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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13105 The theater of the Popes monarchie wherein is described as well the vncleane liues of that wicked generation, as also their Antichristian gouernment, and vsurped kingdome : togeather with their horrible superstition, and blasphemous religion, as it is now vsed at this present, where Antichrist the Pope & his members do beare rule / by Phillip Stubbes. Stubbes, Phillip. 1585 (1585) STC 23399.3; ESTC S2912 56,791 138

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God his worde and true religion the other the vnfayned goodwill and fidelitie which I euer haue and doe beare to that honorable house the verie diademe and mirroure of true nobilitie And to say truthe to whom should one dedicate the fruites of his labours but to such as be both learned themselues and otherwise famous and illustrious whiche thing yf it be so to whō shold I present these few blossōes of my immature studies rather then to your honorable Lordship whose worthy fame not onely for your incomparable curtesie affabilitie and gentlenes towardes all men but also and in especiall for your singular zeale to God his sacred truth integritie of life liberalitie towardes them that haue need valoure prowesse magnanimitie or els whatsoeuer may decore or beautifie true nobilitie is blowen throughe out all Europe Which brute throughe the golden trumpe of fame sounding in my eares excited me the rather to present this my booke to your sacred honour rather then to anye others moste humblye beseechinge the same not onely to pardon my great presumption in this my bolde attempt but also to receiue the same into your honors patronage and protection defending as well the author from the open violence of malicious enimies as also the booke from the slaunderous tongues of flouting Momus and raylinge Zoilus to whom all good thinges are had in contempte and I shall daylie praye to God for your honorable Lordeshippe long to continue in health and prosperity both of body and soule with increase of much honor reward of laudable vertue and eternall felicitie in the heauens by Iesus Christ. Your honours most humble to command Philippe Stubbes The Theater of the Popes monarchy wherein is described as wel the vncleane liues of that wicked generation as also their Antichristian gouernment and vsurped kingdome together with their horrible superstition and blasphemous religion as it is nowe vsed at this present where Antichrist the Pope and his members doe beare rule The Speakers Philemon and Stuperius Philemon MY friende Stuperius seeing it hath pleased God that we be heare mette togeather at thys present so conueniētly let vs spend the tyme in some suche godly talke and communication as both maye tend to the glory of God for to that end chiefly was man ordeined and also to the mutual edification one of another knowing that at the day of iudgement we must rēder accounts not only for al our thoughts words and deeds whether they be good or bad but also for euery least moment of time that hath been lent vs in thys life how we haue spent and bestowed the same Stu. I am very glad brother Philemon to heare you so well affected And with all my hearte I will obeye your good aduertisement and godly request assuring you that I reioyce not a lyttle of such a good companion For indeede as you say all our speeches ought to tende to the glory of GOD. And therefore when we speake wee ought to followe the commaundement of the Apostle who sayeth Si quis loquitur vt sermo Dei loquatur That is If any mā speake let him speake as the word of God teacheth him Again we haue an other commandement geuen vs by God himselfe in the sixt of Deuteronomie namely that we talke and commune of the worde of God when wee rise vp in the morning when we are at our meat when wee lay vs downe to sleepe when wee walke abroade by the waye when we are at home in our houses or whatsoeuer wee doe els all our communication ought to be of God and of his wōderous workes And the Apostle in another place willeth vs that our communication be such as may giue grace to the hearers and not offence to anye But now adayes the cleaue contrarye is euerye where practysed For if anye man talke of the woorde of GOD neuer so lyttle a whyle doeth it not mouere nauseam as it were that is seemeth it not lothesome when in the meane tyme too talke of bawdrye of filthinesse and vncleanenesse a whole houre a whole daye together yea all their liues thorow seemeth a recreation as they cal it and an exercyse most pleasant But if they would remember what our sauiour Christ saith in the gospel of S. Mathew 12. chap. I think they would take heede what they said De omni verbo otioso homines reddituri sunt raetionem nouiss●me die That is Men shal giue account of euery ydle word at the day of iudgement Againe hee telleth them that Exsermonibus suis iustificabūtur ex sermonibus suis condemnabuntur Of their wordes they shall be iustified and of their words they shalbe cōdemned If they woulde bee mindeful of this I doubt not but they wold leaue off to interlace their speeches as they doe wyth bawdry scurrilitie wantonnesse blasphemy with swearing cursing and banning rather resembling heerein the infernall furies then sober wyse Christians Phile. You haue saide well And therefore the Apostle Iames biddeth vs if we be merry to sing Psalmes if we be sadde or sorrowfull to pray by whiche rule of the Apostle is forbid and condemned all filthye talke or communication contrary to the word of God all vncleane woordes wanton songues lasciuious sonettes bawdye ballades and all other prophane talke whatsoeuer For wherefore did the maiestie of GOD giue vnto manne the vse of the tongue aboue all other creatures but to this ende namely that he might gloryfie his Creator therewith and edifie his Christian brethren And therfore that wee may discharge our dueties as well in the one as in the other let vs descende intoo some particular poynts which we may handle to the glory of God and our mutuall edification Stupe I am wel contented proceed in Gods name and demaund what you will Phile. I pray you how many churches are there generally Stupe To speake generally there be two Churches to wit the Church of God the Church of the Diuel the beloued spouse of Christ the whoorish sinagogue of Sathan the Electe and the Reprobate the vessels of saluation the vessels of damnation Philem. Howe many folde is the Church of God Stupe Two fold militant and tryumphant Mili●●nt is that which beyng dispersed euery where vppon the face of the earth fighteth and warreth dayly against the Diuell the world the fleshe And Triumphant is that which beeing deliuered out of this life resteth in eternall glory Both which Churches Militant Triumphant as they be mēbers of one misticall bodye Christe Iesus so shal they a●ter the dissolution of this life bee vnited together as members of the same body christ Iesus being their head And albeit that they be distinct in tyme and place onely yet make they both but one true Church of God as many members make but one perfect body Phile. Howe manye folde is the Church malignant Stupe Two fold the wicked reprobate which liue here militant