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A08484 [Here endeth ye hystorye of Olyuer of Castylle, and of the fayre Helayne]; Ye hystorye of Olyver of Castylle, and of the fayre Helayne. Watson, Henry, fl. 1500-1518. 1518 (1518) STC 18808; ESTC S100860 104,179 212

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the same Amē ¶ Of the natyuyte of Olyuer of Castyll and of the dethe of his moder Capitulo i. BYcause that I desyre the hye and notable faytes of ryght noble and ryght valyaunt men of honour and prowesse for to brynge them in to memorye and recommendacyon and also to the ende that all noble and vertuous hertes may be moued and styred for to do well in lykewyse as our predecessours hath done afore vs and in especyall they of the whiche this present hystorye treateth of ¶ I fynde wryten that after the dethe of the ryghte noble and valyaunt lorde and prynce Carlemayne the grete Emperour and Kynge of Fraunce after that he hadde subdu●d brought vnder his obeyssaunce in to our holy crystē fayth the Spanyerdes ¶ There was a kynge in Castyll y● whiche was a ryght puyssaunt prynce that was moche beloued of all his subgectes that at that tyme was depryued of the ryght heurous felycyte that is in maryage whiche is to haue lygnage and generacyon for the whiche cause all his subgectes were gretely at my sease for they desyred no thynge soo moche as to se an heyre of his body that myght be successour of the realme after y● decease of this good kynge His wyfe the whiche was the doughter of the kynge of Galyce that was a fayre lady and a vertuous amonge her prayers and orysons that she ma●e so our lorde forgate not to requyre hym by his debona●e clemense that he wolde sende her a chylde to the ende that the countree abode not with out an hery●ou● Our lorde Ihesu cryst herynge the request that this good quene made to hym forga●e her no● 〈◊〉 in sh●●te tyme after she conceyued and whan terme was come she was delyuered of a fayre sone of the whiche the kynge and all his subgectes were gretely reioysce but theyr Ioye was soone turned to sorow for the quenchad trauaylled so sore y● she lyued not two houres after the byrth of her sone the whiche was grete dyspleasure to the kynge that loued her so moche And certaynly he had good cause neuerthelesse he was not lefte alone makynge that sorowe for all his subgectes bare hym company ¶ How Olyuer was borne to be baptysed and how his moder was borne to be buryed And how the Embassadours were transmysed in to Al●arbe for to mary the kynge agayne Capitulo ii AFter the cōplayntes innumerable of the kynge and of his subgectes y● quene was layd on bere and for to gyue comforte they ordeyned that the chylde sholde be borne to be baptysed with the corps of the quene And soo it was done in grete lamentacyons and the chylde was named Olyuer and after that y● seruyce was fynysshed the kynge retorned in to his palays in the which palays he demeaned his sorowe by longe space of tyme and he toke no comforte but in his ryght amyable sone Olyuer And in kyssynge hym oftentymes he sayd vnto hym Alas my dere sone thy natyuyte hathe torned me to grete Ioye and also vnto grete trystesse and dolour but in all humylyte I beseche our lorde that he haue mercy on thy moders soul● And that he gyue the grace that thou mayst be suche one as my herte doth requyre In suche wordes and semblables he complayned hym often vpō his felowe and spouse that he hadde soo feruently loued The noble men of his courte and also other of the realme were ryght dolaunt bycause that as them semed the kynge was becomen all desolate and not soo famylyer with them as he had ben accustomed afore the dethe of the quene wherfore they sayd that the kynges lamentynge endured ouer longe wherfore it is expedyent to vs for to take aduyse in what maner we may cause hym for to cesse it for he must put it out of his memorye for he is yet yonge lusty ynough for to haue ꝓgeny chyldren there is nothynge y● may cause hym so sone for to ●esse his sorowe and make hym Iocounde as to mary hym vnto some yonge lady ●where as he maye take his pleasure and delyte in al gladnesse These wordes were not sayd alonly in this absence but also in his presence for they that were moost couersaunt with his persone declared it often vnto hym and exhorted hym for to be maryed yf that they myght fynde one that were acceptable for the dygnyte At that tyme the kyng of Algarbe was deed and his wyfe was abyden wydowe the whiche was one of the moost excellentest ladyes at that tyme of the worlde the whiche had a sone by her ryghtfull lorde and husbande that was named Arthur the which was a meruaylous fayre chylde and Olyuer he were bothe of one aege The kynge of Castyll had ben aduertysed of the beaute of the quene of Algarbe wherfore he sente his Ambassatours for to haue her to his quene y● whiche Embassatours whan they were comen theder were receyued with grete tryumphe and honoure in so moche that shortly after she was accorded to them by the lordes of the realme as ye shall here Whan they were brought in the presence of the quene and her counsayll they declared the cause of theyr comynge y● whiche was gladly herde bothe of her kynnesmen and the other barons and after that the Embassatours hadde rehersed that the whiche they had in commaundement by theyr lorde and kynge they with drewe them in to theyr lodges with whome wente many knyghtes and squyres for to conueye them ¶ How the maryage was treated bytwene the kyng of Castyll Olyuers fader and the quene of Algarbe Arthurs moder Capitulo iii. AS the quene sawe her accompanyed 〈◊〉 moost parte of her frendes And them that she moost trusted in sayd Lordes ye knowe the cause wherfore the kynge of Ca●●yll hathe sēte his Embassadours hether wherfore I prarye you for 〈…〉 in this mater for I am she that by our good counsayll wyll be agreable to do that the whiche ye shall determyne These wor●s fynysshed she toke 〈◊〉 and wente in to her chambre and leue them alone with that mater And fy●●●ly they were all of ou● accorde that the maryage sholde be made And retorned towarde the 〈◊〉 s●ynge that as them thought there was but 〈◊〉 prynces of more auctoryte than the kynge of Casty●l was wherfore she myght not be lyghtly better bestowed And in effecte they shewed her the yonge aege that she was yet in and also th● tendre aege of her sone Wherfore they counsaylled her that she sholde accepte the request of the Kynge of Castyll The quene answered my frendes I haue tolde you yet dothe that your good counsayll and 〈◊〉 ●s well my wyll And therfore make the responce and answere to the Embassadours on 〈◊〉 suche as ●e shall thynke moost expedyent 〈◊〉 I shall 〈…〉 And then they thanked her and 〈…〉 fyue or syxe of the moost notablest 〈◊〉 whiche were chosen for to gyue the answere 〈…〉 of y● kynge of Castyll And wha● that they were com●n to
alonge that whiche was his duete Olyuer seyng that there wolde be none other thynge enquyred what the some of the deth dyd drawe to And founde that it drewe to a .lx. pounde not withstandynge that durynge his vyage he had spente a good parte of his M. nobles that he had but lefte alytell more than halfe yet he was delybered for to content the burgeysland payed hym And also he made the seruyce of the knyght ryght honourably for whiche cause he was moche praysed of euery body and to the contrary the frendes of the deed bodye was moche blamed as it was ryght Olyuer the whiche had but a lytell money lefte soiourned a lytell space of tyme in Caunterburye where as he herde tytynges that the kynge of Englande at the instaunce of his subgectes had made a crye of a torneyment that sholde laste thre dayes And theder myght come all noble men And he that sholde doo best by the saynge of the prynces and pryncesses the whiche was commysed therto sholde haue his onely doughter in maryage yf that she had wyll vnto hym The whiche doughter at that present tyme was holden for the moost fayrest lady that was in all the monarchye of the worlde And the Kynge her fader wolde not mary her to noo grete prynce bycause he wolde not haue her lenthed fro hym For he loued her so feruently that he coude make no good chere y● daye that he sawe her not Also he dyd thynke that for the welfare of the countree it was more necessarye for to gyue her to a hardy and a valyaunt man thought that he were poore than to a grete lorde that had not those vertues And also as touchynge noblesse and r●●chesse she had ynoughe for thē bothe and for that cause he had made crye the tor●eymēt that the moost valyauntest of the feest sholde haue his ryght beauteuous and fayre doughter in maryage And that after his decesse his kyngdome myght falle in to the handes of the valyaunt knyght and lorde for to kepe and defende it from all them that wolde greue it There were foure hōdred knyghtes commysed of within for to resyste agaynst all comers And it was .xi. monethes syth that the feest had bē publysshed thrughe all the realmes crysten This not withstandynge vntyll that tyme Olyuer had herde no tydynges therof and there was no more but .xv. dayes to the corneyment wherfore Olyuer had grete dyspleasure bycause that hym thoughte that he myght not come theder sone ynoughe also bycause that he had but lytell moneye for to go theder withall Neuerthelesse he made hymredy for to be there in the best wyse that he myght yf that our lorde sente hym not some empesshement that he coude not go And fro that houre he beganne for to fele the sparcles of loue sayd to hymselfe that he sholde be well eurous yf that after his grete aduersyte and euylles he myght attayne vnto so hye a thȳge as for to haue her in maryage of whome he herde speke soo moche good thrughe the vnyuersall worlde ¶ How Olyuer was assaylled by theues and slewe theym and of that whiche happened hym vpon his waye towarde London Capitulo xix OLyuer hauynge ryght grete desyre wyll for to be with the other at the tornaymente aforesayd consyderynge that the terme was shorte payed and contended his hoost and after departed frome the cyte of Caunterbury all alone withouten ony company towarde the cyte of London Where as the grete and solempne feest sholde be holden And therfore dyuers grete lordes were comen theder all redy And there came so many that all the lodgynges and ynnes were full Soo as Olyuer exployted hym so on his Iourneye that he was a good dele auaunged as he the whiche thought that he sholde neuer come theder tyme ynoughe for to se her for whose loue he toke that Iourneye and so he passed on his way in suche thoughtes and in those thoughtes he came into a lytell busshy wodde somwhat out of his hye waye he had not longe gone therin whan he mette .xv. theues the whiche were armed in complete harnays and cryed to hym saynge that he was but deed and he was enuyronned with them or euer he loked vp and lefte his pen sees of loue And whan he sawe that he coude not escape without medlynge he sette his hande to his swerde and smote one of them vpō the heed so asprely that he claue hym to the tethe and soo fell downe deed And than he smote on the ryght hande and on the lefte hande so impyteously that he cutte armes and hedes in a suche wyse that the hardyest of them durst not abyde hym a buffet for he had sette his backe agaynst a thycke hedge so that his enemyes myght not endommage hym behynde And for to make it shorte he dyde so moche by the helpe of god that he slewe .xi. of them and the remenaūt fledso●e wounded Whan Olyuer sawe that he was delyuered of them he thanked god of that vyctorye and alyghted of his hors and tayde hym to a tree and then he began for to bynde some of his woundes in the beste wyse that he myght but they were not mortall wherof he gaue thankȳges to god And so as he toke kepe to his woūdes his hors brake loose for he had not tayed hym fast And so wente awaye with his casket of moneye the whiche was at the arson of the sadell and was gone all redy a good waye or euer Olyuer apperceyued hym Neuerthelesse whan that the apperceyued hym he begāne for to renne after hym as well as he myghte and Olyuer ranne so longe and so fast that he was al●moost bretheles And in that estate the hors came rennynge bofore the place where one of the theues was hydde that had escaped from Olyuer And whan the sayd thefe saw the horse he knewe hym well ynoughe and ranne after hym toke hym and incontynente mounted vpon his backe and rode his waye with casket and all Whan Olyuer apperceyued hym he knewe well ynoughe y● he had lost his horse and his casket with moneye wherfore ye may well thynke that he was ryght dysplesaunt for he founde hymselfe without moneye and also in a straunge coūtree where as he hadde no knowledge and whan he saw that all was lost he sayd to hymselfe O good swete lorde Ihesu cryst I requyre y● comforte this poore vnhappy catyf for all myn esperaunce and hope is onely in the for I se well that fortune is contrary to me and that yf it procede not of thyn infynyte grace myne enterpryse can neuer be encheued wherfore good lorde I put me totally in to thy grace and mercy In praynge the good lorde Ihesu cryst that thou dystinge it after thyn owne wyll for lyghtly I can not haue worse than I haue had hetherto wherof I thanke the. ¶ How a knyght came for to comforte Olyuer and of y● promesses that they had togyder Capitulo xx RYght
prysoners of longe tyme the whiche were abyden in a stronge for tresse not ferre from thē sholde be brought to hym and made to saye to his cooke that he sholde make redy the souper in y● best maner that he coude for he wolde feest the seuen kynges in his pauylyon And whā the houre of souper approched he made them to sytte downe at a table and souped rychely After souper Olyuer made auoydaunce and sayd vnto the seuen kynges howe that they were prysoners not to come of them but at the plesure and wyll of the kynge of Englāde that they hadde so vylaynously offended and made grete doubte that he wolde punysshed them greuously as it apperteyned tolde them that they sholde be ledde to hym on the next morowe and that they sholde thynke on that that they wolde doo for to amende the offence that hadde ben done by them ¶ How Olyuer after dyuers thynges sente for to denounce his comyng to the kynge of Englande and of the honour that was done to hym Capitulo xlv SOne after dyuers wordes came the spyces the wyne after they wente vnto bedde vnto the morowe that euery body by the cōmaūdement of the capytayns made thē redy to departe and soo euery thynge packed trussed they retorned towarde London And than Olyuer called vnto hym a ryght valyaunt knyght and one of the capytaynes Englysshe to whome he prayed moche curtaysly that he wolde goo towarde the kynge denounce to hym theyr comynge and that he coude tell hym the thynges better than ony coude wryte theym The knyght in accomplysshynge the wyll of Olyuer put hȳ selfe on the waye he dyde so moche that within a lytell space he arryued at London and salued the kynge and made the recōmaundacyons ryght humbly frome Olyuer and all his felowes and than he began to tell hym how they were on the waye to retorne and that the seuen kyngedomes of Irlande were conquered and put in the obeyssaunce of his septre And that Olyuer brought hym the seuen kynges prysoners for to doo with them his good pleasure And began to deuyse hym of the valyaunce that he had sene Olyuer do and that with payne it was credyble that the whiche he hadde sene Olyuer accomplysshe And sayd syre after god and his holy moder gyue thankynges vnto the ryght valyaunt knyght Olyuer for by his ryght arme ye haue obtayned vyctory of all your enemyes And certaynly I thynke that neuer god gaue to no man so moche goodnesse as he hath gyuē to this same The kynge herynge those Ioyous tydynges was so replenysshed with Ioye that he was a longe space or that he myght speke Neuerthelesse sone after he enbraced the knyght and sayd My frende ye be ryght welcome I thanke god the armes and the swerde of the ryghte gentyll knyght of the Ioyous tydynges that ye brynge me And after commaunded hym for to tell it on hyghe So he began for to recounte it more lenger than he hadde done to the kynges persone And alwaye pray synge and louynge Olyuer saynge that it was a thynge of the other worlde and not for to byleue to theym that had not sene it These tydynges were sone spredde aboute in the ladyes chambres and came to the ceres of the fayre Helayne that was moche Ioyous of that whiche she herde and her thought that and he hadde ben kynge and she quene that all the worlde sholde haue bē the better Wherfore her courage blamed strōgly her fader bycause that he kepte from so gentyll a knyght that y● whiche was due to hym The kynge enquyred and demaunded the daye of his comynge and made to ordeyne a ryghte grete feest at theyr comynge He commaunded all the grete lordes and prynces of his realme for to be there And whan it came that Olyuer approched nere the Cyte all the prynces wēte agaynst hym and there was none of them but that they dyde hym honoure and reuerence The kynge hadde ordeyned that he sholde be ledde in grete tryumphe thorughe the cyte And therfore the strete● were hanged and the fyres alyghted and the belles rougen on all sydes ¶ Also the processyons on all sydes wente agaynste hym to the gate of the cyte And whan 〈◊〉 apperceyued the processyons he alyghted of his 〈◊〉 and consequently all the grete lordes that dydde hym that honoure And in that estate they came vnto the cathedrall chyrche of Poules where as they gaue than● kynges and louynges to almyghty god and to our lady And then they mounted on horsbacke and then Olyuer sente the seuen kynges prysoners in to the places that we reordeyned for them And he all armed wènte towarde the kynge the whiche he salued ryght humbly Whā the kynge apperceyued hym he wente agaynst hym and began for to kysse hym colle hym saynge my ryght swete frende blessyd be the fader that engendred the and the moder that bare the. And thanked be my blessyd lorde that euer gaue the wyll for to come in to this countre the whiche at this presente tyme is so gretely honoured and redoubted by thy swerde I praye to god that he gyue me space for to deserue it to you warde Olyuer answered to hym Syr thanke our lorde and after the valyaunt men that ye gaue to me and not me for take that I haue done the best that I can yet I haue not deserued the honoure that ye do to me The kynge answered that he was aduertysed of euery thynge and commaunded hym to go and dysarme hym And whan the houre of souper sholde approche that he sholde retorne that he sholde brynge with hym the seuen kynges for he wolde soupe with them in his palays Olyuer wente towarde his maystres to whome the kynge hadde commaunded that all the honoure that she coude make hym that she sholde do it And therfore whan she sawe Olyuer come to warde her she wente agaynste hym and toke hym by the hande and kyssed hym in saynge that he was ryght welcome and that she was glad of his welfare but bycause that the souper tyme approched that he sholde ●etche the kynges prysoners he abode not longe there but toke leue and wente in to his lodgynge ¶ How Olyuer came in to the courte accompanyed of the seuen kynges prysonets of whiche he made a present to the kynge of Englande Capitulo xlvj WHan y● Olyuer was dysarmed and habylled of newe clothes he came ryght well accōpanyed of noble mē o● the kynges courte that had grete desyre for to please hym in to the lodgys of the seuē kynges the whiche he salued and sayd to them that the Kynge his lorde wolde speke with them and soupe with them they sayd that they wolde go gladlye and mounted on horsbacke and Olyuer also with them that conduyted them And whā they entred in to the courte dyuers lordes and prynces of Englande came agaynst them that dyde lede them to warde the kynge the whiche whan he lawe them in
guerdon of all these thynges I broke one of his legges Now it is happened after all these thynges that he hath had a meruaylous sykenes not foure houres ago And so as I desyred some thynge y● myght hele hym It happened me to haue a vysyon and was tolde to me that who that wolde gyue hym a drynke of the blode of two Innocentes sone and doughter medled togyder that he sholde haue helthe So it is happened for to gete hȳ helth that with this swerde I haue slayne my propre chyldrē and byheded them for to rendre to hym his helthe the whiche he hathe wherfore I gyue thankynges vnto our sauyour And after that I sawe hym heled I thought for to haue departed from this realme But yet I came in to her chambre for to se my chyldren that I had slayne the whiche by the wyll of our lorde that hathe extended his grace and pyteous mercy on me poore synner hath founde them alyue and playnge the one with the other Wherfore faders and moders that hathe chyldren thynke in what doloure I was in whā I put them to dethe And what Ioye that I haue herde whan I se thē reuyued Then he toke his two chyldrē and afore all the people shewed them alyue lapped in the clothe that was all bebledde of theyr blode Wherfore all they that were the represent were mouyd with inwardly pyte that with wepynges and lamētacyons they made a grete bruyte The kynge wepte for grete Ioye and pyte The poore Helayne that sawe her chyldrē so myghte not supporte herselfe but fell in a swowne And whan she was comente herselfe she came to her chyldren in shewynge to thē moderly loue she coude not be fulfylled with kyssynge and pyteous remuneracyon Bryefely it was a pyteous thynge for to be in that chyrche for some wepte for Ioye and the other for pyte And whan the sorowe was a lytell aswaged the kynge al wepynge came and enbraced Olyuer saynge ¶ Noble kynge blessyd be our lorde whan he hathe gyuen me the puyssaūce for to mary my doughter so nobly as to a kynge that is extracte of so noble a lygnage Ye recoūte vnto vs y● moost meruaylous tale that euer was herde in ony countree And ye maye well ymagyne that they that shall here it after vs shall saye thus for for euermore the compaynye of you and of your broder as lōge as the worlde shall endure ought to be recounted for the not semblable that euer was herde or that shall be ¶ How Olyuer sente Arthur in to Castyll for to notyfye his comynge And how the kynge of Englande accompanyed Olyuer in to Castylle Capitulo lxxi THe myracle was publysshed thrughe the real me of Englande And after all these thynges they beganne for to make Ioyous feestes in welcomynge the kȳge of Castylle that was than knowen And euery body sayd that the kynge was happy for to haue maryed his doughter soo And sayd that it was meruayll that he had kepte hym 〈◊〉 longe close The kynge of Englande sente for the lordes and ladyes of his countree And helde one of the gretest feestes that euer he had made Olyuer prayed theym all that they wolde accompanye hym in to Castylle to be at his coronacyon And they accorded hym all and the kynge hymselfe sayd that he wolde go with hym and Olyuer thanked hym And after prayed the kynge of Algarbe his felowe that he wolde do soo moche as to goo in to Castylle for to denounce his comynge Arthur sayd that he wolde do it gladly He departed from Englande well accompanyed and dyde soo moche that they arryued in Castylle where as he tolde the comynge of the kynge of his wyfe the kynge of Englandes doughter Whan y● tydynges were denounced that he was comē and that Olyuer came after euery body thanked god and apparaylled them for to receyue hym in the moost honourablest wyse that they myghte They of the realme assembled them and by counsayll ordeyned for to make feest ▪ from the fyrste towne of the realme where as he sholde entre vnto the laste that he sholde passe by And all at y● expence of the realme Whan Olyuer thought that his felowe myght be well in Castyll he made that the kȳge was contente to departe And departed from London the fayrest and the moost noble companye and the best in poynt that euer was sene vpon a daye Helayne was accompanyed of ladyes and damoyselles in suche wyse that it was grete pleasure for to beholde theym of theyr Iourneys I can not deuyse to you but they dydde soo moche that they arryued in Spayne where as they were feested of all the grete lordes that they passed by And whan they approched nere Castylle Arthur and all the grete lordes came agaynst them And welcomed theym ryght gracyouslye and Ioyously in thankynge god of theyr comynge Then they made reuerence to theyr lorde to theyr newe quene also The whiche semed them the fayrest lady that euer they had sene Also they salued the kynge of Englande in offrynge them to his seruyce And whan they were entred in to the fyrst towne of the realme the stretes were hanged pagentes vpon scaffoldes and there was soo many other playes that they wyst not y● whiche they myght beholde The ladyes were in the wyndowes soo rychely clothed that it was meruayll And whan it came that they entred in to the prynces place all that they had sene afore was nothynge to that y● whiche they sawe there They were so wel seruyd at souper that it was m●ruayle And fynablye in all the townes that they passed by they founde newe thynges and alwaye better and better From the begynnynge of the realme all the companye were at the good Olyuers expences In that estate they came vnto the cyte of Vaudolytys where as they founde the olde quene of Castyll Olyuers stepmoder Arthurs owne moder the whiche at the request of her sone Arthur was comē oute of the realme and countree of Algarbe for to saye vnto the fayre Helayne that was newe quene that she was welcome and to Olyuer semblably Also in that same Cyte was the moost ryalte as in the pryncypall cyte ¶ And whan it came that they were descended at the palays y● quene Arthurs moder came agaynst them strongely accompanyed with ●adyes and damoyselles welcomed the newe quene also y● kynge of Englande her fader And on y● morowe Olyuer was crowned he layne also And at the dyner the kynge of Englande the kynge of Casty●●● the kynge of Algarbe the two other quenes were set at one table all .v. were crowned ¶ Here it deuyseth how the kynge and y● other lordes and ladyes dyde departe And how y● whyte knyght appered to Olyuer and oppressed hȳ for to holde his promesse whiche was for to gyue hym y● halfe of his wynnynge bycause of the torneyment Ca. lxxij AFter these thynges and that the kynge of Englande hadde ben there by the space of two
not fynde hym in defaute saynge that he was not there as he hadde appoynted hym to abyde And in that estate he passed the two dayes And whan it came vnto y● daye that euery gentylman and lorde oughte for to be fynde hymself vpon the lystes and ye may ymagyne in what dolour was the poore Olyuer And yf that his herte was sory and dyspleasaunte no body ought to meruayll them for he stode afore the dore of the hermytage alwaye herke●●nge yf that his knyght came for there fell not a lefe but that he wende that he had comen he abode so longe that he was out of all esperaunce and hope And he stode in that estate sore musynge he herde grete noyse of ryders amonge the leues And then Olyuer thought that it was some grete gentylman that rode to the torneyment as the other lordes dyde And thē he kest his regarde that waye where he herde the noyse And aspyed to the nombre of fyftene gentylmen clothed in blacke sa●sene● And the surplus of theyr habyllementes was of the same colour and they were mounted on blacke coursers and theyr coursers were trapped all in blacke veluet and eche of them hadde a spere in his hande that was couered with blacke veluet And then he sawe come after therin ten knyghtes ●abylyed in longe gownes of blacke veluet and furred with martres and ●edde after them a courser morell the whiche hadde ●uskynges of clothe of golde vp to the bely and he was en●yronne● with xv pages mounted vpon coursers of y● same colour and buskynges of the same colour And after them was 〈◊〉 score pages of the same lyue●ay reserued that it was clothe ¶ Of the grete Ioye that Olyuer had whan he sawe the fayre stedes and the ryche parementes that his knyght had brought to hym and how he armed hȳ of the ryche pa●ciyon of the fayre Helayne the kynges doughter of Englāde of her beaute Ca. xxiij HIs folke clothed and habylyed as ye haue herde afore rode vnto the hermytage and then euery body ●oued and abode there all ●oye and salued Olyuer that was afore y● bare and he full gentylly rendred to them theyr salute And as he behelde that fayre company hȳ thought that the knyght with the longest gowne was y● same knyght that spake vnto hym in the wood wherof he was ryght gladde and wēte for to salue hym but as soone as the knyght apperceyued hym comynge he a●yghted of his horse and came agaynst hym and after he sayd to hym Olyuer good frende these mē that ye se here I haue brought them vnto you And bycause that we ben comen from ferre for to do you seruyce and honour I praye you that ye do so moche at his ●●●neyment that ye haue honour and that we lese not our payne Olyuer answered hym ryght curteysly My lorde and my frende ye do so moche for me that I can neuer rendre you the guerdon wherfore suche as I am ye may cōmaunde me for th●●●dy is yours and at this tyme I can not gyue you no better thynge I praye to god that he gyue me grace for to deserue it agaynst you and that he gyue me strengthe for to doo as well as I haue the volente These wordes fynysshed y● knyght sayd to hym that it was hye houre for to arme hym And therfore in a fayre grene place y● was afore y● hermytage there was a chayre brought wherin Olyuer set hym for to take his refeccyon and then after they armed hym dylygently In y● meane whyle that he armed hym the ladyes came in to the felde and brought with them y● fayre Helayne doughter of the kynge of Englande and ledde her in to the pauelyon that for her was ordeyned and it was hanged with tapysserye of clothe of golde ryght ryche and there was a chayre reysed vp on hye in the whiche chayre was .x. steppes or that they myght come to the syege aboue ouer the whiche was a canape of purple veluet charged full of grete perles oryentales and had in the myddes therof a Carbuncle that rendred so grete lumere y● it was meruayll for to beholde it In the syege aboue as I haue receyted to you was sette the excellent Helayne And vpon eche of the forsayd steppes satte two Iuges That is for to knowe a prynce and a pryncesse echone after his degree The other ladyes and damoyselles the whiche was there without nombre put theym in theyr places and scaffoldes that were for thē ordeyned and ensygned And in lyke wyse on the other syde was a grete company of noble and valyaunt knyghtes and lordes of this realme of Englande Ye may well thynke that it was grete tryumphe and grete solace for the men of armes for to beholde so fayre a companye aboute the noble and excellent Helayne and euery thynge so well ordeyned as that thynge was there for her sake the whiche was so rychely apparaylled that non● can not reherse the lyght that the precyous stones rendred that were about● her the whiche embelysshed her excellent vysage Who that hadde sene her in that estate he wolde haue thought that she hadde ben a thyng of the other worlde for I thynke that at her nayssaūce and byrthe nature had put all her excellence and grace Yf that she was semely of body and excellent of vysage it was nothynge in comparyson towarde the gyftes of grace where with she was endowed for all excellence and bounte honoure hūblenesse doulsure and swetnesse and all other vertues and good condycyons that in ony womā of noble lygnage apperteyned florysshed in her And therfore she sholde be ryght eurous in this wretched worlde that myght attayne vnto so hyghe a thynge as for to haue for his parte the floure and lyesse of this worlde And euen thus euery body put hymselfe in payne for to conquere her And there was not one but that hym semed that he wolde conquere her or elles deye in the payne ¶ Of the grete meruaylles that Olyuer dyde at the torneyment aboue them all Capitulo xxiii ANd then the ladyes were not soo sone in the scaffoldes but that the four hondred knyghtes were vpon the felde redy for to withstande all comers as ye haue herde before for the torneyment sholde last thre dayes The fyrst daye was ordeyned for to Iust. The seconde daye for to torneye not as they do nowe a dayes but with sharpe swerdes and not rebatred The thyrde day was for to fyght on fote and euery body myght haue an axe of armes and a swerde aboute hym And bycause that they were many knyghtes they had grete place they with out had knowlege that they of within were alredy at the lystes vpon the felde and all the ladyes redy for to beholde them whiche sholde do best euery knyght put hym in deuoyre for to Iuste the fyrste Neuerthelesse Olyuer was not the fyrste for there was many there afore hym As the kynges sone of Scotlande and dyuers
of that whiche he hadde founden in Olyuer and sayd that he founde neuer a more dyscreter mā nor more worthy and that he was dygne of moche good And the Kynge was ryght Ioyous of that reporte and began for to tell in what maner he wolde that the pryce were gyuen and who sholde bere it and tolde them that he wolde make them haue knowlege the houre that the pryce sholde he gyuen And then he departed and came to the daunces where as he founde his doughter y● whiche he toke by the hāde and sayd to her My fayre doughter ye muste tell me to whiche of these lordes that ye haue s●ue here ye haue best wyll to whiche hathe done beste by your aduyse My lorde my fader I haue no more wyll to one thā to an other Ye be my fader reason it is that I obey to you for your pleasure is myne and also me thȳketh that they haue all done so well that none can amende it Then the kynge demaunded her yf that she wolde be as well cōtente yf Olyuer hadde the pryce as yf a gretter lorde had it She answered it is a fayre thȳge to do ryghte to euery body Ye be wyse and knoweth what ye haue to do The kȳge whiche was dyscrete sente for y● pryce y● whiche was brought in the maner that foloweth ¶ How the pryce of the torneyment was brought to Olyuer by dyuers lordes and ladyes and what it was Capitulo xxxiiii THere came fyrste many torches and offycers for to make place After came a Kynge of armes rychely clothed holdȳg● on hyghe with bothe his hādes a grete and massysse cheyne of golde charged enryched with precyous stones After hym came two fayre ladyes clothed in lyke habyllementes the whiche became them so well that it was a pleasaūt syght to beholde them These ladyes were accompanyed with four knyghtes clothed in lyke wyse and eche of the ladyes were on the ryght hande of two knyghtes And in suche estate they came afore y● kȳges persone to whome they dyde the reuerence as it apperteyned And thē they demaunded hym yf it were his good pleasure that the pryce were gyuen And he answered ye Then they began to walke aboute the halle and came to the place where as Olyuer was hydde amonge the prece To whome the Kynge of armes sayd that he sholde come forth and that it was to hym that they wolde speke and after that he was comen forth the kynge of armes sayd to hym in this wyse Carbūcle and gemme of all prowesse and hardynesse the kȳge our souerayne lorde and the ladyes of this company by the grete and hyghe faytes of armes that in you hath bē shewed and comen to theyr knowlege dothe presente to you this noble cheyne in gyuynge you the pryce of the thre dayes with tryumphe and glorye aboue al them that theder hathe ben comen or founde them there I make you no mēsyon of my ryght redoubted maystresse and lady Helayne bycause that the Kynge my souerayne lorde make y● to you a request that is that the ryght that ye can demaūde of her by the crye that was publysshed by his cōmaundement that it wyll please you for to be cōtente 〈…〉 dyfferre and abyde vntyl a yere be passed And he dothe promyse you that enduryng that whyle my lady Helayne his dought●● shall not be maryed and then he shall do so moche towarde you that ye shall be well contente For she shall be appareylled for you euen as she sholde be at this presente tyme for he wolde not take fro you for no thynge that the whiche ye haue deserued Oliuer with a symple voyce all rubycūde answered that he had not deserued the honour that they presented hym but syth that it was the kynges good pleasure and the lordes and ladyes he sholde be a grete fole and mysproude to refuse it As for the surplus touchynge the kynges requestes he answered that his requestes were cōmaūdementes in praynge yf that he had wonne ony thynge that it sholde not be taken from hym For he was well in wyll for to take it yf it fell to hym This notwithstandynge he was well contente that the kynges wyll were accomplysshed and to abyde a yere And thanked the kynge and the ladyes that had made hym that present And toke the chayne of golde and put it aboute his neck And then they demaūded hym his name and surname he made hymself Olyuer but he sayd that his surname myght not be knowen at that present tyme. And bycause that the heraude coude not tell how to gyue his name in knowlege that the pryce was gyuen to he beganne for to crye in this maner wyse To this blacke rede and whyte knyght the floure of chyualrye that by force of armes hathe obteyned the laste tryumphe of the torneyment hathe ben delyuered the pryce ¶ How Olyuer requyred y● kynge of Englande that he wolde reteyne hym of his courte that he myght k●●ue afore his doughter the whiche he vttred hym afore all his barons Capitulo xxxv THen was Olyuer ledde afore the kȳge y● whiche he thanked hūbly of the grete honour that he had done to hym without deseruynge and besought hym for to haue alwaye memorye of hym and of his promyse that he h●o made hym and to reteyne hym of his courte The kȳge answered in saynge that he wolde do it with ryght● good wyll that suche estate as he wolde demaunde sholde be delyuered hym and with that that he sholde not fere hym but that he wolde haue me morye of hym that bycause of the pryce that was his he sholde lese nothynge Syr sayd Olyuer I can not tel you how ye vnderstande it truely I can nothynge lese of what wherof I had neuer nothynge but I holde you for so valyaunt that ye wyll not go agaynst your worde ye gyue me for to chese and take suche estate as shal please me wherfore I thanke you ¶ And therfore I praye you that ye wyll be cōtente that I be squyre keruer afore my lady your doughter And the Kynge answered in refusynge hym and sayd that his doughter was not accustomed for to be serued of a knyght Notwithstandynge he requyred and prayed so moche that the kynge was cōtente that his wyll were fulfylled Neuerthelesse that he was worthy to haue had a gretter estate than that Then he made hym to ryse and toke hym by the hāde ledde hym towarde his doughter and then commaunded her that she sholde kysse hym bycause that hym semed that Olyuer had well deserued it and at the leest yf that he had no more honour but that for to content hȳ the better The fayre Helayne in accomplysshynge the wyll of the Kynge her fader toke Olyuer by y● hande y● was alredy on his knee and kyssed hym in touchȳge her mouthe agaynst his This kysse thrugh perced y● herte of Olyuer and his entraylles and entred and lodged in the moost secretest place
for hym durynge his maladye wherof Olyuer had his heed dyuers tymes sore troubled ¶ It happened vpon a whytsontyde on the whiche daye he helde open courte And there was the moost parte of the lordes of Englande assembled euen so as he was at dyner and his doughter sette besyde hym came a messanger afore the table the whiche began for to saye That same god all puyssaunt that gouerneth all thynges gyue honoure and glorye good aduenture to the hyghe and puyssaunt prynces my souerayne lordes the seuen kynges of Irlande by whome I am sente hether and that he confounde the crowne of Englande the whiche is not worthy to be named Kynge Now herken tyraunt what I haue in charge for to saye to the by the kynges of Irlande They sende the worde by me and defyeth the of fyre and bloode and that they wyll depose the of thy realme as he that is not worthy for to holde it Some of them hathe ben comen to thy courte for to knowe more playnly thy gouernynge wheras they haue apperceyued thy grete crude lyte and tyrannye and howe that by thy synguler and dampnable wyll hathe accomplysshed thy tyrannye on colde bloode withouten ony cause reasonable wherfore thou arte cause of the effusyon of blode humayne and of the semblable crysten And therfore take heede to that whiche thou hast to do For I tell the that they ben alredy descended on thy grounde and shall do suche Iustyce on the as apperteyneth ¶ How Olyuer after that the messanger hadde fynysshed his wordes requyred the kynge of Englande for to gyue hym men of armes and that he wolde goo agaynst them the whiche was vttred vpō hym with a good wyll Capitulo xl FYnysshed the wordes of the messanger the kynge enclyned his heed and sone after lyft it vp agayne and began to rolle his eyen to bende his browes in suche wyse that here sembled a man extracte oute of his mynde Whan the messenger sawe the kynge make suche chere he wolde with a good wyll haue ben in his moders bely There was none that answered for the courte at that tyme was to troubled that it was grete meruayll to beholde it for all they in the halle kepte scylence and sayd neuer a worde Whan the valyaunt Olyuer sawe all the companye so sore abasshed for so lytel a thynge as hym semed he sette hymselfe on his knees before the kynges persone and all ashamed beganne for to speke and sayd Ryght myghtye Emperour redou●ted syr I beseche you that your ryall mayeste be not dysmayed agaynste me yf that I auaunce me to speke soner than I oughte to do Syr ye haue herde the iniuryes that these caytyfs kynges of Irlande hathe unposed on you by the saynge of the herauldes And for bycause that I knowe you soo valyaunt and so puyssaūt and with that that ye hadde leuer deye than it sholde abyde thus without vengynge you on your enemyes that alredy ben entred in to your realme wherfore I supplye me in all humylyte that vnto me yonge man notwithstandynge that I am not dygne and that I haue lytell sene vnto this present tyme that ye wyll do me that honoure for to gyue me a certayne nombre of men of armes suche as your good pleasure shal be and that ye shall fynde by the delyberacyon of your good counsayll for to go agaynste these vnhappy folke that withoute cause wyl vsurpe youe lordshyppe ¶ The kynge answered vnto Olyuer and sayd Olyuer I shall counsayll me on the request that ye make to me after dyner and after I shall make you to knowe my wyll And then he commaunded that the messaunger of the Kynges of Irlande sholde be sette to dyner And soo it was done Whā the kynge was rysen from the table he assembled his counsayll And then was gyuen an answere to the messanger that he sholde saye to his maysters that they myght be well sure that the Kynge doubted theym but lytell and that he hadde good wyll for to kepe his herytage that yf they myghte wynne●● that it sholde be theyres but by the pleasure of god it sholde not happen so and then they gaue some gyfte vnto the messanger And then the sayd messanger departed and retorned towarde the kynges of Irlāde that alredy were entred into the realme of Englande to whome he tolde the answere that he had receyued And then y● kynge of Englande accorded to Olyuer his request for the grete valyauntnesse y● he had sene hym do afore tymes And gaue to hym .x. thousande men of armes the whiche comen he toke leue of the kynge and the kynge gaue hym foure thousande nobles at his departynge the whiche Olyuer toke in good thanke But afore that he departed from the cyte he dystrybued it vnto the poore men of armes that had nede therof and more to and he dyde soo moche that they spake of nothynge but of his grete largesse wherfore he gate the loue of euery body And in y● maner departed after that he had taken leue of his may stresse the whiche commaunded hym vnto god And he spedde hym so well on his Iourneye that he came with in thre myle of his enemyes And whan it came to theyr knowlege they reysed vp theyr syege that they had layde aboute a stronge place and putte theym all vpon a playne in fayre ordenaunce redy to abyde bataylle Olyuer in lyke wyse prayed and requyred all his men for to do well in shewynge theym that they sholde haue more honoure without comparyson yf ony good aduenture happened them than yf the kynge were there in his persone and eche of them promysed to do his deuoyre And in that good wyll they approched so nere theyr enemyes that they myght se them clerely the whiche were foure agaynst one man But they were not men of suche chap for the moost parte were comune men and euyll armed at all poyntes ¶ How Olyuer after that he was departed from London in armes came afore a towne that was besyeged of the Irysshemē and how he fought with them and vaynquysshed them Capitulo xlj RYght so as these two hoostes approched to gyder ye myght haue herde suche a noyse that it was hydeous to here and whan it came to the strokes gyuynge ye sholde haue sene sheldes c●ouen and helmes hauberkes brokē stedes and knyghtes smyten downe hedes and armes cut of and many one pulled downe that neuer rose after Olyuer wente thrughe the batayll maulgre all his enemyes and dyde suche dedes of armes that he made hym to be knowen within a lytell stounde of euery body wherfore they fledde afore hym and made hym waye For all that he hytte he smote downe none can not reherse vnto you the meruaylous strokes that he gaue for bothe his frendes and his enemyes were all abasshed to beholde them He escryed as hye as he myght yf the kynges of Irlande be here I shall make them crownes One of the kynges of Irlande
his chambre he remeuyd not from his place y● other bowȳge theyr knees lowe ynoughe And whan they approched nere the kynge the kynge toke of his hatte and in marchynge thre or foure paas agaynst them sayd that they were ryght welcome And whan he had salued thē all he began for to deuyse with them of dyuers thyng●s pleasaunt withoute makynge ony mencyon of warre And so longe they were in these deuyses that the houre of souper was comen and the water blowen The Kynge of Englande had ordeyned that thre tables sholde be sette in the halle One more eleuate and hygher thā the other And at that table the kynge satte hym downe and commaunded Olyuer for to sytte with hym the whiche durst not dysobeye the kynges commaundement And therfore all ashamed he satte hȳ downe and there was no moo After he commaunded that the Kynges of Irlande sholde be sette The mayster cōtroller that knewe well ynoughe what he sholde do made them for to sytte at the seconde table and all the other prynces the which were without nombre satte at the thyrde table and were ryght sumptuously seruyd ¶ How the kynge of Englande gaue his fayre doughter vnto Olyuer in guerdon and rewarde of the hye seruyces that he had done to hym Capitulo xlvij RYght as they hadde souped and that the tables were taken vp graces rendred vnto god the kynge cōmaunded for to go fetche his fayre dougter Helayne to the ende that the daūces were begonnē And the noble valyaunt knyght Olyuer wente for to fetche his goodly and excelleut maystres And whan that she was comen and that she had salued her fader she salued after the seuen kynges euen so as she coude full well do it and the other lordes ensewynge Then were the daunces begon the whiche the kynge behelde gladly And in beholdȳge Olyuer daūce he thought in hym selfe how it sholde be possyble for to rendre to hym the guerdon of his seruyce And thoughte soo moche that a more gretter thynge he myghte not gyue hym than his doughter that afore he had wōne by force of armes but bycause that he hadde taken her from hym parauēture he wolde haue dysdayne for to take her agayne wherfore he concluded for to speke to hym after the daūces in the presence of all them that were there or that wolde be there And euen soo as he had thought it he dyde it And whan all was faylled and that his doughter was comen for to gyue hym good nyghte He made to be sayd to her that whan she sholde be in her chābre that she sholde not hye her vnto bedde The whiche dyde euen so After he called Olyuer in the presence of the kynges of Irlande and of the other prynces and lordes that were there Olyuer my frende I begyn for to haue knowlege of my caas and how that of longe tyme I haue with holdē that whiche ought to be yours that is my doughter That the whiche dyde moue me therto was bycause that I knewe not so playnly your estate as I do nowe But truely and Helayne were quene of all the worlde I wolde thynke her wel bestowed onyou as to the moost valyauntest knyght of the worlde Thus I then knowynge all these thynges shall gyue to you the moost derest thynge that I haue y● is my doughter yf it please you for to take her to your wyfe Wherby after my deth ye may be kynge of Englande the whiche wolde be ryght happy to haue suche a lorde Thē fynysshed the kyng his wordes Whan Olyuer sawe that the kynge had fynysshed his wordes he sette hym on bothe his knees and began to saye these wordes Ryght honourable lorde truely there is no seruyce but of a kynge for I may wel auaunte me that with lytell deseruynge I haue the gretest guerdon that euer hadde man wherof I gyue louynges to god and to you graces and thankes nor neuer poore man as I am hadde the hondrethe parte of the honour that ye do to me I praye to god that he gyue me grace to deserue it vnto your hyghnesse For by you my name shall be chaunged and they that shall here speke of this mater shall name me the seruaunte hyghly guerdonned ¶ How the kynge made Olyuer for to aryse that was on his knees and of the gracyous wordes that he sayd to his daughter and how Olyuer handfest her Capitulo xlviij THen the kynge commaunded Olyuer for to aryse and sente for his doughter And whan she was comen he toke her by the hande and leddeher to hym and sayd My frende se here my doughter that I gyue you to your wyfe in acquytynge my promesse Olyuer thanked hym ryghte humblye The poore Helayne that of al this knewe nothynge was more abasshed than euer she had ben afore and began for to chaunge coloure wherby her beaute was nor mynysshed Whan the kyng sawe her in that estate he sayd to her My ryght dere doughter I haue all troubled you as semeth me whā I haue gyuē you to a man without knowynge your wyll But by the helpe of god he shall do nothynge to you but that ye may well suffre and endure as I deme Then Olyuer began for to laughe at the wordes that the kynge had sayd Wherfore Helayne was more ashamed than she had ben afore The archebysshop that was in the halle dyde handfeste them Then began for to speke by the kynges commaundement an au●cyent knyght the whiche adressyd his wordes vnto the kynges of Irlande and sayd to them that the kynge his souerayne lorde for the loue of the solemp nyte that sholde be on the morowe and also for the loue of Olyuer he was contente to rendre to them theyr realmes quyte theyr raunsons and sende them agayne in to theyr countrees without ony dommage by suche moyen that eche of them sholde do hym homage and holde of hym theyr landes With this that as often as y● kynges good pleasure sholde be for to sende for thē in warre or in peas that they sholde come and serue hȳ And fro thens forth to holde hym for theyr souerayne lorde They knowynge that of two euylles it is the beste to eschewe the worste accorded to the kynges request dyd homage vnto the kynge of Englande ¶ And after these thynges and that they had daunced ones aboute for the espousayles euery body wente to bedde but Olyuer slepte not that nyght but watched al that nyght as he y● wolde with a good wyll haue ben a daye elder thanked god of his goodnes For hym semyd that he was lyfte out of his euyll aduēture and so passed the nyght And whan the daye was comen and that it was tyme for hym to aryse the kynge that knewe well ynoughe that Olyuer coude not haue his gownes made so soone sente hym thre or foure gownes of clothe of golde beten And whā Olyuer was apparaylled all the prynces and lordes came and fetched hym and fyue kynges of
Irlande came and the other twayne abode for to accompany the fayre Helayne ¶ How Olyuer wedded the fayre Helayne and of y● solempnyte of the espousaylles Capitulo xlix RYght sone after that all these thynges were redy Olyuer came in to the courte accōpanyed as ye haue herde afore wente to the portall of the chapell where as he foūde the Arche bysshop redy They hadde not bē lōge there whan that they herde comynge to them grete foyson of trompettes and mynstrelles and began for to sowne and come to warde the chapell after them and there came dyuers kynges and herauldes of armes and after came the Usshers And after theym then came Helayne aourned as it apperteyneth to a bryde and to a lady of so ryall a lygnage She was accompanyed of dyuers ladyes and damoyselles that folowed her And with this she was on the ryght hande of two kynges And came a softe paas vnto the place where as Olyuer abode her And they hadde not ben longe there whan the kynge came at whose comynge they were wedded The seruyce was done The tables were layde then they set them to dyner after that the ladyes were retorned frome the chambres Who that wolde deuyse to you the scruyce of the sayd dyner the gyftes that were gyuen as well on the one syd● as on the other it sholde be to longe a thynge to recoūte The yonge men of the kynges courte that neuer were dyfferent to no thynge that was for Iustes made crye a Iustynge for the after dyner where as the ladyes were Also a torneyment was cryed .xvj. agaynst xvi that was a ryght fayre syght to se. Olyuer Iusted not bycause he sholde not be defouled to the ende that he sholde be fresshe for to daunce at nyghte but he was moūted on a grete courser and dyde meruaylles He serued one of the kynges of Irlande that for to do hym honoure Iusted and foure of the other also And dyde soo well that twayne of the fyue had the pryce one within and the other without And it was gyuen theym or that they departed from the tyltes as they that hadde done best And after that euery body was comē to the courte the ladyes were clothed in newe gownes And then they wente to the banquet that was alredy apparaylled Yf they were well seruyd it is no nede to demaunde it For there was neuer a fayrer feest in England after that of the grete torneyment that had ben afore And whan it was after the banquet the daunces began and Olyuer ledde the fayre Helayne at the daunces that euery body sawe gladly For all the worlde sayd that they had neuer sene a more fayrer couple of folke togyder After that y● daunces had endured a longe space of tyme the farre noble Helayne was ledde vnto bedde And then wyne spyces were broughte The whiche Olyuer abode not For he was alredy in his chambre where as he dysabylled hym And whan he knewe that the bryde was a bed incontyn●nt he put hym on the waye towarde the chambre And whan he was there he chased all the ladyes out excepte one And came towarde the table where as the banquet was on and kest it to the erthe to the ende that he sho●de not be awaked then he came to the dore and locked it and wente to bedde to her that of longe tyme he hadde loued she hated hym not wherfore they were the better contente togyder and of the surplus I holde my peas But the hystorye sayth that vpon that same nyght they engendred a chylde male the whiche dydde sythe moche good and exalted our crystē fayth agaynst the sarasyns in vengynge the dethe of our lorde Ihesucryst ¶ How Olyuer was vertuous in appesynge stryfes and noyses and how his wyfe was gre●e with a sone the whiche was named Hēry Capitulo L. WHan it came to the kynges knowlege that Olyuer had casten downe the table y● the bāker was on he began for to laughe And sayd y● he had ryght well wrought wherfore no body wolde not medle for to entre in y● chambre was not awaked of no body vnto the moro we at a .xi. of the clocke and y● the kynge had dyned the whiche came vnto the chambre dore and beganne for to call them and sayd that it was daye tyme for to ryse Olyuer the whiche slepte not came in his sherte and opened the dore to the kynge the whiche entred alone and came vnto his doughters bedde where as he cōforted her as well as he myght In saynge y● he knewe it well of longe ago that she was to yonge for to slepe with the mē The whiche answered nothynge vnto hym for ony thȳge that he coude doo Wherfore he toke leue of her sayd to her that she was euyll contente with hym sythe that she wolde not speke to hȳ After that he was departed the ladyes came and toke her vp Thenne whan she was redy she wente to masse but this was not without foyson of regardes of dyuers lordes and ladyes the whiche with one accorde Iuged y● she halted not The masse was sayd and the dyner passed the whiche was ryghte plenteuous of all goodes And the kynge helde open courte by the space of .xv. dayes after the whiche all the lordes toke leue of hym And the kyng abode in his symple estate reserued that Olyuer had his estate as a kynges sone and reteyned dyuers gentylmen of his courte The kynges of Irlande toke theyr leue for to retorne home In offrynge them alwaye at the kynges pleasure Olyuers for god had gyuen hym suche grace that euery body loued hym The debates and dyscordes amonge the gentylmen Olyuer appeased to his power The poore knyghtes by his largesse were made ryche He was the defendour of wydowes and Orphelyns and to his power to all dyscomforted and dyssolute he gaue comforte and coūsayll Shortly all vertues that were possyble to be in a mannes mortall body florysshed in this ryght valyaunt and gentyll knyght in suche wyse that euery body louyd hym blessyd his comynge And helde the kynge for wyse and prudent that so sone coude knowe his cōdycyons and that he had so kepte his doughter to mary her so vertuously without thȳkynge on couetyse so the kynge lyued in grete ease within his courte in grete louȳge and glorye without And was so moche fered and redoubted that none durst do hym dyspleasure but was mayster and lorde of all his neyghbours The fayr good Helayne that was with chylde was not of lesse recommendacyon ayenst her for all vertues that a woman ought for to haue habounded in her It happened that after that she had borne her terme she was delyuered of a payre sone the whiche was named at the fonte stone Henry And this chylde gaue so moche Ioye to the kynge and to all them of the realme y● it was metuayll But that same chylde wyst and knewe that he ought yet to be the moost
derest holden of all the other For he was one of the best and valyauntest knyghtes that euer was Neuerthelesse he was not kynge of Englande for he deyed yonge wherof it was grete dommage ¶ A lōge tyme dyde passe and so moche that the fayre Helayne was with chylde agayne the whiche was delyuered of a fayre doughter y● whiche was ryght solempnelye baptysed and she was named Clarysse The fayre Helayne and Olyuer were so assotted and doted on theyr chyldrē that it was a grete meruayll and I am not abasshed For they ought well to be so The moder hadde them alwaye bytwene her armes and myght not forgo the syght of them It was the passe tyme of Olyuer for the realme of Englande was in peas and wyst not wherin to occupye hym saue to goo on huntynge and haukynge and for to make good chere ¶ How Olyuer wente on huntynge of the vysyon of his wyfe the whiche she tolde vnto hȳ Capi. lj OLyuer passed his tyme Ioyously soo as ye haue herde ¶ It happened that the hunters made hym to knowe that the grettest wylde bore that euer was sene was in the forest fyue myle thens Olyuer that loued well hūtynge was ryght Ioyous and sayd that he wolde go ryght gladly wherfore on an after none he departed from the cyte lodged hym in a vyllage by y● forest where the wylde bore was in That nyght his wyfe dremed a meruaylous dreme for her thought that she was on huntynge with her lorde and that she sawe a Tygre meruaylously grete that with his teeth and his nayles deuoured Olyuer and bare hym awaye she wyste not where Of his vysyon all trymblynge the fayre Helayne awaked and coude not slepe after that And on the morowe she sente worde to her lorde requyred hym that he wolde not hunte as for that daye for and he dyde her herte Iuged her that he sholde haue some hurte Olyuer herynge the message of his wyfe dyde no thynge but laughe for hym semed y● dremes were but fantasyes wherfore he sente worde to his wyfe that she sholde make gode chere that he wolde brynge her some venyson then he mounted on horsbacke and wente to y● forest and vncoupled the houndes and began for to hunte Thē Olyuer put hym in to the forest and folowed the houndes wherfore he dyde folye For yf he had byleued the counsayll of his wyfe it had not happened to hym as it dyde For so as he folowed the houndes as nere as he myghte the wylde bore came that was on fote and trauersed afore hym Olyuer that was welhorsed smote hym with the sporres and ranne after And he dyde so moche that he had lost all his men within a lytell whyle Alas yf he had knowen of the euyll aduenture he wolde not haue putte hym so soone in the forest but as he that toke no hede rode on alwaye without kepynge ony waye so as his euyll aduenture ledde hym O kynge of Englande truely of a longe tyme thou shalte not se thy fayre sone Olyuer nor thou ryght fayre Helayne of a longe tyme thou shalt not se thy lorde and husbande ¶ How the Kynges sone of Irlande of whiche Olyuer had slayne his fader at the torneyment founde Olyuer all alone frō his mē toke hym prysoner and of the grete sorowe that was made for hym Capitulo lij AFore that Olyuer apperceyued that no body dyde folowe hym he was ferre from his folke And whan he founde hymselfe alone he blewe his horne but none answered hym Wherfore he put hym on the waye in an vnhappy houre For the more that he wente forwarde the ferder he was from them Thus as he wente so the wylde bore that was ferre from hym came amōgest a company of men that passed thorughe the forest the whiche wente to London And the chyef was one of the kynges of Irlande that same that Olyuer had slayne the fader of at the torneymente As he sawe the wylde bore with suche houndes as he had he folowed and ranne soo moche in the forest that they recoūtred Olyuer whiche was all alone Then Olyuer auaunced hym and salued the kynge but the kynge dysdayned to speke to hym And he escryed to his men saynge here is the murderer that hathe slayne my fader Wherfore I do pray you that ye wyll take hȳ alyue for I can not auenge me better than at this tyme. And whan Olyuer herde these wordes he sethande to his swerde and defended hym ryght valyauntly But in the ende whether he wolde or not he was taken And the kynge made a hode all close to be put on his heed to the ende that he sholde not be knowen and in that estate he made hym to be ledde to a porte of y● see where as he was put in a shyp and ledde in to a fortresse of Irlande that was that same kynges In the whiche Olyuer was put in pryson full of vermyne and had brede and water ones a daye Abydynge the retornynge of the kynge that sholde do Iustyce on hym at his pleasure And to the ende that his treason were not knowen he retorned not but wente to London towarde the kynge his souerayne lorde y● whiche he founde gretely dyscomforted for he had herde no tydynges of Olyuer the whiche was soughte on all sydes O what pyteous and innumerable lamentacyons was made whan y● trouthe was knowen that he coude not be founden Certaynlye neuer so grete dolours was not demeaned in no coūtre The good kynge sayd Ha ryght noble realme thou hast wel lost the floure of thy crowne and the moost parte of thyn armoure Alas my ryght swete sone thou was he y● trauaylled whan I reposed me he by whome I was redoubted and he by whome I was obeyed and he by whome I lyued in rest and in surete ¶ These regrettes were nothynge in comparyson to the pyteous lamentacyons that his doughter made She myght neyther ete nor drynke but had layde her on a bedde as she had bendeed in suche wyse that all they that sawe her had grete pyte on her And whan she myght speke she escryed saynge My blessyd creat our wherfore dydde thou euer gyue me hym that in his departynge dothe eue me in so grete doloure and dystresse vpon the erthe certes yf it were thy blessyd pleasure I wolde be in his company then she complanyed her vnto the blessyd vyrgyn Marye in saynge Ryght swete vyrgyn mary moder of god what may I haue done to the that thou hast separed me fro the syght of my ryght amyable lorde and husbande that so derely loued me With suche or semblable wordes the ryght fayre Helayne meuyd all theym aboute her that they coude not comforte her ¶ I shall leue her to speke of the kynge ef Englande and his doughter all theym of his realme demeanynge theyr sorowe And shal speke of them of the realme of Castylle and of Arthu● Kynge of Algarbe and Regente of Castylle ¶ How Arthur Kynge
of Algarbe and Regent of Castyll made an enterpryse for to fynde his felowe Olyuer Capitulo liij WE haue herde here before how Olyuer was departed from Castylle and of the meruaylous dule that the good kȳge demeaned bycause of his departyng the whiche neuer lette hym vnto the dethe for within shorte space it made hym fynysshe his dayes and lyucd not longe after the departynge of his sone For the whiche cause Arthur kynge of Algarbe and felowe of Olyuer by the consente of dyuers lordes of the countree was chosen for to be Regente of Castylle vnto the retornynge of Olyuer And by cause that the affayres of the realme of castyll be gretter than they of Algarbe the whiche is but a lytell coūtree Arthur helde hym moost in Algarbe And forgate neuer to vysyte the glasse of his felowe And soo moche that he apperceyued that the sayd glasse was suche as the lettre specyfyed That is for to knowe that the water was troubled and gretely obscure In suche wyse that it was almoost lyke ynke And whan Arthur apper ceyued it suche with grete haboundaunce of teres he began for to saye in this maner O ryght noble ryght valyaunt loyall felowe I se well that ye haue some grete empesshynge or some euyll aduenture or in fermyte of body wherfore I am ryght dyspleasaunt And bycause that at a nede one knoweth his frende I make auowe to god and promyseth hym by the fayth that I owe vnto hym and to the crowne that I bere that euen as secretely as ye departed from this realme shall I departe also Nor neuer as longe as I lyue shall I not reste tyll that I knowe whether that ye be a lyue or deed Thē in wypȳge his eyen he departed out of the chambre and came in to a halle And commaūded to make lettres for to assemble all the thre estates and all the prynces of the countree And whan they were all assembled he began for to shewe them and sayd that it was not possyble for hym to gouerne bothe the realmes well that he had in his charge And therfore his wyll was for to commyse some dyscrete prynce in his stede to be Regent of Castyll For he wolde retorne in to that of Algarbe bycause that he loued it more for bycause that it was his propre herytage and that it was the place of his byrthe Therfore he wolde knowe of them yf it were theyr good pleasure y● he resygned his estate at his dyscrecyon to the moost wysest as hȳ semed Or yf they wolde chese one after theyr dyscrecyon and counsayll They answered Ryght puyssaunt kynge of Algarbe we haue not holden you for Regente but for kynge vnto the comynge of Olyuer as ye do knowe for we neuer founde you dysobeyssaunt And also there is none of vs but that we wolde do you as sone pleasure as to our souerayne lorde Your wyll and departynge is full greuous vnto vs. But syth it is so that we can not kepe you chese whiche of vs it shall please you and gyue hym your stede For we shall holde youre eleccyon For all that we shall neuer haue man soo dcre as you Arthur thanked them dyde chese a good prynce that was ryght vertuous for to be regente And then he toke leue of them in grete wepynges And then he toke a certayne nombre of men with hym and he dyde somoche that within a shorte space he came in to his realme and whan he was there he recommaunded to his conestable all the gouernaunce of his countree And after commaunded al his men to obeye to hym and sayde that he wolde ge in to a place all alone the whiche was not ferre of And that with the grace of god he wolde not tarye longe This done he departed in a fayre mornyng and wente his waye withouten ony company saue of god alonely to whome I praye that he be in his garde for grete nede he hadde therof as ye shal here here after warde ¶ How Arthur departed and put hym on the waye for to fynde his felowe and of the aduentures that he had Capitulo liiii IN suche maner as ye haue herde departed the valyaunt and gentyll Arthur from his countree And began for to serche tydynges of his felowe as he that hadde wyll neuer for to reste tyll that he had herde tydynges of hym The fyrste countree that he arryued in was Portyngale in the whiche he founde nothynge that was pleasaunt vnto hym After he sought the remenaunt of Spayne and came in to that of Fraunce and wente so moche on one syde and other that he came to Calys where as he founde men that wente in to Englande and therfore he moūted on the see for to go theder Ye maye well thynke that he was longe in serchynge the coūtrees that ye haue herde aboue In this meane whyle Olyuer his felowe was alwaye in pryson with brede and water and oftē bette as he that had neuer hope to departe thens And desyred nothynge but the dethe ¶ As Arthur was on y● see for to go in to Englande there happened a wynde contrary to aryse on the see and droue them in to the marches that the maryners knewe not atte that presente tyme. But whan that they had longe beholden sene it they apperceyued that it was one of the countrees and realmes of Irlande the ferdest from y● of Englande Whan Arthur herde saye that it was one of the realme of Irlande he prayed them that they wolde set hym a lande for as hym semyd as sone myght he here tydynges of y● whiche he soughte as in another countree so as he dyde by the wyll of god euen so as ye shall here Whā Arthur was on grounde he wente on fote in praynge our lorde for to adresse hym on his waye He was well the space of two monethes in that coūtree And whan he wolde haue ony thynge he muste make some sygne or elles they coude not vnderstande hym He hadde neyther hors nor mule for to ryde on wherfore he wente on fote and soo longe he wente that on a daye he founde hymselfe in a thycke forest in the whiche dyuers wylde beestes dydde remayne They had wel made hym sygne that he sholde not entre in to that forest but he had not vnderstonden them He wente all the daye alonge the forest withoute fyndynge of ony aduenture The nyght toke hym wherfore it was force to hym for to slepe And whan it came vpon the morowe he put hym on y● waye ryght euylly broken his faste And he had not longe gone whan he apperceyued a grete and an horryble lyon strongly oppressyd with hongre For he had founde no praye of longe tyme Wherfore whan Arthur sawe and apperceyued that he came towarde hym he appareylled hym for to fyghte for he was armed at all poyntes and also he had a good swerde He toke of his mauntell and wounde it aboute his arme and then he drewe out his
wepte and Helayne wepte haboundauntly saynge Chylde ryall wherfore haue I borne the whan that I must be consentyng of thy p●rdyccyon O ryght noble realmes of Englande and of Castylle to daye ye shall lese your kynge and lorde After this the knyght wolde haue halfe of the fayre Helayne the which thynge Olyuer coude not vnderstande how it myght be but yf that he sholde slee her wherfore he cōmytted the dede to the knyght And then the knyght answered vnto hym that he was noo murderer of ladyes and alsoo y● it was no reason that he sholde paye hym with his hande for he knewe well that he must paye hym hymsel●e y● the whiche he had promysed hym and then sayd yf that thou hye the not it shall mysthynke vs bothe Whan Olyuer sawe that he myght haue none other thynge he came towarde his wyfe set hym on his knees in praynge her that she wolde pardon hym her dethe The good helayne sayd that she wolde pardon hym with good herte and then she embrased hym in saynge Ryght noble kynge the dyfference is grete of the Ioyous acquayntaunce that we had fyrste togyder at the tyme that ye were called Olyuer Hathe ryghte dolourous departȳge that todaye shall be made of vs two After that she hadde sayd these wordes she made her orysons to god and to the virgyn Mary in cryenge mercy to god for all her synnes that he wolde put her soule in the glorye of paradyse that yf her lorde had done ony synne for to slee her that he wolde pardon hym And whan she had ended her prayers and sayd her orysons she came towarde her lorde and husbande and kyssed hym with the teres descendynge from her eyen and sayd that she was redy for to abyde the dethe Wherfore she toke leue of hym and of her two chyldren and sette her vpon her knees with her hādes ioyned towarde heuen in recommaundynge her vnto god As she that abode but the stroke of dethe Whan the kynge sawe her in that estate as a man halfe oute of ●is wytte approched and in lyftynge vp his swerde wolde haue ●louen her in two py●ces ¶ How the knyght had pyte on Olyuer hauynge knowlege of his loyalte and quyted hym all And then he made hym to be knowen hym and tolde hȳ what he was Capitulo lxxiiij WHan y● knyght sawe this pyteous aduenture he lete not y● swerde auale a downe for he withelde his arme sayd abyde kynge that I maye speke to you to you quene here me speke Then the began for to say demaunde the kynge yf that he had no remembr●unce of a knyght that was named syr Iohan Talbot the whiche was deed in his company in the sentence of cursynge And yf that he remembred hym not how that he payed the dette to the purgeys and made hym to be buryed The kynge answered ye And I tell the sayd the knyghte that I am that same knyghte and that same that serued the at the torneyment of Englande and bycause that thou hast done me pleasure I rendre to the all thy moneye and all hooly thy fynaunce that thou haste gyuen me And in lykewyse I rendre to the thy sone and quyte the in lyke wyse the halfe of thy wyfe that whiche I haue done hathe ben for to assaye the and thy fraūchyle To the surplus I shall tell the wherfore at the fyrste daye of the torneyment I clothed y● in blacke that was sygnefyaunce of y● obscur●te that I was in The secōde daye that was in rede sygnefyed my paynes in purgatorye The last daye in whyte sygnefyed my saluacyon for so as y● whyte is vyrgyn for it was neuer soylled by steynynge wherby it is pure and clene In lyke wyse I am so at this presente tyme for by the and by the cause I am aledged of all my doloure and now I go in to the holy glorye of paradyse to se y● presence of my creatoure that is the reioysynge of the saued wherfore I take leue of the for there as I go thou mayst not come yet but be thou sure that I shall praye for the. Then he vanysshed awaye and in theyr presence he mounted in to heuen gloryously in castynge the beames of his clerenes vpon the wyndowe that the kynge and the quene lened vpon The whiche in a lytell whyle was oute of theyr syghte ¶ Then they fette them vpon theyr knees in rendrynge graces to theyr creatour and after that they had made they●●ryso●s in thākynge god they began for to make the one to the other ryght pyteous acquayntaunce soo moche and by suche maner as yf the quene had ben arysen from dethe at that s●ame houre The kyng of Castyll that neuer had receyued one goodnes but that he hadde receyued ten euylles agaynst it lyued in Ioye with his ryght welbeloued wyfe and had neuer dyspleasure after that ●aue all Ioyes vnto the houre of his dethe Helayne was strongely seke for the fere that she had hadde d●rynge the whiche maladye Arthur came in to Castyll for to se Olyuer to whome Olyuer made ryghte grete chere and sone after that Helayne gate vp the whiche was cause of more gretter Ioye and all Ioye myrthe was in the realme of Castylle there was no spekynge of nothynge saue to make good chere The sone and y● doughter of the kynge were alredy grete in so moche that y● doughter was redy for to be maryed Wherfore the kynge sayd vpō a daye to the kynge of Algarbe my broder I haue but one felowe in all the worlde and that is you For ye may wel auaunte you that ye be parsonere of the goodes that god hathe gyuen me And therfore as vnto my broder I wyll tell vnto you myn aduyse Fynably ye be to mary as yet hathe no wyfe wherfore I am gretely ameruaylled that ye haue abydē soo longe I haue two chyldren a sone and a doughter and by my fayth yf that I thoughte that ye were contente for to mary you I wolde gyue you my doughter in maryage and therto reloke and my doughter dothe please you yf that ye thynke that she is for you I gyue her to you Or yf that it semeth you better elles where take it Ye maye saye he repryuely your wyll for y● loue that I haue to you maketh me for to saye thus to you ¶ How Olyuer of Castylle gaue his doughter in maryage to his felowe Arthur of Algarbe and of the dethe of Olyuer and of Helayne his wyfe Ca. lxxv ANd whan that Arthur Kynge of Algarbe herde the kynge of Castylle speke so humbly he thanked hym in saynge y● he dyde to hym more honoure than apperteyned to hȳ and syth that it was his pleasure for to gyue hȳ his do●ghter that he sholde be ryght vngracyous for to refuse her Whan the kynge of Castylle vnderstode that his felowe hadde grete wyll for to atteyne to this maryage he sente incontynent after all the noble mē