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A01472 Great Brittans little calendar: or, Triple diarie, in remembrance of three daies Diuided into three treatises. 1. Britanniæ vota: or God saue the King: for the 24. day of March, the day of his Maiesties happy proclamation. 2. Cæsaris hostes: or, the tragedy of traytors: for the fift of August: the day of the bloudy Gowries treason, and of his Highnes blessed preseruation. 3. Amphitheatrum scelerum: or, the transcendent of treason: the day of a most admirable deliuerance of our King ... from that most horrible and hellish proiect of the Gun-Powder Treason Nouemb. 5. Whereunto is annexed a short disswasiue from poperie. By Samuel Garey, preacher of Gods Word at Wynfarthing in Norff. Garey, Samuel, 1582 or 3-1646. 1618 (1618) STC 11597; ESTC S102859 234,099 298

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with the Monarchie of greate Britaine and all good Christians professors of the Gospell be deuoted Suppliants to the King of Kings with ioyfull tongues and zealous hearts to pray and say God saue our King God saue King IAMES Viuat valeat vincat God saue the King Corporally Amen Spiritually Amen Politically Amen Τέλος Gloria Tri-vni Deo in secula Caesaris Hostes OR THE TRAGEDY OF TRAITORS For the fift day of August The day of the bloudy GOWRIES Treason and of our Kings blessed preseruation I will sing a new song vnto thee O God and sing vnto thee vpon a Viole and an Instrument of ten strings for it is hee that giueth deliuerance vnto Kings and rescueth Dauid his seruant from the hurtfull sword PSALM 144. 9. 10. Dum iniusti saeuiunt iusti saluantur vtilitati bonorum militat potest as prauorum Gregor in Moral By SAMVEL GAREY Preacher of Gods Word LONDON Printed by IOHN BEALE for HENRY FETHERSTONE and IOHN PARKER 1618. TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE S ir FRANCIS BACON Knight Lord Chancellor of England Right Honourable Lord IT was the saying of St Hierome to Celantia Summa apud Deum nobilitas est clarum esse virtutibus Yea the wise Moralist vnchristened Seneca could say Nobilitas animi generositas est sensus nobilitas hominis est generosus animus The which true Nobility of the minde is your inherent and hereditary honor famoused for Piety Iustice Learning and Liberality so that the world sees you write not your desires in the dust We blesse God and wonder to behold in you so admirable a patterne of true Nobility moues vs to say with K. Lemuel Many haue done vertuously but you surmount them all in your great perfection of Arts and happy progresse in Grace the world can number but few such Vereor ne violem frontem tuā sedem honoris testem verecundiae I know the sound of the trumpet of your praises is no musick to your eares neyther doe I loue such straines the land in generall ecchoes your renowned applause and God who hath so blessed you and by the Kings Maiesty promoted you to so honourable a Place continue you an happy instrument of much good to Church and Common-wealth and prosper your noble proceedings according to the promise of your admired entrance And now most honorable Lord I humblie craue your pardon in presuming to present so simple a Present vnto the view of so approued a iudgement who haue Mercurium in lingua Mineruā pectore yet although not the manner being meane and homely yet the matter handled may iustly merit your noble acceptance being a description of the hainous sin of Treason the fall and Tragedy of Traitors plagues which the Arch-traitor to mankinde hath added to the world and also a seasonable subiect for the Time August the fift against which day it was and is prepared as an annuall obiect And I know there is none within the compasse of Great Brittaine poures forth more hearty prayers to God with a more feruent and faithfull soule then your Honor doth for the preseruation of our most deare and dread Soueraigne and for the detection and destruction of all pestilent and truculent Traitors Wherefore in a hopefull affiance of your honorable acceptance I humbly offer this little labor a Testimony of my great obseruance with my selfe perpetually to your seruice not after a ceremoniall submission but from a serious agnizing and feeling of mine owne imbecillity euery way so obscure and weake that ingenuouslie I confesse Et scripfisse pudet quia plurima cerno me quoque qui feci iudice digna lini And of all others I know your Honors censure and iudgement is most substantiall yet my weakenesse thus farre encourages me that your Honor will like my willing mind commend the matter though not the manner and I hope will fauourablie accept this Mite and put it into your richer Treasurie and countenance it with your worthy protection which will be like Aiax buckler to shield it safe against detraction Ringanter rumpantur liueant improbent maledici si Honori tuo arriserit instar mille Platonis calculus I would not bee a monster to please all but some and say with the Poet Lucilius Me paucis malle à sapientibus esse probatū So giuing my farewell to this feeble Infant saying as Iakob did when he parted with his beloued Beniamin * Goe and the Lord shew thee fauour in his sight and sovpon the bended knees of my prostrated heart to God I shall euer incessantly pray to the Lord Keeper of Heauen and Earth to make your paths euery way prosperous blessing your Honour with happy preseruation and a longioyfull life on earth and grant you an eternall Patent sealed by the euerlasting Decree of the sacred Trinitie of immortall possession of a glorified life in Heauen Your good Honors euer to be commanded in all duety and seruice SAMVEL GAREY Caesaris Hostes OR The Tragedie of TRAYTORS Now these are examples to vs. 1 Cor. 10. 6. If thou hast any enemy or Traytor send him hither and thou shalt receiue him well scourged 2 Macch. 3. 38. CHAP. I. THE memory of Gods great and glorious workes either of iudgement vpon his enemies or mercy towards the Church ought to be preserued with a thankefull remembrance So the Iewes being preserued by the meanes of Queene Ester and godly Mordecai from the intended plot by Haman kept the foureteenth day of the moneth Adar yeerely with feasting and ioy So when God had deliuered his people of Israel from the tyranny of Tryphon by the meanes of Simon their Captaine he ordayned that the same day of their deliuerance should be kept euery yeere with gladnesse So when the people of Israel were deliuered from the captiuity of Babylon and restored to Gods true Religion they kept a Feast seauen dayes together to the Lord with reioycing and thanksgiuing The Feasts of the Passeouer Pentecost Tabernacles were commanded by Moses to be kept holy in remembrance of great benefits receiued at Gods hands Hence it was that in times past the Patriarks Prophets and people of God would not forget any memorable act of Gods prouidence without setting some remarkeable Memonto vpon it that so it might remaine fresh to succeeding generations that the children vnborne might tell it to their children That valley wherein Iehoshaphats aduersaries were ouerthrowne was called Beracah a valley of blessing that so the Name might present to their minds to praise God for their maruellous victory Iacob did call the place where God appeared to him Bethel The House of God which before was called Luz and Dauid the place where Vzza was smitten Perez vzza i. the diuision of Vzzah and Abraham the place where Isaac was deliuered from the bloody knife Iehouah-ijreh i. The Lord seeth or prouideth and the Iewes called those holy-holy-dayes which they solemnized for their deliuerance from Hamans deuice
by the wicked were by the wisedome of our gratious God escaped and the wicked were snared in the worke of their owne hands A deliuery deseruing eternall Trophies of Triumphs to glorifie God with our prayers and praises with our lips and liues and neuer follow them of whom the Apostle who glorified not God neyther were they thankefull but may continually call vp our hearts to this duty and cry with the Psalmist Come and hearken all yee that feare God and I will tell you what hee hath done to my soule for he hath deliuered our soules from death and our feet from falling that we should walke before God in the land of the liuing Therefore praise our God yee people and make the voice of his praise bee heard and say with the children of Reuben Gad and Manasses God forbid that we should rebel against the Lord and turne this day away from the Lord c. And as the children of Israel after their returne from the captiuity in Babilon and hearing Ezra reade the Law the ioy of their soules Ezra praised the Lord the great God and all the people answered Amen Amen lifting vp their hands and bowing themselues worshipping the Lord with their faces towards the ground and Nehemiah with Ezra and the Leuites tels the people This day is holy vnto the Lord your God so let our English Israel deliuered from the intended bondage of Babilon hearken to their Ezraes in the Pulpit made for the preaching of Gods Law wherof they should haue beene depriued and with their Priests praise the Lord our great and good God answering Amen Amen bowing themselues in all humility at the footestoole of Gods Maiesty annually celebrating the fift day of Nouember with praises of thankesgiuing and saying This day is holy vnto the Lord our God This day shall be vnto vs a remembrance and wee will keep it an holy feast vnto the Lord throughout our generations we will keep it holy by an ordinance for euer to remember this maruellous worke of Englands deliuerance from the plotted powder-destruction to praise Gods holy name and glory in his praise singing and saying cheerefully with our tongues and deuoutly with our hearts Blessed be the Lord God of Israel for euer audeuer and let all the people say Amen Amen To the ternall and eternall glorious Godhead Father Sonne and holy Ghost one and the same God in nature and number indiuisible inuisible inuincible our sole and soueraigne protector and preseruer God ouer all blessed for euer be all praise power faith feare glory and maiesty yeelded by vs by ours and by all his redeemed for all his mercies in generall and for this speciall deliuerance in particular humbly heartily holily for euer and euer Amen Glory be to God in the high Heauens and peace on earth Luke 2. 14. FINIS A SHORT DISSVVASIVE FROM POPERY To all Lay-Papists who desire to be true seruants to their Sauiour or good Subiects to their Soueraigne 1. Kings 18. 21. How long halt yee betweene two opinions If the Lord be God follow him but if Baal be he then goe after him Tert. de resurr carn Aufer haereticis quae cum Ethnieis sapiunt vt de Scripturis solis quaestiones suas sistant stare non poterunt Hugo de Claustro anim lib. 1. Superstitio dicitur verae religioni superaddita falsa religiō Melancthon Ex malo dogmate malis moribus dignoscuntur lupi By SAMVEL GAREY a Preacher of Gods Word and a perpetuall petitioner to God for your happy conuersion to Gods holy Truth LONDON Printed by Iohn Beale for Henry Fether stone and Iohn Parker 1618. To the Right VVorshipfull Sir Philip Kni●et Baronet and his worthy Lady The Spirit of Grace Truth and Wisedome be multiplied Right VVorshipfull I Am bold vpon experienced acquaintance with your generous qualities and gentle fauours towards me to send this vnworthy Treatise to your worthy viewe I know whose iudgement it must passe yet am fearelesse not in a grosse stupidity of mine owne weakenesse but in an hopefull presumption of your vsuall Gentlenesse a disposition euen naturalized in your courteous breasts whereof I acknowledge with gratefulnesse the acceptable fruites of your long and large loue towards me and for which I euer rest your thankefull friend and ingaged debtor in part of requitall whereof I haue presumed to offer to you this Handfull of my duty and hearty loue towards you and vnder your worthy name to send it to the world that they who are bettered by it may thanke you for it A short Disswasiue from Popery necessary for these Times wherein you may behold in part some points of the corrupt Doctrine of the Romish Church which is the common Mother of corruption superstition For that Church must needes be a Chappell of errors which enlarge the sacred Canon with Apochryphalls diminish the authority of the Scripture with Traditions ouerthrow the Originall with Translations peruert the Text with Glosses as the Romish Church doth Yea to maintaine her errors she conceales the light of Truth the Scripture from Lay people vnder the curtaine of the Latin language and euen in the Schooles among the learned she is put to poore shifts often forced to conclude arguments out of meere Allegories lame Similitudes fained miracles naked names of Fathers hired Testimonies of Schoolemen and other deboshed vassailes and proctors of the Romane Court who with all artificiall pollicy labour to adorne the Romane Harlot with painted trimmings whereby the vnwary young age of many more credulous then iudicious is deceiued and deluded The whole subiect of our former worke well perused and indifferently weighed doth giue good light looking vpon her corrupt precepts and cursed practises to discouer that smooky Kingdome of Antichrist but perchance you may say to me with Seneca Quidme torques lacer as in quaest●…bus Subtilius est contempsisse quam 〈◊〉 Why doe you trouble me with such questions it is more subtilty to contemne them then to confute them Worthy Sir it shall not be I hope labour lost if to your priuate contemplations you shall adioyne these short and sacred speculations specially penned for your seruice and published for the be●…e of all who are willing to open their eyes to walke in Truth I giue all but a small kind of taste in these points of Popish fragments if any mans appetite long for it I dare promise him heereafter more full dishes The Lord giue vnto you a Christian care in the profession of the Truth which with a sincere heart I haue preached vnto you and perfit your first Progresse in the grace of God to the holy Sanctification and happy Saluation of your bodies and soules for euer For which mercy and grace to be bestowed on you I shall euer vnfainedly pray to God and rest Your Worshipes poore Orator in Christ Samuel Garey A SHORT DISSVVAsiue to all Lay-papists who desire
King acceptable vnto the King of Kings in making harty and humble praiers for the protection and preseruation of his Maiestie let all the people in his Realme from high to low from great to small doe this comfortable and Christian seruice fe●uently feelingly and faithfully vnto the Lord night and day crying and crauing God saue the King The Lord hath commaunded this duety to pray not onely for good Kings but euen for badde Kings When Paul gaue that Apostolicall counsell 1 Timothie z. 1. 2. to pray for Kings Caligula Claudius or Nero most bloudy Pagan Emperours then raigned Pray for the life of Nebuchadnezar King of Babilon and for the life of Balthasar his sonne that their daies might be on earth as the daies of heauen So the Lord commanded the Iewes to pray for the peace of the City of Babilon where Nebuchadnezar raigned If then the Lord charge and command to pray for such Gouernors as were Pagans Persecutors Idolaters Infidels how deuoutly deepely are all loyall subiects bound to pray and to praise God for the blessed gouernment of Zealous Christian Kings and to beseech God with prostrate soules to defend their Soueraignes from all the trecherous traynes and rebellious plots of forraine foes or homeborne parricides corner-creeping Iesuites and Iudasses and to implore the hand of Heauen to sentinell ouer them and to endue them from aboue with the gifts of knowledge prudence iustice temperance fortitude clemency with feruent zeale of Gods glory loue to the Gospell and neuer-ceasing care for the generall well-fare of their publike charge Let vs spend our spirits day and night in these prayers that a gracious blessing may be euermore vpon our Soueraigne and his Seed to prolong his daies with health and honour on earth and with immortall happinesse in Heauen Amen CHAP. V. THE second generall duety of all subiects is Obedience and that before God is better then sacrifice The enemy opposite to Obedience is rebellion compared by Samuel to the sin of Witchcraft the very Chaos of confusion containing nothing else but mischiefe and murder discord and desolation congestaque eodem Non bene iunctarum discordia semina rerum Ouid. As rebellion is most odious and detestable so is obedience commendable and acceptable and this is of three sorts 1. Obedire Deo per hominem 2. Obedire Deo homini 3. Obedire Deo potius quam homini First obey God by man 2. Obey God and man 3 Obey God rather then man Wee need not write how God is to be obeyed before all and aboue all nullius prohibitio diuinis valet obuiare praeceptis nullius iussio praeiudicare prohabitis Gods Precepts may not be coūtermanded by mans prohibitions nor Gods prohibitions preiudiced by mans precepts God is to be obeyed in euery thing simpliciter man is to be obeied secundum quid respectiuely so far as his commands be consonant to Gods Lawes St Austin giues al a good rule for obedience bonis in malo scienter nō obedias nec malis in bono cōtradicas willingly wittingly obey not good men in the performance of ill nor disobey ill men commanding things good but God himselfe commands obedience to his breathing Images whom hee himselfe stileth Gods the mortall pictures of immortall God Dexteri digiti diuinae manus quae regit orbem the right fingers of that heauenly hand which ruleth all Reges sunt homines ante deum dei ante homines saith Lactantius Kings are men before God and Gods before men Astra Deo nihil maius habent nil Caesare terra Great is the glory of that God who makes these Gods Quantus Deus est qui Deos facit Austen Imperator omnibus maior est dum Deo solo minor est saith Tertullian The Emperor is greater in dignity then all mortall men onely inferiour to the immortall God and as Cyrillus writes to Theodosius the younger vestrae Serenitati nullus status est aequalis No mortall state equall to your Excellence or as Agapetus to the Emperour Iustinian Se non habere quenquam in terris altiorem None on the earth higher then himselfe for as Opiatus Super imperatorem non est nisi solus Deus qui fecit imperatorem Aboue the Emperor is none but onely God that made the Emperour or as St Chrysostome speaking of the Emperour Theodosius Non habet parem vllum super terram summitas caput omnium super terram hominum He hath no equall vpon earth the supreame head ouer all men on earth Lo now you Popes of Rome where were your triple Crownes your Miters if you had any then stooped to the Scepters then Pauls precept was in date with you Let euery soule be subiect to the higher powers which since you haue reiected or neglected as Apocryphall then Gregories allegorie had beene a fond hyperbole Ad firmamentam coeli c. in the firmament of heauen that is in the vniuersall Church God made two great lights that is two great dignities Pontificall and Regall that which rules the day that is spirituall things is greater then that which rules the night that is carnall or temporall things as great a difference as is twixt the Sun and the Moone so great is there twixt Pope and Kings saith Gregory Indeed of latter times the Popes haue claimed a triple Crowne Celestiall Terrestriall Infernall intruding into the regall Chayre forgetting Bernards counsell to Pope Eugenius Your authority stretcheth vnto crimes not vnto possessions wherefore doe you thrust your sickle into anothers haruest or incroach vpon others limits now they vsurpe and arrogate a place of preheminence aboue Kings and Emperors Diuisum imperium cum Ioue Papa tenet Forgetting S. Peters rule though boasting of Peters right Submit your selues vnto all manner of ordinance of man for the Lords sake whether it be vnto the King as vnto the superiour c. subijci domino temporali propter dominum aeternum as excellently Austen To submit themselues vnto Temporall Lords for the eternall Lords sake But leauing the fauourites and followers of that great whore which sits vpon many waters with whom haue committed fornication the Kings of the earth and which hath shaken off the yoke of obedience from the Kings of the earth Let vs looke vpon that place of S. Peter exhorting all to obedience Submit your selues c. propounding certaine arguments or reasons to enforce it 1. propter dominum for the Lords sake Vt honoremus Deum qui hanc obedientiam nobis praecipit that so we may honour God who hath commanded this obedience 2. vt euitemus poenas violatae iustitiae ciuilis that we may auoid the punishments of disobedience to the Magistrate sent ad vltionem maleficorum for the punishment of ill doers v. 14. 3. vt adipiscamur laudem ac protectionem contra iniustos that we may get praise
vp Israel against Dauid and all Adoniahs that gape to take the kingdome from our Salomon all like them let them perish like them Then will all loyall subiects reioyce when they see the vengeance they shall wash their feet in the bloud of the wicked Let our feruent prayers be daily powred forth vnto God to defend him from all Traytors to reueale their plots and reuenge their purposes that they qui volunt occidere regem posse nolunt That they who would kill a King may neuer haue power to performe it that no danger may assault him no treachery may endanger him giue thine Angels charge O Lord to sentinell ouer him make his chamber like the tower of Dauid built for defence a thousand shields hang therein and all the targets of the strong men and his bed like Salomons threescore strong men round about it of the valiant men of Israel they all handle the sword and are expert in warre euery one hath his sword vpon his thigh for the feare by night that so no enemy may oppresse him nor the wicked approach to hurt him to destroy his foes before his face and plague them that hate him his seed long to endure and his daies as the daies of heauen So shall the Lord be gracious to his Seruant and mercifull to vs his people who continually pray God saue the King Corporally CHAP. X. 2. Spiritually GOD Saue the King Spiritually God euer keep him constant and couragious to maintaine the true profession of the Gospell and to labour to purge Gods Church of all superstition and to plant in it Gods true religion This is the first duety of Kingly seruice vnto God to cleanse his Church of all idolatry and superstition The good Kings Ezechias and Iosias were carefull in this behalfe Ezechiah when hee came to the Crowne of Iudah he tooke away the high places brake the Images and cut downe the groues and brake in peeces the brazen serpent c. that is rooted and raced out all Idolatry So Iosiah puts downe all Idols and Idolatrous Priests who defiled the Temple So Asa tooke the wicked Sodomites out of the land and deposed Maacha his Mother because shee had made an Idoll in a groue So Salomon installed in his kingdome built a Temple for seruice and worship of the Lord. It is the office of a King specially to take care to prouide that God may be religiouslie worshipped that his people may feare the Lord serue him in the trueth for the happinesse of King and Kingdome consists in the trueth of their religion For that nation and kingdome which will not serue the Lord shall perish and be vtterly destroyed saith the Prophet Esay Est boni Principis religionem ante omnia constituere saith Liuie It is the part of a good King first to establish true religion for that is the very fountaine and foundation of all felicity Beneficentia quae fit in cultum Dei maxima gratia That loue and care which is declared towards the true worship of God is most commendable for true religion is Cardo or Axis the very Pillar of all prosperity the soule of Tranquility the totall summe of true felicity Propter Ecclesiam in mundo durat mundus saith Luther Christs Church on earth is the cause of the continuance of this earthly world without the light of the Gospel Kings people liue in thraldome in the Egypt of wofull blindnesse it is but painted happinesse a vaine flourish nay a dangerous ship of state where God sits not at the sterne As all kingdomes stand luteis pedibus vpon clay feet so that Kingdome cannot stand at all which wants the foundation true religion It is the speech of an Heathen but may be the lesson of a Christian Religio vera est firmamentum reip c. True religion the foundation of a Common wealth and the chiefe care ought to be to plant the same So Dauid reioyces in nothing so much as in the Arke of God desirous rather to be a dore-keeper in Gods house then to rule in the tents of the vngodly Like to that good Emperor who gloried more to be membrum Ecclesiae then caput Imperij a member of Gods Church then an head of a great Empire Salomon begins well first in building an house for God knowing nothing can prosper without God Except the Lord keep the City the watchman watcheth but in vaine In vaine doe the Kings of the earth stand vp if they assemble against the Lord for then hee laughes them to scorne and shall haue them in derision Be wise now therefore O ye Kings serue the Lord in feare be wise in Diuine matters serue the Lord in feare for his feare is the beginning of wisedome to direct you to rule your selues and people in the seruice and worship of his holy name We read it recorded of Constantinus the Emperor that when he died he did much lament for three things which had happened in his reigne First the murther of Gallus his kinsman Secondly the liberty of Iulian the Apostate Thirdly the change and alteration of religion And surely there cannot be a greater cause of lamentation then an innouation or alteration of religion yea then a tolleration of a contrary religion It had beene a hard matter to haue had obtained a tolleration of such a thing as a Masse at Moses hands with a masse of money A godly Prince may not suffer any religion but the true religion in his Dominions and this we may proue by diuers reasons First the exercise of a false religion is directly against the honour and glory of God Ergo. Secondly consent in true religion is vinculum Ecclesiae the chayne and bond of Gods Church for there is but one faith therefore a difference and dissention in religion is a dissolution in Gods Church but no Prince ought to haue his hand in dissoluing Gods Church for Kings are nursing Fathers of the Church Thirdly it is the Princes duty to prouide for the safety of the bodies much more for the safety of the soules of his Subiects Now true religion is the foode but false the bane of soules and you know Qui non seruat periturum cum potest occidit He that doth not helpe one ready to perish being able to helpe kills him Fourthly the Angell of the Church of Pergamus is reprooued for hauing such in Pergamus as maintained the doctrine of Balaam and the doctrine of the Nicholaitans and the Church of Thiatyra reproued for suffering Iezabel to teach and deceiue Fiftly the Lords Altar and Baals Altar must not stand together Quae concordia Dei Belial No agreement twixt God and Belial Indeed the Papists haue beene very earnest to supplicate for a Tolleration for their corrupt religion and yet themselues neuer allow it The Pope neuer afforded such fauour to Protestants witnesse their
thy truths sake Be euer thankefull to God and then he will euer be mindfull of you to blesse you the Lord will increase his graces towards you euen toward you and your children therefore praise the Lord from henceforth and for euermore for he hath not dealt so with euery Nation and if our deseruing were put into the lottery of other people wee should bee rewarded with a blanke Gods loue and gracious fauour to vs is ignis accendens fire to set vs on fire Let our thankefulnesse to God be ignis accensus a fire flaming to God in all zeale loue duety thankes seruice and deuotion God hath set England as it were vpon an hill a spectacle to all Nations strengthened by sea and land ad miraculum vsque to the admiration of all people blessed it with an extraordinarie peace prosperity of long continuance we are the worlds enuie let vs not become their declamation Nothing but our vnthankefulnesse to God our licentiousnesse in life our disobedience to his Word our securitie in sin our contempt of good meanes and mercies offered can worke our ouerthrow and these if we doe not drowne them quickly in the riuers of repentance so one may breed and bring our wofull downefall The Lord hath blessed this land with great and gracious blessings in it the golden bels of Aaron are powerfully rung the word by faithfull teachers mouingly deliuered Oh let our perpetuall prayers praises and thanks ascend to heauen because Gods graces and mercies plentifully descend to earth Et si desint gratiae quia nos ingrati If any grace be wanting it is because we want grace to be thankefull for this our happy gouernment hauing a prosperous peace and that which is the procurer of peace with God and men that blessed passage of the Gospell Si totum me debeo pro me facto quid debeo pro me refecto saith a Father If wee owe God our selues for our creation what doe we owe vnto him for our regeneration preseruation and saluation We therefore that haue tasted of the great cup of Gods mercy let vs with Dauid take the cup of saluation giue thanks and praise the name of the Lord let vs praise God for these aboundant mercies and euer pray vnto him to preserue the happy instrument of manifold benefits and blessings to vs our most dread and deare Soueraigne duty bindeth vs to this taske our owne welfare mooues vs to this duety for his prosperity is our tranquillity his safety is our felicity the blessing redounds to vs and if he should miscarry which God forbid we should be partakers of his misfortunes Therefore be alwaies obedient and diligent to serue our royall Head golden in all vertues and princely perfections in all loyall and Christian dueties louing his Highnesse in our hearts which is the best earthly defence for a King Inexpugnabile munimentum est amor ciuium saith Seneca The loue of the people is an inuincible munition and as that great Rabbi of pollicie Machiauel hath set it downe for a sure rule Contra regem quem omnes magnifaciunt difficilis coniuratio oppugnatio irruptio Against that King whom all highly esteem and reuerence conspiracy or treachery is very difficult or if attempted seldome succeedes Let vs bee in pace Lepores but in praelio Leones in peace like Hares timerous to offend his Grace in any way of disobedience but like Lions fight for him against all his enemies with an vnwearied courage vndanted magnanimity ioyning with our fighting hands our feruent prayers to God like faithfull Israelites against all rebelling Amalekites Oratio coelos penetrat hostes in terravincit saith Origen Prayers pierce heauen and ouercome enemies on earth plus precando quam praeliando more by praying then by fighting Dauids encountring with Goliah in the name of the Lord was more powerfull then his fling and fiue stones Let vs make it one part of our daily praiers to God to keepe our King as the apple of his eye and hide him vnder the shadow of his wings to saue him from all enemies bodily or ghostly to consume them in his wrath consume them that they bee no more let them know that God ruleth in Iacob euen vnto the ends of the world beseeching God of his great mercie euer to prosper this most peaceable and puissant Monarchie of great Brittaine Arise vnto it as vnto thy resting place Turne not away thy face from thine Anointed who hath now happily to our immeasurable ioy worne the imperiall Diadem of great Brittaine these 15. * yeares Many more happie and prosperous yeares wee pray to be continued prolong his daies O Lord as the daies of heauen and grant that his Highnesse and his Princely posterity may in these kingdomes reigne so long as the world endureth Enlarge and enrich his royall heart with all Regall gifts and Diuine graces sutable for his high calling Saue and defend him from the tyranny or treachery of all forraine and Antichristian power and from the plots and proiects of domestical aduersaries Let them couer themselues with their confusion as with a cloake Blesse his most gracious spouse and bedfellow Queene Anne let thy Angels O Lord encampe about her to guide guard her in a safe protection and euer continue thy most heauenly hand of benediction vpon the high mighty Prince Charles the famous Prince of Wales the second ioy of great Britaine Lord looke vpon him from heauen Giue thy iudgements vnto the King and thy righteousnesse vnto the Kings Sonne Teach him O Lord in his tender yeares like a good Iosias to learne and loue thy true religion the way to winne the eternall Crowne of life Be gracious O Lord to the County Palatine of Rhene Fredericke Prince Elector and to his most vertuous and gracious wife Princesse Elizabeth with their Princely progenie O Lord preserue them with thy mightie and out-stretched arme giue them a most happy peace and prosperity in a Princely honor felicity all the daies of their liues O Lord scatter the deuices of the crafty that their hands may not accomplish any wicked thing they do enterprise Confound all them that haue ill will at Sion that repine at the peace of the Church the welfare of great Britaine the prosperity of his Maiesty his royall progenie that howsoeuer they haue shift of faces and maske vnknowne yet let vs pray that that stone which is cut without hands may breake the Images of such Traitors in peeces giuing him victory ouer all his enemies Cloath them all with shame but vpon him let his Crowne flourish and grant him an happy multiplication of many prosperous yeares to renew with many returnes these our cordiall and annuall Ioyes long to sit vpon his Throne and make his foes his footstoole And let high and low rich and poore young and old yea let Heauen and earth
confessed his intimate conference with Iesuites men dangerous to Kings and States his plausibility with the people an harbinger of ambitious thoughts These with other practises hee vsed as being addicted to Magiche are like the bleating of sheepe in Samuels eares and may all say What meane these things wee may coniecture something yet determine nothing for this Traytor was a Politician who held this Maxime That he was not a wiseman who hauing intended the execution of an high and dangerous purpose did communicate the same to any but himselfe Thus we see how the Lord verifies Dauids words Hee forsaketh not his Saints they shall be preserued for euermore but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off Great deliuer ances giueth he vnto his King and sheweth mercy vnto his Annointed And if all antiquity should awake it could not relate a more Diuine deliuery in so dangerous and deadly extremity And it doth minister immortall and immatchable motiues of perpetuall praises and thankes giuing to God to sing with Dauid Great is the Lord and most worthy to be praised and his greatnesse is incomprehensible Generation shall praise thy workes vnto generation and declare thy power The Lord preserueth all them that loue him but he will destroy the wicked This day the fift of August the commemoration day of this Conspiracy and Deliuery commanded by regall authority to be religiously obserued wherein wee should doe that which the Lord spake to Moses after Israels victory ouer Amalek Write this for a remembrance in the booke and rehearse it to Ioshua for I will vtterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from vnder Heauen And Moses built an Altar and called the name of it Iehoua-Nissi that is the Lord my Bauner So the great King of Kings hauing giuen the King of our English Israel an happy victory ouer Amal●k put out the remembrance of them from vnder heauen All from the King in his Throne to the poorest member and Subiect of great Britanny should write in the tables of thankefull hearts the best booke of remembrance this most happy and heauenly deliuerance and goe to the publike Altar the house of prayer and offer vp a seruice and sacrifice of humble and hearty prayers and praises as sweet Incense vnto the Lord singing and saying Iehoua-Nissi the Lord is my Banner The Lord is our strength and praise and is become our saluation Thy right hand O Lord hath bruised the enemie Therefore will I praise thee O Lord among the Nations and will sing vnto thy name Hee is the Tower of saluation for his King and sheweth mercy to his Appointed euen to Dauid and to his seed for euer All glory honour thankes and praise bee giuen to God alone The Father Sonne and Holy ghost three seuerally in one Laus Deo Amphitheatrum Scelerum OR THE TRANSCENDENT OF TREASON For the fift of Nouember THE DAY OF A MOST Admirable Deliuerance of our King Queene Prince Royall Progeny the Spirituall and Temporall Peeres and Pillars of the Church and State together with the Honourable Assembly of the representatiue Body of the Kingdom in generall from that most horrible and hellish proiect of the Gun-powder Treason PSAL. 11. 22. Forloe the wicked bend their bowe and make ready their arrowes vpon the string that they may secretly shoote at them which are vpright in heart For the foundations shall be cast downe and what hath the righteous done By SAMVEL GAREY Preacher of Gods Word LONDON Printed by IOHN BEALE for HENRY FETHERSTONE and IOHN PARKER 1618. TO THE ILLVSTRIOVS and Right Honourable Lords Spirituall and Temporall the renowned Peeres Prelates and Counsellors to the High and famous Court of Parliament SAMVEL GAREY an vnworthy Minister of IESVS CHRIST with his most deuoted obseruance humbly offereth this short Treatise in a perpetuall remembrance of all dutifull thankfulnesse to Almighty God for your Graces and Honours happy deliuerance from the intended Gun-powder Treason Nouember the fifth Anno Domini 1605. Most Reuerend Honorable and right Noble Lords MAy it please your Graces and Honors to behold the wofull picture and lamentable protect of your earthly Downefall intended the contemplation and cogitation whereof can neuer cause you to bury it in obliuion wherein the professed enemies to God King and Country endeauoured and attempted with one blow and blast to make your Mittimus and send you all to another world But Gods most admirable mercy disappointed their most abhominable mischiefe and doth moue your Graces and Honors to say thankfully with the Psalmist Thou hast saued vs from our aduersaries and hast put them to confusion that hate vs Therefore will we praise God continually and will confesse thy name for euer In which prodigious practise and mercilesse Massacre your Graces and Honors may behold your selues how you should haue Purgatory-Vulcans could bring one sparke to enkindle it still the Regall Sunne and Moone shines with a bright and beautifull lustre in the Royall firmament who by these foule monsters and fiery Meteors should haue beene finally eclipsed Charles-wayne is still in our Horizon and God grant it may be said of our King Iames as Iacob said of his Iuda Sceptrum non auferetur à Iuda Gen. 49. 10. Your Graces and Honors the fixed starres of Church and State still keepe your station and retaine your powerfull influences who by these Miscreants should haue bene sent from the stately Parliament to the starry firmament and though not then your mortall limbes yet your immortall soules should haue flowen higher But loe * The Lord was with you while you were with him and preserued you in safely as reserued instruments for his further seruice and glory to the vnspeakeable comfort of his Church and happy welfare of great Britanny Which incomparable worke of Gods infinite mercy in this most gracious and generall deliuerance as it can neuer beforgotten so it cannot be too ofr reuined which poore oblation a commemoration of your Graces and Honours preseruation as it is very seasonable for the time Nouember the 5. against which day it was and is prepared as a yearely present and poore Tribute of true thankefulnesse so I heartily wish it weresatable to merit your most honourable acceptance Yet Cum desint vires tamen est laudanda voluntas Your renowned worthinesse will I hope accept my willingnesse and protect this Treatise the Transcendent of Treason vnder the fauourable countenance of your most honourable patronages so shall it be safe from all backbiting vermine and vipers of our Church and Country And as some say The Sea-Vrchin armes himselfe with some stones against a tempest so I against all the windy tempests of ill tongued Iesuites and railing Popelings who take things with the left hand which are offered with the right as Ariston once said will I suppose contemne and condemne this worke wherein their treasonable practises and precepts are in part discouered yet being armed
themselues or loue that others should bring any hony to Hiue but Vindico me ab illis Solo contemptu Among the Popish Sectaries this worke will find an harsh incounter yet God is my Record I haue not to my knowledge wronged them their owne writings Axioms and Actions haue as it were with a line chalked mee out the way wherein I haue walked The Romish Iesuites I know will raile and rage at it whose censure I regard not as Cicero censured of a Gentlewomans dancing The better the worse but of their censure I say The worse the better Malis displicere laudari est saith Seneca to displease ill men finds praise with good men Onely I craue a fauourable and friendly acceptance of the iudicious sober and indifferent Reader acknowledging this labour required more maturity retired and second thoughts then my publick and priuate paines in my ministery could affoord me so that Festinans canis caecos parit catulos This worke is not as it were Elephantis partus Long in conceiuing breeding and bringing forth It is rather vrsi partus An vnformed Embrio some bred and brought to light Whatsoeuer it is reade it ouer before you iudge and then say with the sonne of Syracke Behold I haue not laboured for my selfe onely but for all them that seeke wisdome If men lacke this labour it shall not much hurt me if praise it their praises are but Apocriphal for I passe not for mans iudgement if the Lord praise it it will be then praise-worthy Bonum est laudari sed praestantius est esse laudabilem saith Seneca It is good to be praised but it is better to be praise-worthy Farewel and helpe me with thy mutuall prayers and follow it with thy practise and so I commit it to thy Christian Conscience and thy Conscience to God Thine euer in the Lord SAMVEL GAREY Ad Authorem CAelica vota Deo pro Rege inserta Libello Omnibus insculpat mentibus illa Deus Summa Salus Regis Regni sacra vota Britanni Vt longê Laehesis regia fila trahat Fundunt vota Patres proceres plebs vine Iacobe Dulce Decus populi praesidium patriae Hoc diadema diutene as cum prole perenni Nati natorum Sceptra Britanna regant Prodiat hic labor si liuor mordeat illum Liuoris dentes frauget iste labor Prodiat hic Liber si liuor perdere tentet Ipsum liuorem destruet iste Liber S. W. Sacrae Theol. Doct. Britanniae Vota OR God saue the King For the Kings day the 24. day of March. This is the day of our King Hosea 7. 5. This day is a day of good tidings and wee hold our peace 2 Kings 7. 9. CHAP. I. IOASH the sonne of Ahaziah being hidde by Iehosheba the daughter of King Ioram sixe yeares in the house of the Lord because bloudy Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah whom Iehu killed had destroyed all the Kings seede of the house of Iuda excepting onely Ioash whom Iehosheba the wife of Iehoiadah the Priest had preserued In the seauenth yeare Iehoiadah the Priest seeing Athaliah to vsurpe the Crowne calls forth the Captaines and gathers the Leuites out of all the Cities of Iudah and the chiefe Fathers of Israel to Ierusalem and hauing first bound them with an oath of Allegiance then presents vnto them the sacred spectacle of their Regall Soueraigne Ecce filius regis regnabit Behold the Kings sonne must reigne He sets a watch and guard to secure and safe-guard him Lo how dangerous is the chaire of State all like officious Subiects stand to withstand the treachery of Traitors then in a regall Solemnitie they bring forth the Kings Son the ioy Iubilie of al their harts the wished welcome progeny of Iehoshaphat descended longo de stemmate regum of an ancient line of Princedome they put the Crowne vpon his head they giue him the testimony they make him King Iehoiada and his sonnes annoint him they all clapt their hands for ioy and with their hands their hearts and with their hearts their tongues till their many yet vnited voices euen reuerberate the aire with this heauenpiercing eccho this eucharistique gratulation God saue the King So when the daies of that admired Queene O quam te memorem virgo were on earth concluded our late deceased Soueraigne Queene Elizabeth of most famous and blessed memorie then the Foxes of Babilon who had lyen in ho●es XLIIII yeares began to threaten as Esau did his brother The daies of mourning for my father will come shortly then will I stay my brother Iacob the day of her death the dawning of their desire for then they thought like Bustards in a fallow field to raise vp themselues vi turbinis the Papists hoped then to haue raised their religion by a whirle-wind of rebellion but our pacator orbis which was Constantines praise and title frustrated their bloudy hopes and as Paterculus saith of the Romane Empire after Augustus death that there was great expectation of much troubles but tanta fuit vnius viri maiestas vt nec bonis neque contra malos opus foret armis there was so great a Maiestie in one man that there was no vse of Armes for good men or against bad men So the great Maiesty of our succeeding Soueraigne King Iames as learned vertuous and religious a Prince as any vnder the roofe of Heauen calmed all the stormes and imaginary tempests which were feared and expected so that the world did see Sol occubuit nox nulla secuta est Our Sunne did set and yet no night did follow the enemies of England saw it then to their griefe who hoped that when the Sunne went downe some erraticall starre should shine but still the Planet keepes his course Phoenix-like a new and yet the same renewed So that Pythagoras transmutation herein holds eadem anima in nouo corpore an alteration in sexe yet of the same condition both peerelesse Paragons and princely patternes for the perfection of Princes To leaue the one who now liues a glorious Queene in Heauen behold our dread Soueraigne the Augustus of this latter world praeteritis melior venientibus author a King not onely virorum but sacrorum a defender of men and Defender of the Faith Rex idem hominum Christique sacerdos Now to our great ioy and comfort of great Britannye his Maiesties happie and auspicious day of that most welcomed applauded proclamation God saue King Iames hath annually xv times rowsed and reuiued toto diuisos orbe Britannos The remembrance of the blessings it hath brought by Gods great mercy with it both spirituall and temporall should mooue all that liue vnder the wings of his peaceable dominions to lift vp harts and hands to the King of Kings to multiply his daies as the daies of Heauen to saue him from all conspiracies treasons and rebellions to pray for him as the
done wrong to or whom haue I hurt c. And all the People of Britanny must answere with the people of Israel there Thou hast done vs no wrong nor hurt vs nor taken ought of any mans hand the Lord is witnesse His Highnesse speciall care and gracious desire is to haue Gods Religion sincerely imbraced Iustice executed Vertue promoted Vice punished Gods Lawes and the good Lawes of the Land generally maintained and obserued so that the Church finds him a true Defender of the Faith the Common-wealth a Father the proud a powerfull Prince the meeke and humble a mercifull Gouernour All find him a most religious and vertuous King carefull of the good of Church and Common-wealth that all the politicke members of this Princely Head may leade a quiet and peaceable life in all godlinesse and honesty These Princely properties and sacred graces will procure his Maiesty an eternall Crowne of glory in Heauen as God hath promoted him to a soueraignety and supremacy here on Earth and may truely moue all sound members of this politicke body whereof his sacred Highnesse is supreame Head to pray with the Psalmist Giue thy Iudgements to the King O Lord and thy righteousnesse vnto the Kings sonne then shall he iudge the people with righteousnesse and thy poore with equity In his dayes shall the righteous flourish and abundance of peace shall be so long as the Moone endureth yea to pray like the Isralites for the life of our King and the life of his royall Queene his Princely Sonne the County Palatine of Rhene with the Princesse Elizabeth and their Progeny that all their dayes may be vpon the Earth as the dayes of Heauen and that God would giue vs strength and lighten our eyes that we may liue vnder their shadow and may long doe them seruice and find fauor in their sight That God would confound all their enemies and put them to a perpetuall shame That the Lord of Hosts may be euer with them and the God of Iacob may be their Refuge to protect and direct them to hide them from the conspiracy of the wicked and from the rage of the workers of iniquity that God may euer blesse them and preserue their going out and comming in from henceforth and for euermore So we thy people and sheep of thy Pasture the louing and loyall subiects and seruants of the Lords Annointed will praise thee for euer and pray vnto thee from generation to generation God saue our King Corporally Spiritually Politically Peroratio I will draw these lines to the maine Center of all making our conclusion short and gratulatory First to your Grace sacred Soueraigne the mighty Monarch of these flourishing Kingdomes shall I that am but dust and ashes prefume to speake vnto my Lord and King Let not my Lord be angry though I speake once and how happy shall this poore Embrio be if euer it be graced with the milde aspect of your Princely eyes and once but touched with your Regall hands which holds the Iacob staffe to measure the height of all learning Giue patient leaue and licence to your vnworthy and vnable vassall prostrated in all submissiue obedience at your Highnesse feete to celebrate and congratulate the happy day of your Maiesties entrance into this kingdome A day of good tidings and who can hold his peace A day which was the beginning to multiply and aduance our chiefest ioyes on earth making vs sing with the Psalmist This is the day which the Lord hath made let vs be glad and reioyce in it O Lord I pray thee saue now Lord preserue him whom thou hast giuen giue him O King of Kings good successe peace prosperity multiply these good daies grant him many of these happy yeares Annos vt annis addat è nostris Deus Eusebius the Bishop of Caesarea thought himselfe much honoured that he was appointed to preach at the inauguration of Constantinus the Emperour so I take it as my great ioy that I the most weake of all our tribe am one of the first in this kinde to write the aniuersary of Englands happinesse by your Maiesties entrance to put them in a perpetuall remembrance to reioyce with thankefulnesse And if I should remember in your presence the innumerable benefits and blessings your subiects of great Brittaine enioy by your Princely comming to this Crowne I might be iudged a flatterer a creature most odious in your Graces eyes modesty compels me to be silent I will onely say that which I haue read the Painter Zeuxes did who being to make the portraiture of Iuno chose out certaine amiable Virgins put the seuerall beauty of them all into that picture so indeed the wise Creator of all hath made you such a King the liuing picture of all earthly perfections and as it was an old saying That in one Austen there was many Doctors in one Iulius Caesar many Captaines so in one and our King Iames many Kings the very perfection of most Kings But I will turne our praises into prayers remembring Antaloides saying to a certaine Orator making a long oration of Hercules praises cut him off thus Quis eum vnquam sanus vituperauerit VVho euer in his right wits discommended him So who dare nay who can except the seed of the serpent dispraise your Highnesse whose vertues finde fauour with God and men euery tongue pronounces your name with ioy and euery heart affects your Maiesty with content and comfort As God hath giuen you power in hand so haue you pittie in heart Clementia Regis est quasi imber serotinus saith Salomon The pitty or fauour of a King is like the latter raine and your princely delight is not in sono catenarum in the noyse of chaines but like the good Emperor rather desirous to call the dead to lise then put the liuing to death So that I may say to your Grace as Mecaenas saide of Octauius Caesar Omnes te tanquam parentem seruatorem suum intuentur te moderatum vita inculpata pacificum amant c. All people fixe their dutifull eyes vpon you as vpon the publike Father of the Common-wealth loyally louing you being milde and mercifull holy in life and peaceable in gouernment So that though at last there must be a translation to an incorruptible Crowne in Heauen yet all your Subiects pray the time of that transmigration may bee long dedeferred Horac Serus in coelum redeas diuque Laetus intersis populo Britanno I need not heere play the part of King Philips Page to cry at your Princely chamber dore Memento te esse mortalem Remember you are mortall or with the Artificers of the Emperors tombes at the day of the Emperors Coronation offer a lap full of stones with these verses Elige ab his Saxis ex quo Augustissime Caesar ipse tibi tumulum me fabricare velis Of these same stones most
against them Purim by the name of Pur i. Lot or lots in casting lots for their destruction So Samuel pitched a stone the Philistines being ouercome and called it Eben-ezer Lapis adiutorij Hitherto hath the Lord holpen vs. These and many other examples whereof the Scripture is plentifull are sufficient to stirre vp Gods people to remember with humble thankefulnesse the great workes of Gods most mercifull deliuerance And herein as becommeth faithfull seruants to God and loyall Subiects to his Annointed let the People of Great Britanny holily celebrate with deuout prayers and prayses to Almighty God that solemne Anniuersary day The fift of August the day of our gracious and religious Kings preseruation from that bloody intended destruction of the wicked and wretched Traytors Gouries of Scotland In which deliuerance Gods might and mercy did so wonderfully appeare that we may cry with Moses Stand still and behold the saluation of the Lord which he shewed this day Saying with the Psalmist It is hee which giueth deliuerance vnto Kings and rescueth Dauid from the hurtfull Sword and moues our High Soueraigne to say with that Kingly Prophet If the Lord had not holpen me my soule had beene put to silence and therefore his Maiesty in a thankefull acknowledgement of Gods mercy doth religiously obserue in hearing prayers and preaching of Gods word euery Tuesday in the yeere it was Dies Martis almost Mortis Two most admirable deliueries vpon that day from two abhorred Treasons in both which I may cry with Iererie It was the Lords mercies that we were not consumed and may say with Augustine Hee that seeth not Gods mercy in this is blind he that seeth it and prayses it not is thankelesse he that hindreth him that praises it is mad And therefore to adde a little fewell to the fire of our generall deuotion to God for this his mercifull and maruellous preseruation of our dread Soueraigne worthy to be written with eternall Characters in the hearts of all good People perpetually to praise God for the same I haue enterprized to write this little Treatise hoping that others who haue greater Talents will labour to eternize the memory of this renowned worke of God to all posterities In handling of which Subiect I shall not write the History of it it is already published to the World I shal only discourse of Traytors in generall with some application in particular declaring the wofull Tragicall ends of Traytors with such occurrences Vt quorum exitus per horrescunt eorum facta non imitentur That as their wofull deaths so their wicked deeds all men should abhorre and as St Ambrose closes vp the Story of Achabs and Iezabels fearfull end thus Fugies huiusmodi exitum si fugies huiusmodi flagitium Escape their sinne and thou shalt escape their end So hate Treason and neuer feare a Traytors end whose wayes is the gallowes death or hell In the description of the punishment of Traytors and their ends their infamy in the World the greatnesse of their sinne being hatefull to God and Man dangerous to Kingdomes dreadfull to Kings and damnable to themselues the diuel and his adherents the onely Agents in such enterprizes if the Tragedy of them past may worke so well vpon the hearts of all present or future as to detest Treason both in action and affection because it brings wounds to their consciences ruine to their Families plagues to their Countries and punishments to their carkases how happily shall this little labour be bestowed if hereafter in great Britanny no Traytor may be found to his King or Countrey Then shall the Lord blesse the workes of our hands O Lord blesse thou our handy worke CHAP. II. AS the highest mountaines are most subiect to thunder and tempests so the greatest Potentates exposed to dangers Enuie and Treason neuer aime at misery but flies an higher pitch and like vnto the Spider liues in Kings Palaces and lookes with blood-fallen eyes vpon the royall hands of him that holds the Scepter to bring him downe to his Sepulcher This hath befallen to many Kings both good and bad Christian and Heathen in all ages Not to recite a long catalogue of this cursed crew of Trayterous miscreants whose memorial is perished with them who haue attempted Treason against the Lords Annointed Dauid a man after Gods owne heart yet loc Sheba the sonne of Bichri blowes his Trumpet saying We haue no part in Dauid neither haue we any inheritance in the sonne of Ishai nay not onely strangers but his owne sonne Absolom proues a Traytor and seekes his Kingdome So many others of the Kings of Israel found Traytors to indanger them yea our Sauiour himselfe had a Iudas to betray him King Assuerus had his Bigthan and Teresh Traytors Ester 2. Ezech●as had his Shebna Esay 22. 15. Looke vpon the reignes of Heathen Kings and you shall find Histories full fraught with many examples Augustus a famous Emperour ten times assaulted by treacherous villains Iulius Caesar found a Brutus and Cassius to kill him Vespasian made totus ex clementia All of mercy as the Historian tels vs yet for all that Machinationes nefariorum assiduas expertus est Hee found daily Treacheries attempted against him and his Princely sonne Titus graced in those dayes with Amor deliciae generis humani the loue and delight of all mankind yet had a Trayterous Cecinna to assault him Antoninus had Traytors to trouble him Cassius Titianus and Priscianus Berengarius the Emperour found Flambertus a Traytor whom yet he highly aduanced and vsed in the secrecies of State and familiarity Sed eô magis aestuaret innocentē tollere regem So much the more he was set on fire to destroy the innocent King saith Cuspinian What should I rehearse the troope of Traytors which in former Ages haue lift vp their hands and hearts against their royall Masters This last Age prophesied by Saint Paul to be perillous times wherein men shall be Traytors hath fulfilled that prediction These last dayes haue swarmed with such desperate and diuellish wretches who by all meanes of mischiefe haue laboured in these attempts not to play the part of a Notary or Recorder in forraign Nations in publishing the names of Traytors who haue infested their Kings or Countries wee haue had too many in our natiue Countrey whose names are registred in the Popes Kalender of Martyrs or the Hangmans Booke who haue assaulted in late times our late dread Soueraigne Queene Elizabeth of blessed memory and our most gracious and vertuous King two as famous Princes as euer here reigned and both admired of all the Monarkes vnder the Sunne How many Traytors swarmed in Queen Elizabeths daies how frequent were conspiracies of vngodly persons Parries Lopusses Babingtons Campians c and the roaring Buls came from Rome with thunderbolts of excommunication depriuation and all this was but Sonitus spinarum ardentium sub
●lla Like the noise of thornes burning vnder the Pot as Salomon Eccle. 7. 8. And therefore these fulminations were againe confirmed by Pius Quintus his successour Gregory the 13. Yet all these plots instar vaporis euanuerunt vanished away like smoake proceeding out of that smoaky Kingdome of Antichrist and her Crowne and person by the fauour of the Almighty vnder whose shadow shee was protected safely defended and reigned forty and foure yeeres foure moneths and eight dayes a Virgin Queene and died in peace in a full and glorious age so beloued so honoured and so esteemed of her subiects at home and Princes abroad as neuer any Queene more so that it was verified of her truly which the Psalmist of Christ typically Why did the Heathen rage together and the People imagine a vaine thing The Kings of the Earth stand vp and the Princes assembled together against the Lord and against his Annointed but he that dwelled in the Heauens did laugh them to scorne the Lord had them in derision for there is no wisdome neither vnderstanding nor counsell against the Lord. And this our deare and dread Soueraigne whom the Lord of mercy still preserue hath beene subiect to sundry dangers by wicked Traitors as his Maiesty doth witnesse it himselfe not onely since his birth but before his birth euen in his Mothers belly but especially to two most horrible Treasons this in Scotland attempted by the bloudy Gowries the fift of August and the other in England the fift of Nouember the Gun-powder Treason from both which barbarous and monstrous proiects the latter no age can parallel the like the great King of all Kings in his great mercy graciously protected him that both King subiects may say with Zachary Being deliuered out of the hands of our enemies we may serue him without feare in holinesse and righteousnesse before him all the daies of our liues So that our King may vse the Psalmists words When the wicked euen mine enemies and my foes came vpon me to eat my flesh they stumbled and fell The Lord did reward them according to their deeds and according to the wickednesse of their inuentions Therefore giue vnto the Lord O ye sonnes of the mighty giue vnto the Lord all the glory for your deliuerance CHAP. III. TREASON hath beene alwaies accounted an heynous sinne and by Iustinian ranked next to Sacriledge Crimen laesae Maiestatis proximū Sacrilegio c. Treason is next to Sacriledge the one a robbery of God this is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a fighting with God so odious that the sole intention without action or execution is death for Voluntas reputatur pro facto in causa proditionis The will is accounted for the deede in Treason Principis in rehus voluisse sat est And therefore there was a statute made in the reigne of Edward the third That whosoeuer shal imagine the Kings death are guilty of rebellion and high treason This statute toucheth all Iesuites who are perduellionum signiferi the ring-leaders of Rebels to animate them to rebellion vnder a colour of religion If the meere intention of Treason be so capitall what then is the Action Clamitat im coelum vox sanguinis The voyce of blood cryes to heauen for reuenge VVhat doth the voyce of royall bloud spilt by the hands of execrable Parricides destroying Gods owne image the Lords Annointed May I not call such as Polycarpe called Marcion Daemonis filiolos the Deuils children and say as our Sauiour did to the Iewes Ye are of your Father the Deuill he hath beene a murtherer from the beginning Nay the very Heathens void of Gods word did greatly abhorre Traitors and seuerely punish them Traitors among the Greekes were brought to Delphos and they did offer them a quicke sacrifice to Apollo The Persians did bury such quicke and the Romanes brought such to the publicke Theaters where they were hewed in peeces per gladiatores by the sword-players Cn Pompeius the Great made a Law as Pomponius relates it to punish Parricides destroyers of Fathers or Mothers in this kinde To put them into a great vessell or tun or such like instrument inclosing with them in it a Dogge a Viper a Cocke and an Ape and to cast them into the Sea VVhat then shall be done to the publicke Parricides destroyers of Kings and Countries Our Lawes of England hath prouided for them a fit punishment which is this A Traytor conuicted hath his punishment to be drawne from his prison to the place of execution as being vnworthy any more to tread vpon the Mother earth and that backward his head downe-ward as hauing beene retrograde to the naturall course of obedience after hanged vp by the necke twixt heauen and earth as deemed vnworthy of both his priuy parts cut off as vnfit to leaue any generation behinde him his bowels and entrailes burned which in wardly conceiued and concealed Treason his head cut off which imagined such mischiefe and last of all his body quartered as a prey for the birds of the aire and as it was said of a traiterous Iesuite Sic bene pascit aues qui malè pauit oues In life he had no care the sheepe to feede And now his carkasse serues the fowles in neede The Apostle Paul saith That they that resist shall receiue to themselues iudgement The greeuousnesse of iudgement should be proportionable to the heynousnesse of the crime for if the law requireth an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth life for life what death sufficient for a Traytor that kills a King a murderer of many who is worth ten thousand of vs so that hee cannot be sufficiently punished of man but God also will punish him who is a reuenger of such sins Neuer did I reade of any Traytor that did euer escape both the hand of man hand of God Looke vpon Absalom a double Traytor to his Father and his King his end sutable First his chiefe Counseller and plotter Achitophel hanged himselfe twenty thousand of his adherents were slaine in battell Last of all Absalom by the hand of Heauen was hanged vp by the hayre of his head in stead of an halter vpon an Oake tree in stead of a gallowes or gybbet Sheba that traiterous Rebell lost his head for his treason against Dauid King Ammon the sonne of King Manasses an euill King was slaine by his seruants who conspired against him slew him in his owne house but this bloudy fact of King-killing was so odious to the people of the land that they slew them al that had conspired against King Ammon Treacherous Zimri slue his King but the people hearing of it made Omri King to take Zimri who fired the Kings house and died in the fire Bigthan and Teresh who sought to lay hand on King Assuerus were both hanged on a tree The Scripture is plentifull
the olde law who as they say by vertue of their Priesthood haue deposed and depriued Kings from their seates which power they labour to deriue and appropriate to the Popes office I will name but two of them in two examples 1 Cardinall Allen alleadgeth Azarias the high Priest who with ●o other Priests put downe Ozias smitten with leprosie by force out of the Temple and depriued him of his regall authority Ergo say they it is lawfull for the high Priest that is the Pope to driue hereticall Kings that is spirituall Leapers out of the Temple of Gods Church and Territories of their kingdome by excommunication which is a separation and then by deposition which is a finall depriuation of them and deputation of some other Regent as Azarias committed the kingdome to be then gouerned by Iotham his sonne Wee answere as some of our Church haue answered That Azarias did not depriue Ozias of his regall power for he held it to his dying day onely his sonne Iotham as a kinde of Viceroye was surrogated because the immediate hand of God had smitten him with leprosie for his leprosie he was punished to liue apart a priuate life not to be depriued of his inheritance Ambition couetousnesse yea all sinne is a leprosie hath not the Pope such a contagion why then he may as well be depriued of his Miter being a grand sinner and so a great leaper as any other Indeed Ozias or Vzziah greatly sinned in presuming to vsurpe the Priests office transgressing against the Lord in going into the Temple to burne incense vpon the Altar of incense and Azariah with the other Priests withstood Vzziah the King telling him it pertained not to him to burne incense but to the Priests the sonnes of Aaron consecrated to offer it and was smitten of the Lord for it with leprosie and so liued apart according to the Law yet still was King in esse though not in execution 2 Cardinall Bellarmine alleadgeth Iehoiada the High Priest who commanded Athalia the Queene to bee slaine and Ioash to succeed implying an inference that so it is lawfull for Popes to doe the like We answer that Athalia an vsurper and murderer killing all the royall seed excepting only the secretly preserued Ioash the vndoubted heyre of the Crowne beeing proclaimed and annointed King with a generall consent of all Iehoiada by the authority of the King and not as High Priest but rather tanquam regis patruus Protector as his Kinsman and Protector the King being in his minority seauen yeares olde and Iehoiada being his Allye hauing married the Kings An● and so bound by the Law of Nature and Nations to defend the Kings right and to reuenge the tyranny of a bloudy Queen against the Kings killed progeny and Iehoiadaes commandement was confirmed by the Kings authority and with the common consent and Counsell of the land not as being High Priest but as chiefe of his Tribe to reuenge the crying bloud of the royall offspring murthered by vsurping Athalia to depriue her of her vsurped regiment and life what is this to depose a lawfull King by the authority of the Pope Kings shall anguste sedere as Tully said to Caesar haue quaking Scepters vnquiet seates and narrow limits if the Pope haue power to depriue them of their power state But to passe ouer other the like examples alleadged by Romanists in this kinde I will touch those foure things which they obiect and say doe dissolue regall right and make Kings who are culpable of such faults to forfeit their Crownes 1. Tyranny 2. Infidelity 3. Heresie 4. Apostacy The Popish assertions heerein runne in the affirmatiue that all or any one is sufficient to depriue a King of his Crown The opinions of Protestants run in the negatiue that none of these are sufficient to make a King forfeit his dignity and Diademe To begin with the first Tyranny doth not cut off a King from his soueraignty Who a greater Tyrant then King Saul who hunted after Dauids soule to take it yet who was so faithfull among all his seruants as Dauid confessed by Sauls owne mouth To be more righteous then he for thou hast rendred mee good and I haue rendred thee euill yea this Saul such a tyrant that he commanded Doeg to fall vpon the Lords Priests and Doeg at his commandement flew sounescore and fiue persons that did weare a linnen Ephod and did smite Nob the Priests City with the edge of the sword both man and woman childe and suckling oxe and asse and sheepe with the sword Yet Dauid no priuate or plebe●an subiect but a man by Gods commandement designed for the Kingdome cheefe Captaine and Coronel of Sauls Army and heire apparent to the Crowne and hauing opportunity to depriue Saul of his life and importunity of his followers to doe the deed yet heare his voice The Lord keepe me from doing that thing vnto my Master the Lords Annointed to lay my hand vpon him for he is the Lords Annointed and the same Dauid to Abishai Destroy him not for who can lay his hand vpon the Lords Annointed and be guiltlesse O heauenly voice of holy Dauid how different are Popelings from Dauids resolution Occasionem victoria Dauid habebat in manibus incantum securum aduersarium sine labore poterat iugulare advictoriam opportunitas hortabatur sed obstabat Diuinorum memoria mandatorum non mittam manum in vnctum Domini repressit cum gladio manum dum timuit oleum seruauit inimicum As most elegantly and excellently writes Optatus Dauid had a present occasion of security of victory and might without any difficulty or danger haue killed his vnkind and vnconsiderate enemy opportunity might haue pressed him to it but the remembrance of Gods commandements stay his hand Touch not my Annointed This keepes backe the hand and sword and fearing the regall oyle fauours a dismall enemy Now Tyranny may be of two kinds either of vsurped regiment and dominion without any ciuill title and interest hauing no titular foundation but violent vsurpation and herein subiection is not necessary Quoad obedientiam if Quoad Sust●…ntiam Herein patience more requisite then obedience 2 Kind is when ordinary and lawfull power degenerates into tyranny and cruelty by abuse and herein Papists giue liberty Tyrannum occidere licet It is lawfull to kill a Tyrant contrary to Dauid God forbid that I should lay mine hand vpon the Lords Annointed 1 Sam. 26. 11. Meaning Saul a Tyrant by abuse but not by vsurpation but we haue handled this before and therefore leaue it 2. Infidelity doth not depriue a King of his regiment Oh but replies the Papist All title to Dominion hath foundation in the grace of Iustice Charity and Piety so that by impiety or infldelity they make forfeiture of their authority Answer It is prouidence not grace that disposeth ciuill titles grace not prouidence that makes them
Nazianzene Teares the onely medicine against his mischeefe teares were their Speares Orizons their weapons They knew that they that resisted power resisted the ordinance of God and they that resist shall receiue to themselues damnation These had not beene catechized in the Popes Schoole teaching Subiects that the Pope hath power to depriue Kings if they be defectiue in their regiment or not pliable to his commandement but were obedient as the Apostle exhorts Propter conscientiam for conscience sake Oh but will Master Parsons reply We hold this point that a Prince is to be obeyed Propter conscientiam for conscience sake but not Contrae conscientiam Against his conscience And he is so stiffe in this assertion that he saith If one authority example or testimony out of Scripture Fathers or Councels contradict it we then speake to purpose VVe answer Against Conscience rightly instructed and warranted by the word It is true but there is Asinina lupina or leprosa conscientia A foolish woluish or leprous conscience which vicious or erroneous conscience is not rightly called conscience but error and peruersenesse and therein it failes If a King command things expressely contrary to Gods word the Apostles rule then is plaine VVe must obey God rather then men yet not fall to violence or outward resistance in body but in spirit submitting our bodies to suffer with patience what shall bee inflicted like the three Children to Nabuchadnezar but in our soules to shew our selues more then Conquerors for our Conscience sake Thus doe we see that the foure forenamed crimes Tyranny Infidelity Heresie Apostacy yet great and greeuous sinnes are not sufficient to depriue a King of his regall Inheritance or to free his Subiects from their obedience CHAP. XI I VVil in the next place briefly consider the goodly Harmony of the holy Doctors of Rome in the managing and maintaining of this new Doctrine of deposition of Kings by making their Pope an absolute Lord of all Temporalties and of the Spiritualties by vertue of which vaste omnipotency of power as being the Supreme spirituall and temporall Prince of all and ouer all they ascribe vnto his Holinesse this plenitude of power to haue the iurisdiction of both swords and so may passe against Kings if they bee faulty by tyranny infidelity heresie or apostacy or not Roman Catholickes Sentences of Excommunication Breues of Interdiction Depriuation Buls of Absolution of Subiects from Alleagiance yea giue Licence and Indulgences of pardon to misereants to murder them and yet this is not to be counted King-killing for a King excommunicated or deposed is no King in Popery Let vs see the consent of these Doctors or rather heare the confusion of their tongues in building of this Babell Some of the cheefe pillars of Popery defend the direct ordinary and inherent authority of the Pope whereby as Lord of the whole VVorld in all temporall matters hee may at his pleasure depose Emperors and Princes The cheefe of these is Cardinall Baronius and to alleadge his reasons I omit his Bookes are common and extant in the world And this opinion that the Pope is Lord of all the Temporalties and that the supreame Iurisdiction both in temporall and spirituall matters belong to Peters Successors which was the brainelesse assertion of old blockish Canonists and exploded of all sober Papists is now renewed and passeth for Catholick Doctrine Your Francis Bozius defends it that the Pope is directly Lord of things temporall and is the Ruler and Monarke of the whole world So Rodericus Sancius a Bishop of theirs goes further It is to be holden according to the naturall morall and diuine Law wth the right Faith that the Lordship of the Roman Bishop is the true and onely immediate Lordship of all the world not as concerning spirituall things onely but also as concerning temporall things and that the imperiall Lordship of Kings dependeth vpon it and oweth seruice and attendance thereunto as a meanes minister and instrument and that by him it receiueth institution and ordination and at the commandement of the papall Lordship it may be remoued reuoked corrected and punished In the gouernement of the world the secular Lordship is not necessary either of pure or meere or expedient necessity but when the Church cannot Resoluing this Article therefore we say That in all the world there is but one Lordship and therefore there must be but one Vniuersall and Supreame Prince and Monarke who is Christs Vicar according to that of Daniel He gaue him dominion and honour and kingdome and all people and languages shall serue him In him therefore is the Fountaine and originall of all Lordship and from him the other Powers flow so farre goes this Popish Bishop And diuers others agree with him It is iudged that no Christian Monarke hath his Crowne wholly giuen him from Heauen vnlesse it receiue firmenesse and strength also from Christs Vicar the Pope so Possevine Christ committed to Peter the Key-keeper of eternall life the right of earthly and heauenly gouernement and that in his place the Pope is the vniuersall Iudge the King of Kings the Lord of Lords saith another yea the holy Writer in the old law made the Priesthood an adiectiue to the Kingdome but Saint Peter made the Kingdome an adiectiue to the Priesthood faith the same writer Carerius a Doctor of Padua in his Booke De potestate Romani Pontificis which he made specially to confute Bellarmine who denied the ordinary and direct power of the Pope in the Temporalties doth in many places and pages maintaine that all dominion as well in spirituall things as in temporall is fetcht by Christ and the same is committed to Saint Peter and his Successors that Christ was Lord of all these inferior things not onely as he was God but also as he was Man hauing at that time dominion in the Earth and therefore as the dominion of the world both diuine and humane was then in Christ as man so now it is in the Pope the vicar of Christ That Christ is directly the Lord of the world in temporall things and therefore the Pope Christs vicar is the like and this power giuen to Peter is set out by the sole comming of Peter to Christ vpon the water for vniuersall gouernement is signified by the Sea As God is the Supreme Monarke of the world productiuely and gubernatiuely although of himselfe he be neither of the world nor temporall so the Pope although originally and from himselfe he haue dominion ouer all things temporall yet he hath it not by any immediate execution and committeth that to the Emperor by an vniuersall iurisdiction It would weary a man to reade ouer this worke of Carerius wherein he sweates and toyles himselfe striuing with arguments and laying a curse vpon his aduersaries that shal gainsay him or denie the ordinary direct power of the Pope in the
were a resurrection of this Kingdome from the dead claimes not a vanishing but a continuall and constant ioy which ioyfull thankefulnesse to God if we forbeare or forget because the time of that danger is past we shall be like them who seeing Iohn to be a shining and a burning light reioiced for a season in him or like the Pharise Thanke God in tongue and countenance onely And I feare there are many in this publike ioy and thankesgiuing assume the face and fashion of reioicers like Ruf●… who came to Vitellius after his victory carrying as Tacitus writes Latitiam gratulat ionem vultu ferens sed animo anxius c. Ioyfulnes in tongue and heauinesse in heart These if any such may witnesse against themselues That the Lord hath done great things for vs wherefore we reioice The better to awaken our flumbering affections to this perpetuall seruice of thankefull reioicing and to prouoke vs to imprint an eternall Momento in the Kalender of our hearts foreuer of the maruellous mercy of God in keeping vs from that intended destruction I haue enterprized to ●ouze vp and reuiue the languishing spirits of the Land with the renued remembrance of so ioyfull a worke and with a fresh supply to refresh this fainting and expiring Lampe which though it hath beene cherished with the oyle of many helping hands yet begins to faile in light and had need that both Pulpet and Presse should preach and publish a continuall Hallelu-Iah for so great and gracious a mercy of deliuery For earthly men are hardly moued to this duty of praysing and thanking God of ten Lepers but one returnes to giue thanks Pharao being plagued can send for Moses and Aaron and say Pray ye vnto the Lord for me but being eased neuer say Praise the Lord with me wherin if the latenesse of our gratulation to God shall find a cold entertainement with the vnthankefull Children of Men as if this worke were out of date I say with the Psalmist This shall be written for the generation to come and the people which shall be created shall praise the Lord. In handling of which Subiect I will discourse principally of foure generall things 1. Of the plot and proiect it selfe 2. Of the Persons 3. Of the Causes or motiues 4. Of the ends By these foure markes I will guide my selfe in the description of this Chaos of confusion CHAP. II. 1. Of the Plot. IN the declaration of this direfull and detestable Powder-plot I may beginne with the words of Aeneas relating to Queene Dido of the fall of Troy yet with a little Inuersion Anglorum vt opes lamentabile regnum Eruerent Danai Quanquam animus 〈…〉 horret luctuque refugit Incipiam My heart doth shake with trembling feare amazt How famous England a rich flourishing Land By Papists Powder-plot had beene defac't And Troynouant like Troy in fiery ruines stand Had not the Lord put forth his sauing hand As Treason is a worke of darkenesse so these working Traytors wrought in darkenesse their plot of hellish pollicy and impiety concealed in a place of darkenesse Subterraneum foramen A place vnder the Earth they wrought vnder the ground beginning their Mine the eleauenth of December 1604 neare to the wall of the Parliament house Itum est in viscera terrae Atque oculis captifodere cubilia talpae Ouid. These blinded Pyoners to the Prince of hell Labor in darkenesse and in darkenesse dwell Deepe politicians to vndermine a State what depth in deuising cunning in contriuing cost in preparing sweat in labouring closenesse in conueying Ingeniosa crudelitas ad poenas Men of cruel wits to crucifie their Countrey but the Lords potent wisdome eluded the profound policies of these monstrous and mischieuous Earthwormes In which damnable plot two points considerable 1. Their secrecy 2. Their cruelty in it Secrecy both in the Act and Agents 1. Vnder the Earth the bosome of all secrets 2. In the Agents who sweare and take the Sacrament for secrecy Strange impiety to take the Sacrament the Seale of Grace to commit not a crying sinne of blood but a roaring and thundering sinne of fire and brimstone This is Popish practise vsually to tie themselues for performance of their desperate deeds by taking the Sacrament in which they hold Christs body and blood really present and thereupon make a bargaine to shed reall yea royall blood Nullus s●mel are receptus Sang●… f●nces I may say of them as Iacob of Simeon and Leui Brethren in euill the Instruments of cruelty are their habitations into their secret let not my soule come These Gun-powder-Traytors first in their mine consulting with the Prince of Darknesse the president of their plot and counsell and the combining and conspiring with themselues in the deepest secrecy for the perpetrating this inhumane villany and hauing from the eleauenth of December 1604 vnto Candlemasse next laboured vnder the ground and brought their wicked worke through halfe the wall of the Parliament House vpon a new opportunity leaue their vndermining worke Daemonum opus The Diuels worke and hire the Vault or Cellar vnder the Parliament house And as before these Diuels Iourney-men laboured vnder the Earth so now framing and machinating sub Senatu vnder the Parliament House to make a finall dissolution there which is the famous place of publike reformation and therefore secretly doe conuey great store of powder thither about 36 barrels of powder couered ouer with store of wood and billet and to vse Dauids words Lo the wicked bend their Bowe and make ready their Arrowes vpon the string that they may secretly shoote at them which are vpright in heart for the foundations shall be cast downe and what hath the righteous done And as the same Prophet They incourage themselues in a wicked purpose they commune together to lay snares priuily and say Who shall see them but the Lord did breake the counsell of the Heathen and brought to nought the deuises of such people Blessed be his holy name for euer 2 Is the cruelty of the plot which appears specially in two respects 1. In the generall extent 2. In the greeuous deuice The extent large plotted for the generall destruction of the King and Kingdome Cum subit illius dirissima mortis image Vltima quae Regi regnoque bonisque fuisset Horribilis quatit essa tremor A dismall day in which they did intend Of King and Kingdome for to make an end These Powder-papists then dreamed to haue had a Romane Regiment that Tuesday at night here like Hamilcars dreame the Generall of the Carthaginiani laying siege to Syracusa an Image appeared to him in his dreame and told Hamilear hee should sup the next night in Syracusa and so he did yet not as a Captaine but Captiue or like Iulius Caesaers dreame who the night before he was slaine in the Senate house dreamed that he sate hard by Iupiters seate So
kind A fearefull example worthy to make vs more thankefull to God more dutifull in our liues more carefull of Gods Lawes who out of his infinite loue and mercy preserued vs from this generall and diabolicall massacre And as I haue read how the Romanes in detestation of the name of proud Tarquinius who tyrannized ouer them banished a good Citizen onely because he had that name so let the name of the Powder Treason worke such detestation in the hearts of all Papists that they may neuer hereafter thinke of any treasonable plots against King or Country but banish for euer all such intentions or inuentions out of their hearts which I pray God giue them grace to doe And let all from high to low fall downe vpon the knees of humble and thankfull hearts and cry with Dauid Praise the Lord of Lords for his mercy endureth for euer let Israel now say that his mercy endureth for euer who deliuered his people when like Izaacke almost the knife at their throats and when they had prepared their fire wood powder to offer vp Prince Peeres and People like Isaacke as a burnt offering when they purposed to persecute their soules and take them to tread our liues downe vpon the earth and to lay our honour in the dust then did the Lord arise in his wrath and lift vp himselfe against the rage of our enemies so that they who made a pit and digged it fell into it themselues their mischiefe returned vpon their owne heads and their cruelty fell vpon their owne pates The wicked are snared in the worke of their owne hands and may moue all to cry aloud Come and behold the workes of the Lord he ruleth the World with his power his eyes behold the Nations the rebellious shall not exalt themselues Praise our God ye people and make the voice of his praise to be heard Praise him in his mighty Acts praise him according to his excellent greatnesse let euery one that hath breath praise the Lord for this great and gracious mercy in the meanes of our maruellous and mercifull deliuery CHAP. III. The discouery of the Plot IN the discouery of this Archtrayterous plot I may truly repeate Liuies words who in a great case of ioy saith Maius gaudium suit quàm quod vniuersum homines caperent It was a greater ioy then men are able to comprehend by an vnusual discouery to haue a generall deliuery from so dismall Tragedy For when they had thought and writ that God and Man had concurred to punish the wickednesse of the time God and Man consented to reueale the wickednesse of their treason and makes vs hope well of that Prophecy we do reade in Telesphorus Antichristus non poterit subiugare Venetias nec Parisios nec Ciuitatem regalem Anglia Antichrist shall not be able to sub due Venice nor Paris nor the Kingly City of England London The principall instrument and humane meanes of the discouery of this diuellish treachery was a letter like Dauids letter to Ioab which Vriah carried for his owne death sent some ten dayes before the Parliament should haue begunne priuily and cunningly conueyed by an vnknowne man to one of the Footemen of that Right Honourable Lord worthy of perpetuall honour for his fidelity the Lord Mount-Eagle charging him to put that Letter into his Lord and Masters hands which Letter that thrice-honoured Lord receiuing wondring at the strange contents thereof and perplexed what construction to make of it like a most dutifull Subiect and diuine Eagle concluded not to conceale it but for all the latenesse and darkenesse of the night repaires presently to his Maiesties Pallace at White-Hall and there deliuered the same to the late deceased Earle of Salisbury Sir Robert Cecil a very vigilant Counsellour and wise Statesman then his Maiesties principall Secretary which said Letter being afterward vpon the Kings returne to White-Hall presented to his Maiesty euer fortunate in his Princely iudgement in clearing obscurities and doubtfull mysteries did vpon the instant interprete and apprehend by the darke phrases yet contrary to Drammaticall construction that it must be done by blowing vp the House of Parliament by Gunpowder commanding a search to be made by which the matter discouered and Agents were apprehended Whereas if his Maiesty had not accommodated his interpretation to this kind of danger no worldly prouision or preuention could haue put backe this lamentable destruction So that is here verified which Salomon deliuered Diuination in labijs Regis A diuine sentence shall be in the lippes of the King The glory of God is to conceale a thing secret but the Kings honour is to search it out In this Gunpowder Treason our King was Regi● 〈◊〉 Kingly Prophet inspired by God in deciphering and declaring the darke meaning of their ambiguous and mysticall Letters It was the Lords mercy to put into the Kings mind the darke meaning of this dangerous mischiefe for Ibi incipit diuinum auxilium vbi deficit humanum When humane helpes are ready to faile God will come in the very point and article of time to deliuer his seruants and will raise vp some meanes either ordinary or extraordinary to discouer and defeate the deuices of the wicked As indeed did diuinely appeare in this deliuerie first that a Letter should be writ secondly a glosse or commentary made vpon it by the King contrary to common construction yet that was the second meanes vnder God whose might and mercy was aboue all of our preseruation Telenus prophecied to Cyclops his eye should be put out but he was incredulous to beleeue it contemned this aduertisement Risit o vatum stolidissime falleris inquit So some might haue thought this letter to haue beene the euaporation of an idle braine but our Teltroth Cassandra sacred Soueraigne presently presaged the truth knowing Traytors to be like Sampsons Foxes to haue fired tayles and to be firebrands of fury presupposed it to be a plot of fire for Traytors are Flagellarci● Flabella seditionis scourges of Common-wealths Bellowes of sedition to inkindle fireworkes of destruction they are like cruell Surgeons that alwayes launce and seare and vse the cutting knife and fire no gentle Remedies as their heads like the head of Nilus vnsearchable so their hearts in cruelty insatiable and hands in execution infatigable as their bloody heads hearts and hands appeare in this bloody businesse These gunpowder Traitors plotting so abhorred a Particide though God frustrated their inhumane attempts and brought the wheele vpon themselues yet were they most accursed murtherers in the sight of God Saul a murtherer in mentall affection in hunting after Dauids life though he failed in manuall action and execution So Hamax in plotting the death of innocent Mordecai was a murderer in heart and had a murderers reward Neuer drop of innocent blood-shed but it cries for vengeance therefore
of these bloud-thirsty Traytors euen emancipated to cruelty by a noble and notable deliuery and shall we not render vnto him a cordiall and continuall thankesgiuing of our lips ioyned with a reall thankesgiuing of our liues or shall we praise him with our mouthes and prouoke him with our sinnes Lip-labor is lost labour except with an internall thankefulnesse there goes an entire obedience Consider Christs caueat Sinne no more lest a worse thing come vnto thee Let our newnes of life expresse the greatnesse of our thankefulnesse God will not accept the sacrifice of mouth-praisers proceeding from vnsanctified liuers Let this our commemoration and recognition of Gods mercies past prouoke vs to all obedience in the reformation of our liues to come So shall wee make an holy vse of so happy a deliuery Singula illius mala erunt nobis singula bona Their banefire of powder our bonefire of praises And withall to make vs more vigilant to vn-earth these foxes who will creepe into holes vnder the ground to worke our ouerthrow foresight is the wise mans Beacon Melius est praecauere quam pauere Take vs the foxes the little foxes which destroyes the vines for they are a part of that generation of whom speakes Salomon Whose teeth are as swords their iawes as kniues they will not spare in the day of vengeance and like the whorish woman will hunt for the pretious life of man Remember therefore the counsell of the sonne of Syrach Who will trust a thiefe that is alwaies ready And let this our true thankefulnesse to God be a durable seruice not like a morning dew and cloud that goeth away or a Widdowes ioy oritur moritur gotten and forgotten in an houre a suddainefit or momenta●y passion or entertained like an annuall guest as if the force and fruite of our thankefull ioy should be confined to one day or like a common retainer should haue but a yeerely acceptance no I haue appointed thee a day for a yeere euen a day for a yeere saith God to his Prophet but this of ours est Dies pro omnibus annis a day to thanke God all the yeeres of our life alwayes to say and sing with Deborah praise yee the Lord for the auenging of Israel yea euen the starres in their course fought against Sisera So let thine enemies perish O Lord. And thou O Lord which didst keepe vs from the conspiracy of the wicked and from the rage of the workers of iniquity by discouering their villanie to thee most mighty and mercifull God we offer vp our bodies and soules as a liuing sacrifice desirous to doe thee all prostrate seruice in body and soule which thou hast preserued in peace appointed by the wicked to haue perished in powder we will neuer forget this mercy or forbeare our humble thankes to thee for our deliuery but so long as the Sunne and Moone endureth wee with our posterities till time shal be no more will cherish the remembrance of it with an immortall thankfulnesse saying to thee with holy Melchi-sedecke after Abrahams victory Blessed be the most high God which hath deliuered our enemies into our hands to which King euerlasting immortall inuisible vnto God onely wise be all the honor and glory for euer and euer Amen CHAP. IIII. A description of the Persons THe Romish professors who teach the people to eate their God and kill their King were the chiefe instruments in the Powder-treason all the Actors and adherents were great Recusants Lay Recusants Catesby Percy Winter Tresham Wright c. deuised the plot and then the lesuits fell in with them allowed and ratified by Garnet Gerard O●●corne Greenewell c. Iesuits and Popish Priests Garnet imparted the Popes Breues to Catesby a right Catiline whereby he was stirred vp to deuise some way to worke a generall ouerthrowe This Catesby was the inuentor of this Villanie Accipe nunc Danaúm insidias crimine ab vno disce omnes Learne by this Traytors odious fault and fall Yee Papists to abhorre Treason in generall This Canniball or Roman-catholicke Catesby hauing bethought him of the powder-plot for the blowing vp of the Parliament house in generall rearmes breakes the case to Garnet What if in some case the innocent should be destroyed with the guilty He answers they might so that it were for a good able to recompence the lo●se of the innocent And afterward the plot plainly propounded to him not by way of confession as his Procters pleade for him but in conference about it as he voluntarily confessed before his death that Greenewell with this Catesby was heard of him not confessing but consulting yet if it had beene by way of confession for his owne confession prooues the contrary he should haue reuealed the plot if not the parties yea the parties also if hee would follow the example of his fellow-confessors Bodin doth relate an example heerein how a Norman had a purpose to kill King Francis yet afterward changed his minde these farre from such thoughts and opens this sinne in his confession to a Minorite Frier of his former yet forsaken purpose the Frier doth enioine him penance and grants absplution yet declares all to the King and the Iudges of the Court of Paris cause him to be executed But these who before had turned them from the true religion and tutored them in the Schoole of rebellion were so far from reuealing as that their heads and hearts were with them to 〈◊〉 well of the accomplishing Gerard gaue the Traytors the Sacrament to kind them to secrecy Hammond in 〈◊〉 house absolued the Traytors the Treason reuealed Oldcorne alias Hall defends the plot being discouered and willes the Catholickes not to be discouraged Tesmond plotted with Garnet and goes vp and downe to raise vp Armes The publicke writings of our state and records heerein with some of their owne confessions examinations and subscriptions are inuincible witnesses against all the cauels of deprauing Papists who labour to cleere these their polyprogmaticke Priests from hauing an hand in so hellish a plot by desperate and notorious vntruths But it is manifest by the mouth of Time Truth that these Priests were priuie to the Powder plot against all Popish calumniations suggested to the contrary and these Lay Recusants hauing first suckt the pestilent poyson of this vnheard Treachery out of the ill humors of Popish doctrine infused into them by the treasonable Tribe of Iesuits who teach Treason and cause Traytors to be canonized in Romes Calender Proh Superi quantum mortalia pectoracaecae Noctis habent ipso sceleris molimine Tereus Creditur essepius laudemque á crimine sumit O Lord what hearts possessed with the night Of deepest ignorance depriu'd of sauing light Can grace with praise such deedes of darknesse right These politicke Priests knowing these their Lay-disciples to be of turbulent and
the politicke body of the Kingdome all cut off at one blow the kingdome left headlesse heartlesse hopelesse depriued of her directing Iethroes Dij quibus imperium hoc steterat Virg. The pillars and supporters of this Christian Monarchy and changed it to a confused Anarchy then preuailing as Garnet the Arch-Priest and Archtraytor praied Auferte gentem istam perfidam de finibus credentium Take away this perfidious nation meaning vs Protestants from the borders of true belieuers vnderstanding Romanists vt laudes Deo debitas alacriter persoluamus that we may praise God for the same ioyfully But such prayers of the wicked is an abhomination vnto the Lord and though they make many prayers the Lord will not heare them because their hands are full of blood the enemies to our King and Kingdome opened their mouthes against vs saying Let vs deuoure them Certainely this is the day that we looked for yea which they longed for wherein they hoped to haue swallowed vs vp quicke when their wrath was kindled against vs to haue ouerthrowne the temporall and politicke estate of our Kingdome by the ruine of the royall Head and the most noble members of the same but the Lords eyes were vpon the faithfull of the Land to shield them vnder the shadow of his wings when as the proud had laid a snare for them and spread a net with cords in their way and set grins for them then did the Lord deliuer them from those euill men and preserued them from those cruell men and recompenced them their wickednes and destroied them in their owne malice to moue all Gods people in great Britanny to say with Zachary That being deliuered out of the hands of our enemies we should serue him without feare in holinesse and righteousnesse before him all the dayes of our liues Yea this pernicious proiect had not onely procured a fatall disturbance and destruction of the temporall and politicall welfare of the Kingdome but also aimed to alter the State of our Religion and to set vp the abhomination of desolation in the holy place to establish the corrupt profession of popish superstition this was the Helena for which these Greekes contended Then all of vs might with the children of Israel led captiue to Babilon cry like them By the riuers of Babilon we sate downe and wept when wee remembred thee O Sion for then wee should haue liued in captiuity to the Romish Babilon and haue sung the songs of Sion in a strange land and strange tongue Then England should haue beene againe as once one called it the Popes Asse to beare his burthens in a miserable bondage Those debosht and banished Popelings Iesuites Seminaries and Masse-Priests who can cry to their Images like Baals Priests O Baal heare vs lo then Hagar and Ismael not long since cast out with bagge and baggage reen tring againe insolently insulting ouer honourable Dame Sara and would driue her and Isaak out of the familie VVhat heart zealous of the glory of God and religious to the pure Gospell of Christ that would not with Dauid euery night water his couch with his teares to behold the Candlestickes of our Church who hold the light of the word broken in peeces I meane the spirituall labourers in the worde to be thrust out of the vineyard of the Church and the loyterers of Rome haruest-men for Antichrist to take the howses of God in possession So that with Dauid we might cry * O God thine enemies are come into thine inheritance thy holy Temple they haue defiled c. Romes wolues in sheepes cloathing worrying the Lambes of Christ Sathans Foxes running vpon the mountaines of Sion and stealing away the soules of the simple making them drunke with the dregs of the Romish grape enchanted with their Circes cup in which is the wine of infection spirituall fornication and abhomination The people then should haue beene depriued of the pure riuer of the water of life and for lacke of the bread of life compelled to complaine in the famine of their soules like the distressed Iewes in the famine of their bodies Where is bread and drinke where is the Manna which once was tasted the worde of grace wherewith wee once were feasted where are the painefull Pastors of our soules who once refreshed vs fedde our hearts with bread from heauen and filled our cares with comfortable tidings of peace who prayed for our soules with zealous spirits and spent themselues like vnwearied messengers in the worke of the Gospell Oh the Priests lippes which preserued knowledge they are silenced and sent to their graues expelled the Church or put in prison or turned to ashes in Popish flames their persecutors are swifter then the Eagles of heauen who pursue them vpon the mountaines and lay wait for them in the wildernesse they hunt their steppes that they cannot goe in the streetes their end is neere for their daies are fulfilled their end is come Oh this is come vpon vs for our cold loue and churlish entertainement of the Gospell when we had free liberty to call one another Come let vs goe vp to the mountaine of the Lord to the God of Iacob and hee will teach vs his waies and we will walke in his paths but then wee stopped our eares like deafe Adders against the voice of those charmes most expert in charming they piped vnto vs but we would not dance we then regarded not those songs of Sion and now both harpes and harpers are hung vpon the willow trees our soules are starued with Latine Masses wee haue no English Bibles wodden blockes are called the Lay-mens bookes we cannot see the way we should walke in but must like blinde men be guided by the spectacles of purblinde guides we must beleeue as they beleeue and yet doe not know what they beleeue all ready to repeat that wishing voice of Iob Oh that wee were as in times past when God preserued vs when his light shined vpon our heads and when by his light we walked through darkenesse all saying with Valerius though not in the same case who when Caligula that monster was killed and it could not be found out who had done it Noble Valerius rose vp and said vtinam ego would to God I had killed that monster So will they cry vtinam ego would to God wee had killed that monster which whisome wee indulgently cherished in our bosomes Ingratitude and Contempt of the Gospell then while we had the same in plenty and purity without commixtion of drosse and darnell trash and tares we began with the Israelites to loath this Manna We can see nothing but this Manna our soule loatheth this light bread and now Verbum amissum quaerimus inuidi Wee wander from Sea to Sea and from the North to the East to seeke the worde of the Lord and cannot finde it Now the Lords
complaint is verified vpon vs My people are destroyed for lacke of knowledge the seeds-men of the worde sent from the blessed sower who broke vp our stony hearts and made them flexible and did labour to turne many to righteousnesse they are taken from vs and now Impius haec tam culta novalia miles habebit Barbarus has segetes Not Masse but Mars-Priests in the Churches field Possesse the fruits which others labours tilld These and more pittifull mones would haue beene fresh and frequent in this land crying with Ieremy The ioy of our heart is gone our dance is turned to mourning the Crowne of our head is fallen woe vnto vs that wee haue sinned our necks are vnder persecution wee are weary and haue no rest Our King a Nursing Father to the Church and Common-wealth Our Noble men of Sion comparable to fine Gold Our reuerend Prelates and Pastors the salt of the earth and light of the land the chiefe Iudges and choice Gentry of the Kingdom who were as eyes to the blinde and feete to the lame All the pillars of Church and Common-wealth maintainers of the Law and Gospell had perished in this intended Massacre So that the shepheard being smitten the sheepe will be scattered yea sheepe not hauing a shepheard will fall into the hands of wolfes who will deuoure their flesh and their fleeces And looke still further and behold these powder-traitors men nourished with Tygers milke who enterprised not onely to procure a temporall politicall and spirituall ouerthrow of Church and Common-wealth but also so farre as in their power they could seeked to procure the eternall death of body and soule vnawares by force of fire to part vnprepared soules and blow vp with a fiery Dimittis bodies and soules before they could haue time to say feelingly Inmanus tuas Domine O Lord into thy hands we commend our soules heerein shewing themselues desirous to be bloudy murtherers to murder the body with death temporall and also to make away the soule with death eternall which second death worse then millions of corporall deaths Continet Myriades mortis Prima mors animam dolentempellit de corpore secunda mors animā nolentem tenet in corpore as Austen The first death driues the pained soule out of the body the second death keepes the vnwilling soule in the body for then men shall seeke death and shall not finde it for in life there is some ease in death an end but in the second death neyther ease nor end Mors sine morte finis sine fine So that to draw all to a conclusion which should haue beene the conclusion yea confusion of vs all I may supply my defects in the description of this immatchable treason with the Poets excuse Non mihi si centum linguae sint oraque centum Ferreavox omnes scelerum cōprendere formas Omnia poenarum peccurrere nomina possem No tongue can tell no pen descry This Map of mischiefe the Powder-Tragedy The Lord of Hosts who neither slumbers nor sleepes who in pitty and prouidence prouides for the safety of his Church and Children beheld our English Israel and Popish Amaleck the members of the Church militant and malignant the one secretly plotting to blow vp the other but the Lord against whom no wisdome nor vnderstanding nor counsell can preuaile became an impenetrable shield suffered not one of his seruants haires to be burnt with fire but besotted these Traytors to communicate their counsels though darkly to others by which meanes they were discouered And we are perswaded and confirmed of the all-sauing protection of our good God towards his deare Seruant and our dread Soueraigne with the rest of the religious assembly congregated for the glory of his name and good of his Church in that Honourable House of Parliament that if the Lord had suffred them to haue made a further progresse to the instant of that disastrous and dismall action that hee would haue disabled the party who with his vnhappy hand should haue kindled that fatall fire as he did the hand of infamous Ieroboam in the very act of stretching it against the Prophet it withered or like the hand of Valens the Emperor when hee tooke his pen to confirme the sentence of Basils banishment strucken of God shooke and shrunke not able to hold the pen So surely the Lord would haue benummed that accursed hand which sought to ouerthrow Christs Church among vs for it is as easie to pull Christ from Heauen as to put his Church out of the Earth Christ cannot be a bodilesse Head nor the Church an headlesse body and though outward meanes of deliuerance to vs may seeme defectiue yet stand comforted and couragious for the gates of hell shall not preuaile against the Church It is a lame and halting confidence which cannot goe to God without the stilts and crutches of externall meanes for the Lord knoweth to deliuer the godly and in the very point and article of time will be a present helpe in trouble God came to Adam with a promise in the time of despaire to Abraham with supply in the time of sacrifice to Isaacke with reliefe in the time of famine and danger to Ioseph with honour in the time of exile to Elias with comfort in the time of persecution to Gideon with helpe in the time of battle to Daniel with safety in the Lyons denne to Ionas with release in the Whales belly to Susanna with life condemned to death to the three Children with a protecting Angell in the fiery Furnace yea to this Kingdome of England with a most mercifull preseruation neere the time of the appointed Powder-destruction to make all our English Israel alwayes in all distresses and dangers say with Moses Feare not stand still behold the deliuerance of the Lord which he shewed vnto you this day Dies Ista Salutis erat candore notabilis ipso The Lord would not haue this Powder-proiect to haue power to burne one haire of his seruants head or any smell of fire come vpon them yet caused some of these vault-pyoners to be wounded and disfigured with powder In quo peccarunt in eodem plectuntur Wherewith they sinned by the same they were also punished So that all these extraordinary mercies of Almighty God summed vp together should haue more then a Magneticall attraction to draw all Christian hearts euer to praise his infinite goodnesse and continually inuite and induce all to a serious consideration and conseruation of this admirable deliuery from this intended miserable calamity agnizing God the sole and supreme cause in preuenting of it and therefore ascribing all the glory to him who hath preserued still his Church in tranquility our King in glory the State in safety the Realme in prosperity Iutuere rupem erige ratem The snares of death and destruction prepared
held Deum ex humanis membris consistere God did consist of humane members then how abominable is it to worship God vnder the shape of an Image and ascribe the same honor to the Image as they doe to the samplar God as they say by it represented● So that to such God will say as the Prophet speakes Confounded be all they that serue grauen images or that glory in Idolles and as Esay I am the Lord this is my name and my glory will I not giue to an other neither my praise to grauen Images And I wonder that any should be so bewitched as to delight in Images historicall vsel deny not but all spirituall vse is fornication and abomination but more to creepe and croutch to them the visible obiects of dust or dirt to bowe to the stocke of a Tree as the Prophet speakes this is the basest thing that almost the Sunne euer sawe vnworthy of man whose knee should bow to his Maker and not to the stocke that he hath made himselfe how odious is the seruice and sacrifice of such creeping and croutching Idoll-suppliants in the Lords sight he will cast the dung vpon their owne faces euen the dung of their solemne feasts such fordide seruice such prophane and heathenish sacrifice which stinckes in his nostrills and say I neuer required this woodden worship at your hands I neuer commanded you to buy these Bookes which you say shall put you in remembrance of me but you that cannot remember me without the sight of an Image on earth I will forget you and shall neuer haue a sight of my Image in heauen Thus hauing spoken a little yet enough to satisfie a temperate and ingenuous Reader to behold the corruptions of Popery in the forepassed points I will come to our next promised part Popes pardons wherein I wil be more briefe because they are called by them Bullae Bulls or Indulgences rather bubbles something in appearance empty in the substance of proofe or profit Fourthly Popes pardons Their Cardinall Allen in his defence of Popes pardons saith that to impugne the power of pardons is to ouerthrow the greatest matters which life and Faith doe stand vpon and saith that Luther except one Witclife condemned in the Councell of Constance was the first that contradicted them from which point did begin the toyle and tragedy of these times wherein the Cardinall speakes not 〈◊〉 Cathedra for the Waldenses long before Witclife and Bohemians before Luther did contemne and condemne this vsurped power of popish pardons wherein the pith of popery is inclosed Indeede when it pleased the Lord to open Luthers eyes to see the truth he began first to finde fault with the base inundation of picke-purse pardons though as hee saith then he did but fight in the darke for when Pope Leo the tenth had sent abroad his pardons which were preached by Terelius a Dominicke Frier ' Luther admonished the people of the abuses and deceits of the pardons and pardoners which long before his time had beene reproued in the Councels of Lateran and Vienna and complained to the Archbishop of Mentz to the Bishop of Brandenburg to the Prouinciall of the Augustine Friers and to the Pope himselfe and Surius the Papist confesses that he did iustly complaine and afterward compelled by intollerable iniuries and neglect of manifest truth and reformation cast off the seruile yoake and vassalage of Antichristian captiuity These Pardons haue no ground in holy Scripture or Primitiue Church or Fathers of the Church for a thousand yeares after Christ but are indeede the impostures of this last age delusions of Sathan and the temptations to Epicurisme and all vice when as such pardons for all kinde of sinnes are proffered and prostrated to all such as can prouide money for them For the Court of Rome hath an order containing the price to be paid for all kinde of sins as murther incest parricide sodomy sacriledge c. and they that would see the particular summes of money for all kinde of sinnes and offences and what their pardon will cost in the Court of Rome for all capitall and horrible faults let them read Musculus common places in the title of the Ministers of the worde of God towards the end Some of their writers confesse De Indulgentijs nihil habemus nec in Scripturis nec ex dictis antiquarum doctorum we haue nothing of pardons neyther in the Scriptures nor in the ancient Doctors their Gregory of Valence saith that Gratian Lombard who liued not aboue 400. yeares agoe Nihil de indulgentis ●…nisse haue recorded nothing of Indulgences And the same Iesuite saith Erant Catholici quidam ante Lutherum quorum opinionem Thomas refent qui indulgentias pias fraudes esse duxerunt There were certaine Catholickes before Luther whose opinion Thomas recites who accounted these indulgences holy fraud rather lenocinia diaboli the enticing impiety of the Deuil and the whore to be so indulgent to their sons as rather to cocker then correct them for their sinnes So Pope Boniface the 8 the first inuenter of Iubily pardons grants Non solumplenam largiorem immo plenissimam omni●m suorum veniam peccatorum Not onely a full and large pardon but a most full pardon of all their sinnes and to giue pardon for many hundred yeares to come and that for doing a very small seruice as Pope Gregory who made a prayer about the length of a Creede which whosoeuer shall say deuoutly shall receiue fiue hundred yeares of pardon quicke worke yet prouided that at the end of euery verse he say a Pater noster and an Aue. Sometimes pardons for dayes as Pope Innocent the sixt to them who say a short prayer about the scantling of an Aue hee shall obtaine pardon for twenty thousand daies Pope Iohn the two and twentieth giues to them who say a short prayer three thousand daies of pardon of mortall sinnes and twenty thousand daies of venials and if that prayer too long or pardon too short let him say fiue Pater nosters before the Vernacle and hee shall haue ten thousand daies pardon by that Pope Gregorie the third giues a pardon to them that shall say a prayer as long as three Aues and kneele before a Crucifice for sixe thousand sixe hundred threescore and sixe daies iust so many daies as Christ had wounds on his body as some say saue that our Lord appeared to S. Briget at Rome and told her that his wounds were but fiue thousand foure hundred and fourescore or as others tell it fiue thousand foure hundred fourescore and ten excepting the prickes of his crowne which were threescore and twelue But some other Popes haue beene more liberall in the grant of these pardons Pope Sixtus the fourth graunted to them who say a prayer of his making which hath not aboue fiue and forty words forty thousand yeares of pardon Read a Bull of