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A02613 The ensamples of vertue and vice, gathered oute of holye scripture. By Nicolas Hanape patriarch of Ierusalem. Very necessarye for all christen men and women to loke vpon. And Englyshed by Thomas Paynell; Exempla Sacrae Scriptae ex utroque Testamento collecta. English Hannapes, Nicolas de, patriarch of Jerusalem, 1225-1291?; Paynell, Thomas.; Peraldus, Guilelmus, 13th cent. 1561 (1561) STC 12742; ESTC S103820 271,342 814

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depraued and manye aduersaries to bee stirred vp agaynste hym Ieroboam by our Lordes commandemente spoken and declared by the Prophet Esay 3. regum 1● was ordained made chefe ruler of ten tribes the whyche afterwardes yet induced the people malitiously to Idolatry ALyon slue the manne of God 3. regum 13. the whiche foretolde Hieroboam the destruction of the aultare nor he did not eate nor yet touch the carkase of the dead Notwithstandyng that Achab was a man mooste wycked iii. Reg. xxi and had harde say that he should be afflicted and punished for his trespasses yet he began outwardlye to repent and our Lorde deferd his paine and punishment 4. regum 1. This was verye terrible and fearful that Helias caused the ii captains and their l. men to be consumed deuoured vp with the Fire that came downe from heauen 4. regu 10. Iehu king of Israel with most feruent zele did so persecute the worshippers of Baall that oure Lorde dyd commend his doinges and yet he departed not frō Ieroboams Idolatry Kynge Manasses did many terrible and euil deedes in Ierusalem 2. Para. 33 afterwardes he was bound with chaines and caried to Babilon and doing penaunce he called vpon our Lord and was heard After that king Iosias had ledde a most holy life 1. Par. 35 he went forth to fighte against Necho the king of Egipt sayinge vnto him leaue of to meddle against god which is with me least he destroy thee but he harkned not vnto the words of Necho out of the mouth of god and his chance was but euyl for he being pearced and shot thorow with dartes and arrowes pearished and died Our Lord suffred the holy elect specially beloued city and his peculiare people the which he brought wōderfully by the desert out of Egipte into the lande of promise Tob. 13. to be ouer ●●nd and takē by the Chaldeans and Assirians And it semed that he lyttle estemed thē for it is wrytten O geue thankes vnto our Lorde ye children of Israell For amonge the heathen which know him not hathe he scattered you to thintente that ye shoulde shew forthe his maruelous workes and cause them to know that there is none other God but he Tobias after such holy and mercyful woorkes in whiche he was verye carefull and diligente Tob. 2 waxed blinde and his kinsfolkes and frendes offended therwith and not perceiuing the cause therof derided and laughed him to scorne It might be reputed thought very meruailous Iudi i. ii why the oure Lord suffred that wicked Holofernes to subdue so many realmes and kingdomes Also of Aman the whiche of all other was mooste proudest and mooste crueltest Esth. 3. and yet nexte vnto the king he was exalted aboue all other prynces Iob. 1. ● Iobes frendes wondred and were euen ashamed that they sawe hym so greuously afflicted and punished The deuine iustice doth punishe euel mē at somtimes by those that are worse then they them selues Esay 10 as he punished the chidlren of Israell and Iuda by Nabuchodonozor and the Cauldes As the prophet Osay wryteth wo be vnto Assur whiche is a rod of my wrath Romayn 13. Our Lorde dothe not sette princes and prelates vppon those onlye that are faithfull and good but vppon all people For there is no power but of God Ionas ●●● Our Lorde commaunded Ionas to preache There are yet xl daies and then shall Nin●ue bee ouerthrowen And yet our Lord knew that the Niniuites would do penaunce and that they shuld not be so punished Our Lorde suffred that Antiochus shuld make that venerable and reuerent temple prophane 1. macha 1. burne the holy citye and make greate slaughter of Innocentes In the daies and time of Antiochus Epiphanius 1. Macha 6 the which destroyed the Temple and made it Prophane did cruelly handle many of the Iewes and slue them It mighte apeare and seme to manye that the whole world was in a confusion and euil ordained and ruled But for all that our Lorde out of those euils could bring the punishmente of the wicked and the corruption of certain other And againe the vertue and merites of manye of those that were slaine were diuersly increased I pray those that heare this to consider howe that Iudas Machabeus Ionathas 1. Macha 9. 1. Mach. 10 and Simon hys brethren were men towardes God and menne most valiaunt and most faythful and yet they died but miserably For Iudas was slaine in battayle agaynste Bacchides Triphon slue Ionathan his two sōnes 1 Macha 16 Ptolomeus the sonne of one Sabolde slue proditoriously Simon and his two sonnes which were dronken It is to be wondred at 2. Mac. 6.7 that GOD when Eleazarus being so old a man and the vii brethren suffred such cruell tormentes for the law of God dyd shew no vengaunce ther against the tyrauntes Math. 2. Our Lorde beynge yet but a child would be conueyed from the presence and face of Herode and suffred the Innocentes to be slaine in hys place But in that he prouided well for the infantes for they shoulde neuer haue had so much profite if herode had indeuerd him self to haue honoured thē as they had by that that he commaūded them to be slaine Our Lord when he hard the faith of the Centurion he maruailed and saide to them that followed him math 8. Many shal come from the East and west and shall reast with Abraham and Isaac and Iacob in the kyngdome of heauen but the Chyldren of thys kingdome shall be caste oute into vtter darcknesse A certaine Scribe offred hym selfe to followe oure Lorde math 8. and was not admitted Luke 9. He inuited an nother to followe hym the whyche semed not to bee willynge For he sayde Suffer me fyrste to goe and burye my father Our Lord did miracles in Chorasin and Bethsaida Math. 11 where they profited but litle But he did none in Tire or Sidon where if he had done them they shuld haue ben profitable haue done much good God suffred Ihon Baptist thexample of all holinesse to be beheaded of Herode the moste vilest aduouterer mar 6. But it encreaseth the astonishmente of man for as much as it was done at the instance of an harlot nor we read not in the gospel that there insued any variaunce neither against the dāsel nor against the aduoutrer nor yet against Herode the Tetrarche In our Lordes passion God as cōcernynge the redemption of mākind fulfilled his most benigne will by the moste celerate and wicked iniquity of men Actes 3 For scripture saith God whych before had shewed by the mouthe of all hys Prophettes how that Christe shoulde suffer hathe thus wyse fulfilled Ihon. 18. Peter the Prince of the Apostles and heade of the Churche denied his master thryse Christe sufferinge the same Ihon. 11. Thomas the whiche saide so confedently Let vs go that we
and feare was for the holy temple Our Lord speaking vnto the people one saide vnto him Mat. 12. beholde thy mother and thy brethren stand wythout seking thee But he aunswered who is my mother or who are my brethren whosoeuer doth the will of my father which is in heauen the same is my brother sister and mother Our Lorde dyd aunswer hys aunt after the fleshe Mat. 20. desyringe that her two sonnes myghte sytte by hym in hys kyngdome so rigorouslye and hardlye as thoughe she hadde beene a straunger And so he is as readye to sell heauen as good cheape to thee as to them Although blessed Saint Ihon and the two Iames were menne of great holinesse and imperfection● Yet hee Ihon. 21. commytted not the generall cure of the Churche to anye of them● but dyd ordaine Peter the whiche was nothing kin vnto hym to be the heade the Prince and the pastoure of hys Church Our sauioure approuynge and alowing Peters confession whyche he made of hym when he saide Thou arte Christe the sonne of the liuynge God Math. 16 did consequently say fleshe and bloude hathe not opened that vnto thee Meanynge there by that fleshe is wonte to make but euill reuelatyons The Apostle Paule commendinge his Gospel doth saye It pleased hym which seperated me frō my mothers wombe Galat. 1. and called me here vnto by hys grace c. I by and by communed not of the matter wyth flesh and bloud ¶ Of the Ire and anger of man throughe zeale and loue Capi. xcv WHen Moses spake vnto Pharao Exo. 11. that Pharao woulde not hear him he went oute from Pharao very angry Moses commaunded the children of Israel Exo. 16. that no man shuld leue ought remain of Manna tyll the mornyng that notwithstanding they harkened not vnto Moses but some of them left of vntyll the mornynge and it waxed and craulde full of Wormes and stanke and Moses was angrye wyth them Moses returning and cōming nye vnto the ●oste Exo. 32. sawe the calfe and the daunsing and being angrye he caste the tables out of his handes brake them beneath the hill When Moses sought for the Goate that was offred for sinne Leui. 10. he founde that it was burnt being angrye wyth Eleazar and Ithamar the sonnes of Aaron he saide Wherefore haue ye not eaten the sinne offering c. Nume 16. Moses beholdinge the rebellyon of Chore his company and being very angry said vnto our lord Turne not thou vnto their offering 1. Re. 20. Ionathas Sauls sōne considring the iniquity of his father against Dauid arose from the table in great anger and did eat no meat that day 2. regu 13. When Dauid had hard the parable of Nathan the Prophet he was dysdainful and exceding wroth with the man and said As surely as our Lord liueth the man that hathe done thys thing is the child of death Elizeus was angry with Ioas the kinge of Israel 4. regu 13. because he hadde not smitten the ground with the arrowe v. or vi times that he myghte haue destroyed all Siria Nehemias hearynge the peoples clamor and complaint for the vsury that the rulers nobles exacted 2. Esd. 5. was sore dyspleased and angry Esth. 7. After that king Ahaswerus hadde hard Quene Esthers cōplaint against Aman the which sought the death of all the Iewes he arose from the common seat in displeasure and anger Our Lord loked roūd about him on the Iewes with anger mar 3. and mourned on the blindnesse of theyr hartes ¶ Of the anger of man through vice Ca. xcvi OUr Lord had respecte vnto Abell and to his oblation Gen. 4. And Cain was exceading wroth hys countenaunce abated Balaac being angry wroth wyth Balaam Nume 24. smote his handes together and said I sent for the to cursse mine enemies and thou hast blessed them Saule hearynge that Dauid after the victory was commended 1. regu 18. was exceading wrothe and the sayinge dyspleased hym c. When Ionathas had excused Dauid vnto his father 1. regu 20. Saule being angry with Ionathas said Thou rebel do not I know that thou dost loue the sonne of Isai vnto thyne owne rebuke and confusyon Achab the king of Israel came home to his house heauy and euil apaid because of the word which Naboth the Israelite had spoken vnto him 3. regu 21. After Elizeus easy and holsom coūsel Naaman was wrothe 4. regu 5. and went away and said I thoughte wyth my self he wold surely come out to me call on the name of his God Hanai the prophet came to Asa and reproued him 2. Para. 16. that he had putte hys trust in Benadab the kinge of Siria And Asa was wroth with the seer commaunded him to be tied and put into a prison Amazias seuered the host whyche came out of Ephraim to aid and help him 2. Para. 25. But they wer exceading wroth with Iuda and retourned home into their country in great anger The priestes reproued Ozias the king of Iuda 2. Para 26. whych went aboute to burne insence and beinge angrye he held the censare and threatned them When Sanallat hard that the wal of Ierusalem was a building 2. Esd. 4. he was very wroth and beynge sore moued mocked the Iewes When Sennacherib retourned againe and fled out of Iewry Tobi. 1. because of the plage and punishmente of God for his blasphemy in his wrathe and anger he slue many Iewes When Tobias spake of the kid that cried Tobi. 2. loke that it be not stoln c. Hys wife was angry and said Now is thy hope become vaine openly It was shewed Holofernes that the children of Israel prepared them selues to make resistance againste hym Iudith 5. then was he exceading wroth When Achior had shewed them that the power of the God of Israell was great and mightye Iudith 5. the greate men of Holofernes were wroth and thought to slay him When Aman hard say and had proued by experience that Mardocheus wold not bow his kne vnto hym Esth. 3. nor worship him he was exceadinge angrye Elihu the bussite disdained was angrye at Iob Iob. 32. because he called hym self iust before God The princes of Iuda thinckinge that Ier. 37. Ieremy wold haue rund to the Caldees were angry with him bet him and cast him in prison Nabuchodonozor in his great fury and anger Daui 2.3 commaunded to destroye all the wise men of Babilon because they coulde not declare and open hys dreame vnto him and in hys anger he commaunded the three men to bee brought before him Ionas 4. Our Lord reproued Ionas because he was angry for the wilde vine 1. Mac. 3 When king Antiochus hard of Iudas battailes and victories he was angry in his minde and gathered an hoaste 2. Mach. 6. The tormentors of Eleazar hearing his constant wordes
and euery one gaue him a shepe and an earing of gold The Image whyche Nabuchodonozor sawe Dani. 2. was smitten of a stone hewen oute of a mountaine and was broken to poulder doth sufficientlye declare worldly prosperity to be nothing The Children of Zambry made a great marriage 1. macha 9. And the Iewes wyth Ionathas slue manye of them Thus the marriage was tourned to mourning and the noyse of their melodye into lamentation King Ptolomy of Egipt after that Alexander the kinge of Siria was ouercumd 1. Mach. 11. dryuen into Araby was exalted and his honor increased Gadiel the Arabian smote of Alexanders head and sent it to Ptolomy but the third daye after died kinge Ptolomy him self The yong manne that inquyred of Christ mat● 19. how he mighte haue eternall life had many and great possessions and therefore when oure Lorde gaue him the counsel of perfection he wēt his wayes sory Peter denyed our Lord in the high priestes palace math 26. The Iewes receiued our Lord into Ierusalem solempnlye math 21. but after hee had wel beheld them towardes euen he went to Bethany For he founde not one that woulde receiue him into hys house and lodge him The example that our Lord dothe vse Luc. 12. and put by the riche man whose ground brought forth plētiful frutes doth greatly serue vs to despise the aboundance of temporall thinges For when he most diligently thoughte to breake down and destroy his barnes and build greater God said vnto him Thou fole this night will the deuils fetch away thy soul from thee Then whose shall those thinges be whyche thou hast prouided The biers of the farme and Oxen and he that maried a wife were calde to our Lordes supper Luc. 14. and they as being busy about other thinges excused them selues but the poore and the feble were brought in Our Lorde beholdinge the citye of Ierusalem Luc. 19. being in temporal peace and ignoraunte of the miseryes that were to come wept on it sayinge If thou haddest knowne thou woulde wepe When the people gaue a shout He rode hauinge on his royall apparell sitting in his seat and makyng an oration vnto them Act. 12. they said It is the voyce of a God and not of a manne And immediatly the aungell of oure lord smote hym because he gaue not GOD the honoure and he was eaten of Wormes and gaue vppe the Ghoste ¶ Of worldly curiosity Capi. Cxxii THe occasyon of the fyrst transgression semeth to haue hadde hys beginnynge of thys Gen. 3. that Eue did lysten curiously vnto the serpent and did curiously behold the tre forbode Dina the doughter of Lia wēt out to se wemen of the land Gen. 34. Ther foloweth that she was sene rauyshed and forced Our lorde commaunded Moses to saye vnto the people Exo. 19. beware ye goe not vp into the mount or touche the border of it Who so euer toucheth the mount shall surely dye And after a few wordes Charge the people that they prease not vp to see our lorde and so manye of them pearyshe Our lord sayd vnto Moses that Aaron and hys sonnes only should enter into the holy tabernacle Nume 4. And that other by no curiosity shoulde see what thinges were in the sanctuary vntyl they were folden vp least they dye Ozias the king of Iuda went into the temple of our Lord 2. Para. 16. toke the Censar and woulde haue burnte insence vpon the aultar of insence The whiche thing pertaind not to hys office but to the priestes and by and by the leprosy sprange in his forehead When the Iewes sawe that oure Lord did manifest and profitable miracles Luc. 11. they would not so but sought for a signe from heauen When Herode the Tetrarch sawe Iesus Luc. 23. he was exceading glad not of any deuotion but of a curiosity for he trusted to se some miracle don by him so that the syght of oure LORDE did litle profyte hym but hurte hym rather Act. 1. Our Lord refraind the curiosity of his Disciples whiche woulde haue known the time of his second aduent and comminge sayinge It is not for you to know the tymes or the seasōs whyche the father hathe putte in hys owne power Act. 8. It semeth to haue bene of a curiosity that Simon Magus woulde haue bene baptised in as much as he sawe the sygnes and miracles which Phillip did Act. 17. The Atheniens and straungers cald Paule for no nother thynge but to tell to see or to heare some newe thyng When Paule preached in the city of Ephesus Act. 19. many of them which vsed curious craftes brought their bokes and burned them before all men The Apostle Paul doth reprehend and reproue certayne Thessalonians which walcked vnquietly 2. Thes. 3. and vnordinatly working not at all but being busy bodies The Apostle monisheth to auoyde yong widowes and he dothe often reproue those whiche vage abrode 1. Timo. 5. are idle and curious and warneth vs to exchue them that learne to goe from house to house that wander aboute and that shewe and sell them selues speaking thinges which are not comly and when they haue liued luxuryously they wil marry ¶ Of the greate faithe of wemen Capi. Cxxiii THe Apostle commendeth the faith of Raab Hebr. 11. whyche pearished not wyth them that were disobedient Iosu. 2. when she had receiued the spyes to lodging peaceably Ruth remayned wyth her mother in law Noemy Ruth 1.2 sayinge Thy people shall be my people and thy God my God And Booz afterwardes said vnto her Our Lorde quite thy woorke and a ful reward be geuen the of our Lorde vnto whome thou arte come and vnder whose wynges thou arte come to abide 3. regu 17. A widow woman of Sarepta beleued Elias the prophets woordes althoughe he commaunded her to doe a thing very hard to be done 2. Mach. 7. That wonderfull and maruelous mother the whiche sawe the vii brethren her sonnes tormented in one day and did strōgly animate them to die for the law of God dyd very well confesse the creation of the worlde the resurrection of the dead As touchinge the misterye of oure Lordes incarnation Luc. 1. wemen were more prompt and readye to beleue it then men For Zachry was reproued by the aungel of incredulity because thou beleuest not my wordes c. But we reade that Elizabeth was not reprehensible but commendable the which euen assone as Mary was com cried out blessed art thou among wemen and blessed is the frute of thy wombe In like manner the blessed virgyn is to be commended Luc. 1. the which gaue creadit vnto the angell sayinge vnto her that she should conceiue of the holy ghoste And Anna the widow prophetesse spake vnto all men Luc. 1. that loked for the redempcion of Israel of a childe that was borne Our Lord said vnto Mary Magdalen Thy faith
he cured the olde Toby of his blindenesse and replenished his house wyth all goodnesse Oure Lorde semed as it were to be afraide to offend Ieremye when that he did vtterly purpose to destroye the people for theyr sinnes Iere. 7. for he sayde I shall thrust you oute of my syghte Therfore thou shalt not pray for this people thou shalt nether geue thākes nor prayer for them nor thou shalt not let me nor make no intercessyon to me for them For in no wise wyl I heare thee This thing is plain and manifest that GOD is with his seruauntes in their tribulation Daniell 3. For Nabuchodonosor sawe one in the burnynge fornace with Azaria and his fellowes like the sonne of God When Daniell was in the Lyons den at Babilon Daniel 5. Daniel 14. Our Lord sente him his dinner from a far of that is from Iewry by the prophet Abacucke Daniell 13. Our Lord hard the voyce of Susanna because she was vniustly condemned by thold and vnchast elders likewise by the iust iudgement of a continent and a chast childe she was delyuered Our Lord prepared a great fishe to swallow vp Ionas Ionas 2. the which semed yet for his disobedience iustly to haue deserued pain and punishment Machabeus and they that wer with him fightinge against Timothe 2. Mach. 10 had manifestlye healpe from heauen for there appeared fiue men vpon horsebackes with bridels of golde c. And afterwardes in a nother place 2. macha 11 they goynge to battaile against Lystas there appeared before them vpon horsebacke a man in white clothynge wyth harnesse of gold shakynge hys speare There was a greate benignitye in oure Sauioure Math. 4. For he wente aboute healynge all manner of Sickenesse and all manner of dyseases For if he had not so don many sick persons could not haue come vnto him Oure Lord answered the Leaper that sayde vnto him LORDE if thou wilte Math. 8. thou mayste and canste make me cleane verye meekelye and gently for Iesus puttinge forthe hys handes touched him saying I wyll be thou cleane But the Priestes abhord all suche men Oure Lord incontinent after Mathewes vocation dynde in hys house with him Math. 9. After that oure LORDE was departed and gone into the desarte math 14. he sawe muche people and was moued wyth mercye towarde them and he healed of them those that wer sick And when the euen drew on his disciples saide vnto him let the people departe Iesus as one moste liberall sayde vnto them Geue ye theym to eate When Peter begā to sincke he cried saying Math. 14. Lord saue me And immediatlye Iesus stretchynge forthe hys hand caughte him Oure LORDE did gentlye defende Marye Magdalen agaynste the pharisy that thought euil by her Luke 7. and agaynste her owne Sister complaininge of her Mar. 14. yea and agaynste hys Disciples that for the effusyon of the oyntment Luke 10. fumed against her The vnspeakeable goodnes of god is muche declared in the example of the prodigal sonne where it is written But when he was yet a great way of Luke 15. hys father sawe hym and moued wyth compassion ranne and fell on his necke and kissed him He desyred to be one of hys hired seruauntes but yet his father interruptinge his communication receyued hym as hys sonne This was a meruelous benignity and gentelnesse of Christe Luke 19. when that he inuited and badde hym selfe to the Publicans house the whych was desirous to see him and also he blessed the same When our LORDE hadde indistinctlye spoken these wordes Ihon. 13. One of you shall betray me It followeth when Ihon leaned on Iesus breaste he sayde LORDE who is it Lo what a benignitye and familiarity was this Actes 2 Our sauioure promised his Disciples being heauye that he shoulde depart from them that his father shuld sende them a nother comfortoure the whyche thynge was well fulfilled at Whitsontide when that the holy spirite did so mightely strengthen comfort illuminate and teach them Ihon. 18. The bishops ministers commynge to take our Lord he said vnto them if ye seke me let these go theyr waye For he knew ful wel that they were not ready to suffer martirdome And therfore mekely condescēding to their infirmity he would that they shoulde spare them Ihon. 23. The thefe desired our Lorde to remember him when hee came to hys kingdome But our LORDE dyd graunt him more then he demanded saying To day shalt thou be with me in paradise Luke 22 This was the great mekenesse and gentlenesse of Christe the which refused nor Peter that denied him thrise but beningly beheld him nor he lefte not Thomas in his doutfulnesse Ihon. 20 but did exhibite him selfe manifestly to be touched And he made Paule blinde Actes 9 folowing the act of his persecution He cast him to the earth called him and conuerted him Steuen when they stoned him Actes 7 saw oure Lorde standinge in heauen as though he had bene ready strongly to haue defended him Our Lord shewed great gentlenes to blessed S. Ihon Apoca. 1. being banyshed in to the yle of Pathmos when he appeared and sent his angel vnto hym the which with diuers reuelatiōs did comfort hym ¶ Of deuine consolation ¶ The fourth chapter AFter that Abraham at the commaundement of God Gen. 12.15 went oute of his country Oure Lorde dyd comfort him wyth apparitions and reuelations Genesis 18 Iacob flyinge from the face of hys brother and sleaping vppon a stone our Lord appeared and repleanished him with great consolation Exod. 3. Oure Lorde appeared to Moses beinge exiled and kepinge sheepe the whiche thinge for the time that he was in Pharos house chaunced not vnto him Exodus 16 It rained Manna from heauen in desert to the children of Israell yea often he gaue thē miraculously fleshe and water Exodus 34 Moses beynge in the mounte For the space of fortye dayes and fortye nyghtes dyd nether eat nor dryncke but was refreshed wyth the deuyne word of God Iosu. 1. Our Lorde saide vnto Iosua be of good chear and strong for I wyll not faile thee nor forsake thee 3. regum 17 Oure Lorde commaunded the ra●ens twise a day to bear Elias bread and flesh Afterwardes oure Lorde appeared to Elias flying from Iezabell iii. Reg. xix whose Prophettes he hadde caused to bee slaine Our Lorde did comforte kinge Hezechias effectuously 4. regum 19 both by his prophet and by his aungell the whyche smote and slue in the host of the Assiri ans an 185000. Euen at the selfe same time Saras and Tobias prayers were hard To. 3.8.11 and the angell of our Lord was sente to cure and deliuer them both that is Sara from the Deuyl that had slaine her husbandes and the elder Tobias from pouerty and blindnesse Oure Lorde vouchsafed wonderfullye to comforte his people of Israell by the
the tresuary and violently to take awaye such thinges as were laide there to be kepte was be the diuine power greuously scourged afterwardes made whole through the prayer of Onyas he offred vnto god made great vowes and so returned to the kyng again After that our Lorde had smytten Antiochus wyth a greuous plague which no man could heale 2. Mach. 9. he promised the Iewes to garnysh the temple with great gyftes Luke 1. It semeth that the blessed virgin made a vowe of her virginite forasmuche as she sayd How shall this be seyng I knowe not a man Those Iewes made a cruell and a wycked vowe Act. 23. that commynge to the hie rulers sayd we with deuociō haue made a vow that we wyl nether eate nor drincke nor tast any thing tyl we haue kylled Paule ¶ Of Prayer Ca. xvi ABraham most humbly discretelye Gen. 18. constantly and mekely dyd praye oure Lorde to spare the Sodomites At some tyme we must praye oure Lord for such thinges Gen. 25. as he hath purposed to doe As Isaac made intercession vnto our Lorde for his wife because she was barren And yet oure Lorde purposed that she should conceaue and bring forth chyldren It is greatlye to be thought vpon How thankeful Gen. 32. how lowly and how importune that Iacobbe was in hys prayer saying Lord I am not worthy of the least of all thy mercies And afterwardes how he sequestrated him selfe from his wiues and all his familye and remayned there alone in the nyghte Moyses prayde our Lorde oftentymes Exo. that he would remoue the plagues from Egipt and was heard notwithstāding that the people wer euil Moyses in the warre that the chyldren of Israel made against Amelech Exo. 17. dydde more by prayer than Iosua by fyghtynge The onelye prayer of the mynde doth cry and ascende vnto God as it well appeareth when our LORD saide vnto Moses that spake nothyng vnto him Exo. 14. wherefore cryest thou vnto me After the adoration made vnto the caulfe Exo. 32. Oure Lorde as it appeared would haue vtterly destroied the people but Moses by reason of instante prayer abtained theyr pardone But yet note the manner of hys praying ether quoth he forgeue them theyr sinne or wipe me out of thy booke After Moses intercession and praier Nume 11. the fyre that had deuoured the hostes of the murmurers and those that were heauy and sory of theyr labour quenched Our Lorde beinge euen yr●full against the people that demaūded flesh in wyldernesse Nume 11. graunted them theyr peticion whereby it appeareth that the extudicion and hearinge of mans prayer is not alwais a sign of deuine and godly dilection Mary by the intercession and prayer Nume 12 of Moses was healed of her leprosy The people beynge sore afflycted wyth firy serpentes said vnto Moses● Nume 21 pray for vs and he made intercession for the people Anna being troubled in her minde prayed vnto oure Lorde 1. regum 1. and wepte sore and vowed a vowe she spake in her hart and her voyce was not hard at all When the children of Israel should fighte againste the Philistines 1. regum 7. they sayde to Samuel It is necessary that thou pray and cry to our Lord for vs that he may saue vs out of the hande of the Philistines It pleased not God that the childrē of Israell shoulde require a kinge to raigne ouer them 1. regum 8. And yet our Lorde saide vnto Samuell heare the voyce of the people in all that they say vnto thee Samuell saide vnto the people GOD forbid 1. regu 12● that I should synne against our Lorde and cease prayinge for you Dauid saide 2. reg 7. that he had founde in his hart to pray to our Lord. Dauid prayed and besoughte God for the childe 2. regu 12. and fasted and went in and lay vpon the earth Thys was a very good māner of praying but Dauid was not then worthy to be hard Helias praying for raine saide to his seruaunt 3. reg 13. loke toward the seat for from thence he trusted that some rainy cloude woulde arise but vntill the seuēth time nothing appeared wherby the instancye and continuaunce of prayer is commended King Iosaphat smitten with feare gaue him self wholy to pray vnto our Lord. 2. para 20. For he heard say that a greate multitude of people was comming agaynst him Hezechias after he had hard the king of Assiryans messengers vsed verye good counsel 4. reg 19 when that he sent vnto Esay the Prophet saying make thy prayer for the remnaunt that are found and left And the kinge tourned hym to pray vnto our Lord. And note ther how faithfully and how prudently he made his prayer Hezechias that he mighte praye the more attentiuely turned hys face to the walle iiii reg xx and prayde our lorde saying I beseche thee now O Lorde remembre howe I haue walked before thee in truth and with a perfyt heart and haue done that whiche is good in thy sight and Hezechias wepte sore Manasse the kyng of Iudas prayer was very humble ii Pa● xxxi●i deuoute and effectuus as men may se in the later ende of the boke Who fasted and praide our Lord to haue a sure and a ryght waye i. esd. 8. and it chaunsed prosperously And whan he gaue the kynge drincke he made hys prayers to God of heauen Nehe. 1. and whan he should answere to those thynges that were askt hym he prayde moste humbly When Tobi had heard his wiues euyl and naughtye cōmunication Tob. 2.3 he toke it heuely and with teares began to make his prayer When Sara the doughter of Raguell had heard the great reproche rebuke of her mayden tobi 3. she went into an hie chambre of her house and continuinge iii. dayes in prayer she besought God with teares that she myght be deliuered from that rebuke Tob. vi Raphael the aungel that the deuyl might haue no power vpon Toby the yonger warnd him that when he had taken Sara to his wife and was come into the chamber that he should with hold him self from her thre dayes and geue his diligence vnto nothynge but vnto prayer with her Iudi. 4. When the children of Israell heard of the power of Holofernes they cried vnto our Lord. But Eliachim the hie priest put them in remembrance how that Moses ouerthrew Amalech that trusted in his mighte and power not with weapōs but with holy prayers Iudit 8. Iudith did truste greatlye in other mennes prayers and therefore she purposing to go to Holofernes sayde vnto thelders pray ye vnto god that he will stablishe and bring my counsel to good ende And after followeth Do ye nothing els but pray vnto our Lord for me Iudith 13 In like manner● when she shoulde smite of Holofernes heade she made her prayer with teares standynge before the bed And when
Esther shuld speake vnto kinge Ahasuerus Esth. 4 she saide to Mardocheus Gather all the Iewes together that maye be founde and faste ye and pray for me but howe deuoutlye and howe humbly they praid howe Mardocheus praied for hym selfe and the people It is wrytten in the .xiiii. Chapter of Esther The praier of Ieremy was of great reputation with God Ihere 11. when our Lord said vnto hī pray not for this people Azarias standing in the mydst of the fornace Dani. 3. praid thus Blessed art thou o Lord God of our fathers Daniel for al king Darius acte and decre Dani. 6. left not of kneling downe vpon his knyes to pray vnto the Lorde lyke as hys manner was to do afore time three times a daye See now how precious and howe profitable a thyng he estemed it to pray vnto our Lord. Daniel perceiuynge the tyme of the Captiuitye to be compleate and at an ende prayde the more instantly for the people that were in captiuite And note howe mekely and howe feruently he maketh his intercession and prayer Dani. 9. When Susanna perceiued that she lacked all humaine ayde and counsel Dani. 13. she made her recourse to the helpe of prayer and her prayer was heard Ionas prayed vnto our Lorde out of the fyshes bellye Ionas 2. and sayde in my trouble I called vnto our Lorde and he heard me The congregation were ready gathered to fight 1. Mach. 3. to pray to make supplication vnto God for mercy grace When that Iudas Machabeus should geue battayle with Gorgias he made his praier and said i. Mac. iiii blessed be thou O sauiour of Israel i. mach Vi. In other .ii. principal battaylles we rede not that he praied The one was against king Antiochus then he wanne not but departed his wayes i. Mac. ix The other was agaynst Bacchides Alchimus and then he was slayne in the battaille i. mach xi Ionathes perceiuing that al his cōpany except a few left him fightinge against straungers he rent his clothes and praid and afterwardes obtayned the victory The Iewes beinge in tribulatyon praied vnto our Lord. The priestes hauing on them their priestly stoles and vestimentes fel downe before the aultare and called vpon God ii mac iii. whych had made a law concerning stuffe geuē to kepe that it might be safely preserued for such as deliuerd it to be kepte And al the wemen held vp their handes toward heauen and praid Onias the hie priest praid for Heliodorus that was greuously scourged by God for spoiling of the temple ii mac iii. oure Lord restored him to life again Iudas Machabeus they that wer with him iii. Mac. viii praid and besought our Lorde to deliuer thē from wicked Nicanor and though he wold not do it for theyr sakes yet for the couenaunte that he made with their fathers and because they called vppon his holye and gloryous name The wycked Antiochus praid vnto our Lord of whome he should haue obtained no mercy 2. Mach. 9. Nicanor and they that were wyth him 2. Mach. 15. drue nie with shaumes songes but Iudas and his company with praier and calling vpon God They buckled together with their handes they smote but with their hartes they praied vnto our Lord and slue no lesse thē 35. thousand men for thorow the present helpe of God they were gloriously comforted Mat. 8. The Leper had a short a profitable and an humble maner of praying Luke 5. the which knelinge before oure Lorde did worship him and saide Marke 1. master if thou wilt thou canst make me cleane The Centurion vsed as it wer by a certain insinuation Mat. 8. the like manner of prayer Luke 7. when he saide Master my seruaunt lieth sicke of the palsy Ihon. 11. And also Martha and Mary for Lazarus that was dead and buried Our Lord at times will be prayed for that Luke 10. that he purposeth to do praye ye the Lord of the haruest to send forth labourers into his haruest Mat. 9. Then there followeth immediatelye Calling together c. And when the people were sente away he wēt vp into a mountaine to pray alone Mat. 14. Wherby we are taughte that when we intēd to pray we shuld fie the company of man lest we shuld be troubled Our Lord and sauiour in hys holye Gospels Mat. 6. hath taughte vs to praye by word of mouth saying Thus shall ye pray Our father c. Men oughte alwaies to praye Luke 18. not be weary Also our Lord hath animated vs to praye by his promise Luke 11. Ihon. 14. Aske saithe he and ye shall haue Item what soeuer ye aske in my name that wil I do He hathe lykewise informed and taughte vs to praye by hys example Mat. 14. For he that might commaund would pray And specially he did the same Mat. 26. for the persecution of this Passion beynge at hand he prayed and warned other to pray saying watch and pray When Mary Magdalen obtaind forgeuenes of her sinnes of oure Lord saying Luke 7. Thy sinnes are forgeuen the we rede not that she vsed anye loude prayer but that she wept only where by the efficacye of the inwarde desyre appeareth without any vocall or loud praier Our Lord doth induce vs to instant and cōtinual praier by thexample of one that went to his frend at midnight Luke 11. Luke 18. And by thexample of a widow the which desired wyth great importunity of the wicked iudge to auenge her And to instruct vs to pray with hu●mility without pride Luke 18. or any auācement of our selues Our Lorde induc●th thexample of the proud pharisy and the lowly humble Publicane Act. 1. After our lordes assention into heauen the Disciples returned vnto Ierusalem and they al continued● with one accord in prayer and supplication with the women and Mary Thapostles being minded and willinge to chuse one of the disciples in Iudas place Act. 1. apoynted two Ioseph and Mathias and when they praied they said Thou Lord which knowest the hartes of al men shew whether of these two thou hast chosen In the primitiue church al faithful people continued in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship Act. 2. and in breaking of bread and in prayers Peter Ihon wēt vp together into the temple at the ninth hour of praier Act. 3. And assone as the disciples had praied the place moued Act. 4. where they were assembled together and they were all filled with the holye ghoste and they spake the word of God boldly The Iewes stoned Steuen callinge on Act. 7. saying lord Iesu receiue my spirite And he kneled downe and cryed with a loud voyce saying Lorde laye not this sinne to their charge Peter and Ihon prayed for them of Samaria Act. 8. that they might receiue the holy
Nume 28. and vppon other daies but one except in solempne feastes kalendes And that to declare that in festiual daies men shuld honor god more reuerently and aboundauntlye then other daies The man that was takē gathering of stickes vpon the Saboth day Nume 15. was by Goddes commaundemente stoned with stones of all the people Nehemias saw some treading wine presses 2. Esd. 13. and bringing of burthens to be solde vpon the Saboth day and he rebuked them as breakers of the Sabothe The gentiles which held with Antiochus appoynted to fighte vpon the Sabboth daies against certen Iewes that were fled out of Iewry 1. mach 2. but they casted not one stone at thē nor made faste theyr preuy places but said we will die all in oure innocencye But yet it is to be obserued and noted that notwythstandynge that in thys thing they shewed a Deuotyon towardes Goddes commaundemente yet inas much as they perceiued afterwardes that therby Gods people myghte be scattered and loste they toke better counsel sayinge What soeuer he be that cometh to make battell wyth vs vpon the saboth day we wil fight against him for why to fighte for the defēce of mans life or for the lawe of God is no seruile worke or labour Iudas Machaheus his companye fought against Nicanor his hoste 1. mach 7. slue 5000. men put the rest to flit● But yet they followed not the chase because it was the day before the saboth Nicanor thought withal his power to strike a field vpon a Sabboth day Neuerthelesse the Iewes that were compelled to go with him 2. mach 15. said O do not so cruelly and vnkindlye but halow the Saboth daye The Pharisies saide vnto the Disciples that did plucke and eat the eares mat 12. of corne 1. regu 21. ye do that which is not law full to do vpon the Sabboth day But the Lorde saide vnto them haue ye not read what Dauid did c. Then followeth The sonne of manne is also LORDE euen of the Sabbothe daye We do read that oure sauioure dyd many miracles vppon the Sabbothe day Mat. 12. as it is manifest thorow oute all the Gospell and for that ther may be assigned thre causes Fyrste to shewe hym self to be the Lord. Mat. 12. The seconde to open the true vnderstanding of the precept and commaundement for mē oughte not to cease from all woorkes vpon the Saboth Luke 6. Whether is it lawful on the Sabboth dayes to do good or to do euel Luke 12. to saue ones lyfe or to destroy it The thyrde that he myghte edifye and profet all that sawe hym and hard him When Christe had healed the woman which was bowed together the ruler of the Sinagoge disdayned Luc. 13. because that he had healed on the Sabbothe daye and saide There are syxe daies in which men ought to worke in them come that ye maye be healed and not on the Sabboth day But the Lord answered hym and said Thou hipocrite doth not eche one of you on the Sabboth day lose his Oxe or hys Alfe from the stal and lead him to the water And ought not this doughter of Abraham whome Sathan hathe bound lo 18. yeares be loosed frō this bonde on the Sabboth day And when he thus sayd all his aduersaries were ashamed all the people reioysed on all the excellent deedes that wer done by him The holy women which had prepared swete odours Luke 23. to anoynt our lords body kept the sabboth day so strictly that on that they would not anoynte so precious and holy a bodye So they rested the Sabboth daye according to the commaundement Oure Lorde laye in the Sepulchre on the Sabboth daye Ihon. 1● The Sabboth day was moste apte and conuenient to heare the worde lawe of God Act. 13. and the prophetes The whiche are read euery Sabooth day ¶ Of the reuerence that ought to be done exhibited to Gods Temple ca. xx OUR Lorde spake vnto Moyses saying Exo. 30. Thou shalt make a lauer of brasse to washe withall and putte water therin Aaron and hys sonnes shall washe their handes and theyr feete therin euen when they goe into the tabernacle of wytnesse Nume 4. It was lawfull but for a fewe to entre into the tabernacle or to touch the vessell 3. regu 6.7 Salomon was muche more dylygente and feruente in the edification and buyldynge of Goddes Temple then in buildynge of hys owne house For he accomplyshed Goddes house in seauen yeares and hys owne in thyrtene Yea he began soner to build the Temple than his owne house 3. regu 8. Salomon made greate solemnite in the buyldyng of the Temple 4. regu 11. Ioiada the byshoppe commaunded that Athalia shoulde be brought oute and not to be slayne in oure Lordes Temple Oure Lorde semed to haue greate cure and care for the Temple when that he commaunded Sirus the kyng of Percia Esd. 1. ca. 1. Esd. 45. to buylde hym an house at Ierusalem And it is vnderstanded of a materyall Temple As the texte dothe declare And Esaye declared the same two hundreth yeares before After that the Iewes were returned from the captyuite of Babilone they beganne to buylde the Temple 1. Esd. 3. or euer they edified or made the walles of the Citie notwythstandynge that they hadde manye ennemyes whome they feared bothe daye and nyghte Tobias is muche coōmended which wente to Ierusalem vnto the Temple of our Lord Tobi. 1. and ther worshypped and prayd vnto the Lorde After that they had optayned the vyctorye of theyr enemyes the which had defyled the Temple 1. Mach. 4. Iudas and hys brethren or euer they made any mention of theyr owne houses sayd beholde oure ennemyes are dyscomfyted Let vs nowe go vp to clense and to repayre the Sanctuary Kynge Demetrius ordayned that who soeuer fledde vnto the Temple at Ierusalem or within the liberties or coste thereof 1. Mach. 10 shoulde as thoughe they wer fallen into the kinges daunger for anye maner of busynesse be pardoned The Iewes goynge to make battayle agaynste Nicanors hoste 2. Mach. 15. hadde pryncipally more solycitude care and feare for the holye Temple then for theyr wyues chyldren brethren and kynsfolkes At the fortie dayes ende Our lorde woulde be broughte and offerd in the Temple Luke 2. And when he was twelue yeares olde Luke 2. he was founde disputing in the Temple Afterwardes he droue oftentymes the byers and sellers out of the Temple Ihon. 2. Luke 19. And manye times he taughte and did miracles in the Temple Oure Lord doth reproue the Pharises whiche sayde that the golde of the Temple was more holy Mat. 23. than the Temple After that the Apostles had receyued the holye ghoste Peter and Iohn went vp into the Temple Act. 3. at the nine houre of prayer And euen then was the fyrste myracle of healthe shewed
that was done after the assention of oure Lorde The aungell of oure Lorde whiche by nyghte opened the pryson doores Act. 5. and brought the Apostles forth sayd goe stande and preache in the Temple to the people all the woordes of this lyfe The Enuke Quene Candace of the Ethiopians chamberlayn Act. 8. is commended that he came oute of Ethiopia to Ierusalem to worshyppe And note that he sittynge in hys Charet● Reade Esaye the Prophette The whyche thynge maketh verye sore agaynste manye goynge to sanctyfyed and holye places the whyche nether read nor yet declare any holy documents or lessons but multiply vain and trifling wordes only Thoughte the Iowes persecuted Paule wyth muche hatred Act. 21. yet they woulde not murther hym in the temple but drue him out of the temple the they myght kill him withoute the region of the temple beinge vntouched and vndefiled ¶ Of the adoration and worshipping of God Ca. xxi IT came to passe Gen. 4. the Caine broughte and offered of the frute of the grounde an Oblation vnto the Lord. Abel also offered of the first ●inges of his shepe and of the fat ther of and our Lord had respect vnto hys oblation Enoch the sonne of Seth began to call vpon the name of God Gen. 4. Noe builded an aultare vnto oure Lord Gen. 8. and toke of euery cleane beast and of euery cleane foule and offered sacrifices and oure Lorde smelled a swete sauour Oure Lorde appeared vnto Abraham in the land of Canaan Gen. 12. and saide vnto hym Unto thy seede wil I geue this lande And there buylded hee an aultare vnto our Lord that appeared vnto him When Abraham had lyfted vp hys eies ther appeared iii. men standyng by him Gen. 18. And whē he saw them he fel to the grounde and worshipped them saying Lorde if I haue founde grace and fauour in thy sighte go not from thy seruaunte Abraham being prepared and ready to offer vp in sacrifice vnto GOD his onlye sonne Isaac Gen. 22. oure Lorde otherwise prouiding therfore he offered a Ram. Our lorde appeared vnto Isaac in Bersabe Gen. 26. and said feare not for I am with thee And he builded an aultare there vnto our Lord. And God saide vnto Iacob aryse and get the vp to Bethell Gen. 35. and dwell there And make there an altare vnto God that appeared vnto the when thou fleddest from the face of Esau thy brother When the children of Israell harde that our Lorde had visited them Exo. 4. and had loked vppon theyr trybulatyon they bowed theyr heade and worshypped And after that our Lord had spoken vnto Moses of the religion of Phase and of the destruction of the first born in the land of Egipt Exo. 12 Then there followeth The people bowed them selues and worshypped Ietro sayde to Moses bee thou vnto the people to godwarde Exo. 18 that thou mayste bringe theyr causes to God And thou shalte teache them the ceremonies and ordinaunces the waye to worshyp god And oure Lorde sayd vnto Moses come vp vnto the Lord Exo. 24 thou and Aaron Nadab and Abihu and the 70. elders of Israel and ye shal worship far of And after a few words ther dothe folow They offred peace offrynges that is xii calues vnto the Lorde And our Lord cōmaunded to make him a tabernacle Exo. 25 with diuers vtensiles and ministers to be ordayned to minister to his honor and worship as it is manifest in diuers Chapiters of Exodus The firste of the ten Commaundements is Exo. 20 Thou shalt haue no strāge gods Thou shalt make the no grauē Idoll Thou shalt not worship them neyther serue theim Deut. 6. And in a nother place Mat. 4. Thou shalt worshyp the Lord thy God and hym onlye shalte thou serue The angell of God sayd vnto Manne Samsons father Iudi. 13. if thou wilt offer a burnt offering thou muste offer it vnto the Lord. Elcana Samuels father wente vp out of his city at certain appointed or feastful daies 1. regu 1. to pray and to offer vnto the lord of hostes in Silo. The sin of Helis children was very great before our lorde 1. regu 2. for they wythdrue mē from the sacrifice of the lord And as Samuel offred the burnt offring the Philistines came to fyghte against Israel 1. regu 7. But our lord thūdred a great thundre the same daye amonge the Philistines and put them in such a feare that they fel and were slayne before Israell Salomon wente to offre vnto oure lord at Gabaon 3. regu 3. he offred a thousād burnt offringes and the lord apeared vnto him in a dreme by night Salomon after the temple was edified stode before thaltare of our Lord 3. regu 8. in the sight of al the congregation of Israel stretching out his hands toward heauen kneled vpon bothe his knees and praid King Dauid gaue muche diligēce to amplify increse the worship honor of our lord 1. Para. 15. vnto 25 in the number of singing men and prestes After that the children of Israell were returned from the captiuity of Babilon 2. Esd. 9. they red in the booke of the law of our lord iiii times on the day and iiii times on the night and worshipped the lord their God When all the Children of Israell wente to the golden Calues Tobi. 1. Thoby fled al theyr companies and got him to Ierusalem vnto the temple of god and there worshipped oure Lord god of Israel When Iob had hard the wordes of the messengers declarynge vnto hym the losse of his substance Iob. 1. he stode vp and fallinge downe vppon the grounde worshypped and sayde Naked came I oute of my mothers wombe and naked shall I tourne thither agayne Notwithstanding it was prohibyted that no manne should desyre any peticyon Dani. 6. eyther of anye God or man wythin thirtye dayes but onlye of kynge Darius yet Danyell kneeled downe vppon hys knees three tymes a daye in hys house and made hys peticion and prayer and praysed hys Lord God The wyse men went into the house and founde the Chylde wyth Marye hys mother Mat. 2. and fell downe flat and worshypped hym Beholde the deuotyon of a meruelous humility what shuld we christianes then do to the lord our god that now doth raygne if the gentyles did such reuerence to a child that wept When Iesus was come down from the moūtain Mat 8. ther came a leper worshipped him saying Lord if thou wylte thou canst make me cleane The manne that was borne blynd fallynge on hys knees worshypped hym Iohn 9. The disciples after the Lordes resurrection worshipped him Mat. 28. The priest and the people of Listra lokynge vppon Paule and Barnabas Act. 14. beleuing them to be Goddes wold haue done sacrifice vnto them But they forbode them Ihon fel before the angels feete to worship him
yet he obeied hys father sending him with vitayles vnto his brethrē notwithstanding he was elected chosen aboue al his brethrē Our lord foretold Salomon 3. regu 9. that if he wold do fulfil al thinges that he had cōmaunded him to do that thē he wold stablish the throne of his kingdōe in Ierusalē for euer But if he turned away 2. Para. 7. wold not kepe his preceptes and commaundementes that than he wold wede Israel out of the lād for euer 3. regu 20. Obedience at some times is also cōmended in such thinges as seme to be commaunded withoute any reason therfore a Lion slue him that beynge commaunded wold not smite one of the Prophets children The man of god that foretold Ieroboas the destructiō of his aultar 3. regu 13. was killed and slain by a Lion because the contrary to Gods commaundemente he did eat bread drynke water in an other prophets house When that Naaman disdaining the prophet Elizeus commaundemēt 4. regu 5. departed from him with displesure hys seruants said vnto him father if the prophet had bidden the do som great thing surely thou shuldst haue don it Toby the yonger after he had hard his fathers exhortations Tobi. 5. answered said father al that thou hast cōmaunded me wil I do and diligently Whatsoeuer Mardocheus cōmaunded that did Esther obserue keepe Esth. 2. did all thinges so euen as she was wont to do when she was yonge and vnder hys gouernaunce The Recabites are much commended of our Lord because that they wold drinke no wine Iere. 35. obeying folowyng their fathers commaundemente saying ye shal drinke no wine Ionas 1.2.3 Ionas did refuse vn wiselye to obey our Lord commaundinge him to go and preach at Niniue but comminge backe againe He came to the place that God sent him 1. Mach. 2. Mathathias saide vnto Antiochus messenger Though all nations obey the king yet I and my sonnes wil obey the lawes of our fathers 2. Mach. 7. One of the seuen brethren said we are ready rather to suffer death then to offende the lawes of God and the fathers And the childe Iesus went downe wyth Mary and Ioseph LuKe. 2. and came to Nazareth and was subiect and obedient vnto them Mat. 4. Those Apostles did spedelye perfectly obey the which being called of our lord straight way left the nets folowed him Luke 5. Likewise Mathew lefte all and followed him Mat. 21. Of those that obey in word not in dede or in dede more than in worde Our lord putteth an example of two sonnes of the which two th one said that he woulde go into hys fathers vyneyarde and woorke and wente not The other sayde I wyll not and wente Our Lord doth commaund vs to obey euē those prelates that bear rule Mat. 23. They shall sit in Moses seate what so euer they bid you obserue that obserue and do Our sauiour and lord of the lawe Luke 2. would obey the law in circumcisyon Mat. 26. and oblatyons made in the Temple and also in eatynge of the Paschall Lambe The Apostle dothe put vs an ensample of obedyence in our sauyour Philip. 2. sayinge hee became obedyente vnto deathe whome he also declareth the frute of obedyence Then there followeth Wherefore God hath exaulted him c. The chefest of the priestes threatned and commaunded Peter and Act. 4. Ihon that they shoulde speake nor teache no more in the name of Iesu. They answered and said whether it bee righte to harken vnto you more then to God Act. 4. iudge you For we can not but speake that whiche we haue sene and hard And afterwards when the Apostles were reproued agayn of the hye prestes because they had not obserued theyr Commaundemente Peter and the other Apostles aunswered Act. 5. we ought more to obey God then men Saule lyinge prostrate vppon the earthe Act. 9. and hearynge Iesus of Nazareths wordes saide euen promptlye Lord what wilt thou haue me to do Cornelius said vnto Peter Nowe are we al here in thy presence Act. 10. readye to here al thinges that are commaunded vnto the of God Paule chose Silas to be hys felow and wente throughe Siria and Cilicia Act. 15. stablyshynge the congregatyon and Commaundynge to keepe the Preceptes of the Apostles and Elders ¶ Of holy scripture Ca. xxvi WE oughte to haue greate reuerence vnto holye scrypture Exo. 31. the which God hym self did wryte deliuer and teach Moses retourned from the Mounte bearing two tables written with the finger of God Exo. 31. Our Lord Iesus doth say that he was sent to Euangelice and preach mat 10. and he sent forthe his disciples to doe the same If it may be said then that the olde law was geuen Moses by god by the meanes of angelles as saythe the Apostle and S. Steuen doth testify the same Act. 7. Ye haue saithe he the lawe of God by the ministration of aungels The reast of the old Testament was geuen by the inspiratyon of the holy Ghoste as saith S. Peter The scripture came neuer by the wyll of man 2. Pet. 1. But holy men of God spake as they were moued by the holy ghoste The new Testamēt doth contain the wordes dedes of the Lord Iesu Christe in the Gospelles the woordes of the Apostels in the Epystels and in the Apocalipses the deades of the Apostles in the actes Christ very God and man spake parte of the Gospell by him selfe and the holye ghost and by him other wordes the whiche the Apostles the Euangelistes by him instructed did speake They wer all filled with the holy ghoste Act. 2. and began to speake with diuers other tongues A wise man seketh out the wisdom of them of the olde tyme exercyseth him selfe in the prophetes Eccle. 39. As though he would saye A wyse man must exquire and seke the wysdome of wyse men but specially he must giue his diligēce to the scriptures of the prophets Notwithstandynge that Ionathas the hie priest the elders of the Iewes were occupied in maters of warre 1. Mach. 2. yet they were vnto the Spartianes vndre this maner But as for vs we reade no such mater for why we haue the holy boke of scripture in our handes to our comfort And our Lord answering by scripture defēded his disciples against the Pharises Haue ye not read quoth he what Dauid did when he was an hōgred Mat. 12. Oure sauiour being tempted of the deuyll Mat. 4. answered by scriptures and by the auctoryte of scripture confounded him And he sayde that the scripture was fulfylled at his comminge This daye is this scripture fulfylled in your eares LuKe. 4. Oure Lorde gaue greate auctoryte to the olde Testament when he sayd Tyll heauen and earth passe Mat. 5. one iote or one tytle of the law shal not
sentence the whiche discharged Menelaus and condēpned to deathe his iuste accusers Herodias gaue her doughter wicked counsell Mat. 14. saying Thou shalt aske nothynge els but the head of Iohn Baptiste Paule the proconsulle desired to heare the woorde of God Act. 13. that Paule and Barnabas did preache But Elimas the sorcerer withstode them and sought to turne the ruler away from the fayth When Paule and Barnabas were in suche honoure at Listra that men would haue done sacrifice vnto them as vnto Goddes Act. 14. Thether came certaine Iewes whiche when they had persuaded the people and had stoned Paule drewe him out of the cyty supposing he had bene dead By the occasion of a certaine damsell whome Paule delyuered of an euyl By the occasion of a certain damsel whome Paule deliuered of an euyll spirite Act. 16. her master fearing and sorowing the losse of hys auauntage declared so manye thinges to the magestrates rulers that he caused Paule and Silas to be beaten with roddes and to be cast into prison Of hearing the word of God Ca. xxix AAron tolde al the wordes which oure Lorde hadde spoken vnto Moses Exo. 4. and the people beleued And when they heard that our Lorde hadde visited the children of Israell they laye downe prostrate and worshypped And Moses saide before the Lorde Loe the chyldren of Israell heare me not and howe shall Pharo heare me Al the people sayd vnto Moses with one voyce Exo. 24● All the woords whych our Lord hathe saide wyll we do And a litle after And Moses toke the booke of the appoyntment and red it in the audience of the people And they sayd all that our Lorde hath sayd we wyll doo and be obedient Eglon the kyng of Moab sat in his somer parler Iudi. 3. and Aliud sayde vnto hym I haue a message vnto thee from God he arose immediatly out of his seate asthough he would haue doone reuerence vnto the woorde of God Hely taughte Samuell ryght well that he should saye vnto oure Lorde that spake vnto hym 1. regu 3. Speake on lord for thy seruaunt heareth Achab the Kynge of Israell would not heare Micheas our Lordes Prophete 3. regu 22. because he prophecied no good vnto hym but euyll Yet when Micheas was calde He sayd vnto hym Heare the worde of God Esdras brought foorthe the booke of the lawe 2. Esd. 8. and redde in it openlye from the mornynge vntyll the noone day and the eares of the people were erected vnto the booke Then foloweth All the people wepte when they hearde the wordes of the lawe Iobbe makynge aunswere vnto oure LORDE sayde Iob. 42. I haue geuen dylygente eare vnto thee and nowe I see thee with myne eyes Wherefore I geue myne owne selfe to blame and take repentaunce in the dust and ashes OURE Lorde spake vnto Ieremye Iere. 26. Keepe not one woorde of the Lorde backe yf peraduenture they wyll hearken and tourne euerye man frome hys wycked waye That I maye also repente of the euyll that I haue determined to do vnto theim because of their wicked inuentions OURE Lorde sayd vnto Ezechiell Eze. 3. Gette thee vnto the house of Israell and thou shalte shewe them my woordes and mynde Then there foloweth The howse of Israell woulde notte heare nor folowe the for they woulde not heare nor folowe mee The woordes of Ionas came vnto the king of Niniue Iona. 3. which rose out of his seate and did his apparell of and put on sackcloth and sate hym down in ashes Herode the Tetrache feared Ihon the Baptist Mar. 6. and kept hym and when he heard him he did manye thynges and hard him gladly Mary the sister of Martha sate at Iesus fete LuKe. 10. and hard hys worde And at the laste she hard our Lorde say Marye hath chosen the good parte which shal not be taken away from her Luke 6. Oure lorde in the later ende of hys sermon in the mount said whosoeuer heareth my sayinges and doothe the same shall be likened to a wise man that hathe builte hys house vppon a rocke of stone Luke 5. When the people preased Iesus to heare the word of God he sat downe and taught the people out of the ship Peter and hys fellowes brought the shippes to lande and they forsoke all and folowed hym To the woman that lyfted vp her voyce and said Luke 11● Blessed is the wombe that bare thee Oure Lorde aunswered yea blessed or happye are they that heare the worde of GOD and keepe it We do read that our Lorde aboute the time of his passion Luke 19 taught dailye in the temple And after a few words we read that all that people stode by him and were astonyed when they hearde hym As two of the Lordes disciples wer goinge to a towne or castell called Emaus Lu. 24. and talked together of al those thynges that had hapned and chaunced at the time of our Lordes passyon they deserued to haue hys companye of whome they spake and had theyr communication The sermon that was made to the people in the feast of Pentecost Act. 2. beyng ended and after the commynge of the holy ghost thus it is sayd and wryttē When they hard thys they wer pricked in theyr hartes and said vnto Peter and vnto thother Apostles Ye mē and brethren what shall we doe And ther wer baptised about a 3000. men After that the lame man was healed and Peters sermon ended Act. 3.4 manye that hard his predication beleued and the nombre of the menne was aboute fiue thousand The twelue Apostles called the multytude of the Disciples together Act. 6. and said It is not mete that we shuld leaue the word of God and serue Tables And note that those tables wer the tables of pore wydowes Where by we may vnderstande that the predication and setting forth of the word of God is preferd aboue the corporal workes of mercy The Iewes could not resist the wisdome and the spirite whiche spake by holy Steuen Act. 6. Philip went into a city of Samaria and preached christe vnto them Act. 8. And the people gaue hede vnto those thinges whyche Phyllyp spake wyth one accord Phillip opened hys mouth Act. 8. and preched Iesus vnto the chamberlain and commynge to a certaine water the chamberlaine sayde that he beleued that Iesus Christe is the son of God and he baptised hym Our lorde said thus vnto Ananias of Paule Act. 9. whome he blineded corporally and illumined spiritually Goe thy way for he is a chosen vessel vnto me to beare my name before the gentiles and kynges and the Chyldren of Israel Our lord wold not instruct Cornelius by his aungel Act. 10. but sent hym worde that he shoulde call Simon whose syrname is Peter he should tell teach him what he ought to do While Peter spake Act. 10. the holy ghost fel on all them
heary clothes withall theyr hartes cried vnto oure Lorde that he would viset hys people And in the prayse of Iudyth it is wryttē that she ware a smock of heer and fasted all the dayes of her life except the Sabothes Iudith 8. and new mones and the solempne dayes of the house of Israell Notwithstanding that Iob was a simple Iob. 1.42 a true and a iust man such one as feared God and eschued euyll yet he sayeth I do penaunce in duste and ashes The captiuity of Ierusalem beyng at hand Esaias said Esa. 22 Our Lord God cald men in that day to wepynge and mourning to bauldnesse and gyrding about wyth sackcloth The Niniuites at Ionas preching beleued GOD Ionas 3 and Proclaimed fastynge and arayd them selues in sack cloth as well the greate as the small of them Timotheus host drawynge neare Machabeus and they that were wyth hym 2. mach 10. prayed vnto our Lord sprinkled ashes vpon their heds beinge gyrded with heary cloth about theyr loynes fel downe before the aultare and besought our Lord that he woulde bee mercifull to them and an ennemye to theyr ennemyes Ihon the Baptist was sanctified or euer he came out of his mothers wōb math 11. and nourished with his holy parents and fled into the desart wh●re he led so austere and so hard a life that as it is sayd he nother dyd eat nor drinke ye and adde thys to that he was not clothed for Camels heere is no mete garment for man How gladly our Lord receiued the sinneful to penaunce math 4. it appeareth by this Lu. 5. Lu. 7 that he began hys preaching with penaunce Also he saith that he came for that math 9. math 26 And declared the same by hys workes and by the example of Mary And of zacheus Lu. 15 Luk. xix And by the example of Peter And by diuers symylytudes the whyche hee wrote of the Sheape that was loste in the desarte And of the groate that the woman loste in her house And of the Prodygall chylde whome the Father thoughte was deade and after reuyued Mary Magdalen the example patrone of penance came vnto our lord vncommaunded Lu. vii nor was not ashamed of those that were at table wyth hym she stode at hys fete behind him weping And to brynge menne to penaunce he put an example of certain vppon whome fel the tour in Siloe and slue them Lu. xiii And then he saith Except ye repent yee shall al likewise perysh And as touchynge the example of the sheape that pearyshed and the grote that the woman lost and afterwardes was found Our Lord dothe say Lu. xv that there is in heauen more ioye ouer one synner that repenteth and doth penaunce then ouer ninety and nyne iust persones whyche neade no penaunce Oure lorde gaue vnto the woman that was taken in aduoutry Ihon. viii a lyttle and a short penaunce saying Go and synne no more Iudas seynge that oure lorde was condempned Math. xxvii repented hym self and brought againe the xxx plates of syluer saying I haue synned betraying the innocent bloud Truely he sayde the truth but inasmuch as he dispeared he deserued no forgeuenesse Peter denying his master in the hie preastes courte dyd synne Math. 26. but when hee was willynge to wepe and to do penaunce Luke 22. he went oute And note that Luke dothe ad to this that our lorde turned backe and loked vppon Peter Certaine Iewes which were compuncte and prycked in theire hartes Act. 2. sayed ye menne and brethren what shall we do Peter sayed vnto them Do penaunce and be baptised euery one of you When they hearde Peters reasons wherefore he came to Cornelius Act. 11. and that he hadde baptised hym the brethren helde they re peace and gloryfied god sayinge Then hath God also to the gentyles graūted repentaūce and penaunce to life ¶ Of the honoure due vnto our parentes Capitu. lxii Sem and Iaphet deserued theyr fathers blessinge Gen. 9. in asmuche as they dyd theyr dewtye vnto hym beynge bare But his sonne Cain was cursed because he deryded the nakednesse of his father The fathers blessinge was a thing of greate estimation amonge oure elders Gen. 27. As it appeareth in Iacob and Esau for they carefully soughte for the same Although Esau was a wicked man reproued of god and hatinge his brother Iacob Gen. 27. yet hee woulde not kyll him duringe the lyfe of his father Isaac For he sayed The dayes of my fathers sorowe will come In that he honoured his father beinge a frayde to offende him Iudas bounde him selfe to a greate paine Gen. 42.43 When he saied to his father If I bringe not Beniamin againe and deliuer him vnto the. Then lette me beare the blame for euer And yt is to be noted that whē Ruben said slaye my two sōnes if I bring him not to the again that he agreed not vnto him But yet he agreed vnto Iudas sayinge the other forsayde wordes The selfe same Iudas desiring Ioseph to sende Beniamin again to his father amonge other things he repeted the forsaide wordes by the whiche he bounde him selfe to his father Gen. 44. And saied more ouer I cānot go vp to my father if the childe be absent onelesse I would se and be a witnes of the calamite wretchednes that shall come on and oppresse my father Iacob blessinge his chyldren spake thus against Ruben Gen. 4● Thou art caste out vnstable as water Thou shalt not growe and be cheafeste because thou wentest vp to thy fathers bedde and dydest defile it Our lorde commaunded by Moses that if a man haue a son that is stubburn and disobedient Deut. 21. that the people of the citye shoulde stone him to death Our lord recompenst the euell that Abimilech did vnto his father in sleynge his .lxx. brethren Iudi. 9. The childrē of Hely wold not heare theyr father rebukinge corr●tynge them 1. Reg. 2.4 and therefore they felt the Uegeaunce and punishment of god Because that Ionathas tasted a litle honye against his fathers inhibition 1. Regu 14 his father iudged him to death but yet the people deliuered him that he dyed not Dauid fl●ing from the presence and face of Saule beinge in great necessite remembred his parentes 1 Regu 22. and diligentlye commended them to king Moab Absolon labored to expel his father Dauid oute of his kingdome 2. regu 15 but yet his chaunce was not good Salomon rose to mete hys mother comming vnto him and bowed him selfe vnto her 3. regum 2. And there was a seate set for the kinges mother Two of Sennacheribs sonnes slew hym 4. regu 19. and yet nether of them raigned after him Olde Tobias instructing his sōne amonge other things he saied Tobi. 4. When God taketh awaye my soule burye thou my bodye and holde thy mother in honoure all the dayes
of her lyfe Oure Lorde castyng those oute of the temple with a scourge that solde and bought Oxen Iohn 2. shepe and doues and the chaungers of money sayed make not my fathers house an house of marchaundise sekynge very often tymes in this and other thinges his fathers honoure It is written of the chylde Iesu that he wente downe with them Luke 2. that is with Mary and Ioseph and came to Nazareth and was subiecte and obedient vnto them Also in a nother place he sayeth Iohn 8. I honour my father And hangynge vppon the crosse he commended his mother to his welbeloued disciple Iohn 19. Whereby it appeareth what carefulnesse he hadde for hys mother that forgat her not at the poynte or laste Artycle of death ¶ Of thankes geuing for the benefites of God Capi. lxiii IAcob gaue thāks vnto god most diligētly Gen. 31. saiyng Lord I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies and truthe whiche thou hast shewed vnto thy seruant Exo. 13. Our lorde woulde that the childrē of Israell shoulde neuer forget theyr deliueraunce oute of Aegipte And it shall be Sayth he a signe vnto thee vpon thyne hande for a remēbraūce betwene thyne eyes that the lordes lawe may be in thy mouth Moses and the chyldren of Israell sange this songe vnto our lord Exo. 15. said Let vs singe vnto our lord This was after they had so wonderfully passed ouer the red see After thei hadde obtained and gotten a wonderfull greate victorye of theyr enemyes Nume 31. the prynces of the hoste of Israel came to Moses saiyng that there was not one of the children of Israell slayne in the battayle And yet they hadde taken of men and cattayle a greate number And for that cause they offerde vppe great gyftes vnto our Lorde Our Lord commaunded that after the myraculus goyng ouer Iordan they should pitche Iosu. 3. and set vp twelue stones in and for a perpetual monument and memory of the same After the victory obtained by Barath Tebora of Sysara they sāge gaue ●hankes to our Lord. Iudi. 5. Anna praid and praised our Lorde for her sonne Samuel the which our Lord had geuen her 1. reg 2. Although the children of Israel in suche battailes as they wanne dyd fyghte stoutlye and stronglye Iudi. 20. Yet they said that it was oure Lorde that smote theyr ennemyes that the laud and praise myght be geuen vnto oure Lorde When Dauid heard of the reuelation that God made by the Prophet Nathan 2. reg 7 of the continuaunce of hys kyngdom he gaue God thankes most humbly and deuoutly Oure Lorde is muche to be lauded and praysed that geueth hys people a good prince and prelate 3. regu 5. Blessed be our Lord saith scripture which hath geuen vnto Dauid a wyse sonne ouer this mighty people 1. Esd. 1. Cyrus the kynge of Persia proclaymed thorowe oute all hys Empyre Oure LORDE God of heauen hathe geuen me al the kingdoms of the earth and hathe commaunded me to buylde hym a house at Ierusalem Whosoeuer now among you is of hys people oure Lord hys God be with him and let hym go vp to Ierusalem and build the house of our lord God of Israel Tobi. 11. When Tobias had recouered hys sighte he and his wife and all that knew him before that he was blinde praised and glorified God Iudi. 16. After the victorye of Holofernes host was obtained all the people resorted and came to Ierusalē to prayse and pray vnto our Lord. Dani. 2. After that the vision of Nabuchodonozor king of Babilon was reueled opened vnto Daniel He blessed oure Lord God of heauen and sayde The name of our Lord be blessed for wisdome and strength are his The iii. childrē being deliuered frō the burning fire and flame of the fornace Dani. 3. praysed our lorde well and deuoutly And not they only gaue thākes vnto god for that thing but Nabuchodonozor did also cause the wonderful thinges of our lord to be proclaymed thorow out al his kingdome After that the temple vnder Iudas Machabeus was erected and purifyed 1. Mach. 4. they worshypped and gaue thankes to the GOD of heauen that hadde prospered and geuen them the victorye Iudas Machabeus and the people of Ierusalē wrote vnto Aristobolus 2. Mach. 1 saying we being deliuered by god frō great daungers and pearils magnifycētly do geue thankes vnto hym When the blessed virgin had herd the laude and praise that Elizabeth gaue her LuKe. 1. saying Blessed art thou amonge women she praysed and lauded God for the benefytes geuen to her and to all the worlde wyth these wordes My soul magnyfyeth the lord We reade in the gospel that when our Lord purposed to do some greate miracle Iohn 6.11 that oftentimes he loked vp to heauen gaue thankes Mat. 26. as it manifestly appeareth in the multiplicatiō of the loues In the resuscitation of Lazarus and in the institucion of the blessed and holy sacrament After Ihon the Baptist was born LuKe. 1. and that zacharias had recouered his speache he prophesying praysed our Lord saying Blessed be oure Lorde God of Israel Simeon toke the child Iesus vp in hys armes Luke 2. and blessed our Lord. When the people saw that our Lorde had healed the man of the palsy Mat. 9. they meruailed and glorified god whyche had geuen such power to men And likewise when the widowes son was reuiued Luke 7. ther came a fear on thē al and they magnified god and gaue vnto him the glory saying A greate prophet is rysen vp among vs. One of those x. lepers that which wer clensed at Goddes commaundement turned backe againe Luke 17. and fell downe on hys face at hys feete and gaue hym thankes After that our Lord had supt with his disciyles Mat. 26. and had said grace they went out vnto mount Oliuer The halt that was healed by Peter Act. 3.4 entred with the Apostles into the temple walkinge and leapinge and praisyng God Then ther followeth All men praised God because of that which was done for the man was aboue xl yere old on whom the miracle of healing was shewed Paule gaue thankes for the benefits to him and other exhibited 1. Timo. 1. To hym self in his conuersyon I thancke my Lord god that cōforted me in Christ wheras before I was a blasphemer a persecutor contumelious but yet I obtained merrye because I did it ignorauntly through vnbelefe And in his cōuersation thankes be vnto god 2. Cor. 2. which alwais geueth vs the triumph and victory in Christ Iesu. And deuoutly he geueth thākes for the benefites exhibited to his brethrē First verely I geue God thankes for you all Roma 1. that youre Faythe is spoken of in all the world 1. Thes. 2. And to the Thessalonians What thanckes can we recompence to God again for you ouer
Nabuchodonozor saied vnto the elders and captaines of his wars that this was his thought and purpose to bring the hole earth vnder his dominion Nowe when that thynge pleased them all c. Kinge Ahasuerus beinge wrothe with Quene Uasthi questioned with his wise counsellers Esth. 1. what sentēce or law shuld be executed vppon the Quene The which counsellers did not coole the kinges furye nor excuse her that was absent but one answered wyth indignation saying The kinges indignation is iust Amans frends Esth. 5 his wife not perceiuyng the cankerd and euel minde that he had towardes Mardocheus did not reproue nor rebuke hym but said Commaund thou a hye payre of galowes to be framed and made The princes and hie estates of Darius the king of Perse Dani. 6 hauing a desire that the king shuld make an vniust decree dyd purpose a thinge that semed to pertain to his honor Alchinus that wicked traytor willing to be made the hie priest i. mach 7 said vnto kinge Demetrius Iudas and hys brethren haue destroyed thy frendes after ther foloweth the the king made Alchinus the hie priest commaunded him to be reuenged to punyshe the children of Israel After that Ihons disciples wer departed and gone Mat. xi oure Lorde began wonderfully to praise him the which thynge maketh agaynste those that doe openlye prayse menne and seacreatly detract and backbite them The Pharises going about to take Christ in his wordes Mat. 22 began to praise and to flatter him saying Master we know that art thou true and teachest the way of God truely Herode Agrippa that greate kyng perceiuing that he pleased the Iewes because he had taken certaine of the congregation Act. 12. and had killed Iames the brother of Ihon proceaded further to haue taken Peter Act. 12 The people gaue a shout to Herod that wicked king the which had slain Iames and incarcerated Peter saying It is the voyce of a God and not of a man Act. 24. Tertullius the orator whyche was brought in against Paul by the president Felix did at the beginnynge of his oration flatter Felix ¶ Of derision and contumelious reprofe Ca. lxx THe men of Sadoch and Phanuel derided Gedeon persecuting Zebee and Salmana Iudi. 8. but of that folowed mischaunces For afterwardes he intreated them very rigorously and euel Nabal contemned contumeliously the woordes of Dauids messengers saying 1. regu 25. what is Dauid And what is the sonne of Isai Ther is plentye of seruauntes now a dayes that breake away from their masters Michol seing king Dauid dansinge before the Arke of the Lord 2. regu 6. despysed him because she sawe him bare And afterwardes deriding mocking him she said O how glorious was the king this day Wicked Iezabell spake scornfull mocking wordes vnto Achab. 3. regu 21. Thou art a man of great authority and dost gouern thy kingdom well For as muche as the children deryded and mocked Elizeus the prophet 4. regu 2. saying Go vp thou bald head Two beares tare and deuoured xlii of thē King Hezechias postes went swiftly from city to city 2. Para. 30. warnyng the chyldren of Israell to retourne vnto oure Lord. But they laughed thē to scorn and mocked them 2. Para. 36 Our Lord sent his prophets daily vnto them warned them to spare his people and his dwellinge place But they mocked the messengers of god and litle regarded hys wordes misused his prophets When Sanabalat Tobias hard say that the walles of Ierusalem wer a buildinge 2. Esd. 4 they mocked the buylders When Tobias was blynde hys frendes kinsfolk laughed his liuing to scorn Tob. 2. sayinge where is nowe thy hope for the which thou hast done almes and buried the dead Nicanor seing the burnt sacrifices that wer offred for the king laughed them to scorn with comtempt 1. mach 7 spake proudly and disdainfullye ye swore in his wrath Antiochus that cruell tiraunte beinge kindled in anger by the wordes of the seuenth brother 2. Mach. 7. was more cruell vpon him then vpon all thother and toke indignation that he was so lightly regarded Oure lorde was dyuers maner of wayes derided as it shall afterwards apeare in the chapiter of pacience Certayne Iewes Act. 2. when they sawe that our lordes disciples after the infusion of the holy goost spake diuers languages and tongues sayed mockingly These menne are full of new wyne When the Athenienses had hearde Act. 17 of the resurrection of the deade that Paule preached Some mocked And other sayed let vs heare the agayne of this matter ¶ Of Detractors and euel speakers Capi. lxxi IOsephs lady and mestres spake wickedly to her husband of him beinge Innocent and chaste Gen. 39 Pharo sayed who doubteth but that ye haue some mischefe in hande Exo. 10 wherby it appeareth that euell men doo affirme and at sometymes doo laye to good mennes charges wyth vniust boldenes the thinge whiche is vniust and false Mary and Aaron vpon a light occasion spake against Moses Nume 12. but quickly after ther folowed a pain and punishment that reuenged the matter Nume 14. The children of Israell dispraysed the lande of promise to theyr greate pain and punishment Nume 16. By the occasion of Chores and his felowes sedition many were mooste fearfully slain And yet after that the multitude murmured against Moses and Aaron saying ye haue kylled the people of our Lord. Although Balaam was euell yet he said Num. 23. that he in no wise wold curse the p●ople which our Lorde had blessed And as touchinge that there are many worse found then be the which do gladly and more oftentimes curse and backbite the good then the peruerse and euel Saul at the beginning was exceading goo● 1. regu 10. but yet the children of Beliall said how can he saue vs By the occasion of Doeg the Idumite declaring vnto Saule that Abimelech ●he priest had comforted and refreshed Dauid 1. re 22. he slue .lxxxv. men that did weare a linnen Ephod And many mo wemen and children The lords of the Philistines caused Achis the kynge of Seth 1. reg 19 to remoue Dauid the which by his iudgemente was good from his honest office and place that he had preferd him vnto Dauid commaūded the yonge man that shewed of kinge Saule and his sonnes death 2. reg 1 to be slayne And yet he thoughte that he hadde brought him prosperus and glad tydinges The chefest of the children of Ammon saied vnto theyr lorde 2. re 10 T●inkest thou that Dauid for the honour of thy father hath sent comfortours to the And so they peruerted the simple and pure intention of Dauid Absolon ambitiusly desyringe the kingdome 2. regu 15 saied vnto one that hadde busynesses before hym There is no man deputed of the king to heare the. Siba Mephiboseth seruant did wickedly bacbyte
of oure lorde Mar. 15. For first he was scourged vpon the heade he was smitten vpon the heade wyth a rede Iohn 18. And vpon the face One of the ministers whiche slode by the bishop smote hym on the face Mat. 27. Aud they dyd smy●e hym in the necke and ouer all his body And Pilate delyuerd Iesus that was scourged to be crucifyed And in this thynge it is to be noted that all such as do learne are wont to be scourged and bea●ē vpon the heade seruantes vpon the necke the whiche men thrust out of the house gilty persons vpon the face and scelera●e persons thorowout all the body Also a faythfull soule muste consider that hee was scourged wyth the tonges of blasphemers dispisers and of those that cried oute and sayde Mat. 26. crucifie him and that smote hym wyth their handes as it is wrytten They smote hym on his face wyth the palme of their handes And with a rede and scourges As Mathew and Marke do testifie And to the heape of all iniuryes it maketh that the lorde of all lordes and rulers the whiche doth lose that be fetered and dothe illuminate the blynde was taken and bounde lyke a thefe Iohn 18. The Iewes ministers sayth Iohn toke Iesus and bounde him Also he was lesse estemed thē a thefe for the Iewes demaunded that Barrabas Luc. 23. should be loosed oure lorde to be crucified Mat. 27. yet Barrabas was a thefe and in seditiō had cōmitted murther So that Barrabas was a murtherer a sedi●ius person a famous thefe and in malyce sore diffamed forther more he was hanged and set betwene two theues as thoughe he had bene their maister and worste of all other For Iohn saith Iohn 19. And Iesus in the middes Forthermore we must way ponder that he was afflicted and punyshed in all the members and sences of his body His eies behelde and sawe those cruell tormentors And also his mooste mekest mother the whiche in soule was crucified his derely beloued disciple and the deuoute wemen that in minde suffered with him His eares did heare blasphemouse mocking iniurious and dispising wordes Likewyse hys nose by reason of the place in the whiche he was crucified where the misdoers were beheaded might with filthy slenche be offēded His tast was noied because they gaue him wine mingled with myrre or vineger with gall to quenche his thurst withall wherby we may well vnderstand that the drinke which thei gaue him was very bitter His sense of feeling or touching sprede thorowout all his body felte paine in his members which wer scourged in his handes and feete Which were borde thorow with nayles It may be likewise cōsidered Iohn 19. that he sustained losse in things longing and pertayning to his bodye For he was spoyled of hys raiment his frendes went from him Mar. 14. For his disciples for soke him ran awaye Thus he was afflicted as it is sayed in all partes of his body by his most bytter passion Also in hart and minde he suffered for he was sorye for his frendes that stode by and for his enemies that ignorauntly did crucify him And againe in a maner he sufferd was hurte in his good name fame Mat. 27. For they called him a seductor of the people Sir sayd the chefe of the priestes to Pilate we remēber that this deceiuer said while he was yet a liue c. And yet we muste marke as touching the helthfull passiō of our Lord Iesu Christ that it was most fylthy most ignominius shameful be reasō of the place because it was done in Ierusalem Wher he was knowen and honored and wher he had done many miracles Item because of the time day for it was done in the solempne feast of Ester when a greate multitude came together vnto the feast and he was led vnto his crosse and passion at nyne of the clocke to then●ent he myghte bee sene and knowen of all menne And agayne it was most fylthy cōsidering the kinde of death For it was the deathe of the crosse a death dewe vnto yll spoken menne yll doers and vniuste menne And the maner of goynge to his deathe Iesus wente forth bearynge his crosse the whiche thinge is not red of other two wicked persones which wer led with him Iohn 19. And again bi reason of his cōpanions For he was crucyfied betwixt ii theues asthough he had ben one of thē or the greatest or maister of them Forthermore the bitternes of hys blessed passyō was increased by the naturall complection of our lords body For manifest it is that his holi bodi was of the best most purest cōplectiō made fashioned by the worke of the holye goost without any faute or errour of nature and so his holye fleshe had no rebellion or fyght against the spirite And therfore the spirit did loue not without a good cause his body more then any other mans spirite or soule shuld loue his body Item the bitternes of his passion was agrauate by the continuaunce of the same For many mar●irs that wer burnt or drowned or beheaded did accomplish and ende their martirdome very shortly But oure Lordes passion endured euen in a manner from thinstance of his conception vntil the houre of his death For he foreknewe mooste certenlye what his humanity shulde suffer but specially it continued from the tyme of his laste supper vntill the nynthe hour of the syxte daye folowyng And also it was aggrauate by the quality of the members in the which he suffred that is in his fete and handes the whiche are members full of neaues sinewes most ready to receiue dolor and pain And that our lordes passyō was most bitter and very greuous it may be most chefely gathered by this that Luke sheweth for in his oration prayer had after supper hys sweate throughe the vehement imaginacion of the anguishe and paines that were to come Luc. 22. wer like droppes of bloude trickeling downe to the ground But that our Lord went frely and willingli vnto his passion that made it most gratious Mat. 26. R●●e saith he let vs be going Behold he is at hande that shal betray me And Ihon saithe he went forth to mete the ministers that sought Iesus of Nazareth Iohn 18. and when they hard our Lord say I am he they wente backewardes and fell to the ground And when he was taken bounde ignominious●y led away falsly accused buffeted be spued scourged mockingly crowned with thorne yet hee neuer shewed anye word or signe of impacience or trouble but shewed them manifolde benefites that so dyd handle him For hee healed the seruaunts eare that was cut of he spake many deuout and profitable wordes vnto thē and praid meekely for those that crucified him calliuge mooste swetely vppon his father beninglye excusinge them Luc. 23. sayinge father Forgeue them for they wotte not what they
do And all this he suffred not for hym self but for vs. For he prayd that the sinnes might be taken away whych he neuer committed And so hee dyed for our necessity and vtilitye and not for hys owne but for all hys frendes For why to deliuer vs he would be taken to redeme vs he wold be sold that we might be honored he would be confounded and crucified He was bound that we might be losed scourged that we shoulde not be scourged he died that we shoulde not die eternally And Paule saith I lyue by the faithe of the sonne of God whiche loued me and gaue hym selfe for me And in a nother place Christ died for our sinnes Gala. 2. And Peter saithe Christe suffred for vs 1. Cor. 15. leaninge vs an ensample that we should folow his steppes 1. Pet. 2. And Esay Esai 33. he was wounded for oure offences and was smitten for oure wickednesse and with his stripes we are healed And it is wrytten I geue my life for my shepe And it is wrytten of the Apostles whiche were beaten Act. 5. They departed from the counsel reioysing that they wer counted worthy to suffer rebuke for his name Steuen was so pacient and benign to those that stoned him that he made more diligent intercession for them Act. 7. then for him self for he kneled down and cried with a loud voyce Lord lay not this sinne to theyr charge when he prayed for him self we reade not that he kneled or cried Paule and Silas being in a harde prison Act. 16. prayed at mydnight and lauded God ¶ Of constancy and continuaunce in purposes Cap. lxxx AFter that we bee once departed from the society and felowshyp of those that be euill Gen. 19. we shoulde not loke behinde vs as Lots wife did the which was turned into a piler of salt Iosephes mistresse was daily moles●ius and greuous vnto him Gen. 39. but yet continually he resisted that nepharius and wicked dede Moses could by no meanes be chased or ouercomd other to remain and to sacrifice to our Lorde in Egipt Exo. 8.9.10 or to leaue vnto Pharao the peoples children or cattell Dauid was sore reproued of hys eldest brother and also disswaded by Saule 1. regu 17. and yet he left not of his purpose but fought manfully and ouercame Golyath Ioa● continued in the siege of Rabbath vntil the city was taken and in the battaile againste Absolon 2. regu 11.18.20 and in the siege of the citye Abela agaynste Seba the sonne of Bochius Although Nehemias in buyldinge of the wall of Ierusalem 2. Esd. 4.6 suffered manye lettes and impedyments yet he neuer lefte of nor ceased not from hys woorke vntyl the wal was wholy ended In so much as Tobias ●uer feared God from hys youthe vp Tobi. 2. he grudged not againste God that the plague of blindnesse chaunced vnto hym but remained stedfast in the feare of God thanked God all the daies of his life Eliachim the hie priest spake vnto al Israel sayinge be ye sure that our Lord wil hear your prayers and peticions Iudi. 4. if ye continue stedfaste in Fastinges and prayers in the syghte of our Lord. King Ahaswerus seruauntes desyred to knowe whether Mardocheus cōtinued in his purpose that he wold not honoure and worship Aman Esth. 3. the whiche Mardocheus did so contynue in his purpose that he would not only worship him nor yet arise or when he came by bow his kne vnto hym Daniels fellowes said constantlye vnto the king of Babilon know thou O kinge Dani. 3. that we will not serue thy Gods nor do reuerence or pray vnto thy Image Daniell lefte not of for all Darius wicked and cruel de●re Dani. 6. to pray in the day time vnto our Lord as his manner was to do Susanna did constantly resist those two old priestes Dani. 13. that tempted her so vehemently There were many of the people of Israell which determined with them selues 1. math 1. that they woulde not eate vncleane thynges but chose rather to suffer deathe then to be defyled wyth vncleane meates Eleazarus had a wonderfull constancy and perseuerance in his pains and tormentes 2. mach 6. for he chose rather to die with a moste greuous death then against the law to eat swines flesh or to dissemble to haue eaten it Those same seuen brethren wyth theyr good and deuoute mother 2. Mach. 7. dyd wel contynue vnto the latter end nor they coulde not be induced to the preuarication and breche of the law nother by fair meanes nor yet by foul The blessed virgin Marye hadde a mooste ferme and stedfast purpose to kepe her virginity Luc. 1. the whych would not consente to the conception of her chylde vntyll she vnderstode that it shuld not be done by man but by the vertue of the holy ghost Our Lord doth put an ensample of him that beginneth to build a tour Luc. 14. was not able to make an end The man that was borne blynde and restored to his sight by our Lord Iohn 9. did constantly continue againste the Pharises confessing and defendynge the truthe Act. 1. And al our Lordes disciples continued wyth one accorde in prayer and supplication with the wemen Mary the mother of Iesu. When the Princes of the Iewes saw the constancye of Peter Ihon Act. 4. and vnderstode that they wer vnlearned and idiots or laye menne they meruailed Barnabas perceiuing that manye of the Antiochens were turned vnto the faith Act. 11. exhorted them al that with purpose of hart they wold continually cleaue vnto our Lord. Paul Barnabas exhorted the brethren to cōtinue in the grace of god Act. 13. The holy ghost witnesseth in euery city vnto Paule Act. 20. that bandes and trouble abide him in Ierusalem but I feare saith he none of these thynges neither do I make my life dearer vnto me then my selfe ¶ Of bodelye warre and victory most commenly obtained Capi. lxxxi ABraham with a fewe of his felowes ouerthrew four kings Gen. 14. the which wer so mighty that they wasted and destroyed great coūtries and at length they ouercame the kinges of the v. cities and spoiled the men of Sodome and Gomor But Abraham recouered the spoyle and deliuered Lot his nephew And it is to be noted that in iuste warre a man is not bounde to Proclaim warre vnto his enemyes Ca. 8.10 or to foretell them yea it is lawfull to deceiue them as it appeareth by Abraham Iosue and Gedeon Moses sent Iosue to fight agaynste Amalech that went aboute to let and hynder the chyldren of Israel Exodi 17. Moses went not in hys own parson but cōtinued in Prayer and dyd more by prayer then he with hys hands fyghtynge The children of Israell beinge moued went couragiously to fight Nume 14. Moses forbiddinge them againste the Amalechites and the Cananites whiche smote them
thē Afterwardes he smote the Philistines again and tooke the bridle of bondage out of theyr hands Hesmote Moab the whiche was tributary vnto him Also he smote kyng Soba and xii M. of the Sirians And our Lord kept Dauid what so euer he toke in hande When Ioab saw that the fronte of the batta●l was againste him before and after hee saide vnto hys brother Abisai If the Sirians preuayle agaynste mee thou shalt healpe mee if the children of Amnon preuaile against thee 2. reg 10 I will come and succoure thee Therfore quite the like a man and let vs fighte for oure people and for the city of our God and our lorde shall do that whiche is good in hys owne eies And when the battayle was begun all his aduersaryes fled from him Absolon made vnhonest warre against his father Dauid 2. regu 18. and therfore he and his people that held with him sped there after to the entent thou maist knowe and learne that they whyche vniustly consent to an euill Prynce can neuer prosper Benadab the kinge of Syria wyth xxxii kinges besieged Samaria and at our Lordes commaundemente hee was ouerthrowen and put to flight the onlye seruauntes of the gouernours of the shyres 3. regum 20 whyche were in nomber euen and two fighting againste them The nexte yeare after Bennadab came againe with a greate hoste and there were slaine of the Sirians an hundred thousande fotemē in one day because they said The Lorde is but God of the hylles and not God of the valleis When the king of Iuda the kynge of Israel 4. regum 3. and the king of Edom were gathered to fight against Moab and had great scarsity of water the Prophet Elizeus said This broke shal be filled with water And furthermore our Lord shal deliuer Moab into your handes Samaria was so long besieged by the king of Syria 4. reg 6.7 that an Asses head was solde for lxxx siluer pence And the fourthe parte of a Cab of Doues donge for v. sicles And at the worde of Elizeus the Syrians were put to flight and by that they had greate aboundaunce of all thinges After the Amasias king of Iuda had obtaynd the victory against Edō he sēt vnto the king of Israell prouokynge him to battaile 4. regu 14. but yet he put hym to the worse And through Amasias elation and pride a great part of the wall of Ierusalem was destroyed Althoughe Ieroboam the sonne of Ioas kynge of Israel and hys people were euell 4. regu 14. yet he healped them and dyd them muche good by the hand of Ieroboam Our Lord fought wel and meruelously for Hezechias the kinge of Iuda 4. regu 19. against Sennacherib the kinge of Assyria When that the angell of our Lord slue in one night of Sennacheribs hoaste .185000 And he him selfe was slaine afterwardes of hys owne children When Abia the king of Iuda and his host saw that the battail was before and behind He cryed vnto our Lord and the priestes blew the trompets 2. Para. 13. our lord made Ieroboam and al Israel afraid● and ther fel down wounded of Israel 50000. stronge men so the childrē of Israel wer brought vnder and the children of Iuda comforted because they trusted vnto our Lorde Zara the Moryan came out against Asa the kynge of Iuda with an hoste often hundred thousande Asa cryed vnto our Lord saying Lorde it is no 2. Para. 14. difference wyth thee whether thou healpe in many or in fewe Then foloweth Our● Lorde made the blacke Mores afrayde and they fell downe dead For they were consumed of our Lord. The children of Moab and Ammō were gathered together to fyghte against Iosaphat 2. Para. 20. but he wholye gaue him self to pray vnto our Lord. And what time as the singing men began to laud and praise our lord he turnd the deceites of theyr aduersaryes among them selues for euery one with mutuall woundes destroyed an other Phacee Romelius son kinge of Israel slue in one day in Iuda 2. Para. 17. an hundred and twenty thousand fyghtinge men and that because they had forsaken our Lord. The victory which our Lord gaue vnto the chyldren of Israell Iudi. 16. by the handes of Iudith is famous and notorius wherfore she said after the death of Holofernes our lord almighty hindred him and deliuered him into the handes of a woman Iudas Machabeus perceiuing the Serons 1. Mach. 3. host was great his felowes beyng fearful 1. Macha 3 sayd It is a smal matter for many to be ouercome with a few yea there is no difference in the sight of God of heauē to delyuer by a great multitude or by a smal company and Seron and his hoste was destroyed And the selfe Machab●us wyth three thousand men 1. macha 4. whych hadde neyther harnesse nor sweardes to theyr mindes ouerthrewe Gorgias and hys great ●ost Bachides came with a great power to fight against Ionathas and Ionathas saide vnto his menne 1. macha 9 Let vs fight and cry now vnto heauen that we may be deliuered from the hands and power of oure ennemies and so they were It is worthye to be noted of Iudas Machabeus that he which fought so often times and did so manye honest and worthy actes did so oft wynne as oft as he whan he shuld fyght did pray and call to God for healpe 1. mach 6.9 But yet we read not that he prayd in two of his most notable battailes Thone was againste Antiochus Eupator The second againste Bacchides and Alchimus and then he was slain in the battel ¶ Of Impacience and murmuring Cap. lxxxii AGar Saras maide that coulde not suffer the correction of her mistresse the which fared ●oule wyth her Gen. 16 because of her pryde fledde her wayes but at the aungels commaundemente she retourned agayne vnto her The officers of the children of Israell said vnto Aaron Exo. 5. and Moses oure Lord loke vpon you and iudge you which hathe made the sauoure of vs stincke before Pharao The children of Israell beholding the Egiptians said vnto Moses perauenture because ther be no graues in Egypte Exo. 14 haste thou therfore brought vs awaye for to dye in the wyldernesse The fyrst murmurynge of the children of Israell in the desarte was for lacke of dryncke Exo. 15. And the people murmured against Moses sayinge what shall we drincke After that the hole multitude of the congregation of Israell dyd murmur for meate sayinge Whye haue ye broughte vs into his wildernesse to kil this hole multitude with honger Exo. 16. Againe they murmured for lacke of drink after that our lord had sent thē quailes and Manna And when they suffred hōger in the desart with murmur and impacience thei remembred the flesh which they did eat in Egipt but of the hard bondage and seruitute wherwith they were oppressed they made no mention And when the
vow a vow to be sāctified Nume 6. or did consecrate or appoint thē selues vnto oure lorde they abstained from all suche kyndes of dryncke as myght caste them into dronckennesse The Aungel appearinge vnto mānas wife which should conceaue him Iudi. 13. that shoulde deliuer the people commaunded her to abstayne This maketh muche to the cōmendation of sobriety the which doth stande in the vse of fishe and in the abstinence from flesh that our lord in his gospel doth euen often times multiply fishe Luke 5. and not flesh And at oure lordes commaundement the disciples in closed a great multitude of fishes Marke 6. furthermore we reade that he twyse multiplied bread fishes Luke 9. And of .v. loues Ihon. 6. ii fishes in Marcke Math. 15. Luke Iohn And of .7 loues a few fishes the which our lord multiplied Marke 8. mentiō is made ī Mat Marke Peter purposinge to shew that the disciples Actes ● which wer replenished with the holy ghost wer not drunken saied that it was not yet the thyrd houre of the daye Geuynge vs to wyt that it was not conuenient to drincke before the thyrd houre The people of Israell were a hungerd there was hony in the fyeld 1. regu 14. but no man eat thereof but Ionathas the sonne of Saul When Dauid desyred water of the well or cesterne of Bethelem it was broughte hym 2. regu 23. but yet he woulde not dryncke thereof because he longed to greadely after it A small and a slender sustenaunce contented Elias 3. regu 17. the which asked only of the wyddow Sereptane a lytle water and a morsell of bread Ieroboās wyfe goynge to Helias the prophet 3. regu 14. toke with her .10 loues and a cruse of hony There is no mētion made of any flesh For he supposed that the prophet dyd eate no suche meate And it is notable that the rauens fed Helias wyth fleshe twyse in one daye 3. regu 17. 3. regu 19. And how that the Aungell of oure Lorde shewed him bread and a vessell of water onely Achab hearinge after he had put Naboth to death 3. regu 21. our Lordes cōminatiō and threatning declared vnto him by Helias the prophet put a shyrt of here vppon his fleshe and fasted and laye in sackcloth and went barefote and helde downe hys head And therfore oure Lorde did temper the payne and punyshmente the whyche hee threatned Esdras proclaimed a fast and caused all men to afflicte and humble thē selues 1. Esd. 8. for they desyred of oure Lorde that hee woulde geue them a ryghte waye Then there foloweth So we fasted and besought our lord for this and he hearde vs. The children of Hely of Amnon wyth certayn of the Amonites gathered them selues together 2. Para. 20. to fyghte against Iosaphat the king of Iuda And when he hearde it he set hym selfe to seke and to praye our LORDE and proclaimed a fasting throughout all Iuda And there foloweth that he obtayned the victorye When Paule and Barnabas had ordained elders and priestes in diuers cities Act. 14. and in euery cōgregation had prayed and fasted they cōmended thē to our Lorde on whom they beleued When Nehemias shuld praye Arthaxarses for the holy citie 2. Esd. 1. and that the walles thereof might be repaired He sayeth of hym selfe I fasted and prayed before the God of heauen It is sayed of yonge Tobias and of his father in lawe ToBi 8.12 other his frends that wyth the feare of God they helde the feaste of the marriage And the Aungel sayed afterwarde to both the Tobias prayer is good with fastinge and almes When the chyldren of Ierusalem hearde of the terryble and fearefull power of Holofernes Iudith 4. they humbled theyr soules wyth fastinge and prayers Also it is sayed of Iudyth that she ware a smocke of heere and fasted all the daies of her lyfe Iudith 8. excepte the Sabothes and newe mones and the solempne dayes of the house of Israell When Esther shoulde speake vnto king Ahaswerus she saide to Mardocheus Go and gether all the Iewes together that are founde at Susan Esther 4. and pray ye for me Loke ye eate not nor drinck not in thre dayes neyther day nor night I and my maids wyll fast likewise Our Lorde commendeth the abstynence of the Rachabites Ieremy 35. because they would drink no wine as their father had commaunded them Our Lord caused Ezechiel the prophet to keepe an harde diet Ezechiel 4 sayinge Take vnto the wheat barly beanes gromel sede Millium and fitches Daniel was at a poynt wyth hym self that he would not be defiled thorow the kinges meat Daniell 1. There followeth God gaue those springaldes conninge and learninge in all scripture and wisdome Daniell for the space of iii. wekes eate no bread as for fleshe and wyne there came none within his mouthe Daniel 10. And our Lorde shewed him a maruelous vision Sainte Gregorye in hys Homely of Pentecost saithe that the holy ghost did fil the abstinent childe and made the Prophet iudge of the old men Our Lord sente to Daniell by the prophet Abacucke Daniell 14. bread and potage beinge in the denne of Lyons but he sent hym no fleshe nor no other delycate meates Eleazar an aged man had rather die a cruell death 2. Mach. 6. thē contrary to the lawe to eate or to faine to eate anye swines flesh It chaunced the vii brethren wyth theyr mother to be compelled by the king against the law 2. Mach. 7. to eate swines flesh but they chose rather to sustaine and suffer most cruel torment It is wrytten of Ihon the Baptist that his meat was Locustes wylde hony Math. 2.11 and liued so as though he neyther eat nor dranke Anna the prophetisse the doughter of Phanuell is among other thinges commended Luc. 2. that she departed not frō the temple but serued GOD wyth Fastynges and prayers nyghte and day Our sauioure after he was baptysed by and by was led into the wyldernesse and there he fasted tyll hee hōgred Luc. 4. which thing maketh against those that faste with a filthye conscience nor will not for the tyme of fasting suffer nor sustain no honger The children of Israel which were of the xii Tribes Iudi. 20. were twyse ouerthrown by the children of Beniamin afterward they wept before our lord and fasted the same day and so ouercame theym and preuayled agaynste theym In the tyme and daies of Hely the Philistines● 1. regu 4.7 preuayled agaynste the children of Israell once or twise and the Arke of oure Lorde was taken Thirdly the Philistines gathered together in Samuels daies but the chyldren of Israell fasted the same day saide we haue synned agaynste oure Lord. And it foloweth that the chyldren of Israell destroyed them After oure Lordes resurrection he manyfestlye shewed hym selfe to the .vii.
prelates men of actiuity and power and suche as feared God true men and hatyng couetousnesse Our Lord commaunded Moses to take xii rods after the nomber of the tribes of Israel Nume 17. the name of Aaron was in the tribe of Leui. And when he had put thē in the tabernacle on the morow he found Aarons rod budded Moses purposing to reuenge Israel of the Madianites Nume 31. said Let ther be chosen a M. out of euerye tribe of Israel to the warres When Moses which had disobeied the wil of God Nume 27. shuld die he praid our Lord deuoutly saying Let the Lord of the sprites of all flesh set a man ouer the congregation and our Lorde ordained that Iosue the sōne of Nun should be his successor and guyde of the people in his steade After the death of Iosue the childrē of Israel asked counsel of our Lorde saying Iudith 1. who shal go vp before vs and be the captain of the warre And our Lord said Iudas shal go vp When the men of Israel saw that Gedeon had fought strongly and māfully for them Iudi. 8. they said al vnto him raign thou ouer vs. The elders of Galaad wente vnto Iepthe Iud. 11. sayd vnto him come and be our prince and captaine and fight against the children of Amnon Ther was a man of Beniamin named Eis 1. regu 9.10 the same had a sonne called Saule a chosen and a good man nor there was not a better in all Israell Oure Lorde disclosed vnto Samuell that he shuld be chosen and anoynted vpon the people of Israel Samuel at the special commaundement of our Lord went to Bethleem 1. regu 16. and anoynted Dauid the son of Isai king vpon Ierusalem and Israell Saule being dead the menne of the tribe of Iuda came and anoynted Dauid king ouer the house of Iuda 2. regu 2. after that 2. regu 5. al the tribes of Israell came vnto him and anoynted him king ouer all the people of Israel And therfore he saith in his Psalmes he hathe chosen his seruaunt Dauid And in a nother place 1. Para. 28. It hath pleased our Lord to chuse me kynge ouer all the people of Israel And Dauid drawynge towardes hys deathe 1. Para. 28. saide vnto the elders of Israel Of all my sonnes our Lorde hath chosen Salomon my sonne to sit vpon the seat of the kingdome of our Lord in Israel Ieroboam by the terrible iudgement of God was chosen and taken to be king ouer ten tribes of Israell 3. regu 12. And yet he was the occasion that the people departed and went from god Iehu wrote letters and sent to Samaria vnto the rulers and best of the city 4. regu 10. Of all our masters sonnes chuse the best and him that shal please you and set him on his fathers seate and fight for your Lordes house All Iudas frendes came together and said vnto Ionathas 1. mach 9. for so muche as thy brother Iudas is dead ther is none like him to go forth against our ennemyes Wherefore we thys daye chose thee for him to be oure Prynce and captaine to order and to fyghte our battaile Our Lorde called his disciples and of them he chose twelue Luc. 6. whom he called apostles After the assention of our Lord the disciples appoynted two Ioseph and Mathias Act. 1. and when they praied they said Thou Lord whiche knowest the hartes of all men shewe whether of those two thou hast chosen to take the ministration of thys apostleshyp vpō hym The sayinges of the apostles pleased the whole multitude Act. 6. And they chose Steuen a manne full of fayth and full of the holye ghost and Philippe c. As the Discyples minystred to our Lord and fasted the holy ghost saide Seperate me Barnabas and Saule Act. 13. for the worke where vnto I haue called them ¶ Of good Princes and Prelates Ca. Ci. MOses the good prelate wente in oftentimes to Pharao to deliuer the people from the Egipeiacal seruitude and bondage Ex. 67.8.9 Moses did comfort the people that wer afraid saying Fear ye not stād stil Exo. 14. our Lord shall fight for vs and ye shal holde your peace He spake wyth his mouth but praid our Lorde with hys hart as it appeareth there Exo. 15 Moses cried for the people vnto our lord whē they murmured agaīst him A good prelate must refer all thinges to our Lord. Exo. 16 And so Moses sayde your murmuringes is not agaynste vs but against our lord Moses when Israel fought against Amelech went not to the battail but sent his seruaunt Iosue only and yet as touching his part the warre was iust Exo. 17. But he standinge in the toppe of the hil applied and turnd him to prai vnto our lord When Moses should depart from the people Exo. 23 and ascend vp to the moūtaine he left them two good vicares and gouernoures that is Aaron and Hur. Our lorde semed to be willynge to confound and destroy the synfull people Exo. 32 and promised vnto Moses greate dignity and honoure And yet Moses did pray instantly for the people And note with what seueritye he punyshed the people for whome he prayed our Lord so instantly Moses gaue vnto the Leuites xii oxen and vii charettes Numer 7. the whyche the lordes of the tribes of Israell had offred But he gaue nothing to the children of Caath althoughe they were nearer of kin vnto hym because their office was to heare all thynges vpon their shoulders Moses wished and desired that all the Lordes people could Prophecye Notwithstanding that his honor as it semed Nume 11. should therby haue bene deminished After that the spies were retorned our Lord said to Moses Nume 14 how long do thys people prouoke me how long will it bee or they beleue me I wyll smite them therefore with the pestylence and wyl make of the a prince of a greater nacion and mightyer then this is But Moses wold be preserde no hier The people pearishing for the tumult murmuringe that they made againste Moses and Aaron Nume 16. Moses saide to Aaron Take a censare and put fire therin out of the aultare and pour on cense and goe quicklye vnto the congregacion that thou mayste praye and obtayne the forgeneuesse for them When Moses shuld dye Nume 27. he prayed our Lorde mooste diligentlye that he woulde prouide the people of a meete and a good captain But yet in speciall he would name none Israell serued oure Lorde all the dayes of Iosue c. Iosu. 24. For why a good prelate is very mete to direct the people in the waye of our Lorde Samuel iudged al Israel and went about Bethel Calgala 1. regu 7. and Masphat that they whiche hadde nede of hym might the easlyer come vnto hym Samuel saied vnto the people God kepe me from this synne 1.
Samuels Although that Dauid ruled and gouerned the people wel 2. regu 15. and had wonne many victories yet they sone conspired against him And the people departing frō him encreased with Absolon It is to be noted that when Dauid shoulde returne vnto Ierusalem the people would haue brought him thyther with greate honoure 2. re 19.20 But inasmuch as the men of Iuda had cōmoned and spoken with them of the ten tribes all Israel went from Dauid folowed Siba the sonne of Bochry In kinge Salomons time the children of Israell had aboundance of all temporall thinges 3. reg 10.12 and floryshed in great honour and yet by the occasion of a rughe worde all they for the most parte dyd sone leaue and departe from his sonne Roboam When the children of Israel hearde of the terrible power of Holofernes they occupyed all the toppes of the moūtaines Iudith 4.7 and made fast the townes with walles and prepared corne for them against the battail Afterwards when they felte them selues streyted of the host they came al to Osias and sayed God be iudge betwixte vs and thee for thou haste dealt euyll wyth vs because thou speakest not peaceablye wyth the kinge of Assirians When Ieremy hadde ended all the words that our Lord had cōmaunded hym to speake vnto the people then the preastes and all the people tooke holde vppon him I●re 26. and sayed Thou shalt dye And afterwardes the Rulers and people saied vnto the preastes This man maye not be condempned vnto death All the people from the least vnto the most came to Ieremy the prophet and sayed we wyll do all that oure Lorde commaundeth vs Iere. 4● 43 whether it be good or euil But they tenne daies after that Ieremy hadde declared the wyll and pleasure of our Lorde vnto them saied vnto him Thou liest our Lord hath not sent thee But Baruch the sonne of Neria prouoketh against vs. Nor thei wold not heare the voice of oure Lorde The multitude dyd sone beleue the two preastes Dani. 13. and condempned Susanna to death And a non after there foloweth The people returned with hast and came vpon the two preastes and dealte with them euen as they woulde haue done wyth their neyghboure Simon knew that Triphon dissembled in his woordes when he asked Ionathas two sonnes and a C. talentes of siluer yet he commaunded that it shoulde be deliuered 1. Mach. 13. least hee shoulde be the greater enemy against the people of Israel and say because he sente not the money and the chyldren therfore is Ionathas dead On a certaine daye when that our Lorde was in the citye of Nazareth the Iewes gently desyred him to do such miracles there Luc. 4. as he had done at Capernaum But after he had a litle rebuked and checked them they were fylled with wrath and thrust him out of the citye and would haue cast him downe hedlyng frō the edge of the hyll When our lord had satisfied .5000 men with .v. loues and two fishes thei would haue caught him to make him king Iohn 6. But sone after the vnfaythful bega●ne to dispute and aske questions sayinge What sygne shewest thou that we maye beleue thee When the Iewes sawe that Lazarus was reuiued and that our Lorde had done many other miracles they came and met hym wyth greate honoure Iohn 12. And yet at euen tyde when he had well behelde them he founde not one that inuited or that calde hym whome to his house The people .v. dayes before Ester receiued Iesus with great myrth and and honoure Iohn 18.19 all that weke the people were muche desirous to heare hys woordes and in the mournynge they came to him into the temple to heare him But on the .vi. day● folowynge all they dyd crye crucifye him After that the spirite sate vpon ech of the disciples Act. 2. the mutitude came together and were astonyed Other mocked saying these men are full of new wyne But Peter stode slyffe in thys mater and excusynge the dyscyples spake many thinges vnto them alleging the words of Iohel the prophet When they hearde thys they were pricked in theyr hartes askinge what they shoulde do And the same daye there were Baptyzed aboute .3000 soules Upon a certen Sabothe daye the whole city came almoste together to heare the worde of God Act. 13. the whyche Paul and Barnabas preached The Iewes spake against it blaspheming At length Paule and Barnabas turned them selues to preache vnto the gentiles Whan the gentiles hearde this they wer glad A while after the Iewes moued the deuoute wemen the chefe men of the citye and raysed persecution against Paule and Barnabas and expelled them out of theyr coastes But they shoke of the dust of theyr fete against them and came to Iconium When Paule and Barnabas were at Listris a citye of Lycaonia that Paule had cured there a certen creapell Act. 14. the people sayde that they were Gods and would haue done sacrifice vnto them But they declaring that thei wer but mortal mē pacified the people that they did them no sacrifice Thither came certain Iewes which whē they had perswaded the people stoned Paul and drue him out of the citye supposing he had bene dead Certaine men which had a mayde the prophesied the which Paul deliuered of the deuil did so moue stir the magestrates rulers of the city that the people ran so against Paule and Silas his felow Act. 16. that they rēt theyr clothes bet them with rods cast them into pryson and made their fete fast in the stockes And the next after they praid them to departe Paule being at Ephesus and doinge there many miracles a certayne manne name Demetrius a Syluer smith which made siluer shrynes for Diana called together workmen of lyke occupa●ion and moued so great trouble in the city Act. 19. that it was all in a rore and confusyon and they rushed into the commen hal with one assent and the most part knewe not wherefore they were come together Then were Paule and his felowes in great daunger of body but the town clarke speaking faire and discreatlye to the people ceased them and let the congregation depart euerye man to hys owne house On a certen day ther was in Ierusalē such a cōcourse of people agaynst Paule that they bet hym and drewe him so out of the temple that scarcely the hie captayne the whyche came thither with his Souldioures coulde come by him Afterwardes when hee had declared what thinges had chanced vnto hym al they of Damasco lift vp their voyces and said Away with him Act. 21.22.23 for it is no reason that he should liue The next day following Paule cryed out in the counsel men and brethren I am a Pharisey the sonne of a Pharisey then there arose a debate betwene the Phariseis and the Saduces and the multitude was deuided And certaine Phariseis rose vp
hath saued thee Luc. 7. go in peace And the woman that had an issue of bloud Luc. 8. had so greate faythe vnto oure Lord that it suffised her only to touch the hem of his raiment And therfore she deserued to heare a swete woorde of oure Lorde Doughter bee of good cheare and comfort thy faythe hathe saued thee The woman of Canane nother for longe expectatyon mat 15. nor yet for sharpe aunswer lefte of to crye vnto oure LORDE and therefore at length she hearde O woman greate is thy faythe be it vnto thee euen as thou wylt The woman of Samaria did fully cōfesse saying Iohn 4. Messias is come whych is called Christ And afterwards many of the Samaritans beleued in our Lord for the saying of the woman Marthas confessyon of faith which said I beleue that thou art Christ the sonne of God Iohn 11. which should come into the world was verye like the confessyon of Peter We read of many men that doubted of oure Lordes resurrectyon math 28. and how that our Lord reproued their in credulity and hardnes of hart Ther is no such thinge red of wemen But that when our Lord rose Fyrst of all he appeared to a woman that is to Mary Magdalen and she wyth spede brought the tidinges vnto the Disciples the whiche were in heauinesse A certaine woman calde Lydia a seller of purple hard Paule preache Act. 16. whose hart our Lord opened and she was baptised and her houshold ¶ Of the wisdome of wemen Capi. Cxxiiii SAra did wisely vnderstād and perceiue Gene. 21. that the play betwene Isaac Ismael was not good and it was the Lordes wil that Abraham should agre vnto Saras wyll to heare her voyce Rebecca was verye wilye and subtile to procure Gen. 27. that Iacob might obtain his fathers blessynge the which was due vnto the fyrste borne And afterwardes she caused hym euen wyttely to auoyd his brothers anger Raab the harlot did very discreatly hide the spies Iosu. 2. so that there by she wholy deliuered and saued her selfe and all her houshold Delbora Lapidoths wife a prophesesse Iudged the people of Israel Iuhi. 4 and laught Barach Abinoams son what he should do to deliuer the people of God from the handes of Sisara Noemi was very careful and wise to inuent howe Ruth an aliane Ruth 2. and her doughter in lawe myghte marry wyth that noble and mightye manne Booz Anna Samuels mother discretlye excused her selfe 1. regu 1. as touchinge that that Hely the preast layed vnto her when she required a chlde of god Abigaile throughe her wisedome eloquence 1. ●egu 25. and liberality saued her husbandes Nabals lyfe and letted Dauyd from commyttynge of murther The wisewoman Thecuris induced Dauid to fetche his sonne Absolon home againe 2. regu 14. As Ioab besieged the citye of Abel A wise woman spake so vnto hym 2. regu 21. and afterwardes to the cityzens that he left the siege and departed to the great vtylitye and profyte of all the countrey Bethsaba Salomons mother spake wysely before kinge Dauid that her son Salomon might raign after him 3. regu 1. That woman of the two whyche condented before Salomon answered wisely and mercifully 3. regu 3. sayinge● I beseche thee my Lorde geue her the lyuynge chylde and in no wise slaye it There was greate prudencye and wysedome in the Quene of Saba 3. regu 10. that came to here the wisedome of Salomon The Sunamite Elyzeus hostesse dyd wyselye abyde wyth hym 4. regu 4. nor woulde not leaue hym for all Giezyel vntyll hee hadde reuyued her sonne Holda the prophetesse Sellumus wyfe 4. regu 22. dyd comforte kynge Iosias and foretold the people the euils that were to come for their offences Sara Raguells doughter prayed oure LORDE dyscreatly and deuoutely Tobi. 3. to delyuer her from the rebuke that shee hadde hearde of her mayde Iudith speakinge vnto the people Iudith 8.13 and in deceauinge of Holofernes so pusant and myghty a prince shewde greate constantye and wisedome Esther after shee hadde inuyted the kynge to dynner Esth. 7. and that hee was wel heated wyth wyne made her peticion circumspectly and warelye Luc. 1. Elizabeth Ihon the Baptiste mother knew very discreatly of the comming of blessed Mary and named her the Lordes mother It appeareth that the blessed vyrgin was wonderfullys prudent and wise aswel in silence kepinge as in speaking In silence for we find that she spake very few words She spake with the angel questioning with him discreatlye and agreinge vnto hym more discreatly Howe shall thys be● And agayne Luc. 1. behold the hand maiden of the Lorde And wyth holy Elyzabeth when she saluted her And note that after Elizabethes greate praises the whych she gaue her she answered her nothyng directly but turnde her to geue laude and prayses vnto the Lord sayinge My soule magnifyeth the Lord. Also she spake wyth her sonne askyng hym most swetely Luc. 2. Sonne why haste thou thus dealte wyth vs And prayinge or intreatinge hym for the shamefast pore people Iohn 2. saying They haue no wyne Mary Magdalen did very prudentlye Luc. 7.10 when she sate her downe at the Lordes feete For there she obtayned forgeuenesse for her selfe Iohn 11. lyfe for her brother hard the wysedome of God and exhibited vnto Christ deuout reuerence Pilates wife spake so vnto hym that if he woulde haue beleued her Mat. 27. he had done wisely ¶ Of the pitye and compassion of wemen Cap. Cxxv. REbecca seing that Abrahams seruaunt a straunger Gen. 24. was desirous to dryncke aunswered wythout any delay drinke my lorde Ye and I wyl draw water for thy camels also vntil they haue al dronkē The mid wyues feared God dyd not as the king commaunded thē Exo. 1. but saued the men chyldren When Pharaos doughter saw the childe wope Exo. 2. she had compassion on it and said It is one of the Hebrues children And causinge it to be nurssed made it her sonne Iosu. 2. Raab the harlot hearinge that the spyes were soughte for to bee put to death hadde compassion ouer them and hydinge them deliuered them and sent them a waye safe 2. regu 17. The messengers sente to Dauid were hydden in a well and saued by a woman whiche spred a couerlet ou●er the welles mouth and begiled those that soughte them Of those two wemen whiche contended before Salomon 3. regu 3. her hart was the pityfulste that woulde haue lefte of her sute whose bowels yerned vpon her sonne The wyddowe woman of Sarepta was Elias the prophetes hostesse 3. regu 17. and she sustaynde him The Sunamite induced her husbād to make an apte and a mete place with in his house 4. Re. 4. for Eliseus to lodge in Whan Athalia had destroied al the kinges seed 4. Re. 11. Iosaba the doughter of Ioram
the more vpon earth Of the two harlottes whyche contended and pleated before Salomon 3. rgu 3 shee spake folyshelye and wyckedlye that sayed of the intante Let it bee neyther myne nor thyne but denyde it When Amans wyfe hard the complaynt that her husbād made of Mardocheus Esth. 5. she answered and sayed commaunde a loftye galous to bee made that he may be hanged thereon As Iob was sytting vpon the dunghyll and scrapinge of the fylth of his sores with a potshard Iob. 2. hys wyfe sayde vnto him Cursse God and dye But he made her a good and a dyscreate answer sayinge Thou speakest lyke a folyshe woman Shall we receyue prosperitye at the hande of GOD and not receyue aduersitye Our Lord approued not the chyldren of Zebedes mothers peticyon Mat. 20. when she said Graunt that these my two sonnes may sytte the one on the right hand and the other on the left in thy kingdom Peter at the voyce of a maid denied our Lord. mat 26. The woman of Samaria spake manye symple wordes vnto our Lorde Iohn 4. or euer she stumbled vpon the truth ¶ Of the superfluous ornamentes and raimente of wemen Capi. cxxx THamar Iudas doughter in law Gene. 38. beinge mineded to intice her father in lawe that by him she might be conceyued put her widowes garments from her and couered her self with a cloke When the comming of Iehu whiche slue Ioram the kynge of Israell was hearde of 4. regu 9. Iesabell payneted her eyes starched her face and tired her head Iudith dothe testify that her ornamentes and apparell whych she toke deceiued Holofernesse Iudith 16. She putte on the apparell of gladnesse she anoynted her face wyth oyntmentes shee bounde vp her here in an houe to beguile him We read of Esther that when she should come into the king Esth. 2. she requyred no ornamentes as other wemen did And threatninge it is wrytten Esay 3. In that day our Lorde shall take awaye the gorgiousnesse of their apparell spanges chaines partlets Colers Bracelets Houes the goodly floured wide and broydred raiment broches hedbandes ringes garlandes holye day clothes vales kerchers pinnes glasses cipresses bonets and taches Salomon describeth the reprehensible garmentes of an euill woman Prouer. 7. saying I spied a yong fole and there mette hym a woman decked lyke an harlot prepared to intrap the soul of man ful of words wandering hither and thither and vnquiet The wise man not without a cause doth monish vs Eccle. 9. when he saith Turn away thy face from a wel decked and a beautiful woman For such womē intice and prouoke men to synne Wemens apparel shall not be outward wyth broydred hear 1. Peter 3. hanging on of gold ether in putting on of gorgyous apparell ¶ Of deathe in generall Cap. Cxxxi THe sentence of God wherwith he said vnto man Gen. 2. In what dai so euer ye shall eate thereof shalt dye the deathe It is playne and euident that man assone as sinne is committed doth die So that the liuing man doth die as it were continuallye As Sainte Augustine sayth in hys fourtene booke of the Citye of God Notwithstanding that men before the floude liued so manye yeares gen 9. yet scripture after the descriptiō of their liues saith And he died It was no maruaile that oure fore fathers feared to die and desired to be longe liued For they as yet coulde not ascende vp into heauen nor haue the fruition of the deuine vision vntyll the commyng of our sauyour the which opened the gates of heauen And therefore holye Lot was monyshed to saue him self in the moūtaine Gen. 19. He feard to go thether least some misfortune should fal vpon him and that he should die there The wycked also do desire to dye wel Nume 23. I pray God that my soule may die the death of the ryghteous that my last end may be like his said Balaam Althoughe Moses would not obey our Lordes commaundement Deut● 24 which woulde he shoulde haue passed ouer Iordan Yet it seemeth that he wold gladly haue lyued longer if it hadde pleased our Lord. For he sayth Our LORDE is angry with me Lo I must die in this land and shal not go ouer Iordan A great part of the rewarde of Moses lawe semed to consist and stande in long lyfe Deute 32. Set your haries vnto al the woordes whyche I testifye vnto you for if ye fulfill and do them ye shal prolong your dayes in the lande whether ye go to cōquere and to possesse it Zebee and Salmana desired rather to be slayne wyth the hand of worthy Gedeon Iudi. 8. then wyth the hande of Iether his yongest sonne Dauyd whych wept for hys childe beynge sycke and dyseased 2. re 12. woulde not weepe for hys chylde which was departed When Helyas sate vnder the Iunyper tree 3. re 19. he desyred for hys soule that he myghte dye And sayde It is nowe ynoughe o LORDE take my soule for I am not better then my fathers Hezechias kyng of Iuda did walk before oure Lord in truthe and was good Yet whan Esaye brought hym word that he should die Esay 38. he prayd our Lord with sorowful teares to prolōg his life for a while Tobias being much prouoked with his wiues answer Tobi. 3.4 tooke it heauilye and with teares began to make hys prayer sayinge O Lorde thou arte righteous comma●●de my spirite to be receiued in peace for more expedient were it for me to die then to liue So when he thoughte hys prayer to be hearde hee called vnto hym hys sonne After that Sara Raguels doughter was iniuried by her maid she praied vnto our Lord Tob. 3. and amonge all other thinges sayde I beseche the o Lorde lose me oute of the bondes of thys rebuke or els take me vtterlye awaye from of the earthe Ieremy praied king Sedechia most humbly that he wold not slaye hym Ie●e 38. nor commaund hym to be led agayne to that pryson where he laye before least he die there After the death of the crosse which oure Sauyoure woulde sus●ayne and suffre Math. 27. he apertlye and manifestly declared that a iust man ought not only to dye but to suffer euen readily anye kynde of deathe for to obey oure Lord. Before the commynge of the holye ghoste math 26 the Apostles feared death exceadingly the which when our Lord was taken lefte hym and fledde from hym But after that they were fortyfyed and had receiued strengthe from aboue they beynge sette before princes and tyrants spake faithfully and chearely Paule feared but little yea he feared not death which saide I am ready not to be bound onlye Act. 21. but also to dye for the name of oure LORDE Iesu. If the Iewes knowe that I haue hurte theym Act. 25. or commytted anye thynge worthy of death I refuse not to die And this is
The ensamples of Uertue and vice gathered oute of holye scripture By Nicolas Hanape patriarch of Ierusalem Uery necessarye for all christen men and women to loke vpon ¶ And Englyshed by Thomas Paynell Anno. 1561. To the moste noble most excellent and mooste vertuous Lady Elizabeth Quene of Englande Fraunce and Irelande defender of the faith c. Thomas Paynel wisheth all felicity ALthough youre gracious life to all mens iudgementes is so cleane and pure that it neade no maner of incitatyon or ensample of vertue to vertuous charitable liuinge yet when I bethought me how corrupt how caduke how bryttle and howe sliding from vertue to vice mans nature is euen from the beginning with how diuers and manifold instigations the concupiscences and lustes of this deceitfull worlde doth embrace and intangle mā with all and that our aduersary the deuill is moste vigilante and diligente daily to deuoure the soul of manne and to alure him to his waies and tradityons ● Peter 5. I estemed it irreprehensible if I your daily orator shuld at any tyme I say not quicken youre grace for tha● were but lost labor but exhort your grace to the continuance of your godly and vertuous liuing and iudged my sel● vnblameable if I in this tempes●ious and blustryng time shuld send your grace as it were an anker or a staffe to stay you by and fermely to stablyshe your grace least that your grace should that God forbid wauer or slide from the Catholike and true faith of God from his true and liuelye worde or from the trace of your charitable and vertuous liuinge For who is sure to stand fast and not to fal Paule saith Let him that standeth take heede he fall not Or who can say I am without syn or my harte is cleane What is more surer then to auoide thys fall than to leane to thinfallible and mighty word of God than to ensue the life of Christ our sauior and redeamer and the ensamples and vndoubted hystories gathered out of holy scripture by me your highnes most hable obedient subiect trāslated for the vtilitye consolation of the vnlearned into english this is doubtlesse a verye profitable colection and the anker staffe that I spake of containing most compendiously the wonderfull miracles the noble historyes the worthy actes the wise sayinges the politike stratagemes the wicked cōspiracies the due obedience faith and fidelitye of a christian with other innumerable and meruelous thynges and the parables of all scripture Rede it therfore most gratious Ladye and take good holde at the godlye ensamples and doctrines there of for in so doing youre grace shall not neade to slide from the faithe of Christe nor yet from the trace of youre godlye and vertuous life but shall stand as Christes souldier against sathan the worlde and the flesh to your eternal felicity and comfort most victoriously For where there is no pain nor battaile there can be no victory nor no triumphe For Sayncte Paule saithe Act. 14. that we throughe muche tribulation and payne must enter into the kingdom of God And again he saithe 2. Cor. 4 that this our tribulation and aduersity which is momentanye and light prepareth an exceadynge and an eternall waight of glory vnto vs yea and that a crowne of righteousnesse is laide vp for all those that suffer tribulation and aduersity 1. Timo. 4. and haue fought a good fyghte and haue kepte their faith the which our Lord that is a righteous iudge shall geue vnto all theym that loue his comming And for as much as this our slidinge life is as it were but a warfare and a continual battail against our ghostly enemi the deuil fight ye must yea and that earnestly and continually euen to the latter end for so your grace shal ouerturne sathan your enemye moste victoriouslye and be crowned with the crowne of eternal ioy and felicity ¶ An exhortation to the study of holy scripture THou shalt shewe thy sonne in that daye saying Deute 12. Thys is that which our Lord did vnto me when I came oute of Egipt And it shall be as a signe vnto thee vpon thine hād and for a remēbraunce before thine eyes that our Lordes law may be alwayes in thy mouthe For in a strong hand our lord brought thee out of Egipt Ye shall not do that that semeth good in your owne eyes Deute 13. but that I commaund you that do you only vnto our lorde nor thou shalt put nought thereto nor take ought there from Thou shalt read thys● lawe before al Israell in their eares Deute 31 Gather the people together men women and chyldren and the stranger that is within thy gates that they may heare and learne and fear our Lord your God And kepe and obserue all the wordes of thys law Let not the boke of this law depart oute of thy mouthe but record therin day and nyghte that thou maist obserue and do according to al that is wrytten therin for then thou shalt make thy waye prosperous and then shalte thou doe wiselye Iosu. 1. Thou shalt not decline from the wordes of thys law neyther to the ryght hand nor to the left that thou maist do al thinge wiselye that thou takest in hand All the wordes of God are pure and clean for he is a shield vnto all them Prouer. 30. that putte theyr trust in him Put thou nothyng vnto hys wordes leaste he reproue thee and thou be found a lier Crye nowe as loud as thou canste leaue not of lyfte vp thy voyce lyke a trompet and shew my people theyr offences Esay 58 and the house of Iacob their sinnes Wo be vnto those folish prophets that followe theyr owne spirite Ezech. 13 and speake where they se nothing Searche the scriptures Iohn 5. for they are they whych testifye of me What so euer thynges are wrytten 1. Mat. 15. they are wrytten for our learning that we thorowe pacyente and comforte of the scriptures might haue hope 2. Timo. 4. Al scripture geuen by inspiration of God is profytable to teache to improue to amende and to instruct in rightwisenes that the man of God maye be perfecte and prepared vnto al good workes ¶ A Table of the Chapiters i. OF miracles shewed by the deuine power of God ii Of Gods prouidence secreate iudgementes iii. Of the benignitye of God toward his seruauntes iiii Of deuine consolation v. Of the benediction and blessing that God geueth vnto manne vi Of the malediction and curse wherwyth God curseth man vii Of the blessing wherwyth man blesseth God viii Of the benediction and blessing wherwith man doth blesse mā ix Of the malediction and curse wherwith man doth curse mā x. Of the seuerity of God agaynst the wicked xi Of the anger and fury of God xii That God dothe more regarde the intent of the doer then the worke it self xiiii That God at times doth tempt
hande of one woman Iudi. 14. the whiche were in anguishe and fear of Holofernes hoast Our Lorde tourned the Iewes sorowe into ioye and gladnesse Esth. 9 when that they by Hesters procuremente slewe theyr ennemyes that were prepared to oppresse and to Murther them This thinge is notable that when the people of Israel in the time of the captiuity of Babilon were in greate affliction that they had euen than mo Prophets than in Salomons tyme whan he was in his most prosperity For Ieremy was in Iewry Ezechiel and Daniel in Chaldea Dani. 3. The Aungell of oure Lorde came downe with Azaria and his fellowes into the Ouen and smote the flame of fire out of the Ouen and made in the middest of the ouen as it had bene a cold winde blowing so that the fire neither touched them greued theym nor dyd them hurte Whereby it appeareth that the deuine pity is in euery place and ready at all times to cōfort man Dani. 6. Our Lord hath twise comforted Daniell that was put into the denne of Lions Fyrst by sending of his angel whiche shut vp the Lions mouthes Secondarily by the prophet Abacuck Dani. 14. the whiche was transported and conueyed with meat oute of Iewrye into Calde by Gods angel Our Lord by his seruaunt Daniell did sodenly deliuer Susanna whyche was calumniously and falsely condēned Daniell 13. Iudas Machabeus and they that were with him perceiuinge that aide was sente them from God 2. macha 1● blessed the merciful Lord and toke theyr hartes againe vnto them Our Lord did well fulfill his promise made vnto his Apostles Actes 2. sayinge vnto them that he would send them a comforter when he sent them the holy spirite that instructed them comforted them and fortified them so aboundauntly Paule was happye and fortunate in this life 2. Corin. 1. which said withoute anye feare as the afflictions of Christe are plenteous in vs euen so is our consolation plenteous by Christ. The churche had reast and peace Actes 9 and was edified walking in the feare of oure Lorde and was repleanished with the comfort of the holy ghoste Our Lord sent his angel to Peter that was bound in Herodes prisone Actes 12. which deliuered him oute of Herodes and the Iewes handes As Paule and Silas were praying and lauding God in prison Actes 16. sodenlye ther was a great earthquake And the dores opened and euery mans bands were losed Our Lorde spake thus to Paule in the nighte by a vision Actes 18. preachynge at Corinth Be not afraide but speake for I am with thee Paule being in Claudius the Tribunus hold Actes 23. Our Lorde stode by hym in the nighte and saide be constante Paule for as thou haste testified of me in Ierusalem so must thou bear witnesse also at Rome Paule hauinge in will to comforte those that were with him in the shyp Actes 27. sayde There stode by me thys nyghte the aungell of God sayinge feare not Paule Thou must be brought before Cesar. And lo God hath geuen the al that saile with the. Ihon the Apostle beinge relegated and exiled into the Isle of Pathmos Apoca. 1. was manye and diuers tymes comforted wyth deuine and Godlye consolation ¶ Of the benediction and blessing that God geueth vnto man ¶ The .v. chapter GOd created man in his own Image and likenesse Genes 1. male and female created he them And God blessed them and said Grow and increase and repleanish the earth And God blessed Noe Genesis 9. hys sonnes and said vnto them bryng you forthe frute c. The feare of you and the dread shall be vpon euery beast of the earth c. Our Lord said vnto Abram Genesis 12. get the oute of thy countrye and I will blesse thee and make thy name greate that thou maist be euen a blessing And as concerning Ismaell Gene. 17 I haue hearde thee saithe oure LORDE vnto Abraham Loe I wyll blesse him and make him to encrease wil multiply him excedingly Gene. 26 Oure Lorde blessed Isaac and the man encreased in richesse and wente forth and grew Iacob speaking vnto our Lorde and his vncle Gene. 30 said It was but little that thou haddest before I came to the and thou art enriched and our Lord hath blessed thee for my sake Iacob wrestling with the angell in his oration said Genesis 32 I wil not let thee go except thou blesse me And it followeth he blessed hym in the selfe same place Our Lorde blessed the Egiptyans house for Iosephes sake Genesis 39 and the blessing of God was vpon al that he had in the house and in the field 2. regum 6 The Arke of our Lorde continued in the house of Obethedom the Ecthite thre monethes our Lord blessed Obethedom and all his houshold Thou hast blessed the workes of his handes Iob. 1. and his possession is increased in the land Iob. 4. Our Lord blessed and encresed Iob more at the latter end then at the beginning Christ ascendinge vp to heauen led his disciples to Bethany Luke 24 and lifting vp his handes he blessed them That blessing is to be desired that our Lorde shall geue to his elected in the latter day when he shal say Math. 2● come ye blessed of my father ¶ Of the maledictyon and curse wherwith god doth curse man ¶ The .vi. Chapter WE read that the serpente was fyrst cursed of God Gene. 3 Thou arte cursed aboue all cattell and aboue euery beast of the earthe vpon thy belly shalt thou go c. And to the trauall and pain of mā it is said Genes 3. Cursed is the ground in thy worke or for thy sake And Ieremias lameniynge the destruction of Ierusalem sayde Oure Lord hath forsaken his owne aultar and cursed and abhorred hys owne sanctuary Daniel in his oration said the curse is poured vppon vs. Dani. 9. And note that cursinges are saide to be poured vpon the sinnefull and blessing to redound vppon the iust His blessing seeth the wise manne Eccle. 19. shall runne ouer as the streame Our Lord speaking by Malachy the prophet to euel priestes Mala. 2. saithr I wyll curse your blessinges And the figge tree hauing no frute but leaues onlye mat 21. was cursed of oure Lord and incontinent it wythered Math. 25. The curse that in the day of iudgement shal be pronounced agaynste the wicked shal be very terrible and fearful Departe from me ye cursed into euerlastinge fire ¶ Of the blessing wherewith man blesseth God ¶ The .vii. Chapter MElchisedech king of Salem meting with Abraham Genesis 14 returninge from the slaughter said Blessed be the highe GOD by whose aid and defēce thou haste thine enemies in thy handes When Sisera was ouerthrowen Delbora and Barak sange Iudi. 5 sayinge Ye that so willinglye put your liues in pearel ieopardy for Israell
shewed to the liuing he reserueth for the dead Boom did commend Ruth that fled to the GOD of Israell ruth 3. and sayde Blessed arte thou in oure Lorde for thou hast shewed more goodnesse and mercy in the latter end than at the beginning Hely blessed Elkana and his wife and saide vnto him 1. regum 2. Oure Lorde geue the seede of this woman for that she hath lent our Lord or for the peticion that she hath made vnto the Lorde The Ziphites sēt word vnto Saul 1. regum 23 that Dauid lurked in theyr countrey And Saule said Blessed are ye in our Lord for ye haue compassyon on me It was told Dauid that they of Iabes had buried Saule 2. regum 2. and hee sayde vnto them Blessed are ye vnto oure Lord that ye haue shewed such kindnesse vnto your Lord Saul and haue buried him King Salomon turnes his face 3. regum 8. and blessed al the congregation of Israel and all the Congregation of Israell stode still When Dauid had made an ende of the burnt offeringes 1. Para. 16● and peace offeringes he blessed the people in the name of our Lord. And he dealte to all Israell bothe man and woman a craknell of bread and a good peece of fleshe and a flacket of wyne Raguel takyng the right hande of hys daughter Tob. 7. gaue her into the right hand of Tobias saying The God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Iacob be with you Ioyne you together and fulfyll hys blessynge in you He kyssed Tobye and wepynge toke hym aboute the necke and sayd Tob. 9. Gods blessinge haue thou my sonne for thou arte the sonne of a good vertuous man Gabelus goyng into the house found Tobi he wepte and sayde the god of Israel blesse the for thou art the sonne of a ryghte vertuous and iuste man and of one that feareth god Osias the chefe ruler of the people of Israel sayd vnto Iudith blessed art thou of Our lorde the hye god Iudi. 13. aboue all wemen vpon earth And afterwardes all the elders began to prayse her wyth one voyce Iudit 15 sayinge Thou worshyp of Ierusalem thou ioye of Israell c. And it fortuned that when Elizabeth heard the salutacion of Mary LuK. 1. she cryed with a loude voyce and sayde Blessed art thou amonge wemen c. ¶ Of the malediction and cursse wherwith man dothe cursse man ca. ix IT is red that Noah amonge all other menne was the fyrst that cursed Chanaan his nephew Gen. 9. because that C ham hys father disclosed the nakednesse of Noah to the reste of his brethren when that he should rather haue kept it close Amonge the wordes of benediction that Isaac gaue to Iacob hys sonne Gen. 27. He sayd Cursed be he that curseth thee and blessed be he that blesseth thee Iacob sayd vnto Simon and Leuis father Gen. 49. cursed be their wrathe For it was shamelesse their indignation and fearcenesse for it was harde and cruell Balac sente messengers vnto Balaam Nume 22. that he should come curse the people of Israel Nume 22. for he had heard him to be acursed vpon whom maledictiō or curse fell or chaunced Who so curseth hys father or his mother Leui. 20 let him dye Moyses writeth and setteth for the Deu. 27. manye maledictions curses agaynst those that transgresse goddes cōmaundementes deliuered vnto them The Citie of Hiericho beynge destroyde Iosua sware Iosu. 6. saying cursed be the mā before our lord that riseth vp and buildeth this cyte Hiericho The Sickemites when they were eating and drinckinge and mery Iudi. 49. dyd curse Abimelech Goliah the philistine cursed Dauid in the name of his goddes 1. reg 17. Saule purposinge to ensue and folowe the philistines 1. regu 14 charged the people with an oth saying Cursed be the man that eateth anye foode tyl night vntil I be auenged of mine enemies Semei came out cursing he caste stones at Dauid 2. reg 16. sayd come forthe thou bloudsheder and thou man of Belial Eliseus cursed the chyldren that mocked him 4. reg 2. saying go vp thou balde head go vp thou bald head And there were torne in peeces with .ii. beares .xlii. chyldren When Machabeus layde sege to a certen holde named Gazer 2. mach 10. they that were within curste and bande excedingly And made great craking with wycked wordes The Pharisees berated and cursed him that was borne blynd whom our Lord Iesus dyd illuminate Iohn 9. And they sayd Be thou his disciple The Iewes reproued Paule saying Reuilest and cursest thou goddes hye Priest Actes 23. But Paule excused hym selfe and sayd I wyste not brethren that he was the hie priest and gouernoure ¶ Of the seuerite of god against the wicked ca. x. GOd punished the sinne of our first parentes greuously Gen. 23. the whiche as they beleued was veniall that it shuld not haue ben punished so extremely God spared not the original world but welnye destroyed it wholye with water Gen. 7. The .v. cities were consumed with stinkinge fyre be the angels sent from god Gen. 19. for bogery The Egiptians perceyued that the chyldren of Israel were drowned and sanke as leade Exo. 14.15 god cōmaundinge the same in the mightie waters Because Amalech people did let the children of Israel goinge to the lande of promise Exo. 17. Oure lorde sayd to Moses I will vtterly put out the remēbraūce of Amalech from vnder heuen For the calfe sake that the people worshipped Exo. 32. there fell in one daye aboute 3000. men There went a fyre oute from oure lorde and consumed Nadab and Abihu Leui. 10. the sonnes of Aaron because they tooke eyther of them his censor and putte straunge fyre therin and cens thereupon And offered it before oure Lorde Oure Lorde cōmaunded the cursed Leui. 24. speaker to be broughte wythoute the hoste and let all the multitude stone hym And while the fleshe that our lorde sent Nume 11. the children of Israell beholding and seing the same was yet betwene theyr tethe Our Lord smote the people with an exceading great plague Our Lorde plaged Marye with the Leper Nume 12. because she spake against Moses Of 600. thousand men the whiche were nombred shall none come into the land of promise and that for their sinnefull dealinge Nume 14 saue Caleb and Iosue as our Lorde did threaten them He that was found gatherynge of stickes vpon the Sabboth daye Nume 15. was stoned to deathe by Gods commaundement Our Lord consumed Chorath Dathan and Abiram Nume 16 wyth a terryble deathe Oure Lorde punished Moses greuouslye at the water of strife Nume 20. because he doubted and yet vntil then he had born him self very holily faithfully as wel vnto God as to man Our Lord sent fiery serpentes amonge the people Nume 21. because they
were fainte and weary of their iourny and laboure And they said wherfore hast thou brought vs out of Egipt Acham the sonne of Charmi pearished with all that euer he had Iosu. 7. because he tooke of the excommunycate thinges of Iericho For the crime committed agaynste the Leuites wife Iudi. 20. the whole trybe of Beniamin excepte sixe hundreth men pearished by Goddes Commaundemente Hely corrected hys Children that hadde trespassed but meanelye 1. regum 2. and therefore he was punyshed for them and wyth theym What shal we then saye of those that do not correct their children but intice them to euil both by word and dede 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 For as muche as Saule dyd offer burnt at sacrifice contrary vnto Samuels commaundemente he was reproued And likewise because he reserued kynge Agag 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Amalech and hys shepe and oxen For Saules offences they of hys owne house and familye were punyshed euen after his deathe 2. regu 21. and because of them there fell a great hunger in the land As Dauid was bringing our Lordes Arke vppon a carte 2. regum 6. Oza put hys hand to the Arke and helde it 1. para 13. for the Oxen beinge a litle wilde stombled and our Lord smote him for his fault and ther he died For the elation and pride of Dauid causynge hys people to be nombred 2. regu 24. there dyed two and seuenty thousand men The manne of GOD that came out of Iewrye 3. reg 13. and declared vnto Ieroboas the successe of the office of hys priestes was slaine with a Lion because that he contrary to Gods commaundemente did eate breade in the house of a certen prophet There were two and forty children deuoured of two beares 4. reg 2. because they mocked Elizeus saying Go vp thou bald head If Echezis sinne be so greuouslye punished 4. reg 45. because he tooke giftes and rewardes of Naaman geuen him with good will what shall be said of those that eract many thynges fradulently or extort them violentlye Ozia king of Iewry tooke the censar and woulde haue burnt insence like as the priestes were wont to do ● para 20. and by and by the leprosy sprange in his forehead For as muche as Ezechias shewed the messengers of the kinge of Babilon al his treasures 4. reg 20. he lost them and yet they came out of farre countries and as it semed they should haue ben muche made of ioyfullye receiued Our Lorde deliuered his peculiare and well beloued people into Nabu●hodonosors handes 4. reg ●0 the whiche dyd capti●ate the people most cruelli burnt the holy city destroied the Temple Because the daughters of Sion are become proude c. In steade of good smell there shal be stinke among thē and thy goodly and mighty men 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shal hearith with the sw●●●de in battaile The kinges of Babilon cruelly entreated the children of Israel afterwardes they them selues also with their noble city wer destroied Esa. 14. euen as our Lorde threatned Io. 30.51 Heliodorus was greuouslye scourged because he was willinge to conuey away the stuffe and goodes of widowes and peoples committed to the priestes custody 2. Mach. 3. King Antiochus was smittē wyth so greuous a plage that the wormes scrauld oute of his wicked bodye and his hoa●t was greued with the smell 2. Mach. 9. and stinke of him Our Lord being wroth deliuered the vngracious seruant Mat. 18. the which wold not forgeue his fellow the C. pence to the saylers vntill he had paid all the was due vnto him Our Lord commaunded the vnprofitable Mat. 25. seruaunt that would not study to multiplye the Talent deliuered vnto him to be depriued of that he had to be caste into vtter darknes That fraud and guile that Ananias cōmitted act 5. his wife Saphira knowing of the same was sore punished Herode arayed with royall apparel set him in his seate and made an oratiō vnto the people Actes 12. the which lifting vp their voices saide It is the voyce of a God and not of a man And immediately the aungell of oure Lorde smote him because he gaue not God the honoure and he was eaten wyth wormes and gaue vp the ghost ¶ Of the anger and fury of God NOte and take hede that the anger of God De ciuitate dei Lib. 15 Capitu. 25. after the mind of S. Augustine is not the perturbation or motyon of his minde but his iudgement by the whiche paine is appoynted to synne his cogytatyon and recogytation of thynges mutable is hys immutable reason and iudgemente Nor GOD dothe not so repente hym of hys dede as the yrefull manne dothe whose sentence of all thinges is as fixed and stedfast as his prescience foreknowledge is certaine But if Scrypture vse no such wordes yet it doth not insinuate it selfe familiarly to all kynde of menne vnto whome he woulde it shoulde be knowen and that to feare the proud sturre vp the negligente exercise those that inquire and seeke and nourishe those that vnderstande the whiche thinge he woulde not do if hys wyll were not fyrste to bowe and incline him self and as it were to descend and come down to those whiche are weake and feble Our Lord was angry with Moses Exo. 4. that so oftentimes he refused to take vpon him the gouernaunce and leading of the people God commanding the same Our Lord was angry with the Egiptians that kepte Exo. 15. and afflicted hys people and woulde haue persecuted them goynge theyr wayes Then it followeth Thou haste sente thy anger Moses prayed vnto oure Lord saying Exo. 32. why doth thy wrath O lord waxe hote against thy people For the calfe made of molten metal to the whyche they offered burnt offeringes By the occasion of Corah sedition and his companions Nume 16. Moses and Aaron said vnto our Lord. O most mighty God of the sprites if one man hath sinned wilt thou be wroth and angri with all the multitude The people both sittinge and wepinge were muche desirous of fleshe Nume 11. Then it followeth The fury of oure Lorde was prouoked vnto wrath exceadinglye Al the multitude of the children of Israell murmured against our Lord Nume 16. Moses and Aaron sayinge ye haue killed the people of our Lorde Then there foloweth There is wrath gone oute from oure Lorde and the plage waxeth fearce and cruell The people beganne to commytte whoredome with the Doughters of Moab Nume 25. It followeth And oure Lorde beynge angry said vnto Moses Take al the heads of the people and hange them Because of Moses vnbelefe doutfulnesse at the water of stryfe Nume 20. Oure Lorde was wrothe with him as it is wrytten Our Lord was angry with me Moses for your sakes and said vnto me Deu. 1. Thou shalt not go in thither that is into the land of promise Beware
I may proue them whether they wyl walk in my law or no. And whan oure LORDE spake wyth Moses Exo. 20. all the people hard their voyces and the sounde of the trompe and sawe the Lampes the Lyghteninge and the mountaine smokinge And beinge afraid they said vnto Moses Talk thou with vs. c. Moses said feare not for GOD is come to proue you and that his feare may be in you that ye sinne not Oure LORDE dyd not put all the people cleane away from the land of promission Iudi. 2. that through them Israel might proue whether they wold kepe his commaundementes Our Lord lefte Ezechias to be proued that all suche thinges as was in hys heart and minde 4. reg 20. at the comming of the king of Babilons messengers might be knowen It is written that God after that Toby was made blinde Tobi. 2. suffered that temptation to happen vnto him that they whiche came after myghte haue an example of his pacience Iudith speakinge of the children of Israell Iudi. 8. the whyche Holofernes thoughte to destroye sayd that they shuld call to remembraunce how theyr fathers in times paste were tempted that they in like māner might be proued whether they worshypped theyr God a right or no. Iob for the great tribulations that he suffred Iob. 23. said of him selfe He hathe proued and tride me as the golde in the fyre Dauid desyred of our Lorde sayinge Examen me O Lord psal 25. psal 138. and proue me O Lord thou hast proued me c. Our Lord Iesus walkynge on the sea commaunded Peter to come vnto him Mat 14. But when he saw a myghty winde he was afraid Oure Lorde saide vnto Phillippe whence shall we by bread Iohn 6. that these maye eate Thys he sayde to proue hym Peter said maruail not that ye are proued as golde by fire 1. pet 4. which thyng is to try you ¶ That man should not tempt God ¶ The .xiiii. Chapter ABraham going towards Egipt did wiselye that he confessed not that Sara was his wife Gen. 12● 20. for if if he had so said he might haue brought both him self and her into daunger And Isaac did in like manner For if he had done so Gen. 26. he in a manner as saithe s. Augustine had tempted oure Lord. The children of Israel tēpted oure Lord very often in wildernes Nume 14. When the children of Israell were ouerthrowne in battaile by the Philistines 1. regu 4. they brought the Arke of our Lord with them into the battail it was taken and they were smitten with a great plage Dauid knewe that he was anoynted kinge 1. reg 22.23 and that he shoulde raigne after Saul as Samuel had promised and yet he wold not put him self in any ieopardy but did to kepe him selfe that he might possible When that an horrible great fishe inuaded Toby Tob. 6. he taried not that thangel shuld deliuer him that which thyng he might easely quickly haue done but he toke the fishe by the gil drue him to the dry land Ozias had promised and appoynted with the people Iudi. 8. that he if there came no healpe after fiue daies were paste would geue vp them selues and the city to Holofernes Iudith said vnto the elders of the city what are ye that ye do tempt our Lord Thys deuice or woordes optaineth no mercye Our Lorde was tempted by the deuil that he shuld cast hym self downe headlyng from the pinacle of the temple Mat. 4. But he saide to him Luke 4. Thou shalt not tempt the LORDE thy God For he mighte haue descended other waies The Pharises wyllynge to tangle Iesus in his wordes Mat. 22. caused to be demaunded of him whether it wer lawful to geue Cesar tribute or no. Iesus perceiuinge their wickednesse saide why tempt ye me ye hipocrites When he had caste out the Deuel the dombe spake certaine there were that tēpted him Luke 11. and requyred of hym a signe from heauen Peter rebuking Saphira Ananias wife verye sharplye Act. 5. saide wherefore haue ye conspired together to lie and to tempt the holy ghoste Paule in that thinge that by humaine industrye he could do him self Act. 9. loked for no miracle or healpe And therfore whan the Iewes laid watch for him at Damasco he caused hym selfe to be let downe through the wal in a basket And whan they hadde hym bounde with thonges Act. 22. and that the Tribune would haue punished Paule he saide that he was a Citezen of Rome Act. 23. And againe he saide that he was a Pharisey and that to make dissention amonge the Iewes Act. 25. And whan he had an vnrighteous iudge he appealed vnto Cesar. Of vowes Ca. xv Iacob goinge vnto his vncle Labans house Gen. 18. after the vision that was shewed him vowed a vow saying If God will be with me c. King Arad the Cananite fought againste Israell Nume 21. and hauing the vpper hand and victory ouer them He toke some of them prisonners But Israel vowed a vow vnto our Lord and afterwardes ouercame them Iepte foughte against the chyldren of Ammon Iudi. 11. vowed a vowe vnto oure Lord sayinge If thou wilte delyuer the chyldren of Amon into my handes c. Anna praide vnto oure lorde and sore weping vowed a vow 1. regu 1. and saide O lorde of hostes if thou wylte geue me a man childe I wyl geue him vnto our lord Absalon willing to rebel agaynst his father king Dauid 2. regu 15 said vnto him I wil go nowe to Hebron and paye my vowe whiche I haue vowed vnto oure lorde For thy seruaunt vowed a vow when he was in Gesur in the lande of Siria saying If oure lorde shall brynge me again to Ierusalem I wil do sacrifice vnto our lord Asa the kinge of Iuda offered vp 2. Para. 15. those thinges in the house of our lord that his father had vowed and dedycated vnto our Lord euen siluer gold and diuers other vessel And the people reioysed when they were so willinge to make theyr vowes 1 para 19. for wyth all theyr heartes they offered theyr goodes vnto our Lorde And Dauid the kinge reioysed wyth great gladnesse And the children of Israel and Iuda brought in and offred their tithes 2. para 31. which they had vowed and consecrated vnto our Lord. King Artarerzes commaunded Esd●as and the people 1. Esd. 7. that they shoulde brynge giftes vnto our Lorde God of Israel the which they had vowed and promised our Lord. All the people after the victorye came to Ierusalem to praise and geue thankes vnto our Lord Iudi. 16. and they all offered burnt offeringes their vowes and promises The men that were in the shyppe where Ionas the Prophet was Ionas 1. feared exceadingly doing sacrifices and making vowes vnto our Lord. 2. Mach. 3. Heliodorus purposing to spoile
Ghost then laide they their handes on them they receiued the holy Ghost Saul being prostrate vpon the th earth and profitably execated made blind Act. 9. stode vp again and comming into Damasco and began to praye and was thre daies without meat or drinke Cornelius the Centurio was a deuout man and one that feared GOD wtal his houshold which gaue muche almose Act. 10. and praied God alway wherby he disposed him self to aproche and come to the faithe And therfore it followeth Thi praiers thy almoses are come vp into remēbrance before God Peter was kept in Herodes prison but praier was made without ceasing of the congregation vnto god for him Act. 12. When the holy ghost had said seperate me Barnabas and Saule Act. 13.14 for the worke wherunto I haue called them It followeth And when they had fasted and prayed and laid their handes on them they let them goe Agayne ther foloweth That they did maruelous much good Peter went vp vnto the hiest part of the house to pray Act. 10. about the vi hour that he being far from those that wer beneathe mighte praye the more deuoutly When Paule went to praye he met a damsell possessed wyth a spryte that Prophesied whome Paule deliuered● commaundinge the spirit in the name of Iesu Christ to come oute of her Act. 16. Paule departing from Achaia and his brethren Act. 20. after a litle communication and a few godly wordes he kneled down and praid with them al and they al wept very sore When Paule had praid in the temple he was in a traunce Act. 22. and sawe oure Lorde Iesus sayinge vnto him Make haste and get the quickly out of Ierusalem After that Paule had prayed and had laide his handes on Publius father beinge sicke of a feuer Act. 28. and of a bloudy flixe he healed him Paule the Apostle monished These 5. that we should pray continually the which thing he him self did most diligently Rom. 1. For to the Romaines he saithe wyth out ceasing I make mention of you in my prayers To praye is to diffycyle and so hearde a thynge Rom. 8. that Paule saythe that he is not fufficiente nor hable to do it We know not that we praye as we should pray 2. thes 3. and therfore Paule dothe often and mooste humbly desyre other men to pray for him Brethren saithe he pray ye for vs. Paule caused prayers to be made to auoid that was euil and also to obtain those thinges that are good of the firste he saith thus rom 15. I beseeche you brethren that ye helpe me with your prayers that I may be deliuered from the vnfaithful And that he beleued that he was holpen by other mēs praiers he saith Our Lord hath deliuered vs from so great dangers and pearels Of the second that he desired to obtaine goodnesse by other mens prayers 2. cor 1. he saith Praying for vs that God maye open vnto vs the dore of vtteraunce that we may speake the mistery of Christ. And in a nother place he sayeth Coloss. 4. Brethren pray ye for vs that the worde of God maye haue passage 2. thess 3. and be glorifyed Paule praied for other men that he might be fruteful vnto them rom 1. With out ceasinge I make mention of you praying alwaies in my prayers that by some meane a prosperous iourney by the wil of God mighte fortune me to come vnto you And to Timothe withoute any ceasing or intermission 2. timo 1. I make mencion of thee in my praiers night and daye desiring to se thee And also he prayeth for the Thessalonians that God would call them to the way of health 2. thes 1. sayinge we pray alwaies for you that our God wil make you worthy of this calling And for the Philippians that they may profit and encrese from that that is good to better Philip. 1. sayinge And thys I pray that your loue and charity may encrease more and more And also that the Collossians might haue the fulnesse of deuine knowledge col 1. sayinge we cease not to pray for you and to desire that ye mighte be fulfylled with the knowledge of his wyll The Apostle S. Iames saithe that the praier which is made for corporall and bodely health Iaco. 5. auaileth The praier of faith shall saue the sycke And also for eternal saluation the whyche is the very true health Pray one for an other that ye maye be saued for the prayer of a ryghteous man auayleth muche ¶ Of weping wayling ca. 17. AGar going a great way of frō Ismaell wepte Gen. 21. nor she would not se the death of the chylde Gen. 27. Esau cried oute greatly bitterly That Iacob had his fathers blessing Gen. 23. And Abraham cam to mourn Sara his wife and to wepe for her Gen. 29. After that Iacob knew Rachel his kynswoman he lyfted vp his voyce and wepte Gen. 33. Esau toke his brother Iacob about the necke kyssed him and wepte Gen. 37. Iacob rent his clothes and putting on a shyrte of heare sorowed for hys sonne a longe season Gen. 43. Iosephes herte did melte vpon his brother Beniamin the reares brust out of his eyes and he entred into his chambre and wept Gen. 45.49.50 Ioseph lifted vp his voice wept saying vnto hys brethren I am Ioseph And he wept vpō his deed father And agayne he wepte when his brethren praied him to forgeue forget the trespace that they haue don against him The rascall people that was come out of Egipt Nume 11. fel a lusting of flesh sitting down wept and said Who shall geue vs fleshe to eate The whole multitude cryed oute murmured and sayd Nume 14. Would god that we had died in the land of Egipt When all the multitude sawe that Aaron was dead Nume 20. they mourned and wept for him .xxx. daies The children of Israell wepte for Moses xxx daies Deu. 34. The aungel of our Lord came vnto the place of those that wept Iudi. 1. and caste all such benefites as our lord had don vnto the children of Israel in their teth likewise the trespasses that they had cōmited thē the people cried out wept When the children of Israel should fight againste the Beniamytes Iudi. xx they wept before our Lord. And after that they had obtaind the victory Iudi. 21. they wepte and bewayled the destruction of theyr brethren Whē Nohemi his doughter in law Ruth i. should depart they began to wepe Anna prayed vnto oure Lorde and wept very sore 1. regum 1. After that the people harde that Iabes should be beseged 1. regu 11. they wept euen verye sore Samuel mourned Saul and wept because our Lorde repented him 1. regu 15. that he had made Saule king Ionathas and Dauid kissed ether other and
wept for her hart had a sure trust in the Lord. After that Antiochus had caused a great murther of men in Ierusalem 1. Mach. 1. there arose a greate heauinesse in all the lande of Israel The maried men mourned and the Bride and Brydegrome lamented Israel made great lamentation for the death of Mathathias 1. Mach. 2. Al the people of Israel made greate lamentation for the deathe of Iudas Machabeus 1. Mach. 9. and mourned long saying Alas how was this worthy slain which deliuered the people of Israel After that Ionathas his ii sonnes and a 1000. other men 1. Mach. 12. the whyche he had of Triphon were slaine Israell bewailed Ionathas and theym that were with him right sore Antiochus was sory in his mind for thuniust death of Onias 2 Mach. 4. and moued with pity wept remembring his sobernes manerly behauiour modesty After that Herode had caused at the children that wer ii yere old to be slain Mat. 2. then was fulfilled that whiche was spoken by the prophet Iere. In Rama was ther a voyce hard lamentatyon weping and great mourning Iere. 31. The father of the childe that was lunatike cried wyth teares sayinge Lorde I beleue Mar. 9. healpe thou mine vnbelefe We read that Mary Magdalē wept thre diuers times Luke 7. Fyrst at our Lordes fete for her sinnes Secondarilye for the death of her brother And thirdly for the Lordes passion Ihon. 20.11 We finde that our Sauioure wept thrise First vpon Lazarus whom he reuiued againe Ihon. 11. Secondarily vppon Ierusalem the which he knew should be destroied for sinne Luke 19. And thirdly vp on the crosse when he offred him self as a sacryfyce for the synnes of the worlde Heb. 5. As Paule sayeth Offerynge vp prayers wyth stronge crying and teares After that Peter had denied his master thrise Luke 22. he went out and wept bitterly But note that Lucas premytted saying Oure Lord loked vppon Peter A great company of people women folowed him vnto the crosse whiche bewailed and lamented him Luke 23. Paule the Apostle did serue the lord with teares Act. 20. for when he ●ad his brethren fare wel he said Ye knowe after what manner I haue bene wyth you at all seasons seruing the Lorde with all humilitye and wyth manye teares Also he monished his neyghboures with teares Act. 20. and prouoked theym to weepe sayinge By the space of three yeares I ceased not to warne euerye one of you night and day wyth many teares Then followeth They wept very sore Also Paul wrote his Epistles with teares 2. Cor. 2. Out of great affliction and anguish of heart I wrote vnto you with manye teares And manye walcke of whome I haue told you often Philip. 3. now tel you wepinge And to the Romaynes he saith the spri●e maketh intercession for vs with groninges whiche cannot be expressed Rom. 8. Such groninges are not wont to be without weping When Peter was come to Ioppa al the widowes stode roūd about him weping Act. 9. and shewing the co●tes and garments which Dorcas made while she was with them ¶ Of swearing ca. xviii ABimelech spake vnto Abraham sayinge Gen. 21. God is with thee in all that thou doste And therefore sweare vnto me And Abraham sayd I wil sweare Gen. 31. Iacob and Laban made a couenāt and Iacob sware by the feare of his father Isaac Moses was content and sware that he wold dwell with Ietro Exo. 2. take hys doughter Zephora to his wife 1. regu 20. Ionathas made a couenaunt wyth Dauid in the Lord they sware both Dauid hearinge of the hardnesse of Nabal ● regu 25. sayde So GOD do vnto the ennemyes of Dauid If I liue of all that pertaineth to him by the dawning of the dai any thing that pisseth against the wall 2. regu 19. Dauid mourning for the deathe of his sonne Salomon Ioab saide vnto him Arise and come out and speake kindelye vnto thy Seruauntes for I sweare by the Lord. Except thou com out ther wil not tarye one man with thee this night Dauid sware vnto Bethsabe Salomons mother 3 regu 1. that Salomon shoulde raigne after him After that king Salomon had hard his mothers peticyon for Adonia 3. regu 2. he sware by the lord saying God do so so to me if Adonia hathe not spoken this word against his owne life Helias the Thesbite saide vnto Achab the king of Israell 3. reg 17. As truely as the Lord God of Israel liueth before whome I stand there shal be neyther dew nor rain these yeares but according to my worde Benadab king of Siria disdaining at Achabs aunswer 3. reg 20. saide Thus and thus do the Gods to me if the duste of Samaria be inough for al the people that folow me Wicked Iesabel that slewe Helias the Prophet 3. reg 19. made the like oth Helias said vnto Helizeus tary here for our Lord hath sent me to Bethel He saide 4. regu 2. As surelye as the Lorde lyueth and as thy soule liueth I wyll not leaue thee Nabuchodonozor swore by hys throne Iudi. 1. that he wold be auenged King Antiochus the sonne of Antiochus sente vnto the Iewes to make peace 1. Mach. 6. And made an othe vnto them and afterwardes brake it againe immediately Herode the Tetrarch sware vnto Herodias doughter Mar. 6. whatso euer thou wilt aske I wil geue it thee euen vnto th one half of my kingdome Peter to those that said vnto hym Mat. 26. And surely thou art euen one of them for thy speache bewrayeth the began to cursse and to sweare that he knew not the man We read that Paule in hys Epystles dyd oftentimes sweare Philip. 1. Thus he saythe Rom 1. GOD the father of oure LORDE Iesu Christ doth know that I lye not 2. Cor. 1. And againe Beholde before God I lie not God is my witnes whom I serue I cal God for a record vnto my soule ¶ Of the obseruation and keping of the Sabboth day Capit. xix THe obseruation of the Saboth had his originall beginning of that Gen. 2. that is saide and wrytten in Genesis God blesseth the seuenth daye and sanctified it because that in it he reasted from al his worke And the children of Israel gathered in the wyldernesse on the .vi. daye a double quantitye of Manna Exo. 16. Because that on the Sabboth they should reast from all worke And amonge all the ten commaundementes Exo. 20. there is only a reason geuen of thobseruay●on of the Saboth because that amonge carnall men it semed to haue lytle reason And thys precept is very often times founde in the law to thintent that man should diligentlye obserue and keepe it and laboure to get and obtayne the true reast And on the Sabboth day ther wer offred two lambes
Apo. 19 he said vnto him Se thou do not for I am thy fellowe seruaunt worship God ¶ Of Idolatry Ca. xxii ANd when the people saw that it was long or Moses came downe from the mountaine Exo. 32. they gathered them selues together againste Aaron said Make vs Gods to go before vs. The people of Israell commytted Whoredome with the doughters of Moab Nume 23. whiche called them vnto the sacrifice of their gods And the people did eat and worshipped theyr gods When Iosua the son of Nun was dead Iudi. 2. the children of Israell dyd wyckedly in the sight of oure Lord serued Baalim and Astraroth and forsake the Lord God of their fathers All Israel went a whoringe in Ephod that Gedeon made Iudi. 8. which thing became a ruine vnto Gedeon and to all his house Salomon was old women depraned and turned his hart to folowe after other Gods 3. regu 11. and his hart was not perfect After that Ieroboam hadde taken counsel 3. regu 12. be made two calues of gold and saide Beholde Israel these are thy Gods whiche broughte you oute of Egipt It suffised not Achab king of Israell to walcke in the sinnes of Ieroboam 3. regu 16. but furthermore he serued Baal and worshipped him Iuda made them altares Idolles and groues on euery hie hil 3. reg 14 and vnder euery thicke tree Achaz king of Iuda walked in the way of the kinges of Israell 1. regu 16. and Iuda yea and consecrated his sōne and made him to go thorow the fire after the abhominations of the heathen whē the children of Israel wer translated and caried amonge the Assirians diuers natyons and stronge people wer brought and put into the cyties of Samaria 4. r●gu 17. And euerye natyon made them gods of their owne And when they shuld serue our lord they serued their goddes also after the custome of the people Sennacherib being confounded and put to rebuke and shame 4. regu 19. retourned from the impugnatyon of Esechia kynge of Iuda to Niniue And as he was praying and worshippynge hys Nefrach in the temple Adramelech Sarasar his ii sōnes smote him with the sweard and escaped Manasses king of Iuda rered vp altares for Baall 4. regu 21. worshipped all the host of heauen and serued them Iudi. 6. Holofernesse taking great indignation against Achior that setforth and much cōmended the power of the god of the Hebrues Said that he woulde shew him that there was none other God but Nabuchodonozor Dani. 3. Nabuchodonozor made a golden Image and commaunded that al people kinreds and tounges should fall downe and worship it Darius king of Pers made and put forth a commaundement Daui 6. that no mā within 30. daies should require anye peticion of God or man but onely of king Darius There was at Babylon an Idoll called Bell Dani. 14. hym the kynge dyd worship and honor dailye But after that Daniel had destroied him they of Babilon worshipped a dragon Antiochus cōmanded idols to be worshipped 1. Mach. 1. that they should edifye set vp altares a●d temples and offer vp swines flesh and that mē shuld leaue their children vncircumcised When Paul was abiding at Athēs his sprite Act. 17. when he saw the city geuē to worshippinge of Idols was moued in him Of blasphemy against God Ca. 23. THe Israelitish womans sonne was stoned to deathe by Gods commaundemente Leui. 24. because he blasphemed the name of our Lord. Hely saide vnto his sonnes 1. regu 2. If one man sin against an nother our Lord maye be pacified and pleased but if a man sinne against the Lord who shal pray for him Nathan the Prophet did agrauate the sinne of Dauid 2. regu 12. sayinge because thou hast geuen the ennemies of the lord a cause to rail and to blaspheme his name The manne of God said vnto Ahab kinge of Israel 3. reg 20. Because the Sirians haue said Our Lorde of hilles is but theyr Lorde and he is not god of valleis therefore will I deliuer all thys greate multitude into thy hand and ye shal know that I am the Lord. 3. reg 21. It semeth that wicked Iezabel could not excogitate nor inuent a more greuous or a greater synne to cause Naboth shortly to be stoned to death thē blasphemye where wyth she falsly accused him 4. regu 19. The blasphemies that Sennacherib king of the Assirians seruauntes spake and vsed did greatlye displease God And therfore the anger of oure Lord smote in the hoste of the Assiryans an C.lxxx and .v. M. It is not expedient for symple men to dispute agaynst the blasphemies 4. regu 18. of infidels And for that cause kyng Hezechias forbad that the vnlearned people should not aunswere the blasphemies of Rabsa●is the Assiriane Holofernes disdayning that Achor had commended the powre of the god of heauen Iudi. 6. said vnto him for so muche as thou haste prophecyed that the people of Israell shal be defended of their god I wyll shewe the that their is no god but Nabuchodosor ye whē we slay them all as one man When Hieremy rebuked the people because they dyd sacryfyce vnto straunge goddes Iere. 44. they answered we wyll in no wyse heare the worde of God but we wyll do sacryfyce vnto the quene of heauen like as we oure forefathers haue done For then were we in prosperitie nor no misfortune came vpon vs. Nabuchodonosor kyng of Babilon said vnto Daniell and his companions that woulde not worshyppe the golden Image Dani. 3. what god is ther that may deliuer you out of my handes In the daies and time of Antiochus certen wicked people of Israell gaue counsell sayinge Let vs go and make a couenaunte wyth the Heathen 1. Mach. 1. for sence wee departed frome them wee haue had muche sorowe Iudas Machabeus laying siege to a certen stronge holde 2. Mac. 20. A companye of the Hethen that were within it craked spake manye blasphemous and cursed wordes But within few dayes after they were burnt and consumed with fyre The Iewes saying vnto Nicanor There is a mighty Lorde in heauen 2. Mac. 15. that commaundeth the seuenth daye to be kept The wicked Nicanor said And I am myghtye vpon earthe to commaunde them for to arme them selues to performe the kings busines After that our Lord had healed and caste the deuyll oute of the blinde and the dumme man Mat. 12. LuKe. 11. The people were a mased but the Pharises blasphemed saying This fellowe driueth the deuyls no otherwise out but by the help of Belzebub the cheif of the deuyls Our Lord hanging vpō the crosse Mat. 27. they that passed and went by reuyled and blasphemed him waggyng their heades c. The Iewes spake agaynste those thinges that Paule spake Act. 13.18 blaspheming and rayling against it ¶ Of Goddes preceptes
and commaundemētes of the obseruation and kepinge of them ca. xxiiii OUr Lorde gaue vnto our fyrst parent Adam a lyte and a easy cōmaundement to be fulfilled Gen. 2. Saying Thou shalt eat of euery tree of the garden but as touching the tre of knowledge of good and euyll thou shalt not eate of it But he kepte this cōmaundement but euyl and therfore he fel into a great and greuous paine and punyshement Notwithstanding the commaundementes seme at some tymes to bee of lyte slender maters Gen. 2. yet they oughte and with no small diligence to be obserued in asmuch as the transgressors are greuously punished For our Lorde sayde vnto Adam In what day or houre soeuer thou eatest of the tree of knowledge of good and euel thou shalt dye the death Noe dyd euery thynge euen as the Lord commaunded him Gen. 7. When the people of Israel should receyue the Commaundementes of God Exo. 19. they were commaunded to bee sanctyfyed Goe vnto the people and sanctyfy them to day and to morowe And therfore he commaunded the chyldren of Israell to make them gardes of yellow sylke in the quarters of theyr garments Nume 15. to haue a contynual remēbrance of the celestyal cōmandemēts Oure Lorde when he made Iosue ruler ouer hys people Iosu. 1. gaue hym a specyall monytyon of the medytatyon and obseruatyon of hys lawe and commaundementes Balaam the sorcerer sayde vnto Balach the kyng Nume 23. Tolde not I thee saying Al that the Lord commaundeth that must I do Beholde nowe what reuerence thys euyl man had to gods commaundement Iosua omytted nor mynyshed no word of all that our lord cōmaunded Iosu. 11. Saule the whych was specyallye chosen 1. regu 15. was vtterly reiected and caste away for the trangressyon and breakyng of Gods commaundement Dauid instructynge and teaching Salomon hys son 1. Para. 22. the whych shoulde raygne after hym sayde Then thou shalt prosper when thou fulfillest the statutes and lawes whych our Lord gaue to Moses After the ordynaunce of Ioiada the byshoppe 2. Para. 23. they brought oute the kynges sonne and put vpon him the crown and gaue hym in hys hande the lawe that was to be kepte and made hym kynge Syrus kynge of Persia and Monarch of all the worlde 1. Esd. 1. was not ashamed to saye Oure Lorde God of heauen and earth hath commaunded mee to buylde hym a house at Ierusalem Our Lord euē complaining doth say The commaundements of Ionadab the sonne of Recchab the whych he commaunded his children to kepe and that they should drincke no wine preuailed and were better kepte then mine Iere. 35. For they obeyed theyr fathers commaundement I haue spokē vnto you and yet haue ye not bene obedyent vnto me Susanna putting her life and good name in pearell and daunger Dani. ●3 iudged it better to fal into the hands of man then to forsake and leaue the lawes of God Ther were two wemen accused to haue circumcysed theyr sonnes 2. Mach. 6. whōe when they had led rounde aboute the city the babes hanging at their brestes they cast them down headlinges ouer the wals Eleazar an aged mā sustayned greuous pains of the body 2. Mach. 6. and at length he was put to deathe because that he against the law of god wold nother eat swines flesh nor yet fain or dissemble that he had eaten it For the law of god the vii brethren with their mother suffred greuous intollerable pains vnder Antiochus 2. Mach. 7. Other creatures that obey the lord do induce vs to obserue his commandementes 2. regu 24. of good aungels ther is no doubt the which are his mynysters doynge hys wyll and hys worde Of euell angels 1. Para. 21. He commaunded the euell sprite to go oute of the man Luke 8. He commaunded the Rauens to fede Helias and they did so 3. regu 17. And the Psalme doth say generallye He hathe geuen them a law which shal not be brokē Fire and haile Psal. 148. snow and Ise winde and storme fulfyll his word Iob. 9. He commaundeth the Sunne and it ryseth not The parentes of Ihon the Baptist walcked so in all the lawe Luke 1. ordinaunces and iustyfications of oure Lorde that no manne could fynde faut wyth them Our Lord answered the yong mā that axst him Mat. 19. what good he should do to haue euerlastinge life sayinge If thou wilte enter into life keepe the commaundementes ¶ Of obedience and disobedience Ca. xxv GOD willing that man beyng in the state of innocency should liue vnder obedience Gen. 2.3 bounde him wyth preceptes and lawes and punished him right sore and greuously liuing disobedyently Noe spedely obeyed our Lord in althinges that he Gen. 7. at the instant time of the floud commaunded him Notwithstanding that Gods commaundement of the circumcisiō was a greuous and an vnwont thing Gen. 17. yet Abraham made no procrastinatyon nor no delay to fulfill and accomplish the same For euen in the self same day that god cōmaūded it he fulfilled it Abraham without any stop or delay offred vp his only sōne in a sacrifice Gen. 22. Beholde and consider his meruelous and wonderfull obedyence Ioseph did spedely obey his father that sent him to his brethren Gen. 37. although he had accused them wher vpon he and not without a cause might a feared to haue gone vnto them Moses obeyed our Lorde that made Exo. 3.4 him the capitayne and guyde of hys people But marke yet wyth what difficultye For he excused hym selfe fiue times The children of Israell promysed greate obedience Exo. 24. saying Al the wordes whiche oure LORDE hathe sayde wyll we doe But yet afterwardes they did the contrary in their deedes The children of Israell walkyng in the wlldernes at Gods commaundement pitched their tentes Nume 9. and at hys cōmaundement they toke thē downe Also the children of Israell were afraid to ascende and to go vp into the land of promise Nume 14. when God commanded them but whē God forbad them they stroue to goe vp but it was to their paine Manye of the chyldren of Israell that went to warre againste the commaundement of God and Moses Nume 14. Nume 31. wer ouerthrown of a fewe but whan they foughte by obedience and commaundement a few ouerthrew a multitude and wan the victory In as much as Achan transgrest the commaundemente of Iosua the people wer ouercome in battaile Iosu. 7. and all Israell stoned him with stones 1. regu 13. Saule offeringe burnte sacrifyce againste the commaundemente of Samuel was reproued And likewise because he spared Agag the king of the Amalakites and theyr sheepe and other pretious chefest of their goods which shuld haue bene destroied 1. regu 15. and then Samuel saide vnto him Better is obedience then sacrifice Althoughe Dauid was annoynted king by Samuel 1. regu 17.
escape tyll all be fulfylled And the scripture cānot be losed or broken And the new Testamente is of no lesse aucthoryte Ioan. 10. but rather of more then the olde Of the whiche oure Lorde sayth● Mat. 14. Heauen and earth shall passe but my wordes shall not passe Oure Lorde oftentymes ouercame the hie priestes mat 21. Scribes and Pharisees euen by Scriptures the whiche reproued him Oure Lorde reproued the Saduces of ignoraunce mat 22. saying Ye do erre not knowyng the scriptures Peter in his firste sermon after the holye sprite was sent Act. 2. conuerted vnto Christ bi the declaratiō of the prophet Iohels auctorite .3000 men The Enuche or chamberlaine the whiche comming oute of Ethiopia to Ierusalem Act. 8. red the prophete Esay sitting in his charette is muche cōmended praised And Philip by the commaundement of God toke an occasion to preache the gospell of Christ vnto him that by the auctoryte of Scripture that he found him reding whom beyng fast in his belefe he christened Act. 17. Paule cōminge vnto Berrheham entred into the Iewes Sinagoge Certein of them receyued the worde very gredely Dayly searching the Scriptures whether it were so or not And many honest good women of Grece beleued of the cheife men not a few Apollos an eloquent man mighty in the scriptures Act. 18. helped them muche whiche had beleued throughe grace For he ouercame the Iewes myghtely and openly shewing by the scriptures that Iesus was Christ. Our Lorde sent the lawyer that inquired of him what he should do to obtain life euerlasting LuKe. 10. to the scrypture saying what is wrytten in the lawe how readest thou ¶ Of good exhortation and predication of the word of god Cap. xxvii CAine being admonyshed by the exterior voyce of God Gen. 4. lefte not of hys pretenced iniquitye And by this it is patent and manifest that the exterior exhortation withoute the interior is of very litle smal efficacy The iust man Lot dyd mekelye admonyshe and exhorte the Sodomites saying Nay for gods sake my brethrē do not so wickedly Gen. 19. Do not thys euyll vnto whō they answered very contumaciously get the hense Thus it appeareth that peruers people are hardly cured and corrected It happened and chanced wel with Iacob Gen. 27. for as much as he agreed vnto his mothers exhortation counsels Ruben hearynge the wycked wordes of his brethren againste Ioseph Gen. 37. sayde Lette vs not kyll him nor shedde hys bloude and Iudas gaue counsell not to slaye but to sell hym that so the lesse hurte myghte ensue and followe Moses sister perswaded Pharaos doughter euen wel Exo. 2. that an Hebrues womā might be cald to nurse the child Iethro for the vtility of the people and to alleuiate and lyghten Moses burden gaue him good counsell Exo. 18. that he shoulde appoynt and orden meane iudges for the people Dauid by the good exhortatyon of Abigaile 1. regu 25. was tourned and drawne from his intent and purpose that is from shedding of Nabals blud Abner gaue good counsell to Asaeli that followed after hym 2. regu 2. sayinge folowe me not leaste I be compelled to smite thee to the grounde But because he woulde not heare hym hee slue him The olde menne gaue Roboam Salomons sonne good Counsell 3. regu 12. but he to hys greate hurte and dammage ensued the counsel of the yōger sortes of men When Naaman the Syrian because of Eliseus answer 4. regu 5. was departing with displesure his seruauntes counselled and perswaded him to accomplish and fulfil the prophets commaundement and he did so As long as Ioiada the bishop liued whiche instructed and exhorted Ioas the king of Iuda 4. regu 12. so long he was good but after that hee was departed hee waxed very euil The postes wente wyth letters by the commaundement of Ezechiell the king 2. Para. 30. and of hys Lordes and prynces thorowout all Israell and Iuda And saide Ye children of Israell tourne againe vnto oure Lorde God of Abraham Isaac and Israel and let euery one retourne to the remnaunte that are escaped oute of the handes of the Assirians When the Iewes were buyldyng the temple 1. Esd. 5. they that were retourned from Babylone were exhorted and Aggeus and zacharias dyd healpe them Nehemia desyring to build a wall in Ierusalem sayde to the noble men and rulers 2. Esd. 2. Let vs get vp and builde and they strengthened theyr hands to good At Nehemias exhortation they that toke vsury of the people cōsented both to restore it againe 2. Esd. 5. and also from thence forth to take no more Tobias being in captiuitye wente vnto all them that were in prysone Tobi. 1.4.14 and gaue them wholesome exhortations Also he preached verye wel vnto to his sonne It chaunced wel with Toby that he obeyed the counsels of Raphaell Tobi. 6. whome he estemed and toke for a man and specially in drawynge out of the fyshe in demaundynge and askyng a wife and whether he shoulde marrye her or no. The parentes of Sara yonge Tobies Tobi. 10. wife did monysh and exhorte her to honoure her father and her mother in law to loue her husbande to rule well her housholde to kepe her house in good order and to shewe her selfe fautlesse Iudith made a good exhortation vnto the people Iudi. 8. reprouinge that that was vndiscretely ordeined and teachynge them what oughte to bee doone Mardocheus efficacelye perswaded Esther Esth. 4. to go into the kynge wyth danger and pearel of her life to pray for the wealth of her people After that Esay had sene the wonderfull vision Esa. 6. he hym selfe saide wo is me because I holde my peace but after that he perceyued that hys lyps were cleansed with the stone or hote coale that was taken from the aultar he said vnto our Lorde that inquyred whome he shuld send vnto the people here am I send me Oure Lorde sayde vnto Esaye Crye as loude as thou cansie leaue not of Esa. 58. Lyft vp thy voyce lyke a trompette and shewe my people their offences and the house of Iacob their synnes Ieremy fyrst execused hym selfe frō preachinge Iere. 1. and after he graunted folowed the wyl of God Abimelech the Mortan sayde vnto king Sedechias Iere. 38. My Lord the kynge All thy seruauntes that haue cast Ieremye the Prophet into the dongyon or lake haue done euel And the king commaunded that he shuld be drawn out of the lake before he died Our Lord spake vnto Ionas saying Arise Ionas 1.2 and get the to Niniue and preache there vnto them the predication that I shall speake and declare vnto thee Daniell gaue Nabuchodonozor the kynge of Babylon good Counsell Dani. 4. Sayinge be contente with my counsayle and redeame thy synnes wyth almesse When that Mathathias should die he exhorted his sonnes to do
man sitting vpon him When ther should haue bene a vehemente bataile betwene Tymothe and Iudas Machabeus 2. Mach. 1● there appeared v. men vpon horsbacks garnished wyth brydles of golde leadynge the Iewes and two of them hauing Machabeus betwixt them that kepte him safe on euery side with their weapōs The Iewes goynge to battaile againste 2. Mach. 1●● the greate and myghtye hoste of Lisias Machabeus beyng theyr capitaine there appeared before theym vppon horsbacke a man in white clothynge wyth harnesse of golde shaking his speare We do read that the angel of God appeared thrise vnto Ioseph Mat. 1.2 first our lord being in his mothers womb Secondarely when he was come forthe of his mothers wombe And thyrdlye when he was in Egipt When Iesus was baptised the spirit of god was sene vpon him in a bodely shape like a doue Mat. 3. Luke 4. and the fathers voyce was hard sayinge Thys is my well be loued sonne Also in our lordes transfyguratyon ther apeared Moses and Helias speaking Mat. 17. wyth our Lord. And there came a voyce from heauen Luke 9. When our Lord Iesus arose from death to life Mat. 27. manye bodies of sainctes which slept arose and comming oute of the graues came into the holy city and appeared vnto manye When Iesus was rysen earlye the fyrst day after the saboth Mar. 16. he appeared first to Mary Magdalen After this he appeared to two dysciples goyng by the way Luke 24. and laste of all he appeared vnto the eleuen as they sate at meate Mar. 16. and caste in theyr teethe theyr vnbelefe and hardnesse of heart Our Lord Iesus shewed hym selfe alyue after hys passyon Act. 1. and that by manye argumentes and tokens appearing vnto them xl daies and speakinge of the kingdome of God Then ther followeth And while they loked stedfastly vp toward heauen behold two men stode by them in whyte apparell When the fiftye dayes were come to an end Act. 2. they wer al with one accord together in one place And ther apeared vnto them clouen tongues like as they had bene of fyre Stephen beynge full of the holye ghoste Act. 7. loked vp into heauen he sawe the glory of God and sayd Beholde I se the heauens open and the sonne of man standynge on the right hande of God And the Aungell of God was there presente and a lyghte shyned in the habitacion of the prysonne Actes 12. And he smote Peter whyche was bound with chaynes on the syde and stered hym vp saying aryse vp quickely And when Paule was come nye to Damasco to take those that were christened Act. 10. sodenly there shined round aboute hym a lyghte frome heauen And he hearde oure Lorde Iesus of Nazareth sayinge vnto hym Saull why persecutest thou me And afterwardes he appeared to Ananias Cornelius the capitayne a deuout man Act. 9. and one that feared God sawe euydentelye aboute the nynth houre of the daye an angell of God sayinge vnto him Corneli send men to Ioppa and call for one Simon whose syrname is Peter he shal tell thee what thou oughtest to dooe Peter beynge in hys prayers and a hungerd fell into a traunce sawe Heauen opened Act. 10. and a certaine vessell came downe to hym as it had bene a greate shete knytte at the foure corners and was let downe to the earth wherin were all maner of fourefoted beastes of the earth and vermen and wormes and foules of the ayre When Paule and Barnabas had gone throughe Misia they came to Troada Act. 16. And a vision appeared too Paule in the nyghte There stode a man of Macedonia and prayed him sayinge Act. 17. Come into Macedonia and helpe vs our Lorde sayd vnto Paule by a vision in the nyghte feare not speake and holde not thy peace On a certain night god standing by Paule said vnto him be constant and of good chere Paule Act. 23. for as thou haste testified of me in Ierusalem so muste thou beare witnes also at Rome Paule purposing to comforte and cheere his fellowes in the time of the tempest Act. 27. persuaded them to be of good cheere saying There stode by me this night thangel of God said fear not Paule thou muste be brought before Ceaser and lo God hath geuen the al them that sayle with the. Blessed Iohan the Apostle Euangelist exiled into the I le of Pathmos Apoca. 1. sawe Christe in the myddes of seuen golden candelstyckes Ye all the boke is full of such visions ¶ Of good angelles Capi. xxxi ANgelles appeared vnto Abrahā wer very familier with him Gen. 18. Angels wer loged with Loth folowing in a maner his gētle violēce deliuered him frō all perel danger Gen. 19. The angel of god called vnto Abraham forbode him to sacrifice or to offre vp his sonne Gen. 22. and promised him great thinges for his obedience Iacob fleyng frō his brother Esau Gen. 28. sawe the Angelles ascendynge and descending vpon the ladder Iacob returned from Labans seruyce to Isaac his father Gen. 31. The angels came to mete him and to defend him And the angell of God which went before the hooste of Israell when the people came oute of Egypte Exo. 14. stode betwyxte the hooste of the Egypcians and the hooste of Israell For it is wrytten Exo. 23. beholde I sende my angell before thee to keepe thee in the way and to bring thee into the place which I haue prepared Nume 22. The angell of god stode in the way against Balaam riding vpō his Asse The angell of oure Lorde rebuked the chyldren of Israell Iudi. 2. because they hadde sworne and made a peace with the Cananites puttynge them in remembraunce of Gods benefites done and shewde vnto them The angell of oure Lorde appearynge vnto Gedeon dyd comfort him Iudi. 6. and holded him to deliuer the people The Angell appeared to Manues wyfe that was barren Iudi. 13. declarynge vnto her that she shoulde conceaue and that she should kepe abstinence After that the people at Daudis cōmaundement wer nombred our lorde sent a pestilence into Israel 2. regu 24. And whē the angel stretched out his hand vpon Ierusalem to destroy it Dauid seyng the angell that smote the people said Lo it is I that haue done wyckedly Our Lordes aungell dyd comforte Helias ●●eynge the tiranny of Iezabel and refreshed hym wyth sober meat 3. regu 19. And the angel opened vnto Helias 4. regu 1. what he should answer vnto Ochozias messengers There were mo good angels with Elizeus to defend hym 4. regu 6. then ther wer euil menne wyth hys aduersaryes to hurt hym The aungell of oure Lorde came 4. regu 19. and smote in one nyght of the Assiryans an hundred foure score and fyue thousand The aungell Raphaell that was Tobias guid Tobi. 5.6 deliuered him from the
daunger of the fysh and his wise from the deuil he restored old Toby to hys sight and throughe him as well hys parentes as his companions and felowes were repleanished wyth dyuers consolations As truly as our Lord lyueth sayth Iudith Iudi. 13. hys aungell hathe kepte me going thither remaining there and comming hither again frō thence One of the Seraphins flewe vnto Esay Esa. 6. and cleansed him with a stone whyche he toke from the altare wyth the tonges The angell of God descended with Azaria and his felowes into the ouen or fornace of fyre Dani. 3. Daniel beynge wythin the den of Lions Dani. 6. sayde vnto king Darius commyng vnto him My God hathe sente hys aungell whyche hathe shutte the Lyons mouthes so that they myghte not hurt me Afterwardes the angell of our lord brought the prophet Habacucke oute of Iewry into Chalde Dani. 14. to beare Daniel his dinner There were diuers and great misteries shewed vnto Danyell by the ministery of angels Dani. 9.10.11 Machabeus and they that wer with him praid our Lord 2. Mach. 11. that he woulde send a good aungel to deliuer Israel Then there followeth Ther appeared before them an aungell in white clothyng The angel Gabriel to auaunce and ●pon the conception of Iohn the Baptist Luke 1. appeared vnto zachary And to denounce the conception of our sauiour Luke 1. the self angell Gabryell was sent of God vnto a city of Galile named Dauid or Nazareth And againe when oure Lord was borne the aungell of our Lorde slode harde by the Shepheardes Luke 2. and there was wyth the angel a multytude of heauenly souldyors praysing God c We rede also that thangell of our Lord appeared spake vnto Ioseph Mat. 1. fyrst before his natiuity saying fear not to take vnto the Mary thy wyfe Secondly after the adoration worshipping of the wise men Mat. 2. Mat. 2. Aryse and take the child and his mother goe into Egipt Thyrdly after Herodes death Take the child and his mother and go into the land of Israel After the departure of the deuil that tempted hym Mat. 4. the angels came and ministred vnto him And after hys supper and in hys prayer made in the garden Luke 22. there appeared an angel vnto hym from heauen comforting him Mat. 28. At the tyme of hys resurrection the angel of our Lorde came downe from heauen Iohn 20. Mar. xvi Lu. xxiiii At our Lords assencion behold two men stode by them in white apparell Act. 1. The chefe prestes rose vp and all they that were wyth hym laid handes on the Apostles Act. 5. and put them in common pryson But the aungell of oure lord by night opened the prison dores and broughte them forthe and fayde go and preache in the Temple to the people The angel of our Lord spake vnto Philip Act. 8. saying Arise and go toward the South c. Cornelius saw euidently about the ninth hour of the day Act. 10. an angel of god comming into hym and saying Cornelius c. And Peter being a slepe in Herodes pryson Act. 12. the aungel of oure Lorde was then present c. Kyng Herode arayed hym in royall apparel Act. 12. and set hym in hys seat and made an oration vnto theym and the people gaue a shoute saying It is the voyce of a God and not of a manne And immedyatelye the aungel of the lorde smote hym because he gaue not the honoure to God and he was consumed and eaten of worms and gaue vp the ghost There stode an aungell of God by Paule in the ship Act. 27. counsellyng him to be of good cheare sayinge feare not Paule Our Lord signifyed thinges which must shortly come to passe Apoca. 1. And after that he spake by hys angell vnto hys seruaunte Ihon whyche bare recorde of the woorde of GOD. c. And that booke is full of angelycall reuelatyons ¶ Of euill Spirites Ca. xxxii EUil spirites are sayd to be oure Lords 1. regu 16. because they are in gods power and what so euer they do they do it by God The euil spirit of God vexed Saule The deuyll killed Saras Raguels daughter vii husbandes Tobi. 3.8 but yet by the comming of Raphael the good angel was eiected Sathan had euen so muche power vpon Iobs cattell his house wherein his children did eat Iob. 1.2 and vpon his body how much the deuine prouydence did suffer him to haue The euil sprite made the mā fearce and cruel Mat. 8. And also he maketh a man vncleane for those ii demoniakes or possessed with deuils wer out of measure fearce Luke 8. dwelt laye in graues And the deuils desired to goe into the swine not into Lambs One of those ii was more famous then thother he ware no clothes he abode in no hous but in graues he was bounde wyth chaines kepte wyth fetters and he brake the bandes and was caryed of the fende into wildernesse This euel sprite maketh a manne bothe deafe and domme Mar. 7. and when the spirite taketh hym he knocketh and teareth him and he fometh and gnasheth with his tethe pineth away LuKe. 9. Mar. 9. often times he casteth him into fire water to destroy and lose him Oure Lorde refused the laude and praise of maligne spirites LuKe. 8. Holde thy peace quod he come out of the mā Mar. 1. Our Lord dyd forbid his discyples to reioyce that the euill spirites were vnder them Luke 10. and subdued vnto them as though they shuld not esteme that thing very greatly A certaine damsel possessed wyth a sprite the prophesied Act. 19. cryed out many a day after Paule hys fellowes But Paule being heuy therfore turned about and said to the sprite I commād the in the name vertue of Iesu christ that thou come oute of her and he came out the same hour And note that Paule would not that the doctrine of truthe shuld be confirmed by the spirit of deceitfulnesse and falshode Certain of the Iewes toke vpon thē to cal ouer thē which had euil sprites the name of our Lord Iesus sayinge Act. 19. we adiure you by Iesu whome Paule preacheth And the euyl spryte answered and said Iesus I know and Paul I know but who are ye and the man in whome the euyll spryte was ran on them and ouercame them and preuailed againste them so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded ¶ Of the immortality of the resonable soule Ca. xxxiii FOr as much as it is saide of Abraham that he was put to his people Gen. 25. it is supposed that he had people in a nother world that is men which liued wel as he dyd We haue the lyke saying of Isaac He was put vnto hys people Gen. 35.49 And of Iacob And when Iacob beleued that hys
Act. 16. the congregations were stablished in the faithe and encreased in nombre daily When the keper of the prysone in the which Paule and Silas were detained Act. 16. saw the earthquake and the prison open beyng sore troubled and afraid fel down at their fete saying what must I do to be saued and they said beleue in oure Lorde Iesus and thou shalt be saued When Paul had disputed at Athēs against Idolatry Act. 17. certaine men cleauing vnto him beleued amonge the which was Dionisius c. ¶ Of the fidelitye that ought to be kept to man Capi. xxxv ELiezer Abrahams seruaunt dyd the message cōmitted vnto hym Gen. 24. by his master verye faithfullye when he went for Rebecca to Bathnals house Iacob serued his vncle Laban faithfully when that he keping his shepe by day was consumed with heat Gen. 29.31 and by night with frost Ioseph shewed him self faithful vnto his maister Gen. 39. in that he woulde not touche hys wyfe And in his counsail that he gaue vnto Pharao Gen. 41. and in suche seruice as he exhibited and dyd for hym Rachab the harlot did faithfullye with the spies which Iosue sent Iosu. 2.6 and likewise Iosue afterwardes vsed her faithfully again Althoughe the Gabaonites had deceiued Iosue and the children of Israel Iosu. 9.10 yet they kepte their othe and promise wyth them and after that faithfully defended them against theyr enemyes Ionathas did faithfully disclose his fathers yre and wrathe vnto Dauid 1. regu 20. and as much as laye in hym excused hym and afterwardes cōforted hym Abiathars father beynge slaine by the occasion of Dauid 1. regu 22. I am saythe Dauid the cause of the deathe of all the soules of thy fathers house Abide with me and feare not For if anye seke my soule he shal seke thine also with me thou shalt be in sauegarde Dauid would not smyte nor laye his handes vpon Saul hys Lord and king 1. regu 24. Notwithstanding he was euel and did persecu●e him and yet if hee had woulde hee myghte twyse haue slaine hym The harnesse bearer of Saule was a greate signe and token of fidelitye 1. regu 31. and yet he did but vndiscretely when that he seing his master was deade woulde liue no longer but fel vppon his sweard and died with him what oughte we then to do for oure Lorde that was crucified for vs The men and inhabitours of Iabes in Galaad 1. regu 31. shewed them selues faithfull to Saule theyr Lorde notwythstandinge he was euell and wicked when they reuerently buried hym Urias the Hethite would not liue in delite and pleasure 2. regu 11. as long as hys Lord Ioab labourd and was in warfare When the city of Rabbath was in ieopardy to be loste and taken 2. regu 12. Ioab as long as he beseged it sent for Dauid to come thither to take the citye that the honor of the victory might be geuen to his master not to him self When Dauyd fled from Absolon Ethai sayde vnto him As trulye as God lyueth 2. regu 15. in what place my Lorde the kynge shal be whether in death or lyfe euen there also wyll thy seruaunt be Dauids menne woulde not that he should goe forthe with theim to battayle 2. regu 18. Saying Thou art compted to be worth ten thousand of vs. Wherby it appeareth that faythfully they loued hym And in another place Thou shalte notte goo oute with vs to battayle 2. regu 21. that thou quenche not the light of Israell All Israell separated them selues from Dauid 2. regu 20. and folowed Selon the sonne of Bochri But the Iewes cleaued vnto their kynge bothe faythfully and constantly Thre robust and stronge menne moste faithfully defended Dauid fightygne agaynste the Philistians 1. Para. 11. and brought him water out of the well of Bethelem the whyche he greatlye desyred Ioiada the hye priest dyd exceding faythfully with Ioas the sonne of Ioram kynge of Iuda 4. regu 11. Notwithstanding that he afterwardes regarded it but slenderly Onias the byshop and other priestes did faythfully trauell and labour 2. Mach. 3. to kepe such thinges as widowes and pepylles had deposed and geuen them to kepe Oure Lorde dothe commende the Mat. 25. fidelite of those seruauntes that encreased the thynges delyuered vnto them Paule wyth great faithfulnes procured 2. Cor. 9. the gatherynge of mennes almes to be done for the necessite of the poore in Iewry Paule sent faythfull and effectuous letters to Philemon for his fugitiue seruaunte Onesimus Philip. 1. Certain of the chefe of Asia gaue Paule discrete and faythfull Counsayle Act. 19. desirynge hym that he would not prease nor come into the common hall ¶ Of quietnesse and illustration of the minde Cap. xxvi AFter that Abraham went from Hur of the Chaldees Gen. Our lord ap●eared sondrye tymes vnto hym and visyted hym wyth dyuers reuelations Gen. 18. Our Lorde appeared vnto Abrahā in the plaine of Mambre as he sat in his tent dore in the heat of the daye The whiche maye he expounded of a contemplatiue man Gen. 24. Isaac dwelt in the south countrey and was gone out in his meditations or to pray in the field Gen. 25. Esau became a cunning hunter a tiller of the earth but Iacob was a quiet and a symple man and dwelled in the tentes Gen. 28. Iacob departed from Bersabe to come to Haram and purposynge to reast there in a certaine place because the sonne was downe he tooke of the stones that were in that place and put them vnder his heade and layde hym downe and slept in that same place and he sawe in a dreame a ladder standinge vpon the earth c Moses kept the shepe of Ietro his father in lawe Exo. 3. and he droue the flocke to the back side of the desert and came to the mountaine of god Horeb. And Oure lorde appeared vnto hym in a flame of fire Iethro Moses father in lawe seinge hym occupied from morninge vnto euen in geuinge of iudgement to the people he sayde vnto him Exo. 18. Thou consumest and weriest thy selfe and those that are with the with vayne and vndiscrete labour Be thou vnto the people in those thinges that pertayne vnto god Our lord came doune to the mount Sinay Exo. 19. and called Moses vp to the top of the mountaine and there he reueled vnto hym the iudgementes the commaundemētes and the ceremonies the which he should teache the people Our lorde spake vnto Moses face to face as a mā speaketh vnto his frende And Moses was with oure lorde .40 dayes and fortie nightes and did neither eate bread nor drinke water Oure Lorde spake vnto Moses saying get the vp into this mountayne Deu. 32. and frome thence beholde the lande whiche I geue vnto the chyldren of Israell Samuel did slepe in the temple and oure Lorde calde Samuell
1. regu 3. When kynge Dauid satte in his house after that our Lorde had giuen him rest rounde abou●e from all hys enemyes 2. regu 7. he sayde vnto Nathan the Prophete Thou seyste that I dwell nowe in an howse of Cedarre trees but the Arke of God dwelleth within the curtaine It was shewed vnto Helias that fled from the face of Iezabel 3. regu 19. that our lorde was not in a greate spirite nor in no cōmotion nor winde nor earthquake but in a small styll voyce The mynde of man muste take his iudgement by the sumilitude and likenes of corporall thinges or els it must be lifted vp to god in whō what soeuer is sene or thought delectable in anye creature is inseperable sounde muche better 4. regu 3. So that when the mynstrell played before Eliseus the hande of Oure lorde came vpon him When Eliseus woulde praye deligentely for the Sunamites child that was departed 4. regu 4. he dyd it not openly before al men but shutte the dore to the lad and him and prayed vnto Oure lorde Sara Raguels doughter beynge rebuked and slaundred of on of her maydens Tob. 3. went into the innermost chamber of her house and thre dayes and thre nightes she nether eat nor drank but continued in prayer and besought god with teares that he woulde deliuer her frome that rebuke Iudith perceyuing her people to be streyted and in daunger went into her closet Iudi. 9. put on an heary smocke strawed ashes vpon her head and fallynge downe before oure Lorde cryed vnto hym Quene Esther fearing the daunger that was at hande Esth. 14. fledde vnto oure lorde And when she had laide a waye her glorius apparel she put on garmentes that serued for syghinge and mourninge and prayd thus vnto our Lorde helpe me desolate woman After the tribulations and perturbations which Dauid sustained suffred Psal 54. he sayd Who shal geue me winges lyke a doue For then would I flie away and be at reste Then he sheweth the maner howe to come to these wynges rest saying Lo then would I get me away farre of and remayne in the wyldernesse When Ezechiell was amonge or in the myddes of the prisoners Eze. 1. the hande of our Lorde came vpon hym and he sawe a stormy wynde come out of the north When Daniell hearde of the cruell sentence that was pronounced against the wise men of Babilon Dani. 2. he wente home and the mysterye was shewed vnto hym by a vision by night Dani. 9. The Angell Gabriell sayde vnto Daniell that prayde feruently I am nowe come to teache thee and to make thee vnderstand that thou art a man greatly beloued I wyll stande vppon my watche sayth habacuc Haba 2. and shall fasten my ioy vpon my bulworke to looke and se what shal be sayd vnto me and what answere I should make hym that reproued me And when the people were sent awaye he wente vp into a mountaine to praye alone Math. 14. And when night was come he was there hym selfe alone By the whiche thynge he geueth the people an ensample to flee and to seke for solitariousnes And zacharias wente into the temple of our Lorde LuKe. 1. and the whole multitude of the people were wyth oute in prayer while the incense was a burnynge And then there appeared vnto hym an Angell of oure Lorde Martha was troubled and combred about muche seruinge Luke 10. but Mary syttyng at Gods feete hearde the woorde of God And it is greatly to be noted that quyetnes and the hearing of gods word should be preferde aboue al religyons and deuoute ministery seruice Iohn 11. When Iesus sawe mary wepe and the Iewes also wepinge whiche came wyth her he groned in the spirite and wepte the whyche thinge he dyd not when Martha spake vnto him Our lordes disciples wer wonderfullye illuminated and taughte at the cōminge of the holy ghost Act. 2. After the light from heauen shyned rounde a boute Saule Act. 9. he fell to the earthe and was made blind the fasted and prayed by the space of thre dayes and hadde many exellente reuelations from Christ. When Peter was lodged in Simōs the Tanners house Act. 10. at a certain time he wente into the hyest place of the house to praye to the entent that he beynge farre from the troublous people that were beneathe myghte geue hym selfe the more quyetlye to hys prayers Oure Lorde Peter beynge in a traunce shewed vnto hym that the heathen oughte not to be repelled from the predication of the gospel Paule was taken vppe into the thyrd heauen 2. Cor. 12. and hard secreate wordes which no man can vtter rom His exceading great wisdome appeareth in hys Epistles Ephe. 1.2 and principallye to the Romaynes Col. 1.2 To the Ephesyans To the Collossyans And also to the Hebrues Heb. 1. Oure Lorde disclosed vnto blessed Sainte Ihon beyng sequestred from the tumulte and consolatyon of the worlde and banyshed into the I le of Pathmos the celestial and heauenly workes and dedes as it appeareth in his reuelations ¶ Of longanimity ¶ Capit. xxxvii ABraham taried many yeares or euer he hadde any chylde by Sara Gen. 21. for hee was an hundred yere old when his sonne Isaac was borne vnto him From the fyrst promise made vnto Abraham vntyl he hadde sede were yeres 440. Oure Lorde suffered Israell to bee scourged and afflicted in Egipt a lōg time and season And afterwardes to be tempted and proued in wildernes the space of 40. yeares or euer they came to the land of promise as it appeareth thorowe oute all the boke of Exodus and Numery Iudi. 20 The children of Israel fightyng against the tribe of Beniamin many against a few wer twise ouerthrown and yet at the last they preuailed Iob. 13. Iob beyng punyshed in bodye depriued of al hys chyldren laughed to scorne of hys frendes and spoyled of all hys goodes dyd say Lo though he slaye mee yet wyl I put my truste in hym Tobyas elders kinsfolkes laughed hym to scorne whyche sayde vnto hym Tob. 2. where is thy hope for the whyche thou haste done almesse and buryed the deade But Tobias rebuked them spake Say not so for we are the chyldren of holy men and looke for the lyfe which God shall geue vnto them that neuer turne their belefe from him When Susanna was condempned by the false testimony and wytnesse of two iudges Dani. 13. it is thus wrytten of her That her heart hadde a sure truste in the Lorde When one of those seuen brethren was requyred of the tyrande 2 Mach. 7. quyckely he put oute his tounge and constantly helde forth his handes and spake with a steadfaste fayeth These haue I of heauen Iudas Machabeus sente vnto Ierusalem two thousande dragmas of syluer to bee offred there for the offences and synnes of the dead 2. Mach.
12. iustelye thynkynge and relygyouslye of the resurrection There was a manne in Ierusalem whose name was Simeon Luke 2. And the same manne was iuste and godly and loked for the consolation of Israell Oure Lorde goynge and ascending vp into heauen commaunded his disciples that they should not depart frō Ierusalem Act. 1. but to waite for the promise of the father When Paule perceiued that the one parte were Saduces Act. 23. and the other Pharisies he cryed oute in the counsell Men and brethren I am a Pharisy the sonne of a Pharisye Of the hope and resurrectiō from death I am iudged The Apostle doth monishe Timothe to charge them which are ryche 1. Timo. 6. that they be not vse minded nor trust in vncertaine richesse but in the lyuing God ¶ Of the feare of God Capi. xxxviii Gen. 3. UNtill the time that our beatitude and saluation be confirmed and stablished there can be no security nor sauegarde for the angels in heauen our first parents in paradise did trespasse Lot euen amonge those that were moste wycked Gen. 19. was good and yet departynge from Sodom with his two doughters vpon the mountaigne he sinned The want and lack of the feare of God Gen. 20. is the cause of synne and therfore Abraham sayd vnto Abimelech I thoughte wyth my selfe sayinge Parauenture the feare of God is not in thys place and they shal slaye me The midwiues feared God and he made them houses Exo. 1. Our Lordes wil was to make the children of Israell sore afrayde and therfore he gaue them his law wyth thunder Exo. 20. fire lightnyng noyse of the trumpe smoking mountaine and other signes most terrible A man oughte not to truste in the honesty of hys parents 1. regu 8. for Abraham hadde manye euyll chyldren and but one good Samuell hadde two and both naughts Dauid had many that wer euil Salomon had one euil sōne and folish and there are found many examples of other After the children of Israell were gone ouer the red sea Exo. 14 and that Pharaos hoste was drowned the people feared the Lord and beleued our lord and his seruaunt Moses Abdias which was the gouernour of Achabs house 3. regu 8 feared greatlye the God of Israel For when Iezabel destroyed the prophets of our Lorde he toke an hundred prophetes and hyd them fifty men in one caue and fifty in an other and prouided breade and water for them The men which the kinge of Babilon sent to inhabite Samaria feared not God 4. reg 17 and therfore our Lorde sent Lions among them the whyche destroyed and slue them Iosaphat set iudges thorowout al the cities of Iuda 2. Para. 19 commaunding thē aboue al other thinges that the fear of God shoulde be wyth them and to do al thyng wyth diligence For ther is no vnrighteousnes with the Lord our God Tob. 1.2 The elder Tobias taught his sōne from hys youth vp to fear God and to refraine from all sinne and caused those that feared God to be caulde to dine and to be meary with hym And he fearing God more then the kyng toke the bodyes of the slaine and buryed them And Sara Raguels daughter in her oration and prayer to our Lord Tob. 3. confessed saying An husbande haue I consented to take not for my pleasure but in thy feare The yonger Tobias hys frendes with the fear of our Lorde Tob. 9. helde the feast of the maryage Iudith was a widowe of a verye good report wyth euerye one Iudith 8. for she feared oure Lord greatlye and there was no body that spake an euil word of her Amonge al other thinges that Iob is commended for Iob. 1.2 the fear of God is most specially touched And therfore he saide I haue euer feared God as the swelling waues and floudes Thys is specially spoken of a strōg woman Iob. 31. a woman that feareth oure lord is worthy to be praised When Eleazarus was tormented and pressed with plages 2. Mach. 6. sore martirdome he said Thou o Lord knowest that wheras I might be delyuered from death I suffer these sore paines of my bodye but in my mynde I am wel content to suffer them because I feare thee A greate tempest beinge moued in the sea Ionas 1. the shypmen in whose companye was Ionas caste hym into the sea and the sea lefte ragyng and the men feared our Lorde exceadynglye doyng sacrifices and making vowes vnto our lord If any lord ought to be feared because he maye geue vnto man muche good a great deale more should God be feared because he can geue the hiest and greatest goodnesse of all For Thobias saithe Tobi. 4. My sonne hee not afraid we shal haue great good if we feare God And because that god can geue that Mat. 10. that is euyil also Chryste doth say feare hym whych is able to destroye bothe soule and bodye into hell If the seruaunt vnto whome a talent was committed Luke 19. was greuouslye punished because he dyd not multipli and encrease the same but kepte it and brought it again bound in a napkin what shall become of him that doth wast and spende all that euer he hath luxuriously and as much as lyeth in hym doth cōtrary and against our Lord They shall be greuouslye punyshed that haue done wickedly And so it apeareth that they shall be confounded that haue not done the works of mercy Mat. 25. For it shal be thus said vnto them departe from hence ye cursed into euerlasting fire Simeon was a iuste man a fearful and loked for the redemptiō and consolation of Israell Luke 2. And the fearfull and deuoute men dressed Steuen that was stoned to death by the Iewes Act. 8. and made great lamentacion ouer him It is wrytten that the churche or congregations after Paules conuersyon was edyfied and walked in the feare of our Lorde and was repleanished by the comforte of the holye ghoste By the occasion of Cornelius that feared God Act. 10. Peter sayde In all people he that feareth god and worketh rightousnesse is accepted with him ¶ Of the fear wher with the euill feare those that be good ¶ Capi. xxxix ABimelech said vnto Abraham God is with the in al that thou dost Gen. 21 And therfore sweare vnto me euen here by God that thou wilt uot hurt me The Egiptians that followed the children of Israel passyng by the middest of the sea Exo. 14 saide Let vs flye from the face of Israell for the Lord fyghteth for them againste the Egyptyans Saule consideryng that our Lorde was with Dauid 1. reg 18 began to fear him The captaine ouer fifty that came the thirde tyme to Hely 4. reg 1. spake reuerentlye vnto him and because the other two dyd not so they were consumed with fire that came downe from heauen It happened that when the wall of
Lorde beholding the cytie of Ierusalem Lu. 19. and considering the euyls that should afterwardes chaunce vnto it wept on it saying Yf thou haddest knowen c. When Iesus sawe Marye wepe and the Iewes also wepyng whiche came wyth her Iho. 11. he groned in the spirite and was troubled in him selfe and wepte Oure Sauiour euen hangyng vpon the crosse was carefull for his mother whome he knewe to be crucified and tormented in soule Woman said he behold thy sonne poynting vnto Iohn When Peter was come to Ioppa and sawe the wydowes wepyng for the death of Tabitha Act. 9. whichie made them cootes and garmentes he kneled downe and prayde and when he had called her he shewed her alyue to the saynctes and wydowes When Paule was at Athens his sprete was moued in him Act. 17. when he sawe the cytie geuen to worshipping of Idolles The barbarous and straunge people shewed Paule and hys felowes no litle kyndnes Act. 27. for they kyndled a fyre and refreshed them euerye one because of the present raine and colde And they that in the tyme of wynter scaped oute of the broken shyppe had good nede of it for some dyd swymme to lande and some were caried on boordes and on broken peeces of the shyppe Paule sorowed hys brethren and kynsmen that perished with so great anxiete of sprite Roma 9. that he sayd I haue greate heuines and contynuall sorowe in my heart for I haue wyshed my selfe to be cursed from Christ for my brethren my kinsmen as pertayning to the fleshe And to the Galathians My lytle children of whome I trauell in byrth agayne Gala. 4. Of hospitalyte Capi. xlv NOte Howe spedely and how Ioyfullye Abraham receyued Angelles into his house Gen. 18. And howe he caused all thinges necessary to be prepared for pylgrimes Marke also howe Lot honored the Angels that past by Gen. 19. Whiche he toke to be men He praide them instantly and offering them most gently all necessarye thinges defended his house as he coulde against those that violently would haue entred into it Rebecca semed to be prest and redye to hospytalyte Gen. 24. the whiche sayd vnto Abrahams seruaunte We haue litter hay and prouinder inough and also fair roume to lodge in And anon after Laban saide vnto hym I haue dressed the house and made roum for thy camels Iethro without any great praier receiued Moses being a straunger into his lodging Exo. 2. Afterwardes he honoured his daughter and his Nephewes magnificently Moses saith Our Lord god loueth the straunger Deut. 10. and geueth hym fode raiment Loue ye therfore the stranger for ye wer strangers your selues in the land of Egipt Rachab the harlot lodged the spies sent by Iosua most liberally Iosu. 2. and she was holpen and deliuered most faithfully The Leuite found no man in al Gabaa Beniamin Iudi. 19. that would take hym to lodging but one old man that cam from his worke Helias reuiued the womans sonne that sustained and lodged him 3. regu 17. The Sunamite receiued Elizeus going by 4. reug 4. into her house and lodged him the which obtained her a childe and reuiued the same Iob a good receiuer of gestes and strangers Iob. 31. said The straunger taried not without and my dores wer open vnto him that went by the way When our sauiour sent his dysciples to preach Mat. 10. he said that he was receiued and hard in them He that receiueth you receiueth me he that heareth you Luke 10. heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me Iesus walking here in the world had not where to lay his hed Luke 9. Luke 10. and yet we reade that Martha was his speciall hostes zacheus receiued our Lord ioyfully into his house Luke 19. And oure Lorde made him more ioyful when he said Thys daye is healthe happened vnto thys house By the example of those two discyples that constrained our Lord being LuKe. 24. in the likenesse of a pilgrime to tarye with them it appeareth that straungers should not only be called in vnto vs but also compelled to tary with vs. The Apostles most commonly wer lodged in the houses of artificers Act. 10. and and of mene men As we do reade of Peter who was lodged with one Simon a tanner whose house was by the sea side And Paule lodged with Aquila Priscilla Act. 18. because they wer of the same craft and occupation Lida a seller of Purple besoughte Paule and his company to tary with her in her house Ac. 16. and she constrayned them When Paul and his felowes wer escaped out of the broken ship Act. 28. Publius the chefe of the I le receiued and lodged them thre dayes curteouslye And Paule by prayer and by laying his handes vppon his father whyche laye sicke of a feuer and of a bloudye flixe healed him Paul wryting vnto Philemon vsed an vrbane and a ciuill hope and confidence Ad. phi 1 when he said prepare me lodging for I trust that through the helpe of your prayers I shal be geuen vnto you Amonge all other things vnto the whiche Paule dothe specially induce the hebrews Heb. 13. is hospitalitie Be not forgetful to lodge strangers for therby haue dyuers men lodged Angels vnwares Saynt Iohn in his thyrde Epistle dothe cōmende Gaynus Capi. 1. sayinge Beloued thou dooest faythfully what so euer thou dooest to the brethren and to strangers whiche beare wytnesse of thy loue before the congregation ¶ Of amitie and loue Capi. 46 LAban called to gether a greate company to the feaste Gen. 29. and marryage And gaue hys daughter Rachel to Iacob hys nephewe Our lorde spake vnto Moses face to face Exo. 33. as a manne speaketh vnto hys frende Ruth abode styl by Naomy her mother in law Ruth 1. And sayde vnto her whether soeuer thou goest I will go also And wheresoeuer thou shalte dwell there wyll I dwell The soule of Ionathas was knytte with the soule of Dauid 1. regu 18. Ionathas loued him as his owne soul. And Ionathas put of his own cote that was vpon hym and gaue it to Dauid and therto his cloke his sweard his bow and his girdle It was a token of faithful amity although it was vndiscrete 1. regu 31. that Sauls harnesbearer seing that his Lorde maister was deade woulde dye wyth hym Abner sente his messengers to Dauid sayinge 2. regu 3. Make a bonde of amitye with me and my hād shal be with the to bring al Israel vnto the. Chusai the Arachite Dauids frend came to Absalon 2. regu 17. and destroyed Achitophels counsail The prophet Iehu said vnto Iosaphat king of Iuda the whiche hadde made peace 2. para 19. and was come to helpe to fight with Achab the king of Israel Wilt thou helpe the vngodly and loue them that hate our Lord therefore thou haste deserued
trouble suche lucke and prosperite was in his hande Ptolomy the king of Aegipt would haue obtained Alexāders kingdome bee fraude and gyle 1. Mach. 11. but his enmite and malice was openly knowne Simon knewe that Triphon dissembled in his wordes 1. Mach. 13. when he demaunded Ionathas two sonnes and a hundred talentes of syluer yet cōmaunded he the money and the chyldren to be sente vnto hym leeste hee shoulde be the greater enemy against the people of Israell and saye because hee sente hym not the money and the chyldren therefore is Ionathas dead ¶ Of peace and concorde Cap. xlviii Gen. 1. IN the begynning god made all other beastes double that is male and female But he created man sole and of him are all other procreated and made and that to cōmende the vnite of peace and concord in man Riches and abundaunce of temporall thinges Gen. 13.26 are oftentimes the matter and occasion of strife and debate as it appereth in Abrahams and Lots herdsmen and Isaac and the shepherdes of Gerare Menne doo gladly make peace and frendshyppe with suche as be of great mighte and powre Gen. 16. And therefore Abimelech came to Isaac because he sawe him prosper Sumtimes a man must geue place and avoide the fury or hastines of his better Gen. 17.18 As Iacob did departing from his brother Esau vntill his fearsnes and wrath was swaged The Gabaonites hearinge what Iosua hadde done at Ierico and Hai Iosu. 9. came vnto hym and made a good peace and agrement with them Whan Phinees and the other legates that wer sent vnto the children of Iosu. 22. Ruben had heard theyr excuse they were appeased and gladly receaued theyr answere Althoughe Absolon hadde doone to 2. regu 18. wickedly againste his father yet Dauid more desyred peace then the death of his sonne for he sayd Is the yong man Absolon safe Notwithstanding that Dauid was holy 2. regu 7. and suche a one as pleased god yet our lord would not that he should buylde hym a house but that Salomon his peasible sonne should enioye and be honored and haue that priuiledge Our lord is much to be lawded and praysed when he geueth his people a peasable and a quiete estate 3. regu 5 as was in Salomons time the whiche sayd The lorde my god hathe geuen mee rest on euerye syde so that there is neyther aduersarye nor anye euyll plage Then there foloweth blessed be oure lorde Good and blessed menne haue loue and amite one to a nother 3. regu 14. But the euyll fyghte agaynst the good and other that are euyll As there was war contynually betweene Roboam and Ieroboam It was declared and shewde vnto Helias that oure lorde was not in the mighti strong winde 3. regu 19. nor in the earth quake nor in the fyre But in a small styll voyce that is in tranquilite and peace And the people blessed and thanked all those 2. Esd. 11. that wer wyllinge to dwell at Ierusalem Ionathas sente ambasidoures vnto Bachides for to make peace wyth him 1. Mach. 9. and yet the selfe Bachides was capytane of the hooste in the whyche Iudas Machabeus Ionathas brother was slayne King Demetrius sent letters vnto Ionathas with louynge wordes and praised him greatly for he sayde we wyll firste make peace with him 1. Mach. 10. before he bynde him selfe with Alexander against vs elles he shall remember the euyll that we haue doone agaynst him his brother and his people The cause of the peace that was in Onias time 2. Mach. 3. was his wisdome and goodnes and the goodnes of his subiectes After that Iudas Machabeus had ouerthrowen Lisias 2. Mach. 11. he wyllinglye and gladlye made peace with hym For he perceyued that the Hebrues beinge defended by the healpe of almightie God could not be ouercome Wherfore he sente them worde and promised that he would consent to all thinges whiche were iuste and resonable and to make the kinge their frende Oure Lorde woulde vs to haue so muche peace and concorde with oure neighbours Mat. 18. that he said vnto Peter that we should not forgeue our brother yf he sinne against vs tyll seuen tymes but seuentye tymes seuen tymes The Angelles in oure Lordes natiuitie brought tidinges of peace and commaunded them to haue peace amonge them selues Luke 2. Luke 10. Iohn 14. that they should shew it forthe Luke 24. Forther more he leaft them peace and after his resurrection he offered them peace He that desireth to kepe peace and to haue the quietnes of minde muste abstayne from discursions and troubles of the minde Iohn 11. and at sometymes cease from that that is honest and laufull For when Martha hearde that Iesus was come she wente and met him Mary sat styll at home nor moued not thence vntyll she was called of oure Lorde by her sister althoughe that Mary parauenture was not ignoraunt of oure Lordes commynge when that Martha knewe it before Howe greate that the goodnes of peace is it may be pondred by Paule that discrete iudge the whiche moste diligentlye in all hys Epistles dothe wyshe it to all those that he writeth vnto excepte in hys Epystle to the Hebrewes in the whyche for certayne causes he nether setteth to his name nor premytteth anye salutation Note yet that when he sayeth peace be vnto you he premytteth grace Sayinge Grace bee with you and peace Roma 1. Wher by it is manifestely vnderstanded that true peace cannot be hadde wythoute the grace of god Esa. 48. And therefore Esaye saythe As for the vngodlye they haue no peace ¶ Of vnite and common consent Capi. xlix De. Ci li. 12. Capi. 22. GOD made mākynde of one mā to cōmende declare vnto men how pleasant a thing the vnite of many is vnto hym Wherevppon Saint Augustine doth say Man was made one but not lefte alone There was neuer thinge that humayne nature spake of so commodius for mankynde so full of discorde through vice so geuen to feloshippe so naturall agaynst the vice of discorde other to be taken hede of if it be not or to be holpen and healed if it apeare as the remembraunce of oure fyrste parent whome god would creat alone that of him many other shuld spring that by thys admonition a concordiall vnitye myght be obserued and kepte in many The people of Israell was of one consent and minde in the desarte Exo. 19. and willing to receiue the law For after they had hard of Moses the wordes of the law they answered all wyth one voyce all that our Lord hath said we wil do The people to make and performe the worke of the tabernacle of oure Lord Exo. 35. and the holy uestmentes of the ministers did bringe in offer with most readiest deuout minds all that was necessary to performe the same All the children of Israell wer gathered and knit
together as it hadde bene but one manne Iudi. 20. so reuenge and punishe the flagitious dede● committed against the Leuites wife in Gaba Beniamin The vniuersal tribes of Israel cam to Dauid vnto Hebron 2. regu 5. and anoynted him king ouer them The feare of our LORD fell on the people and they came oute as it 1. regu 11. had bene but one man to ayde theyr brethren which were besieged in Iabes Galaad All Israell came to kynge Salomon and then the Arcke 3. regu 8. and all the holy vessels were borne into the temple and the temple was solemly blessed and dedicated All the people were gathered and 1. Esd. 3. came together euen as one man vnto Ierusalem to edify and to builde the temple the whiche was destroyed by the king of Babilon And all the people gathred them selues to gether 2. Esd. 8. as one manne in the streat and they said vnto Esdras that he should bryng the boke of the lawe of God When Achior hadde disclosed all thinges that Holofernes had said Iudi. 7. all the people with a common lamentation and weping and with one consent prayed vnto God After the death of Iudas Machabeus al his frendes came together 1. Mach. 9. saide vnto Ionathas hys brother for so much as thy brother Iudas is dead c. We chose the this day for him to be our prince and captain to order to fight our battail After that the people had hearde Simons wordes 1. Mach. 13. the heartes of the people weer kindled together so that they cryed wyth a loud voyce Thou art our captain in stead of Iudas and Ionathas thy brethrē order thou our battail and whatsoeuer thou cōmandest vs we shal do it After the assention of our Lorde Act. 1. all the disciples continued with one accord in prayer and supplicatiō with the wemen and Mary the mother of Iesu and with his brethren And so the holy ghost found them All that beleued kept them selues together after they had receyued the holye sprite Act. 2. and had all thinges commen and continued dailye wyth one accord in the temple and brake bread from house to house When the disciples had heard that the creple was healed and of Peters and Ihons answer to the magestrates they lift vp their voyces to God with one accord Act. 4. and said Lord which hast made heauen and earth c. After that Ananias and Saphyra his wife were terriblye punyshed at Peters word Act. 5. great fear was thorow out all the country And they were al together with one consente in Salomons porch And the multytude that beleued were of one hart Act. 4. and of one soul. Nether said any of them that oughte of the thinges whiche he possessed was his owne but they had all thynges common ¶ Of discorde strife and debate Ca. l. ENuy moued the firste discorde among men Gen. 4. as betwixt Cain and Abell because that Caines workes were maligne and euell and hys brothers good and iust The substaunce of Abraham Lot was great Gen. 13. and they coulde not dwell together and so there fell a strife betwene the herdmē of Abraham Lot The fiue kinges of the Sodomites serued and were subiect vnto Chodoriamor xii yere Gen. 14. and in the xiii yeare they rebelled and departed from him And so there was war betwene foure kinges againste fiue In the whyche warre Lot was taken and recouered by Abraham The inhabitours and men of Sodome dyd compas the house aboute Gen. 19. in the which two aungels in the likenes of mē war lodged for they would haue knowen them and they preased sore vpon Lot because that faithfully he defended his gestes There was stryfe and debate betwene the heardmen of Gerar and Isaacs Gen. 26. for the possession of sheape of Oxen and a mighty houshold Iacob fletinge away was wroth Gen. 31. and saide to Laban for what trespace or offence art thou thus angrye with me and hast searched all my stuffe By the occasion of Dina Iacobs daughter whom Sichem Emors son Iere. 34. dyd rauyshe and forced a greate dyscorde arose betwene Iacobs sonnes and the inhabitoures of that Countrey Moses vpon a certain day saw two Hebrues that stroue together Exo. 2. And he saide vnto him that did the wronge Wherfore smitest thou thy fellow After that the Children of Israell were gone oute of Egipte Exo. 17. and were paste the red sea Amalech came and fought with them in Raphidim Oftentimes the children of Israell did striue againste Moses in the wyldernesse Gen. 16.17 Fyrste for lacke of dryncke And againe when they had one kind of meate Nume 21. they desyred a nother And when they lothed Manna they calde for fleshe Also they came together agaynste Moses and Aaron at the waters of contradiction and strife Nume 20. wher they did chide and murmur agaynste our Lord and Moses Betwene Abimelech Gedeons son and the men of Sichem the whyche hadde made hym kynge wrongfully Iudi. 9. was greate dyscorde so that they beganne to detest him and to rebell against him and he ouercomde them There arose astrife betwene those of Ephraim and Iephthe Iudi. 12. for asmuch as Iephthe goynge to fighte aginste the children of Ammon woulde not as they sayd call them There was so vehement a discorde and battayl in Gabaa Beniamin and iudi 20. the Tribes of Israell for the Leuites wife that they of the Tribe of Beniamin were vtterly all slayne except 5. hundred After that Dauid hadde slayne the Philistine 1. regu 18. Saul was wroth and angry with Dauid because he was most commonly praysed Wherfore Saule loked a side on Dauid from that daye forewarde Nor no man coulde from that time mollifie his hart but nedes he must persecute hym There was longe debate and strife betwene the house of Saule 2. regu 3. and the house of Dauid But Dauid Waxed stronger and stronger and Saul continually weaker and weaker There was to greate and to dishonest a dissention and discord betwene Absolon couetinge the kingdome and Dauid his father 2. regu 18. At the last yet Absolon that moued the same was hangd When Dauid retourned to Ierusalem the children of Israell were troubled and vexed because that the Iewes 2. regu 19. they being not calde there vnto brought hym againe Two wemen did striue be ●ore king Salomon for a childe 2. regu 3. the which they bothe woulde haue had After the deathe of Salomon the people desired his sōne Roboā to vse and to handle them more courteously 3. regu 12. But because he answered thē churlishly and hardly ten of the Tribes left● him made Ieroboā their king by the occasiō wherof ther was sore wars betwene the kyngs of Israel Iuda There was a strife amonge the disciples whiche of theim shoulde seme to be the greatest Luke 22. but it
people dyd pearyshe wyth theym And hys wyfe that looked behynde her was tourned into a pyllare of Salte And Lot hym selfe that woulde not after the Aungels counsell by and by ascende vp to the mounte dyd trespasse and synne wyth hys owne doughters Ruben counsayled hys brethren to restore Ioseph to hys father agayne Gen. 37.42 But in as muche as they would not it hapned afterwardes that they wer put to trouble When the chyldren of Israell wold ascende or euer it was tyme vnto the place that oure LORDE hadde spoken of Nume 14. Moses sayd Our LORD is not among you The Amalechites and the Cananytes are there before you And ye shall fall vppon theyr sweardes because ye are tourned awaye from our LORD and wil not heare hym After that horryble deede commytted agaynste the Leuites wyfe the Chyldren of Israell gathered together Iudi. 20. and sente messengers to the children of Beniamyn the whych shulde saye thus vnto them what wyckednesse is thys that is hapned amonge you Delyuer vs those that haue commytted that haynous dede But they wold not here them and afterwards therefore they were in a manner all slayne a few excepted Abner said to Asael leaue of to followe me 2. regu 2. but he despysed hys wordes And Abner smote hym thorow wyth the hynder end of hys speare Roboam Salomons sonne would not heare the olde mennes Counsell 3. regn 12. but harkened to the counsel of yonge men wherfore he lost a great part of hys people Achior gaue Holofernes good and faythfull Counsell the whyche hee proudlye and dysdaynfullye despysed and wythin a while after was slain and his host put to flighte wyth losse and confusion Iudi. 6. Godolia whom the king of Babilō had made gouernoure of the lande of Iuda Iere. 40.41 sent Iohanan the sonne of Careah faithful word that Ismaell the sonne of Nathania woulde kill hym And he answeared him Thou speakest falsly of Ismael but in the seuēth month Ismael came and after he had eaten with Godolia he slue him Daniel said vnto Nabuchodonozor o king Dani. 4. accept my counsel redeame thy sinnes with almes but he would not agre there vnto and so was turned into a beast Iudas Machabeus taking hys iorney towardes Galaad 1. Mach. 5. left Iosephus and Azarias to be captaines ouer the people and commaunded them saying Se that ye make no war against the heathen vntill the time we come againe But they couetyng to get thē a name and fame lost both the thyng they wente aboute and theyr name also Iudas Machabeus had but viii C. men 1. Mach. 9. his aduersaries were two and twenty thousande his companyons warned hym not to fyghte wythoute an host of men but he would not follow their counsell he hym selfe was killed in that battaile and the remnaunt fled Pilates wife gaue her husbād good counsell Mat. 27. but he refused to followe it Fearing more to offend Cesar then to condēpne the iust innocent blud ¶ Of suspition and false credulity Ca. lvii ABraham suspected that the fear of God was not in Geraris Gen. 20.26 and that the men of the country wold kyl him for his wiues sake The like chaunced to Isaac Laban suspected that Iacob hadde stolen his goods Gen. 31. and for that cause he searched all his houshold stuffe Iacob perceyuyng Iosephes coate to be bloudy Gen. 37. suspected that he hadde bene dead and of some wycked beast deuoured Ioseph commaunded his stewarde to bringe his brethren into his house to dine with him Gen. 43. but they being sore afraid suspected and beleued that he would haue broughte them into seruitude and bondage The Rubenites and the Gaadites going to their possessions Iosu. 22. did build set vp an aultar beyond Iordan The children of Israell hearinge there of were sore troubled not knowing for what purpose they had done it and beleued that they woulde goe from theyr law When Sampson was gone to hys fathers house Iudi. 15. his father in law thought and beleued that he had hated refused his wife and therfore he maried her to a nother Hely seinge Annes lips moue and that she spake neuer a word 1. regu 1. beleued she had bene dronken Because Saule did persecute Dauid he laid to Dauids charge that he persecuted him 1. regu 22. And said that hys sonne Ionathas had stirred vp his seruaunt to lie await against him the whyche thing was most vntrue and false When Dauid was with Achis the king of Geth as the keper of hys life 1. regu 26 The Lordes spake vnto Achis to let Dauid go least he shuld flie returne again vnto Saule Dauid sent messengers to king Amnon to comfort him ouer the death of his father ● regu 10. But his Lordes suspected that they came rather to spy oute the city then to comfort hym After that kinge Ahasuerus was moued against Aman that he was laide downe vpon Esthers bed Esth. 7. to intreat her for his lyfe The kinge laid vnto him that he in his presēce wold haue opprest and forced the Quene When Ieremy was going toward the land of Beniamin Iere. 37. the porter of the gate toke hym and layd falslye to hys charge that his minde was to run to the Caldees Ieremye the Prophet declared the wyl of our Lord to the people that was left and remained after the destruction of Ierusalem Iere. 42.43 they said vnto him Thou lyest Our Lord hath not sent the but Baruch the sonne of Neria hath prouoked the against vs that he might bring vs into the captiuitye of the Chaldees The tormentors that led Eleazar to his torment paine 2. Mach. 6. toke displeasure and wer angry with him because of the wordes that he said for they coniectured suspected that he had spoken them of an arrogancy and hie mind When the disciples saw our Lord walking on the sea Mat. 14. they suspected that it had bene some sprite and cried out for feare When Simon the Pharisy saw a woman which was a sinner wepyng at our Lordes fete LuKe. 7. he spake wtin him self saying If this mā wer a prophet he would surely knowe who what manner of woman this is that toucheth him for she is a sinner For a man nother to set muche by him self Luke 18. nor yet to iudge euil of a nother the example that the Lord our sauiour doth bring in of the Pharisy that bosted him self and of the meeke and hūble Publicane is much profitable When the Iewes after the effusyon of the holy spirite sawe that oure Lordes disciples spake wyth dyuers tongs and languages Act. 2. Some of them saide These menne are full of newe wyne All the christē disciples wer afraid of Paule after hys conuersion Act. 9. beleued not that he was a Disciple vntil that Barnabas broughte hym to the Apostles and declared to them
to the Corinthians Some saye that our epistles are greuous but our bodely presence weake and our spech and communication rude ¶ Of Treason Capitu. lxviii SAule beynge vered wyth the deuel Dauid sung and plaied before him 2. Cor. 10. and Saule wente aboute to nayle him to the wall with the iauelynge that hee helde in hys hande Saul promised to geue Dauid his daughter in mariage 1. Re. 18.19 that throughe occasion the Philistians myghte kyll hym Dauid saued and defended the inhabitours of Seely frō the philistines 1. regu 18. hooste that besieged them And yet they would haue betrayed and delyuered him vnto Saul his enemy 1. regu 23. that euen to death did persecute him After that Saule had lamented the persecution of Dauid 1. regu 24. and that Dauid was sworne vnto him he persecuted and folowed Dauid as wrongfully and as sharpely as euer he dyd before Urias caried from Dauid to Ioab letters of hys owne death Amnon Dauids sonne caulde vnto hym his syster Thamar as thoughe he would haue eaten meate at her hand 2. regu 11. 2. regu 13. and afterwardes defiled her Absolon called his brother Amnon to a banket 2. regu 13. and slewe him When Ioab had saluted Amasam and hadde taken hym by the chyn as thoughe he woulde haue kyst him 2. regu 20. he smote him in the side and he shed out his bowels to the grounde zambry the capitayne of halfe the horsmen 3. Re. 16. slewe Hela his Lorde and mayster and did raigne after him seuen dayes onely He was besieged and he burnt him selfe and the kings palace Selum Iabes sonne conspired against zacharias the kinge of Israell his lorde and master 4. regu 15. and slewe him and after hym he raigned in his slede one moneth onely As Sennacherib was praiyng and woorshippinge his god in the temple 4. regu 19. hys two sonnes smote hym wyth the sweard But yet neither of his sonnes raigned after hym Certayne of Nehemias ennemyes would maliciusly haue made a confederation wih him 2. Esd. 6. thought to haue done him a displeasure gaue money that he might be brought to synne Two of kyng Ahaswerus porters or chamberlaines that sate at the comynge in of the Palace Esth. 2. would haue layed handes on the kynge and haue slaine him Ismael the sonne of Nathania came and many moe with him to dine with Godolia 4. regu 2● whome the kyng had made capitayne ouer the men of Babilon whiche were in Iewry And after diner they rose and slew him that wold not haue thought nor beleued no such euel in them King Antiochus sent his chefe treasurer into the cities of Iuda 1. Mach. 1 whyche came to Ierusalem and spake peaceably but yet deceitfull woordes vnto those that were wythin For when they had geuen him credence hee fell sodenly vppon the citye and smote it sore and destroyed muche people of Israell When kynge Antiochus Eupator besieged Ierusalem and coulde not take it 1. Mach. 6. He sent vnto those that were wythin to be at peace with them and they receyued it He sware vnto thē and sone after brake his othe that he had made Ptolomeus the king of Egipt wēt about through disceit to obtain Alexanders his Nephews kingdom 1. Mach. 11. And entring into the cities of Alexandria with a great host of men and receyued by the kings commaundement in to them very honourably he left mē of war to kepe them When Triphon saw that Ionathas came with so great an hoste he commaunded him to kepe but a few with him 1. Mach. 12. and to send away the reast and when he had done so he was taken and a thousand that were with hym and the other returned home again As Triphon went forthe to walke wyth the yonge kyng Antiochus hys Lord and master 1. Mach. 13. he slue him trayterously and raigned in his stede Ptolomy the sonne of Abobus the hie priestes sonne in lawe 1. Mach. 16 made a banket for Simon and his ii sonnes And when they had dronken well he slue them When Apollinus was come to Ierusalem fainingly he kept hym selfe quiet and stil vntyl the Saboth daye 2. Mach. 5. And then when the Iewes kept holy day he slue a great multitude of thē Iudas Machabeus hearing that they which besieged the towers where in theyr ennemies the Gentiles were 2. Mach. 10 had taken mony and let part of their ennemies goe he slewe them as traytoures and sellers of theyr brethren And went in hand and toke the tours The treason that the most wycked Iudas vsed against his Lorde Mat. 26. passed al other treasons in iniquity and peruersity LuKe. 22. the which sold his Lorde and master for a litle mony Iohn 18. and deliuered him with a kisse into the handes of his ennemies Certaine of the Iewes came to the chefest of the priestes and elders Act. 13. desiring them to do so muche as to cause Lysias the Tribune that had Paule in hold to bring him forth amōg thē as though they would haue known● somthing more perfectly of him And they were euen readye by and by to kill him ¶ Of adulation anf flatery Cap. lxix WHen Chore and his companiōs s●ode vp against Moses Aarō they said Num. 16 it is sufficient inough for vs that all the multytude are holye and that oure LORDE is amonge theym In the whych wordes if appeareth that they flattered and sought for the beneuolence and fauor of the people The yong man that brought Dauid tidinges of Sauls death and his sōnes was slain by Dauids commaundemēt yet he thought that he hadde brought prosperous and good tidinges 2. regu● 1. The two theues that slew Isboseth Sauls sonne 2. regu 4. and brought hys heade vnto Dauid thought to please hym But he declared wel vnto them that it displeased him for he commaunded them to be slain and theyr hands and fete to be cut of and hanged ouer the poole in Hebron Absolon said vnto the mā that had matters before kinge Dauid 2. regu 15. thy wordes and communication seme to me good and iust But there is no mā deputed to heare thee The euell and false Prophets told Achab the kynge of Israell that hee should prosper in hys wars 3. regu 22. for they knew that he would be glad to heare such tidinges After the death of Ioiada the priest the lordes of Iuda came and made obeisaunce to the king 2. Para. 24. the whiche beinge pleased with their adulation harkned vnto them And so they lefte the house of our Lorde serued groues and Idols The Iewes ennemies that edifyed the temple after theyr returne out of captiuity 1. Esd. 4 wrote thus vnto the king We remembring the salt that we haue eaten in thy palace thoughte that it was against reason to se thy damage and losses c. Iudith 2
afterwardes to their pain Nabal vsed hī self vnliberally towardes Dauid that desired him to geue hym somwhat 1. re 15. After that Dauid had obtained the victorye of the Amelechites 1. reg 30 he sente giftes and part of the praye vnto the elders of Iuda and to hys frendes neighbors sayinge see here is a blessyng for you Dauid commaunded that Mephibo seth should eat bread alway vpon his table 2. re 9. And he gaue him all that pertained to Saule Soby Machir and Berzillai dyd profer vnto Dauid flyinge from the face and presence of Absolon 2. re 17 manye necessarye thinges for his hoaste as wheat barly and flour This Berzillai did aid Dauid whē he fled from his sonne Absolon 2. re 19 And after that Dauid hadde obtained and won the victory he retained Chymeam his sonne as one of his family The Quene of Saba gaue Salomō manye thinges 3. re 10 And Salomon gaue her according to her desire what so euer she asked besides that he gaue her of a fre wil with his owne hand Certaine good men of Israell clothed the naked prisonners 2. Para. 28 and set all that were feble vpon horses brought them to their brethren King Cyrus brought forth the vessel of the temple of our Lord 1. Esd. 1. whych Nabuchodonozor had taken and sent them again to Ierusalem al the vessels of gold siluer were 5000. and 400. The children of Iuda returnynge from Babilon 1. Esd. 2 offred willingly to the building of the house of God gaue gold after their hability King Darius commaunded that the house of God should be builded in Ierusalem 1. Esd● 6 that the charges should be taken oute of the kinges cofers Although ther were some enuious persons that by theyr letters laboured to let and hinder the worke 1. Esd. 7 King Artaxerzes gaue a glorious a liberal epistle to Esdras the priest that came to Ierusalem to cōfort the Iewes 2. esd. 2. King Artaxerzes vsed him self liberallye to Nehemias comminge into Iewry and gaue him euen suche letters as he required Nehemias was a very liberall Legate the which did not greue the people with vitall exactions 2. esd. 5. he dyd much good to those that he was sēt vnto Tobias did study how to deuide all that euer he had among his brethren that wer prisoners Tob. i. and of his kin he fed the hungry and clothed the naked Raguel deliuered to yong Tobias with his daughter the half of all hys substaunce Tob. 10 Tobias the yonger was very kind vnto Raphael Tob. 12 whom he toke to be a man and well acknowledged the benifites that he had done vnto hym where vpon bothe he and hys father did offer him most liberally the moity of al theyr goodes Kinge Ahaswerus commaunded a greate feast to bee made for Esthers mariage Est. 2. caused the landes to be in quietnesse and gaue giftes as it became the royalty of a king Whē king Ahasuerus saw Quene Esther Esth. 5 he safd vnto her what wilt thou Esther what is thy pe●icion if it bee euen the halfe of my kingdome thou shalt haue it Esth. 6 King Ahasuerus enquired what honour or rewarde Mardocheus had gotten for the fidelity that he had shewd vnto him And when he vnderstode that he was vnrewarded hee caused hym magnificently to be honoured Iobs sonnes made bankets eche of them on the daye that he made hys feast Iob. 2 sent for theyr sisters to eate and to drinke with them Blessed Iob doth declare that he was merciful to the poore Iob. 29.31 saying I comforted the widowes harte and I was a father vnto the pore Again he saithe If I haue eaten my meat alone For mercye hathe growne wyth me euen from my childhode The chefe captain of Babilon gaue Ieremy meat Iere 40 and rewardes and let him go whether so euer he wold promising him great humanity kindenesse if he wold go with him to Babilon and yet he gaue him free leaue and licence to cary Seleucus the kinge of Asia in the time of Onias the hie priest ● mach 2 payed al the charges pertaininge to the minysterye of the Sacrifices of his owne rentes and heritage The wise men opening their treasures not their litle purses with half pence Math. 2 offred vnto a pore Lord gold frankensence and mirrhe Our Lord is a liberall and a large rewarder math 19 the which to those that leaue these temporal goodes for hys cause dothe geue an hunderfolde in thys worlde and life euerlastynge in the world that is to come It came of a benigne and a gentle liberality that our Lord defended the disciples math 12 whiche vppon the Saboth day did plucke the eares of corne Lu. 6 and chafed them with theyr hands to eat against those wicked Pharises And also of the Publicanes synners that came to heare him Lu. 15.19 And of zacheus math 26 And there is an ensample of Mary Mar. 14 that kissed oure Lordes feete And of Iudas for the which signe of gentlenesse the vnhappye and wycked manne oughte to haue the soner repented The people folowed our Lord on fote into the desert and left the cities and when the euen drue on Mat. 14 his disciples said vnto him Let the people depart that they may go and bye them vitailes But hee as a liberall Lorde master answered geue ye thē to eat Zacheus in distrybuty●ge of hys goodes Lu. 19 and makynge of restitucyon was verye large and liberall Thus hee sayde vnto oure Lorde Beholde Lorde the halfe of my goodes I geue to the poore and if I haue done anye mā wrong I restore hym four fold The gift of the pore wydow which cast two mi●es into the treasurye Lu. 21 is preferd of our Lord aboue the giftes of the rich Our Lord was very bountiful and liberal to the thefe that hanged asked sayinge Lu. 23 Lorde remember me when thou commest into thy kingdome And Iesus saite vnto him verelye I saye vnto thee to daye shalt thou bee wyth me in paradise Our lord vouchsaued to shewe hys benignitye and liberalitye Iohn 2 when that he beyng called to the pore maryage went thether and ther turned water into wyne to chere the poore that were there at dyner The great liberality of God apeareth in the parable of the vngratious seruant math 18. vnto whom our lord saide I forgaue the all the debt because thou desyredst me Ioses whose syr name was Barnabas had land sold it Act. 4 broughte the price and laid it downe at the Apostles fete When the disciples that wer at Antioch hard say that ther shuld be great dearth throughout al the world Act. 11 thei purposed to send socour vnto the brethrē which wer in Iewry The which thing thei also did and sent it to
the mount the commendatiō of pouerty as though it wer the foundation of the spiritual building Luc. 6. Mat. 5. is fyrste placed and spoken of Among al other Christes miracles this is wrytten that the pore receyue the glad t●dinges of the Gospel Mat. 11. For before the comming of Christ it was not wont to be so Our Lord sayd vnto the yong man that asked hym how he mighte come to euerlastinge life mat 19 If thou wylt be be perfect goe and sell all that thou hast and geue to the pore And oure lord doth promise a meruelous remuneration aud rewarde to those that leaue and forsake any thinge for hys names sake Of that famous and notable Lazarus whyche was caryed by the aungelles into Abrahams bosome Luc. 16. the Scripture alledgeth no other worke of righteousnes or cause of his glory but because he receyued paine in this mortall lyfe and therfore God in another life would comfort him The poore and feble were brought into the great supper of oure Lorde Luc. 14. yea and certayne as it is r●d there were compelled to come from the hie wayes and hedges In the primatiue churche all that beleued were together Act. ● and had all thinges commen they solde their possessions and goodes and parted them to all men as euery man had nede Peter sayde vnto the crepell that asked hys almes Act. 3. syluer and golde haue I none c. Paule taking his leue of the faythfull of Achaia Act. 20. sayed amonge other thynges I haue desyred no mans golde syluer or vesture as ye knowe youre selues for these handes haue ministred 1. Cor. 4. vnto my necessities and to them that were with me we honger and thyrste and are naked c. ¶ Of hipocrisy and dissimulation Ca. lxxv AMon Dauids sonne dissembled and fained him self sick and dis●ased to deceiue Thamar whōe he luxuriously loued 2. reg● 13. Ieroboams wife did chaunge her habite and disguising of her self came to Abdias the prophet 1. regu 14. vnto whome he said why doste thou dissemble and fain thy self to be an other 4. regu 5. Gehezi Elizeus ●eruaunt fayned that his master had nead of two chaunge of garments for two yong men of the children of the Prophets When Apollonius was come to Ierusalem sente from Antyoche Act. 5. hee fained peace and kept him stil vntill the Saboth daye And then hee commaunded his men to take thē to their weapons for the Iewes kepte holye day and so he slue all those that were gone forth to the open play rouer 8. Although the deuine sapience doth generally detest the wicked yet most specially he threateneth hipocrites Mat. 23 sayinge very ofte in the gospell Wo be to you ye pharises ye ypocrites The pharises goyng about to tangle Iesus in his worde he answered rebukinge them math 22 why tempte ye me ye ypocrites Some there be that commit greate fautes and exchue those synnes that are lesse Math. 23 straynynge oute a gnat and swaloynge a Camel As the hie preastes did that feared more to enter into the iudgement hall of Pilate Iohn 18. then to committe or procure that haynus crime of murther The ruler of the sinagoge disdaynynge that oure lorde shoulde heale the sycke on the Sabboth daye Luc. 13 sayed vnto the people There are .vi. daies in which men ought to worke in thē come that ye may be healed and not on the Sabbote day But our lord reproued him callinge him ypocrite Ananias and Saphira his wife cōmitted greate hypocrisie Act. 5. when they dyssembled that they hadde broughte the hole price of the lande and hadde laied yt before the Apostles fete Notwihstanding that Simom Magus gaue credence to Philippes preachinge Act. Yet Peter sayed vnto hym Thou hast no parte in this sermon for thy hart is not right in the sight of god Do penaunce therfore c. Then answered Simon and sayed Pray ye to oure lorde for me Paule did greuouslye note Elimas the sorcerer of falshode and ypocrisy Sayinge Act. 13 O full of all subtlety and disceptfulnes thou chylde of the deuell thou enemy of all righteousnes wylt thou not cease to peruerte the strayght waies of our lorde ¶ Of the receayte of gyftes and rewardes Capitu. lxxvi ABraham woulde not receaue the gyftes that the kinge of the Sodomites proferd him Gen. 14. when he retourned from the slaughter of the foure kinges althoughe he hadde well deserued them Iacob sente presentes to hys brother Esau Gen. 32 to aswage and mitigate his anger The people offerd and gaue giftes in so greate a quantite to the woorke of our lordes tabernacle Exo. 36 that Moses caused it to be proclamed that they shoulde offer no more Balaam loued the rewarde of iniquite and went with balacs messengers Nu. 22. that had the reward of the south sainge in their handes Ahiud offerd giftes vnto Eglon the king of Moab Iudi. 3 and afterwardes speakyng in secret with him he greuously smote him and slew him Sampsons enemyes promised Dalida money and induced her to begile and deceyue him Iudi. 16 It is sayed by Samuels chyldren that they tourned a syde after lucre 1. regu 8. toke rewardes and peruerted the righte It was not laid to Samuels charge that hee 1. regu 17. whyche hadde iudged the people twentye yeares at any tyme had taken of any man any gift or rewarde The giftes that Siba Mephiboseth seruaunt presented vnto Dauid flyinge from the face of Absolon 2. reg 16 seme so to haue inclined Dauids minde that he gaue an vnryghte iudgemente against him that was absent The quene of Saba gaue kynge Salomon .120 talentes of golde 3. regu 10. and of swete odours exceding muche and precious stones And kyng Salomon gaue her accordinge to all her desyre what so euer she asked besydes that he gaue her of a free wyll with hys owne handes Aranna would haue geuen Dauid the threshyng floore all thynges necessary to do sacrifice with all 2. reg 24 but he wold not take it but at a price nor offer vp no sacrifice of other mēs goods Benedad the king of Siria had peace with Basaa the king of Israell but yet the giftes that Aza the king of Iuda sent him 3. reg 15 caused him to breake his consideration with Basaa and greauously to intreate him Naaman the Sirian was frely healed of Eliseus 4. reg 5 and yet Cihezi because he toke giftes of Naaman was greuously plaged The king of Babilon sent letters presentes vnto king Hezechias 4. re 20 Then foloweth Hezechias was glad of thē of their cōming But note ther how greatly he displeased our Lorde After that Achaz kyng of Iuda had spoyled our lordes house 2. Para. ●8 the kynges and the princes houses he gaue giftes vnto the kynge of the Assirians And yet it helped him not The Iewes in
a remembraunce of their gladnesse Hest. 9 whiche they cōceaued and had by the death of Aman their enemy dyd order that gyftes should be distributed geuen vnto the poore Our Lorde speaketh by the Prophete Esay complayningly Esay 1. sayinge Thy princes are wicked and companions of theues they loue gyftes altogether and gape for rewardes The maister of the kyng of Babilons hooste Iere. 40 gaue Hieremy vytayles and rewardes and let him go After that Daniell had expounded the vision vnto Nabuchodonosor the kynge Dani. 2 he made hym a greate man and gaue hym many and greate gyftes Balthasar the kynge of Babilon dyd promyse Daniell greate gyftes Dani. 5 But he answered sayinge kepe thy gyftes thy selfe and gyue thy ryche gyftes to another Ionathas wente to Ptolomeis and gaue Ptolomi and Alexander greate presentes of golde and syluer 1. mach 10 found fauoure in their sight When Triphon saw that Ionathas came vnto him with so great anhoost 1. macha 12 he was afrayde and receiued him honorablye and gaue hym rewardes And by this occasion he deceiued him for after he had sent away his hoost Triphon kept him there with a few and kylde hym For the giftes which the ambitius Iason did geue and promise to kynge Antiochus 2. mach 4 hee obtayned the hye Priesthode and when he hadde sente the mony to the kyng by Menelaus he beguiled him and gotte the dominion For Iasō had paid thre hundred talentes of siluer Menelaus Lysimachus brother did obtain with the mony that he promised Antiochus 2. mach 4 the hye priesthode And afterwardes he gaue to Andronicus certaine vessel of golde that he had secreatly stolne out of the temple and caused Onias to bee slayne After all thys when that hee was accused before kynge Ptolome he procured wyth monye that he promysed to geue him that his accusers were condemned to death The wycked traytor and detractor Alchimus desiring to obtayne the hie Priesthode 2. mach 14 offered Demetrius a crowne of golde and certayne other thynges The wise menne offered vnto the poore Lorde Mat. 2. golde Frankensence and mirrhe When the souldiours that shoulde haue kept the sepulchre of our Lord math 28 hadde receiued good store of monye they sayd that hys Disciples Mat. 28 they beinge a sleape had stolen hym away LuKe. 21 The gift of the pore widow which cast into the treasurye two mytes is preferd of our Lorde farre aboue the rich mens giftes When Simon saw that throughe laying on of the Apostles handes the holy ghoste was geuen Act. 8. He offred thē money sayinge Geue mee also thys power The presidente Felix that kepte Paule bounde falslye accused by the Iewes Act. 24 did hope that Paule woulde geue some mony wherfore he called him the oftner and communed wyth him And because that he as it is veri like came not to his intent he lefte Paule in pryson bound ¶ Of Fortitude ¶ Cap. lxxvii WHen Abraham sawe that Lot his brothers sonne was taken Gen. 14. he toke his seruauntes born in hys owne house with other and sette vpon the foure kings by nighte that had taken him And after he had pursued and smitten them he broughte Lot again withall his substance and all the people of Sodome The purenesse of the consciēce maketh a man both sure and bolde Gen. 31. and therfore Iacob beinge wrothe chode wyth Laban saying For what cause or for what offence followest thou so after mee and haste searched all my stuffe The aungell saide vnto Iacob if thou hast bene strong againste God Gen. 32 how much more shalt thou preuayle against man Moses stode boldly and constantly against Pharao Exo. 5. reprouing hym because he wold not let our Lordes people go The children of Israell came harnessed out of the land of Egipt Exo. 13 Caleph and Iosue dyd manfullye comfort the people Nu. 13.14 saying Let vs go vp and possesse the land for we be able to ouercome it And again Feare not the people of the land for they ar but bread for vs. Phinees with xii M. fighting men ouerthrew the Madianites of that whiche besides menne and wemen that were slaine Nume 31 there wer xxxii thousand virgins taken And of cattell an infynite multitude and yet ther perished not one of the children of Israell Deute 31 Moses said vnto Iosue that shoulde succede him Be stronge and bold for thou must go and lead this people into the land When Iosue went against thinhabitors Iosu. 8 of Hai he was in the fronte of the hoaste compassed wyth the ayde and strengthe of stronge and valyant menne After that the v. kinges wer taken Iosue saide vnto the chefe of the men of warre that were with him Iosu. ●0 go on and put your feete vpon the neckes of these kinges be not afraid nor faint harted Caleph said vnto Iosue I am thys day 85. yere old Iosu. 14 and yet I am as valiant and as stronge at this time as I was when I sent to search spye the country euen the same fortitude and strength doth continue in me stil. Ahud the iudge chefe captaine of the host of Israel going in the fronte of the battayle Iudi. 3 sayde vnto the people Followe me for the Lord hathe delyuered your ennemyes into youre handes The aungel said vnto Gedeon our Lorde is wyth thee Iudi. 6 thou mighty mā of warre Go hence in this thy might thou shalt deliuer Israell oute of the handes of the Madianites And when he most humbly excused him selfe he heard I wyll be with thee and thou shalt smite the Madianites as they were but one man Gedeon by the commaundemente of oure LORDE Iudi. 7 sayde vnto hys hoste if any man dread or be afrayde Let hym returne and wyth thre C. men and a proper stratageme or subtle poynt of warre he ouerthrew the Madionites Samson tare a Lion in peces with his vnarmed handes Iudi. 14.15 and .16 as hee woulde haue rent a Kid and after did manye stronge feates 1. regu 11. Saule hearing that the men and inhabiters of Iabes Galaad wer besieged he boldly efficacely and quicklye did succor and helpe them 1. regu 17. Dauid in his childehode did strongly ouercome a Lion a Beare and Goliath the Philistine Dauid with one souldiare came to Saules hoste 1. regu 26 and entringe into hys tent toke away his spear his shield and the cruse of water 2. regu 2. Twelue of Isboseths seruauntes and xii of Dauids caughte eche other by the head and thrust theyr swordes in eache other sydes and they fell downe together 2. regu 23. Dauid longed and saide oh that I had of the water that is in the cestern by the gate of Bethelem for to drink And thre mighty men brake thorow the host of the Philistines brought him of that water 4. regu 9.10 Iehu
slewe him Timothe gaue his host a great sign and token of magnanimite 1. Mach. 5. yf they woulde passe ouer the water And so did Iudas and obtayned a great and a noble victory When Iudas men sayd vnto him that they might saue their lyues for our enemies are manye 1. Mach. 9. and we are but fewe Iudas answered God forbid that wee shoulde flee from them Wherfore yf oure tyme be come let vs dye manfully and let vs not staine our honour When Iudas Machabeus menne sawe the hooste comming they saied Howe are we able beyng so fewe to fight agaynst so greate a multitude and so stronge And Iudas sayd it is a small matter for manye to be ouercome with fewe 1. Mach. 3. yea there is no difference to the God of heauen to deliuer by a great multitude or by a smal company for the victorye of the battayle standeth not in the multitude of the hooste but the strength commeth from heauen Ionathas did encourage his company to the battaile 1. Mach. 9. because their enemies were in their waye and the water of Iordan on bothe sydes with banckes fennes woodes so that ther is no place for vs to departe vnto When that Ionathas was in battaile against the Heathen 1. Mach. 11. all his men left him except .ii. or iii But whē thei that fled saw that their capten fought man fully they turned againe vnto hym helped hym and there were slayne of the Heathen thre thousand men That excellente Captaine Iudas Machabeus 2. Mach. 10 went turned him selfe to fyght when moste neade was Machabeus and they that were in hys companye 2. Mach. 10 perceauyng that they had helpe from heauen were comforted in their mindes not only to fyght with men but with the moste strongest and cruell beastes yea and to run thorowe the walles of yron After our Lorde was crucified Mat. 27. Ioseph of Arimathia wente boldly into Pylate begged the body of Iesus Iohn 9. The man that was borne blynde and that was restored to his syght by oure Lord did frely conf●sse speake the truth by Christ our Lorde Thomas sayde vnto the disciples lette vs also goo Iohn 11. that wee maye dye with him Peter the which at the onely voice of a mayde Act. was made afearde denied Christ but after he had receaued the holy spirite was so indued with vertue and strengthe that he in the presence of the Pharises and Magestrates dyd preache Christe moste constantly Steuen beynge full of grace and strength Act. 7. dyd frely preache Christ our Lorde and rebukynge the Iewes did confounde them seyng amonge other thynges ye stiffe necked and vncircumcised hartes eares ye haue alwaies resisted the holy ghost as your fathers did so do ye The Magestrates and Ministers rebuked and commaunded the Apostles sayinge Act. 5. We commaunde you that ye teache notte in this name And behold you fill and repleanyshe Ierusalem with your doctrine and intend to bring this mans bloud vpon you Peter and the other Apostles answered and said we ought more to obey God then men Paule the Apostle Actes 13. Paule the proconsul being presente rebuked Elymas the sorcerer most sharplye for a season made him blinde When the magestrates hadde commaunded that Paul and Sylas shuld be deliuered out of prison Actes 16. Paul said vnto them They haue beaten vs openly vncondempned for all that we are Romaines and haue cast vs into prison and now they would send vs away priuelye And he spake so that they beinge afraid came and desyred them to depart out of the city The city of Ephesus beyng moued and in a rore Actes 19. the citizens rushed into the common hall wyth one assen●e and toke violently with them two of Paules companions Paule woulde haue entred in vnto the hall but hys disciples would not suffer him Paule takinge his leaue of his brethren that were in Asia said Act. 20. The holy ghost witnesseth in euery city that ●andes and trouble abide me in Ierusalem But none of theese thynges moue nor feare me neyther is my life deare vnto my self c. Paul shewed great magnanimity before his iudges that is before Ananias the hie priest Act. 24.25 before Felix and Festus from whom because he did hym manifest wronge he appealed to Cesar Paule beinge in all theese pearyls and dangers Act. 27. was continually with out feare and that did principally appeare in the tempest and shypwracke that he suffred Sainte Augustine saythe thus of Paule Aug. libro de ci●i dei 14. Ca. 9. That behoueable saith he stronge man that laboured more thē all the other disciples that did glorye and reioyce in his infirmities that blessed man Paule I saye Christes Champion whome he taughte for whome he was in bondes with whō he was crucified in whome hee was glorious in the sighte of this world to whose honoure hee was a spectakle bothe to Aungels and manne that gladlye behelde him striuynge in greate agonye wyth the eye of faith and to reioyce with those that reioyced wepe with those that wepe outwardly hauing strife and fear inwardly desiringe to be dissolued and to be with Christ. ¶ Of pacience and mekenesse in iniuries and torments Capi. lxxix ISaac toke it mekely when his father would haue offered hym vp for a sacrifice Gen. 21. Ioseph toke that mischeuous dede that hys brethren did againste hym patiently Gen. 37.4 and forgaue them beninglye Ioseph gaue hys brethren a special commaundement Gen. 45. saying Se that ye fall not out by the way Moses did estsones pray for Mary that spake so wyckedly agaynst hym and through hys prayer she was healed Nume 12. The people murmurd agaynste Moses and Aaron sayinge ye haue kylled the people of our lord And whē our lord waxed wroth and woulde haue punyshed the people Nume 16. Moses sayed vnto Aarō Go thou spedely to the people and praye for them and the plage ceased The chyldren of Ephraim that ●hode myghtelye wyth Gedeon were pacified by his meke answer Iudi. 8. saying what deede coulde I haue done lyke vnto yours 1. regu 11. Saul woulde not suffer those men to be slayne that backbyted hym 1. regu 34. Dauyd myghte often haue slayne Saule that sharply persecuted hym and would not as when he cut of the lappe of his garmente and when he found him a slepe 2. regu 15.16 Dauid flying from the face and presence of Absolon saide pacientlye to Sadocke If I shall finde fauoure in the eies of our LORDE he wyll ●rynge me agayne And wyth lyke pacience he aunswered Semeus that cursed him Mephiboseth tooke the vniust sentence geuen against him verye patyently 2. regu 19. The elders geuing Roboam counsail said 2. Para. 10. If thou wilt please this people and speak mekely vnto thē they wil be thy seruauntes for euer Elizeus did not suffer those
and hewed them euē vnto Horma King Arad fought against the children of Israel and toke some of them prisoners Nume 21. But Israel vowed a vowe vnto our Lord and ouercame them and destroyed the cityes of theyr enemies The children of Israel fighting by Moses commaundement against the Madianites Nume 21. hadde and obtained so great a victory that they toke for a pray 3200. virgines and yet of the Israelites there was but 1200. fighting men of the whyche ther was not one man slaine When the people shouted blewe wyth trompets Iosu. 6. as Iosue cōmaunded them the walles of Iericho fel down and so was the city taken By the accasion of Achams preuarication the chyldren of Isrell were dryuen from the citye of Hai. Iosu. 7.8 But after the synne was pourged at goddes cōmaundement the citye was taken and ouerthroen When Iosue fought against the .v kinges which came to destroi the Gabaonites Iosu. 10 Our lorde cast downe from heauen great stones vpon them And there were mo dead wyth the hayle stones then they were whome the childrē of Israel slew with the swerd Then the sunne and the moone stode styll at Iosues worde and commaundement for the space of a daye that he might vtterly destroye his enemyes And it is to be noted that notwythstandinge it be written that Iosue in the conquering of the lande of promise did smite and destroy al the land with the kinges therof and the fightinge he toke thē all except Gabaon Yet it is red there Iosu. 10 That our lorde fought for Israel Notwithstāding therfore that the childrē of Israel did fight strongly wyth theyr handes yet the victorye was ascriued to god Iudi. 1. We reade not that the chyldren of Israell after the death of Iosua went to fight except that they fyrst counseled with oure lorde And oure lorde deluered the Cananites and the pharesites into theyr handes Iudi. 3. Oure lorde lefte many nations amonge the childrē of Israel to instruct Israel And all that knew not the warres of the Cananites that their children myght learne to fight with their enemies haue the custome of fightīg Iudi. 3. Oure lorde styrde vp a sauioure vnto Israell named Ahud the whiche slew Eglon the kynge of Moab And the chyldren of Israell wente downe wyth hym goynge before them The whyche sayed vnto them folowe me for oure lorde hathe deliuered youre enemyes into oure handes And they slew of the Moabites vppon a ten M. menne Delbora sayed vnto Barach vp for this is the day Iudi. 4. in which our lorde hath delyuered Sisara into thy handes oure lorde feared and destroyed Sysara all hys charettes and all his hoost with the edge of the sweard With .300 menne that with theyr handes did cast water into their mouthes Iudi. 7. oure lorde deliuered Israel from the hande of Madian and Amalech the which in Gedeons tyme wer many in numbre Abimelech Gedeons sonne through his concubine slew .70 of his brethren vpon one stone Iudi. 9. to th entent he might raygne alone After that a certayne woman whilste he beseiged the tours of Sichem cast a pece of a mylstone vpon his head and all to breake his brayne panne I●phethe went to fight agaynst the chyldren of Amnon Iudi. 12. whome our lord delyuered into his hands And he destroyed with a very great plage .xx. of the chyldren of Amons cyties Samson through the great strength that oure Lorde gaue hym Iudi. 15. obtayned against the Philistiās many victoryes the which did oppresse kepe the children of Israel in greate seruitute and bondage 600. men of the tribe of Dan came to Lais Iudi. 18 euen to a people that were at rest and without mistrust and smote them with the edge of the swearde and burnt the city with fire And ther was no manne to healpe because Lais was farre from Sidon And they hadde no medlynge with any other manne Althoughe the chyldren of Israell were iustely moued agaynst the chyldren of Beniamin Iudic. 20. and were .vii. tymes as many mo as they were yet thei trusting to their fortitude numbre were of them ouercomed Afterwardes they wepte and fasted before oure lorde● and oure lorde sayed vnto them To morowe I wyll delyuer them into youre handes And then they hadde a full vyctory ouer them In the tyme of Eli the preaste the philistians ouercame the chyldren of Israell 1. regu 4. the whyche afterwardes as thouge they woulde tempte GOD brought the Arke of oure lorde wyth them presumptuously trustinge that by it they shoulde obtayne the victorye But the philistines comfortinge one an other ouercame them againe And tooke the Arke of god in the battayle Samuel dyd crye vnto oure lorde for the chyldren of Israell 1. regu 7. and offerd vp sacrifice for them And oure lorde thundred a greate thunder amonge the philistines and they were put to flyte and slayne When the townes of Iabes Galaad were besieged by Nahaz the king of the Ammonites Saul did sone succur thē 1. regum 11. for he with a great multitude of men of war came in vpon the hoost in the mornyng watch scattred their enemies so that two of thē were not left together Ionathas Sauls sonne seynge the station and watche of the philistines sayd vnto his harnes bearer 1. regum 14 it is no hardnes with our lord to saue ether in many or in fewe And there chaunsed as it were a myracle of god for the multitude was slayne by them 1. regu 14. and fleynge hether and thether were scattered in euery place At Samuels commaundemēt Saul slew Amalech 1. regu 15. and tooke Agag the kynge of the Amalekytes alyue And vtterly destroyed al the people There was a maruelous fyght betwene Dauid Goliath of Grath the gyante 1. regu 17. Dauid was a chylde vnmete and vnapte for suche a purpose without armure yet he trustinge in our Lorde preuayled agaynst the armed gyante that was stronge and experte in s●ynge and stone When Dauid hearde saye that the Amalechites had burnt Sicelag 1. regu 30. and had led their wyues awaye captiues he toke counsell with our lorde whether he should folowe those theues or no. Our lorde sayd vnto him folowe and with foure hundred men he vanquished them and brought the whole praye agayne After many wrong and vniust persecutions moued by Saule agaynste Dauid the Philistines foughte against him 1. regu 31. the wait of the battail was turned against Saul Then toke he hys sweard and through desperation fell vpon it And so Saule dyed and hys thre sonnes and al his men There was cruell warre betwene Dauids xii seruaunts 2. regu 2. and Isboseths xii seruauntes when they slewe eche other When the Philistines hard that they had anoynted Dauid king ouer Israel 2. regu 5.8 they came al vp to seke Dauid and Dauid asked counsail of oure Lorde and smote
to death The kinge that was weke harted fearfull answered thē Lo he is in your handes For the kinge may denye you nothinge Darius the king of Persia ordained by the counsell of his great estates a certain cruel decre and law Dani. 6. the which Daniell obserued not and therefore he was put into the Lions denne and it dyspleased the kynge yet he durst not manfully resyste hys estates and lordes When Iudas Machabeus saw that his hoost fayled him and that he must nedes fight 1. Mach. 9. it brake his hart and he was slaine in the battaile And yet we reade not that Iudas was ether in war or any other where a frayde before Nicanor made peace amity with Iudas Machabeus the which thinge displeased kinge Antiochus 2. mach 24 And he sent vnto Nicanor to sēd him Iudas And although he did it muche against his wyll yet he coulde nor durst not withstande the kinges wyll and commaundement so that if he had coulde he hadde fulfilled the kinges euell intent and minde Peter walkinge vpon the sea came vnto oure lorde mat 14. But when he sawe a mighty winde he was a frayde Nicodemꝰ semed to be a weak sprited man Iohn 3. that he came to Iesus by night as though that by daye he durste not come vnto him When the disciples saw that oure Lord was taken and bound they forsoke him and fled mat 26. But Peter folowed him a farre of because he durst not approche neare Our Lorde reproued the weaknes of mind of his disciples because they feared the commotiō of the sea mat 8. he being present saying vnto thē why are ye fearful O ye of litle faith Peter was to feble sprited when that he after so bold wordes mat 26. at the onlye voyce of a wenche denied hys Lorde and master Likewise that yong man clothed with linnen mar 14. when the ministers caughte him he chose rather to leaue his lynnen garment and flye awaye naked then to tary there any longer The parents of him that was born blind Iohn 9. again res●ored to his sight by our Lorde did fearfully answere the Phariseis because they feared to be excōmunicate out of the sinagoge ¶ Of Fortitude and strength to do euel ¶ Ca. lxxxiiii CAine was stronger then Abell when he rose vp against hym and slue him Gen. 4. The foure kinges did trauel and labour very sore which after so greate a slaughter of men ouercam the kyng of Sodome with many other Gen. 14. and led a waye Lot Abrahams nephewe as a prisoner Abimelech Gedeons sōne sustained great fatigation and labor when he slue lxx of his brethren Iudi. 9. afterwards by stronge hande tooke Sychem the which euen sone after was slain most miserably Saule put him self to many greate pearels and trauail 1. reg 18.19 to persecute Dauid and coulde neuer obtain his purpose 2. regu 15. Absolon being mineded to expell driue his father out of his kingdom toke a great businesse vpon hym but yet his chaunce was but euil Ieroboam both by thought dede 3. regu 12. trauailed very sore to auert and turn the people of Israell from the house of Dauid once turned so to retaine and kepe them Holofernes paste ouer and wasted many countries to bring them vnder the yoke of his dominion Iudi. 1.16 But yet at the last one woman or euer he coulde accomplyshe hys purpose behedded hym Antiochus Epiphanes tooke and sustained great laboures to destroye the worship and honor of god in Iewry 2. Mach. 9. and yet at lēgth brought to pouerty and confusion he died a most miserable and wretched death in a strange and a foren country The children of this world in their generation are oftentimes not onlye more prudent and wise then the children of light Luc. 16. but also of greater power for when the disciples tooke theyr reast and slept Iudas procuring hys prodition and treason watched moste diligently The chefe priestes did weary them selues with great ●are and labour to extinguish and bringe to naughte the name of Christ Mat. 28. for they corrupted the kepers of the Lordes sepulchre with great summes of mony to saye that his disciples toke him away Againe they did cast and bind his disciples in prison Act. 3.4 and now and then they monished them with wordes nowe wyth stripes and did them great iniuryes to the entent they should not speake nor teache in the name of oure Lorde Iesu. When Lysias the Tribune hadde Paule in bondes there were aboue forty Iewes which had made a vowe that they would eat nor tast nothing Act. 23. till they had killed Paule And therefore they desired that he myghte bee broughte forthe that sodenlye they myght inuade him and kil him ¶ Of Murther Capi. lxxxv OUr Lord did greuously punyshe the murther that Cain commytted Gen. 4. and yet there was no law wryttē that did forbid it Exo. 1. 1. regu 17. Caine slue his brother Abell 2. regu 20. Moses the Egiptian Dauid Goliath 3. regu 2. Ioab Abner and Amasam Salomon Abdomam Ma● 6. Ioab and Semet Act. 5. Herod Ihon the Baptist. Peter Ananias Saphira Gen. 9. but in theese consider the variety of intentiōs and causes God would that man should vehemently much abhor murther therfore he said flesh in the life therof and in the blud therof shal ye not eat A murtherer shuld be reputed and estemed as dead And therfore Rebecca saide Gen. 27. why should I be depriued or desolate of both my sōnes in one day For if Esau had slain Iacob she iudged that she had lost both If zebee and Salmana had not slain Gedeons brethren Iudi. 8. Gedeon had not afterwardes slain them Abimelech the sonne of Ieroboam slue thre score and ten of his brethrē to the entent he might raigne alone Iudi. 9. and yet he ruled not longe there but sustained great misfortune and made an euill end For because the Abimelech the priest comforted Dauid flying from Saule 1. regu 22. Saule the persecutor of Dauid slewe him with many other priestes wemē and children Dauid caused the yong man which confest that he murthered Saul 2. regu 1. to be slain 2. Re. 11. And procured Urias deathe by the hand of Ioab Absolon slue his brother Amnon whome he inuited to the banket 2. R● 13. euē as he was eatinge and mearye wyth wyne The effusion and shedding of mans bloude is so horrible 3. Re. 7. that althoughe Dauid was other waies a very good manne yet our Lord would not that hee but that Salomon hys Sonne should build him his temple Notwithstanding that Ioab was a worthy man of armes verye faithful to the Lorde hys master 3. Re. 2. yet in as much as he deceitfully slue two men all that euer he had done before was coumpted as nothinge
And so Salomon caused hym to bee slaine Notwithstandinge he helde the corner of the aultare Naboth by the procurement of wicked Iezabell was cruellye stoned to death 3. Re. 21. Ioas the kinge of Iuda commaunded zacharias the sonne of Ioiade the priest to be stoned to deathe 2. Para. 24. and yet his father restored him the kingdom and slue Athalia The ii old priestes Dani. 13. which thought to put Susanna most wrongfully to deathe conuicted by Danyell were slain by the people Tryphon slue Ionathas and hys two sonnes 1. Mach. 13. and yet he had receyued of Symon for Ionathas raunsome deliueraunce a C. talentes of syluer and his two sonnes for ostages and pledges Ptolomy the sōne of Abobus made the hie priest and hys two sonnes a banket 1. Mach. 16. and when they were mery and had dronken well traiterously he slue them Of diuers slaughters of men Capi. lxxxvi THere was a maruelous greate slaughter of men other beastes when that all men Gen. 7. except viii perished in the flud called Noes flud The four kinges which ouer thrue fyue kinges made comminge thither and fyghting againste them a greate murther of men Gen. 14. althoughe the nomber of them be not wrytten It cannot be wel known by scrypture how many mē by diuers plages dyd pearysh in Egipt or howe many were drowned in the red sea but yet it is to be thoughte that the nombre was very great Of vi hundred and 3000. fyghting menne whyche were nombred from twentye yeares vpwards Nume 1.26 there came not one into the land of promyse except Caleph and Iosue but pearyshed and dyed by diuers calamytyes in the desert The children of Israell by Moses commaundement slue a greate nombre of the Medianits the which thing may be proued by the pray that they toke Nume 31. For of virgins ther was found 320000. Al theyr wemen wer corrupted and theyr men slain In Iosues time at the entring and going into the land of promyse Iudi. 7.8 there was founde as well in the Cities as in the fieldes a great nombre of dead persones In the time of Debora Gedeon Iephtha iudges of Israel wer many men slain althoughe they cannot be certainly numbred By thoccasion of the Leuites wyfe whiche was slaine Iudi. 20. there was kylled 7000. fighting men besydes wemen and children the which all wer of the tribe of Beniamin In the daies of Heli when the arke of our lord was taken 1. regu 4. ther was slain of the Israelites iii. M. fotemen Saule whych destroyed Amalech slew manye of theym 1. Re. 14.17 And afterwardes whan Goliath the Phylystyan was slayne there were manye of the Philistians destroyed When Saule and his childrē wer slain 1. Re. 31. ther fel many and a great nomber of the Israelites wer destroyed Dauid slue many of his owne and of Amnons children 2. regum per totum and manye of the Philistians as it appeareth in diuers places For Dauids elation and pryde in the nombringe of his people 2. Re. 24. there dyed 70000. of hys men When the xxxii kings wyth an exceading nombre of men were gathered together 3. Re. 24. Benadab the kynge of Siria were twise put to flight by Achab the kyng of Israell and at theyr next metinge there was slaine of the Assirians a hundred thousand footemen in one day Abia the kynge of Iuda and hys host 2. Para. 13. slue 50000. of Ieroboams strong and mighty men Asa the kyng of Iuda hadde in hys host fiue hundred and lxxx thousande men 2. Para. 14. The blacke Mores were tenne hundred thousande the whyche were vtterly destroyed for oure LORD fought agaynst them Phacee the kinge of Israell Ramelias sonne 2. Para. 28 slew in Iuda an hundred and twentye thousande in one daye which were all fyghtinge men that because they had forsaken oure lorde When Salmanassar tooke Samaria and brought the children of Israell amonge the Assirians Ieremy 39. And when Nabuchodonozor toke Ierusalem and the kinge of Iuda it is very lyke that there dyed many a man although the numbre be not certayne By the occasion of proude and cruel Aman the whiche for Mardocheus sake onely woulde haue destroyed all the Iewes Esther 9. The Iewes slew in Ahasuerus kingdome .75000 men that which they estemed to be their ennemies Ionathas sent Demetrius to Antioche .3000 mē to ayd hym against the citizens 1. Mach. 11. the which woulde haue slain Demetrius And there was killed vpon one day a hundred thousand men There was so greate a slaughter of men in Ierusalem 2. Macha 5 that when Antiochus Epiphanes tooke the citye in thre dayes there were slayne .8000.4000 put in prison and no lesse solde Against the Galathiās .6000 only slew a C. and .xx. M. throughe the helpe that was geuen them from heauen 2. Mach. 8. Besides the battailes that Iudas Machabeus made against Apolonius and Seron the chefe capitaine of the Assiriās host of the which it is written in ye. 3. Ca. of the first booke of the Machabees we reade that he specially hadde other .xii. battels as it appeareth frō the .viii. Ca. of the .ii. boke vnto the ende In the whiche were slaine .9000 men of those that wer with Nicanor And .20000 with Timothe and Bacchides .25000 of the Idumites and again .24000 of the same people the which were in two towers Furthermore .2000 that wer with Timothe .2000 with Lisia And also .10000 in a certayne ground or felde of Timothese And again .30000 of his mē afterwards .250000 in the stronge city of Carmon And in the city calde Ephrō● 25000. And in Antoichus Cupators host he slew .14000 mē at the last Nicanor was slain with 25000. fightinge men The sum of al is two hundred 56000 men besydes those that were slaine of Iudas host those that perished in fortresses and battailes of the whiche there is no certain number Nor they are not cōpted here the fell in Iudas last battayle againste Bacchides and Alchimus where they fought from mourninge tyll euenynge in the whyche Iudas perished the other fled their wayes ¶ Of abstinence and sobriety Capi. lxxxvii OUr lorde commaunded Adam sayinge Gen. 2. Eate thou of all the trees of paradyse but as touchinge the tree of knowledge of good and euell thou shalt not eate of it In the which prohibition abstinence is commēded in that he would not the mā in paradise shuld eat of all māner of meat Moses was in the mounte wyth oure lorde .40 daies 40 nightes Exo. 24. he nether did eat nor drincke Abstinence is a ryghte good dysposition to receaue diuine reuelations And manne refreshed wyth diuine reuelations is wont to abhorre bodely delyte pleasure Yea Leuiti 15 and our Lorde cōmaunded the chyldren of Israel to abstain from dyuers meates Whē either man or womā did
disciples that wer a fyshinge and coulde take nothynge Iohn 21. sayinge Luc. 6. Cast out the nette on the ryghte syde of the shyp and ye shall fynde Then foloweth that they drewe out the net full of greate fyshes And oure Lorde gaue hys dysciples of those fyshes But vnto the Iewes as carnall men and carynge for carnall thynges He gaue fleshe to eate to theyr euill mischaunce and hinderaunce Abstinence doth easely cause a man to watche and praye Mar. 26. For oure Lorde after his last supper rebuked his disciples sayinge What coulde ye not watche with me one houre We reade not that oure Sauiour whose actions are oure instruction Iohn 21. dyd at any tyme eate fleshe but when he eate the pascall lambe But of the fyshe whyche was brought vnto him he dyd eate When our Lord sent his disciples to preach Luke 10. he said Into what so euer city or house ye enter eat such things as they haue or suche as is set before you That is that they shuld be content with such as they had not curyously seking for other Peter being a hongred in Symon tanners house fel into a traunce and saw heauen opened Actes 10. c. In the which vision wer offred and presented vnto him such beastes as were prohibited by the law But he refused to eate of them although as it is said he hongred There were in the congregation that was at Antioche prophets and Doctors c. Actes 13. As they ministred to our lord and fasted the holy ghoste said separate me Barnabas and Paule The children of Israell came together with fastinge 2. Esdras 9 sackclothes and earthe vpon them c. And they stode and knowledged their sinnes and red in the boke of the law When there was a good dinner or feast in Tobias house Toby 2. he hearde that one of the children of Israell lay slain vpon the streat Immediatly he lepte from the table and leauing the feast and fasting went to the dead coarse and buried it Daniell speaking of him self dothe saye Daniell 9. I turned me vnto my God oure Lord praying and making intercession with fastinge sackclothe and ashes and then he perceiued a speciall reuelation of the incarnation passiō and death of Christ. Baruch did read the wordes of the boke Baruch 1. in the audiēce of Iechonia Ioachim the king of Iuda sonne and in the presence and audyence of all the people whyche when they hearde it wepte fasted and prayed before oure Lorde ¶ Of glotony and dronkennesse Cap. lxxxviii THe fyrst faut and sinne of man was finished and ended by the vice of gluttony Genesis 3. Noe by drinking of wine Genesis 9. was drōken and vncouered within his tent Lot beinge dronken cōmitted incest with his owne doughters Gen. 19.25 And Esau sold his birthright for a messe of pottage Exo. 32. And the people sat them downe to eat and drinke and began to play Our Lord said vnto Aaron Thou shalt not drinke wine nor strōg drink that maye cause thee to be dronken Leui. 10. thou nor thy sonnes that are wyth thee when ye go into the tabernacle of wytnesse least ye dye Whosoeuer maketh a vowe in the law Nume 6. and wil consecrate and appoynt hym self vnto God must abstain from wine and frō all that thing that may make him dronken Nume 11. The people lusted after flesh sate downe and wept saying Who shall geue vs flesh to eat The first tēptation and grudginge of the childrē of Israel was for drink Nu. 15.16 the second for bread and after that vpon like occasion they sinned oftentimes With these iii. C. men that lapped water wyth theyr handes and dyd drinke moderately Iudi. 7. our Lord delyuered Israel from the hand of Madian Men beinge at meate waxe more bolder and fuller of words beinge at meat drink Iudi. 9. they cursed Abimelech The Philistines being at meat and meary Iudi. 16. the house fel vpon them The children of Israel woulde receiue no sodden fleshe of those that offred but raw 1. regu 2. to th entent they myght prepare it the more delicately Ionathas did eate againste hys fathers commaundement a little hony 1. regu 14. his father therfore would haue put hym to death but that the people helpt hym and intreated for him Amnon Dauids sonne being mery with wine and dronken 2. regu 13. was slain in Absolons house at a banket Benadab the kinge of Syria was dronken and hadde in his pauilion a great multitude of fighting men 3. regu 20. and yet he was ouerthrowen and put to flight by the seruants of the gouernors of the prouinces and shires They did eat and were filled and became fat 2. Esd. 9. lyued in welth thorow thy greate goodnesse And yet they prouoked thee to anger Wine ouercommeth all those that dryncke it 3. Esdras 3 it seduceth and deceaueth the mynde and bryngeth bothe the poore man and the kynge to dotage and vanity Holofernes dranke more wine thē euer he did in one day afore in al hys life Iudit 12.13 And Iudith was alone in the chambre as for Holofernes lay vpon the bed al dronken and of very dronkennes fel a slepe and so Iudith had good oportunity to kil him Aman came ioyfully and merilye from the Quenes feast and bancket Esther 5.7 But the nexte day after bothe he and hys ten sonnes were confounded and heauy for he was hangde vppon the Galowes Iob knew that many things went amisse in feastes and bankets Iob. 1. therfore after that his children had banketted and feasted one an other hee gat vp early and offred for euery one a burnt offring At the time that Ierusalem should be destroyed it is wrytten that oure Lord cald men vnto weping mourning And beholde they haue ioy and gladnesse Esa. 22. slaying oxen and killynge shepe eating flesh drinking wyne Let ●●eat and drinke for to morowe we shall die The priest and the prophet kn●we nothing through dronkennesse Esa. 28. they are dronken with wine they goe amisse thorow strong drinke for theyr tables are so ful of vomite and filthinesse that no place is cleane Ptolomy Abobus sōne made a banket for Simon the hie priest and hys two sonnes 1. Mach. 16. And when they wer mery and had dronken well he slue thē In our lordes temptation after the mind of Mathew Luke we read Mat. 4. If thou be the sonne of God Luc. 4. commaund that these stones be made bread Herode made hys byrth daye supper and the Doughter of Herodias daunsed there Mat. 14. Mar. 6. and pleased Herode and those that sate with him and by this occasion at the peticyon of the damsell that daunsed Ihon the Baptist was beheaded Uncleane spyrites loue vncleane places Luc. 8. So that the Demoniake that had a legion of Deuels in
or euer she had any talke with man the which thing was both hurtful to her to her posterity And note there how euill she repeted oure lordes cōmaundement geuē vnto mā C ham Noes sonne had sene hys fathers priuities Gen. 9. he shewed his brethrē and so he incurde hys fathers cursse and malediction After that our Lord had spoken to Moses Exodi 4. he was slow mouthed slowe tunged Whereby he declareth that spirituall and deuout men the which doo oft cōmen and speake with God should be tardius and slow to speake Ara Calebs doughter syttinge vpon her asse did fyght but when her husbande hadde perswaded her Iosu. 15. he moued her father to aske what she ailed and afterwardes she obtayned of her father sprynges of water bothe aboue and beneath Sampson dysclosed that secreat to his wyfe Iudi. 14. the whyche he woulde not open and dysclose to hys parentes And she eftsones publyshed the same to hys great losse and dammage And the selfe same Sampson declared vnto Dalida Iudi. 16. how he myghte lese his fortitude and strength And she without any stop or let disclosed it vnto his enemyes Anna Samuels mother cōminge to the tabernacle of our Lorde 1. regu 1. spake in her hart and her lippes did moue only but her voyce was not hearde Samuel beinge a slepe in the tabernacle did not open the vision vnto Ely 1. regu 3. that was shewed him vntill he asked and adiured hym to dysclose it When the men of Belial saide thus of Saule theyr new kinge 1. regu 10. Can thys man saue vs He dissimbled to heare them wherby we vnderstande that he helde his tonge wisely Dauid beinge sore troubled against Nabal was afterwards through the wise cōmunication wordes of Abigail pacified again 1. regu 25. Nor she told Nabal nother lesse nor more vntil the morowe daye that he had well dysgested the wyne that he had dronken Whē Saras maid had spoken to her mastres shamefully curssedly Sara wyth silence gaue place to the strife Tobi. 3. going vp into a chamber of her house began to praye deuoutely Esther kept long silence nor would not iudge her people nor her country as Mardocheus comaunded her Esth. 2.3 and that least the kinge shoulde hate her Iobes wife he beynge punished of God Iob. 1. spake folyshlye vnto hym Iob semeth to reprehende rebuke him selfe more for speakinge Iob. 40. then for any other thing For he saieth I that haue lytely spoken vnto the cannot answer one thynge haue I spoken the which I would I had not spoken Iob. 42. And agayne I haue spoken vnwysely and those thynges that passe my vnderstandinge When Rasin king of Siria Esa. 7. Phacee the kinge of Israell had purposed to fight against Iuda the prophet Esaye saide to Acham the king of Iuda Take hede to thy selfe and be stil but feare not neyther be faynte harted Hezechias the king of Iuda sent word Esa. 36. that the people shoulde not answer Rabsaketh And they helde theyr tonges and answered not one worde Ieremy which was sanctified in his mothers wōb Iere. 1. ordeined to be a prophet excused him self saying Oh oh Lord God Lo. I cannot speake for I am yet but yong When Susan was brought Dani. 13. she least those two wycked olde priestes shuld beare false witnesse against her wept and loked vp toward heauen and cried to God for her hart had a sure trust in our lord but yet it is not red that she did directly answer to her accusers The Iewes gaue them selues to husbandry 2. Mach. 12. but Nicanor and certaine other woulde not let them lyue in sylence rest and peace We reade in the gospell that the blessed virgyn Marie spake to the Angell Luc. 12. and to her sonne Why hast thou thus dealte wyth vs And they haue no wine Iohn 2. And when she instructed the mynisters of the maryage What so euer he sayeth to you doo it And althoughe Helizabeth dyd magnificentely commende her Luc. 1. yet she made no answere but turnde her selfe to laude and prayse God And Mary whych was a synner cōminge to the fete of our Lorde in Simons house spake nothinge Luc. 7. as men say but began to washe his fete with teares and did wype them wyth the here 's of her head and kyssed his fete and anoynted thē wyth the oyntment Nor she answered not her sister Martha complayninge of her Luc. 10. nor yet the dysciples that dysdayned and wer not contente wythin them selues for the effusion and waste of the oyntmente Mar. 14. And inasmuche as she kept sylence Oure Lorde dyd answer and euery where defended her The woman that was taken in aduoutry and accused before our Lorde Iohn 8. spake but fewe wordes but our lorde answered for her and at lengthe did mercyfully absolue her When Paule should speake in the synagoge Act. 13. he stode vp and beckened wyth the hand for silence For he knew that there was no speakinge where there is no audience the which thing is oftentymes proued in scripture The chyldren of Israell flyinge out of Egypt sawe Pharoos hooste Exo. 14. and were greately a frayed vnto whome Moses sayed oure Lorde shall fyghte for vs and ye shall holde your peace ¶ Of carnall effection Capitu. xciiii MOses gaue vnto the Leuites .xii. oxen Nume 7. and vi charettes the which the Lordes of the tribes and children of Israel dyd offer But vnto the children of Caat he gaue none although they wer nyer of kynne vnto hym Nor it is not red that Moses gaue to any of his children any greate office althoughe the people had him in greate reuerence When Moses shuld dye he diligentlye besought our Lord Nume 27. to prouide for the people a mete and a good capitayne And yet he woulde name none of his owne generation When Iosue distributed the land amonge the children of Israel he gaue so small a portion vnto hys owne tribe Iosu. 17. that they made a speciall complainte there of But marke what an answer he made them Eli heringe of the death fall of hys two sōnes in battail semed not greatly to care therfore 1. regu 4. but whē the messenger tolde him the the arke of God was taken he fel from of hys stole dyed When Ioab sawe that Dauid be wayled but to muche the death of his sonne Absolon 2. regu 19. he layed to Dauids charge that he woulde haue bene nothynge sorye if he had lost all hys hoost That wonderful mother and worthy to be remembred of al good men 2. mach 7. seing al her vii children pearishe vpon one day toke theyr death willingly and gladly The Iewes care goinge to battaile against Nicanor 2. Mach 15. was but meane for theyr wiues and children or for their brethren or kinsfolke but their great and fyrste care
were now in dyspleasure and anger althoughe that a little before they were mylde and gentle After the oration and words of the seuenth brother 2. Mach. 7. king Antiochus being kindled in anger was more cruel vpon him then vpon all the other 2. mach 9. Antiochus perceiuing nowe that it lay not in his power to spoil the city of Persepolis hee auauncynge hym self in his wrath thought he was able to aduenge the iniury that was done to those that fled vpon the Iewes It happened that when the heathē hard 1. mach 5. how that the altare was set vp in the sanctuary in the old estate thei were very angry When Herode sawe that he was mocked of the wise men he was exceading wroth mat 2. and sendynge forthe men of warre he slue all the children that were in Bethleem When they of Nazareth had heard our Lord say Luc. 4. No prophet is accepted in hys owne country All they in the sinagoge wer fylled with anger and wrath A certain mā named Demetrius a siluer smith Act. 19. which made siluer shry●es for Diana cald together the workmen of like occupation and said that Paul had turned away much people saying that they be no Gods whyche are made with hands When they hard these sayinges they were full of wrathe ¶ Of Humility Capi. xcvii THe angel said vnto Agar turne againe to thy mastresse Gen. 16. submit and humble thy selfe vnder her handes Abraham spake most humbly vnto our lord Gen. 18. saying I wil speake vnto my Lord which am but dust ashes Iacob did humiliate humble hym self very much before Esau Gen. 33. and so he abated his anger Moses excused him selfe vii times or euer he would take vpon hym the leading and gouernaunce of the people Gen. 3.4 the which our Lorde put and appoynted vnto him nor wold not agre vnto it vntil he vnderstode that oure Lord was angry For in the text it is wrytten And our Lord was angrye wyth Moses Moses despised not the profytable counsel of a heathen Exo. 18. but most hūbly graunted and agreed vnto it Moses perceyued and sawe that he had of our Lord the special gouernāce and leadinge of the people and yet he dysdained not to desire and praye O●ab the sonne of Raguell to go wyth him Nume 10. and that he shoulde be the guide and leader of the people Gedeon answered the Aungel saying thus vnto him Go hence in this thy might thou shalt deliuer Israell Iudi. 5. And he answered Be●olde my kyndred is poore in Mana●ses and I am lytle in my fathers house The men of Ephraim chode a good proudly with Gedeon Iudi. 8. yet through his meke and lowly answer they wer quieted The men of Isael saied vnto Gedeon Raigne thou ouer vs Iudi. 8. both thou thy sōne And Gedeon saied vnto thē I wyll not raigne ouer you neyther shall my chylde raygne ouer you but our Lorde shall raygne ouer you Saule or euer hee was anoynted kinge 1● regu 9.15 when he sought his fathers asses and excused him selfe to Samuel pretended humility in dede in word And afterwardes it was sayed vnto hym When thou wast lytle in thine owne sight wast thou not made the heade of the tribes of Israell Althoughe Samuell had anoynted Dauid kinge 1. regu 17. yet at his fathers commaundement hee bare vitayles vnto hys brethren before whome he was preelected and chosen Dauyd dyd humble hym before Saule 1. regu 18. when he shoulde marye hys doughter And agayne before Semei the seruaunt When he hearde that he cursed him Forthermore he humiliated hym selfe vnto God 2. regu 16. when he daunste before the arke And when Nathan came vnto hym 2. Re. 6.7 shewynge him the wil of our Lord as touchinge the perpetuitye and continuance of his kingedome Meph●boseth beyng falsely accused of his seruaunt 2. regu 19. and vniustly put frō his enheritaunce made a meke and a gentle answer Achab that moste wycked kynge of Israel 3. regu 21. hearinge how he shoulde be punished for his trespaces humbled hym selfe before our Lorde and therfore he diminished sumwhat his pain and punishement The fire touched nor consumed not the capitayne that spake mekely vnto Helias 4. regu 1. as it touched the other other two wyth theyr fyftyes whiche came before hym Helizeus commynge to Iordayne smote fyrste the waters sayinge nothinge and they departed not a sonder 4. regu 2. But afterwardes he calde vpon the name of his master then they departed this waye and that waye Semeas the prophet sayed to Roboam and his Lordes 2. Para. 12. Thus sayeth our Lord ye haue lefte me therefore haue I lefte you Then they beynge astoned sayed our Lorde is ryghteous and when our Lord sawe that they submitted thē selues The worde of our Lord came to Semeas sayinge They submit and hūble them selues therfore I wyll not destroye them Hezechias submitted him selfe after that his hart was rysen vp at the cōminge of the messengers of Babilon 2. Para. 22. and therefore the wrath of our Lorde came not vpon them in hys dayes When the chyldren of Israel harde of the mighty and terrible power of Holofernes Iudith 4. they cried earnestly vnto God and humbled theyr soules with fastinges and prayers Quene Ester fled vnto oure Lord and humbled her body with fastings Esth. 14. And praying amonge other thinges she saied Thou knowest lord that I abhor the signe of pride preheminēce c Whē our Lord sayd that Ieremy was a prophet Iere. 1. he verye humbly excused him selfe and sayed Oh Oh Lorde God I can not speake c. Nabuchodonozor walkinge in the palace of Babilon spake arrogantly and proudlye Dani. 4. but after that he was cast oute of mennes companye and had recouered his vnderstandinge he knew that al they that dwel vpon the earth in comparison of God Were to be reputed as nothinge When our Lorde had smitten Antiochus with an incurable plage and dysease 2. Mach. 9. so that he myght not abide hys owne stinche He sayed It is reason to bee obedyente vnto God and that manne desyre not to be lyke vnto hym Ioseph humbly thinking him selfe vnworthy to be ioyned with the blessed Mary Mat. 1. whome he sawe was conceyued Beleuinge that thinge to be wrought by God not by the worke of man was minded priuely to departe from her In those daies great humility appeared in the wyse menne that they Mat. 2. when they founde the chylde wyth Mary his mother fell downe flat and worshiped him When Iohn the baptist was of so Mat. 3. greate reputation that the people beleued that he was Christ he sayed There shall come a myghtyer after me whose shoes I am not worthy to vnlachet Oure Lord Christ the vertue and wisedome of God mat 3.4 was not ashamed to begynne his predication with the same
my self alone Esa. 63. and of al people ther is not one with me My louers and frendes hast thou put awaye fro me Psal. 87. And on the crosse he lacked seruauntes his Dyscyples left hym Psal. 87. and went from hym And I am made as a man wythout helpe Act. 10. When Peter came into Cesaria Cornelius met hym and fel downe and worshypped hym But Peter taking him vp said I my self also am a man Paule and Barnabas hearing that they of the city of Listra said that they wer Gods Act. 14. and wold haue done sacrifyce vnto them rent theyr clothes ran amonge the people saying Syrs why do ye thys we are mortall men lyke vnto you c. And yet scarse refrained they the people that they had not done sacrifyce vnto them Paule the Apostle labourde wyth hys owne handes to get that was necessary for hym self and hys felowes Act. 18. and therefore he drue to Aquila and Priscilla the whyche were tent makers as he hym selfe was And in an nother place hee saithe These handes haue mynystred vnto my necessityes Act. 20. and to them that wer wyth me And Paule dyd iudge and think of hym self 2 Cor. 1. but meanely and lowly the whiche trusted to the prayers of hys brethren saying by the helpe of your prayer for vs. He desired very diligently the praiers of other men Roma 15. sayinge I beseeche you brethren for oure Lorde Iesus Christes sake and for the loue of the holye sprite that ye healpe me wyth your prayers And Paule dothe inwardlye wyth hys owne wordes declare true humilitye when he saith I am the leaste of the Apostles 1. Cor. 14 which am not worthye to be called an Apostle Thes. 3. And agayne he saithe 1. Cor. 15. Iesus came into the worlde to saue sinners 1. Timo. 1. of whom I am chefe Yea he exhorteth men most diligentlye to humilitye sayinge Be not hye mineded Roma 12. but make your selues equal to them of the lower sort And again in mekenesse of minde Philip. 2. let euery man esteme another better then him selfe ¶ Of Pryde Cap. xcviii EUe for the appetite and desyre that she had to excell Gen. 3. after she hadde hard ye shal be euen as Gods did eat of the tree which she was forbidden to eat of It was geuen graunted to man to eat fish Gen. i. foule and other beastes ye shall haue rule of the fish of the sea foule of the aire and cattell c. And the fear and dread of you shal be vpon al the beastes of the earth Gene. 9. Theyr pride which wolde buylde a tower vnto heauen Gen. 11. was condemned by the confusion of languages When Agar saw that she had conceyued Gen. 16. she despised her mastresse Againste those that glorifye them selues that they are first born Gen. 4.15 is that Cain was borne before Abell Esau before Iacob Gen. 29. And Iudas was that forth amonge the children of Israell And Manasses Iosephes sonne was borne before Ephraim Gen. 48. and yet he obtained the benediction and blessynge of the right hand 1. Re. 16. And Dauid was the least and yongest of all his brethren 2. Re. 3. And Adonias was born before Salomon And so forth of many other Pharao answered to proudly Exodi 5. whē he said I know not the Lord nether wil I let Israel go The rebellion that Chore other made against Moses came of pride Nume 16. for Moses said vnto thē ye are very haut make much to do ye childrē of Leui. Abimel●ch beyng smytten of a woman called vnto hys harnesse bearer and sayed vnto hym Iudi. 9. Slaye me that menne saye not of me a woman slue him Saule desired Samuel to honoure hym before the elders of the people 1. regu 15 before Israell The sinne of elatiō and pryde was greuouslye punyshed 2. regu 24. when Dauyd caused hys subiectes and people to be numbred The pleasure and luste that kynge Ieroboam had to beare a rule 3. regu 12. fearing that the people wold reuert and tourne to the house of Dauyd caused him to inuente golden calues and to make the people to worship them for he desired that they should rather depart and go from theyr God then frō theyr Lord. After that the victorye was obtayned agaynste Arphaxat the kynge of Iewes Iudith 1. then was the kyngdome of Nabuchodonozor the kynge of the Assirians exalted and hys harte was lyft vp Nabuchodonozor commaunded Holofernesse that he should rote oute all the Gods of the land Iudith 3. to thintent that he onlye myghte bee called and taken for the God of the nations whyche Holofernes wyth his power brought vnder hym When proude Aman sawe that Mardocheus woulde not worship him Esther 3. he counsayled the kynge to destroye all the Iewes That most proudest Aman woulde that men should bow their knees vnto him Esth. 3. and of men he would be worshipped But it is to be noted that the selfe same pride was the cause of so much euil in it self that he beyng angry disdaynful estemed al other thinges which he possessed as nothinge Oure Lorde by the prophet Esaye doth detest the signes and tokens of pride Esa. 3. saying Because the daughters of Sion are become so proude and haue waulked with stretched out neckes and with vayne wanton eies c. That sayinge of Esay Esa. 14. I wil clime vp into heauen c. and wyll be like the highest of all Is vnderstanded literaly of Nabuchodonozor Of Moab it is thus written We haue hard of the pride of Moab Esa. 16. he is very proude his pride his arrogancy and hys indignation is muche more then is his strength Because Nabuchodonozor kinge of Babilōs hart was proude his sprite or stomake set so fast to wilfulnes Dani. 5. he was desposed from his trone and his glory maiesty was taken from him Balthazar Nabuchodonozor the king of Babilons sonne Dani. 5. did not submit his hart but was eleuated againste oure Lord of heauen And therfore he was slayne and Darius the Mede succeded him in his kyngdome Antiochus came vp to Ierusalem wyth a mightye people 1. mach 1. and enterd proudely into the Sanctuarye and tooke awaye the golden aulter the candelsticke and all the ornamentes thereof c. They that Iudas Machabeus sente to kepe and defende the lande sayed when they shoulde go to fyghte i. Mach. v. Let vs get vs a name go fyght against the heathen that are rounde aboute vs. Alchimus that woulde haue bene made the hye priest 1. Mac. 7 and certain other wicked men went to kinge Demetrius and accused Iudas and the people of Israell When Nicanor harde of the burnte sacrifices that were offerd of the Iewes for the king i. macha vii he laughinge them to scorne mocked
them and spake proudly and disdainfully Antiochus estemed and thought in his pride 2. Mach 5. that he mighte make men saile vpon the drye land to go vpon the sea suche an hye mynde had he Nicanor cōminge to fyghte agaynst Iudas his fellowes thought him so sure of the victorye 2. Mach. 8. that he solde the Iewes or euer he saw thē in the fielde Antiochus beynge put to flyghte most shamefully and wyth dyshonour by Por●is spake proudly saying 2. mach 9. that he woulde come to Ierusalem and make it a graue for the Iewes But our Lorde smote hym wyth an vncurable dysease and plage When the Iewes sayed There is a mighty Lord in heauen that which hath cōmaunded the seuenth day to be kept Thē sayed Nicanor And I am migh●y vpon earth to commaunde theym for to arme them selues 2. Mach 15. and to performe the kinges busines And eleuated wyth greate pride he deuysed to ouercome Iudas and to brynge a waye the victorye Luc. 10 When the disciples had saied Lord euen the verye deuels are subdued to vs through thy name Our lord refrained thē saying I saw Satan as it had bene lightning falling down frō heauē neuerthelesse in this reioyce not Luc. 18. The pride of the Pharisey the which bosted him selfe and condempned his neighbour is dysalowed Herode vpō a day appoynted araied him in royall apparell and set him in his seate and made an oration vnto the people Act. 12. And the people gaue a shoute sayinge It is the voyce o● a god and not of manne And immedyately the Aungell of oure Lord● smote hym because hee gaue not God the honoure And he was eaten of wormes and gaue vppe the ghost ¶ Of vayne bostinge and crakinge Ca. xcix GAall Odebs sonne sayed vnto hys felowes what is Abimelech and what is Sichem that we shoulde serue hym Iudi. 9. Woulde God thys people were vnder my hande that I myghte take Abimelech oute of the waye Sampson wyth hys bare handes tare a Lion Iud. 14. neyther tolde his father nor his mother what he had done Goliath the Philistine defyed the hooste of the Israelytes 1. regu 17. and demaunded that one shuld come to fight with hym hande to hande Adonias the sonne of Hagith exalted hym selfe sayinge I wyll be kynge 3. reg 1. But hys kyngedome dured not longe Benadab the kynge of Siria sente messengers vnto the king of Israel 3. regu 20. saied Thus thus doo the goddes to me If the duste of Samaria be ynnoughe for all the people that folow me To take euery man an handfull But he was well answered that he whych putteth on hys harnesse shuld not boast hym selfe as he dothe that putteth it of 4. regu 18 Rapsaces spake hye proude wordes in the kinge of Assirians name sayinge haue they delyuered them oute of the lande of the king of Assirians c. Iudi. 6. Holofernes sayed to Achior when we slaye them all as one man then shalte thou also peryshe wyth them through the swearde of the Assirians al Israel shal be destroyed wyth the. Aman beynge immitted and calde to Esthers banket sent for his frends and hys wyfe Esther 5. and tolde them of the glory of his rychesse and of the multitude of hys children that he the king onely shuld dine with the Quene And yet note that he the next daye after was hangde vpon the galous that which he had prepared for Mardocheus Esay hath dysclosed the wordes of the king of the Assirians Esa. 10. Thus haue I done through the power of mine owne hand through my wisedome I vnderstode it And there was no man that durst moue a feather or opē his mouthe or once whysper This saying of the prophet Esa. 14. I wyl clyme vp into heauen set my seat aboue the starres of God and will be lyke the hyghest of al is literally vnderstanded ment by Nabucho c. Ieremy saith of Moab I know her stoutnesse Iere. 48. her boasting her arrogancy and the pride of her stomacke and that vertue is not by her Nabuchodonozor said vnto Danyels thre fellowes Dani. 3. that wold not worshyp hys golden Image What God is there that may deliuer you out of my handes Nabuchodonozor walkyng in hys haule Dani. 4. sayd Is not this the great city of Babilon whyche I my selfe haue made a kynges court wyth my power and strength for the honour of my maiesty whyle these wordes wer yet in hys mouth there fell a voyce from heauen c. When Sereon hard say that Iudas had gathered vnto him the congregatiō of the faithful he said I wyl get me a name 1. Mac. 3 and ouercome Iudas the whiche contrariwise did ouercome hym sone after Demetrius the sonne of Demetrius sent vnto Ionathas saying come downe to vs into the plain field ● Mach. x. and there let vs proue our strength together thou shalt find that I haue valiant men of warre with me aske and know whom I am And yet his chāce was but euill Nicanor purposing to fight against the Iewes 2. Mach. 8. cald marchaunt men vnto hym promising that he would geue them lxx Iewes for one talent The multitude of armed men comminge together 2. mach 9. Antiochus was put to flighte from Persepolis a citye of Persia with shame and dyshonoure And yet he spake proudly saying that he wold come to Ierusalem and make it a graue for the Iewes Nicanor did ask of the Iewes whether there were a mighty one in heauen 2. mach 15 that commaunded the Sabothe day to be kept And when they said the mighty Lord in heauen cōmaunded the seuēth day to be kept he said And I am mighty vpon earthe Peter said verye boldlye vnto oure Lorde mat 26. Thoughe all men be offended because of thee yet wil not I be offended And yet afterwardes it chaunced farre otherwise They that boast and crake moste of them selues Mat. 4. do chaunce to lye they follow specially the deuyll the which when he had shewed our Lord all the kingdomes of the world said al these thinges are deliuered vnto me Luc. 4 and I geue them to whome I wil. Our Lord against those that be bosters and arrogante Luc. xviii dothe brynge in the example of that Pharisey saying I am not as other men are or as this Publicane The Phariseis spake woordes of greate arrogancye to him that was borne blynde Iohn 9 and restored agayne to his sight by oure Lorde and he wyth good reason confounded them Thou art all together borne in synne and dost thou teach vs Pilate but to arrogantly said vnto oure Lorde Iohn 19 knowest thou not that I haue power to crucify thee and haue power to lose thee ¶ Of elections Capitu. C. MOses vsing Ietros the priest of Madians counsel Exo. 18. did elect and chuse vnder iudges or
thee Exodi 32. that thou haste brought so great a sin vpon them as though he wold say the prelate should sin greatly against his subiects that would incline to theyr euil wyll and purposes Elye corrected hys sonnes but slenderlye the whyche thynge dyspleased oure Lorde verye sore 1. regu 2. and yet wyth wordes he corrected and reprehended them but he did it but softely and not profitably nor sharply what shall we then say of those that fauour men in mischefe or of those that geue men an occasion of euyll The whole wayt of the battayle tourned vppon Saule and so he fell and was slayne i. regu 31. For Dauids synne that he comitted whē he nūbred his people 2. reg 24. there dyed of the people seuenty thousande men Because Roboam wold ouerpresse and charge his people 3. regu 12. he lost the greatest parte of them Ieroboam gaue an occasion to the people to departe leaue God 3. regum 12. when he made calues of golde and cōmaunded the people to adore worship them Subiectes by the occasion of euyll prelates and rulers are at some times temporallye punished 3. regu 18. Wherevpon Helias saied to Achab. Thou troublest al Israel and thy fathers house The kinge of Siria commaunded the captaines of his Charettes 3. reg 22. thus Fight neyther with small nor great saue only against the kyng of Israel And that was only against that most wicked Achab. Manasses made Iuda and the inhabiters of Ierusalem to erre 2. Para. 33. and to do worse then the Heathen whome our Lord destroyed before the chyldren of Israel Esay hathe exprest the synnes and fautes of the euel rulers and prelates that dwelt in Ierusalem esa i. saying Thy princes are wicked and companyons of theues They loue gyftes all together and gape for rewardes And of Nabuchodonozor a verye euel prynce and gouernour esa 14. it is sayd Thou hast wasted thy lande and destroyed thy people Sobna the ruler of the temple beleued that he should lyue long in Ierusalem and when he shoulde dye to be honourably buried But oure Lorde sayde thus vnto hym What hast thou to do here and whome hast thou here And a non after there foloweth I wil dryue the from thy station and dwellynge place Esa. 22. And hee semeth to be of those the whiche sayed a lytle before Let vs eate and drynke for to morow we shal dye Sedechias sayed vnto hys estates that desyred the death of Ieremy Iere. 38. Lo he is in youre handes for the kynge maye denye you nothinge Our Lorde by his prophet Ezechiel speaketh agaynst euyll prophetes and prelates Ezechi 13. Ye ascended not against them neyther made you a wall for the house of Israell that ye maye abyde the better in the daye of our Lord. Our lord most terribly doth threaten euil and naughty prelates by his prophet Ezechiell sayinge Wo be vnto you shepheardes of Israell that fede your selues shoulde not the shepheardes fede the flockes By and by he discryueth the dedes of yll pastors Ye haue eaten vp the mylke Ezech. 34. ye haue clothed you with the woll the best fed haue ye slayne The sicke haue ye not healed the broken haue ye not bound When the head preaste sawe that the Apostles dyd many sygnes and wonders Act. 5. he rose vp and al they that were with him and layed handes on the Apostles and put them into the common prison But the Aungel of oure lorde by nyghte broughte them forthe Then wente the Magistrates with ministers and broughte them agayne And after manye and longe counsailes thei calde the Apostles vnto them beate them and cōmaunded that they shoulde not speake in the name of Iesu. The Iewes caughte Steuen and brought him to the counsell and whē the chefe preastes hadde obiected and layed many thynges vnto hym Act. 6.7 then sayed they is it euen so When he hadde truly faithfully defended him selfe and sharply reproued them they stoned him to death Certaine menne hauinge a damsel whome Paule delyuered of a spryte whyche Prophesied Act. 16. accused hym in suche wyse and Silas hys companion that they troubled all the cytye The Magistrates and Iudges with out any probation there of cōmaunded thē to be beaten and to be thruste into the hard and inner prison When Paule was broughte into the counsell he beganne to speake resonablye but euen at the fyrst worde that Paule spake Act. 23. the hye preaste cōmaunded hym to be smytten Then sayed Paul God shall smyte the thou paynted wall Syttest thou and iudgest mee after the lawe and commaundest me to be smitten contrarye to the lawe Paule had euyll and wycked Iudges Felyx and Festus Act. 25. the whyche would please and gratify the Iewes and therefore Paule was constrayned to appeale ¶ Of ambitious persons Capitu. Ciii MAry and Aaron spake against Moses Nume 12. and sayed hathe not our Lorde spoken also by vs But these wordes semed ambitiously to desyre the leadinge of the people Chore and his company desyringe to come to the gouernaunce of the people condemned Moses and Aaron and accused them sayinge It is sufficient for vs Nume 16. seynge all the multitude is holy and that our lorde is amonge them Why heue ye youre selues vp aboue the congregation and people of oure Lorde Abimelech Gedeons sonne did craftely procure by his mothers frendes that he was chosen kinge Iudi. 9. but yet afterwards it chaunced very vnluckely vnto them bothe The parable that Ionathas propounded how that the olyue vyne and figge tre wold not take the superiority and kingdome vpon them Iudi. 9. and that the fyrre bushe a small and a vile tree presumed to vsurpe the rule there of maye be aptlye ascryued vnto those whiche are ambitious Gad the son of Obed saied wold God this people were vnder my hand Iudi. 9. the I myght take Abimelech out of the way Absolon when mē came to the king for iudgement 2. regu 15 flatteringlye backbytingly and ambitiouslye sayde Thy wordes and matter seme to me to be good and iust but there is no man deputed of the king to hear the. Oh that I were made iudge in the land 2. re 17.18 But note what chanced vnto him afterwards Adonias the sonne of Hagith exalted him self 3. regum 1. saying I wyl raygne I wyl be king Achias the Selonite saide vnto Ieroboam Raigne according to al that thy soule desireth 3. regu 11. But after that he had obtained the kingdom vpon x. tribes he vsed hym self most wyckedly Zambry perceiuinge that Hela the kyng of Israel hys Lorde was dronken 3. reg 16. smote hym and kylled him And he raign vii daies only after him Athalia the mother of kinge Ochozias saw that her sonne was dead she had such an ambitious and burnyng ●ust to rule 4. reg 11. that she destroyed all the kinges seede Ioas
excepted the whi●he by Ochozias syster was taken away by stealth Sellum the sonne of Iabes conspired against Zacharias the king of Israel his master 4. regu 15 and slue him and he raigned a month in Samaria Nabuchodonozor the kynge of the Assirians Iudith 3. called vnto him hys Captains and men of war and told them hys thoughte and that hys purpose was to bryng the hole earthe vnder his dominion Ambitious and proud menne are more troubled with a few that excell them Esther 5. or that wil not obey them then they reioyce of many that followe thē and obey them For proud Aman the which was next vnto the kyng had many children and greate richesse estemed hym self to haue nothynge as longe as he sawe Mardocheus before the kinges gate When Seron hard say that Iudas had gathered the congregatyon and church of the faythful 1. macha 3. he sayd I wyl get me a name and a prayse thorowe out all the realme And I will fyghte and ouercome Iudas And yet Iudas sone ouercame him Alchinus that wold haue bene hye priest 1. Mac. 7 and other wicked and vngodly men of Israel came to king Demetrius saying vnto him Iudas and hys brethren haue slain and destroied thy frendes and hathe dryuen vs oute of our owne land Ptolomeus the king of Egipt wēt about through disceit to obtaine and destroy Alexanders kingdom 1. macha 11 And at lēgth Alexander being ouerthrowne and chased into Araby he obtaind it And zabdiel the Arabian smote of Alexanders head And sent it vnto Ptolomy the which had but litle ioy ther of For the third day after dyed kyng Ptolomy him self Ptolomy the sonne of Abobus had aboundaunce of siluer and gold 1. Mach. 16. and waxed proud and stately in his mind and thoughte to conquere the lande And by that occasyon traiterously he slue Simon the hie Priest and hys two sonnes Iason aboue all other coueted most ambitiouslye to be the hie priest And for that he came to kinge Antiochus the noble and promised him 360. talentes of Syluer And manye other thinges 2. macha 4 whych when the kynge had graunted him he had the vse therof but for a small time For Menelaus whome he sent to Antiochus gat the priesthode and was sone discharged therof and his brother Lysimachus came and was placed in hys stead When Simon saw that throughe laying on of the Apostles handes Act. 8. the holy ghost was geuen he offred them mony saying Geue me also thys power that on whom so euer I put my hādes he may receiue that holy gost But Peter said vnto him Thy mony pearish with thee ¶ Of the deuels temptation Ca. Ciiii. THe serpent being crafty to tēpt ye the deuel in the serpent approched the feblest part of mākinde and the most prompest to sinne for hee tempted not Adam firste Gene. 3. but Eue. And began searchynge a far of for he counseld them not euen sodenly to eate of the forbidden frute And he denyed that there should follow any paine for the transgressyon of the commaundemente Yea he affyrmde that great goodnesse shoulde followe that only eating of the apple The lying spirite doth oftentimes lie in his temptation Gene. 3. for he sayd vnto Eue ye shall not dye the deathe And he sayde vnto our Sauior when he shewed hym all the kyngdomes of the worlde Luc. 4. They are deliuered vnto me and to whome I wil I geue thē And furthermore he alledgeth holye scripture peruersly and falsly saying vnto the LORDE of aungelles He hathe geuen hys aungels charge ouer thee Math. 4. And Sathan stode vp agaynste Israel and prouoked Dauid to nombre Israel 1. Para. 21. Sathan required of our Lord that Iob might be touched in hys goodes Iob. 1.2 children and body Wherin maye be noted the subtelty malignity infirmity of our ennemy It is not expedient to dysclose our temptations to any such man whom we beleue to haue bene tempted with like sinne But rather to some dyscreat and holy man that would comfort vs in goodnesse Wherfore whē the two old men did reuele and open their concupiscence one to a nother Dani. 23. they were prouoked to that that was worse The Lordes temptation doth teach vs to ouercome al kyndes of temptation Luc. 4. He was tempted in thre things vnto the which all other temptatiōs may be reduced And note that he ouercame not temptation by power but by scripture Our Lord his passion beyng euen at hand Luc. 22. said to Simon Peter Sathā hathe desired to sifte you as it were wheat But I haue prayed for thee that thy Faithe faile not And when thou art conuerted strength thy brethren Luc. 13. The deuil put into the hart of Iudas to betray our Lord Iesus Christ. Peter said to Ananias Act. 5. howe is it the Sathan hathe filled thine harte that thou shouldest lie vnto the holy ghost and keepe away parte of the pryce of the land ¶ Of synne in generall and of diuers paines which follow sinne Ca. Cv. THat sinne doth cause shamfastnesse in man it is euident for when our first parentes in the state of innocencye were bare Gene. 3. they were not ashamed but after they had trespassed by and by they made them selues aprons Sinne dothe defame a sinner And therfore Adam after that he had trespassed Gene. 3. thought to haue hid him selfe from the presence of our Lord. Sin likewise maketh a man fearful for after the Adam had sinned Gene. 3. he sayd I was afraide because I was naked and hid my self The enormity of sinne dothe crye to the eares of our Lord for vēgance Gene. 4. As the voyce of thy brothers bloude And in a nother place The cry of the Sodomites At some tymes our Lord dothe punyshe synne wyth temporal payne and punyshmente As it is euydent in Adam and Eue. Ge. 3.4.19 In Cain In the Sodomytes And often in the chyldren of Israell And Christ sayd Synne no more Ihon. 5. least a worse thynge happen vnto thee Pharao knowledged and confest that he was scourged and punished of our Lord for synne Exo. 10. saying I haue sinned against our Lord and agaynst you The children of Israel did euyll in the syght of our Lord. And oure Lord was angry Iudith 2. deliuered them into the handes of raueners that toke spoyled them and sold them into the hāds of theyr enemyes Synne doth not suffer the sinner to be in quiet 2. reg 24. For Dauids harte smote hym after that he hadde nombred the people Eccle. 47. Synne did infatuate Salomon the wyse and stayned hys honoure and worshyp After that Ioram the kinge of Iuda began to walk in the wicked wais and steps of the kinges of Israell 4. reg 8. Edom went from him wold not pay hym the accustomed tribute The chyldren of Israell left the cōmaundements of
Hebrues The children of Israell sufferynge penurye and scarsnes in the deseart Exo. 16. sayed that in Egypt they sat by the fleshe pottes but they made no mention of the greauous and cruell bondage that they wer troubled and vexed with all The people in the deseart sayed we remembre the fyshe whyche we dyd eate in Egypte for naughte And yet they wer ouerprest with greuous seruitude and bōdage And now beyng at liberty and in fredome they were norished wyth angels fode Nume 11. that is with most sauery meats geuen thē from heauen wythout any labor When the spies and searchers did declare and open the condityons and goodnesse of the lande of promise Nu. 13.14 the people contrary to Gods wyll would haue retourned into Egipte and by no meanes go no further And euen shortly after againste the wil of oure Lord they woulde haue made but to great hast When Moses had called Dathan Abiron Nume 16. they saide we will not come vp Is it a small thyng that thou hast brought vs out of a land that floweth with milk and hony to kil vs in the wildernes and to raign ouer vs also Moses desyred of kinge Edom saying We pray thee that we maye goe now thorow thy country Nume 20. we wil not goe by the Fieldes nor Uyneyardes neyther wyll wee dryncke of the water of the Fountaines we wyll goe by the kinges hie way Edom answered him Thou shalt not goe by mee least I come out against thee with the sweard The like thing chaunced of Seon the kyng of the Amorytes But in as much as he woulde not graunte that was litle Nume 21. he lost that was much Balaam would not curse the people whome he beleued to haue Gods benediction But there are manye which speake more euill of the good then of the naughtye Nume 24. And maruell it was that he which would not cursse them woulde harme them For notwythstandynge that oure Lorde had shewed hym that the people of Israel were blessed yet finally he gaue euyll counsaile by the whiche women deceiued him The children of Israel hearing our Lordes commaundementes Iudi. 2. dyd all thinges cleane contrary Iephthe desired the men of Ephraim to goe to battaile with him And they wold not But after that he had wonne the victory Iudi. 12. and was come agayne they as thoughe he hadde not cald vpon them began to quarel and to chide with him Dauid plaide before Saule beinge vexed with the deuel 1. reg 18.19 and serued him profytably and yet Saule wold haue naild Dauid to the wal wyth a iauelyng the which he held in his hande Saule would haue slayn hys sonne Ionathas 1. regu 10. because he excused Dauyd the innocent Saule sayd that hys seruants had conspired againste him 1. regu 22. and that Dauid lay await for him Whose death he soughte for but he coulde neyther fynde hym nor take hym The king of the children of Amnō perceiuing that he had done iniurye vnto Dauid 2. reg 10. would fyght wyth hym when that he should rather haue gon about to haue pleased hym Amnon Dauids sonne caused Thamar his sister 2. regu 13. whome he had forced to be expeld and put from him Absolon Dauids sonne moued him self malitiouslye againste his father and went in vnto his fathers concubines in the sighte of all Israell 2. reg 15.16 And would haue depryued his father both of hys lyfe and of his kingdome When our Lord had exalted Ieroboam vpon ten tribes of Israell by by he cōuerted and turned the people from worshipping of God 3. reg 12.13 and monished by the Prophet he commaunded hym to be taken Achab king of Iuda toke away our Lordes aultare and caused a nother to be made lyke vnto that whyche he had sene in Damasco and commaunded burnt offerynges to bee offred vp vpon it The Idolatry sorcery murther other diuers crimes cōmytted by Manasses are sufficientlye declared .iiii. Reg. xxi 2. Para. 33. After that Amasias had ouercomde and slain the Edomites and the men of Seir 2. Para. 25. and had brought away theyr Gods he worshypped them and burned incense vnto them Wherfore our Lord was wroth and rebuked him by his prophet sayinge vnto him whye hast thou worshipped those Goddes which were not able to deliuer theyr owne people out of thy hand Achaz king of Iuda offred sacrifices vnto the Gods of them of Damasco which bet hym and sayd The Gods of the kynges of Siria helpte them 2. Para. 28. therefore wyll I appease them wyth Sacrifices for then wyll they healpe me also But contrariously they were his destruction and the destruction of al Israel Because that Mardocheus only dyd not worshippe proud Aman Esth. 3. he procured with the king of the Assirians that all the Iewes should be putte to death When Ieremy rebuked the people because thei did sacrifice vnto straūge Gods Iere. 44. they answered sence we lefte of to do sacrifyce vnto the Quene of heauen we haue had scarcenesse of al thynges and pearysh wyth sweard hunger The lordes great estates of Darius the king of Persia did accuse Daniel Dani. 6. because that thre times a day he made hys prayers vnto hys God The two old priestes that saw Susan to be of a constant chastity should haue loued her Dani. 13. greatlye haue praised her But contrarilye they slaundred her and went about to condemn her to death but our Lorde dyd moste wonderfully deliuer her by an abstinent and a chast childe The wycked Alchinus whiche oughte to haue loued Iudas and his brethren 1. Mach. 7. with other vngodly men went to king Demetrius sayinge Iudas hys brethren haue slaine thy frendes and dryuen vs oute of oure owne lande ● Mach. 9. When Antiochus was mineded to robbe the city of Pentapolis he whē the people ranne together to theyr weapons was faine to flie the which iniury he thoughte to aduenge vpon the Iewes They of Ioppa committed a verye cruell and a shamefull deede 2. Mach. 12. for they prayed CC. Iewes to enter and go in to the shyppes with them but when they were gone forth into the deape they drowned them Nether the austere and sharpe lyfe of Ihon Mat. 11. nor yet the temperate comly eating of our sauior coulde please the Iewes When the Pharises saw that our Lorde caste oute deuels Mat. 12. and that the people were amased they blasphemed saying Thys felow dryueth the deuels no otherwyse oute but by the healpe of Belzebub the chief of the deuils There was to much peruersitye in Iudas Mat. 26. that solde hys master for xxx syluer pence ¶ Of the wickednesse of tirauntes Ca. Cix PHarao inuented dyuers wyckednesses to extinguyshe Exo. 1. or to reduce the chyldren of Israell to a smaller nomber Fyrste of all he commaunded to punysh theym wyth harde laboure Secondarelye he
siluer smyth which made syluer shrynes for Diana called together the workmen of like occupation and styrde vp a great number of people agaynst Paule whome he sayed dyd tourne muche people from the worshippinge of the goddes When they hearde these sayinges they wer full of wrathe and cryed oute sayinge Greate is Dyana of the Ephesians As Paule was saylynge oute of Grece into Siria the Iewes layed wayte for him Act. 20. and he was counseled to retourne thorowe Macedonia And there accompanyed hym many brethren of dyuers and sondrye places When certayne Iewes of Assyria hadde seene Paule in the Temple they moued all the people and layed handes on hym cryinge Menne of Israel help And they toke Paul and drewe him out of the temple Act. 21. And as they went about to kil hym tydinges came vnto the hye capitayne that all Ierusalem was moued the whyche toke soudiers and ranne vnto them When they sawe hym and the soudyers they lefte smytynge of Paule Then the captayne toke Paule and commaunded him to be bounde with two chaynes As the Iewes cryed against Paul and caste of theyr clothes and threw duste into the ayer Act. 22. the capitayne commaunded hym to be broughte into the castell and bad that he shoulde be scourged and examyned that they myght knowe wherefore they cryed so on hym When the hye captaine had Paule in holde mo then fortye Iewes sayd vnto the hye priest We haue made a vowe that we wyll taste nor eate nothinge vntyll we haue slayne Paule Cause hym therefore to be broughte forthe For wee are readye or euer hee come near Act. 23. to kyll hym But the Capitayne beynge monyshed of thys by Paules systers sonne caused him wyth stronge hande and warelye to bee conueyed vnto Felyx the hye debitye Paule standinge before Felyx the Debity the Iewes accused him that he was a pestilente felowe and a seditious Ac. 24.25 and when he had oftentymes harde hym and the Iewes and that the tyme was sore spente and that Festus should succede him in Cesaria Act. 27.28 hee wyllynge to shewe the Iewes a pleasure lefte Paule bounde the whiche perceyuinge that Festus dyd hym wronge appealed vnto Cesar After this appeale he suffered shipwrack and at Rome was bound with chaynes and sufferd great anguyshe and tribulation Act. 14. Paul and Barnabas exhorted them to continue in the faythe affirminge that we must thorow muche tribulation enter into the kingdome of God 2. Corin. 1. The Apostle wrytinge of him selfe sayeth Brethren I woulde not haue you ignorant of oure trouble which happened vnto vs in Asia Where with we were greued out of mesure passinge strength so greatlye that it yrked vs to lyue When we were come into Macedonia our fleshe had no rest 2. Corin. 7. but we wer troubled on euery syde outward was fightinge inwarde was feare And the Apostle commendinge the Thessaloniās sayd Ye became folowers of vs 1. Thes. 1. and of our Lord receauinge the worde with much affliction with ioye of the holy ghost There was aboute a fytye yeares from the tyme of the cōminge of the holy ghost vnto the disciples Apo. 1.5 Per totum and the time that Domitian exyled Iohn the Apostle And yet we rede not that he hadde in all that tyme so many dyuine consolations as hee hadde in the lyttle tyme of his tribulation As it is euident in the fyrste of the Apocalipse ¶ Of the multitude of euyll menne Capi. Cxii WHen the floude was ther were saued onely but .viii. persons For all fleshe had corrupte hys waye vpon earth Gene. 6. The children of Israell were mo then the children of Isaac Gene. 25. and Abraham had mo chyldren by Agar then by Sara In the .v. cytyes of Sodome were not founde .x. iust persons Gen. 18.19 so there was a multitude of euyll menne and fewe good Amonge al Iosephs brethren there wer but two Gene. 37. Ruben and Iudas that labourd to saue him but yet the euyll preuailde Moses sente spyes to consyder and search the lande of promise Nume 13. but there were but two of them good Caleph and Iosue Sixe hundred thousand fyghtynge men were nombred Nume 1. of the which two only Caleph and Iosue dyd enter into the land of promise There were mo wyth Absolon going about to vsurpe his fathers kingdome 2. regu 15 then wyth Dauid that raigned wel and iustly The greater parte of the children of Israel was in the kingdom of Samaria 3. reg 12. for there were ten tribes and the worst sort of people and the least part in the kingdome of Ierusalem for there were but two tribes 3. regu 20. The nomber of the king of Siriās fighting men that fought against Israel was so great that the king said The dust of Samaria is not ynough for all the people that followe me to take euery man an handful There was so greate a nomber of fighting mē in Holofernes host Iudi. 2. that they couered the ground of the lande like the grashoppers All the inhabitours of Egipte and the wemen the which stode in a great multitude Iere. 44. did sacrifice to straunge Gods There abode no moe wyth Iudas Machabeus then 800. men 1. Mach. 9. but in Bachides and Alchinus the traitors host were 10000. men and two thousand horsmen Ther was at Ierusalem when our Lorde suffred a greate multitude of people Iohn 19. yet was there not a manne found that woulde manifestly wythstand our Lordes death so falslye and wickedly procured But euerye man cryed delyuer not Iesus but Barrabas Certaine Iewes the whych Paule found at Rome at hys fyrst comming thither Act. 28. said vnto him As concerning this sect of Christiās we knowe that euerye wher it is spoken against ¶ Of good men which lurked and were as vnknown among the euyll Cap. Cxiii ALthoughe it be wrytten that all flesh had corrupt his way vpon earth Gene. 6.7 yet our lord said vnto Noe the haue I sene righteous before mee in thys generation The iust man Lot did inhabyte among the Sodomites Gene. 13. Ioseph did lead a chast and a faithful life in Egipt Gene. 39. Our Lord appeared vnto Moses in the lande of Madian Exod. 3. when he kepte Ietros hys father in lawes sheepe in the desart Samuel euen amonge the wycked children of Hely 1. regu 2. was holy and innocent Helias iudged all that were vnder Achab and Iezabell to be Idolaters hym self excepted 3. regu 19. but our Lord saide vnto hym I shall leaue me 7000. of whiche neuer man bowed hys knees vnto Baall Roma 11. Tobias was of the tribe of Neptalim and vnder the kingdome of Samaria Tob. 1. in the whych al were estemed to be Idolaters and wyth diuers vyces infected And yet being in captiuity he forsoke not the way of truthe Wheras al in a māner worshipped proud Aman Esther 3. only
of men least perchaunce such good workes should be corrupted depraued throughe an euel intention Some there were that ensued and folowed our Lord Iohn 6. to take him in hys words some other to eat of his bread And other that he or his frend might be healed of theyr diseases and some to be eternally saued Herode was desirous of a long season to se Iesus Luc. 23. not of any deuotyon but vpō hope to se some myracle done by him And therfore it profited hym not to se Iesus ¶ Of Slouthfulnesse and negligence ¶ Capitu. Cxvii IAcob hearynge that there was vitayles and corne to be solde in Egypt Gen. 42. saide vnto hys sones Whye neglect you this mater Get you downe and by vs that that is nedefull The chyldren of Israell in the desert hadde Aungels breade Nume 11. and yet being blinded they desyred the metes of Egypte Slouthfulnesse and tediousnes is vnto manne the cause of impacience Nume 11. and carnall desyre and the occasion of many lyes as it is euidente in the boke of numbers We remember the fishe which we did eate in Egipte for naughte The chyldren of Israell departed from mount hor Nume 21. and began to fainte by the way and war weary of their loboure and iourney And they spake against God and Moses saying Our soule lotheth this light breade wherfore our Lorde sente fyerye serpentes amonge the people Abner kept Saule his Lorde verye neglygentlye 2. regu 26. for when Dauid came downe into hys hoste he founde noman that watched Isboseth Sauls sonne being a slepe was slayne 2. regu 4. When other kinges were wont to go a warfare 2. regu 11. Dauid taried at whom wher that he by thys occasion cōmitted aduoutry and most hainusmurther It pleased Ioas the kinge of Iuda to repayre oure Lordes house 2. Para. 24. and he commaunded the Leuites to be diligente aboute the same But yet they did theyr parte but negligentely and therefore the kinge reprehended Ioiada the hye preaste Whylste the men were a slepe the enuious man came and sowde tares amonge the corne Mat. 13. The slothful and idle are reproued and they that do work rewarded Mat. 20. A greate tempest arose in the sea Ionas ga●e hym vnder the hatches fell a slepe Ionas 1. So the master of the shyp came and saide vnto him Why slombrest thou Up and call vpon thy god Our lord did reprehend veri sharply Mat. 25. the slouthful seruaunt which neglected to multiplye and encrease the talent commytted and delyuered vnto hym Mat. 25. The sleping virgins whose lampes were not prepared wer afterwardes excluded from the mariage Mar. 14. The disciples semed to be at the hour euen very heauy and slouthful when that they after our Lord had prayed them to watche dyd sleape continually ¶ Of the good towardnesse of children ¶ Capitu. Cxviii IT is not red that Isaac when hys father at Gods commaundemente woulde haue offered hym vp in a sacrifice Gene. 12. did either murmur ther at or run his waies Ioseph accused hys brethrē to hys father of an exceading greate cryme Gene. 27. the whych accusement in hym was a signe that he detested sinne And whē his father said vnto him come for I wyl send thee to thy brethren he most obediently answered here am I. Samuel beinge yet a childe was a minister in the sighte of God 1. regu 2.3 where the arke of God was When Dauid should be anoynted king 1. regu 16. he was a little one in the fielde and kept sheape obeyinge hys father humbly and abiectly Ioas the sonne of Ioram kynge of Iuda 2. Para. 24. was but a childe of 7● yere old when he began to raign he dyd that which was right and good before our Lorde all the dayes of Iehoiada the priest Iosias was viii yeare olde when he began to raign He did that which was righte 4. regu 22. good and pleasant in the syght of oure Lorde and yet he had a very euell father and graundfather Though Tobias wer yonger then all other in the tribe of Nephtaly yet did not he behaue him selfe childishly in hys woorkes Tob. 1.4 And afterwardes when hee hadde begotten a sonne he taught him from his childhode to fear God and to abstain from all synne Dani. 1. Daniell and his thre companions obseruing the lawe of God without Prophete priest or master lyued soberly iustly and deuoutlye amonge the gentyles chyldren The seuen brethren yonge men had a wonderfull wysdome in their aunswers 2. Mach. 7. and a maruelous pacience in their tribulations Iohn the Baptist grew and waxed stronge in spirite Luc. 1. and was in wyldernes tyll the daye came when he should shewe him selfe vnto the Israelytes Our sauiour a childe of .xii. yeares of age Luc. 2. was founde in the temple in the middes of the doctours hearinge them posing them And after that he went downe with Mary Ioseph and was subiect obedient vnto the. ¶ Of the societie and felowshyp of good men Ca. 119. Gen. 18. THis is greatlye to be considered that if ther had bene found ten iuste men in the v. synfull Cities that for their sakes our Lord would haue spared all the reast Iacob said vnto Laban it was but tittle that thou haddest before I came to thee Gen. 30. and nowe thou art increased made rich and our Lord hathe blessed thee for my sake Our lord blessed the house of Egipt for Iosephes sake Gen. 41 and increased it Iacob was well accompanyed that sayd Gene. 35. let vs make and reare vp an altare vnto our Lord for he hath heard me in the day of mitribulation was wyth me in the way which I went Israell serued our Lord al the daies of Iosua Iosu. 24. and the elders that ouer lyued Iosna the whyche knewe all the workes of our Lorde that he had done for Israel The children of Dan tooke Lachis and flue the men Iudi. 18. whiche dwelt carelesse without castinge of pearyls and hadde no society nor businesse with other men Saule sent sergeauntes and messengers to take Dauid that was wyth Samuel and other prophets 1. regu 19. that which began to prophesy and Saule came and prophecied with them For the reuerence and honor of Iosaphat king of Iuda which worshypped God 4. regu 3. Elizeus the prophet obtayned water for the host in the whych were two euil kinges Tobias would haue such gestes to dine with him Tob. 2.4.5 as feared God and he saught his sonne the same Eate not with the sinful And he most diligently wold know wyth whom his sonne should go wythall Yōg Tobias wife said I haue not kept company wyth those that passe their time in sporte Tobi. 3. Neyther haue I made my self partaker with thē that walke in light behauour When they hearde the cruel commaundement of king
Nabuchodonozor that all the wise men at Babilon should be put to deathe Dani. 2. they calde to theyr felowes to seke mercy at gods hand Then was there a vision shewed vnto Daniel by nyght And so the kyng by the occasyon of hys seruant Daniel spared the wyse men of Babylon After the death of Iudas Machabeus wycked men came vp 1. mach 6. and there was a great dearth in the lande and Bachides made the vngratious lordes in the land And there came great tribulation in Israel the whiche perauenture should not haue chaunced yf they had had Iudas to theyr lord and master When the fyrst of those vii brethrē was fryed in the cauldron 2. Mach. 7. the other with theyr mother exhorted one another to die strongly and manfully Iudas Marchabeus went to take the city of Chytopolis 2. Mach. 12. But for the Iewes sake which were within it the which they intreated louingly he dyd them no euil but gaue them thanckes exhorting them to be frendlye vnto hys kindred As longe as Peter remained wyth the Apostles Math. 26. he was stedfast sure but when he was in the hye pryestes court warming him selfe by the fyre wyth his seruauntes he began to deny our Lord. Iohn 9. Anon after that our Lorde had geuen him his sighte that was blynde from hys byrthe the Phariseys caste him out of the sinagoge But the beninge Lord Iesus receiued him amōg his faithful When all the disciples were wyth one accord together Act. 2. the holye ghoste came vpon them and inestimably did teach them and strengthen them It is thus wrytten of the faythfull the which wer in the primitiue churche Al that beleued kept them selues together Act. 2. and had al things commen Then followeth They did eat theyr meate together wyth gladnesse and singlenesse of hart praising our lord and hande fauoure wyth all the people Saule after his conuersyon came to Ierusalem and assaide to couple him self to the disciples but they wer al afraid and fled from hym and beleued not that he was a disciple But Barnabas tooke him Act. 9. brought him to the Apostles The men which were wyth Paule in the ship when the greate tempest raged Act. 27. were all saued because Paule was in theyr company For the aungel of our Lord saide vnto hym Loe God hathe geuen thee all theym that saile with thee ¶ Of the society and fellowshyp of euell men Capi. Cxx. ABraham departed wel from the Caldees Gen. 11.15 where men were infected with Idolatrye so that oure Lord remembreth that as a benefite saying I am the Lord that broughte the out of Hur of the Caldees A man shuld forsake and leaue his country not only in body but also in thought and affection Gene. 12. Where vpon our lord sayde vnto Abraham which was gone out of his countrye in body Get thee out of thy countrye c. And note the promises whiche were made there We rede not that our lord appeared vnto Abraham as long as he was in companye wyth euill men in Hur of the Caldees Gen. it is not red that the lord apeared to him although he was taken for a good man But after hee departed thence we reade that he was oftentymes visyted wyth deuine apparitions Gen. 13.19 Lot by the occasyon of the wycked Sodomites with whome he inhabyted and dwelt suffred great iniuryes and wronges It appeareth by Lot how harde it is to leaue the accustomed companye of the euel Gene. 19. the which could euē scarcely be drawen away by the angell frō the Sodomites Gen. 21. Ismaels play and pastime with Isaac dyspleased Sara Gen. 28. Our Lord many diuers manner of wayes dyd comfort Iacob auoidyng the companye of his wicked brother Iacob wold not go on wyth his vngratious and euell brother Gene. 33. although he had pacified him with giftes Not withstanding his brother instantlye desired hym and hadde shewed hym signes and tokens of dilection loue Moses said to the congregation of Israel Nume 26. depart from the tents of these wycked men and touch nothynge of theyrs least ye pearyshe in all theyr synnes Our Lord sayd to Moses cōmaund the children of Israel that they when they enter into the lande of Canaan Nume 33. destroy al the inhabitors of the land but if ye wyl not destroy them they the remayne shall be as it were prickes in youre eyes and Dartes in youre sydes By the occasyon of Acham whyche toke wyth him of the excommunicate thynges of Iericho Iosu. 7. the people were ouerthrowne in battayle Through certaine chyldren of Beliall the whych had commytted a detestable dede against the Leuites wife Iudi. 19.20 al the children of Beniamin fewe excepted were slaine The chyldren of Israel would not destroy the inhabyters of the land Iudi. 1.2 as the Lord commaunded them therefore theyr chaunce was vnfortunate and euell The familiaritye and amitye that Amnon Dauids sonne hadde wyth Ionadab 3. regu 13. gaue hym an occasion and a waye to enforce Thamar hys syster Many simple persons drue vnto Absolon rebellyng agaynste hys father 2. regu 15 the whych would neuer haue conspired against Dauid if they had contynued with good and peaceable men at Ierusalem For certain which were yet alyue of the house and family of Saul 2. regu 21. ther fel a great hunger in the land vntyll that they at the peticion of the Gabanites were hanged Iosaphat the king of Iuda was almost slaine goynge to warfare wyth Achab 2. Para. 19. and was reproued by the lordes prophet saying Thou helpest the vngodlye and louest them that hate the lord and therefore thou deseruest the ire and anger of the lord Ochozias king of Iuda walked in Achabs wayes 4. reg 8. and did euill before the lord The cause foloweth for he was Achabs sonne in law Elizeus the prophet said vnto Iosaphat king of Israel 2. Pat. 20. because thou hast ioyned thy self wyth Ochozia the lord hath broken thy workes and destroid thy shyps The man of God came to Amasia king of Iuda 2. para 25 and said O king let not the armye of Israel come wyth thee for the lord is not with Israel But if thou thinke that the battayl doth consyst in the strength of the hoast God shall make thee fall before thy ennemye When the chyldren of Israel aft●r theyr comming agayne from Babylon 1. Esd. 3.4 were a buildinge the Temple their aduersaries wold haue builded with them but they vsing good counsail refused them When all the other wente to the golden calues Tob. 1. which Ieroboam ●ad made Tobias alone fled al their cōpanies and went to Ierusalem to worshyp the lord God of Israel Blessed Iob sayd I am the brother of Dragons Iob. 30. and the companyon of Estriches esa 6. When Esay hadde sayde I am a man of vncleane lyppes he
it vnto her frendes although it was to the hindraunce of her husband Iudi. 16. Dalida by great importunitye obtayned that Sampson tolde wher in his mighty strength did reast Anna Samuels mother wepte and coulde take no sustinaunce 1. Reg. 1. for the greate desyre she hadde to haue Chyldren 3. Reg. 3. She was verye greadye to haue a Chylde that tooke awaye an nother mannes Iezabel was so desirous and greadye to delyuer vp Nabothes vineyard to her husband 3. reg 21. that she brought forth false witnesses and thrise procured and caused Naboth to be stoned most cruelly When that the Sunamite woulde go to Elizeus 4. reg 4. and that her husbande would not fullye consent there to she said I wil go so immediatly she prepared an asse and sayde vnto her seruaunt by the waye looke thou by no impedimēt or let vnto me but do that I commaund thee Athalia Ochozias mother coneting to raign ouer the land 4. reg 11. destroyed al the kinges sede except Ioas thinfant the which was secreatly hidden and taken away Anna Tobias wife daily loked went about the stretes Tob. 10. where by she thought there shoulde be any hope of his comming that she might see hym comming a farre of Esther was not contente that the kinge had geuen her Amans house Esther 9. that he had destroyd and slain in Susan the chefe city 500. men But also the next day folowing she caused 300. mo to be slain The woman of Canane obtayned her doughters healthe throughe importune Math. 15. prayer The mother of Zebedes children taried not that our lord shuld reward her children after thexcellēcy of theyr merits Mat. 20. But preuenting the time she desyred that the one mighte be set on his righthand in his kingdome the other on his left Herodias laid such wait and so hated Ihon the Baptist that she chose that her doughter should rather ask his body Mat. 14. then the half of Herodes kingdō Our lord doth put an ensample of a widow Luc. 18. the whiche was so molestious and greuous vnto a iudge which feared not God nether regarded man that at the last he aduenged her of her aduersary Act. 12. A maid named Rhoda perceiuinge that Peter knocked at the doore dyd not open it but for gladnesse leauing hym wythout ran in and told theim that were wythin ¶ Of the deceitfulnesse of wemen Ca. Cxxviii ADam by the occasion of Eue was deceyued although he was not seduced in that Gen. 3. that Eue was but then onely when he by her perswasion and counsell did eate of the tree forbyden Sara hearing the promise that she shoulde conceyue a chylde Gen. 18. laughed within her selfe But when she was reproued of her mystrust with a lye she excused her selfe Whilst Lothes ii doughters desiring to haue childrē by theyr own father Gen. 19● durst not induce him there vnto with wordes but with wyne they accomplished their purpose They woulde sone haue deceaued an other when they spared not their owne father Rachel with a proper inuention beguyled her father Gen. 31. seekynge hys Idoles Iosephs lady and mestres to excuse her selfe Gen. 39. accused him vniustlye to her husbande and afterwards at her husbandes handes reuenged her selfe of Ioseph most wickedly Al be it the Hebrues mydwyues hadde a good and a deuout intente in reseruynge of the chyldren Exo. 1. yet by the fyndinge oute of a lye they decei●ed Pharao the king of Egipte The wemen of Moab deceyued the children of Israell Nume 25. when that Balaam the sothesayer wyth all hys magicall crafte coulde doo nothinge against them Rathab the harlot hyd Iosues spyes and caused those that inquyred for them Iosu. 2. to runne and pursue after them vnto the ferye of Iordan sayinge that they wente forthe at the shuttinge of the gate Iahel wente forthe to mete Sisara and sayed vnto him Iuhi. 4 tourne into me my LORDE and feare not and yet at length she kylde hym beynge a sleape Sampfons wyfe wept before him and sayed Surelye thou hatest me and therefore thou hast not tolde me the ryddle Iudi. 14. And he reuelde it vnto her to his owne destruction Dalida was continuallye molestius vnto Sampson Iudi. 16. and sufferde him not one daye to be at rest and quyet so that his soule was faynte and incombred euen vnto death thus strong Sampson was ouercomde and folishlye opened all thynges vnto her When Michol vnderstode that Saule her father soughte Dauid 1. regu 19 her husbande to slaye him she caused him to departe and layed an Image vpon his bed The men that should haue brought worde vnto Dauid of Absolons estate and condition 2. Re. 17. were let downe into a well and a certayne woman spreadinge a couerlet ouer it as thoughe she had bene dryinge furmenty corne thereon fayned that they were departed and gone Iudith al be it she dyd it of a good zele and intente Iudith 10. deceyued Holofernes of whome all the earthe stode in awe and feare Herode feared Iohn the Baptist knowinge that he was a iust manne Mar. 6. and yet Herodias labourd the mater so that she causde him to be beheaded in prison Saphira and Ananias her husbande dyd lye vnto Peter as concerning parte of the price of the land Act. 5. But Peter punyshed that lye mooste greuouslye ¶ Of the folyshe and vndiscrete cōmunication of wemen Ca. C.xxix WE reade that Eue spake fyrste with the serpente or euer she spake with god how to worship him Gen. 3. or wyth her husband to receaue any erudition of him Sara when our Lorde did promise that she should haue a childe mistrustinge it dyd laughe Gen. 18. and afterwardes denyde that she laughed When Rachel sawe that she was vnfrutfull and baren Gen. 30. she sayed vnto her husbande Geue me children or els I am but deade asthoughe it had bene in Iacobs power to make the baren frutfull Assone as Sampsons wyfe knewe her husbandes obscure and darke riddle Iudi. 14. she disclosed it to her cityzens to the greate hynderaunce of her husbande Assone as Dalida saw that Sampson had cōfessed and opened his hole minde vnto her Iudi. 16. how he mighte be depriued and lose his strengthe she caulde his ennemyes vnto her and eftsones dysclosed the thynge vnto them Because Dauid vpon greate deuotion did daunce before the arke of our Lorde 2. regu 6. Michol Saules doughter sayd scornefully vnto hym O how gloryous was the kynge of Israell thys daye When Tobias spake of the kydde Sayinge Take hede and looke that yt be not stolen Tob. 2 Anna his wife being angrye answered Nowe is thy hope become vayne openlye When Sara the doughter of Raguel dyd iustlye rebuke her mayden she answered her impaciently and verye iniuriouslye Tobi. 3. sayinge God let vs neuer see sonne or doughter of
to be noted that when Paule at diuers times to auoyde the deceitfulnesse of the Iewes dyd flye from Citye to Citye that he dyd it not for anye feare of deathe but that he auoidinge the furiousnesse of the euel might reserue hym selfe for the profite of many Of sepultures and burials Ca. cxxxii Gene. 23. ABraham wyth greate diligence bought a field wherin he buryed hys wyfe Sara Iacob woulde not be buried in Egypt among the euil Ge. 47.49 But caused Ioseph to sweare that he shoulde carye hym beynge deade to the sepulture and graue of hys fore fathers He repeated the same at the houre of hys death after he hadde blessed hys chyldren The which thing Ioseph accomplyshed most carefully Moses going out of Egipt toke the bones of Ioseph with him Exo. 13 Dauid muche commended the men of Iabes Galaad that so reuerentlye dyd burye the bodyes of Saule and hys chyldren 1. re 31. 2. re 2. The punishment of the manne of God 3. re 13 the whyche contrary to the commaundement of God dyd eate breade in the house of the euel and false prophet was only thys that he was not buryed in the sepulchre and graue of hys elders Iehu the kyng of Israell that caused Iezabell to be slayne 4. re 9. wylled her to be buryed because she was a kynges doughter Tobias is much commended that he wyth the danger of hys own life Tob. 2 toke the dead coarses and moste dilygently did bury them The fyrste of all those holsome admonitions wherwith Tobias instructed hys sōne Tob. 4 was of the diligent buriyng of him self and hys mother The Iewes which accused wycked Menelaus 2. Mach. 4 were by an vnryghtfull iudge condempned Wherfore they of Tyrus toke indignation and buryed them honourably wyth great liberality After the battayle was foughten againste Gorgias Iudas Machabeus came to take vp the bodies of them that were slaine 2. Mach. 12 and to bury thē in theyr fathers graues Whan Ihon the Baptist disciples hearde that Herod had beheaded him they came mar 6. and toke vp his body and laid it in a graue It appeareth that our Lord Iesus had a carefulnesse for hys burial Iohn 12. and that by the answer he made vnto Iudas murmuringe for the oyntment the whyche after hys mynde shoulde haue bene solde Let her alone saythe oure LORDE agaynste the daye of my burying hath she kept this Luc. 23. Ioseph and Nicodemus dyd burye oure Lord and laid him in a new sepulchre that was hewen in stoane where in neuer manne before was layed Certayn good and deuout Iewes dressed Steuen which was stoned Act. 8. and made great lamentation ouer hym ¶ Of the horrible death of wicked and euyll men Capitu. Cxxxiii CAin whiche flew his owne brother was slayne by Lamech Gen. 4. The Lord raigned vpon Sodome and Gomor brymstone and fire from heauen Gen. 19. and ouerthrew .v. cytyes most stinkinge in sinne and most detestable Sichem Emors sonne whiche forced Dyna Iacobs doughter Gen. 34. was slayne by Iacobs sonnes and all the people and inhabytoures of the cytye The waters of the redde sea couered the charettes Exo. 14. and the horsemen and all the hooste of Pharao so that there remayned not one of them And that euen iustelye ynoughe that hys bodye whose harte coulde not bee mollyfyed myghte be drowned in water Nadab and Abihu the sonnes of Aaron offerynge straunge fyre before the LORDE Leui. 10. were deuoured and consumed with the Lordes fire and they dyed The children of Israel by the lords commaundement broughte forth the blasphemer and cursed speaker wyth oute the host Leui. 24. and stonde him Chore Dathan and Abiron and theyr companions Nume 16 rebelling against Moses keuered wyth earthe wente downe a lyue vnto hell And other lykewise murmuringe and commyttynge dyuers crymes peryshed with dyuers deathes in the wyldernesse Nume 1. so that of syr hundred thousande fyghtynge menne there enterd but two into the lande of promyse And because Acham tooke bestelthe of the excommunicate thinges of Ierico Iosu. 7. al Israel stoned him with stones and consumed all that euer he hadde with fyre Iahell Abners wyfe tooke a nayle of the tent and fastened it into Sisaras braynes Iudi. 4. the whyche beynge in a deedlye slombre and werye faynted and so he dyed If zebee and Salmana hadde saued Gedeons brethren Iudi. 8. he hadde spared them But inasmuche as they kylde them he in lyke maner slewe them The chyldren of Israell tooke Adonibezeche Iudi. 1. and cuttynge of the vtter partes of hys thombes and greate toes for euen so he hadde serued .70 kinges brought hym to Ierusalem and there he dyed A certayne woman caste a pece of a mylstone vppon Abimeleches head Iudi. 9. and all to brake his brayne panne And hee called hys harnesse bearer and commaunded hym to slea hym And so our Lorde quyted him the euil that he hadde don when he flew .70 of hys brethren When Hely hearde saye that the Lordes arke was taken he fell from hys stole backwarde vppon the threshold of the dore 1. regu 4. and his necke brake and he dyed Dauid a chylde vnarmed nor hauynge the vse of harnesse 1. Reg. 17. slewe the proud and blasphemus Goliath euen with his owne swerd 1. regu 31. Saule moued with a certayne vnius●e enuye persecuted and folowed after Dauid But in processe of time he toke his swearde and fell vpon it and dyed Dauids eldest sonne opprest his syster Thamar 2 regu 31. and wythin a whyle after hee beynge at dynner with Absolon at Absolons commaundement was slayne 2. regu 18. Absolon throughe a lust to rule afflicted and vexed his father Dauid verye sore But or euer he came to his purpose and intente he was hangde betwene heauen and earthe 2. regu 17. When Achitophel sawe that his counsell whyche he gaue againste Dauid was not accepted nor folowed he gat him whome to his owne house and hanged him selfe and dyed 2. regu 20. Siba the sonne of Bochry moued the people against Dauid and sleyng to Abell where he thoughte to haue had refuge and healpe there he was beheaded Dauid cōmaunded the yonge man which saide that he had kylled Saul 2. regu 1. to be slain notwithstāding he thought that he had brought prosperous tidings The like thinge chaunced vnto the two theues 2. regu 4. which brought vnto Dauid Isboseth king Sauls sōnes head Albeit that Ioab had bene a faythfull and a worthy man of warre 3. reg 2. yet forasmuche as he slew two men proditoriouslye Salomon commaunded him to be put to death Zambrye rebelled againste Hela that wicked kinge of Israel his Lord and slew him 3. regu 16. But zambry after .7 dayes when he saw that the citye of Thirza must nedes be taken wente into the kynges Palace and burnt hym selfe and the kynges
house with fyre Achab beinge wounded in battayl dyed at euen and the dogges licked vp Nabothes bloud 3. Re. 21.22 the which Achab dissemblinge the thyng that he shuld and myght haue voyded was stoned and he dyed 4. regu 1. When Eliseus went vp to Bethel a sorte of yll taughte chyldren mocked hym And there came oute two beares and tare .42 of them One of those two which were present wyth the kinge of Israell 4. regu 7. would not credit Heliseus wordes for speakynge of the abundaunce that was to come The next daye after the people that ranne to the spoyle trode hym downe and so he dyed Benadab kinge of Siria whiche dyd the children of Israel much woo 4. regu 8. was at the laste strangled of Asahell hys sonne Iehu beholdinge wicked Iezabell the whyche was the cause of muche euyll 4. regu 9. commaunded her to be caste down hedlyng the which was so trotrodē with horses that she albeit she was a kings doughter was not buried for there was nothinge left but her skul her fret and the palmes of her hands Athalia Ochozias mother destroyed all the kynge seede that she might raygne ouer the people 4. regu 11. afterwardes by Ioiada the preastes cōmaundement she was slayne mooste fylthelye Ioas that euyll and vnkynde kinge of Iuda 4. regu 12. the whiche caused Zacharias Ioiada the preaste sonne to be stoned was slayn after that of his own seruants Senacheryb that proude kinge of the Assyrians 4. regu 19. and blasphemer of God of heauen auoyded and fledde oute of Iewry wyth shame ynoughe hys owne sonnes flewe him Sedechias kynge of Iuda beynge euyll to God and man was taken as he fled and wente hys wayes 4. regu 25. The kynge of Babylon flewe hys sonnes before hys eyes And after that hys owne were put oute he was caryed to Babilon and there he dyed wretchedlye Holofernes toke and destroied many conntreys Iudith 13. and at lengthe beynge a sleape and dronken a woman smote of hys head Proude Aman the whyche caused men to worshippe him Esther 7. was hanged on the galowes that he had made for Mardocheus Balthazar the king of Babilō was nothing amended by the ensample of his father Nabuchodonozor Dani. 3.5 the whiche euen before him was changed into a beast And being at his banket he saw a wryting in the wall Mane Thetel Phares and the very same night he was slain and his kingdome translated to the Medes and Perses Dani. 6. Danyels accusers by Darius the kinge of Perses commaundemente were cast into the Lions den and deuoured The like chaunced in the xiiii chapter It is said that Alexander after that he went vnto hys bed 1 Mach. 1 knewe that he should die as though that before that time he neyther had remembraunce nor knowledge of death Alchinus the traytor was to smytten with the palsy 1. Mach. 9. that he coulde not speake nor cōmaund any of his house concerning his businesse and so he died in great misery Antiochus was sorye in his minde that Andronicus had vniustly put Onias the hie priest to death 2. mach 4. And commaunded that Andronicus should be slayne in the same place wher he cōmitted to great impiety and wyckednesse When Lysimachus had commytted many great sacrilegis in the temple 2. Mach. 4. the multitude gathered them together againste him and killed hym beside the treasury Wicked Iason that toke his owne brother prisonner 2. Mach. 5. and had expelled many out of theyr country peryshed from home and was throwne out vnburyed no man mournyng for hym Antiochus whiche had martired other mens bowels suffred an horryble and greuous payne of hys bowels 2. Mach. 9. and he died a miserable and a meruelous death vpon the mountaines Menelaus the whiche for a time had gotten the dominion and rule 2. Mach. 13. was cast headlonge oute of a hie tower among the ashes The riche manne whose grounde brought forth plentiful frutes thought to destroy hys barnes Luc. 12. and builde greater he trusted to liue longe But the Lord said vnto him Thou foole this night thou shalt die The example of the rich glutton is very terrible Luc. 16. he died was buried and brought into hell Because that Ananias and his wife Saphira craftely kept away parte of the price of the land which was sold Act. 5. they at Peters increpatyon fearfully gaue vp the ghost Herode arayed in royall apparell fate in hys iudgement seat Act. 12. and made an oration to the people And they gaue a shout sayinge It is the voyce of a God and not of a man And immediatly the angell of the LORDE smote hym because he gaue not God the honoure and he was eaten of wormes and gaue vp the ghost ¶ Of the pretious deathe of the iust Cap. Cxxxiiii WHen Caine and Abell were in the field Gen. 4. Caine rose vp against Abel and slue hym Ihon dothe shewe the cause for hys woorkes and doynges were euel and hys brothers iust Enoche walked wyth God Gen. 5. and he was no more sene for God toke hym awaye Abraham dyed in a lustye age Gen. 25. verye olde and was put●e to hys people The dayes of Isaac were an 180. yeares Gene. 35. he died euen for very age and was put vnto his people beyng olde and ful of dayes When Iacob hadde commaunded all that he would vnto hys sonnes Gene. 49. he plucked vppe hys feete vnto the bed and dyed and was putte vnto hys people After that Ioseph hadde taken an oth of hys brethren Gene. 50. and hadde sayde GOD wyll visytte you carye my bones hence wyth you he died Nume 20. Moses and Aaron as the LORD commaunded them went vppe into mount Hor in the syght of al the multitude And whan Aaron had put of his clothes and put them vpon Eleazar his sonne he died there Moses the seruaunt of God dyed at Gods commaundement in the lande of Moab Deut. 34. The Lord buried hym but no manne knoweth of hys sepulchre vnto this day 1. Para. 29. Dauid after he had instructed hys sonne Salomon and made hys oratyon vnto God for him and al the people he died in a good age ful of dais richesse and honor 4 re 2. As Helias and Helizeus were walking together a charet of fyre horses of fyre departed them a sondre and Helias went vp thorow the whirlwinde into heauen 2. Para. ●4 The spirit of God came vpon Zacharia Io●adas sonne Whiche sayde vnto the people Why transgresse ye the commaundementes of the Lord that ye can not prosper And they gathered them selues agaynst hym and stoned him at the commaundemēt of the king and so he dyed Thobias in the hour of his death Tobi. 14. called hys sonne vnto hym and seuen spryngaldes hys sonnes Children and sayde vnto them My deathe is at hande And a little after it is sayde of hys sonne that when he was ninety yeare of age and had fulfylled them in the feare of the LORDE wyth ioy and gladnesse they buried him Iob after his afflyctyons lyued an hundred and fortye yeares Iob. 41. and sawe his childers children into the fourthe generation and so died beinge olde and of a perfect age Dauid whyche lamented for hys sonne beyng sicke 2. re 12.18 woulde not weepe for hys innocente Chylde that dyed But hee wepte sore for Absolon the paricide Matathias after he had instructed comforted his Children 1. mach 2. gaue them his blessynge and dyed and was put vnto hys fathers 1. Mach. 9. When Iudas Machabeus saw the multitude of hys ennemyes and so fewe of hys owne men he sayde If our time be come let vs die manfully for our brethren Eleazarus after manye tormentes dyed 2. Mach. 6 leauinge to all the people a remembraunce of hys deathe for an example of vertue and manlinesse 2. Mach. 7. The seuen brethren wyth their deuout mother made a wonderfull and a laudable end And there may be noted many examples of vertue Mar. 6. Ihon the Baptist for the truthe and honesty of mariage was beheaded of Herode the Tetrarch It is wrytten thus of Lazarus that famous poore man And it fortuned that the begger dyed Luc. 16. and was caryed by the aungels into Abrahams bosome Dauid after he had instructed hys sonne Salomon 1. Para. 29. and made hys oratyon vnto God for him and al the people he died in a good age ful of dais richesse and honor How so euer the thefe lyued vnto whome Christe sayde Luc. 23. This day shalt thou be wyth me in Paradise He died happely When Sainte Steuen was stoned hee called on the LORDE saying Act. 7. LORDE Iesu receaue my spirit And hee knealed downe and cryed wyth a loude voyce and saide Lorde laye not thys synne to theyr charge And when he hadde thus spoken hee fell a sleape Lette vs geue dylygence that oure deathe maye bee lyke vnto hys And oure Sauyoure and LORD IESUS CHRISTE by hys syngulare deathe Li. 4. de tri Lib. 14. de ciui dei as sayth Saint Augustyne destroyed oure dowble Deathe and graunted vnto vs as saythe the selfe Augustyne so greate grace of faythe that hee was and became the instrumente of deathe the whyche is as it manyfestly appeares contrary to lyfe by the whyche wee should come to lyfe The which life the true author of eternall healthe that is the waye the truthe and lyfe and hathe the dominyon ouer death and lyfe Graunt vs. The whyche wyth the father and the holye ghoste lyueth and raygneth one God worlde without end So be it FINIS