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A12709 The mystery of godlinesse a generall discourse of the reason that is in Christian religion. By William Sparke divinity reader at Magd: Coll: in Oxford, and parson of Blechly in B[uck]ingham-shire. Sparke, William, 1587-1641. 1628 (1628) STC 23026; ESTC S100099 133,807 175

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the other Evangelicall At first it was only a promise by word of mouth The Word f Gen. 3.15 The seed of the Woman shall breake the Serpents head Which GOD afterwards drew in forme of Covenant with Abraham saying g c. 12.3 In thy seed shall all the Nations of the earth be blessed h Rom. 4.11 And he receiued the signe of circumcision a seale of the righteousnesse of faith It pleased the Son of GOD in personall appearances to converse with men more familiarly to acquaint them with his Fathers will and purpose by liuely voyce whilest yet they walked with him in their vprightnes simplicity i Habet vocalis traditio nescio quid latentis onergiae Hier. Such kind of instruction by the Word himself in person did best befit the infancy of the Church that wee might betrayned vp by degrees to spell his grace when it should afterward be committed vnto vs in writing And it was needfull for the first beleeuers to haue a more immediate conference with God that they might beginne to vs in the faith with a full assurance Who also being long liued faithfull might more safely transfer the will of GOD committed to their trust by tradition to their posterity for many generations k Gen. 18.17.18 19. Shall I hide from Abraham sayth the Lord that thing which I will doe seeing that Abraham shall become a great mighty nation all the Nations of the earth shall be blessed in him For I know him that he will command his children and his houshold after him and they shall keepe the way of the Lord. But when once the Church was growne by the blessing of GOD The Scripture as he had promised into a nation then confirming the covenant with them which he had made with their Father Abraham GOD gaue them the copy of his Will in writing l Exod. 31.18 the ten commandements written with his owne finger the whole Lavv written by Moses with the history of the Creation of his prouidence from the beginning of the world And after Moses was gone m c. 33.11 vvith vvhom God spake face to face he continually stirred vp other Prophets whom he instructed n Numb 12.6 by dreams visions secret inspirations rising vp early sending them day by day vnto his people Israel whom they acquainted in the name of the Lord with his will frō time to time according to the Lavv the testimony Whose prophesies or sermons were recorded by themselues other o Quihaec scripserit valdè supervacue quaeritur Ipse haec scripsit qui haec scribenda dictavit Quid aliud agimus nisi legentes literas magni eujusdam viri de calamo perscrutamur Graeg praef in Iob. c. 1. Haec prius per prophetas deinde per seipsum posteà per Apostolos quantum satis esse judicavit locutus etiam scripturam condidit quae canonica nominatur eminentissimae authoritatis Cui fidem habemus de his rebus quae ignorare non expedit nec per nosmetipsos scire idonei sumus August de civ Dei lib. 11. cap. 3. publike notaries to the same spirit of truth were receiued by the people of God p Hos 8.12 to vvhō he had vvritten the great things of his lavv whereby they might try examine the same q Rom. 3.2 to vvhō his Oracles vvere committed in trust their chiefest prerogatiue advantage aboue all nations vntill himself came and confirmed all saying r Iohn 5.39 Search the Scriptures for they testifie of mee ſ 2 Tim. 3.16 All Scripture is giuen by inspiration of God the prophesie came not in old time by the vvill of man but the holy men of GOD spake as they vvere moued by the Holy Ghost t Heb. 1.2 But in these last dayes God hath spoken vnto vs by his Sonne in the flesh For u c. 2.3 the great saluation began to be spoken by the Lord himselfe as it is reported in * Act. 1.1 the Gospell a treatise of all that Iesus began both to doe and teach and x Heb. 2.3.4 it was confirmed to vs by those that heard him God also bearing them witnes both with signes wonders diuers miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost according to his ovvn vvill y 2. Pet. 1.15 Apostolos idem Evangelium quod praeoncionaverant postea per Dei voluntatem in Scripturis no bis tradidisse fundamentum columnam fidei nostrae suturum dicit Irenaeus l. 3. c. 1. Who also provided that after their decease the Church might alwayes haue a memoriall of those things which they had preached And therefore after their acts it was not greiuous vnto them to write the same things which they had taught for vs it vvas a safe thing that by their severall epistles some of them to the Church in general which were accordingly dispersed in many places others to certaine particular Churches which they also z Coloss 4.16 were to communicate vnto others as it were so many copies in so many mens hands to be a Ipsi sanè pauci esse debuerunt ne multitudine vilesceret quod clarum religione esse oporteret nec tamen ita paucivt corum non sit micanda consensio Aug. de Civ D. produced all consenting in the same truth we might be asfured of God his will confirmed in the present truth And last of all S. Iohn who was as wee may say of Christ his bosome besides his Gospell and Epistles continued on by revelation vntill his comming againe foretelling all things cōcerning the Church of God in the mean time which experience makes good dayly in our eyes Now wee may bee sure that the Scripture is the Word of God That the Scripture is the Word of God Not only because it saith so but proues it by a threefold argument not to be eluded The intent of it The consent in it The event by it b Non ex sapiencia sapiena Deus sedex sapiente Deo sapientia procedit Orig. ad Rom. in calce Theologie is not the inventiö of humane study but as the name imports it is the Word of God which he spake and which speakes of him For God is both the author and the matter thereof all in Christ c Col. 2.3 in vvhom are hid all the treasures of vvisdome knovvledge Which mystery provided in the counsell of God from everlasting it was needfull for vs to know from the beginning that we might haue the benefit thereby and God the glory by vs. d Edocuit autem Dominus quoniam Deum scire neme possit nisi Deo docente hoe est sine Deo non cognosci Deum Irenaeus l 4 c. 14 And that could not be but by God his owne vvord who onely was priuie to his owne purpose Therefore the eternal vvord and vvisdome of the Father e Prov. 8 31. Who
Hallowed be thy thrice glorious name O thou holy one as thou hast commanded That the name of God may bee knowne The Christian sabbath of the holy Catholike Church and worshipped as by euery man in priuate so by all of vs in publike God hath appointed the sabbath for the holy assemblyes representing the holy catholike Church in acknowledgement of his kingdome attending his grace in holy exercises and Christian duties and expecting his glory Which day may not be otherwise imployed farther then necessity enforceth which is god his dispensation and hath no law or then mercy to our selues others requireth n ●at 12.7 which God will haue and not sacrifice Of which duty some question hath beene made of late whether it bee of faith I suppose for these reasons principally First because in nature there is little or no appearance of reason for the sabbath that it should bee morall Secondly because it seemes not to be any where expressely recognised in the new testament as the other commandements are but rather to bee slighted both by Christ and his apostles Thirdly because in keeping the sabbath the Iewes were to obserue certaine ceremonies which are now abolished by the Gospell And lastly because Christians haue neuer kept that day which the Iewes did the commandement seemes to prescribe Which doubts if they may be cleared I hope the ten commandements will holde together and not breake company being all of the same kinde and o Exod. 31.18 c. 34.38 written with God his owne finger He spake these ten words and added no more vnto them For the naturall reason of the sabbath somewhat hath already beene said in the proper place thereof concerning the p I book ch 5. law of nature But may not a law be morall for the vse thereof vnlesse it be naturall in respect of the cause Christ hath promised that where two or three are gathered together in his name he will bee in the midst of them Now although God be euery where at all times yet for our r Ne inordinata congregatio populi fidem minuoret in Corste proptereà dies aliqui constituti sunt vt in vnum oomes pariter veniremus Hieroniad Gal. 4. meetings there must needs be a set time which it is iust that God who appoints the meeting should designe and not wee There may be holy assemblyes as that of ſ Acts 10. Cornelius vpon any day to heare the word to praise God and to pray vnto him as occasion is offered inseason and out of season the Lord will be found in them But on the Lords day the holy assemblies must bee and that weekely because hee hath commanded and hath giuen vs the reason which we haue belecued Now for that which Christ said or did we may bee well assured that his intent was not to violate the law of the sabbath The sabbath not abrogated by Christ who came not to breake the law but to fulfill it and was therein so punctuall and exact u Mat. 3.15 to performe all righteousnesse that if it were but a ceremony he would haue obserued it because all was to continue vntill the vaile of the temple his body was rent Hee often tooke occasion indeed by their greatest assemblies on the sabbath daies to doe some miracles workes of mercy in their sight to confirme the truth of what he taught namely that hee was the Lord of the sabbath and the mercifull sauiour of the world This lesson hee first read vnto them out of the * Luk. Prophet Isaiah in one of their Synagogues as his custome was on the sabbath day Which they should now haue taken forth by him being the chiefe and principall end of their sabbath But when they perversely misconstrued his doings he iustifying the same as also his Disciples plucking the eares of corne to satisfie their hunger tooke occasion to teach them better what was the right vse of the sabbath Not a x Cui septima quaeque fuit lu● Ignava Invenal Sat. 14. Sat. 6. Observant vbi festa mero pede sabbata reges De itinere sabatico Quos etiam irridet Plutarch libel de superstitione superstitious cessation from worke but a spirituall attention to the workes of God euer admitting our workes of mercy and of necessity And if Christ thereby abrogated the sabbath then did hee abolish the other commandements also whereof he said y Mat. 5. So and so it hath beene said vnto you of old but I say vnto you thus and thus shall yee doe and then was the Sabbath abrogated long afore by the Prophet Isaiah in the name of the Lord. z Isa 1.13 The new moones and sabbaths the calling of solemne assemblies I cannot away with But this Christ hath taught vs concerning the sabbath a Mark 2.27 That it was made for man not man for the sabbath as indeed the whole law was made for man not to breake but to keepe it for his owne good This especially was a provisionall statute for his benefit b Quian durabile non est quod requie caret o● tium quoddam sanctum Deus praecepit vt insatiabilem hominum cupiditatem fraenaret qui tam seipso● quam servos suos nimijs laboribus exhauriunt modo lucrum faciant Gualterus homil 56. in Luc. partly in regard of his body whose worldly heart would else giue him no rest but would make him out-worke Gods curse if God did not allow vs a rest supplying vs the while with necessaries by his ordinary prouidence c Exod. 16.24 as he did the Israelites by miracle but principally for his soules good that he might attend and receaue the d Homini non ante septimum laetalis inaedia est Plia hist nat l. 11. c 53. Plerique ex his qui septem diebus nihil edere aut bibere volunt in his moriuntur quod si quidam eos super averint nihilominus tamen moriuntur Hyp. l. de carn ad sinem Non possunt boni mores ne secundum naturam quidem ipsam apud eos homines constare qui vnum de septem diebus non observant sanctificant domino Iun. de Pol. Mosis c. 8. spirituall food thereof vnto eternall life As for the Apostles The Sabbath not abrogated by the Apostles St Paul writing to the Galatians condemnes the superstitious e Gal. 4.10 obseruing of daies and months and times and yeares in generall whereof the Iewes accounted some more holy the Gentiles some more happy But to the Colossians he speakes of Sabbaths by name reckoning thē amongst shadowes he saith f Coloss 2.16 let no man iudge you in respect of the Sabbaths a phrase which he vseth g Rom. elsewhere forbidding all censuring contending about things indifferent amongst which he reckons the obseruing of a day and it may bee that set day for the Sabbath for he saith h V. 6. he that
vita lib. 4. cap. 24. magistrate can not giue what himselfe hath not the power of orders to administer the Word and Sacraments But where it pleaseth n Isai 49.28 God to raise vp Kings and Queenes to be nursing Fathers and nursing mothers to his Church they may and will giue leaue to such as are ordained to exercise their ministry in their dominions assisting them and providing for their maintenance o 1 Cor. 9.14 worthy the Gospell of Christ Iesus And they can p Quandò Imperatores veritatem tenent pro ipsa veritate contra errorem jubent qued quisque contempserit ipse sibi judicium acquirit August ep 166 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Arist pol. l. 3. c. 11. command their people to heare them to q 2 Chron. 34.32 enter covenant with God by their ministery and to keepe the same at least in the outvvard act and they will not be negligent by all meanes to prouide for the peace of the Church r Rex nolentibus praeest episcopus volentibus ille terrore subijcit hic servituti donatur ille corpora custodit ad morrem hic animas servat ad vitam Hieron ad Heliodor in Epitaph Nepotian The Ministers of the Law haue power ouer mens goods the Ministers of the Gospell haue power to dispense the good things of God They can banish cast out of their coūtryes dominions These can excōmunicate out of the Church of Christ Iesus ſ Mat. 10.28 Iohn 19.10.11 They can kill the body hauing povver giuen them from aboue t 1 Cor. 5.5 These can deliuer ouer vnto Satan the lewde and vngodly such as loue not the Lord Iesus Yet both Civill and Ecclefiasticall Ministers and ouerseers are to doe Scripture the absolute canon of Faith and Life u In his quae apertè in Scriptura posita sunt inveninntur illa omnia quae continent fidem moresque vivendi August de doct Christ lib. 2. cap. 9. Adoro Scripturae plenitudinem Tertul. adversus Hermogen all according to the expresse will of GOD concerning vs in Christ Iesus Whose word in Scripture is the absolute x Sacra Scriptura regula credendi certissima tutissima Bellarm. lib. 1. de verbo Dei cap. 2 § 13. rule and cannon both of faith and life * 2 Tim. 3.16 17. The Apostle saith that all Scripture which then was only the olde Testament being giuen by inspiration of God was x Divinus sermo habet in publico vndè parvulos nutriat servat in secreto vndè mentes sublimium in admiratione suspendat Quasi quidam quippe fluvius planus altus in quo agnus ambulet elephas natet Greg. in praefat in lib. Moral ad Leand c. 4. profitable for doctrine for reproofe for correction for instruction in righteousnesse that the man of God might be perfect throughly furnished to all good workes By it y Iohn 5.39 Christ himselfe was content to bee tryed and the z Act. 17.11 1 Cor. 15.3.4 1 Tim. 6.3 Apostles by the same and by the Gospell of Christ which they preached Nay the Law it selfe before they had the Prophets was the perfect will of God in respect of parts a Ps 19.7.8 The Law of the Lord saith the holy King is perfect converting the soule the testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the simple And therefore the Prophets themselues were to be tryed thereby b Is 8.20 To the Law and to the testimony if they speake not according to this truth it is because there is no light in them Insomuch that if their doctrine were not agreeable therevnto c Deut. though they confirmed it with a signe and with a miracle that came to passe yet the people had warning not to harken to such for it was but to trye them and to proue them whether they loued the Lord their GOD with all their heart and with all their soule And since it pleased GOD once to expresse his Will by writing d Spiritus Sanctus ita Scripturas sacras modificavit vt locis apertioribus fami occurreret obscurioribus autem fastidia detergeret Nihil enim feré de illis obscuritatibus eruitur quod non asibi planissimè dictum reperiatur Aug. l. 2. de Chr. doct c. 6. the Holy Ghost hath so ordered the matter that almost euery seuerall booke in Scripture is a perfect modell of GOD his Will in respect of parts howsoeuer it pleased God by degrees to reveale his grace euer more and more vntill all was consummate in Christ Iesus as now wee haue it in the New Testament e Gal. 3.15 If it bee but a mans Testament yet if it bee confirmed no man disanulleth it nor addeth thereunto And shall any now f Rom. 12.3 thinking of himselfe more highly then hee ought or g Aeternam igitur legem mundis animis fas est cognoscere judicare non fas est Aug. de vera religione c. 31. presuming to know more then is meete dare to vsurpe authority aboue the Testament of Christ in the Scripture to prescribe against it or to dictate any thing h Lacte gypsum malè miscetur Irenaeus l. 3. adversus haeres c. 19. Quod de Scripturis authoritatem non habet eâdem facilitate contemnitur quâ probatur Hieron in Mat. 23. besides it as the absolute will of GOD to binde the conscience with necessity to i 1 Pet. 5.3 domineere ouer GODS heritage to smite his fellow-seruants and to vsurpe dominion ouer the faith k Deut. The King sitting vpon his throne was bound to haue a copy of the Law of GOD with him and to reade therein all the dayes of his life that hee might learne to feare the Lord his God to keepe all the words of his Law and his Statutes to doe them that his heart might not bee lifted vp aboue his brethren and that hee might not turne aside from the commandement to the right hand or to the left And for the Ministers of the Gospell l 1 Tim. if any man teach otherwise and consent not to wholesome words euen the wordes of our Lord IESVS CHRIST and the doctrine which is according to godlinesse he is proud knowing nothing and is destitute of the trueth supposing that gaine is godlinesse from such vvithdravv thy selfe m Gal. 1.8.9 Nay if any preach any other Gospell though an Angell from Heauen let him bee accursed n Revel 22.18.19 I testifie to euery man saith S. Iohn for conclusion of all his testimony is true that if any man shall adde vnto these things God shall adde vnto him the plagues that are vvritten in this booke Canon amussis neque additionem patitur neque ablationem Theophilact in 3. c. ad Philipp and if any man shall take avvay from the vvords of the booke of this Prophesie God shall take avvay his part out of the Booke
are by institution custome or compact other instrumentall meanes as it were morall instruments of conueiance as signing and sealing liurey and season or something in earnest representing the whole interest Mysticall acts they are because done in a c Sacramentū 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 mystery wherein some d Sacramentū dicitur sacrum signum siue sanctum secretum Bernard Serm. 1. de caen dom sacred and secret matter is farther intended by that which is outwardly done and vsed The spirituall things signified by the outward elements are the all sufficient a Signum est res preter speciem quam ingerit sen sibus aliud aliquid exse faciens in cogitationem venire Aug. l. 2. de doctr Christ cap 1. Verbum visibile Aug. hom in Iohan. 80. meanes of grace the body and blood of Christ the mediatour once offered by himselfe for vs. The foreskinne circumcised was it not a type of the promised seed to Abraham and his prosterity b Rom. 9.5 of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came God blessed for euermore The paschall lambe did it not represent Christ the lambe slaine from the begining of the world in the counsell of God And now c 1. Cor. 5.7 Christ our passeouer is slaine d 1. Pet. 1.19 a lambe without blemish and without spot The water in baptisme is it not the e v. 2. sprinkling of the blood of Iesus Christ The f Cor. 10.16 bread which wee breake is it not the communion of the body of Christ But besides these spirituall things which are the meanes grace signified by the outward elements there are also spirituall acts of grace to wit our admission into the catholicke Church and the communion of saints intended by the outward actions whereby the sacraments are administred and receiued and without the which they are not compleate being as their names import certaine h Res gesta Isiod Docentur eriam homines socramenta esse actiones diuinitus institutas Polon confess Sacramenta exercitia sunt Calv inst lib. 4. c. 14.6 Signum practicum Bel. ceremonia ritus solennis L. 1. de● Sacram. c. 9.10 11. acts that consist in the doing Not the foreskinne but the cutting of it as God had appointed was the circumcision not the lambe but the eating of it as was prescribed was the passeouer not the water but the i Baptismus non est aqua quae est res per manens sed lotio in aqua quae est operatio transiens Gab. dist 4. q. 2. dub 4 washing dipping or sprinkling with it in the name of the Father sonne Holy ghost is baptisme not the bread and wine but the vsing of them according to Christ his institution is the communion Howsoeuer the materialls themselues visible or spirituall or both may sometimes be called by the names of the sacraments as k 1. Cor. 10.16 the cup the communion l c. 5. v. 7. Christ the passeouer by a figuratiue speech most vsuall in things of so neere relation and not vnfit in figuratiue ordinances yet the elements although consecrated are not compleat sacraments vntill the other actions pertinent concurre whereby they are administred and receiued nor doe they continue sacraments any longer then while they are so vsed A mans deeds what are they to any one though in writing signed and sealed with his owne hand and seale vnlesse they bee deliuered and receiued as his act and deed By baptisme the sacrament of our new birth BAPTISME the a Tit. 3.5 lauer of regeneration the seale of adoption initiation and admission into the Church and b Heb. 12.23 company of the first borne which are written in heauen the couenant is contracted God preuenting vs with his grace which by the other sacrament is confirmed or renewed c Iohn 3.5 Except a man bee borne againe of water and the holy Chost he cannot enter into the kingdome of heauen When being regenerate wee take new names Christian names d Es 44.5 One shall say I am the Lords and an other shall call himselfe by the name of Iacob and an other shall subscribe with his hand vnto the Lord and syrname himselfe by the name of Israell Now because we are by nature the e Eph. 2.3 Children of wrath and by corruption f v. 1. dead in sinnes and trespasses wee cannot be new borne but by a kinde of resurrection from the dead Therefore g Coloss 2.12 wee are buried with Christ in baptisme wherein also we are risen with him thorough the faith of the operation of God who hath raised him from the dead Whereof the water in baptisme is a most significant signe For water was the first element i Gen. 1.2 vpon which the spirit of God moued and produced all things according to the word and will of God k 2. Pet. 3.5 By the word of God the heauens were of old and the earth consisting of the water and in the water And wee by sinne being as water spilt vpon the ground doe by the grace of God in Christ thorough his spirit l Es 44.4 spring vp againe as willowes by the water courses a Ps 92.12 1● and shall flourish in the house of our God as b Ps 1.3 trees planted by the riuers side c Es 44.3 I will powre out water saith God vpon him that is thirsty and flouds vpon the dry ground I will power my spirit vpon thy seed and my blessing vpon thy ofspring Whether we respect our regeneration admission or spirituall resurrection all which concurrent graces are intended by this sacrament it implyeth a reciprocall act betwixt God and vs. His call our answere his iustification of vs by acceptance in Christ our d 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 Pet 3.21 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mat. 3.6 Vid Act. 8.37 Anima non lauatione sed responsione sancitur Tertulide resur carn stipulation of a good conscience towards him his remission of our sins For e 1 Iohn 1.7 the blood of Christ clenseth vs from all sinne our repentance from dead workes to serue the liuing God hauing our f Heb. 9.14 consciences purged by his blood who thorough the eternall spirit offered himselfe without spot to God And therefore it is also called the sacrament of g Act. 2.3 repentance for the remission of sins h Deut. 26.17.18 Lauacrum illud èst obsignatio sidei Tertul. lib. de penit Now thou hast avouched the Lord this day to bee thy God the Lord hath auouched thee to be one of his people Of this contract there are i 1. Iohn 5.7 three that beare witnesse in heauen the Father the Word the Holy ghost these three are one For k 1. Pet. 1.2 we are elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father thorough sanctification of the spirit and sprinkling of the blood of Christ l 1. Iohn 5.8 And there are three
spirit on the Lords day teaching thereby the Church represented in them to assemble euer on c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sublimi vtique sublimior admirabili admirabilior Greg Wazianz de nova deminica orat 43. p. 700. that day and euery one to bee spiritually minded and exercised in remembrance of his resurrection attendance on the holy ghost and expectance of our finall glory in the presence of God the father It is therefore most fitly called d Quia enius sabbati tunc appellabatur dies qui nunc dominicus appellatur August ep 86. ad Casulan the Lords day e Ps 118.24 This is the day which the Lord hath made wee will reioice and be glad in it And it may bee called sunday in a better sense then the f Ecce enim dies solis adest Sic enim barbaries diem dominicum vocitare consueta est Greg. Turonensis Histor lib. 3. cap. 13. heathens knew because on this day g Malach. 4.2 Solis autem die communiter omnes conuentum agimus quandoquidem is primus dies est quo deus è tenebris materia quam prius creauerat versa mundum essecit Iesus Christus seruator noster eo ipsodie a mortuis resurrexit Iuslin Martyr apolog lib. 2. the sunne of righteousnes arose with healing vnder his wings But howsoeuer the name be the duty of a sabbath remaines to bee performed by the expresse law of God inuiolable Which the Apostles were carefull to obserue The Lord s day hath euer bin obserued as the sabbath by the church as appeares not only by their former assemblies exercises on that day but afterwards againe Act. 20.7 and by their doctrine The spirit calling all things to their remembrance which Christ had taught and commanded them For that very day the Apostle appointed to be religiously kept not only at Colossi as it hath beene shewed but expressely in the Church of h 1 Cor. 16.1 Corinth and Galatia and accordingly wee may well suppose in all other Churches This day thus instituted the i Die dominico qui est dies resurrectionis slisdiosius templum domini adite Quid enim apud deum excusare poterit qui eo die ad audiendum verbum dei salutare de resurrectione non conuenit Clem Const l. 2. c. 59. Church of Christ hath euer since kept as their sabbath and that aunciently with such seuere necessity as that for this very cause the whole k Vid. Euseb Eccles bist lib. 5. cap. 11. Socrat. lib. 5. cap. 21. Greeke Church was excommunicated by Victor Bishop of Rome whose authority and proceedings therein I vndertake not because they would keepe Easter the Lord his holy day in honour of his resurrrection vpon any day of the weeke if it were the l 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 quartadecimam foureteenth day of the moneth and not put it ouer to this day of the weeke m Vid. I fiodor de ecclesiast offic l. 1. cap. 31. It was decreed by the counsell of Nice Ruffinus lib. 1. cap. 6. Cur id obseruetur cum pascha celebratur vt sabbatum occurrat Hoc enim proprium Christiane religionis est Aug. ep 119. ad Ianuar paulo post Orbi vniverso Christiano persuasum est eo modo pascha celebrari oportere as the first and great sabbath whence all the other throughout the yeare are reckoned Were the Lords day kept weekly as other holy daies are yearely only as an holy day not as the sabbath then were the daie of the moneth fittest for Easter as for other holy daies but being the same seauenth day of the weeke must of necessity be kept the yearely holy day must be translated to this day of the weeke rather then the weekly sabbath varied euery yeare by that holy day n See the conference at Hampton Court p. 45. reprinted 1625. In the Synod called and held by the late King Iames of blessed memory when many things were not found need full to be amended the motion for a stricter course to reforme the prophaning of the sabbath day by that name without scruple * Tertio Caroli Constanti●us Imperat grauissima authoritate sanciuit dominicum Enseb lib. 4. de eius vita which now blessed be God is happily inacted by Parliament founde a gener all and vnanimous consent For they well perceaued that if this duty were remitted the life of religion which hath a long time languished would soone be vtterly extinct and vanish o Cum ex septem diebus vnus in domini honorem consecratus sit religionis prorsus dissolutae suerit nos aliorum dierum ad opera vsu contentos non esse neque illum domino eximium in violatum conservare sed ipsum etiam vulgarem facere nostrisque operibus applicandum putare Leo imperat Novel 54. For howsoeuer it may be pretended instead of the seauenth to keepe euery day holy yet is it easily seene that many who make no religion of the sabbath are indeed euery day alike prophane enough whereas they who doe most devoutly redeeme some time of respit euery day from their owne affaires to the seruice of God doe most earnestly desire and carefully vse the helpe of the seauenth day to repaire their defaults on the other sixe To conclude The sabbath respects the kingdome of God of all the commandements in the morall law the sabbath especially is of faith not only in God the father because of the creation but in Christ the redeemer and throughout the whole creed acknowledging Gods kingdome of nature grace and glory That day which the Iewes obserued was as their other holy daies new moones p Colos 2. v. 17. a shadow the body is of Christ Namely the q Ephes 1.23 1. Cor. 12.12 catholicke Church which is the body of Christ his redeemed kingdome for which he prayed and dyed For that being euery where dispersed is in many places gathered together and generally resembled by the holy assemblies on the Lords day r Ideo upostosi nê ecclesia cum Iudeorum superstitionibus aliquid communè haberet otium illud sacrum in sequentem diem transtulerunt At ijdem non tantum sibi permiserunt vt preceptam diei septimi obseruaetionem in decimum aut quemcunque alium extenderent Horum igitur exemplo nos insisterc conuenit nesub liber totis Christianae praetextu in illis ludamus quae deux certacum ratione instituit illa tandem in licentiam degeneret quae vt consusionem gignit ita animos tandem ab omni religione alienat Gualt in Lucam hom 56. And therefore the Iewes day of sabbath wherby they were distinguished from all others as the peculiar people of God is now altered the grace thereof being extended vnto all nations For now from one sabbath to another from that of theirs to this of ours and from one Lords day to an other all flesh comes
to worship before him And this we pray that his kingdome may come yet more and more euen the power of his grace that the holy catholicke church may become euery day more and more sanctified and enlarged vntill wee all come to be glorified with him in that eternall rest whereinto hee is entered for vs. ſ Psal 84.1 How amiable are thy tabernacles O Lord of hostes My soule longeth yea euē fainteth for the courts of the Lord. A day in thy courts is better then a thousand elswhere t Heb. 10.19 c Hauing therefore boldnesse to enter into the holiest by the blood of Iesus by a new and liuing way which hee hath consecrated for vs thorough the vaile that is to say his flesh let vs draw neere with a true heart in full assurance of faith not forsaking the assembling of our selues together u Quum deus noster singulari sua erga nos charitate è septem diebus vnum duntaxat instaurandae fidei nostrae atque adeo vitae aeternae sanctificauit eique diei vt sacrae in eo administratae rèligiones ad permouendam salutem nostram essent efficaces bene dixit deploratum sane is se contemptorem demonstrat sicut salutis propriae ita tam admiraudae dei no stri in nos benificentiae eoque omnino indignum qui in populo dei viuat quicunque non studiat eum ipsum diem domino deo suo glorificando procurandaesaluti propriae sanctificare c Bucer lib. 1. de regno Christi cap. 11. lege totum cap. as the manner of some is but exhorting one an other that so much the more as wee see the day approching Let thy kingdome come O Lord * Psal 110.3 that thy people may be willing now in the day of thy power in the beauties of holinesse from the wombe of the morning x Ps 65.1 Then shall praise waite for thee O God in Sion and vnto thee shall the vow be performed in Ierusalem Thus the duties of Loue to God are all directed vnto him The perfect will of God to be done on earth and exercised by faith in Christ with true godlinesse and this faith againe is approued to God by the workes of loue in all goodnesse towards men for his sake whereunto all the dueties of the second table are reduced y 1 Ioh 3.23 For this is the commaundement of God that wee should beleeue on the name of his sonne Iesus Christ and loue one another as hee gaue vs commaundement All the duties of loue prescribed by the law are by faith improued to an higher degree of perfection then the letter imports hee being the a Mat. 5. interpreter who was the lawginer and shall bee our iudge For now wee see that not only the acts but thoughts and occasions of euill are vnlawfull and wee finde our selues bound in conscience to performe our duties to men b Colos 3.22 23. not with eye seruice as men pleasers but with singlenesse of heart fearing God And whatsoeuer wee doe to doe it heartily as to the Lord and not vnto men The first and last commandemets which are the two great commandements including all the rest expressely require the heart Thou shalt haue no other gods Nor couet an others goods c Mat. 15.9 Out of the heart proceede euill thoughts murders adulteries thefts false witnesse c. which are transgressions of the seuerall commandements and by them forbidden as they are any way followed or embraced by vs. But by the last commandement the first motion of euill arising in our corrupt hearts is condemned and wee are thereby made guilty of the sinne that is in vs by naturall corruption d Rom. 7.7 I had not knowne lust except the law had said Thou shalt not lust Howsoeuer the law be giuen for the most part in negatiue termes to restraine first of all frō grosse iniuries and exorbitances and from all the occasions and appendants of sinne which are not allowable at any time yet doth the affirmatiue of the law not only where it is expressed but as it implyed in the prohibitions binde vs at all times though not to all times to doe good vnto all as we haue opportunity So far must wee bee from doing any euill vnto others as rather willingly to suffer euill of others for well doing if it may not be otherwise And the workes of perfection as some call them supposing that they are only e 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Plato As wher Christ saith I counsell thee to buy of mee c. Rev. 3.18 Consitium includit proeceptum Bellarm. Est instrumentum praecepti Thom. Praeceptum ex hypothesi counselled in the Gospell and therefore arbitrary are indeed cōmanded by the law f Ps 19.7 for the law is perfect and are duties necessary for euery man to doe if there bee * As in time of persecution or first plantation of the Gospell So did the first conuerts vid. Act. 2.44.45 cap. 4.32.34 Cause and the case require And otherwise who hath required these things at your hands When the young man whom Christ bad sell all that he had and giue to the poore that hee might follow him g Math. 19.21 if hee would be perfect went away sorrowfull because hee had great possessions then said Iesus vnto his disciples verily I say vnto you h v. 23. That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdome of heauen i Christiani vnuiscuiusque officium est vt animo propter Christum relinquat omnia par atus etiam ex facto relinquere vbires desiderauerit Iun. in Bell. contra 5. lib. 2. c. 8. S. parag 42. Now that is necessary without which we cannot enter into heauen And what did Christ inioine him more then is intended by the precepts of the law as hee hath interpreted the same * Mat. 5.38 c. Ye haue heard it hath beene said an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth but I say vnto you that yee resist not euill but whosoeuer shall smite thee on thy righ cheeke turne to him the other also if any man sue thee at the law and take away thy coat let him haue thy cloake also Is it a greater matter to sell that wee haue and giue freely to the poore then to giue to an aduersary that hath already by force or fraud gone beyond vs We are not forbidden k Vid Augustin epistlo quint. ad Marcellin all plea of right nor required causelesly to depart with our own For this were to abet and animate malefactors vnreasonable men to frustrat God his ordinance l Rom. 13.4 whose minister the magistrate is for thy good No more are wee counselled to cast away our goods which are the blessings of God m Act. 17.26 who hath appointed vs the bounds of our habitation nor needlesly to liue vpon the almes of others n Act. 20.35
haue borne the image of the earthly so shall wee beare the image of the heauenly o V. 26. The last enimy that shall bee destroyed is death and that by the resurrection of our bodies to eternall life p Rev. 21.4 When God shall wipe away all q Faelices lachrymae quas benignae manus conditoris abstergunt teares from our eyes there shall bee no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there bee any more paine for the former things are passed away which were temporall the life to come shall bee r Dies iste quem tanquam extremum reformidas aeterninatalis est Sen. ep 102. Idem ep 24 Moriar Desmam alligari posse desinam aegrotare posse definam mori pesse 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Quod interim morimur ad immortalitatem morte transgredimur nec potest vita aeterna succedere nisi hinc contigerit exire Non est exitus sed transitus temporali itinere decurso adaeterna transgressus Cypr. de mortal eternall A life of glory to the children of God * Life euerlasting and glorious The lowest degree whereof doth infinitly exceed the greatest glory of this world Looke how much the life of a perfect man enioying all outward happinesse in this beautifull and goodly world excels the condition of a weake poore and wretched Embrio shut vp in the wombe a closse and darke habitation so much infinitly much more doth the eternall ſ Cuius rex veritas cuius lex charitas cuiuo modus aeternitas August ep 5. ad Marcellinum life of glory in the highest heauens excell this life and all the glory of this world Nay as much as the life of Grace in the assurance of God his favour and speciall loue excels all worldly profits pleasures and preferments so much and infinitly much more doth the fruition of Gods glorious presence excell this present state of grace For this consists in vsing the meanes then wee shall enioy the end of all our desires and endeavours It is vsually expressed by such things as we know and most esteeme a crowne a kingdome a paradise a citty of gold and pretious stones life ioy glory t 1. Cor. 2.9 but eye hath not seene nor eare heard neither haue entred into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that loue him Such as they who had but a vision thereof in Christs u Mat. 17. transfiguration would gladly haue made their abode in the admiration thereof for euer such as * 2. Cor. 12.2.4 he who was wrapt into the third heauens hauing heard might not vtter such wherewith we may well x Rom. 8.18 reckon that all the sufferings of this present world are not worthy to bee compared y 2. Cor. 4.17 an exceeding and eternall waight of glory Wherein though all the Saints of God shall haue z Ps 16.11 fulnesse of ioy and pleasures for euermore yet shall it be in different degrees for there are many and a Ioh. 14.2 diuers mansions in Gods house and different degrees of glory b 1. Cor. 15.41 as one starre differeth from another starre in glory c Dan. 12.3 For they that are wise shall shine as the brightnesse of the Firmament but they that turne many vnto righteousnesse as the starres for ever and ever The estate of glory which wee beleiue and expect in eternall life is not only a well being but a perpetuall and perfect well doing which is to liue indeed in the ioyfull fruition of all good When the most excellent faculties shall bee imploid on the most admirable obiect in the most exquisit manner and abundant measure with eternall ioy and glory It is the grace of God towards vs now to take such notice and to make such account of vs as we beleiue but it shall bee our glory then to knowe him d ● Cor. 13.12 as we are knowne of him Now we knowe but in part Wee see now in a glasse darkely but then shall we see face to face e 1. Ioh. 3.2 we shall see him as he is f Iob. 19.27 and we shall behold him with these eyes whereby we shall become like vnto him full of glory in our foules and bodies by the manifestation of his glory vpon vs g Exod. 34.30 as Moses face shone when hee came downe from him in the mount h Colos 3.4 Now is our life hid with Christ in God but when Christ who is our life shall appeare then shall we appeare with him in glory So well shall we be and as well shall we doe For as wee shall receaue glory of God in the vision of his glory in Christ so shall we giue all honour and glory to him and as we shall behold him with these eyes so shall we praise him with these tongues i Ps 137.4 Who can sing the song of the Lord now in a strange land But k Ps 108.1.2 when our glory shall awake even this excellent instrument of praising God which is our glory aboue other creatures then l 1. Cor. 13.1 the tongues of men Angels shall be the eternall trumpets of God his glory m Rev. 4.6.8 The foure beasts full of eyes rest not day and night saying holy holy holy Lord God Almighty which was and is and is to come n V. 9. And when those holy ones giue glory and honor and thankes to him that sits on the throne who liueth for euer and euer o V. 10. then also the foure and twenty Elders fall downe before him that sits on the throne and worship him that liueth for euer and ever and cast their crownes before the throne saying thou art worthy O Lord to receaue glory and honour and power And all the Saints shall come in with a full quire singing p Rev. 15.3 the song of Moses and of the Lambe great and marueilous are thy workes Lord God Almighty iust true are thy waies thou king of Saints q Ps 145.10.11 Yea all thy works shall praise thee O Lord and thy Saints shall blesse thee They shall speake of the glory of thy kingdome and talke of thy power For thine is the kingdome power and glory For euer and euer Amen FINIS OXFORD Printed by IOHN LICHFIELD Printer to the Famous Vniuersity For WILLIAM WEBB Ann. Dom. 1628.
the Christian Reader a Synopsis or full view at once of our religion in the vvhole contexture thereof for his better resolution Which lest I should obscure or confound by incident discourses I haue beene forced to passe it may be too cursorily thorough most particulars which would require so many and far larger tracts then this little model of the vvhole And because I seeke not herein to perswade or convince Infidels which seemes to bee the scope of h Iustin Martyr Tertul. in their Apologies Arnob. Aug. de Civit. Dei Morn Viues Raimundus de Sabunde others who haue written of this argument but to resolue and confirme our selues in the present truth with whom it were a folly not to dispute ex praecognitis concessis I haue laide the foundation of this little Fabricke in the receiued principles of Religion And lastly that I may not build heterogeneous stuffe thereon i Cor. 3.12 wood hay stubble but rather gold siluer pretious stones I haue vsed so much as might be the very wordes and phrases of Scripture not onely for proofe but for expression which being the Word of GOD can best speake his owne meaning howsoeuer to some it may make the stile seeme not so aequable and pleasing The Word of God is it not k 1 Pet. 2.2 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the rationall milke of our reasonable soules whereby they are nourished to eternall life And our faith hath such force of reason thereby that it is l Heb. 11.1 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the cleare euidence and most evicting argument of things not seene most sublime abstruse And it is able to convince and perswade m 1 Cor. 14.23 c. vnbeleeuers neuer so vnlearned and n 2 Cor 10.5 to cast downe all contrary reasonings of the most subtile adversaries that exalt themselues against the knowledge of God bringing into captivity euery thought to the obedience of Christ. The o Rom. 12.1 service of God thereby prescribed vnto vs is it not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a reasonable seruice to all that are not p 2 Thes 3.2 vnreasonable and wicked men To whom howsoeuer they take it wee must and can giue q 1 Pet. 3.15 a reason of the hope that is in vs. The Lineaments whereof I haue indeavoured to draw and shadow out in a new but I hope not vnnaturall method which beeing done seemes to mee rather a bare skeleton then any compleat systeme of that solide body which I tooke in hand Yet it sufficeth mee if as in r Ezek. Ezekiels vision in the valley of dead bones the bones become together bone to its bone For the sinewes and the flesh shall come vpon them and the skinne shall couer them about when the breath of GOD shall come from the foure vvindes and blovv vpon them and they shall liue Howsoeuer I am willing to bee deliuered of this meditation as it is after a longer and more painefull travell by fitts then such an imperfect embrio and vnshapen birth may seeme worthy of And by his helpe ſ Iohn 15.5 vvithout vvhom vve can doe nothing I may heereafter polish perfect what I haue now conceiued not altogether I hope without his Spirit When I shall haue better discerned thereof at a distance and may happely haue gained some farther or clearer discouery by information or obtrectation of others For although I haue no reason to expect an adversary herein hauing not willingly irritated or provoked any yet because trueth many times findes foes where it makes none if any shall trouble themselues to quarrell this little peece what shall be justly found amisse I shall most willingly amend easily neglecting what shall bee petulantly carped and submitting my selfe in all things to my blessed Mother this faithfull Church of CHRIST IESVS † Tertul. Difficilium facilis est venia The Contents BOOKE I. CHAP. I. The bond of Nature The glory of God The author of our good The true zelotes of his glory To glorifie the Creator is the glory of the creature How wee should glorifie God prescribed by the Law of Nature Naturall reason of the Law The covenant of Nature The Law euer in force The case CHAP. II. The Covenant of Grace The Articles and Authors of Grace The Sonne of God the Mediator The Sonne of man The offices of Christ The grace of our Lord Iesus The spirit of Grace Preventing Grace The state of Grace The praise of the glory of Gods Grace CHAP. III. The Testaments The Will of God The Word The Scripture That the Scripture is the Word of God The intent of it The consent in it The olde legall Testament The new Evangelicall Testament The event of prophesies The power of the Gospell The Church The administrators and ouerseers Scripture the absolute Canon of faith and life BOOKE II. CHAP. I. The Stipulation of Faith by the Sacraments The answere of a good conscience toward God The Creed The Sacraments Baptisme Poedobaptisme Anabaptisme Confirmation and penance Communion No transubstantiation Participation by faith Cōmunion in loue The Law conditioned The Covenant indissoluble CHAP. II. Faith working by loue according to the Law The Law established by faith Gods Law our prayer Faith in the Trinity denyes not the vnity of God Christ the onely Image of God to be worshipped by faith in his Name By Prophanenes Hypocrisie Blasphemy the Name of God vnhallowed The Christian Sabbath of the holy Catholike Church The Sabbath not abrogated by Christ. Nor by his Apostles The Iewes typicall vse thereof abolished The Christian Sabbath day within the compasse of the Commandement The Lords day designed by himselfe for our Sabbath It hath euer beene obserued as the Sabbath by the Church It respects the Kingdome of God The Perfect will of God to bee done on earth The heauenly conversation CHAP. III. The Refuge of Hope We are saued by Hope The Law perfect we imperfect Good workes not vvell done Grace and merite incompetible The Christian hope Our daily bread Forgiuenesse of sinnes No immunity to sinne Temptations Preservation Resurrection Life everlasting and glorious BOOKE I. CHAP. I. The bond of Nature The glory of God The authour of our good The true zelotes of his glory To glorifie the Creator is the glory of the creature How we should glorifie God prescribed by the law of Nature Naturall reason of the Law The covenant of nature The fall The Law ever in force The case What is chiefely to be desired THat God may bee glorified in our salvation The glory of God Wherein trusting him for our parts we are principally to intend his glory For vnlesse we wil mocke God and deceiue our own soules we must desire as we pray first that the name of God may bee hallowed by the advancement of his Kingdome in the vniuersall subjection of all to his holy will then that wee may bee saued through his grace by pardon of our sinnes protection in temptations and
d Rom 1.20 The invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearely seene being vnderstood by thinges that are made euen his eternall power and Godhead And if we doe but fetch our owne pedigree as needes we must from one e Luk. 3.38 man at the last we shall finde that one God whose sonne he was even the worke of his hands f Act. 17.26.27 For God made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on all the face of the earth and determined the times before appointed and the boundes of their habitation that they should seeke the Lord. And if vvee obserue the course of times vvee shall come to the auncient of dayes g Act. 14.17 vvho hath neuer left himselfe vvithout vvitnes at any time vvhose being beyond time vvithout place aboue nature must needes bee infinite and therefore h Neque in natura neque extra duo possunt esse infinita Iul Scal exercit 395. Socrates damnatus ad cicutam à vita quam à sententia de vno Den decedere maluit Plato orsus epistolam ab vno Deo agebat seriò ad Dionys ep t 3. Cum iurant cum optant cum gratias agunt non Iovem aut Deos multos sed Deum nominant Lactant l. 2. de ver sap c. 1. Anima licet falsis dijs exancillata cum tamen resipiscit ut ex crapula somno Deum nominat quod Deus dederit omnium vox est iudicem quoque contestatur illum Deus videt Deo commendo Deus mihi reddet O testimonium animae naturalitèr Christianae Tertul. in Apolog. singular admitting no partner For the second commandement vve can vvorship God no otherwise then we can know him But that which can be known of God namely hiseternal power Godhead was neuer seen by any man but only vnderstood by the effects thereof in his workes by his vvord Nor can he be expressed but by vvord whom we know only by name beleiuing his word Neither the nature of God who is invisible nor of man whose heart was most answerable cā in reasō the worship of God by any i Solem lunam specula Dei non adoranda sed spectanda mundumque illius templum dicit Plutarchus de Iside Osiride creature or outward shape no whit agreeable to either For the third commandement it were most vnreasonable in nature to take the name of God in vaine when nature it selfe tels vs for k Deus natura nihil faciunt frustrà a principle that God made nothing in vaine as if God were nothing but an empty name who is all in all and all the bonour wee can doe him is onely in his name l De die septimo qui inter omnes mortales celebris est magna apud plerosque ignorantia est hic enim dies qui inter omnes mortales celebris est Sabbatum vocatur graecè si quis interpretetur Septimana dicitur Hoc nomine mortales omnes diem istum appellant at nominis causam nesciunt plerique Theoph. Antiochen Patriarch l. 2. ad Autolycuum The greatest difficulty of naturall reason is for the fourth commandement not because there is no such reason thereof but because nature it selfe being corrupt and disturbed by sinne beareth little or no mention and remembrance of the first creation nor can hardly bee perswaded thereof But God hath therefore expressely giuen vs the reason of that law plainely taken from the vvorkemanship of nature it selfe Namely that it was finished in six dayes and so m Sicut cùm benè operamur ipse dicitur operari in nobis cuius munere operamur ita cum requiescimus ipse requiescere dicitur quo donante requiescimus August ep 119. ad Ianuar. agens dc Sabbato rested as it seemes in its perfection and gaue as it were rest vnto God on the seaventh day Wherefore the Lord blessed the seaventh day and hallowed it Of which n Septem dies sunt qui volumine temporum per sua vestigia reuocantur Aug. ep 86. ad Casulan period of time there seemes still to bee some mention in nature notwithstanding our corruption namely by the continuall changes of u 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 formam lunę complectitur nam prima est corniculata quam 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Graeci vocant deindè medilunia quā dicunt 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Dehine dimidsato maior quae dicitur 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mox plena quae dicitur 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Item tres formas praedictas desiciens repetit Hic numerus lunae cursum significat nam vnum faciunt 28. Martian Capel Satyric l. 7. de Heptade Ecclesia verò adhuc in ista mortalitate carnis constituta propter ipsam mutabilitatem lunae nomine in scripturis signatur August ep 119 agens de Sabbato Vid. Isidor Eccles offic lib. 1. cap. 31. sublunary things every seaven dayes x 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. Hipp lib. 2. aph 24. Idem de carn 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as Phisitians obserue who are most versed in the workes of nature accordingly to be credited in their faculty And something there is in it that the very y Quis enim sacrum illum diem per singulas hebdomadas recurrentem non honorat Philo Iudaeus de vniversis gentibus loquens lib 2. de vita Mosis Idem testatur Iosephus lib. 2. contra Apion ad finem Heathens haue solemnised the seaventh day although they knew not why but vainely consecrated it to the resting planet z Vid. Clav. in cap. 1. Iohan. de Sacro Bosco pag. 84. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 die septimo post natum puerum ei nomen imponebatur vtpote die auspicatissimo Scholiast in Aristoph ad Aves Vid. quae habet Clemens Alexandr lib. 5. Strom. ex Homero Hesiodo Callimacho Saturne as it might seeme for the slow motion thereof or to some other such a Amnis sabbaticus qui in Iudaea sabbatis omnibus siccatur Plin. natur hist lib. 31. cap. 2. Aliter enarrat Iosephus de bel Iud. lib. 7. cap. 24. Vid. Fulleri Misc●ll lib. 1. cap. 9. fond imagination But we who by b Heb. 11.3 faith vnderstād that the worlds were framed by the word of God the first article of our creed can easily admit in common equity the naturall reason which God hath given of this law And knowing that the Sabbath was made for man in his best estate for whom all things were made and hee last of all with vnderdanding to behold and praise God in his glorious worke that he might rest in so doing most glorious and happy vpon which day it seemes the man was so excercised when he gaue names to all things according to their natures to the glory of the creatour wee are well perswaded that there is and ever will bee a perpetuall cause even in nature to remember the Sabbath
glory saue in the crosse of Christ Iesus q Luk. 24.26.27 knowing by all the Scriptures that hee ought to suffer such thinges and so to enter into his glory As it was shewed by the r 1. Pet. 1.11 Prophets through the spirit of Christ that was in them testifying before hand his sufferings and the glory that should follow ſ Habak 2.3 The vision whereof is yet for an appointed time but in the end it shall speake and not lye Which wee are well assured because the promises are by him already performed For hee hath broken the serpents head in that hee ouercame the Deuils temptations in person cast him out of possession in other men triumphed ouer principalities and powers on his crosse and led them captiue when hee ascended and hath euer since t Magnus Deus Pan mortuus est vide Plutarchi libellum de defectu oraculorum silenced their deluding oracles and hee will shortly trample Satan vnder our feete And for the other promise of the blessing vpon all nations hee hath v Eph. 2.16 reconciled all vnto God in one body by the crosse having slaine the enmity thereby who came and preached peace to vs that were afarre off and to them that were nigh x Gal. 3.8 The very same Gospell which was preached before to Abraham in thee shall all the nations bee blessed was thus performed y v. 14. For now the blessing of Abraham is come on the Gentiles through Iesus Christ The grace of our Lord Iesus z 1. Cor. 1.30 Who of God is made vnto vs wisdome righteousnes sanctification and redemption Wisdome in the acknowledgement of him by faith a Colos 2.3 Wisdome in vvhom are hid all the treasures of wisdome and knowledge and of the Father by him b Matth. 11.27 Cui enim veritas comperta sine Deo Cui Deus cognitus sine Christo Cui Christus exploratus sine Spiritu Sancto Tert. l. de an c. 1. For no man knoweth the Father but the Sonne and hee to whom the Sonne hath reuealed him And both by the Holy Ghost who proceeding from the Father and the Sonne spake by the Prophets and Apostles and still speakes in their word to the heart of euery true beleeuer c 1. Cor. 12.3 No man can say that Iesus is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost by whom we also crie Abba Father d Prov. 30.4 Tell mee now who is hee that ascended and descended and hath established the bounds of the earth what is his name and what is his sonnes name if thoucanst tell If thou canst not tell e v. 2. Surely thou art more brutish than any man and hast not the vnderstanding of a man f v. 3. Thou hast not learned wisdome nor hast the knowledge of the holy g 1. Iohn 5.20 But vvee know that the Sonne of God is come and hath giuen vs an vnderstanding that wee may know him that is true and we are in him that is true euen in his Sonne Iesus Christ This is the true God and eternall life For h Iohn 17.3 This is life eternall to know the onely true God and whom he hath sent Iesus Christ whereby wee are made wise vnto saluation Christ is our righteousnes Righteousnesse even i Ier. 33.16 the Lord our Righteousnes k Rom 3 25. Iustitia Dei dicitur non qua iustus est Deus sed quam dat homini Deus vt iustus sit homo per Deum August tract 26. in Iohan. whom God hath set forth to bee a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousnes that hee may be iust and the iustifier of him that beleeueth in Iesus m Rom. 10.5 Moses describeth the righteousnes of the Law that the man that doth those thinges shall liue by them Which Saint Paul applies vnto vs in Christ That n v. 6.7 wee need not ascend into heaven nor descend into the deepe to seeke the man Christ is the man who hath fulfilled all righteousnes and hath o Christi caro damnauit peccatum quod nascendo non sensit quod moriendo crucifixit vt in carne nostra esset justificatio per gratiam vbierat antè colluvio per culpam Ambros cont Novatian de poenitentia lib 1. cap. 2. satisfied for our vnrighteousnesse p Rom. 10.4 Wherefore hee is the end of the Law for righteousnesse to euery one that beleeueth q Cap. 5.18 Obedientia in vtramlibet partem propenderit aut culpam adiungit aut gratiam Haec nos in primo Adā traxit ad mortem haec nos in Adam secundo ad vitam vocavit Ambros l. 1. de Iacob vita beata cap. 3. For as by the offence of one man iudgement came vpon all men to condemnation even so by the righteousnesse of one the free gift is come vpon all men to iustification of life Whereof they are altogether ignorant r Rom. 10.3 who going about to establish their owne righteousnesse hauc not submitted themselues to the righteousnesse of God But ſ Luk. 7.35 Deus ergò sapientia est quia sapientia Dei Filius est mox Iustificemus ergò Dominum vt iustificemur à Domino Ambros in Luc. l. 6. c. 1. wisdome is iustified of her children And as it is our glory to glorifie God so to iustifie him is our righteousnesse Againe Christ is our Sanctification Sanctification for a Heb. 2.11 both hee that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one both of one nature hee having assumed the flesh and wee through him being made b 2. Pet. 1.4 partakers of the diuine nature by his spirit both in one case hee in our steade c 2. Cor. 5.21 being made sinne for vs and vvee in him by grace d Col. 1.21.22 vvhom hee reconciled in the body of his flesh through death to present vs vnto God holy and vnblameable and vnreproveable in his sight For as hee satisfied God for vs by his suffering so he sanctified vs vnto God by offering vs vp in himself Lo I come saith he to doe thy will O Lord. And he submitted vnto the death saying not my will but thy will be done e Heb. 10.9.10 By the which wil we are sanctified by the offering of the body of Iesus once for all And by that offering hee hath perfected for euer all those that are sanctified f Rom. 5.19 In ptimo Adam offendimus non faciendo praeceptum in secundo autem Adam reconciliati sumus obedientes vsque ad mortem crucis Irenaeus lib. 5. advers haeres Wherefore as by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many also be made righteous Lastly Christ is our redemption Redemption g Gal. 3.13 Delevit chirographum debita nostra affixit illud cruci vti quemadmodum per lignum facti sumus debitores
of life and out of the Holy City and from the things that are vvritten in this booke BOOKE II. CAP. I. THE STIPVALATION of Faith by ●●e Sacraments The answer of a good conscience toward God The Creed The Sacraments Baptisme Poedobaptisme Anabaptisme Confirmation and penance Communion No transubstantiation Participation by faith Communion in loue The law conditioned The covenant indissoluble How is the covenant transacted betwixt God and vs BY the word of God on his part The Answere of a good conscience as hath beene declared in the two Testaments which being accepted on our parts by faith that worketh by loue and resteth in hope is mutually sealed and confirmed on both sides by two Sacraments a Heb. 4.2 The word preached profiteth not vnlesse it be mixed with faith in them that heare it nor faith professed vnlesse it worke by loue in them that haue it nor haue we then attained but rest still in hope of the glory of God to be revealed in vs. Faith in a larger sense and not vnvsuall implieth the other graces being a full assent to the word of truth accepting the grace offered in the Gospell vpon trust answering the law by loue which is the fulfilling of the law and the end there of For b 2. Tim. 1.5 the end of the commandement is loue out of a pure heart and a good conscience and faith vnfaigned Which when all is done expecteth the full accomplishment of the promises but of the law and of the Gospell in hope a Heb. 10.36 waiting with patience that after we haue done the will of God we may receaue the promise Thus we stipulate with God b Rom. 12.2 proue his will what is that good that acceptable and perfect will of God and c Ioh. 3.33 set to our seales that God is true * Rom. 1.17 And thus the righteousnesse of God is revealed from faith to faith From the truth of God a faithfull creatour to our faith in him his vnworthie creature And in vs from one degree of faith to another vntill we receiue the end of our faith euen the saluation of our soules The faith more especially is that whereof we make confession THE CREED saying I beleeue in God c. according to the Apostles Creed So it is called not only because it agrees with the Apostles doctrine being the very summe and substance thereof and might happily be d Russinus in Symbol Isiod l. 2 de Eccl. officiis c. 23. Aug. ser 131 Ambr. ser 38. agreed vpon by themselues as the absolute e 2. Tim. 1.13 forme of sound words and the rule of the f 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Athan. erat 4. coutrà Arianos analogie of faith but principally because it is the very forme of the g 1. Tim. 6 3. words of our Lord Iesus Christ the great h Heb. 3.1 Apostle and high Priest of our calling Which besides his generall doctrine he seemes to haue expresly committed in trust to the Apostles in the very same order instituting the two Sacraments to bee administred by them and their successours in his Church for euer i Eph. 2.20 Which is built vpon the foundation of the Apostles Prophets Iesus Christ himselfe being the head corner stone a Regulam veritatis immobilem per baptismum accepimus Iraen adv heres l. 1. c. 1. Baptisme in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost takes vp the former part of the Creed to the holy catholique Church which is holy being b Eph. 5.26 sanctified and cleansed with the washing of water by the word And it is catholike admitting all commers by baptisme as the Lord appointed saying c Mat. 28.19 Goe teach all nations baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost * Vid. Martin procatech tract 4. Which part of the Creed being at first expressed in those few words and aunciently so vsed in baptisme was after enlarged with more articles especially concerning the second person by occasion of heresies that did arise The supper of the Lord which the Apostle calls d 1. Cor. 10.16 the Communion beginning with the communion of saints includes it and the articles following For Christ instituting this sacramēt cals e Mat. 26.28 the cup the blood of the New Testament saying expresly that it was shed for many for the remission of sinnes and for the other two benefits of communion in the body and blood of Christ namely the resurrection of our bodies and life everlasting St Iohn reports them plainely from Christ his owne mouth saying a Ioh. 6 5● whosoever eateth my flesh drinketh my blood hath euerlasting life and I will raise him vp at the last day as he doth in like manner speak of our regeneration by baptisme c. 3. For S. Iohn onely of all the Evangelists doth not expresly report the very institution it selfe of the Sacraments but insteed thereof as it seemeth the spirituall graces intended by them Christ therefore himselfe is the author and finisher of our faith Who gaue vs his word by the Apostles wherevpon we beleeue according to their Creed the b In ea regula incedimus quam ecclesia ab Apostolis Apostoli à Christo Christus ● Deo tradidit Tertul. de praes c. 14. badge and cognisance of the Church catholike and Apostolike for ever c 2. Cor. 4.13 So they beleeued and therefore so spake and wee hauing the same spirit of faith doe also beleeue therefore so speake And so it must bee in the couenant of grace for God will write it in our hearts Euery man must haue as it were by heart the copy of grace the evidence of his saluation the charter of life the counterpane of the couenant betwixt God vs as it were a duplicate of the proued will of God to produce the same for himselfe in his owne person assenting to the truth and consenting with the Church rather then barely to alledge God his word for it although the word of God be the ground of our faith for hee may alledge the word that never beleeues it or else perverts it as they that are d 2. Pet. 3.16 unlearned and vnstable doe to their owne destruction But the iust shall liue by his faith Vpon these tearmes the couenant passeth by a Sacramenta mutuambabent relationem 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 mutuall stipulation The sacraments betwixt God and vs in the sacraments which are certaine b 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 fidelia seu pignora b 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ipsasacrificia per quae faedera intercedente iureiurando sanciebantur b 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Homer Iliad 2. mysticall acts and deeds thereof on his part by his word and institution and on our parts by faith and acceptilation As in ciuill contracts besides the bookes drawen and agreed vpon there
borne once new borne For it is vnto life eternall which once begunne neuer endeth h Rom. 6.3 Knowe yee not that so many of vs as were baptised into Christ were baptised into his death i v. 9. that as Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more k v. 11. so we once dead vnto sinne are aliue vnto God for euer through Iesus Christ our Lord Wherefore should any then be rebaptised For as for them who l Heb 6. hauing beene once inlightned and haue tasted of the heauenly gift and were made partakers of the holy Ghost and haue tasted the good word of God and the powers of the world to come if they shall fall away it is impossible to renew them againe vnto repentance and for them in whom though they fall a 1. Ioh. 3.9 the seed remaineth another baptisme is needlesse For by the grace of God remaining in them b Art Eccles Angl. 16. they may recouer and amend their liues Yet are there certaine mysticall acts though c Sacramentis numero paucissimis obseruatione facillimis significatione praestantissimis societatem novi populi colligavit August de doctr Christ l. 3. c. 9. not other sacraments namely confirmation and penance Confirmation and Penance which are appendants to the sacraments and in this case and other like of good vse in the Church for correction and instruction For by the one children that haue beene baptised are confirmed in the faith when they come to age wherevnto they were baptised When themselues assuming the vow of baptisme d 1. Pet. 3.21 stipulat a good conscience towards God and ratifie what was vndertaken for them by their sureties By the other such as are e Vid. 1. Cor. 5 excommunicate or deserue to be debarred the communion hauing any way violated or scandalized the communion of Saints are humbled both for the satisfaction of the Church whom they haue offended and for their owne reformation That hauing renewed their vow in baptisme by repentance they may bee absolued and g Vid. 2. Cor. 2 readmitted to the Communion Which h See the Preface to the commination in the common prayer-booke godly discipline more frequent in the primitiue Church is much to bee wished that it may be againe restored with vs to adde vigor and life to the word and Sacraments For although excommunication for sinne and absolution from sinne be vertually implied in the word and Sacraments for what is preaching but a generall proclamation of pardon to all penitent beleeuers and a publike denunciation of God his curse against obstinate vnbeleeuers And what are the Sacraments but the personall applying of remission and grace to every man in particular and the detaining of them from the Communion but the retaining of their sinnes Yet the positiue sentence of binding and loosing in a iudiciall proceeding is more powerfull with the conscience being Christ his a Mat. 18.18 Ioh. 20.23 ordinance is ratified in heauen where it is rightly administred Our Birth is at once Communion but our life in grace is a continued act and therefore hath continuall need of spirituall nourishment to repaire what is wasted daily by sinne and corruption wherewith we are incombred and for our growth to a perfect man in Christ Iesus Our naturall life consists in the b Vita animae deus est haec corporis hac fugiente soluitut hoc perit haec destituente deo vnion and communion of the body with the soule and our life supernaturall in the vnion and communion of our soule with God which is in Christ who c Iohn 14.6 is the life d Col. 2.9 in whom the fulnes of the Godhead dwelleth bodily By what meanes he became partaker of our mortality flesh and blood by the same hauing conquered sinne and death he makes vs partakers of his immortality and diuine nature imparted in him to the humane and by it to vs. The Church and all the members thereof are in Christ as Eue and all her children were in Adam g Gen. 2.23 flesh of my flesh saith he and bone of my bone That as wee drew corruption from Adam with his nature so from Christ wee deriue incorruption by his grace Nay nearer then so h Eph. 5.30 wee are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones not only deriued from him or new begotten by him but perpetually subsisting in him As the i Iohn 15.4.5 graft in the stocke which yeeldeth vs continuall sap and spirituall nourishment vnto eternall life k Iohn 14.19 Because I liue saith he ye shall liue also At that day you shall know that I am in the Father and you in mee and I in you So dearely hath Christ loued vs v. 20. and so nearely hath hee vnited vs vnto himselfe that he is not satisfied as not inioying himselfe without vs a Eph. 1.23 his body the Church the fulnesse of him that filleth all in all b 1. Cor. 12.13 And as all the members being many are one body so also is Christ namely his Church Of which communion wee haue this other Sacrament c Poculum immortalitatis quod confectum est de infirmitate nostra veritate diuina habet quidem in se vt omnibus prosit sed si non bibitur non medetur Prosp in responsione ad obiectionem Vincentianam The cup of blessing which wee blesse No transubstantiation d 1 Cor. 10.16 is it not the communion of the blood of Christ The bread which wee breake is it not the communion of the body of Christ For we being many are one bread and one body for wee are all partakers of one bread Bread still though consecrated yea and receaued For it is the e 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 communion not the f Not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 nor 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 commixtion or confusion of his body with the bread as if they were kneaded together nor the g Nor 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 seu 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 translation of the bread into his body as if the one were supplanted by the other But it is the h But 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 communion of his body by a common vnion of them both in the sacrament which doth necessarily consist both of the outward signe and inward grace Whereof there is such a i A 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Nazianz. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Theodoret. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Macarius hom 27. reciprocall relation and mutuall coniunction in a sacrament by diuine institution that they necessarily concurre as integrant parts thereof without either of which it is no sacrament And therefore to signify their neare and intimate vnion they vsually haue one an others k Solet res quae significat cius rei quam significat nomine nominayi August quaest 57. super Leuit. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Talis est praedicatio
therefore his will is a law to vs and our obedience is true loue vnto him And weebeing many are thereby knit together in one body holding the vnity of the spirit in this bonde of peace Wherefore as wee vowe in baptisme that we will keepe Gods holy will commandements and walke in the same all the daies of our life so by this other sacrament wee renew the same vow so often as wee receiue it repenting our sinnes past the transgressions of that righteous law resoluing and stedfastly purposing thorough Gods grace to leade a new life in all thankfull obedience vnto him and true loue and charity amongst our selues Wherevpon we receaue the blessed sacrament of Christs body blood most deepely binding our selues thereby to performe the same and in the assured faith of Gods grace and helpe that wee may walke in the strength of this spirituall food the way of life by the law prescribed vnto vs. When first the couenant was confirmed by Moses with the Israelites at Horeb The Law conditioned God gaue them the law they accepted saying a Exod. 19.8 all the words which the Lord hath commanded wee will doe and be obedient And when he renewed the same couenant with them in the land of Moab they gaue their faith that they would obey And so doe wee b Deut. 26.17.18 They avouched the Lord to be their God and so doe we the Father Son Holy ghost and God auoucheth the holy catholike Church as then he did them to be his people They promised to walke in his waies and to keepe his commandements and his iudgements as they expected his blessing c c. 27. they bound themselues with an oath and with a curse all which in effect wee likewise doe to liue as becometh his saints euen as wee expect his mercy to forgiue vs our sinnes and the power of his grace to bring vs to ternall life Wherevnto we binde our selues by vow and consignation and as it were by contesseration in the sacraments The law was not only giuen and required by God but approued accepted by them in their hearts to doe it as their mouthes professed In which respect Moses said d Deut. 30.14 the word is very nigh thee in thy mouth and in thine heart that thou maist doe it Howbeit they breake their faith giuen and their spirit was not stedfast with God a Ps 78.37 Their heart was not right with him neither were they stedfast in his couenant But now hauing renewed his couenant as he promised b Gal. 3.7 with the children of Abraham that are by faith the holy catholike Church that they shall be his people and that he will be their God c Ier. 31.33 Lex dei in cordibus scribitur non quia per naturam praeventa sit gratia sed quia per gratiam reparata est natura August de ver a innocent cap. 258. hee puts his law in their inward parts and in their hearts he writes it euen the communion of saints thorough faith that worketh by loue For beleeuing in Christ Iesus we doe thereby acknowledge that the Law is holy iust and good Holy in respect of the things commanded else were not wee sinfull who haue disobayed nor needed wee a mediatour Iust in respect of the penalty inflicted else why should Christ haue dyed that wee might be deliuered Good in respect of the end purposed life to the doer Which Christ hath done and liues for euer and wee also by faith in him If the same minde be in vs that was in Christ Iesus to be obedient to the will of God vnto the death d Cant. 8.6 Loue is stronger then death The couenant indissoluble that neither life nor death can dissolue the communion betwixt God his church or any true member thereof Whom hee hath set as aseale vpon his heart as a seale vpon his arme to loue and to defend for euer For so hee saith e Heb. 13.5 I will neuer leaue thee nor forsake thee f c. 6.7 And being willing more abundantly to shew vnto the heires of promise the immutability of his counsell he hath confirmed his word by the sacraments in his blood g v. 8. That by two immutable things in which it is impossible for God to lye wee might haue a strong consolation who haue fled for refuge to lay holde vpon the hope set before vs. We may therefore be bolde vpon it if need be to lay downe our liues for his sake in whom our life is hid with God knowing that euen in death wee shall be more then h 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rom. 8.37 conquerours thorough him that loued vs. i Mat. 20.22.23 Can ye drink saith Christ of the cuppe wherof I shall drinke and can yee bee baptized with the baptisme wherwith I shall be baptized And they said we can And hee said yee shall So must all a 2. Tim. 3.12 Act. 14.22 suffer affliction some way or other that will liue Godly It is the portion of our cuppe and calling conditioned by God vndertaken by vs in these sacraments whereby we are assured that b 2. Tim. 2.12 if we suffer with him wee shall raigne with him Wee are baptized into the death of Christ And the holy communion is not only a sacrament of the grace of life vnto vs but a sacrifice of vs vnto God and a protestation of our seruice vnto him euen vnto the death after the example of Christ Iesus In c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Monumenta salutaris passionis Basil in cannonditur 1 Cor. 11.26 commemoration of whose meritorious sufferings with a thankfull remembrance thereof wee c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Monumenta salutaris passionis Basil in cannonditur 1 Cor. 11.26 se● forth his death vntill he come d Rom. 12.1 offer vp our selues a liuing sacrifice holy acceptable vnto God thorough Iesus Christ consecrating vowing our selues whatsoeuer we are whatsoeuer we haue wholy to his seruice who hath redeemed vs. e 2 Cor. 5.14.15 For the loue of Christ constraineth vs because we thus iudge that if one dyed for all then were all dead and that hee dyed for all that they which liue should not henceforth liue vnto themselues but vnto him that died for them and rose againe f Heb. 13.15 By him therefore let vs offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually that is the fruite of our lips giuing thankes to his name v. 16. not forgetting to doe good and to communicate for with such sacrifice God is well pleased CAP. II. Faith working by loue according to the Lawe The Law established by faith Gods law our prayer Faith in the Trinity denies not the vnity of God Christ the only image of God to bee worshipped by faith in his name By Prophanenesse Hypocrisie Blasphemy the name of God vnhallowed The Christian sabbath of the holy catholike Church The sabbath not
abrogated by Christ Nor by his Apostles The Iewes typicall vse thereof abolished The Christian sabbath day within the compasse of the commandement The Lords day designed by himselfe for our sabbath It hath euer beene obserued as the sabbath by the Church It respects the kingdome of God The Perfect will of God to bee done on earth The heauenly conuersation How doth faith worke by loue According to the law teaching vs to doe what God hath commanded The law established by faith Although faith rest not in our workes which the law requireth yet are a Eph. 2.10 wee Gods workemanship created in Christ Iesus vnto good workes which God had before ordained not only in his counsell but by his law that we should walk in them And b Gal. 3.12 although the law bee not of faith that is of things to bee only beleiued but to be done for the man that doeth them shall liue in them yet doth the law require faith c Heb. 11.6 without which it is impossible to please God Therefore the law prescribeth faith in the first place and throughout namely that wee acknowlege god the lawgiuer to be the lord our God the only true God and performe that faith vnto him by an vniuerfall vniforme obedience to the whole law and euery title thereof in regard of him that commandeth Which iustifieth our faith to be in God when it answereth his d Servus qui ex domini iussu ea facit tantummodò quae vult facere non dominicam implet voluntatem sed suam Salv. l. 4. de guber Die whole will as well of command as of promise as well in one duety as in another When God gaue the law to the Israelites hee made himselfe knowne vnto them by his wonderfull deliuery of them out of the land of Egypt from the house of bondage thereby to binde their obedience in faith to him the only true God Which was but a type and figure of the great saluation from the power of satan by Christ Iesus By faith in whose name thorough his spirit wee truely know and rightly acknowledge the only true God And the faith of God his loue to vs in Christ knits our hearts againe in loue to God and for his sake towards all men as he hath commanded improues the formall worship of God vnto all sincerity in spirit and in trueth and the common ciuility of the world vnto Christian charity zealous of good workes for his glory that hath called vs to the knowledge of his grace For if God so loued vs as wee beleiue then ought we also to loue one another much more him who is the God of all grace and loue Neither doe we beleiue indeed if wee loue not Wee beleiue not Christ his incarnation death passion resurrection and ascension c. Vnlesse e Phil. 2.5 c the like minde bee in vs that was in Christ Iesus Who to redeeme the glory of god in vs laide aside his owne glory equall with the father and humbled himselfe in the forme of a seruant vnto the death of the crosse As the fathers loue to the sonne begat in him the like affection towards vs so doth Christ his f Nullaest maior ad amorem inuitatio quam praeuenire amando Nimisque durus est animus qui delectionem si nolebat impendere nolit rependere August de catèch rud cap. 4. loue if wee embrace it by a true and a liuely faith worke in vs the like loue towards our bretheren for his sake g Iohn 15.9.10 As the father saith hee hath loued mee so haue I loued you continue you in my loue If you keepe my commandements ye shall abide in my loue euen as I haue kept my fathers commandements and abide in his loue It is all one in the law to loue God and to keepe his commandements And h Iohn 14.23.24 if you loue mee saith Christ keepe my commandements Which because we can in no sort doe of our selues Gods law our prayer i 2. Cor 3.5 who are not able as of our selues so much as to thinke any good therefore being preuented with his grace k Phil. 2.13 who worketh in vs both to will and to doe of his good pleasure wee desire of God by prayer as Christ hath taught vs what he doth require of vs by the law l In omnibus enim monitis dei atque mandatis vna cademque ratio est divinae gratiae humanae ebedientiae Nec ob aliud vnquam datur praeceptum nisi vt quaetatur praecipientis auxilium Prosp Who therefore commandeth that wee may know what to craue of him And it is our faith which by prayer obtaineth what the law requireth The graces inspired of God faith hope and loue breathe all againe vnto godby prayer m Rom. 8.26 the spirit helping our infirmities with groanes that cannot be expressed For as the naturall life so the spirituall confists in respiration by hearing and praying without the which there can be no true life and well doing Therefore n Phil. 1.9.10 this we pray that our loue may abounde yet more more in knowledge and in all iudgement that wee being instructed out of the law may approue the things that are more excellent that wee may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ being filled with the fruites of righteousnesse which are by Iesus Christ vnto the glory and praise of God o Rom. 10.14 But how shall they call on him in whom they haue not beleeved By faith in the sonne of God wee know and beleeue in him the only true God and worship him in spirit and in truth p Gal. 4.6 Who hath sent downe the spirit of his sonne into our hearts Faith in the trinity denyes not the vnity of God crying Abba father Doth our faith now in the trinity contradict the vnity transgresse the commandements Thou shalt haue no other Gods but me Nay the trinity of persons establisheth the vnity of the Godhead whilest himselfe is acknowledged the author mediator and doer of all in all 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Plato in Philebo in Timaeo 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 quo sensu vide Proclum Is autem dicit Triadem exse omnia efficere Who being infinit is not confined by any person and the persons being distinct are not confounded in God ſ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Serapidis responsum Thuli in Aegipto De his vide August lib 10. de civ Dei cap. 23. In deo vnasubstantia sed tres personae in Christo duae substantiae sed vna persona In Trinitate alius atque alius non asiud atque aliud In saluatcre aliud atq aliud non alius atque alius Vincent Ler inens cont Her cap. 19. The father is God in his infinit essence or being the sonne the same God in his infinit presence and glorious appearing the holy ghost the same
is b Heb. 11.1 v. 27. the evidence of things not seene we may discerne being now otherwise vnto vs invisible And wheresoever we are if we beleeue in Christ we shall neuer bee far to seeke where and how to worship God c Ioh. 4.21.23 The houre is now come when as our Saviour told the superstitious woman neither on that mount nor at Ierusalem but the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth d 1 Ioh. 5.20.21 In hoc quod fecit hunc mundū coelo terraque conspicuum antequam imbuereatur in side Christi not us omnibus gentibus Deus In hoc autem quod non est iniuriis suis cum dtis falsis colendus not us in Iudaea Deus In hoc verò quod pater est huius Christi per quem tollit peccatum mundi hoc nomen cius prius eccultum omnibus aunc manifestavit iis quos ded● ei pater ipse de mundo Aug. tract 105. super Iohan. The Father in the sonne who is the truth by the holy Ghost For we know that the sonne of God is come and hath giuen vs an vnderstanding that we may knowe him that is true and wee are in him that is true even in his sonne Christ Iesus This is the true God and eternall life Babes keepe your selues from Idols e Phil. 2.10 11 At the name of Iesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confesse that Iesus Christ is the Lord to the glory of God the Father At his name not at his picture in his name not by his image all prayers and praises offered vp to God the Father are accepted with him f 1. Tim. 2.8 And now we pray every where lifting vp holy hands g Mal. 1.11 and from the rising of the sun vnto the going downe of the same the name of the Lord is great among the Gentiles And in every place incense is offered and a pure offering euen h Rev. 8.4 the prayers of the Saints by the hand of the Angell of the couenant Christ Iesus at the altar of God his presence For the i Ps 141.2 powring out of our prayers is as the incense and the lifting vp of our hands as the evening sacrifice But k Lev. 10.3 God will be sanctified of all that come nigh vnto him Prophanesse Hypocrisie Blasphemy l 2. Tim. 2.19 Let everyone therefore that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquitie m Heb. 12.29 For our God is a consuming fire and will consume those with fire of his indignation n Le. 10.1 that offer strange fire vpon his altar He is a iealous God and will not hold him guiltlesse that taketh his name in vaine Which we doe if either we take notice of his word and works without due affection whereby he makes his name knowne or if we vse any notification of him but in his worship or to his honour with true religion and devotion The Philosophers o Rom. 1.21.22 who professed themselues wise became fooles Because when they knewe God by his workes of creation they glorified him not as God neither were thankfull But the due notice of God his workes by his word thorough the working of his spirit begets faith in vs and that faith restraines from all evill by feare and prouokes by loue to p Igitur qui innotentiam colit domino supplicat qui iustitiam deo libat qui frandibus abstinet oropitiat deum quihominē pericuto surripit opimam victiimam caedit Min. Fael oct good workes that we may q 2. Cor. 6.1 not receiue the grace of God in vaine nor take his name in vaine cause it to be euilspoken of r Is 29.14 Mat. 25 8. Hypocrites draw neare God with their mouthes and honour him with their lips but their hearts are farr off ſ Ezek. 33.31 running after couetousnesse t Ps 66.18 But if I regard iniquity the lord will not heare me u Ps 50.16.17 To the wicked God saith what hast thou to declare my statutes or to take my couenant in thy mouth seeing thou hatest to bee reformed * Prov. 28.9 The very prayer of the wicked is abominable euen a mocking of God to his face as the x Mat. 27.29.30 souldiers bowing the knee mocked Christ saying haile king of the Iewes and smote him with their hands Wherefore Solomons counsell is god y Eccl. 5.1 v. 2. keepe thy foot when thougoest into the house of God and bee more ready to heare then to offer the sacrifice of fooles for they consider not that they doe euill And that our mouthes be not rash nor our hearts hasty to vtter any thing before God Dauid his resolution is good in our greatest passions and perturbations z psal 39.1 I said I will take heed to my waies that I offend not with my tongue Least by cursing swearing forswaring wee pull downe the curse of God vpon vs and cause a Zach. the flying roule to come forth to enter into our houses to consume thē with the timber therof the stones thereof to cut vs off on this side on that side according to it Yet are there greater prophanations then these whereby the name of God is blasphemed b Iob. 34.18.19 Is it fit to say to a king thou art wicked and to princes yee are vngodly How much lesse to him that accepteth not the persons of princes Yet desperat forelorne malecontents c Es 8.21 will curse their God and their king and looke vpwards when they are hardly bestead And there are worse blasphemers then these the bloody persecutors of God his seruants sticke d Iames 2.7 not to blaspheme that worthy name of Christ whereby wee are called e 1 Cor. 12.3 But no man speaking by the spirit of God calleth Iesus accursed And yet there are worse blaspheamers then they f Heb. 6.4 who hauing beene made partakers of the holy ghost fall away desperately malitiously to blaspheme g Manifestꝰ est a side lapsus crimen maximae superbiae vel a scripto recedere vel non scriptum admittere Basil sermo de fide the known truth the spirit of truth being possessed with a spirit of contradictions for whō there is no mercy h Heb. 6.6 no place for repētance The prophane vnbeleeuer i Acts. 7.51 resisteth the spirit of God the formall professor k Eph. 4 30. greiues the spirit of god the lewde liuer l 1 Thes 5.19 quencheth the spirit of God but the blasphemous apostata m Heb. 10.29 doth despite vnto the spirit of grace But if we beleeue indeed as wee were baptised haue professed in the name of the Father Sonne and Holy ghost our hearts and tongues and deeds will all ioyne together with the blessed Angels and all the powers of heauen crying holy holy holy lord God of saboth
obserueth a day obserueth it to the Lord and he that obserueth not a day to the Lord hee not obserueth it for the which hee would not haue them iudge one another To the same purpose hee speakes of the sabbath to the Colossians Is the sabbath then a thing indifferent Then were it no morall commandement The sabbath is not a thing indifferent but at that time there were different daies of sabbath one which the Iewes obserued and were for a i Ceremonie ab Apostolis non vt foetida cadavera mox profanè abiiciebantur sed religiose ad sepulturam deducebantur Postquam vero semel sepultae fuerunt fi quis eas refodere atque observare vellet non esset pius funeris deductor sed impius sepulturae violator August ep 19. ad Hieron while to be borne withall as for other ceremonies an other which the beleeuing Gentiles obserued as they were taught by the Apostles in honour of Christ his resurrection and therefore the Apostle there speakes of Sabbaths Now it seemes that as the Corinthians and the Galatians so also the Colossians were troubled with false Apostles or with some such as in this case walked not vprightly but would compell the Gentiles to obserue the same day amongst other things which the Iewes did of whom he warnes them at the 8. ver and in this 16. ver armes them against their censures Let no man iudge you in this case for as for the set day of the sabbath which the Iewes stand vpon it is but as their new moones the like ceremonies which Christ buried when hee lay their whole sabbath day in the graue the substance is Christ and his resurrection k Si nobis non resurrexit vtique non resurrexit qui sibi cur resurgeret non habebat Ambr. in orat de fide resur which Christians are to honor where of he speakes l Col. 2.12 a little before and an on againe in the m C. 3. v. 1. beginning of the next Chapter Brifley whilst there were two sabbath daies in vse the one obserued by the Iewes the other by the beleeuing Gentiles hee would not haue them troubled at any mans censure in that respect nor to contend amongst themselues thereabout but to looke to the maine and to hold it which was on their parts n Non tempora observamus se● quae illis significantur temporibus Aug. contrae Adimant c. 16. He remoueth the ceremony of the sabbath to establish the substance It seemes then there was something ceremoniall in the sabbath which is the next obiection The Iewes typical vse of the Sabbath abolished The law it selfe was not ceremoniall but morall only there was a ceremoniall vse annexed vnto the law for the time to be obserued by the Iewes As the o Gen. 9.13 Rainebow a naturall impression in the cloudes is made a signe by God his appointment that there shall be no more any vniversall deluge and p Gen. 2.24 mariage instituted in Paradise was after vsed for q Eph. 5.23 a type of the vnion betwixt Christ and his Church The Iewes had a threefold typicall vse of the sabbath First r Exod. 31.13 it was a discretiue signe that they were the only people of God because besides them none observed the sabbath Which figure ceased in Christ by whom the partition wall was cast downe and the light of the comfortable day of rest brake forth vnto all people Wherefore now wee keepe the sabbath not on the Iewes day as if we were their Sabatarian proselites and had title by them but on the Lords day ſ Gal. 3.28 in whom there is neither Iew nor Gentile but all are one in Christ Secondly it was a memoratiue signe vnto them t Deut. 5.15 for a perpetuall remembrance of their deliuery out of Egypt Which vse likewise was taken away in Christ who hath redeemed vs from the miserable bondage of sinne and Satan where of their deliuerance was a type and consequently that vse of the sabbath in remembrance thereof The third typicall vse of their sabbath was u Heb. 4. a figuratiue signe of their rest in the promised land which was accomplished in Christ who thorough death is entred for vs and leads vs the way into the heauenly Canaan And generally all outward observances as * Exod. 16.29 not to goe out of their places on the sabbath day x Cha. 35.3 not to kindle a fire y Ier. 17.21 not to carry a burden and the respects to outward things in all which they were more superstitious then was required were all poedagogicall appendices of the Sabbath proper to the Iewes in whom the Church was trained vp by temporall and sensible things and in a most strict and seuere manner z Sic ergò intelligendum est sive in isto die volubili septimo prandiatur siue à quibusdā etiam ieiunetur tarzen sabbato spirituali sabbatum carnale cessisse● quando in isto sempite●na vera requie sconcupiscitur in illo vacatio temporalis iam superstitiosa contemnitur Aug. ep 86. ad Casalam 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Non igitur sabbatizemus more ●udaico velut otio gaudentes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. Sed vnusquisque nostrum sabbatizet spiritualiter Ignat. in Epist ad Magnesios All which are eased or remitted in Christ by whom wee are plainely taught to looke vnto things spirituall and Eternall are therein exercised with a more free and reasonable seruice All typicall vses of the sabbath tending to Christ his comming in the flesh the things performed already by him for the work of our redemption are ceased and all the seruices belonging therevnto Yet in respect of things b 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ad supernae siquaem vitae statum spectat Greg. Nazianz de noua donanica crat 43. Repudiamus ergoeam carnalem tum apostolo approbamus eam spiritualem cum apostolo qui sabbati quietem non obseruamus in tempore sed signum temporale intelligimus ad aeternam quie●em quae illo signe significatur aciem mentis intendimus August l. contra Adimant Manichaeidiscip cap. 16. perpetually spirituall and of eternall which are yet to come the sabbath may still haue some typicall vse c Ezek. 20.12 It is a signe for euer that God sanctifieth his people and a figure of our Eternall rest d Rev. 14.13 when wee shall all rest from our labours e Isa 66.23 and when from one sabbath to another all flesh shall come before him f 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Heb 4.9 There remaineth therefore a rest or sabbath keeping to the people of God Now for the day the law doth not say expressely The Christian sabbath day within the compasse of the cōmandement what seauenth day shall be the sabbath which may be any in respect of number and order according as wee begin to reckon but appointing or allowing six daies
indefinitely for ordinary labour in our callings it commandeth the g Sed si sabbatum audierit non intelligit nisi vnum diem de septem qui continuo volumine repètuntur Aug. de Doctr. chr l. 3. c. 5. Iam hinc abinitio doctrinam hanc nobis insmuat deus erudiens in circulo hebdomadae diem vnum integrum segregandum seponendum in spiritualem operationem Chrisost homil 10. in Genes seauenth to bee kept holy to the worship of God as god made all things in six daies and rested on the seauenth not specifying which were the six daies or which the seauenth either in the precept or in the reason How doth it appeare that the World was begunne vpon sunday that saturday must needs be the seauenth And if the sabbath which is the period of the weeke were not obserued nor commanded all that time from the creation to the beginning of the law as some say by what monuments shall it appeare that the weekly account of daies was kept vntill then iust in the same order as it was in the creation The first sabbath that we read of since the creation was h Exod. 16. when God gaue the Israelites Manna from heauen the seauenth day after the sixe daies whereon they gathered the Manna reckoning from the day of their murmuring whatsoeuer day of the weeke the fifteenth day of the second moneth after their departing out of the Land of Egypt But suppose as it is not vnlikly whatsoeuer weekely reckoning had beene formerly kept of the dayes that God when hee gaue the law did set them the very seauenth day in order from the creation yet were the daies since that altered i Iosuah 10.13 when the sunne stood still at the prayer of Iosuah and k Isai 38.8 when it went backe for a signe to Hezekiah Whereby the sabbath if it must be the seaventh part of the weeke consisting of 24 houres was certainely altered that it came either later in the space of time or sooner in the number of daies l Si Iudeus sabbatum colendo dominicum negat quomodo Christianus obseruat sabbatū An simus Christiani dominicum colimus aut simus Iudaei vt sabbatum obseruemus Nemo enim potest duobus dominis seruire Nonné ita loquitur tanquam sabbati alius dominus fit alius dominici Nec illud andit quod ipse commemorauit Deminusest enim sabbati filius hominis August ep 86. ad Casulan Howsoeuer the same authority which appointed one seauenth day at the creation hath appointed this other which wee now obserue euer since the redemption and both within the compasse of the same commandement which indefinitly alloweth vs six daies for our workes and apponiteth the seauenth for a sabbath to the Lord. m Mark 2.28 The sonne of man is Lord of the sabbath The Lords day designed by Christ for the sabbath And that he did make this the sabbath the Apostle insinuats sufficiently writing to the Iewes when hee saith n Heb. 4.9.10 Vid Iun. paral ● 3. in locum There remaineth a rest to the people of God for hee that is entred into his rest that is Christ he also hath ceased from his workes as God did from his Leauing them to gather the conclusion namely that as God when he had created all things rested the seauenth day ad sanctified it o Si dei requies causa sanctisicationis diei est consequenter vbi maior et verior eius requies illic sanctificatio copiosior Rupertus de diuin offic l. 7. c. 19. so Christ when he had finished the worke of our redemption rested this seauenth day and sanctified it in honour of his p Cuius beneficii commemoratio successit memoriae creationis non traditione humana sed Christi ipsius obseruatione atque instituto Iun in 2. cap. Gen resurrection God gaue them time and place the sabbath and the land of Canaan to lead them by degrees in types to the eternall rest in heauen they q Heb. 3. 4. ch wanted faith to discerne what was figured r Ch. 4.6.7 Seeing therefore that it remaineth that some must enter in and they to whom it was first preached entred not in because of vnbeleife againe therefore he limiteth a certaine day saying to day after so long a time ſ v. 5. If Iosuah had giuen them rest who brought them into the land of Canaan if there they should haue set vp their rest then would hee not afterward haue spoken of another day t v. 9. there remaineth therefore a rest even a sabbath keeping for the people of God a farther place for which another day is appointed Christ buried their sabbath in so much as it was ceremoniall namely that set day and their sacrificing seruices and outward obseruances in his graue where hee lay that whole day of their sabbath and rising againe the next day when all his labours ceased he thereby sanctified that day a sabbath to all that beleeue in him pointing vs to the u Requies est quaedam ab omni labore omnium molestiarum sancta atque perpetua in eadem nobis ex hac vita sit transitus quem dominus noster Iesus Christus sua passione demonstrare ac consecrare dignatus est Inest autem in illa requie non desidiosa segnitia sed quaedam ineffabilis tranquilitas actionis otiosae Aug. ep 119. ad Ianuar 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. At post sabbatum omnis Christi amator domini cum celebret diem resurrectioni consecratum dominicae reginam principem omnium dierum Ignat in epist ad Magnesios Iure igitur sanctae congregationes die octavo in ecclesiis fiunt Inquit Cyrillus ib. 12. In Ioan. cap. 58. eternall rest which he had now fully purchased for vs and whereinto he will bring vs by the resurrection of our bodies also in Euerlasting life And therefore though all his former life he obserued the Iewes sabbath in their assemblies yet after that hee was risen from the dead he thenceforth obserued this new day of rest x giuing his disciples meeting vpon this day when they were assembled together and y againe that day sennight And after himselfe was ascended hee sent downe the holy Ghost vpon them when they were met together againe on this day Which it seemes the holy Ghost would haue well noted saying in such precise termes that it was when the day of Pentecost z 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Act. 2.1 Lev. 25.15 was fully come for that being reckoned as was a appointed fifty daies from the morrow after the passeouer which was that yeare on the saturday to the morrow after the seauenth sabbath it must needs be this very day of the weeke which is our sabbath So that on this same day Christ rose appeared twice and thirdly sent the holy ghost euery time when they were assembled and lastly appeared b Revel 1.10 to St Iohn being in the