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A16049 The Nevv Testament of Iesus Christ, translated faithfully into English, out of the authentical Latin, according to the best corrected copies of the same, diligently conferred vvith the Greeke and other editions in diuers languages; vvith arguments of bookes and chapters, annotations, and other necessarie helpes, for the better vnderstanding of the text, and specially for the discouerie of the corruptions of diuers late translations, and for cleering the controversies in religion, of these daies: in the English College of Rhemes; Bible. N.T. English. Douai. Martin, Gregory, d. 1582. 1582 (1582) STC 2884; ESTC S102491 1,123,479 852

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through dry places seeking rest and findeth not ✝ verse 44 Then he saith I vvil returne into my house vvhence I came out And coming he findeth it vacant svvept vvith besoms and trimmed ✝ verse 45 Then goeth he and taketh vvith him seuen other spirites more vvicked then him self and they enter in and dvvel there and * the last of that man be made vvorse then the first So shal it be also to this vvicked generation ✝ verse 46 As he vvas yet speaking to the multitudes * behold his mother and his brethren stoode vvithout seeking to speake to him ✝ verse 47 And one said vnto him Behold thy mother and thy brethren stand without seeking thee ✝ verse 48 But he ansvvering him that told him said ″ Who is my mother and vvho are my brethren ✝ verse 49 And stretching forth his hand vpon his Disciples he said Behold my mother and my brethren ✝ verse 50 For vvhosoeuer shal doe the vvil of my father that is in heauen he is my brother and sister and mother ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XII 24. In Beelzebub The like blasphemie agaynst the Holy Ghost is to attribute the miracles done by Saincts either dead or aliue to the Diuel 30. Not with me They that are indifferent to al religions commonly and fitly called Neuters ●oyning them selues to neither part let them marke these wordes wel and they shal see that Christ accoumpted al them to be agaynst him and his Church that are not plainely and flatly with him and it 30. Gathereth not with me He speaketh not only of his owne person but of al to whom he hath committed the gouernement of his Church and specially of the cheefe Pastours succeeding Peter in the gouernement of the whole As S. Hierom writing to Damasus Pope of Rome applieth these words vnto him saying of al Heretikes He that gathereth not with thee scattereth that is to say He that is not with Christ is with Antichrist 31. The blasphemie of the Spirit He meaneth not that there is any sinne so great which God wil not forgiue or whereof a man may not repēt in this life as some Heretikes at this day affirme but that some heinous sinnes as namely this blasphemie of the Iewes against the eu●dent workes of the Holy Ghost and likewise Archeheretikes who wilfully resist the knowē truth and workes of the Holy Ghost in Gods Church are hardly forgeuen and seldom haue such men grace to repent Otherwise among al the sinnes agaynst the Holy Ghost which are commonly reckened sixe one only shal neuer be forgiuen that is dying without repentance wilfully called Final impenitence Which sinne he committeth that dieth with contempt of the Sacrament of Penance obstinatly refusing absolution by the Churches ministerie as S. Augustine plainely declareth in these wordes Whosoeuer he be that beleueth not mans sinnes to be remitted in Gods Church and therfore despiseth the bountifulnes of God in so mighty a worke if he in that obstinat minde continue tll his liues end he is guilty of sinne against the Holy Ghost in which Holy Ghost Christ remitteth sinnes Enchir. 83. Ep. 50 in fine 32. Sonne of man The Iewes in their wordes sinned against the sonne of man when they reprehended those things which he did as a man to witte calling him therfore a glutton a great drinker of wine a freend of the Publicans and taking offense because he kept company with sinnes brake the Sabboth and such like and this sinne might more easely be forgiuen them because they iudged of him as they would haue done of any other man but they sinned and blasphemed against the Holy Ghost called here the finger of God whereby he wrought miracles when of malice they attributed the euident workes of God in casting our diuels to the diuel him self and this sinne shal not be remitted because it shal hardly be remitted as we see by the plague of their posteritie vntil this day 3● Nor in the world to come S. Augustine and other Holy Doctors gather herevpon that some sinnes may be remitted in the next life and consequently prooue Purgatorie thereby De Ciuit. Dei li. 21 c. 18. D. Gregor Dial. li. 4 c. 39. 36. Idle word If of euery idle word we must make accoumpt before God in iudgement and yet shal not for euery such word be damned euerlastingly then there must needes be some temporal punishment in the next life 4● Who is my mother The dutiful affection toward our parents and kinsfolke is not blamed but the inordinate loue of them to the hinderance of our seruice and duty toward God Vpon this place some old Heretikes denied Christ to haue any mother Aug. li. de Fid. Symb. c. 4. Neither euer was there any heresie so absurd but it would seeme to haue Scripture for it CHAP. XIII Speaking in parables as the Scripture foretold of him and as meete vvas for the reprobate Ievves he shevveth by the parable of the Sovver that in the labours of his Church three partes of foure do perishe through the fault of the hearers 24 and yet by the parable of good seede and cockle as also of the Nett● that his seruant● must not for al that neuer vvhile the vvorld lasteth make any Schisme or Separation 31 And by parables of the litle mustard seede and leauen that notvvithstanding the three parts perishing and ouersovving of cockles yet that fourth part of the good seede shal spreade ouer al the vvorld 44 And vvithal vvhat a treasure and pearle it is 53 After al vvhich yet his ovvne countrie vvil not honour him verse 1 THE same day IESVS going out of the house sate by the sea side ✝ verse 2 And * great multitudes vvere gathered together vnto him in so much that he vvent vp into a boate sate and al the multitude stoode in the shore ✝ verse 3 and he spake to them many things in parablesh saying Behold the sovver vvent forth to sovv ✝ verse 4 And vvhiles he sovveth some fell by the vvay side and the foules of the aire did come and eate it ✝ verse 5 Othersome also fell vpon rockie places where they had not much earth and they shot vp in continent because they had not deepenes of earth ✝ verse 6 and after the sunne vvas vp they parched and because they had not roote they vvithered ✝ verse 7 And other fell among thornes and the thornes grevve and choked them ✝ verse 8 And othersome fell vpon good ground and they yelded fruite the ″ one an hundred-fold the other threescore and an other thirtie ✝ verse 9 He that hath eares to heare let him heare ✝ verse 10 And his Disciples came and said to him Why speakest thou to them in parables ✝ verse 11 Who ansvvered and said vnto them Because ″ to you it is giuen to knovv the mysteries of the kingdom of heauen but to them it is not giuen ✝ verse 12 For he that hath to him
vvatched him vvhether he vvould cure on the Sabboths that they might accuse him ✝ verse 3 And he saith to the man that had the vvithered hand Rise vp into the middes ✝ verse 4 And he saith to them Is it lavvful on the Sabboths to doe vvel or il to saue a soule or to destroy but they held their peace ✝ verse 5 And looking round about vpon them vvith anger being sorovvful for the blindenes of their hart he saith to the man Stretch forth thy hand And he stretched it forth and his hand vvas restored vnto him ✝ verse 6 And the Pharisees going forth immediatly made a consultation vvith the Herodians against him hovv they might destroy him ✝ verse 7 But IESVS vvith his Disciples retired to the sea and a great multitude from Galilee and Ievvrie folovved him ✝ verse 8 and from Hierusalem and from Idumaea and beyond Iordan And they about Tyre and Sidon a great multitude hearing the things vvhich he did came to him ✝ verse 9 And he spake to his Disciples that a boate might attend on him because of the multitude lest they should throng him ✝ verse 10 for he healed many so that there preased in vpon him for to touch him as many as had hurtes ✝ verse 11 And the vncleane spirites vvhen they savv him fel dovvne vnto him and they cryed saying ✝ verse 12 ″ Thou art the sonne of God And he vehemently charged them that they should not disclose him ✝ verse 13 And * ascending into a mountaine he called vnto him vvhom he vvould him self and they came to him ✝ verse 14 And he made that ″ tvvelue should be vvith him and that he might send them to preach ✝ verse 15 And he gaue them povver to cure infirmities and to cast out diuels ✝ verse 16 And he gaue to Simon the name ″ Peter ✝ verse 17 and Iames of Zebedee and Iohn the brother of Iames and he called their names Boanerges vvhich is the sonnes of thunder ✝ verse 18 and Andrevv and Philippe and Bartlemevv and Matthevv and Thomas and Iames of Alphaeus and Thaddaeus and Simon Cananaeus ✝ verse 19 and Iudas Iscariote vvho also betrayed him ✝ verse 20 And they come to a house and the multitude resorteth together againe so that they could not so much as eate bread ✝ verse 21 And vvhen his had heard of it they vvent forth to lay hands on him for they said That he vvas become mad ✝ verse 22 And the Scribes vvhich vvere come dovvne from Hierusalem said * That he hath Beelzebub and that in the prince of deuils he casteth out deuils ✝ verse 23 And after he had called them together he said to them in parables Hovv can Satan cast out Satan ✝ verse 24 And if a ″ kingdom be deuided against it self that kingdom can not stand ✝ verse 25 And if a house be deuided against it self that house can not stand ✝ verse 26 And if Satan be risen against him self he is deuided and can not stand but hath an end ✝ verse 27 No body can rifle the vessel of the strong being entred into his house vnles he first binde the strong and then shal he rifle his house ✝ verse 28 Amen I say to you that al sinnes shal be forgiuen the sonnes of men and the blasphemies wherevvith they shal blaspheme ✝ verse 29 But he that shal blaspheme against the Holy Ghost he hath not forgiuenesse for euer but shal be guilty of an ″ eternal sinne ✝ verse 30 Because they said He hath an vncleane spirit ✝ verse 31 And * there come his mother and brethren and standing vvithout they sent vnto him calling him ✝ verse 32 and the multitude sate about him and they say to him Behold thy mother and thy brethren vvithout seeke thee ✝ verse 33 And ansvvering them he said ″ Who is my mother and my brethren ✝ verse 34 And looking about vpon them vvhich sate round about him he saith Behold my mother and my brethren ✝ verse 35 For vvhosoeuer shal doe the vvil of God he is my brother and my sister and mother ANNOTATIONS CHAP. III. 13. Thou art the Sonne The confession of the truth is not grateful to God proceding from ouery person The diuel acknowledging our Sauiour to be the sonne of God was bidden hold his peace Peters confession of the same was highly allowed and rewarded Aug. tract 10 in ep Ioan. Ser. 30. 31. de verb. Apostoli Therfore neither Heretikes sermons must be heard no not though they preach the truth So is it of their prayer and seruice which being neuer so good in it self is not acceptable to God out of their mouthes yea it is no better then the howling of wolues Hiero. in 7 Os●● 14. Twelue This number of twelue Apostles is mystical and of great importance as appeareth * by the choosing of Mathias into Iudas place to make vp againe this number prefigured in the 12 Patriarkes Gen. 49. the 12 Princes of the children of Israel Num. 1. the 12 fountaines found in Elim Exod. 15. the 12 pretious stones in the Rational of Aaron Exod. 39. the 12 Spies sent by Moyses Num. 13. the 12 stones taken out of Iordan whereof the Altar was made Iosu 4. the 12 loues of Proposition Leuit. 24. c. Anselm in Mt. c. 10. And these are the 12 foundations of heauenly Hierusalem Apoc. 21. 16. Peter Peter in numbering the Twelue is alwaies the first and his name is so giuen him for signification of his calling to be the * Rocke or Foundation of the Church vnder Christ as here also the name BOANERGES is giuen to other two Apostles for signification and so names els where in the old Testament and in the new 24. Kingdom against kingdom As this is true in al Kingdoms and Common-weales where Ciuil dissension reigneth so is it specially verified in heresies and Heretikes which haue alwaies diuisions among them selues as the plague of God for diuiding them selues and others from the Church 29. Eternal sinne That which is here called eternal is as S. Matthew expresseth it that which shal neither be remitted in this life nor in the life to come Where we learne by S. Marke that there are also sinnes not eternal and by S. Matthew that they are such as shal be forgiuen either here or in the life to come 33. Who is my mother Neither is it here said that he had no mother as some vpon these wordes falsly gather nor ingratitude to our parents is taught vs by this answer but we be hereby admonished to preferre the spiritual mother of the Faithful which is the Church Catholike and our brethren in her and their spiritual good aboue our carnal parents or kinne For so our Maister being occupied here about heauenly things accounted al them his mother and brethren which did the will of his Father in which number our Lady his
the citie vvere adorned vvith al pretious stone The first foundation the iasper the second the saphire the third the calcedonius the fourth the emerauld ✝ verse 20 the fifth the sardonix the sixt the sardius the seuenth the chrysolithus the eight the beryllus the ninthe the topazius the tenth the chrysoprasus the eleuenth the hyacinthe the tvvelfth the amethys●e ✝ verse 21 And the twelue gates there are twelue pearles one to euery one euery gate vvas of one seueral pearle the streate of the citie pure gold as it vvere trāspárent glasse ✝ verse 22 And temple I savv not therein for our Lord the God omnipotent is the temple thereof and the Lambe ✝ verse 23 And * the citie needeth not sunne nor moone to shine in it for the glorie of God hath illuminated it and the Lambe is the lampe thereof ✝ verse 24 And * the Gentiles shal vvalke in the light of it and the kinges of the earth shal bring their glorie and honour into it ✝ verse 25 And * the gates thereof shal not be shut by day for there shal be no night there ✝ verse 26 And they shal bring the glorie and honour of nations into it ✝ verse 27 There shal not enter into it any polluted thing nor that doeth abomination and maketh lie but * they that are vvritten in the booke of life of the Lambe ANNOTATION CHAP. XXI 18. Pure gold S. Gregorie li. 18. Moral 6 28 saith the heauenly state is resembled to gold pretious stone crystal glasse and the like for the puritie claritie glittering of the glorious bodies vvhere one mans body conscience and cogitations are represented to an other as corporal things in this life are seen through crystal or glasse CHAP. XXII The tree of life being vvatered vvith liuing vvater yeldeth fruictes euery moneth 3 There is neither curse nor night in the citie 6 The Angel that shevved Iohn al these things refuseth to be adored of him 14 He telleth him that the iust shal enter into the citie but the rest shal be cast forth 18 Lastly ●e protesteth and threateneth against them that shal presume to adde to this prophecie or take avvay from the same verse 1 AND he shevved me a riuer of ● liuing water ' cleere as crystal proceding from the seate of God and of the Lambe ✝ verse 2 In the middes of the streate thereof and on both sides of the riuer the tree of life yelding tvvelue fruites rendring his fruite euery moneth and the leaues of the tree for the curing of the Gentiles ✝ verse 3 And no curse shal be any more and the seate of God and of the Lambe shal be in it and his seruantes shal serue him ✝ verse 4 And they shal see his face and his name in their foreheads ✝ verse 5 And * night shal be no mo●e and they shal not neede the light of lampe nor the light of the sunne because our Lord God doth illuminate them and they shal reigne for euer and euer ✝ verse 6 And he said to me These vvordes are most faithful and true And our Lord the God of the spirites of the prophetes sent his Angel to shevv his seruantes those thinges vvhich must be done quickly ✝ verse 7 And behold I come quickly Blessed is he that keepeth the vvordes of the prophecie of this booke ✝ verse 8 And I Iohn vvhich haue heard and seen these thinges And * after I had heard and seen I fel dovvne to adore before the feete of the Angel vvhich shevved me these thinges ✝ verse 9 and he said to me See thou doe not for I am thy fellow-seruant and of thy brethren the prophetes and of them that keepe the vvordes of this booke Adore God ✝ verse 10 And he saith to me Seale not the vvordes of the prophecie of this booke for the time is neere ✝ verse 11 He that hur●eth let him hurt yet and he that is in filth let him be filthie yet and he that is iust let him be iustified yet and let the holy be sanctified yet ✝ verse 12 Behold I come quickly and my revvard is vvith me * to render to euery man according to his vvorkes ✝ verse 13 I am * Alpha and Omega the first and the last the beginning and the end ✝ verse 14 Blessed are they that vvash their stoles that their povver may be in the tree of life and they may enter by the gates into the citie ✝ verse 15 Vvithout are dogges and sorcerers and the vnchast and murderers and seruers of Idols euery one that loueth and maketh a lie ✝ verse 16 I IESVS haue sent mine Angel to testifie to you these thinges in the Churches I am the roote and stocke of Dauid the bright and morning starre ✝ verse 17 And the Spirit the bride say Come And he that heareth let him say Come And * he that thirsteth let him come and he that vvil let him take the vvater of life gratis ✝ verse 18 For I testifie to euery one hearing the vvordes of the prophecie of this booke ● If any mā shal adde to these things God shal adde vpon him the plagues vvritten in this booke ✝ verse 19 And if any man shal diminish of the wordes of the booke of this prophecie God shal take avvay his part out of the booke of life and out of the holy citie and of these thinges that be vvritten in this booke ✝ verse 20 saith he that giueth testimonie of these things Yea I come quickely Amen ● Come Lord IESVS ✝ verse 21 The grace of our Lord IESVS Christ be vvith you al. Amen ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXII 11. He that hurteth It is not an exhortation but a commination or threatening that hovv far soeuer the vvicked increase in naughtines God hath prouided ansvverable punishment for them 18. If any man shal adde The author of the commentaries vpon this booke bearing the name of S. Ambrose saith thus of this point He maketh not this protestation against the expositours of his prophecie but against Heretikes for the expositour doth add● or diminish nothing but openeth the obscuritie of the narration or shevveth the moral or spiritual sense He curseth therfore Heretikes that vsed to adde somevvhat of their ovvne that vvas false and to take avvay other things that vvere contrarie to their heresies So saith this auncient vvriter And this vvas the propertie of them in al ages and so is it of ours novv as vve haue noted through the vvhole Bible and as vve haue in sundrie places set forth to the sight of al indifferent readers in the nevv Testament that al the vvorld may see that the Apostles curse is fallen vpon them and may bevvare of them 20. Come Lord Iesus And novv ô Lord Christ most iust and merciful vve they poore creatures that are so afflicted for confession and defense of the holy Catholike and Apostolike
The Gospel on the Imber Saturday in Sept. ⸬ The figtree vvith only leaues no fruite is the Iewes synagogue euery other people or persō which hath faith and faire wordes and no good workes Mt. 13 31. Mr. 4 30. ⸬ See Annota Matth. 13 31. Mt. 13 33. Mt. 7 13 ⸬ Christians in their liues must seeke the strait way but in religion the ancient common way ⸬ The Gentils comming into Gods fauour later are preferred before the Iewes which were first c Non capit 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mt. 23 37. ⸬ The Iewes lost their preeminence by their owne free will not by Gods causing who ceased not to call and crie vpon them and they would not heare Whereby free will is plainly proued Some punished for example Nu. 16. 2 Mach. 3 Act. 5. Diseases not natural Penance Schisme Cont. lit Petil. li. 2 c. 55. The Gospel vpō the 16 Sūday after Pentecost ⸬ Reward for charitable deedes and that they may be done for reward against our Aduersaries The Gospel vpō the 2 Sunday after Pentecost ⸬ Worldlines wealth and voluptuousnes are the things that specially hinder men from God The Gospel for a Martyr that is a Bishop And for S. Basil Iun. 14. Mt. 10 37. ⸬ No creature so deere vnto vs vvhich vve must not hate or forsake if it hinder vs and in that respect that it hindereth vs from Christ or his Church our Saluation ⸬ He that is a right Christian man must make his account that if he be put to it as he often may be in times of persecution he must renoūce al that euer he hath rather then forsake the Catholike faith Mt. 5 13. Mar. 9 50. Free-vvil ep 50 pa●lo post princip ep 204. li. 1 cont ep Gaudent 6. 25. Heretikes may by penal lawes be cōpelled to the Catholike faith The Gospel vpō the 3 Sunday after Pentecost ⸬ This man is our Sauiour Christ whose care trauaile in serching reducing sinners to repentāce al spiritual men specially should folow Mat. 18 12. ⸬ This vvoman is the catholike Church vvho also cōtinually seeketh her lost children The Gospel vpō Saturday in the 2 weeke of Lent The prodigal sonne is a pa●ble both of the Gentils conuersion also of euery dissolute sinner penitētly returning to God ⸬ Gods wonderful and tender mercie toward penitent sinners Ioy in heauen for euery penitent The Angels and Saincts knovv our hartes Mt. 22 14. The B. Sacramēt and Sacrifice of the Altar The Gospel vpō the 8 Sūday after Pentecost c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ⸬ Māmon saith S. Hierom q. 6. ad Algas in the Syriake tongue signifieth riches Mammon of iniquitie because they are often il gotten or il bestowed or occasion of euil or at the least worldly false not the true heauēly riches Mat. 6 24. Mat. 11 12. Mat. 5 18. Mat. 5 31. 19 9. Mar. 10 11. 1. Cor. 7 11. The Gospel vpō Thursday in the 2 weeke of Lēt ⸬ Lazarus in Abrahams bosome and rest but both in hel and not in the kingdom of heauen before Christ Hiero. ep 3. Epitaph Nepot ⸬ To be in continual pleasures ease wealth peace and prosperlty in this world is perilous a signe of paines in the next S. Hiero. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a horrible distance ⸬ Abrahā had knowledge of things in earth which were not in his time as that they had Moyses and the Prophets bookes which he neuer saw August de cura pro mor. c. 14. Good vvorkes Tob. 12 9. Mat. 25. Almes meritorious The Saincts do pray for vs. Mariage after diuorce vnlavvfull Vnmerciful riche men Abrahams bosome Limbus patrū Zach. 9 11. Esa 42 7. * Aug. in Ps 85. Ep. 99. Christ descēded into Hel and deliuered the fathers Purgatorie Aug. ep 99. Saincts do heare our praiers and haue care of vs. Gen. 32. Calu. li. 3 Caluins blasphemie Iustit c. 22 sect 24. Mt. 18 7 ⸬ Not of mere necessitie for then it were no fault but praesupposing the great wickednes of men it is impossible but there shal be scandals therfore it foloweth Vvō to him by whom they come Mar. 9 42. Mt. 18 21. Mat. 17 20. THE fourth part of this Gospel The cōming of Christ into Iewrie towardes his Passion The Gospel vpō the 13 Sūday after Pentecost Leu. 14 2. ⸬ And yet we see here it vvas not only faith but also his thankfulnes returnīg to giue glorie to God ⸬ Vvhile they aske and looke for a temporal kingdō in pompe and glorie loe their king Messias was now amōg thē whose spiritual kingdō is vvithin al the faithful that haue dominiō ouer sinne Mt. 24 23. Mar. 13 21. ⸬ No man must rūne out of the Church after Schismatikes to heare them preach Christ in corners Christs doctrine being open in al the world See annot Mt. 14 23. * Gen. 7 5 Gen. 19 24. Gen. 19 26. How we are vnprofitable profitable seruants Mt. 25 〈◊〉 Io. 15 14. Confession to the Priest ⸬ Vve should pray alwaies by faith hope and charitie and by working the thinges that be acceptable to God though special times of vocal praiers in the Canonical houres be assigned for the sturring of vs vp to God through external signes of deuotion The Gospel vpō the 10 Sunday after Pentecost ⸬ To take pride of fasting tithing or any good worke is naught though the workes thē selues be very good ⸬ So doe the priests and people at the holy Altar knocke their breasts say with the hūble Publicane Deus propitius August ps 31 conc 3. Mt. 19 13. Mr. 10 13. ⸬ In matters of faith religion we must be as humble obedient to the Catholike Church as yong childrē to their parents Mt. 19 16. Mr. 10 17. Exo. 20 13. ⸬ Not faith only but also keeping the cōmaundements purchase life euerlasting See annot Mat. 19 16. ⸬ This is not a commaundmēt or precept but counsel vvhich the religious do folow See Annot Mat. 19. ⸬ The Apostles among other things left their wiues also as S. Hierom noteth out of this place li. 1 adu Iouin ⸬ Life euerlastīg the reward for leauing or losing willingly our goods for Christs sake Mt. 20 17. Mr. 10 32. The Gospel vpō the Sunday of Quiquagesme The Church erreth not in faith Hier con● Lucif c. 6. Aug. de vnit Ec. c. 15 de verb. Do. Ser. 〈◊〉 The Gospel vpō the Dedication of a Church Zachaeus Mt 18 12. The Gospel for a confessor that is not a Bishop and namely for S. Lewis the king of France August 25. Mt. 25 14. ⸬ Marke here against the aduersaries that the rewards of these two good seruants be diuers vnaequal according to the diuersitie or inequality of their gaines that is their merites and yet one receiueth the peny Mt. 20 9. as wel as the other that is heauen or life