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A09183 The piththy [sic] and moost notable sayinges of al scripture, gathered by Thomas Paynell: after the manner of common places, very necessary for al those that delite in the consolacions of the scriptures Paynell, Thomas. 1550 (1550) STC 19494.3; ESTC S122454 195,516 370

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speake lyes and haue disceytfull rōgues in they re mouthes The .vii. Chapter THere is not a godly vpon earthe there is not one righteous amonge men They laboure all to shed bloude and euerye man hurteth his brother to deathe yet they saye they do well when they do euyll As the prince willeth so sayth the iudge that he maye do hym apleasure againe The greate man speaketh what his hert desyreth and the hearers alowe him The best of them is but a thystle and the moste righteous of them is but a breer in the hedge Let no man beleue his frende nor put his confidence in a brother The Prophecy Kepe the porte of thy mouthe from her that lyech in thy bosome A mans foes shall be euen they of his owne housholde Where is there suche a god as thou That pardonest wickednes and forgeuest the offēces of the remnaunt of thine heritage He kepeth not his wrath for euer and why his delite is to haue compassion he shall turne againe and be merciful to vs He shall put doune our wickednesses and cast all our synnes into the botome of the sea Thou shalt kepe thy trueth with Iacob and thy mercy for Abraham lyke as thou hast sworne vnto our fathers long ago The booke of the Prophete Nahum the .i. Chapter THe Lore is a gelouse Lorde and a taker of vengeaunce is the Lorde and wrothfull The lord taketh vengeaunce of his enemies and reserueth displesure for his aduersaries The lorde suffreth longe he is of greate power and so innocent that he leueth no man fautlesse before hym Ful gratious is the Lorde and a strong hold in the tyme of trouble he knoweth them that put theyr trust in hym Lyke as the thornes that stycke together and as the drye strawe so shal the dronkardes be consumed together euen when they be full The booke of the Prophet Abacuc the fyrst Chapter TYrannye and violence are before me Power ouer goeth right for the law is torne in pieces and thee can no right iudgement go forthe And why the vngodlye is more set ●y then the righteous this is the cause that wronge iudgement procedeth The .ii. Chapter THe vnrighteous thinketh hymselfe in sauegarde as a stronge holde but the iuste shall lyue by his faith Wo be to hym that heayeth vp other mennes goodes Wo vnto him that couetously gathereth euil gotten goodes into his house that he maye sette his nest on hye to escape from the power of misfortune Wo vnto hym that buyldeth the towne with bloude and mayntayneth the citie with vnrighteousnesse Wo be vnto hym that geueth his neyghbour drynke puttyng in gall and makyng hym dronken that he maye se his priuities Wo be vnto hym that saith to a piece of wood aryse and to a dumme stone stande vp for what instruccion maye suche one geue Beholde it is layde with golde and siluer and there is no breths in it But the lorde in his holy temple is he whom all the worlde shoulde feare The booke of the Prophete Sophony the .i. chapter I Wil visite the Princes the kynges chyldren and al suche as weare straunge clothyng The greate daye of the Lorde is at hande it is harde by and commeth a pace Horrible is the tydinges of the Lordes daye then shall the Gyaunte crye oute for that daye is a daye of wrathe a daye of trouble and heauynesse a daye of vtter destruction misery a darke glomyng daye a cloudye and stormy daye a daye of the noyse of trompettes and shawmes agaynst the strong cyties and towers Theyr syluer nor they re golde shal be able to delyuer them in that wrothfull daye of the lorde but the whole lande shall be consumed thorowe the fyre of his gelousye for he shal soone make cleane ryddaūce of all them that dwell in the lande The .ii. Chapter SEke the Lord al ye meke herted vpon erth ye that worke after his indgement seke righteousnesse seke lowlynesse that ye maye be defended in the wrothfull daye of the Lorde The booke of the Prophete zachary the first Chapter TVene you vnto me saythe the Lorde of hoostes and I wyll turne to you saythe the lorde of hoostes The .v. Chapter I Se a flying booke of .xx. cubytes longe and ten cubites broade Then sayde he vnto me This is the curse that goeth furthe ouer the whole earthe for all theues shelbe iudged after this booke and all swearers is shall be iudged accordynge to the same and I wyll bryng it forth sayth the lorde of hoostes so that it shall come to the house of the thefe and to the house of hym that falsely sweareth by my name and shall remayne in his house and cōsume it with the tymbre and stones therof The .vii. Chapter THus sayeth the Lorde of hoostes execute true iudgement shewe mercy and louyngs kyndenesse euery man to his brother Do the widdowe the fatherlesse the straunger and poore no wrong and let no man ymagine euyll agaynste his brother in his hearte Lyke as he spake and they woulde not heare euen so they cryed and I wolde not heare sayeth the Lorde of hoostes The .viii. Chapter SPeake euery man the truth vnto his neighboure execute iudgement truely and peace ablye within your portes none of you imagin euell in his harte agaynste his neighbour and loue no false othes For all these are the thynge that I hate sayeth the lorde The .viii. Chapter THus seyeth the Lorde of hoostes The faste of the fourth moneth the fast of the fifthe the fast of the seuenthe and the faste of the tenthe shal be ioye and gladnesse and prosperous hye feastes vnto the house of Iuda onely loue the truth and peace The .ix. Chapter BEioyse thou greatlye O doughter Syon be glad o doughter Ierusalem for loe the kyng commeth vnto thee euen the righteous and Sauiour lowly and simple is he he rydeth vpon an asse and vpon the fole of an asse The .xi. Chapter ANd I sayde vnto them yf yet thinke it good bryng hyther my price yf not then leaue So then they weyed downe thirty siluer pence the value that I was praysed at And the Lorde sayde vnto me caste it vnto the potter a goodlye price for me to be valued at of them and I toke the .xxx. siluer pence and caste them to the potter in the house of the Lorde The .xii. Chapter MOreouer vpon the house of Dauid and vpon the cytezins of Ierusalē wyll I poure out the spirite of grace and compassion so that they shall loke vpon me whome they haue pearsed and they shall bewepe him as men mourne for theyr onelye begotten sonne yea and be sorye for hym as men are sorye for theyr fyrste chylde The .xiii. Chapter ANd yf it be sayed vnto him how came these woundes then in thy handes he shall aunswere Thus am I wounded in the house of mine owne frendes Smyte the shepcheard and the shepe shal be sente tied abrode and so will I turne myne hande to the lytle ones The .xiiii. Chapter ANd
the lorde my god shall come and al saintes with him In that daye shall it not be lyght other cleare or dymme This shal be that speciall daye whiche is knowen vnto the Lorde neither daye nor night but aboute euenyng time it shal be lyghte The booke of the Prophete Malachy the .i. Chapter WAs not Esau Iacobs brother sayth the lorde yet haue I loued Iacob and hated Esau Yea I haue made his hilles waste and his heritage in a wildernesse for dragons Yf ye offer the blynde is it not euell and yf ye offer the lame and sicke is not that euell yea offer it vnto the prince shall he be contente with the or accepte thy persone sayth the LORDE of hostes What is he among you that will do so muche as to shut the doores or to hyndle the fyre vpon my aulter for mought I haue no pleasure in you saieth the lorde of hoostes From the rising vp of the sunne vnto the goyng downe of the same my name is great amonge the gentiles Yea in euery place shall there sacrifice be done and a cleane offering offred vp vnto my name for my name is great amonge the heathen sayeth the Lorde of hoostes Cursed be the dissembler whiche hathe in his flocke one that is a male and when he make the a vowe offereth a spotted one vnto the Lorde The .ii. Chapter IN the Priestes lyppes should be sure knowledge that menne maye seke the lawe at his mouth for he is a messenger of the LORDE of hoostes The .iii. Chapter I wyll sende my messenger whiche shall prepare the waye before me Beholde he commeth sayth the Lord of hoostes But who maye abyde the daye of his comminge who shal be able to endure when he appereth for he is lyke a golde smythes fyer and lyke washers sope He shall set hym downe to trye and to clense the siluer he shall pourge the chyldren of Leuy and purifye them lyke as Golde and syluer I wyll come and punishe you and I myselfe wyll be a swifte witnesse agaynste the witches agaynste the aduouterers agaynste false swearers yea and agaynste those that wrong fullye kepe backe the hyrelynges dewlye whiche vexe the widdowes and the fatherles and oppresse the straunger and feare not me sayeth the Lorde of hoostes Turne ye newe vnto me and I wyll turne me vnto you say the the lorde of hoostes Ye saye wherein shall we turne Shoulde a man vse false heade and disceyte with god as ye vse false heade and disceyte with me yet ye saye wherein vse we disceyte with the In tythes Therfore are ye cursed with penury because ye dissemble with me all the sorte of you Bryng euery tithe into my barne that there maye be meate in my house and proue me withall sayeth the Lorde of hoostes yf I wyll not open the wyndose of heauen vnto you and powre you oute a blessyng with plenteousenesse yea I shall reproue the consumer for your sakes so that he shall not eate vp the fruite of your groūd neither shall the vineyard be bacon in the fielde sayeth the Lorde of hoostes Insomuche that all people shall saye that ye be blessed For ye shal be a pleasaunte lande sayeth the Lorde of hoostes The .iiii. Chapter THe daye commeth that shall burne as an ouer and all the proude yea and all suche as do wyckednesse shal be strawe and the day that is to come shall burne them vp sayeth the Lorde of hoostes so that it shall leue them neyther roote nor braunche But vnto you that feare my name shall that sunne of righteousnes aryse and health shal be vnder his winges ye shall go foorthe and multiplye as the fat calues ye shal treade downe the vngodlye for they shal be lyke the ashes vnder the soules of youre feete in the daye that I shall make sayth the lorde of hoostes Beholde I wyll sende you Elias that Prophet before the comming of the daye of the greate and fearefull Lorde The booke of the Prophete Batucke the .i. Chapter THe deade that be gone downe to theyr graues and whose soules are oute of theyr bodies ascribe vnto the Lorde neither prayse nor righteous making but the soule that is vexed for the multitude of her synnes which goeth on beauelye and weakelye whose eyes beginne to fayle yea suche a soule ascribeth prayse and righteousnesse vnto the Lorde The .iii. Chapter O Learne then where discretion is where vertue is where vnderstandinge is that thou maiste knowe also from whence cometh long life a necessarie liuinge the lyght of the eies and quietnes who euer founde oute hir place whoe euer came into hir treasures Afterwarde did he shewe him selfe vpon earth and dwelte amonge them The .vi. Chapter Blessed is the godly man that hath no ydolles and worshippeth none for he shall be farre frome reproufe ¶ The fyrste boke of the Machabees The .ii. Chapter THus ye mare consider thorowe out allages since the word began that who so euer put their truste in God were not ouercome feare not ye then the wordes of an vngodlye manne for his glorye is but donge and wormes to daye is he set vp and to morow is he gone for he is turned into earth and his memorial is come to nought The .iii. Chapter BVt Iudas saide it is a small matter for manye to be ouercome with fewe yea there is no difference to the God of heauen to deliuer by a great multitude or by a small companie for the victorye of the battaile standeth not in the multitude of the hoste but the strength commeth from heauen Iudas ordeined captaines ouer the people ouer thousandes ouer hundredes ouer fiftye and ouer tenne But as for suche as builded theim bouses mar●ed wiues planted them vineyardes and those that were feareful he commaunded thē euery manne to go home againe accordyng to the lawe The .iiii. Chapter IVdas and his brethren with the whole congregation of Israell ordeined that the tyme of dedication of the aulter should be kept in his season frome yeare to yere by the space of eyghte dayes from the .xxv. daye of the moneth Caslue with myrth and gladnesse The .vi. Chapter HAd to prouoke the Elephantes for to fight they shewed them the say of red grapes and molberyes The seconde booke of the Machabees the .iii. Chapter THancke Inias the hye preast for his sake hath the lorde graunted the thy lyfe The .iiii. Chapter TO do wyckedly against the lawe of god shal not escape vnpunished The .v. Chapter Yet was Antiochus not content with this but durst go into the most holy temple Menelaus that traytour to the lawes and to his owne naturall countrey beynge his guyde and with his wycked handes toke the holy vessell whiche other kinges and cyties had geuen thether for the garnyshinge and honoure of the place them toke he in his handes vnworthelye and detiled them God hath not chosen the people for that places sake but the placee for the peoples sake and therfore is the place become partaker of the
holy and true to iudge and to auenge our bloude on them that dwell on the earthe The .vi. Chapter GO there was a great erth quake the sunne was as blacke as sacke clothe made of heart and the mone waxed euen as bloude and the starres of heauen fell vnto the earth euen as a fygge free casteth from her her fygges when she is shaken of a myghey wynde heauen vanished awaye as a scroll when it is rolled together and all moūtaines and yles were moued out of their places and the kinges of the earthe and the greatemen and the ryche menne and the chefe captaines and the mighty menne and euery man bound manne and euery free manne hyd them selues in dennes and in rockes of the hylles and said to the hylles and rockes fall on vs and hyde vs from the presence of him that sitteth on the seate and from the wrathe of the lambe for the great day of his wrath is come and who can endure it The .vii. Chapter ANd one of the elders answered saynge vnto me what are these whyche are arayde in longe whyte garmentes and whence came they And I sayde vnto him Lorde thou wottest And he sayde vnto me these are they whiche came out of greate tribulation and made their garmentes large and made them whyte in the bloude of the lambe therfore are they in the presence of the seat of god and serue him daye and nyghte in the temple and he that sytteth in the seate wyll dwellamonge them They shall honger no more neyther thyrst neyther shall the sunne lyghte on them nether any heat for the lambe whiche is in the middes of the seate shall fede them and shall leade them vnto fountaines of lyuynge water and god shall wype awaye all teares from their eyes The .viii. Chapter ANd an other angell came and stode before the aulter hauyng a golden senser moche of odoures was gyuen vnto him that he shoulde offre of the prayers of all saintes vpon the golden aultar which was before the seate and the smoke of the odoures whiche came of the prayers of all sayntes ascended vp before god oute of the aun●elles hande The .ix. Chapter IN those dayes shall men seke death and shal not fynde it and shal desyre to dye and death shall flye from them The .xi. Chapter ANd when they haue finished theyr testimony the best that came out of the bottomlesse pyt shall make warre against them and shall ouercome them and kyll them And their bodyes shall lye in the stretes of the great cyte whiche spiritually is called Zodom and Egipte where our lord was crucified And they of the people and kyndtedes and tonges and they of the nations shal see their bodyes .iii. dayes and a halfe and shall not suffre their bodyes to be put in graues And they that dwell vpon the earth shal reioyce ouer them and be glad and shal sende gyftes one to another for these two prophetes vexed them that dwell on the earth And after thre dayes and a halfe the sprete of lyfe frome god entred into them they stode vp on theyr fece and great feate came vpon them whiche sawe them and they harde a greate voyce from heauen sayinge vnto them Come vp hydder and they ascended vp into heauen in a cloude and their enemyes sawe them The .xii. Chapter ANd ther was a great battail in heauen Michael his angels fought with the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels preuailed not neyther was their place founde anye more in heauen And the greate dragon the olde serpent called the deuyll and Sathanas was caste oute whiche deceaueth all the worlde And he was cast into the earthe and his angelo were cast out also The .xiii. Chapter HE that kylleth with a swearde muste be bylled with aswearde The .xiiii. Chapter ANd I hearde the voyce of harpers harping with their harpes and they songe as it were a newe song before the feate and before the foure beastes and the elders and no man coulde learne that songe but the hundred and. 44. M. whithe were redemed frome the earthe These are they whiche were not defiled with women for they are virgines These folowe the lambe whethersoeuer he goeth These were redemed frome menne beynge the fyrst frutes vnto god and to the lambe in their mouthes was founde no gyle for they are without spot before the trone of god And I hearde a voyce from heauen sayeng vnto me wrytte Blessed are the deade whiche here after dye in the lorde euen so saithe the sprite that they may rest frō there laboures but their worekes shall folowe them The .xvi. Chapter BEholde I come as a these happy is he that watched and kepeth his garmentes least he be founde naked and menne ie his fylthynes The .xviii. Chapter ANd asmothe as she glorified her selfe and liued want only so moche poure ye in for her of punishement and sorowe The .xix. Chapter HAppye are they whyche are called vnto the lambes supper And I fell at his feete to worshyppe hym and he sayde vnto me se thou do it not for I am thy felowe seruaunt and one of thy brerhren and of them that haue the testimony of Iesus worship god The .xx. Chapter Blessed and holye is he that hathe parte in the fyrste resurrection for on suche shall the seconde deathe haue no power for they shal be prestes of god of Christ shall raigne with him a. M. yeare And I sawe the deade bothe greate and small stande before god And the bokes were opened another boke was opened whiche is the boke of lyfe and the deade were iudged of those thynges whiche were wrytten in the bokes accordynge to their dedes and the sea gaue vp her dead whiche were in her and death and hell delyuered vp the dead whiche were in them and they were iudged euery man according to his dedes And death and hell were cast into the lake of fyre This is the seconde death and whosoeuer was not founde written in the boke of lyfe was caste into the lake of fyer The .xxi. Chapter ANd I hearde a greate voyce out of heauen sayenge beholde the tabernacle of god is with men and he wyll dwell with them And they shal be his people and god hym selfe shal be with them and be their god And god shall wype awaye all teares frome their eyes and there shal be no more death nether sorowe nether cryenge nether shall ther be any more payne for the olde thynges are gone I am Alpha and Omega the begynnynge and the ende I wyll gene to hym that is a thyrst of the well of the water of lyfe free he that ouercommeth shall inheryt all thinges and I wyl be his god and he shal be my sonne But the featefull and vnbeleuynge and the abhominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers ydolaters and all lyars shall haue their parte in the lake whiche burneth with fyre and brymstone whiche is the seconde deathe His seruauntes
The Piththy and moost notable sayinges of al Scripture gathered by Thomas Paynell after the manner of common places very necessary for al those that delite in the consolacions of the Scriptures 1550. ¶ To the right excellent and moste gracious Lady my Ladye Maryes good grace Thomas Paynell sendeth gretynge NOtwithstāding that this my collection of Scripture moste excellente and vertuous Ladye hathe no nede of any mans tuition or defense forasmuche as it contayneth onelye the simple and very true worde and sayinges of god yet after I had finished and ended the thyng and purposed by the counsell of a lerned man to publyshe it for mans consolaciō and learning youre graces fyery and ●e●uēt mynde to vertuous and godly liuing youre true intente and naturall inclinacion to the same your liberal hand and fauour to those whiche diligently do exercyse themselues in the spirituall and morall study of the sincere worde of god and agayne youre Graces benignitie and gentilnes of long tyme bounte fully to me declared enforced me to publishe it in your graces name Accept therfore this my labour moste excellant Lady as sente of your daylye Orator and moste humble seruaunt to your grace Rede the fruiteful lessons therof and digest them thorowly practyse and proue in very dede howe swete the Lordes wordes be vse the profitable doctrines of this litle boke for so doynge youre grace shall learne dayly more and more truly to know the Lord to tast releafe and to ensewe his holye and swete worde to loue and feare him to be his faithfull and obsequines handmaydē ▪ and a diligent ensuer of his wil and s●eppes moste pleasaunt and voluntariously to beare the yoke of his most comfortable and swete commaundementes Thinke nor esteme not I moste humblye beseche youre grace this my gifte to be slēder in valure although of it selfe it be but litle for precious stones are of themselues in quantitie but lytle and yet for theyr naturall operacions and proprieties of greate estates moste hyely estemed Esteme the content of my boke and gifte that is the worde of God and not the slendernesse thereof esteme my faythful and true heart vnto your grace and not my simple and slender gyfte And yet yf this my poore and slender gyfte maye be wel and exactly wayd and pendred what thyng although it comprehende not al the fruiteful lessons of Scripture maye be compared vnto it For what is more excelēt or more precious then the word of god what thyng maye be estemed equall vnto it what ought to be more embraced of a christian thē Christes wo●de then a pure and a christian lyfe then chastitie then hum●●…e then godly wisedome and pure doctrine the which with other vertuous and heauenly lessons are in this my briefe collection compendiously and fruitfully comprised Wherfore I euen humbly desire youre noble grace to accepte this my labour and small gift in good parte Accept I saye and embrace the worde of God for that truly vnderstanded and seriously ensued and folowed shal be to your graces spirituall encrease mooste comfortable comforte ¶ The fyrste Chapter of Genesis IN the begynning God created heauen and earth The earth was voyde and empty and darckenes was vpō the face of the depe and the spirite of god moued vpon the face of the waters God called the drie land erthe and the gatheringe together of waters called he the sees God made two greate lightes a greater lighte to rule the daye and a lesse lyghte to rule the nyght God created man in his owne ymage in the ymage of God created he him male and female created he them And god blessed them and sayd vnto them Growe and increase and replenishe the earth and subdue it and haue dominion of the fyshe of the see and foule of the ayre and of euery lyuinge thinge that moueth vpon the earth ¶ The seconde Chapter AND in the seuenth daye God endued his worke whiche he had made In the .vii. daye also he rested from all his workes which he had made and God blessed the .vij. daye sanctified it because that in it he had rested frome all his worke which God ordeyned to make The Lord god also shope man euen dust frō the grounde and breathed in to his nostrelles the breath of lyfe and Adam was made a lyuing soule And the Lorde God plāted a garden caste warde from eden and there he put man whome he had made The tree of lyfe and the tree of knowledge of good euil was in the widdes of the garden The Lorde god also tooke Adam and put him into the garden of eden that he might dresse and kepe it And the Lorde God commaunded Adam sayinge eatinge thou shalt eate of euery tree of the garden But as touching the tree of knowledge of good and euill thou shalt not eate of it Ele in what daye soeuer thou eatest there of thou shalt dye the death It is not good that Adam shulde be alone I will make hym an helpe whiche may be present with hym And so oute of the grounde shope the Lorde god euery beste of the felde and euery foule of the ayre and brought it vnto man that he might se how he wolde cal it For lyke wyse as man hym selfe named euery liuinge thinge euen so was the name thereof Man himselfe therfore named the names vnto all catel and foule of the ayre and to euery beast of the felde And for man founde he not an helpe that mighte be present with hym The Lorde god also caused a slombre to fall vpon Adā and he stepte And he toke one of his ribbes and closed vp the fleshe in steade thereof And the ribbe which the Lorde God had taken from man made he a woman and brought her vnto man And man sayde This is now bone of my bones and fleshe of my fleshe she shall be called womā by cause she was taken out of man For this cause shall man leue his father and his mother shal be ioyned with his wife and they shal become one fleshe and they were both naked the man and his wyfe and were not ashamed ¶ The .iij. Chapter THe serpent was subtiller then euery beast of the felde whiche the lorde god made The serpent sayde vnto the woman ye shall not dye the death but god dothe knowe that the same daye that ye eate there of your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be euen as goddes knowynge good and euill And the Lorde god called Adam and sayde vnto him where art thou whiche sayde I herde thy voyce in the Garden and was afrayde bycause I was naked and hyd my selfe Adam sayde The woman whome thou gauest to be with me gaue me of the tree and I dyd eate And the woman sayde yonder serpent begylyd me and I dyd eate The Lorde sayde vnto the serpent because thou hast done this thou art cursed aboue all cattell and aboue euery beast of the felde Vpon thy bellye shalt thou go and dust
shalt thou eate all the dayes of thy lyfe I will also put enimitie bytwene the and the woman bytwene thy seed and her seed the same shalt treade downe thy head and thou shalt treade vpon his heele Vnto the woman he sayde In multiplyinge wyl I multiply thy sorowe and thy conceyuing In sorowe shalt thou bringe forth the children and thy lust shall pertayne to thy husband and he shall haue the rule of the. To Adam he sayde cursed be the grounde for thy sake In sorowe shalt thou eate of it all the dayes of thy lyfe Thorne also and thystie shall it cause to growe vnto the and thou shalte eate the hearbe of the felde In the sweate of thy face shalt thou eate breade tyll thou be turned agayne in to the groūde for out of it was thou taken in asmuch as thou art dust and in to dust shalt thou be turned againe ¶ The fourth Chapter ANd in processe of daies it came to passe that Cain brought of the frute of the grounde an oblation vnto the Lorde Habell also brought of the firstlinges of his shepe and of the fat thereof And the Lord had respecte vnto Habel and to his oblation But vnto Cain and to his offering he had no respect for the which cause Cain was excedinge wrath and his countenaunce abated And the Lorde sayde vnto Cain Why art thou wroth and why is thy countenaunce abated if thou do well shall there not be a promotion And if thou dost not wel lyeth not thy sinnes in the dores Vnto the also pertayneth the lust thereof and thou shal thaue dominion euer it AND it fortuned when they were in the felde Cain tose vp againste Habell his brother and slue him And the Lorde sayde vnto Cain where is Habell thy brother Whiche sayde I wote not am I my brothers keper And he sayde what hast thou done The voyce of thy brothers bloude trieth vnto me out of the grounde and now art thou cursed from the earth which hathe opened her mouthe to receaue thy brothers bloude from thy hande Yf thou tyll the grounde she shall not procede to yeld vnto the her strength Fugitiue and avagabende shall thou be in the earth And Cain sayde vnto the Lorde My iniquite is more then that it may be forgeuen Lameth toke vnto hym two wyues the name of the one was Ada and the name of the other was Zylla Iabell was the father of suche as dwell in tentes and of suche as haue cattell Thuball was the father of suche as handle harpe or organe Thubalchain wrought cunningly euery crafte of brasse and of yron ¶ The fyft Chapter ALl the dayes that Adam lyued were nine hundreth and thyrthye yeres Henoche walked with God and he was nomore sene for God toke hym awaye ¶ The syxt Chapter THE sonnes of God saw the doughters of men that they were fayre and they toke them wyues from amonge all that they had chosen The Lord sayde my spryte shall not alwaye stryue in man because he is fleshe and his dayes shal be an hūdred and twenty yeres But God sawe that the malice of man was greate in the earthe and all the imagination of the thoughtes of his hert was onely euill euery daye And it repented the Lorde that he had made man in the earth he was touched with sorowe in his hert and the Lorde sayde I wyll from the vpper parte of the earth destroy man whom I haue created bothe man catel worme and foule of the ayre for it repenteth me that I haue made them Noah was iuste and perfecte in his generations walked with god and begat .iii. sonnes Sem Ham and Iapheth The earth was corrupt before God and the same earth was fylled with crueltye and God loked Apon the earth beholde it was corrupt for all fleshe had corrupte his waye vpon earth The length of the arke shal be thre hundreth cubites the bredth of it .l. cubytes the height of it thyrty cubytes The .vij. Chapter THe rayne was vpon the earth fortye dayes and fortye nyghtes And the waters preuayled exceadingly vpon the earth and all the hye hylles that are vnder whole heauen were couered Fyftene cubites vpwarde did the waters preuayle so that the mountaynes were couered The waters preuayled vpon the earth an hundreth and fyftie dayes ¶ The .viij. Chapter AND he sent forth a rauen whiche went out goinge forth and returninge agayne vntyll the waters were dried vp vpon the earth He sente forth the doue out of the arke and the doue came to him in the euen tyde and Loin her mouthe was an oliue leafe that she had plucte wherby Noah did knowe that the waters were abated vpon the earth And that Lord sayde in his herte I wyl not proceade to curse the grounde any more for mannes sake for the ymagination of mans herte is euell euen from his youth Neyther wyll I adde to smite any more euery thing lyuing as I haue done ¶ The .ix. Chapter EUery thinge that moueth it selfe and that lyueth shall be meate for you euen as the grene heat be haue I geuen you all thynges But fleshe in the life therof and in the bloude therof shall ye not eate Elles your bloude of your liues will I require from the hande of euery beast will I requyre it frō the hande of man from the hand of mans brother will I requyre the life of man who so shedeth mannes bloude by man shall his bloude be shedde for in the ymage of God did god make man My couenaunte wyll I make with you that from henseforth euery fleshe he not rooted oute with the waters of a floude neyther shall there be a floude to destroye the earth any more Noah also beganne to be an husband man and planted a vyneyarde ▪ and he drincking of the wyne was dronken and vncouered within his cente And Ham the father of Canaan seinge the nakednes of his father tolde his two bretherne without And Sem and Iaphet they two takynge a garment layde it vpon there shulders and cōminge backwarde couered the naked priuities of the●re father namely their faces beinge turned awaye leyst they shulde se theyr fathers priuities ¶ The .x. Chapter NImrod began to be mightye in the earth for he was a mightye hunter before the Lorde A slut buylded Niniue the stretes of the citye ¶ The .xi. Chapter ALl the whole earth was of one language and lyke speche And they sayde Go to let vs buylde vs a cytie and a tower whose toppe may reach vnto heare and let vs make vs a name And therfore is the name of it called Babel because the Lorde did there confounde the language of al the earth ¶ The .xii. Chapter THE Lord sayde vnto Abram Gette the out of thy countrey and out of thy natiō and from thy fathers house vnto a lande that I will shewe the and I will make of the a greate people and will blesse the and make thy name greate that thou mayst
a goodly persone and a well fauoured And it fortuned after this that his masters wyfe cast her eyes vpon Ioseph sayde● come lye with me But he refused and sayde to his masters wife Beholde my maister woteth not what he hath in the house with me and hath committed all that he hath to my hande There is no man greater in the house then I. Neyther hath he kepte any thinge from me but onely the because thou art his wife Howe then can I do this greate wyckednes and synne against God ¶ The .xlii. Chapter ANd they sayde one to another we haue verely synned againste out brother in that we sawe the anguishe of his soule when he besought vs and we woldde not heare hym and therfore is this trouble come vpon vs. ¶ The .xliii. Chapter THe Egyptians maye not eate breade with the Hebrues for that is abhomination to the Eyptians ¶ The .xlvi. Chapter THe soules that came with Iacob into Egypte whiche came out of his loyues besyde Iacobs soimes wyues were altogether .xlvi soules and the sonnes of Ioseph whiche were borne hym in Egypt were two soules so that all the soules of the house of Iacob which came into Egypteare .lxx. Euery shepe keper is an abhomination vnto the Egyptians ¶ The .xlvii. Chapter HE appointed the people vnto the cyties from one syde of Egypte vnto the other onely the lande of the prestes bought he not for the priestes had an ordinaunce of Pharao that they shoulde eate that whiche was appointed vnto them whiche Pharao had geuen them And Ioseph made a lawe ouer the lande of Egypte vnto this daye that Pharao shulde haue the fyfte parte excepte the lande of the priestes only whiche was not Pharaoe Thou shalt not burye me in Egypte but I wyll lye with my fathers and thou shalt caty me out of Egypte and burye me in they re buriall ¶ The .xlviii. Chapter GOd which hathe fed me all my lyfe longe and the aungell whiche hathe deuuered me from all euell blesse the laddee and let my name be named in them and the name of my fathers Ibraham and Isabac and that they may growe into a multitude in the middes of the earth ¶ The .xlix. Chapter RVBen myne eldest sonne thou art my might and the begynnynge of my strenght the noblenesse of dignite and the noblenesse of power Iacob dyed was put vnto his people And Ioseph fell vpon his fathers face and wepte vpon hym and kyssed him ¶ The .l. Chapter IOseph commaunded his seruauntes the Phisitions to enbawme his father and the Phisytions enbawmed Israel foriye dayes long for so longe dothe the enbawminge last and the Egyptians bewayled him .lxx. dayes Ioseph mourned his father seuen dayes God wyll not fayle but visyt you and ye shall cary my bones hence and so Ioseph dyed and they embawmed him with spices putting hym in a chest in Egypte The fyrste Chapter of Exodus THE Egiptians helde the chyldren of Israell in bondage without mercye Therfore was there lyfe bytter vnto them in that cruel bondage in claye and bryck all maner of worcke in the feldes For all they re bondage whiche they serued them was full of tyrannye ¶ The .ij. Chapter THE chylde grewe and she brought it vnto Pharaos doughter and it was made her sonne And she called the name of it Moses because sayde she I toke him out of the water ¶ The .iij. Chapter HAD he soked and beholde the bushe burned with fyre the bushe was not cōsumed And the Lorde sayde come not hyther put thy shooes of thy feete for the place where on thou standest is holy grounde I am that I am I am hath sent me vnto you And I will get this people fauoure in the syght of the Egiptions so that when ye go ye shall not go empty but a wyfe shalt borowe of neyghboure and of her that segeorneth in her house iewelles of syluer and golde and rayment And ye shall put them on youre sonnes and doughters and shall robbe the Egyptians Cap. xj xij ¶ The .iiij. Chapter I Wyll be with thy mouthe and teache the what thou shall saye I will holde Pharaos hart and he shalt not let the people go ¶ The .vij. Chapter THe enchāters cast downe theyr roddes and they turned to serpentes but Aarōs rodde did eate vp theyr Roddes ¶ The .viij. Chapter VThen sayde the enchaūters it is the finger of god ¶ The .ix. Chapter HAd the childrē of Israel toke theyr iorney from Ramases to Sucoth syxe hundred thousande men of fote besyde children The dwelling of the children of Israel whiche they dwelled in Egipte was foute hundred and thyrty yeres and when the foure hundred and thyrty yeres were expired euen the selfe same daye departed all the hostes of the Lorde out of Egypte ¶ The .xiij. Chapter HAd the Lorde spake to Moses saying sanctify vnto me al the first borne that open al maner matrices amonge the children of Israell aswell of man as of beast for it is myne All the first borne amonge thy children shalt thou bye out And the Lorde wente before them by daye in a piller of a cloude to leade them the waye and by night in a piller of fire to geue them light that they might go bothe by daye and by nyght The piller of the cloude departed not by daye nor the piller of fire by night out of the sight of the people ¶ The .xiiij. Chapter THe children of Israell walked vpon drye lande thorow the mydst of the see and the waters were a wel vnto them on the right hande of them and on the lefte ¶ The .xv. Chapter HAD when they came to Mars they coulde not drincke of the waters of Mara for they were bytter therfore the name of the place was called Mara And the people murmured against Moses sayinge what shall we drincke and he gryed vnto the Lorde and the lorde shewed hym a tree which when he had cast into the water the waters were made swete ¶ The .xvi. Chapter THen sayde the Lord vnto Moses Beholde I will rayne breade from heauen to you and the people shall go out and gather day by dare that I maye proue them wether they wyll walke in my lawe or no. The syxte daye they shal prepare for them selues that whiche they wyll bringe in and let it be twyse asmoche as they gathered in dayly And at euen the quayles came and couered the grounde where they laye And in the mornynge the dewe laye tomide about the hoste And when the dewe was fallen beholde it laye vpon the grounde in the wildernesse small and rounde and thynne as the hore frost on the grounde And when the children of Israell sawe it they sayde euery one to his neygh boure it is Manne for they wyst not what it was Syxe dayes ye shal gather it and in the seuenth day whiche is the Sabboth there shall be none The house of Israell called it Manna and it was lyke vnto Coriandre sede white and
vpon his heade and put the holy crowne vpon the mytre Then shalt thou take the anoyntinge oyle and youre it vpon his hed and anointe hym And bringe his sonne● and put albes vpon them and gyrde them with gyrdles aswell Aaron as hys sonnes And put the myters on them and the prestes office shall be theyrs for a perpetual lawe Euery one that toucheth the aulter let him be holye The xxx Chapter HAron and his sonnes shal washe theyr handes theyr feete euen when they go into the tabernacle of wytnes or when they go vnto the aulter to minister and to burne the Lordes offerynge they shall washe them selues wyth water lesse they dye The .xxxi. Chapter HAd the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge be holde I haue called by name Bezaleel the sonne of vry the sonne of Hur of the trybe of Iuds And I haue fylled him wyth the sprete of God in wyldome and vnderstandinge in knowledge and in al maner of worke to fynde out such feattes and to worke golde syluer and brasse and in the crafte to set stones and to carue in tymbre and to worcke in all maner of worckeman shippe And when the Lorde had made an ende of comenynge with Moses vpon the monte Sinay he gaue him two tables of witnesse euen tables of stone wrytten with the fynger of God The .xxxii. Chapter THE people sat them downe to eate and drynke and rose vp againe to playe And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses I haue sene this people and beholde it is a slyfnecked people nowe suffer me that my wrath maye ware hote against them and consume them And Moses turned his backe and wente downe frome the hyll and the two tables of wytnes were in his hande and the same tables were wrytten on bothe leues and were the worke of God and the wryttinge was the wrytynge of God grauen in tables Moses wrath waxed hote and he cast the tables oute of his handes and brake them beneth the hyll Moses sayde Oh this people haue synned a greate synne and haue made them goddes of golde And nowe I praye the eyther forgeue them theyr sinnes or yf thou wylt not wype me out of the boke whiche thou hast wrytten The .xxxiii. Chapter THE Lorde spake to Moses face to face as a man speaketh vnto his frende I wyll be called in this name of the Lord before the wyll shewe mercye to whome I wyll shewe mercye and wyll haue compassion on whome I wyl haue compassiō Thou mayste not se my face for there shall no man se me and lyue And I wyll take awaye myne hande and thou shalte se my backe partes but my face shall not be sene The .xxxiiii Chapter HAD Moses was there with the Lorde tortye dayes and fortye nyghtes and dyd neyther eate nor drynke water Moses wyste not that the skinne of his face shone in maner of an horne whyle he talked with hym ¶ The .xxxviij. Chapter ALl the golde the was ocupied for all the worke of the holy place was the golde of the waue offering euē .xxix. hūdrech weyght seuen hūdred .xxx. sykeles according to the sycle of the sactuarye And the seme of syluer that came of the multytude was fyue score hundred weyght and a thousand seuen hundred and .lxxv. sicles after the sicles of the sanctuarye ¶ The fyrste Chapter of Leuiticus IF any man of you brynge a sacrifice vnto the Lord ye shall bringe your sacrifyce from amonge these cattell euen frome the oxen from the shepe Yf his sacryfyce be a burnte offering let him offer a male of the oxe without blemyshe and brynge him of his owne voluntary wyll vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witnes before the lord And yf his sacrifyce be of the clockes namely of the shepe or goates let hym bringe a male without blemysh for avurnte sacryfice Yf the burnte offeryng for the facrifyce of the Lord be of the foules he shall bringe his sacrifyce of the turtyll doues or of the yonge pygeons The .ii. Chapter THe soule that wyl offer a meate offeringe vnto the Lorde the same offering shall be of fyne floure and he shall poure oyle vpon it put frankencens theron and shall bring it vnto Aacons sonnes the Preastes All the meate offeringes whiche ye shall bring vnto the Lorde shall be made without leuen for ye shall nether burne leuen nor hony in any offeringe of the lorde All the meate offeringes also that thou seasonest with salte neyther shalte thou suffer the salte of the couenaunte of God to be lackinge frome thy meate offerynge but vpon all thine offeringes thou shalt bring salte The .iii. Chapter ANd yf it be a sacrifice of peace offeringes he take it from among the droues whether it be male or female he shal bring such as is with out blemishe before the Lorde The .iiii. Chapter IF a soule synne thorowe ignoraunce hath done anye of those thinges whiche the Lorde hath forbydden in his commaundementes to be done as yf the preast that is anoynted do synne according to the sinne of the people let him bring for his sinne whiche he hath sinned a yong oxe with out blemyshe vnto the Lorde for a syn offering And yf he brynge a shepe for a synne offeringe he shall bringe a female with out blemyshe The .v. chapter IF a soule touch anye vncleane thing whether it be a cariō of an vncleane beast or of vncleane cattel or vncleane worme or if he touch any vnclennes of man whatsoeuer vnclennes it be that a man is wont to be defyled withall and is not ware of it and cometh to the knowledge of it he hath trespassed and shall confesse that he hath synned in one of these thinges Therfore shall he bringe hys trespace offeeinge vnto the Lorde for his sinne whiche he hath synned a female frome the flocke lambe or a she goate for a synne offerynge The .vi. Chapter IF a soule synne trespace against the lorde and denye vnto his neighboure that which was taken him to kepe or that was put into his handes or doeth violent robbery or wronge vnto his neyghboure or yf he haue foūd that whiche was loste and denyeth it and sweareth falsely vpon whatsoeuer thinge it be that a man doeth sinneth therin Yf he haue so synned or trespaced he shall restore againe that he toke violently awaye or the wronge whiche he dyd or that whiche was delyuered him to kepe or the lost thinge whiche he fonnde and all that about whiche he hathe sworne falsely he shall restore it againe in the whole summe shall adde the fyfte parte more therto and geue it vnto him to whō it perteyneth the same daye that he offereth for his trespace And let him bringe for his trespace vnto the Lorde a Ram without blemyshe that is estymed worth a trespace offeringe vnto the preaste The fyre vpon the aultar shal burne styl and neuer be put out The .vii. Chapter ANd the Preaste the offereth any mans burnt offerynge
are ouerscaped But thou shalt leaue them for the poure and straunger Neyther shalt the workmans laboure abyde with the vntill the morninge Thou shalt not curse the deaffe neyther put a stombling blocke before the blinde Thou shalt not fauoure the poore nor honoure the mighty but in righteousnes shalt thou iudge thy neyghboure Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thyne harte but shalt in any wyse rebuke thy neyghbour that thou beare not sinne for his sake Thou shalt not lette cattelgēdre with a contrarye kinde neyther sowe thy selde with mingled sede neyther shalt thou put on any garment of linnen and wollen Ye shall not rounde the lockes of your heades neyther shal thou marre the tuftes of thy bearde Ye shall not regarde them that worcke with sprites neyther seke after sothsayeres to be desyled with them Thou shalt ryse vp before the horehed and reuerent the face of the olde man Yf a straūger soiourne with you in your lande ye shall not vexe hym But the straunger that dwelleth with you shal be as one of your selues and thou shalt loue hym as thy selfe For ye were straungers in the lande of Egipte Ye shall do no vnrighteousnes in iudgement in meteyerde in weyghte or in measure true balaunces true weyghtes a true Epha and a true hyn shall ye haue ¶ The .xx. Chapter HAD the man that breketh wedlocke with anothers mās wyfe euen he that breaketh wedlocke with his neyghboures wyse let hym be slayne bothe the aduouterer and the aduouteresse Yf a man lye with a beaste let hym dye and ye shal slee the beaste also Yf a man take his brothers wyfe it is an vncleane thinge he hath vncouered his brothers secretes they shal be childlesse Yf there be a man or woman that worcketh with a sprite or that is a soth sayer lette them dye men shall stone them with stones they re bloude be vpon them ¶ The .xxj. Chapter LEt not the preast take a wyfe that is an aduoutresse or polluted nor put from her husband for suche a one is holy vnto his God Yf apreastes doughter fall to playe the whore she polluteth her father therfore must she be burnt with fyre The hye preast shall take a mayde vnto his wyfe but a wydowe a deuorsed woman or an harlot shall he not marye but shall take a mayde of his owne people to wyfe neyther shal he defyle his sede among his people for I am the Lorde whiche sanctifie hym Whosoeuer of thy sede in theyr generations hath any deformite let hym not preace for to offer breade vnto his God for whosoeuer hath any blemishe shall not come nere as yf he be blinde or lame or that hath a brused nose or that hath any mys shapen membre or is broken foted or broken handed or haue no heare on his eye browes or haue a web or other bleamishe in his eyes or be maunge or shauld or hath his stones broken No man that hath a blemysh and is of the sede of Aaron the preaste shall come nye to offer the sacrifices of the Lorde When he hath a deformitie let hym not preace to offer the breade of his God let hym eate the breade of his GOD euen of the moste holy and of the holy Onely lette hym not go in vnto the vayle nor come nye the aultar when he is deformed that he polute not my sanctuary for I am the Lorde that sanctifye hym ¶ The .xxij. Chapte WHat man soeuer of the sede of Aaron is a leaper or hathe a running yssue he shal not eate of the holy thinges vntyll he be cleane Whatsoeuer hathe a blemishe that shall ye not offer for ye shall get no fauoure therewith ¶ The .xxiij. Chapter HAd when ye reape downe your haruest ye shall not make cleane tyddaūce of the felde neyther shalt thou make any after gatheringe of thy haruest but shalt leaue it vnto the poore and the straunger ¶ The .xxiiij Chapter HH that blasphemeth the name of the Lord let him be stayne and all the multitude shal stone hym to death If a man may me his neyghbour as he hath done so shall it be done to him broke for broke eye for eye and toth for toth euen as he hath may med a man so shall he be maymed againe ¶ The .xxv. Chapter SIxe yeres thou shalt sowe thy felde syxe yeres thou shalt cut thy vyneyard and gather in the frute therof but the seuenth yere shal be a Sabboth of rest vnto the lande And thou shalt halowe that yere euen the fyftyeth yere and proclame libertye thorow out the lande vnto all the inhabiters thereof for it shall be a yere of iubelye vnto you and ye shall retourne euery man vnto his possession and euery man vnto his kynred agayne If thy brother be wared poore and fallen in decaye with the thou shalt releue hym both the straunger soiourner that he maye liue with the and thou shalt not take vsury of them or vauntage but thou shalt feare thy God that thy brother maye lyue with the. Thou shalt not geue hym thy money vpon vsury nor lende hym thy corne for encrease The .xxvij. Chapter ONe sycle conteyneth twenty halfepens Euery tyth of the lande which is of the sede of the lande or of the frute of the trees is the lordes and is sanctifyed vnto the lorde And yf a man will redeme ought of his tythes let him ad the fyfte parte therto And euery tyth of oxe and of shepe and of euery beast that goeth vnder the Red euen euery tenth shal be holy vnto the Lorde He shall not loke yf it be good or bad nor chaunge it Els if he chaunge it both it and that it was chaungyd with all shal be halowed vnto the Lorde and may not be redemed ¶ The fyrst Chapter of Numeri ALl the nombres of the children of Israell thorowe out the houses of they re fathers from twenty yere and aboue all that went forth to the warre in Israell drewe all to the summe of syxe hn̄ored and thre thousand fyue hundred and fyftye But the Leuites after the tribes of they re faihers were not nombred amonge them The .iij. Chapter AND the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayinge beholde I haue taken the Leuites from among the children of Israel for al the fyrst borne that openeth the matrice amōg the children of Israel the Leuites shal be myne because all the fyrst borne are myne for the same daye that I smote all the first borne in the lande of Egypte I halowed vnto me all the fyrst borne in Israell bothe man and beaste and myne they shal be I am the Lorde The whole summe of the Leuites which Moses Aaron nombred at the commaundement of the Lorde thorowout they re kynredes euen all the males from a moneth olde and aboue was .xxij. thousandes ¶ The .v. Chapter AND the Lorde sayde vnto Moses speake vnto the children of Israel wether it be mā or woman if they haue committed any synne that man
shalte thou do with his rayment and with all lost thinges of thy brother whiche he hath lost thou hast found shalte thou do lyke myse for thou mayst not hyde it Thou shalt not se thy brothers asse or oxe fall downe by the way and withdrawe thy selfe from them but shalre helye hym to heue hym vp againe The woman shall not weare that whiche perieyneth to the man nether shal a man put on womans rayment For all that do so are abhomination vnto the Lorde thy God Yf a man be founde lyinge with a woman that hath a wedded husbande they shal dye either other of them bothe the man that laye with the wyfe and also the wyfe and so thou shalte put awaye euell from Israel ¶ The .xxiii. Chapter THere shal be no whore of the doughters of Israel nor whore keper of the sonnes of Israel Thou shalte nether bringe the hyre of an whore nor the price of a dogge into the house of the Lorde thy god in any maner of vowe for euen both of them ar abhomination vnto the lord thy god Thou shalte not hurt thy brother by vsury of money nor by vsury of corne nor by vsury of any thyng that he may be hurt withall vnto a strāge● thou mayste lende vpon vsury but not vnto thy brother that the Lorde thy God may blesse the in all that thou settest thyne hande to in the lande whyther thou goest to conquer it When thou haste vowed a vow vnto the Lord thy god thou shalte not slacke to paye it for the lorde thy God wyll surely require it of the and it shal be synne in the. If thou shalt leue vowing it shal be no synne in the but that whiche is once gone out of thy lyppes thou must kepe and do accordinge as thou hast vowed vnto the Lorde thy god of a fre wyl and as thou hast spoken with thy mouth ¶ The .xxiiij. Chapter WHen a man hath taken a wyfe and maryed her if she fynde no fauour in his eyes because he hath espyed some vncleanes in her then let him wryte her a byll of deuorcement and put it in her hande and sende her out of his house and let her go and be another mans wyfe When a man taketh a newe wyfe he shall not go a warfare neyther shal be charged with any ●usynes but shal be free at home one yere and reioyse with his wyse whiche he hath taken ¶ The .xxv. Chapter IF brethren dwel together and one of them dye and haue no chyld the wyfe of the dead shal not mary wythout vnto a straunger but his brother shal go in vnto her and take her to wyfe and occupy the rowme of his kynsman And the eldest sonne whiche she deareth shall succede in the name of his brother whiche is dead that his name be not put out of Israel Thou shalte not haue in thy bag two maner of weyghtes a great and a smal neyther shalte thou haue in thy house diuers measures a greate and a small but thou shalte haue a ryght and iuste weyght and a perfect measure shalte thou haue that thy dayes maye be lengthened in the lande whiche the lorde thy god geueth the for all that do such thinges and al that do vnrighte are abhomination vnto the Lorde thy God ¶ The .xxvij. Chapter CUrsed be the man that maketh any carued or nolten Idol an abheminatiō vnto the lord the worke of the handes of the craftesman and putteth it in a secret place ¶ The .xxix. Chapter I Haue led you forty yere in the wyldernes and your clothes are not wared olde vpon you and thy shooe is not waxed olde vpon thy fote The .xxxij. Chapter Perfect is the worke of the most mighty god for all his wayes are iudgement he is a god of truthe without wyckednesse righteouse and iuste is he The lordes parte is his folke and Iacob is the portion of his enheritaunce He that shoulde haue bene vpright when he wared fatte spurned with his hele Thou art wel fed thou art growen thycke thou arte laden with fatnesse And he forsoke God his maker and regarded not the god of his saluation I alone am god and there is none but I I kyl and wyl make a lyue I wounde and I wil heale neyther is there any that can delyuer oute of my hande The .xxxiiij. Chapter MOses was an hundred and twentye yere olde whē he dyed his eye was not dimme nor his naturall coloure abated ¶ The booke of Iosua the .iii. Chapter AS sone as they that bare the arke came vnto Iordan and the fete of the priestes that bare the arke were dypped in the brym of the water for Iordan vseth to fyll all his banckes all the tyme of harueste the waters also that came downe from about dyd cyse vp vpon an heape and appeated as greate as a mountayne and departed farte from the cytie of Adam that was be syde Zarthan And the waters that were beneth towarde the see of the wyldernes fell awaye and departed into the salte see and the people went right ouer againste Iericho And the priestes that bare the Arke of the appointemente of the Lorde stoode drye within Iorden ready prepared and all the Israelites went ouer thorow the dree vntyll al the people were gone cleane ouer thorowe Iordane ¶ The .iiii. Chapter ANd as soone as the sooles of the priestes fete were sett on the drye lande the waters of Iordan returned againe vnto theyr place and went ouer all theyr banckes as they dyd before ¶ The .v. Chapter THe Manna ceased on the morowe afer they had begonne to eate of the corne of the lāde neyther had the children of Israell Manna any more but dyd eate of the corne of the lande of Lauaan that yeare The .vi. Chapter ANd Iosua saned Rahab the harleit and her fathers bou sholde and all that she bad and ●he dwelt in Israel euen vnto this daye because she hyd the messengers which Iosua sent to spye out Ieticho The .i. Chapter SVnne stende thou styll vpon Gybeon and thou Moone in Aialō And the sunne abode and the moone stode styl vntyl the people auēged themselues vpon theyr enemyes is not this written in the boke of the ryghteous The sunne I say abode in the myddest of heauen and hasted not to go downe by the space of an hole daye And there was no daye lyke that beforeit or after it that the lorde heat de the voyce of a man for the lorde fought for Israell The .xxiiii. Chapter IOsua the sunne of Nun the seruant of the Lord dyed being an hundreth and ten yeres old ¶ The booke of Iudges The fyrst Chapter ADombezek fled and they folowed after hym and caught hym and cut of his thōbes and his greate toes And Adonibezek sayd threscore ten kynges hauinge they re thombes and great toes cut of gathered theyr meate vnder my table As I haue done so god hath done to me agayne The .iij. Chapter ANd Ahud put forth his lefte hande
toke the dagger from his right thyghe thrust it in kyng Eglons bellye and the hafte wente in after the blade And the fatte closed the hafte so that he might not drawe the dagger oute of hys belly but the dynte came oute Sangat the sonne of Anath slewe of the Philistines .vi. hundred men with an Ore goade and delyuered Israel The .iiii. Chapter IAhel Habets wyfe toke a nayle of the tente and an hammer in her hande and went softly vnto hym and smote the nayle into that temples of Sisaras heade and fastened it into the ground for he slombered sore and was wery ¶ The .viii. Chapter IEdeon had .lxx. sonnes of his body begottē for he had many wyues The .ix. Chapt. ANd whan Abunelech had fought agaynste the Litte of Sichem all that daye he toke it and slewe the people that was therein and destroyed the citie and sowed salte thorowe it ¶ The xiiii Chapter ANd beholde a yong lyon roared vpon Sāson and he tare hym as he wolde haue rent a kydde and yet had nothyng in his hande ¶ The .xv. Chapter ANd Samson founde a rotten iawe bone of an Asse and put forth his hand and caught it and flewe a thousande men therewith ¶ The .xvi. Chapter ANd Samson toke his rest tyll mydnyghte and arose at mydnight and toke the dores of the gate of the citie and the two syde postes rent them of with the barre and all and put them vpon his sholdets and caried them vp to the top of an hyll that is before Hebron The .xx. Chap. ANd amōg al these folke of Gibea were seuē L. lefte banded mē which euery one could flyng stones at an heare bread the and not mysse Finis ¶ The booke of Ruth the fourth Chapter THis was the maner of olde time in Israel concernynge pourches and chaungyng for to stablishe althynge that a man must plucke of his shoe and geue it his neyghboure and this was a sure witnesse in Israell The .i. boke of the Kynges the .i. Chapter AH my lorde as trulye as thy soule lyueth my lorde I am the woman that stode before thee here praying vnto the lorde for this ladde I prayde and the lorde hath geuen me my desyre whiche I asked of him and therfore I haue geuē hym vnto the lorde as lōg as he is mete for the lord The .ii. Chapter THereis none so holy as the Lord for without the is nothinge Nether is ther any of strengh as is our Lorde The Lord is a god of knowledge and his purposes come to passe The lorde kylleth and maketh alyue bryngeth downe to the graue and fetcheth vp agayne The lorde maketh poore maketh ritche bringeth lawe and geueth vp on hye He reyseth vp the pore out of the dust lyfteth vp the beggar frō the donghyll to set him amonge princes and to enheret them with the seate of glory Yf one man synne againste an other dayesmen may be iudges but if a man synne againste God who wylbe his daysman They that worship me I wyll worshyp they that despise me shall come to shame The .iii. Chapter I Haue tolde Ely that I wil iudge his house for euer for the wickednesse which he knoweth For whē the people cursed his sonnes for the same wickednes he hath not corrected them and therfore I haue sworne vnto the house of Ely that the wickednesse of Elyes house shall not bee purged with sacrifice nor offering for euer The .iiii. Chapter ANd it fortuned that when he made menciō of the at he of god Ely fell from his stole backewarde vpon the tresholde of the gate and his neckebrake and he dyed The .viii. Chapter SAmuels sonnes Ioel and Abis walked not in hie wayes but turned asyde after lucre and toke rewarde and peruerted the right The .ix. Chapter SAule was a goodly yonge man and a fayre so that among the chyldren of Israel there was none goodlyet then he For from the shoulders vpwarde he was hyer then all the other people He that is now called a prophete was in the olde tyme called a sear The .xi. Chapter AL the menne of Iabes sayth vnto Nahas make a couenaunt with vs and we wyll be thy seruauntes And Nahas the Ammonite aunswered them In this wyll I make a couenaunte with you yf I maye thruste out all your righte eyes and bryng the shame vpon all Israell The .xii. Chapter SAule sayde vnto the people I am olde and graye headed and beholde my sonnes are with you and I haue walked before you frō my chyldehode vnto this daye beholde here I am beare recorde of me before the lorde and his annoynted whose ore haue I taken or whose asse haue I taken whome haue I done wronge to whome haue I hutte or of whose hande haue I receyued any brybe to blynde my eyes there with and I wyll restore it you againe They sayde thou haste done vs no wronge nor hu●to vs neyther hast thou taken ought of any mannes hande The .xiiii. Chapter IT is no hardnesse with the lorde to saue eyther in manye or in fewe The .xv. Chapter HAth the lorde as great pleasure in burnt sacrifices and offeringes as when the voyce of the lorde is obeyed Beholde to obeye is better than sacrifice and to herken is better then the fat of rammes For rebellion is as the synne of wytchecrafte and stubbernesse is as the wyckednesse of ydolatry The .xvi. Chapter GOd seeth not as man seeth for man lokethe on the outwarde apperance but god beholdeth the hert And so it fortuneth that when the euyll spirite sent of god came vpō Saul Dauid toke an harpe and playde with his hande and so Saul was refreshed and did amende and the euyll spirite departed from him The .xvii. Chapter THen sayd Dauid to the philistine Goliath thou comest to me with a swerde a spere a shylde but I come to the in the name of the lord of hoostes the God of the hoost of Israel whome thou haste railed vpon The .xxj. Chapter ANd the priest aunswered Dauid and sayd there is no commen bread vnder my hande but here is halowed bread if the yonge men haue kepte thē selues from vncleane thinges especially women The .xxij. Chapter THe seruauntes of kynge Saule wolde not moue they re hādes to fal vpon the priestes of the Lord. Doeg the edomite turned and ranne vpon the priestes and slue that same daye foure score and fyue persones that did were a fynned Ephod The .xxiiij. Chapter ANd Dauid sayde vnto his men the Lorde kepe me from doinge that thinge vnto my maister the lordes anointed to laye my hande vpon hym seinge he is the anointed of the Lorde The .xxvj. Chapter WHo can laye his hande on the lordes anointed and by gyltlesse The .xxx. Chapter AS his parte is that goeth downe and syghteth so shall his parte be that taryeth by the stuffe that it may be parteda lyke ¶ The .ii. booke of the kynges The fyrst Chapter THE bowe of Ionathas and the
therof but he sayd bryng meale and he cast it into the po● and sayd Fyl for the people that they maye eate and there was no more harme in the potte The .vi. Chapter ANd beholde there was a greate dearthe in Samaria and Benhadad king of Siria besieged it vntyll an Asses head was sold for foure score syluer pence and the fourth parte of a cab of doues dunge for .v. sicles The .xiii. Chapter THe souldiers of the Moabites came into the lande the same yeare and it chaunced as some of them were buryeng a man and spyed the souldiers they cast the man into the sepulchre of Eliseus and when the man was rolled downe touched the bodye of Eliseus he reuiued and stode vpon his feete The .xviii. Chapter HEzekia put away the hyl aulters and brake the Idolles and cut downe the groues and all to brake the brasen serpent that Moses hadde made for vnto those dayes the chyldren of Israel dyd burne sacrifice to it and he called it Nehustā The .xix. Chapter ANd so it came to passe that the selfe same tyghte the aungell of the lorde wente oute and smote in the hoost of the Assirians an hūdred foure score and fyue thousande The .xx. Chapter HAd Hesekia tourned his face to the waland prayed to the lorde saying I beseche thee nowe O Lorde remembre howe I haue walked before thee in truthe and with a perfite hearte haue done that whiche is good in thy sight Hesekia wepte sore Esaye sayde to Hesekia Thus saith the lord god of Dauid thy father I haue herd thy prayer and sene thy teares And beholde I wyll heale thee so that on the thyrde daye thou shalte go vp into the house of the Lorde And I wyll adde vnto thy dayes yet fiftene yeare Shal the shado we go forwarde ten degrees or go backe agayne ten degrees Hesekia answered it is a lyght thyng for the shadowe to go downe ten degrees nether is that my desyre but yf the shadowe go backewarde ten degrees it is no light thynge And Esaye the prophete called vnto the lorde and he brought the shadowe tenne degrees backewardes by whych it had goen downe in the dyall of Ahas Th .xxii. Chapter THe Kyng Iosus sent Saphan sayinge go vp to Nelkia the hye prieste that he maye summe the syluer which is brought into the house of the lorde whiche the kepers of the porche haue gathered of the people c. Howe be it let no te●●nyng be made with them of the moneye that is delyuered into theyr handes for theyr vse is to deal ▪ faythfully ¶ The fyrst booke of Chronicles the tenthe Chapter SAVL dyed for his trespasse that he trespassed agaynst the Lorde in that he kepte not the worde of the lorde and in that he soughte and asked counsayle of a womanne that wrought with a spirite and asked not of the Lorde And therfore he slue hym and turned the kyngdom vnto Dauid the sonne of Esay The .xv. Chapter ANd Chenanishu the chiefe of the Leuites was wayster of the songe for he taughte other to synge because he was a man of vnderstandynge ¶ The .xvi. Chapter O Gyue thankes vnto the Lorde call vpon his name make his actes knowen amonge the people Synge vnto hym and playe vnto hym talke of all his wondrefull dedes Reioyse in his holy name lette the hartes of them that seke the Lorde be gladde Seke the lorde and his strengthe seke his presence alwaye Touche not myne annoynted and do my Prophetes no harme The .xx. Chapter And there chaunced yet agayne warre at Geth ▪ where as was a man of a great stature with xx●●… fyngers and toes .vi. on euery hande and .vi. on euery foote and was the sonne of Raphath The .xxi. Chapter HAd Dauid sayde vnto God I am in an excedyng strayte Lette me fall nowe into the hande of the lorde for passyng greate are his mercyes but let me not fall into the hande of men The .xxii. Chapter HAd Dauid sayd vnto Salomon my sōne I thought as it was in my heart to buyld an house vnto the name of the Lorde my God but the worde of the lorde came to me saying thou haste shed muche bloude and haste made greate battayles thou shalte therefore not buylde an house vnto my name for thou haste shedde muche bloude vpon the earth in my syght The .xxiij. Chapter HAD the Leuites were noumbred from the age of .xxx. yere and aboue and the numbre and summe of them was .xxxvii. thousande men Of whiche .xxxiiii. M. were sette to fourther the worke of the house of the Lorde and .vi. M. were officers and iudges iiii M. were porters and .iiii. M praysed the lorde with suche instrumentes as was made to prayse withall The .xxv. Chapter IEduthun and Heman execated the seruice in the house of god at the kynges hande And the multitude of them with theyr brethren that were instructe in the songes of the lorde euen all that were commyng were two hundred foure froze and eyght The .xxviij. Chapter THe Lorde searchech all heartes and vnderstandeth all the ymaginacion of thoughtes The .xxix. Chapter OUre dayes on the earth are but as a shadow and there is none abydynge ¶ The .ii. boke of the Chronicles the .vi. Chapter AND wyll GOD in verye dede dwel with mē on earth beholde heauen and heauen aboue al heauens do not contayne thee howe muche lesse the house whyche I haue buylded The .vii. Chapter This house whiche I haue sanctified for my name wyl I cast out of my sight and wyll make it to be a prouerbe and a ieste among all nacions And euery one that passeth by shall be astoned at this house whiche belonged to the moost hye GOD and shal saye why hath the lorde delte on this fashion with this land and with this house And they shal aunswere bycause they forsoke the lorde god of theyr father whiche broughte them oute of the lande of Egypte and caught holde on other goddes and worshypped them and serued them euen therfore hathe he broughte all this euell vpon them The .xiiii. Chapter HAd Asa eryed vnto the lorde hys god and sayde lord it is no harde thynge with the to helpe eyther manye or them that haue no power Helpe vs therfore O lorde our god for we truste to the and in thy name we go agaynste this multitude The .xvi. Chapter THe eyes of the Lorde beholde al the earthe to strengthe them that are of perfect heart towarde hym The .xxiiij. Chapter HAd the sprite of God came vpon Zacharye the sonne Iehoiada the priest whiche stode by the people and sayde vnto them Thus saythe god why transgresse ye the commaundementes of the lorde that ye cannot prospere for because ye haue forsaken the lorde he also hathe forsaken you And thay conspired agaynst hym and stoned hym with stones at the commaundemente of the kynge euen in the courte of the house of the lord The .xxvi. Chapter TZia transgressed agaynst the lorde his god and wente into the
myght be eased from their wyckednes the ten thousande part of men shulde not be made lyuynge And yf the iudge forgaue not those whiche he healed with his worde and yf he wold destroy the multitude that striueth there shuld be very fewe left in an vnnumerable multitude ¶ The .viii. Chapter THe most highest made this worlde for many but the world to come for fewe I will tell the a symilitude Esoras As when thou askeste the earthe it shall saye vnto the that it geueth muche moulde wherof earthen vessels are made but litle of it that golde commeth of euen so is it with the worcke of this worlde There be manye created but fewe shal be preserued Yf thou haue mercye vpon vs thou shal be called mercyfull where as we haue no worckes of righteousnes for the righteous whiche haue laid vp many good worckes together shal out of their dedes receaue rewarde ¶ The .ix. Chapter LYke as the felde is so is also the seede as the floures be so are the coloures also suche as the worckeman is suche is the worcke and as the husband man is him selfe so is his husbandry also ¶ The .xiiii. Chapter THe weaker that the worlde and the time is the more shall synne wyckednesse increase in them that dwell vpon earthe for the truthe is fled farre awaye and lesynge is harde at hande Yf so be that ye wyll subdue your owne vnderstandyng and reforme your herte ye shall be kept aliue and after deathe shall ye optaine mercy for after deathe shall the iudgement come when we shall lyue againe and then shall the names of the righteous be manifest and the workes of the vngodly shall be declared ¶ The .xv. Chapter THus saith the lorde god my right hand shall not spare the synners my sweard shal not cease ouer thē that shed innocent bloude vpō earth The .xvi. Chapter ANd when youre synnes are brought forthe ye shal be ashamed before menne and youre owne synnes shal be your accusers in that daye Wo be vnto them that are subdued vnto theyr synnes and tangled in theyr wickednesse like as a felde is hedged in with bushes and the pathe thereof couered with thornes and that no manne maye trauayle thorow and so is he taken and cast in the fyre and brente ¶ The booke of Tobias The fyrst Chapter TObias gat him to Ierusalem vnto the temple of the lord there worshipped the lord god of Israel faythfully offeryng of al his first frutes tythes so that in the thyrde yeare he ministred all the tythes vnto the straungers conuertes Tobias taughte his son frō his youth vp to feare god and to refrayne from all synne Tobias fed the hungry clothed the naked and buried the dead and slayne diligently The .ii. Chapter THis temptatiō of blindnesse did god suffer to happen vnto hym that they whiche came after might haue an exāple of his paciēce lyke as of holy Iob for in so muche as he euer feared god frō his youthe vp kepte his cōmaūdementes he grudged not against god that the plage of blindnes chaūsed vnto him but remained sted fast in the feare of god and thanked god all the dayes of his lyfe ¶ The .iii. Chapter BLessed be thy name o god of our fathers whiche when thou arte wroth shewest mercy and in time of trouble thou forgeuest the synnes of them that call vpon the. Whosoeuer loueth the and serueth the a right is sure of this that if his life be tempted and proued it standeth in the trying and yf he endure in patience he shall haue a rewarde and be hyghlye crowned if he be in troble that god no doubte shall delyuer him and yf his lyfe be in chastening that he shall haue leue to come vnto thy mercye For thou hast no pleasure in our damnation and why after a storme thou makest the wether fayre and styll after wepinge and heuynes thou geuest greate ioye ¶ The .iiii. Chapter HOlde thy mother in honoure all the dayes of her lyfe for thou oughteste to remember what and howe greate parels she suffered for the in her wombe Geue almes of thy goodes and turne neuer thy face frō the pore and so shall it come to passe that the face of the lord shall not be turned away from the. Mercy delyuereth from all synne from death and suffereth not the soule to come in darcknes A greate conforte is mercy before the highe god vnto all them that shewe it Whosoeuer worcketh any thynge for the immediatly geue him his hyre and loke that thy hyred seruauntes wages remayne not by the ouer nyght Looke that thou neuer do vnto another man the thinge that thou woldest not another manne shoulde do vnto the. The .vi. Chapter Yf thou layest a pece of the herte vpon the coales the smoke therof driueth awaye all maner of euell spretes wether it be from man or woman so that from thenceforthe the same shall come no more vnto them Heare me and I wyll tell the what they be of whome the deuyll hathe power Namelye they that receaue mariage of suche a fashion that they shute god oute from them and from theyr herte and geue theym selues to their owne luste euen as it were an horse and mule whiche haue no vnderstandynge vpon suche hathe the deuyll power But when thou takest Sara and art come in to her chaumbre wytholde thy selfe from her thre dayes and geue thy diligence vnto nothing but vnto prayer with her The .x. Chapter SO the elders embraced their doughter ●yssed her and let her goo exortyng her to honoure her father and mother in lawe to loue her husbande to rule well her housholde to kepe her house in good order to shewe her selte fawtlesse ¶ The .xii. Chapter IT is good to hyde the kynges secrete but to shewe the worckes of god to prayse them is an honorable thinge Prayer is good with fastyng and mercye is better then to horde vp treasures of golde For mercye delyuereth frome deathe clenseth synne and causeth to fynde euerlastyng lyfe But they that do synne and vnrighteousnes are the enemies of their owne soule When thou prayedest with teares and buriedest the deade and leftest thy dyner and hyddest the dead in thy house vpon the daye tyme that thou myghtest burye them in the nighte I offered thy prayer before the lorde You thougt that I dyd eate and dryncke wythe you but I vse meate that is muscible and drinck that can not be sene of menne The boke of Iudith The fourth Chapter BE ye sure that the lorde wyll here your petitions if ye continue stedfast in fastinges and prayers in the syghte of the lorde The .viii. Chapter Iudyth ware a smocke of heare and fasted all the dayes of her lyfe excepte the sabothes new mones the solempne daies that the people of Israell kepte The .ix. Chapter THy power o lord standethe not in the power of men neither hast thou anye plesur in the strenghte of horses
There was neuer proud parsone that plaised the but in the prayer of the humble and meke hath thy plesure bene euermore The boke of Ester The fyrste Chapter ANd the drynck was so apoynted that none shulde compel any man for so the kyng had commaunded by the offycers of hys house that euery one shulde do as it lyked hym He sent letters forth in to all the kinges landes in to eueri lande accordynge to the wrytynge thereof and to euery people after they re language that euery manne shulde be lorde in hys owne house The .ii. Chapter HAd whē the apointed time of euery damsel came that she shulde go in to the kynge Ahasuerus after that she had ben twelue monthes in the deckynge of the wemen for theyr deckynge must haue so muche tyme namely syxe monethes wyth bauline and myrre and syre monethes with good spyces so were the wemen beautyfyed yet went theyr one damesell vnto the kynge c. The .xvi. Chapter IT happeneth ofte also that they whych be set in offyce by the hyer power and vnto whome the busynesse and causes of the subiectes are commutted to be handled waxe proud and defile them selfes with shedyng of innocent bloude whiche bringeth thē to intollerable hurte whiche also with false and deceytefull wordes and with liyng tales disceaue berray the innocent goodnes of princes The boke of Iob. The fyrst Chapter NAked came I out of my mothers wombe and naked shal I turne thether agayn The lorde gaue and the lord hath taken awaye blessed be the name of the lorde The .ii. Chapter SHall we receaue prosperity at the hande of god and not receyue aduersity ¶ The .iiii. Chapter COnsider I pray the who euer perysshed beynge an innocent Or when were the godlyr destroyed For as I haue proued by experience they that plowe iniquitie and sowe wretchednes reape the same ¶ The .v. Chapter AMā is borne to labour like as the sparches flye vp out of the hote coales Beholde happye is the man whome god punissheth therfore refuse not thou the chastenynge of the almyghty for though he made a wounde he gyueth aplaster though he sutyte hys hande maketh whole againe The .vi. Chapter HE that is in tribulation oughte to be comforteth of his neighbour The .vij. Chapter MY fleshe is clothed with wormes and duste of the earthe My skynne is wythered and become horrible my dayes passe ouer more spedly then a weuer can weue out his webbe and are gone or I am aware Remember that my lyfe is but a wynde The .viii. Chapter OVr daies vpō earth are but a very shadowe The .ix. Chapter HE is good whose wrath no man maye withstande but the proudest of all must stoape vnder him Yf men wyll speake of ryghteousnes who date be my recorde Yf I wyll iustifie my selfe myne owne mouthe shall condempne me yf I wyll put forth my selfe for a perfecte man he shall reproue me a wycked do et The .x. Chapter O Remembre I besecbe the howe that thou madest me of the earthe and shalte bryng me in to dust againe The .xii. Chapter AMonge olde persones there is wysdome in age is vnderstandynge The .xiiii. Chapter MAn that is borne of womā hath but a short time to lyue and is full of miserye He commeth vp and is cut downe lyke a floure He flieth as it were a shadowe and neuer continueth in one state The dayes of manne surely are determined the nombre of his monethes are knowen onelye vnto the Thou hast appointed hym his boūdes whiche he cannot go beyonde whyle man liueth his fleshe must haue trauaile and whyle the soule is in him he must be in sorow The .xv. Chapter WHat is man that he shulde be cleane What hath he whiche is borne of a woman wherby he myght be righteous Beholde he doth not truste his sayntes yea the very heauens are not cleane in her syght howe muche more then an abbominable and vile man whiche drincketh wycnes lyke water The .xix. Chapter I Am sure that my redemer liueth and that I shall ryse out of the earthe in the latter daye that I shal be clothed againe with this sainne and se god in my fleshe yee I my selfe shall beholde him not with other but with the same eyes The .xxi. Chapter THe wycked spende theyr dayes in welthnes● but sodenlye they go downe to hell They saye also vnto god go from vs we desyre not the knowledge of thy wayes Who is the almyghtye that we shulde serue him and what profyte shuld haue to submyt our selues vnto hym The .xxii. Chapter WHo so humbleth hym selfe him shall he sette vp and who so loketh mekely shal be healed The .xxv. Chapter How may a man compared vnto god be iustyfyed or howe can he be cleane that is borne of a woman Beholde the moone shineth nothyng in comparison to hym and the starres are vnciene in his syghte Howe muche more then man that is but corruption and the sonne of man whyche ys but a worme The .xxvii. Chapter WHen the riche man dyeth he caried nothing with him he is gone in the twynckelynge of an eye and hathe nothing The .xxviii. Chapter BEholde to feare the lorde is wysedome and to forsake euellis vnderstandynge The .xxxii. Chapter WHen god dothe once commaunde a thinge ther shoulde no manne be curious to serche whether it be right The .xxxiiii. Chapter FOr the vngodlynesse of the people dothe god make an ypocrit 〈◊〉 raigne ouer them The .xlii. Chapter MY seruaunt Iob shall praye for you The Lorde gaue Iob twyse as moche as he had afore ¶ The Psalmes of Dauid The .i. Chapter BLessed is that man that hathe not walked in the councell of the vngodlye nor stande in the waye of synners and hath not sit in the seate of the scorneful But his delyte is in the lawe of the Lorde and in hys lawe wyll he exercyse him selfe daye and nyghte The .ii. Chapter BE wyse now therfore O ye kinges be learned ye that are iudges of the earth The .v. Chapter THou shalte destroye them that speake leasyng the lord wyll abhorre both the bloud-thyrsty and disceatfull man ¶ The .vi. Chapter I am weary of my groning euery night washe I my bed water my couche with my teares The .vii. Chapter God is prouoked euerye daye yf a man wyll not turne he wyll whette his swearde he hathe bent his bowe and made it readye he hathe prepared him the instrumentes of deathe he ordeyneth hys arowes against the persecutoures The .viii. Chapter WHat is man that thou art myndefull of him and the sonne of man that thou visitest him Thou madest him lower then the aungelles to crowne him with glorye and worshyp Thou makest hym to haue dominion of the worckes of thy handes thou hast put all thinges in subiection vnder his feete The .xi. Chapter THe Lorde is in hys holy temple the lordes seate is in heauē his eyes cōsider the poore and his eye lyddes trieth the chyldren of menne The Lorde aloweth the righteous
but the vngodlye and hym that delyted in wychednes dothe his soule abhorre vpon the vngodly he shall raygne snares fyre and brymstone storme and tempeste this shal be their portion to dryncke ¶ The .xii. Chapter THe Lorde shel rote out all disceatful lippes and the tong that speaketh proude thinges ¶ The .xiii. Chapter HOwe longe shall mine enemy triumphe ouer me Consider and heare me O lord my god lyghten myne eyes that I stepe not in deathe lest myne enemye saye I haue preuayled against hym For yf I be cast downe they that trouble me wyl reioyce at it But my truste is in thy mercye and my herte is ioyfull in thy saluation The .xiiii. Chapter THe Lorde loked downe from heauen vpon the chyldren of men to se yf there were any that wolde vnderstande and seke after god But they are all gone out of the waye they are altogether become abhominable there is none that doth good no not one ¶ The .xv. Chapter LOrde who shall dwell in thy tabernacle he that hathe not geuen hys money to vsurye nor taken rewarde against the innocent ¶ The .xvi. Chapter THe Lorde hym selfe is the portion of myne enheritaunce Thou shalte not leue my soule in hel neyther shalte thou suffer thy holy one to se corruption The .xviii. Chapter The lorde shall rewarde me after my righteous dealyng accordynge to the clennes of my handes shall he recompence me With the holy thou shalte be holye and with a perfect man thou shalt be perfect With the cleane thou shalte be cleane and with the frowarde thou shalte learne frowardnes ¶ The .xix. Chapter The iudgementes of the Lorde are true righteous all together More to be desyred are they than golde yea then muche fyne golde sweter then hony combe of the hony Moreouer by them is thy seruaunt taught and in kepynge of them there is great rewarde Who can tell how ofte he offendeth Oh clense thou me fro my secrete fautes Kepe thy seruaunt also from presumptuous synnes lest they get the dominion ouer me so shall I be vndefiled and innocent from the greate offence ¶ The .xx. Chapter SOme put theyr trust in charrettes and some in horses but we wyll remembre the name of the lorde oure god They are broughte downe and fallen but we are rysen and stande vpright The .xxii. Chapter I Am a worme and no mā a very scorne of men and the outcast of the people They pearsed my handes and my fete I maye tell all my bones they stande staring and lokynge vpon me They parte my garmentes among them and caste lottes vpon my vesture ¶ The .xxiii. Chapter Though I walke thorow the valley of the shadowe of death I wyll feare no euyll for thou art with me ¶ The .xxiiii. Chapter Who shall ryse vp into the hyll of the lord euen he that hathe clene handes and a pure harte and that hath not lyft vp his mynde vnto vanitie nor sworne to deceyue his neyghbour The. 25. Cha. What man is he that feareth the lorde him shal he teache in the waye that he shall chose His soule shall dowell at ease and his seede shall inherit the lande The secrete of the lorde is amonge them that feare him he wil shew thē his conuenaunt ¶ The .xxvii. Chapter ONe thing haue I desired of the lord whiche I wyll requyre euen that I maye dwell in the house of the lorde all the dayes of my lyfe to beholde the fayre beauty of the lorde and to viset his temple ¶ The .xxviii. Chapter O Plucke me not awaye with the vngodly and wycked doers whiche speake frēdly to their neighboures but ymagine myschefe in their hertes Rewarde them according to the wyckednesse of their owne inuentions Recōpence them after the worcke of their handes paye theim that they haue deserued For they regarde not in they re mynde the worckes of the lorde nor the operations of his handes therfore shall he breake them downe and not buylde them vp The .xxxii. Chapter BLessed is he whose vnryghteousnes is forgeuen and whose synne is couered Blessed is that man vnto whome the lorde imputeth no synne and in whose sprete there is no gyle The .xxxiii. Chapter THe lorde bringeth the counsaile of the heathen to nought and maketh the deuises of the people to be of none effecte and casteth oute the counseyles of princes There is no kinge that can be saued by the multitude of an hooste neyther is anye myghtye man deliuered by moche strenght A horse is counted but a vaine thinge to saue a man neyther shall he delyuer any man by his greate strength Beholde the eye of the lorde is vpon them that feare him and vpon them that put their trust in hys mercy To delyuer their soules from deathe and to fede them in tyme of dearth The .xxxiiii. Chapter I wyll alwaye geue thankes vnto the lorde his prayse shall euer be in my mouthe The aungel of the lorde tarieth rounde about them that feare him and delyuereth them O tast and se howe gracious the lorde is blessed is the manne that trusteth in hym O feare the lorde ye that be his sainctes for they that feare hym lacke nothinge What man is he that lusteth to lyue and wolde faine se good dayes Kepe thy tonge frome euyll and thy lyppes that they speake nogyle Eschue euyll and do good se he peace and ensue it The eyes of the lorde are ouer the ryghteous and his eares are open vnto their prayers The countinaunce of the Lorde is agaynste them that do euyll to rote out the remembraunce of them from the earth The righteous crye the lorde heareth them deliuereth them out of all their troubles The lorde is nye vnto them that are of a contrite herte and wyll saue suche as be of an humble sprete Greate are the troubles of the ryghteous but the lord deliuereth him out of all He kepeth all hys bones so that not one of them is broken The .xxxv. Chapter I putte on sacke clothe and humbled my soule with fastynge and my prayer shall retourne in to my owne bosome The .xxxvii. Chapter Wycked doers shal be roted oute and they that paciently abyde the lorde these shall inherite the lande Yet a lytle whyle and the vngodly shal be cleane gone thou shalte loke after his place and he shal be awaye But the meke spirited shall possesse the earthe and shal be refreshed in the multitude of peace A small thinge that the righteous hath is better then great richesse of the vngodly I haue bene yonge and nowe am olde and yet saw I neuer the righteous forsaken nor his seede beggyng theyr breade The mouthe of the righteous is exercised in wysdome and his tounge wylbe talkynge of iudgement I my selfe haue sene the vngodly in greate power and florishyng lyke a grene bay tree I went by and lo he was gone I soughte hym but his place coulde no where be founde ¶ The .xxxviii. Chapter There is no health in my fleshe And there is
and a swete smell is it before the hyghest Halowe thy tithes vnto god with gladnesse Geue vnto god accordyng as he hathe enriched and prospered the and looke what thy hande is able geue with a chearfull eye for the Lorde recōpenseth and geueth thee seuen tymes as muche agayne The .xxxvi. Chapter AFeyre wyfe reioyseth her husbande and a mā loueth nothyng better Yf she be louing and vertuous withall then is not her husbande lyke other men He that hath gotten a vertuous woman hath a goodlye possession she is vnto him a helpe and pyller where vpon he resteth The .xxxvii. Chapter HOld thy rounsayle fast in thy hert for there is no man more faythfull to kepe it then thou thy selfe Before al thy workes aske counsayle fyrst and or euer thou doest any thyng be well aduysed Be not gredy in euery eatyng and be not to hasty vpon all meates for excesse of meates bryngeth syckenes and glotony commeth at the laste to an vnmeasurable heate Thorowe surfet haue manye one perished but he that dyeteth hymselfe temperately prolongeth his lyfe The .xxxviii. Chapter HOnour the Phisicion honour hym because of necessitie God hath created hym for of the hyest commeth medicine and he shall receyue gyftes of the kynge The wisedome of the phisicion bringeth him to great worship and in the sight of the great mē of this worlde he shal be honorably taken My sonne brynge fourth thy teares ouer the dead and begynne to mourne as yf thou haddest suffred great harme thy selfe and then couer his body after a conuenient maner despise not his buriall Enforce thy selfe to wepe and prouoke thy selfe to mourne and make lamentacion expediently and that a daye or two leaste thou be euell spoken of and then comfort thy selfe because of thy heauinesse For of heuines commeth death The .xl. Chapter TO labour and to be content with that a mā hath is a swete pleasant lyfe and that is to fynde a treasure aboue all treasures The .xli. Chapter O Death how bytter is the remembraunce of thee to a man that seketh rest and comfort in his substaunce and riches vnto the man that hath nothyng to vexe hym and that hathe prosperitie in all thynges yea vnto hym that yet is able to receyue meate O Death how acceptable good is thy iudgement vnto the nedeful vnto hym whose strēgth fayleth and that is nowe in the laste age and that all thynges is full of care and fearefulnesse vnto hym also that is in despayre and hath no hope nor patience Labour to get the a good name for that shal continue surer by thee then a thousande greate treasures of golde Be ashamed to looke vpon another mannes wyfe and to make any tryflyng wordes wyth her mayden or to stande by her bedsyde The .xlii. Chapter LYke as the worme and mothe commeth oute of the clothyng so doth wyckednesse come of women The .xlvii. Chapter LYke as the fat is taken awaye from the offeryng so was Dauid chosen out of the chyldren of Israell The xlix Chapter ALl Kynges excepte Dauid Hezechias and Iosiah committed wickednesse But vpon the earthe is there noman created lyke Enoch for he was taken vp from the earthe The .li. Chapter WOrke the Lordes worke by tymes and he shall geue you youre rewarde in due seasō ¶ The Prophecie of Esaye the firste Chapter THe Oxe hathe knowen his owner and the Asse his maysters cryb but Israell hathe receyued no knowledge my people hathe no vnderstandynge Offer me no mo oblaciōs for it is but loste laboure Incesse is an abhominable thynge vnto me your fastynges are also in vaine I may not awaye with youre newe holye dayes and fastyngs I hate theym euen frome my very herte they make me wery I cannot abyde thē when ye holde out youre handes I wyll turne myne eyes from you And thoughe ye make many prayers yet wyll I heare nothyng at all seynge your handes are ful of bloude Washe you make you cleane put awaye your euell thoughtes out my sight cease from doynge of euell learne to do right applye youre selues to equitie deliuer the oppressed helpe the fatherles to his right let the wydowes complainte come before you c. Yf ye be louyng and obedient ye shal enioye the best thynge that groweth in the lande But yf ye be obstinate and rebellious ye shal be deuoured with the swearde for the Lord hath promised with his owne mouth The .ii. Chapter THe glorye of the lordes maiestie casteth downe the highe lokes of the presumptious personnes and bryngeth lowe the pride of man The .iii. Chapter BYd the righteous do well for they shall enioye the fruites of theyr studies But woo be to the vngodlye and vnrighteous for they shal be rewarded after theyr workes Seynge the daughters of Sion are become so proude and come in with stretched oute neckes and with vayne wantonne eyes seynge they come in trippynge so nicelye with they re feete Therfore shall the Lorde shaue theyr heades and shall discouer theyr shame in that daye shall the LORDE take awaye the gorgiousenesse of theyr apparell and spanges cheynes Partelets and colers bracelettes and hoones the goodlye floured wyde and broydered rayemente brooches and handebandes rynges and garlandes holy daye clothes and vales kerchefes and pinnes glasses and cypresses bonets and taches And in stede of good smel there shal be stinke among them and for theyr gyrdels there shal be lose bandes and for well set heare there shal be baldenes in steade of a stomacher a sacke clothe and for theyr bewetye wytherdenesse and Sunne burnynge You re husbandes and mightie menne shall perishe with the swearde in battayle The .v. Chapter IVdge I pray you betwixte me and my vine yarde what more could haue bene doen for it that I haue not done wherfore then hath it geuē thornes where I loked to haue had grapes of it Wo vnto them that ioyne one house to another and bryng one lande so nyghe vnto another that the poore can get no more grounde and that ye maye dwell vpon the earthe alone Wo be vnto them that ryse vp earlye to folowe dronkennes and to them that contynue so vntyll nighte and tyll they be sette on fyre with wyne Wo be vnto them that drawe wickednesse vnto them with cordes of vanitie and synne as it were with a carte rope Woo be vnto them that call euell good and good euell whiche made datkenesse lyghte and lyghte darkenesse that make sowre swete and swete sowre Woo be vnto them that are wyse in theyr owne sighte and thynke themselues to haue vnderstandyng Wo be vnto them that are stronge to suppē oute wyne and experte men to sette vp dronckenesse The .vi. Chapter GO and tell this people ye shall heare in dede but ye shall not vnderstande ye shall playnelye se and not perceyue Harden the hartes of this people stoppe theyr eares and shutte theyr eyes that they se not with theyr eyes heare not with theyr eares and vnderstande not with they re
heartes and conuerte and be healed The .vii. Chapter Beholde a virgin shall conceyue and beare a sonne and thou his mother shalte cell his name Emanuel butter and honye shall he eare that he maye knowe to refuse the euell and chose the good The .viii. Chapter SAnctifie the Lorde of hostes lette hym be youre feare and drede For he shal be the holy place to flye to and stone to stomble at the rocke to fall vpon a snare and net to bothe the houses of Israel and the inhabitours of Ierusalem And many shall stomble fall and be broken vpon hym yea they shal be snared and taken The .ix. Chapter THe people that walke in darknes haue sent a great lyght As for them that dwel in the lande of the shadow of death vpon them hath the lyght shyned Unto vs a chylde is borne and vnto vs a sōne is geuen vpon his shoulder doeth the kyngdome ly● and he is called with his owne name wonderfull the geuer of counsayle the mightie God the euerlastyng father the prince of peace he shall make no ende to encrease the kyngdome and peace and shall syt vpon the seate of Dauid and in his kyngdome to set vp the same and to stablishe it with equitie and righteousenesse from hence for the for euermore The .x. Chapter Wo be vnto them that make vnrighteouse lawes and deuise thynges whiche be to harde for to kepe where thorowe the poore are oppressed on euery syde and the innocentes of my people robbed of iudgemente that wyddowes maye be theyr praye and that they maye robbe the fatherlesse What wyll ye dooe in tyme of the vysytation c. Shall the are boaste it selfe agaynste hym that heweth there wyth or doeth the sawe make anye braggyng agaynste hym that ruleth it that were euen lyke as yf the rod dyd exalte it selfe agaynst hym that beareth it or as thoughe the staffe shoulde magnifie it selfe as wo saye it were no wood The .xi. Chapter ANd there shall come a rodde forthe of the kynred of Isay and a blossome shall florishe oute of his roote The spirite of the LORDE shall lyghte vpon hym the spirite of wysedome and vnderstandynge the spirite of counsayle and streng the the spirite of knowlege and of feare of the LORDE and shall make hym feruente in the feare of GOD. For he shall not geue sentence after the thynge that shal be brought before his eyes neyther reproue a matter at the fyrste hearyng but with righteousnesse shall he iudge the poore and with holynesse shal he reforme the simple of the worlde He shall smyte the worlde with the rodde of his mouthe with the breath of his mouthe he shall slaye the vngodly Righteousenesse shal be the gyrdle of his loynes truthe and faythfulnesse the gyrdyng of his reynes The .xiii. Chapter BE holde the daye of the lorde shall come terryblye and full of indignacion furoure and wrathe to make the lande waste and to roote out the synners thereof For the starres and Planettes of heauen shall not geue theyr lighte the Sunne shal be darkened in the rysynge and the Moone shall not shyne with his lyght And I wyll punishe the wickednesse of the worlde and the synnes of the vngodlye sayeth the lorde The .xiiii. Chapter HOwe arte thou fallen from heauen O Lucifer thou fayre mournyng chylde howe Lasse thou gotten a fall euen to the grounde and arte become weaker then the people for thou saydesse in thy hearte I wylelymme vp into heauen and exalte my throne aboue beside the starres of god I wyll sitte also vpon the holye Mounte towarde the Northe I willelyme vp aboue the cloudes and wyll be lyke the hyghest of all yet thou shalt be broughte downe to the dept of hell The .xxii. Chapter LEt vs eate and drinke for to morowe we shall dye And the keye of the house of Dauid wyll I laye vpon his shoulder so that he shall open and no man shall shutte he shall shutte and no manne shall open The .xxv. Chapter DOe this is our God we haue wayted for hym and he shall saue vs. The .xxvi. Chapter THy deate men shall lyue euen with my body shall they rise agayne The .xxvii. Chapter IT is a people of no vnderstandynge and therfore he that made them shal not fauour them and he that created them shall geue them no grace The .xxviii. Chapter THerfore sayeth the Lorde God beholde I laye in Spon for a foundacion a stone euin a tried stone a precious corner stone a sute foundacion The .xxix. Chapter FOr so muche as this people when they be in trouble do honour me with their mouth and with theyr lyppes but theyr hearte is farre frome and the scare whiche they haue vnto me proceadeth of a cōmaundement whiche is taught of men therfore c. Wo vnto them that kepeth secrete theyr thoughtes to hyde theyr counsell from the LORDE and do theyr workes in darkenesse saying who seeth vs and who knoweth vs The .xxx. Chapter THis is an obstinate people and dissemblinge chyldren chyldren that refuse to heare the lawe of the Lorde For they saye vnto the seers se not and to them that be cleare of iudgement loke not out righte thynges for vs but speake fayre wordes vnto vs looke oute erroures gette you oute of this waye departe out of this pathe and turne the holye one of Israel from vs. The fyre of payne is ordeyned from the begynnynge yea euen for Kynges it is prepared This hath the Lorde sette in the depe and made it wyde the burning where of is fyre and muche woode the breathe of the LORDE whiche is a tyuer of brymstone doth kyndle it The .xxxii. Chapter A Kynge shall gouerne after the rule of righteousence and the princes shall rule accordyng to the balaunce of equitie The rewarde of righteousnesse shal be peace and her fruite reste and quietnes for euer The .xxxiii. Chapter HE that leadeth a godly lyfe say I and speaketh the truthe he that abhorreth gaynes wonne by violence disceyte he that kepeth his hande that it touche no rewarde whiche stoppethe his eares that he heare no counsayle agaynste the innocente bloude whiche holdethe downe his eyes that he se none euell he it is that shall dwell on hye whose sauegarde shall be in 〈◊〉 bulwarke of rockes to him shall be geuen meate and his waters shall not faile The .xxxv. Chapter GOd commeth his owne selfe and will deliuer you then shall the eies of the blinde be lightened and the eares of the deaffe opened thē shall the lame manne leaye as an herte and the dume mans tonge shall geue thankes The .xxxvii. Chapter THeangell of the Lorde wente forth slewe of the Assirians hoste an C. lxxx and .v. M. The xxxviii Chapter HEzechtas turned his face towarde the wall praied vnto the Lorde and saide Remembre O Lord that I haue walked before the in truth and a stedfast herte and haue done the thing that is pleasaunt to the. The .xl. Chapter I Voice cried in the wildernes
Chapter The daye of the lorde commeth and is harde at hande a darke daye a glomyng daye a cloudy day yea and a stormy daye Before him shal be a consumyng fyre and behynde hym a durnynge flame The earth shal quake before him yea the heauens shal be moued The sunne and the moone shall be darkened and the starres shall withdrawe theyr shyne This is that greate merueylous fearefull daye of the lord who is hable to abydeit I will shewe wonders in heauen aboue tokens in the earthe beneth bloude and fyre and the vapours of smocke the sunne shal be tourned into darknes and the moone into bloude before the greate and notable daye come of the lorde The .ii Chapter The tyme shall come that whosoeuer calleth on the name of the lorde shall be saued The .iii. Chapter I shall gether all people together brynge them in the valley of Iosaphat and there wyll I reson with them Lette the people aryse and get them to the valley of Iosaphat for there will I syt and iudge all heathen rounde about ¶ The booke of the Prophet Amos The fyft Chapter THey owe hym euel wyll that reproueth them openlye and who so telleth thē the plaine truthe they abhorre hym Seke after the thyng that is good and not euell so shall ye lyue Yea the Lorde God of hostes shal be with you accordynge to youre owne desyre Shall not the daye of the Lorde be darke and not cleare shall it not be cloudy and no shime in it The .viii. Chapter BEholde the tyme commeth sayeth the lorde god that I shall sende an hunger into the earthe not the hunger of breade nor the thyrste of water but an hunger to heare the worde of God so that they shall go from the one sea to the other yea from the North vnto the East rūning aboute to seke the worde of the Lorde and shall not fynde it The .ix. Chapter THeyr couetousnes shall fall vpon all they re heades and theyr posteritie shal be slayne with the swearde They shall not fle awaye there shall not one of them escape nor be delyuered Though they were buried in the hell my hande shall fetche them from thence though they clime vp to heauen yet shall I caste them down though they hyde themselues vpon the toppe of Larmel yet shal I seke them oute and brynge them from thence though they crepe downe fro my sighte in to the depe of the see I shall commaunde the serpent euen there to byte them yf they go awaye before their enemies into captiuitie then shall I cōmaunde the swearde there to slaye them Thus wyll I set myne eyes vpon them for theyr harme and not for theyr welthe The booke of the Prophete Abdy the first Chapter THou sayest in thyne harte who shal cast me downe to the groūde But though thou wentest vp as ●ye as the Aegle madest thy nest aboue amōg the slarres yet wold I plucke the downe from thence saith the lord Lyke as thou haste done so shalte thou be delte withall Vpon the mount Sion shall the saluation be The booke of the Prophete Ionas the fyrst Chapter THey toke Ionas and cast hym into the sea and the sea lefte raging And the men feared the LORD excedingly doyng sacrifices and makyng vowes vnto the Lorde The .ii. Chapter The Lorde prepared a greate fyshe to swalowe vp Ionas So was Ionas in the belly of the fishe thre dayes and three nightes The .iii. Chapter IOnas cryed sayinge There are yet fortye dayes and then shall Niniue be ouer throwē And the people of Niniue beleued god and proclamed fasting and arayed themselues in sackeclothe as well the greate as the small of them And the tydynges came vnto the Kynge of Niniue whiche rose out of his seate and dydde his apparell of and put on sacke clothe and satte hym downe in asshes And it was cryed and commaunded in Niniue by the aucthoritie of the kyng and his Lordes saying Se that neyther manne nor beast Oxe or shepe taste oughte at all and that they neither fede nor drinke water but putte on sackeclothe bothe man and beaste and crye might lye vnto god yea so that euery manne turne from his euell waye and from the wyckednesse that he hathe in hande Who can tell god maye turne and repente and cease from his featte wrath that we perishe not And when god sawe theyr worckes howe they turned from theyr wycked wayes he repented on the euell whiche he sayde he wolde do vnto them and did it not The .iiii. Chapter I knowe well ynoughe that thou arte a merrifull god full of compassion long sufferinge and of great kyndenes and repentest when thou shuldest take punishemente The booke of the Prophete Micheas the .i. chapter Owo vnto them that ymagie● to do harme and deuyse vngraciousnes vpon theyr beds to perfourme it in the cleate daye for theyr power is against god when they counte to haue lande they take it be vyoience they robbe men of theyr house● Thus they oppresse a man for his house and euerye man for his heritage Truthe it is my wordes are frendelye vnto them that lyue right but my people doeth the cōtrary therfore muste I take parte agaynste them for they take awaye bothe coate and cloke from the symple Yf I were a fleshly felowe and a preacher of lyes and tolde them that they might syt bybbinge and bollyng and be dronken O that were a prophete for this people The .iii. Chapter OHeare this ye rulers of the house of Iacob and ye iudges of the house of Israel ye that abhorte the thyng that is lawfull and wrest aside the thynge that is streight Ye that buylde vp Syon with bloude and Ierusalem with doying wrong O ye iudges ye geue sentence for gyftes O ye priestes ye teache for lucre O ye prophetes ye prophecye for moneye yet wyll they be taken as those that hold vpon god and saye Is not the lorde among vs Tushe there can no mysfortune happen vs. Therfore shall Syon for your sake he plowed lyke a field Ierusalem shal become an heape of stones and the hyll of the temple shal be turned to an hye wood The .iiii. Chapter THe lawe shall come out of Syon and the worde of god from Ierusaiem The .v. Chapter ANd thou Bethleem Ephrata arte lytle among the thousandes of Iuda out of thee shall come vnto me whiche shal be the gouernour in Israell whose outgoynge hath bene from the beginning and from euerlastyng The vi Chapter I wyll shewe the O man what is good and what the lorde requireth of the namelye to do righ● to haue pleasure in louyng kyndenes to be lowly and to walke with thy god Shu●de I not be displeased for the vnrighteous good in the houses of the wicked and because the measure is min●shed Or should I iustifie the false balaunces and the bagge of disceptefull weyghtes among those that be full of riches vnrighteously gotten where the citesins deale with falschede
them And the aungell sayde vnto hym feare not Zacharye for thy prayer is hearde And thy wyfe Elizabeth shall beare a sonne and thou shalt call his name Iohn and thou shalt haue ioye and glad nesse and many shall reioyce at his byrthe For he shal be greate in the sighte of the LORDE and shal neither drincke wynenor strong drincke And he shall be filled with the holye ghost euen in his mothers wombe and manye of the chyldren of Israell shall he tourne to their LORDE GOD. And he shall go before hym in the spitite and power of Helyas to turne the heartes of the fathers to the chyldren and the vnbeleuers to the wysedome of the iuste menne to make the people teady for the Lorde After those dayes his wyfe Elizabeth conceaned and hyd her selfe fyue monethes sayinge This wise hath God dealte with me in the dayes whan he loked on me to take from me the rebuke that I suffred among men And the Aungell sayde vnto her feare not Mart for thou hast founde grace with god Loe thou shalt conceaue in thy wombe and shalt beare a sonne and shalt call his name Iesus He shal be great and shall be called the sonne of the hyghest and the LORDE God shal geue vnto hym the seate of his father Dauid and he shall raygne ouer the house of Iacob for euer and of his kyngdome shal be none ende The holy Ghost shall come vnto the and the power of the hyghest shall ouershadowe thee therfore also the holy thyng whiche shal be borne shal be called the sonne of god And loe assone as the voyce of thy salutation founded in myne eares the babe sprang in my bellye for ioye His mercy is on them that feare hym thorow out all generacions He putteth downe the myghtye from theyr seates and exalteth them of lowe degree And thou childe shalte be called the prophete of the hyghest For thou shalte go before the face of the Lorde to prepare his wayes And to geue knowledge vnto his people for the remission of ●ynnes The .ii. Chapter ANd it fortuned while they were there her eyme was come that she shoulde be delyuered And she brought for the her firste begotten sonne and wrayped hym in swadlynge cloathes layde hym in a maunger because there was no ●oume for them within the ynnes Beholde I bring you tydinges of greatioye that shall come to all the people for vnto you is borne this daye in the citie of Dauid a saueoure whiche is Christe the Lorde And take this for a signe ye shall fynde the chylde swadied and layed in a maunger And when the eighte daye was come that tha chylde shulbe circumcised his name was called Iesus whiche was named of the aungell before he was conceaued in the wombe And an aunswere was geuen hym of the holy ghoste that he shoulde not se deathe before he had line the Lorde Christe Beholde this childe shal be the fall and resuttection of many in Israel and a signe whiche halbe spoken agaynst And more ouer the sweard shall pearre thy soule that the thoughtes of many hartes maye be opened And Anna hadde bene a wedowe aboute .iiii. score and .iiii. yeares whiche went neuer out of the temple but serued god with fastynge and prayer night and daye And it fortuned after three dayes that they four de hym in the temple sittinge in the middes of the Doctoures both hearing them and posyng them He wente with them and came to Nazareth and whas obedient to them The .iii. Chapter THe woorde of God came vnto Iohn the sonne of Zacharias in the wildernesse And be came in to all coastes aboute Iordane preachynge the bap time of penaunce for the remission of synnes as it is written in the booke of the sayinges of Esaias the prophete whiche sayeth The voyce of a cryer in wildernesse prepare the waye of the Lorde make his pathes strayghte Euery valleye shal be fylled and euery mountayne and hill shal be brought lowe and croked thynges shal be made streight and the rough wayes shal be made smothe and all fleshe shall se the Saueour● of God O generaciōs of vipers who hath taught you in a maunger to flye from the wrath to come Bryng for the the due frutes of penaunce begynne not to saye in your selues we haue Arahā to our father For I saye vnto you god is able of these stones to raise vp children vnto Abraham Nowe also is the are leyed vnto the roote of the trees so that euerye tree whiche bringeth not foorth good frute shal be hewen downe and caste into the fyre He that hathe two cootes lette him parie with hym that hath none and he that hath meate lette hym do lykewise Doo violence to no manne nether trouble any man wrongfully but be cōtent with your wages I baptise you with water but a stronger then I commeth after me whose shue lachet I am not worthy to vnlouse he wyll baptise you with the holy ghost and with fyre whiche hath his fame in his hande and wyll pourge his floore and wyll goder his corne into his barne but the chaffe wyll he bourne with fyre that neuer shal be quenched The .iiii. Chapter IT is written manne shall not lyue by breade onely but of euery worde of god It is wrytten Thou shalt honoure the lorde thy god and him onely serue The spryte of the lorde vpon me because he hath annoynted me to preache the gospell to the poore he hathe sent me and to heale the broken hartes to preache delyueraunce to the captiue and syght to the blynde and frely to set at liberte them that are brused to preache the acceptable pere of the lorde No prophete is accepted in his owne countre And in the sinagogue ther was a manne whiche had asprite of an vnclene deuyll and cryed with a lowde voyce sayenge Lette me alone what haste thou to do with vs thou Iesus of Nazareth Art thou tome to destroy vs I knowe the what thou art euen the holy of god And deuyls also came oute of manye of them tryeng and saye●g Thou art Christ the sonne of God And he rebuked them and suffred them not to speake for they knewe that he was Christ The .v. Chapter HE sayde vnto Peter launche oute in to the depe and lette styppe your nettes to make a draught And Simon answered and saide to him Master we haue laboured al night and haue take nothing Neuerthe latter at thy worde I will lose for the the nette And when they had so done they inclosed a greate multitude of fyshes and theyr not brake but they made signes to theyr felowes whiche were in the other shype that they shoulde come and helpe them And they came and fyllyd bothe the sh●ppes that they soncke agayne Whan Symon Peter sawe that he fell downe at Iesus knees sayeng Lorde go from me for I am a synfull man For he was vtterly astoned and all that were with him at the draught of fyshe which they
to this nedefull busynes But we wyll geue oure selues continually to prayer and to the ministr●tion of the worde The .vii. Chapter ANd the patriarkes hauynge indignation selde Ioseph into Egipte god was with him and delyuered him out of all his aduersities and gaue him fauoure and wysdome in the syght of Pharao kyng of Egypt whiche made him gouernour ouer Egyte and ouer all his lande Moses was learned in all maner wysdome of the Egyptians and was mightye in dedes and in wordes I haue perfectly sene the affliction of my people whiche is in Egipte and I haue hearde then gronyng and am come downe to delyuer them He that is hyest of all dwelleth not in temples made with handes as sayth the prophete Heauen is my seate earth is my fote stole or what place is it that I shuld rest in hath not my hande made all these thinges But he beyng full of the holy ghoste loked vp sted fastly with his eyes into heauen and sawe the glorye of god and Iesus standynge on the ryghte hande of god and sayde Beholde I se the heauen open and the sonne of man standyng on the right hande of god And they stoned Steuen callyng on and sayeng Lorde Iesu receaue my spryte he kneled downe and cryed with a loude voyce Lord laye not this synne to their charges The .viii. Chapter WHen the Apostles which were at Ierusalem hearde saye that Samaria bathe receaued ●e worde of god they sent vnto them Peter and Iohn whyche when they were come prayed for them that they myghte receaue the holye ghoste For as yet he was come on none of them but they were baptised onely in the name of Christe Iesu Then sayde they handes on them and they receaued the holy ghost Thy money perish with the because thou wenest that the gyfte of god maye be obteyned with money The .ix. Chapter SAul Saul why persecutest thou me And he sayde What arte thou lorde And the lorde sayde I am Iesus whome thou persecuteste ●s shal be harde for the to sticke against the pricke Go thy wayes for he is a chosen vessell vnto me to beare my name before the gentyls and kynges and the children of Israel For I wyll shewe hym ●owe great thynges he must suffre for my names sake The disciples toke him by nyght and put hym ●horowe the wall and let him downe in a basket The .x. Chapter THy prayers and all thy almeses are come vp into remembraunce before god What god hathe clensed that make thou not co●men or vnclene And as it chansed Peter to come in Cornelius ●et him and fell downe at his feete worshipped 〈◊〉 But Peter toke hym vp sayenge stande vp ●or euen I my selfe am a man Ye knowe howe that it is an vnlawfull thynge 〈◊〉 a manne that is a Iewe to company or come vnto an aliene but god hathe shewed me that I shoulde not call any manne commen or vnclen● therfore came I vnto you without saynge nay ●ssone as I was sent for Then Peter opened his mouthe and saide of a trueth I perceiue that god is not perciall but in al people he that feareth him and worcketh rightuousenes is accepted with him The .xi. Chapter COunte not thou those thinges cōmen whiche God hath clensed The .xii. Chapter THen was Peter kepte in prison but pray● was made without ceasing of the congregation vnto God for him And vpon a day appointed Herode araied him in royall apparell and set him in his seate made an oration vnto them And the people gaue a shoute sayinge it is the voice of a god and ●ot of a man And immediatly the Aungell of the Lorde smote him bicause he gaue not God the honoure And he was eaten of wormes and gaue vp the goste The .xiii. Chapter AS they ministred to the lord and fasted the holy gost said seperate me Barnabas Paul for the worcke whereunto I haue called them Then fasted they and praied and put their handes on them and let them go I haue founde Dauid the sonne of Iesse a mā after mine owne herte he shall fulfill al my ●yll Be it knowen vnto you ye men and breth●en that thorowe this man is preached vnto you the forgiuenesse of sinnes and that by him al that beleue are iustified from all thinges frome whiche ●e coulde not be iustified by the lawe of Moses ▪ Then Paule and Barnabas waxed bold and s●iderit was mete that the worde of God shoulde firste haue ben preached to you But seing ye put it from you and thinke your selues vnworthye of euer lastinge life loe we turne to the Gentylles for so hath the Lorde commaunded vs. The .xiiii. Chapter They returned againe to Listes and to Iconium and Antioche and strengthed the disciples soules exhortinge them to continue in the faith affirminge that we muste thorowe much tribulation enter into the kingedome of God And they ordeyned them elders by election ī euery congregation and praied and fasted and commended to god on whom they beleued The .xv. Chapter NOwe therefore why tempe ye God that ye woulde put a yoke on the disciples neckes whiche neither oure fathers nor wee were able to beare Wherefore my sentence in that we trouble not thē whyche from amonge the gentiles are turned to God but that wee write vnto them that they abstaine from filthines of idolles from fornication from strangeled and from bloude For it semed good to the holie goste and vs to put no greuouse thinges to you more then these necessarie thinges that is to saye that ye abstaine from thynges offered to Idolles from bloud frō strangeled and fornication The .xvi. Chapter THey were forbidden of the holye ghoste to preache the worde in Asia And it fortuned as we wente to prayer a certaine Damsel possesied with a spirite that prophecied met vs whiche brought her master and mastres muche vauntage with prophesying The same folowed Paule and vs and cryed sayinge these men are the seruauntes of the most hye god whiche shewe vnto vs the waye of saluation The .xvii. Chapter FOr all the Attenians and straungers whiche were there gaue themselues to nothyng els but either to tell or to heare newe tydinges For as I passed by and behelde the maner howe ye worship your goddes I founde an altare wherein was written vnto vnknowen god Whō ye then ignorauntly worshippe hym shewe I vnto you The .xviii. Chapter ANd because Paule was of the same craft he abode with Aquila and Priscilla his wife and wrought their crefte was to make tentes And Paule shore his heade in Cenchrea for he had a vowe The .xix. Chapter ANd god wrought no small myracles by the handes of Paule so that frō his body were brought vnto the sicke napains or partlets and the diseases departed from them and the euyl spirites went out of them And the euell spirite answered and sayde Iesus I know and Paul I knowe but who are ye The .xx. Chapter I haue desyred no mans siluer gold or vesture
not to stande in youre owne conceytes Whatsoeuer thinges are written afore time are written for our owne learnynge that we thorowe pacience and conforte of the scripture might haue hope Yf the gentyles be made partakers of theyr spirituall thynges theyr duetye is to minister vnto them in carnall thinges The .xvi. Chapter I Beseche you brethren marke them whyche cause diuisyon and geue occasyons of euyll contrary to the doctrine whyche ye haue learned and auoyde them For they that are suche serue not the lorde Iesus christ but their owne bellies and with swere preachyng and flatteryng wordes ●eceaue the hartes of the innocentes I wolde haue you wyse vnto that whyche is good and to be innocent as concernyng euyll ¶ The first Epistle to the Corintians the fyrst Chapter I Beseche you brethren in the name of oure Lorde Iesus Christ that ye all speake one thinge and that there be no dissention amonge you but be ye knytte together in one mynde and in one meaning The preaching of the crosse is to thē that perishe folishnes but vnto vs which are saued it is the power of god The folyshnes of god is wyser then menne and the weakenes of god is stronger then menne God hathe chosen the folyshe thynges of the worlde to confounde the wyse And god hath chosen the weake thinges of the world to confounde thinges whiche are myghty And vyle thynges of the worlde and thinges whiche are despised hath god chosen ye and thynges of no reputation for to brynge to nought thynges of reputation that no fleshe shulde reioyse in his presence The .ii. Chapte THe eye hathe not sent and the eare hath not hearde nether hath entred into the care of man the thynges whiche god hathe prepared for them that loue him The sprete searcheth all thinges yethe bottom of goddes secretes For what man knowethe the thinges of a man saue the sprete of a man whiche is within him euē so the thinges of god knoweth no manne but the sprete of god The .iii. Chapter AS long verely as there is among you enuyynge stryfe and dissention are ye not carnall and walke after the maner of menne I haue planted Apollo waired but god gaue the increace So then nether is he that planteth any thinge nether he that watreth but god that gaue the increace Euerye manne shall receaue his rewarde accordynge to his laboure Other foundation can no manne laye then that whiche is laide whiche is Iesus christ Yf any mābuylde on this foundation golde siluer precious stones timber haye or stoble euery mans worke shall appeare For the daye shall declare it and it shal be shewed in fyre And the fyre shal trye euery mannes worcke what it is Yf anye mans worcke that he hathe bylt vpon byde he shall receaue a rewarde Yf any mans worke burne he shal suffer losse but he shal be safe hym selfe Neuer thelesse yet as it were thorowe fyre Are ye not ware that ye are the temple of god and howe that the sorete of god dwelleth in you Yf any manne defyle the temple of god hym shall god destroy For the temple of god is holy which temple ye are Yf any manseme wyse among you let hym be a foole in this worlde that he may be wyse For the wysdome of this worlde is folyshnes with god The .iiii. Chapter WIth me it is but a very small thinge that I shoulde be iudged of you ether of mannes iugemēt No I iuge not myne own self I know nought by my selfe yet am I not therby iustified It is the lorde that iudgeth me Therfore iudge nothynge before the time vntyll the Lorde come whiche will lighten thinges that are hyd in darcknes and open the councels of the hertes and then shall euery manne haue prayse of god What hast thou that thou hast not receaued yf thou haue receaued it why reioysest thou as thoughe thou haddest notreceaued it The kyngdome of god is not in wordes but in power The .v. Chapter DElyuer that fornicator to Saran for the destruction of the fleshe that the spryte may be saued in the daye of the lorde Iesus Yf any that is called a brother be a fornicator or couetous or a worshipper of ydoles eyther a raylet ether a dronckard or an extorciōner with him that is suche se that ye eate not The .vi. Chapter IS there vtterly no wyse manne among you what not one at al that can iudge betwene brother and brother but one brother goeth to lawe with another and that vnder the vnbeleuers Do ye not remember howe that the vnrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of god Be not deceauers For nether fornicatoures nether worshyppers of ydoles nether whoremongers nether weaklynges neyther abusers of them selues with the mākynde nether theues nether the couetous nether dronckardes nether cursed speakers neyther pyllars shall inherit the kingdom of heauen All thinges are lawfull vnto me but all thinges are not profitable Remember ye not that youre bodyes are the membres of Christ Shall I nowe take the membres of Christ and make the the membres of an harlot God forbyd Do ye not know and vnderstand that he whiche coupleth himselfe w e an harlot is become one body For two saith he shal be one flesh But he that is ioyned vnto the lord is one sprite All fynnes that a manne dothe are without the body But he that is a fornicatour sinneth against his owne bodye Ether knowe ye not howe that youre bodyes are the temple of the holye ghoste whiche is in you whom ye haue of god and howe the ye are nor your own For ye are dearly bought Therfore glorifye ye god in youre bodyes and in your spretes for they are goddes The .vii. Chapter IT is good for a man not to touche a woman Neuerthelesse to auoyde fornicatiō let euery manne haue his wyfe and let euery woman haue her husbande Let the manne gene vnto the wyfe due beneuolence Likewise also the wife vnto the man The wyfe hath no powre ouer her owne body but the husband And likewyse the man hathe not powre ouer his owne bodye but the wyfe Withdrawe not youre selues one frome another excepte it be with consent for a tyme for to gyue your selues to fastynge prayer And afterwarde come againe to the same thing lest Satan tempte you for your incontinence It is better to mary then to burne Lette euerye manne wher in he is called therin abyde with god Arte thou bounde vnto a wyfe seke not to be lowsed Arte thou lowsed from a wyfe seke not a wyfe But and yf thou take a wyfe thou synnest not Lykewise yf a virginne Marye she synneth not Neuerthelesse such shal haue trouble in their fleshe but I fauer you The syngle manne careth for the thinges of the Lorde But he that hathe maryed careth for the thynges of the worlde howe kenispe please hys wyfe There is difference betwene a virgyn and a wife The single woman careth for the thinges of the lorde that the maye be pure
him selfe And loke not euerye manne on his owne thinges but euery man on the thinges of other menne God hath exalted him geuē him a name aboue al names that in that name of Iesus should euerye knee bowe both of thinges in heauen and thynges in earthe and thinges vnder the earth that all tounges shoulde confesse that Iesus Christ is the lorde vnto the praise of god the father It is god whiche worketh in you both the wyll and also the dede of good wyll All other seke their owne and not that whyche is Iesus christes The .iii. Chapter BEware of dogges beware of euyl workers beware of dissention For we are circumcision whiche worshyp god in the sprete reioice in christ Iesu and haue no confidence in the fleshe I do iudge all thinges but donge that I might wynne christ myght be found in him not hauing mine owne righteousnes whiche is of the law but that whiche springeth of the faith whiche is in christ Brethren he folowers of me and loke on them whiche walke euen so as ye haue vs for an ensample For many walke of whome I haue tolde you often and now tell you wepyng that they are the enemies of the crosse of christ whose ende is damnation whose god is their bely and whose glorye is their shame whiche are wordelye mynded But oure conuersation is in heauen frome whense we loke for a sauyour euen the Lorde Iesus Christ whyche shall chaunge oure vyle bodyes that they maye be fasshioned lyke vnto his gloryous bodye accordynge to the workynge wherby he is able to subdue all thinges vnto him selfe The .iiii. Chapter BE not careful but in all thinges shewe your peticion vnto god in prayer and supplicatiō with geuyng of thankes I haue learned in whatsoeuerestate I am therwith to be content Euerye where and in all thynges I am instructed bothe to be full and to be gungrye to haue plentye and to suffer nede I can do all thynges thoroughe the helpe of christ whiche strengthned me ¶ The Epistell of S. Paul to the Collossians the fyrst Chapter BY hym were all thynges created thynges that are in heauen and thynges that are in earth thinges visible and thinges inuisible whether they be maieste or lorde shyppe eyther rule or power All thinges are created by hym and in him and he is before all thinges and in him all thinges haue theyr beynge The .ii. Chapter IN christ dwelleth all the fulnesse of the god hede bodely ye are complete in him whiche is the heade of all rule and power in whome also we are circumcised with circūcision made without handes by putting of the sinfull body of the fleshe throughe the circumcision that is in christ in that ye are buried with him throughe baptime in whō ye are also risen againe thorough faith the is wrought by the operatiō of god which raised him frō death The .iii. Chapter Yf ye be then rysen againe with christ seke those thinges whiche are aboue where christ sytteth on the tyghte hande of god Set youre affection on thynges that are aboue and not on thynges whiche are on the earthe Mortify your membres whiche are on the erth fornication vnclennes vnnatural lust euyl concupiscence and couetousnes whiche is worshippyng of ydolles For whiche thinges sake the wrath of god commeth on the chyldren of vnbelefe And all thinges whatsoeuer ye do in worde or dede do in the name of the lorde Iesu geuynge thankes to god the father by him Husbandes loue your wyues and be not bytter vnto them Seruauntes be obedient vnto your bodely masters in all thinges not with eye seruice as men pleasers but in singlenes of harte fearyng god Ye masters do vnto youre seruauntes that whiche is iuste and equall seynge ye knowe that ye haue also a master in heauen The .iiii. Chapter LEt youre speache be alwayes well fauoured and powdred with salt that ye maye knowe howe to answere euery manne ¶ The fyrst Epistell to the Thessalonians the fyrste Chapter OVr exhortation was not to bryng you to erroure nor yet to vnclennes neyther was it with gyle but as we were alowed of god that the gospell shulde be commytted vnto vs euen so we speake not as thoughe we entended to please men but god whiche trieth oure hartes Neyther was our conuersation at any time with flattering wordes as ye well knowe nether in cloked couetousnes god is recorde nether soughte we prayse of menne nether of you nor yet of any other c. For what is our hope or ioye or corwne of reioysyr●ge are not ye it in the presence of our lorde Iesus christ at his commynge yes ye are our glorye and ioye The .iiii. Chapter THis is the wyll of god euen that ye shulde be holy and that yeshoulde abstayne frome fornication that euery one of you shoulde knowe howe to kepe his vessell in holynes and honoure and not in the lust of concupiscence as do the hethen whiche knowe not god That no man go to farre and defraude his brother in bargaynynge because the lorde is a venger of all suche thinges as we tolde you before tyme and testified For god hathe not called vs vnto vnclennes but vnto holynes He that therfore despiseth despiseth not manne but god whyche hathe sent hys holye spryte amonge you I wolde not brethren haue you ygnoraunt concernynge them whiche are fallen a slepe that ye forowe not as other do whiche haue no hope For yf we beleue that Iesus dyed and rose agayne euen so then also whiche slepe by Iesus wyll god brynge agayne with him The .v. Chapter OF the times and seasons brethren ye haue no nede that I wryte vnto you for ye your selues knowe perfectlye that the daye of the lorde shall come euen as a these in the nyght When they shall saye peace and no danger then commeth on them soden destruction as the trauaylynge of a womanne with chylde and they shall not scape Let vs not slepe as do other but let vs watche and besober for they that slepe slepe in the night and they that be droncken are droncken in the night But lette vs whyche are of the daye be sober atmed with the brest place of faith and loue with hope of saluation as an helmet For god hath not apointed ve vnto wrath but to optaine saluatiō by the meanes of oure lorde Iesu Christe whiche dyed for vs that whether we wake or sleape we shulde lyue cogyder with him ¶ The second Epistel to the Thessalonians the fyrst Chapter WE oure selues reioyce of you in the congregations of god ouer your pacience fayth in all youre persecutions and tribulations that ye suffre whiche is a token of the ryghteous indgement of god that ye are counted worthye of the kyngdome of god for whiche ye also suffre The .ii. Chapter Let no man deceaue you by any meanes for the lorde commethe not excepte there come a departyng fyrs●e and that that synfull man be opened the son of
be euen a blessing I will also blesse them that blesse the and curse thē that cursethe and in the shal al kinredes of the earth be blessed AND it happened when he was come nite to entre into Egipte he sayde vnto Sara his wyfe Behold I know that thou art a fayre woman to loke vpon Therfore shall it come to passe that when the Egyptians se the they shal saye She is his wyfe And they shal kyll me but they shall saue the alyue Saye I pray the that thou art my sister that I may fare well for thy sake and that my soule maye lyuethorowe thy occasion AND the Lorde smote Pharao this house with greate plages because of Sara Abrams wyfe The .xiii. Chapter THen sayd Abram vnto Lot Let ther be no strife I pray the betwene the and me betwene my herdmē thyne for we be brethrē And I wyll make thy sede as the dust of the earth so that if a man can nomber the duste of the earth then shall thy sede also be numbred ¶ The .xiiii. Chapter WHen Abram heard that his brother was taken he harnessed his freshe young men borne in his owne house thre hūdred eightene folowed on them vnto Dan. And he was set in araye vpon them by night he and his seruauntes and smote them and pursued them vnto Hoba whiche lyeth of the left hande of Damascos and recouered all the goodes and also brought again his brother Lot and his goodes the women also and the people And Melchisedech kyng of Salem brought forth breade wyne for he was the preaste of the moste hyghest god blessed him sayinge Blessed be Abram vnto the hygh God possessor of heauen and earth and blessed be the hye GOD whiche hathe delyuered thyne enemyes into thy hande And Abram gaue him tythes of all And Abram answered the kynge of Sodom I haue lyft vp my hand vnto the Lorde the hye God possessor of heauen and earth that I wyll not take of all that is thyne somuche as a threde or shoulachet least thou shuldest saye I haue made Abram ryche The xv Chapter ADN Abram sayde See to me thou haste geuen no seed Lo a lad borne in my house is myne heyre AND beholde the worde of the Lorde came vnto hym sayinge He shall not be thyne heyre but one that shall come out of thyne owne bodye shall be thyne heyre And he brought hym out and sayde loke vp vnto heauen and tell the ●●attes yf thou be able to numbre them And be saide vnto hym euen so shal thy sede be Abram beleued the Lorde and that counted he to him for ryghtwysnes ¶ The .xvi. Chapter SAra sayd vnto Abram beholde the Lorde hath restrayned me that I can not beare I praye the go in vnto my mayde perauenture I maye be edyfyed by her The .xvii. Chapter NEyther shall thy name anye more be called Abram but thy name shal be Abraham for a father of many nacyone haue I made the. Euery mans chylde amonge you shall be cyrcumcised ye shall circumcise the fleshe of youre foreskyn and it shall be a token of the bonde betwyxte me and you And euery man chylde of eyghte dayes olde shall be circumcised amonge you and suche as be in youre generacions and borne at home And the vncircumcised man chylde in whose fleshe the foreskynne ys not circumcised that soule shall peryshe from his people because he hath broken my testamente Abraham fell vpon his face and laughed and sayde in his herte shal a chylde be borne vnto hym that is an hundreth yere olde shal Sara that is nyntie yere olde beare Abraham also him selfe was nyntye yere olde and nine whē the fleshe of his foreskynne was cyrcumcised The .xviii. Chaptre ANd the Lord appeared vnto Abraham in the plaine of Mamre as he satte in his tent dore in the heate of the daye And he lyft vp hys eyes and loked lo thre men stode by hym And when he sawe them he ranne to meate them from the tente dore and fell to the grounde and sayde Lorde I beseche the yf I haue founde fauoure in thy syght go not I praye the frome thy seruaunte Let a lytle water be fet and washe youre feete and refreshe youre selues vnder the tree And I wyl feate a morsell of breade to comforte youre hartes wyth all and then shall ye go youre wayes for euen therfore are ye come to youre seruaunte Sara laughed within her selfe saying Now am I waxed olde shall I geue my selfe to iuste and my lorde olde also And the Lorde sayd The crye of Sodome and Gomore is greate and theyr sinne is exceding greuous I wil go downe nowe and see whether they haue downe altogether accordynge to that crye whiche is come vnto me or not that I maye knowe I haue taken vpon me to speake vnto the Lord whiche arte but dust and ashes The .xix. Chapter ANd there came two Angels to Sodome at euen and Lot sat at the gate of Sodome And Lote seynge them rose vp to mete thē and be bowed him selfe to the gronde wyth hys face And be sayde My Lordes turne in I praye you into youre serusuntes house and rary all night and washe youre feete and ye shall ryse vp early to go on your waye Nay good brethren do not so wyckedly behold I haue two doughters whiche haue knowne no man them wyll I bringe out nowe vnto you and do with them as it semeth good in youre eyes Only vnto these men do nothinge for therfore came they in vnder the shadowe of my rofe Se I haue receaued thy requeste as concernyng this thinge that I wyll not ouerthrowe this Citie for the which thou hast spoken Lotes wyfe looked behind her and was turned into a piller of salte The .xx. Chapter SE thou shalte dye for the womans sake whiche thou hast taken awaye for she is a mans wyfe Now therfore belyuer the man his wife agayne for he is a Prophet and he shall praye for the that thou mayste lyue But if thou delyuer her not agayne be sure that thou shalte dye the death both thou and all that thou haste In very dede she is my sister for she is the doughter of my father though she be not the doughter of my mother ¶ The .xxi. Chapter SAra sawe also the sōne of Hagar the Egiptian whiche she had borne vnto Abraham to be a mocker wherfore she sayde vnto Abrahā put awaye this bonde mayde and her sonne for the sonne of this bon●e woman shal not be heyr● wyth my sonne Isahac The .xxii. Chapter AND the Aungell of the Lorde called vnto hym frome heauen Abraham Abrahā And he sayde here am I. And he sayde saye not thy hande vpon the chylde nether do any thynge at all vnto hym for nowe I knowe that thou fearest God haste for my sake not spared thine onely sonne By my selfe haue I sworne saythe the Lorde because thou haste done this thynge and haste not spared thy onely sonne
that in blessinge I wyll blesse the and in multypliyng I wyll multyplye thy seed as the starres of heauen and as the sande whiche is vpon the see syde And thy seed shall possesse the gate of hys enemyes And in thy seed shall all the nacions of the earthe be blessed because thou haste hearde my voyce The .xxiii. Chapter ABrahā came to mourne Sara and to wepe for her The .xxiiii. Chapter THey sayde we wyll call the damesell inquyre at her mouth And they called for the Rebecca and sayde vnto her wylt thou go with this man and she aunswered I wyll go The .xxv. Chapter THese are the dayes of the yeres of Abrahās lyfe which he lyued an C. lxxv yeres Rebecca conceyued and the chyldren stroue together within her and the Lord sayd vnto her there are two maner of people in thy wombe two natiōs shall be deuyded out of thy bowele and the one nacion shal be myghtyer then the other the elder shal be seruaunt vnto the yonger Therefore when her tyme was come to be delyuered behold ther were two twynes in her wombe And he that came out fyrste was rede he was all ouer as it were a rough garmente they called his name Esau And after hym came his brother out and his hand holdyng Esau by the hele and his name was called Iacob Iacob sayde sell me this daye thy byrthrygth Esau sayde Lo I am at a pointe to dye and what profite ●hal this byrthryght do me Iacob answered sweare to me then this daye and he sware to him and solde his byrthryght vnto Iacob Then Iacob gaue Esau breade and potage of ryse And he did eate and drincke and rose vp and went his waye and Esau regarded not his byrthryghte ¶ The .xxvi. Chapter AND in thy seede shall all the nations of the earth be blessed because that Abrahā harkened vnto my voyce and kepte myne ordinaunces my commaundementes my statutes and my lawes ¶ The xxvij Chapter IAcob went to Isahat his father and he felte and sayde the voyce is Iacobs voyce but the handes are the handes of Esau He may well be called Iacob for he hathe vndermined me two tymes fyrst he toke awaye my byrthryght and se now hathe he taken awaye my blessinge also ¶ The .xxviij. Chapter IAcob Dreamed and beholde there stode a Ladder vpon the earth and the toppe of it reached vnto Heauen And se the Aungelles of God wente vp and downe vpon it yea and God stoode vpon it When Iacob was awaked out of hys slepe he sayde Surely the Lorde is in this place and I was not aware And he was afrayd and sayde howe fearefull is this place it is none other but euen the house of God and the gate of Heauen And Iacob vowed a vowe sayinge Yf God wyll be with me and wyll kepe me in thys iourney whiche I go and wyll geue me breade to eate and clothes to put on so that I come agayne vnto my fathers house in sauetie then shal the Lorde be my God that stone which I haue set vp an ende shal be goddes house and of all that thou shalte geue me wyll I geue the tenth vnto the. The .xxix. Chapter LAban had two doughters the eldest called Lea and the youngest Rahell Lea was tender eyed but Rahell was bewtyfull and well fauoured Iacob serued .vii. yere for Rahell and they semed vnto hym but a fewe dayes for the loue he had to her It is not the maner of this place to mary the yongest before the eldest The .xxx. Chapter THen sayde Rahell to Lea geue me of thy sonnes mādragoras Laban toke out al that he goates that were partye and of dyuers colours and all the she goates that were spotted and party● coloured and all that had whyte in them and all the blacke amonge the shepe and put them in the kepynge of his sonnes and set thre dayes iourney betwyxte hym selfe and Iacob And so Iacob kepte the rest of Labans shepe Iacob toke roddes of grene popular hasell and the chestnute trees and pylled whyte strakes in them and made the whyte appere in the roddes but they that were whole remayned grene and thus was it made a variable coloure and put the roddes whiche he had pylled euen before the shepe in the gutters and waterynge troghes when the shepe came to drynke that they shulde conceaue when they came to drinke and the shepe conceaued before the roddes and brought forth Lambes straked spoted and party ▪ c. The .xxxii. Chapter I Am not worthy of thy leaste of all the mercyes and truthe whiche thou hast shewed vnto thy seruaunt And there wrasteled a man with Iacob vnto the breaking of the daye and when he sawe that he coulde not preuayle against him he smote him vnder the thie the s●nowe of Iacob thie shranke as he wrasteled with him he sayd let me go for the daye breketh which answered I wil not let that go except thou blesse me And he sayde vnto hym what is thy name He answered Iacob he sayd thou shalt be called Iacob no more but Israel for as a prince hast thou wrasteled with God and with man and haste preuayled ¶ The .xxxiiij. Chapter DIna doughter of Lea which she Bare vnto Iacob went out to se the doughters of the land whom whan Sichem the sonne of Hemor the henite Lorde of that contrey sawe he toke her and forced her and his hart laye vnto Dina the doughter of Iacob ¶ The .xxxv. Chapter RAhell was buryed in the waye to Ephrath whiche is Bethlehem ¶ The .xxxvij. Chapter I Staelloued Ioseph more then al hys children because he begat hym in his olde age Beholde this dreamer commeth come nowe therfore and let vs slaye hym and caste hym into some pyt and we wyll saye a wycked beaste hathe deuoured hym and we shall se what will come of his dreames I wyll go downe in to the graue vnto my sonne mourninge and thus his father wepte for hym ¶ The .xxxviij. Chapter AND Iudas sayde vnto Ouan go into thy brothers wyfe and mary her that thou mayest styrre vp sede vnto thy brother And when Ouan perceaued that the sede shulde not be his ther fore when he went in to his brothers wyfe he spylled it on the groūde and gaue not seede vnto his brother And the thinge which he did displeased the Lord wherfore he slewe him It fortuned when Chamats tyme was come that she shoulde be delyuered beholde ther was two twynnes in her wombe And it fortuned when she traueled the one put out hys hande the mydwyfe toke bound a rede threde aboute it sayinge this is come out fyrste And it chanced that he plucked his hande backe againe and beholde his brother came out And she sayde wherfore haste thou rent a tent vpon the And called his name Phares Afterwarde came out his brother that had the redde threde aboute his hande and his name was called Zarah ¶ The .xxxix. Chapter IOseph was
the tast of it was lyke vnto wafets made with hony And the the children of Israell dyd eate Manna fortye yere vntyll they came vnto a lande inhabited ¶ The .xvij. Chapter IOsua dyd as Moses bad kym and foughte with Amalech And Moses and Aaron and Hut wente vp to the toppe of the hyll And it happened that when Moses helde vp his hand Israell had the better And whē he let hys hande downe Amalech had the better The .xviii. Chapter THou shalt seke out amonge all the people men of actiuite and suche as feare God true men harynge couerouskes and make them hedes ouer the people euer hit bredes ouer fyfty and ouer ten And set them iudge the people at al seasons The .xix. Chapter NOw therfore if ye wil here my voice inded kepe myne appoyntemēt ye shal be my owne aboue al nacions for al the earth to myne ye shal be vnto me also a kyngedome of Preastes an holy people And he sayde vnto the people Be readye agaynste the thyrde daye and come not at youre wyues Let the Preastes also which come to the Lorde s●nctifye them selues lest the Lorde destroye them ¶ The .xx. Chapter THou shalt haue non other godes I my sight Thou shalte make the no grauen ymage neither any similitude that is in heauē aboue eyther in the earth beneth or in the water vnder the earth Thou shalt not worshyppe them neyther serue them for I the Lorde thy GOD am a gelouse god And visit the synne of the fathers vpon the children vnto the thyrde and fourth generation of them that hate me and shewe mercy vnto thousandes in them that loue me and kepe my commaundementes Thou shalt not take the name of the lorde god in vain● For the lord wil not holde him giltlesse that taketh his name in vayne ¶ The .xx. Chapter REmember the Sabboth daye that thou sanctifie it Syxe dayes shalt thou laboure and doo al that thou haste to doo but the seuenth daye is the Sabboth of the Lorde thy God in it thou shalt do no maner of worke thou and thy sonne and thy doughter thy men seruant and thy mayde seruant thy cattel and the straunger that is within thy gates for in syxe dayes the Lorde made heuen and earthe the see and all that in them is and rested the seuenth daye wherfore the Lord blessed the Sabboth daye halowed it Honour thy father thy mother that thy dayes maye be longe in the lande which the Lorde thy god geueth the. Thou shalt not kyll Thou shalt not breake wedlocke Thou shalt not steale Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy neyghboure Thou shalt not couet thy neyghboures house neyther shalt thou couet thy neyghboures wyfe or his man seruant or his mayde or his oxe or his asse or whatsoeuer thy neyghboure hath ¶ The .xxi. Chapter HE that smyteth a man that he dye shall be slayne for it He that smiteth his father or his mother lette him be slayne for it He that curseth his father or his mother shall be put to death for it Yf men stryue together one smite another with a stone or with his fyrste and he dye not but lyeth in bed if he ryse againe and walke without vpon his staffe then shall he that smote him go quyte saue only he shal beare his charges for lesing his tyme and shall paye for his healing Yf an oxe gore a mā or a woman that they dye then the oxe shall be stoned and his fleshe shal not be caten but the owner of the oxe shall go quite Yf the oxe were wont to pushe in tyme past and it hathe bene tolde his maister and he hath not kepte him but that he hath hylled a man or a woman then the oxe shal be stoned and his owner shall dye also Yf there be sett to him asumme of money then he shall geue for the deliueraunce of his lyfe whatsoeuer is put to him Yf a man open a wel or digge a pitte and couer it not and an oxe or an asse fall therein the owner of the pytt shall make it good and geue money vnto there master and the dede best shall be his ¶ The .xxij. Chapter IF a these be founde breakinge vp and be smitten that he dye there shall no bloude be shed for him but yf the sunne be vp ▪ when he is founde then there shalt be bloude shed for him Yf a mā entise a mayde that is not be trouthed and lye with her he shal endowe her and take her to his wyfe Whosoeuer lieth with a beast shal be slayne for it He that offereth vnto any goddes saue vnto the lorde onely let him be vtterly rooted out Vexe not a straunger neyther oppresse kym for ye were straungers in the lande of Egypte Yf thou lende money to any of my people that is poore by the thou shalt not be as a tyraūt vnto him nether shalt thou oppresse him with vsury Yf thou take thy neyghbours rayment to pledge thou shalt deliuer it vnto him agayne by that the sunne go downe for that is his couering onely euē the raymēt for his skinne where in he slepeth And when he crieth vnto me I wyll heare hym for I am mercyfull Thou shalte not rayle vpon the goddes neyther blaspheme the ruler of the people The .xxiii. Chapter IF thou mete thyne enemyes oxe or his asse goynge astraye thou shalte bringe them to hym againe Yf thou se thy enemyes asse to synke vnder his b●●then thou shalt not passe by and let him alone but shalte helpe him to lyfte him vp againe Thou shalte take no gyftes for gyftes blyndeth the seynge and peruert the wordes of the ryghteous Se that no man appeare before me emptye The .xxiiii. Chapter MOses was in the mount fortye dayes and fortye nyghtes The .xxv. Chapter THey shal make an Arke of set him wood two cubytes and a halfe long a cubyte and an halfe brode and an cubyte a halfe hye And thou shalte ouerlaye it with pure golde within and wythout shalte than ouerlaye it and shalt make hye vpon it a crowne of golde rounde aboute And thou shalte make two cherubins of golde The xxvi Chapter HAd thou shalt make a vaile of yelowe silke of purple scarlet and with twyned sylke Of broeder worke wyth pictures shalte thou make it The .xxviii. Chapter HAd beneth vpon the hem thou shalte make pomgranates of yelowe sylke and purple and scarlate rounde aboute hym and belles of golde betwene thē rounde aboute and let there be euer a golden bell and a pomgarnat a golding bell and a pomgarnate rounde aboute the hem of the tunycle The .xxix. Chapter BRyng Aaron and his sonnes vnto the dore of the tabernacle of wytnes and washe thē with water and take the garmentes and put vpō Aaron the strayte cote the tunicle of the Ephod and the Ephod and the brastlap and gyrd them to him wyth the brode red gyrdell whiche is in the Ephod And but the mytre
shall haue the shynne of the burnt offeringe whiche he hath offered Yf any soule eate of the fleshe of the peace offerynge that pertayneth vnto the Lorde hauing his vncleanesse vpon him or that doeth touche anye vncleane thing that is of the vnclennesse of man or of any vncleane beaste or anye abhominacion that is vncleane and then eate of the fleshe of the peace offeringe whiche pertayneth vnto the Lord that soule shal peryshe frome hys people Ye shall not eate no maner of bloude whether it be of foule or of beaste whatsoeuer soule it be that eateth anye maner of bloude the same soule shall perishe from his people ¶ The .ix. Chapter MOses saide vnto Aaron go vnto the anltar and offer thy secrifice for synne and make an attonement for the and the people and thou shalt offer the offeringe of the people to reconcile them as the Lorde commaunded ¶ The .x. Chapter NAdab and Abihu the sonnes of Aaron toke eyther of them his censor and put fyre therin and putte cens therupon and offered straūge fyre before the Lorde whiche he commaunded them not and there went a fyre out from the lord and consumed them they dyed before the lorde And the lorde spake vnto Aaron saying Thou shalt not drincke wyne and stronge drincke thou and thy sonnes that are with the when ye go into the tabernacle of wytnesse lest ye dye Let it be a lawe for euer thorowout youre generatiōs and that ye may haue knowlege to put difference betwene holy and vnholy betwene cleane and vncleane and that ye maye teache the children of Israell all the statutes whiche the Lorde hath spoken vnto them by the hande of Moses ¶ The .xi. Chapter WHese are the beastes whiche ye shall eate Amonge all the catell that are on the earth whatsoeuer parteth the hose and deuideth it into two clawes chaweth cud amonge the beastes that shall ye eate These shal ye eate of al that are in the waters whatsoeuer hath synnes and skales in the waters sees and ryuers that shall ye eate let all other be abhomination vnto you Let euery crepinge thinge that crepeth vpon the earth be an abhomination vnto you The .xij. Chapter IF a woman hathe conceaued and borne a man chylde she shalt be vncleane .vij. dayes euen in lyke maner as when she his put a part in tyme of her naturall disease And in the .viij. daye the fleshe of the childes foreskynne shall be cut awaye and she shall then continue in the bloude of her purifyinge .xxxiij. dayes She shall touche no halowed thinge nor come into the sanctuary vntyl the tyme of her purifyinge be out Yf she beare a mayde childe she shal be vncleane two weakes as when she hath her naturall disease and she shal continue in the bloud of her purifyinge lxvj dayes ¶ The .xiij. Chapter WHen there appeareth a rysing in any mans fleshe eyther a scabbe or a glistering white and the plage of leprosye be in the skynne of his fleshe he shal be brought vnto Aaron the priest or vnto one of his sonnes the priestes the priest shall loke on the sore in the skynne of his fleshe And as longe as the disease lasteth vpon hym he shal be defyled and vncleane he shall dwell alone euen without the hoost shalt his habitation be ¶ The .xiiij. Chapter ANd if I put the plage of the leprosie in a house of the lande of your possessiō he that oweth the house shall come and tell the preast sayinge my thinke that there is as it were ▪ a leprosye in the house And the preast shall commaunde them to emptie the house before the preast go into it to se the plage that all that is in the house be not made vncleane and then must the priest go in to se the house Yf the preast also se that the plage is in the walles of the house and that theyr be holowe strakes pale or red whiche seme to be lower then the wall it selfe the preast shall go out at the house doores and shut vp the house seuen dayes And the preast shall come agayne the seuenth daye and yf he se that the plage be increased in the walles of the house the priest shall commaunde them to take away the stones in whiche the plage is and let them cast them into a foule place without the citie and he shall commaunde the house to be scraped within rounde aboute powre out the duste that they scrape of without the cytie into a soule place And they shall take other stones and put they in the places of those stones and other morter to plaster the house withall The .xv. Chapter IF any mans sede departe from hym in his slepe he shall washe his fleshe in water and be vncleane vntill euen And all the clothes and all the furres wherin is suche sede of slepe shal be washed with water be vncleane vnto the euen And yf he that hath suche an yssue of sede do lye with a woman they shal bothe washe them selues with water and be vncleane vntil euen The .xvj. Chapter WHen Aaron hath made an ende of reconcilynge the holy pace and the tabernacle of wytnes and the aultar he shall bringe the lyue goate and Aaron shall put both his handes vpon the heade of the lyue goate and confesse ouer him all the misdedes of the children of Israel and all there trespaces in all theyr synnes putting them vpon the head of the goate and send hym awaye by the hande of a couenient man into the wyldernes And the goate shall beare vpon him all they re misdedes vnto the wildernes and he shall let the goate go free into the wyldernes ¶ The xvij Chapter AND whatsoeuer man it be of the house of Israel or of the straungers that soiourne amonge you that eateth any maner of bloude I will set my face against that soule that eateth bloude and will destroy hym from amonge his people for the lyfe of the fleshe is in the bloude I haue geuē it vnto you vpō the aultar to make an attonement for your soules for bloude shall make an attonement for the soule And therfore I sayde vnto the children of Israel let no soule of you eate bloude The .xviij. Chapteer HE shall kepe myne ordinaunces and my iudgementes whiche if a man do he shall lyue in them I am the Lorde Thou shalt not vnheale the secrettes of thy brothers wyfe for that is thy brothers priuite Thou shalt not lye with mankinde as with woman kynde for it is abhomination Thou shalt lye with nomaner of beaste to defylethy selfe therewith neither shal any womā stande before a beast to lye downe therto for it is abhomination ¶ The .xix. Chapter WHen ye reape downe the ripe corne of your lande ye shall not reape downe the vtmost border of your fylde neyther shalt thou gather that whiche is lefte behinde in thy haruest Thou shalt not plucke in all thy vyneyarde cleane neyther gather in the grapes whiche
doth and haue trespaced against the Lorde that soule hath done amysse Therfore they shall knowledge theyr synne whiche they haue done and let hym restore agayne the hurt that he hath done in the hole putte the fyfte part of it more therto geue it vnto hym whome he hath treaspaced againste But and if there be not a man to restore the hurt vnto nor a kynsman of his lette the trespace be made good vnto the Lorde and it shal be the priestes besyde the ram of the attonement wherby an attonement shal be made for hym ¶ The .vi. Chapter WHen eyther man or womā doth seperate thē selues to vowe a vowe of an absteiner and appointe them selues vnto the Lorde he shal seperate hym selfe from wyne and strōge drincke and shall drincke no vyneagre of wyne or of stronge drincke nor shall drincke whatsoeuer is pressed out of grapes and shall eate no freshe grapes neyther yet dried As longe as his abstinence endureth shall he eate nothing that is made of the vynetre or of the carnels or of the huske of the graye The Lord blesse the and kepe the. The Lorde make his face shyne vpon the and be mercyfull vnto the. The Lorde lyfte vp his countenaunce vpon the and geue the peace And they shall put my name vpon the children of Israell and I wyl blesse them The .viii. Chapter ANd the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayinge this is it that belongeth vnto the Leuites from .xxv. yere vpwarde they shal go in to waite vpon the seruice of the tabernacle of witnes and from the age of fyftye yere they shall cease waytynge vpon the seruice thereof and shall serue no more but shall minister vnto theyr brethren in the tabernacle of wytnes to wayte but shal do no more seruice The .ix. Chapter ANd the same daye that the tabernacle was reared vp a cloude couered the habitacion whiche was a tabernacle of the wytnesse and at euen there was vpon the habitacion as it were the symilytude of fyre vntyll the morninge So it was alwaye the cloude couered it by daye and the symilytude by nyght and when the cloud was taken vp frome the tabernacle then the chyldren of Israel iourneyed and where the cloude abode there the chyldren of Israel pytched theyr tentes At the mouth of the Lorde the chyldrē of Israel iourneyed and at the mouth of the Lorde they pytched And as longe as the cloud abode vpon the habitacion they laye slyll and when the cloude taiyed styll vpon the habitacion longe tyme the chyldren of Israell kepte the watche of the Lorde iourneyed not And it chaunced that when the cloude abode afewe dayes vpon the habitacyon they abode in theyr tentes according to the commaundemente of the Lord and they iourneyed also at the commaundement of the Lorde The .xi. Chapter THe rascall people that was among them fel a lustynge and turned them selues wepte euen as Did also the chyldren of Israell sayd who shal geue vs fleshe to eate we remembre the fleshe whiche we dyd eate in Egypte for naught And the cucumbers and Melones Lekes onions and garleke But now our soules is dryed awaye for we can se nothing saue Manna Manna was as coriander sede and to se to lyke Bedellyon And there went forth a wynde frome the Lorde and brought quayles from the see and let them fall about the hoste euen a dayes iourney rounde aboute on euery syde of the hoste and they dyd flee in the ayre as it were two cubytes hye ouer the earth And the people stode vp al that daye and all the night and on the morow they gathered quayles The .xii. Chapter MOses was a very meke man aboge all the men of the earth The .xiii. Chapter ANd they came vnto the Riuer of Escolle cut downe there a branche with a clouster of grapes and twayne bare it vpon a staffe The xiiii Chapter THe Lord is long yet he be angry and ful of mercye and suffereth iniquytie and synne and leaueth no man innocent and visiteth the vnryghteousnes of the fathers vpon the chyldren in the thyrde and fourth generacyon The .xv. Chapter ANd whyle the chyldren of Israell were in the wyldernes they founde a man the gathered styckes vpon the Sabboth daye And they that founde him gatheringe stickes brought him vnto Moses Aaran and vnto al the congregacion and they put him in ward seinge it was not declared what shulde be done vnto him And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses Let the man dye● and let all the multytude stone hym with stones with out the hoste And all the multytude brought him without the hoste and stoned him with stoues he dyed as the Lorde cōmaunded Moses ¶ The .xvi. Chapter ANd Eleazar cōmaunded that no straunger which is not of the sede of Aarō come nere to offer cens before the Lord that it happen not vnto him lyke as vnto Corab and his companye The .xvij. Chapter ANd Moses put the .xij. Roddes before the Lorde in the Tabernacle of wytnesse And on the morow Moses went into the Tabernacle of witnesse and beholde the rod of Aaron for the house of Leut was budded and bare blossomes and almondes ¶ The .xviii. Chapter ALl that breake the matrice in al fleshe that men bring vnto the Lord whether it be of men or of beastes shal be thyne Neuer the later the first borne of vncleane beastes shalt thou redeme lykewyse And the Lorde spake vnto Aaron thou shalt haue none inheritaunce in they re lande neyther shalt thou haue any parte amonge them I am thy parte and thy inheritaunce amonge the children of Israel Beholde I haue geuen the childrē of Leui al the tenthe in Israel to inherite for the seruice whiche they serue in the tabernacle of wytnesse ¶ The .xx. Chapter MOses Aaron gathered the cōgregatiō together before the rocke Moses said vnto thē heare ye rebelliōs must we fet you water out of this rocke And Moses lifte vp his hande with his rod he smote the rocke two times the water came out aboundātly and the multitude dranke and they re beastes allo And the Lord spake vnto Moses and Aaron because ye beleued me not to sanctyfye the in the eyes of the children of Israell therefore ye shall not brynge this congtegacion into the lande whiche I haue geuen them This is the water of strife because the chyldren of Israel stroue with the lorde he was sanctified in the. When all the multitude sawe that Aaron was dead they mourned for Aaron thyrtye dayes and thorowout all the housholdes of Israell The .xxi. Chapter OUre soule lotheth this lyght breade The Lorde sente fyerye serpentes amonge the people whiche stonge them and muche people of Israell dyed And the Lorde sayd vnto Moses make the a fycrye serpente and set yt vp for a sygne that as manye as are bytten maye lohe vpon it and lyue And Moses made a serpente of brasse and set it vp for a sygne and when the serpentes
infirmities and wyll put none of the euell diseases of Egipte whiche thou knowest vpon the but wyll sende them vpon all them that hate the. ¶ The .viii. Chapter A Man dothe not lyue by breade onely but by euery worde that procedeth out of the mouth of the lorde dothe a man lyue Thy raiment waxed not olde vpon the neither thy foote dyd swell those forty yeares The .ix. Chapter SPeake not thou in thy harte after that the lorde thy god hathe caste them oute before thee saying for my righteousne● the lorde hathe brought me in to possesse this land Naye but for the wickednesse of these nacions the lorde hathe caste them out before thee It is not for thy righteousnesse sake or for thy righte harte that thou goest to possesse theyr lande but for the wickednesse of these nacions the lorde thy god doth cast them out before thee euen to performe the word whiche the lorde thy god sware vnto thy fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob Fortye dayes and forty nightes I did neyther eate breade nor drynke water because of all your synnes whiche ye synned in doyng wickedly in the sighte of the lorde in that ye prouoked hym vnto wrathe The .x. Chapter ANd now O Israel what doeth the lord thy god requyre of thee but to feare the lorde thy god and to walke in al his wayes to loue hym and to serue the lorde thy god with all thyne harte and withall thy soule namely that thou kepe the commaundementes of the lorde and his ordinaūces whiche I commaunded this daye to obserue ¶ The xiij Chapter IF thy brother the sonne of thy mother or thyne owne sonne or thy doughter or thy wyfe that lyeth in thy bosome or thy frend which is as thine owne soule vnto the entyce the secretly sayinge let vs go and serue straunge goddes whiche thou haste not knowē nor yet thy fathers And they be of the gods of the people whiche are rounde about you whether they benye vnto the or far of from the from the one ende of the earth vnto the other Chou shalt not consent vnto hym nor herken vnto hym thyne eye shal not pytye hym neyther shalt thou haue compassion on hym nor kepe hym secrete but cause hym to be slayne Thyne hande shall be fyrste vpon hym to kyll hym and then the handes of all the people The .xiiij. Chapter THou shalte tithe al the encrease of thy sede that the felde bringeth forthe yere be yere The .xv. Chapter There shall be no beggers amonge you Yf one of thy brethren among● you be poore within any of thy gates in thy lande whiche the lorde thy god geueth the thou shalt ●ot harden thy harte nor shut thy hande from thy poore brother but open thyne hande vnto hym and lende hym sufficient for his nede whiche he hathe The .xvj. Chapter WRest not thou the lawe nor knowe any person neyther take any rewarde for gyftes blinde the wyse and peruert the wordes of the righteous That whiche is iuste and ryght shalte thou folowe that thou mayste lyue and enioye the lands whiche the lorde thy God gyueth the. The .xvij. Chapter AT the mouth of two or thre wytnesses shall he that is worthy of death dy● and at the mouth of one wytnes let no man dye That man that wyll do presumptuously and wyl not herken vnto the priest that standeth before the lord thy god to minister or vnto the iudge that man shall dye and thou shalte put awaye euyl from Israel The .xviij. Chapter THis is the priestes dutye of the people and thē that offer sacrifice whether it be oxe or shepe They muste geue vnto the prieste the shulder and the two chekes and the mawe the fyrst frutes also of thy corne wyne and oyle and the first of the well of thy shepe shalte thou gyue hym For the Lorde thy GOD hathe chosen hym out of all thy trybes to stande and to minister in the name of the Lorde he and his sonnes for euer Let there not be founde amonge you any one that maketh his sonne or his doughter to go thorowe the fyre or that vseth wytchecraft or a choser out of dayes or that regardeth the flyinge of foules or a sorcerer or a charmar or that counceleth with spretes or a sothsayer or that asketh the truth at them that be deade The Lorde GOD wyll stere vp vnto the a Prophete amonge you euen of thy brethren lyke vnto me vnto hym ye shall herken accordynge to all that thou desyredst of the Lorde thy God in Hor●b The .xix. Chapter IF an vnrighteous wylnesse ryse vp against a man to accuse hym of trespace then bothe the men whiche stryue together shall stande before the Lorde before the priestes and the iudges whiche shal be in those dayes and the iudges shall make diligent inquisition And yf the witnes be founde false and that he hath geuen false wytnesse againste his brother then shall ye do vnto him as he had thought to do vnto his brother and thou shalte put euell awaye frō the. ¶ The .xx. Chapter IF any man be betrouthed vnto a wyfe I haue not taken her let hym go and returne againe vnto his house lest he dye in the battalle and an other man take her Yf any man feare and be fainte herted let him go and returne home to his house lest he make his brothers hart fainte as well as his ¶ The .xxi. Chapter THou shalt geue to the first borne double portion of all that thou hast for he is the first of thy strength and to him belongeth the ryght of the fyrst borne Yf any man beue a sonne that is stubborne and disobedient that he wyll not hearken vnto the voyce of his father and voyce of his mother and they haue chastened him and he wolde not harken vnto them Then shall his father and his mother take him and bringe him out vnto the elders of that cytie and vnto the gate of that same place and saye vnto the elders of the cytie This oure sonne is stubburne and disobediente and wyl not herken vnto oure voyce he is a ryotour and a drunckarde And all the men of that cytie shall stone hym with stones vnto death And thou shalt put euell awaye from the and all Israell shall heare and feare Yf a man haue committed a trespasse worthy of deathe and is put to deathe for it and thou hangest hym on tre his bodye shall not remayne all night vpon the tree but thou shalt burye hym the same daye for the curse of God is on him that is hanged ¶ The .xxij. Chapter THou shalte norse thy brothers oxe or shepe go astray and withdraw thy selfe from thē But shalt bringe them againe vnto thy brother And yf thy brother be not nye vnto the or if thou know hym not then bringe it vnto thyne owne house and it shall remayne with the vntyll thy brother aske after them and then deliuer them hym agayne In lyke maner shalt thou do with his asse and so
swerd of Saul turned neuer backe again emptye f●ō the bloude of the slayne and from the fart of the myghtye warriours The .v. Chapter DAuid was thyrty yere olde when he began to raygne and he raygned forty yere In Hebron he rayngned ouer Iuda seuen yere and syxe monethes And in Ierusalem he raygned thyrtye and thre yeres ouer all Israell and Iuda The .vj. Chapter TZa put his hande to the arke of God and helde it for the oxen stombled and the lord was wroth wyth Vza and god smote hym in the same place for his faulte and there he dyed before the arke of God And Dauid sayde vnto Michol I thought to daunce before the Lorde whiche chose me rather then thy father and all his kyn and commaunded me to be ruler ouer all the people of the Lorde euen ouer Israel And theefore wyll I playe before the Lorde And will yet be more vile then so and wylbe meke in myne owne syght The .x. Chapter HAnon toke Dauids seruauntes and shaued of the halfe of euery man 's Beerde and cut of theyr garmentes in the myddle euen harde to the buttockes of them and sente them awaye The .xj. Chapter TRias answered Dauid The arke of Israel Iuda dwel in pauiliōs my Lord Ioab and the seruauntes of my Lorde lye vpō the flat earth and shal I then go into mine house to cate and drinke and lye with my wyfe By thy lyfe by the lyfe of my soule I wyll not do this thinge ¶ The .xij. Chapter ANd Dauid sayde vnto Nathan I haue synned against the lorde And Nathan sayde vnto Dauid the Lorde also hath put away thy synne thou shalte not dye How beyt bycause in doinge this dede thou hast gyuen the ennemyes of the Lordes cause to rayle the chylde that is borne vnto the shall surely dye Then sayde his seruantes vnto hym what thynge is this that thou hast done Thou diddest fall and wepe for the chylde whyle it was a lyue and assoone as it was dede thou dyddest ryse vp and eate meate he sayde whyle the chylde was yet alyue I fasted and wepte for this I thought who can tell whether god wyll haue mercye on me that the chylde may iyue But now seinge he is deed whet fore shoulde I fast can I bring him againe any more I shall go to hym rather then he shal come agayne to me The .xiiij. Chapter IN all Israell there was not so goodly a man as Absalom for he was very beautiful in somuche that from the sole of his foote to the toppe of his head there was no blemishe in hym And when he shaued his heed for at euery yeres ende he shaued it bycause the heere was heuy on hym and must neades shaue it the heere of his heed weyed two hundred sycles after the kynges weyght The .xvj. Chapter THe coūsayle of Thithophel which he con̄sayled in those dayes was as a man had asked coūsayle of god bothe with Dauid and with Absalom The .xxij. Chapter WYth the godly thou shalte be godly and with the man that is vncorrupte thou shalte be vncorrupt with the pure thou shalte be pure with the frowarde thou shalte be frowarde ¶ The .xxiii. Chapter HE that beareth rule ouer mē ought to rule iustely in the feare of god ¶ The .xxiiii. Chapter ANd Dauid said vnto Gad I am in extreme trouble me will fall nowe into the hand of the lorde for muche is his mercye and let me not fall into the hande of man ¶ The .iii. boke of the Kynges the .iii. Chapter GYue vnto thy seruant an vnderstandyng hearte to iudge the people that I maye decerne betwene good and bad Beholde I haue done accordynge to thy peticion for I haue geuen thee a wyse and an vnderstandyng hearte so that there was none lyke the before thee neither after thee shall any aryse lyke vnto thee ¶ The .iiii. Chapter UNder Iair the sonne of Manasse was the region of Argob whiche is in Basan three score greate Cyties with walles and barres of brasse And Salomons breade for one daye was thirtye quarters of manchet stoute and threscore quarters of meale ten sialled Oxen and .xx. out of the pastoures and an hundred shepe besydes hertes buckes and wylde goates and capons And Salamon had .xl. M. stalles of horses for chareties and .xii. M. horsemen The .viii. Chapter WHere as it was in thyne earte to buylde an house vnto my name thou byddest well that thou wast so mynded Salomon offered vnto the Lorde .xxii. M. oxen and an hundred and twenty thousande shepe The .x. Chapter SYluer was nothyng worth in the dayes of Salomon And he made siluer in Ierusalem as plenteous as ●iones The .xi. Chapter SAlomon had seuen C. Quenes and three hundred Concubines The .xii. Chapter MY father made your yoke greuouse and I wyll make it greuouser My father also chastised you with whippes but I wyll chastise you with Scorpions The .xiii. Chapter IEroboam stretched out his hande from the auitare sayinge holde the man of god And his hande whiche he putte forthe agaynste hym dryed vp and he coulde not pulle it in agayne The .xvii. Chapter THe Rauens brought Elias bread and fleshe in the mornynge and lykewyse breade and fleshe in the euenyng and he dranke of the brooke Cherith The .xix. Chapter ELia arose and didde care and drynke and walked in the strengthe of that meate fourtye dayes and fourty nightes euen vnto Horeb the mounte of God I haue left me .vii. M. in Israell of whiche neuer man bowed his knees vnto Baal nor kyssed hym with his mouth The .xxi. Chapter ANd it fortuned that when Ahab hearde those wordes he rent his clothes and put sackcloth aboute his fleshe and fasted and laye in sackcloth and went bare foote And the worde of the lorde came to Elia the Thesbyte saying seeste thou howe Ahab humbleth hymselte before mee because he submitteth hymselfe before me I wyl not bryng that euyll in his dayes but in his sōnes dayes wyll I brynge in euill vpon his house The .xxii. Chapter ANd there came forth a certayne spirite and stoode before the Lorde and sayde I wyll perswade hym and the Lorde sayde vnto hym wherewith And he sayde I wyll go oute and be a false spirite in the mouthe of all his prophetes He sayd thou shalte perswade hym and preuaile go forthe then and do euen so Nowe therfore holde the Lorde hath put a lyinge spirite in the mouthe of all these thy prophetes ¶ The .iii. boke of the kynges the fyrst Chapter ELias was an heaty man and gyrde with a gyrdle of lether about his loynes The .ii. Chapter ELias toke his mantel and wrapte it together and smote the waters and they were deuided parte the one waye and part the other The .iii. Chapter BUt rowe bryng me a mynstrell and whan the mynstrell playde the hande of the lorde came vpon Eliseus The .iiii. Chapter O Thou man of god there is death in the pot and they coulde not eate
no whole parte in my bodye The .xxxix. Chapter VErely euery man liuynge is altogether ●●…nitie for man walketh in a vaine shadowe and disquieteth him selfe in vayne he heapeth vp richessr and cannot tell who shall gather them The .xli. Chapter BLessed is he that considereth the poore and neady the lord shall deliuer him in the time of trouble ¶ The .xliiii. Chapter I wil not trust in my bow it is not my swearde that shall helpe me but it is thou that sauest vs frō our enemyes and puttest them to cōfusion that hate vs. For thy sake also are we kylled all the day long and are contented as shepe appointed to be claine The .xlv. Chapter Thou haste loued ryghteousnes and hated iniquitie wherfore god euen thy god hath anointed the with the oyle of gladnesse aboue thy felowes The .xlix. Chapter The wyse men dye and her she together as well as the ignorant and foolyshe and leue their riches for other Be not thou affrayed though one be made riche or yf the glorye of his house be increased for he shall carpe nothynge awaye with hym when he dieth neyther shall his pompe folowe him The .l. Chapter OVr god shall come shall not hepe silence there shall go before him a consumyng fyre and a mightye tempeste shal be stered vp rounde aboute hym he shall call the heauen from aboue and the earthe that he maye iudge his people Offer vnto god thankesgeuyng and paye thy dowes vnto the most hyest But vnto the vngodlye sayde god why doest thou preache my lawes and takest my cōuenaunt in thy mouthe The .li. Chapter The sacrifice of god is a troubled sprete a broken and a contrite herte o god shalt thou not despise Beholde I was shapen in wickednes and in synne hath my mother conceaued me The .lii. Chapter THe righteous also shall se this and feare shall laugh him to scorne Lo this is the mā that toke not god for his strenghte but trusted vnto the multitude of his riches and strengthed him selfe in his wyckednes The .lv. Chapter HE layd his handes vpon suche as be at peace with him and he brake his couenaunt The wordes of his mouth were softer then butter hauyng warre in his hart his wordes were smother then oyle and yet be they very sweardes The .lviii. Chapter THe righteous shal reioyse when he seeth the vengeaunce he shall washe his footesteppis in the bloude of the vngodly The .lxii. Chapter IF riches increase set not your hart vpon thē Thou rewardell euery man accordyng to his worke The .lxvi. Chapter I Wyll gointo thy house with brent offeringes and wyll paye thee my vowes whiche I promis●d with my lippes and speake with my mouthe whan I was in trouble The .lxix. Chapter I wepte and chastened my selfe with fastinge and that was turned to my reproche I put on a sackcloth also and they iested vpon me They that sytte in the gate speake agaynste me and the dronkardes make songes vpon me The .lxxi. Chapter O What great troubles and aduersities haste thou shewed me and yet diddest thou turne and refreshe me yea and broughtest me from the depe of the earthe agayne Thou haste broughte me to great honoure and comforted me on euery syde The .lxxvi. Chapter Promise vnto the lorde your god and kepe it The .lxxix. Chapter O Remember not oure olde synnes but haue merrie vpon vs and that soone for we are come to great miserie The .lxxx. Chapter THou fedest them with the breade of tearee and geuest them plenteousnesse of teares to drynke The .lxxxi. Chapter My people wolde not heare my voyce and Israell wolde not obeye me So I gaue them vp vnto they re owne heartes lust and lette them folow their owne ymaginacions The .lxxxiiii. Chapter I Had rather be a doore keper in the house of my god then to dwelin the rentes of vngodlynesse The .lxxxix. Chapter BVt yf his chyldren forsake my lawe and walke not in my iudgementes yf they breke my statutes and kepe not my commaundementes I wyl viset theyr offences with the rod and their synnes with scourges What man is he that lyueth and shall not see death The .xc. Chapter A Thousande yeares in thy syghte are but as yesterdaye The dayes of our age are thre score yeares ten and thoughe men be so stronge that they come to four scoure yeares yet is theyr strength then but laboure and sorowe so soone passeth it awaye and we are goen The .xci. Chapter HE shall geue his aungels charge ouer thee to kepe the in all thy wayes They shal beare the in theyr handes that thou hurt not thy foote agaynst astone The .xcii. Chapter WHen the vngodlye are grene as the grasse and when all the worckes of wyckednesse dooe florishe then shall they be destroyedde for euer The .xcuii. Chapter BLessed is the man whome thou chasteneste O lorde The .xcvii. Chapter THere shall go a fyre before hym and burne his enemies on euery syde O ye that loue the lorde se that ye hate the thinge whiche is euyli The lorde preserueth the soules of his sayntes he shall delyuer them from the hande of the vngodly The Ci. Chapter WHo so priuelye slaundereth his neyghboure him wyll I destroye There shall no disceatefull personne dwell in my house he that telleth lyes shall not tarye in my sight The Cii Chapter I Haue eaten asshes as it were breade and myngeled my dryncke with wepyng My dayes are gone lyke a shadowe and I am wythered lyke grasse Thou lorde in the begynnynge haste layde the fundation of the earthe and the heauens are the worcke of thy handes they shall perishe but thou shal●e endure they all shall waxe olde as dothe a garment and as a vesture shalte thou chaunge them and they shal be chaunged But thou arte the same and thy yeares shall not fayle The C.iii. Chapter THe mercifull goodnesse of the Lorde endureth for euer and euer vpō them that feare him his righteousnes vpon chylders children The C.iiii. Chapter HE bryngeth forth grasse for the cattel and grene herbe for the seruice of menne that he maye brynge foode out of the earth and wyne that maketh gladde the herte of man and oyle to make him a chereful countenaunce and breade to strength mans herte Man goeth forth to his worke and to hys laboure vntill the euenyng The .cv. Chapter TOuche not myne annointed and do my prophetes no harme The .cvi. Chapter BLessed are they that alwaye kepe iudgement and do righteousnesse The .cix. Chapter HYs delite was in cursyng and it shall happen vnto hym he loued not blessynge therfore shall it be farre from hym My knees are weake thorow fasting my fleshe is dried vp for want of fatnesse The .cxi. Chapter THe woorkes of his handes are veritie and iudgement all his commaundementes are true The feare of the lorde is the beginning of wisdome a good vnderstandynge haue all they that do thereafter The .cxii. Chapter A Good manne is mercifull and lendeth and wyll guyde his
geueth oute his goodes and is the rycher but the nygarde hauyng ynoughe wyll departe from nothinge and yet is euer in pouertie He that is lyberall in geuynge shall haue plentye Whose hoordeth vp his corne shal be cursed amonge the people but blessynge shall lyghte vpon his head that geueth foode The .xii. Chapter Whoso loueth wysdome wylbe content to be refourmed but he that hateth to be reproued is a foole Euery man shall enioye good accordyng to the frute of his mouthe and after the worckes of his handes shall he be rewarded The .xiii. Chapter He that kepeth his mouthe kepeth his life but whoso openeth his lippes to euyll destroyeth him selfe Some menne are ryche thoughe they haue nothinge againe some men are poore hauyng greate ryches Vaynelye gotten goodes are sone spente but they that be gathered together with the hande shall encrease He that thynketh scorne to be refourmed commethe to pouertie and shame but who so regardeth correction shall come to honoure He that spareth the rodde hateth his sonne but whoso loueth him chasteneth him by tymes The .xiiii. Chapter Se that thou medle not with a foole in whom thou percepuest to be no knowledge There is awaye whiche some men thynke to be righte but the ende thereof leadeth vnto deathe The poore is hated euen of his owne neyghbours but the ryche hath many frendes The encrease and prosperitie of the commens is the kinges honours but the decaye of the people is the confusion of the prince A merye herte is the lyfe of the bodye but rancoure consumeth away the bones He that doth a poore man wronge blasphemeth his maker but whoso that hath pitie of the poore both honour vnto God The .xv. Chapter A Soft aunswere putteth doune displeasure but froward wordes prouoke vnto anger A merye hearte maketh a cherefull countenaunce but an heuy hearte compelleth a man to syghe Better is a lytle with the feare of the Lorde then great treasure with sorowe Better is a mosse of potage with loue then a fat Ore with euell wyll Who so hateth rewardes shall lyue The .xvi. Chapter BEtter it is to haue a lytle thinge with righteousnesse then greate rentes wrongfullye gotten It is a great abhominacion when kynges are wycked for a kynges seate shoulde be holden vp with righteousenes The kynges displeasure is a messenger of death but the cherefull countenaunce of a kynge is lyfe and his louyng fauoure is as the euening dewe He that is a blable of his tongue maketh diuision amonge princes The .xvii. Chapter WHoso laugheth the poore to scorne blasphemeth his maker and he that is glad of a nother mans hurte shall not be vnpunyshed One reprofe onelye doeth more good to hym that hathe vnderstandyng then a. C. strypes to a foole Whosoeuer rewardeth euel for good the plage shall not departe from his house He is a frende that alwaye loueth and in aduersitie a man shall knowe who is his brother Who so promiseth by the hande and is suerty for his neyghboure he is a foole The .xviii. Chapter THe wordes of a staunders are very woundes and go thorowe vnto the innermoste partes of the body The name of the lorde is a strong castell the righteous flyeth vnto it and is in sauegarde He that geueth sentence in a mater before he heare it is a soole and worthy to be consounded Liberalitie bringeth a man to honoure and worshippe and setteth hym amonge greate men Death and lyfe are in the instrumente of the tongue and they that loue it shal enioy the frute therof Whoso fyndeth a good wyfe fyndeth a good thynge and receyueth a wholsome benefite of the Lorde The .xix. Chapter RYches maketh many frēdes but the poore is forsaken of his neyghbour A wyse man can put of displeasure and it is his honour to let some tauntes passe A bra●lyng wyfe is lyke the top of an house where thorow it is euer droppyng A discrete woman is the gyfte of god The .xx. Chapter WYne maketh a manne to be scornefull and stronge drinke causeth a man to be vnquiet whoso delyteth therin shall neuer be wise The kyng ought to be feared as the roaryng of a lyon whoso prouoketh hym vnto anger offendeth agaynste his owne soule A flouthful body wyl not go toplowe for cold of the wynter therfore shall he go a beggyng in sommer haue nothyng Manye there be that wolde be called good doers but where shall one fynde a true faythfull manne Who can saye my heart is cleane I am innocēt from sinne Delite not in slepe leaste thou come to pouertie Take his garmente that is suerty for a straunger and take a pledge of him for the vnknowen mannes sake To him that custometh flatering lyppes ioyne not thy selfe Whoso curseth his father and mother his light shal be put out in the myddest of darkenesse The heritage that commeth to hastelye at the fyrst shall not be praysed at the ende It is a snare for a man to deuoure that whicht is holy and after the vowe to turne to thyne own vse the thyng thou hast vowed Mercye and faythfulnes preserue the kynge and with louyng kyndnes his seate is holden The .xxi. Chapter THe Kynges hart is in the hande of the lord lyke as are the ryuers of water He maye turne it whithersoeuer he wyll To do righteousnes and iudgemente is more acceptable to the lorde then sacrifice Whoso stoppeth his cares at the crying of the poore he shall crye hymselfe and not be hearde He that hath pleasure in banchettes shal be a poore man Whoso deliteth in wyne and delicates shal not be ryche It is better to dwell in the wyldernesse then with a chydynge and angry woman Whoso kepethe his mouthe and his tongue the same kepeth his soule from troubles The horse is prepared agaynste the daye of battayle but the lorde geueth victory The .xxii. Chapter THe ende of lowlinesse and the feare of god is riches honoure prosperitie and healthe Teache ackylde in his youthe what waye he shoulde go for he shall not leaue it when he is olde Whoso doeth a poore man wrong to encrease his owne ryches and geuethe vnto the ryche to please hym at the laste commethe to pouertie hymselfe The .xxiii. Chapter TAke not ouer greate trauayle and laboure to be ryche beware of suche a purpose Why wylte thou sette thyns eye vpon the thynge whyche sodeynelye vanishethe awaye for ryches make themselues wynges and take theyr flyght lyke an Egle into the ayer Kepe no companye with wyne bybbers and ryotous eaters of fleshe for suche as be drounkardes and ryotous shall come to pouertie and he that is geuen to muche slepe shall go with a ragged coate Who hathe woo who hath sorowe who hath strife who hath braulynge and who hath woundes without a cause or who hath redde eyes euen they that be euer at the wyne and seeke excesse Loke not thou vpon the wyne howe redde it is and what a coloure it geueth in the glasse it goeth downe softlye but at
he is come to rest Who shall set a watche before my mouth and a sute seale vpon my lyppes that I fall not with them and that my tongue destroye me not The .xxiii. Chapter LEt not thy mouth be accustomed with foo●tyng for in it there are many fallen I man that vseth muche sweatyng shal be filled with wickednes and the plage shall neuer go from his house The .xxv. Chapter There thynges there are that my sprete fauoreth whych be also alowed before god and men The vnitie of brethren the loue of neygheboures a manne wise that agree wel together Thre thynges there be whiche my soule hatethe and I vtterly abhorte the lyfe of them A poore man that is proude A ryche man that is a lyer and an olde bodye that doteth and is vnchaste All wichednesse is nothyng to the wyckednesse of a womanne There is no wrathe aboue the wrathe of a woman Of the woman came the beggynning of sinne and thorowe her we all are deade The .xxvi. Chapter THere be thre thinges that my herte feareth and my face is a frayde of the fourth treason in a citie a sedicious people and noysome tongues all these are heuyer then death But when one is gelous ouer his wyfe it bryngeth payne and sorowe vnto the harte The whoredome of a woman maye be knowen the pride of her eyes and eyeliddes There be two thynges that graue my herte and the thyrde is a displeasure come vpon me When an experte man of warre suffereth scarcenesse and pouertye When menne of vnderstandynge and wysedome are not sette by and when one departeth from ryghteousenesse vnto synne There be two manner of thynges whiche me thinke to be harde and parlous A marchaūte cannot lyghtly kepe bym from wronge neyther a tauerner hymselfe from sinne The .xxvii. Chapter LYke as a nayle in the wall stieketh faste betwyxte two stones euen so doth synne sticke betwixte the byer and the seller The tre of the field is knowen by his fruite so is the thoughte of mans herte knowen by his wordes The .xxviii. Chapter THe more wood there is the more vehemēte is this fyre and the mightier that men be the greater is the wrathe and the longer that the stryle endureth the more it burneth Thou hedgest thy goodes with thornes why doest thou not rather make doores and barres for thy mouthe Thou weyest thy golde and syluer why doest thou not weye thy wordes vpon the balaunce The .xxix. Chapter Helpe the poore for the cōmaundementes sake let hym not go emptye from thee because of his necessitie Laye vp thy almesse in the hande of the poore and it shall kepe the from all euell Surety shyppe hathe destroyed many a riche man Better it is to haue a poore lyuyng in a mans owne house thē delicate fare amōg the straunge The .xxx. Chapter THere is no rychesse aboue a sound body and no ioye aboue the ioye of the hearte Heauinesse hathe slayne many a man and brynge the no profyte zele and anger shorten the dayes of the lyfe carefulnesse and sorowe brynge age before the tyme. Vnto a mery herte euery thyng hath a good taste that he eateth The .xxxi. Chapter TRauayle and carefulnes for richesse taketh awaye the slepe and maketh the fleshe to consume He that loueth rychesse shall not be iustityed Yf thou syt at a great mans table open not thy mouthe wyde vpon it and make not manye wordes Yf thou fealest that thou hast eaten to much aryse go thy waye caste it out of thy stomacke take thy rest and it shall ease thee so that thou shalte bryng no sickenesse vnto thy body Wyne soberly dronken quickeneth the lyfe of man Yf thou drynkest it measurably thou shalte be temperate What lyfe is it that maye continue without wyne Wyne was made from the beginnyng to make men glad and not for dronkennes wy●e measurably dronken is a reioy syng of the so●le and body I measurable drynkyng is helthe to sou●e and bodye But yf it be dronken with excesse it maketh bytternesse and sorowe vnto the mynde Dronkennes fylseth the mynde of the folyshe with shame and ruine minisheth the strēgth and maketh woundes The .xxxii. Chapter IF thou be made a ruler pryde not thy selfe therin but be thou as one of the people Lyke as the Carbuncle stone shyneth that is set in golde so dothe a songe garnishe the wyne feaste and as the smaragde that is set in golde so is the swetenesse of musyke by the myrth of wyne The .xxxiii. Chapter BE sure of the matter then talke therof Be fyrse well instruct then mayest thou geue aunswere Why doth one daye excell another seyng all the dayes of the yeare come of the sunne the wysedome of God hath so parted them a sondre and so hathe he ordeyned the tymes and solempne feastes Some of them hath he chosen and halowed before other dayes And al mē are made of the grounde and out of the earth of Adam In the multitude of science hath the lorde sondred them and made theyr wayes of diuerse fashione Some of them hath he blessed made muche of them halowed them and claymed them to hymselfe But some of them hath he cursed brought them lowe and put them out of theyr estate Geue not thy sonne and wyfe thy brother frende powre ouer the whyle thou lyuesle and geue not awaye thy substaunce and good to another lest it repent the and thou be fayne to begge therfore thy selfe As long as thou lyuest and hast brethe let no man chaunge thee For better it is that thy chyldren do praye the then that thou shouldest be fayne to loke in theyr handes The fodder the whyppe and the burthen belongeth vnto the Asse Meate correction worke vnto thy seruaunt If thou haue a faythfull seruaunt let hym be vnto the as thyne owne soule intreate hym as a brother for in bloude haste thou gotten hym Yt thou haue a seruaunt holde hym as thy selfe for thou hast nede of hym as of thy lyfe The .xxxiiii. Chapter WHoso regardeth dreames is lyke hym that wyll take holde of a shadowe and folowe after the wynde Southsaying witchecrafte sorcery and dreamyng is but vanitie For dreames haue disceyued manye a man and fayled them that put theyr trust in them Whoso bringeth an offring out of the goodes of the poore dothe euen as one that kylleth the sonne before the fathers eyes The breade of the nedeful is the lyfe of the poore he that defraudeth hym thereof is a man of bloude Whoso robbeth his neighboure of his lyuyng doeth as greate synne as though he slewe hym to death He that defraudeth the labourer of his heyre is a bloud shedder He that washeth hym selfe because of a dead bodye and toucheth the dead againe what doeth his washing So it is with with a mā that fasteth for his synnes and doeth them agayne who wyll heare his prayer or what doeth his fastyng helpe hym The .xxxv. Chapter THe offeringe of the righteous maketh the aulter fat
prepare the waye of the Lorde in the wildernes make liraight the pathe for our God in the deserte Let all valleis be exalted and euery mountaine hill be laied lowe What so is croked lette it be made straight and let the roughe be made plainfeldes for the glorye of the Lorde shall appeare and all fleshe shall at once se it for why the mouth of the Lorde hath spoken it Nowe crye and the Prophete answered what shall Ierye that al fleshe is grasse and that al the goodlines therof is as the frower of the feilde the grasse is withered the flower falleth away euen so is the people as grasse when the breath of the Lorde bloweth vppon the im Neuertheles whether the grasse wither or that the flower fade awaye yet the word of god endureth for euer Who hath refourmed the minde of the Lorde or to whom hath he shewed his counsell or whoe is of his counsell to teach him or who hath geuē him vnderstanding and hath taught him the path of iudgemente whoe taughte him cunninge opened vnto him the waie of vnderstandinge The .xlii. Chapter WHo suffered Iacob to be trodē vnder fote Israell to be spoyled did not the Lorde bicause we haue sinned against him and haue had no delite to walke in his wates neither bene obediente vnto his lawe The .xlv. Chapter TVrne you to me al ye endes of the earth that ye maye be saued for I am God and there is els none I swere by my felfe out of my mouth commeth the worde of rightuousnes and that no man may turne but all knees shall bowe vnto me and all tonges shal swere by my name sayinge verily in the Lorde is my rightuousenes strength To him shall men come but all they that thyncke scorne of him shal be confounded And the whole sede of Israell shall be iustified and make theyr bost in the Lorde The .xlix. Chapter HAd thus saieth the Lorde In the time accepted haue I hearde the and in the daye of saluation haue I helped the. God hath conforted his people and will haue mercy vpō his that be in trouble But Sion said God hath forsaken and my Lorde hath forgotten me Will a wife forget the childe of hir wombe not pitye the sonne whome she hathe borne And thoughe she do forget yet will I not forget the. Who so putteth his trust in me shall not be cōfounded The .l. Chapter The lorde god haths opened mine eare therfore can I not saye naye nor withdrawe my selfe but I offer my backe vnto the smiters and my chekes to the nippers I turne not my face from shame and spitting and the lord god shal helpe me therfore shall I not be confounded I haue herdened my face lyke a flynt stoone For I am sure that I shall not come to confusion The .lii. Chapter O Howe bewtifull are the feete of the ambassa doure that bryngethe the message from the mountaine and proclaimeth peace that bryngeth good tydynges and preacheth helthe and saythe vnto Syon thy god is the kynge The .liii. Chapter HE onely hath taken on hym our infirmities and borne our paines He was wounded for oure offences and smytten for oure wyckednes The chastement of our peace was laide vpon him and with his stripes we are healed The lord hath heaped together vpon hym the iniquite of vs all He suffred violence and was euell intreated and dyd not yet open his mouthe He shal be led as a shepe to be slaine yet shall he be as slyll as a lambe before the shearer and not open his mouthe He dyd neuer violēce nor vnright neither hath there bene anye disceatfulnes in his mouthe And he is ●ekened amonge the trangressons whych neuerthelesse hath taken away the synnes of the multitude and made intercession for the mysdoers The .iv. Chapter SEkethe Lorde while he may he founde and call vpon him while he is nie Let the vngodly man forsake his owne waye and the vnrightnouse his owne Imaginations and turne againe vnto the Lorde so shall he be merciful vnto him and to our God for he is very ready to forgiue The worde that commeth oute of my mouth shall not turne againe voide vnto me but shall accomplishe my will and prospere in the thynge whereto I sende it The .lvi. Chapter BLessed is he that taketh hede that he vnhallowe not the Saboth that is he that kepeth him selfe that he do none euil ¶ My house shall be called an house for all people The .lvii. Chapter THe wicked haue no peace saieth God The .lviii. Chapter CRye nowe as loude as thou canste leaue not of lift vp thy voice like a trumpet and shew my people their affences and the house of Iacob their sinnes Wherefore faste we saye they and thou seest it not we put oure liues to straitenes and thou regardeste it not Beholde when ye faste your iuste remaineth styl for ye do no lesse violence to youre detters loe ye faste to strife and debate and to smite with the fiste of wickednes Nowe ye shall not faste thus that you may make your voice be hearde aboue Thinke you this faste pleaseth me that a man should chasten him selfe for a day and to wreth his hand aboute like ahoke and to lye vpon the earth in an heary cloth Shoulde that be called faslinge or a daye that pleaseth the Lord Doeth not this fasling rather please me that thou lose him out of bondage that is in thy daunger that thou breake the othe of wicked bargaines that you let the oppressed go free and take from them all maner of burthene to deale thy breade to the hungry and bryng the poore wandryng home into thyne house when thou feest the naked that thou couer hym and not thy face from thy neyghboure The .lix. Chapter BEhold the Lordes hāde is not so shortened that it cannot helpe neither is his eare so stopped that it may not heare But your misdedes haue separated you from youre god and youre synnes hyde his face from you that he hearethe you not The .lxiiii. Chapter WE are all as an vncleane thyng and all our right cousnesse are as the clothes stayned with flowers of a woman we fal euery cheone as the leafe for oure synnes carye vs awaye lyke the wynde The .lxv. Chapter THus sayeth the Lorde God Beholde my seruauntes shall eate but ye shall haue hūger Beholde my seruauauntes shall drynke but ye shall suffre thyrste Behold my seruauntes shall be mery but ye shal be confounded Beholde my seruauntes shall reioyce for a verye quietnes of herte but ye shall crye for sorow of heart and cōplayne for vexacion of mynde The ixvi Chapter THus shall the hande of the Lorde be knowen amonge his seruauntes and his indignac●on amonge his enemies For behold the lord shall come with fyr● and his charet shal be sykes whyrlewynde that he maye recompence his vengeaunce in his wrathe and his indinguaciō with the flame of fyre for the lorde shall iudge all fleshe with
erroniouse worke and in the tyme of visitacion it shall perishe The lamentacion of Ieremye the fyrste Chapter IErusalem hath synned cure more more therfore is she come in decay All they that had her in honour despise her for they haue sene her fylthynes Yea she sigheth and is a shamed of her selfe O all ye that go fathy beholde and se yf there be anye sorowe lyke vnto myne wherewith the LORD hath troubled me in the daye of his fearefull wrathe The .iii. Chapter IT is of the lordes mercyes that we are not vtterly consumed The Lorde is my porcion sayeth my soule therfore will I hope in him O howe good is the lorde vnto them that put theyr trust in him and to the soule that seketh after hym O howe good is it for a man to take thy yoke vpon hym from his youth vp The Lorde will not forsake for euer but though he punishe yet accordyng to the multitude of his mercyes he receaueth to grace againe for he doth not plage and caste out the chyldren of men from his heart The .iiii. Chapter THe women whiche of nature are petyfull haue sodden theyr owne chyldren with theyr handes that they might be theyr meate in the miserable destruction of the doughter of my people The booke of the Prophete Ezechiel the .iii. Chapter THe house of Israell will not folowe the for they wyll not folowe me yea all the house of Israell haue styffe foreheades and harde heartes Y● I saye vnto the concernynge the vngodlye man that without doubte he must dye and thou geuest not hym warnynge nor speakest vnto him that he maye turne from his euell waye and so to lyue than shal the same vngodly manne dye in his owne vnrighteousenesse but his bloude wyll I require of thyne hande Neuerthelesse yf thou geue warn●nge vnto the wicked and yet he forsake not his vngodlynesse then shall he dye in his owne wyckednesse but thou haste discharged thy soule Nowe yf a righteous manne go from his righteousenesse and do the thynge that is euell I will laye a stumblynge blocke before hym and he shall dye because thou haste geuen hym warnynge yea dye shall he in his owne sinne so that the vertue that he didde before shall not be thoughte vpon but his bloude wyll I require of thyne hande Neuerthelesse yf thou exhortest the righteous that he synne not and so the righteous do no synne then shall he lyue because he hathe retryued thy warning and thou hast discharged thy soule .xxxiii. Ca. The .v. Chapter IN the Ierusalem the fathers shal be fayne to eate they owne sonnes and the sonnes theyr owne father● The .xi. Chapter THat stonye heart wyll I take out of your● bodye and geue you a fleshly herte that ye maye walke in my commaundementes and kepe my ordinaunces and do them that ye maych● my people and I your god The .xiii. Chapter WO be vnto you that sowe pyllours vnder all arme holes bolsters vnder the heades both of yonge and olde to catche soules withal For when ye haue gotten the soules of my people in your captiuite ye promise them ly●e and dishonoure me to my people for an handefull of barlye and for a piece of breade when ye kyll the soules of them that dye not and promyse lyfe to them ●hat lyue not Thus ye dissemble with my people that beleueth your lyes The .xvi. Chapter BEholde the synnes of Sodoma were these pryde fulnesse of meate aboundaunce of ydlenesse these thynges hadde she and her doughters besydes that they reached not theyr hande to the poore and nedye but were proude and did abhominable thynges before me and therfore I toke them awaye as pleased me The .xviii. Chapter THe fatherles haue eaten soure grapes and the chyldrens tethe are set on edge The soule that synneth shall dye Yf a manne be godly and do the thynge that is equall righte and lendeth nothyng vpon vsurye he taketh nothyng ouer this is a righteous man he shall surely lyue saythe the lorde God Yf he now get a sōne that is a murtherer or that lendeth vpon vsurye and taketh moreouer shall this man lyue● he shall not lyue The sonne shall not beare the fathers offence neither shall the father beare the sonnes offence the righteousnesse of the righteous shal be vpon hym and the wickednesse of the wicked shal be vpon hymselfe also Yf the vngodly will tourne awaye from all his synnes that he hath done and kepe all my cōmaundementes and do the thynge that is equall and right doubtles he shall lyue and not dye As for all his sinnes that he dyd before they shall not be thought vpon but in his righteousenesse that he hath done he shall lyue for haue I anye pleasure in the death of a synner sayeth the lorde god but rather that he conuert and lyue Agayne yf the righteous turne awaye from his righteousnesse and do iniquitie accordinge to al the abhominacions that the wycked manne doeth shal he lyue All the righteousnesse that he hath done shal not be thought vpon but in the fault that he hath offended withall and in the synne that he hathe doen he shal dye The .xxxiii. Chapter COme let vs heare what worde is gone forthe from the lorde These come vnto the after the maner of a great people yea as who saith they were my people they sit downe before the and heare thy wordes but they do not there after For in theyr mouthes they make a teste of them and theyr herte goeth after theyr owne couetous lucre and as a bailet that hath a swete tune and is pleasaunte to synge so shalte thou be vnto them thy wordes shall they heare but they wyll not do there after The .xxxiiii. Chapter WO be vnto the shepeheardes of Israell that fede themselues Should not the shepeheardes fede the flockes ye haue eaten vp the fat ye haue clothed you with the woll the best fedde haue ye slayne but the flocke haue ye not nourished The weake haue ye not holden vp the sirk● haue ye not healed the broken haue ye not bounde together the outcastes haue ye not broughte agayne the ioste haue ye not sought but churlyshelye and cruellye haue ye ruled them Thus are they scatered here there without a shepehearde Yea all the beastes of the fielde deuoure them and they go astraye c. The .xxxvi. Chapter I wyll take you from amonge the Heathen and gather you together out of al countreis and bryng you agayne into your own land Then wyll I poure cleane water vpon you and ye shall be cleane yea from all your vnclennes and from all youre ydols shall I clense you A newe harte also wyl I geue you a newe spirite wyll I put into you As for that stonye harte I wyl take it out of your body and geue you a fleshly hart I wil geue my sprite amonge you and cause you to walke in my commaundementes to kepe my lawes and to fulfyll them The .xxxvii. Chapter BEholde I wyll
open youre graues O my people and take you out of your sepulchres and brynge you into the lande of Israel againe So shall ye knowe that I am the lorde when I open your graues and bring you out of them My spirite also wyll I put in you and ye shall liue I wil se●te you agayne in youre owne lande and ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde whiche haue sayde it and fulfilled it in dede The .xliii. Chapter O Thou sonne of man this tome is my feate and the place of my foote steps where as I wyll dwell amonge the children of Israell for euermore The .xliiii. Chapter THey shall not shaue theyr heades nor nourishe the bushe of theyr heare but rounde theyr heades onely All the priestes that go into the inmoste courte shall drynke no wyne They shall mary no wydowe neyther one that is putte from her husband but a mayde of the scede of the house of Israel or a wydow that hath had a priest before The .xlv. Chapter VPon the .xiiii. daye of the fyrste moneth ye shall kepe Easter seuen dayes shall the feast continue wherein there shall no sowre nor leuended breade be eaten One sycle maketh twenty garres So .xx. sicles and .xxv. and .xv. sicles make a pounde The .xlvi. Chapter If the Prince geue a gifte vnto anye of his sonnes then shall it be his sonnes heritage perpetuall that he maye possesse it But yf he wyll geue one of his seruantes some of his heritage it shal be his vnto the fre yeare and then to returne agayne vnto the Prince for his heritage shall be his sonnes only The booke of the Prophete Daniel the .ii. Chapter ANd Daniel praysed the God of heauen Daniel also cryed loude and sayde O that the name of GOD myghte he praysed for euer and euer for wysedome and strengthe are his owne he chaungeth the times and ages he putteth downe kynges he setteth vp kynges he geueth wysedome vnto the wyse and vnderstandyng to those that vnderstande he openeth the depe secretes he knoweth the thyng that lyeth in darkenesse for the lyghte dwelleth with him The .iiii. Chapter WHerfore O kynge be contente with my coūsell that thou mayest redeme thy synnes with alinesse and thyne ▪ offences with mercye to poore people for this shal be an healyng of thyne erroure O kynge Nabuchodonozor to the it is spoken Thy kyngdome shall departe from thee thou shalte be caste out of mennes companye thy dwellynge shal be with the beastes of the fielde so that thou shalte eate grasse as an Oxe tyll seuen yeares be come and goen ouer thee euen vntyll thou knowest that the kygheste hathe power vpon the kyngdomes of men and that he maye geue them vnto whome it pleaseth hym The .v. Chapter MAne Thetell Phares Nowe the interpretacion of the thing is this Mane God hath noumbred the kingdome and broughte it to an ende Thetel thou arte wayed in the balaunce and arte founde to lighte Phares thy kingdome is delie in partes and geuen to the Medes and Parses The .vii. Chapter HE shal suddue three kinges and shall speake wordes againste the hyghest of all he shall destroye the sayntes of the mooste hyghest and thynke that he maye chaunge tymes and lawes They shall be geuen vnder his power vntyll a tyme two tymes and halfe a time But the iudgemente shall be kepte so that his power shal be taken from hym for he shall be destroyed and peryshe at the laste The .ix. Chapter I Turned me vnto my God the Lorde for to praye and make myne intercercession with fasting sackecloth and ashes We do not cast our prayers before thee in our owne righteousenesse no but onely in thy greate mercies The .xii. Chapter THere shall come a tyme of trouble suche as neuer was sence there began to be any people vnto the same tyme. Then shall thy people de delyuered yea al those that be founde wrytten in the booke Many of them that sleape in the duste of the earthe shall awake some to euerlastynge lyte some to perpertuall shame and reprofe the wyse suche as haue taught other shall glyster as the shynyng of heauen and those that haue instructe the multitude vnto godlynesse shal be as the sterres worlde without ende The .xiii. Chapter WEl it is better for me to fall into youre bandes with out the bede doyns then to synne in the syghte of the lorde ¶ The booke of the Prophete Oseas The fyrst Chapter GO thy waye take an harlotiets thy wyfs gette children by her The .ii. Chapter I Wyll haue mercy vpon her that was without mercy The .iiii. Chapter THe lorde must punyshe thē that dwell in the lāde And why there is no truthe there is no mercy there is no knowledge of god in the lande but see eating liynge manslaughter thefte and aduoutrye haue gotten the vpper hande and one gyltynesse foloweth another Therfore shal the lande be in a miserable case and all they that dwell therin shall be rooted out The beastes of the felde the foules of the ayre and the fyshes of the see shall dye My people peryshe because they haue no know ledge Whoredome wyne and dronckennesse taketh the herte awaye The .vi. Chapter I Haue pleasure in louynge kyndnes and not in offerynge yea in the knowledge of god more then in burnt sacrifice As the theues armed waite for him that passeth by the waye suche is the counsayle of the presses whiche with one agterd counsayle murther cruelly suche as keye the waye yea they dare do all vnspeakable myschefe The .x. Chapter SOwe vnto righteousnesse reape the frutes of weldoynge plowe vp youre freshe lande for it is tyme to seke the lorde tyll he come and raine righteousnesse vpon you but you haue plowed vngodlynesse ye haue reaped iniquitie you haue eaten the frute of lyes The .xii. Chapter Iacob toke his brother by the hele when he was yet in his mothers wombe and in his strength he wrestled with god he stroue with the aungell and gat the victory so that he prayde and desired him The .xiii. Chapter O Israell thine iniquitie hath destroyed the. but in me onely is thy helpe O deathe I wyll be thy deathe O hell I wyl be thy slinge The .xiiii. Chapter THe wayes of the lorde are righteous suche as be godlye wyll walke in them As for the wycked they wyll stomble therin ¶ The booke of the Prophete Ioel The first Chapter WAke vp ye dronkardes and wepe mourne all ye wyne suppere because of your swet wyne for it shal be taken awaye from youre mouthe Gyrde you and mourne O ye prestes mourne ye ministers of the aultar go your waye in and sleape in sackeclothe proclayme a faslyng cal the congregacyon gather the elders and all the inhabytoure of the lande together in to the house of the lorde youre god crye vnto the lord alas alas for this daye And why the daye of the lorde is at hande and cometh as a destroyer from the almyghtye The .ii.
peoples trouble but afterwarde shall it enioye the welthe of them And lyke as it is now forsakē in the wrathe of almightie god so when the greate god is reconciled it shal be set vp in hye worship agayne The .vi. Chapter WHen god suffereth not synners longe to folowe theyr owne mynde but shortelye punishe them it is a token of his greate louyng kindnesse For this grace haue we of god more then other people that he suffereth not vs longe to synne vnpunished lyke as other nacions that when the daye of iudgement commeth he maye punishe them in the fulnes of theyr synnes Yf we synne he correcteth vs but he neuer withdraweth his mercye from vs and thought he punishe with aduersitie yet dueth he neuer forsake his people The .viii. Chapter FOr they sayde Iudas Machabeus truste in theyr weapons and boldnes but ours confidence is in the almightie lorde which in the twincling of an eye maye bothe destroye them that come agaynste vs and all the worlde The .xii. Chapter Iudas gathered of euery one a certayne in so muche that he broughte together two M. dragmars of siluer whiche he sente vnto Ierusalem that there might a sacrifice be offered for the misdede In the place whiche he did well and right for he had some consideration and pondring of the lyfe that is after this tyme. For yf he had not thought that they whiche were flayne did not liue it had bene superfluous and vayne to make any vowe or sacrifice for them that were deade But forasmuche as he sawe that they whiche dye in the fauour and belefe of god are in good rest and ioye he thought it to be good and honorable for a reconcilinge to do the same for those whiche were slayne that the offence mighte be forgeuen The .xv. Chapter THis is he that prayeth muche for the people for all the holy citie Ieremy the Prophet of God And Machabeus helde vp his handes towarde heauen callyng vpon the Lord that doth wonders which geueth not the victorie after the multitude of the weapōs and power of the hoost but to them that please hym accordyng to his owne wyll The Nycanor and they that were with him drewe nye with shaumes and sōges But Iudas and his companie with prayer and callyng vpon god with theyr handes they smote but with their hartes they prayed vnto the Lorde and slewe no lesse then .xxxv. M. men Finis ¶ Here endeth the olde Testamente The Table of the olde Testament A ABram is commaunded to depart his countrey Gen .xii. Abram is blessed gen .xiiii. Abram doth rescue Lot gene .xiiii. Abrā payeth tithes ge .xiiij. Abram will be onelye enryched of god gen .xiiii Abrams sede is likened vn o the starres gen .xv. xxii Abrams fayth dothe iustifye hym gene .xv. Abrams name is chaunged gene .xvii The significacion of Abraham gene .xvii. Abraham did laugh gene .xxii. Abraham sawe thre and worshipped one ge 18. Abraham laye not thy hande vpon the chylde Gene .xxii. In Abrahams sede shall the nations of the world be blessed gene .xxii. xxvi Abraham wepte for Sara gene .xxiii. Abrahams yeares gene .xxv. Abhominacions that man shoulde were womans clothyng deutro .xxii. Abimeleche sowde salte thorow out Sichem iudge it Absolons bewtie and the weigthe of the heare of his heade .ii. Reg .xiiii. Achabs penaunce .iii. Reg .xxi. Adam a gardener gene ii Adam is forbodden to eate of the tree of knowelege of good and euell gene .ii. Adam where arte thou gene .iii. Adams and Eues excuse Gene .iii. Adams curse Gene .iii. Aduonterers punishment death Gene .xx. Leui .xx. Deu .xxii. Adonibezek Iudg .i. Aduersitie proueth a frende Prou. xvii Aduersitie trieth men Sirac .ii. xii Adde nothinge to the worde of God Prou. xxx Age hath vnderstandinge Iob .xii. Age of man Psal .xc. Againste inticers Deu. xiii Age is honourable Wised iiii Age standeth not in the multitude of yeares Wisedome iiii Ahitophels counsell ii Reg. xvi Ahud thrust his dagger in kyng Eglons belly Iudges .iii. Almesse and mercy redeme synne Daniel .iiii. Aungels do offer our good workes vnto god Tobi. xii Aungels foode is snuisible Tobi .xii. A●techrist and the tyme of his enduraunce Danyel .vii. Arke of god Exo .xxv. Aarons rodde Exod .vii. Nume .xvii. Aaron and his apparell Exod .xxix. Aaron is annoynted Exod .xxix. Aarons deathe was mourned .xxx. dayes Nume .xx. Aarons yeares Nume .xxiii. Asas crye vnto the Lorde .ii. of the Chroni .xiiii. Assyrians are destroyde by the aungel .iiii. Reg. ix Esaye .xxxvii. Ashes Psal .cviii. Assur the buylder of Niniue Gene .x. B Babel Gene .xi. Babling bredeth offence Proue .x. Balaunces and true weightes Leui. xixx Bankettes Pro. xi Balams asse doeth speake Num .xxii. Be not ouer wyse Preach .ix. Be familier with thy equall Sirach .xiii. Beginninge of sinne Sirach .xxv. Beginninge of pride Sirach .x. Bethlehem Miche .iiii. Beautifulnes of women Sirach .ix. Blessed men Psal .i. xxxii xli xciiii cvi cxix Esai .lvi. Ieremie .xvii. Baruc .vi. Beggers Deu. xv Beactes suffered to be eaten Leui .xi. Bezabeel a fiue worekeman Exo .xxxi. Blasphemers of God Leui .xxiiii. Blockes to stumble at Leui. xix Bloud is not to be eaten Gen .ix. Le .vii. xvii Bondage of Israel Exo .l. Body that is hanged shal not remaine al night v. vpon the tree Deut .xxi. Breade from heauen Exo .xxvi. Breade howed and commen .i. Reg .xxi. Breathe of life Gen .ii. Breathe of the lorde Esay .xxx. Brawling wife Pro .xix. Breade of teares Psal ixxx Bring not thy seruaunt vp delicately Pro .xxix. Brother muste mary his brothers wife if he dye without issue Deu. xxv Burning bushe Exod .iii. Byrth of Esau and Iacob Gene .xxv. C. Cains oblacion Gene .iiii. Cain murdereth his brother gene .iiii. Cain is cursed gene .iiii. Cains desperacion gene .iiii. Caruer of Idols deut xiiiii Casters of Idols Iere. xv Cattell for offringes Leui .i. Cherubines two Exo. xxv Chenaniahu master of musike .i. Chro. xv Christ offred hymselfe to be tormented Esa .xv. Christ rideth vpon an asse zacha .ix. Christ suffered for our sinnes Esay .liii. Circumcision and the institution therof ge .xvii. Circumcision and the tyme therof gene .xvii. Circumcision of Abram gene .xvii. Circumcision of the hart Iere .iiii. Cites through the prayers of good mē are saued gene .xix. Confusion of language gene xi Consider the ende of thynges preac .vii. Conscience wounded or vexed wised .xvii. Complaynt of the poore Syrac .iiii. Counselers and how many suffise Syrach .vi. Couetous man sirach .x. Good counsayle pro .xi. Couetousnes in all kyndes of men Iere .vi. Cluster of grapes nume .xiii. Creacion of heauen and earth gene .i. Creacion of man and woman gene .i. Custome of mariage gen .xxix. Cucumbers and melons nume .xi. Curse nor smyte not thy father Exo .xxi. Cursed is he that maketh ydolles wised .xiiii. Curiositie in goddes workes is forboden syra iii D Dayes of man gene .vi. Dayes are not lyke syrach .xxxiii. Dauid with his harpe draue awaye
the euell spirite i. of the kinges .xvi. Dauid faying to Goliah .i. of the kinges .xvii. Dauid wolde not laye his handes vpon kynge Saule .i. of the kinges .xxiiii. Dauid did fast wepe for his childes life 2. Re. 12. Dauides answere to Gad the prophete .ii. of the kynges .xxiiii. Dauid dyd not buylde goddes temple and why .i. of the Chroni xxi Dauides desyre psal .xxvii. xxviii Death in the yot .iiii. of the kinges .iiii. Death and lyfe in the tonge prouer .xviii. Death came by the deuell wysd .i. Deathe is bothe bytter and swete Syrach .xli. Deade men knowe nothinge Preacher .ix. Deade men shall rise Esay .xxvi. Eze. 37. Da .xii. Dedication of the auleer machs .iiii. Deformite of bodye letteth a man to be a prieste Leui .xxi. Deuorcement Deute .xxi. Dina is inforced Gene .xxxiiii. Disobedient chylde Deute .xxi. Discrete seruaunt Syrach .vii. Dyet prolongeth lyfe Syrach .xxxvii. Doue Gene .viii. Do good to the deade Syrach .vii. Doeg at Sauls commaundement slewe .lx. priestes .i. of the kynges .xxii. Domes daye .iiii. of Esoras .vii. Esay .xiii. Daniel xii Ioel .iiii. Sopho .i. zacha .xiiii. mala .iii. iiii Doctrineis lyfe Prouer .iiii. Dreames Syrach .xxxiiii. Drockennes Esa .v. Dronckardes Ioel .i. Nahum .i. E Earthe Gene .i. Earthe was corrupte Gene .vi. Earthe shal be no more destroyed with water ge .ix. Eate for necessitie and not for lust preacher .x. Egiptians eate not with the Hebrues gene .xliii. Ely fell backwarde and brake his necke .i. Re .iiii. Elyas fast .iii. Reg .xiiii. Elyas shall appeare before vomes daye mala .iiii. Elyas deuided the water with his mantell .iiii. of the kyng .ii. Eliseus sepulchre .iiii. of the kyng .xiii. Enoch Syrach .xlix. Eldest chylde must haue double porcion Deu .xxi Entycers of maydens Exo .xxii. Eye of the Lorde psal .xxxiii. xxxiiii Easter continued .vii. dayes and of the breade that was eaten Ezech .xlv. Esau doth sel his byrthright gene .xxv Euery man shoulde be LORDE in his owns house Esther .i. Euery man shall beare his own offences eze .xviii Euery mā deceiueth god in payng of tithes ma .iii Excesse of wine Syrach .xxxi. xxxvii F. Faythfull frende Syrach .vi. Fall into the handes of god Sirach .ii. Faythfull seruaunt Syrach .xxxiii. False witnesse Deut .xix. False tongue and the rewarde therof psalm .cxx. Fastyng of the euyll is reproued Psalm .lxix. Fast for synnes Syrach .xxxiiii. Fastyng that pleaseth displeaseth god esai iviii Fielde must not be sowen with diuerse sede Leui .xix Fede thyne enemye prouer .xxv Feare of God Psal .cxi. Prouer .i. Syrac .xi. Feare thy kynge Prouer .xx. Feete of the Ambassadours Esay .lii. Fyre must burne continually vpon the aulter le .vi Fyre shall go before god at the later daye Psal .l. xcvii Esay .lxvi. Ioel .ii. Fyre of hell Esay .xxx. Fyer of the wicked shall not quenche Esa .lxvi. Fynger of god Exo .viii. Fyrste borne of all thynges is goddes Exo .xiii. nume .iii. xviii Fy●●● serpentes nume .xxii. Flying booke zachari .v. Foure strong thynges .iii. Esdras .iii. Foure thynges saye neuer hoo pro .xxx. Foure thynges that passe mans capacitie pro .xxx Foure thynges that disquiet the earth pro .xxx. Foure thynges to be feared syrach .xxvi Foure fastes zachari .viii. Fornicacion with stones Iere .iii. Frewill syrach .xv. G Gathering of grapes Leui .xix. Gedeon and the number of his sonnes Iudi .viii. Geue to the poore pro .xxviii. Gelousy Syrach .xxvi. Geue not thy goodes to another sirach .xxxiii Gyft of a prince geuen to his sonne or to his seruauntes sonne Eze .xlvi. Giftes blynde men Exo .xxiii. Deu .xvi. syrac .xii. God repenteth that he made man gene .vi. God doth not repent nume .xxiii. God will no more curse the grounde gene .viii. God sweareth by hymselfe gene .xxii. Esa .xlv. God blesseth Iacob and the cause why gen .xxvi. God dothe holde Pharos harte Exo .iiii. God kepte Pharo and why Exo .ix. God is a gelouse god Exo .xx. God dothe visite synne vnto the thyrde and the fourthe generacion Exo .xx. nume .xiiii. God is full of mercy nume .xiiii. iiii Esd .vii. God of the aulter is the priestes enheri nu .xviii. God hardened kyng Sehons harte Deut .ii. God is nye vnto vs in all thynges Deut .iiii. God must be beloued and howe Deut .vi. God rewardeth those that hate hym and howe Deut .vii. God and what he requireth of manne Deut .x. Miche .vi. God is a mighty lorde of power .i. Reg .ii. God beholdeth the harte .i. Reg .xvi. God at seasons doth sende euen spirites to men .l. Reg .xvi. God hath no pleasure in oure damnacion tobi .iii. God teacheth those that feare hym and what Psalme .xxv. God destroyeth the counsellers of princes ps 33. God is with the contrite psal .xxxiiii. God shall neuer fayle Psal C .ii. God hath a respecte vnto the lowly psa .xiii. viii God is euery where Psal Cxxxix God deliteth in those he chastneth prouer .iii. God hath a respecte vnto the thankefull syrac .iii. God is mercifull and wrathfull syrach .v. God heareth vs not and why Esay .lix. God doth not forsake his people for euer Lamen .iii. ii Macha .vi. God is the geuer of kyngdomes Danyel .iiii. God is a strong holde Naum .i. God loued Iacob and hated Esau Mala .i. God will beare witnesse agaynste the wicked Malachy .ii. God suffreth not his people to be longe vnpunisshed .ii. Machab .vi. God geueth the victorye accordynge to his owne wyll .ii. Macha .xv. Goddes commaundementes Exo .xx. Goddes commaundementes muste euery where bespoken of Deut .vi. Goddes manifold blessinges deut .vii. Goddes curse is on those that are hanged Deut .xxi. Goddes mercies are passing great .i. Cro .xxi. Gods pleasure is in the humble and meke Iu .ix. Gods bowe and arrowes are ready Psal .vii. Gods iudgementes are true psalm .xix. Gods visitacion psal .lxxxix. Gods mercy shall endure for euer psalm .ciii. Gods mercy excedeth his workes psa .cxlv. Gods delite and pleasure in whom psalme .xlvii Gods seruauntes shall prosper Esa .lxv. Gods repentaunce Iere .xviii. Gods might and power Dany .ii. Gods delite miche .vii. Good workes receaue rewarde .iiii. Esdras .viii. Good workes psal .cxi. Goodes vaynely gotten Prouer .xiii. Good wyfe pro .xviii. Good name preach .vii. syrac .xli. H. Habelles oblacion and death gene .iiii. Hande of god .i. Esd .viii. Ham the father of Canaan gene .ix. Hagars sonne begynge bonde cannot be heyre with Isaac gen .xxi. Hanon mysusyng Dauids seruauntes .ii. of the kinges .x. Happye is the man whome god punisheth Iob .v. Happye is he that is not borne preach .iiii. Henoche gene .v. Helpe thy enemy Ex .xxiii. He that goeth out of his sanctuary maye be slayne Nume .xxv. Heare the poore as well as the ryche Deut .i. He that wyll not heare the Prieste and the iudge shall dye deut .xvii. Hezekia destroyed the brasen serpent iiii Re. xviii Hezekias prayer .iiii. Reg .xx. Esa .xxxviii. Hezekias life is prolonged .iiii. Re .xx. He that iustifieth himselfe condemneth hymselfe
Iob .ix. Heauens are not cleane in gods sight Iob .xv. Heuinesse syrach .xxx. He that wyll not heare shall not be hearde za .vii. Hyered seruauntes muste dayelye be payde theyr wages To .iiii. Hyde not thy synnes prouer .xxviii. Honour thy mother To .iiii. Hoorders of corne prouer .xi. Honour thy father and howe syrach .iii. Howe a man shall vse hymselfe with a manne of might syrach .xiii Howe we shall fynde grace in the sight of god Syrach .xviii. Howe Elephantes maye be prouoked to fighte Macha vi Hunger of the worde of god Amos .viii. I. Iabell gene .iiii. Iacob and it significacion gen xxvii Iacob wrestleth with an aungell gene .xxxii. Iacobs dreame gene .xxviii. Iacobs dowe gen .xxviii. Iacobs loue to Rahell gene .xxix. Iacobs pollici gene .xxx. Iacobs humilitie gene .xxxii. Iacobs name is chaunged gene .xxxii. Iacob blesseth his chyldren gene .xlviii. Iacob helde Esau by the hele and what it meaneth .iiii. E. dras .vi Ose .xii. Iacob was troden vnder foote and why esa xiii Iabel slewe Sychara Iudg .iiii. I am that I am Exo iii. Ieremye was sanctifyed in his mothers wombe Ieremye .i. Ieremye prayeth for the people .ii. Mach .xv. Ieroboams hande .iii. Reg .xiii. Images grauen Deut .iiii. Innocent bloude cryeth vnto god gene .iiii. Imaginacion of man gene .viii. Innocente tongue Prouer .x. Iniquitie shall haue the vpper hande .iiii. Esd .v. Inheritaunce and to whome it shall descende for sacke of heyres nume .xxvii. Ioseph the dremer gene .xxvii. Iosephs fidelitie to his master gene .xxxix. Ioseph be mourneth his father gene .xlix. Ioseph commaunded that his father shoulde be enbaumed gene .l. Ioseph commaunded his bones to be taken out of Egipte gene l Iohn the Baptiste Esay .xl. Iosua fighteth agaynst Amalech Exo xvil Iosua as long as Moses helde vp his handes gat the victory Exo .xvii. Iosuas yeares Iosu .xxiiii. Ionathas bewe .ii. Reg .i. Ionas is caste into the sea Ionas .i. Ionas was .iii. dayes in the fishes bellye Iona .ii. Israell robbeth the Egiptians Exod .iii. Israelites neuer iourneye but at goddes commaundement nume .ix. Israell knoweth not god Esaye .i. Israel is s●yffe harted Ezechi .iii. Iust man lyueth be his faythe Aba .ii. Iudith fasted all he lyfe Iudith .viii. K. Keke thy mouth and keps thy lyfe prouer .xiii. Kepe thy owne counsell syra .xxxvii. Keye of the house of Dauid Esa .xxii. kyng O● and his bed of yron Deut .iii. kyng Dauids reigne .ii. Reg .v. kynges shoulde be wyse and learned Psal .ii. kynges displeature prouer .xvi. kynges harte prouer .xxi. kynges shoulde drinke no wyne proue .xxxi. kyng Zedechias eyes are put out Ieremi .xxxix. kynge Nabuchodonozor Dan .iiij. kynge Antiochus .ii. Macha .v. knowledge of wysedome prouer .xxiiii. knowledge engendereth care Preach .i. L Laban and his two wyues gene .xxix. Lamech and his two wyues gene .iiii. Lawe of god shoulde be soughte at the Priestes mouthe Mala .ii. Leper must be presented to the priest leui .xiii. Leper must dwell alone leui .xiii. Leper and howe the house that is infected with the Leper must be ordered leui .xiiii. Lefte handed men maruelous slyngers i●dg .xx. Lende vnto the poore Deut .xv. Lende not to the mightie syrach .viii. Leuites are goddes nume .iii. Liberalitie bryngeth plenty prouer .xi. Liberalitie bryngeth a man to honoure pro .xviii. Lyers with beastes Exo .xxii. leui .xviii. xx Lye with mankinde leui .xviii. Lyfe of man is but wynde Iob .vii. Lyfe of man is full of misery Iob .xiiii. Lyfe vncorrupt wisd .vi. Lyghtes two gene .i. Lyppes of a staunderer prouer .iiii. Lyppes of a harlot prouer .iiii. Let is taken prisoner and reskued gene xiii Lot receyued aungels gene ix Lot offereth his two doughte is to the Sodomites gene .xix. Loties wyfe gene .xix. Lottes psal .xxii. Louers of moneye preacher .v. Luci●er and his fall Esay .xiiii. M. Man hath the dominion of all thynges gene .i. Man is shaped of dust gene .ii. Iob .x. Man gaue euery beast his name gene .ii. Manne to be ioyned to his wyfe shall leaue father and mother gene .ii. Man hath the rule of the woman gene .iii. Man shall returne into duste gene .iii. Man mare rule synne gene .iiii. Man that gatherd stickes vpon the saboth day nu xxv Man ●yueth by the worde of god Deut .ii. Man that is fearefull or betrout hed to a wyfe shall not go to battayle Deut .xx. xxiiii Man with xxiiii fyngers and toes i. Chro .xx. Man neuer continueth in one slate Iob .xiiii. Man at the later daye shall receaue his bodye agayne Iob .xix. Man in the sighte of god is vncleane Iob .xxv. Man caryeth nothynge of his ryches with hym Iob .xxvii. Man hath all thynge in subiection psall .viii. Man shall he recompenst and how psal .xviii. Man is altogether vanitie psa .xxxix. Man is conceaued in synne psalm .li. Manne fadeth awaye lyke grasse Syrach .xiiii. Esaye .xiiii. Man hath frewyll syrach .xv. Man shall be knowen be his face syrach .xix. Man cannot rule hymselfe Iere .x. Man of Inde Ieremy .xiii. Mannes meate Mannes dayes are appoynted Iob .xiiii. Mans tyme commeth sodenly prea .ix. Malice of man gene .vi. Mandragora gene .xxx. Manna his tast and lykenes Exo .xvi. Nu .xi. Manna was eaten .xl. yeares Exo .xvi. Manna ceased Iosue .v. Manasses returned agayn to Ierusalē .ii. Cro. 33 Mary thy daughter syrach .vii. Makers of vnrighteous lawes Esay .x. Meke spirited psal .xxxvii. Mane Thetell Phares Daniel .v. Melchisedech the hye priest gene .xiiii. Many be created and fewe preserued .iiii. Es viii Mercy delyuereth from death Tob .iiii. xii Mercy and faythfulnes muste be wrytten in mās heart pro .iii. Men vnmete for the warres macha .iii Mynstrell .iiii. Reg .iii. Mont syon Aba .i. Moses and why he was so called Exo .ii. Moses brake the tables Erod .xxxii. Moses prayeth for the people Exo .xxxii. Moses fasted .xl. dayes and .xl. nightes ex 34. de 9 Moses full of mekenes Nume .xii. Moses with his rod smote the rocke Nume .xx. Moses yeares Deut .xxxiiii. Murder requireth murder Exod .xxi. Musyke garuisheth the feaste Syra xxxii N. Nadab and Abihu for censynge before the Lorde were consumed with fyre Leui .x. Nahas aunswer to the menne of Iabes .i. of the kyng .xi. Nathans aunswer to Dauid .ii. of the kynges .xii. Naked we came and naked we shall departe Iob .i. Preach .v. Name of god prouer .xviii. Newe frendes syrach .ix. Names of Christe Esaye .ix. Nimrod a mightye hunter gene .x. Niniuites and theyr repentaunce Ionas .ii. Noah and his three sonnes gene .vi. Noah was a husbande man gene .ix. Noah planted wynes gene .ix. Noah was dronken gene .ix. Noah two sonnes couerd his priuities gene .ix. No man maye se god and lyue Exo .xxxiii. No man shoulde be compelde to drynke Esther .i. None good on the earthe Myche .vii. Nothyng can be hidden from god Amos .ix. Number of all those that came with Iacob into Egipte gene .xlvi. Number of the Israelites that went to the wattes
doeth hate zacha .viii. Thought of man Sirach .xxvii. Thirty siluer pence zacha .xi. Thubal Gene .iiii. Thuball Cain Gene iiii Tithes Leui .xxviii. ii of Esdras .xii. Cobi .i. Sirach .vii. xxv Tithes are the priestes enheritaunce Nu .xviii. Tobias exercised him selfe in the worckes of mercye Tob .i. Tobias was tempted with blyndnesse Tob .ii. Tothe for to the. Leui .xxiiii. Towre of Babilone Gene .xi. Tree of lyfe Gene .ii. Trespace that can not be restored shal be the preistes Nume .iii. Trouble is necessary Psal .cxix. Truste nother in bowe nor swearde but in God Psalme .xliiii. Trust in god and not in princes psal .cxviii. cxlvi Truste in no liynge wordes Iere .vii. Truthe wyll not be hard Amos .v. Truthe of all thinges is most strongest .iii. of Esdras .iiii. Truthe is fled awaye .iiii. of Esdras .xiiii. Thinges impossible .iiii. of Esdras .iiii. v. Tunicle with his ornamentes Exo .xxviii. Turne not thy face from the poore Tob .iiii. Two parlous thinges Syrac .xxvi. V. W. Vayle of the temple Exo .xxvi. Vertuous woman Syrac .xxxvi. Vineyarde Esay .v. Virgine shall beare a sonne Esay .vii. Vnrighteous buylders Iere .xxii. Victory standeth not in the multitude Macha 3. Vowe of abstinence Nume .xvi. Vowe vnto god and fulfyll it Nume .xxx. Deut. xxiii Psalme .l. lxvi lxxvi Preacher .v. Voyce is Iacobs Gene .xxvii. Vsury Exo .xxii. Leui .xxv. Deute .xxiii. ii of Esdras .v. Psal .xv. Prouer .xxviii. Eze .xviii. Vsury and what it is Eze .xviii. Vrias answer to Dauid .ii. of the Kynges .xi. Vza for touchynge of the arcke is punyshed Lof the Kinges .vi. ●●…id is smytten with the leper ii of the Chro. 26. Walke vpon a staffe Exo .xxi. Walke with the vertuous Prouer .ii. Waters the heith countenaunce of them ge 7. Waters of Mara were bytter Exo .xv. Water of strife Nume .xx. Well doynge hath 〈◊〉 rewarde Gene .iiii. Wemen delyuered howe longe they are vnclene Leui .xii. Wemen are the destruction of kinges Prou .xviii. Wemen eate their owne children Lamen 4. eze 5. Wepe for the deade Syra .xxii. xxxviii We are all vnclene Esay .lxiiii. Weye thy wordes Syrac .xxviii. Weyghtes and measures Deute .xxv. Miche .vi. Wycked men desyre not to knowe goddes wayes Iob .xxi. Wycked mens portion Psalm .xl. Wycked kinges Prouer .xvi. Wyne breade and oyle Psalm .ciiii. Wyne and stronge dryncke Prouer .xix. Wyne byteth lyke a serpent Prouer .xxiii. Wyne and wemenne Syrach ▪ xix Wyne temperately droncken Syrach .xxxi. What we oughte to do when oure neyghboure● oxe or shepe do straye Deute xxii What they be vpon whom the deuel hath powre Tobias .vi. What is wysdome Wysdom .vii. Wysdome and the chefe point therof Prouer .iiii. Wysdom engendreth trauayle Preacher .i. Wysdom hyd and treasure hoorded Syrach .xx. Whore and whore kepers are forbodden Deu. 22. Wyfe that is deuorced maye mary another Deu. terono .xxiiii. Whose shall the fyrste place be in the resurrection iiii Esdras .ii. Who can withstande gods wrathe Iob .ix. Who shall ascende into the hyll of the lorde Psal .xxiiii. Esay .xxxiii. Whoredome of wemen syrach .xxvi. Wyshe the kynge no euell preach .x. Women must frely consent to mariage gen .xxiiii. Womans curse gene .iii. Vngodly persons do sone vanyshe away ps 37.91 Worde of god a lanterne of lyght psal .cxix. Worde of god healeth all thynge wysd .xvi. Word of god shall not returne voyde Esay .lv. Worde of god is compared to fyre Iere .xxiii. Worde of god is heard but not folowed eze .xxxiii Wordes of slaunderers prouer .xviii. Workes shal be rewarded prouer .xii. Workers with spirites Leui .xii. Wrest not the law Deut .xvi. Wrathe of a woman syrach xxv Worme of conscience shall not dye Esa .lxvi. Y Yeare of Iubelye Leui xxv Yoke of god Lame .iii. Z Zachary is stoned to death .ii. Chro .xxiiii. ¶ The ende of the Table ¶ The gospel of S. Matthew the first Chapter ALl the generacions of Abraham to Dauid are .xiiii. generacions And from Dauid vnto the captiuitie of Babilon are .xiiii. generacions And from the captiuitie of Babilon vnto Christ are also xiiii generacions The byrthe of Iesus Christe was on this wise when his mother Mary was betrouthed to Ioseph before they came to dwell together she was founde with chylde by the holy ghoste Then Ioseph her husbande beynge a perfecte manne and lothe to make an ensample of her was mynded to put her awaye secretely Whyle he thus thought beholde the angel of the Lorde appeared vnto hym in a dreme saying● Ioseph the sonne of Dauid feare not to take vnto thee Mary thy wyfe For that whiche is conceaued in her is of the holy ghost She shal bring forth a sonne and thou shalt call his name Iesus For he shall saue his people from theyr sunnes And Ioseph as sone as he awoke out of slepe dyd as the aungell of the lorde bad hym and toke his wyfe vnto hym and knewe her not tyl she had broughte forthe her firste sonne called his name Iesus The .ii. Chapter WHen Iesus was borne at Bethleem in Iury in the tyme of Herode the kyng Behold there came wyse men from the East to Ierusalem saying where is he that is borne kyng of Iewes 〈◊〉 we haue sene his starre in the East and are come to worship him When they hadde hearde the king they departed and so the starre which they sawe in the Easte Went before them tyll it came and stode ouer the place where the chylde was When they sawe the starre they were meruelously glad and went in to the house and founde the chylde with Marye his mother kneled downe and worshypped him and opened their treasures and offered vnto hym gyftes golde franckensence and myrte The .iii. Chapter IN those dayes Iohn the Baptiste came and preached in the wyldernes of Iury sayenges Repent the kyngdome of heauen is at hande Bringe forth therfore the frutes belongynge is repentaunce And se that ye ones thynke not to saye in youre selues we haue Abraham to our father For I saye vnto you that god is able of the stones to raise vp children vnto Abraham Euen nowe is the axe put vnto the rote of the tree so that euery tree whiche bryngeth not forth good frute is hewen downe and caste in to the fyre The .iiii. Chapter IT is wrytten man shall not lyue by breede onelys but by euer ye worde that procedeth out of the mouth of god Thou shalte worshippe the lorde thy god and him onely serue The people which sat in darcknes sawe gre●t lyghte and to them whiche sat in the region and shadowe of deathe lyght is be gonne to shyne From that time Iesus beganne to preache and to saye Repent for the kingdome of heauen is 〈◊〉 hande He saide vnto Peter and Andrewe folowe me and I wyll make you fyshers of menne And they freyghte waye lefte theyr nettes and folowed hym And he went forthe frome thence and sawe other two bretherne Iames the sonne of Zebede and Iohn his brother
be great among you shal be your minister And whosoeuer wyll be maister shal be seruaunt vnto all For euen the sonne of man came not to be ministred vnto but to minister and to geue his life for the redempcion of many The .xi. Chapter And Iesus went into the temple and beg●● to caste out the sellers and byers in the tēple and ouerthrewe the tables of the money cha●gers and the stooles of them that sold doues and wolde not suffer that any manne caryed a vessell through the temple And he taught saying vnto them is it not written my house shal be called the house of prayer vnto all natiōs ▪ but ye haue made it a den of theues Verely I saye vnto you that whosoeuer shal saye vnto this mountayne take awaye thy selfe and caste thy selfe into the sea and shall not waue● in his harte but shall beleue those thynges which he sayeth shall come to passe what soeuer he sayth shall be done to him Therfore I saye vnto you what soeuer ye desire when ye praye beleue that ye shall haue it and it shal be done vnto you When ye stand and praye forgeue yf ye haue any thinge agaynst any manne that youre father also whiche is in heauen maye forgeue you youre trespaces The .xii. Chapter MAyster we knowe that thou arte true and carest for no man for thou consydreste not the degree of men but teachest the waye of GOD truely Geue to Cesar that whiche belongeth to Cesar and to god that whiche pertayneth to god Moses wrote yf a mans brother dye and leue his wyfe behinde hym and leue no chyldren that then his brother shulde take his wife and reyle v● seed vnto his brother When men shall ryse agayne from death they neyther mary nor are maryed but are as the aungels whiche are in heauen God is not the god of the deade but the god of the lyuyng Thou shalte loue the LORDE thy God with all thy hearte and with all thy soule and with all thy mynde and with all thy strength this is the firste commaundement And the seconde is like to this Thou shalte loue thy neyghboure as thy selfe There is none other commaundements greater then these Beware of the Seribes whiche loue to go in longe clothinge and loue salutacions in the market places and the chiefe feates in the synagoges and to sit in the vppermoste tounes and feastes and deuoute widdowes houses and that vnder a coloure of longe praying These shal receyue greater damnacion Uerelye I saye vnto you that this poore wyddowe hath caste more in then all they whiche haue caste into the treasure for they all dyd caste in of their superfluitie but she of her pouertie did cast in all that she had euen all her liuing The .xiii. Chapter THey shall bryng you vp to the counsels and into the Synagoges and ye shall be beaten ye and shal be brought before rulers and kynges for my sake for a testimoniall vnto them But when they leade you and presente you take no thoughte afore hande what ye shall saye neither ymagin nothinge But whatsoeuer is gyuen you at the same tyme that speake For it shall not be ye that shall speake but the holys Ghoste Whosoeuer shall endure vnto the ende the same shal be safe Yf any man saye vnto you lo here is Christe to he is there beleue not for false Christes shall tyse and false prophetes and shal shewe myracle● and wonders to deceyue yf it were possible euen the electe But take ye hede beholde I haue shewed on all thynges before Then shall they see the sonne of manne commynge in the cloudes with greate power and glotye And then shall he sende his auggels and shall gather together his electe from the foure wyndee and from the one ende of the worlde to the other Heauen and earth shall passe but my wordes shall not passe But of that daye and the houre knoweth no man no not the angels whiche are in heauen neither the sonne himselfe saue the father onely Take heede for ye knowe not when the tyme is Watche therfore for ye knowe not when the mayster of the house wyll come whether at euen or at mydnyghte whether at the cocke crowyng or in the dawnynge leatle if he come sodenlye he shoulde fynde you slepyng And that I say vnto you I saye vnto all men watthe The .xiiii. Chapter WHen he was in Bethania in the house of Symon the Leper euen as he sate at meat there came a womanne hauynge an albiastee bore of oyntmente called Narde that was pure and costlye and she brake the boxe and powred it on his head And there were some that were not content in them selues and sayd what neded this waste of oyntmente for it myght haue been solde for more then three hundred pence and been geuen to the poore And they grudged agaynste her And Iesus sayde lette her be in rest why trouble ye her she hathe done a good worke on me For ye shall haue poore with you alwayes and when soeuer ye wyll ye may doe them good but me ye shall not haue alwayes She hath done that she coulde she came afore hand to ancynt my body to his burying warde Werelye I saye vnto you wheresoeuer this gospell shall be preached throughout the whose worlde this also that she hathe done shal be rehearsed in remembraunce of her The sonne of man goeth as it is written of hym but wo be to that man by whom the sonne of man is betrayed good were it for hym if that man had neuer bene borne And as they are Iesus toke breade blessed and brake it and gaue to them and sayd take eate this is my body And he toke the cuppe gaue thākes and gaue it to them and they all dranke of it and he sayde vnto them This is my bloude of the newe testamente whiche is shed for many Symon slepeste thou couldeste not thou watche with me one houre watche ye and praye leste ye entre into temptacion the spirite is ready but the fleshe is weake The .xv. Chapter ANd the voyle of the temple did rent in two pieces from the toppe to the bottome The .xvi. Chapter GO ye into all the worlde and preache the glad tidinges to all creatures he that beleueth and is baptised shall be saued but he that beleueth not shall be damned All these thynges shall folowe them that beleue In my name they shall caste out deuils and shall speake with newe tongues and shal kyl serpentes and yf they drinke any deadly thinge it shall not hurte them They shall laye their handes on the sicke and they shall recouer The gospell of S. Luke the .i. Chapter THere was in the dayes of Hecode the kyng of Iury a cercayne prieste named Zachariis of the course of Abi● And his wyse was of the doughters of Aaron and her name was Elizabethe Bothe were perfecte before GOD and walked in all the lowes and ordinaunces of the LORDE that no man coulde fynde faulte with
you Pharisees for ye loue the vpper moste scates in the Synagoges and gretinges in the markettes Wo be to you lawyers for ye lade men with burthēs greuous to be borne and ye your selues touche not the packes with one of your fyngers Wo bee to you lawyers for ye haue taken away the keye of knowledge ye entred not in your selues and them that came in ye forbad The .xii. Chapter THere is not thynge couered that shall not be vncouered neyther hyd that shall not bee knowen Be not a frayed of them that kyll the bodye and after that haue no more that they can do But I wyll shewe you whome ye shall feare Ieare hym whiche after he hath kylled hathe power to caste into hell Ye I saye vnto you hym feare Whosoeuer confesseth me before men euen hym shall the sonne of man confesse also before the aungels of God And he that denyeth me before men shal be denyed before the aungels of god And whosoeuer speaketh a worde agaynste the sonne of man it shal be forgeuen hym But vnto him that blasphemeth the holye ghoste it shall not be forgeuen When they bringe you vnto the Synagoges and vnto the rulets and officers take no thought how or what thing ye shall aunswere or what ye shall speake For the holy ghoste shall teache you in the same houre what ye ought to saye Take no thought for your lyfe what ye shall eate neyther for your bodye what ye shall put on The lyfe is more thē meate and the body is more then rayment And are not what ye shal eate or what ye shal drynke neither clyme ye vp to hye For all suche thynges the Heathen people of the worlde seke for Your father knoweth that ye haue nede of suche thynges wherefore seke you after the kyngdome of god and all these thynges shal be ministred vnto you Sell that ye haue and geue almes And make you bagges whiche wxe not olde and treasure that fayleth not in brauen where no thefe commeth neither mothe corrupteth For where your treasure is there wyll your heartes be also Happy are those seruauntes whiche the lord when he 〈◊〉 shall fynde wakinge verelye I saye vnto you he will girde himselfe aboute and make them sit downe to meate and walke by and minister vnto them Yf the good man of the house knewe what houe the thefe wyl come he wolde surely watche and not suffer his house to be broken vp Be ye prepared therfore for the sonne of man wyll come at an houre when ye thinke not The seruaunt that knewe his maysters wyll and prepared not hymselfe neither dyd according to his will shal be beaten with many scripes But he that knewe not and yet did committe thynges worthy of stripes shal be beaten with few stripes for vnto whome muche is geuen of him shal be muche required And to whome men muche commit the more of him will they are Suppose ye that I am come to sende peace on earthe I tell you naye but rather debate I tell thee thou departest not thence tyll thou haue made good the vttermoste myte The .xiii. Chapter EXcepteye repent ye shall all lyckewyse perishe There are sixe dayes in whiche men ought to worke in them come and be healed and not on the Saboth daye Then aunswered hym the Lorde and sayde Vpocrite dothe not eche of you on the Sabbothe daye louse his ore or his asse from the stall and leade him to the water and oughte not this doughter of Abraham whome Satan hathe bounde lo .xviii. yeares be loused from this bonde on the Sabboth daye And he sayde vnto them striue with your selues to enter in at the straite gate for many I saye vnto you wyl secke to enter in and shall not be able Beholde they are laste which shal be first and they are fyrste whiche shal be laste O Ierusalem Ierusalem whiche kyllest prophetes and stonest them that are sent to thee how often woulde I haue gathered thy chyldren together as the henne gathereth her neste vnder her wynges but ye wolde not Beholde your habitacion shall be left vnto you desolate for I tell you ye shall not see me vntyll the tyme come that ye shall saye blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lorde The .xiiii. Chapter WHiche of you shall haue an asse●or an oxe fallen into a pyt and wyll not strayghte way● pull hym out on the Saboth daye When thou arte bydden to a weddynge of any man syt not downe in the hyghest roume lest a more honorable man then thou be bydden of hym and he that bad bothe him and thee come and saye to thee geue this man roume and thou then begynne with shame to take the lowest roume But rather when thou arte bydden go and sytte in the lowest roume then when he that bad the commeth he maye saye vnto the frende syt vp hyer Then shalte thou haue worship in the presence of them that sit at meate with thee For whosoeuer exalteth hymselfe shal be brought lowe and he that hūbleth hymselfe shall be exalted When thou makeste a dyner or a supper call not thy frendes nor thy brethren neither thy kinsmen or yet riche neyghbours lest they bydde thee agayne and a recompence be made thee But whē thou makest a feast call the poore the maymed the lame and the blynde and thou shalt be happy for they cannot recompence thee But thou shalte be recompenced at the resurreccion of the iuste men Yf a man come to me and hate not his father and mother and wyfe and chyldren and brethren and systers moreouer and his owne life he cannot be my disciple And whosoeuer beare not his crosse and come after me cannot be my disciple The .xv. Chapter I Saye vnto you that lykewyse ioye shall bee in heauen ouer one synner that repentethe more then ouer nynety and nyne iuste personnes whiche nede no repentaunce The .xvi. Chapter The children of this world are in there kind wyser then the children of light And I say vnto you make your frendes of the wicked Mammon that when ye shal departe they maye receiue you into euerlastynge habitacions No seruaunte can serue two masters for other he shal hate the one and loue the other or els he shal lene to the one and despise the other ye cannot serue god and Mammon That whiche is highely estemed among men is abhominable in the sight of God Soner shall heauen and earthe perishe then one title of the lawe shal perishe Whosoeuer forsaketh his wyfe and maryeth another breaketh matrimonye And euery manne whiche marieth her that is deuorsed from her husbande committeth aduoutry also Sonne remember that thou in thy lyfe tyme receyuedst thy pleasure and contrary wyse Lazatus payne Nowe therfore is he comforted and thou arte punished Yf they heare not Moses and the prophetes neither will they beleue thoughe one rose from death agayne The .vii. Chapter IT cannot be auoyded but that offences wyll come Neuerthelesse wo bo to him throughe whome
they come It were better for hym that a mylstone were hanged aboute his necke and that he were cast into the sea thē that he should offend one of this litle ones Yf thy brother trespace againste thee rebuke hym and yf he repent forgeue him And thoughe he synne against the seuen tymes in a daye and seuen tymes in a daye turne againe to thee saying it repenteth me forgeue him And the lorde sayd yf ye had faith like a graine of mustarde sede and shoulde saye vnto this Sycamine tree plucke thy selfe vp by the rootes and plante thy selfe in the sea she shoulde obeye you When ye haue done all those thynges whiche are commaunded you saye we are vnprofitable seruauntes We haue done that whiche was oure duetie to do Whosoeuer will go aboute to saue his lyfe shal lose it and whosoeuer shall lose his life shall saue it Whersoeuer the bodye shal be thither wyll the Egles resorte The .xviii. Chapter SHall not god auenge his electe whiche crye daye and night vnto hym ye thoughe he deferre them I tell you he wyll auenge them and that quickely Suppose ye when the sonne of man commeth that he shall fynde fayth on the earth Euery manne that exalteth himselfe shal be brought lowe and he that humbleth himselfe shal be exalted Suffer children to come vnto me and forbyd them not for of suche is the kyngdome of god Verely I saye vnto you whosoeuer receaueth not the kyngdome of god as this childe he shall not enter therin Sell all that thou haste and distribute it vnto poore and thou shalt haue treasure in heauen and come and folowe me With what difficultie shal they that haue riches enter in to the kyngdome of god it is easier for a camell to go throughe a nedels eye then for a riche man to enter into the kyngdome of god Verely I saye vnto you there is no man that leaueth house other father and mother or brethrē or wyfe or chyldren for the kyngdome of goddes sake whiche shall not receaue muche more in this worlde and in the worlde to come life euerlasting The .xix. Chapter THe sonne of man is come to seke and to saue that whiche was iost Wel good seruaunte because thou wast fayth full in a very litell thinge take thou auctoritie ouer ten cities I saye vnto you that vnto all them that haue it shall be geuen and from hym that hath not euen that he hathe shal be taken from hym And he went into the temple and beganne to caste oute them that solde therein and them that bought saying vnto them it is wry●ten my house is the house of praier but ye haue made it a denne of theues The .xx. Chapter THe stone that buylders refused the same is made the heade corner stone whosoeuer stōble at that stone shall be broken but on whosoeuer it fal vpon it will grynde hym to pouder Geue vnto Cesar that which belongeth to Cesar and to god that whiche pertaineth to god The children of this world mary wiues and are marred but they whiche shal be made worthye to enioye that worlde and the resurrection from death neither mary wyues neither are maried nor yet can dye anymore For they are equal vnto the aungels and are the sonnes of God in asmuche as they are the chyldren of the resurreccion Beware of the Scribes whiche desyre to go in longe clothyng and loue gretynges in the markettes and the highest seates in the Synagoges and chiefe roumes at feastes which diuoure widdowes houses and that vnder a coloure of longe praying the same shal receiue greater damnacion The .xxi. Chapter OF a trueth I saye vnto you this poore wy●dome hath put in more then they all For they all haue of theyr superfluicie added vnto the offering of God but she of her penury hath cas●…e in all the substaunce that she had Let it sticke therefore faste in youre heartes not once to study before what ye shall aunswere for I will geue you a mouth and wysedome wher againste all youre aduersaries shal not be able to speake or resiste Heauen and earth shall passe but my wordes shal not passe Take hede to your selues leste your heartes be ouercome with surfetyng and drunkennes and cares of this worlde and that ▪ that daye come not on you vnwares For as a snare shall it come on al them that sit on the face of the earthe Watche therfore continually and praye that ye maye obtayne grace to flye al this that shall come and that ye maye stande before the sonne of man The .xxii. Chapter ANd he toke breade gaue thankes and gaue to them saying This is my body whiche is geuē for you this do in the remembraunce of me Lykewyse also when they had supped he toke the cup saying This cup is the newe testament in my bloude whiche shal for you be shedde He that is greatest amonge you shal be as yongest and he that is chefe shal be as the minister Simon Simon beholde Satan hathe desyred you to sifte you as it were wheate but I haue prayed for the that thy faith fayle not And when thou arte conuerted strength thy brethren Nowe he that hath a wallet let him take it vp and lykewyse his scryppe And he that hathe no swearde let him sell his coate and bye one And his sweate was lyke droppes of bloude rychlyng downe to the grounde And the lorde turned backe and loked vpon Peter The .xxiii. Chapter DOughters of Ierusalem wepe not for me but wepe for your selues and your children for beholde the dayes wyl come when menne shall say happy are the baren and the wombes that neuer bate and the pappes which neuer gaue sucke Then shall they begynne to saye to the mountens fall on vs and to the hylles couer vs foryf they do this to a grene tree what shall be done to the drye The .xxiiii. Chapter ANd it came to passe as he sate at meate with them he toke breade blessed it brake gaue to them And there eyes were opened and they knewe him and he vanisshed oute of their sighte And they sayde betwene them selues dyd not our hertes burne within vs whylle he talked with vs by the waye as he opened to vs the scriptures Handle me and se for spretes haue no fleshe and ●ones as ye se me haue ¶ The ende of the Gospell of S. Luke ¶ The Gospell of S. Iohn the .i. Chapter SN the begynnynge was the word and the word was with god and the worde was god The same was in the begynnynge with god All thynges were made by it without it was made nothyng that was made He came amonge his owne and his owne receaued him not But as many as receaued hym to them he gaue power to be the sonnes of god in that they beleued on his name whiche were borne not of bloude nor of the wyll of the fleshe nor yet of the wyll of manne but of god And the worde was made fleshe and dwell
couple herselfe with another man she shal be counted a wedlock breaker But yf the mā be dead she is free from the lawe so that she is no wedlock breaker though she couple her selfe with another man I know that in me dwelleth no good thinge To wyll is present with me but I fynde no meanes to perfourme that whiche is good For I do not that good thyng which I wolde but that euill do I whiche I would not I delyte in the lawe of god concerning the inner man but I se another lawe in my membres rebellyng agaynst the lawe of my minde and subduyng me vnto the lawe of synne whiche is in my membres O wretched man that I am who shall delyuer me from this bodye of death The .viii. Chapter THey that are carnall are carnally mynded but they that are spiritual are ghostly minded to be carnally mynded is death but to be spiritually mynded is lyfe and peace because that the fleshly mynde is enemy against god for it is not obedient to the lawe of god neither can be So thē they that are geuen to the fleshe cannot please god Yf ye lyue after the fleshe ye muste dye but yf ye mortifye the dedes of the body by the helpe of the spirite ye shall lyue For as many as are led by the spirite of god they are the sonnes of god For ye haue not receaued the spirite of bondage to feare any more but ye haue receaued the spirite of adopcion whereby we crye Abba father I suppose that the afflictions of this lyfe are not worthye of the glorye shal be shewed vpon vs. The spirite maketh intercession mightely for vs with groninges whiche cannot be expressed with tounge Yf god be on ouresyde who can be againsts vs I am sure that neither death neither life nether aungels nor rule nether power nether thinges presēt neither thinges to come neither heighth neither loweth neither any other creature shal be able to departe vs from the loue of god shewed in Christ Iesu our lorde The .ix. Chapter THey which are the chyldren of the fleshe are not the children of god He hath mercy on whome he will and whom he will he maketh harde hearted God willing to shewe his wrath and to make his power knowen suffered with longe pacience the vessels of wrathe ordayned to damnacion that he might declare the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercye which he had prepared vnto glory that is to saye vs whiche he called not of the Iewes onely but also of the Gentiles The .x. Chapter THe belefe of the harte iustifieth and to knowledge with the mouthe maketh a man safe for the scripture sayth whosoeuer beleueth on hym shall not be ashamed Whosoeuer shall on the name of the lord shal be safe The .xi. Chapter EVen so at this tyme is there a remnaunte lefte thorowe the election of grace Yf it be of grace then it is not of workes For then were grace no more grace Yf it be of workes then is it no grace For then were deseruing no lenger deseruing God hath wrapped al nations in vnbelefe the he myght haue mercy on all O the depnes of the aboundaunt wysedome and knowledge of god howe vnsearcheable are his iudgemētes and his wayes past fyndyng out for who hath knowen the mynde of the lorde or who was his counseler other who hathe geuen vnto him firste that he mighte be recompensed againe For of hym and thorowe him and for him are all thinges to him be glory for euer The .xii. Chapter I Beseche you brethren by the mercifulnes of god that ye make youre bodies a quicke sacrifice holye and acceptable vnto god whiche is youre reasonable seruing of god and fasshion not your selues lyke vnto this worlde but be ye chaūged in your shape by the renuyng of your wittes that ye maye fele what thinge that good that acceptable and perfecte wil of god is For I saye thorow the grace that vnto me geuē is to euery man amonge you that no man esteme of hymselfe more then it becōmeth him to esteme but that he discretely iudge of himselfe according as god hath beaste to euery man the measure of fayth Let loue be without dissimulation Be kynd one to another with brotherly loue Applye youre selues to the tyme. Blesse them whiche persecute you blesse but curse not Be of like affection one towardes another Be not hye mynded but make your selues equall to them of the lower sorte Be not wise in your owne opinions Recompence to no man euell for euell Yf it be possible howebeit of your parte haue peace withall men Yf thyne enemie honger fede hym Yf he thirst geue him drinke For in so doyng thou shalt heape coales of fyre on his heade Be not ouerrome of euill but ouercome euel with goodnes The .xiii. Chapter LEtte euery soule submitte himselfe vnto the auctorite of the hier powers For there is no power of god The powers that be are ordeyned of god Whosoeuer therfore relisteth power resysteth the ordinaunce of god And they that resiste shall receaue to them selfes damnation Ye must nedes obey not for feare of vengeaūce onely but also because of conscience Owe nothing to any man but loue one another Loue hurteth not his neyghboure Therfore loue is the fulfyllynge of the lawe Lette vs walke houestly as it were in the daye lyghte not in eatynge and drinckynge neither in chamburyng and wantonnes nether in strife and enu●ynge but put ye on the Lorde Iesus christ And make not prouision for the fleshe to fulfil the lustes of it The .xiiii. Chapter ONe beleueth that he maye eate all thynge another whiche is weake eateth earbes Let not him that eateth despyse hym that eateth not And lette not hym whyche eateth not iudge hym that eateth This manne putteth difference betwene daye and daye Another manne counteth all dayes a lyke Se that no man wauer in his dicu meanyng He that obserueth one daye more then another doth it for the lordes pleasur And he that obserueth one day more than other doth it to please the lord also He that eateth doth it to please the lorde for be geueth god thanckes And he that eateth not cateth not to please the lorde with all and geueth god thankes Christ therfore dyed and rose againe and reuyued that he might be lorde both of dead quicke Euery one of vs shall gyue accomytes of hym klie to god Yf thy brother be greued with thy meate now walkest thou not charitablye Destroye not hym with thy meate for whome christ dyed The kyngdom of god is not meate nor drincke But righteousnes peace and ioye in the holy ghost All thynges are pure but it is euyll for that man whiche eateth with the hurt of his cōscience It is good nether to eate fleshe nether to drincke wyne nether any thing wherby thy brother ston● bleth eyther falleth or is made weake The .xv. Chapter WE whyche are stronge oughte to beare the frailnes of them whiche are weake and
bothe in body and also in sprete But she that is maryed careth for the thynges of the world how she may please her husband The wyfe is bound to the law assong as her husband lyueth yf her husband slepe she is at libettr to mary which whou● she will onely in the lord But she is happiar if she do abide in my iugemēt The .viii. Chapter MEat maketh not vs acceptable to god Nether ther yf we eate are we the better Neither yf we eate not are we the worsse But take hede that your liberte cause not the weake to fall Yf meat hur emy brother I wyll eare no fleshe whyll the worlde standeth because I wyll not hurte my brother The .ix. Chapter WHo goeth a warfarre any tyme at his owne coste Who planteth a vineyarde and eateth not of the frute who fedeth a flocke and eateth not of the mylke Yf we sowe vnto you spirituall thinges is it a greate thing yf we reape your carnall thinges Do ye not vnderstande howe that they whyche minister in the temple haue theyr fyndynge of the temple And they whyche wayte as the aulter are partakers withe the aultar Guen so also dyd the lorde ordayne that they whyche preache the gospell shulde lyue of the gospell Wo is to me yf I preache not the gospell They whiche run in a course run all yet one receaueth the reward So run the ye may obtaine I came my body and brynge it into subiection leaste after that I haue preached to other I my selft shulde be caste awaye The .x. Chapter FEtte hym that thynketh he standeth take hede least he tall But god is faithfull whiche shall not suffre you to be tempted adoue your strength but shall in the myddes of temptation make awaye to escape our Is not the cuppe of blessynge whiche we blesse partakyng of the oloude of christe is not the breade which we breake partakyng of the body of christe because that we though we be many yet are one breade one bodye in asmuche as we all are parts takers of one breade Ye can not dryncke of the cup of the Lorde and of the cup of the deuyls Ye can not be partakers of the lordes table and of the table of deuyls All thinges are lawfull vnto me but all thynges are not expedient All thynges are laufull to me but al thinges ediffy not Let no man seke his owne proffyt but let euery manne seke anothers welthe Whether ye eate or dryncke or whatsoeuerye do do all to the praise of god The .xi. Chapter I Wolde ye knewe that Christe is the heads of euery manne And the manne is the womans head And god is christes head A manne ought not to couer his heade for asmocke as he is the ymage and glorye of god The womanne is the glory of the manne for the manne is not of the woman but the woman of the man Nether was the man created for the womās sake but the womā for the mās sake For this cause ought the womā to haue power in her head for the angels sakes Yf there be anye among you that lusteth to striue lette him knowe that we no suche custome nether the congregacions of god There muste be sectes amonge you that they whiche are perfecte among you might be knowen The Lorde Iesus the same nyght in whiche he was betrayed toke bread and thanked and brake and sayde Lake ye and eate ye this is my bodye whiche is broken for you This do ye in the remēbraunce of me After the same maner he toke the cuppe when supper was done sayenge This do as ofte as ye dryncke it in the remembraunce of me For as often as ye shall eate this breade and dryncke this cuppe ye shall shewe the Lordes deathe tyll he come Wherefore whosoeuer shall eate of this breade or drinke of the cuppe vnworthely shall be giltie of the bodye and bloude of the LORDE Let a man therfore examine himselfe and so let him eate of the breade and drinke of the cup. For he that eateth or drinketh vnworthelye eateth and drinketh his owne damnacion because he maketh no difference of the lordes body For this cause many are weake and sycke amonge you and many stepe Yf we had truly iudged our selues we shuld not haue bene iudged The .xii. Chapter I Declare vnto you that no man speakinge in the spirite of god defieth Iesus Also no man can saye that Iesus is the lorde but by the holy ghost And yf one member suffer all suffer with him yf one member be had in honour all members be glad also The .xiii. Chapter THough I had al faith so that I could moue mountaynes out of there places and yet had no loue I were nothinge When that whiche is perfect is come then that whiche is vnperfect shal be done awaye Now we se in a glasse euen in a darke speaking but then shal wese face to face Now I know vnperfectfy but then shall I knowe euen as I am knowen Now abydeth fayth hope and loue euen these thre but the chiefe of these is loue The .xiiii. Chapter BRethren be not chyldren in wit Howe be it as concernyng maliciousnes be chyldren But in witte be perfect Let your wiues kepe silence in the congregations For it is not permitted vnto the to speake but let thē be vnder obedience Yf they wil learn● any thyng let them are there husbandes at home For it is a shame for wemen to speake in the congregacion The .xv. Chapter BY the grace of god I am that I am and his grace whiche is in me was not in vayne but I laboured more abundantly then they al yet not I but the grace of god which is with me By a man came death and by a man came the resurrection of the dead For as by Adam al dye euen so by Christ shall all be made alyue and euery man in his owne order Malicious speakinges corrupt good maners The body is sowen in corrupcion and ryseth in incorruption It is sowen in dishonour and ryseth in honour It is sowen in weaknes and riseth in power It is sowen a naturall body and ryseth a spirituall bodye Fleshe and bloude cannot inherite the kyngdome of god Neither dothe corruption inherite vncorruption Beholde I shewe you a mistery We shall not all slepe but we shall al be chaunged and that in a moment and in the twinklynge of an eye at the sounde of the last trompe For the trōpe shall blowe and the deade shall ryse incorruptible and we shall be chaunged For this corruptible must put on inc rruptibilite and this mortal must put on immortalitie The .xvi. Chapter WAtche ye sionde fast in the fayth quyte you lyke men and be stronge Let all your busynes be done in loue ¶ The .ii. Epistle to the Corinthians the first Chap. FOr as the afflicciōs of Christ are plenteous in vs euē so is our consolacion plenteous by Christe Oure reioysinge is this the testimony of our consciēce that in singlenes and
the promes by the faythe of Iesus Christe should be geuen vnto them that beleue The .iiii. Chapter IT is good alwayes to be feruent so it be in a good thynge The .v. Chapter IN Iesu Christ neither is circūcisiō anithing worth neither yet vncircumcision but faith which by loue is mighty in operacion All the law is fulfilled in one word which is this thou shalt loue thyne neighbour as thyselfe Yf pebyte and deuoure one another take hede least ye de consumed one of another The fleshe lusteth contrary to the spirite and the spirite contrary to the fleshe These are contrary one to the other so that ye cannot doe that whiche ye woulde But and yf ye be ledde of the spirite then are ye not vnder the lawe The dedes of the fleshs are manifest whiche are these aduoutry fornicacion vnclennes wantonnes ydolatrie witcheceafte hatred variaunce ●ele wrathe strife sedicion sectes enuyinge murther dronkennes glutteny and suche lyke of the whiche I tell you before as I haue tolde you in tyme past that they whiche commit suche thynges shal not inhertte the kyngdome of god The fruite of the spirite is loue ioye peace long suffering gentlenes goodnes faithefulnesse mekenes temperance Against suche thereis no lawe They that are Christes haue crucified the fleshe with the appetites and lustes Yf we lyue in the spirite let vs walke in the spirite Let vs not be vayne glorious prouokyng one another and enuying one another The .vi. Chapter BRethren yf any man be fallen by chaunce in to any faute ye whiche are spirituall helpe to amend hym in the spirite of mekenes considering thy selfe lest thou also be tempted Beare ye one anothers burthen and so fulfill the lawe of Christ Yf any man seme to himself that he is sumwhat when he is in dede nothing the same deceaueth himselfe in his ymaginacion Let euery man proue his owne worde and then shall he haue reioysyng in his owne selfe and not in another For euery man shall beare his owne burthen Whatsoeuer a man soweth that shal he repe he that soweth in his fleshe shall or that fleshe repe corruption But he that soweth in the spryte shall of the spryte repe lyfe euerlastyng Lette vs not be wery of well doynge For when the time is come we shall reape without weatines Whyll we haue therfore tyme lette vs do good vnto all men and speciallye vnto them whiche are of the housholde of faythe God forbydde that I shulde reioyce but in the crosse of oure lorde Iesu christ wherby the world is crucified as touchyng me and I as concerning the worlde ¶ The Epistle of S. Paule to the Ephesians the fyrste Chapter BLessed be god the father of our lord Iesus Christ whiche hathe blessed vs with all maner of spirituall blessynges in heauenlye thynges by Christ accordyng as he had chosen vs in him before the foundation of the world was layde that we shuld be saynctes without blame before him throughe loue And ordeyned vs before throughe Iesus Christe to be heyres vnto hym selfe accordynge to the pleasure of hys grace wherwith he hathe made vs accepted in the beloued The .ii. Chapter BY grace are ye made safe through fayth and that not of your selues for it is the gyfte of god and commeth not of workes lest anye manne shulde boste him selfe For we are his worckemanshyp created in Christ Iesu vnto good worckes vnto the whiche god ordeined vs before that we shulde walke in them But nowe in christ Iesu ye whiche a while ago were farre of are made nye by the bloude of christ Nowe ye are no more straungers and foreners but citesyns with the sainctes of the housholde of god and are bylte vpon the foundation of the Apostles and prophetes Iesus Christ beynge the head corner stone in whom euery bilding coupled together groweth vnto an holy temple in the lord in whome ye also are bylt together and made an habitation for god in the sprete The .iiii. Chapter I Exhorte you that ye walke worthye of the vocation wherwith ye are called in all humblends of mynde meakenes and long sufferyng forhearing one another through loue and that ye be diligent to kepe the vnitie of the sprete in the bonde of peace beying one body one sprete euen as ye are called in one hope of your callynge To euery one of vs is geuen grace accordyng to the measure of the gyfte of Christ Hence forthe be no more chyldren wauerynge and caryed with euerye wynde of doctrine by the wylynes of menne and craftines wherby they lay awayte for vs to deceyue vs. But lette vs folowe the truth in loue and in all thinges growe in him whiche is the head that is to saye christ As concernynge the conuersation in time paste laye frō you that olde man which is corrupt thorow the deceuable lustes and be ye renued in the spret of youre myndes put on that newe man whiche after the ymage of god is shapen in righteousnes and true holynes Be angrye but synne not lette not the sunne go downe vpon your wrathe Let no fylthy cōmunicatiō procede out of your mouthes but that whiche is good to edify with al whē nede is that it maye haue fauour with the hearers The .v. Chapter THis ye knowe that no whoremonger ether vnclene person or couetous person whiche is the worshypper of ydolles hathe any inheritaunce in the kyngdome of christ and of god Take hede that ye walke circumspectly not as fooles but as wyse redemynge the tyme for the dayes are euyll Be not droncke with wyne wherin is excesse Wemen submytte your selues vnto youre owne husbandes as vnto the lorde For the husband is the wyues head euen as christe is the heade of the congregation Husbandes loue your wyues euen as christ loued the congregatyon and gaue him selfe for it to sanctifye it c. Let the wyfe se that she feare her husbande The .vi. Chapter FAthers moue not youre chyldren to wrathe but brynge them vp with the nourtour and information of the lorde Remember that whatsoeuer good thynge anye man doeth that shall he receaue againe of the lord whether he be bounde or fre Put on the armour of god that ye maye stande stedfast againste the crafty assautes of the deuyll For we wrestle not against fleshe and bloude but against rule against power and againste worldely rulers of the darcknes of this worlde against spirituall wyckednes for heauenly thinges ¶ The Epistell to the Philippians the fyrste Chapter SO that christ be preached all manner waies whether it be by occasiō or of true meaning I therin ioye ye and wyllioye Christ is to me life death is to me auauntage I desire to be lowsed to be with christ whiche thinge is best of all The .ii. Chapter LOke ye drawe one waye hauynge one loue beynge of one accorde of one mynde that nothynge be done thorowe strese or vayne glorye but that in mekenes of mynde euerye man esteme other better them
perdition whiche is an aduersarye and is exalted aboue all that is called god or that is worshypped so that he shall sytte as god in the temple of god and shewe him selfe as god The .iii. Chapter We require of you brethren in the name of our lord Ielus Christ that ye witt draw your selues from euery drother that walketh inordinat elye not after the institutiō whiche ye receaued of vs. When we were with you this we watned you of that yf there were any whiche wold not worke that the same shulde not eate Yf an● men obey not your sayinges sende vs worde of hym by a letter and haue no companye with him that he maye be a shamed and count him not as an enemy but warne him as a brother The .i. Epistel of S. Paule to Timothe the .i. Chapter THe ende of the commaundementes is loue that commeth of a pure herte and of a good conscience and of fayth vnfayned This is a true saying and by all meanes worthy to be receyued the Christ Iesus came into the worlo to saue synners The .ii. Chapter IExhort the therfore the aboue al thinges prayers supplicacions intercessions geuing of thankes be had for al men for kynges and for all the are in auctoritie that we may liue a quiet a peas able lyfe in all godlines and honestie For that is good and accepted in the sight of God out Sauioure whiche will haue all men saued and to come to the knoweledge of the truthe I wyl that wemen araye themselues in comely apparell with shame fastenes and discrete behaue our not with brodred heare other gold or pearles or costely araye but suche as becommeth wemen that profeste the worshippinge of god thorow good workes Let the woman learne in silence with al sublection I suffer not a women to teache neither to haue auctoritie ouer the man but for to be in silence For Adam was fyrst formed and then Eue. Also Adam was not deceaued but the womaune was decepued and was in transgression The .iii. Chapter Yf a man couet the office of a bishop he desyreth a good worke Ye and a byshop must be faureles the husbande of one wyfe sober discrete honestly appareled harberous apt to teache not dronken no fyghter not geuen to filthye lucre but gentle abhorting fighting abhorring couetousnee one that ruleth his owne house honeslty hauyng chyldren vnder obedience withall honestie For yf a man cannot tule his owne house how shall he care for the congregacion of god He maye not be a yōg scoler lest he swell and faule into the iudgemente of the euell speaker He must also be well reported of among them whiche are without forthe lest he fall into rebuke and snare of the euel speaker Let the deacons be the husbandes of one wyfe suche as rule theyr chyldren well and theyr owne housholdes The .iiii. Chapter THe sprite speaketh euidently that in the later times lome shal departe from the fayth and shal geue hede vnto sprites of erroure and deuelyshe doctrine of them whiche speake false thorow ypocrilie haue theyr consciences marked with an hote yron forbydding to mary commaunding to abstame from meates which god hathe created to be receyued with geuing thākes of them which beleue and knowe the truth For all the creatures of god are good nothing to be refused if it be receaued with thankes geuing for it is sanctified by the worde of God and prayer Exercise thy selfe vnto godlynes For bodely exercise profiteth lytell but godlynes is good vnto all thynges as a thyng whiche hathe promises of the life that is now and of the lyfe to come The .v. Chapter SHe that is a very widow and frendlesse putteth her trust in god and continueth in supplication and prayer night and daye But she that lyueth in pleasure is dead euen yet alyue The yonger widdowes refuse for when they haue beggunne to ware wanton to the dishonour of Christ then will they mary hauing damnacion because they haue broken theyr fyrst sayth And also they learne to go ftom house to house ydle yea not ydle onely but also trifling and busy bodyes speaking thinges whiche are not comely The elders that rule well are worthy of doble honoure moste specially they which labour in the worde and inteachyng Againste an elder receaue none accusation but vnder two or three witnesses Them that synne rebuke openlye that other maye feare Obserue these thinges without haslye iudgement and do nothing parcially Laye handes sodenly on no man The .vi. Chapter IF any man be not content with the holsome wordes of our lord Iesu Christ and with the doctrine of godlynes he is puft vp and knoweth nothing but wasleth his braynes about questions and strife of wordes where of spring enuy stryfe raylinges euyl surmising and vaine disputations of men with corrupt mindes and destitute of the truth which thinke that lucre is godlynes from suche separate thy selfe When we haue foode and rayment let vs ther with be content They wyl be riche faule into temptacion and snares and into many folishe and noysome lustes whiche drounde men into perdicion and destruction For couetousnes is the roote of all euill ▪ which while some lusteth after they erred from the faith tangled thē selues with many sorowes Charge thē that are riche in this world that they be not exceding wyse that they trust not in the vncertayne riches but in the liuing god whiche geueth vs aboūdantly al thinges to emoye thē that they do good and be riche in good workes redy to geue distribute laying vp in store for thē selues a good foundation agaynste the tyme to come that they maye obtayne eternall lyfe ¶ The .ii. Epistle to Timothe the first Chapter GOD hath not geuen vs the spirite of feare but of power and of loue and of sobernesse of mynde Be not ashamed to testifie our Lorde neyther be a shamed of me whiche am bounde for his sake but suffre thou aduersitie also with the gospell through the power of god whiche saued vs and called vs with an holy callyng not accordynge to oure dedes but accordynge to his owne purpose and grace which grace was geuen through Christ Iesu before the worlde was but is now declared openly by the appering of our sauiour Iesu Christ whyche hathe put awaye death and hath brought lyfe and immortalitie vnto lyghte throughe the gospell The .ii. Chapter NO man that warreth entangleth himselfe with worldly busines and that because he wolde please hym that hath chosen him to be Souldier and though a man stryue for a mastry yet is he not crouned except he striue laufully It is a true saying yf we be dead with hym we also shall lyue with him Yf we be pacient we shall also raygn with him Yf we deny hym he also shal deny vs. Yf we beleue not yet abydeth he faythful He cannot denye himselfe Stryue not aboute wordes whiche is to no profyte but to peruert the hertes The Lorde knoweth
them that dresse it receaueth blessynge of god But that groūde whiche beareth thornes and bryars is reproued and is nye vnto cursyng whose ende is to be burned God is not vnrighteous that he shuld forgeth your worcke and laboure that procedeth of loue whiche loue ye shew in his name whiche haue ministred vnto the saintes and yet minister The .vii. Chapter TO Melchisedech Abraham gaue tythes of all thynges Melchisedech fyrste is by interpretation Kyng of righteousnes after that he is kynge of Salem that is to saye kynge of peace withoute father without mother without kynne and hath nether begynnyng of his time neyther y●● end of his lyfe but is lykened vnto the sonne of god and continueth a prest for euer And ver●lye those chyldren of Leui whicheth ceaue the offyce of the prestes haue a cōmandement to take accordyng to the law tithes of the people that is to saye of their brethren ye thoughe they sprange out of the loynes of Abraham Leuy him selfe also whiche receaueth tythee payde tithes in Abraham The lawe made no thynge perfecte but was an introduction of a better hope by whyche hope we drawe nye vnto god This manne Christ because he endureth euee hathe an euerlastynge presthoode Wherfore he is able also euer to saue them that come vnto god by hym seynge he euer lyueth to make intercessyon for vs Soche an hye preste it became vs to haue whiche is holy harmlesse vndefiled separate from fynnes made hyar then heauen whiche nedeth not daily as yonder hye-prestes to offer vp sacrifice fyrste for his owne synnes and euen for the peoples synnes for that dyd he once for all when he offered vp hym selfe For the lawe maketh men prides whiche haue infirmitie but the worde of the othe that came sence the lawe maketh the sonne prest whiche is perfecte for euermore The .viii. Chapter AFter those dayes sayth the lord I wyll put my lawes in their myndes and in their hartes I wyll wrytte them and I wyll be their god and they shal be my people And they shall not teache euery manne his neyghbour land euery man his brother sayinge knowe the lord For they shal knowe me from the lest to the moste of them for I wylbe mercifull ouer their vnrighteousnes and on their synnes and on their iniquities The .ix. Chapter THe Prestes went alwayes into the fyrst tabernacle and executed the seruice of god But in the second went the hye preste alone one euery yeare and not without bloude whyche he offred for him selfe and for the ignoraunce of the people But Christ beyng an hye prest of good thinges to come nether be the bloude of goates calues but by his owne bloude he entred in once for all in to the holy place founde eternal redemption Whersoeuer is a testament ther must also be the deathe of him that maketh the teilament for the testamēt taketh auctoritie when mē are dead for it is of no value as long as he the made it is a lyue Christ is not entred into the holye places that are made with handes which are but similitudes of true thinges but is entred into very heauen for to appeare nowe in the sight of god for vs not to offer him selfe often as the hye prest entreth in to the holy place euery yeare with straūge bloude for then muste he haue often suffered sence the worlde began But nowe in the ende of the world hathe he appeared once to put synne to flyght by the offeringe vp of himselfe And as it is apointed vnto menne that they shall once dye and then cō●eth the iudgement euen so christ was once offered to take awaye the synnes of manye and vnto them that loke for hym shall he appeare agayne without synne vnto saluation The .x. Chapter IT is vnpossible that the bloude of oxen and of goates shulde take awaye synnes This is the testament that I wyl make vnto them after those dayes saithe the Lorde I wyll put my lawes in their hartes and in their mynde I wyll wryt them and theyr synnes and iniquities wil I remember no more And where remission of these thinges is there is no more offering for synne Lette vs consider one another to prouoke vnto loue and to good wor●kes and that so mothe the more because ye se that the daye draweth nye Yf we synne willyngly after that we haue receaued the knowledge of the truthe there remaineth no more sacrifice for synnes but a feareful loking for iudgement and violente fyre whiche shall deuoure the aduersaries It is a fearfull thinge to fall into the handes of the liuyng god The iuste shall lyue by faithe The .xi. Chapter HAith is a sure confidence of thinges whiche are haped for and a certayntie of thynges whiche are not sene Without faithe it is vnpossible to plaise god By faithe Moses when he was great refused to be called the sonne of Pharaos doughter chose rather to suffer aduersitie with the people of god then to enioye the pleasures of synne for a reason and estemed the rebuke of Christe greater riches then the treasure of Egypte for he had respecte vnto the rewarde The .xii. Chapter WHom the lorde loueth him he chastened ye he scourgeth euery son that he receaueth No maner chastifyng in the present time semeth to be ioyous but greuous neuerthelesse afterwarde it bringeth the quiet frute of righteousnes vnto them whiche are therin exercised Embrace peace with all men holines without the whiche no man shall se the Lorde Esau for out breake fast solde his byrthright ye knowe howe that afterward when he wolde haue inherited the blessynge he was put by he found no meanes to come thereby agayne no though he desired it with teares Ye are come vnto the mount Sion and to the cytie of the liuynge god the celestiall Ierusalem and to an innumerable sight of aungels and vnto the congregation of the first borne sonnes whiche are wrytten in heauen and to god the iudge of al and to the sprytes of iust and perfecte menne and to Iesus the mediator of the newe testamente to the sprincklyng of bloude that speaketh better then the bloude of Abell Oure god is consumynge fyre The .xiii. Chapter BE not forgetfull to lodge straungers for therby haue dyuers receaued aungels into their houses vnwares Let wedlocke be had in price in all pointes and lette the chamber be vndefiled for whose kepers and aduoutrars god wyll iudge Remembre them whiche haue the ouersyght of you whiche haue declared vnto you the worde of god The ende of whose conuersation se that ye loke vpon and folowe their faithe Be not caryed about with dyuers and straunge learnynge Here we haue no continuyng cytie but we seke one to come To do good and to distribute forgette not for with suche sacrifices god is pleased Ohey them that haue the ouersight of you and submyt youre selues to them for they watche for your soules euen as they that muste geue accountes that they maye do
it with ioye and not with grefe for that is an vnprofitable thynge for you ¶ The Epistell of S. Iames the fyrste Chapter MY brethren count it excedyng ioye when ye fall into dyuers temptations for as moche as ye knowe howe that the entryng of your faithe bryngeth pacience and let pacience haue her perfecte worke that ye maye be perfecte and sounde lackyng nothynge Yf any of you lacke wysdome lette him axe of god whiche geneth to all menne indifferently and casteth no manne in the teth and it shal be geuen hym But lette him axe it in fayth and wauer not for he that douteth is lyke tghe waues of the sea tost of the wynde and caried with violence Neyther lette that manne thynke that he shall receaue any thing of the lorde a waueryng mynded man is vnstable in all his wayes Let the brother of lowe degree reioyce in that he is exalted the ryche in that he is made lowe for euen as the floure of the grasse shal he vanishe awaye The sonne riseth with heate and the grasse wydereth and his fioure falleth awaye and the beautie of the fashion of it perisheth euen so shall the riche manne perishe with his aboundaunce Happy is that manne that endureth in temptation for when he is tryed he shall receaue the crowne of lyfe whiche the lorde hath promised to them that loue hym God tempted not vnto euyl nether tempred he any manne But euerye man is tempted drawen awaye and entised of his owne concupiscence Then when luste hathe conceaued she bryngeth forth synne and synne when it is finished bryngeth forthe deathe Euery good gyfte and ruerye perfecte gyfte is from aboue and commeth downe from the father of lyght with whome is no variablenes neyther is he chaunged vnto darrkenes Lette euerye man be swyfte to heare slowe to speake and slowe to wrath for the wrathe of man worketh not that which is righteous before god Se that ye be doars of the worde and not heaters only deceauyng your selues with sophistry Pure deuotion and vndefiled before goo the father is this to visite the faberlesse wyddowes in their aduersytie and to kepe hymselfe vnspotted of the worlde The .ii. Chapter WHosoeuer shall kepe the whole lawe and yet fayle in one poynt he is gyltye in all There shal be iudgement mercyles to him that sheweth no mercye and morcye reioyseth againste iudgement Faith yf it haue no dedes is deade in it selfe I manne is iustifyed of dedes and not of faythe onely Is the body without the spryte is dead euen so faithe without dedes is dead The .iii. Chapter IF a manne synne not in worde the same is a perfecte man and able to came all the body The tounge is a lytle member and bosteth greate thynges It is an vnruelyr euyll full of deadly poison the tounge can no manne came Yf any man be wyse and endued with learnyng among you let him shewe the worckes of conuersation in mehnes that is coupled with wisdome The wysdome that is frome aboue is fyrste pure than peasable gentle and easye to be intreated full of mercy and good frutes without iudgyng and without simulation yea the frute of righteousnes is sowē in peace of them that maintayne peace The .iiii. Chapter Ye axe and receyue not because ye axe amisse Knowe ye not howe that the frendship of the worlde is enemitie to godwarde Whosoeuer wyl be a frend of the world is made the enemy of god What thing is your lyfe It is not euen a vapoure that appeareth for a lytle time and then vanished awaye To hym that knoweth howe to be good and doth it not to hym it is sinne The .v. Chapter GO to now ye riche men wepe and howle on your wretchednes that shall come vpō you Your riches is corrupt your garmētes are mothe eaten your gold and your syluer are cankred and the rust of them shal be witnes vnto you and shall eate your fleshe as it were fyre Aboue all thinges my brethren sweare not nether by heauen nether by the earth nether by any other othe Let youre yea be yea and your naye naye lest ye fall into ypocrisie Yf any of you be disealed let him call for the elders of the congregation and let them praye ouer hym and anoynte him with oyle in the name of the Lorde and the prayer of fayth shall saue the sicke and the lorde shall rayse hym vp yf he haue committed sinnes they shall be forgeuen hym Confesse youre faultes one to another and praye one for another that ye maye be healed The prayer of a righteous manne auayleth muche yf it be feruent Brethrē yf any of you erre frō the truth another conuert hym let the same know that he which cōuerted the synner from goinge astraye oute of his waye shall saue a soule from death and shall hyde the multitude of synnes ¶ The .i. Epistle of S. Peter the first Chapter GYrde vp the loynes of your mynōe● be sober trust perfectly on the grace that is brought vnto you by the declaring of Iesus Christ as obedient children not fashioning youre selues vnto your olde iustes of ignoraunce but as he whiche called you is holy euen so be ye holy in all maner of conuersation because it is written be ye holye for I am holy The father without respect of person iudgeth according to euery mannes workes Ye know how that ye were not redemed with corruptible siluer and golde from your vayne conuerrsation whiche ye receyued by the tradicions of the fathers but with the precious bloude of Christ as of a lambe vndefiled and with out spot which was ordeyned before the world was made but was declared in the last tymes for your sakes whiche by his meanes haue beleued on God that raysed him from death glorifyed hym that your faythe and hope might be in god Se that ye loue one another w e a pute heart feruently for ye are borne a new not of mortal sede but of immortall by the worde of god whiche lyueth and lasteth for euer All fleshe is as grasse and all the glorye of mā is as the floure of grasse The grasse withereth the flowre falleth awaye but the roord of the lord endureth euer The .ii. Chapter IF so be that ye haue tasted howe pleasaunt the lord is to whom ye come as to a liuing stone dissalowed of●ten but chosen of god and precious and ye ae liuing stonce are made a spiritual house and an holy priste hode for to offer vp spirituall sacrifice acceptable to god by Iesus Christ Vnto you whiche beleue he is precious but vnto thē which beleue not the stone whiche the buylders refused the same is made the head stone in the corner and a stone to stumble at ●nd a rocke to offende them whithe stomble at the worde and beleue not that whereon they were set Derely beloued I beseche you as straungers and pilgrimes abstayne from fleshly lustes which fight against the soule and se that
ye haue honeste conuersation among the gentiles that they which backbite you as euell doers maye se youre good workes and prayse god in the daye of visitation Submit your selues vnto almaner ordinaūce of man for the lordes sake whether it be vnto the kyng as vnto the chiefe heade other vnto rulers as vnto them that are sent of hym for the punishment of euell doers but for the laude of thē that do wel Seruauntes obeye youre maysters with all feare not onelye yf they be good and courteous but also though they be fromward For it is thanke worthy yf a man for conscience towarde god endure grefe suffering wrongfully For what praise is it yf when ye be sufferd for your fautes ye take it paciently but yf when ye do welye suffre wrong and take it pacientlye then is there thankes with God Christe suffred for vs leuing vs an example that we should folow his steppes whiche dyd not synne neither was there gyle foūd in his mouth whiche when he was reuyled reuyled not agayne when he was buffeted he threatened not but cōmitted the cause to him that iudgeth righteously whiche his own selfe bare oure synnes in his body on the tree that we shoulde be beliuered frō sinne and shoulde liue in righteousnes The .iii. Chapter WEmens apparell shal not be outward with broyded heare and hangyng on of golde eyther in putting on of gorgious apparell but lette the hid in ā of the heart be vncorrupt with a meke and quiet sprite which sprite is before god a thing muche set by It is better yf the wyl of god ve so that ye suffre for wel doyng then for cuell doyng The .iiii. Chapter HE whiche suffereth in the flesh ceaseth from sinne the he hence forward should liue asmuch tyme as remaynethe in the fleshe not after the lustes of men but after the wyl of god To this purpose was the ghospell preached vnto the dead that they shoulde be condemned of men in the fieshe but shoulde lyue before god in the sprite Aboue al thinges haue feruent loue amonge you for loue couereth the multitude of synnes The .v. Chapter SE that ye fede Christes flock which is amōg you taking the ouersighte of them not as though ye were compelled therto but willinglye not for to desyre filthy lucre but of a good mynd not as though ye were Lordes ouer the parishes but that ye be an ensample to the flocke and whē the chief shepehearde shall appere ye shall receiue an incorruptible croune of glory God resisteth the proude and geueth grace to the humble Be sober watche for your aduersary the deuil as a roatyng lyon walketh aboote sekyng whome he maye deuoure Whome resiste sted faste in the sayth remembring that ye do but fulfyll the same afllictions which are appoynted to your brethrē that are in the worlde ¶ The second Epistel of S. Peter the fyrst Chapter IN your fayth minister vertue and in veriue knowlege and in knowledge temperaunce and in temperaunce pacience in pacience godlynes in godlynes brotherly kindenes in brotherlye kindenes loue For yf these thinges be among you and are plenteous they will make you that ye neither shal be ydle nor vnfruitefull in the knowlege of our Lorde Iesus Christ But he that lacketh these thinges is blynde and gropeth for the waye with his hande and had forgottē that he ws purged from his olde synnes The .ii. Chapter THere were false prophetes amonge the people euē as there shal be false teachers amōg you whiche priuely shall brynge in damnable sectes euen denying the Lorde that hath boughte them and bring vpon themselues swift damnacion and many shall solowe theyr damnable wayes by which the waye of truethe shal be euyll spoken of and through couetousnes shal they with fained wordes make marchaundise of you whose iudgement is not farre of and theyr damnation flepeth not The Lord knoweth howe to deliuer the godly out of the temptation and howe to rescrue the the vniusle vnto the daye of iudgement For to be punished namely thē that walke after the fleshe in the lust of vnclennes and despise the rulers Presumpteous are they and stubburne and feare not to speake euell of them that are in auctoritie Of whome soeuer a man is ouer come vnto the same is he in bondage It hadde bene better for them not to haue knowen the waye of right wisenes then after they haue knowen it to turne from the holy commaun dement geuen vnto them The .iii. Chapter ONe daye is with the Lorde as a thousande yeare and a thousande yeare as one daye The Lord is not slacke to fulfyl his promes as some men count slackenes but is pacient to vs warde and wolde haue noman lost but wolde receyue all men to repentaunce The daye of the Lorde wyl come as a these in the night in the whiche daye the heauens shal perishe with terrible noyse and the elementes shall melte with heate and the earth with the workes that are therein shall burne And suppose ye that the long suffringe of the Lorde is saluation euen as oure dearelye beloued brother Paule accordyng to the wysedome geuen vnto hym wrote to you yea almoste in euerye Epistle speaking of suche thinges among which are many thynges harde to be vnderstonde whiche they that are vnlearned vnstable peruerte as they do other scriptures vnto theyr owne destruction The .i. Epistel of S. Iohn the Apostle the .i. Chapter YF we saye that we haue no synne we deceiue our selues and truth is not in vs. Yf we knowledge oure synnes he is faithful and iust to for geue vs oure synnes and to clense vs from all vnrighteousnes Yf we saye we haue not synned we make him a lyar and his worde is not in vs. The .ii. Chapter IF any manne sinne yet we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ which is righteous and he it is that oblayneth grace for oure synnes not for your sinnes onelye but also for the sinnes of al the world He that sayth I know hym and kepeth not his commaundemetes is a lyar and the veritie is not in him He that sayeth he by deth in hym oughte to walke euen as he walked He that sayth how that he is in the lyghte and yet hateth his brother is in darkenes euen vntill this time He that loueth his brother abydeth in the light there is none occasiō of euelin him He that hateth his brother is in darckenes and walketh in darkenes and cannot tel wyther he goeth because that darcknes hathe blynded his eyes Se that ye loue not the world nether the thinges that are in the worlde Yf any manne loue the worlde the loue of the father is not in him for all that is in the worlde as the lust of the fleshe the luste of the eyes and the pryde of goodes is not of the father but of the worlde And the worlde vanisheth awaye and the luste therof but he that fulfylleth the wyll of god abideth euer The .iii.
Chapter WHosoeuer cōmitteth syn cōmitteth vnryghteousnes also for synne is vnrighteousnes whosoeuer doeth not righteousnes is not of god nether he that loueth not his brother He that loueth not his brother abydeth in beathe Whosoeuer hateth his brother is a manne flear and ye knowe that no man flear hathe eternall lyfe abydynge in him Whosoeuer hath this worldes good and syeth his brother haue neade shutteth vp his cōpassiō from him howe dwelleth the loue of god in him Lette vs not loue in worde neyther in tounge but with the dede in verite for therby we know that we are of the verite can before hym quiete our bertes He that kepeth goddes commaundementes dwelleth in him and he in him therby we know that there abydeth in vs of the sprete whyche he gaue vs. The .iiii. Chapter BEleue not euery spirite but proue whether they are of God ornot In this appered the loue of god to vs ward because that God sent his onelye begotten sonne into the worlde that we myght lyue thorow him Herein is loue not that we loued god but that he loued vs and sent his sonne to make agrement for oure synnes Yf we loue one another god dwelleth in vs. and his loue is perfect in vs. Whosoeuer confesseth that Iesus is the sonne of god in him dwelleth god and he in god There is no feare in loue but parsecte loue cafleth out all feare for feare hath painfulnes he the reateth is not perfecte in loue Yf a man saye I loue god and yet hate his brother he is a lyar For howe can he that loueth not his brother whom he hath sene loue god whō he hath not sene The.v. Chapter GOds commaundementes are not greuous This is the victory that ouercommeth the worlde euen oure fay the who is it that ouercommeth the worlde but he which beleueth that Iesus is the sonne of God There are thre which beare record in heauen the father the word and the holy ghost and these thre are one There are thre whiche beare recorde in carth the sprete and water and bloud and these thre are one This is the trust that we haue in god that yf we are any thyng accordyng to his will he heareth vs. And yf we knowe that he heare vs what soeuer we are we knowe that we shal haue the peticions that we desyre of hym Yf any man se his brother synne a synne that is nor vnto death lette him are and he shall geue him life for them that sinne not vnto death There is a sinne vnto death for whiche saye I not that a man should pray All vnrighteousnes is sinne and there is sinne not vnto death The worlde is all together sette on wyckednesse ¶ The seconde Epistell of S. Iohn the fyrste Chapter HAd nowe beseche I the lady not as though I wrote a newe commaundement vnto the but that same whiche we harde frome the begynnynge that we shulde loue one another and this is the loue that we shoulde walke after his commaundementes The .ii. Chapter WHosoeuer transgresseth and bydeth not in the doctrine of christ hath not god He that endureth in the doctrine of christe hath bothe the father and the sonne yf there come any vnto you and brynge not his learnynge him receaue not to house nether byd him god spede for he that byd hym god spede is partaker of his euyl dedes ¶ The Epistel of S. Iude the fyrste Chapter BEholde the Lorde shall come with thousandes of saynetes to geue iudgement againste all menne and to rebuke all that are vngodlye amonge them of all theyr vngodlye dedes whiche they haue vngodlye committed and of all theyr truell speakynges whiche vngodlye synuers haue spoken against him ¶ The Reuelation of S. Iohn the fyrste Chapter HAppy is he that redeth and they that heare the wordes of the prophesy and kepe the thinges which are writtē therin for the time is at hād Beholde he commeth with cloudes and all eyes shall se him and they also whiche persed hym I am Alpha and Omega the begynnynge and the endynge saith the Lorde almyghty whiche is and whiche was and whiche is to come The .ii. Chapter TO hym that ouer commeth wyll I geue to eate of the tree of lyfe which is in the middes of the paradise of god To him that ouercommeth wyll I geue to eate Manna that is hydde and wyll geue hym a white stone and in the stone a new name wrytten whiche no manne knoweth sauynge he that receaueth it I wyll geue vnto euery one of you accordynge vnto your worches To him that overcōmeth and kepeth my workes vnto the ende I wyll geue power ouer nations and he shall rule them with a rodde of yron and as the vessels of a potter shall he brake them to sheuers The .iii. Chapter Yf thou shalt not watche I wyll come on the as a these and thou shalte not knowe what houre I wyll come vpon the. He that ouercommeth shal be clothed in whyt araye and I wyll confesse his name before my father and before his angels I know thy worches that thou art nether colde not hote I wolde thou were colde or hote So then because thou arte betwene both and nether colde nor hot I wyll spewe the out of my mouth because thou art riche and increased with goodes and hast uede of nothynge and knowest not howe thou arte wretched and miserable poore blynde and na●ed I counsel the to bye of me golde tried in the fyre that thou mayst be riche and whyt rayment that thou mayste be clothed that thy fylthy nakednes do not a●pere and annoynte thyne eyes with eye salue that thou mayste see As many as I loue I rebuke and chasten be seruent therfore and repent Beholde I stande at the dore and knocke yf anye man heare my voyce and open the dore I wyll come in vnto hym and wyll suppe with him and he with me To hym that ouercommeth wyll I graunt to syt with me in my seate euen as I ouercame and haue sytten with my father in his seate The .iiii. Chapter THe fyrste beste was lyke a lyon the seconde best lyke a calfe and the thyrde best hadde a face as a manne and the fourthe beste was lyke a ●yinge egle The .v. Chapter ANd when he had taken the booke the foure bestes the .xxiiii. elders fell downe before the lambe hauyng harpes and golden vialles full of odoures whiche are the prayers of saintes and they songe a newe songe saynge thou art worthy to take the boke and to open the seales therof for thou wast kylled hast redemed vs by thy bloude out of all kynreddes and tonges and people and nations and haste made vs vnto our god kynges and prestes and we shall raigne on the exche The .vi. Chapter I Sawe vnder the aulter the soules of thē that were kylled for the worde of god and for the testimonye whiche they had And they cried with ● loude voyce sayeng howe lang cariest thou lord