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A39756 The fulfilling of the Scripture, or, An essay shewing the exact accomplishment of the Word of God in his works of providence, performed and to be performed for confirming the beleevers and convincing the atheists of the present time : containing in the end a few rare histories of the works and servants of God in the Church of Scotland. Fleming, Robert, 1630-1694. 1669 (1669) Wing F1265; ESTC R27365 219,887 314

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extraordinary providence that all onlookers must with fear and astonishment confesse that this is Gods own work yet it is also clear that he will therein make use of instruments fitted and chosen for that end who shall be raised and acted forth with a more then ordinary Spirit to execute the vengeance of the Lord even the judgement written amongst whom the feeble shall then be strong yea we have ground to expect that of the Kings of rh●●arth and the race and successours of these who in former times had given their power to the Beast shall the Lord raise up to hate the whoore and make her desolate O blessed are they who shall have a hand in so noble a work to sack and destroy that accursed City built up with the blood of the Saints and martyres of Iesus Christ 4. We are not to bound the Lord as to any particular time for accomplishing this piece of his word yet we have clear ground to believe that Babylons ruin maketh hast and the day of the Lord upon her is near whose sword is bathed in Heaven and that the instruments of his vengeance are making ready one stroke upon that party is already past Antichrist hath begun to fall before the word and must fall further until that great ●●roke which shall destroy his seat and lay wast that land be accomplished some promising evidences of its near approach I vvould here point at 1. The many prayers of the saints vvhich are novv before the throne and cannot want a return many who wrestled oft with the Lord on this accompt though they are away yet are their prayers to the fore and waits for this solemn manifestation of the judgement of God and the blood of the Saints doth not cease to cry yea hath as loud a cry as ever 2. It is clear that the preached Gospel now since the light began to break forth doth ripen and help to make the harvest more white then many ages formerly and truely if we consider how long the word hath been sounding a retreat to that party to come out of Babylon and that for these 150 Years they have been still acting in opposition to so clear a light to such a solemn call so many warnings yea to such convincing discovery of the Lords being against them in very remarkable providences doth it not shew at what an height their sin this day is and an obstinat rejecting of cure 3. We cannot but see how that judgement which should be poured forth on Antichrist under the vials is in a great measure now verifyed in the event 4. It is clear and consonant to the Scripture that the Lords work is now hastening in the latter dayes providence in a●●ist motion and maketh great advance more quick changes in the case of the Church both as to stormes and calmes and her tryals now must not be so long as in former times Rom. 9 ver 28. he will cut short his work in righteousnes for a short work will the Lord make in the earth 5. That Antichrist and his followers do this day seem to be at such an advantage the Lords work as it were at a stand yea rather going back this late reviving of Antichristian Prelacy in Brittain and Ireland with so visible a grouth of popery there and so dark an houre upon the reformed Churches abroad I think on very solid grounds is a promising evidence of the near approach of a furder stroak on that party for it is clear both from the word and Gods ordinary way of ●●ocedure how a sharp storm is usually previous to some remarkable enlargement of the Church a very low ebb before the turning of the tide yea that every step of her advance whereby she hath gained ground on Antichrist hath still had some conflict and wrestling going before and thus the Lord by suffering doth ripen his People for such times of mercy for which time O let us pray and wait when the smoke of that accursed City shall ascend up to Heaven and his People be made to triumph in his praise and sing that song Halelujah salvation glory and honour to the Lord God who hath judged the great whoore rejoyce over her thou Heaven and ye holy Apostles and Prophets for God hath avenged you upon her II. We have a clear ptophecy anent the incalling of the Iewes and their conversion to Christ in the latter dayes held forth by the Prophets and in the New Testament very expresly mentioned for the fulfilling whereof the Church must y●t wait and long after when God shall being again the capt●vity of his auncient People and say to that valley of dry bones live anent which we would consider Isas 11 ver 15. Rom. 11 ver 24. Rev. 16 ver 12. 1. That this promise doth not onely concern particular persons or a few but the body and generality of that people is most clear from the Scripture if men would compare Isai 11 ver 11. Zach. 12 ver 10. with Rom. 11 ver 25. where it is undenyable that their gathering must be as full and remarkable as their scattering and as there is no nation so remote whither some of them are not this day that shal not hinder the fulfilling of the promise but as Esai sheweth the Lord shall then assemble the dispersed and outcasts and bring them back from the four corners of the earth and furdest places thereof yea doth not the Apostle expresly shew that it is all Israel whereat this promise pointeth for though they are enemyes concerning the Gospel yet are they beloved for the fathers sakes because of the Covenant which was made with Abraham and his seed and truely we have in this ground also to expect something further then their conversion that in this day the Lord shall raise the tabernacle of David which is fallen and plant them upon their own land Amos 9 ver 11 15. not only bring them to a visible Church state but even therewith some temporal restitution and recollection of them as a Nation yea may expect a return of the old blessing of that lands fruitfulnes which I think is clearly held forth in that of Ames 9 ver 13. that the plewman shall overtake the reaper the very hils drop down sweet vvine and melt as it vvere in outvvard blessings on them 2. That this promise hath not yet had an accomplishment is also clear from the Word for it must follovv the rejection of that People and should not take place untill the fulnes of the gentiles be brought in vvhich harvest for many ages after vvas not to be reaped yea did not the Apostle hold this forth as a mystery a piece of the Scripture vvhich the auncient Ievvish Church could not vvell comprehend vvhen it vvas pointed at by the Prophets and even at that time vvas not understood vvhich surely could have been no mystery if their conversion had reached no further then the Apostles time and it is known how small a number since of
particular Churches may be in a sad withering condition whilest other parts do flowrish but these promises seem to point at a day which will concern the Saints in all corners of the earth who shall not want their share with the rest of that blessed time it may be also clear some more bright and hot sun-shine of the Gospel is held forth some such remarkable springtide of the Spirit that shall be as discernable as the Churches low ebb sometime was a day of the great power of God his presence very manifest among his people and with the ordinances beyond former times so that Ezek. 48 ver 35. the name of that place shall be called Iehovah Shammah the Lord is there yea that in this day Christs visible Kingdome in a setled Church state shall more eminently flowrish and the flowing in of people and nations with much fervour who shall joyn themselves to the Lord pure ordinances a more universal onenesse amongst the worshippers of God the walk of Christians with a discernable lustre of holines made to commend the Gospel Christs goings full of Majesty and the shout of a King which then shall be heard among his People the noyse of such sad complaints and bitter exercises from the spirit of bondage not so much among the Saints as in former times and though we see no sure ground from the word to expect such a favourable time wherein the Church militant shall not have trouble and persecution from the World yet there seemeth so much clearly imported in some of these great promises as point at a greater calm and more favourable gale of outward prosperity which the Church shall then have yea this in some longer continuance then in former ages a day wherein the haters of the Lord shall even be made to feign subjection with much of the countenance and concurrence of Magistrates and the civil authority in behalfe of the Church yea a time of much holy fear amongst the people of God and of much terrour and aw upon his enemies to which the great works of the Lord in that time shall then effectually contribute and cause them fear the Lord and his goodnesse in the latter dayes IV. We have a prophecy held forth Rev. 16 ver 12. which comparing with Rev. 9 ver 13. seemeth clearly to point at the fall and destruction of the Turkish Empire who have been these many ages so great a scourge to the Christian World for it is manifest that this drying up of the river of Euphrates must relate to that very party which we find in that 9 Chap raised up from about that river where the Turk hath so considerable a part of his dominions it is true the event will more clearly make this known yet these are undenyable 1. That such a party was foretold by John in ●●at 9 Chap. and a solemn warning given to the Church of so dreadfull a storm the time also there pointed forth when Antichrist should be at a great height yea the portraicture of such an adversary most evidently held forth such as indeed they were found to be a terrible cruell destroying party and therefore are said to have breastplates of fire their number also there held out to be a very great multitude which these huge armyes usually brought by the Turk to the field can witnes 2. The cause why the Lord should raise up so dreadful an enemy and thus let them louse is also expresly declared in that 9 Cha. 20 ver that it was in judgement and for a plague on men for Antichristian idolatry which then had so much overspread the earth and it was no wonder that when so much of the visible Church was turned almost brutish in their Religion and from the pure worship of God was caried after idols of gold and silver the work of mens hands that so brutish and barbarous an adversary should be let out for a scourge I truely think that as Antichrist and the abominations of that party hath been hitherto the lett of successe against the Turk so we are not to expect the prospering of any such design and his fall and ruin until the cause be removed for which the Lord did make use of this dreadful rod. 3. That such a party was raised up according to the prophecy yea at the appointed time thereof is very clear who like a mighty deluge did overflow a great piece of the earth and with strange prodigious successe did overrun much of Asia some parts of Africk and brake in on Europe to give work to these kings and great men and be a scourge to them who had given their power to uphold the throne of the Beast 4. There is also clear ground from the Scripture that the Lord shall as eminently appear in the fall and destruction of this adversary as in the raising of them up and that by their fall he is to make way for the accomplishing of his promise anent the Churches further encrease his perfecting the fulnes of the Gentiles and bringing in his auncient people whereto this prophecy seems to have a particular respect this we are to look after as one of the great works of the Lord that is reserved for the latter dayes which shall no lesse shew forth his power and glory even the drying up of that great Euphrates then in the day that he divided the sea and made Iordan a dry channel for his people to go through we are not to be furder positive anent means and instruments how such a thing shall be brought about it is eneugh what the Lord hath spoken and the word that is gone out of his mouth shall not return in vain V. Now to close this there is yet one great assault which we find the Church shall have before the end and then her warfare will be near finished anent which the Scripture is clear that Sathan for a little must be let louse and that solemn and perfect victory which the Church in the close of time will get over all her adversaries shall be ushered in with a very sharp tryal and once again this ungodly World will shew its rage ralley it s broken scattered forces in a general muster Rev. 20 8. with as much fury as ever and there shall the Lord eminently appear that by one full stroke he may for ever decide that long continued war and feed betwixt the Church and her enemyes a deliverance which as it will be the last so one of the greatest that ever the Church had the Lord thus finishing his work of providence by so stately and magnificent a close and truely after this we know no more of Canonick Scripture to be fulfilled but the comming of the Lord when the poor tost afflicted Church shall enter unto a triumphant estate above all the violence and oppression of men O blessed and long looked for day of Christs return to judgement when the dust of the Saints that for some thousand yeares past have been resting in
last dayes it vvould be of great use and profit to the Church that some more fitly qualified vvould study a more large collection of this kinde O that this might go forth vvith a blessing from him vvho by the meanest things can serve himself promote the edi●icaaion of his Church and that the Lord vvould raise some up vvith much of his Spirit to make a further search and enquiry in this great and vveiguty truth ERRATA PAge 12 Line 1 for very read every pag. 45 lin 2 for ate r. are p. 77 lin 10 for securitly r. sccurity p. 90 lin 18. for were r. where pag. 94 lin 13 for plaines r. plainness p. 105 liu 26 for most r. must p. 167 lin 9 for hash r. harsh p. 185 len 3 for therefore r. thereof p. 108 lin 1. for Alba r. Alva pag. 214 lin 25. for cruches r crutches pag. 217 lin 11 for III r. 2. p. 220 lin 1 for IV r. III. p. 255 l. 31 for petioned r. petitioned p. 285 lin 11 for observation r. observable Other such fmaller escapes as one letter for another or wrong pointing will not hinder an intelligent Reader The fulfilling of the SCRIPTURE THere are two meanes by which the blessed Majesty of God hath chosen to reveal himself to the sons of men his Word and his Works which may be called these two great Luminaries for giving light to the Church though the one be greater I mean doth more clearly shine forth yea doth communicate light to the other these men must not divide which by so strait a tye the Lord hath joyned and by a mervellous correspondence hath set the one over against the other that it may be easy to see his faithfulnes and the accomplishment of the Scripture therein and indeed this is a great concerning truth that calleth for a serious study the solid persuasion of which should affoord a svveet ground of repose and rest for the soul though the earth were all in a combustion ronnd about and give a satisfying answer to our most sollicitous thoughts and feares Now this being the intended subject of the following discourse I shall first touch it a little in the general and then hold forth some more particular grounds whence it may be clearly demonstrated I. That the Scripture of God hath a certain accomplishment here in the World and what is to be understood by the same I shall endeavour to clear in these things which would be considered 1. This is the very unfolding of the Lords decree and secret purpose the bringing forth of his work now within time to the view of Angels and Men which was before him in the deep of his thoughts and counsel from eternity it is an opening up of the sealed book which we must not understand to be that secret roll of election and the book of life wherein the names of the elect are writ but Liber fatidicus the sealed book of Gods dispensations in the World shewing out his counsels and designes which should be brought forth in the after ages of time for as the Lord did fully comprehend what he was to do and all that was to befal his Church and People from the beginning to the end long long before there was a beginning before the mountaines were formed so hath he copyed and written out his heart in the Word hereanent wherein he hath most plainly shewed forth what were his blessed purposes and counsel of old and thus the thoughts of his heart his Word and his works do sweetly aggree and each one wonderfully answers to another for his work doth bring forth and accomplish his Word that his decree and counsel from all eternity may take place 2. The Scriptures accomplishment is the transcript and writing of it over in providence where we may see and admire how the Word doth shine upon all the pathes and footsteps of the Lord toward his Church in every age and gives light to the same and what an evident reflection his work hath again upon the Word so that through the whole series and course of providence in the earth we have a most exact portraicture and image of the Scripture answering one to another as face answers to face in the glasse where it may be easy to discern the copy by the principale and that resemblance which is betwixt the building and that excellent pattern and model which is held forth thereof in the Word 3. The accomplishment of the Scripture is the very turning that which was the object of our faith and contemplation to be the object of our sense and feeling it is the real birth and bringing forth these truths unto the World in their appointed time and season concerning the Church and particular Christians which were hid in that womb of the promise and many dark predictions of the Word it is such a thing as giveth the promises and Prophecyes a visible being yea bringeth truth so near within the reach of our senses that we may even touch as it were and handle the Words of life O what an excellent interpreter is experience Tast and see for thus the serious Christian getteth a view of the Scripture and spiritual things which the most subtil and piercing eye of unsanctified Schoolmen cannot reach yea by the practice of truth nearnes to God ahd retiring of the soul to him hath oft got more light in ane houre then others by many dayes putting their judgement and invention upon the rack 4. This is Gods own seale which he pntteth to the Word to confirm and ratify the same I do not only mean that secret seale of the Spirit within but something more external that solemn testimony of his workes whereby he doth every day appeal mens consciences anent his truth for his works are very manifest whereon there is so clear an ingravening of his truth and faithfulness that as the impresse and image of the seal is upon the wax men may also see whose superscription and image that is which doth appear on such and such passages of providences 5. This is something we are not to seek onely in the extraordinary acts of providence or in any singular and eminent path of a christian experience nay it doth shine forth in the smallest and most casual things that falls out yea in every Page of that great Volumn of providence may be clearly read 6. The Scriptures accomplishment is such a thing as concerns every Christian in his personal case to which his ordinary experience doth relate whereof these have a large register what of the Word hath been certainly proven in the several steps and changes of their life whose practice doth much ly betwixt improvement of the Word and observation how it is fulfilled such can witnes how under a spiritual decay to be carnally minded is death and when it s well that great peace they have who love Gods Law they have oft found that in a strait he is a very present help and in the way
of this promise to the Church beyond all we have yet seen that many Scripture-truths now dark and abstruse shall be made so clear as shall even cause us to wonder at the grosse mistakes we once had thereof yea that after generations shall have a discovery and uptaking of some Prophecies now obscure which shall as far exceed us as this time doth go beyond former ages which comparatively we must say were very dark O! when that promise of the incalling of the Jewes shall once take place what a wonder will they be to themselves that their understanding shonld have been under such a vail when the truth shall be clear and evident to them in that day Will it not be a sweet and easy work for the godly to sort together the predictions of the Word and the events And truely there is much now wrapt up in Scripture Prophecyes not yet fulfilled which we may say in after times when the event shall unvail their meaning wil exceed yea confound all these comments many have had upon them 3. Is it not also clear that these Prophecies which of all the Scripture were most obscure and overclouded with dark figures and allegories concerning which there had been such mistake and hesitation by the Church so many perplexing queries have a peculiar respect to the last times And that then they shall be made plain and easy vvhen so notable a key as the event doth open them up such as these of the vvitnesses taking lyse and rising again Babylons fall and ruine Christs Reigning vvith his Saints a thousand Yeares vvhich novv are in some measure already cleared from their begun accomplishment beyond former times but vve vvait for a more full eommentary that tyme shall give upon the same 4. It is in the latter times that the glory of God in his truth and faithfulnes shall most eminently shine forth that is a part of the solemn congratulation of the Church upon Babylons fall Revelat. 15 ver 3. not only great and marvellous are thy works but just and true are thy wayes for truely in this stroke of the judgement of God and these remarkable providences concurring therevvith the fulfilling of the Scripture vvill be so plain and undenyable that we may say it vvill then dazel the eyes of men even greatest Atheists alarme the World yea very effectually contribute we have ground so to judge to that promised encrease of the Church and incoming of the Jewes when in Antichrists fall and ruine they shall see so convincing a seal put to one of the most considerable Prophecies of the Word in the accomplishment whereof much of the Prophetick part of the New Testament relating to the Churches state and her long tryal under Antichrists reign may be seen clearly verified 5. The Lord hath reserved his greatcst Works to the latter dayes wherein his judgments shall be manifest and the Word confirmed by such solemn convincing providences that men will not get them passed without a remark we are this day witnesses to many such and are looking what these times shall yet bring forth that the great and remarkable acts of the Lord must force the World to see a divine power and say lo there is an undoubted accomplishment of the Scripture 6. The Church in these last tymes hath peculiar advantagcs for understanding this truth of the Scriptures accomplishment which former ages had not First a great part thereof is now fulfilled that men may see with their eyes if they but know how to lay the Word and work of God together the Christian Church had in former times but dark glances at these great things which we have this day visibly transcribed in providence the promises were then travelling in birth of that which is now brought forth 2. Are we not mounted as it were on the shoulders of that experience and observation of former times which hath been transmitted to us and we must say upon that account the Church hath now a greater seal and confirmation of the truth then what it had in the dayes of the Prophets and the Apostles even when Christ was in the flesh 3. The Temple of God and Ark of his Testament is now opened in Heaven light more fully abounding and the meanes of knowledge And O! should not this be much our study who have a greater talent then former ages certainly this will be a sin of a deeper dye then in times of ignorance since we can be no strangers to this truth without shutting our eyes blinding the conscience doing violence to our light when the Lord doth give his People such solemn confirmations 7. I shall add is it not clearly soretold in that Dan. 12● ver 4. that in the last times this will be one of the speciall exercises of the saints to enquire and make a diligent search concerning the Scripturs accomplishment For it s there said many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased importing that this shall be much their study and cause a diligent fearch whereunto the great works of God in these times shall invite them and what should be the posture of the Godly in these dayes on whom the end of the World is come should it not be lyke the watchman in the last watch of the night who looketh oft what appearance there is from the east of the day breaking a serious enquery what of the Scripture is fulfilled whereby we may know on very clear grounds if the night be far spent the day at hand and that the coming of the Lord to judgement draweth near VIII This is a great and concerning duety for Christians to study this truth that they may have something more then repore how the Scripture hath a sure accomplishment and doth take place in the providences of the time wherein we live I must think strange that there is such a great help as this so near and yet we see it not nor do seriously ponder the same when the command is so express to observe the works of the Lord which for that end are shewed forth that men may enquire and read the faithfulnes of God therein yea that so great a truth which would bide the search of all the criticks of the World a truth wherein our blessednes through time and eternity lyeth should offer it self to our tryall and yet is so little known O who can dispense with the neglect of this duty by which we answer that solemn call and invitation of the works of God do honour him serve our generation are helpers to our own faith and are thereby helped to strengthen others yea are brought to see with our eyes and from experience what before was as a strange thing unto us Now to clear how much this is Christians duty to study a practical converse with the Word and to be serious observers of its accomplishment let us consider 1. We are thus helped to declare the works of the Lord and to give him the glory of his faithfulness
of the Churches enemyes hath oft witnessed this truth that in pursuing their malice to trouble and undoe her they have but undone themselves how tormenting disappointments have caused their very flesh to pine away and the close and issue of their rage forced this conviction from them at last that the Church is a burthensome stone to be lifted up a party with whom it is full of hazard to meddle have not such been made to discern something of a divine hand so clearly against them blasting their counsels and most promising attempts as if their eyes with Balaam had been opened to see the Angel in their way yea in all ages it is known how the conscience even of the worst hath oft bewrayed something of a presaging fear they have had of these whom they pursued with greatest malice and a dreadful impression they had of a praying people and their prayers 3. This truth hath had the clearest witnes in times of the Churches greatest strait and extremity when difficulties have appeared insuperable and an outgate in an ordinary way of providence most hopelesse when visible meanes have been withdrawn all refuge failed and none to help that in such a day the Lord hath been seen upon the mount and unexpectedly by very strange midses brought deliveranee to a broken almost ruined Church even as it were betwixt the bridge and the water so that these who would have a clear view of the accomplishment of this promise may but turn back on these more remarkable extream exigences of the Churches condition aod there have it how oft a sweet sunshine hath followed the most dark and cloudy times a raging storm hath resolved into a refreshing calm yea that with a further grouth of the Churches tryal and doubling of her burthen her enlargement and outgate hath broken up with so great and obvious remarkes therein that it was a convincing return of prayer wrestling having further addition of some new and singular mercy therewith yea some eminent act of judgment upon her adversaries 4. The greatest advantage and victories which men have got over the Churches and people of God can also bear witnes to this that when the wicked have sprung up like the grasse and the workers of iniquity seemed to flowrish this very way hath the Lord taken to bring about a more full deliverance Yea on the other hand hath it not been very obvious how the Churches gain hath been brought forth out of greatest lose that these wounds which seemed most deadly by the infinitly wise providence of God have turned to her most effectual and through cure and mens unreasonable violence and rage against the Church hath oft had an evident tendency to bring about even that whereto it seemed most directly contrary some further mercy and deliverance then could have been expected as the Amorites refusing Israel but● passage through their land did prove the very mean to give them more then they sought the possession of that land for an inheritance 5. This witnes the observation of the Church in all ages can bear to this promise that deliverance hath oft sprung up and been brought to her hand from an airth and by such meanes as none would have expected by such as none but God could doe a sudden report and rumour 1 Sam. 23 ver 27. meanes that have been not only small and improbable but that looked directly contrary as in bringing the Church out of Egypt yea sometime by the wicked ensnared in the work of their own hands is it not obvious how the Lord hath trysted mens privat interests to put them on for befriending his Church and hath caused the earth to help the woman and raised up one oppressour to punish another yea often hath prepared carpenters whence it was least thought to cut the horns of these who had scattered his people 6. There is this convincing witnes to the truth of such a promise that sudden remarkable change which may be oft discerned both on mens inward frame and the outward face of the Church when a time of mercy and enlargement is come instruments raised of the Lord with a discernable elevation of their spirits to act and doe exploits the feeble then made strong and these who sometime would have fainted at an ordinary piece of service dare with such a gale of divine assistance run as it were through a troup and overleap a wall ' for indeed this may in all ages be obvious how easy it is to move in the day when the Lord moveth for his people and strengthneth the girdle of their loines that it was not their bow or sword which got them the victory but the very finger of God something above the counsels of men or ordinary meanes which hath sometimes been made clear as the noonday so that even at some distance these who are wise to disc●●n the times did see when there was a breaking up of a d●y of a Churches hope how a previous motion and stir anongst the dry bones the sound of the Lord as in the top of the mulberry trees hath been then discernable and some p●●mising appearance from the present disposition and tenper of the Godly in that time though we must grant m●rcy soveraign grace hath oft trysted the Church when litle of this hath appeared which like the breaking up of th●t cloud in the of mount Carmel to the Prophet though at first but as an handbreath hath shewed that liv●rance to the Church was not far of ● I would adde this witness also these convinceing pr●vidences which in all ages have been shewed against the enenyes of the Church such as men could not passe without some remark what an issue these have had who have sometimes been a sore rod on the People of God yea a terour in the land of the living How they have become a most abject and contemptible party like bees who have lost their sting their countenance hath been changed and they ceased to be any more a fear when once their work was done and the date of their commission for the humbling and trying of the Church exspired yea a judicial stroke from the Lord hath been often seen upon their very judgement and resolutions which could not then serve them to trouble and afflict the Church the day being turned and the time of her deliverance come FIFTH There is this Promise also which concerneth the Church in general as well as Christians in their personal case that all things work together for the go●d of these who live God Rom. 8 28. the accomplishment whereof as it is written out in providence to the observation of men I would here touch This is indeed a great comprehensive promise which in the constant course and tenor of providence about the Church we may see it doth take place how these turrings and changes of the World the most strange emergents of the time the various motions and interests of men doe cooperat together and have an
undoubted ●e●dency to bring forth the Churches good as though they ●d intentionally act for the same there will indeed one day be a more clear and marvellous discovery of this when the Lord hath perfected his work and the mystery of God is finished the Church brought safe to the harbour then shall it be fully manifest to what end all these storm●s and cross winds in the counsels and designes of men wee these things which in the time could not be understood but seemed perplexed and strange did really worke fo●the Churches good for then men will see with their eyes afull performance of the word yet we must say even here in every age amidst the various changes of the Churches case this hath so clear an outmaking that there is no serious observer of providence but may bear winess to it 1. That not only the Churches good but ever her greatest good hath most clearly had its rise and been brought forth out of the greatest mischiefs and hurts intended against her that if we search the Scripture and will turn over these after records of the Churches condition we shall there find the most remarkable attempts and plots such as Pharaohs last essay to destroy the Isiaelites Hamans great design to root out the seed of the Jewes that great Masterplot Sathan once had on ●oot to crush the Gospel and the Christian Church by crucifying her head yea in these last times Antichrists killing the witnesses have all as if really intended by the instruments as well as the first mover brought forth the Churches greatest good so as the after-mercy and outgate hath carried some visible proportion to her tryal and to the greatnes of her adversaryes design 2. It may be also clear if we but trace back these memorable changes● which have been up and down the earth how direct a tendency they have had to this end did not the bringing down that great image of the Monarchies witness this We finde Nebuchadnezar raised up as a rod to the Church and Cyrus for a deliverer we may see the Persian and Grecian Monarchies brought down to make way for the setting up of the Messias his Kingdome Antiochus must stand up a little for a sharp tryal and his downfal give the Church a new breathing and hold forth to after ages a remarkable monument of the judgement of God against his enemyes Peaceable Augustus most tryst with his time in whose dayes shall be aboundance of peace we finde a Titus set up to execute the judgement of God on the Jewes to make way for a further enlargement to the ●gentil Church an Nero and Domitian to help forward the Churches suffering and a Constantine to give her some rest after so long and sore an assault and at last the Roman empire mouldred down for Antichrists upsetting to accomplish what did remain of the sufferings of Christ in his Church by that adversary 3. We may oft see a very strange tryst and concurrence of things how instruments act to bring about the Lords end and advance his Churches interest even while each one doth most vigorously drive their own proper end and design which sheweth there is surely a living spirit in the wheels that ordereth these motions a supream and first mover that can thus determine them whither they will or not to serve his end and the Churches good when they most directly intend the contrary 4. We have seen how in mens plotting the ruine of the Church there is oft an unseen hand determining their judgement and inclination to fall upon that very way then which we would think nothing could have been more direct for her good and their own ruine how an Hushai hath been sent in or some have been stirred up amongst themselves upon their own interest to break the pernicious counsels and designs of others 5. We have also seen the personal quarrels of the Churches enemyes among themselves brought to such an height and to tryst so seasonably that onlookers might clearly perceive that it hath been from the Lord a judgement for their rage and violence against his poor oppressed People 6. We have seen the Churches enemies raised to a strange height all advantages favouring them until their plot and mine hath been ripe for springing and lo at that very choke something unexpected hath fallen out which did turn their former successe to their further ruine yea disappoint all this the World is ready to call some fata and malevolent conjunction which cannot be resisted and what is this in effect but the witness of mens conscience to a divine hand 7. Have we not seen some sore dash and overthrow in the Church bring forth her good and a more full victory when visible helpe and meanes have been taken out of the way that something above meanes might be seen in her condition even in that day when all hath been given for lost yea truths loseing the day upon the field bring forth her triumph on the scaffold and at the stake 8. We have seen most despicable and ordinary things made subservient for some great piece of the Lords work a very small thing made the first rise of strange revolutions that remarkable changes have been oft lying in the bosome of common providence yea truely we finde both Scripture and the observation of after ages witness that the Churches deliverance and outgate did almost never come that way by such a method and meanes as shee had most expected the same and that Gods time of working may be oft very contrary to our time of expecting I shall only add is it not oft seen which I am sure all ages can witness how mens endeavours to darken the truth by errour hath been an effectual meanes for its further clearing That the growing of a tryal a violent and sore exacting upon the Church hath kindly wrought towards her outgate and enlargement her meat hath been oft brought even out of the eater by midses most destructive thereto and a svvord must pierce the Churches heart that the thoughts of many may be discovered a time of persecution must help to cure the divisions amongst the godly and bring them together in the furnace vvhich prosperity could not doe yea it is oft seen vvhich former ages can also vvitness that the very undoing of the Church hath been Gods blest vvay to keep her from being undone THE SECOND BRANCH DOth concern these Scripture threatnings which are held forth in the word with a respect to the visible Church and against a people professing the Gospel that no priviledges they have above others shall exeem them from judgment yea and from very sad strokes he hath knowen them above the rest of the World he will contend with them most severely because of sin and such particular evils as we find the Word threatneth I touched a little some Scripture-threatnings in the preceeding argument as concerned Christians in their privat experience what I here intend is to point at this truth as it
followed them to the grave for this the sword shall not depart from Davids house Idolatry rent the Kingdome from the posterity of Salomon Jonas shall not escape for his rebellion yea God was wroth with Moses and no intreaty shall hinder his dying in the wildernes I may adde hath not the Lords controversy on this ground even reached their posterity which may shew that these threatnings are sad earnest and such sins are not more particularly pointed at in the word then they have been in after ages made exemplary in judgement 3. A peoples lukwarmenesse their slighting of the gospel and not receiving the love of the truth we find sadly threatned in the word Rev. 3 ver 15 16. 2 Thess 2 ver 10 11. and truely we must say they have not fallen to the ground in any age without an accomplishment as frequent observation can witness First how a peoples entring upon a Religious way their pursuing a form of reformation and not through for God therein but on carnal grounds hath thus put them in a worse condition then before for truely mens hypocrisy in going about a good work doth threaten more then the performance thereof doth promise Jehu got a temporal reward but his posterity must at length reckon for all the blood of Jezreel 2. That no people use to be furder from getting good of the gospel then such who have been under most clear and greatest convictions so as it is found there is oft more accesse to gain amongst the savages then these who have sit their day while the tide did flow yea ministers have found most discouragement to labour in these parts where the word hath been long preached with power 3. It is seen how light not improved will turn a People more grosse and is usually followed with some remarkable grouth in sin that the more the word doth put a restraint on mens corruption the more it rageth so as it may be observed what a very black dy and collour the powerful preaching of the Gospel hath put upon a People as a visible mark of judgement on such who profit not thereby 4. Is it notseen how mens formality in the matters of God hath been oft punished even with the taking away of the forme Yea that seldome errour and delusion doth want a harvest amongst a People who receive not the truth in love 5. Hath not slighting of the Gospel been at last followed with some visible restraint and inhibition both upon the ordinances and dispensers thereof a judicial withdrawing of the Spirit as to the work of conversion and conviction whereby the Lord doth plainly cease to be a reprover to such yea even saith bind up the Law and seal the Testimony 4. The Word doth also threaten carnal Security a disease whereof the Church is oft in great hazard yea we find it holds forth a certain connexion betwixt spiritual judgements upon a People and some outward strokes to follow thereon that these who are under that first woe and plague upon their spirits are then near to some judgement upon their persons and may expect a sharp wakening in hearing they shall not understand c. but the close is until the cities be consumd without inhabitants and there be an utter desolation yea we find judgement doth begin as a moth in that 5. of Hos. but in the 14. ver it doth turn at last to be a lyon We may truely say the fulfilling of this hath in all ages of the Church been obvious 1. That as the first part of the Churches deliverance is usually spiritual so it is found the first step of judgement and the execution thereof against a People hath been upon their spirits that serious discerners of the time might know that the night was fast coming on and some sad outward stroke on a land by the abounding of spiritual judgements 2. It is clear themost dreadful strokes that ever come on a particular Church doe usually find it in such a case judicially hardned and under many warnings plagued with security thus did the floud finde the old World and before that desolating stroke on Jerusalem by the Romans were not the Jewes in such a case Salvain can tell how it was with the African Churches before that dreadful inundation of the Gothes and Vandals yea the Churches records in all ages doe witness that before any sad stroke or persecution came upon a People a deep sleep and lethargie hath been previous thereto gray haires might have been seen upon them and the Word doth even shew that this will be the last disease whereof the Church shall be sick before the great day of the Lord. 3. It is also seen how spiritual judgements when they grow upon a people make great dispatch and do quickly ripen for some further stroke that when men have run down their conscience and are past reproof of the word going on from evil to worse the case cometh then to be clear and ready for the finall discussion of the processe 5. The word doth denounce woe against the troublers of the Church and these who are her persecutors that the Lord shall recompence tribulation to such and plead with her oppressours the accomplishment whereof hath been truely manifest yea to the observation even of the world Is 10 5. 2 Thess 1 ver 6. 1. That eminent oppressours of the Church have seldome gone out of the World without some remark of divine anger upon them surely if there were a record of such instances that in every age hath been conspicuous men should be forced to see and say that the most noted enemyes and persecutors of the saints have been also the most convincing and noted examples of judgement in the time 2. That the Churches suffering useth to go before a day of vengeance on the instruments thereof we find Jehu got an outward reward for execut●ng the judgement of God on his enemyes but as for these men who have been the rod of the Church it hath been seen that they have not long wanted some scourge as sore upon themselves as they have been to his People and that at last these have payed dear-for their service 3. We may see how this also doth help to finish the contraversy of God with men and their houses that for this he hath taken many away in the midst of their dayes and made them cease to be who would not cease to trouble the Church while they had a being yea that He hath taken them in his own hand whom men could not reach and made their down-casting in the midst of themselves 6. Doth not the Scripture threaten carnal confidence in a People the putting of their trust in man or in any outward instruments Ier. 17 ver 5 6. Is 30 ver 16 17. to clear the accomplishment whereof let us but compare the word and the Churches observation together and we will find 1. That outward meanes have never more miscaried then when most promising and when there was greatest
upon the waters should make them appear as blood to the Children of Moab But we see what great things the Lord is thus bringing about 3. Is it not oft manifest how not the smallest casuality or circumstance providence doth losse without some improvment thereof yea that it guideth the stroke of mans sword in the battel and directeth the bullet to its appointed mark and it doth evidently check the starres and control that fatal necessity which we are ready to fear may or will follow their aspect and it doth even determine these which in themselves are most free and absolute the heart and wil of man must not the crowing of the cock the foldiers dividing of Christs garments fall out for an accomplishment of the Scripture and though it was at a venture that that man drew the bow which sent Ahab to his grave yet it was no chance did direct the arrow between the very joynts of his armour 4. Amidst the various emergents and hazards of mens life may not experience tell that surely things contingent are not abandoned to fortune but there is a providence which doth number our haires without which they cannot fall to the ground O how astonishing may it be to think hovv surprizing hazards have been oft obviated by vvhat unexpected meanes men have been delivered from violent assaults hovv help unlooked for hath even trysted at a choke and an extremity yea vvhile their foot vvas slipping even betvvixt their falling and fall they have been trysted vvith some remarkable cast of mercy 5. Is it not easy to discern hovv many accidents vvhich seem most casual yet by no humane prudence or industry can be prevented but are observably brought about and guided to fulfil the threatnings of the vvord on ungodly men hovv vvas Sisera led in to the house of Iael by other places hovv should Hamans suit for Mordecais death tryst vvith that very morning vvhen the Kings thoughts vvere favourable to him for it might seem had Haman been one day sooner he vvould have got his vvill THE THIRD ARGUMENT FOr the Scriptures accomplishment is this that not only the Christians experience and observation of the Cnnrch beareth witness thereto but it is also a truth which even to the view and conviction of the World may be demonstrat from whom it doth oft force a testimony yea in every age the worst of men have been forced to acknowledge and so it must be a thing very evident But the accomplishment of the Scripture can be thus witnessed therefore c. It is true these sweet and sensible enjoyments which the Saints have of this truth the World cannot reach but it is also sure that in every age the works of the Lord and some more notour convincing providences both of judgement and mercy doe solemnly invite men to observe the accomplishment of the word therein yea no time hath wanted something of a publick vvitnesse from ungodly men even greatest mockers of Religion vvho under that constraining povver of conscience at death or in some day of their strait have been forced to seal the truth by a very open confession of the righteousnes of God tovvards them and this is indeed the Lords blessed design in making his vvorks sometime so conspicuous that they may not only confirm the faith of his people but render Atheism inexcusable that the glory of his faithfulnes as vvell as of his povver and vvisdome may shine forth before the sons of men I confesse vve may vvonder vvhy the World looketh so litle upon this and hovv the conviction of so great a truth vvhich they cannot shun doth not more presse them but the Holy Ghost doth fully resolve this the brutish man knovveth not neither do fooles lay to heart hovv the Scripture taketh place and that the flovvrishing of vvicked men is but in judgement for their further ruine To prosecut this argument a litle there are some special truths I vvould instance vvherein the faithfulnes of God in fulfilling his vvord may be seen by the World yea is obvious to the most ordinary observers and though they be but a fevv vvhich I shall here touch yet I must say they are such concerning truths and have so neer a reference to the foundation of our faith that men cannot acknovvledge the same but must also confesse the Scriptures Divinity and that there is a truth and reality in godlines and in Christian Religion truely I may here vvith some confidence challenge the greatest Atheists yea appeale them to their conscience and serious thoughts if in these following instances though but a litle of what might be said on such a subject the truth and accomplishment of the Scripture be not very manifest FIRST I shall first hold forth this truth that man is surely fallen from that excellent estate wherein once he was formed Rom. 5 ver 18. 19. and now is not that which he was at the beginning a truth so clear that we may say even without the discovery of the word might be easy for any serious onlooker to discern the same did not even heathens have some glance at this The evidence whereof they could not altogether shun It is true the cause and original of this dreadful contagion how sin entered into the World how it is derived to the whole race of man by imputation as well as inhesion how that poison is carried from the fountain to the cistern the Scriptnre doth only discover but this I am sure may be obvious to all that poor man is thus sick and diseased and now beareth the marks of such a fall and ruine as we read of in the word I confesse it is strange that when this is so very convincing and manifest it should not force men to some more serious enquiry whence such a thing is or if there can be a recovery of so sad and desperat like case but to clear this a litle I would offer these three things to be considered 1. That there is some remainder of that excellent fabrick which may yet appear among its ruines some print and appearance though dark of that primitive lustte and beauty some draughts wich sin hath not wholly worn out that may clearly tell what man once was and point out his former excellency that he hath been an other wight of whom Absaloms character might be truely said without all blemish from the head to the foot For we see the deep impressions of a Deity still rooted in men even among the most wilde and savage which no invention can utterly raze we see some common principles of reason that are imprinted in the most rude and ignorant some innate notions and Ideas which the soul hath of good and evil among all and in every place of the earth likewise these natural truths 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which we may see are no wayes imprest on the soul from any objects of sense but such whereto men by an unavoidable necessity are forced to assent and besides what meaneth the
hope shall awake and this earth and all the glory thereof like a poor vain shew disappear O blessed and comfortable time in which the saints shall then fully know what Heaven is which they have so oft admired at a distance to behold his face in whose presence is fulnes of joy and shall need no further confirmations of the truth of the word when once this great promise of the Lords return is verifyed a promise wherein all these pretious truths which concerned the Church in her journey as so many streames shall empty themselves in this great deep then there is no more to do the work of the Gospel is finished the redeemed all brought in and the Bride made ready to go forth and meet him who shall fully satisfy and comfort his People according to the dayes of their former affliction and be for ever their exceeding great reward THE FIFTH ARGUMENT THat which not only is for the most part already accomplished but is a thing whereof we have so sure confirmations yea so great a pledge in our hand from the Lord that what yet remaineth shall be certainly fulfilled must is not be an undoubted truth But the Scripture as to these special predictions that are not yet made out is such anent which the Lord hath given his People a very large pledge and strong confirmations now in these latter times to believe their certain accomplishment Therefore c. It is sure that a part of the Scripture some special prophecyes which do concern the state of the Church in these last times hath not yet had an accomplishment which are already touched in the former argument and are indeed so great concerning truths that may cause us sit down and wonder when we think these shall shortly come to passe yet such whereof we may be fully perswaded if we consider that they are held forth and promised by him who is the God of truth and the begun performance thereof now so manifest yea what hath been the Lords way and the eminent providences of these last times which may fully satisfy our spirits that Gods work is near to a close and the accomplishing of the whole Scripture now at hand I shall here point at 3 special grounds whence the godly in these times may be throughly confirmed anent the truth and certain out making of the Scripture and these prophecyes thereof that yet are not fulfilled which we should look on as a very convincing pledge in our hand of the same I. Ground whence we may be thus confirmed in our faith is this that not only the most part of the Scripture is already proved and verifyed in the event but also These truths which of the whole Scripture are most strange and marvellous yea should have much staggered our faith if they were yet still in a promise are this day certainly accomplished I shall but only instance the comming of the Messias which the Prophets of old foretold that God should be manifest in the flesh and a virgin bring forth a son whose name should be Emmanuel that was to dye and be cut off out of the land of the living not for himself but for the transgression of his People is not this now surely accomplished● Which we may say is the greatest wonder the most astonishing thing that ever was or shall be and should fully silence our thoughts anent any other Scripture truth that is yet to be made out for we now know that the great bussines of redemption is put to a close the ransome and price thereof fully told down now is the doctrine of the Gospel sealed and attested by blood even the blood of the Testator it is now sure the promised Messias hath come and this is he who in the dayes of Pilat suffered at Jerusalem in whom all things which were written by the Prophets were truly accomplished And is not this a great pledge to assure us of the real outmaking of every other promise It is sure he did dye his blessed side was pierced with a spear and upon the crosse he cryed with a loud voice and gave up the ghost O Here lyeth the greatest cause of wonder not what doth yet remain of the Scripture but that which is already fulfilled not that Christ should come again to judge the World but that once he did come to the World and become man for God to be found in the form of a servant and dye that is beyond expression wonderful for the other must necessarly as a consequent follow that he who hath redeemed the Church and did pay her ransome should see the travel of his soul and be satisfied that having made such a purchase he should also have possession and finish the building the foundation whereof was his own blood I confesse what we do yet expect according to the promise are great and astonishing truths the full overthrow of Antichrist and his Kingdome that the dead bones of the Jewish Church should again live but especially Christs return to judgement who shall be revealed from Heaven with flaming fire the sound of the trumpet and voice of the Archangel yet how great so ever they are and may seem hard for us to believe O how small comparatively are they with that which is already done and accomplished the incarnation of the Son of God a mystery hid from ages wherein the Angels with wonder doe look which we may say is unspeakably more great then to creat this World and turn it again to nothing it may be truely strange whilest we read these prophecyes anent Christ and his Kingdome in so plain an history and professe that we believe he did dye and rise again we should have such hesitation anent the performance of any other Scripture promise is it not this day much more easy to believe the Scripture and fulfilling thereof then it was of old for the Jewish Church before Christs comming And how may we not with as much assurance wait for the second coming of the Lord and a full perfecting of his word even from that which is already verifyed thereof as we are sure of the return of the sun after it is gone down and of the breaking of the day when once the night is past II. Ground whence the godly in these times should be confirmed anent the full performance of that which is yet remaining of the Scripture that it is sure yea now near at hand is this that Jesus Christ is come to action against the enemies of his Church and hath taken the fields that surely he is now gone forth in the greatnes of his strength conquering and to ●onquer This is a grave truth vvhich might give us very sweet refreshing thoughts in so shaking a time that whilest we have seen the Lords appearing by a great and outstretched hand for his people these terrible stirrs and concussions of the nations have seen him strike through Kings in the day of his wrath and fill the place with the dead bodye of his
adversaryes we may also on clear Scripture grounds conclude that the Lord is now awaked as a mighty man and upon the fields yea that the war is surely begun against Antichrist and all the adversaryes of his Church which shall not cease until the full victory be obtained for indeed these providences which in these last times should be very affrighting and terrible when we go in to the word we shall find they have a comfortable aspect on the Church and do presage her greater enlargement which as the tender buds and leaves of the fig tree are put forth to shew the sommers approach Luc. 21 ver 28. it is true the Church is now low and the work of God meets with very sad interruptions which are needful both for tryal and rebuke but this also is sure which none can deny that the Lord hath eminently appeared and done great things for his Church yea we must say he hath by a confluence of very remarkable providences thus condescended to strengthen his peoples hands to confirm such who are ready to stagger even as it were by cruches anent the greatnes of these things which are yet promised Now to clear this truth a little we would consider First How it is very consonant to the Scripture and expresly held forth in the same that in the last times and turn of the Churches case from Antichrist the Lord will thus appear in his great strength and set up his standard against his adversaryes yea will then in a special way call forth his people to glorify him by an active testimony 2. That the Lord hath thus begun to appear according to his word is a truth that is also undenyable should much help to confirm our faith anent the performance of that which further remains of the Scripture 1. That this is manifest from the word may be thus clear First Though the Church militant must not want an adversary and some persecution from the World even in her best estate yet we have a safe warrant to expect that the Lord will glorify himselfe in a peculiar way in his people now in these latter dayes by doing and acting for the truth as in former ages his glory did most appear dnreing Antichrists Reign in his Churches suffering for then the faith and patience of his Saints was to be witnessed in its season Rev. 13 ver 10. and thus he would serve himselfe of his people and bring forth his glory until that time of retribution when these who had killed with the sword should be killed by the sword and these who led unto captivity be so dealt with which doth also clearly promise some special outletting of the Spirit for acting with these gifts of courage and resolution sutable to the service of the Church in the latter dayes and truely I think it is a great want we study not more the accomplishing of the promises and how to improve the same for gifts as well as grace in order to the several times and necessities of the Church 2. It is very clear from the Scripture that in the last dayes when Christ is to raise his Church from under the power and tyranny of Antichrist he shall then appear in a warlike posture which John had shewed to him Rev. 19 v. 13 14. as one upon the head of his forces with his vesture dipped in blood to shew that vvhen once the vvar is begun against his adversary and this Lyon of the tribe of Juda begins to rouze himselfe up vvhat a terrible appearance he vvil have in that undertaking and it is clear that the Lord hath declared in this his counsel and vvill that his Son Christ should in the latter times take unto himselfe his great povver and reign Rev. 11 ver 17. yea cause the World knovv him to be Head of principalityes and povvers as vvell as of the Church for his glory in this truth as a King which former ages seemed in so great a measure to darken must then clearly shine forth I truely think mens appearing with such violence and rage against so concerning a truth now in these dayes doth promise some eminent appearance of the Lord therein and that he shall yet more solemnly assert the same before the World 3. Doth not the Scripture point at the last times as that special time of recompence for the controversy of Sion to which the Lord hath reserved a solemn triumph of his justice over all his Churches enemyes when he shall enquire for the blood of his Saints shed upon the earth since the dayes of Abel at Babylons hand Revelat. 18 ver 24. that great adversary who stands in law guilty and hath served her selfe heire to all the violence cruelty done in former ages for in her hand must that cup be found full which the enemyes of the Church from the beginning hath been filling up and as so many rivers and fountaines hath run unto this great sea 4. It is also clear that in the last times when the Lord shall bind up the breach of his people and heal the stroke of their wound who for so long a time had been trampled under by Antichrist he shall by some signal providences roll away this reproach and scandal of meannes contempt and persecution shall put some glory on his Church proportionable to its former abasement yea thus comfort her according to the dayes wherein he had afflicted her and cause his peoples uprising in measure and kind to answer their low and suffering state from Antichrist even in the last times when the Lord shall make them appear with the face of a Lion when the feeble shall be as David and as the Angel of the Lord Zach. 12 ver 8. which promise doth clearly point at the Churches raising and delivery from Antichrist upon the back whereof we find the Prophet doth foretel the last conversion and incomming of Israel 5. I shall only adde what the Scripture doth most expresly shew that the Lord shall so gloriously appear in bringing his Church out of Babylon and executing his judgement on that adversary as in the day when he brought his people out of Egypt and therefore shall they sing the song of Moses and the lamb Rev. 15 ver 3. his great power and outstretched hand being no lesse discernable therein then if they had been standing with Israel at the red Sea when they saw their enemyes lying dead upon the shore yea have we not ground to believe that the Lord shall make himself very evidently knowen in raising instruments and acting them forth which hath been already seen and I am sure the World must confesse what great things have been done by these of whom little was expected III. That the Lord hath thus begun to appear and make himself known to the World in these last ages according to his word is a thing very easy to demonstrat for 1. Is it not clear how in these last times he hath met his enemyes upon their high places
and in their greatest strength that by a strong hand he did make room for his truth when both Law and force did withstand the same and put the marks of his wrath on such who would oppose the spreading of his Kingdome that they have been as visible as sometimes their rage and violence against the Church was yea since the Lord begun to lift up a standard for the truth and call forth his People to act hath it not been seen they have losed their ground more by underhand treaties and turning aside to carnall politick shifts then by open force and violence vvhich the French Massacre vvith other sad instances can vvitnes for indeed the Church hath still lost least by greatest opposition 2. Have vve not seen by vvhat dreadful shakings and alterations of the earth this late glorious reformation of the Church from Antichristianisme hath been ushered in vvhich hath been more strange and frequent then in many ages before hath not the Lord caused the Nations shake and the earth to reel like a drunken man to shevv men that though he suffered long in former times of the Worlds ignorance he vvill not so novv bear vvith opposing his truth 3. Have vve not also seen the Lords raising up men fit for action in these last times men of a great heroick spirit vvith some more then ordinary elevation of the same to appear for his intrest such vve may say that many former ages could not instance in vvhich the Lords helping his People to do great things his suiting them vvith enduments for the service and vvork of the time hath been most discernable Was not that excellent man the Admiral of France vvith many others in that place eminently raised up for the necessity of that time and doe we not find these Princes of Orange William and Maurice and Mauritius of Saxony whom the Lord raised against Charles the V. and caused him flee over the Alpes yea what marvellous resolution and courage did attend the actings of the confederates of the Low Countryes in latter times doe we not find Gustavus King of Sweden Bernard Duke of Weymar Lantsgrave of Hesse with many others eminently raised to avenge the Lords quarrel against that bloody house of Austria have we not also seen very great instrumemts raised up in Brittain and Ireland who were followed with wonderful successe to act for the truth against Antichristian Prelacy and truely we must say the withdrawing in such a measure of that spirit of courage and resolution which once was so visibly let forth in the first dawning of the Reformation may sadly point at a great decay of zeal selfe confidence unfaithfulnes as to the improving of opportunities for the Lord was with his People whilest they were with him and did singly follow him in his way but alace with their departing it may be said their strength hath departed from them however the quarrel is clear for an oppressed Peoples acting upon so just so necessary an account as the interest of Religion against the cruelty and violent encroachments of Antichrist wherein as the Lord hath eminently owned his People so I dare not question he will yet appear and silence the adversaryes of this truth by such an argument against vvhich they shall not debate 4. That unusual deludge of blood which for the 100 yeares past hath overflowed much of Europe can be a witnes to this that the Lord hath taken peace from men who vvould not embrace the peace of the Gospel offered in these last times and given his enemyes who had shed the blood of the saints blood to drink in great measure I am sure poor Germany can prove this which for 20 years together was a field of dead men France from the dayes of Henry the II. to the establishment of Henry the IV. hovv long vvas the Low Countryes made a stage of vvarr vvhere many a cruell Spanjard did fall under the svvord of an avenging God besids the late bloody vvarres in Brittain and Ireland and vvhat doth this declare but that Jesus Christ hath taken the fields and it vvil not be novv vvith the Kings of the earth to oppresse his Church and withstand the truth as in former times I shall but adde hovv vvonderfully hath the Lord appeared in delivering his Church at the greatest extremity hath turned his enemyes counsels and designes upon themselves brought about the great vvorks of these last times by meanes so unexpected and improbable that vve may say as to vvhat of his judgement is already execute against Antichrist hath been no lesse marvellous then that Jerichoes vvals should fall at the sound of a trumpet of ram-horn or a cake of barley bread tumbling into the host of Midian should smite and overthrow the same surely when we consider what the Lord hath done and how exactly that doth answer the Scripture we may have much to confirm us anent the further accomplishment of his word and be assured that the term of his long suffering towards Babylon is at an end war is denounced and the execution already begun which must not have a close untill judgement be accomplished into victory IV. Ground which may confirm the faith of the saints and be as a pledge in their hand of the full accomplishing of the Scripture yea that this is near is this that the day is now turned and that prophecyed victory which the Church should have over Antichrist before the end is not only begun but in a great measure advanced This is indeed a great confirmation when we see so marvellous a crisis in the Churches case her recovery from so desperat and hopelesse a disease already begun that it shall be furder perfected we are made to wonder at the greatnes of these things yet promised but why should we not also wonder at that which God hath already done for his Church in our dayes the Scripture doth shew that Antichrists ruin must begin by the word that this stroke shall be gradual and however that great work of God meet with much opposition yet it shall no more go back in the whole and must we not say in all this the word is fulfilled it hath not hitherto failed the Church but the event in every circumstance made to answer to the same Now to clear this we would consider these two First that the Churches victory over Antichrist is this day so farr advanced 2. How the Lords very immediat hand hath been most discernable therein I. The first I need but name whilest it is so manifest what the Lord hath wrought for his Church for we have seen Kingdomes and Nations subject themselves to the truth the kingdome of Antichrist grow dark with the breaking up of the light and many of his followers made to gnash their teeth being scorched with the heat and power of the gospel in how great a measure is that interest now shaken if we consider what the Lord hath wrough what a great reformation hath been in Brittain
to the earth crying out these vvords a fallen Starr a fallen Starr It was also knovvn hovv for divers years he had been seised upon vvith an Hypochondriack distemper apprehending he vvas all glasse vvhereupon vvorthy Mr Simson of Sterling vvho had sometimes been his familiar hearing of his Court-advancement had this line Aureus hen fragilem confregit malleus urnam A very convincing instance of the judgement of God in that time vvas one Mr Andrew Foster Minister at Dumfermling vvho being sent Commissioner to the Assembly at Glasgovv 1610 and solemnly adjured as he should ansvver to Jesus Christ by his brethren not to consent to any alteration of the governement of the Church yet notvvithstanding voted for Prelacy having got 50 Merks from the Earle of Dumbar who made use of that argument to break some of these wretches a small sum indeed to sell the cause of Christ and by him very dear bought for after his return he falleth in sicknes and upon his recovery from that was seised with horrour of conscience so that he run out of the pulpit whilest he was going to preach confessing he had sold Christ at that Assembly for money that being poor and having a numerous family he chused rather to make hast then beleeve and thus laid aside his ministry requesting Mr Iohn Murrey who then was silenced by the Bishop that for Christs sake he would take the charge of that place after which he fell in a great distraction and became in some measure madde and though he did something recover yet dyed in great infamy poor and drouned in debt a very convincing example of the judgement of God This old Mr Row of Carnock being then a minister in the same Presbitery sets down under his hand vvhich he most certainly knew I shall only adde 2 remarkable instances of the Lords judgement vvithin these few yeares that should not be past without a remark The first relats to a considerable family in this countrey who made it their vvork to trouble and persecute the Minister of that Parish an eminently holy and faithfull man yea upon the accompt of his faithfulnes the old Laird of that house out of malice doth pursue him vvith a false libel before the Sinod using all means he could to reproach his name having it as his design either to get him broken and put out of the Parish or at least to crush his spirit and vveaken him in the exercise of the ministry but doth there meet vvith a disappointment the Lord cleiring the innocence of his servant and the malice of the other so that even such who otherwayes wanted not a prejudice at him were forced to acknowledge this at which time that Gentleman whilest he went to the stable where his horses were being then at the Sinod upon that accompt is in the place stricken with sicknes forced to haste home and take bed and there seised with such horrour of conscience which made him oft cry intreating most earnestly for his Minister whom he had thus persecuted and oft had these words O to see his face yea told his friends that if he would not come to him they would cause carry him to his house but his Lady out of malice did in a most rude and violent way hinder the Ministers accesse to him and thus that poor Gentleman in great horrour and anguish dyeth after his death his Lady doth still persue the quarrel with no lesse malice until she also falleth sick and therewith had much terrour upon her conscience yea did no lesse cry out for the Minister then her husband who then was providentially absent so that she was put to cry and in that denyed which she did hinder to her poor husband though at last he came to her before her death to whom shee vvith much bitternes confessed her vvrong After this a young man their chaplain vvho had been engadged by them to appear as a vvitnes against that godly man vvas so terrified in his conscience that he could get no rest until he vvent to the next Sinod to acknovvledge that horrid sin in bearing false vvitnes against his Minister but being there keept by some from a publick appearance he vvent to another part of the countrey vvhere it is certainly reported he dyed distracted Novv last of all the young Laird vvho did succed in that estate vvould needs pursue the quarrel and finding more accesse through the change of the time did so endeavour vvith some vvho vvere in povver that an order vvas past for banishing him out of that Parish and though he vvas then othervvayes staged upon the accompt of the publick cause yet it vvas knovvn the violent pursuit of that Gentleman vvas the main cause of this sentence vvhich these vvho had hand in passing it did themselves confesse for he had solemnly svvorn that if he lived in that place that man should not be Minister there but lo a fevv dayes after having returned to his house and boasting hovv he had keept his vvord and novv got his Minister cast out of the parish he vvas suddenly struck by the Lord vvith an high fever vvhich plucked him avvay in the very strength of his yeares This I had related as it is here set down from a grave Christian the party himselfe being present which he did humbly decline to relate though he could not but assent thereto Second is one David Mackbryar who was a member of the late Parliament being one of the commissioners of the Burrowes a man most notour in the countrey where he lived for a leud and grosse practice but most remarkable and knowen beyond others for his violence and rage against the Godly as he shewed by his carriage both in the Parliament and afterwards where he could have accesse did set himselfe to trouble and persecute such under that reproachful name of fanaticks but within some time thereafter whilest he was forced to retire by reason of debt for fear of caption he was found one day walking alone by one who was then comed out of the North to that countrey and had riden forth to see if he could catch any of that party whom he judged was then lurking and supposing upon his rencounter that he was surely one of these would needs apprehend him but he upon his resistance and strugling against him was by him run through with a sword and immediatly killed on the place upon that very accompt and perswasion that he was a phanatick and rebel as he then tearmed him thus he who had declared himself an enemy to the people of God whom he was wont in reproach to call phanaticks was himself under that very notion and upon that ground cutted down by one of his own stamp and principles O was not this the finger of God and a convincing proof of his righteous judgement FIFTH Witnes which holds forth the Lords eminent appearing and something of an extraordinary power in the late raising and reformation of the Church from Antichristianisme is this
years before the fall of Prelacy about the yeare 1628. some yeares thereafter which as many grave and solid Christians yet alive can witnes who were there present was a bright and hot sun-blink of the Gospel yea may with sobriety be said to have been one of the largest manifestations of the Spirit and of the most solemn times of the downpowring thereof that almost since the dayes of the Apostles hath been seen where the power of God did sensibly accompany the word with an unusual motion upon the hearers and a very great tack as to the conversion of souls to Christ the goings of the Lord then full of Majesty and the shout of a King was heard in the solemn meetings of his people that as a judicious old Christian who was there present did expresse it he thought it was like a dazeling beam and ray of the glory of God with such an unusual brightnes as even forced by standers to an astonishment a very ●ffectual door opened with more then ordinary enlargement which the Ministers of Christ there did find in preaching the word whilest the people might be seen hearing the same in a melting frame with much tendernes of spirit surely this was the very power of God a convincing seal to the truth and ministry of his Servants who were then persecuted by the Prelats yea ● thing which as it was known had an awfull impression and was a terrour to their adve●saryes I remember amongst other passages what a worthy Christian told me how sometimes in hearing the word such a power and evidence of the Lords presence was with it that he hath been forced to rise and look through the Church and see what the people were doing thinking from what he felt on his own spirit it was a wonder how any could go away without some change upon them And then it was sweet and easy for Christians to come 30 40 miles to these solemn Communions which they had and there continue from the time they came until they returned without wearying or making use of steep yea but little of either meat or drink and as some of them professed did not feel the need thereof but went away most fresh and vigorous their souls so filled with the sense of God 6. That was also a remarkable time wherein the Lord did let forth much of the Spirit on his people in the year 1638 when this Nation did solemnly enter in Convenant vvhich many yet alive at this day do knovv hovv the spirits of men vvere raised and vvrought on by the vvord the ordinances lively and longed after for then did the Nation ovvn the Lord and vvas visibly ovvned by him much zeal and an enlarged heart did appear for the publick cause personal reformation seriously set about and then also vvas there a remarkable gale of providence that did attend the actings of his people vvhich did astonish their adversaryes and forced many of them to feign subjection Alace hovv is our night comed on for the Lord hath in anger covered the face of the Daughter of Zion vvith a dark cloud 7. Must not vve also say since the land vvas engadged by Covenant to the Lord in these late times vvhat a solemn outletting of the spirit hath been seen a large harvest with much of the fruit of the Gospel discernable which we may say with a warrant hath been proven in the inbringing of thousands to Christ a part whereof now are in glory and many yet live who are a visible seal to this truth of whom I am sure some will not lose the remembrance of these sweet refreshing times which the land for several yeares did enjoy of the Gospel and of many solemn Communions where a large blessing with much of the Spirit and power of God was felt ac●ompanying the ordinances if it were expedient to set down circumstances I could here point at many such remarkable times and places which should clearly demonstrat this Now besids these more publick and obvious proofes it is knowen what a great testimony the experience of the godly in these late times could give to this truth what they have in a large measure felt of the power and refreshing outlettings of the spirit within their ●oul yea how oft after sorest downcasting have been wonderfully raised above themselves and filled with the consolation of God and joy unspeakable this would indeed make a great volum to reckon over all these instances even these whose experience in these last ages could in a large measure witnes this truth only to s●ut this up I shall name these two 1. Mr Welsh and Mr Forhes two great witnesses of Christ in this land when they were prisoners give this accompt of their case in a letter to Mr Iames Melvin and his Uncle then at London which under the said Mr Melvins hand is set down in a manuscript of his their wotds are these Dear Brethren we dare say by experience and our God is witnes we lye not that unspeaka●le is the joy that is in a free and full testimony of Christs royall authority unspeakable is the joy of suffering for his Kingdome● for on that truth was their suffering stated we had never such joy and peace in preaching of it as we have found in suffering for the same we spake before in knowledge we now speak by experience that the Kingdome of God consists in peace and joy and in an other letter thus they say our joy hath greatly abounded since the last day which was after passing sentence of death on them by an assize at Linlithgow so that we cannot enough wonder at the riches of his free grace that should have vouchafed such a gift upon us to suffer for his Kingdome in which there is joy unspeakable and glorious and we are rather in fear that they to wit the sufferings be not con●●n●●ed and so we be robbed of further consolatio● then that they ●hould encrease surely there is great consolation in suffering for Christ we dow not expresse unto you the joy which our God hath caused abound in ●● 2. I shall also mention that great Servant of Christ Mr Rutherfoard whose Letters now published can witnes what solemn dayes of the Spirit and sensible outlettings thereof he oft had in his experience Though books can tell but little what he really felt and enjoyed I shall onely set down some of his last and dying expressions which I had from these who were then present and caused write down the same from his mouth that may shew how lovely he also was in his death and how well that did correspond with his former life some of his words are these I shall shine I shall see him as he is and all the fair company with him and shall have my large share it is no easy thing to be a Christian but as for me I have got the victory and Christ is holding forth his armes to embrace mee I have had my feares and faintings as an
but am heavily grieved that the glorious governement of the Church of Scotland should be so defaced and a Popish tyrannical government set up and thou Manderston for out of that house Dumbar was come and he thus stiled him Hast thou no other thing to do but carry down to Scotland such commissions whereby the poore Church there is wracked the Lord shall be avenged upon thee and thou shalt never again go down for all thy grandour which words took such impression on that Gentleman that when he went forth he desired some friends who then waited to get a bussinesse at court ●●ped by Dumbars moyen that they would in time ●●● their affaires to a close for he was perswaded the words of that servant of Christ should nor fall to the ground and truely this did very quickly take place that Earle being suddenly struck by death within a few moneths after and thus thrown down from the top of his grandour whilest he was bussie perfecting that great house of his at Berwick and had appointed a sumptuous feast for his daughters marriage even then did his thoughts perish I shall here but adde one instance more of one whom we before named though not a Minister yet a great instrument for promoting the work of the Gospel in the place he lived and one we may say of an extraordinary spirit Hew Kennedy provest of Aire of vvhom I would mention these two passages from sure knowledge One was whilest the Merchant Ships of that town were at ●e● amongst whom his son Iohn who was also a choise Christian was at that time he did one night rise before the breaking of day and came to the house of his familiar friend Iohn Steward desiring he would rise go along with him to some room whereat the said Iohn being exceedingly astonished he sayeth to him it is no time to linger let us go pray for my son with the rest of our friends now at sea are at this houre on the very nick of perishing and after they had spent some time in prayer he arose chearfully and said now they are safe Within a little after Iohn Steward who had writ this down with the day and houre at the return of the Ships did most particularly enquire and found hovv it did answer in all the circumstances and in that very houre of that night they were to appearance past hope of safety upon a very dangerous place and by an extraordinary unexpected providence then delivered The other is this one day being for many houres alone in prayer whilest some of his Christian friends did wait long for him at last with an unusual chearfulnes he came forth and upon their enquiry anent his stay he told them it was no wonder for he had that day got mercy to him and all his and truely it was very evident that not one of his Children but there was large ground of charity that they were truely godly Whilest he was dying Mr Ferguson a godly Minister sayeth to him yow have cause Sir to be assured that the Angels of God are novv vvaiting at the stoups of this bed to convoy your soul into Abrahams bosome to vvhom his ansvver vvas I am sure thereof and if the wals of this house could speak they could tell h●● many sweet dayes I have had in secret fellowship with God and how familiar he hath been with my soul I shall only adde Mr. Welshes testimony in a letter from France to this great man his words were these Happy is that city yea happy is that Nation that hath a Hew Kenneay in it I have my selfe certainly found the answers of his prayers from the Lord in my behalfe SEVENTH Witnes to this truth that the Lord hath in so solemn and extraordinary a way appeared for his Church in these last times is this these great and marvellous providences which we may call magnalia Der by which he hath witnessed his truth and confirmed the same since the breaking up of the Gospel in this late raising of the Church from Antichrist For we may truely say there hath not wanted a visible attestation from Heaven and a convincing testimony by some great workes of the Lord to his truth as well as in the primitive times of the Church We do here understand by such providences these wherein man cannot but see something above nature and naturall causes yea above the ordinary way of the Lords working which doth evidently witnes his great and immediat hand some whereof have been so wonderful which can be instanced in these late times as might truely be called miracles it is true this is not the Lords usuall way neither maketh he use of such a solemn testimony but on special and weighty grounds vvhen the necessity of the Church called for it vvhilest he is about some extraordinary piece of vvork or vvhen the Gospel cometh first to a land that hath been long overspread vvith darknes vvhen ordinary meanes of conviction are vvanting or in times of great opposition vvhen the commission of his servants needeth some extraordinary seal in such a time as that of Achabs vvhen the People are made to halt betvvixt truth and a false vvay and thus vve find the Lord did confirm the first breaking up of the Gospel and make use of such a mean to spread the Christian Church through the World and should this seem strange that in so great a change of the Churches case novv in these latter dayes vvhen he vvas to raise her up after so long a ruin and desolation vvhilest Antichristianisme so many ages had overspread the face of the World that he should thus appear and give some signal demonstration of his povver in behalfe of his People such as vve have seen vvith our eyes and our fathers did tell us It is not miracles or any extraordinary providence on vvhich men should resolve their faith nor do vve here mention these for laying stresse thereon in believing the truth no the Protestant doctrine and cause doth lean on a stronger gtound it can vvith confidence appeal the adversary to the Scripture these divine records vvhich they do not pretend to deny this even this is the reason of our hope vvhich vve offer to all that ask for the same and there let the God of truth vvho hath revealed his vvill and answers men by the written word be judge a●d we shall demand no greater advantage nor justice at the hand of our enemyes we know miracles cannot authorize a lye or be a seal to any thing repugnant to the Scripture and truely these lying wonders which have been so frequent in the World which the Apostle doth foretel that such an engine the Devil wil make use of to turn men aside from the truth besids other marks of their falsehood they have this one most discernable that they are the support and warrant of that which cannot stand alone by the Word and thence are the popish miracles made use of to confirm such tenets
which of all their doctrine do most directly contradict the Scripture as the merit of works purgatory praying for the dead c. Bus as we will not boast of such as the authority or proof of our doctrine so we judge it a grave and a concerning duety to observe the wondrous work of the Lord in our times yea to make a diligent search thereanent that we may tell posterity some of these great acts of our God for his Church in bringing her again from Babell I would desire to be very tender and cautious upon such a subject for I judge it horrid divinity to make a lye for God it is not the truth but a false way which requireth such a help and truely anent these following instances which are but a few of many that might be brought if there were more serious enquiry I dare attest the Lord the great witnes that I have not knowingly set down here any thing false yea not without some diligent search and satisfying grounds anent the certainty thereof I judge it not necessary to repeat these which are so known already to the World from publick records and therefore shall but briefly point at some of these and adde a few moe particular instances of this kinde which I may with some confidence bring to the light from clear evidences of the truth thereof I shall first mention that solemn testimony of Mr Baynam in Queen Maryes time who in the midst of the fire whilest his body was all in a flame his armes and legs halfe burnt cryed out to bystanders O Papists ye look after miracles lo here is one I am now burning in this fire but feels no more pain then if I were in a bed of roses O must not this be called a miracle and an extraordinary seal from the Lord to his ttuth wherein the World would consider this was the testimony of one who was upon the borders of eternity which he did declare before a great multitude attested by Mr Fox that holy servant of Christ who in things of that kinde so extraordinary was most cautious and did much search out the truth and certainty of what he sets down and by him was published whilest many of that time who might have been present were alive yea it is the more remarkable the sharp combat that this Martyr had through the terrour of the fire a little before his death fearing he should never be able to endure the same What a remarkable providence was that at a town in the Low Countryes whilest some of the Saints were put to death by the Popish party and among these one Michael Bomboutius a Deacon of the reformed Church whilest they were going to suffer about midday the Heavens being most clear there came suddenly so great a darknes and so horrible and unusual a tempest which was onely in that place and above that city discerned that men were generally shaken with fear thinking there should be a present dissolution of the World this famous Voetius in that piece de signis doth witnes that from divers there present even some of them popish he had this related to himselfe and as he sayeth such●● thing Papists would have with greatest observation published as the very finger of God if they had the same occasion At a town Alsa in Westslanders whilest a godly man whom the Inquisition there had pursued was leading to the stake and was by the way singing Psalmes th● Captain of these who guarded him was so enraged that he caused presently his tongue be plucked out by the rootes but lo● a few moneths after this wretched man hath a Childe born with his tongue hanging out a great way which by no meanes could be keep● within his mouth this Doctor Hall being himsel●● afterwards in that town had shewed him from some who were most considerable there as he sets down in his Epistles Charles the IX of France vvho was author of that horrid Massacre where the blood of many thousand Protestants at Paris and other parts was shed did a very little after dye in the strength of his years by an extraordinary effusion of blood from all passages of his body that as Du Serres and other french vvriters of that time do shew he was made to vvallow in his own blood before his death O vvas not this the very finger of God a most convincing stupendious piece of his judgement What an extraordinary providence vvas that vvhich is attested by divers vvitnesses thereto in the late bloody Massacre of Ireland a young vvoman vvho by the Irishes vvas stript almost naked and after by one of them threatned that except she vvould give him her money he vvould forthvvith run her through to vvhich she gravely ansvvered I knovv you cannot kill me except God give you leave whereupon he did three 〈◊〉 with his sword run at her naked body but could not once pierce her skin which did so confound this wretched man that with a kinde of horrour he went away and ceased to trouble her further Did not God wonderfully appear in the raising of the late King of Sweden with that astonishing successe which did attend him in breaking the power of the house of Austria whilest they were at so great an height and had their hands hot reeking in the blood of the Protestants through Bohemia and other places of Germany O but the Lords hand might be clearly seen in acting forth and fitting that party of the Swedes for such a piece of his service even in a more then ordinary vvay vvho like that he goat mentioned in Damel did come so swiftly that they touched not the ground as it were but like a mighty speate bare down all before them The breaking of that great Spanish Armado in the Year 88. which had been 3 Yeares in contriving did convincingly witnes a divine hand opposing the same and how remarkable was that issue of all the Counsels expence and cruelty which Philip the second had made use of to bear down the rising of the Gospel in the Netherlands for it is notour that after many essayes the losse of an 100 Millions of gold with near 400000 Lives the reckoning of all his gain and purchase was only the losse of considerable part of these countryes and helping fordward the establishment of the united Provinces and truely we must say the Lord did by his great and outstretched hand wonderfully appear in raising that Common wealth so that they may date their flowrishing in outward interests from their owning of the interests of God Religion did raise them and no People this day hath more cause and are under greater engadgements to be zealous for the truth and defence of the Protestant Cause The breaking of that formidable league of the Catholicks in France for rooting out the Protestant Religion there was very wonderful how all their Counsels and designes should resolve in their own ruin so that the most ordinary onlookers could not but see a divine hand
followed with a most strange and extraordinary darknes which both for the suddennes and greatnes of the same did astonish and affright all who were present and after all so violent a downpowring of rain as made the streets to run like a river imprisoning the Lords within that house for an houre and an half and truely as we are not hereon to lay stresse or be peremptory in the application of particular providences yet this was so very convincing as should not be passed without a special remark considering first how at that time many of the choise Ministers of the Land were together near the town at fasting and prayer bewailing before the Lord such an avowed defection from the truth 2. That likewise this horrid tempest and darknes appeared to these who were at some distances to be most directly above the toun the darknes overshadowing that part ●onely and was not so in other places 3. That they had by the instigation of the Prelats guarded the entry to the Parliament that day lest any Ministers should have entred a protestation in behalf of the Church against these Articles ●●● thus thought themselves seoure from any opposition of that kinde but whilest they least suspected they are met with a more publick and visible witnes from Heaven against the same 4. Which was also most strange upon the monday following whilest these acts were proclained the Heavens did in the same manner put on darknes with a most fearful tempest of th●●der lightning and rain which continued all the time of their reading at the Crosse And truely when the Lord thus doubled his warnings it might cry aloud formens observation thereof The breaking of that journey to New-England which about the year 1636 was seriously intended by some of the choise Ministers and Christians in Ireland who were then much persecuted by the Prelates though not from any fear of their own sufferings but with a respect to a further liberty to serve the Lord in the work of the Gospel when that door was ●hut upon them in their own countrey This was truely a strange and remarkable providence and their preservation in some kind miraculous anent which these circumstances are worthy to be observed 1. That whilest their vessel amidst a tempestrous sea and far from any land was like a riddle with so many lakes yea the rudder of the Ship breaking so that the Pilots were turned wholly hopelesse and could not see any ground of safety in an ordinary way a poor sea man by a remarkable providence whose company they had much shunned was made the instrument of preserving the whole vessel with a marvellous dexterity fastening the rudder which others had given over as one visibly sent by the Lord for that end 2. The strong perswasion that some of these worthy Ministers had of their safety which with great confidence they declared before the passengers whilest the Pilot and others were giving it over as a hopelesse bussinesse and seeing a convincing necessity for a return though it was very astonishing and bitter at the first look yet was afterwards followed with a clear discovery from the Lord as one of them with much freedom did expresse his assurance to the rest of his brethren that since the Lord would not accept their service in America they should not want work and service whither he was sending them back by so remarkable a providence as within a short time was evident the downfal of the Prelats in Scotland and after in Ireland trysting shortly upon the back thereof so that it may be said this was a convincing presage thereof the Lord by a strong hand bringing back such choise and useful instruments for that great harvest vvhich did after follovv so that they could not but say the Lord did in a very marvellous and immediat vvay appear in that crosse vvind and storm and thereby as if vvith an audible voice did vvitnes his minde in such a disappointment 3. It vvas also most observable that none of these vvho on the account of their consciences that they might enjoy the purity of the ordinances vvent in that journey vvas the vvorse but had a safe return only some persons vvho upon another account expecting a fat soil and outward advantage in that place and had unexpectedly slipt in the vessel did all dye upon the sea save one being 5 in number and it vvas also vvonderful upon their return hovv the Lord as he had stayed the rage of the sea did also still the tumults of People vvhich they found by experience so that it did evidently give a dash and became a terrour to their adversaries I must here also set down a very singular and strange instance we may say both of judgement and mercy which was in this land not many yeares ago a Gentleman whose style was Wastraw a most bloodyman and otherwayes notour for profanity but most in this that it vvas his great vvork and pleasure to put difference betvvixt men and as it vvas at that time very easy to engadge them in blood vvhilest he had thus stirred up a neighbour Gentleman to kill an other in that place finding him after sore troubled in mind thereanent he told him more of that practice vvould be the best cure for he himself had killed 6 and at the first time was much disquieted but the longer he did continue it became the more easy But one day vvhilest he vvas on such an account riding to a place vvhere 2 had trysted to decide a privat quarrel by fighting his horse stumbles on the side of a steep rock and he falls a great vvay dovvn his svvord falling out before him yet vvithout any hurt and here by such a strange piece of providence did the Lord tryst and break in upon his conscience so that he quits his journey turns home vvith great trouble and remorse a most kindly change follovving thereon and for some yeares after vvitnessed much tendernes and repentance by his after vvalk spent much time alone mourning before his death and that day he dyed having no visible appearance thereof to these vvho looked on he vvas heard in his chamber much vvrestling in prayer and after long continuance these of the house vvere forced to break up the door getting no answer after their long knocking finds him dead in the room but upon his knees in a prayer posture the vvhole blood of his body vvhich from every passages thereof had issued out svveeming about him in the floore it being visible hovv all these passages vvere opened for that effect a most astonishing instance declaring this to the World though He pardon the inquity of his People yet some sins he vvill not let passe vvithout a visible mark of his anger but vvill take vengeance on their inventions What an observation passage is that also knovvn to many yet alive anent a notorious robber in the south parts of this land called Iohn of the Score who for many years having driven that
time for it is knovvn vvith vvhat marvellous resolution and chearfulnes these have been carried through who were called forth to resist unto the blood in their adherence to the truth witnessing to the conviction of onlookers even their greatest enemyes something above Roman Gallantry yea something above nature in that stayednes and elevation of their Spirits and as some of all rancks in the land the Lord would have brought forth to seal and witnes his truth and the work of Reformation so it hath been also clear that none wanted a large measure of support and strength for the tryall their suffering still giving a further dash to their adversaries 3. It is also manifest and may be truly matter of wonder by what a marvellous providence so many suffering and desolat familyes have been carried through without any obvious noise of their straites now for these divers yeares with such convincing chearfulnes yea the experience of many made to witnes that they never lesse knew a strait then since they were put from the ordinary meanes of their support and others who have been more sharply tryed could not reckon any such plunging strait and difficulty but have also found outgate by some remarkable providence trysted I am very sure amongst other advantages yet of these times this shall be one a large Register of Experience and remarkable confirmations of the truth of the word and promise which the godly have had under this sharp tryal that will be sweet matter for an after reckoning and a greater gain then any losse their former sufferance did occasion Yea have not seen what in an ordinary way looked as irrecoverable a stroke which a generation could not have made up hath been a mean the Lord hath choised to promote his glory and thereby declare himselfe to be God hath he not made us see how easy it is for him to turn the sharpest storm to the great advantage of his Church that he can act in desperate cases above the skill both of Angels and men and truely though we should be brought yet more low even to the place of Dragons this may uphold the shaking hearts of his People and be solid ground of confidence that Christs power and faithfulnes is this day engadged for his Church and truth he must encrease his Kingdome is upon the rising hand and shall yet have a more glorious appearance in the World what ever become of instruments the reviving of his work is not in the reverence of men and since we know the Lord hath solemnly declared war against Antichrist and all who will oppose the spreading of the Gospel in these last times yea hath past his word to the Church for the fall and ruin of that adversary fall he must though the dust of the earth should arise for that end and it is sure Prelacy must also wither that hath its life and sap from that accursed root they have this day a desperat cause in hand who do engadge their power to support the throne of the Beast for they run in the way of the wrath and vengeance of the Lord and shall surely involve themselves in that ruin though they were the greatest Princes of the earth I shall onely adde we have much ground in these times to believe that the Lord shall yet appear and make himself known in the earth by as great and convincing providences both of judgement and mercy as in any former ages and thus vindicat his glory and refute the Atheisme of this generation by such an argument as shall force iniquity to stop its mouth Now since this is sure which none can get denyed if they will but allow some serious thoughts thereanent that the Scripture falleth not to the ground for Gods way is perfect and his word is tryed Ps 18 ver 30. O is it not also sure and a conclusion well grounded that He is a buckler to those who trust in him none needs fear to venture his interests through time on the word yea if there could be any thing greater then a Heaven or eternal salvation the testimony of the God of truth might be sufficient security for the same it is a small matter how this World doth reel and stagger or what be the changes of outward things that is eneugh the promises of the Word shall certainly take place and the expectation of the Saints shall not make them ashamed FINIS For filling up some vacant pages a few Scriptures are set down pointing at the present condition or what may be apprehended to be coming concerning either sin or judgement doctrine or duty wherein each Reader is desired not so much to apply to others as to himself and not to himself but what he may be sure is his due and because there was not room for setting down the whole Texts these may be consulted and considered in the Bible only for memories cause a litle hint is given of each passage EZek. 3 17. c. 21. A Watchman to warn righteous and wicked Ierem. 1 17 18 19. Speak what I command thee iron pillar c. Amos 3 7. Secret revealed to servants the Prophets Galat. 4 16. Am I your enemy telling the truth Luk. 12 42. c. 48. Faithfull wise steward to give portion in season Ierem. 7 27 28. Speak but they will not hearken Ezek. 2 5. Whither they will hear or forebear Ezr. 7 23. Whatsoever is commanded by the God of Heaven c. Deut. 12. 32. Adde not diminish not Galat. 1 8. Who preacheth another Gospel is accursed Galat. 2 5. We gave place not for an houre Hebr. 8 5. According to pattern shewed in mount Hebr. 3 1 2. Consider Christ faithfull in his house Matth. 17 5. This is my beloved Son hear him Luk. 20 25. Give to Cesar Cesars and to God Gods Psal 2 6. I have set my King on Zion Math. 15 13 14. Every plant not planted by my Father rooted up Math. 16 12. Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees 2 King 11 17. Jehoiadah made a Covenant c. Gal. 3 15. Though a mans Covenant no man annuls Isai 24 5. Broken the everlasting Covenant Exod. 32 8. They have turned aside quickly Deut. 32 5 6. Do ye thus requite the Lord Jerem 34 18. c. 21. I will give the men that have transgressed my Covenant c. Ezek. 17 15. c. 19. Shall he break the Covenant and Prosper Prov. 20 25. It is a snare after vows to make enquiry Levit 26 25. A sword to avenge quarrel of Covenant 2 Chron. 24 17. c. 24 loash and Princes left the house of God 2 King 16 10. c. 18. Ahaz altar of Damascus Vrijah 2 Chron 13 9. Ye have cast out the Lords Priests 1 King 12 26. c. 33. Jeroboams devised worship and Priests Hos 7 3 4 5. Made glad with lies adulterers bottles of wine Hos 10 3 4 Feared not the Lord swearing falsly Zechar. 5 4. Curse in house of false swearer Malach.
cause within our selves we sow sparingly and venture little out therefore we have so small an increase their is a price for wisdome but it is in the hands of fools who have no heart thereto but this not concerning us here I only aime to hold out this that the promises which God hath given his People in the Scripture are of unquestionable verity and have as real and sure performance in the saints experience as they are sure of that which cometh most necessarly to passe by the worke and concurrence of natural causes as that the fire doth burn when combustible matter is added or the sun rise after its going down for indeed this truth is so manifest proved by such innumerable experiments amidst the various changes of a Christians condition that we might sommond as many witnesses as have been followers of God in the World which are not a few who in all ages have put the promises to an essay and put their seal thereto that God is true yea to ask at such if they know whither there be a truth in Scripture promises that cometh not to passe I think were to enquire at a living man whither he seeth and feeleth or if there be such a thing as motion since they have as sure and sensible a demonstration of the one as he hath of the other But ere I speak any thing particularly to this I would first premit some things to clear what we understand here by the saints experience of the truth of the promises in these following considerations 1. We would consider though the Scripture hath here it's accomplishment and is intended for the use of the Church and every particular Christian while on the way in his militant condition yet there are some promises of the Word yea the greatest which belong to the saints that will not be fulfilled until they have cast off their armour and are called to divide the spoyl their experience of which will be the high prize of the calling of God in Christ whereof all which they now enjoy is but an earnest 2. We would consider that the great intent of the Scripture and promises thereof is not for contemplation but that we may know them by experience and drive a blessed trade and commerce therewith the merchandize of which is better nor that of gold for herelyeth the Christians life in the World yea it is a great part of their talent the promises which are not to be laid up in their heart and memory as in a napki● but they must give an account what experience they have gained thereby and thus the diligent hand should make rich 3. What ever be the different syzes and degrees of experience among the saints according to their grouth and age in Christ yet it is certain that the meanest who have intrest in the promises and did ever grip them in earnest and put them to tryal must know something of the performance of the samein their own case for the Lord doth not suffer his work in his People to want a seal 4. The godlyes experience hereof is then much made out when they are much in observation and we know little of the truth and performance of the promises because we are not more habitually in a frame to observe thus he goeth by and we perceive not but they never wanted confirmations who were seriously seeking to be confirmed in the truth of the Word 5. The special mercyes and providences of a Christian lyfe are a certain return of the promise and in that way do meet them as the proper channel of their conveyance for they are the sure mercies of the Covenant and how refreshful is it that all the several cases of the Saints and their outgate theteof their meanest as well as their greatest necessities are comprehended in the Word and under some promise and were all forseen in his everlasting view who hath so marvellously suited the same to all that his People stand in need of as if it had been directed to such and such a Christian only 6. This helpeth to make the mercies of the godly man to have a peculiar and sweet relish and to be someway twice his mercy when he gets them in so immediat a way reached to him as it were out of the hand of the promise and as an observable return from Heaven when thus the Lord sealeth his Word to him by his work the way of the Word he findeth hath been the way of his comfortable outgate that when he hath had no other escape but to tu●n in to the promise and to cast himself upon it he gained this experience he trusted in God and was helped and can give in this testimony of him that he hath both spoken it and himself also hath done it according to his Word 7 It is not any extraordinary thing we here understand by the Christian mans experience of the truth of the promises it is not a rapture or revelation or such as some of the Saints hav● upon some singular and special account had for we have not any promise for these things but it is something well grounded upon the Word which constantly holdeth in the Lords ordinary way of procedure with his People according to the tenor of the Covenant for his Word doth good to them that walk uprightly and doth certainly take place in the experience of every serious and diligent Christian 8. This is not the testimony of a few but the record of all the Saints since the beginning whose experience doth all most harmoniously agree and bear one witnes that he is faithful who hath promised and it is not that which a Christian hath found once or twice in his life but the dayly food of such as live by faith 9. This doth put a strong obligation on the godly man to the Word for the time to come for these who have tryed it often may with much confidence trust it in the day of their strait 10. The experience which the godly hath of the real performance of the promises is a most convincing evidence of his state in Christ it is the earnest and pledge of the inheritance and full accomplishment of that which remaineth that the Lord will make perfect what concerneth him who hath been his help hitherto and will be his exceeding great reward in the end who hath made him find so much of the gain of godlines here by the way Now having premitted these things I shall here instance some particular promises where in the Christ●●●s most usual trade and commerce dothly and to which they give in their seal and witnes I confesse if all these proofs which the Saints have had of the fulfilling of the promises could be gathered together we might make use of that Divine hyperbole The World could not containe the bookes that should be written thereof O what an admirable volume what an excellent commentary and copy should this be of the Scripture to see it thus turned over into the
That accesse and liberty to poure forth their souls to God vvhen he hath filled their mouth vvith arguments and inabled them both to wrestle and vviat they have found a favourable Crisis and begun outgate yea the very turn of a sad case vvhich they have got from the Lord as the pledge of a further ansvver and that vvhen he thus prepareth the heart he doth cause his ear to hear 5. That vvhen they have been under a most dark cloud they have found their sky clear have got a very sensible taste of Gods acceptation in prayer and of his taking their sute off their hand even vvhile the matter vvas still in dependence before him yea that they have oft had such a satisfying impression impression of Gods minde and persvvasion of his ansvvering their desire as hath helped them cheerfully to vvait yea sometimes to sing the triumph before the victory 4. That vvhen they had been much in prayer they must also say it hath been the time vvherein the spirit hath flovvrished vvas most lively yea that then they had their best dayes that then the candle of the Lord shined upon their pathes and his devv lay all night upon their branches and that they have found there is an evident and proportionable abatement of their spiritual life and encouragement in God according to their vvearing out in the exercise of this duety 5. They have many times found that vvhen there vvas nothing left them but to turn in to God and they knevv of no other vvay to come through but to pray and look up they never found a more svveet and seasonable outgate so that most observable times of prayer have been also the most observable times of their experience and they can say from many proofs it is no hopelesse bussines vvhich is put over upon God by prayer though there be small outvvard appearance 6. That it is not in vain to follow out a sute before the throne and that accesse and moyen in Heaven is as sure a way to come speed which they know well as greatest moyen upon earth having so evidently found while many seek the rulers favour that the determination of every thing is from the Lord. 7. That prayer with quiet onwaiting in the use of meanes wi●neth comfortably through where over caring and carnal policy in the use of all other shifts hath been forced to stick 8. They know by experience that as there are judicial times wherein an inhibition as it were is laid on them from the Lord in their wrestling yea and a sore restraint on their spirits which hath been very sensible so also they have found times of more easy accesse and abundant liberty a spirit of prayer let forth before some special mercy and deliverance to the Church whereby they could in some measure discern its neer approach 9. That on the back of some solemn addresse and application to God by prayer and fasting in a day of strait they have oft seen cause even from that day and up ward to date a remarkable return and outgate in which even common observers might discern what an evident answer the Churches intercession with God in times of extremity hath had 10. I may adde the saints know this so well by experience that surely God heareth prayer even in such and such a particular that they can with much confidence adventure and make an earant of the meanest as well as their greatest concernments to him having so oft tryed and found that seriousnes and sincerity in addresse to God was never in vain but what ever be the times wherein this promise taketh place their heart shall live that seek God THIRD Instance Is the promise of the Spirit and powring out of the same which we have clear in the Word Is 59 v. 21. Ioh. 14 16 Luk. 24 v. 49. Rom. 8 16 16. The accomplishment of which is so manifest such a sensible demonstration thereof in the experience of the saints that I am sure this can no more be denyed then these who are warmed with the heat of the sun can deny their sense and feeling that the sun hath such an influence and doth not the Christans spiritual walk bear as convincing a witnes to the fulfilling of this promise as any living man by walking in the way sheweth that he hath a soul and principle of life within him Novv to demonstrat this a litle I vvould but touch some of the ordinary experiences of the saints therein vvhich they doe testify and by clear undenyable evidences knovv to be no delusion 1. That vvhich causeth so real a change upon them vvhich maketh them alive to God vvho once vvere dead creating them as it vvere of new that vvhich bringeth a clod of earth so near Heaven raiseth them so far above themselves to a delightful converse vvith things not seen that vvhile their place and abode is here their company and fellovviship is above that vvhich maketh all things nevv to them and doth so ●ar change their nature and inclination as causeth them finde more svveetnes in a spiritual life then in the pleasures of sin yea reconcileth them vvith the Lavv and exercises of a Ch●stian vvhere once there vvas such contrariety O! is not this a real effect of the spirit and no ●●aginary thing 2. That vvhereof they vvere altogether ignorant vvhen they vvere strangers to God and knevv not if there vvas a Holy Ghost but by report novv since their being born again they finde themselves entred in another World brought out of darknes unto a marvellous ligh● and of this are sure that once they vvere blind but novv they see is not this a proof of the truth of this promise 3 That vvich maketh ●hem see more of God in his Word and Works at one time then at another vvhence is this difference and inequality the Scriptures are at one time the great things of the Law which are at an other time but common things to them the object is the same but O! what different manifestation thereof whence is it that such a light springeth up in the Word that opene●h up this deep and maketh them see the wonders of his Law and within a little nothing but dark night doe not the saints knopw this well and that it is no delusion 4. That which maketh such sensible liberty in their soull and confidence in their approach to God after sore bondage and fear which raiseth them often so far above their ordinary frame as they are not only quickned and refreshed themselves but do observably warm others O how piercing and savory are their words which ●hew what difference there is oft betwixt a Christian and himself betwixt a dead exercise of a gift which reacheth the ear and that which melteth the heart and doth even reach by standers with a pleasant perfume 5. That which maketh such a sudden change in their ●ase under ordinances that their heart that died within them as a stone ere ever they were aware hath
this also while they have found 1. That in one day they may t adventure on that which through most of their life they have not win above but hath made them go with their back bowed down to the grave that their giving the Lords work a wrong touch is one of these things which doth scarcely leave them all their time but beyond other sins they have found this still come up with a bitter and heavy reflexion yea in the evening of their life they have found this so sore on their spirit that it could not ly hid or silent but they were forced to witnes their sense of it before the World ere they could win to any ease 2. That this the Lord doth usually meet with some sharp and publick reproof even before men that though he pardon his People yea give some sensible intimation thereof to their souls yet he hath not past them as to some visible mark of his displeasure because of such a thing 3. They see that a crooked and uncleanly way proves not the mean of extricating them out of trouble but their straits have been made to grow therewith yea they have found that which they eshewed in Gods way hath more sadly trysted them in another rod and that there is a thick dreg in the bottom of the cup which maketh it worse to drink thereof at the close then at the beginning 4. That it is not easy to make a stand in turning aside from the way of God when once they are engadged and that a retrograd motion is very violent and yeelding in a little will bring with it some necessity of going further as a judicial stroke 5. That sitting of some clear opportunity to give a testimony for the truth when called thereto hath turned to be their judgement that they should not have further accesse or be made usefull that vvay a thing truely obvious to such as are vvise to observe the judgements of God in their time yea likevvise that publick backsliding doth oft visibly vvear men out of personal tendernes FIFTH Unsubduednesse of spirit and want of mortification to outward things the Word doth clearly threaten and hold out its hazard the accomplishment vvhereof Christians experience can vvitness Rom. 8 ver 6 7. 1. That God hath oft turned their idoll to be their crosse put a mark of his jealousy on their dearest things vvhen once they put them in his room yea frequent observation of the Lords vvay both vvith themselves and others doth shevv if they vvould be quite of a thing they may set their heart immoderatly on it such eagernes and exorbitancy of affection being a sure presage it shall either be their judgment or sorrow or cease to be 2. That outward things did never yeeld lesse then whilest they prest them most that when they are eager in pursuit of the World and satisfaction there spirits are sensibly hurried with many perturbations so that they must say that which keepeth them from enjoying of God doth also hinder the comfortable enjoying of themselves 3. They have founded that slow advance in the work of mortification hath at last doubled their smart and been the procuring cause of some very sharp cure when the discase did come to that height that a small and ordinary potion could not do the turn 4. That immoderat desire and pressing after an outward thing they have sometime got answered but therevvith a sharp reproof from the Lord yea usually have found small satisfaction in their enjoying that about vvhich they vvere so unsober in their enjoying that about vvhich they vvere so unsober in their pursuit give children or else I dye said Rachel she got children and she dyed in bringing one of them forth 5. Their experience can also vvitnes hovv overcaring anxiety hath oft caused things thrive worse under their hand vvhilest they found never a more satisfying issue in a particular then by a quiet submissive dependence on the Lord for the same SIXTH The doing violence to light and sinning vvith a vvitnes against the conscience as it is clearly threatned in the Word so likevvayes the sad effects thereof hath been clearly vvitnessed in all ages 1. What a direct tendency this hath to the further darkning of their light and to a judicial hardning and that reproofs not entertained do usually become lesse frequent yea lesse pungent and searching their heart then doth not so easily smite them and put the tear in their eye as sometimes a word or secret rebuke of the conscience would have done so as they can now digest greater things who would sometiumes have stood at that which comparatively was very small 2. That when they would not read their bosom distemper which both by the word adn conscience was pointed out others have got leave to read the same written on their fore head and the shifting of discovered guilt and of all serious endeavour to get the quarrel taken up in secret betwixt God and them hath brought the matter at last to some publick hearing even before the generation 3. That their darkening of their light upon some privat interest while they would again and again enquire if such a thing be warrantable concerning which the Lord had once cleared their minde is a most perillous thing yea hath got an answer according to the idol of their heart and their choice made to be their judgement I shall but adde what bitter and sad experience can tell how dreadful it is to give the conscieuce a wramp which is more easily hurt then healed that deliberat adventuring on the occasion of a temptation when they would goe to the high priests hall without warrant or a calling hath cost them dear and they have found that bold sinning doth afterward make faint beleeving SECOND ARGUMENT SECOND Argument to demonstrat the accomplishment of the scripture is this that not only Christian experience but the observation of the Church and people of God doth in all ages bear witnes thereto how the Lords way in these providences both of mercy and judgement about the Church amidst the various changes of her condition yea in the most strange things which fall out in the world doth convincingly answer the word and verify the same It is indeed undenyable that the scripture of God as it is written to the personal case of his people and doth in their experience take place so is there a part of it in a peculiar way directed to the Church the fulfilling whereof in the providences and events of the time should be the subject of our observation and would singularly help to confirm our faith of the truth thereof For prosecuting this argument I would touch it a litle in these three branches 1. How these General promises which belong to the chureh universal and concern her in all ages have an accomplishment 2. How these threatnings also of the word which doe not only concern the church but have a respect to her adversaryes are certainly fulfilled take
they should have deceived the very elect 9. I must adde this further witnes to the marvellous preservation of the Church which in an ordinary way could not come to passe that we find no other party was ever brought so low and near death to be yet alive the knife was once at the Churches throat in Isaack she did seek to adopt a bound-womans sonne in stead of a lawful heir when Abraham agreed to Sara's overture for the outmaking of the promise how near exspiring doe we finde her in Egypt when a sentence to destroy all her male issue was gone forth Yea what but a miracle could have preserved her when she was betwixt Pharaoh and the red sea How low was the Church in the wildernes and after in the dayes of the captivity even broken to pieces with small appearance of life when her face was all blurred with weeping and her enemyes made sport over her ruines at the rivers of Babylon when the Children of Edom cryed out let us raze her even to the foundation Yea could the Church be nearer the grave then when her bones were scattered at the graves mouth bnt above all in that dark night when her head and shepheard was smitten and her hope seemed to be buried in the grave with a stone put upon it when shee could get no entertainment among the Jewes was wounded in the house of her friends and the Gentils in wrath rose up against her that for some hundred Yeares the great Empire which had trod down all the nations about put forth the outmost of power and malice for her undoing O who could have thought the Church should outlive this Yea after all we finde her tost and hurried by Antichrist into the wildernes an adversary more cruel then any that had gone before where the Dragon watcht to get her destroyed but how in all these and through that long dark night she hath continued and marvellously flowrished as the palm tree under her greatest weights so that we cannot but see that which her enemies being judges will not deny that this promise to the Church of her preservation is this day fulfilled yea that it hath not in an ordinary way been brought about surely there is no inchantment against Iacob nor divination against Israel all her enemyes have been found lyers happy art thou above other People for the eternal God is thy refuge and underneath are everlasting armes else long since she should have been swallowed up may we not still say with astonishement O what hath God wrought in her behalfe SECOND Promise Which I shall here instance that God had made to his Church in the Word Of her increase and enlargement that the Earth should be covered with the knowledge of God as the sea of water and her seed be as the stars of Heaven that her bounds should be from the sea to the utmost rivers which was promised to Christ in the behalfe of his Church and that shee should possesse the gates of her enemyes Psal 89 v. 25. Psal 2 v. 8 Ifa 42 v. 4. Isa 54 v. As this prom●●● is expresse in the Scripture we must say it is no lesse clear and evident in its accomplishment that surely the Lord hath keept his Word whereto the event doth most exactly answer and though yet it be not to the full made out I am sure there is so much at this day manifest considering the former condition of the Church as undenyably proveth the fulfilling of the formentioned promise which even to the conviction of greatest Atheists may be demonstrat from these grounds 1. That vast extent which the Kingdome of Christ hath had in the World for this cannot be denyed that the greatest Empire or Monarchy could never so fa● extend their conquest as the Church hath done since the wall of partition was taken down short are the limits of the Grecian and Roman Empire considered with this whose bounds have been the ends and uttermost parts of the Earth where neither Greece or Rome did ever set up their Trophees hath not the Gospel as the sun made its circuit from the East to the West Yea crossed the seas to the dark northern nations thus fulfilling its course in order to its return again to the place of its first rising that it may as we are sure it shall once visit the Jewes again and the eastern places of the World that now are buried in a night of darknes which I think will be as sure a presage of the break of day and second coming of the Lord as the morning Star is to the World of the Suns accomplishing its course and that it is returning again to the East were it should rise hath not the Gospel now been through Asia where it did not tarry for a night for many flowri●hing Churches were there and the going back of the tyde from thence was its flowing to another part of the World which is indeed observable of the Church as it is of the sea that what it hath losed in one part it hath gained in another did the vast distance of Africk its great barren deserts or scorching heat hinder the Gospels making a visit thither so as it was once a fertil soyle and brought forth many famous lights yea something yet doth both there and in the East parts of the World remain to shew the Gospel was ●ruely in these places and hath Europe though last been least on this account Yea what do mean the late discoveries of unknown parts of the Earth but to make way for a more full performance of this promise that the Gospel might stretch its conquest over the line which surely was the gold and treasure Christ designd from thence that even America might have her day also and the voice of the turtle be heard in these lands 2. Not only the large extent of the Church as to its bounds doth witnes this but also the great and numerous ofspring of Sons Daughters which in these parts where the Gospel hath been were brought forth to Christ for we may say what Iohn saw in vision hath been very manifest to after ages an innumerable company of all Tongues Nations and Languages of whom it could be said these are born in Zion O how great a harvest of the Nations is even already gathered What a fleece hath every particular Church cast What a marvellous increase hath been in some places after special tydes of the Gospel May we not say that truth is now beyond debate that out of one and him not onely as good as dead but truely dead there hath come forth as the sand of the sea and Stars of Heaven in number the Church hath inherited Josephs blessing of the womb and the breasts in a fruitful ofspring the dew of Christs youth hath been as the womb of the morning O what a marvellous and goodly company will this once be when gathered together Then will the performance of these pretious promises be fully manifested 3.
enchantment had fallen on men vvhat that could bee vvhich the more they sought to bear dovvn the more it increased that made the rich choose poverty and these vvho dwelt in palaces take themselves vvith chearfulnes to the dens and caves of the earth but besides this it is very manifest that in a large measure the spirit hath been let forth to the church in after ages yea there is no particular church vvhere the light hath shined but hath had it's special times some solemn day of the powring out of the spirit before the sun vvent down vvhich may be observed either at the first breaking up of the gospel or at some other remarkable time and change of her condition vvhence a great tack of souls to Christ hath follovved in a day vvherein an effectual doore vvas opened besides the reaching of the conscience and stirring the affection of many others under a common vvork of the spirit which usually goeth along vvith such solemn times 6 The going back of the tide and visible withdravving of the spirit from particular churches vvhere it hath sometime in a large measure been let forth is a very convincing vvitnes to the truth of this promise for it is clearly seen at vvhat a stand the gospel is in these places vvhere it most eminently shined that the land vvhich blossomed and vvas like a vvatered garden hath been made as the heath in the vvildernes and the ground from vvhence rain is vvithdravven and then that the ministers of Christ vvhose lot hath fallen in such a time are put to very sore vvork to vvorke as it vvere vvith oares for vvant of vvind to cast out the net all night and catch nothing a shut doore is upon them in the exercise of their Ministry duty is made Lurthensome because the Lord is against them there is an evident restraint upon the word and its intercourse is more with the ear then with the consciences of men yea any liberty they find is to execut a commission of judgement and to denounce the woe of the Gospel O doth not so manifest withdrawing of the spirit witnes the outletting thereof and that it is a certain and real thing 7. Doe not the stirrings and strange convictions which even the worst of men have sometimes under the word witnes a divine spirit and power going along therewith that which forceth an assent from their conscience to the truth which otherwayes they hate yea maketh them for the time wonder they should not have been more serious in the wayes of God yea it doth often put a thorn in the bed of their security for indeed the word and the light thereof doth torment these who dwell in the earth And truely this is a marvellous thing which winneth in uponm mens secret designes and councels doth reveal to them the most closs thoughts of their heart which they are sure mens eye could not reach taketh them down through themselves and yet that the world knoweth not whence it is yea are they not forced to confesse what a great difference they find betwixt the word from the mouth of some who are holy and serious though held out in greatest simplicity then from others even of greater gifts and accompanyed with more shew of eloquence that surely the one hath an other sound and relish speaketh more feelingly home to their heart then the most polished discourse of greatest oratours 8. One witnes moe I shall here give to the truth of this promise even these eminent examples of the grace of God which in every age have shined in the firmament of the Church some in love and zeal some in patience and humility some in the strong acts of faith and ●elf-denyal which doe certainly demonstrat a more excellent spirit then that which is in the world whence they appear with another lustre in their walk and carriage and have a sweet and fragant savour of the spirit to the very discerning of bystanders which truely sheweth that his wind doth blow on his garden when the spices send forth so pleasant a sent FOVRTH We find an expresse Promise in the word of Deliverance to the Church ●n a low and oppressed condition that surely the Lord will plead her cause will deliver his People when he seeth their strenght is gone and save them from the hands of their enemyes Ps 18 47 48 50. Ps 22 4 5. Is 54 17. Is 51 23. It is true this promise hath its bounds limits and provisions which should be taken along in the application thereof we know the Covenant of God with particular Churches is conditional only he promiseth that he will be with them while they are with him yea it is oft seen and there is no jarr here with this promise that a People professing the Gospel confederat with God following duty have even turned their back before the enemy and in the holy providence of God have for a time been given up to their fierce rage and violence but it is also sure that this promise hath an accomplishment and in the day of the Churches strait the Lord hath oft appeared by a strong outstretched hand for her help his own arm brought salvation to his People when they sought to him for God is known in her palaces for a refuge yea surely the Church might oft sing that song on such clear grounds as though with Israel shee had been standing at the red sea thy right hand O Lord is full of power thy right hand hath dashed in pieces thy enemyes for what nation or People is like this to whom he hath shewed such marvellous things Now to shew forth the faithfulnes of God in this his promise I would offer some few things that are a most clear and undenyable witnes thereto 1. There are fevv ages but vvee have some record of the churches condition vvhich hold forth such signal convincing providences of God in behalf of his oppressed church and people as may be a manifest seal to this truth it is true some times have been more remarkable for suffering times of judgement of a growing tryal wherein this truth hath not so clearly shined forth yea that long night vvhich the church had under Antichrist might seem to call it in question but never the lesse if men take a serious look of the Lords vvay and series of providence in ages past comparing one time vvith another what the straits and most extream case of the church hath at last resolved in they will find cause to cry with astonishment great deliverances giveth he to his people yea the Lord hath done gteat things for them I am sure were a full record with that true account which might be given of these more remarkable delivrances that particular churches have met with since the first planting of the Gospel among them wherein Gods very immediat hand for their help hath been discernable it should non-plus the World and greatest Atheists anent the real outmaking of this promise 2. The confession even
truely this is oft seen as an usual attendant on reformation how unsuperable like difficultyes and unexpected lets do grow up in the vvay thereof thus ●hen Luther and other instruments were raised up in Germany to pursue the Churches Reformation what cruel edicts were then set forth to give it a dash division among themselves the rising up of the Boors and Anabaptists what a pure and through reformation was on foot under Edvvard the sixth in England vvhat a dreadful storm did quickly break it up for that time and I vvouldadde vvhat the present case of the Church in Brittain and Ireland may at this day vvitness vvhere once the Lord so eminently appeared in a begun Reformation vvhich novv is at so great a stand but let us go in to the scripture vvith this and vve vvill find 1. There is a vive portraicture of providence in the affaires of the Church held forth in that vision which Ezekiel had of the wheeles at the river Chebar whose misterious motions and turnings so cross one to the other without any discord therein as to the end to which they were directed doth witnes the rational and wise conduct of providence the Lords work about his Church is a most shadowed and elaborat piece which men cannotsee before their eye as they see behind upon a review while ordinary causes do oft vary in their operation yea goe out of the common road yet the Scripture will make this very plain 2. Was not Nehemiah Ezra and Zerobabel at their work and duty and had an expresse call for building of the temple yet how great and frequent interruptious did they find sometimes environed with difficulties Zach. 4 ver 7. Who are thou great mountain before Zerobahel Yea they were put to hold the sword and build to watch and work at once because of their enemies 3. What a very sore backset was the Church at Hab. 3. Revive they work ô Lord in the midst of the yeares this was both a great and long interruption yea doe we not find her almost at a non plus with a queree which no visible appearance could answer by whom shall Iacob arise for he is smell 4. We find a special reformation set on foot by Hezekiah with a solemn Covenant by the Princes Priests and body of the People with a setting up of the pure Worship and ordinances of God but lo a sharp storm is soon after by Sennacherib yea● Hezekiah scarcely is in his grave when his Son doth bring in corruption and persecution both at once yea when the Christian Church in the times of the Apostles begun to flowrish successe following the Gospel did not a sad interruption and scattering follow Act 8. 5. This is promised that Zions walls shall even in troublsome times be built and her being brought to a heap of rubbish was but making way for a further advance that in the building of her again the Lord might appear in his glory and is it not clear that Christs coming in the Gospel and power thereof to purge his Church and to carry on a reformation Mal. 3. ver 2. proveth a searching and trying time which men cannot endure for the power of the Word and clear discovery of sin and other shaking dispensations which doe usually attend such times and torment them who dwell on the earth yea and put the Devil and corruption of men aloft with all rage to oppose the same 3. That a sad overclouding and darknes should come on a land after most special manifestation of the power and glory of God therein and that a time of the Gospel with much light should be so neer a forerunner of wrath and judgement would seem a strange piece of providence and cause a serious enquiry hovv such eminent appearances of God for a people such great confirmations observable success for a time vvith many signal encouragements should all seem to resolve in a desolating stroke and ruine This may be instanced in that protestant vvar in France vvhere instruments vvere remarkably raised fitted of the Lord for the service of that time had much of his presence and countenance yet to resolve thus in a bloody massacre likevvayes these confederat German Princes Saxony and Landgrave of Hesse Men eminent for piety caried forth vvith much zeal for God for defence of the truth yea in the beginning of that vvar having many promising encouragements yet remarkably deserted of the Lord vvith very sad-like consequences follovving the same Let us consider also the late Bohemian vvar stated upon necessary defence of religion and liberty and at first attended with some smiling providences should resolve into so great a desolation and ruine yea the Church of Ireland O what a dreadful massacre of the protestants there did quickly follow one of the most solemn times of the power of God and outpowring of the spirit that we ever heard of since the dayes of the Apostles I confesse this may have a strange aspect and is a part of the marvellous wayes of the Lord but when we take it in to the word we will find there is no jar or discord here for 1. It might seem as strange and astonishing what Baruch got from the Lord in answer to his compliant Ierem. 45. that he would pluck up what he had planted and cast down that which he had built for a work to be thus throwen down where the Lord had once so eminently appeared given his People many confirmations might then occasion great thoughts of heart yet the unspotted righteousnes of God and his truth was apparent therein yea after that discourse and all these large promise which Christ gave his disciples in that sixteenth of Iohn we find all is shut up with that the houre is comming and now is that ye shall be scattered 2. What strange providences did tryst the Church in the wildernes sometime brought back to the red sea tryed with hunger and nakednesse consumed with various strokes and many yeares wandring until most of that generation who came out of Egypt filled their graves in the journey and yet this was after most eminent confirmations and as clear singes of Gods presence as ever a People had 3. We find a publick reformation most zealously prosecute by Iosias which looked like the renewed espousales of that land with God by a solemn Covenant yet quickly after night came on that land with a long captivity and Josias did fall by the sword 4. Was there nor a bright sun-blink flowrishing plantation of the Gospel in Judea a little before the desolation of that land by the Romans yea we will find it clear from the word that times of much light and reformation doe much sooner ripen for a stroke then any other times 5 It is very manifest that particular Churches have their day where the Gospel hath its appointed work and their stroke at last may reach the length of removing the candlestick I truely think that sad instance of Bohemia's case may
have this observable in it that it had longer day and enjoyment of the light even from the times of Iohn Hus and Ierom of Pragus which was neer an 100 years before there was any day break on other parts so that vve vvould consider if their night did come soon on that their day vvas also much longer yea the stroke might tryst vvith the ebb of the tyde vvhen their harvest vvas much gathered in under so long a continuance of the Gospel though I dare not think the Lords work is utterly extinct there but that Bohemias dead and withered root hath life yet in it and shall once again bud forth 4. Is it not usually seen when judgement cometh on a land that the Godly get the first stroke but let us also consider this in the word where it is clear 1. That judgement must begin at the house of God and the green tree and that the Churches trouble and persecution is a forerunner of vengeance on her adversaries do we not find there is a cup of tryall which useth to go before that cup of the judgement of God And O the last is of a strong composition for the wine is red and mixed and the dreg very thick which is reserved for the troublers of the Church and for such who are at ease in a day of her grief and truely they have the advantage that drink first Blest are they whom thou chastenest c. That they may rest in the day of their adversity untill the pit be digged for the wicked yea Rev. 3 10. we find keeping of the word of patience which doth import suffering to the Church goeth before some more universal stroke and in that day proveth the safety and protection of the People of God 2. It is also clear that men may be raised up of the Lord and followed with successe when he hath them for a rod to his Church but that at last A shur the rod of my wrath will I cast in the fire saith the Lord it is truely an evidence of great wrath upon a party to be made the rod and executioners of judgement upon the People of God for they shall pay for it by some sadder stroke then any trouble or suffering whereof they have been instruments 5. That prosperity and successe should follow sometimes the worst of men in an evil course and cause yea such a concurrence and series of providence as seemeth to smile on them even to the bringing of their sinful devices to passe while the People of God have been made to fall in a just quarrel before their adversary would seem an astonishing providence but let us lay it foreagainst the Word and there we will see 1. That there is a proserity which tendeth to destruction Prov. 1 ver 32. the tabernacles of the robbers prosper Iob 12 ver 6. and they that provoke God are secure into whose hands he bringeth aboundantly but they doe not see that wickednes is its own punishment and how it is a dreadful stroke to thrive in an ill course Was not the Church shaken with such a providence Mal. 3 ver 15. yea tempted to call the proud happy but in the ver 18. they were taught from further observation to discern and to put a difference between the righteous and the wicked 2. Doe we not find that even the signes and predictions of false Prophets in favours of a sinful way may come to passe Deut. 13 ver 1 2. whereof the Church is there warned and Gods intent in the same cleared that it is for the tryal of his People whither they will love and fear the Lord and cleave to his way when providence would seem to shine on a crooked path 3. Did not successe for a time attend Absolom Israel as one man went after him yea the friends and counsellours of David a fair wind did also favour Haman in his essay to ruin the Church Jeremy is almost shaken with this yea they have taken root yea they grow and bring forth fruit but is not this at last usually found an ominous weather-gall before a storm though the bruitish man knoweth not nor fooles lay it to heart for what the wicked doth oft spring and flowrish I would add Israels falling before Benjamin it was an astonishing like providence and Habacuck was put to a stand with such a thing why the Lord lookt on while the wicked devoured the righteous Yea Joshua was to cry out in an amazement O Lord what shall I say when Israel turneth their back before their enemyes but we have also the Lords intent therein witnessed by his word that this is to humble and prove his People that he may doe them good in the latter end and thus he beateth them off from all carnal grounds of confidence he woundeth them to a cure that by bringiug them low he may raise and fit them for a further mercy 6. What great disappointments hath the Church met with when outward grounds of confidence and ordinary meanes have been most promising as it is a thing most true so it may seem strange at the first look but let us bring it to the word and the case will be there answered Deut. 32. Why should one chase a thousand but because their rock hath sold them and therefore their strength is gone with the Lords departing from them for when a time of judgement is come even the mighty then find not their hands counsel faileth to the auncient ordinary means bring not forth their wonted effects which Solomon sheweth and after ages have oft seen the race not ever to the swift nor the battel to the strong it is also clear from the word how threatning a condition that is for the People of God to be much caried out after meanes or lifted up therewith Is 30. they will ride on horses and this shall be their punishment but on the other hand the Lords way in bringing forth his greatest vvorks hath not been by might and povver but oft by meanes most improbable and unexpected 7. The long continuance of a heavy afflisting rod on the Church without the appearance of an outgate or any return to much vvrestling and prayer on that account may seem a strange step in Gods vvay vvith his People But the vvord vvill answer us in such a case where it is clear 1. That there are no bounds in the Scripture set to the continuance of a tryal it doth not tell how long a sharp storm may ly on either as to the Church or any particular Christian for it is a piece of the Lords secret counsel but not of that which is revealed it is enough that we know from it that men cannot make the Churches suffering longer then Gods time 2. It was a long terme that of Israels tryal in Egypt and after under the captivity three hundred and ninty dayes must the Church ly on her left side O how many a sad day and wearisome night was there in that word 70 weekes are
and at a time when it is expected grossest of men would speak truth yea that this doth appear while men cannot in the least charge the dying Christian with any distemper in his judgement but while they have been most composed stayed and present in minde and as to other things of their concernment most deliberat and sober even then they have born this witnes THE FOURTH ARGUMENT I shall here offer to prove the Scriptures accomplishment is this That whereof the most part as to these special predictions and promises that concern the Church is fulfilled and hath now taken place in their appointed times which we may at this day clearly tead in the event and but a litle part thereof now remaineth to be made out must be a sure truth But the Scripture is thus fulfilled and the prophecyes thereof now made legible in the history of providence and in the works of God about his Church Therefore c. I would premit here some few things ere I speak particularly to this argument 1. Though the Scripture is thus wonderfully suited by the Lord and taketh place in every generation as if it were alone directed to that time yet it is also clear that a special part thereof hath its proper accomplishment in these ages and periods of time to which it doth in a peculiar way relate some part of it which did concern the times of the Old Testament some that doth also answer to the times of the Gospel and a part of it which hath a peculiar respect to these latter dayes which the Lord is now bringing forth and we wait for a more full accomplishment that it is on a near approach 2. It is also sure that the whole work of God and his providence about his Church here in the World which was perfect from the beginning and before him from eternity is comprehended under the written word where the Lord hath fully revealed his minde and counsel anent every event and concernment of the Church though we oft be in the dark in finding out the same but the event will in due time speak for it selfe which should cause us until then with much sobriety passe our judgement on some of these truths that are not yet fulfilled 3. It is clear that the Prophets of old did not onely foretell such great changes and revolutions as were to go over the Churches head and declare the certainty thereof but we find these prophecyes oft point at the times and periods of time whereto they did relate and though sometimes in dark tearmes yet did clearly shew that there was a certain prefixed time not at every time they could have their performance 4. We would consider how the full accomplishing of the Scripture and the perfecting the Lords work about his Church will be at once and doth keep foot together and then shall a full and satisfying discovery of Gods way and providence and all that he hath been doing in the World clearly break up when the great mystery of God in his written word is finished and the Church so near to land That I may speak a little to so grave a subject I would lay down these two things to be considered 1. How much of the Scripture and predictions thereof may be now seen clearly verifyed in the event 2. What doth yet remain to have an accomplishment in these last times by which we may certainly judge hovv near the Lords vvork about his Church is to a close anent the first I shall point at some of these most concerning events changes vvhich the Church hath met vvith vvherein vve may see vvhat of the Scripture may at this day be read in the history of providence and is certainly fulfilled I. WHAT IS ALREADY ACCOMPLISHED I. Let us go back to these first times after the fall and see that dreadful stroke which came upon the old World by the flood after an universal defection from God and we shall there find the fulfilling of that which Noah that great preacher of righteousnes had oft foretold and of these threatnings which by Moses were there recorded wherein it may be very manifest 1. That this truth besides Divine authority no records of auncient times no antiquity could ever contradict yea some of the eldest writers doe clearly witnes something of an universal deluge over the earth with the strange preservation of some from it however they were in the dark as to many circumstances thereanent Josephus doth cite Berosus the Ci●aldean about this who without doubt had thē some of these oldest records true uncorrupt Eusebius also doth mention some fragments of Abidenus and Appollidorus which in his time were extant clearly pointing at the flood and at Noah under the name of Zisuthrus with his sending out of birds to see if the waters were asswaged 2. There is nothing here doth contradict reason how this might be brought about even in the way of ordinary natural causes which the Lord did make use of for that end for we find the windowes of Heaven were opened the air being condensed into clouds and their retentive power loused these great floodgates were thus set louse which falling not in drops but all in a full body like the spouts and cataracts of the West-Indies might soon overwhelm the earth with aboundance of water while these fountaines also of the great deep beneath were broken up which was not only the Ocean let forth to go over its banks but an universal vent to all the veines of the earth and that great masse of waters which is in the bowels thereof which from beneath meeting these that were from above may give men a clear and rational account how such a thing might be 3. This piece of the Scripture is most congruous and aggreable to the whole and the great scope and drift of the same for it points out an height of sin and of wrath an universall defection and an universal stroke meeting together it leads us forward to Christ of whom the ark was an excellent shadow and of that salvation which in and by him the Church hath from eternal wrath and is a very manifest pledge and sign of that last destruction of the World which though not in that manner yet shall once surely be and find men in such a condition as this flood found them into in the dayes of Noah II. What we have expresly promised in the word of the Churches delivery from Egypt and vvas foretold by Joseph at his death that God should surely bring back his People out of that land for vvhich he left his bones to ly unburied as a pledge thereof hath novv many ages past been fulfilled It is long since that remarkable day vvhen God made a vvay for his People through the red sea and his povver knovvn upon Pharaoh and the Egyptians since Moses vvith the Church did sing that triumphant song the horse and his rider he hath cast in the sea vvherein these things are most clear 1.
That this vvas a deed knovvn and publick in the time vvhich vvas not done in a corner but in the vievv of the World and before all the Children of Israel and by them attested and vvith greatest carefulnes transmitted to their Children and by these to the follovving generations as a thing never to be forgotten 2. Was testifyed by Moses so great a person and eye-vvitnes thereof one vvhom even the most auncient of heathen vvriters do mention vvith much respect and in this did never challenge his testimony though a matter of fact and of that moment vvhich all the nations about could not but knovv and both in the present and after ages have the remembrance thereof keeped up so that they might easily refute such a thing if false and vve may judge the Egyptians and many others could vvant no goodvvill to put disgrace on a People they so much hated nor be ignorant of that vvhich Moses published in his ovvn time to vvhose vvorks some of the auncientest heathen vvriters doe shew they have been no strangers 3. A truth which by Moses was put in record and delivered to the Jewes to be keept by them and their Children in all succeeding ages a record which they did so narrowly look to and had in that reverence and esteem that all the syllabs and letters thereof were by them numbred lest in the smallest point it should be wronged yea were more careful to preserve it then any nation can be of their most concerning rights and charters 4. A thing whereof the remembrance was yearly from that time celebrat by the Jewish Church whence the institution of the passover had its rise that deliverance being as a sign and sacramentall pledge of that great salvation by him who is our true passover III. What is held forth in the Scripture concerning the more full grouth of the Iewish Church that Judah should enjoy a Scepter which was foretold by dying Jacob and promised once and again to Abraham by the Lord that his seed should be as the sand of the sea and enjoy Canaan for an inheritance hath it not long since been fulfilled Wherein these things are clear 1. That for many ages Israel did enjoy that land in a most flowrishing condition which doth in part appear from these very ruines and desolation over which they have so long lamented the glory of Ierusalem and the temple once so famous which causeth such reverence amongst them to the very rubbish thereof at this day 2. That they were once a People by themselves who were not mingled with the Nations but keept at a distance by their Religion and Lawes from the rest of the World as a peculiar People to the Lord is a thing undenyable 3. That whilest they enjoyed it there was a singular blessing of fruitfulnes thereon above other places so as that small piece of ground was eneugh for an innumerable multitude of inhabitants but is novv at this day a barren sand an extraordinary curse no lesse seen thereon then the blessing was in former times 4. It is also evident that something in the way and carriage of this people even in their low wandering condition doth discover they have not forgot what once they were nor their former grandour and flovvrishing but still keep by themselves vvith some respect to their ovvn land vvhich their fathers did enjoy IV. That piece of the Scripture vvhich did concern the declining times of the Church under the Old Testament vvhat Jeremy foretold of the Babylouish captivity hath novv many ages since been fulfilled a truth vvhich vve have attested by sacred history an history vvhich doth clearly justify it self and its authority by such convincing marks thereof that vve may say these vvho do seriously converse vvith the vvord cannot take up Atheisme vvithout the laying down of reason and putting a force upon their ovvn light Novv as to this particular prophecy vve vvould but seriously consider 1. That vvhich Jeremy did foretel anent the captivity vvas not its accomplishment put on record in a book of the Churches lamentations vvhere this truth may be read in her teares and truely such as ever knevv grief in a high measure may easily knovv vvhat is there exprest to be sad earnest and read the lively motions of an afflicted case therein and besides hath not this been witnessed to after ages by a visible monument even the destruction of the temple that great and excellent work which though after rebuilt did never attain its former splendour 2. This was a matter of fact of great note and famous in the time done in the view of all the nations a considerable piece of the Babylonish conquest yea that testimony the Scripture beareth to the same was it not a few ages after made publick to other parts of the world by the Septuagint translation so that it had been easy for Ptolemy or any in that time to have discovered the falsehood of a thing so lately done yet these times nor the most professed enemyes to the Church therein could not in the least contradict the same 3. Though much of humane history and these records of auncient times that vve now have are both corrupt and defective yet there wants not some consent from the surest of these to many of the most observable things that we have of the history of the old testament and as to the certanity of this truth besids its own authority we will find some of these oldest writers Berosus Herodot and Xenophon give some light to the same whose witnes the Atheist cannot challenge yea is it not clear that Iosephus not only from sacred history but from these old records and fragments of former times which were then extant though since have been much lost compose his Iewish antiquityes which give so particular a relatiou of this truth V. What was foretold by Daniel concerning the rise and fall of the Monarchies and change of these great Empires who had been so sore a rod upon the Church hath it not many ages past had a most punctual performance It is now long since that great image shewed to the prophet in a vision hath been brought down and broken so that scarse the toes thereof doe now remain which besides the witnes of the Scripture may be clearly demonstrat upon other rational grounds 1. It being granted that the prophecie of Daniel was translated in Greek and laid up in that great library of Alexandria long before much of it was fulfilled before Antiochus Epiphanes and the rising of the Roman empire which Porphyrius could not be ignorant of though all he could answer to that evident agreement betwixt his prophecie and the event was that it must have been writ after these things were accomplished whilest it is clear that a part of the prophecie of Daniel which concerned the fourth Monarchy was not even in his times fully made out yea we must say something thereof doth reach to the last end of time 2. It is also
these records vvhich have been keept in the hands of her adversaries vvhere there is so clear a portraicure of him held forth both as to his person his vvay of coming the place vvhence the entertainment he should get and his death that I must think it a contradiction to reason hovv men should acknovvledge the Old Testament and not grant the Nevv since it is clear the Jewes look for no other Messias then such an one as is held out by the Prophets and they acknowledge also the divine authority of Esay Daniel Micah Malachi c. vvho do by such cleer marks point him forth and shew the Church how they should know him when he cometh for truely it may thence appear that it is not more certain the Messias should come then that Jesus Christ is he I would but seriously ask vvhat do the levves this day misse in our blessed Lord Iesus vvhich the Old Testament allovveth them to expect in the Messias is it that he came vvith no outvvard shevv and glory sure according to the Scripture such an one vve ought not to acknovvledge no should he not be of the seed of the vvoman 2. Gen. vvho should be born of a virgin as Esay shevveth his voice not heard in the streets despised and rejected of men a man of sorrovves such an one as vvas shadovved out under the Lavv vvho should be made a sacrifice for sin yea come vvith no outvvard pomp but meek and lovvly and riding upon an asse vvas to be betrayed and sold and his price shevved by Zach for 30 pieces a crucified dying Christ that should be wounded in the house of his friends and cut off from amongst the children of his People O! can men possibly deny so cleer an accomplihment of these in our blessed Lord 6 Is it not undenyable that the Jevves novv in their present case cannot possibly expect the accomplishment of this promise that the Messias cannot this day come according to the Scriptrue except they could be put in such a condition as they were then in at Christs comming certainly it is impossible that the Old Testament be ever fulfilled anent this if it be not already can he come forth out of Bethlehem whilst now no such place is known by that name can he come into his Temple that is utterly destroyed is there not now a subversion of the tribes and the family of David not known at this day yea are not the gentils brought in whom Isai sheweth should be gathered under the standard of the Messias doth not the daily sacrifice cease which the Iewes will confesse hath been for many ages and this was to be after his coming and I would ask how was that ever fulfilled that the glory of the second Temple should exceed the glory of the first for this cannot be on the account of its structure or outward magnificence sure there is nothing wherein this glory could appear but as it points at Christ and the breaking up of that glorious light which was before its destruction 7. There is an innumerable company who have embraced the Gospel and received the spirit by the ministry thereof since the times of the Apostles who have put this seal thereto in all ages that it is the power and wisdome of God and truely without partial respect which the conscience of the worst of men have been forced to justify it may be said these were the excellent of the earth in their time many of greatest outward parts and abilities whose moral integrity and candour was beyond question even with their adversaries and these both of Iewes and gentils of all rancks of men of all nations and languages who not only by a naked profession but by their walk and sufferings did shew forth the power and vertue of a crucified Christ yea shine as lights whilest they were in the World to the conviction of onlookers and is not this a convinceing witnes to the truth of the Gospel which its enemyes cannot possibly deny 8. That excellent doctrine delivered to the Church in the New Testament by Christ and his Apostles doth it not clearly shew whence it is and witnes its own authority for here we may see a manifest agreement betvvixt this and the doctrine of the auncient Ievvish Church that as the five Books of Moses hold forth the sum of the Gospel the Covenant of grace and that mystery of Salvation by Christ so the Prophets do carry it on vvith furder clearnes and the Evangelists brings forvvard like an excellent edifice that is founded and advanced in the one but perfected in the other all breathing the same spirit vvith a convincing tendency to the same end so that vve may say the old Jewes under the Law were in effect Christians and the followers of Christ now under the Gospel in some respect are Jewes being one in the substantials of their religion for it is clear that poor Apostat people now in the Iewish nation hath wholly departed from their own doctriue and will not come to the light that they may be judged according to the Old Testament now in this I would seriously attest the adversaries of the Gospel if paganisme the Turks Alcoran or Iewish Talmud hold forth any such doctrine or rule as that which the Christian Religion doth such pure and excellent precepts to restrain the inordinacy of corrupt affection backed with arguments becoming an immortal soul a doctrine so sincere solid and rational so consistent with it selfe and agreable to the true scope and drift thereof which holds forth the most exquisite rule of perfection for men to presse after yea where every page and line breatheth forth holines towards God and righteousnes and humanity towards man 9. I shall adde these clear convincing evidences of the truth of the Gospel which did attend the first publishing thereof were so evident and undenyable a seal from the Lord as may force the greatest Atheist to silence for 1. They were Jewes as much concerned in the Religion of their Fathers as any who did first publish the Gospel none more zealous according to the Law then Paul was before his conversion none also could challenge their driving any outward interest hereby since persecution and bonds yea greatest hazard was that which they could expect 2. It is clear they walked by no rules of human policy nor these ordinary wayes of insinuation which the World doth use to engadge men and make a party to themselves but did deliver the truth truth most repugnant to the flesh and that interest with greatest candour and simplicity though likewise with a convincing authority and confidence yea came with a message to the World which had no other convoy or perswading argument but the evidence of its own truth but withal such a power accompanying the same before which men could not stand 3. What is published concerning Christ by the Evangelists the great works he did his dying at Ierusalem with all the stupendious circumstances thereof and signs
Children who are these that flee as a cloud like the doves to their windowes O blessed day in which the light did first break up on the poor ofspring of Iaphet who then dwelt in the shadow and region of death O blest day that brought salvation with it to the gentils wherein the Lord did visit these dark places of the earth which were full of the habitations of cruelty I think the sense of so great a mercy should never let us want an errant for giving thanks yea put much to silence our other complaints 4. Is it not also clear that not only as to the time but these very places of the earth which Esai and other of the Prophets did particularly point at this promise had an exact accomplishment for it is this day manifest the isles which we find so frequently mentioned that these should wait for his law and the uttermost parts of the earth whence he should bring th● Daughter of his dispersed may have a clear commentar upon the same from what the Lord hath done to Britain and Ireland with other remote parts of the earth yea hath not the Aethiopians been made to stretch out their hands even in these sun-burnt places of Africk hath not Christ also had a conquest where many a black moore was through grace made as the snow of Salmon and the feathers of a dove so that it is clear how these particular places which were so oft pointed at by the Prophets have been visited by the Gospel and fallen to the share of the Church 5. This change which by the incoming of the gentils to the Church was wrought upon the Earth is a thing so great and astonishing that were it still in the promise and this not yet fulfilled it would truely stagger our faith how such a thing should ever come to passe and is there not here a miracle that the World cannot possibly deny even this great work of God in bringing of the gentils which without an extraordinary power could not be effectuat if men will consider First That svvift progresse which then the Gospel had how it did run and was glorified through the furthest parts of the earth and like a ligtning break forth from one place to another so that in the Apostles time the Scripture doth shew how most of the conspicuous Provinces of Asia had received the Gospel and Tertullian who lived in the second Century in his Book contra Iudaos doth there witnes how many nations and these most remote from other Parthians Medes Armenia Phrygia Cappadocia Pontus and Pamphilia with much of Egypt and diverse parts of Africk besides Rome Spain and other places of Europe were in his time almost wholly Christian for it is indeed clear that the bounds of the Church was then of a larger extent then it is now at this day 2. It is also undenyable that in this solemn day of the Gospels spreading amongst the nations suffering and persecution did all that time attend the Church yea in such a measure that as the writers of these times do witnes neither famine pestilence nor the sword did destroy so many of the World as then were of Christians in the two first centuries put to death for adhering to the truth and it is clear that this great work of God in such a swift spreading of the Church was most discernable in these times of hottest persecution yea then was her most effectual grouth and increase which upon her getting some rest and beginning to flowrish with external peace was at a visible stand 3 How marvellous a thing was this to be brought about if we consider the many different languages that did then stop correspondence between the Church and the rest of the earth for how could the truth thus spread among the nations yea in such remote places of the World Churches be planted by the Apostles and have the Scripture translated and made legible to them without that extraordinary gift of tongues which for that end was then given from the Lord sure beside sacred authority anent this reason may convincingly witnes to the World the truth of such a miracle 4. How strange and wonderful a change was this that in so short a time the Gospel should thus enlighten and put such a lustre on the most rude and savage places of the earth where scarse humanity had been and bring them from the condition of beasts to men should thus tame and civilize the greatest Barbarians and cause the lion to ly down with the lamb yea by the preaching of that Gospel and of a crucified Christ which as it was to the Jewes a stumbling block so to the Greeks foolishnes And in a word was not this indeed a miracle how in a mattet of such high concernment as that vvherein mens soul and everlasting interest lay they should be turned off their old vvay and Religion in vvhich they and their Fathers had been so long rooted that a little spark which did break up in Iudea should bring dovvn the idols of the nations and burn up their temples Alace that there is so little of a large heart of that primitive zeal and fervour this day among Christians for the enlargement of the Church that such merchants are now rare who would venture out to trade with other parts for this excellent ware the merchandise whereof is better then of gold O that in these parts where the truth is knovvn and professed the Lord vvould raise up men of such a spirit and such a Magistrat vvho vvould make it their vvork and lay dovvn solid grounds hovv to advance the Kingdome of Christ in the dark places of the earth and reckon their interest in a forrain plantation upon the account of the Gospel no lesse then on the account of trade vve vvould pray and yet hope for this VIII What vve find foretold by Daniel yea by Christ himself anent the destruction of Ierusalem and ceasing of the Iewish dayly sacrifice with the rejection of that people Dan. 12. ver 11. Matth. 24 ver 2. hath many ages past come to passe wherein the World may see how clearly the event doth answer this Prophecy for it is manifest 1. That this is a truth which doth need no other witnes then the scattered remnant and desolate ruines of that once flowrishing Church and nation of the Iewes vvhich vve see vvith our eyes at this day vvhose present state is so great a monument of divine judgement so clear a vvitnes to the Scripture that I think men cannot look thereon if they be in any measure serious but must have such a conviction 2. What hath befallen this people may it not be an astonishment to the World in all succeeding ages a stroke that hath put them in a more sad condition then any nation or people we ever yet heard of that hath cast them out of their own land scattered them as vagabonds through the earth so that these many ages they have had no scepter
Churches ruines and witnes their detestation and grief for the growing Apostacy of such times 3. It is clear that as the prophecy doth point at some more remarkable suffering and persecution which the Church was to meet with from Antichrist beyond all it had endured from that adversary in former ages yea a special permission from the Lord to that party to vent their rage and cruelty against the Saints which should fall out after the witnesses finishing their testimony who had so long in an abject low condition as in sackcloth prophecyed yea when Antichrist should be at his height and his Kingdome upon the turn that then must this remarkable killing of the witnesses be accomplished so likewise did the event convincingly verify the same for it is knowen that upon the close of Antichrists reigne whilest the truth began to break up this sorest storme of persecution beyond all that had been before did then break upon the Church even in its budding forth that we may say that adversary did not onely put forth the outmost of his power and rage against the Saints but seemed in some measure to bring his cruel designes to passe which the dreadful massacres in France Province and the Valleys of Piemont the sore and violent persecution of the Church through the Netherlands under the Duke of Alba and in England by Queen Mary in Germany after the defeat of the Duke of Saxony and Landgrave of Hesse can clearly witnes 4. Is it not also clear how this remarkable storm and cutting down of the Saints over whose dead bodyes their adversaryes did rejoyce was according to this prophecy to be previous to some eminent enlargement and reviving of the Church which did accordingly fall out in the event like a resurrection of the witnesses from the dead to the astonishment of the World that immediatly followed upon the back thereof so that when their enemyes thought they had gained their end as they did conclude by such persecutions particularly that French massacre that the Protestant interest should be quite ruined they were forced to see their labour in vain and the Church more eminently flowrishing after the same I shall but furder adde that Antichrist hath not only been revealed and his Kingdome come to its height but it is clear this day that it is on the falling hand and his ruine is now begun upon which account we may say yea have cause to sing that the winter is past the fig tree putteth forth her leaves that sheweth the sommers approach yea the singing of birds is heard in our land let us go forth and meet him who is now gone out as a mighty man for the salvation of his Church and taken the fields against this great adversary of his truth and people on whose side victory doth surely wait II. WHAT IS YET TO BE ACCOMPLISHED HAving touched a little some of the most concerning prophecyes of the Scripture both under the New Old Testament which are already fulfilled and the truth thereof so clearly written forth in the history of providence that we may say the most ordinary observers if they will not shut their eyes cannot want a conviction thereof I shall now in the next place point at that which yet remaineth of the prophetical part of the Scripture to be accomplished these prophecyes which concern the Church in these last times whereby we may have a sure demonstration how far the night is spent and of the near approach of that blessed day of the liberty of the sonnes of God for this doth finish the mystery of God and fully perfecteth his work if once that which remaineth of the prophecyes of the word were fulfilled There are these truths the accomplishment whereof we have a sure warrant to expect before the end First the full ruin and downfal of Babylon 2. The conversion and incalling of the Jewes to Jesus Christ 3. A solemn day of the Churches flowrishing both Iewes and Gentiles which shall follow the outmaking of the former promise 4. The fall and destruction of the Turkish Empire that cruel party who hath been raised up and established for judgement with whom the Lord shall yet reckon for all that Christian blood by them so unjustly shed seemeth clearly held forth Rev. 16 ver 12. 5. We are also to expect after all these that full and last stroke upon Gog and Magog and then the Lord is at hand and that great mystery of the prophecyes and promises of the Scripture shall then be finished and at a blessed close I. We have the full ruin and destruction of Antichrist and his Kingdome clearly prophecyed and in very expresse tearmes promised to the Church 2 Thess 2 ver 2 8. Rev. 16 ver 10 17. the accomplishment whereof we do yet according to the Scripture wait for that the God of truth who cannot lye or repent shall in due time assuredly bring about and that this day approacheth when that solemn cry shall be heard Babylon is fallen anent which we would consider 1. That this judgement is already begun and the first step thereof visible is now clear wherein men may see the event most exactly answer the prophecy for the Lord hath begun to consume Antichrist by the breath of his mouth and since the first breaking up of the light his Kingdome hath been mouldering down before the Word hath not Nations fallen off at the voice of the preached Gospel It is true the Church wanteth not sore con●licts even under the Vials and it is the Lords way to try his People with such various uncertainties that when things have been most promising another providence cometh like a crosse wave which seemeth to drive them as far back as once they seemed to be forward yet it is sure and should be beyond debate that Antichrists overthrow is upon a present advance and that work of the Lord for his Churches deliverance is going fordward for if we believe salvation by Christ upon the warrant of the word should we not also with much assurance believe that Antichrists wound is deadly and incurable which he hath got by the preaching of the Gospel which all the Physitians of the earth shall never help 2. This is one of the greatest and signal actes of the judgement of God on his Churches enemyes one of the most eminent manifestations of his glory which he hath reserved for the last times wherein the appearance of his hand and great power shall be very manifest and we are to expect by this remarkable stroak that way shall be made for that glorious house which Christ is to have for himself in the latter dayes which shall be built upon Antichrists ruines when that new bride both of Iewes and Gentiles shall be prepared for the marriage supper of the Lamb. 3. Though we are to expect on clear ground from the word the Lords eminent appearing by his immediat hand in this great work which shall be so convincing in that day and witnes an
that People hath yet been brought in to Christ 3. We have much ground from the Scripture that this day this great day of Iezreel shall be a very remarkable and solemn time which will even cause astonishment to the Nations about and make a wonderful change on the face of the earth a time of Gods eminent appearance for that People when his singular respect shall be as manifest as formerly his great displeasure and anger was a time on which many of the choisest mercyes of the Church do certainly wait the return of many prayers a large pouring forth of the Spirit even on the body of that People and all ranks not only the familyes of David Nathan and Levi but also the families of Shimei with a large outletting of gifts yea such a time wherein the converted of Israel shall then see and understand how far the glory of the second Temple doth exceed that of the first and shall be a very conspicuous part of Christs universal Kingdome eminent for the power and purity of the ordinances to which others shall look as to a most choise and excellent pattern of a purely reformed and glorious Church 4. Besids the promise of him who is not like ma● to lie or the son of man to repent there wants not some very convincing providences to confirm our faith anent this if we consider how this People are still kept by themselves amidst all their scatterings not mixt or incorporat with other Nations which is most usual through long converse that People of several parts of the earth will unite and joyn in one is not their great increase also remarkable What great multitudes of them are in the eastern parts yea through most of Asia in Africk and in these places of Europe where the Christian Church is and all this time their land not possessed but by a rabble of the Turks under whose yoke they groan and though the genealogies of particular families are at this day much lost yet there is still so much sure and evident as to the series and genealogy of the Nation that doth difference them from any other People 5. It is true the authority of the word should silence all our thoughts how so great a thing shall be brought about yet we may judge that as a mean this shall eminently contribute to the same such a convincing stroke upon Antichrist which must go before their conversion wherein so manifest an appearance of God and the fulfilling of one of the greatest promises of the New Testament cannot but then stare them in the face and with this the taking away of that stumbling block of idolatry which hath so long helpt to harden them against the profession of the Gospel I must shut up this with a sad regrate that whilest we have so clear a promise there is no more tender respect and further essay to promot the good of that People who knoweth what a blessing might attend the use of ordinary meanes since this is an unquestionable duty and men know not when they sow the seed whither this or that shall prosper alace that the usual deportment of Christians with whom they converse doth oft further help to highten their prejudice against Christianity let us long and pray more for this day a day which shall bring so great a blessing with it to the gentiles III. There are many prophecyes both in the Old and New Testament which do clearly point at a great flowrishing and prosperity in the dayes of the Gospel which I humbly conceive are not yet fully made out but shall have a more remarkable accomplishment before the close of time Isai 60. ver 13. Isai 65 ver 25. Isai 66 ver 12. Mich. 4 ver 1 2. I confesse the event will be the surest commentar and until this appear men should be sober and cautious that they darken not the counsel of God and his truth with any wilde fancy and aim to be wise above that which is written yet I must think that with sobriery and on solid grounds it may be safe to judge that there are great things laid up in these promises for the Church that we cannot now well reach yea would scarce get believed until the appointed time unvaile their meaning I shall here but onely touch ●ow it may appear these promises are not yet fully accomplished and what with a safe warrant we may expe●● in their accomplishment as to the first we would consider these things 1. That these great promises which hold forth so eminent an enlargement and flowrishing of the Church do also point at some particular limited time some period and revolution of the Churches condition which is not agreable and common to other times until which these promises do not take place 2. This promised flowrishing concerneth both Jewes and Gentiles and the word doth clearly point at some further encrease of the g●ntil Church by the calling of the Jewes which must have a peculiar respect to that solemn time of Israels restauration and Antichrists ruin a time on which the return of many prayers and the fulfilling of many promises in the behalfe of the Church doth surely wait so that as Esay and other of the Prophets do put over this great flowrishing of the Church to the dayes of the Gospel the Apostle Rom. 11. doth point at a more precise time wherein this in a larger measure shall be made out 3. We cannot find the Christian Church did ever enjoy so great an enlargement and flowrishing state as these promises seem to import for persecution and suffering hath most been her lot first from the Jewes next from her heathen adversaries and last from Antichrist whose fall and ruin we have ground to expect shall make room for so great an increase of the Church for how much power Antichrist hath in so far is the Church keepe under yea it is clear how very short all her breathings have been 4. It would appear so solemn a time of the Churches flowrishing whereat the Prophets did so oft point as it hath an undoubted respect to the dayes of the Gospel so in its full accomplishment must answer to that remarkable day of Satans binding and the Saints Reigne with Christ when the Kingdoms of the Earth become the Lords which we find doth immediatly preceede Satans last lousing and his going forth to gather his broken forces for that great battle which is to be very near the end I shall but adde we have ground to judge the Lord will usher in that glorious everlasting state of the Church even by some preparative degrees here the latter times are therefore to be reckoned the more blessed the more near they approach to the dawning of glory Now in the second place I shall but point at somethings which with a safe warrant we may understand and look after in the accomplishment of these promises It is very clear they hold forth a great enlargement to the universal Church both of Jewes and Gentiles
that large measure of the Spirit and outletting thereof which did convincingly follow the Gospel and ministry of the word in these last times a truth which we must say hath been manifest and by many solemn proofes thereof demonstrat no lesse then in the first planting of the christian Church It is undenyable how great a witnes to the truth the Spirit down-powring thereof is for this is Gods own seal which is not put to a lye or falsehood thus he beares witnes to his work in the hearts of his people and by this also the Lord doth seal and attest the doctrine of the Church and commission of his servants who publisheth the same yea at some special seasons when the truth hath least countenance or encouragement from without times of contradiction when men will not receive its testimony and a great speate of opposition is to the Gospel then hath this in a more full and large measure been discernable thus did the Lord eminently own and confirm the Christian Religion in the dayes of the Apostles and for some following ages by so great a downpowring of the Spirit such visible and extraordinary effects thereof as did then astonish the World and force men to confesse something above nature that this was surely the great work and power of God and have we not also cause to say that thus the Lord hath born a very solemn testimony to his truth the work of reformation and doctrine of the reformed Churches in these late times anent which I dare appeal by standers yea the adversaryes to their conscience if without shutting their eyes they could shift the conviction of a convincing appearance of God in the power and efficacy of the Spirit even in a more then ordinary way accompanying the word and ordinances a power which carried kingdomes and cityes before it yea in a very short time over the belly of greatest violence and opposition to clear this a little I shall point at some few remarkable evidences which might stare the grossest of men in the face and in some measure convince them of this truth 1. It is evident that marvellous conquest which the Gospel had in Germany by the ministry of Luther Melanchton Bucer Martyr Musculus and a few others of these excellent instruments whom the Lord then sent forth O was not this a day of the Spirit and powring forth thereof in a large measure a day of the gospels triumph not by might or by power yet such as before it the World could not stand cityes and countryes might then be said to be born at once the arme of the Lord revealed with the same that men were either scorched or truely warmed and gained thereby Did not that marvellous power and efficacy of the spirit also attend the ministry of Zuinglius and Oecolampadius in Zurick and Basile when so through a reformation followed to the throwing down of Images abolishing of the Masse by publick authority notwitstanding of its long continuance and this in a short time the spirit and power of God did very eminently appear also in these famons plantations of the Gospel by the Ministry of Calvine Farel and Vires in Geneva Lausanna and other adjacent Provinces It is written in the life of Vires that at Lyons which was a great populous city he preached in an open place where divers thousands were converted to the truth yea some who came by with no purpose to hear only out of curiosity stepped in were so wrought on and overcome with the power of the word as for that time made them neglect their other businesse 2. That great successe which did attend the ministry of Mr Wishart in Scotland can also witnes this truth whence so marvellous a change did quickly follow in these places where he preached through Angus Lothian and the western parts yea how much the spirits of the people were then raised and affected with the word but this being a thing so known from the historyes of that time I only name 3. Besides these which are more known and upon publick record I must here instance a very solemn and extraordinary outletting of the spirit which about the year 1625. and thereafter was in the West of Scotland whilest the persecution of the Church there was not from the prelatick party this by the prophane rabble of that time was called the Stewarton Sicknes for in that parish first but after through much of that countrey particularly at Irwine under the ministry of famous Mr Dickson it was most remarkable where it can be said which divers Ministers and Christians yet alive can witnes that for considerable time few Sabbaths did passe without some evidently converted and some convincing proofes of the power of God accompanying his word yea that many were so choaked and taken by the heart that through terrour the spirit in such a measure convincing them of sin in hearing of the word they have been made to fall over and thus carried out of the Church who after proved most solid and lively Christians and as it was knowen some 〈◊〉 the most grosse who used to mock at religion being engadged upon the same that went abroad of such things ●o go to some of these parts where the Gospel was then most lively have been effectually reached before their return with a visible change following the same and truely this great spring tide which I may so call of the Gospel was not of a short time but for some yeares continuanc● yea thus like a spreading moor burn the power of Godlines did advance from one place to another which put a marvellous lustre on these parts of the countrey the savour whereof brought many from other parts of the land to see the truth of the same 4. I must also mention that solemn Communion at the Kirk of the Shots 20 June 1630. at which time there was so convincing an appearance of God and downpowring of the Spirit even in an extraordinary way that did follow the ordinances especially that sermon on the Munday 21 June with a strange unusual motion on the hearers who in a great multitude were there conveened of divers ranks that it was known which I can speak on sure ground near 500 had at that time a discernable change wrought on them of whom most proved lively Christians afterward it was the sowing of a seed through Clidesdeal so as many of most eminent Christians in that countrey could date either their conversion or some remarkable confirmation in their case from that day and truely this was the more remarkable that one after much reluctance by a special and unexpected providence was called to preach that sermon on the Munday which then was not usually practised and that ●ight before by most of the Christians there was spent in prayer so that the Mundays work as a convincing return of prayer might be discerned 5. I shall he●●●lso instance that solemn and great work of God which was in the Church of Ireland some
preacher of the Gospel to his death Galeacaeus Garracceolus an Italian Marquesse of great place and estate in the World was so taken by the hear● with one word in hearing Peter Martyr as made him quite not only all his hopes of preferment a most pleasant place as was in the earth and a great inheritance but to go over the belly of the most pressing intreaties and insinuations of his friends the weeping cryes of his Lady and Children and go to a strange place quiting all that he might preserve his conscience and enjoy fellowship with the Church O what a solemn witnes was this to the truth and of the conquering power of Christ And in a word what a marvellous thing was it that poor Luther against whom so much of the World was aloft with greatest rage and violence should yet live to an old age and go to the grave in peace And truely the Spirit and appearance of this great and f●●st witnes to the truth might be a convincing evidence that the Lord was then to raise up a People to himselfe in whom he would be glorified by an active testimony as well as by suffering Besides these instances I would here mention some remarkable providences worthy indeed to be observed though they are little knowen to the World which we may say doth not only witnes the power of God but are a convincing seal to his truth and the Churches Reformation in these last times It is a remarkable passage which worthy Mr Forbes sets down under his hand whilest he was banished for the truth whose words are these In the year 1607. being at Ruan in France and meeting with Monsieur 〈◊〉 that auncient and famous divine and then Pastor of the Reformed Church in that city he had from him this following relation After the close of the Councel of Trent in the time of Pius the V. there was a consultation in Italy by the Pope and Cardinals for an utter extirpation of the Reformed Churches in Europe and to this end every Prince of the Romish Religion had a certain part designed where this great project should be put in practice The death of Pius the V. hindred a present prosecuting of this design And his successor Gregorius XIII did suffer it to ly dead having no heart that way and so until that time of Clemens VIII it was not revived but then this bloody resolution was of new ratified by him and his Cardinals under their hands and seals the onely difficulty was in this to find a fit and trusty person whom they should make use of to the Princes of the Romish Religion for engadgeing them to subscrive the said ordinance and set about the execution thereof At length a Gentleman of good parts near in blood to the Cardinal Baronius is choised which to him was a matter of much grief and sorrow for unknown to them he was of the Reformed Religion but this grief in his countenance and carriage put his friends who observed the same to strange thoughts and so much the more that he did expresly declare to some of these who asked thereanent that what to them seemed a cause of rejoycing was to him a just occasion of grief yet at last finding his ha●ard upon a bitter challenge from the foresaid Cardinal who had heard thereof he judged it his wisdome to dissemble shewing him his unsuitablenes to so great an employment could not but be ground of trouble and fear and so was someway forced to engadge getting his commissions the decree of the Conclave with letters to the foresaid Princes sealed and subscribed But lo whilest this poor Gentleman is on his journey having found wayes to free himself of his servants and other company his spirit was in great perplexity betwixt these two grievous temptations either to be instrument of utter ruin to the truth and Churches of Christ or forsake his countrey inheritance and all he had in the World upon which he resolved to retire himself out of the high way to an obscure village where for three dayes he gave himself to fasting and prayer for direction and resolution from the Lord and after this had his heart so strengthned against the care of his wordly estate that he resolved to forsake all and to reveal this bloody conspiracy to the Churches of Christ and cast himself on Gods hand for his future estate so that he turned his face from Spain and took journey to France and to Paris where at that time remained the sister of Henry the IIII. a Religions Princesse afterwards Dutchesse of Lorraine to whom the foresaid Monsieur Figureus was her preacher and unto him made his addresse though after divers refusals of admission upon suspicion shewing him the whole bussines and delivered the sealed decree with his letters of co●●mission for that effect and did likewise shew him who was then astonished at such a wonderful providence of God in fostering some of his own Children in the midst of Babylon and that to so comfortable an use for his Churches safety that there were many others in Italy yea in Rome it self of the Reformed Religion who had their secret meetings and even Gregory the XIII before his advancement to the Papacy was throughly clear thereanent in his judgement whereof he gave him divers evidences This foresaid relation did so affect Mr Forbes that he shewed his marvellous desire to see that man who had done so worthy and gracious a work for the glory of God and good of his Church and by a recommendation from Mousieur Figureus he did afterwards go of set ●●●pose to that place taking the first opportunity for He●delberg where this Gentleman was then retired for his further security and honourably entertaind by that Prince where he sheweth that he saw him and from his own mouth received the assurance of this former narration to his great satisfaction and comfort This is the very su●me which I have here set down and truely ●●●scribed off the principale which I had beside me both written and subscribed by Mr Forbes his own hand A remarkable providence I shall also here set down which did tryst with some very convincing circumstances at the Parliament 1621. at their bringing in of Popish Geremonies upon the Church which was then a sad step of the lands defection from the truth contraire to their engadgements whilest the faithful Ministers of Jesus Christ at that time did with greatest seriousnes and freedome obtest and warn these who were in power alace that now there is litle of such a Spirit appearing that they would not to please men corrupt the Worship of God but the speat being violent it did at last resolve in a Law at which very time whilest the Kings Commissioner did rise from the throne to ratify this woeful act by the touch of the Scepter was even in this moment of that ratification trysted by the God of Heaven with an extraordinary lightning and very unusual great claps of thunder and these
determined upon thy people and city Jerusalem 3. Have not the Saints under a long trouble been almost the length of blasphemy in their complaints Isa 40 ver 27. My way is had from the Lord and my judgement past over from my God Daniel how pressing with the Lord was he that he would hearken and do and not defer and yet the return cometh not until the first year of Cyrus yea that cry of the fouls under the Altar How long doth it not even get a dilatory answer for thus the Lord doth oft interpose his long suffering for some time betwixt his hearing of his people and avenging of them 4. It is also clear that there are many prayers before the throne the return whereof is suspended and an answer to Christians in their particular until that time when God shall build up Zion and then the prayer of the destitute shall be remembred even as to Christians privat enlargement when the Church shall be raised up 5. We know the Churches enemyes must have time to ripen and it is not a storm of a few dayes that will purge away the filth of the Daughter of Zion too soon letting out of a sore may cause it undercot and gather new matter and truely the word can resolve us in this that one minut sooner then Gods time would not be his peoples mercy 8. It is oft seen when there is some remarkable work of God on foott in a land and some great outpowring of the spirit how Sathan setteth up some usual counterfeit thereof and bringeth forth something of his work in such a time with a very strange resemblance of the same thus with the preaching of the freedome of grace and a clear discovery of that truth did Libertinisme under a very specious pretext spring up Thus we find the Anabaptist and Antinomian party set up in Germany to run down a Church-reformation under the shew of a more pure and spiritual way and of late did not Familisme in England and new England under pretext of a more spiritual dispensation cast off the very letter of the Scripture turning it over in an Allegory and in behalf of the liberty of prophesying cry down a standing ministry but though this may seem strange yet the Scripture is very clear concerning it 1. That even Sathan himself is transformed into an Angel of light and in no shape proveth more dangerous to the Church 2. That the most dreadful errours and a false way will oft come near to the choisest exercises of the saints and have such a resemblance to the same that if it were possible the very elect should be deceived 3. Was there not a Simon Magus with false miracles set up over against the Apostles and when the time of the Messias drew near did not then a Theudas and Judas of Galilee break forth to amuse the people We find also an altar from Damascus set up beside that which was shewed to Moses the Servant of the Lord in the mount yea when Moses and Aaron was giving Pharaoh a sign did shew forth the marvellous power of God then did the Magicians cast doun their rod also to counterfeit the same by which the heart of Pharaoh was hardned 9. The abounding so much of errour and heresie now in the times of the gospel with that swift grouth thereof which is oft seen where the light most clearly shineth would seem strange yea is a thing whereat many are ready to stumble and thus to challenge the way of God But is not the Scripture in this clearly verifyed so that this piece of providence which is so shaking to many if we take the word along with it might be a very convincing confirmation to us of the same for 1. We find the Apostles yea Christ himself hath given expresse vvarning thereof that this should be one of the special and greatest tryals of the Christian Church vvhereof the Old Testament vve find doth litle mention that tryal not concerning the Church then so much as these after-times under the Messias Kingdome wherein the event may be clearly seen to ansvver these predictions vvhich are so frequent thereof in the Nevv Testament 2. Doth not the event also ansvver the vvord as to that particular vvay and method hovv errour should be propagated which is there clearly foretold by subtil undermining under the pretext of liberty with plausible insinuations so that we must say not only the matter but with all these discernable tokens even upon the manner the word is made out 3. Doe we not find this should be judgement on men who receive not the love of the truth and that after flourishing times of the Church when he who rideth on the white horse is gone forth the black horse and his rider doth quickly follow and truely it is seen that in the time of hottest persecution the Church hath not been so much troubled with this adversary as when she did begin to get rest and most of outward liberty nor yet so at the first breaking up of the Gospel as after some time of its continuance 4. Doth not the event likewise thus answer the word that in the breaking out of heresy in the Church a spirit of errour the dephts and mighty working of Satan should be seen which I am sure is undenyable how manifest the interposing of these powers of darknes is therein if we consider 1. It s marvellous dispatch and grouth like a plague and the arrow that flieth by day 2. With what a discernable fury and violence men are thus driven as with an impetuous current yea oft a change on their very natural temper is seen most evidently 3. These monstrous and horrid things which are oft brought forth may shew whose hand is in such a birth 4. That usual tendency that at last errour hath to loosness in practice which as it poisoneth the spring and corrupteth the leading faculty the judgement so we see it moveth towards the vital spirits and doth influence the conversation and thus the leprosy in the head breaketh forth in blaines through the whole body 5. And doe we not see how many grosse and profane have been carried with this spate how few get leave to stand but are still carryed from one step to another and it is clear the world did never put out its rage so much against that way as it hath done against the truth except when some outward interest maketh it a quarrel 10. These great shakings and commotions that use to attend the Gospel when it cometh in power to a land may also seem strange yea is ready to make many stumble But is not the word verified herein what great stirs and trouble did tryst the the Church after great light in powring out of the spirit Ioell 2 ver 29. we may there likewayes see how this giveth the World an Alarum maketh the Kings and great men of the earth run together to hinder the rising of Christs Kingdome Psal 2 ver 3. let us