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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A47446 The state of the Protestants of Ireland under the late King James's government in which their carriage towards him is justified, and the absolute necessity of their endeavouring to be freed from his government, and of submitting to their present Majesties is demonstrated. King, William, 1650-1729. 1691 (1691) Wing K538; ESTC R18475 310,433 450

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one thousand six hundred eighty nine be produced to your chief Governor or Governors of this Kingdom and enrolled in your Majesties High Court of Chancery the same shall be a sufficient Discharge and Acquittal to such of the Persons last before-named and every of them respectively whose Loyalty and Fidelity your Majesty will be pleased to certify in manner as afore-said And be it further enacted That in the mean time and until such Return and Acquittal all the Lands Tenements and Hereditaments within this Kingdom belonging to all and every Absentee and Absentees or other Person to be attainted as aforesaid shall be and are hereby vested in your Majesties your Heirs and Successors as from the first Day of August last past And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all and every such Person and Persons as by any the foregoing Clauses is are or shall be respectively attainted shall as from the first Day of August one thousand six hundred eighty eight forfeit unto your Majesty your Heirs and Successors all such Mannors Lands Tenements and Hereditaments and all Right Title-Service Chiefery Use Trust Condition Fee Rent-Charge Right of Redemption of Mortgages Right of Entries Right of Action or any other Interest of what nature or kind soever either in Law or Equity of in or unto any Lands Tenements or Hereditaments within this Kingdom belonging or appertaining to such Person or Persons so as aforesaid attainted or to be attainted in his or their own Right or to any other in Trust for him or them on the said first Day of August one thousand six hundred eighty eight or at any time since and all the said Lands Tenements and Hereditaments so as aforesaid forfeited unto and vested in your Majesty your Heirs and Successors hereby are and shall be vested in your Majesty your Heirs and Successors whether such Person or Persons were seized thereof in Fee absolute or conditional or in Tayl or for Life or Lives and that freed and freely discharged off and from all Estates Tayl and for Life and from all Reversions and Remainders for Life for Years or in Fee absolute or conditional or in Tayl or to any Person or Persons whatsoever such Remainder as by one Act or Statute of this present Parliament intituled An Act for repealing the Acts of Settlement an Explanation Resolution of Doubts and all Grants Patents and Certificates pursuant to them or any of them or by this present Act are saved and preserved always excepted and fore-prized Provided always that the Nocency or Forfeiture of any Tenant in Dower Tenant by the Courtesy Jointress for Life or other Tenant for Life or Lives in actual Possession shall not extend to bar forfeit make void or discharge any Reversion or Reversions vested in any Person or Persons not ingaged in the Usurpation or Rebellion aforesaid such Reversion and Reversions being immediately depending or expectant upon the particular Estate of such Tenant in Dower Tenant by the Courtesy Joyntress for Life or other Tenant for Life or Lives any thing in the said Act of Repeal or in this present Act to the contrary notwithstanding Provided always and be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid that nothing in this present Act contained shall any way extend or be construed to extend to forfeit or vest in your Majesties your Heirs or Successors any Remainder or Remainders for valuable Considerations limited or settled by any Settlement or Conveyance made for such valuable Considerations either of Marriage or Marriage-Portion or other valuable Consideration whatsoever upon any Estate for Life or Lives to any Person or Persons not concerned in the Usurpation or Rebellion aforesaid such Remainder or Remainders as are limited or settled by any Conveyance wherein there is any Power for revoking and altering all or any the Use or Uses therein limited and also such Remainder and Remainders as are limited upon any Settlement or Conveyance of any Lands Tenements and Hereditaments commonly called Plantation-Lands and all Lands Tenements and Hereditaments held or enjoyed under such Grants from the Crown or Grants upon the Commission or Commissions of Grace for Remedy of defective Titles either in the Reign of King James the first or King Charles the first in which several Grants respectively there are Provisoes or Covenants for raising or keeping any number of Men or Arms for the King's Majesty against Rebels and Enemies or for raising of Men for his Majesties Service for Expedition of War always excepted and foreprized All which Remainders limited by such Conveyances wherein there is a Power of Revocation for so much of the Lands Uses and Estates therein limited as the said Power doth or shall extend unto and all such Remainders as are derived or limited for or under such Interest made of Plantation-Lands or other Lands held as aforesaid under such Grants from the Crown and all and every other Remainder and Remainders Reversion and Reversions not herein mentioned to be saved and preserved shall by the Authority of this present Parliament be deemed construed and adjudged void debarred and discharged to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever against your Majesty your Heirs and Successors and your and their Grantees or Assignees and the said Lands Tenements and Hereditamens belonging to such Rebels as aforesaid shall be vested in your Majesty your Heirs and Successors freed and discharged of the said Remainder and Remainders and every of them And to the end the Reversions and Remainders saved and preserved by this Act may appear with all convenient Speed Be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the respective Persons intituled to such Remainders and Reversions do within sixty Days next after the first sitting of the Commissioners for executing the said Act of Repeal and this present Act exhibit their Claims before the said Commissioners and make out their Titles to such Remainder or Remainders so as to procure their Adjudication and Certificate for the same or the Adjudication and Certificate of some three or more of them And further That all Remainders for which such Adjucations and Certificates shall not be procured at or before One hundred and twenty Days after the first sitting of the said Commissioners shall be void and for ever barred and excluded any thing in this Act or other Matter to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding All which Lands Tenements and Hereditaments mentioned as aforesaid to be forfeited unto and vested in your Majesty by any the Clauses aforesaid are hereby declared to be so forfeited unto and vested in your Majesty without any Office or Inquisition thereof found or to be found and the same to be to the Uses Intents and Purposes in the said Act of Repeal and in this present Act mentioned and expressed And whereas several Persons hereafter named viz. Lyonel Earl of Orrery Mrs. ..... Trapps Ann Vicecountess Dowager of Dungannon Robert Boyl Esq Catherine Woodcock Alice Countess Dowager of Drogheda Alice Countess Dowager of Mountroth Isabella Countess
or to a Field of mine that lies convenient for him I tell him that I have no mind to part with them He offers me Money for them I tell him that I will not sell them He tires me out with Importunities and at length I consent to part with them in exchange for some other things as good as they But I tell him withall that I my self will be Judge whether they are so or not since it is at his importunity and to please him that I part with them And besides that I am resolv'd to be possessed of the Equivolent at the same time that I part with my own there being no reason why I should dance attendance after him and wait his leisure for my Reprizal My Lords If these be the true Conditions of Reprizals as I presume they are I am confident that not one of them is like to be observed in the intended Reprizals not the first of them For by the Petitions that have been before your Lordships and by an additional Clause in your Lordships Alterations wherein you have saved all Remainders expectant on Estates for Lives most of the Reprizable Persons must Part with an Inheritance to them and their Heirs and get only in Lieu of it an Estate for Life which will determine with the Life of the forfeiting Persons So here is not Equal Value Worth and Purchase Not the Second For the Parties themselves are not made the Judges but the Commissioners And I dare say that if they were made the Judges there is not one of them that are to be turn'd out that will part with their present Possessions or that judge the Reprizal to bear any proportion with the Estates they are to quit Not the Third For by the Commons Bill they are to be turn'd out immediatly and wait for a Reprizal afterwards and all the Favour they can obtain from your Lordships is only to have a competent time for their removal which may be long or short as the Commissioners please but out they must go at the discretion of the Commissioners and wait their leisure for a Reprizal This is the first Objection against this Bill The next is that it is not for the Publick Good either for the King or the Kingdom or the People in it It is not for the good of the King who is the Vital Head of this great Body and that whether we respect his Majesties Honour or his Profit It is not for his Majesties Honour to consent to the Ruining of so many Innocent Loyal Persons as must unavoidably perish if this Bill doth pass It is not for his Honour to rescind those just Acts of his Royal Father and Brother the Act for Adventurers passed in England and the Declaration and Acts of Settlement and Explanation which if I am not misinform'd were five years upon the Anvil and at last not pass'd till all Parties were fully heard It is not for his Majesties Honour to break his word with his People nor violate so many repeated Promises as he hath made that he would not Consent to the Repeal of them And as it is not for his Honour so it is not for his Profit or Advantage it will neither preserve him in the Kingdom that he enjoys nor restore him to those that he has unhappily lost His Profit in this Kingdom must arise out of a Constant Payment of his Revenue both Ordinary and Extraordinary And who is able to pay His Revenue or support the Dignity of his Crown if this Bill passeth into a Law The Protestants are not able the Rapparees have Plundered them of all their Substance and here is a Bill to take away their Estates and consequently they will have nothing left to pay the Publick Taxes of the Nation And as for the Romanists they will be in as ill a Condition as the Protestants The Old Proprietor comes Poor and Hungry into his Estate and can pay nothing till his Tenants raise it and the present Possessor loseth the Benefit of his Purchases and Improvements and who then is able to supply the Necessities of His Majesty Besides this in many parts of the Kingdom the Land is hardly able to pay the Kings Quit-Rent by reason of the Universal Depredations that Reign every where and can it be imagin'd but that things will grow far worse when the ablest Catholick Merchants and the most Wealthy Purchasers of that Communion are ruin'd and undone And as it is not for the Kings Profit in this Kingdom so it is to the utter Ruine of his Interest in the Kingdoms that he has lost Will the Protestants in England and Scotland join heartily in restoring him to his Crown when they understand how their Brethren here are used No My Lords They will rather bend and unite all their Forces to hinder his Restitution when they consider that the mischief is like to come home to their own Doors and that what is a doing here is but a Model of what they must suffer if he be restored Will they trust his Word in England when he breaks it in Ireland or rely on his Promises to them when he doth not keep them to his Subjects here This my Lords will abate their Affections for him and gain him more Enemies there than he can have Friends here It is not for the good of the Kingdom and that if we consider it in reference to Trade Wealth Improvements Husbandry It will ruine the Kingdom in point of Trade Divine Providence hath placed us in an Island where we must Trade or want many conveniences of Life and can we expect that the Trade of this Nation will increase in our hands when we find it sunk so low by the removal of the Protestant Merchants effects out of the Kingdom and for those Catholick Merchants that carry it on in some measure can we believe that they will be able to carry it on when we are ruining their Stocks by taking away their Estates and Improvements from them Nay we shall not only ruine our own Traders at home but break their Correspondents abroad whose effects are in their hands We have passed a Bill in this House for the Inviting Strangers to Settle and Trade among us but it is worth considering whether the Course we are now taking will not hinder the Nation of the intended benefit of that Bill for if Foreign Merchants come among us what Security have they but the Publick Faith of the Nation and it is not probable that Strangers will rely upon it when they observe that it is so ill kept towards our own people If Trade decays the Wealth of the Nation must perish with it for they live and die together Wealth cannot subsist without Trade or without security for Debt And who will ever lend Money or Purchase or Improve in this Kingdom after this when the Money that hath been lent and the Purchases made from Persons deriving their Estates under two Acts of Parliament many years