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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07575 The helpe and grace of almighty god ...; Festial Mirk, John, fl. 1403? 1493 (1493) STC 17960; ESTC S100722 238,982 226

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and contryte and synned nomore our lord toke hem in ensample to all other that wyl leue her synne they shal be saued For he that is shreuen and forsaketh his synne mercy foloweth that and doo his penaunce He shall haue meercy grace For as glad as the fader is to see the sonne rise from deth to lyfe also glad is our lord and moche gladder to see a man rise oute of dedely synne and neuer to doo it more and therfore shewyng by ensample Poule bereth a swerde to all cristen people to cut awaye the cheynes of synne wyth his sharpe swerde of confession for dedely synne byndeth a man sore to the fende therfore cut awaye the cheyne Peter is also redy to open the gates of heuen to all cristen people and to take them in that wyll forsake her synne ¶ ye shall vnderstonde the poule was first soo hye soo feerse ayenst al goddis seruaūtes that there durst no precher deale wyth hym but after he lefte grete malice and there as he was ferse after he was gracious And there as he was before hye and proud of herte he was meke and lowly to all goddis seruaūtes Peter also held hym self most perfyte stedfast of all cristis dyscyples wherfore he made bost by a vayn glory that he was redy to goo to dethe wyth cryst and sayd thus It behoueth me to deye wyth the· And whan cryste sey that all his discyples shold forsake hym Peter for the grete bost sayd though all men forsake hym he wold not And yet more ouer whan criste was take Peter drewe oute his swerd and smote of a seruauntes ere that hyghte malcus But soone after whan he sawe that crist was take and shold be put to deth thenne he swered and stared that he neuer knewe hym and forsoke crist But whan he herde the kocke crowe thenne he remembred of that our lord sayd to hym that or the kocke crewe iii. thou shalte forsake me Thenne Peter went forth Et fleuit amare And wept bytterly and hyd hym in a caue durst not come among his bredren for shame tyll oure lord sente to hym by name Thenne was peter euer after ashamed and sory for his trespas and there as he was a boster and vnstable of his wordes afterwarde he was trewe and stable and grounded in stablenesse of parfyght lyuyng In soo moche that crist called hym peter that is a stone in Englisshe For there as thou layest a stone there thou shalt fynde it Soo was peter soo stedfast after that nether for we le nor for woo he neuer flitered But euer stode stedfast in cristis lawe And had euer his synne in mynde and to amende that he had don amysse And was afterwarde of grete abstynence that he ete but brede and oyle wortes and full selden flesshe and wered but a syngyll kertyll with a mantell And euer as often as he herde ony man mynde Ihesus anone he began to wepe ful sore and whan he herde ony kocke crowe anone he wold ryse vp and goo and praye and suffre penaunce And he wepte many tymes so bytterly that the teeres of his eyen brente his face in soo moche that where he was he had a clothe in his bosom alwaye to wype awaye the teeres Thenne soo folowyng he was so holy that where that euer he wente and he myghte shadowe ony syke body anon they were hole ¶ Soo on a tyme he sente two of his disciples in to a ferre countrey to preche And whan they were goone two dayes iourney one of them deyed and that other tourned ayen and tolde Peter Thenne peter toke hym his stafe and bad hym goo and laye the stafe on his felow and bad hym aryse in the name of god and he rose anone and wente forth to gyder and preched Thenne were many wrothe that Peter tourned soo moche people to the ferth And put hym in to pryson and bonde hym fast wyth grete cheynes of yron tyll he was nye dede leste he soold bee stolen awaye wherfore the knyghtes woke it that he shold not escape And thus the comyn people toke Ensample of hem and make fyres in worshippe of saynt Peter and watche Thenne Criste come to peter in prysō And thenne come an angell to Peter wyth grete lyghte as our lorde badde And anone the cheynes breke and fyll fro his hondes and fete And soo wente he to Rome was there pope xxxv yeres and tourned moche people to cristis feythe But soone after came the fendes lymme that was called Symō magus that cowde moche of the fendes crafte and made moche people lyke in dyuerse sykenesse· Some blynde some lame some deff so that the peple what for fere and for wonder byleued in hym Thenne peter heled all those that Symon magus hadde buried And bad they shold not byleue in hym Thenne was this Symon magus wroth wyth Peter that he myghte not haue his wyll and in especyall he myghte not reyse a dede body to lyfe that Peter reysed Thenne this symon teyed a fende in lykenesse of a grete dogge there as peter sholde come to sle peter but ¶ Peter ●●sed hym lete this dogge lose and thenne he lepte to symon and pulled hym doune vnder his fete and thenne peter bad leue and do hym noo harme of his body but all to rente his clothes So that symon wente almost naked awaye Thenne symon ordeyned all the wayes that he cowde to haue Peter dede thenne our lord appered to Peter and sayde ¶ Simon et nero contra te cogitant Symonde nero and other haue ordeyned thy deth to morowe I wyll sende to the poule my seruaunt in comforte to the and ye shall suffre marterdom to gyder for my sake and soo come to me to euerlastynge blysse Thenne peter tolde his bretheren his vysion that he had in the nyght and soo toke Clemente by the honde and set hym in his chayer and made hym pope and successour after hym Thenne on the morowe come Poule and preched the people thenne this Symon had so charmed the Emperour in suche a folishnesse that he wende that he had be goddis sone Soo this symonde magus come to the Emperour and sayde There be two men of Galyle come in this cyte that one hyght peter and that other poule that doo me soo moche dysease that I may noo lenger abyde here in erthe ¶ wherfore commaunde suche a daye al maner of people to come to capytole and there in syghte of all the people I wyl flye op to my fader in heuen And whan all the people were come to gyder Symon wente vp in to a towre of the capytoll Thenne come two fendes lyke ii angellis set on his hede a garlonde off laurel bare hym vp in to the ayre lyke as he had flowen Thenne said peter to poule broder loke vp see thēne said poule It falleth for me to pray the to cōmaunde anone peter said I cōmaunde you
absteyned him selue fro synne But yet on a daye by tēptacion of the fende he forgate him self and went agayn to a brodellys house as he was vsed to do bifore And whā he cāme thidre and the wymen lokyd vpon him they cryed oute on him and sayde O thou old sely man what dost thou here go home ayen For we se soo many maruayles on the that we maye nat haue to doo with the. Thenne this nycoll bethought him that he had the gospell vpon him and anoon he went to saint Andrewe and tolde him all the caas prayed sainte Andrewe to pray for him that his soule might be sauyd Thenne saint Andrewe wolde neuir ete nor drynke tyll he wyste whether nicoll sholde be sauyd or no Then saint Andrewe fastyd fyue daies brede and water and praied besily night and day Thenne cāme a voyce sayd As thou haste fastyd and prayed make Nycol to do the same and thenne he shal be saued Thēne saint Andrewe bad nycol faste fyue daies brede water praye besily vnto god and so he dyd And thenne come a voyce to saint Andrewe agayn and sayd Thy prayers and thy fastinge hath made Nycoll that was loste founde ayen and he shal be saued ¶ Narracio ¶ Also a nother myracle that 〈…〉 yonge man come to sainte Andrewe in a tyme and saide priuely to him Sir my modre hath be longe aboute me ● I sholde lye with her and for I wold nat doo her wyll she hath accused me to the busshop and say●● that I wolde haue doon that sinfull dede with her wherfore I wote well that I shall be dede and yet I hadde leuyt dye ●e sclaundre my modre so foule therfore I beseke you pray for me that I may take my deth paciētly to the saluacion of my soule Thenne sayd sainte Andrewe go forth to thy dome and I shal go with the. and so therwith the peple come and fe●e him bifore the busshoppe And whanne his modre accused hym He saide noo thinge but helde his peas ▪ Thenne saide saint Andrewe Innocēs sāguis enis sure causa dampnabitur This cursed woman for lust of her body wrongfully is aboute to dampne her own childe to deth vengeaunce wil come to the thenne sayd she loo syre iustice euer syth that he myght not haue his wyll he hathe drawen to this man for counseyll ● socour Thenne the Iustyce commaunded to cast this yonge man in to the water to drowne hym and to put saint andrewe in pryson tyll he were aduysed what deth he sholde deye Thenne saynt andrew prayed besely vnto god for helpe and socour And thenne anone come a grete thondre and made all the people so aferde that they were feyne to fette saynt andrewe oute of the pryson And euyn therwyth come a lyghtenyng of fyre brenned the moder of the yonge man in syght of all the people ¶ And thus was this man saued and the iustice by this grete myracle tourned to the cristen feyth and moche people wyth him and euer after belyued in god saynte andrewe Therby ye may see that he was holy in lyuyng Also he was gret in miracles wyrchyng for oon day as he went by the see syde he saw a drowned man caste oute of the water thēne andrewe prayed to god to rere hym ayen to lyfe and anone this man rose thenne andrew asked hym where that he was drowned and he sayd we were x. men to gyder and herde of an holy man that hyght andrew and we were commyng to here his preching And as we were in the see there come a gret tempest and drowned vs all to gyder But wolde god that we had be cast to londe togyder that we myght haue be reysed to lyfe to gyder ayen Thenne saynt andrewe prayed god that al the bodyes myghte come togyder and soo they dyde and were cast vp in dyuerse contreys Thenne saynt Andrewe made and ordeyned to gader theym all to gyder Thenne he kneled downe and prayed god longe for theym tyll they were reysed all to lyfe Thenne saint andrewe made them all to knele doune and thanked god and preched them and taught theym the crysten feyth crystened theym all And whan they were stedfaste in the feith he sent them home to her owne countrey wyth moche ioye to theym And many other myracles he dyde that were to longe to tel thus ye maye see that he was myghty in myracles werkynge that reysed soo many men to lyfe Also he suffred grete passion for cristis sake For whan he was in the cyte of pateas there he tourned to the feyth the wyfe of egeas And this egeas was a grete man and made moche people to doo sacrifyce offryng to mawmentis But for saint andrewe repreued hym therof Anone he made to take hym and wolde haue made hym to doo sacryfyce but he wolde not and stedfastely bode ayenste hym and preued by many ensamples by cause that he and all the people sholde worshyppe god and not the fendes of helle Thenne was Egeas wode for wrothe And made men to take Andrewe and strype hym naked and bete hym with scourges that al his body ranne on blode ¶ And thenne made to bynde hym honde and fote and made to doo him ¶ on a Crosse For he shold peyne theron longe or he deyed But whan andrewe come to the place there the cros was he kneled doune and said thus Salue crux qui in corpore cristi dedicata es Holy be thou crosse that arte halowed and made holy by the precious body of our lord Ihesu criste I desyre to clyppe the to me wherfore take me to the. For I yelde me to my mayster ihesu criste that dyed on the crosse And thenne Andrewe stode vp and dyde off his clothes and gaue them to the tourmentours and bad theym doo as they were charged to doo of the Iustice Thenne they bounde hym to the crosse honde and fote and his hede downewardis And streyned hym Soo that the blode brast oute atte euery knot of the ropes and soo he henge there thre dayes alyue prechyng to the people soo there come to the prechynge many thousandes of people· and for pyte that they hadde of hym they bad Egeas take hym doune or they wolde sle hym Thenne for fere of the people Egeas come to take hym doune Thenne saint andrew ayenst stode hym sayd Quid tu venisti ad me egeas ¶ what comest thou to me Egeas wyte thou well that thou shalt haue noo myght to take me doune For on this crosse wyll I deye and euyn therwith Hiis enim dictis splendor niuis circuiens eum quasi per mediam horam A grete lyghte come aboute hym that there noo man myght see hym in space of halfe an houre and more Thenne sayd saynt andrewe Obsecro te dn̄e miserere mei I beseke the lord haue mercy on me ● so in that lyght he gaaf vp the
anone he deyed and there deyed many sodeynly Thenne was there a pope that was called pellagius that comaunded all cristen people that whan he yaned euery man shold make a Crosse ouer his mouthe And whan ony man herd another f●ese he shold saye crist helpe the. and soo many were saned and there he made the people goo a procession so prayed to all the sayntes of heuen to praye to god for them and soo they dyde Thenne come after saynt gregori and made them doo the same on saynt markis day to halowe and fast goo in procession and canonysed it to be done for euer more Thenne come there a pope that was called Liberius in his tyme all maner frutes in tyme of the yere of grete tendernesse of it self toke grete harme soo what by thonder lightenyng and vnkynde hetes by stormes myldewes by wormes and by longe taylde flyes for greate vengeaunce that anone after ester daye the people iourned ayen to her olde synne hauyng no rewarde of the sacrament whiche they haue receyued thrfore god sente more vengeaunce this tyme thā in ony other tyme of the yere wherfore this holy pope to put awaye all thyse thinges in especyall goddis wreche fro the people he commaunded to all cristen people to halowe and to fast and goo in procession and he that sayd that it is made by a constytucion is acursed tyll he come to amendement And therfore I charge you and counseyll you al that thynke to be saued kepe this daye after the rule of the holy chirche In die Philippi et Iacobi ●Ood frendes suche a daye ye shall haue the fest of Philip and Iacob the whiche were holy appostles ¶ But for this f●st cometh wythen the fest of ester ye shall not faste the 〈◊〉 But ye shall come to the chirche and worship god and the holy appostles Thenne ye shall knowe well that philippe was ordeyned by al other appostles to go in to the contrey that was called Sytha to preche to the vnbyleued people But whan he came theder and preched ayenste the ma●●mentes that they were fendes and noo goddis and soo they toke hym ladde hym to her temple wold haue cōstreyned him to do sacrefyce Thenne as they ¶ were besy to doo hym dysease sodeynly a grete dragon come oute of the erthe and slewe thre of thyse mysbyleued people and venemed the people soo wyth his brethyng that there felle on hem suche a sykenesse that the woo and the sorowe that they had they cryed after helpe Thēne said philipe to hem yf ye wold be holpen heled of your siknesse and also thyse men rered from deth to lyfe fyrste cast doune the mametes set in theyr stede crosses there as our lord deyed vpon And doo it worship thenne they dyde so for they were glad to be holpen off her sikenesse and assone as they hadde doo soo they were holpen And thenne philyppe prayed to god for thyse thre men to reyse from deth to lyf Tunc precepit philippus dracom vt in locum suum redescenderet ¶ Thenne phylyppe commaunded the dragon to goo downe to his place ayē and neuer disease man more Thenne the cursed peple of the cyte sawe that phylyp wolde haue tourned all the people toke hym and dyde hym vpon a crosse And soo on a crosse he deyed wente to euerlastyng blisse ¶ Now shall ye here of Iacob that was called amonge the appostles Iacobus minor The lesse Iames. for to knewe from Iacobus maior Iames the more was saynt Iohan euangelist brother But whan Iacobus or Iames that is all one name This was called cristis owne brother for he was soo moche lyke to crist thēne whan the iewes wold haue take criste they co●de not knowe 〈…〉 nother But as iudas betrayed 〈◊〉 wyth kyssynge of him by the kyssynge Cryste was knowen and taken This Iames was so holy fro the tyme that he was borne that aslonge as he lyued he neuer dranke wyne ale ne syder nor noo maner of drynke that myght make a man dronke ne neuer ete flesshe ne his hede was neuer shauen ne vsed neuer to be baumed wyth oyle as the maner is of the countrey for hete of the sonne Nor he ware neuer lynen clothe And he lay vpon his knees prayeng for the people that his knees were soo thyk that they were bollen oute lyke a camell This was the first man that euer songe masse in vestymentis as prestes do now Thenne it felle soo that tyme in the Cite of Iherusalem by the dede off cristis dethe that it must nedis be distroyed wherfore this holy man Iames was made bysshop of the Cite of Iherusalem and there he was lefte to preche and to tourne the people to better liuynge but for they were soo combred wyth synne that they had none other grace of amendement but nedys for the prophecye of Crist must be fulfylled and the Cyte distroyed wherfore thyse men toke saynt Iames and sett hym to preche the feyth of Cryste For moche of the people were tourned to cryste And he stode vp and preched by good reyson how all that byleued not in criste shold be damned at the day off dome in to helle pytte Thenne the mayster of the 〈…〉 caste hym downe from the 〈…〉 that he stode in and wyth stones they bete hym doune tyll he was dede Then he ●nelyd on his knees prayenge to god to forgyue him his dethe and therwith a cursed man with a staff smote him on the hed● that the brayne fyll oute and soo in this wise he gaue vp the gooste Then after for vengeaunce of cristes deth for this holy mannys deth the cite of ierusalem that was that tyme the gretyst cyte of the worlde and neuir lyke for to haue be wonne sone after was distroyed vnto the vttermoost In somoche that the stones of all the walles of the cyte was turned vp side doune as our lord Iesu criste sayd xl wynter bifore that it shulde be soo and it was the iewes were dryuen oute into diuerse contrees In somoche that al the kingdomes were distroyed and yet been vndre othere kynges and euir shal be subgettes no possessioners ¶ yet ye shall here more of the distruction of this cyte of Ierusalem to shewe how vengeable god is to them that be gladde to shedde cristen mennys bloode as they were whanne god wolde haue take vengeance of the cytee It hapnyd so that a man of pylates the whiche dyd crist to deth came fro Ierusalem towarde Rome but the tempest in the see toke him droue him vpon a lande by a temple with gret tēpeste and there duelled a grete lorde that was called Vaspasian And for this cause he was called soo for he had a malady in his nose threlles there dropped oute of his nose wormes lyke waspes Then saide vaspasian to this man Fro what countrey cōmest thou he aunswered him and saide fro Ierusalem and wolde
that he sawe our lady was wyth elysabeth vnto the tyme that Iohan was borne and was mydwyf to elysabeth toke saynt iohan from the erthe and whan neyghbours herde that elysabeth had a sone they were full glad and come thyder as the maner was that tyme. to gyue the chyld a name called it zacary after the fader But elysabeth bad calle hym Iohn But for there was none of the kynne of that name they asked zacary by synes what the chyld shold hyght Thenne he wrote to them and bad calle hym Iohan. And therwyth god losed zacaryas tonge spake redely thanked god hyghly Thus was Iohā holy or he was borne And for he wold gyue euery man syghte of grace and of good liuing he gaue hem ensample for assone as he was of couenable age he wente in to deserte was there tyll our lord come to be cristened of hym Iohannes habuit vestimenta de pilis camelorum Iohan had his cloth made of the here of the camel and a gyrdel aboute him of the same skynne Esca autem eius erat locusta et mel siluestre Forsothe his mete was leues honysocles that hath a whyte floure that growethe in trees he ete al maner of wormes that were noryshed in that deserte amonge herbes and the wormes be as grete as a mannis fynger and sucked hony off floures that be called hanysocles tha● poure people gadren and fry he● oyle to her mete Also Iohan ete 〈◊〉 rounde leues that growen in trees in that deserte And whan they be bro●en bytwene a manni● hondis thei be swete as hony and he dranke water of the welle that was in the deserte there was Iohnes life in that deserte tyl that our lord was xxx wynter of age And thenne our lord and Iohan met at the water of flain Iordan And thenne iohan tolde the people of crist and said Ecce agnus dei See the lambe of god that I haue tolde you of that shall fulfyll you in the holy gost Thēne went Iohn in to the water there he baptysed crist and whan he was baptysed Ecce aperti sunt celi Heuen opened Et vidit spiritum dei descentē sicut columba And he sawe the holy goost come downe as a doue Et vox de celo dicens And a voys from heuen spake thus Ecce filius meus dilectus in quo michi bene complacui This is my welbeloued sone that pleseth me Here lerned iohan first to knowe thre persones in trynyte all this betokeneth two fyres The thirde fyre of bones betokeneth Iohnes marterdō for his bones were brent and how ye shall here ¶ we rede the kyng herode had a broder that highte Phylippe and he had a fair woman to his wyf and herode louyd her 〈◊〉 And helde her vndre his wyf where Ihon repreuyd him and sayd Non licet tibi habere vxorem fratris tui It is nat laufull to the to haue thy broders wyf And therfore he putt hym in pryson and ordeyned bitwene him his wyf how Iohn might be dede with oute troublyng of the people for the comen people loued Iohn well Thenne herode ordeyned to make a grete feste to all the states of the countre for they shulde holde with him if the peple had rysen And so whan the daye was com that the feste shulde be holde and al the people were seruyd at the mete herodes wyf as couenaunt was bitwene theim tho sent her doughter into the hall for to daunce and to tomble afore the gestes And that pleased her fader so well that he swore a grete othe and saide Pete a me quod vis dabo tibi Ask of me what thou wylt and I shal gyue it the. Thenne as her modre bad her saye she saide Caput Iohannis baptiste The hede of Iohn Baptyst Then herode fayned him wrothe and sory that he hadde made suche an othe But he was glad in his hert thenne sēt into pryson to smyte of Iohnes hede withoute any other dome and was brought to the damoysell Then the modre lete bury it in a pryuy place ferre from the body ¶ Thenne the next night after Iohnes disciples came and toke his body buryed it And there it laye tyll Iulyan the appostita the emperour come that waye Then he made take vp Iohnes bones to brenne them to wyndow theym in the wynde hopynge that he shuld neuer ryse ayen to lyf ¶ Thus ye may vnderstonde how holy that this man was Thenne an aungell come fro heuyn and tolde zacary of his conceyuig and was halowed in his moders wōbe and oure lady toke him from therth in his byrthe and an aungell brought his name fro heuyn and after he criste nyd oure lorde iesu criste this was an holy man ¶ ye shall vnderstonde tha● sainte Iohn the euangelyst dyed the same daye but holy churche maketh noo mencion therof For his day is holde in cristmas weke Then for these ii Iohns beholden the worthiest saintes in heuyn Thenne there were two scolars of dyuynite the one louyd Iohn Baptyst the other Iohn euāgelyst And on a day they purposed to dispute in this mater and the day was assigned but thenne the night bifore either Iohnes appered to their louers and bad theym leue ther disputacion for they were well accorded in heuyn and made no stryf And thenne on the morow bifore al the people either tolde his vision that were come to here theym dispute ¶ And thenne all the people thanked god almyghty and bothe saint Iohns of this faire miracle ¶ Alsoo there were two meselles that louyd wele thies two Iohnes And so as they were in cōmynge they spake of these two saintes whiche were the gretest in heuē And soo that one saide that the one was greter thanne that other and so they begannne to fyghte Thenne there come a voys fro heuen and sayd we fyghte not in heuen and therfore fighte not ye in erthe for vs. for we ben in peas and so be ye And therwyth they were bothe hole of their sykenesse and thanked god and bothe saynt Iohannis and afterwarde they were holy men ¶ And therfore lete vs worshyppe thyse holy sayntes· that they maye praye for vs that we may come to euerlastynge blisse ¶ Sctōrum Petri Pauli GOod frendes suche a daye ye shall haue the feste of saynt Peter and Poule and ye shall faste the euyn and on the morowe come vnto the chirche And worshyp god and praye to thyse two saintes that were holy appostles to praye for vs. Oure lord hath peter on the one syde poule on the other syde And he hath his woundes open and fresshe bledyng shewing to all maner of cristen people that he suffred those woundes for vs. that bee the v. welles of mercy that he suffred for vs. ¶ ye shall vnderstonde that thyse two appostles were first grete synners But for they left her synne and were sory
angelis of sathanas that ye lete that man goo doune that al the peple may see whom thei haue worshyped Thenne symond felle doune all to brast thēne was themperour wroth and made to lede peter poul forth And dyde peter on a crosse and his hed downwarde and so put hym to dethe poule for he was a gentylman born For the more worshyp they smote off his hede Thenne the peple sawe angellis stondyng on the crosse there as peter henge wyth crownes And whan poules hede was smytte of there come out fayr plente of mylke after blode Thenne in the nyghte after come cristē peple and layd her bodyes to gyder in a graue· there they lay tyl cristē feyth was more open in rome Thēne wolde they haue bore eyther body to his chirche but they cowde not knowe eyther bones fro other Thenne come there a vois fro heuen said the more bones be of the precher and the lesse of the fyssher So after whan the cristen feyth come in to this londe kynge ethelbert lete make a grete chirche at westmynstre in worship of Saynt Peter and another in london of saynt poule And soo on a daye whan the chirche of saynt Peter shold be halowed in the nyghte afore was a man fysshyng ¶ in the tamyse vnder westmyn● And 〈…〉 ●em reuesshed had vp the 〈…〉 grete dred and quakyng and there they fonde a lityll wryting here lyeth and restech Thomas archebysshop of caunterbury Primat of Englonde and the popes legate sleyn for the ryght of holy chirche the fyfthe daye of cristmasse Thenne for grete deuo●ion that they had of that syght· all cryed saynt Thomas And thenne they toke the hede to the Archebysshop to kysse and so they kyssed it all And thenne they behelde his woundes and sayd they were vngracious that wounded the thus And soo layd hym in shryne and couered it wyth cloth of golde and sette torches aboute it brennyng and the people to wake it al nyght Thenne on the morowe come all the states of this londe And bare the shryne to the place there as it is nowe wyth all the reuerence and worshippe that they cowde And there it is wyth worshyp Amen De sancta maria magdalena GOod frendes suche a daye ye shall haue the feste of Mary magdaleyn that was so holy that our lord Ihesu crist loued her best of all wymmen nexte his own moder wherfore ye shall come to god and to holy chirche and praye to that holy woman that she wyll praye to oure lord for vs. that we maye haue grace for she was the first in tyme of grace that dyde penaunce for she had loste grace by fleshly luste so she is made a myrrour to all other synners that wyl forsake synne and do penaunce they shal haue grace the whiche was lost by sinne She had a fader that was a grete lorde and nye of the kynges blode and had a grete lordshyp in Iherusalē the whiche he gaue to lazarus his sonne and he gaue mary the castelle of mawdeleyne wyth al the lordshyp longyng therto of the whiche castell she had her name and was called mary mawdeleyn for she was lady ther of Thenne as many bokes sayen Saynt Iohan euangeliste wedded her And our lord bad hym goo wyth hym and kep● his virgynyte and soo he dyde and was clene virgyn And mawdelayne w●●t forth and gaue her all to synne In so moche she lost the name of mawdele●n and was called the synfull woman ▪ But it was often seen that our lord made of the grettest sinner the hol●●st afterwardes And so whā our lord sawe tyme he gaue this womā grace to ●●owe her self to haue repentaunce for her synnes Thenne whan mary herde the crist was at a mannis house that was called Symon the pharise she toke a boxe wyth oyntement suche as the people vsed the tyme for hete of the sonne went thyder but she durst not for shame go tofore hym herde hym speke thenne she toke a greate sorowe in her herte and wept tenderly and wyth the teres of her eyē she wasshed cristis fe●e And wyth the here 's of her hede she weped hem and wyth all the loue of her herte she ●ysshed hem anoynted hem but no worde she spake that ony man mighte here but softely in her herte she cryed mercy and made a vowe to him that she wolde neuer trespasse more Thenne our lord had pyte on her and cast oute of her vii fendes and forgaue her all her synnes in heryng of all that there were thenne she toke suche a loue to crist that she lefte all her lordshyp● of mawdeleyn wyth all other goodes and sued hym forth wyth grete loue that in his passion there as his disciples fled from hym she lefte hym neuer tyll she wyth helpe of other had layed hym in his tombe and whan no man durste goo thyder for fere of the knyghtes that kepeth hym she spared not Cum tenebre essent It was derke in the dawynge she toke wyth her swete bawmes to anoynte Crystis body wyth this she shewed loue bothe in wyll and in dede wherfore cryst in his lyfe for her loue heled Martha her suster of the rede flyxe that she had vii yere to fore and payned her full sore ¶ Et resuscitauit Lazarum a mortuis ¶ And reysed Lazar her broder from dethe to lyfe that had lyen iiii dayes stynkynge in his graue and whan our lord rose from deth to lyfe he appered to her and suffred her to touche hym kyssed his fete Thenne whan it was knowen to the iewes that cryst shewed her so many tokenes of loue before all other Thenne whan criste was styed vp to heuen· the iewes toke Mary and Martha her suster lazarus maxencius and many other and put them in a shyp that was old 〈…〉 ●a●e drowned them but g● 〈…〉 soo for all thing at his wyll and brought them sauf to a londe ▪ called Marcyle And there they rested vnder a ba●●e that was nye the temple Thenne mary sawe moche people comyng toward the temple to do sacryfice to her mawmettes And the lord of the countrey come wyth hem But mawdeleyn was gracious and wyth her gracious wordes tourned hym ayen Thenne this lorde had grete luste to here her speke and sayd thus to her that yf god that thou spekest of be so gracious and so grete of power as thou sayste praye to him that I may haue a chylde by my wyff that is bareyne and thenne wyl I byleue in hym Thenne mary said she wold and wythin short tyme after the lady conceyued and was wyth chyld Thenne this lord anone after ordeyned to goo to Iherusalem to Peter to wyte of hym wheder mawdeleyns prechinge were true or no. and vytayled his ship and made hym redy Thenne come his lady prayenge hym that she myght goo wyth hym Soo wyth grete prayer the lord graunted her
maye she bee called a castel For right as al maner of people fle in to a castell bothe olde and yonge for drede of enmyes In so moche that the lest childe that can crye or speke that is aferde of ony thynge anone cryeth lady lady for socour and helpe For she is socour and helpe both to yonge and to olde lesse and more in sikenesse and in helthe The holy goost is capiteyn of this castell and his knyghtes ben holy angellis that goon wyth our lady bothe nyghte and daye ¶ In this castelle ben two susters Martha and mary mawdeleyne ¶ Martha recepit illum ī domum suam ¶ Martha receyued hym in to her hous and was besy to serue hym the other sat styll had grete lust to here hym speke By thyse two susters I vnderstonde two maner of lyuyng of the people that one is actyff and that other contemplatyff Martha betokeneth actyff that is besynesse in the worlde But that sholde be for cristis sake that is to take pour peple in to his house and to gyue hem mete and drynke cloth herborugh vysite them that be in pryson cōforte the syke blynde and lame and to berye the dede By that other I ●nderstonde the contemplatyf lyf ● is to the peple of holy chirche that sholde voyde in all that they may This worldis besynessee and gyue him to all spirituell occupacion and though they doo thus yet there be couetous peple of this world that saye that it is al lost that men of holy chirche haue for it semeth to them they do no good but euer complayn on hem and saye they doo no good ¶ Saint austyn saith that all the world is holy chirche and thyse worldly peple hateth men of holy chirche But yet god answereth for them is her aduocat so wyl at all tyme whyle they lyue in rest peas wythin hem self But now see how our Lady satysfyeth bothe thyse lyues she was first martha for there as martha was besy to receyue cryst in her hous Oure lady receyued hym in to her body and therin he was ix monethes and she fedde hym after come pour and naked in to this world and she gaue him mete drynke of her pappes and soo fedde hym and whan he was naked she clothed hym noryshed hym and whan he was syke by kinde of youth she heled hym And whan he was boūde honde fote in his cradell as in pryson she come to hym knbounde hym toke him and heled his sores with the mylke of her pappes And whan he was dede she holpe to bery hym in his tombe and thus she fulfylled the office of Martha Perfourmynge the vii werkys of mercy And yet she was many times troubled in her herte whā she must bere hī fro coūtrey to coūtrey that was full of ma●mentes and there as she knewe no man And whan that she saw him taken and stryped naked beten with scourges that all his bodye ranne with stremys of blode nayled on the crosse and soo done to dethe that was a grete trouble Thus was our lady actyf For as the gospell telleth she gaue so grete delit to her sones wordes that she bare in her herte al the lyf and techynge of criste In somoche that she taughte the iiii euangelistes Marcke mathewe Luke and Iohn moche of the that they wrote And nameley saynte Luke For he wrote moche of the manhode of criste and so fulfylled thoffice of mary for it was for the beste whan her sone ascendyd into heuyn she left al her besines gaue her to cōtēplacion til her sone fet her out of this world Thus euery man that can vnderstande maye see that this gospell is cōuenient to be red for it toucheth the lyfe off our lady Thenne for this daye is th ende of her lyf in this world therfore holy chirche redeth this gospell in ensample to all cristen people to perfourme the same lyuyng in as moche as they maye and as god wyll gyue hem grace to serue our lady I shal shewe you an ensample ¶ Narracio ¶ we fynde of a clerke that loued our lady well for he rad of her bewte he had grete lust to se her and prayed besely that he myghte ones see her or that he deyed Thenne at the last come there an angell said to hym for thou fer●●●te our lady so wel thou shall haue thy prayer but one thynge I telle the. yf thou see her in this world thou shal lese thy syght for the greate clerenesse of her I wyl wel soo that I maye see her thenne said the angel come to suche a place and thou shalt see her Thenne he was gladde thoughte that he wolde hyde his one eye and loke wyth that other Soo whan he come to the place he layed h●s honde ouer that one eye and sawe her wyth that other eye so come our lady he sawe her and she wente away anone and he was blinde on the one eye and sawe wyth that other Thenne the syght lyked hym so wel that he wold feyne see her ayen and prayed nyghte and daye that he myght see her ayen thenne sayd thangell yf thou see her ayen thou shall lyfe thy syghte of that other eye and he sayde I wyll well though I had a thousand eyen thēne come to suche place and thou shall see her so whan he came he sawe her Thēne said our lady my gode seruaūt whā thou sawe me first thou lost one of th● eyen how wylt thou doo nowe whan thou hast lost the other eye Thenne sayd our lady for thou haste so grete lykyng to me thou shalt haue thy syght wyth both thyn eyen ayen as well as thou euer haddest before ▪ beter and soo he hadde ¶ Thenne he serued our lady euer afther to his lyues ende and wente to euerlastynge blysse To whiche god brynge vs all Amen ¶ De sancto Bartholomeo ●Ood frendes suche a daye ye shall haue the feste of saynt Barthylmew goddis own appostle ye shall faste the e●en come to chirche and here youre seruyce in the worshyp of god and saynt barthylmewe ¶ ye shall vnderstonde the barthylmewe is as moche to saye as Filius suspendentis nie That is to saye the sone hangyng vpō me or vpon waters Tenne ye shall vnderstonde that god is he that hangyth vpon the waters in two wayes The firste is whan he hangyth vpon the clowdes in the firmament tyll he seeth tyme to lete hem downe Another waye he hangeth vpō the water whan a man or a woman is sory for his sinnes and wepyng sore fore his trespas bytterly Thenne god taketh his teres and hangeth them on the hye hylle off heuen where all the sayntes in heuen may haue them in syghte in grete ioye to all sayntes and to all the angelys that ben in heuen whan they may see man or woman that hath doo amysse in many trespasses to
Katheryne sawe that and blyssed her and wente in to the temple and rebuked themperour boldly and sayd that he dyde soule amysse for to doo that worship to fēdes leue the worship of god in heuen that made all thing of nought sent man lyfe wytte hele and preued 〈◊〉 grete reason how cryst was ●oth 〈◊〉 and man And how he bou● 〈…〉 kynde wyth his passion on the cross● wyth his deth And taughte how euery man shold honour god and leue false mawmentes Thenne was the Emperour wroth And bad take her to warde tyll he myght be at leyfer Soo in the meane tyme he sente after the grettest maysters and the wyseste clerkes that were in many countreys ferre aboute hym And whan they were comen he bad them goo and dyspute wyth Katheryne and ouercome her they shold haue ryght well for theyr labour Thenne were they wroth to come soo ferre to dyspute wyth a woman And sayd the left scoler in the scole hadde be ynough to ouercome her But whan Katheryne had dysputed wyth theym wyth the helpe of the holy gost she conuerted them euerychone to the feyth off our lord Ihesu criste In so moche that they were redy to suffre deth for cristis sake Thenne anone maxencius commaunded to make a grete fyre bren●e them in the fyre But by the helpe of the holy goost the fyre brenned noo partye of theyr bodyes nother the leest clothe of them and yet laye fayre dede as they had be a slepe Thenne the emperour made do Katherine to be naked and to bete her wyth sharpe scourges that she was all blody ful of woūdes And thēne he put her in to pryson seuen dayes wythout ony maner mete or drynke Thenne had the quene grete lust to speke wyth Katheryne and toke a knyghte wyth her that hyghte porphyri●s and wente to katheryne and then they sawe an angell sette a crowne of shynnynge golde on the quenes hede and another on porphiryus hede and bad hem be stedfaste For wythin thre dayes they shold come to heuen by suffrynge of marterdom Thenne sente themperour after Katheryne and wente to haue foūde her nygh dede but all that tyme god sente her mete from heuen And whan the emperour sawe her a lyue he was wode for wroth and made her to be set betwene ii wheles and tourned one vpward and another downewarde full of hokes swerde poyntes for all to rase Katheryne thē come an angell as it had be a wynde and all to brake them and slewe four thousand of the tyrauntes Thenne sawe the quene that miracle and come before the kynge her husbonde and rebuked hym that he sawe the myghte of god soo openly and wolde not byleue theron Thenne bad the kynge lede forth the quene and cut of her pappes from the body wyth hokes and thenne to smyte of her hede Thenne for porphpryus beryed her and lxxx of her knyghtes were martered with her and porphyrius be heded also Thenne spake the Emperour to Katheryne and sayde that he wold wedde her and she wold forsake cryst and byleue in his goddis and she sayd she sette noughte by hym nor by his goddis And whan he sawe that he made to smyte of her hede Thenne anone in stede of blode come oute fayr mylke And thenne came an angell and bare the soule in to heuen And thenne angellis come and bare the body in to the ayre and soo to the mounte of Synay and there beryed it wyth worshyp And there god werketh many fayr myracles to this day At the fote of the mounte there is an abbey of monkes that lyuen in grete abstynence and this abbey is strong and hye walled and barred abowte wyth yren for wylde bestes And in that abbey lyeth saynt Katheryne in a fayr tombe of albester for her bones were fetched thyder for the more worshyp aboue the chirche is the busshe ther god stode in whan he spake to moyses and wrote the lawe in two tables of stone and the busshe is as grene and fayre as it was the same day Also in that abbey is a grete merueyle and is this euery monke hathe a lampe wyth oyle br●nnyng and whan he shal deye they shall knowe by his lampe For as he draweth to deth soo derketh his lampe And whan the abbot deyeth his brederen shal synge a masse of the holy gost and bery hym solempny whan masse is done they shal fynde a bylle wreten on the auter who shall be abbot so they chose her abbot Also on saynt Katherins nyghte al the birdes in the countree comen thyder and eche off thē brynge a branche of olyue in her byllys to the place and as pylgrimes sainthe monkes make oyle of the braūches to her lampes for al the yere ¶ we fynde rede of a man that serued Katherine and fasted her euen brede water on a tyme he come in felyshyp of recheles people by comforte of thē he lefte his faste ete wyth hem and so in the nyghte after he sawe a grete cōpany of maydens comyng by hym amonge them there was one passynge all other and eche of hem had a crowne but one had a passynge fair crown that was saint Katheryne So whā she come by this man she hyd her face from hym and wold not loke on hym thenne he asked one of them what they were and she sayde we ben virgyns the pryncipall that thou seest is saynte Katheryne that hyd her face from the. by cause thou hast left thy deuoucion fro her euyn of fastynge Thenne this man repented him sore that he had doo this dede and tourned ayen to his deuoucion fasted and after was a holy man and therfore lete vs worship this holy virgin that she may praye for vs all Amen ¶ De dedicacione ecclesie ●Ood frēdes suche a daye ye shall haue your dedycacyon daye that is your chirche holy daye ye shal come to chirche and here your deuyne seruyce in the worshyp of god And for iii causes the whiche the chirche is halowed for that is for the chirche clensynge for deuoute praynge for the dede bodyes berynge the first is for the chirche clensyng the chirche is ordeyned for all the people that come thider shold be in parfyte charyte there mete wyth god for god is euer there present and whan all the peple comē so to gyder at this assignement it pleyseth god to here hem her good wordes in that place But whan the fende seth ony man besy therto he is full sory seketh all the wayes that he can or maye to let hym from the chirche for they shold not come to the presence of god Thenne whan holy faders knewe the malice of the fende they ordeyned the chirche to be halowed And soo by good preyers the fende is ●reuen oute But yf any cursed lyuer brynge hym in ayen that is oute of charyte or in dedely synne is wyth
cōmyst to the churche beholde goddes body vndre forme of brede in the auter And thanke him that he vouchesauf euery day to come fro the holy heuyn aboue for the helth of thy soule Loke thou on the crosse therby haue mynde in the passion that he theron suffred for the. thenne the ymages of the holy saintes nat beleuynge on them but that by the sight of hem thou may haue mynde of theym that been in heuyn an● soo to folowe their lyfe asmoche as thou mayst If thou thus worshyppe loue and serue god thenne shall all thynge worshyp loue serue the and so thou shalt fulfyll the firste and mooste cōmaundement ¶ The secounde is that thou take nat in vayn the holy names of god Thou takest the name of god in vayn whanne thou turnest agayn to thy syn after thy baptym Thou takeste it in veyne also whanne thou sweryst and fo●sweryst the and reckeste nat how Afore all thynge sayth saint Iame swere ye nat left ye fall vndre the come of god It is only reseruyd to god saith saint Iohn that thou swere by hym and his trouthe and his rightwysnesse Therfore or thou swere see that thou be compellyd by dome and that it be right nat for enuye loue ne drede but only for rightwysnes in declaring of trouthe And if any man of these fayl it is periury Beware therfore ye that vse questes or consistorye and here what perell ye stonde in that wyttyngly be forswore on the booke The booke betokeneth all holy scripture and the suffrage of the churche the whiche there thou forsakest when thou forsweryst the All the goode werkes that euir thou dydeste the whiche thou forsakest whanne thou withdrawest it Thou forsakest also god almyghty oure lady saynt mary and all the saintes of heuyn and the merytes of the holy sacramentes and hooly betakest thy selue to the deuyll of hell but if thou amende the or thou go hen● ¶ If they then shall thus be punysshed for swerynge how shall they be that blaspheme and dismembre him swerynge by his herte nayles woundes and suche other Some whanne they be repreuyd herof say it is gode to haue god in mīde and with suche leudnes they kepe styll their othes And if thy seruaunte dyd agaynst thy byddynge sayng that he dyd it to haue the in mynde woldest thou nat be wrathe with him Moche more must god thenne with the whanne thou dooste agaynste his byddynge And some saye I may well swere for I swere soothe This is a false excusacion For and if thou sholdest alwaye swere whanne thou sayst sothe Thenne wolde nat criste haue forbeden sweryng But in moche swerynge is ofte forsweryng Therfore he sayth that he that mooche sweryth shall be replete with wyckydnesse and sorowe ne vengeaunce shall nat departe from his house Some say also that no man wyll beleue theym but if they swere This is a subtell excusacion For therby a false man may swere aswell as a true mā and so sholde he be aswell beleuyd as the true man For the falser that he is the more he swereth and forswerythe and so begyleth Therfore if thou wilt be beleuyd without swerynge be true of thy worde and left it be ye ye nay nay In token that thou sayst with thy mouthe thou sholdest say it with thyn herte and nat say one and ●yn●e a nother ¶ The thridde is haue in mynde to halowe thyn holydaies that is to saye Sondayes and other that ben comaunded Almyghty god in vi daies made heuyn erthe and see and all that in theym is And the vii day he restyd Therfore he blessyd it and made it holy But in stede therof we cristen men halowe the sonday whiche was the firste daye of the worlde wherin god made light and that day god gaue to moyses the lawe That day he arose from dethe to lyue That day the holy gooste gaue wysdome to the appostellys to preche the trouthe of cristes lawe And that daye as clerkes say shall also be domes daye ¶ Therfore shall euery man in that day besy him to here goddes seruyce lerne his lawe and fle synne and fleshely lustes tauernes and suche chafferynges that lettith theym to rest in our lorde ¶ yet many there be that such daies be more besy in wordely werkes and synnes thanne al the weke after and neuir woll reste for no techynge ne louene drede of god These be mooste lyke to theym in hell that neuyr reste but euyr laboure in peyne They breke also their holy day they spende theyr tyme in ydelnes and in vayne playes ydell spekynge bacbytynge of their euyn crysten why sayth oure lorde haue mynde to halowe thyn holy day But for thou sholdest putte oute of thyne herte all worldly thoughtes and occupye it with heuynly desires As to thynke what god hathe doon for the 〈◊〉 he made the of noughte and lyke to hym in soull Howe he 〈◊〉 so●ed the oute of the pytte of hell withe hys owne precious blood Howe also of his goodnesse he kepyth the nyght and daye in thy right wyttes and fro all bodily myscheuys that many one aldaye falleth in And howe agaynste all this thou yeuest him a drynke of gall of byttre synne and brekest his cōmaundementes bothe in word thought and dede ¶ Thus to haue mynde in all this He asked reste of body and soull ▪ on the holy day and thus reste signifyeth the reste in blys that we shall haue after this if we reste in hym On the holye day here goddes seuyre and fle synne ¶ The iiii commaundmnet is worshippe thy fader and moder Thre maner of faders there be that thou muste worshyp The firste is thy fader of heuyn that made the of noughte and norissheth thy body with erthly fode Conforteth thy soull with heuynly desyre Defendeth it fro the deuyll and maketh it heyr of the blys of uyn Thus may noon doo but he oure fader oure lorde and oure god The seconde fader is he that gate the and thy modre that bare the. to whome thou shall be subget and seruysable For they be the secounde cause of thy beynge in this present lyf Thenne thou shalt also worshyp them and yeue theym of thy godes freely if they haue nede and if thou haue more thenne they Comforte counseyl and teche theym after thy connynge folowen vsurye when thou lenest money to hem that haue nede for a certein wynnyg al the tymes ende And for the loone outher thou takyst seruyce presentis or yeftis ¶ Another whan thou lenest it for the half wynnyng he to paye the hooll that thou lenest it to though all be lost ¶ Another whan thou byest a thynge for moche lesse thenne it is worth ¶ Another whan thou sellest thy chaffare the derer for the lone ¶ Another whan thou hast a thyng to fore the tyme. as corn or it be rype ¶ Another whan thou takest the beeste of a poure man wyth this condicion that yf it deye