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A16525 The holy exercise of fasting Described largely and plainly out of the word of God: with all the parts and causes, and seuerall kinds of the same: together with the most fit times, and conuenient seasons, when and how long it should be held: with the manifold fruite and commoditie that redoundeth to vs thereby: and the whole nature and order thereof. In certaine homilies or sermons, for the benefit of all those, that with care and conscience intend at any time publikely or priuately to put in practise the same. By Nicolas Bownde Doctor of diuinitie. Perused and allowed by publike authoritie. Bownd, Nicholas, d. 1613. 1604 (1604) STC 3438; ESTC S114771 132,330 360

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they that wil not afflict themselues with sorrow for their sinnes in fasting and mourning at times conuenient he will destroy and roote them out from among his people saying This is a day of reconciliation Leu. 23 2● to make an attonement for you before the Lorde your God and euery person that humbleth not himselfe that same daie shall euen be cut off from his people HOMIL VI. The sixt Homilie sheweth what is the proper time for fasting namely the time of affliction sorow and then how God requireth it and his seruants haue practised it and so how the Lord requireth it of vs in this time of our sorow and how long the time of a fast should continue and how the same time should be spent HAuing shewed in the former Treatises as you haue seene that this holy ordinance of fasting is groūded vpon the commandement of God and that he straitly vpon our allegeance that wee owe vnto him requireth it of vs and so it can not be left vndone of vs without a manifest disobedience and contempt of his Word and moreouer that the whole action consisteth both in that outward bodily exercise of abstinence and forbearing of those things for a time which we haue heard of and also and especially in those inward vertues of the minde and graces of the spirit to be then attained vnto vsed and professed which haue lastly beene intreated of and therefore is to be obserued of vs after that maner that hath beene declared if we will haue our seruice therein acceptable vnto God and profitable to our selues it remaineth to shew what is the time proper and peculiar vnto this exercise and when the Lord especially requireth it of vs. For it is not an ordinarie and common seruice of God Fasting is not an ordinary seruice of God fit for all times that which shuld be practised euery day as some others are and so it is not fit for euery time but an extraordinarie part of his worship and of our dutie vnto him and so more meet for some times than for other Solomon by the wisdome of Gods spirit sayth in the booke of the Preacher as we haue heard before that there is to all things an appointed time Eccle. 3.1 a time to euerie purpose vnder the heauen and so a time to weepe and a time to laugh vers 4. a time to mourne and a time to dance and therefore a time to fast and a time to feast So then as it were a verie preposterous thing for any to make great feasts when they should fast and in the times when the Lord by his word and works of iustice calleth to fasting that then they should giue themselues to all kinde of cheering vp of themselues which kinde of prophanesse the Prophet greatly complaineth of in his time Esa 22.12 saying And in that day did the Lord God of hostes call vnto weeping and mourning and to baldnesse and girding with sackcloth and beholde ioy and gladnesse slaying oxen and killing sheepe eating and drinking and mocking the doctrine of the Prophet with these words For to morow we shall die so on the other side it were a thing of very great disorder We must be able to discerne betweene the time of fasting and of feasting for any to afflict themselues to fast when God would haue them to reioice and feast as we see some of those that returned from the captiuity of Babylon of a good deuotion but of great ignorance and so were rebuked for it For when in the feast of Tabernacles they did heare the Law of God read whereof they had beene ignorant a great while and thereby perceiued how they had offended God they wept for their sinnes and began also to abstaine from their meat as appeareth by the answere of Esra and the rest of the Leuites who sayd vnto them Neh. 8.9 This day is holy vnto the Lord your God mourne not neither weepe but goe and eat of the fat and drinke the sweet and send part vnto them for whom none is prepared for this day is holy vnto our Lord be ye not sorie therefore for the ioy of the Lord is your strength So that it is as if they had sayd This is a time of great ioy for our deliuerance and other great benefits of God bestowed vpon vs and therefore not of fasting But this is the great blindnes and ignorance of many that this way they know no difference of times but all are alike to them if they may haue meat Heerein the Lord hath beene mercifull vnto vs and hath directed vs aright by his worde which as it is a light vnto our pathes Psal 119.105 and a lanterne to our feete in all other things so also in this when he hath shewed vs both by expresse commandement and also by the common practise of al the godlie in all ages The time of affli●●ion s●rrow is the m●st ●r●per time of fasting that the time of affliction is the most fit and conuenient time for fasting and as it were most proper vn●o it when as we haue cause of sorrow either for some great benefit that we want or others whom we loue in the Lord or some iudgement of God present as most like shortly to come vpon our selues or vpon them and as any of these be greater so haue we more cause alwaies to fast and God doth then require it of vs especially at that time And this is that which our Sauiour Christ sheweth in the Gospel where to this captious question of the Scribes and Pharesies saying Why doe the Disciples of Iohn fast often and praie Luk. 5.33 and the Disciples of the Pharesies also but thine eate and drinke he made this answer Can yee make the children of the wedding chamber to fast as long as the bridegroome is with them but the daies will come euen when the Bridegroome shall be taken away frō them and then shall they fast in those daies Where he excuseth his Disciples for not fasting at that time because the Bridegroome was with them as yet and so by Christs presence it was a time of ioy vnto them but ere it were long he should be taken from them and they should want him and there should come some great trouble vpon them which should cause them to phet euen that their deserued destruction was so neere at hande vnlesse they did spe●dily repent and so put on sackecloth f●om the greatest of them euen to the least of them Thus in this time of great heauinesse they tooke vpon them this exercise of fasting which in the prosperitie and wealth and flourishing estate of the citie they knew not of neither were acquainted with it before but nowe they saw that the time it selfe did call them to another kinde of behauiour and so they did practise it willingly The like may be saide of the people of the Iewes in the daies of Queene Hester when Haman for the
meate that was remaining before then to fill themselues with al dainties of meat and drinke in any other kinde whatsoeuer whereas we haue seene that both the nature of the word Fasting and also the practise of the best in holy Scripture doth require to eate nothing but wholly to absteine Besides this abstinence from meate and drinke which is first and cheefe In the day of fast we ought to abridge our selues of some part of our sleepe and from whence the whole action is denominated there ought to be some forbearing at that time of sleepe also for the said end euen for the humbling of the bodie that we wanting something of that also there might not onely be a proportion and an agreement betweene meate and sleepe but the body this way also might somewhat be cast downe for want of naturall rest So that though we should neuer play the sluggards and delight in sleeping which Solomon greatly condemneth in many places of the Prouerbs Pro. 6.6 24.23 but take our rest as well as our meat moderately soberly yet at that time we should deny to our selues som part of our ordinary sleepe in the euening or morning or both and also at noone and now though this be a time of the yeere wherein men vse to take there rest at noone yet on the fasting day they should abstaine from it both for the humbling of their bodies and also that they might redeeme that time bestowing it in some godly exercises Thus the prophet Ioel biddes the Priests lie all night in sackcloth Ioel 1.13 and so sheweth that they should continue their fast at least som part of the night euen as it is said of Dauid 2. Sam. 12.16 that when he fasted he lay all night vpon the earth And also as Queene Hester willed the Iewes to fast for her three daies and three nights Hest 4.16 So that we may plainely see that this exercise doth not onely take vp the day that we might abstain from sleepe then but also some part of the night at the least And thus we begin ouer night to doe some thing as to thinke vpon Gods hand and to praie and so againe betimes in the morning and if we doe not or cannot come to this perfection that other of Gods seruants haue come vnto in their great humiliations yet seeing they are written for our instruction let vs come as neere them as we can and seeing men will breake their sleepe earely and late for the world let them doe it for the seruice of God much more And the rather that we might be willing to abridge our selues not onely of sleepe but of meat What liberty we haue of meate and drinke and sleepe in cases of necessitie let vs farther consider that in this day of humiliation wherein this abstinence from these things is required all men and women are not so necessarily tied vnto them but that if there be any who by reason of any defect or infirmitie of bodie or age yoong or old are not able to performe it after this strict maner that then euen by the lawe of God they haue libertie to vse so much in both these kindes as may suffice for their health Math. 12.1 For as Christ Iesus excuseth his disciples in the case of necessity for plucking the eares of corne and eating when they were hungrie and faint that thereby they might be more fit to follow him and attend vpon his seruice vers 5. and as Dauid also is there excused for eating the Shew-bread which by the generall rule was onely for the Priests So we though by the general law of fasting are forbidden at that time to abstaine from all meate and drinke yet in cases of necessitie when by reason of some thing in our bodies so to do would hinder vs and make vs more vnfit for the seruice of God and to take a little doth further vs and make vs more fit for it if by eating or drinking some thing we are so indeed then in so doing haue wee not onely not brokē the fast but therby attained vnto the principal end of it And again as rest vpon the Sabbath is necessarily required yet in times of necessitie labour is not onely permitted but also commanded 1. King 19.6 and thus Helias fleeing 40. daies together for the safegard of his life from the cruell persecution of Iesabell his trauell vpon those Sabbaths was no breach of the law so is not eating a little of necessitie anie breach of fasting though it seeme to be against the nature of it But heerein we must take heed that wee abuse not Gods liberalitie We must take heed that we abuse not this liberty and make it a cloake to our lustes that vnder this colour and pretence of our infirmities we eate and drinke and feed our selues when there is no need For as it were a great fault to worke or trauell vpon the Sabbath day when no necessitie did compell vs because if there be need God hath not restrained vs so in the day of fast to eate when we haue no need because when there is God hath giuen vs libertie to doe it Seeing the Lord dealeth so mercifully with vs all that euen in the times wherein he most restraineth vs he giueth so great libertie to all that need we must needs be so much the more vnthankefull vnto him for it if we will not yeeld obedience to this ordinance of his that is that all they which for their yeeres health and strength are able to absteine shoulde vpon the fasting daies refuse all kinde of meat vntil the euening and abridge themselues also of some part of their sleepe 〈◊〉 fasting ●ur appa●ell must ●e answerale to that ction The third thing wherein this outward exercise doth consist is that we abridge our selues also somewhat of our apparell for in the vsing or refusing of that as well as of any of the former the bodie may be and is easier humbled or puft vp The King of Nineue in that fast of his did not onely command that man and beast should put on sackcloth Ion. 3.5.6 but himselfe also arose from his throne place of estate and laid off his robe and princely apparell from him and couered himselfe with sackecloth and sate in ashes And the prophet Ioel willing the people of his time to fast and praie Ioel. 1.13 and shewing them the right maner of it bids them lie in sackcloth and wee oftentimes reade of sackcloth to haue beene vsed in the times of publike and priuate fasting We then though we be not tied to this kinde of weed yet we must obserue the equitie of it which is to abstaine from that costly apparell and trimming vp of our selues which might puffe vp the body with pride and put on that rather so farre as it standeth with decencie and comelinesse which might humble it and so then to weare our woorst clothes rather then
to an other end euen to the true humbling of vs before God for our sins which if we do not attaine vnto by these meanes it is not onely not accepted but further prouoketh the wrath of God For God is a spirit and will be so worshiped and though men iudge of vs after the outward appearance yet God looketh to the heart and when this outward abstinence hath beene vsed without these inward graces of humilitie and such like the Prophets haue iustly found fault with them and namely the Prophet Esaie Esai 58.3 Wherefore haue we fasted saie they thou seest it not we haue punished our selues and thou regardest it not Behold in the day of your fast you will seeke your owne will and require all your debtes Behold yee fast to strife and debate and to smite with the fist of wickednesse yee shal not fast as yee doe to daie is it such a fast that I haue chosen Without th● which it is nothing woorth that a man should afflict his soule for a day and to bow downe his head as a bul-rush and to lie downe in sackcloth and ashes wilt thou cal this a fasting or acceptable day vnto the Lord and so foorth as it followeth at large in that place Where the hypocrites complaine that they had fasted and had that way punished their bodies greatly and God regarded it not but he answereth that if they were neuer so weake with fasting euen like a bul-rush that can not hold vp the head against the winde yet because they were as cruell and hard-hearted to their brethren as full of contention as before and had not profited to the inward vertues of humilitie and contrition of heart which was the principall end of it therefore he did not accept of it And indeed if we content our selues with this outward abstinence the very brute beasts and cattell euen the bullocks and sheepe at Nineue did keepe as good a fast as we ●ona 3.7 for they were couered with sackcloth and did neither feed nor drinke water Therefore we see what must make all our fasting acceptable vnto God euen that we be furthered by them in al such graces of his spirit in our soules and consciences as the Lord in such cases requireth For as in the Sabbath bodily rest is first commanded yet the sanctifying of the day of rest in the holy worship of God is chiefe As the rest of the Sabbath is to be referred vnto the sanctification of the day and that whereunto the other is referred and without the which the other is nothing worth els they that sleepe all day or the cattell that are not wrought might keepe as good a Sabbath as we So in the day of fast though abstinence from meat be first required yet in it selfe such bodily exercise profiteth little as the Apostle saith but is vsed to another end Therfore as if we wil keepe that fourth commandement we must so rest that hauing our minds bodies drawn frō all worldly things we might in both be wholly occupied in gods seruice so if we will celebrate a fast vnto the Lord we must so vse the outward ceremony as thereby we might be furthered in the inward vertues of the mind We are then to consider what they be for in them resteth the second part of fasting The second part of fasting consisteth in the inward grace of the m●nde for as it was sayd before the whole action consisteth in two things the one outward concerning the body whereof we haue hitherto spoken the other inward apperteining to the soule which now remaineth to be intreated of And that is all those inward vertues of the minde and graces of the spirit which this way the Lord would haue vs furthered in all which are so much the more excellent and therefore the more diligently to be laboured after than the other by how much the soule is better than the body and how much it is better to approoue our selues and our doings vnto the Lord as we shall do in the one then vnto men as we may doe in the other These are of two sorts Heere then we are to consider what these inward vertues be whereto by this outward abstinence we should labour to be furthered which though they be many yet for breuitie and memories sake we will principally consider of two The first is the true humbling and casting downe of ourselues before the high Maiestie of God with sorrow and griefe of heart for all our sinnes in the conscience and feeling of them and of the miserie due vnto vs for the same The second is the assurance and good hope that we should haue through the free mercy of God in his gratious promises of the pardon and forgiuenesse of euery one of them for Christ Iesus his sake vpon our true repentance and vnfained turning from them and so that we being thus reconciled vnto God shall obtaine the things that we stand in need of and by earnest prayer alwayes ioyned vnto fasting wee make sute vnto him for whether it be the turning away or remouing from vs some grieuous iudgement and punishment of his or the bestowing or continuing of some great blessing of his vpon vs or vpon others And these two Esra 8.21 as they be chiefe and principall so they are both of them mentioned in that fast that Ezra kept with the rest of his companie As appeareth in the fast of Ezra and his companie And there at the riuer by Athana I proclaimed a fast that we might humble our selues before our God and seeke of him a right way for vs and for our children for all our substance for I was ashamed to require of the king an armie and horse-men to helpe vs against the enemie in the way because we had spoken to the king saying the hand of our God is vpon al them that seeke him in goodnesse but his power and his wrath is against all them that forsake him So we fasted besought our God for this and he was intreated of vs. Where we see how he in his returne from Babylon to Ierusalem after the captiuity with many other at such a place proclaimed a fast to these ends both that they might humble themselues before God for their sinnes which were the cause of their captiuitie and might now hinder them from such blessings as they stood in need of and that they might by praier seeke earnestly vnto God with hope that he would direct and blesse them in the waie and defend them from their enimies So in their obedience they did aime at these two inward vertues first ●o bee thoroughly humbled for their sinnes and then by earnest praier to seeke to God with hope that hee would giue them the thing that then they stood in need of euen defence from their enimies in the way and a prosperous iourney to Ierusalem And so in this practise of theirs as in a glasse we most cleerely
other thing in him to recompence anie or al of these losses and so his heart is not yet humbled But when he seeth how many waies he standeth guiltie before God and what a great account hee hath to giue vnto him that hee seeth his sinnes to be more in number then the heires of his head or the sandes of the sea and then how many punishments and plagues in this world and in the world to come are dew to him in soule and body for euer and euer according to the manifold curses of the law of God and his immutable iustice contained in them this shall bee able to make him cast away all his pride conceit in himselfe or in any thing else and to thinke of himselfe as he is indeed in himselfe to bee a most vile creature and so to crie out of himselfe as the Apostle doth ●om 7.24 O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from the bodie of this death Now the holie spirit of God worketh this in vs by the true vnderstanding and right vse of the lawe of God set downe in the tenne Commandements We are brought to the sight o● our sinnes by the true vnderstanding and right vse of the law and also of the blessings promised to those that keepe the law and the curses denounced against them that breake it which are to this end annexed to the same law According to which lawe if men not partiallie examine themselues they shall see both how many duties they haue left vndone and also how manie sinnes they haue committed against God men For that is as a cleere glasse to let vs see the least spot or blemish in our face that is the least sinne committed in our life Psal 119.105 and as a light vnto our pathes and a lanterne to our feete to let vs see how one thing differeth from another good from euill euen as the difference of colours is easily discerned when a light commeth in which was not before and to be short it is a rule to shew what is crooked and what is straight that is what is agreeable vnto or what differeth from the will of God which is the perfect rule of all righteousnesse And we are ●rther hum●led by considering the ●romises and ●urses an●exed to the ●aw Then if wee come to the promises of the law we shall see howe manie good things which God of his meere mercy had promised and others haue inioied we haue lost through our own default both for soule and bodie for our selues and ours for this life also and for the life to come and so in what an vnhappie estate we are in in our selues And though this be verie much to humble a man to thinke thus much good haue I wilfully lost yet if we further cōsider the curses not onely dispersed in the whole Scripture but specially set down at large Deut. 28. for sin to to be brought vpon vs in soule and bodie and otherwise as incurable sicknesses diseases terror feare of minde scarcitie and famine the sword and such like in this worlde besides eternall destruction of soule and bodie in hell fire after this life these will let vs see our miserie much more that so we might feele acknowledge what vile wretched creatures we be men and women that haue iustly brought vpon our selues so great calamity We are then for the better humbling of our selues before God as at other times so especiallie in the day of fasting to giue our selues to the serious and earnest meditation of these things namely of the law of God and that in euery commandement and applie it to our conscience and the appurtenances also of the same law that is the promises made to the obedient and the punishments threatned to the disobedient and pray to God for his good spirit that it might worke vpon vs euen vpon our hearts that by this meanes wee might come to that measure of humilitie that is meet for vs so great sinners to come vnto and that he would cast vs downe vnder his holie hande euen so low as his owne children should be for want of which our hearts are hardened though our esta●e be so desperate and forlorne as at all other times so euen in the day of fasting wherein greatest humiliation is required And besides all this to further vs in this most excellent vertue of humiliation which in time will lift vs vp as high as wee were cast downe before according to the Prouerbe of Solomon Pro. 15.32 Especiallie how the Lord from time to time hath verified the same Before glory goeth humilitie we must also consider the execution of these iudgements vpon men from time to time that we might know God to be iust and will assuredly doe as he hath saide and that he hath not threatned in vaine as many men doe imagine that so wee might feare and tremble when wee shall see as it were others beaten for the like sinnes before our faces And these iudgements wee must well weigh both generally brought vpon whole nations and countries Gen. 6. as how hee spared not the olde world when all flesh had corrupted their waies but brought an vniuersall deluge vpon it and how hee ouerthrew Sodom and Gomorrha Gen. 19. and the rest of the cities for their filthinesse yea how he spared not the ten tribes of Israel 2. King 17. 2. King 24. 25. Lam. 1.3 nor Iudah it selfe but caried them both captiues out of their owne country for their idolatrie other sinnes And also his iudgements particularly broght vpon priuate men Genes 25.33 27.33 Heb. 12.16.17 Gen. 21.10 Gal. 4.29 as how Esau was cast off from Gods people for his profannesse how Ismael was put out of his fathers house and so out of the Church of God for his scorning and mocking wherewith hee persecuted his brother 2. Sam. 18.9 and how Absolon was hanged between heauen and earth by the haire of his head for rebelling against his father Hest 7.8.9 how Haman was hanged vp vpon an high gibbet for his pride against men 1. King 22.38 and king Herod eaten vp with vermine for his intollerable pride against God and men 2 King 9.35 how Ahab and Iesabell were slaine for their oppression of Naboth so that the dogs did licke the bloud of the one 2. Sam. 12.10.11 and deuour the carkase of the other yea how Dauid was grieuously punished for his adulterie and wrong done to Vriah 1. Cor. 10.8 and 23000. in one day destroied for their filthie fornication and to conclude how the Lord from time to time in all ages and places hath not spared men in their sinnes that so we might not onely see in them what wee haue deserued but how he is readie to punish also for there is no respect of persons with him And not onely vpon the wicked but vpon his owne children And in all these wee must
most earnestly to seeke to God for his pardon and for the bestowing of all vpon vs againe and by howe much the more wee doe so and professe that in our selues by reason of our sinnes we are vnwoorthy of any thing in the world by so much the more let vs hope from the mercy and promises of God and seeke accordingly that in Christ Iesus Heb. 1.2 Rom. 8.1 whom hee hath made heire of all things we may be founde woorthie of all and fellow heires of them with him as the Apostle speaketh And euen as a man if he were condemned to death would sue earnestly for his pardon especially if hee were lead from the iudge to the place of execution and were also vpon the ladder and had the rope about his necke and the neerer he were to death and had the verie badges and tokens of it vpon him the more earnest suter wold he be for his pardon if hee coulde but conceaue that there were any hope of it So we the more that by this holie exercise of fasting we see and professe that we are woorthy of all Gods punishments and plagues yea of eternal death and condemnation it selfe by so much the more earnestlie wee must praie that God would forgiue vs our sinnes and spare vs. Therefore in the daies of fasting there must be a speciall kinde of striuing with God in praier and wee must as it were wrestle with him therein and neuer giue him ouer or suffer him to haue rest vntil he haue sent vs away with some blessing Euen as it is saide of the holy patriarke Iacob ●e must rast●e and riue w th ●nd in our ●aiers that in his returne homeward from Laban as he did praie vnto God most feruently so all night long he wrestled with an angell in the shape of a man that is ●en 32.26 with God himselfe so appearing vnto him and hee held out with him in wrestling euen vnto the morning and then he said vnto him let me goe for the morning appeareth vnto whom he answered I will not let thee goe except thou blesse me and so he held him fast stil then he bestowed vpon him this great blessing by changing his name from Iacob to Israel that because hee had power and had preuailed with God hee should preuaile with men much more So that vision of the angell wrestling with him and the change of his name tended both to one end namely to assure him that God had heard his praier which hee made before and would deliuer him out of the hand of Esau Gen. 32.11 whom he feared and therefore whereas hee was called at his birth Iaacob that is one that holdeth by the heele and so ready to ouerthrow him for thus was he borne holding his brother Esau by the heele Gen. 25.26 in token that in time hee should by the power of God preuaile against him and so also against all his enimies now he is called Israel that is Gen. 32.28 a prince of the strong God because as the interpretation is giuen in the text he had power with God and shoulde preuaile with men that is he had preuailed with God in his praier as was declared vnto him in the vision of wrestling and should preuaile against Esau and al other his enimies but how he did and should heereafter preuaile with God and obtaine all things of him the vision did shew namely that hee praied so feruently and so continually that he did not giue ouer vntil he had some assurance from the Lord by his holie spirit that he had heard him and would defend blesse him according vnto his own desire Gen. 32.9 the Lords promise Thus must wee also striue with the Lord in our praiers as the Apostle speaketh to the Romanes Rom. 15.30 and requireth of them that they would striue with him by praier to God for him and we must put all our strength to it as Iacob did when he wrestled with the angel And to see it againe more cleerly in the same comparison As a man that wrestleth for the best game will put all his might and skill to it and wil not giue ouer as long as he hath anie thing in himselfe that he might preuaile so must we in our praiers bee so earnest importunate with the Lord that we rise not vp from praier or depart away from him vntill hee haue blessed vs and the harder that we find it to obtaine anie thing because of our sinnes the more earnestly must wee striue in praier for it Therefore now in thee daies of fasting let vs stirre vp our selues vnto praier and striue against all vnfitnesse that might hinder vs and as for other things so that this great mortalitie might haue an end without which feruencie of praier all our fasting is nothing woorth Seeing then that feruencie and continuance in praier is so proper vnto the time of fasting as we haue heard and it is specially vndertaken to that end The papists had no speciall praier vpon their fasting daies we may see by this also how farre the church of Rome al Papists are from the true fast prescribed in Gods word practised of this seruants thogh they would be thought to be the onely men in the world that fast and pray For vpon the Fridaies and other fasting daies there was no speciall time appointed as also not in Lent appointed for praier neither did manie of them that professed fasting come to the Church at all to that end and if some of them did praie vpon their Saints eeuen at night yet many did not which were bound to the fast and they that did all the rest of the daie were without praier and vpon those daies they went about their businesse as at all other times especially vnto noone or vnto eeuen-song as they called it Whereas the whole day of fast is altogither of the nature of the Sabbath both for resting from worke also for sanctifying of the time and therefore vpon those daies they had holy conuocations and assemblies for the worde and praier as in the booke of Leuiticus ●eu 1.6 31. ●eu 23.27 the yeerely day of fast for the Iewes is called a Sabbath of rest and besides it is further added therein you shall haue an holie conuocation and yee shall doe no worke Therefore when these Catholikes falsely so called did rest in the bare ceremonie of fasting and did not giue themselues that daie to praier more then at other times for the most part they neglected that that was principall in it and whereunto it should be referred And so we see what the Lord requireth of vs al at this present and to what end we abstaine euen that we hauing nothing to hinder vs inwardly nor outwardly in our bodies to presse vs downe to the earth our mindes might be lifted vp in all feruencie of praier vnto our heauenly father in the mediation of our Lord and Sauiour so
much the more To this end we must giue ourselues as much as we can to a deepe and serious meditation of that that is the cause of our fast The serio●● considerat● of our present estate will incre●●●● feruencie 〈◊〉 praier whether it bee anie great punishment of God already vpō vs or imminent and hanging ouer our head and ready shortly to befall vs or it be some grace and blessing of God that we want or we are afraid to loose that thereby we might see and feele in what a wofull and miserable case wee are in or should be in respect of that if the Lord should not heare vs and be mercifull vnto vs. As we see how the people of Nineue hearing that their destructiō was threatned against them by the Lords prophet ●ona 3.5 and that within a short time euen fortie daies they beleeued God as it is saide in that storie that is they were perswaded that for their sinnes they had deserued it also that God had sent him to warne them of it they therefore perceauing themselues to be in such a wofull case the king proclaimed a fast and willed euerie man to crie mightely vnto God that is to praie earnestly vnto him to forgiue them and spare them so that they did not onely praie thus feruently vnto God but the consideration of their estate moued them vnto it which if by beleeuing the prophet they had not acknowledged they could not haue come vnto it in this acceptable measure Hest 3.13 So in the daies of Hester when Haman had obtained a decree from the king and it was sealed with his ring and the letters were sent by postes into all the kinges prouinces The tenor whereof was to roote out to kill and to destroy all the Iewes Hest 4.3 both yoonge and old children and women in one day in euerie prouince and place whether the kings charge and his commission came there was great sorrow among the Iewes and fasting and weeping and mourning and many lay in sackecloth and ashes and three daies and three nights they gaue themselues to fasting and praier so that the knowledge of this estate of theirs that they came vnto by hearing of the kings commission granted out against them did driue them to this great sorrow for it appearing in weeping and mourning and it so made them to praie thus earnestly and so long euen three daies three nights togither which they would not nor could haue done if they had not by taking knowledge of the kings letters perceaued their estate to bee so desperate and so forlorne as indeed it was Likewise in the time of the Iudges when the tribe of Beniamin had twise ouerthrowne the rest of the children of Israel Iudg. 20.26 and had in two set battels slaine 40000. of them they seeing themselues by the slaughter of so manie greatly weakened fell a weeping before the Lord and fasted that day vnto euening and asked counsell of the Lord not onely by Vrim and Thummim but by feruent praier to shew them what they shoulde doe These then seeing themselues in so ill a case that many of their brethren were slaine alreadie or that they and themselues were like to bee slaine thought it their bound duty to seeke vnto God earnestly to turne that destruction away and to staie his heauie hand and so he did So must we also doe at this present The lamentable estate of many in respect of this pestilence may moue vs vnto feruent prayer that we might come to this earnestnes of prayer spoken of and necessarily required in such times of fasting wee must I say well weigh and consider of the great calamitie and miserie that is among vs and in what a pitifull case many of our deare brethren are and haue beene a long time without any intermission how they die daylie and weekly in the chiefe cities and townes of the land both in these parts and other countreis as in Norwich aboue an hundred a weeke and in London aboue three thousand weekely and thus it hath beene many weeks together and it spreadeth euery where in small villages and threatens euery where and none can tell almost in what place long to be free During which time of contagion and pestilence it hath come to passe that many haue had their louing wiues pulled out of their bosoms some their prouident husbands taken from them others haue lost their parēts the stay of their liues others are left childlesse some haue neither brother nor sister left master nor seruant friend kinsefolke nor neighbour yea euen the whole house and familie is swept cleane away so that there is nothing but weeping mourning sighing and sobbing wailing and wringing of hands spending away their time in sorow without taste in any meat or comfort in sleepe or any thing els looking themselues euery houre when they should be smitten with the same hand of God so follow to the graue them that haue lately gone before thē we I say must wisely consider of these things that seeing nothing before our eyes in these times of so great desolation but the vntimely death and destruction of our deare brethren kindred and friends yea of our selues shortly if God be not mercifull vnto vs might mooue vs to pray earnestly vnto God both for our selues and for them and truely if we could so consider of these things as we ought it might mooue vs in greater humilitie before God and compassion toward our brethren to powre out not only at this present but night and day heereafter most ardent praiers supplications vnto the Lord that in his blessed time hee would put an happie end to so great destruction and that it might be sufficient vnto his Fatherly goodnesse that he hath thus farre proceeded in iudgement against vs and against them alreadie I say the deepe consideration inward feeling of this common miserie would make vs to be more often feruent in prayer vnto God and not onely thus publikely but priuately also But I can not tell how it commeth to passe the more is the pitie through the great hardnesse of mens hearts As the feeling of all our wants will make vs earnest to haue thē supplied that many of vs thinke little of it or not so much as they should because it is so far from them yet let them know assuredly that it may soone come neerer God knoweth how soone and in the meane season if they will not pitie others and pray for them none shall pitie and pray for them when they shal be in the like case So then as they that are in great want of food and see that they haue nothing at home bread nor meat nor money to buy any thing with are driuen to seeke abroad for themselues for their children besides they will be importunate where they come and haue no nay their necessitie is so great that it compels them vnto it euen sometimes to goe
of sorrow and griefe that that fast of his was not vnrewarded of the Lord. For by that meanes he obtained that the execution of that iudgement against himselfe and all his posteritie which we haue heard of concerning the rasing of him and them from the kingdome and throne of Israel was put off and differred vntill his sonnes daies as it is saide in the wordes of that text that when he had heard what the prophet had prophesied against him 1. King 21.27 hee rent his clothes and put sackecloth vpon himselfe and fasted and lay in sackcloth and went softly in token of mourning and the word of the Lord came to Elijah the Theshbite saying Seest thou how Ahab is humbled because hee submitteth himselfe before me I will not bring this euill in his daies but in his sonnes daies I will bring euill vpon his house If the Lord then did so iustify this ordinance of his in the person of this wicked man when he did stoope but vnto the outward ceremonie and bodily exercise of it and was altogither voide of true humilitie and sound repentance resting onely in the bare outward tokens of them and had not his heart throughly broken by faith that hee differred this deserued and denounced iudgement so long that it came not in his daies which was a great outward blessing and honour vpon him how then much more if we so vse this outward abstinence as we doe Much m●re will he doe it to his seruants that vse it in trueth that especially we ioine to it the inward vertues of humilitie and repentance and contrition of hart and feruencie of praier will the Lord be appeased towards vs and at the least bee so farre foorth intreated that hee differre that great wrath of his that otherwise might breake out to our vtter destruction For if the Lorde hath shewed such mercie to the wicked as to spare them in this world for a time whē they haue submitted themselues to the outward obedience of this commandement of humbling thēselues in fasting though in great hypocrisie then howe much more will he spare his owne children that vse it in sincerity and trueth Therfore let this example also somewhat incourage vs with hope of good successe that wee shall finde the Lorde mercifull vnto vs in thus seeking vnto him in this time of great need And wee haue great reason so to doe if we doe but well weigh the dealing of one man towards another that when in affliction they haue submitted themselues vnto them they haue founde fauour with them By humble sub●ission and p●a●er men haue found s●uou● with their enimi●s though they had greatly offended them before the onelie hope of this hath mooued them to seeke after this maner euen to those which were their professed enimies before and they haue done it not in vaine For thus it is written of Benadad king of Aram that when he was ouercome in two battels of Ahab king of Israel 1. King 20.29 and receaued so great an ouerthrow in the latter that in it were slaine of the Aramites an hundred thousand footemen in one daie and so was out of hope of anie safetie for himselfe at the length by the aduise of his seruants he put his companie into sackcloth with roapes about their heads and so came to the kind of Israel and intreated for their liues hoping by submitting thēselues vnto him after this maner to obtaine pardon as indeed they did For the messengers when in this araie they came vnto him 1. King 2● 33 said Thy seruant Benhadad saith I praie thee let me liue vsing all words and behauiour of great submission and Ahab answered he is my brother is he yet aliue goe bring him to me and when hee came hee made a couenant with him and let him goe See what is the fruite of true humiliation and humble supplication and if men will humble themselues and sue earnestly vnto men in hope of pardon 〈…〉 G●d howe much more should they doe it vnto the Lorde whom they haue more offended and who hath greater power to punish them and if vnto those of whom they had no promise before of obtaining any thing but come to them altogither as it were at aduenture then much more to him of whom we haue so manie gratious promises in the Gospell to allure and encourage vs and if vnto those which were their open and professed aduersaries then most of al vnto him that is reconciled vnto vs by the blood of his sonne and is become our father in him and if vnto them where we haue none to speake and intreat for vs but our selues then especially to him where we haue an aduocate and mediatour 1. Ioh. 2.2 euen Iesus Christ the righteous who is also the propitiation for our sinnes and if vnto them of whose loue we neuer made triall before then vnto him much more who as he hath first shewed it aboue all measure in giuing his sonne to die for vs and that when we were his enimies hath since confirmed it vnto vs many waies that we need not doubt of it And on the other side if so great mercy hath beene thus found of men who haue scarce one drop of that compassion in them which is like a great deepe sea in the Lord then may we be assured that we shall not misse of it at his hands if we continue seeking and waite vpon him for it as we should and if a man hath found it of his enimy then much more of his God to whom he is reconciled and if where none speake for him but mortall men like themselues then much more where Iesus Christ the sonne of God maketh continual intercession for vs. So that euery waie we see we haue cause to doe as we do hoping assuredlie that we shall not doe it in vaine 〈…〉 praier Therefore if the commandement of God did not compell vs to the obedience of this humble submission as it doth yet the liberall and most certain promises which are made to them that shall vse it and especially the experience that we and other haue found of the vndoubted trueth of them should prouoke vs to this holy exercise of fasting and praier which if men will not come vnto so farre as they be able what remaineth for them and what other thing can they looke for but that if they will not humble themselues with the people of God to finde mercie they shall taste of his wrath with the wicked and if they wil not weepe now for their sinnes with the one they should houle in the punishment of them when it shall be too late with the other and if they wil haue no part nor portion in the obedience of Gods commandement giuen to his people both vnder the Law and the Gospell that they should haue part with them in the promises of reward made to them in them both Euen as the Lord himselfe in plaine words hath threatned that
malice he bare against Mordecay sought the desolation of all them and had diuelishly plotted for it that he obtained the kings Decree in writing against them for it which for the more speedie executing of the same was sent by postes into all prouinces of his kingdome where the Iewes were to roote out and to destroie them all in one daie both yoong and old children and women Hest 4.1 heereupon it came to passe that not onely Mordecay himselfe when he perceaued all that was done he rent his clothes And all the I●wes when they mourned for the deuise of Haman and put on sackcloth and ashes and went out into the middes of the citie and cried with a great crie and bitter but also in euerie prouince and place whether the king● charge and his commission came there was great sorrow among the Iewes and weeping mourning and many laie in sackecloth and ashes vers 16. Now in this time of so great heauines sorrow as was not heard of before by the aduise of H●ster al the Iewes that were found in the chiefe citie Sushan were commanded to assemble themselues together and to fast and praie vnto God by the space of three daies and three nights and she promised that herselfe and her maides woulde doe the like and Mordecay the Iewes did according to this commandement So all of them at this time seeing what cause they had of mourning more then before knew that nowe fasting and praier was most requisite for them for though Haman and the king sat drinking and making merie as fearing nothing yet the citie of Shushan was in perplexitie and so had cause to doe as they did So did the Iewes also in Ierusalem and all Iudah in the like case in the raigne of Iehos●aphat when a great armie of the Ammonites 2. Chro. 20.3 Moabites came vp against him they feared greatly some ouerthrow euen the losse of their liues And when they were in feare of forraine enimies and goods and all that they had if the Lotde were not mercifull to them to defend them and this feare of danger so neere at hande and so likely to come vpon them caused great sorrow for they confesse and saie there is no strength in vs to stand before this great multitude ver 12. that cometh against vs neither doe we knowe what to doe Then the king proclaimed a fast throughout all Iudah and they gathered themselues together to aske counsell of Lord they came out of all the cities of Judah to inquire of the Lord. When they were in this distresse for feare of their enimies that they knew not themselues what to doe they humbled themselues before the Lord in fasting and praier that he would shew thē what they should do And to be short in so large an argumēt this is that which the prophet Ioel sheweth the people that the Lord required of them in that time of their miserie that they were fallen into that the verie present sorrow that they were iustly fallen into by reason of the hand of God lying so heauily vpon them did require and call vpon them for at that time for when he had spoken of the great scarcitie that was among them by reason of catterpillers and other vermine which had eaten vp and destroied the fruites of the earth and so for this present affliction they had all cause to mourne euen as he calleth all sortes vnto it euen them that were most senselesse saying awake yee drunkards and weepe ●el 1.5 and houle all yee drinkers of wine and againe Mourne like a virgine girded ●ith sackcloth for the husband of her youth and againe Girde your selues and lament yee priestes houle yee ministers of the altar 〈◊〉 1 ● Thereupon he giueth them this charge to sanctifie a fast and to call a solemne assemblie to gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the lande into the house of the Lord● ●ourning 〈…〉 ●g●ther and crie vnto him So he sheweth them that in this time of common sorrow they had all cause to seeke vnto the Lord in fasting and praier and after●ards he sheweth more plainely that at ●his time by reason of the common calamitie and griefe for it the Lord did commaund them so to doe in these words 〈◊〉 1 ● Therefore nowe the Lord saith Turne vnto me with all your hearts and with fasting and with weeping and with mourning where he ioineth these two together fasting weeping and mourning and saith that the Lord doth require both of them and the one should not bee seuered from the other but seeing the Lord had giuen them so great cause of weeping and mourning hee would haue them seeke vnto him for mercie by praier and fasting Seeing then the Lord hath with his owne voice appointed out the time namely that the time of mourning should be a time of fasting and also holy men and women in the wisedome of Gods spirite haue so obserued the difference of times that as there hath fallen out any great cause of sorrow in their time so they haue put this in practise as wee haue seene by manie examples wee must thinke that the same commandement bindeth vs to the like practise when any such occas●on of time shall befall vs and that their practise must be our imitation This is and hath beene a long time of great sorrow vnto vs ●hat cause 〈◊〉 common ●●rrow we ●iue in our ●●●ne if we did rightly consider of things as we should for if there had beene nothing else but the losse of so gratious vertuous peaceable a Queene of whose religious wise peaceable gouernmēt we haue had experience these 45. yeeres that one thing might haue put sufficient sorrow into vs to cause vs to haue humbled our selues before God in fasting and praier for our great vnthankfulnesse and other sinnes which were the cause of it But when vnto that losse which yet it hath pleased the Lord most mercifully to supplie by causing our soueraigne Lorde King Iames so quietly to possesse his heritance of this crowne whose royall person and noble progenie the Lord preserue and blesse for euer when vnto this losse I say there hath beene added presently vpon the necke of it so great a plague and pestilence as wee haue not knowen nor hath beene heard of in the daies of our forefathers that it should continue so long and in that extremity that it hath done as to die weekely so many thousandes in this lande and thus from weeke to weeke and the same not onely to be in one chiefe and mother citie of this realme but also in al other almost of account and in townes corporate yea in the sea-coast townes also exceeding much so that many houses in them are left empty and desolate without inhabitant Especially 〈◊〉 respect of this great and long co●tinued pest●lence and it is also in many villages and small townes so that it is dispersed
almost all the land ouer especially in these southerne parts and scarcely anie shiere or countrey is free from it Such a thing as almost hath not beene heard of among vs So that wee say of it as the prophet Ioel speaketh of that great affliction that was in his time who to mooue them to a most serious and deepe consideration of that hande of God that was then verie heauily vpon them saith on this wise Ioel. 1.2 Heare O yee Elders and harken all yee inhabitants of the lande whether such a thing hath beene in your daies or in the daies of your fathers tell your children of it and let your children shew it to their children and their children to another generation and then he doth at large describe the calamitie that was vpon them but before hand hee telleth them as wee haue heard that it was such a strange thing as neither themselues nor their fathers had seene nor their posteritie should after them but he memorie of it was to be kep● from age to age euen to all posteritie So we may say of this mortall pestilence and pestilent mortalitie that the like was neuer in our dayes nor in the dayes of our f●thers the ol●est man or woman that liueth can not of their owne knowledge make relation of the like so that we haue great cause neuer to forget it but to keepe the memorie of it with profit to our selues and also to tell it to our children to our childrens children that they may thinke of it also wisely to applie it to themselues and so to profit by our harmes that we all the sonnes and daughters of faithfull Abraham may do Gen. 18.19 as it is sayd of him namely Command our sonnes and our households after vs that they keepe the way of the Lord and doe righteousnesse that God may not only keepe from them all his plagues but bring vpon them all that good which hee hath promised to those that feare him Seeing then that the hand of the Lord is more heauie vpon vs and vpon our brethren this way then euer we or our fathers haue felt or knowen it we must needs confesse that vnlesse we be senselesse and hard-hearted And so ho● iust cause th●re is of publike fasting and prayer we haue great cause to sorrow and to mourne and so to know the day of our visitation so to acknowledge this to be the very time that God requireth of vs fasting and prayer and all kinde of humiliation that possibly can be So that if euer we should do it now we ought and if there be any time fit for it this time of so great and so long affliction and so consequently of so great sorow weeping and mourning is most fit for it Therefore if now we should neglect it and spend away the time in feasting in all kinde of mirth and iollitie as it is to be feared Esa 22.12 that too many do euen as the wicked in former times haue done there would be more than too great likelihood that not onely this plague should continue and increase but some more grieuous punishment should come vpon vs heereafter and all of vs must needs haue iust cause to feare it In the time of the law they were not onely commanded to celebrate the Passeouer yeerely but to keepe it at the time that God had appointed and this he required so straitly that if any had no let and impediment as if he should be cleare ●euit 9.13 and not in a iourney and yet should be negligēt to keepe the Passeouer the same parson should be cut off from his people because he brought not the offering of Lord in his due season that man should beare his sinne if we then do not at this time when God requireth it of vs bring to him the obedience of fasting and praier and offer vnto him in all humilitie as the time requireth the sacrifices of broken hearts and contrite spirits we can not onely not looke for any mercy according to our great need but we may assure our selues of some further great punishment if wee be not wholly destroyed and cut off from his people Therefore let vs not be like vnto those foolish Iewes who knew not nor regarded the time of their visitation and so did not consider either what mercie God offered vnto them or what dueties he required of them in that time of whō our Sauiour Christ iustly complaineth in the Gospell and vttereth his complaint out of the abundance of his loue with many teares saying Luk. 19.42 O if thou hadst euen knowen at the least in this thy day those things that belong to thy peace but now are they hidden from thine eyes So wee should now be ignorant what God requireth of vs at this time and not do it Let vs then be perswaded vpon the former reasons commandements and examples that howsoeuer God at other times giueth vs libertie to feast and to reioyce and to vse his benefits not onely for necessity but for delight according to the sundrie causes of mirth which by his blessings is bestowed vpon vs he shall offer vnto vs yet at this time it being a time of so great affliction and so of sorrow euerie where as hath not bene knowne or heard of whiche they doe best know that haue beene vnder the hande of God and we our selues cannot altogither be ignorant of it let vs bee perswaded I say that the Lord requireth of vs fasting and mourning and great humiliation that so we may doe that that we doe in faith and in obedience to his holy commandement and that most willingly also that he might accept it at our handes and reward vs for it And heere againe by the waie we may easily iudge of the fastes held in the time of poperie and ignorance In poperie this difference of time for fasting was wholly neglected namely that they were according to the blindnesse of that time both ignorantly imposed vpon mens consciences and also verie superstitiously obeied when as they made no difference or choise of times but without all discretion appointed the time of Lent and all Ember weekes as they call them and euery Saints eeuen yeerelie to be fasted let the times be then as they will be not considering whether the time be or shall be a time of ioy or sorrow of weeping or of reioicing as a time of peace or of warre a time of sicknesse or of health a time of dearth or of plentie or generally a time of prosperitie or of aduersitie this they doe not for ciuill pollicie as we keepe them but of meere consciene inioyning all men vnder the paine of sinne and fearefull curse of the Pope vpon such and such daies yeerely to fast euen vnto their dying daie when as it may fal out for ought that they know that such times may be full of causes of reioicing publikely or priuately so feasting were more fit for them
of God Leu. 23.27 So likewise Moses speaking of the day of fast sayth It shal be an holy conuocation vnto you and you shal humble your soules and offer sacrifices made by fire vnto the Lord where he doeth not onely say that their assemblies then should be to an holy end as vpon the Sabbath and that they shuld not meet about worldly matters but speaketh of sacrifices as a part of Gods worship then to be vsed Therefore concerning the seruice of God this day to be vsed as vpon the Sabbath day besides the dayly morning and euening sacrifice there was a peculiar kinde of sacrifice appointed for that day Num. 28.9 namely two lambes of a yeere olde c. and so all things were then doubled and thus they spent the greatest part of the day in we publicke seruice of God so ought it to bee vpon the day of fast And this was the practise of the people of God as we reade in the booke of Nehemiah Neh. 9 1. where it is sayd That all the Israelites assembled with fasting Therefore longer time then ordinary should be spent in the publike assemblies and with sackecloth and earth vpon them the Leuites stood vp in their place and read in the booke of the law of the Lord their God foure times on the day and they confessed and worshipped the Lord their God foure times So that both for the exercise of the word and for prayer all was extraordinarie and so ought it to bee among vs that we should not onely do as we do namely twise a day once in the forenoone and againe in the afternoone but wee should continue both the times longer than we do and haue more exercises of the Word and of prayer if wee were able or had more helpe as it is sayd in this Congregation of the Iewes they had for the Leuites are reckoned vp by name who spake euen Ieshua and Bani Kadmiel vers 4.5 Shebaniah Bunni Sherebiah Bani Chenani who cried with a loud voice vnto the Lord their God and they stood vp and said Praise the Lord your God for euer and euer and let them praise thy glorious name O God which excelleth about al thanksgiuing praise where wee see that there were manie that prayed vnto God and exhorted the people which could not be all at once because of disorder and confusion but one after another whereby also it came to passe that they were able to continue so long euen to preach to pray foure times in the day And thus we see how this day ought to be spent therefore they that come to the Church in the forenoone and absent themselues in the afternoone without any necessarie cause to be approued of God and men do not keepe this holie day of fast as they should In the popish fasting dayes worke was ordinarily permitted And here againe we haue iust cause to finde fault with the popish pretended fastes who as in manie other things they swarued from the word of God so in this one point they came nothing neere it for vpon their fasting daies there was no restraint of worke but it was lawfull for them to followe their businesse as vpon any other day they that professed to keepe it most deuoutly yet did not leaue their businesse vntill noone and then not wholly neither for besides dressing vp of houses preparing of linen against the next daie if they had any worke of their owne to doe at home within the doores they thought that they might lawfully doe it though it held them occupied vntill night so they made no conscience of not working And besides this they had no speciall seruice vpon such daies and if they had few or none came to it and held themselues bound to it but the Churches were as empty vpon those daies And the seruice of God was little regarded as vpō any other and they that were most superstitious in that religion were of opinion that if they came for a quarter or halfe an houre in the euening they had done as much as could be required of them though they vnderstood not one word of that that was said or done so far were they from hauing any holy assemblies or doubling of their seruice that day that they had none at al for the most part but all was differred vntill the day following as though they should fast vpō one day and serue God vpon an other and not doe them both together And thus much of the time when and howe long we should fast and how the same time ought to be spent HOMIL VII The seuenth Homilie intreateth of the seuerall kindes or sorts of fasts whereof the one is priuate and the other publike and first of priuate fastings and how to behaue our selues in them and how they ought to be intertained into mens houses and for what causes and what great good may come thereby and what liberty the Gouernors haue in appointing of them aboue all the rest of the familie THe nature and thus condition of this holie exercise of fasting being thus hitherto described out of the worde of God both that it is an ordinance and commandement of almightie God and not an humane constitution and brought in by the policie of men and therefore that which all men must submit themselues vnto of conscience and also that it consisteth in that outward bodilie exercise of abstinence from all the cōfort of this life for a time and in those inward vertues of the minde as true humilitie and feruencie of praier whereof we haue heard and that the time fit for it is specially the time of some great affliction and that then it must bee held longer or shorter time according to the greatnes of the same affliction whether it bee present or iustly to be feared that the said time of fasting is of the nature of the Sabbath and therefore must be so spent of all as vsually the Sabbath is ought to be both in abstaining from all the workes of our callings things of necessitie onely excepted and also in being occupied in the seuerall parts or Gods worship as the exercises of the reading and hearing of the worde of God praier vnto him and all meditation and good conference that might further them thereunto ●he seuerall ●undes of ●astes It remaineth now that I shoulde in order speake of their seuerall sorts and kindes of fasting that we might know how many they be and what they are that so we might vse them in their seuerall time and place as the Lorde shall require them of vs and as we shall see that wee haue cause so doe and that when we can not vse the one as there is no cause for it at all yet wee might perceaue that there was cause of the other and so thinke our selues bounde vnto it and that we should not thinke our selues wholly discharged of our obedience vnto the Lord this way because wee can
would not hearken vnto our voice that is he would not giue ouer fasting though they earnestly intreated him So that whiles the childe laye sicke hee continued his fasting and prayer vnto the Lorde for the life of it for the space of diuers daies for it died not vntill the seuenth day after that it fell sicke Which godly fast of his doth shew that if any shal haue any af●liction vpon them and so the Lord giue them cause of sorrow and of humiliation more than others or which others haue not at all no not they which are of the same familie then they are for a time to put themselues apart as it were from the rest and in priuate fasting and prayer to seeke vnto the Lord for mercie more than others So did Ahab when Gods iudgement was denoūced against him as Dauid did heere So is it sayd also of Ahab King of Israel that when the Prophet Elijah had sharplie rebuked him for his sinnes denounced the curse of God against him and his whole familie for it 1. King 21.20 saying Thou hast solde thy selfe to worke wickednesse in the sight of the Lord therefore Beholde sayeth the Lord I will bring euill vpon thee and will take away thy posterity and wil cut off from Ahab him that pisseth against the wall as well him that is shut vp as him that is left in Israel and so foorth as it followeth in that place vers 27. When Ahab heard those wordes hee rent his clothes and put on sackecloth vpon him and fasted and lay in sackecloth and went softly Thus because the wrath of the Lord appeared speciallie against him for his sinne though he proclamed no publike fast thorow his kingdome yet he saw that it was high time for himselfe at the least to practise it So ought all other men and women doe in the like case Therefore if any shall haue fallen into any grieuous sinne as these two Kings had whereby the Lord by the ministerie of his Word threateneth against them some notable punishment and their owne consciences tell them that they haue iustlie deserued it or some grieuous thing is alreadie befallen them then they must know it to be their bounden dutie to seeke to turne away the wrath of the Lord from thēselues and from their houses by priuate fasting and prayer and they must not onely acknowledge that the Lord requireth that they should humble themselues before him in fasting and so could be contented that there were some publicke fasts then whereunto they might resort and thinke themselues discharged because there bee none and so tarie vntill some by publike authoritie vpon some occasion be cōmanded but because it is their own case onely and none others they must see what God requireth of them alone Reasons to persuade men to priuate fasting And truly if all men would thus do they might preuent manie of Gods heauie iudgements which otherwise befall themselues and theirs but often times many sinnes are most grieuously committed and Gods holy law broken not onely by some one in a familie but by diuers both gouernours children and seruants as adulterie fornication and other vncleannesse drunkennesse and gluttonie swearing and blaspheming the most holy name of God contempt of Gods word and sacraments besides all ruffianlinesse and prophannesse pride oppression and such like and they doe not seeke priuately to humble themselues before God for them when they breake out and are iustly by Gods Ministers reproued for them but rather they go on obstinately and stand in the defence of the same they do not I say after some extraordinarie maner of fasting and prayer seeke feruently vnto the Lord and so his iudgements breake out against them and some plague or other entreth into their houses which with their sinnes they haue defiled that as the Cananites were spued out of that fruitfull land for their wickednesse Leu. 18.28 so are they by sicknesse and death cast out of their goodly houses Which kinde of wickednes cōmitted closely in houses as it was the principall cause that this late plague first entred into them so in that respect some had iust cause to begin sooner and to continue longer their priuate fast then by publike authority all were inioyned vnto it For if Ahab who was an idolater a wicked man did then see that now he had cause to fast though other did not then we that are taught by the Word of God should much more discerne of the times and know when in respect of our priuate sinnes and calamities present The good that might redound to priuate families thereby or iustly to be feared we haue cause to fast and pray though other do not And if Ahab in thus doing did obtaine a release from this particular iudgement so farre foorth that it was put off and came not vpon his house in his dayes according to that that is said of him by the Lord himselfe vnto Eliiah Seest thou how Ahab is humbled before me because he submitteth himselfe before me I will not bring that euill in his dayes but in his sonnes daies will I bring euill vpon his house Then wee much more vsing this holy ordinance in sinceritie and trueth might put far from vs and from all ours manie grieuous plagues which our sinnes haue deserued Therefore let vs bee perswaded that it is our bounden dutie sometimes not onely to giue our selues vnto priuate praier which shuld be ordinarie and continuall but euen to fasting and prayer And this is that which we reade of Dauid againe 2. Sam. 3.30 ●hen Abner was traiterously slaine by ●oab and Abishai his brother because not only for the losse of so woorthie a captaine but especially for that great sinne in murthering him Dauid fast●d priuatly for the death of Abner which might procure Gods wrath against himselfe and his whole Realme and that it might appeare that hee was free from his blood he not onely sorrowed greatly for his death and prouoked the rest of the people thereunto as it is sayd of him Rent your clothes and put on sackecloth and mourne before Abner and King Dauid himselfe followed the beere and when they had buried Abner in Hebron the King lift vp his voice and wept besides the sepulchre of Abner and all the people wept but also Dau●d the King did further humble himselfe by fasting that day because he saw more into the hand of God and was more touched with it for it is written of him That all the people came to cause Dauid to eat meat vers 35. while it was yet day but Dauid sware saying So God do to me and more also if I taste bread or ought else till the Sunne be downe so that it is written of him and of him alone that in this common cause of heauinesse hee not onely mourned with the rest but fasted also and praied vnto God which is to be vnderstood as a thing necessarily ioined vnto fasting though
that we lacke helpe and that we had need still to call for more and so to stir vp those that come not or come seldome and to call vpon them that doe that they would bring as manie with them as they can euen their whole familie and all the seruants in the same And doe we not see by this that it is our bounden dutie to do as we do that we may continue it willingly of conscience and that we had not need to be remisse or slacke one whit either in true humilitie for our sinnes or in feruencie of praier seeing Gods hand is not slaked but rather stretched out still Therefore to conclude this point as the commandement and cause is publike so by our practise let it appeare among vs that our fasts are so and not priuate as it were to some few ●he cause of ●ublike fasts 〈◊〉 the wrath ●f God a●ainst the ●hurch Now concerning the causes of publike fastings they are set downe particularly to be diuers in the holy Scripture but for the most part and generally the cause is expresly noted to be the wrath and anger of God against the Church as appeareth by all the fasts that we reade of in the old new Testament And this is diligently to be obserued of vs that wee seeing the same cause among vs might knowe that though wee are commanded by publike authoritie to vse them and so all are bound to them yet when wee shall further vnderstand that God himselfe not man onely for this cause calleth vs vnto them then wee should iudge that all are bound vnto them so much the more And this wrath of God the cause of publike fasts is considered two waies either that which is alreadie come vpon men or which is iustly to be feared shortly and to whether of these two causes wee shall cast our eyes we shall clearely see that we haue great cause to do as we do that is publickely to humble our selues in fasting before the Lord. And first of all when it i● presently vpon them Iudg. 20.26 For concerning the former which is the wrath of God presently vpon the Church wee reade in the time of the Iudges when in two battels there were slaine of the Israelites fortie thousand this heauie hand of God being then vpon them all the children of Israel went vp and all the people came also vnto the house of God and wept and sate there before the Lord and fasted that day vnto the euening so that in this present calamitie all the people came to the fast which was held for it in the house of God Since this plague began among vs by all estimation there haue not so few as forty thousand died in this land therefore wee haue also as great cause to fast for this present apparent token of Gods wrath as they had and so all the people should come to the house of God to that end Moreouer the Prophet Ioel sayth to the people of Iudah that seeing there was so great a famine among them that God commanded them all publikelie to fast saying Ioel 2.15 Thus saieth the Lord Blow the trumpet in Sion sanctifie a fast call a solemne assemblie gather the people sanctifie the congregation gather the elders assemble the children and those that sucke the breasts let the bridegrome goe forth of his chamber and the bride out of her bride chamber let the Priests the Ministers of the Lord weepe Where we see that because the present scarsitie of the fruits of the earth was so great he calleth all sorts of men and women yoong and olde without exception vnto publike fasting to pacifie Gods wrath and that by the commaundement of the Lord saying As it is now vpon vs in this pestilence Thus saith the Lord. If the anger of God appearing in the famine was a sufficient cause to moue them to it then seeing it appeareth no lesse if not a great deale more in the deadlie contagions and mortalitie of the pestilence that we may be assured that the Lord doth require the same of vs also Againe if the Israelites when they were ouerthrowen in battle by their enimies the Philistins in the daies of Samuel did thinke that there was great cause to confesse their sinnes vnto God with all humilitie in fasting praier publikely according to the direction of the said Samuel 1. Sam 7.6 who said Gather al Israel to Mizpeh and I wil pray for you vnto the lord they gathered togither to Mizpeh and drew water powred it out before the Lord that is wept abundantly and fasted the same day and saide there wee haue sinned against the Lorde and afterwards in the daies of Dauid vpon the like occasion of whom and of all whose companie it is saide 2. Sam. 1.12 That Dauid tooke hold on his clothes and rent them and likewise all the men that were with him and they mourned and wept and fasted vntill euen for Saul and Ionathan his sonne and for the people of the Lord and for the house of Israel because they were slaine with the sword Then seeing the plague deuoureth no lesse then the sword of which it is said that it so destroieth at noone-daie Psa 91.7 that it causeth a thousand to fall on the one side ten thousand on the other seeing the wrath of God appeareth in the one as well as in the other though wee haue escaped that which wee feared namely that wee haue not fallen into the handes of our enemies yet seeing the Lorde hath sent this great scourge of the pestilence vpō vs which we looked not for we haue as great cause to humble our selues with fasting confessing our sins vnto God in praier In which respect we are bound to keepe them by the commandement not onely of men but of God as they So then we may perceiue that seeing this one cause of publike fasting is among vs namely the sensible and apparent token of Gods wrath in great measure that the thing it selfe ought to be practised of vs and that we are called to it now not onely by the voice of man but of the Lord our God and so euery one ought to thinke themselues bound to it so much the more Furthermore the wrath of God is to be considered of vs not only when it is 〈◊〉 presently vpon vs and may be felt Secondly the signes of gods wrath to come haue beene cause of publike fasting but whē it maybe descerned a far off and when there is iust cause to fear it as that that is neere vs and readie shortly to come vpon vs if it be not speedily preuented whereof when the seruants of God haue seene euident signes and apparent tokens they haue in the wisedome of the spirit of God sought by fasting and praier to turne it away and haue not carelessely taried vntill such time as it came vpon them And so that hath beene an other sufficient cause of fasting vnto
against them and he deliuered them into the hands of spoilers that spoiled them and hee solde them into the hands of their enemies round about them so that they could no longer stand before their enemies And in the time of the Kings for the same cause they were caried away captiues into Babylon 2. Chro. 36.15 because the Lord sending his messengers to reclaime them from their sinne rising earelie because hee had compassion on them they mocked the messengers of God and misused his prophets vntill the wrath of the Lord arose against them and till there was no remedie for he brought vpon them the Kings of the Chaldeans who slew their yong men with the sword in the house of their Sanctuarie and spared neither yoong man nor virgine ancient nor aged God gaue all into his hand And at the last for refusing Christ and his holie Gospell they were vtterly destroied by the Romanes so that alwaies when sinne hath abounded the wrath of God hath beene neere Rom. 1.18 and readie to be reuealed from heauen against all vngodlinesse and vnrighteousnesse of men and they that haue beene wise-hearted haue obserued it and so this hath beene sufficient cause to mooue them by fasting and praier to seeke betimes to haue it turned awaie And this they haue done euen then Euen then when outwardly there hath beene no shew of danger when there was no likelihood of anie euill to come vpon them in respect of any outward meanes that did portend it but onely their sinnes the cause of it in respect of Gods iustice did giue them cause to feare it Thus did Ezra Ezr. 9.1 the priest and the rest of the Iewes that feared God euen a verie great congregation when he vnderstoode that the Priests Leuites and the rest of the people had married strange wiues contrarie to the law of God euen of the Canaanites Hittites Iebusites Egyptians and such like he feared some plague to come vpon them for it and so confessed their sinne vnto God and craued pardon with all humilitie and earnestnesse in fasting and praier for he rent his clothes and his garments and pluckt off the haire off his head and of his beard and sate downe astonied and there assembled vnto him all that feared the wordes of the God of Israel because of the transgression of them of the captiuitie and so he sate downe astonied with them vntill the euening sacrifice and then he tell vpon his knees and spread out his hands vnto the Lord God made that humble supplication for them that followeth there Ezr. 9.6 And after that he arose vp from before the house of God and went into a chamber but he did neither eate bread nor drinke water for he mourned because of the transgressions of them of the captiuitie Ezr. 10.6 Thus though in respect of all outward things they had great cause of reioicing for he and many of the people were but newly returned out of their long captiuitie and were come vp to Ierusalem from Babel Artahshaste the King of Persia had thē giuen him all his request Ezr. 7.6 according to the hand of the Lord his God which was vpon him yet in respect of the common sinnes of their time they sound Gods wrath and mourned for it and by fasting and prayer sought to preuent it If we then had but eyes to see and hearts to consider of the innumerable great sinnes of our time which as a great floud haue ouerflowen the whole land so that there is no place nor calling free from the same but as it is sayd of the Israelites The Priests and the people trespassed woonderfully so it may be said of our time 2. Chro. 36.14 The commo● sinnes of ou● time might more vs to publike fasting if there were nothing els High and low haue woonderfully offended God we might easily perceiue that though there were no plague at all among vs or punishment vpon vs nor any by all likelihood to be feared yet for our sinnes the crie whe●●of is exceeding grieuous in the cares of the Lord of hosts and is ascended vp into the heauens long agoe and calleth for vengeance against vs as theirs of Sodom and Gomorrah did Gen. 18 2● wee had iust cause to feare his wrath and so by fasting and prayer to seeke speedilie to preuent it For to let passe the strange mariages between the Protestants and Papists which without any scruple of conscience are too frequently vsed which seemed to be the onely sinne of that time in the daies of Ezra ●zr 9.2 that the people of God were so vnequallie yoked and as it is said there they had mixed the holy seed with the people of the landes To let this passe wee may with the Prophet beholde a thousand abominations more ●zek 8.9 ●8 15 for what peri●rie blasphemie is there besides common swearing what intolerable pride in all sorts euen like vnto Lucifer himselfe what swelling one against another what enuie heart-burning hatred malice crueltie oppression what drunkennesse and gluttonie and surfetting what abominable adulterie fornications and all kinde of vncleannesse with chambering and wantonnesse as though men had cleane forgotten the Lord 1. King 21.20 and solde themselues to doe euill But to passe by all these things with silence though they bee verie great let vs looke but to this one thing the generall contempt of Gods holie Word that inestimable treasure of his Gospell which he hath bestowed vpon vs euen that precious p●●rle Math. 12.43 which when a man hath sound hee should sell all that he hath and buy it Especially the generall contempt of the Gospell in all place● whether wee consider of those places where it is not how it is neglected not sought for of them or where it is how it is not there regarded how many haue no care to preach it sincerelie and more haue no care to follow it in their liues so that the profession that is made of it is more for estimation and credit than of conscience and loue that then beare to it and it is more in the head than in the heart more in the tongue than in deed more in shewe than in trueth And a great number though they haue had it thus long yet are not only not bettered thereby but are a great deale worse than they were many yeeres ago This open and manifest contempt of the Gospell I say which is a greater sinne than all the sinnes of Sodom ●ath 10. ● For it shall be easier for them of the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of iudgement then for them we must needs confesse that for it we had cause long agoe to feare the death of our most gracious soueraigne Queene and now since it hath happened we may well say with Job The thing that we feared ●●b 3.25 is come vpon vs and though the Lord hath maruellously and beyond all our hope
recompensed that great losse by sending so worthy a King into her roome yet we might then haue feared some other great punishment as we see how this plague hath followed and there was cause to feare it before though few did thinke of it and what may be next vnto this we know not wee are sure that much hath beene deserued and so by fasting and prayer in respect of these great sinnes wee had need to seeke to the Lord to turne it away And thus much for the second cause which might mooue vs to feare some great wrath and displeasure of God to bee shewed in some kinde of correction and rodde of his whereby wee might willingly humble our selues before him in publike fasting euen the great sinnes that in all sorts euery where abound and most shamefully lift vp their heads vncontroled Thirdly and last of all Gods nor ●● to come apearing i● his iudgement denounced haue been causes of publike s● s●ing concerning this matter the seruants of God in former times haue wisely discerned beforehand of the stormie tempest of Gods wrath to come by the fearefull threatnings of Gods iudgement denounced against them by his faithfull seruaunts that haue spoken to them in his Name whom as they haue beene perswaded that they haue beene stirred vp by his holy spirit to speake vnto them from his mouth and to warne them thereby out of his word as from himselfe so they haue feared the things that haue beene spoken against them and as though they did see them comming haue sought vnto him by fasting and prayer to escape them And this is the thing that mooued the King of Niniue to doe as he did namelie that when hee heard the preaching of the Prophet Iona how hee did crie out against their sinne and threatned Gods vengeance to light speedily vpon the whole citie vnlesse they did speedilie repent ●ona 3.4 euen that within fortie dayes Niniue should be ouerthrowen when this word came vnto him hee arose from his throne laied his robe from him and couered himselfe with sackecloth and sate in ashes and proclaimed a fast thorow the whole citie by the counsell of the King his nobles saying Let neither man nor beast feed nor drinke water that so in all humilitie they seeking to God for mercy and turning euery man frō his euill wa●es they might bee spared in this which they saw they had so great cause to feare for it is sayd The people of Niniue beleeued God and proclaimed a fast and put on sackecloth from the greatest of them euen to the least of them they beleeued in God and that moued them to do so that is they beleeued that Iona Iona. 3.5 who thus preached was a true Prophet and that God had sent him to doe this message vnto them and that their sinnes had deserued this vtter destruction threatned and that of his iustice God might bring it vpon them and therefore though they yet sawe not howe and which way it should come to passe yet beleeuing these things they fell to fasting and prayer to pacifie Gods wrath and to escap● it So that as the sound of the trumpet doth warne men to prepare themselues to battell and to go meet with their enemies so this preaching of Gods seruant who lifted vp his voice against them as a trumpet did awaken them out of the sleepe of security and to meet the Lord who was become their enemie by reason of their sinnes and in fasting and praier humblie submitting themselues vnto him to intreat at his hands conditions of peace And truelie in this respect if we should not in like maner seeke to the Lord with fasting praier that his wrath might be appeased towards vs we could not plead ignorance as not knowing anie cause why we should doe so ●Ve haue not wanted this ●ause of publike fasting ●mong vs. for we must needes confesse that the faithfull Ministers of Christ haue often and long ago in the pulpits proclaimed open warre against vs for our sinnes that is they haue threatned Gods heauie iudgements against vs out of his Word to rowse vs from the drowsie securitie of sinne Haue we not heard it preached vnto vs as it was to the Iewes that the kingdome of God should bee taken from vs for our great barrennesse Mat. 21.43 and green to a nation that should bring forth the fruits thereof And haue we not heard the words of the Prophet ●sa 5.1 that whereas the Lord had planted among vs a vineyard in a very fruitefull hill and had hedged it and gathered out the stones of it and had planted it with the best plants and had built a tower in the middes thereof and made a wine-presse therein and then looked that it should bring foorth grapes but it brought foorth wilde grapes that therefore hee would take awaie the hedge thereof that it might be eaten vp and would breake downe the wall thereof that it might be troden down and that he would lay it waste that it should not be digged but briers and thornes should growe vp in it and woulde commaund the cloudes that they should not raine vpon it And as this hath beene threatned so the Lord might according to our deserts after the death of our late Queene Elizabeth haue giuen vs vp either into the hands of some forraine enemies abroad or rebellious persons at home who might haue broken downe all and laid vs the Church of God waste Now though he hath spared vs this waie yet according to former iudgement denounced hee hath not let vs alone in our sinnes but hath taken vs into his owne hande by sending this pestilence among vs which Dauid accounted a great fauour when it was offered vnto him by the prophet Gad 2. Sam. 24.13 after that hee had offended the Lord in numbring of the people whether of these three punishments he would choose either seuen yeeres famine to come vpon the land or to flie three monthes before his enemies or that there should be three daies pestilence in the land saying I am in a woonderfull great strait let vs now fal into the hand of the Lord for his mercies are great and let me not fall into the hand of men and so hee chose the pestilence as a mercifull visitation of the Lord and so must we thinke that though the Lorde hath brought this upon vs for our sinnes according to that that hath beene threatned by his seruants yet heerein he hath delt verie mercifully with vs in that he hath deliuered vs from the cruel oppression of bloody men For Gods iudgements to come for our sinnes haue beene constantly threatned We must needs then acknowledge that the seruants of God haue not kept silence against our sins but haue out of his worde shewed that of his iustice and trueth hee must needes punish vs some waie for our sinnes vnlesse we speedily repent And this as it hath beene alwaies the vsuall dealing of
THE HOLY EXERCISE OF FASTING Described largely and plainly out of the word of God with all the parts and causes and seuerall kinds of the same together with the most fit times and conuenient seasons when and how long it should be held with the manifold fruite and commoditie that redoundeth to vs thereby and the whole nature and order thereof In Certaine Homilies or Sermons for the benefit of all those that with care and conscience intend at any time publikely or priuately to put in practise the same By Nicolas Bownde Doctor of diuinitie Perused and allowed by publike authoritie Occupie till I come Luk. 16.13 Math. 25.11 It is well done good seruant and faithfull thou hast beene faithfull in little I will make thee ruler ouer much enter into thy masters ioy Printed by IOHN LEGAT Printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge 1604. And are to be sold at the signe of the Crowne in Pauls Churchyard by Simon Waterson To the right Reuerend father in God and right honourable Lord Doctor Iohn Iegon Lord Bishop of Norwich the continuance and daily increase of all those heauenly vertues and graces which the Apostle S. Paul requireth in a Bishop 1. Tim. 3.2 RIght reuerend father and very honourable Lord besides many other weightie reasons whereby I haue beene mooued to commend this simple present vnto your Lordships fauour which it is not necessarie nor conuenient to make all the world acquainted with it is enough that your Lordship priuately doth take knowledge of them it may be sufficient openly to professe thus much That whereas my selfe with all the rest of my brethren fellow ministers were in our countrie and in all the rest of your L. Dioces of Norfolke and Suffolke the last sommer inioyned by your letters sent to your officers to that ende according to the order set downe before in print by the authoritie of the Kings most excellent maiestie to come to the Church euery we●ke vpon the wednesdaies and fridaies with the rest of our people flocke committed vnto vs there and then to be occupied in praier and fasting to intreat the Lord for our sinnes and for the sinnes of the rest in this land that so his heauie hand which by the pestilence was then very sharpely and that a long time stretched out in many cheife cities and towns of this realme and namely of this your L. Dioces as Norwich and Yarmouth and some other might be called in at his appointed time Sam. 24.16 as it was in the daies of king Dauid Whereby it came to passe that both here and in many places els there was much more preaching hearing of the word of God and praying vnto him then was before and otherwise would haue beene So that by meanes of the straite charge laid vpon all by your L. letter there was much good done in this countrie at that time the fruite whereof I hope remaineth vnto this day For though the booke containing the cause and order of those fasts which was made by some of the cheife gouernours in the Church of England and was authorized by the Kings Highnesse did as I take it not onely giue leaue vnto all places publikely to meete vpon these aboue named daies to these ends but did inioyne them to it and so all men might haue taken knowledge of it and of their dutie therein from thence especially when the cause of it namely so grieuous and so vniuersall a plague was so notorious that it could not be hid from any yet it was found too true by experience in many places that vntill such time as men were further called vpon by your Lordships letter full of great and weightie reasons to perswade thereunto that neither many ministers had any care to call vpon their people to so holy and necessarie a seruice nor the people any great deuotion to come So slowe are men vnto any part of Gods seruice yea though it doth so greatly cōcerne them especially to this principall part of it in fasting and praier which hath beene very long out of vse that they had neede not onely lightly to be called vpon but with many strong coards violently hailed vnto it though vnto all matters of the world they are so forward and hastie that they runne of their own accord and none can stay them Hereupon it hath come to passe that a great part of the good that this way hath beene done vnto the people of God and seruice to his maiestie is to be imputed vnto your lordships diligent care who did so timely and effectually stirre vp men vnto it especially in respect of those cheife places others vnder your Lordships iurisdiction which then were greatly subiect vnto this visitation as well as other parts of this land neither are they all of them yet free from it Therefore these beeing part of my labours at that time they are in some sort due vnto your Lordship by whose means I receiued incouragement thereunto as others did to the like And I haue presumed to present them vnto your Lordship that by them you may see and by one may iudge of the rest how readie we are and shall be to yeild obedience to all your L. godly proceedings promising for my selfe and presuming of the rest that when we shall be likewise commanded which we expect and hope for in time to keepe solemne dayes of thanksgiuing for the mitigating of this plague in so great measure in the most places and for the cleane taking of it away in many we will be by the grace of God as ready to performe that part of seruice as we haue beene forward vnto this And in the meane season according to our bounden duty we will indeauour not only priuatly to be thankfull vnto God but vpon all such daies as we haue our publike assemblies to doe it in some part and to call vpon our people to be thankfull to God with vs both in hart words and life least the Lord for our vnthankfulnes doe returne vpon vs with the same or some other great punishment of his Which we haue so much the more cause to feare vnles we thus seeke to preuent it because the late memory of so great a worke both of iustice in sending the plague and of mercy in taking it away is not so fresh effectuall with all men nay with very few as it should but they like to vngratious children so soone forget the rodd as it is off their back And seeing by these your Lordship may take knowledge that by your godly incitation many were made more painfull in their callings at the least for that time then otherwise they would have beene whereby also God was more honoured and the people more instructed your Lordship will according to that high place wherein God hath placed you especially to that end take all opportunities by word and writing still to incite all men to be zealous and feruent in the worke of the ministery by giuing all good
incouragement vnto the painfull labourers in Gods haruest and by quickning vp them that are any way slothfull and negligent and by discountenancing them that are altogether careles and idle and by stopping vp the passage vnto al idol sheapherds hirelings who seeke the fleece and not the flock whose right arme as it is cleane withred vp and their right eye vtterly darkned so as the Prophet saith they haue neither will Zach. 11.17 nor abilitie to doe any good in the Church of God That so not only the gospell may still more and more be purely preached in this your Lordships Dioces as now by the grace of God it is and hath beene a long time by many learned great men but that the people in all places may be compelled diligently to frequent it not only themselues to yeeld obedience vnto it but to haue their children seruants Act. 10.2 euen their whole families willingly catechised that they may feare God with all their househoulds That so we may blesse god not only for your comming among vs but much more for your continuance with vs and ouer vs and pray to him for you as we doe and mind to doe that the Lord will long preserue you zealous of his glory and carefull of the good of that part of his church ouer which the holy ghost hath made you ouerseer ap 20.28 which also Iesus Christ hath purchased not with gold or siluer but with his owne most pretious blood That so among the rest of his good and faithfull seruants who haue vsed their talents well ib. 25 2● he may giue you a full reward in the kingdome of heauen who hath said if thou loue me feed my sheepe if thou loue me feed my lambes ● 21 1● For though the daily exercises of the word of God should be sufficient of themselues to purchase credit and reuerence to thēselues with all sorts of people as to the most holy ordinances of the eternall God and the great wantes that are in all men should driue them to seeke to them continually as to the meanes of their saluation whereby all their wantes might be supplied yet such is the irreligion in many and the want of feeling in others that they are no more forward vnto any part of Gods seruice or of the meanes of their owne saluation then authority doth compell them Thus assuring my selfe that your later deedes will be answerable to these good beginnings or rather happy proceedings yea that they will goe farre beyond them in all godly zeale I comfort my selfe with the rest of my brethren in the daily expectation and hope of it praying to god Psal 69.9 that the zeale of his house may euen consume you that so you waxing old in all well doing Prou. 16.31 your age may be so much the more honorable beeing found in the way of righteousnes And so not doutibng of your Lordships fauourable acceptatiō of these my poore endeauours I leaue them to your fatherly and honorable protection and my selfe my seruice to your continuall commandement very humbly taking my leaue Norton in Suffolke 30. Aprill 1604. Your Lordships euer humbly at commandment Nicolas Bownd To the godly and Christian Reader the daily increase of that true godlinesse which hath the promise of the life present and of that that is to come 1. Tim. 4.8 WHen as of late this holy exercise of fasting was by publike authoritie not without iust cause imposed vpō vs welbeloued fathers and brethren I thought it conuenient or rather necessarie for that people which then I had to deale with and haue still first of all to make them acquainted with the nature of it not so much by preaching of fasting out of some one text which could not very fitly haue beene done as by deliuering vnto them in sundrie sermons the whole doctrine of it orderly out of many places of holy Sc●●pture or rather out of the whole word of God indifferently That so they might be the more willing to submit themselues vnto it when they did see cleerely what they should doe and ●lso that they doe it in some good measure ●cceptable to God and comfortably to thēselues when they perceaued after what manner they should doe it And thus in making of these short treatises and Homilies at the first I had respect only vnto them Since I cōsidering on the one side the great ignorance that is in most places as of all other partes of gods seruice which are ordinary so most of all this which is extraordinary especially because it is and hath beene so much out of vse and then waying on the other side that there may be hereafter great cause offered vnto vs againe of vsing this holy excellent ordinance of god either publikely in many places or priuately in more seeing that this visitatiō of the plague doth so linger like vnto the leaprosy which sometime did hang long in the howses of the Iewes and soe doth very shortly or not at all wholy depart from some places besides those new chastisements which we know not how many or how soone they may come vpon vs I thought since that both for these and for other causes these my labours might be not wholly vnprofitable to all those that are well minded And thought I cannot be ignorant that there are many and godly and learned sermons and treatises both in english and latine already extant of this argument and so my indeauour after them may seeme superfluous yet all things considered I doubt not but that some may stand in neede of these also For as I must needes confesse that I haue read the former indeauoured to follow some of thē so I leaue the learneder sort to such of them as themselues shall best like only this for the more ignorant sort I haue aymed at to make the whole doctrine of fasting easy and plaine that they might with facility vnderstand what god requireth of them in the day of fast and how they ought to behaue them selues therein And to that end I haue set downe euery thing orderly at large therefore the more clearly and not scholastically and shortly as some haue done and by that meanes the more obscurely especially vnto the vulgar sort and I haue shewed the practise of euery particular out of the Scripture setting downe at large the wordes of euery text for the capacity of the simplest and oftentimes for the more easines and plainnes hauing recourse of purpose to the selfe same texts rather then making choise of new which vainly might happily haue bread some obscuritie Which kind of writing if it may seeme to bring tediousnes vnto the learned eares they must consider that first I preached these sermons to the meaner sort men not brought vp in learning and so did apply my selfe in handling of this doctrine vnto their capacity leading them on in it according to their owne pace which is rightly to diuide the
vnder the heauen and so there is a time wherein we are as well commanded to fast as we haue liberty to feast and therefore as Esra and the Leuites would not haue the people to fast weepe then Nehem. 8.10.11 but rather to eate and reioice when it was a time of ioy So the Prophet Esay findeth fault with some of his time Esay 22.12.13 who when the Lord called them by his worde and punishments vnto fasting they fell to feasting and so there was as he said killing of sheepe and oxen eating and drinking And so neither of them knew what was fit for their seuerall times we must therefore be perswaded that as there are times in which God of his great mercy giueth vs liberty to feast and to vse his creatures not onely for necessitie sparingly but for delight abundantly as at marriages and other times of reioicing so there is a time also when he would haue vs not onely eate temperately which we must doe alwaies euen at feasts that wee fall not to surfiting and drunkennesse but euen to absteine wholly from meat and drink and all other comforts of this life to those blessed endes for which he hath ordained it ●he Iewes ●d a stan●ng fast ●erely ●eu 16.29 To this end wee may remember what is written concerning fasting in the booke of Leuiticus and namely how there it is said that the Lord commaunded the Iewes once a yeere that euery soule should humble it selfe with fasting before the Lorde in one of the great assemblies where Moses sheweth or rather the Lord by him that this fast should be kept perpetually once a yeere and in what moneth and what day of the moneth and to what end namely to humble themselues for their sinnes and therefore what must then be done viz. that they must abstaine from all worke and worldly businesse and be occupied in all exercise of Gods worship as vpon the Sabbath day and that the Priest should make attonement by praier to obtaine remission of their sinnes And the same commandement is set downe againe in as many wordes in the 23. Leu. 23.2 chapter of the same booke where he sheweth that all were bounde to it and that they should then lay aside all their wordly businesse and haue an holy conuocation and therein haue sacrifices and praier that it might be a Sabbath vnto them as all fastes are of the nature of the Sabbathes sauing that in them they abstaine from meat and then all things are done to an other end euen that there might be great humiliation in them for their sinnes which two are not so proper vnto the Sabbath and so vpon their repentance God might be reconciled vnto them and spare them which are most excellent ends of fasting and a great fruit of that worke which might prouoke all vnto it and none might repent them of their labour And in these places though there be no mention of absteining from meate and drinke and so they may seeme not to appertaine to this argument of fasting yet besides that all learned men doe thus take them that this was a day of yeerely fasting euen the verie circumstance also of the text doth necessarily lead vs vnto this interpretation for when he not onely makes it a daie of abstaining from al worke and spending it wholly in Gods seruice publikely but also that the end of it should be that they might be humbled for their sins so reconciled vnto God this humbling of their souls is principally vrged and we know that the humbling of the body is a meanes to humble the soule and the body is specially humbled and brought downe by abstaining from meate and drinke and other comforts of it and besides we finde by practise in the Scripture that in other times of great humiliation the seruants of God haue abstained from these things therefore wee may be assured that this is ment in these places and that this was their practise that vpon this day they abstaining from meat and drinke did thus also cease from worke and were occupied in Gods worship to this end euen to the humbling of themselues before the Lord and so this was the thing that was commaunded them yeerely to doe euen to keepe a daie of fast And there was great reason of it There was great reas● of it for in the yeere many great sins might be committed of al sorts which might iustly prouoke Gods wrath against them and so they had great cause to be humbled for them and once in the yeere God might shew some tokens of his displeasure in some of his punishments as by raising vp some enemies against them by sending sicknes scarcitie vnseasonable weather and such like therefore they might thinke that once in the yeere at the least there was cause for them thus to humble themselues especially when God had cōmanded them so to do For though they should thus humble themselues continually for their sinnes as they sell out yet to helpe their i●fi●mitie ●hey had a set time appointed for it 〈◊〉 doe it more thorowly For as the● 〈…〉 Sabbath giuen them that 〈◊〉 a weeke they might wholly 〈◊〉 ●om their labors and attend vpon the worship of God for their good t●ough they should euery day redee●e the time and as they had their daily sacrifices morning and euening and so times for praier So heere though all should continually be humbled for their sinnes priuate and mourne for them that were publike when they saw any tokens of Gods displeasure yet to helpe their infirmitie heerein they had a solemne day appointed for this purpose that the time it selfe might not onely put them in minde of that which otherwise would haue beene forgotten of the most or not so seriously thought vpon but also further them therein And as we finde by experience how needful it is to haue a Sabbath to put vs in minde of and to further vs in Gods seruice for how few doe it at all or as they should vpon the weeke daies and then what would they doe if there were no Sabbath at all So the godly no doubt in those daies did finde by their owne experience that though they had oftentimes cause in respect of their sinnes and the punishment of them to fast publikely and priuately yet if they had had no set time appointed for it they should verie often haue failed in so necessarie a dutie euen as we see among our selues that because we haue no such times appointed for vs that verie few though they haue great cause do practise it at any time Therefore this was Gods goodnesse to that people to giue them such a commandement How farre he equity f that law ●indeth vs. Now though the ceremony of the yeerely day be taken away as many other solemne daies of theirs are yet the thing it selfe that is Fasting is not taken away for though we be not tied to that yeerly day yet we are bound at somtimes
see whereunto this fast of ours must be referred I meane the outward abstinence and what we must specially labour after in it namely that wee may be humbled before God for all our sinnes which haue so greatly prouoked the wrath of God that it may easily be seene of all and that we seeke to him by feruent praier for the turning away of his heauie hand that hath a long time beene most greeuously vpon many parts of this lande if we seeke not after these and by this abstinence finde our selues furthered in them our fasting is nothing woorth because wee come not vnto the chiefe part of it nor vnto the marrow and substance of it but content our selues with the shell and as it were the bare shadow fo it For as it is said in the common prouerbe and as it is true in all other things as good neuer a whit as neuer the better so in this in like maner The first vertue is true humility and what that is To speake therefore in order first of the humbling and casting downe of our selues this humilitie of minde is a vile esteeming and base iudgeing or thinking of our selues before God and men in respect of our innumerable great sinnes wherewith we haue defiled our selues and offended God and prouoked his heauy wrath and displeasure against vs whereby it commeth to passe that wee are displeased with our selues and offended and grieued at our selues yea are as it were at vtter defiance with our selues because of our sinnes and the curse of God and all miserie due to vs for the same And this humilitie is contrarie to that pride and hautinesse of minde Contrary to pride which is in many whereby they thinke too highly of themselues and are puft vp and full of selfe loue iudgeing better of themselues then there is cause being also thereby ready to iustify themselues before God and men like vnto that proud Pharisie that Christ speaketh of in the Gospell who thus vaunteth of himselfe before God through hypocrisie and want of due examination of himselfe and also despised the Publicane who praied by him saying I thanke thee O God Luk. 18.11 that I am not as other men extortioner vniust adulterer or euen as this Publicane whereas the other standing a farre of giueth many tokens of their humility for he would not lift vp so much as his eies to heauen but smot his breast and saide O God be mercifull to me a sinner This humbling of our soules is and must be answerable to the afflicting of our bodies And this casting downe of our selues in our owne iudgement as it is required so it is very fit and answerable to the outward exercise of fasting for therefore doe we absteine from the outward comfort and maintenance of this life for a time that wee might haue a quicker feeling of our vnwoorthinesse namely that for our sinnes we are vnworthy of all of them and of any comfort by them yea of life it selfe and thus we bring downe the bodie that the minde might bee brought downe and we afflict the bodie that the deserued death of soule and body might be the better knowen and felt of vs. We therefore abstaine from all pleasures and delights thereof lawful in themselues that thorough conscience of our sinnes and the deserued wrath of God for them not onely present but that that may come heereafter we might be drawen to a greater sorrow which inward affliction and griefe of the soule if it be seuered from the other it is as a dead carkasse without a soule yea a shadow without a bodie that is it is nothing woorth For this sorowing and mourning is so vnseparablie proper vnto the time of fasting and so fitly answereth to the outward ceremonie of it that the thing it selfe is thus noted out by Christ himselfe Math. 9 1● Can the children of the mariage chamber mourne as long as the Bridegroome is with them Therefore vnto fastin● is alwaies ioined mourning but the daies will come when the Bridegroome shall be taken from them and then shall they fast Where Christ defending his disciples that they did not then fast speakes of fasting as of a time of mourning for in the one place hee saith Fast and in the other Mourne Luk. 5.34.35 to shew what we must come vnto in the day of fast euen to mourne And this hath also beene the practise of the seruants of God that in the daies of fasting they haue thus cast downe themselues and haue not onely inwardly sorowed but haue outwardly testified the same by weeping as indeed great sorow many times causeth teares For so is it said of Dauid when tidings was brought him of the death of Saul that he sorowed and wept and fasted both himselfe and his company 1. Sam. 1.12 Then Dauid tooke holde on his clothes and rent them and likewise al the men that were with him and they mourned and wept and fasted vntill euen for Saule and for Ionathan his sonne and for the people of the Lord and for the house of Israel because they were slaine with the sword Heere there fasting was ioined with mourning and weeping So likewise did all the people of Israel when they were twise ouerthrowne by the Beniamites they sorowed and wept and fasted vnto the euening as it is said in ●●e book of the Iudges Then all the children of Israell went vp Iudg. 20. ● and all the people also came vp vnto the house of God and wept and sate there before the Lord and fasted that day vnto the euening offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before the Lord. And againe in the daies of Samuel when they were oppressed by the Philistims he exhorteth them to confesse their sinnes to God and leaue them and seeke vnto God that they might find mercy with him and they then fasted and praied and wept so aboundantly that it is saide they drew out whole buckets of water out of their eies For Samuel 1. Sam. 7 said Gather all Israel together to Mizpah and I will pray for you vnto the Lord and they gathered together to Mizpah and drew water and po●red it out before the Lord and fasted the same day said there We haue sinned against the Lord. Thus in this fast of theirs also they confessed their sinnes and sorowed woonderfully as appeared by the plenty of teares And to bee short this is that which the Prophet Ioel speaketh of and exhorteth them vnto ●●el 2.17 as a thing necessarie Let the Priests the Ministers of the Lorde weepe betweene the porch and the altar and let them say Spare thy people O Lord whē as he had said in the verses vers 13. going before Thus saith the Lord Turne you vnto me with all your hart and with fasting and with weeping and with mourning and rent your hearts and not your clothes So that he not only speaketh of fasting as that wherunto the Lord did then cal
them but of sorrowing mourning which in it he required of them ●hese fast●s ●urs wee st lab ●r this true ●ilitie 〈◊〉 contrit●●●f minde And by all these we may easily vnderstand how greatly in these fastings of ours we also should deiect our selues in our own eies what sorow and griefe of mind should be in vs because of our sinnes and of the wrath of God so manifestly appearing against them And truely if euery man and woman would enter into a serious consideration of their liues past and examine themselues their deeds words and thoughts in al the commandements of God wee might be more humbled then we are especially if we did wisely consider also the punishments due to vs for them and those not onely threatned but alreadie in great measure vpon vs by this great mortalitie in manie places which still increaseth Therefore let euerie one pray to God that he would worke this in him that hee may haue a soft and tender heart a broken and contrite spirit which is an acceptable sacrifice vnto him and which he will not despise as the Prophet saith that is will most fauourablie accept Psal 51.17 that I saie hee may be wounded and prickt at his heart for his sinne and let vs all pray that this abstinence and fasting might be blessed to euerie one of vs to these endes so shall it be acceptable vnto God and profitable to our selues And this must be professed by our deeds and confessed in our words Furthermore as this abstinence is vsed to this ende euen to bring vs to this sorow for our sinnes which wee haue spoken of so also that we might professe to the glorie of God that we doe thus iudge of our selues indeed 1. Cor. 11.24 For as the Sacrament of the Lordes Supper is appointed not onely that we might remember the death of Christ by it vers 26. according as it is written This doe yee in remembrance of me but that we might shew it foorth vntill his comming againe as it is saide in the same place As often as yee shall eate this bread and drinke this cuppe yee shew the Lords death till he come euen that wee looke to be saued by it onely to the condemning of all those that put their trust in any thing else So this abstinence is vsed not onely to bring vs to this vile esteeming of our selues for our sinnes but that in the feeling of it we might by our practise and in our praiers make open profession of the same euen as Benhadad king of Aram sent his seruants girded with sackcloth about their loines 1 King 20.32 and with ropes about their heads to Ahab king of Israell to intreat for his life saying Thy seruant Benhadad saith I praie thee let me liue that he might see that he iudged himselfe woorthie of death So the children of God in times past by abstaining from meate and drinke did confesse with their mouthes and by this practise did openly shew it that they thus iudged of themselues euen that they were vnwoorthy of a crumme of bread or of a droppe of water or of any sustenance whatsoeuer and by putting on sackecloth they professed that they were vnwoorthie of any raiment euen of the least ragge and therefore also but for shame they would haue gone naked and by watching that they were vnwoorthy of sleepe or any rest and so of other things as that they were vnwoorthy of the benefite of mariage and of any comfort in it and of any pleasure or delight in any creature or ordinance of God but that it should be iust with God if hee did cause them to spend awaie their daies in heauinesse And when they put dust and ashes vpon their heads that they were vnwoorthie to breath vpon the face of the earth or to tread vpon the ground yea so vnwoorthy of life that if they had their deserts they should be as deepe vnder the ground as they were aboue it And if there had beene any thing else in the world that would haue represented and set foorth the euerlasting paines of hell eternall condemnation that would they haue borne the image of in their bodies to testify openly against themselues that they iudged themselues woorthy of that also ●hat we ●ay iustifie ●●d and ●●ndemne ●●rselues And so they haue in thus doing iustified the Lord in that vengeance of his that hath beene either threatned or alreadie vpon them so farre haue they bene from murmuring or charging the Lord with anie hard dealing against them As the prophet Daniell Dan. 9.3 in the time of the captiuitie when in the end of the 70. yeeres foretold by Ieremy hee praied for deliuerance and as it is saide in the text turned his face vnto the Lord and sought by praier and supplications with fasting and sackcloth and ashes and made confession of his sinnes and of the sinnes of all the people in his praier hee breaketh out into these words vers 7.8 O Lord righteousnesse belongeth vnto thee vnto vs open shame as appeareth this day vnto euerie man of Iudah and to the inhabitants of Ierusalem yea vnto all Israel both neere and farre off through al the countries whether thou hast driuen them because of their offences that they haue committed against thee O Lord vnto vs appertaineth open shame to our Kinges to our Princes and to our fathers because we haue sinned against thee Thus by his fasting from meate and putting ashes vpon his head hee professed that himselfe and al the people were not onely vnwoorthy of any deliuerance which he sued for but euen of life yea that they were altogether most worthy both of this captiuitie and of the shame and reproch of it and also of vtter destruction and death it selfe because of their sinnes which they had committed against the maiestie of God Ezra also in the like practise maketh the same confession Ezra 9.6 O my God I am confounded and ashamed to lift vp mine eies vnto thee my God for our iniquities are increased ouer our head and our trespasses are growen vp vnto the heauen If we will ●eape any fruite by our ●asting we ●rust labour ●o be hum●led thereby We see then that if we will keepe a fast acceptable vnto the Lord we must be humbled in our selues euery one before him for our sins and this outward profession that we make in abstaining from all things it must be in truth and our mindes must be answerable to our deeds for if we abstaine from the creatures of God and do not iudge our selues vnwoorthie of them if we forbeare the comfort of this life and doe not iudge our selues vnwoorthie of them also and of life it selfe all is but hypocrisie and God careth not for this outward shew Luk. 18.13 Therefore let euery man labour to come to this that he may be humbled in himselfe as the poore Publicane was when he stoode aloofe off and durst
obtained great deliuerances yea how men by humble supplication haue preuailed with men euen with their enemies I Am at this present to proceede in that argument To quicke● vs vp further vnto feruent pra●er we mus● consider that I entred into the last day and could not then well finish for want of time namely to continue further to declare how wee may attaine vnto that feruencie of praier that hath beene spoken of which is so necessary in the fasting we haue in hand Therefore besides all that hath beene said to this end we are lastly to consider that we might be mooued to praie so earnestly as we should to consider I say the gratious promises that God hath made to all those that haue or shall heereafter at any time hold this exercise of fasting vnto him in any measure of trueth and how the same from time to time haue beene performed vnto them insomuch that though the beginning of their fast hath beene full of heauinesse and with much sorrow for their sinnes and for the wrath of God against them appearing in some grieuous punishment yet the end thereof hath beene with much reioicing and comfort in assured hope both of the free pardon and forgiuenesse of them with perfect reconciliation vnto God and also with good hope of obtaining of all such things as they haue sued for by earnest and feruent praier First what pr●mises God hath ●ade to those that seeke vnto him in fasting and praier And first of all concerning the promise that the Lord of his great mercy hath made to all those that seeke vnto him in all humilitie by fasting and praier we may see what the prophet Ioel Ioel 1.4 saith Who exhorting the people to fasting and praier because of that great calamitie that was vpon them by reason that the fruites of the earth were so wholly destroied for that which was left of the Palmer-worme the Grashopper had eaten and the residue of the Grashopper had the Canker-worme eaten and the residue of the Canker-worme had the Caterpiller eaten cap. 2.1 exhorting them I saie to turne vnto the Lord with all their hart and with fasting and with weeping and with mourning and to rent their hearts and not their clothes and to turne vnto the Lord their God that is not their clothes onely according to the maner of that time in great sorrow but their hearts especiallie that so their sorrow might bee in truth not in appearance onelie setteth before them the great mercy of god to al those that so come vnto him saying For the Lord is gracious and mercifull slowe to anger and of great kindnesse and repenteth him of the euill who knoweth if he will returne namely to his accustomed mercifull dealing and repent that is of that euill that he might further bring vpon them and leaue a blessing behinde him euen a meat offering and a drinke offering vnto the Lorde their God that is some thing to be serued with for the glorie of his name least his seruice should faile as hee had complained before that the meat offring and drinke offring was cut off from the house of the Lorde ●oel 1.7 for which the Priestes the Lordes ministers did mourne Then we see how the Prophet in the name of the Lord doth promise vnto them that if they would thorowly humble themselues for their sinnes the cause of this great affliction noted by the rending of their hearts though the Lord had begunne to punish them already and that most grieuously yet he would stay his heauy hand and bestow some blessing vpon them where in saying Who knoweth or who can tell his meaning is nothing lesse than to call it into question or any wayes to make them doubt of it but rather to consider the hardnesse of the thing and so to seeke for it the more earnestly that they might haue some hope of it as if he had sayd Seeing God is so mercifull as he had spoken of him before calling him Gratious slow to anger and of great kindnes and one that repenteth him of the euill there is no doubt of the thing but that if they could humble themselues as he required and pray earnestly though he had begun to punish them already yet hee would repent and spare them As also it is sayd in the Prophet Jona Iona 3.9 by the King of Nineue who proclaimed a fast and willed all men to put on sackecloth and to crie mightily vnto the Lord and euery man to turne from his euill way and from the wickednesse of his hands Who can tell if God will turne and repent and turne away from his fierce wrath that wee perish not which he vttereth after this maner saying Who can tell to shew the hardnesse and difficultie of it that they might crie vnto God the more earnestly or mightily as hee also willeth them there So that as from the forenamed place of Ioel wee haue a commandement to fast publikely when Gods hand is heauie vpon vs as it is now and hath been a long time when as hee thus speaketh Thus sayth the Lord Ioel 2.12 turne you vnto me with all your hearts and with fasting and with weeping and with mourning so forth so from thence also we haue a promise as we haue heard that if we can humble our selues thorowly iudging and condemning our selues as we ought which is meant by renting of our hearts as was sayd before and turne with all our hearts from our sinnes euen with sorrow and griefe for them vnto the Lord that he himselfe will in this punishment of ours also repent and leaue a blessing behinde as is sayd there that is some cause to praise and magnifie his holy Name and the reason why we haue it no sooner is that men haue not all this while cast down themselues before the high throne of Gods iudgement as they should and vnfainedly leaue all their sins which if men could come vnto in that maner measure that they ought then heere is a most gratious sure promise made vnto vs from the Lord by the mouth of his holy Prophet that hee will be mercifull vnto vs and spare vs which he will also vndoubtedly performe for he is Trueth it selfe Therefore that we might doe this that we doe in faith Which promises wee must at this present set before our eyes I meane continue still to fast and pray and not giue it ouer or wax wearie of it as of our selues wee are too prone vnto it yea that in thus abstaining wee might pray earnestly vnto God to stay his heauie hand and to put an happie end at the last vnto this long and great mortality Let vs consider that euen this promise is made to vs and written for this very time and for this purpose that if in this fasting euery man will turne from all his sinnes with his whole heart and be sorie for them euen from the very bottome of his heart that
the Lord himselfe will repent of all that euill that he hath begun to do vnto vs and though hee hath taken away many thousands alreadie yet he will spare the rest and leaue some euery where to praise his Name So many therefore among vs as doe thus with true repentance turne from their sinnes to serue the Lord in holinesse and newnesse of life may praie with great hope and comfort for mercie from the Lord for the promise is made vnto them whosoeuer they be but all they that yeeld to this outward bodily exercise of fasting but are not thus broken in their harts nor affected in their soules neither haue any care so to be as they cannot call vpon the name of the Lord with anie earnestnesse of praier but all is done formally and ceremonially of them so they cannot haue anie great hope of being heard but shall speede thereafter And especially we may see plainely from the eighteenth verse of that chapter vnto the end of the same Which promises are most certaine and belonging to vs as well as to the Iewes how plainely and largely he doth promise not onely a remoouing of that great punishment which was verie much and for the certaintie of it and to assure her faith of it speaketh of it as though it were alreadie come saying then will the Lord be iealous ouer his lande and spare his people Ioel 2.18 and againe ver 22. be not afraid yee beastes of the field for the pastures of the wildernesse are greene for the tree beareth her fruite the figge tree and the vine doe giue their force be glad then yee children of Sion and reioice in the Lord your God for he hath giuen you the raine of righteousnesse that is as much as is meet for you in this great drought In al which words he speaking of this benefite to come as though it were already giuen them according to the maner of the prophets doth shew that he had alreadie receaued this promise from the Lorde that if they did thus throughly cast downe themselues in the guiltinesse of their sinnes and conscience of their deserts he would spare them and blesse them and besides hee would poure out his holy spirit most plentifully vpon them And this vndoubtedly is set downe for our consolation and instruction to shew vs what in the like case we may looke for And truely it must needes be so for there is no respect of persons with God and the promises of his worde though spoken vnto some particular people vpon some occasion yet are for all ages and times and doe generally belong to all alike vpon the same condition Therefore when as it saide to them Turne vnto the Lorde with all your heart and rent your hearts and when you are thus humbled the Lord will returne for your good and so foorth as it followeth in that place it is spoken not to them onely but to all such as in the like case shall thus do and so vnto vs now that we may be assured that if we thus do in that measure that we doe it in truth we shall finde mercie with the Lorde and so may praie for it most earnestlie in faith as they were willed to doe And the rather that we might thus doe Secondly consider the fulfilling of these promises to al those that haue vsed fasting and praier and be confirmed in the truth of this hope let vs vnto this gracious promise that we haue heard of ioine the consideration of all the fastes of the faithfull seruants of God set downe in the old and new Testament and see what hath beene the issue of them and whether they haue not obtained the things that they haue thus sued for and if the Lord hath not turned their sorrow into ioy Isa 61.3 their fasting into feasting and so hath giuen as the prophet speaketh to them that haue mourned beatitie for ashes the oile of ioy for mourning and the g●rment of gladnesse for the spirit of heauinesse And heere wee may first of all consider what was the fruite of that fast which the Israelites helde in the time of the Iudges when for the wickednesse done to the Leuites concubine they fought against the Beniamites and were ouerthrowne in the first battle Iudg. 20. so that there was slaine that daie two and twentie thousand they fasted and praied set vpon them the second time yet were ouerthrowne in that battle also for the men of Beniamin slew downe to the ground of the children of Israel againe eighteene thousand all which could handle the sword then they fasted and praied the second time and got the victory when they were throughly humbled So that by fasting praier they preuailed against them at the last though not at the first and might haue done sooner if they had beene sufficiently humbled before As the Israelites thereby at the last preuailed against the Beniamites Wee haue hitherto with the rest of our brethren fasted and praied often that this grieuous plague raging in manie places might haue an ende and yet haue not thus farre preuailed with the Lord but the people stil die euerie where in great number yea it hath increased greatly since wee began so that ours and their estate is woorse then it was before we began euen as the Israelites did fall by thousands before their enimies after that they had by fasting and praier asked counsell of the Lord but if wee can hold out in this exercise vnto the end and not be discouraged though wee see little successe at the first and the more that wee see the hand of God increased against vs in iustice the more wee labour to grow in humilitie and feruency of praier then we doubt not but at the last by the euent as the Israelites did we shall see that we haue not all this while lost our labour and called vpon the name of God in vaine Therefore that we might with assured confidence and good hope perseuer in this holy exercise of fasting and praier besides the promise of God made vnto it which we haue heard let vs set this worthy example before our eies to comfort vs that though the beginning hath beene full of so●●owe as it was with them yet the end will be full of ioy and consolation to our selues and others and to the praise and glorie of almightie God To this we may adioine that notable and famous example that we haue in the booke of Hester Hest 3.6 where it is said that Haman for the malice that hee bare against Mordecay sought the vtter destruction of all the Iewes for he thought it too little to laie handes on Mordecay himselfe alone and because they had shewed him the people of Mordecay he sought to destroy all the Iewes that were through out the whole kingdome of Ahashuerosh and to this end he had obtained a Decree from the king Hest 3.13 to roote out and to destroie and to
kill them all both yoong and old children and women in one daie Then all the Iewes at the aduise and commandement of Queene Hester Hest 4.16.17 did fast and praie vnto God three daies and three nights to intreat the Lord that she might find fauour with the King that this wicked deuise might bee frustrate and disanulled whereby it came to passe that the Lord in whose hands are the hearts of all men to turne euen as the riuers of waters and who hath saide that when a mans waies doe please the Lord Pro. 16.7 hee will make his enimies his friends did so change the Kings heart I say that they had thereby not onely to defend themselues and to gather themselues togither and to stand for their liues but also to roote out and to destroy all the power of the people Hest 8.11 and of the prouince that vexed them both children and women and to spoile their goods And by this mea●es the Iewes ●●d ouerthrow the diuelish pra●tise of proud Haman and so also they did and God blessed them therein yea and Haman the Iewes great aduersarie was hanged vpon the high gibbet which hee had prepared for Mordecay and after that tenne of his sonnes also were hanged and Mordecay and all the Iewes were greatly aduanced and honored Hest 9.28 and the daies of weeping and fasting were turned into great reioicing and feasting yeerely Thus we see how wonderfully God did blesse them being so humbled in fasting and praier before and what great things they obtained thereby as not onelie the sauing of their liues goods thereby but the vtter ruine and ouerthrow of their most deadly and professed enimies and therefore no doubt if wee could humble our selues this way and praie earnestly as they did if we were as neere deathes doore as they were and had receaued euen the sentence of death in our selues as they had 2. Cor. 1.9 it were possible for vs to escape it and to finde mercie with the Lord as they haue done before vs and that not onely for our selues but for our brethren as they did For as hee hath promised that if we turne vnto him vnfainedly in the middest of destruction he will leaue a blessing behinde him for vs as was said before out of Ioel Ioel. 2.14 so heere in this people wee see the truth and accomplishment of it Besides wee may consider of that woorthy example of Gods mercy this way shewed vpon those that humbled themselues by fasting and praier in the daies of Iehoshaphat that good King of Iudah as it is set downe in the second booke of the Chronicles 2. Chr. 20.2 where it is saide that the Ammonites the Moabites and the people of mount Seir came foorth to battle against him and hee fearing the danger that might befall him and his people proclaimed a fast throughout all Iudah and praied earnestly to God for himselfe and for them which praier of his is there set downe And before they had ended their praier the spirit of the Lord came vpon Iahaziel a Leuite in the middest of the congregation who by the spirit of prophesie did foretell the victorie saying 2. Chro. 20.17 Yee shall not need to fight in this battle stand mooue not and behold the saluation of the Lorde towards you And king Iehoshaphat thereby obtained victorie against their enimies O Iudah and Ierusalem feare yee not neither be afraid to morrow goe out against them and the Lord will be with you And so it came to passe for their enimies slew one another euen the children of Ammon and Moab rose against the inhabitants of mount Seir to slay and destroie them and when they had made an end of the inhabitants of Seir euerie one helped to destroy an other and so the Iewes entred vpon the spoile of them found among them aboundance both of substance and of bodies laden with pretious iewels which they tooke for themselues till they could carie no more and were three daies in gathering of the spoile for it was much and in the fourth day they praised God in the valley of Berachah which from that day had the name of that action for there they blessed and praised God for the victorie which he had giuen them and so called it the valley of blessing or praise and so they returned home to Ierusalem with great ioy Here we may consider the fruit of their fasting to be this that when by earnest praier they sought vnto God being in great feare as it is saide of the King that he feared and set himselfe to seeke the Lord 2. Chr. 10.3 then he made them to reioice So if we could thus rightly consider of this hand of God stretched out against vs that seeing our sinnes to be the cause of it wee would feare God and his wrath and suffer it to work vpon our consciences and seeke vnto God in feare earnestly to turne it awaie it might please him so to blesse vs at the last that we should haue great cause to reioice But verie few doe so laie it to heart that they haue all this while any thing profited by it in the true feare of God to repent them of any thing that is past to determine a better course heereafter and therefore cannot so earnestly seeke vnto God as they should for the remoouing of it and so it may iustly still be continued till it worke in vs this true feare which God grant that it may speedilie doe But let so manie as by the due consideration of this visitation haue set themselues to feare the Lord and to seeke vnto him in truth consider how God was found of this people and so will be of vs in his good time and as hee caused them after their great feare to returne home with as much ioy so he may bring those that for feare haue with griefe forsaken their townes and houses sal 126.5 bring them home againe with as much reioicing and whereas they haue sowen with teares they may reap with ioy and going out weeping and carying precious seede might returne with ioy and bring their sheaues as the prophet speaketh Lastly concerning this mattter we may see how the prophet Iona Ion. 3.4 comming to Nineue according to the cōmandement of the Lord to denounce Gods heauie iudgement against them for their sinnes euen that within forty daies the whole citie should be ouerthrowne the King beleeuing this fearfull curse threatned to bee iust and deserued By this m●anes the Nineuites escaped tha● destruction that was threatned against them proclaimed a fast to this ende that euerie one turning from his euill waies and from the wickednesse of his hands that they might crie mightilie vnto the Lord as they did Wherupon it came to passe that God seeing their works to be good and that they turned from their euill waies indeed heard their praiers granted their requests and did repent him of the euill that
sometimes two daies or three daies at the discretion of those that haue such cause to vse it And this appeareth by the fast of the Iewes which they kept in the time of their captiuitie of whom it is saide in the booke of Hester that when Mordecay sent vnto her the copie of the Kings commission sealed with his own signet for the rooting out of all the Iewes in one daie so that it was decreed that the whole Church of God should bee rased wit from the face of the earth at once H●st 4 1● then she promised that she would aduenture her life for them and goe into the King to make suite for them and that she and they might finde fauour with the Lord and with the King she willed them all to fast and praie three daies and three nights and neither eate nor drinke and she promised that her selfe and her maides woulde doe the like and it is said moreouer in the text that Mordecay went his way and hee and the Iewes did as they were commanded So that in this great extremitie of theirs they continued their fast for the space of manie daies together and so ought we to doe if the like affliction were vpon vs. But for this present though by the grace mercy ●f God it be otherwise with vs yet vndoubtedly in respect of this visitatō which is verie grieuous wee ought to continue our fast one daie weekely so long as it shall be continued vpon vs and so though wee doe not keepe it ma●●e daies together yet we may and ought to doe it manie daies one after an other For seeing that it is appointed for the time of affliction and then one whole daie at the least is alotted for it so long as this time of affliction shall continue we should not be vnwilling weekely to bestow one day this waie that so the Lord may bee intreated with vs at the last And thus much for the time how long any fast should be held Now further we are to consider how we should bestow this time of fasting and wherein we are to be occupied in the daie of fast The time of fasting is 〈…〉 the 〈◊〉 of th● Sabbath And for the better vnderstanding of that wee must knowe thus much that the time of fasting how long soeuer whether it bee but one daie or more is alwaies of the nature of the Sabbath therfore looke how we ought to bestow the Sabbath in resting from the ordinarie labors and workes of our callings and from all kinde of recreations and pastimes much more and come to the Church and be occupied in Gods seruice publikely and priuately so ought we to do vpon the day of fasting And that we might be assured heereof first we doe read that this day as it is of that nature so it hath that name giuen vnto it for it is called a Sabbath Leu. 23.23 This shal be vnto you a Sabbath of rest yee shal humble your soules in the ninth daie of the month at eeuen from eeuen to eeuen yee shall celebrate your Sabbath where twise in one verse Moses calleth it a Sabbath Secondlie it is called a Sabbath of rest and they are willed to rest their Sabbath to shewe that vpon that daie as vpon the ordinarie Sabbath day they should rest from the labours of their calling and more particularly they are forbidden to doe anie kinde of worke vpon that daie Leu. 23.28 as it is saide Yee shall doe no worke that same daie for it is a day of reconciliation to make attonement for you before the Lorde your God And this euerie person is forbidden And therefore then we ought to r●st from the ordinary worke ●f our ●aking that vnder the punishment of Gods high displeasure to bee poured vpon them to their vtter destruction as it is set downe in the next verse following and euerie person that shall doe anie worke that same day the same person wil I destroy from among his people Therefore vpon this day all men should carefully giue ouer all ordinary workes of their calling and haue nothing to doe with them and not onely from their hands but their mindes from them according to the same strictnesse that they are bounde vnto vpon the Sabbath daie Insomuch that if there bee occasion to keepe a fast in the time of haruest or seed-time or any other time of businesse so manie as doe professe to keepe it must altogither abstaine from all such workes as were otherwise not onely lawfull but necessarie Which that we might the rather most yeeld vnto Workes of necessitie ar● then permitted wee acknowledge and teach that in this daie of rest there is that liberty granted vnto vs both for the preparing of meat and drinke at the euening yea and at other times also of the daie if it be necessarie as for those that bee weake and sickely and for all other works of necessitie as anie occasion shall be offred that we haue vpon the Sabbath daies As for example if any be sicke it is lawfull to take paines about them yea to ride go for them if any sudden casualtie fall out by fire or water or theeues or such like it is lawfull to take all paines to represse the rage and furie of them But setting all such cases of necessitie aside all men ought wholy vpon these daies to rest from their labours which the Lorde hath straightly forbidden with the denunciation of a fearefull curse that he will assuredly bring vpon al those that breake it euen that he will cut them off from his people And besides this resting from worke which is necessarily required wee ought to bestow the whole day in the publicke and priuate exercises of the worship and seruice of God We must be●tow that lay wholly on the seruice of God as in hearing the Word of God read and preached confessing our sinnes and praying vnto the Lord and in all other meanes that might further vs thereunto and most of all which may quicken vs vp vnto true humilitie and feruency in prayer And therefore the Prophet Ioel Ioel 1.15 thus speaketh of it exhorting them to keepe a solemne day of fast sayeth Sanctifie a fast call a solemne assembly he doth not will them to appoint a day of fasting but to sanctifie it and keepe it holy to shew that it ought to be kept euen as an holy Sabbath So that as the seuenth day was sayd to be sanctified from the beginning because it was not appointed for the works of our calling but for the worship of God Exod. 20. and we are willed to remember it to keepe it holy so we should thinke of this day of fast as of an holy day and so rem●mber it and thinke of it before hand that we take order for and so dispose of all our worldly businesse and affaires that that day we haue nothing to hinder vs from bestowing it wholly vpon the worship and seruice
not serue him in that kinde of fasting that our selues doe desire All fastes therefore are of two sortes they are either priuate or publike The one priuate the other publike either vsed of one person man or woman or of some one familie and household or of some fewe priuate persons in one family or out of diuers according to the seuerall neede that they shall finde in themselues or see to be in other or else vsed of an whole Church congregation publikely in a towne or of many Churches in the same towne or citie and so is common to them all or of diuers Churches in a countrie or realme according to the affliction that is or like to be vpon a towne citie countrie or realme and that not onely their own but some other as their neighbour townes or countries or generally anie part of the Church of God and so are mooued to it not onely in respect of themselues but of some others in loue and desire to succour them And vnto both there kindes all that hath beene hitherto saide of fasting doth truely and properly appertaine both for the commandement of God binding them to it and for the nature of it wherein it consisteth that it should be kept strictly after the maner that hath beene saide and for the time when and how long it should be held and how during that time we shoulde be occupied and so it shall be sufficient once to haue set them downe generally which must be practised of all that celebrate anie fast either publike or priuate so it shall not be needful in handling of the seuerall kinds to intreat of anie of thē particularly againe ●hat a pri●ate fast is That I might speake therefore orderly I will first speake of a priuate fast which is that that is vndertaken and held by some priuate person man or woman rich or poore of what calling or degree soeuer prince or people or of a priuate familie or some few in the same or out of diuers housholds gathered together vpon their owne priuate motion yet orderly and in the feare of God according to anie calamitie that shall be vpon them or they shall haue iust cause to feare or as they shall be ●ouched and mooued in compassion more then other with the calamitie of the Church or common-weale wherein they liue or with the miserie of some particular persons in the same or of other Churches and the members thereof And that there ought to be such priuate fastes it is most apparant out of the Scripture for as the Lord doth by threatning or sending publike calamities That there ought to be priuate fast call whole countries and nations to a publike fast that when the cause is common to all all might humble themselues for it as we haue seene in the prophet Ioel Ioel 2. Ionah 3. Hest 4. and as was practised among the Niniuites and also among the Iewes in the time of Queene Hester where because the punishment present as of famine or threatned as vtter destruction of them all was generall therefore all were willed to fast and all did so So if there be any calamitie vpon any particular person or priuate persons they must thinke by the like proportion that God calleth them vnto it and that they stand bound to submit themselues to this ordinance though others doe not neither haue they any such cause or as the Lord shall giue them to see and to feele more then other the afflictions of their brethren and so are more willing as fellow members of the same bodie to mourne for them then others who through ignorance or hard heartednesse are not so well affected towards them And of these priuate fastes doth our Sauiour Christ speake in the Gospell Math. 6.16 When yee fast looke not sower as the hypocrites for they disfigure their faces that they seeme vnto men to fast Verily I saie vnto you they haue their reward but when thou fastest annoint thine head How we ought to behaue our selues in priuate fast●s and wash thy face that thou seeme not vnto men to fast but vnto thy father which is in secret and thy father which seeth in secret will reward thee openly Where hee condemneth the hypocrisie of those who in their priuate fastes when they came abroad would make great shew of it that they might be thought to be verie holie men to that end would so change by arte the naturall colour and hue of their face that they might seeme leane and without blood as though they had greatly pined awaie themselues with abstinence fasting and biddes them rather seeing it is priuate hide it as much as they can and to that end hee willeth them to looke cheerefully to dresse vp themselues well for it is sufficient that the Lord who seeth all things euen those that are done in secret taketh knowledge of it and he will reward them openly though they haue no praise and commendation of men as he had said before of almes Math. 6.3 Let not thy left hande know what thy right hand doth that thine almes may be in secret and thy father that seeth in secret will rewarde thee openly where he doth not disallow of almes but of their vaine ostentation in it who this way sought the praise of great charity among the people and saith that is sufficient that God knoweth it who will openly rewarde euerie man according to his workes We haue a practise and example of this priuate kinde of fasting in the person of King Dauid Sam. 12. when the Lord had stricken the childe with sickenesse that was begotten in adulterie of Bathshebah the wife of Vriah because that was a particular punishment vpon himselfe and hee did see the hand of God vpon himselfe very heauie in it according to that which Nathan the Prophet had threatned against him before ●auid kept a ●●iuate fast ●hen his ●●ulde lay ●●cke Because thou hast caused the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme the childe that is borne vnto thee shall surely die he humbled himselfe before the Lord alone by himselfe and sought vnto him by fasting and prayer that if it were possible according to his holy will he would spare him and this he did alone by himselfe for it is sayd That he fasted vers 16. and went in namely into his priuate chamber and withdrew himselfe from all company that hee might be alone and hee did lie all night vpon the earth and when the Elders chiefe men of his house came vnto him to perswade him to rise from the ground and to eat meat he would not neither did eat meat with them So that the rest of his householde did take their ordinarie food but he fasted And thus it seemeth he did more than one day during the sickenesse of the child for when it was dead they were afrayd to tell him of it saying while the child was aliue we spake vnto him and hee
labours and therefore they can not make choise of a day of priuate fasting for of that we speake and not of publike wherein both master and seruant must be at the appointment of their gouernour but so farre onely as their superiours shall giue them leaue So that if they can not or wil not spare their labours for a time they are of necessitie to keepe all their priuate fasts vpon the Sabbath dayes wherein they are bound to rest from their labours and to serue God as well as any other and so their masters and gouernours should not onely giue them leaue to doe but also are charged by God so to doe and haue authoritie giuen ouer them to that end according to the expresse words of the commandement Sixe dayes shalt thou labour Exod. 20.9 and doe all thy worke but the seuenth day it is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt not doe any worke thou nor thy sonne nor thy daughter thy man seruant nor thy maide where they are willed not only not to hinder them from sanctifying of the day but to looke diligentlie vnto them that they doe religiously obserue and keepe it and so vpon that day they may at any time the times of necessitie being alwaies excepted without any offence to their gouernors by defrauding thē of their seruices keepe their fasts And so may they doe any day of the weeke els if they haue their leaue otherwise not For though this be a speciall part of Gods seruice and that which he requireth of all at one time or other yet because it is not ordinarie and the sixe dayes are appointed for all the works of our seuerall callings ordinarilie and they are not their owne men as we say but at the disposition of others euen of their gouernours therefore he hath giuen thē leaue to breake all such purposes of theirs as shall vpon any of these dayes hinder them from any of those workes or seruices If they doe their gouernours haue power to breake them wherein they are to imploy them and vse them And so as they may not vpon these dayes leaue their worke and go to a Sermon heere there which some not ill minded might be willing to doe and so leaue their masters businesse vndone and thus vnder the colour of deuotion and well meaning not only idlenesse might be nourished in them but many disorders brought into a familie so much lesse are they at their own pleasure to take vp whole dayes to themselues for fasting without the priuitie and good liking of those vnder whom they are and if they should enterprise any such thing they are by them to be reprooued and amended according to the power that God hath giuen them And heerein as in some other things doth the law of God take place that is set downe by Moses Num. 30.4 If a woman vow a vow vnto the Lord binde herselfe by a bond being in her fathers house in the time of her youth and her father heare her vow and bond wherewith she hath bound her selfe and her father holde his peace concerning her then all her vowes shall stand euery bond wherewith shee hath bound her selfe shall stand but if her father disallow her the same day that he hereth al her vowes and bonds wherewith she hath bound her self they shal not be of value the Lord will forgiue her because her father disalowed her Where first he saith That if any make a vow or binde themselues with any bond to God or man they must keepe it but if a maid in her youth Because this kinde of ser●ice is but voluntary and in her fathers house that is whiles shee is vnder his gouernment make a vowe and when hee heareth it by his silence or otherwise approoueth it then it is in force and must be performed but if he disallow of it then it shall be of no value and God will pardon her because her father hath broken it So that they haue not power while they be vnder gouernment to vowe what they will no not to God as to fast which is a voluntary seruice and may be vowed but if they haue done the father may breake it The equitie of this law giueth the same authoritie to the father ouer his sonnes and to the master and mistresse ouer their maid seruants and men seruants bindeth all them to be obedient vnto thē in such cases especially whē as the Lord himselfe setteth downe the same law for the wife making a vowe without the knowledge and approbation of her husband vers 7 saying If she haue an husband when she voweth or pronounceth ought with her lippes wherewith she bindeth herselfe if her husband heareth and holdeth his peace concerning her the same day he heareth it then the vowe shall stand and her bonds wherewith she bindeth herselfe shall stande in effect but if her husband disalow her the same day that he heareth it then shall hee make her vowe which she hath made and that she hath pronounced with her lippes wherewith she bound herselfe of none effect and the Lord will forgiue her where wee see that the spirit of God vseth manie wordes to giue vs to vnderstand that though they haue determined neuer so certainly to do it yet they by their absolute authoritie may hinder them And truely if it were not thus manie might and would vnder this colour pretence somtimes of fained holinesse defraud their parents and masters of their seruice when they should most need them but God is the God of order and therefore hauing subiected children vnto their parents and seruants vnto their masters their persons and their willes and hauing commanded them to be obedient vnto them in the Lord in all things woulde haue them in all such matters Col. 3.20.22 as are but voluntarie to depend vpon their willes I confesse that it is to be granted In duties absolutely commanded the gouernours cannot restraine their inferiors that in things absolutely necessarie either for the glorie of God a mans saluation the preseruation of life the good of others and such like as to worship God purely and to be of a sound religion and to bee no heretike papist sectarie or atheist and to be of an holie life and conuersation and not to be prophane like Esau or like the silthie sowe 2. Pet. 2.22 that wallowerh in the mire generally to keepe all Gods commandements and to beleeue all the articles of our faith these things I saie they are to do yea although they cannot haue their consent For heere the wordes of the Apostles are in force who when they were brought before the counsell of the high Priests and Elders and there by them straightlie charged that in no wise they should speake or teach in the name of Iesus Act. 4.18 answered them and saide whether it be right in the sight of God to obey you rather then God iudge yee So that
Peter and Iohn when they were forbidden to preach which Christ had necessarily inioined them by vertue of their office of Apostleship and so in obeying them therin they shuld haue disobeyed God they answered as you haue heard and so did that which God necessarily commaunded thogh men forbad thē And this must be the practise of all inferiors when they are forbidden any thing of their superiours which God hath commanded them in his worde either as they be Christians or otherwise and heere is their defence in so dooing But yet all these aboue-named degrees of persons Inferiors may make choise of the Sabbath day for their priuate fastes in their subiection though they be restrained from the choise of the day yet are not therefore set free from the thing it selfe I meane from the practise of priuate fasting when they shall haue iust cause for they may celebrate them vpon the Sabbath in which their masters should giue them leaue to bee wholly the Lords seruants and so not incumber them with anie seruice excepting things of necessitie which are permitted euen in the day of fastes And though there bee few vnder gouernement in families of that godlinesse and conscience that they are like to practise these priuate fastes yet neither am I out of hope of all and I thought it necessarie to deliuer the doctrine for it is their dutie thus to doe though the greatest part be ignorant or make no conscience of it And so this shall suffice to haue beene spoken of the first kind of fast which is priuate HOMIL VIII The eight Homilie intreateth of the second kind of fasts which are publike why so called and how all sorts ought to come to them and what a great fault it is for any to be absent And then of the cause of them wh●ch is the wrath of God against his Church either present as it is now vpon vs or likely to come which the godlie haue considered in the course of Gods prouidence and so haue sought by fasting and praier to preuent it and not alwaies taried till it came vpon them THe second and last kind of fasting Publike fasts and why they are so called which I am to intreat of at this time is publike or common and is so called because it is and ought to be vsed not of a few but a whole Church and congregation in a towne or citie or of manie Churches in the same or in a countrie or realme and thus vsed by the publike authoritie and commandement of them who next vnto Christ Iesus haue the gouernment of those places where the fast is held and not by the motion or aduise of some priuate man as the other that we spake of before is And therefore also these kindes of fastes are kept in the publike places openly where they vse to haue their common assemblies for the worship of God where the Church is constituted vnder a Christian Prince and not in any priuate house or houses And the cause of them is some general calamitie of the Church for the most part and not priuate to one or some few and that either in the same place where the fast is sanctified or in some other churches of their brethren neer or farre of for whom they seeke vnto the Lord according to the bond of Christian loue that ought to bee among all the Churches of God as ●mong the members of one mysticall body whereof Christ is the head and the same calamity either presently vpon them or imminent greatly to be feared So that briefely or in a word a publike fast is that which is imposed by publike authoritie vpon all the people of that place to be kept openlie in the common place of their holie assemblies for some common plague to be remooued or turned away or for the obtaining of some common benefit belonging to the whole bodie of the same Church or to some principal member of the same And such is this that we haue These which we now keepe are publike and doe keepe this day by the authoritie first of the Kings most excellent Maiestie and then of those that are in authoritie vnder him in Ecclesiasticall matters and for the well ordering of all things to bee done in the Church vnto which all sorts of men and women should come in al cities towns Such was the fast that was celebrated in Niniue at the preaching of Iona Iona 3.7 for the King caused it to be proclaimed through Niniue euen through that great citie of three daies iourney by the counsell of the King and his nobles saying vers 5. Let neither man nor beast taste any thing feed or drinke water and as the proclamation was thus generall reaching vnto all so it was accordingly put in practise for it is saide a little before the people of Niniue beleeued God and proclaimed a fast and put on sackecloth from the greatest of them euen to the least of them so that the fast was kept by all the people of that citie The like may be saide of that that was obserued in the daies of Hester for though in respect of the places where it was as in their seuerall houses closely it may be called priuate yet in regard of the multitude that kept it euen al the Iewes and people of God in that citie and in respect of the person by whose direction they were moued vnto it euen the Queene it may truely be called publike for it is sayd that she sent this commandement to Mordecay Goe and assemble al the Iewes that are found in Shushan and fast for me and Mordecay went his way and did according to all that Hester Hest 4.16 had commanded him so this fast was imposed vpon all the Iewes and all of them kept it And therefore all sorts of people should come to them And so to the obseruation of these fastes of ours all should come not one or two in a familie and say goe you to daie and we will come the next day for by the authoritie and commandement of our gouernors all are inioined vnto it Exod. 20 1● And as vpon the Sabbath because it is a daie appointed for the publike seruice of God all are commanded to keepe it holie Thou and thy sonne and thy daughter thy man seruant and thy maide seruant and the stranger that is within thy gates So vpon these daies which are of the nature of the Sabbath and are also publikely commanded all should thinke thēselues bound vnto it Esa 2.3 Therefore as vpon the Sabbath day they should come together and saie one to another Come let vs goe vp to the house of the Lord so vpon these daies of fasting one should call vpon another Therefore not onely that is a great fault if any should not come at all but if any should come for nouelties and then giue it ouer againe yea and if they should come seldome now and then or if they should come
them namely the signes of Gods wrath by al likelihood shortly to come vpon them Wherein they haue prouidently behaued themselues like vnto those that are wise who being in their iourney and spying a blacke cloud to arise so perceiuing some great tempest to be at hande haue either prepared themselues well for it or haue sought some shelter against it So they foreseeing by all probable coniectures so great calamity to come vpon them haue by fasting and praier sought vnto the Lord as to the onely gouernour and disposer of all things either of his great mercy to turne it away from them or of his infinite compassion to mitigate the extremity of it or to giue them patience and strength to beare it or that some way or other they might finde fauour with him in it And concerning the signes and tokens of Gods wrath shortly to come they haue wisely obserued and considered of them diuersly As first of all in the course of his prouidence that seeing ordinarily such and such causes doe bring forth such effects euents and therefore by the cause as by a signe more then probable Which signe haue beene considered in the ordinary course of gods prouidence they haue not vnaduisedly feared such sequels and haue seene Gods anger in them And namely we see that vnseasonable weather as want of raine in due season or too great aboundance of it out of time betokeneth scarsity of the fruites of the earth and so consequently dearth and famine preparation for warre by a mightie and strong enimie threatneth the losse of men and spoiling of goods the beginning of the plague portendeth great mortalitie and such like therefore when there hath beene but the beginning of such things seeing the stormie tempest as it were arising they haue sought by this ordinance of fasting as by a sure refuge to escape it And so we read that when there came some and told Iehoshaphat King of Iudah saying 2. Chr. 20.2 There commeth a great multitude against thee from beyond the sea out of Aram and behold they be in Hazzon Tamar which is in Engedi And Iehoshaphat fefeared sat himselfe to seeke the Lord proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah Iudah gathered themselues together to aske coūsel of the Lord they came out of all the cities of Iudah to inquire of the Lord. Thus we see when this huge armie of the Ammonites Moabites and mount Seir did but come vp against Ierusalem at the first hearing of it though yet nothing was done neither were they come to them considering what was likely to be the euent of that warre if they had proceeded and if the Lord had not holpen them he proclaimed a fast and did thus seeke to escape that which was like to come So likewise in the time of the captiuitie when ambitious and cruell Haman the mortall enimie of the Iews so breathed after their vtter destruction that he ceased not to cast lottes from day to day to finde out a prosperous time to bring his mischieuous purpose to passe and at the last had got the King to set his hande to a Decree concerning the finall racing of them all out in one daie and Mordecay had sent the copie of this commission to the Queene Hester Hest 4.6 long before the bloodie day of that intended massacre came they sought vnto the Lorde And so they haue sought to preuent Gods wrath and haue not taried till it came vpon them for Hester commanded heereupon that they should assemble all the Iewes and fast and pray for her as she likewise promised for herselfe for her maides that they woulde doe so also So that these before their enimies began the slaughter by all probability of that that was done already seeing what was most like to insue if God were not mercifull vnto them to turn the hart of the king towards thē before-hand they sought by fasting praier to escape it and did so as it followeth in that storie more at large And so by these few examples we see how the seruants of God that haue beene godly wise haue not alwaies taried vntil Gods wrath in some of his punishments hath seased vpon them but the very foresight of it a loofe of hath bin enough to moue thē to seeke vnto the Lorde in fasting and praier to escape it or to finde mercie in it Euen as an ingenuous childe and he that is of anie good disposition seeketh to his father for pardon not onely when he is vnder the rodde of correction and feeleth the stripes but when hee seeth his father with an angrie countenance comming towards him with the rodde in his hands so they haue not taried till they haue felt the smart of Gods correction vpon themselues but the verie shew of his wrath comming against them hath beene sufficient to moue them to humble themselues before him and to craue his pardon In which respect also besides that that we spake of before we must needs confesse that wee haue great cause to fast and pray publikly for besides that great wrath of God that hath beene a long time vpon our brethren In respect of Gods wrath likely yet further to come vpon v● there is cause of these publike fasts which is a thing present and so ought to moue if we further consider what cause wee haue to feare our selues our houses and our townes though hitherto by the grace of God nothing is come vpon vs we shall acknowledge it to bee true And to this end we must acknowledge the nature of this disease to be very contagious and infectiue aboue all other and that it spreadeth from one place to another after a speciall maner and that it infecteth also after an extraordinarie kinde as not onely by touching and eating and drinking with them and keeping them companie that are sicke of it as some other diseases doe but euen by the breath that we draw in which as it is the most common nourishment that wee haue and without the which wee can not liue so it is most subtile and speedie aboue all other so that it worketh in vs with great expedition whereupon it commeth to passe that euen by passing by thē euen suddenly with the breath and sauour of them that are infected we are corrupted and it is a poison and so infecteth deadly and speedilie as all poisons doe all the parts of the body ●f we consi●er the con●agious na●ure of the plague how speedily and how deadly ●t infecteth and not so much corrupteth the humors of the bodie which is sufficient to breed deadly diseases as it infecteth the heart and the spirits and all the vitall parts and therefore dispatcheth a man quickely and killeth him speedily so may die suddenly as experience teacheth euen in this plague that some being taken into a mans house ouer night haue beene found dead in the morning and some haue fallen from their horses as they trauelled and
did so worke vpon him in this great prosperitie of his owne that hee was not able to hide it but it did manifestly bewraie it selfe in his countenance so that the king when he waited at the table did perceiue it and asked him the cause of it saying Neh. 2.2 Why is thy countenance sadde seeing thou art not sicke this is nothing but sorrowe of heart Then he told him the cause of it and said to the king God saue the ●●ng for euer why shoulde not my countenance be sadde when the citie and house of the sepulcher of my fa●hers lieth waste and the gates thereof are deuoured with fire Thus we see how hee in all pittie and compassion sorrowed for the desolation of others and shall we thinke that we may now giue our selues to feasting and chearing to myrth and pleasure to recreation and pastimes and to all kinde of meeting to these endes as in times past and haue little or no sorrowe at all when our brethren in other places are in great affliction and manie houses lie waste with the pestilence We must doe as wee would be done vnto if we were in their case or in any other miserie we would be glad that others should pittie vs and in pittie praie for vs Then shall ●thers also pittie vs in the like case and praie for vs. and it would be a great comfort vnto vs to heare that any did so then must we in the meane season thus pittie others and in a brotherly compassion praie for them that when it shall be our owne case that waie or any other way we might not bee left to our selues but others might doe as much for vs as we haue done for them before according to the promise of our Sauiour Christ in the Gospell Giue Leu. 6.36 and it shall bee giuen you a good measure pressed downe shaken together and running ouer shall men giue vnto your bosome for with what measure you mete with the same shall men mete vnto you againe It is written of Vriah the Hittite one of Dauids woorthie captaines that when hee was sent for home in pollicie by the King that by going home to his owne house the adultery that was cōmitted with his wife Bethshebah in his absence might be hidden 2. Sam. 11. ● and therefore the king said vnto him Goe downe to thine house and wash thy feete so Vriah departed out of the kings pallace and the king sent a present after him but Vriah Vriah departed from his lawfull delightes because his brethren were in aduersity slept at the doore of the kings pallace with all the seruants of his Lorde and went not downe to his house then they tolde Dauid saying Vriah went not downe to his house and Dauid said vnto Vriah commest thou not from thy iourney Why doest thou not goe downe to thine house Then Vriah answered Dauid The Arke and Israel and Iudah dwell in tentes and my Lord Ioab and the seruants of my Lord abide in the open fieldes shall I then goe into mine house to eate and drinke and to lie with my wife by thy life and by the life of thy soule I will not do this thing Is this good and holy man Vriah would not go home to his house and make much of himselfe when the King bad him when there were so manie reasons for it because his Lord and captaine Ioab vnder whom he serued and manie other of the people his fellow souldiers were in the field before their enemies and so in danger of their liues but thought it meet in godly wisedome though hee was absent from them to beare part of the burden with them So should we fall from our ●leasures in ●his great so●ow losse ●f others Then wee if wee haue the like compassion to our brethren that hee had should thinke that wee ought to abridge our selues somewhat at the least of our honest lawfull delights and to cut off not only all superfluity and excesse but somewhat of our ordinarie diet and to sorrow with those our brethren who though they are not in the open fields and in the face and feare of their enemies yet are in no lesse danger feare of their liues by reason of this great plague Psal 91.5 which as an arrow flieth by day and walketh in the darkenesse and destroieth at noon day so that neither day nor night they are in safetie or without feare and is as deadlie as the sword for it causeth a thousand to fall on the one side and ten thousand on the other and so they haue manie fearefull dayes and take little rest in the night neither can they eat their meat quietly or with any comfort So that vnlesse we will be addicted and liue whollie to ourselues and care for none other this great wrath vpon our brethren so long and so heauie should driue vs to weepe with them to fast and pray for them and seeing they are so greatly humbled in themselues we should some wayes cast downe our selues with them Therefore let vs set their lamentable estate To that end we should seriouslie thinke of their lamentable estate before our eies and let it be a looking glasse vnto vs let vs in the feare of God thinke of it seriously and in good earnest as if it were our owne case that wee may be thorowly mooued with it and let vs not haue such stonie hearts so void of all bowels of compassion that wee should heare weekely of the death of our brethren and what great lamentation is made euerie where some for the losse of their husbands and wiues some for the death of their parents and children others for the departure of their sisters and brethren friendes neighbours kinsefolke and acquaintance and we should haue no sorrow for it at all this were the verie next way to prouoke God against our selues and wilfullie to pull the same miserie vpon our owne heads Dauid was so full of pitie that he fasted besought the Lord not onely when the hand of God was vpon some of his own houshold 2. Sam. 12.15 as when the Lord had striken the child that was begotten in adultery so it lay sick but also when it was vpon others euen vpon his enemies Psal 35.13 as he professeth himselfe They rewarded mee euill for good to haue spoiled my soule yet I when they were sicke I was clothed with a sack I humbled my selfe with fasting my praier was turned vpon my bosome that is I prayed for them continually I behaued my selfe as to my friends or as to my brother I humbled my selfe mourning as one that bewaileth his mother If he did thus for his enimies how much more should we doe it for them who haue giuen vs no other cause to iudge of them but as of our friends if he did it for some one or a few priuate persons then how much more should we doe it when the affliction is so common and