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life_n lover_n page_n sullen_a 20 3 15.9246 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A88673 Momus triumphans: or, The plagiaries of the English stage expos'd in a catalogue of all the comedies, tragi-comedies, masques, tragedies, opera's, pastorals, interludes, &c. both ancient and modern, that were ever yet printed in English. The names of their known and supposed authors. Their several volumes and editions: with an account of the various originals, as well English, French, and Italian, as Greek and Latine; from whence most of them have stole their plots. By Gerard Langbaine Esq;; New catalogue of English plays Langbaine, Gerard, 1656-1692. 1687 (1687) Wing L377A; ESTC R226672 42,973 71

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from Plymouth Page 6 Nice Valour Page 9 Nice Wanton Page 31 Nicomede Page 5 Night-Walker Page 9 Noah's Flood Page 8 No-Body and Some-Body Page 31 Noble Gentleman Page 9 Noble Ingratitude Page 15 Noble Spanish Soldier By S. R. Omitted Noble Stranger Page 23 Northern Lass Page 2 Northward Hoe Page 5 Novella Page 2 No Wit like a Wom. Page 16 No Help like a Wom. Page 16 O. Oberon the Fairy Prince Page 13 Obstinate Lady Page 4 Octavia Page 18 Oedipus Page 7. 18 Old-Castle Page 21 Old Couple Page 17 Old Law Page 16 Old Man's Lesson and a young Man's Love Page 1 Old Troop Page 15 Old Wives Tale Page 31 Opportunity Page 22 Ordinary Page 4 Orestes Page 10 Orlando Furioso Page 31 Orgula Page 28 Ormazdes Page 14 Orphan Page 19 Othello the Moor of Ven. Page 21 Ovid Page 4 Osmond the Great Turk ib. P. Pallantus and Eudora Page 14 Pandora Page 14 Pan's Anniversary Page 13 Parliament of Bees Page 5 Parson's Wedding Page 14 Passionate Lovers Page 4 Pastor Fido Page 10. 24 Patient Grissle Page 31 Patrick for Ireland Page 22 Pedler's Prophesie Page 31 Peleus and Thetis Page 12 Perkin Warbeck Page 9 Pericles Prince of Tyre Page 21 Philaster Page 9 Phillis of Scyros Page 28 Phoenix Page 15 Phoenix in her Flames Philotus Scotch Page 31 Philotas Page 5 Phormio Page 2 Picture Page 16 Pilgrim Page 9. 14 Pinder of Wakefield Page 31 Piso's Conspiracy ib. Pity she 's a Whore Page 9 Platonick Lovers Page 6 Play-House to be Lett ib. Play of Gentileness and Nobility Page 11 Play of Love ib. Play between John the Husband and Tib his Wife ib. Play between the Pardoner and the Fryer the Curate and Neighb Prat ib. Play of the Weather ib. Plain Dealer Page 26 Pleasure at Kenelworth-Castle Page 10 Pleasure reconcil'd to Vir. Page 13 Plutus Page 27 Poetaster Page 13 Politician Page 22 Politician Cheated Page 10 Pompey Page 19. 26 Pope Joan vide Fem. Prel Poor Man's Comfort Page 5 Poor Schollar Page 18 Pragmatical Jesuit Page 4 Presbiterian Lash Page 31 Presence Page 18 Princess Page 14 Prince of Priggs Page 31 Prisoners Page 14 Projectors Page 26 Prophetess Page 9 Promus and Cassandra Page 31 Promises of God manifested ib. Psiche Page 27 Psiche Debauch'd Page 27 Publick Woing Page 18 Puritan Widow Page 21 Q. Queen Page 31 Queen 's Arcadia Page 5 Queen of Arragon Page 11 Queen and Concubine Page 2 Queen of Corinth Page 9. Queen's Exchange Page 2 Masque of Blackness Page 13 Masque of Beauty Page 13 R. Raging Turk Page 10 Ram-Alley Page 2 Rambling Justice Page 15 Rampant Alderman Page 31 Rape of Lucrece Page 11 Rebellion Page 20 Reformation Page 31 Rehearsal Page 31 Religions Page 18 Religious Rebel Page 31 Renegado Page 16 Return from Parnassus Page 31 Revenge ib. Revenge for Honour Page 3 Revenger's Tragedy By C. T. Omitted Reward of Virtue Page 9 Rhodon and Iris Page 14 Richard the Second Page 21. 25 Richard the Third Page 21 Rival Friends Page 11 Rival Kings Page 3 Rival Ladies Page 7 Rival Queens Page 15 Rivals Page 32 Roaring Girl Page 15 Robert Earl of Huntingdon's Downfall Page 11 His Death ib. Robin Hood's Pastoral May-games Page 32 and his Crew of Sold. ib. Robin Conscience ib. Rollo D. of Normandy Page 8 Roman Actor Page 16 Roman Empress Page 13 Roman Generals Page 7 Romeo Juliet Page 21 Romulus and Hersilia Page 32 Round-heads Page 3 Rover Page 3 Royallist Page 8 Royal Master Page 22 Royal Masq at Hampt Court Royal Slave Page 4 Royal Shepherdess Page 24 Rule a Wife and have a Wife Page 9 Rump Page 25 S. Sacrifice Page 10 Sad One Page 23 Sad Shepherd Page 13 St. Cicily Page 27 Salmacida Spolia Page 32 Sampson Agonestes Page 17 Sapho and Phao Page 14 Scaramouch c. Page 21 School of Complements Page 22 Scornful Lady Page 9 Scot's Figgaries Page 25 Sea Voyage Page 9 Seven Cham. of Christen Page 14 See me and see me not Page 1 Sejanus Page 13 Selimus Page 10 Selindra Page 14 Sertorius Page 2 Several Wits Page 18 Sforza Duke of Millain Page 10 She wou'd if she cou'd Page 8 Shepherds Paradice Page 17 Shepherds Holyday Page 20 Shoomaker a Gentleman Page 20 Sicelides Page 32 Sicily and Naples Page 27 Siege Page 4. 6 of Babylon Page 19 of Constantinople Page 32 of Memphis Page 8 of Rhodes Page 6 of Urbin Page 14 Silent Woman Page 13 Silver Age Page 11 Sir Courtly Nice Page 5 Sir Barnaby Whigg Page 8 Sir Giles Goose-cap Page 32 Sir Hercules Buffoon Page 15 Sir Martin Marr-all Page 7 Sir Patient Fancy Page 3 Sir Solomon Page 32 Sisters Page 22 Six Days Adventure Page 12 Slighted Maid Page 23 Sociable Companions Page 18 Soliman and Perseda Page 32 Sophister ib. Sophonisba Page 15. 16 Sophy Page 6 Souldier's Fortune Page 19 Spanish Bawd Page 32 Curate Page 9 Friar Page 7 Gipsies Page 16. 20. Rogue Page 8 Sparagus Garden Page 2 Speeches at Pr. H. Barriers Page 13 Spightful Sister Page 2 Sport upon Sport Page 32 Spring 's Glory Page 18 Squire Old-sap Page 8 Staple of News Page 13 Step-Mother Page 2 State of Innocence Page 7 Strange Discovery Page 32 Stukeley's Life and Death vide Battle of Alcazar Sullen Lovers Page 24 Summers last Will and Testament Page 18 Sun's Darling Page 9 Supposes Page 10 Surprizal Page 12 Susanna's Tears Page 32 Swaggering Damoysel Page 4 Swetnam the Woman-hater arraigned Page 32 T. Tale of a Tub Page 13 Tamberlain the Great Page 17 Tamerlain the Great Page 24 Tancred and Gismond Page 26 Taming of the Shrew Page 22 Tartuff Page 17 Tarugo's Wiles Page 24 Tempe restored Page 32 Temple Page 3 Temple of Love Page 6 Tempest Page 7. 22 The longer thou livest the more Fool thou art Page 25 Thebais Page 18 Theodosius Page 15 Thersytes Page 32 Thomaso Page 14 Thornby-Abby Page 21 Thracian Wonder Page 25 Three Lords and Ladies of London Page 28 Thyestes T. F. Page 5. 11. 20 Thyerry and Theodoret Page 9 Time Vindicated to himself and to his Honour Page 13 Timon of Athens Page 22. 24 Titus Andronicus Page 22 Titus and Berenice Page 19 Tom Essence Page 32 Tom Tyler and his Wife ib. Tottenham-Court Page 18 Town Fop Page 3 Town Shift Page 20 Trapolin suppos'd a Prince Page 4 Travels of 3 Eng. Broth. Page 5 Traytor Page 22 Traytor to himself Page 32 Trick to catch the old One Page 15 Trick for Trick Page 8 Triumph of Beauty Page 22 of Love and Antiq. Page 15 of Peace Page 22 of the Pr. D'Amour Page 5 Triumphant Widow Troades Page 23. 28 Troas Page 28. 11 Troylus and Cressida Page 7. 22 True Trojans Page 32 True Widow Page 24 Tunbridge Wells Page 32 Tryal of Chivalry Page 32 Tryal of Treasure Tryphon Page 19 Twelfth-Night Page 22 Twins Page 20 Two Noble Kinsmen Page 9 Two Tragedies in one Page 26 Two angry Wom. of Ab. Page 19 Tyde tarryeth for no man Page 26 Tyrannical Government Page 32 Tyrannick Love Page 7 Two wise Men and all the rest Fools Page 3 V. Valentinian Page 9 Valiant Scot Page 32 Valiant Welchman Page 27 Varieties Page 32 Very Woman Page 16 Unfortunate Lovers Page 6 Unfortunate Shepheard Page 25 Unfortunate Mother Page 18 Unfortunate Usurper Page 32 Ungrateful Favourite Page 32 Unhappy Favourite Essex Page 3 Unnatural Combat Page 16 Unnatural Tragedy Page 18 Usurper Page 12 Untrussing the humerous Poet Page 5 Venice preserved Page 19 Virtue Betray'd Page 3 Vestal Virgin Page 12 Villain Page 19 Virgin Martyr Page 16 Virgin Widdow Page 20 Virtuous Octavia Page 1 Virtuous Wife Page 8 Virtuoso Page 24 Vision of Delight Page 13 Vision of the 12 Goddesses Page 5 Vow Breaker Page 23 W. Walks of Islington Hogsdon Page 13 Wandring Lover Page 17 Warning for fair Women Page 32 Weakest goes to the Wall ib. Wealth and Health ib. Wedding Page 32 Westward Hoe Page 5 What you will Page 16 When you see me you know me Page 20 White Devil Page 25 Whore of Babylon Page 5 Wiat's History ib. Widow Page 13 Widow's Tears Page 3 Wife for a Month Page 9 Wild Gallant Page 7 Wild-Goose Chase Page 9 Wily beguil'd Page 32 Wine Beer Ale Tobac ib. Winter's Tale Page 22 Wise Woman of Hogsdon Page 11 Witch of Edmonton Page 5 Wit in a Constable Page 10 Wit without Mony Page 9 Wit of a Woman Page 32 Wit at several Weapons Page 9 Wits By Sir W. D. Omitted Wits Cabal Page 18 Wits led by the Nose Page 32 Witty Combat Page 27 Witty Fair One Page 22 Woman turn'd Bully Page 32 Captain Page 24 's Conquest Page 12 kill'd with kindness Page 11 Hater Page 9 in the Moon Page 14 's Prize Page 9 will have her Will Page 32 's a Weather-Cock Page 9 Women pleas'd ib. Women beware Women Page 16 Wonder a Woman never vex'd Page 20 Wonder of a Kingdom Page 5 World toss'd at Tennis Page 16 Wrangling Lovers Page 21 Y. Yorkshire Tragedy Page 22 Young Admiral ib. Your five Gallants Page 16 Youth's Glory and Death's Banquet Page 18 Young King Page 3 ADVERTISEMENT C. Stands for Comedy T. Tragedy T. C. Tragy-Comedy O. Opera H. History P. Pastoral I. Interlude and E. Entertainment FINIS
Page 27 Henry the 3d of France Page 24 Henry the 4th Page 21 Henry the 5th Page 21. 19 Item with the Battle of Agencourt Page 30 Henry the 6th 3 Parts Shakspear Page 21 Henry the 8th 2 Pts. Crown Page 5 Heraclius Emp. of the East Page 4 Hercules Furiens Page 11 Hercules Oetus Page 22 Hero and Leander Page 23 Herod and Antipater Page 17 Herod and Mariamne Page 19 Hey for Honesty down with Knavery Page 20 Hic Ubique Page 12 Hippolitus Page 19. 22 Histrioma stix Page 30 Hoffman Page 30 Hog hath lost his Pearl Page 25 Hollander Page 10 Holland's Leaguer Page 16 Honest Lawyer Page 28 Honoria and Mamon Page 22 Honest Man's Fortune Page 8 Honest Whore Page 5 Honour of Wales Page 12 Horace Page 4. 19 Horatius Page 15 How to chuse a good Wife from a bad Page 30 Humerous Lovers Page 18 Humerous Courtier Page 22 Humerous Days-Mirth Page 3 Humerous Lieutenant Page 8 Humorists Page 24 Humour out of Breath Page 5 Hyde Park Page 22 Hymenaei Page 13 Hymens Triumph Page 5 J. Jack Drum's Entertainment Page 30 Jack Jugler ib. Jack Straw's Life and Death ib. Jacob and Esau ib. James the 4th ib. Ibrahim Page 24 Jealous Lovers Page 20 Jeronymo Page 30 Jew of Malta Page 17 Jews Tragedy Page 12 If this be'nt a good Play the Devil 's in 't Page 5 Ignoramus Page 27 Impatient Poverty Page 30 Imperiale Page 10 Imperial Tragedy Page 30 Imposture Page 22 Indian Emperour Page 7 Indian Queen Page 12 Ingratitude of a Common-wealth Page 25 Injured Princess Page 7 Inner-Temple Masque Page 15 Insatiate Countess Page 16 Interlude of Youth Page 30 Jocasta Page 10 John the Evangelist Page 30 John King of England Page 21 John and Matilda Page 5 Joseph Page 10 Joseph's Afflictions Page 30 Jovial Crew Page 2. 30 Irish Masque Page 13 Iron Age Page 11 Isle of Gulls Page 5 Island Princess Page 8 Juliana Princess of Poland Page 5 Julius Caesar Page 1. 21 Just General Page 17 Just Italian Page 6 K. Kind Keeper Page 7 King and no King Page 8 K. Edgar and Alfreda Page 21. 3 King's Entertainment at Welbeck Page 13 King and Queen's Entertainment at Richmond Page 3 K. Lear and his 3 Daughters Page 25 Knack to know an honest Man Page 30 Knack to know a Knave Page 30 Knave in Grain Page 30 Knavery in all Trades Page 3 Knight of the Burning Pestle Page 8 Knight of the Golden Shield Page 30 Knight of Malta Page 8 L. Lady Alimony Page 30 Lady Contemplation Page 18 Lady Errant Page 4 Lady of Pleasure Page 22 Ladies Tryal Page 9 Ladies Priviledge Page 10 Lancashire Witches Page 24. 11 Landgartha Page 27 Laws of Candy Page 8 Law against Lovers Page 6 Laws of Nature Page 30 Law Tricks Page 5 Levellers Levell'd Page 30 Lears Tragedy Page 21 Liberality Prodigality Page 30 Libertine Page 24 Like Will to like quoth the Devil to the Collier Page 9 Lingua Page 30 Little French Lawyer Page 8 Locrine Page 21 London Canticlers Page 30 London Prodigal Page 21 Look about you Page 30 Looking-Glass for Lond. Page 10 London Cuckolds Page 21 Lost Lady Page 31 Love A-la-mode Page 31 Love Crowns the End Page 25 Love in its Extasie Page 20 Love freed from Ignorance By B. J. Omitted Love and Honour Page 6 Love in the Dark Page 10 Love lost in the Dark Omit Love restored Page 13 Love and Revenge Page 24 Love-sick King Page 1 Love-sick Court Page 2 Love in a Tub Page 8 Love and War Page 17 Love in a Wood Page 26 Loves Adventures Page 18 Loves Cure Page 8 Loves Cruelty Page 22 Loves Dominion Page 9 Loves Kingdom Page 9 Loves labour lost Page 21 Loves Labyrinth Page 9 Loves Loadstone Page 31 Lovers Melancholy Page 9 Loves Metamorphosis Page 14 Loves Mistress Page 11 Loves Pilgrimage Page 8 Lovers Progress Page 8 Loves Riddle Page 4 Loves Sacrifice Page 9 Loves Triumph Page 4. 13 Loves Victory Page 4 Loves Welcome Page 13 Love will find out the way Loving Enemies Page 17 Lucius Junius Brutus Page 15 Luminalia Page 31 Lusts Dominion Page 17 Lusty Juventus Page 26 Loyal Brother Page 25 Loyal Gentleman Page 25 Loyal Lovers Page 17 Loyal Subject Page 8 Lucky Chance Page 3 Lyer Page 31 M. Mackbeth Page 21 Mad Couple well Matcht Page 2 Madam Fickle Page 8 Mad Lover Page 8 Mad World my Masters Page 15 Magnetick Lady Page 13 Maid of Honour Page 16 Maid in the Mill Page 8 Maids Metamorphosis Page 14 Maids of Moor-clack Page 1 Maids Revenge Page 22 Maiden Queen Page 7 Maids Tragedy Page 9 Maidenhead well lost Page 11 Male-Content Page 16 Mall Page 27 Man of Mode Page 8 Manhood and Wisdom Page 31 Man 's the Master Page 6 Man of Newmarket Page 12 Marriage A-la-mode Page 7 Marriage Broker Page 28 Marriage Night Page 10 Marriage of the Arts Page 11 Marriage of Oceanus and Britannica Page 9 of Wit and Science Page 31 Mariam Page 4 Marcelia Page 2 Marcus Tull. Cicero Page 31 Marius and Scylla Page 15 Martyr Page 15 Martyr'd Soldier Page 23 Mary Q. of Scotland Page 3 Mary Magdalen's Repent Page 2 Masque of Augurs Page 13 Masque at the L. Haddington's House Page 13 Masque of Greys-Inn Gent. Page 8 Masque at Ludlow-Castle Page 3 Masque of the Middle-Temp and Lincolns-Inn Gent. Page 3 Masquerade Du Ciel Page 28 Massacree at Paris Page 17 Massianello Page 31 Masque of Owls Page 13 Masque of Flowers Page 31 Masque of Queens Page 13 Match me in London Page 5 Match at Midnight Page 20 Matrimonial Trouble Page 18 May-Day Page 3 Mayor of Quinborough Page 15 Measure for Measure Page 21 Medea Page 21. 23 Menechmus Page 28 Merchant of Venice Page 21 Mercurius Britannicus Page 31 Mercury Vindicated Page 13 Merry Devil of Edmonton Page 31 Merry Milkmaids Page 27 Merry Wives of Windsor Page 21 Messalina Page 20 Metamorphosed Gipsses Page 13 Michaelmas-Term Page 15 Microcosmus Page 17 Midas Page 14 Midsumer Nights Dream Page 21 Mirza Page 1 Miser Page 24 Miseries of Civil War Page 5 Miseries of inforc'd Marr. Page 29 Mistaken Husband Page 7 Mithridates Page 15 Mock Tempest Page 8 Mock Duellest Page 27 Mony is an Ass Page 13 Monsieur Thomas Page 8 Morning Ramble Page 31 More Dissemblers besides Women Page 16 Mortimer's Fall Page 13 Monsieur D'Olive Page 3 Mother Bomby Page 14 Mother Shipton's L. D. Page 25 Mucedorus Page 31 Much adoe about nothing Page 21 Mulberry Garden Page 24 Muleasses the Turk Page 17 Muses Looking-glass Page 20 Muse of Newmarket Page 31 Mustapha Page 2. 19 N. Natures 3 Daughters Page 18 Neptune's Triumph Page 13 Nero newly Written Page 15 Nero's Life and Death Page 31 New Custom Page 31 New Exchange Page 2 New Inn Page 13 Newmarket Fair Page 3 New Trick to cheat the Devil Page 31 New way to pay old debts Page 16 News from the World in the Moon Page 13 News