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A01811 Annales of England Containing the reignes of Henry the Eighth. Edward the Sixt. Queene Mary. Written in Latin by the Right Honorable and Right Reverend Father in God, Francis Lord Bishop of Hereford. Thus Englished, corrected and inlarged with the author's consent, by Morgan Godwyn.; Rerum Anglicarum Henrico VIII, Edwardo VI, et Maria regnantibus annales. English Godwin, Francis, 1562-1633.; Godwin, Morgan, 1602 or 3-1645. 1630 (1630) STC 11947; ESTC S106901 197,682 360

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hee saw into what straights our King was likely to driue the French being weake if he would pressehard vpon him and pierce farther into the Kingdome although hee were a profest enemie to the French yet was he iealous of our prosperous proceeding and therefore by all meanes perswaded HENRY to dismantle Therouenne and thence to proceed to the siege of Tournay Hee blamed him not without iust cause for his late setting forth Summer being first wel●neere spent Winter was now at hand when it would not quit cost to maintaine such an Armie good desigues being not then to bee put in execution Hee told him that Therovenne was so farre from him that it could not bee kept without great difficultie therefore hee should doe well to dismantle it that it might not hereafter serue for a Bulwarke to the Eenemie That Tournay was a French Citie but like an Island with the Sea surrounded with Flanders and Hainault and farre divided from the rest of France True it was that it was well stored with inhabitants and not meanly fortified but that there was no other Garrison then of Citizens and these hee should finde effeminate and for provision that they had none Hee should therefore make speed and come on them vnawares and with a few dayes siege force them to yeild That the French King if hee intended to succour them must first march through all Henault and passe over two or three great Riuers amongst which were the Escaut and the Scarpe That the Souldiers should finde good booties there and the King himselfe the triumph of a most assured conquest That the addition of such a Citie would bee no meane increase of his Dominions and so much the lesse care to bee taken of it for as much as it would bee as easie for him to keepe it in obedience as it was for the French for the space of so many yeares to defend it being placed amidst so many Enemies that still had a greedie eye over it King HENRY by this time had so much of Warre that hee began to bee wearie of the toyle thereof and to cast his minde on the pleasures of the Court Wherefore although hee wanted not Counsailors for the best hee followed the Emperours advice as being the more easie The Flemmings who begged it of the King had leave to rase the walls of Therouenne to fill the ditches and to burne all the buildings except the Church and the Chanons houses which they in regard of the dissensions vsuall to bordering Nations very gladly performed Therouenne being thus taken and destroyed away they march with all speed to Tournay indevouring by their celeritie to prevent the fame of their comming But the Citizens suspecting some such enterprise had fortified themselves as well as the shortnesse of time would permit them and the Peasants thereabouts bring all their goods into the Citie as to a place of safeguard The Citie was of no great circuit yet at the beginning of the siege it contained fourescore thousand people By reason whereof victuals quickly began to faile them and they could no way hope for reliefe The French King was farre off they had no Garison the Citizens bad Souldiers two great Princes had begirt the Towne with fif●ie thousand men but they had an Enemy within called Famine more cruell and insupportable then both So having for some few dayes held out the siege the nine and twentieth of September their lives being granted them they yeild and to saue themselves from spoile pay a hundred thousand Crownes The King makes them sweare Fealty to him and appoints Sir EDWARD POYNINGS a Knight of the Garter their Governour Next hee gives order for store of warlike provision puts in a small Garison and builds a Cittadell for the confirmation of his conquest Neither amongst these politique affaires did he neglect those of the Church For the Bishop being proscribed hee conferres the Sea with all the revenues vpon THOMAS WOLSEY of whose first rising and immoderate power we shall have much occasion to speake hereafter All things being thus ordered because Winter came on apace hee beganne to bethinke himselfe of returning with his Armie into England This thought so farre pleased him that having beene absent scarce foure monethes hee tooke ship and about the end of October came home triumphing in the glory of a double conquest By the way hee was entertained with the newes of another victorie the Lord HOWARD Earle of Surrey having vnder his Fortune slaine the King of Scots The King of France being encumbred with many warres had coniured IAMES the Fourth King of Scots by the ancient Lawes of Amitie and the late League made betweene them that Hee would not forsake him intangled in so many difficulties If Hee regarded not his friends case yet Hee should at least looke to himselfe for whom it would not bee safe to suffer a bordering Nation alwayes at enmitie with Him by such additions to arise to that height of power The King of England busied with a foraine warre was now absent and with Him the flower of the English Chivalrie Hee should therefore forthwith take Armes and trie to recover Berwicke an especiall towne of the Scottish Dominions but for many yeares withheld by the English He would easily be victorious if He would but make vse of this occasion so happily offered It could not be but this warre would bee for His Honour and profitable to His Friend if not to Himselfe He should thereby also make knowne to His Enemies that the Scottish Armes were not to bee contemned whose former victories a long and to them hurtfull peace had obscured and buried in oblivion among the English As for the charges of it Hee need not bee troubled for that Hee would afford Him fiftie thousand Crownes towards the providing of Munition and Ordinance These reasons so preuailed with the yong King covetous of glory that notwithstanding he had lately made a League with our King whose Sister hee had married and her vehement dissuasions he proclaimed warre against HENRY which proved fatall to him bloudie to his and the cause of many ensuing calamities So having raised a great Armie hee breakes into our Marches and besiegeth Norham Castle belonging to the Bishop of Durham the which having held out sixe dayes was at last yeilded vnto him Thence hee removes his Campe to Berwicke wasting all the Countrey as hee marcht with fire and sword The newes whereof are brought vnto them to whom the governement of the Kingdome was committed in the absence of the King and a leuy being made through all the North parts of the Kingdome Alnewike is appointed the rendez-vous where all the troupes should meete at a set day that thence they might set forward against the Enemie vnder the conduct of the Lord THOMAS HOWARD Earle of Surrey Among the first to his Fathers great ioy comes the Earles Sonne THOMAS Lord Admirall leading a veterane troupe of fiue thousand men of tried valour and
passed both Houses when this lusty Widower with as good successe as before marrieth his fifth Wife CATHARINE HOWARD When their nuptialls were celebrated is not knowne but on the eighth of August in Royall habiliments shee shewed her selfe as Queene The fautors of Reformation were much dismaied at the sudden vnqueening of ANNE fearing not without cause least it proving occasion of enmity betweene HENRY and the Princes of Germany he must of necessity rely on them who misliked our divorce from Rome But the King proceeding still in the course he had begun like a torrent bearing all before him not onely caused three Anabaptists to be burned but also many sincere Professors of the Truth for not subscribing to the Six Articles Among whome three Divines were most eminent viz. ROBERT BARNES Doctor of Divinity THOMAS GERARD and WILLIAM IEROM Bachelors who by Parliament vnheard being condemned for Heresie were on the one and thirtieth committed to the ●orments of the mercilesse fire At the same time and place three other Doctors of Divinity viz. POWELL ABIE and FETHRSTON were hanged for denying the Kings Supremacy the sight whereof made a French man cry out in these words Deus bone quomodo hic vivunt gentes Suspenduntur Papistae comburuntur Antipapistae Good God how do the People make a shift to live here where both Papists are hanged and Antipapists burned In August the Prior of Dancaster and six other for defending the Institution of the life Monasticall a crime now become as capitall as the greatest being also condemned by Act of Parliament were hanged The same day with the Lord CROMWELL the Lord HVNGERFORD was also beheaded As their causes were divers so died they alike differently CROMWELLS conscience quietly welcommed Death to the other suffering for that most vnnaturall crime of Sodomy Death presented it selfe with that horror that the apprehension of it made him as impatient as if hee had been seized with a frenzy Anno Dom. 1541. Reg 33. THe late Yorke-Shire Rebellion was not so throughly quenched but it againe began to shew it selfe but by the punishment of the chiefe Incendiaries it was quickely suppressed Fourteene of the Conspirators were put to death LEIGH a Gentlenan THORNTON a Yeoman and TATTERSHALL a Cloatheir at London Sir IOHN NEVILL and ten others at Yorke Which Commotion whether raised in favour of Religion or being suspected that it had any abettors beyond the Seas is thought to have hastened the death of the long sithence condemned Countesse of Sarisbury who on the seven and twentieth of May was beheaded in the Tower The eight and twentieth of Iune the Lord LEONARD GREY Deputy of Irland did on the Tower hill publiquely vndergo the like punishment Hee was Sonne to the Marquis of Dorset neere allied to the King and a brave martiall man having often done his Countrey good service But for that he had suffered his Nephew GERARD FITZ-GERARD brother to THOMAS lately executed proclaimed enemy to the Estate to make an escape and in revenge of some conceived private iniury had invaded the lands of the Kings friends hee was arraigned and condemned ending his life with a resolution befitting a brave Souldier The same day THOMAS FINES Lord Dacres of the South with some other Gentlemen for the death of one BVSBRIG slaine by them in a fray was hanged at Tiburne Many in reguard of his youth and Noble Disposition much lamented his losse and the Kings inexorable rigour Anno Dom. 1542. Reg. 34. BY this time HENRY began to finde the conveniency of his change having married one as fruitfull in evill as his former wives were in good who could not containe her selfe within the sacred limits of a Royall marriage bed but must be supplied with more vigorous and active bodies then was that of the now growing aged and vnweildy King Alas what is this momentary pleasure that for it wee dare hazard a treble life of Fame of Body of Soule Heaven may be mercifull but Fame will censure and the inraged Lyon is implacable such did this Queene finde him who procured not only her to be condemned by Act of Parliament begun the sixteenth of Ianuary and with her the Lady IANE Wife to the Viscount ROCHFORT behold the thrift of the Divine Iustice which made her an Instrument of the punishment of her owne and others wickednesse who by her calumnies had betraied her owne Husband and his Sister the late beheaded Queene ANNE but two others also long since executed FRANCIS DERHAM and THOMAS CVLPEPPER in their double condemnation scarce sufficiently punished DERHAM had beene too familiar with her in her virgin time and having after attained to some publique offices in Irland was by her now Queene sent for and entertained as a houshold servant in which time whether hee revived his former familiarity is not manifest But CVLPEPPER was so plainly convict of many secret meetings with the Queene by the meanes of the Lady ROCHFORT that the adultery was questionles For which the Queene and the Viscontesse ROCHFORT were both beheaded within the Tower on the twelfth of February DIRHAM had beene hanged and CVLPEPPER beheaded at Tiburne the tenth of the preceding December Hitherto our Kings had stiled themselves Lords of Irland a Title with that rebellious Nation not deemed so sacred and dreadfull as to force obedience The Estates therefore of Jrland assembled in Parliament enacted him King of Irland according to which Decree he was on the three and twentieth of Ianuary publiquely proclaimed About the same time ARTHVR Viscont Lisle naturall Sonne of EDWARD the Fourth out of a surfeit of sudden ioy deceased Two of his Servants had beene executed the preceding yeare for having conspired to betray Calais to the French and the Viscont as being conscious committed to the Tower But vpon manifestation of his innocence the King sent vnto him Sir THOMAS WRIOTHSLEY Principall Secretary of Estate by whom he signified the great content he received in the Visconts approved fidelity the effects whereof hee should finde in his present liberty and that degree of favour that a faithfull and beloved Vnkle deserved The Viscont receiving such vnexpected newes imbelished with rich promises and Royall tokens the King having sent him a Diamond of great value of assured favour being not sufficiently capable of so great ioy free from all symptomes of any other disease the ensuing night expired After whose decease Sir IOHN DVDLEY was created Viscont LISLE claiming that honour as hereditary in the right of his mother Lady ELIZABETH Sister and Heire to the Lord EDWARD GREY Viscont LISLE Wife to the late deceased Lord ARTHVR but formerly married to EDMVND DVDLEY one of the Barons of the Exchequer beheaded the first yeare of this Kings raigne Which I the rather remember for that this man afterwards memorable for his power and dignities might have provod more happy in his Issue then his greatnesse had not his owne ambition betraied some of these
Preiudiciall to the Estate Grievous and Burthensome to the Subiect FINIS ANNALES OF ENGLAND EDVVARD THE SIXT The Second Booke LONDON Printed by Adam Islip and William Stansby 1630. Vae tibi Jerra cuius Rex Puer est ANNALES OF ENGLAND The second Booke EDWARD the Sixt. Anno Dom. 1547. Reg. 1. ROyalty like a Pythagorean Soule transmigrates Although HENRY were dead the King was still alive and survived in the person of young EDWARD who began his Raigne the eight and twentieth of Ianuary then in the tenth yeare of his age and having beene on the last of the same moneth proclaimed King came the same day from Enfield where the Court had then beene to the Tower there according to the ancient custome of our Kings to abide vntill his Inauguration at Westminster The next day the Counsaile assembled for the managing of the Estate conferred on the Kings Vnckle EDWARD SEIMOVR Earle of Hertford the honour and power of Protector of the King's Person and Kingdome Who to season his new Dignitie with some memorable act on the sixt of February dubbed the King Knight the King presently imparting the same Honour to RICHARD HOBLETHORNE Lord Maior of London On the fifteenth of February King HENRY his Funerals were solemnized and his Body Royally interred in the middle of the Quire in the Church at Windsore Two daies after were some of the Nobilitie dignified with greater Honours some new created The Lord Protector Earle of Hertford was made Duke of Somerset WILLIAM PARR Earle of Essex Marquis of Northampton IOHN DVDLEY Viscount Lisle Earle of Warmicke and the Lord Chancellour WRIOTHSLEY Earle of Southampton Sir THOMAS SEIMOVR brother to the Protector and Lord Admirall Sir THOMAS RICH Sir WILLIAM WILLOVGHBY and Sir EDMOND SHEFFEILD were inrolled among the Barons Other two daies being fled after their Predecessours the King passed triumphantly from the Tower through London to Westminster where he was solemnely crowned anointed and inaugurated by CRANMER Archbishop of Canterbury At what time also with incredible indulgence pardon of all crimes whatsoever was publiquely proclaimed and granted to all persons throughout the Realme six only being exempted from the benefit thereof namely the Duke of Norfolke Cardinall POOLE the lately beheaded Marquis of Excester his eldest Sonne one THROCMORTON FORTESCVE and RICHARD PATE late Bishop of Worcester who least hee should be constrained to acknowledge the King Head of the Church had some yeares passed fled to Rome On the nineteenth of Iune in the Cathedrall Church of Saint PAVL in London were celebrated the Exequies of FRANCIS King of France He deceased the two and twentieth of the precedent March having beene after the death of our HENRY much disposed to melancholy whether for that hee failed in the hope of strengthening their late contracted amity with some stricter tie or that being some few yeares the younger hee was by his death admonished of the like approaching fate They were also of so conspiring a similitude of disposition and nature that you shall hardly finde the like betweene any two Princes of what ever different times This bred a mutuall affection in them and as it were forcibly nourished the secret fire thereof betweene them vnlesse peradventure when emulation or the respect of publique vtilitie swaied them the contrary way so that the death of the one could not but much grieve the surviver He therefore in the Cathedrall at Paris celebrated the Funerals of HENRY though excommunicated by the Pope He also left one only Sonne named HENRY inheritor of his Crowne whose Raigne lasted but to the beginning of Queene ELIZABETH And now the affaires of Scotland which have without doubt beene great and memorable crave a part in our History Wee have before made mention of our League with Scotland wherein it was determined concerning the marriage betweene the now King EDWARD and the Queene of Scots The times since then were full of continuall iarres Wee at length resolved not to dally with them but to vndertake the war with forces agreeable to the cause The Duke of Somerset by consent of the Privie Counsaile is sent into Scotland with ten thousand Foot and six thousand Horse beside pioners and artificers thirteene hundred and fifteene peeces of brasse Ordnance To the Lord CLINTON is assigned a Navy consisting of foure and twenty men of war one Galley and thirty Ships of burthen wherewith hee was to scowre the Seas and infest the maritime parts of Scotland On the third of September the Duke of Somerset made an hostile entrance vpon the Enemies Countrey and forthwith dispatched letters to the Earle of Arren Regent of Scotland much to this effect That he wished the Scots would consider that this war was waged among Christians that our ends were no other then a iust Peace whereto the endevours of all good men should tend An occasion not only of a League but of a perpetuall Peace was now happily offred if they would suffer the two differing and emulous Nations by vniting the Head to grow together This as it had beene formerly sought by vs so had it beene generally assented to by the Estates of Scotland Therefore he could not but wonder why they should rather treacherously recurre to Armes the events of war being vsually even to the Victor sufficiently vnfortunate then maintaine in violate their troth plighted to the good of both Nations They could not in reason expect that their Queene should perpetually live a Virgin life And if shee married where could shee bestow her selfe better then on a puissant Monarch inhabiting the same Island and parlying the same language They saw what inconveniences were the consequents of foraine matches whereof they should rather make triall by the examples of others then at their owne perill He demanded nothing but equity yet he so much abhorred the effusion of Christian bloud that if hee found the Scots not vtterly averse from an accord hee would endevour that some of the Conventions should be remitted he would also permit that the Queene should abide and be brought vp among them vntill her age made her marriageable at what time she should by consent of the Estates her selfe make choice of a Husband In the meane time there should be a Cessation of Armes neither should the Queene be transported out of her Realme nor entertaine treatise of marriage with the French or any other forainer This if they would faithfully promise he would forthwith peaceably depart out of Scotland and whatsoever damages the Countrey had suffred by this invasion he would according to the esteeme of indifferent Arbitrators make ample satisfaction The Scottish Army consisted of thirty thousand Foot some speake a greater number The chiefe Commanders whereof puffed vp with confidence of their strength although they had lately lost eight hundred in a tumultuary skirmish and misconceiving our offers to proceed out of feare reiect all Conditions of Accord and least vpon knowledge of the equitie of our demands the Counsaile should
France the second Daughter of HENRY the Seventh who her two Brothers then alive had beene married to HENRY GRAY Marquis of Dorset The two Brothers as before dying of the late mortality the Marquis is in the right of his Wife created Duke of Suffolke and this was another stop to his Ambition For the removall whereof he intends this course He imparts his designes to the Duke of Suffolke and desires that a Match may be concluded betweene the Lord GVILFORD DVDLEY his fourth Sonne and Lady IANE GREY the Duke of Suffolke's eldest Daughter And because if onely right of inheritance should be pretended the Duchesse of Suffolke were in reason to be preferred before her Daughter he vndertakes to persuade the King not only to disherit his Sisters by Will and Testament but also by the same to declare the Lady IANE his next and immediate Successor Suffolke biting at this bait they complot by drawing the chiefest of the Nobility to contract Affinity either with the one or tother to procure the generall assent of them all So on the same day that Lady IANE vnder anvnhappy Planet was married to Lord GVILFORD the Duke of Suffolk's two youngest Daughters are married CATHARINE to Lord HENRY eldest sonne to the Earle of Pembrooke and crouch backed MARY to MARTIN KEYES Groome Porter Northumberlands eldest Daughter also named CATHARINE was married to the Lord HASTINGS eldest sonne to the Earle of Huntington These marriages were in Iune solemnized at London the King at that time extremely languishing Hauing thus brought these things to a desired passe nothing now remained but to act his part with the weake King To Him he inculcates In what danger the estate of the Church would be if He dying provision were not first made of a pious Successour and such a one as should maintaine the now established Religion How the Lady MARY stood affected was well knowne Of the Lady ELIZABETH there might be peraduenture better hopes But their causes were so strongly connexed that either both must be excluded or the Lady MARY be admitted That it was the part of a religious and good Prince to set apart all respects of Bloud where God's Glory and the Subiects weale might be indangered They that should do otherwise were after this life which is short to exspect revenge at God's dreadfull Tribunall where they are to vndergo the tryall either of eternall life or eternall death That the Duke of Suffolke had three Daughters neerest to him in degrees of Bloud they were such as their Vertues and Birth did commend and from whome the violation of Religion or the danger of a forraine yoke by any match was not to be feared for asnuch as their education had beene Religious they had as it were with their milke suckt in the spirituall food of true Christian Doctrine and were also matched to Husbands as zealous of the Truth as themselves He could wish and would advise that these might be successively called to the Crowne but with this caution That they should maintaine the now established Religion And although Lady IANE the eldest of the three were married to his Sonne he would be content that they should be bound by oath to performe whatsoever his Maiesty should decree for he had not so much reguard to his owne as the generall good These reasons so prevailed with the young King that he made his Will and therin as much as in him lay excluded both his Sisters from the Succession to the Crowne and all others whosoever beside the Duke of Suffolke's Daughters This Will was read in presence of the Counsaile and the chiefe Iudges of the Realme and by each of them confirmed with a strict command that no man should publish the contents of it least it might prove an occasion of sedition and civill tumults The Archbishop CRANMER did for a while refuse to subscribe to it not deeming it any way agreeable to equity that the right of lawfull Succession should vpon any pretences be violated But the King vrging him and making Religion a motive which was otherwise likely to suffer after a long deceptation he was at length drawne to assent But these delaies of his were so little reguarded by Queene MARY that vnder her scarce any man was sooner marked out for destruction Some few daies after these passages on the fixt of Iuly in the sixteenth yeare of his age King EDWARD at Greenwich surrendred his soule to God having vnder his Tutors reigned six yeares five moneths and nineteene daies and even in that tender age given great proofe of his vertue a Prince of great devotion constancy of minde love of the Truth and incredibly studious vertues which with Royall Greatnesse seldome concur Some three howers before his death not thinking any one had beene present to over-heare him he thus commended himselfe to God O Lord God free me Ibeseech thee out of this miserable and calamitous life and receive me among the number of thine Elect if so be it be thy pleasure although not mine but thy will he done To thee O Lord do J commend my Spirit Thou knowest O Lord how happy J shall be may I live with thee in Heaven yet would I might live and be well for thine Elects sake that I might faithfully serve thee O Lord God blesse thy People and save thine Jnheritance O Lord God save thy people of England defend this Kingdome frome Popery and preserve thy true Religion in it that Iand my People may blesse thy most Holy Name for thy Sonne IESVS CHRIST Then opening his eyes which he had hitherto closed and seeing Doctor OWEN the Physition from whose report we have this Prayer sitting by Are you there quoth he J had not thought you had been so neere who answered I heard you speake but could not collect your words Jndeed replied the King J was making my prayer to God A little after he suddenly cried out I faint Lord have mercy vpon me and receive my Soule which words he had scarce spoken ere hee departed Much might be spoken in praise of this Prince but reguardfull of my intended brevity I will only give you a taste of him out of CARDAN who about a yeare before travailing through England toward Scotland was admitted to his presence The conference betweene them he thus describeth Aderant illi speaking of the King Gratiae Linguas enim multas callebat puer c. He was stored with Graces for being yet a Childe he spake many Languages his native English Latine French and as I heare was also skilled in the Greeke Italian Spanish and peradventure some others He wanted neither the rudiments of Logicke the principles of Philosophy nor Musicke He was full of Humanity the relish of Morality of Gravity befitting Royalty of hopes great as himselfe A Childe of so great wit and such expectation could not be borne without a kinde of miracle in nature I write not this Rhetorically with the excesse of an Hyperbole for to
speake all the truth were to spake far more Being yet but in his fifteenth yeare he spake Latine as readily and politely as I could What saith he is the subiect of your Bookes De Rerum Varietate I had dedicated them to his Maiesty CARD In the first Chapter I shew the long hidden and vainly sought after causes of Comets KING And what is the cause CARD The concourse and meeting of the lights of the erratique Stars KING But being the Planets are moved with severall motions how comes it to passe that the Comet doth not either presently dissolve and scatter or move with their motion CARD It moves indeed but with a far swifter motion then the Planets by reason of the diversity of the aspect as we see in Chrystall and the Sunne when a Rainebow rebound vpon a wall for a little change makes a great difference of the place KING But how can that be done without a subiect for the wall is the subiect to the Rainbow CARD As in the Galaxia or Milky way and in the reflection of lights when many candles lighted are set neere one another they do produce a certaine lucid and bright meane You may know the Lion by his paw as they say For his ingenuous nature and sweet conditions he was great in the expectation of all either good or learned men He began to favour learning before he could know it and knew it before he knew what vse to make of it O how true is that saying Jmmodicis brevis est etas rara senectus Immoderate growths short liv'd are aged seld He could give you only a taste of his Vertue not an example When occasion required a Maiestique gravity you should see him act an old man in his affability and mildnesse he shewed his age He plaied on the Lute accustomed himselfe to publique affaires was liberally disposed c. So much CARDAN His Corps was on the ninth of August with no very great pompe interred at Westminister neere to his Grandfather HENRY the Seventh And here had I with this King's death concluded this second Part had not the consideration of a memorable enterprise of this Kings occurred To SEBASTIAN CABOTA a Portugall for his admirable skill in Cosmography and the art of Navigation hee allowed an annuity of an hundred sixty six pounds EDWARD by this CABOTA'S persuasion on the twelfth of May set forth three ships vnder Sir HVGH WILLOVGHBEY for the discovery of vnknowne Regions in the North parts of the world The maine hope of this voiage was that way to open a shorter passage to those vast Countries of the East Catay and China Neere vpon the coast of Norway these Ships were so severed by tempest that they never met againe One of these great Ships ter●ified with the greatnes of irresistable dangers quickly returned home Sir HVGH WILLOVGHBY arrived at last at a Countrey vnder the Latitude of seventy foure degrees not inhabited hitherto to vs vnknowne and was forced to winter there where he all his company were frozen to death The Ship was afterward found by some the like English Adventures and in his Deske a writing relating the adventures of each day his Will also by which it appeared that he lived vntill Ianuary RICHARD CHANCELLER with the third Ship making a more prosperous voyage after many dangers and incer●ainties arrived at last among the Russes and Muscovites To these parts some few yeares after he made a second voyage but in his returne suffered wracke on the Scottish coast where seeking to save the Muscovite Embassador he himselfe was drowned Howsoever he were vnfortunate he opened a rich veine of traffique to succeeding times wherby we have an exact discovery of that Countrey and of the Manners of those Heathen Christians FINIS ANNALES OF ENGLAND QVEENE MARY The Third Booke LONDON Printed by Adam Islip and William Stansby 1630. Fortissimi quique interfecti sunt 〈◊〉 ANNALES OF ENGLAND The third Booke Queene MARY Anno Dom. 1553. Reg. 1. WHen the Lady MARY long since acquainted with Northumberland's secret practices was also certified of her Brother's decease not thinking it safe to abide neere London where her Enemies were in their full strength pretending a feare of the Plague by reason of the suspitious death of one of her houshold she sudainly departed from Saint Edmundsbury and came in one day to Framingham Castle in Suffolke distant from London fourescore miles and seated neere the Sea from whence if Fortune frowned on her shee might make an easie escape into France Here she tooke vpon her the Title of Queene and by letters to her Friends and the Nobles wished their speedy repaire vnto Her In the meane time Northumberland having for two dayes together consulted with his friends concerning the managing of this great businesse the King's death being not yet published sent command to the Lord Maior of London to repaire forthwith to Greenwich with six Aldermen and twelve other Citizens of chiefest account To them he declares the King's departure and the seating of Lady IANE in the Throne of Soveraignety shewing withall the King's Testament vnder Seale which did import no lesse then the setling the Succession on her and that Family He causeth them either by terrour or promises to sweare Allegiance to Lady IANE with command and that vnder a great penalty that they should not as yet divulge these secret passages What a furtherance it might be to his affaires if he could assure himselfe of this Citie hee was too wife to be ignorant of and as for suppressing the report of the King's death hee thought it might prove a meanes to facilitate the surprisall of the Lady MARY as yet probably secure for lacke of notice of her Brother's decease But vnderstanding that shee had made an escape into Suffolke Lady IANE was by almost all the Peeres of the Realme pompously conducted to the Tower and with great solemnity publiquely proclaimed Queene Shee was of age about sixteene of feature not admirable but handsome incredibly learned very quick-witted and wise both beyond her Sexe and above her Age wonderfully devoted to purity of Doctrine and so far from desire of this advancement that shee began not to act her part of Royalty without teares manifesting it to the world that she was sorced by her parents and friends ambition to this high but dangerous ascent At her going through the Citie toward the Tower the concourse of the People was great their acclamations few as if the strangenesse of some new spectacle had drawne them together rather then any intent of gratulation Which Queene MARYES for so we must henceforth call her friends hitherto distrustfull more of successe then the cause accepted of as an happy omen and were incouraged to assist her as occasion should invite them But the presence of Northumberland a man quicke watchfull and very politique was yet a remora to their proceedings Him they must send farther of or be content to si● still The
Gentlemen of the Kings Priuy Chamber and MARKE SVETON a Musitian either as Partakers or accessory were to run the same fortune The King greatly favoured NORRIS and is reported to be much grieved that he was to dy with the rest Whereupon he offered pardon to him conditionally that he would confesse that whereof hee was accused But hee answered resolutely and as it became the progenitor of so many valiant Heroes That in his conscience he thought her guiltlesse of the obiected crime but whether she were or no he could not accuse her of any thing and that he had rather vndergo a thousand deaths then betray the Innocent Vpon relation whereof the King cryed out Hang him vp then Hang him vp then Which notwithstanding was not accordingly executed For on the thirteenth of May two dayes after his condemnation all of them viz. the Viscont Rochfort NORRIS BRIERTON and SVETON were beheaded at Tower hill NORRIS left a sonne called also HENRY whom Queene ELIZABETH in contemplation of his Fathers deserts created Baron of Ricot This Lord NORRIS was father to those great Captaines WILLIAM IOHN THOMAS and EDWARD in our dayes so famous throughout Christendome for their braue exploits in England France Irland and the Netherlands On the nineteenth of May the Queene was brought to the place of execution in the greene within the Tower some of the Nobility and Companies of the City being admitted rather to be witnesses than spectators of her death To whom the Queene hauing ascended the scaffold spake in this manner Friends and good Christian people J am here in your presence to suffer death whereto J acknowledge my selfe adiudged by the Lawes how iustly J will not say for I intend not an accusation of any one J beseech the Almighty to preserue his Mai●sty long to raigne ouer you a more gentle or milde Prince neuer swayed Scepter his bounty and clemency towards me I am sure hath beene especiall If any one intend an inquisitiue survey of my actions J intreat him to iudge favourably of me and not rashly to admit of any hard censorious conceit And so I bid the world farewell beseeching you to commend mee in your Prayers to God To thee O Lord do J commend my Soule Then kneeling downe shee incessantly repeated these words CHRIST haue mercy on my soule Lord IESVS receive my soule vntill the Executioner of Ca●ais at one blow smote off her head with a sword Had any one three yeares before at what time the King so hot in the pursuit of his loue preferred the enioying of this Lady beyond his Friends his Estate his Health Safeguard and his onely Daughter prophetically foretold the vnhappy fate of this Princesse he should haue beene beleeued with CASSANDRA But much more incredible may all wise men thinke the vnheard of crime for which shee was condemned viz. That fearing least her Daughter the Lady ELIZATETH borne while CATHARINE survived should bee accompted illegitimate in hope of other especially masle Issue whereof shee despaired by the King now neere fifty yeares old shee had lasciviously vsed the company of certaine young Courtiers nay not therewith content had committed incest with her owne Brother A strange ingratitude in one raised from so low degree euen to the height of honour I will not derogate from the Authority of publique Records But an Act of Parliament against her shall not worke on my beliefe Surely it carried so little shew of probability with foraine Princes that they alwaies deemed it an act of inhumane cruelty Especially the Estates of Germany Confederates for the defence of the Reformed Religion who having often treated with FOX Bishop of Hereford and other Embassadours had decreed to make HENRY Head of their League and had designed an Embassy by IOHN STVRMIVS who should haue brought with him into England those excellent Divines PHILIP MELANCTHON and MARTIN BVCER with one GEORGE DRACO who should endeavour that and the Reformation of our Church But having heard of the lamentable and vnworthy as they iudged it end of the Queene loathing the King for his inconstancy and cruelty they cast off all farther thought of that matter I will not presume to discusse the truth of their opinion But freely to speake what I my selfe thinke There are two reasons which sway much with mee in the behalfe of the Queene That her Daughter the Lady ELIZABETH was seated in the Royall Throne where shee for so many yeares ruled so happily and triumphantly What shall we thinke but that the Divine Goodnesse was pleased to recompence the iust calamity of the Mother in the glorious prosperity of the Daughter And then consider but the Kings precipitated Nuptialls the very next day after the death of his former Wife yet scarce interred and with whose warme bloud his imbrued hands yet reaked consider this I say and you shall easily be persuaded with mee that the insatiable Prince glutted with the satiety of one and out of the desire of variety seeking to enioy another did more willingly giue eare to the treacherous calumnies of the malicious Popelings than either befitted an vpright Iudge or a louing husband For it seemeth wonderfull strange to mee that either the fault of the one or the pleasing conditions and faire language of the other Wife should so far possesse the King as that hee should procure his daughter ELIZABETH to be by Act of Parliament declared illegitimate the matrimony contracted with both the former Queenes CATHARINE and ANNE to be pronounced invalid and the Crowne to be perpetually established on the posterity of the third wife or if the King had no Issue by her that then it should bee lawfull for him by Will and Testament to transfer it on whome hee pleased Parliaments were not then so rigid but that they could flatter the Prince and condescend to his demands though vniust even in cases which most neerely concerned the publique Weale But servile Feare is oft times more ready then Loue which slowly moves by apprehension of Good as the other is quickely forced by the apprehension of Danger On the twentieth of May the King married IANE SEIMOVR Daughter of Sir IOHN SEIMOVR who on the nine and twentieth of May being Whitsonday clad in royall habiliments was openly shewed as Queene So that the Court of England was now like a Stage whereon are represented the vicissitudes of ever various Fortune For within one and the same moneth it saw Queene ANNE flourishing accused condemned executed and another assumed into her place both of bed and honour The first of May it seemeth shee was informed against the second imprisoned the fifteenth condemned the seventeenth deprived of her Brother and Friends who suffered in her cause and the nineteenth executed On the twentieth the King married IANE SEIMOVR who on the nine and twentieth was publiquely shewed as Queene The death of this innocent Lady God seemed to revenge in the immature end of the Duke of Richmond the Kings only but naturall
at Canterbury dedicated to AVGVSTINE the English Apostle who was there interred This being the first Fruits of Christianity among this Nation I meane the Saxons for the Britans had beene watred with streames derived even from the Fountaines Apostolique far more pure then were those later overflowes of AVGVSTINE hee invades expells the Monkes and divides their meanes betweene his Exchequer and Courtiers Battaile Abbey built by WILLIAM the Conquerour in the same place where by the overthrow of HARALD the last Saxon King hee purchased this Kingdome to himselfe and his posterity did also run the same fortune So that it is not so much to be wondered at if those at Merton in Surrey Stratford in Essex Lewis in Sussex the Charterhouse Blacke-Friers Gray-Friers and White-Friers in London felt the fury of the same Whirlewinde At the same time among many other Reformations in this Church that wholesome Iniunction was one whereby the Bible translated and printed in English was commanded to be kept in every parish Church and to bee conveniently placed where any that were so desirous might reade therein They who were more eagerly addicted to the superstition of their Ancestours brooked not these proceedings among whom were chiefe HENRY COVRTNEY Marquis of Excester HENRY Lord Mountague brother to Cardinall POOLE and Sir EDWARD NEVILL brother to the Lord ABERGAVENNY who on the fifth day of November vpon the accusation of Sir GEOFFREY POOLE Brother to the Lord MOVNTAGVE were committed to the Tower for having maintained intelligence with the Cardinall and conspired the Kings destruction for which they were on the third of the ensuing Ianuary the Lord AVDLEY sitting high Steward for the time arraigned and condemned and on the ninth of the same moneth beheaded Two Priests named CROFTS and COLINS with one HOLLAND a Mariner as partakers in the same guilt were hanged and quartered at Tiburne This COVRTNEY was by the Fathers side of a very noble discent deriving himselfe from the bloud Royall of France by HVGH COVRTNEY created Earle of Devonshire by EDWARD the Third But by his mother hee far more neerely participated of the Bloud Royall of England being Sonne to CATHARINE Daughter to EDWARD the Fourth who was Sister to Queene ELIZABETH the Mother of King HENRY The King l●ng favoured him as his Couzen germane but at length in regard of his neere Alliance to the Crowne became jealous of his Greatnesse whereof hee had lately given more then sufficient testimony in suddenly arming some thousands to oppose against the Yorke-Shire Rebells The consideration whereof made HENRY gladly entertaine any occasion to cut off this Noble Gentleman About the same time IOHN LAMBERT a religious and learned man was also condemned the King himselfe sitting Iudge This LAMBERT being accused of Heresy appealed from his Ordinary to the King who fearing least hee should be accounted a Lutheran resolved vpon this occasion to manifest to the World how hee stood affected in Religion To this end summoning as many of the Bishops and other Peeres of the Realme as could conveniently be present he caused Scaffolds to be built in Westminster Hall from whence the people might be spectators and witnesses of the Acts of that day On the right hand of the King were seated the Bishops and behinde them the Iudges and chief Lawyers of the Realme at his left hand sate the Temporall Lords and behinde them the Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber LAMBERT being brought to the Bar DAY Bishop of Chichester by the Kings appointment made an Oration wherein he declared the cause of this meeting saying That LAMBERT hauing beene accused of Heresy before his Ordinary had made his Appeale vnto the King as if expecting from his Maiesty more favour for Heresy then from the Bishop So that he now found it be true whereof hee had been oft informed That the credulous People were verily persuaded that his Maiesty abhorring the Religion of his Ancestors had embraced the new Tenets lately broached in Germany True it was the tyranny of the Court of Rome had beene troublesome to his Predecessors but to Him intolerable and therefore had Hee shaken it off That Religion might no longer patronize Jdlenesse Hee had expelled Monkes who were no other then Drones in the Bee-hive Hee had taken away the idolatrous worship of Jmages had permitted to his Subiects the reading and knowledge of Gods Word hither to prohibited by the Church of Rome least their wiles and cousenages should be discovered and had made reformation in some other things peradventure of lesse moment which no man could deny would much redound to the good both of Church and Common-wealth But as for other things Hee had determined there should be no change in the Church during his Raigne Which his Resolution Hee now intended publiquely to manifest His Maiesties desire was That the Delinquent renouncing his Errours should suffer himselfe to be received into the bosome of the Church to which end partly and partly to shew that Hee thirsted not after any ones bloud out of his clemency Hee had procured the presence of those Graue and Learned men meaning the Bishops who by Authority and force of Arguments should if it were possible bring backe this straied Sheepe into the Fold of the Church But if hee perversly oppugned the Truth and all persuasions notwithstanding became immoveable Hee would by this mans exemplary punishment make knowne what others should in the like Case expect and instruct the Judges and Magistrates what they ought to do therein The Bishop having ended the King demanded of LAMBERT What hee thought of the presence of CHRISTS body in the Sacrament Whose answer being little to the Kings liking reasons and arguments were produced as if a Disputation in the Schooles and not a Iusticiary Session had beene appointed Five whole hou●es this Disputation lasted the King being as it were Prior Opponent Archbishop CRANMER also and nine other Bishops forcibly pressing vpon poore LAMBERT But neither this course nor the battery of threats and terrors prevailing against his constancy the King commanded the Lord CROMWELL to passe sentence of condemnation vpon him by vertue whereof within a day or two after hee was burned Neither this dreadfull Sentence nor his torturing death did any way appale him which hee so little reguarded that going to his death hee merrily tooke his break●ast with some Gentlemen into whose company he chanced as if hee had beene going to some sportfull game rather then his execution Anno Dom. 1539. Reg. 31. ON the third of March Sir NICHOLAS CAREW Knight of the Garter and Master of the Horse was beheaded for being of Counsaile with the Marquis of Excester and the Lord MOVNTAGVE And on the eight and twentieth of April a Parliament began wherein MARGARET Countesse of Salisbury Mother to Cardinall POOLE and Daughter to GEORGE Duke of Clarence who was brother to EDWARD the Fourth was attainted of high Treason and condemned without hearing and with her the Cardinall
faire sprouts to the blast of vnseasonable hopes and nature denying any at least lawfull issue to the rest the name and almost remembrance of this great Family hath ceased Of which hereafter Scotland had beene long peaceable yet had it often administred motives of discontent and jealousy IAMES the Fifth King of Scots Nephew to HENRY by his Sister having long liued a Bachelor HENRY treated with him concerning a marriage with his then only Childe the Lady MARY a Match which probably would have vnited these neighbour Kingdomes But God had reserved this Vnion for a more happy time The antient League betweene France and Scotland had alwaies made the Scots affected to the French and IAMES prefer the alliance with France before that of England where the Dowry was no lesse than the hopes of a Kingdome So he marrieth with MAGDALEN a Daughter of France who not long surviving hee againe matcheth there with MARY of Guise Widow to the Duke of Longueville HENRY had yet a desire to see his Nephew to which end he desired an enterview at Yorke or some other oportune place IAMES would not condiscend to this who could notwithstanding vndertake a long and dangerous voyage into France without invitation These were the first seeds of discord which after bladed to the Scots destruction There having been for two yeares neither certaine peace nor a iust War yet incursions from each side Forces are assigned to the Duke of Norfolke to represse the insolency of the Scots and secure the Marches The Scot vpon newes of our being in Armes sends to expostulate with the Duke of Norfolke concerning the motives of this war and withall dispatcheth the Lord GORDON with some small Forces to defend the Frontiers The Herauld is detained vntill our Army came to Berwick that hee might not give intelligence of our strength And in October the Duke entring Scotland continued there ransacking the Countrey without any opposition of the Enemy vntill the middle of November By which time King IAMES having levied a great Army resolved on a battaile the Nobility persuading the contrary especially vnwilling that hee should any way hazard his Person the losse of his Father in the like manner being yet fresh in memory and Scotland too sensible of the calamities that ensued it The King proving obstinate they detaine him by force desirous rather to hazard his displeasure than his life This tendernesse of him in the language of rage and indignation hee termes cowardise and treachery threatening to set on the Enemy assisted with his Family only The Lord MAXWELL seeking to allay him promised with ten thousand only to invade England and with far lesse then the English Forces to divert the war The King seemes to consent But offended with the rest of the Nobility he gives the Lord OLIVER SAINTCLARE a private Commission not to be opened vntill they were ready to give the on●et wherein hee makes him Generall of the Army Having in England discovered five hundred English horse led by Sir THOMAS WHARTON and Sir WILLIAM MVS GRAVE the Lord SAINTCLARE commanded his Commission publiquely to be read the recitall whereof so distasted the Lord MAXWELL and the whole Army that all things were in a confusion and they ready to disband The oportunity of an adioining hill gave vs a full prospect into their Army and invited vs to make vse of our advantages Wee charge them furiously the Scots amazedly fly many are slaine many taken more plunged in the neighbouring fens and taken by Scotish Freebooters sold to vs. Among the Captives were the Earles of Glencarne and Cassells the Lords SAINTCLARE MAXWELL Admirall of Scotland FLEMING SOMERWELL OLIPHANT and GRAY besides two hundred of the better sort and eighthundred common souldiers The consideration of this overthrow occasioned as hee conceived by the froward rashnesse of his owne Subiects and the death of an English Herauld slaine in Scotland so surcharged him with rage and griefe that hee fell sicke of a Fever and died in the three and thirtieth yeare of his age and two and thirtieth of his raigne leaving his Kingdome to the vusally vnhappy governement of a Woman a Childe scarce eight dayes old The chiefe of the captives being conveied to the Tower were two dayes after brought before the King's Counsaile where the Lord Chancellour reprehended their treachery who without due denunciation of war invaded and spoiled the territories of their Allies and committed many outrages which might excuse any severe courses which might in iustice be taken with them Yet his Maiesty out of his naturall Clemency was pleased to deale with them beyond their deserts by freeing them from the irkesomenesse of a strict imprisonment and disposing of them among the Nobles to beby them entertained vntill He should otherwise determine of them By this time King IAMES his death had possessed HENRY with new hopes of vniting Britaine vnder one Head England had a Prince and Scotland a Queene but both so young that many accidents might dissolve a contract before they came to sufficiency Yet this seeming a course intended by the Divine Providence to extirpate all causes of enmity and discord betweene these neighbouring Nations a marriage betweene these young Princes is proposed With what alacrity and applaufe the proposition was on both sides entertained wee may conceive who have had the happinesse to see that effected which they but intended Which being a matter of so sweet a consequence it is to be wondred at that the conspiracy of a few factious spirits should so easily hinder it The hope of it prevailed with the King for the liberty of the Captives conditionally that they should leave hostages for their returne if peace were not shortly concluded which as also the furtherance of this so wished coniunction they faithfully promised Anno Dom. 1543. Reg. 35. AFter their short Captivity the Scottish Lords having beene detained onely twelve dayes at London on New yeares day began their iourney towards Scotland and with them ARCHIBALD DOVGLAS Earle of Angus whom his Sonne in law King IAMES had a little before his death intended to recall Fifteene yeares had hee and his brother GEORGE lived exiles in England HENRY out of his Royall Bounty allowing to the Earle a pension of a thousand markes and to his brother of five hundred The sudaine returne of these captive Lords caused in most as sudaine a ioy Only the Cardinall of Saint ANDREWS who had by forgery made himselfe Regent and his faction could willingly have brooked their absence They came not as freed from a Captivity but as Embassadours for Peace by them ernestly persuaded which by the happy coniunction of these Princes might be concluded to perpetuitie But the Cardinall with his factious Clergy the Queene Dowager and as many as were affected to the Flower de Lys interposed themselves for the good of France Yet notwithstanding the Cardinals fraud being detected hee is not only deposed from his Regency and IAMES HAMILTON
Earle of Arren substituted but also committed to custody whence afterwards making an escape hee was the authour of more garboiles In the meane time the marriage of the young Queene and other conditions proposed to the Estate of Scotland by Sir RALPH SADLER the Kings Embassadour are fully assented vnto and hostages promised for the performance of them But the adverse Faction became so prevalent that the hostages were not delivered at the day neither did the Captive Nobility render themselves in England Only GILBERT KENNEDA Earle of Cassels like another REGVLVS had rather commit himselfe to the mercy of his enemies then prostitute his Honour to the fowle taint of base infidelity His brethren had become pledges for his returne the importunity nay violence of his friends could not deterre him from redeeming them So to London he ca●●e where the bountifull King duly honouring him for his constancy in steed of receiving a ranson gave him one dismissing him and his brothers fraught with honour and rewards The Scots falling off from their late agreement the King commandeth stay to bee made of all their ships and confiscateth their goods sends letters full of threats and iust complaints to the Estates at Edinborough bla●●ing them for arrogantly re●ecting his Alliance the want whereof must needs be preiudiciall to them neither had they onely reiected it but vnmindfull of former benefit● had sowen seeds of new warre and forced him to armes But letters proving in effectuall Scotland is by the frontier Garisons invaded in three severall places forty Scots making resistance are slaine five and fifty Villages burned five hundred and sixtie prisoners taken and a booty brought into England of three thousand five hundred head of cattell eight hundred horses and seven thousand sheepe beside great provision of houshold stuffe But this obstinacy of the Scots proceeded not onely from themselves France and Scotland were ever combined against England so that to invade one was to draw on a war with both Wee had beene often victorious in France wherof many portions anciently belonged to Vs if we should make any claime to all or part of our Inheritance Scotland would serve either to distract our forces or to transfer the seat of the war ne●rer home The vniting of England and Scotland would by securing vs at home facilitate our enterprises vpon France These were motives sufficient for FRANCIS notwithstanding the long inviolate amity betweene him and HENRY secretly to crosse our designes in Scotland Whereof HENRY could not long be sensible and not revenge Wherefore hee proclaimes open hostility with France as he had already with Scotla●● and reconciles himselfe with the Emperour before thought irreconciliable in reguard of his Aunts disgrace who professed that all causes of difference betweene them were buried with her yet is it certaine that vnto the Pope he accused HENRY to have dispatched her by poison But now they are become Confederates and an aide of ten thousand English sent to ioyne with Imperialls Landrecy a towne lately taken from the Emperour by the French is the first exercise of our Armes The Emperour also comming in Person it is invested with forty thousand men is furiously battered and the souldiers brought to the distresse of halfe a provant loafe of bread a day and to drinke water FRANCIS being certified of their wants assembles his forces drawesneere the Emperour feeding him with hope of a Battaile entertaining him with skirmishes relieves the besieged and without any more adoe vnder the covert of the night retreats Let vs now conclude the yeare at home And to begin with the Church In February the people by Proclamation is licenced to eate White Meates in Lent but vnder a great penalty enioyned to abstaine from Flesh The third of Iune MOROGH O BRIEN a Nobleman of Irland descended from the Kings of Limrick submitted himselfe to the King and was shortly after made Earle of Twomond which honour his posteritie at this day enioyeth having given ample proofe of their loyalty to succeeding Princes The twelf of Iuly the King married his sixt Wife the Lady CATHARINE PARR Widow to the Lord LATIMER and sister of WILLIAM PARR lately created Earle of Essex in the right of his Wife sole Daughter and heire to the late Earle HENRY BOVRCHIER At what time another of the same name Vnckle to the Queene and the Earle was created Lord Parr and Chamberlaine to the Queene The eight and twentieth of Iuly for the profession of their Faith were ANTHONY PARSONS ROBERT TESTWOOD and HENRY FILMER burned at London MARBECK was also condemned but afterward pardoned Anno Dom. 1544. Reg. 36. THe Lord THOMAS AVDLEY Chancellour of England deceasing the last of Aprill the Lord WRIOTHSLEY chiefe Secretary of Estate is designed his successor And the Earle of Hertford made Lieutenant of the North is sent thither with an Army to represse the incursions of the Scots The Viscount Lisle Admirall of England with a Navy of two hundred saile entred the Forth of Scotland landed ten thousand men forced the rich towne of Leith and then marched toward Edenburg the Metropolis of the Kingdome The Regent was there with the Cardinall at whose dispose hee now wholy was and many other Nobles guarded with six thousand horse and a great number of foote who vpon sight of an invading Army betooke themselves to flight and left the City voide of defendants The Provost craving parley offred to yeild the city vpon condition of departure with Bag and Baggage and saving the towne from fire But the breach of League and insolencies of the inhabitants of Leith and Edenburg had inspired vs with revenge so that no Conditions were to be admitted but what the Victor should impose This drives the Provost to a desperate resolution of defence The English give a furious assault enter at the Canygate put the inhabitants to the sword pillage and fire it The like calamitie felt the Country round about fire and sword cruelly feeding vpon Villages Castles and Noblemens houses Leith had hitherto beene reprived from the like misery but at our returne to the Navy it is made its owne funerall pile and the Peere of the haven vtterly consumed New imployments call home our Admirall HENRY resolves once more to transport his Armes into France there to ioyne with the Earles of Reux and Bares Imperiall Commanders It was agreed betweene the Emperour and the King that the one should invade Champaigne the other Picardy and having vnited their forces which should amount to fourescore thousand foote and eighteene thousand horse to march directly to Paris thereby either to force the French to fight with disadvantage or to suffer the ruine of his Countrey HENRY lands at Calais and finds Picardy vnfurnished of men FRANCIS having withdrawne his forces towards Champaigne to oppose them against the Emperour Hee therefore sends the Duke of Norfolke with the Earles of Reux and Bures to beseege Montrueil The Marshall of Biez
who rallying themselves seemed desperately resolved to renue the fight But the proposall of a Pardon made them cast away iheir armes and peaceably to depart The number of the chiefe authors of this Commotion who were hanged was great But ROBERT KET a Tanner who in those times and by that trade had gathered a fortune of a brace of thousands was above all as in Fault so in Execution remarkable He had beene the Chieftaine in this Rebellion and was not in reason to be obscured among the common sort wherfore it being thought fit that he should surmount them in the glory of a more notorious punishment he was fairely hanged in chaines on the verv top of Norwich Castle While the Easterne parts of the Kingdome were thus possessed the Westerne parts were not lesse tormented with the same Furies Devonshire and Cornwall with some additions out of Somersetshire had on the same pretences armed fifteene thousand men who after they had licentiously ransacked the Countrey at length sate downe before the famous City of Excester Forty dayes they besieged it and were repulsed by the Inhabitants though vtterly destitute of warlike provision On the sixt of August IOHN Lord Russell after Earle of Bedford entring the City with forces and munition disassieged it pursued the Rebells slew some tooke others to the number of foure thousand whereof many were after executed but especially HVMFREY ARVNDELL Captaine of S. Michaels Mount in Cornwall a man of antient descent and sufficiently ample revenues so that I cannot sufficiently wonder what madnesse drave him to associate himselfe with this desperate and vnruly rabble With him were hanged ROBERT BOCHIN IO. TOMSON ROGER BARRET IO. VLCOCKE WILL. ASA IAMES NORTON IO. BARON and RICHARD BENET Priests and besides them IOHN and IAMES ROSOGAN IO. PAYNE THO. VNDERHILL and IO. SOLMAN all prime incendiaries and chiefe authors of this tumult The City of Excester in memory of this their delivery hath ever sithence with an anniversary solemnity kept the sixt of August holy As for the other Counties infested with the reliques of this rebellion the evill being tempestively supprest before it spred it selfe and the ringleaders punished they were quickely reduced to their former temper Neither were our affaires more peaceable abroad then at home For HENRY King of France taking advantage of our domestique sedition not reguarding the League concluded betweene vs and his Father invaded Boloignois where his successe was such that he was animated to greater attempts He sets forth a Fleet for the taking in of the Isles of Iersey and Guarnesey the sole portions remaining to the English of the Duchy of Normandy At these Isles the French are with great losse driven abord their ships At the landing they lost a thousand men and we very few About Bouloigne Mont Lambert Sellaque and Ambleteul were lost Sellaque was defended by two Ensignes But having beene battered by the Enemy while we vnwarily parley with MONTMORENCY was on the five and twentieth of August forced by them At Ambleteul were six Ensignes of Foote who for some dayes made good the place But finding themselves vnable long to hold out against so great forces vpon no other termes then grant of lives yeelded the Fort to the French The losse of these places so daunted the Garrison at Blanconet that having beene scarce saluted by the Enemies Cannon vpon condition of life and goods they quitted the place Neither was this the last important effect of our conceived terrour for the English at Mont-Lambert not so much as attending the comming of the Enemie fired their lodgings made their provision vnusefull and retreated to Guisnes The Fort at the Tower of Ordre fortified both by nature and art gave a period to this yeares successe standing resolutely vpon defence vntill the extremity of Winter forced the French to raise their siege The losse of these small pieces set the Protector in the wane of the vulgar opinion and afforded sufficient matter for Envy to worke on Among the Lords of the Privy Counsaile the most eminent was the Earle of Warwick● a man of a vast spirit which was the more inlarged by the contemplation of his great Acts performed both abroad and at home He had long looked asquint vpon Somersets greatnesse whom in a favorable esteeme of himselfe he deemed far beneath him and was withall persuaded that could he but remove the Duke due reguards would cast the Protectorship on him The consideration also of the Dukes nakednesse disarmed of that metalsome peice the Admirall En quo discordia Fratres Perduxit miseros made his hopes present themselves in the more lively shapes He seekes about for sufficient matter wherewith to charge the Duke who could not be long ignorant of these practises against him The Duke finding himselfe aimed at but not well discerning whether the Earle intended a legall or military processe against him on the sixt of October from Hampton-Court where the King then resided sent letters to the City of London requiring from thence an aid of a thousand men who should guard the King and him from the treacherous attempts of some ill-affected Subiects And in the meane time presseth in the adiacent Countrey where having raised a reasonable company he the same night carried away the King attended by some of the Nobility and some of the Counsaile from thence to Windsore a place because fortified more safe and convenient for resistance But the Earle had made a greater part of the Counsaile who accompanied him at London To them he makes a formall complaint against the Protector beseeching them by their assistance to secure him from the Protectors malice who sought to intrap him for his life These Lords send a contre-letter to the Londoners demanding aids of them for the delivery of the King out of the hands of his Enemy for so they were pleased to terme the Duke Then they send abroad Proclamations wherein they insert the chiefe heads of their accusation as that By sowing seeds of discord the Duke had troubled that setled and peaceable estate wherin King HENRY had left this Kingdome and had beene the chiefe cause that it had lately beene ingaged in Ciuill wars to the losse of many thousand lives That many Forts conquered by HENRY with hazard of his Person were by the Dukes either cowardise or treachery regained by the Enemy That he reguarded not the advice of the rest of the Lords of the Counsaile and had plainely neglected King HENRY'S instructions concerning the governement of the Kingdomes of England and Irland That his chiefe studies and wherein he was most seene were to rake vp wealth to maintaine a Faction among the Nobility and yet comply with both parties for his owne advantages to build stately Palaces far exceeding the proportion of a Subiect and that even in the very instan that the Estate did shrinke vnder the burthen both of intestine and foraine wars The Duke certified of their proceedings and seeing himselfe forsaken
for the Londoners being prepossessed were so far from supplying him that they at the same time afforded his Adversary five hundred and the greatest part of the Nobility had by ioining with the Earle made their cause one at last forsooke himselfe also and craving of the adverse party that they would abstaine from violence toward him and proceed only according to the vsuall courses of Legall tryall delivered the King to their Tuition and remitted himselfe to their disposall by whom on the fourteenth of October he was committed to the Tower together with Sir MICHAEL STANHOP Sir THOMAS SMITH Sir IOHN THIN and some others On the tenth of November died PAVL the Third having sate Pope neere about fifteene yeares The Conclave of Cardinalls consulting about the election of a new Pope began to have reguard of Cardinall POOLE in whome the greatnesse of his Extract his Vertuous Life Gravity and admirable Learning were very considerable motives The Conclave was at that time divided some were Imperialists some French and a third Part wherof the Cardinall FARNESE was principall stood Neuter These lator at length ioining with the Imperialists cast their vnanimous Votes vpon POOLE Who vpon notice of his Election blamed them for their rashnesse advising them againe and againe that they should not in their Consultations be mis-led by perturbation of minde or do any thing for friendship or favour but totally to direct their cogitations to the honor of God and the profit of his Church POOLE himselfe having thus put off the matter the French Cardinalls began to alledge That in reguard of the difficulties of wayes and distance of places many of the Colledge were yet absent and that there was no reason why they should with such precipitation proceed to a partiall Election before the Conclave were full The Cardinall CARAFFA who some yeares after was Pope by the name of PAVL the Fourth a waiward old man whose cold spirits were set on fire by Envy and Ambition sought to make vse of POOLE'S modesty to his owne advantage hoping himselfe as eminent and in as faire a way as any of the Colledge POOLE excepted might be advanced to the Chaire And to lessen the favour of the Conclave towards POOLE he betooke himselfe to calumnies accusing POOLE of suspicion of Heresy and Incontinency that In Germany and his Legacy at Trent he had too much favoured the Lutheraus had often entertained IMMANVEL TREMELLIVS had inrolled ANTONIO FLAMINIO suspested of Lutheranisme in his Family and promoted him to many Ecclesiasticall Dignities and in his Legacy at Viterbo vsed not that severity against that sort of men that was requisite Neither could that composed gravity so free him from the taint of loosenesse but that many were of opinion he had cloistered a Virgin of his owne begetting That he wondred what the Conclave meant with so impetuous a current to proceed to the election of this one man and he a forainer as if Italy it selfe were so barren of deserving men that we must be faine to send for this man out of Britaine almost the farthest part of the knowne World to invest him in the Papacy wherof what would be the effect but that the Emperour at whose devotion this man wholly was might once againe make himselfe Master of Rome now by indulgence as before by force To these allegations POOLE'S reply was such that he not only cleered himselfe but also quickened the almost extinguished desires of the Conclave to elect him The major part wherof assembling at his chamber by night wished LVDOVICO PRIVLO the Cardinalls bosome friend betweene whome the correspondence of their dispositions had bred a mutuall affection to awake him for that having elected him they were purposely come an accustomed ceremony to Adore him and dissolve the Conclave PRIVLO having signified to him with testimonies of excessive ioy the intent of these Cardinalls was greatly blamed by him and they dismissed with this answer That a matter of so great consequence carrying with it so great a burthen that it would deterre an ingenuous man from the acceptation of it was not to be tumultuously but vpon mature deliberation orderly to be transacted as for the season it was vtterly vnfit for asmuch as God was the God of Light and not of Darkenesse they should therfore do well to defer it vntill the next day and if then their resolutions proved the same he would submit himselfe to their pleasures The Italian Cardinalls conceiving these delayes to proceed out of stupidity began to contemne him and changing their determinations a little after pitched vpon Cardinall MONTANVS whome they created Pope by the name of IVLIVS the Third Anno Dom. 1550 Reg. 4. THe Duke of Somerset having now for three moneths continued a prisoner and not convicted of any crime which might touch his life it being not thought fitting that so great a man lately Protector of the King's Person and Realme should for a small offence be condemned to perpetuall imprisonment is vnder-hand dealt with to submit himselfe with acknowledgement that hee had deserved this or whatsoever greater punishment the King should be pleased to inflict on him and withall to implore the favour of his Maiesties Royall Clemency To this he easily condiscended and was on the sixt of February set at liberty but not restored to the dignity of Protector onely contenting himselfe with the ranke of a Privy Counsailor But it being conceived that revenge might draw the Duke to new practises by mediation of Friends hee is reconciled to the Earle of Warwicke and that this attonement might be the more firme and sincere the Dukes Daughter is on the third of June married to the Viscont Lisle the Earle of Warwicks Sonne the King gracing the Nuptialls with his presence THVANVS I know not vpon what grounds writeth That the Earle by a kinde of counterfeit shew that he was desirous of the restitution of the Romish Religion had setled himselfe in the good opinion of the vulgar who had not yet learned to renew themselves by casting off the old skin but reverenced Superstition for it's reputed Antiquity and that his dissimulation being discovered fearing least he should be forsaken of them whom he had with false hopes deluded the consideration thereof and of the Dukes milde and free disposition would indeere his Adversary to them to prevent this danger he contrived this alliance with the Duke and procured his liberty In the meane of these passages on the nineteenth of January the Lord Russell Lord Privy Seale was created Earle of Bedford WILLIAM Lord Saint-John Earle of Wiltshire and Sir WILLIAM PAGET Lord Paget The Earle of Bedford and the Lord Paget were within three dayes after with Sir WILLIAM PETERS and Sir IOHN MASON dispatched into France for the Treatie of a Peace with the Deputies appointed by the French who were MONTMORECY Gouernour of Picardy GASPER COLIGNY Lord of Chastillon afterward Admirall of France ANDREW GILLAR MORTAIR and WILLIAM BOVCHERELLE
same day that Lady IANE entred the Tower letters sent from Queene MARY are read openly at Counsaile Table wherein she commands the Lords to repaire to her as being the next in Succession to the Crowne and that they at last should take example from the generall votes of the Kingdome shee being now every where acknowledged the lawfull Soveraigne And indeed the Norfolke and Suffolke men were become hers and the wiser sort did easily discerne that the affections of the people were hers Wherefore it was thought at first expedient speedily to levie an Armie and that while yet the hearts of the people were free from any impression and their minds yet equally poised in the ballance of irresolution were either way to be swayed By this course they might be peradventure too strong for the Queene and preventing her plea by Armes force her to plead more necessarily for her li●e And an Army was raised whereof the Duke of Suffolke was appointed Generall But the fau●ors of MARYES cause whose maine proiect was to remove that grand obstacle the Duke of Northumberland slily insinuating themselves with Ladie IANE persuaded her not to part with her Father but to dispatch Northumberland for this imployment the very terrour of whose name his late victorie over the Norfolke Rebels being yet fresh in memorie would effect more then the other could either by policie or armes And indeed to whose trust could a daughter be better committed then to her Fathers As for the Citie the Faith and wonted Wisdome of the Counsaile now with her would containe it in obedience and worke it to her best advantages Shee poore Lady swaied with these reasons ernestly beseeched Northumberland himselfe to vndergo this burthen who at length though vnwillingly consented His chiefe feare was least the advantage of his absence might incourage opposite practisers to raise some tumults But finding either excuses or absolute denials no way available he prepares himselfe for this expedition and on the thirteenth of Iuly sets forth from London with an Army of six thousand At hi● departure it is reported hee should say to the Lord GRAY of Wilton who then accompanied him Do you see my Lord what a conflux of people here is drawne together to see vs march And yet of all this multitude you heare not so much as one that wisheth vs successe The Londoners stood very well affected in point of Religion so did also for the most part the Suffolke and the Norfolke men and they knew MARY to be absolute for Popery But the English are in their due respects to their Prince so loyally constant that no reguards no not pretext of Religion can alienate their affections from their lawfull Soveraigne whereof the miserable ca●e of Lady IANE will anon give a memorable example For although her Faction had laid a strong foundation and as may appeare by the premises had most artificially raised their superstructure yet as soone as the true vndoubted Heire did but manifest her resolution to vindicate her Right this accurate pile presently fell and dissolved as it were in the twinckling of an eye and that chiefly by their ind●vour of whom for their Religions sake Ladie IANE might have presumed her selfe assured Neither were the people made any thing the more inclinable by publikely impugning Queene MARYES Right in the Pulpit a course wherein Northmmberland ingaged many a Preacher Nay even in the City of London that learned and godly Prelate NICHOLAS RIDLEY vpon the deprivation of BONER consecrated Bishop of London who I wish had not erred in this matter was scarce heard out with patience As for Queene MARY if that Rule of the Civilians bee not true that Matrimony contracted without any conceived impediment although it after chance to be dissolved as v●l●wfull is of such force that the Children begotten in such wedlocke are to be accounted lawfull yet why they should seeke to exclude the Ladie ELIZABETH I cannot but wonder neither can I thinke that any probable reason therefore could be yeilded by them who deemed Queene MARY illegitimate To let passe also in the meane time MARY Queene of Scots to whom without doubt the Issue of HENRY the Fighth being extinct the Crowne properly belonged Whatsoever the reasons vrged by these Preachers were they were so farre from making any impression in the mindes of the People that they every where flocked abundantly to Queene MARY and this not out of a vulgar levity many of the Nobility and other prime men having followed her partie even from the beginning such were the Earles of Bathe and Sussex the Heires of the Lords WHARTON and MORDANT Sir WILLIAM DRVRY Sir IOHN SHELTON Sir HENRY BEDINGFEILD Sir HENRY IERNEGAM SVLIERD FRESTON and others But above all Sir EDWARD HASTINGS brother to the Earle of Huntingdon was most famous who having Commission from the Duke of Northumberland to raise foure thousand Foot after hee had levied them revolted to Queene MARY For which act she afterward created him Baron of Lowborough honouring also Sir IOHN WILLIAMS with another Baronie as a reward of his faithfull service And Serieant MORGAN not comming short of these in his devoir became afterward one of the chiefe Iudges of the Realme But an vnexpected accident did most advantage Queene MARYES affaires Six ships had Northumberland set forth on that part of the Kingdome where it is confined with the German Ocean that he might intercept the Queene if shee sought to make an escape and to have them readie for all occasions These ships were then by tempest driven in at Yarmouth when in the Towne there was a presse of souldiers for the Queene The mariners and souldiers induced partly by threats partly by intreatie yeild the ships to Sir HENRY IERNEGAM for Queene MARYES vse and associate themselues with the new raised companies This was to her a matter of great consequence and that such she deemed it her ioy well testified And now incouraged with these accessions of men ordnance and munition shee feared not Northumberland and resolued not so much her owne defence as the speedie suppression of her Competit●ix The Lords who had hitherto adhered to Ladie IANE were somewhat terrified with this adverse accident And the Queenes friends living at Court who had reserved themselves for oportunity and were as yet concealed were now so imboldened as to reveale themselves to each other desiring nothing more then that being set at liberty for yet the Tower was the Court they might but gaine entrance into the Citie that they might more freely discover themselves But they must either make the way or be content to pray only for her whom they could not otherwise advantage It happened that Northumberland had written for more aides At his setting forth he was besides his foure sonnes accompanied with the Marquis of Northampton the Earle of Huntingdon the Lord GRAY and many other persons of note and had when he came to Cambridge an Armie consisting of eight thousand Foot and
two thousand Horse Removing thence toward Saint Edmonsbury hee found that many of his souldiers had forsaken their Colours and was wonderfully iealous least of the remainder many would doe the like Wherefore returning to Cambridge hee plied the Lords of the Counsaile with continuall demands of supplies to fill his companies growne thinne by the departure of so many fugitives The Lords that favoured MARIES cause laying hold on this occasion obsequiously tendring their services for the furtherance of the Dukes designes decree speedie aides for him but pretend that it were dangerous to imploy any other in these levies then such of whose loyalty they might rest assured least the like treacherie might be committed as had beene already by Sir EDWARD HASTINGS and profer themselues for the execution of this affaire So by the Duke of Suffolke his permission they all let loose as it were out of prison disperse themselves over the Citie The chiefest of them that were resolved for the Queene were the Marquis of Winchester Lord Treasurer the Earle of Pembroke the Earle of Arundell whom after a yeares imprisonment with the Lord PAGET the Duke of Northumberland had lately set at liberty and Sir THOMAS CHEYNEY Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports By the industry of these as many of the Lords of the Counsaile as were within call excepting the Duke of Suffolke and as many other of the Nobilitie as were knowne to be at least not enemies to Queene MARYES cause had a meeting at Bainards Castle vnder pretence of conference with the French Embassadour LAVALL about I know not what important businesse But indeed to consult of a meane how to reduce Ladie IANE to her first originall of a private fortune There HENRY Earle of Arundell bitterly inveighing against the Duke of Northumberland after he had ripped vp the acts of former times and burthened him with all that had beene done vniustly cruelly or amisse in the Raigne of King EDWARD hee at last comes to that treacherous act of the disherison of the Children of HENRY the Eighth professing that hee wondred how he had so inthralled such personages intimating those Nobles present as to make them instruments of his wickednesse For by their consent and suffrages it came to passe that the Duke of Suffolkes Daughter the same Northumberland's Daughter in Law did now personate a Queene the grosse and power of Soveraignetie remaining indeed with Northumberland that hee might freely wreake his tyranny on their lives and fortunes Religion is indeed the thing pretended But suppose wee haue no reguard to these Apostolicall Rules Evill must not be done that good may come thereof and wee must obey even evill Princes not for feare but for conscience sake yet how doth it appeare that MARY intends any alteration in Religion Certainly having beene lately petitioned vnto in this point by the Suffolke men She gave them and that was true a very hopefull answer And what a mad blindnesse it is for the avoidance of an vncertaine danger to precipitate our selves into most certaine destruction I would we had not erred in this kind But errours past cannot be recalled some may peradventure be amended wherein speedy execution oftimes happily supplieth former defects Recollect your selves then and so make vse of your authority that MARY the vndoubtedly lawfull Heire may be publiquely proclaimed After hee had spoken to this purpose the Earle of Pembroke readily and generously professed that hee subscribed to the Earle of Arundel's motion and grasping his sword signified his resolution to maintaine the right of MARY against all opposers The rest take after them and decree the same So commanding the repaire of the Lord Maior and the rest of the Aldermen they in Cheapside proclaime Ladie MARY Queene with addition also of the title of Supreme Head of the Church And to adde more maiesty to their act by some devout solemnitie they go in Procession to Pauls singing that admirable hymne of those holy Fathers Saint AMBROSE and Saint AVGVSTINE commonly knowne by its first words Te Deum Then they dispatcht away some companies to seize on the Tower and command the Duke of Suffolke to render himselfe The Duke as easily deiected at the newes as he had formerly beene elevated by vaine hope entring his Daughters chamber forbad the farther vse of Royall ceremonies wishing her to be content with her returne to a private fortune Whereto shee answered with a setled countenance Sir I better brooke this message then my forced advancement to Royalty out of obedience to you and my mother I have grieuously sinned and offred violence to my selfe now I do willingly and as obeying the motions of my soule relinquish the Crowne and indevour to salve those faults committed by others if at least so great an errour may be salved by a willing relinquishment and ingenuous acknowledgement Having spoken thus much shee retired into a withdrawing roome more troubled at the danger she had incurred then the defeasance of so great hopes The Duke himselfe presently repaired to the rest of the Counsaile and subscribed to their Decree This Proclamation was on the nineteenth of Iuly published and entertained with such acclamations that no part of it could be heard after the first mention of Queene MARYES name The Earle of Arundell and the Lord PAGET having thus ordered this waightie affaire accompanied with thirty horse rid post that night vnto the Queene to certifie her of the gladsome tidings of her subiects loyall intentions In the meane time the Lords of the Counsaile certifie Northumberland of these passages commanmanding him withall to subscribe to the Decree and dismisse his Army But hee out of the presage of his owne fortune had before the receipt of their letters proclaimed her Queene at Cambridge where in a counterfait ioy he threw vp his Cap with the sincerer multitude Then hee cashiered the rest of his wavering companies and almost all the Lords who had hitherto followed him with a legall revolt passing over to the Queene and making Northumberland the sole author and cause of these disloyall distractions were vpon their submission pardoned Ladie IANE having as on a Stage for ten dayes only personated a Queene was committed to safe custodie and the Ladies who had hitherto attended her were commanded each to their homes The Duke of Northumberland was by the Queenes command apprehended by the Earle of Arundell and committed to the Tower The manner of his taking is reported to have beene thus After so many checkes vncertaine what course to take resolved to flie but not knowing whether the Pensioners who with their Captaine Sir IOHN GATES had followed him in this expedition while he was pulling on his boots seized on him saying that it was sit they shou●d excuse themselves from the imputation of treason by his testimony The Duke withstanding them and the matter being likely to grow to blowes at the very instant came those letters from the Counsaile which commanded them all ●o lay aside
Northumberland sentence passed on him like wise The Earle of Warwicke finding that the Iudges in so great a cause admitted not excuse of age with great resolution heard his condemnation pronounced craving only this favour that whereas the goods of those who are condemned for treason are totally confiscated yet her Maiesty would be pleased that out of them his debts might be discharged After this they were all againe returned to the Tower The next day Sir ANDREW DVDLEY Sir IOHN GATES who was thought in Northumberland's favour to have proiected the adoption of Lady IANE Sir HENRY GATES and Sir THOMAS PALMER were likewise condemned On the two and twentieth of the same moneth the Duke with the rest having two daies before received the Sacrament of the Lords Supper were conducted to the place of execution where Northumberland saith that excellent Historiographer THVANVS by the persuasion of NICHOLAS HEATH afterward Bishop of Yorke making his owne funerall Oration to the people acknowledged himselfe guilty and craving pardon for his vnseasonable ambition admonished the Assembly That they should embrace the Religion of their forefathers reiecting that of later date which had occasioned all the miseries of the forepassed thirty yeares and for prevention for the future if they desired to present their soules vnspotted to God and were truly affected to their Countrey they should expell those trumpets of sedition the Preachers of the Reformed Religion As for himselfe whatsoever he might pretend his conscience was fraught with the Religion of his Fathers and for testimony hereof he appealed to his great friend the Bishop of Winchester but being blinded with ambition hee had beene contented to make wracks of his conscience by temporizing for which hee professed himselfe sincerely repentant and acknowledged the desert of his death Having spoken thus much he craved the charitable devotions of the Assembly commending his soule to God prepared his body for the stroake of the axe This recantation did variously affect the mindes of the multitude who wondred that he should at last apostatize from that Religion which he had for sixteene yeares professed and in favour whereof chiefly he persuaded King EDWARD to endeavour the exclusion of his Sisters from their lawfull Succession Some write that being desirous of life hee did it craftily out of hope of impunity but that hope being frustrated to have repented it afterwards He was suspected neither were the presumptions small to have administred a poisonous potion to King EDWARD but in his Inditement there was no mention of it and that the rather for that the Iudges had authority only to inflict punishment on him for his conspiracy against the Queene At the same time and place were also executed Sir IOHN GATES and Sir THOMAS PALMER Many Bishops also who were thought to have beene too too opinionate in point of Religion were sent for to London and there imprisoned viz. HOOPER of Glocester FARRAR of Saint Davies who were both crowned with martyrdome and COVERDALE of Excester who at the request of CHRISTIERNE the third King of Denmarke was pardoned But the Clergy of what ranke soever who would not forsake their wives or were invested in Livings wherof any one had been for defence of Popery deprived or that would not by oath promise the defence of the Romish Religion were generally forced to relinquish their Benefices PETER MARTYR was then Professor at Oxford who presently vpon the death of King EDWARD was confined to his house But after some time his friends so far prevailed that he might come to London where he betooke himselfe to his Patrone the Archbishop of Canterbury But hee could not prove a Sanctuary to him The Archbishop himselfe began now to totter The Queene beside that shee was wholy swayed by GARDINER who extremely hated him had resolved to wreake her selfe on him for the Divorce of her Mother Manet altámente repostum Iudicium latum spretaeque iniuria Matris It is reported that King HENRY having determined to punish his Daughter the Lady MARY with imprisonment for her contumacy was by the sole intercession of CRANMER diverted from his resolutions And when she was by her Brother King EDWARD to be disinherited the Archbishop made a long suasory Oration to the contrary neither could he be induced to subscribe to the Decree vntill the Iudges of the Realme generally affirming that it might lawfully be done the dying King with much importunitie prevailed with him In ingratefull persons the conceit I will not say the feeling of one iniurie makes deeper impression then can the remembrance of a thousand reall benefits It was now bruited that with his fortune CRANMER had also changed his Religion insomuch that to gratifie the Queene hee had promised to celebrate the Exequies of the deceased King after the Romish manner To cleere himselfe of this imputation hee by writing declares himselfe ready to maintaine the Articles of Religion set forth by his meanes vnder King EDWARD his Raigne to be consonant to the Word of God and the Doctrine of the Apostles in which resolution he being confirmed by PETER MARTYR required him for his Second in this religious Duell But words are not regarded where violence is intended His death was absolutely determined but how it might be fairely contrived was not yet resolved First therefore they deale with him as a Traitor And having for some while continued prisoner in the Tower to alienate the minds of the people who held him in high esteeme he is on the thirteenth of November together with the Lords AMBROSE and GVILFORD DVDLEY and Lady IANE condemned for treason But the machinators of this mischiefe against CRANMER were so ashamed of their shadowlesse indevour that they themselves became intercessors for his pardon and yet afterwards most irreligiously procured him to be burned for pretended heresie Before hee was committed to custodie his friends persuaded him after the example of some other of his religious Brethren who had long since escaped into Germany by flight to withdraw himselfe from assured destruction to whom hee answered Were I accused of theft parricide or some other crime although I were innocent I might peradventure be induced to shift for my selfe But being questioned for my allegiance not to men but to God the truth of whose holy Word is to be asserted against the errours of Popery I have at this time with a constancie befitting a Christian Prelate resolved rather to leave my life then the Kingdome But we will now leave CRANMER in Prison whose farther troubles and martyrdome wee will in their due places relate Concerning PETER MARTYR it was long controverted at the Counsaile Table whether having so much preiudiced the Catholique Religion it were ●it hee should be proceeded against as an heretique But it was at length determined that because hee came into England vpon publique assurance hee should have libertie to depart with his Family So having letters of passe signed by the Queene hee was transported with his
friend BERNARDINE OCHINVS and came to Antwerp from thence to Colen at last to Strasburg from whence hee first set forth for England In the meane time on the first of October the Queene was with great pompe crowned at Westminster by STEPHEN GARDINER Bishop of Winchester and that after the manner of her Ancestours On the fift of the same moneth a Parliament is called at Westminster wherein all the Lawes enacted against the Pope and his adherents by HENRY and EDWARD were repealed And in the Convocation house at the same time was a long and eager disputation concerning the Sacrament of the Lords Supper the Prolocutor Doctour WESTON with many others maintaining CHRISTS Corporall reall presence in the Sacrament Among those few who sided with the Truth were IOHN AILMER and RICHARD CHEYNEY both by Queene ELIZABETH made Bishops the one of London the other of Glocester IOHN PHILPOT Archdeacon of Winchester who confirmed this doctrrine with the testimony of his bloud IAMES HADDON Deane of Excester and WALTER PHILIPS Deane of Rochester At length the Truth was oppressed by Multitude not Reason Wherevpon the restitution of Romish rites is againe concluded and on the one and twentieth of December Masse beganne againe to bee celebrated throughout England The same day also the Marquis of Northampton and Sir HENRY GATES not long since condemned were set at libertie and pardoned And the Lords AMBROSE and GVILFORD DVDLEY with Lady IANE had their imprisonment more at large with hope of pardon also Anno Dom. 1554. Reg. 1. 2. THe Queene who was now thirty seuen yeares old hetherto thought averse from marriage either in regard of her own natural inclination or conscious to her selfe of the want of such beauty as might indeare a husband to her her affaires so requiring began at length to bethink her of an husband She feared least the consideration of her sexes imbecillity might bring her into contempt with her people she being yet scarce setled in her throne and the Kingdome still distracted in their affections to severall Competitors Fame had destined three for her bed PHILIP Infant of Spaine the Emperou'rs Son Cardinall POOLE and the Marquis of Excester The two last were proposed for their Royall descent and the opinion of the loue of their Countrey there being hope that vnder them the freedome and the priviledges of the Kingdome might be preserued inviolate But besides proximity of Bloud in each of the three Cardinall POOLE was much affected by the Queene for his grauity sanctimony meeknesse and wisdome COVRTNEY for his flourishing youth his courteous and pleasant disposition But he I knew not how was somwhat suspected not to thinke sincerely of the late established Religion but to haue fauored the Reformed And the Cardinall being now in his fiftieth and third yeare was deemed a little too old to be a father of childen But their opinion prevailed as more necessary who thought this vnsetled Kingdome would require a puissant King who should be able to curbe the factious subiect and by Sea and Land oppose the French by the accrue of Scotland become too neere neighbours and enemies to vs. Vpon these motives the ambitious Lady was easily induced to consent to a match with PHILIP For the Treaty whereof the Emperour had about the end of the last yeare sent on a grand Embassage LAMORALLE Count Egmond with whom CHARLES Count Lalaine and IOHN MONTMORENCY were ioyned in Commission In Ianuary the Embassadours arrived at London and in a few daies conclude the marriage the Conditions whereofwere these That matrimony being contracted betweene Philip and Mary it should be lawfull for Philip to vsurpe the Titles of all the Kingdomes and Provinces belonging to his Wife and should be ioint-Governour with her over those Kingdomes the Priviledges and Customes thereof alwayes preserved inviolate the full and free distribution of Bishoprickes Benefices Favors Offices alwayes remaining intire to the Queene That the Queene likewise should be assumed into the society of all the Realmes wherein Philip either then was or should be afterward invested That if Shee survived Philip sixty thousand pounds per annum should be assigned for her iointure as had beene formerly assigned to Lady Margaret Sister to Edward the Fourth and Widow to Charles Duke of Burgoigne wherof forty thousand should be raised out of Spaine and Arragon twenty thousand out of the Netherlands and the Provinces therto belonging And to prevent all future iars and contentions about the division of the inheritance of the Kingdomes and Provinces which either then were or afterward should be belonging to either it is agreed That the Issue begotten by this marriage should succeed in all the Queenes Kingdomes and Dominions and in all the Principalities of the Netherlands and Burgoigne whereof the Emperour did stand possessed That Charles the eldest Sonne to Philip by a former marriage should likewise succeed in all the Kingdomes aswell of his Father as of his Grandmother and his Grandfather the Emperour both in Italy and Spaine and by reason thereof should stand obliged for the payment of the forementioned forty thousand pounds If by this matrimony no other Issue shal be begotten then Female the Eldest shall succeed in all the Provinces of the Netherlands but with this caution that by the Counsaile and consent of her Brother Charles she shall make choice of an Husband either ou● of England or the Netherlands if she marrie from elsewhere without his consent shee shall be deprived of her right of Succession and Charles be invested therin But to her and her Sisters a convenient Dowry shall be assigned according to the Lawes and Customes of the places Jf it happen that Charles or his Successours shall die without issue in that case the first borne by this marriage although it be a Female shall succeed in all the Kingdomes belonging to both these Princes as well of the Netherlands as of Spaine and in all the Principalities of Italy and shall be bound to preserve inviolate all the Lawes Priviledges Jmmunities and Customes of each Kingdome Betweene the Emperour Philip and his Heires betweene the Queene and her Children and Heires and betweene both their Realmes and Dominions constant Amity Concord a perpetuall and inviolable League shall be continued This League Agreement and Articles shall be renued and confirmed at VVestminster the two and fortieth yeare of this Seculum and foure yeares after on the sixteenth of Ianuary at Vtrecht As soone as the Decree concerning these Nuptiall Compacts was divulged many out of a restles disposition misliking the present times but especially traducing the intent of this Accord as if by it the Spaniard were to become absolute Lord of all who should have the free managing of all affaires and abolishing our ancient Lawes and Customes would impose an intolerable yoake as on a conquered Nation This was the generall conceit of this Action But in private every one according to their divers humours did mutter
to be judged by the new Bishop MORGAN by whome he was condemned and burned at Carmarden the third of March He was a man rigid and of a rough behaviour which procured him much trouble vnder King EDWARD and now I beleeve proved his bane For having been by the Duke of Somerset advanced to that Dignity after his death this good and learned man by his sower behaviour drawing neere to arrogance which with that Nation is a great indignity raised against himselfe many accusers two whereof vnder Queene ELIZABETH became Bishops who after the death of the Duke of Somerset easily prevailed with the adverse Faction for his imprisonment Being found in prison when MARY came to the Crowne and brought before the Bishop of Winchester he might I beleeve by pleasing answers and a little yeelding to the season have honestly escaped their bloudy hands as did many others who having not waded too far in Lady IANE'S cause nor otherwise given any grand affront to any of the Popish Prelates by this meanes without impediment going into voluntary exile or being taken had their liberty easily procured at the intercession of Friends But FERRAR according to his innate tartnesse answering freely I will not say waiwardly to his interrogatories did so inrage the Bishop of Winchester that I do not much wonder at the hard proceedings against him Beside these ROLAND TAILOR Doctor of Divinity suffered at Hadley the ninth of February LAVRENCE SANDERS an excellent Preacher on the eighth at Coventrey IOHN CARDMAKER Chancellor of the Church of Wells on the last of May at London where also on the first of Iuly that godly and learned man IOHN BRADFORD vnderwent the tortures of his martyrdome But not to go to a particular enumeration of all that suffered for their Faith the number of them was almost incredible the greater part whereof were executed out of BONER'S butchery But among others we cannot omit those Worthies RIDLEY and LATIMER who having beene condemned the yeare before were now on the sixteenth of October conducted to execution and at Oxford in the aspect of the Academiques were in the Towne ditch neere Balioll Colledge tied to a stake and burned CRANMER is reported from the higher part of his prison to have beheld this dolefull spectacle and with bended knees and elevated hands to have praied for their constancy of Hope and Faith as also for himselfe who was shortly hee knew to tread their path But his execution was for a time deferred by the Bishop of Winchesters meanes and that not out of pitty but ambition and reguard of his owne profit On the foure and twentieth of March died IVLIVS the Third after whose death the Conclave elected MARCELLO CERVINO a man of excellent learning wisedome and ●anctity of life and vnder whom there was great hope of the reformation of that Church whose that memorable saying was That he did not see how it was possible for a Pope to be saved who having sate two and twenty dayes only died and left the Chaire to Cardinall CARAFFA of whose contention with POOLE we have spoken already who succeeded him by the name of PAVL the Fourth GARDINER being not ignorant of this contention and the differences betweene them deales vnderhand with this new Pope to honour him with a Cardinalls Hat and to transfer on him the authority Legatine by IVLIVS conferred on POOLE The Pope in reguard of his hatred to POOLE easily condiscended thereto determining also to cite him to Rome there to force him to acquit himselfe of Heresy and to suffer as did Cardinall MORONO POOLE'S great Friend whome this Pope detained in prison as long as himselfe lived Hereby GARDINER well hoped to attaine to be Archbishop of Canterbury the revenues of which Bishopricke POOLE received as a Sequestratour and would no otherwise as long as CRANMER lived This was the reason that CRANMER'S execution was deferred to worke meanes that POOLE might not be invested in the Archbishopricke which hee himselfe for the former reasons hoped to attaine But while GARDINER was wholy intent to this proiect death had a proiect on him and cut him of by the extremity of a Dropsie which swelling from his feet and legs vp to his belly dispatched him on the twelfth of November who was with great solemnity interred in his Cathedrall at Win●hester The Emperour CHARLES the Fi●t having determined to resigne the Empire and his Kingdome on the five and twentieth of October at Brussels where all the Estates of his Realmes were assembled transferred all his Kingdomes and Dominions on his Son PHILIP whom he had formerly made King of Naples and Sicily and betooke himselfe to the rest of a priuate life Anno Dom. 1556. Reg. Mariae 3. 4. Philippi 2. 3. TO begin the yeare with its first day on the first of Ianuary NICHOLAS HEATH Archbishop of Yorke was made Lord Chancellour In March a Comet in the twentieth degree of Libra was seene from the fift to the seventeenth of the same moneth On the thirteenth of March a counterfait EDWARD whose true name was WILLIAM FETHERSTON● was executed for a Traitor he being a Millers sonne in stature and lineaments of bodie not much vnlike the deceased King EDWARD and his age also agreeable had beene the last yeare publiquely whipped through London for affirming himselfe to be the King But not sufficiently terrified by the smart of this punishment hee againe betakes him to the same imposture privately affirmes himselfe to be King EDWARD and causes letters to be cast abroad that King EDWARD was alive for which he was at length deservedly hanged And now we are at length come to the narration of the memorable Martyrdome of the Archbishop CRANMER STEPHEN GARDINER Bishop of Winche●ter being dead Cardinall POOLE as yet the Pope's Legate appointed IAMES BROOKE Bishop of Gloueester for CRANMER'S triall forasmuch as they iudged it vnlawfull to punish an Archbishop but by leave from his Holinesse IOHN STORY and THOMAS MARTIN Doctours of Law Commissioners for the Queene accompanied the Bishop to Oxford that the Authority Royall might countenance the Delegates proceeding In Saint Maries Church they had high seates purposely erected for them BROOKE sitting vnder the place where the consecrated Host did vsually hang in a Pixe beside him sate MARTIN and STORY but a little lower and CRANMER habited like a Doctour of Divinite not like a Bishop was brought before them Being told that there were those who represented not only her Maiesties person but also of the most holy Father the Pope hee with due reverence saluted STORY and MARTIN but would not so much as vouchsafe to cast his eyes toward BROOKE and that not as he afterward confessed of contempt of the man whom hee formerly loved but that hee might not seeme to acknowledge the Popes authoritie hee having by oath to King HENRY obliged himselfe to the contrary especially in England where hee could make no pretence of right Then
armes in the behalfe of her Husband Pope PAVL was much displeased And being hee could not be revenged on her who indeed was the sole cause of our breach with France he determined to powre out his wra hon POOLE whom he ever hated but now he thought he had more cause to manifest it because POOLE knowing that this war was set on foot by the Pope had by letters and Embassadours sought to appease him and that though with most humble reverence yet roundly and according to his conscience Having abrogated POOLE'S Legation he repeales him to Rome and for supply of his place hee creates one FRANCIS PETOW a Franciscan Frier Cardinall and Legate and a little after designed him Bishop of Sarisbury The Queene having intelligence of these proceedings tooke especiall care that POOLE might have no notice of them prohibiting not only this new Cardinall to enter the Realme but all others whom shee suspected to bring any Mandates to that purpose with exact diligence causing his letters to be intercepted by her Orators at Rome certified his Holinesse what a hazard the Catholique Religion not yet fully established would incurre if he should indevour the disgrace of so great a man whose authority had beene much available for the conversion of the Nation But while there is this intercourse betweene the Pope and the Queene concerning this matter POOLE hauing some way or other had an inkling of it abstained from having the silv r Crosse the Ensigne of his Legation borne before him neither would he afterward exercise his authoritie Legantine vntill by the intercession of ORMANETO the Popes Datary in England hee was restored to his dignitie By this time the warre was very hot on both sides PHILIP besieging Saint Quint in in Picardie with thirtie five thousand Foot and twelve thousand Horse which number was after increased by a thousand Horse foure thousand Foot and two thousand Pioners out of England vnder the Command of the Earle of Pembrooke For the managing of this war PHILIP set saile out of England on the seventh of Iuly On the tenth of August the French indevouring to put succors into the Towne are overthrown The Spaniard chargeth the Constable MONTMORENCY in his retreat routs the French kils two thousand five hundred a victory not so great in the execution as in the death and captivity of many brave men The Constable was wounded taken prisoner with his son as also the Dukes of Montpensier Longueville LVDOVICO GONZAGA brother to the Duke of Mantua the Marshal of Saint Andrew the Ringraue ROCHE-DV-MAINE the Count Rochfoucault the Baron of Curton with many other men of marke The chiefe of them that were slaine were IOHN of Burbon Duke of Anguien the Viscount of Turen N. TIFRCELLIN son to ROCHE-DV-MAINE the Lords o● handenier Pontdormy and many others and in a manner all the foot Captaines PHILIP lost only fifty men The eight day after this victorie an assault is given and the Towne carried by force wherin were taken the Admirall COLIGNY with his brother D'ANDELOT who shortly after made an escape IARNAC S. REMY HVMES and many other persons of quality the son of the Lord of Fayette SALEVERT OGIER VIC●YES LABARRE ESTANG and GOVRDES were slaine Of the English in this assault few of note were lost beside Lord HENRY DVDLEY yongest son to the Duke of Northumberland and Sir EDWARD WINDSORE who were the first that advanced Ensigne on the walls This yeare is alike memorable for the extreme dearth and contemptible cheapnes●e of corne A little before harvest wheat was sold at foure markes the quarter within the current of a moneth it fell to the low rate of live shillings Wherin I rather admire the insuing cheapnesse then the dearth having my selfe in the yeare 1597. paied double the former deare price But that which I shall now relate I should deeme far more memorable had I not in later times my selfe seene the like On the night which insued the seventh day of September almost two houres after Sun-set the Moone having risen an houre before a Rainbow was seene in the West That I may relate the like accident though of differing time the like apparition was seene by me on the foure and twentieth of November 1●04 when the Sun having two houres before declined to its lowest travailing towards Colebrooke the forme of a white cloud shaped into a fragment of a Circle and iust opposite to the Moone then newly risen appeared which did every way resemble a true Rainbow but that it was not diversified with colors and in steed of the Sunne had the Moone its opposite Anno Dom. 1558. Reg. vltimo HENRY some way to repaire his losses at Saint Quintin resolves an enterprise vpon Calais which SENARPONT Governour of Bouloigne persuaded him was not so fortified according to report but that it might easily be taken The Marshall STROSSY having vnder the favour of a disguise viewed the place confirmed SENARPONT'S assurance of taking it PHILIP whether having intelligence of HENRY'S designes or else presaging so much had often admonished the Queene to have an especiall reguard to that Towne voluntarie offering his assistance for the securitie of it But wee over-wisely ielous least PHILIP had a practice on it it lying commodiously for his adioyning Netherlands neglected both his advice and proffer But the reality of his advice was manifested by the event The Duke of Guise having by the King beene declared Lieutenant Generall in all his Dominions leuying a great Armie flies sudainly to the siege of Calais before which he sate downe on Newyeares day and intrenched at Sandgate Then dividing his Army into two parts he at the same time assaults Newnambridge and the Risbanke two Forts wherein the chiefe strength of that Towne consisted the taking whereof would have cut of all possibilitie of relieving the besieged either by land or sea The garrisons of each place terrified with so vnexpected a danger hee at his first arrivall gaines Newnambridge and the next day the Risbanke The French then batter the wall betweene the watergate and the prison not so much out of hope to gaine entrance that way as to divert vs from garding that part of the Towne where they really intended to give an assault Having for a while battered that part and we little suspecting an enterprise vpon the Castle they sudainly with fifteene peeces make a battery vpon the Castle and continue it with such fury that the thunder of the Canon was all that day heard at Antwerp which is distant from thence more then one hundred English miles Having by that time night drew on made a sufficient breach and yet in reguard of the deepe dikes filled with water wherin consisted the maine hopes of the defendants not able to come to an assault the Enemy with great toile and labour by a cut from thence to the sea draw the dikes so low that by that time the tide was gone out they march not
above navell high through the dikes to the wall which wee little feared could be done without resistance finding the place void of defendants they easily make themselves masters of the Castle and had as easily taken the Towne if Sir ANTHONY AGER Marshall of the Towne had not with some few others made head against them and forced them to retreat to the Castle in which conflict that valiant Knight was slaine The Lord WENTWORTH Governour of the Towne seeing little hopes of keeping the Towne craved parley which was granted and at length yeilded the Towne vpon these Conditions That the common souldiers and inhabitants should depart without transporting or carrying away any thing with them and that the Lord WENTWORTH with fifty others such as the Duke of Guise should appoint should remaine captives to be put to ranson So was Calais lost which had continued English above two hundred yeares neither was the siege long the Enemy sitting downe before i● on Newyeares day and having it yeilded vp on Twelfe day Seven dayes after the Duke marcheth toward Guisnes which Towne he tooke without any difficultie but the Castle which the Lord GRAY commanded not so easily But that and Hames Castle were at length taken also and dismantled so that of all the Kingdome of France the greatest part whereof was for a long time held by our Kings and whereof HENRY the Sixt had beene crowned King at Paris Anno 1431. nor in the Duchies of Normandie and Aquitaine the ancient inheritance of the Kings of England our Kings possesse nothing but the Isles of Iersey and Guarnesey which have proved loyall to vs ever since the Conquest While the French proceeded thus in Picardie the Queene certified thereof with great diligence prepares her Fleet to transport succours for Calais but contrary windes kept them backe so long vntill Calais was irrecoverably lost You shall not easily read of any action wherein God hath by more manifest signes declared how displeasing those wars are to him which vndertaken for ambition or profit do dissolve the publique peace PHILIP to begin with him against whom HENRY and the Pope did most vniustly conspire inlarged himselfe with a double victorie each whereof were great and memorable The Cardinall CARAFFA and the Duke of Paliane who for their owne ends had persuaded the doting Pope to throw the ball of discord betweene these Princes were after for this very thing beheaded by PIVS the Fourth who immediately succeeded PAVL PAVL himselfe in the meane time the French being overthrowne at Saint Quintin was exposed to the mercy of the Spaniard whom he had irritated the French being forced to withdraw his Army out of Italy The rash violation of the League by MARY was punished with the losse of Calais and through griefe thereof according to common beliefe of life also What happened to the French who by the Pope's instigation first brake the five yeares Truce wee have already declared And least it might be conceived that his losses at and of Saint QVINTIN were repaired by the taking of Calais another overthrow given him within few moneths after will take away much from the content of that victory In Iune the Marshall De Termes who succeeded STROSSY lately slaine Governour of Calais breaketh into Arthois and Flanders with an Army consisting of neere about eleven thousand men leaving Graveling and Burburg at his backe attempts Berghes takes it sackes it and so opens a way to Dunkirk which hee also takes and spoiles and the Countrey all about for they feared not the French there and the Townes which the Spaniard held thoroughout that Tract were ill furnished lying open to their mercy they ransacke it most miserably and march as far as Newport PHILIP was affrighted with this Tempest fearing especially least the Duke of Guise then in Armes should joine with TERMES but having intelligence that the Duke spent his time about Arlon and Vireton hee resolves to intercept the French in their returne In this enterprise hee employes Count EGMOND his Lieuetenant generall in the Netherlands who having speedily out of the neighbour Garrisons of Betune Saint Omer Aires Burburg and others assembled an Army of fifteene thousand puts himselfe betweene Dunkirk and Calais TERMES had hitherto expected the Duke of Guise but vpon notice that the Countrey was vp in Armes he somewhat too late bethought himselfe of a retreate Hee was now every way inclosed and passage not to be gained but by dint of sword The French therefore valiantly charge their Enemies and overthrow some Squadrons of Horse indeed dispaire animated them to do wonders and the Flemings were set on fire by the desire of revenging late injuries The Spanish Troupes renew the fight which was with equall order long maintained on both sides in the heate whereof ten English Men of War fortunately sailing by for De TERMES had for his security betaken him to the shore hoping that way with much lesse hazard to have gained passage vpon discovery of the French Colours let fly their Ordnance furiously among the French making such a slaughter that they began to give ground were at last routed and overthrowne The French in this battaile lost five thousand Their chiefe Commanders were almost all taken the Marshall himselfe was hurt and taken with D'ANNEBALT the Son of CLAVD the late Admirall the Earle of Chaune SENARPONT VILLEBON Governour of Picardy MORVILLIERS and many others Two hundred escaped to our Ships whome they might have drowned but giving them Quarter they were brought Captives into England This battaile was fought on the thirteenth of Iuly The Queene desirous by some action or other to wipe out the staine of the ignominious losse of Calais about the same time set forth a fleet of one hundred and forty Saile whereof thirty were Flemings the maine of the expedition being from Brest in Bretaigne But the Lord Clinton Lord high Admirall of England finding no good to be done there set saile for Conquet where he landed tooke the Towne sacked it and set it on fire together with the Abbey and the adiacent villages and returned to his ships But the Flemings somewhat more greedy after prey disorderly piercing farther into the Countrey and reguardlesse of martiall discipline which commands obedience to their Generall being incountred by the Lord of Ker●imon came fewer home by five hundred PHILIP about the same time lodging neere Amiens with a great Army HENRY with a far greater attended each motion of his They incampe at last HENRY on the North of the river Somme PHILIP on the South of the river Anthy so neere to one another that it might be thought impossible for two such spirited Princes commanding so great Armies to depart without a battell But divers considerations had tempered their heat PHILIP being the weaker of the two saw no reason why to ingage himselfe HENRY had an Army which had twice felt the other victorious and was therefore loath on them to adventure his already shaken estate