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A33291 The holy history in brief, or, An abridgment of the historical parts of the Old and New Testament by Samuel Clark ... Clark, Samuel, 1626-1701. 1690 (1690) Wing C4492; ESTC R11701 93,511 201

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only the Baptism of John he was instructed more fully by Aquila and Priscilla CHAP. XIX Paul at Ephesus gave the Holy Ghost by laying on his Hands and preach'd and wrought many Miracles there for the space of two years so that the word of God prevailed mightily and some that used curious Arts burnt their Books of a great value Demetrius for fear of losing his Trade of making Silver Shrines for Diana rais'd an Uproar against Paul which the Town-Clerk appeas'd and dismiss'd the Assembly CHAP. XX. After which Paul came to Troas where on the first day of the Week he celebrated the Lords Supper and preach'd till midnight so that Euticus being fallen asleep fell down three Stories and was taken up for dead but Paul raised him up to Life again At Miletus he sent for the Elders of the Church of Ephesus to whom he recommended the care of the Flock of which the Holy Ghost had made them Overseers and commended 'em to the Grace of God and so departed CHAP. XXI At Cesarea Agabus a Prophet foretels how Paul should be bound at Jerusalem whereupon the Brethren dissuade him from going thither but he declar'd his readiness not only to be bound but to die at Jerusalem for the Name of the Lord Jesus When he came to Jerusalem he declar'd to James and the Elders the success of his Ministry among the Gentiles who rejoyced at it and advis'd him to purifie himself according to the Law that the Jews might see he was not such an Enemy to the Law as he was represented to be So he went to the Temple and offer'd as the Law requir'd but the Jews finding him there seized him and went about to kill him but he was rescu'd by the chief Captain and carried into the Castle who gave him leave to speak unto the People CHAP. XXII So Paul gave 'em a large account of the manner of his Conversation and calling to the Apostleship but they were much exasperated against him and the chief Captain commanded him to be examined by scourging but he claiming the priviledg of a Roman is set at liberty and the Jewish Senate are commanded to appear before the Captain that he might know what they had to charge him withal CHAP. XXIII Paul pleading his Cause before them the High Priest commands him to be smitten for which Paul threatens him At last they fall a quarrelling among themselves and the Captain commanded him to be brought away for fear they should do him some mischief and brought him to the Castle The next day some of the Jews conspir'd against Paul to kill him which being discover'd to the chief Captain he sent him away presently to Felix the Governor CHAP. XXIV Shortly after the High Priest and Elders went down to Cesarea to complain of Paul and Tertullus charged him as a seditious Person but Paul denied the Charge and vindicated both his Doctrin and Life So Felix deferr'd the determination of it and in the mean while sent for Paul and hearing him preach concerning Righteousness Temperance and Judgment he trembled and dismiss'd him for the present and left him bound when he was put out of his place and Festus put in CHAP. XXV Festus being made Governor of the Jews charged Paul with many and grievous things all which Paul denied Then Festus ask'd him Whether he 'd go up to Jerusalem and be judged there concerning these things then Paul appeal'd to Cesar After which King Agrippa came to complement Festus to whom Festus related Paul's Case whereupon Agrippa was desirous to hear him himself so on the morrow Festus commanded him to be brought forth CHAP. XXVI Then Paul related to Agrippa the manner of his Life and Conversation and how he was called to the Apostleship whereupon Festus charg'd him that he was mad but he appeal'd to Agrippa for the truth of what he said and almost persuaded him to be a Christian Then upon consultation among themselves they conclude he had done nothing worthy of Death or of Bonds CHAP. XXVII Paul having appeal'd to Cesar is sent to Rome but he foretold the danger of the Voyage and accordingly they met with a great Storm but God gave unto Paul the Lives of all that were with him in the Ship so tho they suffer'd Shipwrack yet they scap'd all safe to shore CHAP. XXVIII The Island upon which they were cast was Melita where the Inhabitants were very courteous to them and seeing a Viper fasten upon Paul's hand and that he shuck it off into the Fire without any hurt ensuing to him they thought he was a God Afterwards he healed the Governors Father and many others in the Island Then they sailed from thence and at last came to Rome where he called for the Jews and gave 'em an account of his Appeal and at a time appointed he preach'd Christ and the Gospel to 'em and so he continued two years preaching to all that came to him and no man forbidding him THE END The Distance of the Author from the Press has occasioned the following ERRATA Page 5. line 1. for X. XI r. XI v. 10 p. 14. l. 2. for Dinah r. God p. 36. Lev. X. l. 4. after Drink add Wine p. 69. Ruth 1. l. 8. for with her two Daughters r. with Ruth her Daughter Some other small Errors possibly have escaped which the Reader is desired to correct ADVERTISEMENT THere is newly Published The Holy Bible containing the Old Testament and the New with Annotations and Parallel Scriptures To which is annex'd the Harmony of the Gospels As also a Reduction of the Jewish Weights Coins and Measures to our English Standards And a Table of the Promises in Scripture By Samuel Clark Printed for R. Chiswel and J. Robinson in St. Paul's Church-yard and B. Aylmer at the Three Pigeons against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill
and told him he should have smitten five or six times and then he should have utterly destroyed the Syrians whereas now he should smite 'em but thrice Then Elisha died and was buried and afterwards some casting a Man into his Sepulcher assoon as he toucht the Bones of Elisha the man revived and stood upon his Feet Then Hazael oppress'd Israel but Joash overcome Benhadad the Son of Hazael and beat him three times and recovered the Cities of Israel CHAP. XIV At this time Amaziah reigned over Judah and did that which was right in the sight of the Lord. He slew those that had slain the King his Father 2 Chron. 25.5 c. He gathered together the Militia of Judah and Benjamin three hundred thousand choice men also he hi●'d than hundred thousand out of Israel But a Prophet met him and told him God was not with the Men of Israel and therefore he should send 'em back again and so he did After this he fought against the Edomites and slew ten thousand and carried away ten thousand more and threw 'em down from the top of a Rock that they were broken all in pieces But when he came from the Slaughter of the Edomites he brought their Gods and set 'em up for his Gods and served them Whereupon God sent a Prophet to him to reprove him for it but he was angry with the Prophet and said Who made thee of the King's Counsel Forbear why shouldst thou be smitten Then the Prophet told him that God would destroy him because he harkned not to his Counsel Then he sent a Challenge to Joash but was beaten and taken Prisoner and Joash came to Jerusalem and brake down part of the Wall and plunder'd the House of the Lord and the Kings House and so return'd to Samaria Then he died and Jeroboam his Son reigned in his stead Then they made a Conspiracy against Amaziah King of Judah and he fled to Lachish but they sent after him and slew him there And the People made Ahaziah his Son King in his sted Jeroboam King of Israel did Evil in the sight of the Lord yet God saved them by the hand of Jeroboam because he saw the Affliction of Israel that it was very bitter Then Jeroboam died and Zechariah his Son resigned in his sted CHAP. XV. Az●●iah or Uzaiah did that which was right in the sight of the Lord. 2 Chron. 26 and as long as he sought the Lord God made him to prosper for he fought against the Philistines and prevail'd God helpt him also against the Arabians and the Ammonites brought him Gifts He built Towers in Jerusalem and digg'd many Wells for he had much Cattel and Husbandry for he loved it He had a great Army of three hundred and seven thousand and five hundred and he made many Engines in Jerusalem to shoot Arrows and Stones withal and was very strong But when he was strong his Heart was lifted up to his Destruction for he went into the Temple to burn Incense himself but Azariah the Chief Priest withstood him telling him that it pertained not to him but to the Priests Then he was wroth with the Priests But God smote him with a Leprosie so he hastned out of the Temple and dwelt in a lone House and Jotham his Son was his Deputy Then he died and Jotham succeeded him In his days did Zachariah the Son of Jeroboam reign over Israel and he walked in the ways of Jeroboam the Son of Nebat and Shallum conspired against him and slew him and reigned in his sted But Menahem conspir'd against him and slew him and reign'd in his sted He walked in the ways of Jeroboam the Son of Nebat Then Pul the King of Assyria came against him to whom he gave a thousand Talents of Silver to settle him upon the Throne He died and Pekahiah his Son reigned in his sted But Pekah conspired against him and slew him and reigned in his sted In his days Tiglath-Pilesar King of Assyria took many Towns from him and carried the People captive to Assyria In his days began Jotham the Son of Uzziah to reign over Judah and he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord. He built the higher Gate of the House of the Lord and Cities in the Mountains He fought also with the King of the Ammonites and prevailed against 'em and they gave him Tribute and he became mighty because he prepared his ways before the Lord. Then he died and Ahaz his Son succeeded him CHAP. XVI 2 Chron. 28. Ahaz walked in the way of the Kings of Israel and burnt his Children in the Fire wherefore the Lord deliver'd him into the hand of the King of Syria who carried away a great multitude of People to Damascus Pekah also the King of Israel prevail'd against him and slew in one day an hundred and twenty thousand because they had forsaken the Lord God of their Fathers and carried away two hundred thousand persons and took much Spoil But the Prophet Oded met them and reprov'd 'em for it saying Are there not with you even with you sins against the Lord your God therefore deliver the Captives So some of the Princes withstood them and would not suffer 'em to bring them into the City So the Captives were cloathed and fed and sent to Jericho Esay 7. Then Rezin the King of Syria and Pekah King of Israel warred against Jerusalem but could no prevail against it And the Lord commanded Esay to go meet Ahaz and bid him not be afraid of them and bad him ask a Sign but Ahaz would not Then said Esay God himself shall give you a Sign Behold a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son and shall call his name Immanuel But withal tells him That the Lord would bring upon them the King of Assyria who should destroy both his People and their Land Yet Ahaz sent Embassadors to the King of Assyria to come and help him against the Kings of Syria and Israel and sent him all the Silver and Gold that was in the Lords House and in his own Treasury So the King of Assyria went up against Damascus and took it and slew Rezin And Ahaz went to Damascus to meet him and seeing there an Altar he sent the Pattern of it to Urijah the Priest who made one after that fashion upon which Ahaz offered Sacrifices and removed the Brazen Altar and commanded that this new Altar should be made use of for the daily Sacrifice and shut up the Doors of the Temple and sacrificed to the Gods of Damascus Thus in time of his Distress did he trespass yet more against the Lord. Then he died and Hezekiah his Son succeeded him CHAP. XVII In the days of Ahaz began Hoshea to reign over Israel and Shalmaneser King of Assyria came up against him and made him tributary But he sent Embassadors to So King of Egypt to help him which the King of Assyria hearing of put him in Prison and came and besieged
Companions for not worshiping the Image so Nebuchadnezzar sent for 'em to know whether they would worship it or no but they gave him a peremptory denyal whereupon in a great rage he commanded 'em to be cast into the Fiery Furnace But presently the King saw four Men walking in the Fiery Furnace without any hurt and the fourth look'd like a Divine Person Then he call'd 'em to come forth and they came out and not so much as the smell of fire had pass'd upon ' em Then Nebuchadnezzar made a Decree that none should dare to speak against this God and he promoted these persons CHAP. IV. Nebuchadnezzar dreamt another Dream which the Magicians could not interpret there he relates it to Daniel concerning a Tree which was commanded to be cut down only the Stump was to be left in the Earth which Daniel interprets of himself that he should be driven from among Men and feed amon the Beasts but at last his Understanding should return to him and he should be restor'd to his Kingdom again Which accordingly came to pass For walking in his Palace and admiring his own greatness there came a Voice from Heaven saying Thy Kingdom is departed from thee Whereupon he was driven from among Men and lived among the Beast till his Understanding returned to him and then he owned the Sovereignty and Dominion of God and did extol him and acknowledged That those that walk in pride he is able to abase CHAP. V. Belshazzar at a great Feast profaning the Vessels of the Temple by quaffing and carousing in 'em there was a hand appeared writing upon the Wall over against him whereat he was extremely appal'd and sends for the wise Men to read the Writing but none of 'em could do it Then the Queen-Mother informed him concerning Daniel who being sent for read the Writing to the King which contained his doom That his Kingdom should be taken from him and given to the Medes and Persians which was soon fulfilled for that Night he was slain and his Kingdom possessed by Darius the Mede CHAP. VI. This Darius advanc'd Daniel to be the prime Minister of State which the rest not brooking and envying him for since they could find no fault in his Administration they laid a Snare for him in matters of Religion which was thus They procure a Decree from the King that none should ask any Petition of any God or Man for thirty days but only of the King Then they watch't Daniel and finding that he prayed to God thrice a day they accuse him to the King at which the King was much griev'd and endeavour'd all he could to deliver him But they urg'd the Law and so he was cast into the Lion's Den. But the King could not sleep all Night but rose early and came to the Lions Den and called to Daniel who answer'd him That God had shut the Lions Mouths that they had done him no hurt Whereupon the King commanded him to be taken out of the Den and his Accusers to be cast into it and made an open acknowledgment That this God is the Living God and therefore commanded all to tremble and fear before him JONAH CHAP. I. JOnah being commanded to preach against Nineveh flies to Tarshish but God sent a Storm after him which continuing the Mariners cast Lots to find out who was the cause of it and the Lot fell upon Jonah Then he confess'd he fled from the presence of God and bad 'em cast him over-board and the Storm should cease which tho they were very unwilling to yet at last were feign to do it and then the Storm ceas'd but a Fish swallow'd Jonah and he was three days and nights in the Fishes Belly CHAP. II. Then he prayed to God in the Fishes Belly and God caus'd the Fish to vomit him up upon dry Land CHAP. III. Then God sends him again to Nineveh and he went and proclaimed Yet forty days and Nineveh shall be destroyed Whereupon they sasted and prayed and turn'd from their evil ways and God repented of the evil he threatned 'em with CHAP. IV. Whereat Jonah was angry as making him a false Prophet and in a pet desires to die God to convince him of his foolish impatience caused a Gourd to spring up which shelter'd him from the heat of the Sun but afterwards caus'd it to wither Then Jonah was angry again but God replied If thou hadst pity upon the Gourd much more should I have pity upon Nineveh wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that can't distinguish between their right hand their left The Evangelical History 1 Luke 1. AS Zachary a Priest was ministring in the Temple an Angel appears to him and tells him he should have a Son called John who should be great in the sight of the Lord which he not believing is stricken dumb Six Months after his Wife had conceived the Angel Gabriel was sent to the Virgin Mary to tell her That by the Power of the Holy Ghost she should conceive and bring forth a Son whose Name should be Jesus After this Mary went to visit her Cosen Elizabeth the Wife of Zachary and assoon as Elizabeth heard Mary's Salutation the Babe leapt in her Womb and both of 'em prophecied concerning Christ When Elizabeth's time was come she brought forth a Son and his Father named him John and then he was filled with the Holy Ghost and prophecyed both concerning Christ and John 2 Matth. 1. Mary being found with Child her Husband Joseph to whom she was espous'd had thoughts of putting her away but he was warn'd in a Dream to take her to him she being with Child by the Holy Ghost and told that she should bring forth a Son who should be called Jesus 3 Luke 2. So Joseph and Mary being brought to Bethlehem by reason of the Taxing imposed by Augustus she was there delivered of a Son whom she laid in a Manger there being no room in the Inn the news whereof was told by an Angel to the Shepherds watching their Flocks by Night and a multitude of the Heavenly Host were there also praising God and saying Glory to God on the highest on earth peace and good will towards men Upon this the Shepherds went to Bethlehem and found it as it was told them and they returned glorifying and praising God When the Child was eight days old he was circumcized and named Jesus And when the days of his Mothers Purification were accomplish'd they presented him to the Lord as the First-born At that instant came Simeon and Anna to the Temple and prophecied concerning him 4 Matth. 2. About the time of his Birth some wise Men of the East seeing his Star came to Jerusalem and enquired for him that they might worship him at which Herod was startled and sent them privately to find out where he was they being guided by the Star went to the House and worship'd him and presented him and then returned back another way which Herod being
parts CHAP. XXXIV God commands Moses to hew two Tables more of Stone which he carried up into the Mount Then God passed by before him and proclaimed his Name Moses begs again for pardon and God's Presence to go with 'em God makes a Covenant with 'em writes the Ten Commandments in the two Tables Then Moses came down from the Mount and his Face shone so that he was feign to put a Vail upon it CHAP. XXXV The Sabbath is again commanded and Free-will Offerings for the Tabernacle which the People chearfully offer Then Moses sets Bezaleel and Aholiab about the Work which they perform in all the parts of it and as to all things belonging to the Tabernacle as was before directed ch 36 37 38. together with all the Holy Garments for Aaron and his Sons all which Moses viewed and approv'd ch 39. CHAP. XL. On the first day of the first Month of the second year after they came out of Egypt was the Tabernacle rear'd and all things put in order about it by Moses which being done the Glory of the Lord filled it and a Cloud covered it so that Moses could not enter into it LEVITICUS CHAP. I IX THE Tabernacle the place of solemn Worship being set up God spake unto Moses out of it and gave him directions concerning the several sorts of Sacrifices and Offerings upon several Occasions CHAP. X. Nadab and Abihu offering strange Fire were consumed by Fire from God but Aaron their Father and his Sons are forbidden to mourn for ' em They are also forbidden to drink when they were to Minister in the Tabernacle CHAP. XI God declares what kind of Food should be clean and what unclean CHAP. XII He gives Rules concerning the Purification of Women after Child-birth and CHAP. XIII Rules for the Priests in judging of Leprosie and how it is to be cleansed and CHAP. XIV Signs of Leprosie in a House CHAP. XV. Concerning uncleanness by Issues CHAP. XVI Other Offerings are directed and the Feast of Expiation CHAP. XVII Blood must not be eaten CHAP. XVIII Shews what are unlawful Marriages CHAP. XIX XX. A Repetition of sundry Laws CHAP. XXI XXII Several Laws concerning Priests CHAP. XXIII Several Solemn Feasts prescribed CHAP. XXIV Some Ceremonial Laws and concerning Blasphemy CHAP. XXV Concerning the Jubilee CHAP. XXVI Blessings of Obedience and Curses of Disobedience CHAP. XXVII Laws concerning Vows and things Dedicated and Tithes NUMBERS CHAP. I. THE people were numbred all but the Levites and they were six hundred and three thousand five hundred and fifty CHAP. II. The order and method wherein the Tribes were to pitch their Tents CHAP. III. The Levites are given to the Priests for the Service of the Tabernacle insted of the First-born being almost equal in number and the overplus of the First-born were to pay so much a Man for their Redemption CHAP. IV. The several charges and offices of the Levites CHAP. V. The Trial of Jealousie CHAP. VI. Laws concerning the Nazarites The Form of the Priests blessing the people CHAP. VII The Offerings of the Princes at the Dedication of the Tabernacle and Altar CHAP. VIII Directions about lighting the Lamps and Levites Consecration and the time of their Service CHAP. IX The Passover was kept and directions are given for those that could not keep it in its season The Cloud and Pillar of Fire guide the Israelites removings and encampings CHAP. X. Silver Trumpets are commanded to be made and their use shew'd By direction of the Cloud they removed from Sinai to Paran CHAP. XI God kindles a Fire among the people for their complaining which upon Moses's prayer was quench't They despise Manna and fall a lusting for Flesh which Moses being disturbed at begs of God to take away his Life Whereupon God provides him Seventy Men for his Assistants and promises to satisfie them with Flesh for a whole Month together which Moses cannot tell how to believe But God sent 'em Quails in abundance but withal smote 'em with a very great Plague CHAP. XII Miriam and Aaron speak against Moses because of an Ethiopian Woman whom he had married which God himself chides them for and smites Miriam with Leprosie but upon Moses's intercession she is healed CHAP. XIII Spies are sent to search the Land of Canaan who brought a bunch of Grapes of such a prodigious bigness that it was carried between two Men but withal they give a discouraging account of the Inhabitants and so brought up an evil Report of the Land Whereupon CHAP. XIV The people murmured and talkt of returning again to Egypt but Caleb and Joshua laboured to satisfie 'em but the people mutiny against them whereupon the Glory of God appeared in the Tabernacle and God threatens to destroy 'em all with a Plague but Moses intercedes for 'em and prevails for pardon but God resolves that those Murmurers shall never see the Land but die in the Wilderness and those that slandered the Land died by the Plague Whereupon some of them would needs go and fight with the Canaanites and take possession of the Land but Moses forbids 'em yet they will go and are worsted by the Canaanites CHAP. XV. Divers Laws about Offerings The Sacrifice for sins of Ignorance The punishment of presumption A Man that was found gathering Sticks on the Sabbath-day was by God's Command ston'd to Death Fringes to be worn on the borders of their Garments CHAP. XVI Corah Dathan and Abiram with two hundred and fifty Nobles make a Mutiny against Moses and Aaron because the other Tribes had not a share in the Priesthood as well as the Tribe of Levi and because the other Families of the Tribe of Levi were not taken into the Priesthood as well as the Family of Aaron Whereupon Moses bids 'em bring their Censers with Incense in them to the Tabernacle that it might appear whom God had chosen When they came to the Tabernacle God commanded Moses that the Congregation should separate themselves from the Tents of those persons then the Earth opened and swallowed 'em up and also Fire came out from the Lord and consumed the two hundred and fifty that offered Incense The next day the people murmured against Moses and Aaron for killing the people of the Lord and gathered together against them but the Glory of God appeared upon the Tabernacle and he smote them with a Plague whereof there died fourteen thousand and seven hundred Then Aaron made attonement for them and so the Plague was staid And CHAP. XVII For a further confirmation that God had chosen the Tribe of Levi peculiarly for the Priesthood he commanded that every Head of each Tribe should bring a Rod to be laid up in the Tabernacle before the Lord and the Rod belonging to that Tribe which God did choose should blossom On the morrow when they brought out the Rods the Rod of Aaron was budded blossomed and had Fruit on 't which Rod God commanded to be laid up before the Testimony for a Token of
that they eat the Blood with the Flesh Afterwards Saul enquired of God whether he should any further pursue the Philistines but God answered him not Whereupon he concluded there had been some transgression among 'em and cast Lots to find it out and the Lot falling upon Jonathan Saul would have put him to Death but the People rescued him So Saul fought against all his Enemies and prevail'd and when he saw any strong and valiant Man he took him to him CHAP. XV. Samuel by Gods appointment sends Saul utterly to destroy the Amalekites both Man Woman and Child and all their Cattel So Saul smote 'em and took their King Agag and utterly destroyed all the People but spared the King and the best of the Cattel and of the Prey Whereupon God tells Samuel That he repented of making Saul King Then Samuel went to Saul and reproved him severely for not obeying the Voice of the Lord And whereas Saul pretended they kept the best of the Cattel for Sacrifice Samuel tells him that To obey is better than Sacrifice and to harken than the fat of Rams and that Rebellion is as the sin of Witchcraft And because he had rejected the Word of the Lord God had also rejected him from being King And as Samuel turned about to go away from him Saul laid hold on the Skirt of his Mantle and rent it at which Samuel said God has rent the Kingdom from thee this day and given it to a Neighbour of thine that is better than thou Then Samuel commanded Agag to be brought to him and he hewed him in pieces before the Lord in a Sacrifice to him CHAP. XVI Then God commanded Samuel to take an Horn of Oyl and anoint one of the Sons of Jesse and to go to Bethlehem to offer Sacrifice and to call Jesse and his Sons to the Sacrifice that the Design might not be perceived by Saul So Jesse being come and making seven of his Sons pass before Samuel he said it was none of them that his business was withal Then he call'd the youngest who was keeping of Sheep and when he came Samuel anointed him in the midst of his Brethren And the Spirit of God came upon him and departed from Saul and an evil Spirit troubled him whereupon he sent for David to play before him and so the evil Spirit departed from him CHAP. XVII After this the Philistines and Israelites set their Battel in array one against another and there was a Valley between ' em Then a Champion of the Philistines a Giant whose Name was Goliath came and stood between the two Armies and challenged any of the Israelites to fight with him and defied their Armies Thus he did forty days together At last David being sent by his Father to his three eldest Brethren that were in the Army to carry 'em some Provision and see how they did hearing the vaunting blasphemous Speeches of this Philistine and being told that whosoever could kill him the King would give him his Daughter and make him a great Man David undertakes to sight with him So Saul sent for him and told him he was a very unequal Match for the Philistine But David told him how he had slain both a Lion and a Bear and that God who had deliver'd him from them would also deliver him from this Philistine So he took only his Shepherds Staff and a Sling in his Hand and went against the Philistine But when the Philistine drew near and saw him he despised him But David told him he came to him in the Name of the Lord of Hosts who would deliver him into his hand and discomfit their Host that all the Earth may know there is a God in Israel So David slang a Stone which sank into his Forehead and he fell down Then David ran and took Goliath's own Sword and cut off his Head Whereupon the Army of Israel set upon the Philistines and routed 'em and David brought the Head of Goliath in his hand to Saul Hereupon CHAP. XVIII Jonathan entred into a strict League of Friendship with David and lov'd him as his own Soul And David was set over the Men of War and accepted of all the People And as David return'd from the Slaughter of the Philistine the Women came out of all the Cities saying Saul hath slain his thousands and David his ten thousands for which Saul envied him from that day forward so that the next time that the Evil Spirit came upon Saul and David played afore him Saul threw a Javelin at him to have slain him But David avoided twice out of his Presence and he was beloved by all the People and also Michal Saul's Daughter fell in love with him for her Husband to which Saul readily consented requiring only an hundred Fore-skins of the Philistines for a Dowry designing thereby to have him slain by the Philistines But David and his Men slew two hundred Philistines and brought their Foreskins to Saul So Saul's Jealousie of David still increased And CHAP. XIX Saul spake to Jonathan his Son and all his Servants to kill David which Jonathan acquainted David with and bids him hide himself and then vindicates David to his Father whereupon Saul sware to him not to hurt him so they were reconciled again Then David made War with the Philistines again and overcame 'em And the Evil Spirit came upon Saul and David played afore him and he threw a Javelin again at him but David slipt aside and escap'd But Saul sent Messengers to watch him in his House then Michal his Wife let him down thro' a Window and laid an Image in the Bed so that when Saul sent for him they found only an Image So David came to Samuel to Ramah and Saul hearing of it sent Messengers once and again to take him but when they came to the place among the Prophets they fell a prophesying also and Saul going thither himself prophesied in like manner wherefore they say Is Saul also among the Prophets CHAP. XX. So David fled from thence and came to Jonathan and advises with him about the best way for his safety and they agree that he should absent himself from the Feast at the New Moon and see how Saul resented it Then they went out into the Field together and renewed their Covenant of Friendship not only for their Persons but for their Posterity and Jonathan gave him a Signal whereby he should know his Fathers Affection towards him So when the New Moon was come and David's Place was empty two days together Saul enquired the reason of it and Jonathan made an excuse for him Whereupon Saul fell into a great Rage and reviles him and threw his Javelin at him Then Jonathan rose from the Table in great anger and went into the Field and discover'd all to David so they parted CHAP. XXI Then David came to Ahimelech the Priest at Nob who entertain'd him and gave him the Sword of Goliath From thence he went to Achish King of
him King over them But Abner Saul's General made Ishbosheth Saul's Son King over the rest of the Tribes Then Joab and Abner met and fought a Battel wherein Abner was beaten and Asahel pursuing after Abner Abner turned back and smote him that he died But Joab and Abishai pursued still after Abner till Abner call'd to Joab and checks him for his hot pursuit whereupon he sounded a Retreat CHAP. III. After this there was long War between David and Ishbosheth but David still waxed stronger and stronger and the House of Saul grew weaker and weaker during which time Abner went in to one of Saul's Concubines for which being reproved by Ishbosheth he was much displeased and revolts to David and promises to bring all Israel to him and accordingly perswades all the chief of the People to be for David and came himself to promise him his assistance But Joab perswaded David that he was not sincere but intended only to deceive him and therefore sent Messengers to Abner to bring him back and pretends to talk friendly with him but smote him that he died At which David was exceedingly disturb'd and clears himself from any guilt therein and makes a great mourning for him CHAP. IV. When Ishbosheth and the Men of Israel heard of Abner's Death they were much concerned and Ishbosheth's Party growing very weak two of his Captains came and slew him and carried his Head to David thinking thereby to curry favour with him but David caus'd 'em both to be slain for their treachery to their Lord and took Ishbosheth's Head and buried it CHAP. V. Then the Heads of all the Tribes came to David and made him King over all Israel and he went to Jerusalem and took the strong hold of Sion and dwelt there calling it the City of David Then Hiram King of Tyre sent him Work-men and Materials and he built him a House Then the Philistines came to make War with him but David smote 'em twice together CHAP. VI. Then David gathered all the chosen Men of Israel together and went to fetch the Ark from the House of Abinadab and they set it upon a new Cart and Uzza and Ahio drave the Cart. And David and all the People plaid afore it But when they came to Nachon's Threshing-floor the Oxen stumbled and shook the Cart whereupon Uzza put forth his Hand to hold it from falling but God smote him for his rashness and he died there Then David was afraid to bring it to his own House but lodged it in the House of Obed-Edom and God blessed Obed-Edom and all his House which being told to David then he brought up the Ark to his own City with great gladness sacrificing Oxen and Fatlings as they went along and David danced before it which Michal spying despis'd him in her Heart So they plac'd it in a Tabernacle which David had made with great joy and feasting But Michal came out to meet David and derided him for his undecent Carriage as she interpreted it for which God smote her with Barrenness CHAP. VII David being now at rest from all his Enemies bethinks himself of building a House for God and acquaints Nathan with it who encourages him thereto But that night God sends Nathan to David to tell him That not himself but his Son should build him an House Whereupon David acknowledges Gods great goodness to him and prays that his House may be blessed as he had promis'd him CHAP. VIII After this David subdues the Philistines Moabites Hadadezer and the Syrians and took the Shields of Gold from the Servants of Hadadezer and brought 'em to Jerusalem and exceeding much Brass from his Cities and dedicated to the Lord all the Treasures that he took from any of the Nations and the Presents that were sent him and God prospered him exceedingly and he administred Justice to all the People CHAP. IX David remembring the Covenant between him and Jonathan enquires after his Posterity and hearing of Mephibosheth sends for him gives him all the Land that belonged to Saul entertains him at his own Table and gives Ziba charge to manage all his concerns for him CHAP. X. David hearing that the King of Ammon his Friend was dead sent Embassadors to his Son to condole with him but he treated 'em very rudely and sent 'em away Whereupon David sent Joab against 'em to chastise 'em for their Insolence and Joab put 'em to flight and the Syrians also who came to their assistance and so again a second time whereupon they made peace with Israel and became Tributaries to ' em CHAP. XI After this David sends Joab to besiege Rabbah but himself tarried at Jerusalem and one Evening walking upon the top of his House he spy'd a beautiful Woman bathing her self so he sent for her and lay with her and she conceived and acquainted David with it who thereupon sent for her Husband Uriah from the Siege and bad him go down to his own House and refresh himself but he staid among David's Servants Whereupon David sent him to Joab with a Letter to set him in a place of danger that he might be slain which was done and David had notice of it So when the days of mourning were past he sent and took Bathsheba to be his Wife and she bare him a Son But this displeased the Lord. CHAP. XII And he sent Nathan to David who by a Parable of a rich Man that had many Flocks and a poor Man that had but one Ewe Lamb yet the rich Man took the poor Man's Ewe Lamb to dress for a Traveller that came to him causes David to pass Sentence against himself Then Nathan tells him Thou art the Man and threatned him That the Sword should never depart from his House Whereupon David confesses his sin and Nathan tells him It was pardon'd but because of the Scandal of it the Child should die which came to pass accordingly Afterwards Bathsheba bare another Son whom David called Solomon And the Lord loved him and sent by Nathan and call'd him Jedidiah Then Joab sent to David to come to the Siege of Rabbah that he might have the honour of taking it which he did and set the Kings Crown on his own Head and took much spoil and tortur'd the People and so came back CHAP. XIII After this Amnon fell in love with his half Sister Tamar and by Jonadab's Advice feigns himself sick and desires that his Sister Tamar might come and attend upon him So David sent her to him Then he took hold of her and forc'd her and ravish'd her which when he had done he turn'd her out of Doors so she went away crying and met with her Brother Absalom who quieted her and kept her in his House and hated Amnon for this but concealed it And having a Sheep-shearing he invited all his Brethren to it and in the midst of their mirth his Servants slew Amnon whereupon they all fled away and Absalom fled to his Father-in-law and was there three
to the Lord. He Reigned forty years and died and Jehosaphat Reigned in his stead 2 Chron. 14. 15. 16. In the days of Asa Zerah the Ethiopian came against him with an Army of a Million of Men Then Asa cried to the Lord for help and he gave him Victory over the Ethiopians so he destroyed their Cities and carried away much Spoil At their return towards Jerusalem the Spirit of the Lord came upon Azariah and he exhorted them to cleave fast to the Lord saying The Lord is with you while you be with him and if you seek him he 'll be found of you but if you forsake him he 'll forsake you Hereupon they cleansed the Land of Idols and entred into a Covenant to seek the Lord God of their Fathers and that whosoever would not do so should be put to death So the Lord gave 'em rest round about Afterwards upon the League that Asa made with Benhadad Hanani the Seer came and reprov'd him for it and because he did not trust in the Lord who had delivered the Ethiopians into his hand therefore he should have but a troublesom Reign from that time forward For this Asa was angry with him and put him in Prison and at the same time oppress'd the People In his second year Nadab the Son of Jeroboam began to reign over Israel and he reigned two years and Baasha conspir'd against him and slew him and reigned in his stead and smote all the House of Jeroboam yet he continued Jeroboam's Idolatry Whereupon CHAP. XVI The Word of the Lord came to Jehu the Son of Hanani against him That because he continued in the sins of Jeroboam therefore as he had cut off Jeroboam's Posterity so he 'd cut off his Then he died and Elah his Son reigned in his stead and his Servant Zimri conspired against him and slew him and all the House of Baasha But within a few days the Soldiers made Omri King who went and besieged Tirzah where Zimri was and took it at which Zimri went into the Palace and set it on fire and burnt himself in it Then some of the People made Tibni King but Omri prevailed against him and so reigned alone He bought a Hill and built a City upon it and call'd it Samaria which was afterwards the Seat of the Kings of Israel But he walkt in the way of Jeroboam He died and Ahab his Son reigned in his stead and did evil above all that were before him and took to Wife Jezabel and worship'd Baal and built a Temple for him in Samaria and provok'd the Lord to Anger more than all the Kings before him CHAP. XVII In his time God sent Elijah to declare to him There should be no Rain for some years but according to his Word Then God sent him to the Brook Cherith where he was fed by Ravens And when that Brook was dry God sent him to Sarepta to be sustain'd by a Widow there who tho she had but a little Meal in a Barrel and Oyl in a Cruise yet that still held out and supplied her Occasions till there was plenty in the Land Afterwards her Son dying Elijah prayed unto God and restored him to Life again CHAP. XVIII After three years God commands Elijah to shew himself to Ahab and tells him he 'd send Rain So Elijah went to Ahab who as soon as he saw him said Art thou he that troubles Israel To whom Elijah reply'd I have not troubled Israel but thou and thy Fathers House in that ye have forsaken the Commandments of the Lord and have followed Baalim Then he desir'd Ahab to gather all the People together to Mount Carmel and all the Prophets of Baal which was done Then said Elijah to them If the Lord be God follow him but if Baal be God then follow him Then he bids the Prophets of Baal take one Bullock and lay it upon Wood and put no Fire under and he 'd do the like with another Bullock and the God that answered by Fire should be own'd for the true God And they did so and call'd upon their God from Morning till Noon but none answer'd Then Elijah derided 'em so that they us'd all imaginable importunity but still none answer'd Then he call'd the People to come about him and he repair'd an Altar of the Lord and made a Trench about it and laid the Bullock upon it and caused Water to be poured thrice upon the Sacrifice till the Trench was filled Then he called upon God and God sent Fire which consumed the Sacrifice and Wood and Stones and lickt up the Water in the Trench Then all the People acknowledged That this was the true God Then Elijah bad 'em slay all Baal's Priests which they did Then he bad Ahab get him up because much Rain was coming Then he went up to the top of Carmel and prayed earnestly to God for Rain after which a small Cloud appeared which presently overspread the Heavens and there fell abundance of Rain And Ahab rode in his Charet to Jezreel and Elijah ran before him CHAP. XIX Ahab telling Jezabel what Elijah had done she swore she 'd have his Life by the next day whereupon Elijah went and s●t under a Juniper Tree in the Wilderness and prayed to God to take away his Life But God sent an Angel to encourage him who made Provision for him that he might eat and drink and he travel'd in the strength of that Food forty days together till he came to Horeb where God appear'd to him and questions with him what he did there He replied That they had forsaken God's Covenant slain his Prophets and left none but himself and they sought his Life too so that he was fain to fly for it Then God sends him to anoint Hazael to be King of Syria Jehu to be King of Israel and Elisha to be Prophet in his room and withal tells him That there were seven thousand left in Israel who had not bowed the Knee to Baal After this meeting with Elisha he threw his Mantle upon him who presently left his former employment and followed him and ministred to him CHAP. XX. Then Benhadad King of Syria came and besieged Samaria and putting very hard terms upon Ahab he calls a Councel of all the Grandees who advise him to stand out Then there came a Prophet from God to Ahab to promise him Victory which came to pass for they slew the Syrians with a great Slaughter but the King escap'd Then the Prophet came to him again and bid him prepare for another War but that he should have the Victory in that also And so it came to pass for the Children of Israel slew of the Syrians ten thousand in one day And at Aphek a Wall fell on twenty seven thousand more and slew ' em And Benhadad fled and hid himself in the City But his Servants perswaded him to send a very submissive Message to Ahab and to lay himself at his Mercy who thereupon pardon'd him and
as for Josiah because his Heart was tender and he humbled himself before the Lord he should die in peace and not see the evil that should befal ' em CHAP. XXIII 2 Chron. 34. Then the King gathered the Rulers and all the people together and went up to the House of the Lord and caused the Book to be read and made a Covenant with the Lord to keep his Commandments according to what was written in that Book and then purged the Temple of all Idolatrous Relicks and made a general Reformation among ' em Then he went to Bethel and brake down the Altar and High Place and burnt the Grove and burnt the Bones of the Priests upon the Altar as it was foretold he should do And so he did likewise in all the Cities of Samaria and slew the Priests of the High Places upon their Altars 2 Chron. 35. Then he commanded and they kept a Passover in a most solemn manner so as had not been from the days of the Judges Notwithstanding the Lord turn'd not from the fierceness of his great Wrath against Judah because of the Provocations of Manasseh After this the King of Egypt went to fight with the King of Assyria at Carchemish and Josiah went out against him but he sent to him to perswade him not to concern himself in that quarrel because the War was undertaken by God's Command But Josiah would not be disswaded but went to fight with him and in the Fight he was wounded and died of his Wounds Then all the People mourned for him and Jeremy the Prophet lamented for him and the People made Jehoahaz King in his Fathers sted He did Evil in the sight of the Lord and Pharaoh depos'd him and made Eliakim his Brother King and chang'd his Name to Jehojakim who also did Evil as his Fathers had done CHAP. XXIV In his days Nebuchadnezzar came up and made him Tributary but he rebell'd against him and the Lord raised up many Enemies of the Nations round about to destroy them for the sins of Manasseh Then Nebuchadnezzar came and bound him in Fetters and carried away part of the Vessels of the Lord's House to Babylon and put 'em in the House of his God And Jehojakim died and Jehojachin succeeded him and did evil in the sight of the Lord. And the King of Babylon sent his Servants against Jerusalem to besiege it But Jehojachin render'd himself to them and they carried him to Babylon with the Vessels of the Temple and the people of the Land And the King of Babylon made Zedekiah King in his stead But God in Judgment suffer'd him to rebel against the King of Babylon CHAP. XXV Then Nebuchadnezzar came and besieged Jerusalem and after two years Siege the Famine prevailing it was taken but the King escap'd by night But the Chaldeans pursued and took him and brought him to the King of Babylon at Riblah where they slew his Sons before his Face then put out his Eyes and carried him bound to Babylon And soon after came Nebuzaradan and burnt the Temple and City and brake down the Walls round about and carried the rest of the People all but the poor whom he left to husband the Land and the remainder of the Vessels of the Lord's House and several of the chief Men of the City to the King of Babylon to Riblah who slew 'em there And over those that remained in the Land he set Gedaliah to be Governor But Ismael came privately and slew him Afterwards in the seven and thirtieth year of Zedekiah's Captivity Evilmerodac King of Babylon set him at Liberty and gave him a daily allowance at his own Table all his days EZRA CHAP. I. CYRUS being come to the Kingdom of Persia proclaims Liberty to the Jews to return to their own Country and build the Temple at Jerusalem and likewise gives 'em all the Vessels of Gold and Silver belonging to the Temple that Nebuchadnezzar had carried away which were great and small five thousand four hundred CHAP. II. Hereupon there returned forty two thousand three hundred and sixty besides seven thousand three hundred thirty seven Servants When they came to Jerusalem the chief of 'em gave freely for repairing of the Temple CHAP. III. Then Joshua and Zerubbabel built the Altar and offered the daily Sacrifice thereon and all other Sacrifices according to the Law Then in the second year after their return they laid the Foundation of the Temple with great rejoycing But some of the ancient Men that had seen the first Temple wept when they saw this Foundation laid CHAP. IV. The Samaritans enemies of the Jews hearing that they were about to build the Temple came and offered their assistance but the Jews would not accept of it whereupon they made Friends at Court who prevailed to hinder the Work till the Reign of Darius The chief of 'em wrote to Artaxerxes and charge the Jews with Rebellion whereupon he sends a Command that the building should cease CHAP. V. But Darius coming to the Throne the Jews were encouraged by Haggai and Zechary to set about building the Temple again which they did and were opposed again by the Samaritans who demand by what Authority they go on with this work They alledge for themselves the Decree of Cyrus This they acquaint the Emperour withal desiring that search may be made whether there were any such Decree and to send 'em his pleasure CHAP. VI. Search being made the Decree was found which Darius confirms with a severe Penalty and Curse upon the Infringers of it Then the Jews went on vigorously and finish'd the House and kept the Dedication of it and kept the Passover at the time appointed CHAP. VII Artaxerxes being come to the Throne in the Seventh year of his Reign Ezra goes to Jerusalem having a new Commission from the King to take as many more Jews with him as were willing to go and all the Gold and Silver which the King and his Princes had offered for the Service of the Temple and whatsoever else he could collect among the Jews with Authority to reform all Abuses and Disorders there to appoint such Magistrates as he thought fit to free the Priests from Taxes and to punish Offenders CHAP. VIII Ezra having gathered all his Company together that were to go with him appoints a Fast to seek direction and a blessing on their Journey Then he delivered the Vessels and Offerings for the Temple to certain Priests to take charge of 'em and carry 'em to Jerusalem So they came to Jerusalem and deliver'd the King's Commissions to his Leiutenants and Officers who further'd the People and the House of God CHAP. IX Ezra being come to Jerusalem complaine was made to him that many of the People yea of the Priests had married strange Wives of the Idolatrous Nations contrary to the Law This Ezra was mightily affected with and doe largely confess and bewail their sins unto God CHAP. X. Hereupon a great Congregation were met together and wept very