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A00947 Of the Russe common wealth. Or, Maner of gouernement of the Russe emperour, (commonly called the Emperour of Moskouia) with the manners, and fashions of the people of that countrey. Fletcher, Giles, 1549?-1611. 1591 (1591) STC 11056; ESTC S102293 102,619 240

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Pasquils to note their great mens faults that no man els dare speake of Yet it falleth out sometime that for this rude libertie which they take vpon them after a counterfeite maner by imitation of Prophets they are made away in secret as was one or two of them in the last Emperours time for beyng ouer bolde in speaking against his gouernment Of their Leiturgie or forme of Church-seruice and their manner of administring the Sacraments The 22. Chapter THeir morning seruice they call Zautrana that is mattins It is done in this order The Priest entereth into the Church with his Deacon following him And when hee is come to the middle of the Church he beginneth to say with a loude voyce Blasslauey Vladika that is Blesse vs heauenly Pastor meaning of Christ Then he addeth In the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost one very God in Trinitie and Aspody Pomeluy or Lorde haue mercy vpon vs Lorde haue mercie vpon vs Lorde haue mercie vpon vs repeated three times This done hee marcheth on towardes the Chauncell or Sanctum Sanctorum as they vse to call it and so entreth into the Scharsuey Dwere or the heauenly doore which no man may enter into but the Priest only Where standing at the altar or table set neere to the vpper wall of the chauncell hee sayeth the Lordes prayer and then againe Aspody Pomeluy or Lord haue mercie vpon vs Lorde haue mercie vpon vs c pronounced twelue times Then praysed be the Trinitie the Father the Sonne and holie Ghost for euer and euer Wherto the Deacons and people say Amen Next after the Priest addeth the Psalmes for that day and beginneth with O come let vs worshippe and fall downe before the Lorde c. and therewithall himselfe with the Deacons people all turne themselues towardes their Idoles or Images that hang on the wall and crossing themselues bowe downe three times knocking their heades to the verie ground After this he readeth the ten commandements and Athanasius Creed out of the Seruice booke This being done the Deacon that standeth without the heauenly doore or chauncel readeth a piece of a Legēd out of a written booke for they haue it not in print of some Saints life miracles c. This is diuided into manie partes for euerie day in the yeere and is read by them with a playne singing note not vnlike to the Popish tune when they soung their Gospels After all this which reacheth to an houre and an halfe or two houres of length hee addeth certeyne sette Collectes or prayers vpon that which hee hath read out of the Legend before and so endeth his Seruice All this while stand burning before their Idoles a great many of waxe candles wherof some are of the bignesse of a mans wast vowed or enioyned by penance vpon the people of the parish About 9. of the clock in the morning they haue an other seruice called Obeidna or Compline much after the order of the Popish Seruice that bare that name If it bee some high or Festiuall day they furnish their Seruice beside with Blessed bee the Lorde God of Israel c. and We prayse thee O God c Sung with a more solemne and curious note Their Euening seruice is called Vecherna where the Priest beginneth with Blaslauey Vladika as hee did in the morning and with the Psalmes appointed for the Vecherna Which beyng read hee singeth My soule doeth magnifie the Lorde c. And then the Priest Deacons and people all with one voice sing Aspody pomelui or Lord haue mercie vpon vs thirty times together Whereunto the boyes that are in the Church answere all with one voyce rowling it vp so fast as their lippes can goe Verij Verij Verij Verij or Prayse Prayse Prayse c. thirty times together with a very straunge noyse Then is read by the priest vpō the holidaies sung the first Psalme Blessed is the man c. And in the end of it is added Alleluia repeated ten times The next in order is some part of the gospell read by the Priest which hee endeth with Alleluia repeated three times And so hauing said a collect in remembrance of the Saint of that day he endeth his euening seruice All this while the Priest standeth aboue at the altar or high table within the Chancel or Sanctum Sanctorum whence he neuer moueth al the seruice time The Deacon or Deacons which are many in their cathedrall Churches stand without the chancell by the Scharsuey dwere or heauenly doore for within they may not be seene all the seruice time though otherwise their office is to sweepe and keepe it and to set vp the waxe candels before their Idols The people stand together the whole seruice time in the body of the Church and some in the church porch for piew or seate they haue none within their churches The Sacrament of baptisme they administer after this manner The child is brought vnto the Church this is done within eight daies after it is borne if it bee the childe of some Nobleman it is brought with great pomp in a rich sled or wagō with chaires cushiōs of cloth of gold such like sumptuous shew of their best furniture When they are come to the Church the Priest standeth ready to receiue the child within the church porch with his tub of water by him And thē beginneth to declare vnto them that they haue brought a little Infidell to be made a Christian c. This ended he teacheth the witnesses that are two or three in a certeine set forme out of his booke what their dutie is in bringing vp the childe after hee is baptised vz. That he must be taught to know God and Christ the Sauiour And because God is of great maiestie and wee must not presume to come vnto him without mediatours as the manner is when wee make any suit to an Emperour or great Prince therefore they must teach him what Saints are the best chiefe mediatours c. This done he cōmandeth the diuell in the name of God after a coniuring manner to come out of the water so after certeine praiers he plungeth the childe thrise ouer head eares For this they holde to be a point necessary that no part of the childe be vndipped in the water The words that beare with thē the forme of baptisme vttered by the Priest when he dippeth in the childe are the very same that are prescribed in the gospell vsed by vs vz In the name of the Father of the Sonne of the Ghost For that they should altar the forme of the words and say by the holy Ghost as I haue heard that they did folowing certein heretikes of the Greeke church I found to be vntrue aswell by report of them that haue bin often at their baptismes as by their booke of Leiturgie it selfe wherein the order of baptisme is precisely set downe When the childe
is baptiszed the Priest laieth oile and salt tempred together vpon the forehead and both sides of his face and then vppon his mouth drawing it along with his finger ouer the childes lippes as did the Popish priestes saying withall certeine prayers to this effect that God will make him a good Christian c all this is done in the Church porch Then is the childe as being now made a Christian and meet to be receiued within the church dore carried into the church the Priest going before and there he is presented to the chiefe Idoll of the Church being layd on a cushion before the feete of the image by it as by the mediatour to bee commended vnto God If the child be fick or weake specially in the winter they vse to make the water luke warme After baptisme the manner is to cut of the haire from the childes head and hauing wrapped it within a piece of wax to lay it vp as a relique or monument in a secret place of the church This is the māner of their baptisme which they accoūt to be the best perfectest form As they doo all other parts of their religion receiued as they say by tradition from the best church meaning the Greeke And therfore they will take great paynes to make a proselite or cōuert either of an infidell or of a forrein Christian by rebaptizing him after the Russe manner When they take any Tartar prisoner commonly they will offer him life with condition to be baptized And yet they perswade very few of them to redeeme their life so because of the naturall hatred the Tartar beareth to the Russe and the opinion he hath of his falshood and iniustice The yere after Mosko was fired by the Chrim Tartar there was taken a Diuoymorsey one of the chiefe in that exploit with 300. Tartars more who had all their liues offered thē if they would be baptized after the Russe manner Which they refused all to doo with many reproches against those that perswaded them And so beyng carried to the riuer Mosko that runneth through the citie they were all baptized after a violent manner being thrust downe with a knock on the head into the water through an hole made in the yse for that purpose Of Lieflanders that are captiues there are many that take on thē this secōd Russe baptisme to get more libertie somwhat besides towards their liuing which the Emperour ordinarily vseth to giue them Of Englishmen since they frequented the countrie there was neuer any found that so much forgot God his faith and countrie as that he would bee content to be baptized Russe for any respect of feare preferment or other meanes whatsoeuer saue onely Richard Relph that following before an vngodly trade by keeping a Caback against the order of the countrie and being put of from that trade spoiled by the Emperours officers of that which he had entred himself this last yeare into the Russe profession so was rebaptised liuing now asmuch an idolater as before he was a rioter and vnthrifty person Such as thus receiue the Russe baptisme are first carried into some Monasterie to be instructed there in the doctrine and ceremonies of the church Where they vse these ceremonies First they put him into a new and fresh suite of apparell made after the Russe fashion and set a coronet or in Sommer a garland vpon his head Then they annoint his head with oile put a waxe candle light into his hand and so pray ouer him foure times a day the space of seuen daies All this while he is to abstaine from flesh and white meats The seuen daies being ended he is purified and washed in a bathstoue and so the eight day hee is brought into the church where he is taught by the Friers how to behaue himselfe in presence of their idols by ducking downe knocking of the head crossing himself and such like gestures which are the greatest part of the Russe religion The sacrament of the Lordes supper they receiue but once a yeare in their great Lent time a litle before Easter Three at the most are admitted at one time and neuer aboue The manner of their cōmunicating is thus First they cōfesse themselues of all their sins to the Priest whō they call their ghostly father Then they come to the Church are called vp to the Cōmunion table that standeth like an altar a little remoued frō the vpper end of the Church after the Doutch maner Here first they are asked of the Priest whither they be cleane or no that is whither they haue neuer a sinne behind that they left vnconfessed If they answere No they are taken to the table Where the Priest beginneth with certeine vsuall prayers the communicants standing in the meane while with their armes foulded one within an other like penitentiaries or mourners When these prayers are ended the Priest taketh a spoone and filleth it full of claret wine Then he putteth into it a small piece of bread and tempereth them both together and so deliuereth them in the spoone to the Communicants that stande in order speaking the vsuall wordes of the Sacrament Eat this c. Drinke this c. both at one time without any pause After that he deliuereth them againe bread by it self and then wine carded together with a little warme water to represent bloud more rightly as they thinke and the water withall that flowed out of the side of Christ Whiles this is in doing the communicants vnfold their armes And then foulding them againe follow the Priest thrise round about the communion table and so returne to their places againe Where hauing said certeine other prayers he dismisseth the communicants with charge to bee meary and to cheere vp themselues for the seuen daies next following Which being ended he enioyneth them to fast for it as long time after Which they vse to obserue with very great deuotion eating nothing els but bread and salt except a little cabbage and some other hearbe or roote with water or quasse mead for their drinke This is their manner of administring the Sacraments Wherein what they differ from the institution of Christ and what ceremonies they haue added of their owne or rather borrowed of the Greekes may easily be noted Of the doctrine of the Russe church and what errours it holdeth The 23. Chapter THeir chiefest errours in matter of faith I find to be these First concerning the word of God it self they will not read publiquely certeine bookes of the Canonicall scripture as the bookes of Moses specially the foure last Exodus Leuiticus Numeri and Deuteronomie which they say are al made disauthentique and put out of vse by the comming of Christ as not able to discerne the difference betwixt the morall and the ceremoniall law The bookes of the prophets they allow of but read thē not publikely in their churches for the same reason because they were but directers vnto Christ
place from the Mosko vnder the tuition of his mother and hir kinred of the house of the Nagaies yet not safe as I haue heard from attempts of making away by practise of some that aspire to the succession if this Emperour die without any issue The nurse that tasted before him of certaine meat as I haue heard died presently That hee is naturall sonne to Ioan Vasilowich the Russe people warrant it by the Fathers qualitie that beginneth to appeare already in his tender yeares He is delighted they say to see sheepe and other cattel killed and to looke on their throtes while they are bleeding which commonly children are afraid to beholde and to beate geese and hennes with a staffe till he see them lie dead Besides these of the male kind there is a widdow that hath right in the succession sister to the old Emperour and aunt to this man somtime wife to Magnus Duke of Holst brother to the king of Denmarke by whom shee had one daughter This woman since the death of hir husband hath bene allured again into Russia by some that loue the succession better then hir selfe which appeareth by the sequele For hir selfe with hir daughter so soone as they were returned into Russia were thrust into a Nunnerie where hir daughter died this last yeare while I was in the countrie of no naturall disease as was supposed The mother remaineth still in the Nunnerie where as I haue heard shee bewayleth hir selfe and curseth the time when she returned into Russia entised with the hope of marriage and other fayre promises in the Emperours name Thus it standeth with the imperiall stock of Russia of the house of Beala which is like to determine in those that now are to make a conuersion of the Russe estate If it be into a gouernment of some better temper and milder constitution it will be happy for the poore people that are now oppressed with intollerable seruitude Of the manner of crowning or inauguration of the Russe Emperours The 6. Chapter THe solemnities vsed at the Russe Emperours coronatiō are on this manner In the great Church of Precheste or our Lady within the Emperours castle is erected a stage whereon standeth a scrine that beareth vpon it the Imperiall cappe and robe of very riche stuffe When the day of the Inauguration is come there resorte thither first the Patriarch with the Metropolitanes Archbishops Bishops Abbots and Priors all richly clad in their Pontisicalibus Then enter the Deacons with the quier of singers Who so soone as the Emperour setteth foote into the Church beginne to sing Many yeares may liue noble Theodore Iuanowich c Whereunto the Patriarch and Metropolite with the rest of the Cleargie answere with a certaine Hymne informe of a prayer singing it all together with a greatnoyse The hymne beyng ended the Patriarch with the Emperour mount vp the stage where standeth a seat ready for the Emperour Whereupon the Patriarch willeth him to sit downe and then placing himselfe by him vpon an other seate prouided for that purpose boweth downe his head towardes the ground and sayeth this prayer Oh Lord God King of Kinges Lord of Lordes which by thy prophet Samuel diddest choose thy seruant Dauid and annoint him for King ouer thy people Israell heare now our prayers and looke from thy sanctuarie vpon this thy seruant Theodore whome thou hast chosen and exalted for King ouer these thy holy Nations annoint him with the oyle of gladnesse protect him by thy power put vpon his head a crowne of golde and pretious stones giue him length of dayes place him in the seate of Iustice strengthen his arme make subiect vnto him all the barbarous nations Lette thy feare bee in his whole heart turne him from an euill faith and from all errour and shewe him the saluation of thy holy and vniuersall Church that hee may iudge thy people with Iustice and protect the children of the poore and finally atteyne euerlasting lyfe This prayer hee speaketh with a lowe voyce and then pronounceth a lowde All prayse and power to God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost The prayer beyng ended hee commaundeth certaine Abbots to reach the imperiall roabe and cappe whiche is done verie decently and with great solemnitie the Patriarch withall pronouncing alowde Peace be vnto all And so he beginneth an other praier to this effect Bowe your selues together with vs and pray to him that reigneth ouer all Preserue him oh Lord vnder thy holy protection keepe him that hee may doo good and holy things let iustice shine foorth in his dayes that wee may liue quietly without strife and malice This is pronounced somewhat softly by the Patriarch whereto hee addeth againe alowd Thou art the King of the whole worlde and the sauiour of our soules to thee the Father Sonne and Holy ghost be all prayse for euer and euer Amen Then putting on the roabe and the cappe he blesseth the Emperour with the signe of the crosse saying withall in the name of the Father the Sonne and the Holy ghost The like is done by the Metropolites Archbishops and Bishops who all in their order come to the chaire and one after an other blesse the Emperour with their two fore-fingers Then is sayed by the Patriarch an other prayer that beginneth O most holy virgin mother of God c. After which a Deacon pronounceth with an high lowde voice Many yeares to Noble Theodore good honourable beloued of God great Duke of Volodemer of Mosko Emperour and Monarch of all Russia c. Whereto the other Priestes and Deacons that stand somewhat farre of by the altar or table answeare singing Many yeares many yeares to the noble Theodore The same not is taken vp by the Priestes and Deacons that are placed at the right and left side of the Church and then all together they chaunt and thunder out singing Many yeares to the noble Theodore good honaurable beloued of God great Duke of Volodemer Mosko Emperour of all Russia c. These solemnities beyng ended first commeth the Patriarch with the Metropolites Archbishops and Bishops then the Nobilitie and the whole companie in their order to doo homage to the Emperour bending downe their heads and knocking them at his feete to the very ground The stile wherewith he is inuested at his Coronation runneth after this manner THeodore Iuanowich by the grace of God great Lord and Emperour of all Russia great Duke of Volodemer Mosko and Nouograd King of Cazan King of Astracan Lord of Plesko and great duke of Smolensko of Twerria Ioughoria Permia Vadska Bulghoria and others Lord and great duke of Nouograd of the Low countrie of Chernigo Rezan Polotskoy Rostoue Yaruflaueley Bealozera Liefland Oudoria Obdoria and Condensa Commaunder of all Siberia and of the North partes and Lord of many other Countries c. This stile conteyneth in it all the Emperours Prouinces and setteth foorth his greatnesse And therefore they haue a great delight and pride in it forcing
proper as they say to the nation of the Iewes Onely the booke of Psalmes they haue in great estimation and sing and say them dayly in their Churches Of the new Testament they allow and read all except the Reuelation which therefore they read not though they allow it because they vnderstand it not neither haue the like occasion to know the fulfilling of the prophecies conteyned within it concerning especially the apostasie of the Antichristian Church as haue the Westerne Churches Notwithstanding they haue had their Antichrists of the Greeke Church and may finde their owne falling of and the punishments for it by the Turkish inuasion in the prophecies of that Booke Secondly which is the fountain of the rest of al their corruptiōs both in doctrine ceremonies they holde with the Papistes that their church Traditions are of equall authoritie with the written worde of God Wherein they prefer thēselues before other churches affirming that they haue the true and right traditions deliuered by the Apostles to the Greeke church and so vnto them 3. That the church meaning the Greeke and specially the Patriarch and his Synod as the head of the rest haue a soueraigne authoritie to interpret the Scriptures and that all are bound to holde that interpretation as sound and authentique 4. Concerning the diuine nature the three persons in the one substance of God that the holy Ghost proceedeth from the Father onely and not from the Sonne 5. About the office of Christ they holde many fowle errours and the same almost as doth the Popish church namely that hee is the sole mediatour of redemption but not of intercession Their chiefe reason if they bee talked withall for defence of this errour is that vnapt and foolish comparison betwixt God and a Monarch or Prince of this world that must bee sued vnto by Mediatours about him wherein they giue speciall preferment to some aboue others as to the blessed Virgin whom they call Precheste or vndefiled and S. Nicôlas whom they call Scora pomosnick or the Speedy helper and say that he hath 300. angels of the chiefest appointed by God to attend vpon him This hath brought them to an horrible excesse of idolatry after the grossest prophanest māner giuing vnto their images al religious worship of praier thanksgiuing offerings adoration with prostrating and knocking their heads to the ground before thē as to God himself Which because they doo to the picture not to the portraiture of the Saint they say they worship not an idol but the Saint in his image so offend not God forgetting the cōmandement of God that forbiddeth to make the image or likenes of any thing for any religious worship or vse whatsoeuer Their church walles are very full of them richly hanged set forth with pearle stone vpō the smooth table Though some also they haue embossed that stick from the board almost an inch outwards They call them Chudouodites or their miracle workers and when they prouide them to set vp in their Churches in no case they may say that they haue bought the image but exchaunged monie for it 6. For the means of iustification they agree with the Papists that it is not by faith only apprehēding Christ but by their works also And that Opus operatum or the worke for the worke sake must needes please God And therefore they are all in their numbers of praiers fastes vowes offrings to saints almes deeds crossings such like and carrie their numbring beads about with them cōtinually aswel the Emperour his Nobilitie as the cōmon people not only in the church but in all other publike places specially at any set or solemne meeting as in their fastes lawe courts common consultations intertainement of Ambassadours and such like 7. They say with the Papists that no man can be assured of his saluation til the last sentence be passed at the day of iudgement 8. They vse auricular confession thinke that they are purged by the very action frō so many sinnes as they confesse by name and in particular to the Priest 9. They hold three sacramentes of Baptisme the Lords supper and the last annoiling or vnction Yet concerning their Sacrament of extreame vnction they holde it not so necessarie to saluation as they do baptisme but thinke it a great curse and punishment of God if any die with out it 10. They thinke there is a necessitie of baptisme and that all are condemned that die without it 11. They rebaptise as many Christians not being of the Greek church as they conuert to their Russe profession because they are diuided from the true Church which is the Greeke as they say 12. They make a difference of meates drinks accounting the vse of one to be more holy then of an other And therefore in their set fastes they forbeare to eate fleshe and white meats as we call them after the manner of the Popish superstition which they obserue so strictly with such blinde deuotion as that they will rather die then eat one bit of flesh egges or such like for the health of their bodies in their extreme sicknese 13. They hold marriage to be vnlawfull for all the Clergie men except the priests only and for them also after the first wife as was said before Neither doo they well allow of it in Lay men after the second marriage Which is a pretence now vsed against the Emperours only brother a child of six yeres old Who therefore is not praised for in their churches as their manner is otherwise for the Princes bloud because hee was borne of the sixt marriage and so not legitimate This charge was giuen to the priests by the Emperour himselfe by procurement of the Godonoes who make him beleeue that it is a good pollicie to turne away the liking of the people from the next successour Many other false opinions they haue in matter of religion But these are the chiefe which they holde partly by meanes of their traditions which they haue receiued from the Greeke church but specially by ignorance of the holy Scriptures Which notwithstanding they haue in the Polonian tongue that is all one with theirs some few wordes excepted yet fewe of them read them with that godly care which they ought to doo neither haue they if they would bookes sufficient of the old and new Testament for the common people but of their Leiturgie onely or booke of common seruice whereof there are great numbers All this mischief commeth from the clergie who being ignorant and godlesse themselues are very warie to keepe the people likewise in their ignorance and blindnesse for their liuing and bellies sake partly also frō the manner of gouernment setled among them which the Emperours whom it specially behoueth list not to haue chaunged by any innouation but to retaine that religion that best agreeth with it Which notwithstanding it is not
table in a set forme with great manners and reuerence to the Bridegroome If she behaue her selfe otherwise it is a great preiudice to her credite and life euer after and will highly be disliked of the Bridegroome himselfe After the third day they depart to their owne and make a feast to both their friends together The marriage day and the whole time of their festiuall the Bridegroome hath the honour to bee called Moloday Knez or yong Duke and the Bride Moloday Knezay or young Dutchesse In liuing with their wiues they shewe themselues to be but of a barbarous condition vsing them as seruants rather then wiues Except the Noble-women which are or seeme to be of more estimation with their husbands then the rest of meaner sort They haue this fowle abuse contrary to good order and the worde of God it selfe that vpon dislike of his wife or other cause whatsoeuer the man may goe into a Monasterie and shire himselfe a Frier by pretence of deuotion and so leaue his wife to shift for her selfe so well as she can Of the other Ceremonies of the Russe Church The 25. Chapter THe other ceremonies of their Churche are manie in number especially the abuse about the signe of the Crosse which they set vp in their high wayes in the tops of their Churches and in euery doore of their houses signing themselues continually with it on their foreheads and brests with great deuotion as they will seeme by their outward gesture Which were lesse offence if they gaue not withall that religious reuerence and woorship vnto it which is due to God onely and vsed the dumbe shewe and signing of it insteede of thanksgiuing and of all other dueties which they owe vnto God When they rise in the morning they goe commonly in the sight of some steeple that hath acrosse on the toppe and so bowing themselues towardes the crosse signe themselues withal on their foreheads and brests And this is their thanksgiuing to God for their nightes rest without any word speaking except peraduenture they say Aspody Pomeluy or Lorde haue mercie vpon vs. When they sitte downe to meate and rise againe from it the thanksgiuing to God is the crossing of their foreheads and brests Except it be some few that adde peraduenture a worde or two of some ordinarie prayer impertinent to that purpose When they are to giue an oath for the deciding of anie controuersie at Lawe they doe it by swearing by the Crosse and kissing the feet of it making it as God whose name onely is to bee vsed in such triall of iustice When they enter into any house where euer there is an idole hanging on the wall they signe themselues with the crosse bow themselues to it When they begin any work bee it little or much they arme them selues first with the signe of the crosse And this cōmonly is all their prayer to God for good speede of their businesse And thus they serue God with crosses after a crosse and vaine maner not vnderstanding what the crosse of Christ is nor the power of it And yet they thinke all strangers Christians to be no better then Turkes in comparison of themselues and so they wil say because they bow not themselues when they meete with the crosse nor signe themselues with it as the Russe maner is They haue holie water in like vse and estimation as the Popish Church hath But herein they exceede them in that they doe not onely hallow their holie water stockes and tubbes ful of water but all the riuers of the countrey once euery yeere At Mosko it is done with great pompe and solemnitie the Emperour himselfe being present at it with all his Nobility marching through the streets towards the riuer of Moskua in manner of procession in this order as followeth First goe two Deacons with banners in their hands the one of Precheste or our Ladie the other of S. Michael fighting with his dragō Then follow after the rest of the Deacons the priests of Mosko two two in a ranke with coaps on their backs and their idols at their brests carried with girdles or slinges made fast about their necks Next the priests come their Bishops in their pontificalibus then the Friers Monks and Abbots and after the Patriarches in very rich attite with a ball or sphere on the top of his myter to signifie his vniuersalitie ouer that Church Last commeth the Emperor with all his nobility The whole traine is of a mile long or more When they are come to the riuer a great hole is made in the yse where the market is kept of a rod and a halfe broad with a stage round about it to keepe off the presse Then beginneth the Patriarch to say certaine praiers and coniureth the diuel to come out of the water and so casting in salt and censing it with frankincense maketh the whole riuer to become holy water The morning before all the people of Mosko vse to make crosses of chawlke ouer euerie doore and window of their houses least the Diuell beyng coniured out of the water shoulde flye into their houses When the ceremonies are ended you shal see the black Gard of the Emperours house and then the rest of the Towne with their pailes and buckets to take off the hallowed water for drinke and other vses You shall also see the women dippe in their children ouer head and eares and many men and women leape into it some naked some with their clothes on when some man woulde thinke his finger woulde freese off if hee should but dippe it into the water When the men haue done they bring their horse to the riuer to drinke of the sanctified water and so make them as holie as a horse Their set day for this solemne action of hallowing their riuers is that we cal Twelfthday The like is done by other Bishops in al parts of the Realme Their maner is also to giue it to their sick in their greatest extremitie thinking that it will eyther recouer them or sanctifie them to God Whereby they kill many through their vnreasonable superstition as did the Lord Borris his onely sonne at my beyng at the Mosko whom he killed as was said by the phisitions by powring into him colde holie water and presenting him naked into the Church to their Saynt Basileo in the colde of the Winter in an extremitie of sicknesse They haue an image of Christ which they call Neruchi which signifieth as much as Made without hands for so their priests superstition withal perswadeth them it was This in their processions they carry about with them on high vpon a pole enclosed within a Pixe made like a lanthorn and doe reuerence to it as to a great mysterie At euery brewing their maner is likewise to bring a dish of their woort to the Priest within the Church which beyng hallowed by him is powred into the brewing and so giueth it such a vertue as
man speaketh nor speaketh any thing himselfe worthie to be beleeued These qualities make thē very odious to all their neighbours specially to the Tartars that account themselues to be honest and iust in comparision of the Russe It is supposed by some that doe well consider of the state of both countries that the offence they take at the Russe gouernment and their maner of behauiour hath beene a great cause to keepe the Tartar still Heathenish and to mislike as he doeth of the Christian profession FINIS Strabo in his 7. booke of ●●ogr Gen. 10. Ioseph l. 1. cap. 14. The borders of Russia The shires of Russia The Prouinces or countries got by conquest The bredth and length of the countrie The cold of Russia The chief riuers of Russia The fruites and graine of Russia The chiefe commodities of the countrie 1. Furres 2. Waxe 3. Hony 4. Tallow 5. Hide 6. Trane oyle The manner of hunting the Seal fish Ickary 9 8. Hempe and flaxe 9. Salt 10. Tarre 11. Ribazuba 12. Slude 13. Saltpee●●r brimstone 4. Iron The strāge ●●●sts fish fo●le c. that breed in Russia Mosko Nouograde Iaruslaue The manner of Russe buylding The house Beala not naturall Russe The aduoncement of the house of Beala The Russe gouernment tyrannicall The States of Parliament The order of the summons or assembling Their discourse at Parliamēt The Vdelney Knazey chiefe of the Nobilitie The factiō of Oppressini Zempskey deuised by the Emperour Names of the greatest houses of the Russe Nobilitie The 2. degree of Nobilitie The 3. sort of Nobilitie The second degree of persons The third degree The foure Chetfirds The Commission of the Dukes or Presidents of Shires The Gouernment of Mosko An harde matter to alter the State of Russia The nūber and names of the Coūsellours of State Foure Secretaries The offices of receipt The Steward receiuer of the crowne lād rentes The office of Chetfird Tagla and Podat The office of Bulcha Prechod or great income The Emperours custome The whole receipt of the Bulsha Prechod or great income Rents out of the iudicial offices The Emperours treasure house within his castle of Mosko The summe of the Emperours rēt money A strange practise to get money The seruile and miserable estate of the Russe people The tyranny and oppression ouer their very minds and wits The ielousie of the Emperour concerning his state Courts of ciuill iustice three The Dukes and Diacks Court The high Court of Mosko Their māner of procedeing in Ciuill matters Ending of controuersies by kissing the Crosse Iudgement by lotte The forme of Russe bils or bonds Proceeding in criminall matters Souldiers by birth inheritāce Degrees of horsemen 1. Praetoriaenior such as attend the Emperours person 15000. Two other troupes to the number of 65000. Horsemen in cōtinuall pay 80000. Footmen in continuall pay 12000. Strangers mercenaries in pay 4300. The chiefe captaines or leaders 1. The Voiauod or Generall 2. Liefetenant generall 3. Marshals of the field foure Foure marshals deputies 8. Fiue Cotonels vnder Captaines Sixe Masters of the Artillerie The waking Captaine Their order for mustering The horsemans furniture The footemans furniture Prouision of victuall Horsemens drummes The horsemans manner of charging The footemans charge The walking Castle Reward for valure Lituania Narue Permia and Pechora Meanes of holding his chiefe townes Meanes of holding the countries of Pechora Permia and Siberia The Polonians called Laches by the Russe The Chrim Tartar The firing of Mosko by the Chrim Tartar in the yeare 1571. Homage done by the Russe to the Chrim Tartar The manner of the Tartars fight and armour The subtiltie of the Tartar The Tartar religion The Tartar Nobilitie The Tartar dyet The Tartars dwelling The Nagay Tartar the cruellest The Chircasce the ciuilest Tartar The Cheremissen Tartar The Mordwite Tartar the most barbarous of the rest The Permans The Samoites The Samoites religion Slata Baba or the golden Hag. The Samoits habite and behauiour The Lappes The church officers The Patriarch The translation of the Patriarchicall sea from Constantinople or Sio to Mosko The Patriarchship of Constantinople translated to Mosko The Patriarches iurisdiction The Metropolites Archbishops Bishops Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction Their Gentlemen cōmissaries The church reuenues The habite of their clergy men The electiō of Bishops The learning exercise of the Russe Clergie Priests The Russe Priests can marry but once The priests maintenance The priests attire Friers Their maner of shiring Friers The Friers learning Nunneries Eremites Basileo the Eremite Nicôla the Eremite Their morning Seruice Their Euening seruice The manner of the Russe baptisme Rebaptizing The administring of the Lords supper The Russe errours 1. Their disallowing of certeine parts of the Canonicall scriptures 2. Traditions equall to the holy Scripture 3. The Church to haue soueraigne authoritie in interpreting the Scriptures 4. The holy Ghost to proceed frō the Father onely 5. Christ not sole mediator of intercessiō 6. Iustification by workes 7. Saluation vncerteine 8. Auricular confession 9. Three Sacramēts 10. All dāned that die without baptisme 11. Anabaptisme 12. Difference of meates 13. Marriage for some persons vnlawfull The manner of indowment for wiues Ceremonies in mariages The signe of the crosse Holywater Hallowing of riuers Drinking of holy water Brewing with holy water Palmsunday Fasts Vigils Burials Moneths mindes His priuate prayer The Emperour giueth presence euery morning The Emperours seruice at his Table Maister of the Horse The L. Steward The L. Tresurer Controller Chamberlaine Tasters Harbēgers Gentlemen of the chāber The Gard. Grooms Constitution of their bodies Their diet The Noble mans attire The Gentlemans apparell The Noble womans attire The Mousicks or cōmon mans attire Their wits and capacities Crueltie of the Russe people Intemperancie