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A44854 Hē apostasīa, ho antichristos, or, A scriptural discourse of the apostasie and the Antichrist, by way of comment, upon the twelve first verses of 2 Thess. 2 under which are opened many of the dark prophecies of the Old Testament, which relate to the calling of the Jews, and the glorious things to be affected at the seventh trumpet through the world : together with a discourse of slaying the witnesses, and the immediate effects thereof : written for the consolation of the Catholike Church, especially the churches of England, Scotland, and Ireland / by E.H. Hall, Edmund, 1619 or 20-1687. 1653 (1653) Wing H325; ESTC R11943 203,833 222

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the sad Ship-wrack of a good cause which went ●…ut and returned like Solomons Ships for gold The King and the Parliament at their first s●…ting out promised fair and good grounds of great hopes ●…f m●…ch good both to Church and State appeared but soon was the King whether drawn or driven or both d●…parted from the right way He took the sword and sadly per●…shed by the sword the Lords and Commons made vowes and protestations to God and man and in the breach of them were broken Each of these with the Emperour Mauritius might justly say Jusius es Domine justa sunt tua judicia in all that hath befal●…en them Yet in these dreadfull frowns of his upon the Reformers we may see Gods gracious smiles upon their intended reformation whiles the clouds of Gods just displeasure overs●…adowed the Reformers a bright beam of his Providence shined on that cause they all professed for the King Lords and Commons that began in a good cause but afterwards were divided upon different self-interests at the very last of all met again consulted agreed and finished all three together their testimony concerning this cause and then 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Revel 11. 7. God snatched both that from them and th●…m from us unworthy of both who contemning the golden yoke of Christs government are justly liable to the iron ●…oke of Antichrists tyranny However let the Parliaments cause in the eyes of the wise be magnified though the underta●…ers of it be for ends best known to God debased let God and his cause be true though every man be found a liar before him Let not therefore the professed friends of Zion in this day of Gods dark and dreadfull providences amongst us stumble and fall as the most of professours do from their first principles let not the reproaches of ●…apists and open prophane persons on one hand nor of Sectarian●… on the other hand make us lose our stedfastnesse let our ●…ffections and prayers be the same for our Reformation and our Reformers as formerly let not their failings in the cause cause us to fall from the cause Angels not men are able to carry on a Reform●…tion without faults where shall we finde a Reformaion ●…arried on without great miscarriages At the first Nationall Reformation in the world we finde Moses the Churches Monarch in the Mount with God and Aaron the Seventie and the people his ●…riest his 〈◊〉 and his subjects in the valley that while with the Devil y●…t their ●…ellish sm●…ke below did not eclipse Gods light above that day was a glorious day of Reformation notwithstanding in the eyes of all the people the two Tables wer●… br●…ke by Moses their 〈◊〉 the Lords anointed in Nehemiahs time how many 〈◊〉 were g●…t into that box purposely so pollute the ointment of a Reformation oppressours and supplanters and Schismaticks had shrewdly 〈◊〉 blown that Reformation yet 't was carried on at last God can carry on a cause by mens miscarriages David a man after Gods one heart began●…s Reformation he stumbled in limine for he should have brought home the Arke Deut. 10. 8. according to Moses prescription upon the Priests shoulders but he followes the Philistines fashion and fetcheth it home upon a Cart. Here the King and his Parliament I mean his Nobles and the Priests all stumbled and by this stumble the 〈◊〉 was shaken and Uzzah smitten yet the Ark was the same and so 〈◊〉 the n●…erer its appointed place We mention this to the shame of those 〈◊〉 th●…se dayes who pretend to follow the 〈◊〉 but startle and start aside 〈◊〉 because th●…se beasts that were employed to draw it have stum●… and 〈◊〉 it Oh Christians take heed of apostatizing from Gods ca●…se when persecuted God takes that from Christians most grievously If God smote to the grave Uzzah for touching the Ark when it shock will he not smi●…e to hell those Apostates that kick their heel at the Ark now 't is shaken There were never such a number of brazen-faced Apostates seen in the World together as in these dayes England and Scotland have produced These wormes which bred in the belly of the Church made it sick and miscarry of a Reformation since they are voided the Church though for the present weak I hope ●…s neer to her recovery Let those then that long and lo●…k for her recovery take off their hearts from murmuring at the cause and turn all their complaints against themselves ô that the spirit of supplication might passe through the Protestant Churches this day ô that all the families that fear the Lord might 〈◊〉 before the Lord this day that each might see how they have in their places fallen short of the glory of God Oh that the families of the house of David of Nathan of Levi and Shimei i. e. of the Royall blood and Priestly function might mourn this day before the Lord for their own si●…s and the sins of their fore-fathers ô that we might all know in th●…s our day of visitation the things that concern our peace The sacred prophicies tell us if we mistake them not that the Churches deliverance is nigh at hand that time when the Witnesses shall rise the everlasting Gospel shall be preached to all people and the twelve Tribes converted and also the time when the Devil the beast and the false Prophet shall be cast into the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone now as Daniel Chap 9 finding out the expi●…ation of the 70 years captivity did thereupon betake himself to fast and pray and confesse the sins of Judah Jerusalem and all Israel with the sins of their Kings Princes and fore-fathers so ought we that look after the publick weale of the Church finding by the prophecies that the Apostasie is well nigh finished and the Antichrist appears which is the immediate fore-runner of Christs glorious comming as we shew in the ensuing Tract to raise the Witnesses and restore the Iews to bet●…ke ourselves to solemn humiliation fasting and prayer making confession of the sins of our Kings of our Nobles of our Ministers and of our people taking to ourselves Daniels words Chap 9. 16. For our sins and the iniquity of our forefathers Ierusalem is become a reproach ô Lord to all that dwell about it now therefore cause thy face to shine upon thy Sanctuary that is desolate for the Lords sake ô Lord incline thine ear to hear open thine eyes and behold our desolations Oh that we would all turn Priests and come quickly bringing this holy ●…incense with us into the Congregation that so atonement might be made for the Churches of God against which great wrath from the Lord is gone out this day and sore plagues are upon them Gods eares are not heavy nor is his hand shortened that he cannot save us but our pride security hardnesse unbelief impenitencie and murmuring have kept back good things from us Why are we in bondage to a generation that curse their father and
Antichrists ruine as 't is expounded Revel 14. 15. the place is called the valley of decision and why of decision not that this alludes to the harvest but to the place where this harvest shall be which is Mount Olivet alluding to that great rent that the Antichrist shall make there Zach. 14. 4. the great division shall be made betwixt Antichrist and the true Church by Mount Olivet cannot be meant otherwise then some eminent National Church of Unity within it selfe out of which Church Antichrist and his apostate company arise against it and this makes Mount Olivet to cleave in sunder so that now that place is become the valley of decision and then the next verse after the Text v. 15. tells us this day of the Lord is to be when the Iews redemption draweth nigh Luke 21. and as Matth. 24. hath it when the signe of the Son of man appears in heaven for the Sun shall be darkened the Moon shall withdraw her light as 't is in all the Evangelists except Iohn and the immediate effect of it is as in the following verses a glorious day of Church-reformation likewise in Obadiah 15 16. this day of Antichrists destruction is called the day of the Lord upon the Gentiles what Gentiles 1 The Gentiles that have drank the blood of the Church they were those Gentiles that had dranke blood upon the holy Mountain therefore as these Heathens had done to the Church so the Lord would now do to them Revel 18. 16. is a parallel Comment on this Text. 2 They are those Gentiles that shall be destinated to destruction when the Gospel-Church shall have a glorious deliverance and the Iews both the ten Tribes and two Tribes for these are the sonnes of Iacob shall possesse their possessions verse 17. by which it seems most probable that this day of the Lord must be that day when God destroys Antichrist who gathers great strength Revel 19. 19. against the Lord Jesus that is against his true Church and this war is called a war with the Lambe i e. with the true Church for it is impossible they should make war with the Lord Jesus any otherwise then by ruining his Offices and his Ordinances and blaspheming his Name and denying his Godhead and which so neerly concerns his honour that he will by his immediate power and might arise and ruine the Antichrist and his Polyarchie To these we might add many more texts Zach. 14. 1 3 5. parallel with Iude 14. and Revel 14. 1. CHAP. XII ANd shall destroy with the brightnesse of his comming 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 this is that other expression of the manner of Antichrists ruine It is a word say the Learned rarely found amongst other Authors but familiarly in Pauls writings it is a word setting out the utter ruine of the Antichrist as Antichrist by his appearing made the power of the two Witnesses and all their pious endeavours of none effect he brought it to nothing by laying their honour and majesty in the dust so Christ by his appearing shall bring down and destroy the government and strength and power of Antichrist he shall render all that he hath done as vain Christ shall overturn his Babel-strength and ambition Christ shall make all his successes to come at last to nothing and all his wealth and conceited honour to vanish away He thinks by his prosperous successes to be some body and to raise himselfe a sure pillar but Christ shall make all this uselesse to him and of none effect he 'l not leave one stone of his Government standing upon another Hence Daniel 7. 26. a Text parallel with this both in phrase and sense 't is there said The Iudgment shall fit and they shall take away his dominion to consume and destroy him unto the end The like expression to the same end we have Revel 14. 19. of casting the vine of the earth into the great wine-presse of the wrath of God that is crushing him to nothing grinding him as small as the dust making him lighter then vanity uselesse and vanishing as the smoke Concurring in sense with these is that Text Revel 19. 20. where the Antichrist is taken cast alive into the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone which notes first the dreadfulnesse of the destruction He is cast alive and secondly theirr ecoverableness of his ruine He perisheth for ever for out of hell there is no redemption and thirdly it notes the Author of this ruine The Lord Jesus for none can cast into hell but he none hath the power of heaven and hell but he he hath the key of David and none but he Once again let 's view the word and it denotes the quality of the person as well as the manner of his ruine I think we may stretch the sense so far without cracking any golden string of divine Truth Observe then there are two enemies that Paul saith Christ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shall destroy This in the Text Iohn in Revel 20. 5. compared with Revel 19. 20. tells us shall be at the first resurrection the other enemy Paul tells us 1 Cor. 15. 26. at the last and general resurrection 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shall be destroyed there 's the same word expressed of death which is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the last enemy of the general resurrection to note that the greatest and worst of enemies to be destroyed at the first resurrection of Jews and Gentiles to Christ is this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and the last and worst of enemies at the second is death With the brightnesse of his comming 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to a word in the appearing of his presence 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies an appearance with glory and splendor Against my South-winde here ariseth the Euroclydon I am fallen into a place where three Seas meet Some say by this comming of Christ is meant the comming of Christ to Judgement some say no but it is meant Christs comming to reigne personally upon earth amongst his Saints Say a third neither but Christs comming is to destroy Antichrist by his glorious power in raising up the Witnesses This last opinion is the truest and like truth hath the fewest followers That opinion that this is meant of the coming of Christ to Judgment is most imbraced and followed and their reason for it is the same that the Chiliasts use to maintein their absurd and little lesse then blasphemous opinion of Christs personal reign upon the earth amongst his Saints militant before the day of Judgement They say that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 when used about Christ signifies his personall appearance alwayes in Scripture but say they Christ shall not personally appear untill the day of Judgment Ergo the destruction of Antichrist shall not be untill the day of Judgement Cold comfort for the Church Militant which by this opinion is like to lie under the frozen Zone of Antichristian persecution untill Doomes-day that all the world
Church whereof you are members let love to the generations yet unborn who are to be members of the Church provoke you to constancie That they when they shall blush to read of the shameful Apostasie of many eminent Professors may rejoyce and be incouraged by your patience pray ●…aith and constancy to maintain those truths you leave them sealed with your bl●…ud with Christian courage in the greatest storms of persecution and give glory to God on your behalf in imitation of your singular vertues wherefore stand fast and in your deepest troubles lift up your head for your Redemption draweth nigh 't is but waiting a little while and then he that cometh will come and will not tarry when he 'l come over the mountains an unexpected way and will appear to you on th●…se Mountains like a pleasant Roe but he 'l come as a thief upon your enemies that is suddenly unexpectedly terribly bloudily with his sword drawn in his hand spoiling them in a moment when your enemies are fol●…ed together as thorns and whiles they are drunken as drunkards they shall be devoured as stubble fully dry but on Mount Zion shall be deliverance That thou Christian Reader mayst be found on Mount Zion in this great and terrible day of the Lord which by all Scripture-signes is neer at hand that thou mayest be one of those that keep their garments clean and wait for the comming of our Lord that thou mayest not be found amongst the number of Christs enemies when he comes but mayest disc●…rn the times and the seasons so as thereby before-warned to flie from the wrath to come I have with much labour and diligence presented with all the affection of a sincere Christian this ensuing Treatise to thy view if thou beest a gainer by it for thy souls good give glory to God the Authors designe is fully accomplished Farewel In the first page of the Preface for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 read 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 read 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Of the APOSTASIE The First Part. CHAP. 1. THis Chapter is a part of the second Epistle of Paul which he wrote to the Thessalonians I call it the second Epistle in regard of its posteriority to the first in the order of place it is in all the Greek Copies the last or second Epistle yet Learned Doctor Estius and Grotius do conceive this second in the order of time to be the first as being written by Paul first their grounds for this I shall not meddle with it not lying within my circle at this time to enquire when and where Paul writ this Epistle yet I doubt not ere I leave this Subject but to make it manifest that this Epistle is Pauls second Epistle in time as well as place to the Thessalonians That Paul was the Author of this Epistle is on all hands granted the only thing then that we shall enquire after before we come to the Text is who this Paul was Here it will not be impertinent to give a word or two 1. Of his Birth 2. His Breeding 3. His Conversion 4. His Name 1. Paul was born at Tarsus the Metropolitan City of Cilicia Acts 21. 39. The son of a Pharisee an Hebrew of the Hebrews Philip. 3. 4. 5. A man that for Natural Birth-right-Priviledges could have boasted with the proudest Iew he was of the Tribe of Benjamin out of which Tribe God gave the twelve Tribes their first King after whose name he was called these two Sauls fulfilled the dark side of that Prophecy Gen. 49. 27. being monstrous Wolves against Christs Sheep and Shepherds 2. Pauls Breeding o●… Education was under Gamaliel Act. 22. 3. who was a man of great Authority and Learning amongst the Iewes he was a member of the great 〈◊〉 which sate at Ierusalem and had the sole power of judging of a Prophet he was a Doctor of the Law of great repute among all the people Act 5. 34. who by his eloquence and wisdom in one Dilemma put to silence the High-Priest and all the Doctors or rather I may say he made them like Subjects fall to his opinion This Learned Doctor was Pauls Tutor Now how to reconcile Act. 18. 3. with what I have writ or rather what the Holy Ghost discovers in the forementioned Texts of Pauls Education I do not know for it is generally concluded from this Text that Paul was a Tent-maker by Trade now that Paul should be a Pharifee and a Tent-maker was as absurd amongst the Iewes as it is amongst Orthodox Christians to say a man is a Minister and a also a Cobler or a Tinker unless Paul were as by his wild Zeal he should seem to be a Tub-Pharisee indeed the Jewish Church was at that time exceedingly degenerated from its primitive Purity and that very Sect declared so much for a Pharisee was but an hypocritical Sectarian Separatist And Drusius tels us that they ●…an Division to seven there was the Praise-seeking Pharisee and the Self-justiciaty and the Self-afflicting Pharisee that wounded his head and scratched his body with thorns the Slavishly-fearful Pharisee the virtuous Pharisee the covetous Pharisee and lastly the down-look'd devoted Pharisee who wore a thing like a Mortar on his head to hinder his looking upward But I find another distinction more grave but whether more Authentick I leave to the Jewish Antiquaries to determine there are two sorts of Pharisees namely Porashim and Parushim as the Hebrews term them that is Docentes and Separati Teaching Pharise●…s and Laik Pharisees now this distinction is brought by Antiquaries purposely to salve that Text Luke 18. 12. where the Pharisees boast that they paid Tythe of Mynt and Cummin Now if they paid Tythes saith the Disputant how were they Church-men To this it is answered The Teaching Pharisees paid not Tythes But received them but the Laick Pharisees paid it But this distinction is not satisfactory for if none but Laicks paid Tythes then we may as well conclude that all the Levites were Laicks because the Levits paid Tythes to the Priests I humbly conceive the answer ●…would be sound and true thus That it does not follow that of absolute necessity the Pharisees that paid Tythes must be Laicks for why might not they being Church-men pay Tythes to the Priests at the Temple as well as the Levites who receive Tythes pay the Tythe of their Tythes to the Priests Numb 18. 28 29. But the Priests were Levites and the Levites called Priests Ezek. 44. 15. Heb. 7. 5. But we need none of these distinctions or answers to solve this question about Paul for we do affirm from Act. 26. 4 5. that Paul before his Conversion was no Tent-maker for Paul declares before King Agrippa that all the Jewes knew that from his youth he had lived after the strictest Sect of Iudaism a Pharisee now no body believes that the strictest Sect of Pharisees were Trades men much less Tent-makers
by which Antichrist shall be by little and little consumed and brought to nothing if this be a true interpretation of these words then the Lords destruction of Antichrist is not nor cannot be at the day of Judgement for then the Ministerie of the Word shall cease But Cornelius à Lapide confutes this opinion by one good argument It cannot saith he be meant the preaching of the Word for Antichrist shall remove that by slaying the two Witnesses ô Cornelius I fear thou wilt prove a true Prophet Antichrist will forbid all Preachers upon the greatest penalties to let alone his usurped tyrannical bloudie government Neither saith he is the preaching of the Word able to kill Antichrist Alas Antichrist is Sermon-proof All the reason and Religion in the World shall not take him off from his purposes all the thundering Cannons of the Church affright him no more then a paper-pellet from a pot-gun he is shot-free in this holy War he is that Leviathan which counts these darts as stubble and laugheth at the shaking of these spiritual spears Therefore saith my Author Christ when he comes to destroy him shall not come ad praeliandum but ad judicandum Hence he and with him Aquinas Oecumenius Andreas Scaynus Fab. Paulutius Goranus conclude that by the spirit of his mouth is meant his Imperiall command his Majestick sentence Aquinas hath another tolerable exposition of these words he parallels these words with that in Isaiah 11. where it is said The zeal of the Lord of boasts shall do this that is the zeal of his justice wherewith he is zealous out of love for the good of his Church Indeed zeal it is flamma amoris and as the Noble Husband otherwise milde and gentle cannot but furiously arise against those that offer injurie to his beloved wife which flame of fury ariseth from the fire of love even such is Christs against the enemies of his Spouse the Church especially against the Antichrist the greatest and worst of enemies to the Spouse of Christ. Grotius by these expressions of the Apostle understands the facility of the work in Christs hands He can as easily confound Antichrist as the winde before the smoak away as the Sun causeth the dew to vanish 't is but speaking the word and it is done as Antiochus Dan 8. 25. a type of the Antichrist was destroyed without hands so shall the Antichrist without hands by the breath of Christs mouth be destroyed In Psal. 10. 5. there we finde the wicked succesful Tyrant puffing at his enemies he overthrows them by his might as easily as a man blows out a Candle 't is an expression full of disdain to his enemies even so here Christ in disdein to the Antichrists might and power shall with the breath of his mouth confound him As Antichrist puffed at the Saints of God disdeining all their force and power and easily vanquished and overthrew them so the Lord Jesus when he comes he will puff at Antichrist and easily vanquish him and therefore Christ in disdein to him all his power that he brings against him Rev. 19. 17 18. sends his messenger to invite the fowls of the air to a supper that he would give them made of the carcases of those Kings and Captains and mighty men so much doth he disdein the armies of his enemies and so little doth he doubt of the success of the day that before he fights he promiseth the fowles a supper at night of these mighty men that set themselves in array against him that day the breath of Christs mouth against his enemies is that that shall overthrow them in the height of their strength Therefore Isaiah 59 19. When the enemy shall come in like a floud the Spirit of the Lord shall by blowing against sin make him to flie the Spirit of Christs mouth shall vanquish the adversary the Antichrist The Scope of this Text being to set forth the destruction of the Antichrist by the Lord Jesus his immediate power and command I conceive the expressions in the Text are such as run parallel with the Old and New Testament-texts that prophesie also of this great day of Antichrists destruction For the finding out of those parallel Texts we must take in both expressions whom the Lord shall destroy with the breath of his mouth and consume with the brightnesse of his comming 't is but a doubling of the same expression as Grotius observes after the manner of the Hebrews when they intend either to expresse a thing elegantly or vehemently or certainly both these expressions tends saith Grotius to one thing For the first expression we shall finde some Texts onely parallel with the matter some both with the marter and the phrase whom the Lord shal destroy with the breath of his mouth Parallel both with the phrase and matter are those two Texts Isa. 11. 4. and Revel 19. 15. Isa. 11. 4. And he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked one This Text saith Cornelius à Lapide Paul alludes unto vel potiùs citat or rather cites it It is manifest both from the Hebrew Translators and also from the Greek Translatours that the Texts in the phrase are alike one thing more is observable in the reading of the Text that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Scebet which we translate rod signifies Scepter so that He shall smite the earth with the Scepter of his mouth this Scepter of his mouth Revel 19. 15. is called the sword of his mouth wherewith he smites the Gentiles here he smites the Gentiles there the earth both which Lukes copie of the same prophecie from Christs mouth expresseth Luke 21. 25. there the earth shall be distressed and in great anxiety and the Gentiles at their wits end CHAP. XI IN the prophecies there are two great dayes spoken of wherein Christ comes with sore punishments upon the Roman Gentiles before both which times he is seen upon his white horse In Revel 6. he goes forth conquering on his white horse but the Roman Gentiles yield not whereupon the great day of the Lambes wrath fell upon the Roman Emperours that they were not able to stand against Constantine but were utterly overthrown and cast from heaven the Imperiall Throne Revel 12. The next great day of battel against the Roman Gentiles is against the apostate Antichristian Gentiles Revel 19. where we finde Christ again appearing on his white horse utterly to ruine the heads of the Romish Apostasie and the Antichrist which are both set forth under these two titles the beast and the false Prophet Now as at the first great overthrow of the Romish Pagan Gentiles the Jewes were driven out of their own Countrey and scattered throughout the World so at or about this great day of Christs comming to plague the Antichristian Gentiles the Jews shall be both converted to the Gospel and called again to
of the gracious promises then to be fulfilled which to this day have not been fulfilled v 9 10. There shall be no killing nor destroying in all Gods holy mountain or in the mountain of holinesse i. e. all wars shall cease amongst Christians The mountain of the Lord shall be on the top of all the mountains that is the Church shall prevail as Christianity did in Constantines dayes and much more abundant and the Gentiles shall flock in unto it hereby their union shall be wrought which shall produce a generall peace in the Church Now to this day this hath not been accompilshed therefore it is to be say many learned men yea the Rabbins themselves in a manner affirm as much that it is to be when the Lord shall come to destroy Antichrist for they say it shall be accomplished when their Messias comes which they say will be in the end of the Roman Monarchy which they call their last redemption being exceeding angry at the Christians would they had not just cause for extending many of their most ample and glorious prophecies no further then the second Temple Vide Rab. Solomon on Ier. 31. 40. and then the promise is that the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the Sea i. e. there shall be an universal knowledge of Christ in the world which never yet hath been and then in v. 10. it shall be in that day that Christs rest shall be glory or exceeding glorious by rest is here meant either the peace and tranquillity of the Church which he calls his rest or the place of Christs residence which signifies his Church So that either way the Text hath not been yet fulfilled for the Church hath had little rest since Christs time for the generall Apostasie hindered its glory but when the Apostasie shall be taken away then the rest of the Church shall be glorious therefore this smiting the wicked one in the Text is most probably the smiting of Antichrist 3 From v. 11 12 13 14. we argue for this smiting of the wicked one shall be in that day when God will recover the remnant of his people the second time from Assyria and Egypt and Pathros and Cush this must be meant of some recovery of them after their carrying Captive into Babylon by the Assyrians for they were never set down in Scripture to be delivered above once from Assyria and that was when they were restored by Cyrus But now here is a second restoring again of the Jews which must be understood of their restoring under the Gospel which yet hath not been for their recovery v. 12. shall be from the four corners of the earth from whence they were never yet redeemed but are to be Matthew 24. 30 31. compared with Ezechiel 37. 9 to 28. And Revel 1. 7. when Christ comes in the clouds that is sits on the white cloud Revel 14. with a Sickle in his hand to cut down the vine of the earth i e. the beast of the earth the Antichrist In Isaiah Christ sets up an Ensigne and in Matth. 24. there is the signe of the Son of man by that in both the dispersed Jews are gathered from the four corners of the earth And that which most of all confirmes it that this conversion and redemption of them is to be in these latter dayes is v. 13. for Ephraims and Iudahs enemies shall be cut off and both Ephraim and Iudah i. e. the ten Tribes and the two Tribes never since Solomons time united shall be now at peace and firmly united but this hath never yet been therefore say very many this promise is to be fulfilled From all this I argue If the great Gospel-effect in uniting Jew and Gentile together of universall peace in the Churches of Christ of universall knowledge of Christ in the earth of the recovering of the Hebrews from the four corners of the earth and uniting them being recovered be to be in that day when Christ shall smite the earth with the rod of his power with the breath of his mouth slay the wicked one then this day is yet to come and in all probability this smiting is the smiting of the Antichrist after whose ruine these glorious things are to be effected as very many of the Ancients and of the pious learned Recents affirm besides many clear Texts which make it apparent The destruction of the Antichrist is onely ascribed to the Lord Jesus and to none else hence it is that in Deut. 32. 39 40 41 42. we finde Christ in fighting against him speaking of himselfe at least eleven times in the singular number I even I am he I kill I make alive I wound I heal I lift up my hand I live for ever if I whet my sword I will render vengeance I will make mine arrowes drunk with blood Christ in the first person singular he alone will have the honour of Antichrists destruction and hence it is that thrice in Daniel 7. we have the little horn the last upstart under the Roman Monarchy his ruine set out like the day of Judgement though the horn be little yet his ruine is great in v. 9. he is ruined by the Ancient of dayes who did sit this is the Lord Jesus who is Alpha and Omega who in the ruine of this little horne sets up v. 14. his own Kingdome which is an universall Kingdome and a perpetuall Kingdome that is untill the end of the World In v. 21 22. there you have the Antichrist and the quality of those over whom he tyrannizeth they are Saints which gives us by the way to know that Antichrist must tyrannize within the purest Church in that Church where are visible Saints And you have the Ancient of dayes again appearing many take this to be the day of Judgement because here is mention made of the Ancient of dayes comming which is onely to be understood of the comming of Christ to ruine Antichrist and to call the elect of Jews and Gentiles unto the profession of the Gospel the same you have again in v. 25 26. and in Dan. 11. 45. and 12. 1. when the Antichrist shall come to his end after he hath prevailed so far against the Saints as to pitch his tents in the mountain of holinesse at that time Michael shall stand up to bring trouble upon the enemies of the Church and deliverance to his distressed people this Michael is none other but the Lord Jesus Christ who by his immediate providence in making bare his Arm making naked his Bowe and appearing with the sickle in his hand all Scripture-expressions of his immediate power terribly and utterly confoundeth Antichrist and all Antichristian powers Hence also 't is that Ioel calls this great day of the destruction of the Antichrist the day of the Lord Ioel 3. 14. and what is this day of the Lord in the verse before 't is the time of his putting in his sickle to reap the great harvest of
love of complacency 't is a kinde of death to them to be disswaded there they are resolved to love there to live there to die and there to be damned which the Holy Ghost tells us is their certain doom notwithstanding all their flourishes and feigned shewes of sanctity As it is impossible to pluck a reall Saint from Christ because he is elected so 't is impossible to pluck one of these mook-Saints from Antichrist because they are destinated to be damned the foregoing signes of whose damnation is their rejection of the the truth cleaving to the lie and taking pleasure in the unrighteousnesse All therefore that I have to say to the Churches in generall and to every particular Saint from what I have said is tollete legete take up the Bible and read take up Moses and read him take up the rest of the Prophets and read them take up Christs prophecies of the Antichrist and Pauls and Peters and Iudes and Iohns and see what they say What readest thou what finde ye there finde ye not that the ends of the world are come upon ye finde ye not this day those Scriptures fulfilling in your eyes Learn from them to know the times and the seasons that so the great and terrible day of the Lord which is neer upon all the Gentiles may not come upon you unawares be sober and watch unto prayer gird up the loines of your minde stand fast in the faith quit your selves like men your enemies on all hands are great and furious The Devil is now exceeding wrath knowing he hath but a little while a short reign Let 's therefore be incouraged to patience and let me write one word of comfort from my prison to those Saints of God that seem to be prisoners to the Devil that are held in the dreadfull black chains of desertion that groan out their souls in dolesul complaints Let them be comforted with this Behold the day of the Lord draweth nigh your chains are dreadful but not eternall Lift up your heads for the time of your redemption draweth nigh Satan that hath chained you shall anon be chained and sealed in hell he hath oft assaulted you but he shall assault you no more to deceive you Maintain the combate with constancie patience and faith help is at hand hope in the Lord yet a little while he that cometh will come and will not tarry he 'l come to your aid and comfort and salvation who manfully resist the Devils blaspemous injections when he 'l come to the damnation of those who willingly imbrace and joyfully entertain all his temptations leaping and laughing triumphing in the Devils chains as with bleeding hearts we hear of them see thē every day These are of the night of the black night reserved for chains of darkness but ye who are children of the light though for the present in darkness keep on in duty and in a way of obedience though you finde no comfort in it God may have most glory when you have least comfort and you therein expresse most grace most obedience Faith and patience though in the storm you see it not your acts of faith may be tossed but the habit abides firm that seed of God shall never suffer Ship-wrack in the greatest storme the Mariners skill is seen then most when he saves the ship in a stormy night when he hath neither Sun nor Moon nor Stars to direct or comfort him Keep at the helme of Ordinances let not Ministers nor the Communion of Saints be grievous or irksome to you let the oares of duty be played Pray for the day stars appearing long for the comming of Christ to destroy the beast and the false Prophet and the Dragon according to his prophetick promises for certain that great day is neer and doubtlesse that day will bring great comfort to distressed and deserted souls as well as others therefore long and pray and groane for this comming of Christ which will raise the Witnesses refresh his afflicted Saints and convert the twelve Tribes and chain up the old Dragon Even so Come Lord Iesus Christ Come quickly AMEN FINIS THE POST-SCRIPT AFter I had put an end to what I have writ upon the foregoing subject an eminently learned Text-man having viewed my papers sent to me this insuing note Sir If I mistake not you and I differ much concerning the time of the destruction of Antichrist for there are two great battells to be distinguished the one of the Resurrection of the witnesses Revel 11. which is called a great Earth-quake tending to the fall of the tenth part of the Citty the other the field Armageddon Revel 16. Such an Earth-quake as was not since men were upon the Earth so mighty and so great v. 18. then the great City and the great enemies fall together also I am of opinion that we are under the sixth Viall These words in themselves as also in their effects upon me are as Apples of Gold in pictures of Silver i. e. of ten times greater value then they promise to the outward view Nothing could come more opportunely to me for hereby I have an occasion given me to gather up those sacred mysterious fragments in the Revelations which I onely left behind because I thought Pauls basket I meane the 12. verses I treated on would not well hold them all The things then to be discoursed of from this happy occasion are first of the two great battells the one Revel 11. the other Revel 16. under this the time of the destruction of Antichrist falls to be largely and clearly discussed Secondly of the time of the pouring out of the Vialls For the first I am so far from questioning it that I fully consent to the truth thereof and rather then detract I will add a third battell to be distinguished amongst the rest or at least wise make it questionable The first Revel 11. 1●… 13. when the witnesses rise and the Earth-quake shall beate down the tenth part of the City The second battell Revel 14. 15 16 17 18 19 20. when the Vine of the Earth i. e. the Mahumetan Church is destroyed The third battell Revel 16. 16 17 18. compared with Revel 19. 18 19 20. when the Dragon the Beast and the false Prophet are destroyed Now to question much whether these two latter are not one but of that in its order we shall discusse if we have roome As for that Battle Rev. 11. though I improperly call it a Battle it is clearly distinct from that in Revel 14. 16 17 18 19. and that Revel 19. 19. I cannot well call this in Revel 11. a Battell because in the raising of the witnesses the fall of the tenth part of the City and the slaying of the seven thousand heads of men we finde not so much as a sword unsheathed nor a battell fought for it But verse 11. the Spirit of life from God entring into the witnesses hath this double contrary effect it sets the slaine
the Sickle and the same reason of the words for the Harvest is ripe observe how materially they agree in Ioel 3. 2. 14. the multitude of Gentiles comming together against the converted Jewes and Gentiles is called the gathering of the nations to bring them into the valley of Iehosephat ver 2. and ver 14. that gathering together is called the day of the Lord and in Revel 16. 12. when preparation was made for the Kings of the East to passe the enemies were gathered together ver 16. to Armagedon ver 14. their gathering together is called the battell of the great day of God Almighty Look we farther into Ioel 3. 15. The Sun and the Moon shall be darkned and the Starrs shall withdraw their shining i. e. the Roman and Turkish policy shall be thrown down This is an effect of that day of the Lord and the same effect we shall finde from the battell of the great day of God Rev. 16. for ver 19. the great City was divided into three their usurped Supremacy fell the Sun in that Horizon was darkned and the Cities of the nations fell and great Babilon came to the block and every Island fled away and the Mountaines were not found though the expressions in this and that differ yet they materially agree in this to set forth the incredible and terrible prodigious things which shall befall the enemies of the Church at the seventh Trumpet as in Rev. 14. 18 19 20. that Vine of the Earth may be meant the Turkish Monarchy in Rev. 19. 18. the flesh of Kings and Captains and mighty Men shall in that day be Doggs meat and Crows meat for if it be done thus to the green tree what shall be done to the dry if Judgement begin at the house of God and the righteous can scarcely escape where shall the ungodly and sinners appeare what great things may we look for to be effected in these latter times from these prophetique Texts Be wise now therefore O ye Kings be instructed ye Iudges of the Earth Seek the Lord with feare and rejoice with trembling kisse the Son lest he be angry One thing more we have in Ioel to prove that this prophecy of his is to be fulfilled under the seventh Trumpet Ioel 3. 7. it is to be fulfilled after the time that the Jewes are sold to the Graecians to the Sonnes of the Graecians i. e. into Europe their seventy years captivity was fulfilled in Asia under the African Monarchy but this captivity of the Jews is to be under the Roman Monarchy in the Europian part of the world we know Titus Vespatian sold them for slaves into Greece and other parts of the world and they after that suffered grievous and bloudy conflicts under the Roman Emperours now their redemption from under their last and longest captivity under the Romans and the Turks is not to be untill the sound of the seventh Trumpet Mat. 24. 31. And he shall send his Angels with a great sound of a Trumpet and they shall gather together his Elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other Mathew calls it the great sound of a Trumpet and Isaiah calls it the great Trumpet Isa. 27. 12 13. when God shall gather his Elect one by one it shall come to passe in that day that the great Trumpet shall be blown and they shall come which were ready to perish in the Land of Assyria and the out-casts in the Land of Egypt at the seventh Trumpet the twelve Tribes shall be redeemed from all the quarters of the world This alludes to the sounding of the Trumpet which proclaimed the yeare of Jubilee which was to sound aloud throughout the whole Land that all the poore captives might heare and rejoice thereat for then they were to be set free and restored to their own possessions Levit. 25. even so at the sounding of the seventh Trumpet shall the Jews be restored to their ancient possessions from which they have so long time been driven out as those many clear texts which we have quoted do evince Thus have I humbly presented my opinion of the two battels and how they are to be distinguished and not confounded they being as distinct as the first and second wo. I have also given my reason why I think we are not undr the 6. viall the reason why I have said so little of the vialls is because time to come will be their best Expositer as men have made time past their worst I will not fly reproachfully upon any that have writ upon the vialls for their fancy once had drawn me fully to their opinion but since I searched more into it I cannot finde it is either obvious to sense I do not say fancie or apparent to reason or agreeable at all with Scripture to say that any of the vialls are as yet poured out upon Rome it is absolutely as farre as I see contrary to Scripture for Revel 17. at that time when she is come to judgement ver 1. ver 15. the Whore i. e. the last policy or government in Rome rules over peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues the Prophecy mentions not onely the extent but the efficacy of his power in blasphemy and murder and seducements The policy of Rome prevailes so much Revelat. 18. 7 8. in those Kingdomes and States formerly under or now subject unto its spirituall whoredomes that in its pride it saith like an audacious proud and secure Whore I sit a Queene and am no Widdow and shall see no sorrow therefore shall her plagues come in one day that day that shee thus vaunts it and boasts of prosperity and successe seeing I suppose the Witnesses lye dead that day shall death and mourning and famine and consuming fire fall upon her and what 's all this but the effects of the vialls which in one day come upon her I cannot tell whether this one day be put for one year or one age but 't is put I presume to signifie the speedy end that God will make with Rome when he begins to pour out the vialls so speedy as that the Kings of the Earth her confederates beholding with astonishment fear and wonder such suddain and unexpected judgements on Rome call this day one hour 't is I suppose an hyperbolicall speech comming from the mouthes of men amazed and terrified with such dreadfull judgements comming so suddainly and unexpectedly upon that mighty City all is to tell us that when the vialls are poured out they are poured out orderly but not leisurely there will not be hundreds of yeeres nor months betwixt Viall and Viall I scarce beleeve dayes For God when he begins to judge the Whore he will make a speedy end with her At the seventh Trumpet this mysterie of God shall be finished I le conclude my Discourse of the seventh Trumpet with setting downe in figures not in words that part of Iohns Prophesie which properly falls under the seventh Trumpet viz. Rev. 11. 15. to
comprehended That ye be not troubled as that the day of Christ is at hand Of the coming of our Lord Iesus Christ The general opinion of Authors is that this is meant of the coming of Christ to Judgment as is manifest by the scope of the Text. But herein those Learned men divers of them do in my opinion too much imprison the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in that they allow it no other sense in the Scripture but Christs visible appearance in the flesh it is granted that the word in this Text may be translated concerning the 〈◊〉 appearing of Christ But that it should be alwaies so interpreted excluding any other coming of Christ I shall never yeild unto though very Learned men affirm it Some Learned men observe a threefold coming some a four fold coming of Christ. There is as a Learned Author observes a threefold coming of Christ mentioned in Scripture The one when he came in the flesh when he himself became bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh the other when he enters into a heart of stone and makes it flesh this is by the influence of his grace the third is when he shall come to raise up and judge all flesh and to these I may lawfully adde a fourth coming of Christ mentioned in Scripture Prophecies and that is when he shal come to call the I●…wes to raise the witnesses and to ruine Anti-christ though this truly falls under that of the coming of Christ by the especial almighty influence of his Spirit yet I mention it because I believe in Scripture this word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is used to set forth this special coming of Christ. But more of this in its due place And of our gathering together unto him So the Vulgar Latine Translation reads it The addition of this clause determines the controversie against those that say the Apostle meanes not here the day of Judgment for to 1 Thess 4. 15 16 17. the Apostle alludes where he had delivered the comfortable Doctrine of the Resurrection of all the Saints and of their glorious gathering together and their being caught up with Christ at the day of Judgment Out of this chapter most probably the Seducers took their Text and therefore Paul both repeats his own words and their false glosses upon them in this Text I treat on and the second verse as we shall shew in order as we open the ensuing words The Seducers it seems repeated Pauls words they said thus saith Paul now in comes Paul as the fittest and best interpreter of his own words openly professing and acknowledging that he had delivered such a doctrine as that of Christs coming and the Saints being gathered unto him but flatly denies that ever he writ or spake any thing of the suddenness of that great day as if it were neer at hand as men account neerness viz. within a yeer or an age and further he denies that ever he preacht or writ it for to distract or trouble the Church or drive them from the truth but to comfort and settle them this you may find in the Texts being compared together Thus Paul in the Text having repeated the matter of their fear proceeds now to the causes of this their trouble which in the general are two extrinsecal and intrinsecal one cause of this their trouble and fear was from within themselves the other was from without them and that was false doctrine brought in by false Teachers The inward causes which Aretius calls the effects of error are expressed in three words shaking of mind trouble and being deceived Ver. 2. That ye be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled I should be tedious should I be never so brief in relating all the several senses of several Authors upon these words therefore I 'l contract them for brevity sake Many of them vary in their reading as they vary in their sense Tremelius reads it thus That ye be not soon troubled in your minds Beza reads it thus That ye be not or lest ye be soon removed from mind omitting the emphatical Particle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Translation The old Latine Version reads it That ye be not moved from your sense That ye be not soon shaken in mind so readeth our English Translation The variance of interpretors lyes in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for as for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Learned do all agree that it properly signifies to toss or shake this way and that way this is the usual signification of it in Scripture as Matth. 11. 7. What went ye out for to see a reed à ventis 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shaken of the wind and why is Iohn called a reed shaken of the wind but because he began to doubt whether Jesus were the Christ and therefore for the more certainty sends one of his Disciples to know from his own mouth whether he were the Christ or whether he must look for another A strange distemper in Iohns faith that he that had heard the voice from heaven at his Baptism and had certain knowledg of his miracles should now begin to doubt and think to have it resolved by a word from his mouth In this sense the Septuagint use the word and few use it in any other sense then to signifie a violent concussion or a disordered distracting fear which violently assaulting the soul makes it drive from its station like a ship in a storm whose Anchor hath no other fastning then the mud of the Sea which is not able in a storme to keep the Ship from driving and such are seduced Christians their hope is like a fleeting Anchor which whiles they hope for heaven are driven by the winds and tempests of Seducers from the fairer Haven of Truth yet still drag this groundless Anchor of hope after them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to a word From the mind Some Learned men understand it simply of the rational facultie of the soul called the mind to note that commonly they that are seduced by such impostors are usually drawn into mad and unreasonable practices and opinions as Beza observes bringing for an instance the madness and unreasonableness of the Eastern people seduced to Mahometism and of the Western Christians under the Papacy together with the ragings of Anabaptists Libertines Davidists and others which do evidently declare to the world that these Apostates have lost their common reason therefore Paul adviseth these Thessalonians that these Seducers rob them not of their reason that they do not remove them à mente from their mind the Latine word mens which here the Translators use comes as the Learned observe from a Greek word which signifies the Moon to note the various dispositions of the mind Pauls Doctrine was the Sun and the Thessalonick Church was the Moon which by those heavenly rayes was inlightned now in came these Seducers as the gross body of the earth betwixt the Sun and the
charges brought no other Ornament then that of long hair with them which gross absurdity for he calls it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 they most delighted in and cared for he calls them Dogs yea worse then Dogs 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 They neither remained Dogs nor became Pastors except to devour others labours I will forbeare here to insert History partly for brevity sake and principally because the Historie in the fourth and fifth Century is so easie to be read and understood of every one that can but read English especially of those that can but understand the Latine and Greek tongue and have leisure to read the Councels in those Centuries So now my intended inference from all is this That the Bishop Head or Pastor of the Church of Rome is one of the Ring leaders or general Heads of this Apostasie Now Jesus Christ foreseeing the height of Apostasie that the Roman Church would rise unto if I may pass with my expression my meaning is to what a height of wickedness in this grand Apostasie the Church of Rome in her Ecclesiastick Head or Polity would rise sets it forth in several and various expressions to Iohn as first you have him but as one of the four Angels standing on the Western corner of the earth the Patriarch of Rome and no more though much more then ever Christ by his approving providence I mean by his revealed will in his Word allowed him though how large a power the Councels in Christian prudence may grant unto a single Church-man and how far that grant doth oblige the Church in obedience to that single person I will not dispute These Patriarchs as Prideaux well observes were entering into intolerable and inexcusable Apostasie Next you have the Politie or Head of the Roman Church set forth as a Star not falling or ready to fall but fallen at that present from Heaven to Earth During the time of the heat of the Arian and Eutichian Heresies whiles the Eastern Angels kept the wind of sound Doctrine from blowing on Christs Garden the Church the Western Angel the Bishop of Rome was tolerable ye●… commendable for Rome was a shelter to the Orthodox Christians at that time but soon after you find the Angel now as a 〈◊〉 that fals from Heaven to Earth The Pastors of the Church 〈◊〉 we have shewed already are called Stars Christ Rev. 1. 16. held seven Stars in his hand which ver 20. tells us are the seven Angels or Embassadors of Christ of the seven Churches so that the Star there is the chief Pastor of the Church of Rome which apostatiseth as far from Christs Rule and Ordinance as Heaven is from Earth How great an Apostasie is that in a Minister to usurp a power above an Emperor to usurp a power over all Churches to take the Title of the Prince of Princes and to make it his whole design to Inthrone himself in all Civil and Ecclesiastick Power besides the Apostasie from the purity of Doctrine and Discipline The third sight Iohn hath of him is in Revel 13. 1. there Iohn hath a sight of this great apostate Bishop in his full growth he is now a Beast risen out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten Crowns and upon his heads the names of Blasphemy the Context of this Text and of that Revel 7. 1. of the four Angels give much light into each other in Revel 6. 12 13 14. When the sixth Seal was opened there was an earth-quake the Sun became black and the Moon became as blood and the Stars fell and heaven departed as a scrole and every mountain was moved it is parallel with Rev. 12. 7 8 9. which both signifie one and the same thing viz. the overthrow of the Heathen persecuting Emperours The first is parallel in the phrase with Isai. 34. 4. which expresseth the great fall of the Idumaeans and nothing of the general day of Judgment This kind of expression is usual when God will set forth the overthrow of the heads of Government as in Isa. 13. 10. that is a prophesie of the ruine of the Babylonish heads of Government by the M●…des and Persians as ver 17 18 19 20. expound it yet there God ●…aith The Sun shall be darkned and the Moon shall not cause her light to shine and ver 13. He will shake the heaven●… i. ●… the Thrones of Kings and so Revel 6. 12 13 14. signifies the fall of the Pagan Emperors the heads of the Romish Throne and Government which were thrown down by Constantine the Christian Emperor the self same thing is set forth in Revel 12. where you have the Church in her Primitive purity ver 1 2. groaning to be delivered from under the bloudy Tyranny of the red Dragon ver 3. that is the bloudy state of Pagan Emperors it is parallel with cap. 6. v. 10. where under that Tyranny the Church cries How long O Lord holy and true dost thou no●… judge and avenge our death on those that dwell upon the earth Next you have in cap. 12. 5. the Lord delivering the Church from under the Pagan Emperors by raising up of a Christian Monarch Constantine who is the man-child brought forth in the Church to rule the Nations with a rod of iron that is to subdue them by Conquest as he did and be their Emperial head upon that lawful Title as for those that say this is meant of the birth of Christ his Incarnation Death and Resurrection they do not only mistake the phrase of the Text but the whole Prophesie for in Revel 1. 1. The Revelation is not of knowne things that were past for that 's not properly Revelation but of things which must shortly come to pass but the Incarnation of Christ was not to come to pass it being past As for that expression He was caught up unto God and to his Throne it is that which stands in direct opposition to that afterwards ver 8. of the Divels being cast out of heaven so that he that will inforce that sense upon ver 5. as that it is meant Christs Throne in heaven to which he ascended after his Resurrection must be enforced to grant that until Christs Ascension the Divel was in Heaven which is Blasphemy and therefore we must understand the war betwixt Michael and his Angels and the Dragon and his Angels as meant of the Christians war against the Pagans and Idolatrous heathens and therefore the casting of Satan and his Angels out of Heaven is meant the casting them out of the Imperial Throne from their Lordly power and Dominion and the seating of Constantine that holy Christian Emperor in the Throne 1. He was caught up unto God that is he was converted unto God and 2. He was placed in his Throne whether His hath relation to the Emperor or to God is questionable but it holds good in either sense for it was Constantines Throne by Conquest but it is most probable that His hath
so far from being ignorant of the Jews rejection and their own reception that they insulted and boasted thereupon therefore that cannot be the mystery that Paul importunes them of all mysteries not to be ignorant of it But the mysterie as learned Cajetan observes lyeth principally in these words Untill the fulnesse of the Gentiles shall come in That the Jews were a people cast off for their unbelief is a thing known to all the Churches in the world but to know that the twelve Tribes shall after this sad captivity be brought to Christ and their own Land again and to know how long this their rejection and dissipation shall continue untill they be brought into favour again and restored to be a Church this is a mystery to all the Churches in the world this day And blessed is he that readeth and understandeth this mystery This mysterie of all mysteries the holy Ghost would have this Church to take notice of therefore 't is ushered in with this double guard 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 this the mysterie the chiefest of mysteries amongst prophetick Texts Well it may be termed so if we search into it there lyeth a mystery in every word of that sentence wherein this mysterie lieth 1. In the Adverb of time 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is the same as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 gnad in Hebrew It defines that space of time à parte post wherein the Jews shall continue in their unbeleeving or unrestored or unchurched condition and this is a mysterie so great that to this day none can though never so learned peremptorily define Then there is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 this mysterie if I am not grosly mistaken in my parallels hath been and is as much mistaken as any Text in the Bible amongst the Leared for 't is generally conceived that this fulnesse of the Gentiles coming in is meant the fulnesse of their coming in to the Gospel as much as to say when the Gentiles are fully brought in to God then the Jewes shall be converted but this hath been confuted as an opinion directly contrary to Paul's own sense in ver 12. of the same chapter for the greatest work of grace is to be exercised among the Gentiles when the Jews shall be restored for if the diminishing of them be the riches of the Gentiles how much more their fulnesse Now if the great work of grace amongst the Gentiles must be accomplished before the Jews shall be converted how will those words be true and those many Prophecies of the innumerable number of Gentiles that shall flock in to the Gospel with the Jews 'T is expressed in that prophecie that ten Gentiles shall in the day of the Jews conversion come in to God for one Jew Zach. 8. 23. In those dayes ten men shall take hold out of all Languages of the Nations even shall take hold of the skirt of a Iew saying We will go with you for we have heard that God is with you And in that day Isa. 19. 23 24 25. the Lord of hosts shall blesse saying Blessed be Egypt my people and Assyria the work of my hands and Israel mine inheritance Those three verses with the precedent matter run parallel with Zach. 14. 8 9 10 16 17 20 21. We might multiply Texts to prove that when the Jews shall be converted there shall be a glorious coming in of the Gentiles unto Jesus Christ with them But as for this opinion which passeth so currant amongst the Learned without the least controll of any onely the variation of some who say By the fulnesse of the Gentiles is meant the preaching of the Gospel to all the world I professe for my part I know no ground they have so to interpret it they have not one parallel Scripture that I know in all the Bible for it Therefore I humbly take the boldnesse to put that glosse upon it that other Texts put upon it viz Luke 21. 24. Revel 11. 1. Untill the fulnesse of the gentile Apostasie be come in This is the Mysterie which Paul calls that the Mysterie Mysteries are so called because saith one 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because it is meet they be shut up within as those sacred things within the Ark or as others say 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from sealing up of the mouth Indeed a mysterie in Scripture lies as the tongue sealed up within the sacred lips of hard expressions which he that can unseal shall hear that mysterie like a tongue declaring Gods minde therein Such is the Text I am about which I humbly conceive hath been sealed up betwixt those two sacred Texts that I have endeavoured to open and that in Dan. 12. 6 7 9. which we shall open in the close of all Now since the mysterie lyes in these words Untill the fulnesse of the Gentiles be come in that we may not leave the Reader in the dark we will see to what it leads us in other Texts CHAP. V. THis Mysterie leads us to two Texts more Rev. 10. 7. and 17. 5 7. which lead us to the end of the Mysterie For the next great Question will be If the Jews must be converted when the fulnesse of the Gentiles is come in and herein lyeth the mysterie Then when shall this Mysterie be fulfilled Rev. 10. 7. answereth it But in the dayes of the voyce of the seventh Angel when he shall begin to sound the mysterie of God shall be finished that is the great mysterie that the Mysterie this answers to the particle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 until But how shall this mysterie be finished Rev. 17. 5 7. seems to answer this together with Revel 11. 7. In Rev. 17. you have as 't is generally acknowledged Rome going to ruine and in what dresse is she in now she is going to ruine she is arrayed in purple and scarlet colour and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthinesse of her fornication that is Heresies presented in the golden cup of profound Truths and glorious new Light and upon her forehead was a name written Mysterie Babylon the Great the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the earth This is spoken not of the bare City Rome but of the Head and Politie of that City which is the Popedome when the Popedome came to be the Beast with seven Heads and ten horns then came he to be the generall Head of the Apostasie and now Rome comes to be neer her ruine upon her forehead this Mystery is written this Mystery which as Chrysostom saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hath much of a Paradox in it is legible on her forehead i. e. the mystery hidden from the Ages past is now revealed openly to all the world for that is the meaning of Mystery Babylon upon her forehead and this is the last vision Iohn hath of the Polity or or Government of Rome Romes Government and
Prophecie I believe Rev. 10. 5 6 7. points directly for in this Text Iohn sees an Angel lifting up his hand to heaven and swearing by him that lives for ever and in Deut. 32. 40. there is he the Lord Christ lifting up his hand to heaven and saying I live for ever But that we may make good our assertion by evident demonstration we must go back as far as Deut. 28. where Moses begins his farewel Sermon to Israel and continues it to the end of cap. 32. A method that holy Paul that other Moses followes in Act. 20. 25. 30. when he knew his time was come that he should see the Macedonian Church no more after he had laid the foundation of the Church and builded them upon that foundation he strives to establish them precautioning them of the danger that would come upon them when he was departed even so doth Moses here as it were on Mount Pisgah foresee the future sins of the twelve Tribes and the peculiar punishments inflicted on them for those sins Now because we 'l go no higher then needs must in Deut. 28. 48. Moses shewes them their captivity under the Roman Empire God shall put a yoak of iron upon their neck until he have destroyed them i. e. the yoak of the fourth beast in Dan. 2. which is made of iron that is the Roman Monarchy and this is made more clear to be the Roman Monarchy in the next verse The Lord shal send a Nation against thee from far from the ends of the earth as the Eagle flieth that is the Roman Eagle shal come from the Western part of the world against them they shal ver 52. besiege the Cities of Iudah and take them and distress the people with sore famine Christ in his Prophecie Mat. 24. Luke 21. Mark 13 points to this Prophecie when he saith Famines and pestilences and wars and rumours of wars and distress of Nations and their scattering among many Nations shall come upon them This is so clear by the comparing of Moses and Christs prophecies that there needs no more be said of it So eminent shall be the plagues upon the Land of Iudah that Deut. 29. 22 23 24. all Nations in the world shall ask Why the Lord hath made it a barren wilderness bringing forth nothing for the good of man but even like Sodom and Gomorrah Now this is the very question this day in our ears this Scripture is fulfilled and the answer this day is like that in the Text Because they forlook Jesus Christ the God of their Fathers and clave to the Temple Ark and Altar which in comparison of Christ were but stocks and stones and in opposition to Christ were abominable filthy and detestable idols CHAP. VI. THat these Blessings and cursings are a Prophecie Deut. 30. 1 puts it out of doubt And it shall come to pass when all these things are come upon thee the blessing and the curse Benedictio maledictio haec as Tremelius reads it that is the eminent blessings they injoyed under Kings and the eminent curses that fell upon them under the Babylonish Tyranny but the dreadfullest of all under the Roman Monarchy yet when under this heavy curse Israel shall bethink themselves and return to the Gospel The Lord will turn their captivity and have compassion upon them and will return and gather them from all the Nations whether the Lord hath seattered them ver 3. 4. And the Lord will bring them into the Land which their fathers possessed and they shall possess it This is a promise of the restoring of the Tribes to their own Land after they have been captivated by the Roman Monarchy and driven into all Nations and parts of the world I might draw an Argument from Deut. 29. 29. to prove this If these revealed things belong to the Jewes and to their children for ever if the revealed curses under the Babylonish and Roman Monarchy belongs to the Jewes and to their children then the revealed blessings belong to them and to their children for ever for surely Gods bowels under the Gospel are not more shut up then under the Law but when the set time under the Law for their captivities accomplishment was fulfilled then God restored them from under the Babylonish yoak and is his arm shortned that he cannot or his bowels shut up that he will not redeem his captives from under the Romish iron yoak God forbid any Christian should be so sinfully and obstinately uncharitable as to think so This Prophecie of Moses cleares it to us that the Jewes shall be both converted to the Gospel and restored to their ancient possessions observe what Gospel promises are made to them ver 6 God will circumcise thine heart and the heart of thy seed to loveth Lord and ver 7. there is a curse upon the Roman Monarchy which persecuted hated and afflicted the Jews and to this day hates them All the curses that are now on the Jewes shal fal on the Romish Monarchy This curse hath in its eye principally the Roman Monarchy for the promise is this to Israel ver 8. They shall return and obey the voice of the Lord and do all his Commandments Now the nature of these Commandments evidenceth to us that this promise is a promise made under the Gospel and if so then the curse must needs be upon the Roman Monarchy for since the Gospel none have been their enemies comparable to the Roman Monarchy Who laid waste their Kingdome destroyed their City Temple Magistracy Government and sold the people into Egypt and all other parts of the world for slaves but the Romane Monarchy The nature of these commands for which God will circumcise the heart of his people to obey them they are expressed in ver 11 12 13 14. which verses two of the greatest Prophets that ever were in the world expound Christ and Paul Christ in Luke 17. 21. and Paul in Rom. 10. 6. Saith Moses The Commandments which I command thee this day it is not hidden from thee neither is it far off it is not in heaven that thou shouldest say who shall go up for us to heaven and bring it unto us neither is it beyond the sea that thou shouldest say who shall go over the sea for us and bring it to us that we may hear it and do it This saith Saint Paul Rom. 10. 6. is a description of the righteousness of faith and what 's that from Moses his words Paul tells us 't is the imbracing of the truth of Christs descension from heaven in his Incarnation and Sufferings and of his Resurrection and Ascension this is Moses commandment and this Paul in ver 9. plainly tells us 't is the commandment of faith which he and the other Apostles taught That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Iesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved so that Moses commandment to the Jews was Pauls
a corrupt vine and so it relates as well to the Roman Apostasie from the Gospel which is expressed in ver 32 33. Their Vine is worse then the Vine of Sodom and of the fields of Gomorrah their grapes are grapes of gall their clusters are bitter their wine is the poyson of Dragons and the cruel venome of Asp●… Of these words I shall g●…ve no other exposition then what I fetch from Scripture Observing this first before wee proceed that Vine cannot in this place relate to the Jewes as some would have it but to those their enemies that shall then oppresse them for if you please to observe it their Rock in ver 31. and their Vine ver 32. relate to each other and both stand in opposition to our Rock ver 31. But it is concluded on all hands that Our there implyes the whole Nation of the Jewes who had God for their Rock and by their profession owned him so to be 'T is granted by our opposites that ver 37 38. are or at least wise may be meant of the Gentiles their enemies if so it will easily follow that ver 32 33. must also be meant of the Gentiles for there is no disjunctive to be found betwixt them so that their Vine must either mean the Turkish or the Roman Politie but I rather incline here to the Romish Tyrannie which was most inhumane Vine signifies both the Head of a Church and the Church it self both these you have in one expression Psalm 80. 8. this Vine signifies the Church of God brought out of Egypt into Canaan before whom the Heathens fell and this also signifies CHRIST who was brought out of Egypt after the death of Herod he being Head of the Church who hath overcome the world and subdued all the powers therein to be subservient to his glory and his Churches good Now there is Gods Vine and the Divels Vine there is the Vine that Gods own right hand hath planted and there is the Vine of Sodom which is of the Divels planting which grows in the fields of Gomorrah both these Vines have grapes and clusters and yeild wine there is in Gods clusters red wine wine which maketh glad the hearts of the sons of God but there is in the Divels Vine bitter clusters and poisonous wine the wine of Dragons and no wonder here Moses his Vine yeilds the wine of Dragons for Revel 13. 2. the vine is of the Dragons planting Hee gave him his Power and Seat and great Authority Here wee take Vine for the Head of the Church i. e. of the Apostate Church of Rome and so the Pope is this Vine of the Divels planting as the next significant word expresseth for Moses by Vine of Sodom hints to us the place where this Vine shall be set and that is Rome for Rome is called Sodom say the Learned from Revel 11. 8. where when the Witnesses are slain 't is said they lay in the street of the great Citie which spiritually is called Sodom i. e. in one of the Kingdomes not all the Kingdomes subject to Rome which is this Sodom So that by Vine of Sodom is meant the head of the Church of Rome 'T is questioned whether Sodom relate to the Street or Citie If to the Street then how comes the place where the Witnesses are slain to be a Sodom 'T is answered Antichrist and his followers make it a Sodom and from such accidents it is usuall in Scripture to change the names as 2 King 23. 13. There Mount Olivet whose proper name is Har Hammishcha Mount of Unction is by reason of the Idols Chemosh and Molech set on that hill called Har Hammashchith the Mount of corruption 3. Or Vine of Sodom as it signifies a Church so it may signifie the great apostasie and generall defection that that Church hath made The Vine and Grapes and Clusters and Wine and all are mortall and deadly poyson The wild Vine 2 King 4. is rank poyson and such is the Church of Rome this day it is become the degenerate plant of a strange Vine Moses sets the Roman Church forth as Iohn under the representation of a Vine as in Revel 14. which Vine the Angels pray the Lord Christ to cutdown which ver 18 19. he doth with great furie and in Revel 17. where 't is Romes great Vintage time then when she is neer her ruine there she comes with a golden cup which she holds out to all and what is in it but the juice of her own grapes full of the filthinesse of her fornication This Revel 18. 3. is that wine of fornication which shee hath made the Kings of the earth drunk with So that by the wine of Dragons and the venome of Asps is meant the Blasphemies Idolatries Heresies and Abominations of that degenerate Vine the Church of Rome for of the Roman Monarchy neer its ruine Moses prophesies as wee shall make out and now it onely stands upheld by the Papal politie which every sober judicious Christian knows is the most idolatrous blasphemous heretical venemous Government and Power against the true Church both in its Head and Members And of this doth Moses prophesie the destruction when the Jews shall be converted to the Lord Jesus and united into one body with the true Church of Gentile gospellers Thus have you Moses in this prophetick Song of his setting forth 1. The Jews rejection of the Gospel and their captivity under the Romans as a punishment for their Apostasie 2. The mystery of the Jews conversion to the Gospel in the latter end and of the Roman Churches Apostasie from the Gospel 3. Now follows in the third place the signes of the grand Apostasies finishing and the Jews conversion for the ending of one i●… the beginning of the other the ending of the Apostasie is at the beginning of the Jews Conversion ver 36 37 38. Ver. 37 and 38 I take to be blasphemy of the Antichrist as in Dan. 7. 25. And he shal say I cannot see how this can be meant of God as sóme would but Antichrists boasts Where are your Gods i. e. your Magistrates What 's become of your Cause your Covenant your fasting and praying where is that God in whom ye trusted At this blasphemy of Antichrist in the next verse ver 39. God riseth up as one jealous of his honour and saith in answer to Antichrists boasting Behold now I even I am he c. 4. There 's the coming of Christ to ruine Antichrist finish this Apostasie and convert the Jews ver 39 40 41 42. 5. An Hallelujah throughout the Gentile Churches with and for the Jews conversion ver 43. the reign of Antichrist and the finishing the Apostasie parallel with Rev. 19. and Rom. 15. 10. where Paul tels us plainly that there is a day to come when the Iews and Gentiles shall rejoyce together which is not yet come In ver 36 37 38. there are two signes of the Jews conversion the Gentile Churches resurrection and the ruine
of Antichrist and the Apostasie which is called Rev. 19. 4 20. the casting of the beast and the false Prophet into the lake and the chaining of the Dragon for these are all together the ruine of these later is the establishing of the two former The reason why the Prophets oft-times joyne the true Gentile gospellers and the Jewes together in their prophecies which respect these times are as I conceive for these reasons 1. Because they come out of tribulation together 2. Because they shall be united in one Faith together There shall be no distinction in Religion betwixt Jew and Gentile and therefore for the most part the prophecies that look to the sounding of the seventh Trumpet joyn both Jew and Gentile together as in this of Moses and Isa. 27. 13 Mat. 24. Luk. 21. Mar. 13. In ver 36. there is one signe of the seventh Trumpet 's being ready to sound and that is the Jews and gospel Churches low condition When their power is gone and there is none shut up or left when the true Churches for they are Gods servants power is gone when their Armies are overthrown in the field and when all the true Churches Garisons are won that there is none shut up against a day of need nor any left i. e. unconquered this is the time even the set time for God to come to ruine his enemies and restore his Church then will God judg for his people righteous judgment for Dan. 7. 26. The Iudgment shall sit and repent himself for his peoples long and sore affliction Yet how may we take up Isaiahs lamentation this day Who hath beleeved this report or to whom is this Arm of the Lord revealed The unbelief the timorousnesse the profanenesse and the most abominable Apostasie and Antichristian complyance of Christians at this day in this Kingdom under these dispensations makes me beleeve that God hath yet some more dreadfull stroke against all sorts of Professors so that few Nobles and few Ministers and few of the Professors shall live to see these glorious Gospel days that are approaching Where can we find a soul that lives this day upon this Prophetick promise so much as to raise his hopes but even sinks by despondencie under the sad dispensations of God upon his Church or else feeds his hopes with the husks of humane helpes as if Armies or Navies could bring about these things as if Christ stood in need of Belial in the accomplishing of his glorious Prophetick promises but the Scripture must be fulfilled Luke 18. When the Son of man comes shall he find faith on the earth Scarce such a strong faith as to believe the Resurrection of the Church in such a state as now it is The other signe of the approaching of Antichrists ruine and the finishing of the mystery is the blasphemy of Antichrist in ver 37 38. where the Antichrist mocks at the Magistracy and the Ministry and the fasting and prayers and the religious ingagements of the Church parallel with Dan. 7. 8. where the Antichrist speaks great words but we shall leave them till we come to touch of the Antichrist The fourth special thing observable in this Prophetick Song of Moses is the coming of Christ the Lord to ruine Antichrist finish the grand Apostasie and the heads thereof and convert the twelve Tribes to the Gospel from ver 29. to v. 43. When Antichrist had bereaft the true Church of all its outward visible strength so that their Field power and Fort power was taken away and none was left to own the Churches cause but they were all subdued by Antichrists prevailing Armies ver 36. then in ver 37 38. doth Antichrist boast and insult in a blasphemous way over the heads of the Church and their cause and now ver 39. doth Christ appear to be the mighty Prince of all the earth who declares himself as Rev. 19. 16. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords fulfilling the Prophetick promises in restoring the Church out of its low condition and bringing its enemies down to hell therefore Dan. 12. 1 2. a parallel Text with Moses sets forth this day of wounding and healing i. e. of wounding the enemy and healing the Church as a little day of Judgment by Christ coming to deliver the poor Jewes and to bring trouble upon their enemies 'T is resembled to the Resurrection so Ezek. 37. the Holy Ghost sets forth the Jewes restauration after the Roman captivity under the resemblance of raising bones that have long lyen in the grave taking flesh upon them and living and becoming mighty and terrible and no wonder the Prophet compares the Jewes conversion to the Gospel and their restauration to the Resurrection for Paul Rom. 11. 19 saith What shall the receiving of them be but life from the dead and therefore in Rev. 20. 4 which is a continuation of the parallal Text Revel 19. 16. this day is called the living and raigning of those that were beheaded i. e. the Witnesses who Revel 11. 11. are said to have a Spirit of life enter into them and to stand upon their feet as a man rising out of his grave thence it is that this is called Revel 20. 5. the time of the first Resurrection which he is blessed that hath a part in it that is which is undefiled keeps himself a Virgin and follows the Lamb wheresoever he goeth Revel 14. 4. Keeps his mouth from guile and his person innocent ver 5. That worships not the Beast nor his Image nor receives his mark in his forehead nor his hand v. 9. But watcheth and keepeth his garments clean Revel 16. 15. These whether they live they shall live unto the Lord or whether they dye they shall dye unto the Lord whether they live or dye they shall be the Lords for on such the second death hath no power CHAP. VII BUT the great question is When shall these things be When shall Christ draw forth his sword to wound his enemies and heal and deliver the Jews and the distressed Church amongst the Gentiles Moses seems to answer in the next words v. 40. For I life up my hand to heaven and say I live for ever to this verse adde the three following and with them compare Revel 10. 5 6 7. the Text that sent us to this Chapter and now concurrs with its parallel and also Dan. 12. 6 7 9. observe here Daniel proposeth one question How long it shall be to the end of these wonders viz of ruining the little horn and of restoring the Jewes hereupon ver 7. Daniel sees him whom Moses and Iohn by the eye and ear of Prophecie saw and heard 1. Lifting up his hand to heaven 2. Swearing by him that lives for ever that it shall be for a time times and the dividing of time and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the holy people all these things shall be finished ver 9. And he said Go thy way Daniel for the words are closed up
be restored to their own Land and ancient Civill Go●… Whether all the Tribes or only Iudah shall be converted ●… cannot tell whether these questions will come within my l●…ttle ●…ircle at this time 3 That of the Witnesses which affords us these doubts Who they are Where they are What is meant by their slaying When they shall be slain Who shall slay them What their rising is And what shall be the Consequents of it Whether their rising be at the seventh Trumpet or the Earthquake which slayes the 7000 be that Earthquake which slayes the Antichrist and puts an end to the Apostasie Some of these will fall within my compass 4 From that of the Antichrist Questions may be raised ad infinitum chiefly these 1 When he is to arise and appear Whether as Brightman saith assoon as the Pagan Emperours were dethroned and Constantine possessed the throne or as Bellarmine saith when the Roman Monarchy is to be ruined 2 Where or in what part of the World must the Antichrist appear Whether as Downam and Brightman say in Rome or in Ierusalem as the Papists say 3 Whether Antichrist be past as Brightman saith or yet to come as Bellarmine saith 4 Whether he be the seventh head of Rome 5 Whether he be one single person or a Kingdom as some affirme Whether he be the head of the general Astasie as Calvin saith or whether he be the Apostasie it self as others affirm So many of these Questions as fall within the reach of the texts I am to handle I shall endevour to resolve These nine following Verses of Pauls are a large and full discovery of the Antichrist as the most Interpreters acknowledge Quest. It may be asked why Paul should say so little of the Apostasie and so much of the Antichrist This question only I will answer and then proceed to the words in the text Answ. I answer Paul here follows the method of all the holy Prophets that Prophesie of the Antichrist For Daniel in the seventh and eleventh Chapters makes a larger description of Antichrist that riseth in the end of the Roman Monarchy then of the Roman Monarchy it self and Christ himself in his Prophecies Matth 24. speaks more of the time of Antichrist's appearing then any other and so Iohn in the 11th Revel and 13th and 17th describes Antichrist more largely then the Apostasie and the reason as I conceive is because the Holy Ghost knew the Apostasie would be obvious to the sense of every Christian as what is more cleer then this of the Apostasie of the Eastern and Western Churches But now the Antichrist by reason of his subtilty and successes and goodly pious pretences would not be so easily discerned therefore it is so much is said of him 2 The appearing and the destruction of Antichrist in the Church is the great ensigne that God hangs out to the World that the day of the Jews redemption the Gospel-Churches deliverance draweth nigh Then the grand Apostasie is drawing to an end and the mystery of God is ready to be finished then is Christ at the door comming forth on his white horse Revel 19. to clothe all his Saints in white and to take off from off the back of his two Witnesses the filthy garments their sackcloth and to put Priestly robes on his Ioshua and to set his slain Witnesses in the throne Revel 11. and Revel 20. and Da●… 7 27. to give the dominion to the Saints Then is Christ comming on the white cloud Revel 14. 14. with a sharp sicle in his hand to reap the vine of the earth Then do the horns appear in his hand and the mystery of his power is then revealed then shall the Vision that is for an appointed time to be silent speak to them that wait for it for it will speake peace and salvation and to the enemies of the Church eternal ruine then is that one day come which is known to the Lord Zach. 14. 7 the evening of which day shall be light assuredly to the Church of God and ruine to her enemies Then is the Lord comming to smite with his sore great and strong sword Leviathan the Serpent crossing like a bar i. e. Antichrist and slay the Dragon in the Sea i. e. the Popedome the beast of the Sea say 27. 1 2. and then shall the Church have a Song of the Vineyard of red Wine sung unto her Then is God ready to darken the Sun and eclipse the Moon and cast the Stars from Heaven and shake the powers of Heaven Matth. 24. 29. that is ruine the Roman Monarchy and then will the Lord Christ gloriously manifest himself to the twelve Tribes that he is their Messias and they shall weep and mourn for that they have crucified him in that day the Vision shall be writ so plain that he chat runs may read it That which was a Mystery before is now made plain it seems to me to be parallel with Revel 17. 5 7 there the Mystery is writ on the Womans forehead so plain and open that every body might read it At this time saith Habakkuk 2. 4. The just shall live by faith i. e. the Iews that look for salvation justification shall come in unto the Gospel no longer seek for righteousnesse by the Law but by faith in Jesus Christ. This text Paul quotes Heb. 10. 37 38. Paul tells the Hebrews that Habakkuk's Vision is yet for a little while concealed i. e. Christ their Messiah hides himself from them but he will come and they shall live on him by faith this Vision of Habakkuk's sealed is the great Mystery of God to be finished And therefore ô ye Noble and ancient people of Israel look about you this day look into your own Prophets in whom you say you believe and see whether their words are not fulfilling in your eyes and eares this day you have negligently lost one glorious day for which you have lost your Nation Government Temple you would not heare your Messias voice but hardened your hearts against him in that day Yet comfort your selves let me comfort you blinded as that blinde man was comforted when Christ passed by him Be of good comfort his bowels that have been long shut up are yerning after you he is comming this day to you and he calleth for you by name Luke 21. 28. and when these things begin to come to pass when ye see the Antichrist to appear in the World the signe of whose appearing is that his great and prodigious act of slaying the Witnesses whose destruction wil be suddenly after his appearing thus then look up and lift up your head look up with faith and lift up your head with hope for your redemption draweth nigh Be not faithlesse but believe Behold he commeth with Cloudes every eye shall see him and they also that pierced him you ô Iews that pierced him shall by the eye of faith see him and all the kindreds of the earth
this let we have in the former Verse touched already shewing the various opinions of the learned upon it Some say this let was divine grace which kept back the darknesse of Antichrist from overshadowing the world Calvin saith 't is the doctrine of the Gospel otheres say Gods decree Others the Pagan Idolatry seated in the Roman Throne Others say the Roman Empire the Papists say 't is Romanum Imperium the Protestants affirm the let is Romani Imperatores some affirming the Pagans to be it others the Christian Emperours and others both Aretius and many others affirm the let to be the prevailing progresse of the Gospel for the Gospel must be first preached to all the world and then Matth. 24. Beda Augustine Anselme Estius and Fabritius Paulutius do turn the sense of the words quite another way Thus they translate the words He who holdeth let him hold untill the mystery of iniquity do go out from the midst of the Church they conceive the Apostle here exhorts the faithfull that they would persevere in the faith which they did professe until the mystery of iniquity were removed This interpretation saith learned Beza is not onely absurd but altogether disagreeing with the Greek Copie But as the text may be translated neerer to the Copy as I have endevoured leaving out 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which the most adde to the copie to supply the sense so there is an interpretation neerer the minde of the holy Ghost then is commonly given I humbly take the boldnesse to translate the Text thus For the mystery of the illegality now worketh only untill that that letteth be done out of the way In a word the meaning is that the grand Apostasie onely shall go on to eat out the Saints of God and the true Church of Christ occultly and in a mystery untill the Antichrist arise and slay the Witnesses and then it shall break out into open view hence it is Cornelius à Lapide compares the Apostasie to a coal amongst wood which works it selfe more and more into it untill it have set it of a bright flame which flame he compares to the time of the appearing of the Antichrist so that the meaning of that clause untill that that with-holdeth be removed is to be understood either of the vvith-holding of the Antichrist from appearing and so it is meant of the Magistracy and Ministery of that Kingdom vvhich keep Antichrist from getting up either into the Civil or Ecclesiastick power Or thus untill that that reigns or possesseth the Throne be removed for Zanchie saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies to hold to detein to possesse to rule c. and then the meaning is untill the Witnesses which keep possession of the Throne be removed out of the way it is meant the Throne of that Kingdom where the Antichrist is to arise for vers 4. 't is the Antichrists work to oppose and exalt himselfe above them above all that is called God i. e. the Magistracy or for Religions sake is reverenced that 's the Ministery and v. 8. the Antichrist is at that very time revealed when the two Witnesses are removed So that the whole Text imports thus much that the Apostasie shall by little and little grow and spread in the Churches throughout the world from Pauls time to the time of the revealing of the Antichrist which Antichrist shall be known by slaying those two Witnesses which stood in his way of preferment and exaltation and did keep him from tyrannizing Herein I do not abound in the Scriptures sense the same truth being made plain in the parallels already laid before the Reader in the fore-going page Observe this by the way if the slaying of the two Witnesses be that grand prodigious act which makes Antichrist formally the Antichrist distinct from all other persons then the mark which he causeth all who expect his protection to give with their right hand must of necessity be such a subscription as gives an assent to and approbation of that prodigious act and therefore the great God awaken all those that have this mark upon them that they may speedily repent for otherwise they shall assuredly drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy Angels and in the presence of the Lamb for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it Revel 14 10. and on the other side Let them rejoyce and be strong in the Lord who suffer this day grievous persecution because they dare not receive the mark of the beast they shall stand on mount Sion with the Lamb Revel 14. 1. and sing the song of Moses and the Lambe Revel 15. 3. they shall ride upon triumphant horses in triumphant apparel with their Triumphant Generall whose eyes are as a flame of fire on whose head are many crowns whose vestments are dipt in blood whose Word is a sharp sword smiting the Nations and treading them as in a Wine-presse who weares on his victorious thigh a Name written The KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS This is your beloved and this is your friend ô ye daughters of Ierusalem and therefore be of good comfort and courage this day for your Lord who commeth will come and will not tarry CHAP. IX ANd then shall that wicked be revealed whom the Lord will consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming There is no material difference that I can perceive either betwixt the Greek Copies or the Translators of them In the words we have two general parts 1 The reign of the Antichrist 2 The ruine of the Antichrist 1 In his reign there are these three things considerable 1 The time of his reign 2 The title given to the person reigning 3 The Apostles manner of expressing his reign 2 In his ruine we have three things considerable 1 The person who ruines him 2 The manner of his ruine 3 The time of his ruine 1 Here is the time of Antichrists reign expressed emphatically in these two little words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And then this copulative Conjunction 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and the Adverb 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 betokening the present tense tell us thus much that even at that present time when the two Witnesses are removed out of the way or as other texts have it slain then the Antichrist shall appear in the World look not for the Antichrist until the Witnesses be slain that very act makes him Antichrist therefore he is said Revel 11. 7. then at that present time to arise out of the bottomless pit when he slayes the Witnesses he was doubtlesse in being as a man as one single person before that time but he was not the Antichrist before he actually made war with and overcame the Witnesses the foundation of the Antichrists Kingdome is laid upon
the slain bodies of the Witnesses which so soon as they rise must needs tumble down again their night is his noon When they are at the very lowest then is he at the very highest Be confident of this that the Antichrist is one single person destinated eminently to this one single act of slaying the Witnesses from which act he takes the name of Antichrist and therefore before that time he is not to be expected to be revealed in and to the world 2 Here is another of Antichrists titles 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Syriack translate it iniquus ille and our best English reads that wicked so the same words is translated Act. 2. 23. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by wicked hands by illegall hands in the Greek another reads it the man of sin Beza reads it most properly exlex ille and other learned men acknowlege that it should be so read though they render it otherwise conceiving that Antichrist is so called Antonomasticè by putting one name for another as lawlesse for impious We finde the word to signifie the same that Peshang in Isa. 53 12. signifies for the same word in Luke 22. 37. is this in the Text 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and he was numbered amongst the lawlesse persons or it may be translated out-lawed persons persons so notoriously sinfull and abominable in their wickednesse that the law hath cast them out condemned them and sentenced them such a one is Antichrist he is so notorious a transgressour against all law both Gods and mans that they both condemn him and hence Daniel 7. 25. he is said to change the lawes and the customes of the Saints he changeth them by breaking them setting up his new image against them Revel 13. 14 15 16. which new image is Dan. 11. 38. his god Mauzim or god of forces his sword-power He is saith Estius called the lawlesse one 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 quia jus omne divinum atque humanum conciliat in some sense it may well be applied to him that slayes the Witnesses because neither Gods lawes nor mans lawes are valued a jot by him but all must passe for law and divinity that he saith or doth Indeed many learned men take notice of the Emphasis in the article 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thence not onely observing as the most do that he is one single person but that person singularly wicked ille iniquus quia singularitèr iniquus saith Aquinas 3 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shall be revealed here you have the rearm or the Apostles manner of expressing Antichrists reigne he shall be revealed that is saith Zanchie he shall be so discovered that he may be plainly seen and known in his wicked reigne to be the Antichrist and so Tirinus understands revelabitur i. e. in lucem prodibit iniquus ille Antichristus quem post tres cum dimidio annos Dominus Iesus interficiet The word is very significant and addes this to our discovery of Antichrist when he comes 1 That when the Witnesses are slain the prodigiousnesse of the act shall make the person that slayes them eminently noted and observed in the World I mean that person who in their ruine exalts himself and rules and tyrannizeth by his Sword-power Therefore it is said Revel 13. 16. he causeth all both small and great to submit to his new government so that small and great shall know and feelingly know the person when he reignes they shall know him by his new government which much like that of Caesars vers 12. and by his successes and prosperous attempts against his enemies and by his manner of enforcing men to subscribe to his new government but though the World know him thus yet they shall not by this know him to be the Antichrist For as when Christ came in the flesh the Elders and Scribes and Pharisees and Herod and Pontius Pilate saw him and heard of his miracles yet did not know him nor believe in him as the Son of God because it was hidden from these wise and learned men they had eyes to see him and the miracles that he did and eares to hear him and the gracious words that he uttered but they did not see nor hear so as they ought viz. to believe in him as the Messias what said they is not this the Carpenter and the son of a Carpenter even so shall Antichrist of the apostate Gentiles be seen and felt and heard but not understood to be the Antichrist they shall not know him when he comes for he shall deceive them Revel 13. 14. that dwell on the earth yea saith Christ If it were possible the very elect but 't is impossible for God shall reveal this lawlesse one to them to be the Antichrist The word imports the revelation of a mystery which is revealed onely to some peculiar choice familiar friends but remains a mystery to the vulgar world notwithstanding this secret is revealed onely to such as fear the Lord Antichrist shall not be known to be the Antichrist though the prodigious acts of Antichrist shall be known to the generality of men in the world I mean that part of the world where Antichrist usurpes a dominion CHAP. X. WHom the Lord will destroy with the spirit of his mouth Here we have the ruine of the Antichrist which is expressed in these two words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the person that ruines this man of sin is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and then the manner how or the Instrument wherewith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with the spirit of his mouth Observe this from the connexion of the reigne and ruine of the Antichrist that his reigne and his ruine are neer together soon after he is revealed to be the Antichrist shall the Lord Christ ruine him This Text I am confident is generally the most mistaken of any Text in all the Bible principally in this that they make this comming of Christ to slay the Antichrist to be the day of Judgement whereby all hope of the Jews conversion to the Gospel is totally taken away for the prophecies make it clear that the Jewes generall flocking in to the Gospel is after the ruine of the Antichrist I trust therefore through the influence of the Holy Ghosts light in the Scripture in opening the Text to clear it that the day of Christs comming here to destroy Antichrist cannot in any wise be the day of Judgement Whom the Lord By Lord here is concluded on all sides is meant the Lord Jesus and so Lord for the most part signifies in the Old Testament especially where you finde it joyned with God there you may ever conclude it signifies Jesus Christ. Shall destroy or consume or dissolve to nothing or kill for so as the learned observe it signifies With the breath of his mouth or the spirit of his mouth About this Interpreters differ the most say that by spirit of his mouth is meant the preaching of the Gospel
39. is th be understood Ye shall not see me henceforth till ye shall say Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. Look back to the Context and it tels us that the Church and state of Iudea should be desolate untill that time that they welcomed the messengers of the Gospel whom now they despised Ye shall not see me i. e. know me 't is an intellectuall sight of him by faith ye shall not believe in me untill the day that your heart be inclined according to Isaiah's prophecie to say How beautifull are the feet of them that bring the glad tidings of peace untill then the vail should be over the eyes of their minde as Paul expresseth it but when the time is fulfilled then they shall look on him whom they have pierced i. e. by faith look on him Zach. 12. 10. Primatius sends us to Matth. 24. to learn the meaning of Paul in the Text which Texts have the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 frequently yet do not thereby set forth the personall comming of Christ to Judgement but the powerfull and extraordinary actings of his Providence in raising up the two Witnesses ruining the Antichrist and his followers and converting the twelve Tribes to the Gospel this Paul calls the brightnesse of his comming or the splendor of his comming and Matthow calls it Chap. 24. v. 30. the Son of man comming in clouds with power and great glory And in Revel 14. 14. it is expressed by the appearing of the Son of man on a white cloud with a golden crown on his head there 's his splendor and glory and a sharp sicle in his hand there is his power There may three reasons be given why one the same politie person or action are diversly described in the New Testament 1. That they may comprehend all the Old Testament-prophecies of the seventh Trumpet 2 To make us to look higher then a literal sense or to think that there are any crowns or garments or white horses or swords but onely Imperial Majesty and power with Christ in heaven and that his comming is not in person but in power 3 For cleerer information as the generall head of the Western apostasie is gradually described 1 As one of the four Angels Revel 7. 1. Next a Star fallen Chap. 9. 1. Next the beast of the Sea with seven heads and ten hornes Chap. 13. 1. And at last the whore of Babylon Chap. 17. So the Antichrist 1 He is the beast of the bottomlesse pit Revel 11 7. 2 The beast of the earth deceiving people Revel 13. 14. 3 The skarlet-coloured beast full of names of blasphemy Revel 17. 3. the eighth King v. 11. that goeth to perdition and therefore the son of perdition And lastly the false Prophet cast into hell Revel 19. 20. But all this by the way we now proceed In Habakkuks song upon the stringed Instruments i e. a prophetick song for stringed Instruments were Instruments of prophecie 1 Chron. 25. 3. Psal. 49. 4. we finde Chap. ●… 3 4. a parallel Text setting forth in all probabilitie the self-same comming of Christ for the whole song in the matter of it is parallel with Revel 14. 1 2. which is all one with that Revel 19. where Christ and his army appear in glorious aray at the time of Antichrists ruine and one with Zach. 14. 5. The Lord my God shall come all the Saints with thee In v. 3. God came from Teman and the holy One from Mount Paran Selah this is to me a note upon Sigionoth for I understand it not onely let us wade as far as we can by the hand of the Scriptures guidance a parallel Text for this we have in Deut. 33. 2. which here is stiled Moses blessing wherewith he blessed the children of Israel and he said The Lord came from Sinai and rose up from Seir unto them and he came with ten thousand Saints c. This Text I may call a typicall Comment of that in Habakkuk for as Gods coming unto Mount Sinai for so the Text may be read was the forming of the house of Iacob into a Church-government and right way of worship and as from Mount Paran he blessed the Civill Government in endowing the Elders of Israel with a large measure of his Spirit thus establishing their Church and State-Government after their glorious deliverance out of the cruel bondage of Egypt so God shall come to deliver the house of Israel from under the long and sore captivity of the Roman Monarchy by converting them to the Gospel and restoring them to their own land so forming them to be a Church and State again Thus God shall come from Teman this is the comming of Christ and the holy One from Mount Paran Teman and Paran were two Wildernesses in which the Church of God wandered and where they had these glorious apparitions of Gods favour to note that the Church under the Gospel shall be Revel 11. and 12. in the Wildernesse when God speaks thus comfortably to her Selah being a note of musick for the elevation of the voice is very Emphaticall here for when God shall restore the Jews from captivity Jacob Psal. 53. 8. shall rejoyce and Israel shall be glad therefore Iohn heares Reve. 19. after the Roman Monarchy was ruined a great voice of much people saying Hallelujah the highest song deserves the highest note the note was so high set v. 6. that it was as the voice of mighty thunderings saying Allelujah But how is this comming parallel with that of Pauls and Matthews and Iohns this is exactly parallel with them for as here he is said to come so he is said to come with great splendor and glory and with great power his glory covered the heavens and the earth was full of his praise and his brightnesse was as the light here 's the brighnesse of Christs comming and then he had hornes comming out of his hand there is the comming of Christ in power there was the hiding of his power or the mystery of his power by which it appears this comming of Christ in glory and power to destroy Antichrist and convert the Jews is a mystery as Paul Romans 11. Iohn Revelat. 10. and Moses Deuteron 32. call it This comming of Christ is glorious and powerful in regard of the effects of it 't is powerful in regard of the powerful enemies it overcomes for it overthrows the Devil the beast and the false prophet and then Christs comming is glorious because it gathers the twelve dispersed Tribes together it brings in to the royal fold of Christ infinite numbers of Gentiles from all quarters of the World it makes all the Kingdoms of this World to become the Lords and his Christs How am I in the midst of these texts like a little Bee drowned in an Ocean of honey I am not able to count the texts that illustrate this glorious and powerful comming of Christ neither am I able to marshal
Christ like the lightening i. e suddenly terribly when is that v. 28. when the ravenous birds of prey the Romish Eagles are feasting and rejoycing at the dead carcases of the Witnesses then followes v. 29. the vials pouring out on the apostasie and the Antichrist and then appears the signe of the Son of man in heaven and then shall all the Tribes of the earth mourn what all the Tribes yes all for v. 31. the Angels with sound of Trumpet Isa. 27. 13. that is at Iohns seventh Trumpets sounding shall call all the Tribes from the four ends of the earth Oh blessed day the Lord hasten it but is this at the day of Judgement no but at the time of Antichrists ruine for the Generation of the Jews shall not perish untill all this be fulfilled now after this Christ treats of the day of Judgement in that Chapter CHAP. IV. And lying wonders 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Syriack renders it and with false prodigies Beza reads lying prodigies I dare not alter any thing and therefore may not finde fault They say the expression is an Hebraisme equipollent to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which they translate for the Text. It is observable that all the New Testament-prophecies are full of Hebraismes sure the Holy Ghost hath some holy designe in it either to informe the Hebrews that the same Spirit that inspired the Old Testament-Prophets inspired also the New and that the onely way to understand either is to believe both and compare them one with another thus I understand that of seeing eye to eye as Esay hath it Or else it is to humble us Gentiles in the remembrance of our stock We are by nature wilde Olives and all the light we have received for salvation it hath come from the Hebrews To them were committed the Oracles of the Gospel and they viz. the twelve Apostles and Paul all Hebrews did dispense those Oracles to the world which are to this day and will be the standing rule to all the Churches to the end of the world Hereby all boasting is excluded from the Gentiles Or rather to point us to the Old Testament there to search for a parallel Comment on a prophetick Text in the New Testament It may be all these designes are included in the phrase and manner of expression 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 this is a degree beyond signes that Antichrist goes for signes are but things acted within the Sphere of nature but wonders beyond and above the reach of nature Hence some conceive 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to be all one with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which comes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifies to terrifie for wonders being things done beyond the course of common causes amaze and terrifie the beholders so that they stand at a gaze filled with admiration and wonder which is nothing else but the surplus of expectation Antichrists slaying of the Witnesses changing the times and lawes of that State where he slayes them Dan. 7. 25. pitching his tents in the Holy Mountain Dan. 11. ult dividing Mount Olivet Zach. 14. stripping the Church of all her strength and power which she made against him Deut. 32. 36. setting up his new strange government in the stead of the government of the slain Witnesses Revel 13. 12 13 14. these are such great things beyond the expectation of the people that are not acquainted with the signes and marks of Antichrists appearing that they wonder at his successes and are cheated by the Antichrist by the great signes v. 13. especially that of Religion and Saintship for Antichrist shall do all these unexpected things under the cloke of Religion as Solomon appeared in the sight of all the men of Israel to be that King whom God had made choice of to build him an house and that that house God chose beyond all others to be his house by the comming down of fire from heaven in the sight of Israel at which sight they being filled with holy wonder bowed down their heads and worshipped believing even so Antichrist shall by his cunning designes which he cloaks with externall formes of high devotion make the people believe that he is the man designed to pull down Antichrist and to lay the top-stone of Church-Reformation and make the times glorious times you may know Antichrist by the Livery that he gives to his black Guard in 2 Tim. 3. 2 3 4 we finde 18 of his company all in one Livery v. 5. having a form of godliness self-lovers or selfish men in the cloak of the form of godliness covetous men in the form of godliness boasters in the form of godliness proud persons in the form of godliness blasphemers in the form of godliness disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection truce-breakers false accusers incontinent fierce despisers of those that are good traitors headie high-minded lovers of pleasures more then lovers of God all these the Apostle tells us in the last dayes meaning the dayes of Antichrists appearing shall be cloaked in a forme of godlinesse All these Devils in these dayes arise and walk in Samuels mantle So that I may use St. Iohns words to the dispersed despised and distressed Churches in this age 1 Iohn 2. 18. Little childeren it is the last time and as ye have heard that Antichrist shall come even now are there many Antichrists whereby we know that it is the last time they went out from us but they were not of us These are the followers of Antichrist these are the chiefs of men to be destroyed when the Witnesses rise which day God of his abundant mercy hasten I believe 't is neer at hand Antichrist and his followers by their prodigious acts under the cloak of Religion may make the World wonder but they do no no wonders for the Holy Ghost tells us they are lying wonders wonders that onely cheat the men of the earth or earthly-minded men to a subjection to bow down to their image and receive the mark of the beast Antichrists miracles are lies respectu omnium causarum saith Cornelius à Lapide in respect of the materiall efficient formall and finall cause The end of his miracles is to cheat the people into a compliance with his false wayes whereas the end of true miracles was to confirme the truth The originall of these miracles is the Devil Antichrist is helped by Sorcerers and Witches that pretend Revelations and come with all manner of cunning to cheat and deceive soules The matter of them are meer deceits for dive into the bottome of them and you shall finde the fire he pretends came from heaven is fire of his own making to delude the people Ant. Scaynus conceives his lying wonders are such as Iannes and Iambres wrought before Pharaoh which were meer delusions and no true miracles yet served the turn to harden Pharaohs heart against the true Church and to divert the people from believing and obeying the truth to their
nations of the world Of these effects of this Trumpet do both the Old and New Testament Prophets prophesie as also of the signes immediately foregoing the seventh Trumpet which are the prodigious things done against the professors of the Gospel and Gods rising up by his eminent judgements against the grand enemies of the Gospel to their utter overthrow this I take to be the appearance of the sign of the Son of Man Mat. 24. 30. Chrysost. in Hom. 72. on Mat. 24. speaking of these dayes immediately preceding the seventh Trumpet calls them the dayes of Antichrist and so far he is right but me thinkes he quite mistakes the signes and the time of this signe for both he and Hierome take the signe to be the signe of the Crosse and the time when the signe shall appeare the day of Judgement but I humbly conceive it is the time of the comming of Christ at the seventh Trumpet which 2 Thes. 2. 8. is called the brightnesse of his comming because when Antichrist with his fellowes are destroyed all the world shall conclude that the hand of Christ destroyed them Luke bids us to take this for the signe Luke 21. 28. When these things begin to come to passe look up and lift up your heads for your redemption draweth nigh When what things begin to come ver 25. when the signes in the Sun and Moone come and ver 27. when the Son of Man comes in a Cloud See 3. parallel Texts which expound these two verses by Cloud is meant the white cloud Rev. 14. 14. wherein Christ appeares with a Crowne on his head there 's his great glory with a Sickle in his hand there 's his power his hornes in his hand is the secret of his power Mathew calls this the signe of the Son of Man in Heaven comming in the Clouds of Heaven with power and great glory Mat. 24. 30. and Iohn in Rev. 19. 11 12 13 15. calls it the opening of Heaven and the appearance of Christ on a white Horse that 's an Emblem of his victorious power and on his head many Crownes there is his glory his Vesture dipt in blood signifies his revenging power and his sharp sword going out of his mouth signifies his majestick power and his Motto King of Kings c. signifies his great Glory This glory and great power hath respect to a double contrary effect of his comming viz. to the downfall of his enemies ver 29. and to the conversion of the twelve Tribes ver 31. both which are under the seventh Trumpet as is cleare if we compare with ver 29. Ioel 3. 13. 15. and with it Revelat. 14. 14. and with ver 31. Isa. 27. 13. In Mat. 24. 29. immediately after the tribulation of those dayes i. e those dayes of Rebellion against lawfull Magistracy the dayes of Heresie of Blasphemy of Truce-breaking of Murder of Treason and great Apostacy of professors as the former verses imply and as 2 Tim. 3. 2 3 4. tells us the meaning is after the witnesses are slaine then comes the judgement on their enemies the greatest of their enemies the Sun shall be darkned and the Moon shall not give her light and the Starres shall fall from Heaven and the powers of the Heaven shall be shaken i. e. the grand enemies of the Church that possesse the imperiall Thrones of the world whereby the progresse of the Gospel is hindred these the Protestants rightly call the Popedome and the Turkish Empire and the grand upholders of both the one keeps the two witnesses from their lawfull rights and dominions the other keeps the Jews out of their possessions now when God shall remove these both Jewes and Gentiles under the Gospel shall be restored By darkning Sun and Moon is meant that which is expressed Revel 19. 18. the destroying of Kings and Captaines and mighty men and so is that in Ezek. 32. 7. to be understood viz. of the overthrow of the King of Egypt and of his Princes and Priests and destroying of that dynastie The very words of Christ are fetched from the Prophet Ioell c. 3. 15. the day of the Lord in the vally of decision is neare the Sun and the Moone shall be darkened and the Starres shall withdraw their shining there are the same words with the same in Mathew and we prove them one and the same Prophecy in a word 1. Compare Act. 2. 17. with Ioel 2. 27 28 29. and it will evidently appear that from that to the end of the prophecy which is but one Vision is prophecied of those things which were to be fulfilled in the Gospel-day This granted which cannot be denyed I prove that this prophecie falls under the seventh Trumpet for in cap. 3. ver 1. in those dayes and in that time in those dayes i. e. Gospel-dayes there you have the time in generall and in that time what time the time when I will bring againe the captivity of Iudah and Ierusalem here is the time of that day before you had the day i. e. the Gospel-day in which this is to be effected Now you have the time of that day when it shall be effected it is whether at the noone or evening of the Gospel-day I know not which to call it when the captivity of Iudah and Ierusalem is to be brought againe which the Prophets and Apostles call the last dayes i. e. of reformation untill the day of judgement come That part of the prophecie which Peter expounds belongs to the morning of the Gospel-day but this to the afternoon for the twelve Tribes are not to be restored untill the time of the seventh Trumpet as is every where in the Prophecies plaine nor are they to this day restored Now in that we have proved this Prophecie to be under the Gospel it is easie to prove it to be fulfilled under the seventh Trumpet in a word thus I prove it That which in substance and matter doth sunchronize with the things conteined in other prophecies which are under the seventh Trumpet must also it selfe be under the seventh Trumpet but this of Ioels and that of Iohns in Revel 14. 15 16. and Rev. 16. 18. 21. and 11. 15. 18. and 19. 11. to 21. all being under the seventh Trumpet point at one and the same thing which materially agrees with that of Ioels let 's compare the Texts and then the Matter in Rev. 14. 15. an Angel comes out of the Temple crying with a loud voice to him that sate on the Cloud thrust in thy Sickle and reap every word of this proves it to be under the seventh Trumpet for no Angel as we have proved comes out of the Temple untill the seventh Trumpet sound nor can you finde two loud voices but what are at or under the seventh Trumpet nor doth Christ appeare on the Cloud untill the seventh Trumpet therefore this is under the seventh Trumpet that this Angel cryes put in thy Sickle in Ioel 3. 13. you have the same words put ye in