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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A49539 A new catalogue of English plays containing all the comedies, tragedies, tragi-comedies, opera's, masques, pastorals, interludes, farces, &c. both ancient and modern, that have ever yet been printed, to this present year 1688 : to which are added the volumes and best editions, with divers remarks of the originals of most plays, and the plagiaries of several authors / by Gerard Langbaine, Gent. Langbaine, Gerard, 1656-1692. 1687 (1687) Wing L377B; ESTC R8916 43,195 58

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History of Italy Folio and from Poetical History † These are usually Bound together | Plot from Poetical History (a) Plot from Virgil's Aeneids Second Book and Homer's Iliads (b) Plot from English Chronicle and Clark ' s Martyrology (c) Plot from English Chronicle (d) Plot English Lovers 8 o. (e) By him and Rowley (f) By him and Brome (g) Plot from Apuleius's Golden Ass 4 o. (h) Plot from Titus Livius † Plot Stow and Speed ' s Chronicle (i) Castrated Latin English. (a) Plot French Chronicles (b) Plot from Josephus's History of the Jews Book Sixth and Seventh * The four first of Sir Robert Howard ' s Plays are usually Bound together (c) Printed with his Poems in 8 o. (d) Translated from the French. (†) All Ben. Johnson ' s except the four last are Printed with other Poems in two Volumes Folio London 1640. (e) Plot from Salust ' s History (f) From several Authours quoted in the Margin throughout * All marked with this * are in the first Volume and Quotations are Cited by the Authour in the Margin throughout * All marked with this * are in the first Volume and Quotations are Cited by the Authour in the Margin throughout (a) An Imperfect Piece just begun * All marked with this * are in the first Volume and Quotations are Cited by the Authour in the Margin throughout (b) From Ovid ' s Elegies and from Horrace's Satyrs Book the Ninth Satyr the first Part. * All marked with this * are in the first Volume and Quotations are Cited by the Authour in the Margin throughout * All marked with this * are in the first Volume and Quotations are Cited by the Authour in the Margin throughout (c) Borrowed part of it from Ovid de Arte Amandi and Juvenal ' s Sixth Satyr (d) This Play left Imperfect (e) Plot Tacitus Suetonius Seneca c. There is an Edition of this Play 4 o Printed Lond. 1605 by the Authour 's own Orders with all the Quotations from whence he borrowed any thing of his Play. (f) Joyn'd in this with Chapman (g) Joyn'd in this with Fletcher and Middleton (h) Plot Zosimi Historiae (a) Translated from the French of Robert Garnier (b) Plot History of the Seven Champions of Christendom * All Printed in one Volume Folio Oxon. 1666. (c) These two in a manner the same † These all Printed in one Volume Folio London 1664. | The first Six Printed together in 〈◊〉 London 1632. (d) Plot Pliny's Natural History Lib. 35. Cap. 10. (e) Plot Lucian's Dialogue between Venus and the Moon (f) Plot Ovid's Metamorph. Lib. 11. (g) Plot Ovidii Epistolae * The three first of Sir Wil. Lower ' s Plays Printed together in 12 o London 1661. (a) From the French. (b) From Corneille (c) From Corneille's Polyeucte (d) Plot from Plutarch in Vitas C. Marii Syllae (e) By him and Green. (f) Plot and Language from Molliere's Le Medicine Malyre luy (g) Plot from Matchiavel (h) Plot Eusebius de vita Constantini (i) Plot from Cleopatra (k) Plot Clelia and Livy ' s History (l) Plot Historical Dictionary Appian Alexand. Romanae Historiae (m) Plot from Suetonius in Vitam Neronis (n) Plot Quintus Curtius (o) Plot Sir Walter Rawleigh's History of the World Book 5th Chap. 3d. Sect. 18th (p) Plot from Pharamond Book 3d. Part 3d. Page 282 and Eusebii Histor. Ecclesiastica (q) Taken from a Play called The Country Girl C. 4 o. (r) Part from More Dissemblers besides Women C. 4 o. (s) Plot 〈◊〉 Ranulph Cestrensis Polychronicon † These three in one Volume 8 o Lon. 1657. | Plot from Hippolito and Isabella a Novel 〈◊〉 * These four were Writ by Middleton and 〈◊〉 (a) Plot from God's Revenge against Murther in Alsemero and Beatrice Joanna Folio (b) Plot from Complaisant Companion 8 o Page 280. (c) Plot Cervantes's Exemplary Novels Folio Force of Blood. (d) Plot Eusebii Hist. (e) Plot from Fortunate Deceiv'd and Unfortunate Lovers 8 o Novel the 4th of the Deceived Lovers (f) Plot Eusebii Hist. Lib. 8. Cap. 17. h These three are Printed in one Volume 8 o. Lond. 1655. (g) Plot from the Cimmerian Matron 8 o. * All except the two last are in one 〈◊〉 8 o. Lond. 1633. (i) Plot from Palace of Pleasure the last Novel (k) Plot from Sir Walter Raleigh ' s History and Livy ' s History (l) Plot from Montius ' s History of Naples in The Life of Joan Queen of Naples (m) Plot Camerarii Opera Subsc Cent. 1. Cap. 70. (a) Writ by him and Nash Plot Virgil's Aeneids Book 4. (b) Plot English Chronicles (c) Plot French 〈◊〉 (d) Plot Jean 〈◊〉 Bee L'Histoire de Tamerlane 8 o and his Life in English 8 o. † These two Printed together 8 o London 1639. (e) Plot Taciti Annales Lib 12. (f) Plot Plutarchus in viram M. Antonii (g) Plot from Sophocles (h) Writ by him and Sampson Plot from Josephus ' s History Book 17. † These two Printed together and may be had either in 4 o or 8 o. (i) Translated from Molliere (a) Plot from Corn. Nepos in vitam Annibalis (b) Plot from Old Brittish Chronicles (c) Translated from Seneca ' s Tragedies (d) Translated from the same (e) Translated from the same † The first Fourteen of her Plays are Printed together in one Volume Folio The other Three are in another Volume with other Scenes Printed London 1668. (a) Plot English Chronicle in K. Edward the Third (b) Plot Turkish Chronicles (c) Plot English Chronicles (d) Plot from Plutarch and Corn. Nepos both in the Life of Alcibiades | Plot from Ravenscroft's Scaramouch (e) Stollen part from Shakespear's Romeo Juliet Plot from Plutarch in his Life of C. Marius and Lucan's Pharsalia Book 2d (f) Plot from the Novel so called 12 o. (g) Plot English Adventures a Novel 8 o. (h) From Monsieur Racine (i) Plot from Holy Scripture (k) From English Chronicles (l) Plot Justin. Hist. Lib. 1. Cap. 9. (m) Plot from Livy Translated from 〈◊〉 (n) Plot from Lucan's Pharsalia Translated from 〈◊〉 (o) Plot from Joseph Hist. and Cleopatra a 〈◊〉 in the Story of Tyridates (p) Plot from Cassandra a Romance Fol. (a) Lipsii 〈◊〉 Lib. 1. Cap. 5. (b) Plot History of the Gentle Craft (c) Plot from English Chron. Hen. 8th c. (d) Translated from Corneille (e) Plot Suetonius in Claudio and Tacitus Lib. 11. † These Four Printed with his Poems 8 o. (f) Translated from 〈◊〉 Plutus (g) Borrowed part from De Molliere's Monsieur de Pourceaugnac 8 o. (h) Translated from Molliere's Le Bourgeois Gentlehome Mons de 〈◊〉 (a) Translated from La Divineresse (b) Translated from the Latin Ignoramus (c) Plot from English Chronicles (d) Plot part from Scarron's Novels 8 o Novel first The Fruitless Precaution part from Les-Contes Du-Sieur D'Ouville 8 o 2de pte page 121. And part from Boccace's Novels
' s Holy Court Folio (l) Plot Q. Eliz. Novel first Part 8 o. (*) Plot from Chron. de Rebus Germanicis (†) Plot from the French Chron. Hen. 3. (m) Plot from the French Chronicles (n) Plot from Lucan ' s Pharsalia Suetonius in the Life of Julius Caesar. (o) Plot from Petronius Arbyter (p) Written by Chapman Johnson and Marston (|) Plot from Ovid ' s Metamorph. (a) Plot from Cassandra Fol. (b) Printed with Carew ' s Poems London 1670. (c) Plot from Josephus Folio (d) The first of Carlell ' s Plays viz. in two Parts Bound in one Volume Twelves The three next Printed in another Volume Octavo London 1657. And the next in Octavo Printed 1659. (*) Plot from Knolls ' s Turkish History in the Reign of Mahomet the First (e) From Corneille (f) This Play is the Guardian Corrected and Enlarged (g) Bound with his Second Volume Folio London 1681. (h) All Printed with his Poems Lon. 1651. (i) Occasion in Plutarch ' s Life of Cymon and Part from Boccaces Novels the Ninth Day Novel the First (k) All Printed with his Poems Lon. 1669. (†) Plot from his Elegies (l) Plot from Trapolen creduto Principe (m) From Corneille (a) Part of this Play is borrowed from Sir William Lower ' s Noble Ingratitude (b) Translated from the French. (c) Part from Molliere ' s Le Sicilien (d) Plot from Gulciardine ' s Hist. and the French Chron. in the Reign of Charles 8. (e) The Foundation from Ovidii Metam Lib. 2. (f) Plot from Josephus ' s Hist. Book 6. 7. (†) From English Chronicles and part of the Language from Shakespear (g) Plot and part of the Play from a Spanish Play called No Puedeser (h) Plot from Poetical History (i) Plot from Sir Phil. Sidney ' s Arcadia (k) Writ by him Rowly and 〈◊〉 (l) All Printed in one Volume London 1623. (m) Plot from Appian of Alexandria (n) Plot from 〈◊〉 Life of Alexander and Quintus Curtius Book the 6th (o) Plot from Don Quixot ' s Novel of the Curious Impertinent and Boccaces Novels Day the 7th Novel 7th (p) English Chronicle (q) Writ by him and Webster (*) Writ by him Rowly and Ford. (1) All except the last Printed with his Works in Folio Lond. 1673. The last writ by him and Inigo Jones the late King's Surveyor (a) Plot from Heylin ' s Cosmographie Book the First Chronicle of Italy (b) From Measure for Measure and Much adoe about Nothing (c) From Mollieres ' s Joddelet ou Ie Maitre valet † Part from Mollieres Sganarelle (d) Not his but Carew ' s and Printed with his Poems Octavo (e) Plot from Herbert ' s Travels Life of Abbas Printed with his Poems London 1670. (f) Translated from the Italian of Tasso and Printed with Dancer ' s Poems London 1660. (g) Translated from 〈◊〉 Quinault (h) Translated from Corneille (i) Sanderson ' s Hist. of 〈◊〉 James p. 577. (k) Plot of the serious 〈◊〉 from the Annals of Love In the Story of Constance the Fair Nun. The Part of Aureleo from Scarron ' s Comical Romance In the Story of Destiny and Madam Star. (l) Plot from Tavernier ' s Voyages into India Volume the First Part the Second Book the Second (m) Plutarch ' s Life of Marcus Antonims and other Roman Historians (a) Plot Almanzor and Almahide from Cleopatra in the Story of Artaban and Almahide the Romance Ozmyn and Benzaida from Osman and Alibech in Ibrahim Abdalla Abdelmelech Lyndaraxa from Prince Ariantes Agathirses and Elibesis in the First Book of the Ninth Part of Cyrus * Part from Corneilles De Pit Amoreuse part from Le-feinte 〈◊〉 and part from the Illustrious 〈◊〉 a Romance (b) Plot Heylin ' s Cosmography Book the Fourth Hen. Bonzonus rerum ab Hispanis in India Occidentali gestarum Lib. 3. Octavo (c) Plot from Cleobuline Queen of Corinth in the Second Book of the 〈◊〉 Part of Cyrus and the Character of Celadon and Florimel from Pisistrate and Cerinthe in Cyrus Part Ninth Book Third and from the French Marquess in Ibrahim Part Second Book the First (d) Plot of the serious Part and the Characters from 〈◊〉 and Timareta in Cyrus Part the Sixth Book the Second and Palamedes from the Prince of Salamis in the Story of Timantes and Parthenia Part Sixth Book First of Cyrus and from Nagaret in the Annals of Love Octavo (f) Founded on Plautus ' s Amphytruo † Part from Molliere ' s L'Etourdy (g) Plot from Milton ' s Paradise lost Octavo (h) Plot of the Comical Part from the Pilgrim a Novel Twelves (i) Originally Shakespear's (|) Plot from Jul. Capitolinus in vitam Maximini (k) Part Shakespear (l) From D'Avila ' s History of France (m) From Sophocles and the Poetical Histories (†) Joyn'd in these two last with Nath. Lee. (n) Plot from Don Fenise Octavo (o) Borrow'd from Fletcher ' s Sea-Voyage (p) The Foundation Shakespear ' s. (a) Part from the Antiquary Quarto (b) Plot from Francion ' s Romance Fol. (c) Part of it from the Fine Companion Quarto And Ploe from the Double-Cuckold a Novel Octavo (d) From Monsieur Thomas (e) Foundation on Sacred Writ * All Beaumont and Fletcher ' s Plays Printed together in one Volume Folio London 1679. (f) Plot from Tacitus ' s Annals Book 14. (g) Plot from 〈◊〉 Historiae (h) Altered by the Duke of Buckingham and Printed in Quarto Lond. 1682. The Plot from Lady Cornelia in Exemplary Novels Folio (*) Lately Reprinted with Alterations by Nat. Tate Lond. 1687. (i) Plot from Gusman ' s Don Lewis de Castro and Don Roderigo de Montalvo (k) Plot Lysander and Calista (l) Part of it from Johnson ' s New Inn Octavo and the Plot from Exemplary Novels Two Damsels (m) Serious Plot from Gerardo p. 350. 8 o. (a) From Gerardo ' s Leandro p. 214. 8 o. (b) Plot from the French Chronicles in the Reign of Cloraire the Second Imperfect in the Folio Edition but right in the Quarto (c) Plot Procopis Caesariensis Historiae 〈◊〉 by the Lord Rochester Printed Quarto 1686. (d) Plot from Gainsford ' s History 4 o. (e) Ford and Decker (f) Printed with his Works Octavo London 1661. (g) Borrowed from Molliere's Preceeuses 〈◊〉 Octavo (h) These two almost the same (a) Translated from Guarini's Italian and Printed with his Poems London 8 o. (b) Plot from the Invisible Mistress in Scarron ' s Novels 8 o. (c) Plot from Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia Folio (d) Plot from the Turkish History * Printed in one Volume (e) Plot from the same (f) From Euripides (g) Plot from the Turkish History (h) Plot from the English Chronicle (i) Plot Story of Jonas in the Holy Scripture (k) From Euripides (l) From Ariosto (m) From Hugo Grotius's Sophompaneas Latin. (n) Printed with his Poems Lond. 1633 * Plot from Guiciardine ' s