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A05159 [Here begynneth the booke which the knyght of the toure made and speketh of many fayre ensamples and thensygnementys and techyng of his doughters]; Knight of the Tower. English La Tour Landry, Geoffroy de, 14th cent.; Caxton, William, ca. 1422-1491. 1484 (1484) STC 15296; ESTC S121467 154,085 192

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not fede them ne may not ete of the good pasture That is to saye that ye be lord of the parysshe in whiche ye dwelle And ye haue distourbled and lette the good peple and parisshens for to lere the seruyse of god which is good pasture refresshyng of the spyrituel lyf of the sowle by cause of youre latchesse and youre long reste And the hornes that ye haue ben the braunches of youre synnes whiche ben moche grete And in especiall of the grete synnes that ye haue done in lettyng other fro the benefete and the seruyce of god whiche ye may not amende but by greete penaūce and tormente And therfore the vengeaūce of the wrong that ye haue done is shewed to yow that ye shall be tormentyd and hūnted of the fendes of helle And at the last ye shalle be taken and slayn by the very huntyng of deuyls lyke as it was shewed to yow by youre aduysyon And I say you certaynly that it hadde ben lasse synne an honderd ageynst one that ye had herde no masse than for to take fro the good peple ne fro the preest their deuocion for when he abode ouer long he was angry synned in the synne of wrathe and the good peple also of whome somme wente to tauerne And other lost their deuocion and alle good charyte And all the synnes and euyls comen of yow by youre slouthe wherof ye shall gyue a rekenyng perauenter has●lyer than ye wene For ye shalle be hunted and put to doth lyke as ye haue sene in youre aduysyon That is to say that ye ben in the wey to be dampned yf ye put not therto remedye Thenne the knyght was moche abasshed and demaunded of hym coūceil how he myght doo Thenne the hooly man said that he shold thre sondayes kne●e to fore his parisshens and crye them mercy and praye them to pardone hym And that they wold praye to god for hym and his wyf also And from thenne forthon they wold be the first to fore other at the Chirche and there he confessid hym to the heremyte And he gafe to hym that penaunce and other And fro than forthon he chastysed hym self And he and his wyf thanked oure lord that he vouchesauf to shewe to them this demonstraūce And I saye yow that fro than forthon they were the first that cam to the chirche And also the hooly heremyte said to the preest and declared to hym his vision and tolde hym that god ought to be more drad and serued than the world And therfore my faire doughters take herby a good ensample that for your plaisire ye cause none to lese their masse ne theyr deuocion for your slouthe and neclygence For it were better that ye herd none And I wolde wel that ye shold knowe and lerne thensample of a lady that spended the fourthe parte of the daye for to araye her Of a lady that dispended the fourthe parte of the day for to araye her capitulo xxx tHer was a lady whiche had her lodgyng by the chirche And she was alweye acustomed for to be long to araye her And to make her fresshe and gay in so moche that it annoyed and greued moche the parson of the Chirche and the parysshens And it happed on a sonday that she was so long that she sente to the preest that he shold tarye for her lyke as she had ben acustomed And it was thenne ferforthe on the day And it annoyed the peple And there were somme that said how is ●it shall not this lady this day be pynned ne wel besene in a Myrroure And somme said softely god sende to her an euyll syght in her myrroure that causeth vs this day ● and so oftymes to muse to abyde for her thēne as it plesyd god for an ensample as she loked in the Myrroure she sawe therin the fende whiche shewed to her his hynder parte so fowle and horryble that the lady wente oute of her wytte and was al ce●onyak a long tyme and after god sente to her helthe And after she was not so long in arayeng but thanked god that had so suffred her to be chastysed And therfore this is a good ensample how me ought not to be so long for to apparayle ne to make her gaye as for to lese the seruyse of the masse ne to make other to lese the seruyce of god How god sprange in to the mouthe of a hooly lady capo. xxxjo. nOw I shalle telle yow vpon this matere of a good lady whiche was hooly of lyf and moche loued god his seruyse And that day that she herd no masse she ere neither flesshe ne fysshe so euyll at ease was she at her herte So it happed on a tyme that her chappellayn was in suche wyse seke that he myght not synge masse The good lady was not wel at ease att her herte by cause she had lost her seruyse And walked out of her Castel sayenge O good lorde forgete vs not but plese hit the to pourueye to vs that we may here the holy seruyce and in sayeng these wordes she sawe two freres of relygyon comyng of whom she had grete ioye And anone she demaūded yf they had said masse And they said nay And she desyred them to synge And they saide gladly yf it please god And when the good lady herd that she thanked god And the yonger songe first And thenne whan he had made thre pyeces of the sacrament the olde frere beheld it And sawe one of the partes spryng in to the mouthe of the good lady in maner of a lytel bryght clerenes The yonge frere loked all aboute where hit was become And that other trembled for fere and sorowe of his felawe And cam to hym and sayd that he sholde not be dismayed For that he sought was in the mouthe of the good lady· Thenne was he wel assured and thanked god of the myracle that thus happed to this good lady that so moche louyd the seruyse of god Loo my faire doughters· this is a good ensample for you certayn They that loue god in his seruyse god loueth them as it is shewed appertely by this good lady whiche had so grete desyre to see hym and here his seruyse as afore is said Of a Countesse that euery day herd thre masses capitulo xxxij I Wolde that ye sholde wel reteyne an ensample of a good lady a Countesse whiche euery day wolde here thre masses And on a tyme she wente a pylgremage· And hit happed of her Chappellayns to falle of an hors to therthe so that he was so hurte that he myght not saye masse The lady was at ouer a grete meschyef for to lose one of her masses And she complayned deuoutely to god And anone god sente to her an Angel in stede of a preest whiche songe the third masse but when he had songen and was vnreuested it was not knowen where he bicam for ony serche that they couthe make
〈◊〉 lytel aduysement is moche worth at nede be it to man or woman Thenne I leue to speke more of this matere And come ag●●ne to speke of them that haue their herte all on the world as to be 〈◊〉 feestes Ioustes and carolles to goo on pilgremages more for disporte than for deuocion Of them that gladly go to festes and Ioustes capitulo xxiiij I Shall saye to yow an Ensample of a good lady that ga● a grete blame at a grete feste of a round table atte Ioustes· This good lady was yonge And her herte was set to the world for to daunce and synge well whefore the lordes and knyghtes loued her wel· Not withstondyng hir lord her husbond was no thyng plesid that she went so gladly but she ofte p●●ide and requyred hym to gyue her leue And her husbonde dyde soo for fere to stande oute of the grace of other lordes And by cause they sholde not saye that he were not Ielouse And he hym self also spente largely for to acqueynte hym att the feestes And for the honoure of them bothe But she myght wel apperceyue that yf she had wold don the playsir● and wylle of her husbond that she shold not haue gone thyder Hit happed on a tyme as she was acustomed to daunce in a feste all nyght tyl hit was daye that sodenly the torches and lyghtes were al quenchid And there was made grete hues and cryes when the lyght was brought ageyne· the broder of the husbond of this lady sawe that a lord a knyght helde this lady and had put her a lytel a parte or a syde And in good feithe I thynke veryly that there was done thenne none harme ne vylonye But neuertheles the broder said so moche that her husbond knewe ther of And he had so grete sorowe in his herte therof that he mystruste her all his lyf after· ne neuer had syth that tyme to her soo grete loue ne playsaunce as he was woned to haue For he was a foole and so was she also And euer after eche arred at other lyke houndes And they lost all their goodes and housholde And all for a lytell occasion I knowe wel also another fayr lady that moche gladly wold be ledde to the feestes And was therfor blamed and sklaundred with a grete lord wherfore she took a thought bycam seke a long tyme of soo grete a sekenes that she she was all deffeted And had no thyng on her but skyn bone And began to drawe toward her deth wherfore the sacrament was brought to her Thenne said she to fore all that were there My lordes my frendes behold see In what poynt I am I was wonte to be whyte Rody fatte and the world preysed my beaute Now maye ye see what I am I am not lyke as I was w●ned to be I was acustomed to loue festes Ioustes torneyes but the tyme is passid me behoueth to goo to therthe that I cam fro And also my right dere frendes it is said and moch spoken of me and of my lord of Craon But by that god that I owe to receyue and on the dampnacion of my sowle he neuer requyred me of vylonye ne neuer did to me more than the fader that engendryd me I say not but that he lay in my bed but that was with oute vylonye or thynkyng of ony euyll Thenne were there moche peple abasshed that supposed wel it had ben all otherwyse Not withstondynge yet had she be sklaundred and blamed therfore a fore tyme and her honoure hurte And for these thynges it is grete perylle to alle good ladyes that haue their hertes ouermoche set on the world· ne be ouer desyrous to goo to suche feestes that they may kepe them honourably The feestes and reuelles ben cause of whiche many good ladyes and gentyl women gete moche blame and noyse withoute cause And neuertheles I say not but that they must somtyme obeye their husbondes and their frendes go thyder B●t my doughters yf it happen that ye goo And that ye maye not refuse it goodly whan it cometh to nyght that they shal daunce and synge so kepe yow that for the speche of the world ye haue alwey by you somme of youre frendes or of youre ●eru●untes For yf it so happed that the torches or lyght were auenchyd and put oute that they myght abyde by yow n●t for ●●●tyng of ony euyl but for the perylle of euyll eyen and of 〈◊〉 tonges that alweye espye and seye more harme than ther is And also for more surely to kepe youre honoure youre name and youre good fame ageynst lyers that wylle alwey saye the euylle and leue the good Of them that wylle not were theyr good clothes on hyghe ●estes and holy dayes capitulo xxv aN other ensample I shalle telle you of them· that wylle not were theyr gounes ne clothes on hyhe fest●s and on sondayes for the honoure of oure lord Thenne I w●●l● that ye sholde take ensample how a damoyselle repreuyd her l●dy There was a lady whiche had good gounes ryche but she wolde not were them on sondayes ne on fe●tful dayes but yf she supposed to fynde there noble men of estate So it happed at a fe●te of oure lady whiche was on a sonday that her damoysell said to her Madame why clothe ye not with youre good gowne this day for the loue of oure lady and of the sonday I sayd she for I se no men of estate here a ha said the damoysell god and his moder ben more grete than ony other And they ought to be honoured more than ony worldly thyng For he may gyue and take awey alle thynges at his plaisire For all good and all honoure cometh of hym and of his blessid dere moder and on theyr hooly da●es we ought to arraye vs the better holde youre pees said the lady God and the preest and the peple see me al day but folke of estate see me not al wey therfor it is gretter honour to me to ara● make me fresshe for them Madame said the damoisel that is eu●l sayd It is not sayd the lady late come al that may come therof Anone with that worde there cam a wynde all hoote and smote her in suche wyse that she myght not stxre ne remeue more than a stone And thenne she confessid her and repentyd and auowed to many pylgremages And was caryed in a lytyer And she told to al men of worship that she fonde the cause of this maladye that had so taken her And that it was the vengeaunce of god And she said that she had more grete ioye and gretter playsyre for to make her queynt and gaye for peple of estate that cam from without forth in to suche a place where as she was for to playse them· and to haue parte of their beholdynges than she dyde for ony deuocion at the hyhe festes of oure lord ne of his sayntes And sithe
monkes cam thyder or they were losed And when the poure Monke sawe his vncle and al the other monkes with hym he had grete shame and grete sorowe in his herte And for this cause and mesehyef lefte he that Abbeye and wente in another somwhere Here may be taken grete Ensāple how men ought wel to kepe them self fro synne doyng in hooly places specially to flesshely delyte or lecherye both in spekyng or in ony other maner For it is not conuenient that a man in suche places loke nor beholde maide ne woman but by thought and weye of maryage· For as god sayth in the Euangely as telleth and recounteth one Euangelyste sayng that the swete Ihesu Cryst entred or went in a chirche whiche at that tyme was called the Temple where as men sold Mercery and other ware And as oure lord god sawe this he put them oute euerychone And sayd that his how 's sholde be kepte clene And that it ought to be the how 's of hooly orysons and prayers and not how 's of Marchaundyse nor pytte or spelonke for theues And for to conferme these reasons oure lord god hath wel shewed to vs appert or knowen myracles whiche of late he hath made in the forsayd Chirches as ye haue herd And how that moche displesyth hym that men defowle his hooly how 's and his hooly Chirche Of the vyces that renne ben in many one Capitulo xxxvij mY faire doughters he that the best or good seeth and taketh the bad or euylle it is good right that after therof he hym repente I say so by cause that we haue thorugh this world many euylle and badde Ensamples and mo ther be that rather and soner taken the bad than the best or good They that soo doo ben fooles For they put them self oute of the ryght way that is oute of the commaundements of god whiche all good and also oure saluacion techeth vs And he gyueth vs it both by writynges and by lawe the whiche we hold and sette but litil by For we see that the moost parte of the world rewleth and guydeth them self after the carnal or flesshely delyte and wylle And ben ful of veyne glorye and dampnable worship The one is prowde for his scyence the other for his Rychesse Somme for their gentylnesse Other be that ben enuyous of the goodes and worship that they see in other folk more than in them self Other be that ben yrous and kepe euylle wylle in their hertes to the folk Other be that ben so esprysed and brennynge in the hete and stynkyng fyre of lecherye that they be wors than wylde beestes Other ben glotouns lecherous whiche taken ouer moche good wynes and of delycate metes Other also that ben couetous to baue other mennes goode Other be that ben theues vsurers Rauynours traytours and backbyters This maner of folk thenne sheweth wel that they be sones and disciples of the deuylle For wel they ensyewe and folowe the doctryne and faites of hym their mayster by whoo 's co●eunylle nad temptacion they be ioyned with synne and lyeng in the way of dampnacion· And therin the deuyll holdeth them faste bounden vnto the tyme of shewynges of very and pure confession And of this manere the moost parte of the world is entatched and ouercome Of the good condycions· that ben in dyuerse and many maners amonge folke Capitulo xxxviij aLso ther he other that ben sage and wyse whiche haue al their herte and truste in god And for the loue and drede that they haue toward hym they hold them clenly and fro synne alwey fyghtynge ageynste the fire of lecherye Also they hold them sobirly fro etynge of delycious metes and wynes kepyng good dyete For suche delycates ben but the bronde that lyghteth and sparkleth the fire of lecherye Other ther ben that haue grace wytte and suffisaunce ageynste couetyse And other that haue a fre hert and pyteous vpon other mens peynes And ben trewe and rightful toward their neyghbours And also ben peasyble And therfor oure lord god maketh them to lyue in pees and peasybly For who that the euyll and the Ryote seketh anguysshe and doloure shal soone folowe hym Many men by their grete Ire and angre beten them self with their owne staf And euery day ben aboute to purchace to them self grete peyne and sorowe And therfore oure lord God in the Euangely blesseth alle them that ben debonaire and peasyble of herte Alle suche folke that so clerly and feruently byhauen and mayntene them self in the loue and drede of god and of theyr neighbours shewe wel that they be wel lyke theyr mayster that is god the fader of whome they holden and kepe the hooly commaundementes as hooly chirche techeth them they haue a fre herte to witholde them after thexamplayre of his sone whiche is thexemplaire of life and of ioye perdurable And is the swete welle or fountayn wherynne men maye fynde alle goodnesse and sauement And therfore fayr doughters haue ye euer youre herte in hym and loue and drede hym And he shalle saue yow fro alle peryls and fro all euylle temptacions Wherfore my faire doughters I wylle shewe and declare vnto yow by this book the trewe women and good ladyes that oure lord god preyse so moche in his byble by whoo 's hooly dedes and operacions were and shalle be euermore preysed Wherby ye may take good Ensample of honest and clenly lyuynge And also I shalle shewe yow somme euyl wymmen that were furyous and replenysshed of alle malyce the whiche fynysshed theyr lyf in grete sorowe and heuynesse to th ende ye take of them goode Ensample to kepe yow fro all euylle and fro the perdycyon wher as they fallen in Thensample of Eue oure first moder capitulo xxxix tHe first ensample of euyll and of synne wherby the deth is come and entred in to this world cam by Eue our first moder that lytell kepte the commaundement of god and the worship wherin he had enhaunced and put her for he hadde made her lady of alle thynges lyuyng that were vnder the heuen whiche al were obeyeng to her And yf she had not falle in to the synne of inobedyence there had be no fysshe in the see ne beest on therthe ne byrde in thayer but that they had al be v●der her obeisaunce at her will myght haue take them and dyuyse haue them where someuer she wold Also she shold haue had children without ony dolour or peyne neuer she shold haue had honger ne thurst nother cold ne hete trauaylle ne sekenesse tristesse or heuynesse of herte ne erthely deth No water myght haue drouned her ne fyre myght haue conbusced or brente her ne glauye or wepen myght haue hurte her· no thyng myght ennoye her Thenne loke we and thynke how a synne alone withoute ony more was cause to putt her fro thys grete honoure and worshyp and make her falle so lowe and in suche secuage For she
none good woman ought to mocke or scorne her husbond ne preyse hym the lesse for ony sekenesse or trybulacion that god sende●● hym For as wel is the axe or swerd lyft ouer the ho●● as ouer the seke as ye haue herd of Thobye whiche was heled of his eyen and his wyf by cause of her folysshe spekynge felle in a grete sekenesse wherfor I wyl that ye knowe thensample of Sara whiche had seuen husbondes the whic●e the deuyl slewe by cause they wold vse her of an enorme and ouer foule faytte of which it neded not to be spoken of Thys by the smallyst worme that myght be founde in the world I haue spoken and told vnto yow of the euylle wymmen after hit is conteyned within the byble for to be vnto yow other an ensample for to kepe and beware yow of euylle doyng Now I shalle traytte and telle vnto yow of the good wymmen the whiche holy wrytyng preyseth moche And therfore it is good to recorde and brynge to memory the good condycions of the good wymmen whiche somtyme were the myrrour and exemplary to alle other of that tyme that now ben to them that ben yet to come And the fyrst ensample is of Sarra whiche the holy scrypture or wrytyng preyseth so moch Of the noble woman Sarra whiche kepte her self full clenly Capitulo lxxxij sArra was wyf to Abraham a moche good woman a wyse and god kepte her fro many paryls For as the kyng Pharao toke her god dyde sende hym so many euyls and so moche he was trauaylled of sekenes that of nede he must take yelde her ageyne to her owne lord so god saued her by cause of her holynes and good lyf As he dyde kepe many sayntes fro fyre and water and fro gleues or wepen and also fro many other grete torments as is conteyned in the bookes of theyr lyf and legendes For thus saueth God them that louen hym and ben his frendes Thys Sarra suffred many euyls and grete dolours She was the space of a honderd yere barayn but by cause of her holy feyth and for the sure trouthe that euer she bare vnto her lord and also for her humylyte God send and gaf her a sone whiche afterward was a good holy man It was Isaac of whome the xij lygnees yssued and came and God gaf hym to her for her grete bounte Of the Valyaunt lady Rebecca the wyf of ysaac Capitulo lxxxiij aNother ensample I shalle telle yow of Rebecca which was merueyllously good and fayre and full of good condycions The holy wrytynge preyseth moche this Rebecca as for her grete humylyte She was wyf to ysaac and moder of Iacob The scrypture wytnessyth how she loued and worshipped her lord aboue al thyng and shewed her to hym meke and humble and ansuerd hym swetely and for to haue be slayne she wold not haue sayd one worde that myght haue displeased hym And by cause of her grete humylyte shew shewed her more to be seruaunt than lady She was long tyme barayne but god whiche loueth holynesse and humylyte gaf and sente to her two children at ones and at one byrthe that were Ezau and Iacob of the whiche Iacob yssued twelue children the whiche afterward were prynces of the twelue lygnees of whom thepystle of al hallowen day maketh mencion This Rebecca loued more Iacob whiche was the last borne than she dyd Esau she made hym to haue the blessyng of his fader as in the byble is reherced She loued hym best that best couthe cheuysshe hym self and whiche was of grete purueaunce She was lyke the lyonesse whiche of alle her faons she loueth best hym that best can purchace for hym self Iacob was of grete purueaunce And Esau hadde alle his herte sette to the chace and to the veneson And so the children of one fader and moder ben not of one condycion manere For some louen one crafte and one maner of lyuyng and the other louen another I shall telle yow thensample of a good man and of a good woman whiche were long tyme to gyder withoute hauyng ony children And at theyr request god sente them a moche fayr sone And soone after another they had whiche was fowle and lame Trouthe hit is that they shold gyue to the Chirche theyr fyrst begoten sone But as they had the second and sawe hym so contrefayt they sayd he shold be gyuen to the Chirch And that the fayrest shold abyde with them for to be theyr heyr wherof god was wrothe and took them both and neuer syn they had none wherfore they lyued in grete sorowe And therfor is here a good ensample For none ought to make ony promesse to god but yf he wyll holde and accomplysshe it and none may mocke hym as these wold haue done in gyuynge to hym the fowlest of theyr two children and wold haue kepte the fayrest for them and the whiche they had promysed to gyue hym Ye shall neuer see good come therof to them that so do Ne to them that haue and take oute their sones and their doughters fro the monastery where ones they were gyuen and receyued wherof many ensamples I haue sene with myn ey●n as of many that haue be had oute of theyr Abbeyes for the landes possessions that to them were comynge by the succession of they re parentes whiche were passed oute of this world And after by couetyse somme made werre ageynste them and toke by force alle that they had fro them And for certayne I sawe neuer none soo had oute of the chirche that myght be peasyble but at the last he came euer to nouȝt And as wel I say of wymmen that for suche caas or other were had oute fro theyr monastery I wyst neuer none but that she had an euylle ende For at the last they were dyffamed and vyoled and deyde of theyr children or otherwyse vilaynsly they ended their lyf And therfor men ought not take fro god that whiche is his How the faders and moders ought to praye for theyr chil̄dren Capitulo lxxxiiij I Shalle telle yow thexample of lya the wyf of Iacob The byble preyseth her moche and sayth how she loued parfyghtely her lord the worship that she bare vnto hym And how as god sente to her ony child she thanked hym therof deuoutely therfore god gaf her Viij of the xij prynces of whome the twelue lygnees yssued that soo moche were good men and dradde and loued god aboue al thyng And their fader and moder praid euer god for them syn they were but yonge that he wold purueye them of his loue and of his grace And he wel herd theyr prayer For they were holy men worshipped aboue al folk Here is thenne good ensample hou the faders and moders ought euery day to pray god for theyr children as Iacob and Lia dyd And yet I saye that for no faute ne ryotte they neuer cursyd them but blamed and repreued them by
other maner and dede And bete them as they deserued hit For better hit were to bete an honderd tyme his children than to curse them ones wherof I shall telle yow an Ensample of a woman whiche was yrous and euylle And lyghtly she was angry And also was her husbond And by theyr grete yre they were euer chydyng brawlyng to gyder they had a sone the whiche had done to them somme faulte wherfor the fader and moder beganne sore to curse hym And the child whiche was wrothe answerd to them folysshly And thenne the fader and the moder that for his answere were ful of yre and wrathe wente and gaf hym to the deuyl And the fende cam that seased and toke hym by the one hand and lyfte hym vp fro the ground And where as he touched hym the fyre sprang oute and loste his hand For whiche ●ause he was al his lyf in daunger and parylle And therfor there is grete daunger in cursynge of his owne children And wysshyng to them ony euylle and yet gretter perylle is to gyue them by ony yre or wrathe to the deuyll And therfor haue ye this ensample in your memorye and see how ye ought to wysshe euer alle good for your children pray god for them as dyd Iacob and his wyf for theyr children whiche god enhaunced ouer all the lygnees and generacions And doo not lyke as dyd the man and his wyf the whiche thurgh theyr yre cursed theyr child and after gaf hym to the deuyll wherfor the child was in perylle alle his lyf durynge How men ought to sette and put theyr children in the wylle of god Capitulo lxxxv aNother ensamps● I shalle telle yow of Rachel the second wyf of Iacob whiche was moder to Ioseph whiche his bretheren sold in egypte Of her speketh to be nourysshed in her wardrobbe more derely And as in Iape she called hym her sone of the whiche cam afterward so moche good For god chose and stablysshed hym mayster and gouernour ouer alle his people And also dyd shewe to hym many of his secretes And toke hym the rodde wherwith he departed the see and made drye waye to passe it· and made also with that same rodde to yssue and come oute of the stone l̄yuynge and swete water And also he toke hym the tables of the lawe and many other signes and tokens of loue he dyd shewe vnto hym as of his nourysshynge wherof the good lady was well rewarded For god forgeteth neuer the seruyce done to hym by charyte as to nourysshe the orphanes or faderles whiche is an operacion of Mysericorde that God moche loued as hit is conteyned in ●he lyf of saynte Elysabeth whiche nourisshed the poure Orphanes And maad them to lerne somme crafte to gete theyr lyuynge with Wherfor it befelle that a good woman whiche had but one chil̄d the whiche was wont to bathe hym self in the ryuer fyll within a pytte where he was eyght dayes And his moder whiche was charitable to god and to saynt Elysabeth hadde therfore grete dolour and sorowe It befelle that at the laste daye of eyght she dremed that her sone was in a pytte ful of water And that saynte Elysabeth kepte hym there on lyue and tolde her by cause that ye haue euer nourysshed and susteyned the orphans and faderles oure lord wylle not that your sone deye ne perysshe in this pytte And therfore make ye redy to haue hym oute And thenne the moder awoke and made her sone to be had oute of the pytte and fonde hym of fayr colour alyue And the child recounted to his moder how a fayre lady had euer kepte hym And had sayd to hym It is goddes wylle that thow be saued for the charyte and myserycorde of thy moder whiche with good wylle had susteyned the orphanes and them nourysshed Therfor here is a good ensample how men ought to nourysshe the orphanes and the smal children that haue mystier or nede for it is grete almesse grete charyte that moche pleseth god to this is shewed to vs exāple of many other bestes also that whan men haue slayn the moder and that the faons ben loste withoute noreture another beest cometh and nouryssheth them vnto the tyme that they may purueye them self How the benefaytte whiche is done for the loue of god is rendred of god an C tyme gretter than it is Capitulo lxxxxvij aNother ensample I shall reherce vnto yow vpon this faytte It befelle that in the Towne of Iherico was a woman whiche was named Raab and the which was blamed but charytable she was wherfor it befelle that certayne good men whiche were come there for to preche to the peple of that toune euylle cruell there duellyng wherfore they lefte and wente and hyded them in the sayd womans how 's She casted ouer them beddes and fardels of lynen clo●● In so moche that the peple coude not fynde them for they wold haue put them to dethe And at nyght the sayd woman had them oute of her how 's with a cord oute of a wyndowe and saued them wherfor it befell that she therfore was wel guerd●ned after the deserte For the towne was soone after take and alle the men and wom●n put to dethe sauf this Raab and her meyny whiche god wold haue saued by cause she had saued his mynystres and sergeans And therfore sayth the holy Euangely where god sayth that the good and seruyce that one shal doo to hym or to his seruaunts for the loue of hym be shalle rendre it a C double wherfor I wold ye wyst thexample of saynte Anastasye whiche was putte in pryson But god made her to be delyuerd oute And made her to wete that hit was by cause that she susteyned of her owne good the prysoners whiche were in the prysons and chartres where as she wyst that ony were putte in wrongly and by enuye or for somme debte And she gaf so moche of her good that she had them oute And therfor god guerdoned her to double And also the swete Ihesu Cryste sayd in theuangely that at the daye of his grete Iugement he shalle haue mercy on them whiche shalle haue vysyted and comforted them that were emprysoned and the seke and also the poure wymmen that lay pourely in theyr childbedde For at that ferdful and dredefull day god shalle therof aske a rekenynge and nedes men must rendre hym reason therof And wel I wene that many one haue be repreued therof whiche shalle be in grete charge and payne to gyue a good ansuere And therfore my fayr doughters thynke now on hit whyles ye lyue as dyd saynt Arragone whiche was quene of Fraūce and whiche comforted and vysyted the poure enchartered and emprysoned and nourysshed the orphanes and vysyted them that were seke And by cause she myghte not entende to hit as ofte as she wold for doubte to disobeye her lord she lefte her lord alle the worship and vayne
a trewe man to her lord and moche symple This good lady was moche charytable and loued moche holy men In the partyes of Iherusalem was that tyme a prophete whiche was named Helyseus This good lady had grete deuocion toward this hooly man and pro●hete and prayd hym to come and be herberowed with her lord in her how 's They dyde anone make a chābre redy for hym there as the sayd hooly prophete wered the hayre and made his prayers and had his afflyctions solytayrly and secretely This good lady thenne myght haue no children of her lord wherof she made her complaynt to the prophete but this holy man at her request prayd god soo longe that they had a sone merueyllously fayre whiche lyued wel xv yere and deyde in the chambre of this holy prophete And whanne this good lady sawe her sone dede she was fulle of sorowe and wente so ferre aboute the countrey that she fonde and mette with the forsayd Helyseus And whanne she had founde hym she had hym to the chambre and shewed to hym the child whiche was dede sayeng to hym in this manere Ha a holy prophete and good man this is the child whiche god sente me thurgh your prayer the whiche was al my ioye and my sustenaunce I pray yow that to hym ye wylle make your prayer and oryson that it please hym to restore hym his lyf ageyne or els to take me with hym For I wylle not abyde after hym Helyseus thenne whiche had pyte of the woman prayd god for the child and god gaf hym his lyf ageyne and lyued longe tyme after that and was an holy man by the whiche ensample my fayr doughters ye may see and knowe how good hit is to be knowen and aqueynted with holy men As this good lady was whiche myght haue no children but at the prayer of the holy man Helyseus of whome she was aqueynted she had a fayr sone whiche god resuscited at his prayer also And for certayne god is yet at this daye as myghty and debonayre as he was at that tyme to them that deseruen it These be they whiche put them in payne ●o haue an humble and meke herte Therfor men ought to kepe the felauship of the good and holy men whiche vsen holy lyf byleue them For al good may therof come as dyd to the sayd lady How no woman ought to chyden or brawle with folk whiche ben braynles Capitulo lxxxxv I Shalle reher●e and telle vnto yow another ensample of a lady whiche was named Sarra of the whiche ye haue wel herd to fore how she had seuen husbondes the whiche al seuen the deuylle slewe by cause they wold haue vsed her in vntrewe maryage And also how her godsep repreued her of that none of her husbondes myght abyde with her But the good lady that sawe that this foole wold chyde with her sayd moche humbly and as sage and wyse Fayre frend to the neyther to me apperteyneth not to speke of the Iugementes of god and nothynge more she sayd to her She resembled not to the doughter of a Senatour of Rome whiche was so felon so hyghe of herte that she dyd chyde in playn strete with one of her neyghbours And so moche grewe went vp her wordes that the other sayd to her that she was not hole ne clene of body wherof befelle that this word wente so fer were it trouthe or lesynge that she therby lost her maryage Therfor it is grete folye to euery woman to chyde ne ansuere folkes 〈…〉 fooles and cruels of theyr tongue wherof I shalle 〈…〉 an ensample that I sawe of a gentyll womā that bra●● 〈…〉 a man that had an euylle heed I sayd vnto her 〈…〉 I praye yow that ye answere not this foole For he 〈…〉 shapen to saye more euylle than good She wold not byleu● 〈◊〉 but chyd more than she dyd to fore sayenge to hym that he was nought And he ansuerd to her that he was as good for a man as she was for a woman And so ferforth wente theyr wordes that he sayd for certayne he wyste and knewe wel a man that dyd kysse her bothe daye and nyght whanne that he wold And thenne I called her a syde and told her that it was but folye to take hed● to the wordes of a foole and to answere and speke with hym The wordes were foule and dishonest and herd of many one wherfore she was diffamed And by her brawlyng she dyd do knowe to many one that whiche they wyst ne knewe not She resembled not to the wyse Sarra whiche made no grete ansuere to the wordes of her godsep For otherwhyle one put hym self fro his good ryght by his owne wordes in to grete wronge And also dishonest thynge is to ony gentylle womā to braule with ony man wherfor I shalle telle yow thexample of the propriete of certayne beestes Loke and behold these grete dogges that men calle mastyns they shalle barke and shewe theyr tethe but a gentylle dogge shalle not do so And also in lyke wyse shold be of the gentylle men and wymmen wherfore I shalle reherce to yow thexample of themperour of Constantynople whiche was a man moche felon and cruel but neuer he chydde to no body It byfell ones that he founde his two doughters chydynge and brawlynge to gyder wherfore he wold bete them but the quene wente bytwene hym them And thenne sayd themperour that none gentyll herte shold neuer chyde ne say ony vylony For by the courage and herte ben the gentylmen knowen fro the other For he is a chorle and a vylayne that of his mouthe sayth ony vylonye And therfore they that haue pacyence and saye no vylonye shewen theyr gentyll courage and noblesse And for certayne oftyme hit befelle that one fowle word spoken engendreth other suche wordes whiche afterward bereth shame and dishonour And therfore my fayre doughters take ye here good ensample For the foole whiche is of hyghe courage shalle saye moche euylle and thynges that neuer were thouȝt for to auenge his grete yre And also ought wel euery good woman to kepe her self that she nothynge ansuere to her lord before the folke for many causes For in holdynge her pees she may haue and receyue but grete worship And yf she answere hym she shalle haue the euylle wylle of her husbond wherof no goood may come to her but grete shame and dishonour How no good woman ought to ansuere to her husbond whanne he is wrothe Capitulo lxxxxvj geteth his seruauntes socoured and helped her And maade danyel the prophete whiche as tho was but of fyue yere of age to come forth the whiche cryed with a hyghe voyce sayeng thus ye Iuges of Israel that is to say the peple of god lette not the trewe blood and ignoraunt of this faytte or dede be shadde but enquere yow of eche of them allone vnder what maner and forme they fonde her Thenne was the peple gretely
suche thynges ne to 〈◊〉 flesshe ne lychorous metes to the hoūdes For lack of whiche the poure peple of god dye for honger the whiche ben the creatures of god made to his semblaunce and lykenes and ben his seruauntes Suche wymmen vnderstande not the word of god in the gospel where as god sayth he that doth wel to the poure doth to me seruyce These wymmen resemble not vnto the good quene blāche that was moder of saynt lowys whiche dyd do gyue in hir syght the mete to the moost nedy and meseased And after saynt lowys dyd in lyke wyse For he vysyted the poure peple and fedde them with his own honde The plaisire of euery good woman is to see the faderles and moderles children and lytel poure children and them norysshe and clothe as dide the holy lady that was Countesse of Mauns whiche norysshed wel thyrtty orphanes and the lytel poure children for pyte and therin was al hir disporte And therfor she was louyd of god and had an holy lyf and a good ende And ther was sene at her deth a grete clerenes and lyght alle full of lytel children These were not the smale houndes that were black whiche were sene with the other as ye haue herd to fore Of them that take first newe gyses capitulo xx fAyre doughters I praye yow that ye ben not the fyrste for to take on yow newe arraye ne gyses and that ye in this caas be the last and tarye lengest And in especialle the newe gyses of wymmen of straunge Countre For I shalle saye yow of a debate whiche was f a baronnesse that duellyd in guyenne And of the lord of beaumont fader of hym that is now lord whiche was a subtyle and a wyse knyght This lady aresonned hym of his wyf And said fayre Cosyn· I am come fro brytayne and haue sene my fayre Cosyn your wyf whiche is not arayed ne aourned as ben the ladyes of guyenne ne of many other places For her pourfyls of her garnementes ne of her hodes ben not grete ynough after the gyse that now is vsed Thenne the knyght answerd to her· Madame syth she is not arayed after your gyse and that her pourfyls seme lytell wherfore ye blame me be ye certeyn that ye shal blame me nomore therfore For I shall doo araye her as queyntely and as nobly as ye or ony other ben and yet more For ye haue not but the half of your garnementes and of your hoode torned outward with grys and crmynes but I shalle doo to her better For I sha●le make her kirtels and hoodes alle the furre outward so she shalle be better pourfylled than ye ne the other And after this he said Madame thynke ye that I ne wylle wel that she be arayed after the good ladyes of the Countre yes veryly but I wylle not that she chaunge the guyse of good wymmen ne of the ladyes of worship of Fraunce and of this Countre whiche vse not the gyse of the loues ne of the lemmans of thenglysshe men ne of the peple of companyes For these ben they that first knewe this gyse in brytayne and in Guyenne of these grete pourfyls and of the Coursettys torned by the sydes For I was of that tyme and sawe it And for to take the guyse of suche wymmen that brought it firste hyther I holde them euyl counceyled and also them euyll aduysed that arraye them so and also them that take and vse hit how wel that the pryncesse and other ladyes of Englond whiche after theyr longe comyng maye wel do it But I haue herd of the sages that euery good lady woman ought to kepe the gyse state of the good ladyes and wymmen of theyr Countre comyn gyse of the R●y●●mme of whiche they ben of And that they ben moost wyse that ben the laste that take suche noueltees and newe gyses And thus by renomme the ladyes of Fraunce and of these lowe marches ben holden the best ladyes that ben and lest blamed These wordes were said to fore moche peple wherof the lady ●●ld her self nyce and wyst not what to answere And thenne many of them bigan to murmure and said among them that she had done better for to haue holden her stylle and said nought And therfore my fair doughters this is a faire Ensample for to take and holde astate moyen and the gyse of the good lady●s of the Countre and of the comune of the royamme that they ben of That is to saye of that whiche the good ladyes vse comunely that is a noble thyng For to take a newe gyse comen by straūge wymmen and fro other Countrees they ben more mocqued and scorned than for to kepe the gyse of their Countre as ye haue herd of the good knyght that was wyse and of grete gouernement in repreuyng of the lady And knowe ye for certayne that they that first done and take the newe gyses ben scorned mocked But god haue mercy on vs at this day after that som haue herd that ony newe facion or nouelte of goune or arraye shall neuer reste till they haue therof a Copye And shullen saye to their lord or husbond dayly Suche thyng and suche shold become me wel and it is right faire I praye yow that I may haue it yf their lord or husbond saye to her my loue yf suche one haue it other that ben holden as wyse as she haue it not And she thenne wylle saye what though they can not araye them what haue I doo with all Sith that suche one hath it I may wel haue it and were it as wel as she And I say you that they shal fynd so many resons that they must nedes haue theyr parte but these maner of wymmen ben not founde the moost wyse ne moost connyng but they haue their hert moost sette to the plesaunce of the world I speke not vpon the ladyes ne the damoysels that maye wel do at their lust and gyse For ageynst their estate I thynk not to speke ony thyng that may displese them yf I may knowe it For it apperteyneth not ne is syttyng to me but to honoure and obeye them to my powere ne I entende not to speke ageynst them by this book but to my owne doughters wymmen and seruauntes to whome I may say that as it shal plese me and after my wylle How me ought not to stryue ayenst them that ben langageurs and full of wordes Capitulo xxi fAyre doughters I shall saye to yow an Ensample how it is peryllous to speke and holde stryf to peple that haue the world in their hande and that haue manere and wytte to speke For gladly men ne wynne but lytel to holde stryf of bourdes and Iapes to suche men For it happed at a grete feste where as were many grete ladyes and lordes And that ther was the marchal of Clermōt whiche merueiloussly had the world in honde as of fayre
dommage dishonour maye to them come as dyd Aamans wyf whiche repreuyd not her lord of his folye but gaf hym folysshe and euylle counceyll Wherby he dyd vylaynously Men ought not to susteyne his lord in his Wrathe and yre but curtoysly and by fayr Wordes men ought to repreue hym of his euylle thought and shewe vnto hym lytyl and lytyl the reasons and cause why he shold not do as he had purposed to do For Which thyng my fayr doughters I requyre and praye yow that ye here take good ensample and take hede what meschyef befelle to Aaman by the folysshe counceylle of his wyf Of the quene Gesabel whiche had many euylle condycions Capitulo lxvj nOw wylle I telle yow thexample of an eu●lle cruel and dyuerse quene how it befelle to her It was the quene Gesabel whiche had many euyl ratc●●● Fyrst she hated the Indygent and power she hated the holy and good heremytes and al prestes and men of holy 〈◊〉 and alle them that to the laye peple taught the feyt●● 〈◊〉 made them to be beten and robbed in soo moche that of ne●● they must voyde and goo oute of the reame she had of none mercy ne pyte wherfor she was cursed and hated of god ● and of al the peple A good man was at that tyme whic●● was named Nabor whiche had an Aker of a vyne yerd ryght fertyle and good whiche the kynge coueyted and desyred moche to haue it by byenge or otherwyse but the good man Nabor consented not to hit with good wylle The kyng told to this quene his wyf that he was ryght sory that he myght not haue that vyneyerd And she sayd that well she shold make that he shold haue it as she dyde For by treson she made the good man Nabor to be murdred and slayne And thenne she brought forth and made to come fals men whiche wytnessid that he had gyuen the kyng Achas her lord his vyneyerd whiche thynge was moche displeasynge to god wherfor he sente Iosue to make werre ageynst hym in so moche he toke prysoner the kynge Achas and with hym lx children grete and smal And anone after Iosue made theyr bedes to be smyton of This was the punycion of the vengeaunce dyuyne And as for the euylle and cruell quene gesabell I shalle telle yow the ende of her She wente vp vnto a hyhe portayll or yate where as Iosue shold passe and there she coynted and arayed her with clothes of gold and flourynge of ryche ermyns with grete plēte of precious stones al desguysed and in other maner of clothynge than ony other woman of that lond was And as she sawe the kynge go by the waye she bigannne of a hyghe voys to curse hym and all his lygnage also and proudely she spake to hym sayenge of hym al the vylonye that her cruel and proude herte couthe thynke The kynge ▪ thenne beganne to loke vp and sawe the couetyse and desguysynge of her and herd her proud and shamefull Wordes wherof he was merueylled and wrothe And seyng she h●ld not her fals and venymed tongue but cursed and euer spake euylle commaunded to his men that they shold go where as she was And that they shold caste her before alle the peple the heed dounward fro the place where she was vnto the strete And so they dyde And thus by her cruell courage and pryde she shamefully and vylaynsly ended her lyf And for the grete crueltees and euyls that she in her lyf had done made to be done commaunded kynge Iosue that she shold haue sepulcre but that she shold be eten and deuoured of dogges as she was By suche wayes god taketh vengeaunce of tyme of them that haue no pyte of the power and Indygent And that loue not his chirche and his seruauntes and that by couetyse make grete crueltees and many euylle dedes and also them that brynge fals wytnes to disheryte other of his ryght as dyd the fals quene gesabel whiche susteyned her lord in his folye wherfor euylle happed to her Here ye maye take ensample to be pyteous charytable toward the poure folke and to loue holy chirche and the mynystres of hit and al so to kepe hym self fro gyuynge ony euylle counceyl to her lord Also to take no desguysed rayment but only thestate of the good nd worshipful wymmen of the lond Of Athalia quene of Iherusalem Capitulo lxvij I Athalye wylle telle yow another ensample of a quene of Ierusalem whiche was of euyll condycions diuerse and withoute pyte For whanne Ozias her sone was deed she made al the children of her sone to be slayne and alle his heyres also sauf only one that a good man named Zoadis made to be nourysshed secretely This quene toke the possession of alle the reame and goodes And made vnto the peple grete dyuersytees and sore trauaylled them and she taxed them so hyghe that they became poure And as she had so trauaylled the reame as she that was withoute reason and pyte the child whiche hadde be secretely nouriss●●d and brought vp cam to his enherytaunce and toke the quene Athalia and made her to deye of an euyl and shameful dethe And soo she hadde at the laste the reward and guerdon of her meryte For god gyueth to euery one the deserte of his meryt● in his lyf or after his dethe For none euylle is done but 〈◊〉 shalle be punysshed soone or in tyme to come I wold 〈◊〉 doughters that ye knewe thensample and the tale of a 〈◊〉 of Fraunce whiche had to name Brunehault She was the quene of whome Sybile prophesyed sayenge thus Brun●hault shal come fro black Spayne in to the Reame of Gaule Fraunce whiche shal do many euylle dedes and afterwarde she shal be destroyed And so it befelle For she made somme of her children to be slayne and also the sones of her children other grete crueltees she procured and dyde whiche were to long to be reherced But at the laste as hit pleasyd god s●e was payd For a child that scaped her cruelte whiche was sone to her sone and the whiche knewe the grete crueltees and abhomynaltees that she had done and procured and maade to be done accused her And thenne al her fayttes and dedes were put to Iugement before al the barons of the londe and sentence of dethe was cast on her that she shold be bounden with the heres of her hede atte hors taylle And thus it was done And so she deyed of an euyl and shameful dethe Of Enuye Capitulo lxviij I Wylle telle yow an ensample of Enuye whiche is an euyl vyce of Marye the suster of Moyses the whiche sayd that she was as wel belouyd of god as her broder Moyses and that god herd her prayers and requestes as he dyd his wherof god was wrothe with her and made her to become lepre in soo moche she was put oute of the towne soo that she myght no more come amonge the folke
merueylled as they sawe and herd this lytell child so speke wherfor they perceyued well that it was by myracle of god The Iuges thēne lete thenquest to be made of the two prestes eche one by hym self The one sayd that they had founde her with a man vnder a figge tree And the other sayd vnder a pynappel tree And therfore were they reproued and bothe Iuged to dye And at the last whanne they sawe that no remedye was but that they must dye they told the trouthe of hit before alle the peple that were there And sayd that they were well worthy to receyue deth and not she And therfore here may ye see and take axample how god kepeth them that haue their trust and confidence in hym as had the good lady the whiche wold rather suffre deth than to be fals to the lawe For she doubted more the perdycion or losse of her sowle and the perdurable or euerlastynge dethe than she dyd the pouere lyf of this world And thus by cause of her bounte god saued bothe her body and sowle And therfor euery good lady ought to haue her trust in god and for his loue to kepe trewely her maryage and also absteyne her of synne How the good lady ought to loue and drede and also to bere feythe vnto her lord Capitulo lxxxxviij I Shalle telle yow another Ensample of the newe testament It is of saynt Elysabeth moder vnto Saynte Iohan This Elysabeth thēne serued fyrste god and afterward her lord and aboue al wymmen he drad and doubted hym And as he came oute of the Town and that by aduenture somme thynge was befalle amys in her how 's she kepte it and made it to be kepte secrete vnto the tyme that she sawe her poynt Thenne wente she and told it to hym by soo fayre and attemperate langage that in no wyse he myght neuer be wroth She euer c●ueyted the pees and loue of her lord And also ought to doo euery good woman This holy lady loued and dradde god and bare feythe to her lord and therfor god gaf her saynt Iohan Baptist to her sone whiche was a good guerdon For a woman that loueth god and holdeth her clenely god rewardeth her on lyue And after her dethe he guerdonne●h and rewardeth her with C double mo As he dyd to this holy lady to whome he gaf celestyals and erthely goodes to suffysaunce as he dothe to his frendes whi●he kepeth and holdeth them clenely in theyr maryage and that haue good hope in hym as had this good Susanne How men ●ught bewaylle and wepe for his synnes and mysdedes Capitulo lxxxxix aNother Ensample I shalle telle yow of Mary Magdalene whiche dyd wasshe and spurge awey her synnes and mysdedes by the water of her eyen as she wasshed the feet of oure lord Ihesu Cryste and wyped them with her here She wepte for her synnes for the loue of god and drede of her mysdede And thus at thexample of her we ought to do as she dyd For we ought to wepe for our synnes and mysdedes and haue pyte and be shamefull of that that we haue done and humbly goo to Confession and there to the preeste we ought to telle our synnes as we haue done them without hydyng or coueryng nothyng therof for the boldnes that men vndertake to say theyr mysdede synne also the shame that mē haue to telle them is to them a grete parte of their indulgēces god whiche seeth the hūylyte the repentaunce moueth hym self to pyte e●largyssheth his misericorde as he did to Mary Magdalene to whome he pardonned her synnes and mysdedes for the grete contricion and repenta●nce that she had Another reason is wherof the holy magdalene ought to be preysed It is by cause that she loued and wonderly ●rad god And for certayne the grete myracle that she sawe whiche god made and that he had reysed her owne broder the whiche hadde told her tydynges of the other world and the paynes of hell And that she sawe wel that she must dye be punysshed there for her synnes and mysdedes made her al ferdfull sore abasshed And therfor she was thyrtty yere and more in a deserte makyng there her penaunce sorowynge and sore wepyng for her synnes and mysdedes And whanne she had ben there long tyme fastynge and withoute mete our lord beheld her and had on her pyte and sente her euery day the brede of heuen wherof she was rassasyed and fylde vnto her ende that god toke her And therfore is here good ensample how good is to wepe for his synnes and ofte to confesse hym self and to fas● and make abstynences and also to loue drede god as dyd this holy and good Magdaleyne that soo moche loued god that she wepte for her synnes vpon his feet And after fasted and suffred soo moche euylle and meschyef in the buscage desertes where as god comforted her by his aungels whiche euery day dyd brynge to her the brede of heuen And in suche wyse shal god doo to alle good wymmen and to alle them whiche with a contryte and good herte shalle wepe for theire synnes and that shalle loue god and doo abstynences as he dyd to this good woman The next chappytre sheweth how be it that a woman haue an euylle and felon husbond neuertheles she ought not therby to lene the seruyse of god Capitulo C aFter this ensample I shalle telle yow another of ij good wymen wyues of two paynyms The onewas wyf to the seneschall of Herode This go●d woman serued our lord at the time that he preched administred made his mete and drynke the best wyse they couthe Here i● good ensample how euery good woman al be it so that she haue neuer so peruers and euylle husbond yet this notwithstondyng she ne oughte to leue the seruyse of god and be obeysshynge to hym or els atte leste she ought to be more ●umble and deuoute for to Impetre and gete the grace of god for her and for her husbond For the good that she dothe appeaseth the yre of god and is cause of the sauement of they re temporall rychesse and goodes For the good that she dothe suporteth the euylle and mysdedes of her husbond as it is reherced in the lyf of the Auncyent faders where as he spek●th of an euylle man and a tyraunt the whiche was thre t●mes saued fro euylle dethe for goodnes and bounte of his wyf Wherfore hit befelle whanne she was dede and that he had no body more that prayd for hym he was for his grete synnes mysdedes brought in to a shamefull dethe by the kyng of that lond And therfor it is good and necessary to an euyl man to haue a good wyf and of holy lyf And the more that the good wyf knoweth her husbond more felon and cruel and grete synuar the more she ought to make gretter abstynences and good dedes for the loue of
me coynte and Ioly how shold I doo on the hyghe feestes and holydayes And also as the lordes my parentes shalle come to see me For thenne as I shold araye me the best wyse I couthe yet men shold saye that al the day byfore I was fayrer and better besene wherof no thanke I shold haue of them whiche were come to see me And therfor I preyse her nothyng that can not amende her self in tyme and place as nede is For a thynge whiche is comyn and dayly sene is nothynge preysed ne sette by Of the good knyght whiche fought ageynst the fals knyghte for the pyte of a mayde Capitulo Ciiij I Wold ye wyst thexample of a knyght whiche fought for a mayde There was at the Courte of a grete lord a fals knyght whiche requyred and prayd a mayde of folyssh loue but she wold nought doo for hym for yeste ne for promesse but wold kepe her body clenely And whan the knyght sawe this he sayd that she shold repente her He tooke an Appel and poysonned it and fewe dayes after that he toke the appel to her for to gyue it to the yonge sone of her lord She toke the appel and gaf it to the child And soone after that he had eten it he deyde wherfor this mayde was take and shortly to say redy for to be brente She wepte and complayned her self to god sayenge that she had no culpe of this dede but that the fals knyght whiche took her thapple was therof gylty and none other And he deffended it ageynst her sayd he was redy to preue the contrary ageynst ony knyght in champ of batayll But she couthe fynde none that for her wolde fyght ageynst hym by cause he was so strong and so moche doubted in armes wherfor it befelle that oure lord god whiche forgeteth not the clamour and prayer of the trewe and Iuste had pyte of her And as it pleased hym a good knyght whiche had to name patrydes that was free and pyteous as men were aboute for to haue cast the mayd in to the fyre and beheld the mayde whiche wepte sore and made grete sorowe He had pyte of her and demaunded of her the trouthe of the fayt And fro the begynyynge vnto the ende she told hym how hit was And also the most parte of them that were there presente wytnessyd as she sayd Thenne the good knyght meued of pyte casted his gage ageynst this fals knyght The bataylle was bytwene them hard and cruel to see in so moche that a● the laste this fals knyght was disconfyted and openly dyd shewe his treason And thus was the mayde saued But the good knyght patryde receyued at that sorowe v mortall woūdes wherfor as his armes were of he sente his sher●e whiche was broken in fyue places to the sayd mayde whiche kepte hit all her lyf and euery day she prayd for the knyght that suche dolour had suffred for her And thus for pyte and Fraunchyse fought the gentyll knyght and receyued v mortalle woundes As the swete Ihesu Cryst dyd whiche faught for the pyte of that they shold haue none by cause they were come to late wherfor I doubte after the purpos of this ensample that many one is a slepe and sorowfulle to the seruyse of god And as of them that ben not garnysshed of that whiche is apperteynynge to theyr sauement that is to wete to doo good and holy operacions and haue the grace of god doubte ye not but yf they tary longe to amende them before theyr ende Hit shall be sayd to them as it was seyd to the v vnwyse virgyns and shalle fynde the yate of the castell shette before them Thenne shalle not be tyme to repente them but sore abasshed they shall be as they shalle see them departed fro God and fro the good sowles and be cast and had in to the cruell pytte of helle where as they shalle be in contynuell payne and dolour whiche neuer shal take none ende Allas how dere shalle be sold the coyntyses and folysshe playsaunces and delytes wherof men shall haue vsed for to obeye to his careyn and to the world This way shal goo alle euylle wymmen And the good women to the contrary For they shalle goo with the espouse that is with god theyr creatour shalle fynde the grete yate open where thorugh they shalle goo in to the blysse and Ioye of paradys by cause they haue ben curyous and awaked wyth theyr lampes and lumynary abydynge the comynge of the spouse that is to saye that they haue made good and hooly operacions and haue watched for to abyde the houre of they re dethe and haue not be slepynge in synne but haue hold them self clene and haue confessyd them ofte and kepte them selfe clene fro synne to theyr poure And whiche loued and drad god These shalle be the good wymmen of whome god spake in his euangely as y● haue herd to fore Of the gloryous and blessyd vyrgyne Marye Capitulo Cvij aFter this I shalle speke of one vyrgyne whiche hath no pere It is of the holy and blessyd vyrgyne Marye moder to the sauyour of alle the world This blessyd vyrgyne is of soo hyghe exemplary that none maye wryte the good the bounte and the hyghenesse wherin her swete and blessyd sone enhaunceth her daye by daye This swete vyrgyne worshipped and drad her sone more than euer dyd ony other moder his by cause she knewe wel fro whens he came She was chamberere and Temple of God where as the weddynge of the deyte and of the humylyte was maade the whiche humanyte broughte the lyf and sauement of alle the world God wold that she shold take to her spouse the hooly man Ioseph whiche was a good old man and trewe For god wold be borne vnder the shadowe of maryage for to obeye to the lawe and for to eschewe the euylle talkynge of the world And also for to gyue her companye and gouerne lede her in to Egypte Wherof it befelle whanne Ioseph perceyued and sawe her grete with child he wold leue her and told her how he wel wyste and knewe that hit was not of hym but that same nyght oure lord sente hym vysybly his angel whiche sayd vnto hym that he shold not be desmayed ne abasshed And ●hat she was grete wyth the hooly ghoost for the sauemente of alle the world Ioseph hadde thenne therof grete Ioye and payned hym self to bere vnto her worship and honour more than he dyd before For he wyst well by the sayenge and wrytynge of the pro●hetes that the sone of god shold be borne of a vyrgyn whiche shold haue to name Marye wherfore he thanked God moche humbly of the grete grace that he had done to hym in gyuyng to hym the kepynge and gouernaunce of his swete and blessyd moder And also the good moder and vyrgyne bare to hym honour and reuerence wherof in the holy scrypture she is moche preysed
payneth her selfe to kepe her body clene and her worship also the whiche also sette nought by her yongthe ne of the delytes and folysshe plesaunces of this world wherof she myght receyue ony blame as I haue sayd before of the knyghtes the whiche take and suffre suche poynte and trauaylle for to be put in to the nombre of the other that ben renommed of grete worthynes and valyaunce This oughte to doo euery good woman and euery good lady and thynke how thus doynge she geteth the loue of god and of her lord of theyr frendes and of the world And the sauement of her sowle wherof the world preyseth her and god also For he calleth her the precious Margarite It is a perle whiche is whyte and round bryght and wythoute macule or spotte Here is a good ensample how god preyseth the good lady in the euangely and thus ought to doo alle folke For m●n ought to doo and bere as moche worship and honour to a good lady or damoysell as to a good knyght or squyer But as now this day the world is al tourned vpsodoune For worship is not kepte in her ryght regle ne in her ryght estate as hit was wonte to be Now I wylle telle yow how on a tyme I herd say to my lord my fader and to many other good knyghtes how in theyr tyme men worshipped and bare grete reuerence to the good women And how they which were worthy to be blamed were refused and separed oute of the felauship of the other And yet it is not past fourty yere that this customme was as they sayd And at that tyme a woman reproued of blame had not be soo hardy to putte her self in the Rowe or companye of them that were renommed Wherfore I shalle telle yow of two good knyghtes of that tyme the one was named My lord Raoul de lyege and the other had to name Geffroy and were both bretheren and good knyȝtes in armes for euer they vyaged neuer rested tylle they came in place where they myght essaye and preue the strengthe of theyr bodyes for to gete worship and good renomme And so moche they dyd by theyr valyaunce that at the last they were renommed ouer al as charny and bouchykault were in theyr tyme And therfor they were byleuyd and herd before all other as knyghtes auctorysed and renommed How thauncyent were wonte to lerne the yonge Capitulo Cxv ●Herfore hit became that yf they sawe a yonge man of age make ony thyng that dyd ageynst his honour they shewed hym his fawte before the folke And therfor the yong men dradde them moche For thenne as I herd saye to my lord my fader how a yonge man cam to a feste where were many lordes ladyes and damoysels and ●rrayed as they wold haue sette them to dyner and had on hem a coo●e hardye after the maner of almayne He cam and salewed the lordes and ladyes And whanne he had done to them reuerence the forsayd Syre Geffroy called hym before hym and demaunded hym where his vyell or clauycordes were and that he shold make his craft And the yonge man ansuerd Syre I can not medle therwith Ha a sayd the knyght I can not byleue it For ye be contrefaytted and clothed lyke a mynystrell Neuertheles I knowe well your auncestrye and the good and trewe men of the towre of the whiche ye be come of But in good faythe I sawe neuer none of your lygnage that wol̄de haue contrefayted hym ne also be clothed of suche gowne as ye be And thenne he ansuerd to the knyght ageyn Syth that my clothynge semeth to yow lothely and dishoneste hit shalle be amended Thenne he called to hym a mynystrell gaf hym his gowne and toke another and came ageyne to the halle And whan the good auncyent knyght sawe hym he sayd trewely this yonge man forueyeth not For he byleueth the counceylle of his older And euery yonge man and yonge wymmen whiche byleue the counceylle of thauncyent good folke may not faylle to come to honour and worshyp And therfore is here a good ensample how none ought to byleue and not to haue shame ne vergoyne of the techynge of the wyse men and more auncyent than he is For that whiche they saye and techen they done it not but for good But the yonge men and wymmen that ben at this day take to thys no hede but haue grete despyte whanne they be repreued of theyr wyckednes and folye and wene to be more wyse than the olde and auncyent folke It is grete pyte thenne of suche vnknowlege For euery gentylle herte and of honeste lyuynge oughte to haue grete Ioye whan he is repreued of his fawte and mysdede and yf he be wyse and sage he shalle thanke hym by whome he knoweth his fawte And in this is shewen and perceyued the free kynd of the good yonge man yong woman For no chorlysshe nor vylayne herte shall neuer yeue thanke ne graces of it Now haue I told to yow how thauncyent spake and chastysed the yong men And now I shalle telle yow how they gaf good ensamples to the good ladyes damoysels that were at that tyme How hit was wonte to departe the blamed and dyffamed women fro the felauship companye of the good and trewe Capitulo Cxvj IN tho dayes was the tyme of pees and were holden grete festes and reueyls and al maner of knyghtes and ladyes and damoysels gadred and assembled to gyder where as they wyst that ony feste was kepte and holden And there they cam with grete worship and wyth them came the good knyghtes of that tyme but yf hit happed by somme aduēture that ony lady or damoysell that had euyl name or were blamed of her honour put her self and wente byfore another of good renōme how be hit that she were more gentyl and more noble and more Ryche yet notwithstondynge the good and auncyent knyghtes had no shame to come to them before euery one ne to telle thus to them lady or damoysel be not yow displesyd yf this lady go before yow for how it be so that she be not so noble ne so ryche as ye be neuertheles she is not blamed and hath good Renommee and is put among the nombre of the good wymmen And thus it is not sayd of yow wherfore me displeaseth moche but worship and honour shalle be borne to them that be worthy and haue deserued it And therfore be not yow meruaylled Thus and in lyke wyse spake that tyme the good and auncyent knyghtes and put them of good Renommee the fyrst and formest wherof they thanked god that had gyue them grace to kepe hold them clenely wherby they were sette bifore the other and worshipped ouer al And the other tooke them self by the nose castynge theyr faces dounward and receyued moch shame vergoyne And therfore was this a good ensample to al wymmen For by the grete repreef and shame
that they herd saye talke of the other they doubted drad ony thynge to do that was amys of whiche they myght be blamed as the other were But certaynly now vppn this daye men bere as grete worship to them that ben blamed as to the good and trewe wherof many one taketh euylle ensample and saye I see that men bere as grete honoure to them whiche shold be blamed and dyffamed as they do to the honest and trewe it is no force to doo euylle al thynge passeth forth awey but neuertheles it is euylle sayd For in good feythe how be it that they wene to ●●●eyue honour and worship of them that be wyth them whan●e they be departed they mocke and scorne with them sayenge one to other Suche one is full curtoys of her body suche a man taketh his disporte with her And thus somme maken good chere and beren honour before them and behynd theyr backes they pulle oute theyr tongues in scornynge of them But the folysshe wymmen perceyue them not but Ioyen them self in theyr folye and wene that none knowe theyr fawte shame Thus is the tyme chaunged otherwyse than hit was wonte to be wherfore hit is damage and grete pyte For hit were best that of theyr fawte and blame they were reproued before al as they were at that tyme Yet more I shalle telle yow as I haue herd reherced of many knyghtes whiche saw and knewe the sayd Syre Geffroy de lyege how that as he rode thorugh the Countrey and as he aspyed and sawe some place or manoyr he demaunded and asked the place and yf he vnderstode by ony maner that the lady of the manoyr or place were blamed of her honour and worship he shold haue gone oute of his ryght way Rather than he had not gone to the yate of the same place and make there a faytte and put and sette his signes ageynste the yate And thenne rode ageyne in to his ryght way And contrary to this dede yf hit happed to hym to passe before the place of a good and Renommed lady or damoyselle al had he neuer so grete haste he wente to see her And sayd to her my good Frende other my lady or els damoysell I praye to god that in this welthe and honoure he wylle euer hold and mayntene yow in to the nombre of the good wymmen For wel ye oughte to be preysed and worshipped And thus by this maner and way the good wymmen drad and held them more sure fro doynge ony thynge wherby they myght lese theyr worship and honoure wherfore I wold that tyme were come ageyne For as I wene many one shold not be blamed and diffamed as they be now How before this tyme men punysshed them that were diffamed Capitulo Cxvij wHerfore yf the wymmen recorded and thought the tyme past before the comynge of Cryst whiche lasted more than fyue thousand yere And how the badde and euylle wymmen specially they that were wedded were punysshed as they mysgyded them For yf it myght be proued only by two men that they had had companye or carnal felauship with ony other than to theyr lord she was brente eyther stoned with stones And for no gold ne syluer she myghte be saued al were she neuer so noble after the lawe of god and of Moyses And yet I ne knowe but fewe Reames this day sanf the Reame of Fraunce and of Englond and in the lowe or basse Almayne but that men doo Iustyse of them when the trouthe and certaynte of the dede may be openly knowen That is to wete in Romayne In Spayne In Aragon and in many other Reames In somme plares men kytte of theire throtes And in somme they be heded before the peple And in other places they be mewred or put bytwene two walles And therfore this Example is good and prouffytable to euery good woman For how be hit that in this Royamme Iustyce is not done of them as in other Reames Neuertheles they lese therfore theyr worship and they re estate the loue of god and of they re lordes and of they re frendes and world also For they ben separed and putte oute of the book of them that ben good and trewe as more playnly is reherced in the booke of the holy faders lyf wherof the tale shold be longe to reherce wherof I shalle telle yow a moche fayr-example the hyghest of alle other examples as hit is whiche god told of his mouthe as telleth the holy scrypture How god compared the good woman to the precious Margaryte Capitulo Cxviij gOd preyseth the good woman whiche is clene and pure And sayth how it is a noble thynge of a hooly and good woman And syth god of his owne mouthe preyseth her so by good reason the world and al the folk ought to loue and preyse her well It is conteyned in the Euangely of the vyrgyns how the swete Ihesu Cryst preched and taught the peple and spake vpon the matere of the good and clene wymmen where as he sayth Vna Margarita preciosa comparauit eam I telle yow sayd our lord that a woman whiche is pure and clene ouȝt to be compared to the preciouse Margaryte This was merueyllously spoken For a Margaryte is a grete perle and round bryght and whyte and clene without ony spotte or tatche This perle is named Margaryte preciouse And dyd god shewe the valour and worthe of the woman For she that is clene and withoute tatche that is to saye she that is not wedded that kepeth her vyrgynyte chastyte And also she that is wedded whiche kepeth and holdeth her self clenely in the holy sacramente of maryage and not suffreth her self to be shamed of her spouse the whiche god hath destyned and gyuen to her Also she that kepeth wel and clenely her wydowhede These be tho as the glose seyth of whome god spake in his holy euuangely These be lykened and compared as sayd our lord to the precious margaryte whiche is euer bryght and clene withoute ony macule or tatche For as sayth the holy scrypture nothynge is so agreable to god and to his Angels as a good woman and in a parte god preyseth more her than the man And by reason she ought to haue more meryte by cause she is of lyghter courage than the man is that is to saye that the woman was fourmed and made out of the mans body And in so moche that she is more feble than the man is And yf she resisteth ageynste the temptacions of the deuylle of the world and of the flesshe the more she is worthy to haue gretter meryte than the man And therfor god compareth her to the precious margaryte whiche is bryght and clene Also saith the glose in another place that as it is a foul thynge to spylle droppes of ynke in to a dysshe ful of mylke Ryght so is of her that ought to be a good mayd whanne she spylleth and gyueth her maydenhede to another
pryncipall cause She was an euylle goddesse fulle of euylle temptacion She is the goddesse of loue whiche kyndeleth and chauffeth the amerous hertes and maketh them to thynke bothe day and nyght to the Ioye and foule delytes of lechery And specially whan they be at the masse or heryng the dyuyn seruyse the deuyl causeth this for to trouble their feythe and theyr deuocion whiche they haue toward oure lord And knowe ye for certayne my fayr doughters that a womā whiche is amerous shalle neuer sette her herte to god ne she shall not saye deuoutely her houres or matyns ne the hert open for to here the dyuyne seruyse of god wherof I shall telle yow an Ensample Two quenes were at this syde of the see which in lent vpon the holy thursday in the passion weke took theyr fowle delytes and playsaunce within the Chirche duryng the seruyse dyuyne And rested not of theyr foly tylle hit was alle done wherfore god whiche was displeased wyth them for theyr enorme and fowle synne made theyr fowle dede and faytte to be openly knowen amonge the folke In suche wyse that they were take and putte vnder a grete and heuy coope of lede And there they deyd of an euylle dethe And the two knyghtes they re putyers deyd also as they that were flayne they beynge yet on lyue Now maye ye see how theyr fals loue was euylle and dampnable And how the temptacion of Venus the goddesse of loue and lady of lechery tempted them so moche that she made them to take theyr fowle plesaunce In suche holy tyme as vpon the thursday and holy frydaye in the ●assyon weke By this Ensample is wel sene and knowen how that euery woman amerous is more tempted wythin the Chyrche than in eny other place And the same is the fyrst reason how a yonge woman must kepe her self fro suche folysshe loue and not be in no wyse amerous The other rayson is by cause of many gentylle men whiche ben so fals and deceyuab●e that they requyre euery gentylle woman that they may fynde And to them they swere that they shalle kepe to them their feythe and be trewe to them and shalle loue them without falshed or deceyuaunce and that rather they shold deye than to thynke ony vylonye or dyshonoure And that they shalle be the better preysed for the loue of them And that yf they haue ony good and worship it shalle come by them And thus they shalle shewe and saye to them so many reasons and abusions that a grete meruaylle is to here hem speke And yet more they gyue oute of theyr brestes grete and fayned syghes And make as they were thynkynge and Melancolyous And after they cast a fals loke And thenne the good and debonayr wymmen that sene them supposen that they be esprysed of trewe and feythfull loue but al suche maner of folke whiche vsen to make suche semblaunt ben but deceyuours or be gylers of the ladyes and damoysels For there is no lady ne damoysell that wold here them but that they shold be deceyued of them by theyr fals reasons whiche they shold not here These ben contrary to the feythfulle and trewe louers For he that loueth with god and trewe loue as he cometh before his peramours he is ferynge and dredefull lest he doo ony thyng that may displease her For he is not so hardy to discouere ne say one onely word And yf he loue her wel I wene that he shalle be thre or four yere er he dar saye his secrete vnto her But thus do not the fals louers For they praye al them that they fynd as aboue is sayd And are not in drede ne in fere to saye al that cometh vpon theyr fals tongues And no shame ne vergoyne they haue of hit And al that whiche they maye vnderstand of them they reherce and telle it amonge theyr felawes And of them they hold they re talkynge wherof they laugh and scorne and take theyr disporte of hit And thus by suche a waye they mocke and scorne the ladyes and damoysels and make newe talkynges and lesynges of them whiche before were neuer sayd ne spoken of For they to whom they tellen hit put to it rather somme euyll than somme good In so moche that fro word to word and by suche mockynge and fryuolles many ladyes and damoysels ben ofte blamed How a woman ought not to here the wordes or talkynge of hym that requyreth her of loue Capitulo Cxxiiij aNd to th ende ye be not deceyued kepe yow wel fro the talkynge of them And yf one begynne to resonne and talke with yow of suche mater lete hym alone or els calle to yow somme other body to here hym say what he wil And thus ye shalle voyde and breke his talkynge And knowe yow for certayne that yf ye doo thus ones or twyes he shalle nomore speke to yow therof but in good feyth at the last he shalle preyse and drede yow and shalle saye this woman is assured and ferme And by this maner of waye ye shalle not be put in theyr Ianglory and talkynges and shall not also haue no blame ne diffame of the world How the knyght answereth to his wyf Capitulo Cxxv tHenne I ansuerd Lady ye be moche hard euyll in as moche that ye wyll not suffre that your doughters be amerouse And yf so came that somme gentyl knyght worshipful myghty and puyssaunt ynough after they re degree had sette his herte on one of them and be wyllynge to loue her and take her to his wyf why shalle she not loue hym Syre sayd his wyf To this I shalle ansuere yow It is so as to me semeth that euery woman mayde or wydowe may wel bete her self with her owne staf For al men ben not of one cōdycion ne of one manere for that thynge whiche pleseth to one is dyspleasyng to the other And somme ben the whiche taken grete playsyre of the grete chere and semblaunt that is done to them And that thynken but good and honeste And som also ben therfore more curyous to demaūde and aske theyr peramours to be they re wyues But many other ben whiche are not of suche manere but all contrarye For whanne they see that theyr peramours paynen them self to make them chere they preyse them lesse And within theyr hertes ben doubtyng of them And as they see them so lyght of wylle and so enamowred they leue them and demaunde them not for to be theyr wyues And thus many one for to shewe them self to moche amerous and for to be to moche open in beholdynge and in gyuynge fayre semblaunt lese they re maryage For in certayne they that kepe them symply and the whiche gyuen noo fayre token or semblaunt to one nomore than to other ben most preysed and they be therfore the sooner wedded wherupon ye told me ones an ensample whiche I haue not forgeten which happed to yow of a lady to whome
after two bestes Therfore Impossyble is that she myght loue her peramour of trewe loue and her lord also withoute faute or deceyuaunce But god and Reson naturell constrayneth her For as the clerkes say and the predycatours god beganne the world by maryage of man and woman And god hym self whanne he came in to this world he spake and treated at a sermon that he made of maryage sayeng that maryage is a sacrament Ioyned and annexed of god to the man and the woman how they be but one body and that they oughte to loue eche other more than fader ne moder ne other creature And therfore syth that god hath assembled them no man mortal ouȝt not to separe them ne take fro them the loue whiche is bytwene them This sayd god of his owne mouthe And therfore at the dore where as the preest maketh them to swe re that they shalle loue and kepe eche other bothe seke and hole And that they shalle not gwerpysshe or leue eche other for none other better or worse And therfore I saye syth the creatour of al the creatures sayd so it is but one thynge and one body that men ought to gwerpysshe and leue al other worldly loue for to take the loue whiche oughte to be in maryage how thenne shold the wedded woman gyue her loue ne do ony oth to some other withoute consent of her lord I trowe that after the wylle of god and the commaundementes of holy chirche th●t this may not dewely be done withoute feythe be broken of one syde or of ther and many horryble dedes done For in good feythe I doubte not but that they whiche ben amerous gyuen theyr feythe to other men louen but lytel or nought they re husbondes and that they be cursed of god How a woman whiche wylle kepe her honour must doo ne shewe no maner of semblaunt to none Capitulo Cxxx tHere ben yet other Reasons for to kepe the loue of her lord clenely withoute daunger or parylle that is to wete ageynst enuyous folke that haue euylle and cursed tongues whiche maken the fals reportes that is to saye that yf ony woman maketh somme semblaunt of loue to some man And yf that somme other her seruaunt or ony other body perceyueth it As they shalle be departed fro her they anone shalle talke and speke therof before the folke And thus shal the wordes soo ferre goo that at the laste men shalle saye that she hath fawted in dede by this maner is a good trewe woman blamed and dishonoured And yf hit befalle that by somme aduenture her lord haue ony knowlechynge of hit he shalle take her in hate and of hertely loue he shalle neuer loue her And euer he shalle saye euylle of her And thus is the trewe loue of maryage lost and go fro them and neuer parfyght Ioye ne loue shalle they haue to gyder And therfore grete parylle is to euery wedded woman to put her lord and his estate the welthe Ioye of her maryage in this balaūce in suche peryllous auēture wherfor I coūceyll not to no good woman to haue ony peramour ne to be amerous in so moch that she be subget to other than to her lord for by suche a cause many good maryages haue ben left forgoten for one word that is come therof an C euyls ben comen therfor I shal telle yow therof one example of them whiche ben dede haue fynysshed theyr lyues by the peryls whiche ben in folysshe loue The lady of Coussy her peramoure deide therof also dyd the Castellayne of the verger And after her the Duchesse And also many other deyde therof only for the loue and the most parte withoute Confessyon or shryfte wherfore I wote not how they doo in the other world But I doubte not but that the delytes and playsaunces whiche they tooke therof in this world shalle be to them derely sold And the delytes of them that ben amerous ben suche that for one Ioye that they receyue of hit they suffre and haue therfore an C dolours And for one worship honderd shames And euer I haue herd saye that a woman amerous shalle neuer after loue her lord with good herte but that she shalle euer be in Melancolye and in smalle thoughtes How a knyght loued the lady of the toure Ca Cxxxj lAdy ye make me to be merueylled how that ye so sore discounceylle them to loue Wene ye to doo me to by leue that ye be so trewe in your spekynge that ye neuer were amerous certaynly I haue wel herd the complaynte of some of whome ye hold wel your pees Syre sayd the lady I trowe that ye wold not byleue me yf I told to you the very trouthe therof but as for to saye I haue ben prayd of loue I haue many tymes perceyued how somme men were aboute to speke to me therof but euer I brake theyr wordes called to me somme other wherby I dyd breke theyr faytte wherof ones hit befelle as many knyghtes and ladyes were playenge with me that a knyght sayd to me how that he loue all the ladyes that ben in this world And I dyd demaūde and asked hym yf hit was long syn that sekenes euylle had taken him he ansuerd that it was wel ij yere gone past and that neuer he durst telle it to me I thenne ansuerd to hym that it was nothynge of that space of tyme that he hasted hym to moche and that it was but a temptacion that he shold goo to the chirche for to cast vpon hym holy water and that he shold saye his Aue maria that his temptacion shold sone after go fro hym For the loue was newe And he demaunded of me why And thenne I sayd to hym that none peramoure or louer ought not to saye to his lady that he loueth her tyll the tyme of seuen yere and an half be passyd gone and that it was but a lytell tem●tacion Thenne he wende to haue argued and put many reasons vnto me whanne I sayd al on hyghe Behold ye all what sayth this knyght whiche is but two yere syn he loued fyrst one lady and thēne he ●rayd that I shold kepe my pees therof and that in good fey●he he shold neuer speke to me therof But at the last he sayd to me L●dy of the Towre ye be moche euylle and straunge and also after your wordes ouer prowd in loue I doubte that ye haue not be euer so straunge Ye be lyke the lady of the ●ualle whiche said to me thus that she wold neuer here ne vnderstād the noote and wordes of none sauf one tyme that a knyghte pra●d her but she had an vncle whiche she made to hyde hym self behynd her for to here and vnderstande what that the knyght shold seye wherin she dyd grete treason For he wende wel secretely to saye his rayson and wend not that ony one had
furred And all his men that were aboute hym wel clothed arayed And as sone as the prouoste sawe the Heremyte he knewe hym as the wylle of god was and callyd hym and sayd good and trewe man goo ye home to my wyf and take her this rynge And telle her that she doo to yow as she wold doo to me The Heremyte demaunded of hym what he was And he answerd to hym that he was the prouost of Acquyllee The Heremyte thenne that sawe hym in suche estate and soo Rychely clothed was abasshed and ryght sore merueylled that he was so coyntely arayed and that he wente for to make a mā to be hanged He wyst not what he shold thynke or saye and was al troubled and abasshed And hym thought that he had nothynge deserued of god But neuertheles he wente to the prouostes place and founde there the lady his wyf to whome he toke the rynge and said vnto her that her lord sent hym thyder And that she shold doo to hym as she wold doo to hym self The good lady receyued hym and made the table to be couerd prayd hym to sytte before her She made hym to be serued of grete plente of good and delycate metes and of good wynes And the Heremyte whiche was not wont to haue before hym suche metes Neuertheles he ete and dranke there And sawe how the good lady toke the good metes that were put before her and how she brake and dressed the good capons and other metes And thenne she dyd put it al to gyder in a grete dysshe and sente it to the poure folke And toke only for her refection brede and water And thus she dyd euery day bothe at souper and at dyner And as the euen ca●e she had the Heremyte in to her chambre whiche was rychely hanged with cloth of sylke and nobly dressed and arayed and sayd to hym good and trewe man ye shall lye in the bedde of my lord and in his chambre The Heremyte wold haue reffused it but the lady sayd that she wold do the comaundement of her lord And that for certayne he shold lye there There s●e made to be brought to hym good spyces and stronge and good wynes wherto the good Heremyte tooke soo good a sauoure that he ete and dranke soo moche that he was dronke and ful Ioyous in his spekynge For the good wyn had soone ouercomen hym by cause he was not wonte to drynke of hit He wente to bedde and the lady vndyd her clo●●es ● and leyde her self by hym and beganne to embrace and ta●●e hym And the Heremyte that moche hadde taken of metes and drynkes awaked and his flesshe beganne sore to be meuyd And wold haue accomplysshed the faytte or dede of fornycacion with the lady Thenne sayd she to hym Swete Frende whanne my lord wyl haue to doo with me of suche thyng he goeth fyrste to bathe and wassheth hym selfe in that Tubbe whiche ye see yonder full of water for to be the more clene and fayre And theremyte whiche thoughte to nothyng than to fulfylle and accomplysshe his wyll sterte in the tubbe full of water and bathed and wasshed hym in the water whiche was cold as ony yse and anone he was as half dede of cold Thenne the lady called hym to her And he came alle shakynge For his hete was gone and also his euylle wylle And the lady embraced hym ageyne so moche that he gate hete and was so chauffed that he wold haue done his folysshe delyte And as she sawe hym soo chauffed and so brennyng in that fowle delyte of lecherye she prayd hym that he wold for the loue of her goo and wasshe hym ageyne in the tubbe for to be the clener And he that yet had not slepte and was full of myghty and stronge wynes as a man oute of his wytte rose vp oute of the bedde and wente and bathed hym ageyn in to the tubbe And anone the cold water made hym feble hard for cold Thenne the lady called hym to her ageyne And shakynge he came to her as he dyd before his teeth shoke and bete eche other for cold And alle his grete here was passed and gone The lady roose vp and couered hym well with warme clothes and lefte hym alone to th ende he shold take his reste And soone after as he was a lytyll warme he fylle in to a slepe for his hede was ryght pesaunt and heuy And he awoke not tylle the morowe was come To his rysynge cam an old preest or chappellayne whiche demaunded hym how he dede And whanne he perceyued that he laye in so fayr a bedde and that he was so taken and surprysed he was full of shame and moche merueylled how in that dronkeship and folysshe wylle he was falle He thenne sawe wel that they were of gretter meryte than he was And demaunded of the Chappellayne of the lyf and gouernaunce of the Prouost and of his wyf And he told hym that the most parte of the dayes of the yere they wered the hayre And that the good metes whiche were brought at the table before them they sente to poure folke and ete black brede and metes of lytyll sauoure and dranke but water And how they fasted the most parte of the weke He after demaunded of hym why that tubbe full of cold water Was sette by theyr bedde And he answerd that it was put there for to kepe them fro the brennynge wylle of lecherye for as soone as she or he is chauffed and their flesshe mouyng to that fowle delyte they ryse out of the bed wasshe and bathe them self in this tubbe whiche is ful of water excepte one daye of the weke Thenne as theremyte had this examyned the old Chappellayne vpon the faytte of the prouost and of the lady his wyf and that he was well certayne how they ledde theyr lyf he thought that the prouost how be it that he were nobly and Rychely arayed withoute and to the sight of the folke whiche secretely vnknowynge to no man bare and had on his flesshe the hayre and made good Iustyce and the execucion of the mysdoers to be done and executed bifore hym was worthy to haue and also his wyf seuen tymes more meryte For he remembryd hym of the fowle dede whiche he wold haue commysed or done with the good lady And how she essayed wherof he was moche vergoynous and shamefull● and within his herte he cursed hym self that euer he departed oute of his heremytage and that in trouthe he was not worthy 〈◊〉 pulle of theyr shone and hosen fro theyr legges wherfore fro thens he departed shameful and wepynge sayenge with a hyghe voys Fayre god and good lord I knowe no gretter tresour more noble ne more precious than is the good lady whiche hath essayed me sene my foly and approuued my fallace and decepcion And veryly she is wel worthy to be called and named the precious Margaryte as ye sayd in the Euangely Thus spake the
reward he offred to me The thyrd enseygnement was that I shold essaye my wyf or euer I shold discouere to her ony grete counceylle For therin is to grete paryll Neuertheles ther ben some that can wel kepe secretely what men saye to them and in the whiche men fynd good counceylle and comforte And other also whiche that can no thynge kepe in secrete And thenne as I me bethought how I had broken and done ageynst the ij enseygnementes of my fader I thought and sayd in my self that I shold preue and essaye the thyrd wherfore that other daye as I was a bedde wyth my wyf I awaked her and for to essaye her wylle I sayd to her that I had slayne the sone of themperour and that his herte confyted in spyeces I had made themperour and his wyf to ete hit And that for the loue of whiche she loued me she shold kepe this in secrete soo that none myght neuer knowe no thynge of hit Now haue I proued and essayed how she hath kepte secretely my counceylle as euery one maye now see and knowe But I gyue me not to grete merueylle therof For hit is not of newe how that a woman can not kepe secretely that whiche men say●n to her in counceylle How Cathonet exposed his auenture or hap Capitulo xliiij nOw haue ye herd how it is happed to me by cause I dyd not byleue the counceylle of my Fader whiche was so trewe and wyse a man To me therfore is come almost a grete euylle And notwithstondynge thus sayd Cathonet to themperour Syre I rendre and discharge me of your offyce And from hensforth I shalle not be en●eched of hit And he therof was discharged with grete payne ● Neue●●theles he was receyued for to be mayster of the grete 〈◊〉 of Rome And in especiall of the grete fayttes and dedes ● And themperour made hym to haue grete prouffitees and 〈◊〉 hym grete yeftes and loued hym aboue al other And 〈◊〉 moche holyly in the loue of god and of the peple 〈◊〉 therfore my fayre doughters this is here a good ensam●●●● how ye ought to kepe the counceyll of your lord and not 〈◊〉 it to no body what someuer it be For ofte comen therof 〈◊〉 euyls and for to be secrete and specially in suche thyng 〈◊〉 is deffended may not come sauf only good And in lyke 〈◊〉 as the shafte is departed fro the bowe must take her flyg●● and cours and neuer cometh ageyne to the bowe tyll it hau● smyte somme thynge Soo is the word whiche yssued oute of the mouthe lyke it For after that he is put out of the mou●● it may neuer be put in to the mouthe ageyne but that it shal be herd be it good or euylle wherfor we ought wel to haue 〈◊〉 our memorye the saynges and auctorytees of the wyse S●lamon whiche sayth that men must thynke on the wordes twyes or thryes or they be putt oute of the mouthe And thus ought to doo al wyse folke For ouer many grete euyls haue ben done and engendered for to haue discouered the counceyll and suche thynges as haue ben sayd there in counceylle Therfore I pray yow fayr doughters that ye wylle haue this ensample in your memory and neuer forgete it For all good and worship may therof come to yow And hir is a vertue the whiche escheweth grete hate and grete enuye and many euyls also For many one I knowe whiche haue loste moche of theyr goodes suffred many grete euyls for to haue spoke to lyghtely of other and for to haue reported suche wordes as they herd saye of the whiche they had nought to doo at al For none soo wyse is that may knowe what to hym is to come And full of naturel wytte be they whiche kepe them self fro recordynge of ony wordes For he whiche wythsayeth them that blameth other as wel in ryght as in wronge he doth but wel And for to hold and kepe secretely the dommage and euylle of other may come but good as hit is reherced in the booke of my two sonnes And also in an Euangely Here fynysshed the booke whiche the knyght of the Toure made to the enseygnement and techyng of his doughters translated oute of Frenssh in to our maternall Englysshe tongue by me William Caxton whiche book was ended fynysshed the fyrst day of Iuyn the yere of oure lord MCCCClxxxiij And enprynted at westmynstre the last day of Ianyuer the fyrst yere of the regne of kynge Rychard the thyrd
god And yf the one suffre not the other that is to vnderstonde yf the good dyd suffre supported not the euylle all̄ shold go to perdicion And yet I saye that the obeyssaunce and drede of god was stablysshed before maryage For men ought fyrst obeye to the creatour whiche hath made them to his blessyd forme and semblaunce and that maye gyue them grace to be saued And also the lawe commaundeth that men ought not to obeye to the body tylle that they haue purueyed fyrst for the prouffyte of the sowle whiche is perdurable wherupon sayth the glose that alle good and dewe seruyse of the body is to the sauement of the sowle For the good of the sowle hath none lyke hit And therfor it is good to dresse meue his lord to doo somme good And after his poure to kepe hym fro euylle dede And thus oughte to doo euery good woman How it is good to herberowe and receyue in his how 's the gentylle wymmen that were of good renommee she enhaunced and maryed them She maade to seche and enquere the poure housholders and somme of her good she gaf to them She had grete pyte of wymmen whiche were at they re childbedde and vysyted and foustred them She had of her owne phisicien● and Cyrurgyens to helpe and he le for goddes loue al maner of folke And in especia●●e the poure whiche had nought to paye And as men saye god shewed and made oftyme myracle for her sake For whanne men took her her booke and her paternoster they stode before her allone by them self in the aye● And also many other tokens and signes were sene whiche for her loue god dyd shewe And therfore here ought euery good woman to take good ensample and haue pyte one of other and thynke how god gyueth the goodes to be therof thāked and knowen and to helpe and haue pyte on the poure Here I leue the tale of these good ladyes and of thys matere But soone I shalle com● to hit ageyne and shalle speke of another ensample Of the Burgeys whiche wold neuer pardonne her euylle wylle to one her neyghbour wherfore she was dampned Capitulo Cij mY fayre doughters beware ye well that the synne of yre ouercome yow not For god sayth in his holy euāgely that men ouȝt to pardonne to them that haue mysprysed and mysdone And yf one be smeton of his neyghbour or of his broder crysten vpon one cheke he oughte to l●ye forth the other for to receyue on it as moche For takynge vengeaunce is none meryte but is contrary to ●he sowl● And yet sayth oure lord that yf one haue ony hate or wrathe with ony other he ought to goo and aske hym mercy to fore he make or doo his oryson offrynge or prayer that it may be of ony valewe and playsaunt to god For of no mane● of man ne woman whiche in the synne of yre god receyueth not they re offrynge how grete that it be For as god that maad the pater noster whiche sayth that god shold pardonne to them as they pardonned to other therfore we ought to pardonne eche one to other And thus they that ben euer in wrathe and hate yf they saye the pater noster theyr prayer is more ageynst them than with them And vpon thys I shalle telle yow an ensample of a grete Burgeyse as I herd saye at a p●edycacion or prechynge This Burgeyse was moche ryche charytable and moche preysed and had on her many signes and tokens to be a good c●ysten It befelle that she was brought thorugh a grete sekenes to the bedde of dethe ther cam to her her curate or parson whiche was a hooly man and trewe He herd her in confessyon And as he came to speke to her of the synne of yre sayenge to her that she must pardonne to alle them that had mysprysed or mysdone vnto her And whanne she herde of that artycle she ansuerd that a woman whiche was her neyghboure had soo moche mesprysed and mysdone vnto her that she myght neuer pardonne ne forgyue her with her good wyll Thenne the holy man began to put for●he shewe vnto her by fayr wordes ensāples how Ihesu Cryst forgaaf pardonned his dethe Also he reherced to her thexample of a knyghtes sone whos fader had be slayne This knyghtes sone came to an heremyte and confessyd hym And as he came to the synne of yre he sayd that he myght neuer pardon●e ne Forgyue to hym that had slayne his fader And the holy heremyte shewed hym how god forgaf his dethe and many other ensamples he dyd shewe vnto hym And so moche he sayd that by his swete and fayr wordes the child pardonned and forgaf his faders dethe with good wylle In suche wyse that whanne the child cam to knele before the crucyfyxe he enclyned his heed toward hym And a voys was herd whiche sayd by cause that thow hast pardonned humbly for the loue of me I pardonne and forgyue to the al thy synnes and mysdedes and thow shalt haue grace to come to me in to the celestyal ioye This parson or curate thenne shewed and told this ensample with many other to the sayd Burgeis But for none ensample ne for no thynge that he couthe saye or doo she wold neuer forgyue her euylle wylle but in that estate she deyde wherof hit befelle that atte nyght a vysyon came to the sayd curate or parson by the whiche vysion he sawe how the in suche poynt and estate as I was whanne I herd yow I am come to see yow therfore please it yow to pardonne me for the grete Ioye whiche I haue of youre comynge maade me to doo hit The knyght thēne beheld and sawe the manere of his nyece wherof he was full glad and loued and preysed her moche more than his other nyece He gaf her the two gownes whiche he had bought for her and for her suster And thus she that cam gladly in thestate wherynne she was to welcome her vncle she wanne bothe gownes and she whiche taryed for to make her ioly and gay lost her parte of them She thenne that forthwith came to welcome her vncle as she had brought hym in her chamber she wente and propyrly arayed her self And thenne sayd to hym My lord and myn vncle I haue arayed and coynted me for to serue yow more honestly And thus she gate the loue of her vncle and the other lost it Here is good ensample how men ought to come ioyously in thestate where one is in to welcome his frendes whiche be come to see hym And yf ye wyst thexample of a baronnesse or wyf of a baron whiche Was a good lady and whiche wold in no manere were ne doo on euery day hir best gownes wherfore her seruauntes sayd to her Madame why go ye not better arayed and more coynted than ye doo And she answerd to them yf euery day I went in my best rayments and helde
holy Heremyte in hym self allone And repented hym of his mysdede and humbly cryed to god mercy praysynge the good lady of her good lyf Therfore a woman is to be preysed whanne she essayeth her self and that she can resiste ageynst the temptacions of the deuyl and ageynst the feblenes of her mortal flesshe the folysshe wylle of her fowle delyte And thenne as that fowle and dampnable delyte is by them accomplysshed and done they repente them of it but it is to late For the deuyl as he hath purchaced and brought them therto he holdeth them in his subiection and for his seruauntes and assembled and bynde them to gyder in suche wyse that with grete payne they may be vnbound How the deuylle tempteth many one of the synne where as he fyndeth them most wyllynge and redy to Capitulo Cxxxv aN Ensample I shalle reherce vnto yow of a grete lady whiche was lady to a Baron This lady was longe tyme in thestate of wedowhede and had but a doughter whiche was wedded to a grete lord She thenne be came seke and laye in her dedely bedde and made the cheste where as her tresoure was in to be sealed and the keye to be brought vnto her w̄hiche she put in a lynen clothe vnder her bak The dethe ranne fast vpon her and she whiche had euer thouȝt to her tresour lyfte vp her hand makynge signe or token that none shold approche ne come to her back And thus she dyd styll tylle that she deyde and rendryd her sowle oute of her body Thenne came the doughter whiche was a grete lady and demaunded of them that were at her deth yf she had ony tresour They ansuerd that they knewe of none but thought that she had some And that yf she had ony it was hyd somwher aboute her bedde They tol̄d to her the maner of her moder and how she wold not suffre that ony body shold come by her and also how s̄he maade a cheste to be sealed and the keye of hit brought to her whiche keye she kepte euer vnder her back The corps was meued and tourned and the keye found And thenne her doughter wente in to a Towre where as the Chyste was and opened hit wherin she fond as wel in coyne as in plate more than thyrtty thousand pound but the gold was found in cloutis and ballys of threde and of wulle and in other thynges wherof alle they that knewe and sawe the maner of it were merueylled and abasshed The doughter thenne made a Crosse and sayd that in good feythe she held her not so ryche by the xxv parte as she was wherfore she merueylled moche and was sore abasshed And yet she sayd how of late she and her lord also cam to her and prayd her to helpe and lene to them some of her good tyll a certayne tyme that they shold rendre it and paye it her ageyne And that she sware made grete othes to them that she had no money ne no syluer but suche plate as they sawe abrode that was a c●up and a pyece only And therfore was she moche merueylled to fynd there so grete a tresour Thenne sayd the folke whiche were with her Madame be not ye merueylled for we ben therof more merueylled than yow For yf she wold send on a message or els as she had som other thyng to do she borowed some money of oure seruauntes sayd that she had no money by her feythe The doughter tooke alle this good with her and went her waye toward her lord to whome she was welcome And of all this tresour was neuer gyuen a halfpeny for the sowle of theyr moder but soone they forgate her For it is not yet longe tyme gone that I was where as she was buryed and demaunded and asked of the Monkes of the Abbeye where she lay and why she had no tombe on her or some token of her And they ansuerd to me that syn she was entered there no masse ne no seruyse at all ne none other good ther had be done for her By this ensample may ye knowe how the deuylle is subtyll to tempte the folke of the synne where he seeth them most entatched soo fast he holdeth them in it that they maye not leue it withoute to be therof Cōfessyd and maketh them his seruauntes as he dyd the forsayd lady For he dyd soo moche that she wās subgette and seruaunt to her gold in suche wyse that she durst not take of hit to doo her eny good And therfore my fayre doughters here is a good ensample that yf it befelle that god of his grace sende yow ony grete good that ye departe largely of hit to the poure folke in the worship of god and for the loue of hym And specially to youre poure parentes and neyghbours and leue it not to be departed by the handes of youre heyres as dyde this lady for whome after her dethe was neuer masse ne none other good done for her as ye haue herd to fore Thexample of a good wydowe Capitulo Cxxxvj aNother Ensample I wylle telle yow contrary to this It is of a good lady whiche longe tyme was in wydowhede She was of a holy lyf and moche humble honourable as she whiche euery yere kepte and held a Fest● vpon Crystemasse day of her neyghbours bothe ferre and nere ty●l her halle was ful of them She serued and honoured eche one after his degree And specially she bare grete reuerence to the good and trewe wymmen and to them whiche had deseruyd to be worshipped Also she was of suche customme that yf she knewe ony poure gentyll woman that shold be wedded She arayed her with her Iewels Also she wente to the obsequye of the poure gentyll wymmen and gaf there torches and all suche other lumynary as it neded therto Her dayly ordenaunce was that she rose erly ynough and had euer Freres and two or thre chappellayns whiche sayd matyns before her within her oratorye And after she herd a hyhe masse and two lowe And sayd her seruyse full deuoutely And after this she wente and arayed her self and walked in her gardyn or els aboute her place sayenge her other deuocions prayers And as tyme was she wente to dyner And after dyner yf she wyste and knewe ony seke folke or wymmen in theyr childbedde she wente to see and vysyted them and made to be brouȝt to them of her best mete And there as she myȝt not go her self she had a seruaunt propyce therfore whiche rode vpon a lytell hors and bare with hym grete plente of good mete and drynke for to gyue to the poure and seke folke there as they were And after she had herd euensonge she wente to her s●uper yf she fasted not And tymely she wente to bedde And made her styward to come to her to wete what mete sholde be had the next daye and lyued by good ordenaunce and wold be purueyed byfore of alle suche thynge