be de●iled without you keep in that upper right-Hand way where no miery Waters overflow nor Winds do blow to raise the dust below Upon which W●●●d I considered never to walk in the 〈◊〉 of this World and to keep our N●iz●●itical Life unspot●ed would be a mighty Victory Having such ho●●●● Provocations to be herewith overcharged and so our Minds corrupted For we have but one Heart which if it be chased as a Roe and H●r● upon the barren Hills and thorny De●●rt ●f this World where will the most Holy find a rest for himself in us who will no● set one Foot into the door of our Minds if we be par●ing with co●t●ary Spirit that ●as●eth into us earthly Fumes and Vapours Thus I was made to see the bi●ing of the Serpent at our Heel as we did walk in the Way of the Earthly Inhabitants So my Mind was made serious and watchful herein lest herewith overtaken our Hearts invaded upon should be Therefore this way of prevention was revealed unto me that we might preserve the Virgin-Purity for her true Mate in these following Rules The First Rule I had given was to be true to the Solemn Contract and Espousal Vow which we had made to wit to be the only Bride to the Lamb. 2dly To be found always at home in the Spirit in a waiting posture setting all things in order minding only the entertaining of this our betrothed Husband sending out burning Floods of Love to bring him into the close centre of the Heart In the third place Be found in clean and whi●e Linnen that he may be delighted with your Innocency and Nazarite Purity Then another sort of a higher degree may be put upon us as was shewed me In the 4th place Have always that which may be most pleasant to his tast therefore bring forth those choice Fruits which the Tree of Love and Life doth bear And then it was testified unto me that this holy Order maintained would give us an escape and no trouble should be in our Habitation because the Lord Iehovah Shammah will dwell in us and will cut off all that attempts us to invade October the 27th 1677. 1. Upon an occasion of disturbance by a disquieted Spirit in the Family I poured out the sense thereof unto my Lord in Prayer why such a grieving Thorn should be our troubler So I committed all to him who I did believe would clear me from all unjust Clamours in Truth and Innocency After which I found a suddain sweet Calm and peace brought into my mind Which caused me to repose in a quiet natural Rest. In the Morning this Word came in to my support Be not dismayed at the Blast of the terrible one who hath poured forth Hellish Fury Be still found in the Long suffering and Patience and then this shall all turn to the furtherance of that Work which is decreed in Everlasting Counsel whereby the remainder of Wrath shall be restrained Though it is not taken well that such Insolency is permitted over thee 2. After this this Word was given in also saying Speak to Iosedech for to be strong servent and steady and nothing fear but to be faithful the Priestly Charge and Work For then ●aith the Lord I will be with him and he shall assuredly prosper according to the Covenant made when he dedicated himself mine only for to be in Nazarite separation 3. Then this Word visited me Yet once it is a l●t●le while● and there will arise out of the Everlasting Priesthood that which shall shake all Nations in Earth Sea and dry Land Set therefore your Hearts hereunto with all watchfulness and diligence 4. As we were met together I saw a Flame pass through the Room and presently the Word spake All these must first be purged with Fire before they can stand with the Lamb upon the Mount October the 28th 1677. 1. This Morning I did feel in my self mighty Openings from the pure center of Love and Joy with some encouraging Words which did pass through me Afte● I had Prayed the Word to me was Go forward for I have accepted thee and I will be known Thy God in the Light of the Altar-Flame in Verity 2. Again it was said Appear thy self therefore insuch a Work whereof thou needest not be ashamed as having seen that Pattern in the Glass of Wisdom To which Eternal Idea keep fixed thy Internal Eye and thou shalt bring forth to Perfection that which hath been in the Perspective part October the 29th 1677. After my first Sleep being still somewhat drowsy and hardly come to my awakened Sense I saw a mighty great Hand lifted up upon a wonderful high Pole This sight was so amazing that though it was so high as it seemed to touch the Clouds yet I could see it very distinct as a large Hand When I came hereof to consider what it should signifie the Word was thus given This is the Lord's Hand which lifted up shall be and
Jesus and so both do agree to pass and see the goodly Spaces of Eternity whether all things be so as hath been reported of concerning the matters of Christ's Kingdom To which we are annexed Heirs and therefore concerned to take our flight thither to view all within the New Canaan For our Lord did know that a sight before hand of this Inheritance would greatly satisfie As it was with the Queen of Sheba who gratified both her Eye and Ear in the state of Solomon's Kingdom Now then may not we in the Spirit of Faith and rising power of Christ's Spirit come to have such a pass over Iordan's flowing River Hereupon it is cleared up to me that it is most lawful and expedient to take such a heave or flight in the Spirit For which end in obedience to the counselling Word which to me was dropped in Let us then be as a goodly Ship who would launch into the Ocean deep and would swim upon the broad Waters all tackled and trimmed and pitched within that no place may be found for bleaking and our pure and white Sails stretched out all in a readiness lying at the very Haven upon the Anchor of Hope waiting to see when the Gusts and Breath of the Holy Ghost will turn our Ship about and blow all South that we may suddainly be cast upon the Rock of Pearls and Precious Stones in that Land Beulah that is so little known But who now must be hither our sure Pilate but he that hath already there been even that bright Star that can steer through Fire Water and Air having himself broke through all these and so will do no less for us if we shall be found in such a ready posture as here hath been described Now let us give all place to this Ioshua-Spirit in our Bark who will make a remove for us out of the Wilderness He doth but wait for the mighty Birth to be here brought forth that so we may pass away jointly and altogether It was further also denoted to me that all the murmuring and unbelieving Spirits should be wasted away in the Wilderness who have murmured through fear and distrust For these can have no share with us whether they be with or without us all are excluded none but Ioshua and Caleb will enter in with us to view and will have possession with us in the Land Beulah December the 7th 1677. A very curious Question did stir in my Spirit why such a concealment of the Heavenly Things was in this time of our Lord's mediating Priesthood And why no more visible Effects were produced upon his Members on Earth as to the Resurrection-day For since the Apostle's Age little hath been wrought in any miraculous way further then by internal Light and Spiritual renewings and the Love of God shed abroad with the Blood of Spriukling which is the highest degree that yet any have arrived unto But all this did not appear to me to be th●t which the perfect Restoration must further make out nay what the Apostles saw and heard in their time who had the first Breathings from Christ after his Ascension Yet all then and since have been exceeding short of what is in reserve to be revealed As I do know this from a sure Word of Intimation and so herefrom my expectation hath been greatned and the Pool of my Mind stirred and troubled and somewhat as from a central Fire boiling up to clarifie that and so the gross thick and dim Eye might be single and piercing to see if possibly into its own original body of Light That so hereby a clear Aspect might be of what hath been acting and working in order to the Consummation of another more pure and perfect Creation Thus being upon an internal search into matters of this high Nature this Word was brought into me saying Why art thou troubled that such long respit hath been as to the Manifestation of the absolute Reign of the Lamb that was slain because his Might hath not been shewn nor his Power wrought nor his Wonders done in the Earth Yet now look for a greater Overturn then ever through the whole fallen Creation This long cessation shall not nullifie it for this Kingdom will have its revealing Day for the Golden Sand of the half hours Silence is running out apace which must be first expired out in Heaven It was then given me to understand that this Half Hour of Silence hath been ever since the Holy Ghost appeared in Cloven Tongues of Fire upon those who in a travelling Birth did here wait for it upon the Lord's Promise For since that time little news hath been heard from Heaven only the Beloved Iohn had the last great and signal Revelation from Jesus Since that only such a Ministration hath been which hath taken up their Testimonies in a still and private way opening the Mind of the Spirit in the Doctrine of the Old and New Testament But for a new and fresh Word that may be said to come immediately from the Lord which hath not been before truly it may be said as it was in Samuel's time that the Word of the Lord i● pretious in this day We may travel from East to West from Nation to Nation and scarce find a true Seer with whom the express● Word of the Holy One is Some hidden ones under the stuff of this Principle there may be who will not be known till the Lord calls them out to unfold boldly his Mind For this is an Age that can as little bear as any formerly such Truths as will shake their whole righteous Foundation as it may be so termed and others whose Lives and Loves are in that which must also be laid wast in the common destruction which is coming upon all visible things Therefore never more need then now is for true and anointed Prophets to enquire how things are going in the invisible Kingdom For all the Plat-form is first laid there how things in this external state will be Therefore it is needful that some must be here truly prepared for it and should never be off their Watch-tower but be listening continually For it was said upon the enquiry of a Spirit That the half Time of Silence was now upon breaking up and mighty Powers would begin to work Therefore let the regardful understand the present Motions of the Heavens Though our Lord Jesus is shut up from all mortal view yet the effect of those invisible Workings may be known in our low Heavens and may be felt by such whose Hearts are bent and full stretched out to the Heart of a glorified Jesus these will attract down Light and so the lower Heavens may so contact with the upper as to become all privy to the great Affairs Counsels and Designs which are stirring within the Globe of Eternity But the Query is By what way or mean● shall any one come to be so Inseeing that yet have upon them the thick film of Mortal Sense Answ. There is
no other Medicine here prescribed for it but to wash often in those clear and pure Waters which do run from the Crystal Throne into one Pool This doing day by day minding when those Crystal Springs do bubble highest the strong force of which doth wash off the rough scales of Sense Then shall we become all seeing into what is both near and afar off as to the working of the divine Mystery This word of Counsel was also added that whoever did seek this great gift to know the Divine Magia in its Eternal Motion they taken up will be like Enoch to walk with God from among Men in an unknown Region where no evil Wind or corrupt Air may blow upon them These great and weighty Crown-Jewels which for the last Age are reserved will be conferred upon such separated Nazarites whose Walks and Conversations are in the Immanuel where the Vail and Face of the Covering will be done away when no need there will be of crying Come up and see for in the very Eye of Light we then shall comprehend and all Invisible things shall stand as naked before us But oh thou Lamb of God when shall thy Hand of Might be stretched out to bring these mighty things to pass for any one December the 8th 1677. This Word visited me saying How great is the goodness that is treasured up for those that love and long for the mighty God and the everlasting Saviour Dress therefore and trim your selves every day for your Bridegroom who doth take great pleasure when he finds you all comely and sitting at the deep Manifestation Gate Oh sweet Jesus if thou wilt this Gate open and give us out from thence thy Loves we will not remove because of the sweet and pleasant savour that from thee doth issue forth Oh come with all pulling force that as a bright Cloud we may be of a dissolving Nature for all Love's impressions from thee and that so we may see our selves one with thy Celestial Nature unchangeably December the 9th 1677. In the Night I had hard wrestling with somewhat which had brought an overcast of gloominess upon my Heavens which I could not well bear but did row as against Wind and Tide to get out of the danger of those Floods that did violently break in And through earnest and strong Supplications I was heard in that I fear'd For my Jesus to my aid did come in and in truth made all miraculously to be still within me and did charge with great authority all those troublers of my Joy and Peace to depart saying Who is it that hath any thing to do here where my living Name is engraven Have not I chosen thee for my own purpose What then do mean these strange Injections here to throng Fly O ye dark Clouds from my habitation for I will dwell in all Light with my separated Spouse who hath Covenanted within the Circle of a Love-flaming Heart still to wait for me her Lord. Accordingly so soon as I could thereinto retire a mighty sweet transfusion of Light did every where about me meet And this did verily usher in the whole influencing Body of the Trinity I was never made more internally sensible of their environing and out-spreading Banner which as in a moment was stretched out to secure me from the Waters which the Spiritual Harlot sitteth upon and that in and very near us For the Seat of all these whirling Imaginations are shewn me not only to be as an Accident now and then happening but this adulterous Spirit claims and would have a fixed Seat in the Mind and therein bring all her worldly Sorceries to infect the mind and betray it into the gulf of Perdition Which was prevented and kept off by the suddain and secret introducing Power of the Trinity that encompass those who are in fear of such overflowing from these bitter and brackish Waters For this I may give as a known experience and write upon it probatum est that we at no time are now necessarily exposed to be overcome with any evil of Sin though it lurks and beleagers very close For strong and mighty is now the Spirit of the Lamb who is assigned to come in for our rescue Therefore if we do earnestly implore for the Captain of the Lord's Hosts who is to deliver his Lambs from the Mouth of the Lyon that roareth for his Prey upon immortal Souls they will be delivered This often witnessed hath been that we might not cowardly fall under the Hand of the Man of Sin For this Word was given while I was in spiritual Combate Hold out for Victory I am your Life-guard and ye shall never perish out of my Hand There is nothing sure more pleasing then to see the Enemy of Truth and Righteousness so worsted and kept under Ground that he may lift up his Head no more within your Tent. Where then like Iael thou shalt be called Blessed of Women that art so skilful as to smite Sisera to the Ground never more to rise again There is a Nail within thy Tent which thou shalt be taught how to use it that so the full Execution may be upon the troubler of Israel by the united force of Barak and Iael together Barak signifies Jesus Christ the Prince of strength valour and might that makes Sisera to fly into that Tent where the Nail by Wisdom's Hand will surely be fastened Then not only the Song of Deborah but of the Bride and the Lamb will be sung When thus overturned shall be the whole Principality of Sisera's Kingdom that so nothing of his Seat and Throne within us may be found This for us the Lord is now doing and it is marvellous in our Eyes Being we are called out to be Followers of the Lamb in spiritual War till all shall bow and fall down dead before us that hath contradicted the absolute Reign of Jesus in us Let us go forth in that mighty JAH that is with us who will make all Kings and Nations to tremble before us as we shall move forward in that power Who hath promised that yet in the Wilderness we shall be secured till the mighty Prince thereout shall go before us as the CYRVS which shall perform all those great things promised concerning the bringing in and establishing of the everlasting Kingdom Which the Holy Ones hath so long kept out in waiting for this Man of Spiritual Might to go forth for the recovery hereof For hitherto little hath been done as to a full and total Conquest over those great potent Powers of Darkness that have withstood Michael and his Followers But this Word was given me That though it hath been so permitted yet now the Day of the Lord's controversie for full Vengeance was near upon those secret and home-bred Enemies of all Righteousness Therefore according to our present Might we should strike the Nail into the Head of the Sisera And this will give such a proof of divine valour to our God that we shall be
safety though the whole Earth be laid in desolation Oh thou mighty Shield of Faith bear us up upon thy Wing Let thy Word oh Jesus which saith Come to me be sufficient to make us tread upon the Sea keeping off every boisterous Wave that would make us doubt Now then upon the broad Rivers oh mighty God let us come to thee and be afraid of no Flesh that would hurt or oppress Let thine who are environed with the Spirit 's Might make that only their Anchor-hold evermore December the 13th 1677. Do ye wait and expect the Word that was made Flesh fully to imbody in Spirit that so an engrafted Word may come to spring in you to Create new things and to command all old to depart away All this the Word God must do that is after a Creating manner December the 14th 1677. This Morning there was brought to my internal sight a Ring or Circle which was like a Jasper-stone for Light and sparkling Glory and within the Ring or Circle a Face of great splendour and Majesty did shew it self as in the twink of an Eye and withdrew again But this Word followed This is the Door that hath neither beginning or ending through which ye must enter Consider now and consult with what manner of Body it must be for nothing of a corruptible Form can ever pass here December the 16th 1677. As we were waiting together this Word came The Lord himself is come forth to serve you with the Bread and Wine as the great High-Priest to communicate and his Body to break which accordingly was experienced Therefore it is good at the Altar still to attend that so the holy Breath may there kindle the pure Flame through which may open his precious Name December the 18th 1677. An Interpretation of the former Vision In the Night my Spirit was carried inward taking in several Ideas of Heavenly things into my mind pressing hard to pass into the Circle-Door of Life But a sweet still Voice did eccho in me saying That pure thing only which through this Circle-Eye of Eternity did come down into Nature can be the Door of Entrance again as it circleth in its Blood-Life and thereby raise up it self and quicken it self into such a Spirituality as ye need to ask no leave to enter back to your own proper Place from whence your immortal part did proceed For now the Eye that is fixed in you will be both your Guide and Entrance hereinto if ye in Union will ever more with it keep and concur with it Then it shall carry and lodge you in the Bosom-Circle of Eternity as in a fiery Chariot The four Wheels upon which this Chariot doth move are Faith Hope Joy and Peace These will bear away the Lilly Branch to be planted where it may green and never fade because the River of Life runneth there evermore Oh when shall we be severed by this Chariot who would see it gladly that we may conclude thy Heart dear Jesus is towards us and that thou wilt live no longer without us For seeing none can enter into this Circle-Eye but in this Flaming Chariot that doth move upon four Wheels Let not the principal Agent be wanting but that all may concur together in us by that Ghostly Might that may give a suddain Flight to see that all satisfying Face which will make us feel everlasting pleasure And that no mortal things shall sever us from thee or come any more as a Vail between the Spouse and her everlasting King to hide the entring Door of Life December the 20th 1677. Great eagerness of Soul was renewed for the passing in through the Needle-Eye of the Glorified Humanity The Zeal and Love did wonderfully hereunto concur so as to devour and eat up all those strong Reasonings of Contradiction that else would be working in the Mind From which being in a good degree cleared through the Mystery of Faith working by the Spirits operation great calmness of Mind was known In which time the Circle-Eye did open again encompassing me round with waving white Clouds and one did descend and did pass through the bright Circle as an Arrow for swiftness in the Figure of a clear Body with a Branch in his Hand the Leaves whereof were shining as Gold the Fruits were as a Cluster were in variety of Fruits were growing together It was reached out and a Voice did after the manner of a Spirit speak saying This is Fruit from the Tree of Life that is now planted in the Land of Beulah Eat hereof and give forth and be blessed in it for ever Presently I did feel sensibly a little strengthning Virtue come in which I would have conveyed to another after a Magical and Spiritual way that was at a distance While I was in thoughtfulness hereupon the same Person was presented to me as if he had already hereof partaken for there was strengthning Meat given into his Hand wherewithal I did see him feed a Bird that flew gaping to him being all craving and hungry chirping still as it was fed at his Hand December the 21st 1677. After all which I was to attend the Effects of every such presentation This Morning I found my Mind wholly disposed for Introversion Upon which the Vision was more opened unto me For the Spirit did talk with me telling me that this was a manifestation to shew the Care Love and Friendship of our mighty Throne-Prince who does as truly convey the transmuting fruit invisibly from himself as the Tree of Life That so the introduced Birth of Spirit might grow and encrease it being its own natural nourishment without which it cannot live till it come up to a strong mans degree For that which is born of God doth feed only upon what may transform into a God-like Being Which is the Lord Christs office and business to heigten up to that that so there might not be any loss sustained by the fall of the first Adam in those who by this living Word are quickned again unto Life For it was opened unto me that none could be capable of this high kind of feeding but those in whom Christ was spiritually formed For this was all spicy and sacred virtual power to bring forth such Celestial new Creatures as may ascend up with the same swiftness as that Seraphim which did come down For it was said to such who are changed all Spiritual that inviting Word doth stand for ever good whosoever will to them the Door stands open to come themselves and take of the Tree of Life most freely And they will have the honour to bring down and give forth Heavenly Tasts and from their divine Bodies will go forth the healing Virtue As it was opened to me that these Golden Leaves had in them the Balsamick Cure to restore to a perfect divine Body where from all Soveraign Power should proceed immaculately according to that high state which our Lord is now in in the Body of Glory Therefore this Counsel and Word
the Eyes of many and even of our Brethren as we still esteem them as the Dung of the Earth and as the Offscouring of all the present Forms of Religion because we have believed they Word and have listened to thy Voice calling unto us in the Evening of this Sixth Day Wherefore dealest thou thus with us O Lord our God Surely thou answerest us Why are ye so jealous of mine Honour as if the Times were not in mine Hand and the Seasons ordained in my Counsel Arise and hold not your Peace though ye be but the Offscouring of the Earth and lie as among the Pots Blow ye the Trumpet and cease not till I shall appear Suffer me to plead my own Cause and at my own time Remember my Servant John that I sent to prepare my Way how he wrought not any mighty Deed yet was sound faithful in his Ministration and prevailed abundantly Think not that I am slack in performing my Promises of destroying the Adversary that Man of Sin by the Ghostly and Miraculous Powers going out of my Mouth as streams of Fire For 〈◊〉 my Promises are at hand to be fulfill'd Hold but fast unto the End● and rejoice greatly that ye are counted worthy to suffer shame for my Name Wherefore we shall not be Solicitous what may be Said or Thought of us by Any Our Part is Defensive not Offensive and so Only but with respect to the Honour of God and the Immutable Truth of his Word And therefore it will be incumbent on those who would oppose us to shew the Invalidity of that Charter which we pretend to have from the Mouth of Christ himself Luke 11. 10 13. Matth 5. 48 compared with 1 Cor. 13. Iohn 16. 10 12 13 14. compared with Chap. 17. 20 21. and Acts 2. 17. 39. Or to produce but any one Testimony either out of the Old or New Testament which they themselves dare to rely on for the Final Cessation of Revelation and Prophecy in the Church of God either with the Apostles or shortly after or even after several Centuries of Years as the more Moderate and Learned do Assert Or else to shew that what we do profess to have thus learnt when rightly understood is Clearly contrary to what is con●●'d in the Law or in the Gospel or to some thing deliver'd by the Holy Prophets or Apostles Either of which if these Gentlemen can prove they will do much towards the Sapping and Overturning the whole Foundation upon which we stand But till this shall be done all this other Labour will be but in vain and instead of retarding will but serve more Vigorously to promote the Work that is undertaken and carried on by some that are of a Nehemiah Spirit and not to be daunted with big and terrifying Words If there be then any Dissatisfied as to the Contents of this Volume or of the former or other Writings hitherto Printed of this Author let them if their Dissatisfaction be out of a Zeal for God and the Truth of Religion consider with cool and sedate Thoughts whether there be not as good a Ground in Scripture for the Expectation and Belief of such a Kingdom of Christ to come as is herein expressed and said to be revealed by the Powers of the Holy Ghost as there is for many of the Opinions in Religion which they do receive and Articles which they have subscribed to Let them consider what is the Sanctification of the Divine Name on Earth to be daily Pray'd for and therefore to be believ'd in what the Coming of the Kingdom of our God on Earth and what the Doing of his Will on Earth in like manner to be Pray'd for and Believ'd in as to the very same degree that it is in Heaven that is both with the same Oneness of Spirit the same perfection of Purity and the same Vniversality of Extent with respect first to the Name of the Father to be sanctified by such as shall have receiv'd the Seal of the Adoption of Children secondly to the Kingdom to be manifested which must be in the Power of the Father and thirdly the Will to be performed which must be by the Holy Ghost ministring in the inward Sanctuary which he fills Let them consider what other Systems do say as to these matters and then let them examin what a System may be drawn out of this Book when well digested and fully comprehended After which let that which is hence drawn be compared with those and both together be compared with the Sacred Scriptures taken in their easie plain and natural Sense without running to or depending upon the Glosses Interpretations or Comments of any whatever Let them further consider whether in these Scriptures there be the least Footsteps to be found for such a prevailing Opinion as is at this day grown in a manner Universal amongst us that the Prophetical and Miraculous Gifts of the Spirit were design'd by Christ for the establishment only and Foundation of his Church and not for its Building up and Perfection in the Work of the Ministry till all should be brought hereby into the Unity of the Faith and the Knowledge not only of the Mysteries of Religion but a full conformity to the Stature of Christ in the most perfect and stable Model of it concerning which much is spoke both here and in The Message to the Philadelphian Society It is to be confessed that there are indeed several things that will be apt to shock the Readers at the first view who have not had any such Experiences in themselves but chiefly through the Strangeness of this Parabolical and Mystical way of Writing which is fallen under as great a Disreputation in this present Refin'd Age as it was of Esteem in the first Ages of the Church But upon a most nice and accurate Examination these Stumbling Blocks will either all or for the most part moulder away of themselves And whereas it is generally Objected against every one that steps out of the Vulgar and Ordinary Road and speaks but of any Divine Favours above what are common That all proceeds from the Root of Pride in them variously transforming it self you may be Here assured that there is the most Solid ground Established by what you shall read in these so Peculiar Memoirs for the Humility of the Cross without making it to interfere with Faith or Hope● or to impede the Progress of any Generous Design for the Good of this Nation of Christendom and of the whole World And no where better you may find what a vast distinction there is of a True and Christian from a False and Beggarly Humility Another thing that may recommend this with the other Treatises of the same Author is that there will not herein be found any vilifying or reproaching the Sacred Customs among Christians any Lessening or Derogating from any Institutions either of Christ or of his Apostles as is usual unto Some but a just Deference to the truth of the
History as well as of the Divine Mystery Here is nothing against the Ordinances of the of the Gospel when us'd in Spirit and in Truth nothing against the giving Hoour to whom Honour is due and nothing against the Unity of the Body of the Church under Christ the only Supreme and Universal Bishop and his Holy Spirit For as much as nothing is asserted for the setting up of any new Sect or Church but an Encouragement is only given for the Waiting purely in the unity of this Spirit with Prayers and Supplications that such an Holy Catholick Church may arise upon the Earth whereof Christ can say that my Dove my Vndefiled is One and that it is One Spirit with himself Wherefore also there can be no Objection as to any Uncharitableness in this Author Who is more blamed for the Height of Charity as stretchingit too far than for the want of it or contracting it But that Exact and Beautiful Representation of the Design and Import of our Saviour's Doctrine which is herein Deliver'd will be sufficient probably to prefer the same to all the Sober Inquirers after Truth when they shall have Thoroughly examin'd into it and compared it with those Lame and Imperfect Accounts of it which are given by the Writers of Systems and will be able to guard it self when clearly Apprehended against all Attacks whether on the right hand or on the left There are some Antient Truths conformable to the Gospel and to the Belief and Practice of the Apostolical Church which you may here find Reviv'd some not so generally Lost Confirm'd What is said concerning the Incarnation and Satisfaction of Christ the Resurrection of the body Christian Perfection and the Kingdom of God in the Restitution of Depraved Nature is so deep and so Fundamental and withal so agreable with that high Veneration which every Christian ought to have for the holy Scriptures as may reward the Worthy and Patient Inquirer Besides many other Great and useful Mysteries unfolded and Notions neither Wild nor Barbarous propounded but worthy of Acceptation by all Christians and all Men for the Humiliation of Man the Exaltation of God and the Promulgation of the Gospel of his Kingdom to discover more deeply our own Weakness and Unworthiness and to infuse into us a great Charity for others Condescention and Compassion towards all that bear the same Image and Nature with our selves and towards the whole Groaning Creation If any of which Ends be obtain'd by what is here Publish'd through the Divine Blessing upon it then hast thou O Reader who reapest this Benefit reason to Thank But if otherwise take heed how thou Condemn Thy Brother and Servant in the Lord Iesus TIMOTHEUS Aug. 5. 1697. THE EPISTLE OF The AUTHOR To the Inquiring and Impartial Readers WHereas it has been the Royal Gift of God's Grace to Visit the Lowly with the Day-break of his Light by Vnsealing the Cabinet where the Precious Iewels and Treasure of the Immense Goodness have laid hidden I am under an Obligation to discharge my Trust and Stewardship herein this that is here publish'd not having been given for a Private Vse but for an Universal Advance into deeper and higher Manifestations of the Mind of God Of which it was Foreseen that they should have their Acceptation and Improvement in this Age and Period by Many that shall be fitly qualified for their Entertainment who are found walking in the humble Valley of the Lilies These cannot relish or savour any thing but what flows from the Living Streams that proceed from the very Root and Head Lily who their Light and bright Covering will be For this is the Day for Increase and Multiplication of the Sharon Glory Who then would refuse among this Number to be where the Blessed Lord himself will appear and in the midst of them walk and Feed satiating them to that Fullness that there shall be no more Thirst or Drought For there is a River that from the Godhead doth flow which will make every Plant to Bud Flourish and bring forth Fruit like unto Apples of Gold that is Solidly and Substantially Good Much of this Kind and Nature you may Here find Discoursed of according to what was in some degree Known and Experien●'d by one who once knew herself to be as a Wild Olive cumhering the Ground or as a fruitless Shrub bearing only prickly Thorns Out of which uneasy State the Kindness and Love of God did appear to bring me forth when I was about the years of Eighteen my first Passage being through most terrible Conflicts I for same years walking through the Valley of Achor and through the bitter Dale of Baca till about the Year Sixty being Ten years afterward a Door of Hope was opened and Floods of refreshing came into me with some immediate Dictates that followed me from the Holy Vnction that taught me all things that were necessary for me Albeit I did not hereupon for sake the Outward Ministry but I still waited and sought out such as I judged to come nearest to the Apolostical Practice So keeping on my Course Outwardly with a watchful waiting Interiourly I must own and confess to the Glory of the Spirit 's peculiar Ministration that I found such Deeps broken up in the Center of my own Soul as open'd that Divine Wisdom and Vnderstanding relating to the Knowledge of God Christ and my self as I could not any where else meet withal The which still engaged me as a weaned Child to be that I might suck no longer from the Breast of this Worldly Principle or draw Water from any other Fountain then that which through rich Grace I had already tasted of For this Scripture always much followed me Whom shall he teach Knowledge and make to understand Doctrine but the weaned from the Milk and her that is drawn from the Breasts Which Observing and Obeying the Word was accordingly made good to me For the Springs thus opening did still arise to higher Degrees Though sometimes through the Multiplicity of Concerns wherein I was circumstantiated they would be discoulour'd and even mudded Which made me seek after great Abstraction and Solitariness that I might attend upon these springs to keep them pure and clear So that when God did cast my Lot to be a Widow which was in the year 70. this Change bringing me first into manifold Trials did drive me into a more Intimate Vnion with mine Eternal spiritual Husband upon whose Care I wholly cast my self And then I resolved to make the choice of Anna to wait in the Temple of the Lord day and night and to be a Widow indeed after I had been the Wife of a Pious Husband about five and twenty years For● after his Decease I ceased as much as possible from all Business and Care setting my self free by all means for the Heavenly Calling only Wherein I found great Pleasure and Delight so 〈◊〉 ●o Worldly Promotions or Advantages though offer'd for my temptation could move me
from it or withdraw me from a dedicated and devoted Life Which I have till this Day persued and continued in and shall so do till I shall have finished my Course in the hopes of Entrance into the Triumphant Ioy of my Lord. Thus worthy Reader I have given you a Brief Narrative of the Beginning and Progress of my new born Life which is elsewhere more enlarged on in a Particular Treatise But this may suffice for an Introduction into the following Volume of my Journal Wherein as in a Glass you may see under what Leadings I have been where you may read the express manner and method of the Spirit 's Communications in which I can soberly avouch that I my self was wholly Passive and the Spirit altogether Active For my Creaturely Being was so bounded up as nothing to know or contribute hereunto all being laid in silence while God was to arise and speak forth himself through this Earthen and empty Vessel For the sake of which let no Contempt or Slight be poured out for it is what God in his Wisdom did reserve to bring forth for the Vse and Service of as many as are ordained to receive and take hold of these Divine Mysteries for improvement and growth to all those Degrees of Perfection which are herein made mention of Surely for this End Wisdom's Book of Secrets was opened that by this Divine Learning her Children might be brought up and made meet and ready for their Bridegroom the Lamb. For undoubtedly the Day hereof draws near whence these Writings having been kept in Obscurity these Twenty Years as taken by me for Private Memorandums according as they were given day by day forth they are now by a strange and unexpected Hand being a Person of great Piety and Worth brought out into the Light Whose Fame and Re●own shall out-live all Writings of Time and who perpetually shall wear Love's Diadem and Crown I have no more now but to beseech and entreat those to whom these Sacred Truths shall come to be Perused that as they would reap Benefit and Advantage herefrom they might fear and dread to pass any Iudgment or Censures in a gain-saying way to the Spirit the Opener of them And let me humbly give this my Advice that the Full-grown and the highly Advanced in all Rational Learning and Wisdom and in all great and honourable Acquirements do become as Children committing themselves to Wisdom their true Mother that they may be broughs up at her Feet Which they will find to turn to a thousandfold better Account than all that ever they have before learnt For I have made it my Observation that the Rashness of many Spirits in Condemning what they are absolute Strangers unto hath shut the Gate of Wisdom upon them Therefore this Caution accept of from your little and low Fellow Member O all ye that would be growing Plants under the Shadow of Christ the blessed Vine that ye refuse not to seek and draw from the Royal Grape continually the Iuice whereof is pure Spirit to strengthen you with the Balsam of Life All this the Child-like Spirit will come to Tast and Know and by obeying these Rules and Manuductions you will have occasion to adore bless and magnifie what of the Spirit of GOD shall hereunto move and drive you For the Commission is already gone forth to the Angelical Messenges that constrained are to sound the Horn of Salvation which is filled with the Ghostly Oil. Which will so abundantly flow as to heal all the Divisions and Controversies whereby the several Parties do wound each other Who would not Ambitious then be among these Shepherds to hold out the Love golden Crook to fetch in the torn rent and scatter'd Sheep and Lambs into Christ their Princely Shepherds Fold where they may quietly lie down in those refreshing Pastur●s that do Spring again as fast as they are fed upon The Door for Entrance hereinto stands open let none shut it upon themselves For a thousand times Thousands of Blessings are pronounc'd upon the Publishers and Promoters of this Glorious Ministration of the Spirit And a Cry there is now sounding from the Heavens unto all Preachers and Teachers of all Ranks and Degrees and whatever Titles and Denominations they do bear that in pure Vnity and Harmony they do together agree to Declare and Held forth the Everlasting Testimony of the Spirit of Jesus from the Springing Vnction that will be the Sealing Mark of the Apostolical Day that is now again to be Revived For which evermore Prayeth she Who in Incessant Travel is till all this shall be Accomplish'd I. Lead July 29. 97. The CONTENTS OF THIS Second Volume A Commemoration on New-Years-Day pag. 1. Wisdom's Merchandize p. 2. 60. 233. 370. The Parable of the two Children p. 9. The Transfiguration p. 205. The Melchizedeck Priesthood p. 18. 100. The Marriage of the Lamb represented p. 20. The Death of Moses p. 30. The Crystalline Gate p. 42. The Altar-Stone p. 46. The Royalty of the Will or the Root of the Divine Word p. 48. An Opening upon Mark x. 28 29 30. p. 55. 63. Ionah in the Whales Belly p. 70. The Originality of Evil p. 73. The Spiritual and Natural Man compared p. 80. Of Natural Conscience p. 89. Paradise Local and Mystical p. 91. The Glassy Sea p. 95. Rules given how a Spiritual Man is to walk towards God and towards those that are Without p. 99. The Morning Star of Wisdom p. 102. The Eagle-Brood being as an Interpretation of 1 Tim. 2. 15. p. 103. The Wonder-Woman p. 121. Adam's Fig-Tree p. 139. Queen Esther p. 144. Seven Principal Shepherds p. 162. The Revelation of the Holy Element p. 164. The Necessity of a Personal Saviour p. 175. The True Shunamite p. 179. The Mountain of Faith and the City of Strength p. 191. The Cherubinical Birth p. 196. The various Mansions and Regions of Seperated Souls p. 207. The Vision of Christ p. 218. The Original Language p. 224. The Whole Sale p. 233. The Trial of Love p. 236. The Unmix'd Ministration p. 240. The Glassy Book p. 245. The Burning Wheels p. 252. The Cup of Eucharist p. 256. The Transmuting Fire p. 264. The Sapphire Tree p. 266. A Sight of the Wars in Christendom p. 269. Rules to be observ'd by the Passengers through Paradise to Mount-Sion p. 271. Sarah and Abimelech p. 275. The Birth of Cyrus p. 286. The Mystery of Babylon p. 287. The Holy Sabbath of the Church in the 7th Millennim p. 290. The Intellectual Fountain in the Breast of JESUS p. 293. The Spirit of Revelation not ceased p. 301. The Seven Ascending Steps or Seven Degrees of the Spirit p. 305. The Feast of the Spirit p. 314. The Magical Heart and its several Properties p. 319. 334. Meditation and Recollection p. 328. The Measuring Line in the Hand of a Child p. 332. A Dialogue betwixt Satan and Christ about the Redemption of the Body p. 341. The Cloud of Temptation p. 351. The
will dignifie and honour what hath been set most● light and contemptably by therefore observe and narrow up to this Death-Path in the first place and that most circumspectly A●d the Blessing of Life will evermore attend you Ianuary the 30th 1676 7. In the first part of the Night my Meditations were wholly intent upon that Way Order and Method by which a Decease might be to the Body of Sin For the Spirit intimated and declared plainly that while it was alive there could be made no Claim to Mount Sion's Revenue For as much as the wise and holy God and our Father had made a Settlement according to eternal Counsel upon the true Birth-Heirs begotten of the Virgin-Spirit who only the Eternal Goods can inherit Now then so long as the false evil intruding Birth reigneth in the Mortal Body the Heavenly Off-spring must needs be kept down and made to serve in a strange Country Because of their first-born Lord Esau that is so potent and great in this earthly Principle that until such time as the Iacob's Birth is grown strong and mighty he cannot look the supplanted Esau in the Face Therefore full armed with God's Host we must maintain our Battel and be in no fear but the Edomites will fall down when they shall see the Angel of the Most Holy with his Flaming Sword passing before us to make our way into our own Land where our Inheritance doth lie God saying unto us Come return unto your Rock and there I will hide you till the Fury Wrath and Indignation shall pass away and I will be unto you and Eternal Cleft of Stillness Where secured ye shall be as in Death's sweet passive Liberty so as ye shall no more hear the noise of the pransing Warriour who always is annoying while he can find you on this side of Death Therefore see it of necessity ye must from Mount Nebo into this Rock ascend where buried as out of sight ye shall be for your Dying shall only be Hiding till such time as the Life Power and Goodness of the Deity shall re-enter as a quickning Breath all fully to Spirit you withal That so the very Nature and Goodness of this Rocky precious Stone may out-flow in you Then when-ever you will smite this Rock with the Rod of the Spirit it shall gush out Rivers of Living Waters to be come in each of you a Springing Well That so you may Proclaim the mighty Name of him that hath gotten unto a Life and Victory by lying close hid as in the Heart of this ever blessed Saphire Rock February the 1st 1676 7. AFter this Opening I saw as I lay in my Bed waving Clouds descend upon me one after another as the Night and the Day dark Clouds and Light swiftly following one after another At which I was somewhat amazed till I did understand the meaning hereof Which was thus manifested that the black Clouds were hard pursuing as the dark Shadow of Death that still would be enterposing with the light Cloud which presented the Life that was to reign over Death I saw the S●rife and Contest was very great but the bright Cloud was last which descended By which assurance was given that Death 's black Cloud of Mortality in the Light of the Crystal Rock should be swallowed up If we thereto did resort and fixedly abide as the unknown Sepulchre where the Dead in the Lord as Lillies of Paradise shall first thereout spring as the Glory renewed for to plant as encrease a most Holy and Priestly Generation For this Word followed also sayi●g What Goodness the Lord hereby shall shew unto you the same shall ye be able to do and shew forth in marvellous Deeds as giving Proof that the Cloud of Death is passed away and that Life which hath been hid with God is risen with a Body like to the Rock from whence it hath proceeded Then with the high Saints in Light ye shall be equally Sharers in what hitherto hath been kept from you February the 2d 1676 7. There was this Day set before me a Crystal Gate by which Glassy clearness we might see and take a measuring view of that wonderful place Wherein was the New Ierusalem-Seat with all her Temple-Magnificency which was shewn to be the high Serene Majesty who as circling Bow all of Saphire Stone did include such as could pass through chis Gate For only those true and Sacred Worshippers who with the Lamb had overcome could stand within that Temple as Kindly Priests of the high Tabernacle-Order for to be Then this Word hereupon followed What have you through this Glassy Gate beheld but such things as might make you strive hard and even force an entrance within the Glassy Screen For these Presentations are given forth from the Celestial Globe to set a Work that transforming Stone that must all-power fully Anatomize the gross fleshly Body that no way can pass through here till it is changed like to that Door which you did see which till then is as a bright Bar of Separation This Privilege only you have a Prospect as Moses had of the Figurative Land but hereinto you can by no means come till you have endured the Refining Fire of the Saphire Stone Which will be given for to do the last finishing part that so Transubstantiation may be set afoot The Worthy will certainly it see who are found in the Life of Conquest resolving to beat down that Sinacting Body which is all the Alienation that separates you from your God and this Holy Place which within the pure Gate hath been viewed These words lay up as from the Holy and Just One and go forward to this high Procedure As not being satisfied with these transient Discoveries no further then as Mediums of Provocation to call up all your Powers and thereby to encourage that other who is to be for me a Witness in Priestly Power working in his measure steadily till the Shadow of Death shall fully flee away That so successively each one may be cloathed substantially with a Body declaratively which will be God's mark to testifie who are partakers of the First Resurrection Therefore set your Hearts hereunto fully for your Labour shall not be in vain as co-working with the Lord whose Spirit will have its day for to do Wonders February the 3d. 1676 7. Thus I did by all come to learn and know how strait the Passage would be into that Temple which all over was a God-flaming Glory with the mighty great Change that must come upon Soul Spirit and Body before entrance here could be Which awaked and set all my Intellectual Powers fresh awork to Nothingnize what in me was found in the non-conformity to the Rule day by day set before me Such a force of Attractive Sweetness did take hold upon my Heart that I did desire upon some other to shed of the same abroad that they might not faint or be weary till we might walk and talk together as in the
rend and shake when ever it shall come to be displaced Hear now and consider ye whose lawful Objection is come before me it is granted to you that the everlasting Father through the Mightiness of the Spirit in the Lamb's Nature must displace for you the Root of this Oak that is so deeply rooted in the Ground of Nature But what Tool or Instrument will he take in his Hand but the Ax of your Wills Then a through stroak will he strike by the piercing Eye of his Spirit who seeth the very depth from whence its Essence doth proceed For without a discovery made where the Cause of this defect is nothing hereof could be made or for you wrought out Therefore the Lamb of God is come the Vail of Covering to unspread that so by the sparkling Fire of his Eye ye might see from the Depths beneath the Birth-Source of Sin which doth open wide Also with the same Eye ye may behold within the heights of Sion a flowing Ocean of molten Gold to this for healing do ye fly For no other Medicine can heal the S●rpent's Sting within you These are the Golden Floods which by the Spirit are daily poured forth to drown the first Birth of Eve that so an end may be of that generating Source and her Womb for ever henceforth may come to be barren in you To which end Orders and Decrees are made in Heavenly Places that Virgin-Wisdom shall take place in her room and her Seed shall be destructive to the Serpent's and to all his Hierarchy and you shall see his Head-Power bruised to purpose when all Sin in its Originality shall be blotted out by the Hand and working Source of the Deity Who will give also to you the Key and Chain of Power that so in the Name and Authority of the Lamb ye may take hold on the Dragon and bind him and shut up his flowing Source of Evil and with the Seal of the Living God to seal him up that he may find no way to come out of his own Lake to corrupt or deceive you any more Then you will begin in all stillness upon the Earth the Reign of Christ within the pure Region of Wisdom's Climate● For in the Singular Number it will begin to work forth The Day therefore is near or far off according as ye are carried forth in Zeal Power and Faith hereunto giving up your selves totally to observe the Word of Wisdom In which whosoever are found so doing they shall all be Crowned with this Diadem of Power February the 22d 1676 7. This Word spake thus to me do ye joyntly put on the Body of the Love in which the Spirit of Jesus will make known the Father of Glory to you for an Everlasting Reconciliation as to Children new born February the 24th 1676 7. Feeling great Peace and Joy so long as I could restrain the moving acting Life of Sin then I did obtain near access to the most Holy during the seasons and times when I could reign over all the Region of Natural Sence Which the Interiour Spirit may thus keep upon its Watch-Tower so it would then be altogether a subject meet for the Holy Trinity to open the Depths belonging to their Immense Love-Being Which by reason of these Cloudy Vails are little understood for when I did measure my self at such a time when so raised as to desert all that might be called carnally rational then little enough I seemed to be so light and so free so purely sprightly to pass through the Glassy G●te But while I am again cast into the Nature of a gross thick Body tinged with Sensibility then no Ability there is for me to pass where I would As the Day and Night be thus in a moment still of force to oppose each the other in the divided Property till the everlasting Day of the Spirit shall altogether dis-inherit the dark benighted Sense Whereof hopes given are by that Spirit who thus spake from my Lord Jesus putting this Question unto me saying How dost thou think it possible to know the Majesty who is encircled in such excessive Light whilst thou livest in so many Degrees below the Seraphick sphere For great is the remoteness that may be from hence to them Who altogether are confined to a Terrestrial state For in that Word is weight that divided hath the Spiritual in and from the Natural Who is uncapable to know discern or judge of any matter but what is his own that is which lieth within the Sphere of his understanding as a rational Man who is wise for himself Which Wisdom is all to protect and hold up and save what is to be cast down and be destroyed Thus the Serpently Birth of Wisdom will hold its own in opposition to the pure meek essential Being and Birth which is from the Spirit Who is a great Sufferer while he is so near adjoyned to the Natural Man who is a fit Recptacle for what this evil Principle can shake him withal which the Prince and great Commander of this World will enough of this trash and earthly stuff● load him withal to give the mind full employ to prevent that which is Sublime and Celestial Therefore in vain the Scripture hath not said None can know the Thoughts of a Man save the Spirit that is in him that is none can pry or reach into the subtlety of the deceitful Heart that is working and busie minding and Plotting to compass the heighth of earthly things to which his Life would wholly extend As desiring to know nothing more or above or beyond his Natural Sphere being satisfied with the sight of his Eye with the hearing of his Ear being wholly taken up with what is mistred from this mortal state which finds out a daily variety to hold this Life in Captivity Thus you see the Earthly Man made out he is distinct from the Heavenly He knows nor perceives nothing of the Spiritual Man's concerns but as living in one and the same Body hath great advantage to interfere and cast in many times his cloudy Reasonings This natural part as the Night doth cleave to the Day but yet they have their divided Court they may be possiby kept a part through the constant Watch and Calling in Wisdom's succour and aid Eve's Birth is yet permitted thus near Immanuel's Nature to live for probation For the Dragon must try successively upon every one his Temptation Which could not be if he had not recourse to Eve's depravity that hath lodged you in Elementary Bodies by which the Strife is occasioned For the Serpent doth make great claim to what he finds sticking and still abiding within the corporeal case Which hath so degraded you as to the Visibility of and from that God-like Image in which ye once were considered as now verily ye little differ from that low degree of the pure Animal Creatures but that your inward Mind is yet of a superiour Magnanimity that was still kept and preserved within
the Kingdom of his Father Then this was also noted to me from hence that had not Christ come down into a Body the highest Saint could have attained no higher State than Paradice though endued with all the internal Excellency from the Word of Life as a Seed incorporating with it For their highest dimensions was Adam's Paradise beyond which Region neither Patriarchs nor prophets did arrive before Christ's appearing in the World Therefore you see Christ imbodying himself in a Terrestial Form brought forth many considerable Advantages if they may now be considered of by the wise hearted so as to wait and expect the fruits of that additional Spirit that is some degrees higher than any Seraphick Flame of Light Believe it and know it that this Breath of Fire breathed and sucked in will melt away all your gross Metalline Corporeity April the 18th 1677. The True Shunamite As soon as I awaked in the Morning this Word spake in me What is to be done for thee Wouldst thou be spoken for to the King This Word I pondered often upon what should be the meaning hereof and for what intent it did so speak Which after some days was thus resolved that such who signatur'd are with Spiritual Generosity and Largeness of Love answerably to that Shunamite who was so careful of Elisha as to provide for his Entertainment even so grateful would Christ the true Spirit of Prophecy be unto them who have such a Proof of Love and Esteem for him as to furnish out a most holy separate Place for this Prophet still to turn in into First then it was given me herefrom to observe that this Shunamite as she did understand him to be a Man of God gave him great Reverence and would not lodge him in her own mixed Family as judging none there worthy of his Conversation and therefore did on purpose build a place of Apartment for vacancy that this holy Seer might have opportunity for enquiry with the Deity Therefore she took care he should not be disturbed Then further this Word came unto me as not only for Council but for Information that Knowledge was taken of such a true Shunamite who was in Council with her Eternal Mate that had prepared according to this similitude for this Spirit of Prophecy a most holy inward place with a true Spiritual furnishment of what was necessary to tempt this true searching Seer to take up here his abode Then was it shewn me what I did not know to be in my self so clearly thus figured out dstinctly by way of Allegory First a new Edifice on purpose was framed by the wise Master Builder in us Then a Table-Heart in which the Law of Love was written Then a Bed for to give ease and rest to our Beloved that he might not be as a wayfaring Man Know this in each of us so furnished out as his own home where we might retire to him in the Light and Spring of Understanding Which is the Candlestick and Candle fixed in us before-hand without which no comfortable abode for this Prophet would be in us Then again the Stool signifies a quiet fixation with us without weariness a blessed contentation In that there is but one Seat it shews that here is an excluding of all other out of this Place The Elisha Spirit admitteth none to sit with him in his Lodging for this sitting or waiting posture is proper for the Spiritual Diviner that night and day may minister hereupon Upon this I did receive an approbation or Sealing Word for good Hope and rich Consolation to us who could witness that large generosity of Spirit in Love to this Prophet before whom we are called to stand Who did put indeed and verify this Question a second time unto me saying What shall be done for you who have cared all this Care for me in giving me a place of Apartment where nothing might mingle with me Tell me now what I shall speak on your behalf whether to the King or Captain of his Host The King here represents God the Father the Captain your Lord Jesus the Elisha Spirit the Holy Ghost Either of them both can be heard at all times Therefore see that ye be free in Humility with your Prophet Now having such a Grant made to me I consulted how to act the part of a wise Shunamite though I could and might take herefrom great Liberty yet I am taught to weigh all my Request that nothing rash or unadvised may proceed from me Oh my Lord and great Prophet I cannot compare with the Shunamite in all things who said That she was in her own Land and People But we may be said to be on some account as exile Captives while living in Elementary Bodies also in a Land under Babylonish tribute which is very grievous to the Supernal part Who knows its own true Nativity as seeing through the Glass of Eternity what we once were in pre-existency But now as existing in Forms of Mortality it cannot be said that we need nothing further in the highest degree of this Terrestial state Therefore in blushing Fear and holy Modesty I did declare the Sense hereof to my Prophet If now my Lord will speak for this unto the great and mighty King and Captain of the Lord's Host that we may have release out of all Babylonish thrall and be brought back again to our own People to dwell in the Heavenly City What greater express of kindness can be compassed for us by the Prophet But the Spirit of Elisha replyed to me There is yet a greater thing then this of which thou hast made no mention that must go before it Which is the one pure Elementary Birth for that which is born from beneath of fleshly Corporeity can never be gathered among those Celestial Denisons till immortaliz'd with pure and Aethereal Bodies Ah my Lord if so what hopes can there he for us who are so united unto this out-Birth Then said the Prophet Be quiet and still and after a while this pure Birth that is all of Spirit may freely Spring in which you will pass where you so much long and desire for to dwell But then this was further revealed that many would be the cross workings of this Worldly Element therefore very wary we must be to avoid all Minglings with it For we stood here upon a very nice point therefore know and be only conversant with this God-Man from whom is diffused that which is of pure Birth Impregnancy that will excell in Perfection all of former Births Yet said the Prophet consider further this If you do attain to this Birth know while ye are in this Principle it is not out of all danger Hazards do attend it as in the case of the Shunamite while but in the Childish state The Four Elements may specially be in strife against the Life hereof when the Elisha-Power may be with-drawn away Therefore keep up all Love and sweet Correspondency with this Spiritual Prophet that ye may
of those Mansions that are near to me let them be driven out for the present Therefore let this suffice from the Scriptures themselves not to mention those particular Idea's and Manifestations that to some it hath been given to see these several Heavens which upon others cannot be imposed for to believe who yet have not those anointed Eyes given to see withal But surely there are some standing in the figure of the Body Whose Spirits have roved to and fro to see these several Mansions with Spirits of all sizes and degress who are herefor designed Only hereout excluding those who are for the Dragon's Kingdom Who do pass away in a reprobate sense out of the Body Those left-hand Goats have no portion within these Eternal Gates a deep Gulf is fixed It is only of the Sheep and Lambs that I am to treat who have found out this new and only Life path-way Who though they are not come to the top-stone of perfection before they see the dissolution of the body Yet having attained to a good degree they may come unto the very next Throne Region and there awhile stay till they have drawn and assumed a heavenly clarity that is such an Essential Body against which no exceptions by the highest Courts of Dignities can be objected These now are the highest degrees of those who before Perfection be wrought do cease out of the Mortal Body Then again there are of a lower degree of growth Now what reservatory is there for them who may be but young in the New Birth As to this it was clearly imparted unto my Intellect that such did enter into a more inferiour Mansion than Paradice for that was too pure and serene for such Therefore a lower degree is prepared for them till they do attain to an Increase of the Divine Nature They want not here their true Pastoral Teachers for the Spirit of Christ is every where with his own Therefore it was said that he went and preached to the Spirits in Prison that were disobedient in Noah's days For should all the old world have been cut off at once and sealed under a final condemnation the Attributes of God's Love Mercy Goodness Truth and Long-suffering would have been obliterated wherefore he must have yet had respect unto such after the dissolution of their bodies as had a sense in them awakened for compunction and sorrow for what Evils they had committed in their Bodies To confirm this that we might not be altogether out of hope for such as may die in the first beginnings of Regeneration it is given me to declare that if these pass out of the Body such cannot go indeed immediately to God For such will find it otherwise they must wait till they have got somewhat more then what they went out withall in this world and then shall they be admitted to see God Surely there is a Provision made for a perfect Salvation in another Principle besides this For which we have that word in Peter 1 Pet. 3. 19. by which also he went and Preached unto the Spirits in Prison Also these words seem to speak fully to this 1 Pet. 4. 6. For this cause was the Gospel preached to them which were dead which generally is applied to such as are living and yet dead in sins But by the foregoing verse it concerns the first Position verse 5. who saith the Apostle speaking of Christ is ready to judge the quick and the dead so that it implieth there is a Ministry belonging to the dead that are not here made perfect Much more might be enlarged upon some particular sights and manifestations that have hereof been given to some in the Spirit From hence ariseth this Objection If this be a Truth why was it not positively declared and clearly revealed as a foundational Doctrine To which it may be answered That the Infinite Wisdom did judge it meet to conceal this mystery because none might take advantage to turn the Grace of God into wanto●ness and thereby to neglect the present opportunity for working out their own Salvation in this present time which would make for a far and more exceeding weight of Glory Therefore left it was for the Worthy to have this Secret made known to them by the Spirit of Revelation who God foreknew would not take Liberty to continue in sin that this Grace after Death might be made manifest towards such as did stand in need hereof But now to great holy and aspiring Spirits these lower Mansions in their Fathers house are too mean who cannot be satisfied to be so many degrees remote any time after death from their God and Lord Jesus since Liberty is proclaimed to work through all while we are in this terrestrial Body For there will be more joy and acclamations in Heaven for one such as shall finish their work here so as to make a full conquest then for milions of Souls that in the invisible Regions must perfect what was lacking to compleat them here Oh said the Spirit it will be well worth your Labour and great Travel to break open this deep Gate and so to put on Christ your Lord as in his all-powerful body that ye may make hereof but one ascending flight This was the Mark that was after Christs ascending so eagerly aimed at and by some in that Age reached to For Christ could not lose the effect of his prayer in that he did make his request that those whom the Father had given him might be with him where he was that so they might see and possess the same glory which could not be till they had gotten the victory For to none else is the admission given into his Kingdom according to that in the Revelations to him that overcometh will I grant saith Jesus to sit with me in my Throne But this may be objected further Those who had the Holy Ghost poured down in such an eminent manner had their way made very easie who was as their fiery Chariot that cut their work short And if any now in this Age had such a high endued Power it might soon give them a translation out of all mortal impediments As to answer this The Holy Ghost in that day was given after a visible manner as a sealing Character displaying and acting forth himself in Gifts and Power and miracles but now the same Spirit works in its beginning after another manner where it falleth it doth all its mighty works Within before it will shew forth his power Without For if the Apostles had not been purified by the Holy Ghost and inwardly sprinkled with the Water of Life for Soul cleansing they could not have rejoyced in that assured hope of entring into the joy of their Lord and Master Then was it plainly opened to me by the Spirit that the Holy Ghost would not now in this latter Age act out his Mighty Deeds by any one till their Hearts were perfectly purified by Faith That Scripture being repeated to me who after believing were
Vail was removed seeing I had sound that favour as to have that covert taken off that had darkned and hid the Heavenly Mystery from the understanding Why might it not be given me to know also what was in that Inscription Answer To this it was whisper'd by a soft voyce that there was something in that which was yet to be kept secret it contained that whereof the Scripture had made no mention and therefore it was presented to me in an unknown tongue and language which should be learned in its time and understood being reserved for its proper season For as there was a new song that none could learn but such as were perfectly redeemed from the earth so verily there is an everlasting Gospel that none shall understand the language of but such as are made again all new from this pure extracted matter Which will be all spiritually organised whence they shall be apt then to hear and learn what is yet concealed by the Deity for a future day of Manifestation This is only your present business and work to gather in more golden soil to inrich your Land that your Lilly-birth may arrive to a spotless perfection Then with clear Eyes ye shall see what is written within the Table-mind of the Spirit for this is the day when there shall be no need of teaching one another Wisdoms-birth carrieth that Lamp which never goeth out All of her Births will have the light Element evermore encompassing them so that whatever may come forth in Proverbs or Dark-sayings the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation is at hand to interpret None of her Off-spring shall be brought up illiterate but shall be taught in their own Mother-tongue who shall come to be a People of a Pure Language and Seraphick Speech Therefore saith the Spirit consider of all those things that may make you acceptable and meet here for it For it is the Fathers pleasure that in this very Principle this great change should be wrought in reference to this immortalized state Upon this Birth then will be hung all those sparkling Stones and beautifying Gifts that will be the true Royal Stamp upon you But this caution take be sure to carry a deaf Ear to all that will solicitate you herefrom Remembring while ye live in this Aery Region the Prince thereof will readily mingle his corrupt elementary matter with your will Spirit then in danger is all to be turned into a blank as in Vision ye did see Therefore watch and keep to that which will keep your Lilly-birth herefrom May the 7th 1677. Being met together in the Power of the Lord to breath out to each other what was opened from this Life-spring Just upon the concluding part thereof I saw in Vision a Covering passing before me the ground was scarlet all set or wrought with studs of sparkling Gold with this word going along with it Of such like as this will be the Furniture of that place where the Most Holy will dwell Then in Prayer I had a suddain aspect of a Countenance who looked all pleasant and this word came with it and said Iesus look●npon them and said Ye are not far from the Kingdom of God May the 8th 1677. This Morning a shivering influencing Power and Presence was witnessed about my heart After which this salutation I had in the known speech of that which did so gird about the Intellectual Mind uttering these words wilt thou make a full dispose of thy Spirit Soul and Body unto thy Lord who is willing to assume all to himself that he might make it his proper Workhouse But consider well and be not rash in this thing for if thou dost contract to make all over unto me thy true Immanuel then nothing is henceforth hereof to be parcelled out from him who is come to be a Purchaser for the whole that none may come in for any part besides me For I have a sufficiency of stock to set all awork In this your Jesus will be properly all who well knows upon what account he demands to have all turned over to him to act work and do wholy after the pleasure of his own Spirit For while the exteriour Will and the rational Mind with all their train of senses do but in part bare rule and here up and down float though giving their Vote according to the moral and sober part of things all those must give place to another Birth that will excel all this Righteousness Now you that are come to that degree of knowledge as to discern the right-hand Gate from the left Who have been sometimes under the Discipline of the Spirit as also sometimes under the Gifts aud Powers from the Celestial Orb to you then who have thus tasted the Lord is gracious can ye give up all propriety in your selves to be in very deed no longer your own Being come to that grown Age as to make a true sale of your selves to such a Purchaser as is come to buy without Mony or Price or any thing of this Worlds Merchandise You are now known to him and he to you who now proffers to give his own Life for yours Oh who would not strike up such a bargain as this is that so henceforth for you to live it may be Christ. Who will at another rate manage your very corporeal state and upon much better advantages then ye have done while ye live under this Starry Regions influences which is the light and might of the Man of Sense and Reason whose Sun must so go down as never more to rise When this Day-star appears in you all the exteriour Lights will go out May the 9th 1677. This day my Spirit was cast into a very serious and deep debate about that Proposal which was the other morning so audibly made by the Spirit of our Lord Jesus unto us Whose Faces hereunto were set and our Minds hereunto inclined I had another onset by the Friend of him who most willing is to become our Bridegroom Who still urged this thing mightily concerning the actual passing away of our selves so as to be entirely the Lords moving it again in this word Who who can come as a very Christ to be who stands in humane property but those who have bequeathed themselves away as to move from another Life in which they may in winged Power go forth I found my Spirit as in Peter's frame when our Lord repeated the question so often and so suspiciously concerning his loving of him Even so verily I found my Heart troubled and my Spirit grieved that my Lord did by his Spirit press this thing so hard upon me as if my Love and Will were hereunto doubted of by this my Lord from whom knowingly I would reserve nothing that could be demanded from me Whose Love-fervour hath been so strong as to give away my whole Spirit to him who I do believe will renew another more pure and powerful Spirit in us Then was this by the Spirit further spoken in me
World that may deliver from all the evils of it There is nothing but an Omnipotent Force will conquer the sinful Authorities that have been so long in Government over all the Creation Therefore what are ye to look and wait for but the Birth of this Mighty Prince Cyrus to arise in and to go before you for it is by meer strength that he must prevail to subdue all Nations whether they be within or without Many have been the forerunners of this by inferiour Births which ye have passed through As those of Regeneration and Divine Inspirations and Productive Revelations all in order hereunto But all these have been too weak and too short to deliver out of the Servile Spirit The Babylonish Power doth yet keep and serve it self upon you and will not let you go free till this Mighty Prince doth arise to remand you back unto your own Land and native Freedom again Thus I did evidently see nothing but the all-saving Arm could pluck us back again And moreover this word was with me and in me spoken Pray for the Cyrus Might to be joined with the Nazarite Wisdom of Purity for without Power ye cannot perform any of my Pleasure in subduing the Babylonish Power that hath enlarged it self over the whole universal state of things It is well for the elected ones in this World that their Redeemer is now a Mighty King over all Kingdoms And this day is drawing near for the revealing of this his shut up Power that hath been reserved with him in the Heavens By reason of which a sorrowful bondage and servile Life hath been upon the very Nerves of the New Ierus●lem Who are now sensible and do now cry unto this Mighty Cyrus to appear and to break for them this Babylonish Yoak which hath made them so long groan and mourn as being made to serve with rigour under the Prince of Darkness Who hath had a long Reign through his Agents in this Principle but his Time is ●igh worn out Of which this is an assured hope when a deep sense is upon any of the Children of the Captivity As upon Daniel and Ieremiah Ezra and Nehemiah who set themselves to enquire for that Messiah who is to restore and gather together the Stones for to build the Mystical Ierusalem Verily to such as do sigh and mourn for all the Abominations of Desolations which they see to be of Authority To such I say the Most High will have respect not only to reveal but to intrust the Scepter of his Kingdom with them Who he knows will sway all in righteousness according to his own heart They shall be his Kings and Sav●ours upon Earth Yet once again they who are of a Daniel Spirit wholly addicting their Minds hereunto and in nothing else taking pleasure but in diving into the Secrets of the Most High that if by any means they might find out the Jubile-year of release when the Mourning Tribes might return again to their own possessions even they shall be chose hereunto Oh the wise in heart after this do look waiting in true spiritual abstinence as Daniel did that so eternal Secrets may be revealed unto them Know ye how beautiful would those be who shall bring news and glad-tidings hereof from the Most Holy to the Mourners in Sion That the Lord is indeed without delay coming for a full and perfect Redemption to the Groaning and Oppressed Creation● Even so Lord Jesus come quickly Iuly the 1st 1677. THIS Morning after some special Manifestations and intimate Communion with the invisible Trinity whereby my Spirit was as ingulphed into this sweet Celestiality of that which passeth all understanding This word uttered it self Is it not good to dwell here where the Covert is all Love and defensive Power Oh call in others with thee here to meal if you do delight to sip of this Cup of Divine Pleasure and then according to the vigour of Spirit felt herefrom dispence hereof And commend it to him who is a noted consecrated Vessel to take in of the same with the unknown Rarities which the Father doth ●rovide for his own Houshold that so no cause ye may have to wander out of his rich and fat Pasture While keeping here your Shepherd will you feed and by his Golden Crook will you guide and translate out of one glorious place to another till ye shall come into the beloved City This blessed winding in of my Spirit was an introduction hard usage of the King of this Bottomless Pit who would keep them evermore in bondage and would not that they should ever remember that once they had a pre-existency in that Paradisical World of Liberty Iuly the 2d 1677. But now the Ancient Records are brought to Light whereby it is given to the Wise among the Children of the Captivity to understand their high and eternal Nativity and that for the cause of sin they were brought into this dark and evil Region yet not so as for ever herein to be included till natural death doth release as they would persuade For no such Decree did ever go forth from the Throne of the Most High For after this dark grisled Globe with its natural Inhabitants all which like troubled whirling Wheels do grind the Faces of one another there shall another arise which shall set free from this Old Creation Captivity Upon which there was a mighty cry by some that here were sealed to the day of Redemption saying Holy Lord God of the Sabbath let us come to rest with thee For in six days labour we have been and now full weary we are of sinful thrall and cannot but remind thee of the promised Liberty which is for to be brought to pass by the travelling Daughter of Ierusalem Then was portraied before me a Mourners Zion-eye beholding a bright flaming Globe upon the rising of which the other Globe like a dark Stone sunk down before it into a bottomless depth And this was in the sight of the right-born Israelite who here was suddenly snatched out and translated into a higher and more quiet Sphere Oh here was indeed the Sabbath of the 7000 years all here were clothed in white lying down as Flocks by their Shepherd of all Princely Might all fastned together in a Golden Chain to shew there was no more to be a dividing for the Sheep never more was to be scattered out of this eternal Fold For nothing but Seraphical Pleasure is here with the highest Peace Joy and Rest from all former Toil Labour and Sorrow And the Law of God as a Gulf is here broke up and drowns all in its own Sea of Endless Love This is what was presented for the inforcement of our travel in Spirit for Sion deliverance out of the Babylonish servitude which now is throughout the whole World Iuly the 3d. 1677. Then was it with me to enquire with earnestness Oh my Lord when shall be this Zions Reign All things yet in visible view appear in a dull sluggish
will verily work it self through And the more wise and excellent in Spirit shall first see it and feel its rising effects upon themselves as their Birth-Star Which shall multiply unto the seventh Number which only qualifies to stand within the Circle Throne of the Most Holy The seven Stars which are mentioned to be held in the hand of Jesus your mighty Prince of Peace are to be distributed as the Badge or Inscription of such as shall be so perfected for a free pass into the Jerusalem-glory there to be in Oneness with him without robbery to their Kingly Priest in all his Thronely Principality and to be added to the enrolled numbers of the Ancients which are come to be Victorious over the World through great Tribulation So ye will be followers of him through this Rising Star Iuly the 17th 1677. The Seven Ascending Steps This Morning the Living Word spake in me Thou dost not yet sound the meaning and depth of that which is further to be understood of the Residue of the Spirit but I am come to search and give thee further knowledge herein As thus the Golden Cask of this Rich Oyl hath been in part let forth seven Pipes for the venting hereof are as an Emblem to present the seven Spirits that hereout do proceed Now well observe how many of these Spirits have been drawn out of the Golden Vessel which represents the Body of the Deity either in the foregoing or present Age and you will see what is come and what is yet more to come till the seventh Number be finished First consider the Prophecies and Promises how they run in the Scripture Roll. The Spirit is distinguished with seven Properties or Operations and Working-powers each of these Spirits hath their Office and Ministration as dividing to each one in the Body of the Spirit according to the measure of the Gift of Christ. As First The Promise of Grace and Supplication is to empty out it self Then a Spirit of Love Joy and Peace is the second Thirdly a Spirit of Consolation of Prophesie and Revelation Fourthly A Spirit of Councel and Sound Mindedness Fifthly A Spirit of Truth Wisdom and Knowledge Sixthly The Spirit of Faith for Heating Internally and Externally and doing thereby Miracles of all kinds The Seventh This is a Creating Spirit that goeth forth to give Being and Existency to what seemeth not to be it works on this hand and on that and yet nothing which is inferiour unto it self can it see It works all in a silent still way what it speaks it effects and what it effects speaks forth what it is It needs no Orator to go before it to declare from whence this Holy Breath of Almighty Power doth move it resteth where it will yet unseen yet felt known tasted to good purpose where-ever it abides it being the head principle Spirit that governeth and sendeth out the foregoing Spirits and uniteth them into one entire Spiritual Body Now said the Most Holy Inspirator I have here shewn to you the seven Ascending Steps by which you must come up to your Mansion Glory to your Throne Dominion to be what you were designed for to be from before all Worlds Come now and see what process you have made hereunto and how many Degrees ye have taken Comforted ye may be who do ascend up here together in Faith though many attempts and that strong ones have been to pull you down and to prevent your further ascent But be strong and resolute this day from that power already received that you may go up and stand upon that last p●ved stone of Wisdoms strength and might Which will bring Majesty and Honour to you but Horror Confusion and Shame to what ever hath sought hence to draw and plunge you in with them into the dark center of this dismal Sphere The which evermore fear and avoid as the Dragon's Cell where he loves to dwell Iuly the 18th 1677. This day much refreshment from the bright beaming Countenance of my beloved Lord through free converse with him came thereby to my Spirit My Spirit being moved to plead propriety in what the Father had given unto him Whom after the way of Spiritual Sight I did behold a smiling Face looking through a ray like to the Sun and a voice spake I will see you Face to Face that you may hear my voice then will your Joy be daily full Then this word I did hear It is well you now do believe that all Spirit and Mighty Power is with me to provide for those whom my Father hath given me in charge I am no engrosser to my self of this Ierusalem treasury but do will that ye should be joint-heirs with me in the same Body of Glory But it is the vehement strong thirsty Ones who can draw out that Life which I now do live in and that in the highest degree of Perfection Which makes me stand up in the head fountaincapacity to impower gifts of great consequence according as you are able to partake of them Oh that you would lie close in your Spirits to that Breast which is in pain by reason of its fulness till it hath emptied it self with the sweet lusciousness of the Gospel Milk When tasted it will make you be always lingring and strongly desi●ous hereof The office of my Spirit is like a true and faithful Nurse to lay and to give the Mouth of your own Eternal Born-Spirit hereunto but then of it self it must draw and ye must not be discouraged though at first it doth not come so flush But some pains must be taken by you in this Spiritual Exercise before the Breast of Life will open fluently But when herein you have once got the victory the Bottles of Heaven will run free emptying forth the very marrow and strength of the Deity What else think ye can make great strong and powerful in the Divine Nature but this very Life-substance which by the Mouth of the Spirit highly magical is constantly attracting Then will ye be answered in what you have been so long in Soul-travel for Iuly the 19th 1677. This word was with me early in the Morning Pass on ye Worthies of the Lord through all measures of my Spirit till you come to all seven Degrees Rest not in the shallow parts or streams before ye come to float in the place of the Broad-waters where the Spirit will be to you unmeasurable For though it is an undiscernable strength yet in it lieth the whole omnipotent force both of saving and destroying creating and nullifying This Power will be inherent in them upon whom the seven united Powers shall rest and dwell Which indeed will make you excel the very Angels as to dignifying Power which never was their natural dowry as it was yours in the beginning but that you have lost through sin and earthliness entring in which hath made you thus feeble impotent and weak that you can do nothing till these my seven Spirits do come each one gradually in
day as the dark Night of an earthly Body must fly away from For it could not abide when though but in the Vision of so immense a Glory that dispersing it self so variously into the Images of what so long had lain unseen Even so verily deeper may be your entrance into the Heavens to hear and see what there is reserved as your Dowry among those High-Throne Principalities which Iohn did see Fear not I say through this bright day to pass though the night of your Body of earthly sensuality shall by degrees pass away Care not to hazard all that so as ye may be taken up still in the Visions of the mighty Alpha where new Scenes of Glory may open to you daily Iuly the 21th 1677. As we were in Prayer met together this word passed through me which plainly thus spake These are the wrestling Spirits O Father that will not let me be at rest till they have possessed the Kingdom with me This word did not a little revive me and added a renewed strenght to urge the more full Manifestations of this Kingdom and that we might still our force unite who have been hitherto so prosperous in our way through recourse by prayer Which being done in Faith hath great and mighty influence with God Iuly the 22th 1677. This Morning I had this further Presentation pourtraid out to my Internal Eye The Figure of a Fleshy Heart with many Eyes and a Mouth from whence issued out a white Stream like a Breath From which it was said draw near and receive in what floweth out here which I assaid to do magically as well as I could Then when I was come to my inward understanding Spirit to know what this might signifie This word did pass through me This Breath is thy Spirits Meat by which ye are to live day by day This Vision contained very much in it which was made out as it was cast up and called over again in my Mind afresh teaching being herefrom given unto me How this was the new Heart which would be as the Well of deep Waters in whomsoever it was fixed Many were the worthy Properties which do belong to this Heart For it was the Figure of the very Heart of God the Son lively discribed in the rising Magia Then were the several Working-Powers and Properties manifested unto me and I was also made to understand what I never before did sound For it was whispered to my inward Ear saying Thou little thinkest or perceiveth what lieth concealed within these Triangles An immense Treasury is here couched Who can fathom his own heart much less this which is so all-seeing Now to give the several Properties of the Heart full of Eyes First Property No slumber doth happen on them at any time For flumbring and sleepy Eyes argue a state of weakness but these are perfect Eyes strong Eyes in their full strength and clarity Second Property They are watchful Eyes waking Eyes looking every way unto the heights above and down to the depths beneath and to the bredths and lenghts of what in all the World are seeable Third Property These Eyes are discernaing and piercing Eyes The wonderful excellency of these Eyes is this because their faculty is to pierce into things so as nothing can be hid or concealed from them This all-seeing Heart was with the Prophets of old from whence they were called Seers When Gehazi would have hid from Elisha the gifts of reward received from Naaman faith Elisha went not my Heart with thee There is no hiding from the Eye of the Heart Samuel from this inward sight could tell Saul that his Asses were found and how that he was designed for a more weighty business than to look after them having the matter of a Kingdom to propound to him from the Lord. Fourth Property The Eyes of this Heart are clear single pure Eyes and purged from every Mote It is the peculiar property of this Heart to see God and this Heart hath a Mouth in it to speak from and it speaks to the Most Holy and it hath an Ear to hear also therefrom So that it is both a seeing hearing and speaking Heart therefore God sets a value upon such a good Heart Such a Heart Caleb h●d and David had which Heart much answers to God's own Heart for it is God's own Heart in man's Heart As it was said by one We have the Mind of Jesus it is as if he had said we have the Heart of Christ. Therefore the New Covenant runs all upon a New Heart Gods Heart in man's Heart making man's Heart a New Heart All the Revenue of Eternal Life is Entailed upon what issues from a renewed Heart made new from God's Heart indwelling in man's Heart Here verily you are come to the grand business for what the whole tenure of all Prophecies and Promises points out unto is to this seeing hearing and speaking Heart as it belongs to the New Creature which is God's Heart in Man's Heart making it a new Heart For God's Heart or Christ's Heart is the warm Life-motion that floweth through man's own inward Heart Thus God's Heart in man's Heart makes man's Heart a new Heart and a good Heart and makes man's Heart a seeing hearing and speaking Heart When man's Heart is made single clear and pure purified from every mote of imperfection and from all sin and self then it can see God and hear God and speak to God For it hath the Heart of Christ in his own purified Heart David foresaw the worth of such a Heart when he so earnestly prayed for the creating a clean Heart in him It is a meer act of Creation by first raising or putting forth a power to dissolve the old dark earthly stony Heart which the new Heart of Christ must come in the place of For there cannot be any agreement betwixt them while they are together For till the old Heart is worn out by degrees Oh what strife war and contention is between them so long as the earthly part can hold it out as is found by the Saints experience till the Heart of Jesus comes fully to be fixed in the old Heart Then from the sight of Christ's Heart-Eye in our new Heart the pure Life will stir essentially and such Spiritual Motions will spring as great Peace Love and Joy will come in upon you as a bubbling Water of Life Fifth Property From Christ's Heart in a good Heart made good the new World and the Nature of Paradise is placed there and this new World is always provoking the good Heart by internal Species of Heavenly things generated therefrom answerably to what the Mind is employed upon and raised up into As in an old unregenerated Heart this earthly World is placed in the midst of it provoking the Mind with those earthly species that riseth from it to a close with them So here new Idea's arise and are abundantly brought forth from the Divine and Heavenly World placed in a new and
regenerated Heart Which the Spirit of a good Heart feeds upon miraculously while this Worldly Heart doth see nor tast nothing hereof So strong so high are Zions Walls that are built for these holy Hearts that no groveling Spirits nor low earthly Hearts can tast any thing of their Seraphick Life Whose natural soil it is to live like the Hearts of Beasts breathing after their perishing Fodder and sensual Pleasures but this Heart from Jesus in a Regenerated good Heart is created for better things It knows its own true temperature to be such as can no more lust after what is terrestrial Because it hath been so much touched upon by the Divine Flames of the most Holy Altar Because also it hath been so often impressed from the sealing Powers of the Deity Whose breath doth so strongly move as to maintain upon the good Heart a pleasant soft Fire burning as a signal Witness that a Sacred Presence liveth there for whom is provided the best of Celestial Chear Also because the creating Word may still renew a fresh Life with all its secret and unknown Retinue of pure Spirits that may be refreshing to the Solitary who indeed have made their choice to live in the Heart of Jesus till with their inward Eyes they have spied where that only massy Gold-stone of all-working Powers doth lie Which is only sounded by these Hearts but to raise up this all-golden Power is not found out by them till they are come to have more innate Union and Communion with this Heart For by virtue of their Co-Union there will be co-working For thus it was betwixt God and Christ there was but as one Heart betwixt them in which they did in all things agree From whence it was said hitherto the Father doth work and I work that was by a mutual agreement going out in acts of Power from deep Councel and Wisdom as foreseeing all events of things So it will be between Christ and a Christian when they have co-union of Heart then there will be co-operations together b●tween Christ and a Christian Co-union of Heart is when Christ's Heart dwells in a Christian Heart and the Heart of a Christian is one in Union with Christ's Heart Then will follow intimate communion and co-operations in harmony together Iuly the 23th 1677. This word run through me as a burning stream saying Seek make out with all speed for a partnership with this perfect and all-powerful Heart For it will not only discover a Spiritual Substance by a Reflective Light but it will give an Inherent being in it self Hence it is that Wisdom's Pearly Stone doth shine and hence all her Divine Magia doth work Let it not stagger thee that little hitherto thou couldst do as to works of Eminency that might demonstrate the Heart-Power of the Deity See what wanting hath been the Heart of Jesus is a Seal must be set upon thine that what as his may be thine in an absolute propriety Such an innate life of conjunction will be of most wonderful consequence Consider now then and know nothing is more expedient than to be found in this most perfect and all-seeing Heart that all you do may be wrought herefrom Then further it was testified that it was not the sudden flights of the Spirits up into this Heart which would do or perfect the remainder of what was to be finished For in that there might be an uncertain motion as our own Hearts sometimes being up and then again down by reason of which so little hath been brought to pass For a steady Heart and Mind is Wisdom's Pavilion where she dwelleth Therefore this caution and word of Councel the Spirit did give that when carried up at any time by the Spirit into the Heart of Jesus there to fix for ever and there to abide till so knit as Twins of Hearts to grow up together in then Powers and Gifts there will spring Iuly the 24th 1677. The word of Admonition was given unto me Take heed unto the Spirits Doctrine and continue stedfast in the things which ye have learned and have been assured of knowing of whom ye have received them From these words it was shewed me that it was not sufficient that we were under the distillings of the Spirit-doctrine to drink it in so as to let it pass away again but this word of Truth was to dwell and to be deeply rooted in us as it is brought forth into a plain discovery by way of Precept For in this day the Word of the Lord coming to any one immediately is so rare and pretious that God looks that they whom he shall herewith favour should more than ordinarily set by it and wisely observe and make great improvement of this more excellent Ministry For every slight neglect or disobedience is weighed over as done aga●●●● the Love which not being answered by the fruits of Love again will cause the Spirit to retire to its own center Therefore henceforth live by every word that shall proceed from the Spirit This Councel did very much reach my Soul engaging all the Faculties of my interiour Mind lest at any time I should let slip any word so expresly spoken unto me from the Spirit for it is love and grace worthy of all acceptation And I must own it is good dwelling under the droppings of this Fruitful Bough which is loaden with all sweet Hony-dewes that no sooner are touched with the twig of Faith but the Eye of the Heart is both enlightned and is therewith highly refreshed as with its true natural food Therefore One many Ages past experienced this when he cried out Oh how sweet are thy words unto my taste yea sweeter than hony unto my mouth The respect that the Most Holy and Worthy Ones will have for this Living Testimony will be evidenced by a disrespect and a real disgust to whatever is not given out from a fresh annointing For the Right-born Spirit trieth all by its tast it can know old stores that has not that juicie Life and vigour in it like Fruits that have been long plucked off from the Tree or like a Flower that hath lost its true Life-scent by being cut off from the springing Root and so both Fruits and Flowers though once fresh and good in their proper time yet when laid up and their moisture gone and dried up are no longer so And this is well known and discerned by such a Spirit as has liberty to go into the Vineyard and Garden of God to pluck fresh and gather according to present spending And although there has been a living upon an old Store laid up yet know it is not to be so always The seven years Famine of the Pretious Word and Ministry of the Spirit is come to an end with some already Who have made use of it for those ends designed which was to sow their ground with it and that by the hand of the true Seedsman the Spirit who hath made choice of good and well-prepared ground to
Prove me herein if I do not answer to that Conjugal Marriage-state after which you do make I will be yours as you are mine and free from all others No cause of jealousie shall be ministred on my part for as a sealing witness you may daily read me as ye are fixed with the pure ointment for to dip your finger in and therewith annoint your Eyes that so ye may have a right and clear sight of me and of all that is of a Celestial Nature and that is set out for your more pleasant and full rejoycing as you shall take up your living in me Oh here I do invite you as my Bride to make your abode Let all know who have their habitation in this World of distress and confusion that ye have found out a rest which is far more excelling being lodged in the Bosom of the Triune Soveraignty that can command all great and good things to satisfie you as ye remain in constancy Therefore over all this Worlds Temptations maintain victory that ye may inherit with your Bridegroom revenues of Crowns Princedomes Principalities over all universally in the Marriage Knot of Unity August the 27th 1677. Then there was presented unto me a fine piece of Wrought Work that was given one to take out and one said they could never learn it without going to some skilful one to teach them therein Then heard I a grave wise Person say No find it out of thy self Stir up the Gift which is within thee that is sufficient hereunto and thou wilt have the glory of it rest upon thee August the 28th 1677. An Interpretation was given to me of this Vision and thus it was interpreted That this Vision alluded to and did present the Workmanship of God renewed in Christ Jesus and so successively in those who are created again in him Now the draught without is Christ the Lord in all his holy and perfect Deportment as he lived without sin in this World in that he is become our example that according as it is written we might be as he was in this World Now this Pattern of Perfection was given to us but the curiosity and difficulty thereof put us to whom it was offered to a plunge not knowing how to take it out without a Guide And so likely we might spend and run out our whole time before we had attained half thereof always learning and yet not perfected Therefore while I was in this demur a word came to me This skill must spring from that New Birth within Yet it is in vain for any by imitation ever to attempt the Christ-like Life till they be born again As that grows up to the degree of Divine Capacity so it will be all perceiving and will aptly find out the Mystery of a God's likeness though incarnate in this terrestrial State Where Precepts and Patterns of Evil are continually inviting so that ye are in danger of taking a wrong Pattern out But this pure Birth in you will prevent that for it scents all what is of this Principle as a putrefactious life and therefore flies from it to its own express incorruptibility For which will proceed Gifts and Powers answerably to what your Head Pattern here acted marvelously Look to it for the Root of this Matter must rise from within your own inward holy ground Call up the Ghostly Power of Might that lieth hidden there and then ye may be able to produce the same wonderful working piece according to the form of the New Creation which must bear down and outdo all which came in by the fall Then was it further given me to know that there would be a trial and probation made of what ever was wrought it must be brought to the view of the Impartial Judge whose rejoycing it will be to pass the Sentence of Justification found in the imitation both of the Death and Life from the Birth Spirit which was in Jesus and is now entred into us to bring forth the same express Workmanship in all glorious variety as in the dying so in the rising conquering reigning Life Which is not to be manifested barely by Words but by mighty Deeds and Works from the Alpha and Omega Whose day of Love Light Peace and Joy is already working known and felt in the New Born August the 29th 1677. This Night I saw my self making hard towards a place wherein I was assured of all desirable good as relating to Company and Place And as I was striving to reach thereto there came a stubborn prancing Horse in a Cart and there was one went by to guide him but the Horse was so headstrong that he would no way be governed but would run in a hostile way towards the Gate that gave entrance into this secure place Seeing which I ran with all might and hast lest I should be stopped and just as I was entring in at the passage he came furiously upon me to grind me with the Wheels So that I was put to it hard but I passed through to great admiration as if I only had a Spirit without a Body so swift was my escape out of this danger For I saw it a perfect design to have prevented my going in then took I care of the well minded Person that would have otherwise ruled this head-strong Beast if he could have managed him but such was his inkindled rage that he would stand cross the Gate to hinder him that was to be his Governour from following after me But he wisely crept upon his Knees under the Cart and so got in and shut the Gate upon this tyrannical Beast This Vision had a considerable speaking in it unto us when we cannot but understand there is a foreseeing watchful Eye that does warn us of all evil occurrences that may ensue while yet we are but in our travelling way True it is we are running hard to enter within the everlasting Gate but much lumber and stuff there is which hath loaded the Cart of the Mind which is drawn by the prancing Horse of the Will that doth drive furiously and will not be under check or controul by that which doth see its danger This Principle with all its cares businesses and employs are dangerous to step in as a grinding Wheel to prevent our passing into that pleasant place Where not any of those Inhabitants are found in any working dress For they lived there by a Creating Breath that renews all fresh supplies There needed neither Building nor Planting nor Vine-dressing nor Seed-sowers for it was uttered by voice to me that passed through me This is the place of Iehovah's rest Who so can get through hereinto shall have cessation from all their works considered as they relate either to the Mind interiour taking thought or concern about its Salvation or to the Body exteriour for Food and Raiment Health or whatever else makes the Life worth living in it is to be here But then my Spirit objected Ah my Lord who ever could pass in here
wholly bend the force of their Spirits hereunto may attain to great Wisdom and Knowledge and so bring forth that which may far outshine what is now existent in this Creation For till such deep magical Spirits are born who come to make Projection through internal sight of what is in the first cause of things the Kingdoms of this World with the Potentates thereto belonging will be too hard for you For that Grand Prince that ruleth and hath such command in this lower Sphere hath since the first Age of this World raised ten to one his Magnificent Seat in the Heart of poor deluded man So that they whose lot it is to live in this latter day have greater provocations to overcome as it is truly said the last days will be perillous indeed through the devises of the Evil One who in and by his Agents finds out new inventions to enthral and busie the Mind withal to prevent the taking in the true sense of what was and might be again that blessed state of sinless Liberty For such hath been this Serpents subtilty as to be a Lying Spirit in those who are Teachers to make believe the impossibility hereunto By which he doth keep his Seat of Supremacy universally hereby in the Mind For so long as this is he knows no Power of Soveraingty will outvy his Therefore this Councel of my Lord was expresly given And further this word this Morning was added hereunto That we should drink in this Pure Doctrine from the Spirit who said Be ye found faithful to the interest of your Lord's Kingdom that it may through you while in the World be so manifested in Wisdoms Force and All-spiritual Might through studying out all Divine Arts as hereby you may pluck down the Proud and Lofty from their self exalted Spirit in the Diabolical Might Your true Labour herein shall have such success as you may bring great acclamation and renown to your Lord and Saviour through all Worlds and to your selves Peace and Joy Honour and Dignity because many hereby will flow in into my Great Name When they are convinced that you do bear the Standard of my Spiritual Might in Truth and Righteousness Now therefore be vigilant according to what hath been revealed for the Love that ye have for my Kingdom to appear so in this World as all of the Old Dragons may come absolutely to be shaken and overthrown thereby For whatever ye do think this Prince of Darkness can suppress he will Who is so Mighty in this Low Region till Great Michael doth arise to give Crowns to those who have been long in the War To whom yet no Kingdom hath been given but do wait here in expectation for it and do not start from their Standard Such Oh such be ye that yet ye may be trusted with great Command to magnifie Great Michael in your mean estate September the 10th 1677. THIS Day I was calling my self to an account being sensible of that usual Springing Light that was something shaded and Revelations restrained for the space of a Week occasioned by dispersing thoughts and letting in and busying my Mind upon inferiour things of this Worlds concern Whereby I was made suspicious of a greater loss sustaining than any thing of this World could repay me And although there was nothing which I did engage in but what might seem very just and reasonable to the Eye of all Creatures yet that could not be my justification Because we were under an unknown Nazarite Law that was in special given and therefore accordingly we are bound to obey it who are concerned herein Hereupon I descended down into the deep Region of the Spirit where I did attend to hear what would be answered Which was again through Grace renewed For thus I did the inspeaking word hear Did not I by my Spirit oft declare that it would be hard for any one to keep my charge who had not first cleared all scores of this Worlds Accounts that so ye might have nothing to do but to attend fully your Lord's business who hath called you for such a Principal End out from all this Creation Service Henceforth then cease to be the Servants of Men for since the day of your free assignment of your selves His you are to whom you did your selves bequeath Upon this word I found a great conflict in my self having a great desire to depart and to throw off every weight that would tie and engage my Mind For I did well see an absolute necessity to be alone the Lord's servant and to give my self up in constancy to that new revealed Ministery though I should hereby incur all Creatures enmity For my Lord by a secret voice doth follow me close so that from Loves Charms I can hardly get loose Yea he drives upon us so hard as plainly we might see the Holy Ones design is to make a breach betwixt this World and us as foreseeing that none till then can aptly be for his use and service And verily this is the Cup that is given us to drink of and to leave nothing thereof behind It was what our Lord proposed to the two Sons of Zebedee who were ambitious to be equal in the Kingdom with him Who told them They did not consider what they did ask For if they did come to understand what a Death-cup they must first drink of they would not have climbed so high in their desires Therefore he dealeth plainly with them and shews them both the necessity and possibility thereof but gives the disposal of those Throne-instatements to his Father only It was also at this time spoken in me that we had begun to drink of this Cup wherein the deadly draught was which would crucifie us to this world but as yet we had but drunk the Upper part of it the Portion being so bitter we indeed could never get it down at once Upon which the Spirit giveth this advice Not to let one day pass without imposing upon our selves a draught out hence to take till all be exhausted and drunk out For the Cup is very deep and at the bottom thereof doth lie that which will us from this Principle absolutely unty Therefore let us not herefrom cease to drink each one to whom this Cup is given and no time let us lose for through continual sipping we shall see it lessen and so by degrees the effects thereof upon that which is to die will be felt O who will be so valiant and worthy in this Age as to hold out to the very last as the bottom of this Cup to see Then was it said to me There was at hand immediately for such another Cup wherein was the everlasting Water of Life The operation of which is not expedient yet for to be uttered till some have of the first Cup drunk all O Lord Jesu be thou to us what thou wert when thou didst take the last part of this Cup. September the 11th 1677. Being in great agony in my Head and Teeth
but all single Plants save one Which grew up with Twins upon one Stalk three times two and one more from the same Root which grew right up with its Head bowing down towards the rest It seemed to be like a Tulip the Colour being of a very dark Murray The other Plan●s grew round about it and they were overspread with Caterpilla●s and slugs which did devour and spoil the beauty of them which I much lamented to see But suddenly a shower came and washed them all away Yet afterward I saw them come on again when the shower ceased And I marvelled that the Tulip Branch was still kept free And while I made this Objection how it should come to pass that being in the same ground it should be exempted It was answered Thou dost not see the deep Spring that lieth under ground that watereth this Branch continually Then saw I waters rise and all over it baptise so as the dark colour was changed into a green pleasant appearance to my intellectual sight Then after a little space the Spring did rise mighty high and did it so drench as from its greenness it was changed into a Lilly whiteness which was very marvelous to see such a sudden transmutation upon this Branch Oh my Lord signifie the true meaning of this similitude for it seemeth to have much in it October the 11th 1677. This Parabolical Vision was as a Text and Doctrine given upon which the Holy Spirit might make its comment By the Garden was given me to understand that inward flourishing ground of the Eternal Mind out of which a crop of pleasant Plants did put forth from the Seed of the Spirit The Eternal Sower planting himself in the midst hereof as that Lilly Branch which grew up in its twined might and beauty to the perfect number Seven Now it was queried by me Why those single Plants which were Divine Qualifications of the Mind proceeding from the Root of Life should be under the Power of these Despoilers The cause hereof I was then made to understand why those heavenly cogitations that would proceed forward to all Divine Virtue were over●un by the devouring Worms It was therefore resolved that it would continue st●ll so to be while they did put forth themselves from one weak stalk in the scattered confusion of a dispersed property Now being thus obnoxious to the intemperate motions of the visible Element and mixing therewith they are subject to smitings of all kinds And though through the help of those distilling showers of the Word of Life oftimes refreshing this inward ground and cleansing it from this swarming flying and superfluous thoughts which the Slugs and Caterpillars did really figure out they are freed herefrom yet upon the cessation of these upper and outward Showers of a visible teaching Ministery they are apt to swarm again upon the Mind to stain and enve●om those Plants which do bud forth in the single and divided property So that while the inward is thus invaded upon no Fruit can be brought to perfection for as fast as it comes on it is eaten off so the Work while standing in this posture it is always doing yet never done nor perfected And yet the Soul in the mean time is in great earnestness after and for its Restoration always striving against the Stream and Tide of Profuse Imaginations which keep back the Harvest from ripening of what hath been still a sowing by the Spirit● fixed If you do attain to such an enrichment as to have this Plant of United Force and Power to grow in the Garden of your Mind ye may then be out of all fear that any evil of sin or the effects of it can come in to Spoil or to devour For upon its own guard it stands and can defend it self against all Invasions Now for this end that ye may persue hereafter these things are revealed Make it your own Spiritual Business to come out of the meek single Plantation into the strong Unity of that Plurality of Spirit which is able at pleasure to change you into a Body of Heavenly Lustre such as is meet for that Work whereto ye are designed For this O ye well disposed Souls keep an Holy day within the Borders of a pure Mind October the 12th 1677. This word visited me about break of day Run away to the Everlasting Morning-day there to be hidden from the wrath of the Lamb. Which will be certainly expressed against those who are found naked having only the mortal clothing for their c●vert in this great Day which is breaking forth unavoidably upon all Flesh. October the 15th 1677. Being thus warned to pursue and make hard after that securing state and to keep all watchfulness over our Hearts lest the Ev●l Spirit should us beguile This word was g●ven for further caution Far be it from him who in all things must be approved a man of God therefore he is not to be found amongst evil doers to be a reproach in such a time as this or to take liberty lest a Snare come upon the Superiority of that Life which requires great sequestration Then again this Word was with me And ye shall be Holy unto me for I the Lord am holy and have sever'd you from all others that ye should minister before me and be mine only October the 18th 1677. I saw my own Figure sitting in a solemn still waiting posture and there passed by a Golden Candlestick with many Branches and in the midst thereof was the form of a Cup or Bowl all which distinctly had Lights like Lamps burning from Oyl but that out of the Bowl in the midst gave a greater blaze then all the rest Then this Word sounded Up up Follow this Light before it be out of sight Then was given into my Hand such an other Golden Candlestick without any Lights in their Sockets but I hastily so soon as the Candlestick was given followed the other into a Room which was all enlightned with the brightness of the Glory thereof which I could only view but ●ound I could not there abide but was ordered at that open door to wait till every Branch of the Candlestick should be answerably filled with Oyl and give forth Light as the foregoing brightness did which was as a Heaven for Light This Idea or Manifestation drew my mind after it that if possibly Light might be set up in every Property accordingly October the 19th 1677. In the Night after my first Sleep there appeared unto me a bright Sun and many Stars were fixed in the circumference of it that sparkled forth with a wonderful fury so that it enlightned the Earth with its reflexion And it said hereto gathered is that which fills up and makes compleat the whole Body of Light October the 20th 1977. This Word came unto me Pray ye evermore in that Faith where each one is to be their own Advocate in the free Liberty according as it is written In that day ask what ye will and it
who is it that shall it not see Much more I wait herefrom to be revealed For it was a significant Vision that doth bring along its own Meaning That so we might hereby be warned what God in the Earth will appear to do November the 16th 1677. I had this Night much inward Expostulation tending to my full and perfect Change into such a Spiritual Corporiety in which the offence of Sin might altogether cease For since the Holy Teacher and Guide hath been plain with me that without I here attain to be Born again so as no composition of the first original matter of Sin may spring till then I can have no free access nor be taken up into all Spousal freedom in the Love-Joys that are only known by such who are redeemed from all Sin For the Lamb the Bridegroom can take no other into the Marriage-Bed of inflamed Love with him but an immaculate Bride all Fair and Serene The Father hath charged him to bring no other into his Kingdom Now then said the Spirit you see that my striving in you is all to make you commendable that the Father himself may love you and be at perfect Reconciliation with your Spirits For this is the considerable matter to have the whole Trinity agreeing to take up and pitch their Pavilion of Light round about you Then expect such a change as never yet hath come November the 17th 1677. In my Night Sleep I was Praying and awakened my self therewith which when I came to my self I saw a White Hand reached out dipped in some pretious Liquor of a deep red Colour and it dropped thereof on my Breast Which presently brought forth that Word to me in the Canticles his Fingers drop sweet smelling Myrrh The which pure thing thing I did feel upon my Internal part o●● to a rising Joy in my self Then this Word came to me Now take heed of going out amongst the De●d If any thing of this kind doth touch you watch the time do not rest till a fresh stream of live Blood doth all your Inwards wash and perfume your Seperated place with this pretious Myrrh For your Lord can no more live or lie among them who do smell of the Dead November the 20th 1677. The Lord looked upon us and said he loved us and was touched in all our Afflictions and Temptations and that our Tears and Sorrows should not be forgot for all were treasured up that so when the Sowing time hereof shall be passed over Salvation and Victory and Everlasting Joy shall be returned to us November the 21st 1677. This was the Word of the Lord that was with me Let not the various Sounds and specious Gatherings of them among whom is an uncertain Sound move you from holy ground Where still do you wait in the Spirits Arbour for I have yet Secrets in an immediate way to impart Therefore scatter not from your known though unknown Walks to others So hereby I was to understand that in the still and silent state we were to keep till the clear Trumpet of the Holy Ghost might sound through us For nothing of this could be found in the mixed Assemblies Therefore it was shewed to me that after a while there would be a dispersion of the p●incipal Shepherds and Flocks till the Horn be filled with the unmixed Oyl of the Spirit by a true Prophet that must raised up be from and by the Mission of the grea● and mighty Shepherd Who will then anoint with Power each one of his Flock that none may be found in his Pasture of a barren Spirit For each one shall sound forth the Mystery of their own Everlasting Redemption out of the falle● Stage November the 22d 1677. As soon as I came out of Sleep after the Nights rest This word met me Oh that I might awake with thy Image perfectly then should I behold thy Face and not be reproached because of an ignominious Body Whereupon I considered the weightiness of the Word and it was opened unto me that it related to a Resurrection stare after a Death-sleep in the Grave of the Body of Sin out from which the Spirit awakeneth into the God-likeness Upon which there was presented unto me a clear Crystal in the figure of a Heart which hung by a Pipe through which a stream like Blood passed into the Heart which was said to be the pure Life-Seed that conveyeth it self from the Fountain-Heart of the Godhead As it is the Production of a Birth answerable to the very Heart of God which would be the true and original matter of a divine Nature In which only the Life of God should move as it did in the Person of our Lord Jesus Whose Heart was fed from the Heart of his Father and so ours from his when so purely generated as his from the Seed or Incorporating Power of the Deity For it was made evident to me that the New Birth-heart conceived in us must be from the Root of the same holy and unmixed matter and answerably in order to a full redeeming from the old polluted Heart out from which are the Issues of Death which is said to be the heart of Stone Now it was shewed me that Fallen Man did carry about him three Hearts As first the Heart of a Beast as it may be said of Nebuchadnezzar he had a Beastial Heart 2dly The Heart of a Man which comes up to Sensibility and to Rationality 3dly A Heart in which as to the outward Birth remains somewhat of an Eternal Essence as a Spark of Light which Adam had in Paradise and this we call Man's Eternal Heart And this in the highest Improvement is in much Imperfection and Instability sometimes in a raised Life towards God then sinking down as a Stone again into the Earth according to the outward Constellations that do mutually concur in the good and evil The effects whereof we have sensibly felt by an inward strife and war through the divided property of the Soul which moveth sometimes from the Heavenly Center towards its primitive Being before the Fall So as in this contest without conquest over the earthly part Millions of Souls have past away out of the Body And fearing least it should be so with us another Heart is shewn unto us For none of these can bring us near unto God And therefore remove and give them up and pray vehemently that we may see this old sto●ey Heart fail within us and then such a new Heart to which is annexed a pure burning stream which becomes a quickning Spirit Which will make essentially the great alteration so as we shall find our selves new-born perfect Creatures For it is of that high deified Composition of Purity as it forceth all polluted matter of contrariety from it to fly It is such a pure thing as it will be contracted into it self and live alone in an absolute dominion There is no allowance given for any of those forementioned Hearts with it to commix no more then Clay
of Comfort was given that we should here cast the Anchor of Hope for the passing through every Door of our own Senses till we had got beyond the Vail of Flesh into the Circle-Body of the Holy Ghost which is appointed for our present Mansion and Dwelling Where no more working Source shall open to disturb our Peace and Joy Our Life sustainment shall be effected by the holy Seraphim day by day till the half time shall fully be expired Then it is given me to see and to believe that guarded along we shall be out of the Wilderness by this Angel of God's presence who hath promised he will not leave us but see us safe within the Everlasting Gate This is only the charge that is left us to observe at present that we keep the Inward Court of our Minds from all polluted things and as hollowed Vessels to take in what from God's own Table as a daily portion is sent in Who will never fail to give what shall seal us for the day of this full redeeming Power Therefore upon this promise we are to hope and quietly wait for he will come with the shout of a King to the pure and Virgin-Spirit wherein Love and Faith have looked for him Therefore be not weary not faint in your minds for to you the Son of Righteousness will appear for full Salvation December the 22d 1677. This Morning I saw a Hand with a Pen writing upon a little Square like Steel or Slade which was repeated to me saying Despise not that holy degree to which my Spirit hath wrought you Know ye not that the Holy thing which is rising out of the Center must have time to work through all that dark matter which doth lie in the vail of Flesh. Therefore patiently give way to that which will go its own pace for the Spirit doth well know its own tract And if you wholly trust him for your guide he will bring you to the right Door which shall never more be shut upon you December the 23d 1677. I was invaded in my Mind with that which would have awakened a distrust concerning the Consummation of that perfect degree into which I have been thus far wrought up unto through Internal Purity attained Yet finding the Waves of Sense apt to break in upon this I was made to pray with all vehemency lest the Spark of Faith should hereby be quenched So after much strife this Word came in for comfort saying thou shalt yet Honour the Lord thy God with that substance that will open out of Wisdom's treasury Abide but firm and unmoveable in the Heavenly Calling from which expect the Blessing of the encrease for the bringing in of that which will assuredly bring joy and ease to the heavy and oppressed in Mind December the 24th 1677. My Spirit deeply sympathized with one that was in travel with me for the Revelation of Christ's Heavenly Kingdom Who in bindings and spiritual droughts famine passing often through with me therefore obliged to be fellow-helpers of each other in every Hour of Tryal and Temptation I besought the Lord and made enquiry on his behalf and this Word on his behalf was given in saying I have heard the bemoaning of Ephraim against whom a Confederacy of Spirits have been working but they shall all be broken as a Potters Vessel while he in Love and Faith adhereth fearingly to my living Word Then know that he the Ephraim may of the Righ-hand Blessing come through all Tribulations to stand in Victory with the Lamb upon the Mount of Joy and Liberty To which dear Lord bring him through all that which would hold him under and depress him Oh that oily Pool that can soon the dark stone dissolve let it rise and spring that we may find our way made free and clear up unto thee forever to be conversant in Spirit with thee all Heavenly One December the 25th 1677. This Word visited me saying How great is the goodness that is treasured up for those that love and long for the mighty God and the everlasting Saviour Therefore dress and trim your selves every Day for your Bridegroom who doth take great pleasure to find you all comely sitting at the deep Manifestation Gate and there waiting Oh sweet Jesus if thou wilt this Gate open and give us out thy Love from thence then we will not remove because of the sweet and pleasant savour that do's issue forth from thee Oh come with all pulling force that as a bright Cloud we may be of a dissolving Nature for all Love's impressions from thee that we our selves may be one with thy Celestial Nature unchangeably December the 26th 1677. This Word was opened in me this Morning saying After all knowledge and believing in him with whom your superiour Life lieth hid Now your great business and concern is to travel for its manifestation in and according to redeeming Power By which it may appear in its own native liberty and act for it self in Soveraignity as having put on the Lord Jesus as your Cloathing of Power For nought else will commend you in the sight of Men. December the 29th 1677. Upon the Consideration of A. W's Prophecy it was advised me that we should have no part with her in divine Justice nor be Agents in the avenging property in desiring Plagues and Vials of Wrath to come so immediately upon the Formal Churches It was shewn me that it was not the Time nor the Manner revealed yet how they should be overturned God had permitted her though a Lamb of Christ's Fold to be sifted and tryed through the opening of a Center from whence Spirits did strongly thus prophecy as to the time and manner and did upon her Spirit impress the time and so deceived her herein The Lord restore her and give her a more distinct discerning of Spirits from the several Centers from which Sounds and Voices do proceed The Kingdom of Love cryed the Voice in me is that which will open and be strong to prevail Even that Ministration of Love shedding abroad by the Holy Ghost is to drown and quench the Wrath and Angels that are strong and powerful in the Compassionate Love the Lamb of God will raise up to be eminent for trust in the agitating and managing of the great Spiritual Affairs belonging to his Priestly Kingdom that is upon its revealing to be more visible and shall mightily prosper in the hand of such who are the pure and meek of the Earth Who thereby do open the Love-Center whereout the Unction of Prophecy and true Revelation do's infallibly proceed for their direction December the 30th 1677. Upon some Considerations which were weighty upon my Mind concerning the daily expectation of that Kingdom which by the Holy Ghost comes to be manifested And calling over many foregoing things which as to this might usher in the Temple-Glory which is so beautiful and desirable to Spirits that are waiting here for it This was shewn me from hence that Vision
crazy Building you may take the Word of your Lord Jesus who by his Spirit is now come to tell you the material Matter of this House which you are to enter upon the Matter and Form of which is God himself Who hath had the Denomination of Old to be the Dwelling-place of his People and the Saints Pavilion throughout all Generations This Building is all of Saphire Stone having perfect measures of Length Breadth and Heights according to the Figure de-declared by Ezekiel who obscurely pourtraied out this high and wonderful Palace for the most holy Priests to enter in and to perform their daily Worship God is not a naked unfurnished House you will find it already provided to your Hand without any care or toil in first second and third Story with suitable Furniture to every place So that you will cry Oh how amiable are the Courts of Holiness Here you will desire to dwell for ever in him who doth so splendorously dilate himself to your Internal Senses that all may have a satisfying Content Now the next thing to be considered is to know what is here included in the Promise Ans. Here is included the whole Number of Divine and Celestial Relations promised upon a new Score of which Iob was a true Similitude who lost all in this very same kind and had all again restored as a Figure of this new replenished state All the Comfort that may be expected further from hence is Marriage-Union From whence Encrease may come without this the other will not altogether perfect the Joy Therefore be assured that Care is taken for this also there is a numerous Off-spring out of this Holy Habitation to be Born Your Father hath already made the Match before Hand before you do come thither All things while you are in this Principle are determined upon Oh! here you will know the unutterable Pleasure of a Bridegroom who will be so intimately tender over you that you shall say Never was such kind of Love known or fathomed when you shall know no more any Interposing Lover but can appropriate each other in all Purity A blessed exchange here will then be understood But yet there are higher Degrees of Joy when you shall bring forth after your own Heavenly perfect Likeness The great Blessing that is promised upon this Conjunction with the Virgin-Bride is Fruitfulness Ye shall also see of the travel of your Spiritual Bodies and therewith be satisfied Wisdom as a fruitful Vine upon the sides of this Eternal House and Building will spread forth her self Consider that of Isaiah which Prophecy is yet to be fulfilled Isa. 49. 20 21. In this time the Children which thou shalt have after thou hast lost the other shall say the Place is too strait meaning this earthly Principle they cannot thereto be confined they may look into it and pass through it as Strangers to shew themselves as Jesus did after his Resurrection but no continued Habitation for them is here v. 22. But thou shalt say in thy Heart who hath begotten these seeing I had lost my Children and was left alone This represents your dead and deplorable state once and the suddain and unexpected Restoration In that clause Where have they been So that a Nation and Kingdom of Priests seems to be born in one Day This is marvellous indeed when ye shall see your Spiritual Offspring as Olive-Plants about your Table set This must needs heighten your Peace and Joy in him who is your Tabernacle framer who hath such durable and pleasant Comforts provided in this Mountain of Holiness Besides there are also Brethren and S●sters which are born with you from one and the same Eternal Spirit whose Loves are pure and immutable as God's Love is rejoycing Not envying at each others Degrees of Glory No grudgings there is though a Benjamin's Portion be doubled Among these nothing known is but an high sweet refreshing Harmony A blessed Family thus compact It may well make you groan to put off this Earthly House that so this Royal Society may be made known to you And as ye have been long herefrom kept as Exiles so let this true and faithful account which now is given by that Spirit who doth bear a true Witness hereof provoke you this Translation to seek and that withal your Might For the Emphasis lieth in that Word of your Jesus his Promise if you well observe which runs Now in this Time or in this very time signifying all Here to be made good Which will awaken great Persecutions as it is said strange Uproars within and without you Which the Prince of this World will raise when he seeth that any one shall in great earnest resolve to put off all that he can challenge right unto It is the earthly Sinful Body that he disputes for leave it him for after this manner he contended for Moses Body which God had hid Be ye henceforth Exiles here but real Inhabitants with God your appointed dwelling Place Leave this Principle and all what is its own care not but render up what you had from it For when you have quitted all doubt not but the hundredfold will come upon you according as hath been revealed Be you the first Adventurers here for it and ye shall be undoubtedly highly blessed The same Day I had this Word spake in me thy Soul is among tearing Lyons but a Daniel guard is about thee They shall make no Prey whilst thou dost fly to thy Rock for shelter thou shalt see their Mouthes sealed up forcibly February the 18th 1676 7. Arguments to plead with the Lord were given to me this Night Which I found was from the Spirit of Prayer that urged strongly and potently in me for our remove out of this Tent of vile Humanity into what I did in Spirit see Upon which I had this Word spoke to me Be patient in Hope stedfast in Faith ardent in Love and ye will move the Trinity to send forth Decrees for your enlargement Then again was given into me an Idea as the Dr. and I did mutually joyn in Prayer in and for the same thing that our Condition was like to Ionah swallowed up in the Belly of the Whale shut up in the House of Death enclosed in the Body of Sin round which the Seas and Floods did beat upon and the Deeps did roar and boil as a Pot of Ointment All which presented this World with the mutinous Spirits that are as the restless Waves that would as the Belly of Hell devour us if not bounded It was thus shewed to me that the true Prophetical Ionah was in us who was cast into this boisterous Sea which would drown the Prophetical Life but that the wise preventing Love of God hath provided for Ionah's safety in the very Belly of Death Out of this Grave the Lord our God doth hear our Voice though the Earth with her Bars are about us yet said the Living Word out from Corruption your Lives shall be brought Thus