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A08269 A theatre wherein be represented as wel the miseries & calamities that follow the voluptuous worldlings as also the greate ioyes and plesures which the faithfull do enioy. An argument both profitable and delectable, to all that sincerely loue the word of God. Deuised by S. Iohn van-der Noodt. Seene and allowed according to the order appointed.; Theatre oft Toon-neel. English Noot, Jan van der, ca. 1538-ca. 1596.; Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599.; Roest, Theodore.; Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374. Rime. English. Selections.; Du Bellay, Joachim, 1525 (ca.)-1560. Visions. English. Selections. 1569 (1569) STC 18602; ESTC S110162 92,217 282

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Bartholomew Thomas Mathew Iames the minor Simon Thade● and Mathie These were prefigured by y e twelue stones whiche Iosue erected in Galgala for a memoriall remembrance of the passing of the children of Israell on dry land through the Iordan They were also signified by other twelue stones whereon Elias the Prophet builded an aultare vpon the mount Carmelus in the name of the Lord. The sure grounde of these foundations was the Confession that Christ was the very sonne of the liuing God Upon this foundation they all builded by the announcing preaching and writing of that which the Prophets and true preachers did beleeue Namely that he that is Christ was the Lambe of God which taketh away the sinnes of the world for they soughte the way of saluation and laboured for the kingdom of God and his righteousnesse shewing them selues thereby to be the liuely workemen of this spirituall building Heere we learne then that the faythe and doctrine of the Prophets and Patriarkes is all one with the Apostels are all grounded vpon Christ Iesu. Wherevnto S. Paule accordeth very wel saying Now are ye no more straungers but ●itizens with the Saincts and are build●● vpon the ●oundation of the Apostles and Prophets And by these twelue foundations ar● not onely vnderstanded they afore named for then shold Paule which him selfe did more laboure than they all of this number be excluded In like maner should be Barn●be Sylas Agabus Iudas the righteous Iohn which was otherwise surnamed Marke with many other more of the like vocation and calling and also all other faithfull and true ministers which are of the like faith and teach that doctrine For ye must consider that the number of twelue in this place is a perfecte and a common number as the number of seuen and ten in other places cōtaining the whole vnder the chiefest and principallest The buildings of the wall of it was of Iasper This signifieth that in Christ Iesu are the most costliest the moste pleasantest louingest and surest things that can be deuised For they which beléeue in him aright shall alwayes abide freshe greene lustie well fauoured and liuely and they shall be verye mightie yea great and strong pillers of his holy and vndefiled Temple He that beléeueth on me and kéepeth my worde sayth our Sauioure Christ shall neuer taste of death And the Citie was pure golde like vnto cleare glasse The Church of God is without any spot or wrinkle It is pure and vndefiled like the golde that is tried in y e fire .vij. times The light of the Citie is Iesus Christe which neuer did any sinne neither in word or déede His death and sheading of his bloud hath made this citie more costly than pure golde And the foundations of the wall of the Citie were garnished with all maner of pretious stones which preciousnes notifieth vnto vs the costlinesse of oure saluation 1 The first foundation was Iasper which being of a gréen colour noteth vnto vs that the faith of the forfathers is not yet dead nor withered The faith of Enoch appeareth vntil this day the first which called vpon the name of the Lord and of more which all are yet true freshe and gréene 2 The second foundation was of Saphire whose colour is blew and somwhat whitishe a stone in deede which at the firste looke seemeth to be of no great value signifying vnto vs the simple and séely soules the which although they be wyth holy Iob and Thoby of no value in the sight of the world yet are they highly regarded of God throughe their faith and good life 3 The third of a Chalcedonie which is yet lesse set by to our séeming then the Saphire but of nature very costly strōg and vertuous Of this nature were Helias Iohn Baptist and such like which liued in the desert painfully and very straightly yet proued they most pretious at their appointed time rebuking and reprouing boldly the wickednesse and sinne of the people drawing them frō the same euen as the Chalcedonie pulleth and taketh away the duste from any thing reprehending and iudging very sharply the Idolaters and hipocrites 4 The fourth of an Emeraud which of himselfe is not onely gréene but maketh the aire round about him shew of y e same coloure Of this condition was Ieremie and S. Paul which without ceassing preached and spred abrode the doctrine of life after they had once receiued and known the same 5 The fifthe is of a Sardonix which word is deducted of Sarda and Onix and is of nature vnderneath blackishe and red on the outside white within so all those that are meeke of heart which with Dauid and Marie Magdalene acknowledge confesse their sinnes before God through faith are pure and holy Althoughe I am blacke sayth the true Church yet am I neuerthelesse fair and cleane Albeit our outward mā saith S. Paule perishe therefore doe we not goe forward or are any thing weary for the inward man renueth and augmenteth euery day 6 The sixth of a Sardius which is of the similitude of red earth Euen so are those which esteeme them selues as vnworthy children of Adam notwithstanding that they haue receiued many goodly giftes great benifites of God which as Philo expoundeth it are the red earth Of thys nature and companie was the virgine Marie the mother of Christ which called and estéemed hir selfe to be but an handmaide And for all the honoure fauoure and other great benefites which were shewed vnto hir she saide that hir spirite reioysed in God hir sauioure Of this sort was Abraham also calling him selfe but duste and ashes before the Lord. 7 The seuenth of a Chrisolite a stone of al kind of colours shining like golde and as a burning fire casting sparkes and a great shine from it Héere vnder are comprehended those which hauing the wisedom of the holy Ghost kindle and lighten other men therewithall and make them altogither hot and burning bring them to the feruent loue of God their neighboures So did Moyses and Esay Barnabas and Paule in whom aboundantly appeareth the graces and glory of God 8 The eight is of Berll which is of a sad deadish gr●ene Signifying such true and faithful Christians which through cōpassion pitie sorowfully haue bewailed lamented the fall of their brethren Of this good and diuine nature was Steuen praying for them which did stone hym to death Thus did Samuel in his time which with great sorowes complaints mourned ouer Saul y e king what time he sawe him cast out of the fauor of God 9 The ninth of a Topace cōtaining in it the colour of al other stones And this representeth all them which are adorned with al maner of vertues as Daniel was a man full of godly desires and Iohn the Euangelist whom Christ
loued most of al y ● did write the Reuelation in Pathmos 10 The tenth of a Chrisophrasius whose nature is to shine like gold and yet greenish in the sight Such are those who hauing receiued good knowledge perfecte wisdom of God distribute vnto others according vnto the talent which god hath deliuered vnto thē Therby to awake the sluggish and dreaming people and bring to heauenly meditations Amongst those may Ezechiel wel be coūted which in his time did sée maruellous things and wonderful straunge Reuelations 11 The eleuenth of a Iacinct the colour of which stone is like vnto water hauyng stripes glistering like the bright shining beames of the Sunne By this stone are represented suche as doe séeme to be ignorant and are counted noddies fooles before the world which notwithstāding haue heauenly wisdom inough although in sight very ideots voyde of all knowledge yet neuerthelesse are they instructed and taught of God to reueale hidden and secrete mysteries of the numbre Of those are Ozee Ioel Amos whiche was but a poore shephierd with the rest of the small prophets Such were also Andrew Peter Philip Thomas and the rest of the Apostles of Christ. 12 The twelfth an Ametist this is of a violet or purpure and roste colour and this signifieth them which abide zelous meke and stedfast in the knowne truthe of the Lorde whiche also are ready at all times to die and shed their bloude euen for the same suche were the seuen brethren of the Machabees with their mother Such were also Iames the greater and Antipas that faithfull witnesse with many more disciples and martirs No man can shew any greater loue than this when any mā bestoweth hys lyfe for hys friendes All these sayth our Sauiour are blessed and the kyngdome of heauen doth belong vnto them On this maner then is notified by these fundations the same which the true and faithfull ministers and pastors of the churche of Christ according to the diuersitie of gifts giuen vnto them haue buylded vpon some gold siluer or precious stones but such as haue added to this buildyng any wood hay or stubble which are customes traditions and other dūbe Ceremonies or else vayneglorie worldly honoure riches and pleasures shall neuer be accompted among thys heauenly companie These fundations haue ben prefigured by the precious stones which were in the stomacher of Aaron the high Priest and in the costely and royall garmentes of the Kyng of Tyrus He whiche is desirous to know more of the nature condition and propretie of these precious stones may reade Plinie his .xxxvij. booke of naturall Histories or Bartholomeus de proprietatibus rerum and concerning the mysterie and allegorie reade Saint Hierome vpon the .54 Chapiter of Esaye or Beda Haymo Costasius Bacōthorp Eleyne Tilney and dyuers more other whiche haue written vppon the Reuelation It suffiseth vs to haue shewed thée according to the meanyng of Saint Austen that these stones doe signifie the manyfolde gyftes and diuers grac●s of the holy Ghost for the onely spirite of the lord worketh all these thyngs dyuersly Hée measureth hys gyftes vnto euery one according to hys good will and pleasure th● whiche altogether are singular preciou● and moste excellente as it shall well a●peare in that great and ioyous day of the chyldren of God And the Angell sayeth Sainct Iohn whiche dydde shewe all those foresayde thyngs moued me in spirite to take the more heede to the gracious and mercifull purpose of the Lorde and to bryng me to a more déeper knowledge of his misteries shewed me a pure Riuer of water of life whiche is therefore called the Water of Lyfe bycause it maketh whole and gyueth saluation to oure soules Thys Ryuer is nothyng else but the fl●wing veritie and the worde of Saluation or the myghtie doctrine of Christe Thys is that swéete Ryuer whyche proce●deth of Edom to refresh Paradise which diuiding it selfe in foure watereth the foure parts of the earthe This runnyng water maketh the Citie of God very pleasant and delectable This riuer is maruelous comfortable springyng into eternall lyfe it is here a spirituall comfort for the childrē of God and shal be hereafter that incomprehensible glory of the Sainctes in heauen To whome shal we go sayth Peter but to thée for thou hast the worde of eternall life The vertue and nature of this water is to satisfie purge and cl●̄se to comfort to make whole and healthful for it procéedeth and floweth frō the maiestie of God it commeth from that eternal and excellent schoole of the father and thence procéedeth forwarde to the ouer-fulnesse of the lambe Christ Iesu and his diuine spirite I will poure cleane water sayth the Lorde vpon you and ye shall be frée from all your filth vncleannesse I will also gyue you a newe hearte and plant in you a new spirite In the middes of the strete of it and of either side of the riuer was the tree of life This riuer signifieth the two testamentes of the Lorde wherby stode that moste pleasant trée of lyfe namely Christ Iesus the mediatour and pastour the sauiour and redéemer of the worlde Out of the roote and progenie of Dauid spryngeth thys tree according to the fleshe conceyued of the holye Ghost borne of the virgin Marie As the tree of life in the beginnyng was planted in the middest of Paradise euen so is hée spiritually in the middest of his Churche whiche is his moste pleasaunt garden if that grounde or earth which maketh the trées twice fruitefull in the yeare be called happy so may this garden by good rereason well be called happy and blessed Where this trée standeth whiche neuer is without frute nor drieth vp or withereth which dothe not onely beare twyce a yeare fruite signifiyng all the vnspeakable giftes of the holy Ghoste but rendreth his frutes euery month of the yere that is continually bothe Sommer and winter All they which are thys Congregation people haue continually so long as they lyue greate Consolation in all theyr assaultes and trialles and in all kinde of aduersitie bothe spirituall and temporall And the leaues of the trees serued to heale the nations with The promises and the worde of GOD are spirite and lyfe the nature propretie and vertue of them are blessednesse and eternal saluation These leaues can not by any meanes wyther awaye When Gods worde is sincerely preached and taughte then we remember the benefites of oure deliueraunce then is oure conscience appeased and satisfied and the minde mery and gladde then dothe the soule of man reioyce and rendreth therfore to GOD the Father moste heartie thanckes worthie prayses syngyng and magnifiyng hym for his eternall goodnesse and mer●ie So then the Nations are quite healed and made healthfull thorough beléefe and cleauing faste vnto the woorde acknowledgyng and confessyng Christe Iesu to be their onely Sauiour righteousnesse and true holynesse The woorde of GOD
desolation of Rome And to the ende we myght speake more at large of the thing I haue taken foure visions out of the reuelation of S. Iohn where as the holy ghost by S. Iohn setteth him out in his colours I saw a beast sayth S. Iohn rising out of the s●a signifiyng the congregation of the wicked and proude hypocrites which exalt and aduaunce them selues as the Ceder trées of Libanus they are vnnaturall and beastly like vnto Elmas the inchanter ful of fraude and guile full of falshod and pride they are whelpes and generations of the deuyll subuerting the ways of the Lord. Thys beast is described here as the pale horse in the fourth age the cruel Grashoppers in the fift age and the mad horsses with Liōs mouths in the vj. age This beast meaning the odible fals damnable errors pestiferous inspirations of the diuel which at this time reign in the beastly mēbres of that monstrous body of the beast as namely in the outragious bishops spiritual lawyers priests hypocrites and false Magistrates for their heads are their subtiltie and their hornes signifie their tyrannous might It had also ten crownes vpon his ten hornes signifiyng their greate dominion and superioritie throughout the whole worlde The diuell is their prince and Captayne most cruell and that through the iniquitie and ingratitude of the people but in this point differ the dragō and the beast from the diuell and his membres Sathan and his carnal and beastly congr●gation for he had seuen crounes vpon his seuen heades and they haue ten crownes vpon their ten heads mening that that which he onely hath stirryng vp of the thyng that haue they The signification wherof is that Sathan is only of abilitie and power to blowe into their eares the thing whiche they with violence and by force maintayne where as he is but able by fansies and inspiration there are these his méete instruments to perfourme it put in execution by violence and power by menaces and compulsion Wher as he he dallieth onely by playe there do they seriously force and violently compell When he hath only engendred and foūd out any error or false doctrine they with al diligence as an infallible truth allow confirme and stablishe it and make of it a necessarie article to beleue on as they haue put in practise their purgatorie auricular confession transubstantiation worshippyng and carying about of dumb Idols Images the hearing of latin seruice Masse and other abhominations As he hath found out any lye as he is the fat●er of all lies and hath ben since the beginning so may they holde it for a perfecte written veritie makyng it of good authoritie and might as experience may testifie they haue done Hereout and such like it is manifest that they being hys ghostly ministers and spirituall instrumēts may e●ecute effectually more wickednesse than he him selfe alone as their works may wel testifie Sathā was not of power to put Christ to death if it had not bē through Iudas into whom he entred afterward by the bishops Scribes who persecuted him vnto deth The Apostles tru ministers other witnesses of Christ shold neuer haue bē persecuted whipped scourged tormēted and miserably slaine neither shold they at this present if these popish prelates did not folow maintain their old accustomed maners and fulfil y e mesure of their fathers And vpon his heads were names of Blasphemie against the Lord and his Christ. Al this is nothing else than their shining glorious titles wher with they suborne and make great their supremacie their estimation as holy and blamelesse to bee regarded among men and before the world wherevnder is couered comprehended all maner of iniquity What ar Popes Cardinals patriarks legates chief heads archbishops pronotaries archdeacons officialls commissaries prebendaries vicars lorde abbot master or doctor and suche like what are these I say else but names of blasphemie for these offices titles are not of the holy ghost neither is there any mention made of them in the holy scripture What is it I pray you else than a great abhomination blasphemy that the Pope claimeth to him selfe to be the most holy father to be the Uicare of Christ God on earth supreame head of the Church the only steward of the gifts graces and misteries of God What meaneth it that Priests and Bishops do arrogātly ascribe to thē selues to be Bridegromes to stand in Gods stead to haue power to pardon sinne and to be our Ladies clean and vndef●led knights What be these else than names of blasphemie For they are nothing else as Zacharie termeth thē hauing no care of féeding of the flock but through ●●●re negligence and slouth sette a side preaching of the word through these vain titles than very offending Idols Their Decrées Decretals traditions rules ordinaunces statutes customes of the Fathers general Counsels Sinodes and other of their vsages not grounded on the word of God and his wil are nothing else but dampnable hipocrisie and diuelish dissimulation blaspheming the name of the Lord. For the names of blasphemy on his heade is nothing else but to maintaine vnder an honest and vertuous shew that which is blasphemous to his own aduācement This beast was like the Leopard spotted and blemished tokens of inconstancie chaungeablenesse and temeritie His feete like to a Beares feete fearful and horrible il fauored of fashion and deformed signifying crueltie stubbornesse stoutnesse and vncleanesse And his mouth as the mouth of a Lion declaring héereby the pride theft murther and all kinde of wickednesse of those Prelates Daniel saw in a vision a Lion wherto that proud kingdom of the Assirians and Chaldees were to be compared Unto the Beare which he sawe was likened the barbarous and rude realmes of the Medes Persians By the Leopard is meant the vnstedfast kingdome of the Grecians The Assirians and Chaldees were for their stealing and Pride rebuked and curssed of the Prophets Esay Nahum and Abacuck The Medeans and Persians kept the people of God in captiuitie and bondage As it is to be séene in the bookes of Hester Paralipomenon and Esay The Grecians also were very spitefull and full of reproche to the people of God in the time of that cruell Tyrant Antiochus as it appeareth in the Booke of the Machabees But this beast whiche S. Iohn speaketh of here dothe comprehende all these thrée which Daniel saw namely the bodye like vnto a Leopard pawes like vnto a Bear and the mouth to the Lion Whereby the holy Ghost teacheth vs that within thys one curssed Popedom or kyngdom of Antechrist should be as much and more abhomination Idolatrie fornication murther and all kind of wickednesse as were in all these thrée realmes aforesaid As at this day it is to be séene and we haue had good experience No where raigned at any time more pride idlenesse cruelty Idolatry fornication adultery vncleannesse Sodometrie
as are not afrayde of this worde but obstinatly cleaue faste to their false doctrine and ordinaunces also those whiche beyng striken of this sworde and beléeue not nor repentyng them of their misdedes frame their lyfe accordyngly shall perishe without doubt with this sword for euermore And all the foules are folkes whiche God of hys mercie hathe chosen and plucked from these worldly pleasures and naughtie desires shall be howesouer the matter goeth filled with their fleshe whether they be saued or damned For if they be saued these shall be gladde bycause that theyr numbre is increased Againe on the other syde shall they reioyce when that they sée the wicked and obstinate through th● iuste iudgement of God punished The righteous sayeth Dauid séeing the vengeaunce of God shall reioyce and shall washe their féete in the bloud of the wicked Euen so shal the vngodly which resist God and his holy worde with al their vainglorie and pompe sodainly and with a greate noyse perishe The Lorde shall destroy them for euer The wicked doers sayeth Dauid fall they are cast downe and are not able to stande Agayne he sayeth As for the vngodly they shal perishe and come to naught and when the enimies of the Lorde are in theyr floures they shall vanishe yea euen as the smoke shall they consume away They shall perishe in their wickednesse like a shadow and wither away as the thistle and lyke the chaffe and dust which the winde scattereth away from the grounde so lykewise the way of the vngodly shall perish This wyll su●ely come vpon the wicked as it hath done in al ages and as we haue séene it with our eyes and dayly shall ●ée it more and more But they which feare God and loue hym shall obtayne hys grace and mercy and shal enioy his faith●ful promises the inheritance of his euerlasting kyngdome as ye may heare nexte folowing I saw● sayth S. Iohn a newe heauen● and a new earth S. Peter sayth also that euery thing going before the iudge shal be clensed and purified and not consumed for al things must be changed and made cleane of all corruptiblenesse He meaneth not sayeth Aretes that the creatures shoulde consume away and be no more but onely y t they seruing to a better vse shoulde be renued so the godly and chosen shall be deliuered two maner of wayes that is to say Here in this worlde from sin hereafter of death damnation so shall be led conducted vnto the true libertie ioyfull inheritance of y e children of God The first heauen defiled with the pryde of the angels and the fyrst earth corrupted with the manyfolde wyckednesses of man were passed away altogether and shall be no more not that the veritie of them shall vanishe but the nature complection and qualitie of them shal change and turne into sinceritie and perfection And there was no more sea● y t is y ● vaine inconstāt people were no more for al prickings remorse of conscience al desperation mistrustfulnesse doubt shall be taken quite from y ● godly chosen All kind of anger sorow aduersity shal be turned into ioye and peace of the holy Ghost all hindrance feare persecution tyrannie violence and aduersitie whyche we endure héere in the troublous sea of thys worlde shal ceasse at the day of the lord when we shall sée hym face to face And the sea shall be no longer subiect to vanitie than all other creatures but shall be purified from all corruption and shall henceforth be so cleare as any christall although it remaineth the same substāce And I Iohn sawe by reuelation and permission of God the holy Citie new Ierusalem come downe from God out of heauen By good reason is this holy Citie the congregation and churche of God called newe Ierusalem come downe from God hir Creatour and maker for she is holy not of hir self but of him that made hir and chose hir to be his welbeloued spouse prepared lyke a bride ●●immed for hir husbande for she is purified and made newe againe as the well trimmed bride for hir husband the lambe Christ Iesus This bride shall hereafter through regeneration and renuing of the holy Ghost shew glorious perfect holy so long as she cōtinueth here she maketh no accompt of any thing in this worlde but doth gouerne hir selfe accordyng to that rule which he hir husband hath lefte hir namely his holy woord But héerafter shall she being deliuered frō sinne wretchednesse and all kinde of corruptions more perfectly follow his steppes She is called new héere on earth for so much as she hath laide off and put away throughe the vertue of Gods holy spirite the olde man with all his lustes and hath no fellowship with the vnfruitefull workes of darknesse But heereafter shal she be new by his fauoure and grace for so muche as she shall be deliuered from sinne deathe and all manner of corruption She is called the new Ierusal●m both héere and hereafter bicause that all their Citizens are of one beliefe yet shall they be heereafter of like glorie and vnitie Héere hir Citezens are among the Sainctes and the familie of God and there shall they be both children and inheritors with Christ she came downe from god out of heauen hir Christian faith is neither of fleshe nor bloud but by the gratious Reuelation of the heauenly father But Ierusalem sayth S. Paul which is aboue is frée and mother ●uer vs all She is that Citie which God hath builded She is furnished with the gift of faith and w t the fountaine of life prepared and trimmed to be a faire and glorious churche without any spotte or wrinckle She is clensed from hir sinnes through his bloud she is very costly and wel fauoredly adorned beautified with ioy peace long suffering pacience and other more vertues of the spirit euen as an honest and true Bride is dressed and trimmed for hir louing deare husband The bride sayth Dauid standeth on thy right hand in a vesture of fine gold But hir raiments so long as she is on earthe are inuisible they are spiritual iewels of the soule and m●nde and not of the body And I heard sayth S. Iohn in the midst of this last vision a mightie voice out of the heauen the euerlasting and onely throne of GOD a voyce saying after this sort ●nto me Loke vp and beholde for your owne and al other belé●uers cōmoditie and instruction the holy Tab●rnacle of the Lord which shall be with the chosen for euer is also héere wyth the Militant Church vpon earth Moreouer consider that euery beleeuing soule is a Temple of the holy Ghost As Christ him selfe testifieth He that loueth me and keepeth my word I and my father will come to him and dwell with him In like manner speaketh God
to the saying of King Lamuell in the thirde of the Prouerbes Fauour is deceiuable and Beautie a mere vanitie but the woman that feareth the Lorde is to be beloued But chiefly and principally when I consider that God intendyng to bestowe an excellent benefit peculiarly vpon your Maiestie more than vpon any other Prince or Princesse in the worlde hath besides al the other forenamed his manifolde giftes and graces lightened your vnderstanding with his holy spirit and hath vouchesafed by enclinyng youre graces heart spirite and minde to humilitie peace mildenesse and all kinde of louablenesse to chose your maiestie especially to be his champion to defend his beloued church And in this respect like as all faithfull and true Christiā princes throughout all Europe do esteme and repute you do I also and that of good right call your grace a moste happie and blessed Prince Consider I beseche you how God hath blessed your maiestie in thys worlde more than he hath done any of your progenitours For neuer was it seene in any age or time heretofore that this your realme of England hath flourished as it dothe at this present vnder your Maiesties moste happie gouernement Firste in all kinde of liberall Artes and sciences Secondarily in the abundance of treasure as well golde and siluer as all sortes of riche and precious iewels and ornamentes Thirdely in the free passage and trafike of all kinde of marchandise Besides this in good and politike lawes and ordinances namely in the due execution of iustice according to law and equitie The worde of God is purely preached here in six or seuen languages The Sacraments of Baptisme and the holy Supper sincerely ministred according to Christes institution Christian discipline in due force in many places Finally euery countrey and nation that will liue here according to his holy worde is receiued and findeth good entertainement O how happy and blessed is that King or kingdome where these things are in force Contrarywise most vnhappie are those princes that banishyng and reiecting Christ receiue that Antechrist the sonne of the Diuell and forsakyng the truth embrace errour To be short that do al things ouerthwartly clean against the hair For it is moste certaine and sure that sodaine ruine and destruction shall fall vpon all wicked and vngodly persons as well nowe as in tyme paste as experience hath well proued heretofore Namely vpon Pharao and hys kingdome of Egypt vpon Ieroboam Achab Iezabell and infinite other mo Wher on the other part the good kings princes which feare the Lord shal haue peace and comfort bothe in this worlde and in the worlde to come Like as had Iosua Iuda Gedeon Dauid and diuers other in those days and is also to be seene at this day most euidently in the realmes and countreyes vnder youre Maiesties dominion whiche God hath blessed in suche sort that it may truly be sayd that the kingdome of Saturne and the Golden worlde is come againe and the Virgin Astrea is desscended from heauen to builde hir a seate in this your moste happie countrey of Englād For here is peace and quietnesse where as the moste parte of foraine countreyes are full of great tumultes and that more is the pitie with the sheding of much christian bloude And where as many myghtie kings and potentates of the earthe haue banded and conspired together fight euery where against God his anointed and his holy churche bendyng their force vtterly to deface hys name his glorie and his Churche Almightie God of his diuine prouidence hath nowe also in these days like as he hath in all ages heretofore raised vp diuers good and godly princes and states and prouided certaine places wherto the elect and faithfull haue resorted bene preserued during the time of persetion to the ende that his holy name myght there be glorified his worde purely and sincerely preached and his Churche dispersed in a manner restored As it is also come to passe in these our most miserable days in the whiche suche as syncerely loue and esteeme more derely the honoure and glorie of God than they doe their owne commodities ease and welfare after the counsel of Christ saying in this wyse Yf they persecute you in one citie flie ye vnto an other haue bene cōtent to depart their owne naturall countrey wholly to forsake their landes inheritances possessions and dwellyng places yea and some also to ●urrēder their offices dignities worldly preferments An other sort with their wiues children and parentes are departed into Germanie namely into the territorie and dominion of Frederike prince Elector and coūtie Palatine the floure of all Christian Princes in these dayes that I knowe in the feruent zeale and true feare of God a man worthy to be compared with Dauid or Iosias Others are fled into other places elsewhere some to one cuntrey some to an other euery one according to his abilitie estate condition and facultie But we a numbre of vs are arriued in saftie in this your maiesties realme of Englande as into a moste safe and sure harborough where we liue God be thanked vnder your Maiesties protection and safegarde in greate libertie to serue God in eyther language the French or the Dutche without al feare of tyrantes or daunger of the gapyng throates of greedie rauening wolues After the same maner hath God in time past preserued deliuered his elect out of the hāds of their enimies persecute●s by the ministerie of dyuers vertuous women As is to be sene in the .4 chapt of the boke of Iudges How God deliuered his people of Israel out of the hāds of Iabin king of Chanaan by Debora the prophetesse by selling Sizara chiefe captain of his armie into the hād of a womā called Iahel As he also preserued Dauid frō the furie of Saul by Mich●l Sauls own daughter As he deliuered the citizēs of Bethulia frō the tiranny of Holo●ernes by the hand of that most vertuous Ladie Iudith ● And as the childrē of Israel were saued by the counsel of Mardocheus at the instāce request of the most gratious humble Hester ● where they were lately before in peril of death presēt destructiō by the conspiracie of wicked Haman The like hath ben brought to passe by diuers other renoumed Ladies whose fame shal endure for euer And surely the graces mercies that God hath shewed to his afflicted church in these later days by your maiesties means ar no lesse thā those he hath shewed tofore by the late rehersed ladies so that your grace deserueth equal praise and cōmēdatiō with them cōsidering with what gētlenesse with how louing charitable affection you haue receiued the poore scattered flock of Christ. Is not your Maiestie then to be estemed infinitely more happy blessed that are so specially elect of god to serue him for such an instrumēt in such a quarel that maugre the beards of the enimies being enraged through the malice and obstinacy of
con●ession or at the least the fashion of it and other more superstitions For the beast seketh al meanes to recouer yea hath brought to passe that the eyes of many learned ministers and pastors waxe dimme and as it were asléepe so that they do not narowely searche or diligently trie euery matter by the onely touchstone of Gods holy word but weigh them rather by deceiuable custome and take their course to the fathers and their good intents Although they are sure and throu●hly persuaded the Pope to be very Antechrist that these names are put out of their bookes yet are these ceremonies before of no value or at the least indifferent nowe of necessitie to be obserued and kepte as godly rites honorable and singular ornaments Although they say the Masse to be of no value in Latin yet in their own language to be a sacrifice propiciatorie other haue a greate trust and confidence in saying Dimitte nobis or any other like thing not vnderstanded Some will vpholde and maintaine the free wyl in man Other some wyll not bee Papistes but are well halfe yea and worse than Papistes Also the wounded head of the beast is healed and redressed in some places by force and power of worldly princes the whiche muste fight for the Pope and in suche tyme and place as it se●meth him good slaying kyllyng and burnyng all such as he commaūdeth destroying their owne realmes murtheryng and banishing their good and true subiects bicause they séeke the honoure of GOD and to serue hym arighte These Princes bée as it were bewitched and drawne by a subtill kinde of flattery in calling them ignominiously most christen princes defendours of the vniuersall and catholike fayth meanyng the Romish decrées And after thys sorte is healed and cured the wounde of the Beast by the meanes of these oyntmentes and Chirurgians And the whole worlde sayeth S. Iohn did wonder at the beast c. The foolish people worldly and carnall minded not vnderstanding the wysedome of the holy ghost imbracyng all those glorious and ioylye sightes as godly meritorious and spirituall matters and wondryng at them worshypped exalted and made muche of it yea aboue the things ordeined and instituted of GOD. whose blyndenesse is growne to suche grossenesse that they wyll not nor can forsake theyr olde and more than outragious kynde of worshippyng whiche is rather custome than religion For whē they haue any hope that theyr wicked custome shal continue they clap their handes and crie oute ●or ioye with Baals priestes Gaudeamus And they worship the Dragon who gaue power to the beast that is to say they reioyce in their mindes hoping that their kingdome shall abide and stande chiefly when they sée his head againe whole and sounde that is their gouernour the godly prechers burned the Instructers of the people slayne or banished persecuted and put to silence as it hath ben practised in our natiue coūtrey of low Germanie All those that worshyp the Dragon worship the beast also for as those whiche honour Christ honor hys father also in lyke maner all those whiche adore Antechrist that is to say consent and holde of his traditions masses and ordinaunces all those I saye worship the diuel of whom they haue receyued all his wickednesses Who is like vnto the beast namely in out ward shew of holynesse or obseruation of false rites and Ceremonies Who is able to warre against him say they consyderyng that worldly princes are readie to defend his quarrell and take his parte The papists goe about by all meanes possible be it by crafte or subtiltie by force or violence to maintain their adulterous fained disguised churche in hir diseased estate power and holy shewe no kinde of wickednesse craftinesse or policie leaue they vnassayed or vnattempted to make them to bée regarded of the people for holy and spiritual men of gret power worthinesse and estimation It foloweth in our text And there was giuen vnto him a mouthe to vtter great and blasphemous things When Gods truth was reueled vnto them they thāked him not but became vain in their imaginations and therefore God gaue them ouer to vncleane lustes of their owne hearts blinded with vnbeliefe and peruerted minds so y t whē they thought to be very wise becam then stark fooles Now vtter they in their counsells consistories sermons blasphemies agaynst God and his Christ. They make the people by straight lawes to cleaue to them and all their Romishe and beggerly ceremonies and vile borrowed trumperies be it neuer so great a grief to them The holy and sacred scriptures may not once be red neither may it be had in the mother tong For the Scripture say they must be expoūded as pleaseth them according as they think good for their own aduantage And how trow ye could thys wound of y e beast else wel be healed for the infallible word of God which be the Scriptures hath giuen him this wound They wyll not that Christe be our alone and sufficient Sauior without our owne merits deseruings The Lords supper whiche in holy Scripture is called the Communion of the body and bloude of Iesus Christ must be wyth them a new crucifiyng of hys bodie Wherin as in a play or Comedie one creature alone playeth fiue or sixe personages or players partes namely of Iudas Anna Cayphas Herode Pylate and the Iewes We●lorke is called of them vncleane notwithstandyng it was instituted as a good and vndefiled ordinaunce of God him selfe no papistica● vowes of Monkes and Friers may be broken although it be sufficiently proued to be most wicked and diuelish and hath ingendred a thousande Sodomites Again that without the blind mumbling and laying on of the priests hande synnes can not be forgyuen as they say for in déede by this one vowe their kyngdome is maintained And more other abhominations are vttered by his mouth y●t dayly be of which to make it shorter and not to trouble the reader ouermuch I wyll leaue rehearsing of them yet muste I néedes touche by the waye the great blasphemie whiche they commit in saying that the entryng into the holy Church cōsisteth onely by the meanes of their greasing shauyng excluding herewithall all other of what estate or condition soeuer they be calling them lay mē and vnder the pretence of this false title they take vppon them to bée sauiours of mens soules affirmyng their Masses to be sacrifices propiciatorie for the quicke and the dead iustifiyng helping and comfortyng and ex opere operato sauing and redéemyng man And ouer their abhominable and stinkyng troupe of Antechristes they create make Emperours and kings chiefe gouerners only to be maintained and defended by them in their malicious wickednesse Kings princes are ordeined of God to be heades and rulers in ciuile and pollitike matters but God forbid that a godly and vertuous Prince whom they disdayn and are rebellious disobedient vnto should be called their head and claym● a
Signifying and representing all manner of false Prophets vngodly teachers which are in their intents purpose wholy and altogither beastly idle carnall and corrupted They are also abhominable in the imagitions of their malitious harts not seking god but their belly not y e honor of christ but their own aduancemēt vain glory They rise out of the earth enclined giuen wholly to earthly worldly wisdom The desire and lust which they haue to raign in this world maketh thē to preach not for any loue or zeale which they bear to truth The desire of money couetousnesse thrusteth them in Thei go forward in al kind of wickednesse shall continue til the Lord destroy thē euen as the godly goeth on in vertue godlinesse til y ● time that they shall sée ●od face to face in that euerlasting Sion This beast was a murtherer from the beginning first of all in Cain and consequently in the carnal children of this world Namely in Cham the first vnshamefast sonne of Noe in Ismael Esau in Iames and Iambres in Balaam and al the false prophets of Baal in Annas and Caiphas in Baricha and Diotrephe and is now a dayes risen again in Friers Monkes Chanons Priests and Chanters as euery one haue he neuer so little a sparcle of light in him may easily sée and perceiue especially in their cathedral church where they haue their ●ull course Thys beast had .ij. horns like the Lamb but coūterfaited altogither fals For she spake like th● Dragon The horns of Christ are hie great wherout only springeth the sweete comfortes of the promises of God giuen to his Church congregation and people Gods word is right and the Scepter of the au●thority of Christ and the rod of his righteous ordinaunces that wheresoeuer this worde ruleth there are none other strāge scepters institutions or customes The Lambe of God vpon the Mount Sion signifying Christ Iesus hath seuen hornes for in him consisteth the fulnesse of al truth This beast hath but i● hornes and those counterfaited and false They haue well a shew to be Christes hornes but of a truth they are not These then do signifie the corruptyng and falsifiyng the meaning both of the old and new Testament expounded and wrested to a worldly and carnal vnderstanding Wherout it is too apparant and manifest that it is but a false shew ful of dissimulation and altogither contrary to the Lordes meaning not discearning the true meaning of the holy Ghost This letter without the spirite of God is death and nothing agreable vnto Christ neither hath any regarde vnto him He is the truthe and life this is very lies and death His word is spirite and life theirs is but sounding Erasse or tinkling Cimbal fantasticall ●ained Sophistical and crafty although they séeme to haue a likenesse to Christ yet are they to none more vnlike They are onely the hornes of the beast to maintain the kingdome of Antechrist and not of Christe for Christes ●yngdome is not of thys worlde They chaunge the true vsage of the good creatures of God making Idols of trees adornyng and deckyng stockes and stones with golde siluer silke veluet and other iewelles turning the holy estate of Matrimonie into shamefull whoordome and to all kinde of vnchafte liuyng to make vs to wander from that seruice which God hath commaunded vs to their false moste abhominable superstitions so to abolishe and make of n●ne effect Gods commaūdement and to establish their wicked traditions to bring leade men at length to detestable idolatrie wherof they are ful and to worship things forbidden And for the maintenāce of their estate they haue wyth the ayde and helpe of Sathan their chief captaine wrested chopped and chaunged the scriptures to proue the adoratiō of the departed Saintes to be necessarie their masse meritorious and their workes of supererogation profitable their purgatorie to bee a fearefull and horrible thyng and other innumerable These beastly asses and belly God byshops are not ashamed to saye that by the ●yter whyche they doe weare is represented the olde and newe Testamente whiche to be true they defende wyth toothe and nayle They confesse as it is in de●de that they do weare but the figure of the thyng for it is but a shadowe in déede and an outwarde shewe not to the glorie of ●od but their owne ambition profite and cōmoditie séeking an occasion to persecute the very truthe They are of a truthe the false Prophetes the very limmes of Sathan deceyuers Wolues hie mynded inconstant shakyng wyth all manner of wyndes traitours and very folowers of Iudas dreamers liers idolaters enimies and aduersaries of truthe and veritie serpents and generation of vipers Foxes destroying the vineyarde of the Lorde deceiptful workers ●aintyng pastors blynde watchmen dumbe dogs diuels incarnated wycked or euill routes insatiable beastes whose belly is theyr god and their end perpetuall confusion and shame All these and many more names the holy Ghoste doth attribute vnto them bycause they myngle the swéetenesse of the word of God with the bitter worme wood of their Traditions so that almost the whole worlde is defiled with the dregs of their inuentions This beast did all that the first beast● coulde do before him This beastly generation hath the selfe same lying power to deceiue the p●ople and vnder the shew of holynesse to continue and vpholde thoroughout all the worl●e the same abhohominations as that greate Ant●christe hath done euery where Namely vnder the Pope in Eu●ope and in Asia and in Affrike vnder Mahomet Fynally there hath Sathan his chayre whe●e any s●range wors●yppyng or false seruyng of God is admitted And he caused the earthe and them that dwell therin to worship the beast They make not those onely to commit idolatrie that are ignorant and blinde but force suche as haue knowledge and vnderstandyng Oh how many are at this instant in Brabant Flande●s and the low countrey and else where whiche agaynst their belefe conscience and the holy ghost maintain allowe and permit the mani●est ●abylonicall abhomination communicating the venemous dregges of the barbarous cup of these Baals priestes They had rather to tarrie ignominiously in this beggerly trashe and filthie ceremonies than to be depriued of this worldly fri●ndshyp to forsake father mother childrē estate office and liuing banished persecuted or aduenture their liues and if néede so require to loose it for the truthe so delectable and swéete these worldely pleasures are vnto them They rather with Samuels sonnes wyll perishe transgressing the ordinances of GOD and with Dathan Chore Abiron be swallowed vp and sinke into Hel amongst the wicked than to suffer wyth Christe any trouble contempte reproche pouertie or other calamitie Suche I say as séeke and loue the commoditie and ease of their owne fleshe
selling of their Oile Creame Salte Holy water Shrift Candels Blessings Crosses Banners Ashes Palmes Incense Waxe Beades Bulles and Pardons letters of Dispensation to contract Matrimonie licences to eat flesh egges butter c. All which not God but they vpon paine of euerlasting damnation to their owne commoditie and profite haue forbidden Of like qualitie are their Images Ringing of Belles their Reliques Bones of departed Sainctes and other like things Whereby and by many other of their fained holinesse they are become through the aboundaunce of their goods and richesse so lusty spiteful proud and lofty that they haue obtained the possession and gouerning of Countreis and Realmes of Cities Fortresies and Castels and m●ny other pleasaunt places Woodes Warrennes Parkes Farmes Conduits Fountaines Hounds Horsses and Mules So that in aucthoritie and power in riches and substance and in all kinde of plesant things they are nothing inferior to Kings and Princes Moreouer they are not ashamed to take other mennes wiues to fulfill their most filthie and vnsatiable desires yea honest mennes daughters maidens and seruauntes yea and yong men too which they most abhominably and shamefully defile marre and spoile I leaue you to consider what gaines Bishops Prelats gather of the first frui●ts of the tenths of Buls Pardons and resigning of benefices Againe it can not well be tolde what golde and siluer they get by singing and saying of their Collects by going and gathering of their yearely Offerings and the great liuings reuenues and rentes which their Cathedral Churches Abbeis Religious houses and Couents haue so that in al things they passe the welthiest There is no kind of pleasure come it neuer so farre off be it neuer so deare and costly but they wil haue a tast of it Notwithstāding they cā play so wel the hipocrites at their sermons y t it séemeth they regarde nothing lesse than the vanitie of this world and praise aboue measure fasting and abstinence But they haue their rewarde héere and shall héereafter haue their portion with the dissemblers and hipocrites where shall be wéeping wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth And I h●ard another voice an other warning of the spirite whereby the true and faithfull ministers of God are instructed and taught warning vs and saying Goe out of hir my people come away with Esdras out of that wicked Babylon goe forthe with Abraham out of Caldee runne and flie with Lothe out of filthye Sodom● and meddle no more wyth that whoorish Church of Rome denie forsake and detest wholly hir false and fained holynesse hir foule and filthy ceremonies abhorre hir dissimulation and hypocrisie curse and ban their trifles and iestings and haue no felowship more wyth these whooremongers Nicolaites Balaamites Lifte vp and repent from the bottom of your hearts your former follie and abhominations which you haue done in times past and come to me sayth the Lord all ye that trauail and are heauie loden and I shall refresh you Get ye away from among them without looking behinde you that ye be not partakers of their sinnes which is the vēgeance and ire of Gods wrath and indignation At all tymes and seasons there haue bene holy and godly men and well learned fathers whiche through their excellent and diuine woorkes and writings haue exhorted and cried especially since the comming vp of the Pope for redresse and reformation of the churche for the amendemente of many faultes and to sée brotherly exhortation and christian discipline vsed in the same As by Bertrandus Herebaldus Berēgarius Thuronensis Bruno Andegauensis Peter Damianus Valeriane Medeburgensis Bernardꝰ Clareualēsis Robertus Tuitiensis Ioachim Abbas Cyrillus Graecus Ioānes Salisburgensis Gilbertꝰ Lātcestrius Angelus Hierosolimitanꝰ Guilhelmus de sancto Aniore Guido Bonatus Nicolaus Gallus Hubertinus de Casali Pelius Casali Petrus Ioannes Marcilius Patauinus Ioānes Paris Arnoldꝰ de villa noua Michael Caesenas Gulielmus Occam Nicolaus de Luca Marcus de Florētia Ioānes wiclefus Ioānes Hus Michael de Bononia Ioannes Hildeshem Dante 's Aligerius Frāciscus Petrarcha Nicolaus Clemadis Petrus de Aliaco Ioannes Gerson Laurentius Valla Lodouicus Arelatensis Ioannes Segebius Thomas Redonēsis Gallus Mattheus Palmarius Dauid Boys Dionysiꝰ Chartusianꝰ Ioānes Miluerto Ioannes Gorchius Ioannes de Vsalia VVormacēsis Ioannes Ghyler Ioānes Crutser VVessalus Groenegensis Eneas Siluius Redoricus Samorensis Iulianus Brixiensis and Hieronymus Sauonarola Beside these there be other which are of oure time as Ioānes Reuchlin Baptista Mantuanus Baptista Panetius Iohannes Crestonꝰ Erasmus Lutherus Zwinglius Caluinus and more other All whiche the Papistes for the moste parte haue condemned for heretikes To rehearse here their wrytings their reasons and testimonies it would require to much time I muste therefore leaue it behynde I haue onely rehersed some of their names to thys end and purpose that it myght appeare to the Reader that at all tymes God hath had one or other that hath not ben in all poynts consenting to their blasphemies Albeit the light of Gods truthe was not then so perfectly reueled vnto them as it is now a dayes God be praised vnto vs. Many godly and vertuous Emperours Princes haue by generall Counsels and by al other meanes possible assayed and proued to haue a refourmation and amendemente made of all absurdities and abuses whiche were crepte into the churche but they haue alwayes met with wicked and vngodly princes which resisted them and letted them of their vertuous enterprises whiche also maintained those Antechrists in their impietie wickednesse defending them with toothe and nayle to the vttermoste neuerthelesse it is without any doubt that these as Pharao with all his power in the red Sea and as that proude kinde of Phariseys and priestes of the Iewes in the Citie bicause of theyr manifeste blasphemies perished so shall likewise at the hour and time of God appointed all these perishe and vanishe away For the sinnes of this whoore or the innumerable blasphemies of this false religion the great abhomination and filthie idolatrie the burning hangyng drowning and sheading of innocente bloude are come vp into Heauen there to desire the vengeance of God for their vncleannesse vnsh●mefastnesse hath caused prouoked Gods wrath and indignation against them And God hath remēbred their iniquities The multitude greatnesse wherof ar come vp into heauen Therfore haue they most iustly deserued the threatened plagues of the most righ●eous God no lesse than Sodome and Gomorre for their transgression and wickednesses which when it was foretolde them made light of it and went forwarde to al mischiefe vntil God pouring out his vengeance destroyed them with fire and brimstone Rewarde hir euen as she hath rewarded you Measure vnto hir againe with such measure as she did measure vnto you Take ye good héede and looke narowly ye that haue gotten the iudgement seate Crie vpon hir euen as she dyd crie vpon you snare hir as she hath snared you Againe as she hath heretofore wrongfully molested and
troubled you scornefully intreated yea and by hir Traditions iudged and condemned you euen vnto death so nowe do ye likewise rebuke hir and exhorte hir of hir wyckednesse iudge hir like a very harlot and condemne hir by the mightie and true worde of God to euerlasting fire whiche can not be quenched And giue hir double according to hir workes And in the cup that she hath filled to you fill hir the double That is render vnto hir double in all punishmentes and giue vnto hir euen for worldly punishements whiche she hath brought vpon the elect of God hellishe torments For corporal and bodily troubles and vexations eternal pains and torment of the minde for the blame and ignomynie of thys worlde perp●tuall shame and confusion for temporall death euerlastyng damnation both of body and soule And the cup. c. That is al kinde of troubles aduersities and miseries whiche she filled to you out of hir cup that is caused to come vpon you shal be doubled to hir againe for as it is sayd she shall receyue for temporall euils euerlasting The holy Ghost calleth here double that which is withoute comparison euen as a little tyme to no time or euerlastingnesse Hir pleasure and ioy shall be conuerted into sorowes and griefes hir mery and pleasaunt talke hir iestyngs and laughyngs into weepyng mournyng wringyng of handes and gnashyng of teeth Hir commaundings shal be turned into crauings hir reuerence into contempt hir honoure into shame c. For she hathe pretended moste faynedly an holy kynde of priesthode she boasteth and braggeth much o● that whiche they are furthest from She hath vsurped and wrōgfully taken vpon hir and proudely claimed vnto hir a royall maiestie and highnesse Whiche two kynde of dignities she hath yet worse vsed lette hir there●ore wayte and attende on the plagues and punishementes due vnto hir pernicious temeritie and arrogancie Take away hir pleasaunt Euphrates wyth the spoyle and greate reuenues wherewithall she hath hytherto so vniustly maintained and kepte hir selfe and throw hir in the deepe pit of all mis●ries and wretchednesse For she sayth in hir heart I sitte being a Queene enuironned with ioy and pleasure I am the chiefe of the vniuersall worlde on me dependeth the Catholike and holy Churche I haue authoritie and power in Heauen earth and Hell I haue also might to binde and to loose to saue and condempne It standeth not with me as it doth with th●se that be not of this worlde for all thyngs here are at my commaundement I am no widowe I am not d●solate The hyghest powers and gouernours of thys worlde do assiste and defende mee putting to death al those that lay against me Nero Domitian Traian or Maxence were neuer more addicted to the defence of my predecessours than are now adays the Princes of our tyme readie to maintaine wyth fire and faggot my Decrées Traditions and Ceremonies Therefore I shall see no mournyng I shall continue alwayes I shall be called Madame at all tymes my kyngdome shall abyde for euer my seate shall no man take awaye from me I shall neuer fall nor any euil can come vppon mée After thys sorte boaste wyth no small presumption our Papistes also saying That the lyttle vessell of Sain●● Peter may wel by the reason of weather and tempeste be shaken and with the waues of the sea troubled but neuer can be ouerwhelmed or perishe hereby goyng aboute to proue that theyr superstitious and Romyshe churche should abyde styll and neuer be ouerthrowne But they consider not of what abilitie and power the Lambe is whiche abideth vppon the mount Syon against whom they stick and make warre against continually whose congregation and little flocke they persecu●e daily with great tyrannie crueltie and rigorousnesse Therfore shal hir plagues come at one day God shall once poure vpon this wicked race malignant ●hurch Death sorowes hunger and sw●rde● euen as he dyd sende vpon the ●ynfull Cities ●ire and Brymstone They shal be depriued for euer of the life w●iche is in Christe Iesu they shall remaine in sobbes and teares t●ey shal not ceasse to mourne to wring their handes and gnashe their teeth they shall be inheritours o● eue●lastyng darkenesse theyr worme shall neuer die they shall hunger and neuer be sati●fied And this whoore with the whole generation of hypocri●es shall be burnt with vnquencheable fyr● pr●pared for the deuyl and his au●gels This sent●nce is not so seuere as true for the Lorde who shal iudge them is of power and might he is holy and fait●ful in mercie true in his worde and promise maruellous in all his workes fearefull terrible and righteous in his iudgement● against the wycked No man then shall be able in those dayes to withdrawe any part of the threatned vengeaun●e of hys wrath from the euill doer Neither oure Lady with castyng of hir b●ades into the ballaunces of S. Michaell neyther S. Iohn Baptist with hys lambe holdyng a crosse neyther S. Peter wyth hys Key nor S. Paule wyth his sworde as they vse to make them yea and if Moyses Samuel and the rest of the Prophetes with Noe Dauid and Iob would make intercession yet shoulde they not be hearde And the Kings of the earth namely the worldly and carnall Princes whiche haue committed fornication and lyued in pleasure with hir in all vncleannesse and filthynesse shall bewaile hir when they shall see hir ouerthrowen and so yll intreated it shall grieue them sore that they may or can not maintaine and defende hir with water fyre and sworde against ●od and hys saincts for they shall be nothyng well pleased with the ordinaunces and institutions of Christe bycause they doe hate nothyng more than the workes of the spirite that is to frame theyr liues according to the will of God It shall anger them to the hearte that they are not able to burne still and slay all those that speake write or preache agaynst the deedes of the fleshe and do reproue them of their fornication adulterie and theyr mischeuous and inordinate lyfe and rebuke them of theyr moste abhomynable idolatrie And lamente ouer hir when they shall see the smoke of hir burnyng And shall stande a farre of for feare of hir tormentes crying and saying Alas alas that greate citie Babylon that m●ghtie Citie Alas our mother the holy Churche of Rome so many holy fathers Popes Cardinalles and Byshops Alas for our Monkes Chanons and Friers with their so holy so deuoute and straight lyu●s and rude garmentes Alas for so many Pardons Indulgences and confessions so many principall bye Feastes Holy dayes and gay Coapes and Garmentes Alas for oure holy Water holy Candelles holye Palmes holye Ashes hallowed Belles organs play and prick song and the res● of our so gay ceremonies With these and the lyke wordes shall they bewayle hir trembling and quakyng for feare crying out on this maner Wo wo to that
him wa● called faith●ull and true This is the onely and true sonne of God which is called faithfull iust and true bicause h● is founde faithfull and vnfallible in hys promises and woorde for the Lord saith the Psalmist is very righteous in all his wayes true in his sayings p●rfect in all his doings He cannot but teach a right and speake a trouth for he is the truthe him selfe No more cannot those which are indued with his spirite who leadeth and conducteth them in all truthe He hath done according to iustice and equitie in condemning that wicked and abhominable whoore in destroying that filthie sinagoge of Sathan in d●liuering and exalting his poore afflicted Churche First of all he did fight in his owne persone as a worthy Champion against the deuill hel and damnation whom he hath ouercome conquered and vanquished by his owne death and glorious passion And now doth he ouerthrow the Deuill and all his adherēts by the meanes of his faithful seruaunts distributers of his holy woord and mysteries which he nowe graci●usly sendet● vnder the figure of the white horsse For his seruaunts as Abacuck testifieth are lustie and wel animated horsses whom the Lord condu●teth which ar as Ieremie calleth them whiter than snow by the meanes of their vnfained and vndefiled faith And his eyes were like as a flame of fire mightie and cleare Whereby is not only vnderstanded his godly wisdome and knowledge whereby he knoweth and iudgeth al things but also all the heauenly and spirituall giftes of the holy G●ost Behold sayth Zacharie vpon the only stone which S. Paule expoundeth to be Christ shal be .vij. eyes which are the .vij. spirites of god wherwith god doth lig●ten the hearts of his chosen and kindleth the fire of his loue in y e minde of his faithful His word is a lātern to their f●e●e hys law an● testimonies are pure and vndefiled giuing light to the eie And vpon his hea● were many crownes Euen as the same was séene being a figure of Christ vpon the head of Iesus the sonne of Iosedech the high Priest to signi●ie that Iesus Christ is the soueraigne and king aboue al kings which hath power in heauen and earth for euer He ruleth and gouerneth al nations with an ir●n rod. For he is the Lord of hostes the euerlasting king of glory He is a mightie and puissāt gouernoure setting ouer the Mount Sion his holy hil He giueth prosperitie and gouernment to Kings and his elect and chosen are crouned in him with grace and mercie for euermore For he reserueth in heauen for vs an inheritance immortall and vndefiled Againe he hath layed vp for them that keepe the faith a crowne of righteousnesse and wil giue a crowne of life to them that be faithfull vnto the death c. All warrefares and victories of the saincts depend vpon him only And he had a name written to wit almighty maruellous and feareful Adonai Emanuel a name aboue all names euen the holy one of Israell the Lorde of Sabaoth the Lord of hostes our redemer sauiour and righteousnesse No man knewe this name but hym selfe and them whiche he hathe reueled it vnto neither fleshe nor bloude nor Heathen Turke Iew or false Christian is able to cōprehend thys name ●right Albeit they haue good signes and tokens yet no man can say that Iesus is the Lord without the inspiration of the spirite of God who openeth the very truth of God The number of Gods elect are also signified or comprehended vnder this name which the world can not acknowledge nor vnderstand And he was clothed with a garment dipt in bloud His mortall bodie which he tooke vpon him for our redemption was so sore beaten and greuously wounded that from the soule of the féete to the very crowne of the head euen from top to toe nothing was lefte whole or sound This mighty Champion is he which came from Edom and Bos●a whose garmentes were sprinkled with bloud his clothes were rayed euen as of those that tread the wine presse For his manhoode suffred most shameful pain●full death He him selfe alone trode the wine presse of his wrath and had none to helpe him He his owne self was woūded for our sinnes and our infirmities were layd vpon him and by his stripes we are healed And his name was called the word of God Christ Iesu the sonne of god is that eternall and euerlasting word of God which was from the beginning by God by whom also heauen and earth are made and all that in them is the verye ●mage of his substance in whom the father is represented wherby also we vnderstand and know the wil of the father for the word of God is a true guid of the conscience This word was made flesh that is became mā for our sakes sauing ius●ifying and glorifying all those that beleeue on him And the warriers which were in heauen followed him vpō white horses These are the true faithfull ministers which follow their maister and c●ief captain Christ Iesu vpon white horsses that is in innocency of life and godly cōuersatiō which they professe These horsses are nothing else than their mortal bodies redy to battaile For true christiās mortifie their flesh y t concupiscence therof bring their carnal lusts vnder subiectiō their bodies obedient to y e spirit They become seruauntes to righteousnesse and not to sinne they are worthy Souldiers of God for they follow the Lord of ●ostes suche an armie saw the seruaūt of the Prophet Elizeus in Doathim in a vis●on They w●re clothed with fine linnen white and pure signifying the simplicitie and innocēcie which they haue in Christ Iesus their captaine and good and perfect gifts which the Lord giueth them As S. Iohn him selfe expounded them a little before where he sayeth that the fine linnen are the true iustifications which they haue of none other but from theyr head Christ. These are y e spirituall weapons wherof S. Paule speaketh saying Though we walke in the flesh yet we do not war after y e flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through god to cast down holds and out of his mouth wēt a sharp sword which is that wonderful iudgment of his word Through this sharpe sword are the faithful and beleuers saued to ●ife euerlasting and the wicked infidels iudged to euerlasting death and damnation For it is vnto some a sauior of life vnto life and to others a sauior of death vnto death With this sword shall be cut of the dead braunches which in him beare no fruicts and the rotted members from the body In like manner shal be the good from the bad and the Goates from the shéepe with this sword deuided and separated Oh how terrible fearefull and sharpe shal be the iudgement of the
shall wax colde But so many as beare more loue to God and séeke more to please hym than the diuell they must take good heede to do that which pleaseth him according to his reuealed wil For whom it is not sufficient to know Antechri●t to blame him to speake and reporte of him as his doings deserue but it is requisit● for them most chiefly to confesse the name of the Lorde euen from their very hearts to honour feare him to beleue and put all confidēce in hym to loue hym and as neere as we can to expresse him in oure conuersation thorough loue vnfayned therby to shew oure selues to be hys Disciples For not euerye on● sayeth oure Sauioure Christe that sayeth Lorde Lorde shall enter into the Kyngdome of heauen but suche as doe the will of my father Again saythe Christe Whosoeuer louethe hys lyfe héere in thys worlde shall loose it and who so hateth his lyfe here for my names sake shal kéepe it to life euerlasting Againe he that will be my Disciple let hym folowe me and where I am he shal be also Who so serueth me my Father shall honoure hym The seruaunte is no better than hys maister and a messenger is no more than he that sente hym If we kéepe the commaundements of Christe we shall remaine in his loue euen as hée did the will of hys father and remayned in his loue Hys commaundement is that we loue one an other as he loued vs let vs therfore henceforth leade a good lyfe cōuersation according to the wyll of the Lorde and frame our lyfe to the doctrine and exaumple of our maister and Lorde Iesu Christ in kéeping the commaundementes of the Lorde Christe Lette vs not be wrathfull but loue one an other Praye sayeth the Lorde for them that persecute you and speake euyll of you and be ye perfect as I am perfecte That thys our sinful body might be destroyed and that henceforth wée serue sy●ne no more for he that is dead is frée from sinne Let vs then thinke that we are dead to sinne and liue not to our selues but to our Lorde and Sau●our Iesus Christ. Let not sinne saith the apostle S. Paule raigne in your mortall body that ye shoulde obey the lustes thereof but be ye true seruantes of righteousnesse vnto life not seruaunts of sinne of the fleshe or the world ●o death neyther gyue ye henceforth your mēbres as weapons of vnrighteousnesse vnto sinne but as weapons of righteousnesse vnto GOD. For when we were the seruauntes of synne we were not vnder righteousnesse what frute had we then in those things wherof we are nowe ashamed for the ende of those things is death but contrarywise the fruite of rightousnesse is euerlasting life Brethren it is now tyme to awake from sléepe forasmuche as the nyghte is passed and the day approcheth and is euen at hande God hath fréely sent his true and faithful ministers and giueth his woord plētifully to be preached let vs cast away then the workes of darkenesse and take vnto thée the armour of light walke honestly as in the daye time not in gluttonie dronkennesse nor in chambering wantonnesse nor in strife nor enuying but put ye on the Lord Iesus Christ take no thought for the fleshe to fulfill the lustes thereof but according to the good pleasure of God in al spiritual exercises The workes of the flesh are notorious manifest as adulterie fornication vncleanesse wantonnesse Idolatrie witchcraft hatred debate emulation wrathe contentions heresies enuie murthers dronkennesse gluttonie and suche like The workers whereof are y e most wretches and miserable slaues that euer wer yea they are threatned that who so euer cōmitteth such things shall not enherite the kingdom of heauē On the other side the fruit●s of y e spirit are loue ioy peace long suffering gētlenesse goodnesse faith méekenesse temperancie and suche like After this sort ought euery christian mā to walke being carefull to mortifie his own flesh exercising himself in these good works which God hath prepared for him to walke in casting of the old mā which is corrupt through deceiuable lusts be ye therfore renued in y e spirit of your mind and put ye on the new man which after god is created in righteousnesse and true holinesse Wherfore cast of lying speak euery man true vnto his neighbour For we are members y e one of the other Be angrie but sinne not let not the Sunne goe down vpon your wrath neither giue place to the Diuell Let him that stole steale no more but let him rather labour and work with his hands the thing that is good that he may haue to giue him that néedeth Let not corrupt communication procéed out of your mouth but that which is good to edifie withal that it may minister grace vnto the hearers And gréeue not the holy spirite of God by whom ye are sealed vnto the day of redēption Let all bitternesse anger and wrath crying and euil speaking be put away from you with all maliciousnesse Be ye courteous one to an other and tēder hearted forgiuing one an other euē as god for Christs sake forgaue you Be ye then followers of god as dear children walk in loue euē as Christ hath loued vs hath giuen him self for vs to be an offring and a sacrifice of a sweet smelling sauor to god So then fornication and all vncleannesse or couetousnesse let it not be once named amōg you as it becometh sainctes Neither vse ye filthinesse nor foolish talking neyther iesting which are things not comely but rather giuing of thāks For this ye must know that no whoremonger neither vncleane persō nor couetous person which is an Idolatour hath any inheritaunce in the kingdom of Christ of God Let no man deceiue you with vaine wordes for by such things cometh the wrath of God vpon the children of disobedience Be not therefore companions wyth them for so much as ye were once in darknesse but are now light in the lord walk therfore as it becometh children of light for the fruite of the spirit is in all goodnesse righteousnesse and truthe Approue and assay that which is pleasing to the Lord and haue no fellowship with the vnfruitful works of darknesse but euen reproue them rather take ye heede that ye walke circumspectly and wisely not like the foolish but as the wise and redeeme y e time for euen these dayes are euill and dangerous days Therfore be ye not ignorant but replenished with knowledge and spirite Let the woord of God dwell in you plentuously in all wisdom teaching and admonishing your own selues in psalms spirituall songs synging
Was there euer any were he neuer so wicked which turned to the Lord not receiued No surely for God is mercifull long suffering and readie to forgiue He heareth in the day of trouble and he is at hande to all them that call vpon him He is a protectoure and defendoure of all those that séeke him in truthe and trust in him But fie vpon them curssed are they that are faint hearted inconstant wauerers vntempered braines yea mockers and very libertines fearing men poore princes more than God which haue a greater care of these transitorie goodes and haue muche rather to please the worlde than God bycause they looke for none other God héere than to haue that they lu●te and desire for their belly yea they say in their heartes there is no God They would gladly leaue to God the heauens so that they might r●maine vppon the ●arth They know none other heauen then héere on earth which rather might be called an hel than heauen bicause we all are subiecte to many infirmities Bisides that they cānot haue héere any rest or quietnesse in minde or conscience Neyther can they haue things as they would be they neuer so rich These men as they are altogether worldly carnal so can they neuer come to any knowledge of God For the worldly and naturall men canne not perceiue the things which are of the spirite of God neither consider they the gloryous maiestie of God neither are they so muche as once carefull of the life to come Woe be vnto the sinnefull lips slouthfull hands to the sinner which keepeth two wayes Woe to the dissolute of heart for they shall not be defended bicause they beleeue not Woe vnto the vnpacient that haue lost and forsaken the right way to decline and wander in the crooked way Woe vnto them for what shall they say when the Lord shall searche them out Let vs loue the Lord therfore all we that feare him Let vs put our confidence in him let vs remaine faithful and let vs walke according to his holy will let vs searche diligētly after those things which please him let vs prepare our heartes and frame our selues to be acceptable in hys fight and humble our soules before his face let vs paciently abide the time vntil he send vs succour helpe and comfort saying It is better to fall in the hands of men than in the hands of the Lorde for as he is great and mightie so is he also merciful Let vs then be pacient and not shrinke yea rather let vs manfully striue in the middest of our troubles afflictions and miseries knowing that aduersitie engendreth pacience pacience trial or probation probation hope hope shall not be ashamed for the loue of God is poured into our hearts Goe forwarde then my brethren to all good works and make your selfe sure to the Lord and to the power of his might Take vnto you therefore the whole armour of God that ye may be able to resist in the euill day Stand therfore hauing your loynes girded with the truth hauing on the brest plate of righteousnesse and your feet shod with the preparation of the Gospell of peace Aboue all take vnto you the shield of faith wherewith ye may quenche the fierie dartes of the wicked Take vnto you also the helmet of saluation and the sword of the spirite which is the worde of God and pray without ceassing in all your assaultes and necessities making your prayers in hūblenesse of the spirite Be diligent and watchfull Be you wise and suttle like Serpents simple without fraude or guile as Doues Be sober watche for your aduersarie the Deuil who goth about like a roaring Lion séeking whom he may deuoure He vseth a thousand sleights setches many kinds of wayes diuers and sundry meanes to entrap and snare by Resist ye him therfore be stedfast in faith and defende thy selfe with the armor right nowe before mentioned Beare your selfe manfully confirm and refresh your self euery time with that excellent meat of the spirite which doth not perish which is the word of god that ye might withstand him both day and night like a good souldior and all his assaultes Take ye héede therefore to giue any place to euill but set your selfe valiantly and couragiously against him at what time he shall assault you either by faire or foule meanes by flatterie in shewing you the riches the glorye and pompe of this world to none other ende and purpose than to entrap and deceiue you or by crueltie persecution or trouble to ouercome and vanquishe you if ye hearken vnto him any manner of way And bicause he can transforme him ●elfe into an Angell of light it is requisite and necessarie that euery sprite be proued by the touche stone of Gods holye worde if so be that it agreeth therewith so must it be holden for good be beléeued and followed But if so be that it in any parte be contrary to that it muste according to the Apostle S. Paules saying be accurssed Let no euill take any roote in your heart but pluck it out forthwith God is meeke holy long suffering mercifull and altogither good but féeling that any one bringeth any thing contrarye to these particularities appropriated vnto God be ye sure that that spirite is not of God from those refraine your selfe resisting them wyth the weapons before mentioned Be sober and humble in mind content with a litle not caried away of couetousnesse after the richesse and glorye of this world neither be ye seduced by the pleasure of carnall concupiscence and voluptnousnesse of this world which are deceitfull and bring great paines to them that folow after them But to kéepe your self the rather cleane from the thraldom of them way and consider how vain vncertaine and vile a thing it is what euill procéedeth frō it Againe remember that all flesh is gra●se hay and all the glory honor force and might of it as the floure of the field The grasse withereth and the floure fadeth away Yea all Princes and people are but hay where ouer if y e breth of the Lord doe but blow it becommeth dry the floure of it falleth But y e word of the lord abideth for euer Thou lettest man Lord saith Dauid passe away as the hearbe which is greene in the morning and at night is cutte downe The time of our life is thrée score and x. yeres and thoughe men be so strong that they come to foure score yeares yet is their strength then but laboure and paine What is man sayeth he or what is th● wisedome of man The numbre of hy● dayes are a hundreth yeres at the moste and a thousand yeares compared vnto eternitie are not so much as a drop of water to the whole sea or as a little duste vnto the sandes of Affrike for that commeth to an ende and
eternitie hath none ende but continueth alwayes All fleshe waxeth olde as a garment and all that is made and can be séene shall perish in season The generation of fleshe and bloude is suche that when one is borne an other dieth One kyngdome increaseth an other decreaseth Who so euer committeth wickednesse shall perish with them Blessed is the man which through wisedome exerciseth hym selfe in al goodnesse and declareth holy things with vnderstāding This many of the Heathen Philosophers and other Pagans could well discerne and iudge of by naturall reson the which also did contemne and forsake riches greate estimation and authoritie bicause of many labours paines and vnquietnesse and other euyls whiche herehence procéede for to passe ouer spende their time in more quietnesse would not be intangled with any kind of thing that mighte hynder them of their studie and other exercises Cecilius Metellus a valiāt captain wold neuer receue the office of Dictator which was offered him neither the charge of a Cōsul or magistrate saying that he wold spend that in quietnesse y t he had gotten by great trauaile and paine in y e warres The Philosopher Anatillus dyd refuse to be gouernoure of Athenes saying that he would be rather a seruaunt of good men than a hangman of the wicked Nicodius did not regarde nor made any accompt of the great tresure which kyng Cyrus sent him for a present to go with him to war Aristotle forsooke the good entertainment of Alexander the great bicause he had rather be at Athenes to reade to his scholers after his accustomed maner Philosophie Apollon●us Thianeus leauyng hys owne natiue countrey toke his iorney to go thoroughout whole Asie to goe to sée the philosopher Hirarchus in Indie M. Curius contemned the great sum of gold the Samnites offred him The great Philo●opher Crates mentioned in y e beginning of our boke cast al his goodes riches into y e sea The inhabiters of the Isle of Varales being aduertised of the a●arice couetousnesse of their n●ibors threw al theyr tresure their gold siluer into the sea bicause they shold not take occasiō to make warre against them for their goods Upon a day in the presence of Phillip king of the Macedonians was moued a question among the philosophers namely What was the greatest thing in this worlde Whereunto one aunswered It was the Sunne the next sayd the sea the thirde the mount of Atlas the fourth sayd that great and learned Poet Homere Shortly euery one ●ayd that which semed him best But the wisest of them all aunswered after thys sorte The greatest and most cōmendable thing is the heart and courage of Man whyche dothe not regarde worldly and transitorie Riches But I coulde rehearse here a greate many more of examples yf neede shoulde so require and tyme serue But if the Heathen haue done thys howe muche more ●ught Christiās to do that in knowledge discretion which they dyd in ignorāce And to draw your selues the rather from all vayne and transitorie thyngs whiche leade men vnto all euill and to addresse your selfe with heart and mind towards the Lorde ye must call to remembrance often the wrath which shall come to the seruants of vnrighteousnesse the childrē of the worlde the fleshe and the deuill at the last day Agayne call to minde that worthie reward and glorious inheritāc● whiche the children and seruants of God haue prepared for them The tyme passeth and is turned from mornyng vntil euening Therfore be ye wyse and haue the feare of God before your eyes kéepe your self from doing of euil in these dangerous dayes The foole hath no consideration of the time but the wise man vnderstandeth all that belongeth to knowledge and taketh héede to instruction He which findeth wisedom estéemeth it and maketh much of it A wittie man in talk sayth the wise man walketh wisely Also they haue knowen veritie and iustice and haue searched after true iudgement Withdrawe your selfe then if ye will b● counted wise before God from the vanitie of this present worlde and caste aside all manner of voluptuousnesse pleasure and carnall Concupiscence For yf you folow the peruerse iudgement of the worlde and giue the bridle to the wicked desires of the body it will cause your enimies to reioice ouer you Let it not greue you to sée y e wicked prosper to be regarded and to come to high promotion Be not ye abashed or displesed for consideratiō of tēporall felicitie which god gyueth here vpon earthe vnto the vngodly wicked and carnall libertin●s● to Epicures bellygods and other seing they are of no continuaunce they shal fall vany●he and come to naught they shall consume lyke smoake and perishe like the herbe and floure of the fieldes But truste ye in the Lorde and go forward from goodnesse to better Christe Iesu our Sauiour to the comfort of all troubled Christians warneth vs saying Feare not ye him which killeth the body seing he can not hurt the soule whiche is in the Lordes kéepyng though y e body be neuer so miserably tormented or yll intreated yet are we sure that God shall raise it vp agayne and so body and soule being ioyned receyue euerlasting ioy and blessednesse Contrary wyse all the wicked which persecute the true membres of Christ as doth at thys day that wycked tyrant the Duke of Alba with all his adherents very hangmen and cruel murtherers of the Pope shall haue an ylfauored and shameful end here in this worlde and hereafter haue eternall ignominie and confusion in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone The reward in deede of all such tyrantes and wicked ones as nowe be or euer were as Ne●o Dioclesian Dioscore Maximian Iouian Maxence Licinus Constantius Phocus and many more other whose fearefull and terrible examples ought to moue the cruell tyrantes of our dayes were it not that they by the iuste iudgement of GOD were hardened in theyr wycked malicousnesse Examynyng then the naughtie ende of these wicked tyrantes and waying again our good end and ●ure consolation which we gather out of the worde of God we ought by good reson to reioyce and be glad of oure estate from the bottom of our harts to thanke the Lorde oure God that it hath pleased him to cal vs to such a good state and that he hath thoughte vs worthy to suffer any thing for his name sake Then be of good cheere and take courage and takyng thy crosse on thy shoulder followe stoutely Christ Iesu thy kyng and only head ●ut if thou wilt do this thou must contemne cast of and forsake euen as Christ did al couetousnesse worldly honor carnal lus●s concupiscence and thou shal● finde that it is much easier to serue the Lord thā to ●e a slaue to this wretched world for hys yoke is light his burden is easy Be ye therfore strēgthned cōforted by vertue of gods holy spirit neither purpose or desire either by worde or déede
any thing y t displeaseth him put al thy trust cōfidē●e in him Thus doing let him be the marke whereat thou shootest the conductyng starre the compasse true token wherat thou saylest the way whereon thou goest the rocke whereon thou stan●est the sure grounde wheron thou buyldest the strength and fortresse wherin thou trustest the ende whervnto thou hastest the good whiche thou desirest the lyfe whiche thou séekest the comfort which thou dost wishe for the treasure wherefore thou labourest thy glory perfection all thy truste and confidence So then it shall come to passe that no kinde of euill shall hurte thée neyther fyre nor water l●sse of goodes or honoure wife chyldren of friendes lande house inheritance or any other possessions neyther yet contempt sclaunder backbityng persecution banishement or any other myserie sufferyng for hys name sake Haue no regard vnto the inconstancie and variable●esse of Fortune nor vnto the vncertainti● of richesse and time then shalt thou in pouertie be riche in reproche highly regarded in distresse mery in heauinesse glad in prison at libertie and abroade Therefore bridle thy lust and refraine thy heart from al worldly carnal and transitori● riches and be lifted vp in mynde and spirite to heauenly and vncorruptible treasures so shalte thou be regenerate of the holy ghoste and being confirmed by the worde of God may well be called Microcosme that is the whole worlde vppon the little foote Ye shall be true Christians Kings and Priestes estéeming neuerthelesse youre selues as vnprofitable seruantes Ye shall lyue happily and plesaunt and quiet in conscience ye shall knowe your owne and being throughly persuaded of the truthe ye shall abyde stedfast and vnmoueable not waueryng wyth euery wynde No kynde of affection enuie hate anger sorowe or payne shal trouble you ye shal put away al wicke●●esse make no accompt of worldly matters but youre conuersation shall be in heauen ye shall then continually meditate of God and his kingdome that beyng busie therwithall ye myghte contemne al worldly things from the heart Nothyng then shall be able to separate you from the loue of God but ye shall go forewarde in all vertue and godlynesse till suche time as it shall please Almighty God to take oure soules vnto hym then shall we sée hym moste perfectely face to face Unto the which perfection and ioyfull sight vouchsafe to bryng vs O Lord Almightie the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ thorough the same his only and welbeloued sonne To whom with the holie ghost be all honor and glorie power and dominion euerlastingly And to all faithfull christians here vpon earth peace and comfort of the holy gost and hereafter life euerlastyng AMEN Imprinted at London by Henrie Bynneman dwelling in Knight riders streat at the signe of the Marmaid ANNO. 1569. CVM PRIVILEGIO AD IMPRIMENDVM SOLVM Seneca in the treatise of the happ● life 22. Ch●● ●salm 62. Lib. 5. de leg●bus Epist. 20. Homel 21 super Mar● ●ib 10. de ●●ipub Luke .1 ●ty 14. ●ath 19. Lib. Ethi ca. 13. li. 10. ●●p 8. ●n hi● 5. ser●on of the ●orde of God In his apologie ca. 29 Math. 1● Mark .4 Luke .8 Exod. 32. In his apologie ca. 2● Abac. 3. Chrysost. In his boke of the ornamentes of women Mart. where he disputeth that no man commeth in trouble but by himselfe 1. Tim 6. Prouerb 23. Math. 13. In his H●●●●o●●e Li. ● epistola●ū Epi. 2. Luke .12 Psalm 38. Of the life of Demos● Li. 8. de ●●●nita cap. 85. In his bok● of Noe and th● A●ke Epist. 2. li● E●●s●o Vpon the 106. psalm Sa●y 10. Daniell .11 Com●ed ●●rcat Sig●bertus Geniblacen Carolus Bo●illu● Hieronymꝰ Sigebertus Ge●iblacenfis Vincentius Anthonius Plan●ina Abbas Vrspergensis Iacobus Bergen●is Herman●us Shedel Reuel ● Rom. 2. Luke 12. Math. 6. Esay 5. ●●●uerb 5. ●●uel 13. ●poc 6. ●poc 9. Math. 2● Nahum .25 Esay 13. Abacuck .1 Hest. 23. 2. Paralip 3● Esay 22. 2. Macha 2. ● Macha 2. 1. Corin. ● Rom. 9. Hest. 3.4 1. Mach. 2.3 Psalm 9 Rom. 3. Rom. ● Rom. ● ● Thess. 2. 2. Thess. ● 2. Thess. 2. Mat● 28. Iohn .17 Iohn .1 ●ohn .3 ● Thess. 2. Iob. 1.2 ●● Psal. 73. Reuel 9 ● Thessa. 2. Rom. 11. Tim. 4. Tim. 4. ●eb 13. ●ob .41 ● Reg. 17. Dan 12. Apoc. 21.13 ●oloss 3. ●ohn .4 Math 24. Luc. 9. ●phe 6. 1. Corinth Actes .4.6 Exod. 1. Hest. 3 1. Machab. ● Math. 20. 1 Luke .2 1. Peter .1 Math. 27. Mar. 15● Luke .23 ●ohn .19 2. Tim. 3. Luke .10 Rom. 11 Philip. 3 1. Corin. 6. Iohn .15 Psalm 16. Iohn .14 Rom. 9. Ephes. 1. Iohn .1 Iohn .15 ● Tim. 2 ● Corin. 10. Genes 3. Math. 23. Genes 3. Math. 14. 2. Peter .2 Iohn .1 1. Corinth ● Rom. 1 2. Thessa. ● 2. Tim. 4. 2. Peter .2 Ephe. 6. 2. Thessa. ● 2. Peter .2 1. Cori● 1● Gene. 14. Gene. 9.17 21.57.28 ●xod 7. 2. Timo. 3 Nume 22 Iudic. 22 2● Ieremy 20 Math. 27. Actes 13 Iohn .1 3. Reg. 16. Psalm 44● ●pocal 14 Iohn .16 Collos● 2. 1. Cor. 2. 2. Cor. 3. Iohn .14 Iohn .6 ● Cor. 13 Iohn 1●● Rom. 1. Heb. 13. Math. 15. Math. 7. 2. ●hes● 2. 1. ●im 3. 1. Corin. 6. Math. 3. 2. Corin. 11. Ezech. 34. E●ay 56. Philip. 3. Esay 6. Iere. 2. ● Reg. 12. Math. 15. ●phe 4. Psal. 79. Math. 21. Mar. 12. Luke .19 Iohn .26 Reuel 17. Reue 12.14 ● Thes● 2. 2. Tim. 4. 2. Thess. 2. ● Tim. 3. Coloss. 2. Heb. 10. Rom. 2. 2. Cor. 3. Reuel 17. Psalm 85. Iohn .4 Rom. 2. Esay 45. Baruc. 6. Ierem. 2. Reuel 15. Reuel 1● Reue. .6 Reue. 10. Reuel 14. Iohn .1 ●● Actes .13 Mar. 3. Actes .18 Rom. 12. Iohn .6 ●say .11 Esay 9. 10. Iohn .16 ●uke .19 Esay ●2 Actes ● Galat. 5. Ephe. 3. Gene. 18 1● Esay 34. Psalm 13. Ierem. 3. Eze 16. Oseas .2 Reuel 18. Esay 54. Eze. 17. Luke .16 Rom. 4. Math. 6. ● Esd. ● Gene 19. ●say .52 ●poc 1● ●en 19. Math. 5.10 Iohn .6 1. Corin. 4. Esay 47. Math. 11. 2● Math. 16. Deut. 8. Gen 19. Exod. 9. Psal. 11. Collos. 3. Math. 24. Mark .9 Math. 25. Psalm 50. Rom. ● Dan. 5. Leui. 10. Deut. 1. Reuel 1● 2. Thess. 2. Gen. 4. Exod. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Math. 26. Math. 6. Gala● ● 1 Tim 4 2. Tim. 4. 1. Tim. 3 1. Tim. 5. Reue. 19. 11. ●say 66. Wysdom .11 M●th 11.12 2. Corin. 1. Math. 16. Actes .9 Psal. 145 1● Psalm ●● Rom. 9. Iohn .14 Iohn .16 Psal. 23. Ioh. 16. ● Cor. 15. ●ohn .12 ●ba 3. Z●ch 3. 1. Cor. 1. Psal. 119. 1. Esd. 3. E●cle 4 9. 1. Peter .1 ● Timo. 4. Reuel 2. ●ames .1 Math. 16. Math. 16. 1. Cor. 12. Esay 63. Esay 53. Math. 8. 1. Peter .2 Iohn ● Ephes. 3. Psalm 33. Heb. 1. Colloss 1. Iohn .1 Coloss. 3. Gala. 5. Rom. 6. 1. Cor. 10. Iohn .15 1. Corin. 5. Math. 24. Psal. 2. 45. Mat. 25.