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A16095 Here begynneth the Pystles and Gospels, of euery Sonday and holy day in the yeare; Bible. N.T. Epistles. Selections. 1540. 1540 (1540) STC 2972; ESTC S1204 97,658 125

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.j. sōdaye after Easter daye called lowe Sōdaye The .j. Pystel of Iohn̄ the .v. cha E MOste dere beloued brethren all that is borne of god ouercommeth the worlde and this is the victorye that ouercommeth the worlde euen our fayth who is that ouercōmeth the world but he which beleueth the Iesus is the sonne of god This Iesus Christ is he that came by water and blode not by water only but by water and blode it is the spirite that beareth wytnes because the spryte is trueth for there are .iij. which beare recorde in heuē the father / the worde the holy ghost these .iij. are one for there are .iij. whiche beare recorde in earth The spirite the water / and bloude and these .iij. are one / if we receyue the wytnesse of mē the witnesse of god is greter for this is the wytnesse of god which he testyfyed of his sonne He the beleueth on the sonne of God / hath wytnesse in hym selfe ¶ The Gospell on the .j. Sonday after Easter day called lowe sonday the .xx chapiter of Iohn̄ E THe same daye at nyght whiche was the morowe after the Saboth daye when the dores were shut where the discyples were assembled togyther for feare of the Iewes came Iesus and stode in the myddes and sayde to them Peace be with you and when he had so sayde he shewed vnto them his hādes and his syde Then were the discyples glad when they sawe the Lorde Then sayde Iesus to them agayne Peace be with you As my father sent me euen so sende I you when he had sayde that he brethed on them and sayd vnto them Receyue the holy ghost who soeuers synnes ye remytte they are remytted vnto them who soeuers synnes ye retayne they are retayned but Thomas one of the twelue called Didimus was not with thē when Iesus came the other discipl●s sayd vnto hym We haue sene the lorde and he sayd vnto them excepte I se in his handes the prynte of the nayles and put my fynger in the hooles of the nayles truste my hande into hys syde I wyll not beleue And after .viij. dayes agayne his disciples were within Thomas with thē Then came Iesus when the dores were shut stode in the myddes and saide Peace be with you after that sayde he to Thomas brynge thy fynger hyther and se my handes and brynge thy hande and thruste it into my syde and be not faythlesse but beleuyng Thomas answered and sayd vnto hym my lorde and my god Iesus sayd vnto him Thomas because thou haste sene me therfore thou beleuest Happy are they the hath not sene yet beleue And many other sygnes dyd Iesus in the presence of his discyples which are not wrytē in this boke These are wryten that ye myght beleue that Iesus is Christ the sonne of mā and that in beleuynge ye myght haue lyfe thorowe hys name ¶ The Pystle on the .ij. Sondaye after Easter day the .j. pystle of Peter the .ij. chapiter C. MOoste dere beloued brethren Chryste suffered for vs leuynge vs an ensample that ye shulde folowe his steppes which did no synne neyther was there gyle foūde in his mouth which when he was reuyled reuyled not agayne whē he suffered he threatened not but commytted the cause to hym the iudgeth ryghtouslye which his owne selfe bare our synnes in his body on the tree that we shulde be delyuered from synne shulde lyue in right wisnes by whose strypes ye were healed for ye were as shepe goynge astraye but are nowe returned vnto the shepeherde and byshop of youre soules ¶ The Gospel on the .ij. Sonday after Easter daye The .x. chapiter of Iohn̄ C. IEsus sayd to his disciples I am the good shepherde the good shepherde gyueth his lyfe for his shepe an hyred seruaunte which is not the shepherd neyther the shepe are his owne seyeth the wolfe comming and leueth the shepe and flyeth and the wolfe cascheth them scattereth the shepe The hyred seruaunt flyeth because he is an hyred seruaūte careth not for the shepe I am the good shepherd and knowe myne and am knowen of myne As my father knoweth me euen so knowe I my father And I giue my lyfe for the shepe and other shepe I haue which are not of this folde them also must I bryng that they may heare my voyce that there maye be one floke one shepherde ¶ The Pystle on the .iij. Sonday after Easter day The .j. Pystle of Peter the .ij. chapiter C. MOst dere beloued brethren I beseche you as straungers pylgrymes abstayne frome flesshlye lustes whyche fyght agaynst the soule and se that ye haue honest conuersaciō amonge the Gentyles that they whiche backebyte you as euyll doers maye se your good workes and prayse God in the daye of visitacyon submyt your selues vnto all maner ordynaunce of man for the Lordes sake whether it be vnto the kynge as vnto the cheyfe heed eyther vnto the rulers as vnto theym that are sent of hym for the punysshemente of euyll doers but for the lande of theym that doo well for so is the wyll of GOD that ye put to sylence the ignorauncy of the folyshe men as free not as hauyng the libierte for a cloke of malycyousnes but euen as the seruauntes of god honour al men loue brotherly felysshyp feare god honour the Kynge seruauntes obey your masters with all feare not onely yf they be good curteous but also though they be froward for it cōmeth of grace in Christ Iesus our lord ¶ The Gospell on the .iij. Sondaye after Easter daye the .xvj. Chapiter of Iohn̄ D. IEsus sayde to hys dyscyples after a whyle ye shall not seme agayne after a whyle ye shall se me for I go to the father then sayd some of hys discyples betwene thē selues what is this that he sayeth vnto vs. After a whyle ye shal not se me and agayne after a whyle ye shall se me and that I go to the father They sayd therfore what is thys that he sayd sayth after a whyle we can not tell what he sayeth Iesus perceyued that they wolde axe hym sayd vnto them This is it that ye enquyre of betwene your selues that I said after a whyle ye shal not seme agayn after a whyle ye shal se me Verelye verelye I saye vnto you ye shall wepe and lamēte and the worlde shall reioyce ye shall sorow but your sorowe shall be turned to ioy A woman when she trauayleth hath sorowe bycause her houre is come but as sone as she is delyuered of the chylde remembreth no more the anguysshe for ioye the a man is borne into the worlde And ye nowe are in sorowe but I wyl se you agayne And your hertes shal reioyce and your ioye shall no man take from you ¶ The Pystle on the .iiij. Sondaye after Easter daye The .j. Chapyter of Iames. C MOst dere beloued brethren euery good gyfte euery perfyte gyfte is frome aboue
Ascension euen the .xvij. chap. of Iohn̄ A IEsus lyfted vp his eyes to heuen sayd father the houre is come gloryfye thy sonne the thy sonne maye glorifye the As thou hast gyuen hym power ouer all flesshe that he shulde gyue eternall lyfe to as many as thou haste gyuen hym Thys is lyfe eternall that they myghte knowe the the onely very god / whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ I haue glorifyed the on the erth I haue fynysshed the worke whiche thou gauest me to do now glorify me thou father with thyne owne selfe with the glory whych I had with the yer the worlde was I haue declared thy name vnto those / which thou gauest me out of the world Thyne they were thou gauest thē me they haue kept thy sayenges Now haue they knowen that all thynges what soeuer thou hast gyuen me are of the. For I haue giuen vnto them the wordes which thou gauest me they haue receyued them and haue knowen surely that I came out from the haue beleued that thou dyddest sende me I praye for them I prayed not for the world but for them which thou hast gyuē me for they are thyne all myne are thyne and thyne are myne and I am glorifyed in them And nowe am I no more in the worlde but they are in the worlde and I come to the. ¶ The Pystle on the Ascensyon daye The fyrst Chapyter of the Actes of the Apostles A SAynt Luke which wrote the Actes of the Apostles sayth in the former treatyse dere frende Theophylus I haue wrytten of all that Iesus began to do teache vntyll the daye in the which he was taken vp after that he thorowe the holy ghost had gyuen cōmaundemētes vnto the Apostles whiche he had chosen to whō also he shewed him selfe a lyue after his passyon by many tokēs apperynge vnto thē fortye dayes spake vnto them of the kyngdome of god gathered them togyther cōmaunded them that they shuld not departe frō Ierusalem but to wayte for the promyse of the father whereof ye haue herd of me For Iohn̄ baptysed with water but ye shall be baptised with the holy ghost and that wtin this fewe dayes When they were come togyther They asked of hym sayeng Lorde wylt thou at this tyme restore agayne the kyngdome to Israell He sayde vnto them / it is not for you to knowe the tymes or seasons which the father hath put in his owne power but ye shall receyue power of the holy ghost which shall come on you And ye shal be wytnesses vnto me in Ierusalem and in all Iury in Samary euen vnto the worldes ende whan he had spoken these thynges whyle they behelde he was taken vp a cloude receyued hym vp oute of theyr syght and whyle they loked stedfastely vp to heuen as he went Beholde two men stode by them in whyte clothynge whiche also sayd ye men of Galile Why stande ye gasynge vp into heuen This same Iesus whiche is taken vp from you into heuen shall come euen as ye haue sene him go into heuen ¶ The Gospel on the Ascension daye the .xvj. Cha. of Marke C AFter that Iesus appered vnto the eleuen as they sat at meate cast in theyr teeth theyr vnbeleue and hardnes of hert because they beleued not them which had sene after his resurreccyon and he sayde vnto them Go ye into all the world preache the Gospell to all creatures he that beleueth and is baptysed shal be saued and he that beleueth not shal be dampned And these sygnes shall folowe thē that shal beleue in my name they shall caste out deuylles / and shal speake with newe tonges and shall kyll serpentes and yf they drynke any deadly thynge it shall not hurte them they shall lay theyr handes on the sycke they shall recouer So then when our lorde Iesus had spokē vnto them he was receyued into heuen and is set downe on the ryght hand of God they wente forth preched euery where And our Lorde wrought with them and confyrmed theyr prechynge with myracles folowynge ¶ The Pystle on the Sonday after the Assencion daye the fyrste Pystle of Peter and the .iiij. Chapyter B. MOost dere beloued brethren be ye discrete and watche in prayers but aboue all thynges haue feruent loue amōg you for loue couereth the multitude of synnes Be ye harberous one to another and that wtout grudgynge as euery man hath receyue the gyft minister the same one to another as good ministers of the manyfolde grace of god Yf any man speke let hym talke as though he spake the wordes of god if any man minister let hym do it as of the habilite which god minystreth vnto hym the God in al thynges may be glorifyed thorowe Iesus Christ ¶ The Gospell on the Sonday after the Assencyon daye the .xvj chapiter of Iohn̄ D. IEsus sayde vnto his disciples when the conforter is come whome I wyl sende vnto you frome the Father whiche is the spyryte of veryte whiche procedeth of the Father he shall testifye of me and ye shall beare wytnesse also because ye haue bene with me from the begynnyng These thynges haue I said vnto you because ye shulde not be hurte in your fayth They shal excommunycat you ye the tyme shal come that who soeuer kylleth you wyl thynke thou he doth god true seruyce And suche thynges wyl they do vnto you because they haue not knowen the Father / nether yet me But these thynges haue I tolde you that whē the houre is come ye might remēbre thē that I tolde you so ¶ The Pystle on Wytson Sonday the .ij. Cha of the actes of the Apostles A. WHen the fyftyth day was come which is Wytson Sōday the Apostles with one accorde were gathered to gyther in one place And sodenly there came a sounde frome heuen / as it had ben the cōmyng of a myghty wynde and it fylled all the house where they sate And there appered vnto thē clouen tonges as they had bene fyre and it sate vppon eche of them and they were all fylled with the holye ghost and began to speake with other tonges euen as the spirite gaue them vtteraunce There were dwellynge at Ierusalem Iewes deuoute men whiche were of all nations vnder heuē When this was noysed aboute the multitude came to gyther and were astonyed because that euerye man herde them speke in his owne tonge They wondered all and meruayled sayeng amonge them selues loke are not all these whiche speake of Galyle and howe heare we euery man his owne tonge wherin we were borne Parthyans / Medes / Elamites and the inhabiters of Mesopotamia of Iewry Capadocia Pōtus / and of Asia Phrigia Pamphilia and of Egipte and of the partyes of Libia whiche is beside Sirene and straūgers of Rome Iewes / and Proselites / Grekes / and Arabians / we haue herde them speake with our owne tonges the greate workes of God
¶ The Gospell on Wytson sonday the .xiiij. chapi of Iohn̄ E. IEsus sayd vnto his disciples yf any man loue me / wyll kepe my saynges My father also wyl loue hym we wyl come vnto hym / wyl dwel with him He that loueth me not kepeth not my saynges the wordes which ye heare are not mine but the father which sente me This haue I spoken vnto you beyng yet p̄sent with you but the cōforter whiche is the holy ghost whom my father wyl gyue in my name shall teache you all thynges brynge all thynges to your remembraunce what soeuer I haue told you Peace I leaue with you my peace I giue vnto you not as the worlde giueth gyue I vnto you let not your hertes be greued neyther feare ye ye haue herde how I sayd vnto you I go come agayn vnto you / if ye loued me ye wold verely reioyce because I sayd I go vnto the father for the father is greater then I. And now haue I shewed you before it come that whē it is come to passe ye myghte beleue Here after wyll I not talke many wordes vnto you for the cheyfe ruler of the worlde cōmeth hath naught in me but that the world may knowe that I loue the father and as the father gaue me cōmaūdement euen so do I. ¶ The Pystle on the Monday in the Wytson weke the .x. cha of the Actes of the Apostles F. PEter opened hys mouthe and sayde Iesus commanded vs to preache vnto the people and to testifie that it is he that is ordeyned of god a iudge of quycke dead to him gyueth al the ꝓphetes witnes that thorow his name shal receyue remissiō of synnes all that beleue in him whyle Peter yet spake these wordes the holy ghost fell on all thē which herde his preachynge And they of the circūcision whiche beleued were astonied as many as came with Peter because that on the gentyls also was shede out the gyfte of the holy ghost for they herde them speake with tonges and mangnyfy god Then answered Peter can any man forbyd water that these shulde not be baptysed whiche haue receyued the holy ghost as wel as we And he commaunded thē to be baptised in the name of oure Lorde Iesus Christe ¶ The Gospel on the Mondaye in the Wytson weke the the .iiij. Chapiter of Iohn̄ B. IEsus sayde vnto a ruler amōge the Pharyses God so loued the worlde that he gaue his onely sonne for the entente that none the beleue in him shulde perysshe but shulde haue euerlastyng lyfe for god sent not his sonne into the worlde to cōdēne the worlde but that the worlde thorowe hym myght be saued he that beleueth on hym shall not be condempned but he that beleueth not is condempned al redy because he beleued not in the name of the onely sonne of God And this is the condempnacyon That lyght is come in to the worlde and the men haue loued darkenes more thē light because theyr dedes were euyl for euery man that doth euyl hateth the light neyther commeth to lyght least hys dedes shuld be reproued but he the doth the trueth commeth to the lyghte / that hys dedes myght be knowen howe that they are wrought in god ¶ The Pystle on the Tewysday in the Wytson weke the .viij. Chapiter of the Actes of the Apostles B. WHen the Apostles whiche were at Ierusalem herd saye the Samaria had receyued the worde of god / they sente vnto thē Peter Iohn̄ whiche when they were come prayed for thē that they might receyue thy holy ghost for as yet he was come on none of them but they were baptysed onely in the name of Chryste Iesu Then layed they theyr handes on them and they receyued the holy ghoste ¶ The Gospel on the tewysday in the Wytson weke the .x. chapiter of Iohn̄ A. IEsus sayde vnto his discyples Verely verely I saye vnto you whosoeuer entreth not in by the dore into the shepe folde but clymmeth vp some other waye / he is a thefe a robber He that goeth in by the dore is the shepeherde of the shepe To this man the Porter openeth the dore the shepe here his voyce / he calleth his owne shepe by name he ledeth thē out when he hath sent forth his owne shepe / he goeth before thē the shepe folowe hym / for they knowe his voyce / A straūger they wyll not folowe / but wyll flye frō hym / for they know not the voyce of straūgers This maner of sayeng spake Iesus vnto thē they vnderstode not what thīges they were which he spake vnto them Thā sayd Iesus vnto thē agayne Verely I say vnto you that I am the dore of the shepe All euen as many as came before me are theues robbers but the shepe dyd not here them I am the dore by me yf any man entre in he shal be safe shal go in out and fynd pasture The thefe cōmeth not but for to steale / kyll / and destroye I am come that they myghte haue lyfe / and haue it the more habundantly ¶ The Pystle on the wednysdaye in the Wytson weke The .ij. Chapyter of the Actes Apostles C PEter stepte forth with the eleuen and lyfte vp his voyce sayde vnto them / ye men of Iewry all ye that in habyte Ierusalem be this knowē vnto you / and with your eares heare my wordes These are not drōken as ye wene for it is yet the thyrde houre of the day but this is that which was spokē by the prophet Iohel It shall be in the laste dayes sayth god of my spyryte I wyll powre out vpō all flessh your sonnes your doughters shal prophesye your yonge men shal se visiōs your olde mē shal dreame dreames on my seruaūtes / on my hād maydēs I wyll powre out of my spyrite in those dayes they shall prophesy I wyll shewe wōders in heuē aboue tokēs in the earth byneth bloude fyre the vapoure of smoke The sonne shal be turned into darknes the moue into bloude before the great notable daye of the Lorde shall come and the tyme shall come / that whosoeuer shall call on the name of the Lorde shal be saued ¶ The Gospel on the Wednysdaye in Wytson weke The .vj. Chapiter of Iohn̄ E IEsus sayd vnto his disciples to the cōpany of the Iewes No man can come vnto me excepte my Father whyche hath sente me drawe hym I wyll rayse him vp at the laste day It is wryten in the prophetes And they shall all be taught of god euery mā which hath herde lerned of the father cōmeth vnto me not that any man hath sene the father saue he which is of GOD the same hathe sene the father Verelye verelye I saye vnto you he that beleueth on me hath euerlastynge lyfe I am the breade of lyfe your fathers dyd eate Manna in the
he found any of this way whether they were men or wemē he might bryng thē boūd vnto Ierusalē As he wēt on his iornei it fortuned that he drewnie to Damascō sodaynly theyr shyned roūd about him a lyght frō heuen he fell to the earth herde a voyce sayeng to hym Saul Saul Why persecutest thou me And he sayd what arte thou lorde The lorde sayd I am Iesus whō thou persecutest it shal be harde for the to kycke agaynst the prycke he both trēblynge astonied sayd lorde what wylt thou haue me to do And the lorde sayde vnto him aryse go into the cytye and it shall be tolde the what thou shalt do The men which cōpanyed with him on his way stode amased for they herde a voyce but sawe no mā Saul arose frō the earth and when he had opened his eyes he sawe no mā Then led they hȳ by the hand brought hȳ into Damascō he was thre dayes wtout sight neyther eate nor dranke There was a certayne discyple at Damascō named Ananias to him spake the lorde in a vision Ananias And he sayd beholde I am here lorde And the lord sayd vnto him aryse go into the strete which is called strayte seke in the house of Iudas after one saule of the cytye of Tharsꝰ for beholde he prayeth hath sene in a visyon a man named Ananias cōmyng in vnto hym puttynge his hādes on him that he myght receyue his sygh e. Ananias answered / lord I haue herd by many of this mā how much hurt he hath done to the sayntes at Ierusalē in this place he hath auctoryte of the hye prestes to bynde al that cal on thy name The lorde sayd vnto him Go thy wayes for he is a chosen vessel vnto me to bery my name before the gētyls kynges chyldrē of Israel for I wyl shewe him how great thynges he must suffre for me names sake Ananias wēt his way entred into the house put his hādes on hym sayd brother Saul the lord that appered vnto the in the way as thou camest sente me vnto the that the myghtest receyue thy syght be fylled with the holy ghost And immediatly there fell frō his eyes as it had bene scales he receyued his syght arose was baptysed receyued meat and was cōforted Then was Saul certayn dayes with the disciples which were at Damascō strayt way he preached Christ in the synagoges how that he was the sōne of god Al that herde him were amased said is not this he that spoyled thē which called on this name in Ierusalē came hyther for the entēt that he shuld bring thē boūd vnto the hye prestes Saul encreased in strēgth cōfoūded the Iewes which dwelled at Damascon affyrmynge that this was very Christ ¶ The gospel on the Cōuersiō of s Paul the .xix. cha of Mat. D PEter sayd vnto Iesus Beholde we haue forsaken all haue folowed the what shal we haue therfore Iesus sayd vnto thē verely I saye vnto you that ye which haue folowed me in the seconde generacyon when the sonne of man shall sit in the seate of his maiesty shal syt also vpon .xij. seate iudge the .xij. trybes of Israell whosoeuer forsaketh house or brethren or systers or father or mother or chyldrē or lyuelode for my names sake the same shal receyue an hundreth folde shall inheryte euerlastynge lyfe ¶ The Pystle on Candelmas daye Malachie .iij. BEholde I sende my messenger which shal prepare the way before me sodaynly shall the lorde whō ye seke come vnto his temple the messenger of the couenaunt whō ye desyre Beholde he commeth sayeth the lorde Sabothe Who shal ēdure in the daye of his cōmynge or who shal stande to beholde him for he is as tryenge fyre the herbe that fullers score wtal he shal syt tryenge purgyng syluer shall puryfye the sōnes of Leuy shall fyne thē as golde syluer they shall brynge offerynge vnto the lorde of ryghteousnes the sacryfyce of Iuda of Ierusalē shal be delycyous vnto the lorde as in the old tymes in the yeres that were at the begynnynge ¶ The gospel on Cādelmas day The second Cha. of Luke D WHen the tyme of Puryfication after the lawe of Moises was come they brought Iesus to Ierusalem to present him to the lorde as it is written in the lawe of the lorde euery mā chylde the fyrst openeth the matryx shal be called holy to the lorde to offce as it is sayde in the lawe of the lorde a payre of turtle doues or .ij. yonge Pygyons and beholde there was a man in Ierusalē whose name was Simeon and the same man was iuste and feared god and longed for the consolacion of Iraell and the holy ghost was in hym and an answere was gyuen hym of the holy ghoste that he shuld not se death before he had sene the Lorde Christe And he came by inspiracion into the temple And when the father the mother brought in the childe Iesus to do for him after the custome of the lawe Then toke he him vp in his armes sayd lorde lettest thou thy seruaunte departe in peace acordynge to thy promyse for myne eyes haue sene the sauiour sent frō the which thou hast prepared before the face of al the people A light to lyghtē the gētils the glory of thy people Israel ¶ The Pystle on S. Mathias the Apostle day the .j. chapyter of the Actes of the Apostle C PEter stode vp in the myddes of the disciples sayd the nōbre of the names were about an hondreth and twenty ye mē and brethrē this scripture must nedes be fulfilled which the holy ghost thorowe the mouth of Dauid spake before of Iudas which was guyde to them that toke Iesus for he was nōbred with vs obtayned felowshyp in this ministracion he hath now possessed a plat of grounde with the rewarde of iniquite / and whē he was hanged braste a sonder in the middes all his bowels gusshed out / as it is knowen vnto all the inhabyters of Ierusalē In so muche that that felde is called in theyr mother tōge Acheldema that is to say the bloudy felde It is writē in the boke of Psalmes his habytacyon be voyde no man be dwellynge therin his bysshopryke let another take Wherfore of the mē which haue companyed with vs all the tyme that the lorde Iesus wēt in and out amonge vs begynnynge at the baptysme of Iohn̄ vnto the same daye that he was taken vp frō vs must one be ordened to be a witnes with vs of his resurreccion And they apoynted Ioseph called Barsabas whose surname was Iustus Mathias they prayed sayenge Thou Lorde which knowest the hertes of all men shewe whether thou hast chosen of these two that the one maye take the roume of this ministracyon
with the ghost / prophesyed sayeng Blessed be the Lord of Israel for he hath visited redemed his people ¶ The Pystle on S. Peter and Paules daye The .xij. Chapyter of the Actes of the Apostles A IN that tyme Herode the kynge layd handes on certayn of the cōgregacyon to vexe thē / he kylled Iames the brother of Iohan with a swerde and because he sawe that it pleased the Iewes he proceded further / toke Peter also Then were the dayes of the swete bread / and when he had caught him / he put hym in Pryson / and delyuered hym to .iiij. quaternyons of souldyours to be kept / entendynge after Easter to brynge him forth to the people / Then was Peter kept in pryson / but prayer was made withoute ceasynge of the congregacyon vnto God for hym / when Herode wolde haue brought him out vnto the people / the same nyght slept Peter betwene two souldyoures / bounde with two chaynes / and the kepers before the dore kepte the Pryson beholde the angell of the lorde was there presente lyght shyned in the lodge smote Peter on the syde styred hym vp sayenge ▪ Aryse vp quyckely the chaynes fel of frō his hādes the angell sayd vnto him / gyrde thy selfe bynde on thy sandalles so he dyd he sayde vnto him cast on thy mantell about the folowe me he came folowed hym wyste nat that it was trueth which was done by the angel but thought he had sene a vysyon when they were paste the fyrste the secōde watche they came vnto the Irongate that ledeth vnto the cytye which opened to them by his owne accorde And they wēt out passed thorow one strete by by the Angel departed frō him And whē Peter came to hym selfe he sayd now I knowe of a suertye that the lord hath sent his Angel hath delyuered me frō the hād of Herode frō al the waytīg for of the people of the Iues ¶ The gospel on s Peter Paules daye ye. xvj cha of Mat. C WHen Iesꝰ came into the costes of the ryte which is called Cesarea Philyppy he asked his discyples sayenge whō do men say that I the son of man am They sayd some say that thou arte Iohn̄ baptyst some Helias some Ieremias or one of the prophetes He sayd vnto them but whō say ye that I am Simon Peter answered sayd Thou art Christ the sonne of the lyuynge god And Iesus answered sayd vnto hym Happy art thou Simon the son of Ionas for flessh bloud hath not opened vnto the that but my father which is in heuē And I say vnto the that thou art Peter vpō this rocke I wyl buld my cōgragaciō the gates of hel shal not preuayle agaynst it I wyl gyue vnto the the keyes of the kyngdome of heuē whatsoeuer thou byndest vpō earth shal be boūd ī heuē whatsoeuer thou losed on erth / shal be losed in heuē ¶ The Pystle on the cōmemoracion of s Paul the .ij. chapiter to the Galathyans B I Cercyfye you brethren that the Gospel which was preched of me was not after the maner of men neyther receyued I it of man neyther was I taught it but receyued it by the reuelaciō of Iesus Christ ye haue herde of my cōuersacion in tymes past in the Iewes wayes how that beyond mesure I persecuted the cōgregacion of god spoyled it preuayled in the Iewes law aboue many of my cōpaniōs which were of myne owne naciō was as muche more feruent mayntener of the tradicions of the elders but whē it pleased god which seperated me frō my mothers wōbe called me by his grace / for to declare his son by me that I shuld preache him amonge the hethē / immediatly I cōmened not of the matter with flesshe bloude / neyther returned to Ierusalem to thē which were Apostles before me / but went my wayes into Arabia came agayne vnto Damascō Then after iij. yere I returned to Ierusalem to se Peter abode with him .xv. dayes none other of the Apostles sawe I saue Iames the lordes brother the thynges which I wryte beholde / god knoweth I lye not After that I went into the costes of Syria Cilicia was vnknowen as touchynge my person vnto the cōgregacyons of Iewry which were in Christ but they herde onely that he which persecuted vs ī tyme past now precheth the fayth which before he destroyed / they gloryfyed god on my behalfe ¶ The gospell on the Commemoracion on saynt Paule The xix Chapyter of Mathewe D PEter sayd vnto Iesꝰ / behold we haue forsaken c. ye shall fynde this gospell on the conuersion of S. Paule Folio l. ¶ The Pistle on the vysitacion of our Lady Cantic ii I Am the floure of the felde Lylyes of the valeys / the Lylye amonge thornes so is my loue amonge the doughters As the Apple tree amonge the trees of the wode / so is my beloued amonge the sonnes in his shadow was my desyre to sytte for his fruyte was swete to my mouth He broughte me vnto his wyne seller / his behauer to me ward was louely / behold my beloued sayd to me vp haste my loue / my done my beutifull come for nowe is wynter gone / rayne departed past the floures appere in oure countre the tyme is come to cut the vynes The voyce of the Turtyl done is herd in our lād the fyggetre hath brought forth her fygges / the vyne blossomes gyue a sauour vp haste my loue my doue in the holes of the rocke secrete places of the walles shew me thy face and let me heare thy voyce for thy voyce is swete and thy fasshyon beautyfull ¶ The gospell on the visitacyon of our lady the .j. cha of Luke D MAry arose in those dayes and wente into the mountaynes with haste into a Cytye of Iewry entred into the house of zachary saluted Elyzabeth and it fortuned as Elyzabeth herde the salutacyon of Mary the babe spronge in her belly Elyzabeth was fylled with the holy ghoste and cryed with a loude voyce sayd Blessed art thou amōge womē blessed is the fruyt of thy wōbe whense happeneth this to me that the mother of my lorde shuld come to me Lo as sone as the voyce of this salutaciō soūded in myne eares the babe lept in my belly for ioye blessed art thou that beleuest for those thinges shal be perfourmed which were tolde the frō the Lorde And Mary sayde My soule magnyfyeth the Lord my spyryte reyioseth in God my sauyour ¶ The Pystle on relyke Sondaye Eccle. xliiij THese are the men of mercy whose ryghteousnes are not forgotten Goodnesse abyde with the sede of them / theyr kynsfolke are an holy inherytaunce theyr sede hath stande in witnesses and the sonnes of them abyde vnto the
worldes ende for them the generacyon of them and the glory of them shall not be lefte theyr bodyes are buryed in peace and theyr names shall lyue in the worldes all people shall tell the wysedome of them all the cōgragacyon of sayntes shall shew that laud of thē ¶ The gospell on Relyke sondaye The .v. cha of Mathew A WHen Iesꝰ sawe the people he went vp into a mountayne when he was set his dysciples came vnto him he openeth his mouth taught thē sayeng Blessed are the poore in spirite For theyrs is the kyngdom of heuē Blessed ar they that morne for they shal be cōforted Blessed are that meke for they shall inherite the erth Blessed are they whiche hōgre thrust for ryghtuousnes for they shal be fylled Blessed are the mercyful for they shal obtayne mercy Blessed are the pure in hert for they shall se god Blessed are the maynteners of peace for they shal be called the chyldrē of god Blessed are they which suffre ꝑsecuciō for rightuousnes sake for theyrs is the kyngdome of heuen Blessed are ye whē men shall reuyle you and persecute you and shal fastly say all maner of euyll sayenges agaynste you for my sake Reioyce and be glad for great is your rewarde in heuen ¶ The Pystle on Saynt Margaretes daye O Lorde my god thou haste exalted my habytacyon vpō the erth I haue prayed for death to come I haue called the lorde the father of my lord that he forsake me not in the day of my tribulacyon And in the tyme of proude men wtout helpe I shall laude thy name diligētly shal prayse it in cōfessiō my prayer is hero thou hast delyuered me frō perdiciō frō a wicked tyme therfore lord my god I shal cōfesse giue lande vnto thy name ¶ The gospell on S. Margaretes day the .xiij. cha of Mat. G IEsus sayde vnto his disciples The kyngdom of heuē is lyke vnto treasure hyd in the felde the which a man founde hyd it for ioy therof goeth selleth all that he hath byeth that felde Agayne the kyngdom of heuē is lyke vnto a marchaūt sekȳge after good peerles which whē he hath foūd one precious perle wēt solde all that he had bought it Agayne the kyngdom of heuē is lyke vnto a net cast into the see / the gathereth of all kyndes of fisshes which whē it is ful mē draw to lāde sit gathereth the good into theyr vessels cast the bad away So shal it be at the ende of the world The Angels shal come seuer the bad frō the good shal cast thē īto a furneys of fyre there shal be waylȳge gnasshȳg of teth Iesꝰ sayd vnto thē haue ye vnderstāde dal these thynges they sayd ye syr Then sayd he vnto them therfore euery scrybe which is taught vnto the kyngdome is lyke an housholder which bryngeth forth out of his treasure thynges bothe newe and olde ¶ The Pystle on Mary magdaleyn daye Prouerbi xxxi A Womā of power veryte yf a mā coulde fynde the value of her were farre aboue perles The herte of her husbād trusteth in her that he nedeth not spoyles She rendereth him good not euyll all the dayes of her lyfe She sought wolle and flaxe did as her hādes serued her She is lyke a marchaūtes shyp that bryngeth her vytayles from far She ryseth yer day / gyueth meate to her housholde fode to her maydens She cōsydered a grounde bought it of the fruyt of her hādes plāted a vyne She gyrde her loynes with strength / couraged her armes She perceyued that her huswyfry was profitable / therfore dyd not put out her cādell by nyght She set her fyngers to the spendell her handes caughte holde on the dystaffe She openeth her hande to the poore / stretched out her handes to the nedy She feared not least the cold of snow shuld hurt her hous for all her housholde were double clothed She made her gay ornamentes of byce / purple was her apparel Her husbande was had in honour in the gates as he sate with the elders of the lande She made lynnen solde it delyuered to the marchaūt Strenth glory were her rayment she laughed in the latter dayes She opened her mouth with wysdom the lawe of rightuousnes was on her tōg She had an eye to her houshold eat not breade ydely Her chyldrē arose blessed her her husbād cōmēded her Many doughters haue done excellētly but thou hast passed thē all Fauour is a deceauable thynge beaute in vanite but a womā that feareth god / she shal be praised Gyue her of the fruyt of her hādes / let her workes prayse her in the gates ¶ The gospell on Mary magdaleyns day the .vi. cha of Lu. E ONe of the Pharyses desyred Iesus that he wolde eate with him / he came in to the Pharyses house and sat downe to meat And beholde a woman in that cyte / which was a synner as sone as she knewe thou Iesus sat at meat in the Pharyses hous she brought an Alabaster boxe of oyntmente / she stode at his fete behynde hym wepyng began to wasshe his fete with teares and dyd wype them with the heares of her hed / kyssed his fete / anoynted them with oyntment When the Pharyse which had him to his house sawe that he spake within hym selfe sayenge Yf this mā were a Prophete he wolde surely haue knowē who what maner woman this is which touched him for she is a synner And Iesus answered sayde vnto him Symō I haue some what to say vnto the and he sayde Mayster say on Ther was a certayn lēder which had two detters the one ought .v. hōdreth pens the other fyfty When they had nothynge to pay he forgaue thē bothe Whiche of thē tel me wyl loue hī moste Symō answered said I suppose that he to whome he forgaue moste / he sayede vnto hym Thou haste truly iudged And he turned to the womā / sayed vnto Simō Seest thou this woman I ētred into thy house / thou gauest me no water to my ete but she hath wasshte my fete with teres wyped them with the heares of her heed Thou gauest me no kisse but she sence the tyme I came in hath not ceased to kysse my fete My heed with oyle thou dydest not anoynt she hath anoynted my fete with oyntmēt Wherfore I say vnto the many synnes are forgyuē her because she loued moch To whō lesse is forgyuē the same doth lesse loue And he sayd vnto her thy synnes are forgyuē ye. And they that sate at meate with him began to saye within them selues Who is this which forgyueth euen synnes and he sayd to the woman Thy fayth hath saued the go in pe●ce ¶ The pystle on S. Iames daye the Apostle The .ij. Chapyter to the
alone yf it dye it bryngeth forth muche fruyte He the loueth his lyfe shal destroy it he that hateth his lyfe ī this world shal kepe it vnto the life eternal yf any mā ministre vnto me let him foolw me where I am there shal also my mynister be yf any man minister vnto me him wyl my father honour which is in heuē ¶ The Pystle on the Assumption of our Lady Eccle. xxiiij IN all those thynges I sought rest in some mannes enheritaūce wolde haue dwelt Then the creatour of al thing cōmaūded sayd vnto me he that created me dyd set my tabernacle at reste sayd vnto me Dwel in Iacob haue thyne enherytaunce in Israell cote thy selfe amonge myne electe Frō the begynnynge before the worlde was I created vnto the world to come wyl I not cease / before him haue I ministred in the holy habytacyō so in Syon was I setled in the holy cytye lykewyse I rested and in Ierusalem was my power And I roted my selfe in an honourable people whiche are the lordes parte / he theyr inheritaūce amonge the multitude of sayntes I helde my faste As a Cedar tree was I lyft vp in Lybanon as Cypres tree in moūt Hermō As a Palme tre was I exalted in Caoes as Rose plantes in Ierico As a beautyful Olyue tre in the feldes as a plantayne tre was I exalted vpō the waters In the stretes I gaue an odour as Sinamō Balme the smelleth wel gaue an odour of swetnes as perfect Myrre ¶ The gospell on the assumpcion of our Lady the .x. cha of Lu. G IEsus entred into a certayne Castle And a certayne womā named Martha receyued hȳ into her house / And this woman had a syster called Mary whiche sat at Iesus fete herde Iesus preachynge Martha was cōbred about much seruyng stode sayd Master doest thou not care that my syster hath lefte me to ministre alone byd her therfore that she helpe me And Iesꝰ answered said vnto her Martha Martha Thou carest art troubled about many thīges verely one is nedful Mary hath chosen the best parte which shall nat be takē away frō her ¶ The pystle on Saynt Bartylmewes daye the seconde Cha. to the Ephesians D NOwe ye are no more straungers c. Ye shal fynde this Pystle on S. Iames day the Apostle Folio liij ¶ The Gospell on Saynt Bartylmewes daye The .xxij. Chapyter of Luke C THere was a stryfe amonge the disciples of Iesꝰ which of them shulde be taken for the greatest he sayd vnto them the kynges of the Gentyls raygne ouer them and they that beare rule ouer them are called gracyous Lordes / but ye shal nat be so / but he that is greatest amonge you shall be as the yongest he that is chyefe shall be as the mynistre for whether is greater / he that sytteth eate meate or he that serueth is not he that sytteth at meate And I am amonge you as he that mynystreth / ye are they whiche haue bydden with me in my temptacyons I appoynte vnto you a kyngdome as my father hath apoynted to me that ye may eate and drynke at my table in my kyngdom syt on seates iudge the twelue trybes of Israell ¶ The Pystle on the decollacion of Saynt Iohn̄ Prouerb x. THe lokynge of iuste men is gladnes / the hope of wycked men shall perysshe The strength of a simple man is the wayes of the lorde feare to them the worke euyll The iust shall not dwell vpon the earth The mouth of a iust man bringeth forth wysdome the tonge of euyll mē shal perysshe The lyppes of a iust man considereth pleasaūt thinges the mouth of wycked men froward thynges The symplycyte of iust men shall dyrecte them and the supplantacyon of euyll men shal destroye them The ryghteousnes of ryghteouse men shal delyuer them and the wycked men shal be taken in theyr awaytes The iust man is delyuered from heuynes / the wycked man shal be taken frō him A dyssembler deceyueth his frende with the mouth and the iust men shall shal be delyuered with scyence A cytye shall be exalted in the goodes of iust men / laude shall be in the losse of wycked men A cytye shal be exalted in the blyssynge of iust mē ¶ The Gospell on the decolacyon of saynt Iohn̄ The .vj. chapyter of Marke C HErode the kinge him selfe sent forth toke Iohn̄ boūd him caste him in preson for Herodias sake which was his brother Philippes wife For he had maried her Iohn̄ sayd vnto Herode It is not lawful for the to haue thy brothers wyfe Herodias layd wayte for hym wolde haue kylled him but she coulde not For Herode feared Iohn̄ knowinge that he was a iuste man an holy and gaue him reuerence when he herd he dyd many thynges herde him gladly And when conueniēt day was come Herode on his byrth day made a supper to the lordes Capteynes chyefe estates of Galyle And the daughter of the same Hecodias came in daunted and pleased Herode them that sat at the bourde also Then the kynge sayd vnto the maydē aske of me what thou wilt I wyl gyue it the and h● sware vnto her What soeuer thou shalt aske of me I wyl gyue it the euē vnto the one half of my kyngdome And she wente forthe and sayd to her mother What shal I axe she sayd Iohn̄ baptistes heade And she came in strayt waye with haste vnto the kynge asked sayeng / I wyl that thou gyuest me by by in a dysshe the head of Iohn̄ Baptist And the kyng was sory yet for his othe sake for their sakes which sat at supper also he wold not put her besyde her purpose And immediatly the kyng sent the hāg man cōmaūded his head to be brought ī he wēt beheded hym in the pryson brought his head in a dysshe gaue it to the mayden the mayden gaue it to her mother When his discyples heard of it / they came toke vp his body put in a tōbe ¶ The Pystle on the Natiuite of our Lady AS A vyne so brought I forth a. c. ye shal fynd this pystle in the Concepcyon of our Lady xliiij ¶ The gospel on the Natiuite of our lady The .j. cha of Mat. A. THis is the boke of the generacion of Iesus c. ye shall fynd this gospell on the Cōcepcyon of our Lady Folio xliiij ¶ The Pystle on the Exaltacyō of the Crosse the .v. cha to the Galathyans B. I Haue truste towarde you in god c. Ye shall fynde this Pystle on the Inuencyon of the Crosse Fo. xlix ¶ The Gospel on the Exaltaciō of the Crosse the .xij. cha of Iohn̄ E IEsus sayd vnto the people of the Iewes now is the iudgemēt of
this world now shal the prince of this world be cast out And I yf I were lyft vp frō the erth wyl drawe al mē vnto me This sayd Iesꝰ sygnyfiēg what death he shuld dye The pople answered him We haue herde of the lawe that Christ bydeth euer And howe sayest thou then that the sōne of mā must be lifte vp Who is the sōne of mā Iesꝰ sayd vnto thē yet a lytel whyle is the lyght with you walke whyle ye haue lyght lest the darknes com on you He that walketh in the darke woteth not whither he goeth But whyle ye haue lyghte beleue on the lyghte that ye maye be the chyldren of lyghte ¶ The Pystle on saynt Mathewes day the Apostle THe similitude of the faces of the foure beastes The face of a man the face of a Lyon on the ryght hād of the foure of thē And the face of an Egle aboue them foure And theyr faces / and theyr wynges stretched out aboue an hye Eche had two wynges coupled togyther two that couered theyr bodyes and they went al strayt forward whether they had lust to go / thyther they wente / turned not backe agayne in theyr go●ng And the symilytude of the beastes the fasshyon of them was as burnyng coles of fyre as fyre brandes walkynge betwene the bestes the fyre dyd shyne out of the fyre proceded lyghtnyng the bestes ranne and returned after the fasshyon of lyghtnyng ¶ The Gospel on Saynte Mathewes daye the Apostīe The ix Chapyter of Mathewe B WHen Iesus wente forth he sawe a man syt receyuynge of a coustome named Mathewe sayde to him Folow me and he arose folowed hȳ And it came to passe / that Iesꝰ sat ate meat in the house behold many Publycans synners came and sate downe also with Iesus his discyples When the Pharyses had ꝑceyued that they sayd to his disciples Why eateth your master with Publycans synners When Iesu herde that he sayd to thē T●e whole nede no Phisiciā but they that are sicke Go lerne what that meaneth I haue pleasure in mercy not ī offering for I am not come to call the rightwyse but the synners to repētaūce ¶ The Pystle on S. Myghels day The fyrst Chapyter of the Reuelacion of saynt Iohn̄ A IEsus sent shewed by his angel vnto his seruaūt Iohn̄ which bore recorde of the worde of god of the testimony of Iesꝰ Christ of al thynges that he sawe Happy is he that hereth redeth the wordes of the prophesye kepe those thinges which are wrytē therin for the tyme is at hāde Iohn̄ to the vij cōgregaciōs in Asia Grace be with you peace frō him which is which was the which is to come frō the vij spirites which are present before his trone frō Iesus Christ which is a faythfull wytnes fyrst begottē of the deed lorde ouer the kynges of the erth vnto him that loueth vs wasshed vs frō our sȳnes in his owne bloud ¶ The Gospell on s Myghels daye the .xviij. cha of Math. A THe disciples came vnto Iesus sayeng Who is the gretest in the kyngdome of heuen Iesꝰ called a chylde vnto him set him in the myddes of thē said verely I say vnto you excepte ye turne become as childrē ye can not entre into the kingdom of heuē Whosoeuer therfore shal submit him selfe as this chyld he is the greatest in the kyngdome of heuen whosoeuer receyued such a chylde in my name receyueth me but whosoeuer offende one of these litel ones which beleueth in me / it were better for hī that a mylstone were hāged about his necke that he were drowned in the depth of the see Wo be vnto the world because of offēces / howbeit it can not bē auoyded neuertheles wo be to the mā by whō the offence cōmeth Wherfore yf thy hāde or thy fote gyueth the an occusacyon of euyll cut him of caste hym frō the it is better for that to entre into lyfe halte or maymed rather then thou shuldest hauyng two handes or two fete be caste into euerlastinge fyre And yf also thyne eye offende y● plucke him out and cast hym frō ye. It is better for the to entre into lyfe with one eye thā hauynge two eyes to be caste into hell fyre Se that ye despyse not one of these lytell ones For I saye vnto you that in heuen angels beholde the face of my father which is in heuen ¶ The pystle on the Trāsfiguraciō of s Edward kīge cōfessour THe iust man wyll gyue his herte watche in the mornynge to the lord which made him wyl pray in the syght of the most hyest He wyl opē his mouth ī prayer wil pray for his sinnes And yf the great lorde wyl he wyl fulfyl him with the spirite of vnderstandynge he wyl shew forth y● eloquēce of his wysdome of swete shoures wyl know●edge to the lord in prayer he wyl dyrecte his coūsayle discyplyne wyll haue coūsel in secrete thīges he shal speake opēly the discipline of his doctrine shal glory in the T●stamēt of y●●ord Many mē shal prayse his wysdome it shal not be done awaye vnto the worldes ende His remembraunce shall not go aw●y and hys name shal be requyr●d from generacyon into genera●ion ¶ The gospel on the Translacion of s Edward kynge and confessour The xj chapyter of Luke E IEsꝰ vnto his disciples No mā lighted a cādel putteth it in a preuye pla●e neyther vnder a busshell but on a cādelstycke that they that come in may se lyght The ●yght of thy bodye is thyne eye Therfore when thyne eye is syngle then is all th● body ful of lyght but yf thy●e eye be euyll then shal al thy body be ful of darknes Take hede therfore that the light which i● in the be not darknes for yf all thy bo●y shal be syght hauynge no parte darke then shall all be full of lyght euen as when a cādell doth lyght the with his bryghtnes ¶ The Pystle on Saynt Luke the Euangelystes day THe similitude of the faces Ye shall fynde this Pyst●e on Saynt Mathewes daye the Apostle Folio lvi ¶ The gospell on s Luke the Euāgelistes day the .x. cha of Lu. A OVr lorde apoynted other seuentye also sente thē two two before his face into euery cytye place whether he him selfe wolde come And sayd vnto the the haruest is gret but the labourers are fewe pray therfore the lord of the haruest to sende forth his labourers into his haruest Go your wayes beholde I sende you forth as Lābes amōg wolues beare no wallet neither scrippe nor shoes salute no mā●y the way In what soeuer house ye entre in fyrst say peace be to this house And y● the son of peace be ther your peace shal rest on him yf not it shal● returne to you
for euermore Amen ¶ The Gospell on all Halowes daye The .v chap. of Math. A WHen Iesus sawe the people c. ye shall fynde this gospel on Relyke Sondaye Folio lj ¶ The Pystle on al soules daye The .iiij. chap. of the fyrst Pystle to the Tessa C I Wolde not brethrē haue you ignoraūt as cōcerrynge thē which are fallē a slepe that ye sorow not as other do which haue no hope for yf we beleue the Iesꝰ dyed rose agayn euē so thē also which slepe by Iesꝰ wyll god bryng agayne with hȳ And this say we vnto you in the word of the lord that we which lyue are remaynyng in the cōmyng of the lord shal not come ere they which slepe for the lord hȳ selfe shal descēde frō heuē with shut the voyce of the archangel trōpe of god the dead in Christ shal aryse fyrst then shal we lyue remayne be caught vp with them also in the cloudes to mete the lorde in the ayre so shall we euer be with the lord Wherfore cōfort your selues one another with these wordes ¶ The gospell on all soules daye The .xj. chapyter of Iohn̄ C MArtha sayd vnto Iesus lord yf thou haddest ben here my brother had not bene deed but neuerthelesse I knowe that what soeuer thou askest of god god wyl gyue it the. Iesꝰ sayd vnto her thy brother shall ryse agayn Martha sayd vnto him I knowe well he shal ryse agayne in the last day Iesꝰ sayd vnto her I am the resurreccyō the lyfe Whosoeuer beleueth ī me ye though he were dead / yet shal he lyue whosoeuer liueth beleueth on we shal neuer dye beleuest thou this She sayd vnto him ye lord I beleue the thou act Christ the sonne of god which hast come into the worlde ¶ The Pystle on saynt Martyns day Eccle. xliiij BEholde an excellent preste c. ye shall fynde thys Pystle on saynt Nicholas daye Folio xliiij ¶ The gospel on s Martyns daye The .xxv chap. of Math. B A Certayne man redy to take his iourney c. ye shal fynde this gospel on Saynt Nycholas daye Folio xiiij ¶ The on saynt Katheryns daye WOrde I dyd lyft vp my prayer vpō the erth besought to be delyuered frō death I called vpō the lorde the father of my lorde that he shal not leue me helpelesse in the day of my tribulaciō in the day of the proude mā I praysed thy ꝑpetually honoured it with cōfess ō my prayer was herd thou sauedst me that I ꝑisshed not delyuered me out of the tyme of vnrighteousnes Therfore wil I cōfesse prayse the wil blysse the name of the lord ¶ The gospell on saynt Katheryns day the .xiij. cha of Mat. F THe kyngdome of heuen is lyke vnto treasure c. Ye shall fynde this Gospel on Saynte Margaretes daye Fo. lij ¶ The Pystle on the daye of weddyng The .vj. chapiter of the .j. Pystle to the Corynthyans C. BRethren remēbre ye not that your bodyes are the mēbres of Christ / shal I now take the mēbres of Christ make thē mēbres of an harlot God forbyd Do ye not vnderstande that he whiche coupled himselfe with an harlot is becom one body for two sayeth he shal be one fleshe but he that is ioyned vnto the lorde is one spirite flee fornicaciō All synnes that a man doth are with out the body but he that is a fornicator synneth agaynst hys owne body Knowe ye not howe that your bodyes are the tēple of the holy ghost which is in you whō ye haue of God how that ye are not your owne for ye are dereli bought Therfore glorify ye in god in your bodies in your spirites for they are goddes ¶ The gospel on the day of weddyng the .xix. cha of Math. A. THe Pharyses cam● vnto Iesus to tempte him sayed to him is it lawful for a man to put awaye his wyfe for al maner of causes He answered sayde vnto thē haue ye not redde howe that he which made man at the begynnynge made thē man woman sayde for this thyng shal a man leue father mother cleue vnto his wyfe they twayne shal be one fleshe wherfore nowe are they not twayne but one fleshe Let no mā therefore put a sondre the which god hath coupled to gyther ¶ The Pystle at buryenges the fyrst pystle to the Tessalonyans and the .iij. chapiter C. I Wolde not brethrē haue you ignoraūt c. ye shal fynde this pystle on al soules daye Folio lv ¶ The Gospel at buryenges The .xij. chapiter of Iohan. C. MArtha sayde vnto Iesus lorde yf yu. c. ye shall fynde thys Gospell on all soules day Folio lv ☞ Here endeth the Pystles Gospels of the Sayntes And here after foloweth the Table of this presente boke Finis ☞ This is the table wherin ye shall vnderstande in what lefe ye shall fynde the Pystles and gospels after the vse of Salysbury of euery sondaye and holy day in the yere THe Pystle on the fyrst sondaye in Aduent Folio i. The gospell on the same daye Folio eodem ¶ The pystle on the seconde sondaye in Aduent Folio eodem The gospell on the same daye Folio eodem ¶ The pystle on the .iii. sondaye in Aduent Folio ii the gospell on the same daye folio eodem ¶ The Pystle on the .iiii. sondaye in Aduent Folio eodem the gospell on the same daye folio eodem ¶ The pystle at hye Masse on Christmas daye Folio eodem the gospell on the same daye Folio ii ¶ The Pystle on saynt Steuens daye Folio eodem the pystle on the same daye folio eodem ¶ The Pystle on saynt Iohannes day the Euangelyst Folio iiii the gospel on the same daye folio eodem The pystle on Chyldermas daye Folio eodem the gospel on the same daye folio eodem The Pystle on the sondaye after Chrystmas daye Folio eodem the gospell on the same daye Folio v. ¶ The pystle on new yeares daye Folio eodem the gospell on the same daye folio eodem The pystle on twelfe daye Folio eodem the gospell on the same daye folio eodem The pystle on the sondaye within the vtas of the Epyphanye Folio vi the gopel on the same daye folio eodem The pystle on the fyrst sondaye after the vtas of the Epyphanye folio eodem the gospell on the same daye folio eodem The pystle on the seconde sondaye after the vtas of the Epiphanye Folio vii the gospell on the same daye folio eodem The pystle on the .iii. sondaye after the vtas of the Epiphanye folio eodem the gospel on the same daye folio eodem The pystle on the .iiii. sondaye after the vtas of the Epiphanye Folio viii the gospell on the same Sondaye folio eodem The pystle on the .v. sondaye after the vtas of the Epyphanye Folio eodem the gospell on the same sonday folio eodem The
¶ Here begynneth the Pystles and Gospels of euery Sonday and holy day in the yeare ❧ The Pystle on the fyrst Sondaye in Aduent The .xiij. chapyter to the Romaynes D BRethren we knowe that it is tyme nowe that we awake out of slepe for nowe is our saluacion nerer then we beleued The night is passed and the daye is come nye let vs therfore caste awaye the dedes of darknes and let vs put on the armoure of lyghte Let vs walke honestlye as it were in the daye lyght not in eatynge and drynkynge neyther in chambryng wantonnes neyther in stryfe and enuyenge but put ye on oure Lorde Iesu Christ ¶ The Gospell on the fyrst Sonday in Aduent The .xxj. Chapyter of Mathewe A. WHen Iesus drewe nye vnto Ierusalem and came to Betphage vnto the mount Olyuete then sent Iesus two of his disciples sayenge to theym Go into the Castell that lyeth ouer agaynst you and anone ye shall fynde an Asse bound her Colte with her lose them and brynge them vnto me and yf any man saye ought vnto you saye ye that your lorde hath nede of them streyghte waye he wyll let them go All thys was done to fulfyll that which was spoken by the prophet sayeng Tell ye the doughter of Syon beholde thy kynge cometh vnto the meke syttīge vpon an asse a colte the fole of an asse vsed to the yoke The disciples wēt dyd as Iesus cōmaūded them brought the asse the colte put on thē theyr clothes and set hym there on Many of the people spredde theyr garmentes in the waye other cut downe braunches frō the trees strawed them in the waye ⚜ Moreouer the people that went before and they also that folowed after cryed sa●enge Osanna the sonne of Dauid Blessed be he that commeth in the name of the Lord. ¶ The Pystle on the seconde Sondaye in Aduent The .xv. Chapiter to the Romaynse A. BRethrē what soeuer thīges are w yrē afore tyme are wryten for our learnynge that we thorowe paciēce cōforte of the scrypture myght haue hope The god of paciēce cōsolacyō gyue vnto euery one of you that ye be lyke mynded one towardes another after the ensample of Iesu Christ that ye all agreynge togyther may with one mouth honour god the father of our lord Iesu Christ ▪ wherfore receyue ye one another as Christ receyue vs to the prayse of god And I saye that Iesus Christ was a minister of the Cyrcuncysyon for the truth of god to cōfyrme the promises made vnto the fathers And let the gentyls prayse god for his mercy as it is wrytten for this cause I wyll prayse the amōge the gentyls synge in thy name And agayne he sayeth ye gentyls reioyse with his people Agayne yrayse the lorde all ye gentyls laude hym all nacions And in another place Esaias sayeth there shal be the rote of Iesse he that shall ryse to raygne ouer the gentyls in hym shall the gentyls trust The god or hope fyll you with all ioye and peace in beleuynge that ye may be ryche in hope thorowe the power of the holy ghost ¶ The gospel on the .ij. sonday in Aduēt The .xxj. ●ha of luke D IEsus sayde vnto his disciples there shal be sygnes in the sonne and in the mone in the starres in the earth the people shal be in suche perplexite that they shal not tell which w●y to turne theym selues The see the waues shall rore mennes hertes shal fayle thē for feare for lokyng after those thynges / whiche shall come on the earthe for the powers of heuen shall moue and then shal they se the sonne of man come in a cloude with power great glory when these thynge begyn to come to passe then loke vp lyft vp your heddes for your redēcyon draweth nye And he shewed them a simiytude / beholde the fygge tree all other trees when they shut forth theyr buddes ye se know of your owne selues that somer is then nye at hande So lykewyse ye when ye se these thynges come to passe vndestande that the kyngdom of god is nye Verely I saye vnto you this generacyon shal not passe tyll all be fulfylled heuen and earth shall passe but my wordes shall not passe ¶ The Pystle on the .iij. sondaye in Aduent The .j. Pystle the .iiij. chapiter to the Corinthyans ● BRethren let men this wyse esteme vs euen as the mynister of Christ disposers of the secretes of god Further more it is requyred of the disposers / that they be founde faythfull / with me is it but a very small thynge / that I shulde be iudged of you other of mānes day no I iuge not mine owne selfe I knowe nought by my selfe yet am I not ther by iustyfyed it is the lorde that iudged me therfore iudge nothyng before the tyme vntyll the lorde come whiche wyll lyghtē thynges that are hyd in darkenes open the counsayles of the hertes And than shal euery man haue prayse of God ¶ The Gospel on the .iij. Sonday in Aduēt The .xj. Chapyter of Mathewe A. WHen Iohn̄ beynge in preson herd the workes of Christ he sent two of his disciples sayd vnto him Art thou he that shall come or shall we loke for another Iesus answered sayde vnto them Go and shewe Iohn̄ what ye haue hearde and sene The blynde se / the halte go the lyppers are clensed the defe heare the dead are raysed vp agayne the gospel is preached to the poore / and hapy is he that is not hurt by me Euen as they departed Iesus began to speake vnto the people for Iohn̄ what went ye for to se in the wyldernesse wēt ye out to se a rede wauerynge with the wynde / other what went ye out to se went ye to se a man clothed in softe rayment Beholde they that were softe clothynge / are in kynges houses But what went ye out for to se Wēt ye out to se a prophet ye I say vnto you more then a prophet / for thys is he of whō it is wryten Behold I sende me messenger before thy face ▪ which shal prepare thy way before that ¶ The Pystle on the .iiij. sonday in aduent the .iiij. chapiter to the Philippians A. BRethren reioyce in the lorde alwaye And agayne I saye reioyce let your softenes be knowen vnto all men The lorde is euen at hande Be not carefull but in all thynges shew your petition vnto god in prayer and supplication with gyuynge of thankes And the peace of god whiche passeth all vnderstandynge kepe your hertes and mynde in Christ Iesu ¶ The gospel on the .iiij. sondaye in aduēt the .j. cha of Iohn̄ C. WHen the Iewes sente prestes and leuytes frō Ierusalem to axe Iohn̄ ▪ what art thou And he cōfessed / and denyed not and sayde playnly I am not Christ they axed hym what then art thou Helias he sayd I
on his brest at supper sayd Lorde which is he that shall betray the whē Peter sawe hym he sayd to Iesus Lorde what shal he here do Iesus sayd vnto him If I wyl haue hym to tary styl tyl I come what is that to the folow thou me Then went this sayeng abrode amonge the brethren that the dysciple shulde not dye And Iesus sayde not to hȳ he shall not dye but yf I wyll that he tary tyll I come what is that to the the same disciple is he which testifyeth of these thynges we knowe that his testymony is true ¶ The Pystle on Chyldermas daye The .xiiij. Chapiter of the Reuelacyon of S. Iohn̄ ANd I loked and lo a lambe stode on the mounte Syon and with hym a C. xliiij M. hauynge hys fathers name writē in theyr forhedes I herde a voyce frō heuē as the sounde of many waters as the voyce of a great thonder I herde the voyce of harpers harpynge with theyr harpes and they songe as it were a newe songe before the seate before the .iiij. beastes the elders no man coulde lerne that songe but the C. xliiij M. which were redemed frō the erth These are the which were not defyled with wemen for they are virgyns These folow the lambe whyther soeuer he goeth these were redemed frō men beynge the fyrste fruytes vnto God and to the lambe in theyr mouthes was foūde no gyle for they are without spotte before the trone of god ¶ The Gospel on Chyldermas daye The .ii. cha of Math. C THe angel of the lorde appered to Ioseph in a dreame sayeng Aryse and take the chylde and his mother and flye into Egypte abyde there tyll I brynge the worde for herode wyll seke the chylde to destroye hym Then he arose and toke the chylde and his mother by nyght departed into Egypt was there vnto the death of Herode to fulfyl that whiche was spoken of the lorde by the propher whiche sayth out of Egypt haue I called my sonne Then Herode perceyuing that he was mocked of the wyse men was exceadynge wrothe and sente forthe and slewe all the chyldren that were in Bethleem in all the Costes therof as many as were two yeare olde and vnder accordynge the tyme which he had dyligently serched out of the wyse men Then was fulfylled the which was spoken by the prophet Ieremy sayenge On the hylles was a voyce herde mournyng wepynge and great lamentacion Rachell wepynge for her chyldren and wolde not be conforted bycause they were not ¶ The Pystle on the Sondaye after Chrystmas day The iiij Chapyter to the Galathyans A. BRethren I say that the heyre as longe as he is a chylde dy●fereth not from a seruaunt though he be lorde of all bu● is vnder tutours gouerners vntyll the tyme apoynted of th● father Euen so we as longe as we were chyldren were in bondage vnder the ordynacions of the worlde but when the tyme was ful come god sent his sonne borne of a woman and mad● bonde vnto the lawe to redeme them which were vnder the lawe that we thorowe election myght receyue the inheritaūce that belōgeth vnto the naturall sonnes bycause ye are sonnes God hath sente the spyryt of hys sonne into our hertes which cryeth Abba father wherfore nowe arte thou not a seruaunt but a sonne yf thou be the sonne thou arte also the Heyre of god through Christ ¶ The Gospell on the sondaye after Christmas daye the ij Chapiter of Luke E. IOseph and Mary the mother of Iesus maruayled those thynges whiche were spoken of him / and Symeon blessed them / sayde vnto Mary hys mother beholde thys chylde shal be the fall resurreccyō of many in Israell sygne whiche shal be spoken agaynst / more ouer the swerde shall pearce thy soule that the thoughtes of many hertes maye be opened there was Anna a prophetesse the doughter of Phannel of the Trybe of Aser she was of a great age / had lyued with an husbande vij yere from her vyrginite she had ben a wydowe about .iiij. score foure yeres which went neuer out of the Tēple but serued there with fastynge prayer nyght day and she came forth the same houre / praysed God spake of hym to all the loked for redempcyon in Ierusalem And as sone as they perfourmed al thynges accordynge to the lawe of the Lorde they returned in to Galyle into theyr owne cytye Nazareth the chylde grewe and wexed stronge in spyryte and was full of wysdome and the grace of God was with hym ¶ The Pystle on new yeres daye The .ij. chap. vnto Tytus C MOste dere beloued Tytus The grace of god that bryngeth saluacion vnto all men hath appered teacheth vs that we shulde denye vngodlynes worldly lustes and that we shuld lyue sober mynded ryghtuously godly in this present worlde lokynge for the blessed hope gloryous apperynge of the myghty god and our sauyour Iesu Christ which gaue hym selfe for vs to redeme vs from all vnryghtwysenes and to pourge vs peculyer people vnto hym selfe feruentlye gyuen vnto good workes These thynge speake and exorte ¶ The Gospel on newe yeres day The .j. Chapiter of Luke C ANd whē the eyght day was come that the chylde shuld be cyrcūcysed hys name was called Iesus whiche was named of the angel before he was cōceyued in his mothers wōbe ¶ The Pystle on twelfe day Esaye .lx. VP and receyue lyght Ierusalem for thy lyght is come the glory of the Lorde is vp ouer the for beholde darknes shall couer the erth and a thycke myste the nacyons / but the lord shall ryse as the sonne ouer the and hys glorye shall be sene vpon the / and the hethen shall walke in thy lyght / and the kynges in the bryghtnes that is rysen ouer the / lyft vp thyne eyes rounde about and se all these are gathered together are come from farre / thy doughter shall be euer by the syde / then thou shalt se and shalte haue plenty / thy herte shall wonder / breke oute in ioye / when the multytude of the see are turned to the the a●mes of the hethen are come vnto the. The abundaunce of Camelles shall couer the / and the Dormadoryes of Madian Epha shall come all of them frō Saba brynge golde / frākensence / and shall preache the prayse of the lorde ¶ The Gospell on the twelfe daye The .ij. cha of Mathewe A WHen Iesus was borne in Bethleē in iury / in the tyme of kynge Herode beholde there came wyse men from the east to Ierusalem sayeng where is he that is borne kynge of the Iewes / we haue sene his starre in the East and are come to worshyp hym Herode the kynge / after he had herde this was troubled and all Ierusalem with hym / and he gathered all the chefe preestes and scrybes
sondaye after weddynge goeth out called Septuagesyma The .xx. Chapyter of Mathewe A IEsus sayde vnto his dysciples The kyngdome of heuen is lyke vnto an housholder which wēt out erly in the mornynge to hyre labourers in hys vyneyarde and he agreed with the labourers for a peny a daye sent them into his vyneyard And he went out about the thyrde houre and fawe other standynge ydel in the market place and sayd vnto them / go ye also into my vyneyarde / what soeuer is ryghte / I wyll gyue you and they went theyr waye Agayne he went out about the syxt and nynth houre and dyd lyke wyse And he wente out aboute the eleuenth houre and founde other standyng ydell / and sayd vnto them why stand ye here all the daye ydell They sayd vnto hym Because no man hath hyred vs. He sayde vnto thē Go ye also into my vyneyarde and what soeuer shal be ryght that shall ye receyue when euen was come the lorde of the vyneyard sayde vnto hys Stewarde call the labourers gyue thē theyr hyre / begynne at the laste tyll thou come to the fyrste And they which were hyred about the eleuēth houre / came and receyued euery man a peny Then came fyrste / supposynge that they shulde receyue more / they likewyse receyued euery man a peny And when they had receyued it / they grudged agaynste the good mā of the house sayenge These laste haue wrought but one houre and thou haste made them equall vnto vs / whiche haue borne the burthen hete of the daye He answered to one of them sayenge frende I do the no wronge / dydeste thou not agree with me for a peny Take that which is thy dutye and go thy way / I wyll gyue vnto this laste / as muche as to the / is it not lawfull for me to do as me lysteth with myne owne is thyne eye euyll / bycause I am good / so the laste shal be fyrste / and the fyrst shal be laste / for many are called / but fewe be chosen ¶ The Pistle on the Sonday of lx the .ij. Pystle to the Corinthiās and the .xi chapiter G. BRethrē suffre foles gladly because that ye your selues are wyse / for ye suffre euen yf a man brynge you into bondage / yf a mā deuoure / yf a mā take / yf a mā exalte hym selfe / yf a man smyre you on the face I speke as cōcernynge rebuke as thoughe we had bene weke howe be it wherin so euer any man dare be bolde / I speake folysshelye / I dare be bolde also / They are Ebrues / so am I / They are Israelytes euē so am I They are the sede of Abrahā / euen so am I. They are the mynisters of Christ I speake as a foole I am more In labours more abūdāt / ī strypes aboue measure / in pryson more plētuously in deth oft / of the Iewes / fyue tymes receyued I / euery time xl strypes saue one Thryse was I beatē with roddes I was ones stoned I suffred thryse shyp wrake nyght and day haue I bene in the depht of the see in iorneynge often In parels of waters / in parel of robbers in ieopardies of myne owne naciō in ieopardies amonge the hethen / I haue bene in parels in cytyes / in parels in wyldernes / in parels in the see / in parels amonge false brethren in laboure and trauayle / in watchynge oft / in hungre / in thyrst / in fastynge often / in colde / and in nakednes / besyde the thynges which outwardelye happen vnto me I am combred dayly and care for all cōgregacyons who is sycke / I am not sycke / who is hurte in fayth / my herte burneth not yf I must nedes reioyce / I wyll reioyce of myne infyrmites God the father of our lorde Iesus Christ / which is blessed for euermore knoweth that I lye not ¶ The Gospell on the Sondaye of .xl. the .viij. Chapiter of Luke A WHen moch people were gadered togyther / and were come to Iesus out of the cytyes / he spake by a symylytude A sower went out to sowe his sede And as he sowed / some fel by the waye syde / and it was troden vnder fete / and the foules of the ayre deuoured it vp / some fel on stones / as sone as it was sprōge vp / it wythered away because it lacked moystnes / and some fell amonge thornes / and the thornes spronge vp with it / and choked it And some fell on good grounde / and spronge vp bare frute an hōdreth folde / And as he sayde these thinges he cryed / he that hathe eares to here / let hym heare / hys dyscyples asked hym sayinge what maner symylytude thys shulde be / and he sayde vnto you it is gyuen to knowe the secretes of the kyngdome of god but to other in symylytude / that when they se / they shulde not se / when they heare / they shulde not vnderstande / the similitude is this / The sede is the worde of god those that are besyde the way are / they that heare / and after warde commeth the deuyll and taketh awaye the worde out of theyr hertes lest they shulde beleue and be saued They on the stones are they which when they heare the worde receyue it with ioy / and these haue no rotes / which for a whyle beleue in tyme of tēptacyon go away That which fell among thornes are they whiche heare and go forth / are choked wyth care and ryches and voluptuous lyuynge and brynge forth no fruyte That in the good grounde they are whiche with a good and pure herte here the word and kepe it and bryng forth fruyte wyth paciēce ¶ The Pystle on the Sondaye of .l. the fyrste Pystle to the Corynthyans The .xiij. Chapyter A BRethren thoughe I speake wyth the tonges of men and angels yet had no loue I were euen as soūdyng brasse and as a tynklyng cymball And though I coulde prophesye vnderstode all secretes al knowledge ye yf I had al fayth so that I coulde moue moūtaynes out of their places yet had no loue I were nothyng And though I bestowed all my goodes to fede the poore And though I gaue my body euē that I burned yet haue no loue it ꝓfyteth my nothyng loue suffereth longe is curteoꝰ loue enuyeth not loue doth not frowardly swelleth not dealeth not dishonestly seketh not her owne is not prouoketh to angre thynketh not euyll reioyseth not in iniqite but reioyseth in the truth / suffreth al thyng beleueth al thīges / hopeth all thynges And endureth in all thynges Thoughe that the prophesyeng fayle other tonges shal cease or knowledge vanyshe awaye / yet loue falleth neuer away for oure knowledge is vnperfyte our prophesyenge is vnperfyte but when the whyche is perfyte is come / then the which is vnperfyt shal be done away when I was a chylde I spake as
receyued of vs / howe ye ought to walke and to please god / ye remēbre what commaūdementes / we gaue you in the name of the lorde Iesu Chryst / for this is the wyl of god euen that ye shulde be holy / and that ye shulde abstayne frō fornicacyon that euery one of you shulde knowe howe to kepe his vessell in holynes honour And not in the lust of cōcupiscens / as do the hethen which knowe not god that no man go to farre and defraude hys brother in bargaynyng / because the Lorde is a venger of all suche thynges / as we tolde you before tyme / and testifyeth vnto you for God hathe not called vs vnto vnclennes but to holynes in Christ Iesus our lorde ¶ The Gospel on the .ij. Sonday in Lent the .xv. cha of Mat. C IEsus went thence departed into the costes of the Tyre Sydō And behold a womā which was a Cananite came out of the same Costes and cryed vnto hym sayeng haue mercy on me lorde the sonne of Dauyd My doughter is petyously vexed with a deuyll And he gaue her neuer a worde to answere Then came to hym his disciples besought him sayenge sende her away for she foloweth vs cryeng he answered sayde I am not sent but vnto the loste shepe of the house of Israel Thā she came and worshypped hym saynge Mayster sucker me he answered and sayde it is not good to take the chyldrens brede and to cast it to the whelpes she answered and sayd it is truth neuertheles the whelpes eate of the crōmes which fall frō theyr masters table Then Iesus answered sayde vnto her O woman great is thy fayth be it to the euē as thou desyrest and her doughter was made hole euen at that same houre ¶ The Pystle on the .iij. Sonday in Lent to the Ephesyans the .v. chapiter A. BRethren be ye folowers of god as dere childrē and walke in loue euen as Christe loued vs and gaue hym selfe for vs an offerng a sacryfice of a swete sauer to god so that fornicacion and al vnclennes or couetousnes be not ones named amonge you as it be cōmeth sayntes neyther filthynes nether folyssh talking nether gestyng which are not comly but rather gyuyng of thākes for this ye knowe that no whoremonger eyther vnclene person / or couetous person which is the worshypper of ymages hath any inheritaūce in the Kyngedom of Christ of god Let no mā deceyue you with vayne wordes for thorowe suche thynges commeth the wrathe of god vpon the children of vnbeleue Be not therfore companyons with them / ye were ones darkenesse / but are nowe lyght in the lorde / walke as chyldren of lyght for the frute of the spirite is in al goodnes rightwysnes and trueth ¶ The Gospel on the .iij. Sonday in Lent the .xj. chap. of Luke C IEsus was a castynge out a deuyll which was domme it folowed when the deuyl was gone out / the domme spake / the people wondred Some of them sayde he casteth oute deuyls / by the power of Belzebub / the chefe of the deuilles and other tempted him sekynge of him a sygne from heuen he knew theyr thoughtes sayd vnto them Euery kyngdome at debate within it selfe shal be desolate And one house shall fall vpon an other So if Satan be deuided wtin hīselfe how shal his kyngdome endure bycause ye saye that I cast out deuyls by the power of Belzebub yf I by the power of Belzebub cast out deuyls by whose power / do your chyldren caste them out Therfore shal they be youre iudges But if I with the fynger of GOD caste out deuyls no doubte the kyngdome of god is come vpon you when a stronge man armed watched his house That he possesseth is in peace but when a stronger then he cōmeth vpon hym and ouercōmeth hym he taketh frō him his harneys wherin he trusted dyuydeth his goodes he that is not wyth me is agaynst me he that gathereth not with me scattereth when the vnclene spirite is gone out of a man he walked through waterlese places sekyng rest whē he fynded none he sayeth I wyll returne agayne vnto my house whense I came out and when he cōmeth he findeth it swept and garnyshed Then goeth he and taketh seuē other spyrytes with hym worse then hym selfe they entre in and dwell there And the ende of that man is worse then the begynnynge It fortuned as he thus spake a certayne woman of the company lift vp here voyce and sayd vnto him happy is the wombe that bare the and the pappos which gaue the sucke he sayd / happye are they that heare the worde of god and kepe it ¶ The Pystle on mydlent Sondaye The .iiij. chapiter to the / Galathyans C. BRethren it is wryten that Abraham had two sonnes the one by a bonde mayd the other by a fre woman ye and he which was of the bond woman was borne after the flesshe but he whiche was of the free woman was borne by promise whiche thynges betoken mistery / for these women are two Testament the one from● the mounte Syna whiche gendreth vnto bondage whiche is Agar for mounte Sina is called Agar in Arabia ●bordreth vnto the cyte whiche is now Ierusalem and is in bōdage with her children But Ierusalem whiche is aboue / is fre which is the mother of vs al for it is wrytten reioyce thou bareyn that bearest no chyldren breake forthe and crye thou that traualest not for that desolate hath many mo chyldren then she which hath an husband Brethren we are after the maner of Isaac chyldren of promyse but as them he that was borne carnally presecuted hym that was borne spiritually Euen so it is nowe neuerthelesse what sayth the scripture Cast away the bond woman and her sonne for the sonne of the bond women shal not be heyre with the sonne of the fre woman So then brethren / we are not chyldren of the bonde woman but of the free woman ¶ The Gospell on mydlente Sondaye The .vj. chapiter of Iohn A. IEsus went his waye ouer the see of Galyle nye to a citye called Tiberias and a greate multitude folowed hym because they had sene the myracles the the dyd on them / whiche were dyseased Iesus went vp into a mountayne there he sate with his disciples Easter a feast of the Iues was nye Then Iesus lyfte vp his eyes and sawe a great company come vnto hym and sayde vnto Philyp whense shall we bye breade that these myghte eate This he sayde to proue hym for he him selfe knew what he wold do Phylyp answered hym Two hōdreth peny worth of breade are not sufficient for them that euery mā myght haue a lytle Then saide vnto hym one of his disciples Andrewe Simon Peters brother There is a lad here whiche hathe .v. barly loues and .ij. fyshes but what is that amonge so many Iesus sayde make the people to sytt downe there was
pryce of blode and they toke counsell and boughte with them a potters felde to burye straungers in / wherfore the felde is called the felde of blode vnto this daye Then was fulfylled that whiche was spoken by Ieremy the prophet sayinge and they toke .xxx. syluer plates / the pryce of hym that was valued whom they boughte of the chyldren of Israell / and they gaue them for the potters felde as the lorde apoynted me Iesus stode before the debyte / the debyte axed hym sayenge Arte thou the kynge of the Iewes Iesus sayde vnto him Thou sayest and when he was accused of the cheyfe prestes elders he answered nothyng Then sayde Pylate vnto him hearest thou not howe many thynges they laye agaynste the and he answered to hym neuer a worde in so much that the debite maruayled greatly At the feast the debite was wonte to delyuer vnto the people a prysoner whō they wolde desyre He had thē a notable prysoner called Barrabas whē they were gathered togyther Pylate sayde vnto thē whether wyll ye that I gyue lose vnto you / Barrabas or Iesus which is called Christ for he knewe well that for enuy they had delyuered hym Whē he was set downe to gyue iudgemēt his wyfe sent to hym sayenge Haue thou nothinge to do with that iuste man for I haue suffered many thynges thys daye in a dreame about hym But the chyefe prestes and the elders had perswaded the people that they shulde are Barrabas / shulde destroy Iesus Then the debyte answered and sayde vnto them whether of the twayne wyll ye that I let louse vnto you and they sayd Barrabas Pylate sayd vnto thē what shall I do then with Iesus which is called Chryst They all sayd to hym let hym be crucyfyed Then sayd the debyte what euyll hath he done And they cryed the more sayeng let hym be crucifyed whē Pylate sawe that he preuayled nothynge but that more busynes was made / he toke water wasshed hys handes before the people sayenge I am innocent of the bloud of this iust person And the ye shall see Then answered all the people and sayd Hys bloud be on vs on our chyldren Thā let he Barrabas lose vnto thē and scourged Iesus delyuered him to be crucifyed Then the souldyours of the debyte toke Iesus vnto the cōmen hall And gathered vnto him all the cōpany they stryped him put on hym a purple robe And platted a crowne of thornes put vpō his heade a rede in his ryghte hande And bowed theyr knees before hym / mocked hym / sayeng / Hayle kynge of the Iewes spytted on hym / toke the rede smot hym on the head And when they had mocked hym / they toke the robe of hym agayne put his owne rayment on him / led hȳ away to crucyfye him And as they came out / they founde a mā of Cyren named Symon hym they cōpelled to beare his crosse And whē they came vnto the place called Golgotha that is to say a place of deade mens sculles they gaue hym vyneyger to drynke mengled with gall / and when he tasted therof he wolde not drynke when they had crucifyed hym they parted his garmentes dyd caste lottes to fulfyl that was spoken by the prophet They deuided my garmētes amonge them / vpon my vesture dyd cast lottes they sat and watched hym there they set vp ouer his head the cause of hys death writen This is the kynge of the Iewes there were two theues crucyfyed with hym one on the ryght hande another on the lefte They that passed by reuyled hī wagginge theyr heades sayeng Thou that destroyest the tēple of god buyldest it in thre dayes saue thy selfe yf thou be the sonne of god come downe from the crosse lyke wyse also the hye preestes mockynge hym wyth the scrybes elders sayde He saued other hym selfe he can not saue if he be the kynge yf Israel let hym now come down frō the crosse we wyl beleue hym he trusted in god let hym delyuer hym nowe if he wyll haue hym / for he sayd I am the sonne of god That same also the theues which were crucifyed with hȳ cast in hys teth frō the syxt houre was there darkenes ouer all the lāde vnto the nynth houre And about the nynth houre Iesus cryed with a loude voyce sayenge Ely Ely Lama Sabathany / that is to say My God my god why hast thou forsakē me Some of thē that stode there when they herde that sayde This mā calleth for Helyas And strayt waye one of them ranne and toke a spōge fylled it full of vynegre / and put it on a rede and gaue hym to drynke Other sayd let be let vs se whether Helias wyl come and delyuer hym Iesus cryed agayne with a loude voyce yelded vp the ghost And beholde the vayle of the temple dyd rent in twayne frō the toppe to the bottome And the erth dyd quake And the stones dyd rent graues dyd open and the bodyes of many Sayntes which slepte arose and came out of the graues after hys Resurreccyon and came into the holy cyte appered vnto many when the Centurion they that were wyth hym watrhynge Iesus sawe the earthquake those thynges whiche happened they feared greatly sayenge of a surety this was the sonne of God And many women were there beholdynge hym a farre of whyche folowed Iesus from Galile mynistryng vnto hym Among whiche was Mary Magdaleyne and Mary the mother of Iames Ioses the mother of zebedes chyldren when the euen was come there came a ryche man of Aramathya named Ioseph whyche same also was Iesus disciple He went to Pylate begged the body of Iesus Then Pylate cōmaunded the body to be delyuered Iosephe toke the bodye wrapped it in a clene lynnen clothe put it in his newe tōbe / whiche he had hewē out euē in the rocke And rolled a great stone at the dore of the sepulchre departed And there was Mary Magdalene the other mary syttyng ouer agaynst the sepulcre ¶ The Gospell on Palme sondaye THe nexte daye that foloweth good frydaye the hye prestes and pharyses got them selues to Pylate and sayde Syr we remember / that thys deceyuer sayde whyle he was yet alyue After .iii dayes I wyll aryse agayne Commaunde therfore the Sepulchre be made sure / vntyll the thyrde daye / leest perauenture his discyples come and steale hym away say vnto the people he is rysen from death the laste errour be worse then the fyrste Pylate sayde vnto theym Take watchmen go make it sure as ye can And they wente and made the sepulchre sure with watchemen and sealed the stone ¶ The passyon on good frydaye The .xviij. chapiter of Iohn̄ A IEsus went forth with his dysciples ouer the broke Cedrō where was a gardeyne into the which he entred wyth hys dyscyples Iudas also
wyldernes and are deade This is the breade which cōmeth frō heuen that he which doth eate of it shuld not dye I am the lyuing breade which came downe frō heuen Yf any man eate of thys breade he shall lyue for euer And the breade that I wyll gyue is my flesshe whych I wyll gyue for the lyfe of the worlde ¶ The Pystle on Trinite Sondaye The .iiij. Chapyter of the Reuelacyon of saynt Iohn̄ A. I Loked vp sawe a dore open in heuen the fyrste voyce whiche I herde as were a trompette talkynge with me whiche sayde come vp hyther and I wyll shewe the thynges which must be fulfylled here after immediately I was in the spyryte beholde a seate was put in heuen and one sate on the seate and he that sate was to loke vpon lyke vnto Iasper stone and a Sardyne stone and there was a rayne bowe aboute the seate to loke vpon lyke vnto an Emeralde and about the seate were .xxiiij. Seates and I sawe on the seates .xxiiij. elders syttynge clothed in whyte raymēt and had on theyr hedes Crownes of golde and out of the seate proceded lyghtenynges and thōdrynges and voyces and there were .vij. lāpes of fyre burnynge before the seate / whyche are the seuen spyrytes of God and before the seate there was a See of glasse lyke vnto Crystall and in the myddes of the seate and round about the seate were .iiij. beastes full of eyes before and behynde and the fyrst beaste was lyke a Lyon the secōde beast was lyke a Calfe the thyrde beaste had a face as a man and the fourth beaste was lyke a flyenge Egle the .iiij. beastes had eche one of them .vj. wynges about hym and they were full of eyes within they had no rest daye neyther nyght sayenge Holy holy holy lorde god almyghty whiche was is is to come And when these beastes gaue glory honoure and thankes to hym that sat on that seate / which lyueth euermore the .xxiiij. elders fell downe before hym that sat on the trone and worshypped hym that lyueth euer cast theyr crownes before the trone sayinge thou arte worthy Lorde to receyue glory honoure power for thou haste created all thynges for thy wylles sake they are were created ¶ The Gospell on Trynite sonday The .iij. Chap. of Iohn̄ A THere was a man of the pharyses named Nichodemus / a ruler among the Iewes He came to Iesus by nyght and sayde vnto hym Mayster we knowe that thou arte a teacher which arte come from god for no man could do such myracles as thou doest except god were with hym Iesus answered and sayde vnto hym Verely verely I saye vnto the excepte that a man be borne a newe he can not se the kyngdome of God Nichodemus sayd vnto hym How can a man be borne whē he is old Can he entre into his mothers wombe be borne agayne Iesus answered Verely verely I say vnto the except that a man be borne of water of the spyrite he can not entre into the kyngdome of god That whych is borne of the flesshe is flesshe that which is borne of the spirite is spirite Maruayle not that I sayd to the ye muste be borne a newe The wynde bloweth where he lyfteth and thou heareste hys sounde but thou canste not tell whēse he cōmeth and whether he goeth So is euery man that is borne of the spyryte Nichodemus answered sayd vnto him How can these thynges be Iesus answered and sayd vnto him Arte thou a mayster in Israell and knowest not these thynges Verely verely I saye vnto the we speake that we knowe testyfie that we haue sene and ye receyue not our wytnes yf I haue tolde you erthtly thynges / ye haue not beleued howe shuld ye beleue yf I shall tell you heuēly thynges And no man hath ascended vp into heuen but he that came downe frome heuen that is to saye the sonne of man which is in heuē And as Moses lyfted vp the serpent in wyldernes euen so muste the sonne of man be lyfted vp that no man which beleueth in hȳ peryssh but haue eternal lyfe ¶ The Pystle on Corpus Christi daye the fyrst Pystle to the Corynthyans and the .xi. Chapyter E BRethren that whiche I gaue vnto you I receyued of the Lorde for the Lord Iesus Christ the same nyght in the which he was betrayed toke breade and thanked / and brake / sayde take ye eate ye this is my body which is broken for you This do ye in the remēbraunce of me / after the same maner he toke the cuppe when Supper was done sayenge This cup is the newe Testament in my bloude / this do as ofte as ye drynke it in the remēbraūce of me / for as often as ye shall eate this bread and drynke of thys cup / ye shall shewe the Lordes death tyl he come Wherfore who soeuer shall eate of thys breade or drynke of the cup vnworthely shal be gyltye of the body and bloude of the Lorde Let a man therfore examyne hym selfe and so let hȳ eate of the breade and drynke of the cuppe / for he that eateth drynketh vnworthely eateth and drynketh hys owne dampnacyon Because he maketh no dyfference of the Lordes body ¶ The Gospel on Corpus Christi day The .vj. cha of Iohn̄ F IEsus sayd vnto his dysciples to the company of the Iewes my flesshe is meate in dede / my bloud is drynke in dede He that eateth my flessh drynketh my bloud dwelleth in me And I in him as the lyuing father hath sent me euē so lyue I by my father he that eateth me shall lyue by me This is the breade which came from heuē not as your fathers haue eatē Manna and are deade He that eateth of thys breade shall lyue euer ¶ The Pystle on the fyrste Sondaye after Trinite Sondaye The .iiij. Chapyter of the fyrst Pystle of Iohn̄ B MOst dere beloued brethren God is loue in thys apered the loue of god to vs warde because that god sent his onely begotten son into the worlde / that we myght lyue thorowe hym here in is loue not that we loued God / but that god loued vs. And sente his sonne to make agrement for our synnes Derely beloued yf god so loued vs we oughte also to loue one another / no man hath sene god at any tyme. Yf we loue one another god dwelleth in vs and his loue is perfyte in vs. Here by knowe we that we dwell in hym and he in vs because he had gyuen vs of his spyryte And we haue sene and do testyfye that the father sent his sonne which is the sauyour of the worlde whosoeuer confesseth that Iesus is the sonne of God / in hym dwelleth god he in god And we haue knowen and beleued the loue that god hathe to vs. God is loue and that dwelleth in loue / dwelleth in God god in hym
whiche subdued thē in hope for the very creatures shal be delyuered frō the bōdage of corrupcyō into the glorious libertie of the sōnes of god / for we know that euery creature groneth with vs also trauayleth in payne euen vnto this tyme not they onely but euen we also which haue the fyrste fruytes of the spirite mourne in our selues wayte for the adopcyon and loke for the delyueraunce of our bodyes ¶ The Gospel on the .iiij. Sonday after Trinite Sonday The .vj. chapiter of Luke E. IEsus sayde vnto his disciples be ye merciful as your father is merciful Iudge not and ye shal not be iudged Cōdempne not ye shall not be cōdempned For gyue ye shal be for gyuen Gyue it shal be gyuē vnto you good measure pressed downe shaken to gyther rūnynge ouer shal men gyue vnto your bosomes For with what measure ye meate with the same shall mē meate to you agayne And he put forth a similitude vnto them Can the blynde lede the blynde do they not bothe then fall into dytche The discyple is not aboue his Mayster euery man shal be perfecte yf he be as hys mayster is Why seyste thou a mote in thy brothers eye cōsyderest not the beame that is in thyne owne eye / eyther howe canste thou say to thy brother brother / let me pull out the mote the is in thyne eye / when thou perceyuest not the beame that is in thyne owne eye ypocrite cast out the beame out of thyne owne eye fyrst and then shalt thou se perfectly to pull out the mote out of thy brothers eye ¶ The pystle on the .v. Sondaye after Trinite Sondaye The fyrst pystle of Peter and the .iij. Chapyter A BRethren be ye all of one minde one suffre with another loue as brethren / be petyfull be courteous not rēdrynge euyll for euyll neyther rebuke for rebuke but contrarywyse blysse remēbrynge that ye are therunto called euen that ye shuld be heyres of blessynge yf any man longe after lyfe and loueth to se good dayes let hym refrayne hys tonge from euyll his lyppes that they speke not gyle Let hym eschewe euyl do good let hȳ seke peace ensue it for the eyes of our Lorde are ouer the rightuous his eares are opened vnto theyr prayers but the feare of oure Lorde beholdeth them that do euyll More ouer who is he that wyl harme you yf ye folowe that which is good Not wtstanding happye are ye yf ye suffre for ryghtwysnesses sake ye and feare not thoughe they seme terryble vnto you / neyther be troubled / but but sanctifye our lorde god in your hertes ¶ The Gospell on the .v. Sondaye after Trinite sonday The v. Chapyter of Luke A WHen the people presed vnto Iesus to heare the worde of god he stode by the Lake of Genezareth sawe two shyppes standynge by the lakes syde but the fysshermen were gone out of thē were wasshynge theyr nettes he entred into one of the shyppes which pertayned to Symon prayed him that he wolde thruste out of a lytell from the lande he sate downe taught the people out of the shyp when he had left speakynge he sayde vnto Symon / launche out into the depe / and let slype youre nettes to make a draught Symon answered and sayde to hym / mayster we haue laboured all nyght haue taken nothynge neuerthelatter at thy worde I wyll lose forthe the net and when they had so done they inclosed a greate multytude of fysshes and theyr net brake but they made sygnes to theyr felowes which were in the other shyppe that they shuld come helpe them they came fylled bothe the shyppes that they sonke agayne When Simon Peter sawe that he fell downe at Iesus knees sayenge Lorde go from me for I am a synfull mā for he was vtterly astonyed and al that were with hym at the draught of fysshe whiche they toke / so was also Iames and Iohn̄ the sōnes of zebede which were partenars with Symon Iesus sayd vnto Symon feare not frō hensforth thou shalte catche mē they broughte the to lande and forsoke all and folowed hym ¶ The Pystle on the .vj. Sondaye after Trynite Sondaye the vj. Chapyter to the Romayns A BRethren remēbre ye not that all we whiche are baptysed in the name of Iesus Christ are baptysed to dye with him we are buryed with hym by baptyme for to dye that lykewyse as Christ was raysed vp from death by the glory of the father euen so we also shulde walke in a new lyfe for yf we be grafte in death lyke vnto him euen so must we be in the resurreccyō This we must remēbre that our olde man is crucyfyed with hym also that the body of synne myght vtterly be destroyed that hēsforth we shuld not be seruaūtes of synne for he that is dead is iustified frō sinne Wherfore yf we be dead with Christ we beleue that we shall lyue with hym remēbryng that Christ ones raysed frō death dieth no more death hathe no more power ouer hym for as touchynge that he dyed he dyed cōcernynge synne ones And as touchyng that he lyueth he lyueth vnto God Lykewyse Imagē ye also that ye are dead cōcernīg synne but are a lyue vnto god thorow Iesꝰ Christ our lord ¶ The Gospel on the .vj. sondaye after Trinite Sonday The vj. chapiter of Mathew C IEsus sayd vnto hys dysciples verely I saye vnto you except your ryghtwysenes excede the ryghtwysenes of the scribes pharyses ye can not entre into the kyngdome of heuen ye haue herde it was sayde vnto thē of olde tyme. Thou shalt not kyll for whosoeuer kylleth shall be in daunger of iudgemente but I saye vnto you who soeuer is angry with his brother shall be in daunger of iudgement Who soeuer sayth vnto hys brother Racha shall be in daūger of coūcell But whosoeuer sayth thou foole shal be in daunger of hell fyre Therfore when thou offerest thy gyfte at the Aulter there remēbrest that thy brother hath oughte agaynste the / leue there thyne offerynge before the Aulter and go thy way fyrst and be reconcyled to thy brother and then come and offre thy gyfte ¶ The Pystle on the .vij. sondaye after Trinite sondaye The vi Chapyter to the Romaynes D BRethren I wyll speke grosely because of the Infyrmyte of your flesshe / as ye haue gyuen your membres seruauntes to vnclennes iniquyte from iniquite vnto iniquite / euē so nowe gyue your mēbres seruauntes vnto ryghtwysenes that ye maye be sanctifyed for when ye were the seruauntes of synne ye were not vnder ryghtwysenes What fruyte had ye thā in two thynges / wherof ye are now ashamed for the ende of two thinges is death But now are ye delyuered from synne and made the seruaūtes of God haue your fruyte that he shuld be sanctified the euerlastynge lyfe for the rewarde of synne is death but eternal lyfe is
the gyfte of God thorow Iesus Christe our Lorde ¶ The Gospell on the vij Sondaye after Trynite Sondaye The .viij. Chapiter of Marke A WHen there was very gret company with Iesus and they had nothynge to eate Iesus called his disciples to hym / and sayde vnto thē I haue compassion on this people by cause they haue bene nowe with me thre daies and haue nothing to eate and yf I shulde sende them awaye fastynge to theyr owne houses they shulde faint by the way for diuers of thē came from farre And his disciples answered him where shulde a mā haue bread here in the Wyldernes to satisfye these And he asked them how many Loues haue ye They sayde seuen And he cōmaunded the people to syt donwe on the ground and he toke the seuē loues gaue thankes brake gaue it vnto his disciples to set be fore them and they dyd set thē be fore the people and they had a fewe smale fysshes and he blessed them cōmanded them also to be set before them they dyd eate and were suffysed they toke vp of the broken meate that was left .vij. baskettes full they that did eate were in nōbre about foure thousand he sent thē away ¶ The Pystle on the .viij sonday after Trinite sonday the .viij. chapiter to the Romayns C. BRethren we are nowe detters not to the flesshe to lyue after the flesshe for yf ye lyue after the flesshe ye muste dye but if ye mortify the dedes of the bodye through helpe of the spirite ye shall lyue for as many as are led by the spirite of god they are the sonnes of God for ye haue not receyued the spirite of bondage to fere any more but ye haue receyued the spirite of addiciō wherby we crye Abba father The same spyryte certifyed oure spiryte that we are the sonnes of god If we be sonnes we are also the heyres the heyres I meane of God and heyres annexed and togyther with Christ ¶ The gospel on the .viij. sondaye after Trynite sondaye The viij Chapyter of Mathewe C IEsus sayd vnto his disciples Beware of false prophetes whiche come to you in shepes clothynge but inwardely they are rauenynge wolues ye shal knowe them by theyr fruytes Do mē gather grapes of thornes or fygges of breers euen so euery good tree bryngeth forth good fruyte but a corrupte tree bringeth forth euyl fruyt a good tree can not brynge forth bad fruyt / nor yet a bad tree can brynge forth good fruyt euery tree that bryngeth not forth good fruite shall be hewen downe and cast into the fyre wherfore by theyr fruetes ye shall knowe them Not all they that saye vnto me Mayster mayster shall enter in to the kyngdome of heuen but he the doth my fathers wyl whiche is in heauen he shall entre into the kyngdome of heuē ¶ The Pystle on the .ix. Sōday after Trinite sōday the fyrste Pystle to the Corynthians the .x. Chapiter B. BRethren we may not lust after euel thīges as they lusted Nether be ye worshippers of Idolles as were some of them according as it is writen The people sat downe eo eate and drinke rose vp agayne to play Neyther let vs commyt fornicacion as some of them committed fornicacion and were destroyed in one day .xxiij. thousād Nether let vs tēpte Christe as sume of them temptted were destroyed of serpentes Neyther murmure ye as some of thē murmured / were destroyed of the destroyer Al these thynges happened vnto them for ensanples and were wryten to put vs in remembraunce whome the endes of the worlde are come vpon Wherfore let him the thinketh he stādeth take hede lest he fal There hath none other tēptaciō taken you but suche as foloweth the nature of man but god is faythful which shall not suffre to be tēpted aboue your strēgth but shal in the middes of the tētation make awaye to escape oute ¶ The Gospel on the .ix sonday after Trinyte sonday the .xvi. Chapiter of Luke A. IEsus put forth a simylitude vnto his discyples sayeng There was a certaine ryche mā whiche hade a bayly that was accused vnto him that he had wasted hys goodes and he called hym / and sayde vnto him Howe is it that I here this of the Gyue accomptes of thy baylyshyppe for thou mayste be no longer bayly The bayly sayde within him selfe / what shall I do / for my mayster wyll take awaye from me the baylyshyp I can not dygge and to beg I am a shamed I wot what I wyl do that when I am put out of the baylyshyp they maye receyue me in to they re houses Then called he at his maysters dette●s sayde vnto the tyrst howe muche owest thou vnto my mayster and he sayde an houndreth tonnes of oyle and he sayd to him take the byl and sit downe quyckly write .l. Then said the to another what owest thow he sayde an hondreth quarters of wheate he sayde vnto him take thy byl wryte foure score the lorde commanded the vniust bayly / be cause he had done wysely for the chyldren of this world are in theyr kynde wyser then the children of lyght And I saye vnto you make your frendes of the wycked Mammon that when ye shal departe they may receyue you into euerlasting habytacions ¶ The Pystle on the .x. Sonday after Trinite sonday the fyrst Pystle to the Corynthyans the .xij. Chapiter A. BRethren ye know that ye were gentyles and went your wayes vnto dōme Idoles euē as you were led Wherefore I declare vnto you that no man spekynge in the spirite of god defyeth Iesus Also no man can say that Iesus is the lorde but by the holy ghost There are dyuersities of gyftes verely yet but one spirite there are dyfferences of admynistracyons yet but one Lorde And there are dyuers maners of operacyons yet but one God whiche worketh al thynges that are wrought in all creatures The gyftes of the spirite are gyuen to euery man to profete the cōgregaciō To one is gyuē thorowe the spirite the vtteraunce of wysdome to another is gyuen the vtteraunce of knowledge by the same spirite to another is gyuē Faythe by the same spyrite to another the gyftes of healynge by the same spirite to another power to do myracles to another prophesye to another iudgement of spirites to another the interpretacyon of tonges And these all worketh euē the selfe same spirite deuydynge to euery man seueral giftes euen as he wyll ¶ Th Gospel on the .x. Sonday after Trinite Sonday the .xix chapiter of Luke F. WHen Iesus came nye vnto Ierusalem he behelde the cytye wepte on it sayenge yf thou haddest knowē those thynges which belonge vnto thy peace euen at this tyme but now are they hyd from thyne eyes for the dayes shal come vpō the that the enemyes shall caste a banke aboute the cōpasse the roūde and kepe the in on euery syde make the euen with
vnto the gate of the cytye beholde there was a dead man caryed oute / which was the onely sonne of his mother she was a wydow and much people was with her when Iesus sawe her he had compassyon on her sayd vnto her wepe not and he went and touched the coffyn they that bare him stode styl he sayd yonge man I say vnto the aryse the dead sat vp and began to speke and he deliuered him to his mother there came a feare on thē all and they gloryfyed God sayenge a great Prophet is rysen amonge vs and God hath visited hys people ¶ The Pystle on the .xvij. sondaye after Trynyte sonday The iiij Chapyter to the Ephesians A BRethren I which am in bondes for the lordes sake exhorte you that ye walke worthy of the vocacion wherwith ye are called in al humblenes of mynde mekenes longe sufferyng forbearynge one another thorow loue / that ye be dilygent to kepe the vnyte of the spyrite in the bonde of peace beynge one body one spirite euē as ye are called in one hope of your callīge Let there be but one lord one fayth one baptyme one god and father of all whiche is aboue all / thorowe all And in you all which is blessed in the wordes of wordes Amen ¶ The Gospell on the .xvij sondaye after Trinite sonday The xiiij Chapyter of Luke A WHen Iesus wente into the house of one of the chyefe pharyses to eate breade on the Saboth daye / and they watched hym and beholde there was a man before hym which had the dropsye and Iesus answered spake vnto the lawers pharyses Iesus answered spake vnto the lawers / Pharyses fayeng it is lawful to heale on the Saboth day they helde their peace he toke him healed him let him go answered thē sayeng Whiche of you shall haue an Asse or an oxe fallen in to a pyt / wyl not strayte way pull hī out on the Saboth day they coulde not answere him agayne to yt. He put forth a similitude to the gestes when he marked howe they preased to the hyest roumes / sayde vnto thē whē thou arte bydden to a weddynge of any mā syt not downe in the hiest roume lest a more honourable mā thē thou be bydden of him / he that had both him the / come saye to the giue this mā roume thou thē begyn with shame to take the lowest roume / but rather whē thou art biddē go syt in the lowest roume that when he that had the cōmeth / he maye say vnto the frēde syt vp hyer Then shalte thou haue worshyp / in the presence of them that sit at meate with the for who soeuer exalteth hī selfe / shal be broughte lowe / he that humbleth him selfe shall be exalted ¶ The Pystle on the .xviij. Sonday after Trinite sonday the .j. Pystle to the Corynthyans and the fyrst Chapyter A. BRethren I thanke my god alwayes on your behalfe for the grace of god whiche is gyuen you by Iesus Chryste / that in al thinges ye are made ryche by him in al lernynge in al knowlege euē as the testimony of Iesus Christ was cōfyrmed in you / so that ye are behynde in no gyft waite for the aperyng of our lorde Iesus Christ whiche shall strēgth you vnto the ende that ye may be blamelesse in the day of our lorde Iesus Christe ¶ The Gospel on the .xviij. sonday after Trinite sonday the .xxi. Chapyter of Mathewe D. THe Pharises wēte vnto Iesus / one of thē which was a doctoure of the lawe / asked hym a questyon / temptyng hī and sayeng Mayster whiche is the great cōmaundemente in the lawe Iesus said vnto him thou shalte loue thy lorde god with al thine harte with al thy soule with al thy mynde / this is the fyrst and the gretest cōmaundemēt there is an other lyke vnto this Thou shalt loue thy neyghboure as thy selfe In these two cōmaūdementes hange all the lawe and prophetes Whyle the Pharyses were gathered togyther Iesus asked thē sayeng What thȳke ye of Christ Whose sonne is he they sayd vnto hym the sonne of Dauyd He sayd vnto them Howe then doth Dauyd in spirite cal hȳ lorde sayeng The lorde sayd to my lord / syt on my right hāde tyl I make thyne enemyes thy fote stoles / yf Dauyd called hī lorde / how is he then hys sonne / none of thē coulde answere hym agayne one worde Neyther durste any man frome that daye forth aske hym any mo questyons ¶ The Pystle on the xix sōday after Trinite sonday the .iiij. cha to the Ephesians E. BRethren be ye renued in that spirite of youre myndes put on the new man which after the ymage of god is shaped in rightwysenes true holynes Wherfore put away lyenge and speake euery mā truth vnto his neyghbour for as moch as we are mēbers one of another be angry but sīne not let not the son go downe vpon your wrath gyue no place vnto the backbiter let hȳ the steale stele no more but let hī rather labour with his handes some good thyng that he may haue to gyue vnto hī that nedeth ¶ The Gospel on the .xix. sonday after Trinite sonday / the .xix. Chapiter of Mathewe A. IEsꝰ entred in the shyp passed ouer came into hys owne citye beholde they broughte vnto hym a man sycke of the palsey lyeng in his bed whē Iesus sawe theyr fayth he sayd to the sicke of the palsey sonne be of good chere thy synnes are forgyuē the beholde certayne of the scrybes sayd in thē selfe he blasphemeth whē Iesus sawe theyr thoughtes he sayd wherfore thynke you euyll in your hertes whether is easyer to say thy sinnes are forgyuen the or to say arise walke That ye may knowe that the sōne of man hath power to forgyue sīnes in earth then sayd he vnto the sycke of the palsey aryse take vp thy bed go home to thy house And he arose departed to his house and when the people sawe it they meruayled glorified god whiche had gyuē suche power to men ¶ The Pystle on the .xx. sonday after Trinite sonday The .v. cha to the Ephesyans D. BRethren take hede that ye walke cyrcūspetly not as foles but as wyse redeminge the tyme for the dayes are euyl wherefore be ye not vnwyse but vnderstande what the wyl of the lorde is be not dronke with wyne wherin is excesse / but be fulfylled with the spirite spekynge vnto your selues in Psalmes Hymnes spirytuall songes syngynge makynge melody to the lorde in your hertes giuinge thankes alwayes for al thinges in the name of our Lorde Iesus Christ to god the father submyttyng your selues one to a nother in the feare of god ¶ The Gospel on the .xx. sonday after Trinite sonday The .xxij. chapiter of Mathew A. IEsus
toke coūsell how they myght tangle Christ Iesꝰ in his wordes sent vnto him their disciples with herodes seruaūtes sayeng Maister we knowe that thou arte true that thou techest the waye of god truly neyther careste for any man for thou cōsiderest not mēnes estate tell vs therfore how thinkest thou Is it laweful to gyue tribute vnto Cesar or not Iesꝰ ꝑceyued theyr wylynes sayde Why tēpte ye me ye Ipocrites Let me se the trybute money they toke hī a peny he sayd vnto thē whose is thys Image suꝑscripciō / They sayd vnto hī Cesars then sayde he vnto thē Gyue therfore to Cesar that which is Cesars gyue vnto god that which is goddes ¶ The Pystle on the .xxiiij. Sondaye after Trinite sondaye The .j. Chapyter to the Collossyans B BRethren we cease not prayenge for you desyrynge that ye myght be fulfylled with the knowledge of his wyll in al wysedome spiritual vnderstādynge that ye myght walke worthy of the lorde in all thinges that please beyng fruyteful in all good workes increasynge in the knowledge of god strēghted with all myght thorow his glorious power vnto al pacyēce long sufferyng with ioyfulnes in Iesus Christ our Lorde ¶ The Gospell on the .xxiiij. Sondaye after Trynite sondaye The .ix. Chapyter of Mathewe C WHyles Iesus spake vnto the people beholde there came a certayne ruler worshypped him sayeng my doughter is euen now deceased but come lay thy hāde on her she shal lyue Iesus arose folowe him with hys discyples beholde a womā which was diseased with an yssue of bloude twelue yeres came behynde hym touched the heme of his vesture she sayd in her selfe If I may touche but euen his vesture onely I shal be safe Iesus turned him about behelde her sayenge doughter be of good cōfort thy fayth hath made the safe and she was made hole euen the same houre ¶ The Pystle on the nexte Sondaye before Aduent sondaye Ieremias .xxxiij. BRethrē beholde the dayes wyl come sayth the lord that I wyl stere vp vnto Dauyd a ryghtuouse braūche and he shall raygne a kynge shal be wyse shal do equyte iustyce in the erth in his dayes Iuda shal be safe Israel shall dwel wtout feare this is the name that they shall cal him the lorde our ryghtousnes wherfore the dayes wyll come sayeth the lord that they shal say no more the lorde lyueth that broughte the chyldrē of Israel oute of the lande of Egypt but the lorde lyueth which delyuered and brought the sede of the house of Israell out of the lande of the north from all landes whether I thrust them and they shall dwell in theyr owne lande sayth the lorde God almyghtye ¶ The Gospel on the next sondaye before Aduente Sondaye The .vj. Chapyter of Iohn̄ A WHē Iesus lyfted vp his eyes sawe a gret cōpany come vnto him sayd vnto philip Whense shall we bye bread that these myght eate This he sayd to proue hym for he him selfe knewe what he wold do Philip answered hym two hondreth peny worth of bread are not sufficient for thē that euery man haue a lytell Then sayd vnto hym one of his discyples Andrewe Simon Peters brother There is a chylde here which hath .v. barly loues .ij. fysshes but what is that among so many Iesus sayde make the people to syt downe there was muche haye in the place the men sat downe in nōbre about fyue thousande Iesus toke the breade gaue thankes gaue to his disciples his disciples to them that were set downe lykewyse of the fysshes as much as they wolde / when they had eaten ynough he sayd vnto his dysciples gather vp the brokē meate that remayneth that nothyng be lost They gathered it togyther fylled .xij. baskettes with the brokē meate / of the fyue barly loues two fysshes which brokē meat remayned vnto them that had eatē Then those men when they had sene the myracle that Iesus dyd / sayde This is of a truth the same Prophet which shall come into the worlde ¶ The Pystle on the dedycacyon daye The jxxj Chapyter of the Reuelacion of S. Iohn̄ A IOhn sawe the holy cyte new Ierusalē come downe frō god out of heuē prepared as a byrden / garnysshed for her husbande I berde a great voyce frō the trone / sayeng behold the tabernacle of god is with mē he wyll dwell with t●ē they shal be his people / god hym selfe shal be with them be theyr god and god shall wype alwaye all teares frō theyr eyes there shal be no more death / neyther sorowe / neyther cryenge neyther shall there be any more payne for the olde thinges are gone he that sat vpon the seate sayde / beholde I wyll make all thynges a newe ¶ The gospel on the dedycacyon day The .xix. Cha. of Luke A IEsus entred in / went thorow Ierico / beholde there was a man named zacheus / and he was a ruler amonge the Publicans and ryche also he made meanes to se Iesus / what he shulde be and he coulde not for the preace / because he was of a lowe stature Wherfore he ran before ascended vp in to a wylde fygge tree to se hym for he wolde come the same waye when Iesus came to the place he loked vp sawe him sayd vnto him zache hastely come downe for to day I must abyde at thy house quicly he came downe receyued him ioyfully when they sawe that they all grutched sayenge he is gone in / to tary with a man that is a synner / zache stode forth sayde vnto the lorde Beholde lorde / the halfe of my goodes I gyue to the poore / yf I haue done any man wrōge I wyll restore him .iiij fold Iesus sayd vnto hī this day is helth come vnto this house for as much as this same house is become the chyld of Abrahā for the son of mā is come to seke to saue that whiche was lost ¶ Here endeth the Pystles and gospels of the Sondayes ☞ Here begynneth the Pystles and Gospels of the Sayntes ¶ The Pystle on Saynt Andrewes day The .x. Chapyter to the Romaynes C BRethren the belefe of the hert iustifyeth to knowledge with the mouth maketh a man safe For the scripture sayth who soeuer beleueth on hym shal not be ashamed There is no dyfference betwne the Iewe and the Gentyle For one is lorde of all which is ryche vnto all that call vnto hym For whosoeuer shall call on the name of the lorde shal be safe How shall they call on him on whom they beleued not How shal they beleue on hym of whō they haue not herd How shall they hear wtout a precher and howe shall they preache except they be sente As it is wrytten howe beutyful are the fete of them
which brynge glad tydynges of peace And brynge gladde tydynges of good thynges but they haue not all obeyed the Gospell For Esaias sayth / Lorde who shal beleue on our sayenges So then fayth cōmeth by herynge / and hearynge cometh by the worde of God But I aske haue they not herde No doubte their sounde wēte out into all landes and their wordes in the endes of the worlde ¶ The Gospell on saynt Andrewes day The fourth Chapyter of Mathewe C AS Iesus walked by the see of Galyle he sawe two brethren Symon which was called Peter Andrewe his brother castynge a net into the see for they were fysshers and he sayde vnto them folowe me I wyll make you fysshers of men And they strayght waye left their nettes folowed him And he went forth from thense sawe other two brethrē Iames the sonne of zebede Iohn̄ his brother in the shyp with zebede theyr father mendynge theyr nettes called them they without taryenge lef the nettes their father folowed him ¶ The Pystle on Saynt Nicolas daye Eccle. xliiij BEholde an excellēt prest which in his dayes pleased god and was founde ryghteous and in tyme of wrath made an atonement lyke to him there is not founde that kept the lawe of the most hiest And he was in the couenaunt with him in his flessh he wrote the couenaūt in tyme of tēptacyō he was foūd faythful Therfore he made him a couenaūt with an othe the nacions shulde be blessed in his syght and that he shuld be multiplyed as the dust of the erth he knew him in his blyssynges gaue him an inheritaūce he kept hī thorow his mercy that he fon̄d grace in the eies of god An euerlastyng couenaūt dyd he make him / gaue him the office of the hye prest he made him happy ī glory in fayth in softnes he made hī holy chose him out of al flessh ¶ The Gospell on Saynt Nicolas daye The .xxv. Chapyter of Mathewe B IEsus sayd vnto his disciples A certain man redy to take his iorney to a straunge countre called his seruauntes to him and delyuered to them his goodes vnto one he gaue v. talentes to another .ij. and to another one to euery man after hys abylite strayght way departed Then he that had receyued the .v. talētes went and bestowed them and wan other .v. lykewyse he that receyued two gayned other .ij. but he that receyued one wente and dygged a pyt in the earthe and hyd his maysters money After a longe season the lord of those seruauntes came rekened with thē Then came he that had receyued v. talentes brought other fyue sayenge Mayster thou delyuerest vnto me fyue talentes lo I haue gayned with thē .v. mo Then his mayster said vnto hym wel good seruaunt faithful thou hast ben faithfull in lytel I wyll make the ruler ouer moche Entre into thy maysters ioye also he that receyued two talentes came sayde mayster thou delyueredst vnto me .ij. talentes lo I haue wonne two other with them his Mayster sayd vnto hym well good seruaunt faithful I wyll make the ruler ouer moche go into thy maysters ioye ¶ The Pystle on the Concepcyon of our Lady Eccl. xxiiij AS a vyne so brought I forth a sauour of swetenes and my floures are the fruyt of glory and ryches I am the mother of beutyfull loue of feare of greatnes and of holy hope In me is all grace of lyfe truth in me is al hope of lyfe and vertu Come vnto me all that desyre me be filled with the fruytes that spryng of me for my spirit is sweter thā hony or hony combe The remēbraunce of me is for euer and euer They that eate me shall honger the more they that drynke me shall thurst the more he that harkeneth to me shall nat be ashamed and he that worketh by my counsell shal nat sinne and they that bring in to lyghte shall haue eternall lyfe ¶ The Gospell on the Concepcyon of oure Lady the fyrste chapyter of Mathew A. THis is the boke of the generacyon of Iesus Christ the sonne of Dauid the sonne also of Abraham Abraham begate Isaac Isaac begate Iacob Iacob begate Iudas and his bretheren Iudas begat Phares and Saram of Thamar Phares begate Esrom Esrom begate Aram. Aram begate Aminadab Aminadab begate Naasson Naasson begate Salmō Salmon begat Boos of Rahab Bohos begat Obed of Ruth Obed begate Iesse Iesse begat Dauid the kyng Dauid the king begate Salomō of her that was Vries wife Salomō begat Roboam begat Abia. Abia begat Asa Asa begat Io saphat Iosaphat begat Iorā Iorā begat Ozias Ozias beg at Ioatham Ioathā beg at Achas Achas begat Ezechias Ezechias begat Manasses Manasses begat Amō Amō begat Iosias Iosias begat Iechonias his brethrē aboute the time they were caried away to Babylō after they were brought to Babilō Iechonias begate Salachiel Salachiel begate zorababel zorababel begate Abiud Abiud begate Eliachī Eliachim begate Azor. Azor begat Sadoc Sadoc begat Achim Achim begat Eliud Eliud begat Eleasar Eleasar begat Mathan Mathan begat Iacob Iacob begat Ioseph the husbande of Mary of whome was borne that Iesus whiche is called Christ ¶ The Pystle on saynt Thomas day the Apostle The .ij. chapiter to the Ephesians D. BRethrē nowe ye are no more straungers foreners but Cetezins with the Sayntes of the houssholde of god are bilte vpon the foundacion of the Apostles Prophetes Iesꝰ Christ beyng the hed corner stone / in whō euery buyldynge coupled togyther groweth vnto an holy tēple in the Lorde in whō ye are bylte togyther made an habytaciō for god in the spirite ¶ The Gospel on s Thom̄s day the Apostle the .x. cha of Iohn̄ F THom̄s one of the twelue called Didimꝰ was not with them whē Iesꝰ came The other disciples said vnto hym we haue sene the lorde And he sayde vnto thē excepte I se in his bādes the prynt of the nayles put my fīger in the holes of the nayles thrust my hād into his syde I wil not beleue after .viij. dayes againe the disciples were wtin Thom̄s was with thē Iesꝰ came whē the dores were shut / stode in the myddes sayde Peace be with you Thē sayd he to Thom̄s put in thy finger here se my hādes put forth thy hāde thrust it into my side be not with out fayth but beleue Thom̄s answered sayd vnto him my lorde my God Iesus sayd vnto him Thom̄s because thou haste sene me therfore haste thou beleued Happy ar they that haue not sene and yet haue beleued ¶ The Pystle on the conuersion of s Paule The .ix. Chapyter of the Actes of the Apostles A SAul yet brethynge out treatenynges slaughter agaynst the disciples of the lorde went vnto the hye prest desyred of hȳ letters to Damascō to the synagoges the yf
Apostleshyp frō the which Iudas by trāsgression fell that he myght go to his owne place they gaue forth theyr lottes and the lot fell on Mathias and he was counted with the eleuen Apostles ¶ The Gospell on S. Mathias the Apostles day The .xj. Chapiter of Mathew D THen Iesꝰ answered sayed I prayse ye. O father lorde of heuē erth because thou hast hyd these thynges frō the wyse prudēte haste opened thē vnto babes euen so father for so it pleased that all thinges are gyuē vnto me of my father / no man knoweth the sōne but the father nether knoweth any mā the father saue the sōne he to whō the sōne wyl open him Come vnto me al ye the labour are ladē I wyl ease you take my yoke on you lerne of me for I am meke lowely in hert ye shal fynde rest vnto your soules / for my yoke is easye / my burthen is lyght ¶ The Pystle on the Annunciacyan of our Lady Esaye vij OVr lorde spake to Achas sayeng Axe that a signe of the Lorde thy god from a lowe byneth or from an hye aboue But Achas answered I wyl not axe nether wyl tempte the lord Wherfore the lorde sayth herkē ye of the house of Dauid It is so smal a thing for you to be greuous to men / but the ye shuld also be paynfull vnto god neuer the later yet the lord he wil gyue you a signe Behold a virgin shal be with childe shal beare a sonne shal cal his name Emanuel He shal eat butter hony that he may haue vnderstandynge to refuse the euyll to chose the good ¶ The Gospel on the Annūciacion of our lady The .j. chap. of Luke C. ANd in the .vj. moneth the angell Gabriell was sent frō god vnto a cytie of Galyle named nazareth to a vyrgin sponsed to a man whose name was Ioseph of the house of Dauyd the vyrgyns name was Mary and the angell went in vnto her sayde Hayle full of grace the lorde is with the blessyd art thou amonge women When she sawe hym she was abasshed at hys sayeng cast in her mynde what maner of salutaciō that shuld be And the Angel sayd vnto her feare not Mary for thou hast founde grace with god lo thou shalt cōceyue in thy wombe shalt beare a sonne shalt call his name Iesus He shall be great shal be called the sonne of the hyest the lorde shal gyue vnto him the seate of his father Dauyd he shall raygne ouer the house of Iacob for euer and of his kyngdome shal be none ende Then sayde Mary to the Angel / how shal this be seynge that I knowe not a man and the angell answered and sayd vnto her / the holy ghost shal come vpon the the power of the hyest shall ouer shadow the. Therfore also that holy thing which shal be borne shal be called the sonne of god marke thy cosyn Elyzabeth / she hath also conceyued a sonne in her old age / this is the .vj. moneth to her whiche was called barayne for with God shall nothynge be vnpossyble Mary sayd Beholde the hande mayden of the lorde / be it vnto me euen as thou hast sayde ¶ The Pystle on S. Georges daye The fyrst Chapyter of Iames. A MY brethren counte it excedynge ioy / when ye fall into dyuers teptacions for as much as ye know that the tryeng of your fayth bryngeth pacience haue her perfecte worke that ye may be perfecte and sound that nothynge be lackynge vnto you / yf any that is amōg you lacke wysdome / let him aske of god which gyueth to all men indyfferētly / casteth no man in the teeth it shal be gyuen him / but let him aske in fayth wauer nat for he that doubteth is lyke the waues of the see / toste of the wynde / and caryed with violence Neyther let that man thynke that he shall receyue any thynge of God A wauerynge mynded man is vnstable in al his wayes / let the brother of lowe degre reioyce in that he is exalted and the rych in that he is made lowe for euen as the floure of the grasse shal he vanyssh away The Sonne ryseth with heate and the grasse haboundaunce Happy is the man that endureth in temptacion for when he is tryed he shall receyue the Crowne of lyfe whiche the Lorde hath promysed to them that loue hym ¶ The gospel on S. Georges day the xv cha of Iohn̄ A. IEsus sayde vnto discyples I am the true vyne my father is an housbāde man euery braūche that beareth fruite in me he wyl take away euery braunche that beareth fruyte wyll pourge that it maye brynge more fruyte Now are ye cleane by the meanes of the wordes which I haue spoken vnto you byde in me let me byde in you as the brauūche can not beare fruyte of it selfe except it byde in the vyne No more can ye except ye abyde in me I am the vyne ye are the braunches he that abideth in me I in him the same bryngeth forth much fruyte / for wtout me cā ye do nothing yf a mā bide not in me he is cast forth as a braunche is whythered men gather it cast it in to the fyre it burneth yf ye abyde in me my wordes also byde in you aske what ye wyll and it shal be gyueth to you ¶ The Pystle on s Marke the Euāgelystes daye The .iiij. chapyter to the Ephesyans B BRethren vnto euery one of vs is gyuen grace according to the measure of the gyft of Christ Wherfore he sayth he is gone vp an hye hath led captyuite captiue hath gyuē gyftes vnto mē That he ascēded / what meaneth it / but that he also dyscēdeth fyrst into the lowest partyes of the erth He that dyscēded / is euen the same also that ascended vp euē aboue al thinges to fulfyl al thynges the very same made some Apostles some prophetes some Euangelyst some shepherdes some teachers that the sayntes myght haue all thynges necessary to worke mynistre wtal to the edefyeng of the body of Christ tyll we euer pchone in the vnite of fayth knowlege of the sōne of god grow vp vnto a perfite mā after the mesure of age of the fulnes of christ ¶ The Gospell of S. Marke the Euangelyste daye The .xv. Chapyter of Iohn̄ A I Am the true vyne c. as it is wrytten worde by worde in the Gospell of saynt George daye ¶ The Pystle on Phylyp Iames daye Sapiencie v. THen shall the ryghteous stande with greate constaunce agaynst them that vexed them toke away that they had laboured for When the wycked shall se that they shal be troubled with horryble fere shall wonder at the sodayne vnloked for vyctory shall say in them selues repentyng sorowynge for an guysshe of herte These be
they whiche we somtyme mocked iested on We were out of our wyttes thought theyr lyuynge madnes theyr ende to be wtout honur but beholde how they are counted amonge the chyldren of God / and haue theyr enherytaunce amonge the Sayntes ¶ The gospell on S. Philyp and Iames daye The .xiiij. Chapyter of Iohn̄ A IEsꝰ sayd to his disciples let not your hertes be troubled beleue ī god beleue ye ī me In my fathers house ar many mansyons / yf it were not so I wolde haue tolde you I go to prepare a place for you yf I go to prepare a place for you I wyll come agayne receyue you euē vnto my selfe that where I am there may ye be also and whether I go ye knowe the way ye knowe Thomas sayd vnto him Lorde we knowe not whether thou goest Also howe is it possible for vs to knowe the waye Iesus sayd vnto him I am the waye the veryte the lyfe No man cōmeth vnto the father / but by me yf ye had knowen me ye had knowen my father also And nowe ye knowe him ye haue sene hym Philip sayd vnto him Lorde shew vs the father it iustifyeth vs. Iesꝰ sayd vnto him / haue I ben so long tyme with you / yet hast thou not knowen me Philip he that hath sene me hath sene the father how sayest thou then shew vs the father beleuest thou not that I am in the father the father in me The wordes that I speake vnto you I speke not of my selfe but the father dwellynge in me is he that doth the workes beleue me that I am the father the father in me at the least beleue me for the very workes sake Verely verely I saye vnto you whosoeuer beleueth on me the workes that I do the same shal he do greater workes then these shal he do because I go vnto my father whatsoeuer ye aske in my name that wyll I do ¶ The Pystle on the Inuencyon of the Crosse The .v. Chapyter to the Galathyans B BRethren I haue trust towarde you in god that ye wyll be none otherwyse mynded He the troubleth you shall beare his iudgement whosoeuer he be brethrē yf I yet preache circūsicion why do I then yet suffre persecucion for then had the offence which the crosse gyueth ceased I wolde to god they were sondred from you / which trouble you as many as desyre with outwarde aperaunce to please carnally they cōstrayne you to be circumcysed onely because they wolde not suffre persecucion with the crosse of Christ / for they thēselues which are circumcised kepe not the lawe but desyre to haue you circumcised that they myght reioyce in your flesshe God forbyd that I shulde reioce but in the crosse of our lorde Iesus Christ wherby the worlde is crucyfyed as touchynge me I as cōcernynge the worlde ¶ The gospel on the inuencyon of the crosse / the .iiij. cha of Iohn̄ A There was a man of the Pharyses named Nicodemus a ruler amonge the Iewes he came to Iesus by nyghte and sayde vnto hym Mayster we knowe that thou art a teacher which is come frō god for no man could do suche miracles as thou doest excepte god were with hym Iesus answered and sayd vnto hym Verely verely I say vnto the except a man be borne a newe he can nat se the kyngdome of God Nicodemus sayd vnto hym howe can a man be borne when he is olde can he entre into his mothers body be borne agayne Iesꝰ answered Verely verely I say vnto the except that a mā be borne of water and of the spirite he can not entre into the kyngdom of god That which is borne of the flesshe is flesshe and the which is borne of the spyrite is spirite Meruayle not that I sayd to the ye must be borne a new The wynde bloweth where he lysteth and thou hearest his sounde but thou cast not tel whense he cōmeth whether he goeth So is euery man that is borne of the spirite Nicodemꝰ answered and sayd vnto him How can these thinges be Iesꝰ answered and sayde vnto him Arte the a mayster in Israel and knowest not these thynges Verely verely I saye vnto the we speake that we knowe and testyfie that we haue sene and receyue not our wytnes yf I haue tolde you earthlye thynges and ye haue not beleued howe shuld ye beleue yf I shal tel you of heuenly thynges And no m hath ascēded vp to heuē but he that came downe from heuen that is to saye the sonne of man which is in heuē And as Moses lyfted vp the Serpēt in wyldernes euen so must the sonne of man be lyfted vp that no man whiche beleueth in hym peryssh / but haue eternall lyfe ¶ The Pystle on the Natiuite of S. Iohn̄ Baptyst Esaie THus sayeth the Lorde Herkē ye Iles vnto me gyue hede ye people that are a farre the lorde called me out of the wōbe made mencyon of my name / when I was in my mothers bowels he made my mouth lyke a sherp swerd In the shadow he led me with his hande he made me as an excellēt arowe and hyd in his quyuer he sayde vnto me thou art my seruaunt O Israel in whō I wyl be gloryfyed I sayd I laboure in vayne spende my strenght for nought vnprofytably howbeit my cause I cōmyt to the lorde my trauayle vnto my god now sayth the lord that formed me in the wōbe to be seruaūt to turne Iacob vnto hym beholde I haue made the a lyght that thou shuldest be saluacyon vnto the ende of the worlde kynges shal se rulers shall stande vp shall worshyp because of the lorde which is faythful and the holy of Israel hath chosen the. ¶ The Gospel on the Natyuite of Saynt Iohn̄ the Baptyst The fyrst chapyter of Luke F ELizabethes tyme was that she shuld be delyuered and she brought forth a sonne and her neyghbours her cosyns herde tell how the lorde had shewed great mercy vpō her they reioysed with her And it fortuned the eyght daye they came to cyrcumcyse the chylde and called his name zachary after the name of his father his mother answered said not so but he shall be called Iohan. And they sayd vnto her There is none of thy kynd that is named with thys name and they made sygnes to his father how he wolde haue hym called and he asked for wrytyng tables wrote sayenge his name is Iohn̄ And they meruayled all his mouth was opened immediatly and his tonge and he spake laudynge god and feare came on them al the dwelt nye al these thynges were noysed abrode through oute all the hylly countre of Iewry all they that herde thē / layd thē vp in theyr hertes sayeng What maner of chyld shal this be And the hande of god was with him his father zacharias was fylled
Ephesyans D BRethren nowe ye are no more straūgers foreners but cytesens with the sayntes of the housholde of god and are bylte vpon the foūdacion of the Apostles ꝓphetes Iesꝰ Christe beyng the heed corner stone in whō euery buyldynge coupled togyther / groweth vnto an holy tēple in the lord in whom ye also are buylte to gyther made an habitacion for god in the spirite ¶ The gospell on S. Iames daye the Apostle The .xx. chapyter of Mathewe C THere came to Iesꝰ the mo●her of zebedes childrē with her sonnes worshyppynge him desyrynge a certayne thyng of him he sayd vnto her what wilt thou haue she sayd vnto hī graūt that these my two sonnes may syt one on the right hand the other on thy left hande in thy kyngdome Iesus answered sayde ye wotte not what ye aske Are ye able to drynke of the cup that I shall drynke of to be baptysed with the baptime that I shal be baptysed with They answered to him That we are He sayde vnto them ye shal drynke of my cup shal be baptysed with the baptyme that I shal be baptised with but to syt on my ryghthād / on my left hād is not myne to giue but to thē for whō it is p̄pared of my fader ¶ The Pystle on saynte Annes daye A Womā of power veryte c. Ye shal fynde this Pystle on saynt Mary Magdaleyn daye Folio lij ¶ The Gospel on S. Annes daye The .j. cha of Mathewe A. THis is the boke of the generacion Ye shal fynde this gospel on the concepcion of our Lady Folio xliiij ¶ The Pystle on S. Peters daye ad vincula The .xij. Chapi-of the Actes of the Apostles C WHen Peter came out of preson he came to the house of mary the mother of one Iohn̄ which was called marke wher many were gathered togyther in prayer / as Peter knocked at the entre dore A damosell came forth to herken named Rhoda whē she knew Peters voyce she opened not the entre for gladnes but ran in and tolde howe Peter stode before the entrey they sayd vnto her thou art mad she bore thē downe that it was euen so Then sayd they it is his angell Peter cōtinued knockynge whē they had opened the dore sawe him they were astonyed he beckened vnto them with the hande to holde theyr peace tolde thē by what meanes the lord brought him out of pryson ¶ The gospel on s Peters day ad vīcula the .xvj. cha of Mat. B WHen Iesus came into the costes c. ye shal fynde this gospel on S. Peters and Paules daye Folio l. ¶ The Pystle on the transfyguracyon of our lorde The secōde Pystle of Peter and the fyrst chapyter D Most dere beloued brethrē we folowed not deceyuable fables whē we opened vnto you the power cōmyng of our lorde Iesus Christ but with our eyes we saw his maiestye Euen then / verely whē he receyued of god the father honour glory whē there came such a voyce to hym frō the excellēt glory This is my dere beloued sonne in whō I haue delyte heare him this voyce we herde whan it came frō heuē beynge with him in the holy moūt we haue also a right sure word of ꝓphesy wherunto if we take hyde as vnto a light that shyneth in a darke place ye do well vntyll the daye daune the daye starre aryse in your hertes ¶ The Gospel on the transfyguracyon of our lorde The xvij Chapyter of Mathewe A IEsꝰ toke Peter Iames Iohn̄ his brother brought thē vp into an hye moūtayne out of the way was transfigured before thē his face dyd shyne as the sonne hys clothes were as whyte as the lyghte And behold there appered vnto thē moses Helias talking with hī Then answered Peter sayd to Iesꝰ Master here is good beyng for vs yf y● wylt / let vs make here .iij. tabernacles one for the one for Moses one for Helias Whyle he yet spake / behold a bryght cloude shadowed thē beholde there came a voyce out of the cloude sayd This is my dere sōne in whō I delyte / here him And whā the dicsiples herde that they fell flat on theyr faces were sore affrayd And Iesus came touched thē sayd aryse be not affrayde Thē lyfted they vp they re eyes sawe no man but Iesꝰ onely And as they came downe from the Mountayne Iesus charged them sayēg / se that ye shewe the Vysyon to no man tyll the sonne of man be rysen agayne frome deaehe ¶ The Pystle in the feast of name of Iesꝰ The .iiij. chapiter of the Actes of the Apostles A. PEter ful of the holy ghost saide ye rulers of the people elders of Israel if we this day be examyned of the good dede done to the sycke man / by what meanes he is made hole be it knowē vnto you all and to al the people of Israel that in the name of Iesus Christe of Nazareth whome ye crucyfyed and whome God raysed from deth againe this man standeth here present before you whole this is the stone cast a syde of you buylders whiche is set in the chyefe place of the corner neyther is there saluacyō in any other nor yet also is there any other name gyuen to men wherein we muste be saued ¶ The Gospell in the feaste of the name of Iesus The fyrste Chapyter of Mathew C THe Angel of god appered to Ioseph in slepe sayeng Ioseph the sonne of Dauid feare not to take vnto the Mary thy wyfe for that which is cōceyued in her is of the holy ghost she shall brynge forth a sonne thou shalt call his name Iesꝰ for he shall saue his people frō theyr synnes All this was done to fulfyll that which was spokē of our lorde by the ꝓphete sayeng Beholde a mayde shal be with chylde shal brynge forth a son they shal cal his name Emanuel which is by interp̄taciō god with vs ¶ The Pystle on S. Laurence daye the .ij. Pystle to the Corynthyans The .ix. Chapyter B BRethren he which soweth lytel shal repe lytell he that soweth plēteously shal repe plēteously let euery man do accordynge as he hath purposed in his hert not grudgelynge or of necessyte for God loued a cherefull gyuer God is able to make you ryche in all grace that ye in al thinges hauyng sufficiēt vnto the vttermost may be rych vnto al maner good workes as it is wrytten He hathe sparsed abrode and hath gyuen to the poore his ryghteousnes remayneth for euer He that findeth the sower sed shal mynister breade for fode shal multyplye your sede and encrease the fruytes of your ryghteousnes ¶ The gospel on S. Laurence day The .xij. Cha. of Iohn̄ D IEsus sayd vnto his dysciples Verely verely I say vnto you except that wheat corne fal īto the groūd dye it bydeth
the Apostle daye folio eodem the gospell on the same daye folio xlvii the pystle on the Annunciacian of our Lady folio eodem the gospell on the same daye folio eodem the pystle on s Georges daye / folio eo the gospel on the same day fo xlviii the pystle on s Marke the Euangelistes daye folio eodem the gospell on the same daye folio eodem the pystle on Philip and Iames daye folio eodem the gospell on the same daye folio eodem the pistle on the Inuēciō of the crosse fo xlix the gospel on the same day fo eo the pystle on the Natyu●●e of saynt Iohn̄ the babtyst folio eodem the gospell on the same daye folio l. the pystle on s Peter Paules day fo eo the gospell on the same day fo eo the pystle on the cōmemoracyon of saynt Paule folio eodē the gospell on the same daye folio li. the pystle on the Visitacion of our Lady folio eodem the gospell on the same daye folio eodem the pystle on Relyke sondaye fo eo the gospel on the same daye fo eo the pystle on s Margaretes day fo iii. the gospel on i. Margarets day fo eo the pystle on Mary magdaleyn day fo eo the gospel on the same day / fo eo the pystle on s Iames daye fo liii the gospel on the same daye fo eo the pystle on s Annes daye folio eo the gospell on s Annes daye folio eo the pystle on s Peters day advincula fo eo the gospel on the same day fo eo the pystle on the transfyguracion of our lorde folio eodem the gospell on the same daye folio liiii the pystle on the feaste of the name of Iesus folio eodem the gospell on the same daye of Iesus feaste folio eodem the pystle on saynt Laurence folio eo the gospell on the same daye folio eo the pystle on the Assumpcibu of our Lady Folio lv the gospel on the same daye folio eodem the pystle on s Bartylmewes daye fo eo the gospell on the same day fo eo the pystle on the decollacion of saynt Iohan baptist folio eodem the gospell on the same daye folio eodem the pystle on the Natiuite of our lady folio lvi the gospell on the same daye folio eodem the pystle on the Exaltacion of the Crosse folio eodem the gospel on the same daye folio eodem the pystle on s Mathewes daye the Apostle folio eodem the gospel on the same daye folio eodem the pystle on saynt Myghels day fo lvii the gospel on the same day folio eo the pystle on the trans of saynt Edwarde the Kynge and confessour folio eo the gospell on the same daye folio eodem the pystle on saynt Luke the euangelyst folio eodem the gospell on the same daye folio eodem the pystle on the Xi thousande vyrgyns daye folio lviii the gospel on the same daye folio eodem the pystle on s Symon Iudas day fo eo the gospel on the same day fo eo the pystle on al halowen daye fo lix the gospell on the same daye fo eodem the pystle on al Soules day folio lx the gospel on the same day folio eodem the pystle on s Martyn daye folio eo the gospell on the same day fo eodem the pystle on s Katheryns day fo eo the gospel on the same day folio lx the pystle on the same day of weddynge folio eodem the gospel on the same daye folio eodem the pystle at buryenges / folio eodem the gospel on the same daye / folio eo FINIS TABVLAE ¶ Imprynted at London in Pater noster rowe by my Iohn̄ Redman
am not Arte thou a prophet And he answered no. Than sayed they vnto hym what arte the / that we maye gyue an answere to thē that sent vs ▪ what sayest thou of thy selfe he sayde I am the voyce of a cryer in the wyldernes make strayght the way of the Lorde as sayed the prophet Esaias And they whiche were sente were of the pharyses they ared hym sayed vnto hym ▪ why baptysest thou thē yf thou be not Christ nor Helias neyther a ꝓphet Iohn̄ answered thē saying I baptyse with water / but one is come amōge you whō ye know not He it is that cometh after me which was before me whose shoo latchet I am not worthy to vnlose These thynges were done in bethabara beyond Iordan where Iohn̄ dyd baptyse ¶ The pystle at hye masse on Christmas daye The .j. chapyter to the Hebreus A BRethrē god in tymes past diuersly many wayes spake vnto the fathers by the prophetes but in these laste dayes he hath spokē vnto vs by his sonnes whō he hath made heyre of all thynges / by whō also he made the worlde whiche sonne beynge the bryghtnes of his glory very ymage of hys substaūce bearynge vp all thynges with the worde of his power hath in his owne person pourged oure synnes sytteh on the ryghthande on thy Maiesty on hye and is more excellente than the angels in as moche as he hath by euerytaunce obteyned an excellenter name then they haue / for vnto whiche of the angels sayde he at any tyme thou art my sonne this daye begat I the. And agayn I wyll be his father and he shall be my sonne And when he bryngeth in the fy●ste begotten sonne into the wor●de he sayth And all the angels of god shall worshyppe hym and vnto the angels he sayeth he maketh his angels spyrites and his ministres flammes of fyre but vnto the sonne he sayth god thy seate shal be for euer and euer the cepter of thy kyngdome is a ryghte cepter Thou hast loued ryghtwysenes hated iniquite wherfore hath god whiche is thy god anoynted the with the oyle of gladnes aboue thy felowes And thou lorde in the begynnyng hast layde the foundacion of the earth And the heuens are the workes of thy handes The shall perysshe but thou shalt shalt endure they all shal waxe olde as doth a garment / and as a vesture shalt thou chaunge them and they shal be chaunged but thou art alwayes the same and thy yeares shall not fayle ¶ The gospell at hye Masse on Christmas daye The .j. chapyter of Iohn̄ A IN the begynnyng was the worde the worde was with god and god was the worde The same was in the begynnyng with god All thynges were made by it without it was made nothyng that was made In it was lyfe / and the lyfe was the lyght of men the lyght shyneth in the darkenes and the darkenes comprehendeth it not There was a man sent from god whose name was Iohn̄ The same same as a wytnes to beare wytnes of the lyght that all men through hym myght beleue he was not that lyght but to beare wytnes of the lyght That was a true lyght which lyghted all men that come into the worlde he was in the worlde the worlde by him was made and the worlde knewe him not / he came among his owne his owne receyued him not vnto as many as receyued hym gaue power to be the sonnes of god in that they beleued on his name which were borne not of bloude nor of the wyll of the flesshe nor yet of the wyll of men but of god the worde was made flesshe dwelt amōge vs we sawe the glory of it as the glory of the on y begottē sōne of the father which worde was ful of grace verite ¶ The Pystle on S. Steuens day The .vj Cchapiter of the Actes of the Apostles C STeuen full of fayth power dyd great wōders myracles among the people There arose certayne of the Synagoge whyche are called Lybertynes and Syrenytes and of Alexandria and of Cylicia and Asya disputed with Steuen they coulde nor resyste the wysedome and the spyryte / with which he spake When they hearde these thynges theyr hertes cloue a sonder and they gnasshed on him with theyr tethe but he beynge full of the holy Ghoste loked vp stedfastly wyth hys eyes into heuen / sawe the glory of god Iesus standyng on the ryght hande of god and sayd beholde I se the heuens open and the sonne of man standynge on the ryght hande of God then they gaue a shoute with a loude voyce and stopped their eares and ran vpon him all at ones caste hym out of the cytie stoned him and the wytnesses layde downe theyr clothes at a yonge mans fete named Saule And they stoned Steuē calling on sayeng Lord Iesu receyue my spiryte and he kneled downe and cryed with a loude voyce Lorde saye not this synne to theyr charge / And whē had thus spoken / he fell a slepe in our Lorde ¶ The Gospell on Saynte Steuens daye the .xxiij. chapiter of Mathew D. IEsus sayde vnto the Iewes and chefe prestes beholde I sende vnto you wyse prophetes wyse men and scrybes of them som shall ye scourge in your synagoges and persecute from cytye to cytye and al ryghtuous bloude maye fall on you whiche was shede vpon the earthe frome the bloude of ryghtuous Abell vnto the bloude of zacharias the sonne of Barachias whom ye slewe betwene the temple and the auter Verely I saye vnto you all these thynges shall lyghte vpon this generacyon Ierusalem / Ierusalem / which kyllest prophetes and stonest them whiche are sente to the howe oft wolde I haue gathered thy chyldren togyder as the henne gathereth her chyckens vnder her wynges but ye wolde not beholde your habitacion shal be lefte vnto you desolate For I say vnto you ye shal not se me henforth tyl that ye saye Blessed be he that commeth in the name of the Lorde ¶ The Pystle on S. Iohn̄ the Euangelystes daye Eccles xv HE that feareth god wyll do good / and he that kepeth the lawe shall obtayne wysedome and she wyl come agaynst hym as an honourable mother as a woman yet a vyrgyn shal receyue hym She shal fede hym with the bread of lyfe and vnderstandynge and the water of holsome wysedome she shall gyue hym to drynke she shall exalte him amōge his neyghbours shall open hys mouth euen in the thyckest of the congregaciō And he shall fyll hym with the spyryte of wysedome vnderstandynge and wyth the garment of glory shall apparel hym She shall make him rych with ioye and gladnes and shall inherete hym of an euerlastynge name ¶ The Gospell on S. Iohn̄s daye the Euangelyste The .xxj. chapyter of Iohn̄ E Iesus sayd to Peter folowe me Peter turned about sawe the disciple whō Iesꝰ loued folowyng which also leued