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A02947 Yet a course at the Romyshe foxe A dysclosynge or openynge of the Manne of synne, co[n]tayned in the late declaratyon of the Popes olde faythe made by Edmonde Boner bysshopp of London. wherby wyllyam Tolwyn was than newlye professed at paules crosse openlye into Antichristes Romyshe relygyon agayne by a newe solempne othe of obedyence, notwythsta[n]dynge the othe made to hys prynce afore to the contrarye. An alphabetycall dyrectorye or table also in the ende thereof ... Compyled by Iohan Harryson. Bale, John, 1495-1563.; Seton, Alexander, d. 1542. Declaracion made at Poules Crosse in the cytye of London. 1543 (1543) STC 1309; ESTC S100631 110,140 234

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the seyd newe professiō was made by cōpulsiō though it be sumwhat Iewyshe For neyther is it in owr power to change it in other nor yet to commaunde it not so to be obserued though we in owr owne conscyence accordinge to the doctrine of saynt Paule obserue neyther dayes nor monethes tymes nor years in bondage least we turnyng agayne to beggerly tradicyons and lowsye customes schuld haue of christ no profyght This we speake for my lordes forth sonday of aduent or commynge of Christ Vvherin we loke not now for hys cōmynge agayne with the iewes nor yet thynke to receyue him in outwarde shaddowes with the hypocrytes more vpon one daye than vpon an other But we beleue to haue hym wythin vs at all tymes And as the true worshyppers by hym to worshypp the father in sprete and in verite For whye without hym we can do nothynge So perfyght must owr faythe betherfor that he maye dwell presentlye with vs and not now be thought commynge towarde vs yf we be of God For we schuld now be no babes in Christ hauynge hys godlye doctrine of saluacyon so longe tyme amonge vs. 3. Thys declaratyon schuld be made by this present euidence in the yeare of owr lorde God a thousande fyue hondreth and .xli. which yeare semeth in thys acte and soche other lyke to be rather of the pestylēt regne and peruerse dominacyon of my lorde of londō vnder hys most holy father of Rome the great god of the earthe patriarke of purgatorye ād porter of hell thā of the eternall lyuynge God he so cruellye exacting● soche a shamefull professiō and abhomynable othe as thys is here For in thys processe is not his glorie sought but ther vayne glorye pryde and glotonouse co●etousnese 4. Of the poore symple man ne called here in scorne master Vvyllyā Tolwyn persone of sait Antonines was thys open promes to the deuyls obedience most tyrannouslye coacted by the verye satellyte of Sathan 5. In the famouse cyte of London at Paules crosse to the great dyshonour and seruytute of so noble a cyte to haue soche a shamelesse anti christ for ther bysshopp as geueth no better frutes Now foloweth in course the seyd declaration ¶ The manne of synne ▪ ¶ ● Good peple so yt ie that I wyl lyā Tolwin 2 master af arte and 3 persone of saynt Antonynes within thys 4. cyte and dyocese of Londō 5 haue bene lawfully donounced detected and peesented to my lorde bysshopp of London that I haue bene and ama manne vehementlye suspected noted and infamed of herety call 6. and sedicyouse opynyons age ynst 7. the catholyke faythe of owr holye mothethe churche Hys dysclosynge A● Craftye custome hath the wylye foxe of wanton playe and dallyaunce whan he myndeth to optayne a praye which my lorde Boner of lōdon vseth here as one verye subtyle in hys woluyshe generacion Vvith glosinge wordes and flatteringe speche he faw neth vpon the peple by thys poore symple sowle callynge them good as the false pharyseded Christ for a wycked purpose But necessarye it is after the godlye counsell of Salomon not to geue a rydie eare vnto flatterers but rather with Esaye to thynke they mynde deceyt towardes vs which calleth vs good If the peple be good as I am certayne and sure they are so manye as hath thankefullye receyued Gods worde great pyte it is ther goodnesse schuld be distayned with so vnwholsom councell of deuilyshenesse in hypocresye as herin is contayned 2. He that was sett forth to declare thys doctrine is a master of arte here noted A tyttle it is mete for soche lowsye lernige as this is To subtilte and craft are they cōpelled to rōne which hath not gods worde vpō ther syde For no disprayse of lernynge nor yet of the poore māne be thys sooken whom my lorde of Londō thus cruellye enforceth to stande forth in these colours 3. He is also here noted to be persone of saynt Antonynes within the cyte and diocese of London to make the matter more gloryouse Sure we are that the saynt Antonyne which there dwelleth is a prophane beastlye Idoll and so are all they that stande vp in tabernacles within hys temple To be the vycegerēt or to represent the persone of soche an Idoll is non other I suppose thā to be an Idoll in dede For an Idoll doth zacharye call that sheparde whych doynge Idoll seruyce omytteth to fede hys flocke with the trewe lawes of god Vvherfor I wyshe the seyd poore mā no longar to be vnder soche tyttles and offyces as can ne not be vsed without daunger of sowle 4. To be a cytezen of London is no more harme before God than it is to be a dweller in any other quarter of the worlde But to be of the diocese is to be a member of antichristes kyngedome whych is moche worse in dede 5. Non other hath denounced hym of errours detected him of heresye and presented hym to my lorde bysshoppe of London for a sedicious persone but ther owne fylthye frye the cursed generacyon of Idolatours whore mongars extorcioners and epycures Of renon other for the trewthes sake hath he bene vehementlye suspected noted and infamed to be a fauourer furderer and receyuer of heretykes as they call them than was Christ and hys Apostles with all soche lyke abiectes of thys worlde 6. Sedicious must he be noted that hath opinyons ageynst the false faythe of ther whorishe mother the churche of ātichrist the strompe●t of babylon the rose coloured harlot● with the cuppe of all fylthye abhominacyons daylye dronken with the bloude of the wytnesses of Iesu He schuld not els be the seruaūt massenger nor yet a iust folower of his master Neyther schuld the worde of God els be founde trewe nomore than is the tale or fable of a synner By non other token is the trewe churche of Christ knowne from the false and cownterfett synagoge but by persecucyon for ryghtousnesse sake For hys churche ys euermore as he was hated blasphemed vexed trobled scorned dysdayned accused lyed vpō and cruellye afflicted vnto deathe els is it not of hys marke Not wurthy is he to be a mēber of Christes bodye but to be cutte from it that wyll not suffer with him Blessinges of the gospel wherbye the churche is made holye are neyther promysed to myter nor rochett shauen crowne nor typpett whode nor syde gowne stole nor cope cuppe nor can delstyck a●oyntinge nor prestode masse nor mattens sensynge nor ceremonie consistorye nor sessyon syttynge But to them that be meke mercifull faythfull pyttefull gē●ill peaceable poore in sprete and that pacyētlye suffer all maner of shame and rebuke for the trewthes sake No puffed vpp Prelates gloryous bysshoppes dysgysed prestes sophysticall masters nor paynted hypocrytes doth he knowe for hys but symple preachers godly beleuers and mēne persecuted for hys worde For they are those are those
to the fylthye blood of a swyne in hys deuylyshe preachinge Vvhich I haue touched more at large in an other boke ageynst hys slaunderose reproche of Barnes Neuer are soche matters condempned nor yet recanted No they are to swete to ther purses panches and pratye pygeons of paules to be throwne awaye so sone It were better a hondreth thousande sowles went to the deuyll than they schuld lose an ynche of those wanton pleasurs Oh wretchednesse of menne If there were in yow but one sparke of godlynesse it wolde abhorre yow thus to delude slee dāpne and destroye your poore symple bretherne with this wycked masse of yowrs Of whom ye boast christ ād hys apostles to be the authors not beynge able throughlye to brynge one godlye māne for the author therof as yt ys now I speake onlye of yowr patched masse and not of cristes wordes in the ryght kynde 6 And as touchynge your mattēs and euensonge they are also fylthye drynkes of the same whores cuppe of Babylō verye execrable and noyfull to them that schall receyue them in faythe without vnderstandynge as a fulfyllynge of ther dutye to god Onlye are they instytucyons of popes As of Damasus Gelasiꝰ Pelagius Gregorius Vitelianus Vrbanus And soche lyke And of monkes agreynge to the same As of Ioannes cassianus Paulus Diaconus Isuardus Alcuinus Rabanus Osmiidus ād soche other more takē out first of the supsticiose vse of the gētiles ād the hypocritishe customes of the pharysees Vvhan ye praye sayth Christ speake not moche as doth the heythen nor stande not vp in the synagoges as doth the hypocrytes For the one thynketh to be harde by moche bablynge and the other seketh to be seane of menne They both are without rewarde of God Vvhan Christ went from the worlde he sent forth non other but preachers onlye to instruct the multitude to lyue after the rewles whych he had afore taught by his gospell Now commeth the pope which is of a contrarie relygion from hym and he sendeth forth mattens mongers masse momblers holye water swyngers and euensonge clatterers with other hypocrites els to fulfyll the tyme with ther Idell supersticyons and clerelye to exyle the gospell And thys is the religyō that my lorde laboreth here with tothe and nayle to maynteyne But God I doubt it not wyll shortlye delyuer his and the wayes of the wvcked schall come to nought ¶ The manne of synne ¶ 1 Ageynst the gyuynge of an othe 2 before a iudge 3 and fynassye to haue all thynges commen amōgest the peple 4 Ita est 5 Vvilhelmus Tol vvyn manu propria Hys dysclosynge RYghtlye hath the apostle Iude otherwyse called Thadeus described thys false generacyon in hys epystle callynge them blasphemers mockers murmurers quarellers and proude speakers walkynge in vngodlynesse accordynge to ther owne lustes These are they whych separate them selues from the multytude and are not as other mēne be Beast lye are they in ther doctrine and lyuynge hauynge neyther sprete nor grace Marke well the frutes of my lorde in thys processe ād ye schal saye they are the same Styll cōplayneth he of these poore bokes without eyther wytt or lernynge and wyll in no wyse be pacyfyed Next ys he in hāde here with that he obserueth least whych ys to sweare to be true and perfourme yt These bokes sayth he are ageynst the geuynge of an othe before a iudge I wote he meaneth here the vniust examynacyōs of the verye martyrs of God ser Iohā oldecastell the lorde cobham and of master wyllyam thorpe prest whych vtterlye refused to be sworne to antichristes abhomynacyons before that uerye mynystre of sathā Thomas arundell thā archebysshopp of caunterberye and chancellour of Englande I schall first infourme the good christen reader of the cruelte of thys tyraunt ● I fynde in dyuerse cronycles and thā cōsydre thu the newe practyses of my lorde here As Thomas arundell perseyued the veryte of God to sprynge ād floryshe by the contynuall lecturs determynacyons and preachynges of master Iohā wycleff and hys clyentes whych was in those dayes of most wonderfull lyfe and lernynge and that kynge Edwarde the thirde in hys latter age sumwhat fauored the same ād also that kynge Rycharde the seconde succedynge hym wolde not persecute yt to hys mynde He first conspyred ageynst the seyd kynge Rycharde wyth the erle of Darbye whych was also duke of harforde Than procured he the Iryshe menne to ryse hys owne commons to rebell hys lordes to depose hym of hys regne ād fynallye to settvp in hys rome the seyd erle of Darbye famysshynge hym vnto deathe at the last in the castell of pomfrett Than caused he the gospell readynge to become both heresye and treason and procured for yt both hangynge and burnynge where as afore yt was but exylynge onlye or els headynge at the most So that there were in one daye at hys procurement both hanged and brent in saynt Gyles feldo .xxxvi. besydes ser Roger acton knyght master Iohan browne esquyre and ser Iohan beuerlaye prest in the yeare of owr lorde M cccc xiij And all was for that they wolde not obeye the popes relygyon Greuouslye ys my lorde of london offended here with these bokes bycause thys great prelate was not obeyed there in these wholsom workes of holye churche Trulye thys ys the othe he cōplayneth of here that ys there denyed afore a iudge It wyll not awaye they saye that ys bredde by the bone In dede yt so apereth yf ye waye thys gere well 2 Vvho hath cōstytute bysshoppes for iudges in lyfe and deathe ouer mēne Not the eternall God whych onlye gaue that authoryte to kynges but the infernall serpent that hath geuen power to the beast to make battayle with the sayntes ād to ouer come thē Vvere ye of Christes institucyō as ye are of anticristes your offyce were to preache lyke poore dyscyples and not to sytt in iudgemēt of them whose beleue ys now moche better than yowrs But yt fareth by yow as by the first bretherne of saynt Frāces as the tale goeth amonge the peple he left them penytentes and founde them theues at hys returne So christ left yow preachers and now fyndeth yow murtherers vp of hys peple Ye ought rather to counsell from swearynge beynge in yt so great parell as there ys than to enforce menne cruellye vnto yt A dampnable vse haue ye brought into the worlde amonge manye other to swcare vpō a boke whych ys but a creature where as mennys othes ought to be vpon God onlye For thys abhomynable custome of pleyne Idolatrie are ye sore rebuked of saynt Iohan Chrisostome in hys .xliiij. homelye vpon Mathew as ye schall fynde yt more at large declared in the christen exhortacyon vnto customable swearers How bosshop peshath bestowed ther othes to ther prynces sens the conquest and sumwhat afore they that are expert
in the cronycles knoweth full wele Robert the arche bysshopp of caunterburye within a whyle after hys othe of allegeaunce to kynge Herolde brought into thys realme duke wyllyam of normādye a bastarde with a bāner frō pope Alexander the seconde and cleane remyssyon of synne to subdue both hym and yt Vvhat prankes hath bene played sens by Egelwinus Odo Anselme Randolf of durham Rafe of chychester Alexāder of lyncolne Nigelliꝰ of helye Roger of salesburye Thomas becket Steuen lāgton Edmonde of pountnaye Thomas of herforde Rychard scrope Hērye spenser Thomas arundell Thomas the late cardynall of Englande and a great nombre of thē more yt wolde axe great tyme to declare And therfor yt ys no maruele thow my lorde loketh here so strayghtlye vpon the matter yt ys so faythfullye obserued amonge thē It were mete for hym to reckē with hym selfe how he hath bestowed hys owne He hath bene thryse sworne to the Pope at the least before a iudge for hys spirituall degrees and yet hath he of late years bene ageynst all those promyses out wardlye Sens hath he sworne to hys prince and now becometh he a periure to the same so depelye maynteynynge the kyngedome of Anticrist as he doth here 3 In the ende of thys matter to proue hym self altogyther a lyar he accuseth these bokes of a verye peruerse ād sedycyouse opynyō whych in dede they haue not but are vtterlye ageynst yt As to haue all thynges cōmen amongest the peple Onlye ys thys opynyon holden and maynteyned of the Anabaptystes whych had yt first of ther mōkyshe sectes whose custome was sumtyme for themselues to haue all in cōmen but for no manne els In thys vncristen artycle hath Martyn luther Melanchton Zuinglius Venatorius Vrbanus regius Vvestmerus Sarcerius Coruinus and dyuerse other confuted the seyd Anabaptystes not onlye with invyncybl● argumentes but also with bokes written as all the worlde knoweth Vvhere as my lordes oyled generacyon was not able to do yt or at the least wolde take no soche labours vpon them And therfor my lorde schall in thys poynt be a lyar by daye lyght But in dede in thys he vseth the practyse of hys olde scolemasters the holye pharysees and scrybes whych layed first vnto Christ than vnto Paule and consequentlye vnto the other dyscyples that they were sturrers vp of sedycyon whan they se non other thynge wolde helpe them out of the waye And thys hath contynued euer sens in Antichristes churche as a necessarye polycye ageynst heretyques To saye they are subuerters of the peple and destroyers of good lawes whan they playe the partes ther selues Though my lordes spiritualte are not of thys opynyon towardes other monne yet are they of yt towardes themselues sekynge to make all mennys goodes commen vnto them by tyttle of tythes offerynges deuocyons pylgrimages absolucyons indulgences bequestes mortuaryes monthesmyndes yearmyndes and the deuyll and all besydes deuourynge vpp poore wydowes howses with the patrimonye of the desolate and fatherlesse 4 Now last of all whan thys matter of my lordes ys fynyshed cometh poore Tolwyn as a manne halfe hartlesse with penne and ynke in hys hande and subscribeth vnto yt for feare of burnynge Ita est sayth he good symple sowle yt ys euen as my honorable good lorde of london hath sayd here These bokes are all heresye and I haue bene an heretyque for retaynynge of them But now from hence forth I wyll become I trust an obedyent chylde to the popes holye churche And than he played Iacke a napes swearynge by hys tēne bones with Vvilhelmus Tolwyn manu propria 5 I Vvyllyam Tolwyn make my newe professyon to my lordes grace here in the Popes stede and promyse to obserue these in iunccyōs of myne ordinarye with out the grace of god ād my kynges true obediēce vnto my lyues ende Myne owne hande wrytynge to wytnesse least anye thȳge be layed to my lordes charge for yt ā other daye I dare saye yfhys good lorde of london schuld haue sayd vnto hym at that houre that Crist was a these ād hys father an hangemanne he wolde haue subscribed vnto yt for the sauegarde of hys lyfe And wyth as good a conscyence myght he haue done that as thys the ver●tees consydered whych are herin cōdempned Thꝰ drawe they poore innocentes to the deuill by compulsion Ye hypocrites sayth christ ye compasse see and lande to make a preselyte or a nouice as mōkes call thē and so to brynge hym into yowr beleue And whā he ys ones brought ● ye make hym two folde more the chylde of hell thā ye your selues are ¶ The manne of synne ¶ 1 Imprynted at london in 2 saynt Sepulchres paryshe in 3 the olde bay lye● 4 by Rycharde lant 5 Ad imprimendum solum ¶ Hys dysclosynge SO notable ys thys new worke of my lorde here that yt maye want no cyrcōstaūce to ꝓmote yt for warde ād to brige yt to a worshypfull sale The gret workes of saint Austyn ād Chrisostome hath not a more solēpne sealynge vp thā hath thys pylde patche of papystrye nor yet Christes holye testament neyther It ys here sayd to be imprynted at Lōdō though it be not greatlye to the honour of so worshypfull a cyte to sende forth soche blasphemouse frutes Not with stādynge there ys no fawte in the cite in that for whye the frutes be not thers but ther bysshoppes A sorowfull plage ys yt surelye vnto thē to be in captyuyte of conscyence vnder so che ā apostle of Antichrist as mynystreth no better lernynge Great confort wolde yt be vnto them yf yt wolde please the lorde te sēde them soche a pastoure as Polycrates was vnto Ephesus Polycarpus vnto Smyrna and Meliton vnto Sardis delyuerynge them from thys tyraunt He first sett vp Bybles in Paules not purposynge anye christen erudicyon to the peple but as snares to catche them by For in mediatlye after he sett vp a cōmaūdement that God shuld geue place to the Pope ād Christ vnto Antichrist There shall be no readynge sayth he for the tyme of gods seruyce As though ther wayne Idell and blasphemouse supersticyons were onlye gods seruice and the byble readynge no part therof but a verye prophane thynge Vpon thys polycie ded he sett them vpp there to knowe whych were the busy byble menne of Londō that he myght speake with thē at layser For he had hysspyes euermore and hys Iudases there at hande Some hath al redye proued yt ād also payed the harde pryce therof So that they whych at ther first commynge helde vp ther handes vnto god for ther good bysshopp doth now holde downe ther heades and can saye that Sathan hath shewed hymselfe for all hys angelyk face 2 In saynt Sepulchres paryshe was thys famouse worke imprinted in the olde bailye But what maner of saynt ys thys same saint Sepulcre where was he borne or where ys
honest estymacyō of menne yet hath my lorde shewed great goodnesse vnto hym Vvhat though thys recantacyon declareth hym of a frynde an enemye to godes truthe preparynge hym to the fyre in case he here after fall in relapse and turne ageyne to Christ yet ys my lorde verye plentuouse and large in mercye towardes hym Thīke yow that the wolfe whych ys naturallye geuen to rauyne sheweth not great gentylnesse whan he suffreth hys praye to passe from hys gredye mouthe and so leaueth hym vndeuowred what though he hath afore spoyled hym both of hys wolle ād skynne Yes surelye doth he and farre otherwyse than he hath of hys chorlyshe nature Than commende my lorde bonner of London for thus charytablye handelynge Tolwyn consyderynge that the serpentyne nature of a bysshopp of that kynde wolde otherwyse But trulye yf thys be my lordes charyte goodnesse ād mercye hys dyspleasure hate and malyce ys the deuyll and all 4 But how cometh yt to passe that my lorde hath shewed hymself here so mercy full vpon my humble submyssyon and penytent sute vnto hym sayth Tolwyn Yea marrye now I here the. I wolde els haue thought yt moche more than a myracle the wolfe so to haue left the shepe the foxe the capon and the marleon the poore byrde I warrand the goode poore creature thy submyssion was not small to temper the furye of soche a woluyshe tyraunt Thy sute was not lyttle with promes and othe to maynteyne all Romishe poperye to saue thy syllye carkas from the fyre Oh my serable calamyte of sowle Oh most vngodlye handelynge of Christen peple Awake ones ye Christen gouernours out of your slouthfull dreames and attende to your ryght offyce For whyls yow are a slepe the enemye soweth tares amonge the good sede Suffre not the peple of God to peryshe amonge these proude gloryouse glottons of So dome and Egypt for want of lokynge to Leaue them not to the handes of soche vnmercyfull tyraūtes vnlesse ye care not for them If anye blasphemouse spectacle maye moue yow to shewe your selues godes true mynysters lett thys be one hardelye For all the worlde wondreth of yr as they maye full well yow sufferynge the holye ghost to be in soche contēpt hys graces not regarded ¶ The manne of synne 1 That vpon onlye thys decleracyon 2 here made of myne offence vn to yovv 3 vvith promyse that I vvyll in deuer my selfe to the best of my povver to tyue as a 4 catholike manne ought 5 and schuld do here after Hys dysclosynge F●Or not straynynge out a gnatt as Christ calleth the fryu●louse obseruacyon of the Idell ceremonyes ys all thys terryble tragedye thys outwarde penaunce thys open shame of the worlde called here the charitable goodnesse and fatherlye mercye of my lorde of Londō Moche easyer had yt bene for Tolwyn to haue broken all the commaundementes that euer God gaue great and small preceptes and counseles as they call the than one beggerlye tradycyon of the popes whoryshnesse so ferce are hys horned warryours in hys holye cause though they speke yt not For a māne they saye maye loue hys howse well though he sit not vpon the toppe therof Had he commytted an hondreth kyndes of Idolatrye superstycyon hypocresye treason forcerye theft rape fornycacyon fylthynesse sodometrye and the deuyll and all els as ther smered shauelynges doth dalye Benedicite vnder a stoole had bene able to dyscharge hym If he had betrayed hys kynge .vii. tymes ▪ murthered a score of innocentes and defyled an hondreth vyrgyns as many of that generacyon hath done Ego absoluote had bene able to clere hym ageynst all menne But an here sye commytted ageynst holye churche whych ys the verye execrable whore of Babylon hauynge nothynge ryghtlye of Christ is no power able to remytt That must in the syght of all menne with most extremyte be ponnyshed 2 An open declaracyon must be made therof to the peple to make yt to apere vnto ther blynde eyes an offence moche more greuouse than eyther whoredome or murther fellanye or treason beynge no synne att all but godlynesse Nō other ys yt but an offyce dewlye belongynge to a Christen hart to abhorre suche bestelvnesse as obscureth the glorye of God 3 Yea a solempne promyse must be made also vpon thys declaracyon of studyouse indeuoraunce with all dylygence and power possyble to Remayne frō hence forth a false periured Chrystiane a double sworne papyst a newe professed traytoure ageynst God ād all godlynesse 4 Vvhom my lord calleth a catholycke mā Vvhych ys as moche to saye as a māne liuynge styll after the same rewles and the same selfe customes that were vsed in thys realme before the popes puttynge downe And what ys thys els but layserlye by a lyttle and lyttle to sett hym vp ageyne and to restore hym to hys olde seate or els to rayse vpp soche an other antichryst for hym though yt maye not so be spoken Vvhan olde practyses wyll no lōger helpe thā must newe be sought out to the vpholdīge of owr gaye glytterynge Gabaon This maye ye se that yt ys moche lesse daunger to offende a godlye mynded woman than a proude paynted whore a meke spreted ladye than a malycyouse modye qweane For pacyētlye wyll she remytt all iniuryes done where the other wyll spyghtfullye reuenge them The gentyll spouse of Chryst whych ys hys churche wythout spotte ys euermore redye to forgeue though the offence be done seuētye seuen tymes The cruell synagoge of sathan whych ys the sodomytycall swarme of smered sorcerers prouoketh euermore her horned whoremongers to fyght in her quarell and to persecute her offenders vnto deathe by manye vniust lawes and decrees 5 Farre vnlyke schall ye fynde these ij churches yf ye conferre them togyther brynge them to the touche stone proue ther spretes and trye them by the scripturs The office of a Christen byshopp were r●ther to preache than to ponnyshe rather to fede than to famyshe rather gentyllye to allure than curryshely to rebuke before the worlde were he after the ordre of Christ and hys apostoles But my lorde ys of an other smokye brode whose nature vs to rauyshe and destroye to deuoure the flocke and fede them selues with the fatte executynge vpon them all tyrānye possyble Lorde pyte thy poore peple and wytsaue ones to open the in warde eyes of worldlye rewlers that they maye in thy feare beholde these myschefes with Iosaphat hiehu Ezechias and godlye Iosias for as yet we are farre from godlynesse for all owr newe reformacyon The manne of synne 1 And that I do not here after preache or teache anye 2 heresyes errours or noughtye opynyons 3 contrarye and ageynst the catholike faythe of ovvr holie mother the churche 4 but as moche as can lye in my povver to maynteyne defende 5 and auaunce the seyd catholycke faythe Hys dysclosynge SIE yf there be in the worlde anye myschefe abhomynacyō or
penaunce nor yet shamefullye to slaunder them selues a fore the multytude Magdalene Zacheus the aduowteroose womā and the thefe on hys ryght hande had fauorable wordes of hym with manye swete commendacyons blesssynges and promyses The spyghtfull traytour whych betrayed hys bodye vnto deathe refused not he to kysse The dyscyples whych forsoke both hym ād hys doctrine to the great slaunder therof ded not he cōstrayne to recant openlye Lerne of me sayth he for I am gentyll and meke harted My yoke ys easye and my burthē lyght But perchaūce my lorde wyll saye here in hys owne behalf as he ys a man of great lernynge and lesse godlye wytte that he hath done in thys as ded Peter whā he strake of Malchus ryght eare Thā must my lorde cōsydre what thāke Peter had of hys master for so doynge ād how lyttle pleasure that enterpryse ded hym He was by and by commaunded lyke a braynelesse fole to put vpp hys weapon ageyne with soche an ernest checke that he neuer durst drawe yt sens Vve must remembre also that Malchus was a bysshops seruaunt whych dyschargeth my lorde of Peters felyshypp For non agrement can Christ haue wyth Belial nor yet lyght with darkenesse A true christiane ought by hys Christen professyon in the sprete of lenyte and gentylnesse to examyne all doctrines and to proue all spretes whether they be of God or nay ād not rashelye to condempne hys poore Christen brother whom Christ hath so derelye redemed 2 But thys newe professyon of my lorde in Tolwyn ys of an other veyne and af a farre dyuerse sort from that For yt must vtterlye detest abhorre and auoyde all But what all I can not tell yow vnlesse yt be all godlynesse and veryte or all that Englande hath done ageynst the pope for yt ys not here expressed It ys soche an all as standeth here in mysterye cōprehendynge my lordes whole mynde in holye churches behalfe with out vtteraunce 3 Seynge therfor that thys all beynge vnder a secrete trope or fygure maye not be dysclosed tyll my lorde seeth a better tyme we wyl lett hym alone and passe forth to the all that foloweth whych car ryeth hys contentes with hym That ys to say all maner of heresyes errours and noughtye opynyons vnnamed least they schuld shewe my lorde in hys ryght colours Not vnlyke ys my lordes honorable lordshypp here in thys condempnacy on to the great bellyed braggers or sorbonycall masters in Parys whych commynge with rede faces from the cherefull bankett of Bacchus called prandium theologicum condempned Martyne Luther in the reare of owr lorde M. D. ād XXIIII hys artycles not examyned It must nedes be an heresye an erroure and a noughtye opynyō yf my lorde so iudgeth yt though yt be Christes owne worde It ys ynough for my lorde but to speake yt for a Christen mā nys beleue For hys reuerende lordeshypp ys a great pyllar of the popes holye churche whych maye condempne the gospell by quodcunque ligaueris 4 Yea he that schall professe thys newe rewle of olde papystrye must vtterlye deteste and abhorre all these I wote not what with the fauorers of them the maynteyners defēders or obiecters what so euer they be kynge or coūsell for both they haue depelye entred soche matters 5 For whye yt foloweth in the text here or anye of them Vvhych ys an anagogycall trope or hygh speakynge of my lorde aboue hys compasse I had almost haue seyd beyonde hys wytte And thys must be for euer and euer durynge hys lyfe For so hath Tolwyn promysed for example Thys vowe of relygyon maye neuer be broken though godes commaundementes and Christes aduertysementes schuld go all to the deuyll of hell For the breakynge therof myght brynge in both fagottes and fyre And all thys must be do ne for the auauncement of holye churche as ys a fore spoken Butt tell me thys Vvhat godlye wyse manne can thynke that churche holye or good whych seeth not in so manye years a traytoure from a saynt but auaunceth hym with so manye false myracles as ther churche hath done beckett and styll doth more of the same generacyon She schall be of a moche better syght and of a more godlye iudgemēt ere I crust eyther her or yet her anoynted chyldren as spirituall as they be Vvele I wote that the churche whych ys the immaculate spouse of the lambe Iesus christ had neuer soche a spotte in her garment The eternall father be ones mercyfull to hys peple and delyuer them from thys dampnable plage of darkenesse yf yt be hys pleasure ¶ The manne of synne ¶ 1 Hys fordeshypp ys content to respyte the rest of my penaunce 3 and vpon my good deseruynge 4 and doynge accordynge to my seyd promyse 5 to forgeue all togyther Hys dysclosynge I 1 Vvyst yt wolde at the last apere frō whens all thys Pharaonycall tyrannye spryngeth thys cruell persecutynge thys murtherynge of innocentes It cometh frō a lordshypp by ther owne confessyon For hys honorable lordshypp ys contented here vpon couenauntes made betwixt them to respyte the resydue of Tol wyns penaunce But from whens aryseth thys spyrituall lordshyp or worldye monarchye rather Not from Christes doctrine for they taught euermore the cōtrarye My kyngedome sayth he ys not of thys worlde The rewlers of nacyons haue the vnyuersall domynyon and are called gra cyouse lordes but yow schall not so Peter Iohā lames and Paule with the other apostles and dyscyples were onlye preachers of the gospell mynysters dysposers and geuers Forth of the secretes of god They neuer became anye lordes but perse cuted abiectes as manye are uow adayes Thys gloriouse lordshypp came in wham phocas the false emproure made Rome the head churche of the worlde for moneye And yt was spred abrode after a thousan de years from Christes natyuyte whan Sa than was losed out of hys preson and per mytted to go at large to deceyue the vngodlye multytude for ther vnbeleues sake So that thys lordshypp ys non other but the power auctoryte and seate of the dragon geuen vnto the great antichrist which ys the beastlye bodye of Sathan of whom my good lorde here ys a member and so are all they that worke lyke feates in the same generacyon 2 Vvhat my lorde schuld meane here byr espytynge of the rest of Tolwyns penaunce I can not well tell vnlesse he tarryeth a tyme or wayeht a layser to haue hym in relapse and so to burne hym vp for an heretyque all together lyke as hys holye predecessours hath done euer sens Iohan wycleues tyme and sumwhat a fore As I purpose shortlye the lorde lēdyn ge me lyfe to declare in a farre more larger treatyse Yet plucketh my lorde backe thys respyte ageyne full lyke a mercyfull father of holye churche to apere charytable yf yt maye be 3 Tolwyn vpon hys good deseruynge maye chaunce to haue a full
schuld surelye stāde forth for an heretyque in my lordes great mode He hath alredye cōdempned hys cōmaundementes hys prayer and the artycles of hys faythe for Martyns sake ōlye And no maruele For he ys the father heretyque ād enemye of all holye churche If God wold ones take hym out of the waye doubtlesse he schuld hane great thankes of my lorde and of the ranke rable of Romyshe ruffelers 2 Next cometh forewarde in course the dore of holye scripture Vvhether thys be Christ or no I am in moche doubt For in dede he sayth vnto hys dyscyples in the x. chapter of Iohan. I am the dore into the shepe folde He that entreth in by me schal go in and out and fynde good fedynge But I fere me that my lorde ys one of those theues and robbers that Christ speaketh of there for stoppynge vp of thys dore For he in so doynge depryueth the peple of that lyfe whych ys in hym and so sleeth ther soules holdynge them styll captyue in synne Alwayes hath my lordes generacyon bene thus rebellyouse ageynst the lorde and hys worde As we haue for example ī the olde lawe the false prestes whych compassed Hieremye the prophete and in the newe lawe the spirituall prelates that sought Christes deathe If thys dore of holye scripture be a treatyse than had yt bene more wysdome for my lorde to haue christenlye reproued the errours therof in case ther be anye and not to condempne soche a clere perfyght tyttle as offreth nothynge but godlynesse I thynke eyther hys wyttes are not hys owne or els he ys dronke with excesse of the Babylonyshe cuppe of hys holye mother 3 The compendyouse postyls of Antonius Coruinus vpō the sondayes ond sayntes are iudged of menne that be syncerelye lerned to be faythfull and godlye And so moche the more necessarye to a preacher that ys but meanelye lerned that within a small compasse they contayne moche christen erudycyon But my lorde admitteth nothige that perteieth to that office He careth for nothynge but for holye water ād sensynge ꝓcessyō and massynge He thynketh that .iiij. tymes in the yeare or ones in a quarter ys ynough for preachynge and therin onlye to declare the kynges actes cōcernynge ceremonyes and tythes in stede of the popes sentence of cursynges whych now is worne out If they Iyst to preache anye other thynge els they haue yet ther olde festyuall mammotractus Gesta roma norum Sermones discipuli Sermones dormi secure Rationale diuinorum Manipulus curatorum postilla guilhermi ād dyuerse other more whych are auncyent workes allowed of holye churche They haue also a famouse newe worke called Ioh Eckāius postyll which battelleth for the holye fathers primacye harde These and soche other are bokes of catholyk lernynge and schall neuer be condempned for they make all togyther for holye churche 4. In the bottom of the bagge lyeth .ij. olde written bokes and they haue no names here to fulfyll my lordes promes wyth But thus moche hath my lorde gathered of them that the one of them is for scolers ād the other ys takē out of Io. frythes bokes But wonder yt ys to me what that boke schuld offende whych ys onlye for scolers and hath non other tyttle Vvyl my lorde styll destroye all godlynesse without excepcyon Non other ys yt to condempne a boke for scolers hauynge non other addycyon but to condempne for heretyques doctryne ther vertuouse bryngynge vpp in good letters and maners In thys doth my lorde declare hymselfe an enemye vnto nature whych delyteth in necessaryes besydes that he hath done vnto faythe That the other treatyse taken out of Iohan frythes bokes schuld be an olde boke yt ys a fowle lye though yt be newlye practysed of my lorde For he was not 27 years olde in the 8. yeare afore thys declaracyon whan my lordes generacyon Stokyslaye Gardyner and soche other whō Esaye calleth the tyrauntes of Sodoma putt hym to most cruell deathe in the yeare of owr lorde God M. D .xxxiij. for Christes congregacyon sleeth no manne for hys faythe And therfor it cā not now be olde and collected of hys bokes Not all vnlyke ys my lorde here vnto the olde tyrauntes in the condempnacyon of these bokes Ioachim the kynge of Iuda tare Hie remyes prophecye and consumed yt in the fyre for vtterynge the truthe Antiochus cōmaunded the bokes of the scripturs to be brent also and the readers of them to be putt vnto deathe Herodes the Ascalonyte or Idumyte destroyed the monymentes of the Iewes and cruellye slewe ther notaryes Besydes that hath be done by the consecrate prelates of Constantynople and Rome whych also destroyed manye workes of Chrysostome and Gregorye as the cronycles mencyoneth And Tōstall in owr tyme whych ys now bysshop of Durhā whan the testamentes came first into Englyshe bought vpp a greatt nombre of them and brent them in Paules churche yearde for the great deuocyon he had vnto them and bycause he wolde shewe hys kynde But what became of the asore named tyrauntes for workynge soche wyckednesse Trulye Ioachim was ledde captyue into Egypt and at the last dyed there myserablye hys name secluded frō Christes genealogye Antiochus departed in a straunge lande ouerwhelmed with dyspayre ād innumerable sorowes els Herode was vexed with manye sore disseases as ytche scall mange gowte feuers collyke and at the last consumed of wormes most wretchydlye ended hys lyfe what schall become here after of my lorde bonner and Tohstall for doynge lyke feates I wyll not nor can not dyffyne for yt ys in the handes of God But sure I am that yt wyll be remembred whan blasphemers schall receyue rewardes accordinge to ther dedes My lorde parauenture thynketh the menne be yll and therfor he maye iustlye condempne ther workes My lorde must consydre ageyne that though Balaam Saul and Cayphas were wycked persones yet doth not the scripturs condempne ther true prophecyes Vvhat these mēne are ther frutes schall declare For no manne can saye that Iesus ys the lorde whych my lorde hath not yet vttred in all hys processe but in the holye ghost And as for my lordes thynkynge we remembre in Esaye that they whych holde darkenesse lyght and lyght darkenesse haue thoughtes and iudgementes full vnlyke to the thoughtes and iudgementes of God They saye they do well sayth Micheas the prophete whan they labour to shede blood and hunte ther bretherne to deathe They slee the shepe sayth Zacharye and yet they take yt for no synne No they suppose they do God good seruyce in so doynge But lete them take hede of yt and they lyst for Esaye geueth them warnynge that hell gapeth full wyde and openeth her mouthe at large to rewarde that good seruyce of thers The manne of synne ¶ 1 In vvhiche bokes are cōtayned manye sundrie errours 2 and blasphe mouse detestable ād abhōynable he resyes 3 not onlye ageynst the
yowr ceremonyes as to the bokes standynge in place here as yt doth Vvell we wyll take yt that ye meane the bokes But than there ys a doubt ageyne whether ye meane all the bokes or part of thē bycause ye haue not here declared yt If ye meane all than haue ye marred your markett in prouynge your selfe a lyar for in dede the most of them speaketh lyttle or nothynge of marryage If ye meane some one pertycular boke yet are ye a lyar also for falselye reportynge yt and so schall ye be a lyar both wayes Para uēture yt sayth as yt maye fullwell that your neglygēt prestes or ignorāt hob lurches doth Ioyne thē togyther with who schall haue thys womā and a fewe other bablynges more geuynge them no maner of godlye istruccyōs how they schuld in the feare of god behaue themselues the one to the other in that comelye estate of lyuynge Neyther do they tell them what marryage ys nor yet to what ende yt was instystute of god They declare not vnto them that yt ys an onlye remedye ageynst fornycacyon and ought to be vsed with moche honeste clennesse and sobernesse after the Godlye example of Tobias and Sara But turne them forth togyther with tyrlerye tregobett neyther barell better hearynge Hoppe whore and ronne thefe I am as good as thu and I besure we thy whoresons hart tyll they fall to the tryall of the matter for the best game to catche thē an heate And what ys thys els but dogge and bytche Is yt so haynouse a matter to tell you of thys The examples therof are to euydēt a brode Vvho so euer be rebuked for ther vycyouse lyuynge your anoynted mustre maye not be ones touched Your ser Nycolas nydypolles maye not ones be blowne vpon but straytwayes yt must be proclamed heresye O father of heauen whan wyll ye be ashamed of yowr lewdenesse Neyther speake ye here of the thynge selfe but of the maner of vsage of the Ceremonye therof callynge yt weddynge and marryage as though yt were ij dyuerse thynges I thought this blast was for some matter of yowrs I wolde haue marueled yf ye had sought so moche honour to marryage But I wondre sore how yt now becommeth but onlye a ceremonye and was sumtyme one of your sacramentes Surelye ye haue conceyued some dyspleasure ageynst yt now of late And I thynke yt ys for that ye haue knowne prestes gone so fast vnto yt within fewe years contrarye to your holye decrees and canons to the destruccyon of your Sodome and Gomor whych ye haue gloryouslye maynteyned euer sens the dayes of Anselme .iiij. hondreth years and more 3 But where as ye wryte that ye marrye vyrgyns yt ys not true specyallye in soche marryages as yow promote I haue harde of and knowne dyuerse of your generacyon that hath marred virgyns before they haue marryed them yea sumtyme in the selfe mornynge afore whyls the pyes were in bakynge so spūallye haue they vsed that godlye ordynaunce I thynke thvs be yet worse than dogge and bytche Neyther ys yt true in other marryages where as yow are no medlers yf ye make a dyfference betwyne wyues and vyrgyns For wyues they are before they come there els are they made nou by yow The lorde hath knytt them togyther afore in one mutuall knotte of loue Vvhych yow haue nomore power to knytt ageyne than ye haue to dyssolue yt As for grace and the holye ghost whom ye pretende therin to dyspense lyttle nede haue yow to geue them from yow hauynge so small store at home Neuer sawe I menne so full of those gyftes and so rydye to geue them hauynge so fewe of thē in ther owne lyuynge He that made the bande a fore hath plentye of them wyth out yow At hys hande must they nedes be had and not at yowrs The couplynge of thē in the face of the congregacyon despyse we not but greatlye allowe vpon manye consyderacyons necessarye were yt godlye done as there ys nothynge cleane in your handes Notwithstandynge all thys in marryage and out of marryage we wolde call them a chast virgyne as Paule doth the corryntheanes were they clere from the aduoutrye of your Romyshe lawes and customes But that wyll not be in your dayes 4 For here ye holde your selfe also greued with these bokes ye saye for beynge ageynst mennys lawes and tradycyons If ye coude so well haue seyd ageynst gods lawes we had had yt of you ere thys But blessed be owr lorde ye can not so speake yt wout a great lye The lawes of menne ●●e to be allowed so longe as they ag●ello the lawes of God For els are they no lawes but vyolence and tyrannye Prynces and magystrates beynge the mynysters of god ought to make no lawes for ther priuate cōmodite but for the publyque welthe of ther commōs Neyther ought they to decre anye thynge ageynst Gods honour If they do than thys rewle of the lorde must be obserued Necessarye yt ys rather to obeye God than manne And so ye ought to tell thē But whoo chylde there Rather sett ye them a worke thā staye them whan soche thynges are in doynge lyke olde temptynge serpentes Mathathias wolde in no case obeye the cruell decrees of Antiochus Nomore wolde the mydwyues of egypt the vngodlye commaundement of Pharao For dysobeyenge a wycked precept was Rahab blessed of God so was Eleazarꝰ with the .vij. machabees ād ther mother The apostles preached not whithstandynge the inhybycyō of Annas Cayphas Ioannes and Alexander with other of the hygh counsell of the Iewes That constytucyon sayth saynt Austyn ys no lawe at all whych ys not ryghtose A lawe sayth Isidorus ought to be iust honest easye to be borne commodyouse to the cōtre respectynge tyme and place necessary profytable playne without cautels for no pryuate welthe onlye but for the cōmon profyght of the whole multytude made 5 But as touchynge yowr lowsye tradycyons wherwith ye loke to be lordes ouer the saythe and conscyence of menne the scripture sayth they can mynystre to vs no goodnesse For they are but chaffe swylle mennys dyrte menstrue dreames dronkennesse Gall wormwode venomed dartes fylthye waters whoredome abhomynacyons errours lyes deuylyshnesse the curse and cuppe of the lordes indygnacyon as I haue tolde yow afore Ye can nō otherwyse saye but these your tradycyōs are mēnys cōmaundemētes vnlesse ye wyll be holden all together for Goddes And Christ telleth yow playne that all they worshypp hym in vayne whych worshypp hym after them Yea he sayth more to yow that they make menne double the chyldrē of hell Saȳt Paule sayth also they are lyes ī hypocresye ād the verye doctrine of deuyls Than what wolde ye haue vs to make of them whan they make so lyttle of them Vvolde ye that we schuld beleue yow ād not them Vvolde ye haue vs counte them false lyers and yow true spirituall menne
hys master with Iudas ād the other byeth the holyeghost with Symon magus And to maynteyne thys rewle must tythes and offerynges with other deuocyōs and dewtyes be payed the whole accōptes therof than made in confessyon I coude wryte manye thynges cōcernynge ther craftye cloyninge and pyllage of the poore labourynge menne and womenne seruaūtes and prenteses to be catchynge yet of sūwhat but for thys tyme I lete yt passe Thys your Easter how sell was first instytute by pope Zepherinus and after confermed by a popyshe decretall called Omnis vtriusque sexus The communyon of Christ ys fre to hys peple and bounde to no daye but all dayes at ther pleasure boūde vnto yt for they are now no seruauntes to the daye but the daye vnto them For the lorde created not manne to serue the daye but the daye to serue manne How hapneth yt sayth saynt Paule that ye turne ageyn to the weake and beggerlye tradycyons de syerynge a freshe to be in bondage Ye obserue dayes ād monethes tymes and years I am in feare of yow least my labours be in vayne amonge yow 3 In the ende of thys artycle ye condempne these bokes for admyttynge both kyndes ī the Eucharystye vnto the laye peple as yow name them though they be vnto Christ more holye thā yow whych hath the popes vnccyons Vvhether yow be the heretyques or they that made the bokes lete Christ be iudge He ernestlye commaunded hys dyscyples to drynke of yt all And they dranke of yt all sayth Marke Yow saye hande of in peyne of burnynge or els hangynge bycause Eckius dronkē dyuynyte hath so taught yow Parauēture ye wyll saye with hym that the bodye ys not without the blood Christ knewe that also so well as yow Yet mynystred he the chalyce as ye call yt Saynt Paule in lyke case writynge a lawe of christen lyuynge vnto the Corintheanes whych were laye menne and no prestes commended both kyndes vnto them lyke as he had of the lorde receyued and yow make lawes of deathe for yt In the wycked counsell of Constaunce was yt first inhybytt in the .xiij. syttynge by pope Iohan the .xxiij. whych was there deposed for poysenynge hys predecessour Alexāder by the false workynge of Mar silius de parma a phesycyane Vvhere as the holye menne of God Ioannes huss and Hieronimus de praga for withstandynge yt were done to most cruell deathe in the yeare of ower lorde M cccc xv yet was yt .xxiij. years after graunted ageyne vnto the Bohemes in the generall counsell of Basyll after manye great dysputacyons And therfor yt ys a sore matter to putt menne to deathe for but that ye must folowe the steppes of yowr fathers to be partyners with them in that plage Both must ye be theues and murtherers depryuynge the peple as wele of helthe as of lyfe 4 And where as ye seke to maynteyne the inuocacyon of sayntes condempnynge these bokes for speakynge ageynst yt Ye she we yowr selfe a more folyshe heretyque Idolatour and papyst than anye that I can heare of els Though master Eckius be a verye obstynate aduersarye to Christ and hys worde and an vnshamefast captayne of antichristes warres yet ys he not so folyshe ā Idolatour as to allow inuocacyon to the sayntes though he allowe them both veneracyon and prayer Therfor ye are lyke in thys to stande fole alone without the helpe of hys doctrine or yet of anye other vnlesse ye seke to the olde queresters of Baal or the chapleynes of Bell the olde God of Babylon that ded eate vpp all the sacryfyces as yower generacyon doth styll Vvhat I schuld write of thys I can not tell yt ys so folyshe Sauynge that I remembre .viij. years ago I was afore Edwarde lee the archebysshopp of yorke Vvhereas I was examyned vpon the artycle of honourynge and prayenge to sayntes deuyded into .xvij. artycles In the tyme of that examynacyon was there an olde doctour whych greatlye lamented as my lorde doth here that he myght no longar make inuocacyon to sayntes and thought hym selfe halfe lost for yt good doctour Downes standynge by and smylynge at hys folyshnesse Vnto whom the archebysshop sayd these wordes Speake not sayth he of inuocacyon concernynge sayntes For that respecteth a peculyar worshypp onlye due vnto God And with that the mā was pacyfyed and argued no farder So that I can se non agre with my lorde here in thys opynyon vnlesse they be blynde dastardes and asseheades as thys olde dottynge fole was Thys ys yet sūwhat worse than ys the popes doctrine For though pope Sergius gaue them shrynes Theodatus churches Felix holye dayes Gregorye veneracyon Honorius prayenge to Leo hympnes and psalmodye Iohan .vij. pycturs Constantyne Images and tabernacles puttynge them in the masse Theodorus waxe Stephanus sensynge and Alexander holye water yet wa there non of them all that euer gaue them honour vnder the tyttle of invocacyon That ys the onlye newe years gyft of my lorde of londō here borowed altogyther of the olde Idolatours And as moche worshyppys he worthy to haue for yt as had Herostratus whych burned the great temple of Diana at Ephesus onlye be spokē of Neyther graunteth the scriptur sayntes honorynge nor yet ther prayenge to Neyther are they allowed there for intercessours medyatours nor aduocates In the primatyne churche were they had in memorye onlye for imytacyon of ther godlye workes but yet of non other than Christ had cōmaūded For saynt Paule hys selfe wolde non otherwyse be folowed of other than he had folowed Christ afore 5 Yet ys not the ragynge furye of my lorde pacyfyed for these bokes but nedes they must be condempned for hauynge mater ageynst masse mattens and euensōge though they be onlye offyces of antichristes relygyon yea rather superstycyō Vvhat yowr masse is we haue partlye declared afore as occasyon hath bene offred vs. If euerye pope schuld haue home ageyne the fedder he hath putt vnto yt yt schuld be a verye naked monstre not all vnlyke vnto Isopes choughe whom we commonlye call Iacke dawe Yet must yt be a sacrifyce satisfactorye for the quycke and the dead to the great derogacyon ād blasphemye of that onlye sacrifice of ow● redemption which Christ ones made for all These beastlye bellygoddes hath not bene ashamed in ther scolastycall lernynge or deuylishe diuynite ' to saye that the masse of the worke selfe delyuereth from actuall synne optayneth remyssion graunteth deseruīge geueth meryte minystreth grace and dischargeth both the gyltynesse and peyne due thervnto where as Christes deathe is nomore but a dyscharge for oryginall synne onlye Yea it is not longe a go sens Stokyslaye and other besydes mynistred the same for a Christen doctrine at paules crosse Standyshe that blasphe mouse Idyote maynteyninge the same selfe lowsye lewde lernynge was not abashed to compare the precyouse blood of Christ
merciful Thow Iesꝰ Christ mekelie suffred the aduersarie to remayne vnrebuked ī hys owne cause yet with fercenesse ded he reuyle hī ī the ●̄rell of hys euerlastynge father and badde hym wyth no small dyspleasure auoyde Sathan All that thys Boner doth here and other lyke lecherouse locustes of Egipt y● to obscure the glorye of God ▪ and to demynyshe that peple whych daylye seketh yt to ther power But ther cruell enterpryse ys now all in vayne The more Pharao commaundeth the mydwyues to flee the menne chyldren of the hebrues the more they increase ād multyplye The more the peple of the lorde are oppressed the more they prospere and floryshe The more the poore blynde māne by the waye syde frō Hierico ys forbydden to speake the more he cryeth vpon Iesus the sonne of Dauid for mercye The small grayne of mustarde sede whych ys cast into the garden wyll growe into a great tree though all the deuyls of hell saye naye to yt The lorde whych commaunded Iohan in the begynnynge of hys reuelacyon to wryte that he sawe ād in the myddes therof to seale vp the voyces of the .vii. thonderynges charged hym ageyne in the ende to suffre them to passe at large In the prymatyue churche was the gospell gredylye receyued of the vnyuersall worlde In the myddes therof whan Sathan was at lyberte was yt in a maner contempned of all menne and hypocresye takē vp in the stede therof Now in the latter ende are menne ageyne verye desyerouse of yt and doubtlesse yt schall be receyued both of the Iewes and paganes withstande yt the aduersaryes neuer so sore If the Iewes tare ther outwarde vesturs whan they harde ther God blasphemed moche more ought we owr inwarde hartes ād to suffre owr fleshe to be torne of those terryble termagauntes of Babylon Rather ought we to dye than to leaue those Antichristes vnto wched that so depelye blasphemeth hys wholsome wayes and withstandeth hys godlye testymonyes Not by the power of prynces nor yet by the workynge of mēne but by the onlye breathe of hys mouthe whych ys hys worde by Christ alredye taught hath he ernestlye promysed to ouerthrowe in thys latter age that fylthye and false generacyon Sonner schall heauen and earthe passe than that promes passe by vnfulfylled trust vpon yt surelye The inyqytees of the Amorreanes are almost fulfylled ther vtter destruccyon at hande In non other mynde am I concernynge the reproche of thys enemye than was Helias whan he brought Baals prestes to the broke of Cyson sauynge onlye that I wolde not cutt of ther heade● nor yet anye other bodylye harme vnto them the lorde ys my iudge but as hys pleasure ys But in dede I wolde as manye menne more wolde rather Gods honour to regne than ther fylthye Idolatrye Hys glorye rather than ther spyrytuall vayne glorye Onlye couete I in thys ther amendement yf yt myght be ▪ referrynge all vengeaunce vnto God I wolde they ded ones cease from ouerloadynge the peples conscyences with ther wretched beggerye For doubtlesse as yet they haue done nothynge in all ther spirituall syttynges but renewed ageyne the decayed mysterye of inyquyte Loke yf thys written worke of thys holye bysshop sheweth anye other here The lerned menne of Germanye demaundeth manye tymes of ther merchaūtes as they be returned home ageyne from Englande the frutes of ther newe christyanyte or newlye preached gospell there And they delyuer vnto them with no small laughter the folyshe treatyse of Iohan Standyshe ageynst Barnes the frātyk Genealogye of heresye made by Iohan Hontyngton and the. ij ▪ draffyshe Declaracyōs of my lorde Boner with soche other dyrtye dryselynges of Antichrist By that meanes came I by thē first of all For fewe other haue they elsthe re no● vndre the kynges preuylege A● imprimendū solū but soche fylthye dregges of the deuyl the eternall father be mercy full to that peple and holde from them the promysed plage for soche vnthankefulnesse For neuer was the worde of the lorde yet sent to anye nacion ād so blasphemouslie ordred but wōderfull destruccyōs hath solowed thervpon Consydre for an example the great cyte of Niniue preached vnto by Ionas Nahū ād other holye prophetes Hierusalē also whō owr sauer Iesus Christ in his owne persone called vnto repentaūce And ye schall fynde ther afflyccions most terryble ād fearfull If soche warnynges had be geuē to Tyrus ād Sidō or to Sodom ād Gomor as hath of late dayes bene geuē vnto Englande they had receyued thē to the amēdemēt of lyfe and not bene so destroyed Praye ther for vnto God feruētlye that yt wyll ones please hym to putt yowr prince in minde as the hart of a kynge ys in the handes of God to take frō yow these dyrtie donge Hylles which neuer will geue other sauer than yssueth frō the bottomlesse pytte Alredye hath he takē from yow by the auctoryte of Gods worde Mōkes Chanons Nōnes ād Fryres but styll yet remayneth all ther doctrine of deuylishnesse ī ā other blospher●●use use brode Babilon ys there yet an habita 〈…〉 on of deuyls and a lodgynge of vncleane spretes Yet styll contynueth there a fylthye cage of hatefull and vene mouse byrdes with all superstycyōs lurkynge and waytynge ther tyme to hoppe ageyne at large wolde the worlde ones applye to ther myndes Do but marke the craftye cloynynge of wynchester whan he eyther preacheth or dysputeth how he clowteth the olde brokē hooles with patches of olde papystrye sowynge them to gyther with newe subtiltees and wyles Hys chatterynge charmers a brode doth folowe the same selfe trade also sauynge that they want moche of hys craftye conueyaūce as all mēne maye beholde in the aforeseyd boke of Standyshe a wyse lerned chaplaine of hys Hontyngtō an other of hys retynewe can not amonge all hys heretyques fynde one Pope of Rome nor one false Bysshopp nor one scysmatyk Prest fryre monke nor chanō of so manye as be in the cronycles He can not fynde out one traytour nor one sturdye Papyst as manye as hath bene of them ād are yet to thys daye Though he behelde Barnes that was brent in Smythfelde for beynge the popes enemye yet coude he se neyther Powell Abel nor Fetherston which were Gods enemyes and the kynges though they were at the next dore by No hys eye syght wolde not serue hym vpon that syde for hys holye fathers sake But I thynke hys popyshe poesyes ād scripturs most deuylyshlye peruerted are metelye wele tryed where as yt ys to the manyfestacyon of soche a shamelesse Antichrist and presumptuose Idyote The lorde gyde all faythfull hartes in the loue of hys he auenlye worde ād pacyēce of Iesus Christ amonge those deceytfull workemenne and shortlye remoue the cloudes of darkenesse with the clere lyght of hys commynge Amen ¶ Thus endeth the Manne of synne wyth hys Dysclosynge collected
Cor. 6. Math. 10. Lucae 21. christ was no good churche manne Christ taught no popyshe ceremonies ▪ Math. 16. Lucae 12. Deut. 4. Apoc. 22. Psal 68. Gal. 4. 2. Pet. 3. 1. Cor. 14. Ioan. 3. Ephc. 5. The holy scriptures cōdēpned for heresye The brag ges of antichristes shorlynges Hiere 20. 2. Tim. 3. Ioan. 18. Actu 4. Math. 19. Ioan. 18. 1. Cor. 6. Gala. 5. Marci 7. 4. reg 17. Esa 34. Psal 145. A marriage betwixt beliall and christ God and the deuyll Nothynge for christ but all for the pope My lorde here vnd ' propeth babylon for fallynge vnder prices auctoritees worke they ther feates Ther sinodes are all ageynst God and hys christ ● Math. 23. Luce. 11. Math. 15● Frutes of the popes holye spyrytualte Christ is persecuted in hys poore mē bers Lucae 21. Apo. 9. Math. 4. Lucae 4. god is not ones named in all thys doctrine 2. Thes 2. Daniel 9. Math. 4. 1. Ioan. 2. 1. Tim. 4. 2. Pet. 3. 2. Cor. 11. Gene. 3. No deuyl of hell so blasphemose as are Papystes A verye sore offence Petrus de natalibus wernerus ●arthusianus Ranulph cestrensis Ioan. stel One wyekednesse auaū●eth an other Saturdaie is dedicate to saturne of olde vsage A sore matter in the popes bokes Platina ● vitis pōti Sigebert gēblacensis A ceremonye borowed of sorcerers Opē penaunce for holye water makinge platina in vita pape ●epherini sigebertꝰ Ioānaucle rus ge 40 Eginhard Matheus Palmeriꝰ Volateranus et wernerus Ranulph cestrensis Nicolaus bertrādus in hysto tholosana Guido perpinianus in lib. de heresibus Guilhel de podio Meyerus kyrian der Nicolaus bertrādus in histo tholosa Beware ye tell no ●ales out of scole Iacobus Bergomē sis Sigebert Platina holde fast thys Iewel or all wyl awaye The relygyon of the popes churche Vvernerus in fas temporū Platina Antonin Nauclerꝰ Achilles Gassarus Vvernerus Cayphas coude neuer both accuse ād iudge Richarde Mekyns brent of my lorde Math. 6. Esa 29. 1. Cor. 14. Roma 1. Math. 15. Marci 16. Ioan. 10. ● Ioan. 2. The Popes rewarde for darkenyge the gospell Verye sharpe balyes in the popes behalfe Ioan. 16. Miche 7. Math. 23. An olde practyse of bysshopes Mat. 23. Prou. 16. Lucae 3. Math. 27. Full workemanlye conuayed of my lorde But sathā can not thus hyde hys myschefe Vnto ane we scole ys Tolwī brought whye the wytnesses are called suffycyēt Christ was also thus serued Ioan. 18. Lucae 23. Marc. 3 Math. 26. Ioan. 7. Act. 3. Marci 14. Ioan. 16. Act. 4 Bysshops are neuer without ther Iudases and Iewes Vpholders of the popes holye churche Smell here what yowr holye prelates are Math. 12 Esa 5. Prouer. 3. Ephe. 6. Math. ●5 Iudae 1. Esa 1. Ioan. 3. Rom. 12 Eph. 4. Iaco. 3. 1. Cor. 1. Psal ●● Esa 13. Colos 1. Psal 11● 1. Tim. 4. Hiere 23. Miche 3. Roma 1. Ephe. 4. 2. shes 2. Exod. 7. Apoc. 11. antichrist can make synne ver tu ād ver tu synne Prestes ar neuer thus ponnished for Idolatrye and whor dom Auncyent rytes and lawdable ceremonyes of holy churche Esa 10. Math. 23. Lucae 11. Oseae 11. The fauorable goodnesse of my lorde of Londō Lerne here to knowe the mercye of a bysshop The chorlyshe nature of a wolfe ys not to spare Do as ye wold be done to dwelleth not with my lorde Lowe crepeth the shepe to the l●ō to haue hys poor lyfe Sap. 6. Ps●l 2. Math. 13 3. Reg. 10 Psal 98. Apoc. 11. Prou. 29. Rom. 13 Heb. 6. Math. 23. Lucae 11. Zach. 11. Gods cōmaundementes no thynge regarded Cōfessyō dyschargeth al these myschefes Hier. 7. Tush we are absolued quyte saye they Open pōnyschmēt to dryue other frō the truthe A professyon to becō a traytour to all godlynesse Vvhat yt ys to become a catholyk papyst Baptista Mantuan lib. 3. Fast Psal 38. Hier. 26. Eph. 5. Math. 18. Apoc. 2. All diuerse ys the popes churche from chrystes 2. Tim. 4. Ioann 21. Math. 28. Coll. 1. Apoc. 9. Hiere 23. Ezech. 34 ▪ Zacha. 11. 3. Reg. 22. 2. Par. 34 ▪ Luc. 16. Math. 12. Gene. 3. Mat. 28. Marci 16. The papystes ponnyshe with deathe whan Chryst ys obeyd 1. Cor. 9. Act. 9. 1. Cor. 1 They forbyd and condempne that christhath commastded Heresye call they the gospell Vvhat he resye ys they tell not Not ones ys Chryst here named Heresyes after my lordes me anynge Heretyques after the popes doctors Ioan. 16. Luc. 12. 1. Tim. 4. Esa 5. Hier. 2. Ezech. 38 Lucae 3. Math. 15. Eph. 4. The catholyk faythe of papystes in dead Idols The faythe of tru Chrystianes in the liuynge God Phil. 3. 2. Tim. 3. 2. Pet. 2. Psal 105. Daniel 13 Eph. 4. 1. Tim. 4. Errours lies ādthe doctryne of deuyls in hypocrysye Psal 44. Luc. 17. Math. 12. London must heare thys ꝓ sessyō to obeye yt antichrist hath here an vnshamefast face The kynge doth one ād the bysshops an other Doctor Cronckhorne ād doctor Bockyng Christ was more easye to seke vnto than my lorde Luc. 7. Luc. 19. Ioan. 8. Luc. 23. Eze. 18. Math. 26 Marci 14. Ioan. 18. Matth. 11. My lorde smytethof Malchus eare with Peter Math. 26 Lncae 22. Ioan. 18 2. Cor. 6. Ioan. 5. 1. Ioan. 4. Iacobi 4. 1. Pet. 1 All godlinesse and veryte cōdēned by professyō My lorde loketh for a tyme of more myschefe Martyn Luther cōdempned in sorbon at Parys My lorde ys a great pyllar of the popes churche Thys doctrine tea Thys doctrine tech eth to ab horrekyn ge ād con̄sell Take hede of xxi years in thys vnad uysed vo we Holye churche knoweth not a tray tour from a saynt Apoc. 19. Eph. 5. Cant. 4. Ioan. 12. Tyrānye springeth out ofther lordshyp Apoc. 20 Zach. 9. Ioan. 18. Luc. 22. Marc. 26 1. Cor. 4. Act. 4. Phocas the Emprour Apoc. 20 Daniel 9 Apoc. 13. Ezech. 22 The rest of Tolwyns penaunce ys burninge Iohā wyc leues bat tayle ageynst an ●y christ Vvhat a good deseruynge ys My lordes owne dyffynycyon ther rof Vvhat ys a catholyck man ne of holye churche Be a false periureor els bew a re the fyre Holye churcheys becō all fyerye Apoc. 13. Ioan. 16. Miche 7. Rom. 8. The new myracles of antichryst Nahum 3 2. Thes 2. Sap. 5. The desperate cōplaynt of antichrystes slaughter men Eccle. 12. 1. Ioan. 2. The serpētyne nature of antichristes mēbers Am Impe of hym whych of freth hys fete to be kyssed No soche blasphemye in saracen nor turke Thankes for playnge the tyraunt Vvo to them that calleth sower swete Esa 5. Marci 8. Math. 16. Ioan. 8. Apoc. 13. The Image of bothe churches Necessarye doctrine of saluacyō Iob. 8. Esa 59 Ezech. 13. Apoc. 14. 16. ●● Oseae 8. Take warnynge by Tolwyn or els ye burne Ezech. 22 Ioan. 10. Lucae 11. Heb. 13. A prac̄tyse borowed of the Romanes Psal 76. Apoc. 17 Act. 6. 21. Lucae 2. Iohā porter famyshed ī
slee the bodye whā they cā do no harme to the sowle Wo be to yow shrynkynge chyldren sayth the lorde whych seketh helpe at the power of Pharao and confort in the shaddowe of the Egypcyanes Both schal Pharaos helpe be yowr confusyon and the shaddow of Egypt yowr vtter shame Hieremie was a strōge wall of stele yet was he stoned vnto deathe Iohan Baptyst was great before the lorde and full of the holyeghost from hys mothers wō be yet was he beheded of Herode Christ gaue hys owne lyfe for the truthe of hys worde and promysed hys dyscyples nō other rewarde of the worlde but deathe for the same An honour ys yt to suffre for ryghtousnesse ād a glorye of immortalite Non schall be crowned sayth saynt Paule but he that lawfullye stryueth The nature ys sayth saynt Hierome of these wretched tyrauntes to constrayne the poore innocent sowles to denye Christes veryte before menne that they myght lose that crowne and be dampned Neuer manne harde anye of them yet recante wyth Paule though ther generacyon hath for the more part bene murtherers so hath the lorde geuē them vp into most depe errours of the sprete Vvhan iudgemēt in causes of relygion ys commytted to soche monstruouse mahoūdes what godlynesse can folowe Vvhat a mendement of euyls can be loked for They saye ther ceremonyes maye stande the superstitions taken away And yet haue those ther ceremonies bene the onlye grounde and cause of the superstitions For had there bene no ceremonyes neuer had there bene anye superstitions But ful false are they and subtyle in ther generacyon They knowe yt wyll be easye ynough to bringe in them ageyne yf the other remayne Master person podypoke ād ser saūder slye hys parryshe prest schal haue a commaūdement at the seane to do ther feates in that behalfe vnder the tytle of deuocyon or els of commendable rytes of holye churche and the kynge schall neuer knowe of yt Lete hym commaunde ▪ what he lyst yet schall yt be as they wyll haue yt spyght of hys hait And I trowe they schall fynde iustyces a brode fytt for ther handes in case the heretyques speake anye thynge ageynst them I trowe master Vvharton of bongaye in soth folke will not be behynde wyth hys part now nomore than he hath bene a fore tyme wyth hys colege of calkers that calked so lōge for Cromwell and for other more yf the worlde had not changed to ther myndes The holy ghost thus deluded and the prynces godlye cōmaundement sett all at nought the lorde wyll not fayle to rayse out from amōge the troden stones in the strete or contēned multitude some ernest Helias or faythfull chylde of Abraham to touche ther abomynacyons I am I knowe wele most symple and weake lerned of a great sort Yet wyll in the quarell of thys poore Israelyte thys naturall cuntre manne of myne and fellawe seruaunt of Iesus Christ with Moyses invade thys proude straūger and cruell Egypcyane Non other weapō wyll I take here but the swerde of the sprete whych ys the worde of the eternall lyuynge God with the most auctorysed hystoryes and cronycles and with thē wyll I stryke hym to the groun de so leauynge hym there in the sande An whole yeare haue I tarryed and more to se yf anye amendement wolde come for thys outragyouse blasphemie age ynst God he goynge so oft to cōfession and I perseyue yt wyl not be For sens hath he bene moche worse than a fore I se wele now that do bysshoppes neuerso manye myscheues in ther Benedicite rekenynges they haue no place to repentaūce Neuer haue they conscyence of ther most wycked doynges and therfore must the worlde knowe them to ther vtter shame Most deuylyshe wyll hys pontificall actrs apere come they ones to the true touche stone whych ys Christes doctrine I doubt not but to please Christ in doynge thys office and intouchynge thys aduersary of God with hys whoryshe holy churche or blasphemouse spouse of the deuyll I haue for that purpose geuen myselfe ouer vnto pouerte and vnto a peynefull exyle with my wyfe and chyldren and schall not I trust refuse the deathe also yf yt come that waye For so necessarye ys yt now to suffre for Christes doctryne as in the aposteles tyme. For why alone veryte ys yt that was than persecuted and now Manye hath alredye in the stedfast beleue of Dauid spoken lyberallye and hath bene greuouslie troubled for yt Vvyth stomake haue they rebuked the worlde and shewed menne of ther fylthye errours They haue remembred God for hys benefytes and haue bene heauy to se them abused Vvherfor they haue receyued the cuppe of saluacyon callynge vpon the name of the lorde Perfourmed haue they ther promes vnto God in the presence of hys peple Precyouse in the syght of the lorde was the deathe of those hys holye wytnesses whych they suffred there for hys sake And I trust there be yet manye more behynde of the same godlye zele and stomake that neuer wyll cease tyll that wycked one be vttred whych styll exalteth herselfe in the conscyences of menne aboue all that ys called God Manye nowe a dayes whych hath bene touched sumwhat with the sprete af Christ hath begōne to smell out the fylthie sauer of that iakes of the deuyll but they haue not yet brought the verye thynge to lyght No some there be abrode in the worlde walkynge vndre the pretence of the gospell whych do all they cā to hyde the fylthye partes of that monstrouse madame that rose couloured whore of Babylon where as God hath decreed to putt her to shame and cōfusyō The bokes whych hath bene putt forth by menne of lernynge to discouer her myscheues do they now gelde myngle hacke cutte take fro and putt to Some to gett lucre in the sale of them some to auaunce ther owne names and some to please the bysshoppes therwyth How shamefullye are the bybles hādled whych now hath neyther annotacyons nor table How the godlye confessyon of the germanes the common places of Sarcerius and now of late certen notable treatyses els compyled by sondry lerned menne with dyuerse other workes more To se how dyuerslye menne do seke them selues now yt ys a wondre not carynge what wyckednesse they mynystre Easye it is to perseyue what hath brought these mēne to the gospell and what frutes they seke therof Nothinge do they els in soche presumptuouse entripryses but withstande the pleasure of God for ther owne fylthie lucre and dāpnable deuyly she pleasure The tyme is now come wherin God wyll dysclose the stronge delusyō of antichrist though all they saye naye to yt Some menne doth loke that the selfe seyd antichrist or bodye of sathan with all his supersticiouse kindes of Idolatrye schuld be destroyed by the powr of prynces and therfor wolde they haue men to tarrye ther doinges
which car rye hys lyuerye 7. Catholyck they call the faythe of ther churche which terme the scripture hath not and it maye well be For catholyck is as moche to saye as vnyuersall or admyttynge all For in dede they allowe all maner of faythes that faythe only excepted which they owght to allowe most of all No Iewyshe ceremonye refuse they nor yet heythen super stycyon So longe as the gospell is not trewlye preached ther faythe is good ynowgh For it is catholyck Vniuersally all false beleues and wycked worshyppynges contrarye to Gods prescripcyon it alloweth no kynde of Idolatrye and supersticyon reiected Neyther haue thys generacion sens the begynnynge reproued pylgrymages nor pardons rellyckes nor false reuerences sensynges nor cādel sacrifices la●●yn bussynge nor lyppe seruyce dead shaddowes nor Idel obseruacyons with soche lyke pylde pedlarye and romyshe ware For it is ther owne proper good And that wyl plentuouslie apere here after in thys present declaratyon wherin thys poore man is more depelye compelled to accuse hymself The manne of synne ¶ 1 And also that I haue bene a great fauourer defender maītener and receptour of heretyques 2. acustomed also to haue in my custodye 3. bokes of heresye and other vnlaw full workes 4. forbyddē by the kynges magestees proclamacyon and ordinaūces 5. and also contrarye to the decre and inhybycyon of myn ordynarye ¶ Hys dysclosynge FOr fauourynge mainteyninge and defendynge Christes godlye verite was steuen as a blasphemer stoned vnto deathe at Hierusalem Antipas the faythfull wytnesse of the lorde was slayne at pergamos And Christes Apostles were dyuerselye afflycted the worlde ouer by thys viperous generacyon Iason for receyuynge Paule and Sylas with other dysciples and teachers of the gospel was brought before the cownsell at thessalonica and accused for a sedycious traytour ageynst Caesar No maruele therfor thowgh thys pore mā be vexed of the same sort mainteininge the same doctrine and fauorynge the teachers therof Is there anye other rewarde folowynge the trewe seruauntes of God now then hath bene afore No surely vnlesse christ hath now of late changed hys former promyse and is now become a speaker ageynst himself which is so vnpossible as he not to be God If they haue persecuted hym nedes must they persecute hys members If they haue called the master of the howse belzebub so wyll they do hys how sholde ye schall be hated of al mēne sayth Christ for my names sake It is no newe thynge to se poor menne thus hādled blasphemed and openlye schamed without reasonable cause 2 For heretykes must they be taken which folowe not ther tradycyons nor regarde ther sacred sorcerye Thus maye they cal christ an heretyke also for he neuer allowed ther ceremonyes He neuer went processyon with cope crosse and candelstyck He neuer sensed ymage nor sange lat●yn seruyce He neuer gaue orders nor sate in confession He neuer preached of purgatorye nor pardons He neuer honoured sayntes nor prayed for the dead He neuer sayd masse mattens nor euensonge He neuer fasted frydaye nor vygyll lent nor aduent He neuer hallowed churche nor chalyce ashes nor palmes cādels nor belles He neuer made holye water nor holye brede with soche lyke But soche domme ceremonyes not hauynge the expresse cōmaundement of God he called the leuen of the Pharysees and dampnable hypocresie admonyshinge hys dyscyples to be ware of them He curseth all thē that addeth vnto hys worde soche beggerlye shaddowes wypynge ther names cleane out of the boke of lyfe Saynt paule testyfyeth them to haue no porcyon in Christ which wrappe themselues ageyne with soche yokes of bondage 3 Bokes of heresie must all those workes be whych rebuketh anye of ther abusvons be they neuer so godlye That caused them so longe tyme to locke vpp the scripturs in a straunge language and vnder an vnknowne speche least the peple by readinge of them schuld perseyue ther workes to be nowght and so rebuke them Yea they haue not bene ashamed of late years to call the prophecyes of the olde lawe the .iiij. gospels paules epystles and the holye apocalyps with other treatyses of the sacred Byble most detestable bokes of heresye and to burne manye good godlye and innocent creaturs for hauynge thē in ther howses and for readynge of them vnto other and all vnder the tyttle and auctoryte of princes lawes In the meane season also haue they boasted themselues for the peculyar peple of God for the holye churche the cōsecrate nombre the spirytuall sort the catholyck doctors the chosen persones the godlye companye the relygious brether hede the wyuelesse vyrgyns the good gostlye fathers and that they haue done nothynge but in the zelous quarell of the lorde But nomore are they of hys kyngedome than was phassur and semeias which persecuted Hieremye Iannes and Iambres which resysted Moyses Cayphas and Annas which putt Christ vnto deathe and vexed hys apostles with soche lyke bludthurstye prelates and malycyous mourtherers For hys churche or kyngedome is a congregaciō of symple meke spreted lowlye pytefull and gentyll teachers and not of prowde glottōs glorious lechours cruell byteshepes and rauenouse robbers as they are Neuer schall ye se them trewlye grounde ther doynges vpon Gods holye worde but eyther vpon ther owne fylthye tradycyons or vpon the croked customes of the cuntre brought in fyrst of all by ther cursed counsell or vpō the auncyentnesse of ther fathers or holinesse of ther doctours or els most chefelye vpon the myghtye auctoryte of princes 4 Marke how the byssoppe of London layeeh forth here the kynges proclamacyons and ordynaunces ageynst thys poore mānne for hauynge in hys custodye bokes ageynst the bysshoppe of Rome and how he doth couple them with hys owne Antichristiane decre and inhybycyon Yea consider how blasphemouslye and trayterouslye he doth here abuse them to the abhorrynge of all Christē●ares and the great dolour of all faythful hartes Here is not the trewe preachynge of the gospell called vpon by the kynges proclamacyons to the glorye of God Neyther is here sowght the adolishment of the bysshoppe of romes vsurped poure nor yet the layēge asyde of deuylyshe supersticyons which are all effectuallye required in hys godlye ordinaunces For they are not the thynges that mi lorde seketh to vpholde But here is sore cōplayned of the slacknesse in goynge of processiō at euēsonge in the saynge of romy she howres in the makynge of holy water ād holy brede And what make these to the Christen erudycyon or to anye other godly purpose What are these ●oyes eyther to the mayntenaunce of faythe or of anye common welthe Must so many ydle Bysshoppes and prestes be masted vpp so fatte to the great hyndraunce of the publique welthe for the vpholdynge of thynges of so small profyght Alac that euer the prices auctorite schuld thus be vsed to the blasphemye of God and to hys gre●t dyshonour Thys
maketh forē peple to report moche shame which is not here to be spoken to the great heuynesse of trewe faythfull hartes 5 If the decrees and inhybycyons of my lorde ordynarye of London and of other soche holye ordynaryes of englande as they be here named were dilygentlye sowght out and well wayed I feare me they schuld apere verye scant honest men well the lorde seeth all and schall surelye iudge it at a daye ¶ The manne of synne ¶ 1 And more ouer that I haue not accustomed to obserue and kepe the. 2. laudable ceremonyes rytes and customes of thys catholyck churche of englande cōmonlye obserued and kepte by other that is to saye 3. neyther in goynge procession vpon satudaye● at euensonge 4. nor in the vsage and maner of makynge of holye vvater and holye brede 5. nor in makynge my confessyon 6. or saynge of masse 7. mattens or euensonge as I schuld or ought to haue Hys dysclosynge GIR euous burdens and intollerable yokes laye they styll vpon the shoulders of menne syttynge in Moyses chaire Nothynge esteme they the cōmaūdements of God in comparyson of ther owne tradi●yons No fawte ys the brekynge of them here noted Idolatrye sy monye sacrilege whoredome hatred se dycyon glottonye couetousnesse cruelte rape and mourther ys neyther here blamed nor yet spoken yll of Onlye ys Gods verite here condēpned vnder the blacke tyttle of heresye the poore member of Christ made a lawghige stocke to all the worlde for yt blasphemed dysdayned and abhorred Soch is yet the ab homynacyon of thys sixt age of the churche Vvhan sathan tempted Christ in the desart in hys fyrst .ij. suggestions he named the sonne of God But in thys declaracyon yea rather temptacyon of hys peple schalt thu not fynde one syllabe mēcyoned neyther of hym nor yet of hys he auenlye father Reade yt ouer hardelye with iudgement and marke yt with we pynge eyes lamētynge that the dere flocke of the lorde ys thus myserablye ledde For there is no plage vnder heauen to it If thys be not the defec●yon from Christ mencyoned by Paule to the Thessalonianes I thynke ther ys non I feare yt that my lorde of london hath taken vpp the third suggestyon of sathan with hys couetours and ambycyous kyngedome and as a fearefull tempter seduceth the peple to ther dampnacyon For what a doctrine is thys● wherin neyther God nor hys sonne is mencyoned Vvele may it be called errour in hypocresye and doctrine of deuyls yea ād worse yf worse maye be Se how the deuyll resembleth here the angell of lyght Sens Christes ascenciō hath not soche a declaracyon bene after thys sort spredde amonge the peple by Christyane nor Antichristiane Iewe nor pagane angell nor deuyll a poore manne compelled so openlye to professe the same and no mencyon made of god nor of christ If this be not a misterie of iniquire and a workynge of Sathan vnder a de ceytfull powre neuer was there anye 2 A grett matter is made here of a thīge of nowght and it must be proclamed at Paules crosse Tolwin must stāde forth ther for an heretyke And whye For he hath not obserued the laudable ceremonies rytes ād custōes of this catholyck churche of englande Vvherin I praye yow 3 He hath not gone processyon vpon saturdayes at euensonge A verye haynous offence and worthye to be iudged no lesse thān hygh treason ageynst yowr holye father agapitus popett of Rome whych fyrst dreamed it out and enacted it for a lawdable ceremonye of yowr whoryshe churche for christ knoweth it not But I maruele sore that ye obserue yt vpon saturdayes at nyght at euensonge he cōmaundynge yt to be obserued vpon the sondayes in the mornynge betwixt holie water makynge and hygh masse Parauēture ye wyll saye ye do both and so doble yt as we perseyue ye do in dede least the holie obseruacyon of your father schuld droppe awaye and yow be founde neglygent in your obedyēce For soth ye shewe yourself a verye naturall childe to your holye mother in so holdinge her vpp for fallynge now in her latter age ād wurthye ye are to haue her blessynge If ye wolde wytsaue to put● the. 7. staciōs of Rome unto it in the worshyp of the ▪ vii deadlye synnes after the olde wonte your ceremonye myght ape ●e more solempne Moch is Sa●urnus beholden vnto yow whych ys one of the olde goddes to garnyshe the goynge out of hys daye with so holye an obseruacyon Ioye yt ys of your lyfe so to remēber your olde fryndes Doubtlesse yt ys a fyne myrye pagent and yow worthye to be called a Saturnyane for yt Vvher of thys and other proper pagētes of yours be called lawdable we can not tell for we can neyther fynde worde nor commaundement of god for them and therfor we referre it vnto yow 4 An other lawdable ceremonye of yowrs Tolw in hath not well handled nor as a workemāne of that occupacyon schuld do He hath not made hys holye water ād his holy brede after the olde vsage and maner nor as it is customablye yet vsed of other conynge artyfycers of your lyuerie ād marke Though he hath made thē ād well seasoned thē with salte after the rew les of pope alexander yet hath he left out the holy exorcysmes and cōiuracyōs supposynge the good creaturs of Gods creacyon to haue no deuyls within thē remēbringe also hys prynces pleasure which hath wylled all supersty cyousnesse to be taken awaye frō the ceremonyes Notwithstādinge yow se an other thynge in it The lawdable institucyon of your holy fathers popes of rome schuld perishe if it were not so vsed Yea we schuld haue nothīge to dryue away spretes with nor yet to take away vēge able synnes For neyther hath christ nor yet a Christen mannys faythe the powre that holy water hath Therfor set hāde to it harde lye and regarde neyther god nor yowr kynge but lett the heretyke knaue do opē penaūce in spight of thē bothe to putt other in feare least the feate of holy water makynge be forgottē amonge thē 5 Confessyon is also a laudable ceremonye of yowrs and was fyrst admitted by pope innocent in the most pestylēt counsell of laterane for a mayntenaunce of yowr markett Se now that it decaye not for wante of lokynge to Consyder fyrst of all that for yowr commodite it hath deposed and dysherited more th● ij hondreth lawfull kynges and shorne them into monasteryes of monkerye some of ther eyes putt out It made fredericus barbarossa the Popes fote stole at venys and subdewed manye other noble emprowrs For soche a treasure it is as euer helpeth whan yowr matters are in daunger By the vertu of confessyon was the plesaunt kyngdome of Italye destroyed and became saynt peters patrimonye the kynge therof called desyderius with hys wyfe and children exyled into lyons and endynge hys lyfe in
greatt myserye Throwgh the same was the empyre of constantynople translated frō the grekes to the frenchemenne your olde fryndes bycause they wold not for your profyght to haue ymages worshypped Kynge Iohan of englande a manne of no small valeauntnesse and vertue through the hydden mysteryes of the same was brought into hate of hys nobyly ●● and commons and compelled to geue vpp hys crowne and tyttle for hym and ●ys heyres to the apostolyck seate Raymundus also the last erle of tholose and most valeaunt warryour of all christendome abowght the same tyme onlye by●ause he wold not burn the albigesyanes within hys dominyon whō your holye ●athers iudged for heretykes for that they ●esysted ther seyd eare confessiō ther prymacye ther purgatorye ther praynge to ●ead sayntes with other soche pylde ped ●arye which they had establyshed in the ●fore seyd counsell of laterane for newe artycles of the Christen faythe and as matters necessarye vnto saluacyō he was ●ruellye compelled to stāde forth naked in hys shyrt in the face of the worlde bare●oted and bareheaded and to axe mer●ye vpon hys knees before the legate cardynall of sayn● angell hys naturall peple standynge abowt hym waylynge wepynge and cryenge out for verye pyte For he was not onlye enforced there by penaunce as they call it to geue to ther clergye 27. thousande marke but also to dysheryte hys whole stocke for euer and to warre vpon the turkes without powre the sonnar to brynge hym to hys ende with other most cruell ininuccyons as are to be seane more at large in the hystorye of tholose compyled by Nicolas Bertrande doctour of both lawes It schall stande tolwyn in hande therfor from henceforth to take better hede and not to dallye with your confession as he hath done seynge yt ys so daūgerous a matter 6 No maruele ys yt thowgh ye call ●●ere consequētlye vpon your latyne masse saynge for that farre passeth a lawdable ceremonie beynge the instytucyon of so manye holye popes beynge also a sacrifice necessarye for the quycke and the dead and so profytable also to the vpholdynge of yowr gloryous glytterynge kyngedome That hath made your purses wayghtye ād your kychynes war me your chekes fatte and your fleshe ple sa ūt Therfor Iudge the speakīge ageynst yt no lesse than heresye and treason make cruell lawes of deathe prouyde fagottes yuowgh and borne the losels apace For yf that ones fall your precious robes myters crosers fyne rochettes scarlett frockes sandals and typettes with the monstruouse marke of madyan wyll folowe sone after And than farwel the Romyshe relygyon Adewe than all spiritual vayneglory Consyder what years yt cost e●e yt cowde be fynyshed and how manye holye popes wer abowt yt ere yt cowde be browgt to passe It was more than vi hondreth and lxx years after Christes incarnacyon ere the fyrst latyne masse was sayd For as wytnesseth platina in the lyues of romyshe bysshoppes Iohan bysshoppe of portuense was the fyrst that euer sayd masse openlye pope Agathō approuynge yt than in the .vi. generall synode at Constātinople in the yeare of ower lorde 677 where as marryage was fyrst forbiddē to prestes ād whordome admytted by thys rewle Si non caste tamen caute Remēber also that yt was the worke of more than 20. holy fathers of Rome euerye one of thē clowtynge in a patche vnto yt And lett not the labour of so ma●ye peryshe amonge these Luthe ranes for a lyttle lokynge to Ye haue more auctoryte than euer had Cayphas and Annas For ye maye call sessyons where and whan ye wyll Ye may syt vpō lyfe and deathe and be both accuser ād iudge If the warmode quest wyll not cōdēpne your accused brynge out a false of your owne of Rome rōners pardoners parrysh clarkes and bellryngers as ye ded now of late for Rycharde mekyns a poore simple ladde of 17. years of age And geue hym a bylle of wrōge articles in hys hande to reade whā he cometh to the fyre to shaddowe with your myscheff 7 Though Christ calleth yowr latyne howres Idelnesse hypocresye moche bablynge and lyppe laboure yea and though saynt Paule doth esteme it a po●t of vayne folishnes and moche more madnesse to vtter a processe in an vnknowne language amonge the peple yet sett your romyshe wysdome ageinst them both and stande fast in your olde popyshe opynyon makynge Gods cōmaundemēts of non effecte for your owne dyrtye tradycyōs Vvhere as christ hath cōmāded yow syncerelye to preache hys gospell do as thowgh ye owght him no seruice nor were non of hys Obeye it not but saye that ye knowe a moche better waye Ye haue a master whose lyuerye and marke ye weare whych geueth better wages for the darkenynge of the gospell thā christ geueth for the preachīge of yt The pope geueth forth gloryous tytles fatte bysshopryckes greatt benefices princely howses delycyous meates and drynkes with other mennys wyues to lye bye whā they be yonge and faire where as Christ ys all to the contrarie And ther for ye wyll rather folow hym thā Christ Thys maketh yow so straytlye to loke vpon yt that mattēs pryme howres masse euen songe and complyne be done as they owght to be That ys to saye accordynge to the holye instytucyon of pope Pelagius whych fyrst ordayned them to blemyshe the gospell preachynge and to fyll the tyme with Idell vanytees Yea ye wuld putt menne to deathe rather than fayle for not obseruīge them yf they ded not thus with pore Tolwyn shamefullye recante So good faythfull obedient and louynge are ye to your holie fathers of Rome though your wylye pretence be an other The manne of synne ¶ 1 Vvhych denuncyacyon deteccion and presentacyon 2 hath bene partlye by myne ovvne confession 3 and partlye by suffycyent vvitnesse and recorde in that behalff 4 sufficyentlye proued ¶ Hys dysclosynge 1 THys ys an olde practyse of owr holye prelates euermore to leaue one craftye clause or other as a startynge hole to Rone to yf daunger happen to them of ther dedes here after Thynke yow that my lorde of London wyll be founde fawtye in thys acte in case yt be proued in processe of tyme blasphemouse trayterouse cruell and deuylyshe by the sacred scripturs and by the kynges statutes and lawes Naye I warande yow He ys of a more craftye generacyon than so I trowe my lorde wyl washe hys handes here with Pylate Not one spotte shall apere in hys rochett of all that ys done in thys matter 2 Rather schall Tolwyn confesse hymselfe here to be hys owne accuser to my lorde not all vnlyke to hym that hāgeth hymself or drowneth hymself So workmanlye wyll thys matter be handled Partlye hath Tolwyn by hys owne confession denounced hym self for a sedycyouse doer detected hymself for an heretyque and presented hymself for a greuouse offender for not obseruynge the popes holye tradycyons
And thys ys ynough to clere my lorde yf anye lykelyhode of olde fryndeshypp towarde hys holye fatherhede do here after apere But who extorted thys confessyon more semynge a deuyll than a manne with thret tenynges of fagottes and fyre That wyll be easye to knowe to hym that marketh the termes Neuer coude tolwyn throughlye knowe what these rhetoryckes ment as are denuncyacyon deteccyon and presentacyon so longe as he was in cambryge neyther by hys art stodye nor yet by hys scole dyuynyte tyll he came to my lorde of Londons howse There was he sone made perfyght in them by some well stodyed manne of the popes lawe For from thens they came fyrst in dede Neuer ys a manne to olde to be taught and be brought in farder practyse 3 The wytnesses also receyued the same doctrine to the same selfe ende and purpose And here they are called suffycyent Vvhether yt be for that they were manye in nombre whych than accused hym or be cause they are accounted honest menne for ther goodes falselye gotten or in that yt pleased hys Good lorde shypp so to accept them for ther olde faythes sake lett the dylygent reader iudge Soche allowaunce of catholyck wytnesses and recordes ageynst heretyques for the vpholdynge of holye churche ys no newe thynge yf ye serche the scripturs ād hystoryes For they that accused Christ for a malefactor a supporter of synners a deuyly she persone a subuerter of the peple a blasphemouse heretyque a breaker of ther Sabboth a defyler of ther lawes a sower of sedycyon and destroyer of holye churche a traytour ageynst cesar and soche lyke were accepted and abeled of Annas ād Cayphas for honest credible wyse and suffycient menne though all the worlde knoweth them for false periures and knaues So sone as the Apostles beganne ones to preache after Christes ascencyon by soche ghostlye chyldrē of holye churche were they accused and cō pelled to make answer in the spūal court of the Iewes And sens that tyme hath the bysshopps bene seldome without soche prodygyouse pykethankes and glaueringe glosers to brynge menne coram nobis Vvhich thynke they do God great good scruyce whan they brynge one of hys pore lambes vnto deathe as they do in dede though ther seruyce be nothinge to ther owne sowles profyght as it wyll apere in the last rekenynge Vvell these suffycyent wytnesses and recordes of my lorde or true vpholders of the popes olde faythe hath suffycyentlye proued Tol wyn an heretyque in that behalfe besydes hys owne confession That is to saye in that he hath not gone processyon vpō saturdayes at euensonge nor workeman lye made hys holye water and holy breade nor confessed hymselfe as the vse of Rome is and so forth And vpō these suffycyent accusacyōs wolde my lorde haue condēpned hym to the fyre without mercye had he not recanted at Paules crosse Sone maye ye knowe wher of yowr holye prelates smelleth yf ye way thys matter a ryght Now resort we ageine to the text ¶ The manne of synne ¶ 1 And al be it for my offence in so doynge 2. I knovvlege to haue de serued no small pōnyshment 3. yet I haue foūde soche charitable good nesse ād mercie in my lorde bisshopp of London 4. upon my submyssyon and sute vnto hym Hys dysclosynge 1 PReposterouse alwayes are the iudgementes of thys vyperouse generacyon Euermore esteme they that is euyll to be good and that is good to be euyll as wytnesseth Esaye Ambycyon pryde and vayne glory take they for spi rituall holynesse clerelye reiectynge the ryghtousnesse of God for ther owne beastlye tradycyons whom hys hart abhorreth Thus putt they darkenesse for lyght and lyght for darkenesse Mennys wysdome whych ys but errour dottage and blyndenesse of the sprete preferre they to the eternall wysdome of God Verye folysnnesse heresye and madnesse do they iudge the gospell whych ys the stronge power of the lorde vnto saluacyon to all them that beleueth yt That make they sower whych ●s more swete than honye and that vyle whych ys most precyouse as to putt in the lorde owr whole confydence and trust lyke as hys holye worde leadeth vs. For hys vndefyled lawes my nystre they the doctryne of deuyls with lyes in hypocresye Thus doth the chyldren of thys worlde peruert all godlynesse As the very antychrystes turne they the tre rotes vpwarde Into a wycked mynde therfor hath the lorde geuen them ouer strongelye to delude the vnbeleuers for ther vnbeleues sake S● how thys subtyle charmer thys coniurer of Egypt thys vnbonere bysshopp Boner a very blodye bocher of Babylō doth hād le thys poore innocent Chrystyane 2 So hath he bywytched hym with hys craftye legerdemayne So hath he feared hym for chynges of no wayght Yea so hath he compassed hym with threttenynges of terryble deathe that nedes he must graūt synne where no synne ys and opēlye cōfesse a greuouse offence where as nō ys at al. He must acknowlege to the peple to haue deserued no small ponnysh mēt at my lordes hāde though hys cōscyence standeth clere to the cōtrarie Vvhat haynouse treasō hast thu done good symple manne that thu standest thus forth for a wonder of the worlde Vvhat ys thy offence that yt requyreth soche open shame Is yt these or murther whoredome or Idolatrye superstycyon or sacrylege Than were yt more mete that my lorde stode there than thu For of these frutes and soche other he hath moche more store than thyselfe hath as yt ys easye to perseyue by thys processe If yt be for not obseruynge the commendable rytes ceremonyes and customes of holye churche as ys seyd afore Than ought my lorde also to suffre the same selfe ponnyshment for not goynge abought with saynt Nycolas clarkes for not hallowynge pelgrimes to Hierusalem ānd Rome for not sensinge the plowghes vpō plowgh mondaye for not rostynge egges in the palme ashes fyre and for not syngynge Gaudeamus in the worshypp of holye Thomas Becket with soche other lyke which were sumtyme more lawdable ceremonyes than eyther saturdaye processyon or yet holye water makynge vpon the sondaye But my lorde doth here moche after the practyse of his olde predecessours which heaped vpon mennys sholders intollerable burdens of tradycyons They layed vpō thē heuy yokes ynough therselues not ones mouynge ther fingars therunto for soylynge 3 He that doth couete to knowe the naturall compassyon gentylnesse and sauoure whyche regneth in a bysshopp of antichristes kyngedome lett him here as in a glasse behold it For Tolwyn hath founde my lorde verye fauorable and good vnto hi as he here ꝓtesteth Vvhat though he hath stāde forth at Paules crosse to hys rudyculouse reꝓche for not obseruynge the lowsye lawes and Idele ceremonyes of the pope yet is my lorde verye charitable vnto hym Vvhat though thys vncomelye prospect hath made of hys fryndes hys vtter enemyes and brought hym out of al
for geuenesle of my lorde But what call ye a good deseruynge I praye yow Marke that foloweth here after and ye schall se how honorablye my lorde hath dyffyned yt he re vnto Tolwyn with a lumpe of good lernynge 4 It ys to do accordynge to hys seyd promyse That ys to saye to become from hence forth a good processyon goer vpon saturdayes at euēsonge a good holye water maker a good mattenser masser and so forth but no true gospell preacher More ouer yt ys to become a catholyke manne otherwyse called a popyshe rebellion but saye neuer a worde I cha ge yow Yt ys also to auaunce the popes holye churche and to detest and abhorre the noughtye heretyques otherwyse called good faythfull Christen mēne Loo ser all thys ys called here a good deseruynge 5 If Tolwyn perfourme all thys accordynge to hys seyd promyse my lorde ys contented to forgeue all togyther lyke a good gentyll vertuouse prelate If not the lorde of heauen haue mercye vpon hym for he goth surelye to the fyre For that ys the olde rewarde of bysshoppes whan menne wyll not be rewled and obeye the good lawes of holye churche That holye mother of thers can not abyde an enemye to blowe ones vpō her but she consumeth them with burnynge cooles not all vnlyke to Proserpina and the olde god Vulcanus so full of sober pacyence ys she Her nature ys now not to ouercome the worlde with faythe as she was wont to do but with flame so feruent ys she waxen sens she became a gloryouse madame of the earthe Fyre can she make to come downe from heauen in the syght of mē causynge them to beleue that yt ys godes wyll to haue the heretyques consumed Thus prouoke she that good creature of God vnwyllyngly as saynt Paule speaketh yt to serue her vanyte cleane contrarye vnto hys gracyouse ordynaunce As where yt ought to be mannys cōfort to worke hys confusyon and where yt ought to serue hys nede vnsemynglye to deuoure hym and swallowe hym cleane vp Soche wōders can they do in the face of the worlde and yet be an holye consecrate ordre styll I doubt not but the lorde wyll ones make ther inyquyte full knowen to all menne whan they schall saye with horrible feare and anguyshe These are they whom we sumtyme had in derysyon Vve thought ther lyues verye madnesse and ther ●de without honoure But loo how they are counted amonge the chyldren of God and ther porcyon ys amonge the sayntes Therfor haue we erred from the waye of truthe the sonne of ryghtousnesse hath not shyned vnto vs nor the clerenesse of vnderstandynge ouer spredde vs with hys bryght beames Vve haue tyred owr selues in the rewles of wyckednesse and destruccyon Tedyouse wayes haue we gone but the iust waye of the lord haue we not knowen what good hath owr pryde done vnto vs Or what profyte hath the pōpe of rychesse brought vs. All those thynges are passed a waye lyke a sheaddowe and so forth as yt foloweth styll in the fift chapter of sapyence ¶ The manne of synne ¶ 1 Besechynge therfor yovv that be my fryndes 2 to geue hym most hartye thākes for the same 3 ād to take exāple by me 4 to auoyde the lyke daunger Amen Hys dysclosynge O●H what a cōpas of deceyt ys thys to auoyde the suspycyon of tyrannye before the blynde worlde Thys poore manne ys shamed openlye He hath lost hys good name for euer Of a dere chylde of Christ he ys made a sworne chylde of the deuyll by thys newe professyon wherin neyther Christ ys named nor yet hys eternall father Yet must hys fryndes come with cappe ādknee to geue hartye thākes to thys terryble termagaunt thys Nēroth thys Pharao thys Hieroboam thys Olopherne thys antyochus thys Herode yea thys mytred mahounde and verye deuyll incarnate I haue in my tyme seane letters and wrytynges dyuerse whych hath comen from the great Turke and Souldane But neuer sawe I anye of them with out the name of god as thys lordlye declaracyon ys Vvo ys that realme that hath manye soche ghostlye gydes It had bene great pyte except yt had bene declared at Paules crosse and that Tolwyns fryndes sehuld geue hartye thankes for yt there ys in yt so moche goodnesse 2 But vnto what purpose schuld these thankes be geuen That my lorde maye be iudged a prelate most charytable and that he hath done all thys but of gētylnesse and fauer where as he myghthaue burned the heretyque by the popes holye lawes of whom he ys a commensed canonyst Vvhye call ye that an acte of charyte to shewe soche vyolence for matters of so small wayght Yea for thiges whych are rather deuylyshe than godlye whose fulfyllynge ys sylthye abhomynacyon and blasphemye For non other cause was Peter called Sathan of Christ but for fauorynge thynges that were not of God but of menne Lete hym geue hym thākes ther for that hath sett hym a worke to kyll as manye as wyll not do ther homages to the beastlye bodye of the olde serpēt of hell And lete not honest godlye menne now worshypp that Image whych ys latelye raysed of the beastes wounded head of whom I haue written a large volume called the Image of both churches comprehēdynge an whole commentarye vpō the reuelacyon of Iohan whych I trust ye schall shortlye haue with other thynges els For a doctryne of saluacyon ys that Apocalyps and so necessarye to be vnderstande knowne as yt ys to be a member of Christes churche consyderynge yt ys non other but a manyfestacyon of the estate therof for all ages vnto the worldes ende Now to owr purpose ageyne My lorde wolde fayne by these farre fett colours hyde a wolfe but yt wyll not be Falshede wyll apere falshede ād axe hym no leaue Great peynes he taketh to weue the spyders webbe and to hatche the coccatryce egges but all wyll not helpe He vnder proppeth Babylon with vntempred claye for fallynge but hys buyldynge wyll not fashyō Her irrecuperable fall ys at hāde The calfe of Samaria must be take awaye Yet wyl they do myschefe as lōge as they maye so deuyllyshe ys ther nature 3 Vvhych ys here included in thys latter admonycyon of Tolwyn Vvherin he desyreth hys fryndes to take an example of warnynge by hym and therbye to auoyde lyke claunger And me thynketh thys counsell ys fryndlye yf yt be hys For indede they schuld not fynde yt easye to come in soche tyrannouse hādelynge But I thynke verelye that thys latter ende ys no lesse my lorde of Londons than ys all that went a fore Not for anye good loue or benyuolence that the wolfe beareth the flocke of Christes lambes But in purpose to scattre them and to fraye them awaye from the swete pasture and fatte fedynge of the gospell whych ys hys eternall testament A contynuall practyse hath thys bene amonge
remaynynge and founde in my hovvse and custodye 5 vvhat tyme I vvas denounced and detected 6 to my lorde bysshopp of London Hys dysclosynge 1 Vvhan the wylye foxe fawneth beware your chyckens as the common adage admonysheth yow For nought ys yt not that he calleth yow here good peple ye maye be sure of yt Vvych he I praye yow Euen my lorde bonner of London For though the voyce be Tolwyns the wordes of the voyce are my lordes Full heuye was he in hys hart good sowle to geue hym the vtteraunce of thē yf he myght otherwyse haue chosen But he must nedes forth they saye that the deuyll dryueth be he neuer so vnwyllynge My lorde hath rhetorycallye begonne hys proposycy on to wynne hys audytorye and to make them attentyue and dylygēt in callynge them good peple 2 But whatys hys narracyon or processes Ofserten small bokes contayned in a bagge or sachell whych Tolwyn shoke forth at Paules crosse with a feble countenaunce and a more feble stomake And what ment my lorde in thys matter That the peple schuld iudge Tolwyn an horryble heretyque and that they schuld therbye be ware of soche noughtye heresyes ageynst holye churche But what were the heresyes Naye that we can not tell For they were fast shutt vpp in a bagge and myght in no wyse be seane The fathers in the prymatyue churche confoūded alwayes ther heretyques with the open testymonye of the most euydent scripturs and not with the shakynge of bokes in a bagge Yea than was thā and now is now Thā were they called herety ques that spake ageynst God But now ys there non heretyques except they speake ageīst holye churche Than were serten philosophers reasons blasphemouse but now they are good dyuynyte and the verye scripturs are fou●e heresyes Therfor my lorde ys now moche wyser than so For yf the bokes were seane and the artycles throughlye knowne hys selfe myght perchaunce be iudged both an herety que and a traytour and also a cruell persecuter of Christ in hys faythfull mēbers whych were a great blemyshe to hys lordhypp And that causeth hym so secretlye to worke It ys Inough for my lorde to saye there be errours in the bagge though he neuer brynge them forth And yt schall become all the kynges true subiectes to beleue yt vnder the peyne of hangynge or els burnynge For whye my lordes quarell in thys ys the kynges quarell There ys now non heresye but ys also treason as yt was in kynge harrye the fiftes tyme that they maye be both partyners in one plage of the lordes vengeaūce yf innocent blood be shedde So naturallye good and louyn ge ys he to hys prynce 3 But what meaneth my lorde to saye here thys bagge or sachell Me thynketh the tone of thē had bene suffycyēt ●nough in so lyght a matter No ser not so Ye knowe thys worde bagge ys ā equyuocall terme and hath manye dyuerse sygnyfycacyons Sumtyme yt betokeneth a safron bagge sumtyme an alame bagge Sumtyme a moneye bagge and sumtyme an olde nayle bagge Yea sumtyme a wallett and sumtyme the ende of a worne sacke with soche otherlyke My lorde hath therfor declared rhetorycallye by a cyrcūlocucyon what maner of bagge yt ys euen a verye sachel that menne myght throughlye knowe yt ageynst an other tyme. That yf Tolwyn schuld chaunce here after to be burned vpon relapse they myght yet testyfye that hys heresyes were schewed at Paules crosse in soche a bagge as ys called a sachel and that therfor be was wele worthye to dye 4 But what meaneth my lorde to call these bokes erronyouse heretycall and noughtye bokes ▪ That can the bagge tell whych cōtayneth them for we are not so farre taught as yet Thys large circūstaunce of speakynge I suppose cometh of the angrye zele that my lorde hath in holye churches quarell wherin he wolde all her yll wyllers wer clerelye consumed 5 The resydue of thys text ys easye to vnderstande as where these heretyque bokes remayned where they where founde and what tyme they were founde as ys here sett forth for a necessarye doctrine of thys newe Christen faythe They were remaynynge in Tolwyns howse and they were founde in hys custodye soche tyme as he was in my lordes custodye and wolde fayne haue bene farder of 6 And soche tyme also as he was denounced of the popes sworne fryndes for not goynge processyon and detected of hys pr●uye spyes for not werkemālye makynge hys holye water 7 Vnto the reuerende lorde late rysen out of the donge hyll and now consecrate bysshop of London to vpholde rhe regne of antichryst tyll the lorde turne yt ouer with the breathe of hys mouthe No lesse fortunate ys London than ys Rome yt selfe to haue soche a gracyouse gyde and spirituall pastour as mynystreth soche godlye doctryne as here ys to the edyfycacyon of sowle But who yt was that sought out these bokes to the clerer settynge out of thys wortlye pagent that schall remayne styll as a secrete mysterye vndyscussed whether they were hys accusers or my lordes owne seruauntes or els both together because yt ys not here expressed The manne of synne ¶ 1 And the names of the seyd bokes are these 2 A boke of frythes ●3 A boke called Thorpe 4 and olde castell 5 The olde God and the nevve 6 Rydleyes commētaryes vpō saynt Paule to the Ephesyanes Hys dysclosynge 1 SVmwhat we are lyke to haue out of thys sachell to proue Tolwyn an heretyque by Vve schall haue the names of the bokes therin cōtayned though we haue nothīge els And that ys Inough to make foles beleue the mone ys made of a grene chese If my lorde schuld saye that saynt Paules epystles in Englyshe we re heresye as hys predecessours hath done they must geue credence to yt For whye they must nedes beleue as holye churche doth teache them though they schuld go to the deuyll for yt as they are lyke to do yea both that holye churche and her chyldren vnlesse they repent in tyme. For whan the blynde doth leade the blynde they must both fall into the dytche The onlye lyght of saluacyon ys Christ and alone the waye to eternall lyfe He that walketh not in that light schall neuer atteyne vnto that lyfe haue he neuer so manye counterfe●t lyghtes of my lordes holye churche of antichristes foundacyon Names of bokes hath my lorde here promysed vs whych schuld declare Tolwyn an heretyque 2 But he halteth verye sore at the first geuyng vs a boke of frythes without a na me Of a lykelyhode hys lordshypp neuer opened that boke or els he lyked not ther of the tyttle iudgynge frythes name Ynough to cōdempne yt without anye farder syght of yt Yet hath he broken couenaunt no derogacyō be yt to hys honour in that he hath promysed here not the names of the mēne which made the bokes but the names of the
charytable to cleaue to Chrystes gospell and to shurne superfluouse argumentes and not to deceyue the worlde with hypo cresye sufferynge all abhomynacyons vn der the shaddowe of outwarde holynesse to haue ther fre course but my lorde wyll non of that 2 The compendyouse treatyse of Gods prouydēce whych that most notable clar ke Huldricus Zuinglius wrote at the instan̄t request of the ryght worshypfull lor de Phylypp the Lādgraue of Hesse onlye comprehendeth the matters here folowyn ge That God necessarylye dysposeth all creaturs accordynge to hys inscrutable wysdome That the prouydence of God ys hys perpetuall and vnchangeable admynystracyō of all thiges That the ryght consyder acyon of the creaturs byneth yt a playne waye to deduce vs into knowle●ge therof That manne ys not onlye a terrestryall but a celestyall creatur also Vvhat the lawe of God ys and vnto what ende yt was geuen vnto manne That the eternall wysdome of God knowynge mannys dyuerse fall afore hande coude in no case erre ouershote her compasse nor yet be deceyued neyther in creatynge nor yet in geuynge the lawe That Gods eleccyon or predestynacyon as the doctours doth call yt taketh grounde of hys goodnesse and wysdome and ys immutable And that hys eternall decrees or sett purposes are alwayes as he ys vnchangeable stronge and sure with soche other lyke And all these hath my lorde of hys pontyfycall dyscressyon cōdempned here for heresye with all that was spoken of afore Vvherin I stāde i moche doubt whether he hath condempned hys prynce for an heretyque or no. I wyll not saye that my lorde ys an assehead without true knowlege nor yet a beast without godlye iudgement yet here I dyuerse lerned menne so daylye report hym for condempnynge thys boke and soche other One thynge I wolde desyre the dylygent reader to marke here whych I haue oft rehersed a fore In the fyrst of my lordes declaracyon was neyther God nor Christ ones named neyther yet in thys latter fytt tyll we come to the rehersall of heretyques bokes ād that doth ●he all of spyght But blessed be that lorde that he wyll be foūde there yet I thought so moche all thys tyme that came we ones amonge them we coude not be lōge with out hym In the verye tyttles of ther bokes doth he apere moch more in the processe within Vvhere as in the whole matter of an holye spirituall gloryouse glytterynge prelate he can not ones be seane True ys that lorde of hys worde and iust of hys promyse that he wyll be with the pore contemned dyscyples to the ende of the worlde 3 Next foloweth 4. dyuerse bokes of one tyttle called all catechysmes or instytucyons of the true Christen relygyon Vvhom my lordes holye fatherhode in the zele of a contrarye or popyshe relygy on condēpneth here for heresye The fyrst ys the catechysme of Phylypp Melanchtō whose manyfolde erudycyon the best lerned of chrystendome greatlye cōmendeth Thys treatyse of hys ys an onlye chrysten instytucyō for the bryngynge vp of yow the teachynge thē the cōmaūdementes of God the artycles of the Chrysten faythe the lordes prayer and the ryght vse of the sacramentes I wonder what my lorde me aneth to condempne these for heresyes 4 The seconde ys the catechysme of Vrbanus Regius a manne also Chrystenlye lerned and of a syncere lyuynge Thys worke contayneth the necessarye pryncyples of the chrysten relygyon afore rehersed whose knowlege ys lyfe and whose ignoraunce ys dampnacyon Thys coude not my lorde reprehēde had he not an eye geuen to wyckednesse 5 Of Balthasar Hiebmeir Pacimontanus ys the thyrde catechysme whom in dede I knowe not but by name as I haue redde yt in other mennys writynges But I cōceyue here the better o pynyon of hym for that my lorde hath condempned hym amōge these menne whose doctryne I knowe to be pure and perfyght 6 Erasmus Sarcerius Anemontanus whose name ys also notable and hys lernynge famouse made the fort catechysme whom he elegantlye dyffyneth to be an in stytncyon or teachynge by mouthe comprehendynge the necessarye poyntes of the Christen faythe and relygyon Nothynge ys more bewtyfull in a Christen manne than purelye to worshypp God ād ryght lye to exercyse the wurkes of faythe whych these bokes throughlye teacheth Rather were soch menne worthye thākes than rebukes for so regardynge the Christen common welthe yf bysshoppes not doynge soche thynges were as they schuld be regardynge the peples helthe But soche are euermore the vnworthye wayes of thys worlde malygnelye to blame men ne for ther wele doynge ād flatterynglye to holde the other sort vp in all kyndes of wyckydnesse As my lorde doth here full fatherlye whych wyll neyther enter into the kyngedome of God hys selfe nor yet suffre anye other that wolde gladlye do yt The manne of synne 1 D vestmore vpon the concylyacyon of fathers 2 The boke of the counterfayt bysshopp 3 The confessyon in Englyshe vvith the Apologye Postylles vpon the epystles ād gospels Hys dysclosynge STyll ys my lorde busye with thys bagge or sachell declarynge the contentes therof to the great confusyon of Tolwyn I had almost sayd of hymselfe but that I stopped yt in tyme. For bysshoppes can ta 〈…〉 no scathe here bnt what ys towardes thē in the next worlde that ys in the ryghtfull iudges handes More of these erronyouse bokes must be condēpned yet no remedye Specyallye one westmore vpon the concylyacyon of fathers My lorde by all lykelyhode was here i some great agonye or whote passyon of prelacye forgettynge the ryght tyttle of thys boke In dede he that made yt ys called Bartholomeus Vvesthemerus whych ys yet a māne of great lytterature and iudgement The tyttle of hys boke ys The cōcylyacyon of the holye scrypturs and most aūcyent fathers And not westmore vpon the concylyacyon of fathers He compyled the selfe treaty se and not wrote vpon yt as mēne do that glose a text My lorde therfor beynge Ignoraunt of the true tyttle schuld seme to be ignoraunt also in the contentes of that boke and so to condempne he woteth not what But by hys absolute power he maye do soche actes and condempne Chryst to yf he come in hys waye in so hastye an ouer syght In thys boke as in a clere myrrour maye mēne beholde wherī the holye doctours coūsels canōs Rome bysshops constytucyons customes and cronycles dyffereth as concernynge Christen relygyon from the sacred scripturs of both testamentes And thys ys a matter necessarye to be knowne of all menne that coueteth to walke ryghtlye rather than to be condēpned without lokynge on yf we haue eyther conscyence wytt or grace But all my lordes labour ys to make hys ghostlye chyldren to grope styll in the darke tyll they droppe into the dytche for all 2 I moche blame not my lorde for beynge offended with the boke of the counterfett bysshopp partlye for that
yt was made by Martyn Luther the capytall enemye of antichristes bysshoppes and partlye for that my lorde ys therin so lyuelye sett out in hys pontyfycall colours Yet wondre I ageyne that he schuld condempne that pycture whych he beareth out so lyuelye in the syght of the worlde Parauenture he ys well contented to playe the proude pagent but he wolde not haue the scripturs to busye to tell hym therof Nothynge taketh thys treatyse from a ryght christen bysshopp though yt toucheth the tyrauntes of Sodome and the gloryouse glottons of Babylon Therfor lett thē wexe furyouse frātyk and madde at ther spirytuall pleasure full lyttle careth Martyn for that thonderynge or earthquake of thers 3 The godlye confessyon of faythe whych the noble princes of germanye mekelye offred to the emproure for the churches reformacyon whom my lorde calleth here the confessyon in Englyshe full wyselye with the lerned Apologye of Phylypp Melāchton hath he also blotted with the blacke tyttle of heresye Ryghtlye compareth Christ soche shamelesle hypocrytes to rauenynge dogges and swyne cruellye tearynge hys truthe and treadynge vnder ther fylthye fete the precyouse pearle therof Full lyttle knoweth thys blynde bysye busharde what he doth condempne in these godlye bokes here rehersed He dāpneth dyuerse verytees of God as our iustyfycacyō i Christ the puttynge downe of the pope the confutynge of the anabaptystes the true obedyence to princes the abolyshynge of superstycyōs with manye godlye thynges that our kynge hath done ageynst the false kyngedome of antychrist Vvhat godlye wyse manne cā iudge otherwyse of hym whan he condēpneth all that ys in them contayned with out respect Certayne I ā that these are the pryncypall poyntes therin decysed 4 Vvhat the postylles are vpō the epysteles and gospels whych foloweth cōsequentlye vnder the same condempnacyō I can not tell vnlesse they be Rychard tauerners Vvhom he compyled together of a good godlye mynde that yowr asseheaded prestes whych can do no soche thynges schuld not be all Idell but shewe some godlye instruccyons to the peple By thys furyouse acte therfor maye all mēne se that ye mynde no maner of godlynesse to the dere flocke of Christ but all destruccyon and myschefe In the chamber of thys poore manne whom ye thus proclame for an heretyque founde ye dyuerse bokes of papystrye and treason to your price were they so narrowlye loked vpō as these are But them left ye there behynde vntouched as matters necessarye to the vpholdynge of your holye churche Lett Tol wyn haue so manye of them as he wyll and he schall neuer be blamed but be your owne whyght sōne Ye passe not a whytt how moche treasō be a brode for by that alwayes hath your ruffelynge relygyon had mayntenaunce Onlye ys yt heresye as ye call yt that moueth your spretes For by that ys decayed yowr vayne glorye Ye force not though a hondred thousande of those bokes were abrode that myght teache menne to be dysobedyent to God in the matters of faythe and vnto your prynce in the causes of ther true allegeaunce The enchyridion of Eckius that impudent proctour of antichrist offendeth yow nothynge at all Yet cōtayneth yt all doctryne of deuylyshnesse as the popes auctoryte power and prymacye hys coūsels cōstytucyons and customes hys confirmacyons orders and vnccyons hys worshyppynge of Images rodes and rellyques hys excommunycacyons interdyccyons and cursynges hys purgatorye pardons and pylgrimages hys immunytees pluralitees and tot quo●●es with the deuyll ād all of soche fylthynesse Euerye where ys thys boke sought and enquyred for ī cyte markett and feyer Euerye ser Iohan must haue yt that can rede to make hym therwith a Christen curate a good ghostlye father and a catholyck member of holye churche Verye fewe popyshe prestes with in my lordes dyocese are at thyssame houre with out yt eyther in ther chambers sleues or bosoms For yt ys a most precyouse treasure to hym that wyll heare confessyons and kepe a cure well to antychristes behoue That embrase the gentyll menne of the popes lyuerye and marke that culle they that kysse they that drawe they to them as a worke of most holye wholsom catholyck doctryne No lesse myght harrye pep well in Paules churche yearde haue out of Michael Hillenius howse in Anwerpe at one tyme than ā whole complete prynte at the holye request of stokyslaye In a short space were they dyspached and a newe prynte in hāde soche tyme as he also commaunded Barlowes dyaloges to be preached of the curates through out all hys dyocese I knowe yt the better for that he at the same tyme suspended me from preachynge in estsexe bycause I wold not leaue the gospell and be sworne to the obseruacyon of hys iniunccyons I haue knowne in my tyme more than vi dyuerse pryntes of thys erronyouse and deuylyshe boke whych ys a manyfest token that the vtteraunce therof hath not bene small Dyuerse of them hath besydes thys hys dronken dysputacyons ageynst heretyques hys apostolyck crede hys crysopassus of dyuyne predestynacyon hys aurycular confessyō hys boke offre wyll hys primacye of Peter to pope Leo the tent and hys postylles of papystrye Manye other dyrtye dyuynes haue they els of the same pharyseycall leuen to maynteyne the same selfe doctrine As Thomas of Aquyne Bonauenture Vvalden Prierias Catharinns Clychtoueus Radinus Empser Cocleus Lathomus Scatzger Herbron Hochstrate Natalis Beda Tregarius Pelargus Hofmester Alphonsus de Castro Iohan Fysher and Thomas More with canonystes and Romystes the deuyll and all But at these can my lorde wynke in hope of I saye no more Vvhether these wayes be ryght or naye lete menne of godlye and rype dyscressyon iudge The manne of synne ¶ 1 A boke of prayer made by Luther 2 The dore of holye scripture 3 The postylles of Coruinus 4 Tvvo olde vvritten bokes the one for scolers 5 and the other taken out of frythes bokes Hys dysclosynge NOt yet haue we done with these bokes but styll are they a foule blott in my lordes eyes Now cometh a boke of prayer made by Martyn Luther yet nothynge ys seane but the bagge Anon my lorde wyll saye that heretyques despyse good workes and write ageynst fastynge ād prayer But lete hym be ware least thys boke ꝓue hym a lowde lyar in the face of all the worlde In that small treatyse yf yt be hys ys nothynge els contayned but the lordes prayer the commaundementes and crede It ys moche maruele to me yf they are now become heresye and legenda aurea with sancta Maria ora pro nobis out of your ordynarye pye and portas becometh ageyne so wholsom lernynge But parauenture yt ys for Luthers names sake If the whole doctrine of the trynyte came in that name yt schuld sure into the sachell without lokynge on and be condempned for heresye Ye yf God came hymfelfe vnder hys tyttle he
deathe Truthe yt ys that before the fall of Adam mannys wyll was fre Sens hath yt not bene fre but in bodylye thynges as to eate drynke and slepe or to do all maner of wyckednesse Now are we not able of that wyll ones to thynke a good thought All ys now synne in vs that ys not of faythe Neyther of the wyll of the fleshe nor yet of mannys wyll become we now Gods chyldren but of an onlye beleue in hys name and that ys hys gyft also Stoyckes and epycures maye that fre wyll make vs but no true chyldren of God It fareth by the braggers of thys fre wyll as by hym which boasteth that sumtyme he had a fayre howse where as now ys neyther rose nor wall A tyttle yt hath that soche a thynge ther was but yt ys nothynge lesse in effect Fayne wolde yowr scole doctours with ther vnsauerye sophystrye make sum what of yt yf they coudebrynge yt so to passe Somtyme with the pelagyanes ye garnyshe yt with the excellent gyftes of nature And whan that wyll not serue with the subtyle manychees ye preuent yt with a grace least the first entraunce of synne schuld be imputed vnto yt besydes that ye borowe of the Iouynyanystes Iacobytanes priscyllyanystes predestynates and other heretyques more Fynallye with the anabaptystes ye graūt it in owr powr to fulfyll the cōmaundementes of god Thus are ye all one in opinion with heretyques olde and newe and yet ye pretende to be cōdempners of thē If God be the worker of all good thinges as he reporteth himselfe in Esaye If he worketh all in all accordynge to hys owne pleasure If all goodnesse cometh frō the father of lyght If we can not speake a ryght but in hys sprete If non can come to the father but by christ If we be saued onlye by the eleccyon of hys grace what can owr fre wyll do Canne we meryte grace with synne or deserue to be ryghtoused by folye O blynde beastes block heades ād hypocrites lerne ones to be wyse and godlye and to referre more vnto god and lesse to your selues 6 Ye saye yf we allowe not thys fredome in mannys wyll we make god the auctour of synne Yowr argument is as yow are vnlerned fantastycall and doltyshe Thys wyse reason of yowrs came first frō Pelagius the first fynder out and mayntener of your fre wyll as wytnesseth saynt Austin i hypognostico Loo sayth he to the pelagyanes bycause your best be loue or fre wyll whō ye haue so moche commended hath conceyued lewdenesse engendred synne ād brought forth deathe ye constytute god the author of synne Ye call both hym and hys apostle a tēpter of yll menne bycause after your opynion he hath created the thinges that prouoketh them to euyll and so causeth them to peryshe But saynt Iames cleareth thys saynge That manne is tempted drawne and allured of hys owne concupiscence which is now hādefast to your fre will The gentyles sayth chrisostome vndyscretelye noteth christ a destroyer of the peple for that he called them with so moche gentylnesse and not brought them in by compulsyon Vvhat are these els but the frutes of mennys wysdome and blasphemouse fantasyes The scriptur sayth that God commaunded Semei to curse Dauid He reserueth the wycked vnto an euyll daye He maketh the waster to destroye He promiseth to be a lyenge sprete in the mouthe of all false prophetes He hath geuen menne vp to ther hartes desyre to worke vncomlye thynges Good and yll lyfe and deathe cōmeth all of the lorde Is there anye plage sayth Amos or my shappe in a cyte that is not of the lordesdoynge with soche other more And schall we saye for these that he is the author of synne No God is not in case as is manne that he can lye or do anye other wyckednesse That is sin ne in manne is eternall ryghtousnesse in hym as wytnesseth all the sentencyoners in amaner I maruele therfor what my lorde wyll stande to whā neyther the scripturs nor yet hys owne doctours can serue hym Lete neuer the pott earthe in the handes of the potter reasō what vessel he will make hym least he be brokē in hys anger for serchynge so hygh thinges He that mekeneth hymselfe schall fynde grace Sure we are that non can peryshe which fayth fullye obeyeth hys callynge For he is of infinite mercye If any be lost for not obey enge it the faute is thers and not hys The manne of synne ¶ 1 And more ouer ageynst good vvorkes 2 specyallye 3 fastīge prayer almes dede 4 ageynst auriculer cōfessyon 5 ageynst the vovve of chastyte 6 ād for the mariage ofprestes Hys dysclosynge DEd not I tel ye afore we schuld not nede to seke farre to proue yow a lyar for your owne confessyō wolde do it ye saye these bokes are ageynst good workes and ye declare here what good workes ye meane Specyally fastynge ye saye prayer and almes dede I maruelé ye are not ashamed to be so double of your wordes A fore ye sayd there was in the sachell a boke of prayer made by Luther and here now ye saye they are ageynst prayer Of prayer ād ageinst prayer is not all one by anye godlye mannys iudgement But fyrst lete vs go to good workes If it be a good worke to abhorre vnfaythfulnesse to detest Idols to shurne hypocresye to repent wyckednesse to resort to christ to seke hys glorye alone to obeye christen rewlers of lone to lyue after Gods cōmaundemētes to praye without supersticion to brynge vp yow the in vertu with soche other like thā are yow a most wycked blasphemer For all they are in these bokes most ernestlye desyred Marrye in dede the good workes that myght make to the fyllynge of your spirituall purses are not there greatlye cared for and that is the cause of yowr great anger 2 As moche care yow for true fastynge whych is to cease from synne and to do the workes of mercye as doth the deuyll of hell Vvhan delyuer yow the oppressed Vvhan dysolue yow vngolye promises whan hūger yow for the ryght ousnesse of God Abstynēce from meates maketh vs not Gods seruauntes For than were the deuyll most holye which neuer eateth nor drynketh The fastynge that ye call vpon doth Christ name hypocresye and saint paule the doctrine of deuyls Mōtanus a peruerse heretyque was the fyrst that made the lawes of compulsyon in fastynge whom yow styll occupye to thys present daye Ageynst whom at the same tyme wrote Melciades Appolonius and Serapion with other notable fathers and therfor ye had nede to condēpne ther bokes also The cause now whye ye take soche peynes in thys matter ys to holde vp yf it may be your lēt made by pope The olespherꝰ your ēbrynge dayes ordayned of pope Calixtusthe first your fryday fast cōfermed by pope leo the fort as wytnesseth master Eckius
ther canon lawe was a prestes sonne so was Franciscus phylelphus that famouse oratour and poete so was my lorde Boner of london by report of hys next neybers wyth dyuerse other more I reade of more than 13. popes that had prestes to ther fathers I moche maruele where ther vowe of chastyte dwelte in those dayes Soche tyme as contencyon was betwyn Lanfrancus and Thomas norman the arche bysshopp of yorke for the prehemynence of Caunterburye he proued hym a prestes sonne before pope Alexandre the seconde Eckius wolde fayne haue sum what to proue a thynge of nought but yt cōmeth scant wyselye to passe Than worketh wynchester on the other syde wyth hys one and twentye years to holde vpp thys broken byldynge of vnadduysed vowes and as vnaduysedlye made If these 2. stoles holde not we are lyke to fall to the grounde wyth owr vnchast vowe for these are the last stayes in that matter Therfor stande fast now or els neuer Vvhan Dauid made a solem pne vowe to destroye Nabal and all that Belonged vnto hym Peter to stande by hys master to the deathe Herode to graunte what so euer Herodias dowter axed And the xl menne at Hierusalem neyther to eate nor drynke tyll they had slayne Paule were aboue .xxi. years of age Yet was there non of them that perfourmed hys vowe but Herode whan yt had bene better for hym to haue brokē yt for all the standynge of a kynges worde wynchester also was beyonde that age whan he made hys solēpne vowe in Cābryge to be the popes true seruaunte yet hath he sens made a vowe to the contrarye and broken that also in maynteynynge a freshe the same dyrtye doctrine of his If ye wyll nedes haue soche vowes obserued sett vp your monasteryes and cloysters ageyne Lete them haue ageyne the howses ye toke from them yf ye wyll haue the same relygyon kept Geue them not abrode more occasyons to fall and than ponnyshe them worse than afore Oh tyrannye tyrannye God gaue ye to knowe the abhomynable frutes of that stynkynge vowe in the generall vysytacyon of abbeyes and pryoryes yet wyll ye styll yoke the poore wretches wyth yt So vnmercyfull are ye to that peple whom ye ought to gyde and not to deuoure to norryshe and not thus shamefullye to destroye Vvolde ye consydre yowr owne lyues in that behalfe ye schuld fynde them bad ynough Ye snare ther conscyences wyth that ye ought to take from them whych ys synne were ye as ye schuld be All that ys besydes the wyll of the sprete and the sacred scripturs as ys that popyshe vowynge ys playne Idolarrie and wyckednesse Parauēture ye wyll now lashe at me wyth Eckiꝰ first argumēt vpō Vouete et reddite saynge wyth dauid Vowe ād perfourme promyse and paye But than ye must take with yow the clause that foloweth whych is Onnes qui in circuitu eius affertis munera All you rounde about that brynge offerynges with yow Here are no monkyshe vowes mencyoned for there were no soch shorne sodomytes in those dayes Here is no chastyte called vpon for yt was spoken to them that had wyues Not withstandynge marryage is a chastyte or a gyft of God to auoyde fornycacyon But herin was than requyred a faythfull obedyence vnto god in the fulfyllynge of hys commaundementes ād no so domytycall sacrifice to Belphegor as ye wolde haue yt yet styll In folyshe vowes sayth the wyse manne hath the lorde no pleasure I coude tell ye wonders of chyldren that hath bene buryed in the lakes for sauynge the honour of that vowe wyth other maruels els but I lete yt alone for thys tyme. The vtteraunce of yowr vertuouse examples in that holye obseruacyō myght teach more myschefe thā goodnesse To confute thys obieccyon of yours Saynt Paul sayd he had no commaundement for vyrgynyte Moche lesse than for a popyshe promes or a snare of the deuyl If we schuld sayth he obserue the vowes thā vsed we schuld haue no maner of porcyon with Christ Soche vyllenouse contempt of matrimonye spryngynge now of late out of Eckius olde dyuynyte and wynchesters newe canon lawe hath brought vpon Dauid for all hys wonderfull vyctorye ouer the lyon beare and phylystyne the plage promysed of the lorde for soche vngodlynesse the sunne lokynge brode vpō yt in the myd daye to no small dyshonour I canne not iustlye tell whether yow perseyue yt or no but wele I wote all the whole worlde els beholdeth yt And that maye chaunce herafter to apere whan mēne schall be occasyoned to seke examples in soche purpose I wryte thys with heuyneste as a premonyshment afore lamentynge the thynge and fearynge worse to folowe yf repentaunce come not in tyme. Vvhere as other mēne maye chaunce after thys with Moyses and Samuel to describe yt at large to the warnynge of other in that behalfe and to owr perpetuall reproche Vvyth soche holye prophetes and coūsellers as yow are now a dayes were Ioram Achab Ochosias Ioachim Sedechias and other kynges more of Israel and Iuda deceyued and brought into the great indygnacyon of God Thys tyrannouse coaccyon to fylthynesse came in first of all by pope Hyldebrāde a superstycyouse monke a nycromanser a murtherer and a cruell suppresser of Christen princes in the yeare from Christes in carnacyon M .lxxiiij. as all the cronycles mencyoneth Vvhych Hyldebrande neuer the lesse that pharaonycall constytucyon kept Mawde the duchesse of lotharye both by the lyfe dayes of her husbande Gozilon and also after hys deathe leadynge her abought with hym and she maynteynynge hym ageyne in myschefe wyth the great possessyons that she had there ād in Italye He toke like wyse Agnes the emprours mother clerelye from hym not without a blacke report also vpon her syde At the same selfe tyme begāne the bysshoppes and great benefised prestes to buylde nonncryes for remedye of that sore dyssease He that schall reade the hystorye of V do the archebysshop of magdeburgh and prymate of almayne how he ordred hys nōnes in hys holye vysytacyōs schall fynde yt no badde matter Vvhat cōmocyons scysmes lyghtenynges tēpestes earth quakes ād other terryble mouīges apered at that tyme yt were a wondre to reherce Amonge all other a Comete was seane at that season of whom Elmerus a monke of malmesburye in Englande gaue thyssentēce Art thu come sayth he art thu come Vnto manye mothers hast thu brought wo ād sorowe I sawe the longe afore but now in dede I beholde the more terryble Euen the verye destruccyon of thyslande Soche an other warnynge brought the lawe master of Turnay in massage vnto Coleyne to the emprour at the same verye tyme of a woman prophecyenge that antichrist was thā in hys full course Vvhych woman so vanyshed awaye and was neuer more seane Yet coude not thys cruell enforcemēt be receyued in Englande tyll Anselmus a frenche monke also
and arche bysshopp of Canturburye brought yt in by a synode holden at london in the yeare after christes natyuyte M. C .ix. whych Anselme bad longe contended afore with kynge wyllyā rufus and kynge Henrye the first for the commodytees of antichrystes gloryouse kyngedome and had than gote the vyctorye of them in dede Yet washe at that tyme so accombred with so domytes that he was euerye sondaye compelled openlye to excommunycate them After thys kept the prestes concubynes otherwyse called whores for that was more holye than marryage the space of more than .xv. years tyll loannes de Cremona an holye legate frō the popes ryght syde came in a great heate from Rome and toke that from them also hy an other coūsell holden at Paules hys selfe taken wyth an whore the nyght folowynge to begynne the relygyon wyth Se how busye thei are yet with al deuylyshe deuyses possyble to holde vp thys wyckednesse styll whych was begonne with soche myschefes and hath contynued with fylthynesse vnspekeable The multytude of prestes sayth Oseas the prophete is lyke an heape of theues murtherers bloudthurstye rauenours for they haue wrought ab homynacyon In the desyre of vnclenlye lustes sayth Heremye they are become altogyther lyke ranke stoned horse neyenge euerye where after ther neybers wyfe They go about sayth the lorde with ther owne inu●̄●yōs but I se thē well ynough They make the kynge and princes to haue delyght in ther wyckednesse and lyes All these burne in aduouterye as yt were an ouen that the baker heateth whan he hath left knedynge I wyll vysyte all those sayth the lorde also by Sophonias the prophete whych weareth straunge clothynge and treadeth ouer the thresholde so proudelye whych fyllther lordes house with roborye and falshede But now they haue plowed wyckednesse they schall surelye reape synne and eate the frute of lyes wherin the mother schall peryshe wyth her chyldren and the braunches with ther stocke bycause they are not the lordes ¶ The manne of synne ¶ 1 Ageynst the rytes and ceremonyes of the churche 2 comparinge the maner of vveddynge 3 and maryenge of vyrgyns vnto the beastlye fashyon of a savvte bytche 4 Ageynst mennys lavves 5 and tradycyons ¶ Hys dysclosynge STyll is my lorde reparynge hys broken pyttes to holde in the fylthye waters yf it maye be In no wyse can he awaye with the wholsom watter that refresheth to lyfe euerlastynge All hys neybers wolde he haue of the same dyet that he ys of so charytable ys he makynge thys good prouysyon for thē He thynketh god to lacke wytte and hys sonne dyscressyon and therfor he wyll non of ther rewles There ys an other waye whiche pleaseth hym moche better and that he wyll haue obserued in hys dyocese so longe as he ys lorde ordynarye of londō The law dable rytes and ceremonyes of hys mother the holye churche of Rome whych brought hym vp of a whelpe ād gaue hym the swete sucke frō her pappes schall not droppe awaye so longe as he maye vpholde them A sort of noughtye heretyques hath writtē ageynst thē now of late but yt maketh no matter sayth owr ser Iohā for my lorde hath condēpned all ther bokes in a sachell I maruele what my lorde meaneth by all thys ruffelynge abought matters of no wayght nor yet godlynesse In all the newe testament ys no mencyon made of these .ij. wordes Ceremonyes and Rytes in the latyne neyther i the Gospels nor yet in the Epystles neyther in the Actes nor yet i the Apocalyps I wolde fayne knowe thā what we haue to do wyth them lyke wyse in the Psalmes ād Prophetes we rede not of thē by those .ij. termes sauynge ones in Ezechiel ād that ys but a rehersall of thynges done in fygure In Moyses .v. bokes and in other hystoryall treatyses are they oft spoken of in dede and there are they to vs but shaddowes of good thynges to come whych we are at a poynt with hauynge Christ p̄sēt yet rytes are there more reprehended than praysed as the verye superstycyouse customes of the paganes But what doth my lorde meane yf he schuld go to the best of them wyll he make vs Iewes ageyne wyll he make vs bonde seruauntes and christ hath made vs fre chyldren Saynt paule sayth If we clogge owr selues ageyne with that yoke we fall from grace we go quyte from christ and hys deathe schall profyght vs nothynge Therfor there ye offre vs wronge Your owne lawes and doctrynes besydes the scpiture graūteth abrogacyon of the lawes ceremonyall If ye brynge vs in anye rytes therfor taken of the heythen customes as are your sayntes holydayes your processyons your letanyes your dyryges your sensynge of aulters your knelynge to Images your callynge vpon dead menne your kyssynge of reliques your coniurynge of spretes your consecracyons vowes and sacrifyces for synne with soche other ye do vs great iniurye also Non that setteth hande to the plough sayth christ and loketh ageyn backe ysfytt for the kingedome of god ye knowe lothes wyfe for doynge soche a feate was turned into a salt stone Christ hath sayd also in Iohā that the true worshyppers schuld worshypp god onlye in sprete and in veryte Than are they the false woshyppers whych worshypp in outwarde thynges specyallye the outwarde thynge selfe As for baptym and the supper of the lorde are christes holye instytucyons and non of your popyshe ceremonyes Happye yt ys that ye cā not accuse these beretyque bokes for speakynge ageynst the ryght vse of them Bycause of the trust that the Iewes had in the cōmaūded ceremonyes god detested them Here. 7. Esa 1. psal 50. Amos. 5. zach 7. ād Mychee 6. moch more the wātō rytes of your p̄scripcyon The Ceremonyes of cristē mē yf ye wyl haue thē so called are now spūall offerynges of the hart 1. cor 10. Eph. 5. Col. 3. for the true christē churche ys all frō within ps 44. The outwarde are all for the benyuolence ayde confort and other nedes cōcernynge owr neyber Tobi. 4. Malach. 2. Rom. 13. Eph. 4. Eccle ▪ ● Esa 28. Math. 7. 1. Ioā 3. And though we graunt vnto those that be honest and semelye for an outwarde comelynesse in thynges necessarye yet ought they nat to bynde owr conscyence or be anye part of owr iustyfycacyō Neyther maye they be superstycyouse or in anye poynt ageynst christes doctryne But so ys owr christen relygyon as you call yt and as I wolde yt were clogged with your heythnysh rytes that neyther Iewe nor Saracene Arabyane nor Turke wylcome vnto owr faythe thynkynge ther owne rytes moch better as they maye wele ynough To whom'ye wyl hame vs referre the clause that here foloweth that ys to saye Comparynge the maner of weddynge to the beastlye fashyon of a sawte bytche we cā not wele tell ye haue putt yt here so dyffuselye As wele maye yt extende to
Be that farre from vs. Though Christ sent ye forth at the first to preache hys gospell whom ye now persecute he bad ye make no newe lawes for he had made lawes suffycyent Saynt Iames sayth there ys but one lawe geuer that cā saue and destroye But yow put hys lawes a part to haue yowr owne obserued for auauntage And nothynge do ye els after Sophonias but fyll the lordes howse with roborye and falshede Euermore are ye increasynge lyes to destruccyon All hypocrites yokes brynge ye vpon the peple to clogge them downe to hell for nothynge make they towardes heauen Paule the first pope of that name made your lēt seruyce Vitellianus yowr syngynge with organes Gregorye the first yowr ceremonyes Theodorus yowr paschall Honorius yowr letanye Fabianus yowr oyle and creme Felix yowr dedycacyons and aulters Agapitus yowr processyons Caius your holye orders Calixtus yowr embrynge dayes Bonifacius .iiij. all hallowne daye Felix .iiij. yowr extreme vnccyons Euticianus the blessynge of benes vpon the aulter Alexander yowr holye water Paschalis yowr relly ques Gregorius .iij. yowr worshyppynge of Images Stephanus .iij. yowr sensynge of them Virgilius candelmasse daye Anicetus yowr shauynge Sergius yowr shrynes Zepherinus yowr chalyces Le● ij yowr paxe at masse Vrbanus .ij. yowr ladye mattens loānes .xix. all sowle daye Syluester yowr confirmacyons of chyldren Sauinianus yowr bell ryngynge Hyldebrandus yowr vowe of chastyte Bonifacius .v. yowr saynt waryes for theues Mamertus the bysshopp of vyenne whych was no pope yowr rogacyon daves and the deuyll and all els Vvith all these and with manye more besydes ouer charge ye the peple In all these kyndes of Idelnesse do ye brynge thē vpp ther christen dewtye commaunded clerelye layed a part That wyll the iudge onlye demaūde at the latter daye whan all these schall go with yow to the deuyll If I schuld cōferre them with the syncere scripturs of the prophetes and apostles they wolde apere the verye frutes of hell Consydre what the lorde sayth by hys prophete Esaye Vvhye offre yow sayth he so manye sacrifyces vnto me I haue no pleasure in them Vvho hath requyred soche thynges at yowr hādes Offre me nomore oblacyons for yt ys but lost labour I abhorre yowr incense I maye not awaye wyth yowr solempne feastes Yowr assemblyes are all in vayne I hate yowr fastynges ād newe holye dayes euen at my verye hart They make me werye I can not abyde th● Though ye holde out yowr handes yet turne I myne eyes from yow And though ye make many prayers yet heare I nothynge at all For yowr hādes are full of blood Full are all the ꝓphecyes of soche terryble chrettenynges ageynst soche wretched beg gerye and beastlynesse Yet thys do yow make the peples God To thys holde they vpp ther handes To thys ronne they by heapes And vpon thys wondre they as though there were non other heauē Thus yow blynde asses leade thē blynde with yow into the dytche of dampnacyon The manne of synne ¶ 1 Ageynst communyon 2 and hovvselynge at easter 3 and vnder one kynde 4 ageynst inuocacyon of sayntes 5 ageynst masse 6 mattens and euensonge ¶ Hys dysclosynge Thys folower of Balaam seketh yet more colours of deceyt to optayne the rewarde of inyquyte The drye foūtayne ys he without water and the cloude carryed forth of a tempest to whom ys reserued the myst of darkenesse for euer He vttereth proude wordes to entyce vnto wantonnesse ageynst god Hys labour ys to brynge mēne into bondage of synne ād to make the last errour worse than the first He enforceth the dogge to turne ageyne to hys vomete and the sowe that was washed to wallowe her a geyne in the myre Se what a cūpasse thys subtyle charmer fatcheth to call the peple backe least they schuld clerely fall frō ther olde errours But sett yowr hart at rest ye crastye Sathā for non wyll folowe yow but dogges and swyne soch as neuer regardeth the graces of the lorde The lambes knoweth ther shepeherd Hys voyce wyll they heare as ther heauenly father hath cōmaūded They wyll nomore be acquaynted with the voyces of straungers Esaye hath sent ye worde they wyll geue nomore moneye for the thinge that fedeth not They wyll spende nomore laboure about that satysfyeth not Ye laye yokes verye fast vpon mēne sayth oseas but ye ease thē not of ther burthen These bokes sayth my lorde are ageynst the communyon and howselynge at easter and specyallye vnder one kynde Vvhat the cōmunyō ys we are throughlye assertayned by the scripturs ● But of your easter howsell we can not skyll And therfor ye haue done wele here to make them dyuerse Surelye yt ys the most lerned poynt we se in yow yet for they are dyuerse in dede So dyuerse that the one ys with Christ the other ys ageynst hym The one allureth vnto hym the other scattereth frō hym And no maruele seynge the one ys of Christ the other of Anticrist Christ sayd vnto hys dyscyples Take yt and deuyde yt amonge yowr selues And so cōstytuted therin a mutuall perticipacyō of hys bodye ād blood Yow wyll suffre nō to touche yt be they neuer so cleane that daye bycause they haue not yowr oyles But ye geue euerye manne hys brekefast alone bycause yt schuld be no communyon After thys sort receyued Iudas a soppe alone as non of that communyon Ye thynke ye haue done wele in changynge Christes ordynaūce Alas wretched creaturs ye haue done most wyckedly No saracene nor Turke dare change one Iote of Mahometes lawe whych ys but a wretched thynge ād yow spare not to alter the sett purpose of the eternall god And where as yewyll suffre no laye mēne to takeyt in ther hādes yt ys but a superstycyose nycenesse of ye For christes dyscyples were neuer smered with yowr popyshe grease and yet they layd handes vpon yt Yea Eusebius cesariensis and Dyonisius Alexandrinus also writeth that a yonge ladde ded mynystre yt vnto one Serapion at Alexādria as he laye a dyenge and yt was than wele allowed Theodosius the emprour had yt geuen hym into hys owne handes by the assygnaciō of saynt Ambrose the bysshopp of millayne Hypolitus a laye manne ded mynystre yt vnto hys how sholde seruaūtes and is yet to thys daye commended of manye auncyent wryters for so doynge The communyon ys a mutuall socyete of menne in one Christen faythe knytt together in one brotherlye loue as members in one bodye to ther head in the true partycypacyon of that heauēlye mysterye Vnto thys communyon was Paulus and Barnabas receyued whan Peter Iohanand Iames gaue them ther ryght handes of felyshypp 2 Vvherof your how sell ryseth or wher vpon yt hath cawte that name we cā not wele tell Vnlesse yt be vpon thys How sell ye that ys to saye those wares for there ys nothynge els but merchandyce in yt The one selleth
by Iohā harrysō in the yeare frō Christes incarnacyō M. D .xlij. ād imprented at Zurik by Olyuer Iacobson Anno Domini 1543. the .x. daye of Decēbre ¶ Fawtes through neglygence of the Prynter REade fo 3. pag. 2. lin 21. of thers fo 4. in marg conueyaunce fo 5. pag. 2. lin 2. hart fo 6. pag. 1. Ioyne Credidi propter to the. 29. lin fo 7. pag. 1. lin ●2 enterpryses pag. 2. in marg 1. Ioā 5. fo 10. pag. 1. lin 27. consciences fo 13. pag. 2. in marg Hierem. fo 15. pag. 1. in marg Psal 36. fo 17. pag. 2. lin 29. thynge then to se fo 29. pag. 1. lin 25. mercyfull Vpō fo 30. pag. 1. lin 8. ther Idell lin 27. daylye fo 31. pag. 1. lin 11. Thus. fo 33. in mar Ezech. 34. fo 37. pag. 1 .li. 21. for he taught Item in marg Marci 16. fo 41. pag. 2. in marg Psal 115. fo 52. pag. 1. in marg Hier. 50. fo 53. pag. 2. in marg Esa 56. Math. 13. fo 57. pag. 1. lin 19. Iohan Eckius Itē pag. 1. in marg Gene. 19. 1. Mach. 1. fo 59. pag. 1. in marg Ezech. 13. Hiere 10. Ioan. 9. fo 60. pag. 1. lin 4. othe fo 67. pag. 2. lin 17 yf we fo 74. pag. 2. in marg Galat. 5. fo 76. pag. 2. in marg Zach. 1. fo 80. pag. 2. lin 19. wythout lin 30. are to be allowed so longe as they agre to Item in marg Math. 19. fo 84. pagi 2. in margi Act. 8. Synodo 1. And other more ¶ An olphabety●all dyrectorye or Table to the spedye fyndynge out of the pryncypall matters and hystoryes herin cōtayned A ABbot of redynge had a wyfe 73. ● Abelynes heretyques ageynst marryage 71. a Abhomynable whoredom of papystes 68. 2. 69. 70. 71. Abhorre the kynge and counsell 36. a Abrogacyon of ceremonyall lawes 78. a Accusacyons ageynst Christ 26. b Accusers of Tolwyn 15. b. 26. a. 4. 6. a Adamytes herety ageynst marryage 71. a Ad imprimendum solum abused for moneye 95. a. 97. b Aduent what yt ys 14. a Age of Iohan fryth whan he dyed 57. b Agnes the ēprours mother suspecte 75. a Alby gesyanes brent for the faythe 23. b All ageynst Christ ys thys doctryne 32. b All comprehendynge a mysterye 35. b All thynges in common wolde papystes haue 91. a Almes hyndred by the spiritualite 65. b Almes of the wydowe in new gate 41. a Almes of bysshoppes what yt ys 66. a Amendement loked for and not had 6. a Anabaptystes for fre wyll 62. b Anabaptystes wolde all in common 91. a Anagogycall trope of Boner 36. b Annas and Cayphas for wytnesses 26. b Anselmus putteth prestes from ther wyues 76. a. 80. a. 90. b Anselmꝰ accōbred with sodomytes 76. a Antiochus burneth the scripturs 58. a Antipas slayne for the veryte 17. b Antichrist must be vttered 6. b. 97. a. Antichrist restored ageyne 12. a. 31. a. 95. a Antichrist in full course 76. a Antichrist wolde yet be obeyed 90. a Antichrist ys the bodye of Sathan 37. b Antonius coruinus a lerned manne 56. b Apocalyps what yt ys 40. a Apologye of Mclanchton 53. b Apostles dysobeyed the prelates 81. a Apostles were preachers onlye 37. a Apostolykes heretyques ageynst marryage 71. a Argumēt of Eckius answered 74. b. 85. b Artycles of Vvyllyam thorpe 47. b Artycles of ser Iohan olde castell 48. a Artycles of Gods prouydence 50. a Artycle of good workes 63. b Auctoryte of kynges abused 18 b. 19. a. 34. b. 95. a Auctoryte of Antichristes bysshoppes 24. a. 37. b. 45. a Aulters what schall become of them 61. a Auncyent rytes of holye churche 28. a. 81. b. 82. a. 88. a Author inhybytt to preache 55. a. 86. b Author examyned at yorke 86. b B BAconthorpe doctor with other more 33. a. 58. a Babylon ys yet an habytacyon of deuyls 98. a Bagge wyth bokes descrybed 45. b Bagge worthye condempnacyon 43. a Balthasar pacimontanus 51. b Banket of Bacchus at Parys 36. a Baptym and the lordes supper 78. b Barlowes dyaloges preached 55. a Barnes the popes enemye brent 98. b Bartholomaeus Vvesthemerus a lerned manne 52. b Beleue of holye churche 46. b Benedicite vnder a stoole 6. a. 30. a Byble readynge ys deathe 41. b Bybles whye they were seett vp in Paules 93. a Byenge and sellynge of Christ 84. b Bysshoppes neuer recant ther errours 5. a 4. 8. b. 94. a Bysshoppes dyuerslye sent 12. a Bysshoppes haue alwayes ther Iudases 26. b. 93. a Bysshoppes fauer and gentylnesse 28. b 37. b. 39. b. 66. a. 74. a Bysshoppes of Englande 48. b. 90. b Bysshoppes call moche vpon fastynge 64. b Bysshoppes obseruynge the vowe of chastyte 68. a. 69. a Bysshoppes occupye mennys wiues 69. a Bisshopp cōueled a nōne to datsorth 69. a Bisshoppes take rēt for whoredome 70 a Bysshoppes betraye ther kiges 22. b. 89. b Bysshoppes buylded nōneryes 75. b Bysshoppes ād prestes marryed 71. b 73. a Bysshoppes become iudges vpon deathe 90. a Bysshoppes make al menne captyue to ydols 94. a Blassphemye of Gods worde ys plaged 75. a 98. a Blessynges to whom promysed 16. a Bochardꝰ aveniēsis a prest married 72. b Bokes vngodlye de formed 7. a Bokes of heresie are the scripture 18 b 43 a Bokes erronyouse and whye 44. b Bokes made by Iohā fryth 47. a Bokes of papystrye ād treason 54. a 55. 57. a 59. b Bokes of Iohā eckius a papyst 55. a Boke of prayer called heresye 55. b Boke for scolers called heresye 57. a Bokes slaūdered of Boner 79. a 91. ● Bokes brent by tyrauntes 57. b Bokes condempned in a bagge 44. b 85. a 87. a Boldenesse of papystes to be marked 10. a 34. b Boner ā āgell of the bottōlesse pi●● 2● 12. b Boner plaieth the ●●ra●̄t 3. a 28. a 39. b 93 a Boner hath ā vnshamefast face 10. a 14. b 33. a Boner plucketh hyder the pope ageyne 10. a Boner ys the two horned beast in the apocalyps 12. b Boner ys a Bocher of Babylon 27. b Boner ys proued ā heretyque 32. b 86. a Boner ought to do opē penaunce 2● a Boner playeth Malchus 35. a Boner wolde hyde a wolfe 40. a Boners rhetorycall proposycyon 44. b Boner playeth .iij. partes 45. a 86. a Boner cōdēpneth the kige 48. a 50. b 53 b Boner cōdēpneth all godlinesse 53. b 57 b Boner ys proued a lyar 55. b 57. b 63. b 79. a 91. a Boner seketh the sowles destruccyo● 77. a 83. b 88. a Boner had a popyshe preste to hys father 73. a Boner stādeth fole alone●i Idolatrye ●6 a Boner wolde haue ātichrist styl obeyed 90. a Boner ys a periure euerye waye 91. a Boner ys a plage to londō 93. a Boner laboreth to obscure the glorye of God 96. b Both kyndes in the sacrament 85. b Braggers offre wyl 62. a Brent testamētes at paules 58. a 94. a Brent a great nombre in saynt gyles felde 89. b
new gate for Christ Precyouse ys the deathe of the faythfull before God The commen charyte of mytred prelates Psal 113. Math. 10. Lucae 9. Ioan. 12. Marci 8. Math. 25. The blood of these and other axeth vengeaūce An euydēt sygne of Chrystes doctrine Idols and the stewes neuer persecuted Mark the examynacyon of Annas Ioan. 18. Dyuersyte of matters herin specyfyed The fyrst cōcerueth hys paryshe or peple Thys ys all of the doctryne whych he taught The bagge schuld be cōdēpned with the bokes Nothynge ys here seane but names The office of saynt antonynes personage Luc. 5. Matth. 7. Esa 66. Math. 15. Act. 17. Ioan. 8. Marci 2. Luc. 5. 2. Pet. 2. Apoc. 22. Ioan. 10. 1. Pet. 2. Ezech. 13. Prou. 11. Psal 36. The wordes of Tolwis voyce are my lordes Hys pontyfycall rhetoryck cōceruynge a sachell Heresyes not knowē but to the bagge Difference of heretyques now and than My lorde playeth here 3. partes The kynges true subiectes abused Thomas waldē in prologo primi li ▪ cōtra wic leuistas Equiuocacyon of thys mystycall ▪ terme bagge A tokē of remēbraūce ageynst an other tyme. The bagge knoweth more thā we The feruent zele of my lorde for holye churche In custodye and out of custodye The popes sworne benefactours London as fortunate as rome A mystesterye left here vndysoussed Names of bokes but nothynge els The olde faythe ād beleue of holy churche Gal. 4. Lucae 13. Math. 15. Ioan. 8. Ioan. 14. Ioan. 1. Esa 55. My lorde halteth at the fyrst My lorde breaketh couenaūt The bokes that Iohā frith cōpyled The reuelacyon of antichryst translated by Iohan Frith The examynacyō of master Vvyllyā Thorpe The chefe artycles theryn cōprehēded Ser Iohan oldecastel the lorde cobham Artycles cōtayned cheflye in hys examynacyō Sore matters to be condēned My lorde cōdēneth the kynge Lyke ys my lorde to the olde brutes of Babylon Euermore persecute our bysshops with Cai phas An easye part hath my lorde played he re The olde God and the newe God ys he re named onlye to hys condempnacyon Rydleyes commentaryes vpon Paule to the Ephesyanes Tradycyons maye not be touched Nothynge cōmeth from my lorde but condemp nacyon More bokes spott'd with heresye Thomas Venatorius i Pau lum ad Ti motheum The principall con tentes of that godlye worke The ryght office of a christēbys hoppe Huldricus Zuinglius de prouidentia Dei The contētes of that famouse and excol lent worke Marke what my lordehath here condemned All condemneth he with outrespect The report of dyuerse lerned mēn ● God foūde amonge heretyques ys cōdēpned God beareth no rewle amōge byshops Psal 118. Mat. 28. 4. cathechysmes of faythe Philippus Melanchton compyled the fyrst Vrbanus Regiꝰ made the seconde Balthasar Pacimontanus made the iij. Erasmus Sarcerins cōpyled the forth Rebukes geueth the bysshops for godlynesse Hier. 10. Math. 23 The wolfe chaseth the poor lābe 〈◊〉 styll Bartholomeus west hemerus a lerned māne Conciliatio sacrae scripturae Christ ys condempned of my lorde Vvhat ys to be seane in that godlye volume Ioan. 5. Esa 50. Math. 15. Luc. 6. Martyn Lutherma de the coūterfett bysshoppe 1. Tim. 3. Esa 1. Apoc. 18. The cōfessyō of the Germanes Math. 7. Esaye 50. Phil. 3. Math. 33. All godlynesse condempneth Bonner Vvith all that ower kynge hath done The postilles of Richarde taverner Nothynge seck the bysshops but destruccyon of sowle Bokes of pystryeā 〈…〉 treasō no 〈…〉 cōdēpned 〈…〉 Treaso 〈…〉 ys non h 〈…〉 resye bu 〈…〉 onlye th 〈…〉 scripturs Iohan Eckius with hys Enchirydion The ghostlye treasure ther in cōtayned To lerne therwith to make trayters a pace Necessarye doctrine for holye churche harry pep well stokyslayes prouider The auctor suspended for prechynge the gospell Other bokes els of the seyd papyst Eckius More lousye doctors of the same leuen At these canthe bysshops wike A boke of prayer made by Martin luther Bonner wyl proue hymself a fowle lyer Legenda aurea ▪ with ora pro nobis God and all hys cōmaundementes cōdempned here God myght haue thankes to take luther awaye The dore of holye scriptur ys Christ Ioan. 10. Ioan. 10. Treno 3. Col. 3. 2. Tim. 3. Exod. 7. Psal 2. Act. 4. Hier. 26. Math. 26. A tyttle offerynge moche godlynesse condēpned Postille Antonij ▪ Coruini vtiles necessarie No ryght preachynge but sensynge of Images the newe māner of preachynge now a dayes The auncyēt workes of holy church the newe postyl of Iohā Eckius Two olde written bokes without name Vertuouse educacion is become heresye Arist 2. de aia 1. coeli The age of Iohan fryth Esa 1. Gen. 9. Iohan. 10. 4. reg 23. Hiere 36 1. math 1. Ioan bachonis .3 sentē dist 20. Tonstall burned the testamentes in englyshe Hiere 22. 4. reg 24 3. para 36 Math. 1. 1. math 6 petrus cōmestor li. 19. cap. 16 Boner ād Tonstall vnder the lordes vēgeaunce Num. 24 ▪ 1. reg 26. Ioan. 11. Lucae 6. 1. cor 12. Esay 5 55. Mich. 7. Zach. 11. Ioan. 16. Esa 5. Psal 54. A blynde rēnaunt must styll holde vp Babylon Psal 52. Ezech. 10 Esa 44. Hiere 18. Ioan. 12. Math. 10. Ioan. 12. Ioan. 16. Not one of the doctours are without errours Thomas of aquine with hys affinite Adā cardinalis in dialogo regis episcopi Thomas waldenꝰ cōtra wic leuistas .l. 2. Idē waldenuscontra wicle uistas lib. 2. cap. 78 The canō lawe and ceremonies tryed bi the scripturs Math. 16. Esa 59. Hiere 23. Sopho. 1. Ezech. 4. 1. Tim. 4. Matt. 24. A pretēce of godlynesse to coloure ther myschefe They cōtrarye christes instytuciō The papystes blaspheme the sacrament Hebr. 13. Psal 50. Rom. 12. Deut. 12. Esa 65. Apoc. 18. Collo 2. Osee 4. Osee 10. Esa 2. Apoc. 6. Math. 26. 1. Cor. 11. ●stes preche vnto walles ād wyndowes 1. Cor. 11 Hebr. 6. Math. 20. Luc. 18. Hebr. 7. 9. 13. 1. Pet. 3. Ephes 5 The other sacramentes Apoc. 2. Ioan. 10. Hiere 13. The artycle of mānys fre wyll they seke to depresse the ryghtousnesse of god Augustinꝰ de ver bis apostoli Augustinus in soliloquijs Cap. 15. Fre onlye in bodily thynges 2. cor 3. Rom. 14. Ioan. 1. 1. Cor. 4. Here. 10. Rom. 7. Prou. 25. Phil. 2. The papystes boro of the pelagyanes and Manychees All one are they in opynyon with the anabaptistes Esay 44 Ephc. 1. Iacob 2. Math. 10. Ioan. 14. Rom. 9. Hypocrytes geue al to thēselues An olde argumēt of pelagius Augustinusi hypo gnostioc versus finem God is not the causer of synne Iaco. ● Chrisostomus Hom. 4. super Ioannem 2. reg 16. Prou. 16. Esa 54. 3 reg 22. Rom. 1. Eccl. 11. Amos. 3. Nune. 23. 2. para 19 Michaell bononien in 2. sent Hie. 18. Rom. 9. Prou. 15. Eccl. 3. Esa 38. My lorde bonerproueth hymselfe a fowle lyar Alwayes hath antichrist a shamelesse face Daniel 8 All these are good workes and requiaed in those bokes Ther monye