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A16752 A treasurie of catechisme, or Christian instruction. The first part, which is concerning the morall law or ten Commandements of Almightie God: with certaine questions and aunswers preparatory to the same Allen, Robert, fl. 1596-1612. 1600 (1600) STC 366; ESTC S100095 232,397 320

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and be glad for great is your reward in heauen for so persecuted they the Prophets which were before you These are most comfortable gracious blessings whose heart may they not worthily allure to enter into this course of true wisedome glorie and happinesse whosoeuer haue anie sparke of grace and true wisedome in them But alas it may be said that in so much as the Law promiseth not any blessing but vpon condition of perfect obedience and seeing we are all yea euen they that haue receiued greatest grace greatly behind and much failing therein that we say nothing of those that are so farre from the course both of speech and life here commanded that they reioyce in wickednesse thinke themselues to remember God the better when they sweare and rap out all the othes they can thinke on and condemne the obedience of this commandement as too great precisenesse and to be an hypocriticall holinesse c. what shall we say for our reliefe against those so great discomforts Though our failings yea though our rebellions haue bene great against this holy Commandement so as we may iustly look to meete with the curses and not to haue our part in any of the blessings yet Gods mercie in Christ Iesus is greater then our sins and his bloud shall wash away both them and the guiltinesse of them not onely from the eye of Gods iustice but also from the accusation and prickings of our owne consciences if we shall truly beleeue in his name that he hath satisfied for these our sins and fulfilled this part of obedience for vs and if we shall heartily repent and be henceforth more carefull both with the words of our mouthes and also in the actions of our liues to glorifie the name of God then hitherto we haue bene This is our onely comfort indeed according to that gracious promise of our Sauiour Christ Matth. 12.31.32 But what proofe haue you that Christ hath not onely satisfied for these our sinnes but also hath fulfilled the righteousnesse and obedience of this Commandement for vs so as the Lord will be moued for his sake to forgiue our sinnes and to accept and to blesse our vnperfect and vnworthie obedience Our Sauiour Christ himselfe Our Sauiour Christs perfect obedience for vs vvho is most faithfull and true giueth a plentifull vvitnesse of it in the 17. chapter of the Gospell vvritten by his holy Euangelist Saint Iohn The whole Chapter is notable to this purpose being a most heauenly prayer of our Sauiour Christ to his and thorough him our heauenly Father for his whole Church and people But let vs heare the principall words tending to this end In the 4. verse our Sauiour Christ saith thus I haue glorified thee on earth I haue finished the vvorke vvhich thou gauest me to do And verse 6. I haue declared thy name vnto the men vvhich thou gauest me out of the vvorld thine they vvere and thou gauest them me and they haue kept thy vvord And verse 11.12 And novv am I no more in the vvorld but these are in the vvorld and I come vnto thee Holy Father keepe them in thy name euen them vvhome thou hast giuen me that they may be one as vve are While I vvas in the vvorld I kept them in thy name those vvhome thou gauest me I haue kept c. And verses 15.16.17 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the vvorld but that thou keep them from euill They are not of the vvorld as I am not of the vvorld Sanctifie them vvith thy truth thy vvord is truth And the last verse of the chapter I haue declared to them thy name and vvill declare it that the loue vvherevvith thou hast loued me may be in them and I in them Here indeed we see a plentifull proofe of our Sauiour Christ his perfect obedience in glorifying the name of God by his perfect preaching and publishing of it according to his office and calling and that also euen from the beginning to the end of the time thereof vers 4.6.26 Secondly we haue a testimonie of our iustification in Christ through his obedience in the end of the 6. verse and verses 11.12 where also we see how carefull he was ouer his Disciples to keepe them in obedience to God and that his name should not be dishonoured by them Thirdly Our vnperfect obedience is for Christs sake accepted of God our Sauiour Christ prayeth for the increase of our sanctification and obedience according to the will of God and therein giueth to vnderstand that God accepteth the obedience of his seruants though it be still vnperfect Reade also a testimonie of our Sauiour Christ his glorifying of the name of God and of our iustification in him Hebrewes Finally what his generall care of glorifying the name of God call to mind from his doctrine Matth. 5.16 and verses Yea his whole doctrine is a most ample full declaration of it Reade also Iohn chapter and chapter 8.49.50 Nothing remaineth therefore but that we placing our trust and beliefe in the mercies of our God in the name of Christ repenting of our sinnes do carefully and in godly maner labour to increase dayly in righteousnesse and holinesse to the glorifying of his name nothing doubting but that thus we shall be plentifully blessed of him though not for the worthines therof yet for the honour of his owne name and the praise of his rich mercies to whome be all praise and honour for euer and euer Amen And thus come we to the fourth Commandement the last of that great commandement of almightie God contayned in the first Table Rehearse the words of the fourth Commandement Remember the Sabbath day to keepe it holy Sixe dayes shalt thou labour and do all thy worke But the seuenth day is a Sabbath to the Lord thy God see that neither thou do anie worke therein nor thy sonne c. For in sixe dayes c. Wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it This fourth Commandement concerning the speciall time of Gods worship hath some neare affinitie with the second which commandeth a speciall place to the same end and therfore they are sometimes in one common charge linked together Leuit. 19.30 and chap. 26.3 Neuerthelesse it requireth a speciall practise of all the former commandements of this first table and the seuerall duties thereof both inward outward priuate and publike to the perfecting of the entire and whole practise of Gods worship Yea it requireth also a speciall practise of all duties of loue to our neigbour both generall in affection and meditation and particular in action as the occasions shall require Diuers wayes distinguished from euery other Commandement And finally it is both the schoole-time and as it were the nurcerie of all godlinesse and vertue to be practised in the whole course of our liues and also the market or fayer day of our soules wherein the Lord doth in
c. and chapt 35.2.3 c. Nehem. ch 10.31 chap. 13.16 and Ier. 17.21.22 Iohn 2.14 and Matth. 21.12.13 But it may be demaunded for the remouing of all doubt whether at no hand nor vpon anie necessitie it may not be lawfull to do some bodily workes vpon the Sabbath day yea some of these workes which haue alreadie bene mentioned What answere haue you learned to giue vnto this All bodily labours together vvith the thoughts consultations and speeches thereof vvhich be of present necessitie either to further the vvorship of God for our ovvne spirituall benefite or our selues to it for the glorie of God or else be presently necessarie for the bodily safetie either of our neighbour or our selues or of anie thing of good and necessarie vse belonging vnto vs or them they are all lavvfull on the Sabbath day yea though it be for the time of necessitie vvith ceassing from the publike duties of Gods vvorship so as the mind and heart be disposed as it ought to be in the doing of the same Shew further how you haue bene taught that this ought to be I meane how the heart and mind of man ought to be affected in such cases of present necessitie which enforce vs to intermit the holy duties of Gods worship vpon the Lords day We ought to be sorie for the occasion in respect of our hinderance from the worship of God which aboue all things we ought to long after and to desire but yet in respect of our neighbours necessitie ought to be heartily glad that we may be instruments of Gods prouidence for anie speciall reliefe and benefite to him And therewithall also we ought to haue care to make as speedie expedition as the necessitie will permit that we may ioyne vvith the Church of God in the most principall duties of his holy Sabbath Shew these things yet further by some instances that we may see more clearely how we are with good testimonie of our conscience to behaue our selues in these cases The occasions are more particular as thus if our neighbour for whose comfort our attendance or seruice is necessarie be for the time of Gods publike vvorship verie sore or daungerously sicke or if anie of his cattell vvhose life I may preserue be in my knovvledge vvithout my speedie helpe in speciall daunger of decay There are also more generall and publike occasions as they may fall out thus if our neighbours house be on a fire or if the enemie do vpon the Lords Sabbath make warre vpon our countrie in such cases and the like the Lord requireth mercie to our neighbour and fidelitie and fortitude for the safetie of our Prince and countrie according to the instant necessitie and not sacrifice as the holy Scriptures teach vs. It is true So we reade the testimonie of our Sauiour Christ Matth. 12.11.12 And againe Luke 6.9 Reade also chap. 13. verses 14.15.16 And againe chapter 14.5.6 And touching the like libertie in publike daungers reade 2. Kings chap. 11. And againe 2. Chron. 23. Reade also Nehem. 13.19 And 1. Maccab. 2.40.41 and chapter 9.43 c. we haue the practise of necessarie defence by warre Now which are those holy things and businesses wherein and about the which we stand charged by Gods Commandement to spend the whole day of his Sabbath as much as we may possibly attaine vnto which he calleth the sanctifying of the Sabbaths These holy businesses and duties are the religious frequenting of the holy assemblies of Gods people in the holy places thereunto appoynted and in the holy times and seasons thereof that is on the dayes of the holy Sabbath of the Lord. They are also the excercising of our selues both publikely with the rest of the congregation and priuately apart by our selues in all the holy duties and exercises of Gods holy worship both inward and outward mentioned before in the interpretation both of the first and also of the second and third Commaundement Furthermore they are the trying of our ovvne heartes and liues hovv vve proceede or go backevvard or stand at a stay in the loue and obedience of the true religion of God and accordingly in the remembrance and meditation of Gods mercie chiefly of our redemption by our Sauiour Iesus Christ and of his iudgements eyther vpon our selues or others a stirring vp and quickening of our ovvne soules either to thankefulnesse and ioy in the Lord or to godly sorrovv and repentance vvith the increases thereof in regard of our ovvne sinnes and faylings as the matter it selfe and as the seuerall occasions shall require Finally they are the speciall exercises of mutuall brotherly kindnesse and mercifull dealing both tovvardes the bodies in outvvard reliefe and also the soules of our brethren by spirituall succour of instruction conference or prayer to the vttermost of that grace and povver vvherevvith the Lord shall make euerie one of vs able from time to time You answere truely for notwithstanding the institution of these duties of Gods worship is set downe in the former Commaundement yet the speciall practise of them all is required in this fourth Commaundement which assigneth and layeth foorth vnto vs the principall times and seasons specially sanctified of God to the same end But are these holy duties so tyed and appropriated to the Lords holy Sabbaths and on the other side are we so bound to vncessant labour in the ordinarie duties of our worldly callings for the whole space of the sixe dayes of the weeke Duties commanded Libertie of Sabbath Sixe dayes labour that we be exempt and discharged from all holy dutie of Gods worship vpon those dayes We may not vnderstand the Commaundement so for as it is lavvfull for a man to do such bodily vvorkes and labours as be necessarie euen on the Sabbath day in such maner as hath bene alreadie ansvvered so yea much rather is it lavvfull yea euen the bounden dutie of all the seruants of God vpon euerie one of the sixe dayes in the vveeke to spend so much time in the holy and spirituall duties of Gods vvorship as he shall find necessarie to keepe his heart vvith God and by prayer morning and euening to commend himselfe and all his affaires and the vvhole Church of God to the continuall protection and blessing of God Further also it is lawfull yea the bounden dutie of euerie one not hindred by some necessarie let to cease his ordinarie vvorke or honest recreation or delight to heare the sermon if there be anie on the vveeke day yea to spend the vvhole day vvhen it is commaunded either for the publike fast or for a publike thankesgiuing and holy feast to the speciall honour of God according to the speciall occasion which he himselfe shall giue thereunto Hitherto of the good duties commaunded whereunto also belongeth that speciall point of the gouernours dutie mentioned in the beginning of our interpretation but because the occasion of this consideration is expresly giuen in the negatiue part of the Commaundement whereunto we
of their owne parents yea they are the children of God and of his kingdome vnder his couenant of grace mercie and peace which comprehendeth both parent and child and maister and seruant Neither is there anie respect of person with God Maisters therefore ought in these respects to haue a fatherly affection toward them as vnto children in a second degree Reade Leuiticus Why is the brute beast mentioned Not onely to the end that the cattell ordinarily vsed to dayly labour such as are the oxen or the horse to plow and to cart might haue intermission and rest and so haue a kind of mercie or pitie shewed them but chiefly that no man should presume to breake the outward rest of the Sabbath and take libertie to neglect the publike sanctification of it vnder pretence that he to serue his owne pleasure taketh his pampered beast either his Coach horse or gelding for the saddle to ride his iourney without any labour to himselfe yea though he taketh his Bible and prayer booke with him to reade as he sitteth in his Coach It is true and if this prouiso had not bene made many would haue made their cunning euasions to deceiue their owne soules thereby One would haue said I can grind in my horse-mill without any labour So also would the water-miller and wind-miller say c. But all such shifts are taken away vnlesse in case of necessitie as hath bene answered before So then that which the Lord commaundeth concerning the rest of the brute beastes both here and Exodus 23.12 it doth principally serue to restraine men Reade Deuteronomy 25.14 with 1. Corinth 9.9 10. Now in the last place why is the strannger mentioned The Equitie Partly because such strangers as vvere of the same religion with the Iewes that is to say circumcised Proselites they were equally bound by the same law of sanctifying the Sabbath like as should be all baptised Iewes or Turkes if anie vvere liuing amongst Christians And as touching other strangers such as come on ambassage to Princes or according to their ovvne priuate minds to see countries c. they must be caused at the least to obserue the bodily rest that the offence and daunger of so euill an example might be auoyded It is verie meete indeede that it should be so in somuch as we are ouer readie to take hurt by euerie euill example of libertie and licence whensoeuer it commeth in the view and sight of our eye And therefore also saith the Lord One law shall be to him that is borne in the Land and to the straunger which dwelleth among you Exodus 12 49. Hitherto of the interpretation what things are commaunded and what are forbidden in this fourth Commaundement Now what is the equitie of it Much euerie way as the due consideration of the sundrie reasons annexed to the Commandement will declare Shew which those reasons are The first is that the Lord hath left vs the free libertie of sixe dayes for the honest and lawfull businesse and affaires of this life vnto one weekely Sabbath set apart for his speciall seruice The second is the example of the Lord in his owne ceassing vpon that day from the workes of creation vvhich he finished and perfected in the sixe dayes going immediatly before The third is the institution blessing and sanctifying of the Sabbath which is as auncient as is the example of the Lord in that his holy rest The fourth reason is the ends vvhereunto the Lord did sanctifie his Sabbath that is to say for the memoriall of the Lords vvorkes of creation to his honour and glorie and for our ovvne sanctification and saluation through the blessed vse and sanctification thereof Manifold therefore is the equity of this Commandement The Blessings Now let vs come to the particular blessings which God hath promised to the obedience of this Commandement the which blessings no doubt are of all sorts in so much as in the right manner of the sanctification of the Sabbath all obedience is after a sort infolded But I only desire to heare of those that are particularly mentioned in the word of God Shew at the least which some of them be The Lord doth assure his people by this his holy ordinance that he will be their God and that he will sanctifie them by his Spirit if they vvill be carefull to santifie his Sabbath Exod. 31. verses 13. and 17. and Ezek. chap. 20. verses 12. and 20. And Isai 56. verse 2. Blessed is that man that keepeth the Sabbath and polluteth it not and keepeth his hand from doing any euill And verses Euen vnto the Eunuches and strangers vvhich will keepe my Sabbath sayth the Lord I vvill giue in my house and vvithin my vvals a place and a name better then of the sonnes and daughters I vvill giue them an euerlasting name vvhich shall not be put out And againe I vvill bring them also to my holy mountaine and make them glad in my house of prayer their burnt offerings and sacrifices shall be accepted vpon my Altar for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all people And chap. 58. verses 13.14 If thou turne away thy foote from the Sabbath and not do thine owne vvill on my holy day but call the Sabbath a delight to consecrate it as glorious to the Lord and vvilt honour him not doing thine owne wayes nor seeking thine owne vvill nor speaking a vaine word Then shalt thou delight in the Lord and I will cause thee to mount vpon the high places of the earth and I will feede thee with the heritage of Iaacob thy father for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it And Ier. 17. verses 24.25.26 If ye will sanctifie the Sabbath so that ye do no worke therein Then shall Kings and Princes enter in at the gates of this Citie and shall sit vpon the throne of Dauid and they shall ride vpon chariots and vpon horses they and their Princes the men of Iuda and the inhabitants of Ierusalem and this City shall remaine for euer And they shall come from the Cities of Iudah and from about Ierusalem and from the land of Beniamine and from the plaine and from the mountaine and from the South vvhich shall bring burnt offerings and sacrifices and meate offerings and incense and they shall bring sacrifice of prayse into the house of the Lord. These are the most gracious blessings of this Commandement c. But because the promises are not duly regarded of vs let vs come to the curses wherewith the Lord hath armed this Commandement against the transgressors of it These curses are likewise of all sorts in so much as God esteemeth the prophaning of his Sabbaths to be the prophaning of his whole religion But let vs call to minde those onely which are most expresly mentioned and first what was the curse of God in the ciuill course of his iustice among his people It vvas bodily death He that defileth the Sabbath
crowns of the elders as fathers be the glorie of the children that is to say when they are well brought vp and proue good and dutifull children According to the other Prouerbe chapter 27.11 My sonne be wise reioyce my hart that I may answer him that reproueth me But on the contrarie a child ill brought vp and set at libertie and so growing licentious maketh his mother ashamed 2. As touching subiects we reade in the same booke of the Prouerbes chapter 14.28 In the multitude of the people is the honour of the King and for the want of people which commeth by oppression and tyrannie is the destruction of the Prince Moreouer the King is maintained by the tillage of the field Ecclesiasticus chapter 5.8 3. Ministers of the word are maintained by the assemblies and congregations to whome they minister the which their assemblies and congregations are the precious inheritance of the Lord bought with the most precious bloud of our glorious Lord Iesus Christ who also according as they are brought nearer to the Lord by the wise and faithfull ministerie of his word so are they the more comfortable hope and ioy yea euen the crowne of the reioycing of their Ministers before the Lord 1. Thessalonians 2.19.20 4. Tutors and schoolemaisters haue likewise a worthy charge of great trust in that the well ordering of the mindes and manners of youth is committed vnto them to the end they should make them fit to be in due time employed for the best vses and seruices that may be in the common wealth or Church of God Neither may the thankefull recompence of the parents or of such as be benefactors to their schollers or pupils be without sinne neglected of them 3 Maisters of other trades and occupations haue the like charge and beside that they enioy the profit of all the skill which they teach and of the strength and labour of their seruants so long as they are vnder their gouernement The like is to be considered of all the rest The great and manifold equitie of this commaundement will yet further appeare from the blessing promised to the obedience of it to the which point we are now come Which are the words wherein it is expressed The Blessings In these That thy dayes may be prolonged on the land which the Lord thy God giueth thee We haue a notable example of Gods blessing vpon the posteritie of Ionadab Ieremie 35.18.19 But insomuch as sometime it falleth out that dutifull children and the same also dutifull subiects are taken away before they come to any great length of dayes how is the promise of this blessing performed vnto them First God verifieth his promise toward euerie true dutifull child or subiect c. in that he prolōgeth their life here on earth vntill he hath prepared and made them fit to be translated out of this sinfull world into his heauenly and most blessed kingdome Secondly that which he denieth to some vpon speciall causes secretly knowne to himselfe and when long life could not by reason of some common calamitie and miserie be a blessing he performeth it to them in granting it to their posteritie children Thirdly some that seeme dutifull children or subiects c. before men they are not so in truth in the sight of God but do that which they do in seruile flatterie or looking to an earthly recompence and reward Fourthly some againe that haue in some measure a dutifull regard of their parents and other gouernours do yet by some other grieuous sinne either open or secret prouoke the Lord to cut them off as it were before the time Finally see●ng the obedience of the most dutifull child or subiect and euerie other inferiour is vnperfect no maruell though God to make the perfection of his iustice knowne do as seemeth good vnto him shorten the temporall blessing Let vs well obserue in this place that the same blessing thus promised to the dutifull child belongeth also to the dutifull subiect to the obedient scholler to the faithfull seruant c. For a●l these are one And he that is truely dutifull in one estate will be dutifull in another Neuerthelesse let vs for the more full light of instruction consider the particular blessings from particular testimonies of holy Scripture What proofe haue you for the blessing of God vpon the dutifull subiect We haue a most cleare example of it in Dauid King Saul pursued him vvith all the subtiltie and force that he might to take avvay his life but his faithfull allegiance to God and his Prince vvas as an armour of proofe so to shield and defend him that Saul vvith all his spies or armies could neuer preuaile against him What is the blessing of those which do honour the faithfull Ministers of Gods word Verily verily saith our Sauiour Christ if I send anie he that recieueth him receiueth me and he that receiueth me receiueth him that sent me Iohn chapter 13.20 And Matth. 10.41 He that receiueth a Prophet in the name of a Prophet shall receiue a Prophets reward Here note the earnestnesse of our Sauiour Christ in this point expressed in the former of these scriptures by that doubled asseueration Verily verily I say vnto you What is the blessing of the wife that is louing and reuerend toward her husband and wise and carefull in the education of her children Her children shall rise vp and call her blessed and God requireth that her husband should giue her all worthie prayse and incouragement Prou. 31. verse 28.29.31 Yea this is the way whereby God will guide her vnto his glorious kingdome For as the Apostle Paul teacheth By bearing of children she shall be saued if she continue in faith and loue with holinesse and modestie 1. Timothie 2.15 What is the blessing of those that honour their maisters who are their priuate gouernours and instructors As he that keepeth the fig tree shall eate the fruite thereof so he that waiteth vpon his maister shal come to honour Prouerbs 27.18 And the Apostle Paul incouraging seruants to do their faithfull and willing seruice Know ye sayth he that vvhatsoeuer good thing any man doth the same shall he receiue of the Lord whether he be bond or free Ephes 6.8 And againe Coloss 3.24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receiue the reward of the inheritance for yee serue the Lord Christ Now what is the blessing of those that do honour their elders in yeares and are also ready in giuing honour to go one before another yea so that they refuse not to yeeld a certaine reuerence and to haue in good estimation their equals yea euen the poorest and most inferiour and base among them Of all such the Apostle Peter sayth in the place before alledged God giueth grace to the humble 1. Epistle chap. 5. verse 5. And Luke 14.11 He that humbleth himselfe shall be exalted Hitherto of the blessing of all sorts of inferiors which yeeld due honour to euery degree of their superiours
disease or other and namely with that which is called the French pockes which vsually waiteth vpon it Yea it meeteth vvith a generall wasting both of the vvhole bodily and worldly substance and vvith an vntimely and wretched death Finally no adulterer shall inherite the kingdome of God but they shall haue their portion together in that lake which burneth vvith fire and brimstone for euer in hell That temporall death is the punishment of adulterie by the ciuill ordinance of God reade Leuit. 20.10 and Deut. 22.22 And for the practise of other nations reade Genes 26.10.11 and chap. 39. and Ezek. chap. 16.36 c. and chapter 23.10 and Ierem. 29.22.23 Concerning other punishments and curses from the hand of God we reade oftentimes in the Prouerbs and in many other places of the holy Scriptures Finally touching euerlasting destruction both of bodie and soule 1. Cor. 1.6.9 Reuel 21.8 and chap. 22.15 Hebr. 13.4 The same eternall destruction belongeth also to the incestuous person and to those that commit the sinnes against nature as in the same place of the Apostle to the Corinthians The lawes also of our own nation agreable to the Law of God do punish buggerie and rauishment by death And further also by our law the carnall knowledge of any woman-child vnder ten yeares of age is fellonie and so death to him that defloureth her though the child should giue consent And likewise also God hath commaunded all those abhominable sinnes to be punished with temporall death in the ciuill course of iustice among his people as appeareth in the 20. chapter of Leuiticus and in diuerse other places Genes chapter 28. reade how God by his owne hand punished Onans sinne The like indignation he beareth against all selfe defilements Moreouer God commaundeth the fornication of the maid found with child by another after mariage as also the fornication of the espoused person to be punished by death Deuteronomy 22.20 c. These things thus considered let vs now go forward What is the curse of God against the transgression of the law of mariage by taking more wiues the none which is also a sinne against this Commandement as hath bene shewed It is no doubt in it selfe without the mercie of God a damnable sinne seeing it is a kind of adulterie and God hath from the beginning alwayes punished it with much disquietnesse and vexations in the families vvhere it hath bene entertained Reade Genesis 4.23.24 Yea we may see it in the family of Abraham and of Iaakob Genesis chapter 16. and chapter 29. and chapter 30. And also 1. Samuel 1. Contrariwise Isaak liued a more sweete and comfortable life with his onely wife Rebecca for that he kept both himselfe and his loue entire vnto her Genes 24.67 Now which is the curse against fornication committed betwixt single persons Albeit the Lord doth not iudge it with so heauie a temporall punishment as he doth adulterie yet he shutteth the very fornicator aswell as the adulterer yea the vvanton bodie also and filthie talker out of his heauenly kingdome 1. Corinth 6.9 and Ephes 5.4 c. So indeede we reade it plainely expressed in those places And concerning temporall punishment reade Exodus 22.16.17 and Deuteronomy 22.28.29 Leuiticus chapter it is such as when it was in practise did sufficiently fray all well disposed persons from this sinne beside the feare of the eternall punishment of hell What is the curse against intemperance in eating and drinking King Salomon doth notably lay it forth in the 23. chapter of his Prouerbs verse 21. The drunkard and the glutton shall be poore and the sleeper shall be clothed vvith ragges And then verses 29.30 To vvhom is vvo saith he to vvhom is sorrovv to vvhom is strife to vvhom is murmuring to vvhom are vvounds vvithout cause to vvhome is the rednesse of the eyes Euen to them that tarrie long at the vvine and so forth to the end of the chapter And our Sauiour Christ Luke 21.34 Take heede to your selues least at any time your hearts be oppressed vvith surfetting and drunkennesse and cares of this life and least that day that is the day of the last iudgement come on you at vnawares Reade also Isa The curses of this sinne are banishment and famine in this life and euerlasting destruction in hell Reade also verse 22. And likewise Amos 6. Chapter 1. c. What is the curse against the curious pride wanton nicenesse of women in apparell with immodest curling and laying out of the haire c In the 3. chapter of the Prophecie of Isaiah verse 17. c. The Lord saith he vvill make the heads of such bald and that he vvill discouer their secret parts he vvill take avvay all their ornaments wherein they delight and pride themselues And in steade of svveete sauour saith the Lord by his holy Prophet there shall be stinke and in steade of a girdle a rent and in steade of dressing of the haire baldnesse and in steade of a stomacher a girding of sackecloth and burning in steade of beautie Finally the svvord famine miserie and all outvvard calamitie This is the curse of vaine and proud women What is the curse against the vanitie and pride of men in the same abuse In the Prophesie of Zephaniah chap. 1.18 In the day of the Lords sacrifice as saith the Prophet he vvill visite the princes and the kings children and all such as are clothed vvith strange apparell That is to say such as are full of the maners and fashions of other nations Isa 2.6 What is the curse of adulterous thoughts and motions if they be in the least measure consented vnto The curse and punishment of them is hell fire Mat. 5.29.30 And besides all they that striue not against thoughts and motions vnto vncleanenesse do at one time or other fall into the actions of vncleanenesse themselues and so all the former curses alreadie rehearsed take hold of them We haue seene it before in the example of king Dauid and therefore it is that he prayeth so earnestly Create in me a cleane heart ô God c. Psalm 51. Daily experience confirmeth the truth of it Wherefore it most vrgently standeth vs vpon to hearken to the admonition of our Sauiour Christ If thy right eye cause thee to offend plucke it out and cast it from thee for it is better for thee that one of thy members perish then that thy whole body should be cast into hell Finally what is the curse of those that are so farre from care to further chastitie and temperance in others and to stay the course of their vncleanely conuersation that they willingly suffer themselues to be drawne into fellowship with them In the 50. Psalme verse 18. and 22. The Lord threateneth destruction yea so as none shall be able to rescue and deliuer These then are the curses and plagues which in the righteous iudgement of God belong to the transgressions of this holy pure commandement of
this life and the things that belong to the comfort thereof Of this kind of more open and professed theft there was a most grieuous practise of man-stealing among the Israelites selling them to the heathen What is the punishment which God in his ciuill iustice appointeth vnto it That thiefe shall dye saith the Lord so shalt thou put euill away from among you Deut. chap. 24. verse 7. This is a very great sinne to betray any mans libertie specially the libertie and freedome which any of Gods people haue with their brethren in the worship of God c. as Dauid complaineth in the 1. of Sam. 26.19 And therefore the punishment of this theft is increased by a more grieuous temporall punishment The greatnesse of this sinne may euidently appeare by the contrarie patronage which the Lord graunteth vnto him that shall flie from the heathen to his people for the loue of their religion as we reade Deut. 23.15.16 Thou shalt not saith the Lord to Israel deliuer the seruant to his maister which is escaped from his maister vnto thee He shall dwell with thee euen among you in what place he shall chose in any of thy cities where it liketh him best thou shalt not vexe him c. Of this kind of sinne as hath bene shewed before is the stealing away of any mans daughter or sonne out from his gouernement though it be not to sell them to straungers but to marrie them at their disposition they hauing no right to deale in that action And seeing it is of this kind of sinne it cannot be doubted but the like curse and punishment from the wrath of God belongeth vnto it And though any be spared in this life yet without repentance no thiefe shall escape the spirituall sentence and iudgement of God as 1. Cor. 6.10 No thieues shall inherite the kingdome of God What is the curse against the publike magistrate whosoeuer amongst them either inferiour or superiour do execute iniustice vnder pretence of iustice he sitting in the seate of iustice and specially when he doth it against the fatherlesse and widow In the 23. chapter of the Prouer. vers 10.11 thus we reade Remoue thou not the auncient bounds neither enter thou into the fields of the fatherlesse For he that redeemeth them is mightie he will defend their cause against thee And Deut. 27.17 Cursed be he saith the Lord which remoueth his neighbours mark and all the people shall say Amen Likewise verse 19. Cursed be he that hindreth the right of the straunger the fatherlesse and the widow and all the people shall say Amen Here againe call to mind the iudgement of God against king Ahab and Queene Iezabell for their cruell iniustice against Naboth Reade also Prou. chap. 22. vers 22.23 and Ierem. 22.13 c. 24.25.26 Amos 4.1 c. Micah Zephan What is the curse against such Land-lords as ioyne house to house and lay field to field that they themselues may dwell alone The Lord pronounceth a fearefull wo against all such Isa chapter 5. verses 8.9.10 Wo vnto them saith the Lord by his holy Prophet that ioyne house to house and lay field to field till there be no place that you may be placed by your selues in the midst of the earth In my hearing that is in the Prophets hearing saith the Lord of hostes Surely many houses shall be desolate euen great and faire without inhabitant For ten acres of the vineyardes shall yeeld but one Bath and the seede of an Homer shall yeeld but an Ephah What is the curse against the priuate person which practiseth theeuish deceite in some honest calling and vnder the profession of Gods true worship and religion The gathering of treasure by a deceitfull tongue saith king Salomon is vanitie tossed too and fro of them that seeke death Prouerbes chapter 21.6 Reade also Prouerbs 13.11 The riches of vanitie shall diminish And chap. 22.16 He that oppresseth the poore to increase himselfe and giueth to the rich shall surely come to pouertie Reade also chap. 20.17 Amos chapter 8.4.5 c. and Micah c. the curse threatened against those that vse false weights and sell corrupt wares for good And no maruell for the false ballances are abomination to the Lord Prou. 11.1 Reade also Zacharie chapter where note the grieuousnesse and greatnesse of the curse from the description of the greatnesse of the booke which was represented to the Prophet And note also that when vniust dealing is countenanced by lying and swearing that the theft is made the more hainous thereby And yet alas this practise is vsuall almost in euerie occupiers shop c. And therefore iustly may we feare that the grieuous curse of God is euen alreadie entring in at the doores c. A speciall iudgement of God as I haue heard it verie credibly reported fell vpon an Ostler in the citie of Norwich who fell in dispaire of Gods mercie because he had defrauded the poore trauelling horses in their allowance of hay and prouender Yea in the terrour of his conscience he thought his sin the more vnpardonable because he had iniured the pore beasts which could not complaine of the sinfull wrong done vnto them c. What is the curse against him that keepeth backe the hyred seruants wages The Lord will come neare to iudgement and be a swift witnesse against such Mal. 3.5 And Iames 5.1 many miseries shall come vpon them Reade also Deut. chap. 24.14.15 What is the curse against the seruant that practiseth deceit for his maisters aduantage In the day of the Lords sacrifice I will visit saith the Lord all those that daunce vpon the threshold so proudly vvhich fill their Maisters houses by crueltie and deceit Zephan chap. 1.9 What is the curse against him that is any way partener with a theefe though he be not the principall agent He that is partner with a theefe saith king Salomon hateth his owne soule Prou. chap. 29. verse 24. Reade also Psal 50. vers 18.19.22 Hitherto of the curse against all vniust increasing of men their owne selues with the impouerishing of others Now further as touching those that commit iniustice by their not vsing of their owne goods which they enioy as they ought to do First and formost what is the curse against the couetous and niggardly person He that maketh hast to be rich shall not be innocent Prou. 28.20 and verse 22. A man with a wicked eye hasteth to riches and knoweth not that pouertie shall come vpon him And againe chap. 21.5 But more then this No couetous person shall inherite the kingdome of God 1. Cor. 6.10 Reade also Prou. 1.19 Sed consule Tremel And Isaiah 57.17 Ezek. 22.12.13 Reade also a more generall curse Isa This is the curse of the couetous person but you haue not yet shewed the curse of the niggard What is that He that spareth more then is right surely commeth to pouertie Prou. 11.24 See more of this in the curse
A TREASVRIE OF CATECHISME OR CHRISTIAN INSTRVCTION The first part which is concerning the morall Law or ten Commandements of Almightie God with certaine Questions and Aunswers preparatory to the same I haue seene an end of all perfection but thy commaundement is exceeding large PSALME 119.96 Euerie Scribe which is taught vnto the kingdome of heauen is like vnto an housholder which bringeth forth out of his treasure things both new and old MATTH 13.52 LONDON Printed by Richard Field for Thomas Man 1600. TO THE RIGHT VVORSHIPFVL MY SINGVLAR GOOD PATRON Sir Nicholas Bacon Knight AND TO THE LADY ANNE BACON HIS VERIE WORTHIE and vertuous wife in all humble and heartie desire of continuall increase of euery heauenly and spirituall gift and grace from God the Father and from our Lord Iesus Christ RIGHT Worshipfull right dearely beloued and reuerenced in the Lord the regard of my bounden dutie first and then that perswasion which I haue of your fauourable good-will and liking toward me as also of the ioynt-willingnesse of ye both to yeeld the credite of your names both in and for the profession and furtherance of Gods holie Religion and worship by euerie good and Christian meanes in the sight of all men and finding herewithall that God of his rich mercie hath by meanes of your encouragement blessed my poore indeuors that you might as I trust enioy some fruite of them these considerations haue both incited and also emboldened and confirmed me though the vnworthiest of all the Ministers of Gods word whose wise faithfull and learned labours are honorable and precious in the Churches and assemblies of Christ Iesus among vs to make no doubt of dedicating this booke vnto you and of publishing it vnder the credite and as it were the protection of your names Desiring hereby to testifie my speciall thankfulnesse to ye both and to helpe both you and yours and as many others as I might in the right way of the kingdome of heauen Howe worthie a testimonie of such my speciall thankfulnesse to you my so right worshipfull and beneficiall good Patrons as I haue found ye to be vnto me and consequently how worthie your credit and protection and how profitable a helpe to further either your selues or any other in the way of Gods kingdome and chiefly how this booke may be to the glory of God which aboue all things ought to be most respected in euery enterprise we take in hand I leaue it to be determined by that gracious blessing which God himselfe of his infinite goodnesse and mercie according to his owne diuine counsell and wisedome shall vouchsafe to giue vnto it Neuerthelesse seeing I do present to you an interpretation of that part of the most excellent Lawe of the Lord our God which containeth the fundamentall rule and ground of all true wisedome righteousnesse and holinesse before him and therewith also a manifold collection of diuerse necessarie and profitable discourses incident to the same from the rest of the holy Scripturs of God such as are the equitie of the same most holy and righteous Law the curses threatened against the trangressions thereof the blessings promised to all perfect obedience not onely in generall but also concerning euery particular commandement of the Lawe with a declaration likewise of the onely perfect obedience of our Sauiour Christ to all and euery commandement and of our owne perfect disobedience as well in corruption of nature as in error and transgression of life vntil we be ingrafted into Christ and sanctified by the holy Ghost as also after we are so ingrafted sanctified and renued vnto God that our obedience at the best is onely as we may say inchoate and but begunne alwayes in this life remaining still vnperfect so that it is of grace only through our Lord Iesus Christ and not by worth and merite that either it or our selues are accepted with God Finally seeing the excellent vses of the Law of God in all these respects are here presented vnto you and that in such sort as all these points haue not bene so fully gathered together as it were many labours into one as by the grace of God ye shall find them here gathered and sorted to your hands all tending to instruct vs to true humiliation in our selues that we might most happily reioyce and glorie in the Lord and be partakers of his glorie in the end I haue now good hope vpon the premises that with your fauorable construction of al things and without iust offence to anie other I may in such modestie as may well beseeme an humble seruant of God desire ye to esteeme this booke as worthie for the Lords cause not onely that countenance and safegard which your worthie names and credite may procure it but also your verie diligent and carefull reading perusing and pondering of it as that treasure which God would haue in speciall manner weighed out tendered and appropriated to you I beseech ye therefore right Worshipfull in the Lord receiue ye this writing not so much from me vnworthie poore wretch as from the gracious good hand of God who hath as I trust prepared and furnished it from the treasurie of his riches for the spirituall inriching of your soules to his heauenly kingdome as a fruite and blessing vpon you for your speciall fauour to me and other his seruants for his sake how frayle and earthen soeuer the instrument is which it hath pleased him to vse in this ministerie seruice toward you And for the same cause also do I humbly beseech ye to make the best spirituall gaine of it to the vttermost of that wherunto it may possibly be improued by you To this end as I began so do I still and by Gods grace shall so long as I liue as humbly and instantly as I shall be able beseech God our heauenly father who onely hath the full treasurie of spirituall riches fully sufficient for all that be his that it may please him of his bounteous mercy more and more to replenish you and yours with all heauenly graces blessings and comforts vntill ye may together with the rest of his Saints attaine to his euerlasting kingdome of glorie euen for his most deare sonne our Lord Iesus Christ his sake of whose fulnesse onely we must all receiue euen grace after grace whatsoeuer we receiue To him therefore together with the Father and the holy Ghost one onely true God almightie and most wise most righteous and most mercifull ●●●nall infinite and incomprehensible be all ble●●●ng and thankes all praise honour and glorie both now and for euermore Amen Your worships in the Lord most bounden ROBERT ALLEN TO THE REVEREND AND LEARNED EXAMINERS and Readers humble and heartie salutation in Christ IT may well be Reuerend fathers and louing brethrē in the Lord that your graue and godly mindes being iustly setteled in preiudice against all vainglorious or vnaduised needlesse attēpts to write and publish bookes as against that wherein the vaine and curious
perceiueth not the things of the spirite of God for they are foolishnesse vnto him 1. Cor. 21.14 neither can he know them because they are spirituallie discerned And againe 2. Cor. 3.5 We are not sufficient to thinke any thing pertaining to the kingdome of God as of our selues The Greeke word icanoi may well be Englished 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and that also more significantly to the purpose of the Apostle Naturall knowledge insufficient VVe are not fit nor haue no aptnesse c. But can we not by the light of our naturall vnderstanding know God by looking as it were in a glasse vpon that wisedome and power of his which shineth in his creatures nor be sufficiently prouoked by his accustomed goodnesse powred forth vpon vs in them to know and beleeue in him to loue feare worship and serue him to his honour and glorie and to our owne saluation No neither but we are so much the rather left without excuse before God because we through the dimnesse of our naturall sight knowing him but weakely and vnperfectly by his creatures cannot neither are desirous to bend our hearts and minds worthily to glorifie him as God It is true for so the Apostle Paul teacheth Rom. 1.20.21 and 1. Cor. 1.21 I aske therefore where that knowledge and faith which is sufficient for saluation and to the perfect guiding of vs in the right way of glorifying God here in this life is to be found Deut. 4.2 Pro. 30.6 Psal 105. 2. Tim. 3.15 Onely in the holy Scriptures and written word of God wherof it is said Thy word is a Lanterne to my feet and a light to my steps And againe the holy Scriptures are able to make vs wise vnto saluation through the faith which is in Christ Iesus Which are those holy Scriptures you speake of The bookes of Moses the Prophets and the Psalmes in the old Testament and the writings of the Euangelistes and Apostles of our Lord Iesus Christ in the New So indeed doth our Sauiour Christ deuide the holy Scriptures of the old Testament Luke 24.44 How many are the bookes of Moses They are fiue Which are they The first is called Genesis The second Exodus The third Leuiticus The fourth Nombers The fift Deuteronomy Which are the bookes of the holy Prophets First there are foure more larger then the rest Isaiah The holy Scriptures the onely ground of Catechisme and which they be Ieremie Ezechiel Daniel And then there be other twelue which are called the lesser Hosea Ioel Amos Obadiah Iona Micah Nahum Habbakuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi Malachie being the last of the Prophets endeth his Prophesie with foretelling the comming of Iohn Baptist wherewith the Euangelistes do begin the writings of the new Testament And thereby it appeareth that both the Old Testament and the New are one intire Scripture giuen by the same Spirit But we must needes vnderstand more vnder the name of the Prophets then these 16. which you haue alreadie rehearsed or else the diuision of our Sauiour Christ shold not comprehend all Shew therefore furthermore how manie be remaining of them and which they be There are also 16. bookes of them that is to say One of Ioshua One of Iudges One of Ruth Two of Samuel Two of the Kings Two of the Chronicles One called Esra Another Nehemia The booke of Esther The booke of Iob. The Prouerbes of King Salomon Ecclesiastes or the Preacher And the Song of Songs Of the Old Testament the booke of the Psalmes onely remaineth the which in the Hebrew is deuided into fiue partes How manie are of them in all The whole number of them is one hundreth and fiftie These are the holy Scriptures of the Old Testament shew likewise which be the bookes of the New Testament and first how manie are the writings of the Euangelistes VVhich be the holy Scriptures They are foure which be called after the names of those that wrote the most ioyfull Historie of the Gospell of our Sauiour Christ Who are they Mathew Marke Luke and Iohn Of these holy Euangelistes Luke wrote also the booke following next after them called the Actes of the holy Apostles and Iohn the last booke of the New Testament called the Apocalypse or Reuelation of Iohn the diuine But beside these writings of the New Testament there are one and twentie seuerall Epistles or letters contained in the same which partly the same Apostle Iohn and beside him some other of the Apostles and holy ministers of the Gospell wrote entitled either to whole Christian Churches or to certaine particular Christians of speciall calling and note in the Church of God Shew which those Epistles or holy letters are Of the Apostle Paul who wrote specially to the Churches of the Gentiles We haue one written to the Romanes Two to the Corinthians One to the Churches of Galatia One to the Ephesians One to the Philippians One to the Colossians Two to the Thessalonians Two to Timothie One to Titus One to Philemon Next vnto these is one written more specially to the Christians of the Iewes called the Epistle to the Hebrewes without any name of the writer of it And some other of the Apostles who wrote indeed for generall instruction both of Iewes Gentils in which respect their Epistles are called generall we haue One of Iames. Two of Peter Three of Iohn And one of Iude. Neuerthelesse Iames and Peter write with speciall directiō to the Christian Iewes This well agreeth to Peter who was the Apostle of the Circumcision that he should write to the Iewes as it doth vnto Paul to write specially to the Gentiles seeing that he was the Apostle of the vncircumcision And thus we see which are those holy Scriptures both of the Old and New Testament which aboue all other writings haue this chiefe and most honourable prerogatiue ascribed vnto them according to that which was answered that they onely are able to make vs wise vnto saluation and to guide vs perfectly in the right way of the holy worship and seruice of God to the glorifying of his name here in this present world What is the reason hereof Because these holy Scriptures onely are in most singular manner and more immediately then anie other writings giuen by God himselfe either by the ministerie of Angels from heauen in the hand of a Mediator which is Christ Iesus the eternall sonne of God or by the same Mediator himselfe manifested to the world in the nature of man or else by diuine inspiration in the ministerie of men like to our selues though specially chosen and sanctified of God to be his most holy Scribes and Secretaries to the same end What proofe haue you for these things In the 19. verse of the 3. chapter to the Galatians and in the 2. verse of the 2. chapter to the Hebrewes also in the beginning of the same Epistle in the 1. verse and in the 2. Epistle to Timothie the 3. chapter 16. and
17. verses and in the 2. Epist of Peter the 1. Chap. from the 16. verse and so forth to the end of the chapter Let vs peruse these places turning to them in our Bibles But that we may go forward How are the holy Scriptures to be vsed of vs that we may haue the knowledge and faith of them to the end that we may giue glorie to God and obtaine saluation by the direction and comfort of them We are most reuerently and religiously to acquaint our selues with the often reading of them and hearing them read and calling vpon God by earnest prayer that he would giue vs the right vnderstanding of them Yea this is to be done both publickely and priuately What are we principally to obserue in reading of them How the holy Scriptures are to be read and marked The orderly course of the holy Storie how one thing followeth another in order of time and therein chiefly how both the Lavv of Moses and also all the rest of the Prophets do giue one concordable and consonant witnesse vnto Iesus Christ concerning his nature his tribe his person his office by doctrine types figures and prophesies And againe how all things written taught prefigured foretold in the whole Scriptures haue had their full accomplishment and blessed effect from time to time in their proper seasons But haue we nothing else to obserue in the reading of the holy Scriptures Yes for beside the doctrine of faith and the vndoubted confirmation thereof we are vvith like diligence and reuerend regard to marke all holy instructions for good life with the promises of all kindes of blessings belonging thereunto and likewise all warnings against sinne and the threatnings thereof and therewithal also the good examples of the godly and their blessed ends for our incouragement to liue as they haue liued and the euill examples of the vvicked and their cursed ends that we may auoid their wayes These things indeede are verie good and necessarie to be obserued in the reading of the holy Scriptures but here a scruple or doubt ariseth If the holy Scriptures onely be able to make vs wise vnto saluation and to guide vs in the right way of glorifying God what is to be thought of other good books and godly writings whether we enquire of those which be called Apochripha vsually bound in our Bibles or anie other written by godly and learned men heretofore or now last of all in these our dayes They may be greatly profitable as helps for our weakenesse if good discretion be vsed in reading of them that is if too much time be not spent that way from the reading of the holy Scriptures themselues and if we trie all other vvritings by the holy Scriptures which alone in matters of saluation haue authoritie and credit of themselues and no other further then they do agree with them and so haue allowance from them For the ground perfection of the knovvledge of God and our ovvne saluation is onely to be found in them To this purpose that is worthie to be diligently noted How the holy Scriptures are to be preached and heard which King Solomon saith of the reading of all writings besides the holy Scriptures and those that are most agreable to them that it is an vnprofitable wearinesse to the flesh and a burthensom vexation to the fraile mind of man Eccles chap. 1.18 and ch 12.12 This obserued let vs go another step forward Is it sufficient for the vnderstanding of the Scriptures and for the obtaining of faith c. that we do onely reade them No but as the Lord at the first and so from time to time chose and sanctified some speciall men vvhome it pleased him to vse as his holy instruments to vvrite dovvne his Scriptures once for euer so it is and alvvayes hath bene his pleasure to call and furnish many other vvith vnderstanding and vvith the gift of teaching and exhorting aboue the rest to minister a more cleare full light of his heauenly knovvledge vnto his people and to stirre vp and avvake their consciences to a more effectuall embracing of the same then they could by their ovvne reading attaine vnto This is manifestly to be seene euerie where in the Scripture The Lord by his holy Prophets calleth for hearing as the most effectual meanes of knowledge faith and obedience So doth King Salomon throughout the booke of the holy Prouerbes So doth our Sauiour Christ in the Gospell Matth. and in the Reuelation Chap. 2. chap. and 3. It followeth therefore that with like reuerence and that also of speciall necessitie that we acquaint our selues with diligent hearing of the Scriptures preached and taught in the ministerie thereof Further it is necessarie that they be carefully meditated vpon in euerie of our hearts apart by our selues and also conferred of one with another both publikely and priuately At whose mouth especially ought the knowledge and doctrine of the holy Scriptures to be heard and learned of vs a 1. Cor. 14.34 35. 1. Tim. 2.12 c. Priuately vviues of their Christian husbands Likevvise b Gen. Exod. 12.26 ch 13.14.15 Deut. 4 9.10 chap. 6.6.7 ch 11.18 Ps Pro. 4.3.4 c. and chap. 22.6 Ephes 6.4 children and seruants of their godly parents and maisters and c Deut. 33.10 Mal. 2.7 Luk. 12.41.42 1. Cor. 3.1.2 Heb. ch 6.1 13.17.22 Iames 1.19 Gal. 6.6 parents Maisters seruants children and all both priuately and publikely of their faithfull Pastors and Teachers Seeing the principall meanes of knowledge and faith and of all grace with the blessed and prosperous growth and increases thereof is the hearing of the word publikely preached and taught it shall be good for vs before we proceede any further to stay a while vpon this matter What is required to the profitable hearing of it so preached and taught amongst vs To the profitable hearing of the vvord preached and taught three things are necessarie The first is a Eccles 4.17 Act. 10.33 preparation before vve come to heare The second is b Matth. 13 9. Act. 16.14.15 attention in hearing The third is c Iames care to make good vse practise of that which vve haue heard To each of these points manie things are necessarie as you haue bene instructed shew therefore first of all what is requisite to due preparation That vve may come rightly prepared to heare the vvord of God as vve ought these fiue things are necessarie First a d Matth. 28.19.20 2. Cor. 4 6. Rom. 10.14 Act. 3.31 perswasion in our heartes that it is the holy ordinance and commandement of God that vve should heare and also that it is most necessarie and profitable for vs so to do Secondly e Psal 119.18 Ephes 6.18 that vve make our prayers to God that he vvould prepare vs as being of our selues altogether vnfit to heare Thirdly f Eph. 5.13.14 ch 6.12
and long since and may we receiue no vnwritten verities as they are called though differing from the written word of God vpon the credite of tradition from the pretended testimonies and warrant of auncient times from many former generations and ages as some would make vs to beleeue No in no case for seeing the Prophet Isaiah sayed in his time as we do reade Chapter 8. verse 20. To the Law and to the Testimony and if they speake not according to this vvord it is because there is no light in them Much rather are we to say so now seeing we haue not only the writings of all the holy Prophets beside the Law and testimonie thereof but the addition of the New Testament also wherein is the witnesse of our Sauiour Christ and of all his holy Euangelistes and Apostles as we haue seene before It is very true neither was there any time since that any part of the holy Scriptures were written wherein all the seruants of God haue not had a most religious respect vnto them the Prophets to the Law Christ to the Prophets the Apostles to Christ and all the faithfull Pastors and Doctors of the Christian Churches to the Apostles and to Christ and to the Prophets and to the Law of God giuen by Moses and to all the rest of Moses writings reade Luke and Colos 2.18 c. and 1. Tim. 4.7 All antiquity not agreeing with the word of God is to be accounted no better then an old wiues fable Finally reade Gal. 1.8.9 Though that we or an Angell from heauen c. But after that we haue read the holy Scriptures meditated and conferred of them yea after that we haue heard them plainly opened and interpreted by the faithfull Ministers and Preachers thereof can we then by the light and sharpnesse of our owne naturall and mother wit as we call it sufficiently vnderstand the Scriptures to the glorifying of God and obtayning of our saluation We cannot vnlesse it please God together with his holy Scriptures or written word and the outward exercises thereof to giue vs also his holy Spirit whereby they may be inwardly written in our hearts as it were by the finger thereof For so our Sauiour Christ earnestly affirmeth in the third Chapter of Iohn Reading and hearing of the Scriptures insufficient without the Spirit speaking thus to Nicodemus Verily verily I say vnto thee except a man be borne againe he cannot see the kingdome of God And againe Verily verily I say vnto thee except a man be borne againe of water and of the Spirite he cannot enter into the kingdome of God The same may be cōfirmed by many other authorities of holy Scripture But let vs proceed After that we are enlightened by the Spirit of God through the reading and hearing of the Scriptures preached vnto vs so that we do in some measure know the right way to saluation and how God is to be glorified haue we thenceforth any power good-will and affection of our selues to lay hold thereon to our owne comfort and to prouoke our selues to walke dutifully in the constant obedience of the same to the honour and prayse of God No neither vnlesse it please the Lord vnto the enlightening of our minds to adde a second grace of the same his holy Spirit which is the renewing of the heart for as the Apostle Paul saith in the 2. Chapter to the Philippians It is God which worketh in vs both the vvill and the deed euen of his good pleasure Tell me now Are we in any danger so long as we remaine in the ignorance of the holy Scriptures of God albeit according to our owne opinion we haue a good meaning and do zealously serue God after our owne blind deuotion There is no doubt but we are in very great and certaine danger of the wrath of God so long time as we so abide specially if we despise wisedome and instruction as we reade in the first Chapter of the Prouerbs of King Salomon verse 22. c. And in the first Chapter of the 2. Epistle to the Thessalonians from the 6. verse I pray you let vs turne to these places and let vs consider of them Now for so much as it shall go so fearfully with those that be ignorant and for want of knowledge do not obey the Gospell What shall we say of those who hauing great knowledge so as they can discourse readily vpon all points of the Religion of God yet haue for all that no care nor conscience to obey his will but follow their owne wicked lustes Ignorance of the Scriptures damnable so is knowledge without obedience are not all such in a most fearfull estate Our Sauiour Christ sayth that he that knoweth his maisters will and prepareth not himselfe neither doth according to his will shall be beaten with many stripes Luke Chapter 12. the 47. verse No excellency of knowledge is of any reckning before the Lord if obedience go not withall reade Matth. 7.21 c. and 1. Cor. 13.1 c. Yet one thing more Did God create mankind thus ignorant and sinfull and miserable also through sin in the beginning of the creation No nothing so but wise righteous holy and happy in a measure of perfection conuenient and meete for them as it is declared at large in the first and second Chapters of Genesis It is true for in that it is written that God made mankind according to his similitude and likenesse all which you haue answered is comprehended as we may further perceiue by that we reade Ephesians 4.23.24 and Coloss 3.10 How then came all vanitie and sinne with so great and lamentable confusion and miserie as it is now come into the world and is most wofully fallen vpon mankind aboue all earthly creatures here below It is fallen vpon vs all thorough the willing apostacy and falling away of our first parents Adam and Eue from that holie knowledge faith feare loue odedience and happinesse wherein the Lord of his infinite goodnesse had set and placed them they harkening to that lying enticement and most malicious and crafty temptation of the Diuell Who is this Diuell you speake of A wicked spirit who being created of God a good holy blessed Angel did not keepe that his first estate the glorious place of his abode but of his owne accord corrupted himselfe through sinne and many thousands of the Angels together with himselfe and so became an enemie to Gods glory and a most wretched deceiuer and murtherer of mankind What ground of these things haue yee in the holy Scriptures They are set foorth and declared at large in the vvhole third Chapter of Genesis Mans creation by God his fall of himselfe by the Diuell How should there be any proofe of these things specially touching that which ye answere concerning the Diuell in that Chapter seeing though you reade it throughout you shall find there no expresse mention at all made of the Diuell That vvhich is
Sam. 2.25 and Isai 7.13 that in the like proportion the transgressiō of the first table is greater more hainous thē of the second And further also it is to be obserued for the making vp of this second rule that there are diuerse degrees of good duties commaunded in either table Mat. 12.31 1. Tim. 1.13 and that there is an inequality of the sinnes vvhich are forbidden the one being vnequally and vvith the disaduantage compared and weighed vvith the other and accordingly a diuerse degree or measure of the curse punishments either in this life or in the vvorld to come Thirdly to the more thorough vnderstanding of the Lavv of God vve are to obserue that vvhat euill or sinne soeuer is forbidden in any Commandement there the contrary good thing or vertue is commanded and on the other side vvhat good thing soeuer is commanded there the contrary euill thing is forbidden Fourthly that vnder one thing expressely either commanded or forbidden all of the same kind vvhat soeuer causeth or any vvay helpeth and furthereth the same they are likewise either commanded or forbidden as coadiutors and accessaries therunto or as hauing a mutuall relation the one to the other Fiftly that albeit for order of doctrine there is a most perfect distinctiō of euery Cōmandemēt frō other yet as touching practise they are so nearly knit together that no one can be perfectly obeied vnlesse all be obeyed one being trāsgressed al are transgressed And for the same cause also there are some kind of duties the contrary transgressions either commanded or forbidden in many yea sundry times in all the Commandements according to the diuerse or contrary ends purposes vvhereunto they do serue according as they are either diuersly or contrarily applied Sixtly that the curse of eternall death and of all the euils miseries of this life is due to the least transgression of any part or branch of the Law and much rather the generall transgression and contempt of it but that the blessing of euerlasting life is not due as a deserued reward or det vnlesse the whole Lavv be fully and perfectly obeyed as vvas answered before Seuenthly that our Sauior Christ only of all men hath perfectly fulfilled obeyed the Law but that all other are transgressors and therefore iustly vnder the curse and condemnation vvhich it awardeth Finally that vvithout faith in the same our Sauiour Christ none can be freed frō the curse threatned by the Law much lesse partaker of any blessing promised in any of the Commandements and least of all a partaker of euerlasting happinesse And yet touching those that do truly beleeue in Iesus Christ and earnestly repent of all their sinnes that their sincere though vnperfect obedience is accepted vvith God and shall of his free and vndeserued grace on our parts only for Christs sake be perfectly rewarded partly here in this world but fully after this life in the kingdome of heauen according to the diuerse degrees and measure of euery mans faith and obedience All these things are necessarie to be obserued indeed the proofes whereof are for the most part cleare in themselues the which yet I will briefly repeate that ye may the better vnderstand them and that they may be more firmely fixed in your minds First because God is a Spirit most wise holy and righteous therefore must his Law be answerable to himselfe c. Reade Deut. 4.5 c. Psal 19.7 c. Rom. 7.12.14 The second third and fourth may easily be confirmed by considering them in their instances for the exemplifying of thē is the prouing of them And touching the diuerse degrees of curse or punishment Particular rules for the interpretation of euery Commandement reade Math. 11.20 c. chap. 12.45 Luk. 10.12 and chap. 12.47 Rom. 1.27 c. and chap. 2.1 c. 2. Thes 2.11.12 and 2. Tim. 4.14 c. and 2. Peter 2.20.21 Numb 15.26 c. compared with verses 30. c. For the fift and sixt reade againe Deut. 27. the last verse and Gal. 3.10 Rom. 3.19.20 and Iames 2.10.11 For the proofe of the seuenth reade Rom. 8.3.4 and chap. 10.3 and 2. Cor. 5.21 1. Pet. 2.22 3.18 and 1. Iohn 3.5 Isaiah 53.5 c. And Ier. 23.6 The Lord our righteousnes And the places before alledged Rom. 3.21.22 and Gal. and verses 21.22 For the last point reade also Rom. 8.1 c. 1. Tim. 1.9 Acts 10.34.35 Psal 19.11 Mat. 10.42 and chap. 25.34 c. 2. Cor. 5.10 2. Tim. 4.8 Math. 5.12 Hebr. 11.6 Gal. 6.7 and 2. Cor. 9.6 And now these things obserued more generally we may perceiue the more easily what is to be considered in the particular handling of euery commandement the which things also haue bene declared I would gladly heare them likewise rehearsed of you they being well neare the same with the other Shew therefore which they be They are these vvhich follow First the sence and meaning of the Commandement that also first negatiuely vvhat is forbidden and then affirmatiuely vvhat is commanded in the 1. 2. 3. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. But in the 4. and 5. commandements first affirmatiuely vvhat is commanded and after negatiuely vvhat is forbidden Secondly the particular equity of it Thirdly the particular blessing promised to the perfect obedience of it Fourthly the particular curses or punishmēts threatned against al such as either make shew of obediēce only in hypocrisy dissimulatiō or do neuer so litle trāsgresse against any duty required Fiftly the particular application of the curses due to euery one in respect of the same particular mutterings and secret rebellions as they are in any more or lesse Finally a particular declaration how our Sauior Christ only hath perfectly obeyed the Commandement which we haue in hand and what manner of obedience to the same that is vvhich God accepteth at the hands of the faithfull Preface or generall reason for the authorising of Gods Law for Christ Iesus his sake though it be vveake and vnperfect These things thus obserued let vs come to the first Commandement which is that Thou shalt haue no other Gods but me Or thus Thou shalt haue or let there be no strange God to thee before my face for such are the words of the originall text though in the same sence and meaning with our vsuall and accustomed translation But in the 20. Chapter of Exodus where the Law of God is set downe there are other words before these which as ye may remember haue bene interpreted vnto you Which are those Thē God spake al these words saying I am the Lord thy God which brought thee out of the land of Egipt out of the house of bondage In the holy lāguage we reade out of the house of seruāts but in the same sence because the Israelites were there in seruitude and bondage read Leu. 26.13 Deut. 4.20 and 1. King 8.51 and Deu. 5.15 But what were you
notwithstanding this couenant thus respecting Christ was first entred with the Israelites yet it is now extended to vs God professing himselfe to be not onely the God of the Iewes but also of the Gentiles Rom. according to the former prophesies of the calling of the gentils Read Psalme 87. and Hos chap. 1.10 and 2.23 and Ioel 2.32 Amos 19.11.12 Mal. 1.11 Neither was Israel so the onely people of God at anie time but that alwaies it pleased him to aceept of the Gentils such as would ioyne them selues to his people in the true worship of him And although we for our parts haue not bene deliuered out of the bondage of Egypt yet the Lord hath deliuered vs with a more gracious deliuerance out of the bondage of sin and the Diuell and from the tyrannie of death and from the torment of hell whereof also that deliuerance of theirs was a figure and pledge vnto them Let vs now come to the first Commandement VVhat doth the Lord forbid in it Sins forbiddē See more after To haue anie strange God What is this to haue anie strange God To haue a strange God is either to acknovvledge vvith the heart or to fancie and conceiue in the mind any other to be God either beside as altogether excluding the onely true God or ioyntly yea or if it be in any inferiour degree together vvith him vvho hath made himselfe so euidently knovvne by his vvord and vvorkes as that vvhich he hath manifested of himselfe cannot possibly agree to anie other But then especially is a strange God taken and acknovvledged for God vvhen anie spirituall and diuine worship is yeelded therunto that is to say vvhen any faith and trust any feare loue prayer prayse thankes or any other like dutie is yeelded vpon the same false conceit and acknovvledgement This indeed is principally that which the Lord forbiddeth in this Commandement according to that which we reade in the 8. and 9. verses of the 81. Psalme As touching the rest of the transgressions of it which are verie manie we shall haue a fit occasion to note them and that also by a more plaine and easie direction after we haue seene what be the good duties or spirituall graces commaunded in the same In the meane season let vs well obserue concerning the present answere that the Lord doth not onely forbid his people the vtter excluding of him that they might altogether imbrace false Gods but also the ioyning of anie with him whether as copartner or though it be but in an inferiour degree of minoritie as it were for so doth the Lord interpret his owne meaning in the 23. verse of this 20. chapter of Exodus and Deuteronomy 32. verse 39. Reade also 1. Kings 18.21 and 2. Kings 17.33 and Iohn 4.22 Reade also Iudges chapter 2.11 c. to the end and chapter 3.7 and Psalme 81.11 and Psalme 106.37 All the Gods of the heathen are meere vanitie Leuiticus chapter 19 4. Deuteronomie 32.21 and 1. Samuel 12.21 and 1. Kinges 16.13.26 and 1. Corinthians whence the house of the strange God is called Bethanuen the house of vanitie Hosh 4.15 Duties commanded Yea 2. Kings 17.12 strange Gods are in singular contempt abhomination called dirtie or dungish Gods and therefore in no wise to be ioyned with the true God of all Maiestie and glorie Reade also Iud. chapter 6. verse 8.9.10 and 1. Kings 17.35.36 and Psalme 115. and Exodus 23.13 and Psalme 16. No trust no loue no prayer no prayse c. belongeth to them The Lord will not giue his glorie to anie other Isai No god beside the Lord chapter 45. foure times repeated in that one chapter and chapter 48.11 Surely I wil not giue my glorie to another saith the Lord. Wherfore right worthie is that excellent profession of the Prophet to be imitated of all the seruants of God Psalme 73.25 where he saith vnto God Whome haue I in heauen but thee and I haue desired none in the earth with thee Finally let vs diligently note that the Lord forbiddeth these sinnes and all of this kind as being before his face he giuing therin to vnderstand that none of these sinnes can be committed but they are knowne to him and that he taketh them as done to his exceeding great dishonour c. Reade Psalme 44. vers 20.21 Now on the other side let vs see what good spiritual duties the Lord requireth and commandeth in this first commandement What haue ye learned to be the wil of God herein That we do both rightly knovv and discerne euen in the spirite of our mind and also that vve do ioyfully acknovvledge with our whole soule that God to be our onely Lord eternall and almightie most vvise most holy most righteous most gracious mercifull most faithfull and true euen the Father the Son and the holy Ghost the Creatour gouernour and preseruer of all things the Supreme and Soueraigne iudge of all the vvorld one God to be blessed for euer vvho hath manifestly reuealed himself first to his people Israel in speciall manner aboue anie other people and novv more clearely to all beleeuing Gentils through the vvhole vvorld both by his diuine vvord and also by his most gracious and vvonderfull vvorkes and that vve do acknovvledge the same his workes and all other from the greatest to the least of them to be done and ordered in all perfection of vvisedome goodnesse righteousnesse faithfulnesse and truth in most excellent manner aboue all that vve can conceiue God requireth also in this first commandement that as a necessarie fruite of this true knovvledge and heartie acknovvledgement of him and of the most perfect vvisedome and excellencie of all his vvorkes vve do vvisely entirely zealously and constantly yeeld him alone as most vvorthie all true diuine and spirituall seruice and vvorship and no part therof to anie other as hath bene ansvvered before This verily is the end wherefore the Lord hath manifested and reuealed himselfe namely that he might be knowne and acknowledged of his people Reade Deut. 4.32 c. to the 40. verse and Isaiah This also was necessarie For else how should he be rightly worshipped and serued here in this world According to thy name so is thy prayse vnto the worlds end that is ouer all the earth thy right hand is full of righteousnesse Ps 48.10 And that this our God is most worthie of all diuine worship and seruice his verie nature which is most excellent sheweth it Reade also 1. Chronicles 29.10 c. And Nehem. 9.5 Psal c. and Micah 7.18 c. and Deut. 32.31 Their God is not as our God euen our enemies being iudges Worthie therefore in this place is the admonition of the Prophet Ieremie which he giueth in the name of the Lord chap. 9.23.24 Let not the wise man glorie in his wisedome c. but in this that he vnderstandeth and knoweth the Lord c. To conclude the proofe of this
answere that God is to be acknowledged wholly and in all his essentiall diuine properties most wise most iust c. Reade Exod. 34.6.7 and Deut. 32.3.4 Now I would know of you wherein the spirituall worship and seruice of this onely true God the eternall and almightie Lord of heauen and earth doth stand It standeth in the holy meditation of God his vvord works both of Creation and gouernement specially concerning his Church it standeth in faith or trust belief in hope in loue in zeale in feare or reuerence in humblenesse and sobrietie of mind rightly to vse all good gifts and blessings of God in patience and meekenesse of spirit to endure all vvants and afflictions hovvsoeuer it shall please God to exercise and try our faith it standeth in prayer ioyned vvith thankesgiuing in all things finally it standeth in the dedicating of our selues soules and bodies and al that vve haue and vvhatsoeuer God shall blesse vs vvithall to the honour and prayse of his name and that in a most sacred and secret couenant oath and vowe betwixt him alone and our owne consciences in stead of a thousand vvitnesses Here we may not vnfitly call to mind that the beginning of our Catechisme is confirmed by the Lord himselfe in the beginning of his most wise holy and righteous Law he setting that in the first place which is principally most worthie and most necessarie aboue all the rest And for the same cause this commandement is most diligently to be considered and weighed of vs because it is as the foundation light and life of al the rest of the commandements not onely of the second Table but also euen of the first Let vs therefore I pray you in the name of God without all preiudiciall conceit of vnnecessarie tediousnesse continue still in a further inquirie more large hādling of this cōmandemēt And first of all What is that meditation of God and of his word and workes which you speake of It is a staying of the mind in the serious thought and consideration of them vvith a holy delight and admiration at that most perfect and diuine excellencie vvhich shineth in them and which casteth forth the comfortable beames thereof vpon the soule of him that so thinketh vpon them Reade Ps 1.2 and Ps 8. and Ps 104. and Micah Now what is faith and trust or beliefe in God It is an assured and comfortable perswasion of Gods loue fauour and blessing in all things and specially concerning the euerlasting happinesse and saluation of our soules vvhile● vve vvalke in his vvayes and stay our selues vpon the gracious promises of his vvord Reade Psalme 27.13 and Psalme 116.10 and the same againe 2. Corinth 4.13.14 Reade also Psal 56.3.4 and verses 10.11 and Ps .. 46. Ps 125. Read also Rom. 8.31 to the 〈◊〉 of the Chapter Thus faith hath ioy and comfort in the pe●s●●sion of Gods fauour c. yet vpon condition that we w●●●●● his wayes for so soone as we decline from the Lord we ●●●●ken our faith and going on in such a course it should be presumption and not faith to incourage our selues to thinke that God would blesse vs we should therein tempt God c. reade Psalme 30.6.7 What is hope in God It is as the anchor of faith or as a proppe to vndershore and vphold it quietly expecting and vvaiting for the performance of saluation and all other blessings from the bountifull hand of God in due season vvhatsoeuer faith for the present assureth Reade Lament chapter 3.24 c. The Lord is my portion saith my soule therefore I will hope him c. Reade also Romanes 5.5 and chapter 8.24 and chap. 15.4 verse 13. Note also that manie times God is called our hope Psal 62.8 and 65.5 and Ieremie 14.8 and chap. 17.13 and Act. 24.14.15 and chapter 26.6.7 Reade also 1. Thessal 5.8 and Ephes 6.17 and Hebr. 6.19 Christ also is called our hope because by him our hope is established in God 1. Tim. 1.1 Coloss 1.27 the hope of glorie Finally it is the note of an heathen and vnbeleeuer to be without hope 1. Thess 4.13 For hope comforteth and establisheth the heart against all present cause of sorrow and griefe Psalme 27.14 VVhat is the loue of God It is a most precious and honorable esteeming and affecting of him vvith a chiefe delight in him aboue all things besides Reade Deut. 6 5. and Matth. 10.37 yea Luke chap. 14.26 Zeale followeth what is that It is a special fruit of loue or the earnestnes of loue longing after the glorie of God vvhich vttereth it self in a wise discreet holy cōtēding for the aduancemēt of it infinitly aboue al things else Read Ps 69.9 read also 2. Sam. The nature of that zeale which is in loue is notably described Cant. chap. 8.6.7 What is the feare or reuerence of God It is a holy childlike avvfulnesse vvhereby the faithfull and zealous seruāts of God are made loth to displease offend him considering his fatherly loue vvherby he is loth to plague punish them Hereby also they are made very carefull desirous to please God in all things By this that you say it appeareth that the feare of God is in the harts of his children both as a bridle to restrain thē from sin and also as a spurre in their sides to pricke them forward to good duties And that it is so Reade Prou. 3.7 and chapter 8.13 and chapter 1.14.16 and verse 27. and chap. 16.6 and Nehem. 5.9 and verse 15. and 2. Cor. 7.1 and 1. Pet. 1.17 Read also Psal 2.10.11 and Psal 4.4 The want of this feare is as the breaking open of the dore to all wickednesse Rom. 3.18 and Gen. 20.11 Now what is humblenesse of mind It is an vtter denying and abasing of our selues in the sight of God through conscience of our ovvne vnvvorthinesse of the least of his mercies yea vvith acknovvledgement that vve haue most iustly deserued and do dayly deserue his greatest plagues and punishments if he should enter into iudgement vvith vs. Reade Genesis 32.10 and 2. Sam. 6.21.22 and chap. 7.18 and Psalme 8. What is man that thou shouldest be mindfull of him c. and 1. Tim. 1.15 and Isaiah 6.5 and Dan. 9.7 c. Reade also Micah 6.8 It is a dutie verie acceptable to God When do we soberly vse the good gifts and blessings of God When vve are in the enioying and vse of them carefull to procure his glorie and not our ovvne prayse and vvhen vve seeke therein spiritually to please him and not carnally and voluptuously or couetously to delight pleasure or profite our selues Reade Rom. 12.3 and 1. Cor. 4.6.7 and Tit. 2.11.12 the Apostle Iohn 1. Epistle chap. and Peter 1. Epist 4.7 and chap. 5.8 and our Sauiour Christ Luke 21. ver 34. c. contrarie to the disposition of vngodly men who seeke praise one of another and make their belly their God louing pleasures
of this holy Commaundement aboue that I am able to vnderstand This verily is the naturall disposition and estate of vs all euen from the wombe as may appeare not onely by particular testimonies of the holy Scriprures but also by many reasons drawne from the same and from common experience also so that when it is truly sayd in respect of all the Cōmandements we may wel vnderstand it spokē chiefly in regard of this Who knoweth the errours of this life clense me from secret faults Keepe thy seruant also from presumptuous sinnes let them not reigne ouer me c. Psal 19.12.13 And Ier. 17.9 Yea besides our errors infinite are our naturall rebellions the suggestions of the diuell to hinder the obedience of this Commandement If we be pressed very hard with conscience of our duty we are readie without the grace of God to cast of the yoake Perfect obedience for vs. and to say who is the Lord To walke by faith is in our iudgment follie and the next way to beggery The feare of God breedeth melancholy And may we not loue God the world too what neede we pray God knoweth what we need before we aske and Gods will shall take place whether we pray or no. But who can recken al the replyings and mutterings of our corrupt and prophane hearts this way Seeing then neither your selfe nor any other of vs haue obeyed and kept this Law neither do nor can keepe it as we ought it followeth that you together with vs all haue deserued the curses threatned in it Haue you not I must needs acknowledge that I haue We all must needs acknowledge it not mutually among our selues one to another but chiefly to God with godly sorrow and lamentation in our soules for the same if happily we will not deceiue our selues But is there no meanes to auoyd the curses Yes by faith in Iesus Christ vvho hath perfectly fulfilled it for vs and giuen himselfe to the death for our sinnes vve shall not onely escape euery curse but also be partaker of all the contrary blessings For this cause indeed was Christ made accursed for vs that we might be made the heires of blessing through him Galathians 3.13.14 Seeing therefore our deliuerance and comfort standeth in the obedience of our Sauiour Christ me thinke it should be to good purpose for vs to consider of some testimonies of holy Scriptures which shew that he hath obeyed this Law for vs. What proofe can you alledge for it In the 11. chapter of Isaiah from the beginning of the chapter to the 6. verse vve haue one very speciall proofe Rehearse that Scripture But there shal come a rod forth of the rocke of Ishai a graffe shal grow out of his roots And the spirit of the Lord shal rest vpō him the spirit of wisdom vnderstanding the spirit of coūsel strength the spirit of knowledge of the feare of the Lord. And it shall make mim prudent in the feare of the Lord. Our iustification only by Christ The same is euident also in many other places of the Scriptures Reade Isaiah Luke 2.49.52 and chap. 3.21 with Math. 3.15 and Luke againe chap. verse 16. c. and chap. 6.12 and chap. 22.42 Iohn 2.17 and chap. 4.34 and chap. 6.38 and chap. 11.42 and Math. 11.25 c. Heb. 12.2.3 c. 1. Peter and Isa 53.7 But are you now discharged from obedience to this Commandement because Christ hath obeyed it for you I am onely discharged of the guiltinesse of my sinne and of the curse due to the same but as touching obedience I stand bound for my redemption sake to knovv and acknowledge the Lord to be my God and Sauiour in Christ and therefore also that I do more stedfastly beleeue in him more heartily loue him more dutifully serue him and finally that I be euery vvay more aboundantly thankefull and obedient vnto him It is very true and standeth with al good reason Here therefore vpon so iust an occasion let vs diligently obserue that howsoeuer there is an infinite difference betwixt the Law and the Gospell in respect of vs and as they are for the same cause opposed the one to the other specially in the point of iustification and saluation the same Law being the ministery of the curse of death and damnation through the discouery and conuiction of our sinne as hath bene shewed before the Gospell on the other side being the ministery of grace and blessing of life and saluation yet in Christ Iesus the Law and the Gospell are reconciled and the righteousnesse of the one is the righteousnesse of the other and the duties of this are the duties of that and the blessing of either is in substance and effect one and the same blessing But yet seeing you cannot attaine to the perfect obedience of it to what purpose is it that you should take any great care or indeuour with any great labour to increase in the obedience of it Our vnperfect obedience is for Christs sake accepted of God God in Christ Iesus and for his sake forgiuing my sinnes and renewing me vnto himselfe by his holy Spirit hath of his most free and bounteous grace promised to accept of my vveake faith and vnperfect obedience yea and to blesse me for it more and more so long as I acknowledging him louing fearing and seruing him in any measure of truth Sins forbidden am hartily sorie that I can performe these spirituall duties no better and do labour vnfeinedly by prayer and by vsing all other holy meanes to increase more and more therein You are in a very good way and your perswasion hath sure ground for the Lord will not breake the brused reed nor quench the smoking flaxe Isaia 42.3 so long as we can say in truth Lord I beleeue helpe my vnbeleefe and Lord thou knowest that I loue thee c. And the desire of our soule is to thy name Isaiah 26.8 The Lord will not cast vs away Iohn 6.37 The sacrifices of the Lord are a contrite spirit a contrite and a broken heart the Lord will not despise Psal 51.17 Reade Isa 66.2 I will looke to him that is poore and of a contrite spirit and which trembleth at my words And Song of songs chapter 4.9 and Math. 5.3 and chap. 13.12 Now blessed be the Lord our God who hath thus prepared vs so blessed a remedy and for that he hath giuen vs his holy Spirit and for that he hath made vs partakers of the beginnings of so vnspeakable consolation and comfort in Christ Iesus c. For he might iustly haue left vs to the common Atheisme and profanesse of our nature after the course of this wicked world c. Hitherto of the first Commaundement and therein of that spirituall worship which the Lord requireth which is such a kind of worship and seruice as hath his most proper seate in the inmost closet of the heart and reines and
we are to enquire anon Concerning the fourth point reade Psalme 50.7 c. and Psalme 4.4.5 and Isaiah 1.10.11 c. and againe Chapter 29. 13.14 Math. Reuel 3.1 c. and verse 14. c. Concerning the fift point reade Exod. 23.32.33 chap. 34.12 c. Deut. 7.3.4 chap. 12.30 chap. 13.6 c. Psa 106.28 Numb 1. Cor. and chap. 7.15 chap. 8. and chap. 10.21 c. and 2. Epistle 6.14 c. Reue. 17.4 c. Reade also Nehem. chap. 13.26 and 1. King 11.4 c. Concerning the last point reade Deut. 12.30 Ezek. 14 3.4.5 and chap. 20.16.32 c. 37. Now let vs go forward Why doth the Lord in the forbidding of idolatrie and false worship recken vp so full and perfect a distribution of the images likenesses of all kind of creatures saying Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen image nor the liknesse of things which are in heauen aboue or on the earth beneath or in the waters vnder the earth First because all idolatrous nations and namely the Egyptians from whom the Lord had so lately deliuered the Israelites and the Cananites with the rest of the seauen nations where he minded to giue them their dwelling place and to roote those people out had euery such way corrupted and defiled yea vtterly peruerted the worship of God Secondly because the Lord knoweth the nature of all men to be exceedingly inclinable and ready to all kind of superstition and idolatry in stead of yeelding true worship to the only true God Reade Isa 19.1 and Acts 17.22.23 c. 29. Rom. reade also Deut. 6.14 And that all men are exceedingly proue to idolatry Israel it selfe who was most wisely taught and instructed and most earnestly warned against it may be one example in stead of all seeing they did notwithstanding by and by after their deliuerance out of Egypt yea and afterward from time to time fall most grosly into it Reade Exod. 32.1 c. 8.9 and Ps and ver 28.29 Reade also Iudg. chap. and chap. 4.1 Reade 1. King 12.28 c. and Ier. chap. 2.5.6 c. and chap. 3.1 c. and verses c. Israel would not take example from the iudgements of God vpon other nations and namely vpon those that were cast out before them Neither would the people of Iudah take warning by the wrath of God which fell vpon Israel Reade Ier. 11. ver 12.13 reade Ezek. chap. 16. chap. 23. Isa 2.8 chapter 57. Hence it is that the Lord hath in other places of the Law by expresse mention forbidden the religious making of all images in any kind of creature either of wood carued Isa 44. or of siluer gold molten and cast in a mold as Exod. 20.23 or of any other mettall Leuit. 19.4 or of stone whether artificially fashioned or otherwise Ier. 2.27 Isa 57.6 And not only the caruing grauing and melting of images for diuine worship but also all painting of them either in glasse or on walles the expressing of them by needle worke or any other way Thus therefore we may see plainly the idolatries of the heathen all all sorts of them with euery superstitious appurtenance thereof to be vniuersally condemned by the Lord in this second Commandement But doth the same condemnation belong to all the Popish and superstitious idolatries of those which do in words professe themselues to be the onely true Christian and Catholike worshippers of the true God albeit they boast that they know and worship God in Christ and not any strange God neither are so foolish as they say to thinke that the image is God or to worship the crosse but in respect of Christ who was crucified vpon it nor the bread in their Sacrament of the Altar but because as they say and would seeme to beleeue that it is then transubstantiate into the very body of Christ And albeit they do not yeeld their inferiour religious worship to false Saints but to true Saints and their reliques monuments or rather to the Saints themselues and most of all to God in and for them c. and albeit they haue their many cunning and subtile excuses and distinctions whereby they would maintaine and vphold their wicked practise c. Are they I say neuerthelesse for all that they can say condemned by this Law of God There is no doubt to be made but they are all at once and as it were by one breath of the most holy Spirit of God vtterly cōdemned yea so much the rather these then they because as these acknowledge they haue the knowledge of the true God frō the light of his word which the other had not For hereby their sinne is made the greater and they are left the more without excuse before the Lord. And as touching all the reasōs wherby the idols of the heathē their idoll worship is condēned in the holy Scriptures they are as mighty pressing to weigh downe ouerthrow all the images and image-worship of our Popish Catholikes It is very true For God retaineth the same nature and the same diuine properties still the which can no more be purtrayed out now then they might then He is a Spirit as infinite and incomprehensible as euer he was And as touching Popish images they are as vnable to do good or euill as the heathenish were And they are as lying teachers and the doctrine thereof as lying as the doctrine of the idoll hath at any time bene Howsoeuer they are called Laymens bookes yet surely they teach nothing but ignorance the mother of blind deuotion And for no other cause do the Popish teachers commend them to those from whom they haue of purpose taken away the holy Scriptures but that they might nourish in them an vtter neglect of reading the Scriptures in their knowne language least they should come to any true knowledge by thē Wherefore iustly are Christians forwarned not only to withdraw themselues frō all idols idolatries of the heathen in their more blind maner and according to their grosser ignorances but also from following of the example of the Israelites which were more worthy to be condemned because of their knowledge Reade 1. Cor. 10.7 Yea the Spirit of God giueth a more generall warning as 1. Iohn 5.21 Babes keepe your selues from idols Amen They be the last words of his Epistle he hauing in the beginning warned them against Antichristian doctrine such as our Papists thrust vpon the Churches of Christ All which their false doctrine and false worship and that Antichristian power whereby it is exacted is cōdemned vnder the title of the name image and marke of the Beast of Rome which all true Christians are to auoide Reue. chap. 13.11 Yea this kind of idolatrie is so much the rather to be taken heed against the more seuerely also to condemned by how much it is more daungerous to bewitch and
deceiue poore ignorant soules and hath more shew of carnall reason whereby subtile heads may more plausibly contend for the maintenance of the same according as the Apostle reasoneth against the false Apostles which made shew as if they had bene faithfull Ministers of the Gospell where notwithstanding they subtilly laboured to bring in the ceremonies of the Law and the worshipping of Angels a Philosophicall kind of preaching c. into the faith and worship of the Gospell 2. Cor. chap. 11.1 c. Col. chap. 2. and in the Epistle to the Galathians But more to this purpose reade Reue. chap. 17. Wherefore that which is truly sayd of the Popish artolatrie or worship of the bread in their Sacrament of the Altar that it is the most abominable idolatry of all other because it doth most nearly ouerthrow the truth of Religion and the purity of the worship which God in it requireth vnder the greatest pretence of Religion that may be so may it be sayd of the rest of the Popish idolatrie being compared with the idolatries of the heathen which were more grosse and further remoued from the appearance of true worship which Popish worship seemeth to haue And what though it pleased the Lord sometime to manifest himselfe and his holy Angels by outward similitudes and likenesse of things as of men c. to Abraham to Moses to Isaiah to Ezekiel to Daniel Yet seeing Israel was forbidden to make any such representations to themselues by the art of caruing casting in the mould grauing painting needle worke or any other way it followeth by like strength of good reason that howsoeuer since that time the holy Ghost by the appearance of clouen tongues and Christ being glorified after his ascension shewed himselfe to Paule and Iohn and though before that at the transfiguration of our Sauior Christ Moses Elias appeared in visiō to Peter Ieames Iohn it followeth I say by like strength of good reason that they are not to be artificially pictured resembled to any religious vse and worship among Christians no more then the other were among the Iewes Nay seeing Christ himselfe while he was vpon the earth was not worshipped with religious worship but onely then when he gaue some token of his diuine power and glory And Paul and Barnabas vehemently forbad all that diuine worship which the heathen idolaters would haue honoured them withall and Peter forbiddeth Cornelius exceeding measure in his bowing to him and the Angell forbiddeth Iohn to worship him though he appeared in great glory before him much lesse are their images though they were neuer so liuely and gorgeously pictured set forth and aduanced to be worshipped with any religious worship either higher or lower with Doulia or Latria c. The onely pictures which the Lord alloweth as seruing to teach and instruct in the right way of his worship are his owne works according to that in the 19. Psal 1. c. and Ioh. 5.17.36 and the preaching of the Gospell Rom. 10.18 by an allusion to the former Scripture in the Psal and Gal. 3.1 Yet so as the Lord will not haue the works of his owne hands worshipped but himselfe onely who created and made them according to the example of Abraham Gen. 14.22 Reade also Deut. 4.19 Acts 17.24 and Ier. 8.1.2 and Zeph. 1.5 Finally if we will please God in representing his diuine Maiestie by any image we our selues must be the image of him walking in true righteousnesse and holinesse according to his most righteous and holy lawes and commandements which is our onely true wisedome whereby we are renewed according to the image of God and shall shine as lights in the middest of a wicked generation Hitherto therefore of the euill things forbidden in the second Commandement Now on the contrary I would gladly heare of you which are the good duties commanded First the Lord commandeth that we willingly admit and imbrace his owne word works for our only rule of all our knowledge of God to direct vs how he wil be worshipped serued not only inwardly with spirituall worship wherof we haue answered before but also in the outward declaratiō exercises therof Secondly that from a wise faithfull louing zealous reuerend and dutifull heart we do both priuately and publikely professe practise asmuch as lieth in vs euery one in his calling place both Christiā Prince Magistrate Minister of the word and euery other gouernour and maister of family Duties commanded both ioyntly as it were with one shoulder and apart by euery mans particular indeuour and constancy in labour to promote further and aduance the same the diuine seruice and worship of God according to the prescript rule of his word And that all of vs be carefull to profit our selues and helpe forward one another in knowledge faith and repentance and in all other spirituall graces by the externall actions and exercises thereof Thirdly God commandeth that we do very carefully shun auoyd and watch against all meanes and occasions whatsoeuer would endanger vs to idolatry or any false superstitious worship Fourthly that to the same end we hold our most neare friendship and familiarity and our onely religious Communion and societie with those that professe and declare themselues to be the true worshippers of God we altogether constantly frequenting the places appointed for the holy assemblies and meetings of the people of God Fiftly that euery of vs all with one consent chiefly the ciuill Magistrates and Ministers of the Gospell shew approue our selues wisely discretely zealous against all idolatry euery point of false superstitious worship to the quite abolishing and rooting of it out from among his people to the vttermost of our power Finally that as touching indifferent things as they are called that is to say such things as be not of idolatrous superstitious institution and inuention but yet haue in their kind bene superstitiously idolatrously abused be not of necessary vse for the worship of God that the Christian Magistrate in commanding or not commanding and the stronger Christian whether Minister of the word or any other in the vsing or not vsing of them be charitably wise and carefull that thereby he giue no offence or cause of stumbling to the weake and that they preiudice not the Christiā libertie wherwith Christ hath set vs free And that the weaker more tender conscienced Christians labour after that soundnesse of knowledge perswasion in such cases actions as may well be construed that they stumble at no causlesse offence whereby their comfortable and zealous proceeding in the wayes of the Lords pure worship seruice should be slacked or hindred That according to the first part of this answer the word of God and his works both of creation and gouernement in the world and also of regeneration and sanctificatiō in his Church according to the instructions of the word must be the rule of our knowledge it may
infirmitie or bodily weaknesse or defect in some particular persons who cannot do as otherwise gladly they would But that we may speake something in order to both these answers so nearely lincked together we are to vnderstand that we haue both the institution and also the practise of them confirmed by the vndoubted testimonie of the word of God and by the practise of his faithfull seruants the true worshippers of him Of the which let vs in a few words briefly consider For as touching the more full declaration of the chiefe of these things we haue partly seene before and namely concerning the preaching of the word what belongeth thereunto and touching the rest that is the Sacraments prayer and thankesgiuing with their extraordinarie fasting or feasting according to the seuerall occasions thereof we shall haue iust cause to treat more fully afterward by the grace of God Briefly therefore touching the ground and institution of the publike preaching and administration of the Sacraments we see how after the institution thereof in the Law Deuteronomy 5.27.28 and chapter Genesis 17. Exodus 12. the charge of preaching the word together with the change and new institution of the Sacraments of the new Testament is renued to the Gentiles by our Sauiour Christ Matth. 3. and chapter 26. and chapter 28. and 1. Corinthians 1.21 and of prayer both priuate and publike Matth. chap. 6. and Luke 11. And thankesgiuing 1. Thessal 5.18 And for the practise of preaching prayer Sacraments c. we may see it in our Sauiour Christ himselfe and his Apostles Luke 3.21 and chap. 4.15 and chap. 6.12 Read also in the Actes of the Apostles euerie where and namely chapter 2.42 and chapter 20.17 c. and verse 28. c. And for singing of Psalmes reade Mat. 26.30 Act. 2.47 Act. 16.25 Reade also 1. Cor. 14.26 Ephes 5.19.20 Coloss 3.16 Reuel 15.4 Likewise as touching the adioynts of the externall worship of God see the practise of kneeling at prayer Luke 22.41 Matth. 26.39 where our Sauiour Christ kneeleth downe yea prostrateth himselfe on the ground And Iohn 17.1 he lifteth vp his eyes to heauen So did Paul and the Christians with him when they prayed Act. 20.36 and againe chapter 21.5 Reade also 1. Corinth 14.25 For the vncouering of the head reade 1. Cor. 11.4 For the holding vp of the hands in prayer reade 1. Tim. 2.8 Exod. 17.11 Lament 3.41 For fasting ioyned with prayer both priuate and publike reade Mat. 6. and Luke 5.35 Act. 13.2 2. Cor. 6.6 For looking downe to the earth c. reade Luke 18.13.14 and Ieremie 31.19 For teares in prayer with pittie ouer sinners Luke 19.41 Philip. 3.18 Act. 20.37 2. Tim. 1.4 Iudges chap. 2.4.5 1. Sam. 7.6 Psal 6.6 56.8 and Psalme 119. vers 136. 2. Kings 20.3 ch 22.19 Ezra ch 10.1 Ioel 2.17 For feasting and ioyfulnesse with speciall thanksgiuing read Iude verse 12. and 1. Corinth 11.20.21 And in this maner was it that Paul saith Act. 24 14. that he worshipded God beleeuing all things which are written in the Law and in the Prophets It is true indeede that the bowing of the bodie and all other outward gestures are nothing without the bowing of the hart as we may perceiue by the speech of Ioshua chap. 24.23 1. Kings 8.57.58 and Isaiah 58.5 But how can we thinke that such a one boweth his heart who refuseth to make anie outward profession of it in the fit time and place thereof Euerie one therefore that will may see that these things though they be not of the substance of religion yet may they not be profanely and rudely neglected of vs without sinne against this holy commandement of God And we are the rather to consider of these things because experience sheweth that manie fall from Popish superstition to a contrarie extremitie of vnreuerend behauiour before the Lord as thogh it nothing at al mattered what gesture we vse in the congregation This is no correction of abuses but a chaunging of one abuse for another and therefore must needes be displeasing before the Lord. But yet one thing more which I pray you let vs earnestly in the feare of God concerning the ministration of the word and Sacraments that is whether it be necessarie that there be anie prescript forme set downe and agreed vpon for the ordering of these actions and that the same should be religiously vsed in the worship of God or no. For verily it is necessarie that euerie one haue a sound iudgement and perswasion in this point and that we haue a cleare conscience void of all scruple seeing it doth so nearely concerne the worship of God Shew therefore what hath beene your instruction herein I beseech God to giue vs true vnderstanding in all things I haue bene taught that it is not simply necessarie that there should he anie prescribed forme for then the Lord himselfe would by his holy Apostles haue expresly set dovvne one for an vnchangeable and exact rule for all Christian Churches And beside it may be presupposed that he vvhich according to the ordinance of the Lord is fit to be a Minister of the vvord and Sacraments is in some conuenient measure instructed from the booke of God hovv to pray in all things as the matter requireth as vvell as to teach euerie man the vvhole doctrine of faith and to instruct in euerie point of righteousnesse through the vvisedom and grace of the holy Ghost vvhich is giuen vnto him And finally the giftes and graces of the Spirit of God are not to be stinted and limited by man Neuerthelesse I haue here vvithall bene likevvise taught that in some respects it may be counted necessarie as a godly helpe and remedie both for Ministers and people that they shold haue some forme and order agreed vpon and vsed for publike profession of consent prouided that it be a sound collection and interpretation out of the vvord of God both for the substance of matter and also touching the forme and order it selfe as graue and simple as may be without all curious varietie of humane inuention according to the examples and practises of the Christian Churches recorded and set dovvne in the vvord of God for our imitation therein so that the libertie of the preaching of the Gospell and of the prayer vvhich is by the discretion of the Preacher to be fitted thereunto be not by the length and labour of that vvhich is prescribed abridged or preiudiced and hindred anie vvay For the proofe of these things reade 2. Timothie 3.16.17 1. Peter 4.11 Coloss 1.28 1. Corinth 11.1 c. to the end and chap. 14. Act. 13.15.27 and chap. 15.21 and Coloss 4.16 2. Timothie See some examples of prescribed formes in the holy Scriptures Of Prayer Psalme 102. Ioel Luke chap. 11.2 of thankesgiuing Deut. Psalme 92.2 Chron. 29.30 Reuelation 15.3 Of blessing Nombers 6.22 c. Yea of blessing the godly and cursing the
wicked Deuter. 27.11.12 Reade also Nombers 5.21.22 These examples and the like are to be followed for soundnesse plainenesse and breuitie in a meete and conuenient proportion Otherwise none ought to presume either to prescribe or practise anie thing for a worship yeelded to God But which are those respects for the which a prescript forme and order of the ministration of the word and Sacraments may be accounted necessarie as a godly helpe and remedie to be agreed vpon First in regard of the vveaker sort in euerie congregation vvho are necessarily herein to be tendered of all the rest yea euen in respect of the common infirmity humane vveaknesse of vs al. Secondly because of the importunitie of the malitious aduersaries of the Gospell vvho vvould othervvise take great aduantage to cauill at and to slaunder the Churches of God as if vve vvere vncertaine in all things and vvere full of confusion in our faith and vvorship of God and in our vvhole profession and religion As touching the weaker sort of our brethren we know how they are in manie places offended yea notwithstanding the faithfull Ministers of God vse good discretion herein They are hardly kept from waywardnesse against preaching it self which God hath appointed to do them the most good because they are not fully satisfied the other way But beside this consideration of the weaker surely they that are more strong and better confirmed in the wayes of God and haue the grace to discern betwixt things that differ both Minister of the word and other they find good vse of that which is well prescribed both for prayer and for declaration of other the ordinances of God not onely for helpe of memorie but also to quicken the affection to the more excellent more necessarie more essentiall effectuall parts of their ministerie wherein God is to be blessed and praysed of vs for our gracious libertie both touching preaching and also concerning prayer so far as God hath distributed the measure of his graces to euery one Thus far therefore all are to be intreated in the Lord that howsoeuer euerie one is for his owne part to keepe him selfe vpright and sincere in the worship of God yet where some things are amisse in an order set down which is generally good and godly we are to take great heed that we sin not so vnaduisedly as to reiect all because of some imperfections Neither yet to be ouer readie to obiect and hold forth the blemishes thereof to the disgracing of the whole therein to be contentious c but rather to sigh and mourne for it to intreat the Lord for his mercifull redresse in his due time we alwayes acknowledging our selues vnworthie of so great perfection as we ought humbly to desire and heartily to long for c. Rom. chap. 12.18.1 Cor. 10.32.33 Col. 4.5 Now further also as touching the aduersaries of the Gospel we know that we must haue care that we giue no offence to anie but that we walke circumspectly euen toward those that be without against whose slaunderous reports a holy consent in doctrine liturgie and in discipline set downe is a iust reall Apollogie defence in the sight of all men This is that which we ought to thinke in soundnesse of iudgment concerning this waighty matter and therefore was it of duty to be deliuered vnto you It remayneth also as belonging hereunto that you shew who they are by whome the word and Sacraments are to be publikely administred with prayer and thankesgiuing in the Churches of God and so are to be acknowledged meet guides vnto the rest in the actions of Gods holy seruice and worship Shew which they be They are such as being first called of God that is to say The Equitie such whome he hath indued with meet gifts and graces for so holy a ministerie seruice are also vpō due triall of the same their fitnesse both for doctrine life called ordained and set apart therunto with consent of other godly Ministers and that people to whom they are to minister in the disposing of the mysteries of God Reade 1. Tim. chap. 3. and Titus chap. 1. Act. 14.23 Heb. 5 4. 2. Corinth 3.5.6 Reade also Rom. chap. and 1. Tim. chap. 5.9 c. Hitherto of the euils forbidden and of the contrarie good duties commanded Now what is the equitie of this commandement Seeing the Lord hath not only created redeemed our soules but also our bodies yea seeing he hath as it vvere espoused and maried vs and his whole Church to himself most dearely louing it as it were with the loue of a most kind husband toward his only wife which he tendreth as himselfe it is most equall and meete that we should in all pure and chast manner worship him alone both with our soules and also with our bodies because we are wholly his It is true Reade Psal 95. Psal 100. Reade also 1. Cor. 6.20 Rom. 8.23 Phil. 3.21 2. Corinth 7.1 and 1. Thess 5.23 Reade also Ieremie Yea the renewing of the mariage chap. 2.2 Isa 62.4.5 and Hosh chap. 2. and chap. 3. Matth. 9.15 and Iohn 3.29 Eph. 5.22 Reuel 21.2 And the whole Song of songs Now therefore how vnworthie a thing it is that mankind which is the noblest of all bodily creatures should prostrate yea prostitute himselfe as it were in spirituall adulterie to most vile and contemptible idols which that they haue eyes and see not eares and heare not c. euery man that wil open his eyes and is not as an idoll himselfe may easily see And that Idols are most vaine and contemptible things Gillulim of Galal which signifieth dung As Ezech. 4.11.15 euen the excrements of the bodie read how great disgrace the Lord hath cast vpō them euery where in his holy Scriptures as Ps 115.4 c. Ps 1. Cor. 12.2 Act. 14. vers 15. Ier. 10.14.15 Hab. 2.18.19 2. Kings ch 17.12 dungie gods 1. Cor. 8. they are nothing in the world And Isaiah chapter 44.9 c. Reade also Ezechiel chap. 16. and chap. 23. Where the Lord doth by his holy Prophet most odiously describe the sinne of Idolatrie comparing it to most filthie adulterie of the body Hence it is that as it followeth in the reason of this commandement the Lord taketh to himselfe the title of iealousie against Idolaters as against those which defile the mariage couenant of the which reason we are now to inquire It containeth two partes Which are they The first is a threatning of the curse against all Idolaters vvhich the Lord accompteth haters of him The second is a promise of blessing to all pure and chast vvorshippers of God vvhome onely he esteemeth for his true louers friends according as it is sayd of Abraham that he vvas called the friend of God So indeede we reade Iames 2.23 And the Apostle may well gather so much by the Lords familiar dealing with
Abraham as the holy storie plentifully reporteth seeing he was a true worshipper of him c. reade 2. Chron. 20.7 Isa ch 4.18 But in the reason of the commandement which are the words of the curse against Idolaters They are these For I the Lord thy God mighty and iealous do visite the iniquitie of the Fathers vpon the Children vpon the third generation and vpon the fourth on such as hate me What meaneth the Lord when he saith he will visite the iniquitie of the fathers on the children His meaning is that he will seuerely punish this grieuous sin of Idolatrie God indeede doth not visite and make inquisition for sin in vaine but finding it he taketh vengeance of it as we may obserue his proceeding against Sodome and Gomorrha and the cities adioyning Gen. 18.20.21 and chapter 19.23 Read the 1. chapter of Zephaniah where the threatning of the punishment is ioyned with the visitation and search for sinne diuerse times in that chapter And the Lord professeth himselfe specially wroth as we see in this place against this sinne of Idolatrie which he accounteth a spiritual and most filthie fornication Remember againe Ezechiel chapter 16. chap. 8.15 and Iosh 24.19.20 The Curse Yea let vs marke in reading of the holy Scriptures we shall find that the Lord is not more often nor more earnest against anie sinne then against this of Idolatrie Read Deut. 27 15. EZek. 14.34.5 ch 8. vers both secret and open which is the peruerting of his whole true religion as hath bene answered in our entrance vpon the interpretation of this commandement What is the punishment and curse which God threateneth Vnquietnesse and turmoile of conscience with many bodily calamities here in this world and after this life euerlasting and most wofull destruction both of bodie and soule in the world to come if it be not preuented by true repentance Reade Psal 16.4 Isa and chap. 8 21.22 ch 16.12 and chap. 47.11.12 c. against the Babylonians and chap. 57.10 c. 20.21 against the Israelites And Hosh 8.7.8 chap. 10.15 1. Corinthians 6.9 1. Peter and Reuel 22.15 But why doth God call Idolaters haters of him seeing they say they do that which they do of singular loue deuotion and zeale which they beare vnto him Because Idolaters can no more loue God in truth then the adulterous woman can loue her husband howsoeuer she speaketh him faire and flattereth with her lippes This indeede doth the Lord giue all Idolaters plainely to vnderstand if they had grace to see But that we may hast forward the threatening as we see is not made against Idolaters themselues onely but also against their children and posteritie to the third and fourth generation Is not this vnequal thinke you that God should punish the children from one generation to another for the fathers offences It is rather of wonderfull mercie that he doth so graciously limite and restraine the curse seeing he might iustly withdraw his grace from the whole posteritie of the Idolaters as from an illegitimate and bastardly seede seeing he hath asmuch as in him lyeth made the condition of the couenant of this spirituall mariage vtterly voyd and frustrate Yea and herein also doth the wonderfull mercie of God more clearely vtter it selfe because he doth not so cast off the next generations of the idolaters but whosoeuer of them will forsake the sinne of their fathers and be true worshippers of him they shall not onely be accepted themselues but the couenant also shall in them be renewed to their children and posteritie for euer whosoeuer among them shall abide faithfull therein Reade Ezek. chap. 18.1 c. to the end and chap. reade also Psal 78.4 c. 7.8 and Ier. 3.1 Hosh 3. Here therefore is wonderfull mercie indeede And further also the verie curse it selfe serueth to exceeding gracious purpose that is both to feare parents from idolatrie euen for that loue they ought to beare to their posteritie welfare of their children both in soule and body and also to withdraw children from the example of their idolatrous parents which is for them a verie daungerous inducement to idolatrie and so to the vtter vndoing of all that should come of them to the third and fourth generation by a pitifull interruption of the course of Gods mercies toward them But all this concerneth those children that liue to come to knowledge What is to be said of those children of Idolaters which dye before they can discerne of the Idolatries of their forefathers shall all such be condemned They are doubtlesse in a feareful estate neuerthelesse we must in feare and reuerence leaue the secret iudgements of God to himselfe who will in due time shew himselfe most righteous in all his vvayes So said Moses Deut. 29.29 Secret things belong to the Lord our God c. Yet thus far may we be in good hope that notwithstanding they are cut off from the benefite of the couenant of the Law which is not made to thousands but vpon condition of the childrens faithfulnes in their generations after the example of their godly parents some of them may be saued through the grace of that couenant which was made to Abraham according to the free electiō of God in Christ Iesus before this couenant of the Law was made and which is established vpon better promises Heb. 8.6 Hitherto of the curse against the transgressors of this Commandement which as was said is the first part of the reason The Blessing the second part followeth In what words is that contained In these For I the Lord thy God do shew mercie vnto thousands to such as loue me and keepe my commandements What is that mercie which the Lord will shew them He will blesse them with all blessings of this life so farre as shall be good for them but more specially he will giue them abundance of true spirituall comfort here in this world and euerlasting happinesse and glorie in the kingdome of heauen Yea he will bestow these mercies not onely vpon themselues but also vpon their posteritie to a thousand generations That is euen to the worlds end and for euer and euer Reade Deut. ● 9. and Psal 105.8 So great is the largenesse of Gods most gracious couenant to all that truely loue God in dutifull and thankefull regard of his most tender as it were mariage loue toward them and in loue as a fruite thereof do purely and chastly worship him and keepe his commandements For the loue of God in vs is the immediate roote and fountaine of all our obedience euen as his loue toward vs and the sweetnesse thereof apprehended and felt in our harts by faith is the original first cause of our loue to him But shall all the posteritie of the true worshippers of God be thus blessed and saued without exception No but they onely which keepe couenant with the Lord following the
example of their faithfull and godly parents how few or how manie soeuer they be So indeede do the words of the commandement it selfe limit the promise Reade also Psalme 103.17.18 Remember Ezechiel againe 18.14 c. But what if the children of faithfull parents dye before they know what belongeth to the true worship of God neither haue knowledge and faith to loue him and to keepe his commandements There is notwithstanding very comfortable hope because they are vvithin the compasse and charter of the couenant It is true for God hath fayd of the faithfull worshippers of him I am thy God and the God of thy seede Genesis 17.17 and chapter 12.2 And our Sauiour Christ assureth vs that to such belongeth the kingdome of heauen Marke 10.14 reade also 1. Corinthians 7.14 Yet we see that euen of the children of the faithfull manie that liue to come to knowledge do afterward vtterly degenerate and refuse to walke in the steppes of their faithfull parents and so pull downe the curse of God vpon their heades yea the true worshippers of God themselus their godly children haue alwayes and do still meete with manie great afflictions and troubles according as it is said Great are the troubles of the righteous Psal 34.19 What is to be said to these things God hereby giueth to vnderstand that his election is free and also that all mankind is naturally corrupt and sinfull from the vvombe and that the obedience of his best seruants is vnperfect vvhich maketh the iarre and putteth all as it vvere out of time So that of necessitie vve must haue recourse to the fountaine of Gods free grace and mercie in Christ Iesus for the assured ground of our stay comfort in the midst of al our troubles vntill the Lord shall in his good time deliuer vs out of them all So it is in the place of the Psal before mentioned Great are the troubles of the righteous but the Lord deliuereth them out of them all Vndoubtedly if we could hold on in an euen and constant course of obedience his mercies toward vs shold flow as it were with a continuall streame vpon vs without interruption but because we go so often out of the way we meete with the curse at the least with the tagge of it as one may say in steade of the blessing Now therefore these things being true both touching the curse and also the blessing as they are indeede most true how commeth it to passe that they do vsually so litle affect people either to breede in them carefulnesse to flie idolatrous and superstitious worship or to prouoke them to be vpright zealous in the true worship seruice of God What is the cause of this It is by reason that we do not consider duly of that which God himself alledgeth to admonish and prouoke vs all to be aboue all things most careful to yeeld him his most due seruice worship What is that which God alledgeth to this end His almighty power eternal decree wherin he standeth fully armed and most zealously bent both with iustice to take vengeance vpon al Idolaters and also in mercie to blesse and reward all his true worshippers and faithfull seruants These things which are most weightie and of greatest importance aboue all other are contained in those his diuine titles which here againe the Lord repeateth from the preface or generall reason of his Law saying For I the Lord thy God and in this new title of iealousie which he taketh to himselfe by a similitude taken from the disposition of a most louing husband who cā least indure to be vnfaithfully dealt withall by his wife aboue all other and is a most hote pursuer of him which hath defiled his mariage bed as we reade Prouerbes 6. in the end of the chapter God grant that all of vs may better consider of these things Why is Idolatry compared to bodily adultery First to set forth how abominable this sin is in the sight of God Secondly to note the extreame delight and pleasure which Idolaters take in this sottish haunt they being as it were wood and mad in the haunting after it Thirdly because they are by all meanes most lauish and prodigall in the vpholding and aduancement of it Finally because the spirituall adulterer as well as the bodily is continually restlesse and vnsatisfied seeing they haue both of them left the wayes of God whereunto onely he hath promised the blessing of sacietie and contentment Touching the first reason we haue seene it alreadie from the 16. chapter and the 23. chap. of Ezek. where the Lord describeth it so odiously that were it not that the Lord hath seene it so meet we wold think that it might not with shamefastnesse be so vttered But the reuerence of his most holy and pure wisedome teacheth vs to lay all the shame iustly vpon our owne extreame folly which hath giuen so vehement an occasion of it c. Of the second and third reason their owne practise in their often and long pilgrimages their manie and great offerings gifts both in life and at their death their costly decking of their images c. are a plentifull and reall witnesse famous as in a theater c. Euerie man is a damnable transgressor Last of all that they are restlesse and vnsatisfied and neuer quieted it is affirmed Ps 16. and may be gathered by the name which the Lord giueth in manie places calling them terricula such things as rather terrifie and vexe then comfort c. Hitherto of the interpretation and equitie and of the curse and blessing of this second commandement Now that we may come to the vse and so as shortly as may be grow to the conclusion Haue you perfectly obeyed this so iust and equall a Commandement that therby you stand freed from the curse threatned and that ye may as a recompence of your obedience looke for the blessings promised To speake truely neither I nor anie other can say so but rather all of vs do grieuously and continually sin against it one way or other It is the onely mercie and grace of God vvherby vve are preserued from grosse idolatrie and the occasions thereof and that vve are taught trayned vp in the vvay of his true vvorship And if vve could rightly iudge our selues vve should find that by nature vve are as prone and readie to all superstition Idolatry as any other which haue bene this way misled before vs. It is true for idolatrie is very pleasing to the naturall man as that which is of his owne deuising and which man hath himselfe euery way fitted to serue his owne humor Suum cuique pulchram It hath all things delightfull to the sight of the eyes to the hearing of the eares to the smelling of the nose goodly and sumptuous Churches and monasteries beautifull and braue Images sweet melodie and descant fragrant and odoriferous smels of incense To speake in a word it is
3.16.17 Now touching the second point of the answer that the name of God is vsed in the holy Scriptures for God himselfe it is euery where euident For in this respect the seruants of God are sayd to call vppon his name to feare his name to blesse his name yea to giue all praise and glory to his name which excelleth all prayse c. Psalme 115.1 and Nehem. c. The name of the Lord is vsed thus to note the Lord himselfe because he is among his people and ought to be among all of the most excellent and renoumed ●ame and fame reade Micah 6.9 and Psalme 20 8. and Isa 29.23 To sanctifie the name of God and to sanctifie the holy one of Iaacob is all one As also in the Lords prayer Hallowed be thy name And finally for this cause it is that whatsoeuer is attributed to the Lord himselfe is ascribed to his name as Zach. 14.9 One Lord and his name is one And euery where in the holy Scriptures his name is sayd to be eternall and to endure for euer to be holy to be glorious to be fearefull and to be mightie both for the defence of his seruants Prouerbs 18.10 and for the ouerthrow of his and their aduersaries Psalme 44.5 and Psalme The rest of this point is plaine by that which hath bene already sayd Let vs therefore go forward What is it to take the name of God The name of God is taken of vs two manner of vvayes Shew how that is Either in speech and by woid of mouth Or in profession of Religion and vsuall course and trade of life It is true for first in speech we take the name of God in such sense as we say a man taketh vp a saying sentence or prouerbe when he vttereth and speaketh the same according to the same vse of this phrase of speech Amos chap. 5.1 Psa 16.4 and Numb chap. 23. and chap. 24. sundry times Balaam tooke vp or vttered his parable c. And touching the second kind of taking the name of God in the profession of his name and religion and in the vsuall course of our life reade Acts 9.15 Ieremie chapter 15.16 Isa 43.7 Reue. Sinnes forbidden And are we not all baptized into the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Wherefore it is meete that all should liue to the glory of his name as we are afterward further to consider reade Micah 4.5 and Zach. 14.20.21 Reade also Ier. chap. 15. verse 16. and Ioel. 2.17 and Mal. 2.7 and 1. Cor. 4.1 where we see how Ministers of the word of God beare his name And for ciuill Magistrates reade Psal 82. I haue sayd yee are Gods or mighty ones that is powers ordained of God as the Apostle Paule calleth them Rom. 13. yea 1. Cor. 7.22 He that is in the estate of a bond-slaue to mē is the Lords free seruant whosoeuer doth truly beleeue in the name of Christ and obey his Gospell Now therefore in the meane while what is it to take the name of God in vaine It is either by word of mouth so lightly and vnreuerendly to speake of God his title vvord or vvorks and namely by vaine oathes accustomed swearing and vowing or else in the course of life and conuersation to vvalke so slowly indiscretly and vnconstantly or any other way so vnbeseeming the profession of the name of God that God hath no glory but rather is dishonoured by any in his seuerall vocation and calling And among these loose liuers the name of God is so much the more vnworthily taken in vaine by how much any hauing more speciall gouernment and charge ouer others either in publike or priuate gouernement do neuerthelesse leaue them to their owne liberty to talke to walke according to their owne vaine minds and affections vvithout due restraint and correction Yea though they run not by and by into any notable extremity outrage either in word or in deed Yea though as yet they are not growne to abuse their liberty so grosly as did the children of Eli 1. Sam. 2.12.13 c. to the 26. verse and againe chap. 3.13 And though a man in his owne person do not dishonor God by any haynous sinne as Dauid did at a certaine time reade 2. Sam. 12.14 or as many of the Iewes did Rom. 1.23.24 Against idle light foolish and iesting speeches as it is the disposition of some to delight in merry inuectiues against women and to put off all graue and religious communication by pleasant conceipts c. Reade Math. 12.36.37 and Ephes 5.4 and Eccle. chap. 11.9 These things do not beseeme the seruants of God who ought to be sober and graue in all their speech communication as hereafter will appeare See Psal 106.33 Moses vnaduised speech punished Against vaine oathes and accustomable swearing reade Math. 5.24 c. and Iames 5.12 Against loosenesse of life and the actions thereof in the seruice of God reade 1. Sam. the example of Saule Consider it also in the example of Demas 2. Tim. 4.10 The rest of this answer is euident from that which hath bene already alledged Only it seemeth necessary in this place to giue some speciall admonition against the abuse of Gods name by shewing how manifold wayes it may be and is vsually abused of vs in our common speeches For the which reade Virell in his Treatise of the principles and grounds of Religion page 121. concerning this third Commandement But is there nothing else forbidden in this Commandement Seeing the Lord forbiddeth all negligent regard of giuing glory to the name of God in honest lawfull holy callings by mixing vaine oathes and vowes or by making any irreuerend mention of the name of God in speeches otherwise tollerable and good it must needs be that he doth much rather condemne all vnlawfull and vngodly callings all apostacie and falling from the truth and profession of his name all swearing by that which is not God all periuries and blasphemies together vvith all other pollutions of God his most holy and glorious name in wicked enterludes in dice-play in fortune telling in charmings in sorceries coniuration and vvitchcraft vvhether tending to finding or loosing to healing or to hurting by the helpe of the Diuell and likewise all wrathfull cursing and banning of others either man or any other creature vvith all rash imprecations and vvishes against our selues and euery other like notorious abuse vvhatsoeuer it be It must needes be so for the which reade Psalme 58.16 c. to the end of the Psalme reade also Mal. And if negligence or lightnesse and in discretion in lawfull and holy callings be a taking of Gods name in vaine how much more do they sinne who are shamelesly bold and presumptuous fierce and raging or fraudulent and crafty in wicked and vngodly professions and practises whether in false religion as Reuelation chapter 9. or in mechanicall crafts as
touching those whom the Apostle calleth inuenters of euill things Rom. 1.30 Seeing vaine speeches oathes and vowes be abuses of Gods name much more all blasphemous speeches wicked oathes and vowes and the performance of them such as were the oathes and vowes of Herod and of those that vowed to muder Paule c. Seeing the vsing of good meanes with trust in them as Asa looked to much after Phisicke is a taking of Gods name in vaine then it is a more haynous abuse to seeke to false gods as Ahaziah did 2. Kings chap. 1. and all that seeke to sorcerers c such as are consorted with the Diuell yea how faire pretences soeuer they make as though they cured by the name of God or by vsing good words Hereunto belongeth Hamans casting of lots Ester chapter 3.7 Reade also Ieremie 10.2 And another kind of casting of lots in the pride of their power and victorie Ioel. 3.3 Obadiah verses 11.12 Reade also Psal 22.18 Math. 27.35 The force of this kind of reasoning which hath now bene vsed is plaine to euery one that will vnderstand so that we need not stand longer to perswade it Let vs therefore go forward and come to the other part of the interpretation that we may see what good duties are commanded Which are they First that euery one of vs do shew foorth the most reuerend and vvorthie estimation which we haue of the Lord God himselfe and of his diuine titles vvords and works and of all his holy ordinances and also that vve shevv forth the fruite of our true knowledge and acknowledgement faith feare and loue of him and of our zeale to his glorie by speaking our selues and causing all other as much as lieth in vs to speake all good of his name and of the same his vvord and vvorks Duties commanded and of all his holy ordinances and by the religious and right vse of an oath according to the iust and necessary occasions thereof Secondly that euery of vs liuing in such a calling as may vvell agree to the holy profession of Gods name vvhich he hath put vpon vs in calling vs his people his seruants his children c. vve be carefull to the vttermost of our power both in respect of our selues and also of all that do belong vnto vs or vvill harken vnto vs to order and behaue our selues and them euery vvay so vvisely and graciously as vvell in example as gouernment that all vvhich behold vs may see that our Religion is ioyned vvith the power of godlinesse and vvith the sanctification of Gods Spirit that so God may haue the greatest glory by the vvhole course of our liues vvhich possiblie vve may for our part procure And that not onely in prosperitie but also in aduersitie and in the time of persecution vve do boldly and conconstantly confesse his name Yea and finally this lavv requireth that if by any occasion vve fall into any sinne to the dishonour of the name of God that vve confesse and bewaile it and so earnestly returne to God and his Church and that our repentance may be as not able and famous as vvas our fall It is very true for if we shall not in such case giue glory to God as Iosua chargeth and exhorteth Achan Ios 7.19 God will in his iustice refuse to shew vs mercy reade Isai 30.1 Pro. 28.13 so likewise if we shall not for feare or shame cōfesse the name of Christ before men euen in the times of the persecutiō of the Gospell Christ will be ashamed of vs before our heauenly father Math. 10 32.33 Luke 9.26 How we ought to sanctifie the name of God in affliction let vs learne from the example of patient Iob chapter 1. verses 21.22 Let him be a singular example to vs of that care which we ought to haue not only for our selues but also of those that belong vnto vs that Gods holy name be not dishonored either by our selues or them reade in the same 1. chapter verse 5. Reade also concerning Abraham chap. 18. the profession of King Dauid both touching his priuate and also his publike gouernement Psalme 101. How Ministers of the word ought to seeke the glory of God in their callings and that in singular maner consider it from the rule and practise of our Sauiour Christ Iohn 7.18 and from the example of the Apostles of our Sauiour Christ according to that we reade 2. Corinth 4.5 Reade also Matth. 5.16 and Ieremie 23. verses 28.29 And more generally how all ought to be carefull to glorifie the name of God reade Nehem. 5.9 Psalme 9. verse 10. Isaiah 26.8 Zach. 14.20.21 Malach. 3.16 And now that we may ende this answere with that wherewith it was begunne concerning our honouring and glorifying of God with our speech eade Psalme 100.3 c. Reade also in the booke of Iob. chap. 36.24 and Psalme 8. c. and Psalme 75.1 Yea it is our duty to speake reuerendly of the least of his works for we cannot make so much as one haire white or blacke as our Sauiour Christ saith Deut. ●hep 15. We must praise him for his most fearefull iudgements against the wicked Psalme 136. and for his sharpest afflictions vpon our selues according to the example of Iob alledged before Reade also Psalme 119.71 and verse 75. Reade also Iosua and 1. Sam. 3.18 and 2. Kings 20.19 And concerning the word of God how reuerendly we are to thinke and speake of it consider from that which we reade Psalme 119. verse 86. and Psalme 19. and Pro. 30.5 and 2. Tim. 3.16 That we stand bound to procure others to do the like reade Psalme 34.3 and Psal 37.30 Leuit. 19.17 Iude verses 22.23 Thus and euery way it is our bounden duty to say and practise The Lord hath giuen me a tongue wherewith I will glorifie him Deut. 32.3 Psalme 145.21 and Psalme 63.5 reade also Psalme 71.13.14 But among all other wayes of honouring the name of God with our tongues he requireth that we haue a special care therof in the right and religious maner of taking an oath whether publikely before a Magistrate or priuately if there be a needfull and iust occasion thereunto Let vs therefore before we proceed consider of this so weighty a matter And first of all whē haue we iust occasion offered to sweare or to take an oath according to the will of God in this Commandement When the truth of any matter by the certaine knowledge and assurāce whereof the name of God may be glorified our neighbour benefited or otherwise satisfied in some weighty matter of doubt cānot otherwise be sufficiētly certified cleared foūd out As an oath is the greatest and grauest way of clearing the truth of a controuersie or doubt so it must needes be the last and neuer to be vsed but when there is speciall neede reade Exod. 22 7.8 9.10.11 Heb. 6.16 reade also 2. Kings 8.31.32 See the practise Gen. 21.31 32. and chap. 24.29 and chap. 26.31
chap. 31.53 and chap. and chap. 50.24.25 Reade also Neh. 13.25 What is it to sweare or to take an oath It is a very solemne and religious calling of God to witnesse with an acknowledgement in the heart that he is the only wise searcher and most gracious defender of all truth and on the contrary a most seuere iudge and reuenger of all such as shall abuse his name to witnesse any false matter For the proofe of this definition consider that God is the God of truth c. And remember againe that beginning of King Salomons prayer 1 Kings 8.31.32 See the punishment of God vpon Zedekiah for his periury Ezek. 17.18.19 Euer and anon God maketh some example or other of his heauenly iudgement against false swearers according to the threatning Zach. chap. 5.4 and Mal. 3.5 How may we sweare or take an oath aright If we shall follow the Prophet Ieremias instruction in the 2. verse of his 4. chapter What is that which he or rather the Lord God himselfe by him teacheth concerning this matter The Lord saith by his holy Prophet Thou shalt sweare the Lord liueth in truth in iudgement and in righteousnesse and the nations shall be blessed and glorie in him The Equity Thus farre of the euill things forbidden and of the contrary good things commanded in this third Commandement Now what is the equity of it Because he the glory of vvhose name is so highly commended vnto vs and vvherewith vve stand so deeplie charged is not only most vvorthie of all honour and glorie considered in himselfe but also in regard of his most gracious good-will toward his people in that he is minded to giue them honour and glorie in this life and in the vvorld to come according as they shall be carefull in obedience to this his Commandement to seeke the honour and glory of his name Great is the equity of this Commandemēt so that the more iustly shall be the curse due to those that shall trample it vnder their feete yea euen to all such as shall not dutifully regard to obey it And of this curse are we now to consider according to that which followeth in the reason added to the Commaundement What is that The Lord pronounceth that he vvill not hold him guiltlesse that taketh his name in vaine What meaneth this that he will not hold him guiltlesse The Lord giueth to vnderstand that he vvill seuerely punish euery such one as shall any manner of vvay dishonour and abuse the most reuerend and glorious Maiestie of his name That this is the meaning of the Lord it may easily be gathered from the consideration of his most pure and perfect iustice it being such that he cannot lay sinne to the charge of any man but he must take vengeance of it vnlesse it be preuented by repentance and that it please God to hold himselfe satisfied and appeased through the bloud of Christ without which reconciliation the very frame of the world it selfe being defiled with mans sinne could not stand before him Reade Nahum chapter and Hab. 1.13 Ieremie 5.7 Heb. 10.31 As it is our blessing to haue our sinnes forgiuen because the sinne being forgiuen the punishment also is remitted and chiefly the eternall punishment Psalme 32. So it is our curse and miserie to haue our sinne imputed The Curses for if we be held guiltie then doth vengeance certainly follow though not by and by And the longer it is deferred the heauier will it be whē it commeth according as in the meane while the sinne shall multiply and increase But let vs come to see some of the particular curses such as the Lord threatneth against the transgressors of this Commandement And first what is the curse against such as speake idly or vainly and vnreuerently of God or of his name or of his word or of any of his works I say vnto you sayth our Sauiour Christ that of euery idle vvord that men shall speake they shall giue account thereof at the day of iudgement And againe by thy vvordes thou shalt be condemned Math. 12.36.37 Reade Pro. 13.3 Destruction shall be to him that prostituteth his lips and chap. 18.21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue according as a man vseth it so shall he eate the fruite thereof And in many places of the Prouerbs For if this be true in the abuse of the tongue against men and in humane matters much rather then in the abuse of it more directly to the dishonor of God reade also Ephe. 5. verses 4.6 What is the curse against those that speake more wickedly and contemptuously against the Lord or any part of his word The Lord Iesus shall come to giue iudgement against all the cruel speeches which wicked sinners haue spoken against him Iude the 15. verse Reade also Mal. 1.6.7 and chap. Math. 12.31.32 Concerning the ciuill punishment of the blasphemer reade Leuit. And concerning vengeance from heauen vpon the host of Saneherib 2. King What is the curse against the vsuall vaine or froward and impatient swearer Before all things sayth the Apostle Iames sweare not neither by heauen nor by earth nor by any other oath but let your yea be yea and your nay nay least you fall into condemnation Chapter 5.12 In these wordes the holy Apostle forbidding the sinne sheweth that the amendment thereof must be by the acquainting of our selues with a meeke and patient reuerend graue faithfull and constant course of speech in all things which we either affirme when they are to be affirmed or deny when they are to be denied or yeeld our consent thereunto when they are worthie consent But let vs go forward What is the curse against those that sweare by false gods and idols The Lord cannot spare such Ier. 5.7 They shall fall and neuer rise vp againe Amos 8.14 Reade also Ier. 12.16.17 Zeph. 1.3.5 What is the curse against false swearers and periured persons The curse sayth the Lord of Hosts shall enter into the house of the thiefe and into the house of him that sweareth falsly by my name and it shall remaine in the middest of his house and shall consume it with the timber thereof and stones therof Zach. cha 5. verse 4. Reade also Mal. 3.9 I will be a swift witnesse against false swearers and those that feare not me sayth the Lord of Hostes What is the curse of a loose and negligent life vnder the profession of the name and religion of God That which the Prophet Ieremie sayth against those that fight the Lords outward battels negligently or deceiptfully may be verified against all such Cursed be he that doth the worke of the Lord negligently chapter 48.10 What is the curse of those who albeit they are for the most part carefull to honour the name of God with a godly life do yet vpon some speciall temptation yeeld to some grieuous sinne whereby the name of God is euill spoken
off Of this curse King Dauid had his part when he was grieuously afflicted in his conscience for his sinne in the matter of Vriah in that his child begotten in adultery dyed of a very grieuous sicknesse and in that manie other heauy calamities followed Psalme 51. and 2. Sam. 12. c. What is the curse of those that are vnconstant and finally fall away from the true profession of the name of God and from the obedience of his word He that putteth his hand to the plough and looketh backe is vnapt for the kingdome of God sayth our Sauior Christ Luk. 9.62 And againe The latter end of such is worse thē the beginning Mat. Reade also 2. Pet. 1. Ioh. 4.16 What is the curse against those that continuing in an outward profession of religion do notwithstanding vsually leade a wicked and vngodly life The Lord will be as a Lion against such and teare them in peeces and none shall deliuer them Psalme 50.22 What is the curse against those that hauing gouernement of others are negligent in looking to them that the name of God be not dishonoured by them We haue Eli for a fearfull example hereof whose sonnes were slayne in battell and he himselfe at the report thereof fell downe and brake his necke because his sonnes ran into a slaunder and he stayed them not Whereupon also God sayth generally They that despise me shall be despised 1. Sam. 2. chap. from the 12. verse and chapter 3. and 4. A notable example which the Lord hath euery way made very notabe that all might take warning against the like sinne yea that all of vs might learne to keepe our selues farre from it as the weightinesse of the matter requireth and of the contrary to admonish vs to be earnest in gouernement with a holy seuerity and not to be remisse as Heli was to the great dishonour of God yea though he spake some words of cold rebuke as the historie layeth it forth at large He should rather haue dealt in the zeale of Moses Phineas and Nehemias He should in this case haue bene a man of great anger Pro. 19.19 Consule Tremel What is the curse against false Prophets such as teach the errors and lyes of their owne deuice in stead of the word of God It is in the ciuill course of Gods iustice in Israel bodily death and by his diuine sentence eternall death and destruction both of body and soule in hell So indeed we reade Deut. chap. 13. and further Ier. and Ezek. chap. 13. and 2. Peter c. Reuelation 19.20 and chap. 20.10 and chap. 22.18.19 reade also first of Kings 22.15 and Ier. What is the curse against those that abuse the name of God or his creatures to sorceries or enchantings c. The Lord departeth from such Isa chap. 2.6 and chap. 47. verses He will destroy them and ther posterity yea suddenly and without recouery will he destroy them What is the curse against those that shall not only be wicked themselues and licentious but also be ring-leaders and Captaines to incourage others to rebellious and vngodly practises They shall be in speciall reproch in the Church of God Pro. 24 8.9 Neither shall they dye the common death of all men Num. 16. from the 28. verse to the 36. What is the curse against those that in the bitternesse of their hearts curse others or vse wicked imprecations against themselues either of impatience or to face out any vntruth As any loueth cursing so shall it fall vpon him it shall be as a garment to couer him and as a girdle alwayes about him Psa Reade also Numb 14.2 and verses 21.22 Finally what is the curse against those that speake blasphemously against the holy Ghost This most haynous sinne shall neuer be forgiven them neither in this vvorld nor in the world to come Math. chap. 12. verses 32. Heb. 6.4.5 chap. 10. verses These are the most heauie and wofull curses which shall surely weigh downe all transgressors of this holy Commandement of the Lord specially those that be greatest in the trespasse euen to the horrible pit of hell if they will not turne vnto God by speedie repentance but go on till they grow to that despiting of the Spirit of grace for the which most haynous wickednesse there is no forgiuenesse as was sayd from the testimony of our Sauiour Christ himselfe But let vs now come to refresh and cheere our soules with the consideration of the blessings which God hath promised to all those that shall be found obedient vnto it And first The Blessings what is the blessing promised to those that shall speake good of his name and of his word and workes By thy words thou shalt be iustified saith our Sauiour Christ Matth. 12.37 This surely is no small blessing to be in the number of those who are to be esteemed for good and godly men What is the blessing of those that be carefull to honour the name of God in the right and religious maner of taking an oth when the iust occasion doth so require If they will learne the wayes of my people saith the Lord to sweare by my name The Lord liueth as they taught my people to sweare by Baal then shall they be built in the midst of my people Ieremie chapter 12. verse 16. What is the blessing of God belonging to a religious zealous care of honouring the name of God with a godly life answerable to the holy profession of his blessed religion Them that honour me I will honour saith the Lord 1. Sam. chapter 2.30 What is the blessing of those that be not onely carefull them selues in their owne persons to glorifie God but also hauing gouernement ouer others be carefull of them also yea and to further and draw on all other so manie as they can to honour the name of God together with themselues They that be wise shall shine as the brightnesse of the firmament and they that turne manie to righteousnesse shall shine as the stars for euer and euer Dan. chap. 12. verse 3. And in the Prophesie of Malac. chap. 3. verses 16.17.18 The Lord saith he hath a booke of remembrance to record the names of such And further that he accompteth them for his flocke which he watcheth ouer and that he will spare them as a man spareth his owne sonne that serueth him To conclude this point of the blessings of this commandement What is the blessing of constancie in the profession of the name and religion of God in the midst of persecutions and euen to the death of martyrdome it selfe Blessed are they which suffer persecution for righteousnesse sake for theirs is the kingdome of heauen saith our Sauiour Christ Matth. 5.10 and verses 11.12 Blessed are ye when men reuile you and persecute you Euerie man is a damnable transgressor and say all maner of euill against you for my sake falsely reioyce
most plentifull manner open his storehouse and as it were setteth out his most precious merchandize both victuall and Iewels for the nourishing and beautifying of the soule to be bought freely and without monie of all that be desirous to be fed and inriched by them althogh they be able to bring nothing worthie to be exchanged for them Reade Isa Ho euerie one that thirsteth come ye to the waters c. ye that haue no siluer come buy and eate c. Wherefore seeing it is a commandement of so great importance so beneficiall and of so necessarie and manifold yea of so vniuersall good vse let vs continue our diligence without wearinesse to make our inquirie into the right vnderstanding and vse of the same And first of all in so much as the Lord in the manner of the publishing of this Commandement hath made it notable by distinguishing of it so as it may diuers wayes be discerned from all the rest of the Commandements Shew therefore in the first place which those differences and distinctions are The first difference whereby the Lord hath distinguished this his fourth Commandement not onely from all the Cammandements of this first Table but also from euerie Commandement of his whole Law is that he doth not onely say Thou shalt keepe holy the Sabbath day but Remember that thou keepe it holy The second difference is that he hath published and set it downe both affirmatiuely commaunding the good duties and also negatiuely with an expresse prohibition and forbidding of the contr●●ie euill The third difference is that he layeth an expresse charge vpon all those that haue anie gouernement ouer others either priuate or publike ciuill or ecclesiasticall that they do not onely remember and regard their owne dutie therein but also that they looke to those which be vnder their gouernement that they together with them selues do sanctifie and keepe holy the Lords Sabbath Duties commanded The fourth difference is that he vseth more reasons to persvvade vnto the obedience of it then he setteth dovvne concerning any other of his Commandements All is true which you answere and the differences which you mention are so plaine and euident that we neede not vse many words to shew it to be so Let vs therefore proceede For what causes especially hath the Lord by these notable differences distinguished this Commandement from all the rest in the diuerse maner of the publishing of it He commandeth vs first of all to remember his Sabbath to keepe it holy partly to point vs backe to this his first and most auncient institution of it from the beginning of the vvorld euen from the very next day after that mankind vvas created and partly to admonish vs by all good and well aduised foresight to prepare our selues and to dispose of all our ordinarie vvorkes businesse in so vvise and discreet an order as vvithout all vnnecessarie disturbance and hinderance vve may sanctifie and keepe holy the same These things thus obserued let vs now come to the argument and matter of the Commandement proceeding in the same order which hath bene st downe in the beginning And first touching the sense and meaning of this Commandement What are the good duties which the Lord requireth in it The Lord doth generally commaund tvvo things in this holy Commaundement Which are they First that euery seuenth day all his people of euery estate condition do rest and cease from all the ordinary labours and exercises of their bodies and from all studies and discourses either in their ovvne mindes by themselues or one vvith another by speech and communication concerning anie vvorldly though in themselues lavvfull and honest affaires and businesse vvith anie respect of vvorldly gaine or earthly pleasure delight Secondly and that also more principally God commaundeth that all and euerie one of and amongst his people do vvith all holy care and ioyfulnesse of heart vpon euerie such day of holy Sabbaths rest exercise themselues both publikely in those partes of the day vvhich are and according to Gods Commaundement ought to be appointed to the publike duties of his worships and also priuately all the rest of the day in and about the holy things of God euen such as do directly concerne his glorie and our ovvne spirituall edification and comfort in the way of eternall saluation And in either of these respects he layeth the speciall-charge vpon those that haue gouernement ouer others as was ansvvered before It is true and we shall haue further occasion hereafter to consider of it more fully Either part of this answer is lightsome enough from the words of the Commandement The first in the 10. verse the second in the 8. verse Now let vs go forward Which are those bodily labours studies and discourses either in the thoughts and meditations of our owne heartes alone or in talke and communication with others which the Lord commaundeth all to rest and cease vpon his Sabbath daies Euerie husbandman and manuall artificer or other occupier and shopkeeper must cease their vvorke both in the field abrode or in the barne shop or vvarehouse at home for that day yea euen in seed-time and haruest must they cease or though anie vvorke-man vvere in Church-vvorke as vve vse to speake All fayres markets and marchandizing must cease for that day All assizes and Sessions vvith their examinations pleadings and iudgements all summoning and arresting both in Ciuill and Ecclesiasticall Courts and all their proceedings must cease for that day All Scriueners must cease their drawing and making of their instruments and writings All studies and actions of humane literature and learning in Vniuersities and all other scholles whether for reading writing or disputation must cease for that day and giue place to the highest and most necessarie studie and learning yea euen the ordinarie course of the studies of Diuines must be ceassed that the duties of Gods worship may be practised of them with the rest of the people The Phisition must cease his vsuall studying prescribing and ministring of bodily Phisicke to others that he may seeke after the health of his owne soule The traueller must cease his trauell that he may learne the way to the kingdome of heauen The victualler and tauerner of Inne and euerie other victualling house must cease their ordinarie victualling least they famish their ovvne soules All mustering and trayning of souldiers for voluntarie and offensiue vvarres must cease that vve may learne to fight the Lords battels against the world the flesh and the Diuell which are the most capitall and deadly enemies that we haue Finally euerie one must cease the ordinarie course of the businesse and labour of his vvorldly office and calling that he be not either altogether withheld or by anie meanes distracted in his mind from the the spirituall seruice and worship of God when he is bodily present For the proofe of these things read Exodus 34.21 Neh. 13.15 Exod. 31.1 c. and verses 12.13
are now to proceede let vs consider of it there In which words therefore is this negatiue part contayned In these Neither thou shalt do anie vvorke nor thy sonne nor thy daughter thy man seruant nor thy mayde nor thy beast nor the stranger that is within thy gates From these words let vs consider first what is generally forbidden in this Commaundement and then more specially what is the charge of all gouernours Sinnes forbidden I demaund therefore in the first place what are the euill things forbidden in this Commaundement First all those bodily labours belonging to this life which not being necessarie would by our intermedling with them either altogether withhold or at the least hinder vs in the spirituall sanctification of the Sabbath yea he forbiddeth all worldlinesse of mind yea all negligence and improuidence in not preuenting euerie such hinderance so farre as we may by anie good circumspection foresee Much more doth the Lord forbid all vaine games and pastimes yea such moderate exercises of bodily recreation or harmlesse sporting and delighting of the mind which at some other times he will tollerate and beare withall Most of all doth the Lord forbid all practise of idolatrie and false worship vpon his Sabbath together with the institution of any other holyday or Sabbath by mans deuice and al that excesse wantonnesse and riot which vsually accompanieth the same Finally he forbiddeth all vnfruitfulnesse in the exercises of his owne true seruice and worship that is when we profite not thereby in knowledge faith and repentance Now let vs come to the speciall charge which the Lord layeth vpon those that haue gouernement ouer others touching the sanctification of the Sabbath And first of all seeing the Lord layeth this speciall charge vpon all gouernours aswell publike ouer common wealths churches as priuate ouer families Why doth he direct his speech and the forme of his charge more expresly to fathers and maisters of the priuate family rather then to the other Because hovvsoeuer the establishment perfection and glorie of holy and religious gouernement is in the hand of the publike gouernour yet the ground and foundation of it resteth in the wel ordering of the family vvhich also in the order of nature it selfe is before the gouernement either of the Towne Citie or Countrie This indeede is euident from the order of Gods creation and from the course of his proceeding in rearing vp a Church vnto himselfe from the beginning As the priuate family is in order of nature before the towne or citie Speciall duty of Gouernours so particular persons haue bene conuerted and turned to God before cities countries and nations Neuerthelesse so soone as Kingdomes were gathered to the Lord he gaue the principall charge to the King for the generall sanctification of the Sabbath Reade Ieremie chapter 17.20 Read also Isa 49.22 and Psalme 102.13 c. 18.21 Now let vs consider the excellent reason of this the Lords most graue and weightie charge And first why doth he beginne with the maister himselfe First that he may know whosoeuer he be whether maister of a greater or lesser family that he must giue an account of his gouernement to God of vvhome he hath receiued it vvho is the great Maister and commaunder both in heauen and in earth vvho also vvill streightly inquire not onely hovv ciuill and iust but much rather hovv holy and religious his gouernement hath bene Secondly that he may vnderstand that the Lord requireth that he do not onely commaund his sonnes and his houshold but also that he go before them in his ovvne practise and example Thirdly because if he were not brought to conscience of his ovvne dutie first he might by the abuse of his authoritie frustrate all the holy care vvhich might happily be begunne in his children and seruants by vrging them to do othervvise then the Law of God and their consciences vvould permit them Finally that both seruants and children and straungers vnderstanding hovv streight a charge the Lord giueth to gouernours herein they might be induced the more vvillingly to yeeld to this his holy appoyntment or othervvise that they might knovv that they are no vvayes iniured though they should against their vvils euen by ciuill or domesticall correction be constrained and compelled thereunto These are the reasons indeede and they are verie worthie in either respect to be diligently obserued both of gouernors and also of those that are to be gouerned euen as we would looke for anie comfort before the Lord at the great day of his dreadfull iudgement For when God will bring euerie worke vnto iudgement with euerie secret thing whether good or euill Eccles 12.14 how can we thinke that anie shall escape who shall neglect the gouernement of those that belong to their charge But here some will likely demaund why in this charge for the religious ordering of the family there is no mention made of the wife as though she had no part in this gouernement What may be the reason hereof It is easily presupposed of all that according to Gods ordinance the husband and the vvife must be one and vvithout all iarre mutuall helpers specially for the furtherance and aduancement of religion in their owne hearts and among all that belong vnto them It is true they ought to rule with ioynt authoritie howsoeuer it is the wiues part so to rule as it may appeare that she is willingly subiect to her husband And chiefely her helpe is to be yeelded for the gouernement of her daughters and maid-seruants according to the example of Queene Esther chapter 4.16 Reade also Prouerbes 31.15.27 and 1. Timothie 5.14 and Ieremie 9.20 Reade also how the Lord will haue the mother or dame and mistresse respected in gouernement Leuiticus chapter 19.3 and Deuteronomy 21.18 c. and Genesis chapter and chapter It is time that we come to consider of those that are vnder gouernement in the familie Why are parents so specially charged with their children for their sanctification of the Sabbath that is to say as touching so manie of them as be of vnderstanding To admonish them of that vvherein they ought chiefly to manifest and exercise their right godly and parent-like affection toward them This verily doth consist chiefly in their loue and desire of the sanctification of their soules and by that care which they haue in the vsing of the meanes which serue thereunto that is so farre as they be carefull to bring them to the loue and liking of the word and worship of God and to trayne them vp in the religious sanctification of the Lords holy Sabbaths We come to the seruants Why are they also expressely mentioned To shew that maisters of families ought in a second degree to extend their parent-like affection euen toward their seruants also in a tender care and desire of their euerlasting saluation Very true for not withstanding they are seruants to their maisters yet they are children still in respect
shall dye the death Whosoeuer worketh therein the same person shall be cut off from among his people And againe Whosoeuer dath any worke in the Sabbath day shall dye the death Exod. chap. Of this part of Gods iustice the Magistrate was his instrument There are other curses which God threateneth to bring vpon the breakers of his Sabbath more immediatly from his owne hand Which are they In the 17. Chapter of Ieremie verse 27. Thus sayth the Lord If ye vvill not heare me to sanctifie the Sabbath day and not to beare a burthen nor to go through the gates of Ierusalem on the Sabbath day then will I kindle a fire in the gates thereof and it shall deuour the pallaces of Ierusalem and it shall not be quenched A grieuous iudgement of God and that which may point vs to the cause of the often burnings that we heare off and see among our selues euen because the Sabbaths of the Lord are so greatly profaned c. The Curses But let vs go forward What is the curse against those who notwithstanding they will peraduenture do no bodily worke or make their market on the Sabbath day yet their hearts runne after their earthly profit and gaine neither regard they to exercise mercy but rather deale hardly against their poore brethren Heare this sayth the Prophet Amos chapter 8. verse 4. O ye that swallovv vp the poore that ye may make the needy of the land to faile Saying vvhen vvill the nevv Moone be gone that vve may sell corne and the Sabbath that vve may sell foorth vvheate and make the Epha small and the shekell great and falsifie the weights by deceipt That we may buy the poore with siluer and the needy for a paire of shoes that is for a matter of small price for litle or nothing as we say yea and sell the refuse of vvheate The Lord hath sworne by the excellency of Iaacob that is to say by himselfe surely I will neuer forget any of his workes Shall not the land tremble for this and euery one mourne that dwelleth therein This iudgement also is very grieuous and fearefull as the Prophet still prosecuteth it to the end of the Chapter shewing that these euill fruites arise from the contempt of the word and the preaching thereof which is as it were the life of the Sabbath Reade also Nehem. chap. 13.17.18 The prophaning of the Sabbath is the ruine both of the Church and common-wealth Hitherto of the doctrine of this Commandement The vse is yet behind haue you perfectly obeyed it No but I beseech God of his infinite mercy to forgiue me my manyfold and grieuous transgressions against it God of his infinite mercie pardon and forgiue vs all for as often as we examine our selues we shall euerie one find that we both are and haue beene grieuous transgressors of it c. Now therefore seeing our onely succour against our owne sinnes and against the curses thereof together with all our hope of blessing resteth in our Sauiour Christ alone Christ onely hath perfectly obeyed it shall be greatly for the comfort and confirmation of our faith to see some proofe and confirmation out of the word of God that he hath perfectly obeyed this Law of God for vs. What proofe can you alledge for it The whole history of his Gospell doth manifestly and verie plentifully confirme it vnder the vndoubted testimony of all the Euangelists Shew how that is It is euident not onely that they do all and specially Marke and Luke diligently set downe and record in holy vvrit his most holy and constant labour in the preaching of the Gospell vpon the Sabbath dayes for the instructing of the soules of men in the right way of their saluation and therewithall likewise how vpon the same dayes he exercised his spirituall workes of mercy towards the bodies of all sorts of impotent and diseased men yea towards both bodies and soules of such as were wholly possessed and vexed by Diuels But also it is euident by that more particular testimony of the Euangelist Luke concerning his most holy care euen from his childhood to resort to the places of Gods vvorship in the speciall times thereof to vvorship God and to heare and inquire of the doctrine of his word at the mouthes of those which were the Doctors and teachers thereof as we reade 2. Luke from the 42. verse to the end of the Chapter So indeed we reade there that when he was twelue yeares old he went vp to Ierusalem c. But much more when he came to mans age and that he was to manifest himselfe to Israel c. It is plentifully testified that he most carefully and perfectly sanctified the Sabbath dayes By him therefore are we redeemed from the curse of this Law and iustified in the sight of God By him also if we beleeue in his name and repent of our sinnes indeuoring more and more after the true sanctifying of the Sabbath the Lord will accept our obedience though it be vnperfect yea and he will for Christs sake interesse vs in all those promises which he hath made to all such as will haue care to sanctifie them as they ought to do The perpetuity of the Sabbath though they cannot fully attaine thereunto here in this life But what particular ground or proofe of Scripture may we haue for this Euen the same which vvas alledged before out of the 9. chap. of Iohn the 31. verse that God vvill heare euery man that is not a sinner but is a vvorshipper of God and indeuoureth to do his will This one place may well serue to either purpose c. And thus might we ende the whole doctrine and vse of this fourth Commandement saue that the vnaduised contradiction of some doth occasion a further businesse as though the Sabbath that is the sanctifying of euery seauenth day were nothing but a meere Iewish ceremony But we will vse as quicke speed as may be in the rehearsall of this point What is the summe of that which hath bene said and which ought to be firmely held of vs against that opinion assertion which is against the Sabbath We haue learned that the Sabbath cannot be truly sayd to haue bene at any time a meere ceremony but that it hath alwayes bene and so is still a morall and vnremoueable Commandement of God We haue learned also that neither our Sauiour Christ himselfe nor hic Apostles haue abrogated nor euer minded to abrogate the Lords Commandement touching the Sabbath but they haue firmely confirmed and established it What proofe haue you that our Sauiour Christ neuer minded to abrogate the Sabbath seeing that it may seeme that he both taught and practised a greater libertie then the Law permitteth He himselfe speaking of the vvhole morall Law and of the doctrine of the Prophets who were the true and faithfull interpreters thereof saith professedly that he came not to destroy it or any part of it but wholly to
fulfill it And therefore also it must be that all is misconstrued whatsoeuer may be imagined either of the contrary doctrine or practise of our Sauiour Christ against the Commandement of the Sabbath It is true so our Sauior Christ sayth Matth. 5.17 Thinke not that I am come to destroy the Law or the Prophets I am not come to destroy them but to fulfill them And there is no boubt but as he came not to destroy loosen or disauthorise the first second or third Commandement so neither hath he destroyed or disauthorised the fourth But contrariwise like as he hath established the rest of the ten Commaundements so also hath he ratified and established this Onely he cleareth the right vse and interpretation of them all against the false glosses of the Scribes and Pharisies But what proofe haue you that our Sauiour Christ did not abrogate and take away the Sabbath seeing as some alledge they both taught and practised greater libertie then the Law of the Sabbath permitteth yea and leaue that day altogether What canne you say to this In so much as the holy Apostles did onely alter and change the day and that also to the verie next day that is to say seeing they onely translated it from the seauenth day vvhich was the very next after the vvorkes of Gods creation vvere ended to the first day of the vveeke vpon the vvhich the vvorld began and vpon the vvhich the Sonne of God by vvhom the vvorld vvas at the first made and all things therein rose againe by the mighty power of God to declare himselfe to be the perfect redeemer of the people of God and the onely meanes of the vpholding and preseruing of the vvhole frame of this transitory and decayed world And further also seeing they both by doctrine and example imployed that first day of the vveeke in the vveekely recourse of it to the religious assembling of Gods people and for the holy exercises of the Christian duties of Gods vvorship euen the same which haue been rehearsed before for the duties of the Lords Sabbath Finally seeing the same first day of the vveeke hath the name of the Lords day translated vnto it It is by all these reasons manifest that it vvas not their purpose to abrogate and abolish the Sabbath of the Lord that is to say the sanctifying of euery seauenth day but rather to establish it vvith this so neare a change to the perpetuall memoriall not onely of the first creation but also of this latter renewing of all things by our Sauiour Christ to the more cleare and full honour of God in the name of Iesus Christ in these last dayes of the cleare reuelation of the Gospell These reasons may suffice to euerie one that is not contentious for seeing the holy Apostles were most faithfull in all the house of God as was Moses how may we with any reason once call it into question as doubting whether they had their commaundement and direction from our Sauiour Christ himselfe after his resurrection or no And that the Apostles did onely chaunge the day and not absolutely take away the Sabbath reade Acts 20.7 and 1. Corinthians 16.1.2 and Reuelation 1.10 for they spent the first day of the weeke in the same holy exercises with Christian Gentiles wherein they spent the seauenth day with the Christian Iewes c. But that we may draw to an ende How can you shew that the Sabbath is not a meere vanishing ceremony now since the appearance of Christ and the cleare reuelation of his Gospell Because there should not then be ten but onely nine Commandements of perpetuall durance in the morall Lavv of God and also because this Commandement vvas ordayned for man before yet there vvas any vse of any figuratiue ceremony concerning Christ to come Hitherto therefore of the first Table of the Law concerning the seuerall branches of that which our Sauiour Christ calleth the great Commandement the summe whereof he sheweth to be the perfect loue of God The second Table followeth which our Sauiour Christ likewise calleth the second Commandement saith that it is like to the former Wherein haue you learned that they are like The second is like vnto the first in many respectes as followeth How the second Table is like vnto the first and how it differeth from it First in that it is giuen by the same heauenly Law-giuer Secondly in that it requireth perfect obedience in all the duties thereof Thirdly in that it hath like promises of perfect reward to the perfect obedience of it Fourthly in that it hath like curses not only temporall but eternall also against euery transgression of the vnbeleeuer not repenting thereof Fiftly it is of like force and vertue with the first Table to make knowne our sinne and misery yea not only to make knowne our failings in dutie to men but therewithall also detecteth our hypocrisie against God in our vnfruitfull profession of his name and religion Finally it doth in like maner shew vs the necessity of our Sauiour Christs perfect sufferings and obedience for our redemption iustification and saluation This manifold similitude and likenesse of the second Table with the first is partly cleare in it selfe and will further be more manifest in the particular handling of the Commaundements thereof But is there no difference of them like worthy of our obseruation Yes very worthy Shew wherein this difference is The second Table differeth from the former First in the subiect matter and argument of it which is the perfect loue of our neighbour but the argument of the first Table as hath bene declared before is the perfect loue of God Secondly there is difference in the maner or measure of that loue wherewith one neighbour is to loue another which is not without limitation as is the loue of man toward God for it is only in the Lord and for his sake according to that naturall kindly and well ordered loue and affection which euery man may and also ought in the Lord and so as may be most for his glory to beare toward his owne selfe and not otherwise These things thus obserued in generall concerning the second Table to shew the likenesse of it compared with the first Table as touching the author and vses of it c. Let vs vse the like diligence in seeking out the particular interpretation and vses of the seuerall Commandements of it Words interpreted which through the grace of God we haue in some poore measure vsed concerning the Commandements of the first Table Let vs therefore come to the fift Commandement which is the first of this second Table which is that Honour thy father and thy mother that thy dayes may be * Or that they may prolong c. For this verbe in the Hiphil forme is vsually a transitiue though otherwise in Cal. prolonged on the land which thy Lord thy God giueth thee In these words we haue not only the Commandement but also the blessing promised to
the obedience of it Touching the words of the Commandement we haue heard also that two things are diligently to be examined Which are they First who are meant by these honourable titles father and mother Secondly what that honour is which God commandeth vs to yeeld vnto them Shew therefore in the firs place who are meant by these titles of father and mother First our naturall parents by whom as by the instruments of God we haue receiued our being and life And then also all those which in any respect are in stead of parents vnto vs for the preseruation direction and comfort of life Who are they whom we ought to account to be to vs in stead of parents according to this Commandement of God First ciuill Magistrates in the common-wealth such as are soueraigne Kings and Princes with their Iudges and Iustices and all in publike office vnder them Secondly Pastors and teachers of the word in the Church of God with all that haue gouernement and charge of soules together with them according to the same his holy word Thirdly schoole-maisters and teachers of the tongues and other liberal Arts as also such as haue the wardship gouernement of fatherlesse children and likewise maisters of manuell trades and occupations Fourthly all that be any way specially beneficiall to any of vs. Finally the aged in yeares and all that are our auncients in grace and godlinesse Moreouer it is here to be noted that as in the first degree of naturall parents the mother is mentioned so in these other degrees that women when by the speciall prouidence of God any haue soueraigntie of gouernement or any inferiour place of regency they are to be accounted mothers in the common-wealth and Church of God as Deborah in that respect is called a mother in Israel Iudges 5.7 Yea all matron-like and mercifull women are mothers c. But why are all other degrees both of ciuill office and naturall age and spirituall gifts c. thus comprehended vnder the titles of naturall parents First because they are by the lavv and course of nature the first and most auncient degree of honour among men Secondly because the louing and tender gouernement of naturall parents is the principall patterne and example whereunto all other gouernement is to be framed Thirdly because child-like subiection is the entrance and preparation to all obedience and subiection Finally that it might the more clearely appeare how acceptable to God the subiection of euery inferiour is to his superiour of what degree soeuer he be and on the contrary how grieuous a sinne disobedience to any superiour is in so much as it is of like nature with the vndutifulnesse of a child against his naturall father or against his mother that bare him Hitherto who are meant by the honourable titles of father and mother Now let vs come to see what that honour is which God commandeth vs to yeeld vnto them the which because we cannot better vnderstand then by searching out what those seuerall duties are which God in his word expresseth as belonging to euery one either in common or more specially according to his seuerall degree and calling let vs follow this course And first what is the honour which children are commanded to yeeld vnto their naturall parents The Lord commanding vs to honour our naturall parents requireth of vs these things First that we do all the dayes of our liues reuerendly esteeme of them and of their holy prayers and blessing Duties commanded and first to naturall parents and of their vvise instructions and counsels both for the course and trade of life vvhich we are to take and for the company which vve are to make choyse of and especially then vvhen vve shall come to thinke of seeking a companion to liue vvith vs in maried estate Secondly that as a fruite of that reuerend estimation we do not onely in outward gesture and speech behaue our selues dutifully toward them but also that we obey them from the heart submitting our selues to their godly gouernement and discipline and that euery vvay we seeke to vvin them to pray for vs and to blesse vs and to giue all good occasion to ioy in vs and to blesse and prayse God for vs. Thirdly that we shevv our selues thankefull in all readinesse to recompence their goodnesse toward vs to the vttermost of our power wherein soeuer they shall at any time stand in neede of our helpe Finally seeing we cannot recompence them or at the most but in part we are to pray continually vnto God so long as they liue that it may please him on our behalfe fully and for euer to recompence and reward them Yea and all these duties are to be performed from hearty loue and affection toward them This is the honour that children owe to their naturall parents beside seemely buriall if we suruiue them and dutifull speech and memoriall of them c. But why are all these duties comprehended vnder this word Honor rather then vnder loue To put a difference betweene that loue we owe to our inferiors or equals which is more familiar and this loue wherein we stand bound to our parents and all other our superiours which may not be seuered from feare and reuerence Now what is the honour that subiects owe to their soueraigne kings and to all other their inferiour Magistrates The same which we are commanded to yeeld to our naturall parents according to the particular interpretation of the Scriptures following My sonne sayth king Salomon feare the Lord and the king Reuerence meddle not with them that are seditious Duties to Prin●●s and ciuill ●ouernours Prou. 24.21 Submit your selues sayth the Apostle Peter vnto all maner ordinance of man Obedience for the Lords sake whether it be to the king or to the superiour 1. Pet. 2.13 Or vnto gouernours as vnto them that are sent of him for the punishment of euill doers and for the praise of them that do well For so is the will of God that by well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men As free but not as hauing liberty for a cloake of maliciousnesse but as the seruants of God 1. Epist And the Apostle Paule Rom. And then it followeth verses 5. and 6. Wherefore ye must be subiect not because of wrath onely but also for conscience sake For for this cause ye pay also tribute for they are Gods ministers applying themselues for the same thing Thankfulnesse Yea not onely must we shew our selues thankefull for their carefull protection ouer vs by yeelding a portion of our goods but also in bestowing our whole substance and in the hazarding of our liues in their warres if need so require according to that saying of the souldiers of king Dauid Thy life is more worth then ten thousand of vs 2. Sam. 18.3 and chap. 21.17 Thou shalt go no more out vvith vs to battell least thou quench the light of Israel
It followeth that we inquire into the blessing of God vpon superiours whosoeuer shall deale honourably according to the office of their seuerall places and callings toward their inferiours And first what is the blessing vpon naturall parents which bring vp and gouerne ther children as they ought to do The father of the righteous shall greatly reioyce and he that begetteth a wise sonne shall haue ioy of him Thy father and thy mother shall be glad and she that bare thee shall reioyce Prou. chap. 23. verse 24.25 This presupposeth good education as a meanes of this wisdome and righteousnesse of the child according to that which followeth in the same booke of the holy Prouerbs chapter 29.15.16 17. The rod and correction giue wisedome but a child set at liberty maketh the mother ashamed c. Correct thy sonne and he will giue thee rest yea he will giue pleasure to thy soule And otherwise we know according to that chap. 22.15 Foolishnesse is bound in the heart of a child c. wherefore chap. 13.24 it is sayd Chasten him betimes This is the blessing of God vpon good parents What is the blessing vpon good Princes and rulers who are foster fathers to the people of God in the Church and common-wealth Mercy and truth preserue the King for his throne shall be established vvith mercy Prou. chapter 20.28 And chap. 29.14 The throne of the king which iudgeth the poore in truth shall be established for euer Reade also 1. Kings where king Dauid chargeth his sonne Salomon to do the office of a king couragiously c. with a most comfortable incouragement from the assurance of Gods blessing according to his gracious promises in the same behalfe and namely of this that his posterity should sit vpon the throne of Israel reade the the words of the text All the godly kings are mirrors of Gods blessing this way as the holy stories of them do declare And namely it is sayd of the good King Iosiah Ier. 22.15 Did he not eate and drinke and prosper when he executed iudgement and iustice when he iudged the cause of the afflicted and poore he prospered Was not this because he knew me sayth the Lord What is the blessing of God vpon Ministers of the word which do the part of fathers and nources in feeding and tendring the flocke of Christ Feede the flocke of God which dependeth vpon you sayth the Apostle Peter caring for it not by constraint but willingly not for filthy lucre but of a ready mind Not as though ye were Lords ouer Gods heritage but that ye may be examples to the flocke And when the chiefe shepheard shall appeare yee shall receiue an incorruptible Crowne of glory 1. Epistle chapter 5. verse 2.3.4 What is the blessing of the husband which is louing and kind to his wife God maketh the vviues of such faithfull to them to the preseruation and establishment of loue betwixt them which is a blessing farre aboue the iewell of most excellent price according to that we reade Prou. What is the blessing belonging to good maisters and gouernours of families which rule their seruants with a parent-like minde and deale equally iustly and beneficially with them as they are commaunded Colossians 4.1 and as hath beene alledged before out of the fifteenth Chapter of Deutronomie God blesseth the habitation of the righteous Prou. 3.33 And in that 5. chap. of Deut. verse 18. God will blesse beneficiall maisters in all things that they do Reade also Ephes 6.8.9 where the Apostle requiring like dealing from the maisters toward their seruants doth not doubt to giue them to vnderstand that there is the like blessing belonging also vnto them Now finally what is the blessing belonging to such as being elders in yeares giue good example to their youngers and be teachers of good things They shall be filled with dayes as the Lord sayth by his Prophet Isaiah and he that is an hundreth yeares old shall dye a young man chapter 65.20 Reade also verse 22. And Iob chap. 5.26 They shall go to their graue as corne which commeth in due season into the barne Thus large is the blessing of this Commandement which spreadeth it selfe farre and neare ouer high and low and therefore in all good proportion ought it accordingly to be very carefully regarded and obeyed of all or else we must needs acknowledge the curse so much the more iustly due vnto vs. And this we are hencefoorth to search out for the awaking of our drowsie consciences as we haue done the blessings that they might be as a treasury of comfort vnto vs while we indeuour to walke in the holy wayes of God in our seuerall callings c. First therefore what is the generall curse of God vpon all both superiours and inferiours whosoeuer shall refuse to giue honour to God in the obeying of this his ordinance both for honourable gouernement and also for dutifull subiection God doth for this cause in his iust displeasure sometimes dissolue the good order of pollicy and gouernement vvhich he had established for the common benefit of his people either by setting ouer them euill Rulers or leauing them to confused mutinies and rebellions from among themselues or else by giuing them ouer into the hands of tyrants and forrayne Lords and gouernours But let vs consider of the curse more particularly The Curses And first concerning vndutifull and disobedient inferiours What is the curse of God against vndutifull children specially such as shall stubburnely and contemptuously rebell against their naturall parents of whom it is sayd Prou. 30.11 There is a generation which curseth their father and which do not blesse their mother What I say is the curse of God against such God in his ciuill course of iustice among his people of Israel commanded that such should be stoned to death So indeed we reade Deut. 21.18 c. Rehearse the place of Scripture If any man haue a sonne that is stubburne and disobedient which will not hearken vnto the voyce of his father nor to the voice of his mother and they haue chastened him and he would not not obey them Then shall his father and his mother take him and bring him out to the Elders of his Citie and to the gate of the place vvhere he dwelleth And they shall say to the Elders of the Citie This our sonne is stubburne and disobedient and he will not obey our admonition he is a riotour and a drunkard Then all the men of his City shall stone him with stones vnto death so thou shalt take away euill from among you that all Israel may heare it and feare Reade also Exod. 21.15 and verse 17. Leuit. 20.9 Math. 15.4 Deut. 27.16 Prou. 20. verse 20. c. chap. 30.17 What is the curse vpon rebellious subiects and such as shall curse their Rulers A seditious person seeketh onely euill but a cruell messenger shall be sent against him Prou. 17.11 And chap. 30.31 There is no rising
conclude what is the curse against the angrie and hatefull man yet though he should not vtter his malice by such rayling and reuiling speeches In the place of Matthew euen now alledged our Sauiour Christ saith Whosoeuer is angry with his brother vnaduisedly is culpable of iudgement And Gen. Iaakob in the name of the Lord curseth the fierce wrath and cruell rage of his two sonnes Simeon and Leui. And 1. Iohn 3.15 the Apostle saith of the hatefull person that he is a man-slayer and that no man-slayer hath eternall life abiding in him Reade also both concerning hatred and anger Prouerb 22. verses 24.25 He that learneth the wayes of the angrie man shall receiue destruction to his soule And chapter 26. vers 26.27 Hatred may be couered by deceit but the malice thereof shall be discouered in the congregation He that diggeth a pit shall fall therein and he that rowleth a stone it shall returne to him Hitherto of the fearefull curses of God against the transgressions of this his sixt Commandement Let vs now come to the gracious blessings which he hath promised to the obedience of it And first touching those that are innocent and harmelesse What is the blessing of such as be meeke and of a long suffering and patient spirit The Blessings Blessed are the meeke saith our Sauiour Christ for they shall inherite the earth Matth. 5.5 And Psalme 37.11 They shall haue their delight in the multitude of peace That is in much peace and prosperitie It is a promise of singular comfort against all present incumbrances Reade further Psalme 37.34 c. VVhat is the blessing of those that be gentle and tractable or easie to be intreated to forgiue offences and trespasses If we forgiue men their trespasses our heauenly Father vvill also forgiue vs. But if vve will not forgiue men their trespasses no more vvill our Father forgiue vs ours Matth. 6.14.15 The same promise is repeated againe Luke 6.37 Iudge not and ye shall not be iudged condemne not and ye shall not be condemned forgiue and ye shall be forgiuen What is the blessing of those that be of a peaceable and quiet spirit desirous of peace They that seeke peace and follow after it shall see many good dayes For the eyes of the Lord are ouer the righteous and his eares are open vnto their prayers 1. Pet. 3.10 11.22 And Prou. 20.22 Say not I will recompence euill but vvaite vpon the Lord and he vvill saue thee A gracious blessing and this no doubt is one of those righteous wayes which so please the Lord that he will make the enemies of such as walke in it to be at peace with them Prouerbs 16.7 Such are the blessings of those that be harmelesse the blessings of the helpefull do follow First therefore what is the blessing of the peace-maker Our Sauiour Christ pronounceth such also blessed Matth. 5.9 Blessed are the peace-makers saith he for they shall be called the children of God And Prou. 12.20 To the counsellors of peace shall be ioy What is the blessing of such as be helpefull to anie that are iniuriously oppressed or be in great distresse by seeking the lawfull reuenge or succour of the ciuill magistrate against the ouer-mightie and cruell aduersaries We may see it in the example of Queene Esther vvhom God blessed for succouring the Ievves against the malice of Haman by her petition and sute made to the king for them The storie is notable as it is recorded in the book of Esther What proofe haue you that God will blesse them that do of holy fortitude and courage yeeld succour and help to such as be in speciall distresse and danger yea and which take more priuate reuenge when so it is necessarie and the ordinarie helpe of the magistrate cannot be so speedily obtained We see a proofe of it in the example of Iael the vvife of Heber the Kenite of vvhom it is vvritten that she vvas blessed aboue other vvomen because she being but a vvoman yet tooke courage to kill Sisera a mightie Captaine and chiefe enemie of the people of God Iudges chap. 5.24 Yea and Psalme 137 vers 8.9 O daughter of Babell saith the holy Psalmist worthie to be destroyed blessed shall he be that rewardeth thee as thou hast serued vs. Blessed shall he be that taketh and dasheth thy children against the stones This blessing came vpon king Cyrus and his souldiers which were employed in the seruice of his warres to the subduing of Babylon And thus also came the blessing of God in the like case vpon Iehu for executing the iudgement of God vpon Ahab and his house and vpon the false prophets of Baal yea thus all the extraordinarie Iudges which saued Israell and tooke vengeance vpon their cruell oppressours they were blessed of God in all their holy and couragious enterprises to that end as is plentifully testified in the Booke of the Iudges Now what is the blessing of those that be good and mercifull to such as be poore and stand in neede though they be not in so present daunger by reason of anie aduersaries which do furiously pursue and assault them In the 13. chap. of the Prouerbs verse 22. A good man saith king Salomon shall giue inheritance to his childrens children And Matth. 5.7 Blessed are the mercifull saith our Sauiour Christ for they shall obtaine mercie Read also Mat. 25.34 c. Come ye blessed of my father c. For I was hungrie and ye gaue me meate Thus in the Epistle of Iames chap. 2.13 mercie is said to reioyce against iudgement He that is mercifull rewardeth his owne soule Prouerb 11.17 and chapt 17.19 He that is mercifull to the poore lendeth to the Lord and the Lord wil recompence that which he hath giuen It causeth great comfort to the conscience in the assurance of Gods loue Reade 1. Iohn Reade also Luke When thou makest a dinner c. bid the poore c. saith our Sauiour Christ and thou shalt be blessed because they cannot recompence thee for thou shalt be recompenced at the resurrection of the iust It followeth that we consider of the blessing of God vpon friendly dealing yea euen toward those that be not poore or in present misery one Christian friend to another for their mutuall reioycing and comfort in the wayes of God What proofe haue you of this Ionathan had the blessing of God vpon his faithfull and godly friendship toward Dauid before he vvas King in that God moued Dauid after that he vvas King vvhen Ionathan vvas now dead to recompence his friendship by friendly mercifull dealing tovvard his posteritie 2. Sam. chapt c. Reade also 1. Sam. 15.6 You do well in restrayning the blessing to holy and godly friendship for as touching meere ciuill or worldly friendship in carnall respects when men delight in companying together for good cheare and for pastime sake at the tables or cardes or in the bowling-alley c. such
and Mal. chapter See Tremel Matth. and 1. Cor. 7.2 The espoused party breaking the faith of her mariage promise committeth adultery though as yet she is not maried and therefore hath the adulterers punishment by the Law of God Deut. chap. 22. verses 23.24 Thus adultery is forbidden howsoeuer it is committed But is there no sinne else forbidden in this Commaundement as a transgression against the law of mariage but only the vnfaithfull breach and violating of the couenant thereof The Lord no doubt forbiddeth euery intemperate and vnreuerend or dishonourable abuse of mariage betwixt those which be already maried yea and all light wanton and vnaduised purposes or thoughts which any haue with themselus to make enterance into that estate hereafter It is true for mariage being in it selfe a very reuerend and honourable ordinance of God Heb. 13.4 there is good reason that it should be euery way reuerendly and honourably both enterprised and dealt with The sinne therefore and errors on either hand are to be auoided Which are the sinnes and errors to be auoided concerning entrance into them aried estate They are partly such as do concerne the mind and inward affection of those that intend mariage and partly such as do concerne their outward persons Which are those that concerne the mind When any do not esteeme reuerendly of mariage as of the good and honourable ordinance of God When such as haue in some measure an honourable estimation of it do not yet in their minding of mariage respect the right ends or not the principall ends principally When such as respect the right ends yea and the principall ends principally yet haue not due care to prepare themselues with meete gifts either for wisedome and gouernement or for an honest and conuenient trade of life and calling to liue and maintaine a family thereby Finally when such as are in some good measure prepared with all meete gifts for their condition and estate do inordinately affect and aspire after mariage with such as be aboue their degree while they suffer their hearts to be stolen away by beauty or riches or any like vaine and dangerous temptation These indeed are sinnes and errours of the mind contrary to the right maner of intending and desiring mariage Now which may the errours be concerning the persons of such as shall intend mariage When either the one or both of them are vnfit either by reason of the first childhood which is not farre inough from the cradle or by reason of that which we call the second childhood which by the course of nature is too neare the graue When such intend to marry who though for yeares they are meete yet the one of them is not meete through some defect in nature or through some noysome or contagious disease But then especially is the enterprise of mariage vnlawfull when the persons so intending are such whom nearenesse of bloud or of affinity and kindred by mariage doth forbid such as God forbiddeth to marrie together in the eighteenth Chapter of Leuiticus It is true and this now last mentioned is that sinne which is called incest because it is a speciall breach of chastity yea as though it should be sayd that such are altogether voyd of chastity whosoeuer regard not to auoyd such incestuous defilements as are here rehearsed Such therefore are the errors and sinnes to be auoided touching entrance into mariage There are also abuses of mariage it selfe as hath bene further mentioned in the former answer but I leaue that to the consideration of those that be maried from the speech which was directed to them for their more particular instruction and admonition that way according to that which is written in diuerse places of the holy Scriptures such as we reade 1. Cor. Leuiticus 18. verse 19. and chapter 12. with some cautions against ceremonious scruple and chapter 15. verse 25. Hitherto concerning the sinne of adultery and of those other errours and sinnes which are against the Law of mariage Let vs now go forward What other sinne of vncleannesse is forbidden in this Commandement beside adultery The Lord our God doth here also straightly forbid those sinnes vvhich are knowne by the name of fornication not onely that vvhich is otherwise called vvhoredome practised in the stewes or brothell houses by common harlots vvhores and strumpets vvith all such as vvill giue them the prise and hire of their vvickednesse but also that vvhich vpon occasion and through speciall temptation is committed by such single persons as neuer committed the like before vvhether they did it in mutuall purpose and promise of mariage vvithout lawfull espousage or after betrothment and contracting vvhile yet the mariage hath not bene solemnized or vvhether they did it vvithout any purpose of mariage or vvith a false pretence thereof on either part which maketh the sinne so much the more grieuous There is no doubt but it doth so as m●●●e gathered from that Law of God Deut. 22. verses 20.21 And touching common whoredome reade how that is forbidden Leuit. 19.29 and Deut. 23.17.18 There are yet many other sinnes which God forbiddeth in this Commaundement as hath bene declared Rehearse you which they be The Lord doth furthermore forbid in this his holy Cōmandement euery other kind of filthinesse of the body together with all outward prouocations and occasions thereof yea and also euen the very inward consent and lust of the heart after any kind of filthinesse and vncleanenesse of the flesh whatsoeuer There are three parts or branches of this your answer First the Lord beside the prohibition of the former sinnes forbiddeth all other filthinesse of the body Secondly that he forbiddeth all outward prouocations and occasions thereof Thirdly that he forbiddeth the very vncleane lust of the heart In this order therefore let vs inquire of these things that we may see the more fully both into the excellent purity of this Law which forbiddeth and condemneth all filthinesse whatsoeuer and also that we may the better know what great cause we haue to be humbled before God by reason of the most abominable filthinesse which is in our nature vntill we be washed and cleansed from the same by the washing of our new birth in Christ Iesus c. And first which are those other kinds of filthinesse of the body which the Lord doth moreouer and beside all the former forbid in this his Commandement They are either violent deflowring and rauishment vvhether of maide or maried vvife young or old vvhosoeuer and specially all incestuous fornication and adultery Or else they are those abominable actions vvhich be contrary to the lawfull vse of nature such as are those sinnes which may be vnderstood by these three names not once to be named saue onely for necessary admonition and vvarning against them Onans sinne Sodomitrie or buggery with men and buggery with beasts Or last of all when any worketh filthinesse alone with himselfe and is defiled in his body
it because of the trouble and charges of it which grow by increase of children c. For they therein plainely bewray against themselues that they are without true conscience and remorse of sinne and that they are also voide of faith in Gods fatherly prouidence c. Yet so as againe we are to remember that mariage must not be rashly and inordinately hasted before the time But now as touching those few which haue the gift to liue chastly in single life is it in no wise lawfull for them to marrie They are not forbidden to marrie Neuerthelesse when God hath giuen the gift and so long as it pleaseth him to continue it they that haue receiued it shall do best who will haue care to vse it in their single estate so long as they may bring most glorie to God by their abstayning from seeking a wife It is true and so are the words of our Sauiour Christ Mat. chapter 19. concerning this matter to be vnderstood where he saith verse 12. in the end of the verse He that is able to receiue this let him receiue it And so also is the Apostle Paul to be vnderstood in his whole disputation about the same question 1. Cor. the 7. chapter Hitherto of the interpretation of this seuenth Commaundement both touching the euils forbidden and also concerning the vertues and good duties commaunded The equitie of it commeth now to be considered Shew you therefore what the equitie of it is The equitie of this Commaundement may be considered diuerse vvayes How is that First in respect of God the author and giuer of it Secondly in respect of euerie one to whom it is giuen apart The Equitie Thirdly in respect of the Church and common wealth of God more generally and ioyntly considered First therefore in respect of God himselfe what is the equitie of it First because God our heauenly Law-giuer is in himselfe most pure and holy therefore it is most meet that he should forbid his people all vncleanenesse and on the contrarie commaund all puritie and cleanenesse both of soule and body Secondly in so much as the continuall propagation increase of mankind as vvell as their first creation is belonging vnto God it is likevvise very meete that he should appoynt the vvay and meanes of the same increase and not that it should be left to mans owne wandring and inordinate lust Thirdly because he hath sanctified and appoynted mariage for a most gracious and comfortable remedie against all vncleanenesse Fourthly because he hath adopted our bodies aswell as our soules to be the temples of his holy Spirit and members of the mysticall bodie of our Sauiour Christ. Finally seeing all lawfull promises couenants and bargains are to be performed yea thought it be to a mans hinderance as vve reade in the 15. Psalme it is much rather euerie vvay equall and meete that the couenant of mariage be especially regarded seeing aboue all other humane contractes this is honoured vvith the title of the Couenaunt of God Thus therefore in respect of God we see how great the equitie of this Commaundement is What is the equitie of it in regard of our selues more particularly considered It ariseth from the former ground for in so much as God hath aduanced vs to especiall dignitie aboue all brute beastes and euerie kind of his vnreasonable creatures it is meete that euerie of vs should seeke the increase and propagation of our ovvne kind and generation in a more holy and honourable manner and vvay then anie of them do and accordingly both in mariage and out of mariage to possesse our bodies in more holinesse and honour then they do according to that which hath bene answered before And further also because the sinne of bodily vncleanenesse bringing a speciall reproch vpon the person of euerie offender as that which a man committeth more directly against himselfe then anie other sinne So indeede doth the Apostle Paule reason in the place before alledged 1. Cor. 6. verse 18. Fly fornication euerie sinne that a man committeth is without the bodie but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his owne bodie Wherefore let vs reason here againe as the Apostle hath taught vs in the 15. verse of the same chapter Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them the members of an harlot God forbid As though he should say Fic vpon that And much rather then let vs reason shall I take the members of Christ and cōmit any sin of incest or rauishmēt or against the law ordinarie course of nature God forbid Yea with most deepe detestation against all such abominable sinnes let vs say againe and againe and the Lord giue vs grace to say in truth of heart God forbid Farre be it from anie of vs once to thinke to do so The very brute beastes would then condemne vs for they shew themselues more orderly then so Now what is the equitie of this pure and holy Commaundement in respect of the common wealth and Church of God more generally and publikely considered First because by fornication and adulterie they are cumbred with the mixture of a base and cursed posteritie Secondly because the right of inheritance is thereby many times wofully interrupted specially in the base discent of noble men and Princes Finally because by the wicked and bold example euen of a few specially if they be of high place and calling many are easily emboldened to commit much filthinesse till the whole land be filled with adulteries as the Prophet Ieremie complaineth in the 10. and 11. verses of the 23. chapter of his prophesie Hereby as the same Prophet in diuerse other places complaineth the iudgements of God were hastened against the land The Curses for because of adulteries and others as he saith in the same chapter the land mourned and the pleasant places of the wildernesse were dryed vp c. Hence therefore we haue a fit occasion to come to inquire of the curses and punishments which God in his iustice threatneth against the transgressions of this his so equall and pure a Law And first what is the curse against adulterie The curse is manifold according to the manifold trespasse of this sinne Let vs consider diligently of them rehearse you as shortly as you can which they be In the ciuill course of Gods iustice commaunded and practised among his people Israell it was bodily death if it came forth to light Yea euen among all heathen people and nations God prouideth that this sinne hath bene vsually punished either with death or some other very grieuous and sharpe punishment to the singular reproch of the offenders in the midst of them And whereas this sinne of adulterie is oftentimes kept secret from the knowledge and sentence of the earthly iudge it meeteth notwithstanding with sundrie curses from the diuine iustice and vengeance of God such as are either barrennesse of the wombe or cursed of-spring or monstrous conceptions or with some one grieuous bodily
poore which be in want Fourthly in respect of common society Let vs therefore consider of these things seuerally And first what is the equity of this Commandement in respect of God himselfe Seeing God is the God of righteousnesse and of all equity and iudgement it cannot be but it must needs be very iust and equall that he should command his people all iustice and iudgement and that he should forbid them the contrary The Equity And likewise because he hauing the soueraigne right of all things in his owne hand hath in most excellent vvisedome distributed and disposed to euery man his seuerall portion as was answered afore concerning the ground and foundation of the righteousnesse of this Commandement The Lord in the vnequall distribution of the riches of this world followeth the same course which he holdeth in all other of his workes There is a differing glory of the heauenly creatures so there is of the earthy in the seuerall kinds thereof He giueth to the rich abundance that the poore may therein behold his bounteous mercy he giueth to the poore lesse to some very litle to other as it were nothing at all in comparison of the rest that both poore and rich might behold their owne sinne and by sinne their vnworthinesse of the least benefit of this life God maketh not all poore because he would haue some to relieue and succour the rest he maketh not all rich because then none should be humbled through want c. Now therefore in the second place what is the equity of this Commandement in respect of those that be owners and possessors of the wealth of the world Because God hath not so passed away his right and interest vnto them but that the fee-simple as it were remaineth still in himselfe alone The rich therefore are but as stewards to God that they may giue to euery one their due portion on the Lords behalfe according as they shall stand in need It is true he hath not giuen to any man his riches that he should consume them according to his owne corrupt will and lust but according to the will of God who is the soueraigne Lord and possessor of them It followeth in the third place that you shew what the equity of this Commandement is in respect of those that be in present want Because albeit God might in his iustice altogether withhold euery blessing of this life both from poore and rich yet besides that he hath commanded the rich to deale liberally vvith the poore he himselfe vndertaketh to be a foster-father to prouide for them vpon condition that they will patiently beare their wants diligently follow their callings and in all things deale truly and iustly vvith all men To this purpose it is that God calleth himselfe in speciall maner the father of the fatherlesse and of euery one that is destitute though he be indeed the generall foster-father of all mankind Such therefore is the equity of this Commandement in respect of God himselfe and also in respect of the rich and of the poore considered a part by themselues Now in the last place what is the equity of it in respect of common society The Lord God as pleaseth him doth oftentimes for iust causes knowne to himselfe make the rich poore and the poore rich and therefore great equity that they vvhich be rich now should relieue and succour those that be presently poore that the poore againe whosoeuer from among them shall be made rich may likewise relieue and succour such as shall be impouerished by the hand of God vvhether they themselues or any of their posterity as it often falleth out vvithin a fevv generations yea sometime in one and the same age This is that equity which the Apostle Paul reasoneth from that he might moue the faithfull Corinthians who were for the present more wealthy to helpe the afflicted Christians at Ierusalem 2. Cor. chap. 8. verses 13.14.15 Reade also Prou. 27.24 and Psalme 113. Thus then the equity of this Commandement the argument whereof is true iustice and iudgement concerning our neighbours goods and our owne it is as you haue answered very manifold This Law of God therefore being so equall it followeth hereupon according to that which we haue seene concerning the former Commandement that all the curses threatned against the transgressions of it are likewise very equall and iust Let vs therefore now come to consider of them And that in the same order wherein the sinnes forbidden haue bene set downe and rehearsed not of all the particulars for that would be ouerlong for vs at this time but of the more generall heads and of the particulars which be more principall and chiefe among the rest so neare as we can In the first place what is the curse against the tyrant which openly violateth all iustice to worke his owne ambitious and licentious will which he maketh his soueraigne Law for the spoiling of other men of their goods to the enriching of himselfe Wo to thee that spoilest and wast not spoiled and dost vvickedly and they did not wickedly against thee saith the Lord by his holy Prophet Isaiah when thou shalt cease to spoile thou shalt be spoiled and vvhen thou shalt make an end to do wickedly they shall do wickedly against thee chap. 33.1 Reade also Hab. chap. 2.5.6 c. 12. and Prou. 21.7 The robbery of the wicked shall destroy them for they haue refused to execute iudgement What is the curse or punishment against the thiefe which maketh stealing as it were his professed practise and occupation to liue by In the ciuill course of Gods iustice in Israel it was for the stolen oxe restitution of fiue oxen and for the stolen sheepe foure fold restitution if the thiefe should haue killed or sold them because that is as it were the perfect conuiction of the theft But if the cattell should be found aliue vvith the thiefe then the Lord commaunded but double restitution Yet so as if the party could not make restitution either double or more as the cause should require that then he should loose his freedome and be sold for a bond-slaue This indeed is the Law of God as we reade Exod. chapter 22. verses 1.4 The same penalty of double restitution is layed vpon the thiefe that stealeth any thing out of a mans house as we reade in the same Chapter verse 7. Yet so againe as if the stealth be attempted in way of burglary and breaking vp of the house and that also in the night time he is put out of the protection of the Law as an outlawed man so as if he be slaine in his enterprise he that killed him is quit from murther The Curses the bloud of the thiefe is vpon his owne head verses 2.3 That manifold restitution therefore or for want of restitution the losse of libertie and this vile account of the thiefe his life in the case of burglarie shew that they are vnder the curse of God touching
of God against vnmerciful men in the sixt Commaundement Now on the other side what is the curse against the prodigall and vnthriftie wasters consumers of their owne goods He that loueth pastime shall be a poore man and he that loueth wine and oyle shall not be rich Prou. 21.17 This curse may be considered also from the parable of the prodigall sonne in the literall sence of it Luke chapter What is the curse against rash suretiship which is a kind of prodigalitie He shall be sore vexed that is suretie for a stranger Prou. 11. chapter 15. What is the curse against the slouthfull idle person which for want of diligence consumeth his goods and do without iust cause liue vpon the labours of others and deuour that portion which of right belongeth onely to those that be impotent and notwithstanding all the diligence they can vse haue need to be releeued The idle shall be vnder tribute Prou. chap. 12.11 and chap. 18.19 He that is slouthfull in his worke is the brother of him that is a great waster Reade also chap. 20.4 and vers 13. and chap. 6.11 and chap. His pouertie commeth as one that trauelleth by the way and his necessitie like an armed man Reade also Eccles 10.18 By slouthfulnesse the roofe of the house goeth to decay and by the idlenesse of the hands the house dropped through No maruell therefore though the idle person be said to be destitute of vnderstanding Prou. chapter 12.11 And againe chap. 28.19 He that followeth the idle shall be filled with pouertie What is the curse of him that trusteth in his riches while he enioyeth them He that trusteth in his riches shall fall Prou. 11.28 What is the curse against him that sorroweth inordinately when he looseth them A sorrowfull mind dryeth the bones Prou. chap. 22.17 And 2. Cor. 7.10 Worldly sorrow causeth death Finally what is the curse against that high iniustice which is called sacriledge and is committed more directly against God himselfe God curseth this sinne with the outward decay of all worldly blessings and to the destruction of the soules of all such as deale fraudulently and iniuriously with him It is true for so we reade Hagg. 1.4.5 c. 11. and chapter And furthermore Prou. 20.25 and Mal. 3.9 ye are cursed with a curse for ye haue spoiled me this whole nation These are the curses of Gods most holy and righteous Law against the transgressions of this Commaundement Of the which though manie threatnings contained in the Scriptures of God be not rehearsed yet by these we may easily conceiue what the rest are Let vs therefore in the next place come to the blessings promised to the obedience of it and so shall we yet more clearely see into the greatnesse The Blessings both of the goodnesse of God and also of our owne sinne and disobedience reuealed and discouered by it And finally the vse of the whole doctrine hereof will more liuely vtter it selfe to our guilt it consciences as touching the necessitie both of faith and repentance in the sight of God First therefore what is the generall blessing of God vpon iust dealing according to the truth of a mans profession First seeke the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse saith our Sauiour Christ and all things of this life shall be cast as an ouerplus vnto you Matth. 6.33 And Prou. 10.2 Righteousnesse deliuereth from death Yea chap. 21. verse 21. He that followeth after righteousnesse and mercie shall find life righteousnesse and glorie Reade also Prou. 12.28 Life is in the way of righteousnes and in that path-way there is no death And chapter 28.20 A faithfull man shall abound in blessings Reade Psalme 15. Psalme 106.3 Blessed are they that keepe iudgement and do righteousnesse at all times And Psalme 112. and Ezek. 18. the reason of all is rendred Prou. 21.3 To do iustice and iudgement is more acceptable to the Lord then sacrifice According also to that Act. 10.34.35 Of a truth saith the Apostle Peter I perceiue that God is no accepter of persons but in euerie nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousnesse is accepted with him Such is the blessing in a more generall consideration Now more particularly What is Gods blessing vpon the publike magistrate that refuseth bribes and dealeth iustly in iudgement The throne is established by iustice Prouerbes 16.12 and againe chapter 25.5 Moreouer chapter 15.27 He that hateth gifts shall liue And chapter 28.16 The Prince that hateth couetousnesse shall prolong his dayes Reade also Deut. 16. verses 18.19.20 See more of this point in the blessing of the fift Commaundement Reade 2. Chron. 19.6 Now what is the blessing of the priuate person whosoeuer he be that dealeth iustly Thou shalt haue a iust and right weight saith the Lord a perfect and a iust measure shalt thou haue that thy dayes may be lengthened in the land which the Lord thy God giueth thee Deuteronomy 25.15 The reason and ground of this blessing is rendred Prou. 11.1 For a perfect weight pleaseth the Lord. And chapter 10.11 A true weight and ballance are of the Lord all the weights of the bagge are his worke VVhat is the blessing of him that being iust vseth diligence in his calling The hand of the diligent maketh rich Prouerbs 10.4 and chapter 12.24 The hand of the diligent shall beare rule Reade also chapter 20.13 and chapter 22.29 and chapter 28.19 VVhat is the blessing of the righteous man who also practiseth liberalitie The liberall person shall haue plentie and he that vvatereth shall also haue raine Prou. 11.25 And 2. Cor. 9.6 He that soweth liberally shall also reape liberally Read more in this text as it followeth there in manie verses And Gal. 6.8 the Apostle speaking of the same matter assureth vs that he which soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reape life euerlasting Reade also Prou. 28.27 He that giueth to the poore shall not lacke And Luke 6.38 Giue saith our Sauiour Christ and it shall be giuen vnto you a good measure pressed downe shaken together and running ouer shall men giue into your bosome for with what measure ye meat with the same shall men meat to you againe Thus we may see briefly how God is minded to blesse the obedience of this Cōmandement as touching those that deale iustly with men Now last of all what is his blessing vpon those that deale iustly with himselfe more directly concerning the maintenance of his true religion and the holy ministerie of the Gospell contrarie to the practise of those that do in this behalfe sacrilegiously rob and spoile the Church The Lord promiseth great plentie and abundance of all his blessings to such specially if there be a generall and publike consent care herein as it is plentifully declared Prou. ch 3.9.10 and Hagg. chap. 2.19.20 and Mal. chap. Eueryone of vs is a damnable transgressor These places of holy Scripture do plentifully declare it
also Iohn 19.12 All these false witnesses in either respect following therein the suggestion of the Diuell the father of lyes Iohn chap. 8. and the accusers of the brethren Reue. 12.10 Which wickednesse the Lord expresly forbiddeth Leu. 19.16 Thou shalt not walke about with tales where note the signification of the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 racil comming of the verbe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 racal which is by making marchandise to seeke gaine See Tremel By this therefore which hath bene sayd we may sufficiently perceiue that all kind of lying slandering and back-biting is forbidden in this Commandement whether against our foe or for our friend or for our owne aduantage reade Leuit. 19.11 We may not lye of the Diuell according as it is truly sayd It is a shame to lye of the Diuell As we must not vse cursed speech Iude verse 9. so neither may we vse lying speech against him and therefore much lesse against our neighbour yea our good neighbour We may not lye on Gods behalfe Iob Rom. 3.7.8 much lesse for mans cause To conclude this point we must not lie against our selues by flattering and blessing our selues while we walke in wicked wayes For this is to trust in lying words as the Lord saith by his Prophet Ieremiah chapter 7.4 c. Trust not in lying words c. Not that those words were lying in themselues but because hypocrites vnder that pretence soothed themselues in an outward profession of Gods religion without amendment of their liues But haue we now all the euils and sinnes which the Lord forbiddeth in this holy Commandement No we haue not It is also against the will of God in this Commandement that any should conceale that truth vvhich ought to be vttered either for the benefit of our good neighbor or for the rebuke and chastisement of him that is euill as also that on the other side any should vnseasonably vtter and disclose that truth vvhich for the present ought to be kept secret Moreouer it is against this Commandement that any should praise that which ought to be discommended or commend that vvhich ought to be dispraised Yea to praise and encourage or to dispraise and discomfort rashly and without good and discret moderation Finally all vaine-glorious boasting and hunting after our owne praise together vvith all dissembling and double dealing yea all want of plainnesse and simplicity which vvill not stand with good duty is cōtrary to the obedience of this Cōmandement These no doubt are transgressions of this Commandement for they hinder the truth that it cannot be acknowledged and aduanced as it ought to be and likewise they hinder the discerning of vice and wickednesse of life that it cannot be so reproued and condemned as it should be Now this we know that he who iustifieth the wicked and he that condemneth the righteous they are euen both of them abomination to the Lord Pro. 17.15 And againe chap. 28.4 They that forsake the Law praise the wicked but they that keepe the Law set themselues against them To praise aboue measure is flattery of the which it is said that he which flattereth his neighbour spreadeth a net for his steppes Prou. 29.5 Detracting is a sinne on the other hand against the which reade Psalme 15. Against vaine boasting reade Prou. 27.1 and against dissembling and double dealing reade againe Psal 12.2 They speake deceiptfully and Psal 41.6 And thus we haue seene what be the externall sinnes and transgressions forbidden in this Commandement But not onely are these outward euils forbidden but also all those inward vices and hidden corruptions of the heart which be as the roote and cause of these Shew therefore now which those inward euils vices be Of this sort are all vncharitable and groundlesse suspitions all rash iudging and taking of such things in the vvorst part which may be vvell construed and chiefly all hatred and malignant enuy against our neighbours good name credit and vvelfare These are indeed the inward euils of the heart from the which all false witnesse lying and slandering do spring according to that we reade Matth. 15.19 Out of the heart saith our Sauiour Christ come euill thoughts c. false testimonies and slaunders Reade also the ground of the same euils noted Prou. 21.10 Against euill suspitions Reade 1. Tim. 6.4 a fruit of corrupt doctrine Against rash iudging reade Matth. 7.1.2 Consider also the sinne of Iobs friends Reade also Luke 13.1 and Iohn 9.2 Against the taking of things in euill part and whisperings reade Rom. 1.29 And of enuy it is sayd who can stand before it Prou. chapter 27.4 But yet one thing more that we may conclude the negatiue part of this ninth Commandement Is this Law of God fulfilled if we for our owne parts auoid the euils both inward and outward which haue bene mentioned though we should allow or winke at the same sinnes in others No in no case but contrariwise God requireth that vve hate them in other as vvell as in our selues and that as much as lyeth in vs vve reproue represse and sharply correct and punish them It is true for seeing God abhorreth all false witnesse lying and slaundering c. Prou. 6.19 and chap. 12.22 it cannot in any reason be thought but that he requireth also that all his seruants should likewise do so And so it is expresly testified Prou. 13.5 A righteous man hateth the lying word or false matter whatsoeuer it be On the contrary he is affirmed to be a wicked man whosoeuer he be that giueth heed to false lippes Prou. 17.4 and againe chap. 29.12 Wherefore worthily it is to be noted to be the property of a godly man to shew an angry countenance against the slaundering tongue chap. 25.23 And Psalme 101.5 King Dauid speaking in the holy zeale of Gods Spirit saith Him that priuily slandereth his neighbour will I destroy Reade also Psalme 140.10 and Psal 31.18 a fearefull imprecation against this sinne Gal. 2.11 c. See the zeale of the Apostle Paule against Peter dissembling And Luke 23.50.51 the praise of Ioseph of Arimathea for not consenting with the rest to giue sentence against our Sauiour Christ vpon the false accusation brought against him And Iohn 9.50.51 the like practise of Nicodemus is recorded Thus haue we according to that measure of grace which God hath vouchsafed for the present the whole negatiue part of this Commandement and from thence also a fit passage to the affirmatiue part which now followeth Shew therefore hencefoorth by the renewing as it were of our treatise for our further and more full instruction what on the contrary Duties commanded are the good duties which our righteous God the God of truth commandeth vs in this his holy Commandement The Lord God straightly commandeth euery man in all causes to speake and vvitnesse the truth and to testifie against all falshood lies and slanders to the due credite commendation and safety of euery neighbour wherein he doth well
willing according to his knowledge in a due course of inquirie to giue witnesse to the truth yea it is euerie mans part carefully to obserue and marke those things which it is fit for them to know The Curses that they may as occasion shall require be meet witnesses of the truth It is not a sufficient excuse for a man to say I know not what to say to it wheras he might haue known if he had listed Euen as we would gladly haue the iust testimonie of others for the clearing of our selues c. so ought we to be willing to yeeld ours for the benefite of other And likewise as we would be loth that so precious a iewell as a good name is and that so sweete a fruit as is louing fauour which groweth from thence should be stolen as it were out of our gardens by any false witnesse lyes and slaunders so ought we of the same equitie to take heede that we defraude not or spoile anie of their good name and estimation by the same vniust wicked practises Moreouer the equitie of this point appeareth in so much as false witnesse lying and slaundering is the common harbourer and vpholder of all sinnes and also an enemie to all vertue and godlinesse both in deprauing thereof and also in denying all iust defence and succour thereunto We are come to the last point How can you shew the equitie of this Commaundement in respect of our profession of the name and religion of God Because they that slaunder and defame any their good neighbours and brethren and they also themselues who walke not answerable to their profession do giue occasion to the enemies of Gods true religion to blaspheme and speake euill of the most holy and reuerend name of God So it is said indeed of king Dauid that by his grieuous sinne of adulterie and murther he caused the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme 2. Sam. 12.14 And more generally it is said of the wicked Iewes that through their breaking of Gods Law they dishonoured God and that through them the name of God was blasphemed among the Gentiles Rom. 2.23.24 Now surely this is the most vnequall thing that can be that God who honoureth his people with putting his name vpon them and in calling them to the profession of his heauenly kingdome and glorie it is the most vnequall thing that may be I say that God should be dishonoured by them Ought ye not saith that honourable Nehemiah chap. 5.9 to walke in the feare of God for the reproch of the heathen our enemies So the equitie of this Commandement and of the third is in this respect the same And the rather also is it vnequall that one Christian should slaunder an other because the enemies of Gods truth are ouer readie to seeke the diffamation and slaunder of vs all though we be carefull to maintaine the credit one of another so much as in truth and equitie we may The equitie of this Commaundement being thus manifold and great no maruell though God in his iustice hath threatened and assigned so manie and great curses or plagues and punishments to the transgressions of it These curses therefore let vs now come vnto for this is the place wherein we are according to our order to consider of them And first what is the curse and punishment of those that beare false witnesse vpon their oth before a Magistrate The punishment of such in the ciuill course of Gods iustice vvas appointed to be the same vvhich they by their false vvitnesse vvould haue brought vpon their neighbour as we reade in the 19. chap. of Deut. from the 16. verse to the end of the chap. And Deut. 27. vers 17. and 19. such as are instruments of wrong this way they are by the consent of the people of God euen according to his commaundement pronounced accursed before the Lord. So indeed we read expresly in those places of holy Scripture and there is no doubt that God who commaundeth ciuill Iudges to vse this seueritie against the bodies and outward estate of false witnesses will be behind in the execution of his diuine iustice both vpon their bodies and also vpon their souls whosoeuer shall not haue grace to repent them earnestly of so great and grieuous a sinne And notwithstanding the course of ciuill iustice among vs is more slacke then that of the Lords in Israell and by somuch more failing and vnperfect then that was yet it is no small punishment or curse and reproch that the periured person is disabled from the credite of giuing testimonie in anie matter of iudgement so long as he liueth And further also cōcerning the more heauy curse against the false witnesse reade Prou. 19.5 and in the same chapter vers 28.29 And againe chap. 21. verse 28. where the often repetition argueth the speciall displeasure of God against this sinne as against that which is greatly abhorred of him according to that we reade Prou. 6.19 and Psalm 59. from 〈◊〉 11. verse where reade a fearefull imprecation against the periured person And thus we may by very plentifull and authentick witnesse perceiue that the false witnesse shall be surely and seuerely punished Now what is the curse against the wicked iudge or Magistrate who shall without diligent sifting of the false witnesse admit and allow his false testimonie and accordingly giue a wrong sentence He that saith to the wicked thou art righteous him shall the people curse and the multitude shall abhorre him Prou. 24. verse 24. yea the Lord himselfe doth abhorre him Prou. 17.15 How then should he not stand fearefully accursed Reade also Prou. 29.12 Such a prince must needs make wicked proceedings and so haste the curse of God against himselfe What is the curse against the common and vnconscionable lyer We haue partly seene it in the curse of the false witnesse from the testimonies of diuerse holy Pro. thē rehearsed And we may see it further Prou. chap. 12.19 The lying tong shall soone vanish the deceit of such shall turne to their owne hurt according to that which followeth there in the next verse And in the same chapter the 22. verse Lying lippes are an abhomination to the Lord. Wherefore also it is written Psalm 5. the 6. verse The Lord will destroy them that speake lies And Reuel 21.8 All lyers shall haue their part in that lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death Reade also Reuel chap. 22. verse 15. and Psalm 31.18 a vehement imprecation against lyers and namely against that doggish Doeg Psalm Among men also this is a iust recompence against the lyer from the hand of God that he shall not be beleeued though he speake the truth And finally note that as the sinne of lying is increased by common swearing so also shall the curse be the more heauie against such Reade here againe Zacharie 5.4 But let vs hast forward What is the curse against the priuie and malicious backebiter
other principall members of the publike bodie Now therefore that we may go forward what is the blessing of him that is so farre from false witnesse bearing lying slaundering flatterie and euill suspitions without iust cause that contrariwise he is of a charitable iudgement louing and tendering the good name estimation of euerie good neighbour desiring that it may continue and prosper without all preiudice either in his owne heart or in the opinion of anie other What I say is the blessing of euerie such man Blessed saith the holy Psalmist is he that iudgeth wisely of the poore saying The Lord will deliuer him in the time of trouble And so foorth as it followeth from the beginning of the 41. Psalme This charitable iudgement which the holy Prophet speaketh of is the ground and foundation of much truth in speech and as a strong fortresse against all lying and slaundering And therefore also doth our Sauiour Christ assure all such of like recompence at the hands of all other good and well aduised and charitable minded men Iudge not saith he and ye shall not be iudged condemne not and ye shall not be condemned forgiue and ye shall be forgiuen Luke chap. 6.37 We will hast forward What is the blessing of them that will hearken to the instruction and counsell of such as teach and instruct them in the wayes of God that so they may haue a good name which surely ought of all the children of God to be greatly desired and laboured after What is the blessing of such Let not mercie and truth forsake thee saith king Salomon bind them vpon thy necke and vvrite them vpon the table of thine heart So shalt thou find fauour and good vnderstanding or as some translate prosperous successe in the sight of God and man Prouerbes chapter 3. verse 3. and 4. and chapter 10.17 He that regardeth instruction is in the way of life And in the same chap. vers 7. The memoriall of the iust shall be blessed That is to say the remembrance of such as walke in the righteous wayes of God shall be gracious and acceptable in the Church of God both while they liue and also after their death It shall be a continuall occasion of praysing God and a spurre to stirre vp other to imitation Wherefore earnest is that often repeated exhortation wherein the holy Ghost moueth to the obedience of holy doctrine Prou. 1.8.9 And againe chap. 4 13. likewise chap. 6.20 and verse 23. And yet againe chap. 7.2 and chap. 8.10 and verse 33. and also chap. 13. verse 14. and verse 18. He that regardeth correction shall be honoured And is there not a blessing also for those that haue care to teach instruct others to walke in the gracious and commendable waies of the Lord that so they may haue fauour both with God and man Yes very great according to the excellencie of this dutie in the sight of God and according to the greatnes of the blessing which hereby they procure vnto their brethren as we may reade Dan. 12. verse 3. and in the end of the Epistle of the Apostle Iames. Whereof also we haue Abigail for a liuely example 1. Sam. chap. 25. vers 32.33 Let vs for example sake and to the end that by a particular instance the matter may be the more cleare let vs I say heare the blessing which Dauid in this respect put vpon Abigail Blessed saith the Prophet Dauid be the Lord God of Israell who hath sent thee this day to meete me And blessed be thy counsell and blessed be thou vvho hast kept me this day from comming to shed bloud and that mine hand hath not saued me This is a notable instance and may well serue for our issue and conclusion of this point And thus we hauing through the gracious blessing of God the whole interpretation of this Commaundement touching the euils forbidden and the vertues commaunded touching the curses against the one and the blessings vpon the other let vs now come to the vse Haue you pefectly obeyed this 9. Commaundement that so you may thinke your selfe worthie to be freed from the curses and to be partaker of the blessings of it No I haue no more perfectly obeyed this Commaundement then any of the former but I haue euerie way sinned against it partly through ignorance and forgetfulnesse of the truth in many matters which I ought to haue knowne and remembred and partly for want of loue both vnto the truth and also to my neighbour but much more by reason of that hatred and enuie which aboundeth in my corrupt nature For hence is it that I haue bene so far from speaking the truth alwaies giuing a faithfull witnesse in all things concerning my neighbour that vpon euery occasion of vnkindnes displeasure I haue bene readie to deny him his due praise yea to speake all euill of him and to inuent all maner of lyes and slaunders against him Moreouer as I am readie to accuse and blame those whom I account my foes falsly and aboue that there is iust cause so am I apt to flatter such as I take to be my friends and againe to make vntrue excuses and partiall defences for my selfe to all those of whom I stand in any feare Finally I am by my naturall disposition so far from amending my faults when I am reproued that of wilfull stubburnnesse I wil rather do the worse because I am reproued for them Wherfore I must needs acknowledge that I am so farre from worthinesse to enioy the blessing of this Commaundement that I haue iustly deserued all the curses of it vnlesse it shall please God of his free grace bounteous mercie for Christ Iesus sake to forgiue these my grieuous sins to giue me grace vnfainedly to repent of thē It is true which you answer concerning euerie one of vs yea concerning all the sonnes and daughters of men through the whole race of mankind For thus the holy Prophet of God affirmeth Psalm 58.3 and Psalm 62.9 Reade also Psalm 116.11 and Rom. 3.4 Experience also sheweth Eueryone of vs is a damnable transgressor that all men naturally are lyers and that naturally we are more delighted with lyes then with the truth The beginning of this vice appearing in childhood increaseth with age vnlesse God by his grace doth correct the same as they haue plentifull experience to whome the examination of malefactors appertaineth And as we are altogether corrupt and sinfull in lying all maner of lyes both earnest lyes merrie lyes and officious lyes in cunning excuses in false accusations in the root of all these selfe loue hatred and euill suspitions so are we as apt to flatter and sooth vp such as we feare or such from whom we looke for benefit or preferment c. And touching our obstinacie against rebuke is not euerie one readie to bewray the deepe corruption which lyeth lurking in his heart I speake of all such as haue not yet receiued
when a Minister of Gods word may be translated as it were and remoued from one people to another But that must be in an orderly course when it may be discerned to be more to the glory of God c. and not to serue the priuate humour of this or that man which will say such a one shall go for my money and so contemne all other c. The first of the things in this answer are so plaine in themselues that they need no further speech or allegation for the proofe of them In a word the coueting of any thing of our neighbors whatsoeuer is couetable if we may so speake or in any respect desireable all is forbidden in this Cōmandement For so the Lord himselfe speaketh in his holy language both in this Commamndement and in many other places where he vseth a word from the which all things of desire or which be as we say in request among men take their name as Gen. 3.6 where Eue iudging the forbidden tree to be a tree to be desired gaue place to her desire or coueting eye and so brought euill lust into the world So Iosh 7.21 in the confession which Achan maketh I saw among the spoile saith he a goodly Babilonish garment c. and I coueted them and tooke them And euery where in the holy Scriptures things not to be coueted or desired from our neighbour they are called from this word of desire as vessels of desire for precious vessels Dan. 11. verse 8.38.44 And Prou. 21.20 In the house of the wise is pleasant treasure or as the word is a treasure of desire that is which men count worthy to be desired And Isa 32.12 f●●elds of desire for pleasant fields And Amos 5.11 vines of desire for pleasant vines And generally all precious and pleasant things are called such things as be desirable Lament 1.10 The enemy hath stretched out his hand vpon all her desirable things c. And now from this repetition of things both mentioned and also more generally to be vnderstood which God forbiddeth vs to couet let vs obserue that the reason hereof is because the corruption of our nature is so plentifull in this euill of coueting that our neighbour cannot haue that thing of the bountifull hand of God which our hearts cannot affoord an euill lust after it c. Furthermore also we may from hence well perceiue that it is not lawfull for vs to wish any of the same things to any friend to the hurt of our neighbour which we may not wish to our selues for this were to preferre our affection to our friend before the good-will and pleasure and most wise prouidence of God who hath otherwise appointed and disposed thereof Moreouer seeing we may wish no good thing from our neighbour either directly to our selues or indirectly to any of our speciall friends let vs note well that we may much lesse and so not without greater sinne wish our neighbour any dammage or hurt Duties or rather the grounds of all good dutie commanded either in body or soule goods or name wife or child seruant or cattell c. Neither let vs forget here that the same coueting which is forbidden to euery man concerning his neighbours wife the same I say is forbidden to euery woman concerning her neighbours husband c. Finally that we may briefly comprehend all which we may not couet let vs consider the admonition and charge of the Apostle Iohn concerning the things which we must not loue to the hinderance of loue either toward God or our neighbour as we reade in the 1. Epistle of Iohn chap 2. verses 15.16.17 where he deuideth lust into three branches as it were The lust of the flesh the lust of the eye and the pride of life So that accordingly doth the Lord forbid all couetousnesse of the mind after riches all voluptuousnesse of mind in desire after pleasures and all ambitious desire of honour Thus much therefore concerning the euils forbidden in this Commandement Now let vs come to see on the affirmatiue part what good things God commandeth in the same Shew which they be First God staightly requireth that euery of vs do dispose of our minds to stand fully satisfied and contented vvith that portion of blessing both spirituall and belonging to this life vvhich he of his diuine vvisedome and grace alotteth vnto vs from time to time vvhether it be plenty or vvant more or lesse following our present businesse and vsing all lawfull meanes vvith a quiet mind and vvithout any distrustfull care for the morrovv paitently vvaiting vpon God vntill it shall please him in his good time and by his most gracious and prouident hand to better our estate Secondly that vve haue our hearts and minds readily and constantly inclined and bent to reioyce at all the mercies vvhich God hath already or shall hereafter bestow vpon euery of our neighbours in what measure soeuer it be Thirdly that vve do studiously deuise hovv vve may do them most good and from the secrets of our soules desire and long after their further benefit as may stand vvith the good-vvill and pleasure of Almighty God Fourthly that on the other side vve be ready to lament whatsoeuer falleth out vnprosperously against them and that we be vvilling to our power to procure the remedying of the same according to all the Commandements of the second Table of the Law going before Finally that vve do earnestly and constantly settle our selues to bewaile resist and suppresse all contrary lusts motions and temptations which shall at any time arise in our hearts vvhatsoeuer they be Or more briefly thus The Lord our God requireth of vs in this his last Commandement first originall righteousnesse and perfect loue toward our neighbour as the ground of all good duties toward them according to our first creation Secondly he commandeth vs the immediate fruites of the same originall righteousnesse and perfect loue of our neighbour in all righteous and louing thoughts and motions of the heart tending to the greatest good which we may procure vnto them ioyned also with the deniall of our selues and all that selfe-loue and pride which through the corruption of nature aboundeth in vs. But concerning the parts of the answer somewhat more at large For the first point let vs consider that this last Commandement is as one may not vnfitly compare it the Sabbath of the second Table of the Law seeing it requireth such an absolute ceassing of all hatred yea of all vnkindnesse against our neighbour that we may from the perfect ground of loue and tender regard of him onely intend to do him the greatest good which possibly we may Consider of this further from the doctrine of contentment 1. Timothie 6.6 and Hebrews chapter 13.5 and from the doctrine of the right manner of vsing this world and the things thereof both profits and pleasures 1. Corint 7. verses And likewise from the example of the Apostle in an excellent measure
against all the Diuels temptations neuer fell the least iot that might be from his most pure and perfect obedience no nothing in any the least thought but abode firmely in his stedfastnesse to the end and remaining for euer a perfect and princely high Priest according to the order of Melchisedech who was both a King and a Priest as we reade in the holy Scriptures Psalme 110. and often repeated in the Epistle to the Hebrewes And beside we haue often heard from the testimonie of many Scriptures that he knew no sinne that he is the Lord our righteousnesse c. Perfect therefore is our redemption by our Prince and Sauiour Christ whereby he hath deliuered vs from all our vaine thoughts and motions and from the verie originall corruption and sinfull contagion of our nature as well as from all our actuall transgressions and rebellions against euerie Commaundemēt of the most holy righteous Law of the Lord our God seeing he continued in all things that are written in the booke of the Law to do them To him therefore together with the same God who is by Christ our heauenly Father and to the holy Ghost three persons one God most wise holy righteous mercifull be all honor and glorie both now for euermore But are we so discharged by our Sauiour Christ that we need not to make any reckening of the originall corruption of our nature and the immediate fruites thereof that is of our vaine thoughts and loose and wandring motions and lustes so farre foorth at the least as we giue no consent to be led by them and to commit the outward actions thereof Nothing lesse for although through the mercies of God because of that reconciliation vvhich our Sauiour Christ hath made by his bloud they shall not be imputed vnto vs vve must neuerthelesse be vvatchfull in striuing against them vve must instantly sigh vp vnto God from the secrets of our soules pray alvvaies for the forgiuenesse of them and for his grace to suppresse them and finally vve must most tenderly cherish all contrarie good motions thoughts and meditations vvhich God by his holy Spirit by the ministerie of his vvord shall put into our hearts It is very true our hearts ought to be as nimble and readie through the grace of God to resist all secret temptations and lusts as our nature is rife and lauish to cause them suddenly to arise and start vp We should be as readie alwaies to pray to God against them as they are prest and readie to solicite vs to withdraw our hearts from God This euill lust and concupiscence of ours must be watched and fought against continually after the example of the Apostle Paule Rom. 7 euen so long as we carie about vs this corrupt nature of ours as against a monster of manie heads Alwaies euill thoughts and motions will haue the first foot in euery matter The Lord in the beginning cursed the Serpent because it was the Diuels instrument to bring sinne into the world when as before there was no euill lust in mans pure nature How we are to repent and obey this Commandement Wherefore seeing euer since the entrance of euill lust this hath bene and is the Deuils secret meanes to entice and draw vs vnto all sinne it ought to be more odious vnto vs then any serpent can be I would heare yet one thing more of you What thoughts and motions do you meane by vaine thoughts and wandring lusts and motions All thoughts motions and lusts whatsoeuer they are they are all of them vaine and sinfull which be not agreeable to the word and will of God and which tend not to the right ends that is to the glorie of God to the benefit of his Church people It is true for as the Apostle saith Whether ye eate or drink or whatsoeuer ye do do all to the glorie of God 1. Cor. 10.31 So we may say whatsoeuer ye thinke mind or deuise let it be to the glorie of God But seeing by the meanes of the contrarie vanitie and euill coueting which is in vs our minds are most feeble and fickle in themselues touching all good thoughts and meditations that we cannot stay our hearts in them we may see from hence most liuely how great and vrgent cause we haue alwaies to lift vp our eyes to our Sauiour Christ who was and is still lifted vp vnto vs like vnto that healing serpent which was lifted vp by Moses in the wildernesse that by faith in him we may obtaine helpe euen a soueraigne counterpoison against the stingings of this venimous serpent who hath so deepely and so deadly conueyed his poison into vs. We may see also what great cause we haue to be continuall in praier to God that it wold please him to sanctifie our hearts that the thoughts and meditations thereof may be acceptable vnto him according to the prayer of Dauid in the 19. Psalme VVe may perceiue likewise what great cause we haue to acquaint our selues with the holy Sacraments and to make due vse from these sensible assurances of Gods loue that thereby we may the rather haue power against the vanitie of our minds c. Let vs learne to make the Lord our portion And let Christ our Sauiour be in steade of al couetable or desirable things vnto vs according to the doctrine which we haue heard out of the 16. Psal and as we reade Song of songs chap. 5.16 that Christ is to the Church in steade of all sweet things It leades vs backe to the first Commandement and thence through all the Commandements yea wholly delectable that is according to the Hebrew word there vsed all whatsoeuer is worthie to be coueted or desired And thus this 10. Commandement which is as it were the period and full point of the Law of God the end as one may say of the race or gole of humane charitie it directeth vs backe againe to the first Commandement and euen to God himself the onely true fountaine of all loue and the most worthie to be loued of all and for whose sake also we should according to this Commandement perfectly loue euerie neighbour according to that which we reade 1. Tim. 1.5 The end of the Commandement is loue out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith vnfained The Law of God therfore as also the obedience thereof may be compared to a circular course the end whereof is as one may say the beginning of the same or to a golden chaine the linkes whereof are so fastened together that no one can be sundred from the whole by reason of their mutuall connexion and knitting together in the which also the last is alwaies next to that which soeuer a man shall recken for the first It is also so large a circuit that no man can euer make his walke out of the compasse or command of it Finally in somuch as loue ought both to begin
continue and end in the Lord for his sake it is manifest that although we are to loue all vnfainedly yet by how much any among the rest do more liuely resemble the image of God in that true righteousnesse and holinesse which the Law commaundeth so much the more dearely are we to regard and loue them as the more honourable members of the houshold of God The least also of such ought to be alwaies more regarded and loued of vs then the greatest and most glorious of the prophane and vngodly children of this wicked and malignant euill world according to the doctrine of the 3. verse of the 16. Psalme mentioned a litle before Now therefore to God onely wise most holy righteous and mercifull the most worthie of all loue feare honour and glorie for this his great mercie in giuing vs so holy righteous and perfect a Law for the discouering and disclosing of our sinne and miserie and for the guiding of vs to Christ Iesus the onely mediatour of our eternall happinesse and saluation be all honour and glorie and praise both now and for euer Amen The last exercise for conclusion of this first part of Christian Catechisme and instruction concerning the holy Lawes and Commandements of Almightie God Ye may remember that for the conclusion and shutting vp of this part of our Catechisme diuerse proofes were rehearsed to shew the generall perfection of the whole Law both for the wisedome and also the righteousnesse of it Likewise diuerse proofes were rehearsed for the generall equitie of the whole Law and for the curses which God hath generally threatened against the transgression of it and for the blessing which he hath generally promised to the obedience of the same Moreouer diuerse proofes haue bene alledged for our generall disobedience and that therefore of our selues we haue not onely no interest in any of the blessings but that all the curses are due vnto vs. Likewise diuerse proofes for the perfect obedience of our Sauiour Christ by whose death and perfect obedience onely we are deliuered from euerie curse and made partakers of all blessings Last of all from that which followeth in the 20. chapter of Exodus from the 18. verse to the 21. we haue seene both to what ends and purposes the Lord God did in most fearefull maner publish his Law vnto his people and also what effects it wrought in the hearts of the people of Israell to whom it was in that fearefull maner published And so from thence to what ends the Lord will haue the same his most holy and righteous Law to be preached from time to time vnto his people what vses we our selues who through the goodnes of God haue now lately heard it so fully opened vnto vs ought to make of it The generall perfection of the whole Law These things let vs briefly call to remembraunce and so end this part of our Catechisme concerning the Law of God First therefore what proofe do you remember concerning the generall perfection of the wisedome and righteousnesse of the Law of God One principall proofe was alledged out of the 4. chapter of Deut. the 5.6.7 and 8. verses in these words Behold saith Moses to the people of Israell I haue taught you ordinances lawes as the Lord my God commaunded me that ye should do euen so within the land whither ye go to possesse it Keepe them therefore and do them for that is your wisedome and your vnderstanding in the sight of the people which shall heare all these ordinances and say onely this people is wise and of vnderstanding and a great nation For what great nation is there vnto whom the Gods come so neare vnto them as the Lord our God is neare vnto vs in al that we call vnto him for And what great nation is there that hath ordinances and lawes so righteous as all this Law which I set before you this day This was one principall proofe alledged indeed which as we see euidently commendeth the excellencie and perfection of the Law of God with all the appertenances such as are the holy rites and ceremonies thereof yea euen from the testimonie of the heathen themselues c. Reade also Psalm 19. from the 7. verse and Psalm 119. in many places and Psalm 147. the last two verses This excellent commendation of the Law of God is to singular end and purpose For the knowledge of it is a necessarie introduction to all obedience as on the contrarie the base account of it is the high way to all sinne But leauing this point What proofe do you remember to haue bene alledged to shew the generall meaning of God in his Law both on the negatiue part and also on the affirmatiue part of the same To this purpose was alledged the saying of the Lord by his Prophet Isaiah chap. 1. verse 16. and the beginning of the 17. Wash you make you clean take away the euill of your works from before mine eyes The generall meaning of the Law cease to do euill learne to do vvell And againe that vvhich the Apostle vvriteth Rom. 12.9 Abhorre that vvhich is euill and cleaue vnto that vvhich is good These places do as briefly as may be comprehend the whole summe and contents of the Law wherein God forbiddeth all that is euill and commaundeth all whatsoeuer is good for man to thinke speake or do Our Sauiour Christ also as hath bene answered before comprehendeth all obedience to the Law vnder the perfect loue of God and the perfect loue of our neighbour In the 3. chapter of the 1. Epistle of Iohn all sinne which is the transgression of the Law is called vnrighteousnesse and all obedience is noted by the name of righteousnesse Shew now what proofe was alledged for the generall equitie of the Law of God The contents of the vvhole 18. chapter of the Prophet Ezekiell vvas to this end briefly opened vvherein God himselfe pleadeth at large for the iustifying of his proceedings vvhich vvere according to the equitie of this his Lavv contrarie to the vnequall cauals of the vvickeder sort among the Israelites We may to this purpose cal againe to mind that which was alledged Deut. 4.8 Reade also Rom. 6.19 Isa chap. 5. vers 3.4 and Micah chap. Note that in this respect the Commaundements of God are called iudgements Psalm 19. and Psalm 119. All are giuen with most holy and perfect ad●●isement We are now come to the generall curse against the transgression of the Law and to the generall blessing promised to the whole and entire obedience of it What generall proofes were rehearsed for these points Some of them did more ioyntly lay forth both the curse and blessing Other did the same seuerally and apart Which are those proofes which do ioyntly lay forth both the blessing and the curse Most briefly are both the curse and the blessing comprehended in the 13. chap. of the Prou. the 13. verse He that despiseth the vvord shall be destroyed