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A14970 The second part of Symboleography, newly corrected and amended, and very much enlarged in all the foure seuerall treatises. 1. Of fines and concordes. 2. Of common recoueries. 3. Of offences and indictments. 4. Of compromises and arbitrements. Wereunto is annexed another treatise of equitie, the iurisdiction, and proceedings of the high Court of Chauncerye: of supplications, bils, and aunsweres, and of certaine writs and commissions issuing thence, and there also retornable: likewise much augmented with diuers presidents, very necessary for the same purpose, beginning at the 144. section, and continuing to the end of bils and aunsweres. Hereunto is also added a table for the more easy and readie finding of the matters herein contayned: the new additions hauing therein this marke * set before them; Symbolaeographia. Part 2 West, William, fl. 1568-1594. 1601 (1601) STC 25278; ESTC S119713 604,936 622

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C. W. R. T. P. L tota vita ipsius E. praedict ' I. haered ' sui warrant̄ praedictis T. C. W. R. T. P. L. p̄dicta maneria tenementa redd ' cum pertin̄ si cut dictum est contra omnes homines durant̄ vita praedict ' E. c. A Fine of messuages cottages land medow pasture wood hea●he linge rent of a Parsonage of the aduowson of a Church HEC est finalis concordia facta in Curia dn̄ae Reginae apud W. a Sect. 73. die P. in quindecim dies Anno regni Elizab. dei gratia A. F. H. Reginae fidei defensoris c. a conquestu vices●mo quarto coram E. A. T. M. F. W. W. P. Iustic ' alijs dominae Reg. fidelibus tunc ibi praesentibus inter I. B. gen̄ R. C. generof quaerent̄ R. C. seniorē armiger̄ R. C. de Graies Inne in comitatu Midd ' generos deforc ' de centum messuagijs centum cotagijs duobus millibus acr̄ terrae mille acr̄ prati duobus millibus acr̄ pasturae centum acr̄ bosci mille acr̄ iampnorum bruerae centum solidis reddit̄ cum pertin̄ in c. Necnon de Rectoria de K. cum ptinentijs Ac de aduocatione Ecclesiae de K. vnde placitum conuenc ' summ̄ fuit inter eos in eadē curia scilicet qđ p̄dict ' R. R. recognouerunt praedicta tenementa redditus rectoriā cum ꝑtinentijs ac aduocationem p̄dictam esse ius ipsius I. vt illa quae ijdem I. et R habent de dono praedictor̄ R. et R. Et ill ' remiser̄ quiet̄ clamauer̄ de ipsis R. haeredibus suis p̄dict ' I. et R. et haered ipsius I. imperpetuum ✿ Et praeterea ijdem R. et R. cōcesserunt pro se haeredibus ipsius R. C. senioris quod ipsi warrant̄ praedictis I. et R. et haeredibus ipsius I. p̄dict ' ten̄ta reddit̄ et rectoriā cum ꝑtinen̄ ac aduocationem p̄dict ' cōtra p̄dict ' R. R. haered ' ipsius R. C. ●enioris imꝑpetuū ✿ Et pro hac recogn̄ remissione quiet̄ clamac ' warrant̄ fine concordia ijdē I. et R. dederunt p̄d ' R. et R. duo mille libr̄ sterlingorum A Fine by the husband and his wife of the lands of the wife with graunt and render of the 4. parte of 2. messuages 4. tofts two gardens two orchards 200. acres of land 20. acres of medow 40. acres of pasture 12. acres of wood and 100. acres of moore in 4. partes deuided the Conusors do graūt the same againe to the Conusees for their liues without impeachmēt of wast and after their deaths to one of their sonnes in generall taile for default of such issue then to one other of the conusees sonnes in general taile for default of such issue then to the 3. sonne of the conusees in generall taile and for default of such issue to the right heires of the wife of the Conusor for euer HEC est finalis cōcordia facta in Cur̄ dominae Reg. apud Westm̄ Sect. 74. in Octab sancti Mich. Anno ●egni Eliz. dei gratia Angl ' Franciae Hibern̄ Regin̄ fidei defens c. a cōquestu xxxvj corā R. A. T. W. R. W. T. L. Iustic ' et alijs dn̄ae Reginae fidelibus tunc ibidem praesentibus inter G. I. et W. W. quer̄ et I. C. I. vxorem deforc ' de quarta parte 2. messuagiorum 4. toftor̄ 2. gardinor̄ 2. pomar̄ ducent̄ acr̄ terr● 20. acr̄ prati 40. acr̄ pasturae 12. acr̄ bosci 100 acrar̄ more cum pertinen̄ in G. L. in quatuor partes diuis vnde placitū conuentionis summ̄ fuit inter eos in eadē Curia scilicet quod praedict ' I. I. recogn̄ praedictā quartam partē cum ꝑtin̄ esse iusipsius G. vt illam quam ijdē G. W. habent de dono praedict ' I. I. Et illam remis quiet̄ clam̄ de ipsis I. I. haered ' ipsius I. praedict ' G. W. haered ' ipsius G. imperpetuum Et praeterea ijdem Io. Ia. concesserunt pro se hered ' ipsius la qd ' ipsi warrant̄ praedict ' G. W. haered ' ipsius G. praedict ' quartam partem cum pertin̄ contra p̄dict̄ I. I. hered ' ipsius ●a imperpetuum ✿ Et pro hac recogn̄ c. ijdem G. W concesserunt p̄dict ' I. I. p̄dict ' quartam ꝑtem cum pertinentijs Et ill ' eis reddider̄ in eadem cur̄ Habend ' tenend ' eisdem I. I. de capitalibus dn̄is feodi illius per seruitia quae ad p̄dict ' quartam partē pertment tota vita ipsorum I. I. eorum alterius diutius viuent̄ absque impetitione alicuius vasti Et post decessum ipsorum I. et I. praedict ' quarta pars cum pertinentijs integre reman̄ B. C. filio praedictorum I. I. haered ' de corpore ipsius B. legitime procreat̄ Tenend ' de capitalibus dn̄is feodi illius c. imperpetuum ✿ Et si contingat quod idem B. obierit sine haered ' de corpore suo legitime procreat̄ tunc post decessum ipsius B. p̄dict ' quarta pars cum pertinen̄ integre reman̄ P. C. al' fil' praedict ' I. I. haered ' de corpore c. Tenend ' de capitalib ' c. imperpetuum ✿ Et si contingat qd ' idē P. obierit c. tunc post decessum ipsius P. p̄d ' quarta pars integre reman̄ R. C. al' fil' p̄dictor̄ I. I. haered ' de corpore c. Tenend ' de capitalibus c. imperpetuum Et si contingat qđ idem R. obierit c. tunc post decessum ipsius R. praedict ' quarta pars cum pertin̄ integre reman̄ rectis haered ' praedict ' Ia. Tenend ' de capitalibus dn̄is feodiillius per seruitia quae ad praedict ' quartam partem pertinent imperpetuum c. A fine of one messuage and of a 3. parte of 4. messuages in 3. partes deuided part in possession and part in reuersion of a third part for terme of the life of the tenant in Dower and for terme of the life of an other tenant for terme of life Ebor̄ ss PRaecipe I. W. A. vxori eius quod iuste c. ten̄ I. E. Sect. 75. E. E. conuenc ' de vno messuag ' c. necnon de tertia parte in tres partes diuidend ' quatuor messuag ' cum pertinen̄ c. ¶ Et est cōcordia talis scilicet quod p̄dict ' I. et A. recogn̄ tenementa praedicta ac tertiam partem praedict ' cum pertinentijs e●●e i●s ipsius I. de quibus ijdem I. E. et E. E. habeant vn●m mess cum pertin̄ in praedictis vill ' de T. B. parcell ' tenementorum praedictorum ac praedict ' tertiam partem quatuor
generall tayle Midd. ss PRaecipe E. P. armig ' M. vxori eius R. B. quod teneant Sect. 68. I. R. T. S. conuenc ' de vno mesuag c. ¶ Et est concordia talis scilicet quod praedicti E. P. M. R. B. recogn̄ tenementa praedict ' cum pertinen̄ esse ius ipsius I. vt ill ' quae ijdē I. T. habēt de dono praedictor̄ E. M. R. cum relaxac ' warrant̄ Et pro hac c. ijdem I. T. concess praefat̄ R. tenemēta p̄dict ' cum ꝑtinentijs Et ill ' ei reddider̄ in eadē curia Habend ' tenend ' eidem R. a festo Sancti Mich. vltimo praeterito pro termino trigint̄ vnius annorum extunc proxim̄ sequen̄ plenarie complend ' ✿ Reddend ' inde annuatim praedict ' I. T. haered ' ipsius I. viginti libr̄ legalis monetae Angliae ad duos anni terminos viz. ad festum Annunciationis beatae Mariae virginis Sancti Michaelis archang ' per aequales porciones annuatim soluend ' toto termino pr●dicto ✿ Et si contingat praedict ' reddit̄ xx li aut aliquā inde parcellam aretro fore in parte vel in toto post aliquod festum festorum p̄dictorum quo vt praefertur solui debeat non solut̄ per spacium quadraginta dierum quod tunc forisfaciet praedictus R. praedictis I. T. haered ' ipsius I. v. li. nomine penae qđ tunc toties bene licebit praed ' I. T. haered ' ipsius I. in praedict ' tenementa cum pertinentijs intrare distring ere districtionesque sic ibidem capt̄ habitas licite abducere asportare effugare ac penes se retinere quousque tam de praedict ' xx li. quam de praedict̄ quinque libr̄ nomine penae vt praefertur forisfact̄ cum arreragijs earum si quae fuerint plenarie fuerit satisfact̄ persolut̄ ✿ Concesser̄ etiam praedict ' I. T. praedict ' E. M. praedict ' tenementa cum pertinentijs ac praed ' reddit̄ xx li. superinde reseruat̄ ac praedictam summam quinque librarum nomine penae Et illa eis reddider̄ in eadem curia Habend ' tenendum eisdem E. M. et haered ' de corpore ipsius E. legitime procreat̄ Tenend ' c. Et pro defectu talis exit̄ reman̄ inde W. W. haeredibus suis imperpetuum Tenend ' c. A Fine with graunt and render of the moitie of a maner to the Conusor for terme of life without impeachment of wast and for sixteene yeares after her death then the one moitie of the same moitie to one in fee and thother moitie of the said moitie to an other in fee. Ebor̄ ss PRaecipe E. A. vid ' nuper vxori W. A. Mil ' defunct ' qđ Sect. 69. ten̄ T. F. conuenc ' de medietate manerij de H. c. ¶ Et est concordia talis scz quod cum E. A. recogn̄ c. Et pro hac c. idem T. F. concessit praefat̄ E. A. medietatem praed ' cum pertinentijs Et ill ' ei reddidit in eadem curia Habend ' tenend ' praedict ' medietatem manerij c. praedict ' E. A. pro termino vitae suae ipsius E. absque impetitione alicuius vasti de capitalibus dominis feodiillius per seruitia quae ad p̄dict ' medietatem pertinent tota vita ipsius E. pro termino sexdecim annorum extunc prox ' sequen̄ post mortē praedict ' E. Et post mortem praedictae E. post praed ' termin̄ sexdecim annorū finitum determinat̄ quod tunc vna medietas p̄dict ' medietatis manerij praed ' c. cum pertinentijs reman̄ B. G. modo vxori G. armig ' et haered ' ipsius B. Tenend ' de c. Ac altera medietas praed ' medietatis manerij c. praed ' cum pertinen̄ reman̄ E. G. modo vxori N. G. haered ' ipsius E. Tenend ' de capitalibus c. A Render of three messuages to one of the Conusors for life the remainder to one and his heires males the remainder to an other and his heires for euer Essex PRaecipe N. A. W. A. quod ten̄ R. C. T. C. conuenc ' Sect. 70. de tribus messuag ' ¶ Et pro hac c. ijdem R. R. concesser̄ praef W. tenementa p̄dict̄ cum pertinentijs Et ill ' ei reddider̄ in eadem cur̄ Habend ' tenend ' eidē W. assign̄ suis Tenend ' de capitalibus dn̄is feodi illius per seruitia quae ad praedict ' tenemēta c●m ꝑtinen̄ pertinent tota vita ipsius W. Et post decessum ipsius W. eadem ten̄ta cum pertinentijs integre remanebunt I. C. haered ' masculis de corporeipsius I. legitime procreat̄ Tenend ' c. Et si nullus haeres sit de corpore ipsius I. legitime procreat̄ tunc eadē tenemēta cum pertinen̄ integre reman̄ I. C. fratri praedicti I. haeredibus suis imperpetuum Tenend ' c. An estate for life to the Conusor and after this death to one I. W. whom the Conusor intendeth to take to his wife for her life in the name of a i●incture and after her death to the ●eires males of the body of the Conusor ETest concordia talis c. Et post decessum ipsius I. praedict ' c. Sect. 71. cum pertin̄ integre remanebunt I. W. filiae I. W. nomine iuncturae quam deo dante idem I. C. ducet in vxo●em Tenend ' de capitalibus c. tota vita ipsius Ia. post decessum ipsius Ia. praedict ' c. cum pertinentijs integre remaneb haered ' masculis de corpor̄ p̄dict ' I. C. legitime procreat̄ Tenend ' de capitalibus dominis c. A Fine of diuers manors messuages and rent the which the Conusor do render againe to the Conusors to the vse of the wife of the Conusor for her life Ebor̄ ss PRaec ' T. C. armig ' W. R. ar̄ T. P. ar̄ L. B. gen̄ qđ c. Sect. 72. ten̄ I. D. E. vxori ei ' cōuenc ' de manerijs de C. N. E. cum ptin̄ ac de ducentis mess c. et de x. libr̄ reddit̄ cum pertin̄ in C. N. et B. Et nisi c. ¶ Et est concordia talis scilicet quod praedicti T. C. W. R. T. P. I. recogn̄ maneria tenement̄ reddit̄ praedict ' cum pertinentijs esse ius ipsius I. Et ill ' remiser̄ quiet̄ clam̄ de se haeredibus fuis praef I. E. haeredibus ipsius I. imperpetuum Et pro hac c. ijdem I. E. concesser̄ praedictis T. C. W. R. T. P. L. praedict ' maneria tenementa reddit̄ cum pertinētijs ill ' eis reddider̄ in eadem curia Habēdum tenendum eisdem T.
de Prior̄ H. M. alias Prior̄ M. ac 70. mesuagijs cotagijs ¶ Et est concordia talis scilicet Quod praedict ' V. recognouerunt maneria tenementa et reddit̄ praedict ' cum pertinentijs esse ius ipsius S. Et concessit pro se haered ' suis quod maner̄ tenementa reddit̄ The widowes estate in the Conusors enheritance praedict ' cum pertinentijs quae dn̄a V. K. vidua tenet ad terminum vitae suae de haereditate praedict ' V. die quo haec concordia facta fuit Et quod post decessum eiusdem dominae V. ad praedict ' V. haered ' suos The reuerciō graūted to the said Conusees to the heirs of one of them c. debuere reuerti quod post decessum ipsius I. S. dominae V. integre remanere praedicto I. E. R. W. et haered ' ipsius I. S. imperpetuū Et praeterea idem V. concessit pro se haered ' suis quod ipse warrantizabit manaer̄ tenementa reddit̄ praedict ' cum pertin̄ praefat̄ I. E. R. et W. haered ' ipsius I. S. contra omnes homines imperpetuum Et pro hac recognicione c. A fine knowledged by a widow and one other to the President and schollers of S. Iohns colledge in Oxon of the Scite and principall house of the colledge commonly called the White Friers in the Suburbes of Oxon and 6. messuages 6. gardens 6. orchards c. also in the same Suburbes with warrantie PRaecipe I. P. vidue E. P. gen̄ quod iuste c. teneat Sect. 129. A fine sur cognisance de droit W. E. Presidenti collegij S. Iohannis Baptiste in Academia Oxon̄ Scholasticis eiusdem collegij conuenc ' c. de Scitu principali domo collegij vnlgarit̄ nuncupat̄ the White Friers in Suburbijs ciuitatis Oxon̄ cum pertinentijs ac de 6. mesuagijs 6. gardinis 6. pomarijs 20. acris terrae duobus acris prati sex acris pasturae cum pertinen̄ in Suburbijs ciuitat̄ praed ' Et nisi c. ¶ Et est cōcordia talis scilicet quod praedict ' I. E. recognouerunt ten̄ta praedict ' cum pertinen̄ esse ius ipsius Presidentis Scholasticorum vt illa quae idem preses Scholastici habent de dono praedict ' I. et E. Et illa remiser̄ quiete clamauer̄ de se haered ' ipsius E. praefat̄ Presidi Scholasticis successoribus suis imperpetuum Et praeterea Warrantie ijdem I. et E. concesserunt pro se haered ' suis quod ipsi warrantizabunt praefat̄ Praesidi Scholasticis successoribus suis tenementa praedict ' cum pertinen̄ contra praefat̄ I. E. haered ' ipsius E. imperpetuum Et pro hac c. A fine by two men and the wife of one of them of lands medow and pasture A fine sur cognisance de droit Sect. 130. with warrantie against the Conusors vnd the heires of the husband PRaecipe B. gen̄ T. R. et M. vxori eius quod teneant T. B. gen̄ conuencionem c. de 30. acris terrae duabus acris prati tribus acris pasturae 6. acris bosci cum ●tinentijs in C. Et nisi c. ¶ Et est concordia talis scjlicet quod praed ' R. T. M. recogn̄ ten̄ta praedict ' cum pertinen̄ esse ius ipsius T. B. vt illa quae idem T. habet de dono praed ' R. T. et M. Et illa remiser̄ quiete clamauer̄ de ipsis R. T. M. et haered ' ipsius R. praefat̄ T. B. haered ' suis imperpetuū Et praeterea ijdem R. T. et M. concesserunt pro se haered ' ipsius R. quod ipsi warrantizabunt tenementa praedict ' cum pertinentijs praef T. B. haered ' suis contra praed ' R. T. et M. haered ' ipsius R. imperpetuum Et pro hac c. A fine knowledged by T. N. knight to G. T. Esquier of one mannor one messuage c. with warrantie against all men PRaecipe T. N. militi qd ' iuste c. teneat G. T. ar̄ conuenc ' Sect. 131. A fine sur cognisance de droit c. de manerio de T. cum pertinen̄ ac de vno mesuagio 100. acris prati 50. acris pasturae 30. acr̄ bosci cum pertinen̄ in T. G. Et nisi c. ¶ Et est concordiatalis scz quod praed ' T. N. recognouerunt maner̄ tenementa praed ' cum pertin̄ esse ius ipsius G. vt illa que idem G. habet de dono praedict ' T. Et illa remisit quiete clamauit de se hered ' suis p̄raefato G. hered ' suis imperpetuum Et preterea idem T. concessit pro se hered ' suis quod ipse warrantizabit maneria ten̄ta Warrantie praedict ' cum pertinen̄ prefato G. hered ' suis contra omnes homines imperpetuum Et pro hac c. A Fine knowledged by T. M. and K. his wife to G. S. of the third part of viij messuages vi gardens c the which one M. B. widow holdeth for terme of her life and which is of the inheritance of the conusors wife the day of the Concord made and which ought after the death of the said widow to reuert vnto the conusor and his wife as in the right of his wife and by this fine after the death of the said widowe being tenant for life is to come and remaine to the said conusee and his heires for euer with warrantie against all men PRaecipe T. W. K. vxori eius quod iuste c. teneāt G. Sect ' 132. A Fine of a reuersion after the death of tenāt in dowe● S. conuenciones inter eos fact ' de tertia ꝑte octo messuag ' 6. gardinorum 6. acr̄ terre decem acrarum prati 20. acrarum pasture 50. acrarum bosci cum pertinen̄ in A. B. C. c. ¶ Et est concordia talis scilicet quod praedict ' T. K. recognouer̄ terciam partem praedict ' cum pertinentijs esse ius praedict ' G. Et concesser̄ quod eadem tertia pars cum pertinen̄ quam M. B. vid ' tenet ad terminū vite sue de hereditate ipsius K. die quo hec concordia facta fuit que post mortem eiusdem M. ad ipsos T. K. reuertere debet rem̄ pref G. hered ' suis imperpetuum Tenend ' c. Et preterea ijdem T. K. concesserunt Warrantie pro se hered ' ipsius K. quod ipsi warrant̄ prefat̄ G. hered ' suis tertiam partem praed ' cum pertin̄ sicut praed ' est contra omnes homines imperpetuum Et pro hac c. A Fine knowledged by the husband and the wife to one I. I. of ix messuages ix A Fine sur conusās de
messuag ' c. cum pertinentijs in T. et B. parcell ' tenementorum p̄dictor̄ de dono praedictor̄ I. A. Et ill ' remiser̄ quiet̄ clamauer̄ de ipsis I. A. haeredibus suis prae●at̄ I. E. E. ● heredibus ipsius I. imperpetuum Et concesser̄ pro se hered ' ipsius A. quod viginti acr̄ terr̄ sex acr̄ prati c. cum pertin̄ in praedict ' villa de B. parcell ' tenementor̄ tertia pars praed ' que I. A. F. vxor eius tenent ad terminum vite ipsius E. de hereditate pred' A. die quo hec concordia facta fuit Et que post decessum ipsius E. ad praedict ' I. A. heredes suos debuer̄ reuertere post decessū ipsius A. integre remaneant p̄d ' I. E. E. E. hered ' ipsius I. imperpetuum ✿ Concesser̄ etiam p̄dicti I. W. A. pro se hered ' ipsius A. quod vnum mesuag ' cum pertinen̄ in praedict ' vill ' de B. residuum tenementorum praedict ' que I. A. tenet ad terminum vitae suae de hereditate praedict ' A. die quo hec concordia facta fuit post decessum ipsius A. integere remaneat praedictis I. E. E. hered ' ipsius E. imperpetuum A Fine with graunt and render of the moity of a manor reciting that a widow hath the same for her life without impeachment of wast and after her death to her executors for 16. yeres without impeachment of wast and after her death and the end of 16 yeres to two and to their wiues and to the heires of the wiues and after the husbands and their wiues grannt the same to the tenant for life in fee who graunteth the same after the end of the said 16 yeres vnto the conusors for terme of 21. yeres without impeachment of wast Ebor̄ ss PRaecipe N. G. E. vxori eius W. G. B. vxori eius qd ' teneant F. A. conuenc ' de medietate manerij de H. cum pertinen̄ c. ¶ Et est concordia talis scilicet quod cum E. A. vidua nuper vxor W. Sect. 76. A. defuncti habet tenet praedictam medietatem manerij de H. cum pertin̄ Ac praedictam medietatem tenementorum piscarie praedict ' cum pertinen̄ ad terminum vitae suae absque impetitione alicuius vasti ✿ Et quod post mortem eiusdem E. praedicta medietas manerij tenementorum piscarie praedictorum remaneant executor̄ testamenti eiusdem E. ad terminum sexdecem annorū tūc prox ' sequen̄ post mortem ipsius E. absque impetitione vasti Et que post mortem praedictae E. A. ad terminum praedictorum sex decem annorum ad N. G. E. vxor̄ eius W. G. B. vxor̄ eius hered ' dictorum E. B. reuertere deberent Praedict ' W. G. B. vxor eius N. G. E. vxor eius concedunt quod dicte medietates dictorum maneriorum ten̄torum piscarie cū pertin̄ post mortem praedictae E. A. post praedict ' terminum xvj annorum finitum determinat̄ integre remaneāt pref F. A. here dibus suis ✿ Tenend ' de capital ' dn̄is feod ' ill ' per seruitia quae ad praedict ' medietat̄ dictor● manerij tenement̄ piscar̄ cum pertinen̄ ꝑtinent Et ill ' remis quiet̄ clam̄ de ipsis W. G. B. vxor̄ eius N. G. E. vxori eius hered ' suis prefat̄ F. A. hered ' suis imperpetuum ✿ Et preterea ijdem W. G. B. N. G. E. concesser̄ prose hered ' ipsius N. quod ipisi warrant̄ praedict ' reuersionem medietatis dictorū manerij ten̄torum piscarie cum pertinentijs prefat̄ F. A. hered ' suis contra ipsos W. G. et B. N. G. et E. et heredes suos imperpetuum Et pro hac c. idem F. concessit prefat̄ W. G. B. N. G. E. praedict ' reuersionem medietatis manerij ten̄torū piscar̄ praedict ' cum pertinen̄ Et ill ' eis reddider̄ in eadem cur̄ ✿ Habend ' tenend ' eandem reuersionem medietatis manerij ten̄torum piscarie praedict ' cum pertin̄ dictis W. G. B. N. G. E. a festo Apost ' Phil Iacobi quod tunc proxcrit post finē dictorum sexdecem annorum vsque ad finem terminum xxj annorum extunc proxim̄ sequen̄ et plenarie complend ' absque impetitione alicuius vasti A Render of messuages c. to the cognisor for one weeke after to a straunger for life and to his wife for life if she keepe her vnmaried the reuersion to an other straunger and his heires of his body vpon M. his wife begotten the Remainder to an other and his heires Ebor̄ ss PRaecipe I. W. et E. vxori cius quod ten̄ W. M. O. S. conuenc ' Sect 77. de duobus messuag ' c. in S. Et nisi c. ¶ Et pro hac c. ijdem W. et O. concesserunt prefat̄ I. tenement̄ praedict ' cum pertinen̄ Et ill ' ei reddider̄ in eadem curia Habend ' et tenend ' eidem I. pro termino vnius septimanae Et post terminum illum finitum predict ' tenement̄ cum pertin̄ integre remanebūt B. Habend ' et tenend ' eidem B. de capitalibus dominis feodi illius perseruitia quae ad praedict ' ten̄t̄ pertineant tota vita ipsius B. Et post decessum ipsius B. praed ' ten̄ta cum pertin̄ integre reman̄ I. vxori predicti B. ✿ Tenend ' c. tota vita ipsius I. si eadem I. tam diu sola et innupta vixerit Et post decessum siue sponsalia ipsius I. si quefuerint praedict ' ten̄ta cum pertin̄ integre reman̄ E. W. filio et heredi apparenti praedict̄ I. et hered ' de corpore ipsius E. de corpore M. vxori eius inter eos legitime procreat̄ Tenend ' c. Et si contingat quod idem E. obierit sine herede de corpore suo de corpore praed ' M. inter eos legitim̄ procreat̄ tunc post decessum ipsor̄ E. et M. tenementa predict ' cum pertinen̄ integre reman̄ predict ' I. et hered ' suis Tenend ' c. imperpetuum A Fine of two reuersions of ● messuages one cottage c after the deathes of the two tenants for life Ebor̄ ss PRaecipe R. N. A. vxori eius quod ten̄ G. E. conuenc ' c. Sect 78. de duobus mesuag ' vno cotag ' c in N. ¶ Et est concordia talis scilicet quod praedict ' R. et A. recogn̄ tenementa praedict ' cum pertinen̄ esse ius ipsius G. et concessi● prose et heredibus ipsius R. quod praedict̄ cotagium viginti acr̄ terr̄ decem acr̄ prati c. ꝑcell ' ten̄torum praedictorum cum pertinentijs in N praedict̄ que W. B. et
praedict ' A. S. et haeredibus suis Tenend ' simul cum praed ' manerijs tenementis reddit̄ quae ei per finem istum reman̄ de capital ' dominis feod ' illius per seruic ' quae ad praedict̄ manerium tenementa reddit̄ ac aduocationem pertinent imperpetuum ✿ Et praedict ' T. M. et haeredes ipsius M. warrant̄ praedicto A. et haeredibus suis praedicta maneria tenementa redd ' cum pertinentijs ac aduocationem praedict ' sicut dictum est contra omnes homines imperpetuum ✿ Et pro hac c. idem A. concessit praefatis T. M. praedict ' maneria tenementa et redd ' cum pertinentijs ac aduocationem p̄dict ' Et illas eis reddid ' in eadem curia Habend ' tenend ' eisdem T. M. de capitalibus dominis c. tota vita ipsorum T. M. et eorum alterius diutius viuen̄ absque impetitione alicuius vasti Et post decessum ipsorum T. et M. p̄dict ' maneria tenemēta c. integre remanebūt haeredibus ipsius T. de corporibus ipsorū T. M. legitime procreat̄ Tenend ' c. ✿ Et si nullus haeres ipsius T. de corporibus ipsorum T. M. fuer̄ legitime procr̄ tune praedicta maneria c. integre remanebunt haered ' de corpore ipsius M. legitime procr̄ Tenend ' c. Et si nullus haeres de corpore ip sius M. fuer̄ legitime procreat̄ tunc praedicta maneria c. integre reman̄ rectis haerepibus ipsius T. imperpetuum Tenend ' c. A fine of a Reuersion of a rent issuing out of a manor and 6. messuages Essex ss PRaec ' c. quod iuste c. ten̄ con̄ c. de quadragintae solidis reddit̄ cum pertinentijs exeunt̄ de manerio de F. ac de sex Messuag ' c. Et nisi c. ¶ Et est concordia talis scilicet quod praed ' I. recogn̄ praedict ' redd ' Sect. 90. cum pertinentijs esse ius ipsius R. concessit pro se haeredibus suis quod praedict ' reddi● cum pertinentijs quem H. T. et A. vxor eius tenent ad terminum virae ipsius A. de praedict ' I. die quo haec concordia facta f●●t exeunt̄ de praedicto manerio c. cum pertinentijs quem I. H. Miles modo tenet qui post decessum ipsius A. ad praedict̄ I. F. haeredes suos debuit reuertere post decessum ipsius A. integre remanebit praedict̄ R. haered ' suis imperpetuum Et praedict̄ I. F. haeredes sui warrant̄ praedict̄ R. haered ' suis p̄dict̄ reddit̄ cum pertinentijs sicut praedictum est contra I. Abbat̄ Monasterij c. successores suos imperpetuum Et pro hac c. A Fine of the Reuersion of a rent HE Cest finalis concordia facta in curia dn̄i Regis apud W. a die P. Sect. 91. in xv dies Anno regni E. filij Regis E. decimo coram W. B. H. S. I. B. I. M. Iustic ' dn̄i Regis alijs fidelibus tunc ibi praesentibus inter R. P. quer̄ I. B. deforc ' de decem marcis red dit̄ cum pertinentijs in B. quem P. de A. tenet ad terminum vitae vnde placitum conuentionis summ̄ fuit inter eos in eadem curia scilicet qđ p̄dict̄ I. concessit pro fe haeredibus suis quod praedict ' reddit̄ cum pertinentijs quem praed ' P. tenuit ad terminum vitae ex dimissione praedict̄ I. in p̄dict̄ villa die quo haec concordia facta fuit qui post decessum ipsius P. ad praedict̄ I. haeredes suos reuertere debuit post decessum ipsius P. integre remaneat praedict ' R. haered ' de corpore suo procreat̄ Tenend ' de capital ' dominis feodi illius per seruitia quae ad praedict̄ teddit̄ pertinent imperpetuum Et si contingat quod idem R. obierit sine h●rede de corpore suo procreat̄ tunc post decessum ipsius R. p̄dict reddit̄ cum pertinentijs integre remanebit rectis haeredibus ipsius R. tenend ' de capital ' dominis feodi illius per seruitia quae ad praedict̄ reddit̄ pertinent imperpetuum Et pro hac concessione fine concordia idem R. dedit pr●fat̄ I. centum marc ' argenti A fine of Rent seruice and of the Homages seruices of diuers Nott. ss PRaecipe quod iuste c. ten̄ conuenc ' c. de vndecim Sect. 92. solidis reddit̄ cum pertinen̄ in B. Et nisi prius c. ¶ Et est concordia talis scilicet quod praedict̄ E. recogn̄ praedict ' reddit̄ cum pertinentijs esse ius praedict ' W. Et idem E. insuper concessit eidem W. reddit̄ illum cum pertinētijs simul cum homagio totis seruitijs S. F. R. L. I. D. h●red ' suorum de tot tenementis quot ipsi seperatim de ipso E. prius tenuerunt in praedict̄ villa Habend ' tenendū eidem W. haered ' suis de capitalibus dominis feodi illius per seruitia quae ad praedict̄ reddit̄ pertinent imperpetuum Et praedict ' E. haered ' sui praedict̄ reddit̄ cum pertinen̄ sicut p̄dictum est p̄f. W. haered ' suis contra omnes homines warr̄ imperpetuum c. A fine of 4 messuages where the husband the wife sell the wiues Iointure or Dower absolutely to him in the Reuersion Ehor̄ ss PRaec ' T. G. armig ' B. vxori eius quod ten̄ I. W. E. Sect. 93. vxori eius conuenc ' de quatuor messuagijs c. ¶ Et est concordia talis scilicet quod cum praedict̄ T. B. habeant teneant tenementa p̄dicta cum pertinen̄ ad terminum vitae predict ' B. reuersione inde praedict ' E. haered ' suis post decessum praedict ' B. spectant̄ ijdem T. B. concesser̄ praef I. E. tenementa p̄dict ' cum ꝑtin̄ totum quicquid in praedict ' tenementis cum pertinētijs ad terminum vitae ipsius B. habent eisdē I. E. in eadem curia reddider̄ Habend ' tenend ' eisdem I. E. haeredibus ipsius E. durante tota vita ipsius B. de capital ' dominis c. Et p̄dicti T. B. warrant̄ praef I. et E. tn̄ta praedicta cum pertinentijs sic vt dictum est contra praedictos T. et B. durante tota vita ipsius B. Et pro hac c. Tenant for terme of life her husband graunteth her estate for life in a manor messuages rent c. to one B. who in consideration thereof graunteth to the Conusor and his wife for the life of the wife Suff. ss PRaec ' L. H. et D. vxori eius quod ten̄ B. B. con̄ de manerio Sect. 94. de S. cum pertinentijs ac de sex
Messuag ' c. cū pertin̄ in S. ¶ Et est concordia talis scilicet qđ praedict ' L. D. concess manerium ten̄ta reddit̄ cum pertinen̄ quae ijdem L. D. tenent ad terminum vitae ipsius D. reuersione inde post mortē eiusdem D. cuidam R. R. haered ' suis spectant̄ praef B. B. Habend ' sibi assign̄ suis tota vita eiusdem D. Et praeterea ijdem L. D. concesser̄ quod ipsi warrant̄ manerium tenementa reddit̄ predict ' cum pertinen̄ praef B. assignatis suis tota vita ipsius D. contra ipsos L. D. imperpetuum Et pro hac c. idem B. concessit praefatis L. et D. quendam annual ' reddit̄ xl marc ' legalis c. exeunt̄ de manerio tenementis praedictis Habend ' percipiend ' eundem annualem reddit̄ xl marc ' praefatis L. D. pro termino vitae eiusdem D. ad festa c. per aequales porciones annuatim soluend ' Et si contingat praedict ' annual ' red dit̄ c. A fine of a Reuersion of one messuage c. after the death of the tenant for life Norff. ss PRaecipe P. A. quod ten̄ E. S. conuenc ' c. de vno messuag ' Sect. 95. c. ¶ Et est concordia talis scilicet quod praedictus P. recogn̄ tenementa praedicta cum pertinentijs esse ius ipsius E. Et concessit pro se haeredibus suis quod praedicta tenementa quae W. B. et A. vxor eius tenent ad terminum vitae ipsius A. de haereditate ipsius P. die quo haec concordia facta fuit Et quae post decessum ipsius A. ad praedict̄ P. haeredes suos debuerunt reuertere post decessum ipsius A. integre remanebunt praed ' E. S. haeredibus suis imperpetuum Tenend ' c. Et p̄dict ' P. concessit pro se haered ' suis qđ ipsi warrant̄ praedict ' tenementa cum pertinen̄ sic vt dictum est contra omnes homines imperpetuum Et pro hac c. A fine of a Rent graunted out of a Manor for life with a clause of distres for the same Rent Leicest ss PRaec ' A. C. vid ' quod ten̄ H. C. gen̄ conuenc ' de annuo Sect. 96. redd ' xl s. exeunt̄ de manerio de S. cum pertinentijs in S. Et nisi c. ¶ Et est concordia talis scilicet quod praedictus A. concessit praefato H. praedictum redditum cum pertinentijs Et ill ' erreddidit in eadem curia Habend ' percipiend ' praedictos xl s. eidem H. assignatis suis ad festa Annunciationis beatae Mariae virginis S. Mich. archang per aequales porciones annuatim soluend ' tota vita ipsius H. Et si contingat praedict ' reddit̄ xl s. aretro fore c. quod tunc bene licebit praefato H. assignatis suis tota vita sua in praedictum maneriū cum pertinentijs intrare distringere c. Et praedict ' A. et haeredes sui warrant̄ praefato H. et assignatis suis praedict ' reddit̄ xl s. cum pertinentijs sic vt dictum est contra praedict ' A. haeredes suos tota vita ipsius H. imperpetuum c. Et pro hac c. A fine whereby three seuerall Annuities be graunted out of a Manor and after the manor also is graunted to one E. for life and after the death of the said E. the manor c. to remaine to the said E. and his heires Staff ss PRaec ' F. B. vid ' E. B. gener̄ R. B. gener̄ R. B. gener̄ Sect. 97. quod ten̄ R. G. generos conuenc ' de manerio de H. cum pertinentijs Ac de decem mesuagijs c. ¶ Et est concordia talis scilicet quod praedicti Eliz. Ed. Baldw. Ra. Rich. recognouer̄ praedicta manerium tenemēta reddit̄ cum pertinētijs esse ius ipsius R. com Release warrant ' Et pro hac c. idem Rog. concessit praefato Edw. quandam annuitatem siue annualem reddit̄ vj. li. xiij s. iiij đ. exeunt̄ de in manerio tenementis praedictis cum pertinentijs Et illa ei reddid ' in eadem curia Habend ' percipiend ' eundem annualem reddit̄ vj. li. xiij s. iiij đ. praefato Edw. assignatis suis tota vita sua ad festa Natiuitatis sancti Ioh. Baptiste Annunciationis beatae Mariae virginis aequis porcionibus annuatim soluend ' Et si contingat c. Concessit etiam idem r. quandam annuitatem siue annualē reddit̄ vj. li. xiij s. iiij đ. vt supra cum claus district ' Et vlterius idem R. concessit praefato R. quandam aliam annuitatem c. vj. li. xiij s. iiij đ. modo forma praedict ' Et praeterea idem R. cōcessit praefatae E. praedict ' manerium tenementa reddit̄ cum pertinēijs Et ill ' ei reddidit in eadem curia Habend ' tenend ' praefat̄ E assignatis suis tota vita ipsius E. de caditalibus dominis feodi illius c. Et post decessum ipsius E. praedict ' manerium tenementa reddit̄ cum pertinentijs integre reman̄ praefato E. haeredibus suis Tenend ' de capitalibus c. A fine of a Rent out of manors to one and his wife in taile generall and sor default of such issue to the right heires of the husband with a paine of viij pound for euery fiue weekes that the Rent is behind and for euery weeke after the v. weeks to forfait viij li. nomine penae with a clause of distres ET pro hac c. ijdem A. B. concesserunt praefatis W. et F. quendam Sect. 98. annualem redditum nona ginta libr̄ de praedictis manerijs tenementis cum pertinentijs Et illas eis reddiderunt in eadem curia● Habend ' percipiend ' praedict ' annualem reddit̄ nonaginta libr̄ eisdem W. F. et haered ' de corporibus ipsorum W. F. legitime procreat̄ ad festa sancti Michaelis archāgeli Annunciationis beatae Mariae virginis perae quales portiones annuatim soluend ' Et si contingat quod ijdem W. et F. obierint sine haered ' de corporibus suis legitime procreat̄ tunc post decessum ipsorum W. F. idem annualis reddit̄ nonagint̄ l●br̄imegre remaneat rectis haeredibus ipsius W. ad festa praedict ' annuatim soluend ' ✿ Et si contingat praedict ' annal ' reddit̄ nonaginta libr̄ aretro fore in parte vel in toto per spacium quinque septiman̄ post aliquod festum festorum praedictorum quo vt praefertur solui debeat non solut̄ s● legitim̄ modo petatur apud C. praedictā quod tunc toties praedictus W. ● et haeredes sui forisfacient praedictis W.
preterea ijdem T. et E. concesserūt pro se hered ' ipsius E. quod ipsi warrantizabunt maneria tenement̄ reddit̄ praeđ cum pertinentijs prefat̄ W. I. hered ' ipsius W. contra omnes homines imperpetuum Et pro hac recognicione c. ijdem W. et I. concesserunt pređ manerium ten̄ta et reddit̄ praeđ cum pertinen̄ et illa ei reddiderūt in eadem curia Habenđ et tenenđ eidem T. et hered ' suis imperpetuum A Fine knowledged by H. K. and I. his wife I. C. and K. his wife to R. G. of one messuage one garden of land pasture and the same conusors for them and the heires of lo doe warrant two parts of the premisses in iij. parts deuided to the c●usee and his heires against all men for euer PRaecipe I. H. I. vxori eius quod iuste c. teneant R. G. conuenciones inter eos fact ' de vno messuagio vno gardino 40. acris terre quatuor acris pasture cum pertin̄ in c. Et nisi c. ¶ Et est concordia talis quod p̄d ' I. I. recognouer̄ tenementa praed ' Sect ' 106. cum pertinen̄ esse ius ipsius R. vt illa que idem R. habet de dono praedict ' H. I. I. K. illa remiserunt quiete clamauerunt de ipsis H. I. I. K. heredibus suis praefat̄ R. hered ' suis imperpetuum Et praeterea ijdem H. I. I. K. concesserunt pro se hered ' ipsius I. quod ipsi warrant̄ duas partes ten̄torum praedict ' cum pertin̄ in tres partes diuiden̄ p̄f. R. hered ' suis contra ōnes homines imꝑpet̄ Et pro hac c. A Fine knowledged by I. F. knight and M. his wife and R. H. of two messuages one garden one or chard and of land meadow and pasture to T. P. and I. K. with warrantie against all men And the conusees by the said fine graunt render to the said R. one of the conusors in the fine vi acres of land c. parcel of the premisses for one moneth to come next afterwards the same to remain to one I. now the wife of R. N. R. N. son of the said R and I during their liues and the longer liuer of them And after their deceases the the said vi acres of land to remaine to I. N. daughter of the said R. and I. his wife during her life reseruing a rent with clause of distres for non payment thereof And the residue of the premisses viz. the two messuages one garden one orchard c. the said conusees graunt and render to R. H. for one moneth and afterwards to one R. N. I. his wife To haue to hold to the said R. I. during their liues and the longest liuer of them reseruing also thereupon a rent with a clause of distres for non payment thereof And lastly the said conusees doe graunt and render the reuersion of the whole premisses and the seueral rents reserued vpon the said graunts and renders vnto the said I. F. and M. his wife two of the said conusors and to the heires of the said I. F. for euer PRaec ' I. F. milit̄ ac M. vxori eius et R. H. quod iuste c. tenent Sect ' 107. T. W. I. K. c. de duobus messuag ' 1. gardin̄ 1. pomar̄ 21. acris t̄re 6. acr̄ prat̄ 58. acr̄ pastur̄ cū ꝑtin̄ in M. Et nisi c. ¶ Et est concordia talis scz qd ' p̄d ' I. M. R. recogn̄ ten̄ta p̄d ' cū ꝑtin̄ esse ius ipsius T. vt illa que idē T. I habēt de dono p̄f. I. M. R. Et illa remiser̄ quiete clam̄ de ipsis I. M. R. hered ' suis p̄d ' T. I. hered ' ipsius T. imꝑpetuū Et p̄terea ijdē I. F. M. R. concesser̄ pro se Warrantie hered ' ipsius I. qd ' ipsi warrant̄ ten̄ta p̄d ' cū ꝑtin̄ p̄f. T. I. hered ' ipsius T. cont̄ oēs hoīes imꝑpetuū Et pro hac c. ijdem T. I. concesser̄ The Render of parcel of the premisses p̄d ' R. vj. acr̄ terre 3. acr̄ pastur̄ et 46. acr̄ prati de ten̄tis p̄d ' cum ꝑtin̄ illa ei reddider̄ in ead ' cur̄ Habend ' et et tenend ' eid ' R. pro termino vni mensis iam prox ' futur̄ Et post t̄min̄ illū finit̄ easd ' 3. acr̄ t̄re 3. acr̄ prat̄ 46. acr̄ pastur̄ cū ꝑtin̄ integre reman̄ cuidā I. modo vxori cuiusd ' R. N. cuidā R. N. filio eorund ' R. I. Habend ' tenend ' p̄f. I. et R. tota vita ipsor̄ I. et R. et eor̄ alterius diutius viuen̄ Et post decessū eorund ' I. R. easdem 6. acr̄ t̄re 3. acras prati 46. acr̄ pastur̄ cū ꝑtin̄ integre reman̄ I. M. filie p̄d ' R. et I. vxoi eius Habend ' et tenend ' eid ' I. filie tota vita eiusd ' Therent I. filie reddend ' inde annuatim p̄d ' T. I. hered ' suis cent̄ 8. s. 10. d' ad sestū Annunc ' c. per equales porc ' annuatim soluend ' Et si A clause of distresse contingat praed ' ānualem reddit̄ Cviij s. x. d. vel aliqua inde ꝑcella a retro fore in ꝑte vel in toto ꝑaliquod festum festorū p̄d ' quo siue quibus vt prefertur solui debeat non solut̄ Qd ' tunc beneliceat p̄d ' T. I. hered ' assignat̄ suis tam tota vita naturali p̄d ' I. R. N. modo vxoris p̄đ R. eorum alterius diutius viuen̄ quā tota vita p̄d ' I. fil' in p̄d ' 6. acras terre c. cum ꝑtin̄ in quanilibet inde ꝑcellam intrare distringere distriction̄ sic ibid ' capt̄ liceat inde abducere effugare penes se retinere quousque de p̄d ' annuali reddit̄ Cviij s. x. d. de qualibet inde ꝑcella vna cū arrerag ' eiusd ' si que fuerint eis plena sie satisfact ' ꝑsolut̄ Et vlterius ijdem T. I. concesser̄ p̄d ' R. H. duo messuagia vnū pomatiū The render of the residue vnū gardinū 16. acr̄ terre 3. acr̄ prati 12. acr̄ pasture resid ' cū ꝑtinen̄ ten̄tor̄ praed ' Et illa ei reddider̄ in eadem curia Habend ' tenend ' eid ' R. pro termino vnius mensis Et post terminū ill ' finit̄ ead ' duo messuagia vnum gardin̄ vnū pomar̄ xvj acr̄ terre tres acr̄ prati et duodecē acr̄ pasture resid ' integre remanere ●uidam R. N. I. vxori eius Habend ' et tenend ' eisdem R. R. I. tota vita ipsor̄ R. R. et
a festo sancti Michaelis archang quod erit in Anno domini 1563. vsque ad finem termini xxj annorum extunc proxim̄ sequen̄ et plenarie complend ' Reddend ' inde annuatim praedict ' R. haered ' suis quandam annualem Reddit̄ xxvij li. vj. s. legalis monete Angliae ad Rent festum Sancti Michaelis Archangeli Annunciationis beatae Mariae virginis per equales porciones annuatim soluend ' proxima solucione inde incipient̄ ad festum Sancti Michaelis Archangeli quod erit in Anno domini 1563. Et si contingat praedict ' reddit̄ xxvij li. vj. s. Clause of distresse a retro fore in parte vel in toto ad aliquod festum festorum praedict ' quo vt profertur solui debeat Quod tunc bene licebit praefat̄ R. haeredibus suis in praedict ' manerium et tenementa cum pertinentijs intrare et distringere districtionesque sic inde capt̄ habit̄ licet abducere asportare et effugare ac penes se retinere quousque de praedict ' redd ' de xxvij li. vj. s. cum areragijs eiusdem si quae fuerint plenarie fuerit The graunt of the reuercion and the rent to the husbād the wife being the Conusors to the heires of the husband satisfact ' persolut̄ Concessit etiam idem R. praedict ' I. et B. reuercionem maneriorum tenementorum praedict ' cum pertinentijs ac praedict ' reddit̄ superius express ' reseruat̄ illa eis reddiderunt c. Habendum tenendum eisdem I. et B. haeredibus ipsius I. de capitalibus dominis feodi illius per seruicia c. A fine knowledged by the husband and his wife to one I. L. esquier of 2. manors 4. messuages 6. cotages one douehouse c. with warrātie in consideratiō whereof the Conusee graunteth a rent of 30. li. to the husbād his wife to the heires of the husband the said rent to begin to be payable at Michelmas the Annunciation of our Ladie which next shall happen after the death of the Conusor C. his now wife or anie other which afterwards shall happen to be his wife with a clause of distres for the said rent if it be behind and hauing bene lawfully demaunded PRaecipe R. P. I. vxori eius quod teneant I. L. arm̄ Sect. 125. conuencionem de manerijs de A. et W. cum pertinētijs ac de quatuor mesuag ' sex cotag ' vno columbario 200. acris terrae 40. acris prati 300. acris pasturae 20. ac● bosci 20. acris iampnorum bruere cum pertinen̄ in W. et W. Et nisi c. ¶ Et est concordia talis scilicet quod praedict ' R. P. et I. vxor eius recogn̄ man̄ tenementa praed ' cum pertinentijs esse ius ipsius I. vt illa quae idem I. habet de dono praedict ' R. P. et I. vxor̄ eius Et illa remiser̄ c. Et praeterea c. Et pro hac c. idem I. L. concessit praefat̄ A rent graunted by the Conusors R. et I. vxori eius haered ' praedict ' I. annualem reddit̄ 30. li. soluend ' ad duos anni terminos consuet̄ viz. ad festum S. Michaelis Archangeli Annunciationis beatae Mariae virginis per equales porciones prima When the rēt shall begin to be payable solucione inde incipiente ad festum sancti Michaelis Archangeli aut Annunciationis beate Mariae virginis quod proxim̄ contigerit post mortem praedict ' L. C. nunc vxor̄ eius existen̄ vel alicuius alterius quam imposterum eius vxor̄ fore contigerit Et si contingat praedict ' A clause of distres for the Rent after it hath beene lawfully demaunded annualem reddit̄ 30. li. aretro fore in parte vel in toto post aliquod festū festorum p̄d ' quo vt profertur solui debeat non solut̄ per spacium c. si licite petatur quod tunc c. A fine knowledged by the husband and the wife to H. C. of the third parte of a Rent issuing out of a mannor with warrantie against all men PRaecipe R. I. vxori eius quod iuste c. teneant H. Sect. 126. C. conuencionem c. de tertia parte v. li. vj. s. viij denariorum reddit̄ cum pertinentijs exeunt̄ de manerio de K. Et nisi c. ¶ Et est concordia talis scilicet quod praed ' R. I. recognouer̄ tertiam partem reddit̄ praed ' cum pertinen̄ esse ius ipsius H. vt illa quae idē H. habet de dono praed ' R. et I. Et illa remiser̄ quiete clamauerunt de se haered ' ipsius I. praef H. haered ' suis imperpetuum Et praeterea ijdem R. I. concesser̄ pro se haered ' ipsius I. qđ ipsi warrantiz abunt Warrantie praef H et haered ' suis praed ' tertiam partem reddit̄ praed ' cum pertinen̄ contra omnes homines imperpetuum Et pro hac c. A Fine knowledged by the husband and his wife to one T. H. of the third parte of 34. acres of meadow by these words viz. Concesserunt reddiderunt c. during the wiues life with warrantie also during her life PRaecipe H. P. M. vxori eius quod teneat T. H. conuencionem Sect. 127. A fine sur release de do●●er per le husbād le f●mme c. de tertia parte 34. acrarum prati 40. acrarum pasturae 20. acrarum bosci cum pertinentijs in S. Et nisi c. ¶ Et est concordia talis scilicet quod praedict ' H. et M. concesserunt reddiderunt tenementa praedict ' cum pertinen̄ praefat̄ T. haered ' The estate suis durante vita ipsius M. Et praedict ' H. M. warrantizabunt ten̄ta p̄dict ' cum pertinen̄ praefat̄ T. haered ' suis durante tota vita ipsius M. The warranty Et pro hac c. A Fine knowledge by V. K. knight to I. S. knight E. G. the Queenes Attourney generall and others of two mannors 70. messuages and cotages c. which the Ladie V. widow hath for her life of the inheritaunce of the Conusor the daie of the concord made and after her death is to reuert to the Conusor the which by this fine after the death of the said Ladie V. is wholly to remaine to all the Conusees in the fine and to the heires of the said I. S. knight the first of the Conusees in the said fine with warrantie against all men PRaecipe V. K. milit̄ quod teneat I. S. milit̄ E. G. attornat̄ Sect. 128. A fine of reuercion after the death of tenant in Dower nostrum generalem R. W. armig ' W. K. gen̄ conuencionem c. de manerijs de H. alias
homines imperpetuū Et pro hac recognicione remissione quiet̄ clamantia warranto fine concordia ijdem R. I. R. dederunt praedict ' H. 38. li. sterlingorum A Fine knowledged by R. H. of P. to R. B. of the manor of I. with warranty against the conusor and his heires PRaecipe R. H. de P. arm̄ quod iuste teneat R. B. R. H. Sect ' 137. c. conuencionem inter eos fact ' de manerio de I. alias I. cum pertin̄ ac de 40. messuag ' 500. acristerre 100. acris prati 500. acris pasture 100. acris bosci 100. acris more marisci cum pertinentijs in I. alias I. W. N. Et nisi c. ¶ Et est concordia talis scilicet quod praedict ' R. H. recognouit maneria ac ten̄ta praed ' cum pertinentijs esse ius praedict ' R. B. vt illa que ijdem R. c. habent de dono ipsius R. H. Et illa remisit quiete clamauit de ipso R. hered ' suis prefat̄ R. c. hered ' ipsius R. B. imperpetuum Et preterea ijdem R. H. concessit pro se hered ' suis quod ipse warrant̄ Warrantie maneria ten̄ta praed ' cum pertin̄ pref R. c. hered ' ipsius R. imperpetuum Et pro hac c. This is the Fine as it is engrossed of Record whereof the Fine next before is but the note HEc est finalis concordia fact ' in cur̄ dominae Reginae Cestrie apud Sect ' 138. Cestr̄ die Lune c. viz. 4. die Septembris Anno c. coram I. T. a● Iustic ' dictae dominae Reginae Cestr̄ apud Cestriam alijs dictae dn̄ae Reginae fidelibus tunc ibidem presentibus Inter R. B. R. H. H. H. quer̄ R. H. de P. arm̄ deforcien̄ de manerio de I. cum pertinen̄ ac de c. vnde placitum conuencionis summonitum fuit inter eos in eadem curia scilicet quod R. H. recognouerit man̄ tenementa praed ' cum ꝑtinen̄ esse ius praedict ' R. B. vt illa que ijdem R. R. H. habent de dono ipsius R. H. Et illa remiser̄ quiete clamauerunt de ipso R. hered suis praefato R. c. et hered ' ipsius R. B. Et preterea ijdem R. H. concessit pro se hered ' suis quod ipse warrantizabit manerium ten̄ta praed ' cum pertinen̄ prefat̄ R. R. H. hered ' ipsius R. B. imperpetuum Et pro hac recognicione warranto fine concordia ijdem R. c. dederunt praef R. H. centū libras Argenti The nine Proclomations of the Fine next before made according to the statute of 2. Ed. 6. made for Fines with Proclamations with in the County Palantine of Chester ¶ Prima Proclamac ' fact ' fuit die Mercurij ista eadem Sessione Secunda proclamac ' facta fuit die Iouis ista eadem Sessione Quarto proclamac ' fact ' fuit in plena Sessione hic apud c. tent̄ die c. Anno c. Et sic de ceteris c. Three Proclamations in euery Sessions A Fine knowledged by A. B. to T. F. and G. H. osa Manor with warrantie against all men And the conusees in the same fine graunt and render againe the said manor to the said A. B for one weeke and afterwards to N. M. for xxi yeres to begin ofter the feast of Saint Martin the Bishop in winter reseruing a red rose at Midsomer if it be asked And after the end of the said terme of xxi yeres the said manor c. wholy to remaine to the said A. B. the conusor and his heires for euer PRaecipe A. B. quod iuste c. teneat T. F. G. H. conuenciones Sect ' 139. de manerio c. Et nisi c. ¶ Et est concordia talis scilicet quod praedict ' A recognouit tentum̄ praedict ' cum pertin̄ esse ius ipsius T. vt illa que idem T. G. habent de dono praedict ' A. Et illa remiser̄ et quiete clamauer̄ de se hered ' suis prefat̄ G. et hered ' suis imperpetuum Et preterea idem A. concessit pro Warrantie se et heređ suis quod ipse warrantitizabit tenementa praedict ' cum pertinentijs praefat̄ T. G. et heređ ipsius T. contra omnes homines imperpetuum Et pro hac c. ijdem T. G. concesserunt in eadem The render curia reddiderunt ten̄ta praedict ' cum pertinen̄ praefat̄ A. pro vna Septimana Et post terminum illum finit̄ tenementa cum pertinen̄ integre remanere N. M. assignat̄ suis pro termino xxj annorum post festum sancti Martini Episcopi in hieme proxim̄ futur immediat̄ sequent̄ plenarie complend ' Reddend ' inde annuatim prefat T. G. hered ' Rent ipsius T. durante toto termino praed ' vnam rubram rosam ad festū Natiuitatis sancti Io. Bapt̄ si petatur Et post terminum illud finit̄ tenementa Remainder in fee to the con●sor praedict ' cum pertinen̄ integ● remanere praedict ' A. hered ' suis imperpetuum c. A Fine knowledged by R. B. of two messuages c. to I. A. with warranty against all men and the conusee graunteth the premisses againe to the conusor for one weeke afterwards to one W. B. for life reseruing a rent and afterwards to the conusor for his life after to S. B. his wife for her life and after to I. B. sonne of the conusor and his wife for life and afterwards the said conusee graunteth the reuersion of the premisses and the rent to the said R. B. the conusor and his heires for euer PRaecipe R. B. gen̄ quod iuste teneat I. A. conuencionem c. de duobus mesuagijs c. Et nisi c. ¶ Et est concordia talis scilicet quod praedict ' R. recognouit ten̄ta p̄dict ' Sect ' 140. cum pertinen̄ esse ius ipsius I. A. vt illa que idem ● habet de dono praed ' R. B. Et illa remiserunt quiete clamauerunt de se et hered ' suis prefat̄ I. et hered ' suis imperpetuum Et preterea idem R. B. concessit ꝓ Warrantie se hered ' suis quod ipse warrant̄ ten̄ta praed ' cum pertin̄ praef I. A. hered ' suis contra omnes homines imperpetuum Et pro hac recognicione c. idem I. concessit praefat̄ R. B. c. et illa eireddiderunt in eadē curia Habend ' et tenend ' tenementa praed ' cum pertin̄ prefat̄ R. B. pro The Render termino vnius Septimane et post terminum illum finit̄ remanere W. B. pro termino vite ipsius W. B. Reddend ' inde per Annum prefat̄ I. A. et
totum quicquid in man●rio praeđ c. habent eid ' S. durante vita ipsius M. Et praedict ' A. M. warrantizabunt praedict ' S. heređ praedict ' S. manerium c. cum pertinentijs sicut praedict ' est contra praedict ' A. M. durante tota vita ipsi●s M. Et pro hac c. A Fine knowledged by I. C. and This wife of ij messuages one barne c. to one H. P. with warrāty And the said H. P. in consideration of the said fine graunteth and rendreth againe by the same fine the premisses to the conusors for one day and afterwards to I. P. widowe for her life and after her death the presses wholy to remaine to H. P. and his heires for euer PRaecipe I. C. T. vxori eius quod iuste c. teneant H. conuenc ' c de duobꝰ messuagijs vno horreo c. Et nisi c. ¶ Et est concordia talis scilicet quod praedict ' I. et T. recognouerūt Sect ' 145. tenementa praedict ' cum pertinen̄ esse ius ipsius H. vt illa que idem H. habet de dono praedict ' I. et T. Et illa remiserunt quiete clam̄ de se Warrantie hered ' suis prefat̄ H. hered ' suis imperpetuum Et preterea praedict ' I. T. concesserunt pro se hered ' ipsius I. quod ipsi warran̄ tenementa praedict ' cum pertinen̄ prefat̄ H. hered ' suis contra omnes homines The Render imperpetuum Et pro hac recognicion̄ c. praedict ' H. concessit tenementa praedict ' cum pertinen̄ prefato I. illa eis reddider̄ in eadem curia Habend ' tenend ' eisdem I. T. protermino vnius diei Ita quod post ●undem terminum finit̄ tenementa praedict ' cum pertinen̄ integre ●emaner̄ I P. vid ' pro termino vit̄ eiusdem I. Et post mortem praedict ' I. messuag ' horteum praedict ' c. integre remanere H. P. hered ' suis imperpetuum Tenend ' de capitalibus dominis feodi illius c. Et quinque acras terre vnam acr̄ prati cum pertinentijs resid ' tenementorum praedict ' integre remanere A. P. hered ' suis imperpetuum Tenend ' c. The taking of the knowledge of the Fine CApt̄ et recognit̄ corā Ia●obo Dyer milit̄ capitali Iustic ' de Cōmuni banco Anno regni Reginae nunc secundo Notes to be obserued in Fines 1 Nota que ascun foits plusors choses passa en le Praecipe q̄ ne sont nosme en le concord 2 Nota q̄ vn clause de Reentrie ne poit estre en vn fine 3 Nota q̄ si home purchase diuerse parcels de terr̄ de diuerse homes il purroit passer touts les parcels e● vn common fine mes couient que il auer seueral garranties de chescun de les parties pur lour seueral parcelles 4 Nota que Catlyn chiefe Iustice del banke le roy dit que south no●me de bois haut bois Subbois passera en vn fine 5 Nota que per Dyer vn Render ne poet estre fait mes tātum a luy que est nosme en le fine mes vn remainder poet estre limitted a vn per fine coment que il ne soit nosme en le Praecipe A fine knowledged by the husband and wife vnto two of 30. messuages of landes pasture wood linge heath and rent in diuers places The Conusees render the same againe to the said Conusors for terme of their two liues with diuers remainders ouer after there deaths in generall taeile to the children of the said Conusors And for default of issue of the said Conusors to the right heires of the wife of the Conusor for euer HEC est finalis concordia facta in curia domini regis apud Westmon̄ Sect. 146. in crastino Ascensionis domin● Anno regni Henrici octaui dei gratia Angliae Franciae regis fidei defensoris domini Hibern̄ a conquestu decimo nono coram R. B. A. F. T. E. W. S. Iustic ' Et postea in octabis sancti Trinitatis Anno regni eiusdem regis Henric ' supradicti ibidem concesser̄ recordat̄ coram eisdem Iustic ' alijs domini regis fidelibus tunc ibi praesentibus Inter W. H. I. R. quer̄ I. S. T. vxorem eius deforc ' de triginta mesuagijs ducentis acris terre trescentis acris pasturae decem acris bosci ducentis acris Iampnorum bruere trigint̄ solidat̄ redditus cum pertinentijs in P. F. c. vnde placitum conuencionis sum̄ fuit inter eos in eadem curia scilicet quod praedicti I. C. et T. recogn̄ praedict ' tenement̄ cum pertinentijs esse ius ipsius I. R. vt illa quae ijdem I. W. habēt de dono praedictorum I. C. et T. Et illa remiserunt quietum clamauerunt de ipsis I. C. T. et haered ' ipsius T. praedictis W. et I. R. imperpetuum Et praeterea Warrantie generall ijdem I. C. T. concesserunt pro se haered ' ipsius T. quod ipsi warrant̄ praedictis W. I. R. haered ' ipsius I. R. praedict ' tenement̄ cum pertinen̄ contra omnes homines imperpetuum Et pro hac recogn̄ The render remissione quieta clam̄ warrant̄ fine concordia ijdem W. I. R. concesserun● praedictis I. C. T. praedicta tenement̄ cum pertinen̄ Et illa eis r●ddiderunt in eadem curia Habend ' tenend ' eisdem I. C. T. de capitalibus dominis feod ' illius per seruicia quae ad praedictum tenement̄ pertinen̄ tota vita ipsorum I. C. T. alterius eorum diutius viuentis Et post decessum ipsorum I. C. T. praedict ' tenement̄ cum pertin̄ integre reman̄ I. C. filio praedictorum I. C. T. hered ' de corpore suo legitime procreat̄ tenēd ' de capitalibus dominis feod ' illius per seruicia quae ad praedict ' ten̄t̄ pertinent̄ imperpetuum Et si contingat quod idem I. C. filius obierit sine haered ' de corpore suo legitime procreat̄ tunc pos● decessum ipsius I. praedict ' ten̄ta cum pertinen̄ integre reman̄ R. C. alter filiorum praedictor̄ I. C. patris T. haered ' de corpore suo legitime procreat̄ tenend ' de capitalibus dominis feod ' illius per seruicia quae ad praedict ' ten̄t̄ pertinen̄ imperpetuum Et si cōtingat idem R. obiere sine haered ' de corpore suo legitime ꝓcreat̄ tunc post decessum ipsius R. praedict ' ten̄ta cum pertinen̄ integre remanere haered ' de corporibus praedict ' I. C. patris T. legitime procreat̄ Tenend ' de capitalibus dn̄is feod ' illius per seruicia quae ad praedict ' ten̄t̄ pertinent imperpetuum Et si
it may please your good Lordship the premisses tenderly considered to graunt vnto your said Orator the Queenes most gratious seueral writs of Subpena to be directed vnto the said I. Werewick E. G. S. and T. S. commaunding them and euery of them by the same personally to appeare in the most honorable Court of Chauncery at a certain day vpon a certain paine by your good Lordship to be limitted therein then and there to make answere to the premisses And further to be ordered therein as shall accord with right and good conscience And your said Orator shall daylie pray c. The Answere of I. W. to the bill of complaint of R. K. husbandman THe said defendant saith that the said bill of complaint is vncertain Sect ' 136. and insufficient in the law to be answered vnto the matter therein contained vntrue principally imagined pursued by the vnlawfull procurement bearing supportation of one W. C. Esq to the intent to put the said def to trouble costes expences intending thereby the vnquiet impouerish the said def as they should be faine to leaue the right title and interest of and in the premisses so that the said W. might purchase buy the same of the said Complainant And of late the said W. C. hath made meanes vnto the said I. W. now def to buy his title interest of in the premisses and threatned him to haue the same and if he would not let him haue it with his good will that then he would haue it against his will whosoeuer tooke his part and if the contents of the said bill were true as they are not yet were the matter determinable at the common Law and not in this honorable Court whereunto the said def prayeth to be dismissed and yet neuerthelesse the aduantage of the premisses vnto this defendant at all times saued For further answere vnto the said bill for declaration of the truth of the contents of the said bill the said def saith euery one of them saith that longtime before the said A. R. mencioned in the said bill of complaint any thing had in the said messuage other the premisses or that the said W. R. was thereof enfeoffed T. R. of P. T. S. of S. and W. of E. were thereof seised in their demesnes as of fee so being thereof seised by their writing indēted ready to be shewed the said messuage other the premisses contained in y● said bill of cōplaint amongst other things gaue demised deliuered by their said writing indented cōfirmed vnto the said W. R. mencioned in the said bill of complaint and vnto A. his wife To haue to hold the said messuages other the premisses vnto the said W. and A. for terme of their liues and to the wife of the longer liuer of them And the said T. and T. willed declared in the said writing indented that the said messuage all other the premisses should remaine vnto the said A. mentioned in the said bil of complaint vnto A. his wife vnto the heires assignes of y● said A. for euer without y● the said W. R. did enfeoffe of in the said messuage lands tenements other the premisses the said A. A. to haue to thē to their heires males of their two bodies lawfully begotten or that the said A. Agnes were seised of in the premisses in their demesnes as of fee taile as in the said bill of cōplaint is surmised without that that after y● death of the said W. y● the remainder of y● premisses in fee simple discended vnto the said A. as sonne heire vnto him or that after y● death of the said A. A. the said messuage other the premisses discended and of right ought to discend or come vnto the said I. R. in the taile especiall as sonne and heire male of the bodie of the said A. and Agnes lawfully begotten either any other discent of inheritance therein of a meere fee simple or that the said I. by his entrie into the said mesuage other the premisses after the death of his father mother was then seised of and in his demesne as of fee taile especiall or of any such estate dyed seised or that after the death of the said I. that the said mesuage and other the premisses or any part or parcell thereof discended and came or of right ought to discend and come to the said complaynant as brother and heire male to the said I. K. by vertue of any gift or otherwise as in the bill of complaint is vntruly surmised But the said defendants do auerre and are shall be at all times ready to proue as this honorable Court shall award that the said messuages and all other the premisses by and immediatly after the death of the said I. R. discended and of right ought to discend and come to one A. daughter and heire of the said I. lawfully begotten on the bodie of the said E. one of these defendants the which A. is yet in plaine life and in the ward and custodie of her said mother And without that that any deede of taile was made of and by the said W. R. the grandfather or any other euidence deeds writings or muniments concerning the premisses proouing the said interest and title of the said complaynant of the premisses and euery part and parcell thereof to be comen to the hands and possessions of the said I. W. and E. his wife or either of them or to the custodie or possession of any other by their deliuerie conueyance or appointment but trueth it is that the said defendants haue in their custodie one writing indented readie to be shewed whereby the remainder of the premisses is conueyed vnto the said A. and Agnes his wife and to the heires and assignes of the sayd A. for euer as is aforesaid and diuers other euidences and writings proouing and concerning the conueyance of the fee simple of the said mesuage and other the premisses vnto the said A. and other his auncestors the which charters euidēces writings the said def do still with them detaine keepe as good lawfull is for them to do as wel for y● proofe and preseruation of their right title and interest vnto the third part of the premisses for the dowrie of the said E. as for the preseruation of the right title and interest of the said A. daughter and heire to the said I. of and in the said mesuage and other the premisses without that the said def haue at any time wrongfully entred into the said mesuage and other he premisses or into any part thereof or the profites thereof do wrongfully detaine and keepe frō the said complainants or the rents issues and profites thereof haue wrongfully destreyned perceyued and taken to their owne vse as in the same bill is also vntruely surmised A Supplication in the Chauncerie vpon deceipt by a Partner IN most