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A13187 Disce vivere Learne to live : a briefe treatise of learning to liue, vvherein is shewed, that the life of Christ is the most perfect patterne of direction to the life of a Christian : in which also, the well disposed may behold their orderlie passage, from the state of grace, to the state of glorie. Sutton, Christopher, 1565?-1629. 1604 (1604) STC 23484; ESTC S1737 203,338 618

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God in hunger and thirst in watching and praying night and day they cared not to be poore vnto the world so they might be rich vnto God to be pilgrimes or as banished men vpō the earth so they might be citizens in heauen These holy friendes of Christ as Confessors Martyrs Virgins deuout Christians of all sorts men fearing God and eschewing euill gaue euident testimonie to the world whose seruants they were It was once the complaining wish of Caesar That wee had such Souldiers as were in the time of Alexander the great Viuitur nec Deo Liue wee doe is it to God I would to God it were Wee passe on for a while More nostro after a fashion such as it is but is all this to liue Christianly No verily so a priuate estate in this world be prouided for let all sinke or swimme for the worlde to come We respect our selues onely neglecting all others Christ pleased not himselfe saith the Apostle with vs it is otherwise and yet wee thinke our selues perfect Christians In that great knowledge we haue for we sinne not so much of ignoraunce as of negligence wee knowe but little as we ought VVhat auaileth it to haue Pharaohes glorie and Pharaohes ignominie Ahabs vineyard and Ahabs destruction The rich mans life and the rich mans death VVhat blindnesse is it in seeking riches or honour wilt thou perish sayeth Saint Austen for that which perisheth Thus we goe on and that which is worse we cannot tell when wee shall make an ende Thus wee liue and thus we die VVhat other remedie in this estate of thinges the disease beeing so generall then vvith Iairus in the Gospell who comes vnto Christ with his Domine veni et impone manum Lord come lay thy hand on her and my daughter shall liue or to renue that petition of the Prophet Dauid It is time Lord that thou haue mercie vppon Sion yea the time is come All that men can doe in this case is to obserue the manner of louing friendes who in visiting the sicke partie euerie one bringes somewhat by the grace of GOD to further his health for while GOD doth afoord space of repentance and the happie light of his Gospel amongst vs wee may not dispayre of anie ones conuersion to aduise men for the best it is their care to whom God hath cōmended in his owne sted a fatherly care of soules There is a necessitie laid vppon vs all to liue well wee runne for a wager we fight for a garland In seeking to repaire deuotion pietie which this world hath welneer lost we will be as ready as our aduersaries themselues and in honouring our Lord Iesus Christ who hath honoured vs all we wil goe with them hand in hand if not before them in cleaning to the foundation wee hope one day to see the goodnesse of the Lord in the land of the liuing howsoeuer vncharitable vnpriestly and vnchristian Censurers in manie spitefull Pamphlets giue out against vs. T is true the sinfulnes of this age is great with sighing hearts we wish it were otherwise and with the Publican say Nowe God be mercifull vnto vs for we are sinners we are not as we should be good God make vs better But sirs are wee alone in this defect of godlinesse Your owne Writers will tell you no happily your own experience can tell you no seeing iniquitie like the darknesse of Egypt hath spread it selfe ouer the face of the earth Would to God this bitternes were left on both sides and that contention were once laid asleepe Moyses would not haue an Hebrew smite an Hebrew There is a common aduersarie of vs all let vs fight against him vvho lieth in waite like a subtill spie his desire is to make discorde and trouble in earth because hee can trouble heauen no more VVell let busie medlers content themselues and serue GOD humbly in their calling let them cease to trouble the peace of this Church and Common-wealth which Iesus Christ long continue remembring that of Gamiel If this counsell be of men it will come to nou●…ht but if it be of God you cannot destroy it VVere wee no other but plaine naturall men God giuing vs reason and vnderstanding we are thence mooued to passe our time orderlie whilest wee are heere It is our common saying Better vnborne then vntaught but beeing Christian men mercifull Lord that wee should not remember the happie hope wee all haue or ought to haue In the Articles of our Creede wee mention an euerlasting life after death and acknowledge a iudgement to come O good God that wee should liue as if hell fire were no other but a Poeticall fiction Assuredly wee doe our calling open iniurie acknowledging the holie Catholique Christian faith when our profession promiseth one thing and our practise performeth another Is it not wonderfull that we shold euen forget whose creatures we are yet this we doe all knowe their beginning was from God that after a while in GOD they must end Now for to spend this space betweene our beginning and our end in vndutifull sort toward him were in very reason vnreasonable When wee see a vineyard well manured and ordered wee by and by say It hath a good Keeper shall wee not say the same of a life well ordered It is a glory vnto the vine when the branches are fruitfull it is a ioy vnto the Father when the Sonne is dutifull we are the braunches Christ is the vine we are his children hee is our Father Father which is aboue all through all and in vs all Being Christians we are the Lords heritage and the Lords heritage should be holy vnto him wherfore the name Christian saith an ancient Father is a name of iustice a name of goodnes a name of integritie of patience of humility of innocencie of pietie and hee rightly beareth this name who neuer beareth malice in his heart who followeth Christes doctrine and endeuoreth Christes example that blessed patterne for imitation The skilfull Painter hauing nowe proposed vnto himselfe some excellent worke all his study care is to expresse in as liuely manner as he can the forme laid out before him the life of Christ our Sauiour according to his humanity is laid out before vs as a goodly table our best Arte and industrie is required to work according to this forme and to labour seriouslie vntill Christ be formed in vs as the Apostle speaketh that is vntill some forme or resemblance of him appeare in vs vvho are his children and beare his name Rude work God knowes make they who neuer regard the patterne set before them nor any way respect the wel ordering of the pensill and so drawe such monstrous and vgly formes as themselues may be sorie to see should I call him a christian sayeth one in whom there is no act of Christianitie no conuersation of iustice who oppresseth the miserable who maketh manie poore to make himselfe rich whose mouth is
they would not receiue so often offering himselfe vnto them for a time of feéeling they would not endure the paine of a little repentance and therefore shall suffer the punishment of eterna●…l ●…ame 12 Of all 〈◊〉 say the Mathematicians a circle is the most absolute because the beginning and end concurre in one such is our holy conuersation which comes from God by grace and ends in God by the works of grace all our actions are from him as the beames from the Sunne as the smell from the flower as the sparkes from the fire The Sunne is dispersed by his beames the flowers by their smell the fire by the sparkles from thence procéeding God is séene in his creatures ad●…ured in his works but most glorified in his seruaunts the sonnes of men Wee knowe there is in man somwhat more then man Christ said vnto the Pharisees when the Herodians shewed him a tribute pennie Whose Image or superscription is this when we f●…d in our selues a most diuine heauenly resemblance whose Image is this me thinks we cannot but replie assuredly it is our heauen●… Caesars and therefore giue we ●…nto him the homage of our ●●arts and if we haue a thousand ●●arts let vs pay them all in tribute The Angels of heauen ●…oke for vs Iesus Christ himselfe the Lord of Angels expects vs whom hee hath chosen to be ●…es of glory should we follow the world then may wee feare the punishment of the worlde What is it to gaine a farme with him who would goe to sée his farme loose heauen what is it to be married to the momentarie pleasures of a sinfull life and for euer and euer to be deuorced from Christ There are in holy scripture promises laid downe of a happy state to come it may be well applied which was misapplied in the triall of the holy man Iob We doe not serue God for nothing As sure as God is God the righteous shall receiue a reward We know that man is immortall and that his happinesse is not heere though that part which we sée saith Philo the learned Iew be mortall and perish for a time yet there is a time to come when it shall be raysed and there is a part in man which abides for euer 13 Children when they are young loue their nurses more then their true and naturall mothers but comming to ryper yeares they then loue where they chiefely ought wee are a while addicted to the world and loose our selues in the loue thereof but vpon mature iudgement we sée that God onely should haue our loue and duties of loue It is the manner of some Nations saith one for the inferiour first to salute their superiours and it is the custome againe of other Countr●…es as a signe of benediction going downward for the superiour first to salute the inferiour This custome Almightie God himselfe obserueth with men first hee salutes vs by his benefits and then we salute him by our obedience first he loueth vs as a father then wee honour him as children Should wee with the fed Hawke forget our master or being full with Gods benefits like the Moone be then most remoued from the Sunne from whence comes all her light and then by her imposition of earthly desires become darke Hath Christ done so much for vs and should we séeme to be caried away into the land where all things are forgotten At that dreadfull day of doome the greatest part of the euidence sayeth Saint Cyprian that Sathan will bring in against carelesse men is the neglect of their dutifull seruing the Lord Iesus when hee shall say O eternall Iudge for these I neuer benefited them I neuer endured labour or trauaile to redée me them and yet haue they followed me I no sooner tempted them to euill but they obeied me Thou camest from heauen and enduredst manie things in the world to winne them and yet they neuer followed thee thou diddest shed thy most precious blood to saue them and yet they would neuer worship thée hitherto Saint Cyprian 14 Now can wee then omit the performance of our Christian duty should it be said of holines as it was once in another case Audiuimus famam Wee haue heard report of such a matter and so let it goe wil our lip-worship serue the turne the foolish virgines were found with their Sic dicentes so saying but the good seruants shal be found with their Sic facientes so doing Our Isaack wil not only heare Iacobs voyce but come hither my sonne let me haue thy hands too and then receiue a fatherly benediction In the seauenth of S. Luke Iohn sendes his Disciples to Christ to know whether he were the Messias that should come into the world or they should looke for another the aunswere out Sauiour returneth is this tell Iohn what you haue heard and séene what you haue heard only●… no but heard and séene the blind sée the lame walke the leapers are cleansed the poore receiue the Gospel He doth neither affirme nor denie saith Beda but would rather haue his works testisse of him then that he would testisse of himselfe Christ came from heauen to doe his fathers will in earth and wee héere on earth doe his will who is ascended vp into heauen to whom was that applied but vnto Christians This is the will of God euen your holines 15 To comprehend manie things with the circle of a short conclusion the summe of all is There is nothing more swéete then to serue God when Pythagoras heard a vicious fellow affirme hee had rather spend his time in wanton company then amongst these sower Philosophers no meruaile said he for Swine had rather be tumbling in the mire then laid in the cleanest places of all There is no peace comparable to that which is wont to accompanie christian conuersation It is said of the Dioscorides men liuing farre remote yet professing Christian religion that dwelling in the middest of the se yet haue not the vse of ships they liue with such quiet and content in their estate or without any desire of séeking superfluitie Who shall ascend sayth the Prophet vnto the hill of the Lord but euen hee that hath pure hands and hath not lifted vp his minde to vanitie he shall receiue a blessing from the Lord and righteousnes from the God of his saluation Nature hath taught the Bombyx a small worme prouiding before for her end first to wind her selfe all in silke and then becomming white and winged in shape of a flying thing she dieth let grace leade vs in the same course first clothing our selues with that precious silke of Christes merits and then become white for innocencie and holinesse of life and last of all with the wings of faith hope prepare our selues to flie to that heauenly repose of our euerlasting rest Chap. 3. That the end of a Christian life is endlesse felicitie in the life to come MOst sure
Christes actions was our instruction and Saint Ambrose wish that the wise men of the world would be wise in déede and learne to followe Christ in lowlines of minde that they would euer set before them his example who is gone before vs to heauen Therefore Gregorie amongst other high and heauenly ends Filius Dei sayth hee formam infirmitatis nostrae suscepit ad hoc contumeliarum ludibria illusionum opprobria passionum tormenta tolerauit vt doceret Deus hominem The Son of God tooke the forme of our infirmity bare the scoffes of contumelies the reproches of irrision the torments of suffering that so God might teach man To this Isidore addeth Christ ascended vnto the crosse died and rose again the third day from the dead to leaue vs a double example of suffering and rising againe of suffering to conforme our patience of rising to confirme our faith For the confirming of our faith we ought to cast off all unpediments to come vnto him of whom we may say with the people of eld time Cum ignoramus quid agere debemus hoc solum residui habemus vt oculos nostros dirigamus ad te When wee know not what to do O Sonne of God this only is left vnto vs to lift vp our eyes vnto thee 5 For worldly pleasures those of the best sort if they are honest yet they perish if otherwise we perish onely to followe Christ is mans chiefest good Abimelech the sonne of Iernbaall in the ninth of Iudges goeth to the men of Sechem and thus séeketh to perswade them I am of your kindred of your bone and flesh the men of Sechem answered our hearts are moued to follow Abimelech he is our brother we haue somwhat more to moue vs then these men had if we remember our selues well therefore may more truly say We will follow the Lord Iesus he is our Sauiour 6 The Eagle to learne her young ones to flie doth oftentimes flutter ouer them all to teach them to rayse vp themselues by little and little and so at last to be able to take their flight and be gone What doe all the precepts and examples of Christ our Sauiour but houer ouer vs that wee should learne to lift vp our selues from earthly affections and in time ascend whither he ascended that is to heauen The seruant will follow his maister the souldier his captain the naturall child desireth nothing more then to manifest the vertues of his Father Is hee worthy to beare the name of Christ saith Saint Austen who doth no way endeuour the imitation of Christes actions In that we beléeue in him we acknowledge him our God in that wee doe that which Christ did as man we doe that which Christian men should doe The holy Scriptures were not therefore giuen vs that wee should haue them in bookes or only read or peruse them and so no more but the folding vp of all is a pronouncing of them blessed that doe his commaundements and keepe the words of these testimonies Better is it with the Lacedemonians to doe wel then with the Athenians to speake well or only know what belongs to well doing 7 Christ hath done his part and conformed himselfe to vs our part remaines to conforme our selues vnto him In the way of life whom may wee more safely follow then the way it selfe Let the same mind be in you saith the Apostle that was in Christ the same that is in humblenes of minde a resemblace of the same Whence is it that wee are so soone cast down with euery touch of aduersity but that we doe not déepely consider Christes constancie whence is it that we are so easily caried away with euery shew of vanity but in that wee lightly passe ouer Christes contempt of the world who sayth Fulgentius will not despise his cottage when he séeth a Senatour despise his large and spacious buildings and who contemnes not earthly things to get heauenly when he sées a Consull of Rome doe the same yea much more what Christian man in the world will place his whole delight vpon a transitorie estate when hee sées the Sonne of God passe this life onlie séeking his Fathers glory in heauen 8 Sure it is that whereas our liues héere are partly guided by precepts and partly directed by examples then haue we sufficient instruction in respect of both from the Sonne of God for the latter to wit examples by which we are led if wee respect the generall course of men for we say a long way by precept is by example short and easie had we no precept in the world the onely life of our Redéemer were enough for our guide direction all the way The actuall obseruation of whose precepts and manners to wit those manners which hee proposed vnto man for in his diuine works we will admire him as God the obseruation of these I say is for thrée causes required at our hands first for that they are fruites of our regeneration secondarily Testimonies of our loue towards him thirdlie signes of our profession séeing of Christ we are called christians Our Sauiour reasoned with the Iewes after this manner If you were the childrē of Abraham then would you doe the works of Abraham In the tenth of Saint Iohn he calleth himselfe a sheepheard and we are resembled vnto sheepe now although shéepe according to the Philosopher be pecus erraticum a cattell giuen to stray yet sayth our Sauiour they will heare the voyce of the sheepheard and follow him 10 Now then awake O christian soule saith Saint Austen awake and imitate the footsteps of thy Lord he teacheth thée who is the way the life the truth the way without erring the truth without deceiuing the life without fading the way by example the truth by promise the life by reward neglect not the following of so gracious a Lord. Now shal the negligent be one day confounded the valuptuous to sée him in glory who once liued in fasting and great deuotion the proude in séeing him exalted who refused earthly pompe the couetous in beholding him Lord of heauen and earth who neuer followed the riches of the world but now to liue and raigne for euer mercifull God what a strange sight will this be vnto them how shall they be amazed in themselues how often will they wish with sighs they had walked in his wayes Dionysius the elder when hee heard of the great folly committed by his son he cals him vnto him and reasons with him after this maner Didst thou euer see me do as thou doest liue as thou liuest the same may be said to men who followe their owne fancies did ye euer sée Christ doe so and so 11 When Marriners do want in the maine sea marks to direct their course by they take their marke which is the surest way from the heauens in like manner if we had not examples as we haue many to this
King Alphonsus was perswaded as stories mention not to attempt warre for feare of imminent danger I feare not danger quoth he for who hath euer attayned victorie without aduenturing dangers Distrust and feare of difficultie doth often disswade vs from the prosecuting and pursuing of this reward If all difficultie should dismay vs then how should wee attaine our hoped end for who hath euer attained the same end since the foundations of the world without labour and trauaile Christ himselfe went not vp into glory but first he suffered paine One being asked whether he would rather be Socrates or Craesus the one an industrious and painfull Phylosopher the other a man flowing in all aboundance aunswered that for this life he would be Craesus but for the life to come Socrates thereby shewing that héere rich men are happy but héereafter good men are happy now of the two future happines is the better 6 By all this it hath béene proued how desirable a thing it is vnto man to attaine his wished end for the attaining wherof he must applie himselfe who●…y héereunto neyther may the christian man of all other think himselfe exempted in this case When Christ cured the blinde man in the Gospell his least touching nay his word only was sufficient to haue restored him his sight yet to shew how hee required induindustrie the blinde man must goe and wash at the poole of Siloam The Apostle had receiued it by a diuine vision that none with him in the ship should perish what then must al be secure and wilfully cast themselues into the sea No that were to haue tempted their preseruour but when the case so requireth euery one must endeuour himselfe to vse the meane ordained to saue himselfe We saile in this mortali life with contrary winds sometime there is a tempest anone commeth a calme the one is readie to make vs doubt of God by impatiencie the other to forget him by security Therefore foure principall vertues we must euer exercise in this passage The loue of God the hate of sinne the hope of mercy and the feare of iustice which shall euer guide vs in a right Christian course vnto our end all the way meditating that God is an Ocean sea of infinite goodnes and that by this hee first created the world by this he still guideth it by this he suffereth many iniuries offered vnto his most sacred name by this hee causeth the Sunne to rise vpon the good and euill by this he maketh the raine to come downe vpon the iust and sinners by this he hath ordained man so many meanes and helps to come vnto him and last of all by this he would not be alone in a state of high excellencie but hath vouchsafed his creatures Men and Angels to be partakers with him and in a manner consorts of his glory Could euer man so much desire his owne good as hee is now brought vnto by the goodnes of his God No meruaile though Sathan do so much enuie this happines of man from which he is miserably fallen O the depth of the wisedome of the riches of the mercie of God! 7 Who is able sufficiently to expresse the great dignity of our Christian calling the end wherof is so ioyfull All the labour of a religious life is no way comparable vnto the excellencie héereof our fasting our praying the chiefe matter we are to attend our seruing of God is the best time bestowed of all other those thinges which are ioyfull when they come doe comfort vs before they come Faith sayeth there is a great and costly banquet prepared Hope sayeth this banquet is prepared for mee Things of the world are subiect to mutability strife discord enuie but the time will come when the shéepe shall no more feare the wolfe the glorification of man in the life to come is such as he shal crie out with Dauid Lord what am I that thou hast brought me to this 8 Tell me now if there be anie state or condition in the world comparable vnto a Christian life passed ouer in the exercises of deuotion and piety séeing the end thereof is such as it is what happines do they loose that neglect so great a price proposed vnto them for the vaine pleasures and sensuall delights of a sinfull life It is saide of one Lysimachus who being in battaile against the Scythians onlie for the satisfying of his appetite and procuring a little liquor to stay his thirst gaue himselfe ouer into his enemies hands when he was now leading away captiue to perpetuall miserie hee then began to acknowledge in these words his owne folly O sayth he for how little pleasure what liberty what felicity haue I lost séeing his Country-men returne home with ioy and himselfe hayled along by his enemies to remaine in misery That men would consider Lysimachus his case and not loose their eternall liberty for some momentary and fading delights what a wofull case will it be to sée themselues leading to that rufull seruitude and to behold the seruants of God going in triumphant manner to reioyce and liue with him in glory wherefore leauing all allurements let them goe forward to the price of the high calling in Christ Iesus knowing that the triall of their faith as Saint Peter saith is much more precious then gold that perisheth though it be tried with fire that it may be found to their praise and honour and glory of God at the appearing of Iesus Christ whom they haue not séene and yet loue him in whom nowe though they sée him not yet doe they b●…ue and reioyce with ioy vnspea●…able and glorious receiuing the end of their faith euen the saluation of their soules The mother of Lemuel exhorted her sonne not to be woone with the vanities of the world for why he was a man of worth we are of worth who are reserued to so happy an end When the people were in captiuity at Babylon they euer made their prayers towards Ierusalem whither they did hope one day to returne Iosuah sayd I and my house will serue the Lord. That there is an estate and condition of felicity in the life to come none will denie vulesse he denie God that this estate and condition is the pearle for which wee should sell all that we haue wee know or cannot but know that there is no attayning the end but by the meanes God and nature doe plainely shew vs. To conclude the end of a Christian life is not as Anaxagoras dreamed of the life of man to behold the heauens but to liue in heauen Ostende faciem et s●…lui erimus Lord saith Dauid shew vs thy countenance and wee shall be whole Chap. 4. That the best meane of direction to attaine this endlesse felicitie is to followe the example of Christ our Sauiour who was not onely a sacrifice for sinne but also a most perfect patterne for imitation CHrist the Messias Sauiour of the world as
his ioyes shall be our ioyes 11 Neither do his diuine actions onely serue for the direction of our life but also minister manie things tending to the constr●…ation of our faith His birth was our regeneration his victory ouer the tempter our triumph his labours our peace and quiet his proyers our intercession his pouerty our riches his sores our salues his wounds our medicines his death our life That which was wanting in vo was supplied in him therefore saith an auncient Father Opera 〈◊〉 merita nostra his works are our merits Whatsoeuer is written of him in the Gospel whatsoeuer he did or said all tends to our good that wee may together sée know in whom we may hope of whō we may learne Stories make mention how Themistocles by the onely example of Miltiades whom he proposed vnto himselfe to followe of a vicious man hee became very vertuous It was not the least praise amongst the Romanes for the younger of best hope toimitate such as were men of speciall note for wisedome and gouernment in the Common-wealth Hée reby an opinion was bred they would not proue farre vnlike those whom they had proposed to imitate It cannot but preuasle much that Christ should be the center of our thoughts about which they should role the load-starre of our eyes to which they should bend the guide of our iourney whom wee should follow 12 Wherefore generally in all our sayings and doings let vs euer haue respect to Iesus if we speake to think how he hath spoken if wee are silent to call to mind how hee was silent and let vs doe the same in all actons of life séeing his life instructed our life who had modestie in his countenance grauity in his behauiour deliberation in his spéeches purity in his thoughts righteousnes in all his doings His life is the way by which we must walke the doore whereby we must enter entring at the last vnto our desired end this end is to follow the Lambe whither soeuer he goeth and therefore héere to follow him is but to begin to doe that in earth for a time which wee shall doe héereafter in most ioyfull maner with that blessed company of Saints and Angels for euer aboue in heauen 13 The sponse in the Canticles sayth I am blacke but meruaile not the Sunne had made me so the Sunne but what the Sunne of righteousnes And how could that be yes his labors and trauailes in the world his reproches and suffering made him looke with a sorrowfull hue Hee was wounded sayth the Prophet for our transgression and broken for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was laid vpon him What néeded he to be circumcised the eight day what néeded he fast so long in the wildernes and pray so often as he did who was so pure so innocent so powerfull but all to shew it was for our sakes whom as he redéemed from sinne so hath hee also redéemed from the works of sin and therefore without all question the more faithfull we are and the more deuoted to his loue the more destrous are we to shew duties of loue Why is the holy Ghast so plentifull in registring and enroling all his diuine actions so many so singular but that héereupon should be inferred These things are written for our example Now therefore séeing that God hath giuen vs his son as a satisfactorie sacrifice for sin and a most absolute example for the direction of life let vs embrace him as our Sauiour heare him as our Teacher follow him as our Leader that so he may be vnto vs as God himselfe would haue him be Pharao said vnto the people Goe to Ioseph and whatfoeuer he shal say vnto you do it Chap. 5. That this example of Christes life should stand before the eyes of our mind for our better direction in all our wayes THe skilfull Pylot as he often casts his eye to the storres and Planets aboue so is his hand busie at the helme beneath The Christian man betwéene contemplation and action faith and good works doth the like by faith he lookes vp to Christes deitie by good works hee practiseth the vertues of his humanity in the one he worships him as God in the other he beholds him as the most absolute patterne for imitation that euer walked amongst men 2 Why but is it possible for earth and ashes any way to come néere him in whom the fulnes of the godhead dwelt or is not his perfection vnimitable Sinke is neuer without a shift and course wooll is that which will take no die Though wee cannot be as strong as Sampson as wise as Salomon as holy as Enoch wee must not let all alone When we cannot be as Mary the blessed virgin let vs be as Mary Magdalen séeing wee cannot haue a cleane heart let vs haue at the least a broken heart Wee know there is no water without some mud no corne so cleane but it hath some wéeds the clearest fire hath his smoke and while wee carry about these bodies of sinne wee are Adams children This notwithstanding it is the part of euery good Christian man to say as Iacob Praecedat Dominus ego paulatim sequar Let my Lord goe before I wil softly follow after as I may or with the holy man Iob Vestigia eius secutus est pes mens My foote hath followed his foot-steps Indéede we follow Christ as Peter followed him a longe a far off or as that tender infant did his aged Father Non passibus aequis with short and vnequall paces yet wee know that euen two mites are acceptable vnto him not what wee ought but what wee can when a willing heart and good endeuours concur in his seruice are acceptable and rewardable with him who is wont to take in good part the veri●… intention or well meaning of our most meanest labours of all A cup of cold water of water a common element cold on which we bestowed not so much cost as fire to heate it shall not with him want a reward Moreouer the greatest blemishes in the child are but small warts to the louing Father First God looks fauorably vpon Christ and then vpon these who are ioyned with Christ. 3 Our Sauiour vsed this a speciall argument to perswade his Disciples to huminity and loue Dedi vobis exemplum I haue giuen you an example S. Peter speaking of his suffering sayth Christ suffered leauing vs an example When the Apostle would haue the Ephesians to follow him he tels them his meaning was they should indeede follow Christ Be ye sayth hee followers of me as I follow Christ. When hee would have them forgiue one another he would haue them thinke of him who hath forgiuen vs all saying Forgiue you one another as Christ forgaue you Saint Iohn layes downe the matter plainly Hee that remaineth in him ought to walke as he walked Why did Saint Austen say that euery of
nothing contrary as some haue dreamed to Christian peace God hath assisted iust warre the crie of the people was Gladius Domini Gedeonis the sword of the Lord and the sword of Gedeon but say these men Hee that strikes with the sword shal die with the sword and vengeance is mine I will reuenge Indeede in the old testament it was true accinge gladium tuum super femur Gird thy sword vpon thy thigh but in the new it is pone gladium in vaginam put vp thy sword into thy sheath then the people entred into Canaan by weapons but we into heauen without sword or shield therefore in no case we admit warre amongst Christians True indéede saith S. Austen Bellum necessitas pacem voluntas warre of necessitie peace voluntarie and of the two our Christian desires tend rather to peace for warre is no blessing but a punishment but yet the premisses obserued then vade percute Amaleck Goe and strike Amaleck but in any case let not that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 desire of superioritie be the cause To answer the fancie of those men before mentioned he which strikes with the sword whose condition is priuate may feele the stroke of the sword To take vengeance in a cause of iustice is appertaining properly vnto the publique magistrate and so much doe those testimonies of holy scripture inferre For the lawfulnes of warre the practise of Constantine who by the assistance of God prospered héerein and preuailed against Maxentius not so much in multitude strength or knowledge as by the diuine assistance doth manifest the same yet euer so as Christians rather desire peace and deliuerance from the disturbance either of defensiue but most specially of vnnecessarie and offensiue warres That there be no leading into captiuitie nor no complaining in their streetes happie are the people saith the Prophet that are in such a case yea blessed are the people whose God is the Lord. When the building of the materiall temple began to goe forward all Israell came together as one man when the spirituall temple began to be erected Credentium erat vnum cor of the beléeuers there was but one hart O that peace and vnitie might so preuaile that strife and contention might be laide at rest that once Christes last departure frō the world might be remembred pacem meam relinquo vobis my peace I leaue vnto you Let this be Christians rule at enmitie with the serpent at vnitie within our selues If wee will néedes be crossing would to God wee would crosse our euill affections which are too ready to moue vs vpon euery light occasion to reuenge to ●…r passionate and to infame any that hath a shew of honestie Pacem habeto cum hominibus cum vitiis bellum haue peace with men be at warre if thou wilt néeds warre with thy owne vices The oblations of the peaceable man are as Abels were acceptable vnto God wherefore for all vnquiet passions for all ambitious desires or for all hasty of reuenge amongst vs Christians may that of the Apostle be applied I would to God they were cut off that trouble vs. Swéete is the life that is frée from boyling enuy happy is that man that beareth miserie and hideth the s●…ine that neither waxeth proud in prosperity nor is too much cast downe with aduersity but with that tranquility of mind which is wont to thanke God for all passeth along peaceably to his eternall happines While Salomon raigned there was peace in Israel while the grace of God doth rule and raigne in our harts there is peace and vnitie in our liues Chap. 15. Of the name of Iesus IEsus in Hebrew is interpreted a Sauiour a name attributed vnto the sonne of God a name had in much honor saith Eusebius amongst the old Patriarkes a name brought from heauen by the Angell Gabriell for though in the olde law others had the appellation of this name as Iosuah the sonne of Naue and the high Priest which came forth with the people after their captiuitie yet had these their names no way comparable to this of our Lord and Sauiour for they were onely Sauiours of the body but Christ was a Sauiour of soules The Prophet Esay saith vocabitur tibi nomen quod os domini nominauit Thou shalt be called by a name as the mouth of God shall name thee A new name according to a new redemption For those others to whom this name was giuen they had it of men at the tune of their circumcision this was giuen of God before the conception in their names was included the sauing of a multitude of people from some worldly seruitude but in this of sauing people frō their sinnes et vocabis nomen eius Iesum And thou shalt call his name Iesus O swéete name who is so deafe that his eares are not filled with ioy who so dead that hath not his senses raysed vp with delight when hee remembreth the message of the Angell And thou shalt call his name Iesus This name Iesus saith S. Bernard it is honey in the mouth harmony in the eare melodie in the hart this name Iesus saith Anselme is a name of comforting sinners when they call vpon him therefore himselfe saith Iesus esto mihi Iesus Iesus be my Iesus this name is aboue all names First for that it was consecrated from euerlasting Secondarily for that it was giuen of God Thirdly for that it was desired of the Patriarkes Fourthly for that it was foretold of the prophets Fiftly for that it was accomplished in the time of grace magnified of the Apostles witnessed of the martyrs acknowledged and honoured shall it be of all beléeuers vnto the worlds end This name Iesus it is compared vnto oyle and oyle hath these properties it suppleth it cherisheth it enlightneth it maketh look chéerefully so doth this name of Iesus it suppleth the hardnes of our harts it cherisheth the weakenes of our faith it enlighteneth the darknes of the soule dispersing the foggy mists of discomfort last of all it maketh man looke with a chéerefull countenance as the Prophet Dauid speaketh it makes him looke chéerefully towards the throne of grace Our Lord hath many diuine resemblances in holy scriptures or names to expresse his nature sometimes hee is called a shepheard for that hee watcheth his flocke somtimes a Captaine because he defendeth his armie a Prince in that he gouerneth his people a light because hee illuminateth those that are in darknes a dore by which men doe enter a rocke vpon which they doe build but in briefe this name Iesus includes all 2 This name Iesus is a name of intercession Whatsoeuer you aske the Father in my name and therefore may that of the Prophet be remembred Not vnto vs Lord not vnto vs but vnto thy name giue the praise If God did so much for Abraham for Moyses Dauids sake what shall he do for Iesus
sake This name Iesus is a name of power for in this name the Apostles gaue strength vnto the weake health vnto the sicke and wrought manie other great miracles Domine quam admirandum est nomen tuum Lord how wonderfull is thy name in all the world This name Iesus is a name of inuocation not onely in a time of distresse while we are liuing to say with the blind man Iesu thou sonne of Dauid haue mercie vpon me but with the blessed martyr Saint Steuen in our last extremities when we are dying Domine Iesu accipe spiritum meum Lord Iesus receiue my spirit 3 But howe is it that at the hearing of other names of God as Elohim Elohah El Eli Elion Iehouah ●…ah Adonai Shaddai Zebaoth which signify his name essence power omnipotencie we are not so much moued and at this name Iesus the Apostle saith euery knée shall vowe not only the k●…s of our hart which at this name should bow tend indéede but euery knée the Apostle goeth further saying Of things both in heauen and earth and vnder the earth but why at this name of God aboue other because this name cost much when it was bought by the blood by the honour by the life of the sonne of God himselfe and seeing it cost such a price we ought with all reuerence to be thankfull for it he humbled himselfe in procuring it and wee therefore in receiuing it Iesus a Sauiour therefore God Christ annoynted and so the holy one of God Iesus in Hebrew for the Iewes Christ in Greeke for the Gentiles Iesus to saue sinners and Christ in respect of vs to kill sinne saith Bonauentura It is the property of a Sauiour first to encounter with the enemie Secondly to helpe with counsaile thirdly to giue strength fourthly not to saue once but still fiftly not one but many sixtly not for a time but for euer all which our Lorde Iesus hath fully accomplished And sure most cōuentent was it that he who came to saue sinners should haue a name answerable thereunto For names saith Isidore were giuen of olde according vnto the properties of the persons named And therefore Abraham was so named because hee should be the Father of many Nations Esau rough because such were his maners actions conditions Abishahar brother of mourning because such were his passions Aristarchus a right good gouernour who was cōpanion to S. Paul So to omit many other wee see names were giuen to expresse the principall properties of those who were named therfore this name Iesus a name of sauing of which the Apostle sayth There is no other name giuen vnder heauē wherin we may bo saued The blinde man saide in the ninth of Saint Iohn The man that is called Iesus did so so vnto me Festus speaking of Saint Pauls doctrine and the sum therof It is saith he of one Iesus who was dead Paul affirmes to be aliue Yea Festus this one Iesus was hee that liues and raignes for euer 5 In this name saith Saint Iohn when hee sayeth for his name are our sinnes forgiuen vs they circumcised the child the eight day called his name Iesus The child what humilitie was héere when so high a Lord accepted so small a name They called his name not gaue him this name Wee reade in the Gospel that the euill spirits did shake tremble at his presence and no meruaile for assuredly his very name is a terrour vnto them and men of experience and good proofe doe affirme as much of this blessed name Iesus 6 In the old law Iesus was the expectation of Nations but in the new Iesus is the saluation of the Nations If at anie time we haue lost Iesus what should wee but with Mary and Ioseph séeke him sorrowing O swéete Sauiour saith S. Bernard Si non inuentus es inter cognatos tuos quomodo inueniam te inter cognatos meos If thou wert not found amongst thy own kindred howe should I looke to finde thee amongst my kindred or if thine owne mother found thée not but sorrowing shall I finde thée in reioycing but what are wee without Iesus and therefore how should wee séeke him When Iesus is present all is well nothing seemeth difficult but when Iesus is absent all is hard and vneasie when Iesus speaketh not inwardly vile is all our consolation but when Iesus speakes one word onely there is felt great comfort Did not Mary Magdalen straight arise from the place whereon shee wept when Martha said vnto her The Maister commeth calleth for thee Happie honour when Iesus calleth from teares to ioy Howe dry and hard art thou without Iesus How foolish and vaine if thou couetest any thing without Iesus Is not this greater losse then if thou haddest lost the whole world What can the world bestow without Iesus to be without Iesus is a gréeuous hell and to be with Iesus is a swéet Paradise If Iesus be with thee no enemie can hurt thee if Iesus be from thée no friend can helpe thee he is most poore that liueth without Iesus and hee most rich who is well with Iesus There is great Art to knowe howe to be conuersant with Iesus and wisedome to learne how to possesse him be humble and at peace and Iesus will be with thée be deuoute and quiet and Iesus will not depart from thée thou mayest driue Iesus away and loose his grace if thou decline to externall thinges and if thou hast lost him to whom wilt thou flie what friend wilt thou séeke without a friend thou canst not long continue and if Iesus be not thy friend before all thou wilt be heauie and desolate Thou dost therefore foolishlie if thou repose or reioyce in anie other thou oughtest rather to haue the world thine enemie then to offend Iesus wherefore of all things deare vnto thée let Iesus be especially beloued All things for Iesus and Iesus for himselfe for him and in him let all bee alike vnto thee Sée thou neuer desire to be praised or loued singularly for this appertayneth onely to Iesus who hath not his equall neyther let another possesse thee or dwell in thine heart Be pure and at inward libertie without the implicatures of the worlde if thou wilt bare thy heart to Iesus and see how swéete the Lord is 7 Finally thou oughtest not to be cast downe by any aduersitie but patiently to endure all that shall happen remembring this happy name Iesus to which thou mayest flie as to a Citie of refuge Iesus is the ioy of vs Christians hee was borne for vs giuen to vs he was the price of our ransom therfore our redeemer he was the Author of our being the worker of our wel being therfore whatsoeuer we doe saith the Apostle let vs doe all in the name of the Lorde Iesus In nomine Iesu must be the beginning In auxilio Iesu must be the
vnto all of what estate and condition so euer high and ●…ow rich and poore whosoeuer When hee spoke of some speciall mysteries their turning him to his Apostles he sayeth Vestrum est scire It is for you to know but speaking of the way to follow him vnto his kingdome he speaketh vniuersally vnto all Whosoeuer omnium est scire it is for all to know Againe as he speaketh vniuersally so doth hee speake louingly Whosoeuer wil not as ●…orcing any but louingly inducing all leauing his followers to their owne willingnes Whosoeuer will by which hee doth more effectually draw them then if he had vsed all the threatnings in the world The stayed men gray heads in Israel said vnto Roboam if thou speake kinde wordes vnto this people this people will be thy seruants Christ speakes kind words vnto vs all deales most bountifully with man according to the dignity of his person Hee which hauing laide vp rich treasures to bestow amongst his friends if he wil or command the publike cryer to say this and this treasure is ready to be bestowed by a bountifull Lord may it please you now to come and receiue it doth hee not now more perswade then if hee should by a sharpe Edict pull and draw men to receiue this treasure against their wils 3 Againe hee which hath in his houshold two sorts of seruants the one frée borne and of his alliance the other slaues and bondmen when he requireth any seruice of the former hee speakes vnto them mildly according to their ingenuous disposition but the other hee commaunds absolutely as common seruants We are as of the chiefer sort of Christes family if not hauing frée wil yet will fréed by grace nay wee are of his owne alliance therefore when he speakes vnto vs he speakes louingly vnto them that loue him Whosoeuer will but vnto his other creatures as the heauen the earth the sunne the Moone he doth not require but commaund them so in the time of Iosua he commanded the sunne to stand still in the time of Elias hee commaunded the heauens to be shut When some rebelle●… against Moyses hee commaunded the earth to open and swallowe them but with man to winne his heart he deales most gently cals after a mild maner whosoeuer will The antecedent sheweth the maner of calling the consequent a duty of him that is called Let him denie himselfe and take vp his Crosse daily and follow me 4 In this consequent we sée that somwhat is required at our hands if we will be Christs followers as also what this is to wit the denying of our selues and the taking vp of our Crosse daily and surely most aptly doth out Sauiour Christ after speaking of his owne crosse and passion speake in the next place of our crosses and suffering least presuming of his suffering wee should be ouer readie to flatter our selues and count of nothing but libertie of the flesh and securitie of state thinking that his suffering was enough therfore to take away this daungerous conceite Christ speakes at one time both of his suffering and our suffering of his passion as also of the meanes howe wee shall come to be partakers of the benefit of his passion that is by following him This following must be in the giuing him the full possession of our hearts this giuing must be with all willingnesse for hee will haue voluntaries too march vnder his banner The three children followed God and how By going out of their place the text saith they followed God in their hearts Rebecca was said to go and enquire of the Lord whither went shee from the place where hee was not to the place where he was No I the Lord 〈◊〉 heauen and earth shee went not from place to place as it is not required to doe in following Christ but shee went from life to life from manners to manners from good to better from grace to grace and this is to followe him Diuersly faith S Austen did our Sauiour deale with thr●… sorts of men concerning their following him one offers himselfe and is refused Maister I will follow thee another that sayes nothing is called sequere me follow me a third deferred when he was called and is blamed the first respected his profit for all his profession the second saide little was receiued to grace the third mindeth temporall things when he might haue had eternall In the world sute is made to be followers of men that haue countenance aboue others but to be one of Christs followers in sincerity and truth is far better yet for this few care little at all The poore followers of him in humility shall one day ha●… more countenance then all this worlds pompe is able to afford Small suite is made for this nay Christ himselfe becomes a sutor to vs when he calleth Whosoeuer will the people sayde vnto Iosua the Lord is our God and wee will serue him so may we say Christ to our redéemer and we will follow him 5 Now what is to be done of him that will followe Christ Marie two things the first Abneget seipsum Let him deny himselfe the second Toll●… crucem suam quotidie And take vp his Crosse daily For the first hee that wil follow Christ must loue Christ for hee which requireth a cheerefull giuer requireth a cheereful follower but how must he loue Christ as himselfe yea more then himselfe for hee must euen denie himselfe Abneget seipsum And how must a man denie himselfe marie as Abraham did in forsaking his Fathers house Adams naturall desires that seeme pleasant vnto him We best see saith Saint Chrysostome what it is to denie our selues when wee beholde what men are wont to doe in denying others when any casteth off an unfaithfull companion hee neyther reioyceth at his prosperity nor is greeued at his aduersitie he respects not at all what pleaseth him or what displeaseth him as one that wil haue no more to doe with so bad a nature the like is done in denying of our selues that is our sensuall desires to grow out of loue liking of them and cleans reiect them To denie our goods our friends yea our very pleasures is very much and yet to follow Christ wee must goe a step further that is to ●…it we must Denie our selues 6 First of all wee denie our selues when wee yeeld obedience in all thinges vnto God which obedience is better then sacrifice In obedientia sayeth Gregorie voluntas propria in sacrificio caro aliena mactatur In obedience our owne will is sacrificed in these externall oblations the flesh of some other creature is offered In the olde law they had many kindes of sacrifices which were killed and offered Now saith Origen this manner is altered in stead of a ●…ain wee kill our i●…efull passions in stead of a Goate our vncleane affections in stead of flying foules our idle thoughts and wandring
power of God In steade of reuerencing him for his wisedome how could you find in your harts to speake euill of him The woman of Samaria hauing but a little communed with him by the Well side shee leaueth her water pot and going into the Citie and saith Behold a man that hath told me all that euer I did is not he the very Christ 9 Secondly for the direction of our life wee learne by this of our Sauiour to haue respectiue care in answering others sometimes as he did by silence and sometimes also as S. Peter speaketh being readie to giue an answere to euery man that asketh vs a reason of the hope that is in vs which our Sauiour did obserue with such coldnes and moderation as he caused his gainesayers to be confounded in themselues This in part also he exhorteth when he willeth his disciples to be as simple as Doues and wise as Serpents In consideration of both these manner of instructions we may replie with that of S. Peter when Christ said whom say yée that I am Simon Peter answered and said Thou art Christ the Sonne of the liuing God as if hee should haue said the prophets haue foretold vs of Messias to come Tu ille es Lord thou art he Chap. 25. Of Christ our Sauiour what hee did vpon the Sabaoth and Festiuall dayes and what Christians may hence gather for the obseruation of the same FOr the better kéeping in a religious remembrance from age to age some speciall benefites receiued as also for the necessary rest of man sometimes to be at leasure from bodily labours and trauailes of this life so it was that Almighty God did permit nay expresly enioyne his people from age to age the kéeping of the Sabaoth and solemne obseruation of other Festiuall tunes and seasons as memorials of some publike benefite receiued from him that in kéeping and solemne obseruation of th●…se times of rest the people for their parts might not onely call to rembrance Gods goodnes past but also direct their desires to the obtaining of a future rest to come when that héere in earth did as it were put them in minde of a ioyfull Sabaoth and festiuall solemnit●… they should one day keepe by the grace of God in the Kingdome of heauen For this cause ●…ly did the Fasts which are appointed goe before the Feastes signifie our condition in the life present but the feasts thēselues our happy estate to be enioyed in the life to come 2 As concerning the Sabaoth and other festiuall times and seasons for euery Feast was in a generality called a Sabaoth we finde ●…ath continued all along ●…till the comming of our Sauiour Christ who did himselfe ra●… the lawfull vse thereof by his own example vpon the Sabaoth dayes he was often teaching in the Synagogue of the Iewes and at other festiuall times hee resorteth vnto Ierusalem as we finde in the Gospel there to kéepe after the manner and auncient custome of the people of God their feasts appointed vnto them to be kept by the ordinance of God himselfe Of this ordinance we reade in the thrée and twentieth of Leuiticus And the Lord spake vnto Moyses saying speake vnto the children of Israel and say vnto them the feasts of the Lord which you call holy assemblies euen these are my feasts There mention is made of the Sabaoth the Passeouer the feast of vnicauened bread the feast of first fruites the feast of tabernacles concerning all which Moyses not onely mentioneth that God will haue these obserued but also setteth downe in particular with what circumstances and the maner how 3 When as nowe in the first Table of the law God had mentioned both his externall and internall worship in the two former precepts thereof and in the third place placed reuerence and honour to be doone vnto his holie name that there might also be a sanctified time separated from others for the obseruation of these holy duties therefore in the fourth commaundement doth hee commaund a sanctified and holy time to shew that as hee had giuen lawes for his worshippe so would hee also ordaine a tune for his worship which time hee would haue to be holy which holines hee would haue to resemble his ownerest the 7 day sanctified by him his rest so called in that hee censed the seauenth day as it is saide he rested or ceased frō the creation of the world and was created towards the end of the sixth day that he might begin to leade his life vpon a time sanctified And this cōmandement God setteth down in many words as if hee were the longer expressing it to teach his people to be the more carefull in the obseruing of it The other lawes were onely negatiue but this is both negatiue and affirmitiue not onelie shewing what we should bee but what wee should not doe Thou shalt keepe holy and remember that thou keepe holy thou shalt not labour and so forth as is expressed in the lawe When the Prophet would shewe eyther wherein a people did honor God or otherwise dishonour him they mention it in kéeping or not kéeping the Sabaoths wherefore Esay saith Blessed is the man that keepeth the Sabaoth And when the prophet Ezechiel would shew how the people had cast off all reuerence of God hee expresseth it in this phrase of spéech Polluerunt Sabatha mea They haue polluted my Sabaaths 4 What our Sauiour determineth concerning this who came not to breake the law but to fulfill it wee may easily perceiue That part of the Sabaoth which was ceremoniall wee acknowledge to cease but for the law morall that still to remaine the same for the rest of our verie cattell and therefore much more the seruants that liue vnder vs and principally for the religious vse it hath amongst Christians that God may still haue a sanctified time cons●…rated before others vnto his worship and man a vacation from bodily labours as agréeable to the condition of his estate which doeth require rest Mention is often made in the Gospell whatour Sauiour did vpon the Sabaoth dayes besides his teaching he cured manie that came vnto him and had much adoe with the Pharisies in shewing them their superstitious obseruation of the same The right vse whereof hee most truly obserued in doing so many sanctified workes therein in curing diseased creatures which the Rulers of the Synagogue could not brooke In the fifth of Saint Iohn he bids the man that had long time layen by the pooles side to take vp his bed and walke Now this saith the Euangelist was the Saboath day if the man had not béene cured how could hee haue borne his bed who was before borne of others If it had not béene vpon the Sabaoth day happily there had not béene so many eye-witnesses of the power of God In curing another vpon the same day Christ tooke occasion to shewe the end of the Sabaoth that it
was made for man and not man for the Sabaoth as also to manifest the workes of the Sabaoth what they were and of what nature to doe good vpon this day were it but to a dumb creature Christ did not disallow and the Pharisies did not amisse in lifting out an Oxe or an Asse from the ditch vpon this day but howe much more was it agreeable vnto the sanctifying of the Sabaoth to helpe a distressed man and to loose one whom Sathan hath bound soe manie peares For the superstitious obseruation of the Sabaoth which the Iewes vsed it grew as wee may perceiue by our Sauiours discourse with them from very ignorance of the very first institution It was not saide Otio celebrabis Thou shalt celebrate the Sabaoth with rest but Sanctificabis Thou shalt sanctifie or thou shalt kéepe the Sabaoth with a holy rest Againe to shew that charitie which is the summe of the law in generall is to be preferred before anie Lawe in particular for I will haue mercie and not sacrifice sayeth the Lord. Christ our Sauiour as wee see chiefelie aymed at dooing good vpon the Sabaoth day secretlie to interuent thy neighbour or openly to enuie a poore mans health was with the Pharisies no breach of the Sabaoth but to doe good vpon him the Sabaoth is broken For the kindling of fire but chiefely the gathering of stickes was it not punished in a verie high degree and therefore not the least action to be doone vpon the Sabaoth day these men considered not how the first institution required strictnes which in that instance is manifest for the veterring of others contempt is one thing necessitie is another which Christ shewed in excusing his Apostles when they were murmured at for plucking the eares of corne vpon the Sabaoth day The ignorance of the Pharisies did cleaue onely to the letter of the Law Christ addeth a fauorable dispensation and confirmes what he had done Hee that cured me said Take vp thy bed and walke or he that bid me will beare mee out in that I doe He said vnto me Take vp thy bed and walke 5 Doubtlesse with great Religion did the old Israelites wel obserue and kéepe the holy Sabaoth of the Lord which day God himselfe sanctified from the beginning as this day Noe in the Arke rested on the mountaines of Ararat as this day the Israelites were deliuered from Egypt when they rested from the oppression of Pharao as this day the people brought in Christ into Ierusalem with Palme boughes a little before his passion as this day shewed he his first myracle at Cana in Galilée as this day after all his myracles rested he in the Scpulcher gloriously arising from the dead the day following which day by the constitution of the Apostles them selues and so Authors against whom no exception can be taken the Church celebrateth this day as her Christian Sabaoth vnto the Lord. This is therefore called by S. Iohn Dies Domini our Lords day from the resurrection Concerning the alteration héereof the prophet O see might séeme to speake when he sayeth I will cause their Sabaoths and Feasts to cease The day of our Lord saith S. Austen which we kéepe as our Sabaoth it is not onely a remembrance of his resurrection past but a type and figure of that eternall Sabaoth which is to come The alteration therefore in part is as thus They did celebrate their Sabaoth with a remembrace of the creation we of the resurrection they as a figure of grace when they should rest from the seruitude of sinne wee as a figure of glorie when we shal rest from occasions of sinning 6 Eusebius sheweth vs of certaine men called the Ebionites which would keepe the Sabaoth with the Iewes and the Sunday with the christians like men who wold be of all religions whē they are indéede of none Others tel vs of the Petrobrutiani a kind of men which would haue no solemne and sanctified Feasts to the honour of God at all The Iewes were not so superstitious as these were irreligious These men are gone but yet their fancies in some part remaine for the former to wit the superstitious manner of the Iewes in kéeping their Sabaoth we sée it refuted by our Sauiour the right vse to be kept how after what manner The question hath béene moued whether the Machabees did well in violating the Sabaoth the question rightly proposed is otherwise whether the Machabées in fighting that day did violate the Sabaoth many began to waxe scrupulous Mattathias a good and godly Captaine saw it was no time to stand vpō points that now they must eyther fight it out like men or be murdered like beasts to be hampering vppon nice matters of the lawe when the enemies of God were readie to destroy the lawe and them hee thought good to defend themselues and offend their enemies which was approued the case standing as it did For the Sabaothes dayes iourney which consisted as some say of two miles distance for that the people placed their tents or their vttermost parts thereof so farre from the Tabernacle or that mount Oliuet was about that distance from Ierusalem whither the people on that day might repaire the discussing heereof is not so necessary For the trauel of Phisitions or any in case of necessitie so it be not ordinary vpon this day men néede not be so scrupulous I wil not say Iewish as to say truth they are if in this they remaine opinionated In the Christian obseruation of our Sabaoth to stand vpon a number of curious conceites is without iudgement learning and in part Pharisaicall It were to be wished that a serious and religious obseruation thereof were in vse without farther friuolous deuises of running fanciers There are other dayes for our vocation the holy Sabaoth is of our vacation to God the people vpō other dayes offered a Lamb but vppon the Sabaoth two Lambs were offered as if that day our deuotion should be doubled Euery day would Dauid worship God yea seauen times a day would hee call vpon him this is the day wherin we should call vpon God more then ordinarie a day of prayer and meditation of reconciling our selues to God and man of doing good and sanctifying a holy time with holy conuersation therefore called the Lords day because the Lorde should chiefly be worshipped vpon this day 7 In the second place for the obseruatiō of other festiual tunes annual solemnities it hath béen shewed that Christ our Sauiour went often vnto the Feasts A little before his passion his disciples come vnto him saying Maister where wilt thou that wee prepare the Passeouer As if they knewe it was their Maisters manner to keepe the Feast nowe approching For the feasts of the Iewes there is no question as they were commaunded of God so were they euer solemnly kept of the godly as they had their feasts so
haue Christians theirs Christ out passeouer is offered for vs therefore saith the Apostle let vs kéepe the feast They had a passeouer and wee haue a passeouer too they were deliuered out of the bondage of Egypt and we are deliuered from à bondage too they kept a solemne remembrance we haue as much cause as euer they had to kéepe a solemne remembrance too By their feast of first fruites the fiftieth day after the passeouer they held a holy assembly vnto God wee who haue receiued the first fruites of the spirit by the comming downe of the holy Ghost at the Feast of Penticost vpon the Apostles holde a holy assembly vnto the Lord also The other of our Christian feasts which concerne the chiefe points of our redemption as the birth of Christ his Circumcision the Epiphanie and his Resurrection from the dead haue so good vse in the Church as the ancient custome and Christian maner of the best and best learned that haue liued since the Apostles time is of more sufficiencie to make vs continue the godly vse thereof then all that the deuisers of nouelties are want to say to draw vs forced texts to the contrary Sathan is subtill and neuer more then when hee is changed into an Angell of light to take away a solemne remembrance of him who shed his blood for our redemption To passe ouer the memorie of his birth without any solemne and religious obseruation were the next way to make both dutie and loue ●…re colde in Christians and by little and little to forget all which wee may tremble to thinke Christ Iesus and all Wherefore wee cannot but muse whereunto that straunge spirit ●…d tend which was readie to ●…troule euery Christian constitution which eagerly sought the euersion of our solemne and Christian Feasts These wee kéepe sayeth Saint Austen least vnthankfulnes or forgetfulnes should grow vpon vs and therefore a sinne is it for men to spend their time and trouble the quiet of the Church in séeking to ouerthrow the Christian vse of solemne and seemely obseruations By our Feastes sayeth Tertullian speaking in the behalfe of Christians against the Heathen we sanctifie vnto God the memorie of his benefites Epiphanius taxeth Aerius for denying Christian solemnities they haue litle in them except boldnes which charge vs that our auncient rites come within the compasse of S. Paules reprehension You obserue times and seasons no no there is no such matter they are farre from fatall sur●…ises of constellation or any other Heathenish respects There is no such feare God be praysed in these séemly obseruations wherfore vnlesse wee sée them more strongly refuted then so that is to say by a few new names for our feasts there is no ca●… 〈◊〉 the Church should still cont●… them in Christian maner as she doth and so shall by the grace of God Christ our Sauiour himselfe hath honoured these times by his blessed birth his resurrection and ascension vp into heauen at which times we honour him as at all times so especially when we haue Feasts consecrated to a co●…emoration of his goodnes towards vs when we in loue assemble it is also a meane by honest recreation to encrease amitie amongst our selues 8 Sometimes wee celebrate the mention of the Martyrs and Saints of God who haue liued 〈◊〉 former times and this we doe by no other end but onely to set before vs examples of repentance of faith of piety Besides occasion is offered of assembling our selues in publike prayer which the oftner we do the great●… is our deuotion abuse taken may we sée the kéeping of these is a commendable and Christian custome 9 For the manner of keeping our Christian feasts of all sorts 〈◊〉 generall first the duties of deuotion as prayer hearing the word of God receauing the Sacraments require our speciall ●…e with these our laude and praise is offered vnto God and therefore of the learned they are ●●●ied in Hebrew Kaggei of reioycing secondarily at these times wee extend as wee may liberality vnto others and therefore saith Saint Austen festiuall times would haue liberality which make manie blesse God for his benefites Last of all these solemnities orderly obserued they doe sometimes call vs away from the wordinate carke and care of the world and moue in our hearts many good and comfortable thoughts in calling to mind the time will come When wee shall keepe a Feast of Feasts Chap. 26. Of Christes weeping ouer Ierusalem and what we learne thereby THat it went not with the sonne of God héere in earth as it did with King Salomon who spent his time in great royaltie in the world or as it is saide of Aristoxenus the philosopher who led all his life amidst instruments of musick we all know it fared otherwise with him who did seldome laugh in the world and the world as seldome laughed vpon him S. Luke tels vs of his sad iourney towards Ierusalem how he passed the way wéeping and what small delight he tooke in the peoples Hosanna or all the troupe about him for as it is mentioned while they were singing hee was mourning Christ was not mooued with that which was without but respects that which was within not that present but things to come moue him Hee casts vp his eyes to Ierusalem and beholding the Citie he had compassion vpon it and wept for it hee wept for them which would not wéepe for themselues Dauid saith Mine eyes gush out with water because men keepe not thy law Christes eyes gushed out with watry teares because they would not kéepe his lawe nay they would not accept his loue Hee saw the Citie and foresaw the ruine and miserie thereof He wept for it foreshewing the desolation which would be lamentable this he doth not so much by words as by teares 2 The prophets of olde haue sometimes spoken vnto the sons of men by sorrowfull signes Samuell when hee would manifest how Sauls Kingdome should be rent from him hauing the lap of his conte in his hand hee rent it in the middest Ezechiel to shew the destruction of the people takes a bricke stone and layes it before them and portrayes vpon 〈◊〉 the Ci●…e and layeth siege against it Christ at this time spake little but his teares prophesied great sorrow to come he came neare the Citie not so much in motion as in commiseration Dauid wept for Absolon saying Absolon Absolon O my sonne Absolon I would to God I had dyed for thee Christ did as much mourse for Ierusalem as euer Dauid did for Absolon Ierusalem Ierusalem I would to God I had dyed for thée no Ierusalem I am now going to die for thée O what should I doe vnto thée that I haue not done Many a time came Christ toward Ierusalem but hee neuer came weeping as now he did because Ierusalem was neuer so neare desolation 〈◊〉 ruine as now it was and therefore Christ neuer sorrowed more then nowe when
his blessed mother woman behold thy Sonne And to consider these two together when he said vnto the same Disciple behold thy mother as if hee should say vnto the blessed Uirgine hither to haue I obeyed thée cared for thée as a Sonne from hencefoorth in my stéede I will leaue thée a Disciple Unto the other Iohn thou hast done me seruice as a good seruant nowe doe it where I will thée beholde her to whom thou shalt performe obedience and care as the sonne to his mother And thus Christ a Uirgine saith Saint Ierome commits his Uirgine mother to a Uirgine Disciple This third word is a word of pittie care for to sée him now in such dolours and paines to take care for his mother was a token of much loue whereby he sheweth vs to helpe our parents and doe them good what in the world wee can But what a chaunge dooth the blessed Uirgine make who hath for the Lord the seruant for the Master the man for the sonne of God a sonne of Zebede This change could not but gréeue her and pearce as Simeon had before said her very heart Woman behold thy Sonne not naming her mother which very name Mother might haue encreased her griefe beholding the passion and departure of so déere a sonne and might mooue her motherly minde to more and more sorrowe The sonne crucified aboue the mother mourning beneath his wounds wounded her heart his piercing was her piercing euerie stroke of the nayles strooke through her brest all this while not a word is mentioned wéeping would not suffer her to speake who at any occasion spake seldome the longest spéech she vsed that wee reade of was her Magnificate her deuotionate speech with God The Nurse sees her youngling dying the Mother her Sonne In one day shee is depriued of a sonne of a Sauiour though not lost yet left for a time such a parting such a sonne such a mother such teares such loue neuer was nor shall be On the other side O louing disciple beloued of the Lorde of loue thou art nowe left for a time but neuer cease to mention loue or write of loue Ionathan and Dauid Iacob and Beniamin wept at parting it followeth 18 From the sixth houre there was a darknesse vnto the ninth the Sunne of righteousnes suffereth Eclipse the visible Sunne or the most cleare light of the world hideth his beames as not able to behold the Lord of heauen and earth suffering all creatures seeme to suffer with him the earth trembleth the heauens are all in black as in mourning manner The graues open the rockes or stones cleaue asunder the whole frame of nature is disquieted when as nowe the God of nature suffered What a solemne and dolefull time was this some strike their breasts others stand wondring The Centurion saith as it were lifting vp his handes to heauen Surely this was the Sonne of God 19 The fourth word was about the ninth houre when hee cryed Eli Eli Lamasabacthani My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee Which for that hee spake in the Hebrew some standing by and hearing this sayde hee calleth for Elias These according to Saint Ierome were the Romaine Souldiours who vnderstoode not the Hebrew or peraduenture some of the Iewes themselues who by reason of the noyse could not well discerne what was spoken The doubling of the voyce sheweth his double nature his Deitie spake not this which was impassible Like as the Sunne shining vpon the wood the axe cutteth the wood but the Sunne remayneth inuiolable His humanitie spake this which suffered and spake at this time as humaine nature is wont to speake when it thinkes it selfe forsaken not that the Sonne of God was any way doubtfull of diuine assistance but to shew how truly he bare vpon him mans infirmitie sinne onely excepted which thinkes it selfe forsaken in times of griefe Héere wee are moued to suffer with Christ beholding insensible creatures themselues to suffer with him S. Ambrose saith Pro me doluit qui pro se nihil habuit quod doleret Hee sorrowed for mee which had nothing for himselfe to sorrowe Rationall affection cryed My God my God why hast thou forsaken me Sensitiue affliction cried the same and yet in Christ a voyce not of diffidence or so much of complaint as of admiration Behold O man what I suffer for thée behold the punishments wherewith I am afflicted and when thou beholdest the outward man thinke also that the inward man is partaker of sorrow and suffering wherewith I am pearced finding the vngratefulnes of thée towards me suffering for thy sinnes Héere we learne in times of extremitie to offer vnto God our sorrowfull sighes supplications though we séeme to the eye of the worlde to be forsaken yet wee may take comfort in his mercie who is néere vnto all them that call vpon him as the prophet speaketh yea then when they powre out faithfully their complaints before him 20 The fift word was when Iesus knewe that all thinges were nowe accomplished which were spoken of him this remained They gaue mee vinegar to drinke hee saith Sitio I thirst that the Scripture might be fulfilled which was written of him They gaue me vinegar to drinke when it is saide that the Scripture might be fulfilled wee doe not vnderstand this causatiuely but consequently as the Schoolmen speake for Christ did not this therfore because the Scripture had spoken it but therefore the Scripture spake it because Christ in time should doe it When he saith I thirst what was this thirst natural caused by the emanation of his bloode together with the extremities of his sorrowes Which in part also is true for his blood exhausted extremitie of thirst followed but there was withall in Christ a thirst supernaturall this thirst was the saluation of soules wherewith he laboured as with a most vehement thirst or desire The Prophet saith Sitit anima mea ad deum My soule is a thirst for God This thirst of Christ was our health our ioy O good Iesus saith Saint Bernard Sitis tua salus mea Thy thirst was my saluation 21 And heere somewhat is added to his suffering for when these men had hurt him so much that they could almost hurt him no longer they giue him sower wine vpon a bunch of I sope a bitter harde mixed with Myrrh and gall such as they had giuen him to drinke before his lifting vp to the Crosse héere they denie that vnto the Sonne of God which they were wont to graunt to greatest malefactors giuing them at these times Wine to drinke but Christ hath no other but vinegar and gall Beholde what a Supper they giue our Lord for it was now Supper time héere was the banquet our sinnes gaue him gall to eate and vinegar to drinke O myserable men that wee are to séeke delicates héere are wee taught to drink with Christ the wine of deuotion mixed with Myrrh the mortification of the flesh and
vs his righteousnesse hee gaue himselfe a sacrifice to saue vs and wee giue our selues a sacrifice to serue him Chap. 28. Of Christs resurrection from the dead and how the veritie hereof doth much strengthen our Christian faith LOue saith Salomon is as strong as death wee shall see in the resurrection of our Lord this verified whom we haue considered in his passion dying for our sinnes for héere we find that loue which was stronger then death Now behold we him as a Champion returning from th●… spoiles after so many labours and trauailes now méete we him with gratulation Our Dauid hath slaine his ten thousand our Eagle is renued our Phenix is reuiued our Ionas is come safe and sound from the belly of the Whale Our Sunne that went downe in a ruddy cloude is risen againe with glorious beames of light our graine of corne that was cast into the earth is sprung up and flourisheth our Ioseph is deliuered out of prison our Sampson hath caried away the gates 〈◊〉 his enemies our spouse is 〈◊〉 the voyce of the Turtle is ●…ard in our land Christ our re●…er is risen from the dead He is risen early that was late in the euening layde in the Sepul●…r after his dolefull passion hee is risen hee is risen where●… with the Prophet wee say Sorrowe may endure for a night but ioy commeth in the morning Christ hastened his resurrec●…n that his disciples might not 〈◊〉 long dwel in sorrow he would ●…t their mournful harts should 〈◊〉 reciue comfort Christ rose ●…ly the third day to haue layen ●…ger might haue bred doubt of 〈◊〉 rising to haue rose sooner of 〈◊〉 dying Had only the sorrow●… Apostles or those women ●…at came mourning vnto the ●…epalcher the ioy of the resur●…ion No this was the ioy of thousand thousandes which may say with Dauid This is the day of the Lord wee will reioyce and be glad in it Looke we vnto the passion before mentioned there wee sée wéeping and wayling sorrowe and suffering on euery side The blessed virgine the Disciples full of heauines now all is turned into ioy The Angell appeareth in white the women runne and tell the Disciples they scarce beléeue either the Angels or one another for ioy A little before the stone is refused of the builders Deliuer vnto vs Barrabas nowe is this stone the head of the corner which ioynes together the building of two nations both Iewes and Gentiles A little before we haue no other King but Caesar now is hee a King aboue all Caesars A little before he trusted in God let him deliuer him if he wil haue him Now is he deliuered and God is with him hee with God A little before is he a lamb ●…ed vnto the slaughter but now a Lion of the tribe of Iuda A little before he was in humility and ●…ged of others now is he risen to appeare the Iudge both of quick dead at the right hand of God aboue in glory 2 Wherfore O faithfull Christian man reioyce in the Lorde yea saith the Apostle againe I say reioyce reioyce in the resurrection of thy Sauiour for manie are the benfites that hence ●…rise Nowe is thy Lorde returned from the battaile nay from the conquest ouer the deuill sinne hell and death thanks be vnto God that hath giuen vs the victorie by Iesus Christ our Lord. Beléeue that his resur●…ion was the cause of thy resurrection for hee which raysed Christ from the dead shall also rayse these our mortall bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in vs. If thou consider this thou shalt haue consolation agaynst all feare and dread of death for thou mayst say I knowe that my Redeemer liueth Againe I will lay me downe to sleepe and take my rest for the Lord maketh me to dwell in safety Because this was so beh●…uefull a poynt for the stay of our christian faith Christ appeared so often vnto his Apostles after his resurrection communed with them as at other times so then especially when their hearts did burne within them as hee opened the Scriptures shewing them the veritie of his resurrection The Apostles whose charge was to teach glad tydings vnto the world the first tydings they taught was the doctrine of the resurrection The Euangelists doe most diligently set foorth vnto vs the resurrection of Christ as a thing profitable and ioyfull to all faithfull beléeuers for in the resurrection wee sée how Christ is exalted and what hope wee haue in him This they lay downe with many circumstances both by testimonies before and after before that hee had told his Disciples he must die and rise againe after in that he was conuersant amongst them forty dayes walked in the way with two of them communing of the thinges that ●…re done at Ierusalem and surely in time of sorrow to com●…ne of Christ and talke of him in our wearisome iourney of this life shall much comfort vs at this time Christ walketh with them their vnderstanding is opened 3 The women come vnto the Sepulcher and view euery place throughly they finde the stone ●…ed away the linnen cloathes ●…aining a signe his body was not taken away but risen for these were together laid with his body in the Sepulcher the body ●…ne the Angels testifie he is risen what say the Souldiours to this First they confesse a truth afterward corrupted with mony they giue out his Disciples had stolen away his body while they were a sleepe If they were a sleepe howe saw they the Disciples steale away the body If they were not a sléepe how could a fewe weake fishers take away the body from a band or company of armed Souldiours but let them confesse the truth as they did before vnto the high Priests and after when they were charged that they had séene a vision of Angels that he was risen indéede So the veritie is inuincible and the ioy great of the resurrection Wee see a desire and loue to Christ in Peter and Iohn for why they runne to the Sepulcher affection makes vs diligent the women come with sweet odors to annoint the body we haue no swéet odors but manie vnsauorie sins to bring vnto the resurrection there to offer vp the incense of our praise which is the swéetest offering our harts can yéeld Mary commeth néere her Lord Christ saith vnto her Woman touch me not not but that Christ had a body tangible after his resurrection but Mary touch me not doe not so much affect my presence héere on earth as my presence in heauen By this we learne to know and honour Christ as he is risen sitteth at the right hand of God aboue S. Paul writing to Timo●…e saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Remember that Iesus Christ is risen from the ●…ad When the Teacher giues his Scholler many lessons if he giue him one amongst that rest with 〈◊〉 Momento Remember this he thinks that of all
part and the will the intellectuall part to disce●…ne the will to desire heauenly thinges these were restored by the holy spirit If we respect our s●…nctification we were as Naaman the Syrian vntill our wa●…ing in this Iordan therefore is the spirit of God called Spiritus sanctus the holy Spirit eyther to discerne it from other spirits or else of the powerfull effect when it makes vs holy If wee respect the darknes of our vnderstanding the holy ghost is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Illuminatio an ●…lightning of the minde of man If wee respect the strengthening of our ●…aith against terrours of conscience within The spirit of God doth beare witnesse saith the Apostle to our spirit whereby wee crie Abba Father If we respect the calamities of the world without Christ promising to send his Apostles this holy spirit sayde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The comforter or Aduocate shall come vnto you to chéere vp their sorrowfull soules in all aduersities If wee respect the mortification of the flesh the same Apostle tels vs that wee doe this by the helpe of the holie spirit If wee respect the vnderstanding it was deafe and dumb vntill the holy Ghost said Ephata And what neede wee more to shewe howe expedient it was for vs and still is that we be partakers of the holy spirit without the vitall spirit what is the mortall body but an earthly carkasse without this holy spirit what is the soule of man but a Sepulcher of sinne That there doth dwell in vs a liuing spirit our liuing actions shewe that there is in vs a diuine spirit our diuine actions approue When heathen m●…n did perceiue that there was something in them which did moue them to argue to discourse to compare thinges present with things to come they did straightway gather that there was in man more then a lumpish bodie and therefore they inferred that there was a soule but when the children of God doe finde something within them that makes them to pray to repent that ●…pes them from falling into a thousand vndooinges they straightwayes perceiue that there is a man within the man to 〈◊〉 the diuine spirit of God himselfe Motum sentimus modum ●…scimus we feele the motion we know no the manner God gaue the people Angels food from hea●…en they called it Manna saying Lord what is this Hauing di●…ine inspirations from aboue which we find mouing in vs good desires we say Lord what is this This is the holy Ghost And therfore for this article of our beléefe it may be said we doe not so much heate with our ●…ares or sée with our eyes Credo in spiritum sanctum but finde it true in our verie soules I beleeue in the holy ghost 4 That this holy Ghost is God by our beléeuing in him we acknowledge as much Peter said vnto Ana●…ias Why hast thou lyed vnto the holy Ghost he by and by addeth Thou hast not lied vnto any man but vnto God The holy ghost therefore is God The Apostle S. Paul saith to the Corinthians Know you not that your bodies are the Temples of the holy Ghost Hee by and by willeth them to glorifie God in their bodies The holy Ghost therefore is God Whosoeuer hath power of cleansing from sinne the same is God but this power hath the holy Ghost the holy Ghost therefore is God Et tetigit labia et abstulit peccati saith Esay Hee touched my lips and tooke away my sinnes Last of all to whom so euer wee giue glory the same is God but as vnto the Father and vnto the Sonne glory is giuen so also is it vnto the holy ghost The Cherubins crie three times Holy holy holy as speaking vnto thrée and yet in the wordes following Lord God of Hosts as appliable vnto one Wee meruaile when we consider that men shall goe to God but we doe not so much meruaile at this that God doth come to men 5 A familiar thing is it amongst those that loue to leaue pledges of loue Ionathan to shew his loue to Dauid left with him the coate that was vpon him and other things his sword his ●…ow ●…s pledges of his loue Elias whē he was taken vp into heauen left ●…is cloake with his seruant our Ionathan hath left with vs a pledge of loue a pledge of our hea●…enly inheritance that is to come ●…ur Elias hath left vs a cloake O precious garment our nuptiall ornament This is that cloathing which doth couer our vnrighteousnes let vs make much of this garment wherein wee come with Iacob for a blessing When the woman of Samaria heard our Sauiour Christ tell of a water which being once drunk of the party should neuer thirst againe she said Lord giue me of this water So when wee doe heare of that spirit which doth sanctifie our soules cleanse our sinnes comfort our consciences ●…minate our vnderstanding strengthen our faith and is as a pledge vnto vs of Gods diuine loue nay of glory to come as the woman saide Lord giue mee of this water so may wee all say Lord giue vs of this spirit 6 The excellent effectes of this diuine spirit may be gathered by the manner of the appearing of the same spirit as in a cloude at our Sauiours transfiguration in forme of a Doue at his Baptisme and vpon the Apostles in fierie tongues The cloude may signifie moysture or the dew of heauen The Doue the diuine verities of humility meekenes and peace the fierie tongues of fierie because the seauen giftes of the holy Ghost haue the seauen qualities of fire it purgeth by the gift of feare it sof●…eth by the gift of pietie it adorneth by the gift of knowledge ●…t maketh solid by the gift of fortitude ●…t lifteth vp by the gift of counsell it ●…lightneth by the gift of vnderstanding it burneth by the gift of charity Of tongues to shewe that these giftes as they burne inwardly so do they speake ●…utwardly nay of clouen t●…ngs 〈◊〉 it were one tongue deuided in●… many for to shewe th●… diuers ●…guages giuen by this spirit Furthermore the appearing 〈◊〉 the holy Ghost was visible in 〈◊〉 tongues and sure it is wee ●…st shew signes of Gods spirit 〈◊〉 as it doth kindle in charitie so 〈◊〉 it speake charitably The 〈◊〉 Ghost is re●…embled vnto the 〈◊〉 and there was a mightie 〈◊〉 at the cōming downe ther●… First to shewe that the doc●…ino of the Gospell should nowe ●…ake out into the world that 〈◊〉 none can keepe backe the force of the wind so should none be able to hinder the passage of this ●…octrine Secondarily the wind ●…ceably be●…reth downe what●…uer do●…h resist it so did the ●…rking of this spirit Thirdly 〈◊〉 wind is wont to carie vp the 〈◊〉 against the mayne streame 〈◊〉 swiftest tides that runne so doth the holy Ghost beare vs vp against the strongest current of naturall inclination Againe the holy Ghost is
resembled vnto water because it cleanseth Dauid calleth it a right spirit right because it leadeth vs the right way The Apostle calleth it th●… spirit of Adoption because it maketh vs the children of God Somtimes it is called the Teacher of truth sometimes the eternall spirit all which names ●…oe tend to shew the diuers operations of the holy Ghost as 〈◊〉 the former appearance of fire 〈◊〉 stre turnes all things into fire because it expe●…eth the coldnes of our hearts bath burneth with inward loue as also shineth by outward charity It teacheth 〈◊〉 directeth it comforteth it cleanseth in a cloud in a Doue in fire in tongues in the winde all which moue vs to pray with the Prophet Emitte spiritum tuum Lord ●…end forth thy spirit and wee shall be created The light of Faith shall arise in vs our 〈◊〉 shall be confirmed in good man●… graces shall be collected in one our desires shall mount vpwar●… and last of all we shall be holy as is holy 7 Contra●…ise without this 〈◊〉 spirit what are we but as 〈◊〉 men of Sodome striken with ●…dnesse not knowing which 〈◊〉 to goe sorrowfull is it to ●…ider the case of Saul who ●…en the spirit of God was with 〈◊〉 hee was a man of courage 〈◊〉 va●…our able to encounter 〈◊〉 the enemies of God but 〈◊〉 once the spirit of the Lord 〈◊〉 departed from him he was ●…ressed as is wonderfull he ●…es to a Sorceresse disgui●… himselfe knowes not in the 〈◊〉 what to doe nor which 〈◊〉 to take there was not a 〈◊〉 in the field nor a corner in 〈◊〉 house that could hide him 〈◊〉 his troubled conscience E●…●…ryed ●…ryed My Father my Fa●… but Saul might haue cryed ●…en the spirit of the Lorde de●…ted from him O my ioy my 〈◊〉 gone his body died once 〈◊〉 his hart often The wife of ●…es in her last breath cryed 〈◊〉 the same might Saul haue 〈◊〉 also O the glory of God is gone when the Prince remoueth all the Princes troope and trayne euery one is remouing to accompanie the person of the Prince so when the Spirit of the Lorde remooueth all ioy all faith all knowledge all loue at once departeth Wherefore the Church doth well and deuoutly pray Et spiritum sanctum tuum ne aufer as a nobis And take not thy holy Spirit from vs. It was Saint Austens prayer Ve●…●…ancte spiritus Come holy spirit the cleanser of the vncleane the comforter of the sorrowfull confirme mee that I may keepe thee keep me that I may not loose thee If Sathan ●…de the house once emptie hee entereth by a foule spirit wherefore besée●…h we God that his spirit may euer keepe possession of our hearts Nowe as Christ promised his Apastles the comming of the holie Ghost so did hee also shewe them howe they should be prepared for the receiuing and conseruing thereof for albeit this diuine Spirit were promised before and after the Resurrection 〈◊〉 he would they should be pre●…red for it that wee should 〈◊〉 to vse meanes for Gods ●…ites promised First they 〈◊〉 wait for it secondarily they 〈◊〉 waite at Ierusalem and ●…re in an vpper roome what 〈◊〉 they doe they are assembled ●…th one accord what else they 〈◊〉 assembled with one accord in 〈◊〉 all which doe shewe vs 〈◊〉 meanes of preparing our 〈◊〉 for the participation of the 〈◊〉 Ghost First faith is ne●…rie for the Apostles belée●… Secondly hope is necessa●… for they expected the accom●…ment of the promise Third 〈◊〉 charity is necessary for they 〈◊〉 assembled in loue the Text ●…eth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with one ac●…d Fourthly holinesse of con●…sation is necessarie they were 〈◊〉 vpper roome The Spirit 〈◊〉 God sayeth the wise man ●…eth not in a body subiect to 〈◊〉 Last of all deuotion is ●…cessarie they were all assem●… in prayer The seauentie Elders rec●…ed of the spirit of the Lord at the dore of the Tabernacle where God was worshipped When the Disciples were assembled in prayer the place where they were assembled moued and the holy Ghost came downe vpon them and héere wee sée both of receiuing as also the meanes of entertayning one and the same holy spirit Gregorie saith In terra datur Spiritus vt diligatur proximus e coelo da●…ut Spiritus vt diligatur Deus The holy ghost is giuen on earth that we should loue men and the holy Ghost is giuen from heauen that we should loue God This loue of God is neuer idle but alwaies busie héere beneath it was Christes owne rule If you loue me keepe my commaundements it is a signe we loue the great Emperour when wee kéepe his lawes Last of all whereas the receiuing of the holy Ghost is called the earnest of the spirit how manie comforts are there which doe hence consequently ensue when 〈◊〉 substantiail dealer maketh a bargaine or couenant and in part of payment giueth earnest before ●…and the residue behind is as ●…re at the day as if the partie ●…ad it already down God of his ●…nite loue in Christ Iesus ●…ath agréed with beléeuers for the receiuing of heauenly trea●…re or treasure in heauen his holy spirit is before giuen in part of payment a good earnest and of the rest behind this earnest is ●…fficient assurance which wee 〈◊〉 receiue at that ●…ay when the ●…onne of righteousnes shall appeare and all his holy Angels ●…ith him Chap 31. How that exhortation of our Sauiour Christ Iohn the twelfth and thirtie siue doth appertaine to vs Christians Ambulate dum lucem habetis vt non tenebrae vos comprehendant Walke while yee haue light least darknes come vpon you THese wordes of our Sauiour Christ spoken in the first place to the people of the Iews are ●…y way of appropriation appliable vnto all but most speciallie vnto them on whom the ends of the worlde are come Walke while yee haue light least darknes come vppon you For in this remnant of time Sathan seeketh in malice to destroy men and God in mercy to saue sinners by whom the day of grace is fitly resembled to a time of light Walke while yee haue light The children of God are called the children of light his Angels are called the Angels of light his doctrine is called the doctrine of light you were darknes saith the Apostle but nowe you are light and are called to an admirable light And so after the s●…me manner the time of grace is a time of light our co●…nuance in this grace is the light of life which very life hath sometime●… the appellation of light because when death comes as the wise man saith ●…ur light is lost that is the continuance of life which is light And so in regard of the true light which is Christ Iesus himselfe of his doctrine which is a doctrine of light of his grace which is the benefite of light of our con●…inuance in the world which is a
haue but another man Man eateth and sleepeth so doe the beasts beho●… a certaine similitude communitie betwéene diuers natures Nowe the image of man noue i●…ateth but another man of the same nature The image then is more wor thy then the similitude By this meanes shalt thou haue a likenes of the image of God if considering that he is good thou studie to be good knowing hee is iust thou endeuour to be iust beholding his mercy thou giue thy diligence to be merciful and now harken howe thou mayest be like vnto him in his image God is alwayes mindfull of himselfe vnderstands himselfe loues himselfe thou therefore for thy measure shouldest be continuallie mindfull of God vnderstand God loue God endeuoring to do this which God alwayes doth and then begin to magnifie him as thou hast well spoken of gi●…ing him praise Christian. O most mercifull Sauiour I knowe and truly acknowledge that it more becommeth mee a wretched sinner to cast my selfe prostrate before the Lord of heauen and earth wéeping and sighing for my sinnes rather then to praise him with a polluted mouth Notwithstanding trusting in his mercie through thy onely merits O my Sauiour I desire to praise him beséeching him not to despise an impure worme a dead dogge an vnsauorie carkasse If the powers of heauen cannot sufficiently praise him much lesse man which is no other but infirmitie it selfe and least of all my selfe which a●… worser then others Christ. To praise thy Creator thou art created that intending héerevnto thou mayest héere alwayes goe forward and liue blessedly héereafter for this praise giueth héere righteousnesse and there blessednesse when thou praysest him praise him with thy whole heart praise him by louing for he is the rule proposed vnto the Saints of praising Hee praysed the Lord with all his heart and loned God which made him Praise therefore and praise worthily to the vttermost of thy power thy mercifull God Let no intent no cogitation be vacant from thée let no prosperitie recall thée let no aduersitie with-holde thée from praising him let him be the end of thy desire who is the reward of thy labour the solace of thy fading life and the possession of thy true and blessed life therfore exercise thy self in his praise to this ende seruest thou and all that thou hast Christian. O Lorde of mercies séeing that hee goeth about to catch the shadowe or follow the wind that thinketh to praise thée worthilie as thou deseruest yet séeing the meanest of thy creatures as the impure Frogges croking in the Fennish Moores praise their Creator for although as the Larke and Nightingale they knowe not howe to sing swéetly nor as man are no way able to comprehend the least sparke of knowledge yet haue they a resemblance of praise Now seeing all thy creatures praise thee I should be sorie to breake the harmonie O would to God that all swéet instruments of musicke for in them did the diuine Psalmist praise thée O would to God all earthly melodies could go vpward from my heart and send vnto thée condigne praises But what shall I say I knowe my selfe vnworthie to set forth thy praises wherefore I beséech thée at the least that other creatures more excellent in place may supplie my imperfection I wish and desire from my whole heart that the Or●…es of the Planets the starrie heauen shining with most pure light nay that the supernall Quire of Angels may doe as they doe neuer cease singing tha●… ioyfull Alleluia For my selfe I could wish that if it were so that my youth ended my age had equalled the age of Methusalem yet that euery yeere of that long time and euery moneth of those yéeres and euery wéeke of those moneths and euery day of those wéekes and euery houre of those dayes euery moment of those houres might haue béene wholy spent in landing praising God the Father who created me God the Sonne thée O my Sauiour who hast redéemed me God the holy Ghost who hast vouchsafed to sanctifie me What shall I say Because I cannot doe as I would yet will I endeuour to doe as I may as long as I liue will I praise the Lord Yea as long as I haue any being will I sing praises vnto my God When the hability of speaking shal faile and I shall not be able to pronounce thy name O sweet Iesus 〈◊〉 at the least the lifting vp of ●…y eyes or the mouing of my fin●…rs shall be a confirmation of ●…y desirous affections to praise ●…ée O my redéemer And I be●…ch thée good Lord remember ●…e that it may be so To whom with the Father and the holy Ghost be all power and glorie and honour for euer and for euer Amen Laus Deo The Table A ABraham and Lazarus both rich and poore in ioy 211 Almes-deedes commended 212 Ascension of Christ the hope of our ascending 480 Ascension of Christ ioyfull 484 Ascension of the faithfull 491 B Blessednes in the life to come described 555 C Christians the children of light 15 Christians resembled to fruitfull trees 26 Christians in shewe reproued 28 Christians of old commended 37. 38 Christ onely a satisfaction for sinne 64 Christ an example of all vertues 69 Christes sayings and doings went together 197 Christes labours in the world 176 Christ began to doe before hee taught 197 Christes wonderfull mercy in curing all that came vnto him 201 Content to beare contume●…es we Christians must be 213 Crosse howe euery one haue 319 Christ the best friend 357 Consideration of our estate necessarie 520 D Description of our Sauiour Christ according to his humanitie 72 Doing not hearing onely required 190 Deuils dispossessed by Christes power 209 Deuotion decayed 277 Denying of our selues what it is 316 Despaire not at all in Christes suffering 449. 450 Day of iudgement to bee remembred 543 E End of mans hope is felicitie 49 Endeuour cōmendable though we come not to perfection 48 Example of Christ layd downe for vs to follow 87. 88 Earthly possessions giuen of God to be enioyed 335 F Faithfull men see Christ. 5 Faithfull beleeuers spiritually conceiue Christ. 18 Faith which hath life is seene by motion 34 Fasting commended 121. 122 Fasting helpeth against temptation ibidem Fasts before the Sabaoths and festiuall dayes 120 Fortie dayes fasting auncient 126 Feastes moue our desires to thinke of heauenly things 408 Festiuall times to be obserued among Christians 407 G Gods benefits should moue vs to serue him 20 God prouokes vs with his benefits to loue him 43 Gods goodnes extended towards all 154 Good must be done one to another 159 Glory how Christ fled from it 160 Glory of this world vncertaine 166 Gesture to be vsed in prayer 277 H Holy women giuen to deuotion 13 Humilitie commended 96 Humilitie learned of Christ. 97 Hate father and mother howe we are said 351 Holy Ghost the comming downe thereof 495 Holy Ghost the manner of his comming and the fruite thereof 500 Hearing and doing