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A14970 The second part of Symboleography, newly corrected and amended, and very much enlarged in all the foure seuerall treatises. 1. Of fines and concordes. 2. Of common recoueries. 3. Of offences and indictments. 4. Of compromises and arbitrements. Wereunto is annexed another treatise of equitie, the iurisdiction, and proceedings of the high Court of Chauncerye: of supplications, bils, and aunsweres, and of certaine writs and commissions issuing thence, and there also retornable: likewise much augmented with diuers presidents, very necessary for the same purpose, beginning at the 144. section, and continuing to the end of bils and aunsweres. Hereunto is also added a table for the more easy and readie finding of the matters herein contayned: the new additions hauing therein this marke * set before them; Symbolaeographia. Part 2 West, William, fl. 1568-1594. 1601 (1601) STC 25278; ESTC S119713 604,936 622

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E. 3. Persons ciuilly dead as Friers Nunnes Monkes Channons professed and other like supersticious votaries who are in subiection to their Soueraignes 14. H. 8. 16. 2. R. 2. 5. Of couerture ANd therefore a feme couert within age ought not to leuie a fine Sect. 8. for that she cannot reuerse it during the couerture nor after if the couerture continue till she be of full age 50. E. 3. 5. 27. Ass pla 53. And a feme couert ought not to leuie a fine but with her right husband 7. H. 4. 23. 42. E. 3. 20. But a fine leuied by a feme couert without her husband of her owne landes wherein she hath fee simple is an estoppell against her and her heires if her husband auoid it not by entrie or otherwise as he may during his wiues life and after her death during his owne life as if he be tenant by the Curtesie 17. E. 3. 52. and 78. 17. Ass 17. 7. H. 4. 23. But if lyuing her first husband she take a second husband and with him and by his name knowledge a fine this fine shall not bind her because she is misnamed 7. H. 4. 22. and 23. Yet if she with her right husband by a wrong christian name leuie a fine she is estopped during her life ● Ass pla 11. Brooke Fines 117. A feme couert must beware how she with her husband do leuie a fine of her Iointure least she thereby lose her dower Trin. 19. Eliz. Dyer fol. 359. pla 49. Neyther ought the husband without his wife to leuie any fine of her lands for she and her heires may auoid it after his death 32. H. 8. cap. 28. 12. E. 4. 12. 42. E. 3. 20. Villeines ANd Villeines by knowledging such fines should preiudice their Sect. 9. Lords thereby bereauing them of the landes aliened for such fines be good Persons dead in law ANd fines leuied by persons ciuilly dead are vtterly void Sect. 10. Imprisonment ANd if men compelled by threatnings or inprisonment should be Sect. 11. admitted to leuie fines they should thereby be barred because the law intendeth such persons are at libertie when they knowledge fines 17. E. 3. 52. 78. 17. Ass 17. Of persons hauing ioint power PErsons prohibited to be Cognizors by reason of ioint power are Sect. 12. they that haue ioint power and aucthoritie with others as the single members of euery Corporation or Society As a Bishop without his Deane and Chapter A Deane without his Chapter An Abbot or Prior without his Couent A Parson Vicar Prebendary or Chauntry priest without their Ordinarie A Maior without his Cominaltie Masters of colledges without their Felowes And of other Societies incorporate may not leuie fines Plow 375. b. 11. Elizab. fol. 538. a 21. Eliz. 21. E. 4. 13. 11. H. 4. 68. 12. H. 4. 11. 12. 38. E. 3. 33. Plow fol. 538. a. 20. Eliz. Of the estates of Cognizors ALbeit euery fine be good to bind the parties yet for the validitie Sect. 13. of the fine it is conuenient that either the Cognizor or the Cognizee be seazed of the lands aliened 41. E. 3. 14. 22. H. 6. 13. For the fine is void if neither of the parties be seazed at the leuying thereof 41. E. 3. 14. 33. H. 6. 18. 3. H. 6. 27. 27. H. 8. 4. and 20. 37. H. 6. 34. 13. Ass p. 8. 3. H. 7. 9. 5. E. 3. 22. H. 6. 57. Yet the vouchee after he hath entred into the warrantie may leuy a fine vnto the demandant though in facto neither of them is seazed For such vouchee is tenant in law and may confesse the action because of the priuitie betweene him and the demandant But a fine by him so leuied to an estranger is void 8. H. 4. 5. 5. H. 7. 40. Persons attained or wayued in personall actions may alien by fine or otherwise for their estates remayne in them still though they thereby forfeyt the profites of their landes 9. H. 6. 20. 21. H. 7. 7. And persons attainted of Felony or Treason may not be Cognizors by reason that by their offences their estates be forfeyted But if they do their fines be good against all persons but the King and the Lord of whom the lands beholdē for their times 8. Ass pla 25. for their estats remaine in them during their liues Also tenant for life may leuie a fine sur graunt releas of the lands which he holdeth for life to hold to the Cognizee for life of the tenant for life and it is no forfeiture 44. E. 3. 36. But if the estate were larger or the fine sur cognizance de droit come ceo que c. it were a forfeiture of his estate 4. H. 7. fol. The same law is of such sins by tenant in tayle after possibility tenant in dower or by the curtesie 39. E. 3. 16. But such fine of a rēt seemeth to be no forfeiture 2. H. 5. 7. Yet a particuler tenāt as in dower by curtesie or for life cannot by fine graunt surrender their estates to thowner of the reuersion or remainder but may by fine graunt and releas the same 17. E. 3. 62. 24. E. 3. 26. 20. E. 3. and 14. E. 3. A tenant in commen or Iointenant may leuie a fyne of his part 26. H. 8. 9. So may a Coparcener of his part Dyer 334. plac 30. Pasch 16. Eliz. A fine leuied by the heyre who is an Intrudor vpon the kings possession is voyd per le Praerog cap. 13. 1. H. 7. 5. 24. E. 3. 65. But if such fine be leuied without intrusion it bindeth the Cognizor and his heires 1. H. 7. 5. If a disseisor leuie a fyne with proclamation and the disseisee within fiue yeares after do not enter or caime he and his heires be barred for euer Plowd fol. 353. 11. Elizab. inter Stowell Zouch Also fines may be leuied by the tenant in taile general or special And by tenant in fee simple And by tenant in remainder or reuersion ¶ Hauing thus passed the capacities and estates of Cognizors let vs haue consideration how they may be named How Cognizors are to be named TOuching the names whereby parties to fines ought to be named Sect. 14. for so much as names be to no other end inserted into fines and other writings then that it may be certeinly knowen who be the parties thereunto it is requisite that they be certeinly named by their right names of baptisme and surnames whether the same be King Prince Duke Marquesse Earle Vicont Baron Lord or Knight which be names of dignitie some of which are sometimes named without their Surnames as Georg. Comes Salop̄ without his surname Iohēs Dux Lancastr̄ or he be an Esquire or Gentleman which be names of worship nobilitie and honor 14. H. 6. 15. 21. E. 4. 84. Whose addicions neuerthelesse of curtesie are communly vsed in fines as Io. Byron Miles H. D. armig T. L. gener̄ Or if he be a ●eoman
in him 38. E. 3. 20. Nor tenant in taile after possibility of issue extinct for the inheritance which was once in him 43. Ed. 3. 1. 46. E. 3. 13. 27. A particuler tenant of lands holden in Capite is not ●●pellable to T. for life of lands in capite atturne without sight of a licence of alienation least his lands should be be subiect to a fine for the alienation without licence 45. E. 3. 6. If A. and B. haue an estate for ten yeeres as executors and B. haue Executors fiue yeres in reuersion in his owne right he must atturne because he is possessed of y● who le terme the atturnement of one executor of a terme is good enough 32. E. 3. ●itz Quid iuris clam̄ 5. per Stanhoppe But if A. lease to B. and C. for vi yeres and after confirme the estate T. pur vi● ou● A. pur ans of B. for life the note of the fine shal make mention of B. onely per Seton 32. E. 3. Fitz. Quid iur̄ clam̄ 5. If tenant in dower or by curtesie grant their estate yet the Quid iur̄ T. Dower T. Curtesi● clam̄ lyeth against them for none but they can be tenant in dower or by the curtesie 18. E. 3. 5. If a lease for yeres with liuery be vpon condition that if the lessee T. for yeeres vpon conditiō pay x. li. such a day or the lessor die within the terme c. he shall haue fee If before the day the lessor alien by fine this tenant shall attourne Saluis aduantagijs And yet if he pay the x. li. at the day or the leassor die during the terme the lessee shall haue fee 6. R. 2. Fitz. Quid iuris clamat 20. If a Quid iuris clamat be against two as tenants in comen he which Vers T. in cōmen appeareth must atturne if he plede not that they are ioint tenants 16. E. 3. Fitz. Quid iur̄ clam̄ 21. If a particuler tenant graunt ouer his estate after the note leuied yet After assignement must he atturne 17. E. 3. Fitz. Quid iur̄ clamat 11. If the tenant attorne once vpon the grant of the cognisor he shall attorne Once attorne no more 4. E. 2. Fitz. Quid iur̄ clamat 45. If a ioint tenant or tenant in commen of a reuersion graunt his part Ioint tenant Tenant in commen by fine the particuler tenant shall not be compelled to attorne 5. Ed. 3. Fitz. Quid iuris clam̄ 40. Vpon a lease for life vpon condition that if the lessee die within 20. Tenāt for life vpon conditiō yeres that his executors administrators or assignes shall hold vnto the end of 20. yeres the lessee shall attorne as tenant for life with protestation to saue his interest 16. E. 3. 20. E. 3. Fitz. Quid iur̄ clam̄ 22. 31. If the reuersion of 2. ioint tenants for life be graunted by fine supposing Ioint tenāt of a reuersion th one to be sole tenant the tenant is not compellable to attorne 32. E. 3. Fitz. Quid iuris clam̄ 5. per Seton But tenant by Statute or Elegit seemeth not compellable to attorne T. by Elegit because the cognisor cannot compell him to accompt and he may holde the lands after his summe satisfied vntil he haue leuied his damages 6. E. 3. 53. Fitz. Fines 99. E. 3. Fitz. Quid iur̄ clam̄ 47. Nor a tenant for life where the husband sole is cognisor of his wifes Baron sole cognisor land for if he do at torne the wife suruyuing her husband may enter for forfaiture 27. E. 3. And a Clark which hath no lay fee is not compellable to attorne 38. A Clark E. 3. 28. Nor a tenant for life in reuersion or remainder 34. H. 6. b. Reuersion Nor tenant in frankmariage Lib. intr̄ Quid iuris clamat 11. Frankmariage Infant Ideot Nor an Infant 43. E. 3. 1. Nor a Lunatique madman or Ideot as it seemeth because of their disabilities But attournement made by such persons as are able but not compellable to attourne is good 12. E. 4. Natu. br fo 170. b. And an attornement may be with an exception if the tenant haue a With exception lease for life without impeachment of wast as he may atturne sauing his aduantage it shal be so entred 45. E. 3. 11. 24. E. 3. If the tenant haue couenāts to repaire c. 48. E. 3. 32. Or haue an Annuitie Couenants out of the land 48. E. 3. 32. Or couenant of warrantie or acquitaile Annuitie Warrantie Acquitall Graunt 41. E. 3. 48. Or to felle trees he may atturne sauing these aduantages If A. seised of lands in fee thereof infeoffe B. to thuse of the said A. for life and after to thuse of his executors assignes for xx yeres after Rem̄ in fee. his death And then to thuse of C. in fee Quere if A. shal be compelled to atturne in Quid iur̄ clamat supposing him tenant for life onely not mencioning y● terme without sauing of his terme by protestation Dye● fol. 309. pl. 77. 14. Eliz. No view lieth in Quid iur●s clamat 15. E. 4. 28. What plees will barre the plaintife of atturnement IF y● tenant plede that he is seised in fee the day of the note leuied without Sect ' 162. Seisin in fee. that that he was then seised for life without shewing how he is so seised 15. E. 4. 28 1. H. 7. 27. Or if the tenant for life plede that before the fine an estraunger was The conusor had nothing seised in fee and released vnto him in fee. Without that that the recognisor had any thing in the lands the day of the note leuied 3. H. 4. 3. If a perticuler tenant plede he holdeth not of the cognisor the day of Nonten●re the note leuied he must shew what estate he claimeth and from whom 3. E. 3. 6. Fitz. Quid iuris clamat 6. 14. E. 3. Fitz. Quid iur̄ 9. But if he claime fee he shal not shew howe 14. E. 3. 3. Fitz. Fines 7. Seisin in fee. but trauerse that he holdeth for life 1. H. 7. 27. Leassee for viii yeres vpon condition that if the lessor alien within the Sesi de tali ●atu qual c. terme he shall haue fee cannot alleage that and say that he claimeth estate according to the tenour of his deede but must pleade his estate certainly 2. E. 2. Fitz. Quid iuris clamat 38. If the tenant confesse for part and plede a plee which may forfait his For parcell estate therein he must attorne by and by 11. H. 4. 57. Contra 22. 3. 18. Fitz. Fines 33. Release of the cognisor before the cognisans to the heire or his auncestors Releas in fee is a good barre 44. E. 3. 34. If leassee pur ans claime pur vie faile de ceo il forfeit son terme
law D. S. lib. 1. cap. 30. 44. E. 3. 5. 2. H. 4. 13. Fitz. Na. br fol. 152. If tenant in taile be disseised and die and a collaterall aunce●●er to the heire in taile release to the disseisor with warrantie and die and the same warrantie discend vpon the said heire he is barred in law and conscience D. S. cap. 31. 35. H. 6. 63. 41. E. 3. 7. 45. E. 3. 23. 19. H. 6. 59. 15. H. 7. 9. 10. 21. H. 7. 39. 3. H. 7. 9. Tenant in taile after possibilitie of issue is dispunishable for wast by law and conscience because he had once inheritance 45. E. 3. 3. 39. E. 3. 16. and thereby power to wast without punishment which power endureth so long as his estate D. S. lib. 2. cap. 1. If a man be outlawed before he haue knowledge of the suit albeit the surmised cause of action be vntrue yet the Queene may haue his goods by Law and conscience by reason of his disobedience in not appearing to the hindrance of the effect of law for he is bound to take notice of the suit being of record at his perill And the forfeiture groweth by a generall Maxime made for the necessarie execution of Iustice But it seemeth the defendant may haue remedie in conscience against him which caused him to be outlawed without iust cause D. St. lib. 2. cap. 3. 21. H. 7. 7. 9. H. 6. 20. If an estranger do wast lands which another holdeth for yeares life in dower or by the curtesie without the tenants assent the owner of the reuersion may recouer the place wasted and treble dammages against the tenant in law And in conscience notwithstanding that the stranger be insufficient to recompence him for the same for it is his owne act and follie to take such estate subiect to the chance D. S. lib. 2. cap. 4. If a real action be brought by a very lawfull heire and yet bastardie being pleaded in him he is vntruely certified by the Ordinarie to be a bastard and so barred the tenant knowing this certificate to be vntrue ought not in conscience to reteyne the land yet is there no remedie for him in law nor in Chauncerie as it seemeth for that the Bishops certificat is the highest triall that the law affordeth in this behalfe And euery stranger may take aduantage of this certificate and no moe writs may be awarded for further trialll of the trueth thereof for the auoyding of the incōuenience which might happen if another Bishop should certifie such bastard to be legitimate D. S. lib. 2. cap. 5. If a feoffement in fee be made without deed or a gift in taile or a lease for life the remainder ouer in fee Or if tenant for ●fe graunt his whole estate by deed Poll reseruing rent in these cases the reseruation is void in law and there is no remedie therefore but in conscience D. S. lib. 2. cap. 9. Learne whether Executors or Administrators hauing assets be compellable in Chauncerie to make amends for trespasse done by their testator or to pay debt due by him vpon a simple contract Do. St. lib. 2. cap. 10. If tenant in fee haue two sonnes and die and I. S. abate and thelder sonne make his executors and dieth and the yonger recouereth against the abator in Assise of Mortdauncester the lands and damages from the death of his Father the executors of the elder brother haue no remedie for the damages accrued in his life time as it seemeth Do. Stu. lib. 2. cap. 13. Tenant in dower hath no remedie in Equitie against the alienee of her husband for damages growing betweene his death and her demaūd D. S. lib. 2. cap. 13. Tenant for life disseised dieth his disseisor dieth his heire entreth against whom the owner of the reuersion recouereth the landes but no damages by law nor Equitie D. S. lib. 2. cap. 13. If a man seised of lands knowing that an other hath good right thervnto leuieth a fine with proclamation to extinguish such right And maketh no claime within v. yeres he is remedilesse in law and Equitie D. S. lib. 2. cap. 14. A man seised of lands in fee hath a daughter she marieth and hath issue her father dieth the husband so soone as he knoweth of his fathers death hasteth to take possession of the land but before he come to it his wife dieth he shal not be tenant by the Curtesie of England by law nor conscience because he had not actual possession thereof in the life time of his wife D. S. lib. 2. cap. 15. If without consideration a new rent be graunted without deede or a reuersion without attornement the grauntee is remedilesse Do. St. lib. 2. cap. 15. A man seised in fee of lands holden by Knights seruice deuiseth the whole to A. B. the deuisee thereof is remedilesse for a third part thereof for that there is no Maxime in law for him D. S. li. 2. ca. 15. If the tenant make a feoffement of the land which he holdeth by prioritie taketh estate thereof backe againe and dieth the Lord of whom he held by priority is remedilesse D. S. lib. 2. cap. 15. If the grauntee of a rent charge take a feoffement from the grauntor of parcel of the lands charged to his owne vse the whole rent is extinct by the vnitie of possession because such rent is against common right And the law deemeth it his owne folie to accept the feoffement and neither his ignorance of the deede nor of the law can helpe him D. S. lib. 2. cap. 16. 17. Yet Quaere in Equitie because the grauntor himselfe is priuie to the said feoffement D. S. lib. 2. cap. 17. A. graunteth a rent charge out of two acres of land vnto B. and then infeoffeth H. of the one acre in fee to his vse and after H. intending to extinguish the whole right causeth the same acre to be recouered against him by common recouerie in a writ of Entre sur disseisin in le Post in the name of the said grauntee not knowing thereof and of an other man who by force thereof entreth and dieth so that the grauntee is sole seised of all the same acre by suruiuor to thuse of the said H. The whole rent is hereby extinct by law through the vnitie of possession though the vse be to H. it is also extinct in conscience as to the grauntor because he is neither party nor priuie to that by which thextinguishment groweth But Quere whether in conscience the grauntee ought to haue the whole rent of H. who caused the said recouerie to be so had Do. S. Lib. 2. cap. 17. If a Villein graunted for life purchaseth lands in fee and the grauntee entreth before the villein alieneth the same the grauntee shall haue the land for euer as a perquisite by reason of the villein And this both by Law 5. E. 4. 61. and by conscience D. S. lib. 2. cap. 18. Perkins Sect ' 94. 95. 96. 97.